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h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h FORESTRY CORPORAh TION OF NSW, HARDWOOD FORESTS DIVISION h h

h h h



h h

h h h S tate Forest Nam e: Myall R iver h

h h h


S tate Forest No.: 294 PlanNah m e: Myall R iver 34 & 35 V ER h S ION: Approved h h

1:15,000 h

h h



Com ph artm ents 34 & 35 h h

Contour Interval 10m h PlanNo: 60795 h h h

Manah gem ent Area: Bulahdelah

h h

h h Date Printed: 4/10/2017


GDA_1994_MGA_Z one_56 h h Mapsheet:MAR KW ELL(9333-3N) h


h h

h h

h h h h

h h

h h

412000 413000 h 414000

h h h


h h h


Sh potted-tailed Q uoll h



h *# h

h ! h h


h h





h h

h h ! h h


h Cpt 35 - Koala Interm ediat Use Area



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! h

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h h

h ! h


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! ! h

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h ! h

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h h T h HARVESTING IS NOT PERMITTED h h h ! h h r h h h h a ! h i !

h h h l h h h State Forest Harvesting Operations in these h h h h h


h h h h

h ! h h h D-1 h h h h


h h h h h compartments will be licenced

h h

h Y#h h h h

h h h

h h h h h h

h h h h

! h h under the EPL. All conditions of h h h h h h

h h h ! h h h h

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h h h h the EPL will apply.

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h h


h h

h h 412000 413000 414000 h


h h



h h

h h




h h



h h





h h


h h Threatened Species Records




h h






h Records requiring prescription

h h h h

h h h

S tate Forest Boundary h



Base Net Area -h (IHC 1&2) h

10m Buffer h

h h

h h h h h h

(! h h S tuttering Frog (Harvest Exclusion 30m 's each h

h h

h h

Com partm ents Boundary (R efer to HP for conditions) h

Harvest Area h


h !

side of all ordh ered drainage lines and no UMDL

1 Km Grid h h

h General Managem ent (FMZ 4 and 8)


h harvesting within 200m of the records).


10 m Contour h


h h

h h



h h Future Treatm ent Area h Drainage line (LIC External h to CPT)

h Golden-tipped Bat (Harvest Exclusion 30m 's each h

!Y Tem porary Dry h

(not to be logged this event) " h

h h


S patially corrected LIC drainage side of all 1st and 2nd oh rder drainage lines).

h h

[ Tem porary W et Exclusions h

! h

h h

h line (LIDAR ) (5m Operational Z one) h


h h National Park

ú Approved Crossing h Y ellow-bellied Glider Heard Call (R etain 15 feed h

Indicative Unm apped drainage h XX h

Þ Elite Tree h 4 Bar Exclusions trees within 200m ofthe records).

h feature (LIDAR ) h

R ainforest

h h

h " Glossy-black Cock atoo Feed Tree

h S tate Forest


h h 3 Bar Limited Falling

1st Order (Protection 10m ) h

h Private Property (cadastre) h !^ S enna Acclinis - 20m buffer on records

h 2nd Order (Protection 20m ) Mapped Lim ited Falling Exclusion Z one

h S lope >30° (indicative) k Koala S tar S earch Trigger (com pleted)

h 3rd Order (Protection 30m ) R idge & Headwater Habitat (80 & 40m exclusion)

h k Koala S cats record

h 4th order & above (Protection 50m ) Owl Landscape Other records of presence h *

h # Ecology point site (labelled on m ap)

h h

h PR EPAR ED BY :Paul W illiam s DATE: 10/4/2017 CHECKED BY : Brent Bailey DATE: 10/04/2017 h

h Kilom etres © Crown Copyright 2013. The inform ation and data contained in this m ap is to the best of Forestry Corporation’s belief, true and correct at the tim e of

h 0 0.5 1 1.5publication. However, changes in circum stances after the publication m ay im pact upon the accuracy of the m aterial. No warranty or guarantee is provided

h by the S tate of New S outh W ales, Forestry Corporation and its em ployees and agents and no liability is accepted for any loss or dam age, costs or expense


h resulting from the use or reliance upon the inform ation and data contained in this m ap










h h !


















