HOPKINS DEBATERS MEDICAL EDUCATION Volu1nes Added To 's Subscription Tickets to Hopkins Playshop JAY GRIDOERS TO DISCUSS DO.LE BEGINS IN COLLEGE Leisure Reading Collection Are Now On Sale WITH ENGLISHMEN SAYS PROF. OLIVER Dr. Joseph S. Ames and Several Other Faculty Members Subscription season tickets to the DOWN GARNET Of The Hopkins Contributed To Johns Hopkins University Play­ Contest To Be Held In "Physician Who Loves His Group, Announced . shop, directed by Dr. N. Bryllion Levering WorkDoesNotSeekFame," Fagin, of the College of Teachers BY ·24-7 SCORE at Homewood, have been put on The "Leisure Reading Collection" any circumstances, but to return October 27 He Declares sale, it was announced, at the fol­ .of the Johns Hopkins Library,which them to the collection as soon as Hopkins Team MakesTwelve lowing places : was so successful last year, is to be they have finished reading them. First Downs; Invaders FIRSTMEETOFYEAR OUTSTANDING FAME Office of the College for Teach­ continued this year, Dr. John C. Placed In King's Bay FORJAYFORENSIANS UNNECESSARY TO JOY ers, Remsen 14. Net Three French, librarian, announced Fri- There is no room available which Main reading room, the Library, day. A number of new have could be used as a "browsing room'', HOMEWOOD ELEVEN Gilman Hall. Two Men To Be Picked Cites Five Factors Necessary bee11. donated by friends for this Dr. French explained, but the read­ TRAILS AT HALF Office of Dr. Fagin, Remsen 310. For No-Decisim1 For Success In year's collection. ing alcove in the main reading room News-Letter office, basement, Affair Field "Students who enjoy reading is an unusually pleasant and con­ Reynolds And Kelly Perform Levering Hall, Tuesdays and Fri­ ------short stories, lyric poetry, or detec- venient spot for the leisure reading days. 12'.20 to 3 :30 P. M. Brilliantly In Night Two representatives of the Hop- In the second of a series of lec-1 tive stories as a recreation will find nook. In the bay, three of the five Tilt kins Forensic Society, formerly the tures on Medical Ethics and the unlimited possibilities in the Leisure windows have been cut to the floor, ---o--- Debating Council, will meet two Hi~tory of Medicine, Dr. John R. Reading Collection, which will be affording a full view of the flowers 'Cane Juice' Author Outplaying the Garnet in every English students on tour in a de- Oliver asserted that a student's placed in the King Memorial Bay," and trees of the Botanical Gan;lens. Gains Civil Succor phase of the game, Hopkins bate scheduled for next Tuesday, medical education now begins in Dr. French said. William L. 1Ross, '99, made it ---- trounced S"varthmore- 24-7 last October 27th, to open the Univer- the undergraduate school. "If a student has been working possible, by a generous gift, to re­ Civil Liberties Union Offers Support Friday in its first night game. sity debating season, it was recently "In the past, Cl:iemistry, Physics continuously at some serious tasks, build the in the bay and to To Ousted Louisiana Professor After a comp_aratively weak announced. The subject to be dis- and Mathematics were taught in the he will find a pleasant relaxation in turn it into a readers' alcove equip­ In Suit For Salary start, the Jays settled down to cussed is "Resolved: That the dole Medical Schools, but with the ad- these volumes. There is hardly a ped with Windsor armchairs and The American Civil Liberties roll up a string of first downs, provides a better solution of the vent of the new era in science, the better way to slip a little recrea­ circular tables. The small circular Union recommended court action in and to force · the Pennsylvanians unemployment problem than does crowded condition of the Medical tional period in the intervals be- tables, which can be drawn com­ behalf of Prof. John Earle Uhler, to kick every time the ball was in the charity system." Institutions necessitates collegiate tween more serious tasks; certainly fortably between the knees, were a former Hopkins professor, who their possession. Hopkin·s made Hopkins To Uphold Negative training in these subjects. there is no way which is more bene- suggested in preference to the hex­ was dismissed from the Lousiana twelve first downs against a total The Hopkins varsity is to uphold Advises Study of Greek ficial," Dr. French feels. agonal tables of the old reading State University because of his of three for the invaders. Mixing the negative. There will be no de- "While a student is in the under- Popular Last Year room. novel, "Cane Juice." end runs and off tackle slices with cision, in keeping with the English- graduate school, it would not be Last year the Leisure Reading New Books Added The Union, in a telegram to Pro· bewildering passes, Hopkins had men's request. amiss to study a little Greek and to Collection was very popular among The books which will be placed fessor Uhler's attorney, offered to S\\"arthmore