History & Manuscript Studies — Autumn 2020 —

brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 1 1/09/20 15:44 E-NEWSLETTER Subscribe to our free E-Newsletter: [email protected] Please specify your fi eld(s) of interest.


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 2 1/09/20 15:44 Sephardic Book Art of the Fifteenth Century Luís U. Afonso, Tiago Moita (eds)

The current presents ten different studies dealing with the fi nal stages of Hebrew book art production in medieval Iberia. Ranging from the Farhi Codex, copied and illuminated in the late 14th century, to the Philadelphia Bible, copied and illuminated in Lisbon in 1496, this volume discusses a wide scope of topics related with the production, consumption and circulation of medieval decorated Hebrew manuscripts. Among the issues discussed in this volume we highlight the role played by three distinct artistic languages (Mudéjar, Late Gothic and Renaissance) in the shapping of 15th-century Sephardic illumination, the codicological specifi city of some solutions in terms of layout and the relation between the layout of these manuscripts and Hebrew incunabula, the use of geometric decoration in scientifi c diagrams, or the a�terlife of these manuscripts in Europe and Asia following the expulsion of the Jews from Iberia.

Luís U. Afonso is Professor of Art History at the University of Lisbon. He is of several studies on Portuguese Late Medieval and Renaissance art. Tiago Moita has recently concluded his Ph.D. at the University of Lisbon on 15th- century Portuguese Hebrew illuminations.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

259 p., 3 b/w ills, 111 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-1-909400-59-7 Hardback: € 125 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 3 1/09/20 15:44 The of the Dukes of Burgundy Bernard Bousmanne, Elena Savini (eds)

Very richly illustrated, this volume re-frames this exceptional library within its political, economic, historical and artistic context, examining closely both scholarly literature and more than sixty manuscripts considered to be the jewels of the Library.

Formed under Philip the Bold and passed down to his successors, John the Fearless and Philip the Good, the Library of the Dukes of Burgundy comprised no less than nine hundred manuscripts copied and illuminated by the greatest artists of the Middle Ages by the time of . This extraordinary and unique library included essential texts of medieval literature such as the works of Christine de Pizan, the Roman de la Rose by Jean de Meung and Guillaume de Lorris, the History of Charles Martel, as well as the Ethics and Politics of Aristotle. It was one of the largest collections of of its time alongside those of the King of Charles V, the Duke of Berry, the Medici and the papacy. The two hundred and eighty manuscripts of the preserved today in the Royal Library of cover all fi elds of medieval thought: literature, ancient history, sciences, morals, religion philosophy, but also law, poetry and chivalric romance. Many of these codices are absolute masterpieces of the French or Flemish miniature and have been illuminated by Willem Vrelant, Loyset Liédet, Jean le Tavernier, Philippe de Mazerolles, Simon Marmion, and Liévin Van Lathem, miniaturists whose fame and talent competed with Flemish Primitives such as Jan Van Eyck, Rogier Van der Weyden or Hans Memling. In the unanimous opinion of researchers, manuscripts that belong to the collection such as the Chronicles of Hainault by Jacques de Guise, the Hours of the Duke of Berry, the Psalter of Peterborough or the Cronic and Conquest of Charlemagne, are among the fi �ty most prestigious manuscripts in the world.

205 p., 134 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-1-912554-24-9 Hardback: € 75 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 4 1/09/20 15:44 Manuscrits enluminés d’origine germanique XVe siècle Laure Rioust

Catalogue raisonné des manuscrits enluminés au XVe siècle dans les pays de langue allemande ou en Europe centrale, conservés au département des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale de France.

Plus d’une centaine d’ouvrages exécutés au XVe siècle rappellent les constantes et les évolutions des productions des pays de langue allemande et d’Europe centrale avant et après l’essor de l’imprimerie. Recueils sommairement ornés dans les scriptoria monastiques, livres illustrés en série dans des ateliers professionnels urbains ou chefs-d’œuvre de peintres laïcs itinérants témoignent de la multiplicité des formes et des modes de décoration du manuscrit au cours de cette période de transition. Tous laissent percevoir le dynamisme des échanges artistiques et de la circulation des motifs entre des régions parfois très éloignées, à la faveur des partages de modèles, de la mobilité des enlumineurs, des liens monastiques, voire des collaborations entre maîtres juifs et chrétiens. Ce corpus très varié fait pour la première fois l’objet d’un catalogue raisonné exhaustif et richement illustré, organisé selon un classement géographique puis chronologique. Au sein de la série Manuscrits enluminés de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et fi dèle aux principes de la collection, ce catalogue offre une description approfondie et contextualisée des œuvres, sans négliger l’étude des provenances et des bibliothèques anciennes qui les ont conservées.