! !



S ! Scale 1:100,000 tr ike Location / Safety Map Datum: GDA94 -a Map Sheets C - Compartments 34 & 35 B l ! ig a 1:25,000; Markweell 9333-3-N r h e Rt c Bulahdelah 9333-3-S Mo yall River State Forest k e a Prepared by: Paul Williams d W ³ 1:100,000; Bulahdelah 9333 k Date: 3/01/2017 Bulahdelah Management Area B a ! 410000 lu 415000 420000 425000 u eb k e F

Ghin-DooR -Ee NP rryR o C Helicopter Lando ing Site F o B a Emergency Meeting Point r o a e K !

a u d b Cleared area adjacent to r s o e

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State Forest Compartments 34 and 35

Management Area Bulahdelah IFOA Region Lower North East

Harvest Plan No. 60795 Supply Zone 4

Legal Conditions Native Forest Harvesting in accordance with IFOA conditions and all associated licenses. This is a scheduled operation therefore logging of UMDL is NOT PERMITTED. All conditions of the EPL apply in this operation. To implement this plan, you must hold a current Contractors Licence. Standard Harvest Plan Conditions and Operating Procedures apply. Survey expiry date for this plan is 26/04/2026.

Certification Timber products removed from the plan area are within the Defined Forest Area covered by Australian Forestry Standard and ISO14001 Certificate 13761 Planner Prepared by Date: Paul Williams Paul Williams 10/04/2017

Planning Supervisor Approved by Date: Brent Bailey Brent Bailey 10/04/2017

Abbreviations FT = Forest Technician, HC = Harvesting Coordinator, PtS= Protection Supervisor, HS = Harvesting Supervisor, RC = Roading Coordinator, Crew = Harvest Contractor/Forest Operators, IFOA = Integrated Forestry Operations Approval, TSL = Threatened Species Licence, EPL = Environment Protection Licence, FL = Fisheries Licence, CH = Cultural Heritage, SOP = Standard Operating Procedure.

1. Harvest Area Details Cpt 34 Cpt 35 Total Event ID 130206 130207 Gross Area (ha) 193 347 540 Total Net Harvest Area 78 274 352 Area Expected to be 63 28 91 Harvested Estimated Yield 1560 720 2280 Yield/ha 25 25 25 Slope (% 0-20 degrees) 69 60 67 Slope (% 20-25 degrees) 25 23 24 Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 1 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. Slope (% 25-30 degrees) 6 17 22 Note: An estimate of what is expected to be harvested does not include slopes over 30deg, inaccessible or fragmented areas, Harvested AGS gaps, etc. Contractor must ensure timber removed is allocated to the correct compartment when entered into Electronic Delivery Docket.

2. Management Conditions on Boundaries Boundary Conditions Myall Lakes National Crawford River Road forms the boundary between Myall River SF and Park Myall Lakes National Park. There will be no impact on the Park as this area will not be harvested in this event. Private Property The western boundary of compartment 34 adjoins private property. These PP boundaries needs to be located and marked by the FT. If the boundary is unclear in the field, contact should be made with the harvest planner such that the neighbor can be consulted on agreed boundaries. No harvesting debris within 5m of boundary. SMZ / FMZ FMZ 2 – Special Management – High Conservation Value Old Growth, Riparian Protection, Owl Exclusion, Ridge and Headwater FMZ 3A – Harvesting Exclusion – Rainforest and High Conservation Value Old Growth, FMZ 4 - General Management – available for harvest. Regrowth/Non These compartments are entirely within the Regrowth zone. Tree regrowth zones retention conditions under the TSL (see flora & fauna section). Cultural Heritage Surveys have been conducted and ACHO in consultation with local Aboriginal community representative. If any potential sites identified during harvesting a 20m interim exclusion is to be applied. Notify the Regional ACHO immediately such that final protection measure can be determined Modified Harvest Area Four modified harvest area have been located within this planning unit. A total harvest exclusion applies; existing trails and roads can be used for haulage if they traverse through these exclusions. HC to check that these sites are adequately marked immediately prior to harvesting commencing in the vicinity.

