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Yps Can Afttfte tarn CM Make DOLLARS Wilfc DOLLARS With tfcNTS Bt Utiag CENTS By« The ( U»"llird THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Cln.sifieJ Advertisements r«£ LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY FUKJY-SECOND YEAR—No. 31 WESTKJELU, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1932 16 P»ge.—5 SPRING CONCERT ul 0 l s DAVIES ENDORSED DANCE REVUE TO Events of the Month BINGLING BROS. S" ' cK im.,D'NEW TEACHERS Will ft rtCIT CC1 CAM »»»«*wn a v» BY REPUBLICANS CIRCUS HERALDS WCAL SCHOOL IOARD ARE NAMED TO April 8 Afternoon Succeeds Robert S. Snevily At wiiAuobESEASON, BENEFIT DISTRICT Bridge. Scout Mothers of Sym to Troop 2. Rahway. Meeting Held j SCHOOLFACULTY Committee Recital Friday Night To Be Third Annual Event At YMCA Tee wFOR NOMINATION j *2l ZtT»£. NURSING April 8—Eveaing- Appointment. WiU Fill V The WcBtfielKinnde SymphonIs Soloicy tOrchestra Presented In Roosevelt Scheduled For Friday A. M. Lumbcrton was elec-ted pres- Announce* Councilman As will present its spring concert on Dance. College Woman's Club. cie* Of Twelve Who School Echo Lake C. C. And Saturday ident of thi' Buui'd of Education at j Candidate For Office [Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in jits oj-gji:-i--uit.i;.n nii'L'ing held Friday! Are .,,.„. „ ^ . J the Roosevelt auditorium. About l hu R CoCouncilmau n H. of;^^ mu8icians ^,, participatc. Through the medium of the dance, April 8—Evening. The third annual appearance of! f ,'" ,' """'volt Junior liigh! pp as interpreted by groups of charm- '- He KUcci'eds Kobcrl S. Sncv-1 The Board of Education at it* «57 Boulevard has harle H. Sey- Dance Kevue. Pupils of Mar- s i« scheduled • the direction ol C 5 children. ion Denman Mowery. Benefit y'^te: ; Z'to the May primary. This an- ^"i " V^iTnizaTioT "" ""'""''ization vi" btncfit »»"«*>">• when, District Nursing Association. oouncement wts made on Thursday " •„ ' i on Friday evening, the pupils "f Mrs. L Br. Chsumcey M. F. Egel, chair- The orchestra will present one of, Marion Mowery will appear Roosevelt School. lts m0Bt seeing the event that means that' Dr. Leland C. Duvis and ,Uihn H. ments were: Miss Arline Spessard u Ju of the Republican Town Execu-| ambitious programs contain-:in a dance ret,itaI for the bt,,u.,H of spring is here to stay. The advent of I Vander Veer, who wvve dei'U'd at th,. committee who stated th»t Coun-iln8 taree outstanding compositions., Kursing Association in April •, • tne assistant primary supervisor; Mis* These are thc> Dislrict the circus was heralded on Saturday; annual school meeting in the citaian Davies'candidacy had received i Tschaikowsky's Sixth Sym-:the Roosevelt auditorium. Bingling Bros. Circus. Y. M. Kitherinc P. Kuta, Mias Marjorie 3. 1 1 sald m be f C.A. afternoon by a truck-load of clowns j places of Mr. Snevily and Robert G. Worthington, Miss Beatrice Kirbyt the hearty endorsement of the execu-iP "" /. ^ ™? *« °« ° ««; Bcfore the rccital and duri h and a noisy'band. The clowns per-; Oriswold were formally senfed. Mr. tfve committee and the Town Coun-,f™»<^ •" musical repertoire; the, inlM.niission ViMcnt Fi „ an*h i formed funny antics and from all in-!Griswold had served on thc buard MISH (iladys Smith and Stanley H. - jL Arlesienne Suite, by Bit.. :on8ist-; n,.cnegtra v\\\ \ April 12—£*••!•• 'hose whose resignations wer* il members. Li /vijesieiiue aunt, uy m*.- :unsisi.-! . ,ue ... ,'n i dications the boys are "rarin' to go." eight years, having been chairman of c P Spring Concert. Symphony 1 were: Miss Grace M. IiaB- Mr. Davies was elected to the coun- ing of a prelude, minuet, adagietto, | Thig orchegtr "^omposen d of young The circus which ia being held un- the finance committee the greater minuetto and _ carillon, and Liszt's | , ^.^ Orchestra. Roosevelt Auditor- part of that period. 'gen, Miss Florence Worthley, MiM cil from the Third Ward in 1930 and men fl om thfi nior High School, has der the auspices of the YMCA will „,,,,,, , | Hannah Betty Williams, Miss Oer- is the present chairman of the finance I earned considerable popularity thru ium. give evening performances Friday and ! its splendid ploying. This musical Saturday and a special feature con- lhe following standing committees]mule B. Guion, Miss Ida R. Stryke» committee, a post which he has ably ! The have been announced: land Miss Kmma C. Decker. Mist held and his work in this department orchestra will also present: unit hos bet,n heard at sevcrill ot- April IS—Ev»ia( Ro er sisting of an elaborate Saturday aft- Finance and legislation: Kobert B.