Avec la collaboration de : Marie-Blanche Cousseau, Isabelle Delaunay, Ilona Hans-Collas, Olga Karaskova, Dominic Olariu, Claudia Rabel. Conseillers scientifi ques : François Avril et Claudia Rabel.

Table des matières: www.brepols.net

approx. 380 p., 0 b/w ill., 155 col. ills, 210 x 300 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-57790-6 Hardback: approx. € 150 Série: Manuscrits enluminés d’origine germanique, vol. 1 EN PRÉPARATION


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 5 1/09/20 15:44 JOURNAL

Pecia. Le livre et l’écrit, 21 (2018, publ. 2019) Livres manuscrits et mécénat du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance

ENG Since Charles V (1364-1380), great founder of the library at the Louvre, princes and lords (even local ones) never ceased to collect manuscripts and to encourage or translators to produce new works. This patronage for the book and its dissemination also places the focus on the distinctive and fundamental role of women. Several specifi c cases are examined here, demonstrating the importance of the manuscript as an indicator of a rapidly changing society.

FR Depuis Charles V (1364-1380), grand fondateur de la librairie du Louvre, princes et seigneurs (même locaux) n’ont cessé de collectionner les manuscrits, d’encourager auteurs ou traducteurs à produire de nouvelles œuvres. Ce mécénat autour du livre et de sa diffusion mit aussi en avant le rôle particulier et essentiel des femmes. Plusieurs cas particuliers sont ici analysés démontrant l’importance du manuscrit comme révélateur d’une société en pleine évolution.

Table des matières: www.brepols.net

262 p., 12 b/w ills, 12 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-58543-7 : € 80 Series: Pecia, vol. 21 Eversion available on www.brepolsonline.net


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 6 1/09/20 15:44 Le livre d’heures enluminé en Bretagne Car sans heures ne puys Dieu prier Jean-Luc Deu�fi c

Corpus des livres d’heures enluminés en Bretagne

Livre de piété privée par excellence, jouissant d’une popularité sans précédent, le livre d’heures s’est imposé tout au long du Moyen Âge, et même au-delà, dans une partie importante de la société, celle de la noblesse, de la grande bourgeoisie marchande, du patriciat urbain, dans un premier temps, et plus spécialement auprès de la gent féminine. Les livres d’heures présentés dans cet exhaustif corpus témoignent ainsi d’un aspect particulier du monde médiéval, celui de la spiritualité personnelle et intime, ou bien se révèle, tout simplement, comme marqueur sociétal des goût et mode d’une certaine époque. Documentation inédite de première main, ces ouvrages de piété attestent indéniablement de la diversité de la production manuscrite bretonne et de sa décoration parfois étonnante, dans un contexte plus étendu, celui de la mobilité des hommes et des in�luences acquises. Du plus modeste au plus luxueux, le livre d’heures offre aux chercheurs une palette suffi samment étendue pour y déceler l’âme bretonne dans toute son infi nie complexité.

Jean-Luc Deu�fi c, chercheur indépendant, auteur d’ouvrages et d’études sur les manuscrits médiévaux et la Bretagne culturelle. Dirige chez Brepols () le périodique : Pecia. Le livre et l’écrit (ISSN 1761-4961).

Table des matières: www.brepols.net

742 p., 22 b/w ills, 125 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58475-1 Hardback: € 160 Série: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 5


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 7 1/09/20 15:44 Illustrated Medieval Alexander-Books in French Verse David Ross (†), Alison Stones, Maud Pérez-Simon (eds)

Illustrated Medieval Alexander-Books in French Verse o�fers new perspectives on the reception of one of the most popular medieval heros of history and legend.