3. Expected Yields Volume Product Estimates Species Species Mix (Sawlog) (m3) HQ Large & Small Sawlog 1070 BBT 78% (Quota) Poles, Piles and Girders 0 SBG 14% LQ Sawlog (Salvage) 940 TWD 6% Fencing 20 Other 2%

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 2 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. Domestic Chip, Firewood 250 Total 2280

Note: 1. Export chip volume has been incorporated into Domestic Chip / Firewood volume as it is a small % of total volume and it is expected it could all be sold under current markets.

4. Haulage Haul Route Internal forest roads, Jarrah Road, Purgatory Road, Crawford River Road, Knob Road and Cabbage Tree Road. School Bus Routes Haulage contractor must apply Rural Road Safety Strategy Communication protocol. Traffic Control Jarrah Road provides access to the Myall Lakes and Ghin-Doo-Ee National Park. It is the responsibility of the harvesting crew to provide and implement a traffic management plan that will ensure the safety of all road users whilst harvesting within 2 tree lengths of this roadway.

5. Community Issue Detail Conditions

Notifications Required Neighbours All relevant notifications have been conducted. A notification list for FCNSW staff is available from the planner.

Permit to Enter Nil Required

6. Infrastructure Infrastructure Conditions

Plus / Elite Trees There is a Plus / Elite tree in compartment 34. Harvesting debris should not accumulate within 5 m of Plus trees. Where debris does accumulate the crew must remove it or flatten to < 1m high.

Snig track crossing 1 SCP-1 as displayed on HPOM – using a snig track crossing at this location requires EPA pre-approval. HC to liaise with Planner at the commencement of operation to progress schedule 6 application relevant to expected crew movement and available timber markets at the time of harvest.

Boundary Fences If a fence is damaged, as a result of logging then the contractor will repair as soon as possible.

Gravel Pits No quarries within the compartment.

Mapped Trails All mapped trails are to be left in a drivable condition post-harvest to facilitate forest maintenance and fire suppression.

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 3 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. 7. Harvesting Conditions Silviculture Type Harvesting Objectives and Condition for each stand condition

Regeneration STS These stands generally consist of individual mature stems within areas of insufficient regeneration. These stands are dominated by endpoint Blackbutt and

areas of early mature Blue Gum and Tallowwood. The objective in these stands is to Dumps 3, 4, 5 & 6 implement a regeneration harvesting event in order to establish a new, vigorous stand Retain well-formed seed trees of preferred species at ~40 m spacing HC to instruct crew to retain patches of quality advanced regeneration where they occur. Crews to remove all merchantable stems not marked for retention and ensure mechanical disturbance creates a suitable seed bed for regeneration. The crew is responsible for selecting retained seed trees and retaining patches of advanced regeneration.

STS Light These stands generally consist of dry hardwood species. The objective in these stands is to harvest the merchantable component of the crop and retain the Dumps, 7 & 8 vigorous younger age class trees for a future cut. Crew is to select trees for removal and retain well- formed seed trees at ~40m spacing. Crew in consultation with the HC to retain clumps of pre-merchantable regrowth and advanced regeneration and avoid damage to these retained areas. Note. Do not confuse pre-merchantable regrowth with suppressed and defective stems that are sub-optimal to stand improvement.

Future Treatment These areas consist of stands that were harvested heavily in previous events Areas through a combination of AGS, STS and thinning, dry hardwood stands with little or no resource and also areas of NHA that are isolated by IFOA exclusion zones.