|Gladys Burge was appointed assist' has received the highest recommen- B William Kmne, basso, whose t),e outstanding social events during DeMolay Dance in Masonic sisting of an elaborate Saturday mat- 0i h Jenkins, chairman; Dr. Lelanri C. unt to thc school dentlnt. totion. In addition, he is also a mem-!7 « as been heard over the Co- the• past year. Temple. inee. —<>— Davis and Robert Dawson. I Th« board adopted a smaller fora ber of several other important coun. j lumbia Broadcasting system and who The District Nursin Association In past year the circus has al- Administration and Instruction: Al- f diploma which will be presented dlmanic committees. i>s raPldly «aininK favor wlth hls PIeas: a9 faeen ac.Uvc for April IS—Evening o ! ing interpretation and rendition of ways boasted of being tie "biggBstjlan Cartler, ehairmanj Walter F. Bey-|,.o ^aduateH of the Roosevelt Junior Mr. Davies has resided in Westfield at no time in its history has its help Dance. Westfield Tennis Club. and best show in the world but thisjer, Margaret C. Leighlon mid Dr. I.e-JHhjh School. The board granted tht various songs. He will sing two Clubhouse. years, here in been so mueh needed as at the pres- year those in charge assert _that it ia, land C. Davis, USt!o f 6ome tquivmcnt t*r nmdur . ent. Under the leadership uf Mias bigger than that. There la always! Operation and Maintenance: Robt.ljng the "Play Day" to be held Aoril Josephine Dawson, the social welfare something new tu be seen ut a circus| Dawson, chairman; J. H. Vander'ao. Ibass soloist with the Collegiate Church worker, and Mrs. Julia H. Welton, 11. INDOOR POLO SEASON and this is particularly true tliis time. I Veer, Blanche S. Sourbier. I of St. Nicholas in New York. He will N., a trained nurse, it has accom- ENDS HERE SATURDAY Some of the. outtitdndinK new attrac- Auxiliary Activities: Walter FJ BuperviHing Principal Charles A. ! be accompanied at the piano by Miss plished a tremendous amount of work, lions are the terrifying Buttle of the Beyer, chairman; Blunche S. Sour- I'hilhower «irave an interesting report p Louise of Westfield. offering aid to those in distress. The Westfield Club Making Plant Imps, the Biircdomi llulllight, an act:bier, Margaret <'. I.piglUon unil Dr. to ths board relative to various school i Tomorrow evening, the Forum Club association has met 1 oans to save filled with thrills and laughter; the 1.eland C. Davis, HCtivities. lie told of the debate won ! of the YMCA will hold a "Music Ap- homes mid has paid rent. It lias also For Outdoor Season Be- .dangerous corn cutter demonstration! New Sites nml New School iluihl- from l'lainfluld and lout to Morrla- town. The !>>«nch play and tha one | preeiation Hour" in the association I met the expenses for operations, ginning June 11 the dancing Mayflowerettes, B'IK in^s; Hobert Dawson, cbuirman; J. presented just around Easter wer« building at which time Dr. Howard S. j ,.aySj s]H,t.ial shocs an(J dental wur|(. .'gurgeoua daring maidens. Three of H. Vander Veer, Allan M. Curtlur. Savage, director of music in the)Ita overhead has been between $200 well received. The "Weather Vane," Plainfield schools, will discuss the The Weslfield I'olo Club will finish! the main features of the circus are I Specia the High School publication, received three outstanding compositions on the concert program. An invitation is extended to all who are interested to attend. I BRIDGE CLUB OPENS ballet number led by Janet Roe, "The,lon- j head of the locul dancing school bear- ploy, "Putrhwork" written by Harry Powder Puffs," including small young- I-ant night Ciiptuin Lum announced1 i"K her name, with one of her mont THREE NEGROES HELD (A. Kniffln, would he presented next IN PLAINFIELD Wednesday pvnning before the High Mr iC IJ 1 J PI' C N stets from one of the ballet classes. |tbnt (iessford, Hodge and l>'. P. Lum' talented danceiB will ]ircsenl three. FOR GRAND JURY Wetlneld And rlainneld IA Marionette group under the lead of! will oppose the inviulers anil due to' striking dunce acts, including two aolo School P.-T. A. meeting In the Hoo»«- era Share Honor* At (Betty Bradley will follow. A spirited! I he local team carrying n 7 goal bun-1 dance numbers, shadow dancing and Arrested On Suspicion And volt auditorium. Th* Anal report of military duet will present Margaretjilicap, will be called upon to present'lighting by Miss Manson the Pet Club was to the effect that Opening Of Play- 1 Later Charted With the rocent «how wax a BUCTess. WILLIAM H. DAVIES Scheck and Mary Joe Hall. thi shore trio with one goal nn the Probably the most popular feature Burglary Here The Health of ihu school iiupila wai tan rosd. He was graduated from On the evening of Thursday, March From Mrs.