WOLSTON. . [KELLY'S premises occupied by a social club. A family of quest a castle was built here, probably by Geoffrey d& -Clarke, probably related to the Clarkes of WiUoughby, Clinton, or his son-in-law, Norman de Verdun: in the has been connected with this place from a remote reign of Richard I. it was an important garrison; and period, and furnished several 11f its incumbents, of in that of Henry Ill. its owner •being a Royalist, it waa whom were William Clarke, vicar in 1512; Hugh Clarke taken and destroyed by the barons, b'ut was rebuilt M.A. of Jesus Oollege, Cambridge, vicar 1590-1634, and continued to be the residence of the descendants whose son, Samuel Clarke B.A. rector of Aloester, 1633- of ih Norman founders for some time; the only trace 62, 'was a member of the famous Savoy Conference at present existing is a m11und of ruins, still called in 1661; his grandson, Samuel Clarke, ejected from the "Brandon Castle." Brandon Hall is the seat of Lieut.­ living of Grendon, Bucks, at the Restoration, was the Col. Row land John Beech T.D., D.L., J.P. who is owner of well-known annotator, and his great-grandson. alsD I the whole of the land and a port-ion of that in Bretford. Samuel Clarke D.D. of St. Alban's, was the author of 1 The Working Men's Club, erected by the trustees of the "Scriptu:re Promises;" whose son again, ()f the same !late James Beech esq. in 1885, contains Teading and name, was, in 1767, an assistant to the celebrated Dr. [refreshment rooms and a spacious club room available Doddridge. Wolston ManoT House, a building of brick, 1 for meetings, concerts and entertainments. The area of near the church, the property of Charles Walford Wilcox Brandon and Bretford is x,g68 acres of land and 20 of esq J.P. is the residence of Rear-Admiral Reginald water; rateable value, £5,204; the pDpulation in 1901 Hugh Spencer Bacon C.V.O., D.S.O.; Wolston Grange was 343· is a buildin~ of brick, in the Tudor style, with a fine Letters through arrive about 8 & 11.20 a.m. lawn, and the property and residence of William Moly- & 3.20 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 a.m neux Rose esq. JP. Charles Walford Wilcox esq. J.P. Wall Letter Boxes.-The Green, cleared at 2.5 & 7 is lord of the manor and principal landowne:r. The soil p.m.; sundays, 11.30 a.m. ; Railway station, 2.10 & is light and mixed; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, 7·5 p.m. & sundays, 11.30 a.m barley, oats, peas, beans and turnips. The area is 2,701 • • acres of land and 19 of water; rateable value, £ 6,608 ; BRETF10RD 1-s a hamlet, aibout 1! m1les north-ea;si the population in u was in the civil and , from Wolston, on the north bank of the Avon. 19 a79 1 277 in the ecclesiastical parish. M.A.RSTO:N is also a hamlet in this parish. Parish Clerk, Waiter Lissaman Letters through Rugby arrive at 9 a.m. Wall Letter Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Hen:ry Berry, sub-postmaster. Box cleared at 5.15 p.m Letters through Coventry, arrive at 7.30 & 11.5 a.m. SCHOOLS. & 3·5 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 a.m.; dispatched at 12.15, W