
UPERCHARTS! See giant pull -out, put -up centerfold Lib ,`e GkLENLYMV?iTf.t 08120 MONTY Gf2LENLY 374'} ELM NEWSPAPEF LONG BEACH CA Ott

A Billboard Publication The Radio Programming, Music /Record International Newsweekly March 21, 1981 $3 (U.S.) '81 Store Expansion U.S. Showcase Clubs R &B Catalog Face `Bleak' Future Seen Close To 10% By KIP KIRBY & ROBYN WELLS Neglect: Say By JOHN SIPPEI. in renovating or building freestand- NASHVILLE -With fewer artists Bobby Brooks states, "It's bleak. LOS ANGELES - Record / tape / by ing sites. lining up long -range road tours. Clubs have to be run as businesses, video /accessories stores operated Millions Lost The continuing upturn in square mushrooming production costs and which many of these weren't. Before U.S. chains will in 1981 increase / By JEAN WILLIAMS footage of footage is necessitated by all chains' a dearth of label support behind I book a tour, I have to know that the I 9.5% and average square top 2,900 square interest in video software and. in new acts. the future of limited -ca- club will still he open and operating LOS ANGELES -Record com- new locations will to a survey of 30 rep- (Continued on page 16) pacity showcase clubs appears to be when my act gets to town. Econom- panies, retailers and artists are losing feet. according in jeopardy. ically, these clubs are in peril be- millions of dollars annually through resentative firms. Fewer listening room clubs exist cause they just don't have the room the neglect of black catalog product. The present 1.427 stores in the 30 today than two or three years ago; or the budgets to compete any more. That's the consensus of label execu- chains will grow to 1,561 according Tower Sprouts among the recent casualties are the And bad management is also a prob- tives and record dealers surveyed by to the canvass. Those chain entre- Exit /In in Nashville, the Main Point lem with some of these operations Billboard. preneurs admit their anticipated 136 New Tokyo Unit in Philadelphia, C.W. Shaw's in At- when they'd rather blame it on "Black catalog product is pre- new locations in the remainder of lanta and Brother's in Birmingham. something else." destined to die because it's totally 1981 are a conservative guess be- LOS ANGELES -In what's re- a U.S. And the traditional clubs which re- "The future isn't bright for these neglected. As a result. a lot of money cause of present lagging business garded as an industry first, main successful on the national little venues," admits Bill Hahn of is being lost by the entire industry." conditions. The current interest record /tape /accessories retailer is a fledged scene have, in many cases, begun Magna Artists Corp. in New York. says Gerald Richardson. owner of crunch is stymieing commercial build- operating stores on fully on soil. booking new wave dance groups to "And it's a damn shame, too. These Atlanta's Music Scene retail record ing construction, resulting in spirited basis foreign /presi- enliven business. are the kinds of clubs the acts enjoy chain. competition for impending mall and Tower Records founder has opened his Referring to the fate of the 200 to playing and the audience can really To varying degrees. Richardson's strip center openings. The same high dent Russ Solomon on page 16) 500 -seat showcase rooms, ICM's (Continued on page 66) (Continued on page 76) interest rate inhibits chain operators (Continued Probe C'righ t Filing Cost By JEAN CALLAHAN WASHINGTON-Rep. Robert W. Kastenmeier (D- Wisc.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration ofJus- tice, has ordered a General Accounting Office study of the cost -effectiveness of copyright registration to begin by the end of this month. According to Register of Copyrights David Ladd, the Copyright Office spends $18 million each year registering copyrights. The U.S. is the only coun- try in the world which requires copyright registration, Ladd says. Rep. Kastenmeier wishes to consider whether the U.S. might use the Euro- (Continued on page 12)

Introduce New Billboard Radio Charts LOS ANGELES -Billboard debuts a new array of radio charts this week which will enable AOR programmers, particularly, to see at a glance which are the hottest and which tracks are most played countrywide. The three new features -a top 50 Rock Albums, a top 60 Top Tracks and the ten Top Adds -have been developed utilizing research from the nation's lead- Presenting SHERBS with their own special brand of positive Rock 'N' Roll. LENNY LeBLANC'S DEBUT SOLO IS A BREAKTHROUGH! Backed by ing album- oriented stations, as well as those stations programming a mix of "The SHERBS' debut on Atco Records won instant AOR acceptance. the polished punch of the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, Lenny LeBlanc Skill," single product and LP cuts. Their single, "I Have The Skill," (7325) is sure to take it all the way. emerges as a versatile pop /rock performer with Breakthrough (ST- 12134), is swing away from album and singles formats toward a spec - They've really got the skill. On Atco Records & Tapes. featuring the single "Somebody Send My Baby Home" (4979). Produced Focal radio's Listen for SHERBS. on page SD38.137. Produced by Sherbs and Richard Lush. (Advertisement) by Barry Beckett, a Muscle Shoals Sound Production on Capitol /MSS (Continued 31) Records and Cassettes. (Advertisement) (Advertisement)

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,f-t I 11.."3"...14414"".°1"1""-*-www.americanradiohistory.com 5 General News Jacket Makers Cautiously Hopeful '81 Brighter After 2 Years Of `Substantial' Reductions By IRV LICHTMAN NEW YORK -Business -wise, Glinert explains, "labels are oper- Glinert also monitors greater they're not shouting to the skies, but ating with a greater degree of con- "sensitivity in album jacket costs by key album jacket fabricators project trolled and efficient inventory man- manufacturers." leading to less a measure of optimism for 1981. agement. Instead of getting several double -fold. "fancy" packaging. Perhaps the greatest factor chang- big orders as in the past, we receive Ellis Kern, president of Ivy Hill, ing the order of things in jacket bill- more frequent orders, reflecting cur- admits the firm had an "off' year in ing, most declare, is tighter returns rent returns privileges. It's a trite 1980 in terms of album jacket units - policies instituted by labels early last phrase, I know, but I'd say we're "no question about it." year. But, that by itself is not neces- `cautiously optimistic.'" (Continued on page 8) sarily deemed a negative factor in terms of general industry welfare. "For the past two or three weeks Canadian Antipiracy Office we've been feeling a pickup in busi- ness." says Richard Block of Album Graphics Inc. Seeks C'right Act Change But, Block admits to a two -year- By DAVID FARRELI. Billboard photo by Chuck Pulin run of a "substantial" reduction in TORONTO -Canada's six -month ger, ajudge dismissed charges on the Records, units produced, reflecting the im- BLACKWELL BACKSTAGE-Chris Blackwell, left, founder of Island old, record industry funded antipi- grounds that the defendants showed with U2 singer Bono Hewson and Paul McGinnis, manager pact of label returns policies. chats backstage racy office has asked the govern- a lack of knowledge of any wrong- group's at the Ritz in New York. "In the past, the manufacturer or- of U2, following the Irish SRO appearance ment here to amend the Copyright doing. dered far more jackets in relation- Act to make infringement a serious What the investiga) arm of the ship to the consumer out there. but crime, although no penalties have association has been successful in now we seem to be producing one been recommended thus far. doing is identifying the size and Ready To Debut jacket for each consumer. I think it's CBS Brian Robertson, president of the scope of this sub- industry in Can- healthy the industry will be bet- and Canadian Recording Industry ada, Robertson says. But being so ter off in the long run. It's a much Assn., says: "Inadequate penalties (Continued on page 90) Disks sounder business practice." New Low-Noise and convincing the law to prose- As most others, Album Graphics By GEORGE KOPP cute" are the two biggest challenges has put increased efforts into pro - facing the new antipiracy office. NEW YORK -Disks incorporat- pany as to whether or not to proceed indus- ducing packaging for other Former Royal Canadian RCA RAISES ing CBS noise reduction encoding with its development. The dissenting tries. be they cosmetics, toys, liquor. Mounted Police officer John Lang- will be on the market in a few weeks, factions have evidently been won food, etc. ley is now the association's salaried LP PRICES even though decoders are not ex- over, but CBS still has the task of Floyd Glinert, executive vice pres- investigator. To date, the office has NEW YORK -RCA Records in- pected to be available until late sum- convincing the rest of the industry to ident of marketing at Shorewood succeeded in getting several convic- stitutes two album price hikes April mer. go along. The first public demon- Packaging. cites a "fairly good year" tions against retailers selling boot- 1, bringing $7.98 product to $8.98 Sources inside CBS say the corn- stration of the system will be held at in 1980, with units produced up legs and has also exposed several and all $4.98s, including Victrola, to pany has made a firm decision to put next month's NARM convention. from 1979. business enterprises which are al- $5.98. out a limited number of records en- and unconfirmed reports say two And for this year, Glinert senses a leged to have been manufacturing RCA is the third label in recent coded with CAX (for "compatible major labels will join CBS in "real turnaround." citing some illegal recordings. weeks to report similar list price in- audio expansion ") and to sell encod- presenting CAX. "healthy" initial orders. He also Robertson estimates the annual creases, including CBS. which also ing equipment to an independent Audionics says it has not begun stresses that "catalog re- runs" have loss to be between 5` and 10% of the lifted $4.98s to $5.98. and PolyGram cutting house here. CBS will set up production on the decoder because proved to be a sizeable avenue of in- Canadian industry's gross, which at Records Inc. two in -house cutting rooms it is awaiting an official green light creased business. the higher percentage amounts to a The RCA move impacts only on equipped with the encoder. (Continued on page 8) "Unlike the 100% returns era." retail loss of more than $50 million RCA manufactured and distributed The CAX system is said to reduce Canadian. Net wholesale revenues product, not A &M Records which is surface noise by 20dB. Like the dbx for the Canadian trade last year part of the RCA & A &M & Associ- encoded disk system, a decoder is were 253 (Canadian). ated Labels distribution arm or noise reduction -million needed to realize the Pablo, the label. RCA -handled CBS claims RIAA Sees Mechanical Fee The struggle to educate the indus- benefits, but unlike dbx, labels also involved in the price in- its disks may be played with- try, and the politicians who can CAX crease are Solar, 20th Century, Mil- out distortion on ordinary hi fi change the law, has not been easy. In Battle Reaching High Court lennium and Grunt. a equipment that is not hooked up to a at least one case involving bootleg- decoder. By JEAN CALLAHAN At least one high end manufac- WASHINGTON -In its response chanical rate appeal is "from a turer, Audionics of Oregon in Mil- to motions to expedite the appeal of unique proceeding, never before waukee, Ore., has licensed to produce the mechanical royalty rate increase. conducted by any administrative CBS Gives In This Issue outboard decoders for CAX. Com- the Recording Industry Assn. of agency" and that the matter will re- CLASSICAL 78 pany president Charles Wood says America states that whatever judg- quire substantial study by the ap- Credit Deal CLASSIFIED MART 55, 57 Audionics will make 5.000 units a ment the U.S. Court of Appeals peals court. A third argument ques- COMMENTARY 20 month once production begins, at a reaches here. the court's decision tions whether this appeal involves NEW YORK- Returns of CBS COUNTRY 82 target suggested list price of $74.95. will be challenged by one party on "irreparable injury or unusual pub- Records product are likely to BUSINESS 71 GOSPEL 81 In addition, CBS is demonstrating another. RIAA suggests its intention lic concern." the standards for the dwindle to a near trickle the remain- INTERNATIONAL 88 way to the Su- appeals court to grant expedition. der of this month as merchandisers the CAX system to all major hard- to take the case all the JAZZ 60 ware and record companies in anti- preme Court. Also on Monday. the National take advantage of an interim ex- PUBLISHING 64 cipation of making CAX virtually Filing Monday (9), RIAA argues Music Publishers' Assn. filed a change- credit policy pegged to the RADIO 23 universal. that the July 1, 1981. deadline urged memorandum supporting AGAC label's general hike in list prices SOUND BUSINESS 35 TALENT 66 by the Royalty Tribunal, and the Copyright Tribunal's mo- (Billboard, March 7, 1981). So far, no other producers of Copyright VIDEO 38 hardware or records have an- the American Guild of Authors and tions for expedition. In a notice to accounts last week. nounced whether or not they will go Composers and the Nashville Song- Responding to RIAA's latest CBS said that all exchanges made FEATURES 74 with CAX. CBS was demonstrating writers' Assn. is not "meaningful" memorandum, AGAC says RIAA's after March 30, 1981, with relatively Counterpoint Inside Track 100 is phrased but they few exceptions, "will be credited at the system to major record labels since appeals will "inevitably" con- filing "loftily Lifelines 96 and some dealers as recently as last tinue beyond that date. July I. 1981, have only one goal: delay." At press - the prices in effect at the time the New LP & Tape Releases 62 week. is the date set by the Tribunal for the time, AGAC attorneys were still product is returned." Rock'n'Rolling 14 The CAX program has been kept mechanical royalty rate to increase drafting their response which they The net effect will he to hand Stock Market Quotations 13 Vox _lox 34 under wraps by CBS, partly due to from 23/4 cents to 4 cents. intend to file Friday (13) or Monday dealers who hold on to returns for reported dissension within the corn- RIAA also argues that the me- (16). the extra period an added divi- CHARTS AGAC attorney Fred Greenman dend when the exchange is finally Top LPs 95, 97 made. The CBS price rise adds $1 to Singles Radio Action Chart is not impressed by RIAA's argu- 22, 26, 28 DECISION NEAR ment that the case may be appealed list prices for almost all categories of Album Radio Action Chart 32 to the Supreme Court. "The possi- product. Boxoffice 70 Arista Considers Classics bility of a petition for cert is not ma- Exceptions cited by CBS to the ex- Bubbling Under Top terial," he says, calling "a false change plan include economy line LPs /Hot100 34 NEW YORK Arista Records It is anticipated that a favor- Classical LPs 79 premise" RIAA's claim that the case single LPs and two-fers (and tape is considering formation of a able decision will also see the Disco Top 100 72 by I. counterparts). Here, titles bought classical division to serve primar- Arista facility license classical can not be resolved July Jazz LPs 60 Greenman adds that RIAA does not prior to March 27, 1981, will be ex- Hits Of The World 91 ily as an outlet for Ariola -Euro- material from sources other AGAC's argument that changeable at the prices in effect Hot Soul Singles 74 disc classical product in the than Ariola, with the prospects dispute and publishers will lose prior to that date. Inspirational LPs 81 United States. good that some independent Latin LPs 64 $1 million each week the decision is In another element of the plan, While Arista executives de- recording would also be under- Soul LPs 75 delayed. however, accounts are given an in- clined comment on the proposed Hot Country Singles 84 taken. maintains centive to hold on to economy line Hot Country LPs 86 move, it was nevertheless learned AGAC's filing that Ariola -Eurodisc has an exten- "Even if the mandate can not be is- Christmas product through Christ- Hot 100 98 that discussions between the par- Top 50 Adult Contemporary 34 sive classical catalog, compara- sued before July 1. 1981, it remains mas this year. If they don't return ties (Arista is a subsidiary of Top 40 Videocassettes 50 tively little of which has received essential to expedite this decision as such items until 1982, exchange Ariola) have been underway for RECORD REVIEWS much as possible ... injury to song- credits will be at the higher price. If some time and are nearing a de- exposure in this market. Album Reviews 92 writers increase returned this year, the lower price cision. IS HOROWITZ and publishers will Singles Reviews 93 with every day that passes." prevails.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 7 General News VERNER TESTIFIES ExecuhveTumEoble To intensify its sales thrust in Europe. Billboard has recreated the post of Say Stolon Unloaded vice president, European operations. Named to this position April 1 is Miles Killoch, former manager of Los Angeles operations for Charter Communi- cations, which publishes Redbook and Ladies Home Journal magazines. He rejoins Billboard Publications Inc. for which he worked in various sales capac- Bogus Goody Tapes ities between 1971 -74. He'll be based at Billboard's U.K. office in London, and By LEO SACKS will direct European operations. to Goody vice president Sam Stolon Mike Hennessey, who has been European editorial director for 10 years, is NEW YORK - Jurors at the trial of its ex- at the chain's Maspeth, N.Y., head- appointed managing director of the U.K. office, succeeding Fred Marks, who, Sam Goody Inc. and two top last week quarters. The bogus product had a as previously reported, retires April 30. Hennessey, reporting to Killoch, will ecutives heard testimony from a convicted dupers retail value of more than $1 million. continue to supervise Billboard's European editorial coverage, but will also pair of tape and their reputed middleman who according to the 16 -count indict- assume other major responsibilities for Billboard in the region. allegedly sold over 100.000 counter- ment. Peter Jones, currently U.K. news editor, is named European news editor feit 8 -track and cassettes to the from April 1, and will be extending his activity to take on more European edi- Stolon listened impassively at the torial assignments. Goody chain. defense table as Verner told the jury The counterfeiters. George that the Goody executive helped Billboard is also appointing from April 1 additional editorial correspond- Billboard photo by Michael Virden Tucker and Frank Carroll, told a ents in West Germany and France, continuing to broaden its international him unload a shipment of illicit MODEST PROPOSAL -Warner in Brooklyn base. Jim Sampson, formerly Record World's West German representative, U.S. District Court jury tapes from a station wagon and Bros. recording artist about their illicit operations and in- joins as West German news editor, based in Munich, while Wolfgang Spahr, trailer at the Goody loading dock in takes full advantage of a lull during dividual transactions in 1978 with based in Hamburg, becomes chief German correspondent. Maspeth. a recent "Mike Douglas Show" tv mid- Michael Way, who was Billboard's Paris correspondent from 1968 -74, re- Norton Verner, the Canadian Verner, characterized by Federal taping to make overtures to the seg- who Wednesday turns as chief French correspondent, while Henry Kahn continues as corre- dleman testified prosecutor John Jacobs as a "sor- ment's co -host, model /actress delivered assignments. (11) that he personally did" music business "wheeler - spondent for special Brooke Shields. counterfeit tapes on four occasions dealer," testified that when he deliv- ered product to the Goody ware- house, he usually unloaded the mer- NARM Gets Another Look chandise at the loading dock himself. Verner's testimony implied 4x9 Box that the alleged bogus tapes re- At AGI Cassette mained, for the most part, on skids By IRV LICHTMAN in the warehouse, waiting to be re- NEW YORK -Album Graphics So far, the only other label com- Sherman Keep Gersh turned to the manufacturer or Inc.'s flirtation with merchandisers mitment has been that of Capitol other suppliers. Verner claimed that Record Companies to put over its 4 by 9 tape box contin- Records, which late last year mar- his deliveries were "always in- Richard Sherman is named marketing and distribution senior vice president ues at this year's NARM convention, keted 4 by 9 releases by Bob Seger, spected" for the correct count by a for Motown Records and its affiliated labels in Los Angeles. Most recently, he where the packager will update its Pink Floyd and the soundtrack of Goody warehouse employee. was sales and marketing senior vice president for the Boardwalk Entertain- findings on the box and ask mer- "The Jazz Singer." Stolon always insisted on an in- ment Co.... Jonathan Brett moves to Arista Records in New York as assistant chandisers to fill out a question- Directing AGI's marketing move voice. Verner said, adding that he to the president and executive vice president and general manager. From 1978 naire. for 4 by 9s is Dick Dubbels, director was always paid by check. He also to 1980, he was business affairs vice presi- Meanwhile, the company, which of packaging development. Since alleged that Stolon never asked him dent for Sire Records.... Walter P. Burton is claims widespread merchandiser en- the NARM "Rack Is Back" meetings about the origin of the product. now management information systems direc- dorsement of the box, has lined up in San Diego last fall, Dubbels has The defense. which has denied the tor and Joseph J. Costolnick is controller for several new manufacturer avenues been making the rounds of mer- trafficking charges, demonstrated the PolyGram Corp. in New York. Burton for its approach. chandisers and manufacturers. through cross -examination of previously was management information Sine Qua Non, an independent He'll be making another swing to Tucker. Carroll and Verner that systems operations and programming man- label dealing in classical and jazz the West Coast this week to various each had traded information with ager for RCA Records. Costolnick was assist- product. will soon offer 12 titles with major manufacturers to "reinforce the authorities for favorable deals 4 by 9 packaging. And, RCA, which the favorable position being taken Brett ant controller. ... At EMI -America in Los Marcus on their cases. Angeles, Gary Gersh and Kathy Keep are up- offered a 4 by 9 version of the cas- by merchandisers" on the 4 by 9. The jury listened with rapt atten- ped to talent acquisition director and a &r administration director respectively. sette caster of "42nd Street" recently, "There are no impulse sales under tion as Carroll testified that his firm, Gersh was a &r manager and Keep was a &r administration manager.... Jane will initiate 4 by 9 book -type pack- lock and key" is his basic philosophy BCF Productions, Bohemia, N.Y., il- Brinton takes over as vice president and general manager for Pavillion aging for its upcoming line of high - in supporting AGI's case for the legally duplicated over 400,000 Records in New York. She previously owned and operated the Brinton & Co. end Red Seal digital releases. Latter packaging, along with the conven- frontline cassettes from 1976 to 1978 promotion firm in Los Angeles. ... Deane J. Marcus moves into the post of version offers the opportunity to ience that its size fits currently avail- at the same time the company was financial analysis director for the CBS Records Group in New York. He was provide for extensive liner notes able bins. manufacturing legitimate ethnic CBS Records division's financial analysis manager for operations marketing. and /or mail -in features. AGI, however. is offering its dis- music tapes for Peters International. play racks, including a spinner-rack . Jesus Garber joins Motown as Western regional r &b promotion manager. He said his main customer, how- He was promotion manager for R &B Productions of Beverly Hills as well as that can hold 250 of the boxes. "It's a ever, was Verner, who Carroll said having done independent promotion for Motown, RCA and Casablanca.... pretty damned efficient use of floor purchased over 100,000 counterfeit At the RFC Group Of Companies in New York, newly formed by Ray Cav- space," he maintains. "The industry copies of "Saturday Night Fever" iano: Bob Siegel is named general manager; Jack Witherby is now West Coast labels Ask is ready to take advantage of a new and "Grease" for more than operations director; and Bob Ghossen moves into the slot of East Coast promo- approach with new techniques." $100.000 in cash in 1978. tion manager. All had previously been simultaneous employes of RFC Dubbels says 4 by 9 is the manu- Carroll recently pleaded guilty to Records and Warner Bros. Dance Music dept.... Richard Wagner, production For College facturers' answer to tape packaging one count of wire fraud and one manager for EMI -America, exits his post.... Cynthia Badie- Dashiell and Bar- that "for minimum cost satisfies the count of copyright infringement and bara Marsalis are named black product promotion managers for MCA greatest number of people." is awaiting sentencing. He told the Records in Los Angeles. Badie- Dashiell was with the Leroy Jeffries and Asso- Station Help The cost of the regular 4 by 9 box jury of nine men and three woman ciates public relations /marketing consultant firm. Marsalis was promotion is between 15 cents and 18 cents, that he had no idea what Verner did manager for Jackie Ward Enterprises and Whitfield Records. Badie- Dashiell By DOUGLAS E. HALL while the book -type version can run with the product he sold him. But he as pages can be will oversee the New York -Boston -Hartford market while Marsalis covers the WASHINGTON- Record service twice much, since was able to identify several boxes of added to it for more information re- New Orleans area. complaints heard annually when the subpoenaed Pickwick product as quired by certain releases such as Marketing Intercollegiate Broadcasting System merchandise he manufactured. classical product. Howard Gabriel joins Win Records in New York. a one -stop record and tape holds its annual convention were Tucker, currently serving a prison distributor, as marketing director. He was with the New York branch of overshadowed this year by pleas term at the minimum- security fed- Record Shack as sales manager.... Ben E. Payne, Jr. upped to sales coordina- from the record labels for help as Music World Chain eral penitentary in Allenwood, Pa., tor for Jan Rhees Marketing in Nashville. An employe of the company for the tighter commercial radio playlists Readies 3rd Store testified that he made between past year, he was with Music City Record distributors before going to Jan force these labels to take a closer $100,000 and $120,000 from the sale Rhees. look at college radio. NEW YORK -Al Franklin's Mu- of 80,000 bogus 8 -track tapes in Publishing In the convention, which was at- sic World opens its third location in 1978, and that Verner was his big- tended by 1,400 at the Shoreham April, its first outside of Connecti- gest customer for counterfeit copies Steven E. Salmonsohn is now vice president of operations for United Artists Hotel here from Friday to Sunday cut. of "Saturday Night Fever," "Flow- Music in New York. He was finance and administration vice president for Poly - not only The new site, 5,000 square feet, ing Rivers" by Andy Gibb, "Double Gram Record Operations.... Randy Irwin takes the post of creative affairs (6 -8), label representatives asked for help, but urged station will be situated in the Eastfield Mall Platinum" by Kiss, and "Thank God director for Famous Music in New York. For the past two years, he has been programmers to be professionals in in Springfield, Mass., near Frank- It's Friday." general manager of Larry Shayne Enterprises. ... Bob Edmondson is named conducting listener and retail music lin's flagship unit (7,300 square feet) Tucker also identified product professional manager for Arista /Interworld Music. He is a former member of research. in the Hartford Civic Center Square. which had been subpoened from the Tijuana Brass. Gary Schuster joins ASCAP public relations dept. as a ... For example. Mark Cooper of Another unit (5,000 square feet) is Goody as merchandise he manufac- staff writer in New York. He previously worked in the book publishing field. Robox Records said, "It's important located in Greenwich. Franklin says tured at this Super Dupers facility in Related Fields that you do retail tracking. When he is planning to open other units in Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. Hunched Holmes Harden is appointed executive vice president and chief financial of- you get into commercial radio, you'll Connecticut in the near future. (Continued on page 100) ficer of Warner Amex Cable Communications Inc. in New York. He was sen- find out how important retail track- ior vice president and chief financial officer of Reliance Insurance Company. ing is." Billboard (ISSN 0006 -2510) Vol. 93 No. 11 is published weekly by Billboard Pub- . . he as This sentiment was echoed by George K. Gould resigns as chief executive officer though remains lications, Inc., One Astor Plaza, 1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036. Sub- chairman of the board for the Video Corp. of America in New York. Alfred Lauren Manduke of International scription rate: annual rate, Continental U.S. 5110. Second class postage paid at Markim, president and chief operating officer, succeeds as chief executive offi- Record Syndicate and Barry Levine New York, N.Y. and at additional mailing office. Current and back copies of Bill- cer. ... Robert T. Cavanagh and Albert A. Ruttner are elected senior vice presi- of CBS Records. Manduke asked board are available on microfilm from KTO Microform, Rte 100, Millwood, N.Y. dent and vice president respectively for the North American Philips Corp. in that stations get "audience reaction" 10546 or Xerox University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. of address to Billboard, P.O. Box New York. Cavanagh was corporate development and engineering vice presi- to unknown acts they play. Levine 48106. Postmaster, please send ctianges 1311011, Philadelphia, Pa. 19101, (609) 766 -1669. dent and Ruttner was public relations director. (Continued on page 27)

www.americanradiohistory.com 8 GeneraI News Thurmond Aide Reviewing NEW ATLANTIC EFFORT Carter Price -Fix Probe TV Target For Artist Promos WASHINGTON -Duke Short, investigation of the record industry. By DOUGLAS E. HALL chief investigator for the Senate Senator Thurmond has asked at- NEW YORK -Atlantic Records is weeks (tieing in the East and West Judiciary Committee, has been as- torney general William French Under Cooper's direction, West, directing an increasing amount bf its coast offices) and we set our prior- Coast signed to follow up Senator Strom Smith to release Justice Dept. files artist relations director Tony artist promotion efforts toward tele- ities. Thurmond's (R -SC) interest in Jus- detailing the government's 1976- Mandich and artist relations devel- vision, including cable. Artist rela- tice Dept. handling of its record in- 1980 investigation into alleged "You have to remember that there opment manager Susan Stein in tions and developments director New dustry probe. price -fixing by major record com- are artists we don't have video on York will focus their efforts on Perry Cooper is supervising this new Short's assignment suggests a high panies. and not all our artists can perform both national and local tv. They will effort, which may see the Warner arrange for artist priority for the issue, and the possi- Thurmond is concerned that, after live on tv. Only about 50% of the tv appearances on Communications label paying less music bility of oversight hearings a four -year examination shows will use a videotape we give shows, interview /talk shows being of industry attention to artist tours. scheduled depends on Justice's re- practices. Justice dropped the case them. On some like the "Today" and specials. "More and more concerts and will sponse to a Senate request for infor- without issuing either civil prose- show, you have to pitch them a news Cooper also be tours are being cut back" says with mation. cutions or criminal indictments that angle," Cooper explains. closely director of creative serv- Cooper, who adds, "Acts would ices Paul Cooper in Los Angeles, The Justice Dept. "will respond in had been recommended by Justice's Things do not always work out as rather just supply video tapes for who is also functioning in the tv due course," says a spokesman, to L.A. field office. Former attorney planned on tv. promotions." For example, he sphere. In the area of tv news, Perry the March 5 letter from Senator general Benjamin Civiletti ordered notes that a videotape was made on He cites Abba's reluctance to tour Cooper will work with - Thurmond, chairman of the pow- the record industry investigation Stu Gins and make appearances. "They'd Stacy Lattisaw at the beginning of burg's publicity department. erful Judiciary Committee, request- closed on March 8, 1980. last summer rather concentrate on music," he for use on "Kids Are In line with this new structure, ing information on Justice's antitrust JEAN CALLAHAN People Too" in conjunction says and points to the Warner Home with her Ben Hill -a member of the Atlantic Video distribution of "Abba, The new album, but the tape did not air merchandising department -will until two weeks ago. Movie," a videocassette. continue to coordinate the use of As for the tour business, Cooper Cooper notes that the internally video materials by the WEA organi- says, "Only the Delsners and the. produced "Atlantic Reporter," zation, retailers, and for promo- Signings Jam people in Chicago are really which is distributed to dealers and tional functions. Hill also supervises surviving. And clubs are going the press, is having a tv page added, the Atlantic video library, which in- through tough times. too." "so people in the field will know cludes all available recordings of Guitarist James Blood Ulmer to act Rox to Sandy Ross Manage- Cooper is also very interested in when an artist will be on tv." both historical and current interest. Columbia Records. He starts record- ment.... John O'Banion to Elektra- the new Warner Amex music cable ing after his European tour.... The Asylum. Album is set for April re- channel (Billboard, March 14, Allman Brothers to John Scher's lease. ... Singer / An- 1981), which Cooper says "will be a Monarch Entertainment for man- thony Ryan and his band Driver to big help to the record industry." acket Makers Hopeful agement.... J.J. Cale and Tony Joe James R. Halper of Crescent Pro- Cooper's strategy is "repetition. Continued from page 5 year, mirroring a similar increase by White to Shorty Lavendar Talent for ductions for a five year exclusive It's the whole thing that sells records. "We saw catalog take a big dip in board manufacturers. The price of booking. ... Bonnie Bramlett to recording agreement. National pro- You won't run out and buy a record ordering patterns," adds Kern, who board is considered the most expen- Muscle Shoals Sound Productions motion is handled by Eddie Teich - because you see an act once on tv, claims a broad base of "virtually ev- sive component in the manufacture for production.... Michael Nesmith mann. ... New Town Heroes to but this exposure is vital support to ery major label" as clients. "But, of album jackets. The increase also to Pacific Arts Video as an exclusive George Daly Productions to record radio air play." right now we're very busy on re-or- reflected further labor, freight and home video recording artist. ... Ca- in April.... Lenny Wolfe to the Ben- Cooper explains that the new ders of catalog product, especially energy rises. nadian rock band Chilliwack to a son Co.'s Impact Records. ... Joe video effort will be integrated into $5.98s. It seems that companies have long -term contract with Solid Gold Anderson to Country Green other promotion activities. "We straightened out their inventory Records in Toronto. ... Boardwalk Records. have a conference call every two problems. So, far, I'm guardedly op- Low-Noise Disks timistic about this year." Continued from page 5 "Business comes in spurts, one from CBS. Wood believes the go- week it can be big, the other slow," ahead is "imminent." assesses Leonard Verebay, president The hardware licensing agree- of Queens Litho in New York. ment calls for a fee of 15 cents per "We did relatively well last year, unit to CBS, but the software licens- producing more jackets, thanks Beginning to ing reportedly involves no fee, just a obtaining a greater share of the mar- CBS credit on the album. ket. I think 1981 could be a very According to Wood, CBS is pri- good year." marily interested in signing up a ma- Bob Miller, president of New jor Japanese hardware manufac- inApril... York -based Lee -Myles, says his firm turer as a licensee. "They came to "countered the trend" in 1980 by us," he says, "because we have a coming up with its best year to date, long relationship with them going claiming it did 80% of business in all back to quad, and because they want of 1979 within the first six months of recognition in the high end. Our de- 1980. coder will be sold more widely than "We are lucky because of our mix our other products. But, CBS' plans Record of clients," explains Miller. "Seventy call for far more than 5,000 units a or eighty percent of our business is month. This could be a real winner." with a mix of clients not hurt as CBS had previously stated that badly as the majors, which represent the decoder could sell for less than Company about 30% of our business. $50, and that they expected it to be Miller says label clients that mar- incorporated into hi fi equipment ket "esoteric, folk and ethnic mu- the way Dolby is. sic" -his prime client base -have MARKETING tended to weather the industry's gray economic climate. "We've also BMA Seminar increased the number of clients," he NEW YORK -The Black Radio WIZARDS adds. Advisory Council of the Black Mu- So far this year, January sales at sic Assn. sponsors a seminar on "The Lee -Myles have outstripped the Crisis in Black Radio" Saturday (21) same month in 1980 and he's now at Cuyahoga Community College in will find the tallying figures for February. Cleveland. Among the participants Fabricators instituted a price rise are Kenny Gamble, LeBaron Taylor play -by -play facts faster of about 6% at the beginning of the and state Representative Les Brown. than ever before ATTENTION BILLBOARD READERS! It has recently come to our notice that an unauthorized sub- scription agency has been selling BILLBOARD subscriptions. in our We ask that all subscribers and potential subscribers refrain from ordering BILLBOARD through this agency: National Publishers' Bureau 1971 West 12th Avenue Denver. CO 80204 Regrettably, BILLBOARD is not responsible for fulfilling any subscriptions ordered through National Publishers Bureau. BILLBOARD subscriptions may be ordered direct from the publisher, as listed in the masthead, and from authorized subscription agents. To bin check agency authorization, please call the Circulation Department at (212) 764 -7324. Thank you.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 10 General News Cross- Merchandisin g Promos PRODUCER PROFILE CBS dans More Exposure For New, Established Acts George Tobin Hot By ROMAN KOZAK NEW YORK -CBS Records, fans." CBS estimates the record buy- Martinovich explains the 12,000 With Smokey Hit which has previously sold records ing public in the U.S. at 90 million. retail outlets are not expected to be By PAUL GREIN via joint promotions with Burger With radio play harder and utilized in any one single promotion, LOS ANGELES -Boy, is radio was a lot of black pop mu- King and the General Mills cereal harder to achieve, Martinovich says but rather that local retailers will be George Tobin glad he included sic. Many people think r &b company, is looking for further the reason for the proposal is to help approached for tie -ins on local pro- the Miracles' "More Love" on means ribs & beans. But the cross -merchandising opportunities new and established artists get addi- motions. Kim Carnes' "Romance Dance" black records that I like are gen- with other U.S. manufacturers. tional exposure through non- tradi- Many of these promotions will be LP last year! That remake hit erally pop records and those are The project is still in the "concept" tional outlets. It will also help to done through the CBS branches. For (coupled with quite a bit of also the kind that I make." stage, says Mike Martinovich, vice make CBS product visible to an au- instance, he says he has been con- chutzpah) opened the door for president of merchandising for CBS. dience that may have drifted away tacted While r&b productions with by the Cincinnati Reds or- Tobin to produce an album with The company recently took a double from the record buying habit. ganization, the likes of Clydie King and and by a shoe company the song's composer,- Smokey page ad in "Advertising Age" maga- In its ad, CBS offers use of its dis- in St. Bobby Moore dot Tobin's list of Louis, and both have been re- Robinson. And now he's going zine offering to be involved in pro- tribution system. its 500 field per- ferred to the local branches. credits, he is only now emerging back in the studio to cut an LP motions "combining our artists. sonnel in 21 markets, its radio as a hot black music producer and Martinovich says the aim of the with Natalie Cole. - their music, and your product college promotion staffs, and its ac- promotions is to pool with getting top acts like Robinson budgets Considering Tobin has also (which) will generate incredible cess to "over 12,000 high -traffic re- the company and Cole. involved, and then tie recently produced records by sales from this massive audience of tail music locations coast to coast." in local radio as well. But, he says, Thelma Houston, Deborah Robinson's "Being With You" the company is willing to go beyond Washington and Chocolate LP vaults to number 52 pop in its traditional outlets, to specialty pub- Milk, it would seem the 38 -year- second chart week, while the title JAMAICAN PRESSINGS lications and cable tv. CBS is also old transplanted New Yorker is track jumps to number 31 on the willing to supply whole a array of suddenly one of the hottest pro- Hot 100. On the r &b chart, the posters. coupons, record giveaways ducers in black music. single climbs to number nine to Federal Denies CBS Holland Charges and other merchandising tools, adds Well. not so suddenly. Tobin become Tobin's first top 10 r &b Martinovich. KINGSTON, Jamaica -Federal (Billboard, Feb. 28, 1981). The produced the Commodores' first hit. The CBS Records Manufacturing Co., CBS Dutch firm did not challenge the le- ad stresses the fact that it album for Motown in 1974 "Smokey thinks it's funny," has such a broad spectrum of artists, Records licensee here, has denied al- gality of the imports. (which included the top 15 r &b Tobin says. "I always ask him appealing to so many legations by CBS Records in Hol- demographics, hit "I Feel Sanctified ") and also how the record's doing r &b. I'm In countering the CBS Holland that virtually any land that its recordings are of poor product can be supervised an early record by never really interested in how it's charges, Khouri maintains that Fed- sold via a record tie -in. quality. Barry White, a remake of Elvis doing pop, because I always eral has repeatedly been com- Martinovich Michel Khouri, general manager stresses that all artists Presley's "In The Ghetto." know that I can make pop mended by CBS personnel and oth- whose names are of Federal, says the quality of his used in any tie -in The producer notes that he in- records. I get off on knowing the ers for the quality of albums they will be consulted. and nothing will company's pressings are "at least fuses an r &b "feel" on all of his record's doing well black." produce. be done without their approval. He comparable" to those reproduced in records. "To me Sad Eyes' is an Tobin exudes a certain brash- adds that in none the Holland and elsewhere. He suggests that the fracas oc- of promotions r &b record with a white singer," ness and it was precisely this will there be any The controversy arose when CBS curred, in part, because CBS has endorsements by says Tobin of his Robert John nerve which led to his producing any in Holland expressed alarm over failed to control the practice of artists of any products. smash which topped the pop "Being With You." It's the first Martinovich quantities of CBS albums, manufac- transshipping. Khouri claims that says he has been con- chart in October 1979. time Robinson has worked with tacted tured in Jamaica, being shipped into CBS has permitted its other distribu- by a soft drink manufacturer "I grew up in ." another producer since Brian and a fast food chain about doing its territory to be sold at prices lower tors to "invade" Federal's territory Tobin says, "and what was on the (Continued on page 19) than domestically produced product in the Caribbean without objection. tie -ins, but, he says, nothing has been signed as yet. In the last year, CBS had a joint promotion with Burger King, where coupons good for discounts at local record shops in New York were given out with pur- chases at Burger King outlets. e fvole,,s Zo WCI Names Technical Manager for ItilliCela44 . a a Panel On Record Manufacturers of Nigeria Limited LWAYS Reward $ A NEW YORK -A three- member Blue Ribbon Panel has been named A Technical Manager is required by Record Manu- Ready To Serve by Warner Communications Inc. to Our Customers! facturers Nigeria Limited, responsible decide recipients of cash rewards of to be for all One Stop Music Jobbing - technical and production aspects of its factory based at From Rock To Bach. and their amounts under WCI's Anti- Counterfeiting Project. Ikeja in Lagos State of Nigeria. The members are Atlantic Records performer , Qualified candidates would have had formal training Jules Yarnell, special counsel, an- in Mechanical Engineering and experience in managing tipiracy section, of the RIAA, and staff (Overseas experience for expatriates is desirable). EST DISCOUNTS David J. Oppenheim, Dean of New York Univ. School of the Arts. SALARY: The salary for the above position would be - Fast & Accurate Service WCI launched its project last negotiable but attractive for the right person. -Monthly Bulletins April, setting up a fund of $100,000 - Speedy Back Order Department in rewards for information -WATS Program leading FRINGE BENEFITS: Fringe Benefits attached to -New Export Department to the arrest and conviction of any the position include person involved in counterfeiting, bootlegging or piracy of recordings. a. Free Furnished, Air Conditioned, Accommodation Part of the project included the crea- for Expatriates tion of thousands of flyers for post- and provided ing by merchandisers. h Car driver by the Company WCI says it's turned over all infor- c. Free Medical cover for self and family mation received to date to the RIAA Cariwag d. Twice a Year Home Leave for Expatriates. Fischer to be screened before being sent to the FBI Strike Force. Information regarding unautho- APPLICATION: Applicants should write in the rized duplication of recordings can first instance, giving full personal and career details, be forwarded to the Anti- Music Jobbers Counter- reference 817, to: feiting Project, Warner Communi- Carl Fischer of Chicago Walter Kane & Son Carl Fischer of Los Angeles 312 South Wabash Ave. (Carl Fischer of New York) 1101 South Hope Street cations Inc., 75 Rockefeller Plaza, Hales & Hindmarsh Associates Ltd. Chicago, IL 60604 54 Cooper Square Los Angeles, CA 90015 New York, N.Y. 10019. All informa- Century House, Jewry Street, (312) 427 -6652 New York, NY 10003 (213) 749 -5227 tion must be presented in writing Winchester, Hampshire (212) 777 -2550 ENGLAND Telex: 226000 (ETLX UR) and anonymity will be protected where requested. (0962) 62253 Recruitment and Selection Consultants Dean Oppenheim was previously ÿa11444 xa head of Columbia Masterworks and, of ge notes David Horowitz, office of the president at WCI, is "well aware of tdelttii,e44 the loss of income suffered by artists and the industry due to record coun- terfeiting and piracy."

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www.americanradiohistory.com 12 General News GAO Asked To Probe Cost Of Copyright registration Continued from page committee hearings held March 4. broadcasting, mechanical and juke- and users. He criticized his own Treasury for the years 1978. 1979 pean system in which all work is At those same hearings, Copyright box or cable television royalties. agency's inability to distribute royal- and part of 1980 in the amount of copyrighted automatically from the Royalty Tribunal Chairman Clar- James called for abolition of the ties in a timely manner. more than $41.657.000. James said. moment of creation. ence James Jr. expressed his belief Copyright Royalty Tribunal and its Because of the Tribunal's appeals "The appeal on the 1978 funds may The question of copyright regis- that the Tribunal is not needed to replacement with marketplace nego- process, there are cable royalty be concluded in 1983," James said, tration emerged during House Sub- determine royalty rates for public tiations between copyright owners funds on deposit with the U.S. "but what if a higher court sends the matter back to the Tribunal and sub- sequent appeals are taken ?" James . tl buy °- nuC ,v ... R. Mc° added that there are 1979 and 1980 Harris troshi Itsuki ansas --E eslie H eartbrt jukebox mmylou lin -Ramsey McCall--Leslie Petty & The funds also on deposit total- :rothers aka Kahn--Kansas..--Ego-dZepp Tom ling more than $2.165,000. . Il lue OY . - 1 p- d _ , _. Industry representatives have ex- , ot . .. y .. _ . I ; end- pressed private reservations to Con- gress about the Tribunal's effec- tiveness prior to James' testimony. Ki uc e I_ As Rep. George Danielson (D -Ca.) h Band ob Seger & T SrP' GeorgeTh9 °` The _Peter Maflay Walter Murphy Whispers put it, James' admissions "pierced Rush Guitar Watson- - Z Top ABBA °IlyHatehet- aydio Supehramp Z tmm, the boil" of fears and suspicions al- 1`A - Sun- Johnny Betty Wright_ d_- ready existing. Prop het Jr. thin Section °nnte onna Summer per B "There has a WWashington, Atlanta 1 been great deal of nde rs -Sty x Grover concern prior of Commissioner -ionneWarwick T Express--Bad-- James' statement about the arbraStreisandWalsh effec- William tiveness of the Tribunal mecha- Bell & Jam es- Jell Walker--Joe II londie nism," agrees Kastenmeier aide Brothers _B grin Wilson The Blues Band--Bru, Bruce Lehman, "partly because no meriABBA_--erosmith s Rubber money has been distributed in sev- ootsy' Bad Corn' eral cases in the three years of the Band White Bridges les_ Tribunal's operations." verage ck_licia Bugg Some members of the House Sub- leste ee Gees The C committee wish to do away with Bar-Kays--Beear -Kays immY Buffett¡ Cult Richard Claaderman compulsory licensing entirely and Blue Oyster ob Dyle disband the Copyright Royalty 3and Connors --B Tribunal, but Subcommittee Chair- ebby Boone--B Orman Nash man Kastenmeier is adamant about Chers -D Stills & Construction Crosb -_Rick DI maintaining a compulsory license ssBrass The BI e Band for cable tv. BNson -- Georg & Fire - Kastenmeier's subcommittee will eabo W ind ' Trick--Chicago-- agles_- Earth, be busy with copyright issues this Trick_ °rm on English spring as HR 1805, Rep. George -_N Emotions Danielson's recently reintroduced Con Shun )n tek Dees u nkadelics bill to create a performance right for it et all ---F sound recordings, Bill Cosby Dan F0ç comes up for rs hearings soon after Congress's Eas- c eil Diamond--D leetwood Mac & BandMet- ter recess. Also on the agenda after Nash--Neil Geils Dylan Easter will be HR 2007, the bill to _Dramatics_ -B - S tation- exempt Orchestra Central veterans' and fraternal Moog Graham groups from paving performance Flack Harris I re1ectric oberta Emmylou royalties. -- Fatback Frehley ice-_Ace Dr. H ook ¡Hotte tllie '&1-" Fogelberg Chu -Bops Gum Gayle --Ac Itsuki GQ___ Crystal 1roshi - Offers AM Radio Goya Starship etterson CHICAGO -A $22 miniature AM GIbb --Chantal Andy all &pates obert John --Ram radio is part of the expanded acces- rd sory product line that the makers of Haggard--Hallagg Holmes Kobayashi __Merle erl achtkO Chu -Bops bubblegum are introduc- _ lea Brothers aze_J yn ing. Chu -Bops ancillary items also àayle sley tnks

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www.americanradiohistory.com 13 Financial Market QuoEaLions Profits Return To RCA Records As of closing, March 12, 1981 But Parent's '80 Report Cites Foreign Earnings Dip Annual (Sales NAME P -E High Low Close Change Records re- butions by RCA's black, country eight -disk set, "Elvis Aron Presley," High Low 100s) NEW YORK -RCA turned to profitability in 1980 with a and classical product and a "strin- had "quickly" sold out at the whole- slight increase in its worldwide vol- gent" returns policy initiated last sale level after its release last August. 1'Fi 3i Mec Corp. - 60 '/. % % Unch. The report further states that the 39 25% ABC 6 90 30 29% 30 + % ume, though foreign earnings for the year. 29% 29'h American Can 7 305 291/2 29 291 + % label decreased "substantially" de- Indicative of the label's current company earned 11 gold albums 5 2% Automatic Radio 5 17 31/2 3% 31 + '/. spite a moderate sales increase, ac- chart surge in the black music area, and three gold or platinum singles 57'1 42% CBS 8 460 57 56 57 + V. Recording Industry Assn. 441 27 Columbia Pictures 8 17 42% 42 421 + %. cording to a just- issued annual re- the report mentions "strong gains" from the 8'/. 4 Craig Corp. - 10 5 41'. 41/2 + 1 port by its parent, RCA Corp. on the RCA label itself and through of America. 601 401 Disney, Walt 14 423 591 58 591/4 + 1 states that its manufacturing and distribution As previously reported, RCA Corp. 17 8% 8% 81 + V. In addition, the report 9'/. 6% ElectroSound Group 13 record sales and earnings 12 3% Filmways, Inc. - 96 81 6% 63A Unch. both revenues and earnings from deals with Solar, 20th Century and achieved 20% 11 Gulf + Western 4 601 151/2 15% 151/2 + % RCA's record and tape club oper- Salsoul. in 1980, but Edgar Griffiths, RCA 16 7% Randleman 8 66 13 12% 13 Unch. declined. Sales volume, the report adds, in- chairman and chief executive offi- 14% 51 K -tel 11 6 13% 13% 13% Unch. ations 45% 25% Matsushita Electronics 10 19 431 43% 43% - V. Although the document does not creased "substantially" in country cer, indicates that RCA Corp.'s first 57% 421 MCA 9 143 48% 47'1 47'1 - % cite specific results, it calls attention music, and the Red Seal division quarter of 1981 will be "down con- 111 111/4 %. 19% 10 Memorex - 176 11% - by the also showed a sales improvement. siderably from the prior year." 63% 46'/. 3M 10 902 611. 591 61% + 2%. to "strong" gains made label's 84 41% Motorola 11 381 66'/. 631/2 66% + 31 domestic sales operations, which Also, claims the report, the label's In a statement released in conjunc- 44% 231 North American Phillips 7 347 44Y: 423'. 441 + 2'/. benefitted from "significant" contri- limited- edition (250,000 copies) tion with the annual report, he states 10% 4% Orrox Corp. 81 48 8% 81 81/2 - % three reasons for this decline: heavy 29% 13% Pioneer Electronics 21 7 29% 29'/. 29% Unch. 33 18h RCA .8 3953 28% 28 28% + % expenditures associated with the in- 181 6 Sony 12 4987 17'/ 17% 17% Unch. troduction of RCA's SelectaVision 36 201 Storer Broadcasting 17 322 33% 32% 33% + 1% Motown's Lasker Cautious videodisk system; an unfavorable 7 3 Superscope - 17 4 3% 4 + 35Y. 24'/. Taft Broadcasting 9 103 28 29 29 + 1 sales climate in January and early 20% 14% Transamerica 5 1315 21% 20 211 + 1 February, coupled with industry- 13 297 63 62% Y. Prospects 641'. 291 20th Century-Fox 621 - On '81 Industry 42 17% Warner Communications 17 895 40% 40 40% + . wide increases in programming By SAM SUTHERLAND costs, adversely affecting the oper- OVER THE P-ES Saes Bld Ask OVER THE P-E Sales Bld Ask Lasker's analysis, the im- ating results of the NBC Television COUNTER COUNTER LOS ANGELES -Forecasting asserts. In that 1981 will pose some of the position of tight returns controls and Network; and inclusion in the first Abkco 35 - 1% 2% Koss Corp. 8 30 5% 51 toughest obstacles yet faced by the the trimming away of various incen- quarter of 1980 of an unusual gain 17 9 1V. 111/16 Kustom Elec. 1% 1% Certron Corp. tives programs and policies have of $18.1 million from insurance pro- Data Packaging 6 - 6 6h M. Josephson 10 121 12% music industry, Motown Records First Artists Recoton 14 5 3 3% president Jay Lasker attributes the also reduced profitability for certain ceeds relating to the Satcom III sat- Prod. 12 3 4% 4% Schwartz Bros. 1'/ 21 label's recent internal consolidation retailers. ellite lost in space last year. Integrity Ent. 5 113 3% 31 and a shift in roster objectives to Also impacting. of course, is the Griffiths, who leaves his post in Over -the -Counter prices shown may or may not represent actual transactions. Rather, they are a guide to be replaced by Thornton B. to the range within which these securities could have been sold or bought at the time of compilation. The ongoing economic hurdles. general economic climate. For Mo- July above information contributed to Billboard by Douglas Vollmer, associate vice president, Los Angeles In his first comprehensive inter- town, the combination of a soft over- Bradshaw, a member of RCA's Region, Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., 4001 West Alameda, Suite 100, Toluca Lake, Calif. 91505 (213) 841- 3761, member New York Stock Exchange, Inc. view since assuming the Motown all economy and market problems board, notes a "very strong recep- presidency last November, the trade endemic to the music trade has led to tion" from distributors and dealers veteran links the label's internal re- the recent series of internal shifts for SelectaVision. He also reiterates AFM Agreement For Public TV vamping and the decision to stream- conducted under Lasker's super- RCA's goal of selling more than line its roster to a view of trade pros- vision. 200,000 SelectaVision players and LOS ANGELES -The American butions to $3.25 per day up to a max- pects diverging from more upbeat Most recent of these was the selec- two million videodisks in 1981. The Federation of Musicians and pro- imum of $16.25 per week. scenarios offered elsewhere in the tion of former Boardwalk Entertain - videodisk system debuts later this ducers of public television programs The arrangement also provides industry. (Continued on page 96) month. IRV LICHTMAN have a new two -year agreement. It that radio simulcasts are now to be And commenting on industry ru- also includes shows made primarily paid at the applicable National Pub- mors of a possible shift to branch for public television which are sub- lic Radio pickup rate. Permanent distribution, Lasker continues to sequently aired in additional mar- members of ballet, symphony and deny that Motown is readying such a kets and radio simulcasts. opera orchestra are paid for telecasts move. Persistent reports of a Polÿ- ATTENTION!!! whether or not their services are Gram deal lead him to "categori- of the two years will see a Each used under the new agreement. In- cally" stress that he has no summits ALL RECORD DEALERS EVERYWHERE! 10% wage increase as well as in- studio telecasts by ballet orchestras or similar deals scheduled. on that WE ARE HERE 365 DAYS A YEAR creases in health and welfare contri- are not included. "I don't want to sound overly pes- TO SERVE YOU PHONE, TELEX OR IN PERSON simistic," Lasker says. "but I feel '81 -BY will be one of the toughest years for our industry since the close of the 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Daily & Sat. Second World War." 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM Sunday & Holidays HAPPY MELVIN While some observers have sug- We have been in this business for over 30 years. BIRTHDAY MOLLER gested that revised sales policies and more cost -effective marketing have NO ONE IN THE WORLD CAN MATCH OUR INVENTORY ... carried the music business past the WE HAVE EVERYTHING -ALL THE TIME -INCLUDING Certified Public Accountant trough of its '79 slump, Lasker disa- ALL MAJOR and OVER 1.000 DIFFERENT MINOR LABELS. BONES grees. If some larger corporations For The have posted improved profit mar- IF ABOUT US, ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY gins and reported a reduction in re- YOU DON'T KNOW And The turns flow, the former ABC and IT'S TIME YOU DID! We love you! CREATIVE INDIVIDUAL Ariola- America chief believes the Come see for yourself. We dont have specials and you don t have to buy total picture -one viewing retail and any quantity ever We have the lowest overall prices in the industry every Kathy, Erica & AUDITING, TAXES AND OTHER manu- distribution health alongside day of the year WE Geoff Howe SPECIALIZED SERVICES facturers' performance -is more WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD checkered. ALL LP's AND TAPES -and - 50 East 42nd Street "I think basically what was ac- Toni Kaza & New York, N.Y. 10017 complished during 1980 was a shift $6.98 $4!5 S798 $ 80 $898 $550 in who was making the money," he List bst List Marcel Montecino (212) 697 -1443 E4 EA EA. We have a complete selection of Digital, Superdisc and K -tel Says Net Direct -to -Disc of every known label. Sales Up 13% NOTICE TO OUR FOREIGN CUSTOMERS We can prepare a Pro -forma invoice for you upon which NEW YORK - K -tel Interna- you can make funds available to us on the amount of tional reports a near doubling in the invoice. JOHN R. RONGE net profits for the first half of fiscal We can ship C.O.D. -Sight Draft- Letter of Credit. Certified 1981, ended Dec. 31, 1980. Net sales Should you desire any further information or assist- ( were up 13% over 1980 figures, to ance, please feel free to contact us. Public Accountant $109,933,000 from $97,439,000. Net Att: New Accounts -Send 10% deposit with your first profits leaped to $4,032,000 or $1.21 order. TAX RETURN per share compared with $2,167,000, or 63 cents per share in the first half (Prices are for PREPARATION ,,n 1ot P,t°oi, of 1980. SINGLES -90C EACH all domestic ptlntt photo) records 8 tapes) AND _ mechatlcas & company president Philip v 1 cote( While c ¿ppe t1o WE SHIP ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. BUSINESS o\oi$eQaetsl1t0°e9aClve,Pute Kives cited the firm's "growing mu- sic business," K -tel's extensive oil All prices FOB, New York MANAGEMENT $100 Minimum order shipped .Backnel99'.tyPe, cedback- and gas exploration program and P,Pliauatity tFÓ9NN.G tkt,%11,A.` . 9ac real estate deals accounted for the New Yorks = 1 Fts jackets -Stop" (213) 556-0255 ps6;,58. lion's share of' the success. Kives qRO KING KAROL One bone, Eytyle..t seg- 126 West 42nd Street, says: "All three of our business (Between Broadway 3232 and 6th Ave.) New York, N.Y. 10036 ments are healthy and growing and 212/354 -7684 N.V.. we look forward to exciting progress Telex 236601 Supplying the graphic node of the record Industry since 1952. in the years ahead."

www.americanradiohistory.com 14 CBS, RCA General News Sell $500 Million Rock'n'Rolling in LP's by Mail Before 1955 there were no record clubs. Today RCA and CBS alone sell $500 million worth of LP's a Yankee New Wavers year direct to consumers. Tomor- row they're looking to double that figure in video discs. Catch Up To British Non -store marketing of LP's, books, ready -to -wear, sporting By ROMAN KOZAK goods, insurance, food and many NEW YORK -American new cials, the Slits, Squeeze, the Stran- other goods today is growing fifty wave groups, which percent faster in the last glers and XTC. than retail. couple of years have been over- To keep up on what top mar- Some Yanks under contract are keters are doing, what they will shadowed by their British cousins, John Cale, Iggy Pop, the Cramps, be doing, the impact of cable, are coming back into their own, be- Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, Robin viewdata, party plans, discs and cause they have more time and more Lane & the Chartbusters, Pere Ubu, telephone, subscribe to Non - inclination to go out and repeatedly Skafish, Wall of Voodoo, the Plim- Store Marketing Report. play American secondary and col- souls, the GoGos and Joe "King" Compiled every two weeks by lege markets. Carrasco. the leading industry consulting firm. Non -Store Marketing Such are the views of Ian Cope- "The American (new wave) bands Report is available only by pri- land, founder and president of for a while were behind, but I hope that the American auto industry vate subscription and includes Frontier Booking International, the Billboard photo by Neil Zlozower news on latest happenings, pro- catches up to the Japanese as fast as booking agency that in the last three STYX DAY -Los Angeles responds to A &M's Styx with more than just two files of leading non -store compa- American musicians have caught up years has been as responsible as any SRO nights at the Forum, as the band is receiving a nies, close -ups and trend reports with the British," observes Cope- seen special plaque mark- for developing and nurturing the ing "Styx Day" there, awarded during a label fete by Mayor Tom Bradley. on new developments. land. "Right now, if I were to make new wave market in the U.S. Pictured from left are Mayor Bradley and Styx members Tommy Shaw, J. Y. Send $25 for trial three month up a top 10 of my money making Young, Chuck Panozzo, John Panozzo and Dennis DeYoung. offer -a 20% savings off annual The FBI represents about 40 new acts, with the exception of the Police, subscription rate. Money -back wave and new wave- oriented acts, most of them would be American. guarantee. most the Police. notably Among its "And that is because they work so Maxwell Sorge Company, Inc. British acts are the Buzzcocks, Gang solidly. (Acts like) Robin Lane or Time & Life Building, Dept. BB381 Sale Of Fania Confirmed of Four, Magazine, Sector 27, Joan Jett are working all the time. 303 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, IL 60611 Siouxsie & the Banshees, the Spe- (312) 266-4900 When they are not on tour, they are recording. English bands, if I get one By Label Topper Masucci tour a year, I am lucky. Maybe two, By CARLOS AGUDELO but never three," he continues. Joan NEW YORK -The sale of Musica Europe and Africa. the Jett and Robin Lane, along with Part of suc- Latina International Inc., owner of cess of Fania is due to the Fania All Iggy Pop, are now his biggest gross- Fania Records, to Ernesto Aue, pres- Stars, a band composed by top musi- ing acts, he says. ident of Venezuela's Palacio de la cians who record for the company's The English acts, he adds, still Musica Records and the Argentine various labels. They've just returned have the advantage, in that they financial group Balsyn, has been from Europe after a tour of five need not come into the U.S. until confirmed by firm president Jerry shows in three countries. there is a buzz on them, with a Masucci. According to Masucci, Fania is record, and some college radio play. holding talks with CBS Israel and A band like UB40, when it comes to The agreement actually took place RCA Mexico for distribution rights. play the American new wave circuit in December 1979, but was kept con- The Fania All Stars are also plan- of clubs, dancehalls and theatres, fidential until now. The deal in- ning a tour of the People's Republic can command top advances. An volves the entire company, includ- of China within the next four American act, like Joan Jett, who is ing its labels Fania, Cotique, Tico- months, and will also return to on her first solo tour, cannot com- Alegre, Vaya and Inca. No purchase Bar- celona and Madrid in or mand these advances this time price was revealed. June July and in August they will tour Peru, around. The agreement established Ma- But, stresses Copeland, her shows Colombia, Equador, , succi's tenure as president for a pe- Panama and Venezuela. are selling out, and on her next tour riod of five years. Masucci formed Masucci also reports that Argen- she will be able to ask for as much as the company with musician Johnny tine musician Gato Barbieri is re- an English act, with the extra advan- Pacheco in 1964. cording two albums for the labels, tage that she will be able to do many The transaction is being made one with the Fania All Stars more shows. and known at the moment when the salsa another by himself with his own TAANA GARDENER -Heart Beat Me Acts signed to FBI go on a tour SYLVIA STRIPLIN -Give Your Love sound is expanding into various compositions. The former is ex- FIREFLY -Love JR. FUNK & LOVE MACHINE -Feel Good that usually wends its way from the PURE markets around the world, notably pected to be marketed in ENERGY -When You're Dancin' Partytime Northeast, through April. TIMMY THOMAS -Are You Crazy DISCO DAVE & THE FORCE -High Power Chicago into LIGHT EXPRESS- Panther Mix Rap Western Canada and Northwestern DR. ICE -Calling Dr. Ice TREACHEROUS THREE -At The Party U.S., down the West Coast into LIME -Your Love DISCO FOUR -Move The Groove MELODY STEWART -Get Down, Get GRAND MASTER FLASH -Super Rapping Texas, and then back to Florida, en- Down No. 2 circling the U.S., but avoiding the RAPPERMATICAL 5 -Party Reed TREACHEROUS THREE -Body Rock vast distances within the American JIMMY BO HORNE -Is It In TRICKERATION-Rap, Bounce, Rock, After RAMONA BROOKS -I Don't Want You Skate mainland. Back RONNIE GEE- Raptivity "That's the trucking -it route COUNT COOLOUT -Rhythm Rap Rock EDDIE D. (DR. RAP) -Ad Lib Pick Up the where you don't have to fly once," FUNKY FOUR á 1- That's The Joint Pieces he explains. "That means you don't lajjing down $275 each have flight cases. That is one of the THE STRIKERS -Body Music REVELATION -Feel It secrets of the whole thing: ground K.I.D. -Don't Stop SUPER THREE -Philosophy Rappin' transport and the elimination of SHALAMAR That Move the -Make Spree tracks, flight cases which double the size LAKESIDE- Fantastic Voyage BITS & PIECES III -Disco Mix of WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing (Continued on page 96) lag down LPSPECIALS I_P ` /ALrj (7 98 each 00 (8 98 Expansion Set list) each list) By Federated SHALAMAR BLONDIE JAMES BROWN T. CONNECTION LOS ANGELES -The Federated AS CO. DIANA GERALDINE HUNT YOUNG ROSS relax REDD PAT Group has unveiled plans for store KANO SHARON BENATAR Le Parc TOUCH STEVIE ...at -the informal hotel that's be- ROD UNLIMITED WONDER expansion beyond its current South- STIR CRAZY come the "in" of the industry. Close to the L X SOUND ern California base of 10 audio and TRACK recording studios and west coast headquar- video superstores. ters of the major labels. Located 1 block west As outlined by chain president of La Cienega's "Restaurant Row:' 150 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1981 Keith Powell, the spread into other suites, each with wet bar, kitchenette and areas of the state is already under- Minimum 10 per title. DEALERS ONLY C O.D Cash or certified check only balcony. Complimentary full breakfast and $50 00 minimum order. Order shipped same day via U.P S.. Air Freight, Truck way, with the chain's opening of its limousine service available within the area. or ship I Ith outlet, a new 20,000 square foot location in Modesto, Dec. 5, and the addition of a 30,000 square foot TAPE KING INC. store in Fresno. 220 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011 In April, plans call for a Feder- ated store in Stockton. (212) 675 -0800 Meanwhile, the chain will also Le Parc spread farther south this month TOLL FREE: 800 -221 -7938, 7939 when it opens two stores in the San had de luxe EXPORTING TO ALL COUNTRIES Our TELEX: 237891 Diego market, one in the Glasshouse 733 N. West Knoll West Hollywood, CA 90069 (213) 855 -8888 (Some Quantities Limited- Prices Subject to Manufacturer's Change) Square Shopping Center and a sec- Toll -Free: U.S. (800) 421 -4666 Calif. (800) 252 -2152 We Catalog all labels on LP's and Tapes Orders shipped same day ond situated near the campus of San Diego State Univ.

www.americanradiohistory.com ST-12123




Featuring the single "COME ON HOMET5 PRODUCED BY JAY GRAYDON for Garden Rake Muslc, Inc. except You Need A Hero" and ''Ceme On Nome" PRODUCED BY BOBBY COLOMBY

www.americanradiohistory.com 16 General News Tower Foreign Expansion New 1981 Retail Outlets Labels Suing With New Store In Tokyo Average Colony outlet Continued from page 1 tions, with fixtures, signs and motifs Chain & Present New Stores Free- Strip New Store second store in Japan, following an typical of a stateside Solomon store. Home Base Stores Setln'81 Mall Standing Center Size (Sq. Ft.) NEW YORK - The Colony Rec- 18 Solomon points out the only real dif- -month shakedown cruise in Rainbow Records 15 4 1 1 2 3,500 ords store here and a number of its ference one notes between a store which the Sacramento -based firm San Francisco employes have been slapped by suits here and there is the more vertical also franchised about a dozen Japa- Cavage's 13 3 3 2,500 from CBS, RCA, and MCA charg- fixturing approach, required be- nese retail outlets (Billboard, April Buffalo ing that employes of the store would 5. 1980). cause real estate is so dear in Japan. regularly duplicate LPs and singles Music Plus 22 3 3 3,500 Solomon is bullish on his Japa- The Tower franchise and retail available for sale at the store. Los Angeles nese penetration. And it won't stop venture in Japan is "still experi- Bids for a temporary restraining Recordland 31 4 4 2,000 with the enterprise more than 5,000 mental," Solomon opines. He finds order against the store and its em- Cleveland miles from his base. As a wholesaler, the logistics of overcoming the 5,000 ployes, were scheduled to be heard Solomon admits that his business mile gap between the two countries Record Theater 16 0 Saturday (14) by U.S. District Judge Buffalo with foreign customers across the have been ameliorated. "The Japa- Edward Weinfield here. The Colony globe (going back more than five nese are totally eclectic, truly cosmo- Spec's 14 0 Records store, located on Broadway years) whetted his appetite for Nip- politan in their musical desires. We Miami near Times Square, maintains a pon holdings. stock classical, country, r &b, jazz Record Bar 112 20 19 2,500 comprehensive inventory of records Solomon's primarily U.S. imports and pop titles by the thousands." Durham, N.C. which it usually sells at list price. business opened an office /ware- Solomon stresses that his presence in Camelot 104 11 11 2,600 According to an affidavit filed by house in Japan about 18 months Japan is an augmentative factor, N. Canton, Ohio Roy Kulcsar, attorney for the RIAA, ago. It was while serving accounts providing musical fare not before Mr. Music 16 1 1 1,500 agents of the Recording Industry there that he acquired the first small available there. Houston Assn., visited the store a number of store, in Sapporo on the island of Opening of the two Tower Cactus 6 0 times from September 1980 through Hokkaido. Records outlets in Japan has overall Houston February 1981 asking employes of strengthened Tower's Nipponese The second store, 4.000 square Turtle's 19 5 5 1,900 the store to make for them cassette wholesale service. All Tower em- feet of a second floor in Shibuya, a Atlanta copies of songs contained either as Tokyo shopping area, follows more ployes in Japan except general man- individual cuts on LPs legitimately Deorsey's 7 1 1 ager Mark Viducich are nationals. 2,500 closely the image of the U.S. Tower Portland, Me. offered for sale, or from available outlet. Manabu Sano, manager of All U.S. product is jetted to Japan. singles. Strawberries 14 5 2 1 2 2,500 the Tokyo store, stocks more In recent years, two American In its suit, MCA is than Boston asking for 80,000 titles, both domestic and U.S. chain entrepreneurs attempted to $50,000 for each separate infring- National Record 70 11 9 1 1 Like the Tower franchises, the open overseas. Cleve Howard, who ment on five counts, and confisca- Mart /Oasis Shibuya store reflects its U.S. loca- initiated the Budget Tapes & tion of all infringing material in- Pittsburgh Records franchise concept in the cluding all the equipment used to Sassy mid-70s, was on the verge of open- Budget Tapes & 84 0 make the allegedly illegal cassettes. Shifts ing a U.K. segment when the chain Records According to the suits, employes NEW YORK -Sassy Entertain- weakened financially. Rich Bullock Denver of the store. identified as Harold ment Inc. moves its quarters. The of the now defunct Odyssey chain Everybody's 9 2 2 4,000 Grossbardt. Sidney Turk, Michael new address: 923 Fifth Ave., Duplex several times was in negotiation to Portland, Ore. "Russki" and "others" duplicated Suite, New York, N.Y. 10021. (212) open stores on the Continent. Circles /Hollywood 15 0 for the RIAA agents songs by Olivia 772 -9440. JOHN SIPPEL Phoenix Newton -John, Poco. ELO, Don Wil-

Hastings /Record & 51 10 6 1 3 2,500 liams, and the "Xanadu" soundtrack Soundtown from MCA recordings, LPs by Ron-

i Advcrtìsemcntl l Amarillo, Tex. nie Milsap and Waylon Jennings and individual MASTER TURNED DOWN? Harmony Huts 24 2 2 4,000 tunes by Jennings WHEN and Elvis Presley from RCA DON'T GIVE UP... Lanham, Md. 31 0 recordings, and songs by Kenny `IRWIN SINGS' NLDC IS YOUR ANSWER Edina, Minn. Loggins, Billy Joel. the Manhattans, the Jacksons, Mtume, Barbra Strei- PHILADELPHIA -- NLDC iA,lionai Flipside 20 0 Label a sand, Gladys Knight. Chicago, Kan- TIM GRIMES Distributing Company) h na- Lubbock, Tex. tional distribution service set up with sas, Eddie Money & Valerie Carter Listening Booth 43 8 8 the key independent distributors across 3,000 and Elvis Costello from CBS record- SMILES.. the country to expose. market. mer- Pennsauken, N.J. chandise and promote your product. ings. Young Entertainment 7 2 2 3,500 If you believe enough in your product Atlanta to spend time and money on it and it is passed on by the majors. that doesn't DJ's Sound City 25 2 2 1,500 mean it's a loser. Seattle Many passed on masters have gone on Record Factory 27 4 2 2 3,500 to he hits. NLDC will get your label out there and afford sou the opportunity to San Francisco guide your own destiny in the record Tower Records 31 4 2 2 7,000 business. Sacramento Understanding the problems of the Great American Because small indie we have structured a very "Irwin Sings" fair, affordable fee to set your label Music 6 2 2 2 2,000 up as a nationally distributed record Minneapolis Peter Pan #156 company. Harmony House 13 2 2 4,000 is a smash For further information call Steve L.P. Hit! Schulman at NLDC central head- Detroit quarters 215 568 -0500 or write to NLDC The Musicland 446 1530 22 ` Jim Grimes 3,700 at 1529 Walnut Street, 6th Floor, Phila- V.P. National Record Mart Group delphia, Pa. 19102. Pittsburgh, PA. Minneapolis Wherehouse/ 136 6 -10 8'" 2.800 Big Ben's Los Angeles Do You Travel? Figures represent the median between the high and low estimates for new 2832 Spring Grove Avenue stores was utilized for Musicland Group and Integrity Entertainment Corp. Cincinnati, Ohio 45225 Are You in the Entertainment Business? (513)681 -8400 Then You Must Know Cut -Outs ANRo Chart '81 Store Openings; Albums. 8- Tracks & Cassettes Proven Sellers for LIMOUSIiE Growth Is Close To 10% High Profits (212) 824 -4500 Continued from page 1 openings planned there. Freestand- ing and strip center stores split plus . . . complete line of some isolated cases, video hardware. reliable ANRO is and operated by evenly the remaining 20', . Bethlehem, Kent, United, ANRO provides CUS- owned Russ Solomon's Tower Records TOMIZED TRANSPORTATION Don Anthony and Jerry Roth. store estimate of 7,000 square feet Bright Orange, Everest for Show Business firms and They know your requirements far outdistances any other chains For The Record and many more jazz, individuals. Current model Cadil- because they both have been blues, gospel and rock lac Limousines or any other associated with show business size plans. LOS ANGELES -Mother's Rec- vehicle type can be available. for over 25 years. Seven chains in the survey indi- ords & Tape Co. is a nine -store labels. cate they will stand pat. But even chain, with locations in Virginia. Hourly Rates or Fixed Price to any those recalcitrant chains admit they Georgia, Florida and Kentucky. A Write or call for Catalog. Metropolitan New York City Airport, contact: will entertain new outlet offers if the photo caption of Lionel Richie and facility and leasing provisions are Milan Williams of the Commodores 4' UORD BTORS. MC. 1650 Broadway. New York, NY 10019 (212) 824 -4500 4 1467 Pinewood St. Anro Limousine opportune. at a Mother's store in Hampton. Va. Chicago: Los Angeles: Malls remain the chains' favorite (Billboard, Feb. 21, 1981) stated that Mrazek Livery (312) 421 -0513 Royal Rolls (213) 659 -4006 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 201- 574 -0900 4. sites with approximately 80% of the it was a three -store chain.

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In the last few years he has produced the best music you've heard ...The Brothers Johnson, George Benson, Rufus and Chaka, and Michael Jackson ... Now he's taken the time to produce his Favorite Artist... QUINCY JONES. THE DUDE... He will be everywhere you go. ON A &M RECORDS AND TAPES Includes The Single "AI NO CORRIDA" Produced by Quincy Jones for Quincy Jones Productions, Inc

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www.americanradiohistory.com Moody Blues, Ted Nugent, Graham oducing a priced Parker, The Platters, Rainbow, on of hit albums and hot artists Rush, Statler Brothers, Rod Stewart, including the Allman Brothers, Atlanta Rhythm 10CC, Thin Lizzy, Pat Travers, Village Section, George Benson, People, Hank Williams Chuck Berry, David Bowie, The -more than 100 great George Burns, Chick PolyGram rock, pop, R &B, Corea, Gloria Gaynor, $ 98 country, jazz and AOR Genesis, Tom T. Hall, Line. albums at a collection - Chuck Mangione, filling price. See your PolyGram representative for information and details.

