— — ...... * «_i_ VOL. XV. NO. 5. f.siahi.ishki. l'.'Ol 1 , mailnatter avo. is. i».2and< PORTLAND, THURSDAY,7 JULY 22,^ 1915. I JUNE ^-8EC°nuclass 23, 191.>, AT THE POST OFFICE AI P JUTLAND MAINE, i prick 1FIVE 1 ▼ AJ CENTSU»

the grounds came out from their-shel- at ters of Chebeague Pageant Bailey Pageant Given . sheds and barns and tents and cottages and took- their places, and THIS LARGE ISLAND HAD MANY LIBRARY HALL WILL BE THE new arrivals also secured their seats. DESPITE FROWNING SKIES AND GUESTS OVER WEEK END. SCENE' OF BRILLIANT AFFAIR. Governor Curtis and WATER SOAKED GROUNDS. Mayor Ingraham WHY Rear Admiral NOT HAVE ^and Peary occupied The Social Affairs of Interest to Island Young People Are All Taking boxes. Postmaster Oscar L. Magnificent Spectacle Somewhat Less- Wish, Here. Part. representing President Wilson People ened By Almost and Impossible ("lata Louise Burn ha in • and party were Mr. S. W. Gass and his who The Pageant and Mlnsirei Show to Weather. wife, among the prominent be given on 23 or 24 at people present. are spending the summer at the Mas- July Library the the Hall will Despite displeasure of Jupiter Among picturesque events of the COMFORTABLE COUCH sachusetts are be the most ambitious per- colony, entertaining Pluvius which was .made manifest in pageant was the shipwreck of their friend. Miss Holcomb formance ever attempted on Bailey Josephine thre£ showers, om? of'them of great off the shores of CneueagUo island, of Mass. On last Island. The musicians, singers and Worcester, Sunday severity, the big Greek pageant at when through the interposition of Mi- Mr. L. dancers are working daily under the H. Gass and Mr. S. \Y. Gais Great Chebeague was produced Satur- nerva he was saved, aided by Nausi- left for direction of Mr. Robert Dempster, the their home in Brookfield, day in conditions almost the worst | eaa, and given royal welcome to the where their sir:.- originator, and will show the fine re- i HAMMOCK Mass., business is that could have been devised court of King Alcinous. Another was by any a ted. sults of hiaskillful Instructions. Miss ill wisher, but with a magnificence I the presentation of Greek games in the Mabell Dodbson of Chicago and Mr. on Among recent guests at the EaAt'i and display of art the result of ingen- court of the king, when the your Piazza or Lawn when can Thomas "W. Estabrook of Berlin, N. victors, Cottage you buy End colony are Mr. and Mrs. H. A.I ious conception and effective training [ were crowned with laurel wreaths by H.," are assisting Mr. a one for at Billings of Hopedale, Mass., who are1 Dempster such as to bring .Miss Virginia Tanner, Nausicaa in true Greek fashion. The $6.59? Others 7.59, 8.50 and 12.00. great deal in the first Mr. and Mrs. producing part the author of the pageant, under whose crowns of victory were won- Allan visiting Henry C. of by Rob-J the Minstrel, and the Misses direction it was with a inson at their pleasant cottage here. I produced, and to the Rowe, running broad jump of Frames 3.50 and Adams are with the or 4.50. Awnings 5.00. Also Lawn helping forty committee of the Congress Square As- 18 feet 8 inches: by R. A. Leavitt, who Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hansen and more children who will be used in the sociates in charge of its production threw the discus So feet, and by at 4.50. Lawn Settees at 1.25 a Swings and Com- many sincere compliments. Wilder Nash and Ross Hertz, winners plete Line of Porch Furniture. Never probably, has a pageant, with of two races. all its dances and its acting, been pro- Among the highly dramatic situa- tions R. duced under like conditions. Follow- were the scene wherein U.lysses BFR.IG FR. A TOR. S ing a shower of almost an hour's dura- overcame the magic power of the en- tion, the won performers walked >t and chantress, ai}d (lie delivery "The Kind That Save Ice." $7.95 up. Cash or Terms. Circe, Kasy danced over ground so completely of his men; the mourning of Penelope SI Down, Balance SI soaked that they sank in water at for her long lost husband,' his unex- every st6p. The beauty of the dances pected return in the disguise of a beg- on such a surface struck wonder to the gar and his slaving of the suitors for p hundreds of spectators. The pageant his "wife's hand. To this scene was R. was replete with striking scenes and added a bit of real tragedy when the S. DAVIS CO. moments" of keeh dramatic 'interest, suitors haft. to drop dead in several COMPLETE HOMEFURNISHERS and re'ally -lost little of its magnifi- inches of water. cence .• The Cor, and F. E. HASKELL' through the fact that colons in setting was very picturesque Exchange Federal Sts. Pr«s. costumes and decorations had run and and truly classic. The big, green \g\ mingled freely. stage was backed by Doric pillars, The showers passed overt repeated beautifully draped, and was furnished themselves three times and finally ^he with classic chairs, couches, incense sun shone once more. Almost two urns, etc. The beach and. waters of hours after the scheduled time the the bay just beyond furnished a line pel formers and spectators- already cn (Continued on page 2.)