Monitoring Planning assumptions have been with respect to current market availability of timber products (e.g. greatly reduced market for wood chip material). As such BA removal has been conservatively calculated to reach a maximum of 32% when measured across the NHA of this compartment (refer IFOA limit table below). HC is to monitor BA retention during harvesting using BA post-harvest sweeps, randomly located across different stand types to ensure average BA is maintained as per the planned assumptions made in the table below. Evidence of BA monitoring and the approximate plot location must be documented by HC. Ideally, monitoring of BA should occur prior to leaving each dump to ensure any variance to planned outcomes can be rectified. IFOA Limits Regen STS Regen STS STS Light Future Total Cpt-34 Cpt-35 Cpt-34 Treatment STS Tract Ha’s 38 28 25 206 297 Pre-harvest BA 21 33 21 10 4307 Post-harvest BA 8 8 14 10 2938 Planned Removal 62 76 33 0 32

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 4 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use.

8. Tree Retention - refer to TSL booklet for full conditions Prescription Condition/Responsibility

Mark-Up – the FT is responsible for marking up the forest ahead of harvesting operations consistent Forest Mark Up and Tree Retention SOP

Compartment Mark-Up Survey Compartment mark-up surveys must be conducted at least 300m in advance of operations. The survey must search for threatened (5.1 (h), 5.2 and 5.13 and protected species features listed in conditions 5.1 (h), 5.2 5.13 of the TSL. Impenetrable Understory has been indicatively mapped as a pdf map for the FT. The FT must field check and map these areas during mark-up and handover unmarked areas to the HC.

Koala Intermediate use area One Koala star search trigger was identified during pre-harvest Compartment 35. 6.14 (aii) surveys. This star search has resulted in an intermediate use zone over Cpt 35. FT must select and mark 10 primary browse trees/2 ha where available

Glossy-black Cockatoo feed FT must search for Forest Oak with crushed cones and mark for trees (5.6giii) retention.

Hollow-bearing and Regrowth Zone - 5.6 (d), (e) & (f), conditions apply. Recruitment tree retention (H Additional H trees for Greater Glider condition does not apply. and R) FT must select and mark 5 H trees/ha where available and one R for each H retained.

Significant Food Resources FT must mark for retention- 6 Eucalypt feed trees/2 ha where they occur, glider sap feed trees, stands of forest oak and forest 5.6 (f) oak feed trees. White Mahogany, Bloodwood and Ironbark are suitable E tree species present in these compartments.

Harvesting - crew and HC responsibilities

Protection of Retained Trees Trees marked or selected for retention must not be felled. 5.6 (g) The crew must minimise damage to H, R and E trees must by using directional felling. Harvesting debris should not accumulate within 5 m of retained trees. Where debris does accumulate the crew must remove or flatten to < 1m high.

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 5 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. Prescription Condition/Responsibility

The HC must be notified of any badly damaged retained trees and they must assess and record if a replacement retained tree is required.

Stag Retention (Dead standing The crew should retain stags where safe to do so. trees 5.6 (f) The crew must record the date, DBH, risk and location of unsafe stags removed

Significant food resources The crew should avoid damaging flowering or fruiting banksias or grass trees.

Impenetrable Understory In areas mapped by the FT as Impenetrable Understory procedures for harvesting in un-marked forest must be implemented by the HC and Crew.

9. Site-Specific Flora and Fauna Boundary Prescription Condition Type

Riparian Habitat 2 bars Implement filter strip (hard) and protection zone (soft) around Protection (5.7) drainage features as shown on the HPOM. Refer to SOP1. FT must mark the location of UMDL with the ψ symbol and 1st (Lidar Corrected) order protection zone boundary with 2 bars. The crew will locate and protect all 2nd order and above streams with GPS.

Ground Habitat N/A Commercial firewood collection is permitted in these (5.17 d) compartment.

Rainforest (5.4) 4 bars Mapped Exclusion

HCVOG (5.03) 4 bars Mapped Exclusion

Threatened Flora 3 bars 2 Mapped exclusion, 20 m buffer on records: Senna acclinis (6.23) dots

Giant-barred or Modified Mapped exclusion, 30 m buffer on mapped streams within Stuttering Frog (6.3) Harvest 200 m of a records and no UMDL within 200m of a record.