Manufactured and Marketed by PolyGram Records

www.americanradiohistory.com Genei'al News 19 Tobin's Carnes Success Yielded Robinson Sessions Continued from page 10 mally unflappable Tobin is for once number 11 pop hit "Cinnamon." "I went through a period in the "It's awfully hard to make a living and Eddie Holland did the Mir - stopped cold. "Maybe I do and I But he got out of the business totally early '70s when I started making a when you have to sell a record to be actes " "Mickey's Monkey" in 1963. don't know it," he says. from 1974 to 1978 to build his own lot of bullshit r &b records with mar- able to make another record. One "We met last September," To- studio, Studio Sound Recorders, in ginal acts. I got out for four years thing is always contingent on an- bin remembers, "and he said `Being Tobin has been a producer since nearby North Hollywood. The facil- and built my studios because I other and the chain is sometimes With You' would be a great song for the '60s, having handled Derek's ity has two, 24 -track rooms. needed an income base. broken by the need to eat." Kim. I didn't want to tell him I wasn't going to do Kim's next album and also I thought it would be a great song for Smokey. "I said `I'd love to make a record with you on that.' He said he really produces himself. I said `Why don't we record it and if you don't like it, A buyer I'll give you the tape will be chain and that retail it ?' "We went into the studio that night and proceeded from that right goes on record . . . out into the album. And we're picking tunes for another album right now." Tobin hopes he contributed to the ordering your product faster. sound quality of Robinson's records. "The first thing we did was make the record sound like it was made to- day -very crisp, clean and spacious. I don't think Smokey was ever con- cerned with how things sounded -he was more concerned with the songs." Four of Robinson's songs wound up on the album. The singer also brought in two outside tunes and Tobin brought in two. Tobin believes generally that it's hard for a writer/artist to be objec- tive about his songs. "It's sort of like giving birth," he says. "A mother very rarely looks at her newborn child and says, `It's ugly.' " Tobin had singles with three old- ies last year besides "More Love" (which he says he originally in- tended to cut with Robert John): "Cry Like A Baby" for Carnes and "Hey There Lonely Girl" and "Sherry," both for John. "I go with an oldie whenever I run out of ideas," Tobin says. "Plus, it's harder now than ever before to get quality songs from publishers. I don't remember the last time some- body came to me with a really great song." Still, Tobin believes too much is made of the need for great songs. "People aren't buying songs," he says, "they're buying records. You can make hit records out of non -hit songs. The guy who sits around wait- ing for that great, special song might wait and wait and wait." Tobin is methodical about staying on top of the latest market trends. "I try for direct demographic hits when I make records," he says. "It's never a random shot. I always first figure out where an artist is going to fit in the scheme of things at a radio sta- tion. "I make records for radio stations, Joe Bressi not for record companies or even V.P. of Purchasing artists. I always look at what radio Camelot Music Stores stations add and every week or two North Canton, Ohio I'll go out and buy four or five al- bums and listen to them. "The bad thing about making records for a certain time," Tobin notes, "is that you can wait seven months for your album to come out 66 Keeping track of new releases is a problem the record ads as well as the charts. In fact, I and by that time it might not be va- in itself. But placing the order fast is just as frequently order the record from the ad itself. lid anymore. That's why I love what Motown did: I watched important. We all know the first wave of retail the Smokey If there was just one thing I could get across to tape go from a cassette in my hand to action on an album is critical. I'm not about to a finished record advertisers, it would be this: Make the album almost over the looking somewhere else. weekend." let those customers go album number easier to find... and easier to Does he ever try to absorb too "Trade ads do keep me posted on new releases read! You'd be surprised how often I'm slowed much to the point that all this input clutters up his own vision? The nor- and show me that the label is supporting the down, just trying to get that number copied artist. That's why I make it my business to read down correctly! 99 AMC Nominations NEW YORK -The American The Bottom Line: Music Conference is seeking nomi- Billboard ads move records. Clear ordering information moves them faster! nations for the second annual "Mu- sic Educator of the Year" award. Last year's winner was Dr. Lee Kjel- son of the Univ. of Miami. Details about nomination procedures may Billboard® be obtained from the American Mu- sic Conference offices in Wilmette, Ill.

www.americanradiohistory.com 20 Commenory Billboard® Targeting In On ded 1894 Blank Tape By JOHN The Radio Programming, Music /Record International Newsweekly DEACON L Foun111 Billboard Publications Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036 (212) 764 -7300. In a Billboard commentary recently (March 7), Barry Fox ing from any source would not only weaken the record industry Telex: 710581 -6279. Cable: Billboy NY. 9000 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. presented the British record industry with a back -handed com- but also harm the interests of composers, writers, publishers, 90069 (213) 273.7040. Telex: 698669. Cable: Billboy LA. pliment by accusing it of employing a successful consumer performers and others who are dependent on that industry, to campaign "in creating a fantasy picture the ultimate detriment of the whole Publisher. Lee Dtito (L.A.) Editor -In- Chief: Gerry Wood (N.Y.) of a heavy blank tape levy just around community." the corner." In January of this year, the independ- Managing Editor: Adam White (N.Y.) LA. Bureau Chief: Sam Sutherland He continued with the far more seri- ent Which? magazine, published by the ous allegation that by a combination of Consumers' "half Assn. (with a membership Executive Editor: Is Horowitz (N.Y.) News Editor In Lichtman (N.Y.) -truth and outrageous claims" we of some 667,400) said: have persuaded the public to ask the Offices: Chicago-150 N. Wacker Dr., Ill. 60606, 312 236.9818. Editorial Staff: Alan wrong questions, i.e. "how much will "If people whose talents and invest- Penchansky, Bureau Chief & Classical Editor. Cincinnati-2160 Patterson St., the levy be ?" and "when will it be im- ments contribute to the making of 45214 Ohio, 513 381 -6450. Los Angeles -9000 Sunset Blvd., Calif. 90069, 213 posed?," rather than "is the levy fair ?" records -sound or video -are deprived 273 -7040. Editorial Staff: Ed Harrison, Record Reviews & Assistant Radio Editor; and "how will it be distributed ?" of income because the public copies the Jim McCullaugh, Sound Business Editor; John Sippel, Marketing Editor; Sam Suth- is a end product instead of buying it, it's not erland, Jazz Editor; Jean Williams, Talent Editor; Paul Grein, Reporter. London -7 Home taping provocative subject unreasonable that Carnaby St., W1V 1PG, 01 439.9411. Editorial Staff: Mike Hennessey, European and one which the British record indus- they should receive Director; Peter Jones, U.K. News Editor. Milan -Piazzale Loreto 9, Italy. 28 -29 -158. try makes no apology for bringing to the some financial compensation from Nashville -14 Music Circle E., Tenn. 37203, 615 748-8100. Editorial Staff: Kip notice of the public. However, it is not those doing the copying. Music lovers Kirby, Country Editor; Ed Morris, Gospel Editor; Robyn Wells, Reporter. New York - the record industry which has forced the will suffer in the long term if record 1515 Broadway, New York 10036, 212 764 -7300. Editorial Staff: Is Horowitz, Com- consumer into asking "how much ?" In companies go out of business ... it's mentary Editor; Douglas E. Hall, Radio Programming Editor; Radcliffe Joe, Disco hard to see how a license system could Editor; Jim Kemp, Copy Editor; Roman Kozak, Rock Editor; Iry Lichtman, Publishing fact. Fox himself (writing as Adrian Editor; Richard M. Nusser, International Editor; George Kopp, Reporter. Tokyo -Ut- Hope) in the New Scientist in January be enforced, so a levy of some kind sunomiya Bldg., 19 -16 Jingumae 6- Chome, Shibuya -ku, Tokyo 150. 03 498-4641. 1980, said: "Undenied leaks suggest seems to be the only solution -not as a Editorial: Shig Fujita. Washington -733 15th St. N.W., D.C. 20005, 202 783 -3282. that a very high levy, in the order of 4 deterrent to copying, but as a means of Editorial Bureau Chief: lean Callahan. - to 5 pounds ($8.80 to $11) a cassette, ensuring payment for.it." is hoped for." Thumbing through the BPI files, I Special Issues: Earl Paige, Editor; Susan Peterson, Assistant Editor; Bob Hudoba, Directory Services Manager; Jon Braude, Assistant Directory Manager. The British Phonographic Industry John Deacon: "The evidence consistently notice that even Barry Fox, at least in has never stated that the British record indicates that people who copy music at 1976, favored a levy. I quote from a let- Intl Correspondents: Austria- Manfred Schreiber, 1180 Wien, XVIII, Kreuzgasse 27. industry seeks such remuneration; in- home buy fewer records than they did be- ter to my predecessor, Geoffrey Bridge: 222 4330 -974, Australia-Glenn Baker, P.O. Box 261, Baulkham Hills, 2153 New deed, it would clearly be politically un- fore they started copying." "On the domestic copying, I am con- South Wales, Belgium -Juul Anthonissen, 27A Oude Godstraat, 3100 Heist op den realistic to consider such figures. vinced that there is no technological an- Berg. 015 241953, Canada -David Farrell, Box 201, M, Toronto M6S 4T3. Station In the joint submission to the Government, the BPI, Mechan- swer -the only answer is to put a license tax on each domestic 519 925 2982; Czechoslovakia -Dr. Lubomir Dourzka, 14 Zeleny Pruh, 147 00 ical Rights Society, Mechanical Copyright Protection Society recorder sold in this Praha 4 Branik. 26-16-08; Denmark -Knud Orsted, 22 Tjoernevej, DK3070,Snek- country, as in Germany." kersten. 02- 22- 26 -72; Finland -Kari Helopaltio, SF -01860 Perttula. 27-18-36; and the Musicians' Union have proposed that the rate of the Where the BPI and its colleagues, MRS, MCPS and the Mu- France -Henry Kahn, 16 Rue Clauzel, 75009 Paris. 878 -4290; Greece -John Carr, levy be subject to the jurisdiction of the Performing Right sicians' Union would take issue with the Whitford Committee Kaisarias 26 -28, Athens 610; Holland -Willem Hoos, Bilderdijhlaan 28, Hilversum. Tribunal, who, on any reference, would be charged with ensur- (and Mr. Fox), is on the recommendation that a royalty should 035-43137; Hong Kong -Keith Anderson, P.O. Box 40, Tai Po, N.T.; Hungary-Paul ing that the product of the levy, when distributed, would repre- only be paid on hardware, for as Which? magazine concludes, Gyongy, Orloutca 3 /b, 1026 Budapest 11. Tel: 167 -456; Ireland -Ken Stewart, 56 sent equitable remuneration to the rights holders . "as payment should in fairness be in proportion to the amount Rathgar Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 97- 14 -72; Israel -Uri Alony, 3 Manya Shochat St, Roshon le Zion. 997 -532; Italy -Daniele Caroli, Viale Marche 21, 20125 Milano. of copying done, a levy on blank tape seems preferable to a levy 6083412; Kenya -Ron Andrews, P.O. Box 41152, Nairobi. 24725. Malaysia- on recorders." Christie Leo, 31 Jalan Riong, Kuala Lumpur. 204.049; Mexico -Mary Fisher, Apar- U.K. losses from home Nevertheless, the British record industry is happy to associate tado Postal 11 -766, Mexico 11, D.F. 905 531.3907; New Zealand -Phil Gifford, 156 itself with the view of the Whitford Committee, and the leading Upper Harbor Dr., Greenhithe, Auckland. 413 9260. Norway -Kurt Bakkemoen, Al- British consumer magazine (and Mr. Fox ?) that the principle of cersgaten 34, Postboks 727, Sentrum, Oslo 1.0211- 40 -40. Philippines -Ces Rodri- taping top $500 million a levy is guez, 11 Tomas Benitez, Quezon City 3008. Poland -Roman Waschko, Magiera 9m fair. 37, 01 -873 Warszawa. 34- 36 -04; Portugal- Fernando Tenente, R Sta Helena 122 Fox pours scorn on the British record industry's measure- As to "when levy R /c, Oporto; Rumania- Octavian Ursulescu, Str. Radu de la La Afumati nr, 57 -B will the be imposed ?," Fox knows full well ment of loss from home taping, and accuses it of using as much Sector 2, Bucharest O.P. 9. 13- 46 -10. 16-20-80; Singapore-Peter Ong, 390 Kim that this is a matter for the British Parliament to debate and de- license with its graphs as some journalists do with their pens. Seng Road. 374488; South Africa-Don Albert, 21 5th Ave., Highlands N. 2192, cide. Surveys commissioned by the BPI have employed samples Johannesburg; Esmond Frank, P.O. Box 87729, Houghton 2041, Transvaal. 011.40- So let us now consider the question which, according to Fox, which 6963; Spain -Ed Owen, Alberto Alcocer 43, Appo. 903, Madrid 16. 458 7100 ext. are large enough to give a high degree of reliability. No the British industry is to dissuade 903. Sweden -Leif Schulman, Brantingsgatan 49, 4 tr. 115 35 Stockholm. 08 -629- attempting the public from sample claims complete accuracy, but it is nevertheless shown levy 873; Switzerland- Pierre Haesler, Hasenweld 8, CH -4600 Olten, 062-215909; asking -"is a fair ?" to be very likely that 25% of all home taping sessions in the U.K. U.S.S.R.-Vadim D. Yurchenkov, 14 Rubinstein St., Ap. 15 Leningrad, 191025. Piracy, everyone knows, is a worldwide problem for all in- prevent the sale of the item of recorded music concerned. 15-33-41; West German- Wolfgang Spahr, 236 Bad Segeberg, An der Trave 67 b, dustries. The record industry takes a determined stand against Postfach 1150. 04551-81428; Yugoslavia -Mitja Volcic, Glise Jankovica 2, 71 000 pirates and expects and obtains everyone's support in this fight. Sarajevo. 071 667 -184. In Britain, the copyright law grants to the producer of phono- The grams an absolute right against private copying. Nevertheless, only practical answer Associate Publisher & Director of Sales: Tom Noonan (L.A.); National Sales Man- home taping presents a different problem to that of commercial ager: Ron Willman (N.Y.); Sales Administrator, John Halloran (L.A.); Classified Ad- is a levy on blank tape vertising Manager: Jeff Serrette (N.Y.). piracy, although the loss caused the industry is as great. The wrongdoers, however, are generally law- abiding citizens who U.S. Sales Staff: Los Angeles -Joe Fleischman, Harvey Geller, Roni Wald; Nashville - In 1979 the equivalent of 226,800,000 LPs were copied in the cannot be expected to appreciate the complexities of copyright John McCartney; New York- Mickey Addy, Jim Bender, Norm Berkowitz, Ron Car- United Kingdom; 25% of this is 56,700,000 and at an average law. penter. retail price of 4.03 pounds ($8.20), lost sales were 228 million Home taping is here to stay. The problem is to reconcile the Intl Sales: Australia-Geoff Waller & Associates, 64 Victoria St., North Sydney 2060, pounds ($501.6 million). need to safeguard the record industry's right to equitable remu- Sydney 4362033; Canada -Jim Bender, New York Office; Austria, Benelux, Ger- The evidence from other countries inéluding Belgium, Hol- many, Greece, Portugal, neration with the impossibility of enforcing those rights. Scandinavia, So. Africa, Switzerland- contact U.K. office. land, Finland, West Germany and the United States, con- France-Pierre de Chocqueuse, 13 Rue DeLa Comete, Paris 75007. 555 -6024; We refuse to contemplate taking the same action draconian sistently indicates that people who copy music at home nor- Great Britain -Peter Mockler, Philip Graham, 7 Carnaby St., London W1V 1PG. 439- against otherwise law- abiding citizens that we use so success- mally buy fewer records and tapes than they did before they 9411; Italy- Germano Ruscitto, Piazzale Loreto 9, Milan. 28 -29 -158; Japan -Hugh fully against pirates. The only practicable answer, in our view, Nishikawa, Utsunomiya Bldg., 19-16 Jingunae 6- Chome, Shibuya -ku, Tokyo 150. started copying. is a levy on blank audio tape. 03- 498 -4641; Mexico -Mary Fisher, Apartado Postal 11-766, Mexico 11, D.F. 905 This evidence of loss and damage has been painstakingly To read Barry Fox's article, one might understandably be led 531 -3907; New Zealand -Mike Bailey, F.J. Associates, P.O. Box 1367, Wellington. compiled and is overwhelmingly conclusive. Yet Mr. Fox 723475; Spain -David Safewright, Menendez Pelayo 75, Madrid 7. 251 -8678. to believe that the British record industry stood alone on the "is whimsically dismisses it as "outrageous" when he has made no it fair?" issue. But this is not so. attempt to assemble evidence to the contrary. Associate Publisher & Director of Charts & Research: Bill Wardlow (L.A.); Divisional Mr. Justice Whitford's Committee Report, which considered Controller. Don O'Dell (Cincinnati); Business Affairs Director: Gary J. Rosenberg law on copyright and designs, and on which the Government (L.A.); Circulation Director: Carole Ireland (N.Y.); Conference Director: Salpy Tcha John Deacon is director general of the British Phonographic "Green Paper" is now awaited, stated: "Complete freedom for lekian (L.A.); Chart Manager. Jim Muccione (L.A.): Managing Director Billboard Industry. Ltd. UK/Europe: Frederick C. Marks (London); Production Manager: individuals and educational establishments to record for noth- (N.Y.); Production Coordinators: Ron Frank, Tom Quilligan (Cincinnati). Articles appearing on this weekly page are designed as a forum for the expression of views of general interest. Contri- BILLBOARD PUBLICATIONS, INC. butions should be submitted to Is Horowitz, Commentary Editor, Billboard, 1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036. Chairman And President W. D. Littleford. Executive Vice President: Jules Perel. Senior Vice Presidents: Gerald S. Hobbs, Billboard & Amusement Business Groups; Patrick Keleher, Art & Design Group. Vice Presidents: William H. Evans Jr., Treas- urer; Lee Zhito, Billboard Operations; John B. Babcock, Product Development; Mary C. McGoldrick, Personnel. Secretary: Ernest Lorch. Corporate Managers: Charles Rueger, General Manager of Publishers Graphics; Ann Haire, Director of Planning & Market Development. Letters ToThe Editor Subscription rates payable in advance. One year, $110 in U.S.A. (except Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada). Other rates on request. Allow 3 to 6 weeks delivery first copy. Published weekly. Dear Sir: But let's face it; the Grammys, in keeping with the out the status quo in a predominantly white, upper Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. and additional mailing offices. Postmaster, please The Grammys may be the only program currently on rest of our society, views what is best not in terms of class corporation. And "corporation" is what our indus- send changes of address to Billboard, P.O. Box 13808, Philadelphia, Pa. 19101. television that represents our industry, but this cer- quality, innovativeness or actual talent, but rather in try has become. © Copyright 1981 by Billboard Publications, Inc. The company also publishes in New York: tainly does not excuse the musical elitism and snob- Art & Antiques, American Artist, In- financial terms -product which can generate the most It is time that we in this industry face up to the re- teriors, Photo Weekly, Residential bery the telecast, in represents. It makes that truth, bucks. sponsibility of this awards program which supposedly Interiors, Watson -Guptill Publica- SUBSCRIBER SERVICE one wonder about the individuals doing the nomi- All of this year's nominees have had huge commer- tions, Amphoto, Whitney Library of Billboard represents us. In lieu of this, we have settled for the nating. in large Design, American Artist Book Club, P.O. Box 13808 cial success and acceptability, resulting sales "hey, it's better than nothing" route when there is a in i.e. new wave Designers Book Club, Camera Arts Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 By ignoring current trends music, and gold or platinum. From Christopher Cross to Kenny feasible alternative until we do bring about proper rep Book Club, Music In The Air; Los (609) 786-1669 and those other enormously important artists whose Rogers on down to perennial favorite Barbra Streisand, resentation, It's called ... Nothing. Angeles: Billboard; Nashville: records may not have gone gold, platinum or reached a we are talking about safe MOR- oriented music, basic- Amusement Business, Billboard Debra Goodman Broadcasting Corp. (WLAC -AM, certain level of commercial acceptibility, we in the in- ally formulated music that takes no chances. MPA RED Studio Manager WKQB -FM); London: - 5',ABP(®> TAO dustry are responsible for presenting the public a false A token exception is the Pretenders nomination (ac- TV Handbook, The Artists Book Downtown Recorders matron and dishonest view of current music and what is cent on the word "token ") in the same vein as a sing- Club. Boston Vol. 93 No. 11 "best." ular black, Puerto Rican or woman who is used to fill

www.americanradiohistory.com o 1\1

www.americanradiohistory.com 22 Billboard. Singles Radio Action. rp Prime Movers * eyr.i Top adda, :. a.dati Based on station playlists through Tuesday (3/10/81)


STEVE WINWOOD -While You See a Chance (Island) REOSPEEDWAGON -Take It On the Run (Epic) -Angel of the Morning (Capitol) GROVER WASHINGTON JR. -Just the Two of Us (Elektra) THEWHO -You Better You Bet (WB) -Morning Train (EMI) STYX -The Best of Times (A &M) STEELY DAN -Time Out of Mind (MCA) ERICCLAPTON -I Can't Stand It (RSO)

STYX -Too Much Time 30 * DARYL HALL /JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List * * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What ** TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 15- * * STEVE WINW000 -While You See A * PRIME MOVERS-The two products JOURNEY -The Party's Over 3126 Kind Of Fool 12-8 10 Chance 21-10 registering the greatest proportion. RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman Needs * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 23-18 * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 28- ** STEVEWINWOOD -While You See A THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me ate upward movement on the ** Love DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're 20 Chance 26 -21 11.9 station's playlist as determined by YARBROUGH g PEOPLES -Don't Stop The Fooling station personnel are marked * *. * THE POUCE-Dont Stand So Close to me * JOURNEY -The Party's Over 22 -13 * RANDY MOSHER- Hearts On Fire 14-11 Music SANTANA- Winning 15-11 * APRIL WINE -Just Between You and Me 20 -17 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List ADD ONS -The two key products * /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning -22 6 -4 added at the radio stations listed KOPA - Phoenix (J. McKay -MD) KXOA -Sacramento (C. Mitchell -MD) s Too 34-29 BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What as determined by station personnel EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mr. Sandman -26 * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 20-14 ** HAWKS -Right Away THE WHO Better, You Bet Kind Of Fool 12-8 are marked No List s -You . ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My LENNY LeBLANC-Somebody Send My REO SPEEDWAGON It s ROWNG STONES -If I Were A Dancer s -Take On The Run - BREAKOUTS- Billboard Chart Depart- List 16-10 KIOY- Fresno (M. Driscoll -MD) Baby Home GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself LP ment summary of Add On and * BLONDIE- Rapture 6.2 Prime Mover information to reflect JOHN O'BANNON -Love You Like I Never PAUL ANKA -I Think I'm In Love Again APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me -LP * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of greatest product activity at Region- No List THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -D-20 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning -D- Us 1913 KCBN -Reno (L Irons -MD) al and National levels. GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of 23 * TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 15 -12 KGW- Portland (J. Woiniak -MD) ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 12 -8 Us -D -30 CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us -LP FRANKE THE KNOCKOUTS- & Sweetheart ** NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 19 -14 ** JOURNEY -The Party's Over 28 -20 ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It -D-25 BARRY MANILOW -Lonely Together WDRQ- Detroit (J. Ryan -MD) s ** STYX -The Best Of Times 20-15 * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 30- GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of CHRISTOPHER CROSS -Say You'll Be Mine * RONNIE MILSAP -Smokey Mountain Rain 25 Pacific ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 7 -4 Us -D-22 Southwest Region STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -25 15-13 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List ** TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 20- CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us WXGT (92X) -Columbus (T. Nutter -MD) PRIME MOVERS * DON McLEAN- Crying 25-20 10 -4 12 THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me * REO SPEEDWAGON -Keep On Loving You * LOVERBOY -Turn Me Loose 20-13 * PAT BENATAR -Treat Me Right 16-11 ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My * KRQQ(KRQ-94) -Tucson (K. Lacy -MD) (55M) 13-9 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind * APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me 22.18 List 10-4 STYX -The Best of Times ** BLONDIE- Rapture 11 -7 (A&M) BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What JOHN O'BANNON -Never Loved Before * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of ** -While You See A A TASTE OF HONEY -Sukiyaki (Capital) SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 16-12 ** Kind Of Fool Like I Love You Us 25-21 Chance 20-15 TOP ADD ONSu * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List STEVE *INWOOD -While You See A Chance GARLAND JEFFREYS -96 Tears -D-39 s THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party -15 * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What BARRY MANILOW-Lonely Together (Arista) 63 CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You -D -24 PHIL COLLINS-1 Missed Again THE WHO -You Better, You Bet Kind Of Fool 13-8 GINOVANEW- Living Inside Myself (Arista) * STYX -The Best Of Times 4-1 GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of HEART- REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me DOLLY PARTON -But You Know I Love You * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What Us JOHN COUGAR-Ain't Even Done With The 21-17 (RCA) ROLLING STONES-If I Was A Dancer Kind Of Fool 10-6 ATNNNaaaa> BREAKOUTS Night-D-38 PHIL COLLINS-1 Missed Again * LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 14-11 KM-Portland (C. Kelly /J. Shomby STYX -Too Much Time -30 -MDs) RAY PARKER Woman STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind (MCA) JR. g RAYDIO-A Needs FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run 25 JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Kiss On My list ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 26.19 Love -D -40 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You-D -30 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet -35 Too -29 (RCA) * LEO SAYER -Living In A Fantasy 19 -15 JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch Cherie-D- JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town STYX -Too Much Time STYX-Too Muth Time (AIM) FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart * APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me 27-22 35 Too -D -27 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart -X REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run * RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire 14.11 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town JOURNEY -The Party's Over -X THE WHO -You Better, You Bet WAKY- Louisville (B. Modie -MD) KA -Los Angeles (R. Collins -MD) STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind Too -D36 THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party -X THE WHO -You Better, You Bet ** STYX -The Best Of Times 5.1 PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me -X ** STYX -The Best Of Times 4.1 KTKT -Tucson (E. Alexander -MD) KCPX -Salt Lake City (G. Waldron -MD) DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 6 -2 .38 SPECIAL -Hold On Loosely -X YARBROUGH & PEOPLES The ** ** -Don't Stop * * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List -D-26 ** EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mr. Sandman 24-17 * TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 9 -5 Music 12 -7 List 17.9 *UP- Cleveland (B. McKay -MD) JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The * ATASTE OF HONEY -Sukiyaki 30.23 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES On My List * -Kiss GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two * * Night DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think I1.8 ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two 15 -9 Of Us 29 -22 PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me -X You're Fooling * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What Of Us D-16 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 18-13 * TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' BILL MEDLEY -Don't Know Much Kind Of Fool 13.7 ** TERRIGIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' D -19 Us 28 -19 * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance JOURNEY -The Party's Over -X BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together -D-28 ANDY GIBB-Time Is Time -29 * LEO SAYER -Living In A Fantasy 16-10 DOLLY PARTON -But You Know I Love You 20-16 YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 20 -13 BARRY MANILOW -Lonely Together JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town KJR- Seattle (T. s Buchanan -MD) Music WKJJ(KJ101)- Louisville (B. Hatfield -MD) ERIC CLAPTON-1 Can't Stand It STYX -Too Much Time s Too ** BLONDIE- Rupture 4.2 JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town s MICHAEL STANLEY BAND -Lover A TASTE OF RANDY MEISNER- Hearts On Fire 8-4 HONEY-Sukiyaki-D.29 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO-A Woman ** RONNIE MILSAP -Smokey Mountain Rain Too -D-30 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You ** MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D-27 Needs Love ** -For 9 -6 BADFINGER -Hold On -D -40 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town You 26-19 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D-2/ * BARBRA STREISAND/BARRY GIBB-What SHERBS-I Have The Skill Too Too TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me Kind Of Fool 14 -11 JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job -D -38 CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing JOURNEY -The Party's Over 11.3 * CLIFF RICHARD -A Little In Love 11.9 THE RINGS -Let Me Go PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me -D -20 * BADFINGER -Hold On 24 -20 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're KRLA -Los Angeles (R. * RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire 15 -12 ANDY GIBB-Me-D-29 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind Stanatto -MD) APRIL WINE Between You & Me 22 -18 Fooling -D -30 * -Just SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You TIERRA- Memories -D-39 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 2.1 ** GARLAND JEFFREYS -96 Tears s JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The WKWK(14WK)- Wheeling (R. Collins -MD) JOHN O'BANNON -Love You Like I Never ** YOUNG & CO. -I Like What You're Doing KRSP -Saft Lake (Lorraine -MD) Night LOVERBOY -Turn Me Loose To Me 2614 KENO -Las Vegas (B. Alexander -MD) REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run No List STYX -Too Much Time ** THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me YOKO ONO-Walking On Thin Ice 22.20 JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER Town * ** THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me -Her JOHN COUGAR- Ain't Even Done With The 5-2 * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me 15 -9 Too -D-24 Night -D-27 * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A 20 -17 .38 SPECIAL On Loosely ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two -Hold -D.25 ELVIS PRESLEY- Guitar Man -D -25 Chance 6-3 Southwest Region * BLONDIE- Rapture 4 -2 Of Us 24-15 SHERBS -1 Have The Skill JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER- Her Town * ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It 19-15 ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It * BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -Fade Away 21-17 CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You -D-26 PRIME MOVERS Too -D -28 * APRIL WINE -Just Between You And Me 10- DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train (EMI) * LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 10 -6 8 ERIC CLAPTON- I Can't Stand It -23 * -D List-I8 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're BARBRASTREISAND & BARRY GIBE -What * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 18 -13 * STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind 24 -18 STEELY DAN -Hey Nineteen Fooling Kind Of Fool (Columbia) STYX -Too Much Time Km-Seattle (S. Lynch -MD) THE WHO -You Better. You Bet Stop The GROVER WASHINGTON JR The'Two YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't -Just Of RAY PARKER JR. g RAYDIO -A Woman HEART- Unchained Melody -D -27 s ** JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning RUSH -Limelight 25 Music (Mercury) Us-D-27 Needs Love THE WHO -You Better, You Bet 23 -15 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart TOP ADD ONS SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D-30 STYX- Rockin' The Paradise -D.28 KRTH -Los Angeles (B. Hamilton -PD) ** SHEENAEASTON- Morning Train 11.6 PHILCOWNS -I Missed Again ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It (RSO) .38 SPECIAL -Hold On Loosely -0.29 * JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town STYX -Too Much Time On My Hands REOSPEEDWAGON-Take It On The Run (Epic) ** THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me WGCL -Cleveland (D. Collins ERIC CLAPTON Can't Stand It -MD) THE WHISPERS-It 's A Love Thing (Solar) -I -D-27 Too 28 -18 22 -15 KIMN -Denver (D. Ericson DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're -MD) STYX -The Best Of Times 10.7 aaaaaaaaaaBREAKOUTS * CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 15-10 ** ** ATASTE OF HONEY -Sukiyaki 21.8 Fooling -D-28 JUICE NEWTON NEIL DIAMOND Again 12-5 JAMES TAYLOR &1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance ** -Angel Of The Morning ** -Hello * ALAN PARSONS PROJECT -Games People Too (Columbia) 22-16 2014 * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me Play 2420 KLUC -Las Vegas (R. Lundquist -PD) BLONDIE -Rapture (Chrysalis) GROVER WASHINGTON 16.10 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet * JR -Just The Two Of * SMOKER ROBINSON -Being With You 4.2 STYX -Too Much Time AM) THE EAGLES-Seven Bridges Road 6-4 The ** REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run Us 22-17 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -lust Two Of * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What s ** STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * RANDY MEISNER- Hearts On Fire 11.7 Us 1913 JOHN O'BANNON I Kind Fool -I Love You Like Never Of 20-16 Chance 10-7 KSRR(STAR 97)-Houston (R. Lambert-MD) Loved Before * ERIC CLAPTON-1 Can't Stand It 25-21 * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What STEELY DAN Out Of Mind -Time * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 20- RREFALL- Staying With It * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES-Kiss On My List Kind Of Fool 14.9 * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A GINO VANELLI -Living Inside Myself -X 17 12-10 Mind CON FUNK SHUN Tight STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Chance 15-11 JUICE NEWTON -Angel The Morning -Too -X Of * ERIC CLAPTON-1 Can't Stand It 26 -22 SPINNERS -Yesterday Once More -X * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 15-11 s MICHAEL STANLEY BAND -Lover ** BARBRA STREISAND/BARRY GIBB-What .5 STYX -Too Much Time KFMB -FM (B- 100) -San Diego (G. McCartney- GARLAND JEFFREYS-96 Tears -X * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' -D30 Kind Of Fool 14-10 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run MD) PHILCOLLINS -I Missed Again 18 -15 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning-D- * PATBENATAR -Treat Me Right 19 -14 JOURNEY -The Party's Over HEART- Unchained Melody -X FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart 28 JOURNEY -The Party's Over -D-26 ** STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind 18.14 STEELY DAN PARKER JR. & RAYDIO-A Woman Needs APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me -X -Time Out Of Mind RAY * * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What KFMK-Houston (J. Steele-MD) ANDY JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town Love Kind Of Fool 10-6 GIBB-Me-X EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mr. Sandman -D.30 Too -D.28 JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town * * JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance Pacific THE WHO -You Better, You Bet Too-D.24 Too 2820 1311 Northwest Region KJRB- Spokane (Nancy-MD) THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -D-29 ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 26 PRIME MOVERS APRIL WINE Between You And Me ANDYGIBB -Me Of Us 22 -17 20 * * -Just *BLONDIE- Rapture (Chrysalis) 25-19 HAWKS -Right Away * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 30- CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 2319 North Central Region * DON McLEAN -Crying (Millennium) STEVE *INWOOD -While You See A 26 CHRISTOPHER CROSS You'll Mine * * -Say Be THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing (Solar) Chance 1812 oar_* PRIME MOVERS WKRQ(Q102)- Cincinnati (T. Gillum-MD) * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 29 -25 JOHN LENNON- Watching The Wheels TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' (MCA) TOP ADD ONSu * STYX -The Best Of Times 8.4 ** BLONDIE- Rapture 10-5 * ABBA -The Winner Takes It All 19 -13 THE JOE CHEMAY BAND -Proud STEVEWINWOOD -While You See A Chance JOHN O'BANION -Love You Like I Never Loved WASHINGTON Two STEVEWINWOOD You A BLONDIE- Rapture -30 * GROVER JR -Just The Of (Island) ** -While See s Before (Elektra) GINO VANEW- Living Inside Myself KGB(13K) -San Diego (P. Hamilton -MD) Us 10-7 STYX -The Best Of Times (A &M ( Chance 24-21 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind (MCA) * SHEENA EASTON -Morning Train 19-14 TOP ADD ONS * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mr. Sandman THE WHO -You Better. You Bet (WB) No List JOHN O'BANNON -Love You Like I Never 1815 (Continued on page 26) aaaaaaaaaa BREAKOUTS STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind (MCA) s DELBERT McCUNTON- Shotgun Rider MICHAELSTANLEY BAND -Lover (EMI) * JOURNEY -The Party's Over 32-28 KERN -Bakersfield (G. Davis -MD) SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You ( Tamia) THE WHO -You Better, You Bet THE WHO -You Better You net (WB) * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning Copyright 1981, Billboard Publi- GROVER WASHINGTON JR -lust The Two Much Time Us 28-25 ** (Capitol) STYX -Too cations, Inc. No part of this publi- Of Us BREAKOUTS 22,16 SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train (EMI) REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run -D- APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me -33 cation may be reproduced, stored THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party (Cleveland ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My 29 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -34 in a retrieval system, or trans- inter nail) mitted, in any form or by any List 1510 .38 SPECIAL-Hold On Loosely THE WHO -You Better, You Bet Morning Train (EMI) KFRC -San Francisco (J. Peterson -PD) SHEENA EASTON- means, electronic, mechanical, * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 2418 CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us -D -30 PAT BENATAR -Hell Is For Children -LP REOSPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run (Epic) photocopying, recording, or other- * CLIMAX BLUES BAND -1 Love You 29.22 ** DON McLEAN-Crying 21-12 -Happy Birthday-LP wise, without the prior written KTAC -Tacoma (S. Carter -MD) * LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 1612 ** THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing 28-21 permission of the publisher. CKLW- Detroit (R. Trombley -MD) WNCI -Columbus (S. Edwards -MD) THE WHO -You Better, You Bet 29 * JOURNEY -The Party's Over 36 -27 ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 25-13

www.americanradiohistory.com 23 Radio Programming R &B FORMAT WHRK In Memphis Hangs Tough In Face Of Arbitron Ups, Downs By ROSE CLAYTON MEMPHIS -When Ron Olson in my eyes and ears, but people still promotional budget or anything like joined WHRK -FM as program di- sort of categorize it." that. We did it on sheer music, the rector in April 1979, the Arbitron Craig Scott, who recently left his music and the fact that we were live showed a 7.2 audience share for the position as national program direc- and that there were people with automated -disco station, placing it tor for Plough Broadcasting to be- some opinions and personalities. eighth in the market. By the follow- come vice president and general "I had to hire a whole staff of ing year, the station had changed to manager of WHRK and WMPS- jocks when we went live," Olson a live r &b format and soared to the AM. says that when he hired Olson says. "We started from scratch, we No. 1 spot with a high 12.6. as p.d. two years ago, he was looking built it up and did everything our- According to the latest Arbitron for someone who could improve the selves." report, however, the station has slid station in ways other than music. K -97's staff includes Jimmy into third place with an 11.1 rating. "I felt the station needed some- Smith, morning drive; Ron Wolf, Billboard photos by Chuck Pulin WHRK -FM now ranks behind thing to give it magic and street ap- midday; Olson, afternoon drive; WZXR -FM, whose AOR format peal," says Scott. "We had done NEW TEAM -The new morning drive team on WABC -AM New York, Ross and Leon Griffin, "the lurch of the Brittain and Brian Wilson enjoy a laugh as they debut their show. At top Ross, claims a 13.4 listening audience, and some research and found that Ron nighttime." WEZI -FM, the city's beautiful mu- Olson was perceived very positively in foreground, enjoys a Wilson joke. Below Ross scans the New York Times As far as WHRK's present pro- Wilson his joke file. The two debuted sic station with a 12.1 share: in the black community." for topical items while thumbs through gramming is concerned, Olson says, While WHRK's addition of air So, despite the fact that Olson had on Monday (9). "We play some funk, some r &b, and personalities, the change in format, no experience as a p.d. and was and the station's sound are cited as playing rock'n'roll at FM -100 we'll slip a little Rod Stewart and being primarily responsibile for its (WMC), Scott hired him. (Continued on page 31) present position in this market, the "In my wildest dreams I never reason for its recent audience de- thought I would be working in an cline is not as easily identified. r &b format," says Olson, "but I WABC -AM It may be significant to point out wasn't a complete stranger to the that WLOK and WDIA, both music. Like a lot of other people, I MOVES NEAR AMers that, like WHRK, program grew up as a big fan of the early Mo- black music, show drops of 2.8 and town days." At the time Olson joined TALK FORMAT 2.0, respectively, landing them in WHRK, Candy Westland was pro- sixth and 10th places among the 16 gramming Plough's three r &b sta- NEW YORK -WABC -AM, the stations listed in the Memphis metro tions: WHRK, WVEE -FM Atlanta, station whose call letters were for survey. and WXYV -FM Baltimore. years synonymous with "Musi- One reason that may account for "It was like a dream come true," cradio," has taken a major step WHRK's dip is that, according to Olson says in describing WHRK's toward a talk format. Olson, "People still think we are eight -spot ascent in the Arbitron. No one will admit that the station disco. It (the music) is far from,disco "We got there without any heavy is going talk, but the New York flag- ship of the ABC radio chain has fol- lowed signing up play-by -play Yan- kee baseball with the installation of IN BOSTON AREA Vegas AMer Playlist Cut a "Sports Talk" program that will not only run as a pre -game show for night games, but fill a 7 to 9 p.m. WRAF-FM Thrives, Following Drop In Ratings block when there are no games. By TIM WALTER Operations director Jay Clark has telephone - LAS VEGAS -With a 50% Arbi- eludes Terri Gibbs, Eddie Rabbit's hired Art Rusk Jr. from AM Sister Troubled talk WMCA -AM New York to host tron share loss, adult contemporary 'I Love A Rainy Night,' Ronnie Mil - By JON KELLER the show, which will feature call -ins KMJJ -AM plans only a tightened sap's 'Smokey Mountain Rain' and a strong 7.8 share in April /May from listeners. Rusk will also do WORCESTER, Mass.- "Rock- playlist to regain position. Barbara Mandrell's new hit. You 1979. By spring 1980, however, the three one -minute sports inserts daily 'n'roll in an '80s environment" is the "One book doesn't make a trend," have to ride on what's popular." station had fallen back to a 5.3 weekdays during morning drive. key keeping WAAF -FM on an even AM snaps Kevin O'Brien, program di- Does he foresee country as a pass- keel in double digit Arbitron with Boston -based adult contem- of Rusk puts DJ rector. "We've had good numbers ing fancy? "I certainly hope so!" The addition shares," according to program direc- porary WROR -FM apparently ever since we signed on in August of Stirgis Griffin's early evening as- Other problems that affected the tor Dave Bernstein. picking up the slack. 1978 and we're after the same au- signment in jeopardy. and there are station's poor showing in the fall Ar- "We're very careful to keep the "I can't prove it, but it seems that dience now as then, 25 to 34." indications that he will be leaving bitron include the increase right music mix and a personable, for many people around Worcester O'Brien admits he may have been in diaries the station. Griffin declines to com- outside Clark County, claims honest, trustworthy sound from our there's a certain hipness in listening complacent in not scrutinizing rota- ment on his situation. (Continued on page 29) announcers," explains Bernstein. to a station from another city." ex- tions closer since becoming p.d. in The WAAF mix features hard plains 14Q program director Cliff September 1980. "We're taking out rockers like Led Zeppelin, Ted Nu- Blake. some tunes, we've probably got too gent, Van Halen and Pat Benatar. Whatever the reason, 14Q is fight- large a library." he explains, "we've Urban Contemporary Off "When we began this format in ing back with a revised format fea- been keeping and playing marginal 1976, we pretty much had the album turing up to 70% oldies, no hard tunes, numbers that probably hurt rock field to ourselves," explains rock, a more selective top 30 playlist, us rather than helped." To Good Start In Cincy Bernstein. But WAAF has demon- and beefed -up local news. Blake The station has dropped some CINCINNATI -A new black -ori- was highly unsuccessful as a rock strated the durability of its format by says 14Q is promoting more ag- Buckinghams, Jackson Five, Stevie ented urban contemporary station station, and we're not ashamed to holding steady numbers in the face gressively, too. In a "Tribute to our Wonder, Beach Boys and Beatles. debuted here at midnight Monday admit that. With the new format, we of an onslaught by powerful Listeners" giveaway, for example, "Burned out," is the label given by (9) when WOKV dropped its AOR plan to fill a very large gap between WCOZ -FM in Boston, which booms the station booked a theatre for a O'Brien. "We're keeping things like format. rock'n'roll and ." a hard album rock format into Wor- screening of "Tribute" and filled it Elton John's 'Your Song' and old with ticket winners. Recently, 14Q Program director Mike Roberts WCIN and WOKV are simulcast- cester. Pablo Cruise, Chuck Magione, Chi- gave away tickets to see the movie "9 reports all is going well with the new ing drive periods with two new jocks According to Bernstein, WAAF cago, America and some of the bet- it with heavy on -air pro- To 5" to an entire office of workers. format, but he adds he and his car in those spots. Jim Snowden is the does partly ter Beatles and Beach Boys. We're strong with women are being worn by programming two morning man. He comes from Roch- motion of its tag line, "Rock and "We're already handpicking the right ones." 18 -34," says Blake, "and we're look- stations 20 miles apart. Roberts also ester, N.Y., where he was program Roll WAAF." The station gives with working With a five share loss from the programs WCIN -AM, sister station director of WHFM -FM and over- away ski trips, movie passes and ing to be even stronger tying its people 18 -34 who would rather get AM markets to the FM markets, of WOKV, which is located in Cin- night man on WKBW -AM. theatre tickets, promotions O'Brien suggests that a portion of cinnati, while WOKV is actually in in with current youth- oriented fads. their music and news from a local John Monds has been brought in the KMJJ audience may have Hamilton. Recently, the station ran a "Bull Sit- station than twist the dial looking to from WBSB-FM (B -104) Baltimore drifted over the band to sister station WOKV has flip -flopped from ting Contest" where contestants who pull in a Boston station." to be afternoon drive jock. Other KLUC -FM, accounting for their disco to top 40 to AOR during the could stay on the mechanical bull at new jocks on WOKV are Lee Ran - 25% increase with a mass appeal three years of under the ownership a local nightclub could win free cow- dell from WPEG Charlotte in To rock format. Another segment, he of Broadcasting Enterprises Na- -FM boy boots and a side of beef. Ragamuffin Radio middays, Deborah Kennedy from admits, probably drifted to country tional Incorporated. BENI is no In the meantime, WAAF's sister MARINA DEL REY, Calif. - an overnight shift on WCIN to 7 KVEG -AM. newcomer to this market having station WFTQ -AM (14Q) continues Ragamuffin Productions, best p.m. to midnight and Garry Weiler "We haven't leaned into country, owned and operated WCIN -AM to struggle with a revamped adult known for its co- production of the from afternoon drive to overnight. but we haven't leaned against it, ei- (Magic 1480) for the past 28 years. contemporary format. television series "The Jeffersons," is ther," he details, "but we were prob- In the Fall 1980 Arbitron, A highly aggressive promotion A longtime doormat in Worcester moving into radio with a 24 -hour ably too urban for a time. We didn't WOKV, primarily identifying itself campaign is in the works, but "not in with its mixture of CBS News and look at called, "Coun- go on Don Williams 'I Believe In as "Rock 104," failed to even show. the contest sense," according to beautiful music, WFTQ switched to try, U.S.A." You,' but we do selectively reflect, in It was later discovered that the iden- Roberts. New call letters have been adult contemporary in October The program, now being offered our currents, some of the country in- tifying slogan was not registered applied for: WBLZ (Billboard, Feb. 1977. Featuring a top 40 playlist and to stations, is hosted by Lance fluence. What I'm playing now in- with Arbitron. Roberts said "the FM 28, 1981). VICTOR HARRISON minimal news, 14Q checked in with LeGault.

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Ploylist Prime Movers ,k Ploylisi Top Add Ons Billboard R Singles RodioActuon T M Based on station playlists through Tuesday (3/10/81)

Continued from page 22 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -30 * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind Fooling -D-28 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You Kind Of Fool 4-1 32-18 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -30 STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A JOURNEY -The Party's Over JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * STEPHEN BISHOP -Send A Little Love 22-15 * STYX -The Best Of Times 21-13 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're Chance -D-29 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You Too -D -29 * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 7-4 s JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning Fooling YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You -LP DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It Music -D-28 WRKO- Boston (C. Van Dyke -PD) Too List -30 JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER-Her Town THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing BADFINGER -Hold On -D -30 Too -D-42 ** SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 11-5 KIOA -Des Moines (G. Stevens -MD) .38 SPECIAL-Hold On Loosely -D -29 PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me -D-41 ** ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It X -19 KRLY- Houdon (M. Jones -MD) Midwest Region ** BLONDIE- Raptare 8 -4 TIERRA- Memories * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 18- * * YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The KILE- Galveston (S. Taylor -MD) PRIME MOVERS * * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 28 -20 13 Music 6-3 WXLO -New York (J. Knapp -PD) ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My STYX -The Best of Times (AGM) * PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me 29 -21 * JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town BLONDIE- Rapture 13 -9 * ** JR.-Just The Two Of List 16-12 GROVER WASHINGTON * STYX -The Best Of Times 3-1 ** BLONDIE- Rapture 6-4 Too 24 18 * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 26.21 Us(Elektra) ** APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me 25- * STEVIE WONDER -I Ain't Gonna Stand For It ** JOHN LENNON -Woman 29 -14 * DARYL HAWIOHN OATES-Kiss On My List * THE WHISPERS-It's A Love Thing 20.15 AC/DC -Back In Black (Atlantic) 11 22-11 * STEHE WONDER-1 Ain't Gonna Stand For It 10-7 * ABBA -The Winner Takes It All 18 -12 TOP ADD ONSI * BLONDIE- Rapture 14 -9 ari REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run 10 -8 GROPER WASHINGTON JR The Two Of It On The Run (Epic) -Just SISTER SLEDGE -All American Girls -D-29 REO SPEEDWAGON-Take * PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me 20 -15 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBE -What Us JAMES TAYLOR $1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of * LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 18 -13 Too (Columbia) APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me -D -28 Kind Of Fool 28 -23 Us -D -23 WHEN -Springfield (A. Carey -MD) RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman EMMYLOU HARRIS -Mr Sandman (WB) ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It -D -29 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You BLUES BAND Love You -29 KILT- Houston (B. Young -PD) Needs Love BREAKOUTSat CLIMAX -I -D NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again -30 ** JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The BRUCE SPMNGSTEEN -Fade Away (Columbia) TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' -D -30 QUINCY JONES-Ai No Corrida 17-13 ** SHEENAEASTON- Morning Train 22.16 Music -37 THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me PHIL COWNS -I Missed Again A TASTE OF HONEY-Sukiyaki ** STYX -The Best Of Times 9 -5 ** NBL DIAMOND -Hello Again 19 -9 (A &M) ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It -34 STYX -Too Much Time -NP K.I.D. -Don't Stop * TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' 14-12 * DON McLEAN- Crying 5 -3 THE WHO -You Better You Bet (WB) LENNY LeBLANC- Somebody Send My Baby LIME -Your Love * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES-Kiss On My List * REO SPEEDWAGON -Keep On Loving You KDWB- Minneapolis (P. Abresdi -MD) Home -D -40 1-4 11 10 LEO SAYER -Living In A Fantasy 10-6 WBU -Long Island (B. Terry-MD) ROD STEWART- Somebody Special WLS- Chicago (T. Kelly -MD) ** * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of * ABBA -The Winner Takes It All 17 -7 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two * * BLONDIE- Rapture 5-2 Us 21.15 JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER Town AC /DC -Back In Black 16-11 -Her ** Of Us 13 -8 Fooling -D38 ** STYX -The Best Of Times 3 -1 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The Too -35 ** THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close to Me CHRISTOPHER CROSS -Say You'll Be Mine- * JAMES TAYLOR/1.D. SOUTHER-Her Town * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBE -What Night DON WILLIAMS- Falling Again 20-14 D-39 Too 19 -15 Kind Of Fool 11.4 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town APRIL WINE -Just Between You And Me 37- * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES On My List KNUS -Dallas (L Ridener -MD) STYX -Too Much Time * -Kiss * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 19-13 Too 24 BARRY MANILOW -Lonely Together -D -39 6 -4 * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 8-5 JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch Cherie -D- ABBA -The Winner Takes It All 17 -12 * WINWOOD No List * STEVE -While You See A Chance STYX -Rockin' The Paradise 25 KBFM -McAllen /Brownsville (S. Owens -MD) * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance 1.5 ANDY GIBB -Me PHOEBE SNOW- Games -D -24 KVIL- Dallas (C. Rhodes-MD) 35-25 ** BARBRA STREISAND/BARRY GIBB-What REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run - RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO-A Woman Needs THE WHISPERS-It's A Love Thing -D -22 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run ** SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 20-9 Kind Of Fool 13 -6 21 Love HAWKS -Right Away JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town You Bet * * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My THE WHO -You Better, -22 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The THE FOOLS- Running Scared -D -23 Too Kind Of Fool 16 -8 List 4-1 Night -LP A TASTE OF HONEY- Sukiyaki-D -26 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet KS95- FM(KSTP) -St. Paul (C. Knapp -MD) * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 25- * JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -30 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind STYX Much Time -Too BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -Fade Away 17-13 16 Night 30 24 ** JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town CUFF RICHARD -A Little In Love 11 -7 WFTQ(14Q)-Worcester (G. Nolan-MD * ELVIS PRESLEY- Guitar Man 24 -13 * CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 29-19 WRAP -Indianapolis (DJ. Bailey -MD) ** Too-D.25 SHEENA EASTON-Morning 14 * TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' 21-12 * BLONDIE- Rapture 7 -3 * Train -10 * * PAT BENATAR -Treat Me Right 6 -3 No TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' 19 WIRY- Schenectady (B. Cahill -MD) Ud ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It THE WHO -You Better, You Bet * -16 * BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -Fade Away 17-13 * STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town STYX -Too Much Time * * REO SPEEDWAGON -Keep On Loving You WPM-AM-Providence (G. Berkowitz-MD) RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire 7 -6 * ANDY GIBB Too TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' -Me 3 -1 * BLONDIE- Rapture 8-7 DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES-Kiss On My LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy -19 ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart -D ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -lust The Two Of List 7-4 GROVER WASHINGTON JR The Two Of Us -D-23 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -Just List 1810 Us 22.19 TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 8-5 Us -18 ** STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A HEART- Unchained Melody -D * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 27 -22 PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me -26 * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 21- Chance-D.22 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 15 -11 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town 13 Chance -20 BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together -D -25 Too -D -26 -D * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 13-7 Too -28 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of THE WHISPERS -11s A Love Thing -D -27 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet -NP KEGL.FM -FL Worth (B. Stevens-MD) JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The KEYN-FM- Wichita (L Court-MD) Us 23 -14 THE FOOLS -Running Scared -D -30 STYX -Too Much Time -NP Night -30 * EMMYLOU HARRIS- Mister Sandman 24 -16 ** JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run -D- KOFM -Oklahoma City (C. Morgan -MD) TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' -29 No List SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You Too 43-26 29 JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town ** JOURNEY -The Party's Over 27.17 WOKY -Milwaukee (D. Cole-MD) WOW -Omaha (J. Corcoran -MD) JOURNEY -The Party's OVer -NP No List Too * DONNA SUMMER-Who Do You Think You're DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're * * STYX -The Best Of Times 7 -4 ** STYX -The Best Of Times 4 -3 RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire -D -22 Fooling 41 -30 WEZB(B97) -New Orleans (J. Lousteau -MD) Fooling -D30 ** JOHN LENNON -Woman 5-1 * * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 5 -2 * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 42.29 BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together WPRO-fM(PRO -FM)- Providence ** REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run * RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire 22-17 * DON McLEAN -Crying 7-6 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO-A Woman Needs (Giouamr -MD) 17 -12 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List * REO SPEEDWAGON -Keep On Loving You 1- Night Love ** YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The 23 -18 1 ** DARYL HAUJJOHN OATES-Kiss On My SHERBS -I Have The Skill -X JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town Music 4-2 * SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 21 -16 * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIRD -What List 12 -8 ROD STEWART-Somebody Special -X Too -D-26 * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What EMMYLOU HARRIS -Mister Sandman Kind Of Fool 8.5 ** BLONDIE- Rapture 8 -4 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run -X Fool A TASTE OF HONEY- SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -23 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 24- Kind Of 8 -5 Sukiyaki WBEN.FM- Buffalo (R. Christian -MD) * STYX -Too Much Time -X * COLD- Mesmerized 26 -22 STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together -20 20 Chance -24 PAT BENATAR -Treat Me Right -X GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of KNIT-B Paso (J. Ligapo -MD) * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me -D No List * 15 -9 PHIL CO W NS -I Missed Again DONNIE IRIS -Ah Leah -X Us 25-19 ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two STYX -Too Much Time BILL MEDLEY -Don't Know Much THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me- WKBW -Buffalo (i. Summers -MD) SMOKEY ROBINSON-Being With You Of Us 28.14 THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -30 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning -D- D-18 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind ** STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A No List THE WHO -You Better, You Bet 25 BRUCE SPRINGSTEFN-Fade Away -X STYX -Too Much Time Chance 24 -8 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You ERIC CLAPTON-I Can't Stand lt-X STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 29- WBBF - Rochester (D. Masan -MD) SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train -D -29 JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me -X Chance -D -17 23 DON McLEAN- Crying 16 -8 ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It -D -28 Too -D -26 BLONDIE- Rapture -X ** JAMESTAYLOR /1.D.SOUTHER IierTown * .38 SPECIAL -Hold On Loosely 38-30 MELISSA MANCHESTER /PEABO BRYSON- OUTLAWS- Riders In The Sky -X ** DOLLY PARTON -9 To 5 3 -1 Too THE WHO -You Better, You Bet WTIX -New Orleans (G. Franklin -MD) PAT BENATAR Me Right 9-7 Lovers After AII -D25 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -22 * -Treat APRIL WINE-Just Between You And Me -D- ROX- Dddance * DARYL HALL /JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List ** CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 15-9 JOURNEY -The Party's Over -X 23 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run WISM- Madisen (S. Jones -MD) -19 ** JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town 24 FRANKIE YAW- Heaven Must Have Sent You KWKN- Wichita (J. Brown-MD) * SHEENA EASTON -Morning Train 22-17 WPJB(JB105)-Providence (M. Waite-MD) Too D -23 ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 16 -10 POINT BLANK -Let Me Stay With You JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 19- ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Tonight N o List Too 25 No List 13 Of Us 22 -1 I BARRY MANILOW-Lonely Together -D -39 BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together 23 * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 36-24 * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 25- WZUU- Milwaukee (B. Shannon -MD) WICC - Bridgeport (B. Mitchell-MD) DAN HARTMAN- Heaven In Your Arms -D -40 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning- D- * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance 19 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town ** STYX -The Best Of Times 12 -6 ** NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 3-2 14-10 * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance 22 Too ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two * DON McLEAN-Crying 5 -4 REO It 83 SPEEDWAGON -Take On The Run Mitchell BADRNGER -Hold On -D -31 Of Us 28 -21 WOLF -Syracuse (B. -MD) * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What DOOBIE BROTHERS -Keep This Train A- * RANDY MEISNER- Hearts On Fire 23-18 2016 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO-A Woman Needs Kind Of Fool 19-13 Rollin' -D27 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List No List * SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 15-10 Love DELBERT McCUNTON- Shotgun Rider ANDY GIBB- Me -D -36 19.11 * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance PHOEBE SNOW -Games JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town WFLY -Albany (Bun -MD) THE FOOLS- Running Scared -D -38 * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 5 -2 1914 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS-Sweetheart Too -28 Town BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN-Fade Away-29 * * JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her STYX -Too Much Time 25 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us -X Too 30 -22 KTSA-San Antonio (1J. Rodrigues -MD) QUINCY JONES-Ai No Corrida THE WHO -You Better You Bet 23 T.G. SHEPPARD Loved 'Em Every One -I * * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two ** CUFF RICHARD -A Little In Love 22 -18 KEEL -Shreveport (M. Johnson-MD) MELISSA MANCHESTER / PEABO BRYSON- DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart- OfUs2116 REO SPEEDWAGON -Keep On Loving You Lovers After All 20 ** EASTON-Morning Train 24-14 ** SHEENA D30 WINWOOD You A Chance 6-4 * STEVE -While See THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing ** SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 32- PHILCOWNS -I Missed Again WHB- Kansas City (R. Brown -MD) 12.9 * RONNIE MILSAP- Smokey Mountain Rain 1- EMMYLOU HARRIS- Mister Sandman -D -29 21 DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List -I1 WSPT- Stevens Point (P. Martin -MD) * PHIL COWNS -I Missed Again -D -30 * TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 34-24 No List 15-10 BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What JOHN O'BANNON -Love You Like I Never * THE ROVERS-Wasn't That A Party 18-7 * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What ** APRIL WINE -lust Between You And Me 24- Kind Of Fool 15-12 * REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run 28 Kind Of Fool 18-12 * * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What DOLLY PARTON -9 To 5 4.2 * NEWTON The Morning 26- Kind Of Fool 17-10 * JUICE -Angel Of Northeast Region REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run MACI -New Haven (D. Lyons-MD) JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 23-18 18 * THE WHO -You Better, You Bet -30 Too PRIME MOVERS ** SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 22- STEVIE WONDER Ain't Stand For It t_* THE FOOLS- Running Scared * -I Gonna FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart- GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of SHEENA EASTON -Morn ing Train (EMI) 16 THE WHISPERS A Love Thing 25-21 -It's Rapture D -27 Town Us BLONDIE- (Chrysalis) * JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job -X -34 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -lust The Two Of JOHN LENNON-Woman (Geffen) JOURNEY -The Party's Over -D -28 Too DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My 25-20 ANDY GIBB- Me -35 Us 14-9 -X TOP ADD STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -29 The Morning 20- List -D-25 ONS. * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A THE WHO -You Better, You Bet JAMESTAYLOR a J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town GINO VANEW- Living Inside Myself TERRI Somebody's Knockin' -29 15 GIBBS- -D REO SPEEDWAGON-Take It The Run Too (Columbia) Chance -X -33 On JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning -D- STYX-Too Much Time * CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 30 -26 STYX -Too Much Time GROYERWASHINGTON JR-Just The Two Of Us WRAF-Baton Rouge (W. Watkins -MD) 21 (Elektra) * TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 13-10 RICK SPRINGRELD- Jesse's Girl KHR(K98)- Austin (E. Valkman -MD) SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -23 ** YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You ( Tamia) EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mister Sandman 30 ROXIE MUSIC -D -D -D -Dance PHOEBE SNOW-Games-NP PATBENATAR-Treat Me Right 12 -8 Music 20-13 BREAKOUTS uto ** PHIL COLINS-1 Missed Again-D -30 var_ (Continued on page 28) Can't Stand It (RSO) CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A ERIC CIAPTON -I ** * ABBA-The Winner Takes It All -28 -D JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 11-5 Chance 22-17 APRIL WINE -lust Between You & Me -D -26 (Capitol) WVBF(F105)- Framingham (R. Jofms -PD) SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 25-20 * ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It 28-23 W Copyright 1981, Billboard Publi- * DARYL HALL & JOHN OA11S -Kiss On My List NEWTON Of The In A GROVER WASHINGTON JR The Two Of (T. ** JUICE -Angel Morning cations, Inc. No part of this publi- * LEO SAYER- Living Fantasy 16 -9 * -Just KSLQ -St. Louis Stone -MD) (RCA) 30-25 may be reproduced, stored * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance Us 25-20 cation SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 18-10 in a retrieval system, or trans- 18-14 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List No Lid ** WABC (S. Richards in or any -New Yak -MD) * DON McLEAN- Crying 12 -6 mitted, any form by REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run - 26-19 means, electronic, mechanical, KXOK-St. Louis (L Douglas -MD) JOHN LENNON -Woman 8 -4 * RANDY MBSNER -Hearts On Fire 22 -18 22 STYX -Too Much Time ** photocopying, recording, or other- YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 8-3 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind THE WHO -You Better, You Bet ** JAMESTAYLOR/J.D.SOUTHER-Her Town ** wise, without the prior written Music 14.7 JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town CHRISTOPHER CROSS-Say You'll Be Mine - REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run -D- Too 25-20 permission of the publisher. 17 -9 Too D-27 28 ** STYX -The Best Of Times 18-12 * DON McLEAN -Crying

www.americanradiohistory.com 27 Radio Programming FROM SAN DIEGO Tijuana FMer Tunes In Hispanics, Blacks

LOS ANGELES -Jimi Fox, who dience that doesn't have a station to over the past several years has pro- listen to." grammed KCBQ -FM and KFMB- Among the jazz artists being FM (B -100), both San Diego and played are Hiroshima, Ramsey KTNQ -FM Los Angeles, has been Lewis, Eric Gale. Wilton Felder. busy for the past year running Fox & Herb Alpert. Gil Scott- Heron, Rod- Fox Media Consulting in Manhat- ney Franklin and Grover Wash- tan Beach. Calif. ington Jr. Doing some research, one of the R &b artists who are popular in- things he's found out is that "His- clude Sadane, Billy Preston, Dy- panics and blacks are the biggest nasty, Tom Browne, Smokey Robin- buying groups of records in San son and oldies by the likes of James Diego." Brown, Friends Of Distinction and And he's putting this discovery to others. work for XHIS -FM Tijuana, Mex- Fox says that Blondie's "Rap- CRAZY EYES -WLUP -FM Chicago afternoon jock Mitch Michaels, center, "eyes" REO Speedwagon members Gary ico, now known as Noventa FM -90 ture," the Police. and Yoko Ono are Richrath, left, and as the two visit the station during their stop in the Windy City for appearances at the and programming under Fox's guid- acceptable "but you must be careful Ampitheatre. ance an "international type format where to draw the line." with a jazz and r &b base" Fox is Additionally there is the occa- consulting the station, which has no sional Spanish record played "but program director. not Spanish ranchero music with Labels Ask College Station Help The station is beamed at San twangy guitars," says Fox. "We play Diego, which Fox notes has a "7% those of pop caliber," such as Span- Continued from page 7 don't appreciate top 40 on college might be getting. little notes which black and 12% Hispanic population. ish versions of Kenny Rogers' added, "I'm anxious to see what al- radio. We look at college radio as an bring requests." which no one ever programs to." "Lady," Tierra's "Together" and the bums are doing. I'm looking for alternative." Most of the record executives by the sta- "There were r &b stations but they Rascals' "Groovin'." help. I need sales reports." But Cooper argued, "Go ahead agreed that cooperation fell flat on their faces. You can't do a Fox also found it advantageous to tions in introducing new acts de- Larry Braverman, national direc- and do top 40. It's an educational ex- solid r &b format in San Diego be- run commercials in both Spanish served service on the top acts. "I tor of college radio from WEA, said, perience. That's where most of the cause you have to take into account and English. All announcers are bi- think if we're asking you to play "We don't generally service any sta- jobs are." the Hispanic element." lingual. Code Blue, you ought to get he tions under 100 watts, but we'll Dan Kelly Sire reasoned that While the format was being struc- The marketing and merchandis- of Doobie Bros.," said Kelly. make exceptions. We want to expose "providing a service to the record la- tured and music put on cart, Fox ing of Noventa FM90 will come Levine pointed to the success of acts on college radio. It's our only bels is the key. College radio is says "we took a handful of jazz and later. once the station has developed Adam & the Ants (the mention of avenue left. But you must prove to where careers are built. Fleetwood r &b records and put them on air and a visible identity. "We can take our the group's name drew applause) as us who's listening." Mac and the Doobie Bros. were first played them at random." time to do it right," says Fox. "Right aided by college radio. "They're heard on college radio." Included now is a healthy dose of now elements of the music are of When one student complained flowing out of the stores. but the 's oldies and the inclusion of "tasty" prime concern. To garner and gain that his station could not get pop hit Gunter Hauer of Atlantic Records little acceptance in commercial ia- Spanish music. and build an audience takes time be- records, Braverman responded, "I asked for feedback on "calls you dio," Levine said. The announcers speak in both cause we're introducing a unique Spanish and English which Fox says format." makes for a "unique format." The station. owned by Inforadio, "The format has a foundation, has 200 KW of power. Its signal can form and structure," maintains Fox. be heard from Tijuana to Santa Bar- "It's the first time it's been applied to bara. a market the size of San Diego. Fox says the station is already "Selections are based on the wants being played in some retail outlets and needs of the black and Hispanic but doesn't expect to see meaningful Beginning audience. We're not going after the Arbitron ratings until after the white pop audience, but the au- Spring book. inApril... Jazz Merits Aid, Support 9 College Broadcasters Told WASHINGTON -"As bad as it's "I'm not interested in building been, it's going to get worse." With personal record collections. If we these words, trumpeter Donald Byrd did, we wouldn't sell any records, summed up the current state of jazz Slaughter argued. "I get calls and Radio Station as he spoke on a panel devoted to the am told, 'when the semester changes music at the annual national con- we need a new catalog.' I know what vention of the Intercollegiate Broad- goes on. I was in college. When I left, PROGRAMMING casting System, March 6 -8. I took everything with me." Joe Fields. president of Muse Heath also emphasized the impor- Records, seemed to agree: "There WIZARDS tance of playing catalog. "if will be a diminishing number of re- you're going to be an - leases in the coming year. It's just the educator, your play list has unfortunate times we're in." got to be quite long. I'm not too impressed with most of the new Vernon Slaughter, vice president will find the releases. There's a time and place for of jazz at CBS Records, added, "Ar- everything. You can play 1928 Duke thur Blythe (a Columbia Records Ellington, early gut bucket blues jazz artist) has won wide critical ac- play -by -play facts faster and some gospel, too." claim, but we've only sold 8,000 copies of his latest album." Heath also advised that "jazz didn't stop with (John) Coltrane." than ever Bass player Percy Heath argued before that "Jazz needs money behind it WMAL -AM Washington jazz just like classical music, either jock Felix Grant was critical of in money or public segues of records and on -air artist our money." Heath pointed to the Guar- interviews. Segues. Grant said, "are neri Quartet, which as been record- the worst thing in radio today. We ing for RCA for many years but the owe it to the artist to identify the classical group's albums only sell record. I know people who are more some 5,000 units, he claimed. excited about the segues than the He cited this as an example of a la- artists they are playing." bel supporting classical music, and As for interviews, Grant com- he said jazz deserves the same sup- plained that too many jocks don't port. know about the artists they are inter- Both Fields and Inner City presi- viewing. "Their first question is dent Iry Kratka supported the play- `What is your sign' and their second ing and reporting of catalog on col- question is 'What is your favorite lege jazz stations, but Slaughter color' and the interview goes down bin balked at the idea of catalog service. hill from there."

www.americanradiohistory.com 28

Ploylist Prime Movers * Billboard R Singles ROdIO TM Ploylist Top Add Ons Based on station playlists through Tuesday (3/10/81)

Continued from page 26 CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You -X ** APRIL WINE -Just Between You And Me * ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It 14.7-__ WSGF (95-SGF)-Savannah (D. Carkle -MD) THE WHO -You Better, You Bet -29 MAC DAVIS- Hooked On Music -X 17-12 we THE WHO -You Better, You Bet GINO VANEW -Living Inside Myself WTIC -FM- Hartford (R. Donahue -MD) * * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My * JAMES TAYLOR/ID. SOUTHER-Her Town GINO VANEW- Living Inside Myself List9.5 CHRISTOPHER CROSS-Say You'll Be Mine ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 1610 Too 26-21 STYX -Too Much Time IAMESTAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town Mid -Atlantic Region * * BLONDIE- Rapture 7 -4 ** STYX -The Best Of Times 5-2 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The Too -D.26 * LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 16-11 * DON McLEAN-Crying 8-5 10-6 Night PRIME MOVERS * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 7.4 WTMA-Charleston (C. Corvello-MD) * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance 1912 * WAEB -Allentown (J. Ward -MD) * BLONDIE -Rapture 9-7 (Island) 14-10 STYX -Too Much Time No List GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of APRIL VANE -lust Between You And Me STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind 29 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning ** THE WHO You Bet (Capitol) -You Better, Us 15 THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing 28 2123 KLAZ(Z98) -Little Rock (D. Taylor -MD) BARBRA STREISAND & BARRY GIBB-What THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train ** APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me 17- Kind Of Fool (Columbia) RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman Needs * * BLONDIE -Rapture 16-9 14 GINO VANEW- Living Inside Myself 27 12 TOP ADD ONSI Love * * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire 16 SMOKEY ROBINSON With STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind (MCA) THE WHO -You Better, You Bet 30 * -Being You 19 -14 SHERBS -I Have The Skill 31-16 THE WHO -You Better You Bet (WB) * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me WFEA(13FEA)- Manchester (K. Lemire -MD) * RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire 21-13 THE WHISPERS-It's A Love Thing (Solar) WCAO - Baltimore (S. Richards -MD) 16-13 WAYS -Charlotte (L Simon -MD) THE WHO -You Better, You Bet -38 * * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 10-6 BREAKOUTSar WINWOOD You A * CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 30-24 ** STEVE -While See ** TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' 15- ANDY GIBB -Me TERRI GIBBS -Somebody's Knockin' 16- SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You (Tornio) s -35 * * Chance 26.12 JOURNEY -The Party's Over 11 STEELY DAN -Time Of Mind 11 ERIC CLAPTON -1 Can't Stand It (RSO) Out -36 BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What DARYL HALL JUICE NEWTON-Angel Of The Morning * * WIA- FM -Bala Cynwyd (L Kiley -MD) * * /JOHN OATES -Kiss On My CUMAX BLUES BAND * JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The -I Love You -37 (Capitol) Kind Of Fool 10-5 List 7 -5 Night 20 16 STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of ** * JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The YAW (KX-104)-NashviNo- * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 21- Chance 25 15 WXKX- Pittsburgh (B. Christian -MD) Us 25-10 Night 29-24 * * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 18 * * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBS -What * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 21- 27 -18 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of ** CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 13.4 Kind Of Fool 13.7 24 13 18 * * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Us 19 -15 * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 19-13 * APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me 28-21 * JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town Of Us JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town Chance 20-12 * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me s JAMES TAYLOR/1.D. SOUTHER-Her Town Too 2122 * SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 14-12 Too -D 22 * JOHN LENNON -Woman 16 -10 26-20 Too GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself * DARYL HALUJOHN OATES -Kiss On My List JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch Cherie * STYX- Rockin' The Paradise 12 -8 * ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It 29-23 ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand lt s ROD STEWART- Somebody Special 8-2 YARBROUGH & PEOPLES-Don't Stop The * REO SPEEDWAGON -Tough Guys 19-14 STEELY DAN -Time Out Mind RAY PARKER Woman s Of JR. & RAYDIO -A Needs DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're STYX -Too Much Time Music THE WHO -You Better, You Bet ANDY GIBB -Me Love Fooling -D-28 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run LENNY LeBLANC- Somebody Send My Baby REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run .38 SPECIAL-Hold On Loosely SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS-Sweetheart GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself Home STRAIGHT UNE -Heads Will Roll -D -29 THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -D -30 CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You -D -27 JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job -D -29 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -29 PHIL COLLINS -I Missed AgainD -28 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS-Sweetheart THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing THE WHISPERS-It's A Love Thing ROD STEWART-Somebody Special -D -27 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town MOLLY HATCHET -The Rambler STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -24 JOURNEY -The Party's Over -D -29 Fooling -D-28 Too WFLB- Fayetteville (L Cannon -MD) WWSW(3WS -Fla)- Pittsburgh (H. Crowe -MD) PHIL COLUNS-1 Missed Again PHIL COLLINS -I Missed Again .38 SPECIAL -Hold On Loosely -D -31 WFBR- Baltimore (A. Szulinski -MD) ** JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning DR. HOOK -That Didn't Hurt Too Bad BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together s EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mr. Sandman 28 -15 WFIL -Philadelphia (D. Fennessy -MD) GROVER WASHINGTON JR The Two RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman Needs ANDY GIBB -Me * * -Just GILBERT O'SULLIVAN- What's In A Kiss SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 19- Of Us 13 -7 * * Love -D -28 No List 5 WTSN -Dover (J. Sebastian -MD) ** BLONDIE -Rapture 7 -3 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You DOOBIE BROTHERS-Keep This Train A- SMOKEY ROBINSON You * THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -D -30 CUFFRICHARD-A Little In Love 2 -1 * -Being With 22-16 ** WCCK -Erie (B. Shannon -MD) Southeast Region Rollin' 3221 DARYL HALL/JOHN ** OATES-Kiss On My * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance WHBQ -Memphis (C. Duran -PD) ** CUFF RICHARD-A Little In Love 10.5 * JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job 31-26 List 8 -4 22 -18 aa* PRIME MOVERS GROVER WASHINGTON The Two Of ** STYX -The Best Of Times 2-1 STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance * JR -Just ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES-Kiss On My * STYX -The Best Of Times 1.5 STEEKY DAN -Time Out Of Mind 28 * PAT BENATAR -Treat Me Right 15-9 (Island) Us 26.17 List 13.7 * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself * LOVERBOY -Turn Me Loose 19 -11 DARYL HALL &JOHN OATS -Kiss On My List JERMAINE JACKSON -You Like Me -34 ** BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What Kind Of Fool 5-2 UNI HALL -Where's Your Angel -D -29 (RCA) * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List ANDY GIBB -Me -33 Kind Of Fool 14 -8 * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 4-3 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're GROVERWASHINGTON JR -1 ust The Two Of Us EMMYLOU HARRIS -Mr. Sandman -D -30 * SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 18-12 s PHIL COLLINS-I Missed Again Fooling -D3) (Elektra) IERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It MAC DAVIS -Hooked On Music -D -32 * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 27-18 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run CHRISTOPHER CROSS-Say You'll Be Mine TOP ADD ONS REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run MELISSA MANCHESTER- Lovers After All STYX -Too Much Time (A - * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of EMMYLOU HARRIS -Mr. Sandman -D -20 THE WHISPERS A Love Thing -D -26 &M) -It's 35 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run (Epic) Us 21-14 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself GINO VANEW -Living Inside Myself (Arista) LENNY LeBLANC- Somebody Send By Baby STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Night -D-22 WYRE -Annapolis (J. Diamond -MD) STYX -Too Much Time BREAKOUTS Home Chance -28 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -19 ** STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A JOURNEY-The Party's Over-D -28 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning BARRY MANILOW -Lonely Together -D -31 MELISSA MANCHESTER /PEABO BRYSON- JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town Chance 17-7 DONNA SUMMER -Who Do You Think You're (Capitol) BILL MEDLEY -Don't Know Much Lovers After All Too -D.25 ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Fooling -D -33 TERM GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' (MCA) GILBERT O'SULLIVAN- What's In A Kiss RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman Needs CHAMPAIGN -24 Of Us 21-11 -How Bout Us -D THE WHO -You Better You Bet (WB) BARRY MANILOW - Lonely Together -D -38 BOBBY GOLDSBORO -Alice Doesn't Love Love ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It -D-21 * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me JOHN COUGAR-Ain't Even Done With The He" CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 138 WNOX- Knosville (S. Majors-MD) Night-D-30 WQXI -AM- Atlanta (1. McCartney -MD) JOE ENLGISH -Is There Not One Good Man STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * JAMES TAYLOR /1.D.SOOTHER -Her Town SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -36 ** SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 22 -16 Chance -D -23 Too 2820 ** TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 8 -2 WISE -Asheville (J. Stevens -MD) ANDY GIBB-Me-D-39 * * GROVER WASHINGTON 1R -Just The Two LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 12 -6 GROVER WASHINGTON JR-Just The Two * ** TERRI GIBBS-Somebody's WGUY - Bangor (J. Jackson -MD) ** Knockin' 18- Of Us 2721 WFBG - Altoona (T. Booth -MD) THE WHO -You Better, You Bet Of Us I9-9 11 * ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It 29 -24 ** BLONDIE- Rapture 12-4 BADFINGER -Hold On * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBE -What * * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES-Kiss On My * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * BLONDIE- Rapture 9.5 * * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES-Kiss On My RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On Fire -10 Kind Of Fool 13 -11 List 10.5 Chance 16-9 * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance List 20-12 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The * JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job 17.14 * * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 8-4 * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 31 -28 2818 * PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me 28 -20 Night -X * CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 21-18 * STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind 29-25 * PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me 19-13 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -D -30 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 17 -10 ANDY GIBB -Me Us 26-18 TERRI GIBBS-Somebody's Knockin' -D -24 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -23 STEELY DAN 18.15 -Time Out Of Mind THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party -X * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance A TASTE OF HONEY- Sukiyaki JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town DELBERT McCLINTON- Shotgun Rider HEART -Unchained Melody ELVIS PRESLEY -Guitar Man -X 2719 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart- Too -D-28 PHIL COLLINS-I Missed Again JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch Cherie JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart D -29 SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train -D -19 BILL MEDLEY -Don't Know Much SHERBS -I Have The Skill Too -D 26 - SHERBS -I Have The Skill STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -23 PHIL SEYMOUR- Precious To Me -D -25 STYX -Too Much Time -32 THE RINGS -Let Me Go T.G. SHEPPARD-I Loved 'Em Every One -X HEART-Unchained Melody BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together ANDY SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -30 WQXI -FM (94Q) -Atlanta (1. McCartney -MD) GIBB -Me JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job -D -30 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -29 ANDY GIBB -Me JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch Cherie -D- EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mr. Sandman -D -29 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run PHOEBE SNOW-Games-D-30 WKIX -Raleigh (R. McKay -MD) 29 WGH- Hampton (B. Canada -MD) /1.D. THE WHO -You Better, You Bet JAMESTAYLOR SOUTHER -Her Town WRJZ (F. JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A -Knoxville Story-MD) JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town ** JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning Too -D 28 Too -D-28 Chance 20-15 STYX -The Best Of Times 2.1 Too 18-13 CHRISTOPHER CROSS -Say You'll Be Mine ** -D.28 RICHARD CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You -33 ** CUFF -A Little In Love 19 -14 * * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two 29 THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -31 * STYX -The Best Of Times 6.4 List 11.6 Of Us 8-6 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run 27 BARBRA /BARRY WIGY -Bath (W. Mitchell -MD) * STREISAND GIBB -What * EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mister Sandman 27.21 WKBO- Harrisburg (B. Carson -MD) * DON McLEAN -Crying 14 -9 GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself -LP Kind Of Fool 15-13 * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 23 -17 ** BLONDIE- Rapture 11-5 * CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 4 -2 JOHN O'BANNON -Love You Like I Never - ** SHEENAEASTON- Morning Train 18 -12 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of * JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job 20-12 ** STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 2 -1 LP * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Us 21.18 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet Chance 2115 DIANA ROSS-One More Chance Chance 15.9 WBBQ - Augusta (B. Stevens -MD) JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 24- BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What BLONDIE- Rapture -8 CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us -D -29 18 BILL MEDLEY -Don't Know Much ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 18 -13 Kind Of Fool SHEENA EASTON -Morning Train -D -23 APRIL WINE -Just Between You And Me -D- * APRIL WINE -Just Between You And Me 16- RICK SPRINGFIELD- Jesse's Girl * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me WSEZ- Winston-Salem (B. Leifer -MD) 28 10 TODD RUNDGREN-Time Heals Chance 12.8 19-14 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES-Kiss On My List THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party * FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS-Sweetheart * * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning * CUMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 28 -24 GINO VANEW- Living Inside Myself 14 8 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The 28 -20 2417 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind 30 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart Night -X * JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The * * JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town THE WHO -You Better, You Bet 29 WSKZ(KZ- 106)- Chattanooga (D. Carroll -MD) STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -Fade Away -X Night 22-14 Too 3325 * * JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run -D- WQXA(Q106) -York (S. Gallagher -MD) ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It -X * ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stand It 30 -22 * SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 15 -10 Night 13 -10 28 RUSH -Lime Light -X REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run - * TERRI GIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 20-14 ** DON McLEAN -Crying 7 -5 * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A THE JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch Cherie 25 * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List ** STYX -The Best Of Times 3-2 WQRK(Q- FM)- Norfolk (D. Davis -MD) Chance 16-6 38 SPECIAL -Hold On Loosely -DP STYX -Too Much Time -26 8 -6 * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me * TERRI GIBBS-Somebody's Knockin' 11.5 JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job ** SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 14 -7 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet .38 SPECIAL-Hold On Loosely 21-17 * LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 12-7 GROVER WASHINGTON 1R -Just The Two Of ** CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 29 -19 GINA VANEW- Living Inside Myself A TASTE OF HONEY- Sukiyaki * LEO SAYER- Living In A Fantasy 14-10 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of Us -DP * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 24- NfTEFLYTE -You Are RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman Needs * DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List Us 18-13 SHEENA EASTON- Morning Train 18 JOHN O'BANNON -Love You Like I Never Love 9-7 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run THE JOE CHEMAY BAND -Proud * JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town Loved Before HAWKS -Right Away THE WHO -You Better, You Bet STYX -Too Much Time Too 26-20 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -27 MAC DAVIS -Hooked On Music WLBZ Bangor (M. O'Hara-MD) STYX -Too Much Time THE WHO -You Better, You Bet - * APRIL WINE -Just Between You & Me 33 -24 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -30 BADFINGER -Hold On REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -26 ** BLONDIE- Rapture 18 -16 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet PHOEBE SNOW -Games FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart ROD STEWART- Somebody Special JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My T.G. SHEPPARD -I Loved 'Em Every One JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -LP FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart- Too -D -24 List 21-19 SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D -31 Too -D-29 10E ENGLISH -Is There Not A Good Man D -29 * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 22- THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me- THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -D -28 STYX-Too Much Time WERC- Birmingham (M. Thompson -MD) SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D-28 20 D32 JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town WSGA- Savannah O. Lewis -MD) WMIS- Alderson (J. Evans -MD) * * EMMYLOU HARRIS-Mr. Sandman 26 -20 SHEENA EASTON-Morning Train 19 -17 BADFINGER -Hold On -D -33 * Too-D-30 * THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party 23-21 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS-Sweetheart- ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two * * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A (Continued on page 30) GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run D 29 Of Us 12-4 Chance 11 -7 Us -D-26 The STYX -Too Much Time GINO VANELLI -Living Inside Myself ** SHEEJIA EASTON- Morning Train 24 -14 ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just Two c 1981, Billboard Publi- ANDY GIBB -Me Copyright RICK SPRINGFIELD- Jesse's Girl REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run * MY PARKER 1R. & RADIO -A Woman Of Us 17-13 cations, Inc. No part of this publi- ROD STEWART- Somebody Special WRQX- Washington (R. Fowler -MD) Needs Love 27 -17 * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 27-24 cation may be reproduced, stored WRVQ(Q94)- Richmond (B. Thomas -MD) The in a or JOURNEY -The Party's Over * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 26- * JOHN COUGAR-Ain't Even Done With retrieval system, trans- in any form or by any STYX -The Best Of Times 3.1 19 Night 26 -22 mitted, STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A No List ** means, electronic, mechanical, In JOHN The Wheels 31 -25 THE POUCE -Dont Stand So Close To Me Chance -D -28 ** CUFF RICHARD -A Little Love 6-3 * LENNON-Watching * photocopying, recording, or other- WPGC- Washington, D.C. (J. Bliott -MD) GARLAND JEFFREYS-96 Tears-X * DON McLEAN -Crying 10 -6 STYX -Too Much Time 32 15.11 wise, without the prior written REO -Take It On The Run THE FOOLS- Running Scared -X ** SMOKEYROBINSON-Being With You 21- * THE POUCE -Don't Stand So Close To Me THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing 33 SPEEDWAGON - permission of the publisher. VANELLI Inside Myself 34 30 THE RINGS -Let Me Go -X 13 11.8 GINO -Living

www.americanradiohistory.com 29 Rodio Progt'omming KMEL -FM Updates New On The Charts HAWKS 1 Sock Hop As Promo "Right Away " - W By JACK McDONOUGH Hawks, comprised of keyboard - ist /singer Dave Hearn, drummer SAN FRANCISCO -The latest in If we're playing one or two tracks Larry Adams, bassist /singer Frank its long skein of innovative promo- from an album on the air, we might Wiewel, guitarist /singer Kirk Kauf- tional ideas has KMEL -FM exploit- play three or four at the dance. We man and guitarist /singer Dave ing a concept that's so old it's new might add in more old stuff like Steen, grew out of an Iowa hand again: the rock'n'roll record dance Elvis or Chuck Berry. And we're called West Minist'r. at school. able to work the peaks and valleys Wiewel and Kaufman began and play a lot of slow records. Every- KMEL promotion director Ken West Minist'r in the late '60s. The body loves that. Wardell, who acknowledges that the band continued into the early '70s, idea is a "It's a good extra outlet for us as 20 -year throwback to the performing in clubs in the Midwest, sock says jocks. We can do thematic things. hop, the dozen KMEL with Hearn occasionally sitting in. We can do off-the -wall stuff like dances thus far have drawn an aver- Then, Wiewel and Kaufman built segues from the Knack to the Chip- age of 500 dancers and have a state -of -the -art, 24 -track recording munks. I like to do a lot of sound ef- been "wildly successful." facility called West Minist'r fects myself -have motorcycles Sound Wardell notes that "since we went on Kaufman's father's farm in Iowa. screaming from speaker to speaker public with ads two or three weeks The two spent a large part of the '70s to leád into a rocker. maybe some ago, we've been averaging four recording demo tapes there with rain sounds to lead into a slow one. bookings a day. We're already friends Hearn, Steen and Adams. Hawks, were signed to Columbia. Hawks is managed and booked by We can throw in a lot of banter, pull booked through May." Previous to Several rounds of these demos Last September Tom Werman was Shelly Finkel. Cross Country Con- up somebody from the audience for the print ads, KMEL's availability were mailed out to a &r executives enlisted to produce the group's self- cert Corp., 527 Madison Ave., Suite an on- the -spot interview, give away for such dances was passed by word - across the country and in the fall of titled debut LP, which contains 10 1622, New York. N.Y. 10022 at (212) door prizes. It's a real novelty." of- mouth. '79 the five, under the name of upbeat, power-pop tunes. 758 -6211. Wardell says that at all the dances For the dances KMEL supplies they give away 10 KMEL shirts, 10 one or two jocks; a 3000 -watt custom albums. and assorted items such as sound system designed by Ac- KMEL calendars and "bumper rakoustics of Mountain View; and stickers." their giant 35 -foot inflatable Wardell notes also that the station "KAMEL" which not only lights up provides the schools with produced inside but has a sound system in its announcements that can be run over belly. The "KAMEL," known, like the school's PA systems on mornings the station itself, as "The Beast of the before the event. Bay," sits on stage with the jocks or is As to why such a concept would sometimes set up just outside the click nowadays, Wardell offers sev- doors of the to draw auditorium eral reasons. "Partially it's the celeb- passersby. rity of a disk jockey being there. I KMEL's overall audience share in also think people are tired of danc- the San Francisco market rose to 3.2 ing to copy bands who inadequately in the just- released Arbitrons. up play their favorite songs. And bands from a 2.6 in the previous book. This interrupt the momentum of a dance C is due partly to the 69kw outlet in- when they take breaks. We don't _ heriting some listeners from KSAN- have those problems, and we supply FM, which recently switched from a lot more fun." AOR to country, and partly to pro- motions such as the dances. U2 Wardell says the dances have "Boy"- been run so far at five area high Volume Reminisces About U2 was formed at an experi- schools; three colleges (University of mental school in Dublin, Ireland in San Francisco and Stanford and 1976. Drummer Larry Mullin, who Skyline); at the Academy College Radio's Beginnings BERNARD WRIGHT of Arts & wanted to get a band together, Sciences; on board a Bay- THE GAS "'Nand" - cruise PIPE NETWORKS -A manager of the Intercollegiate pinned a message to a bulletin boat; and in the main lodge at the History of College Radio 1936 -1946. Broadcasting System, which he board at Mount Temple School Sixteen- year -old Bernard famous Valley By by Squaw ski resort at Louis M. Bloch Jr. Distributed helped establish as a clearing house there, hoping to interest some of his Wright's first LP, "Nard," which is Lake Tahoe. KMEL jocks who Bloch & have Co. Box 18058, Cleveland, for other college nets. Bloch also schoolmates in the idea. dedicated to jazz greats such as Bud thus far hosted the dances are War- Ohio 44118. l'rivately printed. concentrated on obtaining national He eventually did, teaming up Powell, McCoy Tyner and The - dell, Tony Kilbert and Mary Hollo- $12.95. advertisers for the handful of college with bassist Adam Clayton -the lonious Monk, combines be -bop, way. NEW YORK -Author Louis M. stations that had sprung up since only member of U2 with any previ- funk, r &b and gospel elements. Bloch was As for the music at the dances, a student at Brown Univ. 1936. ous experience in a rock band -vo- Songs range from the rap -funk of Wardell says "We do play stuff that in Rhode Island in 1936 when two Although "The Gas Pipe Net- calist Bono and guitarist the Edge, to "Just Chillin' Out" to an acoustic we don't play on the air, but we don't enterprising undergrads, George works" is a highly personalized ac- form U2. trio version of Miles Davis' "Solar." Abraham and David Borst, far away from our air sound. decided count of college radio's salad days, The four, who are now all 19 and with bassist Buster Williams and wired to run a intercom system be- Bloch's reminiscences are universal 20 years of age, began performing drummer Roy Haynes. tween their dormitories. Bloch, an- enough to draw a grin from radio their accessible, melodic pop tunes Wright, a pianist. began playing a other radio buff. and other students vets who recall the "good old days" in Eire. building up a loyal local fol- Magnus Organ. which had about 18 soon Pollack Offers joined the system, and before of radio. The primitive systems de- lowing. U2 released a three -track keys and push- button chords, when long microphones and a second line manded ingenuity and perseverance record, "U -2 -3," late in 1979 that he was just four years old. When Research Guide were strung to allow broadcasting. from student participants. unlike to- charted in Ireland. Shortly after- he was 13. Wright toured with By year's end, they had broadcast day's fully equipped college stations. wards, in the beginning of 1980, the Lenny White throughout the South- For Stations the inaugural address of Brown's It's a credit to Bloch and others that band won in five categories in a ern and mid -Atlantic states. He also LOS ANGELES -Jeff Pollack new president. By the time the fall by 1946, 24 colleges were operating readers poll taken by Irish rock spent some time working in musical Communications has completed the semester rolled around, Borst had their own stations. Today, there are magazine, The Hot Press. theatre. He played keyboards for built a development of a research plan de- studio, boosted the trans- more than 1,000 college outlets in The group then journeyed to Lon- "The Vampire And The Dentist" by mitter to two watts, signed for in -house use by client and built an aux- the U.S. and another few hundred don, where it recorded two singles. Weldon Irvine, and for "The iliary in stations. studio the music building, abroad. "11 O'Clock Tick Tock" and "A Day Glorious Monster In The Bell Of The do -it- yourself guide focuses enabling the fledgling network. to Bloch includes capsule histories of Without Me" and then it debut al- The Horn" by Larry Neal with mu- on helping stations achieve ratings broadcast music from the school's 22 of the pioneer college outlets, and bum "Boy" (). sic by Max Roach. classical music library. the book is sprinkled with photos of Wright came to the attention of results without "excessive" research U2 is managed by Paul McGinnis. The network was linked with college costs. radio pioneers and their 65 Waterloo Rd.. Dublin, Ireland at trumpeter Tom Browne. who had more than 30,000 feet of wire strung rudimentary broadcasting equip- recently signed with GRP, and he The plan calls for various forms of (01) 686 -5533. It is booked by Pre- through the university's heating tun- ment, as well as illustrations of ads asked the young pianist to perform research, including call -outs. focus mier Talent, 3 E. 54th St., New York, nels and over roofs. Special receivers and promo pieces aimed at the col- on Sugar," an LP he was groups and store surveys to deter- N.Y. 10022 at (212) 758 -4900. "Browne weren't required. All students had to lege listener. mine lifestyles, music preferences, recording. Browne introduced do was hook up their radio to a Today's collegiate radio listening habits and consumer broadcasters Wright to producers Dave Grusin nearby electric line, gas pipe or other will surely get a kick out of reading and Larry Rosen, who remember, buying trends of the target 15 -34 al- conductor linked to a transmitter, about college radio's early to bum rock audience. days, and "Tom said, You guys have hear and turn to the appropriate spot on they might find themselves drawing KMJJ-AM this player'." The guide is carefully tailored to the dial. And that, according to an idea or two from their predeces- Continued from page 23 He subsequently signed with meet the needs of each station and to Bloch, was the birth of college ra- sors. Reading Bloch's memoirs and O'Brien. With a 2.5 KW directional Arista /GRP and recorded "'Nard" deal with programming problems on dio- initially dubbed "The Gas Pipe some of the anecdotes involving col- signal at night, he feels the station Wright intends to continue to work a market -by- market basis. Networks." legiate pranks should remind some was hurt by the survey's distribution. on his singing and songwriting and Jeff Pollack Communications Bloch was associated with the readers that the more things change, "A drop like this is a kick in the hopes to eventually record songs on consults WPLJ -FM, New York; Brown station (now operating as the more they remain the same. Ah, head when you first get the book which he plays all the instruments. KLOS -FM, Los Angeles; KZEW- WBRU -FM, a very powerful com- remember the time strip teaser Ann back. but we don't expect the next Wright is managed and booked FM, Dallas; WCMF -FM, Roches- mercial college outlet in the Rhode Corio was interviewed on Harvard's one to be that bad." O'Brien added by Weldon Irvine, P.O. Box 38, St. ter. N.Y.; and KISS -FM, San An- Island area) until he graduated in WHRB -FM? that no new or unusual promotions Albens, N.Y. 11412 at (212) 322- tonio. 1940. He spent the next six years as RICHARD M. NUSSER are planned. 2942 or (212) 724 -2800.