Scene at Deer Point, Chebeague. I aiuui ) Slalanh ISnuae their two children, Mr. and Mrs. CI. A. Pageant. More than sixty-five per- •Degagne and child and Mr. Will Ca- sons will participate in the pageant. £. pen. all of Portland, are occupying Miss Marjorie Johnson has been cho- Hunt?. 4Haita0*r the Albert Grannell cottage until the sen to represent "Peace" and will #, first of August when they will re- a beautiful certainly present picture. {feaka 3in Until : : (Casro turn to their homes. ! are being made by the 1Bat>\ fHatn* W •" A keen appreciater of Cbebeague i--> "i tOur cOlitparity 6t "Portland, artei a X ^ V- & -Zi- Julw Suit Sale 1 Master Hallatn King, who is visiting very beautiful design made by Mr. Mr. C. H. Roberts at his in 'Dempster. Mrs. Clara Louise Burn- We find that we have cottage NOW OPEN about two tlie Massachusetts colony. ham is superintending the stage dec- orations which will be ela- hundred Summer Suits which we have A recent guest at 'Tnquitv Villa", extremely for borate and car- Famous years the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. A. elegant. Competent divided penters are into two Lots for this sale. H. Grossman. is Miss Bertha Meserve busy enlarging the stage for its liberal man- of the hall in order to ac- of Allston. Mass., who arrived here have better comodations for the in the early part of the week. many partici- agement, superb lo pants. The seats are all reserved and Lot No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Wa- cation and Berry it would be advisable to procure them fine tertown, Mass., and Mrs. E. J. Boyn- immediately because the hall will not Rogers Peets Sincerity and Talbo ton of Worcester are at the shore dinners. Ev- visiting accomodate a very large number. Berry cottage which Mr. and Mrs. | Hand Tailored clothes that sold for The proceeds are to be devoted modern. $25, George S. Hicks are for erything occupying solely to developing the grounds sur- $22.50 and now the summer. $20, rounding the library, making them Special orchestra. Mr. A. L». Butler and Mr. Alden P. into a delightful small civic park Accommodates 500. Marsh, both of Boston, are spending which will surely be a delight not on- $14 50 their two weeks' vacation with their ly to the resident Islanders but also Rates, booklets and wives, who are occupying the Cod- to the ever Mowing stream of summer ding cottage for the summer months. guests. Arrangemtnts will lie made floor plans on ap- Lot No. 2 Mr. Marsh upon the expiration of to bring parties from all neighboring his vacation will return to his busi- islands and return them that night, plication. Talbot $15 Snits, all sizes, now ness, being employed by the Boston giving all a chance to make them- Elevated Company. selves known with flie beauties Mrs. Agnes MacDonald of Port- and charms of the island itself. $10.50 land. a former native of the island, is We can give our heartiest rec- now here for a visit. Slip is visiting ommendations for this Pageant, for 18s™?'v" AStW CAFE her Mr. we place much faith in the of sS1"-' father, Truman Johnson at ability -MAINE'S her old home. Mr. Dempster and Mrs. Burnhani, who FINEST AND MOST SANITARY RESTAURANT have accomplished similar and more Mrs. Frank Bennett, has as guests Finest 25c Dinner Served in This difficult things in other City at her house this week her places. Combination Meal' 2,"> friend, every day cjnts. Turkey Dinner Sunday !>0 cents. We are to serve Sea Foo I prepared Mrs. Fred Pingree and her children, in any style. Handy to Electrics. Few minutes walk from steamboat all from Boston, Mass. wharf. Privite dininir rojms for Ladies and Gentlemen V* .... I* * »» 44 e ri .« ...... v. llCIIIICtl «/l 1 IM II it JOEC 26-28 Monument Sq.f Portland, Me. <(1111, N"_A.. CLAITY, well known former, "all year rouni" House resident, is again visiting the island on which she spent seventy happy MANY SOCIAL AFFAIRS OF INTER- years of her 1 ifr». She is enter- being EST ARE OCCURRING. tained hy Mrs. Martha K. Hamilton at her home here. Dance Was Given in Honor of Boston Of the Hostonians on the isla.ld Yacht Club. can be numbered Mr. and Mrs. C'a'ol This large hotel lias What Curit and son Joseph. They are vis- been the scene Are of You to much Do with Mr. Carol gayety. On last iting Curit's father, Monday Going Mr. \V. .1. at his night a special dance was held in the C'nrit, home here, hotel rooms in honor of the Boston Mrs. J. Morgan Ash has as recent Yacht Club. The affair was a brilliant house-guests this week Mrs. WillUm success, many hotel as well as DAK C. people With Watt and her daughter KUnore of the That yachtsmen and Old attended Table? enjoyed Philadelphia, Penn., who arrived y}«- this social evening. The Boston terday for a short stay after which Club annually visits Portland and Joins You they will continue their to might, sell it to secondhand journey in a cruise with our local club and ON their summer in store—or break it up for wood. camp Maine. for many years past the club has Mr. Pinckney Morris and his made its Portland You can piake it as bright and daigh- anchorage ground te'r. Miss Helen both of near Forest good as new with Morris, Phla- City Landing. This is be- HRAODON'S cause NBWBR1TK delphia, Penn., are the guests for wo they well know that this hotel VARNISH in YOUR weeks of Mrs. T. B. Stenhouse at ler quality of entertainment and of 'NKVVHRITK VARNISH will renew charming cottage on Artists Pont. food, can nowhere In the bay be sur- and please you beyond expression. Mrs. Stenhouse is also entertainng passed. Tuesday noon the Maine Re- her little daughter's M-ss tail Shoe Merchants' Association had Cost, is slight. 15c can will do two friend, Margaret Hamilton, who Is their first banquet as an organization. VACATION or spendhg three chairs. After the summer with her parents at Oifs a beautiful sail around the Island. islands of the Hay they came to the Hotel for an din- The many friends of Mrs. Romaine especially prepared We'll ner by Manager Ralph E, Howe. supply you Keyser of Oermantown, I'ettn., fill The menu M. F. Bragdon Paint Co. be pleased to know that she is tow was as follows: with the material lorated as permanently a sumfier Steamed Clam* St.—47 resident of the Island. She has re- Clam llotiillon Drawn Holler 47—Exchange cently the old l.ot»*ter Stew and and acquired Littloleld Olive* develop Beautiful Home Talks Homestead and R.nli*lte* Portland, Maine much of the Air- linked l'c»iot»*cot River Sainton roundlng land. Mrs. Keyser wA a ( I'eak* I*lan

