
8: -Hashing Basics

I , , “Personal Identification Numbers” (PINs) are needed all the time

user name: Max passwort: ********

I Can be part of a “two-factor-authentication” (e.g., chipcard + PIN) I Adversaries trying to “guess” them:

I How probable is a pwd? I How to attack unknwon pwd by making X attempts to “guess” them I Which passwords are the X most probable ones? I How to choose pwd to thwart such attacks? I . . . while still being able to remember pwd?

Our goal: Make the usage of passwords as secure as possible.

–226– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash Preliminaries . . . speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be, . . . (The Beatles)

I QUESTION: Which of the following passwords is OK? “53cur3 pa55w0rd”, “ci90n38!P0??3ah9vhv” or “123456”?

user name: Max passwort: ********

I ANSWER: None! (Not after being shown on my slides . . . )

I Passwords must be unpredictable ...

I BUT this is actually a property of password-generation and password-handling (random choices, not published on slides, . . . )

I information-theory: a “password-source” must have high entropy! k−1 I very informally: k-bit of entropy ≥ 2 “guesses” for the attacker

–227– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash Wisdom # 1: Choose “high-entropy” passwords! . . . this is harder than it looks

–228– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash Wisdom # 2: Do not allow Offline Attacks! . . . whenever you can avoid them

user name: Max passwort: ********

Online: Offline:

I access to server I function F

I adversary sends pwd-”guess” I adversary can compute F

I server accepts or rejects without the server’s aid pwd-”guess” I F(pwd) = 1 ⇔ pwd accepted X: as large as the server allows X: as large as the adversary can and can handle afford

–229– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash Wisdom #3: Passwords in the Clear are bad! . . . worse than leaving the to your flat under the door-mat

name pwd Anakin skywalker Dagobert moneymoneymoney Donald enwo34qindk!d Luke sykwalker Tick mysecretpassword Trick mysecretpassword Track mysecretpassword

–230– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash Wisdom # 4: Hashing Passwords helps . . . but is not good enough

name H(pwd) Anakin viqwbnqwtomwm Dagobert wer4mnrt4rnrm Donald r034jionksioe Luke viqwbnqwtomwm Tick sdjklasdle9nr Trick sdjklasdle9nr Track sdjklasdle9nr

best attack:

I assume “dictionary” with N “common” passwords

I compute another dictionary with N hashed passwords

I attacking each account in time O(1), if password is “common”

–231– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash Wisdom # 5: and Hash Passwords

name salt H(salt, pwd) Anakin 34892 4unuiio8nuue7 Dagobert 29495 ksni9m8k89kiu Donald 09858 cdk5jkambydyu Luke 45888 xumun6muzyqjo Tick 19495 cnjk9mk3msdfk Track 27849 dekcexcidklc7 Trick 90479 yei7kmdkx2dcx

best attack:

I assume “dictionary” with N “common” passwords

I attacking each account in time O(N), if password is “common” (if the salt never repeats)

–232– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Wisdom # 6: Perform “Key Stretching”

I stretching by k bit k I attacks slow down 2 times I “virtual” entropy goes from β to β + k k I unfortunately, the defenders’ operations may also slow down by 2 times I so the idea is to

I choose k as large as possible I without annoying the defender

–233– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching Generate Password Hashes with Stretching

iteration: stretch by log (N) bit 2 : stretch by p bit input: pwd, salt, N input: pwd, salt, p X ← H(salt, pwd) choose random R < 2p for I ← 1 to N do X ← H(salt, R, pwd) X ← H(salt, X) return X end for return X

–234– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching Verify Password Hashes verify iteration verify pepper input: pwd, salt, N, X 0 input: pwd, salt, p, X 0 X ← H(salt, pwd) choose random R0 < 2p for I ← 1 to N do for I ← 0 to 2p − 1 do X ← H(salt, X) R00 ← (R0 + I) mod 2p end for X 0 ← H(salt, R00, X) accept if X = X 0 else reject accept if X = X 0 end for reject Advantages and disadvantages: +iteration generation and verification are the same +pepper fast generation +pepper parallelizable (why is this an advantage for the defender, and not a disadvantage?) -pepper R must be random – and even secret (why?)

–235– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching Iteration – Without Knowing the Count just let the user decide for herself

unknown iteration verify unknown iteration input: pwd, salt, N input: pwd, salt, N, X X ← H(salt, pwd) X 0 ← H(salt, pwd) while true do while X 6= X 0 do X ← H(salt, X) X 0 ← H(salt, X) end while end while when exception: {user: ctrl-c} accept return X when exception: {user: ctrl-c} reject

–236– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching Usage Scenarios for Password Scramblers

I user authentication

I key derivation


I ...

These uses imply different attack models / security requirements!