www.americanradiohistory.com 30 Ploylist Prime Movers it Billboard ,Singles Radio Action Ploylist Top Add Ons Based on station playlists through Tuesday (3/10/81)

Fire 21-13 SNOW-Games-DP Continued from page 28 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO-A Woman Needs * YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The ** JAMES TAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town ** RANDY MEISNER -Hearts On PHOEBE Love -D -27 Music 11.6 Too 26-19 ** YARBROUGH 1 PEOPLES -Don't Stop The /AMESTAYLOR /J.D. SOUTHER -Her Town ** STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A SNUBS -I Have The Skill -NP * NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 8-4 ** JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My lob 20-16 Music 26.15 Toc -D3) Chance 19-15 ANDY GIBB-Me-D-26 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 15 -8 * CON FUNK SHUN -Too Tight :5-11 38 SPECIAL -Hold On Lcosey-DP * CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 20-16 THE FOOLS -Running Scared -D-25 JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * SPYRO GYRA -Cafe Amore 11.9 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -lust The Two Of * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What Too * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of Us 25 -19 WHYI(Y -100) -Miami (M. Shands -MD) WMY- Huntsville (J. Kendricks -MD) Kind C'f Fool 5-2 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman Needs Us 17-13 NEIL DIAMOND -Hello Again 11.8 * ** THE POLICE -Don't Stan( So Close To Me FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart ** TERRIGIBBS- Somebody's Knockin' 18- Love s DIANA ROSS -One More Chance ERIC CLAPTON -I Can't Stani It 2117 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman 12 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself RUSH -Lime Light ** YARBROUGH A PEOPLES -Don't Stop The Needs Love Needs Love JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town ** JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My Job 30 -22 Music 12-9 WBJW (T. Long SMOKEY ROBINSON-Being With You -D-23 The 25- (B1-105)-Orlando -MD) SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D-22 Too * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of Morning * ALAN PARSONS PROJECT -games People JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch Cherie THE A Love Thing 15 * * REO SPEEDWAGON -Keep On Loving You THE FOOLS- Running Scared WHISPERS -It's Pray 10-5 T.G. SHEPPARD -I Loved 'Em Every One * SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 28-20 1 -1 JOHN LENNON- Watching he Wheels 30-25 WIVY (Y- (S. -MD) Atlanta (S. Davis -MD) * NNW BUFFETT -It's My Job -D-28 103) -Jacksonville Sherwood WZGC(293)- * CLIMAX BLUES BAND -I Love You 23-16 ** STYX -The Best Of Times 2-2 BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What ANDYGIBB- Me -D -25 CHRISTOPHER CROSS -Say You'll Be Mine * BARBRA STREISAND /BARRY GIBB -What * * JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My lob 30 -23 No List Kind Of Fool 16-14 THE FOOLS- Ruining Scared -D -26 You BLONDIE- Rapture 26 -21 THE WHO -You Better, Bet Kind Of Fool 16 -8 ** LAKESIDE- Fantastic Voyage -22 STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -27 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 32- REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run * JOHN LENNON-Woman 4-3 * WMC(FM100)- Memphis (T. Prestigiacamo- CHAMPAIGN-How Boil Ils -31 28 ROD STEWART- Somebody Special * BLONDIE- Rapture 18-12 MD) STEVE WINWOOD -While Y( u See A WK11X(KIX106)- Birmingham (L O'Day -MD) You And Me 13- YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The JAMES TAYLOR/1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town * APRIL WINE -Just Between Ciance -30 ** .38 SPECIAL -Hold On Loosely 26-21 Music -D-27 Too 38 10 No List KC & THE SUNSHINE BAND -Space Cadet - DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My List ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two JAMES TAYLOR/ID. SOOTHER-Her Town THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party * 32 WBYQ(92Q)- Nashville (S. Davis-MD) Of Us 16 -11 Too -D -26 MARVIN GAYE-Praise 117 Missed Again * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 21- T.G. SHEPPARD -I Loved 'Em Every One-D. DOLLY PARTON -But You Know I Love You PHIL COLLINS -I ** JOHN LENNON -Woman :3 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO Woman 17 29 THE WHO -You Better, You Bet -A ** STYX -The Best Of Times 4.1 Copyright 1981, 811 board Publi- * BARBRA STREISAND/BARRY GIBB-W ha t THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing -D30 A TASTE OF HONEY-Sukiyaki-DP Needs Love * CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 15 -11 cations, Inc. No part 3f this publi- Kind Of Fool 10-3 ANDY GIBB-Me FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart- SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -D38 * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -lust The Two Of cation may be reprod iced, stored RUSH -Lime Light -29 BARRY MANILOW- Lonely Together DP SHERBS -I Have The Skill -D -39 Us 21-16 in a retrieval system, or trans- mitted, in any forer or by any GINOVANELU- Living Inside Myself MOLLY HATCHET-The Rambler-NP MARVIN GAYE- Praise SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You WHHY -Montgomery (R. Thomas -MD) means, electronic, mechanical, DARKER JR. & RAYDIO Woman Needs YOKO ONO- Walking On Thin Ice -DP HAWKS -Right Away -D-40 RAY PARKER JR. & RAYDIO -A Woman RAY -A photocopying, record ng, or other - FRANKE THE KNOCKOUTS-Sweetheart- Love ** JOHN COUGAR-Ain't Even Done With The THE JOHNNY AVERAGE BAND -Ch Ch & Needs Love w se, without the prior written EIANYLOU HARRIS -Mr. Sandman Night 15-10 Cherie -NP D 37 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Tone With The permissicn of the punlisher. JOURNEY -The Party's Over -D30 * * JAMES TAYLOR /1.D. SOUTHER -Her Town BADFINGER -Hold On BARRY MANILOW -Lonely Together Night -X GAR _AND JEFFREYS -96 Tears Too 28-20 T.G. SHEPPARD -I Loved 'Em Every One -DP GINO VANELLI- Living Inside Myself STYX -Too Much Time * THE POLICE -Don't Stand So Close To Me THE RINGS -Let Me Go -NP STYX -Too Much Time -LP REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run 18 -12 THE FOOLS- Running Scared -NP WKXY -Sarasota (T. William -MD) THE WHO -Ycu Better, You Bet * GROVER WASHINGTON JR -Just The Two Of WRBQ(Q105) -Tampa (P. McKay -MD) Us 21-16 ** SHEENAEASTON- Morning Train 18-7 WSGN- Birmingham (W. Brian -MD) * CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 22-17 ** CHAMPAIGN -How Bout Us 16 -12 ** GROVER WASHINGTON JR -lust The Two ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind ** DARYL HALL/JOHN OATES -Kiss On My Of Us 2620 List 14 -10 STYX -Too Much Time List 15 -8 * PHILSEYMOUR- Precious To Me 19 -15 ** STEVEWINWOOD -While You See A CHRISTOPHER CROSS-Say You'll BeMine- * SHEENAEASTON- Morning Train 13-11 * ERIC CLAPTON-I Can't Stand It 24-19 Chance 21 14 D-24 * JAMES TAYLOR/J.D. SOUTHER-Her Town * STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance * JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of The Morning 15- THE FOOLS- Running Scared Too 18-15 21 -16 12 ANDYGIBB -Me * THE WHISPERS -It's A Love Thing REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run * BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -Fade Away 10 -7 JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My lob SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You -24 STYX -Too Much Time * BLONDIE- Rapture 11 -8 YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Don't Stop The STYX- Rockin' The Paradise -LP Con servicios a la familia y a la comunidad. WJDX- Jackson (L Adams -MD) T.G. SHEPPARD-I Loved 'Em Every One Music -23 HEART- Unchained Melody recreo, deportes y clases, A STEELY DAN -Time Out Of Mind -D -23 G NO VANELLI -Living Inside Myself ** STEVE WINWOOD -While You See CUFF RICHARD -A Little In Love -D -13 la USO sirve para que el ppjJ7 STYX -Too Much Time Chance 23-17 STYX -Too Much Time -25 JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The soldado solitario de sienta FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Sweetheart- ** SMOKEY ROBINSON -Being With You 1E- REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run -26 Night -D -30 en casa. D -24 14 WLCY -Tampa (M. Weber -MD) WAXY -Ft. Lauderdale (R. Shaw -PD) BARRY MANR.OW- Lonely Together * JIMMY BUFFETT -It's My lob 15-11


Preduì ed & Recorded by Ed E. Thacker for Opus and Job's Boylan- Mc nage ment: David Her[ r Z.* Giwthcgift of music.

www.americanradiohistory.com 31 Radio Programming Cincy FMer Album Memphis Station Billboard Begins New Sells 10,000 Copies Hanging Tough Radio-Play LP Lists Continued from page 23 By VICTOR HARRISON Continued from page I publisher Bill Wardlow, the three some Doobie Brother in on xca- new features have been developed CINCINNATI- WEBN -FM has before deciding on this year's ten sion. Then we mix in a little Earl trum of overlapping programming and their research methodology re- released a fifth highly successful LP best. They are Spike, Just Like Kids, Klugh or Bob James, a nice approaches. The common theme, fined over the past six months. showcasing local talent on their own Rockduster, Urban Sprawl, Erector flavor. On this station we have a however. is the continued commer- "Brute Force Cybernetics" label. Set, Cheep Skates, Barb Kushner & unique opportunity. No other (rom- cial dominance of rock as the princi- "The benefit to the industry is that 10,000 copies of "Album Project 5" Carefree Day, the Bagazoid Broth- merciai) station will touch jazz be- pal image element. these features will enable us to have sold out in four weeks as compared the Don Ho Barber- cause if they do, they are messing that album play input in a form ers, Sharks, and In addition to identifying the to the two months which passec is with image. we've not had it in the past," ex- be- shop Quartet. "Album Project 5" their most -played album titles each week, the first "Album Project" record Another of the station's strengths, plains Wardlow. "That will enable fore shipped to a dozen area out- the new research combination also cleared the record store shelves according to Olson, is that "we're not us to bring an album onto the charts it lets, including Record Theatre, affords flexibility in tracking the 1976. We don't play a lot of with more radio input than in the Swallens, Music World, Gold Circle, a hype station. hottest individual songs regardless Program director and producer of for games. We just play the music We past." Record Bar, and Peaches, in time of the respective ..P's ranking. the album, Denton Marr, listened to the Christmas shopping rush. It sold don't get into lengthy news or edito- Wardlow reports that the maga- some 250 tapes of original material for two dollars and all proceeds were rials." WHRK estimates its audience The new features detail airplay zine's research staff has been in- donated to United Appeal. is 70% black. activity in three basic ways. First, the creased to field the heavier burden The record, "a project of the In discussing his style as an air relative airplay ranking of the top 50 of station contacts. A newly-re- SPECIAL WEBN Committee for Aesthetic personality, Olson says. "i finally re- rock albums is charted in Billboard's searched station sample. including Public Spectacle," is one way the sta- alized after being told by program rock albums. both more conventional AOR for - RATI N GS SOAR tion promotes and supports the local directors for so many years to just Next, the relative airplay ranking mats and Hot 100 singles stations as music scene. WEBN also collabo- shut up and play the music, you're NEW YORK -The NBC Soiree of the top 60 rock. songs is listed in well as hybrids of the two, has been rated with WCET -TV (Cincinnati's not the star,' that the music is the 90- minute Grateful Dead Spezia!, TopP Tracks. Those selections are established. PBS station) on a series entitled bottom line." which affiliates rar the weekend of cited based on airplay, regardless of "Rock Around the Block" which Olson believes that ocks are the That sample is also being moni- Feb. 6 -8, has turned out to be the actual configuration, so that both featured live, in- studio perform- link between keeping people and cored on an ongoing basis, and may network's most successful special. singles and LP tracks are monitored. ances of area rock groups which ap- losing listeners. "The music speaks be expanded during the coming Almost 6.2 million listeners tuned And where industry research in the search de the show in, at leas: to listen to part 5." past individual Completeto w hsa live studio au- you are goinga to talkeldon'tranble partmentt''s requirements. of it. This cu_ me figure was disclosed ased on de existingstir tart of ofP LP ti- dience and local celebrities and on about nothing. Make sure it has g in research by R.H. Bruskin in its ties, Topp Tracks represents a se Ppa- The new features have the supportPP WEBN jocks serving as emcees, some value and meaning. Otherwise, P survey in 1,010 telephone rate listing whereby a much-played of Billboard's Radio Advisory Corn- "Rock Around the Block" was re- tell them what you've played, give g y ry interviews a week after the show. selection can compete effectively mittee /AOR, headed by John Se- portedly the highest viewed program the call letters, and goon to the anm- The survey found that 6.9% of the even if its parent LP is relatively low bastian, who until recently pro- in the television station's history. mercial.'" WCOZ -FM 18 to 34 year olds in the continental on the Rock Albums chart, or Yyet to grammedrammed the successful audio was simulcast in stereo by As for Olson's dialogue, he tries to U.S. listened and 80% of these listen- appear. Boston and now directs his own con - WEBN. Denton Marr said that due be "totally aware all the time. I'm al- PP ers were men. Among men 18 to 24 suitingg firm. to a lack of funds on the part of ways working and taking note. on Finally, Billboard lists the week's the show captured :8.3%. -TV, the program will not be what's going on in the city. People most added albums as Top Adds, For further analysis of the fea- The 6.9 rating surpasses a 5.4 rat- WCET in 1981. However, several know that they can listen to me and with up to 10 titles carried in each tures' operation and their pro - ing in that age grouF scored a Source produced of the groups do appear on "Album I'll fill them in on all the informa- listing. gramming uses, see Mike Harrison's by Ted Nugent special last year . Project 5." tion." According to Billboard associate column, page 33.


"Columbia" is a trademark of CBS Inc. ( 1981 cm In:.

www.americanradiohistory.com 32 Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 Billboard® 1 Tracki c Copyright 1981 Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying. recording, or otherwise. without the prior wiitten permission of the publisher.

Rock Albums Top Tracks Weeks This Last This Last s Week Week ARTIST -Title, Label We ARTIST -Title, Label Chart Week Week Chart

1 C3=0 STYX- Paradise Theater, A &M 1 ,r., ERIC CLAPTON-I Can't Stand It, RSO 2 c3=0 REO SPEEDWAGON-Hi Infidelity, Epic 2 , STEVE WINWOOD -While You See A Chance. Island 3 STEVE WINWOOD -. Island 3 JOURNEY- Party's Over. Columbia 4 c=10 ERIC CLAPTON- Another Ticket. RSO 4 =11 .38 SPECIAL -Hold On Loosely, A &M 5 c=i0 JOURNEY- Captured, Columbia THE WHO -You Better You Bet. Warner Bros. 6 RUSH -Moving Pictures. Mercury 5 6 LOVER BOY -Turn Me Loose. Columbia 7 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -The River, Columbia 7 RUSH -Limelight, Mercury 8 =1 .38 SPECIAL -Wild Eyed Southern Boys. A &M 4 8 =10 STYX -Rocking The Paradise, A &M 9 c2=0 LOVERBOY -Loverboy. Columbia 9 REO SPEEDWAGON -Keep On Loving You. Epic 10 =jk JOHN LENNON /YOKO ONO- Double Fantasy, Geffen =Ilk 10 RUSH -Tom Sawyer. Mercury 11 Erik MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND -Chance. Warner Bros. =10 11 POLICE Stand So Close To Me. A 12 1:3=31 STEELY DAN -Gaucho. MCA =0 -Don't &M 12 GARLAND JEFFREYS Tears, Epic 13 1:=11 POLICE -Zenyatta Mondatta, A &M -96 14 4 BLONDIE- Autoamerican. Chrysalis 13 REO SPEEDWAGON -Don't Let Him Go, Epic 15 °°"r TODD RUNDGREN -Healing, Bearsville 14 1:1:30 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -Fade Away. Columbia 16 1:=1:* PAT TRAVERS BAND -Radio Active. Polydor 15 MANFRED MANN -For You. Warner Bros. 17 DONNY IRIS -Back On The Streets Again. Midwest National /MCA 16 cra STYX -Best Of Times. A &M 18 JAMES TAYLOR -. Columbia 17 C=10 REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run, Epic 1R. tim 19 GARLAND JEFFREYS- Escape Artist, Epic 18 =0 ERIC CLAPTON -Rita Mae. RSO In Black. Atco 20 =ik AC /DC -Back 19 =lk RANDY MEISNER- Hearts On Fire, Epic 21 =110 OUTLAWS -Ghost Riders, Arista 20 44* DONNIE IRIS -Ah Leah, MCA /Carousel 22 PHIL COLLINS -Face Value. Atlantic 21 =0 JAMES TAYLOR -Stand Up & Fight. Columbia 23 f THE CLASH -Sandinista, Epic 22 1:2=* PRETENDERS -Message Of Love. Sire 24 PHIL SEYMOUR -Phil Seymour, Boardwalk 23 =10 STEVE WINWOOD -Arc Of A Diver, Island 25 SHERBS-The ck. Atco 24 THE CLASH -Police On My Back, Epic C TOTO-Turn Back. Columbia y 27 XTC -Black Sea, Virgin 25 1:31:30 REO SPEEDWAGON -Tough Guys. Epic 28 TED NUGENT- Intensities in 10 Cities, Epic 26 C=10 RICK SPRINGFIELD- Jessie's Girl, RCA 29 DON McLEAN- Chained Lightning. Millinneum 27 APRIL WINE -Just Between You and Me. Capitol 30 =31 RANDY MEISNER -One More Song. Epic 28 =I* STYX -Too Much Time On My Hands. A &M 31 o,;,. DIRE STRAITS- Making Movies, Warner Bros. 32 JIM CARROLL BAND -Catholic Boy, Atco 29 C=10 THE OUTLAWS -Ghost Riders, Arista 33 ALAN PARSONS PROJECT -Turn Of A Friendly Card, Arista 30 1:1:10 JOURNEY -Dixie Highway. Columbia Notta 34 JOE ELY -Musta Gotta Lotta, Southcoast /MCA 31 PAT BENATAR -Treat Me Right, Chrysalis 35 ELVIS COSTELLO- Trust, Columbia 32 APRIL WINE -Sign Of A Gypsy Queen, Capitol 36 ADAM & THE ANTS -Kings Of The Wild Frontier, Epic 37 ROD STEWART -Foolish Behavior. Warner Bros. 33 L* GRACE SLICK -Sea Of Love, RCA

38 RICK SPRINGFIELD -Working Class Dog. RCA 34 i - STYX- Snowblind, A &M

39 ROLLING STONES- Sucking In The Seventies, Rolling Stones 35 ,el HIM BLONDIE- Rapture. Chrysalis TEARDROP EXPLODES -Kilimanjaro, Polydor 40 =:11 36 im'iwi, ERIC CLAPTON -Catch Me If You Can, RSO 41 =10 SPANDAU BALLET -Journey To Glory. Chrysalis 37 =0 JAMES TAYLOR & J. D. SOUTHER -Her Town Too, Columbia 42 °°n^ GRACE SLICK -Welcome To The Wrecking Ball, RCA 38 =11 PHIL COLLINS -I Missed Again. Atlantic 43 RAINBOW- Difficult To Cure, Polydor 39 =10 APRIL WINE -All Over Town. Capitol 44 JIMMY BUFFETT- Coconut Telegraph, MCA 40 TOTO-Live For Today. Columbia 45 CLIMAX BLUES BAND -Flying The Flag. Warner Bros. fly 41 JOHN LENNON- Woman. Geffen 46 NICOLETTE LARSON- Radioland, Warner Bros. =10 42 =up BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN -I'm A Rocker, Columbia BADFINGER On. Radio Records 47 E:=0 -Hold 43 Celt TED NUGENT -Flying Lip Lock, Epic ,u, GROVER WASHINGTON Wielight, Elektra 48 JR.- 44 1 PHIL COLLINS -In The Air Tonight, Atlantic 49 MAX WEBSTER -Universal Juveniles. Mercury 45 THE SHERBS -The Skill, Atco JESSE WINCHESTER -Talk Memphis, 46 50 1=1 Bearsville 4 ELVIS COSTELLO -From A Whisper To A Scream, Columbia 47 ALAN PARSONS PROJECT -Snake Eyes, Arista Bearsville Top Adds 49 c=10 STODD DAN OutmOf Mind, MCA 50 c=i0 JIM CARROLL BAND -People Who Died. Atco 1 JAMES TAYLOR -Dad Loves His Work. Columbia 51 1=11 JIMMY BUFFET -Its My Job. MCA 2 PAT TRAVERS -Radio Active. Polydor 52 ..tom JOHN COUGAR -Ain't Even Done With The Night, Mercury motor 3 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS- Franke & The Knockouts, Millennium 53 XTC- Generals and Majors, RSO 4 KROKUS- Hardware, Ariola 54 =MO JOHN LENNON-I'm Losing You, Geffen 55 r°rm., JOAN JETT -Do You Wanna Touch Me, Boardwalk 5 IAN GOMM -What of Blow. Stiff /Epic .t."' 6 TED NUGENT- Intensities In 10 Cities. Epic 56 TED NUGENT -Jail Bait, Epic The 7 ERIC CLAPTON- Another Ticket, RSO 57 =110 JUICE NEWTON -Angel Of Morning, Capitol 8 HAWKS- Hawks, Columbia 58 TODD RUNDGREN -Time Heals, Warner Bros. 9 RAINBOW -Difficult To Cure. Polydor 59 = .38 SPECIAL- Fantasy Girl. A &M 10 KINGBEES -The Big Rock, RSO 60 c3=20 DIRE STRAITS -Expresso Love, Warner Bros.

A compilation of Rock Radio Airplay as indicated by the nations leading Album oriented and Top Track stations.

www.americanradiohistory.com 33 Radio Programming Mike Harrison Top Tracks: Key Measuring Tool LOS ANGELES -The debut of tion (meaning regardless of whether With this in mind, the new Bill- Rock Albums and Top Tracks sur- it is a 45 r.p.m. single, LP cut or board Rock Albums and Top Tracks vey in this issue of Billboard is a whatever). surveys, when utilized as compatible truly notable occasion. It addresses To put it quite bluntly, singles research tools, should prove very the rock radio /music scene as it unto themselves do not present a valuable to rock music programmers really is, marking the next major complete or accurate picture of the of all formats. evolutionary step in the dissection. relative potency of current popular And that brings up an important analysis and charting of contempo- songs. For example, when a major point worth mentioning. Formats. rary music airplay. It also heralds a artist such as Bob Seger or Queen re- At this point. there are no longer a new era in which similar systems will leases an album and it becomes a hit, handful of monolithic formats with- Billboard photo by Chuck Pulin emerge to serve mare than one song on it becomes in the world of rock radio (the old STATION VISIT -WBLS -FM New York jock Al Bernstein, center, meets with other major musical popular at the same time. top 40 and AOR trip). Rather, there Fantasy recording act, the Blackbyrds. They dropped by the station while genres beyond Singles charts do not reflect this is a veritable spectrum of formats. were they in New York appearing at the Bottom Line. The Blackbyrds, left to mainstream rock, activity because the record com- We are passing out of the era in right, are Joe Hall Ill, Orville Saunders and Keith Killgo. such as country and panies generally release only one which individual formats and charts jazz. single at a time per album. I can't tell run concurrent to each other. Pro- Why a top tracks you how many traditional top 40s grammers will have to pick and survey? At this have bitten the proverbial dust by choose their elements from a diverse point in the history adhering religiously to just singles number of sources in an effort to _Goodphone Commentaries_ of rock music, most programmers sales and airplay research, ignoring customize their own sounds. and record industry officials agree numerous gigantic hit songs merely As far as the trades are concerned that the scene has long become al- because they were not yet singles (and other entities that can only op- Integrating Spots, Show bum- based, both economically and and playing numerous relatively erate within a highly categorized in- By TOM YATES culturally. While singles remain a vi- marginal songs simply because they dustry), contemporary music radio able configuration on a number of were. in the '80s will basically be broken SAN FRANCISCO -It seems to alities and programmers toward levels, simple album research and On the other hand, album rè- out into two general categories: ge- me that one of the most incongruous commercials became bad!! singles research are no longer search unto itself can be too vague neric and eclectic. statements made time and again on Sure, logic dictates that there has enough for that wide -based spec- unless accompanied by detailed The generic stations are those that contemporary radio is "We'll be to be a balance of elements on -air to trum of formats that utilize rock mu- tracks information. Just because an attach their images directly to a spe- back right after this." The "this" in- make a station totally listenable, and sic as their primary image element. album is an airplay or sales hit cific genre of music within the wid- variably refers to a commercial mes- perfection of any element is an elu- Something else is needed: tracks re- doesn't mean each and every track ening mainstream such as rock. sage -the proverbial sore thumb of sive bird at best, but we've allowed search. on it has value or equal value. Then, country. jazz, disco or gospel. The on -air elements. ourselves to be compromised into a In terms of actual rock radio air- there are those "wild" tracks that are eclectics will be those that mix and Back in the dark ages of radio, the really silly situation that promises to play, the track has indeed become very popular but are on albums that match their musical stews from a va- first person who thought of running get worse instead of better. Gener- the primary unit of measurement. are not popular (or not yet released). riety of these categories, attaching commercials as part of broadcasting ally speaking, a station that provides And what's a track? Quite simply, a Plenty of AORs have also gone their stations' images to audio envi- was considered at least a heretic, but a great working atmosphere and that track is an individual song played on down to defeat by playing "stiffs" ronmental factors other than specific a few daring innovators saw that us- pays the best will get the best talent. the raw merits of its popularity re- off of hit albums and ignoring hits musical genre. Therefore. surveys ing radio programming as only a The best talent combined with a gardless of its mechanical configura- off of "stiff' albums. (Continued on page 34) io medium to sell radio receivers was good signal will produce great radio. C) leading swiftly into a dead -end Therefore, with money being such a street and ... lo ... the "spot" was factor. commercial radio should be born. the place to be, since those commer- Radio did beautifully with com- cials produce the money that makes mercials for years and years, and everything else possible. With an in- then, recently, we entered the "com- creasing number of public radio sta- mercials are a tune -out" era. It tions coming on and the rapid ap- seemed that every week, another proach of cable a reality, if the high Beginning publication carried another story priced talent in commercial radio al- about another daring innovator that lows those things that make com- had cut the spot load in the face of mercial radio possible to become a new and more severe competition. tune -out, then we're really fouling We're at a point now where many our own nests. inApril... programmers consider cutting spot - If you have to have commercials load to be as important a part of to make the money to make the tal- their programming package as great ent on commercial radio the best music and great jocks, and ... and offer a viable alternative to non - maybe ... they're right. commercial radio, where (theoret- ically) the talent won't be as great, But, does anyone recall the really then those commercials better be- great days of radio (and the early come as listenable and as integrated days of television) when announcers Radio Station as any other on -air element. If pro- did commercials as part of their grammers, talent and management show? Does anyone really recall continue to allow ugly spots to air or over -commercialization being a allow spots to be in a sub- MANAGEMENT delivered problem for Arthur Godfrey, or standard. throwaway manner, then Dave Garroway, or Steve Allen? A they're definitely killing the prover- lot of younger programming types bial goose. WIZARDS may not be up on radio history. If doing commercials is beneath which in itself is sad. since if you you. then commercial radio is don't know where you're coming be- neath you and you should donate from, it's hard to figure out where your time to some more altruistic will find the you should go. (I've heard there are cause. On the other hand, you like programmers who think Dylan's ca- if the concept of modern radio, pro- reer started with "Self- portrait. ") grammers, talent. sales and manage- play-by-play facts faster The point is. those innovators who ment have to get together and show became the giants of radio and those commercial sponsors how you moved on to become institutions ab- can really move that product with than ever before solutely used commercial copy as tasteful, appropriate, entertaining another springboard for their enter- and informative spots that will keep tainment talent and it worked. There your audience listening and buying. in our are products that became a way of It'll take time, guts. dedication and life because of the talent of one or application and it won't always hap- two great radio announcers. Lipton's pen. but the odds can be improved. was just another tea before Godfrey. After all, isn't delivering commer- Dig some out old tapes and listen. cials one of the main on -air func- The facts could astound you. tions of an announcer and if outside Just as there are no grammatical produced spots are always better errors in a non- literatesociety, there than the live jock spots, then perhaps are no commercial tune -outs in a entirely produced radio programs society where commercials are done would be better than the live DJ ap- well. Commercial interruptions be- proach. came a major problem, not because (Tom Yates is co- director of Hiatus of increased competition, but be- Productions and a former program di- bin cause the quality of commercials rector of KSAN-FM San Francisco and the attitudes of the air person- and KLOS -FM Los Angeles.)

www.americanradiohistory.com j4 Radio Programming Billboard R Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 Q c Copyright 1981, Billboard Publications. Inc Lt, No part of this publication may be reproduced storetl dn a retrieval system. or transmitted. in CL any form or by any means, electronic, mechaic- . cal. photocopying. recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the pub-

I , Vox Jox du li5her. NEW YORK -James Kefford, Bree Bushaw, who scored high Ar- the station's music department.... formerly executive vice president bitron numbers at KPRI -FM San Betsy Buckin has joined WKHK- and general manager of Drake - Diego in the evening slot has moved FM New York as promotions and Chenault, is upped to president of to KGB -FM San Diego to work special events coordinator. She on em orarcwt the Canoga Park, Calif. -based radio overnight.... Jim Johnson has been comes from WPIX -FM New York consultation and syndication firm. named to head a new national pro- where she was director of advertis- These are best sellingg middle -of- the -road singlesgks compiled from Bill Drake and Gene Chenault as- motions for the Plough ing WLS department and promotions. ... -AM u radio station air play listed in rank order. sume the positions of co- chairmen of stations. He moves up from general jock Larry Lujack was profiled in the 8 the company's board of directors. manager of WQXM -FM (98 rock) tv show "PM Magazine." Ae t Kefford 1 has been with the firm since Clearwater. ... George Kelly is the * * * X A TITLE, Artist, Label & Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher, Licensee) 1973. new programmer at KXKX -FM Russ Mitchell has resigned as pro- * * * Galveston, Tex. He also handles af- 1 1 WHAT KIND OF FOOL gram director at WNOE -FM New Barbra Streisand 8 Barry Gibb, Columbia 11 -11430 (Stigood /Unichappell. BMI) ternoon drive. Murray "the K" Kaufman will no Orleans. He submitted his resigna- 2 9 CRYING longer host Watermark's weekly * * * tion Tuesday (10) and will leave the Don McLean, Millennium 11799 (RCA) (Acuff Rose, BMI) three -hour series "Soundtrack of the 3 8 HELLO AGAIN John Bloodwell has been named station the end of the month to "go Neil Diamond, '60s" had Capitol 14960 (Stonebridge, ASCAP) Kaufman been host since promotions director of WMMR -FM into business with a friend." No suc- 4 4 9 WOMAN the show's inception June 1. 1980. Philadelphia. He moves over from cessor has been named. Terry John Lennon, Geffen 49644 (Warner Bros.), (Lenono, BMI) Watermark president Tom Rounds is Young, "Your Boy T.Y.," who has is 5 8 SOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN' seeking a permanent replacement to the best numbers of any jock in New Terri Gibbs, MCA 41309 (Chiplin /Tri- Chappell, ASCAP /SESAC) host the show, in *s 13 5 MORNING TRAIN currently airing Orleans, is leaving the 6 to 10 p.m. Sheena Easton, EMI-America 8071 (Unichappell, BMI)

more than 100 U.S. and Canadian slot on WEZB -FM to do mornings r 12 4 ANGEL OF THE MORNING markets and several foreign coun- Radio on WAIL -FM New Orleans. Music Juice Newton, Capitol 4976 (Blackwood, BMI) tries. director "Ugly" Jerry Lousteau a 9 6 JUST THE TWO OF USA Grover Washington Jr., Elektra 47103 (Antisia, ASCAP) * * moves from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. on * 10 9 DARE TO DREAM AGAIN n Several changes are taking place _Specials_ WEZB to take over Young's old Phil Everly, Curb /CBS 5401 (Everly And Sons, BMI) at KIIS -FM Los Angeles. J. Ray shift. Nick Bazoo has joined WEZB ru 19 4 MISTER SANDMAN Emmylou Harris, Warner Bros. 49864 (Edwin H. Morris, ASCAP) Padden, former vice president and A weekly calendar of upcoming in the 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. slot. He comes from WBYQ -FM Nashville 11 7 15 9 TO 5 general sales manager has been ap- network and syndicated music spe- Dolly Parton. RCA 12133 (Velvet Apple /Fox Fanfare, BMI) where he was pointed president and general man- cials. Shows with multiple dates in- music director. itt 14 5 LIVING IN A FANTASY ager of KIIS, replacing Edward Boyd dicate local stations have option of * * * Leo Sayer. Warner Bros. 49567 (Rare Blue, ASCAP/ATV, BMI) 13 6 10 A UTTLE IN LOVE who has left to become president of broadcast time and dates. The New York Market Radio Cliff Richard, EMI -America 8068 (ATV, BMI) Columbia Pictures Radio division. March 20 -23, Robert Palmer con- Broadcasters Assn., better known as 14 15 8 CAFE AMORE Additionally, L. David Moorhead cert, NBC Source, 90 minutes. NYMRAD, presented its sixth an- Spyro Gyro, MCA 51035 (Harlem /Crosseyed Bear, BMI) has March 20, Charley Pride, Country 15 8 17 SMOKEY MOUNTAIN RAIN joined the station as operations nual Big Apple awards to ad Ronnie Milsap, RCA 12084 (Pi -Gem, BMI) consultant. Moorhead was most Session, NBC, one hour. agencies for outstanding radio com- 16 16 6 GUITAR MAN recently at Metromedia's KSAN- March 22, Michael Stanley Band, mercials Wednesday (11). New York Elvis Presley, RCA 12158 (Vector, BMI) FM San Francisco and before that at April Wine, King Biscuit Flower DJs were the presenters and in- 17 17 7 DREAMER KMET Hour, ABC FM, one hour. The Association, Elektra 47094 (Rockslam /Bug, BMI) -FM In Los Angeles. Moor- cluded Ted Brown of WNEW -AM, 18 18 6 KISS ON MY LIST head says the station will maintain March 22 -23, Roches, Robert Del DeMontreux of WHN -AM, Bill Daryl Hall & John Oates, RCA 12142 (Hot-Cha /Six Continent /Fust Buzza, BMI) p its top 40 FM approach. Klein Show, Froben Enterprises, Emerson of WVNJ -AM -FM New- 22 6 LETS PICK IT UP ¢ * * one hour. ark, N.J., John Gambling of WOR- Chris Montan, 20th Century 28 (RCA) et * (Special /Old Sock, ASCAP /Evan Paul /Leibraphine, BMI) March 27 -29, Music That Rocked AM, Harry Harrison of WCBS-FM. O Chicago's WFYR -FM afternoon 25 5 WHAT'S IN A KISS m the Decade, various artists, NBC Gilbert O'Sullivan, Epic 19-50967 (Not Listed) personality Stu Collins has signed Don lmus of WNBC -AM, Jim Kerr Source, two hours. of WPLJ -FM, Ross and Wilson of 21 20 17 THE WINNER TAXES IT AU. on for another two years. He has Abba, Atlantic 37222 (Artwork /Polar, ASCAP) March 27, Johnny Paycheck, WABC -AM, Paul Knight of WEZN- been the voice of afternoon drive for i2 30 2 BEING WITH YOU Country Session. NBC, one hour. FM Bridgeport, Conn., and Dale Smokey Robinson, Tamla 54321 (Motown) (Smokey Robinson /Bertram, ASCAP) có the past 21/2 years.... KFOX -FM in March 27, Blondie, Conversation, Reeves of WKTU -FM. 23 11 14 SAME OLD LANG SYNE ,- Redondo Beach, Calif. is under new DIR, two hours. Dan Fogelberg, Full Moon 19-50961 (CBS) Hickory Grove /April, ASCAP) management. Gregory N. Bell is the as 34 2 HER TOWN TOO - March 28, Bobby Bare, Lacy J. a new general manager and Cheshire James Taylor And J.D. Souther, Columbia 11-60514 (Country Road/ Dalton, Silver Eagle, ABC Enter- Leadsheetland, BMI /Ice Age, ASCAP) ÚRyan is operations manager.... Lyn Bubbling UnderThe tainment, 90 minutes. 31 3 LOVERS AFTER AU. cc Viles joins TM Productions assisting March 28, Police, Supergroups in Melissa Manchester Peabo Bryson, Arista 0587 (Rumanian Pickleworks, BMI/ in the firm's growing I.D. division. , ASCAP) Concert, ABC FM, two hours. HOST 100 26 26 7 THE BEST OF TIMES March 29, The Outlaws, King Bis- Styx, A &M 2300 (Almo, ASCAP) 27 23 14 HEY NINETEEN cuit Flower Hour, ABC FM, one 101 -PRAISE, Marvin Gaye, Tamla 54322 (Mo- Steely Dan, MCA 41036 (Zeon /Freejunket, ASCAP) hour. town) 28 24 15 THE TIDE IS HIGH Mike March 29 -30, Billy Burnette, Best 102 -AI NO CORRIDA, Quincy Jones, A &M 2313 Blondie, Chrysalis 2465 (Gemrod, BMI) of Robert Klein Show. Froben En- 103- HOOKED ON MUSIC, Mac Davis, Casab- 33 3 SUKIYAKI terprises, one hour. lanca 2327 (Polygram) A Taste Of Honey, Capitol 4953 (Beechwood, BMI) 30 29 19 I LOVE A RAINY NIGHT April 3 -5, Kansas, NBC 104 -GENERALS AND MAJORS, XTC, Virgin /RSO Harrison Source, , Elektra 47066 (Debdave /Briarpatch, BMI) 300 two hours. 2 Continued from page 33 38 WHILE YOU SEE A CHANCE April 3, Hank WilliamsJr., Coun- 105 -ANOTHER ONE RIDES THE BUS, "Weird Steve Winwood, Island 49656 (Warner Bros.) such as the new Billboard Top try Session, NBC, one hour. Al" Yankovic, TK 1043 (Island /Irving /Blue Sky Rider Songs, BMI) 106 -FOR YOU, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, 32 21 18 KILLJN' TIME Tracks should not be simplistically April 5 -6, Ian Lloyd, Robert Klein Fred Knoblock & Susan Anton, Scotti Brothers 609 (Atlantic-) Warner Bros. 49678 (and inaccurately) deemed "AOR" Show, Forben Enterprises, one hour. (Flowering Stone, ASCAP) 107 -THAT DIDN'T HURT TOO BAD, Dr. Hook, or any such specific handle. It's just April 10-12, Eddie Money concert, 33 In* LONELY TOGETHER plain rock applicable to those ge- NBC Source, 90 minutes. Casablanca 2325 (Polygram) Barry Manilow, Arista 0596 (Kenny Nolan, ASCAP) 108 -FOOLISH CHILD, Ali Thomson, A&M 2314 34 28 15 MY MOTHERS EYES neric stations that are exclusively April 10, Ronnie Milsap, Country Bette Midler, Atlantic 3771 (Almo /Only Child /Mel -Day, ASCAP) 109 -DON'T LET ME KNOW, The Kings, Elektra rock, as well as the eclectic ones that Session, NBC, 35 36 5 SOMETIME, SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW one hour. 4710 incorporate some rock into their April 11, Don Williams, Rosanne Barbara Mandrell, MCA 51062 (Pi -Gem, BMI /Chess, ASCAP) 110 -ONE MORE TRY, Melanie, Portrait 12- 36 27 9 I AIN'T GONNA STAND FOR IT varietal musical mixes. The day will Cash, Rodney Crowell, Silver Eagle. 51001 (Epic) Stevie Wonder, Turla 54320 (Motown) (Jobete /Black Bull, BMI) soon come when there are top tracks ABC Entertainment, 90 minutes. 37 32 18 I MADE IT THROUGH THE RAIN surveys in country, jazz, and the rest. April 17, Mel Tillis, Country Ses- Barry Manilow, Arista 0566 (Unichappell, BMI) No doubt, the industry is in a highly sion, NBC, one hour. 38 41 3 PRECIOUS TO ME Bubbling UnderThe Phil Seymour, Boardwalk 8 -5703 (CBS) (Hearmore /On The Boardwalk. BMI) transitional period. April 18 -19, Rod Stewart, RKO, 39 43 4 ITS MY JOB What we basically have in this is- two hours. Jummy Buffet, MCA 51061 (I've Got The Music, ASCAP) sue is the debut of three separate air- April 18 -19. Barbara Mandrell, 40 44 2 HOW 'BOUT US Top LPs Champaign, Columbia 11 -11433 (Champaign /Dana Walden) play research features which draw Larry Gatlin, Daniels, Charlie Mu- 41 45 2 ALICE DOESN'T LOVE HERE ANYMORE their data each week from the same tual, three hours. 201 -PARTY 'TIL YOU'RE BROKE, Rufus, MCA Bobby Goldsboro, Curb /CBS 670052 (House Of Gold, BMI) evolving universe of reporting sta- April 24 -26, Genesis concert, NBC M CA 5159 42 37 7 PERFECT FOOL Debby Boone, Warner /Curb 49652 (Brightwater /Strawberry Patch, ASCAP) tions -rock albums, top tracks and Source, 90 minutes. 202 -FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS, Franke & 43 I LOVED 'EM EVERY ONE The Knockouts, Millennium BXL1 7755 1=0 top adds. (Top adds simply refers to April 24, Lynn Anderson, Country T.G. Sheppard, Warner Bros. 49690 (Tree, BMI) (RCA) a ranking of the week's most added Session, NBC, one hour. 44 46 2 FALLING AGAIN albums.) April 25, Eddie Rabbitt, Best of 203 -BILL SUMMER & THE SUMMERS HEAT, Don Williams, MVA 51065 (Hall /Clement, BMI) 45 It should be pointed out that since Silver Eagle, ABC Entertainment, Call It What You Want, MCA MCA - 1=I* LITTLE BALLERINA BLUE 5176 George Fishoff, Heritage 300 (George Fishoff /Ken -Cher, ASCAP) these innovative Billboard features 90 minutes. 46 39 20 ITS MY TURN 204 -DEE DEE SHARP GAMBLE, Dee Dee, P.I.R. are based upon an accurate reflec- May 1, Tom T. Hall, Country Ses- Diana Ross, Motown 1496 tion of airplay and not sales, some sion. NBC, one hour. JZ 37360 (Epic) (Colgems- EMI /Prince St., ASCAP /Unichappell /Begonia Melodies, BMI) 205 -SAY NO MORE, Badfinger, Radio Records 47 42 8 PART OF ME, PART OF YOU records will show consistent trends May 8. John Conlee, Country Ses- RR 16030 (Atlantic) England Dan, John Ford Coley, MCA 51027 (Rightsong /Landers -Roberts, BMI) week week while others will from to sion. NBC, one hour. 206 -HEAVY MENTAL, The Fools, EMI -America 48 35 10 SEVEN BRIDGES ROAD Eagles, Asylum 47100 ( Elektra) (Irving, BMI) not. Especially around the bottom of May 9, , Silver SW 17046 the surveys it will be common to see Eagle, ABC Entertainment, 90 min- 49 47 5 REMEMBER WHEN THE MUSIC 207 -FROM BRANCH TO BRANCH, Leon Red - , Boardwalk 85705 (Chapin, ASCAP) records come and go regularly. After utes. bone, Emerald City EL -38 -136 (Atco) 50 48 5 STAYING WITH IT all, -that's the way airplay really is. May 15, Margo Smith, Country 208 -GENE DUNLAP, It's Just The Way I Feel, Firefall, Atlantic 3791 (ATV /Braintree /Snow, BMI) Quite obviously, we'll be discuss- Sessions, NBC, one hour. Capitol ST 12130 * Stars are awarded to those products showing greatest airplay strength. Superstars are awarded to those ra- 23, 209 -LANI HALL, Blush, A &M SP -4829 ing a lot more about Top Tracks May Bobby Bare, Moe Bandy, products showing greatest upward movement on the current week's chart (Prime Movers). Recording Industry dio of all musical genres in future Joe Stampley, Best of Silver Eagle, 210 -WHAT A BLOW, Ian Gomm, Stiff /Epic JE Ann. Of America seal for sales of 1,000,000 units. (Seal indicated by dot.) Recording Industry Assn. of America columns. ABC Entertainment, 90 minutes. 36433 seal of certification for sales of 2,000,000 units. (Seal indicated by triangle.)

www.americanradiohistory.com 35 Sound Business IN TWO GRADES JVC Sets August Launch Of Metal Audio Cassettes NEW YORK -JVC Corp. will other blank audio tape in the U.S., market metal audio cassettes in the says only that their metal tape is of U.S. beginning in August. JVC will better quality than competing offer two grades of metal tape, a first brands. JVC acknowledges no other from any tape company. reason for its entry into the metal The cassettes, in C -46 and C -60 market, which retailers describe as lengths, are called ME and ME -P for disappointing. the higher grade. JVC says no prices One possibility is that JVC is have been set yet. priming its product image for an Initial distribution will be to the eventual introduction of metal top 20 U.S. markets, with a nation- videotape. It is also possible that the wide rollout following. The tape will company will launch a more aggres- be sold only through audio specialty sive push into the prerecorded dealerships at first. audiophile market. JVC is strong in JVC, which does not market any Japan with prerecorded product. BY AUDIO -TECHNICS

Custom -Colored Mikes SOUNDS GOOD -David Lindley, right, listens to a playback of his forthcoming first album with, from left, James Ledner of L.A.'s Record One studio and coproducers Jackson Browne and Greg Ladanyi. The LP, "El Rayo X" is set for late In 7 Colors Hot Sellers April release on Elektra /Asylum. By ALAN PENCHANSKY Studio Track At Precision Lacquer Disk Mastering in Los Quincy Jones is in Mediasound Studios in being done by Dirk Devlin and assistance by Angeles: Bill Schnee mastered Boz Suggs' new New York with Patti Austin. Engineering is Bruce Vince Warsavage.... Pieces Of A Dream are cut-

single for CBS with Stephen Marcussen. Mar - Swedien. Guest musicians include Richard Tee, ting tracks on a new project with Grover Wash- cussen also mastered Marva King single for Chris Parker, Bob James, Anthony Jackson, ington Jr., who is producing for G -Man with engi- Planet with Richard Perry and a self- produced Ralph MacDonald and Eric Gale. neer Peter Humphreys. ... Two theme songs single for Planet by Greg Phillinganes ... Arnie Sigma Sound Activity in Philadelphia: Phila- have recently been completed. The Philadelphia Acosta cut the new Stevie Wonder single and the delphia International's Teddy Pendergrass Orchestra did the theme for PBS -TV's "Fabulous Andre Crouch "Best Of" album for Lexicon Mu- working with Gamble and Huff producing. Stu- Philadelphians." Travers Huff produced and Ar- sic.... Larry Emrine cut the Gary U.S. Bonds dio head Joe Tarsia is engineering. The same thur Stoppe engineered. Dexter Wansell pro- album for EMI America. Chuck Plotkin super- team is also working on a Philadelphia Inter- duced KYW -TV's new morning show "People Are vised the mastering as he does all projects national album for Patti LaBelle.... McFadden Talking" with Stoppe engineering. Engineer Jim

Bruce Springsteen is involved with. Springsteen & Whitehead continue to produce Gloria Gay - Gallagher is completing an album project for coproduced the album. nor's upcoming Polydor album with engineering (Continued on page 36)

RAINBOW MIKES -Audio -Technica's seven -colored microphone wardrobe, perfect for matching costumes and scene changes, is DISCOVER... presented to country entertainer Roy Clark by the firm's president Jon Kelly, left, and microphone marketing manager Charlie Winkler. CHICAGO - Audio -Tech- seven ATM41 local omni -type THE CLASSIC 1 nica's new $1.500 colored micro- mikes in blue, red, green, white, phone wardrobe, the first prod- black, artist gray and gold - uct of its type reportedly, is plated. Each microphone has a garnering reaction from enter- 25 -foot shield cable in matching tainers, artist manager, television or complementary color. and show producers, and pro - "What has happened is that audio dealers that may soon lift we've sold one -half year's projec- the product out of the limited tion in the first month," explains edition "attention getting" cate- Winkler. gory and into the profit column, The wardrobe comes in a spe- reports Charlie Winkler, the cially designed felt -lined alumi- head of the Stow, Ohio firm's mi- num traveling case, complete crophone division. with color coordinated tapered According to Winkler, a small slip -in microphone clamps and handful of high -salaried Las touch -up paint in applicator -top Vegas and tv entertainers was bottles. Winkler says the ATM4I originally targeted with the de- is the firm's most popular vocal luxe, promotional type product. mike, used by Kenny Rogers, Sales in the first month, however. Dotty West, George Benson, the doubled the half year initial pro- Osmonds and Lola Falana, jection, and Winkler now be- among others. lieves it may be possible to move Recently Roy Clark and nter displays, and even spe- 1,000 in the first year, beyond its Wayne Newton were presented cial promotions to keep custom- break -even mark. with sets, and the first trade ers coming back into your store Winkler, a veteran in micro- showing took place at the phone sales and marketing who NAMM expo in Anaheim. An #1 CHOICE came to Audio -Technica from unofficial peak was given the re- Hundreds of retailers have .R ONE

Electro -Voice in 1978, observed cent Religious Broadcasters con- made the CLASSIC 1 their #1 , "cleaning ef- the Mike wardrobe wasn't a new vention in Washington, Winkler choice in record care. fi' ; ..ssed. idea, but no company before had says. THE QUALITY PRODUCT PROFITABLE ALTERNATIVE been willing to make the invest- "It's really an attention getter. The CLASSIC is handsome And if you sell records or audio ment in such a limited market. A lot of dealers said right away, woodgrain handle not only looks equipment, you know that the "It's something I've wanted to 'I'll put that in my showroom good, if feels good. Superbly CLASSIC 1 Record Care System do for several years, although ev- window.' " designed to combine beauty with its high profit margin is ery I time presented the idea to I've gotten lots of feedback with function. becoming an increasingly impor- management they asked how from agents and personal man- THE MICRO STOR SYSTEM tant part of your business. Now Why have so many retailers many are you going to sell." agers, Evidently people must more than ever. chosen the CLASSIC 1? Easy. The "People have played around have wanted it." The key to- the CLASSIC 1 Record DEALER SUPPORT CLASSIC 1 sells ... profitably. with the idea, but nobody's said Winkler says he expects to be- Care System is a unique process utilizing capillary action to main- We support your retail efforts with here's the whole complete pack- gin selling the colored vocal IFTRANSCRIER INC. tain COMPANY age for you right here, Mr. Star," mikes separately by mid summer, a field of humidity over the aggressive marketing strategies. Anleboro. Massachusens 02703 velvet fiber Winkler adds. in response to demand from en- surface. And when National advertising, handsome sou) sM61 The wardrobe features a set of tertainers. CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOR PRO ACOUSTICS INC KIRKLAND. QUEBEC H9H 3L4

www.americanradiohistory.com 36 Sound Business

t< FROM SHURE Mixing Console Offered Studio Track Continued from page 35

Janice McCalin with producers Al Chanin and Jack Faith and he's working for Cheltor and Mu-

sic Lady, Inc. with producer Rena Sinakin. War - savage is assisting with Cheltor. Warsavage is assisting engineer Peter Humphreys with an al- bum mixing project for Archie Bell and B.U.T. (Brothers United Together). Roger Meltzer is producer. Sigma Sound Studios in New York: Ashford & Simpson are recording, overdubbing and mixing live tracks for their upcoming double live album CONSOLE EASE- Simple -to- operate design and highly advanced fea- for Hopsack & Silk Productions. They are pro- tures, including "Feedback Finder" circuitry, are combined in ducing themselves and working with engineer Shure's Pro Master 706 console. Michael Hutchinson. He is being assisted by John Covertino.... "Don't Stop The Party" was CHICAGO -Shure Bros. has causing feedback for use in recently overdubbed and mixed for PIR's Leon introduced a moderately priced sound quality adjustments. The CREATIVE MERCHANDISING -Kurt Garehime, Memorex credit manager, Huff who also acted as producer. Dirk Devlin, easy to operate sound left; Elizabeth Nash, Memorex sales promotion manager; and Doug Glen, ac- mixing feature uses an LED readout lo- with assistance by Carla Bandini and Craig Mi- count supervisor for Flair Communications, surround a new dump bin at the console with built -in amplifica- cated over the equalizer. chaels, handled the engineering. ... George tion for the small club, school recent Las Vegas CES which was designed especially for the blank tape firm "Patch Block." a feature com- Rodriguez remixed Karen Silver's "Set Me Free" and church market. by Flair. The bin is supportive Memorex' introduction of redesigned pack- bining a block diagram of the for Quality Records. Hutchinson engineered for in- aging and new product formulations. The Model 706 Pro Master ternal console circuitry together the mixing and Michaels assisted. ... Sylvia monophonic power console. with eight patching jacks located Striplin is doing an album for Ro -Ayer Produc- $1,190, designed to be used with at appropriate points right on the tions with Roy Ayers producing. Bandini is engi- two model 709 Pro Master neer and Michaels is assisting with John Cov- simplified skematic. also is in- Sound Engineer Dave ertino.... Tony Valor mixing of Fantasy album Still speaker systems. $370 each, fea- cluded. tures built -in 200 -watt amplifier for Tony Valor Productions. Jay Mark is engi- There are eight input channels, and 10 -band graphic equalizer. neering and Joan Meisel and Covertino are as- Back At Baldwin Studios including six high and /or bal- sisting.... Also mixing an album is Larry Levan The console offers operating HARRISBURG, Pa. -Sound en- dwindling budget for a particular anced low impedance micro- for Esther Williams and Bulls Eye Record Corp. ease combined with highly ad- gineer Dave Still has rejoined Bald- project might opt for Harrisburg as phone inputs. plus two auxiliary Engineer is Hutchinson, assisting is Meisel. Just vanced features and is suitable win Studios with the intention of an inexpensive but professional al- ì for professional entertainment inputs. The unit weighs 47 completed is the Flakes album for SalSoul Records with producer making the state's capital a music ternative. The travel consideration is and situations calling for non- pounds. Jimmy Simpson. John Potoker is engineering. ... Recording, over- recording center. Still's return fol- very important, he said, Harrisburg technical personnel to handle The matching speakers, 45 dubbing and mixing of four Candi Staton tunes lows a stint with Blue Sky Records in being within driving distance from equipment, according to the pounds each, contain 15 -inch for LA Records is producer Dave Crawford. New York. major East Coast cities. company. woofer in ported front- bass re- Working with him is engineer Hutchinson and Under Still's supervision, Bald- While most area studios have only The console includes "Feed- flex cabinet together with three assisting is Matthew Weiner.... Still working on win. located in nearby Mechanic- 16 -track capability, Still says Bald- back Finder," an exclusive fea- piezoelectric drivers arranged for her latest 20th Century album is Stephanie Mills sburg. Pa., has been completely win will upgrade to 24 -track soon. ture that indicates frequencies wide dispersion. along with producers Mtume and Reggie Lucas, renovated and professionalized. Still Baldwin also has added new sophis- Jim Dougherty is engineer, Craig Michaels as- has hopes of attracting a major rock ticated electronic equipment. sisting. group to record an album in the late The Tubes are overdubbing their latest album spring to help focus the industry's at- At Blue Sky Records, Still worked at Monterey Sound Studios in Glendale, Calif. tention on facilities available in this on albums by Johnny Winters and Producing the as yet untitled effort is David Fos- region. Rick Derringer and was engineer on ter with Humberto Gatica at the controls. Les Still says groups or record com- four LPs by Muddy Waters. Brockman and Paul Lani are assisting. Other panies that find themselves with a MAURIE ORODENKER (11811. happenings: Bell & James mixing latest album 5011 LID for A &M Records. Don Murray is at the controls with Lani assisting. Prophecy recorded at Mon- terey with Marvin Hall engineering.... Don Gru- sin recording album with Geoff Gillette engi- neering with Paul Lani assisting. Toshi Endo is producing. We meet Engineer Michael Barbiero is mixing Bram Tchaikovsky's upcoming Arista LP at Media the production Sound Studios in New York. Nick Garvey is pro- ducing. equipment needs Action at Songshop Recording Co. in New York: Chrysalis Music has Martin Briley record- of the ing with Mick Ronson laying guitar tracks; Eric Troyer on background vocals. ... Stiff artists tape and record industry Dirty Looks recording with Nick Garvey produc- ing.... Tommy Mandel producing himself with Wayne Vkan coproducing. ... John Hanti and worldwide. Neal Cooper producing James Chance and the Contortions for Reach Out International Records.... Freddy Frogs and Wayne Vlcan pro- ducing The Ribitones for Off The Wall Records. Blank Tapes Recording Studios in New York: Cameron working with producer Randy Muller alldAUDIOMATIC CORPORATION 8 -TRACK for Salsoul, John Bradley engineering; Tee Scott mixing tracks for Archie Bell to be released on World Headquarters: CARTRIDGES Buddah Records, Bob Blank engineering.... 1290 Avenue of the Americas Rhyze recording a new album for Paul Kyser Pro- New York, NY 10019 ductions, produced by Paul Kyser with Roger Telephone: 212 -582 -4870 SOFT POLY Keay engineering; Paul Kyser is also producing Telex: 12 -6419 an album with Ray Horton; Johnnie and Michael BOXES Hill are being produced for East Coast Produc- tions by Richie Vetter, Joe Adotta engineering. NORELCO . Double Exposure recording a new album, with Lionel Job producing and John Bradley en- Needles and P e BOXES gineering.... Chris Stein, from Blondie, produc- Accessories givve yoou sound ing Iggy- Pop for the soundtrack to the film, anstiehl profits for these sound reasons: "Drats." Chris is also producing the new Waiter We Give You C -0 Stedding album for Andy Warhol Productions, ONE SOURCE FOR: Phono needles and cartridges; accessory lines - Butch Jones is engineering both projects. audio, video, telephone, CB, tape and record care. Largest inventory in the industry makes you first with the latest. CASSETTES Monster Adding SALES SUPPORT: The most complete catalogs in the business. A wide 15 SCREW) variety of sales aids, displays and merchandisers. NEW YORK -- Monster Cahlc FACTORY SUPPORT: Most orders shipped within 24 hours of receipt. Co.. makers of speaker cables. are Most knowledgeable representatives in the industry! adding John Steinberg Co. of L.A. HIGH PROFIT MARGINS: Substantial dealer mark ups. High profits as and Elliot Sales of Leawood. Kn. from a minimum of store space. 501 DIVISION STREET sales representatives. In addition. Give the gift WRITE TODAY ON YOUR LETTERHEAD of music BOONTON, NJ 07005 says Audio Associates US i'IAH-SOWI the company FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. A DIVISION OF JOYCE MOLDING CORP. PHONE: 201 -334 -2020 of New York will add Southern New PFANSTIEHL Dept. 1, 3300 Washington St., Box 498, Waukegan. IL. 60085 Jersey. Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware to its territory.

www.americanradiohistory.com WARNING! Sony will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone selling counterfeit Sony Tape.

On Wednesday, February 18, 1981, the identified as being counterfeit have the designa- United States District Court for the Southern Dis- tion "Low Noise C -60" with a red, black and trict of New York issued a temporary restraining white label or "Low Noise C -90" on a green, order against 23 dealers and 4 distributors of black and white label. The authentic Sony tapes counterfeit audio cassette tapes bearing the with these label designs have been obsolete for

I F trademark SONY.The court empowered 2 1/ 2 years. n addition, tapes designated "CH -60" Sony Corporation of America to serve a tempo- and "CH F-90" with orange and black shrinkwrap rary injunction, verify stock in inventory and pro- may also be counterfeit. hibit those dealers identified as having We ask your cooperation in bringing to our counterfeit tapes from selling or disposing of attention any transactions or conduct of dealers



These are the types of tapes found to be counterfeit. their present stock and purchasing records. and distributors involving the marketing of counter- The District Court held a hearing on a pre- feit Sony tapes. If you have any questions about liminary injunction. Those dealers served with your present stock or are offered any questionable summons were required to appear. tapes, please contact the Sony Magnetic Tape When a permanent injunction is issued, Sales Manager at any of the following locations: the court will empower Sony Corporation of NEW YORK (Headquarters): Don Unger, America and its agents to seize counterfeit (212) 371 -5800. tapes bearing the trademark SONY and CALIFORNIA: Brisbane; Jack Gaidmore or destroy them. Tom Endre, (415) 467 -4900. Compton; Bob By this advertisement Sony Corporation of Moody, (213) 537 -4300. America is serving notice that anyone found to GEORGIA: Atlanta; Jim Rives or Dale Bastian, be importing, distributing or selling any magnetic (404) 451 -7501. tape product bearing the trademark SONY ILLINOIS: Niles; Bob Elman, (312) 792 -3600. but not manufactured by Sony Corporation or MASSACHUSETTS: Newton Center; Charlie Sony Corporation of America will be prosecuted Carr, (617) 527 -4560. to the fullest extent of the law. It is a crime to dis- MICHIGAN: Farmington Hills; Larry Wolman, tribute and sell counterfeit tape. Sony can and (313) 477 -4700. will prosecute. Furthermore, United States Cus- NEW JERSEY Cherry Hill; Joe Boyce, (609) toms can and may prosecute. 667 -9464. Paramus; Carol Ventura, (201) 368 -5082. Those audio cassettes we have presently TEXAS: Irving; Tom Ingram, (214) 659 -3649.

E 1981 SonySONY® Corporation of America. Tape Div. Sony is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

www.americanradiohistory.com 38 Video \ PREDICTS QUADRUPLED BILLINGS Shorewood Gears Up For Video By GEORGE KOPP NEW YORK -Shorewood Pack- "This is a custom business," says business and they take a very strong aging is assuming the role of "crea- Shorewood national sales vice presi- interest in the way the product is tive short -order chef for the video in- dent Kenny Rosenblum. "There's presented. They want the prere- dustry," says executive vice no standardization in packaging, the corded cassettes to look like the $70 president Floyd Glinert. The giant press runs are low and there are all items they are," says Rosenblum. packaging firm, dominant supplier the different formats." But he adds Among Shorewood's video clients of record jackets and pioneer of the 6 that video executives are "package - are MGM /CBS Video, Warner by 6 cassette format, will quadruple conscious." Home Video, Nostalgia Merchant its billings in video this year, Glinert "Most of them take this business and MCA Discovision videodisks. says. very personally. They are aware that The company has also made pro - "The fact that we're seeing this in- they are launching a brand new (Continued on page 45) credible growth is significant," he says. "The competition between various formats will only stimulate more consumer interest in video." SHIRDON ENTERPRISES But the various formats and the unpredictability of the market also VIDEO MUSIC -Video & Music Productions producer Kim Dempster, right, create problems and challenges for Video Profits Will helps set up a scene with MCA artist Donnie Iris. VAMP is based in San the packager and the marketing ex- Francisco. ecutives at the video companies. Improve -England By IRV LICHTMAN NEW YORK -"The home video other Bomb group, Twitch. set for industry parallels the audio car- April, along with a new album. An- tridge days when it seemed that ev- other line handled by Shirdon is eryone but record dealers handled Trolley Car Records, which consists the product, but music dealers will of a $5.98 series of country and gos- eventually have a rightful role in pel product. video." Shirdon has a verbal commitment WHY NOT This is the view of Don England, with 20 U.S. independent distribu- the music industry veteran who now tors to handle his client's product on runs Shirdon Enterprises here. a first- refusal basis. Iry Trencher. which offers a marketing, sales and vice president of sales, is liaison be- DEAL WITH THE BEST ? distribution service for independent tween Shirdon and the distributor labels. network. BEST SELECTION BEST SERVICE BEST FILL England, former distribution and sales executive for the CBS and Capitol labels, recently assisted in Nashville Sees the establishment of a nationwide network of independent tape dis- New Operation: SONY tributors for VidAmerica Corp., a maxell FUJI division of Video Corporation of $2 Million Cost VIDEO TAPE America. He also established a NASHVILLE - Scene Three blank audio and video tape network Video, a videotape production and in a three -year association with post -production facility, has gone Videocassettes Sony Corp. into operation here. It is a subsidiary As of the moment, England ad- of Scene Three, Inc., a nine -year -old mits, there are "terrible margins that film production firm. no record distributor or retailer can The video division has already be happy with. And there's min- produced projects for Laredo Boots, mazea maxea imum protection on product with re- Show Biz and Nissan Motors. Scene says turns hovering at 15 %." Three chairman Marc Ball that $2 million has been spent on the new England. however, believes that operation and that about $100,000 \Ú "when video the newness of home more has been committed. Videocassettes settles the home video down, and Equipment includes three RCA (- manufacturer seeks out the music inch videotape machines, an RCA 2- will im- merchandiser, margins inch machine, a CMX 340X com- SCOTCH VIDEOCASSETTES. prove." His prediction is that by next Ampex puterized editor. a Vital Squeezoom year's NARM convention. most multi- channel digital effects device Videocassettes record will dealers be carrying home for producing film -style opticals, a VHS and BETA formats TDK. video product. Vital triple re -entry switcher, a Chy- Though currently removed from ron RGU1 character generator and the home video area, England ex- OTtOK. _r a remote unit with RCA TH50 and pects to be dealing with such prod- Ikegami HL79A cameras. SUPER uct by means of at least one label AVILYN Ball says he plans to solicit proj- T120 na client that plans to enter the field. ects from the major record labels lo- Shirdon, located in Great Neck, cated in Nashville and will use the MEMINIONOMMOINI L.I., represents Grand Records of company's sound recording and Canada, a division of Grand Enter- mixing capabilities as a selling point. The Vision of the Future tainment Corp. England says Grand The editing room, he notes, is out- AMPEX president Ken Walker and his video fitted with a Neve mixing board. THE TRUTH COMES OUT. executive, Phil Lubman, plan a line Scene Three can make dubs in 2 -.

of prerecorded videocassettes, some 1 -,'A- and' -inch configurations. of which will feature concerts in the Terry Climer, former senior editor jazz and rock areas produced in at Pacific Post Production Center in Canada by Walker. Los Angeles, is the firm's chief edi- While Grand's only release so far tor. Climer was also a developed of A. II. no,cnlh©ll A»o c_îiw Ef,iwc the CMX 340X editing system. is 24 -Hour Freight.Paid Service a new Nana Mouskouri album, "Come With Me," produced in the FOR TOLL-FREE ORDERING CALL (800) 523-2472 ,..cuucoutcr, U.S. by Larry Butler, the label is SEND FOR FREE CATALOG (DEALERS ONLY) Sony All -Out On planning to market 10 individuál Dept B, 1035 Louis Dr., Warminster, PA 18974 (215)441 -8900 volumes in a "Grand Ole Opry" Its Betamax Promo series, which will feature new NEW YORK -Sony has begun its recordings by Stonewall Jackson, cam- AMPEX AUDIO TECHNICA DISCWASHER DURACELL DYNASOUND EVEREADY biggest television advertising Justin Tubb & Ernest Tubb, among paign todate for VCRs. Its 30 -sec- FUJI MAXELL MEMOREX PICKERING RECOTON SAVOY others. ond commercial focuses on the SCOTCH SHAPE SHURE SONY SOUND GUARD TDK TRACS WATTS Another Canadian line handled firm's high -end SL -5800 Betamax. by Shirdon is Wolfgang Spegg's The campaign is part of Sony's ef- Bomb Records, with a number of forts to restore some of the market acts such as Scorpions, Yardbirds, share lost to the rival VHS format. Wives. Bob Segarini and the Ro- which commands between 65 -75% mantics. In addition, England's firm of the VCR market, according to is mapping out a U.S. tour for an- most industry estimates.

www.americanradiohistory.com Super Avilyn has a brand new act. You know how all TDK video products have been performing for you. You've seen them exit almost as quickly as they enter your store. Now get ready for an even faster moving encore. ----- Our super new package. The colors are outstanding. Bright te roK white with shiny silver lettering. It's a class act. Your customers will be glad to know that inside that bright new package is the same TDK Super Avilyn videotape they've come to rely on. It always delivers a brilliant performance, whether in VHS, Beta, or High Grade. A performance we never stop improving. And TDK video head cleaners, in both VHS and new Beta formats, keep the picture at its best. Now the outside of Super Avilyn products is as bril- liant as the inside. Watch them dance off your shelves to loud applause. The Vision of the Future

© 1980 TDK Electronics Corp.. Garden City, N Y. 11530

www.americanradiohistory.com Introduciiig the First Comprehensive Sales an

ZICKEY MOUSE DISCO 0 Now, share the funniest, most colorfìrl and upbeat disco film of the decade with your Walt Disney Home Video customers - MICKEY MOUSE DISCO! For a limited time, we're making this smash hit cartoon available on videocassette, exclusively through our Authorized Rental Dealers.

Special Profit -Boosting Bonus Now is the perfect time to add Disney rental cassettes to your video depart- for Dealers ment. Effective January 1, 1981 through March 31, 1981 xve're offering Authorized Rental Dealers a special 'License One -Get One Free" promo- tion. During this special limited -time offer, dealers who pay the regular license fee for any Walt Disney Rental Home Videocassette will receive a sec- ond videocassette rental license of equal value FREE! That means you get two for the price of one and double j "our profits.


www.americanradiohistory.com PROFIT- BOOSTING RENTAL PROMOTIONS

isNep HOME VIDEO larketing Program for Authorized Rental I)ealers.

Here's the Offer February through May 1981, customers who rent any Walt Disney Home Videocassette from a participating Authorized Rental Dealer, will receive FREE rental use of MICKEY MOUSE DISCO. MICKEY MOUSE DISCO features Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck and Goofy in classic dance scenes from the early cartoon favorites. We've updated the musical soundtrack with selected hits from the now- famous platintun- selling MICKEY MOUSE DISCO album, and the end result is seven minutes of the most colorful and uproarious antics ever seen on film, ' Become an Authorized Rental Dealer now and profits with this blockbuster hit.

Happy Birthday from Mickey Mouse! s A regular $11.00 retail value, each package contains party t' supplies for eight, including hats, party blowouts, bal- loons, a game and more...ever vthing your customers will BIRTHDAY PARTY need to make a birthday party a rousing success. GE FOR 8 Each Party Package contains: 8 Party Hats 8 Party Blowouts ecY. 8 Balloons 8 Rings 8 Party Favor Bags Walt Disney movies' videocassette are ideal for holiday . 1 Happy Birthday' Banner ind special occasion rentals - especially for birthdays. b-) `° 1 Pin- The -Nose -on- Mickey Game vTow, help your customers add laughter and fun to chil- ith 10 Stick -on Noses. irens' parties with special MICKEY MOUSE BIRTHDAY -ARTY PACKAGES -only $3.95 xvith the rental of any Now, more than ever, iisney videocassette February through May 1981. Disney and birthdays go together.