Preserving Rhubarb. CORDES' CAPE "Old P. O. Cordee, Proprietor. fanhionrd things of aolid wort h, Just wa«h it and cut in small pieces. On them n benediction, First- class In Particular The Put in jars all It will then fill Every Joy and comfort of the earth hold, up Private Rooms And with cold water until Dining Htreogth without restriction." it runs over. 565 1-2—567 1-2 Congress at Put cavers on. Will keep a year if MAINE Antique Furniture jrou it to. PORTLAND, Warerooms wfnt Opposite Baxter Block «M CmffrtM St., opp. Politic 8am library Sbrota, Prop. Portland, Mx. NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES MR Of TOURISTS Safe Economical /"tractive Abbreviation0; ch., cbild; d, rtauahipr; -i.,-or fair., iowUj); w, sou; w, wile. A Just the This is our month of Clearance Sales. HOUSE. John Allen. Jr. X Y Mrs H Hancock, E Orange.X J PEAKu JSVANDks Is'and, Me. Waltcr C Eberhard, Koslindalc I heo C Hancock, R TP D fc.Uraiige values are Pr°P- X C & w, Mt'tliord John Kceman, N V Extraordinary now a5k'in Kthel M Schools, Ouincy -Miss Nina M Mill, 1'hila ^ , fl'ls H ;• "atchelder. Franklin Mrs K K Stevenson, Montreal Emery II Winslow. Portland A Sale of is now in *{• >. Big Rugs pro- -1,ry G "atclulder. .Miss Dutton, Montreal Clara K I'rcscott, Orange, X J for the C '.fuJ'a !«. Waterbury Miss Louise (Ireene, Newark gress. Campers *• 1 ?ortl>«tc'r Miss J Iceland Clarke, THE DRIFTWOOD, Miss C 1'W "> iiomerville Brooklinc Bailey Island, Me. ii < .^'l''1-}". A Hoboken Miss II Z l'erkins. Norwich Mrs. A. McK. Gulliver, Prop. A Sale of Wash r -\, big Dresses offers Mrt 7" Newton Miss Carol M Hastings, (Sec Ally, in another column.) Ai rs S t S°1,,n8' Boston Worcester Mrs C (j \f cx)'> Bradley, Baltimore unusual values. and ('hi >'n'ai> & w, \ y Miss I'la M (iainasche. Nannie l£ Baltimore Busy , -2? Dorsey, & W. Little Falls Worcester Ethel .\1 l'arkman, Portland ArAhom«'son * « Boston Irene It (iamasche, Worcester Mrs Martha Carre, Phila I An 5 Josephine Cibney, John J Jas Barr, Pittsburgh, ''tikes &• «• I'• rook 1 vn Miss il G Sullivan. Boston Anna Pa »- McMaster, Crafton, p Xewark Mrs. Lettie Howard, Brockton Kleiman, Pa it Julia Pittsburg, Aire l>awinKhani Walter S Shepherd, Melrose Mrs C Alwood, HOME OF Mr «r,^h"aU-l,0,,'K. I'rookville l)r Dowties, Harrisburg Manchester Green, Ct I GOOD VALUES 1 l)r 1- Derbv \ », Boston Miss Clara Liiini'll, Somerville Elizabeth X V .uax J Newton, Koscsi, Arlington Heights Lynchburg, Va Mrs. W. E. -SauUr * w. I'hila McCullough and w. A T N V K U Johnson... .Prop, n Har'sburg Beniiet, Dana, Portland K C" 11eeliner »V vv, Newton C't (See I l" *'• Newark Miss A R Adv. in another column.) Wells, Brooklyn Adolph ISoston Mrs I. II St T \V MrsMr. ;'U$Crrann«-. X Mrs Boston Marion v y J Cusning, Richard listabrook. Berlin Jones, Cliff Island, Me. E E O'Donnell &■ Itostcn Mary \ y w, Harriet tiaylord, X Mrs Anna M Helen Kelly, Mrs. C. E. MERRICONEAG Wright, _ Camh'gc Pettengill.... Prop. HOUSE, (I Allen X- \v, Arlington,Mass Donald Trenton (See Adv. in another column.) South Harpswell, Me. THE Wright, Cambridge ?.t0\S'r' HOMESTEAD. l.eila (I Leonard, Chicago Richard XV Mary\Vi'th o Trenton I)r T C Mcduire. w d. Arthur Dickey Wright, \jalley. Prop. Bailey Island. Me. Mabell II Leonard. Chicago Roht 1. I ButTalc Mrs ritz West Virginia (See Adv. in another column.) T. E. Ha-ell )eni|istcr. Morshrg, Slaglc. Prop. Carolyn Stephens, Sumniis.N J Miss Kuth Mitchell, Miss Alice I'olsom, J Oscar liurhaiik, Portland (Set- Adv. in another column.) R I la veil,\v, Montreal Holtzman "w, X V Mrs Laila A McNeil. l)r Mrs L M X V °,-T Silver, licrtha Field, Northampton Kenitie Havell, Montreal SEA GABLES Mrs*lr h Daggett \ ,1. N't HO rem \v. Md HOTEL, Middlehorough, Bengies, l.eali Wattcro, I.ocksport, N Y Dorothy Ilavell. Montreal So. I'elham. X V Miss Mass Misses Annie Harpswell. Me. KHAKI Whittaker, ,. Dyson. Derry Mrs C E W'hitm an. I teat rice Havell. Montreal I.. H. Merrow "iM ,V "• I'hila Miss I*!IIa Curtis. Mass Miss Alice Dyson, Derry. X II Ct x'rs I' Prop MissMU" TV? V X V Farniington. Hainmett, Brooklyn (See Adv. in another column.) Belle Jones, Miss Mertle ti Jones, Mrs C Riley, Boston Miss F l> Root, Farminirton. Ct Miss i> m c :,i. Ilammett, Brooklyn (Catherine Duel, Air .1 K <)rr. Portland," .Me Lancaster. Mass (ieo F Felcker, X V K M Brooklyr Smith. Chicago Miss M T Hannnett, Hrooklyn Mae C Brown. Mrs Hawkins, Lancaster. Mass Wm II Stearns & w. Auburn Mrs 1' Brooklyr Smith, I'hila Miss Ethel Brownell, EOrange Kenneth Brown, AUCOCISCO HOUSE Miss Harriet 11 Stanley, II Smith Jfc w, Lawrence Mrs I- Brooklyr Y Travis. X Y I Agnes M Krans, \V Orange C B Whitman, Cliff Island. Me. Durham, N H II 1. Xewell & w, \V Carrolton Lewistot Miss Marion Travis, X Y May Duffy, \V Orange, N K II Younst. Mrs. K. B. Batchelor.. Prop. Miss Alma Portland Miss j Bostor Spring, Viola Travis. X Y Mrs li II Bostor 111 another column.) WOODBINE & COTTAGES. Fdward P Seavert & w. Mrs I Voung, i;.ct' H T Cox 'nionvillc, \ J WILLOW COTTAGE. A (j Miss Dorothy F C Armstrong, Bailey Island, Me. New I'anaroni. \ V Bedford Miss Evelyn Williams, Bailey Island, Me. Mrs A <1 PANTS Baltimore Mrs. H. S. I'anaroni, X V ... Sinnett E A Boston Hi «• ... Prop. liullard. Trenton (See Adv. in another column.) Mrs li A w Ilullard. Boston MissMU Marv\l° Wood. Trenton Miss Elizabeth Murles, Boston Miss Cecilia Bullar>ee Adv. in another column.) Geo Mitchell w, Scranton C Mea.le, Montreal SUMMIT HOUSE, Rosalind Xathan. X V trip to Boston, returning to the cool (rankMiss MargC Ilolleran. XY Chebeague. Me. Caroline 1< l'ajans, N V Bay Breeze as soon as they were able. W* Toronto M rs. C. M. Hamilton.... Prop. J I. Wood, Boston »tf ^ NNm J "ay. Toronto • See Adv. in another column.) Mabel Roak, River Forest. Ill Mr. Fred Thurber, a brother of Mrs. C M Hewett \ w, Somerville E Marks w. London Norman I. Black, is visiting the Island. io. well HILL CREST, Mrs N M Montreal Edwin P r | Campbell, Seaver X- w. He joined Mr. Black in the Portland Harps Chebeague Island. Margaret Montreal ™ r-i Campbell, Xew Bedford Hlw mum" !