Minutes of the Meeting of the Aylestone Park Residents’ Group held on 1st August 2019 in the School Room of the Church of the Nativity, Cavendish Road, Aylestone Park, .

Apologies: Cllr. Bill Shelton, Cllr. Nigel Porter, Michael Corner, Sue and Herbert Eppel, Alison Sansom, Ann and Alan Sturgess and Kay and Dave Turner.

Jackie Moore-Freakley took the Chair

Leicestershire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre A talk about how the Centre on Freemen’s Common helps sufferers of MS

Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th July 2019 were confirmed as correct.

Matters arising from the Previous Meeting not covered in the Agenda

Litter Bin - Cavendish Road The City Council are not replaced the missing litter bin from the lamppost near the new block of flats on Cavendish Road because it had been vandalised Graffiti – Knighton Fields Road West Railway Bridge Network Rail had promptly removed the graffiti on the railway bridge over Knighton Fields Road West.

Policing Aylestone Park Post Office An incident happened at the shop on the corner of Shakespeare Street and Saffron Lane near the Athletics Stadium.

Councillor’s Report Cllr. Adam Clarke (Aylestone) New Ramp Walkway for is proposing to install a £300k wooden ramp walkway from Great Central Way to Aylestone Meadows near the carpark in Marsden Lane in Aylestone Village. It is hoped that the ramp would improve access for wheelchair users, cyclists and people with buggies. The scheme also includes measures to reduce the risk of flooding to some properties in Marsden Lane. The money would not only come from the Local Growth Fund but also the Leicester and Enterprise Partnership. At the end of July, Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society (AMAS) organised an event with officers from Leicester City Council at the Black Horse Pub for local residents and users of Aylestone Meadows to discuss the proposals. The general response was positive but there was concern about security for the structure. The City Council hopes to submit a planning application for it in September. 1 Aylestone Meadows Patch Walk. This will take place on Tuesday 13th August with the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Kirk Master who is a City Councillor for the Ward and Assistant Mayor. It is hoped to have a meeting to discuss the security of the proposed ramp. Cricket Match Day Parking He has received complaints from local residents about irresponsible parking on cricket match days especially the T20’s. More Traffic Wardens have been drafted in to deal with the problem. Aylestone Community Ward Meeting will be held from 7pm on Wednesday 28th August at Aylestone Baptist Church on Lutterworth Road.

Wheels for All Peter Simmonds, the Chair of the Charity invited all local residents to an event organised by the group on Wednesday 21st August. It will be held at Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium between 4-6pm

Secretary’s Report Badgers will be the subject of the talk at the next monthly meeting in 2019 Thanks to Saffron Ward Councillors for supporting our grant application for £247 to cover the cost of room hire from the Community Ward Fund.

Treasurer’s Report The balance at the Bank was £149.01. A cheque has been issued for £20 to the Royal British Legion. There will be a deduction of £3.30 for copying the agenda and minutes of the July monthly meeting

Newsletter Ann welcomes any articles for publication and volunteers to deliver it.

St. Mary’s Brian Stafford, the Project Manager at Leicester City Council is currently preparing some play area proposals in the next few weeks.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 5th September 2019 starting at 7.30pm in the School Room of the Church of Nativity, Cavendish Road, Aylestone Park, Leicester.