Yps Can Afttfte tarn CM Make DOLLARS Wilfc DOLLARS With tfcNTS Bt Utiag CENTS By U.io« The ( U»"llird THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Cln.sifieJ Advertisements r«£ LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY FUKJY-SECOND YEAR—No. 31 WESTKJELU, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1932 16 P»ge.—5 SPRING CONCERT ul 0 l s DAVIES ENDORSED DANCE REVUE TO Events of the Month BINGLING BROS. S" ' cK im.,D'NEW TEACHERS Will ft rtCIT CC1 CAM »»»«*wn a v» BY REPUBLICANS CIRCUS HERALDS WCAL SCHOOL IOARD ARE NAMED TO April 8 Afternoon Succeeds Robert S. Snevily At wiiAuobESEASON, BENEFIT DISTRICT Bridge. Scout Mothers of Sym to Troop 2. Rahway. Meeting Held j SCHOOLFACULTY Committee Recital Friday Night To Be Third Annual Event At YMCA Tee wFOR NOMINATION j *2l ZtT»£. NURSING April 8—Eveaing- Appointment. WiU Fill V The WcBtfielKinnde SymphonIs Soloicy tOrchestra Presented In Roosevelt Scheduled For Friday A. M. Lumbcrton was elec-ted pres- Announce* Councilman As will present its spring concert on Dance. College Woman's Club. cie* Of Twelve Who School Echo Lake C. C. And Saturday ident of thi' Buui'd of Education at j Candidate For Office [Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in jits oj-gji:-i--uit.i;.n nii'L'ing held Friday! Are .,,.„. „ ^ . J the Roosevelt auditorium. About l hu R CouncilmaCou n WiU.am H. Dav.es of;^^ mu8icians ^,, participatc. Through the medium of the dance, April 8—Evening. The third annual appearance of! f ,'" ,' """'volt Junior liigh! pp as interpreted by groups of charm- '- He KUcci'eds Kobcrl S. Sncv-1 The Board of Education at it* «57 Boulevard has harle H. Sey- Dance Kevue. Pupils of Mar- s i« scheduled • the direction ol C 5 children. ion Denman Mowery. Benefit y'^te: ; Z'to the May primary. This an- ^"i " V^iTnizaTioT "" ""'""''ization vi" btncfit »»"«*>">• when, District Nursing Association. oouncement wts made on Thursday " •„ ' i on Friday evening, the pupils "f Mrs. L Br. Chsumcey M. F. Egel, chair- The orchestra will present one of, Marion Der.man Mowery will appear Roosevelt School. lts m0Bt seeing the event that means that' Dr. Leland C. Duvis and ,Uihn H. ments were: Miss Arline Spessard u Ju of the Republican Town Execu-| ambitious programs contain-:in a dance ret,itaI for the bt,,u.,H of spring is here to stay. The advent of I Vander Veer, who wvve dei'U'd at th,. committee who stated th»t Coun-iln8 taree outstanding compositions., Kursing Association in April •, • tne assistant primary supervisor; Mis* These are thc> Dislrict the circus was heralded on Saturday; annual school meeting in the citaian Davies'candidacy had received i Tschaikowsky's Sixth Sym-:the Roosevelt auditorium. Bingling Bros. Circus. Y. M. Kitherinc P. Kuta, Mias Marjorie 3. 1 1 sald m be f C.A. afternoon by a truck-load of clowns j places of Mr. Snevily and Robert G. Worthington, Miss Beatrice Kirbyt the hearty endorsement of the execu-iP "" /. ^ ™? *« °« ° ««; Bcfore the rccital and duri h and a noisy'band. The clowns per-; Oriswold were formally senfed. Mr. tfve committee and the Town Coun-,f™»<^ •" musical repertoire; the, inlM.niission ViMcnt Fi „ an*h i formed funny antics and from all in-!Griswold had served on thc buard MISH (iladys Smith and Stanley H. - jL Arlesienne Suite, by Bit.. :on8ist-; n,.cnegtra v\\\ \ April 12—£*••!•• 'hose whose resignations wer* il members. Li /vijesieiiue aunt, uy m*.- :unsisi.-! . ,ue ... ,'n i dications the boys are "rarin' to go." eight years, having been chairman of c P Spring Concert. Symphony 1 were: Miss Grace M. IiaB- Mr. Davies was elected to the coun- ing of a prelude, minuet, adagietto, | Thig orchegtr "^omposen d of young The circus which ia being held un- the finance committee the greater minuetto and _ carillon, and Liszt's | , ^.^ Orchestra. Roosevelt Auditor- part of that period. 'gen, Miss Florence Worthley, MiM cil from the Third Ward in 1930 and men fl om thfi nior High School, has der the auspices of the YMCA will „,,,,,, , | Hannah Betty Williams, Miss Oer- is the present chairman of the finance I earned considerable popularity thru ium. give evening performances Friday and ! its splendid ploying. This musical Saturday and a special feature con- lhe following standing committees]mule B. Guion, Miss Ida R. Stryke» committee, a post which he has ably ! The have been announced: land Miss Kmma C. Decker. Mist held and his work in this department orchestra will also present: unit hos bet,n heard at sevcrill ot- April IS—Ev»ia( Ro er sisting of an elaborate Saturday aft- Finance and legislation: Kobert B.|Gladys Burge was appointed assist' has received the highest recommen- B William Kmne, basso, whose t),e outstanding social events during DeMolay Dance in Masonic sisting of an elaborate Saturday mat- 0i h Jenkins, chairman; Dr. Lelanri C. unt to thc school dentlnt. totion. In addition, he is also a mem-!7 « as been heard over the Co- the• past year. Temple. inee. —<>— Davis and Robert Dawson. I Th« board adopted a smaller fora ber of several other important coun. j lumbia Broadcasting system and who The District Nursin Association In past year the circus has al- Administration and Instruction: Al- f diploma which will be presented dlmanic committees. i>s raPldly «aininK favor wlth hls PIeas: a9 faeen ac.Uvc for April IS—Evening o ! ing interpretation and rendition of ways boasted of being tie "biggBstjlan Cartler, ehairmanj Walter F. Bey-|,.o ^aduateH of the Roosevelt Junior Mr. Davies has resided in Westfield at no time in its history has its help Dance. Westfield Tennis Club. and best show in the world but thisjer, Margaret C. Leighlon mid Dr. I.e-JHhjh School. The board granted tht various songs. He will sing two Clubhouse. years, here in been so mueh needed as at the pres- year those in charge assert _that it ia, land C. Davis, USt!o f 6ome tquivmcnt t*r nmdur . ent. Under the leadership uf Mias bigger than that. There la always! Operation and Maintenance: Robt.ljng the "Play Day" to be held Aoril Josephine Dawson, the social welfare something new tu be seen ut a circus| Dawson, chairman; J. H. Vander'ao. Ibass soloist with the Collegiate Church worker, and Mrs. Julia H. Welton, 11. INDOOR POLO SEASON and this is particularly true tliis time. I Veer, Blanche S. Sourbier. I of St. Nicholas in New York. He will N., a trained nurse, it has accom- ENDS HERE SATURDAY Some of the. outtitdndinK new attrac- Auxiliary Activities: Walter FJ BuperviHing Principal Charles A. ! be accompanied at the piano by Miss plished a tremendous amount of work, lions are the terrifying Buttle of the Beyer, chairman; Blunche S. Sour- I'hilhower «irave an interesting report p Louise of Westfield. offering aid to those in distress. The Westfield Club Making Plant Imps, the Biircdomi llulllight, an act:bier, Margaret <'. I.piglUon unil Dr. to ths board relative to various school i Tomorrow evening, the Forum Club association has met 1 oans to save filled with thrills and laughter; the 1.eland C. Davis, HCtivities. lie told of the debate won ! of the YMCA will hold a "Music Ap- homes mid has paid rent. It lias also For Outdoor Season Be- .dangerous corn cutter demonstration! New Sites nml New School iluihl- from l'lainfluld and lout to Morrla- town. The !>>«nch play and tha one | preeiation Hour" in the association I met the expenses for operations, ginning June 11 the dancing Mayflowerettes, B'IK in^s; Hobert Dawson, cbuirman; J. presented just around Easter wer« building at which time Dr. Howard S. j ,.aySj s]H,t.ial shocs an(J dental wur|(. .'gurgeoua daring maidens. Three of H. Vander Veer, Allan M. Curtlur. Savage, director of music in the)Ita overhead has been between $200 well received. The "Weather Vane," Plainfield schools, will discuss the The Weslfield I'olo Club will finish! the main features of the circus are I Specia the High School publication, received three outstanding compositions on the concert program. An invitation is extended to all who are interested to attend. I BRIDGE CLUB OPENS ballet number led by Janet Roe, "The,lon- j head of the locul dancing school bear- ploy, "Putrhwork" written by Harry Powder Puffs," including small young- I-ant night Ciiptuin Lum announced1 i"K her name, with one of her mont THREE NEGROES HELD (A. Kniffln, would he presented next IN PLAINFIELD Wednesday pvnning before the High Mr iC IJ 1 J PI' C N stets from one of the ballet classes. |tbnt (iessford, Hodge and l>'. P. Lum' talented danceiB will ]ircsenl three. FOR GRAND JURY Wetlneld And rlainneld IA Marionette group under the lead of! will oppose the inviulers anil due to' striking dunce acts, including two aolo School P.-T. A. meeting In the Hoo»«- era Share Honor* At (Betty Bradley will follow. A spirited! I he local team carrying n 7 goal bun-1 dance numbers, shadow dancing and Arrested On Suspicion And volt auditorium. Th* Anal report of military duet will present Margaretjilicap, will be called upon to present'lighting by Miss Manson the Pet Club was to the effect that Opening Of Play- 1 Later Charted With the rocent «how wax a BUCTess. WILLIAM H. DAVIES Scheck and Mary Joe Hall. thi shore trio with one goal nn the Probably the most popular feature Burglary Here The Health of ihu school iiupila wai tan rosd. He was graduated from On the evening of Thursday, March From Mrs. Mowcry's concert group,! ot, at the opening bell. ,,( the, past two circuses was the Mid- reported as fairly good, there being the high school in Carbondale, Pa., Miss Marguerite Mowers, a favorite ppg 31, the formnl opening of the Park iUraon The shore tciini ia shij)i)ing its own i get Tumblers' team. The youngsters Three negroes, giving their names 21 cam's of whooping cough and a and later from the School of Com-Avenue Bridge Club was held at thu ^ Westfleld's dancers, will dunce ponies to Westfield which means the have earned ijuite a reputation aa tbo few CHKI'H of chicken pox as well H merce and Finance of N. Y. U. He venue Itwo aolos' "De Lol'0B H"11"-'1"" a sl)an- as Herbert Arthur, .'H, of Kaston, 11ilub rooms at 1111 Park avi fastest possible exhibition they can'result of their many exhibitions in Pn,; George Stafford, 27, no IUUUTSS, a small number «( other Ulnetan. in comptroller of the Delaware filp, ^ .'"."," „«»«!! ish waltz, and "Dance of the Hours." give. I various purls of the state. TThesh e Hudson Railroad Corporation, with].' ' Ql i feature of As an added attraction, Wallace As thi., will be the last indoor tilt, diminutive tumblersl , with theiir hthree and Harry Wright, 8», of Fernando, Mr. Plillhower nUled that there offices in New York. ! j™ the appearance of OBV of experience, have three or Fla., were held without ball for thenre 82 buys out for the track teas who ia a member o!J,he Hall —ha s offered- t .o. sin—.g„ severa. _ ...l .soloa . . . ,imd as thes,ese etw twoo team teams s foughfought tth thu u V f pof , ur lja fu of thilling tunts flrand Jury by Kocorder A. C. Nash this season, Councilman Davies has been prom-lmous "fiMr! . Hall has a clear tenor voice and'most spectncular duel for represent*. f° S" " thrilling stunts. in n special session of police court inei " '" "" ' • • ------«— -•--1 I Att ththe performnnciperformnnciii SaturdaSaturday nnighi t yesterday, charged with burglary. - cial They arc said to have broken into the CIRLS'7UYDAY~ years, Thrift Shop on Central avenuo and field articles of clothing found in their pos- ON APRIL 30TH ll the jiwt.ie **. w. u. naauunnu", <• I QQrn nn tov 8. This will be Al-an's Club on next Monday afternoon. Mlsn Gertrude Taylor. The chairman palities that are insolvent or nearly — —'^--"F — - tf ~ I — — - - - v ,>iia r~m ux->^i^f i' V -..'• v>>*., --»»p "i> * — - '£!•'•) \y4U •' I'll f| V** W II1W ||\|tlj «» I*#»-4»»»^--.-T ^ ^ the open game. Private rooms are strong, Caroline Stephens and Kath-! lenhurst's last chance aguinst West- j Dr. Bnrmtm Brown, curator of the P°»>«'Hsion nnd the police found that hits called n meeting of theso group so then we are proud indeed of ouravailable for private parties. The ll past mayors and councilmen who ryn Van Doren. Hold and the general impression is it Americun Museum of Natural Hin-i ™nlnined several »uitai of children's lenders at her home next Monday af- usual nominal card fee is charged. will be a game "with the lid off. lory in New York, i« to lecture on | P»j»™i» nnd some men's socks. Atternoon at 2:30 o'clock, when th» have made our financial position se- Westfield players are invited to visit firi(t lll lhr The Westfield Dlucs, composed ofjlmIndil a and Kashmir. Ilia talk is to be| ° "° men denied all knowl- fiflnl program will be drawn up. I and inspect the club rooms. Mr. THREE YOUTHS f the articles. Later IIUCB. - . This play day, although sponsored I believe the people of Westfield j Medem has a reputation of being one rcl, Tuliy and Shivas will stage a (illustrated by thrilling motion pMmWnVrv'bout' for" thcirlinal whnck i lures of wild'animals and native life.) ^ning l>r«uKlit out the fact that they, |,y the two organizations for girl*- appreciate the outstanding ndminis-|of the high ranking authorities at the SURRENDER TO POLICE the season at the Wesldeld Whites Dr. Drown hiw recently returned ; ""'I ''riikcn into till! Thrift fahop nnd j tho Clirl KeouU mid tho Olrl Uesorve» tration of Mayor Tipson and his col- jgam e of backgammon and open u w s : Three men, wnnted" by the Both- m', continuous explora-i «"<•" " wearing n suit of clothes _(„ for nu g|r|B i,, town, large and

HERE I-ouis Pfirrman that on Sunday night P f1 A IAVCPI AMC i American Museum with which inHti- be nvjiilablfi nt the roaervation tnblo. TO EXHIBIT THRIFT SHOP NEEDS they had broken into a private gar- S Definite plans for the bridge party ut (|,0 ],ml!hM proumln ot Echo I.ako, ape and were discovered by a person , 1.1. A. LAIIrLAUd Itution he has boon aflilinlud sinen lie given by tho Senior Auxiliary lhl. 8ct.n0 o{ the a^iynn^ [n cx. A swim meet and exhibition, fea- MEN'S CLOTHING of thc Children's I | f ] r,. , the colored turing many -well-known swimmers, they thought was the owner. A fh FOR ANIMAL WEEK 1897nur fo. Hr the excavatec museumd thaned firs thte greadino-t: r l(inKU or a mtn l c

rs may nav, 10 J . tion will be announced after arrange medley relay event. Many of Appreciation has been expressed, selves up ments hhav e beeb n maded . to make possible the use of motion i guest l ar for the response residents have made Sergeant Pfirrman broadcast their T "" . , . . ,w . .„ pictures. Tne hour is, as usual, 2:45 j'fil "''''dI »m\ are not acquaiiited with tho;U. und educational adviser to the New? A .P »cipanti s have already appear- for requt.s,ta of various articles thru I names and descriptions over thc tcle- r mer ni ic Another plan for Animal Week will M m^ pjun3 fortnt . nfternoon ari! ,-n jauxiliiiry in connection with the Jersey State Bonn! of KegentJ, will Kit.t" j °, , °'y P swimming the .cIassified advertisements and! type and a short time later Detec- be the visiting of stables and living , ^ ' f jj otto Carnonter of tho ihome, will introduce thi-mselven tn,be the speaker, Tuesday afternoon at ts and will take part in them again | j y a to watch these jtive Smith of the Bethlehem Police nv ont { lc thh real er3 are as e conditions of Westfield horses, espe- program committee, under the gen-.'" ' " -' ' hostesses who will bo '1 oV'lot-lt at a meeting of the civics summer in California. iwe ekly for notice of articles that are I Department telephoned to local head- cially those in the "big woods" and liul t0 anil legislative group? of the Womnn'« The meet tomorrow night, which IB eral supervision of Mrs. Alfred l« U'J>' information as to the to be one of the last competitions especially needed. Anyone desiring quarters and atked that the three be | the Italian sections, by Miss Budell {Schrocd( ,r nroirrnm chairman. work that is being carried on. Club of Westflold in the Westfield' to contribute clothing or other items detained. He said that the person and Mrs. Frank L Washburne, with Mrs. Doerrcr was assisted by Mrs. \ Tennis Club. Dr. Meredith will apeak "eld in the east before the final try- the intention of rewarding those own- j ""ts f th is asked to communicate by phone whom they had struck down was still .Chester Wallace, Mrs. Cordon Brow-jon tha proposed plan for the state' f0r ththcc 1932 oiyjnpj^ is optn nence l is optn wtih the shop or to take them direct- in a serious condition, but the officer era whose horses have the best con- nell, Mr». Morgan and Mrs. J. Ashuniversity- , a movement which Is ° the public at a nominal admission ditions. •J'lio grc.ii tin IT nf virtue Is con charge. i ly there. Proceeds from the sale of had not learned his name. oli'liri. rii-ern, I ley Iirown. ating widespread interest. the articles at the nominal figures at Members of the Bethlehem Police One of the matters discussed last and 5 *!?' *•"»»*•••» Bprlng Salln which they are priced are turned over Department arrived today and took night was the feasibility of having a Pfir flmifl trindiitr ', Prolific Oyilar (. • N to the District Nursing Association the trio, who waived extradition, back paid agent instead of a volunteer to l'l»inn«ii! i-Din'i. American Hhud A female »>>'«! er miiy produce fiOO, *j Nnviu.' Clothing Store, PUinOeld.-- T Co.. ll-]3 Ctianns slrlke Die slflit. but merit j for further relief work. to that city. *, . , . , i Xvllnv d.P—n Adv11-1. 3 Waahlniflnn UUD.IWI VKXH In ll yenr. do animal work In town. vins Ihn mul. j P*ge Two THE WESTFLELD LEADER. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1932

C. M. L01ZEAUX president of tut Mid-City Trust Co., j to pay. Jf that Urn 2,200 VIEW NEW FORD I adjustable. A large vvntiiator is pro- Sym bo! oi A or.ty of riainfield. • failure of the it-adi-r pl v vidt d m th of the cowl. The 'Illl- dv-iKU "II I lie IV w uf our ENTERS SENATE RACE He .served with Company A, TSth^' pra^p the striuusr the siuua- AAT1OI iAJcAIrM f AUCWCI iI itiHlrumt-n' t panel is oval nnd has a dime the Imiidle of rmln niui »x Division, in ihv World War, enlisting tion. wt- will fave a . ondition beyond ' rustless steel mounting strip. Inside tlie liuniun ll.-uirii—-n.vMihnll»eii i« STORAGE Former Mayor Charles K. Loizeaux us a private1 and rejurrJiii? as u cap-; pri-dii-tion. Residents uf Westfield und vicinity i sun visors, which fold uut of the wayover life anil llmli. The fiiKi-i-K. »• of Plainfittld has announced his can- la n. He is a member of tin; Anier- "Another is.-ue h meet djmtlv. numbprintr ever 2200 visited the j when not in use, ale provided in allIs the Ljuin nJiiue for flip hunill didacy for tht Republican nomiita- H-un Legion and the Veterans of For-and on which 1 have definite eonvic- Went fit-Id Motor Sales Co. showroom | cloned ears. rods and tiic u.x KtJ'-kiti^- out. i tioii as state senator in the May pri-, eijrn War?. lions is prohibition. The theory of ut North avemie nnd St. Paul's street j The enging e is of the !'0-degree V- originally tlie emblem of tlip hi mary election. Mr. Loizt'auxV taau-ment fullowt-; ihf cfiVct oi" prohibition was that it n Sunday and Monday to view th* j type, having an S. A. E. rating of 30 absolute authority over life nnd limb, He declared he rill seek a drastic, "After serious consideratkni of the would remove tht- temptation. new KorFord V-8 cylinder automobile, ji horsepower and developing t.6u5 noi-M.horse- and as such, parked over to the high reduction of state, county and muni- many elements involved. I have agreed -It was conceived in a fine spirit Tnis '5 consideredi 8 local record for power at 3400 r. p. m. T1h he 65 pound magistrates of the republic. cip«] expense, rather than new sources to accet-d to the desires «{ many of helpf ulne.-s. It depended for its interest in the showing of a new car. j crankshaft is of the ao-degrec type of revenue; is against prohibition, friends in the Republican party thru- success upon voluntary acceptance of | The new Ford is large, long, roomy, [ with its four cranks at right angles o Rebuilding 1* Not £*cjr but opposed to the return of the sa- out I'nion County and do announce its provisions by the people. Truly! fast, powerful and alert, Its V-8 en-, each other. Loss of faith in find* man or an ln- loon and favors legal sales of liquor my candidacy for the office of state it » a noble experiment. igine develops C5 brake horsepower, BtltutiuE is a culutrilty. To i'h*ur away TnO-degree counterbalanced WESTFIELD, N. J. fuel from fourteen-gallon gasoline tank able in fourteen body types at $50 less than the Iran's inmitli with winm! wnrcln Hint crankshaft . . . Large, effective fully in rear . . . Choke on instrument panel corresponding V-S prices listed ir/ou. I want to ride in tho New V-8 cylinder Ford. eiinmil hp KHIMKIIIII. IHIM lie »|ie:ik truly? re.lnli-p In Hie irntli.—Oliver Please arrange a demonstration with me by phono. Cronnvpll. A GREAT XEV CAR AT AN UNUSUALLY LOW PRICE NAME Realize! Her Miitake Roadster . . . $460 Coupe .... $490 De Luxe Roadster $500 DeLuxeTudor $550 DeL»« Wor $645 Address One Toledo hrlile still In the beams of tlio hoiip.vnimni, reading of a gill Vbaetoa ... 495 Sport Coupe , . 535 De Luxe Pbactott 545 Deluxe Coupe 575 Xictaria.. 600 who hntl offered to innrry ill most miv • ••: 'PHONE mnn for SI.IXKI. mid us she wus going TwferSafr. . 500 VorJor Sedan . 590 ^S*^ QaMolet . . . 610 Convertible Sedan 650 rlRlit home nnd try In rolled the ninr kpl price from her Imshnnil.—Toledo Miu'.e. 'I terms tkrt*gt Authorized Ptrd' Finance Plans tf Universal Credit Gt.) THE WESTFIELD LEADEE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1932

ton theme. The first material is in /"— subjects. Under the compact the tor- iu the state which may discharge Li udiiL-ed by Assemblyman Thomas E. the printer's hands. The write-up jl VfrWC TlU ry be conced( t0 a r committee has almost finished Lhe se-!j iM-VV»J TRENTON ll ' *° 'd e P °- i sewage into trilmtory waters, Manly of Peterson. It proposes that SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL NEWS poped Inter-StatItStt e SanitatioSitti n Cummin-Ci1 ThThe boarbdd claimli s that under the th«' state be represented on the com- niors hits, and the sophomore and Iv _ junior committees have some novel sion embraces New Jersey, the Hud- pact one-third of the state would be mission of fifteen by five citizens. notions concerning: their short sec- Convention Delegates son River and New York Bay, the under the supervision of the tri-st&te The i'maming contemplates that th« tions. tidal waters between New York-New treaty including those wa ,>r sheds:state provide ?45,00U and New York OUR OWN WWS WHO COMING ACTIVITIES OF Political "big wigs" head the The an work is a really studious of delegations to the national poli- Jersey boundry and Constable point, Huckennack Water Cwmyiuny, Jersey anil C.onm'citeut sr.u'.'.ar amounts. THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Kniffin Play at P.-T. A. Meeting, kind of project involving dose study tical conventions filed with Secretary the Kill von Kull, and Arthur Kill and (•><•>'. North Jersey Water Jane Wilcox; Musical Clubs Calen- _, , ..,,,, „ , of figures and costumes of the period. of Slate Thomas A. Mathis. Govern- tidal tributaries, Newark Bay and ti- SSupply Commission, Rahway. Etaa- or Moore will be a delegate-sUarge dal waters, Raritan Bay and Sandy bt'thtown Water Company and New John J. Fitspalriek of Linden has dar, Kendall Sheidler; Denison Uni- Tuesday, April 19: Members oi the rhe book late is B copy of GeorKe on the Demoerstic side while Ambus- H»°>< Bay. the Atlantic Ocean and Brunswick. versity, Theodore Nanz; Essay Writ- orchestra will furnish music for the . .pl te. been appointed jury commissioner of ze6 Jane Washington s own book a sador Whiter E. Edge will head the ''do' waters between Sandy Hook The measure creating the Inter- Union County to succeed Leonard ing ft"' P« , Wilcox; Annual evening meeting of thy Washington Republican delegates. Mayor Frank and the Manasquan Inlet and all areas j State Sanitation Commission waB in-O'Brien, by Governor Moore. to Have Historical Theme, Mariana toy.7: The band and'JOURNALISMI CLUB RECEIVES FRENCH NEWSPAPERS Hague of Jersey City will be a dis-i - : • Gibby; Journalism Club KeceiveB orchestra will take part in the state trict delegate from Hudson County. French Papers, Jane Wilcox; Spring contests at New Brunswick. Virginia ] While the Republican state commit- Ackerman has enterVd the'rtate' piano ' „, T he.Senio,r ?i?h Seh°o1 Jou™aI!sm Athletic Activities for Girls, Mar- contest i Clubt wa? jrlad to receive a numb tee has endorsed President Hoover, jorie Grove. f many Republican delegates will go i-nua.vFriday, maMayy iis13:: Thine second annual °"* '"tervstin'''«•"•••«."'«* Frenc'"1»lh" "newspaperc"*'"!l't'1>s! unpledged, m fr p rl> u d e KS enusi1 c festival will be Riven in the *f\. <™ ^f $ , f^* ^! " . Besides the govern and Mayor KNIFFIN PLAY ON P.-T. A. thc Senior H h Sch 01 mocratie dele- PROGRAM ON APRIL 13 := :. * ° :i^";"t^:l£i sr »^^°^ * Whee! Thursdayu , May 26: The second an- |^™ Ji^ding £ MaW, "The "^ ™^G™™« •rork," a play of Westfield nual °l«n air band concert "Patchwi ount during thee American -Revolution - -..,, -„•„,,by p y wil, l be_ give , n in the°^ntihe evenintg ^yther^The^b^^njored!?;^ »•"«?. Wilent^lVrth Amboy; ln cho Lak Pal k examining these newspapers and com- Representative Mary T. Norton, Jer- Harry A. Kniffin, well-known author *' « ' - i paring them with American papers. sey City; Miss Thehna Parkinson, of Westfield, will be the feature of Vineland; Rosina M. Duanne, Con- the High School Parent-Teacher As- ">ENISON "U." APPOINTS vent ; Emma E. Hyland, Camden. The It's aociation program on Wednesday eve- LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE GIRLS COMMENCE SPRING alternates comprise William J. Egan, ning of next week, April 13. The ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES Miss Hc!tln Smith >30 Newark; Senator Blase Cole, Sus- public is cordially invited to witness > »S 223 Sin- sex; Amos E. Kraybill, Asbury Park; this celebration of the Washington clair place haa been appointed as the' AP]'l has arrived, bvingin g once ! Joseph W. Mott, Atlantic City; Emily bicentennial birthday. The story is a rom volves the historic incide old church bell of Wes will be pleased to furnish informa- ball, baseball, track, tenniquoit and Kniffin, the author, is a member of Spring!