■■■■! Chas. W. Hamilton Prop. Ilarold Mndge, Montreal and Boston Yacht Club cruise which <>ee Adv. in another column.) Betty Mndge, Montreal OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. took place this week. Mr. Thurber alenry h Hodge w. C Fincke. X Y So. 1^ Harpswell, Me. is a famous one of Winchester Win P Coxe, Boston Arthur Black yachtsman, being House. *« -r ■> Prop. Merriconeag Mrs r R Peters. Winchester May Dunne, Montreal (Sec Adv. in another the men who crossed the Atlantic I column.) The Shirts ,V w* Newark A I hulgeon. Boston A O Chatter iS: w, lioston Ocean in a small This corridors of the hotel are the Sport QDn m sloop. yacht MrMrs II H VJlal,1lately, Montreal Mrs M Tolmie. Montreal Grace E Black. Boston had only a nineteen foot water-line. .«cene of some familiar faces as well K eanor lately, Montreal Lewis L Hopkins, Worcester Mrs John I! Boston . C \ y found ■•'a,r, ardozo. M L Leander, Boston prove his theory that the size of a this the resort of their choice M is« IS |„ Car«!ozo, \ \* SEASIDE COTTAGE. Dorothy Folsom, Boston craft has nothing to do with its sea- this year. Among other guests who Ralph C Dolala, \ Bailey Island. Me. Francis Lordan, ISoston Worcester worthiness if have been here in Order Mail and Careful Mrs. F. E. Cram...... Prop. D J l.ordan .K: w. Boston properly handled. registered past by Prompt Altention "r7T.'.,OW"i";F.ast we»ek ar- the air for the rest of the Xeal Somer-. muslin and dimities. day. ville, Dr. voiles, Also dark colored Dress- rived: Mr. and Fred Albee Mass., George A. Bates of Mr. Robert Neely and family of Mrs. Mr. Baker of St. had es for house wear. Mr. F. Eugene LouiB Auburndale, Mass.; Misses arrived W. McManus, Anna RobertBon the Simonds Philadelphia, Penn., recently misfortune to have his hand bad- and Helen and on the Mary Robertson, all of Ijewistcn Margaret Neal; Mr. island. Mr. Neely left here ly crushed under the wheel of a load- Fred 'Recent O. Watson and of Au- at 2.98 last week for a business to Phila- arrivals were: "E. C. BiBhop ed coal family trip wagon at the Auburn Colony burn: Dr. and •Bath; C. B. and Mrs. Harold Lewis of delphia. He has, however, linr this "Whitman child, Bos- tennis courts last week. The H. injury Philadelphia, Pa. time, returned to his ton: "E. Young and wife, Boston; was to cottage, "Krag treated at Portland, Regular 5.00 7.50 Dresses a wide of Nor." Mr. and Mrs. A. 'New Mrs. variety Penaron, York; E. A. Hloniu of New York is summer fabrics Mrs. Annie When the refrigerator eats up ice cool, -including voiles and linens in A of Dr. Olaf Miss Roche, Washington, D. C entertaining Mr. and Mrs. G. pupil Jensen, and has no R. M. Rog^ colors. The linen still chill, S. Davis Co., ers of pretty dresses in this lot are among Louise Jenkins of . Irsenberg, Boston, Thelma Cogan of which will return to ty to the younger set of the Auburn Worcester, they their homes. Mass., are at 7.95 Colony last Tuesday. Dancing and guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kenney of South G. Morse at their Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. charades were the most popular beautiful cottage Paris, Maine, were guests on the Pitts of Sunset, on Medfleld, arrived forms of entertainment. Hurricane Ridge. to island last week. Mr. who Mass., last week to Regular 16.50 22.50 Dresses—fine French linen Kenney open their Mrs. L. A. Burr of is Postmaster of the South Paris Post- delightfully situated cot- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Chllds of Kan- Loxington, and voile costumes in blue and lavender tage on Ash Point. Mass., has joined her white, pink, Office returned to his business after sas City are at their summer home at daughter, Miss —also voilt and lace dresses. Most of these mo- After Georgia, at. their cottage on 'Hurri- net, spending the week end. Mrs. Kenney spending a brief, but much West Harpswell. cane Ridge. The motor dels are quite simple, but beautifully made from ex- will remain for the rest of the week enjoyed visit here, Mr. Fdward Mr. Prank 8wan and of yacht, has Bodge family "Joker," which Miss Burr has cellent materials. and then intends to Join her husband. returned to his home in Oorham. Providence, 'R. I., arrived at their owned several seasons, is in Mrs. Vance of Miss Pauline at the Auburn for agqjn the wa- Cheney Washington, Gardner and Miss cottage Colony the ter and will be the I). Is means of trans- at 11.75 C., preparing a book for publi- Mary Kingsley returned to entire season on the 14th. portation to Harpswell many beautiful spots in cation, the title of which is to be, The Tuesday after a greatly enjoyed Mr. Woodbury K. Dana of West- the bay. Master-Law. At abput the first of walking trip in the White brook entertained Mr, Mountains. | Sanborit of Mr. and Mrs. L. August Mrs. Cheney will commence Messrs C. Temple of Lew- Warren and Ned of San FYsncit^o last week at the Au- is-ton were her summer school Blgelow the of Right Thinking Auburn were burn week-end guests of recent guests of Miss Colony. Mrs. Frank A. EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT and Right Living at the Chandler s Bva ' Morey at the latter's Austin's housoparty at "Casco Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bridge of New- charming cottage which Mrs. Cheney has rented Rest" on cottage Hurricane Hut. MAINE the Point, ton, have left for PORTLAND, for the season, | Mass., their home They left Monday morning. Mr. Robert Brewer of In the city, but are expected to return Mia* A well known summer Hlngham, Ethel of resident, Mi». gave a In a or Pettlnglll Lewlston Is Mass., delightful dinner on bis week «o.ruivnr the Charlton Murphy, has returned her# spending summer with Mrs. How- large sloop-yacht Thursday night. The east shore of Whaleboat T«- (Continued on page 8). Casco Bay & Unas The party motored From their home Harpswall to .Portland. Effective July 3rd, 1915. I WEEK OA YS. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hoben ot "Just From Portland (Custom House Wharf): Outside the Middle Street Springfield, Mass., who are at the Hill To Peaks Island (Korest City Landing) Rent 2 homestead for the season, entertain- —5.45. 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 10.00 a. m.. High Dis- Doors 12.16, ODtll ed a of w^ll known 1.15, 2.15, 4.15. 5.15. 6.15, 7.30. 9.30 tlOOPtR'5 party shoe repre- COOD 8.15, trict." Below Maine VALUES p. m. sentatives from iXew Orleans and To Cushings Island—6.45, 8.45, 10.00 a.' Savings Bank. Philadelphia, Pa., at dinner last Sat- m.. 12.15, 2.15, 5.15, 6.15, 8.15 p. m. To Little and Cireat Diamond Islands, I urday. The party went deep sea fish- IN Trefetlien and DINNER Kvergreen Landings' SOIIS ing in the forenoon and secured a SETS (Peaks Island)—7.00, 8.00, 10.00 a. m., nice line of cod and haddock Four for 12.15. 2.00, 4.15, 5.20, 6.15, 7.30 p. m. weighing patterns, just right cottage use— To Ponce Landing (Long Island)—7.00, over one hundred and fifty pounds. *.00. 10.00 a. in., 12.15, 1.15, 2.00, 4.15, Sunday was spent in and the X5.20, 6.15, 7.30 p. m. sailing 1 1 2 returned to each To Doughtys Landing (Long Island)— Fireless CooK Stoves party Portland in the first Pieces, $9.90 ff.OO, 8.00, 10.00 a. m., 12.15, 2.00, 4.15, steamer Monday morning. The fol- (Well worth $14.00) 6.20. 6.15, 7.30 p. m. lowing were the guests, M. J. Mullen, To Cleaves Landing (Long Island)—| cook without a fire. t.. Vudor Porch 1.00 m., 2.00. 5.20, 6.15 p. m. II Pittsburg, George Karl, New Orleans, Shades $2.25 to S7.SO To Little a. All with .. ... Chebeague—8.00 m.t 2.00, pure aluminum Dominick f. on I steil, utensils Rrosoleau, New Orleans, Bamboo Porch Shades A most useful and article Reve -New 68c to SI .SO To Clift Island, Western and Central satisfactoiy Rober, Orleans and George the We are Couch Landings (Great Chebeague), South good year round. closing A. Hogans, New Orleans. Hammocks out an $4.75 and Harpswell, Bailey and Orrs Islands—7.00. oveistock. are great val- up a. They Mrs. C. L. Ball and Miss 10.00 in., 1.15, 5.20 p. m. ues at these daughter, Cottage Curtains, per. pr. 90c To Sunset and prices. and up Eastern Landings Dorothy A. Ball and John L. Ball are Couch (Great Chebeague). i Covers Cousins, Littlejohn compartment st>le, with 6 and at the "Peanut" cottage on Beach I 90c and iand Bustin Islands—7.00 a. in., 1.15, 5.15 qt. 3 up ni. avenue where will remain Window shades p. qt pots, reductd from they for 25c and To Mere Point, fitrch Island and ^ ^ two weeks. After the 'first of up 6well Harp- $8 50 to *P « August Center—7.00 a. m.. 5.15 p. in. only Refrigerators Return they are intending to spend the re- $6.50 and up (Week Days.) ? I To Portland: compartment style, with 8 qt. and 4 mainder of the season at their cot- From Peaks Island (Forest City Land- in Soule's Grove. ing)— qt. pots, reduced froni CA tage Medium grade for 6.15, 7.20, 8.15, 9.15, 10.30, 11.40 a. goods cottase,camp or home jn.. 1.20. 2.35. 4.35, 5.35, 6.35, 7.50. 8.45, $10.00 to only Mr. and Mrs. John S. Crowley (Ger- at low prices. 3.0.15 p. in. trude From Walker) entertained at dinner Cushings Island—7.00, 9.00. 10.15 Every kitchen needs a fireless Cook- Freight paid to points within miles on ft. ill., last for their fifty purchases 1.05. 2.45, 5.45. 6.45, 8.55 p. in. Saturday week-end to five dollars or more. amounting From —6.25, 7.25, guest, Mr. Edgar H. Paine of Port- 8.25, 11.30 9.45, a. m., 1.45. 3.45, 5.40, 8.45 the well p. m. land, known musician. Cov- From Great Diamond 7.20. ers were laid for seven. 8.20. Island—6.20. 9.40, 11.25 a. m.. 1.40, 3.40, 5.35, 8.40 •Miss Zola Watson of p. m. Springfield, From Mass.. is being entertained at the Trefethen Landing (Peaks Is- land)—6.15, Oren summer home of 7.15, 8.15, 9.35, 11.20 a. m., Hooper's Sons Mr. and Mrs. John T. 1.35, 8.35 F. 3.35, 5.30, p. m. FOSS & W. Hoben. SONS From Evergreen Landing (Peaks Is- Complete Household Outfitters. The COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS land)—6.10. 7.10, 8.10, 9.30, 11.15 a. m.. many friends of Mr. Ivan S. 1.30, 3.30, 5.25. 8.30 p. m. will be From "Where Low Rent Shakes Hands With Low Bryan pleased to know that he Cor. and Ponce Landing (Long Island)— Prices." Congress Preble 6.00. is slowly recovering from his Streets, Portland, Me. 7.15. 8.00, 9.20, 11.05 a. m.. 1.20, 3.50, illness. 6.15. 8.10 p. ill. Mr. Roy Taylor of From Lowell, Mass., Doughtys Landing (Long spent the week end 7.05 Island)— with his wife at £.50, 7.50, 9.10. 10.55 a. m., 1.10, 3.15. 6.05, 8.15 p. m. Folkstone Lodge. From Cleaves Landing (Long Island)— Fine line of at £.45, 8.55 a. refrigerators R. S. 6.55, m., 3.00, 5.10 p. in. DOW & FiNKriAm From Little Davis Co., Chebeague—6.50, 9.00 a. m., Exchange St., Portland.