July 8, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1069 Children’s Defense Fund—California PERSONAL EXPLANATION have a picture of him and me hanging in the Children’s Defense Fund—Minnesota foyer of my Washington, DC office. The photo Children’s Defense Fund—Mississippi was taken when he was honored at the Na- Children’s Defense Fund— HON. ROBERT HURT Children’s Defense Fund—Texas OF tional Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. His voice was strong and will be sorely Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Citizens’ Committee for Children of New missed. He was one of my heroes. York, Inc. Friday, July 8, 2016 I urge my colleagues to help pass this bill. Connecticut Voices for Children Mr. HURT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I was f Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch (North Da- not present for vote Number 391 on kota) the Mullin of Oklahoma Amendment No. 43 to PERSONAL EXPLANATION Florida’s Children First, Inc. H.R. 5485, Financial Services and General Foster Adopt Connect (Missouri and Kansas) Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota Government Appropriations Act, 2017. Had I HON. ROBERT HURT Lutheran Social Services of Indiana been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ OF VIRGINIA Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Massachusetts Law Reform Institute Friday, July 8, 2016 Partners for Our Children (Washington) PERSONAL EXPLANATION The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Mr. HURT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I was The Children’s Partnership (California) HON. BETO O’ROURKE not present for Roll Call vote Number 389 on University of California Davis Guardian Pro- OF TEXAS the Messer of Indiana Amendment No. 40 to fessions Program H.R. 5485, Financial Services and General IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Voices for Children in Nebraska Government Appropriations Act, 2017. Had I Voices for Ohio’s Children Friday, July 8, 2016 been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Voices for Virginia’s Children YMCA of San Diego County, Kinship Support Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, during the roll f call votes on Thursday, July 7, 2016, I missed Program GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY ACT OF f a vote on an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Services and General Govern- 2016 OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL ment Appropriations. SPEECH OF DEBT Had I been present, on roll call number 394, I would have voted Yea. HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE HON. MIKE COFFMAN f OF TEXAS OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO COMMISSION A STATUE OF ELIE WIESEL TO BE PLACED IN Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Friday, July 8, 2016 THE CAPITOL Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January today in support of S. 1252, the ‘‘Global Food 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- HON. STEVE COHEN Security Act of 2015,’’ which requires the fice, the national debt was OF TENNESSEE President to develop and implement a Global $10,626,877,048,913.08. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Food Security Strategy to reduce hunger and Today, it is $19,343,541,768,823.97. We’ve maintain global food security and nutrition. added $8,716,664,719,910.89 to our debt in 7 Friday, July 8, 2016 Even in an age of globalization and indus- years. This is over $8.7 trillion in debt our na- Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in trialization, hunger and food security remain tion, our economy, and our children could support of a bipartisan bill I introduced today fundamental impediments to global wellbeing. have avoided with a balanced budget amend- with several of my colleagues to authorize a According to UN estimates, 795 people cur- ment. statue of Elie Wiesel to be placed in the U.S. rently live undernourished lives, with 12.9 per- f Capitol building. cent of the population of underdeveloped TRIBUTE TO KENNEDY PLOWMAN Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize countries living without proper nutrition and 3.1 winner Elie Wiesel was a great American, million children under the age of five dying of HON. DAVID YOUNG whose moral leadership served as a beacon malnutrition every year. across our country and around the globe. Moreover, with the world’s natural resources OF IOWA President Obama rightly called him, ‘‘the con- and biodiversity rapidly degrading, global food IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES science of the world.’’ security continues to be threatened, as one of Friday, July 8, 2016 Wiesel was born in Romania in 1928. In the global economy’s most crucial driving Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise 1944, at the age of fifteen, Elie Wiesel was forces, agriculture, continues to suffer globally, today to recognize and congratulate Kennedy sent to the Nazi concentration camp of Ausch- and particularly in underdeveloped states. Plowman of Adair-Casey High School. Ken- witz, and later to Buchenwald. Both of his par- Even as the threats of hunger and food in- nedy Plowman was recently honored for out- ents and his younger sister died in the con- stability loom, the necessity of global food se- standing academic achievement at the Four- centration camps. curity remains, as solutions to global food teenth Annual Governor’s Scholar Recognition After the war, Elie Wiesel became a jour- issues also represent instrumental steps to on May 1, 2016. nalist and wrote about his experiences during poverty eradication and economic growth. This statewide program is sponsored by the the Holocaust. He spent his life as a vocal wit- In an age where food concerns plague un- Iowa Governor’s Office, the Iowa high school ness against both the evil that gave rise to the derdeveloped nations and largely industri- Athletic Association and the Iowa Farm Bu- Holocaust and man’s inhumanity against his alized international powers alike, moreover, it reau. Each Iowa high school was invited to se- fellow man. His purpose was to speak the is more important than ever to remain com- lect a senior with the highest academic rank- truth in the face of power and to clearly and mitted to proven food initiatives and measures ing. Not only are they academically gifted, but repeatedly say ‘‘Never Again.’’ His memoir, of global food assistance. the selected students are often the youth who Night, has been translated into over 30 lan- In particular, the Food Security Act specifies are successful in extracurricular activities and guages. the importance of promoting activities and pro- community endeavors. He fought against indifference, intolerance, grams that strive to promote global food secu- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- and injustice. rity, resilience, and nutrition. resent leaders like Kennedy Plowman in the He helped create the Holo- These measures include programs that: and it is with great caust Memorial Museum. 1. place food insecure countries on a path pride that I recognize and applaud her for uti- Elie Wiesel was one of the greatest moral toward self-sufficiency by coordinating U.S. lizing her talents to reach her goals. I invite forces in the world. He was brilliant, pure, hon- assistance programs; my colleagues in the United States House of est, and courageous. 2. accelerate agricultural and economic Representatives to join me in congratulating I met Elie Wiesel when I was a Tennessee growth in a manner that reduces global pov- Kennedy on receiving this esteemed designa- State Senator and he was honored at Vander- erty, hunger, and malnutrition; tion, and wishing her the best of luck in all her bilt. He was the inspiration for me founding the 3. increase the productivity and livelihoods future endeavors. Tennessee Holocaust Commission in 1987. I of small-scale producers;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:44 Jul 09, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.009 E08JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2016 4. build resilience to food shocks in vulner- Freedom. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan Captain Foster also served as Commanding able populations; came to an intimate celebration afterward and Officer, Region Legal Service Office, South- 5. create an environment for agricultural spoke fondly about the days she served as west (San Diego, CA); and as the Executive growth and investment; Abner’s law clerk. His 90th birthday party last Assistant to the Judge Advocate General 6. improve the nutritional status of women February showcased Abner Mikva’s enduring (Washington, DC), and as Chief, Legislation and children globally; wit, intelligence and humanity. Division, Navy’s Office of Legislative Affairs 7. align with existing U.S. strategies and in- He will be deeply, deeply missed by all (Washington, DC). vestments to achieve these objectives; those who knew, admired, and loved him. I Admiral Foster’s afloat and operational tours 8. and strengthen relationships between am proud to be one of them. To Abner include Command Judge Advocate, Com- U.S. and foreign universities that contribute to Mikva’s wife Zoe and family, to whom he was mander, Amphibious Squadron ONE, em- agricultural growth. completely devoted, I send my gratitude and barked in USS Tarawa (LHA–1); Staff Judge In addition, this measure specifies that the heartfelt condolences. Advocate, Commander, Carrier Group EIGHT, President must coordinate a comprehensive f embarked in USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN– government strategy to promote global food 71); Force Judge Advocate, Commander, security by coordinating across federal depart- TRIBUTE TO ROGER HERRING Naval Forces Europe—Commander, U.S. ments and agencies to provide assistance SIXTH Fleet, Naples, Italy; Deputy Staff Judge under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to HON. DAVID YOUNG Advocate, Commander, Multi-National Force— prevent or address food shortages. OF IOWA Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq; and Rule of Law Advisor, The President’s annual report to Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Office of the Defense Representative to Paki- on the implementation of these specifications Friday, July 8, 2016 stan, U.S. Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan. and measures will enable continued moni- For his outstanding service to our nation, toring and evaluation of the success of these Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Admiral Foster earned numerous awards in- strategies. honor Roger Herring of Atlantic, Iowa on his cluding the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star This measure is integral to restoring global retirement as the Director of the Atlantic Park Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, food security, and represents a vital step in and Recreation Commission. Roger has Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Com- the global war against world hunger. served in this capacity for the past five years. mendation Medal, Navy-Marine Corps Com- I urge all Members to join me in voting to Roger was recently awarded the Key to the mendation Medal, Navy-Marine Corps pass S. 1252. City of Atlantic. This recognition has not been Achievement Medal, and various campaign f bestowed upon a resident in 34 years. Roger and unit awards. is recognized for his dedication and leadership On the occasion of his