Iiotict TO KKADfll: WlMo you flobh recdiac th mMUino pUea • Ic tUunp cn this notice. msU the mac* line, and It will be placed In the hands of our eoldlc or aallora destined to prooaed afer-aeae. Me leraeae jmEi5j9ia Me addreaa.-A. M. BLRLKt^UN. Pcstmaster Ceiicral. Price 15Cen Is □ 72 PAGES


A WEEKLY DIGEST OF THINGS THEATRICAL JUNE IS, 1«ie You Save Money PARINGS STREETMEN CAN SELL— I W'e'Ta cot ■ lot of Gold I’lated Rins*. art niib ■^aorted Stones, about 13 styles, that almost in both the purchaae price and kiKx-lt your eye out for atlractlreness and cenetal (ctup. May sound like a p.. prMs *T AERIAL freight by buying our BowlingGame I fairy talc, but we ran pass these Rinis along to you In limited lots for *•* UlUas, STEEL FRAME Sample Dares, 75e. SIsile Sample, 2Se. Let Ne. 129. NON-BREAKABLE THEATER CHAIRS We carry a large atock | $10.00 and ran ahlp Immediately. Several lots of Second Hand Chairs for sale For Complete Outlit at eaperially low OR S SETS rOR t2).00. prices. Also seat¬ ing for out-of-door — Smre oeer it and gat a lanir use. Address Dept B, III priaa. Pins aat up automatirtlly t'ollapalbla for ahlpplnf Nothlni to get out of order. The biggest STEEL FURNHURE M game on the market at losrsi prira possible. AGENTS “•*>'"* large Bowling Game to Clubs. Cafes, Grand Rapids, Mich etc. New York Office, !* E. 22d St O. DEVANY CHAIRS WANTED 1547 Braadway. MEW YORK. ROO aubstantlal Portable and Folding, for flat floor; SM Iron Frame, or otherwise, for flat floor; 424 Iron Frame, or otherwise, for inclined floor. WANT good chairs, no junk. Send deaerlptlon and lowest price F. Eecogniziiig the acute buying sens* of Strcctmrn. we arr ketii to ha»r you err a n py of iwir new O. B. Lyons. Kansas. GEO. 1.A.NTZ. 11« West Com¬ mercial St.. Lyons. Kansas. BUYERS’ GUIDE-FREE TO YOU. stick a postal in the mall and be glad you did. VELVET DROPS tnd STAGE SETTINGS CHOCOLATES ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., '’’"'’^’PrV^Toence. r. i. TRY A SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS Beautiful colors, any slzr. Rentals and rasy terms. BEAUMONf velvet SCENERY STUDIOS, 246 West Forty-sixth Street, • New York City. >35 Market Street, • • San Francitce, Cal. RED BOX CHOCOLATES .FULL POUND SCENERY * (M LBS. TO CASE) W Diamond Dye. Oil or Water Onlotgi SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS, OHIO. HALF POUND % (7a H LBS. TO CASE) A M %0 WANTED—A-1 PIANISTS! SEHD DEPOSIT-ASK FOR PRICE LIST with good repertoire. Must be good sight reader and mmpetent. We will teach you to play our Untfled Pipe Organs and Orchestras free of coat to you If you CIGARS. CANDIES & ICE CREAM CONES *1U five .vour time. If you are good we can place you In almost any part of the country In a permanent, good yaytng position. J. P. SEEBURG ORGAN CO.. 209 LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS 6e. State Street, Chletge. Illinois. -WANT- 1224 OAK ST. KANSAS CITY, MO TOM CHRISTY’S ALL-WHITE A COUPLE OF SHOWS AND A FEW MINSTRELS WANT Mule plann playM'; muat read and fake. Will pay TEN CENT CONCESSIONS SPACE FOR CARROUSEL you good moiiry. Steadv work. Aim blackface comedian who dances and double* band and on-bea- AND AMUSEMENTS OF ALL :ra. Piano player; muat double band. Addresa Griad To augment the best medium-size Show in America, for Valley, Monday, June 17; Glenwood Sprlnga, IS; both KINDS FOR RENT Colorade. the best territory on earth, as well as our circuit of Tall Berea Fair, Day and Night, WANTED — For the Georgia Fairs. Concessions, flat rate, including everjdhing. Wire Sept. 10, 11, 12, 1918 Smart Set Minstrels No gambling allowed. Tolored Muaiclans and Performera to join at once. Hampton, Va., this week. Largest aviation field in the L. M. CX)E, Sec., Berea. 0. Slate lowest salary. Pullman car acconunodatlona. Address FRED ELZOR, Mgr., Morton Gap, June 15th; Madlsonvllle, June ITth; Providnice, June 18th; all world. Newport News, June 17 to 22; the world’s great¬ Kentucky. Permanent Address, care Ackerraan- CONCESSIONS AND AMUSE¬ Qulgley Co., Kansaa City, Mn. est shipbuilding city. Again I say, better get with a live one. Address MENTS WANTED WANTED AT ONCE For Slat Annual Farmers' Picnic at Blandiiuvilb A GENERAL BUSINESS TEAM With Specialties or double Plano preferred. Other WALTER K. SIBLEY. Illlnota. ThurMlay, July IFth. Address tinea. wTlte. Troopers only. BURKE-WILSON. CONCEtSIONB COMMITTEE. Players. Tyler, Texas. Thelius and wife, Barrett and *1fe, wire address. Wt Book Froo Ms, 4tk My CoMralioat, Pain, tu- WEBER THEATRICAL AGENCY. 107 Wanted Musicians TImre Bldg.. St. Leelt. Ma. Quick, for Wagon Show, Comet, Trombone and Trap SHOWS sEb concessions Drummer. State lowest, with board and transportA- Uon. Can place a gnsl Roper and Trick Rider. WANTED-POSITIOII HARRY F. STAUFFER. Burtettstowa. Pa. EotrrtatDioF In Flmt-riaae Hotel. Summer Br- eort or on Oo^ Vaudrelllr Circuit. ‘•Eacluaire." WANTED By two Norrlty and Ouaelcal Girl*, with Contralto Voire and Plano Entertainment. Wanted "Acrobat Photoa furnlelied npon requeat. No engagrmenta accepted under 4 week.* coe For comedy act. Send photo, height, weight and tract. Write or wire BEHNICE HOF* MAS, perlence. ED SMITH. Billboard. Chleage, llllaela. 16t7 Twelfth Ato,, South, Blrmintham, Ala._ WANTED QUICK—PIANO PLAYER Gentleman that ran read and fake for Vaudeville and J. F. MURPHY SHOWS Picture Show. One ahow a day I nder canvas. Ticket only If I know you. HORNER COMEDY CO.. Birmingham, Ala., week June 10; aiispi<5es Knights of Khorassan; 2nd MUSICIANS WANTED Conier, Minn. Acc.iunt men taken by draft will place |b“"* Ave. and 17th St. Montgomery, Ala., week June 17; benefit Alabama Mu.lriana, all In.trument.l eapeclalty want Baritone, r.irnct, TriHiibone, Trap ^•^UIlll^lrr. n" NOVELH PERFORMER Division Tobacco Fund. Atlanta, Ga., week June 24; auspices Ararat Bi«.d men turned down. Real, .ur*' ealary ani wanted that can change often and work In acta. State condition* to real Moelrlana. Addre*. HABBT salary (pay own board) and all you do. Grotto; location, beautiful Ponce De Leon Park, in elite section of Atlanta; FINK, Bandmaatar Camphall United Show,. E'.- CHA8. ALLEN NATURE'S REMEDY CO.. 50,000 Masons lioosting. sin, IlL, wk. June 10th; Mnditon, Wie.. wk. ITik' McCorkIt. Lincoln Cn.. W. Va.

WANTED QUICK—To etrenglhm alum. R F. song Can Place two first-class Promoters. W. W. Downing, wire FELIX BLEI, and daii(.e comedian, piano player and norelty acta. WANTED, STRING BASS For one night aland wagon ahow. Muat be ready to Gen. Agent, Terminal Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Shows and (Vincessions, write join on wire. fJlre lowed In first letter. Salary and Clarinet, nan-ert and standard mu*b- Twetit) aure. Addreea CASSELMAN'S SHOWS.' Falrmaunt or wire J. F. MURPHY, Manager, as per route. No exclusive except on f.air w wk.. idciuros. LYRIC THEATRE. H»alla|Hi. 14th; Sidney. ISth; Pblla. 16th; all In Itllnaia. Candy and Dolls. Good chance for Whip or Trip to Mars. Wnt Virginia. WANTED—A tJround Tumbler, for Come^ Acrobatic An. to n|«n first week in August near (Virago. Sum- AT LIBERTY mer’a work b<«ked. J. C. BRI'CE, General Dellrefy, Irl.h I'onwalleii. altigrr, datwer. iiimwlv Juggler. Harrisburg. Pennsylvania weiie; beic eiiirrlmre. JOE OUNSHANNON. Met" WANTED FOR Saefarg. Suite 7, Wetblegtan it.. Be.tee. Mom. FIRST CORNET PLAYER WANTED—American or Italian, .state your lowrest. Best of treatment and salari sure Write BANDMASTER, Hark A Conklin Shows, i'lqua. Ohio. AT LIBERTY Brown and Dyer Shows nendroiutfY. enmnUL WILLIS M. Tnmpo or ItMRtr. G2t CwlRf Ayr.. City. ^ • MED. PERFORMERS WANTED. S. and D. Comadlan. Norelty Man and others. Cleveland all .ummer. So Plantation I’eople and Colored MunirianR. Good treatment and sura IsKiicra ANDREW RANKIN. Hotel Briitdl. Cleve¬ salar.v. Will furnish tirkets. Can place leKitimate Concessions Can ubo AT LIBERTY land. Ohio. acts suitable for circus. Can use quick Snare Drummer and Slide Trom- Blei'krere Hinging and I>en< Ing Cumcll.n b.i’ cln. Hlunr. Put on« Flayer who can reaxl music. Other .Musicians write. Lonaconing, GEORGE WOLFE. Gee. OH.. Sladwia. Ie»e- Prefer thr/ae who play piano aiul daiif'e. BOWSER Md., Eagles' State Convention, week June 10. MED. CO.* Silver Lake. Kantat. AT LIBERTY—THE GRAHAMS •'umwlj mu.lcal e<4e. .Ingliig ei»l Ixlkliig ’•'*'' AT LIBERTY, acivnmt of cutting out orch.slre, pt Huih atning Hnglm I'h.iig. fur wetk " 1'' enUt (leader) and rlollnlM. ur mure If dtwlred. A. .liilllv. ciiieririue; ebuuliilrly edur *0 btr F. of M. &perlcneed In rauderllle itid iiictures. St.. P.terMe. Nee Jerwy. __ Kina llhran'. Address MAX T8CHAU0ER, Elks' McMAHON SHOWS WANT Opera Haute, Bluefleld. West Vlrglala. AllilelJc People and .M«Ii to handle Atbletir Sliow. Ib.g and Pmiy Hbow ll«te complete euiflt. that 1 will WANTED Oiieri June 1*. Mlete < barge ..( i ll Ferris Wheel mie’ ami eoniH plavar Muai l>e iinliai f*?'**!'.! IMB Talker fur Mtaikty Sim-dway. Can place tlu- fnllimliig .s^UTMilufis l.aig Range Gallerv. Il<«i(i la. Ibill Ibiwn. a week. T dava; 3 allow* dally; yaudeyllle At c Kpr.1, I’up-'Km-lii, Ditir. Ipmling Alin. Fish |•und. .N Galler). Ciulbes Pina and Knife Rack Hare 314 West 7th St.. Clarlaaatl. Ohla. __ aotne greKl lontracta and bare ei. on- .howa atid ride* at the Ogaliala H>eind-I'p. July 3-4-'> Tlie blggnt CHEWING GUM celebratuai hi NH.rteka. Want Car Loader and Men lur Parker Carry-I a-A11. Addrea* C. A. McMAHON. Kearney, Neb. fiat aur PrIeiB. Ws BAkt til kltflt. WANTED, WESIELMAH STOCK CO. Plaiiu Playn. oilier usafiil People write. L H HELMET GUM SHOP. • * atiltBitL Qfclt HiXMAN, HIrerdala. Netiraskk. INDISPENSABLE TO THE PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINER AND ALLIED INTERESTS.

Copyriftit. 1918, hy Thi Billboard Puhlhblaf Coaiyaay. LIGHTLESS OR¬ DR. MAX THOREK FITZPATRICK' SAMUEL W. GUMPERTZ DER HAS UTTLE IS ORDERED BY EFFECT ON NEW THE REFEREE TO YORK THEATERS PRODOCE BOOKS Practically All Doing the Usual President of White Rats Is Business Placed on Stand

Coney Island and Luna Park' At Continuation of Financial Shows Are Open Investigation

Great WhHe Way Will Be Dark Admits Books Were Sent Away Indefinitely I Thru Fear of Managers __ Of th« American Theatrical Hospital, _ Leading Coney Island showman, who ^ . which had ita annual benefit, Sunday, New York, June 10.—The total 9. opens the New Parkway Baths at oflipse of Manhattan ordered by the New York, June 8.—The resumption Brighton Beach on June 15. police autl orltles of New York, as | of the proceedings ordered by the Su¬ protection a^lnst possihle enemy air | preme Court into the financial aflfalr.s raids, ha.s not affected the amtisement ! of the White Rats .\ctors’ TTnlon be¬ palaces to any extent. the other j fore Referee Lewis Schuldenfrel hand the siaht of thousand.^ grupina' BOOKERS FIND brought James William FitzPatrick ORGANIZATION OF their way around what wa.s once the | into the witness stand ye.sterday. Mr. ttreat White Way has perhaps induced Mountford was not pre.sent. he being many to come down town to experience , in St. Paul, it was announced. the novel !h Hotel here today and organized to keep the street dark. this time of the year, with standard the membership cards and levy list new as."f>clation. The Western Fron-

Me anid thia after hnt inir n Inner "t’ttie way of putting acts to Work, covo the namo^ ef the actors were exjiected to attend could not be dfstanee tntu nv*r the teienhnne i. tth '^•‘lle Western nabobs. In a similar who had contributed five per cent of piescnt. What the meeting lacked In the War Departtuent In WujAhInjrtnn makinjf equally vain their salarle.s when the strike wa? attendance, how-ever, was made up in which he stated fullv roncurs with “» contemporaries. called. enthusiasm and good fellowship, the .New York I’ollce Dep.irtmenf In Despite the fact that many per- .Vttorney .«!aplnskv here showed Fitz- -p. Joe Cahill, secretary of the Issuing the order, and that It wn a formers have been calb d to the colors, Patrick a jmper and asked him; (’heyenne Frontier Da>-s, was elected wise move In connection with the work "^blle countle.ss others volunteered for “Ts this a H.-'t of members who paid president of the new afsociatlon by of national defense various entertainment services In the the so-called levy?” acclamation, and Robert P. M. Chase. - camps, houses have been closing far “T don’t recall.” secretary of the Tucumcarl (N. M.> .New York. June r—The business too rapidly for this exodus of talent to The evident Intention of Mr. Sa- Annual Cowboys' Roundup .\.'Sociatlon. men of Coney Islitml yesterday, headed have any real effect In restoring the plnsky Is to prove that the books in was unanimously chosen secretary. ((^Ili|iiet S«*cTet numbers. Lew Cooper, of Cohan’s Revue, gave New York, June 8.—Va.st prepara- his singing Imitation of A1 Jolson. Mist, Km iu Texas, and known as ‘The fiirl u( tiie S>iniiy South." )!lsa tiduards bad an Inrllr.a- next production at the New’ S’ork Hip¬ tion for bingUi*. so took up the study u ge Mr.-'on agans American comedv, at Idea may he made use of by plagiarists. ___ __ the opera company. The case has ___ been called to New York, inasmuch as . ‘ lu *1. , , . Keith’s Garden I’ier Theater here .Itine been dragging thru the local courts the regular Eastern company which for nearly a year. Mme. Gall Marne- ^ . has been presenting the play since Schofield Changes fewa and Tadeus Lobojoko were each May of la.st year is now’ taking a rest. awarded $625 effort of Laura Illnkley and Mabel F'er- • '* rls, the basic thought having been Charlotte, N. C., Jnne 1010.—Luther.—Luther taken from a story entitled ('raven. G. Schofield, who has been manager of Rainbow Girl Goes to Gaiety Leave Vaudeville which miss IllnUley wrote for The the Piedmont Theater, hn.s nssiimeil Saturday Evening Post several years the position of manager of the Acad- New York, June 8.—The Rainbow ago. emy of .Music. Mr. .Schofield has been Girl,„..., Klaw —& ---Erlanger’s successful New.’York, June 8.—Oscar F. Hodge The leading role will he taken by surreeasfiil In the management of musical comedy, will move tonight ha.s engaged John King and Vaughn Lionel AtwllI, who will be supported theaters here, at Oolurnbla and eh*- from the New’ Amsterdam Theater to Comfort for Nell O’Brien’s Minstrels by Miss Elsie Mackaye and .Miss Sue where, and declared l^ls Intention the Gaiety, where Its engagement will for the next season, which Is to begin MacManamy. Others In the ea-st are offering to the thentjergolng puldl'’ be continued Indefinitely. This change early in August. Messrs. King and Frederick Burton. Harry Ashford, Ida programs worthy of its piitronag'- has become neceseary owing to the Comfort, who In the days of George Darling, Joyce Fair, William II. No announcement h i’V been made "f fact that Zlegfeld’s Follies'take pos- Evans’ Honey Boy Minstrels were big Powell, Walter Young, Philips Leigh details of the change fln management session of the New Amsterdam on the cards In the blackface circle, have and Charles M. Holly. The play will A new manager for tj/ie Piedmont h <<• 17th. since the closing of that organization be staged by William II. Gilmore. not been named. It \Jas understood. r ' T tie Billboard JUNE 16, 1918 * 5 j

Season Closes New Theater

Huy < omi*t

Albany, N. Y., June 8.—K. Ray <;om- Richmond. June 10.—Announce¬ 8to»k. lennee of HarrnaniiM hleecker By Wrffiarrlitludliiii § ment has just been made of a new Hall, haa closed his most unsucces.'^ful theatrical venture, which involves the t<('ason and haa announced that he may construction of what will be probably not reopen the hall next sea>’on. He the largest theater in the .Southern New York. June 8.—The week Just ending may be put on record.as an lias already decided that there will bo country, in point of seating capacity uncertain one. Many things theatrical and those that affect theatricals were ii>- summer stock plays. .Mr. Com- and the area it is to occupy. W. talked about, but nothing really Important happened to stir up a real fight siock says the hall has not been a Greaner Neal, wealthy tobacconist and or fuss. A committee from the United Managers’ Mutual Protective Asso¬ payinK propo. iistiii have been well up to the aver- tween Fourth and Fifth, the heart of- • ige of merit of other years, but not • ••••• the city, which will be the .site of the one of the high'Class attractions has Someone started a rumor of a Klaw & Erlanger split. It was accepted new theater. The plans are now be¬ (Ir.iwM a capacity house and very few by many to mean a division of profits. ing prepared by E. K. Howell, theat¬ liaxe done a reasonably good business. • ••••• rical architect. They call for a build¬ Mamie .\damA who has always before There are many war benefits still being put on at the theaters. A big ing with an auditorium seating 3,000. played to the capacity of the hall, had one Monday at the Metropolitan Opera HouSe, and the Lambs will mobilize The theater w’lll ha- e an arcade en¬ a nuot di.sappointing engagement, and at the Hudson Theater next Friday night. trance on Broad street and entrances I’eler Ilibetson, The (’opperhead and • ••••• on Fourth and Fifth streets, the tract Turn to the Right were seen by ex¬ Ua.xmond Hitchcock has started in right at the Globe Tlieater in his purchased stretching the entire length tremely small audiences Even mu- Hitchy-Koo, 1918. His decision to perpetuate the Hitchy-Koo .“ityle of en¬ of the block. The deed of sale shoxvs Kical comeclles, once a sure success in tertainment may prove jtiatifiable by the succes-s of hLs latest offering. the purchase price to have been .Mbany, fare no better. The result • • • • • a $170,000. On this «ite a building to may lie that Albany will be relegated cost about $230,000 will be constructed. The talk of the outdoor show world i.s the meeting of the park men from tlientrically to a "one-night stand” all over the country- ne.xt Wednesday night. It is. estimated that over a town next season. I'ly. s Hill, resi¬ hundred will be present. Frank L. Albert will arrive from Chicago Tuesday Changes in Northwest Theaters dent manager, has been eflicient and and will no doubt be one of the prominent and progressive ones present. popular and worked hard for a suc- Seattle, June 8.—The Greater Thea¬ ciieifui .season, but many obstacles • ••••• ters Corporation, this city, has made ha\e interfered. Many of the actors and actresses we have seen in pictures arc now among those that tread Broadway daily. several changes in house managers this week, the followring switches be¬ Zieg^feld Follies ing made; P'rank Steffy. manager of Leon Friedman, of the Ziegfeld Follies, put over the clevere.wt press the Klelne Exchange here, succeeds agent stunt of the week in connection with the paintless and powderless F. A. Tate, resigned, as manager of (ipcie> .liiiu* 11 at .Xtlantk' City chorus girl of the Follies. • ••••• the Coliseum, Seattle; C. S. Jensen, president of the corporation, leaves Atlantic City, June 10.—The first Matthew J. 1: . of the Ke>stone Shows, was in town Friday’. the Rialto. Butte, to look after the Co¬ performance of the 1918 version of • ••••• lumbia Theater in Portland; Raloh the Kiegfeld Follies will be given at Harry Witt and Louis Rothman motored over from Bound Brook Thurs¬ Ruffneri manager of the Columbia for the Apollo Theater here tomorrow day to pay a special visit to the new otflce.s of The Billboard. the past six or eight months, leaves e\en ng and will stay there the bal¬ • ••••• the Columbia to go to Butte. Tate ance Ilf the week, after which it will Frederick Thompson will no doubt be heard from in theatrical circles has gone to Los Angeles and will en¬ 111 taken Into the New .Amsterdam ter the employ of a film concern there. Theater. New York, where It is sched- soon. The Greater Theaters Corporation owns ii'eil [or a run of twenty weeks. W. C. Thomp!w.>n, of the Hageiibeck-Wallace Shows, visited the big and controls the following theaters in The incoming "Follies” is heralded the Northwest, each being in the pic¬ a.s the biggest Mr. Ziegfeld has ever street this week. • • • • a • ture place class: Liberty. Coliseum. produced, and the cast contains more Elwood Salisbury came in from the West early this week on important Strand. Mission, of Seattle; Rialto, than 200 players, among whom are park business. Butte; Columbia and Liberty, Port¬ Will Hogera Marylln Miller, Eddie a a a a a a land. t'antor, Lillian Lorraine. W. C. Fields. A. A. Powers came over on busines.^ this morning from Perth Amboy, .\nn Pennington. I-Tank Carter, Allyn where the firm of Moore & Powers are at present making their headquarters. K'ng, Frisco, Savoy and Brennan, Oldest Press Agent Dies • ••••• Harry Kelley, Beatrice Palmer, Kay George .Alabama Florida arrived on Broadway this morning from the I..aurel. the Fairbanks Twins, Dolores. New York. June 10.—Jerome H. South and immediately got into communication with the offices of The Bill¬ Dorothy Klewer, Gladys Feldman. Eddy, probably the oldest theatrical board to find out who was in town. Dorothy I.,eeds. Ous Minton. Bert press agent, died at his home. 369 First Williams and a chorus said to be the street, Brooklyn, Friday. He was 83 handsomest ever assembled. Scenic makers and proprietors of property shops are all up in the air years old and had been failing rapidly The music is by Louis Hirsch and about the sudden rise in price of the various materials used. for several weeks. Funeral services Dave Stamper. Ned Wayburn staged • ••••• were held today at Campbell’s Funeral the revue, and all the scenes were Many along the white way are raising flags in preparation for loyalty Church, and burial was in Woodlawn designed and painted by Joseph Ur- week, scheduled from June 14 to 21. It was in this column that flag renewal Cemetery. ba n. day was first mentioned in print. The raising and lowering of the flags on Mr. Eddy had been a theatrical the Rialto picture palace each day is done in orderly military fashion. press agent for forty years, having Will Not Be Abandoned • ••••• done press work for Edwin Booth. JIarry R. Raver and .Augustus Thomas are, according to schedule, to sail Lawrence Barrett, Mile. Rhea, Joseph very so<>n for over there. Jefferson and other stars. He claimed linprn«cni<*nts Tntaliim: *10,000 To Bo • ••••• to have been the first to make his .liv¬ Made on Providorn'c t). II, ing by supplying the newspapers with s Dick Hunter, years ago in the circu.>» business with Barnum & Bailey, information about theatrical people, but recently of the Foley & Burk Shows on the Pacific Coast, came irt yester¬ and also boasted that he never sent a Providence. R. I., June 1«.—That day from «4an I'rancisco. He will leave in a few days for back home, stop¬ the Providence Opera House will not fake story to a newspaper. ping en route in Pittsburg. Chicago and El Paso. It has been years since be abandoned as was first thought he.-e he made his appearance in the world’s metropolis and he records many early this month was assured today changes in face and places since he went away. Oh, Look Postponed when it was learned that the hiiilding I •••••* • will lie repaired and renovated to the Hazel Moran, the champion lady roper, is now bidding for the palm of Chicago. June 8.—Oh, Look, which extent of $40,000. A great deal of was scheduled to open at the La Salle this money will he laid out In elaborat¬ popularity in Broadway cabaret work. 9 r 9 9 9 • • June 17, will not have its Chicago ing the stage and installing new seats. showing at that theater until Augrust John .Alexander Point, of i^he Chicago Show Sales Co., came in from Dan¬ Altho it could not be verified It was 1 because the producers (Elliott. Com¬ bury, Conn., Friday night for an indefinite sojourn in our midst. He reports said that A. A. Splti will take the stock & Gest> are experiencing too h's line ns flourishing. hast of the house and will put on much difficulty in assembling the varied attractions. cast at present. The La Salle will re¬ Frank J Lee. the sign distributor, arrived from San Francisco this week. main dark in the interim. Ho is the general manager of the J. Johnson Company of Chicago. His The Nation’s Theater Bill presence in this city la due to the letting of some big contracts. • ••••• Ridings Invites Fighters New York, June 10.—According to W. Maurice Tobin was reported on Broadway this week as having re¬ the tax collections for the month of cently made a successful tour of India. China and Japan. Chicago. June 10.—Harry J. Rid¬ 'prll the nation's theater hill for the • • • • • s ings. manager of the Grand Opera month was close to 140,000,000. This, Many theaters are now three-sheeted in front: "Closed for the Summer. House, threw the doors of the theater however, is approximately 14.000.000 AN ill Open Karl) In August.” open to soldiers and sailors Sunday less than In March. Since July 1. • ••••• afternoon, our fighters’ uniforms serv¬ 1917, the beginning of the present ing as passes, and the boys saw and • The Mecca Temple ceremonies at the Hippodrome last Staturday night ('“cal year, the tax coll#H*l|ons from heard the more-than-a-hundred-strong brought many notablo.s of the in and outdoor show world Into close com- theaters of all classes for the entire cast of Cohan’s Revue at no coat country amounted to $17,804,000. (Oontiaued os pagr 71) whatever. NOT FOR THE BIG TIME, NOR YET THE SMALL TIME, BUT FOR THE ARTIST ALL THE TIME

inK of the Temple Theater aver.s that Johnny Ford Will Fight box-office receipts sho'v m> decline and WET” CABARETS? hl8 only complaint Is that his seating art Will lie \sk Sot \>.lde capacity is about 500 too small. The Plvoroe I>o«Too In Tat or of K\a old Miles is doin^r its share of busi¬ Taniniay Repeal of Chicago’s Anti-Cabaret Ordinance, as ness and (\ H. Miles’ new strinp, which includes the t>i,.heum and the ('hicago, June S.—Johnny Ford Regent, are getting away big in the Exclusively Predicted in Billboard, will wage a spectacular legal batile way of attendance. to vacate a decree of divorce which Now Seems Likely wa-s granted to Eva Vanguay in t'hi- Vaudeville for the Camps cago recently. Ford has engaged Attorney Leon .\. COMMITTEE WILL CONDUCT New York. June 8.—Oeorge W’. Rerer.nlak. who Intends to a.sk the Sammis has arranged with the War (■’Ircult fotirt to set aside the lb Inf., at Camr Cody, N. >i. I'p to the time of eallatmetit Mr I'lnirTa members having be»-n called in the at in that article, down to the heavy demted hia elTurta to rhalk rartnonina. He aava the army life la guile atrmwnia, but a man biilliler. Mr. 1‘nwrrs l>e(ieTea he haa the dlatlnetlon ct lieliK the youiigeat chalktalk rartuonUt in the Amerlran Tralii- draft. Frank ('ozie b* already in the iuK Camtn today. The cartoon apealta for luelf. service, and Oeorge D. Christie will leave for ('amp Travis. San .Vntonlo. Contract Let Humphrey’s Father-in-Law Ill is a diversified one and should be very Tex., about Jun^ 24. ('hrl-stle is entertaining to the soldiers at the visiting his brother here. For Pantages’ Salt Lake City Theater camp. Chicago, June 8.—J. P. Davis, father-in-law of “Tink” Humphrey Seattle, June 10.—B. Marcus Prlteca, (Chicago manager of the IT. B. O.), in Eddie Darling To Assist local architect and official designer of very ill in his Chicago home. Davis New York. June 10,— nobln«on and theaters for the Pantages Circuit, an¬ has suffered five paralytic strokes .McCann, presenting Two Bits, -ipen Vuui1r\illo People Wniiletl 'To Fnler- nounces that Alexander Pantages has within six years and his life has been at .Mlentown, Pa., June 17 for .a tnur tain Pershing's Men let the contract for his new showshop despaired of several time.s recently, of the Wilbur A- Vincent (’Irciill in Salt Lake City, mention of which but he always managed to pull thru. was made In these columns la.wt week. New York, June 9.—Eddie Darling, I Maud Rockwell Gets $1,250 Pan. shows are now housed in the old of the United Booking Office, will help! Colonial or John Cort Theater In that to make up the units for the over Sen | New’ York, June s—Suing for I'-.Oi'O city. 'The new structure w-lll be a ten- Theater I^eague for t! e entertainment damages for her Injuries and los- of story combination theater and office Vaudeville Riisinoss Holding I'p In of soldiers. Many stars, such as Irene employment Maud Rockwell setlleil building, and It Is planned to have it Detroit Castle. Franklin and Oreen. Hunting- her stflt against the Inlerhoro Triinsli ready for occupancy by January 1 next ton and Francis, Hilly tloiild. Wright year. Detroit. June 10.—Notwithstanding and Dietrich, Cecil fhinningham, Nate Cttmpnny for 11,250 Miss Rockwell claimed that while the fact that amusements are well on Leipzig and Craig Campbell, have vol¬ getting Into a subway train she the summer schedule the local vaude¬ unteered their services. IJIIIan Rus¬ strii' k by the closing door of the c.i' New Theater on 46th Street ville house.s are grinding merrily on sell expects to go abroad about July 1 to capacity husines-'. The condition to sing for the .Sammicti, in company New York, June 10.—A new theater is responsible in a measure to the de¬ with her daughter Dorothy. Many Colonial and Alhambra Clos will be built soon opposite the old lightfully cool weather afforded De¬ other vaudeville trour>es have offered White Rats’ clubhouse on Forty-sixth troit by its location in the lake region, their services. A recent report circu¬ New York. Juno 10.—Tin •street. 7t is rumored that -Moran, of which makes It a mecca for tourists, lated Is to the effect that the Over and Alhambra iheiiters cl Harbor Transportation fame, will be who, by the way, are enthusiastic There League may reorganize to ob¬ night for the summer. They interested. vaucleville fans. Manager Frank Oowl- tain better pnr^ ewlfter results. again next fall. JUNE 16, 1918 Xtie Blllbosrcl 7 Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Majestic, Chicai^o McVicker’s, Chicago (Rsviewvtf Monday Matio^', Juad 10) (Beviewed lint Show Monday, June 10)

• • • iS’./TJKe/yWIS' (Til<'aso_ JuDP 10.—A w»ll halanot^i MU ram« riilrairo. June 10.—Tho only a handful wpr» ii> itic •Majmtir •tmlay and |ivrliap« lieraiiNa, im- prnxpnt wlien MeVlcker’a started the Or')t show I kr ui-arly all this morninit, the house iradually tilled up .iud t'lo a' to woro Bow to t'Oli-atto TaudrTillo; only a (-apacity audieure assembled nltbin an hour • tja> Ix-ru Mti'n ■Uere rvorntly, aol tbo bill The audiem-e was cold, but most of the aets no inoro ttiao an onlluary itoyrco of ploanurr offered were so auod that applause soon became til tlio louionbat Io«> than capacity auillcDcc.' MLaCETBEBTER the rule. \,i. l-Tnno1 WVkly. tk/hLitV, No. 1—Motion pictures. No. 2—Castellino and Zardo. an Italian tenor Vii. Ittiy llarrab ami JariinollDa. an athlotio with a splendid rolce, assisted by an exception¬ i n anildioaiit'.fal rlrl, wiirk aundor* wtUi roller ally capable pianist. Ten minutes, in two; one •■katcn, Klnnlnit two rurtain*. wblrb la a aiir (UcvIcwctI .Mtiiulay XIatliico, June 10) bow. |irl' lie arhloTpniont fur an opvniuc act. 81a No. 3—Ilniio Lutifens does a Swedish Billy niinutf*. in full atafr. New York, Juno 10.—About the best prosrram enjoyed at t^e Palace Sunday In a must i-onrinrinKly amusing manner, Nil. 3—Ci>i*it Prrrone, ihwmwmM of a cb-ar bis sermon bolding a laugh a line, Eleren min¬ for muny a month was In evidence today. In spite of the sultry weather the n ' I* and (ooil at.'iee pmwnre, aupiKirted by Triz utes, in one; three bows. (Uher, aoprano, gUe eIi-T«-n uilnutra' ly<-eain famous Temjile of Vaudeville was crowded with the u.sual bunch of Monday No. -1—The bam-lng Tjrrells hare a nice »liiK Dp, In 'one. thr aunpa Mdnf rrndrmi In afternoon f.ins. And while this audience is cold at times towards certain routine, starting i.nt with the halIroi)m rarlety. r>-I leu 1 npuapca and Etiallab, Miaa Ollrer acts it L- pnihahly the mo.st dist-riminatin? crowd that ever assembled in a The girl then gives a rope Jumping dance which aNi arrrea aa ai'romtianlat at the piano, proT evokes considerable applause, after which the Ine |i>aa.ng .U.tb aa a aingrr and player. Tbeir variety palace. You have to show the I’alace audience that you are there man presents an eccentric dance. They have I ffiTla aon tlTf tiUWIk with the goods. You may play O.shkosh, Wis., and be billed as “Direct From a whirlwind Anish. Seven minutes. In two; Vii 4 W. II. Marart and Etblynne Bradford, the Palace. New York,” and get away with it, but when you step out on the three bows. auiiiNirleil by John F. Hunan, bare a comedy stage at the Palace Itself you have to step some to get over, believe me. No. 3—Grace De Winter Is a remarkably I'laylit, lure, Iluoor and Oliey, la wlilcb a versatile ventriloquist, who possesses In addi¬ I leaaure b ring fau'-baml, a paralmoniotin wife 'Jack Wilson ran away with the whole show. tion to her regular work male Impersonating ami a niakeliellere burglar enpply rapMly aMft- Next week’s hill features Blanche Ring. ability and a wonderful singing voice. Her act :: e i-oineily altuaUona. Flgbteen ininutea, la IB- never lacks Interest, as there Is something do¬ thri-e. No. 1—Hearst-Pathe News Weekly, showing some of the fighting "tanks” ing every seend of the time. Her manner of .\u. A Ward and Van, itreot moilclant, pre- in action on the other side, furnished exceptional entertainment to the shifting the attire of one dummy instead of a nt a bar]! and Tlolln duet, the rlollnlat'a early comers ^ using man adds Interest to her work. Eighteen -' I I a-eb-aanraa of attlTe and Inatrnmenta- minutes, in one; two bows. txn wlunine ronalderable applanie. Elerea No. 2—Karl Emmy and Ills Pets, meaning fourteen cleverly trained No. 6—Motion pictures. f nuii-a. In one; »lx boa a, dogs, which went thru a routine of tricks that greatly pleased. This act is No. 7—Schwarz and Clifford were the applause d—V,'nlta flouM. a yonnp lady abo meaa- ptit over in a real showmanship manner by Emmy, who gets the maximum bit of the bill, the man's nnt Hebrew comedy iirra lip «,, the K!a;e Jaiila atamlairl aa aa Imita- and the girl's eeriunsness serving to put the In', elr*^ remarkably faithful |>nrtrayal» of the effeet out of his offerings. He works the canines for all the world as tho he audience in a humor that caused It to respond "■■Ik Ilf tirare I.a Hue. Jarfc XurwfWth. Nfaude he was exhibiting some i>ets in a drawing room for the benefit c)f a few to everything they said and did with outburst* I niton, Julian Kltinge, Mary Naeh, .Hert WIb friends. The dog that does a ‘‘liindlegged’’ leap over seven of its companions of laughter. Fifteen minutes, in one; Ave bows. I'rii.^, Nora Bayea and tlr^ rge M. Cohan. Karh is probably the bc-t p.trt of the act. Fourteen minutes, full stage; one bow. No. 8—Fred I-a Rein* and Company, in a bit eifred Hal por cent. whl<-h waa m-t at all comedy electrical act, with a lectnre. Two •■nrprWlne. aa the Imiwraonatlona wer* ao true It .No. 3—Donahue and Stewart .'■ignaleil their return to the Palace by lady assistants and three audience plants. Con¬ •ened that earh of the tieraona Imitated ip- taking .1 ehani'^ at the "Submarine'’ tNo. 1’6) position on the bill and escaped siderable comedy la injected as the plants go ■ 1 irrviuiilly to du bla or her atunt. very cleverly tho torpedoes and boinlis which usually are strewn in the path thru virions g.vratlons, caused by the demon¬ I wi-nt' three mlnutea. In one ami tmo, eloaing of occupants of th..- spot. Alice Marion Stewart is a comedienne with orig¬ strations of electricity's weird workings. 'Fif¬ in tuie; three rurtaina, four ho»a. inal methods, and Donahue's eccentric dancing gave the artisUs three bows teen minntes, in interior three; three curtains. V-. 7 ltea«le MHoy Itarta, a«eiated b.T TV*a. after seventeen minutes. In one. No. 0—Sherman, Van and Hyman, with their < -nle.r and Henry Coofe. otT.-ra a woll.dreaoeil No. 4—Regin.a Connelli and Ruby Craven in John Reed’s playlet. Moon cabaret act but slightly changed, are again with (le'lod dani-e rerlew of Inteniwly patrlutle flaror. n«, their work being replete with the snap and .'•■nea ale-ntng the apirtt artnating .Vmefiiui Down, which wa.n originally one of the successes of the Washington So» perkali with ai reen Ilirtihea of the No. 10—TiOttle Mayer and Divers have an In¬ ' a loading beniea frum Waablngtna to No. 5—Herbert Williams and Hilda Wolfus, recognized entertainers, in teresting diving act, which starts ont with idyl¬ \Vk>^io. Conkey and Coofe Anally appear aa a corking demonstration of what vaudeville really is. were a big hit. Wil¬ lic dancing, participated in by the four support¬ noaiern , aaltor and aubller boya, «Inning tre- liams’ antics at the piano, his ftinny buttoned shoe.*, and his unctuous comedy ing girls. -Vfter the girls cavort in the tank n. ndona a|>|i|anae. Tlie at»r ahow* wuoderful with the sis'tllght. ably a.sslsted by Miss Wolfus. blended into a ’’nut’’ offer¬ 1-ottie does interesting stunts. All the girls do r'a- r In all her dani e«. oimdudlng with her ing of genuine merit. Seventeen minutes, with four bows. n--tewiirthy diving stunts, which closely ap- faoiuoa Tama-Tama daoea. Twenty-Are min- No. 6—Christie McDonald, late st.ar of The Spring Maid and other suc¬ [•roach the acrobatic. Eleven minutes, full - 'n full atage; Are cnrtalna. with Inter- cesses. has arranged for vaudeville purposes a very pretentious and showy stage.—CASPER. tiiiallate ajieei'h. act culled Cupid's Mirror, in which she is assisted by Irene Rowan and Wil¬ V" ‘ iv-rer Broeaon and Winnie Itildwln. the liam Haig. 'ITie setting i.s very beautiful, with a silver transparency in the LAMBS’ GAMBOL SEAT SALE •rily art on the MU aei-n In Chb-ago rei-ently, center, thru which Mia< McDonald enters. The star still retains the silvery »" n iruoh applanae with hla rlerer drunk and voice with which she has delighted thousands, and after singing four songs New York. JuD>» 10.—The sale of scats hff thrir batch of noretty aonga. Wiifnie Inuka be«o- was rewarded with many curtain bows. auction for the o|>cning of the I.Amhs’ Gambol tlful BO matter what coatnnie ahe bapi'ena to at the Hudson Theater next Friday night re«l- wiar f-otu fnll-ilreanoil attire to the abhrerlated INTERMIS.'SION iti>il f7.)'>Si> at the Belasco Theater. Augustus ai rf, Whlrh. mmblned with ^e^•y*a nooehalani'e. Thomas. William Collier, De Wolf Hopper and No. 7—Albertina Rasch, Exponent of Choreographic Art, assisted by nun the andlroce'a at>proTaI. Nine minute*. In DonsM Brian were the auctioneers. R. H. Bum- Constantin Koboeloflf and an en.semhle. surrounded with l*eautiful settings one; two h'wa. side Noight several blocks of scats in addition and wardrol>« unsurpassed, danced her way into the hearts of all. Her ballet to buying a box. No. p -Mortimer MaeRae ami fjertrude Cleirg * dancing plact-s her in the front rank, h it she is not happy when it comes to turn ami woman ryrllat, prraent thrllla galore a presentation of the Russian lerpsichorean art. Four bows. . Intoraiieraeil with hi* langh pror** ilmimitic seiisHtioii on the vaude- * mous theatrical producers, are going to dlssolvn ■tage a. ne bow.—CASl’KII. xlllo s|jnr«'‘ tmlay. Ibk-worth’- liu|M'r'.«>natloii of Ijondoii*-« iiiHiiortal S partnership. Mr. Klaw yi-stenlay absolutely de- Wolf will g«» down In lll.•^to^)• as u I'lasslo. W«>iidt*rfiil st't. show- ^ Die

N>w York, June 8.—Alma Tell, who made •urh a Mt In The fbiuah Farm at the Bljuo I SAM DODY MARRIES CHORISTER rheafer, fa now the leading woman In the ' New York. Jim* 10.—Sam Dody, of Hello, >-■-kar. tnp.rnr In Newark organlaed by the Shu- (•erta and Mortla Srhb-aaingor, .\ new play h.T I No. 9—Jack Wilson, burlesquing the preceding acts Americi, was married Thursday to Evelyn Kiv knne Crawford Firmer, entitled The Itbte IVarl ! ers. one of the show’a cboiistera. '• n-iw In rehearaal and wlllj he giren tla Oral on the bill, was the biggest laughing riot the Palace has perfurtnanee during the week of June 17. Mlaa staged in a year or more. Ben.Barr, one of his “con¬ OLD OFFICERS RE-ELECTED Toll win play the loading role. spirators.” sings a song which he says was written by New York. June 10.—It took the Columbia .Vmu!oB will not be announced for two weeks. dUeaar Haluritay night al hla rraldem-e, -Vlb Wilson’s offering, but were he to have half a hundred llntnllt.ui k|-pet. .Mhanr N. 1 He haa m.m “assistants” he could not have got more laughs than ■>*■■<1 the Kiiiidre Burloaiiua Thoafer at .kll>any, N T ., alnoe 1007, fur Ibe Culuuihla Aiunaoment he did today. Jack, yon stand absolutely alone as a He wra an artlre memhrr of the KIka. blaokface artist de luxe. Laughs, applause, riot, raid VIOLET BORNEY ENGAGED and annihilation of the audience. rnflTI ITr TItkts. Usies Suit*. Symnttrleal* Niw liwk. Jan. 10.—fhdef Burney liaa been rUUILIIL Thaalrlcsl StiSpHas- ■ngjirod l>» llie Wooda oHoe to play the part Write f-r » a-s -ave Nc t WALTER C. BRETZFIELO CO.. INC.. '^gliintiil t>y Hur«>orr Miaire In I’arbw, 110111^^)01 No. 10—47eo.'ir<‘ an<1 Dick Ruth. .Nineiioa’* viiprviiie attileteK, In feats wf; IM7 Broadsay. Net* York. Corner 37th Strsot. • u-l Bath next aeaaua. onduraiice. eluarj u womlcrful bill.—lilULdAR. I LAST WEEK’S BEST VAUDEVILLE ACTS PETE SCHAEFER TALKS

IN NEW YORK About Work of Alliad Amuaoment A««i N.V.A.NEWS (HILLIAR’S SELECTIONS) Chlonn’. Junr H.—Prfrr J. Mrharfvr, Jiiiiioi mvitiN-r of thr Jour*. I.lnick * tk-h*r(rr drin Irene Franklin, radiant, remarkable, recherche, rara avis renderer of wbo U prraldrnt of thr Alllrd AinuM-uirut A»oatt. Hr haa rr-i-utl; minstrels, in the “death-defying” swond position, scored a great success. monolog or a two-art, or. In fact, anything in nald thr thratrr* of Amrrlra are doing morr than They are nifty lool.ing chaps, even if they do plaster their hair »lown. the line of material or old makeup or wardrobe anjr other agrnrjr to tirrarrve thr inoralr of th> that you don’t Intend to use/^any more. Anything and jiut over a piano and violin recital that delighted the crowd. At the country. of this desoriptioi. ran be made to do a great Palace Theater, Monday matinee. •'Thr nvrrrnn of motion plcturr thratrr* hair Jolly, Jovial, jocular. Jocose jesters, presented deal more down here. I am the amusement dele¬ Hamilton and Barnes, hern frrriy and gladly gltrn for (•oTrrnmrat their well-known act, Just Fun, the material In which is kepi continually gate of my battalion and find myself bard propaganda. In rtrry thratrr four-mmatr mm pressed to provide something different. (Chappy! up to date. Jack Barnes is one of those genuine, unaffected light comedi¬ preach patrlotUm. Thratrr*. *lnre thr war tar English monologs are an especial favorite down ans, whose every word or gesture creates a laugh, and Helene Hamilton wrnt into rffrct, Itarr ronlrlbuted orrr (.' .taai iloo here. Blackface goes very well also. .Vnything collaborates with her personality and pulchritude, the combination being to the national treaanry. It I* hoped that thi* .vau haven’t any use for will do, and will be one of the happiest in vaudeville. The Royal customers greatly appreci¬ organlxatlon la Chicago will br the forerunarr gratefully appreciated, either old wardrobe or ated their offering. At the Royal Theater, Tuesday matinee. of a grrat amuarmrnt aawM-latlon that will rwrrr makeup, etc. If you have any of the above The Caits Brothers, safe, sane, sensational, sagacious, stepping stars, the entire ■'oiinlry.” please turn them over to Mr. Chesterfield und h* have an entirely different opening from all other dancing act.s. But when The a»*o<'latr oncer* are: Maorii-e Cboyakkl. will see that it reaches me. Thanking you in they get do"wn to business Caits and his midget brother demonstrate the lint Tlce preah^nt: Kamuel Gold, aerood Tire advance, I remain existence of “four feet with but a single thought” and finish midst tumul¬ prealdrnt: hidary C. Mmith. *e<-retary; Robert K Fraternally yours, tuous applause. At the Fifth Avenue, Tuesday evening. Lrry, treaaurrr. and WIIHam Rohr, •rrgrant at BILLY MORAN, E. J. Moore, clever creator of conversational comedy conjuring, known arm*. The aaaodatloa will hate headunartrr* ’.’’Jd Co., loL’ Depot Brigade, 224 Tliird street. as the Gabby Trickster, in next to closing position, did wonders, literally at 334 8. 8tate *t. TO UNCLE SAM LAST WEEK and figuratively. His a.ssistant is very funny, and materially helps Moore put over his big hit. Moore has been In the game a long time, and this SUFFRAGETTE8' REVIEW CLOSES Albert A. Anderson, with U. S. Army, 30th act shows he has taken a HTintage of his experience. At the City Thea¬ Recruit Receiving Depot, Machine Gun Training ter, Wednesday matinee. Hartford. C••«Il . June s. The SuTragette*’ Camp. Camp Hancock. Augusta, Ga.; Joe Biss, Maxine Brothers and Bobby, artistic, athletic acrobats, win out be¬ formerly of Biss and Gagne, with 27th Co., 7th Review, wMch baa tieea playing on the Dil cause of their wonderfully trained dog, Bobby, which, altho not moving Time, acored a t>lg hit here. Manager Vanal Ratt., 152d Depot Brigade, ill, leth Camp, around as fast as of yore, still goes thru a remarkable series of equili- Camp Upton, N. T.; Charles E. Clover, formerly baa found out tliat hi* palnuui like tabloids aad bristlc feats with the two men. They gave the bill a good start. At the haa played a namiier of William R. Frttldlaader's of Musieal Clovers, with H. Q. Co., iOtU Inf. Palace Theater, Monday matinee. Band. Camp Merritt, N. J.; W. D. Green, for- prodoctluoa thi* sea»'>a. The musical numbers, dancing, is>tnekty. tuine* and scenery of tio- IN SAN FRANCISCO revue were very g’-st (Box’s Selections) The folhoring 1* tho rneter: Irving Neut -* and Dude I’belpa, leads; Marhin Chase, prlmk donna; Jame* Gullfoll, Walter WeUtt, •trslgtit Dainty Sallie Fisher, robed in a quaint costume, which was decidedly BoM>y Bernard, romedlaa; Solly Mcltee. char becoming, was an immediate hit. Charming mannerisms and a clear, alter; ehoni*. Gladdy* (Jaye. Ral>y Hirf, Row sweet voice place Miss Fisher with the besk The scene in her act. The HrndenMin. VIn* Birne*. LllUan Evans, Imelda Chorus Rehearsal, is a typical oldfashioned living room, and it is so I.a Morte, Margaret (ireen, .kdella Lewis, Mar cleverly described that it caused many of the audience to remark upon and remember similar ones. Miss Fisher l.s well supported by good im¬ celle L'lralne, Billie ’D'woaend. Jack Lee, <-*r personators, who each and all won a big hand. Full stage, twenty min¬ peotrr, and William Hnoderwm, mnslral dire- t»r utes; six curtain calls and flowers. Orpheum. Sunday afternoon. Wilton Lackaye appeared in a very dramatic incident, which was put KETTERING OPTIMISTIC over fine. Interspersed thruout with his dry humor, it instantly won the audience. Charles Riegel and Cordelia Macdonald helped make the act Ublragn, Joiw 10 .Ml calamity hn«1crt ani a splendid one, and won as sincere applause as Wilton I.ackaye, who those «ho wall bi<1 cotulltlons an]h arr; Wilson, of the U. H, TV press agent yarn concerning his partner as a artist. A comhinee<-n berth. He was told that there were no lower SAIL FOR SOUTH AMERICA made with the syndicates and other music stores berths left and be said he would bare to take to feature large cut'inta of Miss Norniand. to¬ New York. June 10.—A aumher of artists, an npi>er one. “Pardon me,” said the con- gether with ro(>irs of the song. In llirlr show booked by the impresario, Richard Plirwt. ssll<-d dnebur, as be took a glance at the FalstatUan windows and at the music connirr*. it Is safe last week on the H. 8. Vaaart for Buenos .tlnw. proportions of the man. “but yon will ncrer hr to predict a big sale, aa Ihe nr>ng tell* a pretty wheiw they will open at the Gaslno Theater for able to get Into an upper berth.” “Don’t worry story and tbe muMc 1* of that Infei-tlous walti an right weeks’ engagement. which was staged at the Watertown Opera about that.” replied the fat man, “leave that variety which was In vogue son-e year* ago when Included In the party of thirty-fire were: House for three nights and which netted a sub¬ to me.” So the conductor assigned him to the the first Rosie O'Grady ser NEW PLAYLET FOR 8, W. W. R New York. Jane S Mike Coyne, well berth, light over yon.” was the reply. Mr. theatrical man and advanco ageot, has 1 Willard, wlio had tso-n enjoying tbe sitnatlon. New Tfirk. June Emily Brown Hclnlnger, a Iwneallct, bU bride lieing the wnoisn w noticed Mr. Wilson’* discomfiture and said to secretary of the Chicago tiram-h of the Hlage personates th« bui'illr Gynthia at Lons the newfsimer: “Pardon me, Imt yon will wver Women’s Wsr Relief, has written a norel raude- Coney Island. l>e able to gel Into that upjier lierth.” The fat vllle playlet, whb h will V Umknil under the man amlled grimly and remarked. “I won't have suspires of the association, tbe proceeds to be to.’’ Mr. Wilson, who Is of a very nervon* dla- deroted to the nalt for the furtberanen of Ibrir position, said: “He’s right, he wirn’t have to. charitable work. COWBOY ELLIQTT With lh«* nmartent horne In the BLOOM GOES EAST worlil, I)f)N FHLANO, wantx to Join one-ring Clreuii. or will b«M>k with i» TIGER ROSE’S LONG RUN Chicago, June 10.—Murray Bloom, Chicago Ten-In On« anti take managenienl of manager for Harry Von Tllter, went to Naw Hunie. Aildrena care Billboard, New New York, June 8.—Thi- SiStth performance York late last week. He will alay there alx York. * of Tiger Rose takes place next Haturday. weeks. SAM C. HALLER I wHI b® uodcr thr dlr^tinn of Charlos A, Wil-1 make tblosa li|rbt; they look on the briirht side I R If of ilhft - Hams. GiHirgo WlUoa. tbe dcaa of mlnatrelay, of life asd recelte real money for It—they are ws bwvbbbv re-imgagtsl f.»r the Miming season and ’‘*’?***r‘' hauritien la Uie at^e dam- wianwHwrManagerManaflor uiof t-mm-wwNow i-wsiiw.ivPatriotic Clubwiww ta. I*'*"Ur« re._ n,„..,, .U ,h. c.,n.inT o .n.i aaer: be has anJn'*^*’“* eagle eye for damaged goods StandS thO BeSt - winwill liM<1bead on-one of thetb- rouifiantes.roioionle.. bum raceracr horsey—behor«-»-b- givesgW-. them thethe«illV once WVti SanSsn Krsnrlsco.Kranrtnco. June 88.—Ham.—Bam C. nailer,Iltn-r. deand-an TheTb- WesternW-atrrn f.mi.an.r,fomi>an.r. whlrhwhich Mr. milHill anan- orerover before they get i.aetpast him. Our Grand Tnmir PwA^ Dill It .•fof I’arlflrI’arlflc t'oa.tfoa.t auiuaenientamusement men, baabas been rlectadelected nouneea will be known asaa tiuaGua lillt'a California >''a- Mlnstrela, starts Its inur one w-ek later: this oecupied in blowing ,Oo„.. orgsmsstlon recently formed here.- Head- com,-ny pl.i. the elties of the Baclflc Bb.pe. ILV' :ri: Vb'.* "Ot wasto^your •liisrtera of the t lub at 41 I’owell street were returning Ka«t » a fsnada. In the nister of Golden tlste. There surely must be a chan.-e and money buying a Circus Trunk O'lleati-d last Wednesday nigbt with appropriate th» two rompanle. will be found many names for all T. .M. As. In the celestial above, but that claims to be "just as good” a.S a • er< monies. famoua In mJostreUy. pay as you enter, brothers. .Send postal cards and Duml>er of seat you want. Kdw. T. Con- TAiLOR. Men prominent In every walk of life In 8in - . ,sdresa Orpheum Theater .San Kranels.-o, „ I rjn. Is.s. are Inriuded In the niemlierRhIp of the PPIAR^ FLFPT OPPICPRO LOll.S HAHN A t O.. Tourists. It Will pay you to purchase a KeilUllI*' r. w organliallon. and It la ev|>e< led that the FRIARS” ELECT_ OFFICERStetrtO ,, p j;,, .j. j, ^ TAYLOR CIRCUS TRUNK Used bv

'■■7 fV" T' lTO(c.lonalP,ople for over .l«, me la iTe.ldent of the rlub WIliUm B Me- elected the following tffleers. Geo. |„n,ed from the .Miislelins’ i imienllon at Cbl- and Still giving satisfaction. ' •' 11 , ^ ' A. 11.. ‘ .aim. folun,foiian, ul»:">l. John J. GleaMin,Gleawn, d an; Nate -ago moeh wiser and better men n-i-orded as M , n vk-e pres den . George Ap|mH reeordlng 3 3,,„.retarv; P. Frank Ihslge, trea*- Slilrle.vr b.P. IWBoyl.- l. ,ndand George Be„,.Benr. b..thboth mu- Send for new CalHloP M.trtary John L. M^re flo.anelal Moraliry. and ' following governor, for two years: slrlans of note, -'f*",•.tfter a ♦brief>""/ "‘fystay «'Iof two days ^ . the dlrrctorB are ^llllBm II. I rmy, lUrry A. , * ... ,, .. w .h. u . ki In MnurI'Iney thrythey Ptroll^lstmlle<| on to yH areareata ..a laYIVl I llinB VIOl Bv • „ MorrU, Iref! and Harry Darth. tUm^jtloneil and ar^are about duodue for a^rrlcoservice oT^TKoa.oversea. w Gfurfe AppfU. I Brtdbere Boyle and Benz are on their way home, gft N. Halstad Strwat, CHICHICAGO. ILL. folks «. f^ t worry: they may be a little late „o210 w.W. 441fe S»setSbwet NEW YORK,YORK. N. Y. TWO ASSOCIATIONS MEET MINSTRELS WILL NOT ORGANIZE and a little shy of change—but forgive the 1 wayward stms this time. Oakland, fat.. June v. Owing to prevailing .'like Giillen of Newark, informs ns that the ,'"'0 .^*'r m',ry A!!IwUl"r7*met* a^^t^ 1 .‘''•■n'orimth's tiriglnal Premier Min 'Irawlng .s,ntest bas taken'place; an.l Ticket .No. ASTRALITAA A ■ ■ A Kxtrarts from Sony Criticism in Billboard. May 1^. t r It. twenty fourth ...u.; meeting. Over 100 •» •“ -■»><-"—« this week. n.eeSnL ""\r'"lre;rs7:tM''’Sl:^.n I IA **LV A paMinn ver'^. A starlight tore appeal. la. luding many women, were prewmt. -- --- ' rM‘‘oo- ,t.’^7hler'L7'’r*i„““To'„"''“ Tl'"' '''MV■ -Progressive,Pf".lre melodic color, not divided into Thefh< TKp R--oilBti<»n inet here in ISejft with b mBm- \Aiit i UAwe uc\a/ di a\/c w.II l^ beldheld on the thl d Sunday• in\n June, usual parts used In modem sonc*.songs. GE-^eemsGE-Reems toftoo CORCORT I \nflLLWILL HAVE NEW PLAYS p^mptlrproroptiv at 3 p.m.,p.w., atBt the 'fusiclansMm*ie1anA Temple, awavawa.v from tenerallvfeneraJlv accepted songaona forms,forma, but nisvmb' “8‘iip «»f 3U BBd today It Dumbera tij, reprt- ■ w. ■ KMB'l Plane street,atreet. a^omethlnr.“omethlng novel hasban been ar-ar* litfit certainrertaln usagesussfes for this veryrery reason.rea-son. C—HerformerhC—Performer tttlnf poaier advertla:»ff vUnta 1b clllra Tork. June l(k—John Cort U arranytop ranged for boelde.w the ao«-tal eo^lon. ao don’t »ho would like to look over & song sans verse or cbo . ‘ . J _ _ . , . .1 ... linger ar<«nd long. bovs. on the outside; come on I riis iwo jsierlc verses that .hist run alcna—should f the State. to produce two new mualcalmusical plays early In the 10,),^,^, ,nj refresh your«elve*. V, p.m shan>T I •'"J '"*■ 'hn ” A word to the wise is sufflelsnt Tk:s aswM-latloB, In answer to the call of antuma. On*Ono will be a drama and tlie other a tkswl news from Boston Brother Pickering Is | “<1 PlanoJ)rcl^. 30c. rresiJrnt Wllw-n for eoneerle*! efforta and aid coined/. abcMit town, kicking np all the dust that ac ~ In I be prei»Bt crisis, bas placed {sietrTs In cumulated during his long siege of disab'Ilty. RED STAR MUSIC CO. more than 3dFissl CJoa-CVia- In, making. , our tour over' thew Westernvr . country ■“«* I>“ke Lacy send congratulatlrais. U|F9|kF AAAFDIAAII rvst.w. Ftwl Coawu^vstloo. T. M. C. A.. T. *r.,ry t. M. A. Lodge on the o7 Q®'' lift Kt AMCKluAII W. r. A. and the Knifbts of C-.inmbns. phenm Glrcnll. and were snrprlsed at the ehortly pass this way, to and from ■■ h llh niViklllVmi One of the main puri»wes of tbe a.wwUtb n progress of tbe different lodge*. Advancing in ‘'b ?!!i*** v- d . . .. 1 ■ ss... v Btogy. A Bong . f pro-Me tbe welfare of outd-.w advertls- ^mberahlp at a rapid gait, making pat,*>tic J^'^h.ve of a few d^yV'''"tr .ho‘N^ ““ ^ t. V 1- 1.<»A demonstrations everywhere. n»lng all available pleasure or n lew days stay Mre. tor ine .-kauon. ug It was erganUed .November 1.. 1*!*4 and , , purchase Uberty B ^ .imiUr riin.i. thsk ikI ■u.mit.iwhin -n r.n.rsi .c Ppoksnc lodge Is Joseph A. Martin. 601 Realty t uni.snea oy bs.as GevatedrVvated tbe plan* of MIR-ardbilRs-ard advertising eimllar fui">»fumls that the memberahlpmembership in.n general are * sl'kanesnT.ksn* ^ bTs*!!Wash WotVJ^^^oWnnlH like so bear I f^RAfNIX AnAssAmo .11 1I.. I.1. . . .. eWe, .!.. .>.<•>.< ee, Interested In. Uttie euchre partiespnrties and raffle*. B«tW‘nr '‘P”""'. " "V"v L. CRAOIT,CKAPIT, QlUenemO,Quenemo, Kansas ustllstil It 1. n-wn..w resNdnlied asa. effective and np-ap- outing., the proceedsprocess of which arear^ members of No.No t.. proved by falradaded men aod women every- turned Into tbe funds for the comfort of our ff”'* *‘1-^''1^ ^7 -here. aallor and soldier boy* that are at the front or "*7:' ’ —— - la ranbrnments: there Is nothing but praise for "f,' PROFESSIONAL SINGERS The Ccatril Manager. Asws-Utloo nlw. met t^ tree African spirt that nr* to”ry7u^'Beach.''Ont*^ Get a ctmr of two of the latest aon.a on Thurwlay afternoon to discus* matters aod of *^e*L7t!.rlI^!;!i' dn'nne pil/rlmsge he make* to see his old pal, Ben GOOD-BYE ALL and *(li>lkl iD#B»arB» rrlaOr^ coplnf wltk rxiftlnc «mit !■ th* GoM^b 0«t* dtr^ San famous baritone alnirer of tbe ' circumstance, a. the draft ha. greatly affected W^nC:;;: Arrtvl^ at t^ thVT^r. ^ the j,,, moved to Its new nna*ters 4‘Yl pi*- DEALERS suite (or piii-e In quantities. EUGENIE FORTUNATO. baggage 1. not asanred. V.c" 7“ "f^^eT Plt^^i^VlEo"” oLTeNKA?^ 9 Sa. Stk St.. Phlladslekla, Ptaasylvaala Thu a.*.wUtloB is compowd ' f theater man- celted *Vh cowrtesy from these natlv'e e-n's of Secretary Tresanrer, Cincinnati, agers of PennsylvaDla. New ^'Tk Btate, New the Golden B*e*t that the memory will Unger a ' - CIA/ gki gw as IT" Jersey and Ohio, who have orgaulss-J to Im- lifetime. A dinner was given for our party at rORRECTION—.kn obituary. In the Issue of IwbVwNEW dWlwNjidSONGS JUSTI OUTWW I nr,.v» iksstri.-ai ^.wditiMi* the DobrIng manskm to honor of Master Charles June 1. detailing the killing of one James Blake, PohrlDg (who put tbe ring In Dohringl, who has said to be manager of the T. M.__.k. cli^nwm*. | HEAR THY COUNTRY CALLING ■ tbe very streneou* position at the Orpheum Kansas City, wse run In error. Virgil G. Ilud- Priea, lOe. SOPHIE TUCKER I of keeping TIM SIIK.V young and energetic: I *on. president of Kansas City I>odge. T. M. .4.. j nc-A'i'iar nBaruriwi - both seem to beve a great pull around their writes Tbe Billboard a letter In which he de- SWEETI HAKATIE 1 1 c, cSKE.c>INiBREEN Priea. 25e. fteciiewa 800 foe ToKween Pun>4 town. George Holden, past president of nies that James Blake was In any way conn-cted Twicrs 5«cur«aS«cur«a $1300SI»500 forlOF TobaccoTobacco FundPuna Prisoo l/>dge la a grand old chap, and Harry with the Theatrical Mechanical Association, and f^^rtesiSend Sc stamp^ for professional cop/.copy. Dsalcrs. tend r prices. . Roeeroond. prop*, another veteran, bas recently stste* that the bnlldlng In which the hold-up <*DFFMP billlCIf' Turk. June 7.—Nophle Tin ker, who for bought himself a farm, and Int-odk to raise took place was formerly used by the T. M. .4. as GREENE 1*14131^MUSIC CO.4j»W. some time has been doing good work In tbe la- yonag stage bands and prop*, as they are begin- a cinbroom. Clippings from Tbe Kansas City C^Rea^Eat^^ua^BIBgj^^fflilLABELirillAjr^ •crest of the tobarre fund for eoldlers. ea.ywded «"»« »® »*•'■ «"» »;»*'«' l**® country went to war Star corroboimfe Mr. Hudson's letter and brine lycTDIlUCyrtT^uTmT'^irTneTDiH^ 111• II ooM-t*..wrerlAos m.-«ssIs •„fiir r*.-«lvtts IwI* so -nfortalB- ^H rniP turn* ®**oat well this season 1>*he need ♦to» light *1*®tbe !•'*’fact that ■a '1°*ring “Iof gamblers lately INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, lie rUSTrAllJ all prevlotm^ revords for re.-etpt*V In1 ^-1an entertaJ 1 a. ®** worry during the coming theatrical season, occnpledoccupied the bnlldlng vacated by the T. M. AA. Ben U^yKey March. Clover Leaf Rag, Dope, Alice ■meateat pntpot onoa by her at the Hotel Clar.dge last (}*orge(ieorge Murray, John Constant and James Car- and masked their activities under thetbe assoola- mu*Blue W'eltie*.Baltic*. Just a Dream. Panama Rag. PasmooPasrioo 8attR-day night. From every staadpolnt tbe roll, the three Edtsona. have invented a way to tlon's name. Dance.Dance, Cupid's Ttngle. Boy Scout Patrol, Black affair was an overwhelming we-cess. Mia. Tucker __ Laugh Ragtime March. Dream of Heaven Walts. Boar of the Cannon March. Silver Buckle Rag. Ttombonola. scoring a tremendous hit. aad m.we than 11.300 m » . w wwm.wim« www w Big catalogue free. bring realised for Ibe tobacco fund. \/ A I TllleX/II I 17 IVjll ■ |7 ^ INDEPENDENT MUSIC PUB. CO.. 830 Se. 23d Street Omaha. Nabraaka TTie great popularity of Ml** Tucker wa* at- VAUDEVILLEvf w iNOTES w A £4^^ tested by the maaneT la which her professional L——^- GOOD MANUSCRIPT WORK A SPECIALTY. fYat^. Arl'a'lid KalU^ Mm^'clert^e The Elk. bad charge of the sale of War Sav- Is at present In the Jewish Hospital. Onclnnatl, GORDON M. NEWHAM tad many ether well haown theatrical people «Br Stamp, la I tlc*. N. T., recently. They where she will undergo an o^rion. Mrs. COPYIST. veluateersd their service* and shared with Mis* aided by vandeTllle actor* appearing In tbe Levine wishes to hear frtwn her friend*. MUSIC ARRANGED FOR BAND. OBCHESTBA. T* ksr In the honor of putting over ooe of the theaters. Barney Immtuirr. manager of the TandeTtlle act of Daley and Berlcw PIANO AND VOICE. best programs of Its ktad ever eeea here. Lnmherg Tbeafer. had charge of the entertain ,t ,he Palace Hip., Seettle. last week. 1352 HEMLOCK ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. Mis* Totker will start another "push” for the whh h was of a varied nature. MoRte jhe draft law calling Daley East. Tbe same worthy ob)e<-t June 22. tbe theater, bow- King sang In friuit of tbe bcs'th at the (Vlonlal fb-iadis Duo took their spot on tbe bill at Port- ever, where It will take place not yet baring •*‘1 thru her effort* sui- eedeeeil a wirfoiMiful »ea«:'« of after a enrrewnful neaiw'n. The exterior of the I-Jyhtnln^ a^rk the home of William f •»‘ty three week* at tbe Ijafayette Theater. New theater ha» l«ren miuoileleil an*! now preaenta A -V^cooRh at S«7 Cornwall street. Hartford. Conn., WANTED SKETCH TEAM Wk. June 7. and will reoiw-n early In .tugnst fine appearaonipanlea play tbe pa«t season ami John F Maloy treasurer. Palace Theater at Hartford.Hartford, 8edalia. Indiana. lug tlie Inlemallonal Clrcnlt that did good Mr. .411cn will go t'* ooe of the flrui't honse* at Gllly Well*, who 1* pla.vplaying Mg time thl* pay ng hurinem. The route lahl ont for the Hkhmond. Va. Tear with hi* partner.partner, 1.1l.loyd. Jumped from ACCIDENT FORCES RETIREMENT • "•npany nevt season will Include the prin<-lp*t ro-ii ,.1 - 1- Keith's. Cleve’and, to Burlington. 1*.. last week The Bljon Theater, Philatlelphia. formerly , , . ■ , , , , ■ to spend a few day* with hi* mother, Mr*. Cate ■. ittes..r. . f tlie„„ Routhmmtn and Wralw >.t ard*r.i v«llltain pe.b*blypn.„.oiy vaudeville, has clo.e.1 for the summer. "'T"*”' * New York. June 8-Louis Mom-onl, of the go to the (neat. T. 1. (orwelt and II. D. Collins Philadelphia vauilevllle bonse* still open *’ ^ *' famous ec<-entric dancing Moeconl Brothers, who *it again at tbe helm, to elsira Keith's Chestnut Street. Colonial. Globe. The Orpheum Theater Company of Chicago ha* l>e«o featured with Bessie Cla.rton'* Dan • emit Is due for the long and aocceesfnl Rroedeay. Cros, Keys. Keystone. flif,i a petition with tbe Reomtary of State ring Revue, broke hit ankle and was thereby *•<•0 of tbla wrll knonn coloml offsnlintlon. ,„j GIranl. all doing goial business seeking to increase their number of dlpecfor*. Tori-ed out of the act. The Dancing La Vara .. aa.a.....r,.>. « Cbitrine. of the Dnmltreio'n The petition w*» considered and granted. ««ok hi* pla.-e. GUS HILL'S MINSTRELS Tmnpe, «** taken to the Bellevtie Hospital. The Kreger*. Iron Jaw act, will leare Seattle icweo akisia ueinva/ii iwc |-a « ~~l— 1 /»• I I Tork, May ’JP, to nml^rfo an operatWm for ne\t week for tbelr animat t'Mir of the Pacific BELIEVES ANNA HELD WILL LIVE pan Snnaon at Atlantic City July 22 aptwadlclti*. The o|>erail«n was sm-cessful. (oast, making the trip In their trusty anto-' L . .. >e *'llwill •'*'be •••'Iglad b**'* bear fcm.from IrtIn r friend*.friends. mobile. 9 -That Anns Held will re- *ius mil, the minstrel manager announce* the | coTcr la DOW tbe belief of her phyalclaD, Dr. ning . f til* mlnstml aTaaiia at .4llanflc City Henry .s'beer. Jeslah .median with tbe Arm Floyd W. Kline, “the Uttie man with the ponald Mi-Cnskey. Two weeks ago he informeni|iao|et are In Ibe hands of Charles D. Time, doing a Hebrew monolog. Interspersed Shows. week and seems to be still gaining. “Her nerve W'ls.n. sit well known In minstrel elrrle* thm '•’*’* pecodle* and Swedish sforle*. Happy Harrison and her family of educated bas been tbe most essential factor In her tight. 'I- nianagruieni of lew Ihs-kata.br for twelve Mra. Anna la-vmc. of Is-vlac and l-evlne, animals are playing the army cantonments In and I now believe she will win,” lay* Dr. ) > «. The Kia4| tour of llie Faslern company cloocl at the tVdonlal Theater, Tolado, (X She tbe Booth. McChskey. 10 Ttie Billboard JUNE IS, 1918

lli«- <-ontrol (if Mr. AIlw. wlm will iimhalil; LOUIE GILBERT'S TEN STRIKE ahamloD It aa a morinit plotiirc hoiiar In the AMERICAN WHEEL OFFICIALS fall with the conipIrtloD df the new Keith Thea¬ Proves Himeelf Wideawake Buaineaa ter. whirh means that the old one will be need rian for pictured. Hold Annual Meeting and Re-Elect All the Present Men on the Inside sa; that after all is said Nelee expressed an uidnlnn in The |llll;s..,,| and done Tat Shea, who has been manaamr the recently that lemle Ulllwrt was an up tn-dsls Officers—Increased Cost of Trav¬ Colonial, will ret it. Burlrs<|iie had been falling l>urlest with a prB iMwkIngs provided by Gllliert RICHARD CLARKE ENLISTS wb'i Is a past master at wlldeattlng on >1srt nmnded up a voluns* of business fnr Number of Girls Carried Will Be in Accord With Is located at the base hospital at ( amp Sheridan. the week which will enable I.nale to purcha-.- a touring car or soma other little luxury so dear Business Conditions, Sixteen ROCHE AT COLONIAL to the heart of the progressive sliowman evsr ready to grasp opportunities to do good and make Being the Minimum Chicago, June 10.—Tol. William Roche, who good In his chosen profeiMilon. manages the Star & Garter Theater during the Hoys, keep yonr eyes on "I.lve Wire" Gilbert. regular burlesque season, is in charge of the Cleopatra Atm. featuring Theda Bara, at the New York, June 8.—The directors of the them as to whether or not they should use STEP LIVELY GIRLS Colonial. Roche declares the last season at the American Burlesque Association held their an¬ electricians. Star A Garter was the most proAtable in the nual meeting yesterday at the circuit's offices The old officers of the association were then Finish Season at Gayety, Detroit history of the house. In the Colombia Theater Building. Because of re-elected for another year. They are: Presi¬ railroad conditions and the increased c^ost of dent, iJeorge Peck; vice-president. Dr. Lathrop; Detroit, June 10.—Step Lively Girls completed traveling much time wan spent in a discussion secretary and treasurer, William V. Jennings. GAYETY, BALTIMORE, CLOSES the 1P17 '18 sesson at the Gayety Saturday. of the number of choristers which the companies June 8, and the house will be dark until .kngii>t. would be required to carry. FIGHT ON Baltimore, June 6.—The Gayety cloaed Satur¬ Manager John M. Ward states that the aeas.>a It wae Anally decided that in view of the day night, June 1, after one of the most aue- has been a re<-ord-breaklng one for the Culumbit cesaful seaaons in iti history. Manager Billy unusual conditions it would be unwarranted to For Burlesque Franchise in Providence Wheel in Ivtrolt and tliat the house grosx-d Clark leaves today for New York, where he wilt demand that each company have eighteen girls, the top money of its career. The Gayety will Providence. R. I., June 8. —Indications now arrange for attractions for the coming season, altbo the companies will be expected, if business undergo minor changes and l>e redecorated dur point to a big Aght for the burlesque franchise and will then take a much De(Mled aad well de¬ justlAes, to keep their choruses to that number. Ing the summer. Mr. Ward will remain m in this city. It is believed that B. F. Albee served vaeation. It was voted to make sixteen the minimum that l»etrolt for the summer, taking several Great Is behind one move to get the franchise. A few The house will l>e thoroly renovated and made will be tolerated, and this will be adhered to in I.akes rrulses to break the monotony. days ago it was stated that efforts were being ready for the opening In August. a most drastic way. A vote was passed author¬ made to get the old Westminster Theater, now izing any bouse manager to deduct from a show's the Empire, for burlesque. This theater is in 1 Be sure to look thru the Letter list this week. PALACE TREASURER ENLISTS money $20 for each girl that a chorus might be shy from the required number. The matter of electricians was again brought Baltimore, Jnne 8.—John F. Sadowskt. belt. • up. Most of those present thought the shows known to hi* friend* a* “Johnny," treasurer cf should carry electricians. Some producers have SEEN AND HEARD the Palacn Thester, is ioother of Baltlns'r»'« theatrleal family to answer the rail to tl.c already engaged electricians, and some have an¬ By NELSE nounced that they will not carry them. The eolors. To a few of hIs elosest friends "Johnny ' association took the same action in this matter broke the news that he bad enlisted In t'r that it did a year ago, when it refused to dic¬ Lew Turk, better known to burlesqnera as Lew Frank Pierce has at Iaked like convention quarters the night Sam Levy's attractions, is enthusiastic over the t'.ist shines for “your* truly." Rochester, N. T.. June 8. —Frank I*. 8inlt*i. before the all-important day. sucoesa that attended his efforts in selecting an Charlie Baker Is wondering If the threat made for a number of year* treasurer of the Corla able company to present The Pennant Winners F. E. Walters, agent with the Belfrage Shows thlan Thester, a burlesque hotise. has enl.stcd the past season, is one of those lucky fellows by bis daughter, Bertha, to run away with on the American Burlesque Circuit for the com¬ In the I'nlted States marines and bss left fc- who seems able to walk In and pick up a good Grosvenor Ward will come true or not. Bertha ing season. ■■aii’p. Before his connecticn with the Corinthian Job most any time. He hardly more than landed and Grosvenor were seen shopping on Broadway The cast includes; Vivian Lawrence, soubret; be was treasurer of linker Theater when thst in New York, bis season over, than be picked recently, and for a young lady of six years Walter (Finnegan) Parker, Irish comedian; Lew house was under the management of Stair A up a chance to aid the publicity for Hearts of Bertha displayed excellent taste In her selec¬ Lederer, German comedian; Olive Morgan, prima Havlln. the World. He left this week and Chicago and tion* for fhe Burlesque Club. donna; Jim Corelli, Hebrew comedian; Olive Louisville are the spots chosen to witness his H. G, Bkx>me is enthusiastic over the season's Christian, Ingenue; Charles Steffle, straight; Arst efforts. business done by Herk, Kelly A Damsel's Ctb- Bal>e La Tour snd Sid Gould, who left bor Gstty Jones. Juvenile; Bert Lawrence, character. Chris Neumann has a Job working from mid¬ nret Girls on the Americsn Wheel. The show le*<|ne for Tandevllle, nnished their set *♦ Harr Fully satisAed that he had accomplished the night until eight o'clock In the morning. He Anisbed well to the front. Charles “Kid" Kos ford. Copn. It I* prol>*ble they will return to !> desired results as far as artists were concerned, says the only drawback to the Job Is that some ter was the agent. Kosfer will pilot The Fol¬ burles<|ue. .Mr. Whitehead arranged for a meeting at the of his friends suspect he has turned burglar. lies of Pleasure, his oM love, next season. Burlesque Club with Walter G. BretzAeld, who “Too hot here for me.” said George F. Bel¬ Manager Charles nnberg, of the Grand Thea¬ will furnish the Pennant Winners with some¬ frage the other day, slamming down the lid to ter, Hartford, and his adveftising agent, W. C. ALAMAC THEATRICAL HOTEL thing stunning in the way of ei^stumes. his desk and lighting out for Haranac I..ake until MacNaiighton, spent the week end In New York. (FsrsiMly Ntw Ragast) Mr. Whitehead hopes to reach his home tn business makes it absolutely imperative fur him They made the trip to New York In ITnberg'a JOB T WElSklAX. Ptot Chicago during the week for a muebneeded and to return. Ford. Manager Flnberg ha* be-ome s most ex- wellmerlted rest. For the rest of hla vacation L/>ole Gilbert will [lerf Ford manipulator, and -tgent MaeNanghton 14th ind Chestnut Sts., St. Louis, Mo. be found at Onset, Mass. Mue Messing will testlAes that (‘om'ng down he broke the Ford CAFE AND CAIARET probably be tempted to follow him there at an record fr< m Hartford to New York. BEST BET ON THE CIRCUIT early date. Caj*t. Henry Jacol>s, of the Police Reserves Member .\ V A . Burlrsqus Club tiid 8. L A CEKTRHLEKGUIVINCCO. Altbo Joe WInants did not Anisb out the sea¬ THEATRim OE/ICKERrEEIbRMEE/ of Manhattan annot> with the I oit-ln Jaecd’s. Mor-eve-. a contract now lay* burlesque elite. Mollle has had a wonderful 'n Captain Jacobs' streng boa In the Columbia season, and her show is going even now, after Tlieator Building, assiiriiig Idin that the Btenmer the burIeH<|ue season has been declared over fur “W. 11. Frear" Is at his eonuuaiid for the outing, three or four weeks. Mollle Is some addition to providing It is not acquired for governmental burlesque, and she is that seldom met with para work, In which event Bteward Tom Ward will gon—a ((erformer who possesses builnesa ability provide swimming trunks, and the boya ran have aa well as acting talent a iwimming eontest en route to College Point igr JUNE 16. 1018 T ti e Billboard

HENRY C. JACOBS, gram arrived from an Bastera agency head, wh. Is one of the clrcnlt’s executive officers, request log that time be seenred for a certain well Promoter of Ourletqu*, Honored by known art. Tho this man's request Js ex|uivalent Manhattan Police Oepartmant NDTHER “SOMEwmK uhiDAY hiAT lh^iLAST” lltll (JuAt off press), a song *>f romfori sini *h**er for erer/ H j to a demand, the Western exe,-atlve was for, e fWgr waits ft^r solfUrr lad. | j to rx-ply with a regretful ‘'nothing doing.” w ^ nrk. Jiinr •>.—Si'lilum if I? tlwrr In his telegram of refusal It was pointed out K phll^ntlimi'lc or a iiiiiri-iii. ut for tin* rr- that the art In question had re,-ently played tl., Western Circuit for eight weeks and had he,-- ll'f nf ilimn-nn or lH-tt»*tuinit i.f manklml that !lun..wnr..ru-r '•l' sxH-n HO often previous to that that imsxrporatin:: i:.. tliiatrU-al frnt'Tnit). »* a a .. fiiuntl INNOUNGEMENT Red Cross and Knit, Knit, Knit” itw name on a bill would give it too much of li.'.'lnir It roiiiM fo T'i'unlary iM*rvli>eal fur every real firl lu do .omethina in It l'.iu>-t be a'iiulltrtl lij lltiMte fanilllnr with This question of ‘‘repeaters” Is one of the IIh-ko slirnna times. hardeet with which circuit beada have to ,leii' < •nillt'on* In New Vurk I'lty that. ••onaHorlnr Vaudeville lattrons steer clear of bills who* I'lc eu-iiio;a.II*Bn puUtb n Inhabiting Manhat prexiominant act* have been seen recently t i.m. It !•' the Ix".! . Itj 'In the roiin- Ynii I ivp Wirpc- "WHAT DO YOU SAY, BOYS?" iox-al bouses, especially at a time of the yei: I'f te'furm luanjr come with the best-balanced bills, of acts whb-l, I rarle,! TTbea whb'h rtoinlre un'. lulteil time 2C0 N. 15th 8U have not been “done to death” In a giver .ii'l la'- r. It la not .mljr ^•(l•'al. b;t pra<'llral ACME PUBLISHING CO., PhlladelBhla. I*a. locality. !' a ta.'lr of aeriou* mln• b e In the pnKertlon of U'o an.l prop. names would liaxe the double box-office value of . IT. I-’irlna the paat wi'ek <»!;»er Nbiri*.".!, prestige rex-eivx-d from having workexi for the bigger circuit and the fact that they're new to ■ twner I’f toe Moruaeo Theater, tUrn bU Imalneaa the houses played. For this reason circuit heads iij.iijuKer, K. t.lriHix, temlenot the uae of the make strenuous efforts to place sncIi a<'ts, de¬ '■ - o Tb< ater f"r a meetlnt of theatrical men MANUSCRIPT TUMBLES spite the seasonal handicaps and the ‘•nT)eater” siel w.Hion to bear an a.blreaa bj I'ollee In- danger. Were this not *0. bigger circuit heads woiibt = 11 t-r I'wjer on the metlaxla of polb'tuf New INTO POPULARITY SMASHING HIT OVERNIGHT experience little or no difficulty in making gooxl York < 'J. ea|>e< tally within the ronflnea of th* their threats to eliminate the activities of. out¬ THE BEST l«.-nl> xlxth l*r«‘olncl, laiuoilefl on the Sooth hr A REAL 63 side. ten percent agents. For. with many houses TDE TICKLER. I 'ltjr MO .-ml atreet. oa the north bjr Klftjr ninth GINGER [J closing, under normal conditions. It would be a SNAPPY TROT. simple matter to pick fmm the many acta x)f- aireet, t-n the eaat by Sixth avenue .xuj on the NUMBER JAZZ-RAG- fered enough to till the comparatively few bills. ne.t by iliideon Klver, whlrb takea In the FOR MOVIE U BLUES FOR However, the "repeater” aspe,-t makes It neexox- |.'e« li« ku‘eldcut of the Barlew|oe Clnb. Those present were: F. T. Corcoran, sexrrctary CAN NEVER FALL” of the Fnmtler Bays’ Association. Ft. MiTgan. »a-* . ne of the llrat to Iw hoiwreil with a rnm- Col.: R. R. Bonbleday. photographer, of Miles ti l•«Uln l>y the Poll'-e Pejairtment of New York A march song full of pep. By Violet Savage. flty, Mont.: J. L. Miller, Arkansas Valley .A* < iiv, Mr. Jai-oN. now beinx v'aptaln Henry C. sociatlon. Rox-ky Ford, Ool.: S. M. Penny, Cow boys’ Reunion, Las Vegas, N. Mex. Those ex .1. i.|~ Ilf the ^••>tlce Iteaervea. pected. but who conid not be present were; Fog I'rl lay Ia«t the male membera of flie Write MARQUIS ELLIS, ®’® “JiVASGE^ircAUF*.'''*"®’ horn rianx-y. Tex. .Austin, J. H. Burnside, Har¬ I' i Itev-nca aeaembb'd at the Amaterrlam den City, Kan., and Hny Weadick. The latt*- sent regrets, and hia Interesting and contpre I j- X lloiiae. I'orty fourth etrert and Ninth VAUDEVILLE VIOLINISTS! VOK SAL^i DIKT riTEAP—ManusiTipt of the grrat^t extluz-iir Uirk hensible letter was read by the secretary. • cni-, to rena In drlll- violin nolo ev#r wrtticn. ronpetMed fur mo hy « celebrated fonii»o*er aid muAlHaii of international reputathtn. lively, nMeuxrt ftiiiaeie rnAfvrloUA brilliaiK*y on theme <»f **Auld Lang H)Tie.’' antten with surh a The pnrisaxe of this meeting of managers uii.i s.i-l lb iM-rtruent. Many nirn who hold Im- niee ('omt>inati<«i tiY long nutr« oi» the open stringn that rEK>‘OK.M>ai ELAYS Ills tiWN riANO ACCDM- formation of a new associatioD waa to bring the I •• nt |H>-ltlnii> in the theatrical world dl« rANlM>AT. wtUrh u rrry eaay. being made up triplfU and arpoggh'a. Even alihout the ai t-ofnpai.imecit various associations into closer relationship an-i tlielr hata and i-»rmia. flashy trldu that seeru a.^^onnthingly dlflnult. but s.iy violinist playing w>>rk for their betterment, to arrange meetings grasle 4 mu«lr rati hantfle it with the full inotrutnion* that nre in«*tti«)ekl. Tins piei'e hax l>een pUye«l in so that tbere will be no conflicting date*. tr> for the time belny. con-entrale.1 tbelr at- l*ublii| but three tiroen. and ra*'h time it 4‘reaLr«1 a > utivc furore. If you «vant a f^cionic exeiusive Qumber. axlx'tit one set of rules to govern all exhibitions, "■a to the luetm< tlon pl*en them by In Inrluding i'm‘>nahl. that will make ilteir eyea xtlHl out and their ntor.th.A drop w-ver and ( apt. McKinney. . f tlie We»t BCRO. Atlea s Matit Start. Calaoibia. Ma. V S.—OTIIKTI PERKORMKR.S Nlx po* prio^^. r-.'tv -eventh atreet polb-e atatlon. tions governing Cbeyeane Frontier Days were aiK'pfexI. ” I’-'Ibe Reat-rvet. with their natural iutelli There was an animated discnsslo'j relative fo 1- and wiirblly wladom. will peo.e an elll-b-nt pbIStem the otto ZIMMERMAN & SON CO. engIiavers CINCINNATI. OHIO. NO. I NEVADA BUILDING. tlie stanxling or mounted start In men’s relay i|)i>-uont t” the t'lty Police Ib r-artment. there- w. luint nnythlns In M'ulc. rtneo. Bvid. OrcheMn. Haodniltn. C.c. We trruif and puMliih fer amatrarw races, and motion was carried for the standing • r p' -iiiollnif tl»e iMi-i.iI welfare of ea-'h ami Send for price and aamplen. The larawt ■xclualve muaic prlnttn wret at New York, ^wabllshed ISTC. on the gronnxl start. No uniform rules for steer roping n waa preaented to him ranged that all news and ann the preslxlenf - itia. tiinkena, file we I known biirleamte pro- clnb yeetenday. The club la ilombTIcd In a lar.-e some atewarxl. call. ■ •r, la Brat aenreant; Morria Miller. a«-r|tetnt: brown etene front hon«e at No. 1‘jr, YV. Fourth .Ymonit the out of.town burleeqnec* who made Harry Haatlnfa. o>rporal. S.-ver«l ataff officers |•fre,•f, within a half block of the heart of bur. flyinp trip* to the new clnb were: Irr.y Herk ami LIGHTLESS ORDER HAS LITTLE • r-t to be name<1.—NKI-SR. Iciiqne. Tbiwiia* Beatty, of Chicago, who dropped their EFFECT ON NEW YORK The *Ia»* panel* of thn font door are ein- (Tip* at the -Y-itor Hotel, paid their re*pe> t* fo THEATERS Maioned with the (oM monoRrxm, T. B. C. J. Herbort Mack and !4im Scribner, then made THE BURLESQUE CLUB (Continnet from page 3) IhiMinc Into the hallway one baa a cle.xr view a da*h f<-r the club, with Sam I**vy, of Petrolt. a gon are the eotTespe.l that this order for ‘llghtless nights’ came from Walter I^eslle. one of the organlrer*. came over me as a thought x>f my own is D,xt true. I tssncl low^.^r, the wonderful irrowth that would fo|- with atationery bearinc the club'* nionoeram In embiWeed letter*. The wall* are aet off In an from Philadelphia and place,! hi* <>. K. on every the oixler at the request of the Federal Govern •■a their (ireanlaatbsi. Kor some time the amall ment. I would like to read yon gentlemen this attracllve manner by imveral Ilfe-niio palntine-* thing and everylsaly cooneeted with the clnb. •■-"■III. en Seventh aviwne, next dia>r to the letter from General Mann, Commander of the Sam S,'b,'Tilger was the bnelest man about tho -•binibla Tlieater, were ample for their ac'-om- of prominent bnrlewinera. Kasf.” In the center of th* room la a larjre table oo dluh. Sam's mission wa» aiTarently a very The commissioner then rend a letter from -lutlon, iHit when the Kara were let down ad- whb'h I* b- be ftmml the daily ncw«pa|>er* and diplomatic ,'ne Jmlglng fnwn the w^iy he button General Mann which asked that New Y’ork he 'Htie iierfomiera to mrmherahl|< the apptlca- darkenexl. Also he preaented to the commltte,- varioii* iwrlialbal* pertaininr to theatrical*. holed ea-'h member and ewortod him into iwie of ii- iia came In aheaves and It waa found Der-esaary a letter from Colonel Goodler, of the Unltexl tho eoniersatlonal ixKims, from which they later ' - move Into lareer quarters. Thru an an-hway ran he Mw>n a Bnin«wlck |••oI States Signal Service, stating that the wo-k emerge,I smiling. YA'oll, an in,‘reas<'xl bank roll of darkening the city had bwn effectively a■■ I leryotie anillate*ary eiiie» an ante roa-m. with aiatbmary wa-L* very hu*lm-<*- Island resort* and other shore resorts, bnt who llke with It* ndllop de*k. flIInc caldnel. ete. TEX McLEOD AT CONEY tlie Federal Oovernnient requests the action I The aecond fl'.-r front. J«» b.v tk> feet. I* the must accexle.” »»«embl.T room for meetinc*. etc. The floor of New York, June S.—Tex Mcl.eud, the famoua FOR RENT till* n»>m 1* o-vered with c<-n*’on>aiui. The larfe roper, ha* left Chnn-hlir* on Broadway, where .-enter table. «btrt»wnl. -wrvb-e table and ehalr* he has |,een appearing all winter, his van,leTU1e YOl- CAN MAKE ’ntOrsANDS TO MT ONE are I.f <|iiartere.| oak and band carve,!. Next to contra,-ts com|n of 3S.U00 !>»• The chill room* kIiow careful plannini; an,! IH'tuate tho roping atmosphere erx-ateil by Tct first parts. •-'00 single gag*. "taP" xs-me,!} for 0 pxHxple. etc. ITb-e, $1; ,*■ fie Fl.-V* ' ntod do ttilloH from t’olumbus. O., In ta.ty ilctxiralbiua fn>ui llic watlp.i|a-r to the ■ will send N,>s W and IT Semi orlers to • '••ntrnl Ohio (.oixl show town. Tltra- Ili»>r • BOOKERS FIND IT DIFFICULT TO JAMES MADISON, 1058 Third Avenue. 1'“ plnys IcKltimato iittriiotlnns itixi r.in I’rrabli-nt Ib-nry F. jamde. lu *|H.aklnif to The New York. PLACE ACTS FOR OFF SEASON ijnnd for piottirrH anil vaiblovlllo For BtlllM>anl n-iin'«eutatl»i'. »abl- ’•Tom YVard ilc FVom June tSth to Au<}. f.MA. Mr. furthrr Infornintlon ami torms write Horve* iireat credit for the la-raou-xl .iilierTUbin (Continued from pago 3) can hr eonmlttd prrxmaUy at SOi fTatiron that he ha* itiveu to he Mii*lb'*t detail. Ilke- luilam-e desired A fx-w days ago a Chlcag-> Buildinp. San Francisco, about a<'ts to be representative of The Blllls>arxl was In the written to orticr. THOMAS M. LOVE. wl«r the iintlfiuB energy that he ha* ylvrn the private aanctuni of the Western head of one i>f Broad Street Thtatre. Philadelphia. Pa. wx>rk of decoratiw* sud arranyement of furnltUT*. America's must InflueBtlal circuits when s tele¬

I l'n'o clmiMMl pTonfnally aiuonf; thp world'* xroatpst rplpl-ritie*. Tli»> wrlli-r of till* c'oliinjn bail tbc sood fortuoi' to 1h- at tli«> Allmiubra Tboator Id London tbe night of tUi-lr Bmt ap- poaranoo on the other T. Nelson IHiwn* TRICKS. BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Kraiure AiU hi Mind Readlug tuiial musical comedy. Does not require trap*, files or st-n in 5fii hignn at present. He is giving his well- letter. rial background. Drarrlptlna and patUcoUn sent t" Dr. Merlin, of mind-reading fame, who for known performance, consisting of • high-class proresstonal* on appllrallon several years has been connected with The Bos¬ magic and illnsione, spirit cabinet work and The Maglelan.s* Alphabet: ton Amitlean, Is in the t'lty Hospital tliere. suf¬ miud-n-ading effects, featuring his Oriental jug¬ GERMAIN, Tilt MifkiM .V for Amlerson, Albini, .Moxinder, Adrien and fering from a stroke of paralysis. .5ny wizard gling act. Helms has been in tbc magic bus- im KENILWORTH AVE.. - CLEVELAND Alber. in the viiinity Is Invited to c.ill on the doidor lne,-s for over thirty years. and extend a little cbeer. B for Blitz, Bosec, Baldwin, Bertram, Brealan. Ben -Alt Bey, Kama Betzoui, Bnaa, Butler and .la<-k 1.. Barker writes me that he saw Omar Bouton. Sami's show recently and that it 1« some show, l' for Thing ling Koo, r<>mnfe, f'llvette. Tarter HARRY ROUCLEKE left his hotel over in but this gentleman was always noted for his real and Tazenenve. Jersey long enough to be present, and was seen showmanship qualities. I> for De Blere. Devant, Downs, Darwin. D'al- in earnest conversation with Charles Dilling¬ vlnl, Doebler, I»evere. Pe 1-eon, Dnrbln and ham. Harry looks quite a lot like Thnr.ston—In Paul George Hoffman, the t'acadian magician, Parrot. fact it is an even break as to which is the bet¬ was one of the features recently at a Newsbo.vs' n for KHiot, Edna and Wmsl, Kvinion and Er¬ ter looking of the two. Benefit in Montreal. Hoffman i* o:ie of the l>est- vin. MRS. HOUDINl looked very . harming in one known amateur magieian.-i in Canada, and Is kept 1’ for Fawkes, Frikell, Kiy, IVi, Kakir of Eva of Lucille's latest creations, and, as usual, busy at charitable affairs. aniL Hoyds. exuded sunshine and happine.ss. (r for Goldin, Germain, Grausar, Gyngell, Gar- PROP. E. C, T.VYIJ)R. the Chesterfieldian nerin and Gilbert. ILLUSIONS veteran, came from Boston to renew acquaint¬ JOHN C. HAUFF. IIUsIss Bsliasr. II for iloiiilini. Herrmann. Hertz, Ilarti. Heller, llliuirated C*l*i>*ue. Pries. SS cants. ance with his host of friend.s. Hornmann. HMMar, Hamilton, Heines, Har¬ 324 N. Wasttrs Avaaita. Chlcaaa. llllsoU DR. BLAKESLEY, of Kansas Tlt.v, now a rington and liai.siii. surgeon at Mineol i, in the employ of Uncle Sam, I for Isola l>ese> aii.l Ineleby. MAGIC GOODS WITH looked very distingiilshetl in khaki. J ftw Jansen, Jaeohs, J->nes, Jacoby, Jefferinl, JOHN WILLIA.M SARGENT had souvenirs for NEW IDEAS Julian and JoaetTy. "A Vote* from the Great B- everyone at bis table, ecinsisting of War Savings K for Kellar, Kudari, Konorah and Klein. yond." "Tba jfystetr of Dr Q " Stamp Booka, with the first stamp already at¬ and many othars. Orvat ea-s L for Ijifayette, Ia*on. la-poy, Leipzig, I.ynn. log. apcrlsl Data, eapy Ms*'.-at tached, which, upon being opened, was found Laurant, I-ane and LIng-I-ook. Bulletin. 13 evnta THAYER to eontain an excellent likeness of the profea- M for .Ma«kelyne, Maro, Morrltt, Martini, Mick- MFG. CO.. 334 8. 8aa Pt4r*. La* Aaitlas. Callftrala. fessor, and the following poem: Irjohn and Mallini. 1 could buy you a drink for a quarter. N for Nlckle, Nor'aood, Norton and Nleoll. But I'm sure It would do you no good. O for Okito, Oliver, Olive Oiin, Asan and Or- For any old drink, even water. t'ga. Should never be taken with food. Marical Apparatus. Handcufis. Mail But it's straight up to me to buy something P for Pinetti. Powell, Palatine, I’hilllppl, Pot¬ Bags, Milk Cans. Stiaicbt Jackets On this, the great night of our year. -tM'j ' Amasamant Goods. Latga Catalog to-. Pinchbeck and t’entz. Maued to You FRCC. .\nd I don't like to give you a bum thing Q for Queen, Quo Va.iis lilln-loal. l To keep as the night's souvenir. THE HEANEY MACIC CO. Ittt ■* .Knit. Til So won't yon accept this donation. K for Koltaire, R<-«in!, Robert, Robin, Rich¬ And also this sweet, rythmic gem. ard*. Rouilere ami Robin'. ILLUSIONS MAGIC, ESCAPES For the boy* who are saving the nation S for tialvall, Sargent. Sylvester, Stodare, Sar- ntghest quality, expert workmaashlp. prleaa rlgb' and that Uncle we call S M. em, Selbit and Smith. .Send lOe tor list* and Migie Key magssine 1 alll tae UBJntTY RONDS or WAR HTAMPS In pay¬ DK. A. M. WIL.SON was greatly missed, as T for Thurston. Teafa, Thom and Torrlni. ment for (ooilt of all kinds. uiso was Dean Harry Kellar. U for Untban (armless card magician). Usher MYSTICAL HEITH CarroH, Iowa THE TWO HUNDRED AND nFTY GUESTS C. F. Schonlan. D. D. S., of Houston, Minn., and Ulrich. is greatly Interested in magic. He Intends sub¬ voted the affair the best ^entertainment they had V for Vemeilo. Valadon, Verbeck, Vanek, Vyse, scribing to The Sphinx and also The Magic ever enjoyed. Volsln and (de) Verll. wipoaln* World. BEST MAGICIvifllilW HOUDINl, a* Is customary with this human W for Wlndecker, Wood, Wellington and Wil¬ "Ilet*T»--ni*H>e pqtilleatlon of ilie Natlnnal Tne dynamo, sat around and did nothing—but WORK son. Jurars' Aaa

HON. W. W. DURBIN Wanted Quick for Albert Dwight Players join on wire, open June 17th, two Gen. Bus. Men with Specialties. Others write. State lowest salarj'—your limit, not ours. ALBERT DWIGHT, Kenyon Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Theatrletl Patrontga Sollrllad Tad. Harmount Wants Tom People N. Clark tad 0*tarl* SU.. CHICAGO. ILL. in all lines; Baritone and for Bajid. Would Uke to hear from jtood, hu.stlin(? 13 30 to I* M Weekly Agent and Canvasmen. Eat and sleep on lot Crothersville, 13th; Brown-stown, 14th; Medora, 15th; all Indiana. Bill Faihl, wire. NEW JACKSON HOTEL

Big Tent ITieater. week stands. Comedian, doutile band If povlble; Piano, ■peelaltie*. parts, double band: Boss Canvasman., Can malce place for good Kep. Pora«i doubling hand and SpecialUes. Pay own wires. State lowest. Address C. A. CURTIS, oare Curtli-McDe*al4 Cemedlant. AIIImr. Iowa. 13. 14, 15; Hampton, Iowa, week June IStli.