FOR ESSAY PRIZES day, (he games of which will be un-Mrs. Kate I1. Schley, Far Hills. The nounced later. Let's Plant The cast of students is composed alternates are: Louis Dodd, Mont- Many seniors are writing essays for Tno following schedule for the elair; Bernon S. 1'rentice, Kumson; of the following; The modern young' prize und scholarshiphlhi s offereffd d by' ' y,ktic program is listed l Sli W d Bb Dl gW sprinK aV Robert C. Hebling, Trenton; Wilda couple, Sylvia Wayne and Bob Dale, colleges and scientific'organizations, as folfuw's"-' R. Townsfnd, Camden; Louis Lip- Louisa Pospisil and Robert Ross; Pru- One contest w|,k-h has been of par- dence Tcllfair, the young colonial ticular interest among the seniors is APRIL ham, Newark; Isabella M. Summers, girl, Louisa Pospisil; Jonathan Tell-'the five hundred dollar srholarshin «t' i 4, baseball;' ,

Crude Handicraft and Unsanitary Service? FOUR "C'S" FOLLOWED BY Hl-Y MEMBERS ea If you are one of tho paronta of the forty boy members of the Hi-Y Club you know all about thnt organ- The slightly higher prices Guarantee29d to Bloo*m This Year! ization, for those parenta happily may i count upon their KOIIH following tho charged at Di Lonardo Hair precepts of the "4 G's," with which Studio over the average is not every member is charged—Clean Speaking, CUmn Sport, Glean Schol- commensurate for the superior arship, Clean Uvinf?. Everblooming Hybrid Tea Roses 29c Only juniors and seniors of the excellence of the work it turns High School arc eligible. Bufore in- Betty Uprichard, Copper Red White Killarney vitation and induction each boy serves out. That superiority is now n prabntion period during which in Dutches* of Wellington, Saffron Yellow axiomatic. It is, therefore, a instruction CIEIKHCK, the "4 CV are clearly defined. Initiation is an eve- Red Radiance, Cerise Kcd Columbia, Peach Pink waste of space to expatiate ning of sport, induction a week later, Francia Scott Key, Dark Hud an evening of (serious und formal upon it here. Suffices to say work, Once a member, each boy is Los Ange'es, Pink, Coral, Gold BrUrcliff, Deep Pink expected to attend the weekly meet- Souv. De Claudius Pernet, Clear Yellow that the satisfactory state of ing, to enter into the discussions and mind derived from the con- to create and maintain hi^h standards Sunburnt, Sulpliur Yellow Killarney, lirilliant Pink of Christian character throughout Graust Au Teplitz, Iirillianl Red sciousness of knowing that school and community. As a practical service each year your hair will look right when the club raises $100-$15D by gather- Second Floor ing and soiling old paper*. This year coming out of our studio is be- that money is destined to the Visiting yond dollar computation. Nursing Association. At Easter time four Lenten breakfasts wpre held with ! about forty boys and «irls in atten- Popular Climbing Rose Bushes dance. Dancer and other entertain- The slightly higher charges ments ure also undertaken. The pres- C e ent president is Robert Cornell. IS THE COST OF HYGIENIC At a tirm.1 when young people are 29 a. influenced by many forces, undesir- . SERVICE — THE METICU- \ able and distracting, the Ht-V as Paul Scar'et Climber . f, . Scarlet moral stabilizer is an institution of LOUS OBSERVANCE OF A SELF IMPOSED SANITARY CODE characteristically great value to Westfold. Tauaschindschor . . , Pink Gardenia . . , Lemon Yellow Di Lonardian. CHILD STUDY GROUP Silver Moon . . . Creamy White And, in the last analysis, this little more" only means, for the thinking woman, MEETS TOMORROW FLOWER SHRUBS 29c ea. the "deprivation" of a couple of ice cream sodas a month. Is it not worth the Tii« iolnt ohiM atudv crnun m»et- fr.i? of t^e *YnnkI;n and Grant School "sacrifice"? AvUl be b"M tomorrow nt 8:1 fin , m. j COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. h\ tne F-anW'n S"hool auditorium. Our slogan "Art and Hygiene" is not, with us, just an idle catch phrase. ttv. A. Mesehter will sneak unnn the Bohie^t "Anthnritv and Dioninline" *Im"^!l8i7inp• thp need of renlactnq- au- Exhibition Variety tocratic methodii of hnndl'ne children GLADIOLUS with iruidance suitable to a democra- tic »«">. 12 Assorted for 39c G. D. Smith, nrincinol of th<> Roo- TEPPER I 'A inch size, featured ln spwelt ,Toninr Bitrh School, will «neak nn excellent ansortment of iiTioiiithp snbip'-t of "Thn Function of colon. tfcn ioiiior H'i''i P"hnn| in thp P»lu- Di Lonardo Hair Studio eat'onrO- n Seventh Orode Puoil." Th'i /I'hiM f*iidv frroun hai been PEONIES 29c ea. i (>!Ti>ri?Hd nrim»r!l" for mothpfi snrl Hose Red, Danllnf Crimson, BROS. Pure White, Salmon Pink. "Art and Hygiene tuth'Tji of th<> p>v*h frndB nunils, but anyone interested is invited to attend. "A Safe Place to Shop" 225 East Broad Street Tel. Westfield 2-2316—Appointments 3*cami Floor. WESTFIELD, N. J. PLAINFIELD, N. J. 'Phone Plfd. 6-3100 Leader Want Ads. Pay THE WESTFJJiLD LEADER. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 6, 1932 P*f* Four



fine* 1164 VWbmm, Geddis A Co. Have been Mtvfnf *e frctttr part of New Jersey wiA eVe Inert aaelity foods and frocerics. In observance of tkelr 6M Anniversary (key tart planned tki* great Sale (or ad Mutual Stares mi CeesVlftetio* Markets wftk price reduction* wfcldi Include Friott M«ali, Freak Fr«M> and Vefeteblti, never before keerd of. Tkia 10 day sale ofer* m aoaartunlty to every thrifty family to lay in a substantial supply of Mail tread mi afl otke. food product! and kovsekoM needs at big savings. FOOD SALE th Thursday APWL 7 and mdin9$aturdayflight •EG. PIICC IOc TIM IDEAL HAND HO. wet i far2 k STRICTLY FRESH STANDARD QUALITY • GRAPEFRUIT . . LOOSE EGGS . ,16c CORN • • • • No. St.n,3 IEO. NICE 3 for 23c IDEAL BRAND ..15c STANDARD QUALITY " Sliced PINEAPPLE . N.IH«.I5C PRINT LARD . TOMATOES . . No.8t.n.3forl9€ MUTUAL • Half Pound Packaies STANDARD QUALITY GLENSIOE WAND - »«»* SLICED BACON 2 k. 23c APPLE BUTTER . %.* 2 .25e STRING BEANS No.!tln,3fo, 19c h GOOD OLD MiaI(HTIM IDEAL MAND »""* STANDARD QUALITY "* STORE CHEESE PEAS o o o • No.ft tin . 3 for 25C Pur* GRAPE JELLY . ««N 15C RITTER'S OEAL BRAND PURE •a.wai* SPAGHETTI . 15H oc. tin 4 tim 25C RITTER'S STRAWBERRY JAM »«.i.29c WITH TOMATO SAUCE PORK 6- BEANS . »o,«« 5c A GELATIN DESSERT •»** FRAZIER'S IDEAL BRAND •». MCM *» a* VELVO-JELL . swpt,,, 6^ 29c CATSUP . . . . 14Hoi.bet. IOC TOMATOES . a . NO., «n IOc M0 POMEROV ^ Meal Froth II Mutual Grad* A II HirtiMil Braakfatt IDEAL SWEET •* Roasted COFFEE COFFEE || COFFEE GINGER ALE r».i6o,.bot,c...ofii 89c WRINKLED PEAS NOst .n 2 u 33c fc. tin 29c II Loon lb.23c Uot* R>.|9c SUNSWEET IDEAL BRAND PRUNES . . Twos.ib.pic.ob. 23c EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN PRIME Ml ATI SAUERKRAUT . N.t». Fresh Fruit, and V*fl«4able» • For Thursday, Friday, Saturday

MEAT SPECIAL f» Vm^n, f*Uy »«i s**i» PRIME SIRLOIN SELECTED PRODUCE SPECIAL f« ihu,.. u. «J %*. f ANCT* YOUNG* aPAa^% A 4C^ePai Baaafaat STEAK . . . H>- 35c Asparagus • bunch :25c MILK-FED KWASTIIw ^n^ ^p^ NUME PORTERHOUSE _ CRISP . Lorg* Juicy FLORIDA STEAK . . . K>.39c CakryHaarto 2 for 25c LEGorRUMPol ^. II FRESH Chickens 2Q? Milk Fad Vaal . n». 21C TantJar Paas. 2 lbs. Q 3c $M«LZ «to_ 4J IbIL . average ^l' Oranges

FOR YOUR SPRING CLEANING IDEAL IDEAL CHESTERFIELD dfaraHoa OHIO Blu. Tip MATCHES Ideal CLOUDY AMMONIA Golden Bantam CORN White Sugar CORN Carton 1.25 • 2 okli. 25c 4 pkfi. |3c *«* I(HT« How and Improved CHIPSO Old Gold, Luck,- Strike, Ceml, tuwpile* 32 oi. bottle I7c Flakai or Granules - Raj. Sic No. S tin IOC Reg. 15c No. 2 tin IOC Reg. 15c IUTTWCUP HAND Large ilia pkj. I9c CLOROK • Bleechei, removal PRIMROSE CHOCOLATES EVAPORATED MILK KEN.L-RATION itaim and kills term* MOaO« • GAMM.U Sun Rayed Tomato Juice A Suptem* Do) Food ilb.boK.t39c WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP Lirtt liic tin 3 foi 17c 15 oi. bet- I5c Recently Rnkcad 13 oi. tin 3 (or 25c 9 cakes 25c Ref. 7 ht !5c 2 tins I9c All 5c Gum and Bar Candy BLUE ROSE RICE Handy Mandy On* Ib. tim. Rej. S ht 2Se 3 (or |&c 3 Ib.. IOc R«s.5cH>. SELF WRINGING MOPS Cornell SCRUB BRUSHES Ideal Brand Urge SHRIMP eachJIQc eadilSc No. I tin 2 (or 25c Rtg. 15c THIN MINTS Q«ialMr and Mother's Oato WILBERTS JAVEX ...... soo^bot tO oi. package • Reg. 10c iib.pkg.29e Recently reducid. WhHens dothat, claani Vie and porcelain 3 for 25C Kipporod SNACKS Cracker Special • Crisp* Iron dad Clothe* Pins lOO^GahranhodPAIL H tilt tins 6 (or 25c R«9- 6c tin CHOCOLATE MAGNOLIAS Gold Medal BISQUICK 4 Inch the 2Oror9« each l5cR*f-19c to. I7c reg.23c 40 oi. fits- makes 80 blicuita PALMOLIVE SOAP . L.r «t p! and BlaacVes SALT 4 caka» 25c ReS.3torMc VANILLA EXTRACT 16 ox. caw IOO% Pure Pennsylvania Wh«n » Mini it eourt S oz. bot I9c No. 6 Spac'wl Parlor Broom MOTOR OIL each 39c 2 for 25c Waldorf TOILET TISSUE • Quirt Sealad Can - cack v . pl<9. 7C FREE • 1 itt of leveling ipoom wHa aath bottlt. 5 roll. 23eRt».4ior19c I.OO THERE IS A MUTUAL STORE NEAR YOU Telephone Terrace 3-4100 THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, APB1L 6, 1932

SUDDENLY \y f w, COMPLETE LEGION POST VOTES Hey Rube*! The Circus Is Here BANK ACQUIRES OBITUARIES PLANS FOR DANCE AGAINST BONUS : ADDITIONAL PROrEltTT Final arrangements have been Martin Wullberg Post, 3, American, j The property on Elm street occu- WILLIAM G. AHRENDT completed for the Balloon Dance to Leg-ion, went on record last night i pied by the Putter Studios has beat SUDDENLY be held at Fireman's Hall, Central neainst the proposed cash payment of acquired during the past week _y avenue, Clark Tawnship, on Friday Adjusted Compensation Certificates. the Peoples Bank & Trunt Company, evening by the V. F. W. Chairman William Geurge Ahrendt, aged 48, Members unanimously voted to in- according to an announcement BUMC Mother announces a large sale of struct post delegates to vote "No" yesterday by Henry L. Bast, vi™- of 645 Alden avenue, exalted ruler tickets and also announced that u d e lo85 B P on the bonus question to be taken up! president and trust officer ei -fs rf WcntfioW L» K ' ' - - °- silver loving cup will be awarded to at the Lefrion state caucus to be held i Eiks, died suddenly last evening the couple receiving the greatest pup- bank. This gives the bank a total «i fter tIock Mr> in Trenton, April 23. The nice! in? approximately 88 front feet on El* jhortly " ° o' . Ahrendt ular applause in a Pcabody Dance last night was one of the best attend- New y rk city Bncl ha(! street and provides adequate reap ess bon) i° ° contest. erl in some time and the vote on the t lived in Westfield for six years, com- { for expansion in the future, Mr. Roil roni Senior Vice-Commander Svhierie is bonus represented about ninety per | ing liwe f Newark, where he had now convalescing at home and plan- cent of the membership of the post, said. He statod that the bttnt did resided for twelve years. He was a nine the 1932 "Buddy Poppy" cam- A number of votes were cast by not contemplate any immediate ss- manufacturing silversmith and oper- piaip-n of which he is chairman. < proxy. pansion. The Potter Studios will re- Thc main in its present quarters. ated a concern under his own name committee memorials re- in Newark- Me was one of the best Clark-Hyslip Post was well repre- sented on Saturday oveningr at the ported plans for Iht? Japanese flow-1 — Patronize Mown manufacturers in the country. t'vinjf cherry tree jrrove in Matthias j -dvertiaem— Mr. Ahrendt vas a charter ment- institution of New Jersey's one hun- they are reliable dredlh V. P. W. post at Union. An Clark Memorial Park tn W \wH ad- , is of Westfield Lodge of Elks and vauced. The trees wi\l probably be f» its second exalted ruler; his term invitation has been received from the Muhey-Hitmar_ s ^Pos ui>ti _,fo_r Ha "BonusMO " pUintvd within the next two wt-cks,' t& office would have expired at the Trecs hnve boen LEGAL NOTICES rally u he held at Kahway on Sat-, donated by ttv Rtvj 'installation of his successor on April William G. Ahrendt urday. * \iary Club, Daughters of tho Avnen-j Mill I 10 <>r SI0TTI.RMF-MT. l8 He was also a member of Clinton ,., lean Revolution, Sona of the American NOTICIC IS IIEUEBV OIVEN, That -•gill Lodge. No. 209, F. & A. M. of J t he tuvuunt t'f tht} subsi't-lher. Admin- , Revolution, Legion Auxiliary, Mr. \ I Isli-idrlx nf Hip ottlalo uf Martin Nuern. Newark, and of the Travelling Jew- BOYS CONTRIBUTE land Mrs. Saltcr Storrs Clark and Wil-i pit, dt'ceased, will tie audited ft-, jlera' Association. He was Keenly in- lv,l b,v the Surrogate, »tni report*. POETRY IS SUBJECT TO RELIEF FUND ' liam Vanderbilt. Several other do- j 3t>tllrnictit to tiie Orphans' Cpurl terested in the growth of the local nations of funds for the purchase of l!i*> L'ninily of I'nlon, on CrltJay, the Elks lodge and was treasurer and a AT CLUB MEETING J»lh das of April nsxt, »t 1:30 P.M. A substantial contribution of $8,50 trees have been promised, thi* com-j OAIIDUNA NtlKRNBKHGBB, member of the Board of Trustees of has nia Atlmlnlntratrlz. the holding company, organized to An interested group of about 175J *><*n ^e to the Emergency Re- mittee reported, WH.I.IAM M. BRAHD, rroolor, •ecare a new building site for the members of the College Woman's Cluhpi^ ^"fi by a (irroup of boys residing The post, rifle team was reported Wvvtndd, N. J. on Monday evening heard Mrs. rhilip'in thc' Shackamaxon Drive section, making satisfactory progress in prae- Pult'il Murrh 21st. ltll. 'one p.so i-ia-tt his Hoge speak on modern poetry. Mr?.' The «""ount was the entire proceeds tice shoots at the Westfleld Armory. Besides widow, Mrs. Preida from a 1 y 1 Art; OK JANB w, COOK, nrrmmmii. Ahrendt, he is survived by two Hoge is an Elizabeth clubwoman who marionette show held in the Announcement was made of a card Plirauant lo the order of OtSORUB has since childhood been interested sarage at the home of one of the party and dance, April 29 under the Cut by (U'O. T>. lOinimitlN, Jr. n. JOHNSTON, Surronute of eho Coun- , Mrs. Donald Miller of All- boys, Saturday afternoon. The boys joint auspices of the Auxiliary and tv nf Union, made on the Ifllh day of in poetry. Her discussion *»f tlie pur- Reading, left to rit-t, «• Curl Koopt, Bob C-rfaerry .n- Joe At. ,d, N. J-, and Miss Lillian Ahrendt who sponsored (he show were Francis Legion post. Flag sets have been or- March, A. P., 1D8S, upon the Biuillca- P" | poses and methods of contemporary tint, participant! in the mwuUr sir CM at tk- VMCA Frl__jr •-_ Salnr- iinn or tho unnersfKned, na Executor „{ Westfield, a sonson , W.n.aWilliam K. , Chambeilain, Avrel Mason, Laurie dered and will be sold by unemploy- 1 f HIP etttate of siild docetiHPd, notice uvc cvidcnce of t|le d udy _«]r of thit week. la hereby Ktvon to the crcfittors of B*t4 Ah«ndt, also of this town, two sis-U ^ maJe of ^ ^.^ Dobbrow, Joe Tallcott and Jack Ack- ed ex-service men. dccr>ati&d to exhIblt to the flubserltai" t«rs, Mrs. Robert Main and Mrs. Au vimicr nuth or arflrmRtlon their claim* Mrs. Hoge believes that the mod- COLONIAL PLAY FOR WALOO STEPHENS WILL jind ileniandH amutiiRt the estnte .of aald ,11st Heitbaus of Hollis, L. I., and bk JUNIOR AUXILIARY do^eRSKil wtlliln six montht Troin the , brother, Herman Ahrendt of Ridge- ern poets were forced to break awuy LECTURE HERE APRIL IS ilale nf s»l<> urdtT, ur I hey will be from the traditional forms of the past Emergency Relief, expressed appre- HOLDS FASHION SHOW HIGH SCHOOL P.-T. A. forevpr bttn-od from profiecuUng or jeld Park. «alion to the boys for their thought- rf^'overlng the gaioo a^alnat th« •ul>- Funeral services will be held to- new forms in har- mony with the rhythms of our ma- was held Friday On Wednesday evening, April 19, Waldo Stephens of Columbia Uni- 1-11 JO WKBTFIRI.n THU8T COMI'ANV. aoifow evening at 8 o'clock in his at 8 o'clock, the Parent-Teacher As- KX0KX0CUIMC . versity, who has given a very popular Weitfleldld , N . .r, sociation of the High School will course of lectures on current topics, 17.80 t-U-iiii hold its Washington Bicentennial in Wostfield this winter, will give an- NttTH'H OP nrm/ianaT, NOTIIMO 18 IIKIIUHV (11V15N, Th»l meeting in the school auditorium. olher talk on Friday evening, April HID nrrmnil of Ihs mitiBcrlher, St!B8TI- Tt'TKli TMIBTKM to exm'UU an<) oot»- A Colonial play, with setting near IB in the Methodist chapel nt 8:15. l>l«t« tin. truila under Ihe ln«l will _n_ Westfleld, written by Harry A Knif- Single tickets may be purchased (it li'Hlitllinnt of ANNirc Nf. SMITH, d.- fen, will be given under tho diroc- •"•ntli day of Mi.y Molt, at 1:89 P.M. Hyslip Tout, Veterans of Foreign UNION COUNTY1 TRUST CO., Miss AgneB P. Demming, aged 50, it can be considered poetry. The Miss Jane Wallace, Miss Barbara The place, the time, end the char- tho proceeds of this lecture. Wars, wishes to lake this opportunity Derge and Miss Betty Plumer. acters being of such general interest Btlhetltuteu Trusts-. o{ 6H Trinity Place, died last night modern poets countenance no poetic to thank its many friends for their linhMl Mnri'h Slat, IDS-. in hef home after an illness of sev- the board extends a cordial invita- -PatronUe LEADER Advartlien— ft MuUSAN, Proolori, ions or abbreviations, but ex- response to the recent request for N. J . er&l months. She was born in Weet- 'Go-G_*tn-"—Leader Cent-i-Wordi tion to the public to attend. tliey •'• rallabl*. a press themselves in plain, everyday clothing to be used for the ex-service Bel" "d had lived here all her life. speech. men at Millington Hospital. If there Besides her mother, Mrs, Emma Mrs. Hoge admitted the difficulty is additional men's clothing of any DeiOTing, with whom she made her of determining what will endure, but kind that might be donated to this home, she is survived by a sister, said she believed that it must be some- cause, call Westfleld 2-1313 nnd it Mis* Grace M, Demming, and a bro- thing outrcachinK, something that will be called for. th«»i Sheldon H. Pemming, both of takes us a step further than We can Westfleld. Another brother, Edward Sunday, May 8, wilt mark the V. go ourselves. She illustrated her talk F. W. pilgrimage to Washington to L. Pemming of Plainfleld, also sur- with readings from modern poets, be- vives. visit the tomb of the unknown soldier. ginning with two of lier own poems, Mrs, M. Taylor, president of the funeral services will be held to- "Grief," and "Dust," which latter has auxiliary, will give a card party at morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in her been included in Hrnithwalte'a An- her home April IS, the proceeds of late home and will be conducted by thology of Modern Verse. whieh are to be used for smokes for Rev. Roy E. Manne, D. D., pastor of The usual business meeting pre the comrades at Millington. the F'ret M. E. Church, Interment ceded the program. The announce- will be made in Pairview Cemetery. ment thut Elinor Dillon, a senior at FIREMEN HAVE AT EASE New Jersey College for Women, and WEEKEND ANDREW FREY one nf the club's scholarship girls, Anw Frey, a resident of Moun- had been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, A fire of undetermined origin tainside for many years, died Mon- was greeted with applause, Mrs. Sow- day in Greystone, after a long ill- caused slight damage to a barn lo- erwine announcedd thahtt WaldWldo StevStev- catetl at 765 Clark street early Sun- h8S lunlcered t0 give ' Hee I ell o™n cun.Dnt evenU „„, afternoon. The fire department

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, p DeMOLAY INSTALLS (tig. Interment will be made in Fair- extinguish gross fires at tho follow- TERM ing locations: Onk avenue, Dorian road, Clark street and Summit ave- MRS. A. W. PUTMAN-CRAMER Officers of Sir Galahad Chapter, nue. Order of DeMolny, were installed for On Saturday afternoon the depart- Mrs- Marie Wilson P-tman-Cramer, '«*" y ,"""""—•• ••• - the soconii quarter term at a meetr ment extingueihed a chimney fire in •I 32Z Lawrence avenue, died Wed-1 ing last night in the Masonic Temple a house on Overhill street. _iX ^ight in her home following I as follows: Master councillor, Robt. 11 brief illness. She had been a resi- JL. Flammcr; junior councillor, Rich- MRS. RANNEY HEADS 1 ent of Westfield for the past 24 ard Ehlers; scribe, Finley Shepard , BORO CIVIC GROUP treasurer, Louis Vanning; senior dea- Sears. con, Chester Hummer-ley; junior doa- Besides her husband, she is sur- con, Cheater Hammey; j Mrs. Elliott Ranney was elected vived by one daughter Miss Antoi- con, Stacey Bender; senior steward, president of the Mountainside Civic Eugene Galloway; junior steward. Association at its meeting in the Bor- nette Puttnan-Cramer. Bert Leubers; chaplain, Le. Roy Flam- Funeral services were held Friday ough Hall last night. Other officers merin",; "»"marshal!" , Henry• Otzman; senti-,, elected were: Vice president, Barney Wternooa in her late home and were conducted by Rev. William K. Mc- nel, C. Wesley Collins, Jr.; standardjLant2;; secretaryy,, Mrs. R. G. Foster, Kftiney D. D. minister of the Pres- bearer, John Parsell. and treasurer, Mrs. Wilfred H. Wolfs. 'iterian Church. Interment was in The installation was conducted by! nlrview Cemetery. the chapter's own team of past coun-1 PHILATELIC NOTE with your Affairs safely managed cillors and the work was performed JEANNE HUMM in a wost creditable manner. Fol- The 4c brown, series of 1902, In Jeanne Humm, aged 5, daughter lowing the meeting, a social hour imperforate condition, No. 303, is an Many successful men want to rest, to relax their efforts and enjoy the fruits of their °t Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Humm of 904 with dancing was held in the club example of the printing and issuing success while they still have the health and vigor to do so. They arc too young to Boulevard, died Saturday afternoon of 10,000 stamps withut a single « the Muhlenberg Hospital after a copy being saved in this condition. retire, perhaps, yet they do not wish to bo lied down. . . Often a business can be illness. She was born in GIRL SCOUTS PLAN Those in the know inform that the left in charge of experienced and trusted associates, but personal financial matters "a, Pa., and had lived in MOTHER'S TEA entire lot were issued by the P. O. for about two years. She Department, May 12, 1908, and sent still claim time and energy at the most inopportune moments. In this connection •"ended the kindergarten of the Lin- hundred Girl Scout them to Detroit in imperforato sheets "°ln School. Besides her parents, she About one of 400 in response to an order from our agency and living trust services fill an important need. . . We will take over 1 mothers -will be entertained at a Girl survived by a sister, Barbara. Scout mothers tea and conference at the Shermack Mailing Machine Co., your securities and other holdings, keep them segregated in our vault, collect all the Girl Scout headquarters on Fri- who perforated tne stamp with the income promptly on the day due and remit or credit the proceeds to you. We will MISS ANNA j. YOUNG day afternoon at 2:30 p. m. Mrs, well-known notch perforations. Rec- BMiss Anna Jeanette Young died JI.A. Cv,. Fetzer1.=^., presideny t of the General I, ords have it that Karl Koslowski, watch for maturities, calls, conversion privileges, rights und other development affect- ^sdy in Mew York Cityy, follow- Girl Scout Mothers' Association, will | well known Detroit philatelist, saw ing your holdings and carefully review their condition and desirability at frequent i£8a brief illness of pneumonia. Miss be in charge of the meeting. A short the stamps as they were being un- V>U Wtfild d talk will be given on the aims and packed, was offered a sheet before Intervals. We will manage farm lands, real property and oversee the conduct of they were perforated, but decided not to take it; he did buy a strip of 50 business interests if desired. We will pay insurance premiums, taxes, dues, and after perforation and used most of other routine obligations. . . The arrangement may be framed BO that you may take is , Bams.Tcal"dIr«tor,~will outline ob- them on wall to various friends. An- n services were held Satur- of t meetings and some of other Detrolter also obtained an un- as much or as little hand in your affairs as you wish, and only when you wish, with "v afternoon in the home of her '. . . tne B(.outs -work for. used strip of five. Approximately 34 the full assurance that your holdings are receiving the skillful, alert and exper- «»"sin, DeWitt C. Peek of 522 Alden Assistir,g council members for the copies are known. A single used copy tea are Mrs. C. Roy Auster, general sold at $250 in the Lamborn sale in ienced attention they deserve and need. chairman of the day; Mrs. Charles C. 1927; while singles on covers several SCOT-OilT WARWAK*E. . I Gordon, MrsMrB. . DaDavividd E. Hill and Mrs. years ago were offered by a Metro- e> coIored politan dealer at $476. 600 v, * £ - ^ SB, of iwm.aI_ R. Bagger. ?™ West Broad street, died early An Gir] Scout movers are urged at » tttday morning in the Muhlenberg b resent at this meeting. Fruit of the Emt THE WESTFIELD B< »Pital after eral home on Westfield avenue. The Garden Club of Westfield will UiiiUskimiL'J Kni|,i.. It Is i:]i(ii like meet Tuesday afternoon in the home a m'il),e. too—llie |Milp l>fin_ ri-ln"*t'vrl».'llne mimcls. The drli'il frntt rcsuiiililt- it """•eh tlie snnd rpspiiiiiles stvfranting. Local News on Every Page rulsili. THK WKSTKIK11' 1>:A1>KK. WKPNt^l'AV. APRIL 6,

LEONARD CANDIDATE CtANT P.-T. MEMBERS fOt STATE SENATE HEAR UR. .SINGER WESTFKLD LEGION AUXILIARY Strcaaf* Important;* REAL ESTATE MEWS TO MEETTt^SDAY Of Honr In Education Of Chi dren H V. IVr Martin of X'. ktiU, TO G1VK MORE OF SERV- h« ek h u» Arthur 1. be fcs'ld >.tU>'d tho 1CK THAN CAN BE MEAS- i t r.-B." l>v War d. Mr BuriW\-U t i;t'UUfV>. ^-- l-iUnuv'Ut 1 t A.jwil W. V. Newark URED BY MATERIAL CAL- ifrtng <, tt*. K u a. f a birth- j Um w 11 Norih avenue to CULATION SHOULD BE tU r i ih H Ijr f^tf!',* 1 *ttd a sL t tu i r pltu- o ('lure (let i 1 a th County xhv UWK'1\I\^. (.'n Uiv iUU-rnoon vf April THE AIM OF EVERY PRO- ber h p a tl n rv J *. u n 1 n !! i 4. in the sL'hoi»i nud^toviuu'.. Williams: 115 SceU-h t'lains aveuuc Me Mi U>t Hituu I lti m j a & th ,1 to Melville K. Noe: USD Arlington FESSIONAL WHOSE RE- eoa Bl>n B He i K I a 11 r i ^ undvr l'v. ^in^t'r >aui \luit ia'k? ry e\-avenue to K. J. Wileex: upavttntint U! t £K»n rat c fc t rn i w » I n t x h f 4 S h a dt jH'ris. aUo muuiy i-ouvsos, were spU'ti- at 7&1 I'rospect street to W. C. Chad- LATIONSHIP IS OF SUCH lit r ni CO rfiii; for whi'n wv Uurn tu talk about s©B and Jan r i H aui tarn was held 1 wick. h vH !>> ojt vMll ulso Mru U things, then wi bt>j*in to want to do AN INTIMATE NATURE. also been s memet v( '. '""": Thursday evening »t the gion head- -•- County Democratic ub'iut the correction of the evils that sucuething, abvut it all. best*! us, a people denied of protec- quarters by the AuKUi&vy. ' Jnhn C. Bubb of ihe 15. S. Govern- tw#sty year?, being chairman The topic of Vv. Si Hirer* s addivss ment Pepttrtmeiit of Agru-uhure, in 19gS-2». tion fi>r the past eighteen year*: by the party that still controls the state Owe. Lift to Cough was "The ^hallonjrf of the 20th Cen- New York City, has leased through Is the statement announcing his Senate. I At l>ar hs SuUtaui. Tui^un.v tury," which he considered in rt'la- Elliott & Krifdrichs. Inc., Realtors, E»ndidacy. Mr. Leonard declared that tiun to the home, the school and \he the residence of C. ('. Gordon on Oak "New Jersey has renamed A, Har-j Afi\rmi ntuive Is pointed out s tin the conduct of the KepublK-yti parly community. avenue. ry Moore its governor. It has swept j uiuii who eiuisheU in Ins jzruv l'ri> during its control of the stuto gin- fcOUPCiMt dftlll. ills rrkiUVI';, \i:n) ll.ssetl! "Real influences,"' warned Dr. Sing- ermseut "Wait nut in ^ympaihy with away the Republican m&jority in the er, "do nut I'omt1 from the school, W. F. Wjt^hburn. who has recent- lower house. It now needs the elei'-l t'tt'tl unO the Urania 5:ail rr.uiu'd tin the sentiment of the people of New moment v! liuriul when ihe i-hiel ac but about 80'I of the education of ly comt fast from St. Louis to super- Jersey. This hoe been amply demon- lion of a Democratic Senate that will I children depends on the atmosphere vise the building of a new plant for work in harmony to correct the bur- tor couglivd [oudly. Ho reemerotl. ex strated by the tremendous majority pressed a belief Ussit lie tusd heisn u» created by parents in the home. l)es- the National Lead Company at Perth fiven Governor Moore in the last dens that have been imposed without der a spelt mid suirle,! fur the villajzt1 pite much talk of its breaking up. the Amboy, ha? loaded the residence of election." limit for almost two decades." witch Uoi'iur, who <'! situation in the school," ad- more can be included in the various j r.tk? W»U Jo»t forfet H MM I vised Dr. Singer, "wherein children Local haw* on k.v«ry X |!j will talk freely of their little troubles SrouP"" $5.00 and pleasures', will confide in the f I teachers, tending to greater familiar- •'«! ity between teachers and pupils, par- || ents and teachers. Co-operation should 1 .,. j be developed. There has been too X iisi ( much exploitation of the other fellow. II Here the home may help," stated Dr. K ] Singer, "for it is the ideal place for X ( RowSaRin Illl greater democracy and the child is a [']! j democrat at heart. The attitude of 1 ll'ij parents should bespeak democracy, X That's why the Miss Frances II liberalism, tolerance, that the child :•; may emulate these. Our prejudices STBIES Shop makes a specialty of the all come from home; the schools do 1 , Hfrll U(h ,. not teach these." r>.l ./ '<» <• X f smart knit sports clothes Jersey •'• I "There is a great amount of in- women like best for their days formation available in regard to maw «>co*» low rmet i health, which might be used to ad- X in the open. We have them in vantage by parents," Dr. Singer sug- P.'X'G.SOAP^ 7-19! gested. "Doctors give few drugs abundance. . . . One, two and now, except to those who have ac- CHIPSO ^SiS: X£ 19* CAMAY SOAP 3— 19' three-piece golf suits, colors for quired the habit of taking medicine in their youth." Dr. Singer spoke at C street and resort, and priced length Df the Influence of glandular TM1 secretions on types of personality, EVAPORATED MILK 3 19 from $2.7S to$10 . X which is valuable knowledge for everyone to have. NMUIMM III. e "Since education is physical, intel- BEANS-PORK IOTMKMU1 4 19 J lectual and emotional, parents are challenged to know the human body, IOf«l e K to learn what causes personality; then hnving such knowledge, to ac- FAMILY FLOUR 7 19 i cept the responsibility for a better The frock of novelty Angora (illus- home environment, where diet and glandular influences are of vast im- SALMON 2 trated) represents an extensive group portance." at $8 thnt includes straight line frocks Mrs. H. J. Rossbacher, president, 1OYAI presided at the meeting. Miss Ruth of Crochet, two-piece Flannel suits in •'•; Saalman's class was awarded the flag CUT BEANS jjjj | for having the greatest number of Pastels and Navy, lacey Knit in mothers present. sweater, and skirt fashions . . . effec- A card party will be given by the PRESERVES 'Si*. association on the afternoon of Wed- tive frocks for every outdoor activity. nesday, April 13, in the school audi- torium. Tickets are on sale by mem- UNEEDA BAKERS w fit bers of the committee. :•: The study group of Grant P.-T. A., i»46( which has been meeting together with ;•; members of Franklin P.-T. A., will TUNA FISH — - I;!! be held in the Benjamin Franklin ^ School at 8:15 tomorrow evening. •"• Mrs. A. F. Jloschter will talk on "Au- STUFFED OLIVES tonu Si/i Frocks in gay Prints and !ji| thority and Discipline" and G. D. m ;.; Smith of Roosevelt School will have spring-/He Pastels — ideal for ™ j as his topic "The Function of the ''j' Junior Hich School in the Education MORNING Ot HTML C«r afternoon and not too dressed up ||i of the Seventh Grade Pupil." This ILo/fee X! evening group will enable fathers as for preparing dinner. II well us mothers to attend and all in- [»j | terested parents arc cordially invited Sizes 14 to 20 X U. to bo present. KRAFT'S CHEESE 23° X Protecting the Birdi ilMIMkilliw "Fi'w smiilt hints," says a writer In Mini NnK'H and News, 'Van feeep BISQUICK ssS 1 tilu'ml «f a cur for any length of time if It is gohiK 40 miles an liour or in, uinri1," The statement Is not made i us tin Intrn-siliiK example of relative PASTRY PYGMYS 50' S|IIVI!H. but us an appeal to innturists HIW eiucieui ^*«TIT CONFICTION ID CAN I I to Hike tlmuslit of the liinls when X driving through wnotled cnuntry. Sucb ihmiglu. If exercised by all drivers, IWCORO 1OW MMffi ONI WOW ONLY I wimlil imvvminys save more birds to B the wm»ls limn niiuiv realize. OUR STORES TEA i? X I OUNM fOIOfO* MUUB Hltit. of Boll Weevil C 1 I The bull n-revll is entirely help less anil wliimui [imver nf |i»-»nmtfi>n TEA BALLS 19 tOTAl KAIUT OMUMI HRM X In Its lurvn s.iise, ivlien It Infests the i siiiles unit hulls of rnirnn nlnnts. In Its nilnlt st:ii:e It IIH.V.S rnmi ptm-e t.r X plait> by Hl.-hi nnil tiles nt nWU as MISS -FRANC€S| i well us In the daytime. Hmvmvr. the lull wwrll. unlike ntlier ivm-rll* ol Local Royal Scarlet Store I the same cmup nf Inswts. is nut nt J3.H OP J trxoteU hjr fsht »n>l nwsntiirnil; ran not be snnr*Ht in tMs r^o-,n X 23 ELM STREET 'Phone Wertfidd 2-2526 r Windfeldt Market -: Groceries, Fruit, Vegetable*, Meat :- —Oar Cent-A-Word Aas. Brtnic K» X E. Broad Street Phone 2-0402-6 We»tfieJd, N. J. THE WESTHOJ) LEAVER, WEDNESDAY, APWL €, IMf