The core of this book on the French verse Alexander in France and Italy was written by eminent Alexander specialist David J.A. Ross, who le�t an incomplete typescript at his death. The baton was taken up by an international team of specialists in medieval literature and art history, Maud Pèrez-Simon, author of Les manuscrits du Roman d’Alexandre en prose, and Alison Stones, author of Manuscripts Illuminated in France: Gothic Manuscripts 1260–1320. In its emphasis on illustration, this book complements the volumes of the Alexander Redivivus series and offers new perspectives on the reception of one of the most popular medieval heroes of history and legend. It forms a sequel to Ross’s collected essays and his Illustrated Medieval Alexander-Books in and the , to the work of the editors in the fi eld of medieval manuscripts, and to the fi rst volume in the Manuscripta Illuminata series, on the illustrations of Valerius Maximus in French.

David J.A. Ross was Professor of French at Birkbeck College, University of London. Maud Pèrez-Simon is Maître de conférences at L’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle- Paris-3. Alison Stones is Professor Emerita of History of Art and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh.

639 p., 260 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-58105-7 Hardback: € 120 Series: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 4


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 8 1/09/20 15:44 The Visualization of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Marcia Kupfer, Adam S. Cohen, J.H. Chajes (eds)

This collection of essays by leading scholars re�lects new interest in how graphic devices contributed to the production of knowledge during a formative period of European history.

All of us are exposed to graphic means of communication on a daily basis. Our life seems �looded with lists, tables, charts, diagrams, models, maps, and forms of notation. Although we now take such devices for granted, their role in the codifi cation and transmission of knowledge evolved within historical contexts where they performed particular tasks. The medieval and early modern periods stand as a formative era during which visual structures, both mental and material, increasingly shaped and systematized knowledge. Yet these periods have been sidelined as theorists interested in the epistemic potential of visual strategies have privileged the modern natural sciences. This volume expands the fi eld of research by focusing on the relationship between the arts of memory and modes of graphic mediation through the sixteenth century. Chapters encompass Christian (Greek as well as Latin) production, Jewish (Hebrew) traditions, and the transfer of Arabic learning. The linked essays anthologized here consider the generative power of schemata, cartographic representation, and even the layout of text: more than merely compiling information, visual arrangements formalize abstract concepts, provide grids through which to process data, set in motion analytic operations that give rise to new ideas, and create interpretive frameworks for understanding the world.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

With contributions by Yuval Harari, Je�frey F. Hamburger, Mary Carruthers, Lucy Freeman Sandler,...

520 p., 248 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58303-7 Hardback: € 200 Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 16


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 9 1/09/20 15:44 Renaissance Illuminators in Paris Artists & Artisans 1500-1715 Richard H. Rouse, Mary A. Rouse

The commercial manuscript book-trade in Paris, that had begun as early as the mid-12th century, was severely disrupted by the arrival of the fi rst presses in Paris around 1475. This publication traces the activities to which 16th- and 17th-century book artisans had to turn, faced as they were with a dwindling market for manuscripts. Those most affected were the illuminators and scribes who now had to seek alternative ways of making a living and so devise strategems for fi nding employment in other trades that would benefi t from their skills. Thus the reader will discover well-known artists and illuminators fi nding jobs like adding illustrations to printed books, colouring wood-block prints and designing patterns and motifs for embroideries, tapestries and even glass and metal objects. A most interesting opportunity for illuminators was to get involved with the decorating of fans, a new fashion promoted late in the 17th century by the Sun King Louis XIV himself. In addition to the richly illustrated text, the volume also includes a Register of more than 500 named Illuminators in alphabetical order, giving also their affi liation to their alternative trades and listing personal details including family members and professional associates.

With the present publication the authors are able to reconstruct how much the younger members and relatives of whole families of previous manuscript illuminators were able to continue to contribute to the now newly developing book-trade. This volume is therefore not only a contribution to the history of art and that of the book, but also provides a vivid glimpse into the social history of the period.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

280 p., 65 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-1-912554-28-7 Hardback: € 125 Series: A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in France, vol. 5


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 10 1/09/20 15:44 Au prisme du manuscrit Regards sur la littérature française du Moyen Âge (1300-1550) Sandra Hindman, Elliot Adam (éd.)