Colored Musicians and Performers. Prefer those that can double B. and O. Good Acts of all kinds. Must be out of djraft. Write and state all In first let¬ ter. State lowest salary with expenses. PETE WORTHING, Owner and Manager, 959 Spring St., Macon, Ga. Don’t pobUeh Rent* or Muale befor* heving reed mf "UuMl of CoBkiiwIng end PublUhtng " ThU bonk ttfee and Btitre money, also givM valuable h'*'** idflCA Prirt. tSr II BACER Ml’BlC CO. IM East MUi St . New TorL (Hy

klusical Comedy Po.ple In all lines for legitimate bills. G<«d study euentlal; specialty people and harmony tingers preterred. Exiierlwoed chorus girli. Bitty Horn. lu-s A-hley. writ,-. JAMES ARNOLD. Gea. Del.. Elmira. New Verh. IIORNMANN

t'hatnueii uf the Sl.*le It-11,4,1 ratio CoinmPte,; of 81a. 2. 470 till Ave.. NEW YORK Oldo, and magical et,thii,iiai>t. Mr. Durbin has Professional CaUlo*. lie HinsI his own magical theater wherein tie dellglita to ritslof KHKt:. W# fmy nr entertain friends. He bs. deemed ooiis'deisble F-hant^ liioe lately to the Lilierty I-oan and Red drom Iwnefit- Mr. DuiMn. thru his a-quaiiitance with maglciana all over tbc glolie, has put bis home Those with spei'lalUes preferred. Heavy man. two general buelneaa men. general buslneaa woman, mmedlan. NEW CARD ILLUSION town. Kenton, Ohio, on the map. Why not an specialty team that plays parts, piano and violin that d>*ible band. Can always uwi vaudevtlle S'-ts. ’Two bills Fur IlliistraUun end effect send annual convention of magicians at Duihln's home? a week under tent Must Join on wire. Address MANAGER TENT THEATRE. Paducak, Keatusky. e 13

siipporte* and owns $600 worth of Liberty laniii Boods. Flow many ran equal that? Ches Davis Co. Number 1 Alackiyn -Vilen and hi* better half rcccutl.r made a Jump from Miebigaa to Oklahoma t<. TABLOIDS Join a dramatic show. Here’.* hoping that the WANTS show prove* as good a.s the Jump was luug. Rome, the magician, who contemplated re SY.LVAN’8 SOlfKTI 0IBL8. a tabloid mu Character comedian, rube preferred# Salary what you toraing to tbe stage tbie summer, ba* ebauge,! ^.lal cumed7 cumi>ail7, openril at GrrmTlIla, hie mind and assumed tbe management of the l>\., «ork of May ‘J7 to guoil bualiM-Hx, l.aat can make good for. Also good quartette tenor singer. »«-rk the ahow lilayiHl McKinney at the Tape Arcade Theater at ConnellsTlIlc, Pa., which re¬ Wire immediately care STATES BOOKING OFFICE, cently changed ownership. I l:rater, with the Harbour rireult to follow. I hi- company featurea wardrobe tei'ial paper, etc. VaudeTllb- fea- THEATER MANAGERS lunw Inrlnde Hilly Hylran, acrobatic rlnglac .lid danciiig cumnlian; the Pour Copeland*, cum- •■i|y quartet; Alrcrna Copeland, child “blue*** To See Secretary McAdoo About Rail¬ -Inccr, and Dorothy Beattie, to«' dancer. Boater WANTED, CLARINET AND CORNET road Rates ^ inrliidea William Bylran and Copeland Rro*., New York, June 8.—Tbe Theatrical Managers' '•iu'l owner*. !>' Cu;Hland, nanag' : M.hn'.e for vaudeville liouse. Sober and reliable. Salarv, $21.00. Protective Association held a special meeting Warden Copeland. .\udre«* W. C >peland .klrerna A. F. of M. or willing to join. Wire W. M. SALVAGE, I'oiM'land. Itorotby Heaftle, Merle Todd, lloae this week to consider the subject of the projtosed 'lorri*. Cattirlne Mcrldetb, Eaale Wbltaell, Myrtle Manager Hippodrome Theatre, Alton, Ill. increase in railroad rates with reference to Its effect upon the theatrical business. The meet¬ Hriity*, HlIHe Herring, Heatr i-e All n, RlUy ing, which was an unusually large one, was Syhan, C. C. Co;ielan4 and Hd Copeland. Tba called to order by the president. Marc Klaw. ihree male membera are Ixyuod the draft aga, There woe an Informal discussion of the situa¬ l.ut will Tolunteer their nerrlce* to work la WAITED FOR DRAMATIC TAB. STOCK tion. and it was the consensus of opinion that the Helds erery forenoon to assist In the sum- Producer with scripts and People in all lines; also Musical Comedy People, all tbe proposed Increase In rates would be a fatal iner'a harreat.—F.DDiHCnPE. lines. State all first letter. blow to a large majority of road productions. THE CIRlJt PRUM lU TI.f.R-S U reported to GEO. VAUGHAN, Princes* Theatre, London, Ont., Can. On motion of Lee Shubert tbe chairman was then )e a clerer organliatiM ami pleasing the pa- empowered to appoint a committee to call upon iroDS. Fvatnres Inclnde Charlie Itoss^ musical WANTED—MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE Secretary McAdoo. General Director of Railroads, rut comedian; Prankle DIamiml, in song* and For our No. 1 show (Tea snd Mabel Kbe«). Ptralght Man; fi>od ippesrance and singer. Bit Man; gnod and lay before him tbe case of tbe managers. dan<-e*; laima Htandlsh, in slnc'.ng specialties; daiiesr or other spwlalitn, and singer. Write quick with full partici.lars or wire. Join immediately. For The following were appointed: Lee Shubert, VI ikxsle and Buw running feature plctupw. Jimmie Elliott Mate time. Wire ItERS THEATRE. FL Wofth, Tern. there is an extra one-’ialf cent a mile on all srites that be 1* making a sucre** as resident I traveling in parlor and sleeping car*. With the r Dsger of the bouse. A ly Musical Acts, Singers and Novelty Acts addition to the eight per cent war tax the in¬ Hn.I.Y KI.WtMiD DEAD—The many friend* of crease will amouDt to thirty-three p,T cer.*, a:;d Hilly Elwood wills greatly regret to hear of hi* wwMI^ ■ bV for Concert Garden and Vaudeville baggage cars, which used to be prorlded free 'leatb, which occurred at the Harrisburg Hos¬ xrith the purchase of twenty-five tickets, will Al-o singers who ran play own acmmptnlnMDL AddreM MANAGER. Hlfhland Park. Quiaey. llllMlt. pital May Jt foHowIng an op<'ratk>o fur ap- haxe to be paid for, as tbe new order eliminates tsodldti*. Just preTlnus to hi* death Mr. El- party tickets. w<*sl was acting a* business manager of the WANTEO-MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE tv .eld Ihsdiing oOlces at Plttsbnrg, Pa. He was *^«m tA <}» m«n to do r«fneil> voociiAii to (k>ui le m tborutt. rnd two choni> girl». CiUt place plaiMD pta>rf at on*'*. State ibClar\ first Mter FITZPATRICK IS ORDERED BY sell known ami well liked by I>oth managers MANAGER. FLORA DORA GIRLS, watk Jaae 10. Fart Sflilth. Arlu: waek Jvaa 17, Bartlafvllla. Ok. THE REFEREE TO PRODUCE and prrfnnner* thraont the country, as he spent BOOKS many years In Hie prwfiss.ua and always WAMTED QUICK (Continued from page 3) b -de himself friendly, with an open hand and iMano plarer. leader vhro •’an u> play for travelLut mutual »how; 20 people. Wire; no time for •-srt to anyone in distress. lie was also well letter*. GUS RAPIER. Ceek*t PaHu Evaetvllla, Ud.; J. J. MliSSELMAN. Mfr. Hawaiian Gardana. the trunks exmtain different matter to the m,'m- Vm.wn In Ilttsbuig, wbe.-c at one lime he was bersbip cards and levy lists. ’’Did you know about the ’S. S.’ payments be¬ a .-artnonist on The Pittsburg Chronicle. Oxer the Top Trio (<’. K. Hip. F. W. Tifton and nite period. After this engagement Mattia will ing made, and what their purpose wnsT” ■niE IHtNRYMtMtNEH GlUIS Brown’st. Lyila .*tpry) Is prvTing a feature. Other mem- take his company on tha road. The show Is ”1 may have known It then, but it may have i< staring June .Vlfred. Is clositig a sms essfnl N-rw Include Bob Demlag. owner and managv’r: ih'W in Its third week to go<>d business. A mil¬ gone out of my mind now.” tiiur of the Harbour Circuit, and Is going Into Hlpp, comedian; Billy Walters, characters; itary MU. entitled Hurrah fiT .\merica. Is one ’’You were very careful to know about cask of the offerings that hi* heen well recelxed. expenditures.” IT, Worth for an Imleflnlte stis k engagement. Noel Traxer*. prima donna; Billie Clark, sou- ”I never *aw the S. S. Items.” Krosn brought his comiany, with the eaceplion bret: Ha^cl Welch, Kthrl Cmhrane. L. Spry, ’Tbe roster incline* Johnnie Matti*. manager ”If you had It would have been Impressed • f a few members, from llie PaciOr Coast, and tl'jyds Cadoo and Da..y Hawley, in the cborus. and Jew «s>mene, U., at the l.Trlc Theater for a two formerly of Morton’s Kentucky Belles Company. ing Dflices.” Hrennsn. as principals: Habe San.lerson, Pat weeks’ engagement. The show played to ei- "Had as much right to do it a* the Cnlted SAN ANTOXIO NOTES—A reju.rt from San I'hurehill, Neta Churchill. IVggle Ra|>ellta. Babe €-eIlrnt business at the Casino. MarshaUtown. ia doing at tbe present time. .kntunlo, Tex., states that there are elexen tab. ’’Was th,Te any statement ever made of Hartley and Toot* Plsk. la Hie chorus; June Al¬ and Mawm City. la. Tlie organixation numbers 18 shows pla.-Ing In that city and xicinitT. The moneys ex;wnded for this purpose?” fred snd Carl Park rlolln and piano. pe«*plc. and carries special sienery. Dan Sieg- "No, bnt I don't Imagine tbe amounts were Majestic is booking Interstate shows. Milton WIN.ME WIlj*t»N writes tbsl she haa re- ler, straight man, will leaxe June » for bis very large.” Shuster’s tsimpany has playtsl tuat city nine ■otered from a seod serbwis o|>eralloo, and 1* borne in New York City, where he will Join ’•■Mr. TItzPatrick, you were served with a cer¬ weeks. His No. S show is there this week. tified copy yesterday morning of an order from n..n a ismtalescrnt at the borne of Mrs. K. J. t he ixdor*. the Supreme Court. Have you produced the AL Sll-Vn-’ER’S BOYS AND GIRLS—All ' slentlne. Pt. Worth. Tei., and would appre tH*>ks mentioned in that order?” roI’BY <;oss.\NS, the Minstrel Clown, write* members of the .VI Shaffer ILiy* and Girls Com¬ .Isle letters from friends. She also eiten.ls "No, but I am willing to pnslnce anything I t'Mt be baa cU>*e-l a suci-essful season with Zar- pany are doing their bit in aid of tbe ’’great have <'r can get.” sin.-erc Uisnks to TrUle Vuttin for l‘i row’s Zig Zag Town Girls, and w ill open with cause.” Three members haxe been ilTafted, and Attorney J. J. Myers suggested to the Referee she baa shown |n her iMIss v\Us.,n's) lltnens. that he would try to obtain pis«-es»lon of tbe Vogel’s M n.lreW. which will make bis ninth exery iiiemN-r has purchawd a Liberty B«'nd. Il-T t.|,|re** Is 11;3» St. Isoits atenue. season with the Vog- 1 tnuii-e. Bt'bby also say* mlselng do,'umenfs if the Referee wo-jld agree I-a I’ctite May Jolueil the *1k>w at Mc.Vlester, that they be kept secret, as otherwise the man¬ TIH: PltT ADII.I V HllUJt (T. Wsme Wllw n. that hereifler he will be found with a tabloid Ok. She I* a clexer toe dancer.—CCSIIMAN. agers would take revenge on those whoso names manager) rn">et being In their se-noil week at show instead of a eln u' dur ng the summer were mentioned. The Referee informed Mr. KOBT. OSWALD, eci-entrlc ciMnedlan, with E. < amp Serler (Hreenville). S. C. Also that the m->nths, allbo hr has hud some pleasant tintes Myers that be was not going to enter into any F. Merserean’s Mile a Minnte Girls, left that bargain with tbe White Rats Actors’ I'nion re ■ eatber la hot. but business gik The roster while clowning w'th different circusrw. •-omi>any a» Wilmington. X. C., to Join the colors. garding an order from the Supreme Court, and follows; Herb Carllle. Wm. Morse, James Hahn, Tm; lORD A Vv|i\o\ No. 1. at the Gem Oswald had been with the show for oxer two turning to FltzPatriek said: ”I dltxft you to T Warne Wilrnm. Krelyu Murray. Babe IwIVtft. Theater, I Itlle Koik. as the hill for the first pnslnee tbe books and records mentioned at the rear*. He was also with Bert Jackson'* Girl* next hearing.” Besirice Pretagne, Ruth Baker. Isura May and half of last we«'k put on a flxe-ai t xaudexllle of Tw In tbeir the Orpheum Theater. LiMii*vllIe. Ky.. Lv the Inc*, bad been examine,! by Harry DeVeaux in tiiissle Vernon. In an original act, entitled Flf- ,>twn court recently in a libel suit. f'sirth Week on the Lo»w Time, with twrlvs past forty-six week*, expect* to be i-alled to te»-u Minnies of Nonsense; while the chorus of It deveIoT«,l during tbe examination tbat at werka to fnlg.w, the color* m'me time during the enrrent month. one time the funds were banked t,> tbe Joint ac eight addeil its excellent efforts between tb« •'ll ”1111. of the t'M|.- V *s Toale act. S|t;x all tOMMl XTCATIOXS—The atten¬ (xinnt of Mountford and 'FltzPatriek. but Fltv- act*.—DHGI* which rlisHsI the aeaaon at IhieMo. Col., kfay tft, tion of c.>rre-«|iondent* i* again called to the fact Patrlck said he’always notified tbe New York TITF. loHP A VF.UNON No. J reports doing offli-e when cbe«’ks were drawn on this account. spent a week'a res reatloa at IVnser N f. re op n that all contribution* to The BlllUoir I must be The hearing and production of tbe missing •ng a two weeks’ engagement at the Victor nicely thru Gklabonia and Texas, and altho the signed by the writer. Sexeral raxr-lnge an- dm-iiments were ordered for June ’JS. comiiany has been on the road bat a short time Gl>era Ilonse, Victor. Col. After playing a niOineements and other artic’e* of Inter,-t con¬ lexeril return dales bare been offere,iM;*l.e,l nnt'l xeriflesl. Maiion Jolne-1 recentl.x as prrslnripg <-oaiedtsn. lump dlrei't to the American Theater, Kansas SIGN Y’Ot’K NAME to all c,‘rresis'udeni'e. tTlr. The show earrles twelxe i>eople, *pe<‘lal scenery, VISIONS KUOM VIN <»VKR THE TOP OIRIJt iBoh Demlng’a) rle._ ami Is iimler the management of FVnnk TIGHTS I aMonte. Graee Vernon, soubret, la being fea- R,d»ert N-'Ison. the popular straight man of In all Batsflal*—but at Te still on the Barbour Time and report baring bast pads and ir.tkr fw ■ 'rtiT organliatlon and doing nicely. The liire.1, D-tve Newman’s Monlin Konee C»>mpnuy, has a 11 rROFESSIONAL.* M.MtHIKD Walter Bechton, of Cincinnati, Jtdned the ”boy* oxer there.” .Vt the 3nal of Posing -Vet. Diver*. Sks* «n. Clrcis Perfonoers. now ailxertlsing agent for the Majestic Thea¬ bis last performance with the show a sodden etc Padding. Prog. Soike ter. Camp Traxls tSan .knbwtio. ’Tex.), to .\da bait was eallct and emo of the memlw—* made a and Mookfj Suit*. Elas¬ Yl Miller, also of Cincinnati, at .Vnoiaton, .Via., little si-ec'h, at the cl,»-tacalar to a m.xrked decree SAJmjT'O Empire Theater, after trying three weeka of larala Morris, stage manager of the Columbus JOHN SPICER. Burressoe to Spicer xamlexllle, has retiime-il to musical comedy Theater at New Kensington. Pa., won’t take a Rro* , tabloid, and that Johnnie Mattls and bis Baby back seat for anyone when it eomes to showing M WsadblM Slrsst. INdl Company hax* Iwea engaged for an Intlafl- the patriotic spirit- He la an ardent Red CroM ’’Tbt Fsar BardA" Broeklya. N. Y. CAPABLECAPABLE “BOOSTERS” r'AQPP'P’Qr'A^PFR*^ inspire^atriots AN ASSET TO PUBLISHER Aor EiK o ;’r.r“r,„r Y^Y^^ YYY^YYY '* •ntx'rporatod in the pDdi'avnr to l<>rat<< nn - Iflllj IYM|| lc|4Vlr Vv talont. and. Im Idmlally. tu »h..w wh.f. Plentyp.Plenty of, pReal TTT Talent inm TheirTt. COLD TYPEA A K A^AuREVIEW ▼ am^ yy ,

Ranks, Which Is Quite Often . P T,„npnh«1,. r-w Mermaid ar'n,,.. ITa<*rlUsed AdvantaffeouslvAdvanfaMmialv Designed to acquaint performertperformers with principal qualities of new, published ^ Y.. a«i aotwd with a lyn.ai us aVA /\avanvage yj songs.sonQS. OnlyOnl/numbers numbers whose orchestrationsopchestrations maymsy be secured from publisherspufalishers sreare in»piraM<>n. «aHe,i We'ii Raa the Kaieer i. Lyby Artists considered. Unless otherwise indicated the publisher maintains a New York or p.,y, ^e ahowed to rarlou. i.e., Chicago office. pta Jn Muale R'>w. Kaeb ixibllaber or wr.ter approached “raTed" about the number'* p^i PerformersPerformerR harehave one friend who never fails exPIjIXATORTexpijiN’ATORT KKT:KET: LV—LyricalLV-Urleal valuavaluw irv-Mu.dcaIVfV-yTu...lcal value. EA-EspeclallyEA-Bspeelall, adaptoladapts for. C.EOE-‘kilties, -C..m- but. after various pn.mlw* w-r* them—the “booster.” In the Involved pttx’essprtx’ess eral estimate. C—Comment. PV—PhonographPV—Phonocraph value,value. made. «>ur reailer *1111 found the numlier on of building up vaudeville to Its present propor- _ ---_ _ _ __.v. .. _ . . . I hla hand* unpitl>R*hed. He asks u* to print It. „_ V *... „e .h TITERE'.SI A SKEI.ETON IN HER CLOSET (RATTI.IN'. RAT’n.IN”, R.Vm.IN’). by Charles ,h., mi,ht h.ln mnmr. tions, beeauae of the peoullnr manner In which _ ,, ...... i_ ..I,., _i,i, tmnaing that mignt neip some. * i , MeCarron and Carey Morgan (published by Shapiro-Bernsteln). l.t—Tells. In clever style, with, vaudeville laurels are awarded, this faithful |«,inted lines, of gossip relating to manner in which Mary Brown manages to secure “ring* and tVE’I.L R.ti} THE K.kISKK TO SLEEP, B<»Ys friend never received full creillt for bis pains, things.” MV—Forms suitable background. E.A—Stage, particularly gd for lady single*. «E- i ' I But lately the booster has done so much more Tho the theme is risque the handling is superb. C—Many performers will find a place for this. ' , nt • C ...... ov|.Y-_Optional. ' s r • •^ • Yi.,*tMost evev’ryone ryone likes to hear music.music, than was usually expected of him that It seems ‘ '—upuonai. k.l«.r l one of them f • likely the old performers’ attitude towards him WHEN THE PINE.SPINE.*? OF ALSACE WHISPER DIXIELAND, lyriclytic by Jack Frost, musl.' by K. „ i?*’ ' . ”, ’ will be changed.changed Clinton Kelthley (published by McKinleyl.McKinley). LV—Of the "lonesome”’’lonesome” ballad type,t.vpe. telling of one ••*• aetniingsending nia boy*Ooy* in AlaaceAlsace who longslonga for sweetheart in Dixie. MV—VeryMT—Very aweetsweet and sympathetic. E.A-TOeneral. To play for the Rod,Red, White and Dine: This exceptional service, the one that will gE—WGE—Wellell handled. C—Performers will find audiences in sympathetic accord. PV—Desirable. CHORUS probably serve to remove old-time prejudice, lies KEEP TOURTOX’K EYE ON THE OLD B.ACK SEAT, by Wendell W. Hall and Spencer Williams ...... , , . ■ ; ) in the manner In which ordinary boosters come (published by Hall). LV—A warning to married men owning autos, explaining that while they’re ' • xaiser to aieep,P. noya.J . to the rescue of vaudeville “singles” playing riding with rhoruschorus girls their wives mavmay be Inin the “back aeat.”seat.” MV—Embellished with rag- Mlth«lth the music of guns toso awecL the big time Act writers admit that the repeat flourishes. E.A—Stage. GE—A good blackface comedy song. C—Covered above. PV— I-gt’a give him a bombshell one-step ’•single” act is hardest to prepare. When one upon many factor*. And a tank attack walti that’a neat. pi^rnon engineers an entire act there 1* little, if MY BKL< sleep in vaudeville. The “single” may introduce pat- dilficulty In "putting this over.” PV—Acceptable. ter between verses and cbomses of songs which PAUL REVERB (WON’T YOU RIDE FOR US AGAIN?), words by Joe Goodwin, music by keep the audiences In a good humor, but, unless Halsey K. Mohr (pubiisbed by Shaptro-Bemstein). LV—Explains the present day need of a Paul I’ncle Ssmmle’s boys kn.-w how in |.la.,. something exceptional finishes things up, there Revere to again stir us up with his heroic ride. MV—Stirring march. EA—General. OE—Sim p,,, fighting music I* In llieir line is little likelihood that anything more than “■r ‘n construction to same writers’ Liberty Bell. O-The average audience will appUud thl* passive approval will be registered by the an- ■aentiment.’cm.n.cu.. PV—Optional.* . dlence when the sone ovele Is comoleted Even the WHEN I GETS OUT IN NO MAN’S LAND (I CAN T BE BOTHERED WITH NO MUl.E). ... ^ ^ intnvme.ii»re f-iiu frentientle fall* flat hecanae *'• Sk'dmore and Marshall Walker (published by stern). LV—^Tells of colored TOlonteer, (RKI L\ The ”bunk.feo.>Iy audiences have heard so much that they^have animal would Interfere with his efficiency as a soldier under difficulties. MV—Draggy rag. familiar with the ways of music ptil.l .h*'•» become Immune to It, BA—Stage. GE—Good comedy handling. C—Stage use should win laughs. PV—Optional. 0,an, promise to get after a gniiilo-r aU'l It is in such instances that the booster mod- WE’LL DO OUR 8H.ARE (WHILE YOU’RE OVER THERE), word* by I.ew Brown and then forget all about It «••( only ••nieWmc pstly does much to preserve the standing of the Al Harriman, music by Jack Egan (published by Broadway), L\ Tells o* mother cheering her baptiens bat al»> fre,tucntly, line w-uibl tlilu'. act. A lady single will go thru her cycle wn t(> victory by assuring him that what ti^ Implie. will ^ done. MV-Written around a very that aome publisher who read, the daily pa;. ... 7 appoallng strain. E.A—General. GE—A good thought, well expressed. C—Title could also be . , .. V . without evoking exceptional applause, when. 0^^, jjp^p You’re Over There.” PV—Acceptable. would have enough gnulg- agalnal the kalwr suddenly, a male booster, with a strong voice, HINDUSTAN, by Oliver Wallace and Harold Weeks (published by Forster). LV_.An to publish this, esi>eclally since Tsme-nboljT.nmnhoh .<.* will sing from a box. putting over the new song description of the land of camel and caravan. MV-Slow. with well worked out harmony. »a name with a• decided German *ounV-^ptional. mlth almllar title p.*bll,he.l in n. jectlngJectlnp Hong(isongs into the wordless musical offering WE’RE';"***■ HERB,* LAFAYETTE. \\ E RE HERE, by Addison A. Dart and Edward Anten. Jr, d^in't know of this, but the McKlnler M it* • (published by writers. Prlncevllle, Ill.). LV—Assuring the great Frenchman who aided America fomi—nvComimny hashaa one railed When the Kalta-r learn- and making the act 100 per cent better. ' of "^ourour reciprocalrecipri feeling—in France. MV—Effective 4-4 time. EA—Patriotic gatherlnga. GE— ,, to G<*>se'St<>p to a G'axl Old .American' Rac The booster, In these Instances, Is not pro- Title revealetrevealed too soon and repeated too many timet for popular purposes. C—Covered above. G<«>*e-8tci The lyric we’re consWerliig Is well knit hut grammed. He asks no especial favors, usually P'”—Optional, so many antl-kalser *<>uga are written that tli" even permitting the programmed performer to matter of their tiupbllcatl<>n Is becoming .n acknowledge the bows registered by the booster’s f«^w ww creaalngly dlffi< uH.—SONG WORLD EDITOR ) efforts. The audience seldom knows who the I l-J I booster Is, believing, when the work Is probably THISM M M.M WEEK’S SONG OF SONGS done, that he or she ha* been engaged by the REHASH POSTERS performer to add a punch finish to the act. Chlc*-;o, Jane lO.—Many of the el*N>ralely Of course those on the Inside (Including the I’M SORRY I MADE YOU CRY painted poster* impressing title* of new p.i performer) know that the booster has been sup¬ triotic songs In the window* of the W-'.-'we*' plied by a publisher, who is eager to secure a stores on State street f-irmerly ai'rved the “am By N. J. CLESI (PuhUthed by FEIST) strong initial introduction for a new song. pnrjiose for patrioOr numbers b<»>*ted earlle" In the olden da.vs successful performers looked In the war. In msny Inatam-e* the <11 III'' upon boosters with something akin to contempt. , , , have been eraaetl most carelessly and the po«t A simple little ballad—so simple, in fact, that it admits of both serious and ”ja»” handling The theory was that singers of Initiative and I —that Is proving It* worth to many vaudeville act*. In writing to publisher performer* should 1 *''' ahahby from constant handling talent could paddle their own canoes In vaude¬ state which version they desire. of tliem have a luillerou* effe<'t upon o*iserver> ville, without being forced to work anything becau*«> their designs, which were apph'prlal ■ from a picture show to a park casino in order to for the songs they originally deserlbei. I>e*r 1‘* glean a livelihood. The performer then only tie or DO relation to the subject matter “'ig met the booster In the capacity of actlander, SONG LOGIC geafed try tho new titles. and it is not natural to afford especial ronsidera- tlon to those who try to induce one to use cer¬ CRIPPLED COMPOSER’S WORK tain songs. FORESTALLING “RINGERS” But all this Is now changing. The existence .. , .. Performer* know that whenever anybody breaks the lee of everyday songs with some new Five Patrioticrwiriovn. *y.urn,juBi*iuiCompoaitions • Aid Red en lal concerns which can pay good jjjp market is almost immediately flooded with numbers in a similar vein. Were this not *0 CroaaCroat boosters almost as much as they’d receive In publishers would find a splendid advertising asset in calling attention to a style of number insti- - , 11 1 - vaudeville. fOTmtng a tempting bait for singem tuted by their writers. But after five or six songs are written along a single tack nobody XTIcag»i.rTileag»i. Jnne S.—New*S,—New* corneacome* from Ile^lc• e who like to establish (termanent homes, has done know* or care* who originated the style, each song standing upon Its own aiqx-al. Formerly Mo., that J1e*alrhel(>1e*aly cri:* much to build up the escutcheon of people do- Publishers waxed Indignant over the situation and instituted law suits against the pirates. But l>'- [lerformer'* influence. The capable booster is oruici a luoueuvc. uv aolo uuoBier *» portsDce of mechanical instrument earnings, subordinate all other departments of their business . t ... . .i.i. ■•,,..1,**'' of the best assets possessed by the up-to-date 1 in order to succeed in this field. But the phonograph people have learned that there Is nn meihisl ^ *’* t 'T d *• 11* e< . m publisher. He forms an essential link between of securing a corner on iKinKwrlting prospects. Judging by past achievi-ments. The timeworn ciipstlons, many of the Isiya In the bigger igtl new songs and the field In which they must system of awarding new contracts to writers of last year’s hits finds the plionograph r.-i-ord maker are einlwarlng an oii|*.rtnnlty to serve, the flourish In order to establish sale* records._1 “ peculiar dilemma when none of the songs contracted for "show up.” while writer* who have '(Ulrenieut* «if which are quite similar t<> their CASPFR NATHAN ignored pnsluce successful song*. Phonograph people must calculate far In advance, but regular nccnpallons. Thia la.nslsta In j"lntng they have found that this kind of calculation doesn’t pay—and biitlnes* concerns siM.n dlsiontlniie f),, entertainment f<.r soldier* f.wrew M.s-t ■ f - practice* that prove unprofitable. Unless they .an devise some manner of printing up samplea „ , ,, i,,.,-., .-.rmit piihll*her*’ S..ldler Bova by Ckirle Worrell published Promlaing songs they will frequently find themselves possessed of re.-orda not wanted. , , ^ ^ ,hi. lervh-e a* ^ jwi el! jv while songs meeting with success on the popular market pass Ihelr meridian ts'fore phonograph '"'Ployee* of draft age to enter this *e . by Herbert « Company, It beln^ featured by rerordt hare lieen prepared. It It Jutt at unproflttble to tdrertlte recordt after a »ong It on tbt l<* t grett demtnd for thot** "* Craig Campbell. decline as it is to announce records of sure bits that never “ahow up.” qualify. 1 iCanH Go Wrong Wiih a


Words by ^ l GRANT CLARKE and HOWARD E. ROGERS This aong axprettat patriotism from a new angle in a com¬ edy way. Telegraph reports from all parts of the country pronounce this song the best comedy number yet produced.

137 W. 44TH ST., NEW YORK FEATURED BY THE LIBERTY QUARTEHE IN QUY EMPEY’S NEW COMEDY. CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA Grand Opera House Bldg. Broad and Cherry St. Professional Copies and Orchestrations FREE to BOSTON ST. LOUIS Professionals that mention The Billboard, f 181 Tremont St. Holland Bldg. CLEVELAND 308 Bangor Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO Pantages Theatre Bldg. Lyric Theatre Bldg. JOS. W. STERN & CO 1556 BROADWAY NEW YORK

HARRIS’ SONGS ALWAYS A HIT MINSTRELS, NOTICE! Many ilnr^ri. •>■ the bif tine are n.lns Harrie The New Patriotic American Tipperary Song R. P. Gleason, now a aatlor on the U. 8. 8 .'•nj hlt». He'a My Boy iteem* t«> be me of the Utah, writes: •'The boys have a line minstrel c ••ite«t farorlte*. Tom Olllen. tmofene Comer HIT OF THE WORLD organizatioD, Inrlndlng band and orchestra. and MrFarlane and I’alaee all u.lng it to §0.^1 effeef. K<>» and Mayo »ay they oerer fall to Some One talent was found among the Utah's «i.>ii the «h'<» with Break the New. t« Mother. erew. Would appre.-iate »ery much If the min¬ Thii. •>ns alM. I. being with eiio.-raa by strel men would sen.I us their Joke books, new I m sene Comer. Buma and K lawn‘and N.'nnette. gags and songe and music; in fact anything per¬ r .tn Oillen |>|.'a«ea with Wbal A W.'nderful taining to minstrelsy.” Adlrees R. P. Gleason. l•-..am It W.iiild Be. Other hi* hita ate M.>aa I*. 8. Utah, care P.istmaster, Box 5, New A Kree'a lateat aiireeaa, leare thi* \V.»rld a York, N. Y. IJttle Better Than Yon Flml It: Eddie ta^mard'a sweetneaa. Ili'neyaoekle of Mlw. and Van A wheiH-k In I Miaa the (lid F.dk. .Now. GLATT COMPOSES BAYES SONG Chlcaeo, June lil.—Ahe Glatt. well known In PREPARING CATALOGS local music pablishing circles b>M;anse of many years' serrlee as staff pianist for varioua coa- "In right” song wrlfem are n.ov baslly en- eem.s, comiwised The Man Who Put the Germ j i.:eraiso of great Anierleans, in song f'stu-ed writers to offer eveeptlonally form, w^hicb N.>ra Bayes is featuring in the Co¬ rood manns.'ripis for the fall wawn, and now han Revue at the Grand Opera Ilotiae. 1- the time when these new songs are whlppoi Into shape. Mimi of the Mgger h'Sisew do not GOODELL DOING WELL • ei»n.l meii rban.-e in the matter of getting t'eir songs resdy. but want to know well In (hicago, June 10.—Walter I. Goodell. who •'.Hanis. Just what nunibera will l*e wporke.1 on. originally came Into the limelight as a moalc Il Is up to the writers to present 'scripts wli|.-h arranger when he assisted Charles Miller before l.s'k snltl. lently gi.sl on their fsce t.> warrsnt the latter established himself in New York, Is >I7 appridiriatlons for energetic catupaigns, now meeting with success as an arranger and I'Intvi i| well Into the future. .Himiiowr of bigh-elass muste, with his offlje In Room 114 Auditorinm Building. A REAL COMMUNITY SING

I'lil.'ag.t, June «. The Women's C.>niniiltee of STARS IN THE MAKING llo- Couiirll of Nslhmal Defense arrange.! a Chicago, June 10.—Commencement tirow Is tti'ni. ipai I'l.-r procnni for Friday night whi. h here for tlie more prominent Chh-ago conservs- 111. bided. Iirsl.l.w a children's clmrus ikki strong. tories. From the many gradnates now going • .Sunday Evening Club, the A|ni|Io Club, the forth to secure professional engagements—moat 'Shall Eleht Cleirus and Great I.akes Hand. of them totally unknown—the few who are des¬ i.r.iTlsle.’tators to join In tined to gain fame will make their presence • he singing of The Slar'8|>angled Itanuer and known In eoarert and operatic fields as the -eversl other patriotic songs. Kreilerick Hfork, years roll by. llosspiier Cole and John .kiden Carpenter .nm I’mfi'jeriGiiiil fGpics mw rr.icly. <)rrli(*8tration.s in .my key. If you arc in Now Iiose.i spe.-lal music for the o.'ras|.

GUY EMPEY DONATES SONGS WRITE TO THE MAIN OFFICE - Chicago, June to. -8. J. tCtis'is\ ■ pianist In RemIrk's Chicago oflice, will wcl Matilda aimoninl. a South Side s.s-ietj girl, June HO. CHAS. K. HARRIS Matt Klein, an attache of the firm's professional ColHmbia Theatrt Bids., St. ft Broidwiy department, will l>e l>eet man. hV'ddy Wright, manager ..f the Feist Phila¬ -NEW YORK- delphia iSfii'e. is spending a ahiwt vacation at Atlantic City. Miss Myrtle Talley Is in chargo while he la away. (touring into the New York office In such quanti¬ REMICK PRESIDENT ties as to decide Mr. Walker to preoent hi* com¬ WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS plete production of The Book of Job on tour next Of Detroit Symphony Society season. The Interest in hi* dramatic presentation of Detroit. June 10.—Jerome H. Remlck, well the actnal old Testament test 1* by no means known music piibllaher, was elected president Will Be Continued Under Management of Lewis c-onflned to the Vnlted St.vte*. London Sketch of the Detroit Symphony Society at a meeting secured photographs, which will apttear In an of the Ko.ard of Director* June 7. The wx-lety, & Gordon—Former Members of Com¬ early Issue. Clippings from French ncwspaiwr* w Ikch Is sixiosor for the Detroit Hymphony Or- I'oncemlng the production have been received. chestra, I. in splendid llnanrial condition, tlsslp pany Will Be Retained And even from Hongkong. China, came a letter, t:ahrilowltiH-h, n-.-ently appointed conductor, wa> asking technical questions concerning Mr. given ahstdnte control of the perH>iiDel of the Walker'a lighting of “Job” and certain of the orchestra, with full |Hiwer to engage all play¬ Dunsany plays. er*. .tmong the artUt* who will appear a. aolo- ist. during the season are: Helen Stanley, Flor¬ SUMMER ENGAGEMENT REHEARSING FOR LAMBS’GAMBOL ence Hinkle, Clara Clemen*, liabriluwltach. Hiilda Lashan.ka, l,ambert Mutidiy and Reln.ld BEGINS AUGUST 19 New York, June 8.—Behearsals for the Lambs' Werrenrath. singer*; Uulom.r Novae*. Olg. GamtKd. to be given at the Hudwn Theater SaDi.vroff, John I’owell. planlat*. and Kathleen June 14, have been in progress the past week. Powell, violinist. The orchestra membership More than 150 of the principal stars of the w ill be wholly .kmerlcan. Mr. Gabrllowlt*<'h will Five Weeks on Pacific Coast Will Be Followed by| •tmerlcan stage will appear In the gamiml. Four continue hi* selection of players during the sui-ceoding gambol* will bo given on tlte after¬ summer, and will come to this city the tatt<-r noons and nights of June 15 and 16. Tliese will part of 8epteml>er. Tour of Principal Cities—Negotiating be for war charities. WOULD STOP GERMAN'PLAYS fOTlUl X-ICW^IGW ^ToiflclUllV TPhCS-tdr K. & E. STILL RECRUITING - I'L.nTO - -- New York. Jun^ 8.—An organizattoa, with ^ u .. V . T . w 8.—Klaw & Krlangor .-ontlnne Mra. William Jay at ifa hrad. haa Wn eitab N>w ^ork. June R.-Thoae who have watched ^Ing I^uis Mann. D..nald Brian. Josephine Me- „f their new rauMc.l . omedy. ,„ued to atop the giving of dramatic and moalcal the development of the Washington Square tor and many others, and the Hrm has presented jia^ame and Her tJodson. Krank Poane was en- „Ur, In the t'.erman language In New York the. Players during the past few years will be glad several of the offering, of the Washington Important part, ter* Two playhouae. the Yorkrllle and the to know that the organization is not to die. as Square Players in vaudeville. Other* In the cast include Jack Hazzant. IVirothy Irving Pla-e theater*, still give performance. In some had feared. .Arrangements have been - Itrunton and Ada Meade. German, according to Mr». Jay, and, altho .he made by Phillip Goodman, recently called to the BOSTON LIKES MITZI - _ - jj,g addressed letter, to the manager, of both, colors, by which Lewis & Gordon, a wrcll-known t -- ■ WILL PRODUCE BUTTERFLY KISS she hn. had no reply from them. producing firm, will assume the management of Boston, June R.—Head Over Heels, with Mitzl . Mrs. Jay was active In obtaining the dlamissil the organization. Hajos as the star, is proving ia tremendous draw- New York; June S.-It la probable tliat the directorship of the Boston A. L. Lewis will take over all of the prop- Ing card at the Tremont Theater. The reviewera musical comedy. The Butterfly Kiss, will be seen symphony Orchestra snd in having Cardinal rtles. scenery and plays of the Players at ..nee, have been lavish In their praise of both the here next fall. Albert I>e Courville has arranged p.,..- vi...... __ HI...... „H .K. „.,vH...-.i„. ,.-..1. ___ ...... _...... Ftrlcy Iwue hU wamlug to prle.t. who atwlato and wll! assume the position of managing dl- star and the production with which Henry W. for It* Loudon production, but mar decide to .w , .... - **.*j*.%» j_ c« • _ j a a. i. t i . witii siiti‘c*nf iitn dfmonttrtuoiit by rector formerly held by Mr. Goodman. Savage has surrounded her. Others sharing in present It first m New York. The piece 1. by according to her * keiman Rl-h rd As was originally planned the summer en- the honors are Robert Emmett Keane. George Harry B. Smith, and score by Duve Stamper. rvicher ' dlt r f Th° rh * gagement will begin at the Columbia Theater, Marion and Dorothy MacKaye. Edith Allan, - . e o o e roo c e. San Francisco, on .August 19, and a five weeks' Margaret Jarman, Tom Walsh and Carrie Me- BILLIE BURKE AT HENRY MILLER tour of the Paedfle Coast will follow. The play- Manus also are in the cast. STAGE WOMEN’S UNIT era will then begin a road tour of the prlnci- - New York, June R.—Billie Burke will r»main pal cities of the country. When this Is con- SEVEN DAYS' LEAVE TO CLOSE at Henry Miller's Theater In -A Marriage of Enpollad for Homt OofonS# Com- eluded It Is probable that the company will play _ Convenience until June 15, a contract calling for P*By Formed a regular engagement in New Ydrk.Y'flrk. Mr. Lewis xhexj,g Seven Davs'Days' In-ave CompanvCompany plays '*er service* In motion picture* June 1 having isIs now negotiating for a metropolitan theater. Quebec week of June 10:10; Sherbrooke Can..Can., June been extended In order tliat she may finish the New York, Jun* R.—The roster of the newiy- It is the Intention of the new management to y- The season-closes June’18 and the sf'aon. formed company of the Women's Police Reserve* retain as many of the former members of the pompany returns to New York City. Manager - " contains the name* of many Br'wdway favorite* company as possible, and to clewse the repertoire Morton expects to place his act Tlie'®^*-^^^ JACKSON LEADING MAN •“<* ** unofficially known a. the *tige for the tour from plays that have already been paeemaker. as soon as he gets hack, and he v v .i., , u unit. Memher* of the cnnpany were produced In New Y->rk.York. New plays will be announces that be will take a new play to Rochester, N. T., June 8^—5»*lmer JarkMon, a enrolled and a special meetlnf will be held net! chosen for the New Y'orkYork engagement. Canada next year young actor ^ho has won success on the stage, Thursday to rbooae officer# and to arrange for a Many well-known actors have toured under ___ both thru ability and personality, has joined the time and place for police iDstraction and drill. the direction of Lewis & Gordon, 'among them prunre CorMui tup or\r\i^ r\c ir\a He made hla Among the membera of the company are __ tOMUtb hKOM TM£ BOOK OF JOB fi„t appearance this week In l>e Luxe Annie and Zelda Seam, leading comedienne of the Cohan ic Harris force., and Edyth Totten, president of TT; ;; Z Ever since his Lenten production of The B.K,k _ * SPECTACULAR PAGEANT the Drama Comedy Clnb. SPE TAG _R PA EA of Job In New York Stuart Walker ha* been SKINNER CLOSED BIG SEASON *'”* _ AA/'ilB A *\A/U'4 receiving inquiries as to whether It will be pre- ^ Will Be st.fled^ at Washington on box-office men in Toronto. Can.. June 7.-I.,.t Saturday night “SOMEWHERE IN AMERICA" Cincinnati and Indianapolis, where the Stuart Otis 8kinner closed her** tlio most successful aea* Waakington, June 8.—A gigantic Fourth of Walker Company baa been playing repertory son he has ever enjoyed. From here h* went to Approval in Tryout at Fort Jay July pageant, the most spectaeular and patriotic foi" the past two months, report a constant stream New Y'ork to confer with .AI?. Harmsu. general . ~ ever seen In Washington or elsewhere in this questions about It. -And letters from Chicago, manager for Charles Frohman. Inc., before going J'ewNew York. June 7.—Margaret Mayo and her country. Is being arranged here by an advisory" Philadelphia, Boston and other cities have been to his summer home at Bryn Mawr. Pa. little coi^ianycomjiany of alxalz player* won unatlnfedun*tlnfed ap*r conmrtttee, of which Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Is proval Wednesday when they presented for the chairman. The Drama League, aided by the first time Ml** Mayo'* one act play, Somewhere different community centers of the District of In America, liefore the officer* and »o1dter* at ^olumbla. will stage the affair. It will be held Governor. laland. Thla la the first production the Mall. DRAMATIC NOTES of the Ovpmea American Y', M. C. A. sh'iw unit, ij Every recreational activity of Washington is and those who arranged the »b<»w are much Irio be called on to help. .All of the allied na- gratified at the aucces* of the tryout. Clifton Crawford In Shiibert production tlons will be represented In a series of “ac „.7 ' 7. ..: *'>' h ^ tlons” on various places on the Mall, and a attraction at the r,*lno In vaudeville this week by George MacFarUne. WELCOME TO PROFESSIONALS popular national hero from each country will be eater, . ew ork. this siimm'r. The piece Is xiie effect of the war was noticeable In the present In his own group. *a musical complycomisly Inin three act*acts and wa*was writ- I ruction sale of seat*seats for the opening perform- I Theremere 1*I* an organizationorgsnU.tInn of Saroitile*.Raroitile*. whowno At the close of this series of actiorfs the Dorothy Donnelly and Augustus Barratt. ance of the Ziegfeld Follies, the premium* of- were iin<-e liefnre the footlights, at Camp Wail* triumphal march of these nations toward ■world Clara Jlwres, for the past season starring with ^‘■■'‘d Iwlng mueh lower than last year. Bidding worth, Rpartanbiirg. S. C. These boy* send out democracy ■will be represented by a procession William Hodge in .A Cure for Curable*, returned Iwean with an offer of $10i> for their hid of welroroo to all member* of the pro headed by the national heroes to the east front to her home iu Seattle last week, nfler an '"holce of the four proscenium hose* of *li fe**lon who .re sent to the ramp. The orzani of the Capitol, where the tableaus featuring absence of two years, to visit her parents, Mr. eaeh, and the lower tier wa» disposed of zathin 1* known a* The Frofe**lonal Entertain “Humanity,'' “Columbia,'* “Democracy" and and YIrs. IL E. Moores. Dramatically apeak ng. Prl*'"* a* low as $16. era' Club of Camp AVadawnrth. • “Justice'* will be staged. Miss iloore* wa* rocked in the cradle of a He Mrs. Heury B. Harrl« ha* turned the I*ulton - ■ ' ■ ■ - attle stock organization, and when her ambition* Theater. .N'ew Y or’z. over fo the Actor, and FR EE SHOWS FOR M EN IN SE R VICE DAVID’S ADVENTUREADVENTIJRF PIPLEASES PASPQ outgrew her environment her mother bwk her Author, contingent as a summer home until the _ <,ofham. op<'ning of the next ngular season. New Y'ork. June R.—A nerle. of free Sunday New York, June 7.—Those who saw the ini- muidclan and comi.o*er. Lleuentant Earl Carroll, coni|»*ier, now serv- P‘’ff'"'m«nce. of auccesaful Broadway play* tial production of David’s Adventure at the hospital suffering from a growth !ne In the aviation corps, wu» In New York on '* Apollo Theater. Atlantic City, on Monday night ““ thought that a brief furlough last week, an l attended a re ■“"P*''''* *•’' Women’* War Relief, are enthusiastic over the play. Among those Amputation would be necessary, hut a complete 'jearaal of Tlie F'ollle*. Among the plays to be given are Buslne** Be who made individnal bits were Marlon Coakley, »<>* Promised. for*, neasure. at the Eltlnge Theater. June 16. Donald Gallaher, Lucille La Verne and Donald Ylark Swan's new farce, Hhe Walked in Her dam Theater, New York, t., the Gaiety to make ""l.p. •’‘'driK.m and Bath, at the e Me«k.Meek. Sleep, will be presented at the I’laybouse, New way for The Follies, wlil’.-h w il be-ln it* annual _ - - Y'ork. on .August 12, by tb-^irge Bruadburat, nr- engagement June 17. HOPKINSHDPMIN^ GETSDFTQ LADIES,I ADIFP ENLISTFNI I^T rangemant* having le-en completed between him THE WINNING OF MA and William A. Brady. . -» the Irving I’lace Theater, New A o»k, Saturday •Atlantic CMy, June R.—The Winning of Ma. New York, June 10.—The dramatic rights to .Adelina GTonnor ha* U-en engaged for High Adelina GTonnor has Is-en engaged for High night. The theater will r-oiM-n in .Se..temlH r aa a luimeily In four aets, by Isaac and Mlckacl 1. Nina WUcox Putnam’s story, I-adies, Enlist, and Dry. a play cow in preparation by Cohan r>. u “ ” . Vlddlsh theater. Landman, will t*.!*• produced by O^h.nCohan *A Harris have been oecured by Charles Hopkins, and the A“ Hurrie. Joseph Klaw ha* changul the title of the at the A|s>l|n Theatw July R. /elda SHira will play will be presented at the punch and Judy While playing In Gut There. George Cohan musical come


Atlantic City, June 8.—David's Adventure, a —Mae nitchcock, who hae long ■Snli>per’ at Chicago headquar¬ George Bernard Shaw, who, writing three year* play by A. E. Thoma*. produced at the ApoUo ter*, I* one of seven young ladles from the ago. declared that the missing ingredient, the Theater here thi* week, bear* all the earm.irk* Windy City to be selected for actual service on si «euce of which had retarded the universal rec¬ of another Cohan A liarri* succes*. The chitr- the French rombat line. Ilesclquarters for re ognition of the motion picture a* a medium of acter* concerned in the action of the play, which crultlng an army of 3,000 .kmerlcan young artistic espresston, wa* taste. Sow that the Is a dramatization of the story. The Driftwood women, who will act as ambnlauce drivers and picture ha* won recognition the occasional omis¬ Adventure, by I.eona Dalrymple. were visualised care for the wounded on the firing line, were sion of tbst all Important Ingredient from Its by an excellent cast, including Donald Gallaher, opened in the Blackstooe Hotel yesterday, with comiKwltlon Is all the more nnfortanate. Ben Johnson, Donald Meek, David Higgins, Frank Mrs. Ethel Langn Drake, of the Drake sec- It ha* been pointed ont too many time* to Kllday, Frank Erbln, Marion CoaLlev, Madeline tlon sanitaire of the French Army, in charge. merit rvi>etltioa that lark of taste has ia itself | ' Delmar, Lucille Laverne and others. Miss Hitchcock was one of the first to enlist, created censorship, which, nnlntelligeDtly han- and she Is eagerly looking forward to the “big dles indnstry —and this amount mnst be paid by the appli¬ f nanclally. cant. There are no salaries, therefore Miss It wa* Dot onr Intention to take another slam Mae Is bnsy metllng around to scare np the nec¬ at the immoral film when we brought up the essary wherewithal to pnt her in the thick of the ■luestlon of taste, but It was to express onr aur- battle, and. Judging by her popularity. It will (>rise that some of the lessons learned at blttar service plays ever seen on Broadway. The box- not be difllcnlt for her to fulfill this part of the evpenas by the most vulgar of legitimate show- men have not been taken to heart by film pro- holders included such notables as Geraldine Far- specifications. Barracks for the driven and I ducem. A plctnre company of high standing pro rar, Mme. Nasimova, Mr. and Mr*. B. H. Both- the npkeep of the ambulances are donated, era, Ethel Barrymore and many others. Mra. Frosolono's dre-'smaking class on Tues 'laced a straight drama not long ago tn which the plight of a Innatic wa* exploited for langhs. In slapstick well and good; It may not be taste, MISS TAYLOR WRITING DIARY but It hurts nobody's feelings, for the whole thing la iffliKMsible, the actors merely puppets New York, Juire 8,—Ijmrette Taylor has been sod the effect not permanent. But in telling devoting most of her time since her return from a seriooa story. In presenting thru clearly de the all-star tour of Out There to writing her finetl and well establtahed characters a slice of diary of the tour. The receipt! from Its publi¬ Utn in which every episode most ring true or cation will be given to tbe Bed Croea. spun the picture, the introduction of so pitiable a thins as Insanity for the purpose of comic re¬ BIFF BANG TO GO ABROAD lief is a thing so atrocious that its perpetrators dcierm to lose custom. New York, June 8.—Walter Damroach was so well pleased with tbe music of Biff Bang that While we are writing this paragraidi a Bus- he has arranged to take the band arraagementa sian, in the next room, is relating his expert- with him when he leaves for France soon.

THE SHOW WORLD Tbs prototTpe Tbe BiI1^os^1 In the anupedes is now th* rerognlard organ eg ths sxhibtlsrs ef Australia and Nrs Zealand, and th* best advertising medium for MOVING PICTURE PRODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS It alM deals briefly with Drama. CtrruaM. Fairs. Parks and Bacins. Acta playing AusUsUa may bsvs their Itutvs sddrvased to "Varleiy'' <4nrs. srhirh Insures a proopt dispatch over the various cirralta. as w* bav* a reprsasMaUv* ,a tvery dty and town that rarrle* a theaue. Advertlsina rates an appUesUon to Th* BUliraatd. All conunuiucaUous to BRENNAN A, KERR, - 250 Pitt Str««t, Sydn«y, Australia RUTH ST. DENIS IN PAGEANT All xklTMiDd to AttrtyallB ahoMld bemr 5c tn ftunr<* for each half ounca or fraction thereof.


nnsucltl way. Not having the rapacity of tho <1e.pi.id rMnni'-rclal profesaloul their atlttud* CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS^p^rc^^f CHICAGO, ILL ■ppeared ■ pose. The Players probably sever latendrd to re- iiect the life of the Rqnare In any manner com- SEAMEN SHOW APPRECIATION l•ar■bI• with that In wblrb tbe Irish Player* PROFESSIONAL WOMAN’S LEAGUE shsorbed and projected the Klltarlan spirit. (INCORPORATED) New York, Juno 8.—Before starting for hlu sum¬ They took a Wsl name because moat of their 1999 Broadway, Entrance 140 Wast 68th Straat, Naw York. mer home. Shady Brook Farm, at Southport, ntetnbcr* wer# luhnbltaiits of a r»>#trlcle«l local¬ Conn., Mark Lneseher, of the Hippodrome, was Tsisflhst*. Sm CsIsaibBA ly. Accordingly their effort resolved It'Wtf presented with a handsome clock by a detach¬ a 1«rre ruent in a I'orely ctnimerelal •AAN FRANaSCO LANKERSHIM HOTEL New York. June 8L—Fanny Brice will appe.vr list We owe to them the devrlopniral of FIFTH. NEAR MAIIKET STRICT. FIRE PR in a new comedy by Montagu Glass and Jules »*'ftal player* of no mras ability can scarcely CATERING TO THE PROFESSION K. Goodman, entitU-d Why Worry, early next le 'inesthioeil. Mo.1 of these, howeeer, had fall. Tlie play will be under tbe direction of Onsn Roam for lYse Vm of Msmbssa Prcfi mill- -tridrs In profcoalonal work prevloii»|y. A. B. Woods. 18 JUNE 16, 1918

mueic ba6 b^n dlsbed out to them m> frequrnti; SOLDIERS TO BENEFIT b7 tbe mauT p«rfonnor» who Tlalt the station HUGE OPEN AIR CONCERT from time to time, while placing loop theater Prominant Singars Donate Servicea~ dates, that the boys long for a more substantial Noval Exhibition Includes Early musical fare daring tbe Sunday serrlces. Work in Making of Musical Director Norton, who used to be conductor of Instruments BY STARS REALIZES $32,000 the Bach Choral Society and choirmaster at the St. James’ Episcopal Church, but who now wears tbe regulation Jackies' uniform, expressed himself as follows: Mendelssohn’s Elijah Heard by 25,000 Persons at “Of course we need all sorts of music for ra- rlons occasions, but when it comes to anything Polo Grounds, New York—Sousa and Prize like these Sunday morning religions serrlces the boys want something good, and they know Military Band a Feature—Big mighty well whether or not the.r get it. I hare seen them sit and hold their noses at some of Thrift Stamp Sale the music that was served up to them, and as for what they said afterward—well, you could not print it, so what’s tbe use of my telling New York. June 8.—Fully 26,000 turned out gave their services free and the Polo Grounds you? “We are a pretty ‘manny’ bunch up at the Great Lakes, consequently it Is the most nat¬ ural thing In the world for the boys to like to listen to the girls. However, they don't want any great, big, beautiful dolls unless they can sing, tho on general principles there is no

Star-Spangled Banner, by Mme. Frances Alda. CONVENTION AT LOS ANGELES Between the two acts La Marseillaise was sung ROSA RAISA by Leon Bothler. In the grand finale Lieut. Los .tngcles. Cal., June S.—The eighth annual Sousa led his band in his own composition, the convention of the •'alifomla Music Tcacijers’ Stars and Stripes Forever. .t'sociatlon wilt be hehl in this city early lo Oscar Seagle sang the title role in the ora. July. 1.. E. Behytner, impresario, i» arrant nc torlo. The other principals were Marie Sundilius for a benefit '-oncert the night preceillng the as the widow, Sophie Braslau as the angel. opening of the convention, the pTo<-ee.—The Metropolitan Musical tival Society, and the pupils from twenty-seven Bureau announced a summer miisleal festival, public high schools in the city. consisting of open air concerta, to he given at The receipts from the occasion amounted to the Lewisohn (ttadium. College of the City of g32,tX<0, $35,000 from the sale of tickets and New York, which will start Hunday evening. $7,000 from the advertising in the program. The June 23. expenses were very light, as the participants Popiiliir and patriotic programa will be given nightly by specially engaged opera atari and chorus, accompanied by a aymphony orcbeatra of OPERA SINGERS AID RED STAR ninety men, under the leadership of Arnold Voliie. The seating capacity of the place num- American Society for Animal Protection bera 6 000, the majority of which will aell it Benefite From Testimonial for 25 cents, iocliidlng war tax; a few other aeaft Signor Tagliapietra will be reserved. An artiste who has gained well-eamed tecognltioo In tbe opera fleid. New York, June 9.—The Criterion Theater Arrangementa for thla unique mualcal enter- was offered by James K. Hackett for the testl- j prise have been arranged by the following com¬ monial tendered Signor Tagliapietra, grand opera SOCIETY ESTABLISHES BRANCHES deep-rooted objection to a good-looking girt if mittee; Mrs. Charles B. Alexander, Mrs. New- baritone during forty years, for the benefit of she bas a voice. But if she comes np there to bold Ijt Roy Edgar, Mrs. Robert !». Gerry, Mrs. the American Bed Star Animal Belief Tuesday Much Interest Centered in American sing ebe mast be able to sing if abe is to make Charles 8. Guggenhelmer, Mrs. Chas. Dsns Gib¬ evening, June 4. Mnslc and drama mingled in* Friends of Musicians in France any impression—don’t forget that. son. Mrs. E. 11. Harriman, Mrs. Thomas Has- tings, Mrs. Chsries H. Benff. Mrs. Charles 8. the unique program. The opening number was “These big Sunday morning services are rather an organ solo by William C. Carl. Branches of the Society of American Frlcndi a new thing, and they have made an immediate Guggenhelmer is chslrmsn and Le Roy W, BsM- Lanrette Taylor, recently returned from her of Mnsirlans in France are being eatabllshed in appeal to the boys. We have fine. Inspiring w In treasurer. Red Cross drive with Out There, starred in the many cities in an effort to make tbe toclely talks from onr chaplains, and to complete the one-act play. The Monk, and the King's Daugh¬ national in scope. There are chapters in Boston, meeting we wish to have singing that will ECHOES OF FESTIVAL ter. by the Marchioness Townshend. Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Montreal carry on the right spirit, something hlghearled Mile. Yvonne de Trevllle, coloratura soprano, and Oklahoma, and one is being formed in Seat¬ and solid, that will reach to more than 8.(X)0 Evanston's Big Musical Event Breaks tle. The society now has a membership of over in costume recital, as presented in European men. We have bad a few of the right sort, and Own Record centers. seven hundred. The latest rep-i't from the we are making an appeal for the singers of Chi¬ Burr McIntosh delivered an address; Mar- chairman of tbe Executive Committee, Mrs. cago to Tolnnteer for Samlay mornings. We will Chlcigo, June 7.—8ome attribute tbo fact that guerita Sylva, prima donna of the Chicago Opera George M. Tuttle, announces that more than psy all expenses and make the necessary ar¬ this year's North Hbore Music Assoclstloo's big Company, sang several selections, finishing with $15,000 has been sent to Paris by the society rangements.’’ feetlval, which came to a close Saturday night, I.,a Marseillaise. to help musicians in France who are destltntx at Norton’s explanation will surprise many am¬ broke all prevkms records estahllshed in the Mid- Signor Tagliapietra gave the Drinking Song the result of the war. bitions singers, who believed only prominent West (both In attendance and entbnslssm) to tbe from the Brasilian opera, II Guarany; Mme. It is also announced that Lucien Muratore, the stage stars* nerrices are desired by the Jackies presence of Gallt-C-arcl; other eqnslly well-in¬ Clementine dc Vere. of the Metropolitan Opera French tenor, will give a concert in Canada next —a «-ooclnslon arrived at thru reading the batch formed people think chief laurels should go to House, rendered vocal selections. fall, the proceeds of which will be donated to of press stuff circnlated by dally newspapers. ■Marstore; but ail agree that no better sad more David Bispbam, featimed in Oscar Wllde’a the Society of the American Friends of Musicians greatly appreciated program could have been Florentine Tragedy, accompanied by Pietro in France. arranged. It In believed that tbe record es Floridla; Julia Arthur, in recitations; Frank FARRAR AT ROCK ISLAND tabllabed will stand for many years. Great Kaltenbom delivered a military address. JACKIES NEED SINGERS credit for the smooth workings of the Intrlcile Bock Island, Ill., Jane 8.—Mnslc lovers of the program, lovolvlag children's cboniees, l.Nih trl-clties are looking forward to a moslcal treat ANNOUNCE MADRIGAL PRIZE Chance for Sopranoa and Contraltos To strong orchestrsl entertainment and gT-an-l next month wnen Geraldine Farrar and assist¬ Get Into Limelight opera star participation. Is awarded to Dean ing artists will appear for a conc-ert ut the Chicago, June 9.—The Chicago Madrigal Club, Peter C. Lntktn, whose Indefatigihle efforts hid Angnstan.! College. of which D. A. Cllppinger is the conductor, an¬ Chicago, June 8.—Young ladies with good much to do with the program's conatanlly msln nounces its readiness to present for the sixteenth singing voices—contraltos and sopranos—who talned anecesn thnioiit the entire week. time the prise of $100 offered annually for the would like to sing worthwhile songs to 3,000 BROOKS TO DIRECT BAND best madrigal submitted according to conditions. Jackies gathered for religious services at the The poem this year, to which the setting is to Great iJikes Naval Training Station every Sun¬ Etlis Brooks, the famous bamlmaster, has JEWISH MERCY MUSICALE be made by Bertha Ochsner, daughter of Dr. and day morning, will receive a hearty reception at taken over the leadership of the IIIIdoIs Btstc Mrs. A. J. Ochsner (Mrs. Ochsner is president of the bands of John W. Norton, who has charge Band, one of the crack ccincert bands in the Chicago, June 7,—The Red Mogen Dovld (Jew¬ tbe National Federation of Music Clubs), is of the mnslc at these meetings. Central States, TTie band bas lieen very pa ish Bed Cross 8oclety) gave a musical In the called The Nights o’ Spring. Men singers are not wanted for this work, an trlotle and haa led draft parades and other gymnasium of the Hebrew Institute Bsturds.v Tbe music must be In madrigal form, for an there are many splendid voices among the thon- patriotic movements, donating the music and evening, Mary Briisao, of the Chicago Opera As a capella chorus of mixed voices, and mann- sands of embryonic sailors. The men are services of the players to the cause each time. ao<-tatlon, dramatic soprano, and Buhy Davis, scripta must be in tbe bands of D. A. Cllppinger, especially anxious to bear singers who use nnm- Inquiries are being received by tlie business man violinist, being most prominently featured. The I 617-18 Kimball Building, on or before October 1, bers of tbe higher order that would harmonize sger from vaiioub points in tbe territory asking aaso<-lallnn'n service flag was Impressively un- 1918. with the religious spirit of the meetings. “Jazz about dates for concerts. unfurled before tlie recital. SYMPHONY PLAYERS MAY JOIN HAS PATRIOTIC TONE UNION Civic Music Festival Marked by Col But Must Observe Requirements—Pli lection for Sailors’ Song Book ers Must Be Citizene, and, When MARIE NARELLE Possible, American Performers CELEBRATED Chicagn. Jnnp 7.—CosstructiTC patriotism did Dot absent Itself from the Clrlc Music Assoria Ier- Irish Australian SoDdaj afternoon, for, during the intermission, • hip In the lo<-al union of the Musicians' Protect a collection was taken for the purchase of the Ire .\ssociatioo, it was declared by President Soprano goTemment song book that is to he supplied to K Kingman of the Boston I/>cal. Provided i. READ WHAT THE NEW YORK AND LONDON CRITICS the recruits at the Naval Training'Station. tbe.v meet the re|uestlons, prin ^ struggle and effort. Yet Marie Narelle within a twelvemonth voices blending beautifully. cipally alMuit the reijoiccments for membership, ■ has jumped into the first tank eg favorites with the London John Alden Cariund to conquer?” M'd'ormack originally set out to Beciirc Mt\ Smith of The New T‘wk American sayt: ''Miar. Namara reinforced the favorable impres* flitO.OtiO. Tue Chicago recital was as profitable viun she bad madv ewrller m more intimate sur> as Tuesday's Buffalo concert, and only allghtly WOODWARD FOR MINNEAPOLIS mundlnis. Ttie mellow timbre of her voices below the receipts scored In Boston Runday. rlartnnlike in its dulcrt sonority. ha< a charm all of Its own. Anil Madame Namara baa when $1.4,000 came Into the soelety'a eoffers. Chicago Concert Masttr Replaces Czer molded It of lata Into a far more pliant and re> Critics gave the great finger ronsiderahit •pooalve Instrament of her will than It used to wonky. Who Comes to Chicago be. She hes gained poise and seH-controL'* cretllt for the wonderful poise he exhibited, sing ing tn the mammoth Coliseum with all the ease usually exhibited in a small concert ball. Ed Chicago, June 8.—Guy M. W,s>dward, former¬ MANAGEMENT win Schneider, accompanist, shared In the hon ly cuBcert master of Ounn'a .American Sym¬ R. E. JOHNSTON ors. phony On-bestra of Cblrago, has been called to Minneapolis to take Richard Cierwonky's place 1451 Broadway, Naw' with that city's erganizatlon. Simultaneously. CHORUS SINGS NEW HYMN Cicrwonky, whose rngagi-nient cndeil with the hig Minneapolis festival, conics to Chicago, New York. June 0.—A rhorus of sercral hun¬ shc-e he will maintain a teacbrr'a studio. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiii^ dred Toicea, led by Dr. Giovanni Contemo, aang the New World, the latest patriotic hymn, which MUSICIAN DISLOYAL (?) i IFANNF NIJOI A VOICE CULTURE I seeks tn supplant The Star Spangled Banner as = M 1 M 1 M FREE TRIAL BT APPOUmiENT = the national anthem, at Prospect Park Sunday Z M EAST MTH STREET (Phtee. Plaza IIOOl. ... NEW YORK. ^ Chicago^ June s.-.iz>uls J. Uvingston, a niu- afternoon. The composer of the new hymn in •.'•lan. was the first Chicagoan arrested under ^iiiiiiiiiiniiimiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiil= a professor of harmony of the College of the the new espUmage art. When taken Into rus- City of New Y’ork. and the author of the lyric in tod.v Friday he refused to talk. a major In the I'nited States army, who refnaen to disclose his blentity. The occasion marked the opening of Brooklyn Park. .Mr* Harriet MacConaell, reetao soprano, in* CONCERT NOTES terprefed her songs sympathetically at an inter¬ Theodore Karle (Johnson), operatic tenor of esting concert given tn the music room of the Seattle, who was railed f<*r draft duty recently, Mi'tel Billmorr. New York, last wi'ck. Rea Sil- On the opening day of the Red Ctom drive In Wednesday nftemoon. In tbe evening the w.-i* released by the government ofSelals last berts was Ihe accompanist. James Heron's war Wa-hlngtoo, D. C., David Blapham led the sing¬ Baeh Choral Society, with Bngo Goodwin direct¬ week In order that the singer might appear at a l>••em To a footle, proved a patriotic atimulant. ing of the British and American anthems. Hla ing, entertained. farewell recital In his home town for the benefit chosen solos on this oecntlon were Oonnod’s Grant Kimball, the tenor, was engagr Mrs, David Baxter, with Mrs. Sidney Poliak ple.-es lUayed at the City Park Barracks of the an accompanist, sang nrveral groups of songs st MEZZO SOPRANO 22 West 39th St.. NEW YORK CITY .Navy Yard Sunday aftemoi’n. June 'J. In recog¬ the Standard Club. Chicago, last Wednesday Teirphone. Greeley STKI nition of the work done by the enlisted men of evening. TEACHES THIS SUMMER. the .Nayy Department during the Red Cross and Tbo lA Chorale Francaiae De Chicago rrbeara- Opera-Concerts--Recitals -Mr Van Aon .Also Kprclaliies no the Speaking Votes IJlierty Ixvan drives. Tbe concert lasteil for als will not begin nntil September Charles La- several hours an<| was attendnl by thousands of gourge, 816 South Michigan a venae, is already SPRING—FALL sailors, their relativv-e and friends- The playing busily engaged enrolling new membv'rs for the of four patriotic marches, written by members Chicago French Singing Society. . FESTIVALS. of the band, was a featvire of Ihe afternoon. G. Geneva Duran was soloist at the annual The Grand t*i>era Company recently formed in banquet of the Chicago C. E. at Y. M. C. .4. Addrew MISvS MAY JOHNSON, FREDERICK SITTIG, Piano S|n, June 10. day evening. Mrs. Van Alstyne (wife of the Coneertneister Russian Symphony Orchestra THE VEGA CO. Elsa Grossman gave a program of songs at successful eomposeri recited ’'The >fan With H Sudharv Rtrwd. BORTON. MASS. Great lakes Naval Training Station last ont a Country.” MODEST ALTUSCHULER. Conductor only enervates and sends all away less able to faster than some of its constitutional garments cope with the intricscies of Ihe modem business would aci-ommodate with safety. To obviate the need of trying to make over some of these old THE KIWANIS CLUBS world. constitutional enactments of thou shalts and thou Can’t you read between the lines that each Shalt nols a big. broad-minded and able i-onj. one present at that luncheon returned to his mlttee was appointed by the last national eoa What These Great Organizations Are and What place of business better eqtiipped mentally, vention to report a new and greater charter en They Are Doing for Their Members and morally and technically to meet the problems actment and a more comprehensive act of by¬ which must ?>e met by each one who would suc¬ laws to govern Ihe gronth and ai-tivlty nf tbii ceed In the great business world where but one out growing young giant. the Local Community of ninety who enter comes out a winner? Life’s The committee on const I tut ions I revision aai balance sheet shows that out of each hundred composed of Charles D. Heald, Benson G. Wat

Tbit 1b the age of onranixation. and the more Isn’t that a fine combination of personal In¬ young men 25 years old 54 will be dependent son, Louis Ilammerschmidt, Geo. W. Rtout and we leam the more there is to learned about the terests and community spirit? Study that lunch¬ upon relatives, friends or charity at 05 years of Perry S. Patterson. Mr. Patterson being the rreat hig thlnra of life. But most of us are so eon program and see If It hasn’t the Kiwanis age, 86 will have died. 5 will be supporting chairman of the committee. The second article encrossed in the business of earning a tiring gospel in every act and move that was made at themselves by work, 4 will be wealthy and 1 in this proposed draft sets forth the obJe,'ta of t)git we hare little time to stud; eren our own that gathering. will be a rich man. this organization to be: business. But gradually there Is being worked 1. To study and desseminate Kiwanian prtn out a great change In the methods of doing busi¬ ciples of fair dealing and practices and obeerv ness. Long hours are giring way to the modem PERRY 8. PATTERSON ance of the Golden Rule. methods. We go at a higher and more efficient 2. To encourage, promote and su|iervise the pace while we are at it. We are learning to do organization of Kiwanis Clubs. more with our heads and less with our bands 3. To study the work of existing Kiwanis and feet. There is no doubt that much of this is Clubs and their value to respective members resulting from these get-together-and-talk-it- and communities, and to clear the information orer organizations such as we hare in the Mer¬ thus ai-quired for the benefit of all Kiwanis chants’ Association, Chamber of Commerce, Ro¬ Clubs. tary and the Klwanis clubs. 4. To promote the spirit of fratemaliao among Kiwanians and among Kiwanis Clubs. Earing Joined the Chicago Kiwanis Club some 5. To discuss and study the Science of Busi¬ time ago I know something of its workings end ness Building and to promote co-operation be¬ benefits. I realized right from the start what tween its members In the development of tbs a wonderful organization this really is. Rut various lines they represent. most significant of all was the apparent need 6. To promote and encourage the living of the of a better general understanding of what the Golden Rule in private, civic, social and business Kiwanis Clubs all orer the country are really life. loing for better business, better citizenship and There is a general feeling among the Chicago a higher standard of personal responsibility to Kiwanians. which feeling is also more or less our neighbors. general thruout the entire order, that since Mr. First of all what does the word Kiwanis mean? | Patterson has so ably drawn up and made pro¬ That is a question that is inrarlably asked by vision for the growth and enlarged activities of those who are not familiar with thia morement. this movement that be should be elected na¬ "Kiwanis is an Indian name, meaning ‘barter or tional president and given the full responsibility trade.’ Yon may Judge from thia rightly that of leading this young giant Into tho fields of it is a boosters’ club, intended to bring men of greater activity and usefulness. rarled interests and activities into closer per¬ I Mr. Patterson is now the first vice-president of sonal touch so that business may be stimulated the national organization. He is a member of and the things that make for a larger economic, the finance committee and has served the na¬ social and civic program may be realized. A tional organization ao faithfully and ably that Kiwanian realizes that services and responsibil¬ there Is a general disposition to say to him ity are the goods that win in all the marts of at the coming national convention of Klwaais trade, for service implies the observance of the Clubs: "Well done, good and faithful servant, Golden Rule, while responsibility predicates thou hast been faithful over a few character, bulked upon the elements of service things so we will make you ruler over many and responsibility, the two vital forces that im¬ greater things Kiwanian. Enter thou Into the part not only efficiency to business but incor¬ presidential charmed circle.” ’There Is mueb in¬ porate into its very essence that moral fiber terest In this great gathering of the tribes. ’This which gives it both power and stability. great national Pow-Pow will be held at Provi¬ "The aim of a Kiwanis Club is to increase a dence, R. I., June 25 2ipon ind relentless competition. It breathes the spirit which the Klwanla movement is b..scd *h-*re .vlll of a wholesome fair play which attracts trade be a far greater Influx of new appli-nuts for on the ground of assured personal worth and in¬ membership Into Its ranks. Btiidy whiit iLe Ki stills confidence by virtue of established values." waniana are doing all over this country. Get But that is all very high sounding and may or better acquainted with these live wire orgsa may not be worth the paper on which it is (Continued on page 21) written. The real question is: Does it function? That it pays the Individual member to belong CHICAGO CIVIC BUREAU to a Kiwanis Club has been so well established among Kiwanians that it is no longer an open There la reason to believe ibat there is a proposition. But does it pay the community to better future for the Chicago Civic Bureau than support such an organization? That is a even its present management had hoped for it Vlee-Preeldant National Kiwanis Clubs and a candidate for president of this organization. question worth answering. There is nothing quite by the McGrath Company, member of the Kiwanis (Tub of Chicago. when the recent deal was put thru whereby .4. so convincing as a fact. Here is a report of L. Flude retired from the bureau. Robert one meeting of a local Kiwanis Club that is so GIosup, who Is now managing It, Is proving to The report further shows that 700 season typical of each gathering that we present It ver¬ But the Kiwanian Idea of all for each and l>e more than a salesman. He is making a tickets were disposed of by that same Hamil¬ batim Just as it came to us across the Canadian each for all is the modem way nf eliminating specialty of promoting merltorkins attractions ton Kiwanis Club. And that shows another line. It is taken from the Hamilton (Ontario) the waste entailed by the old method of every and la not giving hla time over to bearing try fine Kiwanian philosophy which is that action News, and was headed: Kiwanis—Hamilton body for himself and the devil lake the hind¬ onts and that neverendlng horde of Individuals must follow enthusiasm or our speech must needs Commanlty Plans Discussed at Weekly Lunch¬ most. Here is where we practice moderation who seem to think that all they have to do is become as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals eon: and leara why it pays to make all powers of to make their wants known and a position will even tho we speak with the tongues of inspired “Yesterday’s luncheon of the Kiwanis Club body and mind the servants of will and reason. he forthcoming at once. The new policy is a men and heavenly angels. at the Connaught was one of the most enthus¬ At the present time there arc something like great gain for the Chicago Civic Bureau. iastic they have ever enjoyed. Charles Goodale What Hamilton did is being done in a more 18,000 members of this organization spread over Mr. GIosup recently sold forty weeks’ time on gave an interesting talk on the painting and or less general way every time a Kiwanis Club the Cnlted States and Canada. It has Just tho Howard Quintet and rebooked the Bchumann decorating business of Goodale & Laidlaw. The meets. In fact that Is what these meetings are passed its days of doubts and fears thru which Quartet for thirty five weeks. Cape Orchestra child welfare work was introduced by Dr. for. Now wasn’t that more purposeful, ele¬ every youth passes when the mortality Is away has been sold for two years’ solid time, the Wli'kens and assured of the support of the mem¬ vating and genuinely helpful, yes, and even up In the nineties. It is doubtful if there are Westminster Entertalnem were Just sold for bers. ’The big interest of the meeting was cen¬ everlastii^ly more entertaining, than one dads many purely business and social organizations forty weeks, and the story la only In Its opening tered on the progress of plans for Hamilton at a cabaret where booze so drowns one’s finer which are growing as rapidly and substantially chapter. Chautauqua Festival. Mr. Rupert. Canadian sensibilities that a flock of painted enamel as the Kiwanis Clubs are now doing. There Is A. L. FInde has entirely severed his ronnec manager of the Chautauqua Association, was beauties shouting ragtime and coon syncopations a reason for this. The Kiwanis Club Is a very tlon with the Chicago Civic Bureau ■•>‘1 present and outlined what an excellent program are often mistaken for a band of lily white democratic organization. It has profited by longer baa any interest In this concern. had been arranged for Hamilton’s festival, and angels singing In the heavenly choir? some of the weaknesses of other older organize are certain that our readers who are Interested every member went away feeling that in the At that "Luncheon" there were no Jazz bom¬ tions. It Is eager to learn what la beat for all In promoting their work thru intelligent series tickets be bad something to offer bis bardments to drive reason from her throne and concerned, not merely what can be done for organised efforts, such aa friend GIosup is friends that was going to be mnch appreciated, make one forget that the Bacchanalian din was some individual. giving to tbiaie few attractloQS which he Is 'specially by those who enjoy elevating enter- really planned to aid the gustatorlal efforts to There Is still some of the uncertainty of child¬ handling, will find it worth their while to keep lalnmenta.** get away with a Belteabazzar’s feast, which hood about this organization. It has grown a weather rye on the Chicago Clsde Bureau.

nr JUNE 15, 1918

JOTTINGS AT JUNCTION apeara. Hence, Germans or Bpearmen. These lately deatmyed by the Germans. The town baa Huns continued to extend their dominion along suffered much from wars. At one time it was Br TH08. ELMORE LVCET the banks of the Danithe till tbe time of Attlla in the posaesaion of tbe English, who were ex- (at-i-la), who united the whole Hunnlsh forces [lelled by the French under ••The Maid of Or¬ r>r. J V. AcUmN. M. A. S., itlll Anils time be- under one liead and became the most powerful leans," Joan of Arc, as we know her. inren bis duties as minister of tbe rbrlstian Prime of his time. He was the King »f the Chatean-Thlerry tsba to-tye-re), on the River rhurch at Crane, Mo., to Oil orcaslonal lecture Huns and was called •‘The S<»>urge of God.^^ .Marne (mam), noted for Its pottery and linen, ilites. The doctor baa toured orer tbe I.IncoIn It was the flret case of "Me und Gott." Attlla. (Continued on page 70) rbautauquas and other circuits witb bis talks likn his modwrn diselple, Kaiser Bill, thought HARRY J. LOOSE • n Tbe New Education. His mammoth telescope he was railed by Gwl to rule, so he killed his THE KIWANIS CLUBS Chicago Detective whose message is a ;s a feature of bis astronomical demonstrations. hrotiwr that he might rule alone. He laid revelation to Tax Payers and Howard Wade Klmsejr. community sonK di¬ waste the entire country between the Black and (Continued from page ’JO) (3ood Citizens. rector of the War Work Commission of Training the Adriatic seas meeting defeat on the plains izations in every city and town where they are Address REDPATH BUREIAU, Chicago. Camp ActlTitles at Little Bock. .\rk., has late- of Chalons tsha-Ion). Attlla was murdered on organized for it will pay you. Dr. Chaa. C. l,T been transferred to a similar work at Rrowns- the night of hla marriage with Hilda, of Hun Reid of Denver, Colo., has epitomized the move¬ \IIIe, Tex., after about ten months of faithful gary. It is thought that bis bride slew him. ment in these words: service at Camp Pike. The War Service Board F'rom this point we will take a little Journey •‘Tlie Kiwanis Club stands for the highest, Wanted, High-Grade Talent at Little Rock bad recently presented Mr. Kim- along tbe battle line. strrmgest and best kind of manhood. It stands LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. scy with a fine service Ford for bis trip Tiack Napoleon bad a training camp a few miles Vrrsztil* Muairlans write for Talent AppUezUon Blank. for the rights of the other fellow. It stands for LOUIS 0. RUNNER. and forth to the camp. out af Chalons, ami It la still employed to some high personality and the use of that personality SJ27 Seuth Boulevard. Chleaf*. One of our standard lyceum lecturers deserves extent for training French soldiers. There Is for the benefit of humanity. It stands for edu¬ more credit than is usually accorded to a plat- one of the flnett hotels of France here, built in cation. entertainment, recreation, cooperation formlst for tbe splendid flfbt be baa been ITftl. and boosting. It stands for tbe highest and best LEE FRANCIS LYBARGER making for a decade npon tbe sinister encroach¬ Not far from Chalons we hive Reims or service that one can gtve and get by his presence ECDNOMIST AND SDCIDLOGIST, ment of Pruaslaniam upon our .\merlcan Inatltu- Rbeims (remx), which la about To miles fr<>m in the world. It also stsnds for friendship and LAWYER AND LECTURER tlnos. Maynard Lee Daggy Is tbe man who Paris. It la famous for Its cathtslral. erected good fellowship. Wherever KIwanlans meet the deserves a place alongside of Montaville Flow¬ Popular Lecturrs for Great Occaslona. In the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, spirit of good fellowship should be supreme." Address ears Billboard. Chleaaa. ers and Richmond Pearson Hobson ^ one of The ••alarmists" that was really needed on tbe platform. A. A. THORNBURGx Manager. E. J. noensbell of Branson, iMo., is busy eg- CASTLE SQUARE ENTERTAINERS itodlag tbe Cuoimunity Bureau^s Ctrenit into LYCEUM AND CHAUTAUQUA NOTES VARSITY SEXTETTE Kansas, ami. in addition to booking courses, HARMONY CO-EDS fllla a good many speaking dates himself. Tbe For Lycrum and CbautauQuas. Community, under the managenisnt of Martin T. Prof. H. E. Dow of Hsmhurg, la., has con¬ Secretary of War Baker has «aid: "1 am Addraas card Billboard. Chkato* Pope, of B'est Plains, .Mo., bas a firm footing tracted with the Travera-Wyck Chautauqua constantly facing the splendid results of the in tbe Otark country. System to be platform manager. He opened work done by tbe Chautauqua in this country.” i^ergeant J. E. McConnell of Camp Pike, Ark., June 4th at Keswick, la. Tbe Community Chautauqua has moved Its CHICA60 OPERATIC CO. was recently injured slightly in a troop train Capt. Frank MulboUand, past president of the Western headquarters from Indianapolis to THE COMPANY FOR LYCEUM AND wreck near Garland City. Sergeant McConnell Rotary Clubs of the World. Is being well re¬ Greencaslle, Ind. All correspondence concern¬ CHAUTAUQUAS ceived and entertained by the local Rotariaos ing Western business should be now #»nt to tbe JOHN B. MILLER. Manager. Is a musician of note, having bad ebautauqua 842 Lakeside Place. Chleaac. experience, and it tbe composer of a number of everywhere the Bedpath Harrison Chaatanqiia new quarters. pitches Its tent. popular songs. He Is the son of Lln>'oIn Mc¬ Quite a number of the regular circuit attrac¬ Connell, the widely known evangelist lecturer, Galen Starr Roes, the bustling cx-sallor, lec¬ tions were booked for the Macon (Ga.) Chau¬ HUGH R. HEWSOM wb.ite oratoriral Indictment on •'Tbe Devil and turer and physical culture exponent, will con¬ tauqua, picking np these dates on their way tbe Kaiser'^ bas become a cUmIc in the annals duct a mnnth^s Physical Culture Institute at .‘South. COHCERT CO. of tbe platform. Homeworih, 0., opening June (th, closing with FVank Stockdale is btisy for tbe summer In RETITALS A.ND 3nsiCAL FESTIVAI«S. CHAU a Fourth of July patriotic celebration. the State of Oklahoma lecturing for the retail TAfQl'A.S A,ND SPECtAL EVENTS. G. E. Knapp, commnnlty singer ami director Address care Blllbeard, Chlesga. with tbe Foadlck Commlasion at Camp Doniphan, Tbe Seaside ChaLtauqua Assembly put on by merchants' asto<-iations. He will be in that Dk., lucceeda Howard Wade KImsey at Camp the varioua Christian churches of Virginia State until the first of September. Pike, Ark.. In a almllar capiclry. will open Its fourth assembly program July 22, Tbe Mutual Chautauqua System opened its FLOYU FEATHERSTUN GO. Dr. Herbert Yenell curtailed hi# series of 11- closing the 28th. Rev. W, H. Denison Is tbe summer campaign with a big banquet at Areola. No committee reported this company at lustrsted lectures in Oklsboma City on account president and S. M. Smith the secretary. Both Ill., Wednesday, June .•!, where all the talent of the Bed Crose drive. His pictures created a reside at Norfolk. and workers met In a get-toget)ier soiree. The less than ONE HUNDRED during the Lyceum Season 1917-18 sensation. nje Woodmen of tbe World expect to make a Chautauqua opened June 6. big day of It at tbe Chautauqua to be held at Vlee-PresHenl Marshall has .-aid: "There is Address etrs Dllibcard, Chlesge. Havana, Ill., when they will have one special no place where more goo that Is too high or too km- ems of ramp life. AGENTS WANTED. Send a quar- ir x-our inuslr la In a km that la too "hard"— I ter for sample ropy; none five. SAYfMY, 320 E. Sixth "THE ir the solo melody (lead) tart la not wrluen for your instrummt— St.. Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, or 320 W. Grand. Des SLIDE-RULE If the part you want to play la written for com# other Inwrumvnt— Moinea. Iowa. OF MUSIC* Yim t en i htnnn It yourself eo that you can ua# iV—and save irranm's rhargea—with MARVEL RARSPOSIRG DISC WITH EXPLANATORY BOOKLET. GREAT FUN It solvee tbe above and all eibev pmt>lere^ M trana).v,itlir aait direct poetpaid (firct-rlaaa postaa# fc extra). PtLw 5tc. ■izhssrenaieNTBKTHSX CaUiB :iTT. ra exper tbsx oiu oailv Amusement or Profit NEAL. V. ^4EARS in use everywhete W««4rr- N«‘W iMM)k. "InnlructtonH In Mimicry” INVENTOR-MANUFACTURER. shir ■stevtrsgy-ysrs >klt» 1020 NORTH CLARK STREET. Dept. B. • • - . CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. very purxiose. W'« went sell - 'llliiNtriiletl), eimhleH anylHxiy to imi¬ Kws where we sie sot repre-^*^^ tate liirdH. nnimuln. fowla. Imvh.1 whlstlcH. tcaled. Writt far LittU Wonder QiZaiopiw aiM friern UTTUl WOkSCB arCL CO, a. iUBt.. Terrs Haute, la* 'niiHical lnMtriimontie--.t7 ImIt.Ttlons mir- UlAIITCn TENOR FOR QUARTET WHO DOUBLES iTlHlnKly cany to loam Humlrcdie have IfAniLlI IN ANY CONCERT INSTRUMENT Iciirnerl by thin method 25 enntn. Also Other Malt* Singrrtt who double in InatrumentH. I-oar€l JUNE 15,1918