WARNING Social Calendar LOCAL NEWS We Manufacture "Goa Day". Womaa's As- PHONE OR HML ITEMS U Moths will not wait isb House. Speaker, Mrs Katb- erine WiLard E£; drenV C;.ia;:ry Iloine held a fa»h.on April •-» 1 1 1 spices. Order a carton of Wind- Central Council, Jr. O. U. shou m tii t Wfcsv«tld Tencit Cl ab OF. Bir.(flmg Bros. Circui. Y. M. will met-t Friday r.ig-.hl :n the Legion Friday af tt-rn&on C. A. binldir.g on Prompter s*rt-e flan delvh Pi-arsall of Brleh; Wvtod April 12 feldt's Mayonnaise—abundant Modem Fir Storage Vailt Clark-Hvslip Fes:. CiS. V. F W .bvcnut pa^ed the spring vacation vis- Symphony Concert. Roose- will hold a novel:y balloon and •'Pea- llir* hi:i sL:'1*r' Mrs- John B- Clayton velt Auditorium. Evening. body" dance Friday n;ghi jTS the fire tlf '-hariot-.tsville, Va April 14 in wholesome goodness. TODAY house. Clark Township. ; Csdt-t Frank Camilla, son of Mr. Spring Games. Fireside Ofiicers fur ihe enduing y^ar „..,snd R CaHiiUo of 614 Council. Evening. be insulk-d a: the met-tin* c.f West- "veIiut- »*i" wm home for the Easter April 1C vata! n field <% 15S5. B. P. O. Elks, on -" - has it-turned to his siudk-f Membership Dance, Tennis April 13intfce tr-sun Lonjr Institute. Club in Club House. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. dub house. Mrs. Sttphtn G. Van lloescn. a April 13 Fireside Council. Royal Arcanum J>rum:r""n member of the Fanwoud Spring Concert, Glee Club, WESTFIELD, N. J. will huld its annual athletic meeting aI"1 w*f'fitl(* Garden Clubs, was the Roosevelt Auditorium. Evening. Windfeldt Market Member of Federal Jteeerve System Sine* 19 IS Apni 14 in the- YMC.A. Delegation* f!'c'ak"*"* ui lhe Columbus P.-T. A. Dance, Auspices of Westfield rrthiaf far th« TatW ty are expected to be present. The Vounp Woman's Foreign Mis- Dsnce Club in Shacksmaxon Country Club. Evening. The Woman's Missionary Society'"""""" Society of the First M. E. 0402-0403-O4O4-040f-O4M Church wi\ huld a "Calico" supper April 2C and the Woman's Association of the Senior Auxiliary Bridge at Baptist Church will hold a joint 'tomorrow evening in the social hall Gnawing Pain of the church. Shacksmaxon Country Club. meeting on Thursday. April 14 in the Afternotm. A ROYAL SCARLET STORE Abdominal pain i« »*i m social hall. A delegation from Clark-Hyslip diseate but ottcm a *ymp- April M tom of •crtoHft i«tern*l There will be a colonial entertain- :''"*'• 645' V- F- w- tuok Plrt in the Ladies' Kite; Card Party. disorder. Avoid catkartic* ment in the Willow Grove Chapel on iparade and other ceremonies, inci- Fireside Council. Evening. *m4 consult jrour pbytt- Thursday evening, April 7 ai g o'clock d " • ue of Women Voters, will \ "lentmc, who,e terms exp.re. Meeting. Fireside Council. MW — >•>»•>*<* — l Ml the Leag Evening. address the meeting on "Our Civic 1'lun? for the bjidgc to be held Kri- Duties." A full attendance if de- Jay afttrnoon in Koos Bros. Furni- sired. ture Company's rooms, Rahway, \in- d thc au f t hl u 1 mot h r The Woman's Association of the | " ,"'jj" ° . " 'f? . 1 '. * SCOUTS' ROSE BUSH Congregational Church will hold »',»• Troop •', Mrs. T. A. Th.e en, chair- c n "Guest Day" meeting tomorrow aft- fro^ m thi.f 1 numlP«'«f<-«>i of Kreservation and judpnis al-r SALE PROGRESSES lernoon in the purish huuse. Mrs. ready made, a full a*tendance i» ex- Somebody said, "There Katherine Wlllard Eddy of .New York Returns for the fifth annual rose; E. N. BR OWN City will be the speaker. The women pected. Reservatioiu may be made bush sale sponsored by the members ] never was anything made FUNERAL HOME of the other churches of the town through the chairman. of the Westfifrld Girl Scout troops that someone else could Butt >•>> Will CoatSatK Under tk« Super«i>ioa of Mr. CI..1. A. Hitfliu have been invited to attend. are most gratifying. Already many j not make it worse and sell ! or tiers have been secured by the am-] it for less." 221 LENOX AVENUE WESTFIELD, N. J. YWCA ACTIVITIES i bhious scout,* who although having' LADV ASSISTANT. 'PHONE 3-0059. COUNTY LIONS PUN IN GYM DEPARTMENT jno troop meetings during the Easter Some iiiHurance is made \ vacation weeV, have btcn hard BI so il can sell for less. And MUSIC FESTIVAL There will be a clas-s in squash, '. work, paddle and lawn tennis strokes at the the defects never show • Orders will be taken all this weels 'till it's too late. The general committee of the Lions YWCA on Tuesday at 8:30 p. m. Theand scout* just starting will have a Clubs of t'nion County ax a recent course will include instruction in lawn Kr-od chance for the prizes which have What could be so worth- meeting voted to hold the second an- ion me* .--trokes and in«t ruction and been offered by the tiirl Scout Lead- less an uncertain insur- nual music festival at Warinanco practice in frames in squash and pad- ers Association. Then* prizes will be: Park on June 5. In their initial ef- dle tennis. ia small go]rewnU'd \i> the acoul in each "in-sur-ance" the accent part totalling over four hundred par-|;hc- YWCA. which will include ten J troop who K-IIS Ihe larpcst number of is on "sur". ticipators. The program last year I hour* of instruction, after which the j T»H' bushes; a prite of a green fell was entirely vocal with the exception 1 regular Ked ros^ life saving teet willi emblem will be (riven to the s-cout in And that's where the of the Eiks band and a brat*? quar-; hi- piven. There are to be two cla«£-'each troop who wlU the largest num- accent is in any insurance tet. ! OF, one for Fchoo] girls on Saturday I her of individual orders. A grand placed throUKI) this The committee al?o voted to ?pon-| mominp? from V to 10 a- m., the first I prixe t)f a ribbon F*r«anur wiU be agency. sor ag-ain the Union County marble|c!a>s of which win be held on April | presented to the troop for the troop championship which is conducted each]l<5. Bo:h senior and junior tesU ; fiag which turns in *he lar^st riUTO- year by the Union County Park Com-1 he included in this cla«. ~The adult j ber of ro?e bu?h ?a)es- This latter ' mission. Local tournaments are tocla.ts will be held on Thursday eve- j piize will be presented by the rose ; be conducted in each community and ninpi ax 8 o'clock bey-nning1 April | bush committee of which Mrs.. Geo. | the local champions will play off in 14. Only senior lefts will be pivt-n j R. Corke is the chairman. ] the finals on April 23 at Warinanco in this ela^s.. | Some stout? in Troop 2 have al- Park. Most of the new c!af£e$ in pym.. ready turned in ordt-rs for over for- WHEM tbi/RE YELUUG- "TV4E The prize award* will be a.- fol-^wimminp and danc;np have started Uy rose hushe? p(-r scout. Oihers in OFFICE WKCE WHAT "ftoU | low*: first prize, a gold medal; sec- the* spring term a: the YWCA. How- I other troop? have not quite that : amount but the competition is keen 'THINK. OF -THE. 8OSS" —AMD lond prize, a silver medal; third and ever, anyone wHntine t<' come into the?e clas^o> may i-'.iil rc-fc'i?tor. There land ^s this is th« only way Camp HE'S LISTEKJIKjfr IKl i fourth places, bronze? niedal«. J Alk-nbropk, the Wtstnc-ld Girl S;'C*ut | The next meeting of the general'will be no cla*w:-* icmcrrow evening [•d^y camp is financed, the scouts, are CDmmittee will be held tomorrow when but all member? art- urfred to attend ihard a\ work trying TO earn the nec- ! several business items of importance the pwimminp meet to he held by the <-»?&ry money for the overhead <*x- J will be discussed including additional \ Women's Swimminjr As?ocistion of jpt'nf<*= of the camp. plan? for chi!dr.n*s welfare during" New York in the pool at 6.30 p. m. RUGS CLEANED the coming pummer. K. of C. TO HAVE Dirt removed vacuum cleaner eaunot I PRESBYTERIAN MEN MUSICAL DEPARTMENT SPECIAL FEATURE I TO HOLD LADIES1 NIGHT reach; patterns clear again. WINS STATE PRIZE

: At the next meetmjr of Wettfield The Men's Club of the Pre*bjt«-j Domestic 5eiq.fl. The music department of the West- Council. K. of C, to be hfld tomor- rian Church will hold it? annual meet-] Oriental 8c vj. ft. field Woman's Club was represented row at its club rooms. "IS North ave- ins on Thursday evening. April 28.' last Saturday at Trenton by twenty- nue, at 8:30 o'clock the members will It will be- a dinner as well as ladie*' five of its member? who competed in have as ipjt-s! speaker?. l*niu-d States nipht ar.d an psporiaDjr entertaining the annual slate federation choral Commissioner Frank J. Pfaff and Mr. propram j«- bt-ine planr.c-d. The elec- content. The We=tfie!d group was Mullen of Elizabeth. tion of officers for the ensuing year awarded first prize in Cla«s B which After the meet:rijj refreshments will will also takt place. include? g-roups of twenty-five to be served and it is expected that a MRS. G.O.KELLER.Inc thirty members. It was also award- larpe number of member? will he • THe ORIGINAL KELLER " ed second place in total point*C-;JB1 form of CLEANERS AND DYERS department is under the direction of entertainment, several hjjiness pro- MAIN OFFICE AND PUNT, COR SOUTH GmAND AVES. Prof. W. I. Jones of Rutgers Univer- p&&i*.ion> advanced by *.he members Books and Puzzles FLA1HFIELD. NEW-/ERSEV sity. Mrs. Georye Weston heads the snd the various committee* w;3J be Out of Town Pittroni Ca'l WX-2100 music department of the club. Re- deposed of. Thn is the firrt busi- —No Toll Charge. hearsals are held regularly at the n*->? mee'inp of '.he new quarter and For Your Enjoyment home of Mrs. M. J. Miller of Carlton Downtown Office—129 Park Avenw it is hoped by :tve c-ifjeers ihat there "Perfectly Grand!" road. will be no dijappoinimcn*.;. are for Rent This is the Third year that the j Westfield proup has been awarded TRAINING COURSE FOR in our Library Beauty Rest Mattresses $33.75 some prize recognition in the annual That's what women are saying about our I contest. GIRLS ANNOUNCED The besr^nnimr of a new course of Family Special service. Completely fin. POLICE COURT NOTES traininjr for sr>!« who work in home^ ;o start on Tue?Jaj- nicht, April 12, ijhed, yrilh outer wearing apparel lightly Fines totalling1 S31 were imposed at the YWCA, vhf-n Mrs. Anderson, THE BOOK SHOP by Recorder A. C. Sa?h in police home demonstration seen' from Elit- starched and hand-finished for 13c a pound. court Thursday niphl on the follow- ab«Mh. w;ll have rhaixe ha< been an- 144 Ea*t Broad St. 885 MOUNTAIN AVENUE in^ persons: nounced. At other rr.e-c.inpp subjeeU WH«U4 20226 Silvio Dellasaia. Cranford. was of interest tu the jrrl? will be dif- Thone 2-166» fin?d ?25 for reckles? driving and c-J5sed, Fiic}i as cooV:nr, ?tyle, cur- 1 • Alk «r Routeman. Robert Masi=a, al;o oi Cranford. had rent even:.? and table- M*t::rip. There t-ftmi MArlut S-39M0 — OKmgm 3-0357 his license suspended on a similar will b^ or.? outdoor mettir.? snri Miss! 1. WrtU UO South 12th StnH, Nmntk. N. YOUR BUSINESS!! charge. John Koromi, Garn-oud. was Lind •will have fharpe of a rfpularj PHONE fined 52 for passing a red traffic light. ^Trm y>ei:o^ &\ tr.e close of eafh eve-i 174-6 Keep in touch with your present market, and Harry W. Kapp. New Rorhelle, N. Y.,nine a? in the Un co-arie. i open * larger market by this judicious use of vras fined $2; Gilbert Lancaster, East: Note Smrmlng Our Fourth Printers' Ink. Our Job Depannent will Orange, was 5ned SI, and Kur: Gran- Frogi Tw»da Bet, Westfltld, $1 for the saire vio- Tht intlmal* of froe» gladly show you examples of how others are lation. MISS*** BEAUTY doing it Call on us. mil] t'xids wii!i » for iJicm ll CULTURE COLUMBIAN LAUNDRY THE WESTFIELD LEADER Local Newt on Emry Pace 84 ELM STR.EETT — \ 1 THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. 1MZ


FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED ROOMS FOR RENT •** the Will ami' RATES: >K Kl VI One-Ctrnt-A-Word Couu;> of Vi)ilT- 'uj'l'p1'?'