Golden-tipped Bat Modified Mapped exclusion, 30 m buffer on mapped first order streams (6.20) Harvest and second order streams within 200 m of records and no UMDL within 200m of records.

Yellow-bellied Glider Modified Call detection site (200 m radius) occurs (see HPOM). FT must (6.17) Harvest mark for retention the 15 feed trees required under condition 6.17.

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 6 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. Boundary Prescription Condition Type

Ridge & Headwater 3 bars Mapped Exclusion Habitat (5.8)

Owl Landscapes 3 bars Mapped Exclusion-South Myall River Planning Unit (6.09)

Fish N/A Potential Threatened Fish habitat occurs downstream of this harvest area. No UMDL logging is permitted

10. Soil & Water – Refer to EPL Booklet for full conditions Issue Assessment Conditions

EPL Scheduled Yes Implement filter strip (hard) and protection zone Activity/Licensed (soft) around drainage features as shown on the HPOM. An assessment must be made by the Unmapped drainage Line Not FT/HC as to whether features are drainage lines harvesting Permitted or drainage depressions. In licenced compartments, UMDLs receive the same protection as if they were a mapped 1st order stream. FT must mark the location of UMDL and 1st order protection zone boundary with 2 bars. Refer to SOP1. The crew will locate and protect all 2nd order and above streams with GPS.

Inherent hazard level 2 Nil

Dispersible Soils No Nil

Mass Movement / Instability No Nil

Acid Sulphate Soils No Nil

Seasonality Conditions No Nil

Historical or existing erosion No Nil

Ground cover >70% Nil

Burning conditions No Nil

Log Dumps SOP 5 HC is responsible for authorising moving the location of a log dump.

Roading management during SOP 6 Refer to SOP 6. harvesting

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 7 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. Issue Assessment Conditions HC is responsible for monitoring road and crossing drainage during haulage.

Wet Weather and Rutting SOP 6 Crew is responsible for implementing automatic closures and following notified closures. HC is responsible for ensuring crew notified when notified closure is lifted.

Snigging SOP 8 Crew is responsible for progressive drainage of snig tracks

Snig Track Crossings SOP 9 HC is responsible to ensure snig track crossings are approved prior to use and rehabilitated upon completion.

11. Crossing Approvals

All crossing approvals are shown on the operational map – any other feature crossings must be assessed, recorded below and approved by the Planning Supervisor before use.

Crossing EPA Conditions Approval

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 8 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. 12. Operational Plan Briefing: A briefing of this operational plan was conducted by Person Role Nature of Briefing Date

13. Acknowledgement of Briefing: I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the plan documents and that I have been briefed on the conditions of the Plan. I understand the operational control requirements as outlined in the plan and take responsibility for the implementation of plan conditions relevant to my responsibilities Name Role Signature Date

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 9 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. 14. Standard Operating Procedures: The following SOP’s apply to this plan. FCNSW staff and the crew must hold a copy on site whilst operating and comply with the conditions set out in each SOP.

Procedure Title Number 1 Drainage Feature Protection

2 Exclusion Zone Boundary Management

3 Forest Mark-Up

4 Operating in Inherent Hazard Level 3 Areas

5 Log Dump Operation and Use

6 Road and Crossing Management and Wet Weather Controls

7 Safety Requirements

8 Snig Track Construction

9 Snig Track Crossings

10 Documentation and approvals



Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 10 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. Operational Diary: Action Action Date Issue Initials Required Completed

Record: Daily activities (eg tree marking, dump 2); Condition 5.2 of TSL items - EEC locations, rocky outcrops, koala scats, feed tree identification etc), discussions with stakeholders/neighbours/ site visitors; areas of impenetrable understorey; unviable areas not marked, non-conformances; harvesting issues identified, twice weekly road and crossing drainage checks

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 11 of 11 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use.

Document title: C_34_35_Myall_River_Harvest_Plan_Printed_Signatu Version No.: 1 Page 12 of 12 res Harvest Plan No. 60795 Approval Date: 10/04/2017 Expiry Date: 26/04/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use.