EDUCATIONAL DRAMATIC LEAGUE, 105 W. 40th St.. New Vsrfc. TM. Bryaal MU OFFICEEa MBA. AUGUST IlFJJgONT.Prmldenl MIRS KATE OGIJ'mAY.Tice Pre»l,l»',i kusa KAtmEL CBOTHERS.SscreUr, MR. JAME-u 8 fURllMAN.Tbnurr, MIS8 IIEIJ'.N FliHD...... Dramatlr tiirrri v M18.S MAKION A. TUH.NER....EjlcruilTe Seiretsrv WHAT WE DO Brlag log. recreation, edncatlon to counUms ehU- draii and young people. Give expert advlie to alrufgllni teachers and to< lal workers Create a deelre for better Ideals, better literature and bet¬ ter amiiseinrnt value, for a nominal eum. of bouquets, showing the favorable attitude of .48 4vellpy-Lane Attractions several small or¬ WHAT YOU CAN OO McLAUGHLIN^S PLANS the audience. The production was engineered ganizations will tour this territory this summer. Ceme to some rg the clasiee and see the children over the footlights by Director Sid Riley with¬ Val Howland will direct the prmluctlons at the Judge for yourself the value at what we are ar cmniillshliir Hrig the League by your Intvrrit FOR SUMMER STOCK out any interruption In the action. The Red American Theater. The personnel of the com¬ and sympathy In the work and give la gnwouily Mill will be next week’s offering. pany includes; Perqueta Courtney, leading ea you can to Its eupport DEMANDS woman; Daisy een a good OmtrlbuUiig Member. }.00 ing June 17 at Opera playing at tlie Empire Theater, will close their city for stock productions. Kelley Is business Rus'elnlng Dramatic Director. SO.OO second season Jane 15. The company has played manager of the loml theatrical weekly. The Donatlone thankrully recrlved. Pleaie amke checks payable to JAMliS 8. ('t'8llMAN. Treasurer, luq House, Cleveland a successful run of fiC weeks, 41 weeks each Critic, but has temporarily resigned that post mall to IMui SlIonal Dramatic Iwague, 105 WraC 40th season, under the management of Harry Katzes. tion. .street. New York Oly. The players will open their third season Labor ClevoUnd, O., Jnno 8.—Plans for snmmer Day. Many of ^h'e company have signed con¬ TRENT PLAYERS stock company at the Opera Honse here (this tracts for next season. Joe Thayer, who has season were announced today by Robert Mc- been manager of the snmmer stock company at Opera House Directory I^anyhltn, well known In Cleveland and vicinity Lexington Park, will be located at Whalon Park, Trenton, N. J., June 9.—The Trent Players as a promoter of these amusement enterprises. ntchUirg, Mass. Summer stock opens there have selected another musical comedy for their The season will start June 17. The company June 24. attraction during the current week In the title MICHIGAN will be known as the Opera House Stock Com¬ of Alma. Where Do Yon Live, for which an all- MIDLAND. Orawlag Pegulatlea. 0,000. pany. The leading man will be Jack Halliday, POLI PLAYERS AT HARTFORD star cast has been chosen. Virginia Howell, the MONARCH THEATRE—Only stage li\ tosrn. Open who is one of the best known leaders In stock clever second leading woman, will assume the lime after July 1st. Want Block Company with three bills a week. Wrtta or wire for open time. In this city. For a dong time Mr. Halliday Hartford, Conn., June 9.—Vaudeville closed at role of Alma. The play has a good repute'ion was associated with May Buckley In stock the Palace Theater last week, and was replaced and has long been a pleasing production to an PI P^TRI^ Write us .for open time. We ret companies In Cleveland and other cities. Eva by the Poll Players Dramatic Stock Company. audience. I Isiww tin mmiey.rnmiey. Relieve your jump. Our capacity. SOO. C. LATHilROP, Prop., Eleculr. Lang, in private life Mrs. Halliday, has been The following is the roster for the summer sea¬ Wtnslow, Arixnna. selected as the lead for the female characters of son; Manager James Thatcher, Florence Ritten- NOTES FROM SEATTLE the series of plays. The Cinderella Man will be bonse and A. H. Van Bnren, leads; Prances WANTED the first offering, and others to follow will In¬ Williams and De Forrest Dawley, second leads; Mabel Gardner recently Joined the Monte Car¬ (ACCOUNT MISREPRESENTATION) clude It Pays To Advertise, Mary's Ankle, Louis Famum and Lyon Osborne, character ter Musical Comedy organization at the Oak _SEWELL'S HALCYON PLAYERS Cheating Cheaters, Be Luxe Annie and other parts; Eugenia Young, ingenue; Russel Fill¬ Theater here as leading woman, and has al¬ notable features recently released for stock. more, Juvenile; J. sUammond Dally, comedian; ready more than made good with the Oak pa¬ GEN. BIZ. MAN MUST OO HPECUULT1E8. I.ater a play written by Mr. McLaughlin, about Joy Sweeney, Harry Oehler, Anbrey Bosworth trons. Eddie Harris has also' Joined the same Specialty Team, change for weak. Those who wrote which no details are available at this time, will and Josephine Fox. Harry Andrews will be organization. before write eialn. Addrees THOS. H. SEWELL be presented at dhe Opera Bouse, and. If suc¬ stage director. A successful season is looked Kathleen Tiylor has left here for Chi¬ week at lOth, Metamera. 0.; week et ITIk. Ovlta. 0. cessful, will be put oo the road under the direc¬ forward to. cago to Join her husband. Charles Bumlson, WANUD FOR DEMOREST HOCK COMPANY tion of A1 H. Woods. The supporting company with the Sherman Kelly Players In that city. of Mr. and Mrs. Halliday has not been definitely Under canvas. 8c-and Bus. Woman. PlanIM. Char, TO PLAY TO SOLDIERS Mandle Smith (Mrs. Will Armstrong) has alao and Heavy Man. Gen. Bus Man. Those with spectil- settled upon this week, but will Include a list gone to Chicago to spend the summer with her lles preferred. Week stands. State all Orel letter of notable acton and actresses, says Mr. Mc- parents. Bob Feegln. Ruth Gibbs. Jack Darts, wire. Providence, R- I., June 8.—Within a few BOB DEMOREST, Spray. N. C. I.aughlin. Only three matinees will be given weeks the Albee Stock Company will go to Camp Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon hsve returned to during the summer season, these on Tuesday, Vancouver after a long and prosperous cabaret Deveus to give a performance for the benefit of with the Blaine Stock organization at the Or- Thursday and Saturday, engagement at the Pendennis Hotel. ithe soldiers. Sergt. George Wetherald, formerly pbrnm Theater. The Armstrong organiration is playing North¬ of the stock company, was in town on furlough Verne layton, with the TVllkes Players, at STUART WALKER PLAYERS western cities. Will Armstrong. Perqueta, Flora last week, and before be went back to camp the Orpbrum here last leaton and later directing Sims. Ed Armstrong, Dirk Hyland and other procured the promise of Manager Lovemberg prodnctlons for the Chief Seattle Film Corpon May Leave Indianapolis—DiesatisfiecI well known people are in the cast. that his company would go to Ayer, Mkss., some tion at White City, hae returned from New York With Audiences—Walker Glad To Sunday. Dwight Meade, former stock star at the old and will spend the summer in Seattle. Break Even Seattle Theater, has Joined the Shnbert Players Dolly Botiinson, a member of the Monte Carter in Minneapolis. AMERICAN STOCK CO. Musical Comedy Company at Oak Theater here, Indianapolis, Ind., June 0.—The Stuart Walker Walter Layton will return to Vancouver, B. hae a rare collection of wartime tonvenlrt Players are thinking seriously of leaving this C., the coming season with a stock orginizatloa Opens at Walla Walla, Wash. gathered and sent to her by her father, who has city. Whether they will do this or not de¬ if a suitable bouse can be secured In that city. been on the fighting line for the paat four year*. pends upon the attendance during the current Seattle, June 8.—The American Theater, Walla I>pe Morris hae gone to Armstrong, B. C., to Incidentally he baa been wounded six times, hot week. The audiences have not been large enough Walla, will open tomorrow (9th) as the borne become manager of the Avalon Theater there. Is still In the thick of the fray. to insure the continuance of the season, and a of the American Stock Company, under the Kathleen Taylor arrived here recently from J. Anthony Smylhe, former leading man with considerable sum would have “been lost thus far management of Lcring Kelley and 'Alf T. Lane. Edmonton, Can., where the has been playing the Wilkes Players here, and John Sheehan, bad It not been for the small expense the com¬ pany is under. The offerings so far have been character man with the same organtution. are extraordinarily light and have involved no big i playing In Oakland with the Blahop Stock Com¬ expense, but this week's bill, Romance, demands pany. s royalty, and the attendance will have to be substantially Increased In order to avoid a large WANTED, QUICK KING’S MUSICAL CDMEOY deficit. Vaudeville team. R. and D.. or novelty vmirlloquist or magician strong enough to Two light summary pieces have been presented feature. Dramatic people, thararter, heavy, fiiveoile and blackface comedian and Portland, .Me., June 8.—King's Mu.lcal Com¬ BO far, but they were of no particnlar distinction young general buslneai woman with ipecialUea. Wire or write. Salary sure every edy Company, now touring New England, Is week. Think of that when you name it. and state all you can and will do. All as works of dramatic art, even tho they were aummer's work under canvaa. rermanent stork, Florida Theaire. this winter. playing the Oreely Theater here for an Indrflnite well acted and produced. Stop Thief, last week's N. B.—Musical comedy managers with organised mmpanles of 8 to 10 people, length of time. The company has been doing .write. Have attractive proposition to make a recognlaed company. Ouannleed production, is worthy of commendable mention. weekly salary and transportatinn. SO week*’ work Address quick. very well. Many well-known favorites make The Hero, a one-act play, produced in conjunc¬ np the cast, such as Joe Donovan. Rath King. ELMER LAZONE tion with Stop Thief, was of good merit. Mr. Lucille Cameron, Marguerite Haskell, specialties, MARIE Walker claims that he will -be glad to break JI^AFFEBELy^ M{r. 0ri|iMl WWanu Stpck Co. Inc, AlboMrie, N. C. ind In the chorus are*BIIIIe Rhodes, Dolll* White, even on the stay in Indianapolis. CecU Sheldon. Msida Merchant. Bobble Roberts. May Allan and Babe Oilman. BOGGS DIES IN FRANCE AT LIBERTY JOINS 8HUBERT CO. Ix>a Angeles, Cal., June 9.—Mrs. Lillian Hay¬ ward Boggs, the Lillian Hayward of the Clrlch Virginia Parry Makaa Debut in Minna* Stock Company at the old Grand Opera House EBERT EDWARDS HENRIEHA WILSON apolia—Graca Carlyle Will Go to years ago, has received word that her only son. HEAVIES AND HEAVIES AND Franco Corp. Edwin W. Boggs, had died in France of GENERAL BUSINESS GENERAL BUSINESS pneumonia on May 13. He was 22 years old. Minneapolis, Minn., June Virginia Perry Both possesi ability, wardrobe and appearance, Tour limit salary, as we are worth It Only Bnt-claas made her lo<-al debut here In The Little Izwt repertoire or stock considered. Address EBERT EDWARDS, CambrIdH City, ladlaaa. DLENTANGY PARK THEATER Slater with the Hhiibert Player*. The newcomer la a KentiKklan, and has played stock lead* In Musical Comedy Stock Meets V/lth New York, Baltimore, Toronto. Can.: Blrhmonil. Approval Va., and <>n the Poll Stock Clrcnlt. She ha« NILIMAN’S IDEAL STOCK CO. played a Reason with Charlotte Walker In » Columbus, O., June 9.—The Firefly, a apleit- Eugene Walter production. Mias Perry hav dtd production, was the attraction at the Olen- Wants Dramatic People IN ALL LINES written some dramatic prodnctlona and hat re¬ tangy Park Theater last week, constituting a stage manager, apeclalty pef>ple who can act. getieral business acton (with spei'lalilM preferred). Per>ple cently complet<-d a three-act war drama, which most pleasing and successful opening of the mu¬ must be young, good lookins. exissrlenced and reliable, exempt from draft or In fourth or fifth flaae (no docs la a4'heduled for production thla fall by Al H. or pets). Long season with your salaries sure. This is not a canvas show. Tell all flr>.t letter -age. hrlgtit sical comedy stock season. The high grade pres¬ and weight. Company ot>ens in Kansas. Reheanals June X4th. Address WiMida. entation was done full Justice to by the able F. P. HILLMAN, care Centregollt Hotel. Kaatas City. MItteuri. Grace Carlyle, who la Mlaa Perry’s predecewor. company. Feme Rogers, as Nina, the little will leave to lake up war work In France. She street singer, established herself strongly in the will take a brief vacation with her parenta on favor of the audience after her first song. Della the Pacinc Cnaat, from where et)g will go to Bose, as Geraldine, and George Natanson, as PRINCESS STOCK COMPANY WANTS New York to study motor ronatructlon. She ex- Thurston, met with jtopulac arproval. Arthur nei'ta to go to France aa a Red Croe* ambulance Orchestra leader (violin), with mnslc, to double bam drum or u/methlng In lisnd: clarinet, band and or¬ Borckley, the leading tenor, has but little to do, chestra; low pitch. Htate aalaiy. Must Join at once. Write or wire driver. but what he does he doea well. Roger Gray, E. C. WARD, ear* Prlactss Sleek Ce.. Pilot Grove. Me. Dan Marble and Bertha Dodd introduced an en¬ CHESTER WALLACE PLAYERS joyable comedy feature. Margaret Crawford played the part of the chaperon wit'' suitable WANTED-MUSICAL DIRECTOR Alllanre. O.. June 8.—The Cheater Wallace dignity. Detmaro Poppen, p<>pnlar baritone, PInyrra. In their aixth week here, are enjoying for MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME CO., now playinjj Stork at (’amp Travis, sang the Herr FVanx In commendable atyle. Mary plu'iiompnal aurci’M at the Columbia Theater. Dunigan, the Colombut member of the company, Majestic Theatre, San Antonio. Must be Union Man anil Arranger. FranK Becker, The (vimpany la under the personal direction oI together with Miss Rogers, were the redplenU wire me. Address Majestic Theatre, Sir ARtooie. CoL J. L. Davis or Milton Schuster. t'bceter Wallace. McNALLY’S BULLETIN PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER COPY IT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING GILT- EDGE. UP-TO-DATE COMEDY ralTed, and all looks well toward tha aoccesn of Is transported on flee wayons. The company MATERIAL: PLUMLEE’S COMEDIANS the company thia season. The second company carries no band, but‘instead is erinipped with a 20 Scnamlnt MonolofuM, will he under the manarement of EL L. Dunne, 14 Roarinv Act* faf Tw* MtlV. ana fon, which is a feature for the natires. This 12 orlfinal Acta far Mala tad FMitItt TOURING OKLAHOMA who has been erlth Mr. Finn for the fiast twelre season marks the tenth saccessful season over the 32 Sura-FIra Paradlet. seasons. same route. 2 Raaf-Liniai Trio Aeta. 2 Rattlint Quartatta Act*. A New Camady Skateh. Plays Fourth Engagement at CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE FRANK GERARD IN CINCY A Great Tatlald Camady and Burladqo^ 8 Carklni Mlnetrel Flrat-Parta. Miami to Good Business— A Grand Mlnatral FInala. Clouds and Hunthine will be offered by the Frank Gerard, leading man with the Billy Hundreds at SIdswalk Conversatlana far TwO Clarence E. Long Called Calms Bros, as their feature attraction this Bryant New Boat Show, visited the Cincinnati Malas and Mala and Famala. teasoo. It is considered one of the best plays office of The Billboard and took In tome of the Ramember. tha price of McNALLT'S BLIi* ever presented in a tent theater. It was written ICTIN Xo. 3 is otUy one dollar par copy; or to the Colors sights with the local boya. Frank ia doing 0. wlU lend you BflXCTlXS Xoo. 2 and 3 for by W. C. Herman. _ author of the Cali of the K. and sends bla regards to all bis friends. ll.SO, with money twck suuahleed Woods, and a number of other dramatic sue- WM. McNally, riiimlee’s Comedians enjoyi-d an excellent cesses. Arranyements have been made with the ■I East l2Stli Street. NfW YORIC week's business at Miami, Ok., it being the com¬ Chicago Manuscript Company for the exclusive KLIMT & LEEKINS’ SHDW pany's fourth engagement at that little city, and use of this play In the territory visited by the George Klimt and Charles L. Leekins have all mcnilx-rs were busy meeting friends. At Bax¬ Seven Cairns Bros. An exceptionally good com¬ formed a partnership and have purchased one ter we pUyeil in o|>i>oHitlon to a protracted meet¬ pany has be<'n chosen. of the bewt outfits .on the road. The first two ing. but received g'xid patronage. At the Utter weeks in Michigan have been a success. Only slanil we were visited on Wednesday and Thurs- BURTON’S COMEDIANS CLOSE the best plays and scenic prodnetions are given. risy by members of the Doug. Morgan Show, The roster of the company includes Carrie La- whose tent was damaged by storm while playing Owing to J. Burt Burton being railed in the Moyne, Pearl Ilazelton, Lenore de Larch. Louise llm kervllle. Clarence E. Long has left the draft the Burton Comedians closed a Sfi-week Buckley. .\nna Strong, Eddie Waller, Cash Tom¬ show, N ing called to the colort. We Were sorry season May 2S. Burton has left for Camp linson, Obss. lieekins, George Klimt, Billy to see Clarence leave, but are proud to have him Nichols, New Orleans. His wife. Pearl Barton, Springer, Tommy Cormstock, George Newman. AT LIBERTY transfer his services to bis country. This makes has left for her home in Kansas City, where she Teil Mlnger, Dave Heilman, in advance, and the sixth star in our service flag. Frank Smith will rest for the summer, returning to work In four working men. AFTER JUNE IS sucieetls Lung as stage carpenter.—Bl'NME the fall. Don Melrose and wife rejoined the .•iTKICKEIt. Neff Show and C. 8. Allen the Dixie Players. CHARAITIUL'S. "Any- I “BITS” Guy S. Woodson left the company some time RDBERT L. RUSSELL SHDW thing cast for" Dirtrt I INGKNI B TYPE ago to join the colors. If needed. A-I stage man- I Age. 22; .1 ft.. S ROY FOX POPULAR PLAYERS ager. Age. 31; 5 ft.. 8. I Reliahle stock pr^erred. The Robert I.. Russell Dramatic Show played Point Pleasant, West Virginia, until June the Roy Fox Pofinlsr Players at Lone Oak. LIBERTY DVERLAND MINSTRELS Clay, Ky., last week to gowl business. The Tex.. Is«t we. k played to go,»l bnelne>s. The big tent, which scats almost a thousand people, 15. Then Pittsburgh, Pa., Gen. Del. town was new to them, but nevertheless they waa crowded to the doors, many of those at¬ The Liberty Overland Minstrels, owned by SAM T. REED. tending standing. Three feature nights were met with tlie popular approval of the natives. John R. Van Amam and James Beatty, of Syra. playei^ with a steep advance in the admsision, Tlie weather was fine and everything went their cuse, baa atarted a tour thru New York Plate. wav. A number of the company visile,! Green¬ The company (s travollng by motor trucka and but it only seemed to draw larger crowds. THE GRAHAM STOCK ville snd said how-dy to the Four Copelends. who so far have bean doing nicely. Their first show On Friday, May 31, the company was enter¬ are playing there with * musical tab. A new COMPANY was at Mlnoa. May Their second stop at tained at a luncheon given tliem at the beauti¬ WANTS TO JOIN QCICK stir Las been added to the Fox service fiag thru Fayetteville, Decoration Day, was somewhat ful home of Mrs. Guy King, city clerk. The i’ani Thardi. drummer, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Pullman cars. In which the company travel, are Rirertoire people in aB Unea Those doing fpeclal- hindered by the passing trains, which made a ties given piWercoceL Feature vaudevilla act to Thardi. who joined the colors at Camp Sheridan, great deal of noi-a and Interrupted the perform, being newly painted and decorated. iMr. Rnssell change for week. Long fietfoo; laUty sure. Addreu Ala. He had been with the show for fourteen ance. Going on to Solway they Wt what they is InstaUing a new ventilating system in the FRANK N. GRAHAM STOCK C0« Uaadllla. N. Y. rears, growing up with the company, which has called the toughest of roughnecks erer put oot. tent, which will be a big Improvement. he>-ome very much attached to him and sorry Camilns, the fonrth stand, brotight them good to let him go. Before be left the company pre¬ DTIS DLIVER NOTES sented him with a handsome kit. Besides being 1 clever drummer he la also a crackerjack ball Lincoln, Neb., June 8.—The Oliver Theater player, and his leaving puts an awful crimp la changes handa July 1. to be converted Into a the company’s team. Mr. Knbtns has left the massive picture and vaudeville theater by Messrs. company to go into business with his father. Carman and Kiball, of Lincoln, Neb. Otis Oliver Fishing has been good, and the company's prixe and players, who are filling a snmmer sto<-k fishermen, not omitting Mr. Barnett, the cham- season at the Oliver Theater, will move to the ploD frog hunter of the outfit, are keeping the Lyric Theater across the street, which is now bun,'h well fiipplied with fresh fish.—SOl'S.k. running Western vandeville at popular prices. [A little note on the side to Jack Reldy— This makes Mr. Ollver’a second summer of stock ' Fishing Is great. I.efs hear from you.”—S.] RECTDR‘8 DVERLAND SHDW in Lincoln—the longest run for one stock com¬ pany in the history of permanent stock for the Rector's Overland Show is now in the second HAYES' TENT THEATER capltaL week under canvas and is going well. The show For the first time in many years Colorado it traveliug thru Ohio and attracting large The Ethel Tlayea Tent Theater Company opened Springs. Col., is to have a snmmer stock com¬ tlliMtrmt crowds with their clean and amusing produc- it* season under i-nnvss at Rosebud. Tex., to ex¬ pany. Otis Oliver. Moline Co., moves from tloBs. The roster of the <-ompaoy i-ontists of C. cellent liuatness. People came from miles around Moline. 111., to Colorado, opening Monday, June r. Rector, manager and owner; .Lunette Ptein to see the performances, and many were turned 10, In Pals First. The company is a large one bum Re,-tor. soubret leads; Mary Rector, child away. The seating cspsclty of the tent la 1.200. and will offer a Broadway success each week. but a large space is devoted to stsniiing room. parts; Alice Rector, baby parts; Jack Gamble, heavy; HusH Shelton, leads; Charles Noise, char¬ AiitllcDces played to are very enthusiastic about WANTED the productions rendered. A Urge peri-entsge of acters; Harry Woodward, comedy; Dolly Wood¬ J. Milt Tolbert, of the Tolbert Dramatic Com¬ Either Isdr nr gent, for osiablixhed musical act. the reielpts have been turned over to the Red ward. heavies: Ella Edwarda. mutlcal and char¬ pany. playing thru the SUmth. under canvas, Bnokrd solid, (bsxl appearsnre essential. Writs SAXOPHONE A-I. Blllbsard. N. Y. OMoa. Cross and mure la coming. Royalty bilU and acter, and Carl Elder, attached to the culinary was a Billboard caller last week. Mr. Tolbert lirst-i lass specialties are being produced The department. The show carries a 40x100 top, and spent a abort vacation In Cincinnati. owners haro spared neither time nor money in REPERTDIRE NDTES msking the show a anecess. The company has a 11 pin F band and an orchestra ail fitted up in John Earle Thomas, wttn wa.s to be a member new iinifurma. Doc ZelllDo, formerly with the of the band with Curtis-McDonald Comedians t.estcr Lindsay Show, U ahead of the company, Must ting tonor In trio; Remnd Comedian. Jew or Eccentric: two experienced Chorus Girls; salary. 320. this season, writes that he is now playing solo and Is fcatnring a number of advertising sur¬ Tirtiets. Best referenew Writ* or wire. IJbevty Theatre. Ada. Ok., week of June 10th; Morgan Theatre. cornet in the .Lviatiun Stectlon, Signal Corps Ilsnryrita. Ok., week June IT. Pete Mackay and Biy Bevertv. write or wire quick. Address prises.—Z ELI.. Band, at St. r.-iul, Minn., and sends bU beat BOB DCMING'S OVER THE TOP GIRLS CO. regards to ail frienils. Ills aiklress is care of HARRY SHANNON NOTES A. S. S. C. Band. Overland Bid. I>eonard Carey, well knuwrn in Pacific Coast Harry Hbannon. manager of the Shannon Stock stock and repertoire circles, and formerly a Company, writes: '•The Shannon Stock Company ONE NIGHT STANDS—UNDER CANVAS. member of the Liberty Theater Company at Camp I* now Inuring Oblo to very good biislneaa. The Musicians and Actoiw. Barltoneu. ITarinel. Bass. * Trombone*. Trap I>nimmer. Salary, $14 and expenses. Cody, New Mexico, has Joined the colors. CabarK Girls to double cbonia Ectwrlenred .igw'l for two-car show. Write or wire. Billy Sheldon, a member of the John Ijiwrence •how has lie«‘n short of pcle in both the dm- T. S. ARTHUR. Mlanl. 13; Peaipa. 14; Paahaafila. IS: Caayen, 17; Haetfeed. 18. All la Texas. niatlc and musical ends. The last to leave for Stoi'k Company for tb« past ten years, is en¬ wrvlie with I'ncle Sam arc Harry Shannon. Jr., joying himself in the mountains of Tennessee. and H. C. Sh “oon.” stay there. The sudden death of Jlr. .LngeM's TO RESPONSIBLE MANAGERS brother, Lieut. Cyril M. .Lngell. in France on the FINN’S UNCLE TQM Fiw big territory, night stands; also for Mock. Not old. womout plays, but up-to-date plays with popular day of the company's opening in Philadelphia, tbnuea. Hbort cast. Complete urodurUona and wvnderful printing. Lw* royalty to the right parties. Also put gloom over all. Mr. Angell paid a visit aeveral ple>s fi* npertiUm. CD W. ROWLAND. Matanis Taaiala Bldf., Chkafia, llllaela. Tltomaa I,. Finn's I'ncle Tom'a Cabin opened to his mother at Attleboro, Mass., bt'fore going 't ilailhcrsbiirg. Md., April IR, and ain*-* May to Key West. I has liccn pisying in I’cnnsylvanis. The com Monte Stuckey writes that he has sold his dra¬ P'lny reports very satlxfsctory business. The matic tent outfit and is now in the n.-ivy. He tenders his best ri'gords to all his friends thru "'itfit is composed of twenty people, Mr. Finn prformers in all lines pleatte •' organixing a second •timpnny si Butler, I’a., Miptirians, doubling btage, musical act doubling band, The BillNiard and asks that they write him which is expected to pisy the snisll towns in an.nwer... Dick Klliot,... wire again, .HILA _ . [ontioello, Iowa, week June rare of the office in Chicago. He ia with Oo. F, •hit State. New tents have recently been re- loth; Anamoea, Iowa, week June 17th; Mancbeeter, Iowa, week June 24th. Camp Dewey, Great Lakes, lU. animus and without the attempt to recent Issue of-The New York Journal tentlon of W. B. Tamber. who ws« with Sun Br»t.’ Circua years afo and alao wUb John K be sarcastic or funny. entitled “A Quarter of a Million Peo* Smith's Shows. It Is his mother irtio is inqnir^ Last week The Age-Herald published pie Who Can Enjoy Themselves With¬ Inr and she is most anxloos for news of -her an editorial In answer to a letter writ¬ boy. Tiimber last wrote bis mother about a out Drinking.” There’s a mea=age In year ago from Omaha. Neb. Anyone wbn can ten by one of Its readers. The edi¬ It that, if heeded, will mean much to fire the Information please write The Billboard XHZ SHOW WORLD ENXYCLOPEDIA torial was clipped and sent to The or Mrs. Margaret Tumber, 42 Station Road the park owners who have real back¬ Kings Norton, Birmingham, England. Billboard by no less than eight differ¬ I'lie Billboard Publishing Company, bone and to their thousands of C. R. J.—Chauncey Olcott (John Chancellor) ent persons, with the request we pub¬ W. H, DONALDSON. patrons. was born In Buffalo, N. Y., July ‘J7, irko. h, lish it for the benefit of the amuse¬ made bis first appearance as a ballad singer in PUBLICATION OFFICE: ment profession at large. Many, perhaps most, park owners 1880 with a minstrel show. BiUboerd BuildlDg, 2S 27 Opera Place, We are glad to do,so. and managers still cling to the belief Walter Myers, "Slappy" Pete Thompson and Bob Wall write Frank ("Dusty”) Earl. Send ciiiclDDatl, Olilo, - - - • U. 8. A. thet to attempt to operate their address. Am still with Oray's Shows. Billyboy LET US KEEP THE CLOWNS AND Long-Distance Telephone, Canal 5065. amusement resorts without liquor (The Billboard. Cincinnati office) wUl reach me. THE GILDED WAGONS —James Earle. I'rivate Exchange, connecting all departmenta. would mean busines.<* suicide. No Address Wanted—Edu Uayne, of Ottawa. -Ill Cahle Address (Registered). “Billyboy.” “A ■^ule wagon show passed thru doubt the greater number would pre¬ wants the address of the Suffragette Herlew Stanton, Ala., the other day. A lady fer that no liquor be sold in their Company, which played Ottawa sereral months who has two brothers in the service »*». BRANCH OFFICES: parks, but they are too shortsighted write.s to The Age-I^erald: to attempt such an innovation. Pate Bo<*ne—Please write Sampson McDooild NEW YORK Durant, Ok., promptly. In regard to property “ ‘Is there any Justice in running the To these the experience of the stored In Achllle, Ok. Broadway and Forty-fourth street, second fioor risk of letting them and their comrades Schenck Brothers, proprietors of Pali¬ Putnam Bldg. Entrance 1-199 Broadway, suffer for food while such things as sades Park, should be conclusive telephone, 84TU Uryaul. these encumber the earth? I do not proof that a "dry” park will Marriages CHICAGO know how many of these shows there pay, that the people will patronize— Crllly Betiding. Monroe and Dearborn Streeta. are in the country, but if there is only and patronize liberally—a park that Telephone, Central 8480. one that is too many. Can nothing be Dutener witn tne lanaee KoiMnsoa Show, was done about it?’ provides wholesome entertainment married at Webster. S. D., June 2 to Alice 8T. LOUIS Miller, a Donprofessional. “If the proprietor of*the little wagon Gamble Bldg., 620 Chestnut st. PA VA8-E8PEY—William Da Vas, aged 29 Lonff-Dlstance Telephone, Olire 1738. show were in the habit of quoting | and "Pot" Espey. aged 19, both members of a Shakespeare he might reply: camlTal company, were married Jnne 5 at Pee SAN FRANCISCO ria, ill., by Police ..Magistrate Michel. The bride 603 Humboldt Bank Building. “ ’Is there no play was a dancer. Her husband left six hours after the marriage for I>ance to join the British army. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES: To ease the anguish of a torturing iJil.I.EY-STERLINU—Seaman Fred Laltey. Kansas City, 1117 Commerce Building, Tele¬ hour?’ nonprofessBmal, and Dorothy Sterling, chorus phone M. 3657. Baltimore, 924 Equitable "The humble purveyor of amuse¬ girl, were married recently at New York rit\. Building. Telephone St. Paul 1473. Wash¬ ment and the ‘mighty aggregation of LaKl'E IjiPOKTE—I.ieut. Frank LaKue, of the ington, D. C., 47 Post Building. Phone tented wonders’ are a boon to trou¬ l.’i8tb lufantry. Camp Kearny. Cal., and .Vt.s la Main 3307. Philadelphia, 1137 Westmoreland Porte, for the part four years organist at the St. Pittsburg, 207 Kellerman Bldg., Bell Phone bled minds in these hours when any¬ Cahrlllo Tlieater, San Diego. Cal., were mariid Snnda.T May 26. at the Chtirrh of Our Lady of Grant 1603. Los Angeles, 920 Wright and thing that keeps up our spirits serves Aid us, as well as yonreelf; write for that .\ngels. San Plego. In addition to her w rk as Callender Bldg. Omaha, Neb., 216 Brandels a u.-^eful purpose. If a wagon show letter adrortised In our Letter List. organirt the bride has been assistant to Manager Theater Building. London, England, 8 Rupert R. E. I licks at the Cabrlllo, one of the m't:rofesslonal. at .Vnniaton. Ala., Juno 7. B"th One Tear .$3.00 FROM NOW UNTIL OCT. 26 ara fp-m Cincinnati. Six Montba . l.iO •SCOTT-WIIJIOX—"Captain” Scott. Hon train Three Months .75 er with the Happy Hoar Shows, and Mabel Wil¬ son, a member of the aame abow-, were married Payable In Adrance. May 22. IN QUANTITIES (two or more to the same TAYIX)R-WARD—Doc W. H. Taylor and M.sa address) 10 PER CENT DISCXIUNT IS AL¬ Beulah Ward, both well kte-wn conceost >ntrs, LOWED. No extra charge to foreign snbecrlbero. FOR ONE DOLLAR were married during the latter part of March THE BILLBOARD is for sale on all trains at Philadelphia, Pa. B->tb were connected with the I-ee Broa.’ Great United Shows for seTcral and newaatanda thruont United States and years. Canada which are supplied by the Americau News Co. and its branches. It is also on sale SUBSCRIBE St Brentano’i, 37 Avenue de I’Opera, Paris, Births France, and at Daw’s Agency, 17 Green Street, SAVE THE DIFFERENCE AND BUY THRIFT STAMPS Leicester Square. London, W. C. When not Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Royal a hoy at on sale please notify this office. St. Francis’ Hospital, Poughkeepsie, N. Y'., May Remittances should be made by post-office 12. Mrs. Royal Is professionally known as the or express mcney order, or registered letter, with its ‘eightten mule.^ and horses, Princess Wah I-etka, the Cherokee Indian Seer esv addressed or made payable to Tbs Billboard besides two Shetland ponies,’ were Readers’ Column Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wlnrlek, a nine- Publishing Company. a serious factor in the food situation, pound s->n June 2. Mr. Wlnrlek is an account¬ Tbs editor can not undertaks to ratam nn- we may rest assured that it would Joseph Webb, your mother wants to hear from ant In the Seattle ofllees of the OoMwyn Film soliclted manuscripts. Correspondeots should you. Mr*. W. J. Webb. Naborton. La. Compan.v. not exist long; neither would the great Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. CVde. on Ma.v keep copy. 11. B. R., IndianapoUa—The September Mnrn- 30. a ten-pound boy. King Harry. Mrs. Cole circus, with its hundreds of horses InK Glories, featurlDK Bert Bertrand and IT irence Billboard reserves the right to edit all la known to the profession as Mina lai Reaue, of iiiirley, played the Majestic Theater, Indlanap- sdTcrtlaing copy. and wild animals. the orlgintl Four lot Keanes. olls. Ind., week of August 7. 1916. Harry “The world must not forget how to Hastings and The Tango (jueens played this laugh. That is why such strenuous, theater the following week. unceasing efforts are made to give sol¬ Would like to know the address of Waiter THEATRICAL NOTES diers theatrical entertainment within .Sprout. He was au auto-pola player and was formerly with the Two BtlU Show. Addreos The Plantation Four Qnartet recently opefled sound of the big guns and close to the Readers’ Column. at the Feature Theater, Dallas, Tex., for an The Billboard Is a Member front line trenches. That Is why Pre-^i- Will the party going by the name of Mrs. Indefinite engagement. The roster consUts of dent Wilson set an example to his fel¬ Blake or Sylvia (a palmist), last seen In Colo¬ Earl Holmes, tenor (formerly of Nell O'Brleo): rado Springs, Col., last summer, kindly drop roe Roeeoe Humphrey, lead singer (formerly of .M of the low- citizens by attending the circus a line? I am a relative who wants to hear froin O. FIcM'a); Bill Debrow, baritone and blue which recently visited Washington, you.—Mrs. B. L. Miller, 101 Third street, singer, and Claitd (Slick) Eason, bssoo and di¬ for a time forgetting the cares and Peoria, III. (Mrs. Blake was In partnership rector. Other membera of the company at the w-ith a lady named Zynuda hist season). Feature are Dot Keya, Virginia Grey. Tony responsibilities which rested upon him. Would appreelate reeelvlng information eon- Kumker, Bert Devoe (female lmpersr; AI Phillips, prodneer. The nocent amusement. Tenn. members of the corai>any presented Speedy Mol¬ ly. fhe stage manager, with a handsome signet W. O. KELLEY—If yon want to see your hoy “Do not deal harshly with the ring for his birthday pres»'nt. The managers. go to Montgomery, W. Va. —Isdly. Roy and I’at Dallon. are going to keen fhe show-folk in these times of stress and Anyone knowing the whereabouts of J. D. Editorial Comment house open this aiimmer. anguish. They are as patriotic as the Jones and Pat Carey, both sheetwriters, notify I/eona Fox and Ben Ilolines. prima donna and re.st of us—they did a great deal to me at once or tell them there are Important In Birmingham, Ala., Is published letters at "rhe Billboard's Cincinnati office for leading man resiactlvely, have Joined the Monte a paper called The Age-Herald, edited make the Liberty Loan campaigns and them. Frank Beach, Box 94. Jonesboro, Ark. Carter Musical Comedy organliatlon at D»k the Red Cross drives successful—and Santa Fe, N. M., Box 426—.4ny of my friends, Theater, Seattle, replacing Walter Spencer and by able, farseelng men who have who knew me at the above address, please Iffiyllla Gordon. done and are doing much to develop their ranks have been depleted to write your old friend 3920. Condr. Bryd, Wire- I. A. T. 8. E.. District No. 1, held its annual the people of that section In thinking help fight the nation’s battles. It Ls working Dodson. Dr. Bryles, Texas Miller, convcnthal In Seattle the past wt^ek. Tonghy, Curly Miles and any of the others I comforting to know that we are still Koek-a-Bye Baby, the new Selwyn musical and seeing in a broadminded way. This knew and who know me by description. -Yon comedy at the Astor Theater, New York, has to have the gilded wagons, hair-raising all know me as the telegraph operator (C K) paper quite often comments editorially proved so sncresafnl that the firm has derided from the Santa Fe R. R,-^arence Riirdlck, performances beneath the ‘big top’ to open another company In Chicago in .August. upon current topics of the amusement Wllmipgton. Del., care General Delivery. busine.®?, ,and in such manner as to and ail the glory and glitter of the WAN'TET)—Address of Bruce W, Clow and name of rartilval he Is conmo-ted with. Harry deserve the thanks of the entire circus a.s in pre-war days, while the It’a more fun to watch your money grow than stage is helping in no uncertain way Tloldorf 1431Sixth avenue. Rock Island LI. to watch It go down. Buy War Savings Staini'-. amusement profession. Never does Inquisitive—Edward H. Sothem. famous actor one read in The Age-Herald the nasty, to relieve the tension under which we and playwright, made his first api>earHore on are all living Just now.” the Txindon stage at the Royalty Theater Octo¬ uncalled for slurs which seem to he ber 8, 1881. as Mr. Sharpe In False Odors. the delight of some writers. Its Vic—The Folly Rurles<|ue Theati-r. Paterson, OBITUARIES ON amusement editorials are handled Every proprietor of an amusement N. J., was destroyed by fire March 18. 1911 PAGE 66 The help of fhe (irofesslon Is again earnestly fairly and intelligently, witjiout park ought to read the editorial In a requested In biinglng this notice to the at- MukIi-, fun and plenty of “eats” for men In nlform waa the iOTitatlon extended to our fijliters at the Canteen held in the Rip Van Winkle Tea Room. 17 Weat Thirty aeventh iitree New York, under the anapices of the Htaae Women'* War Relief laat Sunday. All the caller'i v.ere met with a iclad handahake from Chryatnl Herne, Mlnette Barrett, Maraaret Smith. Carroll Mi-- Comaa, Lueile Wataon and Itaiay Hiimphreya. Mary Cei-il la a popular favorite among the boya in khaki, for ahe invariably reniembera the name* Jack !>. Winn experta to contlnne aa adver- (Edited by Marion Ruasell) of the bo.va, which pleaaea them very much. tlaing agent of the Auditorium Theater In Lot Mary Elizabeth, m.mufai turer of aweeta, aent a Angelea until next aeaaon, when he contem- platea putting out a mlnatrel shew on the Coast. large rake, and Mra. David Relaaco haa been Lee Parvin has been beard from. He la tour¬ It seems but yesterday that dainty, diminutive I.eah Baird la one of the best gowned women ing the Northweat ahead of the Juvenile Frivoli¬ MjIwI Taliaferro was blowing a tin horn out of on the screen stage today. Nature was generous ties, an organization of Winnipeg youngsters h. P. last week, "but I don't know how I’m going to get this bunch into Baer, manager of the Colonial .\rt Metal Works To you whosoever are still trouping In these Canada." I.eave it to Ed. thO, to cut the red When Gareth Hughes, the young Welsh actor, at -105 West Broadway, wlio has sent three huge Warm June days, ronjiire up this picture If you tape and secure a passport to the land of the enlisted recently he visited the Stage Women's bags of leather, to be utilized for the vest mak¬ maple leaf for every employee of the allow. .an—BROADWAY IN DARKNE.US ON Jl'NE 1. AYar Relief before leaving for ramp, and was ing. and promises to send more. Everybody Walter Rechtln. of finclnnatl. is now adver¬ All the light ami gaiety gone from the STREET supplied with a sweater knitted by Madge Ken¬ has been so kind and helpful that the noble tising agent of the .Majestic Theater at Camp tiF THE OAY WHITE WAY'. Blinds down In Travis, San .\ntonio. Tex. It has also leaked nedy, socks made by Frances 8tarr, a windproof women who give their time and service feel well all the lobster palaces. Jazz bands silent. A few Jacket, the work of Mrs. W, H. Donaldson, and out that last January Walter t(M>k unto himself repaid fur their efforts. a wife. Miss .\da .M. Miller, also of Cincinnati. pedestrians anxiously reading the late bulletins. a kit bag filled by Jessie Buckley. The following Jerome Ed many theatergoers with her vivacious smile tributed its quota to the great war: many famous ment resort prominently In the public eye with I have your little poster hung In the tent and and wide, inquiring eyes, which "she couldn't stars have deserted their profession to fight for the live stuff be puts out. I am sure proud of it. make behave.” Now In her hour of suffering I'ncle Sam, and when history's scroll records W. R. Arnold Is now connected with the Or- I am to be made a full I'. 8. citizen, and It Is kind thoughts are wafted towards the sick the valorous deeds of those brave souls who pbeum Theater at Nashville, Tenn.. bolding cliamber, where she so valiantly fights the grim the best piece of news I ever re<'eived. down a position aa general advertising agent. went "over the top" the names of our actor- Jimmie Hodges and bis company are appearing battle. If g'K>d wishes could heal the ills of KIneere good wishes to you all. soldiers will be found leading the vanguard of at the Orplieum lor the summer, and so far ne«h .Anna Held would recover Immediately. GARETH HfGHES, the procession. (this Is their third week) have been doing nlce- Co. M, 51st Pioneer Infantry, Camp Wadsworth, 8. C. William G. Freeman, buslnesa manager of the The pet of vaudeville. Elizabeth Brice, pos- Aid ns, as well as yourself; write for that It Is hot here. Empire Theater. New York, and one of the luOTt letter advertised in our Letter List. M-sses a chic personality that lends class and popular men in the profession, has enlisted In distinction to her exclusive style. When It the United States Naval Reserves anot Is already get¬ great Liberty Bond drive. Every available *AUL KEITH, President E. F. ALBEE, Vice-Pres. and Gen. A ting much pnblicity for it in the dallies in that trinket disappeared from her Jewel case and section. went to swell her fund of lOX). which she turned UNITED C. E. Bray, who has been manager of ths vver to the .Allied Committee. In private life Orpheum at New Drleans, is now on the West Mi«> Ryan la as greatly beloved as she Is in Coast as manager of the Orpheum at Los An¬ the stage play In which she Is appearing this BOOKING geles. •easoa. Herb Cohen, press representative with Snn OFFICES Bros.’ Shows, writes us of the fine eats lu th* Dayton. O.. May 28. 1918. The Open Door: Dear Miss Russell—Every week I say to my folks, "Be sure to get The Billboard when you YOU CAN BOOK DIRECT BY go down town." for I so enjoy reading THE OPEN ADDRESSING S. K. HODGDON, IKXiR articles that tell us what the women arc Booking Manager of the UNITED doing In New Y'ork. And your news of THE ■iTAOE WOMEN'S WAR RELIEF is Just great. 'Ve think that Fanny Dupree is a wonder at ■o-lling bonds. But there are a lot of good peo- OFFICES .•le among stage folks. I like Julia Arthur, too. THEATRICAL NOTES AVr are going out again thi* season, but late for Be F. Keith’s Palace Theatre Building II*. We send our regards to all friend*. NEW YORK CITY A new Liberty Theater Is being built at Kel¬ Respectfully your*. ley Field, San Antonio. Tex. 'This will make MRS. BILLY WESTER. it possible for shows to play a week at Camp Travis, then play at Kelley Field, as the camps are only ten miles apart. C. S. .Army tna-ks will transp-wt the b.vggsgc from one l*. four sections, three state rooms, car fully furnish^ electric nola June 4. Capital stock $1,010. The com¬ llghtcl. One baagaae csr. TJ feet long, steel underframe, big end doors, two side door*, sleeps sixteen pany will conduct a general theatrical business. leople. One Delco electric light system In wagon, two sets batteries for lighting cars and tent One The incorporators are M. M. Hark, L. Oringler dramatic etui tent. HO wilh one 40 and one .to-ft. middle piece: one marquee, almost new. Sixteen lengths of and R. E. Rothblum. blue*, reserve,! seals for 475 people, one stage. 18x20 feel: one pnwcenlura. ail new scenery, stakes, pole*, Getting Together, the war play which ran at riggings, slwlge hammers, three kii00 this si'Hiig: banners, flags and n'lmemus other artlclrs. Taper and dates on car to last the Lyric. New Y'ork, from Man-h 19 to 23. has until Itrs-rmtwT 1. Three tdll trunks and bni«hes fiw the advance, use of title New Orleans Minstrels. 3.000 been resumed, the cast being beaded by Blanche s,si* boidis and variisis other articles that *«' with a fully equlppe,! show. This Is a real two-i ar colo^ Bates and Holbrook Blinn. minstrel show If y,wi are In the roarkri >sene and Ii«k It over, a* we are on the road doing gooit businr^si Arthur Hopkins has arranged to star Mme. rsrn day Ttease do not answer this "AD" If you do nc4 mean ousinrws. Ad>1rrss all mall to WM. Naxteiova in a new play m-xt season. CAMPBELL. Clktas. S. D.. Jus* 22. All mall to my home ad,lress. Evansville. WIsceisIn, will be for- warsleil to mr An added attraction engaged for The Midnight Frolic on the New Amsterdam Roof. New York, is Whiting and Burt. • The only war play presented In New Y'ork FOR THE CARL this year which Is still on the tvmrds I* The Man Who Stayed at Home, which Is now in CLARK WAGON SHOW its third month. A siiigltif and talking clown. One that can do two or mere act*, Other pertormers write quick Will Demlng's role In Parlor. Bednvom and get your motley every dundav a m. with this show. PROF. CARL CLAI IK. Prsa.; T. R. McAvn. Mgr. Bath ha* been taken by James Soottswood. The rit. N. V.. Just •: Bllbertwllle. N. V„ Jus* fi: ML Uptaa. N. V„ Jvs* 10. Write quick. piece 1* now playing at the Republic. New Y'ork. Lee Shubert has engaged Edwani P. Temple to stage the cycle of mq«ica! comeily ppodne- WANTED ATTRACTIVE LADIES FOR BIG tlons which Mr. Shubert wi'l organize and produce for the War Department T-ainlng Camp actlvl- VAUDEVILLE POSING ACT tle*. Mr. Temple was the first stage dlreetor wt No salary i1edur4ed for lost peffannance*. Managem,-iit furnishes everything. of the Hlpp*idrome and ha« had wide extoTlence ■ all ladle*, with dark hair. Write paitjcular*. stating age. height, weight, aiui. if any In directing grand opera, iiinslcal -nosiles anii 'in Kxp«rlm<-e not absolutrly necessary. Mall a full Imgth photo (which will be Im- Atldres* MANAGER. 6. M. C.. ear* Blllbaard Pab. Ca., Clarlaaatl. Obla. **Eddie O'Brien and Willis West have reorgan¬ ized their musical i-omedy company, which close,! VAUDEVILLE HOUSE MANAGER AND PRESS AGENT, at the Crystal, .Astoria. Ore . two we«-ks ago, and are playing an Indefinite engsgeineut at t’.ie NOW EMPLOYED, WANTS POSITION U. S. .A. Theater, Vancouver, Wash. Flora Sims, late prima donna with the Arm¬ Where lutalllfenca and ability wUl be appreciated. I know how to gel the bustnes* and keep It. strong Folly Company at the Oak Theater, Ta¬ LEAH BAIRD H. P. HALBRAN. SIS N. Cllataa St.. Olaao. Ntw Yark. coma. la visiting relatives in Spokane. Grie.ni

ers, he decorated the little graves that had been COOP & LENT cared for so many years by .Mr. Cody himself. A representative of The Itillbourd ran into Mr. Cooke Just after he had relumed from the 36 Years’ Repuiaiion Back of Every Teni MOTORIZED CIRCUS cemetery. "1 was only a couple of hundred miles from here.” he said, "when the thought came to me of Memorial Day. and then I began won¬ Encounters Hard Going First dering if tlie graves of the children of the be¬ loved Buffalo Bill would be eared for this year. SHOW You know the old gentleman always made it a Week Out, But Additional point to see that those little graves were proper¬ ly cared for. so I determined to come on and see uUaa CANVAS Equipment Expected To to it myself.' I knew that the tomb of our de¬ Solve Difficulties parted friend would be visited by hundrtsls of people on Memorial Day.” Carnival Tents NO ENGLE CIRCUS THIS YEAR SbimI fo* Catmlog and Second-Hand list South Bend, Ind., June S.—^The Coop & Lent Motorized Circus had serious difficulties the first There will be no Engle Bros.’ Overland Circus week of its tour. It opened in Kensinft- on the road this year; in fact, not until the ton. III., May iiS, and with the assistance of war has ended. L. W. Smith, one of the owners J. C GOSS CO. TENTS interurban tines reached tiary, Ind., for its of the shew, enlisted in the anny last July, and next stand the -Tth. The move to Valparaiso, la now "somewhere in France” with the field DETROIT, MICH. TO ORDER AND HIRE 28th, was made with the assistance of htn'd artillery. Manager R. R. Engle finished the ORIGINAL SPECIAL COLORED trucks. The lot here wa.s in bad condition, and season last October at Terre Ilaute. Ind.. and STRIPED FABRICS a day was lost getting to Ijiporte, where it as soon as the show was placetl in winter showed the 30th, the date billed for Sonth Bend. quarters at Bridgeton, Ind., all the stock was Considerable opposition was encountered in Sonth sold. lAst January Mr. Engle enlisted in the Bend over its showing on Memorial Day, and Coast Artillery, and Is now stationed at Ft. Foster & Stewart Go., Inc. the city refused to issue a permit to parade, Adams, R. I., as a private with the 23d Oo., 371-375 PACIFIC ST., BROOKLYN. N. V. stating it would interfere with memorial church C. A. C. All told, eight troupers from this

■ I I I I I I STICKNEY (SR.) COMEDY DOG AND PONY CIRCUS SHOW MRS OF EVERY DESGRIPTIOtl TENTS WRITE OR WIRE U$ SHOW TENTS. BLACK TENTS, CANDY TOPS, MERRY-GO-ROUND COVERS Also Sleepers, Parlor Cars, Flat And Everything In Caavss. Send for Catalog. and Stock Car. D0U6HERTY BROS.’TENT & AWNING CO. lie S. 4th 8t.. ST. LOUIS. MO. SOUTHERN IRON & EQUIPMENT CQ. _SHOW AND CONCESSION ATLANTA, GA. RHESUS MONK EYS, SNAKES, XENXfi Kangaroos, Tame Bear, Ringtails, Macaws, Cockatoos. Tents. Show Trunks. Cooking (tut- ST. LOUIS TENT AND AWNING CO. flu. B. J. PUTNAM. 490 WaatUnron Rt.. Buffaln. IBia Marfcst Slrs< ST. LOUIS. MO. New York. WANT FIVE BOYS, Ages 12 to II, SN a.ke:s We have Snalwa MOiRB FOB YOTR CA.'^n. FOR ACROBATICS Mixed Fixed Dent, SIO.OO up. Black Iguanas Experience nuC nercaaary. Lluat have partnU* caojanL oo hand. We only ahlp CASH WITH OBDEB. Could UM a few Qlrli. Stata age, height, walfht and TEXAS SNAKE FARM. full particular!. Addreaa X. Billboard. San FrancUrc. P. 0. Box 236. Brownevllls. Texas. California. AT LIBERTY-SMALL BOA CONSTRICTORS TROUPE OF DOGS One dog walka high on a tight wire, a baby lion. 2 A yen’ fine lot on band, 7 to 11 feet. midget lionet, weight. 85 Iba.; height, 30 Inches; pit or ilde-tbow; g bear playa baaeball. I work wild and domestic stock, lactu^ run pit or side-show williamIaMels CO. CAPT. H. SNIOER, Altaaialiaw. Nertk Ctrellaa. 44 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slickney. Sr., have In their '•nmcdy dog and pony circus one of the best acts of its kind seen anywhere. The veteran circus troupers during the past two or three weeks have becsi play¬ WANTED ing the parks in Cincinnati, where the act was a scream. Mrs. Stickney is shown in the picture with the Bober, reliatile foreman for bilUioetlng plant; must MAI I IftATflR^” Fit 115 oo. coneisUng of well-trained animals. The act will soon bo seen on the Suu Time. poet. Hletily i nsliion. Good salary. HkkIUHIWna one 4Vi-fL, two .Vft.. four 2- MAURICE CALLAHAN A SONS. fL. four 18-tn., four babies, one egg. Pit Show, Bax 80S. PIttsSelS. Mats. $10.00, consisting of one 4-ft., two S-ft., two 2-ft.. two 18-in., two bibies, one egg. Pit Show. $5.00. cm- services. It made the 25mlle run from I-a- llttle show are now in the service, and everyone eisting of one 3-ft.. one 30-ln.. two 2-ft.. one baby, porte to South Bend, over the IJncoln Highway, enlisted. C. W. Wortsbangh. the band leader, one egg. THE FI/)B1DA ALLIGATOR FARM. Jack- in fairly good time, but arrived too late to who has been with the* Engle ontflt since 1!K>7. i.onTlll*. Fla.. Young Alligator Joe’s Place. make a parade on the .31st. Ijick of sufficient Is spending the summer in Indianapolis. The CARS FOR SALE help delayed getting the tents up, and altho Cole Sisters, one of the acts carried, will not hundreds of small boys were pressed into serv¬ go out until fall, when they will play several Eiaht OO-fL Flats and three 60-fL 8torfc Cars for sslr Addme DR. I IJtlCH. Chester, Pennsylvaiita. nakes Snakes Snakes ice no afternoon show was given. The night fair dates. Private Engle we the show this season. Billie Wtesly, the obleat Aid us, as well as yourself; write for that MFO. OCX. Springfiold, JUtDOik Cemetery, where, with the aasistance of gurden- aon of the Woody Family, liua b(s-n stiverely ill letter advertised In our liCtter U»t. JUNE 15, 1918 WM UNDER THE MARQUEE ALL THE BIG CIRCUSES Sr CIRCVB SOLLT RINGLING BROS. SELLS-FLOTO HAGEN BECK-WALLACE AL. G. BARNES Freed, who u-aw with the I,aT<-na Clrra* the i>aiit three a<'aw>n« ami the iiaHt wiuter with Hliileh Ofiper’H B;ff, Hlntr. Hantr Burl<'i«iue USE DEAGAN UNA-FONS Shiiw. la DOW at Camp MaaeiK-k. Aiiguxta, Ua.. Alwaya In Tuna. ami eaya he ean he rouml dally at the Flka’ ANY PIANIST CAN BE HEARD A Traublearaaf. t'liih. Sam wants to hear from Dutch Hoffman CAN PLAY IT MILE OR MORE Faalaraef. anti Harry Bawim. of the Walter L. Main Waatharpraaf. Luta a Life Tima. Shows. HU complete address Is: Mess Sergeant Successful showmen have found the Deagan Una-Fon to be the Tana Brilliant. Irrealatibla. S.imiiel t'reed, Mh Oo.. Sp. Training School, greatest musical attraction ever devised. Valuma Trtmandaut Camp Uaneix*, Augusta, Ua. Can Be Hiard MIlea. .\l.so successfully iksed at Skating Kinks, Ball Rooms, Passenger Boats, Alwaya Ready. rr j. A. McArthur reports the marriage of J. Amiwment Parks, Medicine Shows and many other amusement Needs No Paeklng. D. Cook, butcher with the Yankee Kitblnson Weliht Only 135 Lba. circus, to Alice Miller, a nonprofcsslonal, gt organizations. A Superb Street Advertleer. Webster. S. D., June a. YOU TBY THE UNA-FON BEFORE YOU BUY IT. Write far Catalag F and FREE TRIAL OFFER.

Mr. and Sirs. Jenk have decided to stay off J. C. DEAGAN MUSICAL BELLS, Inc. the road this season. They hove openetl their Oeifan Bulldiag. 1760 Bertaau Avenue. Chleata. Illlnala summer garden at Sagiuaw, M.eb.. thslr hi>me town. Folks wdth the larger circus»>s which make Saginaw are familiar with the garden ' thru the outings they glre there when In toe t. horseback being presented. The nearest thing ta WANTED, SUN BROTHERS’ SHOWS a double can-ying or Jockey act on the show. Mt'SIClANS—L/im pitch trap drummer, alto clarinet: othera write Jamaa Norman, leader. Clown... concert Dr. J. W. Hartlgan. Jr., saw the Rlngllng people. Ucket aellers. randy huirhers, (eneral blacksmith, harness nYtalrcr. Party capable handling new DUplay No. 14—Bertha Beeson (Herbert Bee¬ Show May .11 at McKeesisirt. I*a., and says the .take driver. Seat men Could place one big ehow act. team or three people; butterfly act or acrobatic son), in one of the cUsalest dancing wire num¬ natlres went wild over May Wlrth, Mile, l^lt- act with fill In acta. Rauta: Croaktvilla. 0.. June 13; Carrelltan, 0., June 14; Mingo lunctlan, Om Juaa IS; ber* ever seen here. Well coetumed and pre¬ »el and Hillary I/ing. From McKeesisirt the Taranto. 0.. Juaa 17; Walliburg, w. Va.. Juaa IS; Caasagthurt. Pa., Juaa 19; Waakla^aa. Pa.. Juaa 20; sented. Four Roman soldiers carry the perform¬ doctor went to Columbus, O., barracks to see Carnagla. Pa.. Juaa 21. State all tint letter. er to the stage. The one stop music act oo tha program. tals brother, J. M. Hartlgan. Display No. 15—The Six Cornelias, acrobats, Inquirer—ratrons paid $1 for a box seat and on center stage. 50 cents for a seat In the pit when Rlckett'a Display No. 16—Bings 1 and 2: The Delnos. Equestrian Circus exhibited In Hartford, Conn., in an aerial comedy bar act. WANTED The Star-Spangled Banner. ■ August 18-21, 179b. The program all thru shows the fine band of ”H. B.” During the statue lowing act all Dr. Trontroan and C. E. Duble, trombonist, waits due to changing of poses sre well covered renewed acquaintances and opened up a •‘keg by the menage riders, comprl.«ing Minnie Thomp¬ of naiis” when Sells-Floto played San Francisco. son, Mrs. Wells. Sion Rogers, Louise Grelbel Tbev were together on Sun Bros.’ Circus, and and Mrs. Delno. are oldtlme friends. The report is that Duble BILLPOSTERS, LITHOfiRAPHERS Visitors on the show were Sam Haller, Zlck ts rippiug them off in great shape on the slip Abrams. Otto Floto, Fliy King, Charles Gagus. bom these days when he is not busy composing General Agent Fred Morgan and Captain, form¬ band music, while Dr. Troutman Is district For BARNUM & BAILEY, Greatest Show on Earth erly Doc. T. S. Croaby. who Is stationed at the surgeon for the .Southern I'acillc Kailruad and U Presidio of San FVancIsco, preparing to leave In pritate practice as well. Address P. W. HARRELL, 221 Institute Place, Chicago, III. for FYance. The feature of the concert Is that It Is ’’dif¬ James Spaulding, conductor on the N. n. Y’., ferent.” A ballet of sixteen girls, elaborately N. II. A 11., reports haring bad a flue time costumed, and trained by George L. Myers, pre¬ with W. C. St. Clair, manager of Barnum A sents excellent popular song and tableau num¬ Bailey's .Ydrertlslng Car No. 1, when It arrlred Ponies, Shetland Ponies, 250, For Sale Cheap bers on the center stage In front of a specUl In .'eaDuts while they ’’cut following Sunday, and he certainly proved a swinging perch, Emma. plckout atMl cigarette shooting gallery and bid up old dough” I guess they do that in the news helping hand He got his friend. Pat Broban, the Cisip A l,ent Circus adleji at Marl«n. foan paper game also), the while their eyes popping Display No. 3—Ring 1: Five elephants per¬ of Rutland. Vt., on the phone and told him all whence be left for New York. out the same as any 10-year-old at the wonders formed by Minnie Tbompsun, Bnitblng with per¬ about It. Pat Is well deserving of that nama. the various arts of the "rbamplou show* of the formance by Snyder, who carries hts trainer on as be sure stood pat for the Clowns’ Club. When world” were displaying before their eyes. bU tiiaki while walking on bU biad leg*. Ring the show arrived in Rutland Pat had everything GEORGE BECKLEY GRATEFUL Neither bad much to say while the performance 2: Baby alepbants, performed by Bertha Wilkea. ready for the folks—auto trucks, two barrsls was on. but their faces indicated that their DlspUy No. 4.—.All Rings; Revolving tables of foaming brew and enough corned beef and vegetables to make a New England dinner for George B. Berkley, the reteran agent and clr- satiated and critical minds were mentally and unridable males, ilomer Hobson. Jr.. Prof. lois man. who te conBned at the Ibinphln County "iKHWiing” each turn as it appeared. Scheck and Simon Rogers. the whole show. All got aboard the trucks and were on their way to the woods, and some fins Poor House, Hanisbarg. Pa., with paralysis of DlspUy No. 11—Ring 1: Statuary horae, Sunday afternoon brought out the largest spot It was for an outing. Eddie DeVo* got the lower limbs, and for whom a fond was re- Pasha. Stage; Statuary glrU. Ring 2: Stat¬ Nmse, It being a pack-ln. 'ne matinee on Dim- busy catching frogs. George Baker and Art ■ently started thy memhera of .Vdrance Car No. uary horse. Snowflake. ratlon Day was comfortably filled. The evening .Ldair did a back somersault. Bert Cole did a 1. of the Rlngltng Bros.’ Clis-usl that be mlcht Display No. 6—Tlown entry. The ‘'Famous house, those on the day and evening following celebrated handspring. Bob Abrahams and Ruck pup-hase a wheel chair to enable him to make ami Saturday afternoon were between half and Forty—Count ’Em.” Reynolds were some fine bartenders. The New s Itring. wishes to thank The BlUboard aiwl Jas. tbree-qusrters full and Saturday erenlng was DlspUy No. 7—Lady principal act. Ring 1; England dinner was cooked by the writer, and F Itonildson, who sent In the notice, as well well filled. Snnday night was the worst house Hodglnl, billed as the ’'Orlgtnal Mies Daisy,” the boys said It was all to the mustard. Other is the friends who hare contrtlmted, as follows: of the cngjigement. with less than half a bouse. in a fast rosin bark Juggling number. Ring 2: memtiers of the club are Carl Luster, Gene Mil- The Billboard .W Od That the lack of attendance In San F'ranclsco EstelU and Homer Hob-on. ton, Max Derrick and Abel Albalr, the tree Geo. H. tloodhart .2.00 rvflect* nothing on the excellence of the show Display No. 8—Fire house and clown Inter- climber. Several Elks from Rutland were also Jas. P. Donaldson . 2.oo goes without saying. California Is never much of mls>loD. at the outing and had a fine time. They were Tho«. Connor* .2. a show country In springtime, and following the Di.-pUy No. 9—Ring 1: Iji FVance Rose Pat Brohan. C. Remington. O. M. Costello, J. F, Thus. Dailey . 2.00 vsrions "war fnnd dr^es.” as H. P. Gentry put Troupe, tight wire. Stage: Swivney and Nea- Costello. H. A. loivery. J. LaFh'ance. J. I.,evy. H Horton . 200 It. "what '■onld we expect?” ton, in a novelty sensational Iron-Jaw act, end¬ H. M. O’Dell. C. V. Pnniine. T. J. Byrens. E. E. Vick Nary . l.Ott WHille not a feature of the name this season ing with the wonderful Iron-Jaw whirl of Bea¬ Eddv. H. B. Carpentler and O. Gibson. I, M. C. W. Cbulth . 50 the Sells-Floto riT<-ne can well bo called ‘’Clrcua trice Sweeney. Ring 2: I m-key Troupe, slack Frost, the man who furnished the auto trucks, •' H. Hanlman ..50 Bcantlful.” ”Cbamplon Shows of the World” la wire. was also there. ’The clowns extend thanks to '1 J. Lyons .5o the title which greets those who tsve the pleas Display No. 10—Ring 1: Riding collies. Si¬ Mr. Brohan and Mr. Frost for ths favors. John Ferris .rsr lire of getting a view of the train, and the mon Rogers. Ring 2: Riding fox terriers. Leo The latest hews la that Billie Sommers and David Berkley ..lO p<’rformanre surely makes a strong bid for the Hamilton. Stage: Lanboy, picturesque eyclery. Myrle Rohnan, both of the Flying Wards act. J M. BigwedI .50 <-redlf. DlspUy No. 11—Ring 1: Contortion act. Toto. have gone and done It. They were married while tames ynlllran .50 H. B. Gentry has the credit for putting more the Flog: Freda Biggs, slack wire; Ida Delno. the show was In Glens Falls. The clown band William Kuhn ..'lO real circus property and entertainment Into 28 novelty handbaUneIng. Stage; Paul Brashard played the wedding march. B. N. Roessler. of D. E. Dailey .35 cars than any aggregation baa ever before en- Flimlly, beantiful flexible eqnilibrtsts. Ring 2: ’The Billboard (New York) staff, was a recent Earl Trarla . .ojj Joye,l. The show la citmpact, loaded ”to an I.ea I.,egerts. Roth and Gns. pot ponrrl equili¬ visitor. The s^w continues to do a nice busi¬ ness, and Is moving on time. Ed Ballard has Dus Dautchman .2R Inch” on the train, and the performance fast brists: the F’amons IJndsay, conto^onlst. William .shong . 2r> and enjoyable. From the entry or ’’Birth of the DlspUy No. 12—Ring 1; Aerial tevolTlng left the ’’opera" for a few days.—HARBT LA Wllilau, McCuiry . .25 Rainbow” till the last clown acrobat in the teeth arts (Iron-Jaw), Kincaid Sisters itwo PEARL. Bert Stltea .IT Delnos set strikes the big net there Is not a act). Stage—I.uskey Sisters (three act). Ring F E. Faulkner .35 wait. Equestrian Director Well* shoots ’em oyer 2: Elenor Sisters (two act). .\11 beautifully <>ne after another In fine shape. costumed. Total.$21.73 The menagerie ts of but mt^lnm sUe. but eon- DlspUy No. 13—Ring 1; Praarda (Hodgenini) WANTEB, AA BILLPBSTER The above representa the amount so far re tains some strong festnres. The big Hip.: Co- and bU troupe of barebark Indians. King 2: (•orfed by Reckley, and later contrltuillons will losMis, the Gorilla: six tiny fluffy lion cubs, and Powbasky'a (Hobson FXmily) troupe of ban- Steady emplojrment. Apply 833 '•e announced In fntnre lsan<>s of The BlUt)oanl. Sunrise, Otto Floto’s PsUfnanIe equine dliscOT- back Indians. Act Illuminated and dressed with State St., New Haven, Conn. He may be addressed aa aborc. cry, are aa itrong menagerlt featoraa aa wlU be I red fire And tepees, Tirloua feaU of jngfUng on CIRCUS WORLD THE CORRAL COWBOYS’ By WILLIAM 7. HILUAB

IHX rMiDKN —Wlut h«amp or tbat wagnr REUNION ASSOCIATION ahdw .von worr irolnK to atari on your (ortl<*tl: birthday? CONTESTS & CELEBRATIONS LAS VEGAS, N.MEX. WAI.TKK I. M.\IN gave Sam MoCraokcn- Kirbarda ('ir< ua the onca over tb«‘ other aTi-nIng (.Managers of contest, not mentioned in at Luna I'urk. t'<>n<-y laland, N. Y. lie wa- this list are asked to send The Billboard tbe piloted by W. II. Middleton. data. Representation in it costs you nothing.) FOURTH ANNUAL REUNION KI* B.M,I...\UI) la almaya «releoiuew. He la :i JULY 3, 4 AND 5, 1918 elPMia owner who la llkial ana|tlnn of the the Robt. L. iM. Ross. secy. John Robinson’s Circus atrleal trual of the laland be«-ame too -ir.ng. Magdalena—First Annual Round-Up. Aug. To light the truaf the two future RInglInga 7-11. Tex Austin, mgr. formed a »ta-i.iD Case, secy. of aH of the aharea. erewtlng a partnerahip nmler OKLAHOMA Man to play sloam calliope, man to play air calliope by note, circus the name of Santoa y Artigaa. aeeurlng th.' .-i Durant—Fourth Annual Hip O Stampede. blacksmith, circus carpenter, performers, clowns ami useful people in elualve right, of the prominent Kurean pro. July 4-6. Gus Massey and Ingo Holland, dueera, aueh aa rathe. Cine., Cneaar and Cello. mgrs. all branches of circus business. June 14, Brattlelxiro, Vt.; ,Iune 15, Their aueeesa waa Inatantaneoua. aiain getting CANADA Bellows Falls, Vt.; June 16-17, Keene, N. H.; June 18, Winchenden, control of a elreult of fen tbeatera in Cuba, Lethbridge. Alta.—Southern Alberta Amal¬ building aouie of their own houae.. prodming gamated Fair & Stampede. July 22-27. Mass.; June 19, Athol, Mass., or permanent address, Peru, Indiana. o|>eraK. rou-lral eomedlea. dnmaa and vamle- Ray Knight and Ad Day In charge of ar- Tille. today Iw-lng the atandard tbentrlea elr TRnjrF*irpn' cult In the tobaeoo lale. The rarlous clr»-ua per¬ formance. that had vl.lted Cuba bad Convlneeil Santo, and .\rtlga. that a real elrrua abow MUSICIANS, ATTENTION! wouUI l>e an Immediate .oeoe*.. They eame to the I'nlled statt-., and. under the au.plees of TROUPERS IN THE DRAFT Charlea I.. Saaae, booked many feature, fr'm tbe Rarnirm A Bailey. lUngllng Bro*. ami Ut- who are expectinp to be called, why not join a real Troupers’ Band, where you’ll I genben In Cuba In Ittlfl with a .urce*. that name of your Ixical Board. T’ll do the rest. I eieeecbal all e*i>e< tatloo*. In 1U17 and lUlk GEO. HOFLE, Band Leader, 326th Field Artillery, Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky.

the ground, alho a Iiit harder, a bettor place to gain your lost b.vlance? Shorty I.anihert—Are Must be first-class. Mane Sbue, wire. Can also use entertaining aeta and features at all times. Addreae you in little village of Texas? Bob Mas"n—Where C. J. SEDLMAYH. cart Co«a A Lent. Ml raute. are yon ranging now? Bert RnIIlni!--Wake up and drop a line to the column. Reese Brown Mr. Y'onng would like to hear from Johnnie shows Just as represented, “without an objec¬ and Bob O'Donnell—Rememticr the Ziuiiiierman Roberts. Tom Eekert. Freddie Burns. Bill Don¬ tionable feature.” voted an endorsement of the cow outfit weat of Billings and the (oiint's cow ovan, Art Acord and all other friends. company and pledged their su;«port during the camp wherein Shorty I’hillips held the reins? “Horse ThieU’ Wm. Miller—Replying to your week. The company goes to Mason City next Some great times we used to have playing the letter, would say you can no doubt get the in¬ week. The Iowa State F'ederation of I.abor phonograph, what? Hank Goodman —1 hear you formation .vou desire by writing to Segrs, Roe¬ will bold a convention there dur.ng the week are the proprietor of a hotel for horses and that buck & Co., as they have helped many "eow- and it has been arranged to hare an .\. F'. of L. you are ranging over along the Arkansas. Geo. boys’’ of the type yon represent out of a tight night at the shows during the conventh'n. Gardner—Are you still In this world or are you bole. General .Vgent "Biir’ Rice loriked us oyer at riding old Two-step and High Tower with the All you cowboys who are In the army or navy, Dubuque. He never stops at any one plaee bmg. cowboys of the stars? Harry Lewis—Do yon let ns know If you are receiving The Billboar'l Billie Bums (Mrs. Bryant Woods), radiant as remember the day you made love to the steer regularly. If not send your address and we’ll ever, and her husband. Bryant Woods, joined In the bnlldogging contest that Texas Jack Tay¬ see tliat you get it. ’ , the company at Dubuqne. Billie Is bai k with lor held at the ball park during the Eagles’ car¬ Major General Morrison, commanding tbe Joan of Are and Bryant is again with tbe nival? ‘Gas Pipe’ George—Remember the day eighth division at Camp Fremont. I’alo Alto, Johnnie Bejano forces. Director of Mnslc Obas. you used a piece of old rubber hose for a quirt Cal., has given an official announcement that E. Jameson lost a valuable cornet last veeek. when yon rode Muggins at the Z Bar T just it will be impossible for the men from the —0. M. CASEY. before we started on the Rook rre<-k Circle? camp to participate in the roundup to be held Dan Dix—Remember the ‘Dude’ from the Car- at San Jose July 4 7. owing to the need of son Show who rode S'-arback and you wanted his keeping the men close to the program of in¬ MILITARY ART NOVELTY SUCCESS home address, but after It was over y6u played tensive training for foreign service. the Henry Bean stunt? Some ride, eh. even if he did wear button shoes? Rocky Mt. Hank— Lonie Katz Is deeply gratified with the re¬ BURNS O'SULIJVAN. late assistant eques Remember Kennywood Park and tbe boat ride? COWPUNCHERS’ SERVICE FLAG sults obtained from his ad In The Billboard, trlan director under FYihI Bradna. with the Dakota Max and Mrs. Sanders—I see where you having received orders from all over the country Barnum Show. It now manager of tbe tour "( have acme show this seas>m. Remember tbe To Be Unfurled at New Mexico Cow' for the Silk Pillow Tops which are manufactured tbe Daredevils. daya In winter quarters on North Main street? exclusively by the Military Art Novelty Co. of HAGENBECK WAI.IJirE people enjoye.1 a Tillle and Johnny Baldwin—I hear you ere tang¬ boys’ Reunion New York. Increased ftclllties |>erniit the mulligan last Sunday at Rutland. Vt. It waa ing up In Maine and that you are doing yonr quoting of unusually low prices, and for camp $.6 per. bit a la grancering I ulu Parr—I now learn you workers and park concessionaires there Is no R. M HARVEY'S Coop A I/ent Show Is m'V took on a husband. Yon told me once you never better seller on the market. Tbelr n^w catalog Ing right along with twenty aeven auto trucka. would. Ob, well, we all change our minds some¬ contains over forty new design pillow tops. They with trailers, each s1ee|dng twenty people. TTiese times. Where is Goldie St. Clair? tVe never manufarture them in silk and felt. The wise are fttt*-d up the same as Pullman tle<-pers. A hear anything from her or at>ont her eny more. ones will commnnicate with their large factory vlalt friim Frank Spellman la expected shortly. Princess Wenona Cora Fielding, Little Mon¬ at 137 E. 2Sth street. New Y’ork. ant secure the JOHN HENRY RICE Is ahead of one of the tana. Goldie Griffith, Dolly Mullins. Dot Merrill big catalog they have just received from the and Prairie Rose Henderson—How are you all? printer. Why don’t you folks rope and hogtle a few stray sheets of paper and drop a line to* The Corral each week? We all read It out here and would BILL VISITS METROPOLITAN like to know what Is going on in your location. Harry Breman, Gall Downing, Carl Tinwnlng. Andy CMlbertson. Billy Morse, Bill Kennedy. 'Mex.’ George Hofker. Tom Henderson! F. Day. Estfcyan Clemento, Johnny Drey. Ad Day. Charlie Workman. Johnny Blocker Dodge—Why don’t you fellows drop a few lines so we can see how .vou are doing?" E. W. Lenders writes: "At Baltimore the vis¬ itors to Princess Wenona's Western Show were Dan JMx and Lorette. Garfield Daniel.«. Jessie Roberts. Billie Mack. Ethel Perry. Tommy Klr- nan and wife. ‘Tiny’ Kline. Strawberry Red and wife, F. Smith and wife, Cy Compton anil wife. Hank Durnell and wife. The afternoon show was called off to entertain the visitors. It Is rumored that the Princess Wenona show next season will be a thirty-ear outfit. Several con¬ tracts are said to have been signed for next sea- son with some of the frontier champions. The eels, ham spot-the cowgirls will be supplied by the champions, each hoiiM-. .1 cat racka. of whom has a wife who is as e.vpert as the Jrn wagon, 2 fruit respective husbands.” vase apindle. Mme. U. S. TENT A AWNING CO. Corporal E. H. (Tex) Young writes that his I. banio biickleburk, address is care Auxiliary Remounr Depot. Camp bowling alley. Jew- Chicago. June S.—The U. R. Tent ft Awning Afeade. Md. He visited the Barnum Show re¬ low wheel, teddy Company haa recelviM the following teatimoolal cently and saw all tbe Wild West folks. He C. A. WORTHAM COMPANY high striker, jnlce from r.Mly Fleming, who la with the Northw’t says Annie Oakley was at T amp Meade a short ern Shows: time ago and gave the boys a rare treat In the Ft. IhKlge. la.. June 4.—Rain, just rain, and "Just a word about the banner you made me presentation of her wonderDil shooting exhibition then s.'.me more rain. A twenty-four-hour heavy rain, with a couple of near eloudhursta for good I waltetl till 1 used It three weeks and watche.l the business before writing you. It ta a beauty measure, greeted tbe C. A. Wortham Company on arrival here. Very little headway was made and the flash of the midway. Crowds r«nie toward setting up during the day and there and staiul and look at It b'ng liefore we make will be no show tonight. Maybe Tuesday will an opening. It it a hallyh alone, and has aee a clearing and an opening. Dubuque was paid tor Itself already. Since having the b:in not at all big tor the company last week. per we have been top money-getters. Thank ng Rain and niiid Interfered with the getting away yon for your good workmanship and arll«tl‘' from there. work on the banner, aa It la even better th-an Be<'au8e of a Ministerial Alliance agitation you repeeat-nted It would be. I remain” New and Novd Musical Instruments. here against carnivals the Central Ijbor Union Edward P. Neumann, president of the T’ s Can be engaged. of .3 (gei rnembers Investigated the shows thru Tent, and A1 Hodge, of ulvervlew Park. vi'lf*‘d Aid ns. as well as yourself; writ tbe C. .\. Wortham Shows at Ft. 'Dodge, ’a , ■ on W. MONROE STREET, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. tinioD membera In other towns and finding the letter advertised In our Letter List. yesterday. JUNE 15, 1918 T ti e Billboard 29


By -C. BEACH "

EI.IZ.MIKTlI. tlio Tory al*ra-tiTo inidgor. whoM- t>ouiitiriil Mondo hair and pleaainp l>or wnalitv havp niadv hor a proniinont fpatiiro of tlio Wrruinland I'lr'-ns Sido Show, l•plpbrat•' an a<-i-onipH»hi>i| miiaii-ian, on- tortaioiii'j lisitor-* with h«r xylophnno wihi-i. waa thi; r<-< ipiMiit of gift, from all ovor tlip •■otiiitj’.v. twHiitifnI lH>iii|iiota of llowora •■••iiiing all tlip way from •'Hlifornia Ib-r at.igp in tin* oToiiing ro xembUMl a tloii-t"- ■■on^i’rT.atorr THE nH.. for the ex new rides also have l>een Installed. H. I). Han- rellent p^>li<‘e prote<*tlon given to the merry I , Creek, Mich. —Electric Park, Kansas nigan, general manager of the park company, maker* states that while the acreage of the park has lU'BIlU BEU S Ml T M. lo.-ate I on the Bowery, been reduced the park will be conducted on as „ppmsseems ,always to !*■ crowdwl. hut tills Is only City, Mo., Off to Good Start large a scale as formerly. n'lturalnatural when one i-onsiiler* the attractions ex¬ hibited "on the inside."’ NEW DANCE HALL OPENED THR HCnEL J^HEI.BrRNR. at Brighton Beach, has sisirch an ImmeiUnte sin’cee* with A n.ir rorpormt'on. known an Tho Allon'lalo I work* tlUplay at night. Aortal Waroford and Its Summer Revue lOI.s Shelburne (Jirl. which la l.ml fonipaiijr. has purcba.od tho Allendalo I Oror and I'ndor tlio Soa will t>e big foatnro*. Rock Island. III.. June f>.—The Coliseum, Ibdel and resort pn i>erty at tlnll laike. Mieli.. In \ugust Kansas City's third annual Mardl Ora* uiwl f'>f exhibitions, has been O’n- presented by a company of forty art sts, In- and will rero«nce hall fiw the summer season. ooces.lnn liooths. put in a new liathtng >s‘a<'h band* and a rrand ballet of Xisi will In some The building has been redecorated and every donna; Ria I.ynn. William Reid. .\nn I.a Troy, and arrange for flshljig, bathing. Insting, etc. of theh; manvmany feature*feature*. the comfort of patrons has been In- the Cosnian Twins. Nick Verga ami Schro.|e and stilled. A. E. Aldrh h. of Roekfowl. and H. T. Harris. IauiIs Silvers has provi.led the music Tills resort 1* only fifteen minutes" ride from McConnall, of Chicago, will be the new man- and Edward Madden is resp<.nslhle for the lyrics, the heart of Camp Custer, Jm-ated at Battle agera. The b'g revue Is presente*! twice each evening • reek, where from twenty-five to thirty thousand NO GERMAN AIRS FOR PRYOR ■ - . - without charge of admission to patron*. soldier* will he located this summer. There will .ksbury I*ark. X. J., June R.—Arthur Pryor, . STEEPLIX'HARE PARK affords a sure cure l-e dancing |D the pavilion seven nights in the who opeued the season with hts famous band LAKE WORTH BEACH OPENS for the Wue*. the free auto bus fnim the differ week. - cut railroad depots being ••ontlnually packed The new rorporitlon take, over one mile and M'"*; - •*, ■ - > that until the war ends his all-.4merlcan band Fort Worth, Tex., Jnne R.—I,dke Worth opened with e.iger patrons for this temple of fun. ? ‘'’i'n.trii a !I^w* merrv so roim^’*'ndIer'’ sUrTtag **" no Teutonic compositions. There are l«»tSt Saturday with several thousand people In FEI-TM.VX'S continues to be the me<-ca for ol.n. „ n!t rT.re. nij esrice ^ I-'-ntT of bewuttful Compositions written in the «ttendance.tendance. It will remain open every day In thousands who desire a shore dinner or a mov- e week for the balam-e of tlie summer. lug picture entertainment, where no refrewh- 1. tlrtuVted'b.l'f w*.*; between Ba.t’e "I ‘h'** -- —- ments are served. The high-class character of Creek. Kalamaaoo and Grand Rapids, .and has .saiisai people to draw from. W. S. Butterflehl. WEATHER SPOILS OPENING ni'peals to the discriminating visitor. _ It Is alwavs crowded. whN'S Ml-RIC HALL Is offering the Park.”k Is dra’wi'ngdrawing Jellwell ffterafter Jettrnggetting away to a tT** ‘?g ^“r‘’nIgh«T"Alible Spring City, Pa.. June —Bonnie Brae Park. Kansas City, Mo., June S.—Ele<'trlc Park, bad opening, due solely to Inclement weather. which opened May i*. with a reconl breaking Thet management looks forward to the best seal c.‘h. Armstrong, with hU Show of World’s Kansas City's popular amusement resort, had the larsest ofa-nlne In its hlsh rv of twelve I In years. Every one here is employed and ^ ha* the best collection of attractions the largest opening In It* hlsP ry of »’*'‘lTe Ruppp, had It overhauled. All the buildings at large salaries ''■!!. management, year* bunday, .May ’JW. The day was ideal and "■‘■ries. l^I.I.Y H.ART'S GL.\S>f bLOWERS keep an all the <'once**lon* were most liberally patron- intere-ned *r*'w*l in front of their stand at all Ired. Schooley’s 1018 Follies. In the Terra*-# time* in the Garden, show^ to three 8. H. O. audiences, * is a showman from showmansvllle. l.enges’ Military Band came in for merited ap¬ THR PREA.ML.\XP CIRCT’B .SIPE-SHOW plause. and the .Sea Beach and Po*d were patron never ballybo***, Mr. Gumpertz being of the pln- lied by thonsands. Ths ball room, with Pevln- QUICK-SURE-MONEY GETTERS If'n that It is unnecessary. He feels that with ney's Jaxz-bo Band dispensing music, did ca¬ These card vending machinea are a proven success. the wonderful list of cnriosltles he has collected pacity hiisness. They do all the work and make you together, and go^ ticket sellers on the front, I>ail Bralnerd. the concession king, say* hts 200 PER CENT PROFIT outside demonstrations would be superfluous. Fr-teo North !■ so realistic he could almost SOMR OLPTIME ClRffS TICKETRELLI'niS sell ear muffs at a premium. Lnciell, of the on their aales. NO TROUBLE - NO WORRY - NO would be a godsend In the booths at the terminal Kni’hinted Isle, an art masterpiei'e. Is being EXTRA WORK—just set them up, fill them with cards— In Coney Island, when one alights tired and hot. llt>erilly patronlied by art lover*. the machines do all the rest, and will poaitively pay you after fifty minutes of struggling In these new¬ The Glorious Fourth will be fittingly cele¬ bigger protita than any other legitimate business in which fangled Chinese torture cells, misnamed *’ars, brated at Electric Park with a monster flre- you can invest your money. Some machines selling frtan and' then ha*.to wait for ten or fifteen minutes 2,0U0 to S,^ cards per day. for the privilege of paying an extra five cents The machine costa t29.00. We give you free of charge to "get out.’’ with each machine 3,000 cards. The cards selling at 1 cent MIDWAY BEACH PARK eac\will net you $30.00 so you have the machine and $1.00 in money clean profit. In other words the machine coats CITY PARK MANAGER FINED Hat Many Naw Attractions and Im- you nothing to start with and will continue to make you Birmingham. .Vl.x., June R.—Hugh Hil'.. man big profits for years to come. Additional cards can be provamants ager of East Igike. Birmingham's municipal bought from us at a price to net you 2u0: profit. park, was recently fined $10 and <'osts on the W’e have 22 dilTerent kinds of these machines, every Albany, N. T.. June R.—Every foot of Mid¬ charge of violating the Sunday law. There way Beach ha* been renovated and many new one a live money getter and backed by our ''moneyback'' were fourteen charges against the manager, one attraction* added. The park opened I>e<-oratloii guarantee. Write for catalog. for each concession rnnninc. but he was dis¬ Pay and ha* been entertaining large erowds. Hera is ysar cksnea te fkk ap a lot si easy asacy witbsal missed on all but one. The Frolle. one of the miwit iioptiUr ride*, haa aay extra dfsrt—art ysa alias ts ysar sppsrtaaitiss. lieen equip|ieell of The* *""" wcf'k of JUTzYx 4TH, ii GOOD, BIG CARNIVAL-.x-xx-x-.- . xx CO.x satunlay.Satuprlay. with iijle. !■>*«**. Itw.lmaic Tent mall clerk. Joshua Rittoff. The apnressiouaires were big features last week. Sbr» Attrartiors iContiniicd on pag# .31) -tt .'**-arboro Beach, week of June .I, the Mg ami Banils WIUTF- Wll.iT II.kVB YoC? Eight-scrr .\jnuaelErnt Park. Seven day* Ten direct car lines to fcstiir*-* were Flying Melville and the Helen gnstmla. In.'ludlrg five liitmirtsin lines. Flfteeci ntlnutsw' car ride. V car fare to grrsind*. Writ# rr wire ■s-ai-b Wallin Trio. 1. T, SHBRLOCK. Gessral Mtsagsr. ISSS Mala St.. Buflil*. N. V. Phsat, Osfsrd JMZ. LAKE AT LUNA IS POPULAR JULY 4th. WANTED "" • levciand. O.. June R. — For the first time In Meirv-Go-Rimml anil nihrr clean t'nncnsim*. for biggest event ever held in the State of Arkansas. More than tbc history of the park the lake at I.una Park IS ntM iieople last FiHirth. Alt Conceaslons for sal* .except dancing. Secure your spare early and get the «** oiieiieil to bathers, swimmers and diver* on best. Adilreaa 0, C. WALKER. Maaager. Beatea, Arkaata*. Ib-.'oratlon Day. rsually thi* feature Is no; put *'n until a month later. More than 1..V10 person* u-s'd the lake on the o|s'nlng ilay. Tlie lake has lieen enisrgeil until It Is now ;i feet h>ng FREE ATTRACTIONS WANTED smi IKl feet will#, Tims of **n*l have been FOR MAI-DALE PARK placed on Its shores and a waveiiiakliig machine HttkI full rArik'ulam. pboitvcrapb* pnj lU^SA-ripthm lii Ar«t letter. State when at librily and jour beat CIRCLE SWINES : iv iu.ikfs the entire feature a lulnlaturr ocean. Prtoag IncluOlDtf trauaportaUgo. MANAGER MAI-DALE PARK. R. D. S. Maiialleld. Ohla. RH'H.VRU GARVEY. 1M9 Longfellow»Ave,. N. T. C. 1 W ^ JUNE 15, 1918

onitural department. Plans are helnp formulated ROSS IN CHICAGO for an exhibit of good oons'Tvation Idea*. The fair has been recognized as the location for the Chicago, June S.- R. Rosa, manager of at GEHING READY FOR THE 1 first Southern California Duroc-Jerwy F'uiuftJT- tractions of the Toronto Exhibition has hern M A A Already many entries have be*'n made in tbis Chicago for several days Inspecting the liver T* A CT AT^I? 17 AID event, the first of its kind ever h. Id in calls, at Rlvorvlew Park, ^ne4ira rrAlIV**** *»ed by B. J.^KIlpatrlck. under the U. P. Mavne NORTH DAKOTAA ** STATEM MU FAIRM. CMMMX The race purses at Riverside will be nearly c. 8. Patents, with a view of making a flve-vear $2,000 larger than last year. The dates for j^e ..ontraet for a similar attnctlon for the'ex ■ South^n California Fair are CK*tober 8-12. Tne ijjitHiyu Toronto , J.. D *11._1 officers are ITcsldent. C. H. l^-xvls: secretary. Mr expressed himself as being more K)d(lS DUIIl Hnci W SlCir Taber: vice president. J. 1. Hackstand; satisfied and highly delighted with the re. New Buildings Erected, Roads Built andws s,. Water treasurer. A. U. Brvuse; manager, J. t. Me- mu of hl» trip. Mains Extended -- Elaborateborate Recreational - third annual farm fair .JHpH—r A Wnr- bruner flies at erie expo. - Features To Be Provided—C.lUCvl Ws an.A. Wor¬Vw U1 • ■ New Orleans, lai., June 8.—The third annual J » Ikjffe 1 Harold M. Bruner yonthful aviator, made National F^rm and Live Htock Show, to be held tor jVlin wav initial tllght ©f present season on the nfler- here probably on November 10 to 17, will re tham Shows Engaged forava Midwaya sbmvvmj Decoration Day at Erie. Pa., when he celve the backing of the commercial and edocs _ staged three successful exhibitions at the Erie tional Interests of the city as well as the Exposition, permission being granted for the State at large, their co-operation having bei-o Fargo, N. D., Juno 8.—The signs of actlTlty of automobile events, detailed Informationinformation re-re flights bex-ause they were for the purpose of aid- definitely assured at a conference of 2S leading at the State fair grounds is the beginning of gardingirding which will be'be given out at a later date.date Ing the aale of War Saving Stamps. Before Ixtuisianians held recently. John M. Parker and the worls for the great State F'alr, to be held AU)UtAitout thirty horses are now training at theth< making a landing for the final time Bruner and M, L. Alexander of the State Department of Jnly 16 to ‘20. A force Is at work enlarging famous Fargo track and scores of letters have Clarence Shafer, well-known motorcycle racer Ceing been received by the management inriniring for of Toledo. O., engaged in a five-mile race over everyone present pledgexl himself to get behind erected, water mains are being laid to the dlf- siieed programs, and everything Indicates that the half-mile track. AlthoAltbo Shafer lowered his the fair and push It to a succeaaful conclusion ferejt points on the grounds, the buildings are wlien the gates open on Monday. July 15, the record for the half-mile dirt track by two being painted, gravel will l>e extended around greatest ex(>osition ever held In the Northwest seconds Bruner easily outdistanceil him. RESORT COMPANY INCORPORATES on the road -leading to the stock barns, roofs will start off with a rnsh. Bruner expects to join the U. S. Army soon as and walks repaired, and. when these Improve¬ an aviator, Helena. Mont., June 8.—Articles of lncorp<>n ments are completed, the State Fair grounds WILL HOLD DAIRY SHOW tlon have been filed here by the Montana Pipe¬ will be as eomplete and up-to-date a plant as is FAIR BOARD PROSPEROUS stone Springe Company, with a capital stork of owned by any association in a Western country. JUst.OlsX Roy S. Alley. James T. Finleo aisl A great sdeal of effort has been spent by the Columbus, O., June 8.—It has been announced management thla year to assist in enlarging the the National Buffalo, N. T.. June 7.—William .A. Walk«, J^TOr^tor^**Tnd**l't U* their^purpoe7*^to oiwra°e production of poultry and live stock of all kinds. bhow will ^ held this year. There has treasurer of the Wyoming County (N. Y.) Agrt- health 'and nleasuro retort at Plpstooe ^veral thonsind letters have been mailed out speculation as to whether they would cultural Society, has received $.3 880.92 as the * “<1 P‘'«»“re resort at rip«toae to poultry lireeders and live stock men urging hnre to be discontinued for the present, owing society's share of the money appropriated by ‘ them to fit their flocks and herds for showing at 1*“^ I\ ar Department had taken the State to reimburse the fairs for the payment owawe waid iim/sce aiaasm the big State Fair. State fair grounds, hut it is understood of premiums to exhibitors. This is $nnn more STATE FAIR JUDGES NAMED The Dnroc Jersey Futurity is filled and will they were taken over with the stipulation than the fair officials expected and is atxout 100 - nndonbtedly be a very Interesting exhibit at the **'?*, these events would not be disturb^. Of- p,.j. oent of the amount paid out In premiums Fargo, N. D., June 8.—Judges for the North swine pens during the week. Fifteen entries in of the \\ ar Department have not disclosed f^j- ia College of .\gri tlon of Dr. J. O. Dillon, will, undoubtedly, prove _ culture, dairy rattle; E. O, Roberts, Ft. .Atkin of great intereat to the patrons of the fair, as •e-es poultry. etch year has noted an increaw in the ^pularity PRESENTED WITH SILVER SET CARNIVAL FEATURES OMITTED of this department. In the department of women's work emphasis has been placed on the EXPECT RECORD FAIR Red Cross work. Toronto, Can., JunoJune 8.—On the eve of bis de- Lanrel. Ml»s. June 8.—Glen Fleming, secre- parture for the front, where he will visit the tary-msnager of the Sonth Mississippi jjilr has The recreational features of the fair are more parture for the front, where he will visit the Hsrtford. Conn.. June 8.—The msnagers of elal^rote'-'^.nelaborate than rvWever ^fo7e%”^nbefore seen !n‘Vhls"in this part of battlefields in the Interest of the Red Crx;,;.Cross, irr^rom^J^Vv^r'^VsirlorthTl^h’: the the country. The night show will include the UeutenantLieutenant Colonel Noel Marshall v^sWas on MiyMay 31 luJh festSr^ Charter (lak Park roady f!tr^ll2 biggest fsir iS usual vaudeville acta. and. in addition, the great presented with a silver tea service by hie friends ^ U, pi.tory on I.ahor Day week Washhoni s night spectacle. War of Nations, will be staged of the Canadian National Exhibition. Toronto. , ,he State ;„gh,;‘"-Kd;J!ly Sh^s h.'ve^n .Jid ^ for five nights, beginning Monday, July 15. This in rocognltion of hip two years' service ae presi- f„r the early closing stakes are coming In big spectacle requires a stage 4.M) feet long and dent and Ws twelve years service ae dlroctOT -- l,rgc numhers for the Grand Circuit ra.'s. la glTen In connection with the night flight of the board. The presentation was made by 1 Aorip PURSE FOR AUTO RACES Secretary H. H. Pirsone will give informathm Lonls Gertson, thd "Night Hawk.” who will President Bussell. UMriUC runot rwn mu 1 w cmupo to ^any who writewrite. direct the firing, bombarding, etc., from the sky. The great outdoor sport—auto polo—well /s ^ A Kl M p Kl A ag P MP PAID Sioux City. la.. June 8.—The Interstste Fair. UnMrMAiC INMIVIt AJr rAIK which will he held here September 18, will have named “motor insanity,” will be staged twice STINSON WILL FLY AT OSWEGO each day during the afternoon and evening In - more extensive exhibits than ever before. Two Riverside, Cal., June 8.—The name of the automobile races have been sebednied. with a front of the grand stand. Syracuse. N. Y., June 8.—Katherine Silne’O The midway will be peopledi^pled with shows,shows un- Riversidellverside County Fair has ^nbeen changed to the purse of V>.nnO.$.'>.onO. Secretary Joe Morton tUstates def the direction of C A Wortham who Is Southern California Flilr. With the change in that food lectures and demonstrations will will make exhibition flights at the 0-we(>i recognized all over the continent as a leading “S’* classes are being added to the agrl- oelve special attention this year, County F'alr at Fulton, N. T., this year, officials of the .Agriciiltirral Asw>cUt8>n have announce-t exponent of clean amusements of this character. Governor Whitman will also be preseot. A num Some the faste«t drivers the her of Iiemocratic politicians will also be on country have already signed up for a number hand to gixe addresses.