Minimum Charge 25c JAMES E. CUTLER "Ads" Accepted bv 'Phone V\T ROOM K.ir Rfnt. ** additional charge of two cuts RtAL ESTATE FOR SALE t v AM M BEARD, Proctor, wB b# made for advertifem*Mfl >K * II I Kill -I I U if H I -— -^. that are cbargvd. [ t I 1 \N \ J truckman, , 10 \TII e 11 1 * Other U(al Mcticcs SAttS f'lLKIi machine: laun maw- HE tVKKTFifcXD HOTKL. Pleasant wi• ti 1 n 1 ..• vval trom February Isi, 1 i*J HOUSES FOR RENT and r«pa-red; erind- romf'jr table rooms, $1 50 per day, uijt. ^tioisen, South apd Jersey $6.00 per week and up. Large FRAXK R. EMMONS, Slieriff. • — • •- • • •-. call Westfleid 2 32U. wfaoi*B»jB ana A ve-B,, Graceiand. 'Pbone We«tfle>d lounge. Central location. 433 North ma tiiiu bftiii, tie"*l) d«corated, reta 1. Nune but the beat *uM. F. tf. S-O78S. 2-10-tf Ave. W. TUuue \Vustfi«kl 2-2774, WA r 1 McD swell. 2-a-tt UK &£NT — What Uste imt 2-10-t/ Fe^'«Kof f^v^' ' ».u-4t i POSTAGE STAMPS, COVERS a mouth. Inquire 417 L'uwne^ K IAK MIUhlM, FUR V\()Rh of afly • **"f tOVE*»—Buy direct. m\n. 3-S0-4t *0S1 SALK — Slightlgy y worornn usutfcing kind, by thy day or hour at 50c per property wlib 3&H& B. L KHUGUK, cf charming modern private >oru fc: u mate middle-man profits. Zei.peiii,- .. _„. Attractive, six-room and children's Sprite coat a huur. Specializing In garden work, Telephone Weitfl&id 2-U516, will re- home «ill rent two or three *eU NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I F. A. M.*a. C. A M^'s 7Pho dwelling, tile bath, open Srepiacfc, :•. itit 'J^t'SKi-s. risen s top cos is an*! tree cutting, concrete repairing and spond Quickly. 2-10 ll furnished room* at a very rwion- the account cf the subscriber. Admin- ' l*lo 2-3532-W. garage, near station and school. Nor- >uits. The clothing is in good con- cleaning around the house and paint- ftbJt price. Choice of a single, or a mal rent JiOii Possession Mai 1st. dition, sume almost. I;k,- new, r>rir*vi« ing. R, Gaeto, "08 Central Ave., Tei- double room adjoining bath, or a Wm. S. Weicfc & Son, 2X4 East Broad vtT>- reasonable. The White fS'e- 8-2150; calj after 6 p.m. 3-30-tr 1^500. double roum, private bai** and show- Bt., Tel. 2-0168. 3-23-U l-fiaii! Shojj, 124 Elm Si., Tt-h-iihone ldijig lots, er. Board optional. T«i. Weetfleld Wvatfleld Z-22S1. ._ — Dictation r>-refill huiiiidlow, ni(.-d , Uifc'J J-1031, S04 ilountain Ave. 2-lO-U Ef§»-T*J-«ATE S ftOOIW acti Bun PRT- and typing at whatever rate you batii, ti<-.i wa * tr iitat, lor, first floor; big lawn, separate FOR SALE—-Two hand carved Italian have been paying. Neat, accurate, Phone 2-2228. OR RF.KT — FurPiimke4 Buusai four •team hea t. Will ren t reasons bi e. chairs, complete dark oak dining speedy work doti« in home. 60S windows, South and V\'e«l exposure; Ca.i 2-12S4. J-»-tf Ti.om s«.-t, ma nog any tea wagon, six Carleton Bd., Apt, 804; Tel. Weil- *'°* »ALK~A tirivate bath, tw-io bads or single wooden folding chairs. magazine field 2-1767. 2-10-tf m. [wo mi lee from \Ve»Uie>d aa desired, plenty of hot water. FOB BEIT—llnw seven rooms, ftlt *t*nd—three abelves, bookcase, tbrve Station, ^ruuii(is lSyxZOO fuel, ir«c.s, Marstj Hail, 324 Mountain Ave. improvements, garage. Centrally lo- i.,.,.,. u.,.jr>. « runs, sion.-ra talking (ARPENTEB WOIK WANTKU — Al- shrubs, aii Icnce'J in—juiced foi lli<.' 2-U-tf caied. Apply F. H. Wil.ougaby. 406 machine—f>i records. 'Pbone •West- terations and repairs, roofs, garages, depressiuii at $80v0.00. KMijtr .t OaborTie Ave., or your own broker. fleid 1-17J1-J. fcreeai, etc. Jobbing of all klntfa. Ftitsdrifhs. inc., II* ^unnny t-L, TWO LlK'-i: .ATTRACTIVE, well fur- 8-2-tf Estimates. Thomas P. Price, £41 U'ftatfit-ld ^-3040. riislivd front p.mms with bath, suit- FOR *lAi>E—Fnr«—Fur era rfa; beige Cumberland St., Tel. W«»t£»ld t- able t'<>r uv>> yen tinmen or business *>» AENT — Lower Floor 2-family /<•.*. %i*; frenuinw black pointed fox, 21S5-VV. 2-3-tf FOH SAL 'KlKfct-HuoHi HuUHc Grunt coup'!..•. Oirajic and breakfast op- faouee, 20fl Proapect Sc 122 00. new. 'Phone 2-1514. Deposit Doerrer A Sons. accepted. GfcfctSAL ITILITV MAM desire* work floor; g ii condition, screuf etl (jurch, r r_[<-n. Appiv Bux 5, care Leailer. —all kind* of repairs, alteration*, piius I'ti'irotmis. *taOO. Ice tie M. — •-— - r0m «AIJ Kes ia good i CATPenter work, painting. K*r«g*s, I'anuiif. 515 Hort St.t Tel. WepttieM FOR HK\T—Hmull Ku«« witli hrealc- Modern and In one location, conven- condition; . 'Phone West- j •tc, 1'iiatlER wtlmaLei giVen kud ' ; fast and dinner; $10.i>9 per week. ient to school, five minute* walk to field 3-O8B0. erate rates. Win. 1* tabilTa, £11 Fair-• i Ttfl. Wentlield 2-237'J-W. • 618 Kim- •tore* and .Union, $ rooms with, bath muni Ave-, 'Flione Westfleid S- FOH SAJ.i:—I (.oud tli*-Ituosn lloyne. And has suite of two lovely rooms F«m BALK—Kcw I.OJHIK DriM, Ur- 3450-W. 2-lB-tf ' North SHK'; opf;n firrpJacc, sun roi.nu, and bath on the 8rl»Ll H11.B6-Very good quality, 2-10-tr mortgatTf uC %'vo I»(.T month. This is H. F. Banlwell. Phone Westfleid 2- 2-0449-J. i-l-tt I ail colors and varieties; very rtaaon- an u»unua 1 ni>i>or I u nity. Elliott it ! able. 20c to 80c dozen, and 80e up STlHK r.4HII.r WAHHIKG costs Frtedri^hjj, 114 guirnby St.. 'I'hom-: iows*. good to *2 per 100, M. Luchka, 540 Fourth less than a laundress leaves you Wd 2{HJ condition, all impr vemenis, g-arage, 5 ; Ave,. Garwood. N\ J. free lor the day. We use rain-sort Hitum wi running water, quiet - )ui»ut«:« to «tallyi water, Procter & Gamble's, soap, TWO-F VMI1.V HOI SK in C -an ford. ni.'i>hbnrh ui. g^o Raymond St., Tei. Weit, ..__ Fine tone quality, fresh air drying, no Ink marks. good location, worth |9,000. WeBlfitW -SHO-J. 4-6-2t five-lube Ha mmerlund-Roberts with Flat Waik. minimum 60 like to t-xchang-e fur about r*M »EKT—•IU-KMW Mew with all! tubes, charrer, 6-vo!t storage bat- ' Seml-FlniBheoi , tery and 3 ory batteries; |7. To see : Thrifty-Finished, minimum 11.00 wood. Ain>Iy Box 1H, care -pader to station. 512 Wesifi«?l*i ' tile bath, steam h«at, one-car car* HIKI hear thia set 'phone WestfieM f'Pllt_ d minimui m |J|J.22d , office one Westfleid 3-2673. ••*; twelve minutes walk to C, & ft. S-0933-W'. Hand-Finished, minimum |l."4 •. = r--___-^.—_ . -,- ,• station, W««tn«ld. Rent M« •• par Telephone Weatfleid 2-1200 r— - FK»>VI' HOU!K TO RE'S "I* with board, month; potm«*miom a•t t OBC*one*. C»a A. O. j THUsSK-PIECB I-IVIXG ROOM Pill", and our Yellow AHIU will call. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 in a private family; near station and ; Drake, Tel. WMt««M >-I ut of other household ar(ic!*-a. Bu»- VAN DOR EN UAL'NDRY SiCHVlCB Inc. trolley. "Phone Wtstfield 2-0^23-R. ; .alow, 650 Willow Grave Kd., near ; "A Leadlna Public Service Inatltution." Rah way Ave. 3-2-tf SMALL APAHTMEM — 3 rooms and biitfi, s*.-i;ond floor, aii lotpruv^m^nta, HiLL ROOM, suitable for workman. _ H»t»E roa BEKT — j cheap rent required. 4J1 Central i'l -JO li*!v week. 't'hone Weatnew I room", bath, steam heat, larga FLOW I'.HUG Khruhs, ^f-renniala. rock VOl'SO WOMA\ uiwhes day's work or : 2-26'8-J. orctarooniB; tfwnar, bath ,t ostea retaim n beaton, t room.targe], pianfs, irl», etc. Mount&lnaide Hardy purl time, Call at 7:30, WeatfleW Av*?., nr l'rn>ne Westfleid 2-227ti. I «asonabiaonabie rental to desirable tec-ten-j j Plant Nursery, 556 Woodland Avee,. 2-3066-M. I, 4H(,K FIRMSHEI) ROOM, open fire-! •nt. Tbomaa K. firay, Ut Clark St. •i-S-tf AI'ARTMtiST FOB HKSIT — ^ rooms 3itt 1 I'Ol5iG MAN, 2-1, wiaiiea posUion as aiul bath, $j;ir;ige, heat; hot Wittjr pluee; kitchenette. H^at, light, lin- j FOR 14.LE—A brand new 1931 May- chauffeur and handy man around the and e let trio furnished, Newly iJecu- ens t>tr. supplied. 'Phone VVeatfleM •KMT i •«>SB Haw*, all Ini- flowttr Refrigerator at a reduced house; sleep in; r^fprences; $15 per rated. i;uli WeeKtieii 2-ii5Td. |4a,U0. 2-2678-J. j Itruvetnents, In good condition. Con- price. Hiram L. Fink. Inc., 135 Kim we«k. 'I'houc Cruuford 6-03S3. 4-B-tJ FOR HE3TT—4'oraer Aavrtmrat, con- i venient to station, trolley and St., Westfleid, N. J,, 'Phone 2-0140. tainins f> returns, private hall, bath, i •chools. '.Phone Westfield 2-QZZT-U. ELECTRICAL HtfAIHH of every de- , *'°* RK*T—Klve r^w^und tiled bath, st&am heat. Corner Broad and Frc TOM »*!>!•;—Dark nak dining: set, full : scrtpttun dune quickly and reason- a«ate*i. 1 non« --0;>bt», --^0.^. 9tt s\E»T—•Wr>»-slsisii Ms—«» new- , Fixe brass bed, painted chiffonier, | ably—You'll like the service. B\ec~ J-fi-at If decorated throughout, eonvanUnt { Oriental design 9K12 rug, large hu-\ trlcatrical & Gift SShop,c 128 E!m St., F'ost to acbool and station. |65. Jrene - r*"u Prices reasonable. 'Phone 2-1 Office Building. • -fl-tf" i H'ESTFIELO ARMS— Dedlrabla :!*room : U, Uanlels, &1& Uort St., Tel. West- \ 1IH. a,id butli apartment, rfnt: June till LEGAL NOTICES Held 2-1632. • October. 'Flume Westrtwld 2-2ls9D-.F. BAMV CARRIAGES. A nice assortment; wishes taumltr work «r cleaning SHGHiFF'S iALE— HARDWARE COMPANY Inc rttft AI3NT !• CrsjBfor*—Four bed- to choose from. Prices |7.50 and up, the day. Keferences, 1114 w open Monday and Saturday evenings, -%I.VT VEKV but In Chancery of New Jersey. Between rooms and bath upstair a, three rooms Third St., Platnfleld. : Miami PAittn HOVMUIH m tmcn downstairs. Finished attic. Select H. J. Martin. 148 Kaat tiroad St. i g ne room apartment... . . , Florence E. Batika tformerly Florence nelffhborfeoCMi. Oarag«. Rent ISO.00. SI'KI IAL UllHK on lawn13 a nd grar- impf-LivemeiHs, suitable for E. Maddockl, complainant, and Warren ¥t(VV* llfMltS WimiHC MltHIMli 040/04 Call Craniord 6-U96 after 6 P.M. I*O» Bet!tabld small fam- sSchroppe. et alfi., defendants. Fl. fa. door ioe box. Medium aise, efTlcicnt cesspool businoa nable ily. Will r«nt twr tt> the right party. • for aale of mortgaged premises. 64 JO IIMST PHO0H ttitflilD lliiil Hit eft KENT—*:i*fct-Ro»sa NNM Grant and good condition. A bargain ftt ?6. i C'armelo ftomeu, ;ntral Ave., lihbrows. Any bruker. O. Clark, Dy virtue Qf the above-stated writ School section; finished room third •Phone Wcna«Ul 8-0»S3-\V: , 'J'honv ' 3-3l>07. !of fieri facias to me directed I shall floor; carag-e; $75.00. Irene M. Dan- ! expose for sale by public vendue, In -1'rTK.lCTIVE PHOPOSIT10A, for the Distric.. t Court Room, In the Court i«ls, 515 liort St., Tel. We«ta«id ! RICH TOP SOIL for sale. Delivered ishes work taking- care of Eiuaoeth, N. X, 1-1*32, ^ i tiv the load. Call G\13. Dreyer, Fair- ot small estates by tile month; r:itiis) <>v uv.j uersuii.s, two rooma and a i House in the city >-few Manor Farm; telephone Cran- , reasonable. Call or write tu Martin 8 tHI HtKT«-room house, I»C New. ford 6-H3I-J. 4-6-St Kelly at "58 Prospect St., Westfield. Electric Usht. Hot 'water ^nd heati ( * WEDNESDAT, THE UTH DAY I bouse, 175, Others for rent, |?S to Iriah- hvmtt n«ur Pluaa, park and OP APRIL, A. D., 1932, ; 1100. 3 Erood building tots, will ex- WOm iALfc—-!>!•*••«**, medium size; fclHl. wisiit'.s WORK, either any or Raoievelt dchoul. Rent reasonable, at two o'clock In the afternoon of said wlwb tbwt€t change lor new ? -room house in "T.00. Call Westffeld 2-1268-R. i>art time. Tei. Wentdeld 3-J377-W. Furnished ir desired. 215 Clark St., day, West field. Good building Lots for Tciepiioiitj --S340-VV, All the following: tract or parcel of , aale from |3a to |45 front foot, with FOR AALE—Trail DrMBirr'i Ositlt— ! RFIl.tHfK COLORED — 1 land and premises hereinafter partlcu- j improvements, in Westfield. Call Ideal for professional drummer who j i ireneral day'3 work. APiHTMEXT FOH RK\T — 3 H*»o—« lady deacrU.*d, situate( lying and be- WeettleM 3-^238, can not afford an expensive outfit or l ssleel p ; hjia ref'T« .res. ' Phone and bath. Heat, hot water, gas, elec- in in the Town of Ueatfield In the for beKliiner who wishes a good out- , trh: light ami garage, all Included ; County oT Union and State of New i Weatfleld Robert Brown, i Jersey. \ fit at the reasonable price of |3».i>0. i rent, Inquire : Call Westfleid 3-011S-M any day be-HKI.Itill.K 1 vill care for oliil- •U0 Ilillcreat Ave. 3-30-tf BEOINXINO at a point In the south- j house, ftreptace, tiled hath, double ! — • easterly line ot Broad Street distant ; Mrajse: »75. Irene M. UaolcU, 61» tw^en 6:30 and 7:00 P.M. ; riren evenings at -ac o*?i" lutur. M 1 Harbison, fii'ii Kimbail Ave., Tul. FOH forty-two and ninety-nine hundredtha i Hort SI., Tel. Westflelii 2-1S32...... Mddidon and Johnson -- — (4, 2 99). fee--t southwesterly from the • 'J379-W, intersection of ; FOB HEXT—rietam«>e HIIUM* AT*. ! • arr at 12.00 a load, delivered. Tol. ."i rooma and bath. Hot water heat- , corner formed by the |j«call»ii available; brick and stucco: I 2-077!t-\V. James Treasiow, 155 L.I0- 'tOM.tW, experienced, \vl3l1e9 $32 per mnnth. Inquire your broker 7 rooma, 2 baths, sun porch, break- J erty St., Westfleid. •h or laundry; taki! home if or Charles IS. Qottlick, 746 Prospect; .. desired Call ;t.ii) 1-liLaeL Av*j.f Oar- St., T?tione WestfieW 2-2713, 3-a»-tt _ TALKING u-odd. 4-fi-2t ' •nd shrubbery. Will sell or rent. : the load I " 1 HiVH LiRGR ROOMS—Newly decorat- Call owner, Westfield 2-3573-J. | XVestfiold 2-3235-W, HJf.H SMIOOIJ (.IBI, vvit4h.'.d paattian ed, modern improvements, oak floors, us mother'a helper. Will do houae- • Lileti bath, eiectrle refrlgeiator; mod- (•OB BEKT—Duplex house, 7 rooms I CU'IIED lll'ESTOSE for work, Help wjin cooking, find fare erate rent. B6 Elm St. u-30-4t »nd bath, North side, rent $60. Ti. delivered and spread. Driveways fur eiilMtvn. ."• 1 North Are., Ga.r- ' family house, first and second ftoon, built and repaired, llockerles, Uly wood, X. J, I APARTMENT TO LET — 4 very rice •Uc rooms and tile bath, garage, heat DOO1«, rustic walla, garden walks, rooms nnd hath; ideal for small fam- fu.nifihed. rent |75. Several other itc 'Phone 2-1262. Albert E. Storr, OLWG SWEDISH WOH.IS wants «liy3 ily or business couple. Reasonable. houses, rents ISO to |135. Mr-. Julia TYestfleld. ______work. Bi>*r rt-ffMvni'f.1- 'Phone West-1 Innuire Weatneld Market, 223 East, Dunham, Tel. 2-2226. ^^ | Broad St. i-2i-n GET TOUR BR1I>GE PRISES at the TOR »F.*T—Om» SU» »f Deabfo HM»*. J Marietie Gilt Shop. Their selection Id like position IPtRTMESTS—Two flve-room apart- ( 338 Orchard St. Addresi "Owner" at I la large, prices are reasonable. -58 iVi-u in. tlnml menta, near town, modern, recently Rimback Introduces New •bore address. 4-S-4t | East Broad St^. Address Ho* a. -decorated, located on quiet streets. Harry X. Taylor, 143 Ea3t Broad St. Storage Vault In Section r«R RE^T ^T~r*w »I»-R«*»» Boat, ' LAWK BOWE1I for sale, sharpened ; •pUndiS condition, close in. I5O|S and repaired. Called for andd -<-•'-e - The portable vault storage is being Grant School se»Vi*>n eight-room j ereo. H. J. Martin, l none \\ estfie MISCELLANEOUS \ — — - ]rh ith tti t" introduced in this section by the Rim- modern hou&* 185. Bee our listings' I'-iifiVO. P «n our iian mt entrance of 22a East REPAIR SERVICE for vmuum clean-! v?r y°reaa^nable. Inquire «45 Ceniral back Storage Company, Broad St. We need listings to fill ; FilH »\I.K— < •ndir», all colors, 10c era, radios, washers, lamiid, irons, etc. i each. At the Marietta Gift Shop, Ave, 3-4-ti The method features a portable th» demand. H. F. Bard well, West- A^tfni:y tor Ht.tndard electrical appll-j 2oS East Brood St. ;im'f>s: wa.-»Uf r*, Irnner^, vacuum 'JTPIRTJIESTS—one 4 room an4 bath' steet storage vault of approximately 1-3131. cleaners, dun lamp a, mixers, etc. ; and 6 room and bath, very elegant, 500 feet capacity, which is p'aced on FOR jt.UJS—Living- room table, chairs, rOR H BUT—S is -ROOM Hoiie, sunpar- K. F. .la^ob. ^avaise Appliance Shop.) with every nodarn convenience t t bile chassis and conveyed lor. fireplace, erarasre. $S5. Six-room 1 almost neiv; splendid davenport, S' '^Im St., Telephone Westfield £- , r V a n au Drno h««i«, two tiled batba, aunparlor. • small lami». Mctures, portieres, cur- MS4. 4-8-At ! ^ o^?™MnPiS"rHVf Md^i:!to the castomer'5 residence. There Htvt> ace, garage, $105. Irene M, j tains, kitchen table, chairs, dishes, or telephone Westfleid ff-(HO-J. mi B the articles to be stored are packed Daniels, 515 Hort SU Tel- Wmfield! earden tnola. lawn mower. Call XIW l« THK T1«E TO Bt'IUD. Will 3-i-tf . the vault, which is locked and 1-1632. j Weetfietd 2-30M-J. builG and raiatias. Room to a designated floor, where it ia L Vork. fcUtficase a speoia!t>*. Dump vice including destgmnK and labur. ', rapc-ri-»i. 57.5*>. inciudiag- paper and rolled to its own compartment, to re- : TAILOH-'URY CLEAXIXG STORE tar [ irucbt to hire, cheap. Phone West- Phone 2-1 «S»0 or 2-19 MS for esti- 3 t > C r n •ale. Good opportunity, established • field 2-303:1; New York, Barclay mates. 3-3Q-U plt'imit ^ ^v'rfTor i n terfor an-d eT- ™zi intact until ordered removed by! IS years. 108 Chestnut St., Roaelle s 7-64T5. 2-U-H paintir.g work. Telephone the customer, whereupon the same t Park W. J. .; Pt'LLER BRl'SilES — Vow we have ', eM S-S731-R. llVlxr. .1 SPECIALTY. H. P. Town- two new hair brushes lor your ap-' procedure \s reversed. : l-io.ir ! lend, 'Phone 3-HIl. provaL These and our regular line M'SV.Vli GIFT!* at unusually econ- to the nature of the vault's WANTED ! may be 5een by callincalling H. E. Wal- omical prices; bridge prizes; lamps; construction the system presents un- i SEASHOHE EXPRESS—Carrjing ba(r- i worth- , W'estSel— - -d- 3-0312-W2 . shades; a large stock; every electri- Westinghouse ; usual advantages to the owner of art, TVPt:«RITKRS BOIGIIT—All mitkem. 1 frsie .-ind household furniture. Ratea 3-9-tr l ll P highest cash prices paid. A J dress , reasonable. Call Westneld 2-ls;i. ^; oi ft Ih op?tiJ ETm's^Polt^otr"?'treasures or similar valuable house-! •"Typewriter," care Leader Office. ' (;Hi:KTl\<; CARDS tor every event Building. 4-s-tf HMH effects. Amonjr these are in-: £'2i*lt Always modern and Individual. You wiH like the assortment. Electrical WINDOWS CLKAXED. floor, cleaned,: 3 of safety from pil-: nnd Gift Shop. 128 Kim St. Come in - automatic !•«;«« Broad St., Westneld, N. J., d f ^l) . j WeltSeld S-O442-W. XSTRCCTloN—TutnrlBsi—Hiffh School THE COOKY JAB —Delicious cookies, a3tproo and rc tain the effecl and college subiucta, tl.00 p«r hour. cake, pies, tarts, rolls; all hand- . ' \ of mnth-ti-eventative for a consider-', VASTEIt—Two Thou»and Dollar* first , Curolua T. CUrk. B. A.. L.1* B-, 33* made, co substitutes. Mrs. James A. • Tboosaods are uiT«tigatin*.., find- . « . pins complete reliability- morteaRe on a sevui-ruym corner i Mountain AT*., WestQeld, N. J-, Tel. Clark. lfiS South Ave., Fanarood; T*I. THE THRIFT SHOP, 212 Central Ave..; able period. i ing out how Vfstinghou»e offers a property. Slate roof, copper leader F*nwood 3-7245. 2-17-if corner North Ave-, needa men's panta, i , * ^» fU^re. ara n-niv tttrn pipes. Hot air I1e.1t. Fine attic. _ _ T f t f double guarantee under aii operating IT PAYS FOR ITSELF! Large dry cellar. House is well buUt! 1*14311, shoes, underwear, suits, strollers, ice. Ine tact tnat tnere ara only t-wo : z?;f* In fine condition. l-argr_ _. ... . Popular »nd clataslcal muile, to _ I'A1XTI.\G AXD PA box, dresses and any other articles' operations or handling of the prop- conditions. It's the news of the day Well prove to you. that thi> in porch. Valuation |s,$5o. Or wfll clnners or advanctid, at rvtldcnc* of day or contract, lou may have. I erty—firstIr0Ia tbe, when goods are removed i for those who want m modem refrig- •ell for *3,6Q0. Box 17, care Leader, j pupil or teach.r. U. E, U1NDEN, ur A»e, 'FbonaljtHE* p. SEILEH. Maaaa Work In all fron ibe enstomera residence and; wonderful refrigerator will pay WestBeld Z-0752-R." . Wort la ail, > cnstomer'a residence and; erator, wttltffi-rrworltrwtiic feature 134 Marlon Ave., Tel. W»«tB«ld 1- 5-lfl-tr ! "itB branches; patching a »r»ecian>-ii . \| secondd, when ttheh y are returned—in-tdi ^ bacfc everv penny c£ it* cosrt. Ask «1T-W. t-tO-tt i ; r asonab!e phone WM 1 whil" • yoy u »»iHu . 8«c »aI j "j65 " - ' 4 .**« i ***** against damage caused by fre- ! of beauty,conYenience and economy as far the «t»nluig ficu... todajr. HELP WANTED yard. At the Woman's Exch»nj#, t nniigs. ROOMS WANTED corner Elm and Qaim by Sta. PET»—Br«j-Te«l KfiifN. North Ave.. The company specializes in stor- EN, with car preferred, exper- I-lt-tl Uestfleid. . . J. , - _« •» «s. Knce not necessary but mu3t be am* A bltlous. Apply HoImea-WtrtU Co., ROOM WANTED—Room with kitchen- \ LP>lt»I.VTKRK» of JlrW aad OH HOBS boarded, plucked, bathed, etc.: »'M. 1 heir fireproof Warehoase ra ' ISO U'eat Broad St.. Westfield. erte, bv qulft business man. Can fur- «H*r*. aup covers, cuahlora. mat- s Tel. Westfleid S-J30T. 1-10-tf j Sammit has specially desisned rooms FIEE! « lOPRLET THIT WILL S««E Tin ui»h own llnena or any other article'. : tressestreaties: colocolor schemes arraQfeJ.' GIRL WANTED in the afternoon from occupancy latter part of April. Must —Charle - s lt*r.. Plata- ments are stored in mothnroof vaultsvanlta, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE on« but ara looking (or one who den repaired. Our Slmonlxlna: in-1 flelf"*i«l—t.iB|>t »•-*•• , -•airy—. -->redecoMied -•. ~—orrice—a ; Kirins_•—*_f- positiv.-^-e - pTotertio.._... n against! wants a nice 5-room apartment with eludes touchup ar»l atrlptng Oearra r t .1 ail Improvements. Jio millionaires. ele. tfm A_ n 1ij'tails" The Pi»inn«w" Trn« 'o> n"ith-d»maKe. and at the same time Any broker. Ohaa. CUrk. 125 Broad Keller. 1149 Central Av^ near Ptc- } . . . IRS VA«U. (-cylinder twin Ignition toa station: 'Phone }'24S4. Rea l• Estat- e Department— .., John. I..• offers bank-like security. J-4oor. SrpaBsenger, tires, paint nnd St. S-10-tf S Brim-r, Manager, 'Phone Plainfield The company is a hauling agent upholftery like new. Cheap; terms. - fi-500v. i.*j4-it Call m Emit Broad Bt, WASTED AT OSCE1 Any family bav- SPRCI.al. *•<• Ll'TtCH — 11ltost Ir for^ the ^Allied Van Lines, Inc., a in* 2, 3 or 4 spare rooms to rent town. Everyday. Special chicken FOR REST—2 er 3 Parmlnaetf RJMMIII j nation-wide movin*. organization_.„ , WESTFIELD HARDWARE CO. t - i?ht hr>u5«ket*pfnjr to desirable dinner Sundays. 4Sc. Ldwsst Prlrea no HCNTIMO OH TRIfii AHIlO Bmmm people at rates in keeping whh the In Tears. Hood Food. Well Conked. g.r HKht hou5*k«pina, cornsr RMI apecialiiingr in long-distance movinsr 70 ELM STREET 107 UNION AVENUE —printed on mutUln. For Ml* at timea. Pluue ad vise W. u Brower, WeatHetd Dln«r, 112 Salt Bro»d St. Ta« LMdar Offtc*. I-Vt-H 37 Kim St. i-$-it 1-10-tI field *-im-j. a-$i-a domtstic and export shipments. Adv. WESTFIELD CRANFORD THE WESTFIELD LEADEB, WEDNESDAY, APBIL S, 1SS2

_ mem- ber at the Thrift Shop, where »o many of our young maids and matrons are doing their bit for charity these days. _ Lot:„„s rfto _WtstfeI t d ABOUT TOWN TWyre ,1! very busing like .bout ££J *,%? thm/ 8ummer. Mr,; it, too. The shop, as no doubt you lvbB G Biho{ Highlanringtime? Among the members who will act as Scott of Dorian road is in charge ol freezeMrs. Henrs «*ently Czerny ayt Atlantiand hecr Citsony, werRobe - FRIDAY tn Th05e whh o are devoteedt s off d dancing stronhostesseg osI Eudiared Mrs^. Lorrime^ ^ rArtnur Arm' -time volunteeyou,d ukr workerse t0 put.t 0If wor you'vk ien some ert, and Mrs. Charles Simms of Fair- its more aesthetic and picturesque g. Bauer of Sherwood Parkway, Mrs. good cause, get in touch with her. mount avenue; Mrs. C. D. Mothers! p I of Westfield avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. APRIL 8th, 193 2 for flock to the Roosevelt Franklin Hardcastle of for to attend the H. P. Messier of St. Paul street, oil Sch»ol FFridayy nueue, , MrsMrs. .Herber Herbert t uLeighto htMno fo Dudf Dud-_ j wWe :^ population fa retarning at the Chalfonte-Had- dMce revue to be Pven by Marion ley avenue, Miss Rosemary McGough ' rapidly t {Xai eMoWs pupils for the ben- ^ » its nigh between-seasoS doHLn HalHalll. imai MoWs pupils for the ben- oof EudiEuclidd avenuev ,M Mrs H. Henr yD DS.h Shay average this month. of the District Nursing Associa- of Bradford avenue, Mr. E. 1. Smith j -•- | Dona]d Bartow son of Mr nd of Austin street, Miss Mabel Sturgis I Among the recent returnees from' . William I Enrtow f >*vi..«,,i. Starts the Greatest Anniversary Mr n of the Boulevard, Mrs. E. S. Stock- the south are Mr. and Mrs. Edward pi8Le^ce arrrvea r ^ad Bomtomee sTurd^ bv mo The members of the College "Wom- slager of Parkview avenue end Mrs w i-•»• ->*- v...SVe_ 0J>eDe»~,.d i t«.„:icir- ' e»uirKT:fi(il/di Symphon^vninhiinyn Orchestranrrihaofvn , pi™ orida. . i whe1 re sh. e spent. a larg, e part. parents* ,* * Mr. .**wn and» Mrs. «*.». Le™ j eo H. Bris- which is to be held in the Roosevelt of i winter. tol of Kimball Circle. auditorium on April 12 ... good news in itself. The fact that Roger Wil- j Miss Maxil,e Mettlach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Canfteld of Bel- ham Kinne is to be the soloist is some- Mr, and Mrs, H-G - Mettlsch of Moun- videre avenue are entertaining at Am tent tkit ctllti hrtk I p thing to shout about. | tain avenue, is back from an extended bridge at their home on Saturday If you're very fond of good music, trip through Florida with friends. evening, tfort if e«r entire •rgamzatim M mil but just a little rusty, perhaps, you'll; ••» ••• be as glad as we are that Dr. Howard : Mrs. R. H. Middleditch of the Bou- Mr. Edwin Ganzcl of Westfield mi lome of the country'$ mott S. Savage, director of music in the lpvard has returned home after a visit avenue entertained at his home be- Plainfield schools, ia going to conduct of some months with her sor.-in-law fore the Junior Woman's Club dance a Musical Appreciation Hour at the and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald at Echo Lake Country Club on Satur- YMCA tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, M. Allardyce in Atlanta, Georgia. j day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin B. This program, which is being con-j ••- ICassidy of Prospect street also enter- ducted under the auspices of the' Mr. and MrB. Herbert Kinkead and tained. Forum Club, will be similar to the their daughter, Phyllis, of Chestnut j »•» //ope You Sttn one tried before the last concert Mith street have just returned from a visit! Mr. and Mrs. Burr A. Towl of So. great success. Dv. Savage will com- to Havana, Cuba. They made the Euclid avenue had as their guests Cur Cash and Carry ment on and interpret three numbers trip to Havana aboard the "Chuqui" over the week-end their son-in-law, from the program of the forthcoming on its maiden voyage, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gilmore of Bea- concert. con, N. Y. Department? ••• I Several Westflelders registered at! If you have a hard time finding a the Hotel Hamilton in Bermuda last! Margaret and Milton DeVane, who Rosenbaums The variety ia large and prices fourth for bridge one of these days week. They included Miss Dorothy spent Easter week with their grand- unusually tow. • | parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Phillips ' of Dudley avenue, returned yester- Flovm priced fr»p day to their home in New Haven, DRESSMAKING Conn. th Z5 < Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tunison of Just what you h»ve been want- Dudley avenue have as their guest Ing, a few flowers for the table. ALTERATIONS and HAT REMODELING this week there small grand daughter, Gay DeNike of Teaneck. «•• DOERRER & SONS Helen Jonci - Joan Frye Mrs. E. R, Merry of Arlington ave- nue entertained her bridge club at 1«7 ELM ST., WESTFIELD luncheon at her home on Monday. SALLY: •Phone 2-2400 IZS ELM STREET 'Phone 2-2072 CHURCH WOMEN PLAN "GUEST DAY" MEETING

The Woman's Association of the Congregational Church will hold its ANNIVERSARY annual "Guest Day" meeting tomor- row afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the parish house. A cordial invitation is extended to all women of the various SALE churches of the town to attend. Mrs. Katherine Willard Eddy, a member of the staff of the Riverside Baptist Church, New York City, will be the pr'ncipa! speaker. Mrs. E. G. Mintz -: Saturday, April 9th to Saturday, April 16th :- will propose the affiliation of the Weeks and weeks of planning and prepar- Protestant churches of Westfleld with ing are over. Everything is nffw ready the National Federation of Church and waiting for the big event; and our IJORTY-FIVE YEARS of building this Establishment on a sound Women. organization is on tip toe ready to serve Foundation of Service, Quality and Fair Price has gained for us "I EADER" ADS ALWAYS PAT! you with smiling enthusiasm. We feel that a host of Friends and Patrons whose Goodwill and Confidence we the golden opportunities this store has pro- treasure highly. FLOWERS vided in new and desirable Spring mer- For All Occasions chandise and the thousands of dollars in savings will be deeply appre- We want all of them to share our Enthusiasm in our Anniver- ciated by the people of this section who are now more than ever de- sary and help us celebrate it by offering for Seven Days a sirous of buying to the very beat advantnge.

331 South Avenue " Thousands of dollars worth of new * Every department will have its merchandise SPECIALLY CHOSEN quota of these Anniversary offering*. Store-Wide Discount 'Phone 2-3310 You enn go directly to the depart- for this event ments in which you are interested with reasonable atsurance of finding •All NEW SPRING goods, typical most of your Spring wants antici- OWH* N»art »-«. 9M. Pit*, m. IM1 of Rosenbnum style and quality. pated in surprising and delightful of 20% DR. HELEN GOULD fashions. CHIROPODIST " It I» all WANTED merchandise of 309 Park A»e., PUinfiald an especially desirable character. * The sale in primarily s good will occasion, different from other sales, SHOES - HOSIERY - GLOVES • It is all SPECIALLY PRICED in in the respect that It is planned with- out view to profit. Mrs. Emma B. Lawrence a manner as extraordinary as the occasion itself. May we point out to you— Hairdreuer * Every precaution ho» been taken 20 PROSPECT STREET to make this great sale run smoothly. the fact that thi? Reduction of 1-5 of the regular prices is in addition WESTFIELD. N. i. " There will be hundreds of such Extra forccB of salespeople, extra W.nfi.U 1-22S7 items at your selection when the sale service and convenient arrangement to the sharply lowered scale of prices already in effect—this saving opens. of merchandise throughout tbo store. applies also to all Spring and Summer Footwear iust received and up- CHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENT to-the-minute in Style and Color. WmllH4 Hrprr*ritf>tlTti Mrs. Henry Luninf LOOK FOR THE MAIL MAN. HE WILL BRING YOU Ml Rirt-KY AVX*IB •Phone Westfleld J-J«JI b«ror« FULL PARTICULARS. SEE THURSDAY'S AND ) A.M. or «fier « P.M. Silk Hose by "Van Raalte» FRIDAY'S PLAINFIELD COURIER-NEWS . . . An enlarged Department offering an entrancing array of Silk Hose h Glimpses of your children *> caught by the camera will be in all that's new in Chiffon and Service Weights—not to forget Meshes i treasured in years to come. < Let us photograph them this in a captivating variety. I week. ROSENBAUMS Let's Get Acquainted' "FLAINFICLO'S METROPOLITAN STORE" PLAINFIELD, N. J. FREE PARKING SPACE Save 1-5 of each Dollar! TEL. PLFD. 6-2600 Wilfred H. Wolfs PHOTOGRAPHER 135 E-.M Br»U St. Telephone c opposite WlWe.tn.ldd £/c/-«il if centre Central A»e. 2-ZU66 T "UL.PLAINHt.LD6"00l6 PLAINFIELD, N. J. va wwrrmr moot «. i*w i,\ -. .-«^ M*X= . Neat X MB XI THE WESTFIEiD LEADER A Key lWt AJ»*r* Kit* Insured Principal and Income

WISTTUBLB i_t*£€» It


•TFiCiAi. fATUt far U» TO*TI OF Is The Modern Investment Method!

K. 4. i; ZZ ZZe t 34: "j- ixaisajcBrvj tt-o* . i —. « A4«m

d-^ :ri: Ac:- *-~f .tier law ;:.*: •_; A :«* tiit tzig'nz fc-rti - WRct fat Da*. 20407