— NOVELTY RUG 8.0a. 5.05 Adv. COMPANY p. m. — Cor. Eim Street and From Clift Cumberland Ave. Island—6.35, 10.40 a. m.t 3.25, FIRE INSURANCE .Mr. Robert Portland, Me. 4.50 p. m. Dempster and his friend Ru^s Made from Old Carpets From Western 35 Mr. Gordon Landing (Great Che- St., He. O'Keefe have been staying We have just the for the or beague)—6.20, 10.25 a. Exchange Portland, »Rug Cottage Bungalow. Call and see our in., 3.10 p. m. at Amordale the different Our From Central Dwellings. Cottages, Hotels and Seaside Property H. N. during Pageant styles. prices will please you. Reference Landing (Great Che- insured in the PINKHAM. Portland Nat. beague)—6.10. 10.15 a. leading companies H. W. which took place on Great Bank. m., 3.00, 4.35 p. ml SUSSKRIUT. F. C. HUSSEy Chebeague. From South Mrs. ] Harpswell—5.45, 9.45 a. m., Albert Hoyt Ray and daughter £.30. 4.10 p. m. Priscilla of From Bailey Island (York Ashland, Mass., are the Landing)— of Mrs. £.30. 9.30 a. m., 2.15, 3.55 p. m. guests Oscar Charleson at her From Orrs WILLIAM SENTER & Island—5.15, 9.15 a. m., 2.00, CO. summer home, "Amordale." Fire ancl 8.40 p. m. IftNPC X C(\ Marine Insurance Mrs. EC• JUilLJ (* V/\/« 4 1 From Sunset Landing (Great Che- Harold^3. Farrington and chil- Exchange St., Portland, Me beague)—6.45, 10.30 a. m., 3.50 p. m. JEWELERS dren of Coyle street, are From Cousins Portland, the Island—6.35, 10.20 a. m., guests of Mrs. Arthur W. 8.40 p. n:. 51 Bell. Dwellings, Hotels, Cottages and Seashore a From Exchange Street, Portland, Haine. Property Littlejohn Island—6.30, 10.15 a. Mrs. Benjamin M. 3.35 harts, Seabury is spend- Specialty. Losses ,m., p. m. Compasses, Souvenir Spoons, Views of Portland and a few Promptly Adjusted. \ From Eastern Yicinity ing days at her camp at the Landing (Great Che- West End. beague)—6.15, 10.00 a. m., 3.iX> p. m. ! From Bustin Island—5.55, 9.40 a. m., Mrs. 8.00 p. m. George O'Donnell and party From Mere ENGLISH TEA are the Point—5.35, 9.20 a. m. ROOM spending week end at the From GEORGE E. Birch Island—5.30, 9.15 a. m. 609 Smart at the 1 From Hnrnsn oll Cor.»c 2 «*A Congress St., Portland, Me. Breakfast after 8. Cottage West End. LEONARD (Next door to Postoffice.) GREAT SUNDAYS. (2 doors east Public Library) Luncheon 11 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. MAINE. Farrington. Our CHEBEAGUE, I From Portland (Custom House Mrs. Edward R. stock of Groceries, Meats and To Wharf): Afternoon Tea until 7 p.m. Bond, Mrs. W. F. Provisions will please you. Our Peaks Island (Forest City ] 3akery will you with the Landing) Dresser and Mr. Ross Stevens of supply best. Ice Cream or 'r—7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.30 a. m., 12.15, Xel. 3484 Port- by plate moasure. 12.00, 1.15, 8 Rooms Single and En Suite land have been We solicit your patronage and assure 2.45, 4.00. 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 p. m. I recent guests at Amor- you of courteous To llnlu treatment and Cushings Island—9.00, 10.30 a. m., >rompt delivery of orders. '12.15, 2.45, 5.00, 7.00 p. m. To The Little and Great Diamond Islands, Casco Bay & Harpswell I-ines iTrefethen and are Evergreen Landings' repairing their wharf at the East principal event of the week will take !(Peaks Island)—7.00, 8.00, 9.30, 10.30 a. m.. End. BOATS FOR 112.00 noon, CHESTER L. JORDAN & CO. 1 ilace every evening. SALE 1.15, 2.30, 4.00, 5.30, 8.00 I Saturday m. 6.15, oFKffis CABIN |P- SLOOP about 20 Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Caldwell Miss Helen Z. Perkins, feet long, excel- ! To Ponce Landing (Long 302 soprano, lent Inland)—7.00, Press Bldg., Monument Me. and of ] md Miss J. condition. Centerboard and lead 8.00, 9.30, 10.30 a. m.. 12.00 noon, 1.15, Sq., Portland, family Portland, Me., with party Leland Clarke, pianist, of ballast. Is a handsome safe 12.30, 4.00, 5.30, 6.15, 8.00 p. m. friends, were at their summer j >oth guests at the hotel, boat, and To Edgar L. Jordan E. Linwood Jordan home, I delightfully Price or Doughtys Landing (Long Bellevue over s-petdy. $1 'O, S^o less without 18.00, 10.30 Island)— cottage, the week end. •ntertained the guests with an im- 9.30, a. m., 12.00 noon. 1.15, 2.30, j' ballast. 4.00, 8.00 The 1 5.30, 6.15, p. ni. Red tea room and ! iromptu recital in the parlor one eve- To Cleaves Dragon gift POWER BOAT Landing (Long Island)—9.30 shop is j 1 ling last week. Both ladies about 12 feet а. m., 1.15, 4.00, 5.30 m. proving very popular with all display- long. 2J p. horse Fairbanks 2 I To Little Let V the summer visitors. id exceptional talents. piwer. motor >is. old. Chebeague—9.30 a. m., 1.15, Us Do Your Several have I( Varnished i4.00 p. m. Developing entertained their cedar, copper riveted. A fine To Cliff We make a specialty of and guests here during I Mr. and Mrs. Owen h. Potter of Al- boat in Island. Western and Central Developing, Printing Enlarging. All the prime condition. Price $ 00. rolls: 6 12 afternoons of the past week. X. Landings (Great Chebeague), South I exposures ioc, exposures 20c. Satisfaction guaranteed. I >any, Y., are with us once again [Harpswell. and Both boats are at Bailey Oris Islands— All work delivered when attention to mail or their annual oiiting. They are Harpswell Harbor. 