OSCAR V. BABCOCK ' BIG TIME AT NAPOLEON PRIZES FOR FAIR POSTERS Perfomiint the Lartest md Most Sensational Act in the Outdoor Show World BOOKED FOR THE SUMMER. OPENED MAY 30. NapOi> people at its 4Ath annual convention, to be held here June 19. Governor Cox is cxim-ted to speak, and Congrensmao John Los Angeles, Cal., June 8.—Next fall the M S. Sis-ok will deliver an address. There will he Liberty Fair Association will bold a fair and K* ■ ■■ 3.0)a> unlforniej <»■ • m a contest that is expected to arouse the interest MlOWSV SOOWS 3110 CO^ EARLY PLANS FOR STATE FAIR of the best artists in the West. Cash prizes, Midway' Shows and Concessions Wanted at Annual Fairs ranging from $100 down to $2.'), are offered for Short ships and successive weeks, rt ships and successive weeks. For information and booking write Nacramento, Cal., June 8.—Plans for the 1918 designs for a catalog cover, poster design, dl u ^ dii-w/'upd e o 1 State F'alr are attracting widespread Interest. ploma of award, and for a model of a mec«-Is1 interest Is being sboan In the live sto<-k exlilldts. Cdncesslons and Shows must be clean and legitimate. SUBSTITUTES AT LEIPSIG FAIR I/S1V thru the advertised letters this week— Warhlngton, D. C., June 8.—According to tliere may be lni|H>rtant mall for you. commerce report), of the government the com- mercial products exhibited at the great dpring fair at Leipelg, Germany, this year are aiJb- atltutes. The scarcity of goods, which prevails in practically all lines, has led the merchants FOR FAIRS 4th July 5th to introduce surrogates or substitutes in great numbers. We do thet work and do It right. Phone, wire or write u$ your want$. Brett two dflyt' ettebrttioR H tht Pepper with color, odor and taste of the gen- uine article is on exhibition. ♦'German tea.” >■ prepared from various leaves and bUesoms, WOLFU1 TENT & AWNING CO. BENTON COUNTY FAIR fiROUNDS tastes like the genuine artiele. but does not pro¬ lafM'Btrel mlilwBy !»HHfvn HIIgr of Hitik IUp!‘l< duce the stimulation caused by real tea. To meet and HI. rinud. and one blork from car line. Thn*** the scarcity of jam and butter there are several FORT WAYNE, IND. ^ ^ frral Ifamfaa Raitw dallv. Klrawork*. Pant Inf. Ai* clever marmalade substitutes, most of them Phone 180. 317 E. Columbia St. HihitU a pay and Nlfht mart. rla on gnmnd* at the snbstitutM have found favor with the pnlilir MMM 1 mmm m m rnniualrd fipiNirtunIty for rlean OotirrMlorK and will scarcely be able to maintain themselves j fW p DID and Hhowk of all klmfA. For terma and con(ra<’t after the war It Is said. _ ...WANTED , FOR CAPE COUNTY' ■ FAIR■ nmm\ wTlta <;Ko r MANTon. arrretaiT. at gouJ, Minn • Iicr ar. $$ CAPE OniARPEAf’. .MO. HElTKMhKU 10. 11. 12. IT., H. VMH ShimB. M»8rr.v-lk»-RiHUid. ^ _ _ Ferrift Wht'rl and all other lasittmatr (*on<'«aR|ooa. We alwaya lia\a Ursa attrndaitf*e ami thr nanDle ail hava 17m ERIE EXPO. DATE CHANGED money and nut afraid to spend It. If IntereAted. write lo I EasternEiSlSlCril MonroelllODrOC ^OliniYCounty ^_ JOEL T. NUNN. SR.. Suparintandrnt. Bax 273. Capa Girardeau. Mltsourl. 4 • 1C * a Agricultural Society MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION (Incorporated) TOMAH. WI8., ABO. $7, 88. 89 AKD «30. dlrer-tors last week C. B. Cummins was electci MT. STERLING. KY.. July 24-23 26-27. I9IB. Mideav and Ks'kI wsiitnl. Cuncesslurui

I JUNE 15, 1918 Ttie Billboard 31 AD SERVICE LICENSED A.RE: YOU GOING Slinn(rt)Mm toough free attraction* to guarantee a three- all mail to THE ZAYNO ATTRACTIONS, 69 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee. novice ranks to one of .Lmerlca's leading honr tauderllle abow each afternoon and a four skater*. bnnr show each night bare been engaged for the TIIAMANN AT SUMMIT BEACH RINK Marengo (la.) Fair, to be held September 10-14. for soldier* *nd aallor* 1* *l*o drawing crowd* Everything Is in fine rnnnning order and Manager .A cn. O. Fair, to be held at Cedarhurg, Wle., Septemlier Inatantaneuu* bit. The big abow It staged In imidway. Among tbe larger attractions are the The rink will open aa soon as the new dance 2*. the Terrace Garden on Chicago'* largest outdoor Forest Coaster. Frolic, Urge Whip, Motor Race hall Is completed. When remodeled It will be stage. The roatiimea are laTish, the numbers 'Track and Boating. one of the finest rink* In the eonntry. The Plan* for new eihlblt building* for the lib¬ noTel and the personnel of the all-star cast un- floor surfsce will be 90 by 160. .Vttraetlons erty Fair to be held at Lo* Angele*. Cal.. Oc¬ ntual. Jacqueltn Tallman 1* being featured, and LUNA PARK, JOHNSTOWN, PA. will be played and races held. The e-tte tiermalne, Jeasle Ray and Chicago fiber skates. Music will be furnished Johnstown, Pa., June 8.—Lnna Park is open th« fair. Jack Gibauu. .\n entirely new program starta by Adam Banks' Great Weotem Band. A staff and Manager Slpe la sparing no expense to make The county fair* of New York State will be Saturday ereninc, June 13. On Monday eTening, of instmetors has been engaged to take care It one of the most beautiful parks in tbe conn- June 17, the Chicago newaboy* will take White of beginners. Billy Mock, formerly of the A1 n‘cd a* a meillum of conaerratl'io publicity, ac¬ t^. Besides running races and fireworks fea¬ City by storm. Newsboy's Night was establlahed G. Field's Mlnstrela and one of the cleverest cording to Foivl Admlnlvtrator Stafford of Buf¬ ture attractions are being played to provide en¬ by tb* late M. Byfleld, president of White City, comedy skaters, has been engaged for tbe sum¬ falo. There will be eihlbitlon booth* and tertainments for patrons. Evalyn Zamora and deroonatratlona. and bta son and aucceaaor. U. Byfleld. continues mer by Manager Tbamann. tbe annual CTent as a memorial to his father. Jean Gendell are doing their double trapeze act, Rockwell City, la., will Include an elaborate White City last week flung Its serrlce flag, working fifty feet in the air. They appear D'VORAK A DECIDED HIT firework* dlaplay a* a feature of their fair to (ootaining 100 atars. to the breeiet. twice dally. Adelaide D'Vorak, the well-known roller be held July SO. 31 and Anguat 1 and 2. Con¬ Bamum A Bailey's Circa* la billed for White All the amusements hare been overhanled and skater, la still making ’em sit np and take no¬ tract* alort from the State 1* not sufBclent to Tbe rink at Exposition Park. Pa., opened Its conduct a fair worthy of the State. C. B. Beyer, MOOSE PARK OPENS season nn Decoration Day to good bnolnesa. Tba Ran Diego. Cal.. June 8.—W. H. Allen of thU fn-mer aecretary, atatr* that no State fair will floor has been resurfaced and new skates la- city has filed plans for a 30* held thl* year. Rochester. N. T., June 8.—Mooee Park, form¬ atalled. The riak Is a track rink, and bat bees erly Glen Haven, which this year la being at Ocean Beach, a suburban resort, and expects operated for the past eight year* by the owner, operated by Rochester Lodge of Moo*e, opened to commence construction as soon as be obtains B. P. Tbamann. TENT CITY MAKES GOOD START In full Mast on Decoration Day and bad an permission from tbe War Department, tbe lo¬ attendance vaiionsly estimated at from 8,000 to cation being within their Jnrisdictlon. STBATFOnn RINK STAFF. (ConUaued from 7>age 29) 10.000 people. This looks aa tbo tbe new park The staff of the Stratford Roller Rink, was to be a bnge success. WILL OPEN NEW PARK Rochester, N. Y., is as follows: F. E. Soloman. are- If D. Slmpnon. merry go-round; Dal«y Clax- manager: Le Roy \. Drake, director: Bay ton. rwndy wheel: J, H Tnirell. “kick the Slack. Instructor; Emma Smith, tickets: ^b Al¬ kal*er”. S P Bradfoirl. bowling alley; Fd NEW POLICY AT UTICA PARK El Dorado, Kan., Jnne 8.—R. J. Maddtn iuis brecht, doorman: C. W. Rowley, skate*; Claud* •'•lea*# n. pool and billiard hall: Col. W. D. purchased all available park property of the Drake, 8am Goodman, skate buys; Burt Collier, B’e-tlake. well kn'-rwn to ahowfolk a* an amuae- rtlca. .N. Y., June 8.—Ctlca Park waa opened Wonderland Park. Among the attractions at checkroom. ment promoter, ha* the pillow, pennant and Saturday, May 23, by J. T. SaUlvan. and at¬ the new park will be an np-to-date merry-go- kewple wheel*, Henry O. lane, poet card* and tracted large crowds on Ita opening night. SeT¬ round. circle swing, picture show, refreshment newaatand; Charlie K. Shiha, the Jap amu*ement eral new features have been added, and, accord¬ stands, box ball and bowling alleys and others. SKATING NOTES and norelty atand: M*. C. Si-ott. iwannl and pop- ing to tbe advance advertising no Ibinor la to cf>rn The Coronado Beach Company I* handling b* sold. Tbe Vwetaa Banjo Jazx Orchostra fur¬ NEW PARK CO. INCORPORATES Joe Forrest, who 1* nerter of aoldler* and aallor* now PARAGON PARK •tatloned In and around San ftiego. •Lnd D.1W 1.* Roy Drake suggest* a regiment Boston. June 8.—Norumberga Park. .Lnbnra- of skaters for the N.-itlonaI Army. "Ijimy. dalr. Maas , o|ienei| It* regular seaaon laat Satur¬ New York. Jnne S.—Paragon Park, Nantaaket Krahn. Colston. Cloni and bow many other large crowds at white city day with a patrlofic rally, which drew thonaand* Beach, opened Decoration Day for the seasi'n. skaters will skate to Berlin?" be a*ks. Just to the popular park. Manager Benaon has had George A. Doilge Is again manager. Oscar V. wait. I.e Roy. some of them are on their way Chicago. June «.—White City ha* entered upon ' the park enlarged and this year many new at¬ Balw-o-k haa been booked with his loop the lo^'P now and they'll be right there when the cur¬ the He.-ond month of what bid* fair to be the traction* have been added. "The l.lherty Player*, a* the feature free act for the season. tain gies down CO the beast of Berlin. inoaf aucSeaaful aeaaon erer known by thl* Mg which were mo sui-cessful la*t year, are again •Ldelslile D'Vorak stopped over In CInelniiatl amiiaeineni park Saturday. Sunday and holblay the attraction at the theater, playing Cheating PALISADES ATTRACTS CROWDS l**t wts-k on her way borne to Cleveland, where • riiwda hate liroken all re<-ord*. and the atteud- Cheater*, to l>e followed by Rich M*n. Poor she will rest up for the summer month*. Miss aui e on wt-ek day etenlnga I* phenomenal. Man. D'Vorak will probably play fair.date* th's fall. Tlie fre,' gate for ladle* and rhildren In the Palisades. N. J., June 8.—The surf bathing aftemofina I* protlng alluring, and the free gate pool, atop of the Palisades, said to b-- the I H. B. Walter*, who ha* been down among the 8CARBORO BEACH largest In the country, equipped with a real j nuequlte ami cactii* f -r some time, says he is sandy M-a<'h and a wave machine, which rolls meeting a numbt'r of hi* skating friends in 8an Toronlo, Can.. Jnne 8. —Scarbopo Beach opened breakers on the shore with the same effect aa I .\ntonio. tta senaon May IK with a large crowd in attend¬ the .Atlantic Itself, la open for the season and ance and with a nnmber of attractlinw to enter¬ attracting thoiiaanda of aquatic enthusiasts. Hr sale for fairs tain It* patrons. .Lnw'ng the featnn*s were the Nat Harris Is doing splendidly with hi* three GOING TAST One Isrirr oetrlch. mie 4-y«»tr ol4l frmale rtwwun Toninto Symphony Band ami Captain Shell's soft drink emporiums. .Ldolph Swarti. who has ONLY 600 PAIRS LEFT. nimik. (istrtrh iiul ni bard lias the spaclons ground in splcndbl condl ley Wlllani are running a dead heat in their only m years. enu*T for us. KAAftAt. lion. ! ' shirt flash'* contest. They are both longing muff for jTi'u. Wc waiit new Sk«te« for adrertlAlnic I for the hot weather so that they may Com¬ purr<»ses only. In now. Le^s th-tn ha7 prtcr. WANTED FOR ANNUAL FAIR of the fortably exhibit the entire production. Irving Write or wire WITITK riT^. Chtt*arn. POINT BREEZE (PHILA.) OPENING l.evlne I* In charge of Ihe country store candy SPARKILL FIRE DEPARTMENT wheel, and Casper Sargent the pillows. Bobby Buy and Sell New and U$td RoUtr Skates JULY ItTH. I7TH. I8TH. ItTH AND MTH I'hlladrlphta, June 8.—Immeni"' cp>wda at- Mitchell I* back on the Blockade. With Its —(N(*ia Such) WoUev Riuk Flotv .Kurfs.er kevps the 'IWlRA'-Ot)-mH'NI> !*> perreotage A'blrea* .tcnite,! Ihe opening of Point Breeze Park and s|>e<'tacuUr front thl* conceaaion U doing a big t1.»ir 111 an I aka'c* fnvn slli>i>lr*. No dust; 4-.- 0. A. BAUER. Sparlilll. Ntw Yark the outlook is flue for continued big Ininlnesa. bimlneea. |1\ A5n:RICAV niVK Kurri r CO , Ksmlusky. o. ) of fbo bjr law* romioittpo that rtraftod tho now WORTHAM'S ALAMO SHOWS roovtitution t-oTorlng atniiatod orKanizatloo* and rovlaod fho old one. Previous to hta entry In ZEIDMAN & POLLIE SHOWS the toy business he sold autofiiobiles on the (Jreat Open Silver Spray Pier, Long Beach, White Way in New York. .\Itho only Interested Cal,—Moat Popular Pleaaure Pier in show* affairs for the (i.ist s x years he has KTown aery |M>|iiilar. and that he is inakiiii; sos on Silver Spray I’ler. The .\lamu Show- Five Weeks on Road Thru Michigan Without Los¬ arrivtsl in Isuip Itearh Sunday. May t,*)!. and iin mediately Is-pan settlnp up their fifteen attrae. ing a Night on Account of Bad Weather- lions oil the wiMsIi'n slrui tiire—u most dith. nil tusk for most showmen, hnt under the lapahle munapeiiieiit of Wauph and Ilofer this tem|s>rury Col. Snyder's Animal Show Opens midway, illuminated with thousands of liphls. was in reudiness for the o|ieiilnp that nipht. A remiirkahle business was enjoyed by each at Battle Creek and every show durinp the seven days. espeeiaHy on Memorial Hay, when the pate attendanee and re<-ords were I rukeu for this seetiun of tie' ct) .n*ry. TTnder the auspices of the Michigan State all of them money getters. The Whip has played Amusement owner* of real attractions and troops and with ideal weather conditions the virgin territory, with the exception of -I.i 'k ridinp devices should lose no time in investl. Zeldman & Tollle Show* added another big week son, and the business has been excellent. The putinp the iMissIhilltles of Silver Spray I’ler, to the already perfect score for the season so nights are chilly even in «he Central States at under the able mauapement of Fortune Lanier, far. This is the fifth week out and the show tills season of the year, but all rides have done who is a null showman from every staud|siini. has not lost a night on account of had weather well this spring. The pier Itself covers an immense space; in fact, and the cities played have been goml without -Mr. PoIIie returned from a trip into Wisconsin it is alsiut -tiai feet by msi feet, and eoiild easily exception. Trogressive iiolicies and an earnest and reports the contract for “one on the streets’’ take care of KInplinp or Itarnum & Hailey with¬ study of public tastes have made this show one in the State’s largest city, which will follow out lieinp erowded. Several rides, Ineludinp the of the real organizations touring the country the “doings’’ on the streets at Cadillac the .Monofiier. Thirty-Third Uepree, Jack Rabbit this season. Next week, Alma, combined with week of June 17.—BENNETT UTEVEXS. Coaster and 0>'ean Dip. m-cupy space on the pier, Ithaca and St. Lou'.s, under the Moose. These l>exides five prominent shows. towns are new munition renters. The show Is The Wortham SIhiws po from here to Taft. routed thru the State, playing the big ones till OUR FRONTISPIECE Cal., under the auspices of the Taft Hand, lead- the fairs open, and then for a line of desirable Inp social orpanization of that city, and then dates, which have been Secured. The subject of our front cover this week Is to Coalinpo fur the followinp week. Col. Snyder opened his Wild and Domestic Ani¬ H. (1. Melville, manager of the I'amous Nat This is one of the few carnival organizations mal Show at Battle Creek with a good front and Reiss Shows last season and aga'n this year. of its size that has ever invaded the Haclfic Coast pleasing entertainment. Doc Perkins’ Circus Before entering the carnival field Mr. Melville HAPPY HOUR SHOWS successfully. Itobt. Elgin has answered the call Side-Show has been strengthened by the addition was engaged in the toy business. Mr. Fraenkel, and is now at the American Lake Training Camp. of several new features and is one of the best of the New Toy Manufacturing Company, dele¬ There was a general change of the business His place has been taken by J. M. Si-ovey, well slde-sliows that has ever shown in this State. gated him in IDl’J to make a trip South and staff on the Happy Hour Shows last week. Fred known for Ids booking, in seasons past, of the The Honeymoon Trail, under the direction of learn something about the concession business ElZ'ir. who has been secretary and treasurer of Ed Evans Show. Harry LaHreque and Ed M. ileo. Roy, is proving a big money getter, and during the fair season. The concession game the shows, has been transferred to the Gei'rgU the Sanitarium, under the expert handling of appe.aled to him greatly, and the next year he Smart Set Minstrels and his place has i>e<-n Ed Roy, is a close second In popularity. To¬ put on two concessions with the Oorman & filled by I,. C. tJlllette, the general agent, I„ day is Inspection day of all eligibles to the draft Robb ns Shows. In 1014 he opened the Chicago B. Oreenhaw being made general agent. C. B. and the call will find all members of the com¬ w.arehouse for the New Toy Manufacturing Com- Cornell still remains manager. BROWN & ECKHART SHOWS pany ready to Join the thousands of troupers pan.v. During that year he met the late Nat The show now has eight paid attractl-ms, two already called to the defense of the colors. The Reiss, whom be admired very much, and Imme¬ rides and fifteen concessions. Business so far A general line-up of the Brown k Eckhart concessions of Messrs. Ramer and Price have diately became Interested in the Nat Reiss has been givid. The show now Is in Western Mighty Malway attractions Is as follows: Carry- enjoyed liberal patronage since the opening of Shows, but not active, however, until 1017. Mr. Kansas, and Is headed for the West. Little US-all, managed by F. Wuthee and D. O. En the show, and the fruit wheel, operated by Melville has been a member of the Showmen’s George Romoser, who has been press represen¬ right; ferris wheel, Robert llughy, manager, •'Bllltioard” Ed Duncan, has furnished many a I>>ague of America since 1914. and was very tative and general utility man around the show, motordrome D. C. Oberholten, manager: Chris basket to the Michigan housewives. Pillows active in behalf of the organization when he left Saturday night, June 1, for St. Diula, Maul and Chick Eckhart, riders. Yima Yarns have gone big and the patrlotc stuff scored a lived in Chicago. He was appointed chairman where he will answer the call of Uncle Sam. Show, consisting of Bt girls, Daisy Edwards and knockout at Battle Creek and Jackson, a neat G. Burton, cntertaineiw; Red .Snider, floor man frameup and classy stock, with scientific sales¬ ager. .Athletic. Young Demetral, Kid Furger- manship is the answer. This one makes num¬ ron and Young Gaucb meeting all comers. Snake ber fourteen for the Velare boys and they an- Show, Jack Carter, manager; Pony Show, W O. Brown, manager; Well .Show, doing well. Concession* include Bob Desmond's pillow tops, JOHNNY J. JONES’ EXPOSITION hqppla and rolblown, V. C. Bailey and Jack Dollttle. agents; Hal Graham's fruit wheel: Mrs. Graham's candy wheel or store; Mr*. W. O. From Toledo, O.. to Milwaukee. Wis., is seme Northwestern Shows Wants an Organized Ten-Piece Italian Band at Once Brown's kewpies, C. E. Forgays, agent; poultry leap, and altho the Johnny Jones Exposition ball game, E. R. Bauman and E. Kerney, part¬ left Toledo in good time it encountered a freigjit wreck Just outside of Chicago and Long; season and regular pa3^ Write full particulars. Can ners; C. E. McPall's country store; Mrs. F. another me a few miles from M lwaiikee. The Wuthee'* cat rack, and last, but not least, the two unavoidable delays caused the loss of Mon¬ also place a few more Concessions and one more Show, such ronkbouse. where all tniupers get aoiualnted day night. The balance of the week provided with J. W’alsh and E. Mersereal. E. C. Eckhart good weather, and. in emsequence, a big week as a Fat Girl, Crazy House, Working World or small single 1* manager of the,show*, W. O. Brown presi¬ was the result. Mr. Jones extended the en¬ dent, and A’lc Miller general agent. gagement over Sunday and business was enor¬ Pit Show. We will show in Detroit until June 30, week mous. The ExpositFin was on the circus lot at Thirty-fifth and t’lybourn streets, and on account stands on the. best locations in the city and showing every WILLIAMS’ STANDARD SHOWS of haring plenty of space all of the attrac¬ tions-showed up most advantageously. SUNDAY, then will play the best industrial cities in Ohio, The Williams Standard Shows arrived at On Thursday Prof. John Victor’s Liberty Band Kingston, N. V. on time, and «a the cars were and Joe Price’s Dixieland Minstrel Band. G.vp with the cream of the Michigan Fairs to follow. placed near the lot everything pertaining to the and S?ue. the elephants; Don Henderson, the bag¬ shows was nji and ready for biMlnesa by noon piper: Parson Joe Doming. Tho*. Gould, Tol. F. L. FLACK, Manager Northwestern Shows, Detroit Mich. on Monday. The engagement started with Phil Ellsworth and the writer participated in a a hang on the opening night, and tip until the Soldiers’ Smoke Drive. It was under the present lime (Thursday) everything ha* been do auspices of The Milwankee Daily Sentinel, with Ing well. The aggregation as a whole has been girls from the Red Cross doing the collecting. enjoying g(H>d business. The management stands The sum of was the net result. Miss Bobby out for clean attractions and roncesslona. also Everett is a new member of .America and W. L. fair dealing among the operatlvei. The show Everett is now managing that attraction. Abra- goes to Ftlca for the week of Jnne 10. which, Iham Jones has liecn assigned to The Midget with favorable weather (^ndltlona. ahould prove Icity and Thad. Green is managing the Whip, one of the best stands of the seaaoo.—F1NNF.^ f-An addition to the animal show is FVed Kimball, the well-known trainer. Messrs. Zet, Neumann and Driver, of the T'nited States Tent and Awn¬ GREATER SHEESLEY SHOWS ing Company, accompanied by a party of six gentlemen and ladies, motored from Chlcag.v to jiay ns a visit on our closing night. Don Carlos and his wonderful dog and monkey actors Join Fsmnus for their beautiful design and the many mod¬ ns at St. Paul. “Mustang Ixoi" and her ern lroprovem( nts of merit. Patent horse hanger daughter. Estelle, Joined Dakota Max Wild West hooka, patent telescfrpe under horses, cletr rlatfomis. snow at Milwaukee, and George Wilson became hinged renltirole. rotinlersluft. elulch. hrtke. rul- treasurer of the Siamese Twins attraction at the ler and gears mnstantly a-ssemblfd. roller lieartngs. same time. Mrs. H. B. Aldrich, who has been wired for electric light, wlthcsjt loose holts, oulrkly assembled, makes it THE PORTABLE machine of on a visit to her mother in Boston, has returned. today. If* a real attraction. Don't (derloofc IL Many notables of the amusemeift world visited Write for partlculan. the Exposition at Milwaukee, including Clarence A. Wortham. William iBill) Rice, Ed C. Talbot. Henry Steppa. Col. Eddie Carruthers, of Chi¬ cago: Zel Martina, of the Kennedy Shows: Eddie A. Warren, Jr.’, special aeent for Wortham & NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y., U. S. A, Rice and Col. Alfred Henry Barkley, who dropped in on the party unexpectedly. We have another long Jump. Milwaukee to St, Over Fifty Years of Exclu¬ Paul (only 327 miles), but we are now used T'> them. Orlando, Fla., to St. Paul. Minn . in sive Carrousel! Building twelve weeks—some record. What? Some (Estahllshe>l DIfiT ) show—yes?—ED R. SALTER


Irving A. Kempf, of the Kempf Bros., pro¬ ducers of Bergman's Swiss A’illage, with Patter¬ CARROUSELLS son Shows this season, has been called to the Mtchaiikally and Artistically Perfect colors and left the show at Davenport, la., for a training camp. G. Bruce Kempf will be In sole charge of the attraction the balance of the sea- WM. H. DENTZEL eon. SMI Germtom Ave., Plitadelphie, Pi. MW Fireworks, Flags, Decorations, Carnival Novelties, Adv. Specialties, Etc. \—^ ^ A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS ARE: Su. 60, AIR RUBBER BALLOONS, $2.50 GROSS; No. 60, Gas, $3.00 gross; No. 60, Patriotic designs, $3.50 gross; No. 40. Air, $1.75 gross; .Vo. 40, Squawkers. $2.75 gross; Sausage Squawkers. $3.50 gross; WATERMELONS, $4.50 gross; Baby Zeppelins, $1.00 the gross; REED STICK.'J. 40c gross; TOY WHIPS, SO-inch, $4.50 gross; 36-inch, $5.50 gross; CONF’ETTI, 6c pound; Red Rubber Balls. $3.00 gross; Rubber Thread, .50. gro.ss; lApel .Metal F*lag Huttons. $1.50 gro.ss. $2.50 gross, $3.50 gross; Lapel F’lag Bows. $1.00 gross; Lapel Cartridge Ribbon Emblems. $3 oo gross; F'LAGS OF' ALL KINDS AND SIZES; Red, White and Blue F'estooning for decorating, $2.00 dozen rolls (30 ft. to roll); Noisemaker.s of all descriptions. Decorations. FIREWORKS, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 assortments for the youngsters; JAP DAYLIGHT BOMBSHELLS. $7.00 dozen, with mortar for tiring; 4th of July Paper Hats. 45c dozen; TISSUE PAPER SHAKERS. 65c bundle of 10, ETC., ETC. Let us sell you a big F'lag cheap- ORDFIR F'ROM THIS LIST OR SEND FOR CATALOG. TERMS, CASH. BRAZEL NOVELTY MFG. CO., ... 1700-04 Ella Street, CINCINNATI. OH lO


Of the Mardi Qrae Shows, Leaves Without Paying Salaries, It Is Alleged

CWcopoe, June 3. Liliti-r Tbe ItilllXNird. iK-ar .'>lr—Tbe Mardi Gra» jtboeii opened four mcrkii ag,* and came to a clo»e here Saturday mslit, »ben .ManuKcr Phil A. Barry left erery- i-iu- on tbe lot waltlne fur tlie truckx, which «• r<- to lake the xhow to Holyoke, which waa to la the neit atand. The writer bad cUarire of I. 'c li-t and wa» to meet Barry at 8 the follow¬ ing morning and proear and I realised Mtnietblng wax wrong 1 took aald Barry’a trunks ORIGINATED AND BUILT THE and placed them with my otitllt. Intending to bull] them until 1 got my xalary. When I re- (a««d to give them to a drPer, whom he had sent after the tniukx, be came oter from Spring- field hlmxelf, and xald be waw indeed xurpriiiew.allef I". S. Navy Itesigns. tViiler ness. and regret that an apparent redectlon has well ns the pleasnn* -eekers. Many c -inpltments n sample coxen. been cast ms.n him and his associate*.—Tlie serf paid Mr. Lvans .in the cleanlln- 's of ht« SPECIAL PRICES IN QUANTITIES. Editors.] many attraetlous. Sireator this w.*eli pr-'m!«»-s Our new cstili'g just irtlved from the t. i.H.ni up Mg f.-r nil. ni>lwirhstaD.llDg the f.aet printer Tliiwe that wrote for it before, write tli.it the sIsiwH nre lai the fair grouin*. which GREAT WORTHAM SHOWS 'X n-'t t.s. el.we In. but judging from the at- teii.liiD.-* so far the stand wrlll be a tucecss. MILITARY ART NOVELTY CO. The first real business week of the season ended L M. KalM-rg F'lned last week as iqieetal Saturday, May at Tacoma. Wash., where ■igent Tommy Warren pabl the show • visit 137 E. 25th St., N*w Yorfc the sh.iws were l.s-atcil on the Central Schma Paily News Ledger. With plenty repr.untallve. Will J. Farley, St. Isnils rep- of piibiielty the .liffm-nt .attractions reaped a -cx. ntatlve of Tbe BIIIN the J.ibn Ilackleman. who left at Olympia in «h‘ w In .iperatloD. Walter C. S<-be!|. the Chi¬ answ.T to the draft, returned to the show at Tacoma, having bei'n exempted. Charles Lyons, cago areonaul and hallnlst. who has been In- :o lire for the past year. Is now with the abowx, Inside lecturer on the monkey speedway, haa iiiaklng aseenstnns ami parachute tonpa. and als-i been called to the colors and left June .1. Sot- FAIRI CARNIVAL SPECIALTIES eral new- wagons were purchased at Tacoma "isIsHiic W. G ami Grac# K. McKinney wlt'i thetr fcnlure hoo|>la. ami an extra flat added to the train to transport them. The train m>w consists of twenty-six enrs. A great deal of excitement pTeratlcd SAVIDGE AMUSEMENT CO. THE LIBERTY BOY when a baggage oar cangbt fire on tbe run from Tacoma to Hoqnlam. It was extlDgnisbe.1 without much damage. Al G. Barnes’ advance n.e evcntlre staff of the Walter Savl.lge THE BIG THING' car was passed at Centralla. As th.’ train tiuu-.,'m.nl t'.uiipany consist* of the follow-lug: crews chaogp at that point short rlslts were "slier .Sarldge. owner and manager: .\1 C. exchanged.—R. EMMETT KANE. " ll-.ii, a--sl*tsnt inanagrr ami .llreclor; James A M.Gliir, advance representative; James P. 'Illl. r. assistant advan.-e representative: K H. •'W.AR-SAVINGS STAMPS mark an ep*s-'' 'I Mell s.-etilr artist; E. a. .Allen, stage man¬ In oar N.ATIONAL LIFE.”—Secretary M- ager. Guy I'ugensee, proj >rtles: "Tom Murray. .AdoO. _ I*-'* canrasman; Oscar 01s»in. chief elertrirlan; 307 WOOD ST. t^i-hlltx lipntnn trainmaster; J. M U.d»lns.*i. mail agent: Ge.. A.lam*. programmer. and PITTSBURGH, PA. ("red Huglie'-t rb- f The company trarrls In Its own train of 10 ■■ars. The dining r.N>mx are In cliarge of Mea- 'Umes Nellie lliighert and Florence Dtv and Mies ' esta Dll. Chef Hugbert Is .-omplj lng with 'l.urt. "indx." "Magic Gla-i Mr. Hoorer's orders. Kreryone with the show GREATER DETROIT SHOWS-WANTED Tni.e." "Gipsy Quren." Inrtalbl.' '« happy snd wearing a smile that w.ui t come 1!.'iilrif* in moxi languagva. F.: •ff -VI. C. WlIiGIN. Shows of any kind. CAN USK a few more Concessions. Remember, no Rail I'1u.vTa'''d tlr-uiar aildrraa road Jumps with this Show. Can book you until October 10th. SRniAiFD 117 Harsiaa St.. us, aa well la yourself; write for tliet JAMES McMASTER, 249 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. . DVIVtCn, BROOKLYN. N V, adrertlsed I oar Letter IJxt. cultural department. Plans are belnp formulated ROSS IN CHICAGO for an exhibit of good conservation iileas. The fair has been recognized as the location for the Chicago, June 8.—J. R. Ross, manager of at GETTING READY FOR THE first Southern California Duroe Jersey I'ulurity. tractions of the Toronto Kxhibitlon, has ls>sn Already many entries have be*'n made in this in Chicago for several days inspecting the Over big event, the first of its kind ever h'ld In the Falls, at Rlvervlew i*ark, owtten having been definitely assured at a inference of 2S leading Fargo, N. 1)., June 8.—The signs of activity of automobile events, detailed information re¬ flights because they were for the purpose of aid¬ at the State fair grounds is the beginning of garding which will be given out at a later date. ing the sale of War Saving Stamp*. Before Istuisianiana held recently. John M. Parker and the worla for the great State Fair, to be held Alwut thirty horses are now training at the making a landing for the final time Brnner and M. L. Alexander of the State Department "f July IB to ao. A force is at work enlarging famous Fargo traok and scores of letters have Clarence Shafer, well-known motorcycle racer Cimservatton presided over this meeting, and the grand stand, new sheep pens are being been received by the management ini]uiring for of Toledo. O., engaged In a flve-mlle race over everyone present pledge.! himself to get iwh.nd erected, water mains are being laid to the dif¬ s{ieed pr<.grams, and everything indicates that the half-mile track. .Mtho Shafer lowered his the fair and puab it to a aucceaaful eoncloslen ferent points on the grounds, the buildings are when the gates open on Monday, July 15, the record for the half-mile dirt track by two being painted, gravel will l>e extended around greatest ext>osltlon ever held In the Northwest seconds Bruner easily outdlstance.1 him. RESORT COMPANY INCORPORATES on the road -leading to the sto<-k barns, roofs will start off with a rash. Bruner expects to Join the C. S. Army soon as and walks repaired, and. when these improve¬ an aviator. Helena, Mont., Jnne 8.—Articles of Incorpon- ments are completed, the State Fair grounds WILL HOLD DAIRY SHOW tion have been filed here by tbe Montana Pipe¬ will b« as complete and up-to-date a plant as is FAIR BOARD PROSPEROUS stone Springs Company, with a capital stork of owned by any association in a Western country. gUit.OiaV Hoy S. Alley. Jsmes T. FTnleo tirl Columbus. O.. Jnne 8.—It has been announced A great *deal of effort has been spent by the John E. Corrette, all of Butte, are the In that both the Ohio State Fair and tbe National Buffalo, N. T.. June 7.—William A. Walker, management thla year to assist in enlarging the enrporatora. and It Is their purpose to o|ierste Dairy Show will be held this year. There ha» treasurer of the Wyoming Ci>unty (N. Y.) Agri¬ prodnetioD of poultry and live stock of all kinds. 1 health and pleasure reaort at Pl|i«tooe been some speculation as to whether they would cultural Society, has received $'1.S8!>.92 as the Several thonsand letters have been mailed out Springs. to poultry lireeders and live stock men urging have to be discontinued for the present, owing society’s share of the money airioted by them to fit their flocks and herds for showing at to the fact that the War Department bad taken the State to reimburse the fairs for the |>ayment the big State Fair. over the State fair grounds, but it is understood of premiums to exhibitors. This Is f'Wkl more STATE FAIR JUDGES NAMED The Duroc Jersey Futurity is filled and will that they were taken over with tbe stipulation undoubtedly be a very Interesting exhibit at tbe that these events would not be disturb^. Of¬ Flirgo. N. D , June 8.—Judges for the North swine pens during the week. Fifteen entries in ficials of the War Department have not disclosed Dakota State Fair, to be held here IneJuly, have the Percheron Colt Fliturlty have already been the purposes for which the grounds are to be been named at follows: J. U Edmonds, draft received and everything Indicates a nice show¬ used, but it Is said they are wanted for a train¬ bones; John Garden. Wa|>*Ib>. la., beef rattle ing of this breed of horses. ing school for construction men, mechanics and J. G. PMlIer. Fnlvenlty of Wlsroosln. swlae and The Babies' Health Contest, under the direc¬ others of the aviation section of the signal sheep; II. II. Ktlde«. Minnesota College of .\trt tion of Dr. J. O. Dilloi!, will, undoubtedly, prove corps. cnitnre. dairy cattle; E. G. Roberta, Ft. .\tkla of great Interest to tbe patrons of the fair, as too. Wls., ponltry. each year has noted an Increase in tbe popularity PRESENTED WITH SILVER SET CARNIVAL FEATURES OMITTED of this department. In the department of women’s work emphasis has been placed on the EXPECT RECORD FAIR Toronto, Can., June 8.—On the eve of his de¬ Lsnrel, Ml«s.. June 8.—Glen neming. secre¬ Red Cross work. tary-manager of the South M.sslsslppl F'alr. has The recreational features of the fair are more parture for the front, where he will visit the Hartford. Conn.. Jnne 8.—The m-inagsrs of battlefields In the interest of the Red Cross, announced that carnival features will be elimi¬ elaborate than ever before seen in this part of nated from this year's fair and that the money the Cooneetb-ut Pair Asonriatton are getting the country. The night show will include the Lieutenant Colonel Noel Marshall veas on May 31 Charter Oak Park ready for tbe biggest ftir is presented with a silver tea service by hi« friends usually paid out for such features will he used usual vaudeville acts, and. In addition, tbe great to promote the live stock and agricultural In¬ Its history on I.ab«r Day week. Wa«hlnni's night spectacle. War of Nations, will be staged of the Canadian National Exbibitk>D, Toronto, terests of the State. Mighty Midway Shows have been signed. En for five nights, beginning Monday, July 15. This in recognition of his two years’ service as presi¬ tries for the early closing stakes are coming In big spectacle requires a stage -b'iO feet long and dent and bis twelve years’ service as director large numbers for the Grand Circuit rs'e* is given in connection with the night flight of on tbe board. The presentation was made by LARGE PURSE FOR AUTO RACES Secretary H. H. Parsont will give Information Louis Gertson, thd “Night Hawk.” who will President Russell. to any who write. direct the firing, bombarding, etc., from tbe sky. The great outdoor sport—auto polo—well CHANGE NAME OF FAIR Sioux City, Ta., June 8.—The Interstate Fair, named “motor Insanity,” will be staged twice which will be held here September IB. will havr STINSON WILL FLY AT OSWEGO each day during the afternoon and evening In more extensive exhibits than ever before. Two Riverside, Cal., June 8.—The name of the automobile races have been scheduled, with a front of the grand stand. Syracuse. N. Y.. June 8.—Katherine Stine-n The midway will be peopled with shows, un- Riverside County Fair has been changed to the purse of Secretary Joe Morton atates that food lectures and demonstratlonx will re¬ will make exhibition flights at tbe l>-wrx" def the direction of C. A. Wortham, who Is Southern California Fair. With the change in name new classes are being added to the agri- ceive special attention this year. County F'alr at Flilton, N. Y.. this year, offleta!* recognized all over the continent as a leading of the .tgriciiltural Amoc|atb>n have tnoounre-l exponent of clean amusements of this character. Governor Whitman will also be present. A nuni Some of the fastest automobile drivers of the her of Iiemocratlc polltlriaDs will also be on country have already signed up for a number hand to glie addresses.

OSCAR V. BABCOCK BIG TIME AT NAPOLEON Periorminf the Larteet md Most Sensational Act hi the Outdoor Show Wortd BOOKED FOR THE SUMMER. OPENED MAY 30. Napoleon. O . Jnne 8. The Northwestern Ohio California Liberty Fair Association Address I’ARAtHlN PARK. .N'anta>ket Beach. Maasarhusetts. Voinnfrrr Firemen’ .tssnclatloD expects to en¬ Offers Hundreds of Dollars tertain cls> nnlfornied' nremen In the parade. Tblrty exposition here. It wants to apprise every two bands will fnrnish mnsic. Californian of that fact and every resident of FIVE BIG FAIRS adjoining States as well, and has inangurated a contest that Is expected to arouse tbe Interest Midway Shows and Concessions Wanted at Annual Fairs EARLY PLANS FOR STATE FAIR of the best artists In the West. Cash prizes, ranging from $100 down to $25, are offered for Short ships and successive weeks. For information and booking write designs for a catalog cover, poster design, di¬ Nacramenti*. Cal., Jnne 8.—Plasa for the lol* State Fair are attracting wideapread lnfere*t. ploma of award, and for a model of a mek thru the advcrtlae,! letfera thla week Washington, D. C., June 8.—According to ttiere niiiy i>e important mall for you. commerce reportb of the government the rom- mercial products exhibited at the great kpring fair at Leipelg, Germany, this year are sub- atltutes. The scarcity of goods, which prevails in practically all lines, has led the merchants to Introduce surrogates or substitutes in great numbers. We do the work and do It right. Phone, wire or write u$ your want$. Pepper with color, odor and taste of the gen¬ uine article is on exhibition. ^German tea.” prepared from various leaves and bl<«soms, tastes like the genuine article, but ti<» s not pro¬ WOLF TENT & AWNING CO. duce the stimulation caused by real tea. To meet tbe scarcity of Jam and butter there are several FORT WAYNE, IND. clever marmalade snbstitutes, most of them Phone 180. 317 C. Columbia St. made from vegetables Instead of fruits. F'ew of tbe sabttitntne have fonnd favor with the public and will scarcely be able to maintain tlieiuselves after the war. it is said. WANTED FOR CAPE COUNTY FAIR To is, field at t’AI’F. GIRARDEAI’. MG FF.JTK.MUEIl 10. II, 12. 13. it lOls Merrv-Go R,aiiid. F'enili Wbeel and all other legi'imate t'on.-saslons. We alwaya have large altmdaiicn an.I the people all have ERIE EXPO. DATE CHANGED money anil not afraid to spend It. If ihtere,tev|, write to Eastern Monroe County JOEL T. NUNN. SR., Superintendent. Bex 273, Cape Girardeau. Mletourl. Erie, Fhi.. June 8.=—The date of tbe F;rie Ex (vosition baa been changed from meek of Sep Agfricultural Society tember 2 to August 19-24. At Sameeting of the MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION (Incorporated TOMAH. WIS., ADO. 87, fS. 89 AND SO. dlrer-tors last week C. R. Cummins was electeii MT, STERLING. KY*. July 24*2? 26-27. 1916. MIdwBy aiid Itaod waolMt. riKjceiMiorui <4 ^11 klr>«U WANT Merry lio Round and Moneygetting Hhowe manager of the exfiositioo, and Theodore L. bale. If Bell Midway A^rlrlhge will b<‘U indcpMuWit Bttrju*tioru. Wrltn of all kinds. AddrvMie Scarlett retains the office of aecretaiy. W. HOFFMAN WOOD. S^ntary, Mt. StfrIInf, Kentucky. F. J. BEHBESO, Seey., Ttwael City, Wla. AD SERVICE LICENSED A.RE: YOU GOING Simnirtlt'M, III., lun* 8.—The Amrrltan Ad TrrtiHinir S»TTt(i», 123 WmI MxIImid *tr**ft. Chl- to open a Rink? Get in touch with us ciiifi, ha* llrmn^d bj tba HerrrtmTj of Stair iinilrr thr blur rkr law to inanofartorr first. We have another new one to l•lll boarda. Th<-jr worr aiithorUrd to aril f'X.ooo spring shortly. It will 'overcome one Skating News .nmmon atoi k. T. W. .Mltrhrll Ik prraMrnt and K. J. Andrraoa aerrrtary. of the Rink Man’s Troubles. j CROWDS at CARSON I a PARK RINK T. R. WILL SPEAK AT FAIR Prom present indications the rink at Carsonla CHICAGO ROLLER Park, Reading. Pa.. 1* due for a banner aummer Sprinirtlrld. III., Juw h.—(JoTrrnor liowdrii baa season this year. "There appears to be a gennlne tnvltrd Throdorr Hooarrrlt to a|N'ak at the Cen- _ SKATE CO. rexlxal of roller skating in that thrlxlng city, l•'nnlni Itajr rarndara at tlir IHInnla .dtatr P’alr, Mi 224 N. Ada St., Chicago, III. and large crowils throng the surface nightly. Aiiltuat 'Jd. and ttir Colonrl liaa arr<“t>trrata> af- xeteran skater, Carsonla Rink has been im¬ t.rr, with a hlatorhal pai;i-aiit imrtraylng eernta CONCESSIONS AND ROLLER SKATING RINK TO LET proved until now it is recognized as one of the classieat summer rinks in the country. in Ultiiola hlatory On Put-In Bay Iiland. I.ararat aummer naort on tba lakes. Season npena Juna 15th. Dally steamen from Detrott. Cleretaad. Tijledn and Sandusky. Hparea to rent on main thoraugbfsr*. $8 a front foot without When taken up by Carey skating in Reading tmlldlng; tlO a frent font with huUdlng. The atiore price ia for the whole eeaaon. ProepecU for thie year was said to be "dead” and present result* only FAIR COMMITTEE NAMED far better thma any prertnu* years, on acemint of Mlrhlgan gotng dry while Ohio ia wet. Also the E. M. go to show what can be done when a real lire Flandere Realty Co. of Detrott haa purchased tlie 6e held Write F. W. McROBERTS. Secretary. minutes and six seconds. hrri' July Tj and 3«i. (>n the latter date the Carey was elated at the brilliant showing of <■.101^01100 will lie adn. Chli-ago, to fnrnlah free The aiiimncr attrartlon. Harden Follie* of Band are big features. Numerous concessions, roller rink at Summit Beach Park, Akron, O. attractlona for the Doth annnal Ozaukee Conoty mis, aiaged by Raymond MIdgley. made an noxeltles and games bare been added to tbe The rink will open as soon as the new dance I'alr, to be held at Cedarburg, M'le., Septemlier Inatantaneuu* hit. The big abow I* ataged in midway. Among the larger attractions are the the Terrace Oarde* on Chicago'* large*! outdoor Forest Coaater. Frolic, Urge Whip, Motor Bice hall ia completed. When remodeled it will be It! Z*. atage. The coetiimea are larUb, the numbers Track and Boating. one of the finest rinks in the eonntry. The Finn* for new exhibit building* for the Lib¬ noxei and the personnel of the all-atar cast nn- floor surface will be 90 by 160. .kttractlons erty Fair to be held at U>* Angelee, Cal.. Oc¬ nanal. Jarquelln Tailman Is being featured, and LUNA PARK, JOHNSTOWN, PA. will be played and races held. The equipment tober 13-26. hare been made, and thr building* ebe ia thtring bonora wttb Irene Meara. Buster will cenelst of 1,000 pairs of Richardson and will all be erected in time foe the oiiening of Edward*. Jeanette tiermalne. Jessie Ray and Chicago fiber skates. Music will 1^ famished JobBstown, Pa., June 8.—Luna Park is open th* fair. Jack Uiboon. .tn entirely new program starts by Adam Banks' Great Western Band. A staff and Manager Sipe is sparing no expense to make Saturday exening, June 15. On Monday exentng, of Instmctor* has been engaged to take care The county fair* of New Y-Tk State will *>v it one of the moat beautiful parks in the coun¬ June 17. the Chicago newaboy* will take White of beginners. Billy Mock, formerly of the A1 'oed aa a meiCnm of conaerrati-’n publicity. ac> try. Besides running races and fireworks fea¬ City by storm. Newsboy'* Night wa* eatabliabed G. Field's Mlnatrels and one of the cleverest c.itdlng to F"*>d .\dmlnl«trator Staff -rd of Buf- ture attractlona are wing pUyed to prorlde en¬ by tb* late M. Bydeld. president of White City, comedy skaters, has been engaged for tbe sum¬ fal ". There will be eiblbiti -n b»'tba and tertainments for patrons. Exalyn Zamora and demonetrattona. and his eon and successor, H. Byfletd. continues mer by Manager Tbamann- the annual erent a* a memorial to hla father. Jean Gendell are doing their double trapeze act, Rockwell City. la., will include an elaborate White City last week flung its serxice flag, xrorklng fifty feet In the air. They appear D'VORAK A DECIDED HIT flrewnrka diaplay a* a feature of their fair to (flotaming 100 stars, to the breese*. twice dally. Adelaide D'Vorak, tbe well-known roller be held July SO. SI and Auguat 1 and 3. Con¬ Bamum A Bailey's Circus is billed for White All the amnsements baxe been oxerhanied and skater, is itlll making 'em alt np and take no¬ tract* al*o hate been algned f<>r many btgh- City July 12, U and 14. pat in flrat-claas condition and tbe buildings are tice. At Smith 4k Golding's Uok. Dublin. Ga., li«'i attraction*. ail newly painted. Running races will be fea¬ she played to parked bouses every night of tured all season. R M. Itaeldaoa, aecretary of the llllnol* State FIRE DESTROYS BUILDINGS the week of May 27. On Monday night the 8. Fair, anaoum-ea that the ninth annual boy*' _ a R. 0. sign was bung ont three-quarters of aa Slate Fair achool will be held a* in preTlou# REBUILDING MIDWAY honr after tbe doors opened, and later there waa yea-e. Two hoy* from each county will be Criafleld, Md., Jnne 8.—No definite plans baxa a big tnmaway when all standing room bad been made for the rebuilding of tbs buildings h'wen a* atndent*. The midway at Coney Island. Clnrinnati. which been taken. "Tbe sign waa used every night recently destroyed by lire at Asbnry Park. The but one,” says Mr. Smith, “and on Saturday Director* of the Cayuga County Fair, Aforaxla. xraa destroy^ by fire last month. Is rapidly skating rink, bowling alley* and aexeral other night we were completely covered up and the N V., hare aet aalde $I.V.'WW> for prlaea in their being rebuilt. A new 2B0-foot steel building is building* were burned, entailing a loa* of about sidewalk in front of onr rink was blocked.” In Tt.-e -..nteeta. J. Carlton Hurley, aecretary, re¬ replacing tbe old wooden bnildings. The dips no.iut. Manager J. Victor Grayblll bad secured addition to her skating art Miss D'Vorak pot on port* an enthualaatie meeting of dlrectiw*. and and merry-go-round baxe been repaired and are a line line of attractions and had intended to a chariot race, which wa* a big hit. Another a'ate* that ererythlng will be done to make again ready for business. Many new conces¬ open on Decoration Day. Graybill was manager night she staged an '‘oxer-the-top” party, which I'iia a tuceeaaful fair. sionaires are arranging for ai>ace. of Lnaa Park. 6<-raDtoD, Pa., when it burned also made a decided bit. In 1916. Owing to th* fact that the New Mexico State EXPOSITION PARK RINK OPEN Fair dm-a not own it* own ground* and alao that PIER AT OCEAN BEACH the aupport from the State i* not auflicirnt to The rink at Exposition Park, Pa., opened its ."uct a fair worthy of the State. C. B. Beyer. MOOSE PARK OPENS season on Decoration Day to gnml business. The San Diego, Cal., June 8.—W. H. Allen of thU fo-mer ae.-retary, atatr* that no .state fair will floor has been resurfaced and new skates in¬ city has filed plans for a 300-foot pleasure pier te held thle year. Rochester. N. T., Jnne 8.—M'lose Park, fortn- stalled. The rink is a track rink, and bat been trly Olen Ha Ten. which this year is being at Ocean Bearb. a snburban re«ort. and expects operated for the past eight years by the owner, opeawted by Roi-hester Lodge of Moose, opened to commence construction as soon as be obtains B. P. Thamann. In fnlJ Mast on Decoration Day and bad an permission from the War Department, the lo¬ TENT CITY MAKES GOOD START STRATFORD RINK STAFF. attendance xarionsly estimated at from 8,000 to cation being xrlthia their Jurisdiction. (Cuntlaned from page 29) lO.iJOO people. This looks as tho the new park The staff of the Stratford Roller Rink, wa* to be a huge success. WILL OPEN NEW PARK Rochester, N. Y., is as follow*: F. E. Soloman. are H D Simpiton. merry go-roond; Pal*y Clix- manager: Le Roy .V. Drake, director; Bay ten .wndy wheel; J H Tnixeit. "kick the Slack, instructor; Emma Smith, tickets; Bob Al¬ kalaer" S P Bradfoixl. ttowling alley; Fd NEW POLICY AT UTICA PARK El Dorado, Kan.. Jnne 8.—8. J. Maddln has brecht, doorman; C. W. Rowley, skates; Claud* CIcae n pool and Millard hall. Col. W. P purchased ail axailable park property of the Drake, 8am Goodman, skate buys; Burt Collier, B'ertlake. well kn'wrn to ahowfoik a* an amnae rtlca. N. T.. June 8.—Ctlca Park was opened Wonderland Park. Among the attractions at cheokroom. ment promoter, ha* the pillow, pennant and Saturday, May 25. by J. T. SnIIlran. and at¬ the new park will be an np-to-date msiry-go- kcwple wheel* Henry tJ lane. po*t card* and round. circle swing, picture show, refreshment tracted Urge crowd* on Its opening night. Sex- 8KATING N0TE8 newaatand: Charlie K. Shlha the Jap amuaemenf ersl new feature* hare been added, and, accord¬ stands, box ball and bowling alleys and others. and norelt.y atand; M*. C S'-ott, |>eannt and pop- ing to tbe adrance adxertlatng no Il<]tior la to •orn The Cor»'n*do Beach Company I* handling be sold. The Vwrtsa Banjo Jazi Orchestra fur¬ NEW PARK CO. INCORPORATES Joe Forrest, who la now a sergeant-major of the danctng. with Arthur Norbiiry In charge; nishes music for dancing, and admission for the Headquarters Detachment. 1st Regiment, the Iwth hotiae with Mr* J. K .Shield* aa a* me la 5 cents. • Th* roller coaster ha* been U. S. Marine Corps, at tbe Philadelphia Navy aiaaager; the ahmdlnr gallery. In charge of \ done oxer and repairs made, and many of the Quincy. Hi., June 8.—Jllghland Park is to be Yard. xlsItiHl his old skating partner. Jesse W C■•g*welI, and the cafaterli and gnv-ery buildings hixe receixed a new i-oat of paint. under the rontnd of a new comp.xny thia sum Carey, at Carsonla Rink. Reading. Pa., recently. I/'tila tiaadi* la manager of the luind. which The park In the past has been a xery popular mer. The incorporator* are J. F. Ganny. W. H. ■'It's hard to reallie that my partner of the circa It* flrat Mg concert on June 23. with rrseen addeil. The LIM'rty Players, as the feature free act for the season. tain giws down on the beast of Berlin. tiii.jt aii<'Se**f,il aeaaon erer known by thi* big whii-h were so ssc-esaful last year, are again .\delalde D'Vorak stoppd oxer In Cincinnati aninacment park Saturday, Sunday and liolblay the attraction at the theater, pU.rlng Cheating PALISADES ATTRACTS CROWDS last wis'k on her wax borne to Cleveland, whore • riiwila hare bn-ken all re<'ore followed by Hlch Man, Poor s),e will rest up f'r the summer months. Miss aii-e (in week day ereninga I* phenomenal. Man. D'Vorak will pn^stbly play fair.date* this fall. The fre«- gi«tc for ladli-a and rhildren In the Psllasde*. N. J., June 8.—The surf bathing afii-rnoona la prorlng alluring, and the free gate pool, atop of the Palisades, said to be the H. B. Walter*, who h.xs been down among the 8CARBORO BEACH largest In the country, euulppt-d with u real n\os,)uIte and cactus f -r some time, say* he is sandy lH-a<'h and a wave machine, which rolls meeting a number of bis skating friends in San Tormlo. Can.. June 8. —Scarh.>ro Beach opened breakers on the shore with the same effect aa .Vntonl,*. Its M-aaon May Is altli a large crowd In attend¬ the .Mlantlc Itaelf. la o|>en for the season and ance and with a number of attractions to enter¬ attrarting thousand* of aquatic enthusiast*. Tor sale for fairs tain it* palnma. .knumg the feature* were the Nat Harris I* doing splendidly with hi* three GOING FAST !arfr onotrlrh. onif* I jr^r oOtl frfutle rtwu* Toronto .tymplwsiy Band and Captain Shell'* soft drink em|>ortiim*. .\dolph Swarts. who has ONLY 600 PAIRS LEFT. ’’-■•nk, fwtrtch aiiit mmik trfjr irmiitr. a iMt •hlte Tnuiiw of iierformlng Hon*. Manager Fred Hub Just enlarged hla photograph gallery, and I'har- rhlrMi> Rt'ller Skate ro.*< Holler Skater. In arlfndi«l Jtti dtic All A.Ulrica f. J. NOGCRS. Mauii4 VaIIa> bard has the apaeloua ground In stdcndld condl ley WtllanI are running a dead heat In their owilltton. only IS year^. liornl enuff for u<. fi't'd KaiibAt. tion. ' shirt fl*Hh'’ contest. They are both longing enuff for ymi. We maiit new Skater for adrertidna for the hot weather ao that they may Com¬ pun»8es onlv, (Jet In now. Lev th-in half prU*e. wanted for annual fair of the fortably exhibit the entire production. Irxing Write or wire WHITK TTTV. Chicayo POINT BREEZE (PHILA.) OPENING t-exlne I* in charge of the country atore candy SPARKILL FIRE DEPARTMENT wheel, and Casper Sargent the pillow-s. Bobby Buy and Sell New ind Us«4 Rolitr Skatn JOtY l»TM. I7TH. latM. ItTM AND MTM I'hllailelphla, June 8.—Imiuemw' cr»w,i* at- MItrhell I* imek on the Blockade. With it* —(Nenlng of I',lint Bfeeae Psrk and ai>e,'tacular front this concession is doing a big fl,*r fit an.I skafes (nan allpplnr No dual; 4c 0. A. lAUCA. Sparkltla Nvw Yark the luitlouk is flue for continued big l>ustBeaa business. 1b. .VMEKIC.VN* IlIVK SITCi T CO., 8an

of the hr laws rommittpo that rtraftH fho now WORTHAM'S ALAMO SHOWS constitution coTcring affiliated orEanltatlons and revised the old one. I’revlous to his entry In ZEIDMAN & POLLIE SHOWS the toy business he sold autohioblles on the (treat Open Silver Spray Pier, Long Beach, White Way In New York, .kitho only Interested Calf—Most Popular Pleasure Pier In show affairs for the past s a years he hns grown aery popular, and that he is inakltiK en Tlie Famous Broadway Shows opened ii week's iiiisllately iM'gaii setting up their fifteen attra< . ing a Night on Account of Bad Weather— engagement on tlie new show grounds at Mari lions on the wiMsIen struriiire -a most diilo ult etta and Jefferson streets (heart of tlie factory task for most »lionmiu. hut under the eapahle district I. .Vtlanta. t«a.. on May under aus¬ iiiuiiag-meiit of Waugh ami llofer this tein|sirary Col. Snyder's Animal Show Opens pices of the Woodmen of the World There was midway. lllumiDatisI with thousands of liglii-.. no aftenioon business, altlio Ideal weather pre¬ was In reudiness for the n|H-ning that night. vailed thruout the week. \ remarkable business was enjoyed by esi-h at Battle Creek The line-up im iuded Hasson & Clark’s (larilen and every show during the seven days, espe. ially of Allah, 'tit Camp and Famous Broadway Miii on Memorial Uay. when tlie gate attendanee and strels. 10-ill 1, Freddie, the Armless Wonder: rei-ords wen' I rukeu for this sertiun of tie' O. P. Harris and wife's ferris wheel. Beard's 1-0 niry. T-nder the auspices of the Michigan State all of them money getters. The Whip has pla.ved earousel: Fountain's frei- act. while s*-venl.T five Amimemenl owners of real attractions and troops and_ with_ Ideal__ eather conditions the“ virgin territory, with the exeeptlon of .la.-k- neat i-oncesslons completed a very l•eautiful mid¬ riding devlies should lose mi time In investi¬ Zeldman & Pollie Shows added amither big week sou. and the business has been excellent. The way. All shows and coni-essioiis were n|M-rat>-d gating the iMisstbllltles of .Hllver Spray I’ler. to the already perfect score for the season so nights are chilly even in «he Central States at in a legitimate manner, and Mauagers Billy Chirk under the able raauagenient of Fortune lainler. far. This Is the fifth week out and the show this season of the year, but all rides have done and Wm. Hasson, as well made wIk) Is a n-al showman from every staudinin' well this spring. has not lost a night on account of had weather many friends during their stay in Atlanta. The The pier itself ••oven an immense s|>ace: m fact, and the cities played have been good without Mr. Pollie returned from a trip into Wisconsin Plantation Show is an exi-ellent attraction, due it Is alsviit 4iai feet by Hiai (e,d. and isiiild easily exception. Progressive jiolioies and an earnest and reports the contract for “one on the streets'' to the efforts of Billy Clark and Its able man¬ take care of Klngling or llarnum & Hailey wtib- study of public tastes have made this show one in the State's largest city, which will follow ager. Wm. Seally. Tommy Clark, elei-trlcian. out lieing erowdi^. S«'veral rides, im luding lla* of the real organizations touring the country th“ “doings'' on the streets at Cadillac the has left the show to join the colors. Visitors, Monufiier. Thirty Third Degree, Jack Ilabbit this season. Next week, Alma, combined with week of June 17.—BEXNKTT -STEVENS. while at Atlanta, im-liided Mr. and Mrs. Davis Coaster and Oi-ean Dip. m eupy space on the pier. Itbaea and St. Louis, under the Moose. These (formerly advance man for Barfield's Shows), towns are new munition centers. The show Is Harry Ramish (Barfield's advance agent this routed thru the State, playing the big ones till OUR FRONTISPIECE the fairs open, and then for a line of desirable dates, which have been Secured. The subject of our front cover this week Is Col. Snyder opened his Wild and Domestic Ani¬ H. (1. Melville, manager of the Famous Nat mal Show at Battle Creek with a good front and Reiss Shows last season and again this year. Iileasing entertainment. Doc Perkins' Circus Before entering the carnival field Mr. Melville HAPPY HOUR SHOWS Side-Show has been strengthened by the addition was engaged In the toy business. Mr. FYaenkel. of several new features and is one of the best of the New Toy Manufacturing Company, dele¬ There was a general change of the business side-shows that has ever showm in this State. gated him In IDl'J to make a trip South and staff on the Happy Hour Shows la«t week. Frtsl The Honeymoon Trail, under the direction ot learn s<'iiiethlng about tlie concession business Elior. who has b^n secretary and treasurer of Ceo. Roy. Is proving a big money getter, and during tlie fair s«>ason. The concession game the shows, has been transferred to the Georgia the Sanitarium, under the expert handling of appealed to him greatly, and the next year he Smart Set Minstrels and his place has l>e'n Ed Roy. Is a close second In popularity. To¬ put on two crtncesslons with the Gorman & filled by I... C. Gillette, the general agent, K day Is Inspection day of all ellglbles to the draft Robb'ns Sliows. In 1014 he opened the Chicago B. Greenhaw being made general agent. C. B. and the rail -will find all members of the com¬ w.arehuuse for the New Toy Manufacturing Com¬ Cornell still remains manager. BROWN d ECKHART SHOWS pany ready to Join the thousands of troupers pany. During that year ho met the late Nat The show now has eight paid attracfl-ms, two already railed to the defense of the colors. The Reiss, -whom he admired very much, and Imme¬ rides and fifteen concessions. Business ei far A general line up of the Brown h Eckhart concessions of Messrs. Ramer and Price have diately became Interested in the Nat Reiss has been g-vod. The show now Is In Western Mighty Mslway atlraetlons Is as followi: Carry- enjoyed liberal patronage since the opening of Sliows, but not active, however, until 1017. Mr. Kansas, and Is headed for the West. IJttle us-«ll, managed by F. Wutbee and D. O. En the show, and the fruit wheel, operated by Melville has been a member of the Showmen’s George Romoser, who has been press represen¬ right; ferris wheel, Robert Hugby, manager, ''Billboard'’ Ed Duncan, has furnished many a I>>ague of America since 1914, and was very tative and general utility man around the show, motordrome D. C. Oberholten, manager. ChrU basket to the Michigan housewives. Pillows active in behalf of the organization when he left Satunlay night, June 1. for St. I/>ui8, Maul and Chick Eckhart, riders. Yama Yima have gone big and the patrlotc stuff scored a lived In Chicago. He was appointed chairman where be will answer the call of Uncle Sam. Show, consisting of Itl girls, Daisy Edwards and knockout at Battle Creek and Jackson, a neat G. Burton, • ntertilurre, Ke^ Snider, floor man frameup and classy stock, with scientific sales¬ ager. Athletic, Young Dcmetral, Kid Furger manship is the answer. This one makes num¬ son and Young Gaucb meeting all comers. Snake ber fourteen for the Velare boys and they are Show, Jack Carter, manager; Pony Show, W O. Brown, manager; Well Show, doing well Conceasluus include Bob Destuoad'i pillow tops, JOHNNY J. JONES’ EXPOSITION buppla and rvlldown, V. c. Bailey and Jack Dolittle, agents; Hal Graham'# fruit wheel: Mrs. Graham's randy wheel or store; Mrs. W. O. From Toledo, O.. to Milwaukee. Wia.. la aome Northwestern Shows Wants an Organized Ten-Piece Italian Band at Once Brown's kew-ides, C. E. rurgays, agent: poultry leap, and altho the Johnny Jones Exposition left Toledo In good time it encountered a ball game, E. K Bauman and E. Kerney. part freisJit wreck just outside of Chioaco and Long; season and regular pay. Write full particulars. Can ners; C. E. MrPall'e country atore; Mrs. F. another one a few miles from M'.lwankee. The Wuthee's rat rack, and last, but not leait. the two unavoidable delays caused the loss of Mon¬ also place a few more Concessions and one more Show, such cookhouse, where all troupers g'-t BCalance of the week provided with J. Walsh ami E. Mersereal. E. C. Eckhart good weather, and. In consequence, a btg week as a Fat Girl, Crazy House, Working World or small single Is mansger of the shows, W, O. Brown presi¬ was the result. Mr. Jones extended the en¬ dent, and Vic Miller general agent. gagement over Sunday and business was enor¬ Pit Show. We will show in Detroit until June 30, week mous. The Exposition was on the circus lot at Thirty-fifth and Clyboiirn streets, and on account stands on the, best locations in the city and showing eveni’ WILLIAMS’ STANDARD SHOWS of having plenty of space all of the attrac¬ tions showed up most advantageously. SUNDAY, then will play the best industrial cities in Ohio, The Williams Standard Shows arrived at On Thursday Prof. John Victor’s Liberty Band Kingston, X. V. on time, and as the cars were and Joe Price's Dixieland Minstrel Band. O.vp with the cream of the ^Iichigan Fairs to follow. placed near the lot everything pertaining to (he and sue. the elephants; Don Henderson, the bag- shows mas iiji and ready for business by noon piper: Parson Joe Doming. Thos. Gould. Tol. F. L. FLACK, Manager Northwestern Shows, Detroit Mich. on Monday. The engagement started with Phil Ellsworth and the writer participated In a a bang on the opening night, and np until the Soldiers’ Bnioke Drive. It was under the present time (Thursday) everything has been d>* auspices of The Milwaukee Dally Sentinel, with Ing well. The aggregation aa a whole has been girls from the Rod Cross doing the collecting. enjoying good business. The management atanils The sum of gUMI was the net result Miss Bobby out for clean attractions and coocesslona. al»'> Everett Is a new member of .America and \V. L. fair dealing among the operativet. The show Everett is now managing that attraction. Abra¬ goes to Utica for the week of June 10, which ham Jones ha.-i been assigned to The Midget with favorable s-es(her condltloot, thouM prove City and Thad. Green Is managing the Whip. one of the best stands of the season.—FINNF' -An addition to the animal show Is Fred Kimball, the well-known trainer. Messrs. Zet. Neumann and Driver, of the United States Tent and Awn¬ GREATER SHEE8LEY SHOWS ing Company, accompanied by a party of six gentlemen and iadles, motored from Chicago to pay ns a visit on our closing night. Don Carlos and his wonderful dog and monkey actors join ns St St. Panl. “Mustang I,on'' and her daughter. Estelle, joined Dakota Max Wild West Show at Milwaukee, and George Wilson became treasurer of the Siamese Twins attraction at the same time. Mrs. H. B. .Aldrich, who has been on a visit to her mother In Boston, has returned. Many notables of the amusemeitt world visited the Exposition at Milwaukee, including Clarence •p^, ('oniiil M. Eufpiie Wnodworth,* piip*^rln -A. Wortham, William (Bill) Rice. Ed ('. Talbot. \n vUltlnc with hit bom# folks at Uori Henry Steppa. Col. Eddie Carruthers. of Chi¬ land. aN. Y. cago: Zel Martina, of the Kennedy Shows: Eddie NORTH TONAWANDA. N. Y., U. S. A. Mr. Hhrenley paM th# Capitol at Alhanr a A. Warren. Jr.*, special agent for Wortham A ▼lalt r#»latW# to th# n#w Ntat# law oomp^lHnK Rice and Col. Alfred Henry Barkley, who •II ahlf»t»odlrd hf*tw##n th# af#a of IH and dropped in on the party unexpev-tedly. to fn^aa# In ll•l•fuI occupation durln* We have another long jump. Milwaukee to St. Oyer Fifty Years of Exclu¬ the i»crlod of the war. 11# waa Informed by Paul (only 327 miles), but we are m’w u^ed 1« Capt. Mrleausblln. of lb# Adjutant 0#n#ral • them. Orlando, Fla., to St. Paul. M.nn . n sive Carronsell Building odlc#. aftrr a «*onf#r#ni'# with th# Attorn#y <^*n twelve weeks—some record. What? Some • ral of tb# Mfatc and th# Adjutant U#n#ral. that (KMal>Ilstie>l IM7 ) show—yes?—ED R. SALTER aliom-fi paaalniT thru O.# Ntat# would not b# Inter f#r»*d with, aa th#y w#r# ronald#r#d noor#«ldoni. and #ir#n ahowlnf th#r#ln did not mak# the pro KEMPF JOINS COLORS DENTZEL pi# ao #naaard Idhra or to com# within the meaning of the law. Irving A. Kempf, of the Kempf Bros., pro Thia opinion and rulinff will b# put In writ ducers of Bergman's Swiss Village, with Patter¬ CARROUSELLS Ing at oner, and it will b# of Interest to show son Showa this season, has been called to the Mflchtnically n4 Artistically Parted men plarlng New York State. TIi# Adjutant In colors and left the show at Davenport, la., for a particular waa Impreaaed with th# uaefuin#"# training camp. G. Bruce Kempf will be in sole tr


Of th« Msrdi Orat Shows, Leaves Without Paying Salaries, It Is Alleged

CJilcx^HN*^ Miu., Jaoe S. IMitcr Tbp Killhoanl. Ivar sir—Tbp .Mardl Gra* ftho«t opened four virrkA ago aiMl rauie to a rioae here Saturday iii.;lit, »lipii Manaicpr I’hll A. Barry left erery- on tls' tut waiting fur tl>e tnirkp, wbicb « n- to take tbe alniw to Holyoke, »bU-h waa to U tbp DPlt staiMl, The writer bad rbarye of I. p li't and w aa to meet Barry at b tollofr- liig uiurnlug and prix-eptl to tbe nett bAatlon. Vuiip uf tbe iNin.-piwUuit <>r abuwa bad been In* turu!pTP WORLD'S LARGEH AMUSEMENT BUILDER, a-APrllona and the quicker we get rid of man- C, W. PARKER, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS igrr* like Mr. Barry the better, aa inch men are ■ menace to the show busln.'*a. I bare been In tbe bu»lne»* for twenty-three years, but I harp BPtpr beard of anyone getting away with any- COREY’S LITTLE GIANT SHOWS iblng the way tbla m.m did. If anyntM' km.w* his whereahont* I will ap¬ Not Closed in Minneapolis preciate If they would wire me. collect, and 1 will cotue and get him myself. We bare two of hi* trank* tied np at Springfield, wblrt we CTilcago, June 7.—In a recent ls*ne of The found at tbe exprrw offlee under another name. Billboard there appeared an article telling of a Mr. Editor, I trust you w1H glee thl* letter rumor current In Chicago to the effect that tbe publicity It dawerre* and pnblUb same In PER DOZEN Corey'* Little Giant Shown had been closed In 8r«f l«»ue of yonr xaluable paper. Mlnnea|*dl!i. Very truly yonr*. It now appear* that this waa an error and our THE Qn.NTYS (High Dirers), lUTeatigatlon* fail to show why flie rumor wa* TlWI J. yriNC\^ PADDLE WHEEL MEN started. P. S.—The abore aA*ertlon» ar«* true: UeiH-atetl inqnirie* for denial or Terlflcation MU. a MBS. T M. fOnBirTT, CAMP WORKERS AND of the story from the Chief of Police of Mln- Candy Itai-e Track. neafioH* tiually elicited tbe foUowing telegram: PARK CONCESSIONAIRES Minoeapolla, Minn., June 7, 1918. TVe a-c in a position to quote thei-e un EVANS’ GREATER SHOWS The Billboard Pitb. Co., nsually low price* on a-vount of our Chicago. 111. eni>rmon* output and lncrea»e- clean oarar.'in. one that 1* a credit to the bnsi- Traill nc Station pul pip Into the w.irker* a* sortnieut of C. S. Nary lV*ign«. Onler ne**. and regret rb.at an apparent reflection ha* well a- tiH- plra»iir>‘ -eeker*. Man.v c nipItnieDt* been ca*t ui»>n him and his aasoclstea.—The S eauiple I’oXcn. w-r paid Mr. Kran* on the rlcanllD< — of hi- SPECIAL PPICES IN QUANTITIES, Editor*.] BiaBT .itir.iction*. Streator tbi* week pr''ni'*e« thir new .-atilog jurt arrlYed from the I • l>"«m iqi Idg for all. notwlt1i*taihllng tbe f.ii t priiitrr Tlio-e that wrote for It befo-e. write ll.,,r the -Imiw* wre on the fair grotin''. which GREAT WORTHAM SHOWS i* n-'t i.«. clow- In, but jiMlglng from the at- Mi'laie- «.• far the aland will be a *ucce«». The firet real biislne** week of the *ea.*on ended I'. M KtllM-rg >olned la«t week a* iqieclal Saturday. May at Tacoma. Wash., where ■igi rt Ti>niniy Warren paH the *how a rlalt the *h«w* were l the John Ilackleman. who left at Olympia in ' w In o|ieratlon. Walter C Sebell. the Clil- answer to tbe draft, returned to the show at I- ' are-tnaiil and ball<«>nlBt who ha* been In Tacoma, having been exempted. Charles Lyons, o lire for tbe pa»l year, U now with the abow*. Ins'.de lei-tnrer on the monkey speedway, has 'oaklng aerrnalon* ami parachute li«I-Hiig W. G ami Grait K. McKluney will Ihi r f' ltlnre bnii|ila. ami an extra flat added to the train to transport them. Tbe train m'w consists of twenty-six cars. A great deal of excitement prevailed SAVIDGE AMUSEMENT CO. THE LIBERTY BOY when a baggage car cangbt Are on tbe run fr>ro Tacoma to fb-iqulam. It was extlngulsbe,! without much damage. A1 G. Barnes’ advance Il'c r\n iitive staff of the Walter Savlilge car wa* passed at Centralis. As the train tiiiiiM'mi nt Company consist* of the following: crew* change at that point short visits were Waller .**vldge. owner and manager; .\l 0. rxchanged.—R. F.MMETT KANE. w a-*|-isnl manager ami .llreelor; Jame* t MHiiiir, advance reprc*cntatl*e; Jame* P. 'Mil. r a>*l*tant advwn.v rcprrwnlative; I-. R. •'W.AR-SAVIN’GS ST.AMPS mark an epoch 'I Vlcll^ ■.-rnlr artist; K. A. .Alleti, etage man- In oor NATIONAL LIFE.”—B.'cretary M •ag.r, Guy Pugensee, pro|>ertle*: 'Tom Jliirray. .Adoo. I*'-— canvasman; llwar 01*,>n. chief el.<. trlclsn; 307 WOOD ST. hllti lenlnn tralnraastcr; J. >1 Il.4»ln*.ai. 'Hall sgenl Ge» Adam*, programnicr. amt PITTSBURGH, PA, I're.! Iluglict ch.-t The company travel* In It* own train of 10 '■f*. The dining r**.nis arc In charge of Mca- 'laincs Nellie lliighcrt an.l FT.irrni-c Plv an.l Mlea 'eats I)|x. Chef Ilughert la .-ompljlng with Mr. Iloover'a ordera. Kveryone with the show 't.igi. Wand*." "Magic Gla-i GREATER DETROIT RHOWS-WAHTERj Tiil'e." "Glpsv Queen.'’ Inrlslbl.' happy and wearing a smile that won t come Il.-alinc* In raoat languagts. F •' ” AI, C. WIIitO.N. Shown of any kind. CAN USR a few more Concessions, Remember, no Rail Clu.-’ra'.'d tYrular addrras road Jumpa with this Show. Can book you until October 10th. SRniAirD IITHarmaa St.. na. aa well^a yonmelf; write for that JAMES McMASTER, 249 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. . DVIffCn, BROOKLYN. N V. idvertlaed 15 o«r letter list. HERE^S HOW To be a aatlstlrd hutlneai man with a profltalile hunl- nr«a. One runtomrr who had been working for a rail¬ road for many yean quit hla )ob, bought a RIG KM WlIKKL and went Into builneia for hlmaelf and hr'i making a aurreaa of It. too. Another RIG £LI ownrr ^^^^OHCIMNaTI waa formerly a rarpenter and wheelwright, but la now in hla third arawn with tho RIG KI.I and la maklij,; good with It Dogma of other aatlsfled euatomrra will WILLIAM JUDKINS HEWITT be glad to tell you their etperlences with a RIG KL.I Chocolates Namea and addresara rumliheU on rcqueat. Why not write tn- ADDRE5S ALL SLtIL A>T) TELEGRAMS CARE TUB BILLBOARD. day lor full parilrulara of IF YOU WANT CANDY, GET VITNAM IiriLDING. NEW VOUK. UIG ELI WIIEKMtf THE BEST V B EL^ BRIDGE COMPANY Puritan Chocolates Meet All the Requirements A. M. SCHREYKR—The World’s Congreas of building flfi.OOO.ObO worth of ships for the Gov¬ Ditre DotIIr is a great Idea for an outdoor amuse¬ ernment. A JtlO.OilO.OiiO dpy dock is to lie built Economical—Flash—Quality ment. The Idea should he put over right out¬ there too. I’Tol>ably glUO.lXkl will be exi>ended doors and not in a building, say all. or the ma¬ in building a new fair grounds for that Texas jority, in fact, that saw the first World's Con¬ city not many months hence. We add that there [The Puritan Chocolate Co., Cincinnati, 0 gress of Dare Devils at Madison Square Garden. is no reason why Reaumont should not have one NICK CHEFAU/O, of loop-the-death trap-loop of the largest fairs on the continent. fame, is at present making bis home in New SIDNEY WIRE is now general agent for York, with addrees care the Showmen's League. Victor I). I..eTitt. Who said that Sidney was He has been booked for a long season of fairs never going back into the carnival bualnesaT Most and expositions. He may also play some parks all of ’em come back soon or' later. Lot more this summer. coming back sooner that that. too. Wire acted PRINCE NELSGN Is still in New York. At as manager at Madison Square Garden the last present under medical treatment. He is bandied week the World’a Congress of Dare Devlla ex¬ by Richard Pltrot. tbe international booker. hibited there. He claims that be waa a sncces*. CARNIVAL MANAGERS that are listed in Moral; Keep out of the lobby with your bath the "dead beat’’ claaa should make an especial rolies on. effort to get out of that class by making good SO-NfE TALKERS SAT; “The price of admls- all promises. ’Tls an awful thing to be listed slon will not make or break you.” Some, how¬ : “The mammoth FEATURE ” : as a "noncompensating IndiTldual.’’ Make yonr ever. have a terrible time convincing the public ! ATTRACTION without which' that sneb is tbe case. Try another line of talk when one line fails. Do not be discouraged. It tierno’no midway is complete, orop m< takes years of practice and study before a man built in Tarloue yy $ iw or woman become* a convincing talker. •■Tfixes, from |1.500 upT* ^ g CHARLES D. W'lLLARD will have a mnstcal M no matter bow elaborate M show in Luna Park the second week in June. I Frank Willard will manage the one in Palisades .^Aor bow small an UKDERCROUNDm Park, New Jersey, for the summer. Daisy Rev- WATCH FOR THE 1918 bX CHINATOWN you are S land will be with tbe one in Luna as will also Mrs. Willard. 5 interested in, Jusv^ ^ GEORGE W. TRAVER’S Exposition Shows 2,^'ito for full details* mi now has five shows, two rides, two free sets and fifteen concessions. Tbe shows have played every Sunday since opening tbe present season. || *C. W. PARKER, 5.7 X.. S,. P... »iLEAVENWORTH, KANSAS®

196 SwMnsy StrMt, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y.


Tn* laiMt Inreorion and roost attractive siauw- romt riding device tor Parka. Fain and Chrulvels I’ortabis or tlailociary, opersied by ctiher gaiollne n tletrlr Write tnlay andwa>. Left to n^t Mrs. Cbaa. K. Outran. Dr. Frank LaMarr. lecturer; Sing I»w. Chines* Medicine Man. Curt Johnson, tiekrla; Cha*. F Curran, manager, and Slojbung Ma>. Chinese merchant. Bluffs, Iowa, is'Iooking around for attractions for their over. See what has come from the ideas of a INDEED WE WOl'LD like to see a complete annual fall entertainment. Address C. R. quartet of determined men. Indian Village vritb a camivaL Think it would HANNAN, Jr, Chairman. SHOWMEN S LEAGUE OF AMERICA FIELD get a lot of money. DAY would be good. On that day let every A. A. POWEU.< visited the Blstany Brothers’ member try to get another or several members. Shows in Lawrem-e, .Mass., and reports it a fine Concessions and Free Acts Wanted John R. Warren and Walter D. Hildretb—what lineup and due to make money and please the 4TH OF JULY. PITTSBURG. KANSAS say you? people. Conmuilonv address H. 0. NATION; frM aeU. LOU APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP In tbe A. 0. BACCHER is given credit for being a W. JOHNSON. Will make surartiv* propottUm m Showmen’s League were recently filed with Ed¬ good carnival manager. He la playing the one hUh-clau pay show, under canvas. Tbts U s Magical Goods - Stage Money ward C. White, aecretary, by C. A. I/omas. Wal¬ Northwest in almost an exrinsive territory and real celebration; mine* all working, plenty of rooney ter S. Kelly and George A. Baldwin. All well reported to be making good money. He has a and they spend It with both banda. No strong Jolnu. Send for Free Catalog Today. known in the outdoor show field. tour of exhibitions booked In Northwestern t an- we run that pari of It oursalvea. A SPANISH DANCING AND MUSICAL, would ada that should he as g,| for him and hta at this time prove to be a novelty. Make it a company as Red Deer, AIN>rta and a niimlier peppery pot-pourri of whirlwind dancing sensa¬ of others were last season. C. and A. A, tions from the land of the row fighters. Powers could have l)een in buslmwn onee if A. SNAKE SHOWS SOME PEOPLE SAT ANYTHING Just to be A. had said yes. I’owers claims that Raucher Whai all other* fail try lit* old stand-by. saying something. is a most HUbstantial man and has always made good. Baucher ones toured Europe after a auc- Mixed Re^ $10.00 Dns and op. 0«l TALK ABOUT A PROGRAM of high-class value recalTed by ordering tran aa. acts for a fair or exhibition. Walter P. Innls. ws and made plenty ol Telagruhlo Addreet, Soakevllle. Texas. most wsinderfiil program, the prineipal acts be¬ money with them, it Is about time for a strietly ing Dorothy Kollls. prims donna of the Boston riding devlee and show carnival to eome Info Opera Company: Lillian Russell, Singer’s Mid¬ the field and make money and a big rei|Hitation. gets, Marco Twins, the Topsy Tiirvy Dancers, .'<«une are going to say not. We are thinking the Berlwrs, Nyeuo Jatm, Ed R. Holder’s "El>en- different because something differtmt has got to eexer,’’ the bam tis-e mule; Twelve Tally-ho be done soon. [ ieSye - 1 NO CIGARETTE GAL- Girls, Arnaut Brothers, Hellene Trio. Darning TilK REAI, carnival should lie a gigantic __LERYl.H((*ni.Me»-lth- ORCHESTRION—Dlmenslont. 0 feet hy 0 feeL 0 Sisters, Fearless Greggs, in their big sensation. local production in many cases. Sow Is the InihcK. H feet hlah R«>*anns for selling. Coat $5,000. out AUTOMATIC TAR- Autos That Pass in the Air; International _: -I GETS, ongiiialed and time for a carnival promoter with the real Imrk sell fur $1,500 rash for quick sal*. Apply D. B D. maiiufactund by the Ballet, Kouns Sisters, and Innea’ Band of fifty lK,ne to atand only for the right things h> roiiie rare RilIlKiard. Cincinnati. Ohio, four artists. This is, indeed, a great lineup, and in and make a fortune. Tbe field la wide and AUTOMATIC FISHPOND CO. Each.$3.00 the high character of the artists at once raises Lot* of ten. l->ch. 2.50 open for the right kind of promoters. Some day GUERRINI COMPANY Pump Guns, best on the market. Eich. 5.00 the standard for acts as far as fair and exiM>si we will find big amusement exisisitlons and they I’ I’etrurollll and C. Plaianrel. Our Lever Guns. Eweb. 3.75 tion attractions are concerned. will be put on right with big Ioimetbing different has got to working world exposition. We want to hear come. 277-270 Celunbut Avseut, bide and lights without a matrii. Each. 5.00 Ssa Frtaclsee. atsoit the Ove PirOET Fm-ND AMISEMENT CGMI’ANY IGe, lie, l.'ic. 17c, 2(lc, IJIIc. 2t)C, 2hc or what. Some news from the section of the world you are It’s hard to make the ehange and satisfy tbe showing in would Is- appre>inted by the slnw RuughU Hold. Exchanged sod pulilie. Solinsky elalnis that Southeast Texas people In the rest of the country Repaired. 1* the most prosis-rous part of the Ixme Star JOHN MUZ2IO A SON. That la capable of *sir

% ir JUNE 16, 1918

Sheet Writers and Attention White Stone Workers WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE? AND IF YOU QET THERE ARE YOU QOINQ TO FIND THE PACKAGE THAT YOU ORDERED? Cui you daprod upon the SERVICE you are grttiniir SERVICE, aa you know, la ererylhliig. Y(« rannot do buatneaa unleaa you hayo the merrhandlM'. It's SERVICE that we offer our trade now as always. By SERVICE wo mean fumlshlng merrhandiw as far aa La humanly possible In these afrenuoua times. LOW PRICES, aa low aa they can be made ronalatently—doable SERVICE by filling your orders when we got them without any unneceatary delay, so that you are not hindered by haring to wait 'or goods. Poaalbly you hare not aa yet recetred YOUR COPY of the NEW SHURE WINNER CATALOGUE No. 78 Ifk eat! You eugkt te have H. Yea ean't do baalaett without it—at least yea can't da buslaeM right wHhaut H. It’s frsa! It's years far the aakiag. grevided yea are la aomt line el builfteas. such aa WATCHES SALESBOARD MERCHANDISE HIGH PITCH GOODS FANCY GOODS JEWELRY CLOCKS RING-A-PEG AUCTIONEERS’ RUGS CARNIVAL GOODS NOVELTIES GOODS, ETC. BUY FROM THE ORIGINATORS OF HANDKERCHIEFS SILVERWARE NOTIONS 7-IN-1 BILLBOOKS HOUSEHOLD GOODS PREMIUM GOODS NOVELTIES We ere fine (Irlne hearirr and belter etork nf If you barm t d>.ne so. write for the book now. If you try to do buainen without it you gire the "other felloit’* a shade the leather than erer before at the aame old price, $24.00 ticst of it. fur be a ill own bis merchandise for leae money than you. per or***, Sample eent for 25c. BRACKMAN-WEILER CO. N. SHURE 00*9 Madison and Franklin Sts., CH1CA.GO White Stone Speelallita. We prmen your iniernt t>y aelling to dealera only, and do not furnish catalogues to consumen or cuiioalty aeekua 337 W. Madison Street. CHICAGO. ILL. N. J. It wti, we bellere, one of the Klrtlfy eaterprlies, and poeaeaeed many features not now Been In parka. It might be well to reelye aCIN and WALTHAM WATCHES, $3.35 anms of those very same things that were shown Genuine Cowhide Leather la Eldorado. New Tork. Standard and Naw Era.$1.7$ ALL COMPLETE ED M. FOLET and Ed M. Burk know just Columbia, t 81a*. A Psfectlco, 1$ Slae 1.95 21 Jewri Swiss.$2.00 to 2.25 NICKEL OR GOLD bow to run the Foley A Burk Shows on the C W. 1.75 PLATE CASES TMVaiNG Pacific Coast. They bare long since proren that they know bow la the best part of it. mpo **■ 80 cents Extra Fitted In new 6x20 Gold Filled Case. I-nng lire and prosper Foley A Burk is the BAO. PRICE, wish of the writer. ■ 3-B These are rebuilt Watches; every one guaranteed In SOME THREE-RING SPECTACrL-LR society m- ***'®**®'^"s running order. As good as new. circuses are awful disappointments. Don’t you jfT Write for dealers’ Price List on other Watches. think there is some room to Improre some of $2-98 them 7 MONON SALES CO., Incorporated, JOHN W. MOORE snd A. A. Powers wrlll, no doubt, abow an assemblage of amnsements at 440 S. Dearborn SL, - - CHICAGO. the two hundredth annirersary celebration in Genuine ronhide black leather, walrtia grain, Perth Amboy. N. J., June IT and week that will la-m. Tratellng Base, with khaki lining, arsed be worth while for showmen to look orer. They mmera. eliding lock and catchea. which we eon* are planning many out of the ordinary h.ral eldft the blggeet ealue eeer offered In a trarellng features. Moore and Powers know how to do big bag. Price for a limited time ooly, while thla lot things in a big way, so we are not bewitating lasta. $2.M each. For a full line of lire Raleobnard and Scheme in predicting success for them In their first big WHIPS, BiLOONS Artlclea. see our catalogue, llloatratlng Waicbea. event since forming the partnership. fliict^ Jewelrr. Sllrorware. lUanra and Premium H. C. WILBCR recently paid a 'Islt to the Gnnda. Write for catalogue todar; It'a free to Col. Francis Ferarl Shows. He is loud In his TIPPECANOE IS READY FOR YOU dealers. praise of their e<]Utpment and general quality of their offerings. He goes so far as to say that 1918 Catalogue ready for the asking. All the best goods JOS. HAGN Sl CO. it la melohndoiious and »npermelobo»iorloti8. (Cut Price Wheletale iewelert) LEO M. RJSTANT—You did not let ns know of their class. 300>M2-304-30« W. Maditee St.. CHICAGO. ILL. how business was In Fitchburg. How do you like bring assistant manager of a camiTal? WHEN OFFERING SHOW goods fop sale make the farts and figures plain and at once THE TIPP NOVELTY CO., Tippecanoe City, Ohio. understandable. Plain auDoancements make far better impreMions than tbnee that rare and SPOT-the-SPOT rant and go aronnd a mile to actually corer an Inch. J lacladlag layetrt aletk. 2 larga S.* $0?$! A Patriotic Noveity Picture HELEN Ml'RDOCK. of Blstany Bros.’ Shows, Saakr kaaaara. akart lar grtiaa claims that ’‘system’’ Is a good thing to bare But you r* get to ter it to aprrrclate It. It’s great for ^0 aad aeveral aeta af ilaa plataa. on a camlTal lot. • Miss Murdock talks liko a • CONCESSIONAIRES. WHO USE IT FOR "GIVE AWAY." SHEETWRITER8 FIND IT A GREAT PREMIUM. bnsineea woman, ^owwomen and showmen are AGENTS ARE CLEANING UP WITH IT. MISER HEADS. ttSdol 4 now Tielng with each other in the line of WHOLESALE •«>.»,?•» Half chah muat accompanjr ordari, bal. ('. O. D. progress. Keep it np, you lire women of the riRri LARS OF OTHER GAMES bnsiness. Rhowwomen and showmen, our bats PRICES mS:;:;;::::;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:::::;;;;::;::;::;;::::;:;;;: are off to the progresslTe ones of the lots. Mail 15e for sample of thii highly lUuatrated Plcture-Certlilcato. with nral spare O. J. KOCHER HARRY S. NOYES—We are pleased to learn in renter for picture of loldleT, sailor, etc. Flao of all naUons in their exact color*. MS W. ladlana Ave.. . Pklladalpitit. Pa. of your recent tuccesaes. Sixe of picture, 14x20 inches. Retails for S5c. One-third cash deposit with order. KXBCrTrVE STAFF of Witt’s VlctorU At- If you want a fast seller, get bury! tmctlons lines np like this- Harry Witt, general PATRIOTIC CERTIFICATE CO. director and owner; J. H. Tebbetta. general 160 Nsrth Walla Straet. CHICAGO. ILL. MUSICIANS WANTED TO INCREASE BAND agent; W. E. Rnsmlselle, secretary and treas¬ EIGHTH FIELD ARTILLERY urer; TVank J. Murphy, manager concessions; riartneu. cometa. otMaa. baaaoooa. flutea. baritone Carl Wilson, train master; J. Goldie, manager aad druma Thla la a heaer arrUlerT outfit. no bone*. tbowg. and O. D. Brock, electrician. SERVICE BANNERS duUaa atrlctljr mualcal; grind admlnlttratloo. Murt PROPER DEPORTMENT on a lot gains re¬ be able to bandlo tbo atandarda. State all In flnt. spect for the organisation. It pays for the man¬ ORDER NOW Write or wire. S. C. SANDS. Band Leader, fith F. agement and employees to be ladies snd gentle¬ AND REQUESTlUUT PUREURE SILK, 124 GROSS A.. Cawg Whtelar, Gaargla men St all times. CATALOG. nil I nufIII TADCTADCt^ SUk-Satln. beautifullybeauUfuUy ' JOSEPH O. FERARI aad his shows are in line „ rILLUWn lUi dtilfifed and printed with new ^ Red. White and Patriotic Designs. 25 per cent d»- FOR SALE—MERRY-GO-ROUND for a big season all right. Fbor weeks in Rlue Handker- ft boraea. four hand carrrd charlaU. gaeollno engine Canada with tbo great War Veterans’ celebra¬ rhlaft. $l.f5 per $10.80 Doz., 90c Each JL on tniek. dynamo on truck—makaa 40 Ughta Coat tion at Hamilton. Ont., fop two weeks. The Josen: $19 50 13.500 00. Practically new. For quick aale. $1,000.00. fair* at Rochester and Bataria and the New per gross. Y’ork State Fair at Byraense are a good n’ute. to CENTER PIECES Part raib: balance, terma Machine ttorcd In Mlu New Style aervle* MERRY-CO-ROUND. Blllbeard. Claclaaatl. Okie. be sure. Betides being a showman. Joseph Q. Baaaar_ KNICKERBOCKER HANDKERCHIEF CO.. 421 Brtadway. New Yeek CHy. ’ Is some blosted bond holder for fslr. With the i lineup of rides, shows snd concessions he Is In¬ OBERFIELD COMBINED SHOWS deed off on the right foot for a big season. He Dramatic End Tents, Large Tents in predicts the blgsest of his career. any style, Concession Frame Tents, Want Mutieiant of All Kinds JOHHNY J. JtkNEfl—Use riding derices will Ground acta and a email troupe of doge; also a buetler get yon a lot of money In Canada. What's the Hoods, Etc. Estimates furnished •fenl. Show m route. Muelriane. addme POP new one, the Frolic? M on request, Ycur mterests are our VALENTINE; all athara addreat OBERFIELD SHOW. MORITANI BRGTHERS. the norelty men of 02 New Jcracy St.. Whecllef. Wect Virginia. Sarin Rock Park. New Ilaren. Coon., look for interest*. Let us submit you a price a great season at that resort. on vour next Top. W. JAY COOHL.LN—How Is the new idea \Vrite for catalogue. WANTED-MUSICIANS working out? We mean the one regarding the riartneta and cometa foe Four Wheel Ilrire Auto .Luto-Motor-Sllo-Tanker-dpome you spoke to the Co Hand. Gthem write, (hvid opening for right men. writer abimt In (Tiicago last February. Hope It Annrrr quick. W. A. OARFIEUl. care T. W. P. work^ out aa planned. If It did let ns know. TUCKER DUCK &1iUBBER CO.,M»af.eia.«rs. Ft. Smith, Ark. Co.. ITInianrina Wleconeln. WITT’S VICTORIA SHOWS PERTH AMBOY, N. J.. WEEK JUNE 17 TO 24. INCLUSIVE Witt’s Victoria Shows were awarded the exclusive contracts for Shows, Rides and Concessions by John W. Moore and A. Powers over all competitors For This Big Civic Celebrition in Heart of City. Only Event in Perth Amboy This Year. Henr>^ Mcyerhoff has booked this show over a selected Fsir RouIg in the United St3tes 3nd Csnsds. Opening July 30. WANTED-SHOWMEN,CONCESSIONAIRES and PORTABLE (Gilly) RIDING DEVICE OWNERS, communi¬ cate with me at once. Those that want to do business and arc looking for a real route of big Fairs will be given the oppor¬ tunity to open at Perth Amboy June 17 for big dates and continuous bookings. Transportation conditions make it im- ix rative that we “gilly” all shows and rides. Showmen must have perfectly equipped shows that can be “gillied.” Will furnish a complete outfit for a Big Athletic Show. The man must know his business. Witt’s Victoria Shows have not f()!low(‘d any other show this season. First in all the towns we have played in the East this season, and will so continue. .\ddrcss all commuuicatioiis to HARRY WITT. Msnsger Witt*s VIctoris Shows, Perth Amboy, N. J. \our letters, wires and phone calls will receive immediate attention. No. 8669—20x30 round ends, 8-oz. khaki drill No. 4447—3.I1OO round onds, 8-ox. wMto drill 21T-231 Nortti Desph top, 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. khaki drill. top. 10-ft. sidewall of 6*4.01. white drill, khaki trimmed, usez. khaki drill top, 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. wlilte drill. top, 10-ft. sidewall of 6^4-0*- khaki drill. used one week.7.$145.00 khaki triumied, usel 1 wee>k - .$242.00 No. 3663—20x33 hip roof, 8 oz. T>. F. khaki duek No. 4450 -30x60 round ends. 8-ox. khaki drill top, 10-ft. sidewall of 6tj-oz. khaki drill. top, 10-ft. sidewall of 6Vj-ox. khaki drill. khaki trimmed, used one sveek.$165.75 khaki trimmed, us>'d 1 week .$300.00 No. 3664—20x30 round ends, 8-oz. 1). F. khaki No. 4451 -30x.)0 round ends, 8-ox. khaki drill duck top, 10-ft. sidewall of 6>s-oz. khaki drill. top, 10-ft. sidewall of 6V4-uz. khaki drill. khaki trimmed, used one week.$151.00 khaki trimmed, used 3 days .$247.00 No. 8666—20x30 round ends, 8-oz. P. F. khaki No, 4452 —30x50 round ends, 8-ox. kiiaki drill duck top, 10-ft. sidewall of 6*4-04. khaki drill, top, 10-ft. sidewall of 644-ox. khaki drill, khaki trimmed, used one week.$151.00 khaki trimmed, used 1 week.$242.00 No. 3667—20x30 gable ends, 10-oz. U. F. white No. 4453—30x50 round ends, 8-ox. white drill duck top, 10-ft. sidewall made of 8-oz. white tup, 10-ft. sidewall of 6V4-<><- white drill. duck, used 3 days.$160.00 used 1 week .$220.00 No. 8669—20x30 round ends, 8-oz. white drill No. 4454—30x50 round ends, 8-ox. white drill top. 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. white-drill, used top, 10-ft. side wall of 644-ox. white drill. 3 days .$130,00 us^ 3 days .$225.00 No. 3670—20x30 round ends. 8-oz. white drill No. 4455—30x60 round ends, 8-ox. white drill top. 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. white drill, used top, 10-ft. sidewall of 64S-ox. white drill, 3 days.$130.00 uset)le style, made 10-ft sidewall of 644-oz. white drill, brand of 6>-j-oz. Biiyle's drill, 10-ft. sidewall, used new .$195.00 EDWARD P. Nl No. 8819—20x40 hip roof, S-oz. khaki drill top. T reasurer 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. khaki drill, nsed 3 days .$205.00 No. 8820—20x40 hip roof, S-oz. white drill top, No. 4891—«0x0i>. tV)-ft. round top, with oar J*- 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. white drill, used 3 ft. middle pie-ft. n>nnd top. with two 3*- ft. nihldie ple<-ea. lo-os. khaki dnck |.>p. trimmings, o-Inch extension w itrrfall en«. bale rimf atyle. 10 ft. StdcwalU osol 3 3 days. $220.00 w.H.ks lint* No. 8957—20x50 round ends, 8-oz. khaki drill No. 4896 svmai. 6i' ft. round tol>. wl'li oar -• top. 10-ft. sidewall of 8-oz. khaki drill, used ft. middle pice. lo-oi. khaki duck top. ktaW 3 days .$220.00 trlmmlugz. 8 Inch extension walerfill «*»• No. 8958—^20x.'50 round ends, 8-oz. white drill, b.ile ring style. 1<* ft- sidewall, ins'd • 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. white drill, brand weeks . IU4.I# new .$200.00 No. 4898 -xl2o. Hi*-ft. Hiiin-I top, w .lh two 34 No. 8960—20x50 square hip roof, 8-cz. white ft. mldd> pieces, lO-oi. khaki duck l*f. drill top, 10-tt. sidewall of 644-oz. white drill. khaki trimmings, S Inch extensli.n »itrrfw used 3 days .$205.00 eaves, hale ring atyle. 10 ft. sidewall. a«H No. 4103—20x60 round and gable end, 8-oz. white 2 weeks . HIM** drill top, 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. white drill, No. 4899 -tiiixOO. OtVft. round top. with os* ■_ used one week .$210.00 ft. middle p.e< e. llkut. khaki dm k lop. »1“** No. 4104—20x60 round ends, 8-oz. white drill trimmings. 8 inch extension waterfall *•"' top, 10-ft. sidewall of 644-OZ. white drill. liale ring atyle, lO-ft. sidewall. u«e"d 3 days . $245.00 No. 4108—20x60 *ilp roof, 8-oz. white drill toj), 10-ft. sidewall of 614-oz. white drill. usel. , 10 ft. sidewall, rlrcile »ITI' khaki trimmed, used 2 weeks.$231.00 3 day. . . No. 4439—3t»x.50 round ends. 8-oz. doable fllb-d No. 4919 66xisi. 60 ft. round top. with kbakJ duek top, lO-ft. sidewall of 6'4-oz. ft. middle pb-ee. Hoz. wrlilte drill t p. khaki drill, khaki trimmed, used one ring -lyle. 10 ft. sid. wsll. 8-Inch ex'; week .$242,00 Wsferfsll enre«, used 3 day'-- * No. 4440—30x60 round ends, 8-oz. khaki drill No. 4921 (Wixli’ii. 641 ft. r-mnd t'>i>. wm top. 10-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. khaki drill. rm ft. m'ddle pieces R-oz. white drill khaki trimmed, used one week.$300-00 hale ring atyle. 10 ft. sidewall. 8 In'h ^ No. 4443—30x56 round ends. 8-oz. white drill Sion waterfall eaves. n«e. 60 ft. yuind foil, with •! .3 days .$225.00 ft. middle plive, 8 ox. white drill l"P' No. 4444—30X.50 round ends. 8-oz. white drill ring stylo. lO-ft. sidewall, 8-4ncli exl top, 7-ft. sidewall of 644-oz. white drill, used xralerfall ea»i*s. ust-d 3 days . ■ 4-oz. white drill, white drill fop. 10 ft. xhlewsll. used 3 days .$225.00 days .