Ce volume réunit douze contributions de spécialistes issus de différentes disciplines qui ont pour dénominateur commun le fait de considérer l’objet-livre comme un véritable prisme, capable à la fois d’absorber et de réfracter le savoir aussi bien que de distinguer les nuances de son spectre afi n d’en permettre l’étude détaillée et approfondie. Les essais sont réunis dans quatre sections qui explorent chacune un problème particulier. La première revient sur la primauté de l’auteur sur l’artiste et de l’écrit sur l’image. La deuxième se focalise sur les paramètres qui permettent la survivance du livre après ses premiers lecteurs. La troisième section s’intéresse aux femmes du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance qui auraient eu un certain rapport à la culture livresque. La dernière section revient enfi n sur la question du rapport entre manuscrit et livre imprimé pour étudier l’effet du support sur le texte et sur sa survivance. La richesse de cet ensemble d’études réside dans les perspectives nouvelles apportées à la discipline de l’histoire du livre. Ainsi les spécialistes du livre y trouveront les possibilités d’une meilleure compréhension du rôle des manuscrits et des livres à une époque importante, mais malheureusement trop souvent négligée. De même, les spécialistes de la littérature reconnaîtront à ce recueil le mérite de replacer des œuvres dans leur contexte intellectuel, culturel et commercial en prenant en considération les intérêts et les ambitions qui ont pu pousser une communauté à produire, promouvoir et préserver certains textes.

Sandra Hindman est présidente de Les Enluminures, Paris, New York, Chicago et professeure émérite en Histoire de l’art à la Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Elliot Adam est doctorant contractuel en Histoire de l’art à la faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université.

Table des matières: www.brepols.net

301 p., 3 b/w ills, 112 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-56635-1 Paperback: € 125 Publié hors série


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 11 1/09/20 15:44 A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts in the “Sts. Cyril and Methodius”, Sofia Dorotei Getov

This catalogue offers the defi nitive documentation of a signifi cant segment of the Greek manuscript legacy now kept at the National Library in Sofi a, Bulgaria. It provides comprehensive scholarly descriptions of thousands of texts, major and minor, that served the liturgical needs and helped form the mind-set of the Orthodox monastic community in the Balkans.

Dorotei Getov is a classical philologist-turned-student of Greek manuscripts, currently employed as Senior Researcher in Byzantine Literature by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences at its Institute for Literature.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

xx + 506 p., 165 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58612-0 Hardback: € 95 Series: Transmission des Textes: Catalogues


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 12 1/09/20 15:44 Between the Text and the Page Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson Harald Anderson, David T. Gura

This volume pays homage to manuscripts and early printed books as material witnesses in the Middle Ages. The essays discuss broad questions relating to the partisan interpretation of texts, but they also illustrate how small details of format, script, and decoration uncover the text, its context, and its reception. Some articles explore scientifi c methods, examining whether social network analysis can offer an advance over traditional methods of establishing textual connections and using statistics to understand the transmission of ancillary materials. Others present critical editions and contextualize lost genres, providing a fi rst of an unedited summary of Ovid’s Metamorphoses steeped in the Boccaccian genealogical tradition, exploring mock funeral eulogies for animals, and discussing the variety of texts that pay witness to Ovid’s penetration into vernacular literature. A closing brace of essays catalogue collections and re�lect on changing trends in the study of manuscripts.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

approx. 376 p., 150 x 230 mm, Pontifi cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020, ISBN 978-0-88844-833-0 Hardback: approx. € 95 Series: Papers in Mediaeval Studies, vol. 33 FORTHCOMING North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 13 1/09/20 15:44 A Man and His Manuscripts The Notebooks of Ademar of Chabannes (989-1034) Ad van Els

This book is devoted to the life, autograph notebooks and manuscripts of Ademar of Chabannes (989-1034), a monk of Saint-Cybard in Angoulême and Saint-Martial in Limoges. Together Ademar’s writings bear witness to his enormous productivity and to his many talents as a historian, preacher, musical composer, liturgist, teacher and artist. His notebooks in particular, assembled in manuscript VLO 15 at the University Library of Leiden, shed a unique - and neglected - light on Ademar’s capacities as a teacher. An analysis of the texts in VLO 15 shows that Ademar was interested in an extended curriculum (including medicine and Arabic astrology) and that he used a variety of techniques and methods to instruct his pupils. In this study extensive attention is paid to a critical, palaeographical and codicological investigation of the extant manuscript evidence, including some newly discovered material. Ademar’s versatile writing habits, his way of preparing his parchment and the �lexible way in which he constructed and used his quires are discussed, with detailed descriptions of palaeographical samples and numerous colour plates. These will enable the reader to follow the investigations into past ascriptions of manuscripts to Ademar. The evidence here presented offers a more positive and nuanced view of Ademar, who in recent years has been portrayed as a solitary forger leading a marginal life at Saint-Cybard, his place of exile, on account of his attempts to promote his patron saint St Martial to a position as one of Christ’s disciples. Allegedly, the ensuing con�lict led to his decision to depart for the Holy Land, never to return.