completely at their The debate will be held in Lev- become familiar with the French students and the books were used in the collection this year have been support a suit for the recovery of mercy after the quarter's first ering Hall at 4 P. M. Dean Berry, and German," Dr. Oliver advised, often. In spite of the fact that generously donated by President Professor Uhler's salary for the flurry. according to officials of the Fo- "for these are important factors in three volumes were lost from the J osepl) S. Ames, and by members of current year and suggested a ma­ Jay Line Shows Power rensic Society, has consented to medical education." collection, and that such a loss is to the faculty. Novels are abviously damus action to compel the univer­ The Jay line ripped holes in erve as chairman for the evening. Both Art and Science be expected again, the new collec- unsuited for such a collection, but sity board to grant Uhler a public Swarthmore's front wall that the First Debate Of Schedule Dr. Oliver disclosed the five tion will be put in the Alcove, under there are books of lyric verse, biog­ hearing. proverbial " wagon " could be Next Tuesday's debate is the first characteristics necessary to a phy- the same regulations, Dr. French raphy, travel and short fiction. ---o--- driven through, but the Blue of a schedule arranged by the sician's success, namely, curiousity, said. He deemed the loss small These books aare r - cataloged and Triplett Appointed backs bore no resemblance to Forensians. However, a complete accuracy, patience, endurance, de- compared to the amount of pleasure are not intended for circulation, but "11·agons," rather they suggested schedule bas not been issued, .al- votion to the profession, and a deep which is derived from them during rather for casual reading. The en­ Secretary-Treasurer high-powered motor cars. It has though it was said that the next interest in people. the year. tire collection has been provided been a long time since Hopkins debate will occur in December or Dr. Oliver declared that medi- Dr. French especially urge~; the without expense to the University Student Council to Retain Membership could have two regular backs out solely for th~ recreation of the in Natio!'al Students' Federa- of the ~· ame and still display SU( n January. cine is both an art and a science, students who use the collection not tion of ·America Accorded official recognition iai.e and that a doctor mnst be interested to take books from the alcove under students. da~zling back fields _, taient. Run At its last meeting the Student last year by the Students Activities n his patients, not only as machines, ======after run of twenty, twenty-five, C

To Be Held Blne Lpe.cvkeerdingFoHraNll; _Two Team Remains Practically Intact Musical Club Representative To Stu- Pl 11. 1. J P T 0 S k O SAMUEL KIRK & SON, Inc. Men To 1 0 dent Activities Council Will Be tp enson, astor, pea n Decision Affair 'With Captain Goldberg, Helm- Chosen Thursday His \Vorld \Var Experiences J ewelen~-Stationers-Silversmiths (Continued from page I' col. r.) holtz, Palitz, Brook and Dietz Last Thursday the Glee Club And Opinions 421 NORTH CHARLES STREET eluding the Student Christian Move- SCHEDULE DIFFICULT held nominations for the delegate Ph T J of S Fine Stationery Gifts in Silverware ment of which he has been Secre- who is to represent the Musical Thom1a1ps' enson, pastor t. Gold Jewelry-Diamonds tary and President. In athletics, Club on the Student Activitie~ Church in Green Spring Mr. Craig has been awarded his Candidates Are Asked To Try Out Valley, will speak about his experi- Wrist Watches For Men and Women hockey colours, and has also repre- Since Vacancies Are Still Council for the coming year. ' ences in the World War at a grad- sented the College in golf and rifle To Be Filled The nominees were John L. Sul- uate luncheon today at 12 :30. Rev. livan, Dave Hughes, and Marlowe shooting. Jenson was a member of the Black Work Called for and Delivered Perry. Election will be held thi~ Peabody Pharmacy Graduated Durham University Indications for a victorious Watch during the war. Calvert and 30th Sts. KIN W. LEE John Needham was educated at tennis team are favorable this Thursday after reopening the nomi- After giving his experiences, the CHINESE HAND LAUNDRY The Friend of First Class Work Coathum School and entered St. year, in the opinion of the officials nations. speaker will relate the opinions 281~ tireenmount Avenue John's College, Durham University, of the team, it was learned today. Ronald Levy, Secretary of tl1e which he has formed about war in Hopkins Students Special Attention Giv.en to Students in 1927. He graduated with Hon- The team remains practically in- Glee Club, requests that all the general, and will thus pave the way I!!:======.! ours in History in June, 1930, and tact, ,,·ith Goldberg and Helm­ for a discussion of the subject the