No. 6477—lOilS nqiiaro hip mof font of «trip« matorlnl, T ft. aldowtll, uwkI two wooka.. CHAIRS, BENCHES AND COTS . $32.00 10,000 foUinK red ehairs, grand staml style, TO THE FIRM TO AVOID DELAY) Ho. 6460—lOil.^ wiuaro hip roof font of atrlpo reinforced with iron underneath seat, new matorial. 7-ft. aidowall, uaod two wooka. , .$12 per dozen . 132.00 500 only, folding red chairs, second-hand. No. 64S1—10x15 aquarr hip roof font of atripo .$9.00 per dozen muterial, 7-ft. aidewall, used two weeks.. 500 only, maple folding chairs, second-hand . $32.00 .$8.00 per dozen 1,000 only, canvas cuts, used 2 weeks. .^.25 each COMPARTMENT TENTS lil»I.ll Ml::i>.tL KOLUING COTS. BliA.NU .NEW No. 6450—14x21 <-«niparfment lent. 12 oz. di«i- .$3.75 each hle tilled white du<'k top. C ft. sidewall, used l.OtM only, brand new folding canvas seat 2 weeks. $65.00 benches.$30.00 per dozen No. 6460—Hx21 •-umpartnieot tent. 12-ox. dou¬ 200 only, brand n- w iron show chairs. ble tilled white duek top. t> ft. sidewall, used .$25.00 per dozen 2 weeks.__.$65.00 200 only, brand new iiun show benches. No. 6461—14x21 eumpartmeiit tent" 12-ox. dou¬ .$35.00 per dozen ble Oiled white duek top, tt-ft. sidewall, used 2 niontha. ...$55.00 SEATS No. 6463—111x19 • umpartment tent, 12-ox. double 100 lengths of 10-ticr circus seats. filled white duek tup, 6 ft, sidewall, uaed 2 .$13.50 per length weeka ..,$40.00 25 lengths of 7-tier circus scats. No. 1962—10x19 eompartment tent. lO-ux. doable .$10.00 per length filled white duck top, 6-ft. sidewall, used 2 12 lengtha of h-tier re.-erved seats, palDte-ox. khaki 1 pouy trough, made with seven 2-ft. boxes, - Vice-President duck top. pockets fur poles, ball return. .$35.50 brand new.$20.00 3 horse troughs, each 9 ft. long, brand new GABLE END CONCESSION FRAME .$15.00 each ' ' , a 60-ff. pound top, xpith one No. 5871—20x011. 10-oz. best grade black duck on TENTS 6 horse troughs, each 14 ft. lung, second-hand takhlle jceee. 6'4-ox. white drill top, the outside, lined all through with black, mak¬ No. 6782—Gable end concession frame tent, for .V.60 each ra<-e track. 16x12, outfit. 16-oz. khaki duck •idrwall of 6*,-os. white drill, circus ing It dark when erected; built with round top, 9-ft. sidewall of 8-os. khaki duck trimmed CHAFING BAGS brand new .3750.00 end front and straight gable end back, thor¬ in khaki, awning 6 ft., counter 3 ft., 3 in. We hare several hundred chafing bags, in good 60x10(1. 60 ft. round top, xrltb one oughly roped with pure Manila stoi'k. double High grade in ever particular.$69.00 condition.$4.50 each msldle piece. white drill top. curtains all around at eaves, pole holes No. 6763—Gable end concession frame tent, >ii]ews:i of 6>.-ox. white drill, cipens cusbloned with sole russet leatlier. sodcloth HAVE IN STOCK FOR SEATS in bottom of wall and conduit boles in front to 14x12. 10-oz. khaki duck top, 7-ft. sidewall of 200 pieces of basswood, 114 inchxll inebesx '•TiDd new. $850.00 8- oz. khaki duck, trimmed in kbaki, brand new ? -.lit, nrt-ft. round top xnth one admit of electric wires, used 2 month*.$300.00 12 ft.$1.00 each No. 5874—'2<>x6ii, 8-os. best grade black duck on .$60.00 450 pieces of basswood, IVx incbx7 inchesz ■kWh' piece and one #>-ft. middle piece, No. 6784—Gable end concession frame tent, white drill top. 10-ft. sidewall of 6*4- the outside, lined all through with black, mak¬ 12 ft..75o each ing it dark when erei ted; built with round 8x8. lu-oi. kbaki dnek top. awning on 4 sides, ■Its drill, c.ren* sryle, l>ranund top of 8-ot. No. 6878—16x27 photographer’s tent, 8-ox. khaki light.$11.00 each admit of electric wires, brand new... .$460.00 khaki duck. 16 ft. Hidewsll, tborunghly drill top. 3-ft. pitch, two windows in top. 6-ft. 6 se<.'ond-battd double Baker Lights. .$3.50 each No. 5932- 2’4)x70, 8 oz. best grade black duck on sidewall, used 2 months.$35.00 12 brand new folding Kautnik Torches.$3.00 each 1i llrst-cla«s cunditton. used 5 the outside, lined all through with black duck, No. 6879—12x15 photographer’s tent, 8-ox. white 12 brand new one-arm Baker Burners, one-gal¬ .$525.00 making It dark when erected; built with round 5 60x120 86 ft round t»i>. with one 46 drill top. 6ft. sidewall, new,..$45.00 lon tank, complete.^.00 each end front and straight gable end back, thor¬ No. 7095—4-ft., 6-in.x6-ft. dark room, S-oi. ■ die ple<-e S-iut. khaki drill top. khaki oughly roped with pure Manila atm-k. double 12 brand new two-arm Baker Burners, two-gal¬ 6-!n--h extension waterfall eav***. khaki duck on the outside, lined with black, lon tank, complete.$5.00 each ■ urtatns all around at eaves, pole hole* made to fit frame, new.$12.00 •de«i!l r-cl t weei. 11150.07 cushioned with sole russet leather, tod<-Ioth BULBS- ^ 66x166 StI ft. rumd top. xrlfh two in bottom of wall and condnit holes In front to PROSCENIUMS 120 red and frosted eler-trlc bulbs.6c each middle p'ec.-s. 6 khaki drill top. admit of electric wires, used one week. .$520.00 No. 6940—Proscenium. 20 ft. wide and 16 ft. 58 four-candle power electric bulbs.6c each trlmm nz*. 6 Inch eib-nelcn waterfall Iiigh. opening 14 ft. wide, 8 ft. high, 30 in. 1.000 sixteen-candle power electric bulbs. Klfl sl.lcwall. 11.0.1 1 we-k 11578.00 WALL TENTS AND FLIES from ground; fancy red stripe, 10-ft. wall, .15o each 6(’r12ii soft, round lop. with <>n«' No. $120 -riy for 12x12 wall tent. 12-oi. double with curtain around top of prom-enium and top POLES AND STAKES midd'.- pl.-c.- 16 ox. khaki duck lop. flll«-d white duck, used one week.$12.00 and bottom of opening.$25.00 5,000 10-ft. natural grow th side poles.$1.00 each Hmrlnss. 6 in< h .-xtenslon waterfall No. 0n5 Ply for 12x14 wall tent. 10 ox. double No. 6942 l*ro*<-enium. 42 ft., 6 in. wide, 23 ft. 24-in. natural growth stakes.80c each Ifift ..Icwsll, iiw-d 2 week*. $1100.00 tilled white duck, used one week.$12.50 bigb. opening 20 ft. wide. 10 ft. high, 2 ft. 3&in. natural growth stakes.35c each ' V.xi. soft, rtoinal lop. with one No. 6212 Ply for 12x12 wall tent. 10-ox. double from ground; made of kbaki duck, red trim¬ 42-in. natural growth stakes.38c each is'ddl.' pli. c. 8 01. kliaki dih'k top mings, very flashy, brand new.$40.00 filled white duck, used .’1 days...,..$10.50 4b-in. natural grow th stakes.40c each 1 In Viiakl. d-ln.-h extension waterfall No. 6232 -Wall lent. 16 ft.. I In.vlS ft.. 8 in.. No. 6945--rrotH.s nium fur TO-ft. tent, 12-ft. 60-in. natural growth etakee.50o each 16ft. sidewall used 3 weeks. . $1050 00 12 os. double Oiled white duck top. 5-ft. side wall; opening. 32 ft. wide. 18 ft. high, 3 ft. Toe pins.$1.50 per dozen* '- '12»i. Ml ft. round top, with one 46- wall, brand new.$64.00 from the ground; fancy re-ox. double fliled hranpen- 1$ ticket boxes, red painted backgrouml, white wllte duck top. 3-ft.. 6-in. sidewall, brand lettering, richlv shede<1 varnished, lettere*l In ' aew .$1200.00 new . $35.00 ing, 16 ft. wide. 9 ft. bigb, 3 ft. from the f—-- fji> 80 ft roitnd lop. with one 4*' front: "BI Y 'TICKETS HERE"; lettered on No. 6240 to 6245--.I wall tents, 7x9. 12-ox. double ground; blue anil white half widths, new '1 pif. e. 801. white delll top. hale .$35.00 sides; "BEST SHOW OX EARTH". fliled white duck top, 3-tt. sidewall, used 3 .$20.00 each •lyle t"! ft. sidewall, used 4 weeks da.vs .....$23.00 each MARQUEES 25 ticket boxes, red painted background, white i . . $850.00 No. 6242—Ply for 12x14 wall tent, ll*-os. double 'I lllhlc.*, 116 ft. ro'ii'ml top, with one No. 7027—7x10 marquee, made of blue stripe, lettering, richly shaded, vamishetl. ready for fliled white duck, used S days. .$12.50 ^VWI. pleee, 16 w. double fliling whit* 9- ft. aide^vall. Iettere.1 BIG SHOW EX lettering tbat vou may desire .,..$20.00 each No*. 6252 \o 6257—6 12x12 wall tents, 12-os. TRANCE, used two weeks.$25.00 1’ , parsfllii. .! I'j.ln. rxlens|un eaves, 12 double fliled white duck top, S-ft.. 2in. side RACE TRACK •alls .f s,.r while drill, a high grade No. 7029 marquee. 10 ft. sidewall, strip - 1 20-horse race track, with electric indicator, wall, brand new.$46.56 each material, rex30 maisjuei-, rcil and white half PRESERVO brand new.$37.28 each STABLE TENTS widths, 12.ft. sidewall, netting on two sides, l-gallon cans.$1.10 p«r gallon Nos. 6264 to 6291—26 12x14 wall tents, 12-os. sj'ace In front for lettering, used 2*4 months. ft-gallon cans. 1.00 per gallon double fliled white duck top. 3-ft.. 6-in. side¬ Barrel lots.95 per gallon wall. brand new....$82.00 each govNl condition.$60.00 No. 7034 IdxlO nianiuee. strl|>e material, 10-ft. U. 8. MILDEWPROOF REFRESHMENT TENTS sidewall. reund.40c CANOPIES No. 7179 Tank. 6 ft. wl(\g. 12 ft. long. 7 ft. In half-barrel lute, per pound.80'; No. 6890 10x15 wiuarc hip roof tent, solid red In live and len-puund packages, per pound...6O0 .Vt ft .-amqiy. made of black aad deep; g’ssl lamditlun.$30 00 duek top, 7-ft. sidewall, made to snap on and No. 7155 —28-ft. dtamefer mat, of No. 6 white PARAFFINE WAX Imk tup. eiirtsln on 4 tides, used 2 made of red and wide halt widths, used one , mi *l.i,.wrill_ . $78.00 duck on top. No. 8 white duck on N'ttom. Per Ib.*. 12c week .$35.00 Boiler felt In between, tnfted every 6 inobes ill** canopies, made of Sledgtw, with handles.$3.00 each ill. no sidewalls, used 2 week*. and in between: used 2 weeks.$350.00 Mauls, with hamlles.11.25 each - . .$70.00 each No. 7839- *>iie TxT leaping tick. No. 6 white ANGLE IRON FRAMES 01 t-'i-rt. canuple*. made of die k ropeil and with rope handh-e. $20.00 For 19x8 ixincession tents.$10.00 each ■'ll. no sidewalls, used 1 week. No. 7240 -1.3x15 net,' 2-ln.-h No. 144 mesh, on UMBRELLAS ..$85.00 •ach '4 inch Manila ro|>e, h\>ps in ixvrnem, nsSil 2 weeks.$45.00 "OVR SPECl.VL" No. 7299- .\mazoa tent. 8 (U. .\rmy Khaki dock .5-ft. «-ln. red and vrblte, steel rlhhed .ml black tents knobtu'd umbrellas .$4.00 cacli JOiAi. 16 01. Iiesi grade Mark duck top. 12 ft. wide across the fnmt, 7 ft. bigb in front, running down to 3 ft. In stock, used one ••niE GRAND" wtsiile. linml all through with Mack, 6-ft., 12-rlb. red and white, with axmlng.. (lurk i%hrn rrrftiMl; built with rnunil week. $30-00 .$9.50 each No. 7057 to ’7224—8x8 Palmetto tents, made of «frRlffht ffiibir emi tbor 8-ft., 12-rib. red and white, with awning.. stripe material, brand oew.$9.50 aach tRI»« tl itb purr \fiinlU Rtrtrk. doiihlr .$11.00 each " iimiitifl nt rmrvm. |>i»lr h$»lr< Noa. 7040, 7061. 7tlt—7x7 Palmetto tents, made BAND ORGAN " th miUv Imthrr, •ikdrloth of strliie material, brand new.$6.50 each Band Organ, No. 12.5 Wurlltzcr, iisisi ..ne month, ''f ^rII und i'ltndiilt holm In front No. 7142—ny, 21 ft. wide, ’24 ft. long. 10-oa. double Blled kbaki dc.k. khaki fringe. re


MIGHTY DORIS SHOWS MoKoca ILoPka, Ca., follnwe.1 Ilonipatpad and BE YOUR OWN BOSS “HAND DIRPED” “millkon” was eonaplouoiia by hia absonoe. “Iloneat John” was a atranpor to anythlnp ro- HANDSOME PACKAGES sombllnp feathora for forty-eight hour*, but one would never sense It from hla appearam-e. $50 to $100 A Week Eas; After innumerable mialiapa the Mighty Doris RxpoHition Shows ahaiM-d up for tho opening MAKING Monday, May 27, umler the auapleea of the Fire Department. If anyone tloutita the abllltj of abowfulk to grapple with ailverae conditions Black ft White CHOCOLATES "when everything goes dead wrong” they should have witm-aaed the tireless energy manlfeated Photos Direct V/ IT WILL PAY YOU by tboae selfsame troupers. The trip was made by motor from Homestead, and what with wet To follow the lead of the experienced and successful WHEELMEN roads and breakdowns Is a recital of misadven¬ ture too long to chronicle. However, they made Post CardsflUt^k AND CANDY RACE TRACK OWNERS who are making a big success it. The Two Harrys (Bontum and Mohr) were (Large Standard ^ taking water and food on the run, and despite sue) the stress of continual mishaps were smilingly this season with PLATES. approachable. Harry Bentum, general manager for Mr. Bru- PRINTINO. nen, has booked the following fairs: Ptannton. Va., thru C. B. Ralston, secretary, September Flalibgi M the Spat la 8. 4, 6, 6 and 7. Lynchburg. Va.. tbni F. A. I liovelork, aecretary, October 1, 2, 3 and 4. I Covington, Va., thru B. O. Bradshaw, sec- ‘ retary, September 24. 2.1. 20 and 27. Dan¬ NE^r Daydark Camera ville. Va.. thru H. B. Watkins, secretary, Oc¬ Pnaqualed for speed and nualtty of remiha, tober 8, 9. 10 and 11. South B.iston. Vt., thru (viabllna you to compete with the best atudle W. W. Wilkins, secretary, Ortober IS. 10. 17 phoUtgrepheri and 18. Btnporla, Va.. thru Secretary Osbume, ^ iShocoIates October 22, 28. 24 and 25. The above Is only a partial list and Is submitted merely to show Boys, Grab This Quick! You can purchase “Hand Dipped” Really High-Grade Choco¬ what Mr. Bentum has already done t« keep the BE PREPARED for the trvmcndcus dctLand (or pteturrs at our Soliller Boyi. their Uctbm. Mighty Doris moving. i lates for $3.84 per dozen. Order a gross—make us prove it. You I fileteo. Swsethcana. Iloinm and Frlsoda. Johnny Jones. H. R. Polack, Benny Kranse take not a penny’s risk, and can secure a full refund of your and Jeff Blank were recent visitors. Herbert PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. I Tnson is the latest acqoltltlon. and Is making Brarythlng rooplete. Outlay imall. l-rcdta and cpportunlllea unlimited. money if you are dissatisfied. ' bia preaenee felt as general utility to Chief ' Bmnen. “Dog and Pony” Strickland has the BIG.QUICK.500% PROFIT Why hesitate even one tick of the clock? Waiting one week I fruit vrteel and Is unloading nightly, which is a fitting reward for hts ability. The Red Cross at Falie. Ptcnlca. PrtTtte Homca. EVEBT- WHZXE. Profits start at ooca. means loss of additional business to you. drtve was materially augmented by the caravan in Homestead, which further demonstrates the The sale ct euppUas with the outfit practically esprit de corps among outdoor showmen. Quite brlngi back your entlra inrectnieoL If you Telegraph at our expense today. You’ll not regret it. want $1,004 thU year InvcwUgatc at oocsi Writ* a number of the caravan went to Pittsburg to today for full Infonnalloo. Free. visit the Rlngling showfolk.—HAT* A thing that wall make you money tomorrow will make you money DAYDARK SPECIALTY CO. today, and the sooner you get it the more money you wall make. GREAT AMERICAN SHOWS I U20 Baatoa Street. ST. LOUIS. MO. . Delays pay no divddends—act now. Dover, O.. June 8.—Is'cated on the streets In the heart of Dover, under the auspices of the loyal Order of Moose, No. 707, the Great Ameri¬ THE PURITAN CHOCOLATE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio can Shows reaped a harvest. Frank Marshall deserves credit, as does Promoter George W. Evans’ Three-Pin Board Johnson, for the manner In which they handled the advance. Every night was a special night, SCIENCE AND far loads came from Dennison, I’hrlchsvlIIe ant 1 New Philadelphia and the Boy Scouts held forth sKiu W with their band Tuesday night. Several new concessioners Joined, as did Bob Chambers* Athletic Show and Baby Bmma. the QUALITY LINE PILLOWS fat girl. S. Olovannoll Joined to take the band | and DOW has eleven men under his direction. _ * We manufacture the Fastest Selling Everybody Is looking forward to Coshocton be¬ — FASTER Numbers for Dealers in or near Army ing another good one, as this wHl be the first . show there for six years. The Athletic Associa¬ , ^ : THAN A SET Cantonments, Carnivals and .\mu6e- tion there la making big preparsHons to han- I ment die the show as it did In early times. Promo¬ One of the newest and best Qyj. jjjjg consists of Handkerchief ter A. E. Campfleld reports a big automobile and liberty Bond combination contest under games on the markeL Cases, Glove Cases, Pillows in Felt, way. After Coshocton, O., the show moves to Toronto, O., and the Ohio Valley Is billed for twenty miles up and down the river. Day and Wrfta for d<$cr1sttN iid prfcts. date. Monday, June 17. with the Stin Bros.' Cir¬ We make a specialty of Local Pil- PADDLE WHEELS AND SUPPLIES. cus, means a talkfest for many of the boys. lows — with sr>ecial names, designs, FULL LINE DOLLS. EVANS' TOOTSIE Many remarks of praise are heard on every WOOTSIES AND CHARACTER DOLLS. etc. We reproduce all the various side for the rolling stock of the Great .kmerlcan KEWPIES, BEAUTIES. DUTIES AND ALL Military' and Naval Insignia. Shows. TThe cars and wagons from the Jesa POPULAR STYLE DOLLS. ELECTRIC. Willard-Buffalo Bill Show and Colonel Joseph EYED BEARa ASSORTED COLORS. Samples and prices on request. Krause's red wagons, as well as the cars and WRITE FOR PRICES. CANDY—IN V,. I wagons Manager Morrla Miller already bad. AND 2-LB. FLASHY BOXES. Terms cash to non-rated concerns. makes a train when loaded compare with any on the road. Several new wagon fronts will he added for July 4 week and when the Fourth of H.C.EV/lMStC0, T-rc.Sr.1^ BLOOM BROS.’ CO. Jnlv date Is announced many people will be surprised.—WODETSKY. “The Quality Line” MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA ! CON T. KENNEDY SHOWS Sugar Puff Waffle Machine Rockford. Dl.. June Despite the In¬ Original—Portable—Reliable clement weather which has prevailed here thla Immenae Profita—Steady Repeater 1 week buslneaa has been fair to date. Rain on Monday and Thursday night kept the attendance On .the road, parka, can- WE WILL MAIL UPON REQUEST OUR CATALOGUE! down to some extent, hut either night was far tunnwota. anyrteve that from a blank. The lot is a long distance from I J peaple paaa or galher Ift town, but the street railway <'ompany Is han¬ JL high claaa. woodnfuUy ' 'oexlng and a proved wln- dling the crowds In good shape. ucr. Madders earned POSTERS, CARDS, ETC. The first street parade of the season, partlcl- I Y£ ^ y w $31 00 in one day Bu.7 pated In by the memhers of the company In ' I earned $4$ 00 in one day ROH A.I>X’'KWTl«i:VO antos. newsboys of the three local pai>crs (200 '.JL Koyetiwi earned $1*30 In strong). Prof. Esllck’s band of twnty-five ene day. Checka cn R R pieces, animats In ragc«. camels and donkeys llrket. OaDpleta hualmwa from the Garden of Allah production, twenty plan and secret reclpee fur- nlahed. Anybody can handle bead of Wild West stock, tableau wagons and 4tli JULY, FRATERNAL, RE-UNIONS] floats and the hlg callloiie drawn by eight Shet¬ land ponies, brought out a large crowd, which TALBOT MFG. COMPANY AND ALL LIKE EVENT'S followed to the Jot on the opening night here. NO. Ill NORTH I5TH ST.. • ST, LOUIS. MO. It Is almost lmi>osslh1e to get a show of this glae on a 4>all grounds, but by close figuring and combining the animal. Wild West and e Join at ntice. AIno will buy mtrml' aher the show at Burlington. Billy Warren hand DKAGA.V U.NA-FON; mual bo in goxi has taken the front of the I.lberty Show ami itltlnn bnsiness Immediately showed a perceptible In¬ FOR SALE-Two complete aeta of band unlfonii- WANTS crease. Etta Warren visited relatives in I)u- wlU adl chewp. A'Idresa CHA8. LEEXIN8. Mieafer. bmiue last week. Hudtee, Mich., thla week; Hlllidale. Mkh.. wtx' Whip, Shows and Concessions for a big line of fairs and celebrations General Agent Steve Woods and Special Agent week. starting July 4th at Canton, Ill. W^ill furnish wagons for whip and all Bill Mosely have N-en stepping around <|Ulte briskly of late, and altho the writer la not In a FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTEEl LOOK shows. Week of June 10th, Princeton; June 17th at Monmouth, Ill. position to diselose anything at present they have worked wonders. AT LIBERTY —Tht Marvelous Frasers This show goes Southwest until X-mas. ED A. EVANS. Okhkosh, Wla., the next stand of the sIkiw, Trick and fancy comedy n>ller akaler* A baa not had a carnival for three years owing pleta barrel act on roMero. Wivk on any aiac pi to a prohlldtive ordinance, amt as it had the form d ea the '"v' reputation of lu-iog a gmsl show town previous IMffwent from the rent. to that time wc are anticipating u very re¬ 323 Soeth 3r<. - - • Quliicy. !"■ MONKEY SPEEDWAY FOR SALE munerative week.—W. J. KKHOK. AflPDITC_ MO KO fO MKDIfATKM Sh[N Carker mAke, 45-ft. round Unp and aide uaU. 6 cars. 8 monkeys. !> banners: all In Unt-clasa condltloiL MLxbnid lu'AIJ* M<«t) amt Toll' First $400.00 gets IL Come and ace U now operatins. McLELLAN AMUSEMENT CO.. Eait Lako Pork. Bit' Aid ns, w well as yourself; write fur that Gtnda I’laii beai. »-vcotliliig foe agi-nt'a profltL NO- auMha*. Alabama letter advertlkcd In oar Letter libt. RO-CO,” 13$ Locust St. St Uula. Mlateurl. JUNE 16, 1918

Not the kind that are called legitimate, but the ones that can earn money without boosters, as we will not allow any on the Show. We want legitimate Shows able to earn their transportation, and with clean looking outfits. We now have fourteen Paid Attractions and will book two or three more if they are worth while. We play some of the best cities in the East and Canada. Join now. Next week, June 10 to 15, Utica, N. Y.; June 17 to 22, North Adams, Mass.

NEW PATRIOTIC DESIGNS CHICAGO, ILL The eager demand for these makes 33d and Wabath Ave., July-1st-14th, Including two Saturdays and two them the best bet this year. Round Sundays, auspices the Orphans’ Home. and Square Styles. Send $13.50 for sample dozen and our low quanti¬ KANKAKEE, ILL. ty prices. of June the 10th>1Sth, auspices the Zi CUTEY PUPS BLUE ISLAND, ILL on combination stores and used as of June the 17th*22d, auspices the Fir give-ways are holding the crowd, ^nd SOc for a sample and quantity KENSINGTON, ILL price. MUIR ART CO. Sll W. Madison Street, CHICAGO

STEEL WITH GLASS FRONT Oval shape, 14x7x7 feet. Positively the finest and most practical tank in the business. Formerly used by Annette Kellermann. A bargain for cash to quick buyer. Does not leak a drop. Address GEORGE BELFRAGE, Columbii Theatre Bldg., New York City \NTED-WANTED-WANTED WILLIAM VICTOR NETHKEN Professionally Known to the Shooting and Show World Sinoe 1892 as BUCKSKIN BILL MLLE. LORRAINE (TMtMt all uound rlS. ud pUtoI ibot and bowl* knif* ihrowv tba world bw ever mod. SANTa—Real Wild Wot Pmp1« to tU bruirbn (or tlM hlcheM cIh. Wild WeM Show In Afflcrlco for SMHtlfMl CUoraa Pirt •• CbMitaH«aa Laka at JawMtawa. Naw Yarli AND HER RACING AUTOS ALEXANDER S. FISCHER, Manager of Park. USED IN BOBBIE JEWELL’S AUTODROME, WITH THE GREAT IHwdil induroMDt for people with tbrir own atock. We haee tb. flnwt paeture in the rountry richt by tba W’wda Can offer a plaaeant naann'i enficeineot to the right paitlea. Make wlary raaaonable Ant IMer, PATTERSON SHOWS *od My but what yon can and will do. Kegul.r MWKn open. Saturday, June 29. ISlk. Jat-k Rinehart, Lena tenur and Montana Bud. write. Iddroa BUCKSKIN BILL. ear. CdarM Park. Jaaaatewa. Nmr Yerk. OH, BOYS! IF YOU WANT TO CASH IN ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE LEDGER GET THIS ONE.

Act suitable for Wild Animal Show, Educated Horses, Troop of Ponies, Be the drat to Introduce thU blf nordty. and thank your lucky star, for doing so. A real. big. ilaahy Mechanical Bm Game. Price of Game complete, including balls and flashy banner. Sfl0.00. TO lire wlrm Tiger Act or Bear .\ct. State all in first letter; no time to dicker; must who ran pick a winner, we offer a 10% discount on all orders rrachiug us on or before June 20. TYnns. $3000 with order. LATEST SENSATION. JUST OUT—-SINK THE U-BOAT." he ready to join at once. Can also place Animal Trainer, For further particulars of both games address tddnwi JOHNNY J. JONES, Manager. Week of June 10th, St. Cloud, Minn.; of June 17th, Minot, N. D. Then the Big Canada Fairs. _ LOGAN & PAINE, P. 0. Box 761, South Bethlehem, Pa.


JAMES I. BROWN Plant. Performers for Minstrel Show. Door Talkers, Concession Workers (man and After Junt IS will ba at liberty to handle the legal adjustinc end of clirua or camiraL wife preferred). Contracting .\gent. One more Show and few Concessions open. ri|>rrlenc«. Salary or percentage basla Letter or wire will always reach me. BcattYwille, Ky., week June 10; Fleming, Ky., week June 17; tVhitesburg, Ky., week JAMES J. BROWN. 41 S. Parker A««.. AHanllc City (Ckaltaa). New June 24; Hazard, Ky., July 1. .\ll in the rich Oil and Coal Fields of Kentucky, ami are made on pay days. Wanted—Balloon for week at Hazard, .\ddress as per route. WASHBURN-WEAVER UNITED SHOWS.

5th ,\nnual Carnival Lakoyiew Heights Fire Co., Clifton, N. J., Aug. 17 to 24. Will eon.Hider A-1 Carnival Company or individual Concessionaires. Attendance, 5,000 WANTED AT ONCE I? Ih.OtM) nightly. For Ixiokings and particulars write O. M. MacKOWN, Chairman Shows and ocHiceesions of oil kinds. Strong geek for snake pit. Ed Kelker and Fred Lxet-utive (V)mmittee, 120 Trenton Ave., Lakoview Heights, Clifton, N. J., or 2;i3 Kissen«r, come on. Address all mail McDON.ALD AMUSEMENT CO., Alliance, Nebraska, week June 10th. Wanted—Good, Clean Attractions for Patriotic Celebra¬ tion at Charles City, Iowa, July 4th. Cab offer tao poalUou* paying the highest MJary In tbs Army Baoda to un men that can cut a good grado JVriu* WALTER J. FLUENT, Secretary of the Charles at> Cham- of musle The potltlMi of Anslstant Bandleader to a man that outahluea the rest, and tbs grads of Ser¬ geant Buglsr u> a good comet player. 1 am a trouper, and want a tnaiping band. Null said. Addr»s her of Commerce. C. M. I>0LU>€K. BagflMgftar, SM FMfl Aftitlary, N. A.. Caap Pika. Arkantat. JUNE 16. 1918

LETTER FROM AUNT LOU DRINKS DELICIOUS HEALTHFUL For Shows, Parks, Theatres, Rinks, Picnics, Bail Games, Dances, etc. Orangeade. Lemonade and Grape Jule MADE IN POWDER, JUST ADO COLD WATER AND SUGAR Price Only $1.75 Postpaid A pound makes almost a barrel. You make 80c clear profit on each dollar you take in. Fancy colored signs free with all orders for a pound or more. Trial package, to make a gallon. 10c or Anyonr* nPHinii*: to wmi iiu’ir am m** | 3 for 2Sc postpaid. Put up in one pound cans and 10c packages only. Fully guaranteed under **muire** and at th^ nunic lime aaMlPt Aunt IgtMi the Pure Food I-aw. Please remit by money order or stamps. No C. O. D.'s or checks. In earning? her livelihtxMl may addreap her aa CHARLES ORANGEADE COh 5 Otrfleld Station. CHICAGO. ILL. followa: Mra. Lx^uiae HHts. .TJ! Monruo atreet. ChitaKo, 111. Boys! I’m Here Again!! Thla time with liettrr blllhtstka for the •am. me glad to hear from tdd quantity price. FREE CATALOG. frienda. DRUMMERS Kd A. Brans, of the Kvana’ Greater Sliowa. For a surpri.*^ in prices, completeness of droppesi in for a few minotea while in town on ^catalog and fine workmanship WESTERN ART LEATHER CO. buainesa. He was arcnni;>anifd by Ueerge "Mii- phy" Kamsey, general agent for the aho^. Mr. Send for our catalog. Box 434 Tabor Opera Bldg. Ramsey handetl in his appllratton f»r memlier ACME DRUMMER’S SUPPLY CO., ship to the Showmen's I>eague while liere. ^ DENVER, COLO. 28KL15 W. 22nd St.. ClllC.VGO. ILL E. B. Grubbs, manager of the Western Show Properties Company, Kansas City, was in to«n sereral days last week lonferrlng with John A. WE PUBLISH THE OLD FAVORITE Pollltt. manager of the thlrago Sliow Sales Com pany. Both dropped in to pay their reapeeta to Billyboy. GRAND ENTREE John A. Pollltt. manager of the Chicago Show One of the beat ilrert and coorart narebaa rvtr Sales Company, left Wednesday erenlng, Jane written Polack Bros.’ 0. for Pnnbury. Conn., and will go on to New Savcial Prlct. Full 8aa4, 29c. York from there. He eipects to return to Chi¬ cago in abont a week. THE DIXIE MUSIC HOUSE CHICAGO.

William K. Pr.-k. general agent and railroad 20 Big Shows contraetor for the A1 G. Barnes Show, was a Billboard caller last week. Mr. Peek says he hat the greatest show In the world and that they 4th July are haring the greatest season they ever had.

Want for 8 Big State and Ceunty Fairs Chas .T. Kilpatrick, of insurance fame tare n realistic imitation of tbe Germans retreating Benton, III. Meritorious Shows, Wild West or Circus, Wild Animal, from Belgium. When the gla-s from the ehan delier stopped failing and the offlee force u"lt Platform, Submarine Swings or Ballyhoo Shows or Pit dodging a unanimous rote was passed that hen The Place To Make Money. after all imitations should be given in t.he ball Attractions. or on the sidewalk. E. B. NOLEN, Secy.* Ben .Austin, of the Gentry Bros.’ Show, anl OUR BIG STRING STARTS AUGUST I9TH Walter Shannon, of Tha tJlrl With a Thousand WANTED FOR Eyes, were callers last week at the .Showmen's POLACK BROS.’ 20 BIG SHOWS League club rooms. I. J. POLACK, Manager SAN FRANCISCO FACTS Big 4th July Celebration Week June 10th, Bloomsburg, Pa.; week June 17th, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Zick Abrams.* Pacific Coast representatlre of PADUCAH, KY. H. Tammen. w«* down for a few daya from ■n. Cnnr'MAi^w.*. Frrok Merr7*(k>-Rf»un(l hia Sisson ranch. He and Otto Flolo were seen tioA. Kollonn A*rmAlnn. P'lrr Art». WritA of together almost constantly, and the «ise onm C t CARNCY. %t Pa4vcftN Fair md Raetwf Ami. aaaume that between them tb, y inassaiTe,! COME ON! considerable obsolete currency. Zick sent bai-k TOUR THE COPPER COUNTRY WITH THE to the ranch, taking H. B. tlmtry «llh him f*>r a few days’ rest. Norman Sehiie (Pufchl, wellknoan Paclflc: MUSiCIANS WANTED Coast concessbm man. has left for the naval re eerve training station at San Ibego. b<-lng rall-d as a member of the naval reserve tones. Be ' For Nat Reiss Shows I t'lwnet, CiarinM. Tnmdeaic.. Ba** and Bant- ' fore leaving he stated that n<* communications CON T. KENNEDY SHOW Wetk tf Juaa t-li. Ottumwa, lawa. Aihlrr-- from* old friends would t>e slighted. riDQT niir nr Tur crncnii Babe Rogers, oldtinier known by all show- BANDMASTER. Nat Rtit. Shawl. Oshkosh, Wis., First One in 5 Years, Week June JIth. Wausau, Wis., First One in 3 Years, Week June 17th. AIR CALLIOPEf Superior, Wis., First of the Season, Week June 24th. I>RAVkS Mi I HI tROWDS. Laurium, Mich., Only One of the Season, 4th of July Week. PLAYS AUTOMATK OR BY HAND two STYlfi M)R IN And other good ones to follow. Can use two mechanical laughing shows and legitimate concessions. TANCLIY CO MutCATiN. IOWA HEINZ BROS SHOWS WANTED—MUSICIANS Mn.lclan. on all In.lnimcfila to eiiUrac band s*.- " AXT Midppt or Dop and Tony Show, good Man to make openings on I’tt ■ti la«la until Itc nilw-r T tio nsind alsn n>r i«nces.sioii8, also fornw-r doing r.id (Inglr. »nd work In «it». We pay t.iid'M-. Utur Jnl, lib t;r.tiid rb.ii'-e 1'"'' three high-class Free Acts. W.ANT goud Man on Kli Ferris Wheel, Working K R sfter ydntnr Kiln WYMAN BR08.. K»m«» N»w QUAKER MEDICINE CO. Men for lot and loading cars, Man and Wife to handle small Illusion Show. Bo* 414...... Trw. N. V. Address mail to F. O. COREY, care 402 Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minn. MONKEY FOR SALE \A#M»^lf*triP (Mwiiflp. piNiiri pUFcr.

IF ITS JEWELRY YOU WANT OUR CATALOG TELLS THE 8T0RV!! It Lists lha Best Satllag Itews at tha Bast Bargala Pricas. Wa Carry a Camplata Line af Wrist aad Military Watehas and Emrythlng far lha Salesbeard. Na. 15 .Military Wrist Wairhcs. lei mlnofis Ka

FORMER MANABER OF THE MARDI GRAS SHOWS FOR CONCESSIONAIRES Bright—Catchy. WIRE ME AT ONCE AT MY EXPENSE Quick Shipments Direct from Our Chicago Factory. Sitned TOM J. QUINCY, Lakewood Park, Waterbury, Coim. ROUND—OVAL—SQUARE. 25 BASKETS, 8x12 to 12x16, - - $14.50 RAEDLEIN BASKET COMPANY CABARET PARTNER WANTED 713*717 MHwauktt Avtaut. CHICAGO. ILL. SHU UHFE INI SHOW PROHin IH SUE On aorount of Iwuis lii tlii» urvt draft I'll sell half intrmt to rapahlo oamp man. fine that nndrr- atanda how to luanagr a ffnaL clean alEi'W. Hare one iff the beat frame campa on the mad. 30xS0. khaki top. 20x40 floor, beat jaxa nrchratra In the buslnm. Thia ahow Is all frame, bookeat until Xroaa. Thrtv EDfWiths fairs In Tirxaa. the reel spot for rid>are<. Hare .swell knife rack. 20-fl. top frame, all In gocfl oetdlllon. 10 gnwa knlres. GO deer feet. 30 daggers. 30 aluminum pegs. 30 guns. $.VH> lakes all. Also Coii .■vealon Tenia, One 10x20, good as iiew. khaki. $3.3 00. One swell khaki. Isx24. new. good for spldora. will' panel fmnt. $1.10 00. One brand new panel front for raiiderille or girl show, never been used. Hare swell stage otl painting acenery. 14x24; full act; coat $100; will tak> $1.’'>0. Scenery and panel front can be aeiii In Lrarmworth. Kan. Oeo. Tashjian. Frank Bn>wn. wlrr or write me. OOC HOLTKAMP. Tain W. Allaa Skews, wtak Juae 10. Sterling. Illlnalt. r. S.—this offer xronld mW be open If I wasn't In ihe draft. FOR SALE--1 COOK HOUSE WlllTK rOR lU.r«TBATlI> CATAUIOrt complete, booked with J. F. Murphy Shows. Good contract. Rcaj^on for seUinn, en¬ THE J. D. ESTE COMPANY tering other business. Address M. P. T.\TE. Birmingham. .Xla., June 10th to 15th Alt# MtRufAcUirtrt m4 OUtrlbutMi tf tmn JjU, lOelO 9$iinfBnm PHILaADCL..PHIA« » a. v ImiTABY BAND ORGAN FOR SALE" Columbus. ol June 24-29 ■ OntOLYMPIC balWioo and taro pit or platform ahowa. SHOWScarouarll and ferrla whtri. whip and swings. r,vi.-«»lon» all oihii I #1lil i wmvlp Wll WaaW** Wurll,.or Mako. Style 125. with V4-H P. SrTailli* "•‘•■n at UNiTEO STATES TENT AND AWNING COMPANY, 225-231 North ron«. on. J. a. UACY. Gat. Aiant; U CURTIS. Mr*. Kaaarllla. Taaa., 10-15; loadaa. Ohio. Dctplainet Street, Chicago, IIL 17*22; CatambM. Ohia. 24-2S.


Xtie Billboard JUNE 15, 1918


This la the Mggcsi thing in The Third liberty laian ami the Secoml Bed Shetland ponies. Wagon No. 3. a trailer, l.iaded idrertUlng. It's not only n,, Cross War Fund have been accounted for. and with the Family.) n frei and tnchn. but in dnJi; in the time limit set. But the Thrift Stamp Act ‘J—Members of the circus outfit arc seen srs and reuta. «,or»* INK Campaign Is iien-nnlal while the war lasts. You crawling out; they stroll down the street, and ira making Mg >uc will Bvorythtne ro%df to so to work, slae rirrut^,fuli iMtiy you. May you have a long and happy wedded carry ten people. Including six fullblooded In- tiofM, diapisf bfoard. boohirta. atr. froo WnV todaii lur men, demonstrators, fair MBpWo ttr aofbd ^.M for outAt by raters asil 4U workers, sheetwTiters and life. Ed’« address is 9-2 Main street, Kansas dians. IM u NOW A^Oraaa Dopt. ‘‘t’* ^ City, Mo. -— AMERICAN WONOOBAW CO., fj m ^ novelty dealers. Prompt -- — - Bill ventures to say that the word least shipment and lowest Billyboy has contributed flvo of its Cincinnati used among knlgflits of the mad during the eiliturlal staff to L’ncle Sam, which explains summertime Is bluebird. In the spring that prices. Our 104-page why Bill has been little Aver Is In all catalog mailed upon re¬ tardy about writing his glory, but b.v the quest. Consumers save to pitchmen. He HARRY MAIER time the summer I ' hopes they will un¬ rolls around the . stamps. derstand and shoot in knights seem to | the pipes as they have forgotten all did In the old days about him. b*-fore the war. .And Military; Navy Goods BERK BROS. —when the baby Dr. Harry Chap¬ Ws srs manufacturers of every srtlcls ws sell. Whrti ' killer over in Pots¬ man was pretty quiet you buy from us you buy direct. SILK IIAT S4I Britdwiy. NEW YORK dam has been for several weeks, roRDS. LF.ATIIf:R BILL FOLDS, with Insignit brought to BUbmls but Bill has Anally of all branches of the servlcs slamt)^ m esch tr- Sion — wben things heard from him. He tide. KHAKI and CAMP H.ANDKEKrUIEF.A. ■are again normal— will shortly be going LF-ATHEB PIIXOWS, with Patriotic Desifns Bill will again be on the road. | CANVAS LEGGINGS, slid s varied sssortmrnt of able to write letters PATRIonC and kllLITART GOODS. WrlU lor Cstalogus and Pries List. to pitchmen as once W11s..n. with hts! CAN YOU BEAT IT? he did. knife sharpeners, PARAMOUNT lERTHER GOODS 00. YOU CAN'T EVEN TIE IT!!I Come on, fellows; has migrated to De¬ 4»5-4t7 BrsssM St.. NEW YORK CITY. loosen up! Chirp a troit, where he will PSil hB Pitriot’s Flas Biniier— cheekful! linger until August. |' Mmle of hifh-gr&de flannel felt. He says the South ' ' nl "'lUt beautifully desicned Aroer- It’s been quite was too much for Icui flas atralnat rarioua brlcht some time since Bill him. A SCRAP OF PAPER colored backcrnunds. framed by heard from Old Jake. street and Camp Men Get attractive borders In yarious de- But he certainly This. A Winner. Only a , Cigna ol red. white and blue, securely mounted E. J. Ford writes sevap of paiH-r. but It aelli on Japanese Crook Canes. Size of banner, came across In tine In giving an Inter¬ \ to every Asisricaa. llzd inches. style, so there’s no esting account of a PRICe PER 100. $4.00. kick coming. The store show be wit¬ Do ' THE KAISER’t Samples, peatage paid, lOe. J-H-G Company, he nessed at Denver, I PICTURE I ON EVERY sHcrr A tS% deposit required on C. O. D. Orders. says. Is still on top Col. Ford states he YbuR Get my 1918 Catalofue. You can’t do a and playing to good dropped in exjiecting • Send dims for samples ■ succesaful novelty business without it. business. All the to see the usual I Money bark If naottU. members of the show thing, bnt was agree¬ Bit f Thai's how good It la. are doing their bit ably siirpriseil to ED. HAHN —a little more than find that It was The F. PALMERI, (He Treats You Right) their bit, in fact. Belgium and North 70S Halaty Stravt Eating com bread F'rance War Trophy BrasklyB. Ntw Vsrk. 222 W. Madison St., Chicago, Illinois. and (teas to help the Exhibition be was boys is the way gazing upon. The John Marshall puts trophies were gath it. ered on the battle¬ A mtn for all young pitchmen to emulate. He en¬ fields from Switzer¬ On June 2 Doc BARGAIN BULLETIN listed in the United distes Navy, and before coins land to the seu by Foster called the Invested every dollar of bis savings In Liberty Captain Thomas N. AGENTS Philadelphia breth¬ Bonds. Barker of the Atis O/tR KX) BIG LOTS Of PfttMIUMS. Urnopraminx Autos. Trunin, Band Lunate, ren together. Quite tralian army. The etc., by transfer method la the biuest payint a few were drawn exhibtion Is tinder ACtNTi GOODS. A(M:RTI5ING N(MLTl€S. POS I buatnesa ef the day. Great demand; no eocp^ence by the attraction—a mulligan spread. Chief the able management of M. E Golden. Fr<>m CAWS. BOOKS. PICTURES. ETC.AT A nUC* nectMsry. Over 50 etylee. sizea and colors to select Bed Jacket acted as chairman. Prince Eagle Denver it moves to Kansas City. i nON or QHtGtUL COhl wRiT£ TODAY. NOwf from. Cataloe showlnt deslcns in esact col¬ Eye formed the reception committee and Chief __ I ors and full psrUcuIars free. IJttle Bear was toastmaster. An enjoyable Airplane and ship construction has been ' FAKTUS BROSn 5I9 53l IDEAIBOW aCMKAGO time was had by all. A game of darts, played speeded up. Our anldiera are going across faster later, was won by Doc Foeter. and faster. Are YOU speeding np in VOUK MOTORISTS* ACCESSORIES CO. - efforts to win the war? MANSFIELD, OHIO II. Andre I>angdon—Hear you are with IL „ . -" Papemen - Sheetwriters What has become of "legitimate?” Wonder If all the pitchmen wlio went to - Pennsylvania have drifted into Ilalladelphla? The new law haa put most of the old bova The knights have gathered in Kansas City in • * deep one._ _ out of the game. I’ll keep you in it with force. Doc Howard dropped into KayCee the Tnm \lP*v« i-r vvova other day, looked up Ed Beall, and the two of ” MKA.NS MII.VT IT SIEANS the lieat Farm Pap er in the world. On them enjoyed a long chat together. Df course. Congress bates to stay In session a salary, t, no you ran make more than LATEST - - thru the hot weather, and the whole country you ever did—and lie aafe. Write ’WARE OF ’EM BOTH, FELLOWS Congress wlU keep cool.—Dallaa (Teg.) IR. H. STEEL. Box 1632, PMlidilpliii. Pa. HIT Tlie bright black eye, the melting blue—if# _ ^fVoImea'"”* Krlegle, the'MontrVar exts-rt. i. in Wet nei uoimes. __ Virginia, but doesn’t say who he la with. "Allied” Sflver Ring AJi AGENTS DE1/0HSTRATOR8 Handsome solid Sterling Sllrer ring, havlnf Once upon a time old Dr. King, K. Smith and « ’ , , a .R .Al.- Work a live one The Dl'I’Ll.X the "Allied" Americin. laitlish and Krenih jouuJohn Marshall.Yiarsuaii werewt-rt? playinguiajiuK vtit'nGlen xvtiar,Bose, Tex. Schmooze/h-* madei his first i*fair _ of the season. flil.LAR BITTDN it a vrmner miniature flags on top, in .their original During the course of a meal at the briardlng u' fhVn». i,w i Jbr l'»5l'‘Tr t#e ler aamtda aud sttract- colors, made of high grade highly polished house where they were stopping the landlady f,.mers are kirkine Jl Ivs pries list bard enamel. asked: "Will you all have aome pie?” "What .V t^I. I’ DUPLEX BUTTON CO., This ring la the most beautiful and serrlce- kind of pie have yon?" queried Dr. Smith. 5,^1 ’ ‘ farmers, eh, __4 W. Caaal gt^ Claclaaatl. Okla. able ring in our entire line and the biggest “Three kinds," jiavrled the lady, “Open face, seller we ever had. It Is most suitable for cross barred and klvered.” Not understanding soldiers, sailors and ciTlllans 1 Seen at Richmond Hill, Ont.—Charlie Banka NOTICE. MEDICINE AND SPECIAL PRICE. $9.00 PER DOZEN. the two gentlemen asked to see a sample of . . .J .V Sample Rlnp, $1.00, Postpaid. I each. Examination showed that the whole wheeL^harDe a g,.t the idea. STREET MEN I LIPAULT COMPANY. Dept. B. I three assortments were made from what are i-i..'_,T_ . . .v . hato Iha arjlitic Utrxllrlna l*TOpr«lllf^ 1034 Arch Street. - Philadelphia. Pa. ! eomnionly known as peaches. Pass the tooth- .-h Ho w.. "*1^**^ »*arth. A tank ilraF^ In each pat kaao anj pay iti' „i.v, jAhn *■* tnlma hi* old iiartner, Mar tax. \Vht« ua ftir aamrl^ and full friftanMM' I picks, jonn. _ p„„ J,whafi the matter, Harry? Can’t Adilroaii HinUM <»r Un'3 MP3>ltlNV 0>. lUlnutA THE FREAK IS DEAD: LONG LIVE THE __ FREAK! Pittsburg Harry—Your friend. Bernard Shea, (A tragedy In 3 acts, with an eplloff afld ppolof) of Ottawa fame, I# haek fr..in the front ininiiM PAPER MEN MdSHEETWRITERS SELL By OLD JAKE hao'la. He wants to hear from you. AMERICAN MOTORING Hafa year nnind. Ur Port_Nnrrl«. N J __ Prolrtg -Curtain rises disclosing to view tha jple. The fox Is the leader In the hunt wllbout IJ H-G Metllf-lne Oimpany, four people strong, wanting to be. Whirh reminds Bill that one I and fre<-! Crowd la e<-en bnylng frantleally. of these sweet days wlllle and the rrown prinra Silver"' KEY CHECKS Art 1—Evening of the same day. Overland will lead the prof-ession baok a'-roas the Rhine ToiJ can fiair 1 ders 25%, bal- CIn ns is seen coming Into town. (Wagon No. 1 -and they will want to lend It. with otir Kr7 (IfTcrk Out/lt 1 aneo C ft 1). I»iad<-d with fsdes. and pulled by a very small £ OfMiit ftir a day atamptna 1 FRANKFORD Shetlanrl pon.v and burro, with one coyote Bill had the pleasure of a chat with B Bar- ^ J nantca m i»nrkK kfir rliarkA i j ehaini-d to the rear. Wiigon No. 2, g small Ion last seek, «ho drped Into Ciney along with f'»hA. atr C^aiiH>l« check, 906 FMlwrt 8t.. PhlladeiRhii. Pa. I laundry wagon, loadel with eanvaa and a bear the Mlssiia and Mrs. ls>e Htsehll. Bart ran down yuur nama and addrcaa, , in a pine IsjX cage, and drawn by two autall from l/rvcland, <>., where liia trick—'Tbc Ideal I PEAtC Die WORKS. Dipt. D. Wlashastaf, N. H. Comedy Company—waa nhowing' laat week. lie aaya hiudneae la fine, and that the natlvea are taking a groat liking in Dr. (roreaa' remedies. WHY NOT ASK FOR IT? In addition to tboae named Jack Daly and I’eari WATCH.BOARD MEN! Hinton are also with the company. ' We Have a Limited Number of These Watches. IT’S FREE! How many pitrbmen remain In the Sontb for You Know How Scarce They Have Been All Year. the lilg aeaann—watermelon time? Watermelon 'OuP Price is Lower Than You Can Buy Them at the Factory, time to .Siiutliern fulka la Jiiat like bluebird time to show (leople. In Dixie they are not content to laud the luarloua melon In prose alone. Our Big Monthly The I'oeta’ columns, too, are glren oxer to Its pralae. Mat to Frank M Stanton's chanson in The Atlanta (<>a.) Constitution: 14 Size, Thin Ob. the Oeorgy watermelon la a-growin* * cool Model, Nickel- Sales Bulletin an’ green. And 'll aoipn be pullin' heary at the stem, Sent to your permanent address. .Ln’ we’ll glxp the knife a wbettln’ till the Plated Watch. Write for it now. blade Is quick and keen— American made, stem Oh. the Ueorg.r watermelon is a gem! wind and pendant .set¬ While r. H. A. sings of summertime and melontime in The Florida Times I'nlon as fol¬ ting. Remember, thi.s N. Y. MERCANTILE lows : is a real watch move¬ Summertime am melontime—oh. Honey, roll ment, built on watch dem eyes, principles. Ha.s solid Dar's a big ri|>e watermelon I got hid fo’ a TRADING CO. surprise. steel pinions, double Hit's coolin' In de blue gum spring down whar roller lever escape¬ Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Pre¬ de butter stays; ment. Every move¬ Ob, wbet dat carrin' knife an' less go slog miums for Salesboards, etc. dat melon's praise, ment is thoroughly tested and carefully in¬ 117 Cmal StrNt, Ntw York De wind sighs fnw de cornfields an' de creek’s a llowin' by. spected so a.s to guar¬ But de ole aim am a-slxxlin' hot an’ my ole antee timekeeping throat am dry. I'se fpoo my plowin'. Honey; put de mule up qualities. an' de line. So come. less eat dat melon cool; yea, plum Our Net Cash Cut CAMPAKN BARS down to de rbln'. Price, Each $0.90. Louts Etiel is doing bis bit out In Mounds- Tillr, W. Va. In bis old rube makeup. In which P. X—Wilk kl Ml MB ItamM CWbiM, Da MOK ri MMAINX aaiM liM. Wrib hi it IMi|. he won a deal of renown some years ago. and supported by a rube band of twenty pieces. Lmla M ev 165 WEST MADISON ST, acts as auctioneer at the xarious Red <>oan stork sales in his town. .And be gets the money. Ovtr Chi Ms’ New Ristannst, 12 Cents Each .\nswering your inquiry regarding the T. M. A,, w* Hivt the N«w V«ra Cru Mnlaaa RIbkaa Bar. laiuls. write to Ed Hollenkamp, grand aecretaiB, AIM thr rmiowtiur Campalmi Spanish-Amcriran Opera Place, Cincinnati. Good Coodact. rhlllpptaa fnaurrarUon. (Siban Or- PRONOUNaD’’A^L TEPt'' nipatloQ. China Rellaf Expedition. Indian Wan. Hni! Nirarafuan and Bajtl. tS% d^oalt unlaaa ratad. Ns matter hew ehtan tha sth- An Oregon man baa Invented a knee writer for (THE HOUSE YOU CAHTFQRQSfy a sail, tur prieta ara always a WriU far Catalog. armleas men. Rut that la nothing wonderful. MUNTCR BROS.)S.. 4M Braadaray.Broadway. MMaw Yark CKy. We have a head writer on "nie Rillboard. (First perpetrated by The Florida Tlmes-l'nlon. so spare Rill.)

GOODS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Albeit too old to fight, old BUI Conklin finds that be la young enough to give. Recently he donated an entire Saturday's recalpta—one hun¬ dred and eight dollaiw—to the Red Cross. Bravo, old fellow! WAR MAPS What's thia about Doc Williams having a M-paga AUaa of War Mapa abowlnt all battle linea up to May 8. Front paao marked la big Isttata, PBICFl couple of actors who put Healy and Bigelow $1.00. Our agaota cleaning up with thaae maps. Good to sell at SOe as^ or give away as a pramlum. Our in the business? They moat sure be old birds prten to avarybodj. lOt task. We also carry a fuU line of Sevoi-tn-One Leather Pocket Books and Auto Oog- —somewhere around a hundred. But if. as re¬ glea. Wa have Farm Papers, Auto Paper. Household and Trade Papers. Writ* for our Premium Cslslog and ports have It. they are still active, they must all infomatloa. Do It now. W ale<> be young birds. W*^*Wfb>rw*b.'WrW'W’ COMPTON BROS. AGENCY FINDLAY, OHIO Bnrt Harter and Ed Ryan (the famoua Blinker) are working around Joplin. Mo. Doc Heber Becker told a little tale about that city eome time ago, fellows. Hava you had easy sailing there?

Doc Haslett and bis family are camping on B-MII Amarleaa Metal Handia Poekat Kalfa Well the Grand River near Muskogee, Ok. They finished, nickel plate or black metal handlee, high like the fish. caihon ai«el blades, spear or clip. The only cheap EMIL R. HOFFMANN t SON knife e.-ixn in gold and red. .«htte Htnmps' cherry pie la famous thruout all pitch- rr. LIVE AGENTS MAKE FROM IS.OO TO $25.00 A DmY. M Pn Each inbc Shapt, He ai- land. or appl^g. If outomcr wants to apply, sell at Uc each. ISFtHHHl S( Osiat. terns. 10c each.$ ® SO WTiat hta become of the pitchman who used 10c " . 100 to wear a silk hat and Prince Albert and whose 10c " . J-50 10c " . * 00 $62.5jl wife wore yellow dlaanonds and carried a Igp TWe “ . 7.50 dog? •• . 15.00 «e •• . 30.00 Si'en around Fort Worth recently: Doctors 5c •• . 50.00 nifton, Metcalf. Brown. Gaseaway, Frink. Mc- lOO Embteoi.. costing $7/0. i>netiaid. and you apply the hun- CHAS. IINW a CO.. MS Breidwty. Naw Yark. Rea. beeldea a hunch of road men of all kinds st .VH: eei h. you will receive $!i« ml. and ikdurting the original —and George Holt- I yon a profit of over $10.00 a day. Can you find any kind of

Doc Willy King. Harvey Snow and Walter Mclnmo are late addlttoae to Pncle Sam'a AGENTS .Voir; forces. Send your addresses, fellows. E. O. Gasssway, 710 IVrlcr street. Fbrt Worth. Gold ind Slim Sign Letters Tex., owner of East Indian remedies, recently AgeBts, Streetmen, Sheetwriters eecureil the right from Dr. Ed Frink to msnn- For alive fronts, offlra vlndrma and fecture Salex«>. a dry herb shakenp, which will All khKM «# vtrglii tnrltiwy still epan fer live hnslleiw ratrtoflc Ihr1ui« spb dlaaa tiana rd all ktnda Mo expert- going big ewrywhwe. We have tto heel aeUera. F^evyhody buys Sampls fre* ince necrwiary Anyone ran iMt thran be put on the market at a very reamwiable tat and makr nmey ilsht tnva the figure. Mr. Gassaway Is apsring no expense to 100% TO 200% PROFIT make Salexso one of the best remedies on the Mart. Blew Is your asgavtuntiy. Get bum- Agenu in tha amsh. write foe ow Sps- marker. cial Picture, ' tiolored Man Is No Slacker” Big seller In negro districts. $30.00 to $100.n I Wetk! AGENT'S WHOLESALE PRICES: Century pitches are still reported—Just about You ran aidl to nearhy trade nr trarel IM by Exsrsas .$ SOO 500 by Exartss. all mer the i-nuiVry. Three U a Mg that often. 250 by Exaraaa. 12.00 1100 by Exams .40.00 rlanaand fw larteiinc In ertvy y>"n. aMtd for Fraa Baaiplaa aud full parUculara Heard in FVirt Worth: "That'a not the laun¬ PEOPLES’ PORTRAIT & FRAHE C0.,“**^ * UMral rdfw to fMwral ac«ita dry wagon. That's F J. Weaver and bis Hank metallic LETTIR CO.. 424 N. Clark St. Chittpa, going to Fourteenth sirei't to make a pilch.”

Buttermilk Twine—Is that right shout the NOTWC! HRCn MINUTE lemon extract? We hear it is being mixed with ' nCTUNE MEN the hnttennilk these days. Beat Sarvlea. Baal Flataa. CANES, WHIPS, KNIVES & NOVELTIES Bart Friaaa. Pete Ellsworth says that while In Omaha a KNIFE lOARD MEN CANE ASSORTMENTS STUFFED SUBMARINE—14 lechtt Send ynur nrder dlreit to m. enuple of years ago he receive,! two letters from blfh. Paiatsd la Natural Cslers. Mads TIIK OlJ> Rra.IAHI.R M K Blit within two days. The mall man. It seems, too Asssrtsd KNIVES...$15.00 240 Asurtsd CANES... .510.00 ef Hravy Oack. A set ef 4 00 SB IIROPT We Bell Ural pUlea had taken note of the enveloiiee. and on hIs 100 Atssrtsd KNIVES... 20.00 Lest Hiadle Whips. Br.. 5.00 sets the cola. Prka. each., va.Sw Na. BSIIeeat. Par Gr.. 2.50 Bell Beard Ball Gaait. nnly, not aonaiile iv hink Send eiicoDd trip saM; "It'a a WHider eome people to fur our ralalof If* free M. Na. IIS Saaawkars. Gr.. 3.25 Each . 10.60 wouldn't pay their gasoline hills ami save the DART SHOOTING GALLERY CAME— K. Brady. JAMCSTOWN FCR- Extra Lest Airships. Gr.. 3.25 Hecklty Buck Ball Gaais. 10.00 2.SS7 Ais'd Prim ta this Gseic. OOC BA ROTVPC COaiPANV. Illf 8. mall man a little wiwk.” Yea. sir. Pete Is still Wateraiolea Bsllaeat. Gr.. 4.25 Nevsity Clews Ball Gaeie. 20.00 alts Gust. A Saao fer eely wAa.m Nalrted 81.. Chkata. IMIaalt. with the Yankee RoMna,>e his aiMwarance In the little red buggy leeas. Grets. 3.5# Cat Heads, Nipper Hsadt, I.SO HOOPLA OUTFIT—500 Pisces, all Ai- Ix'fore parade time. OUR NEW CATALOGUE READY MAY IS. sorled Block,. Hoops aed Prim. This |AJ| JB ■ I-arta Wall Mapa. 1 ahaeta. Bit Game far Parks aad F airs. POC aa iwg Mm laxss, smally OntrtI Stltra. ■ The oft repeated proverb—It Is an 111 wind NEWMAN MFC. CO. • ■ ■■ ■ ■ regular 80e relall. 7Vta aaeh that blows no gissl waa brought to mind laat In haadrad lalt. Pamplaa. 641 Woodland Ava., CLEVELAND, OHIO TERMS: ITsIf Deposit, balance C. O. Hxrialn Bulletin fraa. week after leading a letter fr

Jeromp Biftelow. of r.alneoat •ndeav- ored to Jrain. O. COMPLETE LINE AT LOWEST PRICES Writers and Peddlers: Send us your orders and save express charges. Incidfutally the Clevpland bunoh h«f> g.inp Into WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF new headiiuarters—Imperial Hotel. Various rea- URGEST STOCK OF CARNIVAL GOODS, eons are given by Mike Whalen for learlug the WATCHES. JEWELRY. CLOCKS, Monroe. Ask Mike about them. SLUM AND FLASH IN AMERICA SILVERWARE, REVOLVERS. NOTIONS We make a specialty of supplies for Auctiori- PARKER’S GREATEST SHOWS eers, Demonstrators, Sheet Writers, Premi¬ NOVELTIES AND CARNIVAL GOODS um Users, Concessionaires, Sales Board Cheyenne, Wyo.. would have been one of the BALLOONS, WHIPS, CANEl RUBBER BAUi best stands of the season, but was sisdled by Distributors, Trust Scheme People, Pitch¬ rain. Poring the “let ups” the t>eopIe tlirouged RIBBON, DOLLl BEARl WHEELS. ETC. men, Carnival People, etc. GET OUR the streets and even rode the merry-go-round in 1918 Catalogue Now Ready PRICES FIRST. 1918 Catalog will be ready a terrific downjwur. Decoration Pay the show was struck by a wind and rain storm, during Write for your copy today and state about June 15th. Watch Billboard for date of what business you follow, as we do not Issue. Orders selected from our 1917 book will which the '49 and .ktbletic shows were blown down. sell to consumers. be filled at lowest prices' If you haven’t a The treatment accorded by both the i-cunty copy write for No. 140 and state your line of and city oQlcials at Cheyenne was most gratify NO GOODS C. O. D. WITHOUT business. No catalogs or goods sent to con¬ ing. CTiief of Police Emery and . ^ Directions, Circulers, “ CHICAGO, ILL. travel where you hke. We Sample Free. K Semples, Be., o IA License. md ship you goods. M Experience. Free Fhn > Fake. AUTO MONOGRAM SUPPLY CO. 10 Niagara Bldg„ NEWARK, N. J. ALLIES FLAG PENNANT In Beautiful rolont. 35c aNch: mP CAI r slot nachincs or all FELT SERVICE BANNERS $2.25 <•/. • kinds for sale cheap. Address SIl-KI.NO MFn. t o.. 1931 FrrrmsJi A*f. Beautiful Ctdorings In Bed. White and Blue. Whoa -you see this Bknner you will nay that It is the most beautiful yet at- ^ ferecL We are prepared to make imme- TXTC cUate deUveries. Hva* engine power lOHN KRAMER. 21 j PelTa" Avn.~ Claclanstl. Okie. $15.00 Per Gross. Sample Dozen, SU5 | I Hsme Iteeigii an Pillow Tops. 35e each; $2.25 per der. WANTED FOR 4TH OF JULY CFLEBRATION I CO.. 522 Drcxel Bldp.. PHILA.. PA. MerTv-go-nriiid or other amuwment SILK EMBROIDERED POST CARDS I I W. S. FERGUSON. Reckvitls. With Insignia of 111 Branrh^^ of the Herr- ^ ^ AGENTS Something entirely lie*. AMhUU'AN k-e. Also S^vi?e KIa< Dcsigiu. INKIJISS WAR PIJX. Sells to every man and eonian WANTED BY THE MOOSE Offifw. Stnrr. Teacher ai.d Student. Kvrrylx.ly eager per A elean iip-lo-dale ■■amlyal In July xUniifi lo buy. K K-h our leys "h 1^. One-third Cash with Order. No Catalog. prlcsi Sample IHlr. klonry bok If not salista.'ti.r. nriola Klrwt-rla^ ronrlllloii. lAOft.OA ra^h tak« f* WILLIAMSBURG POST CARD CO., Inc. National Specialty Ca.. P. 0. Box IS4J. Lebanen. Pa. MANHATTAN OIL CtiMI'ANY, Dei Moines, I.'»a 25 OELANCEY STREET. NEAR THE BOWERY. HEW YORK CITY. KAISER BILL’S LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT You Can Beat an Egg. But Yon Can Not Beat Oir Cocoannt OR IhuriHio Every Sale Is a Boost. Agents, Jnbhera. Demooiitrators, Pitehmen. CamlyaL are you looking for a line that will alwaya feb-h the roinf Handle our Sascha Shampoo The Home Shamrtoo. Everybody want? U. Write u* for partlrulara. Hample, lOe, Walrh our stand at the New York International Exposition. Addresi UNITED PURE FOOD CO. (Draf Department) Electric Belts and Voltaic Electric Insoles 139-141 Franklin Street. NEW YORK CITY. Aeents and Representative, wanted all ever the eeppi Agents, Streetmen and Medicine Workers mal o Mg rndlls handling this line. Ask any oldtimer They _ will tell you It Is r<|tial lo a gold mine. Bella from $1.65 DeraR te $60.06 Oarta • kL from 11.40 te $1.95 Derm Pairs. Send 15e for .ampin Bell or pair of Inaolns. < mm tore on FUerirlrlty, anti NET wholeaale ftrlue lilt of Btuatar makers $1.00 gtis II F'erria wheel, photo gallery, .booting gallery, doll, knife and cane rark. hoopla, noraltien. animal show, Hf onatratlng BelL tu Fair is Sepiember 2.'>.2A-27. 1916. Exduaive gireo. MaU bids b> HARRY J. CONRAD. Sssrptary. THE ELECTRIC APPUANCE CO.

Edwtrda, Gi|s, Bandbox Rcrne (.Majestic) Dal¬ Harvey Trio (jefferaon) Balias, Tex.; (Prince) las. Tex.; (Majeatlc) Houston 17-22. Houston 17-22. Elliott, Billy I I'untuges) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pnn- Havel, Arthur, ft Co. (Palace) Brooklyn. tages) Eifniontoii 17-22. Hawaiian American Trio (Pantagea) Kana <• Emlm ft Alton (Bualiwlck t Brooklyn. City. Eineraon ft Baldwin i Keith) Phlla. Heir for a Night (Pantagea) Los Angeb's; (Pan Eiiini.va, Carl, petn (Palace) New York. tagea; San Diego 17-22. End of the Kaiser (Girds-) Kanaaa ^ty. Ran.; Henella ft Co. (I'laza) Ilaatinga, Neb. (Emiireaa) Tulaa, Ok., 17-19. Henry ft .Moore i Pantagea) Vancouver, Can Fall of Itlielma ll'autages) Deiirer. (Pantages) Victoria 17-22. Fanton'a Athletea (Pantagea) Oakland, CaL: Her I-ordahlp (.Vmerican) New York. (Pantagea) Lo« Angelea 17-22. Herbert Girls. Three (Orphenm) New York. Farrell, Alfred. Sc Co. (Orpheum) New York. Herbert, Hugh, ft Co. (Riverside) New York: Faahlona De Vogue (Pantagea) Minneapolla; (Keith) Philadelphia 17 22. (Pantagea) Winnipeg. ( nn.. 17-22. Herman. A1 (Royal) New York. M»ni.rn aiiil uri'.iucr-. arr rrip»<'tfuny r«iur»t«l to rnntrlbute th»lr ilatc* «» thU *rtmrnt. K>'uti* F'ennell ft Tiiaon (Orpheum) Waco,' Tex. must mrh Thr Bllllwanl not latrr than Krtday o( earh itrrk to inaurr pulilicatlnn. Hiatt ft Moher (Palace) Superior, Wla.; (Or- Fergus*in ft Sunderland (Lyric) Lincoln, Neb.; pbeum) Ft. William, Can.. 17-19; (Strand) Thf Blllhoartl forward* all mall for profraalnnal* free af tharye. Mrmliera of tlm profeaalon are Inrited, (Empreaa) Omaha 17-19. «hllr on the road, to hate thrir mall addressed In care of The llllllMiard. and it will he fonrardrd prompt U. Winnipeg 20-22. Fern-Hlehelien-Ferii (Yonge St.) Toronto. Hippie, Clifford ft Co. '(Columbia) St. Louis, rioak* & Sulla 1 Tit ian* I'v St.l New York, Ferry (Rlreraldei New York. Mo. PERFORMERS’ DATES role. Hiiraell Sc Darla (Orpheumi I»> Anselea. FimlersiKeeitera (I'antages) Edmonton, Can.; Hoffman, I.lora, ft Co. (Orphenm) Lava .Vngelrv*. f'olrinan Sc Hay I I’untatroa | San Fran* lt*<-o 17 JU. (Pantagea) Calgary 17-22. Holtz Ia>u (Henderson) Coney Island, N. Y. College Quintet I New I'alaee) St. Paul, Mum.; Fisher ft Gilmore (Pantagea) Salt Lake City: Homer ft Dubard (Prince) Houston. Tex.; When no date is given the week of (Palaeel Minneapolla IT’JS. iPantages) Ogden. Ftab, 17-22. (Royal) San .Intonio 17-22. June 10*15 is to be supplied Columbia Sc Victor lOrpbeum) Brooklyn. Fisher, Sallie. A Co. (Orpheum) San Franelaeo. Hooper ft Buckliardt (McVlcker) Chicago. Connelll Sc Craren < Palace• New York. Fisher, Hawley, Co. (Keith) Phlla. Hoosler Girl (Puntages) .Misstmla, Mout.; (Pan¬ Conrad Sc flood win (Englert) Iowa City. la. Fitzgerald, Lillian (Orpheum) Brooklyn. tagea) SiKikanc 17-22. .tdclalde * Hoghea (Majeatlc) Auatln, Teg.; Cook Sc. Oatman iPantage>) Eilnionton. fan ; Fleury. Eileen (Jefferaon) Dallas, Tex.; (Prince) Honeymoon. Tlic (Orpheum) San Franciaco. (.Majeatic) Little Rock. Ark., 17-19. TPantage«) ('algary 17 i'J. Houston 17-22. Hop. Lee 4 Co. (Jefferson) Dallas, Tex.; (Prince) \ bright. Bob (Pantagea) San Ciau'-i.-ico. Cook Sc Hamilton (New fJrondl Minneapolla; Flirtation (Pantagea) San Franciaco; (Pantagea) Houston 17-22. .tlexandrla (Pantagea! Portland, Ore. (Palace) St. Paul. Minn., 17-1T(; (Palace) Su¬ Oakland. CaL, 17-222. Howard ft White (Pantages) Helena, -Mont.; Alexander Broa., Sc Erelyn (Pantagea) Portland, perior, Wla.. 'JO 22. Folllea. The (Pantagea) Vaneonver, Can.: (Pan¬ (Pantages) Missonla 17-22. Cooper Sc Simon i.Vnierlranl New York. Ore. tagea) Victoria 17-22. Howe Sc Barlow (Columbia) St. Liuis, Mo. Come Payton & Co. (Lincoln Sq.) New York. .Mthoff. Chaa., Sc Co. (Pantagea) Seattle; (Pan- Follis Siaters-I.eRoy (Emery) Providence. Hoyt-Hyaois Trio (Pantages; Helena, Mont.; Coacla A Verdi iPantage*) Calgary, Can.; (Pan- tigea) Vancourer. Can., 17-22. Folaon. Bobby (Funaton) Camp Funaton, Kan.; (Pantages) Missoula 17-22. tagee) Helena 17-22. Anileraon Sc Rehn (Pantagea) .Minneapolla; (Pan- (Gl<^) Kansas City 17 19. Hoyt’s Minstrels (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. •:i.'i-.i \Vmnl|>eg. Can.. 17-22. Costllano Sc Zardo (McVlcker) Chicago. For I*lty'8 Sake (Riveralde) New York. Hudler, .stein ft Phillips lOrpbetimi Ia>s .kngelea. Could Tbla Happen (rulton) Brooklyn. .tndcr>on Kraiy Kata Rerue (Liberty) Okla- Ford ft Goodrich (Pantagea) San Franciaco: Inness ft Rvan (Palace) St. Paul, Minn.; (Pal¬ ti'ma City. Ok.; (Jefferaon) Dallas. Tex., Cranaton Sc la*e (Fulton) Brooklyn. (Pantagea) Oakland. CaL. 17-22. ace) MiDn<'ap*ilis 17-22. Crawford Sc Broderick (Rlremide) New York. 17 22. Foy, Toy ft Co. (Delancey SL) New York. In the Zone (ffrpheumi Des Moines. ■•.ap-ll A Fuller (Majeatlc) Idttle Bock, Ark.; Creighton. Belmont Sc Creighton (Pantagea) Foyer, Eddie (Fulton) Brooklyn. In Wrong iDeKalb) Brooklyn. Spokane; (Pantagee) Seattle 17-22. (C'llumbia) St. laiuta, Mo., 17-22. Francoia. Margot ft Part. (Orpheum) Portland. Jackson ft- Wahl (Greeley Sc;.) New York. ‘.'ab.;:u Night tl'aiitageal Siwkane; (Pantagea) Crlndell Sc Father (Loew) Hamilton, Can. Ore. Janet of Fannc*- (Majestic) Dallaa, Tex.; (Ma¬ Cromwella, The (Orphenm) Bnaton. S.-ultle ,7-22. jestic) IkU)stoa 17-22. Croaa. B'ellingtnn (Mooret Seattle; (Orpheum) Franklin. Irene (Riverside) New York: (New trmstreng Sc Ford (BIJ*>u) Brooklyn. Jeanne (la-ew; .Montreal. Portland. Ore._ 17-22. Brighton) Brighton Beach, N. Y.. 17-22. ArnsBt Broa. (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, Franklyn Duo (Delancey St.) New York. Jelso ft Francis (American) New York. Cunningham A Bennett (Greeley Sq.) New York. Johnny ft Wise (Gem) Eirltsvllle, Mo. S. V.; (Keith) Boaton 17-22. Frawley ft West (Forest Park) St. Louis. Mo. Cnrtia' Caninea (Pantager) Edmonton, Can.; Jne Qnon Tal (Pantages) Los Angeles; (Paa- Arnold A Taylor (Orpheum) Portland, Ore. Frazer-Bnnee-Harding (De-Kalb) Brooklvn. (Pantagea) Calgary 17-22. tages) San Diego 17-22. Atlantir Ilex.ew i Pantagea) Portland. Ore. Fred ft Alla-rt (BIJoU) Fall River. Mn-^s. Cuabman, Bert Sc Genera (Oklahoma) Bartlea- Just Girls (Victoria) New York. Areling Sc IJoyd (Daria) Plttalmrg. rille. Ok. Freiferlcka 4 Van (Royal) Ashland. Wla.; (Pal¬ Kabler Children (Pantages) Denrer. Aron Comedy Four (Keith i Phlla.; (Bnahwick) Cutty. Ellzal*eth (Pantage*) San Diego, Cal.; ace) Superior 17-19; (Palace) St. Paul, Minn., KarteiU (Temple) Detroit. Brooklyn 17-22. (Pantagea) Salt Lake City 17-22. 20-22. Kat 4 Stevens (Bijou) Wausau, Wla. Baker, Belle I Keith) Phlla. Dale. Dorothy (Empreaa) Tulaa. Ok.; (Lyric) Frl)-nd ft Downing (Lincoln Sq.) New York. Kelly ft Galvin (Temple) Detroit; (Davis) Pitts¬ Baker. Bert. A Co. (Keith) Boaton. Oklahoma City 17 19. FrUcoc (Foreat Park) St. I>ouis, Mo. burg 17-22. Ball. Foater, Sc Co. (Majeatlc) Houatos. Tex.; Dameral, Geo., Sc Co. (Orpheum) Dea Moinee. Gaby, Frank (Keith) Akron, 0. Kenny ft Nobody (Riverside) New Y'ork. (Majestic) San -Ant'mlo 17-22. Kerr ft Weabm (Majestic) San Antonio. Tex. Harb.er Tliateber Sc Co, * Warwick) Brooklyn. Kimball ft Kenneth (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. Bards, Four (Keith) Boaton. Kimberly ft Arnold (Orpheum) Des Moines. B.arker-LU'ky-Gordon (Greeley Sq.) New York. THIS BLANK IS AVAILABLE FOR ROUTE DATA IN CASE YOU HAVE King ft Rose (Avenue B) New York. Barlow a. Breakaway (Pallaade Park) Pallaade, Kingsbury ft Munson (Grand) Duluth, Minn.; N. J. (Orphenm) Ft. William, Can., 17-19; (Stran*!) Ttirnea A Smythe (Loew) New Rochelle, N. T. NO ROUTE CARDl CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON APPLICATION Winnipeg 20-22. I’lrntt. Pat (Pantagea) Tacoma, Waah.; (Pan- King ft Harvey (Yonge St.) Toronto. tages) I’orfland. Ore., 17 22. Klnkaid Kilties (Pantages) Kansas City. Barrr, Mr. Sc Mrs. Jimmy (Majestic) Auatln, Kirksmith Sisters. Six (Keith) Philadelphia; Tex.: (Majeatlc) Uttle Rock. Ark.. 17-19. (Keith) Boston 17-22. Barry A Layton (Moore* Seattle; (Orpheum) NAME Klaas (Park) Dubnqne, la. |••.rlUnd. Ore.. 17 22. . Kluting's .knimals (Palace) Minneapolis. Barton. Joe (CiMumbla) St. Louis, Mo^ Koban Japs (Lyric) Oklahoma City, Ok.; (Prin¬ Itartua. Three (Pantageal Calgary, Can-: (Pin- cess) San Antonio 17-22. tagea) Helena. Mont., 17-22. WEEK THEATER cin STATE Kramer & Morton (Keith) Boston; (Riverside) Bayle Sc Patsy (Columbia) St. Louis. Mo. New York 17-22. B*-t&e, George, Sc Co. (Empreaa) Tulaa. Ok.; Kremollna, Senorlta (Henderson) Coney Island, (Lyric) Oklahoma City 17-19. N. Y. Be-iell I Broadway) Springfield, Mass. Kulolla'a Hawaiiana (Grand) Duinth, Minn.; Beeman Sc Ander4an (Pantagea) Vancoarer, (Palace) Snperlcrr, Wla., 17-19; (Palace) 8t. Can.: iPantagea) Victoria 17-22. Paul. Minn.. 20-22. Bell Sc Era (Majestic) Austin. Tex.; (Majestic) LaBelle ft Lillian (Greeley Sq.) New York. Utile Rock. Ark.. 17 19. LaDent, Frank (Pantages) Seattle; (Pantages) rrlli-iair Broa. (Pantagea) San Diego. Cal.; Vancouver. Can.. 17-22. (Panlages) Salt Lake City 17-22. IgiFarraa, Four (Strand) Winnipeg, Can. Bernard Sc Merritt (Aroerli-an) New York. LaFolIette Trio (Pantagea) Ogden. Utah; (Pan¬ Bernard A Flnnerty (Greeley Sq.) New York. tagea) Denver 17-22. Berabirdt, Sarah (Tacoma) Tacoma; (Orphenm) IgiFranre ft Kennedy (Pantages) Loa Angelea; VancooTer. Can., 17-22. (Pantages) San Diego 17-22. Bems. Sol (Pantagea) Victoria, Can.; (Pan- LaMar, I.eona (Temple) Detroit. tigeal Tacoma. Wash., 17-22. LaPilarlce ft Partner (Lyric) Hoboken. N. J. hlnna A Burt (I^llaade Park) Pallaade, N. J. LaTell. Alfred, ft Co. (Fontaine Ferry Park) Danr:ng Girl of Delhi (Pantagea) Tacoma.Wash.; Galettl’a Baboons (Pantage*) Winnipeg. Can.; Black A White (Moore) Seattle; tOrpbeum) lovuiaville. (Pantagea) Portland. Ore.. 17-22. (Pantagea) Edmonton. Can., 17-22. Portland. Ore., 17 22. IjiVara, Dancing (Royal) New York; (Keith) Dtnnbea. Poor (Pallaade Park) Pallaade, N. J. Gangler'a IViga (Pantagea) San Diego; (Pan¬ Bloody St Robinson (Englert) Iowa City, la. Boston 17-22. Dare, .\nnette (Palace) Brooklyn. tagea) Salt Lake City 17-22. Bebker'a Arabs (Columbia) St. LouU, Mo. LaVlva (.American) New York. Darrell. Emily, ft Co. (Pantagee) Calgary, Can.; Gartlen Belles (Funaton) Camp Funaton. Kan.; B*n-ar. Dianna (Pantagea) San Franciaco 17-22. Labemica ft Dancers (Majestic) San Antonio, IPantagea) Helena. Mont., 17-22. (Globe) Kanaaa City 17-19. B<**w..rth, Hobart (Palace) New York. Tex. Davla ft Pell (Orphenm) Vaneonver. Can.; Gardiner ft Hartman (Orphenm) Vancouver, l''-»le A Brown ).\nierican> New York. Lamb, Alec ft Dot (Fontaine Ferry Park) Louis¬ (Moore) Seattle 17 22. Can.; (Moore) Seattle 17-22. BrailleT Sc Ardine (Darla) Plttaburg; (New ville; (Temple; Detroit 17-22. Gascoynes. Royal (National) New York. Brighton) Brighton Beach. N. Y.. 17-22. Darla, Bessie McCoy (Majeatlc) Chicago. Lang ft Green (Bijou) Fall River, Maas. Gayden, Alex., ft Co. (Pantagea) Tacoma. Prble Shop (Lyric) Atlanta, Ga. Days of Ising .\go (Grand) Minneapolis; (Palace) Largay ft Snee (Natl<'nal) New York. Wash.; (Pantagea) Portland, Ore., 17-22. Brllt. J mmy (BJoti) Fall Hirer. Maaa. St. Paul. Minn.. 17-19; (Palace) Superior, Lasova ft Gilmore (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Ma¬ Brslean Sc Sllrermoon (Majeatlc) Houston, Tex.; Wla.. 20-22. George. P. (Bijou) Brooklyn. jestic) Houston 17-22. (Majestic) San Antonio 17-22. DeHaven. Carter, ft Parker (Orphenm) San Gibson Girls, Three (Pantagee) Victoria. Can.; LeRoy ft Cahill Song ft Dance Revue (Orphenm) Bronaon A Baldwin iMaJeetIcI Chicago; (Tem¬ Prandeco 10-22. (Pantagea) Tacoma. Wash.. 17-22. Waco. Tex. ple i Detroit 17 22. DeMar. Grace (Orpheum) Dea Moines; (Majestic) Gilmore. Phylts, ft Co. (Loew) M''ntreal. Lelands, The (Liberty) Oklahoma City, Ok.; Bmwn Sc Camtena (Yonce St ) Toronto. Chicago 17-23. Gilroy, Haynes ft Montgomery (Pantagea) Den¬ (Jefferson) Dallas. Tex., 17-22. Brown Slatera (Keith) Waahlngton. DcMlchelle Broa. (Pantagea) Minneapolis; (Pan¬ ver. Leonard. Brown. 4 Co. (Pantages) Vancouver, Browning A Dnwaon (Emery) Providence. tagea) Wlnntp^. Can.. 17-22. Girard. Harry ft I o. (Pantagea) Seattle; (Pan¬ Can.; (Pantages) Victoria 17-22. Bninetiea. Cycling (Majeatlc) Little Rock, Ark. DeMonf, Robt., Trio (Keith) Akron, 0. tagea) Van.xstrvcr. Can.. 17-22. Leonard ft Willard (Bljon) Brooklyn. Bunny A RIebarda (Wall) Fremont, Neb. DeVoy ft Dayton (Novelty) Topeka, Kan.; (Gar¬ Girl at the Cigi'e Stand (Prince) Honaton, Tex.; Lemer, Tina (Orpheum) lam Angeles. Bnrke. John ft Mae (Uberty) Oklahoma City, den) Junction City 17-19. (Royal) San Antonio 17-22. Leslie ft Company (Majestic) Houaton, Tex.; Ok.; iJeCremon) Dallaa, Tex., 17-22. TV Winter. Grace (McYleker) Chicago. Glaaon. Billy (Delancey St.) New York. (Majestic) San Antonio 17-22. niirke Broa. ft Kendall (Emery) Prorldence. DeWoIf Girls (Ramona Park) Grand Rapids, Golden Bird (Loew) New Rochelle. N. Y. TJbonati (Davis) Pittsburg. Burns A Foran (Orphenm) Boaton. Mich.; iMaJeetlc) Chlcairn 17 22. Gordon ft Gonlon (Pantagea) Oakland, Cal.; Littlejkthns (Keith) Washington. Buma A Klaaen (Orphenm) Bro*>klyn. Dean, Cal, ft GIrla (Palace) Minneapolla. Ilhintagea) Loa .\ngelea 17-22. Lloyd. Herbert, ft Co. (Pantages) Victoria, Cabaret I*e Luxe (Pantagea) Denrer. lirgnon ft Cllftga (Empress) Omaha, Neb. *1) San Antonio 17-22. DIcktnaon ft Deagan (Keith) Phlla. Green. McHenry, ft Dean (Pantagea) Mlasonla; Loyal. Sylvia, 4 Co. (Bushwick) Brooklyn: Carlierry a Cavanaugh (Victoria) New York. Discontent (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, (Pantagea) Spokane 17-22. (Keith) Washingt-on 17-22. Carllale ft Romer (Majeatlc) Little R*nck. Ark. N. V. Grew Pa'ea ft Co. (Pantagea) Ogden, Itah; Lncaa ft la'gan (Royal) .\sh1ard, Wla. •armeOj Zara. Trio (Pantagea) Kanaaa City. Dolce (patera (T/ww) Hamilton. Can. (Pantagea) Denver 17-22. Lind. Homer (Strand) Winnipeg. Can. •arr, \at (Orphenm) New York, Donahue ft Stewart (Palace) New York. Grey ft Byron (Orphenm) New York. Lncille ft Cockle (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Ma¬ arc. Eddie, ft Co. (Moon ) Seattle; .(Orpheum! Donnelly, .lIN-rt (Tacoma) Tacoma; (Orpheum) Guerin ft .Newell (Riverside) New York. jestic) Houston 17-22. ^ Portland. Ore., 17 22. Vancouver Can. 17-22. Gypsy Songsters (Bljon) Brooklyn. I.yons. Jimmy (Pantages) Missonla, Mont.; (Pan • arson Broa. (New Grand) Minneapolla; (Pal- Donovan A Lee (Ihintagea) Portland, aOre. Hager ft Goodwin (Pantagea) Denver. tages; Spokane. Wash., 17 22. •'■e) St. Panl, Minn., 17-19; (Palace) Siipei+'r, Dorr. Mary (Pantagea) Denver. Haggerty. Larry (Grand) Minneapolis. T.yons ft Yosco (Henderson) Coney Island. N. Y". Wla.. 20-22. Dougherty Frances (Moore) Seattle; (Orpheum) Hall. A1 K.. ft Co. (Delancey St ) New York. McClellan ft Carson (Greeley Sq.) New York. Cavanainh. Earl, ft Co. (Majeatlc) Auatln. Tex. Portland (Ve.. 17 22. Hall. Billy Swede, ft 0(. (Palhce) St. Panl, McConnell ft Simpson (Pantages) San Francisco axanaiigh, Lnrllle ft Co. (Ori'hcuni) Portland, Doyle, John T., Players (Majeatlc) San .kntonlo. Minn.; (Palace) Minneapolis 17-22. 17-22. fOrpheum) San Franciaco 17 22 Tex. Hall. Jnlian (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, McCullough. Carl (Orpheum) VancooTer, Can.; celll Opera Co. (I.yrir) Oklalxima City. Ok.; DnfTy ft Montague (I.jric) Oklahoma City, Ok.; N. (Moore) Seattle 17-22. (Prlneeaa) San Antonin 17-22. (IMnccaa) San Antonio 17-22. Hallen ft Hunter (Pantagea) Spokane; (Pan¬ McDonald. Christie (Palace) New York. •* Dixon lYnnge St.) Toront*'. Dunn, Donald (Empreea) Omaha, Neb. tagea) Seattle k7-22. McGnckIn, Jack (Wall) Fremont. Neb. handler ft DeRnae Slatera (Pant.igea) I.ob .Vn- Dura ft Feelcy (Pantagea) Mlaaoula, Mbnt.; Hallen ft Goes (Bljon) Brooklyn. McGuire, Mrs. Wm. Antbrmy (Lyric) Uncoin. feica; IPantagea) San Diego 17 22. (Pantagea) Spokane. Wash., 17-32. Handicap Olrla (Pantagea) Helena, Mont; (Pan¬ Neb. h'ipprilc A Stanette (Lincoln Sq.) New York, DuTlel A Covey (Fbntatne Ferry Park) Loais- tagea) Misoonla 17-22. McIntyre ft Heath (Orpheum) Brooklyn. (hung Hwa Four (Pantagea) Kanaaa City 17-22. vllle. Hariahima Broe. (Boulevard) New York. McKay's Scotch Revue (Shea) Toronto. Iifo A Chyo (National) New York. Duval ft Jean (Park) Dubuqne, la. Harmon ft O’Connor (Warwick) Brooklyn, •-irk A Mi'fhillough (National) New York, Early ft loilght (Pantagea) Ogden, Ptah; (Pan¬ Harmony. Kings, Four (Sohmer Park) Montreal, ;R«al Hair. Irish Csmedlaa. Jtw. Dutahmaa. lark A Hamilton (Keith) Waahlngton; (Darla) tagea) Denver 17-22. Harrah, Roy ft Jaoinelln (Majeatlc) Chicago. Issc M«h: Nsers. 30e aad SOc: Lady's Wlf. SI- Ultabiirg 17 22. Eastman Trio (Pantagea) Edmonton, Can.; (Pan¬ Harria, Maiden (Majeatlc) Chicago. ■SI.M: laidsrt. Charaettrs. $1.79; A-l Tights. Ms; Carsival Paasr Hats. dsz. 29s. Catstot (Majeatlc) San Autonk). tagea) Calgary 17-22. Harris ft Morey (Keith) Boston. ■ Vss. Ktlppsrt Mfr..4S Csapar Sq^Nsw Yark. Eddya, Aerial (Palace) Mlnneaftolla. Harriaon, Ben, ft Co. (Palace) Minneapolis.