–237– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching History until 2010

1960s: Wilkes: plain passwords are bad → store hash and compare 1978: unix I 25 iterations of DES-like operation I 12 bit salt to hinder dictionary attacks 1980s: shadow passwords I store (user, salt, dummy) in File A I store H(pwd, salt) in File B 1995: Abadi, Lomas, Needham: pepper 1997: Kelsey, Schneier, Hall, Wagner: analyzed iteration 2007: Boyen: unknown iteration count 2010: Turan, Barker, Burr, Chen: First standard for KDFs (PBKDF1/2 – Password-Based )

–238– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching Practical Password Scramblers and KDFs until 2010

1978: crypt: in UNIX-based systems based on DES (25 iterations), 12-bit salt 1995: md5crypt by Poul-Henning Kamp 64-bit salt, 1000 iterations of MD5 1995: by Provos and Mazières based on Blowfish (Schneier, 1993) needs a significant (but constant) amount of memory: S-boxes (4 × 1024 Bytes) + subkey (72 Bytes)) 2010: PBKDF2 by NIST first standard for KDFs, can use or block

–239– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching PBKDF2 Password-Based Key Derivation Function Two F(pwd, salt, N, i) I F is the core function I PRF(Key, Input) is modelled U ← PRF(pwd, salt || i32) X ← U as a “pseudorandom for I ← 1 to N do function” U ← PRF(pwd, U)(∗) I Why is pwd used in every X ← X ⊕ U round? Isn’t that dangerous? end for I Should we replace line (∗) return X by U ← PRF(U)?

I PRF could be instantiated by

I a E: PRF(K , U) = EK (U) I a MAC M: PRF(K , U) = MK (U) I a hash function H: PRF(K , U) = H(K || U) I the HMAC-construction, using H in a nested way:

PRF(K , U) = H(K ⊕ const2 || (H(K ⊕ const1 || U))

–240– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching PBKDF2 can Generate Large Outputs relevant for key derivation

I For a required number of output bits, PBKDF2 concatenates F(pwd, salt, N, 1) || F(pwd, salt, N, 2) || ... truncating the final call to F(pwd, salt, N, i) to the required number of bits I Example WPA2:

I PBKDF2 with PRF = HMAC-SHA-1 and N = 4096 iterations I output 256 bits, but HMAC-SHA-1 provides 160 bits I thus, call F twice

I use all the 160 bits from F(pwd, salt, N, 1) I and the first 96 bits from F(pwd, salt, N, 2)

–241– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.1: Key Stretching 8.2: (Percival, 2009) The Advance of Massively Parallel Commodity Hardware


I commodity hardware with an abundance of parallel cores

I attacker can try out any number of password in parallel

I defender is hashing a single password

I also, defender does not always have so many cores

–242– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt Wisdom # 7: Storage is Expensive . . . use this, to make the adversary’s life harder CPU (Multiple Cores) GPU (Hundreds of Cores)

Core 1 Core 2

Core 3 Core 4

Cache Cache similar cache and memory sizes RAM RAM

Adversaries with cheap of-the-shelf parallelizable hardware (GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, . . . ) do not have much memory – especially fast cache-memory.

–243– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt Memory-Hard Functions

I let f be a function which can be computed in time T using space S

I consider a machine with S/k units of memory, instead of S

I a function f is memory-hard if the time grows from T to kT , at least

Definition 10 A function f is memory-hard if computing f (x) with an input of size n needs S(n) space and T 0(n) units of operations, where   S(n) ∗ T 0(n) ∈ Ω T 0(n)2−

for  > 0.

–244– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt Sequentially Memory-Hard Functions

0 I note that the “time” T in the definition of memory-hardness only denotes the number of operations

I this does not rule out a c-times speed-up when computing f (x) on a machine with c parallel cores

I we would like to stick with an actual time T /k, given any number of parallel cores

Definition 11 A function f is sequentially memory-hard if (1) it is memory-hard and (2) it cannot be computed on a machine with S(n) processors and S(n) space in expected time T (n), where   S(n) ∗ T (n) = O T (n)2−

for any  > 0.

–245– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt The Outer Layer of scrypt

scrypt (pwd, salt, N) B ← PBKDF2(pwd, salt, 1) B ← ROMix(B, N) B ← PBKDF2(pwd, B, 1) return B

I ROMix is the core operation (see below)

I framed by two calls to PBKDF2 (HMAC-SHA-1 and one iteration)

I input B of ROMix is password-dependent

I postprocessing needs the pwd again (fix: use zero string, instead)

–246– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt ROMix, the Core of scrypt

ROMix(B, N) X ← B for i ← 0 to N − 1 {initialize V0,..., VN−1} do Vi ← X X ← H(X) end for for i ← 0 to N − 1 {read V0,..., VN−1 at random points} do J ← X mod N X ← H(X ⊕ Vj ) end for return X

I ROMIX uses a complex “BlockMix” operation, for H, based on the /8. But one can use any good hash function, instead.

–247– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt Properties of ROMix

Theorem 12

1. Given sufficient storage for all the N values Vi , ROMix can be computed in time O(N).

2. Given sufficient storage for N/k of the Vi , ROMix can be computed in time O(kN). 3. ROMix is sequentially memory-hard.

(For proof sketches, see the blackboard.)

–248– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt Wisdom # 8: Guard the Backdoor . . . and protect your password-scrambler from side-channel attacks

Same bad news for scrypt:

I ROMix is vulnerable to cache-timing attacks.

I ROMix is vulnerable to garbage-collector attacks.

(See the blackboard.)

–249– Stefan Lucks Hash Fun. & PW (S 2014) 8: Passw.-Hash 8.2: scrypt