Pt. 1327, App. B 23 CFR Ch. III (4–1–12 Edition)

D07 Possess multiple driver licenses (in- 1335.2 Purpose. cludes DL, CDL, and Instruction Permit) 1335.3 Definitions. D16 Show or use improperly—Driver license 1335.4 Coordinating committee. (includes DL, CDL, and Instruction Per- 1335.5 Assessment. mit) 1335.6 Strategic plan. D27 Violate limited license conditions 1335.7 Grant requirements. D29 Violate restrictions of driver license 1335.8 Grant amounts. (includes DL, CDL, and Instruction Per- 1335.9 Availability of funds. mit) 1335.10 Grant limitations. D72 Inability to control vehicle 1335.11 Application procedures. D78 about the operation of a motor 1335.12 Contents of application. vehicle AUTHORITY: 23 U.S.C. 411; delegation of au- E03 Operating without HAZMAT safety thority at 49 CFR 1.48. equipment as required by law M09 Failure to obey railroad crossing re- SOURCE: 63 FR 54048, Oct. 8, 1998, unless strictions otherwise noted. M10 For all drivers, failure to obey a traffic control device or the directions of an en- § 1335.1 Scope. forcement official at a railroad-highway This part prescribes the requirements grade crossing M20 For drivers who are not required to al- necessary to implement Section 411 of ways stop, failure to slow down at a rail- Title 23, United States Code, which en- road-highway grade crossing and check courages States to adopt and imple- that tracks are clear of approaching train. ment effective data improvement pro- M21 For drivers who are not required to al- grams. ways stop, failure to stop before reaching tracks at a railroad-highway grade cross- § 1335.2 Purpose. ing when the tracks are not clear M22 For drivers who are always required to The purpose of this part is to im- stop, failure to stop as required before prove the timeliness, accuracy, com- driving onto railroad-highway grade cross- pleteness, uniformity, and accessibility ing of the data needed by each State to M23 For all drivers, failing to have suffi- identify highway safety priorities; to cient space to drive completely through evaluate the effectiveness of these im- the railroad-highway grade crossing with- provements; to link highway safety out stopping M24 For all drivers, failing to negotiate a data systems with other data systems railroad-highway grade crossing because of within each State; and to improve the insufficient undercarriage clearance compatibility of the data system of M80 Reckless, careless, or negligent driving each State with national data systems M81 Careless driving and data systems of other States to en- M82 Inattentive driving hance the observation and analysis of M83 Negligent driving national trends in crash occurrences, M84 S95 Speed contest (racing) on road open to rates, outcomes, and circumstances. traffic U07 Vehicular § 1335.3 Definitions. U08 Vehicular As used in this part: U09 Negligent homicide while operating a (a) Highway safety data and traffic CMV records means data and records relating U10 Causing a fatality through the neg- to crashes, roadways, drivers, vehicles, ligent operation of a CMV U31 Violation resulting in fatal accident traffic offense citations/convictions, emergency medical services, locations [70 FR 43756, July 29, 2005] and other data and records relating to highway safety. APPENDIX B TO PART 1327—OMB (b) Coordinating committee means a CLEARANCE committee that meets the require- The OMB clearance number of this regula- ments of § 1335.4 of this part. tion is OMB 2127–0001. (c) Assessment means a review of a State’s highway safety data and traffic PART 1335—STATE HIGHWAY records system that meets the require- SAFETY DATA IMPROVEMENTS ments of § 1335.5 of this part. For the purpose of this part, an assessment in- Sec. cludes an audit or a strategic planning 1335.1 Scope. analysis.


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