I JUNE 15,1918

McRae 4 Clegg (Majestic) Chicago. RolicrtK, Joi> (PantagH’s) TaconM, Waah,; (Pan- TPrart (Fulton) Brooklyn .Mac Fayden. Alexander (Majestic) Austin, Tex. taceti) “Seattle 17-;S1. Tnek^ Sophie (ifflsliwlck) Brooklyn; (New .Marart 4 Bradford (Majestic) Chicago. Iloners, I>e (Orpheum) Des Moines. Verona, Countess (Royal) San .\ntonlo. Tex.; 509 14x22 Canto. 19.00 17 Z Martin 4 Lnm (Avenue B) New York. Ruegger, Elsa (Shea) Buffalo. (Orpheum) Waco 17 2'2. 1.000 14x22 Carda.29.00 n'm Maver. Ix>ttle, 4 Co. (McVicker) Chicago. Russell. Martlia. & Andy Byme (Pantages) Kan¬ Violet 4 Charles (Globe) Kansas City. (Above cut from 4-pljr White Blank, a rood Mayo 4 IJnn (Tacoma) Tacoma; (Orpheum) Vlollnsky (Avenue B) New York. aerrlcmbla card. I sas City 17-2‘J. Owing to unaettled paper market cnadutnoe Vancouver, Can., 17 2*2. Santl (Majestic) Houston, Tex.; (Majestic) San Vlylans, The (Majestic) San Antonio. Tex. Walker 4 Texas (Novelts^ TO|)esa, Kan.; (Gar¬ prlcee are aubjert U> change without notice SwiO Meaebum 4 Meachum (Park) Hannibal, Mo.; .\ntonio 17-~. price lljt (g other thratrlral printing. I'leutr n) Coney Island, Gazette Show Printing Company Metzettls,’ Five (Pantages) Kansas City. Saxton A Clinton ur (Pantages; Los Angeles; (Pan¬ Sk'arpioff A- Varvara (Temple) Detroit; (Shea) Walters 4 Hastings (Colombia) St. 1/uils. Mo. tages) San Diego 17-22. Buffalo 17 L>-J. Ward. Frank (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, Mills. June. 4 Co. (Pantages) Kansas City. Schwarti 4 Clifford (McVlcker) Chicago. N. Y. Miller, Eddie, Duo (Riverside) New York. Scott & Christie (ColumWa) St. I/uiis. Mo. Ward 4 Cullen (Pantages) Helena, Mont.; (Pan¬ .Miller, Packer 4 Howard (Patages) Oakland. Seymour. H. 4 A. (Temple) Detroit; (Majestic) Cal.; (Pantages) I-os Angeles 17-‘22. tages) Missoula 17-22. Chicago 17-22. Ward. Bell 4 Ward (Orpheum) Waeo, Tex. Miroslava 4 Serbians (Orpheum) New York. Shannon a Annis (Hipp.) Baltimore. Warner, Frank 4 Rae (Orpheum) Ft. William, Shaw, Allan (Forewt Park) St. Louis. Mo. POSTERS Can.; (Strand) Winnipeg 17-10. Sheehan 4 Regay (Orpheum) Ixis Angeles. Watson. Jos. K. (Loew) .Montreal. —FOR— Sherman, Van 4 Hyman (McVicker) Chicago. Watts. Jas., 4 Co. (New Brighton) Brighton Robert J. Mills Shirley, Eva (American) New York. Beach, N. Y. Shrlncr 4 Herman (Orpheum) Waco, Tex. Watson Sisters (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, Sllber 4 North (Columbia) St. Louis, Mo. N. Y'. Silver 4 Duval (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. Weber, Fred. 4 Co. (Warwick) Brooklyn .Mitchell 4 Mitch (Majestic) iHouston. Tex.; Simpson 4 Dean (Pantages) Victoria, Can.; 4TH JULY Wedding Sheila (Pantages) Ogden, Utah; (Pan¬ (Majestic) San .\ntonlo 17-22. (Pantages) Tacoma. Wa^., 17-22. .Monarch Dancing Four (Grand) Minneapolis; tages) Denver 17-'22. Singer's Midgets (Pantages) Salt Lake City; Weeks, Marion (Tacoma) Tacoma; (Orpheum) (Palace) .st. Paul. Minn., 17-19; (I'alace) Su¬ (Pantages) Ogden 17-22. perior. Wis., 20-22. Vancouver, Can., 17-22. 1-3-B-Slieet Sizes Smileage Show No. 9: Ben Tidwell. Elizabeth Weever, Edwin, Marching Orders (Princess) San •Morgan 4 Grey (Ixtew) Hamilton. Can. Milton, Corbly 4 Madill. Leonard 4 Haley, Antonio. Tex, Moore 4 Gerald (Orpheum) San FVanclsco. Pendleton Sisters, Van 4 Yorke; (Charlotte) Weller. Hahn, 4 Co. (Orpheum) VancouTer, PRICES REASONABLE Moore 4 Fields (Victoria) New York. Charlotte, N, C. Can.: (Moore) Seattle 17-22. Moore 4 Rose (Pantages) San Franclaco; (Pan¬ Smiletta Sisters (I.oew) Montreal. Wells 4 Crest (Strand) Winnipeg, Can. tages) Oakland, Can.. 17-22. Smith 4 Brown (Orpheum) New Torlt. Weston 4 Flint (Bijou) Fall River. Mass. Morley-McCarthy Sisters (Boulevard) New York. Solar. Willie (Lyric) Holmken. N. J. What Every Man Needs (Bijou) Brooklyn. THE DONALDSON LITHO.CO Morrell. Frank (Pantages) Ogden, Utah; (Pan¬ Spanish Dancers (Keith) WasbingtoS. Wheeler 4 Moran (Orpheum) Des Moines; NEWPORT, KY. tages) Denver 17-22. Sitanlsb Trio (Wall) Fremont, NA. (Majestic) Chicago 17-22. Morton, Ed (Keith) Philadelphia. Spiegel 4 Barnes (Fhilton) Brooklyn. Wheeler 4 Potter (Grand) Duluth, Minn.; (Pal¬ Munsen, Marlon. 4 Co. (Pantages) Calgary, St. Denis, Ruth (Orpheum) Los Angeles. ace) Superior, Wls., 17-19. Can.; tPantages) Helena. Mont., 17-22. Musical Conservatory (Novelty) Topeka, Kan.; THE ACTORS’ FUND (Garden) Junction City 17-19. Nation’s I’erll, The tPantages) Salt Lake City; OF AMERICA (Pantages) Ogden 17-22. (Treated In btbalf of the Dramatic Profession, sm Naughty Princess (Oridieum) I.os Angeles. slM> maintaining on Stotea Island.- - s HOJtt Need Act (Grand) Duluth, Miun.; (Palace) FOUR WEEKS FOR TIIR AGED AND RETIRED. Minneapolis 17-19; (I’alaee) St. Paul 20-22. Meaibarthlp. par asauai. Nelusea 4 Hurley (Park) Dubuque, la. of The Billboard and a Thrift Stamp for IN BEHALF OF THE “t_ Newmans, The (St. James) Boston. Dsaars . $100.00 gar ye* Noda, A1 (Pantagea) San Diego: (Pantages) Patrsaa . 29.00 “ Maabera . 10.00 " Salt Lake City SIXTY CENTS Prealdetit. Daniel Frohman; VIre-Preeidant. Jr%. t No Man’s I^and (Empress) Omaha, Nel). Grttnur; Treasurer, Sam A. Scrlbn*; Sacrettry. Got No Man’s Ijind (Oriibeum) San Francisco. lllll: Chairman Bierutlee Committee. F. F Mtcku •Nordstrom, Marie 1 Orpheum) Portland. Ore.; if you send the name of a new’s dealer who does not han¬ OIDcao—Long Acra Building. Broadway and Forty- (Orpheum) San Francisco 17-22. dle The Billboard. Secnoit straet. New York Oty. Norman, Mary (Pantages) San Diego; All cammunlcatloDt to (Pan¬ W. C. AUSTIN. • Atalitaet Saeeetuy. tages) Salt Lake City 17-22. Norton 4 Mellnotte (Orpheum) San Francisco. Norton 4 Ntdilc (Hipp.) Baltimore. BILLBOARD PUB. CO., Norton 4 Noble (McVicker) Chicago. Nosses. Six Musical (Pantages) Oakland, Cal.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Put the American (Pantages) Ix>s Angeles 17-22. Notorious Pelphine (Pantages) San Francisco; I enclose 60c and name of newa dealer who did not" have The Bill¬ (Pantaces) Oakland. Cal.. 17-22. board. Please send me a copy each week for the next four weeks and Theatrical Hospital on t'NciU 4 Walmsiey (Boulevard) New York. .»eg 17-19. Mich. Or*. Doing Our Hit: (Palace Music Hall) Chicago Sullivan 4 Mason (Pantages) Seattle; (Pan¬ Indef. f’ernlkoff 4 Bose (Bijc.u) Fall River, Maas. World In Harmony (Pantages) Minneapolis; tages) Vaneouver, Can., 17-22. Kyiw of Youth. Tlio Sbiiherts, nigrs.; New York Reronne 4 Oliver (Majestic) Chicago. (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can., 17-22. Sully, Rogers 4 Sully (Pantages) Spokane; Aug. Ti. Indef. (Vtticoat .Minstrels (Ixjew) Ilaniilton, Can. Wright 4 Ihivis (Pantage*) Oakland, Cal.; (Pant.-iges) Seattle 17 22. Fancy rree. The Shiiherts. mgrs.: New lerk Pisano 4 Bingham (Hipp.) Baltimore. (Pantages) I/on Angeles 17-22. Swift 4 Kelly (Ramona Park) Grand Rapids, April II. indef. Polly’s Particular Punch (Eniecy) Providence. Writhe. Ed I/ee (Davis) Pittsburg. Mleh.; (Tcuii.le) Detroit 17-22. Faversbam. William: Chicago .May 9, Imlcf. Primrose, Geo. (Loewi Montreal. Wiirnelle. Arnold (Palace) St. Paul, Minn.; Taylor 1 rio (Grphetim) San Franelaeo. Flo, Flo, John Cort, mgr,; New York I>*‘C. '-'d, Juakertown to Broadway (Pantages; Calgary, (Palace) Minneapolis 17-22. Tflina, Ne!aneey St.) New York. Rae 4 W.vnn (Yonge St.) Toronto. Yongers. The (fx>ew) Hamilton. Can. Going rp, Cohan 4 Harris, mgrs.: New '’ocl Temptati-in (Pantages) Edmonton. Can.; (Pan Rajah 4 Co. (Orpheum> Portland. Ore.; (Or¬ Yucatan (F'antages) Kansas City 17-22. Dec. OR. indef. tages; Calgary 17-22. Hodge, William. I>-o shiiliert, mgr,: New i"ri phenm) San F'ranclsco 17-22. Zeno 4 Mandel (Pantages) Tacoma, Wasli.; Terry, Arthur 4 Graee (Strand) Winniis-g, Can. Feb. r.. Indef. Rasch. Albertina 4 Ballet (Palace) New York. (Pantages) Portland. Ore., n'22. Thomas, Fn-d 4 Girls (St. Jamen) B-wton Rath Bros. (Palace) New York. Zertho'a Dogs (IJncoln Sq.) New York. Keep Her t^liilllng, Rlcliarallai, Boston \prll K, Imlcf. Reddlngtoo 4 Grant (PantsgcK) Winnipeg, Zlg Zag Revue (Royal) San Antonio. Tex.; (Of Tex.: (Prince) Houston 17-22. Can.; (Pantages) E<-ka, Kan.; (Gurdenl l./>inlianll, l.td.. Oliver .Morosco, mirr.: New 1-’r Regal 4 Bender (Keith) I’hiladelidiia; (Davis) Jiinctiou City 17-19. DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Pittsburg 17 22. Si-p). 21 Indef. Tlleoinb, I.aBel|c, Rev. (Grpbeum) Brooklyn Adams, Maude, Chas. Fmhman, Inc. Riee 4 Franees (F>mprezK) Tulsa, Ok.; (Ljirlc) Man Who ('anic Back; (|riymoulh) Bo'loii. Indci (Glunle’s Pissadena) Passadeiia l.'l- (I Man Who Stayed at Home: (Isih St.) .New Verl Oklahoma City 17-19. Diego M-l.'i. ' Kiehards, The Great (Pautages) Misshla April *22, Indef. Ring. Blanche (DavU) Pirtaburg. (Walker! Wliiiit|N-g. Can., KFIe. Barrymore, Ellml. Chas. Frohman Inc Maytime. The Shuberta, iiigrs,; New York .Vm Homna. 3 (Broadway) Bpringdeld, Maas. (Empire) New York, indef. Mill-r. Ucnrr. (Henry Miller) New York, PrloceM Theater PUTen. Oco. C. Martin, mgr.: Polaek Bros. Twenty Big Shows: Bloomsburg, Keith Stock Co.; Coluiubua. O,, Indef. (PrinceM) Waterleo, la., Indef. Pa.. KVir.. Num'y*’le‘e. Henry II. Ilarrla' Katate, mgr.: King, Will, Musical Comedy Stock: ISavoy) San Shaffer'a, At. Bo}« A Oirla: BartlMTille. Ok., Royal KxiKMitlon Shows: Thayer. IlL, 10-17. Nrw York April 9, Indef. Francisco, Indef. 1&15; Talaa 17-23. Sol's I'niterl Shows: Scranton, Pa., 10-lS; Nothing Hut the Truth: (Cort) ^Icag^ Indef. Knickerbocker I*layera: (Knickerbocker) Phila¬ Rhea. Tex. A Mabel, Moaleal Comedj 0».: (Htar) Coming. N. Y.. 17-23. rMila and i:nd» of 1917, Jack Norwortb. mgr.: delphia, Pa., Indef. tiaa Antonio, Tex., indef. .Superior Shows, T. A. Wolfe, mgr.: Alliance, f'htrsffo Msy 12« Knickertiocker Players. Howard Rnmsey, mgr.; .Slner A MitrbeU't Bing Bang Qtria: (Park) O.. i(kir>, nh. 1^. Comi'took, mgr.: Philadelphia (Empire) Syracuse. N. Y., Indef. Hannibal, Mo., 10-lS. Cnited Amusement Crx. J. V. Moraaca, mgr.! LaSalle Stock Co.: (Orpheuin) Cennantown, Vaientlne’a, Tex. ^ality Maida; (Deandi) RIdgway, Pa.. 10-16. (ih'*^i’dy.'*'Dady. Comstock A Elliott, mgra.: I*hlladelphia, Pa., Indef. Amarillo. Tex.. Indef. Whitney Shows, A. P. Whitney, mgr.: ]Morgan Vow York Keb. 1. Indef. I.awrence Players, Del Lawrence, mgr.: (Ma- Zinn's Tabloid Stock: (New Davidson llutcli Held, Ky.. 10-l.S. river There: (ITinceaa) Chicago. Indef. Jeatlc) San Franclsi-o. Indef. Milwaakee, Wla.. indef. Williams' Standard Shows; Dtlca, N. Y.. 10-1."!. Parlor Bedroom and Bath. A. H. Wood*, mgr.: lavwls A l.ake .Musical Comedy: Camp Lewis, Wortham A RU-e Shows; Milwaukee, w'ls., 10 New York Dec. '.M. indef. Keattle, Wash., indef. IVter llJietaon. The Shuberta. mgra.: Chicago liewls, Wm. K., Stock Co.; (llltner. NeK. 10-13, BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Wortham, C. \., Shown; Mason City, la.. 10-t; April l.V Indef. Liberty Players, Will I,. White, mgr.: (Nornm* Zsrra’s Greater Shows: Kenvil. N. J., 1()-16. Polly With a I*a*t. David Belaeco, mgr.: New begj Park) Anbnmdale, Mass., Indef. Camlcelll’s Band, fibeesley Shows; Rnrialo, N. Zeldman A Pollie Shows, Alma, Mich.. 10-D York. Indef. . „ , ». IJberty Stwk Co.: Stapleton, S. L, N. Y.. indef. Y.. 10-15. Cadlllae 17 2'2. Itiinbow Olrl. Klaw A KrIanger. mgre.: New LdcaUi. Mitchell. Stmk Co.: (Wilson Ave.) Chi¬ Cavulo and His Band: Marigold Gardens, Chi¬ York April 1. Indef. cago, indef. cago. indef. |{.K-k a By. Baby. Selwyn A Co., mgre: New Lonnrxan, Lester, Players; New Bedford. Mass., DeTola’s, Louis J.. Band; Y^tlc, la.. 10-1.5. Indef. DeLanrentl's Allies Rand; Elyria, O.. 10-16. ADDITIONAL ROUTES ON Lyceum Players. J. U Morrissey, mgr.; (Lyceum) Masten'a, Harry. Orchestra; 'Tappahanno<-k, Va., Dniiitb. Minn., Indef. 10-1.5. PAGE 71 Lyric Musical Comedy Co.: (Lyric) Portland, Neel's. Carl, Band; Tappahannock, Va.. 10-1.5. Dre., Indef. Victor's Band. James F. Victor, dir.; Blooma- Maifican. Panllne, Stock Co.: Erie. Pa., indef. burg. Pa.. 10^15. Majestic Players: Peoria. Ill., indef. Victor's Band. John K. Victor, dir.: St. Cloud, Majestic Theater Players, Wm. Davidge, mgr.: Minn., 10-15. (Majestic) Perth Amboy, .N. J., indef. Y’lctor’a Orchestra, P. K. Victor, dir.: Coney Manhattan Players; Roeb^ter. N. Y., indef. Island, N. Y.. indef. 4th of July Celebrations s« Long, Letty. Cyrtl Ring, mgr.: Boatnn, Mua.. Marks. May Bell, Dramatic O.; (New Empire) Wood’a, Fred, Orcbeatra: MorriUtoa, Ark., 10-1.5. I Montreal. Can., April 22. indef. ARKANSAS Stlne^^TYed. Cbaa. Dillingham, mgr.; New York Mitchell Stock Co. Grand Island, Neb.. Indef. Benton—Celebration. D. E. Walker, Ort’. Ml Indef. . Morgan. HIIo. Theater Co.; Monticello, la., 10- MISCELLANEOUS Tailor-Made Man. Cohan A Harris, mgrs.: New IK; Anaraesa 17-33. OEOROIA York Aug. 27, Indef. Morosco Stork Co.: (Moroaco) Loa Angelea, Adama*, Jamea Floating Theater: Tappahan- Bainbrldge—Woodmen of the Worl nock, Va.. 10-15. Thirteenth Regiment. Jack Anderaon. mgr.; Cal., indef. ILLINOIS .siloam Springs. Ark., 14; Sulphas Springs 17; Murphy, Horace, Stock (V>.: (Empreasi Las An¬ Bragg A Bragg Show, Geo. M. Bragg, mgr.: Neoabo. Mo.. 30. geles. indef. Jamaica. Vt.. 10-15; Newfane 17-22. Chicago—Cook Co. Celebration, L. Three Faces East: Cohan A Harris, mgra.: Olentangy Stock Co.; (Olentangy Park) Colnm- Burton. Harry F,, Magician: Leipelc. 0.. 10-15. I’hlkdelphla May 5. indef. bna. O., Indef. Daniel, B. A., Magician; Tacoma, Wasb., 10-.50. Edwardsville—Central Trades A Labor Couacil. Tiger Rose. sDavld Belaaco, mgr.: New York, Oliver, Otit, Players; (Oliver) Lincoln. Neb., IjiSbe'a, Jlerbert, Attractions: (Bijon) Corning, Galesburg—Tri-County Old Settlers’ Assn., A. P. indef. Indef. N. Y., Indef. Shaver, swy. Toot-Ttot. Henry W. Savage, mgr.; Boston April Oliver, Otis, Players, Harry J. Wallace, mgr.: Lucey, Thoa. Elmore. Vera, Ok.. 13; Ochelata Glasford—Business Men. 'J".’. indef. (Grand (>pera Honae) Colo. Springs, Col., 14; Wynona 15; Oaage 16;'Ralston 17; OI<9' Herrin—Re<1 Men Lodge. 7.leg(ald's Midnight Frolic; (Now Amaterdim) indef. cor# 18. Kewanee—Auspices Eagles’ Club. New York, Indef. Opera Players: (Parsons) Hartford. Onn., indef. Mysterlona Smith Co.. A. P. Smith, mgr.; Ro¬ Marion—Red Men Lodge. Orphenm Players: Reading, Pa., indef. chelle. Hi.. 12-13; Savanna 17-18; DyeravUIe, Rockford—Chamber of Commerce. Park Stock Co.: (Park) Waltham. Mass., indef. la.. 19-20. Watseka—Celehra t ion. BURLESQUE Park Stock O.: (Park) St. Leals, Indef. Biehards, the Wiaard, WlaOeld, Kan., 10-15; Waokegan—Celebration. J. J. Jemison, chairman. Permanent Players, James Blaine, mgr.: (Or- Hutchiaon 17-23. IOWA Bebman Show (Oayety) Bouton 10-15. pbenm) Moose Jaw, Saak., Can.. Indef. Rlcton'a Show, AdyavlUe, Ind., 10-15: Bristow Albia—Rusinees Men, Ralph Mason, chairman. Hftwrry Burleuqoers; (Oayety) Washington 10-16 Phelan, E. V.. Stock Co.: Lynn. Mass., Indef. 17-22. Csharet Oirla: (Oayety) Minneapolis, indef. Clarion—Celebration. Plckert Sisters’ Stork fb.. C. J. Dodson, mgr.: DeW’itt—Moose Lodge. Hello, .Ymeciea (Colombia) New York. Indef. Oettyshorg. Pa., 10-15. Lamotta—Red Cross Benefit. Irwin’s Big Show (Empire) Newark 10-16. PInmIee Comedians: Lamar, Mo., 10-16; Mul¬ Logan—Celebration. Monte (brio Girls (Garden) I>etrolt, Indef. berry, Kan., 17-22. Manchester—Delaware Co. Fair Soc. B. W. 9tep Lively Olrls (Oayety) Bnffalo lO-lS. Poll Stock Co-: Bridgeport, Conn.. Inlef. Williams, secy. Poll Players; (Palace) Hartford, Conn.. Indef. Muscatine—Eagles A Red Men. Poll Stock Co.: New Haven. Conn., Indef. Oelwein—Red Cross Benefit Celebration. PoR Stock fb.: Springfield. Mass., Indef. Sae City—Sac Co. Fair Aaan. July 4. W. F Poll Stock (^.: W’aterbnry, Conn., indef. Weary, secy. Poll Stock Co.: Worcester. Mass., indef. KANSAS Popnlar Players, Moredock A Watson, mgra.: Bine Rapids-—Commer<-tal Club. July 3-4. Monticello. Qa.. 10-13. Olathe—Military Celebration. Princess Players: Des Moines, Ta., indef. Toledo Alcaiar Pla.vers: (Raker) Portland. Ore., indef. Providence Stock Oo.; (Majestic) Providence, .tiraiar Players: (Alcasar) San Pramisco, Indef. R. I., indef. .tngeU's Cotuedlans. J. S. .Yngell, mgr.; Bridge- Robins Players, Edward H. Robins, mgr.: (Royal water. la.. 10-15. Alexandra) 'Toronto. Can., April 9, Indef. Aagell Stork Co.. No. 3. Thoe. Alton, mgr.; ISrhuater, Milton, Mnstcal CV>medy: (Majeatic (Jnnrtloa Park) New Brighton, Pa., May 31- fhmp Theater) Camp Travis, San Antonio, 9ept. 1. Tex,, indef. Angel! Stock Ov., No. 3, FVank Root, mgr.; (Ex¬ Shnhert Stock Co.; po. Park) (Vmneant I-akr. Pa., May 30- indef. « Ringing Bros.: Lebanon, Pa., 12; Poftsville 13; 9ept. 4. Shnhert Stock Co. Mlntam. Reading 14; Norristown W; Easton 17; Plain- Andltorinm Players: Malden. Mass., indef. Milwaakee. Wls. field. N. J., 18; Allentown, Pa., 19; Wilkes- .Anditoriiim Players; Manchester, N. II., indef. Somerville. Mass. Barre 20. Anstla, Mildred. Stock 0>., No. 1: (Hawaiian Robinaon. John, Shows: Winated, Conn., 13; Gardens) Ix>uisvllle, Ky.. indef. (Grand O. H.) Brook- Northampton, Maaa.. 13; Brattleboro, Vt., 14; Austin, Mildred. SBs-k Co., No. 2; (Broadway) Bellowa Pblls 15. B. Seward, Lonlsvillc. Ky.. Imlef. Sells-Floto: Albany, Ore., 12; Salem 13: Mc- Rames, Jack, Musicxil Stock; MI-ols) Terre Minaville 14; Vancouver Wash., IS; Portland H. T. Aakeland, Hinte. Ind., indef. 17-18. Iliibop I’Uyem: (Playbouee) Oakland. CaL, Shipp A Feltns: En ronte thru South America. Indef. Permaaent address, Bivadavia 836, Buenoe Bonatelle. Jessie, Stock Co.; (Garrick) Detroit. Aire*. Mich., Indef. Sparks, Jno. H., Shows: Gary lad., 1.5; DeKalb. Rrlaaar, Virginia. On.: (Strand) San Diego. Cal., Ill., 14; Rockford 15; McHenry 16; Evanston Stillwater—Mayor J. R. Kolllner. Indef. MISSOURI BrownelLStork Players; (Lyric) Dayton. O., Snn Broa.* Shows; Bremen, O., 12; Orookaville Moberly—Elks’ Lodge. Indef. 13: 'Carrollton 14; Mingo Jet. 15; Toronto 16; Poplar Bluff—lAwrence (Juinn, chairman. Bryant. Marguerite. Players; Troy, N. T.. Indef. Toronto 17; Wellaharg, W. Va., 18; Cannons- St. Louis—Church of the Immaculate Conception. Bunting, Emma, (V>.; KI Paso, Tex.. Indef. hurg. Pa., 19. St. Louta—Municipal Pageant Assn. rannelo's Fred. Musical Comedy Oo.: (}alnry, IlL. 10-16. MONTANA I'arter. Monte, Mnsical Comedy Stdek: (Oak) Gulfport—Red Croae Benefit. Seattle, Wash., Indef. CARNIVAL COMPANIES Miles City—Bed Cross Benefit. Carter Dramatic 0>.. J. E. Carter, mgr.: Scran¬ All-American Shows: Clairton, Pa. 10-15. MONTANA ton. lb., 1016. Allen. Tom W.. Shows: Sterling, III., 10-16. (Tiirifo .stork Co.: II.4ikAmont Park) .Altoona. Hardin—Crow Indians’ Celebration. Benson. James M., Shows: Philadelphia, Pa., Roundup—Commercial Club, Sam 3. Joeephaon, Pa.. Indef. MINSTRELS 10-15. cotonial Mnsical Comedy St«v-k: (Odonlal) To¬ Broadway Shows; Angnsta. Ga., 10-15. awy. ledo. O.. Indef. Cobnm’a, J. A.: Daytona Beach, Fla., indef. NORTH DAKOTA Huntington's, P. C., J. W. West, mgr.: Camp Brown A Dyer Shown; Looaeonlng, Md.,. 10-15. CnmeTl Price Players. W. E. Cornell, - mgr.: Brundage, S. W., Shows; Council Bluffa, la., Grand Forks—Commen-ial Club. Wausen, ().. March 'Ji, Indef. Pike. Ark., Indef. IIVI.Y. Curtis Mi ltonald Show; Allison. la.. 1esmond, Mao, Players; (Poll) Scranton, Pa.. VIROINIA Indef. Corey Greater Shows, E. S. Corey, mgr.: Cat- asauqna. Pa.. 10-22. Norton—W. L. Jamison, mgr. Iiomlnlon Players; Winnipeg, Man.. Can., Indef. Dorman A Krause: Elyria, O.. 10-15. WASHINGTON Buhinsky Bros.’ stork Co.: St. Joseid). Mo., Evan*. Ed Shows: Princetoo. Ill., 10-16. (bIfax—Commercial Club. Indef. Mt. Vernon—Skagit Co. Fair Assn. i'wlght, Albert. Players. J. K. Mrl.4iughlln. mgr.: mont. W. Va.. Maids: (Paris) Palouse—Chamber of Commerce. iBiympla) 8. 8. Ilttaburg. Pa.. Indef. Downanl's. Vlrg., Seattle—Celebration. C. Allen Dale, rep. Lniplre .stm k (’o,; Salem. Maaa., indef, Greenville. S. C. Fble*. Cba*. T., Comedy Co.: Clilttenango, N- South Bend—RtislDesa Men. W. P. Creasy, chair¬ Kmptre Theater Stork Co.: Paterson. N. J., indef. man. fbssett Stock Co.: (Lyric) Hanilltim. Can., Y., Indef. Spokane—Celebration A Racee, Anaplcea Inter- Inilef. HlU'a, Billy. Passing Revne Co. A Eyes of State Fair. W. I... Tennant, secy. July 3-4. (•alvln’s, James A., Musical Stork: Camp Pike, Yonth Co.; Camp MacArtbur, Waco, Tex., in¬ Snmaer—Commercial Club. def. ,‘’*l(le Rock. Ark., Indef. WISCONSIN •■laser. Y’aiighan, Stock Co.: (Temple) Rochea- Krntncky Belies, Paul Zatlee. mgr.: (Majestic) ler. N. T.. Indef. Topeka. Kan. 10-15. Augusta—Civic A Commerce Assn., B. W. •■nodlnio Stock Co.: (Central So.) Lynn, Maes., Kett'a Muaicnl Comedy Revne: (Orphenm) Xennnly. Con T., Shov Bowen, rhalrman. Indef. Grand Rapids, Mich., indef. Wausau 17-22. De Pere—Anapices Brown Co. Fair Assn., Herb. •lordlnler Bros.’ Stork O.; (Palace) Oklahoma Kilgore's IV-ans A Belles: (Grand) Mewgantown, iKranse Shows; Shanxi.- Pa.. 10-16. J. Smith, aecy. ,,» By. Ok., indef. W Va.. 1016 McClellan Shows; Grand Island. Neb., 10-16. Ean Claire—Nortl)em Wls. Fair Aaan. A Mer¬ •rand Ht.s-k Co.: Tnlaa. Ok.. Indef. Koon Town Kids. Alger I.4inca*ter, mgr.: Roea- Man's Greater Showa._ Wm.f . W. Man, mgr.: De- chants. Bsrrlsiin. Chas. A Oertmde. Theater Co.: Wichita vllle, Kan., 14 IS. ratur. Ind.. . 10-15; Delphoa. O.. 17-22. Fox Ijike—Celebration. falls, Tex.. 1(V'22. IiTwl*. Irving. (Tilckee Cboo Mahls, Fred Slddon, Moss Bros.' Greater Shown; Litchfield, Ill.. 10-16. Kenosha—Ceicbnitlon. Ilswk, Knrl, Stork ('o.; IVfershurg, Va., Indef. mgr.: (Carolina) ('barlotte. N. C.; (Sevier) Muri'hy, J. F., Shown: Birmingham, .Ala., 1'2- Milwaukee—Celebration. Frank. Stmk Co.: (Blji.u) Bay Oty, Greenville S. C., 17-22. Mineral Point—C. C. Neal, secy. lonl A Vernon Musical Comedy C\k: (Gem) IJt- Northwestem Shows, F. L. Flack, mgr.; De¬ Oehktsih—-.Ynspices Winnebago Co. Fair Aaan., tle Rock Ark., Indef. troit. iMIch.. 11 1(L II. G. Nichols, *e*-y. .McDonald, Elmer, Song A Olrl Revne: (Atr- Olympic Shows, K Cnrtls. mgr.: Knoxville, Prairie du Chlen—.Vii»pl<‘es Red Cross. July donie) Atchison, Kan.. 10-15. Tenn.. 10-15; London. O., 17-22. 4 5. Morton’s Kentucky Belles; (IJberty) Gulfport, Olympian Shows, George R. Doremns, mgr.: Racine—Ma.vor Thleseu. Miss., 10 16. Milwaukee. Wls.. .5, indef. Waterford—Racine Co. OM Settler*’ Society. Phelps A Cobb's Jolly Pathfinders: (Kempner) Parker Greatest Shown: North Platte, Nt'b.. 10- Waterloo—.Ausplcea Fire Dept. Uttla Rock, Arlt., indef. 15. Waopon—Auspices Council of Defense. Trie Billboard JUNE 16, 1918

Agents and Solicitors Wanted Attractions Wanted S« PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. 3« PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY N« >d«- *ectpted ftr Im than 2Se. CLASSIFIED Na adv. accaptad far lapa tkaa 2$e. ACiENTS MAKE .SOO PER CENT PROFIT han- I'ATKIDTIC DiaiDVSTRATIOX .\v„ lUlng Auto Moti'-n’ajn*. Patriotic l*lcture». Window July 4th, at Dwlgtii, Ill.; uiuler auwli-r., .'....T liOtters. Transfer Flags. Clian*pat)le Signs. Catalnc Unit. 111. Reserve Militia. Anyniie dcslrtiia free. HINTON Ft).. 6142 4t»Ui Court, Chicago. HI. ADVERTISEMENTS almjs tildma DR. t\ B. Bhnj.., Dirigl't, -or...,. ”** AC.ENTS, HEMONSSTRATOR-S. I)E.4EER.<4. FAIR WANTED Riding Dertcea. tdimrs, ry.n.Ts.l„„ WORKERS, irrc ; Guaranteed Gold Shell SrientUlc Fne Attractkais for (Miikiwh and Is. prre Imitation Diamond Rings at 2Sc to $2.00; sell like RATES PER WORD July 4lh ratka>a Addnrm Z.VV\o fmiic' wildfire: wholesale price. JS.OO to $1R.0« per grom; TU»X8. 69 WU. .Ht , Milwaukee. • dozen Sample Assortment, $1.75; half docen. $1.00. SET IN 5-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. prepaid. The nearest approach to the genuine eeer offered. Address DIAMOND MANlTACTfRINO NO AD ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 25c Books and Formulas COMPANY, Ihnufacturlng Jesrelers, Prtwldenee, la PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. UhtHle Island. Per Ward. Par Ward. AGENTS AND SOLICITORS WANTED.3e Na adv. acrapltd for law thia 25<. ANIMALS. BIRDS AND PETS.Sc FUTURE TIME WANTED BY ACTS.2c Animals, Birds and Pets ATTRACTIONS WANTED .9e CUKMICAL MAOir-Xew, fam-lnatlng. m.vqif,ir,. AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE.*9 Instruction- and torinulas lor 2'm- min i, Mo|f' 3o PER WORD. CASH WITrt COPY. AT LIBERTY (display fln>t line and name In black MANUSCRIPTS. SKETCHES AND PLAYS.le RISOX, 47 Ltngdon St., Cambridge, No adv. aocaptad Itr lata thaa 2Se. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS Ceevco pleceo or MOVING PICTURE ACCESSORIES FOR SALE LiSTKX A ll.msioo Recipe for $100; a - ;«itis, FOR RALE—One 11-months-old African Male Uon. move) .So (Second-Hand) . 2e rhemical isuiqsislthsi that will resllvrr .-r lad partly trained. COL. GEORtiE B. TAYLOR. Box 350, BOOKS AND FORMULAS .lo MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Send lUnd).2e I ra-s jewelry of all kinda-watches, rttis-.’ kiiHf, Raleigh, North Carolina. BOARDING HOUSES (Theatrtial).2e PARTNERS WANTED FOR ACTS (.Xoliivretmeut) le fork-, s|ss«is. etc. as quick as a flash. It i- , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .So prir^riMAi .Sc siller isdlsli !< s.s'urlng fluid. Fair loirkrti FOB SAT.F—Ten monkeys, all sizes, ring tails, BUSINESS NOTICES .So PRIVILEGES FOR SALE .*« carnival ho-tlers, sheet wrileri can es-ily u, giant rhesus, tame Jara, etc.: four Uons, do swell CONCESSIONS WANTED .So SCHOOLS. SERVICES. INSTRUCTION .le $1,0110 on this season. You can make $'■ so « a(<: tame, flre-ycar-old Tfiger that can be led like a EXCHANGE OR SWAP.2e SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE (Sevond-IIsnd). .2e (ic. Just show hi>w it works and the ksl>- ts tno,. dog: many other animals. We buy and sell erery- FILMS FOR SALE (Recind-Hand).2e Seiitl II >8) p. o. money oritev to Mia.VIN i'Iijm. thlng. CHICAGO .SHOW SALE.S CO.. 22 North Dee- FILMS FOR SALE ( ew).Sc H'.VL CO . 1717 Granger Ave.. Des M.iiiirs, i.^, plalnei .Street. Chieago. FOR RENT OR LEASE PROPERTY.So THEATRICAL PRINTING.3e and tins valuable recipe with full Inslruiiciaj »(n FOR SALE ADS (New Goods).3e WANTED PARTNER (Capital Invmtm.m).3e be sent you by return mall. Get busy. FOl'R WELL-TRAINED YOUNG DOGS—Act good: FOR SALE AOS (Second-Hand Oooda Only).2e WANTED TO BUY.2o strong enough for small time or road show. Will We do not place chargee for ada in the Classified Columns upon our books, no bllU rendered MOTIOX I’lCTURE OPFJRATIOX. Rtage Elsettlis sacrlflce: $75.00 cash. Must sell, owner sick. Address and llluslous; a practical handbook and guide 1m Dot; ACT. rare Great American Shows, as per route, theatre electrlrlans. motion picture operal<>ri md ns;, or Billboard. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. agers; ?93 pages: Illustrated, limp eloth blndlni All ropy for ads in this department must reach us by ‘nnuiday. 6 p.m.. for Insertion In the fTT?n» $30..A, p, v anyons taught act at seiglit: bank rcferei(•m- At Liberty send 3e stamp. I'ROF. AL. U.VU'NlJt, i AT LIBERTY—BASSO PROFUNDO SOLOIST, FIRST-CLASS LADY PIANIST—THOROUGH- (First lias and aaaia la black type.) imuphln, Ifiilla. with feature voice; will consider good musical ly experienced; vaudeville, pictures, orchestra la PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. work; union; steady, reliable: only first-class No adv. accegted tar laaa than 2Sa. comedy or vaudeville. Care Billboard, San Fran¬ RE.4L LIVE BOOKS FOR RE.tL UVS PEpPur cisco. offer considered; guarantee my work. PIANIST, —Lists file B. B. i-UKRlDAX CO., 417 £. ISlit 7310 Lexington Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. St.. New York. A-1 BUSINESS SBUKXER—BELLS. XYLO- phones, typms. and rbimes, at liberty Jane 15th AT LIBERTY FOR WAGON SHOW—FRANK,-- — SECHirrs OF MIND RFJkDlXG. at,- Mysilf, ym for Taudeville, picture or combination house; black, clown, kid. sign painter; Ruthabell, con- KEAD-BALANCINO TRAPEZE NOVELTY— frtenils. give ethlhltlons; r> on the stage; make nxsis draft. Class 4. Address E. H. CHUBCH, 607 tortion hoops, singing; wife, experienced camp Class A act; in tights or sailor ct)stume. EDWIN WIIX F. LORTOX, HisikseUrr. Orange. New jenej. Shawnee St., Leavenworth, Kansas. cook; old troupers; sober |ind reliable; prefer HODDT, 407 McBean Street, Peoria, Illinois, one to three-night show. F. NAZOR, Crooksville, SOMITHIXG GOOD IX (N)IX M.tCIP fplo-dNS rotn art by It. L Gilbert Over 4,000 weru and 14 A-1 COBNET—OPEN TOR SUMMEK EN- _ JULY 4TH AND LABOR DAY OPEN—THREE descriptive Ulustratiisis. Partial list nf issitenis. Dsn gagement; atrletly sober and reliable, and sensational free acts; also hooking parka, fairs 1.5 effective wtys to palm, clip nr hold i-oitis. Over exempt from draft; at liberty on two weeka’ AT LIBERTY-DIRECTOR: PLAT PARTS; and celebrations. LEONINE, care Lenhardt.Lenhirdt, 15 effective ways to vanish coins. Over 15 effective notice. W. F. BROOKS, 258 Union St., Hudson, sooer, reliable; have my own successful plays; 2128 Cushing St., St. Louis, Missouri.Missouri, ways to pnstuie coins. Makes the ".kerlsl Treasury " New York. give full particulars, salary, etc. BEN GREEN¬ cr ".Miser's Dream" a new inrk. EtpUlns some nifty FIELD, 1416 N. Clark St.. Chicago, Illinois.-- ndn sleights r‘U will like. Tells the easiest. ><( most effective, methods In eoln magic. .411 this v>4 A-1 PIANIST AT LIBERTY JUNE 20—AGE, - MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR — FIVE much more for 5* centa. Order now nf any mai> 22; not in draft; good sight reader; experienced; AT LIBERTY MONTH OF JULY—SINGLE years* experience; pn>Jection guaranteed; work dealer or tlie publlslvers. GILBERT MAGIC CO., "B engagement for summer or all year round; prefer magii- and Juggling act; at summer theatres or for your interest; age, IS; was worklDg, but ow- B.." 11135 So Irving. Chicago, llUnots. vaudeyille or first-oUbb orchestra; good jMHiition side-show in New England. FRED J. HART, ing to slcknees came home; wire or write. and salary essential; union; state all in first 44 Tainter St., Worcester, . JAMES STACKHOUSE, Marion. South Carolina. letter. Address PIANIST, Orpbeum Theater, Business Opportunities Madison, Wisconsin. Sc PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. He adv. aocepted far leea tkaa 2Sa.

A-1 PIANIST A A-1 DRUXICER AT LIB- ACCOUNTS. XoUa. Debta, Claims rollerted inj- erty soon; want i)ermanent engagement together CASH MUST ACCOMPANY COPY FOR I wbrre In the world; no charge unless we eollett or separate; have large library for pictures: klAY'R COlXEtTIOX AGENCY, Sovaerset. Kmiarky steady and reliable; exempt from draft. What offers T Address 6, W. SCHOFIELD, P. O. Box CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IF Y'OC CAN CSE a leglUmale advertising pmee- .'>48, Beaumont, Texas. sition gnxl for $150.00 a week write t'lIAKLEh BARXF.H. nUlboard. t'lnrtnnaU. Ohio

AT LIBERTY JUNE 18—YOUNG LADY Please do not ask us to render bills or place charges on our books for MAKE 400r7 PRoFIT-One of our lYwtable .Vds flutist desires position for summer theatre or Fminialiis will ikv that, ran be siH up and nsdy ts hotel; A-1 player; thoroughly experienced. Ad¬ Classified Advertising in this department. operate In 5 minutes; jusl the thing for pl-nlcs. crlv- dress K. A. BOWKAN, 56 Pembroke St.. Roches¬ bratlons or fairs; full dlrertiona vrltti rsrt. outfit: ter, New York. As our rules require prepayment on Classified Advertising kindly price only $t<- * Ad.lrraa W U. GH»;oRT. Hos favor us with a remittance to cover as many insertions as you desire. 137, Uilnrado, .irksnsaa , AT LIBERTY-LADY TRICK CYCLIST; CAN Copy by telegraph, with instructions to insert, money to follow, will WRITE THE WORDH FOR A SOXC. Me writs do silo riding also unlcyclc; will Join reliable music and guarantee publlsber't an-eplancr. suhaK act. THELMA CANNON, 864 Saratoga St., East not be inserted unless the money is sent by wirq with the advertisement. Ixssus on war. love or any subjvs-t. t'HK.HTfni Boston, Massaebuaetts. MCSIC CO.. 23d Huuth Deutxm 81., Sulla 2M (Yilcagn, Illlnoia

AT LIBERTY-TJIIO, MAN AND WIFE; change singing, talking, musical doubles; strong AT LIBERTY-WELL-KNOWN SOUTHERN MUSICAL DIBECrrOR (PIANO) — WIFE, Cartoons and Drawings for week; wife real piano player, also little alto Manager; pictures, vaudeville, legitimate: thor¬ ebnrus, numbers, small parts; at liberty June 22 So PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. saxophone; man, Irish, silly kid. eccentric, also oughly understands the business from every an account sbon- closing. Add., BILUNOS BOOTH, Ne adv. aervfted far Ivae tkaa 2S(. plays violin and saxophone; wardrobe, and both gle; resigning here for good reason; best of this week Oxforil Hotel Topeka; next neek, work in acts; young man does singing special¬ references. 0. A. SAVIN, 301 South Main St., Gen. Del., Uanbattan, Kansas. |•ATIlIoTIC CRAYON ilATERIAL Fr Oislk ties with a real voice, and fakes trap drums. Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Talks and Cartonnlng; pmflire of world lea-lees; sais- MUSICAL TRIO, Bladen, Nebraska. OPEN FOR ANYWHERE—PIANIST: ALSO plrs. lOt: r.mpirte with patter and suggvstlims, |1.W. double pipe organ, either Kimball or Wiirlltxer; t IIALK TALK 8$nvVICE. Nora. Xetwaska ATTENTION, HYPNOTISTS, AGENTS AND fake, trans|>ose, sight reader and orchestra man; AT LIBERTY-FIRST-CLASS BANDMASTER. Subjects!—Please write; hypnotist open for 34 years old; top sa'ary; worth it. 0. W. Mc- TRICK DR.\WIXG8 FOR KTAGE Sample and Director and Instructor wishes to locate with a clubs, smokers, entertainments, residences; part¬ KAi, Veniedor Hotel, 516 Kkiuth Wabash Ave., Hat. lOe. BA1J>A CARTtSlX SERVICE, ONikoW, band that Is ambitions. Teach all hand instm- ner wanted. JOHN BRADLEY, JR., Box 301, Ublcago, Illinois. MIsnaialn. mente; high-class comet soloist. C. M. MILLS, Palisades Park, New Jersey. Shell I.ake, Wisconsin. PIANIST AND VIOLINIST (MAN AND WIFE) ATTEl. ION, MANAGERS, AGENTS, PRO- Exchange or Swap —A. K. of M.; disengaged July 1st on any busi¬ mofers!—Intelligent, attractive young woman of U PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. AT LIBERTY—A-1 LADY PIANIST DESIRES ness; prefer high-class picture show; concert mixed blood (Oriental); expert slates, crystal to troupe or locate with a gorsl orchestra; sum¬ tour considered if terms gK Klimt. Rllrk. AT LIBERTY—CLASSIC FEMALE IMPER- sight reading planiat; does two g.MsI character sjie- pnrijr hartir^. dnjmfi. htima. stwit t«o plrtur* sonator; impressive singer and dancer; several BALLOONIST AND HIGH DIVER—NOW cialtiea; no parts; I am first class trap drummer; marhlnm. r|«*rfho fan. thrM» amall «'u»l»iaw hooking season 1918; two g>Msl, sensational free changes, drawing card; known the world over; bells, traps; do small bits; have short cast* rlertrlr llalit plant, alngle and trai»rte. attractions performed by one man. balloon as<'cn nnind Uv. thrw small t^U. m'^rry. Her- vaudeville musical comedy, minstrel, circuses. scrlpta; direct them; age. .37; Isitli thoroughly .\derienced. relishle; no orchestra work; always• Inineisra afni rlierMtata. band untfomu. TaJi u»r thirty* (net): high dive ladders are well e<|uipped with make good; reliable managers only. Salary? Your electric lights for night performances; good P r<'nt)»K, K*wt4»rt^ AT LIBERTY—EXPERIENCED PIANO AND Ohio. drum team; Iwate or troupe: salary, rfasonable. committees, get in touch with me: July 4th still Tickets if far. Address MUSICAL TEAM, fia33 oiien. .\ddress or wire. C. A. CHANDLER, 618 PIANO-LEADER—DOUBLE TROMBONE IN Ijikp Park Ave., Chicago, Illinois. North NoIpIo .St., Imlianajsilis, Indiana. band; marrbsl; exempt; union: arrange; giMsI[ For Rent or Lease library, and can play It; no orchestra less than I 3a PER WORD. CASH WITH SOPY. 5 pieces: at lih*Tty after June 15. .tdilress AT LIBERTY ACCOUNT SHOW CLOSING CAN FURNISH YOU FIBBT.(H.AS8 PIANIST MUSICIAN, 5625 Kaat lOlh Ht., Kansas t'lty. Mo.] Na adv. accegtrd fee lets tkaa 2Se. for Summer—A-1 versatile comedian or straight for summer resort or hotel; state salary and man for reliable tab., musU'al comed.v. bnrles?): fdijr nf 9o,oiN>: all in trio or quartette: write original openings and draft; ext»erienced In concert and on-hestra; A. arwl up to «Ulr. i*rrfrr marTl««l maj) Ad' finales; also two clever chorus girls and young K. M.; sober and reliable; formerly with Kryl's; dress FAIRII.AMV TIIH\Tlt?L Niehirjgan. 5>3A prima donna; reliable managers wire or write; CHIEF LIT-^" BEAR—OLDTIME INDIAN Band; locate er first cis-s stis-w companv. Wire programs and further particulars hy letter. Ad¬ lecturer and side-show man, talks on all aiib- or write OEO. PATTERSON. .ManKUiii. tikla. dress BENNIE NORRIS, 213 Clinton St., Penn Jects; I have wife and daughter; my daughter, For Sale—New Goods Tan, New York. 7 years old, who answers .VlO questions, a gwid YOUNG MAN (19), AMATEUR, ABLE TO DO 3e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. bally: circus side-show managers, take notice. Jewish comedian, would like to loin hiirlcs<|ue Na adv. aeotglad far leee tkaa 29e. 618 N. 8th 8t.. Philadelphia, Pcnnaylvanla. company. Write MARTIN WEINER, 181) AT LIBERTY — EXPERIENCED PIANIST Uhrystle St., New York City. nji TWTII (Walnia) l-FARtT XOVia.TY OO. and drummer; bellz, xylophone; location with DRUM3CER—EXPERIKVCED VAUDEVILLE. 405 Flilalgo IW., (tealtie, Wsahlnghai. orchestra preferred, but will work piano and pictures, musical comedy, xylophone and bells; YOUNG MAN PIANIST-REFINED HABITS, dnima; go anywhere. PAUL ADAMS, care Elec¬ Just finished up a eeason of Paotages vand. in got>d tcfdmlc; ilesirea |s>sttloii. ran also furnish FAMOttR OFAU BEAD RIXG8 Hsmples. SV. tric Palace, Tyler, Texas. Southwest; no grind and reliable mgra. only. riollnlst; experienced In teaching, Th-kct? Yea. MARRY WAGNER. Maker. I'ollsvlUe, I'eiiii-ilvanlk DRUMMER, 1428 Illinois Ave., Sheboygan, Wls. Addreaa PIANIST, BllllHiard, Clm lunatl, Ohio. KXIVEH ANT) DAtKilOtH FOR KXIFF. HACKS- AT LIBERTY-FOB ANYTHING THAT ~ Ihrwsed Hlfv-I Knives, easy otomer. $4.28 pw pays, two good novelty arts, hand balancing and Daggcm. double islgirl, k liirti hltdea. $3 o« Roman ringe; wagon show preferred. B. RENZO, In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. X?W IDIM MFU. CO., 536 S. loth HL. rtillk-lelpht*. Crookaville, Ohio. * I'ennwlTtiilA, JUNE 16, 1918

WAN'l'Ki*—Good Vmatllr MHIdns Perform*™. rT

WANTED -Oenersl BuslneH Actor with speclsltirs DEA*kt*e and prolongs the life of ttym Om-t trirt erence: state an In first letter. .^UAKim MEDICINE matter suitable for your act or needs. tl»a.«» U»e f. r aij Ir.ei (ood Amatesm cooaldered. DICK LINTASAT Stag "“O’h* »*l»er. blowing Germtny off the map. loons and Parachutes: Monkey Balloon and Parachuta; yV th-ntth-ne basltiesa;bu-sltiesa; located within WANT$n> GoGO.ATGO.aT .AT TRAINERTRAINEl Mast be exempt from J fe«‘ J®"*; • 1'"* "ifelfw desi'TS. R. K Pop-Em-ln, Roulette Wiert; Aluminum Ball Spindle. MUmMiles Theatre, fleseland.neselti.d. OhkaOhio. jcy*drafL sober ai.dand reliable,reliable. wouldwisildwi cons-derconsider UdSUdy ama- : »*»«- teur. CAIT.4'AI^ C.C E.F* PEARSON. Paris.PariA Ulln.Hs.lilimiim. down gfree^. turned any dlractlon ana brin^ barfc. ing Glc^p .\rkan^s Kids; all surlt*?! C amlTtl tour. tAii. A. h. tan*. uiin.H*. Eterytblng operated by wireless from a distance with and fVrm-esalon CKiodB of all kinds: Magic, illusion* For Sale—Second-Hand Goods ri,. _s_. In hand Last words In wlreles*. JOHN and Eecape AiSa; Bridge and Box Ball Alleys; Bllck. WANTElr-^^urw /'Vet'"; W n® W.. RAIBAI GHMAN. WlreleasAVlreleaa Expert. Dorset.Dorset, Ohio.-Ohio - Tjpewrltor. like new, $10.00; WatsonWilson PlanoPlino Orcheetra; 2* PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. object; also Snake Oitnner and few others adapted —' Wurlltaer. paper played. Band Organ. Na 146; S- N* ad*. axcagteS tar lata thaa 25e. to freak buMnesa. Apply or write L CR.AIG. Victoria LADT PARTNER WANTED—One able to take lead octare Deagaii I’lia-Fon, like new; Folding Organ; Hneel. South Beach. Staten Island. Phone, floufh I in first-class Ttuderllle sketch: must he g<^ looker and I Small Crank itrgan; new and a>ed Prof. Trunks; $ TEN-PIN'NTT ALLEYS at $100 each. 2 at |115. sinwr Photographs will bo retunied. Addrees Tenu for all purposes; large, complete ItramaMc Out- 1 at $150. Drafted. BOX 384. Jnhr.atnwn. Pa MCRPHV. rare Rillbnerd. fit; new and ased Scenery and Banners, at bargain , wanted—Man. pianist, plav parts and special- ■ --- prices; Band I’nlforme: Full Dress and Tuxetlo Suits; ge AVINSLOW BALLBEARING ROLLER SKATER also man feainre sperialiies tn>l play pan* PARTNT7R W.ANTED By lady with small I*og .Act anything In the .show Busliiew. new or used, we liaro I Md IfM than month c» $4 SA^^guaranle^ per- Three-day alanda. lent state salar*. e*.. R, \V. j wort In sketch; INr Wharton, write. MAcbBi It. «r can get IL Write us your wants and sell, us J P REDINGTGN. Scranton. Pa. DiDD. Bangor. Michigan I.A M.ARR, 326 W. 5th SL, Newport. Kentucky. josir goods. Largest dealeni In ased Show Ihop -erty In America. WESTERN SHOW PROPERTIES B'jrKFNSDERFERfv Uk* new. $l(t.»0, caee In- W.ANTED—Guitar player that can sing and fake PARTNER WA.NTED -5f*n-Man to do straight for CD.. 518 Ueltwsre St.. Kaiua* City, Mlatouri. rludel Coronaa Cnderwoods, etc.; bargain: shlppeil organ; also other performers who can change for week M^kfeee comedian. I hare ait and wardrobe. If you <- approTil; guaranleeil EDWARD LaZEU.E. 515 Must Join oo wire. Stale lowest sure salary. FRANK hare a yolce and can sing, answer Address ISLATS), . .. .1. lo.—s. GOLDEN. 2518 Maclay Are.. Bronx. New York - —-- "• ■ — inGAini, BALLOON FOR SALE-One 66-rt. Balloon. In good V"rr tVark. Oilcago. lUlnots. are of Billboard, riminnail. Ohio. * i-ondiuon; one 28-fL 'Chute, good as new; about 550 _ ---- ft. of half-inch Guy Rope, about 300 ft. of wind riBER TRCNTvR -35 Inches or ST Inche* long. I WANTED- Repertoire people In all lints; must do PIANO PLAVTR OB MAt.KIAN who can furnish ropes. Clamps for pole*. 2 Pulleys. Sand Bags. 2 l-rgr .‘lies. $7'oo e*ch. reel bargain*. WILUAMS. speclailte*. ThU com^ny rtiys srotll towns. mn,, ,, p.nner with yaudedlle act of TUMs• $75 OO“ir qukk”2di. third^th rsi Park SL Lou'r. Ml..ouri. j moM "' v '’•‘r®* 'ndependen-Iy and Irareling by auto BAR- 1 bJire C O. D. IuIt RE^’OU^.^B^ Mlddleyillu New York, N'ELI* 47 Jones Street. Dayton, Ohio. j I^b. Co.. St. Louis. FIIR RAIJ; Rolospeed Prtntlng Machine, complete. rr*d\ for use. perfect working order, price. $2* J W.ANT PARTNER. QITCK Female Impersonator AU..AN TUdKE. Nore. Nehreak* Manuscripts, Sketches & Plays and rube comedian, to Join wife and self in a new | B.ALLOONS. PARACHITES. INTL.\TORS. Acnee- sotlra; stele your reuulrements. THOMPSON BROS.' I* PER WDRD. CASH WITH COPY. ,...... Tauderllle act. Must sing and be gmsi ...in parts...- This nAii.nrAVivr m t.in*. nii~si. Ft*R SALE-80* oiThe«lr*llons. all stendard and Ne aily. atctglid far lata that 2S*. I Ls partnership -split four ways. Prefer those that B-'LLOON1NG CO., Aurora. lulnou. "••■t. *1« Eb ctarinet; low pitch. Write, will glre - * dance or play musical instrument*. Act now booking. ———— u names and low price. JOHN LABNO. Broadway ACTS. PLAT.'A ANT> SKETCHES—Written t» fit I BOX 270, Omaha. Nebraska. BANXER.R!—BestBANNERS!—Best Inin the land at lowestlo prices; or- D.ritry. H.gwwell. Virginia. you: with pep and punch, uperlal mutic; reenpdard ^ der now before adrance oomea and tare big money; raudeolUe art* using my material. DcV.AlGNTE. WANTED ATHLETIC GIRD-Or one willing to some second-hand Banners on hand; ^d description For t - Fort Wajne Cnmpenasrc, SO. 40 and 50 Room 1106, 538 So. Dearborn. Oilcago. Illtnrt*. learn, for big time raudryllle *iL Ticket? Yes. Rtafe estimate. ENKEBOLL SCENIC CO., amp Un*. roll. 110; In A-1 ooodlllon: bargain, for age. height, wrelght: send p^>to. ALLEINR. 533 Ores Omah*. Nebraska v ruck sal*. $33 00. Addrat* CHAR HI M5IEU 439 ANOTHER NEW ON"B--''Hearts and Diamond*.'' cenL Grand Rapid*. Vltchtgan. Nu tVaman Art., lodlanapolu, Indiana. comedy-dramatic sket h. Cast three and one. Always - ■ — ■■ BEAlTIFfL HXl'SION (Thron), Cuff Kay*. pletaec Price. $1 00. HTGH LESTER. Andorer. O. PCrSOUSll Picks. Spirit Locks and Chllar; Mummified Stuff. Pit ILL! SIONR. RVIALLER MAGIC. H VNDCI FTR. Stuff. Photo Light; bargains; Punch Banner. 9x16. WdXPLRITL BAROAINR-ElectrIc Mind Reading OIJ) 'THEATER PROGRAMMER FOR RALE— «a3e PERwrw WDRD.WORD CASH WITH CDPY. $5: Minstrel Banner. 9x16, $4; Museum at Anatom.'. Outfit. Hand uff AcL Coffin Sljttery. Chlnree Coe- I bare a rery tae aiid rare coIlertlOB of VIeohantcal Wax Figures; stamp or no reply. SHAW. turn**. Cauldron lllualon. Butterfly Illusion. Hauntcil old Theater Pro^mmet. many of which conuln N* adv. accegttd far lata thaa 25e. Victoria, Missouri. Wunlow Enchanted Bust, send stamp for llata of him- th* namea ct famous i*iors and artresse*. most al Jr*d* of bargslna Dl'NNlNGEB, 810 Jackson Art., whom h*** passed sway; all lb* rrogramme* are In ** BELLE. Chet- i brqWN STRIPE CONf'ESSION TENT-8xl0. fl¬ Rnni New York City. (mdgood condition and will*r1H be »c4d singly or In loea A ter.ier. .'Ionian*..loniona. lot., brand new. 6-fl. side wall; stakes, poles, rope*. Iomplet* list, glrlng the ramrs of the leading profes- -„-rr-ir.o f , $20 .JO EDD HYDE. 1520 N. Broadway. Mun.le. dimal petFle <® the rrogrammes, also *‘aes of SAM IIOfSTONnot STON FBDM 'TEXAS—ForTEXAS—For pparticulars Indian*. dieet, on rrfiueit Address F G KOHI.. 25 Opera wnfe or wire M. SOMERS. Pocatello. Idaho 8t . S Rottoo. Mtsaachuartta. I l”.*rr. Cincinnati. Ohio. ~~ : ~ ~ ''r~ 7; CATALOGFB OP MAGICAL BARGAINS. 1« cartwright. 620 Lme sl. Decatur. VARVLN CAHSLER PAI.M READF.RS. Gyp*T PL.VTR ANT> VAI DEVILLE MATIIRIAL In type- Printing Machinery & Supplies t)ueer.« Regina Hexapbonm. $30 00 and $**00. Ni- rliren manuscript fora: Professional* and Amateur*, 3* PER WDRD. CASH WITH COPY. li.nal N'orelty Scales. $22 50 SLOT M.VCllINE E\-t-.\- n.ind stamp foeroe catal'Wuecat*i.wue_ N Y.T PL.VTii_'i B1RE.81'.ni ivt-si . N* adv. acoaatedacoagtad far lata thaa 25*.2Sc. C.ALIJOPE-Tangley. 43-whi»tIe. with motor: good < HAMiE. 124* Vine Street. Philadelphia ! -.-.'5.■'‘-..5 IVeaturIircatur Are.,Are.. New.New York City. _new; two shijipliig crates. Sell for $350. Scenery -- _---- FOR SalJL-nmee FnIHee- TWstee FeeHee. Iskes TwO flSt Set*. 12-ft. Stuff; tWO dje **t* tO fit StmO. VFT FOR SALE Also coaplrle rlggl'ig f"r living REAL UVT! BOOKS FOR RFAL IJIJTE VE PFiJPLEPTiJPLE - 43x60 Inches' fold* fmir fnlda- rtrht * snwle- handsome bungalow hnase with two drop*, ceiling wurti set net and all ropes almost new Balance fats free- B B SHE3UDAN OO. 417 F,. ISItt Si.. '®>«. Dght *n^. piece; sell for $130 complete. WAILAC’EWALLACX Ct'TTBR.CrTTBR. Klt KETT. New York. wW rell at a b^aln .1 « hire list'Sfed”*'^!^;; fitterCutter Mockstock Co.. Corning. NesrN'esr York. - « 9th strerL (Ynclnntll. Ohio. - . I _ .. i; 777 Hoe pre« with folder THE BILLBOARD PIB. --T-T-- -- smiPTS-JIaslrelSiBIPTSi—JIasJotl (Vtnedy.Omedy. $2 00: Dramatic, $3 00; CO.. 23 27 Opera Place. Clndnnatl. Ohio. ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS-Cloud*. Ripple*. NEW IJ.-tTIJ.T snrVJNTJsnrONTJ HAND MAGIC-Ja»l ou-: B’*rkf*-e,B'sekfa-e, $100:$I 00: llwtlist fn* stamp DeVAIONTE MAN- ___ Wsterfills. SpotllghU. Scioptlcon*. Hock More- free ,-aialofue.logue. lap.Itr. LINDHORST 5L\GIC»L\C.IC SHOP. VSfTlIPTVSfRIPT CO.. Room IlOg. 538 Pa DearNwtiDearNwn St. CYil-CTil- rev * re _• T *. x* ment*. Lenses and General Suplles; »*ye fifty per cenL Dep' It B.». SI Loul*.Louie. MlaourililiKiuri ago. Illlncd*.r.llncdt. _ CSCnOOlS, berVlCeS, instruction NEMTON. 303 west ISth Pi.. N>w York.

NI.fiT MACHINES Bargain*, rebuilt and nlrkel- It PER WDRD. CASH WITH CDPY. i s.ai,k—Something new under the sun: Doll lUled like new. Mill* O. K Gum Yfaehlne*. Oiwramr Miscellaneous for Sale Ns adv. actagtad tar It** that 29e. i Rack Air Rifle Shooting Gallery; the btggvst novelty liell« Che k Boys. Target Prarllr#. IJewev* and Elec- 3, pgR WORD. CASH WITH COPY.--—- ■ j Intfi thetile (YmcresloiiCVmcwftlofi line. Write HARRY SMITH. If C .shr»k Machine*, •pedal Machine Gum KEENEY Na ggy. acregtad far lata thaa 28«. BERE A HYPNOTIST—Learn the hypnotichyrnotic profeatlon;profeation; I Gratg.Grata. Pennwlranl*.Peinnvl^tnla, A SoNs CO . 2901 Indtana A»e . Chicago - — " ■ ■ the opportunity 1* your*, grasp It now Write PACK------'■ ■ nni M HTADR White. tr*n«p»renL $1 25 to f. T5; WA.\A. 2219 W. 47th47ih St.. Chicago.Chicafo. Illlnol*.lUlnola. FOR SALE—3-lnSALE—3-ln-l l freak show, banner. 12x6 feet; I1 PfVnTTYa #TVlPntr^P^^^^ i" ' KOHLMANN. 4*03 S _—' ■ --■ ■ -. — two-facedtwo-facesl c*L 1l plgpig with 1 head. 2 bodies and 8 legs,legs. A urilisnea AOOniS ^ineaincai^ Troy si.. CWcago. inmolv learnLEARN MINDmind RE.ADTNO—Vfyreading—Vfy corapldecoraplete copy- 1 catfish with 4 legs and 6 homv Address M.AR-nNM.ARTlN . mrm ...... ^— righted ad. for two people, covers fire different "ef- (NJN'NOLLT, care Funston Cafe. Camp Funston. Kan I*l« PtRPER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. KNIVTcSKNIVFB FOR HARACKS-Prest tin hamllet. assorted fei*"; roly $5; send stamp for particular* to PROF. - Na atfv.ady. aceattttfaeeagted fartar ItvaI*** tkaathaa 2525*.c. rr>lora.cv.loe*, 53$3 SO.50. $5 oe,06. $6 50 per lOO; cash with otMer: Z.ALANO. 406 Ei.st Marshall SL. Ithaca. Nisr York. FOR SALE CHE-AP—TrackCrTE.AP—Track MerryMerry-Go Go Round. Cnn-CVwi- - —- - ---—-- - —-- no catalof.catalog. A. W. DOWNS. 328 W. Vfaln St . Bat- ■ -.. - deeman FerrU Wheel, both ccenrlete.ceenrlrte. In fine condi¬condl- FoREt»R bent-FRENT-PIre,ire, four and two-room apartment*.apartnmit«, '>•tU Creek.Orefc, MichiganMlrhlaan 'fME MFAZEU S BALl-ET SCHOOL—All kind* tlon.tion. i-UesslrUweil R.s'k Spring*. Wyoming. ILARRTHARRY fimUhedfinilsheil fnrfoe llftitlight houarkrtmlnghouaifcftying. AddressAddreaa F.AIRT-FAIRY- ——— ■ " " ' ~ Dancing AiU origlntted for great artiste. yiuderlUe FYOrED. Billboard. St, Loul*. MLsaourl. L\\l>LWIi TIlFre^TKE.THF-A'THr ShHwfan.s.ress 10x14. 12x13, 12x14. Dining or RefrrehmentRefreehment Tent*—Tents- iv rt on I.ako Erie; all concert wtwk, only elran-eut w.i.t■ slsl endand Witchwatch resultsresults, package and Instructions.Instrurtlon*. IV, ^Q-XianU dnOW iT^Op. lOF OalC 10x14. 10x20. 12x20. 12x24. 14x21. 14x24. 16x28, Chau "in rmployeil CAPIDJL COU-ECtE, 1070 Nell Are . ,hroe.hree. 60c;60e; fire. $1$1,00, 00. dosrn.dosen. $2 00 BR CHEMICALi HEMIC AL pew wnpn caau isriTu mpv tsuQua OotBPartment ^Ynts—10x30, 12x20, 14x24 ' -miius. Ohio. CO.•.» BoxD_ 69.ea Beaumont.n....wunu. Testa. .. vnsn wiin t,urY. Show'Tent* 20x30.vossn 20x40.eiwin 20x60.'>nw4ta 30x45.yosis yiwsn30x50. 30rnwinx60 N* adv. aecagtad far Itu thaa 25e. {3Sx.8*. 40x60. soxOO. 60x90, 70x115. 118x200. an.4 VIsiciaN and I.ECTfHER wants msnsgrr WANT 'TO BOOK Parker Carry-rs-All. fwo- ---many arUcIe* In Second-Hand Ca-nras. Side Wtll. 'll'.s KEAGAN. 106 Garfield Plare. BnsiklTn. N. Y. shroast. with food carnlesl. or will sell cheap for cash. 20 FlIX DRESS COA'TS, allghlly tolled. $1 25 etc. Write for hargalns D M KERR MFO CO., -----— Addrews L R. MrBRlDE. Neosho. Mlaaourl. each: state site: 10 Hlnd suits. 5 pieces to a suit. 1007 Msdlsoii St., Chicago. slIITT WRITERS I'lpeonen. we haee a rssl " good aa new. $3.00 rach; I satin devH's outfit, tights and all. complete, worth $.50.00. like new first $10 oo FOR SAAIE—I'-Bo*t Fight on Ocean: right up-to- ’It I ulorado. you WESTERN r.vRM LIFE ivu- MuslcalMusical InstiTimentsInstruments t«ts R, I aalln Hindoo outfit, worth $75 oo. first data novelly combined with mechanl.-*! theater: can FOR SAIC—SCCONO-NAND. $13.50 get* It; 10 deetl's outfit, cloak effect with hooda. b* played on stage and under cany**: will sacrifice ' M I’EVnjE AIT'S Musical cometly lah script* 2* PER WDRD. CA»H WITH CDPY. $2.,50 each, new; 200 English helmet*. Belgian hare, for any petce: first comes get* It DR. 31. .MTIIM- '*'0 Act* written to order. reh«*r*e«i siiil pt*ceeen en rente sereii raivilh* with¬ In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continued on page 50i out -Iwing r D. WHETTEN. Derlli lAke. N. D I POR SALK—20th OntuiT Track Mcrry-Oo-Round: THIRTY VERT HEAVY, well made Steamer AI-Ij kinds op FEATI'KEH WANTO) ' (HKxl organ, tub; $400. CLABJ-rstaj KKAUSK, Bur¬ Trunks; cost $12, guaranteed, $5 each. BEDINUTUN Theaters for Sale luril: «iiy Iriiflh; girn full (Irarriptlon In (irv CO.. Scranton, rrnnsylvanla. wlih mimi'lclo Itrt; no Junk. 1’. O. BOX • ' lington, Iowa. 3e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. Ne ada. aecaplad tar Itaa thaa 2Se. lln, (Hilo. W.VR OR NO WAR—But remember that the Chi- FOR SALE—Tent. 80-ft. round top (only), needs rago Theatre Wrecking Exchange will swap or trade few patches. $75; .30-lnch Taylor trunk, fine con- GOOD START FOR LIVE WIRli Miners’ Grand AMERICAN PATRHITIC MILITARY, sl,,^, with you for anything you hare no use, for some¬ Theatre, Femta, Britlidi (\>lumbla: population, S.OOO; Wcsl Point and Diir .Nsvy, new, $2.'.. leii iLn.i, < T diliiai, $12; 18-iuch genuine walrus handbag, new, thing you have use. in everything in the movie line. $15: two ten plnnet bowling alleys, portatilc, $1.'«0 each; l.OtMt miners; suitable fur pictures or road shows; nly reels, wlih i s|m-v. I2r’; three Max Linde- „.ji™ Opera Chairs, Moving l*lcture Machines. Pianos, Cur¬ will traile BILLY B. URANE. Box 313. Clinton. Ind. on fhs elrmilt of the I’nlied I’roducing ivimjisny; $10; 4-reel Eingieaii War picture, special llthnaran^ tains. Electric Supplies and Film, we buy. sell, trade rent or lease; only one other picture house In town. $75; Ibipertiiii'e, 7 reels. $75. everytlilng n— and swap; let us know your wants. THE rillCAdO Apply H. MARTIN, Seejr., Drawer 82$. Femle. 4.500 ft. of betullful Snsdc Him. new, $411 si.™ THEATRE WRl^KINa EXCHANGE. 5011 Ootlago British Columbia. for reply. LVD.NS. 1220 Vine Ht., Phlisile|j.tili ft Grove. Chicago. Illinois. WILUAMS’ 18-HORSE RACE TR-XCK—Uke new Used Costumes for Sale (TIATUNfA-Fout two-reel aubje-'ts; In flne (used three weeks); good Kbikl Tent. I0zI2, srire and lllmi; full m-la, with owe, three and -li globes (cunt $165.00): complete outfit, $80.00; real 2e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. vnuntnl; $40.00 a aubJecL locludiiif pai>er 11 bargain. R. WGilLER. 1527 Carr street. SC Louis, Nd adv. aecaptsd ftr Itaa thaa 2$e. ’ITY FllA’n’RK FILM CD., log Wral 5ai Si Missouri. Innatl. (Nilo. FOR SALE—Ladies’ traix-ze wardrol-e. silk and sllkoUne; wUl sell cheap. MARIE HAYES, FosUirla. Ohio. EiriBON ST’RJrs FIfiawi hundred reels as m Songs and Music p. Write for list ATLAH KaH’CATnoNAL" PIIaJ le PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. (>.. 63 Kail Adama SC. Chicago. Ne adv. aecegted far Itaa than 2Se. Wanted Partner (CAPITAL INVESTMENT) EXCILINOEN—Uvm up jour business, put h AGENT ANT) SINGERS WANTED—’To seU the Se PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. •ubjecta- are wlU rent you moofj-getting Film Lewis Musical Jluaeum. 1, 2 and 3; 65 different songs, Ne adv. Maapted far Itaa than 2Ss. paper, in any quantity, at Slk: per reel per' etc., with specisi war edition, all by one author. Sin¬ gle copies mailed for 15c: In 100 lots. Sc s copy; no PARTNER WANTED with $ oc 3 small sbosvs; to free samples; splendid opportunity for Fairs. Caml- play the beat falm In Ky.; day and night grind; I vsls imd Camp Workers, NATHAN L. LEWIS, 123 have Parker (wrry-us-all and concesalona. Write or East 8Sth St., New York. wire quick. JONES CONCTXSIoN CO., Danville. Kentucky. AN IDEA OF TOT'RS. set to catchy music, cor¬ rectly wTitten for your act. should Interest you—sing, WANTED PARTNER—Lady or gentleman with FOR BENT OR SALE, to responsible partlm, era, producers. Terms reasonable. CHAS. E. BRAl'X, $2(H) to take half Interest in small traveling tlieatre 992 Gratiot Are.. Detroit. Michigan. Mcrry-Go-Bouiids, Ocean Wave. Swings. Ball Gamca company (repertoire): new system: splendid oppor¬ and Shooting Gallery. ILtKRY SMITH, Grata. Pa. tunity for young lady who ran do sperlaltlca. We A REAL PATRIOTIC SONG—"When Duty OUls." would consider clever amateur. No scheme: a strictly with a stirring appeal; It’s a song yost’ll like to elng business pruposiUoa, and those meaning business only FOR K-ILE, TENT ’niE.VTRF. COMPLETE: 50- need answer. For particulars address VAN AND foot round top, with a 31: lUt free. CATITAL MI'SEI M OF ANATOMY SUB-TECTS. ! Bunker ISU, Kansas. FILM SEKVICE. 811 E SU, Washington, D. C. Wax Figures. T’ndergiound Chinatown SHAW. Victoria, illssouri. SONGS—14.200 diffetent melodies: words and mu¬ WANTED—Systems In mind reading. Codas 1 No. .MOTIli.N PIITIBE FIL.MS FOR SAU’--Sing(» sic with each song: 140 for $1.00; 300 for $2.00. PHIL¬ ANDREWS. 891 XIonroe Ave.. Rochester, New York. Reels and Kealurea. suitable for road show I N'ITEK ONE COLLAPSIBLE ’nCKET BOO’ni. nicely deco¬ IP J. A. WEISSBERG, 545 East 144th St., New York KU-M SERVICE. 3628 Olive St., SL Louis. JILwourt rated. $7: one high diving outfit, net 12x12, polea. City. slakes, boxes, $50; all In good rondltlon: two steel MUST C7.0SE OIT QUICK—500 single-reel Wss«- arenas, fine shape; four shipping dens. Shipped on SONG WRITFJLS. A’PTENTION For five dollars em Comeiliea and Dramas at $2.00 per reel, artte f« approval upon a deposit. CAPT. C. E. I’EARSON. ($5) I will set to your lyric one of my famous, origi¬ bargain list TIlOXIPStt.N' FILM EXCHANGE. Mi»- I’arls. nilnoLs. nal. sparkling, "real hit" melodies, abounding with laiiUiwn, Kentucky. rich and wonderful harmonies, that will make any PARKER CARRY-US-ALL—Grod condition. publisher grab your song on sight One trial will bring ’THUR CURL, Tyndall. South Dakota. me all your future work. Send your lyrics Immedi¬ ately for free criticism. CHAS. MEISEL8. Musical PAIfTIES writing for information or sending orders Director. Poll’s ’Theatre. S. rantnn. Pennsylvania. to me in the past few weeks, write at oin-e. My otfice was broken into and files taken; addresses lost RAY WAR SONG—"We’re All Here. Billy. My Boy." J. FINK, Beading. I’eniisylvania. nine verses: six war parodies, hesidm the following version: He was but a soldier boy when he went over the sea. And he will he the same old BUI when he FOR BEST REST'L’TS on the screen at the lowest SAMPLE SHOE TRUNKS. $4 00 each; fiber; for cost of maintenance use tlie Oxy-Hvdro-Cet or the t’nnceasion and Show people: cash with order. H. comes bark to me. We’ll sing and dance and shout Oxy-Acet)leue method of producing light. Costs less WILLIAMS. 1312 Ohio Are.. St Louis, Misaourt with joy when Bill comes marching home; We’ll all yell. "Hello, Bill." when BUI cornea marching home. than 30c per hour. No expensive chemicals required (Chorus) We’re all here. Billy, my hoy; We’re glad you Heat grade of IJmea and Pastils always on hand SCEN'ERY CHEAP—interiors. Tormentors. Wood licked the Hun. You saved the world from tyranny; Writs for desrripUve rircular and price list on all Wings. Drops, Crates, etc ; also Dye Drops. State size KDADMirN T.VxTURER.s—We make UP In battles you have won. Over the top. away you kinds of calcium light projecting gpiillancea. S. A Films to ontrr Wir, Temperance. 'Tieite .trieunl 6 and kind wanted. THE SHEPPARD STITDIO (Eat BUSS. 807 Third Ava.. Peoria. Illlnotx. 10 Y'ears). 468 E. Slat St.. CUicaKo, Illinois. went and now your work is done. Hurrah for BUI 5'’orld. or any su8)ei4; put In snappy lllbs and ri and I'ncle Sam and soldiers every one. "The air is »ox otfice and make aatisfled patneis: eisie su Written in F to simple ai'corapaniment. Anyone can Films for Sale—New |ei-t dreirrsi and number of recta. .4n_\S n'l’C- In Kansa.s and Mi>souri; complete; $500. I*lrtupe play It. No free copies. Sent to any address on re¬ 3« PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY TltiVAL FILM CO . 63 F.ast Adama St . (Iilrigo Show Outfit, tent, seats, engine and dyi.anvi, marquee. ceipt of 30c. OLIVFm L CUNNLVGHAM. publisher. »ra. lUlnois. and preserve tile above verse. Can’t 3Vln the War’’; excellrait ciinerftct cnnditinn. Films for Sale—Second-Hand niy Price right. GUE.NTHKR HARDWARE COMPANY, •fO) RONH) I.EmniHEins-Printed, $1.66. poet- 2t PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. f>wenaboro. Kentucky._ paid; It. S. only; sample. W. KIN'NTER, Box 266, Me adv. aoeegtad far Itaa than 38a. SPECIAL FEA’ntHES. In one to seven n Brooklyn. Niov York. road men. write for Hal WESTERN SHOW ’TWO HIP HOOF ’TPDTS—12x14, with 6-fc»it $10 00 BUYS ONE REEL CIIAI’UN. "Masquvr- ERTIEH CO . 518 Delawtre SI . Kansas Clli wall of 8 ox.; top.s of 10 "Z. Good for one or two 266 LE’TTERHEADS. $1.00. Cut, 7.5e. CURTISS, ader:" two-reel drama ’’Honor of Family " (' .veara vet. Each, $15 66. ’The liest stake puller made. Kalida, Dhlu. GARTMA.N. 1016 Milton Hireet. Missoula. Mivilani. SI’Ef’IAL ’Tti IlllADMlN niapllns K> $7.50; dating outfit. $3.06; cat rack outfit, complete, and other slaiMftck Comcdlre also Western an $15.00; 2 double mantle gas lanfern.s. each $6.0(1; aix sillonal Keatiircs In ntie two and Hiree reel b folding cols. $2.00 each. Worth more than prices w lih iHwIcrs. at $2 66 |»er ris-l and up Sbiin * asked for; they must be 8

aa. In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. Mnrgaiiinwti. Kenlinky JUNE 15k 1918 51

AT LIREBTY—Wronc man; can break Imn bar HINTXK) MAGICIAN—With black art lllu.'ilnna and A-1 TRGMDONI.ST—Will consider location only; For Rent or Lease onr my arm; ilft KM DnunUa: would Ilka to hear magic; full abow or opening acta; deairea iKwhiiiga this prcferahD nrrliestra work. JoSEJII DWYER, Mu- 3a PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. from good band balancer. GtlO. St'UIFrER, 57S0 summer engagements; state your requirements, pay sldsii, W. »7th St.. New York nty. _ Manhfleld Are., fSilrago, Illlnola. and eipensea. MAHARAJA. Bos 432, Lynchburg, Va. Na adv. aaaaftad far laat tkaa 2Sa. AT LIRKRTY - Kxperirncetl organwt. dramatize pti'- JIGGLAK AND ALL AKOl'ND GY.M.NAHT- LADY PALMIKT—IV'ientlflc reader; desires openuig turrs; lniproti>w; htie library of music; go anywhere. MOVING Ple*n'RK TUBATRB--Capacity. l.iOO; Wlshea to Join rellabla art; In fourth clasa draft; write In work with road slwwr or any plsre. LAIH D. (>R(;.\M.ST. IM.'i East Michigan Are., Lansing. .Midi. flue Incailan; iraainabla rent. JiAR.NJ|}rT. 11 B. for further particulars. JACK lilRSlU, 1043 Lhin HL, THOR.NLEY. 5144 Wyalusing Are.. West Dhlladel- rinrlnnatl. Ohio._ phla. Pennsylrsnla._ AT LIl:KKTV--.\lto and comet; capable leader, li.Mh St.. New Ycwk llty. both eiperteni is|; would consider municipal band that TWO GKYERH—Acrobata. rolling globe. Juggling, MAGICIAN desires place with camiral nr clrcua offers giaxl inducements. IlMX Nal'l duldiers* nibet gun vlnnlng and Iron Jaw; lady and gent; reli¬ side-abow; write, stating all. HERMAN ifn'LliEC, Hume. Tennessee. 2d Hand M. F. Access, for Sale able. experienced; exempt from draft. EDGAR Hlllboard. Cincinnati. Ohio._ GEYEB. Hllrer Creek. Nebraska. AT lalHEKTY A*1 baritooe player; double cello; U PER WORD. CASH WITH OOPY. NOVELTY MAN—Contortionist; forward and bark single Of (ItHible; eiempt; eiperlenced; no trouping; Na ad*, aaaaptad tar laaa than 2ka. bending, band balarcing; comedy acrobat: trapese; prefer coni't'rt band, hiftel or reaort* BAIUTONIST. Agents and Managers chair balancing: beautiful wardrobe; complete stage K4 S. l»th St. Paris. Texaa._ 1 000 PTEEL FRAMER. BENT WOOD AIRDOME settings. TIM GEBOME, care Ancona Hotel, Kansas At Ltbarly Advartbamaata. 2S wardas fraa a( aharfs. City, Miasnurl. ('KIJelST (Ltdj)—Ctraduato of HnisseU ('unwrva* niAlBR. oast $2.50 few months ago. cash In at $1.25. tnry; aoluUt and gootl orchestra trio and quartette J P. REDINUTON. Scranton. I’ennaylranla. AGK.NT—Owing to miaaimlerataBdlng 1 am at Uo- PIT AND HIDE HHOW—Furnish two midget ponies; playrr; at liberty. K. W. care BUiboard. nty for adrance; salary, your Umlt; 25 yean' ex¬ high walking; wire walking by a dog; also troupe of rrllly Bldg , rhlcago. IlllnoU. 1 WE HAVE READY FOR IMMEDIATE SIUPMENT perience. O. W. OOMITUN. 1314 N. Franklin at., dogs. CAPT. H. HNIDER. Wild Animal Hbow, Alta- (XARI.NCT AT LIHKRTY -aSeferal yeAr’%' «xpc>ri> ' 250 aiua special beary, 13-ln.. good as new. Opera Brasil. Indiana.__ mahaw. North Carolina. _ I I'hairs, price, 50c each; buy now before freight rates cnee; rciKTtxiire. riirus, e«ndral. KRNKST R. IBKJKINU AGKNTH and Managers of Tabs, and iiirrcsM 25%. H. D. THEATRE HUPPLY. Til 8a WANTED GOOD JOB WITH STOCK 4*>.—Helping MARSH. Ji'o renturv Sr., Dalla.'*. Texts. Dramatla; If you can uae ro original planologue I Kolxle Arp. Chicago. lUlnola. around show tent: wages reasonable. PAUL BROWN¬ oi-ilN KOR A.NYWHKRf’^ I'linist; als<> -louhlw cnramimlcate with Frank Strickland. Alabama's Blind ING. Renton. Illtnota. pipe organ: Ktmhal) or WurlitJcr; fake, tran.«$pftae; 34 IbanlJit. 203 N. 53rd Ht.. Birmingham. Alabama. for RAUB—One Sdlion Picture Machine. $>0; WORLDH .MOST DARING BALUMJN RIDER years old. ($. W. McKay, Vencedor Uotel. jltt So. one MiSal Booth, $33; one Rhenstst. $2(1; nos (bir- MANAGER PHOTOIOiAT THEATRE’-Heren yearn' would like to Join balloon company or csmlral. King Wabajfh. (Tileago, llllnolii. tsln. $20. Writs L H. WHA.N, Manhattan. Kan. ezperteoce; age, 43; can gtro references; bankers; sin¬ Kelly, wire. JERRY MARHH. Kmart Hvt Minstrels. SAXOPHONE TUlo^ iNtuOle baiiil aixl orchestra; il<> gle; want position as manager: go anywhere. JAMEM Bowling Green. Kentucky. June lllh._ two BpH'laltieH; one uf us cioublew piano; locate or A.sBEHTOR BOOTHH—Don't buy new onm when B ELL*t, Box 138. Excelsior Hprlngs. Missouri._ trarel: reiial>le pwipie. .MTSK'AL MITTHELL^. 3434 you ran get used ones at half price; I hare them. J. moving PimTRE OR VAUDEVILLE THEATRE Colored Performers Kurtie* St . I'tttHburRh. l*efin'iylTanla. p REDlNGTO.N, Hcrauion. Ptnnaylraala. MA.NAQEB—Wants position; married; fourth clam THAI* imr.MMKH .Marrietl: exempted. A. K. f draft; best referencas; reliable huMler; age. 23. A. At Llksrty AdyerllssaMats. 28 wards, frea tf eharta. M ; iheatre prrfermi; wife. trombone; Mngle or )olnL EUI.hoN M. P. MAUHINE-fXmiplete; Star M. L MARTIN, Gen. Del., Blueflrid. West Virginia. LrrAS-JKN'KS. 1 Hninell St.. \V*ycn»«Ji. tJeorglt. r. lens, 6 reels of film, 4 comedy rrein, 9 announoe- HOITHER.N COON HHOtTER AT LIBERTY—All TREAHl RER OB YIANAGIOl In Tauderllle or VIOLINIST AND nAMst Man and wife, ilesire mrnl slides, curtain. Perfect taa tank, rompirie. 3 photoplay theatre; 8 years' experience; not subject to responsible managers minstrel ahesr. LEHHIE ROH- ran* ether, all fur $125.00; $50 cash, bal. O. D. D. BERG. 2012 Harden Ht.. Columbia. Boiith Caroliiia. to locate in I'olorado, stantlard liitrary; referenrew draft; understands BIm fares: no boosor; furnish A-1 to prore cornpetency. MT'SICAL niKKlTOll, 1340 R. L OILLAN. P. O. Box 211, .Norway. R C. refermres. BOX 122. Marlon. lows. N. KefUie Ate.. 3c1 Flat, riiirago, IllinoU. VAUDEVILLE THEATRE .MANAGER, press agent, Dramatic Artists VIOLINIST' Kind-cla-AH; young married man; wanta FOR RAIX—Tb quit business; Power's tA Machine. adrance agent (42); locate or trarel: handle roost SI25.M; Hlmplra. $145.00: Mociograpb, $75.00; Itrw- CO(hI loratifxi out of town; prKer hotel 'tr theatre; anything; IS years' experience. U. LEE. Htag Hotel, At LIbtrly AdvartlsManti. 2S wards, frea at eharaa. Urge library JOSinMI POLEo. 341 JefferHom St.. rr'a Fire, $40.00; Oprra CYialrs, 5V. (Xnnpensarcs, rinclnnatl. Ohio._ Khcswtits. Leiisea. t^wockeU. Hermis. at gnat b^ AT LIBERTY—Director, play parts; sober, rellalde; Brooklyn. New York_ gatna THEATRE BKOKiniAGE , 112 .North La hare my own successful ^ays. Gtre full particulars, VIOLINIST—Ekperlenced in raudcvliie, (wnrert and .Halls Ht.. fhlcago. Bands and Orchestras salary, etc. BEN GREENFIELD. 1418 N. Clark Ht.. dahoe; would like rewirt or park: exempt frv MOVING PirTURE SHOW MA¬ Ads received up to that time will appear in the following week’s issue, WANTED—Position as operator at once; elerm TERIAL—Oerythlng to start; send for lUt; Edison which is distributed on Tuesday, or flve days after the forms close. Copy years' experience; must he permanent; married; so¬ Machine. $40.00; Monarch. $50.00; IWre"*. $00.00; that is a few hours late for the Thursday forms will have to wait for ber and reliable. B. P FERGUSON. Floreoca Ala. .siiDplex and Pcsset's Motor Drire; General ineriric Spot Lamp, with eolor wheel, rlieostat and atand, twelve days before the ad appears. YOUNG MAN—Desiring position as M. P. oper¬ $35.00; seml-dlrtct, 13-lnL4N. Gen. DeL, Dc ro4t. Sflchlgsn. Bell telephone. Market 15-S4. Fnienainer-,' Directory. prirw. C. B. WOODS, Hanta Boaa. New Mexico. PRODUCING WMEIHAN AND Win5-Versatlle AT LIBERTY—Good tenor sinier for burlesque of team: lingers, goal scripts: sober, reliable; have AT LIBERTY'—Performim; (b'lfs and cnmnly acn>- A-1 musical comedy, experience, wardrobe and ability; chorus wardrobe; team coiislderrd; excellent people. ballc act: tumllers and bumpers. JOE COBB. 5824 exempt from draft. DON SCHAFFER. 9*0 Nassau NINER A NINKB, IXOg 8th Axe.. Beaxcr Fall*. I**. 2iid Arenue. South Birmingham. .Vlabama. Street. Cincinnati. Ohio._ _ SKETCH TE.4M—Road abow or Taudexille; wife, B.4LLOON1ST AND HIGH DIVF.R—Now borlOng FEATURE PRODiriNO COMEDIAN AND IN¬ ingetiue. piano, drums, hells (own outfit): man. small sea.son 1918; parks, fairs and celebration i-nminltieffl E GENUE-Exempt; perwonallty; appearance; ap«-ial- get In touch with me: two gnrsl attractions. C. .4. parts. A-I pianist, excellent baritone ainger; apeclal- tlea; reliable tab., musical mroedy, Iwirlewque. llea; wardrobe. HEI.MT'ND. Hall Hotel. Denter, Col. CHANDLER. *18 N. Noble S'.. Indianapolis. Indiana. wnXIAMH A WARD, care World's Booking Office. Lyceum Rullding. Pittsburgh. PennsylTania. WIFE -.sight readre, pianist, two good character XORTHWESnniN SFX’Y'S . \< (TIUi:-High dire AT LIBERTY specialties. I am trap drummer, bells, short cast and acrobatic trick hrawo acts at p.-ace time price-*; PRODUCING COMEDIAN AND STRAIGHT WOM¬ scripts; direct them; bits; no orchestra w-wk. WILRO, book now. CAPT GEG. WEBB. 348 Wabasha SI . AN—With full tab. equipment; unlimited supply (larksburg. West Virginia._ St Paul. Minnesota. scripts; chorus wardrobe; arenrry: lobby frames, etc. Address (Y»MFJ)Y A .STILUGHT. General DelDery. Y'OUNG LADY—Sica looking, wdth two years' ex¬ THE .4ERI.4L STONES Three h1*h-i-la-s norelty Omaha. Nebraska. _ perience In rbcnis; desire place for the summer In a<-ts. Hecrelarles of fairs ami debratlon-. write for WANT SITUATION grad stock company; medium height. DOROTHY’ rsir terms. HatKa<-tlon guaranteril. 371 South Thirl HTOCK PRODUCtai FOR DRAMATIC. Burlesque REINEH. care Billboard. New York City. _ Street. Uolumbus. tlhio. _ ADV ERTIS E M E N TS of Musli-al (Ystiraly. seeeo yeare In Cniumbla Wheel clewrr. all around people; chorus wanlrobe. FRAN'K THOMPSON BROS., AERONAUTS- Hare Imme¬ diate open time fur parks and crlebratlons; write A JULIETTE MINER, 1810 Eighth Ate.. Bearer Miscellaneous Fall*. Pmnaylraida._ for terms. THOMl’SO.V BROH.’ BALLOON (.XK, Au¬ rora, Illinois__ NOT TO EXIXED 2S WORDS At LIkerty AdvarHtaataats. 28 wtrdK fra# af ekarfa. NO FOR SALE, NO HELP WANTED ADR IN- niE ROHARDS- Iron jaw trapese act and .-omeily •ERYEO FREE. Circus and Carnival AFTTBt Rr.ADING THIH ADVERTISEMENT you acrobatic act: lady and gent; July 4 and later; cash cannot tnithfulD aay you cannot find rritable man bond with contract; literature, etc. General Dellrery. CONDITIONS At LIkarty AdvartlkaaMnta. 28 ararda, fraa tf ekarta. to assist, demonstrator, handy man. WAI.TER C. Quincy. Hllnota.___ IxyttGE. Box 243. Dayton. Ohio. Advarilataaatt af aaeoftaklo totare will ba fa- ' AURGH,4T ANll KtY-ENTRU' DANfi:R~would lerltg witkaut ekarfS la Ik# Clttalllad Caluaiat. Ooea Ilka to >'ln Uuupa nr partner that can get the work. AT LIHKRTY—laAily aemciaui: would Piano Players te aay panaa staaatiad sr IdaatIRad witk Ika akaw 1. R COONS, 48 Orten* Are . Jersey City. New Jersey. Ilka to Nat In with armplana. KTA CATAIaAsSW. 130 kutlaste. If aaawars are sat sallafactary tka Rral AT LIBERTY A-I opener ftw alhlo. DIVING GlRlJl AT LIBERTY -<7o«l •gures: cos¬ A-i PIUTI’KE PI4N1ST wishes g<.Kl p*»siticHi in .4-1 NO FIEC nANDINQ AOS AOCETTCD. COFY AT LTBERTV FOR ANTTTTTVO Tn.4T PATS—Tw( tumes. etc. NGH.411 JEI'FI'DTT, Billboard. New Y.wk City._ _ picture Ixsise; expert pU-ture player: played piano 31 MUn K FVINISHED EACH WEEK. NO FREE norelty acts; hanil balancing and Roman rings: wagon years: shows 18 yfars; union: past draft. M-4l’K. show prefeerwl. BERT RF..N2io. Urookaellle. Ohio. W.4.NTra> A JOB wmi HTtHNv (N> —Harr briprai .812** 4tli Street. Marietta. Ohio._ FrrORE TIME WANTED ADI AT UBFJITY Barry's Uomeof Circus: new around tent: wages reasanable. CSAH. BAIN, Beu- ton. lllliuiIA_ AT LIBERTY—ITtnlst; steady, rrllablc man: lo¬ Yaa Must ka ready la Jala at aaaa. Writs yaar ami up-to-date act; runs 15 minutes. T. J. BARRY. cate iw trarel; long experience. MU.'ilC. 813 CTitirch ad sa eagarata akaat tf oapar. Faraia data Tkara- 302 9th Street, Triqr. Sew York. _ Ht.. Lynch burg. Virginia. day. 8 p.ai.. fpr Ipaaritaa la tka fallaartat Itaaa EI-WTRir TATTiHYING AR'nHT-1.000 design* Musicians gga^.wg.^t r.A$'k'IIT-||4N:XI lll 4NMII-^f. xreCbe.^triX NOTICE—Laltara direetad ta laltlala ONLY art to select from Tstloe retnoriiig; do sign painting, ■at dtllTtred tkreaik tka patt tffiet. If laltlala are tnd popular reetaurtiit work: exempt fn m flraft; pre¬ museum or carniral; tioae to army ramp. not In At Liberty Adrartlasaaata. 28 taaNa. fraa tf eharta. fer Went: anything consltlered. V L. R-\TUBt’N, uNd Iks Mtar akaald ka addrataad la aara af paraaa. draft. ItttNALD M UAMPBCTJ^ Pomona. Kansas. "(M ar psal affitt ksi. 1201 N Main St.. Mirvedle MU*f>ur! FIRST UI.A.HH UOtiK For cirous or stock raimpany; A-1 DRUMMER 9 yearn' experience: bare xylo¬ phone. marlinbaphiaie*. bells, ortan chlimw, traps; n.ANlST LKAPKU AM) DHIMMKK Ktjier. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO.. hare honorable discharge from the U. H Armr enced all linen; fautlertMe mu'-ical i‘i*nifdv. eft*.; ar¬ 25 Optra Plasa, Claalaaall. Okla. KRV>;N I. OLIVER, tieneral Dellrery. Washington. play them: tiaas 4: state beat salary; marrleil. JE.4.N IJCO, Gen. Del.. Rockford. Illinois. range; traii.H|»nee: travel: locate; ibeilOc Mage. H*4»«l I’emisyirania baritiMie voice. HKI.MI N!) Hall H ‘tul. iVnver. CtA. GOtlD TALKING Ul>l)WN"would like to ji'ln circus, A-1 TRAP DRUMMER for kH-allon In theatre or has lot* of |iep. perwmallty; tTereland'a champion danra hall; experiencett; age 26. A. K. of M.; hare PI.^NTST riml cla.-v*: experleiuntl In all Hnea; Acrobats masquerade clown; female Impersonator: slaay ED- bella, xylophona, full line trapa DRUMMER, Box middle DiTCHl; ivtber. reliable: KUht reah-r: wanta poeltlnn: location pr»*fem^l: .Mat** hlc^wst. JOHN* DIE RAYMOND, E 102nd Street. Ulereland. O. 194. Warerly, New York. At Liberty Advariltamaata, 28 wards, fraa af ehario. aai A. OTTO. 1^3.3 HlHaril St. UaTbni. o» in._ AT LI BFIRTY — Acro(>al: ran tumble ami can do a little itwoedy; out of draft: height. 4 ft., II In. WIU< W.4]U>, 785 Dean Ht., Brooklyn, New York. In Answering Classifled Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continued on page 55)

e i

BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. Tour.iliie Co., '251 Caoaeway st., Boston. Mass. COASTER CARS De Moulin Bros. A Co.. Dept 11, Greenville. Ill. Witty, Schmitt A Co.. 1407 W. Jaeksoo Blvd.. Phllailelphla Totuiggaa Co.. 130 Dnval st Phil* Pudlin & Perry, 125 Prince st., New York City. Chlrags, 111. DIRECTORY BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. . CANES AND WHIPS COIN COUNTING MACHINES* AND • ewman Mfg. CJo., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬ .\dvanre Whip Co.. 287 Elm sL. WestOeld, Mias. WRAPPERS land, O. Brazel Novelty Co., 1710 Ella st., Cincinnati, 0. Abbott Coin Counter Co., 106 Sixth ave n«. Adrprtispnmits not oxpeedlnit onp linp in York City. ' Ipngth win be publiobed, properly rlaonifled, in BADGES AND PREMIUM RIBBONS I'leveland Cane Co.. Cleveiand. O. Ihi* directtry, at the rate of $10 in adTanre per New England Flag A Regalia Co., Stamford. Ct. I. Elsenstein A Co., 44 Ann st.. New York. COLD CREAM Gibson Mdse. Co., 714 N. Broadway, St. Lonls. year (52 iasues), provided they are of an ac¬ Ryan Mfg. Co., 182 E. 124th st.. New York. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slst it., N Y C ceptable nature. Price includes one year's aub- I '•Tin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. srription to The Billboard. BALLOONS Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleveland, CONCESSIONAIRES’ SUPPLIES Levin Bros., Terre Haute Ind. Kaeh additional line or additional claMiflca- Ohio. A^erlll Mfg. Co., 87 Union Sgnare, New York M. Silverman, 337 W. Madison st., Chicago. tion, without subscription, |T.50 in advance per Shyrock-Todd Oo., 824 N. Eighth st.. St. l»uls Frank J. Schneck A Co., 1407 'rlmea Bldg., N. y! annum. BALLOONS N. Share Co., 237 241 W. Madison at.. Chicago. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City. One line will be allowed to advertisers, free (Hot Air) iH of charse, for each $100 worth of space used Braxel Novelty Co.. 1710 Ella st.. Cincinnati, 0. CAPTIVE BALLOONS FRANK J. SCHNECK &, CO. during the year. Kindel A Graham; 891 Mission st., San Francisco. DoUa. Plllowa. CAnillos. Basketa Etc. i S This directory is revised and corrected weekly, Northwestern Balloon Co., 2405 Clybonm ave., lt(V Tlsiai Bldr. Naw York. changes in firm names and addresses being re¬ w.lp TO corded as soon as received. F. 6. SEYFANG Thompson Bros.’ Ballooning Co.. Aurora. Ill. I46S Brsadway. New York. Cnited States Tent A Awning Co., 2'29 North TIP TOP TOY CO. ADVERTISING FLAGS Deaplaines at., Chicago, Ill. CARBIDE LIGHTS 114 E. 28th 81.. Naw Yark. (Of All Basoriptlona) BALL THROWING GAMES The Alexander Mllbnm Co, Balrlmor,. Md American Flag Co., 7S to 77 Mercer at.. New Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton at., Chicago. The Penn Novelty (3o., 908 Buttonwood sU, CARD AND DISPLAY BOARDS York City. Philadelphia. Hurlock Bros. Co., Mfrs., Philadelphia. CONES ADVERTISING NOVELTIES ^ Sycamore Nov. Co., 1326 Sycamore st., Oln’ti. The American Cone A Wafer Co.. Dayton 0 X. Shure. 237-241 W. Madison st.. Chicago. Western Fruit Grader and Mfg. Co., Grand CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SHOW A. T. Dleti, 127 Michigan at., Toledo, O. ’ I). F. Sllberer, 16 E. 23d et.. New York City. Junction, Col. BANNERS Ringer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. BAND MUSIC United States Tent A Awning Co., '229 North CONE MACHINERY AERIAL ADVERTISING Dixie Music House, 105 W. Madison st., Chicago. Desplaines at., Chicago, Ill. lAnler A Drteobach. 248 Butler at., Ctnclnnail 1 I Brazel Novelty M(g. Co., 1710 Ella at., Cincln’tl. BANNERS CARNIVAL GOODS CONFECTIONERY MACHINES Silas J. Conyne, 3^ McLean ave., Chicago, Ill. Baker A Lockwood Seventh and Wyandotte sts., Gustave W. Cohen A Bro., 744 Broadway, New W. Z. Long Co„ 76 High at.. Spr.ngfleld. (). AERONAUTS Kansas Ci’v. Mo. York. Belmont Sisters’ Balloon Co., Box 35. Reed City, Sampliner Adv. Co., Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N.Y. CONFETTI Michigan. Schell’s Scenic Studio, 581 S. High st., Colum¬ KEWPIES Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. bus, 0. AEROPLANES TIP TOP TOY CO.. 114 t. 28th St.. New York. CORK SHOOTING GUNS Advertising, 3508 McLean ave., Chicago. Ill. Tucker Duck A Rubber Co., Ft. Smith. Ark. Bliimentbal Broa., SOB Waab. Bank Bldg., Pitta- United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Chaa^^ln^S^Cm^To^^Broad^j\^ei^^brk^ AEROPLANES (Captive) Desplaines st., Gliicago, Ill. burg. Pa. Richard Garvey, 81 Fulton st., Brooklyn, N. T. CARNIVAL GOODS AND STREET- CORN POPPERS BASKETS W. Z. Long 1:0., 76 High at.. Springfield, O. AEROPLANE EXHIBITION FLIGHTS Burlington Willow Ware Shops, Burlington, la. MEN’S SUPPLIES (Day and Night Flying) Fair A Carnival Supply <3o., 126 Fifth ave Berk Bros., 54.3 Broadway. New York. COSMETICS Brunner and ethers. Fancy Looping Flyers, New York. Fair A Carnival Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave.. (Eyakrew Penoila, Face Powder, Etc.) Bmnner Exhibition Co., Erie, Pa. D. Marnbout Basket Co.. 816 Progress and 807 New York. F. E. Young (Not Inc.), 62 Madison ave,, Mem¬ Carpenter at.. N. S., Pittsburg, Pa. Kindel A Graham. 891 Mission at.. San FYan- Chaa. Meyer. 1 .3 E 13th at.. New York City phis, Tenn. Charles Zlnn A Co., 893 Broadway. New York. cisoo. Cal. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. Slat at., N. T. C Levin Broa., Terre Hante, lad. AIR CALLIOPES BOOKING AGENTS COSTUMERS Pneumatic Calliope Co., 345 Market at., New¬ CAROUSELS ark. N. J. Frankel Bros., 1608)4 Main at.. Room 207, Dai- M. J. Clark. 31S N. Tenth at., St. Louis. Mo laa, Tex. Wm. n. Dentzcl. 3641 Germantown ave., Phila¬ ALLIGATORS Chas. L. Sasse, 300 W. 49th st.. New York City. delphia, Pa. COSTUMES Florida Alligator Farm. Jacksonville, Fla. Boston Ooatome Co.. 113 Gratiot av*., Detroit ALUMINUM FEATHERWEIGHT Mich. STAGE CURTAIN ROLLERS Carnival Costnme Co.. 267 West Water at.. Mil waukee, Wia. .\melia Grain, 819 Spring Garden st., Phila. Chicago Costume Works. 14$ II. Dcarbora st ALUMINUM SOUVENIR GOODS Chicago. George Wertheim. 304 E. 23d st.. N. Y. City RESULTS AMUSEMENT DEVICES M. J. CLARKE. COSTUMER iK Moulin Bros. A Co.. Dept. 12. Greenville, Ill. that will develop into additional Real business for you — that’s ♦ j Amateur*. SortrUf*. Thratrlcal and Road Shvw* Kriant Mfg. Co., Indianapolis. Ind. ^ SIS Ntrih Tanth Straat. SL Laula, Mlaturl. Eli Bridge Co., Box 22B, Roodboiise, Ill. what the Trades Directory Department of The Billboard pro¬ Allan Herschell Co., Inc.. North Tonawanda, I Coast Costnme Co., 1035 Market at.. Sin Fran New Y’ork. Cisco. llerscliell-Splllman Co., North Tonawanda. N. T. duces. It creates a selling force of unusual strength that can be F. Mueller & Co., 2652 Elston ave.. Chicago. EAVES COSTUME CO. Nesman Mfg. Cio., 641 Woodland, Cleveland, 0. harnessed to j'our name, product or line of business. The exceed¬ f ' if ■ 1 Fur Amateur*. Socletlis. MoUno Pictures Also 1C| C. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. _11$ W«at 4gtti 8tr—t Wau Yark._ Clias. A. Sturk, 1510 E. Jefferson ave., Detroit, ingly low rate, together with the pulling power of this advertising, Mich. makes it a doubly attractive offer. Why not give us a trial and Greenwood, Atkinson A Armstrong Co.. 75 W.wd Sycamore Novelty Co., 1326 Sycamore at., Cin¬ ward ave.. Detroit, Mich. cinnati, 0. Cnited States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North let us “show you” ? DECORATIONS Desplalnes st., Chicago, Ill. ^ SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER; Baker A levckwood. Seventh and Wyandotte *t* , ANIMAL DEALERS $10.00 A YEAR (in advance), SIX MONTHS, $5.00 Kansas City, Mo. (\'m. Bartels Co.. 42 Cortland st., N. T. City. DECORATIONS, FLOATS BOOTHS Henry Bartels, 72 Cortland st.. New York. A. Horne's Zoo Arena Co.. Keith and Perry Bldg., including a copy of The Billboard each week. J. Allen Turner, lac., 266 Weat 41at at., N. T. Kansas City. Mo. City. Wm. Mackensen. Yardley, Pa. W. B. Wilcox A Co.. f4I Palmwood are.. To¬ Bert J. Putnam. 490 Washington at., Buffalo, ledo, O. New York. DECORATIVE ELECTRIC LAMPS I/ouis Ruhe. 248 Grand st.. New York City. United Booking Office, palace Theater Bnl'dlng, A:ian llerscbeH Co., Inc., North Tonawanda. Texas Snake Farm, Brownsville. Tex. New Y'ork City. N. Y. Novelty Mfg. Company, Box 45, NUea, Ohio. Western Vaude. Slanager*' Aaen., Chicago, I'.L Herschell-Spillman Co., North TonawaDda, N. Y. ANIMALS, BIRDS AND SNAKES W. F. Mangels Co.. Coney Island, N. Y. DECORATORS, FLOATS, BOOTHS. Henry Bartels. 72 Cortland st.. New York. BOOK STRIP TICKETS C. W. Parker. I>eavenworth, Kan. ETC. Detroit Bird Store, 231 Michigan ave., Detroit, National Ticket Co., Sbamokin. Pa. rbiladeipbla Tob-ggin Co.. ISO Dnval at., Pblla. Michigan. Weldon. Williams A Lick. Ft. Smith, Ark. Stein A Ooldateln, 1458 Oates ave., Brooklyn, Botanical Decorating Co., 206 West Adam* *1.. Robison Bros. 1260 Market st., San Francisco. N. Y. Chicago. III. BOWLING ALLEYS The Home Decorating Co., 26 South Fifth t»e ANIMALS (Sea Lions) Brian! Mfg. Co., 420 W. 10th et., IndianapoIU, CARS (R. R.) Chicago. Captain George .MiGuire. Santa Barbara, Cal. Indiana. Arms Palace Horae Car Co.. Boom 604 , 382 So. H. A. Rogers, 1*. (i. Box .)26, Santa Barbara, ■ The Ten-Plnnet Company, 252 Draper street, In¬ Michigan ave., Chicago. IlL DIAMOND JEWELRY California. dianapolis, Ind. Honaton Railway Car Co., Box $.56. Honaton. (For Baleaboorda and Framinma) ARMY AND NAVY AUCTION GOODS BRIDGE BALL Texas. Althach A Rosenaoa, 203 W, Madteon sL. fh'ge Francis Bannerman. ."iOl Broadway, N. Y. City. Briant Mfg. Co., 420 W. 10th at., Indianapolia, .Sontbern Iron A Eqnipment Co., Atlanta, Ga. Alter A Co.. 165 W. Madlaoa at., Chicago. Indiana. Zelnirker. Walter A., Supply Co.. 4tb tod Ix>- National Mercantile Co., 87 .Nassau at.. N. T ARMY AND NAVY SOUVENIR JEW- coat, St. Lonls. Mo. ELRY AND NOVELTIES BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES DISINFECTANTS Gustave W. Col.eu Bro., 744 Broadway, New American Burlesque Clrcnit, Gaiety Theater CHAIRS, GRAND STANDS. FOR York. Bldg., New York City. RENT Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills, New York. 8t L’ui*. New Orleana. Atlanta and Dali**. 7>». Fraternity E<)nipment Co., 250 West 125th at.. Columbia Amusement Co., Colnmhla Theater C. Ed Flood, Cleveland. (X New York City Bldg., New York City. DOLL RACKS The Paramount I^eather Goods Co.. 465 Broome CHAIRS—OPERA AND FOLDING st.. New York. BURNT CORK (Raw and Seoond-Hand) Herwhel .HptIlmgn, North Tonawanda. N. T. TTie Heea Co., Rochester, N. Y. Pennant Nov. Co., 332 Broadway, New York City. Atlas Seating Co.. 10 E. 4.3d at., and 7 E. 42d Cha*. Meyer. 1-3 E. 13th at.. New York City. DOLLS Pudlin A Perry, 125 Prince st.. .Vew York. at.. New York City. II. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31at at.. N. Y. C. ARMY AND NAVY EMBROIDERED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS AVERILL M’F’G CO. PENNANTS The Helmet Co.. 1021 Broadway, Cincinnati, O The Ten-Plnnet Company, 252 Draper street. In- I‘ai'»we, Fell and Novelty DoU» Eagle Military Products Co., 62 Fnlversity Place, Mint Gam Co., Inc., 29-Sl RIeecker at., N. Y. C. 37 Ualoa Snaart. Wast. N*« Vsrh. New Y'ork City. dlanapclia, Ind. Toledo Chewing Gum Co.. Toledo Factorl.'V ARMY AND NAVY SOUVENIRS AND CALCIUM LIGHT Bldg., Tole«lo. O. Beauty Itoll Mfg. Co.. 297 Chefry *1,. N V. niy (Ox-Hydrogen Oaa Majiufactnrers) CHOCOLATES FOR RACE TRACKS CaoiKid Novelty Mfg. Co.. IHinvIlle, 111. NOVELTIES Kellow A Brown. 428 Ho.rd at.. Ixm Angele*. Cal- .\nn Street Badge A Novelty Company, 21 Ann Cincinnati Calcinm Light Co., 108 Fnnrtb et., Gramercy Chocolate Co., 76-M Watts at.. New -t.. New York City. Cincinnati, O. York. Military .Vrt Novelty Co., 137 E. 2r. ave., Cincinnati. O. PROG6ES8IVE TOY CO.. 102 Waoalfr 61.. 6 Y. (irgaiuzaiioii Supply Co., 44 .tnn st.. New York. St. T/Vdis Calcium IJgbt Co., 516 Elm at., 8t. Witty, Kchraltt A Co.. 1407 W. Jarkaon Blvd., ARMY HAT CORDS Lodla, Mo. Chicago. Ill i>gr*--olve Toy Co,, Inc., 102 104 IVi.wliT •? II. J. Levine A Bros., 167 Madison ave.. New CAMP HANDKERCHIEFS CHOP SUEY RESTAURANT SUP¬ 5<-w York. York City. •kmerican Art Production Co.. 141 Wooster PLIES ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Tat Oaw Min Co., 192 Park Bow. N. Y. City. New York. "KUXIE-KID” Adler Jones Co., 3."-3 South Market st., Chicago. Gustave W. Cohen A Bro.. 744 Broadway. N. Y. CIGARS J. SCHNECK A CO . 1407 Til*** BI4|.. Nnv Y*rt. Biitiinical llecor ting Co, 2eclalty Co., 1427 San Pedro et . 1®* AUTOMATIC BOWLING ALLEYS CANDY FOR WHEELMEN AtytPlpB. The Ten-Pinnet Company, 2r>2 Draper street, In- CIRCUS WAGONS Tip Top Toy Co.. 114116 F.. 28th "t.. New Tort lymia Denebeim A Sona, 1222 24 Oak at., Kan¬ dianaiHills, Ind. Heggs Wagon Co., Kansas City, Mo. Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton at., Chicago. sas City, Mo. DOLLS (Kawpies) A.UTOMATIC BOWLING GAMES CANDY FOR WHEELS CIRCUS SEATS Briant Mfg. Co., Indianapolis. Ind. (Haw and Ssoond-Hand) Kindel A Grah»m 891 Mleeton *1 . S*" Fr»n. leco. Oraniercy Chocolate Co.. 76 84 Watts at.. .New Baker A I.«ckwood. Keventh and Wyandotte *ta. Tip Top Toy Co., 114 B. 28th at.. New York AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER I ork. Kansas City, Mo. Tip Top Tt Co., 621 W. Fulton at.. Chicago. N. Power, f*0 Gold st. New York City. Johnson Candy Co., 1249 Plum at., Clnrlnnatl, O. United Htatea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU¬ II. M LakofT, 316 Market at., Philadelphia, Pa. Deaplainea at., Chicago, III. DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS MENTS Puritan Chocolate Co., Ourt at. and Central Advanee AA’hIp A Novelty C«., 387 1^'” ** ' A. Bernl. 216 N. ZOth at.. New York City. ave., Cincinnati, O. CLOWN WHITE Weallleld. Ma». . North Tonwanda Musical Instrument Works, Frank J. Schneck A Co., 1407 Times Bldg., New Chaa. Meyer, 1-8 E. 13th at.. .New York City. Am Made Stulfod Toy Co.. 128 Bleecker at-. North Tonawanda, N. Y. York. M. Stein Coometlc Co., 120 W. Siet at., N. Y. C. New York. JUNE 15, 1918