i Is EL list not be forgotten th&t it ; tkroagh ioniewhfet sitrdi&r tests of kxai seats- _ i &«ct that the prohifcixioB law made the strides LETTERS FftOM READEftS KOSENBAUM S TO MARK j that made it z. National issue. Local optioa : 25th I was the original method of bringing abosjt &Ey ' Tfc« T.« ProbU- ( EUM1NATES WORRY WEDNESDAY, APBIL 6, 1932 state of prohibition and h was through local i Fri,i*j\ April «. j option elections that most of the Southern > > she E^-flr sf srsrffsSLry of Rosesb&itn'i EMpaniiBSSt Tie W>*tfi*'d Lea.df Start » flziaitli and t-zt She ass- ABOUT VALUABLES At Tkey Sf Tut'iM S States were pot in the prohibitioo column. It ; [ may be passible, even reasonable, that some ! XEW BRUNSWICK. N'. I. Hajxi ^^T^ pre'plATT 3* Whenever any sew method of taxation is ZQ—**T"fce m*>=t serUua obligation BOW even; cp-jsin^ as shis day. When you place your valuables in proposed the int atudjr of the pl»n is made of those States would be more than pleased if they could get the opportunity to express iicitit At New ivt-sy Legislature is Th* efforts of thi keadj of all de- our Safe Deposit Vault, you can fey Congre«men wbo give thought to the So revise tke state's revenae policy par^mcasa k*r« glajei an important stop worrying about them—for you borne constituency regardlea* of any injustice their sentiments today through local option or » as toreliev e prop*rty from its bar- P*« & "ukis* ti»« ««« »" o_f a*- any other method that might be efficacious. 3 m ^ re n 3- n j t3£ srjti changes no natter how extortionate the tax lb [ country is ready to face the test of a national • i--s tu burden.Tax"^r«"«riirt * » <« """gliOEii the entire event. may be. There are Congressional districts in e Some of the beat manufacturers of the Sooth and in the West where every im- referendum and prepared to abide by the de- I b|»f "y one bat themselves for the ... , difficulties present in connection with the cattntry eubae quality merchaa- portant commercial and financial enterprise CtSSon that It made at tne poll*. governmental tosta. Only in the paut dise have co-ope rated with them in: within its boundaries may be counted on one's If the Democratic majority in the lower year hm it seemed that the uipayers this tre-ut. Thsy hive given them,; Angers and (he amount that will be paid on branch of the State Legislature refuses to fol- j«"<««M>««l any attention to bafeet merehandue of the fin«- quality at; THE NATIONAL BANK transfer tax will not be sufficient to meet the * , . costs. These coats have been in de- the lowest posaibU price in order to) low the action of the btate Senate in its ap- velopment and their redaction will start the wheeij of industry going. I wi OF WES I r I E LD K\l expense of maintaining a collector's office. proval of this referendum it will be held re- 'likewise take years to develop." i Manafnetorers by wiling more mer-j It would be extremely interesting if thesponsible by the voters at the Fall elections, f The above appeared in The Newi *>>»»««« wK!.hfT* '» °lake more mT': / I HE U N LYjp"«C MBt5>^B AN K IN \ ^, iYork Times of Mareh 31, 1932, and thaa(ilie and lh0* PaE m0'e f«<>P'ei Internal revenue receipts from Mr. Garner's B m to V!Olk Io / u AT1AM AlSS^^^^PlrtairOTPiPi n \ i if true, is certainly as amusing state- - »««°f">a merehandue at j / N AT lONAL^^SysTtjiiirWESTFlELD \ own district might be ascertained and Mr. Soac Rc|«UtMB Essential (ment from a man who ^ hstd the'the l"wen ^ pn^ther i«™i 1 Crisp represents a district that raises cotton \ hr-j,—]f-1| II II if—11 II II—ir—lr-^r- / Considerable effort is being made to secure \_JLJ£ rLJLJI II II II 11 1LJLJ\_1\ I •nd mighty little else. The Congressman who the reinstatement of the editor of a Columbia b loudest in his advocacy of the payment of student publication who has been disciplined lone hundred and forty million ($140,.' Ample free parking space ia avail- about 12,000,000,000 in bonuses represents a by college authorities after persistent attacks [ooo.OOO) of dollars, has helped to in- abie io ovtr«f.f>vn patios m thte district that is principally prairies and ranches upon faculty administration policies. It is I crease the tax burden, must fcnowrear of the !tore an.d, '.' lcadj t0 TYPEWRITERS !tha t and few residents pretend to make income tax difficult to see anv eood reason whv this in''"''''" ^« been driven from direct entrance prav.ded m connec SOLD. RENTED >W KEPAIRED returns and why should he care how much ditricuit to see any gooa reason wn> tni3 the sWe exce3sWe taxationi ia a t.on «n:h the ground A special ,n- youthful editor Should not have been SUS- j candidate for re-election and nowvitation 13 extended to the sabarban EDW. W. WITTKM ELM STE, WESTFtELD Federal tax may be necessary to meet the gov- 41 an d r v S >«« I-SJM pended or expelled unless the time has ar-ieonfewe, he haj no solution of the;!*'™™ o ^' "^.^"f "n. 'e ej ernment's expenses. j 11 t0 h reas The average Congressman is constantly . nved when students are going to be the sole ij^n^'^MiT'f * - «i h ? 'if not"w'buy th^gwaTvalaes* offered, arbiters of university control. af,° h'owethi3 i^to be "ccompifsbed"" ready to rote for any kind of appropriation Mora Pleu»t That does not mean that it might not be Has he forgotten there was a lot that will take no additional money oat of the of I had rather hnve jt fm.1 to entirely reasonable to give considerable lati- i GAS in these bond isanes, and if A flaw in a tittle pockets of his constituents. Slake big busi- tude to the editors of college papers because " ' GAS waS j not sufficientffiit ,t thhe ness pay all the bills is the idea uppermost to be made up by l*vi«i there have been times when a practical sug- on iwr»u! and real prepcrtwa. has held up many a in the mind of every Congressman of that type gestion from the student body voiced in a Presuming the senator has been ing by defeating the senator for re- and he is ready to vote for any form of rais- college newspaper might have value. At thecorrectly quoted, might I snggest that election. ing revenue that is not going to reach as far it would be well for theae negligent ROBERT N. MERRITT. sale of Real Estate same time there must be some discipline in taxpayers to go to the polls in No- Westfield, N. J. as the remote region that has sent him to the every educational institution great or small vember and rectify their short com- April 2, 1932. Capitol to legislate for the benefit of the entire and everything that tends to destroy the re- /nmrc yoart and be $afe. nation. spect of student for college authority is a On* Pnmium Only. •a •> «i matter calling for display of discipline. Govcraor May Use Power The college student of today is a much Attention has been called to the fact that freer individual than the seekers after knowl- PLAINFIELD TITLE AND nnder Section 16 of the Budget Act of 1931 edge were a couple of decades ago when stu- ] Governor Moore has power to limit certain dent councils were unknown and students [ MORTGAGE GUARANTY CO. public expendituies that he may not consider sought instruction from the faculty. In some | OTK« Ho»r»: • A. M. I* f P. M. for the best interest of the State as in the case colleges today the students do not hesitate to ! assume greater knowledge of the proper sys- [ Saturday JA.Ul. li M. of extravagance, waste or mismanagement ! and a process through which that prerogative terns of education than they are willing to The 119 WEST FRONT STREET . T.L PIM. 6-9900 nay be exercised has been made a part of credit to their teachers. ; PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY the State laws. In other words it does not The college editor is likely to lose his head [ NEWS make any difference if appropriations have when he reaches the point where he presumes [ been made, the Governor has the right to halt to criticise the faculty methods of administra- [ from expenditures under them until it has been tion just because he may not be in full agree- i established that the funds are going to bement with the policy of the heads of the uni- i PAINT NOW : PRICES LOW applied advantageously for the public good. versity. The fact that the editor of the col- \ TRENTON HAVE THAT PAINTING and DECORATING DONE The Governor has been demanding the re- lege newspaper does not agree with the fac- j ulty about its method of handling the affairs | -: NOW :- vision of some of the State departments and •THINGS are happening in Price* Greatly Reduced and Beat Workmuutup In support of his recommendations he has sub- of the institution is no justification for villifl- j Trenton . . . Things will Available. mitted specific instances of extravagance. If cation and unnecessary abuse in the columns i continue to happen . . . Things the State Legislature fails to accept the Gov- of the college paper. i T. H. Wichern 1 in which YOU as a citizen are 842 ST. PAULS STREET . WESTFIELD, N. J- ernor .? recommendations it might be advis- Freedom of the press is an alluring slogan ! vitally interested. 'Phone 2-2037 able to make a thorough test of Section 16 but there are proper limitations of that free- J of the Budget Act of 1931 and let the test be dom when applied to publications that are ! made without further delay and based upon properly under the supervision and reasonable j Keep abreast of the very latest the long list of extravagances that have been control of institutional authorities. There is j activities in the State's Capitol by reading the items of our alleged since the beginning of the present no excuse for these Civic Liberty organiza- ! tions to inject themselves into such matters j correspondent as they appear ENGRAVING rear. in It is but natural that the Governor will and when they do the sensible citizen con- i WEDDING INVITATIONS VISITING CARDS aiders it just another effort to secure publicity prefer to act under legislation in more com- COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS plete accordance with his own propositions that is not necessary or desirable. SOCIAL STATIONERY to reorganize the various State departments but it will be in keeping with his pre-election GOOD PRINTING The THE WESTFIELD LEADER pledges if he makes the effort to accomplish Fifty Elm Street . Westfield, N. J- his purposes with every means that is now AT A FAIR PRICE AND DELIVERED WHEN available. He might start his proceedings as YOU WANT IT. WESTFIELD LEADER indication of his determination to put an end to extravagance and none will dare to ques- PU W«tficlJ 2-0407 READ THE LEADER FOR REAL NEWS THE WESTFIELD LBAWFS, WEDIHSDAY, APfclL 6, DeMOUfNOTES MOTOWSTS WARNED TO Df VOGUE TODAY | Kleevc and turned np Ctrl, j white are preferred. There •4 »n« enlarged to f*pnit H, DAVID C, COLSON GIRL SCOUT NEWS DRIVE WITH CAKE! j A few decorated reon'ons, trimmed different tint* of beige, ranging from We* » Keet UHMIIJIIII on tie piac CLOVES COMPLEMENT with prtripes or KKchJags of a con- those jost off white to the deep, The announcement by the Mew Urn- A "vfiehiy" affair Is the d&rjct According to the public safety com- NOVEL SLEEVES ;'.ranting or darker color, harmonize crcamy tones. Beige with a warm aef Central {aether alKei that a lM||- , i he sodnJ committee of Btr whir Biitte of the Motor Club of New J effectively with the ihaped sleeves cagt harmonise* most effectively with tree parking place on tjw pier a fca. mil Chapter i» planning for the Br AFTOM ODELL which sre close fitting below the el-, brown costumes. Dark glove* are oft. ing provided &» the etsvenieaiw «• i-f April IE. All tbOM intereiit- d Ext*n*io* Service. W. J. Coll«f• of bow. en combined with light-colored co«- thote who Uke the Sandy Hook re- urgotl to "stand by" for fur-held Monday at the Girl Scout head-1 >' <**>l «»t their warnings to •teamen. Both the parking ipM* moto 8t to Coats, as well a* dresses, boast I tumeg for accent aud give the deftired i,ifurni«tieB. quarters uridw the direction of Mrs,; " « »« careful; that the A new pair of gloves for the spring fitting, for this style feature the amount oj contrast. and the alteration! to the pier wJi be completed, it U understood, by tfc» AUTOS, TOO, TO USE ME* ttimi e SandSd y HooHkk tKtacr Mi-vic* resumed in the latter part of May. This year passengers using the At- ae* aoco blood has the various requirements for the teat 'Motorists must drive with extreme Glovea in a variety of styles have fur the y trimmed or puffed and is fea- lantic Highlands pier of the Central tanabik* axe a remit of the Ma* fancy Ceatrtl'i effort* to gie»ter conveniemce for its patr