110.00 a. m., a5.30 p. m, promised. Special ordtrs. ! To Summit House. '< ilways glad to be back and Telephone or write to A. W. Chi Sunset and Eastern Landings (Great during \ ids, iChebeague), 1 heir will care of Dunn West Cousins, Llttlejohn and Bus- R.. TAYLOR. During the past week several new j sojourn they take an active | Bros., Harpswell. tin Islands, Mere Point, Birch J. Island and Portland. arrivals were iart in all social affairs here. I Harpswell Center—10.00 a. Fidelity Building, Room 211, Second registered and at the given m., a5.30 p. m. Flo3r Mr. and Return present time the house is Mrs. Potter are devoted to. I To (Sundays.) entertain- voice is one that gives to Portland: I about jj he Hill Crest and the island and pleasure the .from ing they,, From Peaks Island (Forest tiarpsweil Center—7.15 am 3 00 thirty guests. Many have hearer and liis enunciation City Land- >. m. lumber friends here. and ing)—8.25, 10.50 a. SOUTH HARPSWELL. enjoyed parties and many was 9.30, m., 12.30, 1.35, 2.20, Additional sailing several phrasing most pleasing. Mr. Vieh 8.05, 4.30, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30 p. m. Trip. Saturdays Only. were the 10.00 p. m. for among invited guests that! Tuesday morning twenty-seven of played most I From Cushings 11.00 Little and Great Dla- sympathetically and with Island—9.15, a. m., nond Islands, Trefethen attended dancing he guests enjoyed a sail to 12.45, 3.15, 5.15, 7.15 p. m. and Evergreen (Continued from parties given at Hill., Goose perfect technique, groups from Beetho- From landings (Peaks Page 7.) Crest. sland a Little Diamond Island—8.15, 9.35, Island), Ponce and The lawn and grounds about where delicious dinner of ven, Schubert, Liszt and II.15, 11.55 a. m.. 1.30, Doughty Landings (Long Island). Return the Mendelssohn. 3.00, 3.55, 5.50, 7.10, —Leave Summit House are the j, obsters, clams and other delicacies Both artists were 7.45 p. m. Doughty Landing 10.50 among ^ most enthusias- Ponce p. m., ard best j vere served. I From Great Diamond Landing 11.00 p. m.. Evergreen A. Teague at the Teague cared for on the island and the. The party left the hotel tically received and all Island—8.10, 9.30, 11.05 cottage present were III.10, 11.50 a. m., sanding p. m., Trefethen on Pott's flowers now ibout ten o'clock and sailed 1.25, 2.55, 3.50, 5.45, 7.05, .1.10 Landing Point. in radiant bloom are ad- about the delighted with the program 7.40 p. m. p. m.. 11.15 ^ for given. I ). m.. Little Mr. mired by all on >ay some time before atI This was the From Trefethen Diamond Island 11.20 p. m. D. S. Thomson and Mr. the island. The' landing first in a series of re- Landing (Peaks Is- References: Ray- ( he island. 9.25, 11.45 a—Stops on notice to pur- mond guests here are Arriving here dinner was ! citals that is to be lland)—8.05, 11.05, a. m., 1.20, ler to land White of Lewiston spent Wed- greatly pleased with given by these two 18.50, 3.45, 5.40, 7.00, 7.35 p. m. passengers only, x—Express. the garden. j, lerved at 1 P. M. after which artists. From 3. B. WINSLOW, Pres't. nesday, the 14th, with many Mrs. Olmsted's I Evergreen Landing (Peaks Is- Mrs. Thomp- I | itrolled about j accompani- C. W. T. son. Mr. Messrs. Lewis L. the island ments were land)— 8.00, 9.20, 11.00, 11.40 a. m.. CODING, Gen. Mgr. Thompson is the owner oT iHopkins and inspecting sympathetically played 2.45, 1.15, Arthur he points of interest. The 3.40, 5.35, 6.55, 7.30 p. m. the D. S. P. Hardy of Worcester, return and added greatly to the pleasure of ! From Ponce Thompson Optical Com- vas made late in the Landing (Long Island)— pany of were among the arrivals of last Mass.,], afternoon and the recital. 7.50, 9.10, 10.50, 11.30 a. F. Anthon Auburn. ill m., 1.05, 2.35, Komlosy that are here week,, present were delighted w'tli the ,8.30, 6.25, 6.45, 7.20 p. m. for an extended sojourn. I From The Lillie Aiice of left ( lay's and a vote of I Doughtys Landing Harpsweli Both young men are outing thanks was UNFOUNDED —9.00, (Long Island) last week after enjoying their REPORT. 10.40, 11.20 a. m., 12.55, 2.25, having delivered a first j civen to "Babe" Claff for the success б.16, 7.10 3.20, Artist outing immensely and find 1 6.35, p. m. cargo of coal at the wharf for a local plen- , >f the day's festivities. From Cleaves ty to the Those present There will he 110 Landing (Long Island)— dealer. She is help hours pass too quick- telephones on i8.35, 10.25 a. owned and command- veVe Mr. O. L. Mr. S. m., 2.10, 5.05, 6.25 p. m. South Shore iy. Potter, E. Chebeague and Cousins From Little ed by Capt. Charles ] John Islands this Chebeague—8.30, 10.30 a. Getchell of North Mrs. M. ■'alkenberry, Allen, Jr., Mr. and season, an ,m., 2.15, 5.00 p. m. Great Tolmie of Montreal regis- ] unfounded report to the Chebeague, Me. Harpsweli. klrs. Elliott Jones, J. C. J. j From Clift Island—8.15 a. 4.30 tered last week for an Biswick, contrary having been denied ! m., p. m. extended vaca- 1 1. Mr. by Man- From Western (Great Che- Mr. Leo Barnum Kimball of tion. Williams, and Mrs. H. C. Howe, ager A. T. Landing New Mrs. Tolmie was the 1 Stewart of the New England ,beague)—8.05 a. m., 4.20 p. m. Haven, is among Cenneth Howe, Mr. and Mrs. N. ! From Conn., expected to visit Mr. tourists who were C. Telephone Co. Central Landing (Great Che- jertrude at the Summit I, foung, today. The islands a. Ulric his George Young, Katherine V. will have beague)—7.56 m., 4.10 p. m. Walker-Crowley Dahlgren, classmate of the House the first season it the service at some future From South and was I'oung, Willis Harpswell—7.30 a. m., 3.45 Soprano Soloist Peekskill Military this ducted Mrs. con-1" Sanderson, Miss Anna time, but at present the m. Academy by Hamilton. She 1 lose. Miss Ethel extension of coming week. Schools, Miss Helen the cable to r From Bailey Island (York Vocal Teacher greatly enjoys the climatic Long Island is giving the ;7.15 Landing)— conditions'5 Schools, Miss B. L. Mrs. D. a. m., 3.30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and island in Cardozo, company some trouble and that will From Orrs Eastern Smith of Phil- general. I 1 ■>. Cr Miss E. G. Island—7.00 a. m., 3.15 p. m. Landing, *"**.o. Rowe, Missi not be in I From* adelphia are staying at one working order for some Sunset Landing (Great Che- Great Chebea°ue of the I 1 lelen crkins. Miss Nellie