I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ members and candidates of the has held many · student offices in holz, seniors; Palitz, Brook and following ·week. These luncheon group turn out regularly for re­ HOPKINS STUDENTS EAT AT addition to the Treasureship and Dietz, Sophomores, forming the meetings are open to all graduate Presidency of the Union Society at veteran nucleus. Several Fresh­ hearsals since th~ work, under t~<: students who wish to attend, and The : Stadium Restaurant supervision of Os Steinwald, h~E Durham. He was appointed Vice- men have shown talent, and many are under the direction of Mr. Cor. Greenm~unt Avenue and 31st Street Senior of his College. vVhile his new additions to the varsity are seriously begun. Schaal. m~n sport ~ row~~he is cap- expec~d . Some fi~t year menl=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tain of boats in his·College and was who show real promise are Ma1- llfi!EEE!!!!!EE;;;;;;;EEE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;EE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ awarded his Half-Palatinate this diers, MacGregor and Goldberg. year-he has tried his hand at most The 1932 Schedule promises to games including Rugger and As- be fairly difficult, including N. UNION TRUST COMPANY sociation Football, Cricket and Y. U., Pennsylvania, Haverford. OF MARYLAND Hockey. He has upheld the high S w a rt h m o re and Princeton reputation of the Union Society in matches. A contest with North COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND BAL Tl MORE and ST. PAUL STREETS the debating world and also found Carolina's Intelcolegiate cham- time to pursue literary and his- pionship netn1en, whose captain, CHARLES and FAYETTE STREETS torical , hobbies. He will return to Bryant Grant, was a contestant In the Heart of the Heart of Maryland the University next year to carry on in the Davis Cup matches, is still post-graduate work. pending. Hopkins Men To Be Chosen Hopkins Enters League The two men to represent Hop- In order to keep the team 111 kins in the debate will be chosen condition, a Hopkins team will from the following : enter the Indoor League Tourna­ Charles Squire ment this winter. Last season Leo Alpert the Hopkins contingent finished Earle Wasserman. well up among the leaders in this let's to A luncheon, and perhaps other all group. social functions, are being planned for the foreign visitors who are in Candidates are still asked to try America under the auspices of an for the team, since there are still international educational associa- vacancies to be filled. All inter- ested are asked to leave a note in tion. --o--- Herman Goldberg's box, number Day 414. All tryouts are on a compet­ Nov. 1 is Last For itive basis. Physical Examinations ---0--- Physical examinations for Fresh­ men and Sophomores have almost Jay Gridders Down been completed. Freshmen exams Garnet By 24-7 Score began September 29 and Sopho­ more, October 12. All men not examined by November I will be Hopkins Team Makes Twelve Firnt Downs; Invaders fined five dollars. Net Three Dr. Abercrombie has sent no­ ( C 011ti11ued from, page l, col. 6.) tices to students with Athlete's Foot, etc., offering advise and 30-yard line, the Jays lost 15 treatment. Fifteen per cent of yards on a penalty on the open­ ~J those examined have this skin in­ ing play. In a position where a Eastward ho! Four thousand miles nearer the rising fection, which is a rather low aver­ less brainy quarterback would have sun-let's go! To the land of mosques and minarets­ kicked, Kelly sent Reynolds age. M.iss Lauterbach, who suc­ so different from our skyscrapers, stacks and steeples. ceeds Miss Becker as secretary to around end from a kick forma­ the Physical Education Depart­ tion. The play netted 30 yards Let's see this strange, strange country. Let's see the ment, announced that all those no­ and a first down. The Blue team Where Turkish tobacco grows land where the tobacco* grows marched straight down the field, tified should report at Dr. Aber­ in small leaves on slender stalks-to be tenderly crombie's office any ·day between 1Yith Beeler and Reynolds doing the bulk of the ball carrying. The picked, leaf by leaf, hung in long fragrant strings, 2 :JO and 3 :30 o'clock. 85-yarcl march terminated with a ---a- shelter-dried and blanket-eured. Precious stuff! tom:hWing cen- in midfield and an exchange of Cavaliers Make Perfect Score By XANT HI .