SHARE THE DISNEY CALL TOLL -FREE Tb find out more about this FAMILY EXPERIENCE... exciting program-and fbr In addition to all of these great promotions, you already have the tremen- details about our exclusive dous benefits built into our authorized rental plan. Now you've got a rental promotions - contact complete support program too unparalleled in the home video industry. your local Disney sales repre- - sentative or call TOLL -FREE: At the heart of the program is an unbeatable selection of classic family film 800- 423 -2259. In California, titles -all of which are ideal for short term rentals. Alaska or Hawaii, call collect (213) 840 -1859! So why not take this opportunity to share the magic of Disney with your ® MCMLXXXI Walt Disney Productions home video customers and increase your rental profits. Join the growing list Walt Disney Telecommunications and Non -Theatrical Company, Iof WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO Authorized Rental Dealers now! Burbank, California 91521

www.americanradiohistory.com 42 Video French Record Labels Moving Into Video Distribution PARIS -The video race is well and tory remains small, it's perhaps inev- By MICHAEL WAY 100% increase over the previous these costs drop. Hardware prices, truly on in France as more and more itable that program production as a player- recorders in France is today year, despite high hardware and averaging some $1,500 per unit re- record companies get into distribu- new industry sector has barely gotten estimated at 220,000, well below the software costs. tail, are high because of heavy im- tion after what was something more off the ground. German and U.K. figures, but they Many see and appreciate that cas- port duties while, on the software than a merely hesitant start. In a rapidly growing and develop- are the European giants. And in sette video can only get off the side, duplication costs are far greater While the video sector in this terri- ing situation, the number of video France, 1980 did see a dramatic ground in a spectacular way when in the U.K., to cite but one example. Although the number of units in use now is growing, it was estimated last year that only 1% of color tele- vision owners were into video, and only a small percentage of French homes have color and not all regions of the country can get it as yet. At the same time, as distribution companies are springing up, so are video clubs providing cassette rental services, the only way for some households to obtain the product which has a retail sales price of more than $100. Estimates put 1980 cassette sales at a vague 300,000- 600,000 units. But in more concrete terms, the Disc 'AZ record company, which distrib- utes the RCV cassette catalog through record dealers, claims 10,000 sales in the first four months of this operation last year. Of the major American film corn - panies, Warner is distributed by WEA Filipacchi record company and Fox by the independent RCV. The only major American absentee so far is MGM as its worldwide link- up with CBS into video has not be- PROFITS! come operative as yet, here. In fact, as the record companies Your customers will howl offer their distribution networks for with delight at these three video product, CBS and Pathe -Mar- coni have yet to get into the scene. contemporary horror classics PolyGram has just launched its from The Nostalgia Merchant. Polymedia video division and RCA France president Francois Dacia is IUSIBBS+ Filmed in PESER blood -curdling color, acclaimed as one of the country's lOM KRB`_RS these lavishly produced shockers true pioneers in the video field. onta feature today's top masters of Among the independents, apart the macabre in from the Disc 'AZ link with RCV, terror tales that which is one of the biggest film are guaranteed to make your rights holder companies in France, customers' skin crawl! Carrere has signed two distribution deals with VIP and leading product And the eye -grabbing packaging will of the IRIS catalog. practically leap off the shelf to This Carrere deal points to the grab question of distribution methods for their attention (...or else!). cassette companies: do they work Don't forget that we also have through the record company sales one forces, or through specialized home of the largest catalogues of classic entertainment hardware retails? horror and fantasy films available Several key industry observers in today. Everything creepy and France believe that at the end of the crawly from first 18 months of the "real" boom in the original KING KONG French video, the hardware retailers to THE THING to THE CAT PEOPLE. are gaining a dominant position in sales. So don't wait until the next full This is why Claude Carrere has moon, order these wonderfully just announced that he is planning weird fright films from your local to set up a specialized video sales Nostalgia Merchant Distributor team with his record distribution listed corporate division. Going a step fur- below, or call toll free ther forward, he projects in a second 1 -800 421 -4495. phase to create a production unit un- der his own video film label. THE NOSTALGIA MERCHANT But the public in France seems to be still showing some reticence, an 6255 SUNSET BOULEVARD, SUITE 1019 attitude shared certainly by RCA's HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90028 Francois Dacia, on the very future of 1981 The Nostalgia Merchant, Inc. the videocassette. RCA has been commercializing CONTACT YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT NOSTALGIA MERCHANT DISTRIBUTORS videocassettes for some nine months ALTEC DISTRIEUTORS DAILEY INC. SOUND DISK -TRIBUTORS TAPE CITY VIDEO STATION now, after setting up a special divi- 36 Church Street 3409 Brinkman Street 8006 Dale Avenue 2574 North University Drive 11960 Wilshire Blvd. sion to handle this sphere around a Burlington, Vermont, 05401 Houston, Texas, 77018 St. Louis, Missouri, 63117 Sunrise, Florida, 33322 West Los Angeles, California, 90025 (8021 864-5777 (713) 861 -9251 (314) 781-9270 (305) 748 -1499 (2131478 -5000 year and a half ago. RCA today has COMMTRON CORPORATION GILBERT ELECTRONICS SOUND UNLIMITED VIDEO COMPANY OF AMERICA VIDEO SUPPLIERS OF a catalog of some 110 titles, but 5606 Parkersburg Drive 303 North Main Street 5404 West Touhy Road 336 North Foothill Road, Suite 23 AMERICA, INC. Houston, Texas, '7036 Houston, Texas, 77009 Skokie, Illinois, 60077 Beverly Hills, California, 90210 9601 Katy Freeway, Suite 400 really it is awaiting the French (713) 780 -2550 (713) 225-0107 (312) 674-0850/539-5526 (2131 858-6763 Houston, Texas, 77024 COMMTRON CORPORATION MILE HI ONE -STOP SOUND /VIDEO UNLIMITED VIDEO LIBRARY COMPANY (THE) (713) 465 -8220 launch of the videodisk, which will 58 North Harrison Avenue 150 Rio Grande Blvd. 6912 North Tujunga 612 Montgomery Avenue VIDEO TREND inevitably see a considerable drop in Congers, New York, 10920 Denver, Colorado, 80223 North Hollywood, California, 91605 Narberth, Pennsylvania, 19072 24611 Crestview Court (9141268 -4426 (303) 629-1960 (213) 985-7602 (215) 664 -4545 Farmington Hills, Michigan, 48018 the price of both hardware and soft- COMMTRON CORPORATION MUSICAL SALES SOURCE VIDEO VIDEO ONE VIDEO, INC. (3131474 -0300 ware in the country. 3211 West Macarthur Blvd 40 South Carolina Street 223 Old Hickory Blvd. 2110 -116th Street, N.E. VTR DISTRIBUTORS Santa Ana, California, Baltimore, Maryland, 21231 Nashville, Tennessee, 37221 Bellevue, Washington, 98004 2905 Banksville Road Dacia, who has a diversified cata- 92704 (714) 751-3011 (3011675 -1400 (615) 356-6600 (206) 454-5992 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15216 COMMTRON CCRPORATLDN SCHWARTZ BROTHERS STAR VIDEO VIDEO PRODUCTS (4121 343-9334/261-2436 log running from sports through to 2450 Bell Avenue 4901 Forbes Blvd. 225 West 34th Street 1808 -A Tribute Road Sacramento, ZBS VIDEO the arts, as well as films, is now plan - Des Moines, lows, 50321 Lanham, Maryland, 20801 New York, NY, 10001 California, 95815 4660 Payne Avenue (515) 244-8233 (3011 459-8000 (2121 736-3035 (916) 924 -1656 Cleveland, Ohio, 44115 ning a tie -up with Gaumont ready (800) 321-8774 for the arrival of SelectaVision, TO PLACE YOUR hopefully in 1982 in France. He be- ORDER DIRECT CALL TOLL FREE 1 -800 421 -4495 lieves, however, that it would need a further five years after that for a real video industry to emerge in this country. Currently signing up titles for Se- (Continued on page 49)

www.americanradiohistory.com Video 43 LOSES COURT FIGHT Swedish Distribs React To C'right Confusion In U.K. Slows Violence & Sex In Movies STOCKHOLM -Sweden's video this kind of product. The distribu- VCL's Video Music Progress distributors have formed an organi- tors, who have been much criticized zation to try to control the amount of for their role, now plan to withdraw By NICK ROBERTSHAW violent and pornographic movies on particularly offensive material,, sale. mark certain videograms as X -rated LONDON -Britain's Mechani- So far there has been little prog- "There are some friendly pub- and unavailable for rental to those cal Copyright Protection Society, ress. Figures submitted on request lishers, some who've elected to ride At the end of last year 140,000 under 15, employ at least one le- representing publishing interests, by member companies have re- with the MRS," continues the Swedish households -3% of the to- and gally responsible person each to won a major court battle here vealed widely differing cost break- society, "but are quite constructive tal -owned video machines, but oversee these measures. recently in a case that many video downs, which complicate BVA ef- when approahced with the figures there's been growing concern that With firms like Warner Home industry insiders believe should forts to find out what sort of roy- and an opportunity to exploit their the software market is dominated by Video and EMI -Thorn now distrib- never have come before the judge. alty settlements the video industry works in a new area. But others many movies dealing with raw too uting here, industry figures show The case, brought against video- can afford. take the MRS line, or a harder one. violence, sadism and sex. rental turnover is nearing 50,000 cassette supplier VCL Video Serv- "There are also," VCL market- Our attitude is that we reserve the A recent tv program which movies a day, worth around $1 mil- ices by Status Quo Publishing. is ing director Steve Webber points right to negotiate directly. and par- screened excerpts from these films lion daily. And there's every sign indicative of the enormous confu- out, "wide gaps from company to ticularly with those publishers who brought matters to a head, with the that the boom will continue, both for sion that reigns in the area of rights company with regard to their pol- recognize the financial realities. of a legal ban on software and for hardware. for music on video. icy on clearing rights, even as to We won't use music at the full rate government talking Despite the fact that VCL is a whether they are prepared to pay card where we have a choice, so major supplier of music -oriented at all, so the BVA's task in nego- some publishers simply won't get Too Few Recorders In Denmark home video programs, the item tiating a general agreement is not their product placed on video." COPENHAGEN -Demand for for their respective C7 and VS2000 that brought it to court was a 30- an easy one. There are some very Only the brave are optimistic for videotape recorders here has out- machines. minute feature on car racing con- high hurdles to jump." an early solution to the rights prob- stripped the flow of imports to the Main software imports come from taining 19 minutes of background On the publishers' side, there is lems. "The whole area is so new," Danish market. Several importers the likes of Magnetic Video and music. at least theoretical uniformity. Last says Webber, "that no sooner do are unable to supply the big radio/ Warners Home Video with Danish According to VCL, the licensor April, the Mechanical Rights you get one thing resolved than an- television chains that dominate firm COOP (Brugsen) supplying lo- assured the video firm that the mu- Society issued a video rate card. other problem, which you never video retailing with all the machines cal films and strong in software sic rights were cleared. It was later Briefly, it set a maximum royalty even dreamt of, appears round the they need, resulting in long customer rental. Several new specialist video discovered that this was not the of 9% which, with 30% production corner. So far, the talent and tech- waiting lists. outlets have opened recently, and re- case. VCL voluntarily withdrew allowance, produced effective nicians' unions have brought little VHS tail chain Selandia even has its own the cassette from the market and maximum royalties around 6.5% of official pressure to bear. We're not It's the format, market leader here as in -house video newspaper. submitted to judgment without at- the retail selling price. There was a against the right deal, provided throughout Europe, tending the court hearing. sliding scale for different kinds of there's enough pieces of the cake to that's hardest hit, and especially the So why did the case ever come to music use: background commer- go round, but nobody really knows new JVC HR-7700 front -loading Mag On Cassette model, also available from Tele- court? "Lack of communication cial calculated at 75%, featured li- yet how big the cake is, that's the NEW YORK -Skindivers will in West between the publishing company brary at 50% and so on. trouble. There will be a negotiated funken Germany. soon have their own magazine on and ourselves," says VCL business One of the first things the BVA settlement; I just hope it doesn't Telefunken had its December '80 videocassette. Ocean Realm Video affairs director, Philip Goodhand- did was to challenge this rate card turn out to be a trial of strength." delivery cancelled and the January Magazine will be issued three times Tait. Less diplomatic observers be- and propose lower rates, calcu- In the meantime, VCL continues '81 delivery delayed, and several dis- a year, and divided into sections lieve the Mechanical Copyright lated on a per minute basis. But in to make unilateral agreements, tributors of Japanese VCRs have along the lines of a print magazine. Protection Society, representing the preliminary talks between the program by program, as it must in also experienced delivery problems. In addition, Ocean Realm will take publishing interests, was out for a two sides, now going on. rates have order to survive. "We try to clear However, Sony and Philips seem to advertising. The magazine retails for scalp. not even been mentioned. All that material with thé best deals pos- be copying with the lesser demand $59.95 an issue. The irony is that VCL has made has so far been achieved is a con- sible, and we're forced to compro- great efforts to get music on video ciliation agreement -the MRS has mise. That makes sense provided off the ground. As the first and undertaken not to rush BVA mem- the proposition is still commer- largest of all the independent U.K. bers into court if they have made cially viable, but the rate suggested video companies that specialize in genuine efforts to clear copyright by the BVA, should it be adopted, music, it has ventured time and properly, at least not without going would certainly be very favorable again into the copyright minefield to a joint BVA /MRS tribunal first. in comparison with what we now to extract suitable program mate- Nevertheless, the MRS is pre- negotiate." rial, and acquired a reputation for paring further litigation. "There With licensed programs, the li- Streamlined honesty and fair dealing. are pockets of resistance," it says. censor is generally responsible for "The basic problem," says "and action in the courts is by no ensuring that the rights are clear. Goodhand -Tait, "is that the Copy- means over." The society insists its Where VCL produces a program For effortless production right Act of 1956 is hopeless on rate card is being adhered to, and itself, it has to approach all the videograms, which it treats as that it will continue in force until it various musicians, writers and art- ... ,4U17/0 TEK films. The crux is the 'right to dis- expires at the end of this year. The ists involved and agree on individ- tribution,' and until agreements conciliation agreement expires at ual fees. It's not considered an are reached between publishers the end of June. ideal system. Deals are usually on and video companies the kind of Fortunately for the music video an advance and royalty basis, the situation we found ourselves in companies, the MRS rate card spe- royalty fixed regardless of sales could easily arise again." cifically excludes music pro- volume. Areas of exploitation ad- If the law as it now stands can- gramming, where copyright own- ditional to home video -broadcast, not help. Goodhand -Tait has high ers "may reserve the right to theatrical and so on -are often cov- hopes of the British Videogram negotiate outside the terms of the ered. Assn., in whose formation last card." This gives companies like According to Goodhand -Tait, summer VCL was a prime mover. VCL some room to maneuvér. (Continued on page 47)

IN WEST GERMANY Finns & Swedes Warners Looks For Disk Slam Doors On Sex & Violence Dealer Move Into Video HELSINKI -Members of the HAMBURG - WEA Germany. includes two Clint Eastwood movies, Finnish Radio and Television Deal- deep into the video software market 'Callahan' and `Dirty Harry,' and ers Assn., some 500 in all, have de- since mid -February with its Warner John Wayne films 'The Green Dev- cided not to market 'videocassettes Home Video line, is concentrating ils' and 'The Black Falcon.' We also that feature "excessive" sex or vio- its retail sales push on experienced have features starring Burt Rey- lence, or material "that may conflict record and tape dealers. nolds, David Jansen and Henry with prevailing m iral standards." Says Michael Haentjes, video gen- Fonda." This decision was made only days eral manager: "The 16 video- He says dealers generally are hav- after a similar resolution was carried cassettes already in the catalog are ing growing pains in selling software by the counterpart organization rep- going principally to retailers basic- video product and grasp at promo- resenting Swedish dealers. Both ally involved in selling music, or to tional aids offered by WEA. countries are currently without hardware dealers who used to have Included are VCRs to show trail- proper laws controlling import, dis- music departments and now want to ers of catalog product, and lockable tribution of censorship of video- get back into the software field." displays which take up to 50 video- cassettes. Practical tape duplicating systems. Target aim initially is 3,000 retail cassettes. Prices of Warner software And in Turku. Finland, the local outlets, and a special team of sales- range from $70 -$80, and the basic city government has turned down an men, armed with promotional aids, range is bannered "Auf Videosehn," application to set up a retail outlet AUO/O/TE/( are Video, with pushing Warner its a re-jig of the German word for by a Swedish firm on the ground 502 -D Vandell Way /Campbell, CA 95008 distinctive label of a white "W" on a "goodbye." that there were no sufficient guaran- Telephone (408) 378-5586 blue background. But Warner Home Video is peak- tees that the company would not Cable: AUDIOTEK Telex: 172 -230 Says Haentjes: "We're delighted ing its promotional work on prere- market videocassettes based on sex with first reactions. Major product (Continued on page 90), and violence.

www.americanradiohistory.com 44 Video ABC Unveils TV Cultural WON'T SWIM IN MAINSTREAM Cable Channel On April 12 `New Wave Theatre' Cable Show NEW YORK -Alpha Repertory harmonic conducted by Andre Television Service (ARTS), a cable Previn, and Beethoven's "Missa tv channel devoted to cultural fare, Solemnis" conducted from St. Peters Exposes Rock In Major Markets will its 12. in Rome Wolfgang have debut April by Swallisch. By CARY DARLING ARTS, a joint venture of ABC ABC has designed its program- LOS ANGELES -"New Wave Video Enterprises and Warner ming around a "theme week" con- Theatre," a shoestring video oper- Amex Satellite Entertainment Co., cept, interspersing concerts, operas, ation with basically a one - person will offer three hours of cultural pro- ballets and other performances with staff a year ago, has grown into a gramming nightly beginning at 9 bridging material specially pro- four -camera, 30- person operation p.m. Eastern time on cable systems duced by ABC Video. Prominent being shot at Leon Russell's Para- affiliated with Warner's Nickel - performers and media personalities dise Studios here. odian children's cable channel. will host these thematic bridges. Also, the program is not just seen Each week will consist of three "Paris: The Dream And The on the local Theta Cable hookup. nights of original programming and Reality," is the theme of the debut Earlier this month, New York's four evenings of repeat program- week's programming, hosted by ac- Teleprompter and Manhattan Cable ming. ARTS is ABC's initial venture tress Anne Baxter. began carrying the music show and into cable tv programming. Also filling time between major negotiations are underway for out- Among the major musical works performances will be short "appre- lets in Boston, Chicago and perhaps to be featured in the first three weeks ciations" of paintings, conducted by even a network situation with NBC - of programming are Giordano's experts and prominent amateurs. TV as a monthly alternate for "Sat- "Andrea Chenier" with Franco Co- These average a few minutes in urday Night Live." relli, Puccini's "Manon Lescaut" length. This does not necessarily mean with Placido Domingo, Beethoven's Also featured in the first three that the program, which features Los Fifth and Third Symphonies with weeks' programs will be flutists Mi- Angeles new wave bands, comedi- the French National Orchestra un- chel Debost and Jean -Pierre ans and conceptual art performers, der Lorin Maazel, Strauss' Rampal, "Alpine organist Pierre Cochereau, will become more mainstream. "The Symphony" with the Vienna Phil- (Continued on page 79) whole thing that separates this show from all the others is the fact that we're not using signed bands and we'll continue not to use signed bands," states producer /director Weird Wave: "New Wave Theatre" ghost host Hisao Shinigona and regular David Jordan, who also goes by the host Peter Ivers clowning it up on the set of the cable tv show. The program name David Jove. "If we do get in a may soon be seen nationwide. network situation, we might use an act such as the B -52's, David Bowie week in clubs alone in Hollywood. gets harder," he says. "It used to take Manufacturers or Talking Heads to ghost host the That says nothing of the supporting me two hours to edit the show. Now show but not necessarily perform." scene, art stores, clothing stores and it takes 36 hours." Jordan is also of Also, Jordan would expand the the rest." adding more special effects to each show from its present half-hour for- The show is now shot in a one - performance. Quality mat to an hour. Commentator Peter inch format. as opposed to the three - In addition to "New Wave Ivers would continue as the host and quarter inch used when Jordan was Theatre," Jordan may link with Ed Ochs will remaii5 as cowriter. using the Burbank Studio Center. Paradise for other such video ven- Products Costs are kept down on the show "You think it's supposed to get eas- tures as two comedy specials, a gos- due to Jordan's only allowing two ier with heavier technology, but it pel show and two children's shows. soundchecks and one take per act. to the "If they blow it, then that's the way it goes," says Jordan. Acts that have BY RIAA /VIDEO appeared include Wall Of Voodoo, Tape Tropic Of Pico, the Bus Boys. X, Wild Kingdom, the Go -Gos and 4 Vidcassettes Platinum Industry Psychotic Pineapple. Most are local NEW YORK -RIAA /Video has certified four videocassettes platinum. bands and that's the way Jordan These are the industry's first platinum awards. wants to keep it, even if he goes net- Receiving the certification are "Alien" and "M *A *S *H" from Magnetic work. Video, and "Superman" and "I0" from Warner Home Video. The awards "The scene is L.A. I could keep on are made on the basis of sales of at least 50,000 videocassettes and /or disks, going here and never run out of with a retail list value of $2 million. bands. There 1,500 are some bands RIAA /Video has also made 18 gold awards, including these four pro- REVIEW in Hollywood alone. I've watched it grams. Among the golds are combined videocassette/disk awards to MCA grow from two clubs a year ago to 35 for "The Blues Brothers," "Coal Miner's Daughter," "Jaws," "The Jerk," clubs today." reasons Jordan. "New "National Lampoon's Animal House" and "Smokey and the Bandit." ENTERPRISES, music is pulling in about $100,000 a Other gold awards go to Colombia Pictures Home Entertainment for "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"; to Magnetic Video for "All That (USA) INC Cliff For Video Jazz," "The French Connection," "The Muppet Movie," "Patton" and "The LONDON -Classic reggae movie Sound Of Music "; and to Warner Home Video for "Blazing Saddles" and "Enter the Dragon." "The Harder They Come," starring Gold certification is based on unit sales of at least 25,000 with a retail list AUDIO CASSETTES Jimmy Cliff, is now available on the value of $1 million. C -O CASSETTES home video market for the first time, BLANK CASSETTES thanks to a deal between New York - based Ballato Jones & King and the CASSETTE DUPLICATING TAPE Video Tape Center of Sweden. Un- PRIVATE BRANDING AVAILABLE der the deal, the Video Tape Center will distributed the videocassette ex- clusively for the Scandinavian mar- VIDEO CASSETTES ket. C -O CASSETTES BLANK CASSETTES VHS & BETA VIDCASSETTES PRIVATE BRANDING AVAILABLE No. 201 SECURITY Cassette Spring Pad No. 470M .. CasettsShie STICKERED Full eld IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AVAILABLE NEW YORK -Warner Home Video will inaugurate its security d FROM OUR REGIONAL WAREHOUSES sticker. currently in use on records, No. 508 No. 208 on its videocassette line. The sticker No. 510 8 Track 8 Track Cartridge reveals special markings when ex- Flat -Foam Shield Foam Pad Spring Pad Contact MIKE THALER posed to a strong light (Billboard, Dec. 6, 1980.) Special designs on request The stickered product is not yet in Call or Write - REVIEW the stores, according to Warner, but its introduction at retail will take OVERLAND PRODUCTS CO. ENTERPRISES,(usA), INC. place shortly. The sticker allows an investigator P.O. Box 567 515 North Pierce Street 54 W. 39TH STREET NEW YORK. NY 10018 (212) 840 -2780 to identify counterfeit boxes in- Fremont, Nebr. (USA) 68025 402;721 -7270 stantly, according to Warner.

www.americanradiohistory.com Video 45 Flexibility Is Key In Packaging Video For Shorewood Continued from page 38 decision to put its security sticker. from sticking properly, so Shore- wood must do more than just react to don't think I'm a guru, but I'm cer- totype jackets for the VHD video- which it uses on records, on its wood had to modify a small patch the demands of its clients, that the tainly an educated observer of the disk. videocassettes as an anti- counter- on the box to accommodate the company must also 'anticipate the marketplace." Say Glinert: "We're "The video executives are making feiting measure. The glossy surface sticker. needs of the industry. "Everyone in gurus to the extent that we know fewer mistakes than they did two of the jacket prevented the label Rosenblum stresses that Shore- this business is a guru," he says. "I what mistakes people have made" years ago," says Rosenblum. "They usually placed orders that were too low. We still get embarrassed phone calls a few days after an order is placed, asking us to run out another 2,000 to 3,000 pieces." He also says it is not uncommon for an order of 10,000 to be re- ordered one or two weeks after fulfillment . "That's the challenge we have to face," says Glinert. "That's how we've structured our business. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and creativity. In setting up the busi- ness, we've gone into the duplicating plants to see just how they operate and tailored our own operations to meet their needs." The absence of standardization Introducing presents problems, but Glinert and Rosenblum don't see standard- ization as an absolute necessity at this stage of the game. "The video companies are always willing to try something new," says Glinert. "There are some major marketing Really Fast Forward. changes coming in a very short time from some major suppliers which will be reflected in the packaging, and that's the way it should be." Cut cassette costs A computerized quality control Shorewood is not only a manufac- system stops the 790 when any turer, but also a consultant. "Our relationship with our clients is like a with the new operator attention is required. doctor- patient relationship," says And a flashing LED diagnostic Glinert. "We are problem -solvers." Speed King 790 ... readout reminds the operator of Adds Rosenblum: "Many of our the clients know what they don't want, The Fastest action needed. So in most but not what they want. They may cases the 790 is back in produc- say, 'We don't want just a slip-case,' Cassette Loader tion in a few seconds, and there's and it's up to us to come up with rarely a need to call a technician. some ideas for alternatives." in the World! The most popular video packages And all operating controls are today are the slip -case and the book No matter how fast your audio in a single front panel where package, which provides extra sur- cassette loader is now, the revo- face area for printed information. they're easy to see and use. Softie companies prefer to keep the lutionary, new Speed King 790 package size consistent for Beta and will multiply your throughput The 790 also has a stacker/stam- VHS cassettes, while others opt to with amazing cost savings per per that gives you three choices make the Beta cassette box smaller, cassette. Here's how: in stacking loaded cassettes. So so the consumer is never in doubt as you select the method most suit- which to format he's buying. Shore- The Speed King is at least 21/2 able for your labeling/packaging wood says its VHS -Beta split is times faster than any previous somewhere between 60 % -40% and technique. That saves more time 70 % -30 %. King loader.* and money. One problem Shorewood had to deal with recently was the Warner One machine can produce over All the incredible features of the 2500 C -60 cassettes in one shift, new 790 are available at surpris- Sync System and one attendant can operate ingly low cost. With the 790 three machines. That adds up to you'll be able to meet the most By Magna Tech more than 7500 C -60's in one I Tell me about the frantic production schedules NEW YORK -National Video shift. Speed King 790. And make it fast. and control your labor costs at Center here has installed a new I the same time. sound synchronization system de- King Instrument Corporation signed by Magna Tech, called Vidi 80 Turnpike Road Mag. The system utilizes a sprocket- I Westboro, Massachusetts 02181 See the full line of driven videotape which allows video USA soundtracks to be put in synch the I King audio and same way film soundtracks are. Phone: (617) 366 -9141 Tape for the system was developed Cable: KINGINST/Telex 94 -8485 video loaders at by 3M Corp. I Name Audio chief Dick Mack says that AES in Hamburg. the system, though not digital. "is I Company precise, exact and scientific enough to satisfy even computer propo- Address nents." The system saves roll -back I time presently needed in aligning a soundtrack with a video picture. I In addition, the Vidi Mag system allows the sound track to be layed out with the picture on an editing I table. not just added at a mix session as with the previous method. I o KING `1980' *All figures based on factory tests during World Leader in Tape Tailoring Systems® ©Copyright 1981 Available seven hours of normal operation. LONDON -A survey of the dra- King Instrument Corporation matic highlights of "This Year 1980" is available in videocassette format here, running two hours, costing $60, and put together by three major news organizations, the Sunday Times, Independent Television News and United Press Inter- national.

www.americanradiohistory.com 46 Video Ampex Starts Shipments Swedes AWAITING CABLE ACTION Of New Pro Videotape Launch Pop Peppermint Lounge In REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -Am- videotape with a 100% cobalt -doped pex Corp. here has begun shipments oxide formulation. This replaces a Vid Series N.Y. Like TV Studio of its 196 one -inch high energy chromium dioxide- ferric oxide STOCKHOLM - Scan- Video, By GEORGE KOPP blend. major Swedish video production NEW YORK -For a fledgling "During the day we're shooting company, has released its first in a A tightly cross -linked co- polymer video music programmer the groups booked into the club. A French Carrere To system proc- series, "2 By 10 Top Pop," compris- binder and improved question is, what to do until the lot of them have never seen ing 10 with 20 essing techniques have been intro- video productions dif- cable television boom arrives? themselves on videotape before." Distribute For VIP ferent in duced to maximize electrical and acts each. The Pop Network, whose "Pop Pop will then make a dub for the PARIS -French video production The series is in collaboration with physical performance on all B and C Show" is seen here and in Flor- group, and in most cases the net- company VIP is to be all major record com- distributed by format VTRs. Video signal -to -noise the Swedish ida on cable tv, hones its pro- work retains the rights to broad- record company is is Carrere, an indica- in the luminance channel said to panies and Scan -Viceo to put out gramming skills in the Pepper- cast the material. tion of the pattern likely to be have been improved by 1 -2 dB with a new videocassette with 60 minutes mint Lounge rock club, where Blume says Pop puts all its rev- adopted by the new industry here. a corresponding improvement in of music each montn. The first fea- Pop runs the club's video moni- enues into acquisitions and sala- VIP Victor president Bialek says. chromanance signal -to- noise. Drop- tured such local acts as The Radio tors and cameras. ries. Pop has an extensive library he chose Claude Carrere because :he outs have also been reduced, it is re- (S.O.S.), Snowstorm (Mariann), "Basically, the Peppermint has of clips from old tv shows, com- company has a Williams "deep knowledge of ported. Jerry (Sonet), Magnum given us a concession," says mercials, movie trailers and other the record retailing sector and is Intrinsic coercivity is increased to Bonus (PolyGram) and Carina Wes - Pop's Rick Blume. "We designed curiosities. In addition, says close to the retailers themselves.' 650 oersteds, resulting in sman (CM). greater RF the system and installed it, and Blume, there is always the chance Initially Carrere will handle 4C ti- signal recorded in The cassettes are to and recovered distributed all the equipment is rented from that one of the bands he shoots tles, mostly for children, but later it's playback. Retentivity is 1,200 gauss video retailers for sale rental, sale or us by the club. It's a mutual ef- could end up being another in the expected to look after the entire 160 - compared with 1,000 gauss price is about $90, and the rental fee fort." Blondie. strong catalog. $6. prior formulation. around The Peppermint Lounge, open "Most of our effort goes into just a few months in a location the tv show," says Blume. "About down the street from the former 20% of our work is focused on the home of its famed namesake, has Peppermint Lounge. But eventu- proved to be one of New York's ally we'd like to do a show right most popular night spots. The out of the club, and maybe syn- club boasts a large dance floor in dicate it." a room reserved for live acts and The club also gives Pop Net- recorded music, and a smaller work another base of operations. dance floor that is the preserve of Blume and his colleagues have Pop. installed $70,000 worth of equip- The small floor is surrounded ment into the Peppermint by an array of video monitors. Lounge, and have a great deal of When the live band is playing, autonomy. "This club is unique Pop's camera crew feeds it in to in that we control our own the overflow crowd in the more sound," says Blume. "At other intimate setting of the small clubs in the city there is no coor- room. At other times, Pop gives dination between the records and the video patrons its own brand the video. Being a VJ is a whole of video rock, which includes the new art form." usual video promos of current From a business standpoint, acts and such incongruous vis- Pop Network is breaking even, uals as scenes from Jean Coc- according to Blume. But the net- teau's "Blood Of A Poet" or the work has an investment in satel- Nixon resignation speech, all to lite time which he feels may be its the accompaniment of whatever most valuable asset. "Satelite sounds Pop deems appropriate. time is a limited resource," he The installation is a "resource says, "but it eventually will in; for video artists," says Blume. sure our success."

Videocassette Hardware mc:t-.zXacta +F+xbF... ,..,áí.:ïï.....:..'-/.v Imports Increase In U.K. LONDON -Deliveries of video- U.K.-made music centers were 31% cassette recorders to the U.K. market down on the 1979 total, reaching more than doubled on 1980, accord- only 265,000 compared to the previ- ing to figures released here by the ous year's 385,000. Imported deliv- British Radio and Electronic Equip- eries held their own, though, ac- ment Manufacturers' Assn. counting for nearly 75% of the total Despite the association's name, all against 63% in the last quarter of video hardware was imported from 1979. "Consumer demand has fallen overseas, a total of over 400,000 ma- by only 12 %," says BREMA, "as a chines, and a dramatic 164% up on reconstitution of the market has oc- the 1979 total of 155,000. BREMA curred with retail prices of tradi- comments: "End of year stocks at tional music centers falling and a both importer and distributor levels growing share of the market being are at a low level due to the demands taken by one -piece rack systems." of a dynamic market where con- Deliveries of portable radios were sumer offtake has increased by 200% down 15% on 1979, but radio The MX-5050B on 1979." recorder deliveries increased by On the audio side, deliveries of 28 %. Because of quality that delivers unmatched reliability. Because it offers the performance and features of machines which cost more than twice as much. Because of ingenious Matsushita Has Camera Comb production technology and intelligent design decisions from NEW YORK -Matsushita Elec- length of recording time available. tric in Japan has demonstrated a The prototype records at 14.3 m.m. the manufacturer of the most comprehensive line of prototype all -in -one camera -VCR per second. professional tape machines in the world. using a quarter-inch cassette slightly With batteries the unit weighs 2.1 than an audio cassette. All this comes for less than $2500. smaller kg. or about 4.6 lbs. Recording time is claimed to be two The company says it will propose The Otari 5050B. The New Workhorse. It will ease your hours. its format as the standard for the in- production burdens while assuring your banker its return an The quarter -inch video format dustry. Matsushita video products currently on the market, made here are marketed here under the Pana- investment. Check out the dollars 'n' sense machines at your by Technicolor, records for a half - sonic and Quasar brands. professional audio dealer today. hour. A similar product from Sony was The tape used in the cassette is demonstrated here last year in pro- The New Workhorse the Matsushita- developed Angrom totype. Sony said at the time that the formulation, which the company unit would be released in 1985. 1559 Industrial Road Otan Corporation, uses in hi fi microcassettes. The Sony's camera /VCR combination (415) 592 -8311 Telex: (910- 376 -4890) CHEER San Carlos, California 94070 Angrom tape allows much slower prototype recorded for a maximum recording speed, increasing the of 20 minutes.

www.americanradiohistory.com Video 47 Legal Thicket Stymies Vid Industry Growth In U.K. Continued from page 43 months, and is now going through rush did not give way to a January Through a variety of distribution dium, record shops are beginning to the 1 million pound sterling barrier slump; it just went on. VCL's 100 channels, its videograms now reach be drawn in. The rental systems royalties in video are a relatively and climbing. Webber estimates the slaves cannot cope; the firm is now between 1,000 -1,500 retail outlets in prevalent here give hard -hit dealers higher proportion of total costs than average best -seller on video now bidding for a new site where it can the U.K. The majority are special- a constant source of income and for audio software. Ideas of a fair sells around 20,000 units in most Eu- install a 500- machine duplicating ists, but as record companies mobi- guaranteed repeat visits from their royalty differ widely among differ- ropean countries. The Christmas plant. lize their sales forces to the new me- customers. ent producers. Name artists come more expensive, as in audio, but so far video sales volume is not enough to justify record industry levels of payment. VCL's Tina Turner videocassette is generally cited as the U.K.'s first made -for-video music program, but the same company had already 4- made and released the 30- minute "Mary Wilson and the Supremes" some years before, in 1977. Said THE SPECIAL EDITION Goodhand Tait, "Let me set the record straight by saying VCL was the first company to produce a music ll.l.. .101011.wl.... ~.:. ..* program specifically for video and rwi ili WNWO..... i. ,1! aw®s release it." :: .i .MM4o ;i il . Before then, VCL had been ac- ° .1Fal.ilL 7M._', aumftimmosmx quiring valuable experience through --«rr putting together compilations for from the early video promo clips of the mid '70s. Subsequently it went on to build up a music catalog that includes Susan George, the Av- erage White Band, Paco De Lucia, Leroy Gomez and Love Machine, plus a number of licensed produc- tions. THIRD KIND "While we're in the happy situ- ation of being able to acquire ready - made programs, by the grace, to some degree, of the record corn - panies, it makes sense to do so. The situation will probably continue to apply for some time, and maybe for- ever on certain product, but in the end video companies have to be self- sufficient." To this end, VCL has hired top Mike Leander as creative director, and is actively seeking suitable projects for devel- opment. "What we are saying is, look, this avenue of creativity now exists; if you have something to con- tribute and the sums add up, then we're here to put it together," says Webber. "Costs vary enormously, maybe $25,000 to $500,000 for a half-hour show. If you're talking about a major artist and a full - blooded concept job, then obviously you're talking many times the ex- pense of a more modest studio shoot. But then potentially you may have many times more sales; you can look to cable and broadcast tv, maybe THE MILLIO DOLLAR even theatrical exploitation, as sources of revenue. Perhaps a spon- sor can be brought in to help with production costs. We're not in the ENCOUNTER. business of feature film production but that aside I don't think anything would scare us off." Within days after it was sh pped, the Special Edition of Close Encounters Of The Th rd Kind certified by the International Tape /Disc Association Webber believes strongly that a was new generation of videowise artists as having achieved more than $1 million in retail sales! will give the creative lead, and for this reason VCL is embarking on a Naturally, we are delighted with this recognition. But, frankly, best- course which so far is unique in the selling movies is what we're all aoout. Movies like The Deep, Midnight new industry: It is setting itself up as what Webber calls a record com- Express, China Syndrome, Chapter Two, and our newest million dollar pany with pictures. The plan is to seller, Emmanuelle. find and develop new, unestablished acts who will be signed to longterm Columbia Pictures Home Entertainment. Where the big movies exclusive deals exactly like those on home! the audio side. The deals VCL come makes will eventually cover the audio side of its artists' activities as well as video, though in the early stages the company may license sound recording rights. London stu- dio Scorpio Sound is part of the Columbia Pictures I eL---4. Home Entertainment VCL group. A division of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., 711 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022 (212) 751 -4400

The speed of growth in the video or more information on how you car become an authorized Columbia Pictures industry makes statistics unreliable. HDme Entertainment dealer, contact Kaye Rassnick at (212) 751 -4400 Extension 5052. Projections, as Webber says, are use- ® 1981 COLUMEIA PILTURES INDUSTRIES, INC less. What can be said is that VCL's turnover in the first quarter of the current financial year equalled turn- over for the whole of the previous 12

www.americanradiohistory.com eac your customers with the book they reach for all year long Billboard's Who -What -Where Book. The most comprehensive Audio /Video Tape Directory ever published, anywhere...

ADVERTISING DEADLINE: APRIL 10 ISSUE DATE: MAY 9 www.americanradiohistory.com Video 49 French Record Labels Moving Into Video Distribution Continuedfrom page 42 dependent radio station, Radio - Pascal Farcouli, company president. tribute the RCV cassette catalog is will prove more successful in the Since Matra took over the group this program, he says. rental sector of the market. AZ, how- lectaVision, Dacia says that RCA Television Monte Carlo and the part of dis- last year, it has poured in massive fi- Looking to the future, he believes ever, distributes only to record out- France will provide some 100, with Hachette book publishing and nancial investments, enabling - and cas- lets. around another 250 coming from tribution company, is aiming high to Far that only children's "adult" in which couli to strengthen considerably the settes will have strong sales, while Among the prize assets of the the United States. Dacia is optimis- become a major media firm position of AZ. The dis- films, (Continued on page 50) tic about the future of the videodisk video has a strong role, according to decision to most other product, notably in France because of the cassette cost factor -"manufacturing and dupli- cation are just too dear," he says. He also sees the eventual advent of the specialist video retail outlets to re- place hardware of record retail shops as the "real places" to buy product. Disc 'AZ, linked to the Matra in- dustrial giant, the Europe No. 1 in-

U.K. Firm T SCANDIA Produce Who PACKAGING Video Album i LONDON -Commercial and MACHINERY television production company Pic- ture Palace Productions is to move into the videogram field with a first program based on the Who's new al- bum "Face Dances." Picture Palace vice -chairman Roy Baird is also a partner with Who manager Bill Curbishley in the film company that made "Quadro- phenia" and "MacVicar." He says: "There's an up and coming market for videograms, and we considered it CHOICE FOR PACKAGING a natural extension for us, being so closely related to the Who and the music industry." 8-TRACK CARTRIDGES Curbishley adds that Warner Bros. Music in the States has already shown interest in the project, with a AUDIO CASSETTES, ,) view to theatrical and cable tv distri- bution. Plans for the U.K. are not yet finalized. Award -winning commercials man VIDEO CASSETTES John Crome will direct, with Picture Palace managing director Des Good WITH LARGE SAVINGS FOR YOU! the producer. The audio album, due in mid -March, will be launched with a party in an art gallery setting to showcase the specially commis- The die -cut slip case An optional inserting sioned paintings by David Hockney, on station is available for Peter Blake and others that inspired used 8 -track "Face Dances." This event will be cartridges is the basic including an instruction incorporated into the 30- minute style of carton used leaflet or premium video. NICK ROBERTSHAW for videotape. coupon with the cassette, when it is Home Video Titles wrapped with the Coming In Spanish In the Scandia carton - Scandia -developed forming machine, the carton blank. Labeling NEW YORK -Tulsa -based Video blank is formed around Communications, Inc. (VCI) will re- and tear tape options lease 50 of its home video titles with the video cartridge, are also available. Spanish soundtracks. Company of- using inexpensive die - ficials say the move is in response to cut board, el_minating dealer requests. The Spanish ver- the need for costly The in -line Scandia sions will be sold for the same price machine as the original English versions. pre- gltaed cartons. wrapping In addition, VCI announces the overwraps the video acquisition of exclusive rights to 25 cassette carton in low - titles from Gold Kay Entertainment, The 5 -s_ded carton cost shrinkable a division of Vidtronics. Some of the provices an open polypropylene film, titles, says VCI, will be held for in- front for easy cassette troduction at the June CES. VCI producing a tamper- says it now has over 600 titles in its identif_cation and proof, dust -free home video catalog. storage protection. consumer peckage. ITA Adding 3 Speakers For Meet NEW YORK -The International Tape /Disc Assn. says three addi- tional speakers will be added to the roster at its upcoming meet in Holly- wood, Fla. The controversial topic of rentals will be addressed by Walt Disney's Scandia Packaging Machinery Company Jim Jimirro and Granada TV P.O. Box 575, Allwocd Station, Clifton, NJ 07012 Rental's Jeremy Rumfitt. In addi- (201) 473 -61C'0 Telex No. 133513 tion, North American Philips vice president John Messerschmitt will speak on the topic, "The Videodisk - Who Needs It?" ITA convention dates are March 15 -18.

www.americanradiohistory.com 50 Video Billboard Survey For Week Ending 3 21 81 RECORD LABELS NOW ACTIVE French Into Video Distribution Videocassette Copyright 1981. Billboard Publications. Inc. Continued from page 49 view. On the copyright side. too. the Money can only be made on inter- o.part of thus publication may be reproduced, catalog are the three racy SACEM performing right society nationally- established artists. But at stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted. un RCV "Em- any form or by any means. electronic. mechani- manuelle" movies. has been active in assuring correct the same time, the group is prepar- cal. photocopying. recording. or otherwise. without prior written permission the procedure on contracts as well as on production the Top the of pub- Problems facing the smaller video ing for scheduled 'IQ lisher rights holders were raised recently recouping money owed. 1984 launching of the Radio These best videocassettes from retail sales, by Jacques Gibout, of Video Public, At the same time, a handful of Luxembourg satellite, which is pro- C are selling compiled which has a catalog of some 50 titles companies are investing in the pro- jected to cover a large part of including releases it both Beta & VHS formats. on sale and rental. This activity is duction side. among them the Radio France. 1 8 backed up by a new duplication fa- Luxembourg -controlled VCI and The activities of RVB (Recording rt TITLE cility. VTF companies, working in studios Video Broadcasting) represent an- Copyright Owner, Distributor, Catalog Number Gibout in particular complains in the Grand Duchy and in Paris other aspect of the video industry in AIRPLANE about the lack of accepted "prac- and with two mobile production France today. That is promotion of Paramount Pictures. Paramount Home Video 1305 tice" in France on rentals, where units. record company product on video 2 20 3 FAME many methods are used. At present VCI and VTF are different programs in supermarkets. MGM /CBS Home Video M70021 This question. as far as record retail- working on co- productions with Thus far, RVB has contracts with 3 9 36 ALIEN (R) ers are concerned, is currently being French and foreign television, their 120 supermarkets in France to push 20th Century-Fox Films, Magnetic Video 1090 examined by the music business as- latest being the "Eddie Mitchell new product from the CBS, Pathe 4 4 5 CADDYSHACK sociation, SNEPA. Show" staged at the Olympia Music Marconi, WEA, Eurodisc and Car - Warner Bros. Inc.. Warner Home Video OR 2005 Video Public, which hopes to have Hall in Paris. rere labels, says Edith Muflarz, com- acquired some 100 titles by the sum- Claiming to be another of Eu- pany executive. 5 11 16 STAR TREK (G) Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video 8858 mer, is also looking for duplication rope's biggest cassette duplicators, One notable absentee from the also working a little for 6 3 6 URBAN COWBOY deals but was however against legis- Germany roster is PolyGram. But the firm Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video 1285 lation on the rental question and and Italy. VCI -VTF product is also edits and compiles programs from commercially handled by Disc 'AZ. 7 7 hopes the industry can sort out the record company clips, maybe 15 -20 18 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS (R) Guy Job, producer- director, says Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Columbia Pictures difficulties for itself. That's Gibout's titles per month and with a change Home Enter., VN 30200 that some five more programs are of program available every fifth planned for the year ahead. About week. 8 16 6 XANADU 60% of current business is in co -pro- Universal City Studios Inc., MCA Distributing Corp. 66019 RVB's claim is to reach a million WEA Releases ductions for tv for the company also potential record buyers every month 9 19 3 MAGNUM FORCE makes tv games and cultural and ed- Warner Bros. Inc., Warner Home Video WB 1039 Simultaneously and this year it starts a similar proj- ucational programs. ect with traditional retail outlets. 10 6 16 ALL THAT 1All (G) NEW YORK -WEA Video, a di- In the United States, contacts 20th Century-Fox Films, Magnetic Video 1095 Says Edith Mutlarz: "The super- vision of WEA Music of Canada, have been established with producer markets claim record department 11 8 10 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (G) Ltd., is instituting simultaneous re- Steve Binder and the "Merv Griffin MGM /CBS Home Video 60002 sales are up 30 -40 %." lease of video titles in Canada and Show." Representing an investment Soon RVB is to sign a copyright 12 2 6 BEING THERE the U.S. The policy takes effect this of some $18 million, the group will MGM /CBS Home Video 60026 deal agreement with the French month with 16 releases, including have to re-equip when the videodisk society SACEM. 13 10 5 SMOKEY & THE BANDIT II "Oh God, Book 2," "One Trick arrives in France in three or four Universal City Studios, Inc., MCA Distributing Corporation 66020 Pony" and "Caddyshack." years, says Job. Under the RVB service, record companies pay around $6,000 14 5 16 BLUES BROTHERS (PG) WEA says the new simultaneous Such a vital investment as cassette Universal City Studios Inc., MCA Distributing Corporation, 77000 release policy will also mean lower production for the French video monthly per spot. that spot being played 120.000 times on a nation- 15 15 20 EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE (PG) prices for Canadian videocassettes. market only is not yet profitable. Warner Bros. Inc., Warner Home Video WB-1028 wide basis. 16 18 5 SHOGUN Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video 1423 Video Firm 17 24 10 DR. ZHIVAGO MGM /CBS Home Video 90003 Buys Facility 18 12 3 HONEYSUCKLE ROSE Warner Bros. Inc., Warner Home Video WB 1043 (V LOS ANGELES -Ultra Specialty 19 27 40 THE MUPPET MOVIE (G) 2 Inc., an international trading com- C) ITC Entertainment, Magnetic Video, CL 9001 IZ pany based in nearby Carson, has 20 13 56 SUPERMAN (PG) sold a videotape manufacturing fa- D.C. Comics, Warner Home Video, WB-1013 2 cility and injection molding plant to 21 26 69 THE GODFATHER (R) Video Telex Pty. Ltd. of Sydney. Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video, 8049 Video Telex, a leading video tape production company in Australia, 22 28 48 "10" (R) Orion Pictures Co., Warner Home Video, OR 2002 will sell its 34-inch and 1/2-inch video- 23 23 3 TOM HORN CAM NATIONAL tape for marketing by Ultra Spe- PLASTICS INC. Warner Bros. Inc., Warner Home Video WB 1042 cialty. The Australian firm will also mold videocassette storage cases. 24 34 13 WIZARD OF OZ MGM /CBS Home Video 60001 The agreement is part of Ultra Specialty's plan to expand from the 25 17 24 COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER (R) Inc.. audio tape business into the growth Universal City Studios, MCA Distributing Corporation 66015 and development of videotape. The firm has operations in Europe, Ja- 26 29 8 BEN HUR MGM /CBS Home Video 90004 pan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Colombia and Malaysia. 27 32 16 AMERICAN GIGOLO (R) Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video 8989 It's also the marketing agent for CBS and DuPont for selective audio 28 14 6 BRUBAKER -Fox Films, Magnetic Video 1098 products. 20th Century 29 30 28 THE ROSE (R) 20th Century-Fox Films, Magnetic Video 1092

30 31 3 "EAT TO THE BEAT' BLONDIE No matter how tunny they U.K. BANS Warner Bros. Inc., Warner Home Video IN 4003 look, you've loved our quality tape hubs, cassett_ 31 33 6 THE HUNTER boxes and locks. SALE OF Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video 1192 Now, look at our new soft cassette box. Unbreak- 32 36 10 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA able, clear plastic is molded with four posts to grip the TAPE LINE MCMLXXX Walt Disney Productions, 15BS/15VS cassette firmly. The unique double locks are placed to LONDON -A High Court ban on 33 21 8 FRIDAY THE 13Th Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video 1395 insure no damage to tape or pressure pad when box is sales of a line of blank cassettes has opened. been imposed because its brand 34 22 16 UP IN SMOKE (R) name is too similar to that of an in- Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video. 8966 See, also, efficient bulk cassette locks. our Simply ternationally known Japanese elec- 35 37 13 THE BLACK HOLE. inserted into holes in the carton sides, they stop tape tronics company. c MCM LXXX Walt Disney Productions. 11BS /11VS rotation, and save labor and money. Banned-are Sayko tapes, made in 36 1=1* 9 TO 5 Still think they look funny? Hong Kong and sold in the U.K. by 20th Century Fox Films, Magnetic Video 1099 a company called Walsall Cash And 37 CC* FLASH GORDON Carry. Seiko of Tokyo obtained a Universal City Studios Inc., MCA Distributing Corporation 66022 temporary injuction to prevent sales, 38 STUNT MAN the tapes being described in court as 1 20th Century-Fox Films, Magnetic Video 1110 "of poor quality and running for less 39 PROM NIGHT than the stated time." Universal City Studios Inc., MCA Distributing Corporation 66021 Ikran Haq Qureshi, head of the ILAM NATIONAL PLASTICS INC. 40 COAST TO COAST Walsall company, was directed by Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video 1342 the court to supply Seiko lawyers 13984 S. Orange Avenue those products showing greatest sales strength. Superstars are awarded to those prod. Paramount, Ca. 90723 with the names and addresses of his * Stars are awarded to chart (Prime Movers). Phone (213) 630 -2500 suppliers. ucts showing greatest upward movement on the current week's

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www.americanradiohistory.com y co y co N _ ^ y C C c ai C = = O C H W I e y O .2 = -)67 O 6) = r I C.i E Ñ ó cm, ÿá ó I W z 13 o ,. s. a, 0. y Cr c7 A E y io z Z r Q O ch F- od fr 3 To v I C cc W3 áç =, aa ,. - - W I cn a'3 ó L W z° v =c ó á° Ww =3w C7 v QH dM E Y y = w aoi ú c _`v El" ? E O -wi p 3"' ä E CA¢ ; d o oQó =rñ 3ó Q=ó N w CA fr c C) w h- G) V) 2 c Eo ¢ IS c oó 3 ú O ó d LNVHO Ca lt9 cl O N v^-' NO'S)IM Q OC ¢a Ó C ÿ )133M CA a! = 1.5 V1 N uEv c 1n a- H33M O N c SIHL N M v W q ; uÓ A o.a+ O r eE co á1 . O) c e_ y O. tO R C > c a) . er y C A Od y a) C y ¢ E -a m 7 yNy ce e E a O Ñ ty t0 C' C yC a) y Tc. i = .y e c O a e ú ÿ v a) o e = c á 3 an oZ erco I I I a1O i I , y C/) CA C/) HJ C/) v I- F- F- I F- o Ñ _C U O io O° z L ; N N 'LI = N = I = N LO cc F-m z oM I F- ~Cm' y CC Ñ c=' VJ~-¡ o OJ ON d u ^ 10 J O J J á= -0 Q N co Qa Qá Qá ci 76 a) f.,:.= < ó0 H w "E CO G a c Z Z Z g I" aa., 00= Z7 01 O C C7 ¢ C7SL ¢ C7 c..1 O ó d o w u E LNVH7 O CD N M C)9 "p v NO 5)IM CO c N 09 O Ñ C Z v N eV H33M 1S V1 v Z í;o c M33M 41;1 N CO 'et tt7 fa 0 SIHL A

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www.americanradiohistory.com CHART RECORD 55 ADDRESS ALL ADS: Billboard Classified. I SERVICES HOTLINE 1515 Broadway. New York. N.Y. 10036 MARKETPLAC Phone: 212/764 -7388 U.S. AND FOREIGN RADIO STATIONS FOR DISCO DJ'S 8 ALL Check Type of Ad You Want Check Heading You Want INTERNATIONAL MUSIC CONSUMERS Write us for information on our services YOUR E REGULAR CLASSIFIED $1.30 word mini- which include automatic mailing of all rec- PLACING REAL E I mum $26. First line set all caps. Name, ad- ords on charts -LP's & 45's. Disco. oldies BUSINESS and catalog LP's in stock All orders are dress and phone number included in word COMEDY MATERIAL shipped immediately -air mail or air freight I I CLASSIFIED AD count. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED $55 one inch. OPPORTUNITIES We give personalized service geared to DISTRIBUTORS your needs 4 times, $49. 26 times, $45. 52 times, $36 ea. HELP WANTED MAIL -O -DISC Just Dial NOTE: I I REVERSE ADVERTISEMENTS $5.00 per WANTED P.O. Box 326, Kings Park, NY 11754 E You must H LINES WANTED Telex 230199 SWIFT - UR MAIL -O Iinsertion. FOREIGN ADVERTISEMENTS U DISTRIBUTING supply the 800 -223 -7524 (other than U.S.) Regular 680 a word, min. AUCTIONS complete SERVICES SERRETTE Display $43.00 inch, $37.00 ea. inch name and INTERNATIONAL RADIO STATIONS Ask for JEFF $20.00. BOOKINGS I II 4 or more times. [(DOMESTIC BOX NUM - FOR SALE street ad- MUSIC PUBLISHERS AND DISCOTHEQUES (IN N.Y. STATE (212) 764 -7388) O MISCELLANEOUS dress for our Subscribe to our AUTOMATIC AIRMAIL Hot line for BER c/o Billboard, figure 10 words and ] is fast. personal service GOLDEN OLDIES when I I SERVICE for from II records, all singles and Ip's the placing Classified Ads only For all other include $5.00 service charge. your ad car - charts business can the regional office nes a postal box The Fastest. Most Dependable nearest you PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER number. Service In the World AIRDISC SPECIAL SERVICES II Credit Card Number Box 835. Amityville. NY 11101 NAME L Amer. Express I I II BOXES FOR IIH Diners Club ADDRESS -- AIR CARGO AUDIO & VIDEO - Expires I I L Visa _ _ - CITY STATE LIP CONFIDENTIAL. I I i Master Chg. _ Signature TO OVERSEAS BUYERS AND AMERICAN FOR EXPORTERS. Since 1965 we've transported BOXES I I Bank n I I TELEPHONE records from the USA to every city in the world. Orders from suppliers assembled STEREO 8 & CASSETTES I I at JFK or L.A daily. Only specialist in 12" Pilfer Proof Heights 8 form fit. Beautiful DEADLINE: Closes 4:30 p.m. Monday. MUSIC INDUSTRY transportation. Stock designs & custom printing. TOLL -FREE in N.Y.! CALL (except 800- 223 -7524 12 prior Io issue date. BEST RATES PERSONAL ATTENTION days IN STOCK -INSTANT SHIPMENT BERKLAY AIR SERVICES Contact: Bernard Klalnberg, Pres. Low Prices -Free Samples Bldg. 80 POB 665, JFK Airport, NY 11430 Phone (212) 6564066 TLX 425828 PAK -WIK CORPORATION FOR SALE 128 Tivoli St.. Albany. NY 12207 TAPES (518) 465 -4556 Collect EXPORT WHY PAY MORE? GENE TRACY VHS & BETA BOXES "MR. TRUCK STOP" SERIES RECORDS AND TAPES 8 TRACK & CASSETTE BLANKS PREMIUM 19 Numbers in 8 -Track and ALL LABELS, ALL NUMBERS. & CASSETTE BLANKS LOWEST PRICES. FREE CATA- 1 -45 min. any quantity 785 Cassettes 8 -TRACK 46 -65 min. any quantity 875 Lear Jet style cartridge with rubber roller. LOGUES ON REQUEST. also CBS Professional duplicating tape. 90 66 -80 min. any quantity 965 COMEDY MATERIAL DAVID ESKIN Inc. CUT -OUTS -8- TRACK, lengths in 1 min. increments. Private 81 -90 min. any quantity 1.05 labeling available. 400 Riverside Drive CASSETTES & LP'S 8 -Tr Cas Shrink wrap & labeled add 235 1 min to 45 min any quantity 89¢ 70¢ New York, NY 10025 U.S.A. PRINTED T- SHIRTS 46min to 65 min any quantity 98¢ 77¢ First line recording tape, top of line car- PROFESSIONAL COMEDY MATERIAL TEL 212 -749 Telex 66min to 80 min any quantity $1.05 90¢ -4257 237460 ESKINUR PACKAGED LIKE LP'S (The ServIc of the Stars Since 1940) tridge 8 cassette. Professional 8 track & 81 min to 90 min any quantity $1.14 95¢ cassette duplicators. Custom duplication. COLORED Shrink Wrapped & Labeled add 14¢ 13¢ "THE COMEDIAN" in 50 %/50% blend Head Cleaners 60¢ 60¢ The Original Monthly Service Call or write: Reel -to -reel 3M tape 1800 $5 00 12 available issues...$75 3 Sample issues...S25 Silk Screen & Transfer Designs Blank VHS 2/4 hr. video tapes $12.00 Professional Audio SILK SCREEN BASEBALL STYLE CAPS "How To Master the Ceremonies-...$20 TRACKMASTER,R INC. Anniversary Issue...$50 1310 S. WESTERN COWBOY HATS Low Cast Shrink -Wrap Equipment Available. Dixie Hiway W. 35 "FUN- MASTER" Gag Files -all difterent...$150 Recording FEATHER HAT -BANDS $35.00 minimum Pompano Beach, FL 33060 order BILLY GLASON Phone (305) 943 -2334 BEST PRICES -HOT ITEM 200 W. 54th St., N.Y.C. 10019 Call or write for catalogue BAZZY ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 39 N. Rose, Mt. Clemens, Mich. 48043 TEMPO, INC. DEEJAY SPECIALS! MONTHLY GAGLET- TAPE Phone: (313) 463-2592 ter! Individualized Service! We have it all. 1500 Ameron Drive FREE Master Charge and Visa Welcome information package. PETER PATTER, P.O. Reels Cassettes Charlotte, N.C. 28206 Box 402 -B, Pinedale. CA 93650. Ampex 3M (704) 376 -0197 PROTECT YOUR MERCHANDISE HUNDREDS OF DEEJAYS RENEWED CUT -OUTS again this year! Guaranteed funnier! Ask for our recording supply CASSETTE SECURITY DEVICE Free 8 Track and Cassettes "COTTON-EYED JOEr" sample. Contemporary Comedy, 5804 -A Twine. catalog w Other Texas Dance Hall Favorites Display cassettes in your 8 -track hand hole ing, Dallas, Texas 75227. Phone 214/381.4779. Our Specialty display safely. Polrline 312/298 -5300 A FANTASTIC INSTRUMENTAL store ce.p. If you are a distributor, rack job - Includes "Waltz Across Texas," SIMPLE ECONOMICAL REUSABLE FREE SAMPLE ISSUE OF RADIO'S MOST 1233 Rand Rd. Des Plaines,1L 60016 "Steel Guitar Rag," "Whiskey Rivef' For free sample & pricing contact. popular humor service! Write on station letter- ber or exporter, contact J S J to- many more great Honky -Tonk Songs! 24 and head to: O'Liners, 1448 -H W. San Bruno, Fresno, Call or write for our catalog for this C & D Special Products day. Call or write for free catalog. California 93711. 431 -1502. and other great instrumental albums. 309 Sequoya Dr., HopkInsvltle, KY 42240 (2091 J S J DISTRIBUTORS Plus Justin Wilson's Cajun Humor. (502) 885 -8088 AUTHENTIC CAJUN MUSIC NOT COMEDY: CURRENT ARTIST BIO'S, 6620 W. Belmont, Chicago, Ill. 60634 Della Records, Box 225, Nacogdoches, Texas (Since 1944) (713) 564-2509 daily calendar, much more for working pros! Free (312) 286.4444 CAJUN GOLD L.P.'s 8 Tapes BUt.ET PANI H issue: Galaxy, Box 20093 -A, Long Beach, CA Zydeco Artists (R &B Cajun), Country (Cajun HIGH -SPEED CASSETTE LOADERS, 6- 90801. (2131 438 -05W Style). 8 TRACK TAPES Kings model 650 -2 superscopes, all high -speed Artist List. Dolly Parton, Iry LeJune, Al conversions included. Ferrier, Katie Webster, Hop Wilson and THE BEST CUT -OUTS (203) 325 -1541. ROYSALES COMPANY many more. Bx 1503, BROWNWOOD, TX 76801 FOR SALE - UNPUBLISHED COPYRIGHT- BUSINESS Call or write for catalog. Will increase sales. LP 8 Track Cassette Titles ed songs & lyrics. Buyer must be an established Large GOLDBAND RECORDS, P.O. Box 1485, Selection Popular Artists OPPORTUNITIES Send for Free Catalog. personality. Included are Rock, Gospel, Country Lake Charles, La. 70602. Very Competitive Prices Western & Classicals. Reply to P.O. Box 2186, E. Call or write for free catalog. Phone: (318) 439 -8839 ALEX A. ARACO CO. INC. St. Louis, IL 62202. (915) 646-6267 Bx 82. Riverton. NJ 08071 Mention this Ad. WHILE OTHER PEOPLE ARE RAISING LET US PUT YOU IN (NJ Res. 609 -829 -48131 their prices, we are lowering ours. Major label LPs 8 Track & Cassette Blanks BUSINESS ... as low as 504. Your choice. Write for free listings. 1 min. to 45 min. -90¢ Dealers Only. POSTERS Scorpio Music, Box 391 -BC, Cornwells Hts., Pa. 46-65 min. $1.00 19020, USA. Dealers only. 66 min. to 90 min...... $1.10 SMALL Scotch VHS 2 -4 -6 hr. video tapes $14.00 RECORD EXPRESS CORP.! FREE CATA- FULLY GUARANTEED Cassettes -Wide Price Range DISCOUNTS CUT -RITE log! Fast service! Low prices! Cutouts-picture INVESTMENT ON LIGHTS! Professional quality demos RECORD DISTRIBUTORS disc, send to: Record Express, 1801 S. Lumber, our specialty. Full line distributors Cassette duplication available. of lights, posters, For the best in overstocked and Chicago, IL 60616, or call (3121 243 -7993. incense, air fresheners and novelty ANDOL AUDIO PRODUCTS, INC. BIG MONEY MAKING POTENTIAL cut -out records, call or write for "THE PARALYZER" STOPS MUGGERS, 4212 14th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218 items. High profits. Strobes, color Call Toll Free 800-221 -6578 free catalog. rapists, attackers cold! Palm -size aerosol spray. SELL LATEST HIT LP's TO STORES organs, black lites, mirror balls. Allah, G -1-lux 112. Kiame.'hu. NY 12`,I. N,Y. RES. (212) 435 -7322 Much, Much more. 310 New York Avenue FROM YOUR CAR Huntington, New York 11743 1800' RECORDING TAPE Buy from the biggest! (516) 427 -7893 COLLECTORS ITEMS TRI AS LOW AS 804 PER REEL Call for appointment: CITY PRODUCTS Ampex, Scotch and other brands used once; P.O. Box 8698, Sta. A bulk erased. 2400' and 3600' also available (212) 664 -9081 Sample reel $1.00. Greenville, SC 29604 Studio -Record of original un- Write/ call for information (803) 233 -9962 published BEATLES song to Box 9584 -F RINEßS sell. Send offer to: 4- Alexandria, VA 22304 (703)892.8722 MONEY AVAILABLE LP's Tapes -Rock. Free catalog to dealers ONLY. Premium Cut -Out and BOX 7415 AUDIO TAPES, INC. For Film Productions, Plays, New Wave, Jazz. Reggae and MOR. Plus Video, etc. Foreign inquiries invited. picture discs, Rock Clocks & Posters. Billboard Classified, Contact 430 Falmouth Road 1515 Broadway VIDEO S. MANNING North Babylon, N.Y. 11704 New York, NY 10036 For Free Catalog Call (516) 587 -7722 CASSETTES & TAPES financial Consultant POSTERS F -M - L Rock and Roll posters. Display units 35MM FULL LENGTH FEATURES Suite I I1. Rt. 73 & Fellowship Rd. available. ON VIDEO CASSETTES Mt. Laurel. NJ 08054 GOLDEN OLDIES Adult and all other ratings on Betamax and Phone: 16091 234 -3961 DEALERS ONLY ELVIS PRESLEY VHS formats. FACTORY DIRECT. write or call for free catalog: Legendary concert performances. 2 LP set is one of our huge selections of SUE THOMPSON, REFLECTIONS, DODIE Call Toll Free 1- 800 -421 -4133 lust Calif. residents (213) 462 -6018 ONE STOP POSTERS albums, 8-tracks and cassettes available Stevens. We gut'em, 20,000 titles available. Giant OPPORTUNITY catalog of all time greats. Send $1.00 to Gold TVI DISTRIBUTORS 1001 Monterey Pass Road at budget prices. Records & tapes fixtures- custom made Park, Vault. Box 202. Oshtemo. MI 49077. 1643 No Cherokee Ave. Monterey Calif. 91754 Record Wide Distributors Hollywood, Calif. 90028 also showcases all uniform, also counters - (800) 421-6341 (213) 263-7361 1755 Chase Drive Credit Cards Accepted music sheet & book racks, etc. Enough to available for Representatives furnish a 4,000 sq ft. store. Also fluorescent areas Fenton (St. MO Louis), 63026 BUTTONS light outdoor sign, 20' L. x 24" H. w /plastic (314) 343 -7100 DON'T PAY MORE!! lettering. All set to open your new store. CALL POSTERS BUTTONS: TOI' QUALITY, OVER 500 DE- Billboard's Video Cassette Top 40 In Stock - signs -New Wave, Stones, Who, etc. Send $1.00 Immediate Delivery- Lowest Prices. VI-IS (203) 875- 4939 -(203) 871 -1601 Largest Selection of FUN EFFECTS for catalog and free sample. Dealer inquiries wel- & Beta Formats Available. Call Southeast's Rock Posters 170 novelty -musical sound effects, 5 Ips- come. Button & Badge Power, Box 34194, Station Largest Video Distributor TOLL-FREE. outright buy -regular price; $56.00. I), Vancouver, Canada Vii.1 4N1. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! PAY $15.00 1- 800 -327 -7026 Telex: 51.4736HA1A CHARGE TO review two fine contemporary ZAP ENTERPRISES Send check with order and save $4.00. (In Fla. Call Collect 305 -9320199( 2833 W. Pico Blvd. Special price only $52.00 including ship- songs. Terrific co-ownership plan available. DANCE NEWSLETTER VWI Distributors. Inc. Charlie, 4405 Mildred Dr., Knoxville, TN 37914. Los Angeles, Calif. 90006 ping. Money back guaranteed. ROBERT HALL DANCE WEEK. FOUR -PAGE WEEKLY RINGS, NECKLACES, EARRINGS, BELT (213) 732 -3781 OPERA VIDEO PER - 115 W. 57th St., New York, NY 10019 newsletter of ballroom dancing. Includes record - MAGNIFICENT buckles, and charms priced 130% below retail. formances from operas capitals of Europe. VHS, DEALERS ONLY (212) 541 -4264 reviews. $20 yearly. Box 55A, McLean, VA 22101. Catalog $1.00 (refundable). Anka -BB, 95 Wash - Beta formats. Free catalog: HRE, Box 12, Kew Free sample. ington, West Warwick, RI 02893. Gardens, NY 11415.

www.americanradiohistory.com smi Ê oça Q 03 7 04.. MCO á ` O y 1- LÌ co Ñ CO a, W ^ co C í=- Z Q° ÿ CC W cc o W 3 Q M o W_, W, ° CL. J Zm * ; G3 yco) Ñ á á ° =C.J O= vÑQ=^ ó W , OQm 0 Zyâ Z 00 ó O J Z i.m W 0 Q = ° yuj co 0 z CI ce WO=á d y W 0 1.E J W=3 Q° OáQy Z t 1.1.1,.= Z a Wy°ÿ WD COZ Q; ° Z ; Wó >m r, m í=-ÿ °mv má m óó o°cm VO _ 3 130H3 f` O CO Of ^ ... CV ` c00 NO'SNM a ° { c Ñ )433M

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N33M 41 41( CO el. LLi CO P. ^ SIHL 44 41 41 41 41

www.americanradiohistory.com 57 AUCTIONS General News AUCTION Promos Boost ORDERED SOLD BY UNION PLANTERS Capitol Beast' NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS A MULTI -MILLION DOLLAR LOS ANGELES -Capitol is con- THEME PARK AND RECREATION AREA ducting various nationwide promo- tional campaigns in conjunction LOCATED AT DOGPATCH, ARK. with April Wine's new "The Nature APPROXIMATELY 235 ACRES Of The Beast" LP. Between Harrison and Jasper, Ark. on Hwy. 7 Every fan attending an April Wine concert will be issued a four - TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 10 A.M. (POSSIBLE 2 DAYS) color cloth backstage pass with the ONE OF AMERICA'S BEST KNOWN RECREATIONAL AND TOURIST album cover graphic in the center ATTRACTIONS TO SELL AT AUCTION LOCATED IN THE OZARK and logos of participating local ra- MOUNTAINS OF NORTH ARKANSAS. dio stations and retail accounts TO SELL INDIVIDUAL GROUPS AND AS A WHOLE along the borders. The backside of 1. A Theme Park at Dogpatch, Ark. and all its settings, 53 all passes will bear a coupon relating buildings -54,713 Sq. Ft., 16 Rides, Trout Hatchery, Nice Residen- tial Home and all equipment necessary to operate the Park capable to participating retail accounts. of handling over a half million visitors. The Theme Park is in view of During the days immediately fol- Hwy. 7 located on Mill Creek at Marble Falla. Fed by 4,000 gallon per minute Spring. lowing the concert, the participating 2. Motel-64 Rooms, 22,074 Sq. Ft., Swimming Pool, all modern stations will conduct drawings to de- Conveniences, equipped, furnished and ready to operate. 3. Ski Lodge - 3 level -steel A- frame, 7200 Sq. Ft., Air Cond., termine the 25 winners. Those with beautiful for private or commercial use. corresponding numbers on their 4. Convention Center -1 story steel frame, 16 sided, conical roof, 40 to 50 ft. high, moveable walls, meeting rooms, stage, private passes win complete April Wine club, etc. 24,800 Sq. Ft. ideal for Church. catalogs. 5. Roller Skating Rink - 1 story, concrete blk a steel, A- frame. 8,712 Sq. Ft. clear span, Air Cond. Other individualized contests are e, Activities Building - Steel frame metal building. 10,721 Sq. being run at various AOR and Hot Ft., formerly museum, ideal for many purposes. Excellent lighting and heating. 100 stations around the country. 7. Warehouse Building with 600 Ft. built in freezer-refrig. space. Billboard photo by Lester Cohen Walls and ceilings insulated, 20 Ft. Height, 9,600 Sq. Ft 8. Arts and Crafts Bldg. -1104 Sq. Ft, ideal for commercial or MORODER MAGIC -Seated at the synthesizer, producer and composer residential. Giorgio Moroder rehearses new material written for songstress Madleen 9. RV Campground Area, 96 Campsites, 20 full hook-ups, camp- WANTED TO BUY Kane. shone on records with Donna Sum- ground Office Bldg. 1 305 Sq. Ft., Swimming Pool, easy access off Moroder's platinum touch, which Hwy 7, one of Arkansas' most scenic routes. mer and Blondie, is being eyed as a key ingredient in Kane's next LP, now in 10. Mystic Cave- 200 Ft. Underground, 65 Ft. Formations, lighted, WANT LPS. TAPES. CASSET'T'ES - CUT - ranked one of the most colorful in the Ozarks. Gift Shop, A -Frame outs,surplus,overstock.Harry Warriner,Knicker- production for Friederich Productions. Stone Bldg., 740 Sq. Ft., ample parking, Nature's Wonderland. bocker Music, Co., 101 Gedney Street, Nyack, 11. WaterSlide -One of the finest in the area and Ski Lift for off site N.Y. 10960. (914) 358-5086. removal. 12. Equipment- Trucks, Cars, Vans, Construction Equipment, 20 Vehicles, 6 Buses. 13. $400,000.00 inventory For Gift Shop, Cash Registers, Res- PROMOTIONAL SERVICES New Companies taurant Equipment, Snow Skiis and Grass Skiis. 14. English Double Decker Bus -Fire Truck -many other items 15. Two Nice Residential Homes COUNTRY Sun Coast Promotions, which will witz. president of Geoff -Scott Man- 16. 40 Rooms of Furniture and Appliances. RECORD PROMOTION service radio stations in Tampa, agement. Address: 8919 Harrott St., Eddy Farr, Broker 501-735-7082- Paul Robbins, Broker /Auct. Clearwater, St. Petersburg and Sara- Los Angeles, Calif. 90069; 1207 E. 501-561-3319 - Harrison Castro, Aucf. 501-735-8294 National/International Jasper Jones, Pres. 901 -781.5080 For free brochure sota, formed by Perry Stevens, inde- 27th Place, Tulsa, Okla. 74114. (213) CONTACT pendent promoter. and Neil 271-0158, (918) 743 -1262. NASHVILLE WEST McIntyre, former national promo- * * * Registered Trade Mark 43334 Bryant Street tion manager of MCA, Address: 411 Suite 7 Skyline Talent, Inc. is launched by Fremont, CA 94538 Belle Isle Ave., Belleair Beach, Fla. LTA Meloney Mills for management and REALTY & AUCTION CO. . INC. 33535. (813) 595-7144. PROCTOR, ARKANSAS booking as well as club consulting. RECORDS FAST GROWING AM -FM A DIVISION OF - * * * cable college station needs to extend Address: 865 Bellevue Road, Nash- DELTA AUCTION & REAL ESTATE CO. . INC library. Progressive/pop format. Median audience age 23. 4990 Pallor skits 301 Me Ih, TM 31117 Modern Productions, a film pro- ville, Tenn. 37221 (615) 646-0832. WTAS, Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423. Plan 19011161 -60aO duction company, started by John * * * EXCLUSIVE DISCO DJ'S ONLY -FREE Mark Robinson. First projects in- newly released Disco Records -most major labels. Dallas Record Co., headed by Da- clude Dues required. 814 -886-9931. D P A, 631 Front, promotional films for Bob vid A. Coffey and David Gage. Cresson, PA 16630. DISTRIBUTING MODELS Marley. Pretenders, Ramones, M founded for developing new country SERVICES and Burnette. 73 Billy Address: talent. Address: 9646 Rylie Road, Market St.. Venice, Calif. 90291. HELP WANTED Dallas, Texas 75217. (214) 286-1711. MODELS (213) 396 -6762. MAKE MORE PROFIT , * Wanted to be photographed in * * with our low dealer prices, liberal return and * * * exchange for portfolio photos. Side One Creative Marketing has same day shipment on all major label tapes All Night Entertainment, a career and LPs. Top 1.000 list updated weekly moved. Address: 6671 Sunset Blvd.. MAKE -UP ARTIST WANTED TOP -NOTCH development firm, formed by Tony Write Los Angeles. Calif. 90028. (213) 466- to do models for new publication. Kaye, former keyboardist of Yes TOBISCO 8305. 6144 Highway 290 West (805) 581 -1203 AUDIO TAPE SALESMAN and David Bowie; and Scott Huro- Austin, TX 78735 * * * WANTED Great Atlantic Records, a division

RECORDING TAPE & ACCESSORIES of Great Atlantic Productions, 24 HR. FREIGHT -PAID SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS LARGEST launched by Gerald Askew for the L argent Selection at Lowest Cost Anywhere Billboard/OI3 r &b pop markets. project is MAXELL MEMOREX SCOTCH TDK and First SONY DURACELL WATTS DISC - AUDIO -TAPE 12 -inch r &b release, "You Can FREE DISCOGRAPHY , WASHER SOUND GUARD SHURE - ONE HUNDRED ROCK 70's RpD10 Dance To The Music, Dance PICKERING AUDIO TECHNICA REC- LP's from the of Lasting Significance. MANUFACTURER OF - f Now Send stamped #10 SASE to Rockingchair, Box OTON EVEREADY VID. TAPE SAVOY MARTrI-,z-' To The Song," written and per- AMPEX SHAPE TRACS FUJI 27, Philadelphia. PA 19105. . KOREA formed by Askew. Address: P.O. SEND FOR FREE CATALOG PAYMENT MUST A.I. ROSENTHAL ASSOCIATES COVERING Box 1263 G.P.O., Bronx, N.Y. 10451 Dept. B. 1035 louis Dr.. Warminster. Pa 18974 ACCOMPANY THE ORDER FOR (212) 538-0234. DEALERS ONLY 1215) 441 -8900 WESTERN U.S.A. Rates: ./00 SASE POSITIONS WANTED: 406 per word * * * Please send resume to: per insertion -$10.00 minimum EXPORT ONLY $20.00 per column inch per insertion Uno Melodic Records & Tapes, All brands phonograph records and pre- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSITIONS OPEN: 706 per word per launched by Roy Ayers. First sign- recorded audio and video tapes (NTSC and insertion- $14.00 minimum ings are Sylvia Stripling, Jaymz PAL). Also largest selection of attractive HELP SUNKYONG INTERNATIONAL $40.00 per column inch per insertion. close -out offers. 33 years of specialized Bedford and Justo Almario. Ad- 235 W. 132nd St. BOX NUMBERS: per issue for service to record and tape importers It'S° $2.00 dress: 390 Riverside Dr., Suite IC, throughout the world. Overseas dealers and WANTED Los Angeles, CA 90061 handling a postage. Audio or video distributors only tapes. transcriptions, films or VTR's New York 10025. (212) 662 -8454. ALBERT SCHULTZ, INC. is cannot be forwarded. Suggestion: ar- 116 W. 14th St., N.Y., NY 10011 the Marketplace range for follow -up directly when * * * (212) 924 -1122 replying. Big Records, launched by Cable: ALBYREP Tales: 236569 open and your best EXPORT SALES MANAGER Chi- Send mousy and advertising copy to: cago new wave artist Wazmo Nariz To work in sunny South Florida. buy is BILLBOARD - Radio-TV Job Mart, Billboard with scheduled March release of an Please send resume to: 1515 Broadway, N.V. 10036 album, "Tell Me How To Live." Ad- SCHOOLS & Box 7413 INSTRUCTIONS CLASSIFIED Billboard Classified dress: 6420 Drexel Ave., L.A. 90048. 1515 Broadway (213) 931 -4737. pgE New York, N.Y. 10036 POSITIONS OPEN * * * THE MUSIC BUSINESS INSTITUTE Third Coast Records, launched by A CAREER PROGRAM IN MUSIC RELIGIOUS RADIO STATION LOCATED IN Evanston, Ill. studio Pierce Arrow Course includes recording, studio, concert ADS West Suburban area of CHICAGO is looking for and video production; artist representation; POSITIONS WANTED an experienced SALES MANAGER. Must be Recorders and Pierce Arrow Enter- retailing and wholesaling, record promotion aggressive and able to motivate and train sales industry tainment Group. First release is and marketing; copyright and music Something to sell or something staff. Excellent opportunity for advancement. law, songwriters and music publishing; and Pay commensurate with experience. Send resume group Short Stuffs album "Talk Is more. Employment assistance available. to tell, your message gets to YOUNG ASSERTIVE EXECUTIVE Call or write for free brochure and career to WCRM, 700 Willow Lane, Suite 8, Dundee, IL Cheap." Address: 1911 Ridge Ave., over 200,000 readers weekly. With three years producing, marketing and 60118. guide. Give name, age, address, telephone. Evanston, Ill. 60201, (312) 869 -6290. Buckhead Towers, Suite 400 -BB Don't Miss Another Week!!! executive level experience in music in- 2970 Peachtree Rd, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30305 dustry, seeks challenging career position * * * (404) 231 -3303 where creative and learned abilities will be POSITIONS WANTED CALL Jeff Serrette (TOLL FREE) utilized. Write to: Juggular Records, formed by 24 -TRACK ENGINEERING TAUGHT IN 800/223 -7524 Box 7412, Billboard Pub., Inc. LAWYER. BROAD EXPERIENCE, OFFERS group Juggular with release of debut personal service immediately and confidentially. State of the Arts Studios. Call the University NOW to place your ad 1515 Broadway album "Balls." Address: 830 Dawn of Sound Arts for free brochure. Hollywood (213) New York, NY 10036 All investments, contracta, litigation, anywhere. 467-5256. Call 212 -434 -0781 eves. 212-434-1825. J. Field. Court, DeKalb, Ill. 60115.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 60 Jazz PILOTS 2 L.A. LABELS Koenig Blends Cello With Jazz By DAVE DEXTER JR. LOS ANGELES -John Koenig heading up a strictly jazz operation." Cecil Taylor, Woody Shaw, Phineas was 27 years old when his father But music is music, and Koenig Newborn, Harold Land and Andre Lester Koenig died suddenly here in applied himself to his company's Previn. 1977. leaving the Contemporary and two catalogs with all the intensity he Flanked by the energetic, never - Good Time Jazz labels without a pi- had shown in playing Dvorak's cello tiring Debbie Dumas as promotion lot. concerto. Since that dark period, chief of the operation, Koenig's ef- A classical cello player who had Koenig has steadily recorded new forts at the moment are centered on studied under the incomparable jazz and reissued old masters; he Joe Henderson's newly recorded Piatagorsky at the Univ. of Southern counts more than 100 albums active "Relaxin' At Camarillo" album and California, young Koenig was per- on the two labels today. vibes thumper Jay Hoggard, whose forming as a member of the Swedish "My father," he says, "started in debut LP on Contemporary features Radio Symphony in Stockholm the business with a simple little dix- Chico Freeman, Harvey Mason, when he learned of his father's ieland combo, the Firehouse Five. Ken Kirkland. Paulinho da Costa death. Twelve LPs by that band are still and Roland Bautista. It is packaged He flew home to Los Angeles and selling for us today. Then he re- under the title of "Rain Forest" and took over the operation of the two la- corded Kid Ory, Lu Watters and the Koenig -Dumas duo will be lev- bels his dad had founded in 1949. Turk Murphy. Their albums like- eling all -out national exploitation HERBIE'S HAMMERLOCK -Jazz and fusion whiz Herbie Hancock is seen tak- "It was a startling transition for wise are active now." for it throughout April and May. ing a working holiday from his Columbia recording chores and live work to me," Koenig notes. "My life had re- The elder Koenig's interests ex- "Our distribution network is the make his dramatic debut, playing an endangered factory owner on a recent volved around classical music, and I tended well beyond the simple dixie best it's ever been," Koenig declares. episode of the "Concrete Cowboys" tv series. Pictured from left are Chuck the style, however. In the 1950s he be- "All our albums list at $7.98 retail, had been a member of Jerusalem McCann, Hancock and Rosey Grier. Symphony in Israel before I shifted gan taping masters by Omette Cole- but the cost of everything is escalat- to the Swedish scene. Now. abruptly, man, Sonny Rollins, Hampton ing so rapidly that I suspect we will all that was ended. I found myself Hawes, Shelly Manne, Art Pepper be forced to add another dollar to list in the near future. "Our present production schedule Acts Recorded For Week BookedAnd Survey Ending 3'21/81 calls for a modest release, four times during the year, of two new albums and four reissue packages. That At Bubba's Fla. Nightclub Billboard R comes out as 24 LPs, but we will oc- By SARA LANE 3est Sellin LPs TM casionally get excited about a new FT. LAUDERDALE -Bubba's two albums we've done have turned Jazz artist and make a few albums we Seafood & Jazz Room here has out beautifully. And the exciting .t al hadn't planned to make." moved into record production, in thing for the artist is that when he tJ î is satisfactory. Koenig Y J Business conjunction with Gemcom. The re- comes back in six months or a year. i reports, but he is not a man to over- TITLE sults are two albums, "Live At his record is on sale in the restaurant. ,,, Artist, Label Number Artist, Label & Number state anything. "We are cautiously Bubba's," featuring Art Blakey and Of course, they'll be on sale here all 3ñ 2 i n x s 3c (Dist. Label) (Dist. Label) optimistic the remainder of 1= . E ; about the Jazz Messengers and Carmen year round, but it becomes particu- 1981 and the future," he advises. * 1 18 WINEUGHT 26 22 24 SEAWIND McRae, both produced by the loca- larly meaningful when the artist is Grover Washington Jr., Seawind, A&M SP-31I3 Elektra 6E-305 tion's owner /manager, Bob Shelley. appearing." 27 26 19 NIGHT SONG the the ven- Ahmad Jamal, Motown M1-945R1 He's of opinion that While Bubba's is one of half - L`S 2 7 VOICES IN THE RAIN MCA ture will open new avenues of expo- Joe Sample. MCA -5172 28 28 56 HIDEAWAY Chicago Women dozen jazz rooms across the nation David Sanborn, sure for jazz artists. "Because of this 4 5 ALL AROUND THE TOWN LIVE that has sustained any kind of track Warner Bros. BSK 3379 Bob James, Columbia. new recording policy, we've had a record, Shelley says that with the Tappan Zee C2X- 3686 29 29 36 LOVE APPROACH Plan A Festival lot good response from artists Tom Browne, Arista /GRP 5008 of economic crunch, plus the adverse 4 3 14 NIGHT PASSAGE Janice Siegel and wishing to appear here and make an Weather Report, 30 31 14 4 X 4 CHICAGO - publicity South Florida has been re- ARC /Columbia JC36793 McCoy Tyner, Cheryl Bentyne of Manhattan album. It's a strong incentive to get ceiving from national press, his busi- Milestone M-55007 (Fantasy) here. After all, 7 3 MAGIC Transfer, performing on a duet for these artists down ness is intermittent this year. "A lot 31 30 20 INTERVALS Tom Browne, Arista /GRP 5011 in Ahmad Jamal, the first time, will highlight a how many rooms can they go and of the acts that did exceptionally 20th Century T -622 (RCA) 6 5 20 CARNAVAL women's jazz festival here, April 3- make an album at the same time ?" well last year are doing well this Spyro Gyra, MCA MCA-5149 32 32 26 HOW'S EVERYTHING 12. Shelley adds that with Gemcom's to Sadao Watanabe. year. but it's taking bigger names 7 NIGHT GUITAR 6 13 LATE Columbia C2X 36818 Siegel and Bentyne will appear in national and international disk dis- do the same business. Earl Klugh, Liberty LT 1079 tribution, Bubba's will become bet- 33 33 6 SAVANNA HOT UNE the Festival's closing performance. "There has been so much bad 8 8 33 GIVE ME THE NIGHT Native Son. MCA MCA 5157 April 12. ter known, which. in turn, will at- George Benson, publicity up north about the crime 44 4 ITS JUST THE WAY I FEEL Warner Bros. HS 3453 W The festival, "From Bessie To Bil- tract more business to the room. Gene Dunlap, Featuring The here -much of it unwarranted. since Ridgeways, Capitol ST 12130 lie To Now," also will showcase Bra- Shelley is planning an entire series 9 10 22 INHERIT THE WIND it's not happening in Lauderdale - Wilton Felder. MCA MCA -5144 35 34 37 H zilian singer Flora Purim, April 3, of live recordings, and has made Bob James, Tappan Zee /Columbia that hotel business is off 25% to 35%. 11 7 GOTHAM CITY and 82- year -old blues singer Sippie plans to cut Joe Williams, Al Gray C 36422 And that statistic is reflected in our Dexter Gordon, Columbia JC 36853 11. are and Buddy Tate during their next en- 36 35 16 IN CONCERT, ZURICH, Wallace, April Performances room as well," explains Shelley. 11 9 23 CIVR.IZED EVIL OCTOBER 28, 1979 scheduled to take place in two area gagement. He also hopes to work out Jean-Luc Ponty, Atlantic SO 16020 Chick Corea and Gary Burton. ECM However. he contends that by nightclubs, Stages Music Hall and a deal with Motown for Ahmad Ja- ECM -21182 (Warner Bros.) in names such as Mel 12 12 23 FAMILY mal. bringing 37 36 19 RODNEY FRANKUN Crosscurrents Cabaret Theatre. Hubert Laws, Columbia JC 36396 Torme, George Shearing, Art Bla- Rodney Franklin, The festival is a production of "Quite often," he explains, "the '',,..3,, 15 5 YOU MUST Columbia JC 36141 key, Dexter Gordon, and Thelma Norris' Women In Music, record company will allow its artists BELEVE IN SPRING 38 38 31 NIGHT CRUISER Anita O'Day he will continue to in- Bill Evans, Warner Bros. HS 3504 Warner Bros. BSK 3467 which also handles distribution of to record and share in the royalties. Deodato, crease his business. Bubba's is open 39 37 33 ROUTES women's recordings here. Ticket It's a good move for the label since it 14 14 39 THIS TIME all year 'round and features jazz art- Al Jarreas. Warner Bros. 85K 3434 Ramsey Lewis, Columbia JC 36423 prices range from $6.50 to $8. doesn't cost it anything; actually, it's 40 39 28 BADDEST ists every week. 15 13 21 80/81 festival acts are Terry a free ride since we finance it all Grover Washington Jr., Other Pat Metheny, ECM ECM 2.1180 Motown M9-940A2 down here. And, then too, it gives (Warner Bros.) Garthwaite and Marcie Ball and 41 42 3 MONTREUX ALEXANDER (Live) contemporary groups Sojourner and the artist more exposure." u 27 2 MOUNTAIN DANCE Monty Alexander Trio. Pausa 7083 is the April Shelley prefers recording artists Dave Grusin Alive. Another highlight Firm Concerts Arista /GRP 5010 42 41 4 CONCEPTS IN BLUE who have a two -week booking in his 11 Johnson, Pablo 2312123 7 workshop to be given by jazz ar- 17 16 19 MR. HANDS room. explaining that he and the en- 43 43 16 THE CELESTIAL HAWK ranger aq composer Toshiko Aki- At Bottom Line Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett, ECM ECM-1-1175 yoshi. gineer need the first week to listen to Columbia JC 36518 NEW YORK -The Bottom Line (Warner Bros.) the act and to decide what is needed. 18 17 18 ODORI is promoting a series of jazz concerts 44 FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE Usually artists are recorded on the Hiroshima, Arista AL 9541 _ VILLAGE VANGUARD designed to fill the void created Art Pepper, Contemporary 7643 Japanese Mag final weekend of their engagement W 23 5 THE HOT SHOT when WRVR -FM abandoned jazz Dan Siegel, Inner City IC 1111 45 45 2 GIANTS during two show times. "We bring for a country format here last fall. c Bares Winners in a remote truck with 24- tracks 20 25 3 A DIFFERENT KIND OF BLUES leamLuc Panty, Pausa 7074 Perlman 8 Previn, Angel 37780 in Ft. Entitled "Tribute To Birdland," 46 46 25 LAND OF THE THIRD EYE TOKYO -The Swing Journal, a from Arista Studios Lauder- /GRP 5009 the series features three separate jazz 21 20 37 RHAPSODY AND BLUES Dave Valentin, Arista GR jazz monthly magazine, has an- dale and after recording the shows Crusaders, MCA MCA-5124 47 acts which will each perform two sets. 40 19 TWENNYNINE nounced that Chick Corea and Gary go into the studio and take the best Twennynine With Lenny White, REAL EYES Headlining the first performance 22 19 13 Elektra 6E-304 Burton's "Crystal Silence Live" parts of each for the final mix." Gil ScottHeron, Arista AL 9540 he Wednesday (25) will be the Roy - 48 48 11 AUTUMN BLOW (Trio Records) and Weather Re- "It's exciting recording live," Inner City the Pepper Adams 23 18 22 TOUCH OF SILK Sadao Watanabe, port's "Night Passage" (CBS) have continues. "When you go into a stu- Haynes Quartet, Eric Gale, IC 6064 Quintet and Melba Liston. Haynes Columbia IC 36570 been picked by a panel of 31 judges dio, especially with jazz, which is 49 49 20 OUTUBRO appeared on the opening night of Azymuth, such an improvisational music to be- 24 24 52 CATCHING THE SUN headed by Shoichi Yui for the 14th Milestone M -9091 (Fantasy) the original Birdland as well. Spyro Gyra. MCA MCA-5108 Jazz Disk Award (Gold) for 1980. gin with, all you get is four cold 50 50 31 QUINTET '80 MADNESS Disk Award (Silver) walls. There's nothing to feed back Stan Snadowski, co -owner of the 25 21 34 MAGNIFICENT David Grismas, The 14th Jazz Klemmer, Elektra 6E-284 John Warner Bros. BSK 3469 went to Trio's "New York 1980 /Gil to the musician. If you go into a Bottom Line. hopes that these eve- Evans Live At The Public Theatre." room with an audience and ap- nings will bring jazz patrons con- © Copyr'ght 1981, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, mu- mechanical, plause, the . electricity and excite- cerned about an outlet for their stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, The 1980 Most Outstanding Jazz photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Vocal Record Awards were given to ment that's happening is reflected in sic into his club. He is pricing the Blues" the music. concerts at $6. and is also setting up to those prod- Alberta Hunter's "Amtrak Stars are awarded to those products showing greatest sales strength. Superstars are awarded under * Industry Assn. Of (CBS /Sony) and Carmen McRae's "We really didn't know what to a special gallery for patrons ucts showing greatest upward movement on the current week's chart (Prime Movers). Recording Assn. Of America seal for sales when we this. but the 18. America seal for sales of 500,000 units. (Seal indicated by dot.) Recording Industry "Coming Home" (Trio Records). expect started of 1,000,000 units. (Seal indicated by triangle.)