Ad van Els studied economic history in Leiden, philosophy in Nijmegen and medieval studies in Utrecht (PhD). He specialized in the manuscripts of Ademar of Chabannes since 2004.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

338 p., 154 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58779-0 Paperback: € 90 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 56


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 14 1/09/20 15:44 France et Angleterre : manuscrits médiévaux entre 700 et 1200 Charlotte Denoël, Francesco Siri (éd.)

Grâce à un mécénat exceptionnel de la Fondation Polonsky, fondation dont l’objectif est de favoriser l’accès au patrimoine culturel du plus grand nombre, la BnF et la ont noué un partenariat inédit dans le domaine des manuscrits médiévaux autour d’un programme intitulé « �France-Angleterre 700-1200�: manuscrits médiévaux de la BnF et de la British Library�». Il inclut 800 manuscrits, conservés pour moitié à la BnF pour moitié à la British Library, qui ont été sélectionnés en fonction de leur importance pour l’histoire des relations franco-anglaises au Moyen Âge, ainsi que pour leur intérêt artistique, historique ou littéraire. Produits entre le viiie et la fi n du xiie siècle, ces manuscrits couvrent des domaines très variés représentatifs de la production intellectuelle du haut Moyen Âge et de l’époque romane. À l’occasion du lancement offi ciel des deux sites web réalisés dans le cadre du programme, la bibliothèque numérique «�Gallica marque blanche�» qui réunit tous les manuscrits du corpus et permet leur comparaison (BnF) et un site web à visée pédagogique proposant d’explorer une sélection de manuscrits (BL), un colloque international organisé par la BnF s’est tenu les 21-23 novembre 2018. Rassemblant différentes contributions consacrées aux manuscrits du corpus Polonsky et réparties en trois thématiques – histoire de l’art, acteurs et histoire des textes –, ces actes jettent un regard renouvelé sur les échanges culturels entre France et Angleterre au Moyen Âge, abordés dans une perspective interdisciplinaire.

Table des matières: www.brepols.net

approx. 420 p., 10 b/w ills, 101 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58772-1 Paperback: approx. € 95 Série: Bibliologia, vol. 57 EN PRÉPARATION


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 15 1/09/20 15:44 The Art & Science of Illuminated Manuscripts: A Handbook Stella Panayotova (ed.)

This book is designed to provide a guide for art historians, conservators and manuscript scholars to understand and support the increasingly popular cross-disciplinary research e�forts focused on non-invasive scientifi c analyses of illuminated manuscripts.

The results achieved by the research of the pioneering MINIARE research project based at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge led to the ground- breaking and acclaimed 2016 exhibition «COLOUR: The Art and Science of Illuminated Manuscripts.» This was followed by an international Conference, in which art historians, paper and book conservators, and cultural heritage scientists were brought together to share new recent research not only on manuscripts but also on painting in other media. The Conference proceedings were published in the fi rst two volumes of the HMMIMA series (2017-2018). The present publication includes 6 Essays by way of introducing and explaining the major topics being investigated, including the range of inks, pigments and paint binders used by illuminators; parchment-making; pigment recipes; and model books. The many analytical instruments and techniques that are used to investigate manuscripts are also discussed. Then follow 58 Case Studies of manuscripts from as early as the year 700 up to c.1600. All these are fully illustrated in colour and in great detail, and should act as examples to inform scholars in , museums and other cultural institutions of the benefi ts of adding scientifi c tools to the range of methods used to investigate manuscripts.

approx. 524 p., 830 col. ills, 190 x 255 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-1-912554-59-1 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Manuscripts in the Making, vol. 3 FORTHCOMING


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 16 1/09/20 15:44 Also Available

Manuscripts in the Making Art and Science Volume Two Stella Panayotova, Paola Ricciardi (eds)

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

224 p., 240 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-1-912554-13-3 Hardback: € 135 Series: Manuscripts in the Making, vol. 2

Manuscripts in the Making Art and Science Volume one Stella Panayotova, Paola Ricciardi (eds)

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

254 p., 240 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-909400-10-8 Hardback: € 135 Series: Manuscripts in the Making, vol. 1


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 17 1/09/20 15:44 Visualizing Justice in Burgundian Prose Romance Text and Image in Manuscripts of the Wavrin Master (1450s-1460s) Rosalind Brown-Grant

This book explores the textual and visual representation of justice in a corpus of chivalric romances produced in the mid-15th century for noble patrons at the court of Burgundy.