Am. Art. Prod. Ca., 141 Wooater at.. New Yack. Sbrpock-Tndd Co, 834 N. Eighth at., St. Lonla. Aipeiican Flag Manafactnrlng Oo., Eaaton, ft. N. Share Ca, 337-241 W. Madleon at.. Chicago. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS Allan Heracbell Co., Inc.. North Tonawanda. AM. MADE STUfFED TOT CO. Baker A Lockwood, Seeenth and Wpandotta ata., Samuel Welobnna Oo., 723 Penn ate., Plttabnrg. 123 Blcackar 6t, New York. Kanaaa CItp, Mo. J. J. Wple A Broe., Inc., IS E. 37th at.. New Haracbell-Spillman, North Tonawanda, N. Y Chicago Flag A Decorating Co., 1364 Wabaab York Cltp. C. W. Parker, Leatenwortb. Kan. r.cik Hro*.. 543 Bro.idnap, New York Cltp. ate.. Chicago, Ill. Singer Broa. 82 Bowerp. New York dtp. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS FURNISHED Flektra Top A Noteltp Co., 400 Lnfapette nt.. Dougbertp Broa.' Tent A Awidng Oo., U6 S. KEWPIES FOR CELEBRATIONS New York. Fourth at, St. Lonla, Mo. F. L. Flack. 16 E. Woodbridge at.. Detroit, Mich. United State* Tent A Awning Co., 236 North l>e»pl*lnea at.. Chicago, 111. MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND ELEKTRA TOY &, NOV. CO. Tba ward-Stllaon Co., Anderaon, Ind. TIP TOP TOY CO. ORCHESTRIONS I liiihMta Tuotaie*. Kl» Me Bear, and Rniqr-I'nay Doll*. 114 goat 28th St., Naw Y*fk. 400 Lafayette tt. Naw Yark. FLORAL DECORATIONS A. B«ml, 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. North Tonawanda Mnaical Instniment Work*. Oeneral Flower A Dec. Co., 338 W. tSth at, N.Y. II ('. Etan* A Co., 1522 W. Adama at.. Chicago. KNIVES North Tonawanda. N. Y. Fair A Carnltal Buppip Co.. 136 Fifth at*., FORTUNE WRITERS (InvisibU) Cletalnnd Cane Co.. Cleteland, O. C. R. Pleioer. Abilene. Kan. 8. Bower, 117 Harman at., Brooklpn, N. Y. .New York Clip. KnrI Oaggenheim, 17 B. 17th at. New York Cltp. MONOGRAM TRANSFER LETTERS, M Uerber, 727-73# South at.. Philadelphia. Pa. FOUNTAIN PENS N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co.. 167 Canal at.. EMBLEMS, ETC. New York. American Monogram Company, 196 Market at., klndel A Graham. 8#1 Mlaalon at., San Fmoclaco Berk Broa.. 548 Broadwap, New York dtp. Shrpock Todd Oo.. 824 N. Eighth at. St. Lonla. Newark, N. J. I.etln Broa., Terra Hante, Ind. Jamea Kellep. l.M F.. ild at.. New York Cltp. .N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal at.. N. Share Co.. 237 241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. Auto Mniiogratn Supply Co.. Niagara Bldg., New I-etln Broa., Tern Hanta, Ind. New York. Singer Broe.. 82 Bowerp. New York Cltp. ark. N .1. Mac Fountain Pen A Not. Co., 31 Ann at, N. Y. Samuel Welohnue Co.. 723 Peon ate.. Plttaborg. Non Breakatle Top Co.. Muakegon. Mlcb. New York Foiinla.n Pen Co., 373 Broome at.. Klnnep-Wagner Co.. 299 Madlaon ate.. N. T. C. I'aclllc Pennant A Adtertlalng Co., 244 N. High, New Vorl- LAWYERS MOVING PICTURE MACHINES to* Anr* le*. N. Y. Mercantile Tmdlng Co., 167 Canal at. Amnaement Supply Co., 10OB North Fifth ate., I rogreaelte Top Co., Inc., 102-104 Wooater at.. Edward J. Ader. 1484 36 Otla Bldg., Chicago. HI- Chicago. III. New York. F. L. Bo.td. 17 N La Salle at.. Chicago. Ill. New York. Laemmle Film Sertice. 201 W. Lake at., Chl- Edward Dople, 421 M-rchanta* Bank Bldg., In- Itoyal Top Co., 287 C«nal at.. New York. FRUIT AND GROCERY BASKETS eago, MInneapolla, Omaha, Dea Moines, diaoapolla. Ind. Frank J. Schneck A Co.. 1407 Time* Bldg., Naw Cliaa. ZInn A Co.. 863 Broadwap, N. T dtp. M. P. Sales Co., 537 South Dearborn at, Jame* A. Timonp, 1476 Broadwap, New York, York. FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Chicago. III. slltermao, 337 W. Madlaon at, Chicago. LEATHER AND ALUMINUM N. Power A Co., 90 Gold at.. New York City. Moger Broa., b2 Bowerp, New York Cltp. FOR STAGE AND PRIVATE USE Predalon Machine Co.. 317 B. 31th at., N. Y. 0. Wm. BIma, 108 W. 87tb at.. New York. (■MYanir Ooeda) Ro*entbal A Stark. 13 E. 12th at.. N. Y. MUSIC PRINTING GAMES LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS H. S. Talhott A Co.. 2931 Flournoy at., Chicago. KEWPIES Brlant Mfg. Co., 430 W. lOtb at., Indlanapollf, Warner C. Wllllamt A Co., 635 Prospect at., TIP TOP TOY CO.. 114 E. 28th 8t. Maw York. Ind. Du Pont Fabrlkold Co., 138 Broadwap. N. Y. C. Indlanapollt, ltd. GAMING DEVICES Paramonnt Leather Oooda Co., 467 Broome at.. New York. MUSICAL BELLS A SPECIALTIES Tip Top Top Oo., 114-116 X. 28tb at.. New York. Orei.t Detanp, 1.547 Broadwap, New York dtp. B. H. Mapland'a Son, 54 Willongbbp at., Brook¬ Tip Top Top Co., 621 W. Fultoo at., Chlcam. I . C. Kran* A Co., 1533 W. Adama at.. Chicago. LEATHER PILLOW TOPS lyn. N. Y. I'nited States Tent A Awning Co., 22# North U. O. W. MTg A Salea Co.. 430 W. 46tb at. Bonita Leather Not. Co., 147 Spring at.. New l>r>plalDet at., Chicago, Ill. New York. York. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS M D. Dretfach. 482 Broome at.. New York dtp. Byron Mansp, 250 Stockton St.. San Pranctoco. DRUMS (Snam and Bats) GAS AND CIGAR LIGHTERS Muir Art Co., 806 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago, Ill. Dixie Mude House, 105 W. Madison at., Chicago. J. C. Deagan, Berteao and East Ratenawood Mara Manufacturing Co., 104 5th ate., N. Y. O. Park ate.. Chicago. Ludaig A Ludarlg, 1614 N. Lincoln at, Chicago. LETTERHEAD PRINTING GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES Eroeat L. Fantni Co., 527 S. Dearborn at. Chi¬ DRUMMERS’ SUPPLIES The Foos Oat Engine Co., Springfield. O. cago. lU. *cn>e Drummers' Supply Co., 3813-15 Weat CARL FISCHER GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES LIGHTING PLANTS Haodquarters for eterythlng In Music. Catalog free iwentp-aecond it.. Chicago. I.ancaater Glaaa Co.. liancaater. O. Cniteraal Motor Co., Oehkoab. Wia. Tbe liiile Music House. 416 iCarrell Bldg., Chl'go 46-54 Caagar Sa.. N. V. 334 S. Wsbotb, Oilaot*. Ludwig A Ludwig. 1614 N. Lincoln at., Chicago. North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Worka, ELECTRIC BELTS North Tonawanda. N. T. Tho Electric Appliance Co., Burllngtoo, Kan. Sonophone Co., 1-3 E. 14th at.. New York. So. Cal. )'ua;c Co., 332 8. Broadwap, Lon An- ELECTRIC INSOLES A INHALERS les. Tlia r.lectrlc .\ppllance Co.. Burliuglon, Kaa MUSIC PUBLISHERS ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFITS Have You Left School ? C. L. Bambouae, 7 First ate.. Oakaloooa, la. with a diploma or without it? In either case vou of course do not Carl Flacber. 60 Cooper Square, N. Y. Cltp. rnlteraal Motor Co., Oabkoab. Wla. Charles K. Harris, Oilambla Theater Building. ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS wish to leave off being educated. When education ends life ends. New York (hty. I. C. Deagan. Bertean and E. Ratenawood Park Jerome H. Remick, 221 W. 46th at., N. T. City. ate., Chicago. IlL Shapiro. Bemateln A Co., 1416 Broadway, New Take a Reading Course York Cltp. ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS Song-Mart PuMiahing Co.. Santa Crus. Cal. Chaa. Newton. 306 W. 13th at. N. Y. Cltp. Kverybody reads, but too many read without any plan, and to no Harry Von Tllzer Music Publishing Co., 125 I otteraal Electric Stage Lighting Ca. 240 W. purpose. The college graduate is like other people in the need of West Forty-third at.. New York City. Fiflietb at.. New York Illy W. A. Quincke A Oa, 401-2 Majestic neater system, but a little more likely to realize his need. The Chautauqua Bldg., lx>s Angeles. ENGINES (Gan and Gatolina) Reading Course is useful alike to the person of limited training* Warner C. Williams A Oa, 636 Prospect at.. The Foo* Ga* Engine Oa, Springfield. O. who labors many nights over each book, and the critic or vigorou;^ IndlanapoUa. Ind. ENGRAVING, HALF-TONES AND man of affairs who can sweep thru them all in a few hours. For Waterson. Berlin A Snyder, Strand Theater. SHOW PRINTING either a group of related, intelligible and competent studies leads New York City. Central Engratlng Co.. Oi>era Place, Cincinnati. MUSLIN SIGNS AND BANNERS to a well rounded result. Sampllner Adrertlalng Company, 729 Setenth EYE BROW PENCILS ate.. New York City. The Hese Ca, Rochester. N. Y. U. Stem CuameUc Co.. 130 W. Slat at.. N. Y. C. NOSE PUTTY Don’t Read at Random ne Hess Co., Rochester, N. T. FACE POWDER For many years the very mention of a reading course has meant M. Stein Cosmetic Oo.. 130 W. Sint at. N. T. C. flita Meyer, 1-8 E. 13th at.. New York City. M. Stein CoomeUc 0>., 120 W. Slat at.. N. Y. C. without further explanation the Chautauqua Reading Course. It NOVELTIES was the first and is still the best, and it alone has a worldwide Altbach A Roaenaon. 9116 W. Madlaon at., Ch’go. FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES fame. The cost Is trifling. $6 for a year. Are you tired wasting your Ann Street Badge A Noteltp Company, 21 Ann r M. Bamaa. 36 S State at., Chicago. lU. odd minutes? Write us, stating that you saw this ad in The at.. New York City. Berk Bros., .%4d Broadway. New York Cltp. FAIR GROUNDS GOODS Billboard, and we will send full free synopsis. Slack Mfg. Ca. 8ST W. Madlaon at.. CTilcago. Bmiel Noteltp Co., 1710 Ella at., Cincinnati. O. Gibson Mdie. Co., 714 N. Broadwap. St. Louis. FEATHER FLOWERS Chautauqua Institution I. Elaensteln A Cio.. 44 Ann at.. New York <^ty. Da Wilt Slater*. Grand Booletard and E. Prarl* M. Gerber, 727-729 South at.. Philadalpbla, Pa. ate.. Battle (reek. Mich, ChautauquHt New York Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte at., Ran- aas City, Mo. FEATURE FILMS Karl Onggenbeim, 17 X. 17th at., N. T. City. Triaagla Film Coip.. 71 Weat Twaatp-thlrd at. Ed Hahn, 222 West Madison at.. Chicago, III. New York. Jamea Kellep, 151 E. 23d at.. New York dtp. roltersal Film Manofacturlng Co., Forty-eighth Lancaster Gl.iaa Co., Lancaster, 0. and Broadway, New York City. Lerin Broa., Terre Hante, Ind. GREASE-PAINTS, ETC. LIGHTS Oeo. F. Luma, Sbrete Bldg., San Frandsco.Cnl. FERRIS WHEELS (Maka-TTa Baaaa, Cold Craam, Xte.) TmbM, far Olwm— aad Trat Skowt) Mac Fountain Pen A Not. Co.. 21 Ann at., N. T. Ell Bridge Co., Box 33B. Boodbouee, HI. Tbe Beta Co. (CberrjoU A RabjUp), Boebeatar, American Oaa IfncMne Oo., UT Clark at., Albert Military Art Noteltp Ca. 137 B. 23th at. New FESTOONING N. T. Lea, Minn. York City. M. Stein Coamettc CO.. 130 W. 31it at.. N. T. C. r>olte Mfg. Co., 135 8. Racine ate.. Chlctge. Miller Bobber Co., Akron, 0. iTilcago Flag A Decorating Co.. 1354 Wabaab Morrison A Co., 210 W. Madiaoa at. Chlrago. ate., Chicago, III. Zander Broa., Inc.. 115 W. tdtb at., N. T. C. J. Franks, gasoline mantles for gasoline light¬ ing. 224 North Wells at.. Chicago, ni. lUlnols. Nitlonal Tloaur Mannfartnrlng Co.. SOS Bergan GREASE ROUGE Little Wonder Light Co.. Terre Hnnte, Ind. Nndel A Sklmmel. 183 Park Bow, N. T. Cltp. it.. BrooAlpD. N. Y. (Hake-Up Baaaa, Cald Craam, Xta.) The AleTnnder Mtlbum Oa. Baltimore. Md. Newman Mfg. Ca, 641 Woodland ate., Oata- FILMS Iba He** Co. iCberrsola A RnbsUp), Roebeater, United State# Tent A Awning Ca. 2St North Icad. O. Maanfaotwrari, Daalara la and Bantnl Xurenaa) Deaplalnea et.. Chicago. 111. Pud4.iii A Perry, 125 Prince at. New York City. Laemmie Film Sertice. 204 W. Lake at.. Chl¬ Windborat A Co., 104-108 N. 12tb at.. St. Lonla. •N. Sbure Co., 237-241 W. Madison at., Chicago GYMNASTIC APPARATUS N. T. Mercantile Trading Ca. 167 Canal at.. rago: Minnrapoll*. Omaha, Dca Molne*. T. Bimmone, 816 Weat S8tb at.. New York dtp. LIQUID MAKEUP 'lutual Film Co.. New York (Tty. Naw York. Tbe Dea* Co. (Youthful Tint). Roebeater, N. Y. I Diteraal Film Manufartorlng Co.. Forty-eighth HANDKERCHIEF CASES M. Sllterman, 337 W. Madison at. Chicago. and Broadway, New York Cltp. Oiiataee W. Coben A Pro., 744 Broadwap, N. T. LUMBER (Thsatrieal) Singer Broa.. 63 Bowery, Naw York Cltp. Mtlfred Noreltp Ob.. 357 Weat 36tb at.. N. T. C. Wright Lumber Oe., Inc.. 148 Went SSth nt.. B. J. Btnm, 31 Woodward ate.. Detroit. Mlcb. FILM MANUFACTURERS New York Cttp. Webb. Frepschlag Merc. Oo.. Kanses City. Mo. l:"tli*cker Film Mfg Co.. 1331 Diteraep Park¬ HONEY-BITS PORTABLE MACHINE Somnel Wetnhana Oo.. 723 Penn at#., Plttaborg. way, (hirago. III. (Ooaklac XaeklMa) MAGIC AND STAGE MONEY Zom Noteltp Ca. 594 Matket at., ftlla.. Pa. Talbot Mff. Oe.. U1 N. IStb at.. St. Looia, Mo. Gilbert Noteltp Magic Oa', 11186 So. Irrlng FIREPROOFERS OF COTTON AND ate.. Oblcngo. lU. NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRU¬ LINEN FABRICS ICE CREAM CONES (Wholtsalo) MAGIC GOODS MENTS lx>uta Denebelm A Sana. 1334 Oak tt.. Kaaaaa Tba Antlppro* Co.. 170 Green *1., N. Y. Oty. Chica. t Magic Co.. 72 W. Adama at.. Chicago. Sonophone Co., 1-8 X. 14tb nt.. New York. Clip, Mo. A. P. Felsman. 115 8. State at., Chicago. III. FIREWORKS ILLUSIONS Gilbert Magic Co.. 11135 So. Irrlng nte., Chicago. OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST American Italian Flreworka Co., Inc., Dnnbar, lIommaoD Magic Co., 470 Klgbth aee., N. T. C. Heaney Magic Oo., Berlin. Wla Catalog free. F. L. Flack, 16 E. Woodbridge at. Detroit Mlcb. Pennapltanla Hommaan Magic Ca. 470 8th ate.. New York. OPERA CHAIRS N. R. Bamaba Firework* Mfg. Oa, Naw INCANDESCENT LIGHTS The Oaks Ma^al Oo.. Dept. 582. (jebkoeb. Wla Rochelle, N. Y. Safetp Electric Co., &37 N. Dearborn at.. Chicago Joaeph PaBen. 233 Admiial Bltd., Kanaaa Cltp, A. H. Andrews Ca. 115 Wabash ate.. CTilcago. OooaoUdated Firework* Co. of America, Wool- Mlaaonrl. Camie-Goudia Mfg. Oo., 22d and Grand ate., worth Bldg.. New York nip. INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES Knsaaa Cltp, Mo. W. H. Barton, Gordon, Neb. ITiaper Mfg. Co., 834 8. San Pedro at., Loe Aa- itordon Firework* Co., 230 Bo. Btata, Chicago. gelet. Cal. X. H. Stafford Mfg. Oa. Chicago. Ill. Illlt Flreworka Co.. Inc.. 5294-5338 S7tb ate.. INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES Steel Furniture Oa. Grand Ba^da, Mlcb. MAGIC MAGAZINES Sooth. Seattle, Waah. Idaho Natlra Herb Co., Bolae, Id., St'p (Or repIp. ORANGEADE Imiierlal Flreworka Co. of Amarlca, Inc., Box Eagle Magician, 320 South 8tb at.. MInneapolla. 612, Schenectady, N. Y. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS Mian. American Orangeade Oo., Bridgeport, Conn. Charles Orangeade Ca, Garfield Sta., Chicago. International Flreworka Co., 1# Park Place, New Ileber Broa., Inc.. Tmportera of Noreltlea, 876-8 Fhaa. T. Honissep Co.. 4417 Madlaon at. Chl’go. York, and Jeroep (Mtp. N. J. Broadwap, Now York dtp. MANUFACTURERS MECHANICAL Tbe Comer Ca, 350 Pennspltanla at, Buffalo. Mirtin'a Fireworte. Fort Dodge, la. Mogl. Momonol A Co.. 106 C. tSth at.. N. Y. C. AMUSEMENT DEVICES New York. Newton FlreworllB Co.. Cblraip*. 111. Morlmnra Broa.. 546 Broadwap. New York Cttp. Ell Bridge Co.. Box 22B, Boodhouae. Ill. North American Flreworka Co., #90 (V>nsamera Takito. Ogawa A Co., 837-31 Weat Madlaon at.. Ilerachcll-Spillman. North Tonawanda N. Y. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS Bldg., Chicago. Chicago. IlL W. F. Mangela Co.. Conep Island, N. T. (Tlty. A. Bemi. 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. I'aln't Manhattan Reach Flreworka. 18 Park 0. W. ftrkar, Leataaworth, Kaa. I’lace. New York dtp. JEWELRY Ten Ptnnct Ca, S3 Van Bnren at., IndlanapoUa. Thearte-Duffleld Flreworka Dlaplap Co., .Id South Altbarb A Roaenaon, 306 W. Madlaon at. Cb'go. Ind. State at.. (Tilrago. HI. BERN I ORGAN CO. Oordflo-Stranea Oo. (not Inc.). 106 W. Madlaon MASKS I’ntaaraM* Cardboard Miialc. Catalog. M. Wagner, DIaplapa, 84 P .rk Place, N. Y. at,. Chicago. (Maaqnamda. Tbaatrieal and CnralTnl) 216 Wnt 2(Nh St.. Naw Yark. Welgand Flreworka (V>., Franklin Park, IlL 1.eTln Broa., Tam Hanta, Ind. FISHPONDS Mac Fbnutain Pen A No*. Co., 31 Ann at., N. Y. RUppart. 46 Ooeper Square. New York Cltp. O. Mollnarl A Soaa. 113 S2d at., Brooklpn. N. Y. MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS John Mutxlo A Son. 178 Park Bow. N. Y City. Anlnraatle Flabpond Co., 131 Michigan at. To¬ JEWELRY North Tonawanda Musical Inatiument Works ledo, O. (Par Stago Uaa) Dick A FItagerald. 18 Veeep et.. New York Cltp. Clyde PMIlipe, Ft. Tbomaa. Kp. North Tonawanda, N. Y. FLAGS Altar A Co., I6i W. Madlaon at., Chicago. Ill. Allied Flag Oo., Inc., 531 W. Broadway, Naw ___ MEDICINE FOR 8TREETMEN York City. Bolaman Ca, 177 W. Madlaon at.. Cblcngo.IU. Derera Mfg. Ca, Columbun, Okla (Continued on page 54) - X ti e Billboard JUNE 1&, 1918

POODLE DOGS,STUFFED ANIMALS, SCENIC PAINTERS SPOT LIGHTS, NITROGEN A ARC DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS Martin Scenic Oo.. OentM' et., Vm Ancelea, Onl. Chae. Newton. 300 W. 15th at.. New York. AdTtnee Whip ro.?M7 Erm WeetflKd, Mast. St.rp Scenic Work., Pept. B.. Altu^ DW SQUAW.KEE-KE INDIAN BABIES DIRECTORY Berk Broa., 543 Broadway, New York City. SCENIC PAINTERS Decoratlee NoTrlty Co., 739 8. Beaadway, I/w EleiktraEloktra TorToy A NoeeltjNoeelty Co., 400 Lafayette at., Daalara in Scenery, Etc.)Ete.) Aogelea. (Continned from pige S3) H.^o!^B^ne‘A Co.. 1*22 W. Adame at., f^leafo. M. Armbnieter A Sone. 249 Froat at.. Colunbne, STAGE HARDWARE PADDLE WHEELS Fair A Camiral Supply Co., 126 Fifth are., ' New* Yo?™ ctiy M’rlnn. Flag, Scenic Co., 1688 I-ong Beach ?“k'’ Adracee Whip Oo.. 287 Elm et.. Westteld. Maes. New York City. I ”l?leen»teln‘^A Co.. 44 Aon et.. New York. N. Shore Oo., 387-241 W. Madleon at.. Chicago. H. C. Erane A Co., 1622 W. Adama at.. Chicago. 8,n«r“'SrS’Singer Broa.. ' ^'felcTr82 Bowery, New^TortNew York ' City, KnYe^ll'Trt cT'mOsT 27th at., Omaha, Neh. ®“Y,, f‘*"*** C- Fair A Camiral Supply Co., 128 Fifth are.. TipTlp*Top Top ToyToy'Oo.*, Co.,Co.. 114-116114 116 B. 2«th28th at.. New 1York. ‘ Btudioa. 600 Market at., _JEWELRY_ New York ' Tip Top Toy Co.. 621 W. Fulton et.,at.. Chice.gChlce.go. , rfetanafl O A J. Kerapien A Co.. St. Paul. Minn. Unitedr'irifI?’’8Tatea*''TeS*^Al^li« Statea Tent A Arming Co’Co.. ^Mo'^Yorth229 1 National Scea’lc Studio, Bos 417, Claclanati. O. J J WYLE A. BRO^ TnO ''De»lam‘er.t'^"c*hl?a.*""iu‘et Chit.e'^ IM* ' Tbo New Y^r\^?n*5lli?;York Btudioa, IWl1001 Tlmea Bldg.N.Y.C. J. J. WTLt DKUb., INC. Slack Mfp. Co.. 3.37 W. Madleon et., Chicago, 111. DeaplalneaDeaplalnen at., Chicago.Chicago, 111.Ill. SchelUa Scenic Studio, 681 S.8. High at..at., Colum- Tip Top Toy C.O.. 114 116 B. 28th at.. New York. POPPING CORN (The Grain) bna.boa, o. il aad 29 Eaat in% it, Waw Yark Cftr, ?o’ ®^“wth AmerlcwAmerican ro!,^mPopcorn Co.Co., SlVSioux City, Ula. ' Toomey A Volland Scenic Co., 28122312 Market at., t nlted States Tent A Awmm, Co., _>« .North Albert DickinsonDleklnaon Co..f-o.. 2750 W,W. 36th at.,at.. Chicago.CM St. Lonla, Mo. STAGE LIGHTINQ APPLIANCES Heeplalnes - lU- _ Shotwell Mfg. Co., 1019 W. Adama at., ChiChicago. United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Display Stage Ughting Company. Inc 'no -rr (,eo Zorn. Jr., Mfr., ..wt Market at., Phlla., Pa. Buah Terminal, Brooklyn, N. Y. Deaplalnea at., Chicago, lU. We»t 44th Htreet. New York City. ’* * * PANAMA HATS DCNDrrkBMPOPCORN MACHINESagAruiKice SECOND-HAND BAND INSTRU- Kliegl llroe., 240 W. 60tb at., .New York City Holcomb A Hoke Co., 1608 Van Buren at., , Rialto Kleetric Stage Lighting, 304 W. 524 at., MENTS New York. SABATOGA PANAMA HAT CO. ludlanapolla, Ind. Dixie Hnale Hooae, 106 W. Madlton at.. Chicago. STAGE MONEY IJI Greena Street, New Yerk. w?z“.'^iiJ?C0?76^niTJt*.‘: Siringlleid. O. SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS J. Allen Turner, Inc.. 266 West 41at at., N, Y. C. Pratt Machine Co., 2 Biascll at., Joliet, IlU United Statea Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North PAPIER MACHE STAGE PROPER¬ PORCUPINES Deaplalnea at.. Chicago. III. STREETMEN’S SUPPLIES TIES Linwood H. Flint. North Waterford. Me. SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY Amelia Grain. 819 Spring C.rinlen *l Phlla.. Pa. SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY SmVm We“^Jr"cT" m?’w^^ O. F, narria A Co., 602 W. 42d at., N. T, City. PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS American Amnaement Astn.. 50t^ When Bldg., Chicago, III. M Bridge Co.. Box 22B, Roodbouae, IlL Indianapolis. Ind. M. Gerber, 727-729 South at.. Philadelphia. I*a. PARK B’LD’S, CYCLONE COAST¬ Unlreraal Motor Co., Oahkoah, Wla. Weatem Show Propertiea Co., 518 Delaware at., I Uueat Tie Holder Co., 518 S. Cronso art., am- ERS, CONCRETE SWIMMING PORTABLE SKATING RINKS UN- gPcONn HAND TENTS (Bouaht and uiJ. Co.. 714 N. Broadway, tt. Louia. POOLS, ETC. DER CANVAS SECOND-HAND TENTS (Bought and uo,^berg Jewelry Co.. 816 Wyandotte atT^n Grintha A Crane, 1218-20 Slblay Bldg., PhUa- Tramill Portable Skating Rink Co.. 1323 Agnea Sold) aaa City, Mo. delpbia. Pa. at., Kanaaa City. Mo. „ ^ „ U. Nlckeraon Tent, Awning A Coeer Co., 172 Ed Hahn. 222 Weat Madlaon at., Chicago, ni. PATENTS SECURED United Statea Tent A Awning Co.. 228 North grate at., Beaton, Maaa. James Kelley. 161 E. 23d at.. New York City. Deaplalnea at., Chicago, Ill.III. ecoiai DAnrM rs I.*TlnI.*vin Bn*.,Brta., Terre Haote, Ind. Victor 3. Erana A Co.. TVashiiigton, D. C. PORTABLEDrkDTADi c SKATINGei^ATiAi/- DiAii^RINK SERIAL PADDLES UaeMac FountainFoontaln Pen A Novelty.Novelty Co.,Co.. 21 Ann at..at PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES Peerleaa Portable Skating Rink O., Paoia, Kan. Fair A Carnival Snpply Co., 128 Fifth ava.. New Yorh City. 8. Catanzaro A Sona, Inc., Penn are. and 22d New York. Morrison A Co.. 210 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. III. A J. Kemplen A Co.. Endlcott Bldg., St Paul. Ntdel A Shlmmol, 182 Park Bow. New York. St., Pittsburg, Pa. • PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Corona Typewriter Co., Inc., New York, San Minnesota. N. Y. Mereantlle Trading Co., 167 Canal at., PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES Francisco, Groton, N. Y. - . . ■ - . New York. KIngery Mfg. Co., Ctndnnatt, O. BIG STOCK OF PAPER PADDLES POST CARD MACHINES N. Sburc Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. PENNANTS Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., St. Lonla. IN SHEET AND BOOK FORM Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at., 8t. Luma. Am^rlriD Pennant Co., 66 Hanoror aU. Boatoa, POST CARD AND TINTYPEi ir^i T MA¬ Special price in Urfe (luanllttes to j<>»>Nv». Singer Broa., 83 Bowary, New York City. Masaachnsetta. CHINES AND SUPPLIES SCHULPRINTCO. S9 Wnt Mh St.. Ntw Yark City. Samuel Welabans Co., 722 Penn ave., Plttaburg Berk Broa., 543 Broadway, New York City. Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., St. Lonla.Lonla, * rarx. wo ““ STRIKER MANUFACTURERS Anieriean Art Production Co., 141 Wooater at.. claco. ScnIAL PAPER PADDLES Ilcracbrll-Splllman Co.. North Tonawanda. N. T. New York City.. PRESS CLIPPING SERVICE National Ticket Co., SbamoUn.Shaman Pa.Pa STROPPERS FOR SAFETY BLADES Pennant Nov. Co., 832 Broadway, New York. Klipen Service, 194 Mala, Buffalo, N. T. S. B. Paper Paddies, 564 572 W. Randolph at. Velvet Stropper Co.. 872 Broome at.. Sew York. F. Stemthal, 217 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. Cbicago. Ill. United Statea Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North PRINTERS SERIES QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES SWORDS, SPEARS AND SHIELDS Wentworth A Klee. 727 So. Dearborn at., Chi¬ SERIES QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES Deaplalnea at., Chicago, III. Blttlemeyer Printing Works. 1331-1333 Vine at.. West Side Iron Works. 267 Weat 87th at., Nr» cago, III. Blttlemeyer Printing Works. 1331-1333 Vine at.. PERFUME AND NOVELTIES PRINTERS Cincinnati,Cincinnati. O. 'otk City. Superior Perfume Co.. ICO N. Wella at.. Chicago. latterhaada. Cards. Enralopea and Cireular SHOOTING GALLERIES „ SYMMETRISES - _ ,_ , n,, a u ■ . T- Walfev O. Bretsfield Co., 1967 Broadway, New PHOTOGRAPHERS Lettsrs) J. TT.. DlckmanDlckman Go.,Go., Inc.,Inc., 245245 S.S. MainMain at.,at., lioaloa York. Central Printing Co., 1143 Phelan Bldg., San Commarclal Pbctographle Co., Davenport, la. Angelea, Cal. Franclaco Angelea. Cal. n .k t , John Spicer, 86 Woodbine at., Brooklyn, X. Y, Hartaook, San Francisco and Loa Angelea, t a1 E. K Hoffmann A Son, 8317 Sontb Irving are.. tai i \/ d a i i ' lonng A Carl, 7tb and Vine ata., Ciucinnatl. O. PRINTERS Chicago,Chicago lUlU, IMLLT-DALw (Of Pictorial Peatars, Big Typa Stands, Streara- W. F. Mangeit.Mangeia, OmeyConey T«land. New York City, _ _ „ *jS-®**? o®?"**^^***,;?*^.* .. . PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION ars. Etc.) r.F. Mneller A Oo..Go., 2652 KletonElaton ave., Chicago. i* “*** *‘ - (Mtniatnras, Bnaiaeaa Cards and Post Cardi) American Show Print Co., Milwaukee. Wla. C. W. Parker.Parker, Leavenvrorth.Leavenworth. Kan, riiotograpbic Card Co., 105 Weat 47th St., New I Donaldson Lithograph Co., Newport, ky. York City. -:- TATTOOING SUPPLIES Hennegan A Co., 311 Geneaee Blvd.. Cincinnati. A. J. SMITH MFG. CO. Edwin E. Brown. 312 N. Bnrdlek at., Kalamaaoo, Robt. Wllmana, 1706 Commerce at., Dallaa, Tex. ' PIANOS SHOOTING 0ALLERIC8.0ALLERIE8. MIeb. Byron Miiisy, 200 Stockton St., San Franclaco. 3247 W. Vaa Burta St.St.. Chkatt.Chkaga. III. Chat. Wagner, 206 Bowery and Cbatbam S.]uare, Colnmboa Plano Co., Oolumbna, U. PRIZE SILVER CUPS New England Flag A Regalia Co., Stamford, Ct. .\eW Yotk City. PIANOS (Electric) SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS TELKPHONP wni nFP Star Music Co., 9 Eaat Harrison at., Chicago. PUZZLES, TRICKS, JOKES Oaks Magical Co., Dept. 451, (jahkoab. Wis. AND LITHOGRAPHERS ^S»a..°HaL. F^i PILLOWS Ackemu^QuigleyAckemun-Qniglry Co..Co., 116 W.W, Fifth at..at, Kan-Kan¬ KallaJIan Hand Appllancea, 19(11) WavhlngtoB ROLL TICKETS aaasas City, Mo. at. Boaton Mata Ansell Ticket Co., 154-166 B. Erie at.. Chicago. Planet Show PrintiSdnt and EngravingEngraring Hooae,Bonae, ChatGhat ■’ M. D. DREYFACH Donaldaon Lithograph Co., Newport, Ky. ham.ham, Ontario.Ontario, Can.(^n. TENTS Write for Catalog. American Tent A Awning Co.. 807 Waahlngior 432 Brooma Street, Nvw York. ^^^^“VlcSj^cL^skVmoWrpi *’*■ SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES Wariilngtor DrMie-e Nelaon Supply,Snpply. 514 E. 4th it.,it. 8. Boaton.Boeton. Maas.Maaa. _ V*''.^f^***’ W't'tieapolli,MInneapolla, Minn. ROUGE a>ie»e-siPNP eue\%a> na,a.i•.,#«a Btkv A Lockwood, Seventh and WytndottsWyandotte ata.. PacMIc Pennant A Adv. Co., 244 N. High at., SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS Kanaaa City, Mo. Loa Angelea. Cal. The Hess Co KocheaterNT SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS Kanaaa City, Mo. M Stein Coa’metlc Co 120 W ‘siat at N Y C Unkeboll Art Co., .1306 N. 27th at., Omaha, Neb. Coinmbua Tent A Awning Co., Oolnmbua, O. ^ Camle-GoudU Co.. 23d and 0«Dd ave.. Kanaaa TIP TOP TOY CO. SALESBOARD ASSORTMENTS Deaplalnea at.. Chicago,Chicago. Ill. City, Mo. AKin ftAI cennABne Dougherty Broa.’ Tent Co., 116 South Fourth at.. ■ 14 E. 2

I Ilojil Ticket Co., Rkamokln. P*. Irimouot PreM, 03 Albao; at., Boaton, Maaa. Singers VVrbloD. Wllltama A I.lrk. Pt. Hmlth, Ark. At Liberty Advartlaaaitatt. 28 wardt. free af eharta. TIGHTS Itfc.tlitUt A.N'U S1.\U&R Wtatiee lo gtt In food ADDITIONAL Walter O. Bretxfleltl To.. 1367 Broadway. N. T. ata-k i'ofD(>aiiy, Uila aiimiorr. or raiidrrllle act; ward- ro(>e. MIMt W’lLLA CAKTKR. IfvO I-arrabec .St., FAIR DATES SILK Woratad. Uala. Cotton TUhU nperlaUala. < hlfafo, 1***"°**- . ^ Simmetilrala. ate. Large atock. Or Bade to I>'O^T5uie^rSd»7T7CeIi* wanta quartelle or chorua work. age. td; aalary. 122.00, ticket wanted. JAMEM JK.N'NIN(jrt, (ieoeral Deltrery. GANTNER & MATTERN CO. VVdOater. Ohio._ ALABAMA AlbertTilie-Maraball Co. Fair. Oct. 22-26. J. J. WYLE A BROS., INC Vaudeville Artists t’bae. W. Singleton, aecy. CfUnteraTllle—GonteraTllle Fair Aasn. Oct. 8-13. At LIharty Ad«ertltsnisnlt. 28 wards, tree af eharta. A. T. Neely, pree. AT LlKKHTl —To join bypnnuat. Wnto I’ACKWA. ABXAM8AS 2219 W. 4Tlh HI , Chicago. Illinoia._ Montlcello—.Southeast Ark. Fair Asao. Oct. 8- AT UBintTHT—A-l Vmtrlloqulst age. 19; good 11. W. A. Moffatt, aecy. refermrea: stats salary you will pay and all In first COLOBAOO Dodson—Phillips Co. Fair Assn. Bept. 26-28. letter. JOHN RATMOND. 612 orerwi an.. La W. 0. Sampson, secy. Fiyetle. Indiana _ Calban—El Paso Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 2 4. C. Miles City—Custer Co. Fair A Lire Stock Show. (NiMEirY SKlTTfH TILL.M Singing. Ulklng. wring L. Snyder, aecy. Sept. 23-2.V W. J. Dunnlgan, secy. dancing and •lyle; ebang*; up In acta FACNCli A Juleaburg—Sedgwick Co. Fair Asen. Sept, 5-7. Sidney—Richland Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 2-3. FAl Nt'K, 1119 <>ak Kansas Olx. Mlt rourtlandt Ate.. New York City. B. Mobley, secy. W. Law. !>ecy. EGYPTIAN DANTER -For either rauderllle or rtr- ILUVOU NEW TOXX eus or ramlral, hare wardrobe of own. PRINCESS GttN'ZEIJ.A. Paris Hotel. Muncle. Indiana Carrolltoo—Greene Co, Fair Assn. July 3-S. Angelica—Allegany Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-20. Newton A Son. fiO Eim at.. Cortland. N. T. B. Elmer Simpson, aecy. IMII1.AI>U,I’II1.4 >*CIKNT1FI(’ PALMIST—For James A. Hogue, secy. Oppenbelmer. tba Trunk Man, 758 Markat gt.. Highland—Highland, Madison Ca Fair Assn. church fairs, prlrale parties, etc. MRS UNGERM.LN Bath—Steuben Co. .%grl. .Soc. Sept. 24-27. R. J. 8aD Sept. 5-8. R. A. Ruegger, secy. Franclaco. (nom de plume Ma<-. Pe Moulin Bme A Co., Dept. 16. Oreenrille, III. and The Billboard for one year (52 issues) for Aug. 20-23. H. U. Ash, aecy. VASES OKLAHOMA Stylesa Broa. A Co., 704 W. Mtin at,. Louta- Dacoma—Woods Co. Fair Asen. Sept. 17-19. W. riile, Ky. R. Lewia, secy. Marietta—Lore Co. Free Fair Asan. Sept. 12-14. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES E. B. Strader aecy. A krrmtn A Harrla, 281 O'Farrell at., San Newkirk—Kay Co. Free Fair. Sept. 10-14. J. Franclaco. F. Riddell, secy. r M Barnes. 30 South State at.. Cbicago. III. Pawhnska—Osage Co. Free Fair. Sept. 18-13. Bert Lerry Circuit of Tauderllle Tbeatera, Al- ♦ Send along your subscription today and weTl send a Horace J. Smith, aecy. rasar Tbeatar Bldg., San Franclaco. Pauls Valley—County PSee Fair Assn. Sept. 12- Jours, luuirk A Scuaefer, llu South State at. ♦ $5.00 War Stamp at once and begin your subscription 14. T. D. Felts, secy. Chlrago, IL. Supply—Trl Co. Farm Products Exhibit. Sept. I'Dlted Booking Offlrew. 1433 Broadway, N. T. C. ♦ with the current issue. 3^. W. B. Hanly, secy. Western VauderiUe Mgra.' Aaan., Chicago. Tnlsa—Tnlsa Free Fair Assn. Sept. 16-20. W. VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES Tiro. Mark A Son. 621 S. Clinton at., Chlcaga t BUY-BUT BUY WISELY. WAFFLE MACHINES (Bogar Puff) Talbot Mfg. Co.. Ill N. IStb at., 8t. Lonla, Mo. Carroll—Carroll Co. Fair Aaaa. Ang. 13-16. WAGONS Peter Stepbany, secy. Wm. Freeh Co., Maple Shade, N. J. Doanelleon—Lee Ca Fair. SepL 17-20. Chris. WATCHES Tha foUewtng adTertisemanta are from Artiats Haffner. aecy. who frankly diaelaim long azperianoe. Grundy Center—Grundy Ca Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24- Towanda^Bradford Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 3-6. t tbacb A Boeenaon, 208 W. Madlaon at., Cb’go. Thay rrlll ba fonnd wUling, 27. A. O. Briggs, aecy. Alter A Ca. 165 West MadlM>D at., Chlrago. III. Robert F. Adam, secy, ebUging and rsaaonabls. M Gerber, 737 729 South at.. Philadelphia, Pa Sorthwood—Worth Co. Agrl. Soc. SepL 11-13. Wattsburg—Wattsburg Agrl. Soc. SepL 10-13. N. T. ChrisUaneon, aecy. Ho tman A Co . 177 W Madoon *1 Chicago III. J. F. Dearing, aecy. Irrlng Schwarts A Ca. 1472 Broadway, New XAM8AS SOUTH CAROUKA York City. Circus and Carnival Marion—Marion Co. Fair Assn. Nor. 12-15. C. Beloit—Mitchell Co. Fair Aesn. Sept. 25-28. W. k'. Sbuie LO., 237 241 W Midlaon at. Chicago At Llkwty AerartfMtaaafa. 2> warea. frae ef aharfa. L. Schofield, secy. fitnger Broa., 82 Bowery, .New York Oty. 8. Gabel, aecy. Orangeburg—Orangeburg Ca Fair Assn. Noe. Samnel Wclnhaue Ca, 722 Penn Are., Pittaburg. Vitl .NG MA.N—tu, talker, not much eiparteoce, KXKTUCXT 12-15. J. M. Hughes, secy. WHIRL-O-BALL but willing and atila; prefer small railroad circus. Bowling Green—Warren Co. Fair Assn., Inc. WlnnsboTo—Fairfield Agrl. Soc. Oct. 23-28. MORRIRMN BEN'N'ETT. 50g So. Summit. Sioux Falla. Sept. 4-7. Fred A. Kelley, aecy. Mary Y. Ellison, secy. :o., Indlanapolta, Ind. South Dakota. Fern Creek—Jefferson Co. Fair. Aug. 13-16. TENRESSZi: WIGS B. J. Williams, aecy. Deer Lodge—Morgan Co. Fair Assn. SepL 17- Ztodar Broa, Inc., 113 W. 48th it., N. T. City Miscellaneous Grayson—Carter Co. Fklr Assn. Ang. 7-10. W. 26. A. C. Larender, aecy. 8. Pbtlllps, secy. South Pittsburg—Sequatchie Valley Fair Aasn. WIG MAKERS At Liberty A4vafI-NO MAN PIANIST Refined hahlU; track put In en-ellent shape. .\ race meeting will he held wreek of Jnly 4; MICHIOAX Charlottetown-The Charlottetown Drir. Park technic; drslres posllloti sl

for combating any move on the part of the MRS. FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN. Government to increase the tax on films were ROTHACKER COMPANY TO being kept under cover for the present. Wife of Movie Actor, Badly Hurt in Auto Smaahup LINA CAVALIERI BACK | Baltimore Jnne 8.—Mrs. Francis X. Bushman, FILM OKUHOMA OIL BELDS Una Caralieri, opera and movie star, hss re- wife of the moving pirtnre actor, was severely tomed to the movie world, and will soon be seen Injured early Tuesday evening when an auto¬ in a'n elaborate spectacle, Izvve’s Cc*nquret. Mme. mobile she was driving rnllMed with another. Cavalieri lias just signed a long term contract The accident oicurred almost in front of the E. 0. Blackburn Will Direct the Production of to appear in Paramonot Pictures following the Biedler-Bellman Hospital, and Mrs. Biuhman Bardon play. was taken there, where Dr. H. H. Bledler made Unique Series of Pictures Typifying Com¬ an examination and found that she was suffering from severe sboi'k, ooncnsalon of the brain. In¬ HOFFMAN QUITS FOURSQUARE mercial Activities of the Industry jury to the knee, bruised elbow and cuts and bruises on other parts of the body. It it feared New York, Jnne 0.—M. H. Hoffman baa sev¬ that she was injured internally when the force ered his relations with the Foursquare, leaving in Southwest of the impact threw her against the steering George Backer in control of the home offices. wheel of tlie car. Hoffman, however, will take over the IVnr- Mrs. Bushman is suing her husband for di¬ •Chicago,- June 8.—The motion picture repro¬ taneous hit with his policy of direction on edu¬ sqnare (N. Y.) Exchange and conduct it as the vorce, and it is hinted that this arcident may ductions of activities in Southwestern Oklahoma cational and commercial features. The old M. II. Hoffman Exchange, which will be aheo- in the end prove fortunate in that it may bring oil fields will bo made on a big scale by the method of sending a camera man with only a lutely independent, and will continne to book them together again. Mrs. Bushman's condition Rothackcr Film Manufacturing Company of Chi¬ script has gone into history so far as Mr. the FVmraqnare productions. In a recent state¬ ia such that the is not expected to be up for two cago. Kothacker is concerned. Every Rothacker pro¬ ment be Mid that be did not feel an if be or three weeks. E. O. Blackburn, of the sales force of the duction is now made under the personal super¬ cared to Continue with the split organization, Kothacker organization, left Chicago bound for vision of one of the Rothacker staff experta, and and upon bis return here made arrangements t<> NEW REVENUE LAW the land of the gushers. Mr. Blackburn will resultant Rothacker pictures arc of a decidedly sever relationship between he and Backer, per¬ make final preparations for the photography and superior caliber. mitting each to go their separate way. The new Washington, June 8.—With the drafting of a will be Joined in a few days by the photographic new revennn bill by Congress representatives crew. of the motion ptetnre indnstry will make an Mr. Blackburn will remain in the oil fields effort to have inequslltes existing nnder the until the pictures are completed, personally di¬ present law removeil. As the sole reason for recting the production. drafting and passing a new revenne bill It tn Wattersoii R. RolUacker, president of the provide more revenues, bndly nee

BENJAMIN CHAPIN SUCCUMBS Clarksburg, W. Ta., June 8.—The Opera House. Frank R. Moore'a new theater, opened Benjamin C. ('hapln, famoua aa an imperson¬ this week with pictures, offering film altrscflon« ator of Abrnham lAnroIn. died at the*IxK>mis uud home talent entertainments for the summer, Sanitarium, I.U>erty, X. Y., of tuberculosis. Mr. and liavliig Its formal opening set for Angus' <'lia{iin recently finished ten episodes of The Son when Klaw A Krlanger attractions will N’ pn' of I>cmo<'rHcy. tsbieb be wrote, directed and acted the principal parts of Abraham Lincoln sented. The o{>ening of the new theater marks the l>e and his fattier. His resemblance to the dead liberator was remarkable. He was about the ginning of the "theatrical war” In Clarksburg The Opera Ilonse will present the KIsw A Er same fae'.itlit, build, weight, and possessed a fa¬ Scene In Ylviette. with Vivian Martin. Released by Paramount. linger attractions In Ciarksburg and the Krated nnder the laws of Friday to help the War Savings Stamp move¬ Syraense. N. Y., Jnne 8.—Work bat been sus¬ Mr. Chapin was a eredlt to the silent drama, the State of Illinois at a capital sto<'k of g-Ht.isav ment. pended for the coming month at the Renwick and he leaves many friends who mourn his early The company will prodm-e and place on the When Hearts of the World was first offered Park plant of the Wharton film producers at demise. market fur sale and for exhibition purposes a in Chicago no names were mentioned save those Ithaca, N. Y. When operatlnns are resumed feature pliotoplay showing the origin of the of the master producer and the photoplay's title, activities will start on several new productions. German race from earliest time to the present but gradually Miss Gish came into the limelight An entire new company of actors and actresses world war. The incorporators are K. L. Wilke, New York, June 8.—Bluebird announces that to such an extent that she is now advertised at will be engaged for the next productions. Jr,, Jarob Schwartz and W, I>*oarz. extensively as tlie spe<;tacie itself. Director Joseph De Grasse has completed Tlie The twentieth and last episode of The Eagle's Tlie Titan Pictures Corporation. South Wpawn. The play anticipates the close of the Much ado has been made over her Chicago Eye has been cumpletdd. Courtney R. Cooper, State street, Chicago, lias been llccnsiul by the war and the conditions arising from tlie cliaoa v'isit, and siieciai programs have been arranged scensrio writer, snd C. Ervin Kent, business Secretary of Blate under the blue sky law. The for her Grant Park appearance. prtMluccd by the hnn inrasion. Grace Cunard manager for the Whartons, will leave within a company la autbvriseo»c I' •'* ward Cecil, Herbert Prior ami Dora Uogers. PEARSON WITH FIRST NATIONAL serial has been running. manufacture moving pli-Iure films. Freeen assigned next month. New York, June 8.—On Wednesday a meeting Corps. to tlie iKisitlon vacated by Bloman. He is to MORAN JOINS PATHE of the N. A. M. P. I. was held in the Yachting take eharge of Mias .Mlnter'a next feature. The Boom of the Hotel Astor for the purpose of dis¬ BAKER ENTERS PICTURES Eyes of Julia Deep. Albany, N. Y.. June 8.—Bert M. Moran, who cussing the tax question. The principal speaker has been connected with the George Kleine Bys¬ of the occasion was William Fox, who stated Lee Baker made his debut Into the movies Iset MOHR IN ARMY tem as branch manager at New Orleans. I.a.; that be was opposed to any plan looking to the week in the production. Just a Woman, and is Dallas, Tex.; Boston, Mass., and Philadelphia, unloading of the footage tax on i the piildlc via starring with Charlotte Walker, wife of Eugene Jni-iues D. Molir, wlio Is rcmeinb<'r''

Marsh at the nippodrome. Uer winsome sales- oldest theaters of Southern California. It wa< mansbip netted three tbonsand dollars In Thrift built before tbe rosy days of road attractions in Btampe. the Southwest. All of tbe leading stars visiting EXHIBITORS the Coast in tbe past twenty-five years have Recently Afan.ager Sorlero of the Park Thea¬ appeared upon its stage. With tbe completion ter, Boston, had little Bobby Conmdly, the of the changes in tbe Loring Messrs. Howe and TH« Billboard wantn you to feel that this page is your page, that thru it young film actor, appear In person at his thea¬ Merrill will have control of three of four theaters you can reach one another—your fellow ejchibitors—for the interchange of ter. Last week Mr. Sorlero presented Helene In Riverside. ideas and business experience. The Billboard wants you to make it interesting Chsdwh-k, of Pnthe. who was well received to one another, to make it reliable and beneficial to yourselves. when iutroduced. It's a safe bet Manager S. X. Osika, manager of the Burley Theater, To this end The Billboard will appreciate any matter which would be in- Sorlero has bad more film stars appear in Burley, Id., announces that a change of policy tsresting to your fellow exhibitors as well as to motion picture producers. person at his bouse than all other Boston man¬ will be made this week, and that his house will Experiences with picture plays, the names of poor plays which have lost agers combined, iforiero says his patrons like play road attractions in conjunction 'with pic you money, titles' of plays which have pleased your patrons, or of photoplays this kind of stuff, and as long as he uk« like tbe loduntry 'Kas rnterins Into cause women bare not entered this branch of regiment mores. a Lullibaloo oxer serTlce,” say* an exchanje. the commercial work In sthelr endeavor to sub¬ Pictures and musical comedy stock are a fea¬ I'frtalnly. "We hare Uie best aerTlce," rratca stitute for men gone to war. ture of the summer policy of the Academy Thea¬ R. R. Penngllly, a motion picture operator, at r«ch manufacturer and each exchange. Cer- ter, Buffalo. tbe Hippodrome Theater, New York, was seri¬ tsitly J'JV have. Hut what dees the exhibitor The Shnliert Theater. Bosp'n, which has bi'en ously burned when an overdeveloped film caught ►ay? The xcry prsT quality of thl» much lauded dark, re-ipened June 10. sboxring the (tfficial War Women are entering the field of motion picture fire. MTch-e iirompta him to ask, "Where adoes the rictnres every afternoon and evening at the operators In Rochester, N. T. The first appli¬ -arxlce part come In^" We can't answer his i"> ands.-iO-cent gcale. Tbe occasion marked the cation for a permit to work at that line of busi¬ The Doric Theater, 'Kansas City, opened last lucstton, hut «'r can tell him the why and the first Boston showing of the film. ness has been made by Mrs. Lanrine Stahley, a week, and an entire day's proceeds were turned i.hercfor of the us»- of the wa>r<1. -Service is the over to tbe Red Cross. *(ird of the hoar. anion( all patriute at least l the manager. all the Eastern theaters of tbe Stanley Tbeute, President Carl Laemmle, of the I'nit ersal Film Company, has made Company, of Philadelphia, replacing H. Hen The City Council of (olumbia. Sf. C., in re- a personal request of all of the motion picture trade papers that they nessey, who has gone to New York City. •poose to an appeal from tbe negro |M>pnlatlon concentrate In their news columns in order to call the attention of the ■f the city, has barred the Birth s'f a Nation exhibitors of the country to the imi>ortance of properly celebrating: Flag The property of the Casino Theater. 213 Wont photoplay. Day on June 14 next, the birthday of the Stars and Stripes. Third street, Davenport, la., has been tran>- ferred from Jessie T. Woodmanse® to the Casln-i The apfieal bv Mr. Laemmle was sent out at the request of several r. L. .Koppelbcrger, manager of tl.e La Crosse Amusement Comimny at a consideration of patriotic societies, among them the National Security League. The appeal and Uajestic tlieaters. La Crosse. Wls.. has $.H,000. from the latter says: taken over tho management of the Caelno and "We are extremely anxious to have the motion picture houses take tbe Strand In that city. it (Flag Day) up. as we think it would have a good effect upon their McBRIOE RESIGNS Tbe Petmsylviiilt State Boarcl of Review has patrons, it being the first time in a long time that an appeal was made to patriotism which at the same time was not an appeal to the pocket- From Mayor’s Cabinet To Accept Posi¬ placed the stamp of onclemnatlon on The James tion With Fox Film Corporation no.Ts. a • ne reel I.ubln film, claiming that it la book.” Mr. Laemmle suggests that for June 11 every motion picture house •-rtailnally Instructive. .\la<> there are a great New York, June 0.—James E. McBride, presi¬ in the country decorate its lobby with the Stars and Stripes to the ex¬ numlier of eliminations from other films—a mass dent of the Mnnicipal Civil Service CommlseioD, clusion of ever>- other flag. He also suggests that the screen might be •t filthy seubtitiea as nsual being the cause resigned Friday from Mayor Hylan's cabinet. banked with American flags, kept rippling continually with breeze from therefor. He will accept a position with the Fox Film electric fans. Corporation. McBride had been active in the If an exhibitor is unable to do anything more Mr. Laemmle sug¬ The coming Boston, convention should be a campaign of tbe Allied Theatrical and Motion gests that it is his duty to throw an image of the flag upon the screen merry little acrap. And with that as the pros Picture Team during the Bed Cross drive. He at every change of picture. pert It Is likely that a ho-t of ••xhibitors will was formerly connected with moving picture in¬ i>r (« hand. terests of William Randolph Hearst.

The Majestic Theater. fJrand Islaml. Neb.. 1* Sidney J. Baker. Kansas City, >Io., film cen¬ mcmlicr of the well-known vaudeville family of TNE BILLBOARD REACHES THEM umltrgolng extensive Improvements, and. shen sor. wants to remote the ex'iense of reviewing that name. Her husband U a motbm picture ■oniplete,]. will I,® a nicslel pl< ture palace—a films from the .}t,iard n»s Dolores CassInelli, star of the much I'tedlt to tbe city and the kind of theater the C.ty Comptroller's offli-e. .Another big feature heralded and as yet untitled initial Perret pro- illliens can refer to nlth prhle. In his proisisals Is to Increase Ills salary an.I ad 1 C. I, Sanford, of Newark, N. Y.. has aoM the dnetioD. i.-i pleased beyonj words to announce two assistants. (Very goo.l say we.l Ito W.x-n" Theater, Towanila. Pa., to Mr. Woeslin. the news that her return to the sllent^drama B. W. T>avls and T. L. Pell mnoiince that claims that be can make tin' department setr- Mr. .sanfnaal recently bvuight the Prtneeas Thea¬ has hts'D received with enthusiastic approval by their new moving picture theater at l.ovllla. la. photoplay fans. supiMirting by charging the film cXi Uange a fee ter, Ko, heoter. of To cents for each film reviewed. Altho Miss Cassinelli's return to the f-d-l has The Thrift .stamp ( ampairn rrcelTeii was by t'-ie purclias,' of ono stamp. warmer than the weather in Balttoon* last Isdn-g sm-n a set oiul time -and very few of them propaganda ImniviI. It Is stated that the night and that was the enthnslasm aroused b." are. If these oM snhjct.s I.vok g«“Ml for .an prislncers will protest the barring of tlie film IT-ans for the construction ,'f a two-story the patriotic appeal of Mme. Blga Petrwra at other pfwntiithiii why not say they are oil to the Cuniiiiitteo on I'libllc Information. theater and stores on Fort AA'ashinglon avenue, the New Theater, who stirred the big audieui-e snii.hs ts? What's the use of trying to misli .i I N-tween Broadway and BkMh street. New York, in her aiidress, urging them to assist the Gov the public? .Apriqs s of the subject, a CIncInn.'tl At the last minute the tt'Atallry Brothers, were fib'd with the Manhattan Biin-au of Build emment to end the war by purchasing AA’ar theater a tew wwks ago displayed the foIh»winT proprietors* and nisnaccra of the Brooklyn Ice Ings. The seating capacHy of the building will Savings .stamps. sign: "IKin't In* f,s>Ie,l; THIS theater shows Skating |‘aliire Bcdf.'nl and .Mlnt.tlc avenues, be 'J.Ttlrt. with an orchestra pit. balrany and Mme. Petrova’s plain, direct talk was elc»|nent only the latest feature picturtss." The “Ihm't hris.klyn, allerod the iil.ana for the rcniislellng roof garden. H. J. Krapp. architect, estimates in its simplicity, and resulted in the vale of Is. fiHiled” l»art had reference to a picture •' the old l,e skating rink Into a noslel motion the cost at ?UX).e the proudest event In my life to ■ higement compiled with the latest edict of pedronie. Biitlalo. N T., Is another one of the s,,< rations are being made in the house, and the think that he is an American, bom In the I’nlted ■be Army and Navy itepartment and girls are many ns’tlou picture managers who makes more sealing arrangement is being rearranged so as States.*' iillliig the iilaces of men In all imsltlens. thus than onllnnry efforts to push tho sale of Thrift to nc(v

\ 58 T e Billboard JUNE 16, 1918

known to the seteen is to Ix' dlslnlerr<-d from the the stalwart wisalsm.iu. The play Is ably d| merciful oblivion it has been burled in, but this recteil thrmiiit nnd the iiliotography excellent Is avoided when the hero arrivtxi too late to buy the snow scenes iM-lng especially attriic tir " "7 FILMS REVIEWED the heroine's home at public aiietion. There la a the law of suggestion) In these Drst dll}, real Southern atmosphere that enhances the pic¬ summer. ture. but It la deplorable that this should have THE STORY; Betty Hammond, HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY which the action revolves, there is enough vital "iini l>een extended to the titles to such a da-gree as heiress, needs a husliaud to nianiige interest supplied to satisfy the most inveterate to make them almost riillciilous and undi^elpher- estate, but hasn't found the miin to lit the pn (Paramount—FIVE BEELS—Featuring George seeker after amusement. The production Is a able at times by dint of the farfetcherincely ing makes her fail in everything she undertakes, plays, who la seen In the title Pole, anu its homes registering scene after scene of high-class but the rest of the story must evmie as a surjirim- and, rutimr than seek aid. she determines to die. screen success Is Insured by the long run of Its decorative- art. with only this addevl whisper—everything cone, A satisfactory climax is evolved, and, her preju¬ out all right in the end. Could you ever lure ..lagi career. It la timely and full of current THE STOUT; Follows the career of a beautiful dice forgotten, Floribel finds hai>plness with her guessed It I interest, pro.Germanlsm and the temperance model, who secretly is shadowing a wealthy lover. problem being only two of the topical questions libertine, who is in reality her own father. EXHIBITOR8. NOTE: Entertaining cornMy EXIIIBITOR8, NOTE: An average story made drama of a type that is generally popular. It embraces. The subtitles deserve special men¬ Palming herself off as an heiress she seeks the Interesting by its beauty. Will be pleasing to tion. They are alive, up to the minute and their assistance of a Bo<'iety man, who, for a moneyed most spectators. snap is a distinct feature In this altogether eq- consideration, introduces her as his fiancee, thus SMASHING THRU joyable production. gaining her an entree to the fashionable set. THE STORY: iBllly Holliday comes to a lit¬ But Cupid steps in and the hero loses *liis heart MEN (CnlTersal—FIVE BEELS -Featuring Herbert tle town to act as bartender for a German brew¬ and becomes ' insanely Jealous. He renounces Rawlinson. Dlrectcl by Elmer riifi.^t er, who is starting a hotel In opposition to the their bargain and believes the girl an adven¬ (Produced by Bacon-Backer Torp. Released by town’s hostelr.v, the American House, that has turess. An auto accident reveals the mystery of U. S. Exhibitors' Oorp. FIVE-REEL dramatic HERBERT RAWIJXSON ri.ACES hliup'lf gone dry. Jason, the proprietor of the temper¬ story by Harry Sheldon. Directed by her parentage, but the father dies as a result right among the topnotebera of the \V<-,t.'rii ance hotel, has Invented a “near beer” that and the girl, now an heiress, is sought after by Perry R. Vekroff clique in SMASHING THRl', for his work is the seems certain of failure until Holliday, who has many suitors, but she chooses the man who ablest definition of the title that ran he become disgusted with his new empolyer. Joins really loves her. That Inexorable law of the drama-conflict imagined. His la a whirlwind, llvcwlre penn.D forces with him and thru an extensive advertis¬ EXHIBITORS. NOTE; This picture can be Is incori>orate«l in this tale of love and allty that will get aenms to any sih*. tab-r .ml ing campaign achieves a tremendous success. In shown anywhere and will please solely on its deceit, and tho at times the theme rises register a substantial impression. He is it the process the former bartender becomes fa¬ merit. to melodramatic crescendo this In no way de- his best in this exciting story of tbe \Ve,t. mous as a temperance advocate, besides winning meeting one hloolcurdling adventure after m the band of Jason’s daughter, whom be has other, dlsi>oslDg of them ait with equal noo- loved from the first. ch.ilance, ami, as the aid college song will hao- EXJIIBITOBS, NOTE: A stirring .American It. "He looked around for more whin he sa- play with plenty of pep. dealing with one of thrn.” Tlie fight on an observation platform t the most vital problems of the day. Besides this a train going at full siM-eit Is only one of a George M. Cohan Is a trump that never fails. siTles of brilliant stunts that will bring laiir>>l> to this energetic young star. The pmlieilm KIDDER & KO. was al'ly directed and si'iiie shot,. oN|iei ial!y . the Wetern scenery, were realistically photo the—FIVE BEELS—Produced by graphed. Featnring Bryant Washburn) THE STORY: J.ick Maston. a young W'-i erner, dlseoverlng that his claitii i« atsmt t" t> WHY 18 IT that In the movies the young Jumpeil. puts n|i a stiff fight, aideii liy ||.. ir ne'er-do-well always puts one over on the father the girl he loves. He retains bis mini-, ha' who has turned him out until he ran prove bis the girt Is forceil by ber mother t-i m.arry always turns np amiling ' (having pretty nearly illcg.il and then comes a wild chase—by auto, w-recked dad’s business—but of course dad is so mobile and motorcycle—after tbe limitisl o proud of sonny he lets It go at that) with a whieh the supis'sed bridal I'oiiple Sf trsvellng beautiful bride and a million cash? This is the Tlie girl Is reseiied iu the nick of tin"- lat idea in Kidder A Ko., a light comedy, that, iu every injustice is corrccteil in time f r fh- spite of the fact that it holds nothing startlingly final. hew, gets over by its amusing situations, clever EXHIBITollS, .VOTE: Entcrf.ilnlng Wo-t.--, subtitles and a star who has personality. .Alsu story that arou-s-s plenty of thrills and will ilf- It has atmosphere—in this case a "dried flsli" light the general class of motion pi' ture fan- one—that does not sound very enticing, but it <-ounts for quite a few points in the success of this partii'ular piny. MORE TROUBLE THE BTORY": Cuthbert Kidder, turned out of his father’s borne and dried fish business until (I’risluccd by Anderson Brunton ('o.--FrVE-REn, such a time as he can return with one thousand It) leased by I’attie I>lreclo.| I'.r llrte 'l iron men earned by his own gelf, is knn<'ked un 0. Warde) i-onsclous by tliiigs and brought into the home Ttl ANAI.Y/E IN DETAII. this .la-.r I.. of a millionaire, whose daughter, Julie, promptly tract.i fri-m tlie interest cn-atcil. Then* 1 HER FINAL RECKONING tion would Ihd d'i Justice pi the coiiie'!i 'rnc-di falls in love with him. Pretending an attack plc.ity of susiiense and some shneks to one's Ide.i I if we nisy be pardoni-il the nUxed ui'-lapli'' of amnesia, so as to insure being kept near "liis (Paramount—FIVE BEELS—Featuring Pauline of correct morals, but competent dlrm-tl'm d|s- I wlilrli meets all exigencies with I'"- hit divinity, Cuthbert, finds that things begin to Frederick. Directed by Emile Chautard) pluys rei larkable discretiou in the handling of I prcclalile delay. Enhannsl liy the art «('■ ■ come easy for him, and, aided by chance, bis c.-r'-.ia scenes. The same ingriullents have bc-n ceilfIon glyen the stellar role by tlic d'an ••( nstural ability puts him In a position where he AS THE GYPSY Princess Marso Parllne Fred¬ II- d many times tx'fore in iday building, but I dramatic stars, Frank Keennii, wli",. limn'' wins back his father's respect and proves worthy erick rises to tlie lieigbt of her craotioml career. . exceptional cast lifts the jday to success. lends distinction t" any imufrani. an'i i- a of Julie's love. The role calls far tense acting, ahty s'ipplled is unfortunate that Cbnriutte Walker slionid antee of a consistently nierlforlous pr slii' il'n EXHIBITORS. NOTE: Entertaining comedy by this American girl, who liulda her own .imong I uve lost ber individuality iu the juoDotouous . Tile is-rforniance at tlie Rlvoll, New A ’rk that holds interest. Would please the majurity the great foreign artists formerly apiHmring in ■ le Ilf Mrs. Hnintoii. f"r tills actress is caim- I ris-elvisl wllli gales of laughter, for eve-, r - of patrons. the stage presentation from which tills .siiparb e of the most finished work Isf'ire the s.'rism. I is idsyed with a depth of si'rlousn''ss ilixi S'-” pnidnctlon was adapteit. Karah Bernhardt. Ellen ■he cast is an exicnslve one. Inclialing Anna I to tile gaiety as the story progresses. It : H’l'' Terry and Eleanora Duse are |ired'‘cesBor-o to b« .clir, (ierlnide Mi-P.iy. Willctte Kershaw-, wlei THE MODEL'S CONFESSION I wise ajdly numeil, for troiilde conies ('> li"' reckoncsl with, but tlie characterization of the rave a deliglitfni performance; Ida Darling. Peering family with the rsiddily of i ..* (Starring Mary Maetjiren. Directed by Ida May tigerllke star does not suffer by the interpreta¬ RobiTt Cain, William T'siker and other well- .A splendid r.is» assists Mr. Ke.'uan. sn'l tV 1' Parke. Shown at the Broadway Theater, tion presented by this young Bostonlun. Hie known isTforniers of ability. rei'tl'in Is nil that could be desired. Th- chv ui New Y’ork, June 2) prisliiction Is urtistieal'y staged and directed, THE STORY: Fidlows the lives of two sisters of tills exis-ptloiislly i-lcvcr plMtoplay ■-■nd-- anil dues full Justice to tlie well-known Frencb —one rearisl In luxury thru adoption, the other in tlie plaiisildllty of li« sl'ir.y, which is n ' Tbe title of this screeirplay Is rather mislead novel and stage dram.i. Prince Zilah, from which an artist's model. One insn in tlie rsuse of atraincil. and llic element of mystery (• ti'’* ing, as many fans will imagiue that they are WHS moideil this Pur:.mouDt play. their unba)ipiness, but afti-r mu'di trouble and solveil iiutll the last s»-ene. Frank Kc-nsn hx- going to witness some more salacious stuff, but THE STORY; Jlurso. the lllegitlraite cl .Id heartache virtue Is trliiuitdiant, and the villalu till- most expressive face iu fltmlsn.l. in this they will be agreeably surprised, for the of a Rusrian Prince nnd a Gypsy girl. Is luvrd is iiunlshed. THE STORY; From the moment of Ih- -e story is unusually clean for such a caption, and ly Prince Ziiub, a ni<'luncb>dy cuuntryinai. of It is an all round fine pr'slucllon that will lie turn from isdlrge of young Harvi-y Ih-'TliiC "* provides an evening’s entertainment without hers. On their wedding day Count Menko lier ilkisl by a large class of fans who adiiitrc the f.itlier. a weallliy Ipui msniifaeiu'cr. eU'-''i"' leaving an unpleasant aftertaate. Here is furm'-r loier, send, n packet of incriminating heart Interest story <'ed nii niiird'-r e''S f' THE LAST REBEL and Hie p'litiN-nil I- almost ni'nisl. When a «' 3x12 FT. Si Cn A DISriNCTI.Y I Mg I E fcstiire in The Man tern linve reaeliiil a crisis the real eidi'"'' •" " ’’*inted in '^1.3 U (Triangle-FIVE KEELS- Featuring Belle Ben¬ Hunt, a story by Fred Jsi-k-mi. is tlie sltiiallon nil in tlie person ..f a eolli ge eliilin wie' ' 4 COLORS PREPAID nett. Direi'teil by Gilbert P. Ilamlltuni of tlie "almost forei-d" tiiarringc. wld. Ii differs used l.ls frleii'l's n.iine to have a g<"»t 'I'"' WE MAKE a SPECIALTY •! DISPUV CARDS from other like sitiiHlIons In tlie fael lliat II In I'MIlltl'IHItS, MITE Will S|i!"'al |o ■ 'I ' AND BANNERS FOR EVERY PURPOSE .Altl.y DIRECUID A.VD )M-aultf'illy photo- the girl who diMui all tlie iinidessaiil work. Ethel fnitenilltes suit to yiHiiig iMsipie wlo ol" graphed is this simiile story of the old and ttie Clayton beads sn aide msl and la le-r usual htgh-ilasH prislip llo|i. SAMPLINER ADV. CO.mk new Koiith, whieh has a real a|.peal as well as eliarming self, w ld< b is the lilgheHl Irilnite timt 729 SEVENTH AVE., N. V. dramatic situations. It almost seema at one can Is* paid her, while KiH klilTe Fellowes proyes las.k thru Hie Is'ltiT I.lst In this b-ue-t'"’' time as if tbe oldest and misit trite happening an able supiwrt and is conylnclng In the role of ■nay U) a letter fur you. MADAME SPHINX SPECIAL PRINTED NEW WAR FILM STARTED (TrlanRlr FIVE HEELS rrutiirInR Alma Ru- lose To Show Brotherhood Ikmih. IllriM'lfd I'jr Tlioma* S. Ilffnm) Fran-.e and America—French ROLL TICKETS High Commission To Aid [I Five Thousand 1.25 Iil.iri of Ihe Parlalaii Idliin tguurter. nuapenae New York, June 9.—Olllrial French W’nr Pie- aiiil'hearl intereat are ao cloaely allied that the U) !i Ten Thousand ----- 2.50 tnrew, ahowlof General I’eralilng before the tomb I,mile la watched for with breathleaa intereat, Q j! Fifteen Thousand - - - - 3.75 of the great Frenchman. Imfayette, and aayinft: ..Iid then regretted becaiiae it cornea bai aoon. — j! Twenty-five Thousand - - 5.50 ••I..tfayette, here we are,” and ahowinit muny 'rhen la u thrill thnenit. and ao able haa la-en acenea in the trenchea. will be included in a the a.-eniirlo writer and the director that one ? :| Fifty 1 housand -----' 7.50 fllm prodjKtlon etaged by the I/-once Perret diM's not know whether to HUa|iect the likable One Hundred Thousand - - 10.00 Production Curopuny, with the aaHiatance of the hero or to truat him. deapite everything, but he THE DIG TICKET AT THE SHALL PRICE French High Commiaaion in thia country. The hua the aiidieni'p with him from the atart, and puprpoae of the fllm, which ia the flrat of a they are prepared to ayiiipathlze with him no Y'flir own s*p»rt»l Ticino, any rrlntlna. any rolcn. ar<'urata1y niimbeml. aeriea, la to allow the growing fraternity between »».ry roll rarantmi. Tl'V.eU for I'riir Drawlnas. J2.50. matter what happciia, Alma Kiibena, in the Prompt .•h!| mant? < a'li wPh orner. Ge t th» aain;.ln Sand diagram t'tr Pr.ODce and .\merlra. The oliji'ct la to diaidn.v lending role, ia a itarllingly beautiful young iinrirad Scat ( oiipcii Tloifia S'a'r how many «•!» Ir-.lrad, s«nal ■ r dated. Slot. Tl krt«. S.ooo to 25.000. 15<. pvr 1.000 ; 50.000, lit; luO.OOO. 9c. actreaa. who la endowed with even a greater ipiallty than lovellneaa her utter iinconacioua- TICKET CO., -_Shamokin, Pa. neaa of the fact. She hi admirable. p»Vino and the production will be under ennugh to see it. Enough can not be said A war atory alMiwing the noble aide of the Dance. Maurice Dumurs. Gossip has been con- the dirertlon of E. Mason Hopper. about it. great world conflict is The Firefly of France, nei-ting her name with that of Monsieur Morin. REESE WITH PHOTOPLAYS. INC. THE CLAW UNIVERSAL MOTOR COMPANY CREW IJuini-y. III., June 8.—D. 0. Reese, formerly (Scle,-t I'lcinrea -FIVE REELS—Starring Clara a well known singer in this territory, ia now Kimball Young. Directed by Robert G. Vig¬ covering the country as manager for the song nola. I*hofography by I/uila J. I'hyidoi-) hits in Photoplays, Inc.

I'rexcelli-d camera work marks this ph-turc as MOTION PICTURE NOTES N lug truly b<-autlful, and numerous scenes of firelight cITei'ts. of burning brush in the open and names illumining the sky, bringing otber Hearts of the World played to $!>7,8TT.S0 in cbjmt!. Into a sharp silhouette, which formed the tell weeks it ran at the Auditorium Theater a startling contrast to vivid sunlight an-i yellow in lass .Xngeles, with no Sunday show and aiz fla-e <.f daylight. Indeed the artistic touches sIh>ws dediK-teil for various caiisea. glim by lioula J. Physioc to this phase of the Carl Stem Is the new manager for the Metro I Icture redeemed much of the incongrii- Film Corporation in Seattle. itlea of the picturixation of Cynthia 8t liigeniielsh for Ihe brilliant MPs Young, who really shines In evening gowns and piles demanding str -ng, self reliant sort of women. The production was not without charm and the cs-ntlnitlty well maintained, only the story was at fault, the transitions being ton quick to ring ('rew Ilf Hie i'nlvenal Motor Company of Oshkosh. Ws . lliird up for the Liberty parade ginrti in iKh knsh recently. true. Milton Sills was a convincing hero and n.any of the smaller bits were well tirken. THE STORY: Contains many thrills, lights adaidcd from the novel of Marion I’olk .Vugel- marvelous gold worker, who dies the day after with lions and .\frican negro»-s. Stirring ad¬ lotlt. it Is truly gripirs that have been intrusti-d b' diva, who does not know of the suspicion against him at all islds; the .\merlcan girl, his wife's her. and consequently does not inform anyone sister, who docs her bit in aiding her valiant that the jewels are paste. .\t the end the missing money is dim-wered and ail ends well ow and got poor skaiw. W* soil brother in law. and the .tmerlcan. perhaps the gp-alrr of ail, for he cs his share bi-fore the for the young lovers. •sarytluag. Writa todop. EXHIBITORS. NOTE; So. lety type of story L Atlas Moviag Pictart Cow I'nltcd States la in the war to pay his coun¬ try's lmm<>rlal debt to lafayette. .\s the .\mcri- that will go big with any audiem-e. ran Wallace Reid is at hts best. Virile, hand¬ some and dauntless, he raptures his audience from BRITISH FILM EMBARGO ST. LOUIS CALCIUM UGHT CO. the first and they arc with him to the last. CSTA8LI8HCD IS7I. Anna Illtle, as the .\merlcan girl. Is alto¬ To Be Taken Up With Lord Reading- CAI/'lfJt iJOnr furnished in *snhs for Stersnptlreei gether charming, and Raymond Hatton, a skllleil U. S. Officials To Appeal Bed Miwing lUcturs Ma>-hlnM Orders to sny part at i tiiird .states Olleil prumiitly. Calrtum Buriievs. Ruh player, has s sniail but -imporlsnl role as the T-jMng. CVindenalng Letiies. IJme Peticlla Gelatin Vtrefl.T. while Charles Ogle deserves praise for Co.oes. K.41 TIrkrta fne tale. Sit Elai St., 81. Laals. Me. hla admirable remlrrlng of the deaptcable char acler of Iho Intrepid German si>y. The photog. FOR SALE-PICTURE SHOW OUTFIT raphy is iqdenilld thrihuil and I*onald Crisp, the regarding the embargo on .American flima, that •a-ers i-hairs. i»o latest I'csser mschlnrs. J5na director, has another peerless war pp»ducllon to the .Administration waa favorably disposed :”r M-reen. sulnmalic piano haiid ori-heafrlnn rlllaer), armory, elertric fliliires. slalusries. hla already fornildahlc record for sl-srate IVisi'l write unlesa you n husineea. 0U8 HAUSER. JaekMS. TsaasBsse. THE STORY- Tb-vereiix Bayne g.ves abroad of the English Boani of Trade, in an endeavor to to join the lafa.vrite F.siinaitrlle. but m i*ie do everything possible to secure space on out¬ going vessela for the shipment of films. Mr. 4 K. W.. 60 or llO-vnlt. steady, smooth UghL Bla- way becomes lnto|ve<| In a German es;donage tlonaiT portable week. Moving pteturae. circoMs. * HrH« A fT%\ pIHun* ttw t wifs* P«f plot. With daring courage he meets the dangers Creel Is understood to have expressed himself (smivals. «4o. I'sed ester,stvsly by the .Anngr sod Navy. •tit Hriiirr. |>lrnty iW paiw 4iitl nil lo w«»rli. that result from this, saving the life of one in terms of apprei-latlon of the efforts of the Send foe No. 16. <3uArafitr«4«1 flrNt rIftM. On omninl t/ bunltiet^ »UI all for IWft fWl. Will «hlp •ub>«hrf ls» m- of the bravest aviators of Kranee and winning picture industry in the promotion of all Gorem- UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO- Oshkosh, Wit. fiir iHmwiU ttf plprwm i-hNrvm. t. B. Ihe love of lha iatler's daring little alster-ln- ment prupaganda, and that the administration THIH HMWtliifHii. w. Va. law who made the great ailventiire posalhie. reallfbd the nei-esslty of spn-ading broadcast PICTURE SHOW FOR SALE EXHIHITOHS. \«>TK- IV.uiwl to please all In town of 1,400 people, mining town; pisniy of WESLEY TROUT, PiojKlioii EB|iBm patrons; true, it brings Ihe great war right home work and a sooil three nights a week town for a giRnl '•Ti i.srs Insiallliig I'rol—-titsi Mschlnsw rve to IIS, hnt in such a brave, fearicsa tneasnra Ixiok thra tbs Letter List in this Issue—th. man. If you don't mean bis d


FILM OFFiaALS GATHER TO Say> Joe Brandt to Exhibitors—Warns Tl.jm To Be Careful of Tax Re¬ REVIEW BUSINESS CONDITIONS turns—Bookkeeper a Necessity the hearta of the maaaea In ao imlveraal a Now York, Jimo 0. —Jor Kriindt, gimral man language aa motion pletiirea. It makea a world¬ egiT of the I'ulvrrHnl Klim I'oiuimn.r, rcturmM wide. common tie. The whole world la It* audi¬ hero Uat KrliUy after an rxtenalre trip aroiunl Unity of Action Planned at Meeting of the Na ence, and it muat play Ita part well. At till* the r-ountry. He tina laniied a warning to all time everyone la turning to motion picturea. exhibitor* to take more rare In eomplllng their tional Association of the Motion Picture partieularly for entertainment and relief, tho roeeljila and dlaburaenienl* In order that they temporary, from the great tragedy of the war. might avoid trouble when obIUhI on by th, Industry—Proposed To Extend ••Imperceptibly," he continue*, ••change* In Government to make an tni cime tax re|>urt. public aentiment and taate in motion picturea “It la amaxing to find how many exhtbltdr* are accompllahed. These p«Tloda of change are not keeping aeeount of their rreelpi. aad ^ope of Activities overlap and Interweave, ao that it Is ditUcult to expeiidltmea,” aald Mr. Itramlt. ••.VII of thi ni tho discern t>eforehand the gr-iduai transition or are making a careful ehe< king n-ganllng their reversion of the public’s likes and dislike*. He re*-elpt* at the door In order that they 4I0 not ers-Laeky Corp.; William Fox, F'ox Film Corp.; who can see ahead and can feel and understand Rlcord Gradwell, World Film Corp; J. E. Brula- the workings of the public mind and their ulti¬ tour, Eastman Films, and James M. Kheldon, mate general decision lias solved tlie great Mutual F'ilm Corporation. problem of the motion picture industry—the It is the pnrpc*e to greatly extend the scope longevity of pictures. and activities of the National Association this ••From the very beginning of the war a gradual year by co-ordinating various branches of the dislike of war pictures—bloodshed and destruc¬ trade which are not now in any way connected tion and miaer.v—became apparent. Over two be In a position to give the proper Income return with the five branches of the National organixa- years ago Mack Sennett, for instance, first nnless they begin immediately to look after those tion. It is contended that two thirds of the started bis wonderful production of Mickey. .Vt affalra I have juat mentioned. They have reached work at the association'e headquarters in the that time this repulsion of the public mind the point where they must understand that a Times Building is devoted to patriotic endeavor against bloodshed in motion pictures was ap- bookkeeper Is not a luxury, but a necessity for and to government co-operation entailing ex¬ par«g to a certain extent, but was not then ao the success of bis house." pense which must be provided for. marked nor so compelling as it is today. Sen- Mr. Brandt gave as an example of efllcirncy, The following were among those present: W. nef.'a foresight read the signs of that time— which was juat the opposite about what hr was E. Atkinson, Metro Pictures Corp.; Ben .Atwell, and this. talking, the theater run by an exhibitor. Mr. Fund drive. It waa announced that individuals representing C. F. Zittel, International Film ••After Mack Bennett’s Tilly's Punctured Blackwell, of Eldorado, Kan. and companies identified with the industry Corp.; William A. Brady, William A. Brady Romance he conceived the idea of another big ••The very appearance of his theater shows bought ten milUons of Third Liberty Loan Picture Plays, Inc.; J. E. Brnlatour, Eastman comedy—a comedy that would be as big as his that he is a mao to look after the welfare of his Bonds and that upwards of one hundred mil¬ Films; J. A. Berst, United Picture Theaters, first overwhelming comedy feature. But be bouse. He employs a bookkeeper, who keeps the lions in bonds were sold to the public thru the Inc.; J. R. Bray, Bray Studios; B. N. Busch, knew it might be two years before he could books In such a condition that at the end of the splendid co-operation rendered hy the motion pic¬ World Film Corp.; Benjamin Burton, Art Films; complete and release such a feature, and that be day Mr. Blackwell ran tell whether hit day's ture theaters thrnont the United States. business has been a profit or a loss, and by keep¬ Many other accomplishments were referred to, ing this up from day to day he ran tell whether and an invitation extended to some of the com¬ Ills theater Is a profit or a loss to him. panies which were represented and were not “lie has even gone farther by making his hank members to join at this time so as to actively Issue special rhi-i-k* for him in a manner that participate in the counsels of the organization, makes them an almolute re<-*ipt for everything which comprises .forty-five producing companies, that goes with each picture he allows. Tliere twelve distributing corporations «nd eighteen ' are blank spai-es on the rhe<-k for the name of supply and equipment concerns. the picture, the price paid, the exchange num¬ President Brady announced that meetings of ber of the feature, the poster cost, the adver¬ each of the five branches of the National Asso¬ tising cost and the war tax.” ciation would be held during June to nominate During bis trip Mr. Brandt foumt that the directors to be elected at the annnal meeting liouses hooked the big special* and not the of the association in Boston during the week star*, w hich seemed to be in e •lip*e. The ‘ ' vW purpose of Mr. Brandt's trip was to Impress the of July 13-20. The directors elected at Boston f&m ICb will elect the officers of the National Association exhibitor* with the fact that they sliould not judge a film by It* age. As his argument for for the ensuing year. *11118 meeting will be held coincident with the convention of the Motion I this he say* that if a pibture had l>een released Picture Exhibitors’ League of America and the In a certain territory for ninety day*, but had .National Motion Picture Exposition in Mechan¬ not Invaded another territory, the rental vain* ics’ Hall. IniK * in the Invadial territory was exactly ■« grrst as the 0r«t day It was relea*<-d. William Fox took the chair and, after setting Mr Brandt made several ch.'tne<-> during his forth his own views in regard to the status of trip, I.. H. Cohen, In charge of the Minnvspnlis the industry at the present time, called upon the Metro Ex> hange, tstno will Felix Feist, World Rim Corp.; Arthur R. truthfully is evidenced In the comedy-drama come up for trial aliorlly. I-'riend, F'amons Players-Lasky Corp.; N. 11. which will be released thru Western Import These actions hate liern lirunabt by Watersoa. Friend, Bray Studios; William F’ox, Fox Film Company—Mickey, featuring Ylabel Nurmiind. Berlin A Hnyder against Daniel J. M'-Clery. Corp.; W. R. Greene, Artcraft Pictures Corji.; 'There is no bloodshed, no battles In this pro¬ Thomas Farrell'uiid Patrick .Mcttratli, proprtetsr* Samuel Goldfish, Goldwyn Pictures Corp.; Sam duction. It is not a drama of flying pa*try or of the Yorkvilic Hlp|sslri>me. It la alleged thit Grant, Boston, Maas.; E. W. -Hammons, Educa¬ inno<-ent heroines seduced, or seven bucket* of the defendants played a musical selc lion. Ci* tional Film; David P. Kewells, Rrst National blood. It I* the cheerful play the public 1* •All Bound 'Itoutid h.v the .Mason Diinn LiB', Exhibitors' Clrcnlt; Ernest II. Hi>rstmann, Bos¬ clamoring for today. Mickey Is ju«f a ml*- without authority In their theater on .August 27. ton, Mass.; F’. J. Hawkins. Hayworth Picture* chtevoiis little mountain girl, whose iiiiplah 11*17. "riie rvldent-e pi-rtalntng to case* ef this Corp.; Walter W. Irwin, Greater Vitagraph <0.; prank* ar" extrcmi-ly amusing and whose cheery, sort has l>een earefully gallored uiid thou»an-l« I-. L. Innerarity, Pathe Exchange, Ine.; Aliiert *unny diaposltlon I* magnelic. In nptle of many of almllar siilta have been flhat alt over the Loew, Paragon F'ilms, Inc.; Gu* Mohiue, Bio- hardship* her sparkling |>erHonnlity eunqiier* and country. These will practically Iw dc ldi-d hy graph Co,: l>ee .A. Ochs, National M. P. Ex- end* In a wistfully saeet roniani-e. the decision of the first case to be tried There hlhltora' I.eague; A. E. Itoussea, Pathe Ex¬ ‘•Mil-key Is now eomplete. the eheerful photo¬ la every IlkrllhiMsI that the ras«-* will »P change, Inc.; Harry Relc-henhach, National Film play with a smile from iH-ginnlng to end—the pealed, no matter which way the decision goc«, Corp.: W. R. Rothacker. Chicago, Ill.; J. Uob<-rt carefully studied out pnaluct of the greatest for the motion picture theater manager* h*>e Rubin, attorney, Metro Pli-tiires Corj'.; W. R. eomedy prodiii-er In the world -an llliistratloD decided to fight the action* of the court to the Sheelian, F’ox F'ilm Corp.: W. <’. Smith, Niehola* lait resort, a* they would be liable for hea'y Powers Co.; James M. Sheldon. Mutual Film Corp., Chicago; William L. Sherrill, 'F”rohman Amusement Corp.; W. N. Helig, Sellg Polyseope Co.; Emil Shaner, Famous Players-Ijisky Corp,, PATRIOTISM COMPLETED and William Wright, Kalem Co. A seleellon of piliirh and Judnled movlei part Bessie Bsrrlsi-ale'a latest I'lirslta play. Patriot graphs, entitled Tool.-* sf AJie lisy. compiled PICTURES DOING THEIR BIT Ism, has la-en eoiii|deti-,| at the Bninton Blildioa from The Literary Digest and a'her weeklle*. in I/m Angeles. Col., and arraiigeiiients an- l>e- are Is-Ing shown nt tlio Rtrand af<«l other ph tun- “AA’e are now- on the brink of a great ebangc ing made for an early Hbipluent to the East. A liy Julian Iz-iils Lamothn, who look thru Ihe loiter IJat in this lasue—there that there is a sort of suspeaae, which, tho not baa alnee enlisted In Ibe army. may be a lelter for you. 14 WEEKS—CANADA’S GREATEST FAIRS—14 WEEKS If you cannot Ret in(»ney at, TWO GOOD SHOWS AND RAILROAD MOVE (Canadian Faire you can’t get it GUARANTEED BY SEVERAL CONCESSIONS CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ivrt \rtl>ur, \ 1,111, Lethbridge, week July 22d. Winnipeg, week Aug. 12th. Ottawa, week Sept. 9th. Valleyfleld, week Sept. 16th. )wo,k J„.y llth. ' L\7brSkl”We':rAuy";«h’‘’'' Ste. Scholastig, week Sept. 23d. Danbury, week Oct. 7th. Hat!’ )»"'* Kc", ACb'"- AUS. Sth. Special Itailroad Circus movement with flat cars from New York throughout the Circuit. Train loaves New York June 24. p.m. Train leaves Toronto June 2G n m 1 point, special low fare. We carry all good.s Train leaves Buffalo June 25, a.m. Toronto June Jt,. p.m. | showmen of quality we will offer special inducements. Telegraph quick. HENRY MEYERHOFF, 140 West 42d St., New York. Telephone, 1425 Bryant.