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www.americanradiohistory.com 62 New LP/Tape Releases Wind Divertimenti This listing of new LP /Tape releases is designed to enable retailers and radio programmers to be up -to- the -minute on available new product. The following Vienna Wind Ensemble POPULAR ARTISTS configuration abbreviations are used LP- album; 8T -8 -track cartridge; CA- cassette. Multiple records and /or tapes in a set appear within parentheses follow LPDG2531296 $9.98 ing the manufacturer number. MUSSORGSKY, MODEST Complete Piano Music, Vol. 2 ALABAMA ORIGINALS WRIGHT, BETTY VARIOUS ARTISTS BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN Feels So Right Kreutzer & Spring Paik Yesterday & Today Betty Wright Montreux Summit, Second Divide $6.98 LP RCA AHL1 3930 $7.98 LP Arabesque 8093 LP Phase IIJW37075 $7.98 LPEpicJE36879 LP ColumbiaPC36999 $5.98 Kempff CA 9093 67.98 8TJEA36879 57.98 LPDG2531300 $9,98 ATLANTIC STARR 8TJWA37075 $7.98 VARIOUS ARTISTS Radiant CAJWT37075 $7.98 CAJET36879 $7.98 CA3301300 $9.98 ORFF, CARL On Stage Piano Concerto No. 3 In C Minor Burana LPA &MSP4833 $7.98 OSBOURNE, OZZY Carmina LP Concord Jazz CJ143 $7.98 (Op. 37), Rondo In C Major (Op. Blizzard Of Ou Mata, London Symph. Orch. AURRA WATANABE, SADAO 51, No. 1), Rondo In G Major (Op. LP RCA Red Seal ATC13925 Send Your Love LPJetJZ36812 $7.98 JAZZ CAJZT36812 $7.98 Bird Of Paradise 51, No. 2) SCHUMANN, ROBERT LP Salsoul SA8538 S 7.98 LP Inner City IC6051 57.98 Lupu, Israel Philh. Orch., Mehta Dichterliebe PAYCHECK, JOHNNY LP London Digital LDR71005 $10.98 BADFINGER BLAKEY, ART, & THE JAZZ WEBSTER, BEN, & "SWEETS Fischer -Dieskau Say No More Mr. Hag Told My Story MESSENGERS LP Epic FE36761 $8.98 EDISON BRAHMS, JOHANNES LPDG2531290 $9.98 LP Radio RR 16030 $8.98 8TFEA36761 $8.98 Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers Ben & "Sweets" Symphony No. 2 In D Major (Op. Kinderscenen 8TTP16030 $8.98 LP Columbia PC37021 $ 5.98 CACS16030 $8.98 CAFET36761 $8.98 LP ColumbiaPC37036 55.98 73), Tragic Overture (Op. 81) Kempff BROOKMEYER, BOBBY, see Gerry Solti, Chicago Symph. Orch. LPDG2531297 $9.98 BLOOMFIELD, MICHAEL PET CLAMS WINDING, KAI, see J. J. Johnson Pet Clams Mulligan LP LondonCS7199 $9.98 SIBELIUS, JEAN Cruisin' For A Bruisin' WITHERSPOON, JIMMY CACS57199 _$9.98 LP HandshakeJW37130 57.98 Violin Concerto LPTakoma TAK7091 $7.98 BRUBECK, DAVE, QUARTET Symphony No. 3 In F Major (Op. CAJWT37130 $7.98 Live At The Olympia Jenson, Philadelphia Orch., A Place In Time LP Inner City IC7014 $7.98 90), Academic Festival Overture BOHANNON Ormandy PHOTOGLO, JIM LP ColumbiaPC37022 $5.98 (Op. 80) Goin' For Another One ZIGMUND, ELIOT, see Art Lande LP RCA Red Seal ATC13972 LP Phase IIJW37076 $7.98 Fool In Love With You COHN, AL, J. J. JOHNSON Chicago Symph. Orch., Solti 8TJWA37076 $7.98 LP 20th Century-Fox 7621 57.98 The New York Sessions CA LondonCS57200 59.98 STRAUSS, RICHARD CAJWT37076 $7.98 PIAF, EDITH LP Inner City IC7022 $7.98 CORIGLIANO, JOHN Elektra, Scenes Borkh, Chicago Symph., Reiner BROWN, DENNIS The Great Edith Piaf COPPER, BOB Tournament Overtures; Elegy; LP RCA Gold Seal AGL13879 $ 5.98 Foul Play LP ColumbiaJC37096 $7.98 The Music Of Michel Legrand FTHEATRE/FILMS/TV Martinu: Oboe Concerto PETER ILYITCH LPA &MSP4850 $7.98 PLIMSOULS LP Trend DS822 Louisville Orch., Gibson, Narth TCHAIKOVSKY, LS 7 71 Violin DI MEOLA, AL LP Louisville $7.95 Concerto BRAINS Plimsouls ALTERED STATES Philh., Maazel LP Planet P13 Kremer, Berlin Electronic Eden Elegant Gypsy Soundtrack DOWLAND, JOHN LPDG2532001 $10.98 LP Mercury SRM 1401 2 PRESTON, BILLY LP Columbia Mastersound LPRCAABL13983 $8.98 A Pilgrimes Solace 1612 CA3302001 $10.98 HC44461 $14.98 Consort of Musicke, Rooley CANADIAN BRASS The Way I Am ANNIE LP L'Oiseau -Lyre DSL0585 519.96 TODD, GEORGE M 8941 M 1 $ 8.98 DORSEY, TOMMY The Village Band LP Motown Original Cast Satan's Sermon; Variations On A RCA Red 8TM8941KT 58.98 The Complete, Vol. 5 LP Seal ATC13924 LP Columbia Mastersound FRANCK, CESAR Bagatelle; Semegen: Spectra; CAM8941KC $8.98 LP RCA Bluebird AXM25573 514.98 CLAPTON, ERIC HS44712 Complete Organ Works Wells: Electronic Music; Another Ticket RAINBOW EDISON, "SWEETS ", see Ben Steed Greenwald: Duration 2 LP 01 529.94 LP RSO RX13095 Difficult To Cure Webster L'Oiseau -Lyre 65D3 Todd, Semegen, Wells, Greenwald LP Polydor P016316 $7 98 COLLINS, PHIL FULL FAITH & CREDIT BIG BAND HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH LP CRI SD443 $7.95 Face Value RAVERS Debut CLASSICAL Symphonies 88 -92, Sinfonia VERDI, GIUSEPPE LP AtlanticSD16029 58.98 I Was A Teenage Rock'N'Roller LP Palo Alto PA8001 Concertante La Traviata 8TTP16029 $8 98 LP Match Box MB10055 Orch. of Naples, Vaughan Sutherland, Pavarotti, Manuguerra, GONZALES, BABS BACH, CACS16029 S8.98 REDBONE, LEON JOHANN SEBASTIAN LP Arabesque 80483 $20.94 London Opera Chorus, National Live At Small's Paradise Bach Organ Works, Vol. 5 COLTER, JESSI, see Waylon From Branch To Branch CA 90483 $22.94 Philh. Orch., Bonynge LP ChiaroscuroCR2025 $7.98 Hurford Jennings LP Emerald City EC38136 57.98 LP London Digital LDR73002 ,....$32.94 8TTP38136 57.98 HERMAN, WOODY LP Arco D207D3 $29.94 HILLER, LEJAREN CROWD, THE CACS38136 $7.98 Presents A Concord Jam CAK207K33 $29.94 A Portfolio For Diverse Performers WILSON, RICHARD A World Apart LP Concord JazzCJ142 $7.98 Brandenburg Concertos 2, 3, 5 & Tape; Yttrehus: Quintet; Eclogue; Ballad Of Longwood LP Posh Boy PBS108 ROBINSON, SMOKEY Zukerman Maslanka: Three Pieces For Glen; Thome: Anais; Yannay: At HERMAN, WOODY Being With You LPDG2531292 $9.98 Clarinet & Piano The End Of The Parade CRUZ, MICHAEL The Herd 1 Third LPTamla T8375M $8.98 CA3301292 $9.98 Gregg Smith Singers, Palma, Uribe, Sperry, Allen, Finckel, Weller, The Heart Never Forgets LP Trend DS81 5 8TT8375KT $8.98 Goldberg Variations Musicae, Rehfeldt, Childs Time, Thome LP Credence 01022 $8.98 Speculum Orch. Of Our CAT8375KC JAMES, BOB Pinnock LP CRI. SD438 $7.95 LPCRISD437 $7.95 DYLAN, BOB ROSS, DIANA BJ 4 LP Archiv 2533425 $9.98 Nashville Skyline To Again LP Columbia FC36838 $8.98 CA3310425 $9.98 KORNGOLD, ERICH WOLFGANG Love Goldberg CLASSICAL LP Columbia Mastersound LP MotownM8951M1 $8.98 CAFCT36838 $8.98 Variations; Beethoven: Violanta HC49825 $14.98 8TM8951KT $8.98 One Diabelli Variations Marton, Berry, Jerusalem, COLLECTIONS LP FC36835 $8.98 Varsano EVERETTE, LEON CA M8951 KC $8.98 Columbia Laubenthal, Bavarian Radio Chorus, CAFCT36835 68.98 LP CBS Masterworks M 2X36925 51 1.98 Mende, Munich Radio Orch., AMELING, ELLY If I Keep On Going Crazy ROVERS Three Hercules Think On Me LPRCAAHL13916 $7.98 Wasn't That A Party Janowski LP ColumbiaFC36837 $8.98 Mathis, Schreier $ LP CBS Masterworks M36682 $8.98 $7.98 LP CBS Masterworks M235909.. 17.98 FRANKE & THE KNOCKOUTS LPEpicJE37107 CAFCT36837 $8.98 LP Archiv 2533447 $9.98 CAMT36682 $8.98 8TJEA37107 $7.98 Two MAHLER, GUSTAV Franke & The Knockouts $7.98 Orchestral Suites McCORMACK, JOHN CAJET37107 LP ColumbiaFC36836 $8.98 Symphony No. 10 LP Millennium BXL17755 $7.98 Pinnock Arias & Art Songs ROX CAFCT36836 $8.98 LP Archiv 2723072 519.96 Levine, Philadelphia Orch. GOOD RATS LP Arabesque 81052 513.96 Rox JAMES, WARREN, & FRIENDS CA3310175 $9.98 LP RCA Red Seal CTC23726 CA 91052 515.96 Great American Music LP Boardwalk FW37070 $8.98 Organ Works -Vol. 4 LP Great American GAR8003 Floating On A Dark Wind Treasury of Irish Melodies 8TFWA37070 $8.98 H urford MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS LP Waja JRC80864 The LP Arabesque 8124 $6.98 GREAT BUILDINGS CA FWT37070 $8.98 CAArgoK177K32 $29.94 Symphonies -Vol. 4 CA9124 $7.98 Apart From The Crowd JOHNSON, J. J., see Al Cohn Well-tempered Clavier, Vol 2 (Salzburg -1773 -5) RUSH SCHWARZKOPF, ELISABETH LP ColumbiaNJC36920 $5.98 Moving Pictures JOHNSON, J,J., & KAI WINDING Kempff Academy of Ancient Music, $5.98 Hogwood To My Friends CA NCT36920 LP Mercury SRM14013 $8.98 The Jay & Kai Trombone Octet, LPDG2531299 69.98 CAL"Oiseau- LyreK17OK33 529.94 LP London OS26592 $9.98 GREGORY, TERRY 87 81 -4001 $8.98 Jay & Kai + 6 CA3301299 $9.98 Just Like Me CA 41 -4001 $ 8.98 LP Columbia PC37001 $5.98 LP Handshake JW37131 $7.98 SHARPE, RAY JONES, JONAH 8TJWA37131 $7.98 Texas Boogie CAJWT37131 $7.98 Blues Jonah's Wail LP Flying High FH6502 LP Inner City 1C7021 57.98 HARBOUR, PEARL SNOPEK KILIMANJARO I'm Lost Too Don't Follow Me, First Band On The Moon Kilimanjaro LP Warner Bros. BSK351 5 $7.98 LP Mountain Railroad MR52795 LP Philo PH9001 $7.98 HOLLIDAY, DOC SNOW, PHOEBE LAMBERT, HENDRICKS, & ROSS Doc Holliday Rock Away Lambert, Hendricks, & Ross LP A &M SP4847 LP Mirage WTG19297 57,98 LP Columbia PC37020 $5.98 Be there: April 11, 1981 JENNINGS, WAYLON, & JESSI 8TTP19297 57.98 CACS19297 $7.98 LANDE, ART, GARY PEACOCK, COLTER ELIOT ZIGMUND Leather & Lace SPINNERS Shift In The Wind LP RCA AAL13931 Labor Of Love Billboard Spotlights LPECM11165 $8.98 LP AtlanticSD16032 68.98 KENDRICKS, EDDIE LEWIS, RAMSEY Love Keys 8TTP16032 $8.98 CACS16032 $8.98 Blues For The Night Owl LP Atlantic SD19294 $8.98 LP Columbia PC37019 $5.98 8TTP19294 $8.98 THREE DEGREES CACS19294 $8.98 3D LINN'S, RAY, CHICAGO The NEW YORK KNIGHT, JERRY LP Ariola OL1501 STOMPERS Perfect Fit THRILLS Empty Suit Blues LPA &MSP4843 $7.98 First Thrills LP Trend DS823 LP G RECORDING STUDIO LAKE &P GP1002 LLOYD, CHARLES, QUARTET Ouch TOONS Of Course, Of Course LP CaribouJZ37083 $7.98 Live Toons LP Columbia PC36981 $ 5.98 $7.98 CAJZT37083 LP SO TT1001 MINGUS, CHARLES SCENE LAWS, DEBRA TOYS Mingus Dynasty Live At Very Special Dashboard Music Montreux /Digital Recording LP Atlantic SD 16031 $8.98 LP Elektra 6E300 LP Secret SR8801 87 TP 16031 $8.98 Call for details (212) 764 -7350 LAWTON, JOHN TRAPEZE CACS16031 $8.98 Heartbeat Hold On LP RCAAFL13904 $7.98 MOODY, JAMES, MAX ROACH LP Paid 2003 In The Beginning LEWIS, WEBSTER UNLIMITED TOUCH LP Inner City IC7020 S7.98 Let Me Be The One $8.98 Unlimited Touch MULLIGAN, GERRY, BOBBY LP Epic FE36878 12184 8TFEA36878 $8.98 LP Prelude BROOKMEYER CAFET36878 $8.98 VARIOUS ARTISTS Paris Concert LP Inner City IC7017 $7.98 LONEY, ROY, & THE PHANTOM Dance Craze MOVERS LP Chrysalis CHR1299 PEACOCK, GARY, see Art Lande Contents Under Pressure VARIOUS ARTISTS PETERSON, OSCAR LP War Bride 9003 Green Bullfrog Hello Herbie MARTIN, PATRICK D. LP ECY Street ECY16 LP Pausa 7085 $7.98 Patrick D. Martin VARIOUS ARTISTS PROGRESSIVE RECORDS ALL LP Intl Rec. Syndicate SP70403 I. R. S. Greatest Hits, Vols. 2 & 3 STAR TENOR SAX SPECTACULAR McCULLOUGH, ULLANDA LP I.R.S. SP70800 LP Progressive 7019 $8.98 Ullanda VARIOUS ARTISTS ROACH, MAX, see James Moody LP AtlanticSD19296 $7.98 Rising Stars Of San Francisco 8TTP19296 $7.98 LP War Bride 9005 ROBERTSON, PAUL CACS19296 $7.98 The Song Is You WARE, LEON LP Palo Alto 8002 MIDNIGHT FLYER Rockin' You Eternally LAST CALL Midnight Flyer LP Elektra 6L332 SMITH, WILLIE "THE LION" LP Swan Song SS8509 $ 7.98 Retrospective 8TTP8509 $7.98 WELK, LAWRENCE LP Inner City IC7015 $7 98 FINAL COPY CA CS8509 $ 7.98 Plays Dixieland LP Ranwood R81 94 57.98 STEIN, LOU MORE Temple Of The Gods DENIECE DUE MARCH 23rd Warhead WILLIAMS, LP Chiaroscuro CR2027 . / L8 LP Atlantic SD19295 57.98 My Melody 8TTP19295 $7.98 LP ColumbiaFC37048 $8.98 STONE ALLIANCE CACS19295 $7.98 8TFCA37048 $8.98 Heads Up CAFCT37048 $8.98 LP PMPMR020 $7.98 NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE WINTER, PAUL VARIOUS ARTISTS Feelin' All Right Callings Jazz Compositions LMR1 LP Columbia PC37012 55.98 LPA &M SP4818.. . 57.98 LP Living Music

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www.americanradiohistory.com 64 Publishing General News `Rocky Horror' LP Sales `Rose' Snares Boosted By Touring Show LOS ANGELES -The new reper- tional efforts are coordinated with tory production of "The Rocky Hor- radio stations to give it even more NMPA Honor ror Show" now touring the U.S. and awareness. In some cities, concert Canada (currently playing here for a promoters are handling promotion month), is breathing new life into of the show. For McBroom the "Rocky Horror" soundtrack LP. The new stage show is playing By SAM SUTHERLAND Buoyed by continuous weekend both major and secondary markets showings at midnight in certain LOS ANGELES -"The Rose." for anywhere from two or three markets and a legion of cult fans, the the Amanda McBroom ballad popu- nights to a month in cities like Los "Rocky Horror" soundtrack LP, larized as the title song for Bette Angeles, San Francisco and Chi- originally released on Ode Records Midler's dramatic film debut, snared cago. in 1975, has had a remarkably con- song of the year honors at the Na- A continuation of the "Rocky sistent shelf life even before the new tional Music Publishers Horror Show" is currently being Assn. cast production. (NMPA) second annual Song produced in London called "Shock According to most recent sales fig- Awards presentation held Tuesday Treatment." It will contain a new ures, the LP has reportedly sold (I0) at the Beverly Hilton Hotel A &R POINTERS -Four Los Angeles a &r executives offer publishers their score and screenplay and is expected 565,000 in the U.S.; 400,000 (quad- here. views on how the two fields can interact during a recent Music Publishers Fo- to be released here the latter part of rum session. Pictured from left are Handshake Records' Joel Newman, Carol ruple platinum) in Canada; and That copyright also won an award the year. Childs of Geffen Records, Boardwalk's Gary LeMel and Shelly Weiss of Home 218,000 in all other English speaking as song of the year in the presenta- Grown Music. territories. tion's movie category, giving In 1977, Jem took over distribu- McBroom two of the nine trophies tion of the "Rocky Horror Picture Vid Presentations handed out during the afternoon HONORS HALL -OF- FAMERS Show" with eventual ownership re- LOS ANGELES -A series of ceremonies. For the Los Angeles verting back to Lou Adler's Ode's stereo video music presentations are songwriter, who actually penned the Sounds & Visuals. A picture disk going to be made by the Video work two years before the movie Harburg Tributes Flow version of the soundtrack featuring Gram Co. and 20th Century Fox brought it to wide exposure, the twin star Tim Curry's face, released two Music Publishing. awards capped the song's earlier At Songwriters' Dinner years ago, was an additional sales The first artist to be produced is prominence as a Grammy nominee impetus. Joseph Williams, son of scorer /con- By IRV LICHTMAN for best song and winner of a 1979 In cities where the stage produc- ductor John Williams, who is work- Golden Globe. NEW YORK -Perform ing singer/ Mora ?" that Lane and Harburg tion has played or will play, promo- ing on his debut album. Ironically, "The Rose" was the songwriters were all over the lot, wrote for "Finian's Rainbow." only copyright 'honored without an although not the customary con- The song was one of Harburg's fa- award to the publisher, since rights temporary chartmakers. vorite creations, Lane noted. Jule to the song are currently in dispute. Songwriters (and their publishers) Styne, who wrote the melodies to Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 Named Broadway song of the came to honor their own here Mon- Harburg's lay: Broadway score, year was "The Colors of My Life" by day (9) at the Waldorf for the 1981 1968's "Darling Of The Day," per- Cy Coleman and Michael Stewart. Songwriters Hall of Fame Awards formed a lovely waltz from the show, Dinner of the National Academy of "Let's See What Happens." The "Barnum" selection is pub- SpeclQl Survey Popular Music. Over 600 attended. There were two other writer per- Biß lished by Notable Music, Inc. LPi The event, happily, doesn't limit formances based on special awards. In the country field, "Looking For itself to thank -your by award Pete Seeger sang "We Shall Over- 1981. Love" by Wanda Mallett, Patti c Copyright Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. recipients, being somewhat manda- come" (Song of the Decade) and Ir- stored in a-retrieval system. or transmitted. in any form or by any means. electronic. mechanical. Ryan and Bob Morrison was the photocopying. recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. tory that they perform their own ma- vin Levine & Larry Brown per- winner, published by Southern terial. And so with that peculiar, de- formed "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" Nights Music. And in easy listening, lightful passion that songwriters (1981 Song Citation), both lyrics of SAN ANTONIO (Pop) NEW YORK (Salsa) Barry and Robin Gibb's "Woman in have for their own material, this was which were screened so that the au- This TITLE Label This Love," published by the Stigwood -Artist, 8 TITLE - Artist, label a the case for Jerry ( "It's The Talk Of dience could sing along. John East- Week Number (Distributing Label) Week Number (Distributing Label) Organization and Unichappell Mu- Town ") Livingston, Johnny man accepted an award for his sic, took honors. 1 LIZA LOPEZ 1 OSCAR DE LEON ( "Rudolph The Red -Nosed Rein- brother -in -law, Paul McCartney Si quieres verme llorar Hacienda 6981 Al frente de todos TH 2115 Gospel song of the year was Stuart ( Look deer") Marks and Cy "Hey, (International Music Achievement), 2 LUPITA D'ALESIO 2 CUCO BALOY Y LOS VIRTUOSOS K. Hine's "How Great Thou Art," Me Over ") Coleman, all new in- Ed Cramer, president of BMI, gave a Ya no regreso contigo Orfeon 16047 Tiza Discolor 30020 published by Manna Music, Inc., ductees into the Songwriters Hall of special citation to . 3 RUBEN NARANJO 3 SONORA PONCENA s while Bobby Capó "No Me Lo Di- Fame. ASCAP president Hal David gave El sarape 1158 Unchained force Inca 1077 gan," published by Peer Inter- The attendees, no doubt, would Jerry Livinston his award. 4 JULIO IGLESIAS 4 CONJUNTO CLASICO national, was voted Latin winner by also have heard from lyricist E.Y. It's too bad that Chuck Berry Hey CBS 50302 Felicitaciones Lo mejor 802 the NMPA membership. Harburg, who died in a Hollywood wasn't prepared to perform some of 5 VICENTE FERNANDEZ 5 EL GRAN COMBO In pop. the Commodores' Lionel auto accident the previous Thurs- his great songs as recipient of the 15 grandes exitos Telediscos CBS 20422 Unity Combo 2018 Richie won for "Lady," published day. The great lyricist was to receive Songmaker Award. Ahmet Ertegun, 6 EMMANUEL 6 BOBBY VALENTIN by Brockman Music. And in the r &b the Johnny Mercer Award. chairman of Atlantic, introduced the Intimamente Arcano 3535 Bronco 114

category, Rod Temperton's "Give Tribute to Harburg was made in award noting Berry's seminal in- 7 CARLOS Y JOSE 7 CELIA, JOHNNY & PETE Me The Night" was the winner. That the nicest way possible- perform- fluence on the rock era. But, Berry El chubasco TH 2099 Vaya 90 song is by his own Rod - it to in a published ances of some of his songs. Tony brought all down earth 8 CAMILO SESTO 8 CHEO FELICIANO songs firm. Bennett, earning a Lifetime gracious, humorously self- deprecat- Amaneciendo Pronto 1086 Sentimiento tu Vaya 95 NMPA president Leonard Feist Achievement Award, sang two of ing manner. 9 ROBERTO CARLOS 9 RAY BARRETO presided over the ceremonies, which them, "April In Paris" and "It's Only Dick Cavett emceed, Skitch Hen - Grandos exitos CBS 12303 Fuerza gigante Fania 579 drew attendees from major publish- A Paper Moon" and in a moment of derson's Orchestra played and the 10 CAMILO SESTO 10 LALO RODRIGUEZ ing and recording companies along poignant nostalgia, Burton Lane American popular song had another 15 exitos mas grandes America 101 I Sim plemente Lalo Tierrazo 004 with songwriters, attorneys and pub- sang "How Are Things In Glocca evening to shout about. 11 RIGOTOVAR 11 ROBERTO ROENA Con mariachi #4 lishing rights organization represen- Profono 3034 Looking out for # I Fania 588 tatives. 12 JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ 12 LOS VECINOS Una cancion de Sharing the podium with Feist as Espana TH 2021 En su momento Algar 23 presenters were top publishing exec- Chappell Bows Mini-Folios 13 CHELO 13 WILLIE ROSARIO Puros boleros Musant 1790 El de a 20 de Willie TH utives Sal Chiantia, Wesley Ross, NEW YORK- Chappell Music is sic president Irwin Robinson sees 2103 Ralph Peer, Irwin Robinson, Lester claiming two print firsts: a $2.95 the move as giving Chappell a "com- 14 LOS DOS GILBERTOS 14 SANTIAGO CERON Por una mala mujer Hacienda 1930 Navegando Sill and Joe Auslander, along with mini -folio of four songs and a gate- petitive edge," particularly in view con salsa Salsa 724 songwriters Sammy Fain and Jerry fold approach to single sheets. of recent price increases to $2.50 15 JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ 15 ORQUESTA LA TERRIFICA Atrevete TH 2095 Herman, film composer Bronislaw As for the mini -folio idea- start- (from $1.95) by such print firms as Casa pobre casa grande Artomax 623 Kaper, singer Florence Lacoy and ing off with four songs from the hit Warner Bros. Music, Columbia Pic- 16 LITTLE JOE & THE FAMILY 16 LITA BRANDA King of the brown sound Fredy 022 Con sabor Perudis actress Audrey Landers, herself a album by the Police, "Zenyatta tures Publications and April- Black- 151 working songwriter. Mondatta" (A &M)- Chappell Mu- wood. Chappell single sheets con- 17 ROCIO DURCAL 17 HECTOR CASANOVA mariachi #4 tinue to list at $1.95. Con Pronto 1078 Fania 589 Also, Robinson explains, "Given 18 JULIO IGLESIAS 18 JOHNNY VENTURA Mi vida en canciones CBS 50301 Ysoy merengue Famous Signs Regional Deals the current economic climate, Chap- el Combo 2016 pell feels that new creative ap- 19 GUALBERTO CASTRO 19 ORQUESTA LA SOLUCION NEW YORK -Famous Music has The production /publishing deals Que mal amada estas CBS 20394 LAD 342 proaches to printing music have to writing agree- are with Sweet Avalon Music in 20 NAPOLEON 20 ROJAS made production and be found in order to attract buyers TITO Muscle Shoals, Madison Street Mu- Lena verde Ratf 9079 Pana 1001 ments with a regional flavor. and stimulate the marketplace." sic, Davis Music Enterprises and 21 JUAN GABRIEL "Our intention at Famous," says 21 HECTOR LAVOE Gus Redmond, all Chicago; Allen The gatefold concept for single Recuerdos Pronto 1076 El sabio Fania 558 president and chief is Marvin Cane, Richardson, Philadelphia and Reed sheets under way with two re- 22 GRUPO MAll 22 GILBERTO MONROY operating officer of the 50- year -old Williams' Rainbow Venture Music, leases, "It's My Turn" and "What Class Cara 023 Artomax 130 publishing arm of Paramount Pic- Denver. Kind Of Fool." Chappell feels it's a 23 ESTRELLAS DE ORO 23 LOS NIETOS DEL REY Vol #3 1013 tures, "is to draw on regional and lo- Writers signed to Famous are "convenience" for the user, since it America En New York Sonomax 1201 cal talent for national expansion. Al- Bruce Gray, New York, Johnny eliminates a "floating" middle page. 24 LOLITA 24 DIMENSION LATINA though we already have extensive Cymbal and Gretchen Peters, Nash- Hal Leonard Publishing is exclu- Seguir sonando CBS 60312 Para siempre Velvet 3021 pop presence, this is a logical area ville, Cheryl Dilcher and Devin Du- sive distributor of Chappell's print 25 ANICETO MOLINA 25 TITO PUENTE for major company growth." Brow, Los Angeles. product. Cabaretera Atlas 5081 Dancemania 80's Tico 1438

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www.americanradiohistory.com 66 ToIenl Nation's Small Showcase Clubs In Jeopardy Continued from page 7 sary to promote the show. "Add this dance groups or go dark part of the veloping such emerging talents as regional talent as well as national appreciate their music. But a small to the cost of putting a group in a week. Linda Ronstadt and the Doobie names. Says Morris: "This isn't the room can't pay the guarantee that's small club and you can forget about A number of promoters own or Brothers. "We used to win all kinds decade to specialize in particular required these days to feature a profit." handle exclusively clubs of their of awards for our contributions to kinds of music. Clubs need to attract headline act." Al Porkolab, who owns the 450- own. including Larry Magid of Elec- the music scene," recalls Morris as many customers as they can, any Economics is seen as the chief wryly, "but we never could some- way they can." enemy of the limited- capacity hall. how seem to pay our rent." Acts themselves may be taking a An act that could afford to play a more realistic approach to their pric- 400 -seat room five years ago for Assistance in preparing this article ing demands and rider clauses. $1500 may have to charge double provided by Rose Clayton in Mem- Some artists are now working solo that price today. making ticket phis. where they would have used a back- prices skyrocket at the door. Even up group two years ago. Bands are with the usual policy of running two Promoters and booking agents agreeing to play rooms where danc- separate shows per night, the club view today's club market as one re- ing is encouraged. And mid -range will have trouble making a profit. quiring willingness to experiment acts are coming to see the wisdom of Bruce Eisenberg, coordinator of and calling for the use of local and (Continued on page 69) contemporary booking for the Star - loft Agency in Manhattan, which handles the Brains, Gil Scott -Heron, the Equators and Vassar Clements, Juice Newton Plays among others, believes listening rooms have their place. "but it's un- fortunately growing more limited all Waiting Promo Game the time." Eisenberg points out that patrons By ROMAN KOZAK now prefer to pay their $7 or $8 ad- NEW YORK -With the single. country radio, but now pop radio is mission price for an entire evening "Angel Of The Morning," hitting also coming around to her kind of of live music, dancing and drinking the top 30, and the LP, "Juice," "rockabilly pop." than for a single 60- minute perform- achieving country and pop cross- "I have dabbled in rock'n'roll, but ance in a listening room environ- over. Juice Newton appears ready I am not really a good rock singer," ment. for the commercial success she has admits Newton. "Except for the folk "I see more club activity now than been building with four LPs on singing in the beginning, I have al- Billboard photo by Pulin ever," says Eisenberg, "but they're Chuck Capitol Records. ways been oriented to country. I can dance clubs, new wave clubs, cow- CLUB CELEBRATION -Ian Hunter and Jon Hall chat with Paul Colby, owner But rather than go on the road sing rockabilly, but that is not the boy discos. And these are definitely of the Other End in New York, backstage at the club during festivities mark- with a tour to support the new LP, same as rock singing." ing hurting the smaller showcase Colby's 20th anniversary in the business. Newton is waiting for a while, doing Newton says that for a woman it is rooms." radio, press and television inter- easier to make it in country music or In fact, he adds, his agency put the views, including a recent visit to the pop than it is in rock. Brains on a major tour across the seat Bogart's in Cincinnati, says his tric Factory in Philadelphia with the "Today" show, the "Merv Griffin "Because of its character and U.S. and Canada playing only clubs. club can gross three times as much as Bijou, Feyline's Rainbow in Denver, Show," "Midnight Special" and hardness, rock seems to present al- "In a lot of cases, the acts find clubs it did several years ago and still Bill Graham's Waldorf in San Fran- "American Bandstand." most a seedier side, a hardcore liv- with dancing better showcases for come out with less money after oper- cisco, Don Law's Paradise in Boston, "What we are doing is making ing in the fast lane, living on the their music than small listening ating costs. "We see less profit gross- Amy Granat of JAM Productions sure the record is really set. There is edge, pedal to the metal all the time. rooms or larger concert halls." ing $7,200 now than we did grossing with Chicago's Park West and Jim something to be said about not going I don't think that even now, progres- The key to a venue's ultimate suc- $2,400. And for every show that Rissmiller with the Country Club in out immediately when the record sive as we all think we are, a majority cess today appears to be linked to its loses money at the door, you've got Reseda, Calif. Ron Delsener is hits the charts, because you don't of the public accepts a woman in size. Magna's Hahn notices more to come up with four or five strong scheduled to open a new Manhattan necessarily do yourself justice or the that role," she says. 800 -1.500 -seat operations opening, shows to recoup your losses." club called the Savey within the next promoters justice as far as public ap- "If you've ever seen Ted Nugent's with the advantage of lower over- The key to survival for small -ca- two months. And although Cellar pearances go," says Newton. outfits, his little loin cloth and stuff, I heads than regular auditoriums and pacity rooms, Porkolab feels, lies in Door Concerts in Washington, D.C., "So we are waiting for a little don't know what they would do if a higher percentage of the ticket strong, aggressive promotion and recently sold its prestigious 125 -seat while, just a few weeks, to make they saw a woman like that. It could receipts going to the act. booking diversified musical acts. namesake, it still retains the larger friends on the pop side of radio, and be dangerous to life and limb, also "UT were going into a new market The day of the specialized club, in Bayou Club nearby. then after a few weeks we will go with the rocks and the bottles. I'm now, I wouldn't consider a club un- his opinion, is over. Chuck Morris, vice president of out," she continues. The tour, she not sure if the public accepts that yet der 1.000 seats," states Agora chain "In the past six months, we've Feyline, believes the days of the says, will begin in May, after she for a women. And without any pub- owner Hank LoConti with decided done as much progressive music small showcase club have been comes back from a promotional tour lic there is no public performer," emphasis. "I've been saying for here as we did in the entire last three axed by escalating economic factors of Europe. she continues. years that listening rooms had no years." Filling the bill at Bogart's that spill over into every conceivable Newton has been singing profes- "It is much easier for women in way to support themselves. Ninety have been the Busboys, Randy aspect of the facility's operation. sionally for 10 years, first as a folk country or in traditional Frank Si- percent of these clubs try to depend Meisner, U -2, J.J. Cale, Police, Devo With 1,500 seats, the Rainbow man- singer, then as a member of Dixie natra type pop. Women can do on getting national acts at reason- and the Ramones. Realistically, Por- ages to fill approximately 85% ca- Peach, a rock'n'roll band she formed disco, but it still isn't the same able prices -or hoping for record kolab adds, his 450 -seat limitation is pacity for headline acts, although - with , who remains her gnarly, dirty -I don't mean physi- company support -and it isn't realis- a barrier and he hopes to expand to says Morris -there are "30 % -40% musical director. After that she cally dirty- thing," she concludes. tic any more." 800 seats in the near future. fewer acts on the road these days, so formed Juice Newton & Silver Spur, She and Otha Young are business LoConti points out that it takes a Many national clubs no longer at- you don't have the booking selec- a folk rock band that released two partners who manage and do some minimum of $2,000 to produce an tempt to stay open with major -name tions you once did." LPs on RCA, before signing with of their own bookings themselves. Agora concert, including all the sup- artists six nights a week. Some book A while back, Morris owned Den- Capitol in 1977. But, she says, if the record and her port services and advertising neces- what they can from the acts cur- ver's popular Ebbetts Field listening In the last five years Newton says career continue to grow as they have rently touring. then fill in with local room, a club noted for its help in de- she has had good acceptance from (Continued on page 68) Unsurpassed in Quality Philly City Fathers Look Into The Agencies GLOSSY 23'2C By MAURIE ORODENKER EACH IN PHILADELPHIA -The hassle that not enough competition exists He says he doubts fees to booking also exploring whether a system 1000 LOTS that developed here by black concert in the selection of agents for the agents exceeded a total of $15,000. could be set up by which promoters PHOTOS promoters over white promoters summer concerts. He says he will de- Washington notes that about 100 could competitively bid for the right 1000 POSTCARDS $150.00 presenting black artists has spilled cide whether Naham will continue demonstrators picketed the Acad- to book the facility. the city 100 8x10 $30.95 over into administration to book most of the Dell shows. emy of Music here last month Goods says the reconsideration of which announced it is reevaluating against a white promoter -Electric booking procedures also came as However. Nathaniel Washington, CUSTOM $98 its selection of booking agencies. Factory Concerts -who promoted a part of a review set in motion last per 100 deputy commissioner of the city's COLOR PRINTS Major concern is the summer pop there with B.B. King and an investigation of Dell recreation department, which over- concert year after COLOR LITHO $345 concerts subsidized by the city at the Bobbie "Blue" Bland. The demon- East's financial records disclosed a sees the Dell East, says he will not per 1000 outdoor Robin Hood Dell East, a stration was organized by a black series of alleged irregularities, over- rely on Naham to book the majority park facility accommodating some concert promoter, Jimmy Walker, payment to performers and contract COLOR $240 of performers for this coming sea- per 3000 19,000 people. who heads Sherjam Concerts here. deviations. The city foots most of the POSTCARDS son. Naham has been booking the Black and some Hispanic artists "Ninety percent of the acts at the bill for the concerts as admission is MOUNTED 20130" 31Y140" shows at Dell East since the pop the Dell's eight weeks of Dell East are black, and you have a kept at only $1 with only the front dominate summer concerts started nine years ENLARGEMENTS OA /35.00 concerts, with names like Count white promoter doing it," Washing- row seats going for $5. ago, but will not be the agent this Lionel Hampton, Della Reese ton says. Washington and Recrea- Washington says he would prefer Basie, year. and others. A white promoter -JOT tion Commissioner Robert W. city employees deal directly with the aAAr headed by Irving Naham- Washington says the concert Crawford say the department is con- performers to "avoid a lot of unnec- oüocorap6oewr Corp., 165 WEST 46th STREET, N.Y. 100 has been the dominant promoter for series, which is supported by ticket sidering whether shows at the Deli essary difficulties." He says city offi- u u the Dell's pop concerts for many sales and funds from the city, paid could be booked direct by the city cials want to avoid getting caught in A Division of JAMES J. KRIEGSMANN years. City managing director W. about $170,000 to performers in 23 officials without the service of a the dispute between black and white (212) PL 7 -0233 Wilson Goods says he is concerned shows last summer. booking agent. They claim they are concert promoters.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 68 Talent Kool & Gang Wind 16 -City Tour; DISK COMEBACK Turn To Production Of Records Baron Longfellow's By HANFORD SEARL Really Andy Kim BUFFALO, N.Y. -Preparing to brate" for Kool & the Gang, will which Bell terms "universal," with release their 19th LP which will oversee the new project while work- stations specializing in jazz, pop, By DAVID FARRELL reflect more their jazz roots and ing on his own LP, "Night Cruiser," r &b and country. TORONTO -The Kings, Queen budget, over a six -month period, readying a third soundtrack project, for Warner Bros. The group's third film soundtrack and Prince must be prepared to with arrangements and production Kool & the Gang also are entering Bell says Deodato's guidance venture, "The Rock Hobbit," set for share pop's royal courtyard with credited to Michael Omartian (who the realm of record producing. since 1979 is that of a "coach," help- a summer release, will reportedly in- Baron Longfellow, singer Andy had completed the Christopher The De -Lite /PolyGram artists, ing to clarify and simplify the band's clude Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks, Kim's comeback nom de plume. Cross sessions by this time). wrapping up a 16-city two -month, commercial sound after vocalist Police's lead vocalist Sting and Pink After a five -year hiatus from the "I had worked with Michael be- tour March 29 in Greensboro, N.C., James "J.T." Taylor and Earl Toon Floyd, say industry sources. music business, the hit maker has re- fore. He produced 'Rock Me are confident the new LP will en- were added to the previously, all in- Produced by Michael Canam, the turned to the studio with producer Gently,' and we were good friends hance the group's momentum strumental group. (Continued on page 75) Michael Omartian, several members also. I called him one day, explained scored with "Celebrate." "At that time, a slow period for us of Toto and David Foster to record what I was up to, about the fact that "Our new album will be a little from 1977 -'78, we were overcreative, an album that has already charted a I wanted to do a record again and more progressive, accentuating our locked into the market sound and top 10 single in Canada where that I had been out of the scene com- jazz background. It will be similar to putting too much into our music," Sayer Back: "Baron Longfellow" was released on pletely for four years. He listened to the 'Morning Star' LP and the in- claims Bell. "We moved the brass the singer's own Ice Records. some demo material I had prepared, strumental side of the 'Celebrate' into the background and brought The new name identifies him as a made a few suggestions and we got single. It's a natural growth," says the vocals forward." 'But I Was new person, he admits, "but I'm not on with it. Robert "Kool" Bell. Bell admits that disco peak era trying to forget or hide my past." "We contracted the musicians we According to Bell, who founded benefited his group. although the Describing the dizzying success felt we needed for the album. If they the nine -man group in Jersey City in success of that sound, dictated by Never Gone' that whisked him to the top on sev- weren't available, we waited until 1969, the current studio project will such New York stations as WBLS- eral occasions, the 32- year -old they were." By ED HARRISON contain a blend of jazz. pop, r&b FM and WKTU -FM, was confining . singer says the death of his father To this end, the Longfellow ses- and even some country sounds. for the diverse talents of the band. LOS ANGELES -Leo Sayer is some five years ago made him stop sions include Steve Lukather and , who produced Now air play singles out Kool & back, but if you ask Sayer, he'll tell in his tracks and take stock of his ca- Mike Porcaro from Toto, David Fos- both "Ladies Night" and "Cele- the Gang's crossover potential, you that he never really left. reer and, more importantly, himself. ter, Omartian on keyboards on sev- Following big hits during his "I had been immersed in building eral tracks and Armin Steiner was 1975 -1978 peak popularity years a career since I was 16, quit school contracted to record and mix the ses- with "," "Long and left Montreal for New York to sions at SoundLabs in L.A. Tall Glasses" and "You Make Me get a contract," he says. Describing the direction he is YOUR SYMBOL Feel Like Dancing," Sayer's U.S. "I started to get the urge to record moving in, the singer says: "I'm try- popularity took a downturn. again about a year ago and I had the ing to avoid being type -cast, but I realization that I was a different per- know I'm not Black Sabbath or the OF SUCCESS son. It was a case of the caterpillar, Police, so I guess I'm somewhere in butterfly syndrome. I had grown out the middle." of my old self." While it is the opening cut Formulating plans to record "Amour" that has carried him back GOLD & PLATINUM again, he explains that it was over a into the charts, at least in Canada. game of pool with long -time friend the eye- catcher (if not the ear - and manager to Tom Jones, Gordon catcher) on the LP is his re -make of RECORD PLAQUES Mills, who came up with the new "Sugar, Sugar." The song is, in fact, moniker. the only visible association with his The album, Longfellow says, was past on the jacket or the music. recorded at his own cost, on a big "I wanted to do a fun version," he relates, "though I realize one can never beat a classic." In the old days, he says, he was Jersey Theatre lucky in that when he started, no one would sign him as a songwriter. Be- To Be Revived cause of this, he formed his own publishing company and has more Leo Sayer: Making a big comeback. AUDUBON, N.J. -A new concert or less controlled rights to his mate- .:.!)í! and entertainment venue for South- rial ever since. But Sayer hit full stride again last ern New Jersey will be developed Among his biggest hits were year with the -produced \:( here at the darkened Coronet "Baby I Love You," "Baby We're n "Living In A Fantasy" which in- Theatre. Dark since 1979, the movie Good Together," both certified mil- cluded "," and house was sold last week to Camp- lion sellers; "Shoot 'Em Up Baby" a mid -chart hit with the title track. bell Enterprises, Inc. by Milgram and "Sugar, Sugar" along with Simultaneously, the Sayer -penned Theatres, theatre chain based in "Jingle, Jangle," both of which pro- "Dreaming" turned into a big hit for Philadelphia. Thomas Campbell, vided hits for the Archies. Cliff Richard. spokesman for the new owners, say One of the great disappointments We supply the `Gold' or `Platinum' Sayer says that despite a slow- the new owners plan to offer a wide for him during his first career, he down in his U.S. activities, he is a range of entertainment-"classical, says, was that the Archies never be- records at no additional cost "television household name in the theatrical and popular entertain- came a touring entity. The reason U.K." And he's also sustained ment." this never came to be, he relates, was record success there with the release The 1,300 -seat facility will be that the creator was concerned that a Single -$55 * Album -$75 of a "Greatest Hits" collection that renovated, (Plus tax and Shipping) including some restora- rock group touring with the cartoon more than compensated for the dis- tion of the theatre's once -elegant in- characters' names would get in appointment here and abroad of the terior ornamentation, and returned trouble. David Courtney- produced "Here" to its original name -Century. To- "I mean, can you imagine, Archie the predecessor to "Living In A - Our Superior Services Include- LP, gether with its adjacent Creative & and Veronica getting busted on Fantasy." Performing Arts Supplies store, it tour?" After three albums with Richard * Normal 2/3 week delivery will form a complex to be known as Perry in Los Angeles, Sayer returned Century Square. * Rush Order on request to London, where, through Chris The theatre originally opened in !N TOP QUALITY * Double or Triple Gold & Platinum Plaques Wright of Chrysalis (Sayer's label the 1920s as a vaudeville house. later throughout * Gold & Platinum 8 -Track Plaques Europe), he met Tarney. switching to silent and sound motion Recalls Sayer: " 'Once In A While' pictures. The 8X10 * Charts & Album Covers mounted stage hosted live enter- (off the new LP) was actually written tainment from time to time, includ- PRINTS * Custom Awards designed for Cliff Richard, but Alan gave it ing the comedy team of Abbott & LITHOGRAPHED ON HEAVY GLOSS STOCK to me I * Direct Shipping to recipients on request instead. said 'this is great and Costello and actor Charles Laugh - has an American sound that could ton. The last live entertainment at get me back in the States.'" the Coronet was a 1966 concert by BLACK & WHITE 8x10's Sayer's regained pop appeal has the Association. 500 - $45.00 1000 - $65.00 paved the way for a summer tour that will include Las Vegas. "I'm COLOR PRINTS glad for the previous experiences of Juice Newton Ploy 1000 - $311.00 working the Troubadour and the DEJAY PRODUCTS Continued from page 66 Greek Theatre, but I want to prove SEND 8:10 PHOTO CHECK OR M.O. PRICES INCLUDE TYPESETTING AND FREIGHT recently, professional SAMPLES ON REQUEST 3010 W. Burbank to the people what I can do. help may have "People have forgotten me as a to be brought in. "After a point you find Burbank, CA 91505 live performer," he says. "Every- that you thing is based on the live show. It's can't do all the business and all the PICTURES been my lifeblood." music too. If the record continues on 1867 E. FLORIDA ST. (213) 845 -0744 849 -5347 This time around though, Sayer this momentum, we may have to SPRINGFIELD, MO. 65803 (Continued on page 70) farm some things out," says Newton.

www.americanradiohistory.com 69 Talent °BUTALA ONLY ORIGINAL LEFT 20- Year-Old Lettermen Fate Of Small Showcase Clubs Doing Better Than Ever Pondered As Fewer Artists Tour Continued from page 66 number of limited -capacity clubs and Martin for soldout houses, says By JEAN WILLIAMS headlining a soldout 1,500 -seat hall still are managing to hold their own owner David Allen. LOS ANGELES -The Lettermen seriously -we don't live and die by rather than playing to a half -filled in troubled economic waters. "We don't try to compete with the are not only a recording group but the Lettermen sound. Adaptability large auditorium. Stan Snadowski, co -owner of New larger clubs and halls, we know we also a million dollar a year corpora- is the name of the game and that's Variety Artists' Max Kittel feels York's Bottom Line. maintains a can't outbid them. What we can do, tion, says group leader and company what keeps a group like the Letter- artists are showing definite signs of policy of booking acts with active however. is offer the acts a warm, in- owner Tony Butala. men going," he adds. becoming more flexible in their fee record product, major followings or timate atmosphere with excellent, The Lettermen. with 48 Capitol Although Butala admits the group demands. "They're looking at the label endorsement. Since his club appreciative audiences." albums to their credit, are making stays open every night of the week would like to score a hit record, he long -range career benefits instead of At 500 seats, the Boarding House more money now than ever before, for two shows, he's a firm believer in says, "Another thing that has kept us stating flatly, 'This is our price.' is usually able to sell out top -name claims Butala. the value of promotion. He's initiat- around so long is that we put em- They're not asking as high a guaran- draws, and it plugs the booking gaps He maintains that although the ing a "Tribute To Birdland" series phasis on entertaining and not just tee in certain cases in order to get the with local or fresh talent in the area. group has not had a top 10 hit in on records." club exposure in a particular mar- that will entitle patrons to three sep- more than Although booking agents and seven years. it commands Two years ago Butala formed Alfa ket." arate jazz acts in an evening priced $35,000-$40.000 a week for club at $6 cover. and instituting a gallery promoters prefer the obvious finan- Omega Records. While he is distrib- Another shadow falling over the dates and $7.500 for concerts. for seating under -18 customers as cial advantage of larger and more uted through independents, he says future of small showcase rooms is The group, booked for the past well. profitable halls. they recognize the he is looking for a tie with a major the lack of record label support in important service listening rooms two decades by the William Morris label. The Lettermen recorded the form of large ticket buys, media "This is an inflation type package Agency, has, for a number of years, that will be good for the acts and for provide and rue the demise of estab- "What I Did For Love" as its first parties in key markets, and the lished ones such as the Exit /In. been a favorite on college campuses. Alfa disk. "breaking talent tours" which made the consumer. It will lower our gross. And while the trio keeps busy play- but the acts will still get a fair price." "Nashville is an important record - For the past two years Butala has it feasible to book tomorrow's head- ing the Fairmont Hotel circuit, Los Taking out -of- the -ordinary to buying market," says Bill Hahn. produced the group but for the new liners for minimal sums. Vegas, Reno, Tahoe and Atlantic new limits is Atlanta's Animal "With the Exit gone and no secon- LP he went to outside producers, "It's a mistake for to try and City, it still manages to squeeze in clubs Crackers, a 425 -seat music club lo- dary club to fall back on. we'll have Hank Medress and Dave Appell. rely on labels," observes Feyline's about 20 college dates a year, says cated in a larger entertainment cen- to reroute our tours to bypass Nash - Morris. "The name of the is Butala. Butala is the only original mem- game ter which also houses a five -star res- vile completely. It hurts the act, and Butala, sole owner of the Letter- ber of the Lettermen. The group. promote, promote. Ticket buys and taurant and the world's largest it hurts the people who would like to industry parties men. says, "We're not a nostalgia formed in 196.1, hit with "The Way are nice gravy but indoor ferris wheel. Says Crackers see the concert." they're not the bread and butter." group and we never want to be. We You Look Tonight" the same year. manager Bill Sherman, "You've got "It comes down to a labor of have never played lounges -only Jim Pike and Bob Engemann Brad Chittum, who manages to establish the fact that there's a love," sighs Hank LoConti, describ- showrooms. We're initiating new au- rounded out the trio. The three were P.O.E.T.'s in Memphis, believes the reason to visit the club. These days, ing his efforts to keep his 10 -chain diences because we change with the equal partners in the Letterman change in the economy may have ac- people don't just go to a club for no Agora circuit operating steadily. "At times. Most people think of us as a Corp. tually helped in one sense: "I'm reason. There has to be a name play- this moment, three of our locations group with a soft sound. However. When Pike and Engemann left the finding it easier to get better acts be- ing or some other diversion to attract aren't doing well in their markets. when the trend turned to folk we did group, Butala purchased their inter- cause they can't afford to tie them- them." It's hard to come up with the for- that. We also do rock and disco. ests. Jim's brother Gary Pike re- selves with huge production costs The Boarding House in San Fran- mula for success with small halls and "We have never taken our sound placed Engemann in 1968 and and stage equipment any more. cisco has long been a veteran talent - more. The majority of our profits no Donny Pike replaced Jim in 1974. They've scaled their shows down to developing venue in the U.S. Today, longer come from major headliners. The group has remained intact the smaller halls." it has survived a change of location Today, it's new wave, local acts and past seven years. With innovative promotion and and business continues to hold on. dance groups that are keeping things Productions On During the 18 years and 48 al- an open -door policy for bookings, a drawing headliners like Lily Tomlin afloat." bums with Capitol. the Lettermen Tap At Vegas were able to score nine gold LPs. The group has never received a gold Silverbird Hotel single. LAS VEGAS -The financially troubled Silverbird Hotel and Ca- Beginning sino, flagship of the late Major Producer Penney Riddle's Las Vegas empire, will once again replace headliner policies with a production show. The March 27 Guiding Gibbs change comes even as, according to By KIP KIRBY in hotel sources, the casino advertises April... NASHVILLE -Music's newest itself for sale Wall in the Street Jour- Cinderella success story may well be nal. Terri Gibbs. Until the powerful "Our hope," says director of pub- punch of "Somebody's Knockin'" lic relations, advertising and enter- landed her simultaneously on the tainment Lee Fisher, "is that the all - country. pop and A/C charts, the new edition of 'Feminine Touch' blind young singer's chief accom- Record will solve our main room problem plishment consisted of her long -term permanently. The star policy is just singing engagement at an Augusta. too to difficult maintain." Ga. Steak & Ale restaurant. The production show is being pre- Changing all that for Gibbs is Company pared for the late March opening by veteran producer Matt Gregory, producer Ed Penney. Penney first heard Gibbs by way a he who brought "Nouvelle Eve" to the of demo happened to hear while El Rancho Vegas in the 1950s and sifting through a stack of publishing tapes, PROMOTION has had a previous show also known as "Feminine Touch." tracked her down and eventually brought her to Nashville with Fisher states that the hotel will un- to sign R'IZARDS derwrite the show by "repaying, not MCA Records. Penney not only co- wrote prepaying" pre -production ex- "Somebody's Knockin' " spe- cifically for Gibbs but followed it penses.during the first 12 -week con- with a debut album tract. The Silverbird has options to strong enough to be steadily climbing both the coun- renew in 12 -week segments. will find the Sources had rumored that the ho- try and pop charts. tel had dropped its main room enter- "This project was sort of like my tainment budget from $50,000 last hurrah, my last chance at suc- play-by -play facts faster weekly to $15,000 weekly. Recent cess," says Penney, who had worked artists to play the room include the as a deejay and independent record Fifth Dimension, Pete Willcox, a promotion man in Boston before than ever before popular local lounge act and Joe moving to Nashville in 1971. "I'd Dolan, an Irish import. Sandler and managed several publishing com- Young four-walled (self -leased) the panies here and gotten some cuts as in our room for four weeks last September; a songwriter, but I had reached the earlier artists included Roger Miller, point where I wanted to go out on Freddy Fender and Tina Turner. my own." "Ipi Tombi," a South African Penney's belief in Gibbs was con- show, was installed for 12 months in tagious. He penned "Somebody's mid -1979, but dumped after au- Knockin' " with co- writer Jerry Gil- dience counts declined. At that time, lespie for his artist in a record two displaced artists threatened a num- hours. and the strength of the single ber of lawsuits, but most of those scored Gibbs an album deal with the were dropped when the hotel re- label. The single moved slowly at sumed its headliner policy. first, but Penney says he spent long bin TIM WALTER (Continued on page 83)

www.americanradiohistory.com 70 Tolent Survey For Week Ending 3/8/81 TaIenl In Action Top Boxoffice RY COODER the acoustically poor environment he was work- In the torrid "Why Do You Love," he tapped Country Club, Reseda, Calif. ing in, he overcame the handicap by sheer everyone standing at the foot of the stage gently Admission: $6.50 showmanship. on the head with the stem of his guitar in a c Copyright 1981, Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted. By the time he reached number six, "No, No mock -Papal style blessing ceremony. It drew in any form or by any means. electronic. mechanical, Cooder's long overdue March 4 appearance, photocopying, recording. or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher It Wasn't Me," he was ready for action. He laughs and lots cheers. to put it simply, was one of the most spirited live of doffed his jacket and began rubber -legging it And finally, in And he shows in recent memory. "Reelin' Rockin'," got from one end of the wide stage to the other in a downright raunchy. Like many of his songs, the Total Ticket Cooler's music has always reflected the ARTIST - Promoter, Facility, Dates squat. He continued the frantic gyrations for the words are nothing more than variations of some N Ticket Price Gross broad range of Americana, with each LP paint- cc DENOTES SELLOUT PERFORMANCES Sales Scale Receipts duration of the set which, one might add, re- old time blues standards, but Thorogood could ing a tapestry of musical styles. His live shows quires peak physical conditioning to say nothing sell air -conditioned igloos to the Eskimos in De- are similarly eclectic with backing support com- Arenas (6,000 To of rhythm. cember. X. PRICE 20,000) ing from varied musicians. JOE Yet, on this tour, Cooder has perhaps his most stable group of players called Radio Silents 1 CHARLIE DANIELS /KANSAS/MOLLY HATCHET- 28,924 $12 -$15 $373,476 with local guitarist John Hiatt as the focal point. Superstar Productions, Super Dome, New Orleans, The band superbly supported Cooder's mu- La., March 8 sic, which ranged from Elvis Presley's "Little Talent Talk 2 RUSH /MAX WEBSTER- Contemporary Productions, 22,758 $8.5049.50 $212,825* Checkerdome, St. Louis, Mo., March 4 & Sister" to Sam Cooke's "Havin' A Party" to 5 (2) John Waite, lead singer of the since it was discovered that the tapes 3 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN-Sunshine Promotions, Arena, 17,332 $9 -$11 $182,952* "Teardrops Will Fall." Throughout the 90 -min- Babys, has left the group to pursue a used for the LP were not the ones Lexington, Ky., March 4 ute, 14 -song set, Cooder's guitar playing moved solo career. He will continue to made during the Royal Albert 4 STYX -Bill Graham Presents, Cow Palace, San 14,500 $11- $12.50 $159,500* from the playful to the inspired while Hiatt exer- Hall record for Chrysalis, as show as assumed were Francisco, Ca., March 2 cised restraint in his supporting role. will the and actually 5 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN- Promotions, Babys, who are a recorded Sunshine Arena, 14,632 $9 -$11 $153,081* Vocals by Willie James Green Jr. and Bobby looking for lead in Oakland. Calif. singer Indianapolis, Ind., March 5 King were outstanding, and on occasion over- and guitarist to take Waite's Cheap Trick and the Romantics place. 6 KOOL & THE GANG /GAP BAND /SLAVE /YARBROUGH 14,000 $9.50- $10.50 $137,209 shadowed Cooder's, especially on the gospel -fla- jammed together in Atlanta & PEOPLES -Alan Haymon Presents /WG r A remake Rick Nelson's 10 vored &b tunes. of top recently. first at Cheap Trick's per- Entertainment, March 8 Cooder only minimally drew from hit material on of the spring of 1958. "Believe formance at the Fox Theatre and 7 GRATEFUL DEAD- Monarch Entertainment /Student 13,842 $8 -$9 $118,143* his new Warner Bros. "Borderline" LP with the What You Say," will be released later in the evening at the Roman- Entertainment Board, Univ. of Md., College Park, country playfulness of "The Girls From Texas" from his new album, "Playing To tics' sold -out Agora show. Songs Md., March 7 the most exhuberant selection. During "You Win" (Capitol) Monday (16). The performed included "Highway To 8 NAZARETH /APRIL WINE -Brass Ring Productions, 11,985 $9 -$10 $116,323* Cobb Arena, Detroit, Can't Fool Me," Cooder demonstrated his wry remake was added to the LP as a Hell." "Route 66" and "The Last Mich., March 6 9 RUSH /MAX WEBSTER -Star Date Productions, $10.50 $98,990* wit with an amusing dialog about his not want- live -in- the -studio cut after producer Time." 9,700 $9.50- Arena, Milwaukee. Wisc., March ing to work on this night. ED HARRISON Jack Nitzsche heard Nelson and his 2 Buddah /Arista recording artists, 10 KOOL & THE GANG /GAP BAND /SLAVE /YARBROUGH 10,200 $8 -$9 $85,541* Stone Canyon Band perform it as a GEORGE THOROGOOD & Robert Winters and his group Fall, & PEOPLES-Alan Haymon Presents /WG warm -up for a recording session one THE DESTROYERS are in San Francisco rehearsing for Entertainment /Sunsong Productions, Colis., evening. "Believe What You Say" Jacksonville, Fla., March 7 Country Club, Reseda, Calif an upcoming spring concert tour. was written by Johnny and Dorsey 11 MOLLY HATCHET/.38 SPECIAL -Sound Seventy 9,900 $7.50 -$8.50 $81,233* Tickets: $8.50 Winters is also scheduled to appear Burnette, who auditioned it and sev- Productions, Muni. Aud., Nashville, Tenn., March 6 on the 10th annual National Easter Not to trifle with words (let alone names), eral other songs for Nelson after they 12 KOOL & THE GANG /SWITCH /YARBROUGH & 8,500 $8.5049.50 $77,376* Seal Telethon that airs Saturday (28) Thorogood was thoroughly good the night of Feb. drove across the country from Ten- PEOPLES -Alan Haymon Presents /WG and Sunday (29). After a hearing Entertainment, Civic Center, Augusta, 19. He had to be to fill this cavernous Wolf nessee, parked in his parent's drive- Ga., March 6 March 6 in Harbor Municipal Court 13 KOOL & THE GANG /GAP BAND /SWITCH/ 7,483 $10 $74,830* Rissmiller 1,000 -seater to the rafters both way and waited for him to get home in Costa Mesa. Calif., the embattled YARBROUGH & PEOPLES -Alan Haymon Presents/ shows, early and late, and send everyone home from school. Released in March of thoroughly pleased. Cuckoo's Nest club is still temporar- WG Entertainment, Ohio Center, Columbus, Ohio, 1958. the single remained in the top March Backed by saxophone, bass guitar and ily closed- (Billboard, March 7, 5 10 for three months. 14 NAZARETH/APRIL WINE /DONNIE IRIS -Sunshine 9,361 $7.5048.50 $72,261 drums, the animated Thorogood fired up his gui- 1981). Further hearings are due. A videotape of Creedence Clear- Promotions, Arena, Indianapolis, Ind., March 4 tar and talk -sang his merry way through a mara- water Revival's 1970 Though without a record label. 15 RUSH /MAX WEBSTER-Sunshine Promotions, 8,250 $8 -$9 $66,671* thon 90- minute, 15 -tune set, running the gamut Royal Albert Loudon Wainwright is keeping busy. Convention Center, Louisville, Ky., March 7 from old time blues to country to rock 'em sock Hall performance will be shown on He was on Broadway for a month in 16 GEORGE JONES /TAMMY WYNETTE /JERRY LEE 7,317 $7.50 -$8.50 $59,000 'em rock'n'roll. the "Midnight Special" Friday (27). Harold Pinter's "Birthday Party" LEWIS -C.K. Spurlock, Colis., Greensboro, N.C., It wasn't so much the quality of his voice or The band's "The Concert" album and is doing two nights at the Bot- March 6 the uniqueness of his melody and lyrics that put (Fantasy) meanwhile, has been tom Line. 17 MOLLY HATCHET /.38 SPECIAL -Ruffino & Vaughn, 7,311 $7.50 -$8.50 $58,261* him over, but the way he "sells." For inspite of newly covered. labeled and stickered Colis., Biloxi, Miss., March 8 a leave ab- Bobby Short taking of 18 GEORGE JONES /TAMMY WYNETTE /JERRY LEE 7,524 $7.50 -$8.50 $58,127 sence after playing 12 years at the LEWIS -C.K. Spurlock, Colis., Charlotte, N.C., March Cafe Carlyle in New York when his 7 spring engagement ends in June. He 19 CHEAP TRICK /UFO- Cedric Kushner Productions, 5,440 $9.50- $10.50 $57,978 will come back for a month in De- Civic Center, Baltimore, Md., March 3 cember. ... Wednesday nights are "Boss Nights" at the Cornerstone club in Syracuse, with lookalikes, Auditoriums (Under 6,000) clone bands and fans joining in to sing Bruce Springsteen songs. 1 DOUG HENNING -Bill Graham Presents, War Mem'l 26,000 $9.50- $16.50 $374,488 ROMAN KOZAK & Opera House, San Francisco, Ca., Feb. 27 -March 7 KAREN KELLY (15) 2 SHA NA NA/TOM MAllARELLA- Cuber -Gross, Valley 17,592 $11.25 $197,910* Forge Music Thea., Philadelphia, Pa., March 5.8 coemar Leo Sayer Back (6) 3 GRATEFUL DEAD- Electric Factory Concerts, Stanley 7,368 $9.50- $10.50 $75,037* Continued from page 68 Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa., March 5 & 6 (2) the fight for success explains that the game plan is differ- 4 SHA NA NA/ -DiCesare - Engler 7,484 $9.75 $72,969* ent than his initial American break- Productions, Stanley Theatre, March 3 & 4 (2) coemar is europe's leading manufacturer in lighting through. "In 1976 it was a carefully 5 GRATEFUL DEAD- Monarch Entertainment, Music 5,848 $9.50 $55,556 and special effects for nightclubs, loungues, planned effort to attack the U.S. Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, March 2 & 3 (2) hotel halls, theaters, arenas, studios, auditorium halls, 6 NAZARETH /APRIL WINE -Brass Ring Productions, 5,377 $8.50 -$9.50 charts. Now we're going from the big $50,390* and every other place where entertainment is. IMA Arena, Flint, Mich., March 5 budgeted Perry -produced albums to Ì 7 JOHNNY CASH -Lou Robbins, Stanley Theatre, 3,568 $9- $12.50 $39,256 the simpler $60.000 kind. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 7 "Following the success of 'Endless coemar ing. s. marcucci srl 8 CAMEO /SILVER PLATINUM- Fantasma Productions, 3,953 $9.25 $36,565* coemar Flight.' I tried too hard to duplicate Gusman Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., March 7 commercial office: via vaina 1, 20122 milano, italy telex: convint -i for coemar 330813 it. But now I find that I'm smiling 9 GEORGE THOROGOOD -Perryscope Concert 4,000 $9 $36,000* factory: via bonfiglio 2, 46042 castel goffredo (mn) and I am able to achieve the same Productions, Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, B.C., success without forcing it." Sayer March 3 & 4 (4) 10 OUTLAWS /DOC HOLLIDAY- Electric Factory says. 3,704 $8.50 -$10 $35,613* Concerts, Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa., March 2 He describes himself as "sort of an 11 HARRY CHAPIN -Larry Vallon Presents, Dorothy 3,068 $8.50- $10.50 $34,094* where he acts out the acting singer," Chandler Pavilon, L.A., Ca., March 2 song if it needs it. "The tracks on 12 OUTLAWS /DOC HOLLIDAY- Electric Factory 4,085 $7.50 -$8.50 $33,444* those three albums were not really Concerts, Univ., Scranton, Pa., March 4 me, but a little boy. The other songs 13 ROBERTA FLACK -Alan Haymon Presents, Berklee 2,400 $12.50 $29,000* were purely autobiograpahical. Center, Boston, Mass., March 6 One hellava Those were me at the time but not 14 OUTLAWS /DOC HOLLIDAY- Electric Factory 2,860 $8.50 -$10 $28,867* anymore." Concerts, Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa., March 5 good studio at 15 CUFF RICHARD /USA NEMZO-Albatross 2,526 $9.50 -$10.50 $25,983* Although he has not lived in Los a hellava Productions, Italian Center, Vancouver, B.C., March good a few years, Sayer feels Angeles for 5 rate. confident enough to return here to 16 JORMA KAUKONEN /NEW RIDERS /LEVON HELM- 2,851 $7.50 -$8.50 $23,624 Call: record his next album with a still un- Monarch Entertainment, Capitol Theatre, Passaic, 3M- STUDER. disclosed producer. Tarney's hectic N.J., March 7 f' N.J. (201) 673 -5680 APSI 40 IN CONSOLE. schedule conflicted with Sayer's 17 MOLLY HATCHET /TROUPE -Contemporary 2,671 $8.75 $23,144 24 Track EMT, EVENTIDE 949, YAMAHA N.Y. (212) 874 -1358 recording plans. Productions/New West Presentations, Muni. Aud., C7 GRAND, AKG. NEUMANN. Shreveport, La., March 3 TAMA, PROPHET V, B3, "I want to record in Los Angeles Located in 18 GEORGE THOROGOOD- Perryscope Concert 2,000 $8.50 $17,000 KEPEX II again," remarks Sayer. "My ship has East Orange, Productions, Community Center, Calgary, Canada, come in and I'm again leaning EASTERN ARTISTS RECORDING STUDIO, INC. New Jersey March 7 toward the States. There's nothing in the U.K. for me except Tarney."

www.americanradiohistory.com 71 Disco Business BY ROCKPOOL PROMOS New Music Seminar To Repeat NEW YORK -Rockpool Promo- that goes to record company officials Hard Sheet /Friday Morning Quar- tions, the dance music industry's and music publications. terback that Jem Records distributes most successful rock -oriented record The newsletter includes: to an estimated 200 "new music" ac- pool, will again present its New Mu- counts around the country. Top 30 national dance rock sic Seminar, which was first held in Josephson and Heaps define "new New in July last chart complete with a "bubbling un- York year. music" as "pop for thinking kids," According to Rockpool der" feature; officials and claim that the success of their Danny Heaps and Mark Josephson, Sample of top 20 listings from pool is based on their awareness of the success of last year's one -day 16 retail outlets; disco's expansion of its parameters. seminar, with an estimated 330 reg- Top 30 national progressive ra- They state, "The music now is istrants, paved the way for this year's dio chart, also with a un- "bubbling more eclectic than before. It is no event, which is being expanded to der" feature; longer two days. defined in terms of dance -ori- Radio's top 20; and A planning committee featuring ented rock. new wave, dance rock or Back page with a chart analy- Tom Silverman, the Dance Music post- progressive pop. Instead. the sis, new releases and pick hits. music Report; Joel Webber, independent now takes many forms, and there is much crossover one AOR specialist; and publicist Gary To maintain its integrity, Rock - from format to Kenton has already been estab- pool refrains from carrying paid ad- another." lished. vertisements in its newsletter. It also They continue, "Actually, it is This year's seminar will be pat- recently instituted a newsletter sub- more a part of the market than a terned after last year's that featured scription fee of $45 a year, to offset kind of music. It is now an audience, 12 special meetings conducted by 65 rising production costs. a constituency that is particularly industry experts. There were also According to Josephson and interested in finding new music to workshops, talent showcases and fo- Heaps, Rockpool Promotions serv- fulfill their needs." rums. ices records from "every major do- They add that although the In a further effort to keep pace mestic label, and many smaller ones, growth of the new music continues Billboard Photo by Chuck Pulin with the inroads new wave and along with private releases and to be centered in New York, "there RITZ SPOOF -Lou Albano, right, best known for his role as a manager of rock'n'roll have made in clubs' products of over 30 foreign labels." are significant amounts of activity in heavyweight wrestlers, appears on stage at the Ritz discotheque, New York, dance music formats, Rockpool Pro- In its first year of operation, the pool other areas of the country with clubs with a new protege, Terry Adams of the rock group NRBQ. Transferring some motions has expanded its operations serviced an estimated 65.000 records opening, records being released. ra- of his colorful showmanship from the wrestling ring to the concert stage, Al- to include 125 members throughout averaging between 60 and 80 re- dio offering support and bands bano spoofs the club by having Adams carry giant boxes of Ritz crackers. the U.S. The organization now serv- leases a month. working." ices an estimated 75 club spinners Meanwhile, Josephson and Heaps As evidence of how well the "new and 50 progressive radio stations disclose that they will prepare a top music" is working in discotheques Dogs of War Regrouping from both the college and commer- 30 chart every month for the New and clubs around the country, Jo- cial circuits. York Rocker, a consumer publica- sephson and Heaps point to the fact CHICAGO -Dogs of War record modeling work is underway. "We The pool also accepts "new mu- tion. Information for this chart will that groups like the Clash, Killing pool is rebuilding membership and want to make it a nice place where sic" reports from another 50 retail be drawn from the pool's research of Joke, the Pretenders. Manicured label contacts under new ownership. you can come in and sit down and outlets specializing in this product. clubs, stores and radio. Noise, Police and the B -52s are find- Eddie Thomas, founder of the visit. Right now we're waiting for The information is collated into a Rockpool's charts already are ing acceptance both among rock pool and veteran r &b promoter, has people to come in and carpet. comprehensive weekly newsletter published in another publication. and disco fans. stepped aside. The new owner of the "We changed our name to Dogs of non -profit group is Joe Lucania. War Music Assn. We are dealing Lucania is one of four salaried with all facets of music, gospel, rock. employees of the new pool. The new wave, r &b, new rock." -MOO ifw(ypv (wPifll name has been changed to Dogs of Lucania states that at the time of War Music Assn. (formerly Dogs of takeover Dogs of War debts totalled wo MfMO11Y COMIhOlifn War Disco Jocks Assn.). $70,000. The operation was pur- _! ..i) "4 =0144 Lucania maintains that non -. -. -profit chased for $1, Lucania said. corporate status is necessary for all 0 ®770_ .® .® - 0 e pools. "Record companies would Lucania said deejays from as far as not deal with a profit corporation away West Virginia are being e serviced via UPS. The monthly fee is ál 'because we're dealing with a prod- uct which is not for sale. which is $55. Club deejays must work three loaned to this service organization." nights per week. with a IO night Lucania estimated that label con- monthly minimum for mobile spin- tacts have risen more than 200% ners. since his takeover nine weeks ago. Lucania's rules stipulate a 30 -day One major label is back which had grace period between gigs. Member- severed ties after alleging that ship now totals more than 130. he promo copies were diverted to a one - said. stop. reports Lucania. Other Chicago-area record pools "I have everybody, including At- are Rocky Jones' Audio Talent, Paul lantic," the pool chief explained. He Weisberg's Independent Record said product on more than 100 labels Service and Don St. James' National was being received today. Disco Jocks Assn. Together the four Pool headquarters remain at 2112 pools claim to have more than 325 S. Michigan. Lucania said that re- subscribers.