This is the fi rst monograph devoted to manuscripts illuminated by the mid-fi �teenth-century artist known as the Wavrin Master, so-called a�ter his chief patron, Jean de Wavrin, chronicler and councillor at the court of Philip the Good of Burgundy. Specializing in the production of pseudo-historical prose romances featuring the putative ancestors of actual Burgundian families, the artist was an attentive interpreter of these texts which were designed to commemorate the chivalric feats of past heroes and to foster their emulation by noble readers of the day. Integral to these heroes’ deeds is the notion of justice, their worth being measured by their ability to remedy criminal acts such as adultery, murder, rape, and usurpation. In a corpus of 10 paper manuscripts containing the texts of 15 romances and over 650 watercolour miniatures, the stylized, expressive images of the Wavrin Master bring out with particular clarity the lessons in justice which these works offered their contemporary audience, many of whom, from the Burgundian dukes downwards, would have been responsible for upholding the law in their territories. Chapters are devoted to issues such as the nature of just war and how it is linked to good rulership; what forms of legal redress the heroines of these tales are able to obtain with or without the help of a male champion; and what responses are available in law to a spouse betrayed by an adulterous partner. The book will be of interest to scholars of medieval art, literature, legal and cultural history, and gender studies.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

389 p., 140 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58633-5 Hardback: € 99 Series: Burgundica, vol. 29


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 18 1/09/20 15:44 Christian Maps of the Holy Land Images and Meanings Pnina Arad

An innovative approach to Christian maps of the Holy Land, exploring their devotional imagery.

This book offers a way of maps of the Holy Land as visual imagery with religious connotations. Through a corpus of representative examples created between the sixth and the nineteenth centuries, it studies the maps as iconic imagery of an iconic landscape and analyses their strategies to manifest the spiritual quality of the biblical topography, to support religious tenets, and to construct and preserve cultural memory. Maps of the Holy Land have thus far been studied with methodologies such as cartography and historical geography, while the main question addressed was the reliability of the maps as cartographic documents. Through another perspective and using the methodology of visual studies, this book reveals that maps of the Holy Land constructed religious messages and were signifi cant instruments through which different Christian cultures (Byzantine, Catholic, Protestant, and Greek Orthodox) shaped their religious identities. It does not seek to ascertain how the maps delivered geographical information, but rather how they utilized the geographical information in formulating religious and cultural values. Through its examination of maps of the Holy Land, this book thus explores both Christian visual culture and Christian spirituality throughout the centuries.

Pnina Arad is a research fellow at the Center for the Study of Conversion and Interreligious Encounters at Ben-Gurion University. Her publications focus on visual representations of the Holy Land and the cultural role they have played for di�ferent societies from the Middle Ages to the present.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

xxv + 176 p., 62 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58526-0 Paperback: € 80 Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, vol. 28


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 19 1/09/20 15:44 Catalan Maps and Jewish Books The Intellectual Profi le of Elisha ben Abraham Cresques (1325-1387) Katrin Kogman-Appel

This books describes the life of Elisa ben Abraham Cresques, known to many as the author of the Catalan Atlas, and focuses on the Jewish aspects of his fascinating career, his professional profi le, and his scholarship.

This book presents a small chapter in the intellectual history of the Jews of Majorca. Its key fi gure is Elisha ben Abraham Bevenisti Cresques (1325- 1387) a cartographer in the service of King Peter IV of Aragon and a scribe and illuminator of Hebrew books. Elisha Cresques’ career evolves at a point in time when some of the most fascinating threads of methodological interests relevant to intellectual history meet. He emerges as a hub, so to speak, where mapmaking converged with scribal work, miniature painting with scientifi c knowledge, and the culture of a minority with that of the majority. How he was able to negotiate his patron’s expectations and his own cultural identity and frame them within the political, cultural, and religious discourses of his time is the subject of this book.