a. local Skerman, weeks yet. The cable Ibeague)—8.45 m., 4.30 p. m. boarding houses for the sum- Vnna that the com- From Cousins Timlin. Mrs. A. F. Gibson, Miss had | island—8.35 a. m., 4.20 fled mer. pany on hand proved too short IP. m. Dragon Gift Shop and "unie Hodgkins, and "Babe" Claff. | for the distance across | From Llttlejohn Island—8.30 Mr. and Mrs. Hussey's a. m., 4.IB Tea Room Farrington Abbott of Hill Crest Sound to P. **>• the new point decided upon From GREAT CHEBEAGUE. ME. Lewiston have arrived at their DELIGHTFUL RECITAL. | Eastern Landing (Great beau- for landing on A new Che- Gifts to tiful Long. ptece beague)—8.15 a. m., 4.00 p. m. pletse all. Open day and evening, cottage, "Happy Thought." CHEBEAGUE Is awaited I Fro n Bustin .unchcs. Ice-cream. Box HOTEL HAS A and this will be spliced on Island—7.55 a. m., S.40 candies, etc. Special Mr. and Mrs. Messrs. Olmsted and j>. m. iarties can be accommodated on J. A. Blake of LARGE NUMBER OF Vieh, pro- to the first section. onler. Auburn GUESTS. essors of The fact that From Mere Point—7.35 Frank L. Pettinfrell. who have been music at Smith College, gave much a. m., 3.20 p. m. I'rop. spending the summer of the material that goes into , From Birch Island—7.30 Miss Ethel recital in the music a. m.. 3.16 Fork, Mgr. here, are expecting to leave DANCING PARTIES rooms of the 1 cable comes from for the ARE WELL ^ rirgil Clavier abroad is causing Panama Exposition 1. ATTENDED AND School Tuesday after- more of August GREATLY r oon delay course, but the expec- last. Mr. Olmsted sang selec- ENJOYED. tation is that the service will be in t lons from Beethoven, Verdi, Schubert, "unning order on in The hotel at the ' lendelssohn and Long Island three CHEBEAGUE. present time is Schumann. His ir four weeks. entertaining over sixty guests and • luring every hour of the day they find HAY'S— Continued from Page 1.) plenty of amusements to help ■>ass the hours. The social life at 'UlCllfllT the hotel is active and Mr. C. |! co«»«ai resume his business there. Loyd Accord- Dlarf in charge of these affairs is ; ing to recent reports Mr. Chandler planning that all shall and jfTrfgl had the plenty to unfortunate experience of nake their vacation all going Into they could SUMMER extremely hot weather in lesire. Last REMEDIES Saturday a Springfield and now evening longs for the Shadow Picture Farce was given for cooling breezes of Casco he Bay. pleasure of the guests. The play • m rm Mr. Cook spent last week-end with ivas staged in Dr. Catch-and-Kill- his Are Useful Just Now wife and children. He brought em's office with the following char- with him as a guest over the week- icters, Dr. Catch and Kell'em. C. end, Mr. Sargent F. Eaton of Auburn- Lloyd Claff, Patient. E. H. MAY'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL 25c. "Grosjean: Quickly relieves rlale, Mass. Mr. Katon Is well known Doctor assistant, Mr. Willis Sander- cramp* .»nd chole a sj to occur at likely this season with sud- to all base-ball fans as ion. The den the star third pnrts were acted with fine changes of temperature, even with a careful diet. baseman on the Dartmonth college »pirlt and the performance would HAY'S nine a few EXTRACT JAMAICA OINCJER 20c and 33c. A years ago. Mr. Eaton re- lave done credit to professionals. turned with pure concentrated extract from the best rojt. Always a reli- Mr. Cook to Massacusetts The artists were recalled several able In the cramp remedy at all seasons, early part of the week. :lmes and each were compelled to Madame Jacobs nake a little speech before find our are MAY'S B. T. MOTH LOTION 25c bottle. the burn of floston accom- the, audl- patrons very much with Stops panied »nce would he pleased and itch of Brown Tail rash. by her grandchildren, Miss dismissed, (lames nnd the little decorative and Hazel M. Jacobs and Mr. general dancing followed In which practical domestic HAY'S LOTUS CREAfl 25c Arthur F. WE J«r«; 1-2 lb. tins 40c. Soothes Jacobs, arrived at the ill the guests participated. The device sun and wind burn and Island early pictured above. We sell a skin irritations. In June and svening was one of beautiful opened their summer great pleasure. HAY'S home "Falrvlew" Thursday evening the plate glass one with solid nickelled LIQUID LOTUS CRBAIT 25c. for sunburn. for thd season. first dancing base for $15.00. HAY'S PLAVORINO They were later joined >arty was given, this party a EXTRACTS -AH flavors. Always pure by Mrs. A. L. being and Jacobs and her other nost delightful several Invit- dependable. Suppl ed by all the stores in Casco two daughters,! affair, good the Misses ed guests In can Hay or sent by mail Helen and Barbara Ja- being attendance. Thurs- You find postpaid i always the cobs. Mr, L. A. Jacobs sailing party was given In honor of good things spent several recently, VIr. and Mrs. E. days with his family. H. Orosjean. both ov«« Miss Hazel >opular guests at in 7* IN Jacobs Is a member of the hotel and ■ Furniture in IklUtiSil—/J the as class of 1ftl8 at cnown the "newly weds". It was Radcllffe college 'Tbe Store while Miss Helen i delightful affair and Beautiful." H") H H HAY Intends to enter the following SONS Wellesley »ere present, Mrs, PORT College In the fall. H. E. Hodge, Mr, ; LAND. ME.r Mr. and 3dwln D. Wayward, John Mrs. August Van der- Allen, .Tr., \ av» look row tm« n Walter B. 28 Free a ouAttTv""* Walk and sons Emll and Rberhnrd. Annie E. Hose, Street, Walter and.- ftelen .T. daughter Trma, all of Schools, Ethel M. 8chools. Springfield, VflBi Louise Portland, Me Mass., were entertained one | Oreene, Miss J. Leland day the i >l#rk«, Miss H. Z. Perkins past week by Mrs. John W. and Mr. C. Foandod 1836 Hoben.' >10 Claff. The $d dancing party, the > CORFYJ I