Rirbmond, Vt., June 8.—The annual conren- JUST OUT iii.n of the Motion I'ictiire Kxhtbitors' AaHocla- ;,..D of Vlritlnla will 1>* held here Juno 13 ir.. fratnrinc the entertainment program arraiige

Experienced by Hditide Pleasure Park, This exquisite banner is made of fine wool felt in the Newark, N. J. authorized colors. The white lettering and field with Nmark, N. J., June 7.—The foudeat exi>ccfa- IU>o> of the monagameat were exceeded at the the blue star are richly embroidered in silk. This is (•len.Dg of illllaide I’leaeure Park. May Jft, the I iriitrd numliering thuuaand*. and uo Memor.al i the emblem of the jiireat war which will be treasured pay anil the Satuniay and Sunday fullouing ; there »rre enurmoua crowd* In attendance aBk Sm.tb and llorea loi Pue. tbe world'a I bimpl 'D lady roper. &—(On the itrrna plat- Following are the concessions at the park; f'>rm) ' queeu," the dog that doe* evirything. Two roller coasters, nierry-go-round. whip, clr- Thla dog t* worketl and owned by tbe Pamoua lie swing, fun bou.se, largest and hot dance hall Uai*e!la. There bare been d.>g acti. t<»> nomer in New Jersey; large lake, with ts-ats and swim I'Oa to mention, but manage-a Uaiklng for a miug pool; Gypsy eamp. pony trai k. skee-ball. real aoveity dog atuot ahtmid take a trip to lllU photo gallery, penny arcade, moving picture ‘Ide tad take a iH-ek at '‘Uneen.'’ 6—Trick show, novelty atan'l, waffle stami, Imat swings, •Dd fan-y riding by Mia* Teddy Wade, May Bar two frankfurter stamls, roast beef stand, rea- t"0, Bud Klaber. George Barton and Jitney tanrant, ire cream and vida fountain, two pea- "'right. 7—Menage act. by Jessie lee s'tcliola, nnt stands, camly stand, three refreebment 'D ' Pude." a hor'e with a dance all bie own. Want people for Athletic Show. Will furnish top and front for merito¬ stards. grocery wheel, fuiir-ball tivoli, shooting v-Pan Plx and h.s mule, •'Virgil." an a< t of rious Show, Have complete Athletic outtit. Have new Spidora Show cigaret game, hoopla, country store, marble internal onal reputation. A—Quadrille on horse game, cane board, hit the kaiser, horse racing ti'k. Bt—Impalement act ton platform), by we will furnish to man and wife on lilieral percentage, (.’an ust' one game, top game, poc'l room, bowling alleys, pil¬ I'amonk Buaeell*. • II—Iltgb-Jumplng art and low top wheel, candy wheel, doll wheel, vase male hurdle, by real Jumping bor*'* and comely good Promoter. Arthur Smith, wire: we wired you to Tulsa, .\ccount wheel, big striker, milk shake, doll game, elec- "laV'v. 1.' —Half mite running race, by four di.«apfH)intment can place eight-piece Italian or American Band, two tr;c g.ime, bird wh'-el. and many other small tbumlgr.U. 13—Hiding of burking horae, by the novelties. 'owbeya. Six bucker* are turned out at each more Lady Dancers and other useful people for big Cabaret Show. Will Jack Pritr. well-known contest cowboy, now performance on 8iturdaya and Bumlaya an'l lHK)k jumping-horse Swing; join Monday, June 24. Now playing min¬ in the army at Camp iMerritt, N. J., has made a Ih.-ee on week days. 14—Chariot rar«». l.V — deal with the Hillside Park management where- 41nah-. There are two perforinancea dally, 3 ing and manufacturing towns exclusively. Leo Lackey, write immedi¬ b.T he. Barney Deiuarest and Guy Weadick will pm. and h;15 p.m. Tbe minagriiient hoe pull off a Frcnfier Contest at tbe park on the .'•-ad of atnrk. and la addition have contracted ately. SNYDER (fc ATWCX)D, Kincaid, Ill., week June 10 to 15. afternn of June —. in which all the Wild with Guy Weadick for the uae of hla four hnck West iH'ople w:tn the show and about .'W ex lag hor«'a. Blue l)og. Jackiam Hole Balily. Bald cowboys, who are now soldiers at Camii Merritt, ll•'rnct aiwl Badger; also for hla •a'ldle hiiraes. will oomiieto. The reeeiiits will go to the com¬ Jack tlold and Itandy.. They also have con pany fund of the aoldiers competing.—UOKVS. trarted t,.r Mlaa Rue ami her horae, I’rln''e. Mk* la Hue. Weiiit.ik'a atiH-k, D.iu I'ix aU'l ■ 'trgir* will remain with the show until Tbe WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF i‘l*ui|>e<1e Rider* again open lla vauilcville sea -a for the 1'. B. (). TO PLAY IN FRONT OF GRAND STAND ARMY HAT CORDS The laily rtd< r* with th,. ahow are: Georgia tu I sell direct In iho trade. No jobbers and middle¬ ' eirner. How Smith. Tr,ldv Wade. May Barton, men s i>rofits when you buy from us. We have for hti-lla Hnaaell, Jeknlr 1 e" Nirbota and Rorea Im Imranllair delivery all Braiuhes of the Servire. '•ti- t'owlMiya are: l>annr Ferguson. l>ank Big Fourth of July Celebration, Hamilton, Ohio COTTON. Per Grov*.$ 8.75 Meany. Jttnry Wright George Barton. Frank Mareerlred. Per Grass. 11.50 Silk. Par Grost. 20.00 ^ndih. Jack Kearnev and Bud Usher. There We will pay real money for a big Novelty A^^t. Address OlHcars*. Par Daren .$3.00, $3.7$ aad 7.50 l> a hueking horse called l-Tylng Blackblnl, and ACE MFG. CO.. -n<.:!er Charlie Chaplin. CARL W. LEHMKUHL, Secretary, 6 So. Third Street, Hamilton, Ohio. 167 Madlaea Av*.. New Yark City WANTED FOR BATES & ALLEN SHOWS OPENING AT MANASSAS. VA.. JUNE 14. Till, la a (wn-car rlrru* sIh'W. thNvL useful perlivroer*. i luwii. bsiid leatier anil iBiialclana. trap dniramer. A-1 talker; also four expertmeed dancers. $lu»t conduct themselvM as ladies. Don’t wire or write, but eomiv iiuiil.n, midway dancers, tmiipe of tings, as-l'laiil ls>.s vantaaman. i>n man. light man. Ucket aeUer> Show moves every wmA. Big Fourth of July Oelrbraticn bmAed. Would Uke to bear from slide tnmbuiio. •111 randy butchers f>Bnkfurl(r and photo privilege for sale. Want two l>lllp->ateV'> Adttress EARNEST LATIMORE. Miaasiaa. Vs. lartnet and piano player. AddreM DOT McCARTY, cars Washbura-Waavtr Shews. Beattyvllla, Ky. 62 X ti e Billboard JUNE 15, 1918

GUMPERTZ’S NEW PARKWAY ‘‘AMERICAN MAID” APPLIQUED SILK PILLOWS BATHS TO OPEN JUNE 15 HPIC^INAI SIZE 24x24 ww I H ww ■■ Most be se.-n to Is- apprcclai, Never before shown. The SAMPLE Occupy Site of Old Structure Destroyed by Fire newest thinff on the Thanksgiving Day—Will Supply Accommo¬ market today. $1.50 WRITE FOR QUAM. dations for 12,000 Bathers at Made of (rood XI7Y PRICES quality Silk. Cut One Time Watch this .1,1 out and inlaid de- SJx ■y' for new deslKii.s. sign, in bright, rich N- eiich and every colors, w’lth sewed on nQ'-T New York, June 10.—The huge fireproof build- I on the first flwir pre repeptetl on the second floor ^ y one New. Original an I Ingp of Uie new Ptrkwaj Baths at the Foot of I for the wi>men. Access to the wuiurn's depart- letters. Red and Blue y Kxeluslve. We will show Ocean Parkway, Brighton Beach, are now com- ment U by a private stair. haekground, white hem¬ / u new one every week tileted and will be officially opened to the pub- Ulher iiu)>ortaut features of the new Parkway Uc on next Batnrday, June l.\ under the manage- Baths are the hand ball ey>urts, mediclue ball Stitchedstitched Ruffle Border or WHEN IN CHICAGO DROP ment of Hamuel Uumpertz. arenas and other exercises and direrslonsdiversions pise Fringe. IN AND SEE OUR FLASH. This magnificent plant oocnpies the site of the Tided on tlie grounds aUJac<-ut the buildings, old wooden structure destroyed by lire on last - — 217-221 W. Madison Street Thanksgiving Day. FOLEY & BURK COMBINED SHOWS!SHOWS F. STERHTHAL CO Manufacturers, CHICAGO. ILL. It will supply accouimodations for 2,000 bath- _ I ers at a time, and la claimed to Ineoriioratc , 1 every feature and luxury In modern bath house AlH>rdeen,AlH'rdeen, V\Wash., ash. JimeJune T.—Tiie,. lue usualnsnal luek at-|at- j construction, appointments and equipment. tends the Foleyholey A BurkBark Sbowt this season, while i The construction work was done by the Turner “Bents slop ar«mad in the mud and rain the I Construction Compiiny from plans laid out on a comes iput smiling when the shows arrive. | magnificent tcale soon after the old buildings -LBain I. As B. have Iwu granted eieluslve car were destroyed. nival privileges for tli^ season by tlie city eouu- Tbe buildings. InclmAng floors, stairs and roof. ‘'I' ‘P » number of cities; lu one instance by a are constructed by reinforced concrete, steel an and the hot rooms. The showers arc ^ •*'*'’ * siieak. Profossioual J«-aloiisy. Sample Dozen, $1.50 prepaid. accessible from a side entrance directly from . -An affecting scene took place .at M^lfonl, Ore., the beach. Besides the tumbling, shooting week, when Arthur Sutton, in charge of the spravs which submerge the bathers, there are memkey speedway, departed f->r C amp izrwls. Per Gross, $15.00. also' low showers, with flexible bea.ls, that »hcre he was ordered to report for military 'lifRft the J*pray laterally u{>oa any pa’*t of the The entire ii>D'pany wa»* at the dejK)! to say ircKHl by, and the Hawaiian^ playt^l and WE LEAD THEM ALL IN ItuTnediately adjoining the Niagara hhowrrs la ^anp. As the train pulled out Sutu« was given the hot room. In which th* shock of tk# showers fUree rousmg cheers, and Arthur wasn’t the only Hs nPiitrallredneutralized by the torrid temperature. ’’*** that found suddensuilden us^euse forf*>r a h.sBdkerchief.h.*iadkerchief. The same facilities of showers, hot room. Arthur wae one of Foley A Burk’s most valued dressing rooms and toilets provided tor the men employees and had b •en with them for three years. Kleven Foley Ai Burk b«*yB are now teas ,ar «. r novelties . . . ■ .. — iug the kaiser. i I n nnnop orders shipped same day ssss p A Ki DAD^ DIED AI Folcy & Burk are at Ceutralia, Wash., tbia CJL/tAN KAKIL KItK, CaMI.. Raym-nd week of Jiiue 11. aud at -Ab.r- lu uKOoO received. deen June 17 for one week. in each "of tbe C’alifornia’a popular pier. Ocean Park, has above cities they are playing for the Flks’ War ■ ^ 25% (lepa*?!! required. Catjilog. again opened for tbe summer season, with a good chest I''’und. They pl.ig l aconia June 26 for line up of attractloue, and under the best pos- five days, during tbe State c-'nvention of the sible auspices. New features have been added Moose, "under auspices of tlie hs-al Ifslge of that to tlie old, and now it stands without exception order. Fourth of July week the shows will be STERN PUB. t mV. CO., ■ as one of the best and most prosperous piers on in Everett, the sani" as last year. the Pacific Coast. Bert Dennis continues to aka of tliP rpiitury. Krrrj Aniprlran l’alr,ot ihoultl hu> < l••a» ' “OVER THERE" BANNERS will buy aeTpral and Mini lh«n to aoldlrr boya and frumb. Mrru with popular a(i(>rr .b an. I*' your bit to «h<«» up Kalvr Hill and help win tho war. Salrs to nm Into llip ilinuaaiMl., fl'-’ e’"' The Eagle Military Products Co., of 62 Tnl- ORDER INCLUDES BALLOONISTS rthtuatpd. Opt ymr onbr In for a uiiaiitlly l.y mum mall to Inaurw pompt iWImy SpU* *• Oip I. •u*»»'I versify Place. New York City, has prepared and In Siorpa. OfIl<-p^. KwIopIp*. and al«> pan l)P wild on «lrppt rompT. *17 mplp* aold <«♦ Salunlay af'-o -’>• is r«-ady to release an entirely new version of It hs'ks a* if there wouM be no Tying of any a atreeunau. Saaipit. lOt; 85« par 100; tl.90 par I.OOO. All pfiargp. pn>tt>al<1 HOMt SUPPLY CO.. Oapt. 0. C»tat»IIU. ladiaaa. the Servli'e Banner. It Is to be known as the kind at fairs and ceIeh'-ntion>. this yenr. as "Over There” Banner, and Is e*i>ecla11.v designed the refusal of tl'e J»>int .\ruiy ami Navy Board to sell to tlKste who have sons actnally in France, on Aeronautics to issue licenses for flying for listingnishing this soldbT from the one who Is exhililtion purposes includes hallrsms of all l.vp»s. WANTED MUSICIANS-~For Howard Bros.’ Shows ■nly In the training camp perifsl of the service. according to .a letter received from the board by Phese banners are made of richly-colored felt Pr< f. Ed R. Hutclilnson of Elmira. N. Y. CorneL Clarinet, Trombone.s and Raritone. B. K. Berry, writ®. This Is first- ind beautifully embroidered. This article is de- cla.sH overland Show, traveling by trucks. Write or wire. O. E. DUENWEG. •crlbr-d in an advertisement in another part of APPLEHANS IN CHICAGO Band Leader, Georgetown, June 12th; Leesburg, ISth; Millersburg, 14th; Csf* this issue. lisle, ISthf Ewing, 17th; all Kentucky. ' <'hl(’«)f0. JuuP 10.—Coirici- Al'Iilrlianit. rtil«f WOLFE GETS CARS tirk'-t-M-llpr for thr ro,,,. A; I>-nt ''irfiii., Into (Tilraeo orpr Siiii(I

WANTED, CAPT. LA DARE ATTRACTIONS C. A. WORTHAM SHOWS MAN—Capable making openlnira on illusion show. MAOTCTAN—Who can lec¬ ture inside. MAN—Work Buda inside. TWO GIRLS—Small in stature. All Oil City, Pa., Week June 17th and Balance of Season must Join not later than June 17. Prepay wires. Tell all first letter. Long Motordrome, one Brst-class platform show. Will fur¬ season of world's biggest and best fairs. CAPT. LA DARE. C. A. Wortham Shows, Mason City. Iowa, June 10-15. nish outfit complete for superba or musical comedy show. Also have plant, show outfit. Can furnish route New-York State until fair season. Address BEN KRAUSE, Manager Krause Greater Shows, Sharon, Pa., Shows and Confessions, Talkers, Grinders, Concession Workers, Dan¬ this week; Oil City, Pa., week June 17th. cers for Klondyke, ('olored Band, InterUx'utor for Plantation, l^inch and .ludy, Maffician or anything suitable for Pit. Have complete outht for .\thletic, Slusieal ('omedy or any ginxl Show. Now showing the coal towns of Kentucky; business big. .\ddress A. P. WHITNKY, Morgantield, Ky., until Saturday. H. S. NOYES, General Agent MRS. NAT REISS, President H. G. MELVILLE, General Mgr.

W.ANTED—Two more high-class grind shows. Can place freaks, curiosities Man to take charge of Ticket Wagon and sell Big Show Tickct.s. Must and magician that can lecture in pit show; girls that can sing and dance, for musical comedy show; musicians, cornet, trombones, baritones, bass and alto. keep IxKiks. First and second (Axik, Man to handle ('ook House. No Ixmg season. Pay every week. Wanted men for carrousell, and one who under¬ buyitig to do. ('hantlelier Man, Team Bos.s, Props. IVivers, Grooms, stands New-Way gasoline engine. Can place snare drummer for Joyland. Con¬ cessions: Everything open except candy, kewpies, juice and cookhouse. We Workingmen and Galliojk^ Plaver. .loin at once. THK W.M.TF.R L. have signed and contracted seven real live spots with long season of fair dates MAIN CIRCUS, .June 13th, Dover, N. H.; 11th, Biddeford; 15th, Port¬ to follow. Address. land; 17th, Rockland. All Maine. H. G. MELVILLE, G«n. Mgr., Ottumwa, la., week June 10; Davenport, 17. FAMOUS BROADWAY SHOWS WANT POSITIVELY-COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON MAIN STREETS, WEEK JURE 17~P0SITIVELY nvo. ('iilored .Mualrians for my Plantation Show, Tuba. Ix)uia l.ove. S«iUth Sea Island Wonder, wire me at T^ancers for Cabaret. They must be Ladies or they lift! Clarinet and Blide Trombone. once. Will wire you tnin8|>ortation if you need it. won’t last. WANT couple more Shows that can get the money. We are playing the Whip. One more Oriental Dancer for Garden of Allah; must have swell ward- "I'ots, doing fine and don't want to go North. Would like to book couple of robe. Concessions of all kinds, no exclu.slves. 1 have fourteen Fairs booked •Jritid or BallyluMi Stiows Wtuild consider Big Auto»lrome or Silodrome. Craxy and they are the cream of the South. Watch for our Fair announcement later. jrS, House, Trip to Mara. iMg and Pony Show. Snake Show. .Monkey Si'et^iway or Wire or write BILLIE CLARK, General Manager. WEEK JUNE 10, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. ON BROAD STREET. COLUMBIA, SOUTH .CAROLINA. TO FOLLOW. i

JUNE 15, 1918

/the candy -FOR- KEWPIES I ‘'Dad" Marshall, who formerly had the jdan- I tatkm with the Wortham (Jreat .Alamo Shows, I and who is now ruoDloft the Wlnil«>r Cafe at I lios Angeles, visited with many friends on the CARNIVALS SILK DRESSED $|P ' show Iteeoration Day during its engagement at Silver Spray Pier. (»n Saturday night of the same week •'Fat” Waugh commandeeo'd several autos and ooiKluoted a party of showfolk to AND PARKS Marshall's vafe. where a pleasant evening was | siM'Dt with •'Dad” as host. .\5!K .\ny concessionaire I -- THAT IS BUYING FROM US. Frank Keller of Ttetrolt, Mich., a member of the Dani> Greater Shows, suffered a dee^> f.vsb in the right arm May ‘.*6, when attarkisl by a Big Landscape OUc TIPTOPTOYCO. D’” man as the carnival train was leaving Clinton. JOS. G. KAEMPFER, Prop. III. He was taken to a hospital at that city and given medical treatment. Chocolates, 114 East 28th Street, New York City Ixx)ks like 2-lb. l>ox. ! Harry Devane is getting along nicely at bis CHICAGO OFFICE TIP TOP TOY CO, 621 West Fulton Street, Chiago, III. Miami, Ok., park. I "Whitle” John.«on la no longer with Brown's y-lb. Boxes, - 25' International Shows. He was seen in a "char- , acter role" aiding the Ke»l Cmss at Joplin. Mo., IiOok.s like one pound. recently. Joplin's qwita was fixed at $50,000. but it reached $1‘J!),001. We will prepay I oee-lb. boxes of Sara Cohen (from Boston) is on the Williams Landscape Chocoiatei on receipt RED, WHITE AND BLUE3 C010R PLUSH Standard Shows with his Walla Walla Girls and Sam Cohen's G.)lden Girls shows. Why the of $2.25. amlle? Good business. Write for cataloK of our 5, 10, 15 and 25c specials. Guy and Lilly Braeklin and son. James, con¬ cessioners, are spending the summer at Ijong Mke. Minnesota, and will mq hit the trail until GRAMERCY CHOC. CO. lEARS,!!’ the fairs open. 76-84 Watts .Street, NEW YORK Red, White and Blue Bears, With Electric Eyes, Mrs. J. F. Murphy and daughter of the Mur¬ 18 Inches, $13.00 Doz. phy Shows was a caller at the home offlee of Red, White and Blue Bears, With Electric Eyes, The Billboard Saturday. GET UQUMNTEDWITI 24 Inches, $16.50 Doz. Little I.ynn Smith a few weeks ago needed several monks for his speedway on the Pears»in , KING SOLOMON CINNAMON, WHITE AND OTHER COLORS I Shows. He again writes that he went bathing I ; recently and developed a beautiful tan. The I PLAIN BEARS, 12 inches, $5.50 Doz. Idea may be original, but n<>t pracUcal—the [ Insignia Seniice Bars, 24 INCHES, $13.00 Doz. cars are too small, $1S.OO per Gross. All our bears are made of the finest plush. Send Mrs. .K. P. Whitney, of the Whitney Shows, purchased an automobile during the stay at First Quality, Hard Enam¬ $25.00 for a special assortment. I Nashville. It is said to be a beauty. She and eled. Heavy Gold Plate, POODLE DOGS No. 9—$42.00 GROSS j her “worst half" tour to their spots in it every Bronze Insifcnia. with Sil¬ Sunday. The Mrs. is getting to be s<'>nie “ No. 10— 48.00 "cefllnolr,” as .A. P. calls it ver U. S. Mountings. •• •• No. 11— 66.00 We make immediate deliveries. Note Floyd Trover has Joined the Great Eastern Samples of all three sizes, $1.35 prepaid. We carri* a big line of small Hippodrome Shows as general agent. F. W. our new address. stuffed animals for grind stores. 25% deposit on all C. O. D. orders. Write Owen has also Joined as billposter. ClareDCS Aosklngs, who recently dosed as general agent, MILFRED NOVELTY CO., for catalog and samples. reports business very gootb Depot Brigade, Camp ORGANIZATION SUPPLY COMPANY, <( C* patriotic designs, including "Just Hello”, “Re- Zachary Taylor, Ky. member Me”, “Greetings from Camp” and 44 Ann Bt., « - New York. Henry J. Pollle, of the Zeklman A PolUe ijrjRWfa “Forget Me Not”. Comrade.s, General Cohen Shows, is repurtearksges. hut PAPER CUPS Underselling Battle. We deliver as advertised, Imayhet If H. P, wPI ‘put If hack with a $1.50 per dozen. nickel' the next one will be better.” UT US SOLVE YOUR GUSTAVE W. COHEN k. BROTHER, 744 Broadway, New York City. CIaren. ISo Each rnstifp rm»*M r# With G. A. Wortham Exposition Co. GENUINE TOro PANAMA HAT JUdurpG ITlcp In Qu»ntiry *- '’'j Will open Watertown, S. D., week June 17th. Wanted LtyU. FOR MEN, WOMEN ' 1 Talker, Ticket Seller, two Canvasmen, two Athletic Girls, SwoMey Lillw|rt$h Oo., hfc Unbreakable. Can he folded, put Wrestlers and Boxers. Joe and Jack Harrick, Fred Grips, 2SI Wait 18th 8traa(, NEW YORK CITY Alex Bean and other live men, write. Red Marshall, wire, In pocket, silk ribbon and sweat. Bells as high as |&.(i0. $12.00 per ■ June 10th, care C. A. Wortham Shows, Mason City, dozen to agents. Send $1.85 for M Iowa. Regards to all acquaintances. Hotel business In sample, st-ite size. Money po«- Norfolk success. One of my three brothers who are tlght- aitively refunded if not satisfied. FOR SALE-OO-FOOT ROUND TOP ing for Uncle Sam was killed In action, a heavy loss, but 8ABAT0GA PANARHA HAT CO. «»l for vaar. Crnna amt m WE'RE BOOSTING YOUR GAME, BOOST OURS—MENTION THE BILLBOARD. DciKMlt on all C. O. I>. OrUrr*. A

Bisnuc like finish. Dressed in Silk Sweater Suits, Ribbons and tO match. Big variety of the brightest colors. Guaranteed against peeling and cracking.

Dressed in Fully jointed. All wood fibre. Dressed with and without Sweater Suits. Sizes, 14, 16 and 24 inches high. Can be had with and without wigs. SOLDIER and NURSE’S COSTUME NOTICE Unbreakable headn and On account of the ever increasing demand for SWEETIE and ADMIRA¬ hands. Patriotic IXilLs are TION DOLLS and for the convenience of quick delivery in the Middle West, by far the most [topular these popular dolls are now carried in stock by our Western Representatives: this season. If you are wise get in the game. n. EVANS & CO., V.$.TeiitSAvniitgCo., IV. IS. — 1522 West Adams St. 23.^ North Desplaines St., INCHES 00 C. O D. Orderi. HIGH AMERICAN PRODUCED STUFFED TOY CO. II WMitir 8U_'_'_N. Y. Cn

Printed Foriunef. Future Photo*. PelroUl end Kortune Telitii, Utmee. 5c lor Cetelof end Samplei. J. LEDOUX. Its Hewburs Are.. Breeklyn. H. Y. BUY YOUR DOLLS FROM THE I BEAUTY DOIL' MFC. CO. WANTED FOR 297-303 Cherry Street, New York City

We guarantee Real Silk Dresses, Genuine Heavy Fur and Bisque Finish. Warranted to stand the aun and weather under all conditions. All ship- | ments made subject to refund if not at repre¬ sented. SAMPLE, $1.25 WRITE FOR SPECIAL PRICES We Are Mfrs. and Do Not Operate Concessions. ' 25?r deposit on C. O. D. shipments. Good Pit Show, Dog and Pony Show, Platform Show.s. OUR AGENTS: Legitimate Concessions that must work for ten cents. KINDEL & GRAHAM. 891 Missioi St, Sm Francisco, U Musicians to enlarge Band; address PROF. PHILIP ESPOSITO. Trainmaster to handle fifteen-car train; C. M. Pate, wire. Lot Superintendent to handle lot. Address SAM SDLDMDN, Mueirlans on all instruments. Talker and Rider capable of taking complete charxe of Sllodrome. Comedian for Musical Comedy and Talker to manage Scranton, Pa., week June 10. ^ame. Want Comedian and Trap Drummer for Plant. Show, also Talker capable of managintr Plant. Want Talker, Floorman and Dancers for Cabaret Show. Coming, N. Y., week June 17. Can place any legitimate Concession. Week June 10th, Van Buren, Ark.; week June 17th, Fayetteville, Ark.; week June 24th, Monett, Mo. L. C. KELLEY, Mgr. WANTED—WANTED WANTED-FOREMAN MAU’S GREATER SHOWS And Experienced Help for Mangels Carousel, ONE OR TWO GOOD SHOWS (except Ten-in-One, Cabaret, Oriental), also BIG ELI FERRIS WHEEL, SILODROME or any Whip and Eli Ferris Wheel Good Attraction except the above. CONCESSIONS of all kinds, except Soft Drinks, Palmistry, Doll, Bear, Write or wire SAM MECHANIC, care Keystone Exposi¬ Pillow Wheels, Devil’s Bowling All^*, Candy Laydown, High Striker, Huopla, Arkanaiaw Kids. We want also first-class Cookhouse. CAN PLACE several tion Shows, all this week, Plainfield, New Jersey. good Concession Agents. Ladies for Cabaret. Those with Henpecked Hus¬ bands Stay Away. All my old Plant. People please write me at once. Colored Musicians that CDMCESSIONS and ATTRACTIDNS WANTED double either Brass and Orchestra or Brass and Stage. Mose Williams, where are you? Will lease or buy two Baggage, one Combination Car. Want to buy Tents. 30x50, 30x60, also 50x70, with 30 or 30 Middle; all must be Push Pole and For Ocean Park Pier, Ocean Park, Cal. first-class. Want Banners for Plant., Cabaret and Athletic. Will buy Con¬ cession Tent, 6x8, with 6 or 7-ft. wall. CAN PLACE Amusement Devices, Rides and Carrouaen. Have opening Our Route as follows, all live spots: ALL for few good, clean Shows on percentage. Season just commencing. Resorts Week June 10th, auspices Firemen, Decatur, Ind. rrowded. Great opjwrtunity for good Pit Show, Athletic, Hawaiian. Drome and Week June 17th, auspices Red Cross, Delphos, O. ON 'Vhlp, Open all the year round. Week June 24th, auspices Moose, Lima, O. CTDCFTC Acts suitable for Free Attractions playing Southern California, write, stat¬ Week July let, auspices Eagles, Mansfield, 0. ^ ■ ••E.t, I d ing open time and lowest salary. Can use good Features. _All Address or Wire WM. W. MAU, Mgr., as per above Route. W. H. LABB Manager.

WANTED TO JOIN ON WIRE. CIRCUS ACTS SUITABLE FOR TRAINED WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS. all week of July the Fourth, auspices Red Cross, Shows. Rides, except Merry- Family doing several acta preferred. Must be out of draft or have a permit Oo-Kound; Concessions (legitimate). Free Acts. Opening for Cook House, from your locjil board to enter Canada. This la for a lung, sure season with best This is the biggest in the State of Virginia; the only celebration in ^uthwest of treatment and a real show. Thunks, Red Onion. Address JOHNNY J. Virginia. This Show is booked solid until the second week in November, with JONES, week of June 10th, 8t. Cloud, Minn.; week of June 17th, Minot, N. D.; a good line-up of Fairs, twelve In number. Address all mail then Calgary, Alberta, Canada. VIRGINIA AMUSEMENT CO.. W. L. Jamison, Mgr., Box 431, Norton, Va.

Klllposters. Bannermen and Lithographers. You can still get 26 weeks’ work over Long, sure season. No time to dicker. State all In first letter or telegram. Ad¬ here. Flfty-cent meal allowance. dress JOHNNY J. JONES, week of June 10, St. Cloud, Minn.; week of June MURRAY Ak PENNOCK, Gen. Agent, Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago. I7th, Minot, N. D.; then Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 66 X ft e B i 111> o 8 r d JUNE 15, i9l8


waa nt Fort Wayne. Ind. lie la oiirT r.^ k, OBITUARY a willow and one eon who reehl,. in cbi, ij .MtU KK I T—Clinton W. Moff. tl. ..u,. of v York* tieiet widely known Iheatrl.al ttnu CORRECTION—The obituary recounting the died at hU home in New York t it> J,,,,. g ,, demiae of Mrs. O. C. Brooke, pnbilelied in a re¬ I CARS RUBIN & CHERRY SHOWS CARS ll;the age of 4.'> yi-aiw. Death wae dui to cent ieeue, was eri-oueons. O. C. Brooke writee dental gae |Miie4>uing. He U aurvlved by a wW-i that Mrs. Brooks (The Aiabama Bloefcom) was •ml MJD. eerlonely ill, but la now out of danger. I THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE I ' iMINKt iftMirKiw Kr»*n<’h >5. BOOOS—Corp. Edwin W. Boggs, son of Mrs. playwright, died at I’arle. J-'ran. e. re..nt;y u Ullian Hayward Bogge, the Lillian Hayward of . One-Ring Circus, Hawaiian Dancers, Dixieland Troubadours, I 'the 71el year of hie age. George Itunri «a« bora the Clrlch Company at the old Grand Oi>era In 1^4‘>. .\fler the F’r-anro-l'rueelan War he t» Honse, Los Angeles, Cal., years ago. died at Hamilton’sTen-in-One (the best in the countr>’), Monkey Sjieed- I Ieanie tMlltor of I.e LMaya, and later of The Cna the age of 22 .years in France of pneumonia. way. Motordrome, Through the Trenches, Prince William, Joy- H ;etllullimnel. He waa (be author of many i-o CHAPIN—Benjamin Chester Chapin, known to I ela and playa. II.ai beet known work la Ir motion picture fans the country over for his land, Amaza, Hindoo Charlie’s Snake Show, New York Cabaret, H :Maltre de Korgea. which w^a dramatiie.1 and nra fM>rtrayaU of President Lincoln, died of tuber- ea'Utnl with great aueeeea In I’arl'. later, iq cnloeis at I.iberty, N. Y., June 2. He was 44 WHIP, Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round. H 1It* tranelatrd form. It waa aien In Englaii.| years old. As a young man Mr. Chapin bore a where Mr. and Mra. Kendal prteluerd it. striking likeness to the martyred IJneoln. and WE CAN PLACE ANY GOOD SHOW THAT DOES NOT CONFLICT. I ItHGIiKS—Jauu-a II. T. Ittiode*. uianager <■* was aurceseful in presenting a momdog imper¬ Special proposition to tood UNDERGROUND CHINATOWN. H !the Knqilre Theater, Albany, .N. Y'., II,.,! sonation of him. later be produ<'ed a iplay in !• at the age of .Y2 year*. which Lincoln waa the central character, and bis Write or wdre RUBIN GRUBERG, Man.agor. Conces.riona H , .ST.YI’l KJ*—Mr*. Freda Staple., a f.g* delineation of the role brought him stHI greater • ■•tivea. dli-d In St. Joaeph'e lloepital .Vi-w York laurels. It was on the motion 'picture scrtK-n address L. R. VAN DIVER, Toledo, ()., this week; Jackson, I Thurolay. June 6. Fnn'Tal eerkP-e* err. be >1 that he won hie great«-st renown. He spent in the rhaiH'l at 712 WaaMugton avenue Pro k some five years in writing and producing a Mich., week June 16; Plate Convention I'Jks, Lan.sing, Mich.,' H lyn. Satiinlay. Mr*. Staple* wae ibe «l.|.wi - series of photoplays, known as The Hon of \ t>ert Staplee. and fh«' mother of Kva 'itapl- Democracy, a complete chronicle of the life week June 23, auspices Elks. Can place A-1 Promoter, one H,! who ie a nienii«er of the Do Your Bit •’nno>iB of IJneoln. These are being shown from end ^tha^jar^e^esult^roiiOu^vork^>plen(luDerrit()r>^tMVor^n^H| jI now pla.tini: In Chleago. She wae .'!7 ■ e to end of the country. His mother, a eister and Si'i'T'i W. G. Suite, a dlre<-|or of the brother survive. Interment was at Brlstolvine, I eru California Fair h« ld annually at K v r«i.1e tthie. 1 dtiel in Itlver»lde on May 'J.Y Mr suit- * i. DEAKEY'—Earl Q. Denaey, son of Edw. J. aotlve In etarting the flret ehh-ken .h- w *• and Carrie Deaaey, died at the General Hospital, Ulverelde. From thle grew the U!Ter«iil'' r emu Cincinnati. O., Jiine 4, at the age of 8 yeara, Kalr. Out of that hae come the big S«.iiiberi 7 months and 2 days. Death was caused by a SIEENE MNR FAIR SUMMER MEEIINT California Kalr. cnmplieation of diseases. Interment was at ^t. WIIJkINS—WIlUain Thomae Wllk ne. pr. fe. Mary's Cemetery, Cim-innati. *lonally known ae Whirlwind Wilkin. «a. kilh CARROLLTON, ILL., JULY 3, 4 and 5 at .Ylfo. Tex., on May 31 In an airplane af-ldea' LDItY—Jerome 11. Eddy, who la generally -Lt the time of hi* death Mr Wilkin, wa* <.«' credited with having been the first professional ne. ted with tlie Boatwiek-Davl* lYvorltr theatrical press agent, died at the age of 83 S4.400.00 IN PURSES years at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 7. I’layer*. and wi* preparing to enter the rank' Mr. Eddy obtained much publicity for 'Mme. I of I’nrie Sam'* air fighter*. Mr. W'lkin. e' * tered the ahow biielneee aa an aerl.al |>er?orn; • Rhea, the celebrated French actress, when she 3 BI6 PATRIOTIC DAYS FOR THE BENEHT OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS visited this country thirty years ago. The in 1fi07. During I'.xff and IHOS he an I I eon B •• publicity circulars, which he edited for many CONCESSIONARIES WANTED wlrk did a double tratwae act pl.ayinc the fa . years, “Eddy’s Weekly Squib,” were well known fbm Texaa, Oklahoma and 4kan»a« In 1!*<» ' Mississippi and Illinois Valley Circuit follows us Mrith $41,000.00 in purses. For fur¬ Joined liand* with Kalpb Ied to th- h'-nie of h’ GIRARDI—Alexander Girardl, Austria’s lead¬ ' HM'lher In lovelady, Tex. He I* eiirvlvel hr - ing actor, died recently at the age of 68 years Blowers with own outfit with pickout, Tattriocd Man, Punch and Judy, widowed mother, three bmthrre and one «l»te- from the effects of an operation for bh>oater, Second Sight or Magician, Torture Board Man or any good ing H ELLIOTT—Mrs. Josephine Heillott. owner of Platform Attraction, .\ddre8s JA('K VEL.VKE, care Iah? Bros.’ and1 PIT CURIOSITIES Helllott’s Bears, died in Rome. N. Y.. on May Anlfr«l irul ll'iman AIm> TWt> Hra W<’Tit|»T* P'C 13. after three weeks’ illness of typhoid fever. Panama Exposition Shows, Tamaqua, Penna. M>vrla| fealur«>«i. with of without Bannm. AW- I*i«l HOLLEY—Mrs. Ray Holley died rei-ently in Afuromifa. Mwi'iliK Chllti Hr K»rntUnf Tnmeourer, B. C. 8he was well known in the " IIM rw«(hr to »h»i» th4» Har or6rr ' cnmlval business. Mrs. Holley was known as NELSON SUPPLY MOUSE. St«f« St4 E. 4tk St., f maMathMAftt^. Anna Lynch. WRIGHT UNITED SHOWS LEWIS—Albert Lewis, known to the profes- TEN BIG DAYS. FONDE. KY. June 12 TO 22. •gon as Jamec Edwards, died in Los Angeb-c. W»nt TwoorThree-Abrf«i't Siervy-Go-Ilnund to tike pl«ce of ac,3 havrig. Must be own«l by Amrrlrw) and, THIRTY-RRST ANNUAL REUNION Cal.. May 23, leaving a widow and a sister, have help enough to operate aaroe. Want rianUlInn i’eaple. Want Danrrra (nr Cabaret. Want arBt-rlaaa POMMC DE TfNFC DISTRICT ASSOCIATION Mrs. Charles Pitney. He was quite promim-nt J’it Show. Opening for legitimate Canccaalona. Want Working Mm for Sh —a and Cmmwiont VETERANS IStl-'SS. on the sti:ire f-uiie y<-a*s ago. His wido- 1 __H. L. WHICMT. Mgr. To t* liedd at Camp I.r-n. Ilumaimtlle Yl - Aug"-' known as Mary Downes, was also prominent for ' J«-«. mm WrtU I. W. HARGOOO. Privlirgt Baa some years in theatrical circles. Huaiaatvillt. Nta. MERRITTE—Dr. John Merrltte, well-known lecturer and author, died June 5. Dr. Merrltte waa a Methodist Episcopal minister and wrote WANTED FOR JULY 4TH AND 5TH several books and songs. The doctor was a Merry-Go-Round and other clean Concessions. Address all mail to SWIFT FOR SALE charter member of the I. L. A. and was prom¬ Ttireo abreaat pimping hor»e llerechell Spillman < af inently known In the lecture world. Burial "Uaella, or would like acme gmel honking A-ktfe- CO. FAIR ASS’N or M. N. PEDERSON, Appletow, MifiNOSirta. 0. G. GILL. r.aa. Dal., Vkk.burg. MItaliiIgg). WANTED FOR LA GROU’S EXPOSITION SHOWS Seven or ten-in-one show with good frame-up. Will book a good cabaret and platform show. Would like to hear from a good merry-go-round, no junk. Can use a few more concessions. Will furnish top 35x40 to a good showman. Will play Buffalo for three weeks, all Polish sections. Address all wires and mail up to June the 15th to STEVE LA GROU, ELKS’ CLUB, ROCHESTER NEW YORK _And then STATLER HOTEL, BUFFALO, NEW YORK



A. A. WINDECKER and ERNEST and MAZIE THOMPSON MME. VAYE, MAGIC, punch and novelty bag punchers JUDY AND WORLD’S GREATEST MIND READERS SEASON 1918, H. &. W. Address Billboard, Cincinnati. Ohio.

BABYVIOU MAY-JOE Va. ...a a WEIGHT 612 LBS. The Double-Bodied, 3-Legged Child Tattooed Wonder 1918, H, &. W. SHOW 2nd Season The World’s Greatest Living Curiosity. Feature Pit and Side Show Attraction. Permanent Addresa, HAGENBECK & WALUCE BILLBOARD, CINCINNATI,~OHIO HARRY CARRIER, Manager. KING C. ROY Address Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohio. PRINCESS LORENA The Only Genuine ALBINO The Perfect Midget EMIL SCH WYER Gene R. Milton AGE, 18 YEARS on Exhibition t Peniianent Addrefis, Today. Animal Trainer Pit Show Manager Pines—III Udrtts, NORTH LANSING, JAMESTOWN. PA. 8TH SEASON H. &. W. Hagenbeck & Waliace, Season 1918 MICHIGAN. ••Cassidy,’ Miss Jack Farwell, l.iiclllo Kasi>er, Emma •••Miller Henlt Shaw, Jewel > crea. Ethel I Castles, Liiclle Fermelto, iMrs. Kelli. Mrs. I’anl •'Mllstead. Maxine ••Shepard. Marie Vernon. Betty Cayle, Gladys I.. Minnie ••Kelli, .Mrs. P.iiil Millie!, Lillian or Sliepiuirit, ..Mr*. 'P. E. Vernon, .Millie f ••Celia, .Mrs. IVio ••Fielding, norence Keiiipelef Gi-orgi.i Selma •Slieppard. Rutli Vernon. Itot Chare. Mrs. Win. Fink, Mrs. Marie •Kestersoii. Irene Miteliel. Topsy t.siSlierliluu, Molly Aeroiiu Mll.le Chadina, Francis |■:sller, Kiit.v King, Ethel t Mitchell ree .Mrs. ••.Sheriiiaii, Cljile Vincent. Kdltli f Free, prompt and far-famed, the Mail Chambers. Mrs. Edna Mti-li.c, Lillian & Iona King, Frane»»s «•. <1. Slil|>ley Mrs. Juiui'M Aiais, Llliel t’hiiiiiielle. Alla ••Fitzgerald, Katlilyn Forwarding Service of The Billboard King, Mrs. Jack N. Monte, Leona .SiDers. Illllie Voughn. Glennola i'lmiman. Marguerite •Flamu vy, Katherine ••Kinkle, Eva ••Montgomery. Muriel Slis'iim, .Mrs. A. M. ••AVatle, Teddy stands alone as a safe and sure medium t’hrislimia. Madam Florine, Princess Kirkland, Mrs. Helen Montour. .Miiyre Smith Mrs. liiidd Wadley, Mrs. Rube through which professional people may Christenson, Elizalieth Folk. i.Mrs. Clar.i ••Kist, Myrtle MiH're. Grace Slid III .Mrs. Erleue Waggoner, .Mrs. Kj:.. have their mail addressed. Thousands Clark. .Mrs. Walter •-Forrest Emma •••Klark, Ell MiM.re. Mrs. o. M. .Smith, Jitney Wagi.er, Jeanette F.stc-. .Ml-, .s. of performers and showfolk now receive •Clark. Dorothy Kuower, Mrs. Ruth '■o-rall. Mrs. Pinime Smith, Dollie Walker, .Mrs. CLas. Foster. Ir ne Knowles, Mrs. Lucille •••Morris. Mrs. W. W. Smith, Mals-l their mail through thie highly efficient (S (Clark Daisy Walker. Dorothy Clark, Itae •Fo.v. Clei (S I Kreimeie.’, 1 ileeii Moirls, Lonisc Smitli, Hazel Walsh, .Mrs. Ja* departmenL •••Clark, Marie Francis. Mrs. Mary KuvP. May M,.r~e Gertrude •Smlliisou, Jessie Wunduiuker, A'joi;^ •Clarke, Viola Franks, Myrtle l a Fower, Anna ••Movelvr. Rlllle •••Siijder. .Anita Warhelm. Bernliv •I'Yaser Mrs. I,. T. Mail is eometimes lost and mix*ups Clayburn, Dolly I abVanee. Elizalmth Mullen. Mrs. Thoe. Solhern, Jean Watson. Mrs. Stelh result because perfcrmers do not write Clement*. cMrs. Muuiic •••hVeemau. Mr*. I aMarr, Edith Muiivis-. .Atiiln’y SpiMieer .Mrs. Esther •Wayne, Hazel Cloud, Mrs John Martin Ia Pearl. Mr*. Retta Miindi.v. AIiiia Spieiiger. Miss N. J. AA'elde. Jackie plainly, do not give correct address or ••Freigang. >frs. forget to give an address at all when •••Cole. Ada I-a Pearle. Marguerite Jlurpli.v, Jemiin St. Clair, G.V|>*t •••Wrlgler, Stella Colvin, Mrs. Earl K. •A. G. •La I’elletrean, Jean •Muridir, Mrs. Marie Stanley, .Mrs. Minnie •AA’eldi'U, l>an''cs writing for advertised mail. Others Frenliim, Girtnide Ia Porte Rabe Colvon, Mrs. Claudia Murray. .Alice Staiiuron, Katherine ••Wells, Dllle ••l-rlmiues. Madam send letters and write address and Conor, Mrs. Bi|sa Mabel •Ncmchln, Mrs. Jessie •Still, .Margurlte ••West. Dorothy and where such letters bear no return Galbraith, Marjorie Cooley, Gladys lAiiier, Ilon-m-e •Neville, Renee ••Stock. Mrs. F. A. •••We-r Bobble Gardener. Ethel address, the letter can only be for¬ Coppage, Georgia lAWreuee, Paul'ne Newton Mrs. Willard Stone, Pearl White, Mr*. C. E •Gardner Gladys warded to Dead Letter Office. Help The Corcoran. Beatrice Iawmiu iMrs. Jlappv NIelsds, sMrs. J. W. Slrayer, Mae White Sisters. Ro.. Gartlaiid Ruth Ruth ••Sutton. Mrs. Clark Billboard handle your mail by com¬ Corey. Jfrs. Stusle Nlrklaw, Catherine A Marie Ga.r, Emma ••lAwson. RiTtio Sutton, Theresa Correll, Mrs. Chas. Norton Mrs. Kittle White, Mrs. Annie plying with the following: Gobeaii. Mabel <’. la* Beau. Mrs. Charles ••Talvln, Jenny Courtney. Agnes M. O’Brien. Mildred Flcy Write for mail when it is FIRST Geranl Grai-e •la’Maire. Helen ••Tatu. oiome Cowell. MalX'l White. Mrs, Olive B advertised. The following is the key Gilbert. VI ••Le Ro.v. Cecilia O'Brien, Patsy Ta)ler Inci ••Cozart, Cory ••White, Frankie Gildea, Agiioi Ia> Vine. Mrs. H. tcBrlen, N'urine Taylor. Mrs. .Albert to the letter list: Crandell. Mrs. B. F. •••O'Brion Mrs. Vera ••White. Mra. Givens. Gertlia leavell Mrs, Grace Taylor, Bllsa Cincinnati.(No Stars) Crtwfon!, Dolly ••O'Connor, Mrs. Doc Wetlej Gold. Dolly •I.ena •Oswald. Marie Gia-en, Mrs. Ji>e IJthgow, Mrs. Julia Thompson, Jessie Dairs, Kitty Otto, Mrs. Mildred •!!. Wilson. Mr*. list with etare before it write to the GnH’ne, Ellen littell. Miss ••Thompsi'n Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. Charlie Guiler, Ora ••Palion, Rhea office holding the mail, which you will tSIDale. Viola IJvingston, Mrs. •••Tliomiwon. Trlx Wllaon. Mr*. Ira know by the method outlined above. •••Dare, Doris Gusky, I.lttle lizzie Gussle Parker Roth ••Ttiomisein. Mrs. Ray AA’lleon, Jesale ••Mala’d ! auna Keep the Mail Forwarding Department •Davenport, Mrs. IJvingston, Mrs. Parker Katherine H. Thorp. Francea Wlndfleld, Air*. Hath R. U HalT^ Lillian Irving Parr, Is-na supplied with your route and mail will ••Travers, Florence ••AA'lndsor, Marv ••Davids. Minnie Halter, Virginia Livingston. Grace Parson. Mals'l Tresslor. Lucy Wlngard, Myrtle ••Hamilton. G.vpser Le forwarded without the necessity of Davidson, Mies Ray long. Mrs. 1,. Payton, Mrs. E. E. Troyer, Mrs. Cora AA'lngert, Mrs Rena advertising it. Postage is required only Davila. Anna Hanley, Mrs. Ron'nce louls, Josie •Pearl. Iboalle Troyer. Mrs. Howard •Wright, IxNilae Hanson, Esper for packages—letter service is abso¬ Davis. Mrs. Wm. E. ••laivenN-rg. Oilelalde Pearson, Mrs. R. J. Turan. Ethel Yager. Mr*. E. L. lutely free. ••Turin. Buddie •Yeaton Ethel •Valentine, Mr*. Robt. York. Florence Mail ie held but thirty days, and can ••Van, Lola Yoet. Chick not be recovered after it goes to the Van I>->rn. Alice Young. Mra. C. R. Dead Letter Office. ••A'an Zandt, Babe Young. Mlaa Spider Varden, IHdIy •Zanonette, Marie Mail advertised in this issue was un¬ Vaughn. Mrs. called for up to last Sunday noon. All Are You One of the Thousands? requeets for mail must be signed by GENTLEMEN’S LIST. the party to whom mail le addressed. Are you one of the thousands who are daily having The Billboard’s •A. B. Trap Drammer Belmont, Harvey Mail Forwarding Service handle your mail? ••Abbott. Antac frank The Billboard’s Letter Departments forward nine out of ten letters (SIAbbott, the Merry •Belmore I^ewia on the same day they are received. In fact, many of our clients are not Wizard Benden. Billy Parcels and Amounts Due tSiBennelt, Bell put to the necessity of writing for their mail more than once or twice a Abby, Jimmie Alicpaw, Mrs. Zoct, 3c Hopkirk, Chas. Adams AA". .A. •Benaon, Billie ••Ardo. Will. 4c Howard, Gene, 10c season. ADAMS. CLAREMCE Berger, Bill Bayooty Bros., Ic Hughes, C. H. The letters advertised in this issue are hardly five per cent of those (War Dept.) Bernaril. I>o<'k ••Kell. Mra. A.. 25c Inayer, J. U.. Ic that pass thru our Cincinnati and its affiliated branch offices. Abem. \A‘. II. Bernard] Al A Ger¬ •Bonnel, Harry, 6c Inter-Ooean Shows, Ic SERVICE did it. Quick, thoro understanding by intelligent and dis* Aiken. Bill trud* •Allert, Morris ••Bernard. Geo. Brady, Jas. U. Kahn, Mohaned, 2c criminating mail clerks has resulted in practically nine^tenths of Ameri* ••Brown & Newman, •••Kampeter, C. H., ••.Alexander. F. Bertrund, Frank 4e 14c ca’s theatrical entertainers using The Billboard as their permanent ad* •Alexander, Harencs Beater. Wm. Butler, Tina, Ic •Kelly, Harry dress. Others are being rapidly attracted. •Alfler Kiuaniiel Beveridge Eilwin R. ••Castro. Mrs. Claude. ••Kline, F. A., 2e It is unnecessary in writing for mail to use a self •addressed and Alford, Eddie Blckel. k-rederlck Aiispaw, P. 6c •Keyes. Henry D.. 2c stamped envelope—A POSTAL CARD WILL DO. Give your route far Biddle. F. AV. Cohn. Guy, Ic •Kyes, H. D., 2c * enough ahead to permit your mail to reach you. Write names of towns, Allan, H. Frank Bidwell, Bill •Coleman, Wm. R., ••l.awreuce. E. E., 2c •••Allman Bros. ••Blerman, Ben 20c Lonesome tiid, 2c dates and signature plainly. Alzeda, Dr. G. E. Birch A Bin h BaTla, Z. I... Ic I.yons. Mrs. Shirley, 3c LETTERS ARE HELD THIRTY DAYS ONLY, Ames. IHck BIrchland. Jack Darrow, Mrs. Ola. 3c Malone, J., Ic .Amys, Gus Blrllnyam. Tommy > DeForest, Mrs. Julia •Martin, H. G., 4c after which, if no addresa has been obtained, they are sent to the Dead Anders, F. K Blrniingluui. Eugene 3e Menola. Eugene. 3c Letter Office. It is desirable to write for mail when your name FIRST Anderson. Ed ••Blabop. Jack D1 Nolfi, Mrs. Minnie. Moore, Viola M. appeara in the list. Address your postal to “Mail Forwarding Service, Anderson, Earl B. ••Black, Claude 4c •Ormiston. F.. 2c The Billboard.” .Anderson, Ivan D. niackmore Bert ••Egan it DeMar, 4c Polllte, John. 5c ••Anders,, Kay ••Blake, Arthur •Elemendorf, Esther. ••(Juigley, Jno. A.. READ THE EXPLANATION AT HEAD OF THIS LIST. Allgel, Arthur Blanco, The Great 1« 25e •.Ankers, Four Bland. AA’m. ••ElRay, 6c ••Ray, El. 4c Blanke, M. J. Anlger, A. M. Emery, Annie, 6c •.Sheppard. Mrs. J., Blann. K. Julian Arakt Tom ••Esty, Eugene C.. 22e •••Bly. W. U Arnxlrong, Carl B. 10c ••Tripp. Trio, 40c Boden. Bert Everett. Tinea, 3c •Dayton, Maud Ixivett, Mrs. T. J. ARNETTI, •Wagetaff. Wm.. 6c Harmon, Mrs. Vlek Petit, Mrs. liou ••Boden. .Art •WaBstaff. Wm M.. Lucas, I^ah WALTER T. Garvin, P. A.. 2c I>e Aigoe, Blanche Haro«-y, Mrs. Goldie PbllaiM), Margaret Bolton. Ell Gazoney, Al. 6c De Aman, Mr*. Wm. Harris, Mrs. Mabel Imckey, Bidibie (Draft Order) Wend el, Clalrbel, 2c Phillips, Irene •Bonlielni. Geo. S. D'Andrea. Mrs. ••Luckey. Bobby Armond. Teddy A’. Crelgh, Ella. 3c ••Whale Oil Gus. 4c Harris iMrs. Bessie •••Pindar Claudlne Boon, Bob Healy. Mlcheal Ic Wilson. Walter, 6c Estella Harris. Grace I-um, Alia •.Arthur, George PInder, llattle ••Borden. Art Hines, Mrs. Albina, 6c DeBols, Dorothy Harris, May •lAind. Zana ••Polk. Ollle •.Arthur, D. V. Askew. Geo. R. Bom, l,eat'T DeComa. Sadie Harris. Nellie Lynn, Hori-nce Piillett, lAura I-gous, Mrs, A. Atchtiuin. Jones •Bsieton. Brad LADIES’ LIST. DeGrace, Daisy •Harris. Doonv Polly. Mr*. Maud Bounhle. I'go De lAcy. Fern ••Harris, Dell McBride. Mrs. Sadie Preston. Clara ••.Aiibert. Ralph Abbot, Mrs. Maud Blnker, Mrs. f?. W. Bowen, I„ G. De Mar, Peggy ••Harrlty, Josephine ••McCart, Mrs. Jean ••Price, IKdIy •••Autss-hon. C. E. •Bowman A Davla Ache, Mrs. Effle Blankenship, Mrs. De Montreville, Jane Hastings, Mildred McChesney. Mias Prilllfs. Mrs. E. C. •••Aiidron Ralph •Boy Adair. Jackie Marie •••DeA'an, Lillian Hawley. FVirence McClain, lilancbe Prlndle, Agnes .Anton. AA'm. Adams, Mrs. Etta Blanford, Anna Boyd. (Tiff D'Varo. Nellie Ilazen. Malottle Brady. F J. •••Dedrlck, Mrs. Dave •••Hleks, Margaret McGeorgp, Georgia Uliey, Helen Bainiw. .A .Norman ••Allen. Vie Bostwick, Georgean Branaaeld, Percy Dee, Mrs. Ethel Higgins. Mrs. Ulive •••McHau, Kitty Kam*ey, Nellie ••Baker. 4lan>ld Andrew. Mr*. Mildred Bowman. Bettie Dee, Ethel ••Hildebrandf, Frieda •McIntyre, Alma Kanm, Mrs. R, F, Baker, .Ann* Braasnn J. Armbonr, Lillie Bracbard, iMlIe. Julia •••Delays, Zella A ••Hines, Kilby Kedpatt, no •••Bale J. W. Bray, Geo. .Arnold, Emily Braden, Mrs. Paul •••Mcl^an Jerre Sylvl Hobart. Miss Billie ••Heed, Eva Bales. F T BREKHBB. gEVEBET Ashmore, Pearl Britton, Mary ■McNld-e. Emma ••Delzaro. Mrs. W. •Hoberg, Mrs. •Keno Sisters Ball. Allan (Draft Order) ••Ayres, Pauline Britton. Tressie •MeVloar, Jean Dempsey, Mrs. Marie Mlchelena P. ••Rh’sles. Myrtle ••Rail, Isiiils C. Brice A Gordon Bable. Jessie Brown. Kitty •Madore, Vivian •••Hogan, Mrs. •••Rare. W U Broadhurat, Gis>rgc •••Bachman. Daisy Brown, Mrs. C. E. Desmond, Mrs, Wm. Mae. Prlni-esB Rlchanis, Pauline Dorothy Bartwr. Ed ••Brooke, .flm •Bailey. Maybelle Brown, Mrs. F>anV Deulne, Tollle Malcoine, bTora Belle ••Rlegel, Madame Holmes, Mrs. Eilna ••Barnes, Chas, Brooks, AVm. ••Baird, Flo ••Brown, I.«la ••D«‘von. .May ••Mandell. Marlond Roberts. Flodell Hope. Nan Barry, Edward Bnsik*. A. Josi’ph ••Baker, Trixie •Browne, Grace D1 Wolf. .Mrs. Minnie Manning, Mrs. Hattie Rot>erts, Ruby Hosraer, Helen Barry. K. J. Brisiks, R. B. •Baker. Mrs. John B. Bryan. Blanche Drelsbeck^ Mile, ■.Marcelll. Miss Joe •Koliert* Bobbie •Hoose, IJlIiin Barry. Albert Brooks. Jlmnilo ••Barber, Grace Bryant, Mrs. Dot Margaiite Mareetfa, Rose RohlMin. Kunle* ••Brisik*. Herbert ••Doughty. Stella J. Howell, Kuth KiMlger*. Miss Billie Bsrllieaslef, Mr, Barbour, M. Bryson, "Mrs. H. R. Marcom, Alice ••Bn>wn A l>ano Dougins. Billie Hoy, Mrs. Nellie KiHifiey, Mrs. Cliaa. Barthel, C. Barnet, Jewell ••Biichmann. Miss Pat Marie, Little Bmwn. Converse •Douglas 51ra. I. Hughes. Helen Rose, Georgia ••Barton. Jaek (S)Barnett. Marie •••Burgees, Ixiulse Marootian, Mrs. Bripwn. .A, K. Drake. Mrs. B. Huntington, Mrs. Kay ••K<*e, Mav Basalt A Bailey Barnett, Lura Burhnam, Alice Celle Bwiwn. l-'rink •Dreyer. I>etha Hurd, Mody Rosenthal, Mrs. Nan ItsNtlne, O. !«. Barr, Amna Burke, Elsie Marrow, Mrs. BIIIIh fit'. s I Ttrown, Jess ••Barringer, Sue •Burke, Mildred Du Bray. Baby, Olive Ira, Madam E. Marahall, Helen Unes, Haitpy Don Meyers Mrs A. F. •••Sclieflle. For’-atlne Beckwith. It. E. Burnette. AA'allai-e Benson, Mra. Lottie •CBrt>enter. Elsie •••Fagan. Baby J'whitng, Mrs. Minnie Milford. Florence Settle. Mra. Tony Bedenls-nder, Carl Bums, fSirley ••Bergerc, Fiances Carroll. Genevieve ••Farrell, Peggit Julianna. Miss Miller, Oioppy •Seymour, Pet A Hell, Wllaon Biimswrorth, J. F. Carroll, Bonnie Bernard, Madam Farner, Mrs. Nellie Kaspsr, Emma Miller, Mrs. Alberta ■Nancy Bell. K. A •••Burroughs. Jack

I t

69 JUNE 15, 1918 Ttie Billboard

Scott, Oliver Wendell •De Dio, Harry Carrln. R. F. A. Hurniann. Art •Lcrine A Levine Menola, Eugene Penny, 31. D. BurfoB, n. W. •.Merten*, J^n •Pepper, Walter Seot^. Dick Butcher, MUtord De Judge, Paul Gate!. A. M. Hurnt, W. S. Levine, Wlllle Hyde, Edw. •Levlif. Barney Merwln, Harold Perkin*. Geo. A. Scully. Cba*. Butler Tiny Do lAOcey, Harry Gtua, Wm. •Meyer*. A. D. Jack Perry. Glen H. Beams. David W. By.Ti. Chenter DeLoaa, D. B. Gaylord, Billy IMORAHAM, JOE Levy, Merwyn (War Dept.) ••Meyer*, Cha*. B. eraing, J. W. Searight A Crane B.vrue. Thou. J. DeKue, Prancla Glard, Leonard •lavy, laula •••Meyera, Jack V. Pertell, Don ••SeemueUer. Al B/nm, ll<'b*rt Derler Walter Gibb*, G. K. Inman, Wm. A. lawla'. Chae., Showa Meyer*. Cha*. A. •Self. 0. »lcn I'hejenn* DEVOiLES L. JULES Gifford, A. A. JackkoD, Mr. •Lewi*. Mr. A iMra. Peteiwon, Andrew K. ••Mhend, llouiain. Sella. Harry Robt iDralt Order) •tilrard. Tony JnckiWin, Bobby Roy hlfer. Volney •JgmcM, Billy Phillip. Alfred O. Selvlii. Edw. D. Camille liiua. De Wulfe, Billy •OIROMD, WM. JOHN •Lewi*. Phillip J. B*s Dean. Ueo. A. (War Dept.) Jansen, Harry ••laws A Miles Mighty WliigwShow rhilllps, Lee Seward*, Fred Cam:>bell, Harrey B. Sexton, Al Dearotlno, Albert GIcn'D, Jaa. Japanese Rubber Llbbera, Jean lS|.Milar, Mr, A. Phlpp*, Ctaas. •fami'beU. Ralph ••Shab^, Dave Dearth, C. E. Glenny A Ford Cement C«, •Lilac Dominion Co. Mllette, Al Phillipps, H. tau>i>l>eU, Turn Shades, Carl • ••Dedrlck, Dare a Glotb, Robert Jarrla, W. B. Lilleta. Laster .Mill* W. T., Jr. Phillips, Lee fiuii'bell, I'. C. •Shambaofb, W. D. •••Deeu Al Goggln*. Edw. Kane John*. L. B. Limmuns, Armon Miller. C. H. Picard Bros. •t an. JouiB Milb'f. George •••SHARKKT. THOS. Deldrtck, Dare •••Gold, Irrlng Johnson. O. W. Laroy Plcelll. Gerardo Canatly, J. W, Miller. Dr. H. J. (Draft Order) • ••t'.iuuefax. R. L. ••Dellany, J. Goldman. D. K. •Johnson, Elwoud •••Une. Red Plank, F. J. Johnson, Jay Miller, Alfred riunkett, Cy Sharkey. S. CaiHtturtl, Ua Oa Dempacy, A. T. 11. ••Gooding. Clyde Lions, Dolly Johneoo, Slirem Miller, Will T. ••POCHATKO, GEO. SharroA Amnaement larNm, Joa Dennla. l4o Goodman, Max Lisle, Doc D. C. Johnson, W. Allen Miller. Cha*. M. (Draft Order) Co. I'arey, Pate Denny, U. Goodner, Arthur •••Uttle. Chick DEROUELU, ••Gordon, J. Arthur Johnson, Cbaa. Little. Curtis Ed¬ Miller, Jack A Poe. Worthy L. ••Sbarsteln. Lew i •rlo*. Uon Thelma Shea. W. B. •t'arltun, W. £. PETER L. (S)GordoD, Dick Johnson, O. E. ward Polo, Gab Miller, rnnk Kid Shelton, Homer •••t arr, OUeer Ueoa (Draft Order) (8)Gordt>n. Dick Johnson. Jaa. W. Loevback, Art Poignant, Bob Miller, Harry James Puloka. Darld (S)Shelton. Worthy A. •t'lrr. Oil Ter Derak, Ralpb Gorman. E. J. Jonea, Bopwood Logan, J. Jonea, J. O. Miller. Jack F, ••Po*a. Tommy I'arr, K«atly. J:imea Ja Mlttnell, Joe Simpson, Tom Douglae, Dad •Greyhound, C. Kannell, W’. M. •••Luckey. Bobbie Proctor, Geo. H. Caatle, Sol Mogerman. Rube ••Sinclair, Alfred H. Downing, W. W, Grievloui, Sam L. Kafka, Paul •••Luckey, Bill •Pslson. Rhea t'lMtaell, John Momingetac. Ora C. Singer, Dave iaranau(b, Downing, Jamea Griffith O. B. (S)Katg, Max Lumlslais, Louis A. Pulioe, Jim J. h, Montecau. The Sitting Bear, Thomas Downey. G. F. Griffith. Chaa. F. •Keating, Jeff Lynch, Phil 8. Purl. Billy •niafllD. Lyle Troupe Skinner. Walter I'haxery, Samuel Doyle, John T. Griffith, Harry •Keaton. Buster Lynn, Maurice E. Moon, James Purl. Ray •••Keeley, Bert Pyle, Art SLATXO. MB. ••Ctialkiaa, Wnia ••Drake. K. W. Grill, A. Lyons, Shirley Moore, T. B. Keenan, O. E. MacGregor. Nestor H. Radcllffe. Geo. HARRY Dransdeld, Tom Grimahaw, Prof. S. Moore. Frank, Frenchy •'•Challbery, H. Keene. Jack ••MacKenile, R. B. Rader, D. L., Agt. (Important) Drlckman, W. G. ••Grt'cea. Harrey Moore, K. Chaniliera. J, Ta ••Kelley, Harry McBride, Jeaae Claire Sloan, Geo. B. •••Dudderran. Silo Bill Grorea. Cbaa. Moore, Ed W. ‘••Rader. John Chai»U, Ia>ala Keller, Leroy •••McCarthy, A. F. Rale*. W. M.. Agent ••Duggan, Philip B. •Gucke'rt. E. S. Morgan. Jack Small. Harry L. ••Chefalo, Nlrhelaa XEETZ, H. ?. McCarthy. Geo. T. Ramn* Gregorio Duncan, Wm. E. •VJuilmette. Slg. Morlock, Earnest Small, Frank Chiarelll. Wm. Mario (S)McCarthy, Arthur Randolph, A. S. Dunn, l.yman H. Gunn. Sam (Kary Dept.) Andrew Smith. Browny Chtlle Fred Kelley, TlKimas P. During Herbert Jo. Gunter, Lloyd Morris. Bobby Rane. J. C. Smith, Ed J., Shows -'btlinian, Bert Ja Kelley. D. C. McCarty. P. J. Raney, J. N. Dyer. \V. A. Guaky. IVankie Morris, James Smith J. J. I'iri-lenKeB. Lew Kelley Jimmie (Slim) McCONHELL, JA8. ••Eagle Feather, Guy Broa.’ Mlnatrela Morris, Milton Raney, 'Roy Smith, Chria M. ••t'br atfaph John Kelly, Ed (Draft Order) Chief Guyer, Carloa Morrle. I. B. Rauza, R. Smith. Sam Davidson I .aril. John Na Kelb'D*. Thaee McConnor. John ••Eaglcwlng, Grover •••llaar. Clarenca Morri*, M. S. Ray, -Arthur Smith, H. B. Clatk, Berry Kennedy, W. S. McCormick, James (War Dept.) Hahn, Jamea J. •Morrison, Palnfer Ray, Jack Smith A Lewi* •CLARK. Kerker, Barney J. Eary A Eary Hall. Prd McCoy, Edward Alien Morrtseey, D. T. Ray, Leon Smith. Jack MELVILLE. EDW. •Kerns. Packey McCrea. Xeil •EdMill, Do loea Hall, Harold ••Morse. Harry C. Raye, Eddie Smith, J. P. (I>nift Order) Kelchei, Lee J. McCullougb. Wm. Red ••Edmooda. U. D. Hall, Bobby M.' Showa Motley. B. Reese Bros., The ••Smith, Mika Clayton, Jack •Key*, D. G. McDade. David ••Edward*. Geo. Hamilton. Charlea Mullen. Tommy Reeree, H. B. ••Smia. B. O. Cloyatoo. IToyd •Klley, Geo. P. McDonaid, Robert Erie ••E(''riuaDra. IHek McElhaney, Wm, Edwarda. Joe •Ilainllton, W, II. King, Stan'ey •Murphy. Wm. P. Reilly Eugene (SlSmlth, J. W. •I'lemcata, Sunny King, Stephen McGee, Mike Edward*. Prof. S. J. ••ilammoD, V. a. ••Murph.ir. Harry RelUy. Fbx (Siemlth. Chet Johnnie King. Billy McGeen. E. E. Uanip>bire. Clifford iSiMurphy. Cha*. B. •Rennoe. W. C. Snell, Wm. chTeland. Oeo. Edwin*. Theron King, Frank McGuire, Tom •••Hampton, Wealey Murphy. Tho*. G. S. Reynolds, Bingo Snellere, Gerard III ft on, BlUle •Eldrldge, Art Kinsel, J. M. •McGuirk, Frederick Hanley, Norman •Mnrtdiy. Myle* ••Richards, Dick Snider. Jack •Clooale, Pete Elrmendorf Carl KirwcLner, Wm. R. •••.McHau, V. P. Hanley, Tommy •••Murphy, R. V. Richardson, Jack Snyder. Donald E. Cotib. Bert ••Elijah. Hw* (S)Klaas, Fred McIntyre. Arthur ••Hanlon. Ed Murray. Whitie Rlo’'ard*on, E. V. Sn^er, H. W. CoburnPearaon EVaon. W. \V. Klaaay, Tom McKay. Ererell W. •••Hannon. P. J. Murray, A. B. R1 . '•’son, Larry Spann, Byron Player# El*on A Head KUdn. Bert McKay. WilUam ••Uan*en, Harry ••Musical Team Ricbi I'dson. Irvin Speck, Tommy •t'ohen Vie •••Emaliier, A. J. Knapp. Eddie XcKENZlE JOBS Haneen. Arthur Myers, Simon L. Richardson, J. J. Spencer, Jack R. folr. A. S. ••EngllxU I'layera Co. Knepi>. P. M. WM. Harbef, Arthur M.vera, Alfred D. Rickards, Harry Spring. Tony •COLEMAM. WM. R. Enile A Ernie ••Knight. Jim (Draft Order) •••Hardagr’e, Peg ••Myer*. Capt. Ridley. Dr. A. B. •Springer. Thoe. Grant tDra/t Order) Erv>ru. Ed •Knowiton, Bert •••McKenile. Robt. E. Hardesty. Hoy Herbert •Biggs. T. L. A Co. •Coleman. W m. Robt. Errirblell. J. Knox. E. B. McK*«fion. William •••Harp-r, George Nation. V. Al Riggan, David S. Stafford, Jack I ll tt, llenery E»m<>ud, John Kogman, George McLaugblin, Andy •••Harper. Teller Nedman. B. W. Rlnaldo, Bruce Stafford, Peden t ulllna A Wllmot E»te*, O. A. Knblman. E. L. tSlMoKlddy. Maxine ••llarrWon. Eastwood Ne.1, Carl E. Rlppel, Chas. Wallace t olllna, E. B. Ethridge, J. W. Kopman, Max McKim, Leon Y. ••Harrit.y, Eddy Nelson. Karl •Robbins, Cha*. A. SUM. C. A. •ifll'Da, Milt Ettinger. Hughie Korte, A. H. McKIndrtck. Jamea Nelson, W. J. ••Kobeneon, Chas. SUIker. Ben folUna. Billy •Eran*. Billie ••Harrold, C. B, Krause, Joe •••McKinley, S. J.. Jr, Nerada, L. Oliver SUllwortlL E. W. * Colli u«. Dick ••Eran*. Geo, P. Hart. E. J. * •Kreeger McLean, M. U. Newman, Harry M. Robert*. Ben Sumler, nnl •t'ollina, Jaa. B. Eran*. Jackie ••Hart. Henry •Kriger. Mr. McLelab, Geo. S. Newpre •Stanton, James B. CuO'lrU, Jack Fagan, Keyetune •Kuehn. Gua McNeil*. Two Ha*kln* Borl* Nlcbol*. J. W. Robinson, Carl SUrck, Nick t'onillt. n, Hugh Kteiner. John (.unnay. Jack Faraday, II. C. (War Dept.) tS)McRiddy. Maxine Fautine. Tony Hau*hier. H. B. c. n. Roby. J. H. ■ Steir, Ihldor Cook. J. D. Kye». H. McSeat«-n. Eno Fau*t, Ike Hawe«, E. W. Nillaon. C. E, Roilgrieurx, Rex ••Stepbena. (Parlay Co ke, Harry M. •Kye*. H D. MeSpadden, Jno. R. •Nixon, Doe ••Fky, Frank Haw kin*. Chub Roger*. Walter •••Stephens, B. Y. ••Cooka. Chaa. •la Barie Mr. Babe •MeVIcar. Jean ••Noe. U K. ••Feinberg. Cbarlle Htycou.h D<«'tor Roger*-, E. J. Sterling, W. W. Cotiper, W. 8. ••La ( elle, Billy AlcWilllama. Bob Nolan. J. Rogers, Sim Steven*. W*. • '(atjicr, lAiry Fenwick, P. Hayden, James la France. E. J. •Mac Evoy. Tho*. J. Haye*. .\rthiir Nollcy, Robert J. Roger*, H. 11. Stevene. 8. D. •c.o.io-r. Prank ••Feldman, Harry la Mar. Frank •Mach. Capt. Kingman Hayn. Sam N<*nie. Red R.dlo, Alfred Stevena. H, C. C««,rllll. Charlea •Fllma •la Mont. Francis E. Mache»lon. Alec Norton. I„ R. BHle Hayne*. IMerce Rollette. Jame* W. ••Steward. H. A. t or.lanl Bme. Field. Ba> la Mont. Francis E. ••Mack, D. D. Norton. George T. Hay*. Wm. •Rolley, Joe Stitt. D. H. Corbett, Tboa, M. Fink, Harry •la Mont, IJoyd L. Macy. J. A. Norotny, Godfrey R, Rollins. R. C. Hayleton, .Tim Stinson, A. J. Corey, Self Finn Tty, Ed •la Port. Joe, Aerial Maddocka, P. L. Nunan. W. F. Ronalds. Teddy •••Corry, J. Walter •Finning, Ja*. L. Hairard. Prof. B. H. ••laRalne. T. Madison, Wayne Stlrk, Stanley Healy. Michael Nunn. Mr. Root. Earl •••nah. lllk« II la Starr. Sard Mahan, Prof. M. E. l>■Grvdy. Harland J. •Stoffer, Dan Cotta. D. W. Healy A Ready Ro<3ue. William Fltigerald. Harry Lacbman, Dare Malcolm. Cliff ••O’Mera. M. E. •Stone, Arthnr B. ••Cotter PVank Heath. Wm. KOBE. FRANK Fltrharrl*. .\Ibert I.. I ackcry. Jaa. il. •••Males. Ja*. G. O’Neil, Jack Strong. Edwaln Couch. Caah Heath, Elmer (Queatlonnaire) ntxharri.*, .Vlpboneut ••Lackman A Lewit •Malkan, Darld O’ Neill. Mack ’ Stoper, Walter < ouxblln. Jack •llebr-n. Jamew Boseman, Mr. A Mrs. Hath. Al F. Taemueller. Alfred C. Mamach. Thom.is (Telegram) Albert Story. Ted •••CouUon. Harry ••Hebron. Jamea Man A Pearson Streeter, Billy •••Cox. Melrera ••Fletclier. Geo. I-alng, A. M. O’Shea, Red Taylor Boser, Joe HEDLIN. EDW’ P Manikin*. The Wray’s Stuart. A. J. < ril* W. II. Flory. Jo* O. landry, Adolph D. •Oakley. Harry Ro**. W. E. HENBT A. Stuckbart, Col. W. D. Floyd. Walter C. lane. E<1dle Mann. Ward Odell. I yman R. Roth. Nat. Noosh Crawford. Walter (Draft Order) Stnekhart, CM. W. D. Fluellen. Claude lange, A. E. Manning IL'ad Show Ogden, (5eo. •••Rothe, Gwstro Croaaman. Link Heiberg. J. A. Sturges, Frank Fogel. Harry langfonl. Young Sam Marco, R. Ogden. Harry Roueb. Irvin Crowley. Jamea Hel*». Morrla Sturgis. Chaa. (StFolger. Capt. A. langley, Raymond A. MARCELL0U8 . •••OldfleM A Drew •Royal Dancer < nllen, J. B. Henderson. G. I. Fondaw. C. D. •••larelT. lew CHADNCIE Oldham. Henry ••Royal. Harry M. Sullivan. Harry Culp, .trthnr ••Henett. W. M. Forcum, Jack • ••laraon. Walker (War Dept.) Ollrare*. Joaqain Roysler, Harry L. Sullivan. Lea A. Curley, Jack Henry, Wayman •Marcus. Harry ••Sullivan, Fay •••FORD FRED C. 1 arson. Olof ••(losterhlns, F. P. Rozell, I>ank A. ' uinminii, R. t,, Herbert. Joe Sullivan. C. S. (Draft Order) ••larrell. Melrln Marcn*. C. W. Ojiplce, Joe S. Rugg. Frederick P. Ciinnlui;, Arch Marglin. J. C. •••SuUyir. Guy Earl ••Ford. Hlx •••Herr, J. Ererett laahley, Hugh •Oppie. Frank D. ••Bnordo, Steven •t urtle. Joe Fornea*. I/oul* Ileyw,«Ml Deo lattcrel. Eugene Marine, S. Ordwa.r, Dean Rush, Webster E. •SU8C0 ••Cuehman Wm. •••Io»nl*ht. Ituaaell Hbk. Eddie l.arine, Jo*. E. Markey A Mont¬ Orr. James .Mbert DONATANTONIO Ciiahtnan. Ben ••Hick* A Serroour I.awe*. C. D. gomery Russell, Geo. P. Poater, Har^ Orr. James .Ylbert Russel, Dale (Wat Dept.) t uttinf, R. La. Hightower Ernest •IawTen*-e, Cha». •Markcy, James •••Sutherland. W. M •••Footer. E. M. Ortix, Demetrlo Safornare. Luca ••Cuttye, Six Miialcal •Hill. Will H. lawrence, S. Lloyd ••Mario, Bennie Sutton P. M. Fbeter, T. C. Osborne. Harry Sailor, Wm. 0. ••Iiafr. Jim Hillman, Harold law*. Cha«. E. ••Marniil*, V. Oskaxnm, Princo ••S. O. •••Porter. I W. St. Is-on, Geo. Hlnchef, W*. V, Marahell. Walter •••Swranner. Raymond •DAHL. JOHH T. •••Foater, Geo. D. Tawnon. Albert G. Os Ko-Mon. Charley Salter, Edw. B. ••Hinton. Geo. W. Marttn. R. S. G. (War Dept.) Fowler. Otto T atelle. Pick Oatemlorff. Gordon ••Saroayoe. Manuel Swlgert, E.' 8. I'ulTlne. Capt. Harry Hinton. Geo. W. •••Martin, Johnnie Swindella. Archie ••Fowler, Albert ••la For* Teddy Oiwalt, Joe Sampson Players •Hlppl*. Clyde Martin. Joseph H. •••Domfon. Carnla ••Frtncl*. Eeeman, Cha*. ••Hoffman, Chester B. lae, lawia A. Paling. Al Sassaman, W. A. •Tanney, W. DAVIS ••Masse*, Henry Palmers, The Tarbox. George D. Freeman. B. Y. •Hotloway. Wm. •lae, Nat A IJllle Saeser, Al JOHN WILSOIt Maasie, Cbaa. •••Tarbox, Geo. FVeeman. J. R. ••Hoo|>ef. P. Ia«. Mark Pamplin, Mr. A Saunders. .\lex. (Draft Order) •••Matthew*. Geo. » Mr*. TT Freeman, Rube ••Hopktn*. Jamea 1* lae. n. R. Slim ••Saunders. Alex, Tate. Vernal ••narla. Hoy Mattbnxe, K. Riley ••Frelgang. A O. Ilomhiicklr, I.onia LEFTEL. MARTOK. Panama Kid fteanlan. Chat. Taylor, John Maurer. C. I't'la, T. U . •Frederlek*. F. W. ••llo*kln* Jack (War Department) Paraecadidolo, Frank Schafer, Charles Taylor, Chas. A. DarU, Jeaale •Maref, Geo. •••Freed Harry Hiidaon, bS-ank LEFNER. JOHN P. Parker. Roy Earnest Schaller. Jack Taylor Bliss Mayer, Raymond Tlarla. T). M. ••nrrienler. 8. II. Huileon. Chaa. (Draft Order) Pirker. W B. Schellef, B. D. •••Taylor, Notk ••Maylon, W. E. I'aria. H. I* •••Frit*. Albert Houaton J Sam Tafka. San Parker, Kobr. H. •••Schleok. Harry C. Tebo, Win Maynard, Jamea P. I't'la. Chaa. 11. From. Roy L. Howard W. L. laggett, J. B. Park*. C. W. ••SrhlUlng, Wm. •Ted. Chy Mayne* H. P. I'riTla Rubee Frye. Cbaa. How*, R. D. lahman. Roch. Past, Tom Schleyer, Oarenoo Telldo. Prince Maynor. J. M. I'aria, H. L. ••Fnllef. Norman Hubbard H. D. Tabman, Pan! J. F. 1% Paterson .Al •••Schot-ne, Fred Temple. U. W. •••Mayo, O. Skeet PATERSON. AEOROE •••Darla. Ralpb Puller, E big or ti(,i,',(' others save stamps. This Show routed in l>est territory, and list of eleven big Southern l airs for tiu* fall tlirongh South Danilina, Alabama and Georgia. Shows stay out until Christmas. Fifteen-car Show, sure to move. Honte follows: Augusta, (la., auspices Nbidern \N (mmIhu'ii of America on the main street, week June 10; Columbia, S. C., on main street, auspices Red Star .\nimal Relief, wet*k .Iuih‘ 17; (’amp .lackson, in heart of the camp, June 24. A lot of good towns to follow. Address all communications per route. BILLY CLARK, Manager.

LETTER LIST WAR NEWS FOR PLATFORM PEOPLE (C-ontlDDfd from page 69) WAR DOLL tCi>ntinn>-il fn«m |i«g.. ”i( Teoo, AItIs ••Weeton. Qeorge | •Teta, Jo*. ••Whale Oil Gus The Latest Patriotic Doll, stands 14 inches high, finished l•l^tll|•l«^•^■ of l,a Konulno Hi, f.ui it-ul. n n<>ln,| Thaoker, P. S. Wharton. Edward I’ri-nr l, urilor of the S,-Tonlooiilli ('Hotur,. ||. •••Tharp, K. C. Whealey, Walter G. in natural colors hy .\ir-Rrush proct'ss, very lifelike, and In tigbitn of Inllinacj' witli all tlK- Itr.t wiN Tbomaa, Harry Wheeler. Earl of ParlK. Tbomaa, A. Xk Wheeler, Meryl W. , each wears an American Flag. Nuff St'd. Whelan, John Patrick ; f Vlllom Cottori'tR tVR lar Vo to ro), blrthpla - Tbomat, Bert Thomaa, Matt •Whetstone, Thos. of .VlrxanilRr'IUimaR. tliR famoux Fri-n.-h Whlrlw nd. Chief SAMPLE, PREPAID, 40c. DOZEN, $3.00. GROSS, $33.00. (S)Tbomj>i>on, Bob No.ron Inwa jon). t>n Hh- RItof oi.,. twai, TbompaoD, Eineet White. Bert Curley •Tbompaon. E. P. White, Joe Why pay four prices for Dolls of the same size? Ship all nn an<-U>nt town, with i-athrrlraN <1 iMng ha. i, •••Thornton. Frank White. Bobert 0. orders same day received. Get your Fourth of July orders to tlir Twelfth tVnturjr. Ttio l•lrtll|lla)'•' of TK&A8HEK. JOHN •White, Wm. Calvin, the rvfurmrr. Wbltlo<'k, Bunny K. in early for convenience of quick delivery. Write for Doll, l.aon I Ian), an an<'lpnt fortifixrl cll.v, nituitn.) •••Whitney, A. P. (Wn* Dept.) Whltner, A. P. Vase and Statuary Catalogue. on an olrvatlon In the mhlxt of lovri miintrv, •» Thunder Bnll, Jr., Whitmore. D. S. uillw from I'arU. baa man.r lulrn-nting <.|.i George ••Wldener. Russell M. builiMngx. .N':i|H>lpoa wax (Jcfoata-I horn In I'H Tidfmll. C. P. Wiggins. Henry DANVILLE STATUARY CO. Y|ir.N» (R-pr) in I«ss wax a tftj xfnxii Tiger Blll’a Show Wilcox. T. C. TimtkUn, Charles Wilhiir. o. _Uor N. ATTENTION! .402 MAIN STREET, - » « SO. DANVILLE. ILL. fortroxx. ami In aM tin- run>p<-an warx hax Tlppln, Eugene Wild, O. J. dom rar-aiM-d a x.i-go or iHunhardminl. .\t na- Tobin, Andly Wilkins. A. E. ttnir it wax tap uioxt lni;x>rtaiit iiianufa> Inrlni; Tomllilt, Qulseppe Willard, Jess town In riandoFx. It had a i.'piilat an i.f Tony, the Alligator Wlllen. Charles Boy Williams. A. D. LkaiiaNi in Ibo Fourtpr-ntli t'mtury. ••Toraer, Jnek Williams, Mr. FEATURED IN AMERICA’S FOREMOST PARKS Then ilirro Is .Vnilonx (a-nixanl. on Ihv Kiimm. Torre**, W. J. Williams, Edward (xoui), a rlvor 11* mllex tong, from sT. (jiR-atin Trarelutte. Dr. Her¬ Walter Ixaii kaiitanl t« fix KngUxh Oiannol. It lx (h- bert I. Williams, Jack INCLUDING PALISADES PARK, N. J., AND LUNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND. N. Y. Tray. ». J, (Human Fly) hirlhplarr of IVti-r tlir Hrmilt. who prrailml Trayer, Howard Williams, Kent tho llrxt Crux* >. .\n i-ntliuxiaxtli- m-mk. »iih ••Tripp, John llir roiirago of lilx txrnTlcti'-nx, h,- I»'d a mnit tudi Triplett, Don Williams, Ernest •Williams, Roy KNOCK THE HELMET OFF THE KAISER!!! of uudiK. plinort m«u to Joruaal<-m toward* th- •Truesdell, moward Williams, Wm. Tulbly. Frank ond of tlio IJovontli Contiir.v. It was a xtrngg i- ••Williams. Frank ———AND- Turner. B. B. Ix-twoon Clirlktlanx ami Mohaninioilatix. or •••Williams, Fred X. t uriier B. M. paratiTr>|.T fi-w riSiflird tholr drxtiualirm. Ti • ..Tier, Georg* J. •••Williamson, J. G. Willmore, Wm. warrlorx txin- tbo H.gii of tho I ri~x, and w-r* Vnderwood, Charles ••Wlllmore. W. THE ROYAL NECK STRETCHER erger. Martin Wilson, Ira E. R.glit against MIglit takon plan* r^i thi< ist, V auilerbury, E. J. Wilson. Willie THE PENN NOVELTY COMPANY, 908 Buttonwood St., Philadelphia, Pa. tory. Tills soFiiix to lie tbs la-t struggle fplnl<>n of the kaiser and WBIGHT. BOBERT Washington. Noah lair national heixx-s In xoiig form. Hill the'' (War Dept.) sions (games of skill only). Have opening for good Riding Devices. Shows, etc. What Watson, Frank stateil that the man who hail hid highest f.r the •Wright. Jas. J. have you? An.«\\’er quick. If you have failed to get the money this sca.son, join the Wayne. Dick walking doll hax reliirneil 11 to the hospital, x" Wright, Carl Almora Waro, George live wires and get real money. MARTIN A BROWN, th.it he wax In a p<'Klt|on to au. tlou It od again Wright. Norman J. Webb. J. B. 'This serond aii' th'n gleaneil Wright. J. W. ••Webb, Wm. G. 2915 Franklin Ave., St. Louie, Mo. W. H MeCaith A Kthlynpe Rradfnri presented Wright. Webb Weber, Billy a eometly sketeli In which a wife. hu«htnil •Wrohel. Ernst •Weekly. C. E. I'lirghir a»d anlomold'n horn playe,l the |irlnripal Wycoff, William Weldman. P. T. WANT TO CLOSE CONTRACT AT ONCE FOR A n>les. "Tower Jk linriel pn-si-nte,! their singing Wyche. James iSkWeldlmaa. It. and talking a.-t, ringing In nut stu(T <«i the side Yanitelll, Joseph Welntraub, Morris D. MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR OUR FAIR Gene Green, tho not pnigramiued. filled In with Ybarra, Richard Welppert, Charles J. his ec.-i.otrlc singing. Yonng Ben On percentage or straight rental. Will do big business here, as ive had none Weisang. Jas. Ihdiiiixtin'x Klephanlx closed the Idll. Young; Ski HI, C. P. Weisberg, Lonis last year. MANITOWOC COUNTY FAIR, Aug. 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, Mani¬ Vora Hayes, featured star of I'ohan's Revue, Young. Harry Welst, Herman C. towoc, Wis. F. C. BORCHERDT, JR., Secy., Manitowoc, Wis. and Frank Tliiney ami Jaiiiea J. C'X-tx-tt. of the Young. Moyd iNdng tiiir lilt company, tho projraiiiiued, failed Welch, Harry •••Young. .Tno. H. to apiiear. ••Welch Wm. C. Tousbon. Whiter Welch, i'. G. Gtx>. Van, the po|iular W. V, ,M. .\, l»«>klng Zachery, James M. agent, serveil sx announcer, hlx clear voh c and WelU, Walter •Zannonette, Richard woish M. H Wanted Experienced Man ^°do«"and“gm?s“’ splendid iiianiwr of presenting the a

Then spo the otlicra—our whole, big, complete manufacturers’ line of Knives, PATRIOTIC DESIGNS and the LATEST ART POSES, with Natural Lifelike Colored Photo Handles Made and finished by our Special New Process. Tilt’ crowd.s eat ’em up everywhere. Write quick for catalog, prices and terms. We assign you territory and protect you in it. We are headquarters—the largest manufacturers and distributors of I’hoto Handled Knives for Sales Boards, Kaffie Cards and Premiums. Don’t lose valuable time. (Jet busyl Write us today. GOLDEN RULE CUTLERY CO. Manuixiurm 212 N. Sheldon St., DepL 147, Chicago.

BROADWAY AND BYWAYS (Centinned from pasp 5) FOR LEASE mnnlcatlon. Nearly flee thnnmind wltncMPj thp doing*, according to EdwanI White. (MOOT nUMM Reporteal on Broadway totlay that Jamea T. Clyda may again enter the hotel boalneaa in tbU city at an early date.

IMward F. Haynea la p-ioking orer locatl'mi Intt'rlor finished In mahograny; 4 state¬ Kiiitible for the liuildlng of a atrietly pmfeiwiofial KiROSY POSY rooms: upper and lower berths; office hotel. Among the ntmea aiiggeated i* The Show- ■w s 15 INCHES HIGH •‘ijulpped with folding bed. upper berth, nien’«. desk, wash basin; complete bedding for The mitaie ptihll.her* and managerw of motion Heavy Silk Dressed, all berths; • baggage compartment 20 pl<-ture theater* are reported to be in an alter- feet long with folding table and chairs, ration via the eourt* aa to royaltlea from tb* TTv TrimmedWith Genuine Fur with glass doors opening entire end; une of aong* in the pieture palace*. .L test oaa« 23-foot celiar; 7-foot kitchen, with may bring out Important dereiopment*. / and Silk Caps To Match range, cooking utensils and dishes, com¬ INCLUDING OVER 18 PATTERNS OF SILK CHIFFON plete for 18 people; double windows, with ADDITIONAL ROUTES DRESSES AND FUR TRIMMED CAPS. .screens; six-wheel Pullman trucks with (Seoelved Too Late for CUaiification) steel-tired wheels; steel platforms; car Positively the largest featured, flashiest and guaranteed to pass MCB passenger Aren.a .Amiiaement t'o.. Harry Punkel: gngr.: most artistic doll on the market, 15 inches service. Available for service May 15th Waahlngton. Pa.. 1(»-1.5. from head to base. With rap Rosy Posy at Houston. Texas. Terms and speci¬ Barkoot Show*: Port Huron, Mich.. 10-15. mea.^ures 18 inches. This doll will not peel Bamum. J. H.. Magician; PanTllle, Ill.. 10-22. fications on request. Blalr'a Coroollana; WInnaboeo. Tex.. 10-15. or crack and will save express charges on ac- HOUSTON RAILWAYCARCOMPANY Bo«twlek Payl* show; Pale*tine. Tex.. 10-15. rxjunt of its light weight. Packed individu¬ Brownle’a Bnd. Pretty Bablea Co.: Bwne. la.. P. O. Box 223, Houston, Texas. . 10 1,5. ally, one in a box, six dozen to a case. Brown’a International Show; Mooett. Mo., 10-15. SAMPLE OF . ROSY POSY Chaae-Llater Co.; C«dfax. la., 10-15. Clifford. Canillna. Showa: Toomaboro. (la., 10-1.5. 15-INCH i CTlfton-Kalley Showa; Van Buren, Ark., 10-lS: DRESSED ^ ^ Velvet, French Sachet PayetfaTllIe 17-22. ROSY POSY silk Mid Kirhly p*rfuror-15; larar packet ISiVa In. Tralnor 17-22. flask kat FVlm-o Show*; Strawn. Tex.. 10-15. Gentry Bro*,’ Clreu*: I.a Fayette, InJ.. 13; T/eN anon 14; Crawfordarltle 1.5. WARNING SAMPLE Girl* From Hiiyler’* Co., Sk-haffer t Standl*h. owner*- CIark*hiirg. W. Va.. 1(V15. Great .American Show*. Morris Miller, mgr.; The overwhelming $1.25 Cofboetnn. O.. 10 1,5. Trad* Mark. success of Rosy Posv' PREPAID WANTED. MUSICIANS Great Wortham Showr*. East Portland. Ore., ha.s forced on the 17.10. BASE HOSPITAL ORCHESTRA market many imitations. The original has the Rose Label 1Trade Mark of the OF eo-piccES-eo BEN FRANKLIN SHOWS Elcktra Tov Co. CAN PLACE IMMEDIATELY Eddyatnne. Pa . June loth W Itih. Want one Feature LIBERTY BEARS—Red. white and blue (nmbination.ion. healthy look- 3 BASSOONS, 3 OBOES Show, alw' Ell Wheel. ing bear with and without electric eyes. 8;imple of ^ * 'liiAt lie A I In to handt* • U rttMicft aiid AtanrlartU AtM»Tf» pnultton ITetna Bro*.' Show*; MayTille, Wi*.. 10-1'; 2-f-inch Electric Eyed Liberty Bear. ^1$1.50 Prepaid. autrM pfilUtmrHt. Wirr utatinc M*> Antico 17 22. pxmiKHtt. rti Ileth. I,. J.. Show*; North Chicago. Ill.. Illtan Show., C. K. Barflehl, mgr.; Mat- SHAPIRO A KARR. H. C. EVANS 4 CO.. 'Vtnt food attrArtlan. Phown. rfmotwilonB, He. 320 South SU Philadelphia. Pa. 1522 Wart Adaaii SU Chicti*. III. JUs fair Bn,; Chicago Height*. Ill.. 10-15. WANTED AT ONCE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPRESENTATIVES: Por SkpHwtrli Hmei.* P*r«N* HtreH Ptlm. Cnticwi’ Keed*. R. B.. (Treater Showa: CartaraTlIle, Mo. •Utim. Wiirkliit and MiN'hanlr fi>r Mi'TTT-tio* Kelwi. Nat. Show*; Ottaniwa. I*.. lOW. H. H. TAMMEN, DENVER, COL. K«'und; Elan wNh to buy a MetYrnd llattd Air rallloft^ Ktaldo** Dog. Pony A Monkey Ctron*: Oahkoah. Htaip all In HrM iHtrr. lN>r**ho*trr. WU Wla.. lOir.. Slhle.T Showa; Hampton. Pa., 10-15. ••OVER THERE- Swain Show Co.; Sheffleld. .Va., 1(V15. Tracer Kapoaltlon Show*- White rialna. N. T., 'IttAl ln«plrlnf and ftatoRi PatrlietlrPatrlmlr rifttira I'ljbiifihtM. ibiiiBiiia for HtrrHninu atid Hheri 10 1.7: Tarr,Th>wn 17 22 'VrlfMn H«ni|0p. ItN* lluiutriHt tl l.tbiO. Wa«hhum A W’eacer t"nlte Ca.. 08Rt. 20. EvuatvIlU. lad. Ky , 10 15; Fleming 17 22. W»*hl>iirn Show*; Sonth Nnrkalk, Conn.. 10-1.5. FOR FAIR WEEK. JtXT J3 •«. nfSUNEIJ* RX. Write term* lmine.ll*telj. T. W. EVERETT. Sae'y. World at Home Show*- }?wt»«Tale. Pa., 10-15. wVHnikI# mill, Musi Ih> rhaap fur rajih. Yankee lloldiiHon Show*; Wadena. Minn.. tC; Wrlta 8. and K . HIS Uh'UpI HtraH. l»ra Mtdiira, Kittle Fall* 15; Aitkin 11; Puluth 15; Two WHEELER BROS.’ New Model SHOWS WANT llarlior*, Minn.. IT. BxperiMiced Wagun Show AgruL *he ran and will u-w a bnuh; Bo** lliwtlrr. Camp Cook. Boss Pony Man. Talking and Singing I'lown. Vrrsatll* Single Petformers. Musician* with wagon sh,>w rxpcrlenc*. BUIpoaUr, Candy Dutchen. Addreaa L*«knlll*, North Cartllaa, Jus* I7U. Aft«r that 6*a. OMm OaRxIlla, Va. If you m It li Tlia Blllktarda toll tii«« Ws D« aure to look thru the Ls'ttcr Uat this week. THE BILLBOARD

H. L VAN GORDER, Secretary CLAY M. GREENE, General Agent J. D. WRIGHT, JR., Special A|ent F. F. TURLEY, Special Agent E. A. POTTER, Trainmaster K. G. GARKOOT, EDWARD JE8S0P, 0. B. (BUCK) TURNER. Director. 0. BUCHANNAN, Chief Electrician SAM SMITH, Lot Superintendent AmI. Mfr. and TitMurar. CtMral Maaacar.

WITH THE SHOW TWO SElCSONS JAPANESE NEEDLE STORE-Ethel Ryan, Jack JnKan CIGAR WHEEL-“Kid” Uple C. Ostrem HOOP-U—Mr. and Mrs. Scott PAN GAME—Hagerman FRUIT WHEEL—Wm. Langon BABE BARKOOT SWINDON STORE—W. F. Farley Still with the Show and Happy PRIVILEGE CAR—L H. Matthews AND OTHERS

SOFT DRINKS, CIGARS, CIGARETTES and ICE Cabaret Extraordinary CREAM CONES BEAUTIFUL POSES DUSTY (DICK) RHOADES MRS. C.B. TURNER Get a Chicken or Duck on the DOING FINE Huckle-De-Buck PLASTIQUE Candy Lay Down MRS. FRANCIS SMITH, Manager ALWAYS POPULAR “The Little Boy Got It” M. Theodorr McCurdy [Dolly Varden Candy Owner angl Manager

Mr. and Mrs. Carousell and K. M. RASSER HIGH Giant Whip

DIVER Carrying everybody on the show grounds. Well satisfied with the show.


J. W. (RED) “BENNIE” BERNHARDT, Owner . Featuring CUNNINGHAM Agents: Arthur Hinkaty, LEO BENYAKER J. A. Gentry, "Scottie" YOUNG boUCH Wrestling All Comers MARIAN McCORMACK Presenting up-to-date LA BELLE SEITTA Lady Wrestler REGARDS TO ALL FRIENDS Musical Farces MARIE FAYETTE LADY BARKER CROMER Beauty a La Carte With It and For It

Blanche Harriet Bernhardt, CHAS. HALPERIN Mascot Barkoot Shows GENUINE ROLL DOWN ■ 1 PILLOW TOPS THOS. PALMER Just back fmm tho South AND I MAX WEISNER S.±. TEDDY BEARS H. LEACH -it ■ * - Regards to all ALL TOGETHER I MOHAMED SUUIMAN jjjg Boys Regards to the Boys Manager