• CAv ALLA .. SMYRNA terO&eaterfieldhaaitsowntobaccolm7/6Tf1 punts put the Jays on Swarth­ Capturing First Five Positions more's 35-:Yard• line, from which On Home Course -SAMSOUN .. famous tobaccos! . they scored shortly after. A pass, Last Saturday Hopkins' cross­ Beeler to Ives, who streaked 20 country team opened its season in *Turkish tobacco Is to cigarettes what the smooth, "spicy" Chesterfield blend. yarcls down the side lines, count­ Charlottesville with a defeat at the seasoning is to food-the "spice," the "sauce" This is just one more reason for Chester­ ed for the "6-pointer." A place hands of a strong University of -or what rich, sweet cream is to coffee! field's better taste. Tobaccos from far and near, Virginia squad. The score - was kick for the seventh point failed. You can taste the Turkish in Chesterfield the best of their several kinds-and the right 40 to 15. T.he final score came as· an anti­ -there's enough of it, that's why. Chester­ kinds. And pure, tasteless cigarette paper, The Virginians finished the long climax, being the result of a pass, field has not been stingy with this impor­ the purest made. The many requisites of a gril).d with men holding the first five Beeler to Reid, and another Beel­ tant addition to good taste and aroma; four milder, better smoke, complete! places, while 'Glass was the first er to Kelly, over the goal line. famous kinds of Turkish leaf-Xanthi, That's why they're GOOD-they've got Hopkins man to cross the tape. The kick, again, was wide. Cavalla, Samsoun and Smyrna-go into to be and they are. Jung and Sneeringer, although both Line-up: developed internal trouble in the Hopkins Swarthmore race, managed to capture the next Ives ...... L. E ...... Sipler two positions. Yearley ...... L. T ...... Turner The Jays' poor showing may be Phillips ...... L. G...... Arnold attributed mainly to imperfect phy­ Helm ...... C...... Brown sical condition. The Cavaliers have 'Levy ...... R. G ...... Leber Bisloskorski ...... R. T...... Hadeler been training ever since the middle ,Weitzel ...... R. E ...... Jones of September, while the Jays were D. Kelly ...... Q. B...... Abrams not able to i:;et started until the Reynolds ...... L. H ...... Schembs semester co 1enced two weeks Beeler ...... R. H...... Browning ago. Reid ...... F. B...... Funke The nc>· Jy of the route also Score by quarters: proved detrimental to the Black and Hopkins ...... 0 6 12 6-24 Swarthmore.. 7 0 0 0- 7 Blue. Consequently, Virginia's Touchdowns-Hopkins: D. Kelly harriers encountered little difficulty (2), Beeler, Ives; Swarthmore: Sipler, in making a clean sweep of the Tries for point--Weitzel (missed three placekicks), Ives (missed one affair. placekick), Schembs (placekick). @ 1911, LIGGBTI' & MYBRS TOBACCO Co. 4 HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, MD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1931

1 ADVANCED ENGLISH 'STORMER REHEARSELS Ii ll ::~ ~~,~:~~:~esr;~~.of conduct for GET A GOOD PROGRESSING RAPIDLY .,.._=M=A=l=L =BA=G=~ For your information, Frosh, it CAR WASHING Producers of CLASS To COMPILE ;;;:___ i~ the custom to extend to the DONE QUICKLY DONE THOROUGHLY THE N EWS - LETTER Caplan And .Banks, Coaches, Speed- President of the Hopkins the cour- The purpose of the Mail-Bag is to DONE WELL BLACK and BLUE JAY COURSE TEXT B0 0 K ing \Vork On New Play, "Secret act as an agency for student expi'es- tesy of rising to your feet immedi- 12 to 15 minutes. Conveyor system. Service" By Gillette sion. All correspondence should be ately upon his appearing before Includes under fenders, chassis and c1dd1·essed to the Editor of the NEWS- inside vacuumed. Book Will Include Best LETTER. Please be as brief as possible. you. Get wise to yourselves-and "1?ead~Taylol' CAST ANNOUNCEMENTS be thankful that there are no fresh- E. M. PRICE Compositions By Class III Breeding Auto Laundry man regulations! Members Editor, THE NEws-LETTER. SUPER-SERVICE STATION Baltimore P roduction Staff Under Direction Dear Sir: ]. H. u. STUDENT. Mt. Royal and North Avenues Of Lester Haas Already At In view of the display of ill- ---o--- In an article reprinted in pamph­ \i\Tork On Set breeding exhibited by the freshmen Wants More Walks let form from the September issue in a recent assembly, it would seem Editor. THE NEWS-LETTER. of The English Journal, Dr. Paul In accordance with the plans that a general object lesson in cour- Dear Sir: "What is impossible to others is possible to us." M. Wheeler gives a detailed resume announced at the Barnstormer tesy would have a salutary effect on I note that the construction of a Moth Holes, Burns, Tears, a~d Cuts in Clothing, Linens, and Silk Rewoven Perfectly. of his course in Advanced English Rally the coaches, Howard Caplan their future conduct. On the occa- walk has been started between the Unexcelled Service Composition. and Bill Banks, are rapidly and sion referred to, the President of Physics building and Latrobe Hall RELIABLE WEAVING CO. According to the journal, the efficiently rounding the characters the University was to address thi; and it certainly surprises me that it 208 WEST SARATOGA STREET Vernon 1868 course is designed to acquaint the of the new play into shape. This group, composed largely of entering wasn't done sooner. It seems to me &tudent with the more progressive season's play, "Secret Service" t>y students. Upon his reaching the that a small am