DISCO 12" IMPORTS Looking for high energy Disco imports and don't & LP's (WHOLESALE know what to buy or where FOR STORES) to go? Canada Mexico England Germany Can't find popular import 12"? Try us -We have the best selection of Disco Imports wholesale you Litelab's U.L. Approved can find. Some of the items we carry are:

Import 12" Bon Bon Vie -7 S. Monk Hit 8 Run Lover -Carol Gianl Paradise -Change All Amer can Girls - Passion -Rod Stewart Entertainment Lighting Controllers: Get Tough -Kleer Sister Sledge Any Time or Place -Azoto Do ft All Night /Head- Prince Can You Handle It- Bahamas-Harry Thu mann Now and Then (Medley) Sharon Redd Up & Down- Wonder -Leedes Orch. Exotically -Peter Jacques Band Dancing With Myself-Gen X The Best Keeps Getting Keep Down Better Yesterday Once More -Love DeLuxe Take Me to the Bridge -Vera -Spinners I'm Starting Over - Video Games-Ronnie Jones Hot Wax (Remix)- Mother F Grace Kennedy Young Men Drive Fast -Quick Don't Stop the Music -Fussy Mother's Love-Macho Nights (Feel Like Getting Cussy To Cut A Long Story Short- Down) -Billy Ocean Also Available From Litelab Get the Look-New Paradise Spandau Ballet Just Be Yourself -Nite Life Super Love -Skyy Planet Earth -Duran Duran Unlimited Hot Love /Feels Like I'm In Pirhanna-Adal Scantly Now Baby Now-Kano MIRROR BALLS - FOG MACHINES - TUBELITE - ROTATORS - MEGA PIN Love (Remix) -Kelly Marie Super Band I'll Be Standing Beside You - Can't You Feel It- Jacksons Miss Manhattan -Metropol Passengers BEAMS - CHASER STRIPS - SEALED BEAMS - STROBES - CROSS FADERS Music Makes My Night - Watching You -Slave Don't Stop The Music - DANCE FLOORS - PAINTING - Yarbrough & Peoples Madeleen Kane The Break (New Remix) LIGHT SYNCHROLITES Rapture (Remix) -Blondie -Katmandu Hot NEW YORK Call or write for our free store Leather -Passengers plus many mors list of available Imports. 212 -675.4357 BUFFALO LOS ANGELES All orders are shipped 212-924-7783 IMPORT DISC 716- 856 -4300 213- 936 -6206 immediately UPS. O RECORDS NYC Telex 237358 We export to all PO BOX 685, KINGS P,4RK, NY 11754 foreign countries (516) 269 -5770 TELEX 230 199 SWIFT -UR

www.americanradiohistory.com 72 Disco Business Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 F. Billboard c Copyright 1981. Billboard Publica- IN LAS VEGAS tions, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted. in any form or by any means, electronic. mechanical. Mobile DJs Tapping photocopying. recording, or otherwise. I without the prior written permission of Discolop , the publisher

Th,s LAW Convention Business Oscan TITLE(S), Artist, Label TITLE(S), Artist, Label Wed Week Week Meek ch d By TIM WALTER 1 14 RAPTURE/THE TIDE IS HIGH -Blondie- Chrysalis 51 31 24 CAN YOU FEEL IT/WALK RIGHT NOW-The Jacksons -Epic LAS VEGAS -Conventions are currently an elementary school (LP) CHE 1290 (LP) FE 36424

viewed as the profitable "plus" for teacher by day, has a base price of 2 28 TANTRA-THE DOUBLE ALBUM -all cuts -Tantra -Importe/ 52 48 6 ELECTRICITY- Trixsie- Brass /Brasilia (12 -inch) mobile discos here. Mobile Oper- $350 for a four -hour package in- 12 (LP) MP,310 BRDS 2514 ators in this city feel that when eluding a light show. "We have lots 3 9 BREAKING AND ENTERING /EASY MONEY -Dee Dee Sharp 53 43 7 TRY /COLOR -Delta 5- added to such regular events as wed - of options," continues Cocks, "in- Gamble -PIR (LP) 17 36370 Rough Trade (7-inch) RTUS 002 dings and private parties, conven- eluding a fog machine, thanks to a 4 11 rT'S A LOVE THING /UP ON SOUL TRAIN /I CAN MAKE IT 54 45 24 DIRTY MIND -all cuts- Prince -Warner BETTER -I he Whispers -Solar (LP) BZL1.3518 (LP) BSK 3478 tions help ensure a long and stable 24 -hour source for dry ice, a laser show. name it." 8 8 YOUR LOVE- Lime -Prism 55 61 5 SHACK UP /DO THE DU -A Certain Ratio- Factory (12- business. dancers. you (12-inch) PDS 409 inch) FACUS 4 Last year, 449 conventions Cocks says that convention pro - 9 LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME /SUPER TROUPER /ON AND 56 46 25 TAKE OFF- Harlow- G.R.A.F. brought 656.024 delegates into the gramming is different from private ON AND ON- Abba -Atlantic (LP) SD 16023 (LP) G 001 city. "They all like to party. It's a big parties and weddings. He may carry 5 9 CAN YOU HANDLE IT/YOU GOT MY LOVE- Sharon Redd - 57 47 6 Irs OBVIOUS -Au Pairs -021 market to tap." states John Cocks, as many as 300 albums to a show. Prelude (LP) PRL 12181 Records (7-inch) Import co -owner of the Dancing Machine, "We've got a clearly defined age 9 7 ALL AMERICAN GIRLS /HE'S JUST A RUNAWAY- Sister 58 59 6 LOVE LINE - Forecast -Ariola Inc. group. so we'll play top 40 and coun- Sledge -Cotillion (LP) 16027 (12 -inch) OP 2206 "Conventions are 204 of my busi- try, the latest disco and recognizable 15 6 GET TOUGH /LICENSE TO DREAM /DE KLEEER THING - 69 3 JUST A GIGOLO /PAY MY BILLS -Barbi & the Kens -"0" Kleeer- Atlantic (LP) SD 19288 Records (7-inch) OR 811 ness, and it is growing all the time," disco like 'Last Dance' and `Satur- 10 6 15 YOU'RE TOO LATE- Fantasy -Pavillion 60 49 41 CAREER GIRL/IT'S NOT WHAT YOU GOT ...- Carrie is Cocks claims. After three years in day Night Fever.' Lighting impor- (12-inch) 4Z8 6408 Lucas -Solar (LP /12 -inch) BSK1 3519/YD 12144 business. the firm has developed a tant, too, much more important than 11 11 16 SOUL/HEAVEN ABOVE ME/LET R BE WHATEVER IT IS- 61 55 5 I TRAVEL -Simple Minds -Arista large percentage of repeat calls in at the wedding parties." Frankìe Valli- MCA /Curb (LP) 5134 (7 -inch) Import

addition to new customers. Weddings. which comprise about 12 12 10 LET'S DO IT- Convection -SAM 72 3 ME NO POP I /QUE PASA/ME NO POP I -Coati Mundi- "We're versatile in terms of cus- 30% of Cocks' bookings, require a (12 -inch) S -12336 Antilles/Ze (12 -inch) AN 807 tomer requests," he says. "serving special package. "It's unique be- 13 13 13 SET ME FREE-The Three Degrees -Ariola 63 63 16 HERE'S TO YOU -Skyy- Salsoul (LP /12-inch) anywhere from 50 to 2,000 or even cause you've got a cross -section of (LP) OL-1501/ SA 8537/SG 339 r more." The former hi -fi salesman. (Continued on page 73) 28 5 LOVE IS GONNA BE ON YOUR SIDE -Firefly- Emergency 64 64 30 IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND /UP ON THE ROOF -Viola (12-inch) 6515 Wills -Ariola (LP) OL 1507

15 16 11 FULL OF FIRE /MAKE THAT MOVE -Shalamar -Solar 65 65 10 CHILL -OUT /SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME -Free (LP) BXLI -3577 Expression- Vanguard (12-inch) SPV 39

16 18 8 WON'T YOU LET ME BE THE ONE- Michael McGloiry- 66 60 13 DO ME A FAVOR -Amy Balton- Importe /12 (LP) SUNSHINE RECORD DISTRIBUTORS Airwave (12-inch) AW12 94964 MP -309 17 10 19 LOOK UP /NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP- Patrice Rushen- 67 62 15 LET'S HANG ON /ONE, TWO, THREE -Salazar -First SERVING YOU WITH PRODUCT FROM Elektra (LP) 6E 302 American (12 -inch) FA 1203

18 14 16 I HEAR MUSIC IN THE STREETS /IN THE MIDDLE - 78 5 I DON'T WANT YOU BACK- Ramona Brooks -Q (12 -inch) Unlimited Touch- Preluäe (LP /12.inch) PRL 12184/ Q 2001 PRLD 605 Billboard r, 69 66 18 WATCHING YOU /FEEL MY LOVE- Slave- Cotillion 19 19 14 BURN RUBBER -The Gap Band -Mercury (LP) SD 5224 (LP) SRM 76091 70 77 4 I WILL FOLLOW-U2- Island 20 17 9 FANCY DANCER -Lenny White - Elektra (LP) ILPS 9646 (LP) 6E 304 71 67 22 LOOKING FOR CLUES /JOHNNY & MARY- Robert Palmer - TM Discolop 21 20 14 BON BON VIE /CANDIDATE FOR LOVE -T.S. Monk - Island (LP) ILPS 9595 Mirage /Atlantic (LP) 19291 82 5 ROCK THIS TOWN /RUNAWAY BOYS -The Stray Cats - :z 35 3 N NO CORRIDA- Quincy Jones -A &M Arista (LP) Import (7 -inch) 2309 83 2 DRIVING ME WILD -The Stylistics -TSOP WEEK w SEK TITLE- Artist -Label 23 23 9 GIVE ME YOUR LOVE- Sylvia Striplin -Uno Melodic (LP) 1Z 36410 (12-inch) UMD 7001 84 2 BOOGIE LAND -Ike Strong -Willkerr 24 24 6 DOG EAT DOG /'ANTMUSIC' /KINGS OF THE WILD (12-inch) 1126 10 YOUR LOVE -Lime FRONTIER -Adam And The Ants -Epic (LP) NIE 37033 1 85 1 96 TEARS- Garland Jeffreys -Epic 52 3 BODY MUSIC -The Strikers -Prelude (LP) JF36983 Prism (12 inch) PDS 409 G1 (12 -inch) PRL 608 86 2 GET UP (Rock Your Body) -202 Machine -Fire Sign (12- 51 4 HIT N' RUN LOVER -Carol Jiani -Matra inch) FST 1451 (12 -inch) Import 18 19 WON'T YOU LET ME BE THE ONE - 77 75 14 TO THE BOYS IN THE BAND -La Flavour -Sweet City Michael McGlorry 27 25 7 THIGHS HIGH-Tom Browne -Arista /GRP Records (12-inch) SCD 5556 (12 inch) GP DI Airwave (12 inch) AW12 94964 78 80 I DEPEND ON YOU -The Two Tons -Fantasy /Honey 28 30 6 WIND ME UP- R.J.'s Latest Arrival- Buddha (LP) F 9605 (12-inch) DSC 144 ci=1 JUKE BOX BABE -Alan Vega -Ze /PVC 23 31 GIVE ME YOUR LOVE -Sylvia Striplin 37 6 FEEL IT- Revelation- Handshake (LP) PVC 7915 (12-inch) AS 887 Uno Melodic (12 inch) UMD 7001 80 70 25 IT'S A WAR /AHJIA -Kano- Emergency 30 22 17 GIVE ME A BREAK /REMEMBER- Vivien Vee- Launch (LP /12-inch) EM 7505 /EMS 6512 (12 -inch) 1003 81 71 22 ALL MY LOVE- L.A.X. - Prelude LOVE IS GONNA BE ON YOUR SIDE ' 46 - 31 21 8 THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN /LIGHTNING STRIKES (Not Once (12-inch) PRLD 604 But Twice) /POLICE ON MY BACK /THE CALL UP -The Firefly- Emergency (12 inch) 6515 82 CHANGE OF LIFE- I-Spies -"0" Records Clash -Epic (LP E3x 37037 Er* (12-inch) OR 711 32 32 18 FEELS UKE I'M IN LOVE Marie -Calibre -Kelly 83 73 23 MASTER BLASTER- Stevie Wonder -Tamla BETCHA' CAN'T LOVE JUST ONE - (12-inch) Import T8 M1 39 49 (LP) 373 33 33 9 LAWNCHAIRS Daughter's Wedding- Design Final Edition -VAP Records (12 inch) 19811 -Our 84 74 15 PASSION -Rod Stewart -Warner (7 -inch) ODW 913 (LP) HS 3485 34 27 16 FANTASTIC VOYAGE- Lakeside -Solar (LP /12.inch) BALI 42 52 JUST BE YOURSELF /TELL ME- 85 00H SUGA WOOGA/THIS FEELIN'(Remix) -Frank Hooker 3720/Y0 12130 & the Positive People- Panorama (LP /12 -inch) BXLI Nightlife Unlimited -uniwave LP 35 26 9 DON'T STOP THE MUSIC- Yarbrough & Peoples- Mercury 3853/YD 12197

(LP) SRM 1 4009 HIT N' RUN LOVER -Carol Jiani 86 76 23 CROSS EYED AND PAINLESS /BORN UNDER PUNCHES/ 62 36 38 6 AIN'T GOT TIME /HOT LOVE -Holt '45 -Sutra ONCE IN A LIFETIME -The Talking Heads -Sire Matra (12 inch) Import (12.inch) SUD 002 (LP) SRK 6095 * 44 5 KEEP MOVIN'- Beverly Hill -Old Town 87 87 21 ENOLA GAY- Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark -Din Disc HEARTBEAT-Taana Gardner (12.inch) OT 121981 (7-inch) Import 77 West End (12 inch) 22132 38 39 7 BETCHA' CANT LOVE JUST ONE -Final Edition -VAP 88 88 18 DANCING WITH MYSELF-Gen X- Chrysalis Records (12inch) 19811 (12.inch) Import * 39 40 6 WHAT A FOOL BEUEVES -Aretha Franklin -Arista 89 THE BIRTHDAY PARTY -Grand Master Flash and The STRUT YOUR STUFF -Young & (LP) AL Furious Five -Sugar Hill (7 -inch) 759 58 68 9538 Company- Brunswick (LP) BL7 54227 53 3 WALKING ON THIN ICE -Yoko Ono- Geffen 90 AND LOVE GOES ON -Earth, Wind, & Fire -ARC /Columbia (7-inch) Get 49683 (LP) KC 2 36795

41 41 6 GYRATE -Pylon -D. B. Records 91 81 13 WHEEL ME OUT -Was (Not Was) -Antilles /Ze (12 -inch) 84 E=110 BOOGIE LAND -Ike Strong (LP) 54 AN 805 Willkerr (12 inch) 1126 42 29 10 DANCE -Silver Platinum -SRI 92 91 9 BRING IT BACK -Tatra Boom -MC Records (I2 inch) SRI 00009 (12-inch) (DC 12 -6

57 3 HEARTBEAT -Taana Gardner -West End 93 93 16 TOO MANY CREEPS -The Bush Tetras -99 Exclusively Representing UNIWAVE /DISC CATALOG (12-inch) 22132 (7-inch) 54 4 PERFECT FIT -ferry Knight -A &M 94 94 6 BODY MUSIC -One On One -Bonus Latest RAPS always in stock! (LP) SP 4843 (12-inch) BN 5551 42 7 JUST BE YOURSELF/TELL ME- Nightlife Unlimited - 95 95 11 MOON OVER MOSCOW/TAR- Visage - Polydor EXPLODING! Uniwave (LP) (LP) PD-1.6304 HEARTBEAT by Taana Gardner West End 22132 56 3 MY SIMPLE HEART-Carol Douglas -20TH 96 90 6 DANCE TO THE FUNKY GROOVE- Maurice Starr -RCA C. (12 -inch) TCD 125 (12-inch) PD 12162 .. Funk driven ... sassy and soulful singing ..." Barry Lederer 68 15 FREEZE/TO CUT A LONG STORY SHORT- Spandau Ballet - 97 89 14 TOO TIGHT -Con Funk Shun -Mercury "LOVE (Is Gonna Be On Your Side)-Firefly Emergency 6515 Chrysalis (LP) CHR 1331 (LP) SRM 14002 .. clean and classy ... tight rhythm and vocal track ... intense ... 58 5 STRUT YOUR STUFF -Young & Company -Brunswick (LP) 98 98 8 ROCK THE HOUSE (Part 1) -Elite -Dakar Barry Lederer BL1 54227 (12 inch) DK 101 36 21 TAKE IT TO THE TOP /CELEBRATION -Kool & the Gang - 99 92 10 WHEN YOU'RE DANCIN' -Pure Energy -Prism (12-inch) WE CAN GIVE YOU THE LATEST INDEPENDENT 12" FIRST! DeLite (LP) DSR 9518 PDS 407

50 50 19 VOICES INSIDE MY HEAD /WHEN THE WORLD IS RUNNING 100 100 18 CHANGE /REQUIEM -Killing Joke- Malicious Damage /EG SUNSHINE RECORD DISTRIBUTORS DOWN... -The Police -A &M (LP) SP 4831 (12-inch) Import 747 Tenth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10019 212 -265 -3530 Compiled from Top Audience Response Records in the 15 U.S regional lists. non- commercial 12 -inch Wholesale Only -Call or write Orders shipped same day. F.O.B., New York * Stars are awarded to those products showing greatest audience repsonse on 15 U.S. regional disco lists. Superstars are awarded to those products showing greatest upward movement on the current week's chart (Prime Movers).

www.americanradiohistory.com 75 Geneiol News Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 "GOT Kool & Gang as oul LPss, Ending Tour, c Copyright 981. Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. TO MAKE IT sto ed in a ret ieval system. or transmitted. in any form or by any means. electronic. mechanical. photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher BETTER' Will Produce C ontinued fi'oni pug(' 66 ä TITLE TITLE full length feature is based on J.R. Artist, Label L Number Artist, Label & Number THE MAGICAL SINGLE Tolkien's "Hobbit" series and fol- (Dist. Label) (Dist. Label) FROM lows closely on the heels of the 2 11 III 39 27 9 KANO recently released "American Pop." The Gap Band, Kano, Emergency Kool & the Gang's two other Mercury SRM-1-4003 (Polygram) EMLP 1505 Brasilia

soundtrack -involvements were 1 13 THE TWO OF US 4 EVERYTHING IS COOL Yarbrough & Peoples, "Saturday Night Fever" which con- T-Connection, Capitol ST 12128 Mercury SRM13834 (Polygram) tained their "Open Sesame." and 41 25 32 T.P. 4 10 IMAGINATION "Summer Madness," which accom- Teddy Pendergrass, The Whispers, P.I.R. FZ 36745 (Epic) panied Sylvester Stallone during Solar BZL13578 (RCA) 42 42 17 POSH his workouts in "Rocks." 4 3 19 HOTTER THAN JULY Patrice Rushee, Elektra 6E-302 Meanwhile, Quintet Associates, Stevie Wonder. Tamla founded in 1979 by the I6- year -old T8 -373M1 (Motown) 43 30 17 FACES band (they've been around since 6 22 STONE JAM Earth. Wind 8 Fire, Cotillion COT -5224 (Atlantic) ARC /Columbia KC236195 1964) acts as an umbrella organiza- Slave. tion for Fresh Start Productions, IN OUR LIFETIME 44 39 28 IRONS IN THE FIRE Marvin Gaye. Teena Marie. Road Gang Ltd. and Fresh Start Tamla T8-374M1 (Motown) Gordy GB-991M1 (Motown) Music. US 1 MAGIC 45 29 27 7APP Tom Browne. Arista /GRP 5011 Headed by Bell and partner Zapp, Warner Bros. BSK 3463 Buzzy Willis, a former vice president 10 18 WINEUGHT 46 43 20 DIRTY MIND Grover Washington. Jr., at RCA Records and with CTI, the Prince. Warner Bros. 8SK 3418 three -pronged organization re- Elektra 6E 305 placed Management Functions 9 9 22 CELEBRATE 47 45 33 GIVE ME THE NIGHT Kool 8 The Gang, De -Lice DSR George Benson, which "didn't work" for the band in 9518 (Polygram) Warner Bros. HS 3453 1977 -'78. says Bell. 10 5 17 FANTASTIC VOYAGE 48 46 40 DIANA Fresh Start Music is the publish- Lakeside, Solar BXL1 -3726 (RCA) Diana Ross. Motown M8.936M1 ing end of the operation while Road 11 8 11 THREE FOR LOVE 49 49 16 SWEET VIBRATIONS Shalamar, Solar 8213577 (RCA) Gang Ltd. involves all road crew - Bobby "Blue" Bland. tour business. 12 12 13 UVE AND MORE MCA MCA-5145 Roberta Flack and Peabo Bryson. AUTOAMERICAN Fresh Start Productions is head- Atlantic SD-2-7004 W czn Blondie, Chrysalis CHE 1290 quartered in New York. The firm is 13 14 22 ARETHA 51 41 29 SHINE ON working with two groups. Some- Aretha Franklin. Arista AL 9538 LT.D., ABM SP 4819 thing Sweet, comprised of three 11 18 4 ALL AMERICAN GIRLS DAYS women singers who've performed on Sister Sledge. Atlantic SD 19288 52 51 11 BETTER Blackbyrds. Fantasy F-9602 Kool's last, four LPs and Forecast, 3 BEING WITH YOU led by Bell's younger brother Kevin. Smokey Robinson. 53 53 5 ELOISE LAWS Tamla TB -375M1 (Motown) Eloise Laws. Liberty LT 1063 27. 16 16 15 SKYYPORT 54 55 3 THE BOYS ARE BACK According to Bell, the all woman Skyy, Salsoul SA 8537 (RCA) Stone City Band, group is in the process of defining its 17 13 14 AS ONE Gordy G8-100M1 (Motown) -3844 direction, a cross between the Emo- Bar Kays, Mercury SRMI 'NARD (Polygram) *=11 tions and Sister Sledge. Bernard Wright Arsta /GRP 5011 18 17 23 TRIUMPH On Accord Records, to be distrib- TWICE AS SWEET The Jacksons, *=* A laste Of Honey. uted by Capitol, Something Sweet's Epic FE-35424 Capitol 12089 first single, "Don't Play With My 19 21 19 FEEL ME Heart," is set for release in a month Cameo. Chocolate City CCLP 57 56 35 ADVENTURES IN THE with its first LP following in Septem- 2016 (Polygram) LAND OF MUSIC Dynasty. Solar BXLI -3576 (RCA) ber. 20 19 8 GAUCHO Steely Dan. MCA MCA -610^ 58 57 10 SHADES OF BLUE "Love Line," released on Ariola, 26 9 HOUSE OF MUSIC Lou Rawls. P.I.R. 12 36774 (Epic) is Forecast's first single with its first T.S. Monk, Mirage WTG HOW 'BOUT US 19291 (Atlantic) 111=11 LP ready for an April release. A mix- Champaign. Columbia IC 37008 ture of jazz, pop and r &b, the seven - 22 22 22 AT PEACE WITH WOMAN IT'S )UST THE WAY member band's similar to Spyro The Jones Girls, tr =:, I P.I.R. JZ 36767 (Epic) FEEL Gyra. says Bell. Gene Dunlap. Cap :tol ST -12130 23 23 15 JERMAINE Brother Ron Bell, 29, remains the Jermaine Jackson. 61 58 5 I LIKE WHAT YOU'RE

group's major writer, who collabo- Motown M8-948M 1 DOING TO ME Young 8 Co.. Brunswick BL 754224 rated with Donna Johnson on "Cel- 24 15 8 CITY NIGHTS ebrate." He also doubles as bass gui- Tierra, Boardwalk FW 36995 (CBS) 62 62 17 THE DRAMATIC WAY tarist with Kool. The youngest, 37 2 TO LOVE AGAIN The Dramatics, MCA MCA-5146 Rory, 23, has coordinated the band's Diana Ross, Motown M8 -951M1 63 61 13 LATE NIGHT GUITAR Earl Klugh. Liberty LT -1079 lighting for the past 18 months. 26 20 14 TOUCH Con Funk Shun, 64 64 5 DEE DEE Preparing its Mercury SRMI -4002 (Polygram) first foreign lan- Dee Dee Sharp Gamble, P.I.R. 12 guage version of "Celebrate" in 3 THERE MUST BE A 36370 (Epic) BETTER WORLD Spanish, to be shipped in two weeks, 65 52 20 CARNAVAL SOMEWHERE the group's next touring segment Spyro Gyra, MCA MCA -5149 B.B. King, MCA MCA-5182 will kick off June 12 for a West Coast 66 54 14 GREATEST HITS 28 28 11 I HAD TO SAY IT series followed by Manhattans. Columbia IC 36861 numerous county Millie Jackson, fair dates. Spring SP-I-6130 (Polygram) 67 48 24 HURRY UP THIS "There's no doubt we're in a re- 29 31 VOICES IN THE RAIN WAY AGAIN MCA MCA 5112 Stylistics, TSOP 12 36470 (Epic) surgence right now. There's a long Joe Sample. way to go, keeping up the momen- 38 4 LICENSE TO DREAM 68 59 13 TROMBIPULATION Kleeer, Atlantic SD 16027 Parliament, Casablanca tum. It seems like it has been a long 36 6 GOLDEN TOUCH NBLP 7249 (Polygram) time but it's worth it. been Even- Rose Royce, Whitfield WHK 3512 69 63 34 JOY AND PAIN tually we'll reach that supergroup (Warner Bros.) Maze, Capitol ST -12087 32 35 13 LETS BURN status," concludes Bell. 70 65 13 PORTRAIT OF CARRIE Clarence Carter, Venture 1/1 1005 Carrie Lucas. 40 3 TURN THE Solar BXLI 3596 (RCA) HANDS OF TIME $12,500 Sought 71 66 47 SWEET SENSATION Peabo Bryson, Capitol ST-12138 Stephanie Mills, LOS ANGELES -Arista Music 34 24 18 THIS IS MY DREAM 20th Century T-603 (RCA) Switch, Gordy G8-999MI (Motown) seeks payment in a Federal District 72 60 14 CANDLES GRAND SLAM Court suit here of $12,500, allegedly Heatwave, Epic FE 36873 The Isley Brothers, due from Londoner Mike Dolan T-Neck FZ37080 (Epic) 73 68 39 HEROES and Arnakata Music Ltd. RADIANT Commodores, Motown MB-939M1 The complaint alleges the plain- Atlantic Starr, ASIA SP 4833 74 71 17 HEAVENLY BODY tiff loaned 44 LOVE IS On-Lites, the defendants $25,000, T-619 Produced by AL 1. One Way, MCA MCA -5163 20th Century (RCA) ABRAHAMS in return for which it received a 38 34 21 INHERIT THE WIND 75 72 22 TAKE IT TO THE UMIT promissory note dated July 9, 1979. Wilton Felder, MCA MCA -5144 Norman Connors, Arista AL 9534 The defendants, it's claimed, paid only the * Stars are awarded to those products showing greatest sales strength. Superstars are awarded to those prod- first $12,500 installment ucts stowing greatest upward movement on the current week's chart Prime Movers). Recording Industry Assn. Of and the second, due July 5, 1980, is America seal for sales of 500,000 units. (Seal indicated by dot.) Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal for sales outstanding. of 1,000,000 units. (Seal indicated by triangle.)

www.americanradiohistory.com 76 General News Black Catalog Neglect: `A Lot Of Money Lost'

Continued from page 1 the dealers. They also cite the rash of undercapitalized and when you "We believe that if it's older. it going up at each step, that by the cutouts flooding the market and the don't have money. you only buy the should be cheaper -but that's not time it reaches the dealer, it's grossly statement is echoed by other dealers actual cost of the catalog product. hits. The small volume dealer is not the case with black product. We overpriced. and record company reps. Diverse All agree, however, that with the going to buy something that turns can't put the new Isley Brothers on Therefore, many retailers bypass are their reasons, although some feel exception of Motown Records, little slower than new product. the shelf at $8.98 and have an old Is- cutouts. he adds. He also says some this market may soon be better ex- attention has been given to this "On the other hand." Simpson leys next to it for the same price." manufacturers are bumping cutouts ploited. product. continues, "several manufacturers Oscar Fields, Elektra /Asylum's into higher -priced catalog lines. Rationales range from the manu- are pushing mid -price catalog prod- Webb, with other dealers and la- Calvin Simpson, owner of De- vice president of special markets, facturers' reluctance to push the uct. But that product is bel reps, is concerned with the lack troit's Simpson's Wholesale, one of echoes Simpson's statement, al- product to the undercapitalization predominantly white. You don't of black salespersons at large labels. the country's leading black music though he believes labels with black of black music dealers. Then there is find the Brothers Johnson with mid - "I have often asked manufacturers dealers, says, "I'm not sure that catalogs will initiate mid -price the question of the product's avail- line product, although I have talked series. about black sales people. This cer- black catalog doesn't sell. I believe ability. with people at A &M and I believe tainly would help. not only the cata- that if it was available, it would sell. "I believe this will happen in the Other factors suggested include they're considering it. We're looking log situation, but our overall busi- near future. If labels are smart, that's black artists not building catalogs "At the same time, there are no in- at older albums by white artists for n esses." what they will do," says Fields. because of label- hopping, and the centives to encourage the consumer something like $3.99 but black art- "I'm not knocking white sales- "There is a lot of money in this prod- lack of "sensitive" sales reps visiting to buy. The average black dealer is ists' albums are $7.98. people but we need people who are uct. The only reason we're not doing not afraid to come into black com- it is because we're so new we don't munities who sensitive have the catalog. But this product and are to black product," says Webb. must be presented in the right way. "If there were salespeople who we You can't treat it like a bastard child could talk with about catalog prod- and expect it to sell," he adds. uct, who could take the message Simpson notes that he does sell a back to the manufacturers, I believe sufficient amount of black catalog. the manufacturers would be more understanding that our dealers "But inclined to exploit this product. Ad- are unable to buy it because of the ditionally. manufacturers are charg- price, we ask them to keep a list at ing the same thing for the catalog counters and special -order the their product that they're asking for new this is the records. The problem with records. customer is at the store now. There is "Case in point." Webb continues. a large market for this product and a "MCA is charging more today for manufacturer will soon take advan- `The Clock' by Johnny Ace than a tage of it." few years ago. Johnny has been dead Simpson points out that while for many years and a few years ago there are many pop and rock super- the album was $5.98 list: today it's star acts, there are few black super- $7.98. That's crazy." stars. This also contributes to the Webb notes that the Independent lack of black catalog product and Record Retailers Protective Assn., a sales. local Philadelphia -based organiza- p .. Miller London, Motown's singles tion of which he is a member. is ur- áSAIL AWAY -Members of Earth, Wind & Fire cruise down Rio de Janeiro's harbor during a break from their South sales director, boasts of his label's ging Light Records (a gospel label) p American tour. The cruise was videotaped for a Brazilian television special. position in the black catalog market. to promote its catalogs. Jm "We're very conscious of this," Warner's Gilreath admits black J says London. "Recognizing the catalog product has, for the most value of catalog product, when we part, been neglected by the industry. release a new record by an act such "However. at times we will take cata- cc rn as the Commodores, we merchan- log that has been popular and in- dise the entire catalog. We have even clude the records in our merchandis- worked the catalog of artists who ing campaigns. We do this Beginning have left the company. When their particularly with artists like Al Jar - new record company puts out a reau or George Benson. record, we push their catalogs. "At the same time," he continues, "Another reason black catalog "most manufacturers can't afford to product is not selling," London con- continue to promote older product in April... tinues, "is because few black artists when the greater percentage of their have built the kind of situation for a revenue comes from new product. label to push catalog. There are a lot Competition is so great we have to of short -term artists who don't stay focus on the new product." at one label long enough to acquire Gilreath claims there has, for significant catalog. many years, been a stigma attached "All of our catalog sells. We have to black catalog product, with the in- Record a Superstar Series and we dustry the records even have assuming will not a three -page listing of catalog prod- sell. uct. "Years ago black catalog didn't "I have been in this business a sell because there was not an abun- Company long time and it's true that most la- dance of LPs by black artists. There- bels do not work their black cata- fore. the black consumer bought a logs." lot of singles. "Manufacturers do not promote "Although things have changed. ADVERTISING it," echoes with black artists recording a Bruce Webb, the owner lot of of Philadelphia's Webb's Depart- albums, plus these albums having WIZARDS ment Store. He insists, however. that more excellent tunes, the stigma has he sells a large quantity of catalog not changed. Merchandisers con- product. "But I promote it myself. tinue to believe black catalog al- "I sell a lot of catalog product but bums do not sell. Labels also do not smaller volume dealers don't. They encourage black catalog sales. will find the can't afford to buy it because they "I say this catalog will sell if mer- need the quick dollar turnover. chandised properly. The stigma also "On the other hand. I am seldom can be eliminated if the manufac- play -by -play facts faster told anything about catalog product. turers and dealers decide they want There are catalog books around list- to generate additional sales. These ing white product, but try and get sales can come through catalog with- than ever before one listing black catalog product. All out any additional cost to the manu- we get are listings of new releases. I facturer or dealer. The product must have to go to a one -stop to see a cata- be more visible and it must be pro- in our log list," says Webb. moted," he adds. Cutouts are another problem "The entire industry is missing the plaguing dealers. "There's no reason boat with black catalog," says Al Ed- the manufacturer sells cutouts to mondson, director of promotions at someone cheaply. who turns around Venture Records. and sells them to me. I sell them to "I have worked at and with major my accounts and they sell them to record companies and I have never their customers," says Simpson. once heard black catalog product "Cutouts are exploited by the en- discussed in marketing meetings. tire industry and abandoned by the Some of the major labels have multi- retailer." says Richardson. He be- million dollar catalogs and you can't bin lieves that the product passes go to a retail store and buy the through so many hands, with prices records," he adds.

www.americanradiohistory.com 1981 .Mar. 29 NIPPON -BUDOHKAN









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Billy Davis, Jr. and Marilyn WORLDWIDE McCoo, top, at the post - festival party after winning SEARCH the grand prize in 1977 with Top Japanese "Two of Us." singer lzumi FOR Al Green holds Yukimura was the winner of the grand prize the grand prize trophy high in in the 1st 1978 as Diana LOVE, Ross looks on. Tokyo Music Festival in 1972, singing PEACE "Watashi wa Nakanai" (I AND Won't Cry). TRUST Mickey Newbury "Heaven Help The Child" won EMBODIES the 2nd grand prize in 1973. FESTIVAL'S SPIRIT

Frank Sinatra, a guest judge, hands Rene Simard, 12-year -old singer from Rita Coolidge after receiving the 8th grand Maureen McGovern won the 4th grand Canada, a special Sinatra award. Si- prize singing, "Don't Cry Out Loud" in 1979. prize in 1975 with "Even Better Than mard also won the grand prize in 1974. I Know Myself."

HE BEST PROOF OF THE TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL'S SUCCESS Elements of copyright include:. "Participants and copyright since is the international reputation of the event. The festival, scheduled owners of the participating songs shall agree with and give this year at Nippon Budohkan -Hall in Tokyo March 29, has historically at- consent to, without charge: (1) Participants- agreement to tracted numerous star recording acts both as contestants and guests. Many perform at the contest which will be broadcast on radio and artists now tie in appearances with Asian tours, according to Hiroshi Suwa, television (including repetition of recording on closed- circuit). president of the festival's foundation and of the sponsoring 30- year -old Tokyo In addition, consent to tape recording and videotape record- Broadcasting System. ing for library and broadcast use; (2) Copyright owners of en- Additionally, festival success has often aided artists, composer and publishers to gain recognition and exposure throughout the trant songs agree to recording of entry song performed at the world and the event's stature has been enhanced further by the international character of the judges. contest for library and broadcast use, and waiver of mechani- In fact, the festival's international growth has over -shadowed one element of its perennial locale; not since Izumi Yukimura won cal rights and synchronization nights. the event's first grand prize have any Japanese contestants taken away the event's top honor. "Excluding the performance rights of an entrant song, Not to be discounted are the monetary rewards, which for the grand prize amounts to approximately $15,000, when translated agreement and consent shall be without compensation or into present yen equivalent. Prize money has remained constant during the festival's history. Other prizes, all accompanied by fees. The term of agreement to broadcast is regardless of ter- trophies, consist of two golden, each $5,000; three silver at $3,000 each; an outstanding performance award of $2,500; and ritory and term, however the participants sole performances trophy -only awards in two special categories, for composers and arrangers. in a completed festival form shall be for a period of one year The festival picks up expenses in terms of $44 per day per person for meals and expenses excluding hotel room charges, and following the contest" takes care of room charges for a period of stay specified by TMF. Round -trip economy class fare is also paid for between Tokyo and A key element of submission includes two sets of record- the country of the participants. ings of the applicant song because judging is done first on the Participants, according to the articles of the festival, are basis of tapes by selected TMF judges. Participants were in- technically defined as three people; the singer, composer and manager or representative of the singer. RITA COOLIDGE -1979 WINNER DIONNE WARWICK -1980 WINNER "I felt very, very proud to have been honored with the award. It was a wonderful feeling, "The word that can best describe my feelings at the one of my greatest moment l received the award is 'hysterical.' It's moments. unfor- "Yes, the Tokyo Music tunate that there are not more major cities in the world Festival is important to world music. Winning this which have followed the lead of Tokyo and the Tokyo award car. mean overnight success Music Festival. in Japan and, in that way, affect the world by firming such a strong a "Here in the United States we're all aware the many base in very important market. of added to my award ceremonies that honor people in the music busi- "It's career by confirming my accept- ness -the Grammies, the American Music Award, ance in such a large market and added to my stature as the an artist with its Country Music Awards, and so on. I just wish that more honor." countries would take an international perspective like Japan and honor all kinds of music." Natalie Cole wipes tears from her eyes after singing her grand formed of selection to compete this year by January 19, 1981 prize -winning song, "Mr. Melody," in 1976. according to this year's schedule. The festival also picks up the round -trip air fares and ex- At the festival, judging is independent of live audience re- penses for guests it asks to appear and a guest fee is involved sponse and the basis of judging is on international appeal, as well. applicant. The song is considered an entry from a country on musical quality and prospective popularity. Applications (open for a period from November 1, 1980 to the basis of the nationality of the singer. Administration of the festival involves a year -round staff of December 19, 1980 this year) are made through a Japanese Requirements of songs are (a) that both music and lyrics be six headed by Kimio Okamoto, secretary- general. During the music publisher, production company or record company. For original; (b) the song is a "popular song "; (c) no longer than festival a much larger staff is asssmbled including inter- applicants without Japanese contacts, submission may be three minutes; (d) and shall conform to the restrictions on preters in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and sev- made directly to TMF which will recommend an agent to the special instruments and number of instruments set by TMF. eral other languages. (Continued on page TMF -8)

www.americanradiohistory.com OUR ENTRY.

We -e proud to announce that our entry in the 10th Festival is The Nolans from Epic /U.K. And we'd like to thank T. M. F. for helping to develop and promote our international artists (including Rafaella Carra /Silver Prize 1979, The Dooleys/ Gob Prize 1980) in Japan.

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www.americanradiohistory.com His thinking is that an international music festival has real meaning only when the distinctive music of various countries FESTIVAL is represented in the festival. Suwa notes that the trend for already well -known artists to MANAGEMENT take the top prizes as seen in the Tokyo Music Festival is prev- alent in the music festivals being held in various countries. He says, "The internationally famous and popular singers and AIMS TO groups are supported by the judges and the audience, a situ- ation which can't be helped." Asked about troubles experienced in the first few years in MAKE getting the festival off the ground, Suwa replies, "As you know, people didn't know about the Tokyo Music Festival in the beginning, so we had trouble selling tickets. Looking back,

EVENT I recall that no one ever asked me to get tickets for them in the beginning. Now, just before the festival, people call me up and TRULY ask if they can't buy two or three tickets. When I ask the one in charge now, he tells me there are no more tickets left." Expressing happiness at the fact that the Tokyo Music Fes- INTERNATIONAL tival has come to have a very good international reputation, Suwa says he feels that the festival is valued more highly in By SHIG FUJITA other countries than in Japan itself. There are several singers and groups who became famous in their own countries after winning prizes at the Tokyo Music Festival. Suwa believes that the festival's better reputation overseas is due to the character of the Tokyo Broadcasting System rather than the festival itself. He explains, "TBS is a company

which is very poor at publicizing itself. That is why I feel that if this festival were being sponsored by some other broad- Hiroshi Suwa, president of the Tokyo Music Festival Founda- casting company, it might have become much more famous tion and chairman of the Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc., and popular. TBS is shy and is hesitant about raising its voice congratulates Dionne Warwick for winning the grand prize to publicize any project." in the 9th Tokyo Music Festival in March 198). Admitting that the festival experienced trouble in getting famous singers and groups to participate in the beginning, he recalls, "The accounts were consequently in pretty bad shape. At one time some people were saying, 'Does Suwa in- CTUALLY, I AM NOT TOO SATISFIED with what we have ac- tent to make TBS go bankrupt ?' On top of that, we couldn't complished since the first Tokyo Music Festival was_. held in 1972, predict when and if the festival would becoming a paying because I wart the festival to become more worldwide," says Hi- proposition. We've now gotten to the point where we're get- roshi Suwa, president of the Tokyo Music Festival Foundation and ting along somehow. chairman of the Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc. "We want the Japanese songs which win prizes in the festi- He explains, When we look back on the last few years of the festi- val to become popular in other countries, but this has not hap- val, we find that as the festival's reputation has risen, the number of pened yet," he says. "Even within Japan, there are few such American participants has risen. In the early festivals, singers from cases, although Judy Ongg's song in the eighth Tokyo Music various countries won prizes, but now the American singers are win- Festival in 1979, 'Miserarete' ('Bewitched'), won the presti- ning the top prizes." gious Record Grand Prize at the end of 1979." Consequently, the foundation has been exerting efforts for the last As for what has impressed him most in the nine festivals so year or two to get mare singers from European countries and countries in far, Suwa says, "I have distinctive memories about each one Central and South America and Asia to participate in the festival. G of the festivals, but what surprised me was the fact that even Suwa continues, "With this 10th ann iversary as the turning point, we are pinking about taking steps to advan:e definitely in on page TMF -8) 0 such a direction. Of course, we'd like to get more singers from Southeast Asia, but according to experts, the level of music is still (Continued m lower than that in the U.S. and Europe. For instance, just as the Japanese 'eaka' (ballad) is not accepted by other countries, the traditional folk songs Asia are not understood in There are, of course, many good songs based on of Southeast other countries. Shig Fujita is Billboard's Japanese editorial representative. CFI such old, traditional folk songs." rn


4,1.11.- KING


www.americanradiohistory.com HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL

OUR ENTRY: MANHATTANS Our "Shining Stars;' the Manhattans, will be representing us at the Budokan on March 29, 1981.

We're proud to say they'll be performing their smash hit, "I'll Never Find Another (Find Another Like You);' as an entry song.



CBS /SONY INC. -BS" Is a trademark of CBS Inc ®1981 CBS Inc

www.americanradiohistory.com Worldwide Search Continued front page 1 MF-3 Chairman of the judges committee is Ryoichi Hattori, one of Japan's most famous composers and chairman of the Japan Composers Assn. The two other Japanese judges are Eiryo Ashiwara, music and ballet critic, and Ben Okano, general manager of Music Labo, inc. The international judges in 1980 included Augusto Alguero from Spain, president of FIDOF; Bob Austin, president of Record World; Bill Wardlow, associate publisher of Billboard; Toni Scotti, chairman of Scotti Brothers; Salvatore T. Chiantia, president of MCA; Danny O'Donovan, president of

Danny O'Donovan Enterprises Ltd. of Britain; Caravelli, corn - poser, arranger and conductor from France; and Susan An- ton, American actress. Paul Anka, making his first visit to The basic theme of the TMF is: "The people of the world Japan in many years since his hit, Bassey was search ... fo`r love ... for peace ... for trust. Surpassing dif- Shirley the "Diana," was the guest singer for ferences of language and ideology, music can bind people's guest artist for the 3rd the 6th Tokyo Music Festival in in hearts. It will be a source of great joy should the Tokyo Music Music Festival 1974 1977. Festival provide the impetus." and won many new in The first TMF saw only a limited number of international en- fans Japan. tries, and Yukimura, one of Japan's top jazz and pop singers, won the grand prize with, "Watashi wa Nakanai" (I Won't Cry). Sammy Davis Jr. was Management Aims Asked about her thoughts about that memorable moment the guest artist for Continued from page TMF -6 the 2nd Tokyo Music MICKEY NEWBURY-1973 WINNER Festival in 1973, and American women singers shed tears of joy when they win he personally encour- prizes. Some of the young Japanese singers these days don't "As the first American ever to win the award, I was in aged each one of the cry when they win prizes." a state of shock when it happened. I was speechless. As contestants. a matter of fact, when Mr. Suma asked me to do `Heaven He feels that the third Tokyo Music Festival made the cru- Help The Child' again, after I was presented with the cial breakthrough to international fame. It was the year that trophy, I started playing it on the guitar in one key and the Three Degrees won the gold prize with the song. "When with members of the Shiki theatrical troup, and I was very singing it in another. In fact, I stopped the music and Will I See You Again," and the guest singer was . tired. I didn't have much confidence, and I wanted to hurry up said to the audience, "I made a mistake!' Mr. Suma put The Three Degrees were invited to the fourth Tokyo Music Fes- and sing so I could get it over with. I was, of course, very happy me at ease immediately- they're so polite over there tival the next year as guest artist. - but also eery surprised to win the grand prize." and told me it was okay, to just start over again. Which I As a has that we've done quite well to have come did. I'm telling you, was probably the for the fact that not single Japanese singer won "We're thinking it biggest thrill of forward my career. the grand prize since then, she says, "It is very difficult to se- this far in 10 years. We want to take another big step he says, make it a inter- "As far as what it's done for me career -wise, it's lect the best songs for the various prizes, but I feel it depends in the next 10 years," "and truly helped tremendously, especially internationally. As you on the song. I don't believe it is the fault of the Japanese sing- national festival." know, you have to do a song that was never released in ers for not winning top prizes; it's due to the songs them- Asked if the Foundation ever intended to change the name Japan, so this was the grand unveiling of 'Heaven Help selves. l' -n sure Japanese singers can win top prizes if they of the festival when it became truly international, Suwa an- The Child' really. And for me to have beaten out Paul have good songs. I was fortunate in that 'Watashi wa Nakanai' swers flatly, "We do not intend to change the name because Williams (won second prize) was amazing. It still floors was such a wonderful song, starting out slow and beautiful the festival is part and parcel of the Tokyo Broadcasting Sys- me!" and builcing up in the center." tern. Tokyo is also representative of Japan, and Tokyo is much She expresses the hope that the TMF would continue to in- more well known than the word Japan. I myself believe that nine years later, Yukimura recalls. "I was very surprised when crease its international reputation, pointing out that it was Tokyo Music Festival is a very good name." I won the national competition because I had thought Yukari doing mt.ch to promote international friendship and under- Ito's 'Hi Wa Mata Noboru' (The Sun Will Rise Again) would standing through providing a place for singers from all over Credits: Editor, Earl Paige: Assistant Editor, Susan Peterson: Art, Bernie Rollins; Coordi- win. On the day of the first TMF, I had just returned from a the world to get together, not only to sing, but to become nation, Shig Fujita, Billboard's Editorial Representative. mountain villa where I had been in rehearsal for a musical friends through music.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 71


'Um music Festival

CongratulationToTokyo Music Festival'81 th anniversary at celebrating the 10th Anniversary. the next greater! Wishing ...... ten years be even LESLIE.... McKEOWN's entry song `TENDER LOVE' EWS -17101 Leslie goes on the worldwide success! and ...LAM's entry song toSSHIBA EMI `DELIVER'

www.americanradiohistory.com 4TH TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL

Grand Prize EVEN BETTER THAN I KNOW MYSELF Maureen McGovern U.S.A. Gold Prize SHIKURAMEN NO KAORI Akira Fuse Japan Silver Prize UNE FEMME AVEC TOI Nicole Croisille France Silver Prize PAIN RELIEVER Sister Sledge U.S.A. Bronze Prize LA MUSIQUE DU SAMEDI Alain Chamfort France Bronze Prize SLIPPERY WHEN WET The Commodores U.S.A. Bronze Prize NURETA JONETSU Hatsumi Shibata Japan


Silver Prize DOVE VOLANO I GABBIANI Lara Saint Paul Italy

Bronze Prize FU TS U KAYO I Michiyo Azusa Japan Bronze Prize YOU'VE GOT ME TO HOLD ON TO Tanya Tucker U.S.A. Bronze Prize RUNNING AROUND WITH THE BOYS AGAIN Daniel Boone Great Britain

6TH TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL LIST OF Grand Prize THE TWO OF US Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr U.S.A. Gold Prize HOLD ME, HOLD ME TIGHT Didith Reyes Philippines Silver Prize SOMEONE, SOMEHOW Morris Albert Brazil AWARD SONGS Silver Prize KATTE NI SHIYAGARE Kenji Sawada Japan Bronze Prize ELLE ARRIVE AUJOURD' HUI John Gabilou France Bronze Prize YUMESAKI ANNAININ Momoe Yamaguchi Japan 1ST TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL Bronze Prize MORNING, NOON AND NIGHTTIME Barbi Benton U.S.A. World Popular Grand Prize WATASHI WA NAKANAI Izumi Yukimura Japan Second Prize HI WA MATA NOBORU Yukari Ito Japan 7TH TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL Second Prize UMI 0 MITSUMETE Akira Fuse Japan Grand Prize BELLE Al Green U.S.A. Second Prize E' FINI Cathy Carlson U.S.A. Gold Prize GOD KNOWS Debby Boone U.S.A.

Second Prize POUR UN HOMME Claudia Valade Canada Silver Prize YOU'LL FIND I LOVE YOU The Emotions U.S.A. Third Prize FUTARI WA WAKAKATTA Kiyohiko Ozaki Japan Silver Prize MOVING Kate Bush Great Britain Third Prize MARIA NO Al Hiroshi Mizuhara Japan Bronze Prize I'M GOING MY WAY Park Kyung Hee Republic of Korea Third Prize IF YOU EVER CHANGE YOUR MIND Ike Cole U.S.A. Bronze Prize SECOND SIGHT Barbara Dickson Great Britain

Third Prize ASU E NO SHUPPATSU Toi Et Moi Japan Bronze Prize TWO LOVERS Lee Navatro & Third Prize ZVEZDAM NAVSTRECHU Antonina Zhmakova U.S.S.R. Manda Music Machine Philippines Third Prize MELANCONIA John Mike Arlow Italy 8TH TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL 2ND TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL Grand Prize DON'T CRY OUT LOUD Rita Coolidge U.S.A. Grand Prize HEAVEN HELP THE CHILD Mickey Newbury U.S.A. Gold Prize DO IT! A Taste of Honey U.S.A.

Gold Prize LOOK WHAT I FOUND Paul Williams U.S.A. Silver Prize DRIN, DRIN, DRIN Raffaella Carra Italy Silver Prize LOVE GLOW Kiyohiko Ozaki Japan Silver Prize ALL AI Jarreau U.S.A. Silver Prize SANDY SANDY Frankie Stevens Great Britain Bronze Prize AS TIME GOES BY The Brothers Four U.S.A. Bronze Prize THE BELL RINGS Akira Fuse Japan Bronze Prize MISERARETE Judy Ongg Japan Bronze Prize FAIRS Lili Ivanova Bulgaria Bronze Prize MAGIC LADY Sergio Mendes Brasil '88 Brazil Bronze Prize AIRPORT George Clinton U.S.A. 9TH TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL 3RD TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL Grand Prize FEELING OLD FEELING Dionne Warwick U.S.A. Grand Prize MIDORI -IRO NO YANE Rene Simard Canada Gold Prize BODY LANGUAGE The Dooley's Great Britain

Gold Prize WHEN WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN Three Degrees U.S.A. Gold Prize TROUBLE AGAIN Karla Bonoff U.S.A. Silver Prize TSUMIKI NO HEYA Akira Fuse Japan Silver Prize LIMELIGHT Rumiko Koyanagi Japan Silver Prize Al NO YUKUE The Peanuts Japan Silver Prize YOU MAKE ME FEEL THE FIRE Claudja Barry Canada Bronze Prize IT'S YOURS TO HAVE Freda Payne U.S.A. Silver Prize WONDERFUL MOMENT Shigeru Matsuzaki Japan Bronze Prize FOREVER MY LOVE Patti Kim Republic of Korea Most Outstanding Bronze Prize WAKARE NO KANE NO NE Hiroshi Itsuki Japan Performance Award THE LETTER Amii Stewart W. Germany

on your 10th ANNIVERSARY ....and Thanks So Much

www.americanradiohistory.com 1ivaTOkUO music Festival J SPECIAL GUEST STARS Mar. 29 INTERNATIONAL CONTEST NIPPON BUDOHKAN HALL Leslie McKeown G.B Randy Crawford U.S.A. Lam Hong Kong Bessy Greece The Manhattans U.S.A. Becca Philippines Jermaine Jackson U.S.A. Janet Basco Singapore Guam Mu -Chun Republic of China Shoody Moza nbique Yeon,Si Nae Republic of Korea Nolans Mar.21 G. B. FesÍj'"1 Billy & The Beaters uSICNATIONAL CONTEST U.S.A. Tery Desario SUN PLAZA HALL U.S.A. 10-iliTokyo Loyal Garner TheGloiious U.S.A.

TOKYO BROADCASTING INC Tokyo Illusic Festival Foundation 5 -3 -6 Akasaaka, M nato- ku,Tokyo 107 Telephone

Cable Address : TOKYO MUSICFEST Telex : J23295 Answer-hack code : TOPOMPA



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DIGITAL MAGNETICS / 1800 North Argyle Ave. Los Angeles, California 90028 / (213) 463 -0279: 1_ 1 =MIL- www.americanradiohistory.com 78 Classical IN UPSTATE N.Y. Artpark Season Starts June 30 By HANFORD SEARL LEWISTON, N.Y. -Two dozen ule includes three operas with the "We're expecting equal or greater plus events, ranging from musicals, American premier of Philip Glass's public response this summer," says operas and dance to concerts featur- "Satyagraha" July 29, 31 and Aug. 2. Midland. "The program will please ing touring symphonies, guest artists " Cavalleria Rusticana" by Pietro the loyal and discriminating patrons and jazz, have been set for Artpark's of past seasons and Mascagni is set for Aug. 1 as part of attract new- eighth season. a double bill with Ruggiero Leon - comers." The 10-week, 1981 summer sea- cavallo's "I Pagliacci" which will be Special guest artists signed in- ' son begins June 30 -July 12 with mu- repeated Aug. 5, 7 and 9. dude Victor Borge July 28, blues sical "George M" and "Fiddler On Three major dance companies are singer Alberta Hunter July 30, blue- The Roof' July 14-26 at the 200 - penned and include the Pennsylva- grass artists Doc Watson and Bill acre, state- subsidized park's 4.000 - nia Ballet Aug. 11 -16, the Jose Li- Monroe Aug. 6 and the New Eng- theatre. capacity mon Dance Co. Aug. 18 -20 and the land Ragtime Ensemble Aug. 23. "We have once again tried to de- National Ballet of Canada Aug. 25- The Annapolis Brass Quintet and velop a season with sufficient vari- Sept. 3. The Western Wind have been set for JAZZICAL GOLD -Gold record awards for the CBS Masterworks LP, "Suite ety, appeal and a high level of excel- About 35 miles north of Buffalo Aug. 2 in a chamber music event For Flute And Jazz Piano " -in its fifth year on the Billboard chart -go to com- . lence," reports David Midland, near Niagara Falls, the fine arts cal- while the fifth annual Jazz Festival, poser /pianist Claude Bolling and flutist Jean -Pierre Rampal. The presenta- executive director. "The basic for- endar symphonic bookings will fea- which ends Artpark's summer sea- tion is made by CBS Inc. president Thomas H. Wyman, far left, and, from mat was successful last year," ture Zubin Mehta conducting the son, will announce artists later. right. CBS Records group, deputy president Dick Asher and Masterworks divi- Situated on the Niagara River New York Philharmonic Aug. 21 sion vice president and general manager Joe Dash. near Lake Ontario, Artpark's sched- According to Midland, ticket costs and 22. for the new season will range from Other concerts will spotlight the $3 -7 for the 1981 slate and includes Rochester Philharmonic July 4 and outside, lawn seating as well as in- the Buffalo Philharmonic three side, permanent reserved seats. times with Julius Rudel conducting Areawide Ticketron outlets and an all -Tchaikovsky program July 17. Canada's Eaton's stores will handle Conductor Christopher Keene will Artpark's concerts. The musical /op- take the BP baton Aug. 4 with an era programs are funded, in part, by DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON INVITES YOU TO A all- Gershwin concert and an all - the National Endowment for the Beethoven program Aug. 8. Arts. Czechs Invite Welsh To Cut Opera Album By NICK ROBERTSHAW LONDON -In an unusual deal, ments that are considered anathema members of the Welsh National Op- to a socialist state. As a result, the era are to fly to Czechoslovakia, at opera has only been performed in CELEBRATION! the invitation of state record com- Czechoslovakia in an extensively cut pany Supraphon, to make the world and altered form. premiere recording of Martinu's Fortunately, Martinu and Ka- "The Greek Passion," one of the fin- zantzakis originally collaborated on est Czech operas, in English. the libretto in English, so an Eng- . Gala New Year's Concert in GALA Sir Charles Mackerass will con- lish- language recording is regarded NEW YEAR'S Vienna /Vienna Philharmonic duct, and soloists include John Mit- as legitimate, besides giving Supr- CONCERT fiy chinson, Helen Field and others. aphon the record it wants without Lorin MaazelM[ The Welsh National Opera is also political hassles. IN VIENNA giving a British premiere perform- Vienna Philharmonic ° - ; ance of the opera in Cardiff April I)IGI AI. 30 MAAZEL j-_ 29. The arrangement provides Supr- ti c CNOP;N GERMAN PREI aphon with the solution to a ticklish ors &TEUoE ideological problem. Martinu's op- ES NEWS * PLLLINI era is based on the Kazantzakis novel "Christ Recrucified" and COMPANY filled with the kind of religious senti- r Distributors of Fine Imported !DIGITAL P R FSSI \ 1 ,,, and Domestic Labels Acanta BJR Caprice 325200213302O02 S%C K° Än,ß ,I "" WCRB -FM Will Hold Club 99 Da Camera DGG EMI -Electrola EMI -England A Boston `Marathon' Encore Erato (Ger) Finlandia Gothic Grand Prix s CHICAGO -A live Boston Sym- Harmonia Mundi (Germany) A Leonarda MPD OASI d phony /Boston Pops televised con- .A v p cert will highlight the 11th annual Pape Past Masters schehyn -* Boston Symphony Orchestra/ Phontastic Preiser RCA P+' marathon, Schwann Seon Vista WCRB -FM fundraising - t7 *. Voce Wergo 269 Cj March 27 -29. Conductors Colin For a Classical Catalog Send $2.50 to. 3301 2531 3 2531 0`EQ3301 Williams will o 304 Davis and John be GERMAN NEWS COMPANY featured in the 21/2 hour telecast, 220 East 86th Street, New York, N Y 10028 March 29. Phone: (212) 288 -5500 OTHER GREAT NEW RELEASES ON DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON

BARTOK TOKYO Complete String Quartets 30 2740 235

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www.americanradiohistory.com 79 Classical Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 Best `ARTS' EVERY NIGHT Selling Cultural Cable Due April Start io lossical L TM Continued from page 44 in virtually all new cable franchises prove reception. The Nickelodeon pianist Arturo Benedetti Michel - that have come on stream in the last service is free to cable subscribers c Copyright 1981, B'llboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. the Bernede String Quartet year. and stored in a re naval system. or transmitted. in any form or by any means. electronic mechanical. angeli, carries no commercials. The photocopying, recording, or otherwise. without the prior written permission of the publisher and the Parrenin String Quartet. Warner Officials note, however, ARTS channel. piggy -backed onto Almost all programming to be that cable tv is only beginning to Nickelodeon, will also be commer- r viewed in the initial three weeks fea- penetrate major markets, since it be- cial -free, and it will be underwritten ÁQ,L 9 yU tures European artists. One excep- gan as a service to rural areas to im- by a variety of sponsors. 0 TITLE, Artist, Label & Number tion is the New York City Ballet dancing "La Valse," choreographed

1 5 A DIFFERENT KIND OF BLUES: Perlman & Previn by George Balanchine. Angel DS 37780 Another source of cultural pro- Classical gramming for cable tv is Bravo, dis- Notes 6 14 PAVAROTTI: Verismo Arias A benefit for CRI Records honoring the conductor Riccardo Muti were contributed to London LDR 10020 tributed by the Rainbow Program- ming Services Network, Bravo American Academy and Institute of Arts and the cause. 12 45 PAVAROTTI'S GREATEST HITS programming, carried by several Letters will take place March 25 in Manhattan. Five digital albums including piano music, or- London, PAV 2003/4 The CRI catalog contains almost 100 records gan music and the Mozart "Jupiter" Symphony hundred cable systems, is offered on produced with support of the Academy-Insti- led by Karl Munchinger are promised in 1981 by 3 267 JEAN- PIERRE RAMPAL & CLAUDE BOLLING: Suite for Sunday and Monday nights. Flute & Jazz Piano tute. Vera Zorina, widow of Goddard Lieberson, West Germany's Intercord Records. The distrib- Nickelodeon is seen CBS Masterworks M 33233 currently in heads the benefit committee. utor is Brilly Imports.... "The Trojan Women," 3.5 million homes, and Warner Last month's benefit concert by the Phila- a new Karel Husa ballet, will have its world pre- 11 67 PACHELBEL: Kanon Amex says it will be in 5 million by delphia Orchestra for Italian earthquake disas- miere March 28 to celebrate the opening of the Paillard Chamber Orchestra, RCA FRL 1 -5468 the end of the year. Warner also says ter relief netted $63,500. The orchestra's serv- Univ. of Louisville's new arts center. Five sub- 10 5 MUSSORGSKY: Pictures At An Exhibition that Nickelodeon has been included ices and those of soloist Rudolf Serkin and sequent performances are scheduled. Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Solti), London LDR 10040

5 32 BOLLING: Picnic Suite For Flute, Guitar And Jazz Piano Rampal, Bolling, Lagoya, CBS Masterworks M /MT 35864

4 71 0 SOLE MIO: Neapolitan Songs Pavarotti, London OS 26560

18 132 BRAVO PAVAROTTI: Pavarotti London.PAV 2001

10 2 19 POPS IN SPACE The Boston Pops (Williams), Philips 9500921 Sutherland Pavarotti 11 15 106 ANNIE'S SONG: Galway

National Philharmonic Orchestra (Gerhardt), RCA ARL 1 -3061

12 22 32 SOMETIMES WHEN WE TOUCH, Cleo Laine & James Galway RCA ARL1 3628

13 9 19 MOZART: The Magic Flute Karajan, DG 2741001


15 13 5 CHOPIN: Waltzes Arrau, Philips 9500 739

16 21 54 SONG OF THE SEASHORE: James Galway

RCA ARL 1 -3534

17 20 127 HITS FROM LINCOLN CENTER: Pavarotti London OS 26577

18 7 19 HANDEL: Messiah

Academy Of Ancient Music (Hogwood), L'Oiseau -Lyre D189D 3

19 VIVALDI: Four Seasons Academy of St. Martin (Brown), Philips 9500-717

20 8 23 VERDI: La Traviata Callas, Angel ZBX 3910

21 23 32 BRAHMS: Violin Concerto Perlman, Angel Q 37286

22 28 58 TCHAIKOVSKY: 1812 Overture Cincinnati Orchestra (Kunzel), Telarc Digital 10041

23 17 10 ROSSINI: William Tell Freni, Pavarotti, Milnes, Chailly, London OSA 1446

24 14 14 MOZART: Symphonies, Vol. IV Hogwood, L'Oiseau Lyrie D170D3

25 32 19 HANDEL: Royal Fireworks Music Academy Of St. Martin, Philips 9500768

26 19 23 BRAHMS: Double Concerto Perlman /Rostropovicli, Angel 37680

27 BEETHOVEN: Violin Concerto Mutter, Karajan, DG 2531-250

28 30 27 MUSSORGSKY: Pictures At An Exhibition Cleveland Orchestra (Maazel), Telarc Digital DG -10042 29 BRAHMS: Piano Quintet Bonynge Conducts Pollini, DG 2531-197

30 PAVAROTTI'S GREATEST HITS, Vol. 2 London PAV 2006 Opera's Greatest Team in 31 24 10 SCHUBERT: Complete Sonatas Wilhelm Kempff, DG 2740 132 32 27 14 BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 1 Verdi's Romantic _Masterpiece Michalangeli /Giulini, DG 2531-302

33 39 114 BOLLING: Suite For Violin & Jazz Piano Zukerman /Hediguer, CBS Masterworks M 35128

34 40 141 RAMPAL: Japanese Melodies for Flute & Harp Rampal & Laskine, CBS Masterworks M-34568 LONDON DIGITAL 35 38 36 STRAUSS: Four Last Songs 1,182 73002 chue Number One Classical Label London Symphony Orchestra (Davis), CBS Masterworks M25140 36 25 23 VERDI: Stiffelio Sass, Carreras, Manuguerra, Ganzarolli, ORF Orchestra (Gardelli), Philips, 6769 039 miss the "Great Horne - Don't Pavarotti, and Marilyn 37 26 36 MOZART: The Symphonies Vol. III Lucianoano Joan Sutherland, Academy Of Ancient Music (Hogwood), L'Oiseau Lyre D16903 by Richard Bo evening conducted Television Network. 38 29 10 BELLINI: I Puritani gala 23 on th PBS Caballe. Kraus, Muti, Angel SZCX 3881 Center March Live From Lincoln - 39 36 19 HANDEL: Water Music Academy Of St. Martin -In- The -Fields (Marriner), Philips 9500691 0366

40 31 19 BOLERO Los Angeles Philharmonic (Mehta), London CS7132

www.americanradiohistory.com 80 General News 1st West Coast Meeting BROADWAY REVIEW For Gospel Music Assn. `Sophisticated Ladies' Is COSTA MESA, Calif. -The "How To Find Your Calling," Nashville -based Gospel Music "Press, Promotion And Publicity," Set For Respectable Run Assn. holds its first West Coast meet- "Concerts In The '80s," "Gospel NEW YORK -Still wearing some Doll," "Solitude," "Caravan" and ing all day Saturday (21) at the Music And The Secular Market" of the scars of the radical surgery it the title tune. and "Approaching The Record La- South Coast Plaza Hotel here. underwent following its reported A 20 -piece onstage orchestra un- With an umbrella theme of "Gos- bel." lacklustre performance on the road, der the baton of Mercer Ellington, pel Music: The Challenge Of The Industry notables serving as pan- "Sophisticated Ladies," Broadway's the Duke's son, helps re- create some elists '80s" the organization will conduct include Ralph Carmichael of musical tribute to the late Duke El- of the imagery of the golden era of panel discussions and seminars on Light Records, Billy Ray Hearn of lington, arrived at the Lunt -Fon- swing. Terry Klausner. recently of the state of the art. Sparrow Records, John W. Styli, tanne Theatre, loaded with style and "Evita," and Phyllis Hyman. whose Gospel music industry leaders are editor /publisher of Contemporary professional slickness and almost music has been winning plaudits in Christian Music Magazine, Gary scheduled to participate in panels succeeding in concealing the fact recording circles for some time, lend McCartie of Lexicon Music, John addressing "Priorities In The '80s," that true greatness had eluded it. outstanding vocalizations to the Sturdevant of ASCAP, Mike Harri- But even though the show nar- songs. son of KMET and a Billboard col- rowly misses its potential for bril- Taking second place only to the umnist, Whitlock Word Gary of liance, the final production boasts a music is Gregory Hines, the show's Record and Music Group and NARM Foundation package of ingredients -from El- star. who erupted on Broadway in Charlie Shaw of MCA /Songbird. Up lington's disarming and ageless mu- "Eubie" a few seasons ago and won Scholarships Andrae Crouch and Isaac Air sic to the extraordinary performing a Tony award nomination for his NEW YORK -A NARM Schol- Freight, latter a Christian comedy talents of Gregory Hines -that as- role in that show. Hines, originally team, will provide the entertainment arship Foundation contribution by sures it a respectable Broadway run. of the very popular cabaret act of as part of the banquet, beginning at the American Can Co. and its Pick- It is said that there was once a Hines, Hines & Dad, is truly an ex- 6 p.m., to cap the meeting. wick International subsidiary brings book (the libretto linking songs, mu- traordinary talent. He is certainly to 13 the number of scholarships to Chuck Smith, pastor of Calvary sic and dances together into a cohe- one of the finest dancers around; he be made at the association's scholar- Chapel here, a popular contempo- sive whole) but this has been dis- can act; he can sing. too, and he even ship dinner at its upcoming conven- rary Christian fellowship, will key- carded in the restructuring of the has a touch of the comedian in him. tion in April. note the banquet. production. Instead, the show the Hines is superbly supported on The new gift, in the amount of In addition, a 12:15 p.m. lunch- audience sees is presented in a revue - stage by Hinton Battle, the original $6.000, will be presented Monday eon will be sponsored jointly by type format, similar to the hugely scarecrow in Broadway's "The Wiz," evening (13) to an employee, a child ASCAP, BMI and SESAC at which ADL AWARD- Theodore Deikel, successful "Ain't Misbehavin'." and Gregg Burke, though a relative or spouse of an employee of a Don Butler, executive director of chairman of Pickwick International, The two -hour production is newcomer to the Broadway stage is a NARM -member company. NARM GMA, will speak. holds an ADL Human Relations jammed full -with close to 40 songs performer with outstanding talent. has awarded a total of 178 scholar- Registration fee for the meeting is Award given him at a luncheon by -of great Ellington music, including Veteran choreographers Donald ships so far. representing almost $35 and includes meals and semi- the Music & Performing Arts Lodge such classics as "Take The 'A' McKayle, Michael Smuin and $700,000 in scholarship aid. nars. Banquet tickets are $17.50. of the B'nai B'rith in New York. Train," "Mood Indigo," "Satin Henry LeTang have created dance sequences that often sparkle. Smuin has also directed the production working skillfully with Lloyd May- ers' musical, vocal and dance ar- o Wexler; Man Broadway rangements, Tony Walton's simple. cc Key Behind Off- Hit ,yet elegant and effective sets and O NEW YORK -Within the week, Broadway, although Wexler admits m Willa Kim's exquisitely crafted pe- backers of the successful off- Broad- Worked On Musical Score that the temptation has been strong. riod costumes. -+ way musical, "One Mo' Time," will "We think it works best in the inti- "Sophisticated Ladies." however. m By RADCLIFFE JOE be receiving fat royalty in the mail. mate cabaret setting of the (Village) has two glaring flaws. The most dis- Gate," says Wexler. He adds, "We TD This is an unusual phenomenon leans musicians with whom he ler to bring "One Mo' Time" to New concerting is its coldly efficient, rn want at a time when so many shows worked on that score were also York. The rest is history. The show's to retain its quality and charm, highly stylized quality. A vital ingre- (Broadway and off-Broadway) bite working on the original production music, which includes such blues and that may be difficult in a transi- dient known as "soul" is missing. It a the dust. However, "One Mo' Time." of "One Mo' Time" in New Orleans, and jazz evergreens as, "Kitchen tion to Broadway." lacks the earthy appeal, the animal Úa musical comedy that takes a wry where the show originated. Man," "A Hot Time In The Old However, if all goes well, Wexler, magnetism that works so well and so tx look at black vaudevillians in the Art D'Lugoff, who runs the Vil- Rider," and Bessie entrepreneur, showman, will get a naturally in "Ain't Misbehavin'." Q Town," "C.C. I 1920s and which has been running lage Gate at which "One Mo' Time" Smith's, "My Man Blues," has been taste of Broadway in the near future Instead, its sophistication gets in the for 18 months with SRO audiences, is housed, also heard and liked the recorded by Warner Bros. Records, with a big, splashy black music pro- way and creates a gulf between the duction on which he is working with is not just another run -of- the -mill tape of the show, and went to New and national and international corn - audience and the performers. Danny off -Broadway production. But then, Orleans to see a performance. with panies of the show are being struc- Holgate (he was involved Second, "Sophisticated Ladies" is with such neither is Jerry Wexler, one of the the hope of booking it into his caba- tured. There is also talk that a film Broadway musical prop- also flawed by its leading lady, Judith key figures behind the success story ret. He was very impressed. may be in the works. erties as "Bubbling Brown Sugar," Jamison, who looks either out -of- "Eubie!," the all of the show. The result is that D'Lugoff, and Wexler and the D'Lugoff brothers and -black version place or misused in her role. Jami- of "Guys & Dolls ") and a Wexler is a man considered to his brother Burt. teamed with Wex- have resisted moving the show to Canadian son, who has impressive credentials writer who is working with Wexler have a good ear for music -music as a dancer with the Alvin Alley on the book of the with broad commercial appeal. He show. Dance Co., dances with a style and was the co- founder of Atlantic Also in the works is another grace that floats welcomely to the Records, and was responsible for movie, "T -For Texas," a musical audience. Most of the time, however, with roots western shaping the careers for such industry in swing, on she just seems to stand there: tall, at- which Wexler is working with superstars as Aretha Franklin and co- tractive, looking slightly bewildered, . More recently, he has producers Shep Gordon and Caro- like somebody's over -indulgent af- lyn Pfeiffer. worked with Bob Dylan, and pro- terthought. Is all this activity outside duced "Slow Train Coming," Dy- of the Still. in spite of its shortcomings, record business Ian's most recent album. an indication that "Sophisticated Ladies" at times pro- Wexler is shifting his career prior- vides truly enjoyable moments of In helping to shape the success of ities? "Of course not!" he assures. "I Mo' Time," Wexler relied musical theatre. It is an ambitious "One know the record business. I am com- heavily on his keen ear for music, tribute, and it certainly deserves fortable with it, and what's more, points for effort. RADCLIFFE JOE and the business savvy which helped Warner Bros. Records" -with which him to parlay Atlantic Records into Wexler is involved on a consultancy the major corporation it is. level -"is releasing most of the Minority Act List Wexler had heard the music from records that I am producing for film NEW YORK -Local actress Lor- the show, even before he saw the ac- and theatre." rie Davis has turned publisher and tual production. Earlier, he had "What's more," states Wexler, "I will bring out the "Minority Per- worked with Louis Malle on the se- have seen too many people from the formers' Guide" as an aid to casting lection and production of music for record business go unprepared into agents and directors. The Guide is the track album from the movie, other areas to soon find themselves soliciting pictures and resumes for "Pretty Baby." Two of the New Or- out of their depths. I will make inclusion. Deadline is May 15. Ad- moves, but they will be little ones at dress: 47 W. 34th St., New York first, until I have substantially im- 10001. IRS Contest proved the level of my expertise, and NEW YORK -I.R.S. Records will my self-confidence, in other areas." run a promotional contest in New Wexler admits that "One Mo' Gusto Sues York, Buffalo, Boston, San Fran- Time" was beginner's luck for him, LOS ANGELES -Gusto Records, cisco, Denver and L.A. The contest, and he savors the experience, nur- Inc., Nashville label, has instituted held through record stores and radio turing it as an adoring parent would suit against Ed Barski (sic) and Kes- stations, has drawn the support of an infant. Together with the other ter Marketing here. The Federal the Record World chain and WLIR- producers, he has deferred accept- District Court filing claims the de- FM in New York, Strawberries and Billboard Photo by David LeShay ance of his royalties from the show, fendants. operating a schlock whole- WBCN -FM in Boston, and the Lico- WEXLER SINGS -Jerry Wexler, most often working behind- the -scenes magic and is funneling them back into the saling firm here, owe the oldies label rice Pizza chain and KROQ -FM in with his production of artists like Aretha Franklin and Bob Dylan, steps stage production by means of a heavy pro- $37.825.98. According to a statement L.A. Prizes include I.R.S. albums center for a rare singing engagement to celebrate the success of his first the- motional campaign on radio, tele- filed, the charges accrued between and tapes. atrical production, "One Mo' Time." (See Story). vision, and in print. Feb. 19. 1980 and Aug. 4. 1980.

www.americanradiohistory.com 81 Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 3est Selling Gospel In irate n Ps o al M j P Tenn. AMer In «rñ Copyright 1981, Billboad Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced .

stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted. In any form or by any means. electronic, mechanical. photocopying. recording. or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher . Mart Expansion NASHVILLE - Gospel station u V KCIJ -AM, up to 11.0 from last TITLE, Artist, label & Number spring's 6.4 Arbitron rating, is driv- ing to strengthen and expand its market share. 1 1=10 PRIORITY The Imperials, Day Spring DST 4017 Program director Tim Jacobs, who became the station's first full - 2 6 14 FAVORITES time employe in January, has, for Evie Tournquist, Word WSD 8845 example, overhauled equipment to 3 3 14 ARE YOU READY? create a cleaner, better sound. ALTERED STATUS -In a move to better its "mediocre sales" and "disap- David Meece, Myrrh MSB 6652 "We turned everything around by pointing airplay," Impact Records has revamped Larnelle Harris' "Give Me putting in new tapes and carts," ex- More Love In My Heart" album and is reshipping it this month. The album 4 7 19 PH'LIP SIDE Phil Keaggy, Sparrow SPR 1036 plain Jacobs. "It sounds 100% better. was first released in July, 1980. Mike Cowart, director of Heartwarming /Im- We also made the commercials more pact Records, says the cover at left was abandoned in preference of the one at 5 4 51 MY FATHER'S EYES listenable, by putting them to back- right. In addition, two songs on the original album ( "Blessed, Broken and Amy Grant. Myrrh MSB 6625 ground music." Given" and "We Shall Behold Him ") were replaced by "Here Am I, Send Me" 6 1 51 ONE MORE SONG FOR YOU Another innovation for KCIJ was and "I Will Meet You In The Rapture." The new cover was designed by Mi- The Imperials, Dayspring DST 4015 adding a half hour of music to its chael Harris. morning drive period. Jacobs serves 7 11 27 IN HIS TIME, PRAISE IV Maranatha Singers, Maranatha MM0064 (Word) as deejay 6 -9 a.m. Taped gospel pro- grams, including shows by Jerry Fal- Singer Al Green: His New 8 15 51 GOT TO TELL SOMEBODY . well, Kenneth Copeland and Jimmy Don Francisco, New Pax NP 33011 Swaggart, begin at 9 a.m. Music re- Direction Through 9 10 51 FORGIVEN sumes at 3 p.m. and continues until Gospel Don Francisco, New Pax NP 33042 sign -off at sunset. By ROSE CLAYTON About 95% of the music KCIJ 10 E=10 A PORTRAIT OF US ALL MEMPHIS -"You may know the long career goals and his new per- Farrell & Farrell, New Pax 33076 plays is black gospel. The latest gos- Al Green of `Love And Happiness' sonal goals. "It's easier now. I've got pel music, including numbers by the and 'Let's Stay Together,' but this is someplace to go; I didn't have any 11 5 51 HEED THE CALL Hawkins Family, the Mighty Clouds The Imperials, Dayspring DST 4011 a new Al Green here," said the Rev. place to go before." Of Joy, Shirley Caesar and James Green as he spoke to 60 Memphis For the past seven years. Green 12 27 51 BULLFROGS & BUTTERFLIES Cleveland, is interspersed with choir Candle, Birdwing BWR 2004 State Univ. students at a "snack -n- has eluded the limelight to focus on and quartet selections. According to rap" session held recently at the Stu- his Bible studies and establish his 13 2 32 Jacobs, white gospel music is played NEVER ALONE dio Theatre on campus. church. Being a minister with his Amy Grant, Myrrh MSB 6645 (Word) if it has a crossover sound. Green's remarks made it clear that own congregation. Green says, has Jacobs is planning to do more pro- 14 8 14 BEST OF B.J. THOMAS the artist whose soulful style made motions, given his music new direction. B.J. Thomas, Myrrh /Word MSB 6653 including drawings for him an international singing star in shopping sprees giveaways, "The things you sing in the studio and as the early '70s had not come to talk 15 IMO COLOURS well as call -in contests. come from the tabernacle," he rea- Resurrection Band, Light LS 5783 about the fact that he has sold many sons, "and the things you say in the In its 10-year history. the 5.000 - millions of records. His amiable per- 16 12 51 MUSIC MACHINE watt tabernacle come out of the Book and station has amassed an au- sonality also dispelled any notion Candle, Birdwing BWR 2004 dience in the 25 -plus range, attract- the spiritual guidance of those that the minister of the Full Gospel words. To spread more to as many 17 33 51 LIVE ing slightly more female listeners. Tabernacle had come to preach a people as I can, I put it in a song." Dallas Holm & PraiseLiue, Greentree R 3441 "We've built the reputation," says sermon. Jacobs. "Now. we're working to Although Green's style is in the 18 18 51 NO COMPROMISE en- Instead, he chose to share the story hance it." traditional black gospel genre. he Keith Green, Sparrow SPR 1024 ROBYN WELLS of the conversion which transformed says that's not as important as the him from a pop to a gospel artist and 19 9 5! NEVER THE SAME message. He expresses no objection Evie Tornquist, Word 8806 to explain its meaning, both person- Site Set For ally and musically. to Christian rock. 20 23 27 THE PAINTER "I I was "We have a lot of young Chris- John Michael Talbot & Terry Talbot, Sparrow SPR 1037 thought a superstar," he Radio Seminar says. "I was doing the Al Green this tians in America now with the spiri- 21 26 27 WITH MY SONG NASHVILLE - The National and that, getting my name on the tual awakening," he says. "There is Debbie Boone, Lamb & Lion, LL 1046 (Word) Gospel Radio Seminar will be held plaques. But you come to find out more of a mass audience. What we 22 17 14 PRAISE IV at Estes Park, Col., July 30 -Aug. 2. after the spiritual awakening, it's not are going to do. is present gospel in Various Artists, Maranatha MM 0064 The meeting will include two full about all of that. I was about to lose the way it should be presented -with the whole the stage, the lights, the mikes. We're 23 29 19 THANK YOU FOR THE DOVE days of workshops for owners, man- game." Mike Adkins, MA 1061 agers, salespeople. program direc- Says Green, "The Lord has taken going to do concerts with bands and tors, DJs. music directors and gen- me through so many stages. I've everything. 24 16 23 THIS IS MY SONG been wracked in body in mind, Dallas Holm & Praise, Greentree R3714 eral programmers. and "What we want to do on the new Registration fee is $95 for the first in trying to fulfill the responsibility album ( "The Lord Will Make A 25 14 51 AMY GRANT person from an organization and that has been given to this body to Myrrh MSB 6586 Way" on Myrrh)," Green says. "is $75 each for additional ones. Appli- carry out the spirit and soul of Al set a good basic format and founda- 26 21 5 LIGHTS IN THE WORLD cations are available from the Na- Green." tion for what we want to do in the fu- Joe English, Refuge R3764 tional Gospel Radio Seminar, P.O. Green denies that he is experi- ture. The music will be more about Box 22912, Nashville, Tenn. 37202. encing a conflict between his life- 27 ET* LIVE ACROSS AMERICA love and life. There will be more mu- Bill Gaither Trio, Word WSX 8841 sic and more albums, but very con- very 28 30 5 THIS AIN'T HOLLYWOOD temporary, up -to -date and The DeGarmo & Key Band, Lamb & Lion LL 1051 live." Green adds he may eventually 29 20 32 LIVE record a duet with his wife, Shirley, Andrus Blackwood & Co., Greentree R3570 and write an autobiography. 30 13 51 FOR HIM WHO HAS EARS TO HEAR Keith Green, Sparrow SPR 1015

31 .19 5 STAND UP TV Opera Due The Archers, Light 5155 Italian Screening 32 E=10 IN CONCERT B.J. Thomas, MCA/Songbird 5155 NASHVILLE -"Make A Joyful Noise," a gospel opera produced by 33 22 51 YOU GAVE ME LOVE WDCN -TV, the B.J. Thomas, Myrrh MSB 6633 local public tele- vision station, has been selected for 34 25 5 ALL THAT MATTERS showing at Input '81 in Venice, Italy. Dallas Holm & Praise, Greentree 3558 this month. 35 37 14 STRAIGHT AHEAD The show was conceived and Jamie Owens Collins, Sparrow 2028 created by Stephen P. Kopels, WDCN producer 36 39 40 THE VERY BEST FOR KIDS and director; Bill Gaither, Trio, Word WSB 8835 Bobby Jones, Nashville musician and performer with New Life Sing- 37 40 51 ROAR OF LOVE ers; and Donna McLaughlin and 2nd Chapter Of Acts, Sparrow SPR 1033 Jeffrey R. Wyant, of the Paragon/ 38 24 9 CELEBRATE Benson Publishing Group. The Archers, Light .LS 5773 Input '81 brings together produc- 39 28 5 HAPPY MAN ers and programmers from public B.1. Thomas, Myrrh 6593 broadcasting organizations in 17 Green Guesting: Myrrh recording artist Al Green admires his latest album at a countries to screen programs 40 31 51 MIRROR and [vie Tornquist, Word WSB 8735 recent guest appearance on the Bobby Jones Gospel Show in Nashville. discuss them as social and cultural Jones is holding the album. indicators.

www.americanradiohistory.com 82 Country & MORE EXPOSURE FOR NEWCOMERS Warner's Crossover Acts Due Mass Market Push By KIP KIRBY NASHVILLE -Although the branches and accounts. Due to the to promote her market impact. Warner Bros. country division is six across- the -board sales and chart These include two gold albums - years old, the branch has tradition- success of both Harris and Shep- "Luxury Liner" and "Elite Hotel" - ally maintained a low profile. con- pard, this program will closely in- as well as her first album for the la- centrating on a long -range program volve Warner Bros. pop and country bel, "Pieces Of The Sky," and of career development for its break- promotion staffs. "Quarter Moon In A Ten -Cent ing acts. The label is supplying customized Town." Now the division is launching its stepdown header cards for rack use. Coordinating with this campaign first mass marketing campaign tar- Product covered in this program is is a two -song video piece, conceived geting the crossover accom- being made available on a single - by Harris, that centers on "Mr. plishments of Emmylou Harris, T.G. sheet order form for simplified Sandman" and "I Don't Have To Sheppard and the Bellamy Brothers, dealer requests. Crawl." The video debuts on "Mid- while providing additional exposure The label is releasing a special night Special" Friday (20) and will for newcomers such as Gail Davies country sampler album titled be used extensively in both domestic BELLAMY BANTER -David and Howard Bellamy, and John Anderson. "People Who Make Our Country and overseas markets. left, taped an interview for "American Country Countdown" recently with the radio show's host, "Warner Bros. country has been Great," geared for in -store airplay. Both Harris and Sheppard are en- Bob Kingsley, in which they discussed their No. 1 built slowly from artists in career de- On this sampler package are current gaging on major promotional tours successive string of singles. velopment situations," explains and upcoming singles selections in- coinciding with the run of the spring Kent Crawford, assistant vice presi- cluding "Lovers Live Longer" and marketing push. The label is sup- dent of sales. "Prior to this, we didn't "Do You Love As Good As You porting radio and print advertising. Indiana Campground Plans have the sales strength and market Look" by the Bellamys, "Mr. Sand- and will utilize all formats to take impact to carry off a concentrated man" and "I Don't Have To Crawl" advantage of the two singers' current program. We had individual suc- by Emmylou Harris. "I'm Just An crossover pop success. Other label 18 -Week Concert Series cesses. but collectively the label Old Chunk Of Coal" and "I Love artists not specifically included in By EDWARD MORRIS hadn't accumulated the country You A Thousand Ways" by John the blitz will be handled on an indi- NASHVILLE- Having worked its dren under IO.'Concert tickets can power to be able to offer dealers an Anderson. "I Loved 'Em Every vidual basis. commercial magic on everything be re-sold or loaned, Swager notes. entire package." One" and "Silence On by "A program this The Line" of comprehen- from radio ratings to mechanical The campground has a 24 by 64- Spearheading the program, which T.G. Sheppard, and Gail Davies' siveness has been a long -term goal bull sales, country music is going to foot stage and an area in front of it has been designed specifically for "I'll Be There" and "It's A for us, but we wanted to wait until Lovely, be tried to fill campgrounds. Bill capable of accommodating an au- the country wing, are Emmylou Lovely World." were to the sales and timing there Swager, owner of the Indian Terri- dience of 30,000. Harris and T.G. Sheppard. With 10 Peripherally tied in to this spring deliver." emphasizes Crawford. tory grounds near Fremont, Ind., is separate "We're trying to use every angle albums included in this promotion are two other "specials" "When you've got artists like Em- sponsoring a weekly series of coun- campaign, the focus is on offering a we can think of to sell tickets," Swa- from Warner Bros. country. The la- mylou, the Bellamys and T.G. Shep- try concerts from mid -May to mid - complete merchandising ger says. One angle involved sending and mar- bel has compiled a collection featur- pard consistently selling in the six September and backing it with an promotional brochures keting effort with incentives for ing "The best of T.G. Sheppard," figures, and newcomers hitting the aggressive sales campaign. to the activi- ties directors of 5,000 factories lo- dealer participation. spanning both his earlier Melody - top five on the charts, it makes Swager claims he has spent more cated within a 100-mile radius The push runs from Monday (16) land catalog and current Warner sense." than $250,000 on talent and has of the campground. This mailing was fol- through April 10, with more than Bros. product. This will be a promo- budgeted an additional $100,000 for 10,000 album graphics posters, one - tional offer for radio only. And four advertising. lowed up by telephone calls to the by -one's and streamers being catalog items from the directors to be sure the brochures Emmylou Jamboree Acts scheduled for the 18- concert shipped in kits to national WEA Harris line are price- tagged at $5.98 were posted where workers could see series are the Osborne Brothers; them. Swager says he used 270 pho- A Tradition Bluegrass Express; Grandpa Jones; ners for this facet of the campaign. Martha Carson; Hank Snow and WALKER, La.- Country music Kelly Foxton; Kitty Wells, Johnny Because of the poor economy, has been big business here for 14 Wright and Bobby Wright; Mel Til- Swager explains. he wants to target years, with the Old South Jamboree. lis; Jerry Clower; Dave Dudley; his promotions to people who have Held every Saturday night, the Charlie Douglas; Koko, the Country jobs. Old South Jamboree features a Clown; the Florida Boys; Wendy Other advertising is being name country act, performing a placed Bagwell and the Sunliters; the Hen - three -hour stageshow. The Old on cable television and radio and in sons; the Happy Goodman Family. South Jamboree Band, the house small newspapers. Currently, the In- band, also appears on most shows. Also Jimmy C. Newman and Ca- dian Territory concerts are being "Ray Price, Sonny James, Hank jun Country; Jean Shepard; Tokyo pushed on 10 radio stations in In- Williams Jr., Dolly Parton, Crystal Matsu; Alabama; Loretta Lynn; diana, Ohio and Michigan. As a Gayle -we've had just about every Jeannie C. Riley; Conway Twitty; condition for getting the account. country act in the nation except Jim and Jesse; Johnny Rodriguez; stations had to set up ticket outlets in Charley Pride, Johnny Cash and Jack Greene; Jeannie Seely; John their broadcast area. Swager says he gives the 10% Glen Campbell," says James L. Conlee; Jim Ed Brown; Razzy outlets a commission Hodges, owner and founder of the Bailey; Merle Haggard; and the on sales. show. Country Gentlemen. To make ticket-buying easier, Upcoming acts include Ronnie To encourage repeat visits to the Swager says he allows them to be McDowell, Mel McDaniel, the campground. Swager is selling sea- paid for in three payments. He does Happy Goodman Family, the son tickets to the concerts for $98 not now accept charge card pur- Hemphills, Peggy Forman, Tokyo each. He says that tickets bought in- chases -but says he is considering it. Matsu and Shojitabuchi. dividually for all the shows would According to Swager, Indian Ter- Performances are held in the cost $189. A season ticket for camp- ritory is a $3 million investment, 1,500 -seat Old South Jamboree au- ing. as well as the concerts, is priced covering 1,000 acres and providing TEN -FOUR- Singer /actor Jerry Reed assumes his trucker's role in "Con- ditorium. Broadcasts of the show, at $550 for a family of four with chil- camping space for 2.000. crete Cowboys," a television series filmed in Tennessee. The show is now which aired for nine years, have airing on CBS. been suspended for the present time. Admission ranges from $2 to $6. Although attendance has dropped Owens, Multimedia Slate Specials off a bit lately, Hodges reflects that NASHVILLE -Jim Owens Enter- Tillis and Featuring an assortment the Old South Jamboree has held its prises, in association with Multi- of country music personalities, and PLUSH EXECUTIVE own over the years. "We still just media Program Productions, has another in its series of tribute pro- play country music, just like we did slated four two -hour country music grams similar to the Chet Atkins and OR STAR COACH when we started." specials for the 1981 television sea- Hank Williams "Tribute To ..." son. specials done in 1980. Both of these 1976 Silver Eagle: For sale or lease. Super cus- TV On Lynn Tour In addition to the firm's highly - syndicated specials are scheduled rated syndicated "Music City News for fall presentation. tom conversion. 4 Private rooms, 3 baths, sleeps NASHVILLE - Television ap- Country Awards," which is to be 10, 12.5 KW Kholer, marine air, complete video pearances play an Important role in televised live from the Opry House Loretta Lynn's tour schedule. The June 8, this year will mark the debut audio center in lounge -private audio, video in MCA artist is slated to do segments of "Music City News Top Country Williams Salute rooms. 81,000 miles, mint condition. Price of the "Tonight Show." the "Merv Hits Of The Year." This program NASHVILLE -An all -day salute Griffith Show" and the "Mike will feature the top 20 country hits of to Hank Williams has been slated $190,000. Serious inquiries only (615) 822- Douglas Show." Following her stay last year, based on chart activity and for Sunday, May 31. in Greenville, 1900. in Los Angeles, Lynn plans a week- listener balloting. Ala., featuring Jim Owen. Owen is long engagement at Harrah's in Owens will also produce "Coun- well known for his characterization Lake Tahoe. try Galaxy Of Stars" hosted by Mel of Williams onstage.

www.americanradiohistory.com 83 Country NN. TELECAST APRIL 30 Little Opry Rogers Up For Five Run Ready NASHVILLE, Ind. -For those Academy Nominations wondering where to find the "phan- toms of the Opry." (Billboard, Jan. By PAUL GREIN 24, 1981), a trip to this picturesque art colony should prove rewarding. LOS ANGELES -Kenny Rogers The 11 main categories and three is the top nominee for the 16th an- special awards will be unveiled on Now in its sixth season, the Little nual Academy of Country Music the show, which is being produced Nashville Opry is promoting an im- awards. even though his hit "Lady" by Dick Clark's company. There will pressive lineup. Kicking off the 1981 was passed over for record of the also be a brief acknowledgement of season are the Oak Ridge Boys.-ap- year consideration. the winners for best radio station, pearing.for four shows, Friday -Sat- The record of the year candidates disk jockey. nightclub and instru- urday (13 -14). Also appearing in exactly reprise the song of the year mentalists. March are the Thrasher Brothers entries, except that Eddie Rabbitt's Here is the complete list of nomi- with the Cates and Slim Whitman. "Drivin' My Life Away" edged out nees: Headliners for the balance of the

"Lady" for the fifth spot. . Entertainer: Barbara Mandrell, season. which runs April through Following Rogers' five nomi- , Dolly Parton, Eddie October, include Johnny Paycheck, r . nations are Dolly Parton and Don Rabbitt, Kenny Rogers. Jimmy Dean with the Four Guys, Williams, with four; George Jones, Record: Eddie Rabbitt's "Drivin' Bobby Goldsboro, Debby Boone, ` ." " i ati Johnny r : Lee and Eddie Rabbitt, with My Life Away." George Jones' "He Ray Stevens, Jerry Lee Lewis, Moe a .> a three; and Kim Carnes, Barbara Stopped Bandy and Joe Stampley, Rex Allen .411., a- - Loving Her Today," Don Sparkling Penney: Producer Ed Penney, left, watches his protege Terri Mandrell, Lionel Richie Jr. and Don Williams' "I Believe In You," Jr. and Margo Smith, Donna Fargo, Gibbs help with the mix on her recently released MCA debut album. Williams' producer Garth Fundis. Johnny Lee's "Looking For Love," the Kendalls, Bill Anderson, Gene Looking on, center, is Jim Williamson, studio manager at Sound Empo- all with two. Dolly Parton's "9 To 5." Watson, Boxcar Willie and Faron rium in Nashville. The Academy of Country Music Song: Bobby Braddock & Curly Young. T.G. Sheppard, Johnny voting last year was widely criticized Putman's "He Stopped Loving Her Cash, Hoyt Axton, Conway Twisty. Producer Penney for being dominated by CBS acts. Today" (George Jones), Roger Cook Ronnie Milsap, the Kingston Trio. Guides But of this year's 10 multiple nomi- & Sam Hogin's "I Believe In You" Tammy Wynette and George Jones. nees, only George Jones is on the (Don Williams), Lionel Richie Jr.'s Emmylou Harris, Mel Tillis, Merle Gibb's Crossover Career CBS group of labels. By comparison, "Lady" (Kenny Rogers), Wanda Haggard, Marty Robbins. Dottie two of the multiple nominees are on West, Doug Kershaw and Billy Continued from page 68 particularly powerful phrasing Mallett, Patti Ryan & Bob Morri- MCA, Elektra /Asylum and EMI - "Crash" Craddock. hours on the phone with country and nuances with familiarity and son's "Looking For Love" (Johnny America /Liberty. programmers and "Knockin'" conviction. Lee), Dolly Parton's "9 To 5." Two shows are held every Satur- According to a statement which began to pick up steam halfway Penney managed to sidestep Album: "Coal Miner's Daughter" day. On Friday_ evenings, the house accompanied the nominations list. up the charts, eventually nesting what he felt would be the `ob- soundtrack, "Kenny Rogers' Great- band, the Little Nashville Express, the final five nominees in each cate- in the top 10. vious trap" of trying to create est Hits," Don Williams' "I Believe performs. Tickets range from $7- gory were voted by the Academy's "Because the song has a lot of more "Somebody's Knockin' " In You," Charley Pride's "There's A $12. depending on the headliner. 2.195 members from a list of 10 ini- minor chords and an unusual covers for the LP. Instead, he Little Bit Of Hank In Me, "Urban The Opry seats 1.744. tial selections. Those preliminary feel to it, some country stations looked for songs that reflect Cowboy" soundtrack. picks were made by the Academy's told me they'd never play it," Gibbs' own country-blues style. Motion Picture: "Coal Miner's nominations selections committee, chuckles Penney. "It took a Daughter," "The Gambler," "Hon- "With her voice. it would have with the approval of the Academy's while. but eventually every Bill- eysuckle Rose," "Nine To Five," been easy to fall into over- board of directors. Contract Denial board reporting station had "Urban Cowboy." production with horns and The most competitive contest NASHVILLE -Responding to an added it to their playlists." Male: George Jones. Ronnie Mil - strings," Penney concedes. would seem to be for top male vocal- alleged breach of contract between Penney credits Houston's sap, Eddie Rabbitt, Kenny Rogers, "Since I'm not a musician myself ist. Willie Nelson, Charley Pride and Billie Jo Spears and U.K. promoter KILT -AM as the first pop station Don Williams. and this was our first effort, I Jphnny were Mervyn Conn (Billboard, March 7. to recognize the pop possibilities Lee not nominated. de- wanted to aim for subtlety and spite being entered, respectively. for Female: Lacy J. Dalton. Crystal 1981) the singer denies a contractual of the record. (This station has understatement instead. I de- entertainer, album and record the Gayle, Emmylou Harris. Barbara situation had been negotiated. since gone country). With the of pended on the creative abilities year. Mandrell. Dolly Parton. support of MCA's pop promo- A spokesperson for Spears notes of our musicians on the session to "Coal Miner's Group: Alabama, Charlie Daniels tion team, "Somebody's Kno- Daughter" and that preliminary discussions had make it come alive." "Urban Cowboy" are both Band, Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin ckin'" rapidly crossed over and nomi- been held with the Conn organiza- Although Gibbs' "overnight nated for best country motion pic- Brothers, Oak Ridge Boys, Statler is now already into the top 30 of tion regarding her possible appear- success" has created a heavy de- ture, while their soundtrack LPs are Brothers. the Hot 100 chart. The self -titled ance at the upcoming Wembley Fes- mand for her services, Penney is up for album of the year. Duet: Moe Bandy & Joe Stam- album claimed top 10 LP country tival. However, her management masterminding her career care- "9 To 5" is also nominated pley, Bellamy Brothers. Jim Ed status while now climbing up the for best says that no contract was ever final- fully and thoughtfully. He country motion picture, which Brown & Helen Cornelius, Kenny pop charts as well. ized, nor was any arrangement made doesn't want to push her too soon would seem to be stretching the Rogers & Kim Carnes, Conway Recognizing the improbability defi- for Spears to appear on any Conn - in the wake of her "spectacular" nition to the breaking point. Twitty & Loretta Lynn. of striking immediate crossover promoted European tour following success. The winners will be announced New Male: Ed Bruce. Leon Ever- paydirt on his very first attempt- Wembley. on a live NBC -TV telecast emanat- ett, Don King. Johnny Lee, Steve and with an unknown artist "Right now, she's a curiosity - ing from Wariner. Penney credits country radio. for a lot of people, but it's impor- the Shrine Auditorium here April 30. Hosts are Larry Gatlin New Female: Kim Carnes, Terri "Five years ago, a song like this tant that she feel ready before (a nominee this year), Tammy would never have gotten country she goes on national tours or ma- Wy- Gibbs, Reba McIntyre, Sissy Spa - nette and Don Meredith. cek, Sylvia. airplay. It's a tribute to the jor network shows." Penney has growth of country radio and to placed her with booking agent country audiences that there's a Dale Morris. who handles Ala- place now for this kind of bama and Billy "Crash" Crad- record." dock. and is overseeing personal Gibbs' blindness works in her areas of her career development favor in the studio, Penney says, himself. as he learned when they went in "I want her to be able to enjoy to cut the album. Because she this," says Penney candidly. can't rely on sight- reading lyrics, "She's an artist who can sustain a Gibbs prepares herself totally long career. There's no need to ahead of time, thus lending her rush her." Nashville's famous Close Quarters Hotel 3 blocks from Music Row Wembley Festival Set April 17 -20 We cater to the music industry NASHVILLE -The four -day Wembley International Festival of Country Music is scheduled for April 17-20 this year. with each day's show beginning featuring the at 5 p.m. Quarter Note Headliners for the 1981 country music festival include Jerry Lee Lewis, Restaurant George Jones, Razzy Bailey. Vern Goadin, Marty Robbins, Bobby Bare. Susie Allanson, Bill Anderson, Hoyt Axton, Johnny Cash And June Carter, Joe 615- 327 -1115 Sun and Diane Pfeifer. LOSE aliglq.\ 3 Warners Acts Tape For TV H O T E

NASHVILLE -A trio of Warner Bros. acts, Gail Davies, T.G. Sheppard and BACKSTAGE CHAT -Jeannie and Royce Kendall visit backstage at the Opry 913 20th Ave. South the Bellamy Bros., have been taping a variety of television programs lately. House in Nashville with singer Johnny Lee, center. The occasion was the re- Nashville, Tennessee All three acts appear on segments of "Midnight Special," while Davies cent taping of Home Box Office's current cable special, "Country Music: A 37212 and Sheppard guest on "The Merv Griffith Show." Family Affair."

www.americanradiohistory.com 84 Billboard Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 Singles TM c Copyright 1981, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this públication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted. m any for n es or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying. recording. or otherwise. without the prior written permission of the publisher r e - A= TITLE -Artist e - 6. i TITLE- Artist ' TITLE- Artist -a ma i`-s i',3 (Writer). Label d Number (Dist Label) (Publisher. Licensee) 3V (Writer), Label & Number (Dist Label) (Publisher. Licensee) E - (Writer) label & Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher, Licensee) i 5

2 11 ANGEL FLYING TOO CLOSE TO THE GROUND-mum Ireton 39 5 SEVEN YEAR ACHE-Posanno Cash 69 54 7 I REMEMBER YOU-Sim Whitman * (W. Mercer. V. Schertzinger), Cleveland Int. /Epic 19 -50971 Nelson), Columbia 11-11418 (Willie Nelson, BMI) (R. Cash). Columbia 1111426 (Hotwire /Atlantic, BMI) (1.H. * ASCAP) (Paramount, 2 3 13 WANDERING EYES -bone McDeiell (J. O'Hara), Epic 1950962 (Cross Keys, ASCAP) 40 6 IT WAS YOU -oily "cram" Craddock (B. House, B. Stone). Capitol 4972 (Peer, BMI) 70 74 4 I THINK I COULD LOVE YOU BETTER 4 7 TEXAS WOMEN -Mont Williams Iry THAN SHE DID -Ake Barber * (FI Jrr.), 47102 BMI) Williams Elektra /Curb (Bocephus, 44 (B. Morrison, D. Hupp), Oak 1029 (Southern Nights, ASCAP) mil 3 IF I KEEP ON GOING CRAZY -roe Everette (R. Murrah. 1. McBride). RCA 12177 (Magic Castle /Blackwood. BMI) 5 10 THIRTY NINE AND HOLDING -Jerry Lee Lewis 71 63 7 COMPLETELY OUT OF LOVE ammo * (J. Foster, B. Rice). Elektra 47095 (April, ASCAP) -May y BMI) W 45 4 SOMEBODY LED ME AWAY -Lansb Lynn (M. Robbins), Columbia 11-11425 (Mariposa, s 7 10 DRIFTER- syleia (I.I Dillon). MCA 51058 (Coal Miners, BMq (D. Pfrimmer, A. Jordan). RCA 12164 (PiGem, BMI /Chess, ASCAP) 72 64 8 DIXIE ROAD -Rine Edward w so (M.A. Kennedy, P. Rose, D Goodman), Soundwaves 4626 TAN( 8 10 YOU'RE THE REASON 53 2 I LOVED 'EM EVERY ONE -Teti. Sheppard (P. Sampson). Warner /Curb 49690 (Tree. BMI) (Window /Little Jeremy, BMI) GOD MADE OKLAHOMA -David Mad s Shelly West (P. Collins. MI Warner /OSC 49650 85 3 FIRE IN YOUR EYES -Gary Morris (Peso /Wallet, BMI /Senor / Cibie, ASCAP) 43 6 BLUE COLLAR BLUES -Mae« Fanwood W (G. Morris, K. Welch), Warner Bros. 49668 (Gary Morris) /WB. ASCAP) (M. Earwood). Excelsior 1005 (Music West Of The Pecos. BMI) 9 6 OLD FLAME- Abbama ' RCA ASCAP) 74 TREATMENT -Ead Thomas Conley (D. Lowery, M. McAnally), 12169 (I've Got The Music, a 47 5 DOESN'T ANYBODY GET HIGH 66 19 SILENT Conley), Sunbird 7556 (Blue Moon/April, ASCAP) 8 1 10 GUITAR MAN -Elvis Presley (On Love Anymore) -The mamma Hubbard). RCA 12158 (Vector, BMI) (A. Roberts, 1. Cymbal), NSD 80 (Colgems.EMI. ASCAP/Ensign, BM!) (1.R. FOOL'S BOLD -Wary weed 10 10 IF DRINKIN' DON'T KILL ME (J. Abbott, C. Stewart, D. Wood, V. Stewart), RCA 12181 bas 48 3 MISTER SANDMAN- Earmylou Harris (HallClement /Upstart. BMI) (Your Memory Will) - George Jones (P. Ballard), Warner Bros. 49684 (E H. Morris, ASCAP) (H. Sanders, R. Beresford(, Epic 19-50968 (Warner-Tamerlane /Window. BMI) ere rem THE BARON -lehmq cash Jo 15 8 CRYING -D. Mclean 49 3 CHEATIN'S A TWO WAY STREET - Sommi Smith (P. Richey. ) Taylor. B. Sherrill). Columbia 11-60516 (M. Bernard, C. Duvall), Sound Factory 427 (Crown Dancer, ASCAP) (First Mother's BMI) (R. Orbison, 1. Melson), Millennium 11799 (RCA) (Acuff -Rose, BMI) * Lady /Sylvia's /Algee,

1t 17 9 I'M GONNA LOVE YOU BACK 50 5 MISTER PEEPERS -Bill *Perm NO ACES -Anti Pap TO LOVING ME AGAIN -Joe Stemple' (M. Charron), MCA 51052 (Crazy Cajun /Points West, BMI) (B. House, W. Cunningham), Plantation 197 (L. Cheslier, M. Kellum). Epic 1950972 (Blabb, Mullet. BMI) (On The House, BMI /Expertise, ASCAP) 55 3 AIJCE DOESN'T LOVE HERE ANYMORE -Bobby Goldsboro 12 9 WHAT I HAD WITH YOU -John Coles (B. Goldsboro). Curb /CBS 67.0052 (House Of Gold, BMI) 78 81 3 I'M GONNA LET GO (And Love Somebody) -Cod Lindell (C. Putnam. S. Throckmorton). MCA 51044 (Tree. BMI) * 0. Grayson). Koala 330 (Hinsdale, BMI) f3 14 6 PICKIN' UP STRANGERS - Johnny i.e a 59 2 HEY JOE (Hey Moe) -Moe Bandy and Joe stampley (B. Hill), Full Moon /Asylum 47105 (Welbeck, ASCAP) (B. Bryant). Columbia 1160508 (Acuff-Rose, BMI( 79 79 3 LOVING YOU WAS ALL I EVER NEEDED -Lm Hobbs (B. Wood. S. Kessler), KIK 902 (Criswood, BMI) 16 9 SOMETHIN' ON THE RADIO -Jacby Ward (P. McManus). Mercury 57044 (Music City, ASCAP) 58 3 ANGEL OF THE MORNING -Juice NeErton I C. Taylor), Capitol 4976 (Blackwood, BMI) 80 80 4 WANT TO SEE ME IN 1s 20 6 A HEADACHE TOMORROW YOUR EYES-Gen. Kennedy & Karen Worn A Knob 'N' Dale. ASCAP) (Or A Heartache Tonight) -Mickey Gilley AM I LOSING YOU -Ruth Mikap (F. Stanton. Kent). Door 145 (Chip (C. Rains), Epic 1950973 (Blue Lake /Chick Rains. BMI) (J. Reeves), RCA 12194 (Rondo, BMI) ' 81 82 2 SAD OLE SHADE OF GREY - Jeannie Pruett 19 8 LOVIN' WHAT YOUR LOVIN' Throckmorton, G Martin), Paid 118 BMI) 50 11 14 WHAT'S NEW WITH YOU -Cn Hanley (S. (Tree. DOES TO ME-Conwayn TwLorettaLoretta Lys (C. Quillen, D. Dillon). Warner Bros. 49613 (Chess, ASCAP /PiGem, BMI) (1. Crouch. T. Dae). MCA 51050 (Sawgrass. BMI) (Lookin' At Things) IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT- Ridrlstreels (1. Taylor). Epic 1951004 (First Lady. BMI) 61 4 BETWEEN THIS TIME AND THE NEXT -Gee Wabern W 18 10 I HAVE A DREAM -tdsy tae (B. Anderson, B. Ulvaeus), Liberty 1396 (Artwork. ASCAP) * (R. Grill), MCA 51039 (Blue Echo, ASCAP) SINGLE GIRL -Cindy Hurt le 7 LOVE IS FAIR /SOMETIME, (M. Sharpe). Churchill 7767 (Combine, BMI) 21 TA( 62 3 BRIDGE OVER BROADWAY -The capital SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW - Barbara Mandrel) (G. Dobbins, T. Rocco), Ridgetop 01281 (Chappell /Intersong, ASCAP) West (K. Fleming. D.W. Morgan, 1. Turner, B. Beene). MCA 51062 litr 90 2 LOVIN' NIGHT-Jim (Pi.Gern, BMI /Chess, ASCAP) (1. West). Macho 009 (Home Comfort/Yatahey. BMI) 53 13 11 YOUR GOOD GIRL'S GONNA GO BAD -IjiBie Jo Spun (G. Sutton. B. Sherrill), Liberty 1395 (Al Gallico. BMI) 1a 22 6 LEONARD -Merle Hagprd 85 86 3 CHARLESTON COTTON MILL-Marty Haggard Haggard), Tree, BMl) (M. MCA 51048 (Shade (R. Lane. D. Kirby), Dimension 1016 (Tree. BMI) 65 2 I DON'T THINK LOVE OUGHT TO m 28 5 REST YOUR LOVE ON ME /I AM THE DREAMER (Tio Are 1!^1 BE THAT WAY-Bow McEntire 86 87 3 THERE AIN'T A SONG -Molt Rai The Dream) -Camay Twitty (L. Martie 1r.. R. Mainegra), Mercury 57046 (Ray Stevens /Lucy's Boy, BMI) (W. Helm), Debut 8013 (Gilpip, BMI) (B. Gibb). MCA 51059 (Stigwood. BMI)

24 7 TAKE IT EASY -crysui Eayb , 55 57 5 ANYTHING THAT HURTS YOU (Hurts Me) -Keith steps I:=11 CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE -Hiroo (D. McClinton), Columbia 1111436 (Duchess. BMI) (C. Monk, J. Lee). Capitol 4967 (April /United Artists. ASCAP) * (F. Mercury). Sun 1162 (Beechwood /Queen, BMI) n 30 5 FAWNG AGAIN -Den Williams 69 2 PRIDE -Jaime Fricke 88 88 2 STAND BY YOUR MAN -David Allan Cue (B. McDill), MCA 51065 (Hall-Clement, BMI) *. (W. Walker, I. Stanton), Columbia 1160509 (Cedarwood, BMI) (B. Sherrill. T. Wynette), Columbia 1160501 (AI Galileo, BMI) 23 23 9 PEACE OF MIND -Eddy been (E. Raven), Dimension 1017 (Milene, ASCAP) 67 3 HOLD ME LIKE YOU NEVER HAD ME -body Parton HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN * (R. Byrne, T. Brasfield), RCA 12137 (I've Got The Music, ASCAP) Amarillo * _ WING ON- 26 7 PERFECT FOOL -Debby loom (l. Morris), NSD 81 (Sing Me, ASCAP) (D. Pfeifer), Warner /Curb 49652 (Brightwater /Strawberry Patch. ASCAP) 558 255 9 DIXIE MAN -body Barlow a 31 5 HOOKED ON MUSIC-Mac Davis (K. Bell, T. Skinner. 1.L. Wallace) Paid 116 (Hall-Clement, BMI) THE BABY-Moran Kane (M. Davis), Casablanca 2327 (Songpainter, BMI) (K. Kane), Elektra 47111 (Cross Keys. ASCAP) 59 60 4 WASN'T THAT APARTY -TM Revers NOW Lee ' 26 27 8 EVERY AND THEN -Brenda (T. Paxton), Cleveland Int. 1951007 (Epic) (United Artists. ASCAP) 91 68 16 DON'T LOOK NOW (But We Just Fell In Love)-Filly Arnold (S. Dolan. R Kdlough), MCA 5104/ (Tree, BMI) (J. Slate. 1. Silber). RCA 12136 (House Of Gold, BMI) 27 6 10 DO YOU LOVE AS GOOD AS YOU LOOK -Bebmy Brothers HIDEAWAY HEALING- sts$ame vamdw (R. Bourke, 1. Gillespie, C. Black). Warner /Curb 49639 (O. Solomon. S. Winslow), Warner /Curb 49693 (Paukie /House of Gold. BMI) 92 70 7 I DON'T WANT TO KNOW YOUR NAME -GIB Campbell (Chappell. ASCAP /TriChappell, SESAC) ' (M. Smotherman), Capitol 4959 (Seventh Sun, ASCAP) 61 33 7 ANY WAY YOU WANT ME -Gene Watson 28 29 9 TOO LONG GONE -Were foedt (L. Olfman), Warner /Viva 49648 (Senor /Cibie, ASCAP) 93 GET ME HIGH, OFF THIS LOW -Gary Goodnight (M D. Barnes), Ovation 1163 (Blue Lake. Plum Creek, BMI) (S. Clark). Door Knob BI.149 34 5 STORMS NEVER LAST-waybn a Jab 62 42 14 CAN I SEE YOU TONIGHT-Tamp Tucker (1. Colter). RCA 12176 (Baron, BMI) (D. Allen. R. Van Hoy), MCA 51037 (Duchess /Posey /Tree, BMI) 94 94 2 URBAN COWBOYS, OUTLAWS, CAVALIERS -James Martell (G Marvell), Cavalier 117 (Cava, ASCAP) 41 3 ROLL ON MISSISSIPPI Charley Pride - 63 46 15 ARE YOU HAPPY BABY. -Dottie west (K. Fleming, D W Morgan). RCA 12178 (PiGem, BMI) (8. Stone). Liberty 1392 (Rock Garden. BMI) 95 95 2 GREEN EYED GIRL -Seau Morse Dewey at 37 5 IT DON'T GET BETTER THAN (1. Fuller), ESO 12932 (Blackwood/Fullness, BMI) 64 51 17 KIWN' TIME -rred Knoblock and Susan Anton THIS -Larry Gatlin and The Gatlin Brothers Band (1. Harrington, I. Penning), Scotti Bros. 609 (Flowering Stone, ASCAP) HER PILLOW To MdAibn (L Gatlin), Columbia 11.11438 (Larry Gatlin, BMI) 96 % 2 EMPTY (Lying Next Mine) -jimmy (1.M Kinsey). Blum 767 (Texas Starway. BMI) 32 32 7 ITS A HEARTACHE -Dan s Sugar 73 4 THERE'S A CRAZY MAN -Jody Payne (Scott. Wolfe). RCA 12168 (Pi.Gem, BMI) (M. Williams), Kari 117 (Almo, BMI) 97 71 14 CUP OF TEA -Au NW Jr. and Map Smith (H S. While). Warner Bros 49626 (Fruit, BMI) 38 6 ARE WE DREAMIN' THE ' ltr COWBOYS DON'T SHOOT STRAIGHT SAME DREAM -Charlie Rh W (Like They Used To) -Tammy wynette 72 17 WHO'S CHEATIN' WHO -the rlr McClain (B. Barnette, J. Christopher), Elektra 47104 Moman, B. Emmons), Epic 19-51011 (Vogue /Baby Chick (Welk), BMI) (1. Hayes), Epic 19 -50948 (Partner /Algee, BMI) (Vogue /Baby Chick /Easy Nine. HMI) (C.

36 6 ONE MORE LAST CHANCE -by stews 99 75 15 HILLBILLY GIRL WITH THE BLUES -Lacy J. Dann W ( 78 2 JUST A COUNTRY BOY -Res man Jr. (H. Bynum. B. Reueau). RCA 12170 (R. Allen Jr.). Warner Bros. 49682 (Boxer, BMI) (L.). Dalton), Columbia 1111410 (Algee, BMI) (Andde Invasion, BMI /Intersong, ASCAP) 100 76 4 TAKE ME BACK TO THE COUNTRY hater, Barter and 35 35 11 20/20 HINDSIGHT-NM Larkin 68 52 15 SOUTHERN RAINS -Met rims - bar (B. Castleman), Sun 1160 (S. Singleton, BMI) (T. Gmemer, I. Greenbaum. W. Conklin), Sunbird 7557 (Lefty's, BMI) (R. Murrah). Elektra 47082 (Blackwood. BMI /Magic Castle, ASCAP)

Superstars are awarded to those products showing greatest upward movement on he current week's chart (Prime Movers). * Stars are awarded to those products showing greatest ai play and sales strength. Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal for sales of 1,000,000 units. (Seal indica ed by dot.) Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal for sales of 2,000,000 units indicated by triangle.)

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www.americanradiohistory.com 86 Country Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81 óillboofd Fi Chart Fax Hot Country LPs

By ROBYN WELLS Copyright 1981, Billboard Publications. Inc No part of this publication may be reproduced. in stared a retrieval system. or transmitted. in awl form or by any means. electronic. mechanical. photocopying recording. or otherwise without the prior written permission "Angel flying Too Close To the Ground" followed by a newcomer, Cindy Hurt, at starred of the publisher reaches the apex for Willie Nelson. Not only did 83 with "Single Girl." "Crazy Little Thing Called "On The Road Again," his previous single from Love" puts Orion at starred 87. Amarillo, Kieran cri the "Honeysuckle Rose" soundtrack peak at No. Kane (in his first -time ever appearance on the 8 1 back in November; it also garnered Nelson a country chart) and Gary Goodnight complete the 3 nTLE irtiE Artist, Label Number Artist, Grammy for the top country song and an Oscar new entries. L Label i Number (Dist. Label) (Dist Label) nomination for best original song. NATIONAL OUT-OF- THE -BOX -BREAKOUTS: S Starred highlights in the top 10 find Hank THE BABY- Kieran Kane (Elektra) -WJQS- 1 15 9 TO 5 AND ODD JOBS 39 29 8 GREATEST HITS Dolly Parton, Williams Jr. at starred 3, Jerry Lee Lewis at AM, Jackson, Miss.; KHAK -AM, Cedar Rapids; RCA AHLI 3852 Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers Band, Columbia JC 36488 starred 4, Sylvia at superstarred 5, David Friz- WHIM -AM, Providence; WDXB -AM, Chat- 2 2 36 HORIZON 40 31 17 ENCORE zell and Shelly West at superstarred 6, Alabama tanooga; WCBX -AM, Eden, N.C.; WSDS -AM, Eddie Rabbitt, Elektra 6E-276 Mickey Gilley. Epic JE 36851 at starred 7, George Jones at starred 9 and Don Ypsilanti; WBAM -AM, Montgomery; KRMD -AM, 3 3 22 GREATEST HITS 41 43 21 TEXAS IN MY REAR VIEW McLean at superstarred 10. Shreveport; KEBC -FM, Oklahoma City; KWMT- Kenny Rogers. Liberty LOO 1012 MIRROR There's a lot of strong songs jockeying for po- AM, Ft. Dodge, Iowa; KMPS -AM, Seattle; KIKX- MERLE'S MUSE -He's "Leonard" 4 4 23 GREATEST HITS Mac Davis, Casablanca NBLP 7239 sition on the chart, making it difficult for quan- AM, Tucson; WDEN -AM, Macon; KUUY -AM, Ronnie Milsap, AHLI in Merle Haggard's current chart- RCA 3772 42 46 43 THE BEST OF DON tum jumps. T.G. Sheppard leaps 13 spots to su- Cheyenne; WPNX -AM, Columbus, Ga. climbing tribute, but two gener- 5 5 99 GREATEST HITS WIWAMS VOL II Don Williams. MCA 3096 perstarred 40 with "I Loved 'Em, Every One," SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY, AND SOMEDAY - Waylon Jennings, RCA AHLI.3378 ations of country music fans know which sparked his first crossover action, chart- Amarillo (NSD)- WTMT -AM, Louisville; KOYN- 43 32 33 FULL MOON 6 6 5 GUITAR MAN ing on the Hot 100 at starred 87. Sharing the AM, Billings; WSDS -AM, Ypsilanti; WKCW -AM, him as Tommy Collins. The Okla- The Charlie Daniels Band. Elvis Presley, RCA AHL1 3197 Epic FE 36571 Prime- Mover -Of- The -Week spotlight is Janie Warrenton, Va.; KDJW -AM, Amarillo; WTOD- homa -born Collins was an early in- 7 7 25 GREATEST HITS 44 38 9 I'LL Fricke, also jumping 13 places to superstarred AM, Toledo; KFDI -AM, Wichita; KV00 -AM, Tulsa; spiration to and supporter of Hag- BE MERE Anne Murray, Capitol 500 12110 Gail Davies. 56 with "Pride." Scoring 12 -notch jumps apiece WPCM -FM, Burlington, N.C.; KCEY -AM, Mo- gard. Besides being a performer, Warner Bros. 85K 3509 8 7 ROWDY are Moe Bandy and Joe Stampley at super- desto; WWVA-AM, Wheeling; KKYX -AM, San An- Collins has penned such standards Hank Williams Jr., 45 44 20 DREAMLOYERS starred 47 and Gary Morris at starred 73. Ad- tonio; WIRK -AM, West Palm Beach. as "You Gotta Have A License," Elektra /Curb 6E 330 Tanya Tucker, MCA 5140 vancing 11 paces are Charley Pride to super- BUBBLING UNDER THE TOP 100: "You Better Not Do That," "If You 46 47 2 I HAVE A DREAM 9 9 7 SOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN' starred 30, Reba McEntire to superstarred 54 101 -GETTING OVER YOU AGAIN -Ray Price Cristy Lane, Liberty LT 1083 Can't Bite, Don't Growl," "Caro- Terri Gibbs, MCA 5173 and Rex Allen Jr. to starred 67. Juice Newton, (Dimension) lyn" and "The Roots Of My Rais- 47 51 30 SMOOTH SAIUN' 10 10 4 EVANGELINE the Capitals and Randy Parton flesh out the 102 -I'M ALMOST READY -Leona Williams T.G. Sheppard, ing." Emmylou Hams, prime movers. (Elektra) Warner/Curb BSK 3423 Warner Bros. BSK 350 Ronnie Milsap leads this week's new entries, 103 -BALD HEADED MAN -Billy Edd Wheeler LEATHER AND LACE 11 11 31 I BEUEVE IN YOU Pi* Waylon Jennings A lessi Colter, bowing at starred 49 with an old tune penned by (NSD) Strong LP action finds Conway Twitty at Don Williams, MCA 5133 RCA Mil 3931 Jim Reeves, "Am I Losing You." Reeves took this 104 -I'M GONNA HANG UP THIS HEARTACHE - starred 15 with "Rest Your Love On Me," Mickey 12 12 20 GREATEST HITS 49 49 2 SAVIN' IT UP song 8 in to 1957. Stephanie Winslow debuts at Nancy Ruud (C &R) Gilley at superstarred 22 with "That's All That Debby Boone, The Oak Ridge Boys, MCA 5150 starred 60 with "Hideaway Healing," taken from 105 -HEART OF THE MATTER -The Kendalls Matters," Mel McDaniel at starred 38 with "I'm Warner /Curb BSK 3501 13 13 20 her first album, "Dakota." Tammy Wynette's (Ovation) Countrified" and Loretta Lynn at starred 62 with BACK TO THE BARROOMS 50 40 24 HARD TIMES Merle Haggard, MCA 5139 first single with producer Chip Moman, "Cow- LP CHART ACTION: "Lookin' Good." Lacy J. Dalton, Columbia 1C 36763 boys Don't Shoot Straight (Like They Used To,)" "9 to 5 And Odd Jobs" continues its reign Willie Nelson slides onto the LP chart at 14 14 15 ANY WHICH 51 41 10 URBAN COWBOY II enters at starred 66. At starred 75 is Danny over the LP chart. In fact, the top 14 places re- starred 27 with "Somewhere Over The Rain- WAY YOU CAN Various Artists /Soundtrack, Soundtrack, Warner Bros. HS 3499 Full Moon /Epic SE 36921 Wood with "Fool's Gold," closely followed by tain their position from the previous week. The bow." Alabama enters at starred 33 with "Feels 52 57 10 I'LL NEED SOMEONE TO Johnny Cash at starred 76 with "The Baron" and only starred spots among the group belong to So Right," while Waylon Jennings and Jessie 18 21 REST YOUR LOVE ON ME Conway Twitty, MCA 5138 HOLD ME WHEN I CRY Patti Page at starred 77 with "No Aces." Night - Dolly Parton and Hank Williams Jr. at super- Coker debut at starred 48 with "Leather And Janie Fricke, Columbia 1C 36820 streets makes its way on the chart at starred 82, starred 8 with "Rowdy." Lace." 16 20 25 LOVE IS FAIR 53 42 39 HABITS OLD AND NEW Barbara Mandrell, MCA 5136 Hank Williams Jr.. 17 17 71 THE BEST OF Elektra /Curb 6E2/8 EDDIE RABBITT 54 56 120 WIWE AND FAMILY Elektra 6E 235 LIVE Willie Nelson. Columbia 18 19 25 I AM WHAT I AM KC 2 -35642 George Jones, Epic JE 36586 55 58 8 CLASSIC CRYSTAL 19 15 29 HONEYSUCKLE ROSE Crystal Gayle. Liberty LOO 982 Soundtrack Beginning 56 61 26 THESE DAYS Columbia 5236752 Crystal Gayle. Columbia JC 36512 20 16 41 MY HOME'S IN 57 52 119 THE GAMBLER ALABAMA Kenny Rogers, United Artists Alabama, RCA ÁH11.3644 UA-LA 934 -1-1 21 21 19 LOOKIN' FOR LOVE 58 45 4 BETWEEN THIS TIME AND inApril... Johnny Lee, Asylum 6E 309 THE NEXT Gene Watson, MCA 5170 33 36 THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS 59 59 2 A TRIBUTE Mickey Gilley, Epic JE 36492 TO WIWE AND KRIS Ray Price, Columbia 1C 37061 23 23 16 SONS OF THE SUN 60 65 6 KILLER COUNTRY The Bellamy Brothers, Warner /Curb Jerry Lee Lewis, Elektra 6E 281 SSE 3491 61 62 39 FRIDAY NIGHT BLUES Record 24 24 28 RAM John Costee, MCA 3246 Reny Bailey, RCA AHLI 3688 72 20 LOOKIN' GOOD 25 22 150 STARDUST Loretta Lynn, MCA 5148 Willie Nelson, Columbia JC 35305 63 50 4 BLUE PEARL Company 26 28 16 SOUTHERN RAIN Earl Thomas Conley, Mel Tillis, Elektra 6E 310 Sunbird ST 50105 64 54 14 STRAIGHT AHEAD SOMEWHERE OVER THE *=*. Larry Gatlin And The Gatlin RAINBOW Brothers Band, Columbia JC 36250 Willie Nelson, Columbia FC 36883 SALES 65 64 11 ITS HARD TO BE HUMBLE 28 30 15 WHO'S CHEATIN WHO Mac Davis, Casablanca NBLP 7207 Charly McClain, Epic JE 36760 66 71 17 FOLLOWING THE FEEUNG WIZARDS 29 34 4 TWO'S A PARTY Moe Bandy, Columbia IC 36789 Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn, 67 73 90 FAMILY TRADITION MCA 5178 Hank Williams Jr., Elektra /Curb 6E -194 30 26 40 SAN ANTONIO ROSE Willie Nelson and Ray Price, 68 70 29 PORTER AND DOLLY Columbia 36476 Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton, will find the RCA ANLI 3700 31 25 42 MUSIC MAN 69 68 43 MIWON MILE Waylon Jennings, RCA AHLI.3602 REFLECTIONS play -by -play facts faster 32 27 44 URBAN COWBOYS The Charlie Daniels Band, Epic Soundtrack, Asylum DP 90002 JE 36751

FEELS SO RIGHT 70 55 39 OUTLAWS *® Alabama, RCA AHL1 3930 Waylon Jennings, RCA AFL 1-1321 than ever before 71 53 165 TEN YEARS OF GOLD 34 36 15 THE BEST OF THE Kenny Rogers, United Artists KENDALIS UA-LA 835-H The Kendalls, Ovation OV 1756 in our 72 60 8 BLUE KENTUCKY GIRL 35 35 4 GREATEST HITS Emmylou Hanis, Dave Rowland & Sugar, Warner Bros. BSK 3318 RCA AHLI 3195 73 63 23 HELP YOURSELF 36 39 43 ROSES IN THE SNOW Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers Emmylou Harris, Warner Bros. Band, Columbia IC 36582 BSK 3422 74 66 71 WHISKEY BENT AND 37 37 2 WILD WEST HEU. BOUND Hank Williams Jr., Dottie West, Liberty LT 1062 Elektra /Curb 6E -237 48 7 I'M COUNTRIFIED 75 69 39 WAYLON AND WIWE Mel McDaniel, Capitol ST 12116 RCA AFLI-2686

* Stars are awarded to those products showing greatest sales strength. tr Superstars are awarded to those prod- bin ucts showing greatest upward movement on the current week's chart (Prime Movers). Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal for sales of 500,000 units. (Seal indicated by dot.) Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal for sales of 1,000,000 units. (Seal indicated by triangle.)

www.americanradiohistory.com 87 Country CounEry Singles A -Z

A Headache Tomorrow (Or A Heartache Cowboys Don't Shoot Straight (Like They How Long Has This Been Going On 89 (Lookin' At Things) In A Different Light Somebody Led Me Away 39 14 Tonight) 15 Used To) (Chip Monam) 66 I Don't Think Love Ought To Be That (J. Taylor) 82 Somethin' On The Radio 68 Am I Losing You (R. Milsap & T. Collins) 49 Crazy Little Thing Called Love (S. S. Way (Jerry Kennedy) 54 Love Is Fair /Sometime, Somewhere, Southern Rains 18 By Your Man 88 Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground 1 Singleton) 87 I Don't Want To Know Your Name 92 Somehow Stand (Billy Sherrill) 84 Never Last 29 Any Way You Want Me 61 Crying 10 I Have A Dream 17 Lavin' Night (Ray Ruff) Storms What Your Lovin' Does To Me 16 Take It Easy 21 Anything That Hurts You (Hurts Me) 55 Cup Of Tea 97 I Loved 'Em Every One (Buddy Killen) 40 Lovin'

I Take Me Back To The Country 100 Are You Happy Baby 63 Dixie Man 58 I Remember You 69 Loving You Was All Ever Needed Morris) 79 Texas Women 3 Are We Dreamin' The Same Dream 33 Dixie Road 72 I Want To See Me In Your Eyes. 80 (Johnny Between This Time And The Next 51 Do You Love As Good As You Look 27 If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me (Your Memory Mister Sandman (Brian Ahern) 43 The Baby (Jimmy Bowen) 90 Blue Collar Blues 41 Don't Look Now (But We Just Fell In Will) 9 Mister Peepers 45 The Baron (Billy Sherrill) 76 11 There Ain't A Song (Bill Pippin) 86 Bridge Over Broadway (Joe Bob Barnhill) 52 Love) 91 If I Keep On Going Crazy (Ronnie Dean No Aces (S.S. Singleton) 65 Can I See You Tonight 62 Doesn't Anybody Get High (On Love & Leon Everette) 38 Old Flame 1 There's A Crazy Man 34 Thirty Nine And Holding 4 Charleston Cotton Mill (P. Pennington) 85 Anymore) 42 I Think I Could Love You Better Than One More Last Chance Cheatin's A Two Way Street (P. Baugh & Drifter 5 She Did 70 Peace Of Mind 23 Too Long Gone 28 B. Emmons) 44 Every Now And Then 26 I'm Gonna Let Go (And Love Somebody) Perfect Fool 24 Urban Cowboys, Outlaws, Cavaliers (C. Completely Out Of Love 71 Falling Again 22 (Bernie Vaughn & Liz Lyndell) 78 Pickin' Up Strangers 13 Chambers & L. Walls) 94 Fire In Your Eyes (Narro Wilson) 73 I'm Gonna Love You Back To Loving Me Pride (Jim Ed Norman) 56 20/20 Hindsight 35 Fool's Gold (1. Vienneau) 75 Again 11 Rest Your Love On Me 20 Wandering Eyes 2 Get Me High, Off This Low (Gene It Don't Get Better Than This 31 Roll On Mississippi (Jerry Bradley & Wasn't That A Party 59

Kennedy) 93 It's A Heartache 32 Charlie Pride) 30 What I Had With You 12 Green Eyed Girl (Jerry Fuller) 95 It Was You 37 Sad Ole Shade Of Grey (W. Haynes) 81 What's New With You 50 Nashville Guitar Man 8 Just A Country Boy (R. Allen & C. Allen). 67 Seven Year Ache 36 Who's Cheatin' Who 98 Her Empty Pillow (Lying Next To Mine) Killin' Time 64 Silent Treatment 74 Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad 53 (Bed Hearne) 96 Leonard 19 Single Girl (B. Millsap) 83 You're The Reason God Made Oklahoma... 6 Hey Joe (Hey Moe) (Ray Baker) 41 Scene Hideaway Healing (Ray Ruff) 60 By KIP KIRBY Hillbilly Girls With The Blues 99 He's got the face for it: the National Assn. of Hold Me Like You Never Had Me (Mike Editorial Cartoonists has invited Tom T. Hall to Post) 57 be its guest of honor when it holds its annual Hooked On Music 25 convention in Nashville this June. In the past, this honor -which includes being sketched by some of the nation's top cartoonists -has gone to such people as George Burns, Carol Channing and Jackie Gleason.

when was a New it difficult for Nash- On Remember ville act to get prime -time media exposure? Well, these days, the situation has done an about -face and the problem seems to be over- The CharE& exposure ... or overwork. Barbara Mandrell's grueling taping schedule on her current NBC tv series has kept her normally husky voice even huskier, while Dolly Parton had to cancel her Riviera Hotel engagement in Las Vegas recently due to severe laryngitis. (She'll be returning to finish her stint there April 2 -15.) Luckily, Dolly's opening night reviews were highly laudatory, and the shows are scheduled to be sellouts.

Bill Lowery of the Lowery Group in Atlanta is donating 20% of the proceeds received from the sale of the single, "Mommy, What's Happening (To The People In The World)," to the city's Missing and Murdered Children's Investigation Fund. Many in the music industry have donated their time or services, including Sammy Davis Jr. and Frank Sinatra who performed a special ben- efit concert in Atlanta, last week for this cause.

Lacy J. Dalton is supposed to sing the theme song, "Comes A Time" by Neil Young, for Ellen Burstyn's forthcoming Universal Pictures movie, CINDY HURT "Silence Of The North." This cut will also be in- "Single Girl" - cluded on Dalton's third Columbia album which she's in the process of recording now in Nash- Although Cindy Hurt is still in her ville. twenties. she is already a seasoned The Burrito Brothers, pioneer group in the performer with a successful night field of country -rock, are back in the thick of club act. numerous stage perform- country music again, with their latest LP, ances and a string of radio and tele- "Hearts On The Line." Produced by Michael vision commercials to her credit. Lloyd, this LP features both strong new country Raised in Illinois, Hurt attended originals and a nice cover of Don Gibson's clas- Butler Univ. in Indianapolis. intend- sic, "Oh, Lonesome Me." The Burritos kicked off ing to become a dancer. Instead. she their tour at the Palomino Club in L.A., then triple -majored in voice. drama and joined Emmylou Harris for five dates in North- dance. Branching out into commer- west venues, and slipped in a "Midnight Spe- cial work. she did television spots for cial" taping as well. Keep an eye out for the Bur- Pizza Hut, McDonald's and VO 5 ritos to release a straightahead country single Hairspray. Her radio credits include off the LP, titled "She Belongs To Everyone But playing the character of Charlie Me." Brown's sister Sally for Butternut Also Burrito Brothers' is enjoying the success Bread. Nashville songwriter Richard Leigh, since he au- Interested in live performance. thored two of the cuts on the album: "Isn't That Hurt became the lead singer for Just Like Love" and "Does She Wish She Was "Magic." a night club act she Single Again." formed with three other women. While ap- Paul Kennerly, the English songwriter who pearing in Chicago, she caught the wrote "The Legend Of Jesse James" for A &M eye of Tony Martin, dancer Cyd Records, has donated $500 to the Jesse James Charisse's husband. Subsequently. Farm Museum in Kearney, Mo. Kennerly toured Magic appeared on the tv special, the farm a few weeks ago as part of his national, month -long promotion tour on behalf of the al- "ABC's 30th Anniversary" and be- bum. Kennerly has been in and out of Nashville came one of the 1980 "Sophisticated recently for some co- writing projects. Ladies" tour. which stars Charisse. Askfor Nocona Boots where quality western boots are sold. Style shown 9056 with Genuine Ostrich vamp. Roberta Sherwood. Anna Marie Al- NOCONA BOOT COMPANY / ENID JUSTIN. PRESIDENT / DEPT. 09056 BOX 599! NOCONA, TEXAS 76255 817 -825 -3321 WHN -AM's been packing 'em in up in the sta- berghetti and Mimi Hines. tion's Manhattan studios, featuring enough Signed to Churchill Records in country personalities to start its own label. In November. 1980. during Grammy week festivities as guest hosts Hurt recorded her were Charley Pride, Barbara Mandrell, Larry first single. "Single Girl." She is cur-

Gatlin, the Oak Ridge Boys, T.G. Sheppard, and a rently completing the "Sophisticated rare visitor to any radio facility - George Jones. Ladies" tour. Her management is Having an artist "sit in" during a regular air handled by CBC Productions Inc., shift used to be one of the mainstays of country 2135 Stirling Rd., Deerfield, Ill. radio, and it's nice to hear that it's still going on. 60015.(312)945 -1512.

www.americanradiohistory.com 88 International IFPI Sees Berne Pact Violation While Detailing Tape Levy Policy By PETER JONES LONDON -The International out, "stressed the need to compen- corded cassette. It is submitted that it Federation of Producers of Phono- sate the damage done to the industry is inherently unjust to those whose grams And Videograms says it sup- by private copying as the basis for works are involved to permit use of ports a blank tape levy that would be seeking a royalty. their primary right in the way that based on the tape's playing time, "Now this new version gives equal those who make private copies do. while also taking into account the emphasis to the fact that private cop- "Quite apart from the question of average royalty paid to authors and ying involves the use of the indus- whether private copying conflicts performers, as well as the average try's fundamental right, the repro- with normal exploitation of phono- gross sales of pre -recorded disks and duction right. and that it therefore grams, which is a question of dam- tapes. represents a primary use for which age done to sales of records and pre- According to a revised policy proper remuneration should be record tapes, the nature and scale of statement on private copying from paid." private copying unreasonably prej- IFPI here. governments may be The relevant section of the new udices the legitmate interests of the breaking the Berne Convention in document says: "The person who right owners. allowing home -taping without pro- copies a phonogram in his home ac- "Evidence indicates that almost viding "proper remuneration" for quires. so far as the rights embodied all private copying involves the re- the copyright owners. in the phonogram are concerned. the production of copyright music and Earlier versions of the ¡FM policy same thing as he would acquire by often takes the form of copying en- recommendations have, it is pointed the purchase of a record or prere- tire albums. In developed markets. the number of hours privately cop- FROM U.K. COURT ied music frequently approaches, and sometimes exceeds, the number of hours of pre- recorded music sold. Radio Royalty Cut Move Gets Boost "These practices, it is submitted, cannot be a reasonable incursion LONDON -The fight by Britain's against the Tribunal, claiming basic- into the primary reproduction right independent radio stations to slash ally that the royalties paid are ex- but fall within the definition of'un- their multimillion -pound annual cessive and unreasonable." reasonable prejudice of legitimate Billboard photo by Don Albert royalties for performance of records The stations involved first dis- interests.' " MUSICAL WARRIORS -The five members of Capitol recording group Tavares gained a High Court boost here. puted the sums charged in 1978, the The document details IFPI policy proudly display the Zulu shields presented to them in Johannesburg during a The judge ruled that the Perform- total then around $6. but the Tribu- on how a blank tape royalty should special reception hosted by the local EMI Records branch. The band is cur- ing Right Tribunal, which has per- nal refused any cuts. The radio con- be calculated and how it should be rently touring South Africa with Champion Jack Dupree. sistently refused to cutback the level tractors are claiming that nominal, split up. of royalties paid by the individual not substantial, royalties should be "The remuneration recovered by stations. should give fuller reasons paid via license fees to Phono- each right owner should be an equi- for its decision. graphic Performance Ltd., and table percentage of the return that U.K.'s Sonet Lashes Out This ruling is seen as a bonus for emphasize the value to record com- the right owner would receive from the stations currently filing appeals panies of product exposure on air. the sale of the pre -recorded copy." In Defense Of Blank Side It adds that a royalty should be a LONDON -Sonet U.K.'s decision with our head office. Dag Haeggvist, percentage of the sum of the returns to join Island Records controversial general manager in Stockholm, is based on the average royalty paid by "One Plus One" cassette marketing very much opposed in principle to producers of phonograms to authors concept, fiercely, condemned here the scheme. and performers, and the average re- by the British Phonographic Indus- "But fortunately, we have great turn received by producers of try, puts London -based managing freedom here, so we're pushing on phonograms from the sale of a director Rod Buckle way out of line with C -Free releases and predict record or prerecorded cassette. with the Swedish company's official they'll be hugely successful for us And IFPI says that it is more equi- policy. and for dealers. table to base the royalty on the play- Island's concept was launched "Our researches show that huge e ing time of the cassette, rather than Feb. 14, (Billboard, 1981) with the quantities of blank tape sales are 0 ? on a percentage of the price of the Steve Winwood album "Arc Of A made in hi fi stores, supermarkets, cassette, be it manufacturer price, or ft e Diver" complete on one side of a garages and so on, so genuine retail- wholesale or retail. "A price -based chromium dioxide cassette, the sec- ers who have always supported us in r . clla royalty is inappropriate because nei- ond side left free for home taping. the past will benefit from our excit- } ther the extent of the use made of the The BPI council, hastily con- ing new idea." e nrd ar\td e apd eXpa Je s works of the right owners by private vened, "Unanimously expressed its (14\1111as s e copiers, nor the damage inflicted on abhorrence of the practice of provid- on ° er the right owners by private copying, ing blank tape to music consumers be depends directly on the price of the in this manner," warning that home Carrere Plans o°ntvese ° blank tape, which varies substan- taping was killing off the music in- tially between low and high price." dustry in the U.K. To Mine Talent fiaß,11btur & O/S átrd It adds: "but the extent of damage But buckle's Sonet operation here GOtgøa done depends strongly on the now enters the same field with what From Australia , tr e amount of private copying carried he calls the "C -Free" concept, say- SYDNEY -France's Carrere label out, and this in turn depends on cas- ing, "Two sides of an album, plus a has selected Australia as a major a sette or tape e fier playing time." free side, equals C- Free." center for expansion with the estab- P P.* And he hits back at BPI criticism, lishment of an office in this city. cn\j g ft ° s sP saying: "It seems to me that anyone Helmed by former 7 Records a &r opposed to this scheme is simply manager Tony Wade -Farrell and lo- X ¡s n DUTCH CBS: p Prdes chÚI playing once more into the hands of cated within EMI's headquarters. Ostirtooe ß `FEELS GOOD' American plastic manufacturers and the label professes an intention to se- d 1°p pfiaG Far Eastern bandits who will eagerly cure Australian talent with potential ádloingnarts. TO EXPORT pick up the blank tape business, for the European and North Ameri- P¡°nga100 °Id gs which is not going to go away simply can markets. tPs, AMSTERDAM -Within a few Not ofi g e fio Sov u1 S because the industry chooses to act This step coincides with the open- fi.ps' months the double album "Feels So to th like executive ostriches." ing of a Los Angeles office by Stuart Good," especially compiled for the He adds: "Unlike island, whose Love. added Sirgs,so Dutch market, is set to be released in tapes are heavily discounted, prob- As operations director for both CotrtNourty various Latin- American countries, ably because they're lucky enough Australia and New Zealand, Wade - Not including Argentina, Brazil, Co- to have larger runs than us, ours will Farrell sees his role somewhat dif- lombia and Mexico. Not G be full price, with the extra tape as ferently than most international la- The album. featuring such acts as the sales incentive and bonus for the bel representatives. The acts he Neil Diamond, Mike Batt, the Beach customer." deems suitable will bypass the Boys, Rita Coolidge, Earth, Wind Initial releases include product standard Australian proving ground and Fire. Janis Ian. Santana, Joan from George Thorogood and oldies process and be ferried to either Armatrading and Dutch group So- packages by Little Richard, Bill Ha- France or America for recording. lution, was compiled by Koos de ley and others. The first step in this direction was Vreeze, managing director of CBS - Then Buckle admits that his con- the flying to Paris of Festival female Holland. Billboard® cept cuts across head office policy in pop artist Kim Durant, for a per- Having sold more than 100.000 The #1 Music Trade Publication with the Stockholm. "We've been successful sonal audition with Claude Carrere. copies in less than two months here. here in the U.K. for more than ten Wade -Farrell, who served four most comprehensive charts in the industry. the album is the key eye- catcher of years now. It's rare for me to take a years with 7 records and three years an impressive CBS-Holland cam- stand in any particular issue. But So- with PolyGram in this country, is paign which started in the fall of net U.K.'s enthusiasm for this also charged with the task of devel- 1980 and ends this coming summer. scheme has brought us into dispute oping Australian song copyrights.

www.americanradiohistory.com International 89 Movieplay Shops Awards In Internationally; Hong Kong Has A Hot Year Under Fire By ED OWEN HONG KONG -The recent gold MADRID -Though the general disks awards in Hong Kong have economic recession blighted the come in for more criticism. Spanish record industry in general, After much debate the awards independent record company Mov- were eventually made, in a cere- ieplay claims 1980 was one of its best mony that was not televised, in a lo- years to date. cal Holiday Inn disco. There, in "It was a year of genuine expan- rather subdued circumstances com- sion. shown by sales figures, awards pared to other years, the relevant gained by our artists, development prizes were handed out, without any of old acts and the signing of new performance from the winners. as in names," says the label's Margarita the past. Celada. Malcolm Brown. regional director The year started on a high note of EMI for Southeast Asia. has said through two hits from abroad, one the should Hungarian group Neoton with awards be qualitative ABBEY BENEFIT -Members of Sky perform on main a rather than quantitative, as at "Santa Maria" and the other "Mar- the altar of London's Westminister Abbey in benefit perform- ance commemorating the 20th of the founding in of Feb. 2, present. It had been decided earlier garita," by the Italian artist Pino anniversary Britain Amnesty International (Billboard, 1980). The concert was taped by the BBC for a future international television last year that the function should not Massara. Neoton visited Spain four special. he held, Brown times and played at political rallies. and expressed sur- prise Two albums came out and the group that, in spite of objections or indifference from 24 out of 30 com- is now one of the most important in Price Policy Yields panies, the event was revived by lo- Eastern Europe. Rapid 4-Year Two U.K. Chiswick label groups cal promoters. He expressed pleasure. nonethe- did well via Movieplay in Spain, less, that Rocky Sharpe and the Replays Sales Leap For CBS Switzerland EMI had succeeded with two original albums, both by Anne through "Rock It To Mars" and By PIERRE HAESLER Murray. "New King Feelings," Sniff 'n' the Tears, launching an al- Of ZURICH -One of the few Euro- strategy is aggressive, notably over Swiss base. That is a role for com- (gold), and "Let's Keep It That bum with a short Spanish tour. pean markets to stay buoyant last pricing. Some time ago it left Swiss panies such as CBS U.K., or CBS Way," (platinum). as well as a great- Other U.K. acts to get Movieplay year was Switzerland, where sales record distributors' association France." est hits LP, (gold), establishing Anne Spanish action were the Boys, the increased by 8 %. For CBS Switzer- VSSL and since then has set its own "I believe Switzerland will be one as the top Hong Kong artist in the Knips, the Damned and UB 40, the land it was another successful year: price levels. of the test markets for video prod- year ending in 1980. latter's "Signing Off" album rated March, over the last four the company's Says Block: "We managed to ucts in Europe. We are part of the He attributed the relative "best of the year" by local critics. success sales have doubled, prompting a double our sales because we lowered whole entertainment business so it's of compilation albums in the Most important French acts to the disk move from picturesque but cramped our prices considerably. This wasn't a logical extension for us to he in- awards to company were Patrick Juvet the influence of similar is- and quarters in Zug to a spacious new done against VSSL but against the volved in video, and we certainly in- Bernard Lavilliers, both visiting sues by pirate firms, which started a building in nearby Baar, whose de- large number of private importers. tend to be active in this field within trend toward Spain on promotional tours, with anthologies. sign and computer systems owe I'm trying to capture what is or the next 12 months." KEITH ANDERSON Juvet's soundtrack from the movie much to the assistance of CBS New should be part of our market share. "Laura" doing particularly well. York. We won't stop all imports but by Now Movieplay notes that reggae Norman Block, managing direc- having a Europe -wide competitive music is building fast in with Spain, tor for the last five years, says: "Our pricing structure we make it unatt- Eddie Grant putting out three LPs in sales have been increasing dramati- ractive for people to import what this territory, all charting. and with cally, particularly on repertoire from otherwise they would hopefully reggae act Bernie Lyon also selling our European associated companies. have got from us." well. Now we have more efficiency in the Since CBS and VSSL remain in However. Movieplay has gone for warehouse and office areas, plus the contact, exchanging industry statis- an expansionist policy over local computer system which handles or- tics and so forth. the question of the acts. with important in- newcomers ders and enables us to keep a close company rejoining the association is cluding ballad singer Juan Sebas- eye on the growth achieved espe- in abeyance. Last year CBS was the tian. who won the key Latin Ameri- cially by the A &M and Jet catalogs." leading singles company, with a can festival Vina of Del Mar. and CBS here releases around 250 new 19.5% market share, and took l5% of Jose Maria Quron, second with the titles a year, augmenting a catalog of the album market. Total Swiss re- song "Gloria" in the Polish Sopot some 3,000 items. Last year's top corded music sales were worth Festival. selling act was A &M's Supertramp, around $120 million in 1980. But the two biggest sellers for which collected three platinum al- Key international artists last year That's the size of the Movieplay were Spanish groups Pe- bums and sold more than 150,000 were Police, Styx and Supertramp. quena Compania and Triana. The Worldwide Spanish- Language LPs. The company's marketing This year Police and Bruce Springs - former hand's album "Boleros" did teen, who visits Switzerland this Music /Record/Tape /Equipment Market well on both sides of the Atlantic spring. will be priorities. On the local and reached by Billboard En Espanol the group sold more than a mil- scene, CBS Switzerland has concen- lion units in 1980 to Spanish- speak- Swiss PolyGram trated on fairly few acts to give them ing countries. the best support possible. The Spanish rock revival has been Billboard En Espanol. A new, monthly Opens French Block comments: "Our police is to much helped by the presence of An- give new artists an early chance. The communications link that reaches the makers in dalusian rock group, Triana. now music has to be good and there has the lucrative, booming Spanish- language claimed by Movieplay as leading lo- Marketing Arm to be a market for it, but the fact that cal band in this field. record /nusic industry. GENEVA -Zurich -based Poly- an artist is unknown does not dis- Spanish new wave found a select In from Gram Records, a product of the re- courage us. Of the local acts, some News. -depth articles. Latest reports market from acts like Charol, cent merger between Phonogram prefer to sign with us, some with over 20 top correspondents throughout the Electroshock and Moncho Al- and Polydor, is further strength- companies in the larger neighboring from puente. New license deals for Mov- Spanish- speaking world. Translations ening its position in the Swiss mar- markets. Certainly it is a difficult ieplay include the U.K. Avatar. Red Billboard English. Plus Billboard's regional and ketplace by opening up a branch of- exercise to launch -a major act from a Bus and Red Shadows labels. fice in the French area of the international charts on Latin product. country to handle French repertoire Get tie facts today on this big, potent market. marketing. Contac: Charles Buckwalter, Associate Publisher, VENTURE FOR In 1979. PolyGram acquired a Romanian Company substantial part of French record 1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036. Phone VIRGIN -SONY company Barclay, which has its own Readies New HQ (212) 754 -7446. Telex (int'l) 621089. LONDON -Virgin Records retail Swiss subsidiary in Geneva. This BUCHAREST -Romanian state division has gone into the hi fi sales will be the base for sales and market- record company Electrecord started field in a big way through a joint ing strategies for French Polydor the new year with a new manage- BillboardN venture with Sony in Portsmouth on and Phonogram catalogs, the oper- ment team and is now about to move the south coast. ation headed by Claude Aubert, into new custom -built headquarters. It's a 4,000- square -foot area. sell- currently managing director of Bar- The aim of the shake -up is to intro- TO: Billboard en Espanol, 1515 Broadway, NY, NY 10036 ing only Sony product, and is seen as clay Records, but now additionally duce a younger. more dynamic ap- YES! Send me more information about Billboard en Espanol . I a possible launching pad for joint named deputy managing director of proach, with speedier release and lam interested in: Subscribing Advertising Sony-Virgin ventures in other parts PolyGram Records, Zurich. more modern repertoire. of die U.K. Barclay remains a registered sub- General manager Grigore Pet - Name Telephone- ' The Portsmouth store will also sidiary of the French record group. reanu. artistic manager Vasile Sirli Company have a record and tape section, and handling existing distribution and and other key personnel are still ' Address space for Virgin's book publishing license deals. But stocks and orders based at Calea Cala- Rasilor 11, product, a fast- growing aspect of the for the whole of Switzerland will be Bucharest, site of Electrecord's City State- Zip corporate action. handled by PolyGram Records recording studios. pending comple- I- N - - - - - N - ttttttl Services, Switzerland. tion of new quarters.

www.americanradiohistory.com 90 West Germany Canada TAPE RECORDER LEVY LOSS? Urge Amendment `Spoiler Signal' Could Backfire By WOLFGANG SPAHR To Copyright Act MUNICH -The development of a total of $10 million annually and ofJanuary 1966 provided for the im- Continued from page 5 conclude that without a change in spoiler signal to prevent home tap- represents a form of license to allow position of this 5% levy on tape the law. Canada could become an ing of records could be prejudicial to individual tape recorder owners spe- recorders, the cost of hardware was close to the U.S.. the probes have attractive haven for foreign pirates copyright owners, according to Pro- cial exemption from copyright laws. relatively high- between $230 and also meant that Langley is working who could carry on business here fessor Erich Schulze, head of the What Schulze fears is that hard- $280. But today you can buy a tape at least part of the time with the Fed- with relative impunity (Billboard. West German mechanical and per- ware manufacturers might see the recorder for as little as $16. There- eral Bureau of Investigation and the Feb. 21, 1980). forming rights society. GEMA. advent of a spoiler signal as elimi- fore, some adjustment needs to be Recording Industry Assn. of Amer- The chief obstacle in the way of nating the justification for a lev\ made to the levy in order to main- ica. as well as the RCMP. Schulze argues that any device change is that the Copyright Act is since home taping of commercial tain compensation at a realistic making private tape duplication of But the establishment of the office under review and the government records would presumably no longer level." records impossible could jeopardize has added a strain to the associ- department in charge is reluctant to be a possibility. the compensation which has been The current campaign by the Ger- ation's operating budget, which has make interim changes. preferring to What makes the issue particularly payable to rights owners on sales of man music industry for a blank tape already been taxed by the loss of submit a finished package of revi- controversial at the present time is tape recorders since 1966. At levy could also members such as London. GRT and sions for enactment. This might not that representations are currently be adversely affected Motown. take place until 1985. present. a levy equivalent to 5% of being made by GEMA to have the by the development of a spoiler sig- Robertson confirms that the com- The most recent antipiracy in- the retail price is imposed on tape levy on tape hardware increased. nal. The innovation could be seized mitment in tackling the problem of vestigation involved searches in six recorder sales in order to provide As GEMA vice president Dr. upon by the blank tape manufac- piracy is real and that the association local manufacturing plants and the compensation to copyright owners Hans Sikorski points out: "When turers' lobby as eliminating the need is actively lobbying for the stiffer pe- seizure of more than 50.000 album for home taping. This levy yields a the German Copyright Law revision for a levy. nalties which must inevitably come. jackets and 150 finished LPs by the At the present time, the maximum Everly Brothers. entitled "Living penalty fora conviction of manufac- Legends." Another search in Ottawa turing and selling illegal recordings netted 6.000 more disks and an addi- Ariola Money Maker For Parent is $20 Canadian per count. tional 6.700 Canadian pressings The inadequacy of the law were seized by FBI agents in the Bertelsmann Entertainment Wing Prime Sales Mover recently led one federal politico to U.S. Charges are pending.

GUETERSLOH -Ariola Records problems with the companies in the pecially from its British and North ENDS 3 -YEAR GROWTH contributed an 11% share of the $2.3 U.S. and U.K. American companies. "We need billion worldwide turnover of the more creativity, more publicity and Referring to the international ex- massive Bertelsmann Group of corn - promotion power to present new pansion of Ariola, with the creation Disk Sales panies in the year ended June 30. product to the consumers," he said. & Tape of an affiliate in Brazil and the ac- 1980. Leuftner's report noted the reces- quisition of Arista Records Inc., sions in the music markets of The overall figure represents an Leuftner said that he nevertheless increase of 20.2% on the previous Austria, Benelux, U.S. and U.K. but Down 10 °k In 1980 believed very much in the use of added that the German company By DAVID FARRELL year's figure. small teams to concentrate on ex- had shown healthy growth and a de- Bertelsmann is projecting a turn- ploiting the various musical trends. TORONTO -Record and prere- dollar terms, the retrenchment over figure for the year to June 30, velopment of many new artrists. The corded tape sales declined by 10% in amounted to $15 million for total net 1981, of $2.7 billion. He said Ariola was looking to de- Ariola company in Mexico also en- Canada in 1980 with a combined to- distributor sale of $199,808.168. velop its international repertoire es- joyed a successful year. The conglomerate's fastest grow- tal realizing $253 million Canadian The prerecorded tape market ing division is the music, film and dollars in distributor billings. dropped about four million units for television section under the direc- The decline follows three con- year -end shipment figure of tion of Monti Leuftner. The division Warner Firms Vid Plans secutive annual increases of not less 15,426,400, yielding a total distribu- recorded a turnover increase of Continued from page 43 the Philips Video 2000 system as than 20 %, but is considerably less tor sale of $53,272,987 and an in- 41.5% in the last financial year, up to corded videocassettes at the Inter- well. than the decline many anticipated come decline of close to $10 million. before the bullish final quarter in $26 million. national Radio show in Berlin, The new release batch, out in a A break -down for records by size 1980. In his statement for the corporate working in conjunction with the few weeks, includes a 60- minute shows that 7 -inch production in In fact, so strong was the final report, Leuftner acknowledged that massive display of new hardware tape of a Rod Stewart concert, 1980 totalled 23,111,797 and 12 -inch quarter that November and Decem- some Ariola companies failed to equipment. VHS and Beta are the backed by a special promotional (all speeds) totalled 57,828,129. A ber figures set all -time records. No- reach their turnover targets and key systems, but Haentjes believes campaign, and additional movies total of 5.104,300 8- tracks were man- vember business was up $5 million there were some organizational there are strong sales prospects for such as "Death In Venice," "Rio ufactured in the same period, along- a whopping $1 I mil- Bravo" and "Who's Afraid Of Vir- and December side 12,325,335 prerecorded cas- lion over the same months a year ginia Woolf'?" settes. But, as elsewhere. WEA Germany previous. Prerecorded tape sales in the Non -distributed sales totalled is only too aware of the spectre of pi- $253,081,155 compared with ...they say we are racy. Says Haentjes: "We know month of December totalled $278,286,712 a year earlier. Record who sell the re- $4,627,041, while records accounted many under normal sales accounted for nearly 70% of we're up our for $20,857,610, to yield a combined tail prices and stepping this figure. Non -distributed product efforts to counter them, but the fact net distributor sale of $25,484,651. the best.. The largest decline in 1980 oc- includes record club sales, deletes, is that pirates constantly become Manufacturer and supplier of: broadcast sales and custom sales. more and more professional." curred in record sales (both 45s and cassette parts Good news for the German video LPs). Net shipments shrank 5.4 mil- All figures cited are as reported by is sen- lion for a total of 69,146,130 units. In 27 firms to Statistics Canada. C -O cassettes trade that courts are already top performance tencing convicted pirates to jail sen- 4 or 5 screws or sonic welded tences and hefty fines, up to $50,000. special liner soft or hard window Commission National Disk Catalog with plastic or steel pin tabs in or out TORONTO -The Canadian In- lations were instituted in 1971. standard or Cro 2 type dependent Record Production Assn. The catalog will be indexed by colors SLEZAK (CIRPA) has been commissioned to recording artist, album and song Norelco style box research and publish a comprehen- title. Additionally, under the artist's in different colors SENDS MUSIC sive catalog of Canadian recordings. name, pertinent information is also According to Earl Rosen of the as- to be included, covering things like C -Box storage system ROUND THE standard or with transparent sociation, CIRPA has been granted the date of release, catalogue num- cover $19.800 by the Canadian Radio, ber. language of the recording, the WORLD Television and Telecommunications type of music or format of the Testequipment and publish recording, along with other record- Drop-Out tester DO 2000 THAT MEANS Commission to catalog Play + wind tester 7804 the list of recordings made since the ings by the artist and the lyricist and A BIG Canadian Content broadcast regu- publisher of the song(s). C-O Production: over 60 million per year TURNOVER

Your partner for quality and Solid Gold Label Signs Chilliwack reliability TORONTO -Solid Gold Records services to any and all labels, Solid ICM Ltd. here has signed Chilliwack, ending Gold says. Mühlebachstr. 27, where is now recording a CH -8800 Thalwil months of speculation as to Chilliwack Switzerland the celebrated West Coast rock act new album tentatively scheduled for Tel 01/720 29 42. Telex 53759 would go for a record contract after an early summer release. settling its dispute with Mushroom The Chilliwack signing brings to Records. three the number of domestic acts on the year-old Solid Gold logo. Other ICM A judgment in the band's favor bands include Toronto and five - was recently approved in court, time Juno award winners, The Good SWITZERLAND freeing the band to negotiate their Brothers.

www.americanradiohistory.com 91

Mboord® HitsOf ThelNorldO

,e Copyright 1981, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted. in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

34 26 SOUND AFFECTS, Jam, Polydor 30 NEW BREAKFAST IN MARIN, Sean Tyla, 3 4 CERVO A PRIMAVERA, Riccardo BRITAIN 35 17 HIT MACHINE, Various, K -tel Teldec AUSTRALIA Cocciante, RCA (Courtesy Ken Music Report) (Courtesy of Music Week) 36 36 SUPER TROUPER, Abba, Epic 4 18 AMANTI, Julio Iglesias, CBS /CGD- As of 3/9/81 As of 3/14/81 37 28 IMAGINE, John Lennon /Plastic Ono ALBUMS MM SINGLES SINGLES Band, Parlophone 1 2 HITPARADE DER SCHLUEMPFE, Die 5 7 PLEASURE, Steven Schlacks, Baby/ This Last This Last 38 NEW TOYAH TOYAH TOYAH, Toyah, Schuempfe, K -tel CGD -MM Week Week Week Week Safari 2 4 SUPER TROUPER, Abba, Polydor 6 8 MAKING MOVIES, Dire Straits, 1 1 COUNTING THE BEAT, Swingers, 1 3 JEALOUS GUY, Roxy Music, 39 32 TAKE MY TIME, Sheena Easton, EMI 3 1 HEY TONIGHT, Creedence Vertigo /PolyGram Mushroom Polydor/EG 40 37 BAT OUT OF HELL, Meat Loaf, Clearwater Revival, Fantasy 7 6 DOUBLE FANTASY, John Lennon & 2 4 ANTMUSIC, Adam & Ants, CBS 2 6 KINGS OF THE WILD FRONTIER, Cleveland Intl /CBS 4 NEW DE BLAECK FOESS, Live /De Blaeck Yoko Ono, Geffen/ WEA Adam 3 5 GIRLS CAN GET IT, Dr. Hook. & Ants, CBS 40 37 BAT OUT OF HELL, Meat Loaf, Foess, EMI 8 2 ZENYATTA MONDATTA, Police, Mercury 3 1 SHADDAP YOU FACE, Joe Dolce, Cleveland Intl /CBS 5 3 REVANCHE, Peter Maffay, A &M /CGD-MM Jona Lewie, Epic Metronome 4 2 STOP THE CAVALRY, 9 5 HOTTER THAN JULY, Stevie 4 2 VIENNA, Ultravox, Chrysalis 6 6 HITHAUS RAMBA ZAMBA '81, Rudi Stiff Wonder, Motown /EMI 5 7 DO THE HUCKLEBUCK, Coast To CANADA Rambas Party Tiger, Polystar 5 7 WOMAN, John Lennon, Geffen 10 11 STOP, Pooh, CGD -MM Coast, Polydor 7 5 DOUBLE FANTASY, John Lennon & 6 3 DUNCAN, Slim Dusty, Columbia 11 10 KYRIE, Mina, PDU /EMI (Courtesy CBC's 60 Minutes With A Bullet) 6 18 KIDS IN AMERICA, Kim Wilde, Rak Yoko Ono, Geffen 7 16 ROCK AND ROLL AIN'T NOISE 12 15 MONTECRISTO, Roberto Vecchioni, As of 3/14/81 7 29 THIS OLD HOUSE, Shakin' Stevens, 8 16 SOME BROKEN HEARTS NEVER POLLUTION /HELLS BELLS, AC/ Philips/PolyGram SINGLES Epic MEND, Don Williams, K -tel DC, Albert This Last 13 NEW RONDO' VENEZIANO, Rondo' 8 8 SOUTHERN FREEEZ, Freeez, 9 9 GUILTY, Barbra Streisand, CBS 8 9 EVERY WOMAN IN THE WORLD, Air Week Week Veneziano, Baby /CGD -MM Beggars Banquet 10 11 THE WALL, Pink Floyd, Harvest Supply, Big Time 14 NEW CERTI MOMENTI, Pierangelo Bertoli, 1 1 WOMAN, John Lennon, Geffen 9 9 SOMETHING 'BOUT YOU BABY, 11 7 GUTERN ABEND GUTE LAUNE, 9 6 (JUST LIKE) STARTING OVER, John Ascolto/CGD-MM 2 4 THE BEST OF TIMES, Styx, A &M Status Quo, Vertigo Karel Gott, Polydor Lennon, Geffen 15 NEW IN CONCERTO, Fabrizio De Andre' & 3 3 KEEP ON LOVING YOU, REO 10 5 ST. VALENTINE DAY MASSACRE. 12 14 FLASH GORDON, Queen. EMI 10 8 JESSE, Carly Simon, Warner Bros. PFM, Ricordi Speedwagon, Epic DO, DE DA DA DA, Motorhead /Girlschool, Bronze 13 13 QE2, Mike Oldfield, Virgin 11 13 DE DO DO 16 9 DIANA, Diana Ross, Motown /EMI 4 2 9 TO 5, Dolly Parton, RCA 11 16 FOUR FROM TOYAH, Safari 14 10 TRAEUMEREIEN 2, Richard Police, A &M 17 13 HAWKS AND DOVES, Neil Young, 5 5 TURN ME LOOSE, Loverboy, CBS 12 11 STATE OF THE HEART, Mondo 12 4 I SURRENDER, Rainbow, Polydor Clayderman, Telefunken Reprise /WEA 6 9 A LITTLE IN LOVE, Cliff Richard, Avenue 13 25 REWARD, Teardrop Explodes, 15 17 IMAGINE, John Lennon, EMI Rock, 18 17 ABSOLUTELY, Madness, Stiff EMI TIME Cast Mercury 16 12 THE TURN OF A FRIENDLY CARD, 13 10 WARP, Original /Rocky 19 12 THE WANDERER, Donna Summer, 7 6 CELEBRATION, Kool & Gang, De -Lite 14 14 ONCE IN A LIFETIME, Talking Alan Parsons Project, Arista Horror Show, Interfusion Geffen /WEA 8 12 RAPTURE, Blondie, Chrysalis Enz, Heads, Sire 17 20 ICH HAB KEINE ANGST, Milva, 14 12 ONE STEP AHEAD, Split 20 14 RICETTA DI DONNA, Ornella Vanoni, 9 14 JUST BETWEEN YOU AND ME, April 15 15 SOMEBODY HELP ME OUT, Beggar Metronome Mushroom Wine, Capitol Vanilla /CGD -MM & Co., Ensign 18 NEW RIO RHYTHMUS CARNEVAL, Ricky 15 14 SHADDAP YOU FACE, Joe Dolce 10 13 TREAT ME RIGHT, Pat Benatar, 16 35 YOU BETTER YOU BET, Who, Costa's Beach Company, Music Theatre, Astor Chrysalis Polydor Phonogram 16 17 ACCORDING TO MY HEART, Reels, 11 16 CRYING, Don McLean, Millennium 17 27 STAR, Kiki Dee, Ariola 19 8 SOUND GIGANTEN, Ennio Mercury 12 10 I LOVE A RAINY NIGHT, Eddie 18 10 RETURN OF THE LOS PALMAS 7, Morricone, K -tel 17 15 THE TIDE IS HIGH, Blondie, Rabbitt, Elektra HOLLAND Madness, Stiff 20 NEW D'R RHING EROP D'R RHINGERAF, Chrysalis 13 7 THE TIDE IS HIGH, Blondie, (Courtesy BUMA 'STEMRA) 19 12 ROCK THIS TOWN, Stray Cats, De Blaeck Foess, EMI 18 NEW I WANT TO BE STRAIGHT, Ian Dury Chrysalis As of 3/9/81 Arista & Blockheads, Stiff 14 15 GIVING IT UP FOR YOUR LOVE, NEW NEVER LOVE SINGLES 20 NEW I MISSED AGAIN, Phil Collins, Virgin 19 KNEW LIKE THIS Delbert McClinton, Capitol This Last 21 31 JONES VS. JONES, Kool & Gang, JAPAN BEFORE, Stephanie Mills, 20th 15 17 I AIN'T GONNA STAND FOR IT, Week Week De-Lite (Courtesy Music Labo) Century Stevie Wonder, Motown 22 24 HOT LOVE, Kelly Marie, Calibre As of 3/16/81 20 18 WHY WON'T YOU EXPLAIN, Karen 1 1 STARS ON 45, Various, CNR 16 11 WASN'T THAT A PARTY, Rovers, 23 11 WOMAN, John Lennon, Geffen SINGLES Knowles, Fable 2 4 IN THE AIR TONIGHT, Phil Collins, CBS 24 13 OLDEST SWINGER IN TOWN, Fred This Last WEA 17 20 HELLO AGAIN, Neil Diamond, Wedlock Week Week ALBUMS 3 NEW DON'T STOP THE MUSIC, Capitol 25 22 THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT, Jam, 1 1 MACHIKADO TWILIGHT, Shannels, 1 2 BACK IN BLACK, AC /DC, Albert Yarbrough And Peoples, Mercury 18 8 HEY NINETEEN, Steely Dan, MCA Metronome Epic /Sony (Burning) 2 12 GREATEST HITS, Dr. Hook, Capitol 4 3 ROCK THIS TOWN, Stray Cats, 19 NEW FADE AWAY, Bruce Springsteen, 26 NEW PLANET EARTH, Duran Duran, EMI 2 6 RUBY NO YUBIWA, Satoshi Terao, 3 1 ZENYATTA MONDATTA, Police, Stray Cats, Arista CBS 27 NEW LATELY, Stevie Wonder, Motown Toshiba -EMI (Ishihara) A &M 5 2 SHINE UP, Doris D & Pins, Philips 20 18 PASSION, Rod Stewart, Warner 28 28 ANTMUSIC, Adam & Ants, CBS 3 3 TSUPPARI HIGH SCHOOL ROCK 'N 4 3 DOUBLE FANTASY, John Lennon & 6 6 EMBARRASSMENT, Madness, Bros. Stiff 29 19 MESSAGE OF LOVE, Pretenders, ROLL, Yokohama Ginbae, King Yoko Ono, Geffen 7 7 FLIP FLUITKETEK, Andre Van Duyn, Real (Nichion /NTV) 5 5 ICE HOUSE, Flowers, Regular CNR ALBUMS 30 20 WE'LL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN, 4 8 HARUSAKI KOBENI, Akiko Yano, 6 8 MAKING MOVIES, Dire Straits, 8 5 IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND, 1 1 DOUBLE FANTASY, John Lennon & Slade, Cheapskate Japan (Yano /PMP) Vertigo Viola Wills, Ariola Yoko Ono, Geffen 31 34 CAN YOU FEEL IT, Jacksons, Epic 5 5 SLOW NA BOOGIE NI SHITEKURE (I 7 7 THE VERY BEST OF ELTON JOHN, 9 NEW ALL AMERICAN GIRLS, Sister 2 6 THE NATURE OF THE BEAST, April 32 NEW MIND OF A TOY, Visage, Polydor WANT YOU), Yoshitaka Minami, Elton John, DIM Sledge, Atlantic Wine, Capitol 33 17 ROMEO AND JULIET, Dire Straits, CBS /Sony (April /Kadokawa) 8 4 GUILTY, Barbra Streisand, CBS 10 NEW IMAGINE, John Lennon, EMI 3 5 AUTOAMERICAN, Blondie, Chrysalis Vertigo 6 2 PEGASUS NO ASA, Hiroaki Igarashi, 9 6 ALWAYS, Willie Nelson, CBS 4 2 PARADISE THEATRE, Styx, A &M 34 30 I'M IN LOVE WITH A GERMAN FILM CBS /Sony (War /April) 10 9 GAUCHO, Steely Dan, MCA 5 3 ZENYATTA MONDATTA, Police, STAR, Passions, Polydor 7 7 OKUHIDA BOJOU, Tetsuta Ryu, Trio 11 14 THE JAZZ SINGER, Neil Diamond, A &M ALBUMS 35 37 WALKING ON THIN ICE, Yoko Ono, (Best Friend) Capitol 6 4 SUPER TROUPER, Abba, Atlantic 4 Geffen 8 CHERRY BLOSSOMS, Seiko 12 15 RISING, Dr. Hook, Mercury 1 1 DAVERENDE 13 CARNAVAL, Diverse 7 10 MOVING PICTURES, Rush, Anthem 36 23 SGT. ROCK IS GOING TO HELP ME, Matsuda, CBS /Sony (Sun) 13 13 THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE Artiesten, CNR 8 7 HI INFIDELITY, REO Speedwagon, XTC, Virgin 9 9 SNEAKER BLUES, Masahiko Kondo, SHOW, Soundtrack, Interfusion 2 4 FACE VALUE, Phil Collins, WEA Epic 37 NEW CAN YOU HANDLE IT, Sharon Redd, RVC (Johnny's) 14 NEW KINGS OF THE WILD FRONTIER, 3 NEW KINDEREN VOOR KINDEREN, 9 NEW LOVERBOY, Loverboy, CBS Epic 10 15 SHADOW CITY, Akira Terao, Express Adam & Ants, CBS Kinderen, Inelco!VIP 10 NEW BACK IN BLACK, AC /DC, Atlantic 38 NEW EINSTEIN A GOGO, Landscape, RCA (Ishihara) 15 11 AUTOAMERICAN, Blondie, Chrysalis 4 2 ABSOLUTELY, Madness, Stiff 39 NEW CEREMONY, New Order, Factory 11 13 EKI, Masashi Sada, Free Flight (K.K. 16 NEW THE ANDREW DURANT MEMORIAL 5 NEW STARS ON 45, Various, CNR 40 26 FADE TO GREY, Visage, Polydor Masashi) CONCERT, Various, Mushroom 6 NEW 20 GROOTSTE HITS, Platters, WEST GERMANY 12 10 KOI NO BONCHI SEAT, The Bonchi, 17 16 SUPER TROUPER, Abba, RCA Phonogram (Courtesy Der Musikmarkt) For Life (Mirika /PMP) 18 17 EAST, Gold WEA 7 NEW ALBUMS Chisel, GROOTSTE HITS, Cliff Richard, EMI - 1 2 KINGS OF THE WILD FRONTIER, 13 14 FOXY, Susan Anton, Canyon (PMP) 19 10 HITS, Boz Scaggs, CBS Rec Adam & Ants, CBS As of 3/16/81 14 17 KANASHIKUTE, Gamu, Teichiku 20 19 SHAVED FISH, John Lennon, Apple 8 8 THE JAZZ SINGER, Neil Diamond, 2 1 FACE VALUE, Phil Collins, Virgin SINGLES (Yamaha) Capitol 3 3 VIENNA, Ultrason, Chrysalis This Last 15 16 MIKANSEI, Hiromi Go, CBS /Sony 9 NEW WOMEN IN LOVE, Various, Arcade 4 4 THE JAZZ SINGER, Neil Diamond, Week Week (Burning) 10 10 ROCK AND ROLL FEVER, Various, Capitol 1 1 FADE TO GREY, Visage, Polydor 16 11 BANRI NO KAWA, Chage & Asuka, ITALY K -tel 5 6 DOUBLE FANTASY, John Lennon & 2 3 STOP THE CAVALRY, Jona Lewie, Warner Pioneer (Yamaha) (Courtesy Germano Ruscitto) Yoko Ono, Geffen Stiff 17 12 KOI WA DO, Toshihiko Tahara, As of 3/10/81 6 8 STRAY CATS, Stray Cats, Arista 3 2 ANGEL OF MINE, Frank Duval Canyon (Johnny's) SINGLES 7 NEW JOURNEY TO GLORY, Spandau Orchestra, Teldec 18 18 WHO'S GONNA ROCK YOU, Nolans, This Last Ballet, Reformation /Chrysalis 4 4 LIFE IS FOR LIVING, Barclay James Epic (April /Toshiba -EMI) Week Week ISRAEL 8 7 DIFFICULT TO Rainbow, Harvest, Polydor 19 NEW SHUKKOU, Akira Terao, Toshiba -EMI 1 1 WOMAN IN LOVE, Barbra Streisand, CURE, (Courtesy Reshet Gimmel /IBA) Polydor 5 5 BANANA REPUBLIC, Boomtown (Ishihara) CBS /CGD-MM As of 3/11/81 9 5 DANCE CRAZE, 2 -Tone Rats, Ensign 20 20 SUNSET MEMORY, Naomi 2 4 CERVO A PRIMAVERA, Riccardo Soundtrack, SINGLES 10 10 MAKING MOVIES, Dire 6 8 FELICIDAD, Boney M, Hansa Sugimura, Casablanca (NTV) Cocciante, RCA Straits, This Last Vertigo 7 10 FLASH, Queen, EMI 3 NEW PER ELISA, Alice, EMI Week Week 11 NEW VERY BEST OF RITA COOLIDGE, 8 6 SUPER TROUPER, Abba, Polydor ALBUMS 4 2 MASTER BLASTER, Stevie Wonder, A &M 9 27 RAIN, Goombay Dance Band, CBS 1 2 NEPPU, Chage V Asuka, Warner Motown /EMI 1 1 WOMAN, John Lennon, Geffen 12 9 MAKING PICTURES, Rush, Mercury 10 14 MARIGOT BAY, Arabesque, Pioneer 5 NEW MALEDETTA PRIMAVERA, Loretta 2 2 RAPTURE, Blondie, Chrysalis 13 11 MANILOW MAGIC, Barry Manilow, Metronome 2 NEW RINGETSU, Miyuki Nakajima, Goggi, WEA 3 3 IN THE AIR TONIGHT, Phil Collins, Arista 11 20 YE SI CA, Secret Service, Teldec Canyon 6 NEW GIOCAJOUET, Claudio Cecchetto, Hit Virgin A 14 14 POINT OF ENTRY, Judas Priest, 12 15 SOME BROKEN HEARTS NEVER 3 1 BUCCHIGIRI PARK II, Yokohama Mania /Fonit Cetra 4 7 THE BEST OF TIMES, Styx, &M CBS MEND, Telly Savalas, EMI Ginbae, King 7 6 STARTING OVER, John Lennon, 5 8 I SURRENDER, Rainbow, Polydor 15 13 ABSOLUTELY, Madness, Stiff 13 23 WE ARE ON THE RACE RACK, 4 7 SILK SCREEN, Yoshitaka Minami, Geffen /WEA 6 9 WHAT KIND OF FOOL, Barbra 16 12 GUILTY, Barbra Streisand, CBS Precious Wilson, Hansa CBS /Sony 8 NEW SARA' PERCHE' TI AMO, Ricchi E Streisand & Barry Gibb, CBS 7 5 VIENNA, Ultravox, Chrysalis 17 19 SOUTHERN FREEEZ, Freeez, 14 12 LOOKING FOR CLUES, Robert 5 NEW LIVE, Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi, Toshiba - Poveri, Baby /CGD -MM Beggars Banquet Palmer, Island EMI 9 14 NO TU NO, Cugini Di Campagna. 8 NEW FADE TO GREY, Visage, Polydor /EG 18 18 ANOTHER TICKET, Eric Clapton, 15 7 IMAGINE, John Lennon, EMI 6 NEW MACCHI THAN Al YOU, Masahiko Pull /Fonit Cetra 9 NEW SHADDAP YOU FACE, Joe Dolce, 16 Epic RSO 16 WOMAN, John Lennon, Geffen Kondo, RVC 10 3 ANNA DAI GAPPELLI ROSSI, I 19 15 KILLERS, Iron Maiden, EMI 17 19 PISTOLERA, Dschinghis Khan, 7 3 TURN BACK, Toto, CBS /Sony Ragazzi Dai 10 NEW JEALOUS GUY, Pony Music, 20 38 CHRISTOPHER CROSS, Christopher Jupiter 8 5 BUCCHIGIRI, Yokohama Ginbae, 11 5 DON'T STAND SO CLOSE TO ME, Polydor/ EG Cross, Warner Bros. 18 9 DER TEUFEL UND DER JUNGE King Police, A &M /CGD -MM 21 16 DIRK WEARS WHITE SOX, Adam & MANN, Paola, CBS 9 8 SNAKEMAN SHOW, Snakeman, 12 12 ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST, Ants, Do It 19 18 SAMSAT ABEND, Hanne Haller, Alpha Queen, EMI 22 20 ARC OF A DIVER, Steve Winwood, Ariola 10 4 WE ARE, Off Course, Toshiba -EMI 13 NEW NON POSSO PERDERTI, , ALBUMS Island 20 17 UEBER SIEBEN BRUCKEN MUSST 11 6 NATURAL ROAD, Hiroaki Igarashi, EMI 23 23 HOTTER THAN JULY, Stevie DU GEHN, Peter Maffay, CBS /Sony 14 19 HEY, Julio Iglesias, CBS /CGD -MM 1 1 ISRAEL CHILDREN SONG FESTIVAL Wonder, Motown Metronome 12 10 Al NO CONCERTO, Richard 15 9 THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL, Abba, NO. II, Various, Isradisc 24 25 REMAIN IN LIGHT, Talking Heads, 21 13 JOHNNY AND MARY, Robert Clayderman Orchestra, Victor Epic /CGD -MM 2 3 GUILTY, Barbra Streisand, CBS Sire Palmer, Island 13 NEW THE LOVE MAT SHOP, Tulip, 16 NEW ROMA SPOGLIATA, Luca 3 9 SHIRVISION NO. 2, Various, Hed 25 NEW THE RIVER, Bruce Springsteen, CBS 22 24 SHINE UP, Doris D and Pins, EMI Toshiba -EMI Barbarossa, Cetra /Fonit Cetra Arzi 26 27 SHAVED FISH, John Lennon /Plastic 23 22 WOMAN IN LOVE, Barbra Streisand, 14 9 HAPPY DATE WITH THE NOLANS, 17 7 HOW LONG, Lipps Inc., Casablanca/ 4 7 DOUBLE FANTASY, John Lennon & Ono Band, Parlophone CBS Epic PolyGram Yoko Ono, Geffen