by taking two out of three. the hostess (with and without a maid) aside for the use of roller skaters, above thls P°'nt- Gloves •» a" length! "Bob" Flammer, Sir G»l»hgd's new and duties of guest, as well as the --- — —-•- — - — —• .-».ar e beinbi g- Bbownbow, from the one-buttoonebttonn' . muster councillor, hafi planned a pro- correct things to serve and how to streets, especially at night, is not miti- m°dBte to those extending nearly to e e gra of events which will include plan for social functions are some of gated in any fashion an the result "> 'oow. both DeMolays »nd the public in its the items which come in the discus- °t marking off the streets. Instead F°r the formal, daytime coat with participation and "WiN he announced »ion for this merit badge. After the • °^ walking to and from the restrict- an intricately cut sleeve terminating ed are YOU CAN soon, three lessons the scouts will be divid-1 »s set off for their use by the in a tight effect at the wrist, the one- Arctic Chapter, Order of DeMolay ed into email groups and will give an 'municipal police, roller skating en- button glove is appropriate. This of Fairbanks, Alaska, was recently informal afternoon tea ffo. r thei" 'r troo" p i"-~-=--I thusiast• s -•invariabl- _•-...y. skat....e to thes. e re- glov~< e give-J s a very _,...•§ mm lic at the time. the Girl Scout cook merit badge will "The roller skaters should he made •!>•>• Idea ••!• It waB learned today from officials begin on Saturday, April 9 under the to realize their responsibility too, and of the company that it is proposed direction of Mrs. Mary Hall, director, it is to be hoped that proper control ft. ml b Mb. Mm 7 BAUER-BROOKS CO., to rebuild the vessel along most mod Elizabethtown Gas Company, in thecan be exercised so that both motor- Mm, em lines and designed to meet mod new building on Broad street. Any ing and roller skating can be en- "Mar **•«««» 1)7 Irvfef StrMt, ern requirements of this popular serv second class Girl Scout may join this joyed." ice. The dining salon will be located class which will be limited to 10 mem- IANCOVIUC RAHWAY, N. J. , Moi.1 in the center of the hurricane deck bers. Because of the reduction !n C»l( Not Bay Catkedral ^ INSURED «* and greatly enlarged. The decora- food prices, the cost of the course has The cathedral of Notre llunie In RUfl C1CANSIMO NAME tions of the room will make it most been reduced. Paris wns sold, during the rpvnltillnn, 11MM MUNOIONII NIT AM, N. i. attractive and the entire room wil to R prlvnlo llidivlilmil for *1.(HH]. hut Address be eighteen inches above the sur- the purclinser wns miEible \n raise rounding deck and will permit diners IN OTHER TOWNS sufllclpnt cnpilnl nml llio piirrlinse fell WL to enjoy an unobstructed view of the Mirough. harbor through the spacious windows SOMERVILLE on either side. Police of the town realised $350 for the unemployment from a charity Each deck is so arranged as to per- ball they sponsored. WwlfieM *-3M7 1M PROSPECT STREET mit the fullest use of deck chairs on ROSELLE the portion next to the rail. The The play "Dream of a Clown" state-rooms have been moved for- which was given in Westfield in Feb- ELECTRICAL SERVICE ward on the same deck and decorated ruary by the Woman's Club was of WESTFIELD, N. J. in keeping with summer and the sea staged here by the Clio Club for the shore. A large dancing floor has been benefit of the Emergency and Relief ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING GENERAL REPAIRS provided aft on the main deck to addFunds. Washing Machines & Vacuum Cleaners Repaired, It Costs No More to the growing popularity of the A block aid relief campaign was WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. moonlight pleasure trips of this line. started Saturday with a huge parade A complete and modern lunch bar to call attention to the drive. 20 Yean Practical Experience. wil! clso be located on this same deck SUMMIT LOUIS B. QUELLY, Ekctriciu. Prompt S«rWc« for the serving of light refreshments, A beautification committee work- sandwiches, etc. ng for the relief of the unemployed For Modern briery An innovation on the top deck has and for the beautifying of Summit been provided in the form of a pri-will soon study plans and costs prep- vate salon for the use of private aratory to continuing the work, ac- dinner, dancing and bridge parties, cording to the Summit Herald. Kempton Searle equipped with a serving pantry to A radio program by various organ- meet the greatest comforts of pas-izations in Summit was given over TEACHER wn MtuskvUmn if HIV* Tutirnumi'iit e«t unit««r way Kt»imtljy >«*•*•-* itftvi'tniou HB Ilia Ini'al "V" cuuri nnj ri'xullrd *» Mlvw*; Toe Vk'Uis i'|u|, of Uitrwuud mid tho Kliir.«bi>th l'vu». b» fcuL ib* ¥«fsf>iw£ l»'in» advanced to tlie final mumi in te W bssar the main bracket. The Viotm (.Hub st. Bj. >•,«- f.na.f by r'vttk vs. (•"«»* Mature wned tlw WvHtfirld Hawks, 4a ao tfee sae net ; „; *"?» JV £.» #i^?-X.iiSgk ££-. April « in the opt'iiinjc round and the liar- r-^j .4* Tuiilf vs. 1V« Ofnco MS* X<^ T«a* P.ir wond quintet advanced further by <(i. N » SJJS i- n lt j the Olympic rifle matches in Los An- iadSl played the best game of the eve- die sach a large squad either in base- g An-.ldo:; 35 25 1186 .556 Ca'Jahan • ?• 5 1 18 Tattle. WU Tkr» Bf t 151 geles on August 13 will have eight ningr. Kline, all-state Class B lor- tell or in any other sport. j -a--. e 30 24 1078 .556 Orlleb. t 0 0 « The Lumbernsea took the opeaer, i ukv 199 davs on which they may fire tryout v^d, and Rosich, all-state Class B The battery practice, held in tbejUasoL 26 1 0 179 club SI 1088 .544 Meaney, e- rhicij was botiy contested, by a mar- j!aviiccij scores under strictly competitive con- guard, being on opposing sides. Both iacal armory, has revealed that Wer-; Cornerstone 27 33 1084 .450 Brown, f 0 0 • gin of fifteen sticks. They copped ditioos according to an announce- «">" played a hard game and were ly and Vanning are the best of the Gavel 27 33 1105 .450 „, the second by 170 and lie final game Totals 81 71 2 raent of the National Rifle Associa-' eliminated on persona) fouls in the •tetters with Xetcbam displaying the.Orient 26 34 1117 .433 Total by 94, Furness carding a 209. Flood's Bapti.apt ) Sudar Sckw«l l tion. third period. Most ability behind the plate. The j Tynan 23 3T 1082 .388 B p 234 was high score of the match and Deller 70 20 40 1092 .333 infield, and uscidently Mr. Johnson Washingtog n c. r. 4 Bracoto came through with a 204. > Walworth Mye it is the most promising in re-Hillside 11 49 1028 .183 Johnson, f. Seila, f. 0 4 cent rears, will undoubtedly consist 2 1 5 Staadurf S.u». V.u SkMdo •f C»pt Orr at «rst; Ureaioli at sec- A two-game victory scored by A1 0 1 1 The Standard won the opener by Schindl(.r »nd, Green at ehort sad Mac Wright las Lodge pinners over the Tyria 0 0 " a narrow margin of nine pins. The " second game was also a close one, Totals •t third. In the outfield Cox, Dixoon quinte. t Friday night, gives the locals 0 t b th ti t trt the Printers finally eking out a fivei •Bd Eyan Beem to be the trio to start a one-game advan.age over Essex! Tota] 6 10 pin victory, although Welch carded; the first game. Cox and Dixon field Lodge team for the lead in the Coun- :e may be held May 14, 16, 21, 22, 28, , ^ __._„,.__.„. _, , _„__, ty Masonic Bowling League. Atlas* Btpti.t a 201 for the Vets. The Printers j Persson n6 8 aaif hty well but are a little weak with p kept up their winning streak to take j Erholm 146 ;*nd 29 and June 4 and 5 (elimination affair a»d »o team is out the stick. pinners appeared off their usual form G. F. g the final game by a margin of 91. ! Average ..__! The amateur rules will be rigidly|0, the rnnnln_, untfl it ta, suffered The first game is with Hillside and and we*e forced to extend themselves j Johnson, f. .... 2 1 in order to win the match. The Ty-j Smith, f .... 1 0 163 j complied with in the selecting of the tw0 _efegts. The final game of the- Is scheduled to be played at Unami 2| Plaa. T>k.. Pair ^ I' Malek 14«; squad. No shooter who has ever com- scheduled for Saturday rian pinners won the opener by tenjReuter, c .... 1 0 2 The Plaza lads copped the opener j _JJ_^* tournev is •eld on Friday, April IB. This gives A peted in a match in which money' j g. April 16, tile squad but little tine over one sticks, but Atlas came back to win! Lord, g .... 0 0 0 from the Crossways by 24 pins, aid-i even n the sandwich affair by 61, Malcolm j Seila, g. 8 0 16;ed by Wraggs' 204. Whalen of the, _go; prizes were offered or received any The scores: week to round into shape. Not much Totals j remuneration for his participation in' Wutftald Hawfc. time left and with a great deal to becarding a 213. Tyrain made a desper-| ~jCrossways hung up a 268 as high! ate effort to take the last game but! Total 12 ' *" i score of the evening. The Crossways Schultz 175!a match will be eligible. However,: (j, _!>Pts, . accomplished. 176 (there will be material aplenty fromj shincel, f 2 0 4 Track the locals were able to turn them came back to win the sandwich tilt Bush G. F. P. Drake 97jwhich to select a crack team capable j Cushing, f 2 0 4 One week from today the Blue and back with a margin of four pins, aid-; 8 7 j by the close margin of 14. The 4 ed by Ingraham's 205 and Ehmling's 0 ! Plazas decided the issue by taking the! *liller 172|of shooting its way to the top in the Budde, c 2 0 White track team will engage in its Connell, f. 0 ! Ooraon 174! competition with the riflemen of oth- Plunkett, g 0 2 2 211. Buechner scored a 214 for the 0 4 (final game with 27 sticks to spare, •rat outdoor meet of the year when Becker, c. . ' er nations. Pecina, g • it stacks up against Columbia High losers. Cornell, g. 0 6) aided by Hope's 214, and Chapman's Totals 750 766 794 j •ver at South Orange. The boys en- Atlas also scored a two-game vic- Luce, g 0 0! 206. Totals 9 2 20 Jayed a very successful indoor aea- tory over Herman pinners on Thurs- P. O. Nick. T.rl.r. NOMADS SWEEP Viclria Cist, Carwaval awa copping the indoor state title day night. The locals took the open- Total 3 17 In their postponed match, the P. O.DeMOLAY PINNERS G. *'. Pts. •lose with numerous trophys, medals er hy 48, Ingraham soaring to 257, lads managed to win two games, add- BUSINESS MEN Durrow, f 4 8 •Bd what not and are looking for- high score of the evening; Malcolm ing to their grip on first place. DOWN CRESCENT CLUB Chinchar, f 3 FORDS NICK P.O.; , , , ~ . _ ' The Nomads scored a surprise Soltis, f ward to a very successful outdoor and McCready also rolled double cen- The Post Office aided by Capitella's •aaaon—leading up to the state meet Sir Galahad Chapter, Older of De-isweep win over the Business Men in Sutton, c turies. Herman evened the match by I TAYLORS ALSO WIN 244, high score of the match, man- Molay, pinners won a pair of game: 4 which will be held in Montclair the winning the second game hy a mar- a "Y" Bowling League match rolled Glock, g , ., „ , j aged to win the opener byy 73. N. from the Crescent Club bowlers of Thursday night on the "Y" Ian«s, I S. Banyasz, g 12 last part of May or the first of Jane. gin of thirty sticks. La Point and A two-game victory by the Fords « f _heHardwJ1 .eme n car_e{d a Cranford in a match rolled Wednes- over the Post Office quintet and a1 Britton, g 2 The track squad means to hand Co- Witcher registering 222 and 211, re- 204. Ortlieb's 220 helped the Tay-day night. The local lads copped the The Nomads with Luby soaring to Galowsky, g .. 8 lumbia High a sound lacing—mainly spectively. Ingraham scored a 214sweep win by the H. N. Taylor outfit lorites win the sandwi ;h affair by theopener by a margin of 17 sticks and 245, took the opener by 134 pirn. to atone for the defeat suffered last for the locals. The final game went over the H. L. Fink pinners featured narrow margin of sticks, al- the Cranford quintet came back They took the second game by 43, Totals 21 44 year and then a* a fitting climax to to Atlas by the narrow margin of 12the Industrial League Bowling match-1 = =_ ™ ^M^m'.TjMt" strong to win the second by a margin Havlicek carding a 228. Consistent! Score by periods: the various contests waged by themaples. La Point carded his second nr. xnllnfi U/nH HA Brian- —ilnrht- nil tnC 1 % %• 1 • \ • _. _, of 170. Sir Galahad decided the is-pinning enabled the Nomads to annex Hawks 2 8 10 3—20 double century of the match. Ingra- Plainfield lanes. itPijped him by a single pin. The P. Victrix 4 12 11 17—44 two schools in the past year, The O. lads put on steam in the final sue by taking the final game by 67 •lue and White licked them in foot- hara rolled for an average of 221, Fwdi Nkb P. O. game, winning by a rather wide mar- pins. Referee: Winters. kail—and how—remember that game while La Point clicked the bottles for The Fords won a close one from : century of the match. Bentel also gin of 201, Beaman carding a double The score: Craaford Characters —sure tu a honey—then in turn Co- an average of 205. the Mailmen, nosing out the latter centurY _or league leaders. I carded a 202. George Worth was the by a single pin, although KepplerJ ',,,,„_„„_,_ ClHCMt Club I only Business Man pinner to break G. F. Pta. tauabia walloped the Elm utreeten in The scores: The scores: C. Dimmick 133 147 2 basketball and so it is up to the track carded a 208 for the league leaders, j rjjjjjinto the double century column. Kline, f 0 Atlas Tultl. Brollwn F. Teechku 130 145 Fredrickson, f 2 4 •quad to give Westfield the deciding Wtih Koehler registering a 223, the; t 185 122 199 133 The score: MacCready .... 167 168 176 Mailmen rallied to win the sandwich 188 181IM. Kelley .... Griffiths, f 4 11 victory of the year. Ehmling ... . 144 193 211 Whalen ....,.'. '.'.'.' 148 17—6• A. Boertman ISO 144 Nomad. McCrath, c 2 4 In the meet with Columbia, Paulin Vanderbilt 178 171 161 tilt by 62 while McMurdo scored Haste 192 108 R. Wilson 125 125 125 "ol.d,en 180 193 18I'eilhawI'il9h , c 0 0 181 191 178 •ad Register will probably answer Malcolm .... 192 213 190 212 for tho Firds. The Fords staged Miller . 167 183 I Amidon Walker, g :... 0 2 the starters gun in the 100 yard dash; Ingraham 146 182 206 an offensive to annex the final game Taylor 167 190 198 Total 670 760 198 177 20Hayashi2 , g 0 0 by 90 sticks, McMurdo soaring to 230. lfurness 190 197 Sir Galahad Chapter 663j BenteLuby l 245 167 17Grimes3 , g 0 0 Johnny Messersmith in the 220; R. 209 Havlicek 160 228 214 Gregory and Clark in the quarter- Total m 912 943 TThe Bcore: L. Vanning 108 110 126 i Trriaa 860 947 926 E, Behrens 148 110 136 Totals 8 23 age; Joffee Young and Dave Gregory H. N. Taylor Compaar Total .... 964 956 956 Stull 182 190 183 Stracuixi 158 186168 L..d.r H. Eldridgc 138 89 125 Total ROMII* All-Sura in the half-mile and Frank Esposito, 135 Businni Men state champ, in the mile. Coach Dun- Hoens 150 160 169 Neumann 140 160 131 Bracuto 191 168 204 W. Nelson 152 O. Pta, Guensler 157 185 183 Ortlieb 158 165 137 Farrow 130 113 J. Linford .. 147 14S Kennedy 163 180171 Uman, f 2 can has not yet picked the entriesBuechner 146 214 181 172 ohensteitl 135 185186 Sobel, f .. 0 for the javelin, »hot put, discus and 167 Sell 159 151 Cartwright 112 Harsell 180 170 101 Hohenstein 136 167 170 Flood 161 188 234 Total 693 5B0 73Wort0 h ... 192 193 215 Lenhardt, f .. 1 broad jump but will do so from a Sperdone . 191 151 132 Slocum ... 169 193 151 Zelinsska, f 0 group comprising Eddy, Font, Ban- Total 837 851 939Total 750 80B 787 Pensa 158 Hunt ... 191 169 169 Fritsch, c ... . 1 2 domer, J. Kvans, J. Davis Wentlandt H. L. Fiak Cpsaaway Blyth 156 JR. "Y" GIRLS Rosich, g ...... 1 4 and Gauteri. • Atlas White 164 131299 Total :... 830 913 88Cripps2 , g 1 2 Cornell rates supreme among the McCready 201 190 195 Fink 122 129 113 Total 777 832 IN SWIM MEET Anderson, g 1 2 pole vaulters, holds the state record Ehmling 154 181 183 P. Miller ..„ 158 169 119 A KVH , , , LOCAL COPS WIN and undoubtedly will repeat this year. Vanderbilt 179 196 169 Chambcrlin 140 164 133 An exhibition of swimming novel- TUP IT C aTD/ill I INIaEM Totals 14 Malcolm 213 180 ITS Vella 121 196 152 Clements . 180 183 ties was given Thursday afternoon by! Itlamtt rnUln aMnUETI Referee: Sorter. HIU and Talcott have alas shown con- 192 siderable improvement and as they Ingraham 257 214 Feeley ...... 155 150 a group of junior girl swimmers of Total 706 787 64Knigh6 t 130 141 With Elmer Nead clicking the ma- are both sophomores hold possibili- 961 914 ties for next year. Total ... 1004 Crocco 189 171 Hwaau Feral Conpaar Wiekel 171 155 In the high jump Walters has done Stantel .... 177 187 167 Friend 165 137 114 the best in practice with leaps of 6Witcher .... 174 211 181 Seal 161 178 161 Total 834 801 838 y ft. 8 in. and 5 ft. 9 in., but both Gelhauien 209 1B2 159 Van Hirtum 156 186 163 V. F. W. jgirls, w 9 Bowling League match rolled Mon BUI and Huth have shown consider' Speich 227 139 170 Franke 191 158 190 Barber , 169 164 1441 " runner-up in both events. y, g able ability and will undoubedtly gar- La Point 169 222 225 189 212 230 Day 134 134 125| Miss Frances Wheeler was first in day afternoon. Westfield took the S. Banyasz, g 2 JMr points in meets this spring. McMurdo Leffler .... 179 147 177 both these events to lead the senior first game by a margin of 34, with Martin, member of the winning re- Total 966 991 902 862 870 858 Bauch 157 150 135 girls. Miss Eleanor Alexander plac- Nead carding a 203. Malsam of Lin- Totals 14 3 31 Total PntOKcs. Welsh .... 186 201 166 ing second in the 20-yd. event and den scored a 200. The locals con- Lia4» Varsity Clafc lay team, is also the cream of tho Pts. hurdlers—both in the high and low. 167 22S 181 Miss Betty Gordon runner up in thetinued to roll consistently and won O. F. LOCAL POLOISTS Koehler 170 174 128 the second game by a margin of 96, Bouska, f 1 4 In the high hurdles we find Dean Bey- Total .. 825 796 7440-yd7 . event. The Misses Wheeler, 1 146 171 127 Gordon and Filsinger won the medley Nead once more registering a 203. Pennoyer, f 0 er and Joffee the most promising of DOWN NEWARK TRIO 177 149 Simpson, f 0 0 the candidates and in the low hurdles Beaman 170 Pott Office event, which consisted of 20 yards They grabbed the finale by 26. 0 JCeppler 208 187 183 Koehler 172 221 193 The score: Goodman, f 0 Martin Connell and Day seem to be Scoring 5% goals in the last two each of crawl, back-crawl and breast Danish, c 2 6 the best. chukkers, the Westfield Polo Club de- Capitella 244 141' 199 stroke. A series of form swimming W..tfi.U Police Total 861 932 76Beama8 n 188 162 204 Stemple, g 0 The track at Recreation field has feated the Essex Troop riders of New- to music completed the exhibition Nead 203 203 173 Hollister, g 0 ark 8V4-7 in a hard-fought match Holt 189 161 170 which was given under the direction Nelson .... 169 160 168 been put in shape and about 70 boys Average . 126 126 125 are working out daily. Saturday played Saturday night in the West- ME. PINNERS of Miss Hilda Lind, physical director Vreeland 165 179 166 Totah 3 13 field Armory. Essex Troop got off of the YWCA. Montross 182 192 168 Referee: Sorners. morning Coach Duncan will hold time Total 948 810 891 Miller 187 189 168 trials and from the result will pick to a good start by scoring 4 goals in LOSE BY SWEEP H. N. Taylor Company the entries for the meet with Colum- the opening periods which, with the Davenport 179 156 140 "THE WES'i'FlELD LEADER" Eliiabeth Prmavctt two goal handicap, gave them a 6-3 SUndini of the Teai Totals . 89G 923 826 G. r. P. bia. W PC Neumann 142 191 165 Subscribe •«•—M.00 k year. Lluk. Police 8 lead at half time. The Westfield de- Ortlieb 142 220 130 LaraMt Mewi ap«r U Waali Fyne, f 4 Never before has the physical de- Greystonea 69 .787 r Dessitfy .. 152 191 131 BBenzingi , f , 1 2 fense tightened in the last half and Westfield M. E 54 .720 Average 125 125 125 Podolla ... 189 2 partment of the High School planned at the same time the local trio start- 126 126 176 143 Schults, c 1 or carried on such an extensive pro- First Presbyterian .. 43 .573 Average 126 Skol8ky ... 140 162 159 Cron, c 2 7 ed an offensive of their own. Cranford Presby .... 43 .573 Kopec 156 138 3 gram as is being carried on at pres- Total 775 817 691 194 Haltke, g 1 ent. With 70 track candidates, 60 Johnny Lemp, by dint of hard rid- Hope Memorials . 37 .514 Malsam . 200 176 183 Benhoff, g 0 2 baseball candidates and about 25 ing and sure aim, was responsible for Madison Avenue . 36 .480 six Westfield goals, while Bill Shivas Third Presbyterian 31 .413 Totals 8G2 827 800Totals 6 24 more out for tennis and golf, it seems Wesley M. E . 29 .387 Hope 161 214 ta though nearly every boy in thetallied twice and Howard Hodge con- Wraggs 204 167 171 Craaferd Characters Rosclle Park M. B. . . 27 .360 Laafuae;«i That Li»« G. P. P. school is engaged in some sort of ath- tributed a single goal. C. Hodge led Everyman's B. C...... 7 .093 Kelly 190 100 192 16 letic training. Mr. Duncan, as head the Newark trio with three goals. The Breton and Welsh lanKuncea Kline, 1 Kennedy 159 158 157 Griffiths, f 2 4 of the physical education program, The score: The Westfield M. E. pinners lost Chapman 197 170 206 are by no menus dend tongues, each 1 helng spoken Iminy by more thnn a McGrath, c 0 believes that it is possible for every Wertfield Euu Troop an opportunity to creep nearer first Grimes, g .. 0 0 fcoy to take part and enjoy the bene- 1—H. Hodge Johnson Total .. 949 815 940 million people. The Celtic rnmlly or 0 0 place in the "Y"-Church Bowling Uincti'iKm tins nl?o sercm! nlher llv- Walker, g .. fits of correct physical supervision 2—J. Lcmp Couch League when they dropped all three Crosswaya Hayashi, g 0 and instruction. It is to that end Back—W. Shivas C. Hodge Sweeney . 147 182 142 Inc pipinhors—Irish. Srntrli. flnollr gnmes to the First Presbya of Eliza- 155 that he and his staff arc working. Score by chukkers: Wciland 268 182 nrtri M"nx Totals 7 21 beth in a match rolled Friday night. Dohoney 162 160 138 Westfield 2 1 2W, 8—8% The Greystones, who are leading the Referee: Pattee. Essex Troop . . 6 1 0 1—7 Specht 166 181 181 Half N. J. Phonea Changed Goals: Westfield, Lemp 6, Shiva* 2, league, won two games from the Lambertson 183 150 170 II. Hodge 1; Essex Troop, C. Hodge 3, Third Presbya. Other matches result- The continuous changing in Johnson 1, Pony 1, Handicap 2; Foul, ed in the Wesley M. E. sweeping the Total 925 829 813 CHAS. E. HANNA social and business life in the Lemp. Madison Avenues, the Cranford Pros- James Moffett& Son State ia shown in the 1931 report Refrce—Capt. F. P. Lum. bys taking a pair from the Rosollo Interior and Exterior Established 1885 1 Inventor of the Polii of the New Jersey Bell Telephone Time of cliukters —7% minutes. Park M. B. C. Tlie Etude suys that Die CARPENTERS, Company. At the beginning of dnnce. the pnllsn. wns Invented admit PAINTING and BUILDERS last year there were 687,505 tele- Little Gained by Changs Gnat Liltei' Area IS.'!(t hy Antm S!P7.HU. nn upper Bervnnr DECORATING phone! In service in the State. At In cuses of tunprculnsl.s. nut more Th# nival Lsbes hnvo a vvotpr sur- In the family of a rich fiirmpr Ap tlip GENT CONTRACTORS the and of the year that total was tlmn 1 per com IIPPII n jrmur rhiinffp face nroa of nhnnt n.1,000 square mll(>9, roum In which fine fltinrwl wns siniill PrieM ta M..t Ik. Time. VKJM and during those twelve of rllmnte, nnr will tlmy honed! ospe- Jobbing of All Kinds of which .IS (MO nqiinrp mllps lie nnshe shortened tlte p frnm whirl) 'Phone for an Estimate: month* the changes in all tele- rlnll.v h,v calne f»v nwny frnni lirinic or tho Onnmllnn ?Mp nnrf (10,771 squnn- —EXPERT MECHANICS amoonted to 347,415, or 1 HIP dunce W«R nnmi'il pnUsii (hiilf) frlondu to mnkt OH* clmncp. fnys n miles on HIP Unlli'd Slurps side of RPITIVPII MUhunlnRMmtlv In I'nrls, tli? Westntld J2146 Office: 30 Proapact Street > than •Wr per cent New Vnrk atnip lirnlth ndlrpr. the hitprnntlnniil linimrljiry. wan] wns rhnneed to nnlkti. 644 NORTH AVENUE 'Phone 2-1744 . rm wmrnajj IMA&EM, WEPKEEDATI, APBIL €, inz * a Lft ate-ing and j-a'-rol « a bieyei« hike. est on record for any mouth in thepast month and 66 boolca were di»- C o E 8coi;t« A: our ne« meeting we plan t« history of the public library, accord- cardt-d. There «ne 52 adults and awarded initiate the tenderfset. Thit is 8 very ing to the report of Miss M. Virginia 32 juvenile members registered, the BOY SCOUT NEWS ( 5 With the Plays and Players it :£fyf*-, Xnarsd&y B^ - jrnpressive and interesting service and Gale, the librarian, submitted to thereport stated. The borrowers' card ;;ne advanced u> first we look for a large attendance. board of trustees at its meeting on file is being re-organijied and all S:oat Sarae joined the i. B- cards which have not been uwd tor T«OC* 2 Friday night. The adult fiction cir- MI'S* 3fc£a W nile books was 3,795. ha<'e left town or who have chfengM r.inu'u, who gave a very mterMUng it s^sffia ref-fair, the tro&p cabin wnl CShaV a^fBa^III ATta'aM have much use. During the past week rl)K CIlvvULAIlim Eighty adult and 76 juvenile books t&eif name through marriage are also and inat.m>:t uauiuuily nUrm-Uff make up the pru- 'l'lHi.:i: 'Ah* M;cali hn» fetchiagly tBt u, them. It Mem* certain others Jfiini I<" iutltty »•"' lonwrrvtr. "Uniuu iisn Coibi-rl. 'in: h*r platinum math will y>m the Brat aid group and when liui/ut jicB»w 3 j ".Sfcr;rt-t*i of a Sftcrfe- Dr. Blaub revisits the troop (and we ™»l tieodud liy iJousclai! Fairbanks, hope he will) he will have a very WARNER'S jT Vnd J»« Blondcll, it out cif Lhc favorite A»Ku\M heratlf w a enthusiastic audience. tu'o wtructi<"">< It ia a feat-movinfi g kiUtnwb bWndt for tame inspired RIALTO •lury ul reul life the kind that might private nlcuihing in this latest re- There was much activity during the lease. K nyb WEITPIEI.B. ». J. suiion. The picture in kak-ido- Paramount Thtatre take., pleasure, , iic in tin revealing gnmpBes of thein announcing that "Bozo" the CUP1CK the sta*« °*tt e Br°a!* Street WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY—April «tfc, 7tW the pausing show of a)] jctorn in world's mom intelligent dog, is »ched- Theatre, Newark, this week. Louise DOUG FAIRBANKS, Jr EDDIE QUILLEN ii uled to appear at the Paramount' Groody, former musical comedy star. NORTH AVENUE, CRANFORD, M. J. CR. JOAN BLONDELL MAUREEN OSULLIVAN Theatre from April 8-14, during the i »"? .Er"est ?lendm?'n?.are,c °-st»»- The co-feature brings to the Bcreen re d t JUNIOR COGHLAN ROSCOE ATES , juvenile favorite who is headed for showing of "The Wiser Sex." i m this theatrical tidbit from the FRIDAY, SATURDAY—April Stk, 9th "UNION DEPOT- big things in the Hollywood grind, . pen of Ladislaus Fodor. "THE BIG SHOT" A cross between a thorobred Scotch When Baron VonUllrcih discovers A VAHJKTV B1UL OP UNUSUAL, EXCELLENCE. EddiEddie QuiHe. n is the perBon in quesquea- . HIiJH s , ' ••--- -•- ... his new offering is "Bigcollie and a chow, but retaining most-; that nig 6Ccrcury is a bit too deco- tion and ly the appearance and characteristics j f i offices and discharges Shot,„„„, 1 a mixture of mirth and drama Tat ve BT n s — FRIDAY, SATURDAY—April Mk, Mk that'has scored en every screening. of a collie, Bozo was trained and de- her, he becomes the unknowing vjc- WILLIAM POWELL GEORCE O'BRIEN This iuo of screen magnets will sure- veloped by Capt. Earl C. Lower, Ok-, tim of Susie Sachs, played by Miss EVELYN BRENT lahoma cowboy animal trainer. He • Groody. Susie is a mousey little sort, JAS. KIKKWOO0 ly afford unlimited pleasure to Rialto CEORCE SIDNEY J. M. KERRIGAN audiences. made the discovery of the psychic; but she possesses a keen mind which 1 powers of Bozo while teaching some, the ordinary person fails to see and "HIGH PRESSURE "RAINBOW TRAIL" Friday and Saturday's bill ie an-200 dog^tricks, among them the abil- appreciate. She's a hard worker, Comedy Romance Filmed in Grand Canyon other that Bhould not be overlooked ity to add and subtract of one tiip-it. however, but when she goes to Paris u it is one of choice variety and will Believe it or not—Ccpt. I.uw«r dis- on a business trip with the Baron, meet the demands of the family-movie covered that "Bozo" could what with strategic things done to MON., TUES., WED.; THURS., f»us. William Powell, Evelyn Brent question before it was asked. her hair and complexion and a stun- i., WED., THURS., 4 and the inimitable comedian George • * • . ning evening gown, she becomeB a — April Ulh,, 12tk12th,, 13tk13tk,, 14t14tk Dart Sidney of the famous Murray and Liberty—PUUficM ' dangerous little vamp. But it all ends POLA NEGRI in "A WOMAN COMMANDS Sidney combination are the highlights "Meet my fiance," says Ina Claire, I n.aPPi'y. 81«j, . like Cinderella, she of "High Pressure" which can be"Not that we're engaged or anything I ,' gets h,?r Prlnce • °r> "•ther' the classed as the principal offering. This lik"•• e thatl' •'•"• That sets the tone and! Bar011- SUNDAY, MON., TUES.—April 10, 11, 12 picture k a comedy drama that seta the pace of Samuel Goldwyn's "The • « • a pace for California's film foundries MARLENE DIETRICH . CLIVE BROOK Greeks Had a Word for Them" which Locw'i SUI. T>«tr«, Newark _it is fast—it is exciting—it is glori- comes to the Liberty Theatre Satur-j in "SHANGHAI EXPRESS" ously funny—last but not least, it is The diverting story of a plumber • picture to be enjoyed by every age day for 4 days, and sent its first au- whose presence in a lady's bathroom ALSO dience away weak with laughter from ]eads to a series of uproarious com. —a family selection. The co-feature 1I ten contemplating the antics of its three • - ... end. of EDNA MAY OLIVER . ROSCOE ATES "Rainbow Trail," from the pen ofblonde sirens as they cavort through plications provides for no Zane Grey, is one that requires but life from millionaire to millionaire, 1 laughter anr d amusemenr t in in "LADIES OF THE JURY" little space, a great out-door story, life from millionaire to millionaire, | pYsTi'oTate pfunrber'" which is"the at- quarreling among themselves, but alltraction at Loew's State Theatre, filmed in the Grand Canyon of Colo-for one and everyone for herself rado with a cast headed by George Newark. Buster Keaton, Jimmy Du- when it comes to making the best rante and Polly Morun are the chief O'Brien and other favorites. profit out of any situation. ...._. Then along cornea "Emma" with michief makers in this roguish farce, They're dizzy, are Ina Claire andjan(i filmgoers may r|hai Exprau," "Builneia ana Pletiara", "Airawlmltk" wright, Frederick Lonsdale. The co- Women will flock to "The Greeks SAMUEL GOLOWm feature is a fairyland operetta, "Puss Had a Word for Them" if only to t«Mrf M ZM AUm' Ireodwoy Comatfi-mtt In Boots" produced by Nathaniel Shil- see the gowns, some thirty of them, Icret and his Victor orchestra. ranging all the way from tailored * • * suits to negligees, which Mile. Ga- INA CLAIRE Paramount—PlaiaficM briellc Chanel, the famous Parisian MAOOIIVANS STARTS FRIDAY—April 8th-14tk Drama of the thoroughly modern dress-designor, made specially to be 10WIU type is "The Wiser Sex," Paramount's worn in this production. Thoy are DAVID MANNMS Hliows ut 2:30, 7:00, »:00 P.M. the last word in smartness in moving Sat. ntul Sun. Continuous from 2 P. M. talking edition of Clyde Fitch's play lM^ .„„„ ... "Her Confessions" which the Para- pictures and set off to perfection by PAKAMOUNT'S LOVE DRAMA! mount, in PlainfielPlainfiold will offer oone | the chic charms of the three'ladies wek beginning Friday, April 8 thru who wear them. "THE Thursday, April 14. It would be a pity to tell the story Claudette Colbert, perhaps the of "The Greeks Had a Word for Them" ahead of time. Suffice it to ERTY "most unscandalized" beauty of dims, WKiT FBONT ST. >Pkou «-MTT. WISER SEX" and an exquisite brunette who per-say that, at thh e beginninbi g of the ipic- with formed charmingly in "Manslaught- ture, Joan Blondell has caught a Shows nt 2:00—7:00—1:09 er," "Secrets of a Secretary" and wealthy old man, Madge Evans has CLAUDETTE COLBERT "The Smiling Lieutenant," is featured caught a still wealthier young man, Heap/ MELVYN DOUGLAS i» the new offering with Melvyn and Ina Claire, just back from Eur- LILYAN TASHMAN Douglas, young stage thespian, who ope and stony broke, hasn't any kind w«reE*^ffp over tht' Roustabouts and ttw iirti Friday night by defeating the Post Offlre Rialtos took a pair from the Ntxuads Play id the Inter-Town 1 •r JOMW K. N£EK£ft Baptist (.'hurch live. 24-10 in a rath- i'lsta Garage f in "Y Bowling Li>a|jus lnnuhvn roll- / Ltagut Tdurnanipni got under way "Y" Bowling Seheamm t*r onc-^idtnl game piisjed on the "Y Tulile Brothers 100] ed Monday nijcht on the "Y' !BIH»S. Indutl' afU'rnooi on the local "Y" court »i3 Dee to the wet weather of last courts. Callahan led the Trinity g3j Greybosnd* Wia Tbree £ ^•tiling Schedule N nnulU'd as follows: The Virtrix Clu^ week and the lack of • suitable prac- team in scoring 1S pointsp . That aft- = ; of Carwood and the Elizabeth p . tice field, the Westfield High baseball April 7, Elks vs. Keystones; 981 The Hounds started off b.v topping r(a prnoon the Baptist llad s ddowned the y p 972" the Roustabouts by 88 Blirks and took April 8 peels advanced to the final round is aquud bea had Uttle opportiiii.it>' tor April 11, Elks vs. KiaJ;os. No- Presbyterian team by a 25-17 count. Plaza Standard the main bracket. The Viclrix clut freetice. Unami field is Garwood— Crosdways »25 the second game by VS. They had mads vs. Roust&bouts; April 12, Seiia led the Baptist scoring with 16 Fink v S. Ford Motors downed the We»t8eld Hawks, 42-20 the site -where Weetfield plays its Leader 936 little difficulty in taking the finale by Collegians vs. Keystones, Busi- H. L. Fink Co. 864 112. April 8 in the opening round and the G»i- borne games—has sot been put is Caps. Callahan of the Trinity cag- Tuttle V>. Pout Office wood quintet advanced further by in. anepe end consequently it has been ness Men vs. Tuttle Bros. RMto, Take Pair ers. vvus presente, . d with the hand- Sweep wins wen- registered by the The Nomads annexed the opener Taylor Vs. CrusHwayg feating the Linden Varsity Club, 81- SBjpossiblfi to hold any strenuous in- Vets v S. Leader 13. field practice. some trophy which will remain in the Tuttle Bns 0V(!r (h(1 ,>tta(Jer five and from th(? pJU,e_ma),ers by 28. The permanent possession of the ehampi- u, while the Rialtos won the sandwich tilt after a A large squad of 60 enthusiastic ATLAS PINNERS the Standard over the Ve The Elizabeth Prospects drew » c»u team. ' Plaza Garage took a pair of games hard fight, finally nosing out the No- - j OLYMPIC RIFLE TEAM bye in the first round &nd advances boys answered the call far outdoor The scores: practice and Mr. Johnson has his STILL IN LEAD from the Crossways in Industrial' mads by the narrow margin of four Holy Trinity p. Bowling League matches rolled Fri-' pins. The league leaders managed hands full trying to coach them and Studio* of tke Tsa G. ajr n !^ *ht on the Plainfield lanes, to cop the final game by four sticks, small: Cranford combine defeated the Eo- five the boys the proper attention W L HS PC Gleason, f. . 0 Aspirants to the Amp] Atlas 44 16 1185 .733 Driscoll, I. . 0 Q I Earlier in the week the Post Office also. selle All-Stars, 23-14. These last two and the personal instruction neces- : sary. One man cannot possibly han- Essex 43 17 1160 .757 lannuzzi, f. 4 9 j took a pair from the H. N. Taylors jbore rifle team which will compete in | teams, made up chiefly of high schouj Q ! in a postponed match. Holdcn 187 166 4U such a large squad either is base- Azure 40 23 1135 .638; Devine, c. 0 Jjj [the Olympic rifle matches in Los An-jia(j8, played the best game of the ev*. Hermann . 35 25 1186 .556! Callahan, g. . .. 6 IS | T.ttU. Wi» Tkr» Amidon 190 181 or in any other sport. 181 153 151'geleE on August 13 will have eight'ning. Kline, all-state Class B tot- Wheatsheaf 80 24 1078 .656;Ortleb, g 8 0 j The Lumbermen took the opener, | j^y6 The battery practice, held in the M«TsonTc"ciub 31 26 1088 .644; Meaney, g. I 186 180 IMidays on which they may fire tryout ward, and Rosich, all-state Class I J|which was hotly contested, by a mar-! jjavficeit 168 158 179 scores under strictly competitive con- guard, being on opposing sides. Botk fecal armory, has revealed th»t Wer- Cornerstone 27 1084 .450 Brown, g. . ... 0 gin of fifteen sticks. They copped ly and Vanning are the best of the Gavel 27 1105 .480' ditions, according to an announce- men played a bard game and wen 26 the second by 170 and the final game) Totals 912 835 819 ment of the National Rifle Associa- eliminated on personal fouls in tbt •itcberg with Ketcham displaying the Orient ... 1117 .433 Total 11 S 24 by 94, Furness carding a 209. Flood's! Tyrian . 23 108Z .883: Baptist third period. •ott ability behind the plate. The p 1234 was high score of the match and. Deller 187 174 lid |tion. (afield, and incidently Mr. Johnson Washington 20 1092 .333 C. F. three alter- 11 1028 .183 Johnson, f 0 4 41 Bracuto came through with a 204. 1 Walworth 177 132 161i Th •ayt it is the nast promising in re- Hillside 162 156 W fcM Seila, /. 2 1 162 lo - " cent years, will undoubtedly consist 174 187 scores made in the tryout | re h c 0 1 171 of thte The Hawks will oppose the Kosellt •f Capt. Orr at fait; Urcuioli at sec- A two-game victory scored by At-! | . ™> - The Standard w"n The opener byJSchindler 184 190 matches, which will be held by shoot- •nd, Green at short aad Mac Wright las Lodge pinners over the Tyrian j Smith, g. 0 * a narrow margin of nine pins. Thej All-Stars tomorrow night in a losers' uoia> 0 ing organizations in all parts of the «t third. In the ouUeld Cox, DIKOB quiBtet Friday night, gives the locals j «' second game was also a close one, Totals 884 839 823 bracket contest. The Elizabeth Pros- •ad Kyan seem to be the trio to start a one-game advtr.are over Essex the Printers finally eking out a five country when sanctioned by the na- pects will clash with the Victrix Club Total 10 pin victory, although Welch carded itional organization. The trial match- the same evening in a main bracket the first same. Cox and Dixoa field Lodge team for the lead in the Coun- KwwtokoaU ii« Us may be held May 14, 16,21,22,28 a 201 for the Vets. The Printers Persson 141 tilt. The tournament is s double- Mighty well but are a little weak with ty Masonic Bowling League. Atlas 11W , T . , E kept up their winning streak to take Erholm 145 and 29 and June 4 and 5. elimination affair aad »o team ia out Ike (tick. pinners appeared off their usual form I G. P. 171 174 and we fe forced to extend themselves j Johnson, f. the final game by a margin of 91, Average 126 The amateur rules will be rigidly of the running until it has suffered The fint tame u with Hillside and .... 2 153 in order to win the match. The Ty- Smith, f Plasa Takes Pair T. Malek 123 138 complied with in the selecting of the two defeats. The final game of the to scheduled to be played at Unami ... 1 S. Malek 157 178 144 rian pinners won the opener by ten Reuter, c. .... 1 The Plaza lads copped the opener squad. No shooter who has ever com- tourney is scheduled for Saturday •eld on Friday, April 16. This gives Andrews : 62 124 peted in a match in which money evening, April 16. tk« aquad but little time over one sticks, but Alias came back to win Lord, g. .... 0 from the Crossways by 24 pins, aid- prizes were offered or received any wwk to round iato snap*. Not much the sandwich affair by 61, Malcolm Seila, g. .... 8 IB ed by Wraggs' 204. Whales of the Totals 717 667 682 The scores: time left and with a treat deal to be carding a 213. Tyrain made a desper- Crossways hung up a 268 as high remuneration for his participation in i WestteU Hawks accomplished. ate effort to take the last game bub t Total 12 25 score of the evening. The Crossways Schultz .. 150 158 175 a match will be eligible. However, j O. F. Ptt. there will be material aplenty from Ttwfc the locals were able to turn them Pm» Total 1004 961 914 Ptt, tlei for next year. Crocco .... 189 171 173 Miss Charlotte Julick took initial pies for an average of 193, the West- o. e. Herman Fard Cosasisay Wiekel .... 171 155 192 field police pinners chalked up a sweep Durrow, f 3 0 6 In the high jump Walters hai dona Staniel 177 187 167 Friend 166 137 114 honors in the 20-yd. and 40-yd free Soltis, i 8 2 8 tht best in practice with leaps of 6 211 181 style events for junior high school win over the Linden police quintet 4 Witcher 174 Seal .... 161 178 161 Total ...... 834 801 838 in a County Police and Firemen's Glock, c 8 0 ft. 8 in. and 5 ft. 9 in., but both Gelhausen 209 182 169 Van Hirtum 166 186 163 girls, while Miss Melanie Filsinger Britton, c 0 0 0 V. F. W. Bowling League match rolled Mon- BUI and Huth have shown consider- Speich , 227 189 170 Franke 191 158 190 Barber ... 189 164 144 was runner-up in both events. J. Banyasz, g 4 1 9 able ability and will undoubedtly gar. La Point 169 222 225 McMurdo 189 212 230 Day 134 134 125 Miss Frances Wheeler was first in day afternoon. Westfield took the S. Banyaat, g 2 0 4 Aer points in meets this spring. Leffler 179 147 177 both these events to lead the senior first game by a margin of 34, with , Martin, member of the winning re- Total 956 991 902 Total .... 862 870 858 Bauch 167 150 135 girls. Miss Eleanor Alexander plac- Nead carding a 203. Malsam of Lin- Totals . 14 3 SI lay team, is also the cream of the Post OfCce Welsh 186 201 166 ing second in the 20-yd. event and den scored a 200. The locals con- Lia«o> Varsity CUb hurdlers—both in the high and low. LOCAL POLOISTS Koehler 167 223 181 Miss Betty Gordon runner up in the tinued to roll consistently and won G. In the high hurdles we find Dean Bey. Capitella 170 174 128 Total ... 825 796 747 40-yd. event. The Misses Wheeler, the second game by a margin of 96, Bouska, f 1 er and Joffee the most promising of Holt 146 171 127 Nead once more Pennoyer, f 0 1 DOWN NEWARK TRIO Gordon and Filsinger won the medley registering a 203. 0 the candidates and in the 1"W hurdles Beaman 170 177 149 Pott Office They grabbed the finale by 26. Simpson, f 0 187 183 event, which consisted of 20 yards """ ""* "" '"'" "" "* Goodman, f 0 0 Martin Connell and Day seem to be Scoring BMi goals in the last two 208 Koehler 172 221 193 each of crawl, back-crawl and breast The score: 6 the best. chukkers, the Westfield Polo Club de- Capitella 244 141- 199 Danish, c 2 Total 861 932 768 stroke. A series of form swimming Wutfield Polieo Stemple, g 0 2 feated the Essex Troop riders of New- Beaman 188 162 204 The track at Recreation field has 161 to im.sic completed the exhibition Nead ,. 203 203 173 Hollister, g 0 0 ark 8 Ms-7 in a hard-fought match Holt 189 170 Nelson been put in shape and about 70 boys Average 126 126 125 which was given under the direction 159 160 168 are working out daily. Saturday played Saturday night in the West- M. E. PINNERS of Miss Hilda Lind, physical director Vreeland 185 179 156 Totals 13 field Armory. Essex Troop got off Montross 182 192 168 morning Coach Duncan will hold time Total 948 810 891 of the YWCA. Referee: Somen. trials and from the result will pick to a good start by scoring 4 goals in LOSE BY SWEEP M. N. Taylor Company Miller 187 189 158 the opening periods which, with the the entries for the meet with Colum- Sunding of th« Tea Davenport 179 156 140 "THE WES'i'FIELD LEADER" Eliubatk Pmswcts two goal handicap, gave them a 6-3 Totals 896 923 826 C. P. bia. W L PC Neumann 142 191 165 Subscribe ••«—tz.OO k year. lead at half time. The Westfield de- Liaden Police Fyne, f 4 8 Never before has the physical de- Greystones 59 16 .787 Ortlieb 142 220 138 Is W Dessiffy 152 191 131 fense tightened in the last half and Average 125 125 125 Benzing, f 1 2 partment of the High School planned Wcstfield M. E 54 21 .720 Podolla 176 143 189 2 at the same time the local trio start- First Presbyterian .. 43 32 .573 Average , 125 125 125 Schults, c 1 or carried on such an extensive pro- ed an offensive of their own. Skolsky 140 162 159 Cron, c 2 7 gram as is being carried on at pres- Cranford Presby .... 43 32 .673 Kopec 194 156 138 3 37 35 Total . 776 817 691 Haltke, g ent. With 70 track candidates, 60 Johnny Lemp, by dint of hard rid- Hope Memorials .514 Malsam 200 175 183 Benhoff, g 0 2 baseball candidates and about 29 Madison Avenue 36 39 .480 ing and sure aim, was responsible for 31 44 Plan Cara(» more out for tennis and golf, it seems six Westfield goals, while Bill Shivas Third Presbyterian .413 Totals 862 827 800 TotalB :...~9 6 24 Wesley M. E. 29 46 .387 Hope 199 161 214 as though nearly every boy in the tallied twice and Howard Hodge con- . 27 48 157 171 Crawford Characters Roselle Park M. B. .. .360 Wraggs 204 O. F. P. school is engaged in some sort of ath- tributed a single goal. C. Hodge led Everyman's B. C . 7 65 .093 Kelly 190 169 192 LMSJIMIM That LIT* letic training. Mr. Duncan, as head he Newark trio with three goals. Kennedy 159 168 157 The Breton and Welsh InnunnEes Kline, f : 5 6 16 Griffiths, f 2 O * of the physical education program, The score: The Westfield M. E. pinners lost Chapman 197 170 206 are by no means dend toncues. each believes that it is possible for every lielng spoken today by more thnn a McGrath, c O 1 V Wettfield EMM Troop an opportunity to creep nearer first Grimes, g 0 0 0 boy to take part and enjoy the bene- 1—H. Hodge Johnson place in the "Y"-Church Bowling Total 949 815 940 million people. The Cpltir fninll.v of fits of correct physical supervision Walker, g 0 O 0 Lemp Couch League when they dropped all three Crossways lins nlsn Kpyprnl otlior Hv- Hayashi, g 0 0" and instruction. It is to that end Back—W. Shivas C. Hodge Sweeney 147 182 142 momhers—Irlsli, Scotch, Onellr games to the First Prcsbys of Eliza- Weiland 268 165 182 that he and his staff are working. SScor e by chukkershkk : beth in a match rolled Friday night. Totals ,. ~7 7 21 Westfield 2 1 Dohoney 162 160 138 3—8V4 The Greystones, who are leading the Referee: Pattee. Sssex Troop .6 1 0 1—7 Specht 165 181 1B1 Half N. J. Phonei Changed Gl W league, won two games from the Lnmbcrtson 183 160 170 Goals: Westfield, Lemp 6, Shivas 2, Third Presbys. Other matches result- II. Hodge 1; Essex Troop, C. Hodge 3, ed in the Wesley M. E. sweeping the The continuous changing in Johnson 1, Pony 1, Handicap 2; Foul, Total 925 829 813 CHAS. E. HANNA social and business life in the Lemp. : Madison Avenues, the Cranford Pres- James Moffett & Son bys taking a pair from the Roselle State is shown in the 1931 report Rpfree—Capt. F. P. Lum. Invaator of the Polka Interior and Exterior Eatabliahed 188S of the Mew Jersey Bell Telephone Time of chuklierp—7% minutes. Park M. B. C. The Etude Buys thin the llnhpmlnn Company. At the beginning of PAINTING and CARPENTERS, dnnce. the pnlkn. wns Invented ulmtit BUILDERS last year there were 087,505 tele- Little Gained by Chanfe Crul UW Area IS',0 h.v Annn Slpwik. nn n|ippr servnni DECORATING phones in service In the State. At In cuees of tuberculosis, not more In thp family of n rich fnrnicr As tlip The On-st Lakes hnve a water sur- Friers to Moot tli. Tlra. GEN'L CONTRACTORS tfce and of the year that total wa* thnn 1 per cent need a urent phiiiiRp face urea of nbmii nn.nflo squnre mllps, ronm In which she dunked wlis pm»(l. 615,214 and during those twelve of rlltnnte, nnr will tlipy licncni pspe- of whloh SSWO sqtmrp miles lit nn KIIO shnrtenprt thp step*, from, wlilrti 'Phone for an Estimate: Jobbihf of All Kinds months the changes in all tele- clntly by snlnc fur nmi.v from linino or the fnnnrtlnn stdp nnrt 00,770 squnri* the dnnpt* WHS nnninl piilfcn llmlf) W..lfi.H 2-2M« —EXPERT MECHANICS phones amounted to 347,416, or fripmlH tn mnki* tlm rhnnirn, pnys n miles cm HIP Unltpil Klntwi side of nwrtvwl pntliimlnstlcnll.r In Purls, th? than tftr pet cant New .York Rtnte lirnlth nflliw. the Internntlnnnl bnirmlnrr. word wns chnnErnrt tn pnlkn. 644 NORTH AVENUE Officat 30 Prmpact Stre-t 'Phone M744 , Wost«oM THE WWTWIMJi LEADER, WEDNESDAY, APB3L «, 1982

week. Jack Brady became a life meeting and patrol f a bicycle hike, | eat on record for any month in the part month and G« hooka were pla- scout. C a ngratulatiom! Scout* At our next meeting we J>lan to history of the public library, accord- carded. There were 52 adults fac BOY SCOUT NEWS Eengnton and Gillian were awarded initiate the tendcrfeet. This ia s very ing to the report of Miss M. Virginia 32 juvenile members registered, ta* With the Plays and Players neril badges at court, Thursday nifrnt. impressive and interesting service and . Gale, the librarian, submitted to thereport stated. The borrowers' cart Scout Haaeltine advanced to first we look for 8 large attendance. jboard of trustees at its meeting on file is being re-organised and alt class scout. Scout Nanze joined the J* K« ! Friday night. The adult fiction cir- cards which have not be«n used far TROOP 2 two years are being withdrawn. Card* first aid squad. culation was 6.811 and that for juve- New »m* OM Event. Now Beias Prcwnted At ila regular meeting last Friday With lhe of those persons who are known to night Trcop 2 welcomed Dr. Milton .t "turn of better weather N£W |£CMD SET nile books was 3,796. zm •* VarUni* PUyfeouaei • !ie>'e left town or who have fd I *U whoVe a very «.rest** ^^T^^Z l^VJl TOt CltCUUTIOII Eighty adult and 76 juvenile books their name through marriage are •were added to the shelves during the being withdrawn. I and in«.lmet,ve talk and demonstra- jt wa8 j d « „. * Scoutg, turns the tables on theb "braiBB" of >'On °" ? "'d- u }"ge eT" j B'»^ ""d Bengston being in charge. I The total circulation of books for *"" V'Ttv '"? much time on firstt aid / £„, * -w£k the past month w« 13,961, the high- 4 combination 0/ features that are the racketeer element. 'and thm meeting was of special mter- AlB eaeh r had mid r gully attractive wake up the pro- Those who recall how fotchingly ie8 t l0 them< It 6(!Cras certain other6 «am fur today and tomorrow. "Union num ma«- nepol" pteaented by an exceptional wi)1 join thc flrst aid KrQup and wnen Ljt bonded by I>ouglas Fairbanks, ^K intSe/in8 £ WARNER'S jr 'and Jean Blondell, is one of the their favorite disguise herself £as »l ^ he wjll ^ ve a very wo attractionsns.. I t is a fast-moving RIALTO kittenish blonde for some inspired I enthusiastic audience, itory ui life—the kind that migbg t private sleuthing in this latest re-j There was much activity during the d i p to anybody *uy day in any u, i. station. The picture 18 kaleido- Paramount Theatre takes pleasure! c in its revealing glimpses of the i announcing that "Bozo," the j LuPleB the stage of the Broad Street WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY—April CtJt, 7tk —- irs in the passing show of all world's most intelligent dog/is gched-i Theatre, Newark, this week. Louise DOUG FAWBANKS, it, EDDIE QUILLEM humanity- uled to appear at the Paramount! broody, former musical comedy star, NOKTH AVENUE. CRANFOBD, N. i. CK. JOAN BLONDELL MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN The co-feature brings to the screen Theatre from April 8-14, during the and Ernest Glendmning are co-star- JUNIOR COCHLAN ROSCOE ATES juvenile favorite who is headed for showing of "The Wiser Sex.; red in this theatrical tidbit from the pen of Ladislaus Fodor. | FRIDAY, SATURDAY—April W». **• "UNION DEPOT' "THE BIG SHOT" bii things in the Hollywood grind, A cross between a thorobred Scotch A VARIKTV B11.L OF VN-D8UAL EXCELLENCE. Eddie (juillen ia the person in ques- When Baron VonUllrcih discovers collie and a chow, but retaining most- that his secretary is a bit too deco- tion and bis new offering is "Big ly the appearance and characteristics Shot," a mixture of mirth and drama rative for his offices and discharges FRIDAY, SATURDAY—April Mh, Mh of a collie, Bozo was trained and de- her, he becomes the unknowing vic- that has scored on every screening. veloped by Capt. Earl C. Lower, Ok- WILLIAM POWELL GEOBGE G'BIIEN of tim of Susie Sachs, played by Miss EVELYN BRENT This du° Bcreen magnets will sure- lahoma cowboy animal trainer. He Groody. Susie is a mousey little sort, MS. KIMCWOO0 ly ifford unlimited pleasure to Eialto made the discovery of the psychic CEOKCE SIDNEY ). M. KERRIGAN but she possesses a keen mind which 1 audiences. po-wers of Bozio while teaching some |1 th" e ordinar" y person fail' •"s t• see and "HIGH PRESSURE "RAINBOW TRAIL" Friday and Saturday's bill is an- 200 dogaHi ricks, among them the abil- i appreciate. She's a hard worker. Comedy Romance Filmed in Grand Canyon other that should not be overlooked ity to add andd subtract of one digitdigit.: hhowever , bbut t wheh n shh e goes to Paris iL MEMBER M it is one of choice variety and will Believe it or not—Capt. Lower dis- o—n a- busines*--• — s tri'••'p wit=h th"-e- *Baron* , meet the demands of the family-movie covered that "BOKO" could answer a what with strategic things done to 4 MON., TUES., WED., THURS., fats. William Powell, Evelyn Brent question before it was asked. her hair and complexion and a stun- 4 and the inimitable comedian George • • • ning evening gown, she becomes a ALSO — April lltk, 12tk, I Sib, 14th — Day. Sidney of the famous Murray and Liberty—PUiaaeM dangeroug s little vampp. But it ell ends POLA NEGRI •> "A WOMAN COMMANDS" Sidney combination are the highlights "Meet my fiance," says Ina Claire, happilhilpp yy andd , lilikke CidlCinderellal , shhe of "High Pressure" which can be , , "Not that we're engaged or anything "get"t s heh r Pi" th the SUNDAY, MON., TUES—April 10, II, 12 classed as the principal offering. This like that!" That set8 the tone and "Baron." Prince", or, rather, picture is a comedy drama that Bets the pace of Samuel Goldwyn's "The1 , p»ce for California's film foundries * « « MARLENE DIETRICH . CLIVE BROOK Greeks Had a Word for Them" which! La*w*> SUt* TfcMtr., Rnui —it is fast—it is exciting—it ia glori- comes to the Liberty Theatre Satur- in "SHANGHAI EXPRESS" ously funny—last but not least, it is day for 4 days, and sent its first au- The diverting story of a plumber I picture to be enjoyed by every age dience away -weak with laughter from whose presence in a lady's bathroom ALSO -« family selection. The co-feature contemplating the antics of its three leads to a series of uproarious com- EDNA MAY OLIVER . ROSCOE ATES "Rainbow Trail," from the pen of plications provides for no end of blonde sirens as they cavort through laughter and amusement in "The Zane Crey, is one that requires but life from millionaire to millionaire, in "LADIES OF THE JURY" little space, a great out-door story, Passionate Plumber" which is the at- Jlmed in the Grand Canyon of Colo- quarreling among themselves, but all traction at Loew's Stat<,*«*,e Theatre me..-., for one and everyone for herself Newark. Buster KeatonKeato,, Jimmy Du- rado with a casca t headed byy George when it comes to making "' L ._..-- O'Brien andd otheth r favoritesfit . the best|rante and Polly Moran are the chief with profit outt of any situationsuto . michiemichi f makerakrss in thithss roguisg h farce, Then along comes "Emma" They're dizzy, are Ina Claire and and tilmgocril s may rest assuredd ththat STARTS SAT'DAY your favoritfit e MariMie Dressier for a Joan Blondcll and Madge Evans, in it's a howl of a combination. Buster tour day run commencing Monday, the roles of the three charmers, but Mg precipitated into a series of mad (4 D.fi O«lr) April 11. What a treat for the fol- lowers of this talented (.old lady), they're also the best fun seen on the cap escapades in which he engages in Tarn Gold-Dig fn not so old that she cannot step around screen these many months. side-splitting duels, etc., while the in- Out for A LMIm and make a lot of our much touted They are ably aided and abetted imitable Durante, of course, is al- Qutcft Silvtr! movie stars blink in the background in their wild scrambles through pent- ways on hand to set things right; "Give and let Klvol" was 0! popularity. Its talent that keeps house apartments and ocean liners by Polly Moran goes copyly demure on (heir battlo cry itm they 11NIUVA1.1 I'll! rNV'(il!(ll''.TT/MAl K! Nu Htm but Maria ottl make you Lowell Sherman and David Manners us in this comedy. charged the men bri- roar one mlnu..^ thj-n^n^U,™ n^hjf {^ .l^rj of h.r «, irit the old girl in the limelight and un- gade — and how they Ht deniable spirit that permits her to set and Phillips Smalley, the veteran old- Alice White, famous screen com- chunroat 1 fast pace for adorable girlies whose timer. It is one of those pictures you edian, appears on the stage in person can't miss if you still figure a good in a rib-tickling sketch. A group of For the honoiit or Si'lmol Children, the Main Feature will not oomm»BC« greatest asset Is their personal charm. laugh is worth having. until a;60 nt Ml Mntlnoo |ierform»nf.B« during nils engagement gnaw* Marie is not handsome, but she sure w^H-known JJOCW acts completes the Blurt ns iiBiiul nt 2:110, brings the eyes to the screen and What it was the Greeks had a word stage bill, KVKItV Kllil'lll HIIOULD DH lONCOtmAOItn TO WtTNISSB • •howllig pt tlilfl RKoeiitltinul f«t\tum—tlie moral H prbHente will bo appreciated tlio lends the owners home in a hap- for is best figured out by each specta- hy ovei-y HKO. py frame of mind. tor privately. Certainly the "Them" HAD liw «, k»i»»lr. T ••<• II . H. of the title are the three ladies con- mms .« l»»«t, »>ll> Mi Friday and Saturday, April 15, 16,cerned and their precarious but hilari- the program 13 one of variety and ous manner of life. Ina Claire is the Coming. Fri., Sat., Robt. Monlirornery. Lovers Coura«a«w pility as well. The first feature pre- only one of them who hag an undress- April ISth, 16th—EIM Greenwood Kiddie», PUM In Boott K»t» Robert Montgomery in his finest ing complex, but all of them are per- tole, written especially for the young fect for the role of neither toiling COMING SOON—"Stramn In hmn," "Flr.w.ii Jan Mf ChlM," favorite by the noted English play- "Sk.Mk.i E«nr.4.," '•B.ii..l. aae rlunn", "Arrawaallh" nor spinning. wright, Frederick Lonsdaie. The co- The Greeks SAMUEL GOLOWYN feature is a fairyland operetta, "Puss Women will flflock to In Boots" produced by Nathaniel Shil- Had a Word for Them" If only to IMMI •* Za« Akfm' Jtret and his Victor orchestra. soo the gowns, some thirty of them, runging all the way from tailored suits to negligees, which Mile. Ga- *» INA CLAIRE Paramount—Plei.S.U brielle Chanel, the famous Parisian JOANtlONMU MAOOIIVANt STARTS FRIDAY—April ath-14th Drama of the thoroughly modern dress-designer, made specially to be MWIUMWUMN type is "The Wiser Sex," Paramount's worn in .this production. They are DAVID MANNIU Shows ut 2:30, 7:00, l);00 P.M. talking edition of Clyde Fitch's play th...e„ .last word in smartness in moving Sat. unt) Sun. Continuous from 2 P. M. "Her Confessions" which the Para- pictures and set off to perfection by PARAMOUNT'S LOVE DRAMA! Mount in Plainfleld will offeoffrr one | the chic charms of the three ladies «ek beginning Friday, April 8 thru who wear them. "THE Thursday, April 14. It would be a pity to tell the story Claudette Colbert, perhaps the of "The Greeks Had a Word for 'most unscandaliied" beauty of films, Them" ahead of time. Suffice it to HIOST PHONT «T. 'Pk»n «-MTt. WISER SEX" «nd an exquisite brunette who per- say that, at thc beginning of the pic- Shows at 3:00—7:00—1:09 with formed charmingly in "Manslaught- ture, Joan Blondell has caught a er," "Secrets of 8 Secretary" and wealthy old man, Madge Evans has CLAUDETTE COLBERT 'The Smiling Lieutenant," is featured caught a still wealthier young man, MELVYN DOUGLAS in the new offering with Melvyn and Ina Claire, just back from Eur- LILYAN TASHMAN Douglas, young stage thespian, who ope and stony broke, hasn't any kind Jude his photoplay debut with Gloria of a man at all. She immediately WILLIAM BOYD Bwanson in "Tonight or Never." sets about remedying this situation Others in the caBt are Lilyan Tash- and the hilarity commences, to last ARCADr ON THE STAGE Mn, William Boyd, Effe Shannon, down to the final foot of film. ROBS Alexander, Franchot Tone and ** FLORIST *•* Th. Man S»ut!oul Asin»l ml All Ti-ei! Oooilas Dumbrilte. The direction is Shalwrt Tkeatre, H.w.rk WOMAN'S EXCHANGE VBerthold Viertel. "No, No. !!»••«•" Miss Colbert is cast as a charming ••Wm Do HutMitcktmt" BOZO For the second attraction of the ' 'tnri FWnr ii a far|tl-a»-»4" lady of luxuriouxurious meansmeana, who gives Civic MuBical Comedy Company at t THE MARVEL DOG p • European play tour to come to the Shubert Theatre, Newark, thisj 28 Elm Street joupet ONLY ACT OP ITS KIND IN THE WORLD »» rescue of Douglas. Douglas, who week, Manager Aborn presents the Mfltcts his love duties to wash up justly famous "No, No, Nanette, a Weitfield 2-2104 u J* underworld blot on his city, has musical comedcumeuy; whicwmt.,h. ..ha» s found fav- ^"7\ t-LAlNriELU'S wn prettily framed into a murder | o„.r. j:»n evernlUi.iyi quartennnrtpr onff thee gl clobeo — turje through the untender gesturea and although the hits o" this musical « Boyd and Miss Tashman, a former production were familiar in every ™»fjrl friend. night club along the bright white way \raramount Action is said to abound in drama the play had one of the longest runs: P.rk Av.. A Second St. . 'Phone PIM. ••M0O> «a thrills, sustained right up to cli- of ita Broadway season. t B»*f»M PI. •». B»»ml •«« W»«»«ll A Publix Theatre — Home of Paramount Picture*. f«, m which Miss Colbert, obvious- "No, No, Nanette" boasts of a THIS WEEK ly doomed for her "last ride," neatly score that has no equal on the musi- CTVIC MUSICAL COMEDY CO. cal comedy stage today. "Tea for (Milton Aborn, MnnnKins Dlree- Two" and "I Want to Be Happy", to ttor> > p enta mention only two of the hits, are "NO, NO, NANETTE" tehi^h Valley Service favorites wherever music is played. wilt HBRNARD flnAftVII.LE, Bernard Granville, featured in Vlrilnla M.rvrn. Rala Urbaa, Ziegfeld Follies, etc., has a prominent | Jnkn K. Toims THE SMILING LIEUTENANT part in this week's production, and I GLORIOUS RNSEMBLB BECOMES A DOCTOR . . . • others adding merriment to thc fast-, MATS., WEn. & 8AT., 60c to |l. on Long Distance tele' Me Irrei Nir.HTR tUc tn M. moving plot are Virginia Marvin,. ' ~Z. Wwk A»rtl~11Hl — John E. Young, Bernice Moore, Jean " HIT TUB DECK " phone calls. The average Dickens, Ruth Urban, Jack McCaul- connection today is set MAURICE CHEVALIER ley, and a large Broadway chorus with voices equally as fine as their up in 1.7 minutes— abi'ity to dance. swifter than ever before. ERNST LUDIIOLH Production Manager Aborn was highly pleased THIS WEEK with the reception accorded "Irene Give your call, hold $r.oo •.- and with "No, No, Nanette" hopes " ONE HOUR WITH YOU " Louiie GROODY, the line a moment, be- *% TrlRin to outdo that record at the Shubert. A Paramount Picture with In preparation is "Hit the Deck' Erneit GLEND1NNING gin talking. The cost is with Roger Gray and Stella Wayhew Jeanette MacDONALD V COACHES in her original role. - In — low—you can call 100 • « « miles for 60 cents in the Genevieve TOBIN SATURDAY Broad Street Theatre, N.-.rV "A CHURCH MOUSE" —"A Church Mom«" NIGHTS, 6DC to «2. daytime; almost 225 Charlie RUGGLES APRIL 16 " "A Church Mouse," lively comedy MATS., WED. & SAT., 60c to 11.80 miles for 60 cents after Roland YOUNG fresh from its Broadway triumph, oc- Leave South Plainfield 8.30 p.m. 7=21 P.M., and 9:18 SOBANSKY TRUCKING *• M., S«t. "If, Thrifty WEEK Carting Coal "THE to Do Thing* by Telephone" COMMENCING —Returning Sunday— Direct from Mines SATURDAY, APRIL 91b ",TTt:"72y .--if • ml Uhigh for $12.00 per Ton PASSION V Stove or Nut. »ll,r Tickml Offic, PLUMBE SAT0RDAY Pea, $10.00. end SUNDAY Continuous Call Fanwood 2-7938-J. ^•HOJlCQRMt 3:00-11:00 P.M. Railroad Foreit Rd., Scotch Plains A New Jrrtey inttltutUm Backed by National Rootircef J5f Route of Ik Bluk Diamond t ut v U U WKt>Nf3DAY. APftJL #. IMS THE COLO SNAP «J Toonerville Folks By Fox rttuwmc CarlH.Petmot l*a MAtHfGM AVEM »r * t M IJAW IMC TMt#tl»U TtHftWfft M« B*M» UT Ht* Wl« t4£J»P WEITNtXD. N. i. ar .' rr*l F **»•**•* OUT M)5 WeW PAIR or SHOES