Katrin Kogman-Appel holds an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in Jewish Studies (2015–2020), which she took up at the University of Münster.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

358 p., 122 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58548-2 Hardback: € 125 Series: Terrarum Orbis, vol. 15


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 20 1/09/20 15:44 Tributes to Adelaide Bennett Hagens Manuscripts, Iconography, and the Late Medieval Viewer Pamela A. Patton, Judith K. Golden

Honoring the fi �ty-year career of Adelaide Bennett Hagens at the Index of Christian Art, Manuscripts, Iconography, and the Late Medieval Viewer gathers essays by leading specialists in the fi eld of Gothic manuscripts and related art forms. Centered on the reciprocity between medieval pictures and their viewers, the collection sheds new light on what the seminal art historian Michael Camille memorably described as the «image explosion» of the later Middle Ages.

Contributors include François Avril, Paul Binski, Brendan Cassidy, Laura Cochrane, Stephen Cooper, Christopher de Hamel, Lynda Dennison, Libby Escobedo, Paula Gerson, Judith Golden, Gerald Guest, Michael Michael, Nigel Morgan, Judith Oliver, Beatrice Radden-Keefe, Alexa Sand, Lucy Freeman Sandler, Jessica Savage, Elizabeth Sears, Alison Stones, Leslie Bussis Tait, Elizabeth Valdez del Álamo, and William Voelkle.

Pamela A. Patton is Director of the Index of Medieval Art and a specialist in the visual culture of later medieval Iberia. Judith K. Golden is an Art History Specialist at the Index of Medieval Art, with a specialization in French and English manuscripts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

Table of Contents: www.brepols.net

Vi + 376 p., 15 b/w ills, 224 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-1-909400-79-5 Hardback: € 125 Series: Tributes, vol. 9


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 21 1/09/20 15:44 Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries Volume III: Aberdeen – York Pamela Robinson

This is the third and fi nal volume describing manuscripts and fragments in British libraries containing commentaries and glosses on the Latin Aristotle. It covers institutional libraries from Aberdeen to York, including cathedral libraries, and lists 193 main items (including fragments dismembered from several books), dating from the twel�th century until c.1500. While many of these manuscripts have come to Britain from elsewhere in Europe and were only acquired post-1500, they represent teaching and learning not only in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge but also in continental universities. A majority of them are now held in the British Library, London, and many have not been fully described before. The volume also includes addenda from Oxford and Cambridge, and four indexes are provided to facilitate searching the main text.

Pamela Robinson is Reader Emerita in Palaeography and Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of English Studies, University of London. She is the compiler of Catalogues of Dated and Datable Manuscripts in both Cambridge and London Libraries, and has published on codicology and later medieval manuscripts produced in England.

327 p., 1 col. ills, 152 x 229 mm, 2020, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-57339-7 Hardback: € 115 Series: Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries, vol. 3


brepols_brochure_BookHistory_v3.indd 22 1/09/20 15:44 El lenguaje del arte Evolución de la terminología específi ca de manuscritos y textos Ana Gómez Rabal, Jacqueline Hamesse, Marta Pavón Ramírez (eds)

El análisis de la evolución de la terminología técnica utilizada en la descripción científi ca de textos y manuscritos desde la Edad Media hasta nuestros días es el argumento que los responsables de este volumen pretenden poner al alcance del lector como tema de discusión y de re�lexión. La particularidad del libro manuscrito reside en constituir un unicum donde los elementos materiales, estructurales y de contenido (texto e imagen) se relacionan necesariamente entre sí. Asimismo, los usos lingüísticos de los coetáneos de los manuscritos medievales para denominar su propia realidad libresca y textual se erigen en un objeto de estudio que ahonda en la consideración del manuscrito y del texto, de su forma y de su contenido, como entidades indisociables. Es recomendable, por lo tanto, un acercamiento multidisciplinar al libro manuscrito, un acercamiento que exige la colaboración de especialistas de disciplinas diversas, cada una de ellas con una terminología técnica propia. Con esa perspectiva, los trabajos presentados en estas páginas servirán como descripción del estado de la cuestión y, a la vez, como punto de partida útil para que paleógrafos, codicólogos, historiadores del arte o fi lólogos comparen sus respectivos modos de abordar el análisis del libro manuscrito y de sus textos, enriqueciéndose unos a otros mediante sus conocimientos propios y particulares sobre la cuestión, todo ello con el fi n de favorecer la utilización de un vocabulario adecuado y, si se considera posible y conveniente, común.

xxxi + 243 p., 24 col. ills, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58791-2 Paperback: € 50 Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 94

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