27 NEW 20 GOLDEN GREATS, Al Jolson, 24 26 BURN RUBBER, Gap Band, Mercury 15 NEW I SURRENDER, Rainbow, Polydor 18 11 BABOOSHKA, Kate Bush, EMI 5 4 SUPER TROUPER, Abba, Epic MCA 25 NEW ICH BIN VIEL ZU BESCHEIDEN, 16 11 SURF AND SNOW, Yumi Maysutoya, 19 NEW FLASH, Toto Cotugno, Carosello/ 6 2 HOTTER THAN JULY, Stevie 28 35 GREATEST HITS, Dr. Hook, Capitol Peter Petrel, Ariola Toshiba -EMI Ricordi Wonder, Motown 29 21 THE VERY BEST OF DAVID BOWIE, 26 25 AMOUREUX SOLITAIRES, Lio, Ariola 17 NEW HALF & HALF, Monta & Brothers, 20 NEW PASSION, Rod Stewart, Warner 7 6 LOUD RADIO, Tislam, CBS K -tel 27 NEW FIRE IN THE NIGHT, Hot Shot, Phonogram Bros. / WEA 8 5 BEHIND MY GLASSES, Arik Einstein, 30 22 VISAGE, Visage, Polydor Teldec 18 12 KOGARASHI NI DAKARETE, Chiharu CBS 31 24 BARRY, Barry Manilow, Arista 28 11 (JUST LIKE) STARTING OVER, John Matsuyama. News ALBUMS 9 8 FOOLISH BEHAVIOURS, Rod 32 39 FLESH á BLOOD, Roxy Music, Lennon, Geffen 19 13 KOIBITO YO, Mayumi Itsuwa, CBS/ 1 1 DALLA, Lucio Dalla, RCA Stewart, Warner Bros. Polydor 29 21 DE DO DO DO, DE DA DA DA, Sony 2 3 GUILTY, Barbra Streisand, CBS/ 10 10 HAFLA WITH ZOHAR ARGOV, 33 33 SIGNING OFF, UB40, Graduate Police, A &M 20 NEW FOXY, Susan Anton, Canyon CGD -MM Galron

www.americanradiohistory.com 92

Billboard's c Copyright 1981. Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this pub- lication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system. or trans- Survey For Week Ending 3,21 81 mitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical. photocopying. recording, or otherwise, without the prior written Album Picks, permission of the publisher. Number of LPs reviewed this week 37 Lost week 40

collection of 10 never released singles Bloomfield recorded in Spotlight the last couple of years before his recent death. The styles öo oó here range from blues, to rock, to soul to country rag. Throughout, Bloomfield's never to be duplicated guitar play- nFopn nn ROLLING STONES- Sucking In The Seventies, Rolling ing is in evidence, the playing frequently rising above the ma- Stones COC16028 (Atlantic). Produced by the Glimmer terial. Best cuts: "Andy's Bad," "Roots," "Let The Talk," "Used To It." QUINCY JONES -The Dude, MM 3721. Produced by THE R LLMG STONES Twins. Eschewing the big hits, this LP contains selections SUï KING iN TEIF SEVENTIES Quincy Jones. The producer of smash hits for Michael Jack from Rolling Stones LPs from 1974 to 1978, as well as a THE ROVERS- Wasn't That A Party, Epic /Cleveland Inter- son, George Benson and Brothers Johnson, has saved some of new version of "If I Was A Dancer (Dance Pt. 2)" from national 1E37107. Produced by Jack Richardson. The irre- the gusto rhythms for his LP and this tightly orchestrated "Emotional Rescue," a live version of "When The Whip pressible Irish Rovers have a musical flair and elan that's nine cuts, has several. Patti Austin's lively vocal delivery Comes Down," and "Everything Is Turning To Gold" both infectious and magical. Few groups could make simple blends well with the mid -tempo, jazz /pop "Somethin' Spe- which was never included in an album. The song selec- little songs about fireflies, popsicles, ice cream girls and cial," the bouncy "Razzamatazz" and uptempo, driving feel tion, which also includes the blues' "Mannish Boy," matchstalk animals sound so appealing. Richardson's pro- of "Turn On The Action." All three cuts, penned by Rod Tem- shows the band at its musical best, while avoiding the duction is excellent and high -energy. Best cuts: "Wasn't That perton, contain infectious hooks and catchy horn arrange- gimmicks, the excesses, and the commercial panderings A Party," "Mexican Girl," "Yo Yo Man." ment, the latter thanks to Seawind. Stevie Wonder plays on of previous LPs. Instead this best of the'rest collection and contributes the mellow "Betcha' Would'nt Hurt Me." The demonstrates once more just what a good band the Roll- JOHN CALE -Honi Soit, A&M SP4849. Produced by Mike frantic pace of the music and Charles May's vocals on the ing Stones really are. Thorne. The enigmatic Cale turns in a surprisingly commer-

single "Ai No Corrida" are a perfect match. Best cuts: Those mentioned above, and "Beast Of cial set of nine compositions. Though there may be hooks in Best cuts: All. Burden," "Time Waits For No One," and "Shattered." such cuts as "Dead Or Alive" and "Honi Soit," Cale's lyrical punch is still present and the music often wanders into SPINNERS -Labor Of Love, Atlantic 16032. Produced by murky though rewarding territory. "Riverbank" is a moving Michael Zager. The veteran singers update the beat on the ballad. Best cuts: Those mentioned plus "Magic & Lies." medley "Yesterday Once More- Nothing Remains The Same," PAGES -Capitol ST12123. Produced by Jay Graydon, Bobby. resulting in a rhythmic melody dominated by percussion and by this trio is filled with the jazzy guitar. Vocals are clean and effective on the ballads "Almost Colomby. Second album r pop rock that has been made into an art form by Steely Dan All The Way To Love" and "Be My Love" and compliment a has also been popularized on records by the Doobie country/r &b flavored melody on "The Deacon." Willie Hutch and Brothers and Billy Joel. The effort is seamless and accessible, wrote and plays bass, a welcome addition, on the uptempo range, in- anthem -like "Long Live " and rhythmic "Standing S CIaSSiCOI but not terribly distinctive. There is a bit of tempo one slow ballad, "Midnight Angel." Best cuts: On The Rock." cluding pretty Those cited plus "Automatic," "You Need A Hero." Best cuts: Take your pick. BARTOK: PIANO CONCERTOS NOS. 2 & 3- Ashkenazy, London Philharmonic, Solti, London CS7167. This is the PAT TRAVERS-Radio Active, Polydor PD16313 (PolyGram). First Time Around year -and the month -that the entire classical music estab- Produced by Dennis MacKay, Pat Travers. The heavy metal lishment and its superstars honor Bartok, a composer now country IN DARK, RSO RS13096. Produced by Al guitarist turns in a surprisingly subdued set. From the open- SHOT THE Stew- more influential and more widely heard than ever before. Bar - ing bars of "New Age Music," originally done by the reggae art, Chris Desmond. Al Stewart fans will recognize Shot In the tok was a virtuoso pianist and this repertoire, particularly the DAVID HOUSTON -From Houston To You, Excelsior band Inner Circle, to the end of the instrumental "Electric Dark as Stewart's backup band who also opened for Stewart softer more feminine Third Concerto, is one of the best places XLP88005. Produced by Steve Vining, Tillman Franks. Al- Detective" Travers dismantles his image as the typical heavy on his last tour. The five -person group, fronted by the charm- to get to know his special genius. It's one of the infrequent though his style is clearly his own, Houston's high, melodic metal guitarist with screeching vocals. He experiments with ing vocals of Krysia Kristianne, play a soft brand of melodic disk collaborations of these two superstars. voice has echoes of Slim Whitman's and will doubtlessly ap- jazz ( "Untitled "), reggae ( "New Age Music," "Feelin' In folk rock in the Renaissance, Pentangle, Fairport Convention peal to those who like romanticism in their music. The Grand Love "), pop ( "I Can Love You ") and blues ( "I Just Want To vein. Add some Fleetwood Mac type harmonic flourishes and BARTOK: 44 DUOS FOR TWO VIOLINS - Perlman & Ash - Ole Opry star is particularly moving on "Where Love Begins" Live It My Way"). The remaining four cuts are the more the result is intelligent, musically superior music. Brian Sav- kenazy, Angel SZ37540. This is a fascinating series of frag- and "My Lady." Best cuts: Those cited and "Afraid." standard hard rock. Travers is currently touring with Rainbow. age's tasty sax and violin work gives much of the material a mentary little pieces, one of those collections joining several Best cuts: "New Age Music," "I Don't Wanna Be Awake," dreamy texture. Robin Lamble, Adam Yurman and Peter aspects of Bartok's wide -flung career -folk music gatherer, "I Can Love You," "Feelin' In Love," "Untitled." White are on guitars and drums. Studio support from accom- composer, teacher. Both and Pinchas Zuker- plished players rounds out the sound. man are obviously absorbed to the peak of their talents here, soul PHOEBE SNOW -Rock Away, Mirage WTG19297 (Atlantic). Best cuts: "Playing With Lightning," "Shot In The Dark," and the immaculate technical presentation is a giant plus. Produced by Greg Ladanyi, Richie Cannata. This is a very SUN -Force Of Nature, Capitol 12142. Produced by Beau Ray "Just As Well," "Speak My Language." commercially- oriented LP with Snow, backed by strong and Fleming, Byron Byrd. Repetitious rhythm patterns, led by ROSSINI: L' ITALIANA IN ALGIERI - Horne, Ramey, I Solisti crisp guitar riffs, are the norm for this LP of mostly dance/ rn rich production, easily handling a variety of pop, soft and me- GREAT BUILDINGS -Apart From The Crowd, Columbia Veneti, Scimone, RCA ARL33855. The singers, led by color- dium tempo rock styles. Much of the material is familiar, as NJC36920. Produced by Ed E. Thacker, John Boylan. Los An- r &b music. The single, "Reaction Satisfaction (Jam Ya'll Funk atura Marilyn Horne, really know how this buffo music and Snow covers such tunes as Rod Stewart's "Gasoline Alley," geles doesn't stop producing worthy rock bands. Great Build- It Up," is predictable rap music with a funky beat while the recitation should be handled, and the style and shape of the Don Covay's "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy," and Bob Dylan's "I Be- ings has been gigging awhile and their professionalism and philosophical title track is uptempo with an appealing horn original production also are pressed in the finely wrought or- lieve In You." The playing is tasty and though the LP cover experience shows on this 10 -song debut. The genre the quar- arrangement. Best cuts: Those mentioned and "This Is What chestral sounds and chamber ambience of the set's produc- shows Snow comfortable near the edge of a precipice, the LP tet chooses to work in is not a new one- mid -'60s Beatlesque You Wanted" and "Jammin' Brazil." and voices alike are full- bodied and colorful, pop, handled with flair and taste. Danny Wilde sings with au- tion. Orchestra as a whole is not nearly as adventurous. NITEFLYTE, Ariola 1505. Produced by Sandy Torano. A but it's snap -crackle -pop on the disk. and the three -part harmonies add a lift to many of the Best cuts: Those mentioned above and "Baby Please," thority healthy mix of rock, pop and reggae chords make for several songs. The playing is tight with Richard Sandford's drums "Games," "Something Good." memorable cuts on this album. The uptempo "Shoot From being especially strong. KINGBEES -The Big Rock, RSO RS13097. Produced by Da- The Hip" is melodic, a fast -paced rhythm arrangement leads Best cuts: "Heartbreak," "Maybe It's You," "Dream That is a instrumen- vid J. Holman, Rich Fitzgerald. This trio goes back further "Anyway You Want" while "Alicia's Song" pop Never Dies," "Combat Zone." than the Beatles for its rock inspiration. The music is stream- tal with a laidback groove. Best cuts: Those cited and "Sexy Billboard's Dancer." lined, 1950s styled rock though this is no exercise in mere STANLEY FRANK -Play It Till It Hurts, A&M SP4828. Pro- and consid- nostalgia. Jamie James' vocals are commanding duced by Robin Geoffrey Cable. Mix political lyrics and a hot Recommended LPs JOE SIMON -Glad You Came My Way, Posse 10022. Produced ering the Kingbees are only a three piece band, the sound is rhythm reminiscent of the 1950s and 1960s and the result is by Porter Wagoner. The soulful balladeer wraps his sensual basic but full. Group caused some activity last year with its Stanley Frank. Except for the punchy, reggae -inspired "Love vocals around these nine songs of appealing r &b melodies. self -titled debut album and the single "My Mistake." The Like A Hammer," this is an all -out rock exercise meant for Simon's characteristically strong vocals are showcased on the Kingbees could become the equivalent of an American -ori- those who take their partying seriously. The four -piece band pop blues /soul ballad "Magnolia" and sultry "Baby, When Love Is Police. ented backing Frank is right on the money. Pitch to fans of South - In Your Heart (It's In Your Eyes)." Two infectious, rhythmic LENNY LeBLANC -Breakthrough, Capitol ST12134. Produced Best cuts: "The Big Rock," "Rockin' My Life Away," "Right wide Johnny, Tonio K. and other acts which are known for a cuts are "All Over Me" and "Love Look At Us Now." Best Barry Beckett. Fans of Christopher Cross should be able to Behind You Baby," "How Can I Love You," "Boppin' The barrelhouse style of rock. by cuts: Those cited and "Glad You Came My Way." sink their teeth into this one. LeBlanc makes the same kind Blues." Best cuts: "Rocco's Girl," "Love Like A Hammer," "We of smooth rock with tons of hooks. However, LeBlanc adds A War," "Nylon Meat Dreams," "Rock Crazy." THE FABULOUS THUNDERBIRDS -Butt Rockin', Chrysalis Want more of a Southern edge and the excellent choice of backing CHR1319. Produced by Denny Bruce. Premature epitaphs for jazz musicians gives him a harder, jazz sound at times. The songs, the blues continue to be filed, but the quality and quantity of all cowritten by LeBlanc, are uniformly strong with good po- PHAROAH SANDERS, NORMAN CONNORS- Beyond A Dream, vital younger stylists continues to show signs of a quiet revi- tential for Hot 100, adult contemporary play. Best cuts: "Des- Novus 3021 (Arista). Produced by Michael Cuscuna, Norman val. Among the new generation, none seems better poised to perate Love," "You Can't Run," "Midnight Mourning," "Blue Connors. The most promising tracks are "Babylon" and the capture fresh rock and pop believers than Austin's T- Birds, Eyed Lady," "Street Lover." title cut, both no nonsense jazz pieces but the piercing sax whose third LP adds horn charts, keyboards and a bit more solos are by Buzzy Jones, not Sanders, though Connors man- studio polish without diluting their essential gutbucket KROKUS- Hardware, Ariola America OL1508 (Arista). Pro- ages to get in some good drum licks. Of the five cuts, Sanders charm. Kim Wilson's vocals and peppery mouth harp remain duced by Krokus. This heavy metal quintet hails from the shines only on "Montreux Overture" and "Casino Latino." the hooks. Alps, sings in English and rocks in a angry universal language, Best cuts: Those cited. Best cuts: "I Believe I'm In Love," "One's Too Many" judging from the success of groups such as AC /DC. There are DENIECE WIWAMS -My Melody, ARC FC37048 (Colum- (written by Wilson and Nick Lowe) and Slim Harpo's "Tip On a few strident anthems on this LP, and they are delivered at HUBERT LAWS -California Suite, CBS FM36691. Producer bia). Produced by Thom Bell, Deniece Williams. Williams' lat- In." peak volume, carefully measured. Some of it is mindless, but uncredited. Reissue of the soundtrack from the Columbia Pic- est LP mixes several slow, pretty ballads with some vibrant, it rocks as hard as they come. Best cuts: "Easy Rocker," "Cel- tures comedy of the 1970s features composer Bolling at the shimmering uptempo cuts which better show off her vocal ebration." piano and Laws' fancy fluting backed by a harmonious combo range. These especially "It's Your Conscience" jaunty tracks, Tedesco, Ralph MUR101. Produced by including Shelly Manne, Bud Shank, Tommy and "Strangers" also mark a return to form for producer Bell, ELLIOTT MURPHY -Affairs, Courtisane Grierson and Chuck Damonico. It's mildly entertaining music, whose early -'70s work with the Stylistics and the Spinners set Elliott Murphy, Thom Panunzio. Since his last LP on Colum- strongly vanilla in ambience, which will appeal, in the main, the standard against all producers in black pop are judged. bia, Murphy has been on sort of a hiatus from recording. His to Laws devotees. His musicianship is unquestionably en- label, is a described "album - This is a mostly mellow offering, as dramatized on "My comeback here on his own self viable. Best cuts: "Hanna's Theme," "Love Theme." Melody," which is rather similar melodically to Barbra Strei- ette," a collection of six articulate tracks that resemble mu- sand's "Evergreen." Bell holds Williams' tendency to sweet- sical short stories. Murphy's vocal timer often resembles that ALEXANDER -BROWN -EWS -Trio, Concord Jazz CJ136. Pro- ness in check and brings out a bit of her fire and bite. of Tom Petty. The playing is spirited and overall shows that duced By Carl E. Jefferson. Monty, Ray and Herb collaborate JOHNNY PAYCHECK -Mr. Hag Told My Story. Epic Best cuts: Those cited plus "What Two Can Do." Murphy means business again. Best cuts: "Euro- Tour," "Cool on nine cuts, all but two an evergreen, with good musical re- by While most tribute al- Panic," "'Cause I Saw You." FE36761. Produced Billy Sherrill. (Continued on page 93) bums suffer from an excess of sugar in the grooves, this one's ULLANDA McCULLOUGH, Atlantic 19296. Produced by JOHN FAHEY -Live In Tasmania, Takoma TAK7089 (Chry- is in his introduction to Nickolas Ashford, Valerie Simpson. The uptempo single "Bad only fault Paycheck's didacticism salis). Produced by Peter Noble. The first pop record by an wisdom Company," with its challenging vocal arrangement, is only each cut -as if he's conducting a short course on the international artist recorded live in Hobart, Tasmania is in- Spotlight -The most outstanding new product of the week's releases are lessons self - one of many irresistible tracks on McCullough's second LP, of Merle Haggard. Happily, Haggard's songs strumental folk music by accomplished acoustic guitarist Fa- and that with the greatest potential for top of the chart placement; with great under- whose much in- demand producers provide good material for the chart in the opinion of the contained, and Paycheck delivers them hey. The music is not commercial, as Fahey seemingly impro- picks -predicted for the top halt of It is to Paycheck's credit her crisp, soprano vocals. Slick arrangements of pop /r &b reviewer; recommended -predicted to hit the second half of the chart standing, respect and style. further vises his way from one composition to the next in an nonstand- songs accent the mid -tempos of "I'll Just Die," "Love Had in the opinion of the reviewer, or albums of superior quality. Albums that he presents here a lot of Haggard's older and undisturbed flow, but folk enthusiasts may want to know late and early '70s) in- Changed My Life" and bouncy "You're Gonna Wanna Come receiving a three star rating are not listed. Review editor: Ed Harri- ard songs (eight are from the '60s about this one. Best cuts: "Waltzing Matilda," "Indian -Pa- Back." And, all have melodically appealing hooks. "Rumors" son; Reviewers: Paul Grein, Douglas E. Hall, Kip Kirby, George stead of leaping astride the chartbusters. cific R.R. Blues," "The Approaching Of The Disco Void." Kozak, Iry Lichtman, Ed Morris, Richard M. Musser, Best cuts: "I Can't Hold Myself In Line," "Yesterday's is a classic Ashford -Simpson ballad, heartfelt lyrics done har- Kopp, Roman Living In The Fast Lane, Water- Alan Penchansky, Sam Sutherland, Robyn Wells, Adam White, Gerry News Just Hit Home Today," "All Night Lady," "I've Got A moniously with lush, but not overdone, orchestration. MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD- This is a Wood, Jean Wiliams. Yearning." Best cuts: Take your pick. house, Waterhouse II. Produced by Norman Dayron.

www.americanradiohistory.com 93 BdIbOO(dSR Survey For Week Ending 3/21/81

\umber of singles reviewed TM

Sin9IeCopyright 1981. Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. g this week 98 Last week 96 stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical. photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher .

Shun; writers: M. Cooper, F. Pilate, G. Jackson; publishers: iels; publishers: Chappell, Intersong /Unichappell, ASCAP, LINCOLN COUNTY- Making The Night The Best Part Of My Val -ie -Joe, Felstar, BMI. Mercury 76099. Uptempo, this track BMI, MCA MCA51088. Young chronicles here the approach- Day (3:16); producer: unlisted; writers: Wayland Holyfield/ is straight ahead dance music with repetitious, driving ing dissolution of a love affair. In addition to Young's full, rich Ben Peters; publishers: Bibo, ASCAP /Ben Peters, BMI. rhythms and crisp vocals. voice and sensitive styling, the song is distinguished by some Soundwaves 4629. nicely poetic lines. PARLIAMENT -Crush It (3:42); producers: George Clinton, BUDDY MERRILL -Four String Swing (2:06); producers: Bootsy writers: Bootsy, GARY /Scott Seely; writer: Merrill; publisher: STYX -Too Much Time On My Hands (4:31); producer: Cdlins; Spradley; publisher: Rubber STEWART -Let's Forget That We're Married (2:39); Buddy Merrill Buddy Band, BMI. Casablanca The S &R, ASCAP. Styx; writer: Tommy Shaw; publishers: Stygian, Almo, ASCAP. 2330. followup to "Agony Of De producer: Jim Vienneau; writers: Jim Lewis, Gary Stewart, Accent ACS1371. Feet" is another one of Clinton's inspired Tackett; BMI. RCA A &M 2323, The group follows the top three The Best Of surrealistic tales. Sonny publisher: Cedarwood, 1H12203. is Despite rock, is 100% Times" with an infectious midtempo rocker. It lacks the Though rhythmic, this one not quite as good for dancing. his recent flirtations with Stewart country on this one -both in theme and presentation. This is stately, stylized slickness of the current smash and so prob- RICK JAMES -Give It To Me Baby (3:48); producer: Rick an uptempo assertion that adultery ought to be enjoyed -as ably won't be as big on adult contemporary stations. But it James; writer: R. James; publishers: Jobete, Stone City, on AOR. soon as possible. The spare instrumentation allows Stewart's should do even better ASCAP. Gordy 7197 (Motown). Initial release from a new al- superb voice to shine. WHO -You Better You Bet (3:58); producer: Bill bum is an uptempo funk track with the usual James quality. FirstTimeAround Szymczyk; writer: Townshend; publisher: Towser Tunes, EMI. Hook is memorable. BURRITO BROTHERS -Does She Wish She Was Single Again (2:31); producer: Michael Lloyd; writers: R. Leigh, M. MARK SAFFAN AND THE KEEPERS - (2:37); pro- Warner Bros. 49698. The Who's Warner Bros. debut is a BAR -KtYS -Body Fever (3:54); producer: Allen A. Jones; Blackford; publisher: United Artists, ASCAP. Curb ZS601011. ducer: Richard Perry; writer: Rod Argent; publishers: Vera - glorious piece of rock paced by Pete Townshend's forceful vo- writers: l Alexander, L. Dodson, C. Allen, S. Guy, L. Smith, M. The married woman's burdens (as seen by the husband) are lam, Mainstay, BMI. Planet 47927 (Elektra /Asylum). Remake cal and some stinging guitar work. Keyboard fills and compli- Bynum, W. Stewart, H. Henderson, F. Thompson, M. Beard, A. vividly brought into focus in this understated ballad. Its of the old Zombies hit. This moody remake of the old Zombies menting harmonies are effective. From their forthcoming Jones; publishers: Bar -Kays, Warner Tamerlane, BMI. Mer- opening is disarmingly simple, but it soon builds in intensity. hit is less a carbon copy of the original than a good song in its "Face Dances" LP. cury 76097. An infectious, funky hook makes this uptempo The sharp images and smooth harmonies are accented by fine own right. cut appealing. The melody is rhythmic. REO SPEEDWAGON -Take It On The Run (3:35); produc- acoustic guitar work. JEFF FINER -South Of The Border (1:50); producer: Paul ers: Kevin Cronin, ; Kevin Beamish; writer: G.

BILLY I Have To Freeman; writer: Jeff Finer; publisher: Irving, A &M Richrath; publisher: Buddy, BMI. Epic 1901054. REO should recommended SWAN -Do Draw A Picture (2:32); pro- BMI. B. -G. Finer keeps things short and on this frenetic continue its hot streak with this melodic rocker that has the MASS PRODUCTION -I Can't Believe You're Going Away ducer: Larry Rogers. writers: Swan Clark; publishers: 2307. tight Earl McGrath, ASCAP /Missing Finger, BMI. Epic 1951000. A rocker filled with a sense of urgency and tension. The song's same vocal dynamics and riveting guitar work as their No. 1 (3:55); roducer: Mass Production; writers: R. Williams, A. streetwise lyrics are enhanced by muscular "Keep On Loving You." Kelly; publisher: Two Pepper, ASCAP. Cotillion 46011 (Atlan- splendid comeback for this artist pairs him with a Memphis/ the instrumenta- tic). Nashville production that's both distinctive and different. tion. -Living Inside Myself (3:48); producers: Swan's vocals and Rogers' arrangement makes the cut a win- BOX -DDDDDDDance (3:33); producers: Jacques Morali, Gino Vannelli, Joe Vannelli, Ross Vannelli; writer: Gino Van - SUN -Reaction Satisfaction (Jam Y'all Funk It Up) (3:55); ner. Mike Roy; writers: Rox, Ross; publishers: Music, nelli; publisher: Black Keys, BMI. Arista 0588. Vannelli makes producers: Beau Ray Fleming, Byron Byrd; writer: Byron Can't Stop WHITEY SHAFER I Say I Love You (Consider Me Drunk) BMI, Roy And Ross, ASCAP. Boardwalk 870059. Where do you his Arista debut with a strong, fluid ballad that showcases his Byrd: publisher: Glenwood, ASCAP. Capitol 4981. -If D. pub- go from the Village People? To rock'n'roll -or rather a clean vocals, emotionally delivered. The lyrical hook is torchy. (2:46); producer: Ronnie Gant; writer: Sanger Shafer; FEVA 'Em I Heard T. SANDRA -Tell It (3:54); producers: lisher: Acuff -Rose, BMI, Elektra 47117. The tongue -in -cheek sprightly, poppy version of rock. This is Morali's first release Camillo. C. Barker; publishers: ROD STEWART -Somebody Special (4:28); producer: writers: Lowrell, Jeffery Simon; lyrics detract in no way from the straight -ahead country since disco's decline and it has the catchy, engaging accessi- Paddle, Simon -Redmond, Harry The Hook; writers: Stewart, Harley /Chen, Savigar, Cre- Gaetana, BMI. Venture 138. strength of this single. Shafer's beery heartfelt vocal is bility that made his best Village People records so charming. gan, Grainger; publishers: Riva, WB, ASCAP. Warner Bros. backed perfectly by a bright and lively track. MICHAEL WYCOFF FEATURING MERRY CLAYTON -One Alone JIMMI CANNON -I'm Your Puppet (2:43); producer: Norro 49686. Followup to "Passion" is a lush ballad highlighted by (3:56); producer: Steve Tyrell; writers: Michael Wycoff, Will Wilson; writers: Dan Penn /Lindon Oldham; publisher: Fame, Stewart's raspy vocal. The mellow arrangement allows the vo- Jennings; publishers: Crystalane, Blue Sky Rider, Irving, BMI. recommended BMI. Warner Bros. 49647. This familiar r &b classic has been cal to take centerstage. RCA 12119. GLEN CAMPBELL AND TANYA TUCKER -Why Don't We Just reworked here with a lighter, more A /C- styled touch. Can- BOZ Have Me SCAGGS -You Can Anytime (4:56); pro- non's voice is electric and should get on a of RANDY BROWN -If I Don't Love You (4:29); producers: Sleep On It Tonight (3:05); producer: Gary Klein; writers: J. airplay variety ducer: Bill Schnee; writers: B. Scaggs, D. Foster; publishers: Homer Banks, Chuck Brooks; writers: Homer Banks, Chuck Parker /H. Shannon; publishers: ATV, BMI /Welbeck, ASCAP. formats. Boz Scaggs, ASCAP, Foster Frees, Irving, BMI. Columbia Brooks; publisher: Backlog, BMI. Chocolate City 3224. Capitol 4986. 1101023. Perhaps his most beautiful ballad since "We're All Picks -a top 30 chart tune in the opinion of the review panel which Alone," this soaring track has already gotten some exposure NOLEN & CROSSLEY- Messin' Up A Good Thing (3:17); pro- TERRY STAFFORD -Everybody Loves A Love Song (3:25); pro- voted for the selections released this week; recommended -a tune as part of the "Middle Man" and "Hits!" sets. Production is ducers Hal Davis, Arthur G. Wright; writers: C. Nolen, R. ducer: none listed; writers: R.J. Jones /1. Taylor; publisher: predicted to and on the Hot 100 between 31 and 100. Review editor- clear and sparkling. Crossley, H. Davis; publishers: Jazzy Autumn. Jobete, ASCAP. ATV, BMI. Firstline FLS710. Ed Harrison. Gordy 7196.

recommended FRANK BOOKER & POSITIVE PEOPLE -Ooh Suga Wooga TOTO -If It's The Last Night (3:52); producers: Geoff Work- (4:15); producer: James Purdie; writer: Frank Hooker; pub- man, Toto; writer: D. Paich; publisher: Hudmar, ASCAP. Co- lisher: Duchess, MCA, BMI. Panorama 12196 (RCA). lumbia 1101056 Billboard's Recommended LPs L.A. BOPPERS -La La Means I Love You (3:36); producer: BILL MEDLEY -Don't Know Much (3:07); producer: Michael Augie Iohnson; writers: Thom Bell, William Hart; publishers: 92 SHELLY MANNE & HIS MEN The Lloyd; writers: C. Weil, B. Mann, T. Snow; publishers: ATV, Continued from page -At Blackhawk, Vol. 2. Con- Bell Boy, Mighty Three, BMI. Mercury 76096. Mann and Weil, Braintree, Snow, BMI. Liberty 1402 (Capitol). sults. Ellis and Alexander trade solos expertly, and not with- temporary 7578. Produced by Lester Koenig. Manne's men OZONE -Ozonic Bee Bop (3:16); producers: Michael L. out humor. But the session might have been even stronger include the late Richie Kamuca, Vic Feldman, Joe Gordon and RICK NELSON - Believe What You Say (2:23); producer: Jack Smith Angelo Bond; writer: Ozone publisher: Old Brompton with a Scott Hamiltonish tenor present to add variety. One Monte Budwig, and they taped these four long tracks in 1959 Nitzsche; writers: J. Burnette, D. Burnette; publishers: Mat - Road, ASCAP. Motown 1510. thing is sure: Alexander's skills as a pianist improve with his at the San Francisco club before an adoring audience. Manne ragun, Unart, BMI. Capitol 4988. every outing. Best cuts: "You Call It Madness," "I Want To Be lets them all have free play; some of the tracks run a tad too GERALDINE HUNT -I Feel Like A Woman Again (3:40); pro- CARL WILSON -Hold Me (3:30); producer: James William Happy." long, perhaps, but there's much to admire, particularly in Ka- ducer: Mike Pabon Austin: writers: G. Hunt, P. Dowse, D. Ed- Guercio; writer: C. Wilson, M. Smith; publishers: Murray IDRIS MUHAMMAD- Kabsha, Theresa TR110. Produced by muca's tenor sax stylings. Notes by C. H. Garrigues are help- mead; publishers: Rebera, Hygroton, Unidisc. Prism 320. Gage, Schilling, ASCAP. Caribou 601049 (CBS). Idris Muhammad. Here, Muhammad beats his way through ful. Best cuts; "What's New," "Step Lightly." TOM SCOTT -Got 'Em Where You Want 'Em (3:33); producer: six cuts, with assists from Pharoah Sanders' tenor sax, Ray CARLY SIMON -Come Upstairs (4:14); producer: Mike Main - PAT LONGO & HIS SUPER BIG BAND -Crocodile Tears, Town Tom Scott; writer: Tom Scott: publisher: Gold Horizon, BMI. Drummond's big bass and a second tenor blown by George ieri; writer: Carly Simon; publishers: Quackenbush, Redeye, Hall S30. Produced by Pat Longo and Bill Wagner. The former Posse 5009. Coleman. The LP will be of particular interest to students of ASCAP. Warner Bros. 49689. Lee Castle and Harry James alto saxist scores solidly with his LONME BROOKS -I'll Take Care Of You (4:16); producer: contemporary percussion trends. Best cuts: "Soulful Drums," JIM PHOTOGLO-Fool In Love With You (3:30); producer: second LP. His 16 -piece group performs 11 well- chosen se- none listed; writer: Benton; publisher: none listed. Alligator "Little Feet." Brian Francis Neary; writer: Neary, Photoglo; publishers: lections with power and precision, and Stephenie Caravella's 794. MIKE MANDEL- Utopia Parkway, Vanguard Free Style 20th Century, Nearytunes, ASCAP, Fox Fanfare, Nearytunes, three vocals add interest. Longo's aggregation is as good as VSD79437. Produced by Jack Perricone, Danny Weiss. This is BMI. 20th Century -Fox 2487. they come among the young new big bands, and better than an appealing pop fusion album with just a dash of funk. Man- most. All his soloists have something to say, and Bill Wagner's NAZARETH -Dressed To Kill (3:31); producer: Jeffrey Baxter; del plays a variety of keyboards in a Herbie Hancock vein. annotation along with Suzanne Longo's graphics are first writers: McCafferty, Agnew; publishers: Panache, Ciroride, Houston Person has some good tenor sax solor work along the class. Best cuts: "In A Sentimental Mood," "Give Me Time," ASCAP. A &M way. One wishes Jon Faddis' trumpet work could have been Stickrope, 2324. "Big Mama Louise." better displayed. A happy surprise are the tuba solos by How- LA FLAVOUR -To The Boys In The Band (3:14); producers: ard Johnson on "Old Time, New Town, Up Your Avenue RAY RIVERA Me Hear Some Jazz, IN202. Pro- Carl Maduri, Mark Avsec; writer: M. Avsec; publisher: Bema, tountry, -Let Insight Stomp," which marches in a along sprightly fashion. Best cut: duced by Thomas This is a pleasant mainstream ASCAP. Sweet City 51081 (MCA). MEL TILLIS -A Million Goodbyes (3:14); producer: Gramuglia. "Don't Cha Give Up." jazz album which features guitarist Rivera singing three origi- Jimmy Bowen; writers: Buzz Cason /Steve Gibb /Bobby Rus- BJ. THOMAS -Some Love Songs Never Die (2:30); producer: RUFUS REID TRIO- Perpetual Stroll, Theresa TR111. Pro- nals track "Bop Talk" and "Music Is My Thing" sell, publishers: Buzz Cason /Steve Gibb /Bobby Russell, -the title - Larry Butler; writers: Alice Kiester, Bob Morrison, Johnny duced by Wayne Cohen. Eddie Gladden and Kirk Lightsey pro- and two standards -"Don't Blame Me" and "Yesterdays" ASCAP. Elektra 47116. Tillis demonstrates his versatility in MacRae; publishers: Southern Nights, Youngun, ASCAP, BMI. vide the backup for Reid's forceful bass playing. The two LP much in a Peter Dean vein. Russ Scotti plays some competent this mellow followup to the sprightly "Southern Rain." An MCA 51087. sides cover six tunes, three of them Reid originals. He can do tenor sax solos a la Gato Barbiari. The album is rounded out ever -paced production opens and closes with keyboards, in- it all his RICK SPRINGFIELD -Jessie's Girl (3:14); producer: Keith Ol- terlaced with strings. on oversized fiddle, and it's all evident here. Best by four instruments which swing lightly. Best cuts: Those cuts: "Tricotism," "Perpetual mentioned. sen; writer: R. Springfield; publishers: Portal, Muscleman, Stroll." GAIL DAVIES -11s A Lovely, Lovely World (2:13); producer: BMI. RCA 12201. Gail Davies; writer: Boudeleaux Bryant; publisher: Acuff- PAUL ANKA -Think I'm In Love Again (3:50); producer: Larry Rose, BMI. Warner Bros. WBS49694. Davies reaches back to Butler; writers: P. Anka, B. McDill; publishers: Hall Clement, 1952 for this revelation ditty about the powers of love that Paul Anne, BMI. RCA 12184. scored big then for Carl Smith. The arrangement -with its LAX Midline LPs and steel breaks Davies' Bowing fiddle and achingly pure voice -is as JOHN O'BANION -Love You Like I Never Loved Before (3:20); country (and as elevating) as the original. producers: Joey Carbone, Richie Zito; writers: Richie Zito, LOS ANGELES -LAX Records Also being released by LAX at Joey Carbone, Kathi Pinto; publisher: Sixty -Ninth Street, LACY J. DALTON- Whisper (3:15); producer: Billy Sherrill; becomes the first of the labels tied to that list are Eric Burdon and War's BMI. Elektra 47125. writers: L.J. Dalton /M. Sherrill; publisher: Algee, BMI. Co- CBS under its pressing and distribu- "Spill The Wine," Burdon's "Sun lumbia 1101036. This evocative tune may well be the lusty - tion pacts to bow album titles in the Secrets" solo album. "Love Is A Five throated Dalton's strongest number of late. There's a ballad - $5.98 list category. Letter Word" by Jimmy With- like beginning, then the production shifts into high gear, LAX product carrying the CBS erspoon and Lee Oskar's self-titled aided by percussion and harmonica. "Nice Price" pricing slogan has been debut album. EARL THOMAS CONLEY -Fire & Smoke (3:12); producers: added to that mid priced category for Ne son Larkin, Earl Thomas Conley, Phil Grissett; writer: Those masters. originally released Earl an upcoming March 16 release. In- GAP BAND- Yearning For Your Love (3:59); producer: Thomas Conley; publishers: Blue Moon /April, ASCAP. Sun - by labels and cluded are seven titles, including including MGM Lonnie Simmons; writers: Ronnie Wilson, Oliver Scott; pub- bid 7561. Conley continues to strengthen his stance as an by War: Day Mu- United Artists, were purchased back lisher: Total Experience, BMI. Mercury 76101. The "Burn energetic, vibrant artist. Electric three albums "All and steel guitars flash by LAX principals Jerry Goldstein Rubber" trio slow down the pace and deliver a soft, flowing throughout this upbeat, funky production, which is further sic," "The World Is A Ghetto" and ballad complete with lush orchestration and impressive voc- enhanced by judicious use of background vocals. "Why Can't We Be Friends." and Steve Gold. als. FARON YOUNG -Until The Bitter End (3:21); producer: CON FUNK SHUN -Lady's Wild (3:28); producer: Con Funk Ron Chancey; writers: Tommy Rocco, Gene Dobbins, T. Dan:

www.americanradiohistory.com Contains the single, "GAMES "ssoo Also available on 8 -track and cassette tapes. Produced by Greg Ladanyi and Richie Cannata

Drslriboted by Arlanirt Records yprel qiMnc Reco,Epng Co, Nbrie

www.americanradiohistory.com FOR WEEK ENDING MARCH 21. 1981 95 . I pQ I 'c Copyright 11981. Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this pub- lication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans- mitted, in an form or by any means. electronic, mechanical. photocopying recording. or otherwise, without the prior written Permission of the puhlisher 5 Compiled from national retail stores and one -stops by the Music

Popularity Chart Dept. of Bill - board. A Suggested Á Suggested Á Suggested e.,., ú sic se v List a: Coe List W W List W W Prices W W ° Prices Prices ° ARTIST ARTIST ARTIST LP, Soul LP/ 3 3 LP, Soul LP/ LP, Soul LP/ N Title i RIM Cassettes, Country LP `^ ~ Title RIM Cassettes, Country LP `=' H Title RIM Cassettes, Country LP 3 Label, Number (Dist. Label) d ; Symbols &Track Chart = n 3 Label, Number (Dist. Label) Symbols 8-Track Chart 5 ; Label, Number (Dist. Label) Symbols 8 -Track Chart 1 15 REO SPEEDWAGON ' 40 5 .38 SPECIAL 81 3 RAINBOW W Iii Infidelity . Wild Eyed Southern Boys Difficult To Cure Epic FE 36844 8.98 ALM SP -4835 7.98 Polydon PD-1-6316 (Polygram) - 8.98 2 8 STYX * 42 5 TOM BROWNE 72 66 16 HEART Paradise Theatre Magic Greatest Hits /Live A&M SP 3719 8.98 ksta /GRP GRP -5503 8.98 SLP 7 Epic KE 23688 13.98

3 3 17 NEIL DIAMOND 38 38 13 TIERRA 93 5 PHIL SEYMOUR The Jazz Singer City Nights Phil Seymour Capitol SWAV -12120 9.98 Boardwalk FW 36995 (CBS) 7.98 SLP 24 Boardwalk FW 36996 (CBS) 7.98

4 4 16 JOHN LENNON /YOKO ONO 39 24 7 THE CLASH THE ISLET BROTHERS Double Fantasy Sandinista Grand Slam Geffen CHS 2001 (Warner Bros.) 8.98 Epic E3X 37037 14.98 . T -Neck FZ 37080 (Epic) 8.98 SLP 35 5 5 22 THE POLICE WILLIE NELSON 85 6 TERRI GIBBS Zenyatta Mondatta Somewhere Over The Rainbow * Somebody's Knockin' ALM SP -3720 8.98 , Columbia FC 36883 8.98 CLP 27 MCA MCA -5173 8.98 6 6 31 PAT BENATAR 41 28 6 ELVIS COSTELLO 8 =I TED NUGENT Crimes Of Passion THE ATTRACTIONS Intensities In 10 Cities Chrysalis CHE 1275 8.98 Trust Epic FE 37084 8.98 Columbia IC 31051 7.98 7 7 15 BLONDIE 77 75 15 CON FUNK SHUN Autoamerican 54 8 LOVERBOY Touch Chrysalis CHE 1290 8.98 SLP 50 '( Loverboy Mercury SRM- 14002 (Polygram) 8.98 SLP 26 Columbia 1C 36762 7.98 15 3 RUSH 78 67 25 ANNE MURRAY Moving Pictures 43 43 9 RY COODER Anne Murray's Greatest Hits Maury 5101- 1.4013 (Polygram) 8.98 Borderline Capitol 500-12110 8.98 CLP 7 Warner Bros. 86K 3489 7.98 * 9 5 JOURNEY 79 68 23 THE JACKSONS Captured 49 11 SHALAMAR Triumph Columbia KC- 2.37016 13.98 W Three For Love Epic FE 36424 8.98 SLP 18 Solar BZL13577 (RCA) 8.98 SLP 11 * 11 24 BARBRA STREISAND 80 80 53 BILLY JOEL Guilty 45 31 19 DIRE STRAITS Glass Houses Columbia FC 36750 8.98 Making Movies Columbia FC -36384 8.98 Warner Bros. BSK 3480 7.98 * 12 16 DOLLY PARTON 91 99 WAYLON JENNINGS 9 To 5 and Odd Jobs 57 2 DIANA ROSS Greatest Hits RCA AHLI -3852 8.98 CI! 1 To Love RCA AHL13378 7.98 CLP 5 Again Motown M8 -951M1 8.98 SLP 25 14 10 STEVE WINWOOD 82 82 5 HANK WILLIAMS JR. * Arc A Rowdy Of Diver 58 4 SISTER SLEDGE Island ILPS 9576 (Warner Bros.) 7.98 All American Girls Elektra /Curb 6E -330 7.98 CLP 8 Cotillion 50-16027 (Atlantic) 8.98 SLP 14 13 13 31 AC /DC 96 4 PEABOY BRYSON Back In Black 48 50 6 GRACE SLICK Turn The Hands Of Time Atlantic SD 16018 8.98 Welcome To The Wrecking Ball Capitol ST 12138 8.98 SLP 33 RCA AGU 3851 8.98 14 8 23 KENNY ROGERS 84 62 14 CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL Greatest Hits 49 51 32 DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES The Royal Alpert Hall Concert liberty L00.1072 8.98 CLP 3 Voices Fantasy MPF 4501 5.98 RCA AQLI-3646 8.9E g5 15 10 23 KOOL & THE GANG T 72 7 THE JAM Celebrate 50 53 6 ELVIS PRESLEY Sound Affects Ded'de DSR -9518 (Polygram) 7.98 SLP 9 Guitar Man Poryder PD1-6315 (Polygram) 8.98 RCA AALI -3917 1.98 CLP 6 16 16 13 THE GAP BAND 86 88 54 BOB SEGER 8 Ill 51 52 21 RANDY MEISNER THE SILVER BULLET BAND Mercury SRM 14003 (Polygram) 7.98 SLP 1 One More Song Against The Wind Epic NIE 36748 1.9E Capitol 500.12041 8.9E * 19 13 YARBROUGH AND PEOPLES The Two Of Us 64 2 SMOKEY ROBINSON 87 79 10 BEATLES Mercury SRM -1.3834 (Polygram) 7.98 SLP 2 Being With You The Beatles 1967.1970 Tamla T8-375M1 (Motown) 8.98 SLP 15 Capitol SABO 3404 13.98 18 18 19 STEVIE WONDER Hotter Than July 53 55 21 SLAVE 99 8 T.S. MONK Tama T8 -373M1 (Motown) 8.98 SLP 4 Stone Jam House Of Music Cotillion SD 5224 (Atlantic) 7.98 SLP 5 _ Mirage WIG 19291 (Atlantic) 7.98 SLP 21 * 21 37 EDDIE RABBITT Horizon 54 36 17 EAGLES 89 90 9 MANFRED MANN'S Bektra 6E -276 7.98 CLP 2 Eagles Live EARTH BAND Asyfum BB -705 (Elektra) 15.98 Chance 22 19 GROVER WASHINGTON JR. * Warner Bros 115K 3498 7.98 Wineli ht 55 41 7 TOTO EIekM 6E -305 7.98 SLP 8 Turn Back 90 61 13 FLEETWOOD MAC Columbia FC 36813 8.98 Live 21 20 16 STEELY DAN Warner Bros. 2wß.3500 13.98 Gaucho 56 47 22 RONNIE MILSAP MCA MCA -6102 9.98 SLP 20 Greatest Hits 91 86 41 DIANA ROSS RCA Mil 3772 7.98 CLP 4 Diana 22 17 15 Motown M8936M1 8.98 SLP 48 SSuuppeer Trouper 57 35 16 ROD STEWART Atlantic SD 16023 8.98 Foolish Behaviour 114 2 THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT YWrner Bros. HS 3485 8.98 iA( I Robot 26 5 EMMYLOU HARRIS Arad L lien 7.98 Evangeline 58 37 18 DELBERT McCLINTON Warner Bros. BSK 3508 7.98 CLP 10 The Jealous Kind WAYLON 8 JESSI Capitol/MSS sr 12115 1.9E Leather And Lace 24 25 19 THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT RCA ÁA113931 8.98 CLP 48 The Turn Of A Friendly Card 59 59 17 BOI SCAGGS Arista Al. 9518 8.98 Hits ROBIN TROWER Columbia FC 36841 8.98 B.L.T. 27 10 THE WHISPERS Chrysalis CHR 1324 7.98 * 60 48 5 TODD RUNDGREN Imagination Solar BZLI3578 (RCA) 7.98 SLP 3 Healing 95 87 10 BEATLES Beatnik BHS 3522 (Warner Bros.) 8.98 The Beatles 1962 -1966 26 23 21 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 61 63 15 DONNIE IRIS Capitol SKBO 3403 13.98 The River Back On The Streets Columbia PC 236854 15.98 96 98 S MCA/Carousel MCA -3272 7.9E 16 KYY S lTY 39 58 CHRISTOPHER CROSS 89 2 PHIL CONKS Saisom SA 8537 (RCA) 7.98 SLP 16 Christopher Cross Face Value Warner Bros. MK 3383 1.98 Atlantic SO 16029 8.98 97 100 22 ARETHA FRANKLIN Aretha 33 8 APRIL WINE 63 46 18 XTC Arista AL 9538 8.9E SLP 13 The Nature Of The Beast Black Sea Capitol S00- 12125 8.98 Virgin VA 13147 (RSO) 7.98 135 2 U -2 29 29 17 LAKESIDE 64 45 21 THE DOORS BoY Island ILPS 9646 (Warner Bros.) 7.98 Fantastic Voyage Greatest Hits Solar BXLI.3720 (RCA) SLP 10 Bekaa 5E -515 8.9E 7.98 GARLAND 30 30 15 OUTLAWS 65 65 8 JOE SAMPLE Escape Artist Ghost Riders Voices In The Rain Epic JE 36983 7.98 kisd AL 9542 8.98 MCA MCA -5172 8.98 SLP 29 100 102 7 REO Tune 34 5 JIMMY BUFFETT * 66 71 5 BOB JAMES Can Can PianoPi But You Telegraph 1f8 Coconut All Around The Town Live Can't Tuna Fish MCA MCA-5169 8.98 Columbia /Tappan Zee C2X36786 11.98 Epic JE 7.98 32 32 7 MARVIN GAYE 67 56 36 QUEEN 101 73 19 THE 1licJIM Coy BAND In Lifetime Our The Game Catholic Boy Tamil T8-474M1 (Motown) 8.98 SLP 6 5E 8.98 Elektra 513 Aka SD-38-132 (Atlantic) 7.98 r JAMES TAYLOR 68 60 45 AIR SUPPLY 102 76 41 DEVO Dad Loves His Work Lost In Love Freedom Of Choice Columbia TC 37009 Arista AB 9530 8.98 8.98 Warner Bros. BSK 3435 7.98 r.(1-, 44 6 DON McLEAN 69 69 25 JOHN COUGAR 103 84 10 JOHN LENNON ( Chain Lightning Nothin' Matters And What If It Did Imagine Millennium BXL1 -7156 (RCA) 7.98 Rive RVL-1403 (Polygram) 7.98 Capitol 5W 3379 7.98 ERIC CLAPTON 70 70 6 NAZARETH 104 78 10 JOHN LENNON Another Ticket The Fool Circle Shaved Fish RSO RX- 1.3095 8.98 AAM SP 4844 8.98 Capitol 5W 3421 7.98

-a Stars are awarded to those product showing greatest sales strength. - Superstar are ward d to those products showing greatest upward movement on the current week's chart (Prime Movers). Recording Industry Assn_ Of Ameriru seal for sales of 500,000 nits. (Seal indicated by d t.) Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal for sales of 1,000,000 units. (Seal indicated by triangle.)

www.americanradiohistory.com 96 General News Closeup _Lifelines_ BURRITO BROTHERS-Hearts play. Four of these lead off the first On The Line, CBS /Curb JZ37004. side of the LP, with three fairly de- Births Produced by Michael Lloyd. manding to be singles: "That's It's not easy being a musical leg- When You Know It's Over," "She's Boy, Benjamin Knowles, to Kathy end. Ask the Burrito Brothers. a A Friend Of A Friend" and "She Be- Knowles and John Marias, in Los group with a 13 -year history and a longs To Everyone But Me." So ap- Angeles. Father is in -house television cult following that stems from the pealing are the latter pair, in fact, producer for Kragen & Co.; mother is earliest days of sometime members that they tend to 'linger on flirta- an independent casting director. like Gram Parsons. Chris Hillman, tiously after the song has finished * * * Bernie Leadon and Chris Ethridge. carrying obvious chart possibilities. Boy, Matthew Bennett, to Sharon On the other hand, there's some- "She Belongs To Everyone But and Mike Harrison, March 6, in Los thing to be said for longevity. In the Me" is a well- crafted reflection on Angeles. Father is columnist for Bill- music business, it can signify stub- the inevitable price of fame, only board and founder of the publication born determination to keep a dream written with a female in the tradi- Goodphone, now incorporated into alive. So it's reassuring to hear once tionally male star role: "She sings Billboard. more from a band that in recent love songs, straight to the heart * * * songs/ She's a spotlight angel, she's a years has appeared to be sinking MCA'S REDDY -MCA president Bob Siner welcomes Helen Reddy to the label Girl, Shannon Leigh, to Lisa and slowly into shadowy oblivion. jukebox queen/ She sings sad songs, straight through my heart songs /she while Pat Pipolo, vice president of promotion looks on. Reddy's MCA debut, Norman Baker, March 3, in Nash- "Hearts On The Line" almost belongs to everyone but me." produced by Joel Diamond, is scheduled for spring release. ville. Father is president of Valley qualifies as a second debut for a re- Side two opens with an effective People Inc. vamped configuration that finds country story-in -song by Nashville * * * longtime Burrito staples Sneaky Pete writers Frank Dycus and Max Kleinow, Skip Battin and Gib D. Girl, Chelsea Anne, to Trudelle Barnes titled "Family Tree." The Motown's Lasker Cautious and Elwood Bunn, Feb. 20, in New Guilbeau joined by guitarist /singer sensitivity of this number spills into York. Father is country singer for John Beland. the the next, "Damned If I'll Be Lonely On '81 Industry Prospects group Elwood Bunn and Down Yon- With his songwriting and vocal Tonight," with Guilbeau articulat- der. * * * skills, Beland's a welcome addition. ing the pain of broken love against Continued from page 13 been affected terrifically by changes And with the steady control exerted a strong instrumental fabric. ment executive Dick Sherman to in our business." One major indica- Boy, Lee Walter, to Keith and Ca- rol by producer Lloyd, the Burritos fi- Nashville writer Richard Leigh helm Motown's marketing and dis- tor: what Lasker sees as a much Stewart, Feb. 26, in Nashville, Fa- nally seem to have agreed upon a di- contributes two highlights of the LP: tribution effort. Sherman, who was closer gap between shelf prices and ther is national promotion director rection: country. Contemporary "Isn't That Just Like Love," and senior vice president of marketing list pricing as a result of reduced dis- for IRDA. country, of course, with undertones "Does She Wish She Was Single and sales for the Neil Bogart run la- counts to retail and virtual elimina- * * * of soft -rock -the kind of music that Again," a gentle thought -provoker bel, officially joined Motown March tion of free goods policies. Boy, Ricky Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. proves Nashville doesn't have a which asks the question of a once - 9 in a similar capacity. He replaces Lasker says Motown itself hasn't Ricky Lawson, Feb. 26, in Los An- lockhold on good country records. joyful wife now tied irrevocably to the departed Mike Lushka and former resorted to a formal returns control geles. Father is drummer with the The Burrito Brothers always pos- life's apron strings. Motown national sales chief Steve blueprint. but a reduction in re- Yellowjackets, a Warner Bros. sessed the licks; Lloyd's gentle in- It would be a shame if country ra- Jacks. turned product has been a goal there recording group. fluence lends the focus they've dio and audiences don't give this re- "We've taken a look at last year's as elsewhere. "One basic thing since needed, a pivotal presence at the juvenated Burrito Brothers incarna- business, and I've tried to look at the first of the year has been to re- ¢ helm to ease them over the rough tion a second chance. With product '81's and factor in the various trends strict shipments in order to insure Marriages Q spots and keep their effervescence in like this, the group could easily slip out there," explains Lasker of this that we're not overshipping in cer- tain Dennis Dunstan to Marilyn Phil- mline. "Hearts On The Line" succeeds right into country/pop alongside and other shifts, including a gradual areas," he says. because it's natural, unpretentious- Alabama and the Bellamy Brothers. payroll streamlining accomplished In particular, he cites the com- lips, March 7, in Beverly Hills, Calif. and commercial. This time around, the Burritos have by steps taken since last fall. pany's traditional black music focus Husband is the drununer of the Real Beland and Guilbeau have come abandoned their former antic vari- Lasker leaves the door open for as warranting added vigilance in World Records Group, Aussie Band. rnup with six strong originals that ations and seem to be playing for further departmental adjustments in monitoring accounts. Lasker charges could be shoo -ins for country air- keeps. KIP KIRBY line with trade conditions, and con- that some larger rackjobbers order cedes that the recent consolidation top chart titles without evaluating Depths is underscored by the company's the actual crossover potential of a J.C. Johnson, 84, ASCAP com- decision to reduce its rental space at specific record, leading to possible poser and lyricist, Feb. 27, in New 6255 Sunset Boulevard. logjams in those territories where the York. In collaboration with Thomas Lasker is actually bullish on the lack of pop or rock sales may be crit- "Fats" Waller, Johnson wrote "The company's own market position, but ical to sell- through to the local buy- Joint Is Jumpin'" that is currently cautions that recent bankruptcies ing public. featured in the Broadway musical within the retail and distribution "We've cut down on a lot of dis- "Ain't Misbehavin'." Johnson also sectors, along with the loss of racked count programs, and cut down on a collaborated with George Whiting outlets as a result of problems facing lot of the 'whipped cream' we were and Nat Burton. Other Johnson major mass merchandisers like the offering, because the profit structure songs include "Empty Bed Blues" Treasury chain and Korvettes, must has to be built up," he adds. and a popular children's number, be viewed in terms of consumers' Talent costs remain a major "Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker readiness to buy. source of inflation, he believes, cit- Man." "I think the pressure is on in the ing the decision to focus Motown's trenches -in retail stores -to sur- promotion and marketing on a Alan F. Angus, 48, television direc- tor, of a heart attack March Burrito Brothers: Bouncing back with verve. vive," says Lasker. "The delivery smaller, more focused list of new 5 in system down to the consumer has and developing acts, with Switch. Nashville. His credits include "The Teena Marie and Jermaine Jackson Johnny Cash Show," "Music Coun- the most promising in the latter cate- try U.S.A." and "The Steve Allen gory. Show" among others. He is survived U.S. New Wave Comes Into Own "We're also addressing recording by his widow, Lorette. Continued from page 14 they would call up by mistake, look- single was titled "I Wish I Could budgets, advances and the total cost * * * equipment, and that doubles ing for the New Riders of the Purple Dance Like ." of production," he says of budgetary your Kiril Kondrashin, 67, since 1960 transportation." Copeland. guidelines. the cost of your Sage," remembers According to Lembo, about 2,500 conductor of the Moscow Philhar- The FBI tours make money, basic - As for the overall distribution of * * * Deli Platters singles are pressed for monic and, following his defection to ally by cutting down the frills, says each release and sent out to radio effort within the company, Lasker the West in 1978, the Concertgebouw Except for the Police, for "If you get lucky with one. you Copeland. press, clubs and record companies. stresses that the extent of personnel Orchestra, March 7 in Amsterdam. none the acts carry their make your money back," says Mike is example, of If there is any kind of buzz on the cuts significant more in terms of a While living in Moscow, Kondrashin Lembo, manager Robin Lane and own PA systems. That is acquired lo- of record, it is also made available for shift toward greater radio promotion made two best selling recordings with artist development consultant for cally. And if a band is only popular sale through JEM and other impor- emphasis than an actual reduction Van Cliburn after the pianist won the MCA Music, talking about his Deli on the two coasts, then the musicians ters. But the prime reason for the in staff. In fact, he adds, the promo- Tchaikowsky Competition. He is sur- West leas- Platters Records, a unusual label de- fly economy to the Coast, disks is promotion. tion department has been expanded. vived by his widow, Nolde, and three ing a whole new set of equipment signed to prime the pump for future "We want to create a noise in the sons. there. major label releases. media, in the press, and on the radio. Careers are made in secondary Deli Platters was the label that Theodore "Red" Saunders, 68, for where we hope we can build some markets, and here the Americans brought Robin Lane to the attention Advent Chapter XI 45 years Chicago's most prominent excitement, so that the record com- have their biggest advantage. Most of Warner Bros., and Lane is now jazz drummer, March 5. His record of panies will see that a base is being English bands coming to the U.S. forging a strong career on the road NEW YORK -Cambridge, Mass: "Hambone" in 1952 reportedly sold built. The purpose of the label is to have three weeks, and they will play (see above). A new LP, produced by based Advent Corp. says it plans to more than one million copies. He be a launching pad. It also keeps me only the big cities. But with the dra- Gary Lyons, is due at the end of the file for reorganization under Chap- conducted orchestras at the Tivole close to radio, and I can see what matic turnaround in college radio in month, and judging from advance ter 11 because it has been unable and Regal Theatres from 1960 to they want," says Lembo. the last year or two, an act like Robin pressings it could very well be a to find additional financing. Advent 1969 and led a band at the Club De- Lane can build a very strong follow- smash. In addition to Lane and Finnerty, manufactures projection television Lisa for 21 years while recording ing playing the college circuit. Deli Platters itself is funded by Lembo also manages Martin Briley. sets and loudspeakers, and had an- frequently. * * * "(FBI agent) John Huie went to MCA Music. In addition to Lane, who is bass player for Ian Hunter, nounced that it would enter into the the NEC convention, and he was some artists that have appeared on and works with MCA Music on pro- videodisk field this year. The troubled John Alden Gray, 30, music direc- Mr. Popular. All the college kids label singles include David Fin- moting its songwriters. A current company had brought in former tor and afternoon deejay for KCEY- would come up, they would know nerty, Bob Beland, Peter Myers, and project is Gary Glitter, whose Nu- U.S. Pioneer president Bernie Mit- AM in Modesto, Calif., of a heart at- the acts, and_ it was a major differ- Modo. a group formed by Gene disk is on Epic, but whose publish- chell a year ago as chief executive tack March 5 in Nashville. Survivors ence from what it was before, when Cornish and Dino Danelli, whose ing belongs to MCA. officer to try to effect a turnaround. include his widow and two daughters.

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I I Bailey Ave., Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877 Published by Resaca Music, Inc.


.c. "Columbia" are trademarks of CBS Inc. 1981 CBS Inc.

www.americanradiohistory.com 0 0 Late General News JVC'S VHD I nsidelrock Third Vidisk System All the week's heavy scuttlebutt envelops PolyGram, The West Los Angeles Music Store on Sunset unveils whose global top brass huddled in New York for several a IO by 20 foot John Lennon mural painted by Richard days after which Dave Braun, Irwin Steinberg and Har- Steller.... The manager of the U.S. retail store who does Slated For October vey Schein jetted to Los Angeles for lengthy conferences the best in -store merchandising display on the Roberta with MCA brass. Though no one is talking. MCA is said Flack /Peabo Bryson; T.S. Monk, Sister Sledge, Kleeer By SAM SUTHERLAND to be tendering a domestic distribution pact to Poly- and Slave albums through April 27 wins an all- expense Software plans call for an opening LOS ANGELES -The third entry Gram. Insiders say RSO Records is not included. Talk vacation for two to Nassau from WEA. ...Expect an 100 titles. into the video disk race, the VHD ca- catalog of approximately is that Robert Stigwood, Freddie Gershon and Al Corny amiable split in the association of a long -time personal pacitance disk system developed by said to include theatrical films, mu- are headed elsewhere. Negotiation between PolyGram manager and his key black talent. ... Too Hot To is sic, sports and educational pro- JVC in Japan. now slated for in- and MCA is in the embryonic stage, with MCA report- Handle: Chicago's WLS -AM program director John starting in Octo- grams. ternational rollout edly dangling a binder, which would not include taking Gehron nixed a new Rolling Stones' album giveaway be- ber, when players and disks will be The VHD system -which has a PolyGram's accounts receivable and returns responsi- cause he feared mention of the title. "Sucking In The introduced in Japan. companion audio format. AHD bility. A spokesman at PolyGram headquarters New Seventies" would be a turn -off factor and could provoke (Audio High Density), that allows That's the timetable confirmed York "categorically" denies that a deal of this nature complaints. week presi- for audio -only playback of digitally last by Gary Dartnall, is taking place. Did you know Buffalo empire builder Lenny Silver's dent of VHD Programs, Inc. and recorded sound -uses a 10.2 inch license plates on his Rolls Royce read: "X- Poor ?" Not Jim Moran, Pickwick wholesale division executive VHD Disc Manufacturing Co., the plastic disk similar to a conventional bad for a guy who started as a stock clerk in the late was in L.A. for several days, reportedly joint venture firms formed last year phono record. Unlike an LP, the vice president. Leonard Smith's BeeGee warehouse. Eubie Blake trying to contact PolyGram executives as was Jack Bern- by VHD allies General Electric. Vic- VHD disk is grooveless, its program convalescing from a broken hip in Long Island College chief for Pickwick. from his tor Company of Japan (JVC), Mat- stored in microscopic pits that are stein, independent label Hospital. Brooklyn, N.Y. would comment. For the first sushita Electrical Industrial Co. and read by a flat, electronically guided Dallas HQ. Neither ... MCA Music's Panorama label. handled through time in its history, the entertainment division of the City Thorn -EMI of the U.K. stylus and then decoded into images RCA, is calling it quits after its current single by Frank Hope charity drive is accolading an industry enter- The VHD (Video High Density) and sound. Of Hooker & the Positive People. "Ooh Suga Wooga." Cory tainer. Johnny Mathis sits center dais at the 1981 event. blueprint calls for marketing of the The system has stereo audio capa- Robbins, who ran the label for the music publisher. is industry business executives heretofore have system in the U.S. to follow in Janu- bility. and VHD price estimates Record leaving the company to form his own label in Gotham been honored.... Track just heard that Handleman Co. ary 1982. promise a probable player cost of with a similar "street- oriented" dance slant. ... The quietly named a new president. Frank Hennessey, for- In Japan, Akai, Sansui, Sanyo. around $500. making it a direct com- Mark Taper Forum in L.A. is the site of a memorial serv- merly a principal in the accounting firm of Cooper & Ly- Sharp, General. NEC, Toshiba, petitor of RCA's SelectaVision ca- ice March 20 for the late E.Y. "Yip" Harburg, killed in an pacitance disk system. due for na- brans. ... According to the L.A. Times, the industry's Trio, Mitsubishi Electric and Yam- auto accident on Sunset Blvd. March 7 . California's lieutenant governor, disclosed aha have all committed to produc- tionwide introduction March 22. Mike Curb, NBC cancelled Burt Sugarman's "Midnight Special" publicly that he made approximately $180.000 in 1980. tion of the players. while here hard- The VHD format includes modu- last week after more than eight years as a Friday night which $100.000 stemmed from an Elektra /Asy- ware will be marketed by General lar hardware, with players aug- of about fixture. The show's producer, Dick Ebersol, was named association. The disclosure is mandated Electric. JVC, Panasonic and Qua- mented at the consumer's choice by lum production producer of the network's ailing "Saturday Night Live," for politicos. sar. either an optional digital audio de- state replacing Jean Doumanian. NBC will air two more first- coder and a special effects unit JVC, Matsushita and Thorn -EMI /or Look for the prime mover, Artie Mogull, to ballyhoo a run episodes of "Midnight Special," followed by four the providing additional programming will oversee the VHD launch in new label soon. He is hinted already accumulating hon- weeks of repeats. The "Special" staff of nine. including U.K.. now expected in June 1982. access controls. orariums and stipends from independent label distribu- director Tom Trbovich, will apparently be let go. Sugar- tors across the country.... It appears that despite a flood man, whose daytime game show "Whew" was recently VARIETY OF REPERTOIRE of phone calls from eligibles, Neil Bogart will not replace cancelled by CBS -TV, is reportedly interested in getting Dick Sherman as marketing boss, since the veteran an- involved in feature films. kled to Motown last week.... Helmsman Tom Heiman Titles by the Beatles and Pink Floyd are part of a PolyGram Midline Bowing told his major vendors and his principal hank, Crocker. $70,000 disk and cassette order (the largest to date) re- NEW YORK - PolyGram Village People, Chuck Mangione, about his 1981 course for the ship of Peaches Records in ceived by EMI in London from the People's Republic of product requested is clas- Records launches its $5.98 midline the Moody Blues, Rod Stewart and a two -day conference early in March. Track hopes Hei- China, though the bulk of the The order was placed by the China National Pub- series March 25 with the release of the Allman Bros. man's annual huddle is emulated by contemporaries.... sical. Federal District Judge Robert Kelleher has moved the lications import group.... Hearings to determine dis- 106 albums (Billboard. Feb. 28. 1981). We want to re -focus attention on sentencing of Mickey Arkus, a principal in now defunct tribution of 1979 jukebox royalty fees begin April 21 at They'll ship packaged with original these artists by offering older mate- Circle Marketing, Los Angeles, to April 6. ... Rose the Copyright Royalty Tribunal in Washington. CRT cover art and catalog numbers, ac- rial at this midrange," explains Records, Chicago. celebrating its 50th anniversary in the has determined by draw that the order of presentation cording to Jim Lewis. vice president Lewis, "so that the consumer can ex- of marketing. Loop. opens its first suburban store in Downers Grove, will begin with BMI, followed by ASCAP, the Italian periment by purchasing earlier al- Prehearing state- Lewis adds that the company will northwest of downtown this week. The 3.000 square Book Corp. and ending with SESAC. hums by his favorite artists or simply according to Jim ments, witness lists and other information are due from market a number of titles from its footer will also handle video software replacing worn copies from his col- by April Franklin Mint share- current catalog "three or four times a Rose ... Industry pioneer Amos Heilicher back in Min- parties involved 13.... merger the Mint into year." Among the artists represented lection. ... I also believe that it will neapolis after a hiatus in Palm Springs. He ate at Mike holders have approved the of The operates. among in the initial thrust are Rush. Pat bring the multiple purchase since it Lipton's new deli in the desert city. Lipton was long a Warner Communications. Mint So- Travers, Rainbow, Chick Corea, is very difficult for the consumer to wholesaling executive nationally and more recentl\ ran other mail -order units. the Franklin Mint Record Southside Johnny, Hank Williams. buy three albums at $8.98 apiece." a one -stop in the San Fernando Valley. Edited by JOHN SIPPEL Tape Dupers Tell Goody Jury How C'feit Trade Works by the unindicted Continued from page ï the spring of 1978, Goody showed son, was due to "the regional situ- 8- tracks and cassettes druing 1978. signed statements co- conspirators. Ferri later recanted over the microphone in the witness net income of $46.000 in 1976: ation," which he says meant the He said it was "not unusual" for parts his testimony in the absence stand, Tucker told the court that he $475,000 in 1977: and $1 million in flood of product into key markets some of the tapes to vary in their of the jury, stating that he had prop- never bought the "theory that you 1978. Aaronson said he was brought that enabled low -balling deals to packaging and programming time, of an erly preserved the oral information can only make 10,000 units from a in by Pickwick to reorganize the take place. and confirmed the existence of which discussed given to him by the prospective wit- master. I say you can make up to chain's "antiquated" accounting The Government's first witness of RIAA document nesses and that all of the documents 20.000." procedures, which, he noted, has the week was Robert Levey, the FBI these differences. He added that the had been turned over to the defense. When it came time for him to since resulted in the elimination of agent who ran the Modular Sounds Government never alerted RSO, identify his product, Carroll testified the practice of disbursing hand - "sting" operation in Westbury. N.Y., PolyGram or any retailer that coun- Kenneth Holmes. attorney for the that the splicing on his bogus drawn checks. The prosecution nearly four years ago. Undercover terfeit tapes of "Fever" and Goody company, argued that the is- "Grease" cassettes was "cut diag- maintained in its opening arguments agents worked in the shop, engaging "Grease" were "flooding the mar- sue of the "missing notes" raised the onally by hand." Legitimate copies that this was the way unindicted co- in retail and wholesale activities ket" during the period, despite the issue of whether the Government ac- of the tape were always spliced with conspirators Jeffrey Collins and while they obtained evidence of il- fact that he knew the illicit goods ted "unprejudicially" in obtaining the ranks of legiti- a straight cut, he said. As the jury ex- Verner were paid by Stolon to avoid licit transactions. Levey told the jury "had infiltrated the sworn statements from the wit- amined his tapes, Carroll noted detection. that in the course of the investi- mate distributors." nesses. But Judge Thomas C. Platt other "telltale" differences, such as In questioning Aaronson. Jacobs gation, he met over 100 persons at Levey's testimony was preceded stopped short of disqualifying the the blurred printing on the insert established that in November 1979, the store with ties to the illegitimate by prosecution witness Larry De- witnesses, contending that it was a in cards and the way the shrink wrap Bill Cunningham, an auditor for record business, and that one of Witt. An FBI agent based Min- "drastic" step "tantamount to a dis- sometimes looked like it was "ready American Can, showed Aaronson a those individuals was George neapolis, DeWitt served a subpoena missal of the case." Nevertheless, he vice to peel off." list of transactions involving several Tucker. Levey said that he met on George Port, Pickwick's said he was "deeply troubled" by the During Carroll's cross -exam- hand -drawn checks. One of the Tucker at least 10 times in 1978 to president, administration, in Janu- agent's testimony. "The carelessness ination, the court learned that he checks, for $64,000, was made out to buy 1,500 counterfeit 8 -track copies ary 1980, in response to PolyGram's of the prosecution cannot be ex- tapes that recently entered into a settlement Verner. of "Fever." "TGIF," "Flowing Riv- discovery of counterfeit cused," he stated. Accordingly, Platt with CBS Records in connection Aaronson then identified Verner ers," and "Double Platinum." The were mixed in with legitimate re- indicated that he would tell the jury with his illicit manufacture of "The in court as the man he met with Sto- agent explained that he knew the turns from Pickwick and Goody. in his charge, or instructions. that turned over Stranger" by Billy Joel. Carroll said lon at Goody Headquarters in the product he was buying was counter- DeWitt stated that Port they were "obliged to draw infer- that in return for payment of summer of 1978, when Stolon asked feit because of the price he was pay - 8.400 counterfeit cassettes of ences" regarding what he called the $12,500, the company agreed to him to approve a hand -drawn check ing-$3 for double Fever tracks at "Grease," "Fever" and "Hot "missing witness documents." the same time he was purchasing le- Streets" by Chicago, and quoted drop a civil suit against BCF. He made out to Collins, although the in- Jacobs told the court that he gitimate copies of the tape from one - Port as saying "the tapes came from said CBS was the only record manu- voice was made out to Scarlet Band. would "reserve the right" to call stops for $6.75 to $7.55. Sam Goody." facturer to take action against him so Collins' U.K. firm. Ferri back on the stand to clarify his who presented himself to Attorneys for the defendants had far. Such transactions were not un- Levey. testimony at a later date. The de- on the suspect music industry individ- sought Tuesday (10) to preclude the Testimony was also heard by Mi- usual, Aaronson implied, going fense, however, gave no immediate 50 occasions uals and companies as Bobby Mel - Government from calling its key chael Aaronson, the vice president to claim that on at least indication as to how it planned to noted under cross -exam- witnesses after FBI agent Richard of operations for the Goody chain. Goody was able to buy and later sell lenson, confront the matter. as six pressing Ferri conceded on cross -exam- He said that in his examination of to Pickwick goods it had procured at ination that as many that he had "mislaid" some The Goody trial resumes Monday the chain's financial statement fol- a price lower than that Pickwick was plants in the U.S. and two in Canada ination of the notes he took in drafting (16) in Brooklyn federal court. lowing its acquisition by Pickwick in charging Goody. This, said Aaron- were legitimately producing "Fever"

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