'>H - FIMKST WORKKANSHI* . h* lH < ANi) MATERIAL. C#H WeattaM 111 a* For A

it I' ^- «•• 41-' nt' t».,t tf water is as^pi ??v«r5 losses have b#*« stilfw. *4 ^y tissue which have ad-vsecpd nd Wbrc v«i«riitf. t^« sprink- rai. , tgest Fspi^y withis tfc« past few to &t*|ie B Sae, It-tWO S«U HUTS M »«ke- "It w «» 01 wind that Wows •OY M. KORBE MOttVAY no E0od." hewever, and tfce wise gar- dener who ha* lost this year'* bloom A good feneral mixture of seed for CARFEMTEt M, »UIU5E« tt* mo*! hMdva IK««I of I?wes w eoe ceatiUBing 4& p?r cent in Norway tt this time will take advantage of tire opportun- by weight of Kentucky blue g Wt$TrtEU>, M. j. if tfce fetr, fva vill aee bafy cest- ity offered film te put his shrubs in 25 per cent red top. JO ppr eeat i»rci»l mm Bat ether* who fcave encelJent condition for next y«ar. i ffiss mixed bent ^f«s« 26 per cent *tit tfce sf eo die through the hills to HUMsrubbery blows bud» th»t are brown er. Forma la* of mixtures for shaded ki bat irliere the full Knapsacks on inside should be cut bark severely, a reap, for "average" and "extra-Sue" 666 hctr baeki will contribute to the con-• sod shaped as desired. This early UQUW • TABLETS • SALVa lawns, »nd for specific soil eonditioiw< 1vi«l two <)•*•» wHh friends. These Faring pruning remits in a better; f I *r TeMaaee aaaWW iaterJi. may be obtminad from local county Id huts are usually perched «n • njtnmer rrowth and a more satisfac- %mt Ml SSalve eaUruUr. m^T &j2Ticu]trual «^«&ts or from the it^ron- •oak with a southern aspect and con-tory net of bloom buds than is pro- e»adase mm* aSacti*. UM(..M ^ orny department of the AffriculUir« Ust of rottffc limbered living room duced by the normal, after-flowerfng Experiment Station, New Brunswick. *81 epen fire plate and two bed- pruning. Any shrubs that have not «MBI. To rise in the dawn, which been injured should be allowed to 'pases At so isconvenlent hour in Nor* come out naturally and ahould not! VINES FOII USE •ay is winter, break f»Bt, and the« be prone until after they have flow-! Iff THE YARD j ' __~^ 50% ace for the runs and return *t aifht erwa* j y»h the light of the log Ore flicker/, In pruning shrubbery the (lower-1 •» A. C. McLEAN On TMT Hert Pair tiff on the windows «f the hut, makes Ing wood may be cot back almost to M. J. Africalin*! Eii»ti«« Sarric* We Specialize in Filling i eaarmiag tki day. the ground. The young shoots are Gardeners seeking to camoufl»«e a longer and more graceful when this dismal fence or any unsightly object Occulitto (ll.D.) and treatment ia accorded them than when; i nthe yard will find the answer to Hospital Prescriptions. AH MCUtllOM »O ALCBAVE they are bobbed off oa the top like'their problem in Japanese tionejr- Tho§« who (etb holiday* In winter a hedge. Since correct pruning ia|suckle (Lonieera Japonic*), Although -»4 early »prfng Had that Portugal merely a thinning out process unde- the plant is inclined to run wild and Save the Pieces — New iaa a great variety of morU bf the slrable braaches should be cut as become weedy it can be kept well un- ea and In the hills to offer. One of closely to the ground aa poaslble. der control and in good condition if Lenses Duplicated In ha (neat li the excariisa which caa it is pruned and given some atten- One Hour. J* made to Algarve, because of the GEUM fOm ROCK tion. It grows rapidly and if the old •IMaeM nA beauty o fita climate. GARDEN USE wood and some of the new shoots 'a the monih of February the almond are pruned out it will bloom profuse- UP women cotr. ree« are ta flower, which with the ly during the summer. WHOLESALE and RETAIL wealth of fig and earob trees ta the •r A. C. RkLEAN M. J. Agrlcahmal C.i.atUa Iwvlce The plant is one that thrives in si MaaafMtarief Opticiaai 'iclnlty a«« mach to Its beauty. A most any soil and can be grown in en by Richard B. Famham, instruc- me ographed copies of the broadcast FIRESIDE COUNCIL S1ON. W««i Ar«., Linda* oupli of dayi away from Uebon In shady places. It is seldom subject tor in floriculture at the New Jersey material are mailed every week to PLANS SPRING GAMES hit lovely region where land aad wa The geum, one of a large group of club members. Open Evening* Until » P. H. plant* belonging to the rose family, too Insect attacks and its white and College of Agriculture and Experi- combine to All your table with freah B W fra- is among tht e moat eailly cultivated * "° "?*«» "™ "ceptiotially ment Station, who will be the guest The annual athletic meeting of 'ruit and fish, which form the chief ...n.ki. «„. .... <„ t—. grant. Among tha several varietievari s sneaker on next week's Radio Garden WESTFIELD MAN Fireside Council, Royal Arcanum, is ndaitry ef the locality, will do much perennials available for use in Amer- ican bordera and rock gardens. It now in cultivation the most satisfac- Club program. These broadcasts are RECEIVES II MM scheduled for Thursday, April 14. Or- ta keep a warm place for Portugal la tory is probably Halllana. Rcarlet put on the air over WOR every Wed- ator Edward Burton is providing some ye«r heart. may be grown successfully In alight* 'Phone WeatBald !-!««• ly acid soil*. Trumpet and a number of other ex- nesday at 2 p. m. by the New Jersey Frederick W. Spain of 622 Kimball unique sports. With the exception of the tall va- cellent climbing honeysuckle are quite College of Agriculture and Expert' avenue will receive $15,398 from the j The Union County Arcanum As- DR. M. P. BABBITT satisfactory but they do not grow ment Station in co-operation with the estate of his father, John N. Spaus, sociation will be held in the council TDK LITERARY TREAlilRKI OF rtetiee that come from geum chllo- enae, the Dowers are well adapted t» as rapidly aa the Japanese varieties U. 8. Department of Agriculture. who died December 4, 1922, accord- rooms and with ehrht councils repre- SURGEON CHIROPODIST KUIIIA cutting. The bright, scarlet blos- and they are subject to attacks of Dr. Kichard P. White, also of the ing to a report of the New York Stata ateatner "Sandy Hook," for opera- Oltlc. Hour*: The f uomatadnSHDLUH t soms of geum chloense resemble but- plant aphis. College of Agriculture and Experi- Tax Department filed Thursday. The sented keen rivalry is expected. This Pally; » A.M. to » P.It. The faiNoui aad magniAclent State tercups or small, single roses and the ment Station, will conduct the Gar- entire estate has been appraised at meeting is open house for alL We red flowers, and reptans, Borlnll and ESTIMATES FURNISHED. the Faust Culi'.twt arranged at a mon- albrlcum are other species alto will aatery library. adapted to rock garden use. Telephone. 2-0178 M Preeawt 9t, WaeUseM, N. I. PLAY OOCr NEAR EDINBURGH SEED THE LAWN The tourist to Scotland Is moat apt NOW to have his Kolf clubi with him, and •hen in Bdlnbugrh necde only to be R> Dr. H. B. 9PRAGUE directed to the golfer's paradise of N. I. Agricultural Katmrlaaeal SUIiea that city, which Is on the Braid Hills. Notary Public On the southern conllnei of the city, Lawns that are thin or partly bart the Braid Hllli ire far enough re- at this time of the year should be L. E. TANTUM moved to enable the player to glance seeded as soon as possible, for th« over the Scottish capital in the inter- earlier teed Is applied th* more like- La«4ar (Mica, Tal. 34407 vals of Ms game. The course belongs ly it Is to succeed. The seed of good MEIsBSt. to the city. The scenery is so grand turf grasses always starts slowly, and that It i> difficult to keep the mind early seeding will aid in establishing 711 Nerta. Anaes, West on the game. To the west ire the the turf plants before crab grass and hills of Craiglochart and Coretoo- other rapidly growing annual weeds 'fkomm MM7J phlne and the crags of Dulmahoy, begin to flourish. i WaataaM, N. J. southland are the Lammermoors and Early seeding ia Also desirable when the Pentlanda, near which Isst Is the new lawns are planted in the spring. Swanston Cottage which R. L. S, If early planting is impossible, it will made Immortal In his "St. Ives." be better to postpone the work until Chester West & Son .... . j Md.y ' Carptnttit A Buildtn TO HOLLAND FOR A NEW born, and where members of the fam- Alterations and Repair EXPERIENCE ily can still be found, "God made the sen, but the Dutch Work. made Holland" is a byword which y ESTIMATES CHEER- fathers real meaning when you see A HALT ON THE ROAD TO FULLY FURNISHED. the Ingenious methods by which the SALERNO For Good Work Hollander* drive the sea away from Whoever would visit Salerno should •heir land, at nn annual cost of h«lf leave Naples by car and use the ex- •ad Low Ralea > million dollars a year, for Holland cellent .14 miles of road between the 'PHONE Wealneld 2-2201 I»B to Import most of the stone and two place." to visit much en route, 7?» PROSPECT ST. Von fat tho job. Not only does Hol- It winds through green valleys and '*n^ keep its head above water, but along the seashore, taking in the fa- .idorne that head with flowering bulbs mous Amalll drive. When Amalf) and Hid lush itreen meadows and pretty Ravelin come in sight, Amalll makes farms, over all of which floats a halo a halting place of great charm, with if some of the loveliest cloud-«capcs time to visit Its cathedral with the In Europe, Go to Holland for a new 13th Century facade and the Para- DIRECT ;xperience, it will provide you yacht, dise Cloisters. About two miles hleh- •anal boat, motor, and bicycle to wan- cr up lies Ravcllo with it Rufolo- Pal- Ur about It, ond Its perfect roads ace; here Wagner finally found his md quiet waters will make the ex- realisation of the enchanted garden lerlcnee memorable. of Klingsor, of which he had dreamt CONNECTIONS for his Parsifal. The impressive mafilc of the surrounding panoramas t •THE Want-Ad section of The Westfield Leader ia the, "central ex- r * change"'wherein the seller is given a direct connection with A TYPICAL ULSTER COUNTY reaches its cl'tnax In the magnificlent PHONE TOGA terrace of Villa Cimbronc, stretching practically all possible buyers—where employer "gets a line" on PRESTIGE! A typical Ulster County town is out almost miraculously over the vast expanse of sea. I WESTFIELD needed employees—where owners learn of suitable tenants . . . this Banbridec, 20 miles from Belfast, Y» twehsesa ia •"" tnd well occupied In the manufse- (\A(\'7 "central exchange" ia operated by courteous,efficient Want-Ad Taken '\ire ef the famous Irish linen. Tour- 2 """" • trained to offer every assistance in tha.preparation of reaultful claasi- •visiled Matter ywm •*" ^ts from a distance can get pcimls- Tar Orl.i.ll flk ftarl Afiv&rtiRATnonta ^ • *fon to see the irreat Robinson ft < X«tr ta* Ftret waa*e) tktrldg« is in the parUh of ScapatrieV mmi caa uiin ymm tkal ind one of St, Patrick's ecclesiastical HENRY P. TOWIHSEND >a«1l gel •taalMr. •,ites l« tn the vicinity. If »t the Aft*M for 1 LEADER ;own on the ISth of July, the tourist MOVING . EXPRESS •*n see the inhabitant* celebrate the STORAGE The tattle of the B«yri« by visiting the Crating - P.tK.f . SMf*tm« ?h*tn Fijtht at Scarva. Lovers of fotgttih literature will make BSTI- Daily Trip* la th* Seainw*. WESTFIELD LEADER Srldge their tenter, from which to Office* 224 ELMER STREET WANT-ADS visit Emdale, eeven miles away, where 'Paw»e 2>K2I ' thi father of the Bronte slum wa« -UiMietur*"- THE LEADER, WEDNES0AY, AFML «. W»2 OiOW YOUR CHILD DID YOU U»W? ace only a ground work for the mak- ing of an effective man-of-warsman. STANLtY J. SCHAti THE CHILD'S That an officer of the Navy, Lt. "NAUTICAL MOVELTIES" PIANIST and TEACH£K CHURCH NOTES RESPONSIBILITY Ralph S. Bamabey, Construction St.*.—iei ELM STREET B, EDITH D. D1XON i The death rate from typhoid T.l.i etallo. MM* *-««• fever is New Jersey in 1931 « fAUL'S EPISCOTAL CHURCH Exteuiea Service, M. J. College of There will be a presentation ol se- was 0.9 per 100,000 of popula- Straits of G , who w ,n charge ge, James A. Smith, Hector. lected moviuB for the children of the tion, the lowest nark aver ! pirates once exacted tolls from pass- gov,' Arthur F\ O'Doimull, Aas't. Sunday school from the Primary and The age at which children should attained ia the State. A report ( |irtm(int U of the StaU Department «f Sundny Servicei:— 1,5 ,u ™P P *•» and in- assume responsibility for the routine Health issued last fall attrib- 7-80 A. M.—Holy Communion. Uuflaig the Juniors, Saturday after-] activities that make up their daily uted a considerable part of the That for years the enlisted men of i PICTURES t'-.m A. M.~young People's Serr hou» Th "A '•?, the Pa"8h' scheduIe « » problem that puzzles State's progress toward health the Navy fought against the use of ia and Church School. house. The proceeds will, go towards niany mothers. Should a boy of to the high sanitary standards | the woH sailor or sailor boy in their 31 A. M.—Horning Prayer ud the cost of certain improvements in ; nine years be told when to sludy his achieved by th« New jersey j prof essi in ? They wante 1 t<> be call- FRAMED the Beginners and Primary rooms. home lessons or a ten year old girl water supply and sewerage jed bluejackets which identiflrd them ORDER JV46 P. II.—Choral Evensong and The sermon topic for the 11 o'clock when to practice her music lessons? Correctly at moderate price* companies. as unifuimeu enlisted men Berving has been our business here ol service on Sunday will be, "Being a By the time a child reaches the age | the Government of the United States. Minister of a Christian Church." The American Medical Asso- Front Street, Plainfield, lot feekdoy Services— of nine or ten years he should have ciation has placed t& follow- Eventually this was accomplished and OUR many ycara. j ,. O A. M^—Holy Communion The adult class will meet Sunday 8 developed a fair amount of respon- ing cities on the health "honor the distinctive and dignified title of Our workmanship is always mk morning at 9:50 o'clock in the front I .ibility for his daily routine. This roll," according to the New bluejackets is used to designate the to standard, not down to » A, M.—Holy Communion K"Tpews Uof the churchh.- ThThee sul subjec>iect t wilwilll j docs not mean that he will never f or- Jersey Public Utility Informa- American man-of-wuraman. | price, yet you will find our jediiesday and Holy Days. be, The Western Kingdom and the Ice Cream get that routine, that he will never tion Committee: Camden, Eliza- That the expression "Lime Juicer" prices to be very moderate and Hgtins and Litany Fridays. Church." beth, Jersey City, Newark, fair. allow anything to interfere with it referring to the British seaman had The Woman's Auxiliary study class or that he can be expected to assume Paterson and Trenton. It is and M\ mcut Friday, April 8 in Grace MOUNTAINSIDE UNION CHAFEL evident, therefore, that this its origin in an order from Nelson? N«w Etckiaf* far entire responsibility at all times for In 1800, in order to counteract scur- /Jurch parish house, Plainfield, with Rev. Charles Fricke, Pastor. State has built up a notable any specific tasks. For some time to vey which at that time took such a' W«*M»( Gift. gn, F. S. Chambers as the Bpeaker. 8 P. M.—Sunday School. come occasional reminders will be reputation as a healthful place in which to livt. heavy toll of life at sea, Lord St. Vin- j Candy or your own rooms, a liberal lie Bt- Eev. Arthur W. Moulton, 7:45 P. M.—Evening Service. necessary, but these reminders should selection of fine prints at very « D., Bishop of Utah, will occupy be increasingly rare if the child is cent made lime juice an article of j diet on his ships.' Cook, however, i For IIM Afternoon ar low prices. lie pulpit at the 11 o'clock service FIRST CHURCH OF growing in self-reliance. at Sunday morning. was the first to recognize the value Evming Party. CHIIST SCIENTIST Recently, in a discussion on the RAILROAD EMPLOYS of lime juice on a long voyage. Mii-ran 9:30 A. M.—Sunday Srhool. question of music practice a mother That reflect everything MES1YTERIAN CHURCH That in a narrow arm of the sea, FAVORS t ICE CREAM 11 A. M. Sunday Service. was heard to remark that she felt it 1C7 MORE WORKERS known as the French Pass in New their cost. lev. William K. McKinney, D. D. TtiiTestimonial l meeting—Wednesday "the business of the parent rather Zealand, for more than half a een- IN FANCY FORMS. 1 Employment of 167 men for «-30 A. M.—Bible SchooL 8 PM. '" j thah n of the child to sec that prac- • ^***J i tury "Polorus Jack," a delphin, con- i-BO A. M.—Bluebird Class. proximately 90 days was furnii...v» Reading room opea week-days from' ticing is done. rnwned ,tituted himself pilot to vessels us- |:45 A. M.—Men's Triple Clasa. 2 to 4 P. M. I by the Central Railroad Company of Artist.' "The child," she said, "is too young New Jersey recently in awarding a ing the channel? At the entrance to Place Your 11 A. U. Morning Worship. Ihe pass "Jack" had his regular quar. tre Sin, Disease, and Ueath to assume such responsibility because contract for the rebuilding of their jl A. M. Junior C. E. Society. Real?" will be the subject of the Les-she does not realize the importance tern and whenever a vessel appeared, Order N»w. , p, n._Senior C. E. Society. son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, of the music practice. She is, there- I P H.—Evening Worship. Scientist, on Sunday. fore, likely to neglect it." She fur- Mid-week Prayer Service—Wed- The Golden Text is: 'He that is ther stated that she found it neces- SWAIN'S •Hday, 8 P.M. our God is the God of salvation: and sary and felt it her duty to remind ART STORB The regular mid-week prayer serv- Westfield Candy unto God the Lord belong the issues her nine-year-old daughter every day building of this boat has also been fee will be held this evening at S S:^5I"«; ^^SHpilot fish of NeMw Zealand S'tLTEJ. . ESTABLISHED 1IM from death" (Psalms 68:20). lo practice. helpful to the industries affected, and o'clock in the new parish house. Among the citations which comprise That the Chaplain Corps of the U. 1 In cases such as this we see that it was announced that complete new Kitchen SI? W. FRONT STREET The annual meeting of the officers the Lesson-Sermon is the following failure on the part of the child to S. Navy was established 138 years equipment for the furnishing of the ago? Mid teacherB of the Bible school will, from the Bible: "Search me, O God,meet obligations and assume respon- boat in the way of fl-tures and fur- ITS E. BROAD STREET PLAINFIELD, N. J. That most people agree that Syd- held tomorrow night at 8 o'clock and know my heart: try me, and know sibility lies in the attitude of the par- niture would also be purchased. In the home of John P. Rlnckhoff, my thoughts: And see if there be any ent. This mother unquestionably ney and Rio de Janerio have the most WMtfeM, N. J. 825 Highland avenue. wicked way in me, and lead me in The Central Railroad Company of beautiful harbors in the world? wants her child to become a self-re- Hew Jersey also announced today that # 'Phone 2-0755 The annual meeting of the church the way everlasting" (Psalms 139: liant idult, but at what stage in the That the Presidential yacht "May- •ad congregation will be held Mon- 23, 24). it had started work on improving its flower" was finally sold for $16,105? child's development will she consider pier facilities at Atlantic Highlands, ih. Nlafct .iik C»«y 4iy evening at 8 o'clock in the old The Lesson-Sermon also includes her old enough to assume responsibil- Its purchaser plans to rebuild it and —HatninU. LEADER »-f-"1trtfl parish house for the purpose of elect- which will involve the use of about send it on a tour of ports of Amer- the following passage from the Chris- ity? they ar* three trustee* for terms of three tian Science textbook, "Science and 800,000 feet BM of lumber and theica as a floating museum; after which A sense of responsibility does not employment of 70 men for 60 days. yesra each to succeed Robert F. Dar- Health with Key to the Scriptures" he will offer it for sale to a private come wtih years; it comes through One hundred and sixty-five additional by, G. A. Neumann and Joseph W. | by Mary Baker Eddyj "Let Truth owner. the exercise of self-reliance. It ia amen were employed in the mechanl- Vslentlne whose terms expire, and uncover and destroy error in God's. , . , I » 1_ ">~." "..iv umjiiujtu 111 bill. 1IIDI-III11J1- That the work of nearly every progressive process and one in which , department of this company early ' for the transaction of Bueh other own way, and let human justice pat- the child of two is not too young to ca p sailor on a modern naval ship is event- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST business as m*y be properly brought tern the divine" (p. 542). begin taking his part, gradually as- ually of a highly technical nature? Native ability courage and patriotism WE9TFIELD, NEW JERSEr before the meeting. suming more and more responsibility The management nlao states that HOLY TRINITY for himself as he grows older. As with the arrival of open weather it Announces a ' UDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH long as this mother carries the re- hopes to increase its force during the coming months in both the mainten- STATE REALTORS Rev. L. F. Van Steen of Plainfield, Rev, H. J. Wattenon, Rector. sponsibility of the daily practice the ance of way and the maintenance of acting pastor. Masses—7:16, 8:15, 0:15, 10:30 child will not. Why should she wor- TO MEET FRIDAY equipment departments. FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 9:30 A. M.—Sunday 8chool. A. M. ry when her mother will see that the 7:30 P. M. Service of Woship. Holy Days—6, 7, 8, 9, A. If. practicing is done? The regular met ing of the New by Services are being held at 305 It frequently happens that if a def- LOCAL WOMEN Jersey Association of Renl Estate south avenue, between the Boule- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH inite time for practice Is arranged Boards will bo held on Friday at SHARE ESTATE 12:30 p. m. at the Princeton Inn, ROBERT STANLEY ROSS, C. S. B. vard and Summit avenue. Eugene G. Mints, Minister. with the child, not for her, and she .f NEW YORK, 9:45 A. M.—Church School. is left alone to carry it out, her whole Princeton. President Harry A. Tay- lor of East Orange will preside at tho FIRST M. E. CHURCH 11:00 A. M,—Morning Worship. attitude toward the matter changes. Mrs, Charles P. Worth of (149 St. Member of tho Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, Murks avenue and Mrs. Walter E. business session. 11:00 A. H.—Beginners and Nurs- The music practice then becomes one The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., Rev. Roy E. Manne. D. D., Putor. Cosgrove of'815 Standish nvenue, will Speakers for the occasion will be 9:46 A. M.—Church School. ery. of her daily duties, just as going to school is a part of her daily respon- each receive $201,080 as their share t. T. Stevenson of Pittsburgh, Pa., to be delivered In the 11 A. M.—Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M.—Christian Endeavor. of the estate of their brother, Wll- 8:00 P. M.—Evening Worshlv. sibility. It ceases to ba something president of the National Association 7 P. H.—Epworth League. linm G. Unirerer of New York, ac- of Keal Estate Boards; Herbert U. ROOSEVELT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8 P. M.—Evening Service. The regular mid-week prayer serv- which her mother wants her to do and becomes something which she her cording to the New York State Trnns- Nelson of Chicago, secretary of tho CLARK STREET ist TUTTLE PARKWAY The Girl Scouts will meet this aft- ice will be held this evening at 8 self expects to do. She begins to fur Tax Department. Mr. Ungerer National Association, and Thayer ernoon at 4 o'clock in the social hall. o'clock. recognize that she has a certain ob- died February 27, 1030. A brothor, Martin of Newark, chairman of the The regular mid-week prayer Berv- The sermon topic for the 11 o'clock ligation toward this opportunity pro- Fred II. tinnier of Essex Fella, and Tax Survey Commission of the State Sunday Afternoon, April 10, 1932 ice will be held this evening at 8service is "What Does Your Home B nephew, Arthur C. Stallman, sharo of New Jersey, vided for her of learning to play the o'clock in the chapel. Church Mean to You?" In the eve- ccqii: Ily in tho estate. Al Tar.a Thirty O'elack # piano. The Woman's Aid Society will meet ning the pastor will speak on the parable, "The Sheep and the Goats." The excuse commonly offered for Short Span of Llf« THE PUBLIC 13 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock enforced practice is, "I don't want Some Lungsl The ivttriiKi! lifi'tlme of u mnn In in the chapel. Officers will be elected my child to say when she grows up, The liln|H>|ii>ltiMiiiH Is able to rentals the HIili'Mitli century wiis twenty and annual reports will be read. CHRIST M. E. CHURCH Italia* Mi.ilw 'why didn't you make me practice?' " under wntcp fnr us much IIR ion njiu. yeiirs. Kvi'n nmv I" linlln, II la wily A "Calico Supper" for mothers iltoH fit n tImp. IWOMI.V-NIX vi'tirn. and daughter, will'be held tomorrow Pro»Pevlio Hike tin' hitler cdiirsn are said In Imvc the scul <>r lite CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Gospel preached every Sunday eve- ning at 8 o'clock. A hearty welcome Ininli. In rnnlrnillntlin'lliin lo tlio mart Heti. Don Ivan Patch, Pastor. to all. Of (ll(? llMIKt. 9:45 A. M.—Snndsy School. 10:56 A. M Junior C. E. Soiiety —Our Cent-A-Word Ada. Bring R»- and Kindergarten. CHURCH WOMEN 11 A. M.—Morning Worship. MEET TOMORROW OF COURSE 8 P. M.—Wednesday Mid-week Service. The Congregational Woman's As- you wouldn't do without your own c&t. The regular mid-week prayer serv- sociation extends a cordial invitation GEORGE F. HA.RTTEN But, when you go tu Newark what can ice will be held this evening at 8 to the women of the churches in town Foil Office Building you do with itt "'clock in the parish house. The sub- to attend its guest day meeting to CRANFORD, N. J. ject will be, "Some Present Day be held in the parish house tomor- ELECTRIC TREATMENTS, Somerset Buses aolve your parking Sairb." jrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The BAKING, problem. They transport many of you* The Woman's Association will hold proposal to afflliate with the National SWEDISH MASSAGE. its annual "Guest Day" at Its meet-! Federation of Church Women will be Highest references to I'hrilclau neighbors safely, promptly and com- and prominent families In :i'g totiorrciv afternoon in the parish considered. Mrs. Katherine Willard uv.m.id. fortably to Newark each day. Low house at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Kather- Eddy, a member of the staff of the Olfiet Hourtt I-S. fares for high type service mean* ine Willard Eddy of New York City Riverside Church, New York City, •Pnooe Cranforsl «-l81g .r ba the speaker. will be the speaker. economy. The meeting of the Emanon Club, RmM.mcm Tsl. Cr.rfora S.1073 scheduled for tomorrow night, has —Patronize LEADER Advertisers— mnj alker tims. FORGET W—tfield ReildenU Can Now Travel neen postponed. they are reliable. THAT WANT-AD IN Direct to Newark WITHOUT CHANCE. 1/ You Jfhh to Change at Mountainaid* THE LEADER FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CmnUr, However, You Can Save Fifteen 1M.AISK1E1.D, HEW JERSEY Your Rugs V0U'LL want that recently Minute* Aaaoaues A Free Lecture On Baautfiul Rugs Dsi«rva> Tlit Vsry Beit sf Car*. vacated room taken by Fw Newark, 8prin{rfleld, MapUwood. Ir Our modern cleaning methods a reliable tenant as quickly leave Westfleld, Kim sad Qulrob/ gtreeta, , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE restore the color and beauty 1,80, TOO, 7:80 A, U., and every thirty aliiM By in your as possible. You can't pos- totfl 10 00, 10,48, 11 JO P. M., and II ill A. M. A. HERVEY-BATHURST, C. S. B. ORIENTAL AND sibly find better result pro- Sunday morning eei-rlee eUrte MM how Uur. of Londoa, DOMESTIC RUGS ducers than Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, You will be delighted with the The First Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts freshness of your rugs after •• tk« we clean them. PLAINFIELD HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM UNION CARPET LEADER MERSET Csraer Arllnrtn Artmn •ad *!•«• Street. CLEANING WORKS So rial«Sel4, New Jernr H. I'nlind. M«r 'Phone: Esses FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 8th, 1932 1435 Bradford St.. PIsiafiaM WANT-ADS BUS LINES Illll AT 8il» O'CLOCK 1>l. FIM. a-*nl WE CALL AND THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE WISTHELB LEADEE. WEDNESIMr. APRIL *, ,t copti Church held * card party Fri- its dub rooms on Center street. n.jrbi in the church hall. Pi- Paul Fromm hae been elected BIJU. amm rout ! wn't bridge, five hundred, euchre ager ol the Garwood baseball teaa With the Collegians FOOD COSTS «ro i.inrta were played and prizes in the County League, eucceedira With th» rn.on (V-R:y »tri a\arded. The Woman's Guild Joseph Smaidginnis, who was mm- By E. J. ^ni, refreshments, ager last season. Frepari-i by M. V. Sa»:en.ijtr»ite, i Garwood Democratic Club held The Garwood schools re-opened on ¥aat ises the U6ni»rri« giri Cir.sda. Hf is a ir.fir.brfr of Dek* BM« D«moRstr»;!on AreEt, for a __,,_,, — a«A«fs»* ngutar meeting Friday night in Monday alter the Easter vacation. marriage? Kappa EpsiiaE fra:erti:y asd is fol- fsaaL'y P.' «U adu-t* and three ehil- POSJIICAL GROUPS A pKydsolMJS TOted to fed OBS, pre-o»es:«i eunieulain. Aft- cree of seven, five and two rears. .. PLAN ACTIVITIES d sseceeded. It *as Dr. Cook. " o«t year as * pre-med he hss five Souk; the nfejo-opisy deoiniiiert a: Blc»r* ?*•" •* a meixid stsdent. A. Breakfast: Grapefruit, orange oH. oat...,. PERMANENT WAVES Mar, Fi^ci. o^ther McCiii *,- vS^: E^ Uoin of pork. Exaa. sapere abowed tin uemben its'- » • sePEOKore there and a egg for ;«» year old, baked sweet poutoes. app.e^ace, KRI| beans, the T «geratioi n differ »«mb« of the bsskeOwU team. She - » «J»rUw her collie voy aach. bread, batter, fru.t geUnne, c«- ough is aow ecsitled to us own rep- Alas, GENUINE EUGENE vide^' in their views- FoF r eacs " l»ho wrote, "Although one •»•- : sea v On Bsarf*lM WAVES • carefully," there was a student deal's list of hosor students. More j North a-cnae at which a program of *-«™jaUJi This price indades short or long hair. who wrote, "While some persons mar- power to him. ^ _ ... ..„.) l speeches and entertainment will be HOLDS DINNER jty for money the Bomber who marry; ••" Breakfast-. h wneai cereal, g->veH j, is expecte(i tnrt the club for love is far neater." Some de-' The following letter was received Wnner: Vegetable dinner with poach- ^f1 •"*>»«* ** <*** of ea»*aat» ^ ^ , - ^j,., . dared that intelligence was the vital at the office of the Vassar newspaper, Yaa rt0B f s of St ;oa caa •••• »•• «a*'l «*t ed egg (creamed potatoes, batter-' ^"* "" Paul's r,ntfc,.r. rhnn-k k»u . M*. factor si determining a happy EBarri- from He&over in thanks of a recentj n « w Marcd Hair •.»••«. ur stfle .. to, mtli CalUrn*! lUir Cwk, •Oc mar mtfim ' Me wil__l nsv il__l own ex-_ ' sauce, milk, tea. H1OD . Bed as a reception to the voting peo- Among the crisp bit£ of comment send"height,* weight Supper: Baked macaroni with cheese ****** ,ple of the church. The committee in EXPERT MALE BARBEKS IN ATTENDANCE. iaduded in the exasu were these: "I d S ih an BoBox 8«8444 " ^ tomatoes, bread, butter, cook-] FOB I alCFWOnn charge was composed of Fred L:ore. wish parents who have been ditap- ies, aUk, tea. • •*«""" i Matilda Wen^el. Margaret Tiiljsch aexBted is i&arriaye wouldn't tryy tto "I** "« thank you for tht prompt and Louis 3. Wm*e!, Jr. aake theiheir childrenn cynicalcymcal,, " "J' il thic-:-1k- attention teat yyouu gagave myy ad. The Ti«an 1 Men and women of Lakewood and MICLIO'S BEAUTY PARLOR m«* «tre«s should be placed on ill- resaltlt s were even faf r in advancd e of i Breakfast: Bananas, cornmeal, toast, vicinity met on Monday at the Lake-: ZvSdnaJI development during marri- what we expected. Our answers were j butter, milk, coffee. wood Community Service to organ-; 10*0 104 EAST BROAD STREET . WESTFIELD, N. J. M»"*ii*iidd "ToToo mans loong people e«» tu in advance of what we ex-(Dinner: American chop soey, lettuce ize extensive "Food Garden" work] •rktmm I-1IM a-etUns married at a moment't's pectedpected . Our answers were not onlonlyy) salad, bread, butter, canned plums, for this region, in co-operation with The Garwood Dramatic Cl«b pre- , , , New Jersey State Unemployment Re- sotice* , and gettingetting divorced the same numeroue, but of high quality, it k ilk sented "The Yellow Shadow" * play might interest you to know that we j Suppercookies: Cottag, milke, teacheese. , French toast, _ lief, iin three arts, Thursday nighg t in P-e •nr- IT? 1 rtl • ewt m .•• . nf!sent thh e same ad to SmithSh , WheatonWhtj j syrop, cookieski , milkilk, teat . President Hoover's organization on ' Lincoln School. The proceeds will The student* sprung DB D ! * and Mt. Holyoke. However, the an- j W««M*4«r unemployment relief at Washington be given to the Emergency Rei:ef FERTI-HUMUS

gymnasium. ENRICHES SOIL of Dntch apple cake, baked apple for Ironi the Atlantic to Edmund A. smith, son of Mr. and «TeatIy m our esteem...... two year old, milk, tea. |cording to reports that are cominf toi GARDEN and LAWN in marriage i hope that we will be able to do busi-1 Supper: Creamed egg» on toast, chop- the Washington headquBrte I Mrs. Arthur J. Smith of North avc- Charles Lathrop Pack of Lakewood !nue has bcen chosen a member of the about ness with ?oa a*s*1 Defore our on ped vegetable salad (celery, cab- FERTI-HUMUS IS A GOOD ib0Bt dergradut days are over." bage, carrot), bread, butter, choco- originated the idea of the war garden if " APriI 22- Mr. Smith will represent the Theta Upsilon Omega IT IS PREPARED BY MIXING THE PROPER fraternity of which he is president. The Brotherhood of St. Paul's CHEMICALS WITH CULTIVATED HUMUS Lutheran Church held its regular TO GIVE IT THE READILY AVAILABLE meeting Saturday nieht in the church hall. The new constitution was adopt-., PLANT FOOD FOUND IN AVERAGE crowd ed on final reading. MANURE. Ward The Men's Club of St. Mark's Epis- were among those who sans; at Castle _j, spondence this winter with Mr. Pack trl Mad* by th. Makara of "Hypw-HiuaW Harbor on Tuesday last. Laddie Johns, now a sophomore at „ , . . _ ""» i and Mr. Ford has recently announced Peddie prep school in Hightstown, has Breakfast-. Oranges, cornme.l, toast, that man who work'8 f Wm in Telephone Fanwood 2-7415. Louise Bobson, sophomore in the by butter, milk coffee. ' Michigan this year must have a "food JACKSON 1-lOOlb.bag --$2.5O toes, mashed turnips, red cabbage garden „ provision ^n a]a0 be made a junior at Dinner: Scalloped fish, baked pota- for men wfco Bre now out of employ. ENGINEERING Olee Oberlin College 5-1OO " bags - - $10.00 the University of Michigan in Ann salad, bread, butter, gingerbread m(mt but who formerIy worke(f for —I ±L i • _ *«... An*ii me university oi aicninn in .nun i chocolate sauce, milk, tea. Mr. Ford, to hare gardens. WORKS o.t on the w.o.1 sprmg tour April * .ttended Olivet Coi- Supper: Spanish omelet, plain ome- Many large corporations ire again H. JACKSON, Prop. Sale Agents: let for two year old, bread, but- starting the "food garden" movement ter, apricot whip, milk, tea. EXPERIMENTAL, MODEL •he gets in their vicinity. The United States an among the point* to be visited. Sataraay Coal k Coke Company of Gary, Vir- •srf GENERAL WORK LEHIGH COAL & SUPPLY CO. Tea concerts will be sung. ber of Alpha Lambda Epsilon sorority Breakfast: Apricots, oatmeal, toast, and is specializing in journalism and ginia, a subsidiary of the United UCrand* AVMMM butter, milk, tea. States Steel Corporation, are arrang- of Unto* County, Now Jaracy teems to be a very busy co-ed. P. O. •., in Chuck Hohnberg arrived home on Dinner: Cornbeeg hash, peas and car-ing for every one of their employes CRANFORD Thanday for a short visit even rote, oranges and lettuce salad, this year to have a "food garden." FANWOOD. N. J. tfctofh tne University of Virginia, Herbert Cornell, sophomore at Am- bread, batter, apple tapioca pud-.The Consolidated Coal Company of where he is a freshman, has no ipring herit, plins to attend his fraternity, ding, milk, tea,. Fairmont, West Virginia, is having Delta Tan Delta's housewarming holiday. Re plans to drive back with Supper: Corn chowder, bread, butter, extensive "food gardens" this year a etassmate. house-party next Saturday the 16th. gingerbread with lemon sauce, for all their men, whether employed «+. A very superior orchestra, the Tech- cream of vegeUble soup and Upi-'or unemployed, and they expect to Bob Pesrsall, aopbomore at Pnkeltonions from M. I. T., will play and oca pudding for two year old, milk, have nearly 4,000 individual gardens, Join V* In . . . . Oaiversity In Darham, NortB Care- the new house will be formally init- '••• i which it is estimated will raise a total isted. Big time. Una, has been ipendirg Us ipring re- A marketing list and recipes for ralue of garden products of more than cess in Melrose, Florida, with his -•» these menus may be obtained free of $200,000. Edgar Clark, junior at Amherst, CELEBRATING OUR 18th ANNIVERSARY family. charge from M. V, Satterthwaite. Speaking of Duke we must note leads a very active college life being whose office address is Court House, To CthbraU our 18th Anniwnmy w* an malting thu apodal of/or that this university has secured a gen- u how he is head of Antherst'i Press Eliiabeth. Bine primitive printing press, a ma- Board group and on the business Two new items by chine older than the famous Wash- board of the weekly "Student." The ington press, one as elementary in journalism racket of course keepi C.M.T.C. APPLICATIONS "Wear-Ever" Specially SCHMALZ HEALTH-BALL structure as the fsmous Gutenberg, Mm hopping from news base to news CLOSED FOR SEASON the first press of Europe, according base. His major is in Latin, unusual priced from April 6 to 16 -- A COMPLETE GYMNASIUM IN ITSELF .;. to a statement issued there recently, for today's student. Far ahead of the earliest date on The (t is the printing press of the Henkel record, Major General Dennis E. No- family of New Market, Vs., whieh Henry Atwater, senior at Fish' lan, commanding the Second Corps Sensation, in use tbete for a number of burne and member of the -victorious Area at Governors Island, has order- o* the Age years, the Rrst G«rman language press rifle team, does not get a spring hoi- ed enrollment for this summer's Citi- operated south of the Potoi iday. He will not be home until June. zens' Military Training Camps halt- In 1806 Ambrose Henkel made the, He plays on the baseball squad and ed throughout New York State, New aid hand press which i» now in the is preparing for Rutgers. Jersey and Delaware, marking a new Duke library. With the exception of level in the ever-increasing popularity a Urge iron screw, it was constructed Margaret McKelwsy, freshman at of the annual government encamp- entirely by hand. The wood used was Wilson College in Chambersberg, Pa.,ments. solid mahogony and cottonwood. is enjoying her work very much after Out of a much larger total of Special The Duke library has some of the the spring vacation which ended Mon- youthful volunteers, more than 10,000 price old bookB printed on the ancient ma- day. She was a member of the young men have successfully met the Kefrriar chine. hockey team this fall. The annual entrance requirements of the camps frtntl.lt freshman-junior banquet is to be held of the Second Corps Area, General I Elizabeth Titus, high school '31, isthis month whereto each freshman Nolan stated. This is the largest' 59/ at present taking a secretarial course takes a junior. Margaret plans to number enrolled here since the in the Women's School of the New-attend. were established in 1920. camps Itg two lips tnd its straight ark YWCA. With only 5,000 actual vacancies •idet help in •pace- -•- Johns-Hopkins abolished the an. authorized by the War Department, cramped kitchens Eunice Kellogg, a junior at Smith, cient ritual called "flunking" and hasthousands of the successful candi- had as her house guest over the holi- placed the students completely on Thto "Waat.t«er" J qt. etew pan dates will be unable to gain admis- •eats quickly on the sides » well as days Mary Alice Manley of Duluth, their honor as regards studies. Un- sion to the camps, General Nolan so the bottom and cuoks evenly all Minn., a classmate. Many interest- der this new arrangement the stu- pointed out. Assignmentt of vacanvacan- aw. It alts squarely on the atov ing parties were planned for her. dent must satisfy a board of collegi- cies will be madade strictlyy in tithe or- •»«llnelra«htsfcle«inaairoomf. «_^_—» o ate studies that he is entitled, by his der in which the candidates passed •*"*"• uw" »o fit... 25* estra. Dorothy Shipley, junior at the Uni- interest and ability, to remain at the versity of Maryland, had as her guest university. the camp tests. Standard "Wear-Ever" quality ROLLING AND BALANCING AfkYcur Dealer How to Cet One over the vacation, Betty Howard of Johns-Hopkins would be interested 1 tbeet Hyattsville, Md. no doubt in the statistics gathered by,der present War Deepartment quotas,! ""^"•"~""~ Dorothy is making a grand success the curriculum committee at Bryn' as follows: Camp Dix, N. J., July I Intrnduo of her college career. She is vice j Mawr which show that sophomores are p , , y This Big $3.00 Exercise Ball 1-30, 200 Basic and Advanced Signal president of her sorority which ii work most, then seniors, then juniors tory price Kappa Kappa Gamma. She is a mem- Corps students; Plattsburg Barracks, is Yours by Returning ONLY and lastly freshmen, who work just N. Y., July 5-August 3, 2,200 Basic ber of the executive council of the about the normal amount of time. and Infantry students; Fort Niagara, 24 Schm.1i Milk Caps and 99c Woman's Athletic Association.' She —w— N. Y., July 5-August 3, 800 Basic and or is manager of archery, the newest Ward Randall, senior at Princeton, I Infantry students; Fort Ethan Allen, 8 Schmali Empty Egg Cartons and : 99c organized sport at the university snd on the archery team. Her other ac- was honored by making second group Vt., July 2-31 and Fort Myer, Va., or tivities include secretaryship of the when the last marks were revealed. July 6-August 4, each 75 Advanced 8 Sehmalz Empty Butter Cartons and 99e New Mercer Literary Society, a group Cavalry students; Camp Dix, N, J., or DAYLIGHT SAVING TO August 1-30, 1,150 Basci and Ad- 7 INCH MM 8 Sehmalz Empty Cottage Che«ae Carton* and 99c meeting to report on and discuss new -_. __ ,.___ . DBt, „. vanced Infantry students; Madison lUfular price VSt 99c books; membership on the hockey START HERE APRIL 24 August 1-30, 1,1 SO Basic and Ad- to our Dealer, Route Salesman team and participation in the horse vanced Field Artillery students, and A — w 4 AMatkntnvUtr or Our Headquarters. back . ridin».„„„g club; and lastl• y she is a Daylight Saving Time will go into Fort Hancock, N. J., August 1-30, 300 •ack cooklol member of the Pan Hellenic Council, I effect at 2 a. m. on Sunday, April 24 j Basic and Advanced Coast Artillery, Special price Get New and a governing body made up of presi- and will continue until the last Sun- J students I for set FRFFf * Accepted 30-Day Customer, and Receive dents and vice presidents of the vsri-j day in September. Following the cus-, General Nolan held out hope for' I IUJI. "A Schmali Health Ball' valued at $3.00 Absolutely Free. WTiT>'??Me$' •«, •« i A ltom ,of °th" ye»"' ?» c|!u™he8'csndidates who do not receive camp Un e lty rf •:- THIS OFFER EXPIRES JU'Y 1, 1932 -.•- L. " ™ . M«Tl«id wsi schools, banks and various business appOintmtnta with the original contln- an agricultural school at the rtsrt, houses will adopt the new time sched- g(!nt which ^n „„ the 5*000 author. SCHMALZ DAIRY PRODUCTS then it becamgede fithe Marylany i t thd e StatU e iu5tmeules antd ithn eit Ca trai. R.n R. will make ad- iM(j vacancies He explained that Headquarter* Located At «"?£' rM i "i*" ^ i « "!; " « «hedule to ae-)BJn alternates' list will be establisheShdd Ragatar price for set of four—U.*S versity of Maryland in Baltimore and commodate commutors. fro~ m which th' e places of appointees moved to College Park as the univer- who are unnble to go to camp will sity and as such included co-eds. SCHMALZ FARMS NahiM and Tims be filled. Because of changes in va- !> Ike BMatifal Watehamf Hill. Nature Is more iHMVerful tUan edocft* cation plans or other private reasons,. TELEPHONE NUMBER MILUNGTON 25 Arthur Abemethy is a sophomore tlon; Mme will develop everything.— some of the original contingent may R. F. D. No. 3 PAIKFIELD, N. J. at McGill University in Montreal, Plmell. be expected to withdraw.