retirement from the RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND in transforming many parks in Atlantic. He is Navy, I thank his family and him for his honor- LEGACY OF ABNER J. MIKVA credited with the vision that has led to many able service to our nation and wish him fair successful improvement projects for the parks winds and following seas as he concludes a HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY and recreation areas within the city. most distinguished career. OF ILLINOIS I commend and congratulate Roger Herring Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my distin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on his retirement and for his many years of guished colleagues join me in commending dedicated and devoted service to the citizens Friday, July 8, 2016 Admiral Foster for his commitment to our of Atlantic, Iowa. I am proud to represent him country and the sacrifices he made on its be- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in the United States Congress. I know that my half. today to remember the life and legacy of colleagues in the U.S. House of Representa- f Abner Mikva and to send my deepest condo- tives join me in congratulating Roger for his lences to his family and loved ones. Abner many accomplishments and wish him and his RECOGNIZING COLONEL Mikva was one of the most treasured friends family the very best in the future. LAWRENCE CROZIER I’ve had in all my life. He was an indispen- f sable mentor, a consistent role model and a HON. BETO O’ROURKE HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF great guy to be around. It is somehow fitting, OF TEXAS REAR ADMIRAL (LOWER HALF) that a man so completely devoted to public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service—a true American patriot—would take KIRK A. FOSTER, JAG CORPS, his last breath on the 4th of July. U.S. NAVY (RET) Friday, July 8, 2016 Ab is revered in the district I now represent, Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to which first elected him to Congress in 1974. I HON. ROBERT A. BRADY recognize and congratulate Colonel Lawrence was one of the countless volunteers who OF PENNSYLVANIA E. Crozier on his retirement from the United passed his flyers out and knocked on doors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States Army after 30 years of service to our He inspired a whole generation to believe that country. An esteemed and respected member politics is a noble calling. His grassroots elec- Friday, July 8, 2016 of the Army Nurse Corps, Colonel Crozier tion campaigns that engaged literally thou- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I most recently served as the Deputy Com- sands of young people wearing his trademark rise today to honor Rear Admiral (Lower Half) mander for Patient Service and Nursing at Mikva! T-shirts are legendary. He was a bril- Kirk A. Foster, Judge Advocate General’s Fort Bliss’ William Beaumont Medical Center liant strategist, able to work across the aisle, Corps, United States Navy (Retired), a son of in my district of El Paso, Texas. In this capac- but never compromising his core progressive Pennsylvania who is retiring after 28 years of ity, Colonel Crozier was instrumental in day-to- beliefs. faithful service to our nation while on active day operations of the Department of Defense’s One of the few Americans to serve in all duty in the United States Navy. largest medical treatment facility, comprised of three branches of government as a Congress- Admiral Foster began his service as a stu- more than 3,700 staff members and 72,000 man, Federal Judge and White House Coun- dent at Villanova Law School and was com- beneficiaries. He also played an integral role sel, Abner was committed to advocating gov- missioned an Ensign in the Navy Judge Advo- in strengthening the relationship between Fort ernment that was the most helpful it could be cate General’s Corps Student Program. During Bliss and the El Paso community. to the most people possible. His legacy lives the next 28 years, he served the Navy in a va- Colonel Crozier’s distinguished career on in the Abner and Zoe (his beloved wife and riety of roles throughout the United States and began in 1986 at Fort Gordon, Georgia and in- partner) Mikva Challenge, a program that overseas. His shore assignments include De- cluded time in Germany; Fort Bliss, Texas; places high school student interns in both Re- fense Counsel and Prosecutor (San Diego, Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Stewart, Georgia; and publican and Democratic offices and cam- CA), Litigation Counsel (Washington, DC), Re- Fort Sam Houston, Texas. During this time, paigns. Thousands of young people for gen- gional Environmental Counsel (Norfolk, VA), Colonel Crozier deployed to both Kyrgyzstan erations to come will experience hands-on in- Legislative Counsel and Liaison in the Navy’s and Saudi Arabia in support of humanitarian volvement in politics because of Ab and Zoe. Office of Legislative Affairs (Washington, DC), missions and to Iraq in support of Operation In November of 2014, I was proud to wit- Special Assistant for Legal and Legislative Iraqi Freedom. During his time in Iraq, Colonel ness President Obama, someone Ab Mikva Matters to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations Crozier served as the Chief Operating Room supported and promoted from the day he met (Washington, DC) and subsequently to the Nurse at Baghdad’s 86th Combat Support him, award Ab with the Presidential Medal of Chief of Naval Operations (Washington, DC). Hospital, where he led a team of nurses and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:44 Jul 09, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.016 E08JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS