Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Table of Contents

Welcome to the 2005 AOM Annual Meeting in Honolulu ...... 3 Academy Program Highlights...... 4-10 Special Thanks...... 11 Meet the Meeting Planners...... 12 Divisions & Interest Groups Program and PDW Chairs...... 13 Registration, Housing, and Travel Information ...... 14-21 Welcome to Honolulu ...... 22-25 Honolulu Map...... 26 Annual Meeting Sponsors ...... 27-32 Exhibitors Listing...... 33 Exhibitors Map...... 34 Placement Services...... 35-36 William H. Newman Award Nominees...... 37 Carolyn Dexter Award Nominees ...... 38-40 About the Academy of Management...... 41-42 Academy of Management Past Presidents ...... 43 2005 Annual Meeting Statistics...... 44 Conference Program Guide ...... 45-68 Summary Overview by Sponsor ...... 69-156 Session Details - Friday, August 5, 2005...... 157-161 Session Details - Saturday, August 6, 2005...... 162-176 Session Details - Sunday, August 7, 2005...... 177-189 Session Details - Monday, August 8, 2005...... 190-259 Session Details - Tuesday, August 9, 2005...... 260-313 Session Details - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 ...... 314-336 Advertisements...... 337-394 Participant Index ...... 395-462 Conference Venue Floor Plans...... 463-470

Section A 2 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Welcome to the 2005 AOM Annual Meeting in Honolulu

On behalf of the many members and staff who have worked extremely 2005 Theme: A New Vision of hard to organize this year’s meeting, we welcome you to Honolulu for Management in the 21st Century the 65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. As a profes- Modern professional management emerged in the early years of the 20th sional association of over 15,000 members from 91 nations, the century as a critical social event. It was readily accepted, elaborated, and Academy of Management is dedicated to creating, applying, and endorsed throughout the century. However, the age of consensus and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations. The belief is now over, along with the convergent social, economic, and tech- annual meeting provides a special opportunity for the Academy nical conditions within which modern management evolved. community to come together to share knowledge and experiences, to Now we live in a divergent world of stark contrasts and difficult create and renew friendships and professional relations, and to tensions. As such, scholars of management and organization are faced replenish and further develop our careers. with totally new questions and challenges. The focus of this year’s Record Program Participation Academy Meetings is a discourse and quest for a new vision of manage- ment for this new century. This year’s program vividly demonstrates the strong commitment of our members to the annual meeting. The 2005 Call for Papers generated a The awesomely beautiful Hawaiian Islands provide a wonderful record volume of program submissions, with 4,671 paper and sympo- backdrop in which to discuss, explore, and debate A New Vision of sium submissions and 362 professional development workshops Management in the 21st Century. Like the concepts of management (PDWs), for a grand total of 5,033 submissions. Over 6,000 people and our understanding of organizations, the Hawaiian Islands continue participate on this year’s program, and over 1,000 members volunteered to change and grow in a struggle between fiery, violent volcanic activity as reviewers. We thank everyone who have stepped forward to make this that gives birth to new land and the cooling, eroding powers of the sea, exciting program a wonderful reality. rain, and wind. This year’s program presents research, panel discussions, professional development workshops, and community activities that explore A New Vision of Management in the 21st Century. Coming together in one beautiful location provides us the opportunity to share the company of our fellows and to discuss and deliberate the potential for a new vision. Your active participation adds an important voice to our discourse and Aloha discovery. We look forward to being with you in Honolulu.

Ken G. Smith Jimmy Le Qing Cao 2005 Program Chair 2005 Program Coordinator 2005 Program Coordinator

Thomas W. Lee Janet A. Thompson 2005 PDW Chair 2005 PDW Coordinator

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Academy Program Highlights

All Academy Program Highlights Past Visions of the Academy: Astute or Wishful Making Public Schools Work: Management Reform as Thinking? This year’s theme is “A New Vision of Management”. the Key. In the wars that continually rage around public education, it This session brings together a panel of five past presidents (Kerr, is rare for management scholars to venture onto the battlefield. William Mowday, Starbuck, Tung, Von Glinow) of the Academy of Management G. Ouchi of UCLA is a formidable exception. Having made profound who critically take stock of the conference theme by reviewing the accu- contributions to corporate management over the past quarter century rateness of their presidential vision, characterized by their presidential through his bestselling Theory Z and other books, he turned his sights addresses. The ensuing discussion offers an opportunity to reflectively several years ago on public education, and the results have been give advice on the value of vision. The forum has two goals: First, using extraordinary. In Making Schools Work, which Tom Peters has called reflective debate it intends to stimulate critical discussion on the state of “the most important book on education in a half century,” Prof. Ouchi managerial vision. Second, its aims to promote attention to the identifies the top-down organization that typifies public education as its ongoing areas of organizational research that lend themselves to most essential flaw and spells out a seven-point plan for reform. It is a probing questions about the value of vision. Together, these goals measure of the book’s impact that the professor has been enlisted by present a timely opportunity for organizational researchers to assess the school systems from New York to Hawai`i, as officials seek to meet the efficacy of management and organizational prophecy. public’s demand for better schools. Astute Foresight or Wishful Thinking: A Forum on Management and Organizational Prophecy In this public-affairs forum, the first of its kind at an Academy of Monday, August 8, 2:30 pm – 3:50 pm Management meeting, Prof. Ouchi is joined by a superlative panel Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 315 whose expertise ranges from organizational scholarship to state admin- istration at the highest levels – Lyman W. Porter, of the University of Research that Informs Management Practice. It has California Irvine; Adam Urbanski, President of the Rochester Teachers become commonplace for Academy of Management annual meeting Association; Hon. Richard Riordan, Secretary for Education for themes to call for bold excursions into the realm of relevance and California and twice-elected Mayor of Los Angeles; and Hon. Linda application. Such themes rest on the assumption that the Academy can Lingle, Governor of Hawai`i. simultaneously champion scholarly excellence and have an impact on Making Public Schools Work: the actual practice of management – that it can, for example, have a Management Reform as the Key role in creating a “new vision of management” that will matter. Monday, August 8, 8:30 am – 10:20 am However, in the view of many, the Academy and its members are today Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 315 less relevant than they were in the decades of the sixties and seventies. In this session, the panelists (Lawler, Lorsch, Miles) will discuss their The Future of Business School Education. Critics argue that views on conducting research that practicing managers will view as business schools have failed to adapt to, or shape their curricula and relevant – including their belief that greater emphasis on field research developmental approaches around shifting demands of new global will increase the likelihood that managers will view it as relevant. The market structures and leadership imperatives. Are these criticisms valid? symposium panelists will have suggestions concerning how the Do these concerns challenge the essential role of business schools? Will Academy might encourage a rebirth of emphasis on field research. the successful business schools of tomorrow differ substantially in mission from today’s traditions? Will business education be radically A New Vision of Management for the 21st Century: Is There a Role for the Academy in its Creation? different in content or form? The two sessions below include the views Tuesday, August 9, 8:30 am – 10:10 am of business school Deans, the AACSB, industry leaders, and renowned Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 315 academics and critics. The Future of Business Schools: Future Theorizing: Lessons from the Past. The field of How Must They Change? management largely advances by the development of new theory. We Sunday, August 7, 3:00 pm – 4:50 pm have a good idea of what theory is (or is not) but we know less about Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 315 the process by how it is developed. We need to better understand how the theory development process begins, how the search process proceeds, how alternatives are developed and solutions emerge, how the ideas are

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Academy Program Highlights integrated into theory, and how theory is refined or changed over time. AcademyArts began in 2000 in Toronto as a venue for Academy From whom can we better learn this process than outstanding scholars members to express the creative sides of themselves. This years exhibit who have developed important management theories? Chaired by Mike includes painting, poetry, photography, music, and opens Sunday with Hitt, this symposium includes “master” scholars (Barney, Locke, a reception in the Kaua`i Room (311) providing an opportunity to meet Mintzberg, Mitchell, Scott) who are pioneers in the development of new and talk with the artists about their work. theory or have made significant contributions to the development of an Events and activities scheduled to take place in this space include: important theoretical paradigm in management. Opportunities and Challenges in Developing New • AcademyArts Gallery Opening and Reception; Management Theory: Processes Used by Top Scholars • Theatrical events and evenings, both planned and improvisational; Monday, August 8, 4:10 pm – 5:20 pm Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 315 • Rhythm nights, including turntablists and Kahaku hula dancers; Division Program Highlights • Facilitated conversations about specific topics; • Interactive panels on aesthetic methodologies and bleeding edge The AoM Fringe Café – AcademyArts: visions; AcademyArts Chair: Chris Poulson. Fringe Café Organizers: David Cowan, Hans Hansen, • Experimental, hands on moments; Pedro David Pérez, Chris Poulson, Matt Statler and Gail Whiteman. •A focus on the “Work of Mourning”, including homages to Peter Sponsors: AoM Organizing Committee, Miami University. Frost and Michael Dawids (co-founder of the Fringe Café). This final year for both AcademyArts and The Fringe Café brings us AcademyArts will also be co-sponsoring a PDW session on Saturday together in the Kaua`i Room (room 311) of the Hawai`i Convention – “Aesthetic theorizing on leadership” organized under the umbrella of Center from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday evening. The full schedule of Community of Leadership Scholars within the Academy. The session activities (included in the program addendum) comes to an exciting will be a round table with introductory talks, and active involvement of conclusion with a Gala Celebration on Tuesday evening. And this year other session participants. The introductory presentations will be given there WILL be coffee in The Fringe Café – courtesy of Miami University by Arja Ropo, U. of Tampere, Finland, Brad Jackson, Victoria U. New of Ohio – along with a cash bar during the reception and evening Zealand, and Eric Guthey, Copenhagen Business School. Erika Sauer, U events. All are invited to join in the activities and festivities of of Tampere, Finland, David Barry, Learning Lab Denmark, and Ken AcademyArts and The Fringe Café! Parry, Griffith U, Australia will join the round table with commentaries and discussion. The simple but courageous act of people talking with each other – that is the purpose of The AoM Fringe Café. Traditional conference Academy Arts will present a symposium on Monday morning in The formats are primarily focused on presenting to one another – but rarely Fringe Café. Visions of Diversity and Uniqueness: The Promise of do these formats enable true conversation with meaningful interaction Aesthetics Research in Management Aesthetics and Uniqueness with between the presenters and the audience. The AoM Fringe Café is a Pedro David Perez, Cornell U, Chair; David A Cowan, Miami U.; Hans venue where people can create and share knowledge, stimulate innova- Hansen, Victoria U. of Wellington; Mary Jo Hatch, U of Virginia; Stephen tive thinking, and explore real-life possibilities for action. By giving Linstead, U. of Durham; and Matt Statler; Imagination Lab. space to soulful, positive, artistic and aesthetic approaches to problems Check your registration packet for the complete schedule. that remain difficult to address in traditional presentation formats, the Time: Sunday, 2:00 – 10:00 pm / Monday, 8:30 am – Fringe Café will provide an experiential context in which people can 10:00 pm / Tuesday, 8:30 am – 10:00 pm attain New Visions of Management for the 21st Century at the Academy Location: Kaua`i Room 311, Hawai`i Convention Center of Management. Careers: During this past year, an esteemed forefather of the Careers Division, Dr. Michael Driver, passed away. The Careers Division is honored to celebrate the life and work of Michael J. Driver with a Festschrift. A distinguished panel of speakers, organized by Suzanne de

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Academy Program Highlights

Janasz, will contribute papers to this session. The panel includes variety of contexts including team interactions, intercultural relations, Brooklyn Derr, Emmeline de Pillis, Phillip Hunsaker, Rikard Larsson, organizational diversity, labor relations, workplace disputes, community Najmedin Meshkati, Thomas Olson, J. Bruce Prince, and Dianne conflict and public policy development. Come check out our division! Sundby Driver, all of whom worked with or followed Dr. Driver in his Trust and Trust Repair important and often ground-breaking work in cognitive psychology, Monday, August 8, 10:40 am - 12:00 pm careers, decision-making and executive development. Please join us to Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 318B honor this early leader of the Careers Division and discover how his Conflict Division Business Meeting work informs the work of the field today. The guest speakers of this Tuesday, August 9, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm session of the Careers Division have been asked to stay following this Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 319B session so that the celebration of Dr. Driver’s career can continue on Conflict Division Social Hour into the Careers Division Social following in the same room beginning Tuesday, August 9, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm an hour later after the Careers Division business meeting. Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 318B Remembering Michael Driver: Friends, Colleagues and Critical Management Studies: This year, we will hold a special Students Pay Tribute to a Scholar and Pioneer. Tuesday, August 9, 4:10 pm - 5:30 pm opening plenary session featuring John Bellamy Foster, University of Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 319A Oregon, who will speak on ‘Organizing Ecological Revolution’. The CMS Keynote Address will feature Henry Mintzberg, McGill Conflict Management Division: Please join us for an inter- University, who will consider this year’s Academy of Management esting CM session on “Trust and Trust repair” on Monday at 10:40am- theme, with a focus on Developing Constructively Critical Managers. 12:00pm in room 318B. Trust is at the foundation of human interactions, yet it is difficult to build and easy to break. The papers in We welcome CMS members and the Academy community to these events: this session focus on fundamental issues in understanding trust, from CMS Plenary: John Bellamy Foster predictors of trusting behavior, to processes by which trust is regulated, Monday, August 8, 8:30 am - 10:10 am to mechanisms that help to repair trust once it has been violated. We Sheraton Waikiki, Honolulu Room also invite you to join a special session, “Workplace Bullying: CMS Keynote Address: Henry Mintzberg International Perspectives on Moving from Research to Practice,” Tuesday, August 9, 8:30 am - 10:10 am Sheraton Waikiki, Honolulu Room taking place on Tuesday, August 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. in the Convention Center, Room 318B. Workplace bullying is increasingly a Gender and Diversity in Organizations: The GDO division is global concern yet there has been little attention to the nature and pleased to highlight three paper sessions and the GDO business meeting, effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing bullying within and social hour, and theme session, all in the Hilton Hawaiian Village. across cultural contexts. The papers in this session provide insights into On Monday, the paper session titled, “Structural Determinants of the creation of actionable knowledge to deal with this phenomenon Diversity: How Institutions Positively or Negatively Affect Diversity” will across a variety of countries including Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. be in the South Pacific 1, 4:10 - 5:20. Immediately following are the Anyone interested in learning more about the CM division is GDO business meeting in the Sea Pearl Suite from 5:20 - 6:30 and cordially invited to attend our Business Meeting and Social. Our social hour from 6:45 - 9:00 on the Rooftop Garden. Come socialize domain is broad, and includes the nature and management of conflicts while watching a spectacular view of the sunset. at the individual, group, organizational, inter-organizational and soci- On Tuesday, the paper session titled “Stigmas and Invisible etal level; power processes including influence, coalitions, coercion, Identities” will be held in the Sea Pearl Suite from 10:30 - 11:50, and deterrence, and persuasion; bargaining and negotiation, negotiator “Organization Theory Meets Diversity: Advancing the Field” includes characteristics and behaviors; collaboration and competition; third outstanding papers will be in the South Pacific 1, Hilton Hawaiian party interventions (such as facilitation, arbitration, mediation); Village, from 4:10 - 5:20, just before the theme session. distributive and procedural justice and dispute resolution procedures. Major topics include application of the above conceptual foci to a wide

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Academy Program Highlights

“Mobilizing for the Future” will focus on “mobilizing” GDO MC Communities of Practice members, research, and actions for the future. Please come from 5:20 Saturday, August 6, 10:45 am – 11:45 am to 6:30 to the South Pacific 1 and get involved. Sheraton Waikiki Beach, Maui Ballroom Mangement Consulting Members and Human Resources: The HR division invites you to come join our Friends Dinner Cruise town hall meeting. This town hall meeting will focus on the status of Saturday, August 6, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm HRM theory and research, and will address the question “Is the field of China: The Challenges of Consulting in the 21st HRM advancing as a science”? It will consist of two keynote speakers Century (10670) and interactive table discussions with key leaders in the field. The goal Sunday, August 7, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm of the session is to evaluate the status of HRM theory and research, and Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 311 identify strategies for advancing research in the field. The MC Division Program kicks off with a welcome breakfast in Fourth HR Town Hall Meeting: Monday morning at the Convention Center, Room 314. We have an Is the Field of HRM Advancing as a Science? interesting and provocative program of paper sessions, interactive paper Monday, August 8, 12:20 pm – 2:10 pm discussions, visual presentations, and symposia on a range of manage- Hilton Hawaiian Village, Coral Ballroom 4 ment consulting related issues. Two sessions of particular interest: Management Consulting: The MC PDW includes a number of Our theme session, “Future Consulting,” explores important exciting events and terrific speakers. consulting niches such as litigation, child care, local government and Waikiki Dinner Cruise - Catch the bus from the Hilton or Sheraton entrepreneurship. Our speakers will include leaders from these niches at 7pm for a 2 hour sunset cruise with open bar, buffet dinner and who will help us explore what may well be the future of much of Hawaiian entertainment. We’ll be honoring past division chairs and management consulting. just having fun. EVERYONE INVITED - all AoM members and guests Our distinguished speaker is Steve Kerr. Steve is a former President Costs only $65 (30 Euros). Reserve now at of the AoM and currently Chief Learning Officer at Goldman Sachs. In Communities of Practice - Attendees will be grouped by areas of addition to a distinguished academic career, Steve is of course noted for interest such as Strategy, HR Consulting, Leadership Coaching, and his work at GE. Steve will speak to the linkages and tensions between Teaching and led by a facilitator prepared to help the community group management consulting and academia, from his perspective of one identify areas where participants can work together to write papers and who has been intimately involved with both. After Steve’s presentation cases, share consulting secrets of success, prepare courses…... the on Monday afternoon join us for the MC Division Business Meeting and options are limitless. Save Saturday at 10:45am-11:45pm for this event. Awards Presentation and Social Hour, all held at the Hilton, Coral Qi Wei Chen, Chairman & CEO of Asia Business Consulting Ballroom 1. For more details on the program check http://mgmtcon- (Shanghai), the leading China owned consulting firm, will share his experiences and insights about “Consulting in China” at 11am on Future Consulting – Diversifying into New Niches Sunday. Monday, August 8, 12:20 pm – 2:10 pm Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 314 Meet prolific author, successful businessman, and former academic The MCD Distinguished Speaker, Steve Kerr Consulting administrator/scholar, David Heenan. He will tell us about his latest and Academia book, Flight Capital: The Alarming Exodus of America’s Best and Monday, August 8, 4:10 pm – 5:20 pm Brightest at 9:45 on Saturday. Currently, he serves as a trustee of the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Coral Ballroom 1 Hawaiian Estate of James Campbell, one of the nation’s largest Management History: The Management History division would landowners. like to highlight our session and reception honoring Daniel Wren and Flight Capital: David Heenan Discusses Loss of his new book, “The History of Management Thought” (5th ed). American Jobs (10673) Saturday, August 6, 9:30 am – 10:30 am Sheraton Waikiki Beach, Maui Ballroom

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Academy Program Highlights

The session reflects on the Hawthorne Studies, a year after the 80th winners, offer thanks to our members who have served the division anniversary of the beginning of these studies, the most well known and during the last year (especially our dedicated reviewers!), reconnect most discussed research project in the field of management. In the first with old friends, and make new connections. part of the session, a recorded interview (DVD) of Dr. Alfred A. Bolton by Having All of Your Voices Heard: Dan Wren will be shown. Following the interview, Dr. Bolton will The OB Division’s 5 Year Review respond to questions and reflect on what the Hawthorne Studies mean Monday, August 8, 10:40 am – 12:00 pm today. The second part of the session will be a presentation by Dan Wren Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 325A on current views of the outcomes of the Hawthorne studies. Time OB Division Awards and Celebration permitting, Dr. Wren will reflect on earlier studies and assess how well Monday, August 8, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm we are doing in teaching and writing about the Hawthorne studies 80 Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 323 A, B, &C years after they began. The third segment of the session will focus on OB Division Lifetime Achievement photographs related to the Hawthorne Studies and the Hawthorne Relay Award Invited Address Tuesday, August 9, 9:00 am – 10:10 am Assembly Room participants. The photographic collection, many of Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 324 which are largely unknown, has been assembled over a number of years and brings to life, after more than 80 years, the time, the place, Operations Management: The OM Division invites you to a and the people of the Hawthorne Studies. symposium on supply chain management. Kurt Cavano, Chairman and After the session, the division will hold its annual business meeting. CEO of TradeCard, Inc. will be the distinguished speaker. Supply & The business meeting will be followed by the division’s social hour in Demand Chain Executive Magazine has named Kurt Cavano to its 2005 Dr. Wren’s honor. Provider Pros to Know list, which honors “executives who use deep Reflections on Hawthorne Past and Present domain knowledge and innovative thinking to equip supply and Monday, August 8, 4:10 – 5:20 p.m. demand chain professionals with the proper tools.” Sheraton Waikiki, Kohala/Kona Room Revolution in Supply Chain Management Management History Business Meeting Monday, August 8, 8:30 am – 10:20 am Monday, August 8, 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Hilton Hawaiian Village, South Pacific 3 Sheraton Waikiki, Kohala/Kona Room We also encourage you to attend the division’s free session where Management History Social Hour authors of the top three papers published in the Journal of Operations Monday, August 8, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Management in 2004 have been invited to present their research. The Sheraton Waikiki, Kahuku Room Best JOM Paper Award will be presented at the end of the session. Journal of Operations Management Best Paper Award Organizational Behavior Division: The OB Division is proud Monday, August 8, 2:30 pm – 3:50 pm of all the papers and symposia we are sponsoring. We expect it to be an Hilton Hawaiian Village, South Pacific 3 interesting and stimulating set of presentations. We wish to bring your attention to three special events, which we believe will be of particular Organizational and Management Theory: Join us for our interest to our members. First, this is the first year of the OB Division Welcome Breakfast and Distinguished Scholar Award on Monday at Lifetime Achievement Award. Tuesday at 9:00am, the recipient, Edwin A. 8:30. This year, we honor Professor Joanne Martin of Locke, will be providing an invited address. Dr. Locke’s presentation, for her scholarly contributions to Organization and Management “Theory Building by Induction,” will be followed by a question and Theory. Joanne’s talk is titled “The Myth of Organizational Unity: answer period. Second, the OB Division recently completed its 5-year Oligarchical and Democratic Approaches to Organizational Theory,” review. We scheduled a special session (Monday at 10:40am) to present and promises to be an engaging and provocative kickoff to the 2005 the results of the review, hear our members’ thoughts and ideas, and Annual Meetings. move the division forward. Finally, we encourage our members to OMT Welcome Breakfast and attend the OB Division Awards and Celebration (Monday at 6:30pm). In Distinguished Scholar Award this annual event, we will celebrate the accomplishments of our award Monday, August 8, 8:30 am - 10:20 am Hawai`i Convention Center, Room 301A

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Academy Program Highlights

Public & Nonprofit: This year, the Public and Nonprofit Division the Sheraton Waikiki hotel, with the visual presentations in the Hawai`i presents 69 papers and seven symposia. The symposia, four of which are Convention Center and the All Academy symposia, Showcase symposia, sponsored jointly with another division, include one All Academy some joint symposia, and interactive sessions in various locations as set Symposium on “Beyond Sarbane-Oxley: Transparency and by the Academy. We encourage all members of the SIM Division to take Accountability in the Business, Government and Nonprofit Sectors” with particular note, in a rich program of offerings, of the following impor- four outstanding panelists: Brian Gallagher, President and CEO of the tant division-wide events planned for the Honolulu conference. United Way of America; Jonathan Breul, Associate Partner, IBM Center Saturday 5 pm onward: SIM Keynote Address with the Society for for the Business of Government (formerly Senior Advisor to the Deputy Business Ethics (SBE), with reception, to be held off-site at the Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget Renaissance Ilikai Waikiki Hotel in conjunction with the meeting of (OMB); Robert Doktor, Professor of Management and Industrial SBE. Current plans are to have the reception 5 - 6 pm at the Relations at the University of Hawai`i; and Randall Roth, Professor of Renaissance, with the keynote address following at 6 pm. Since the Law at the University of Hawai`i. We will also have one Showcase program is off-site, please check the final program and any change Symposium on “Institutional Perspectives on Accountability” featuring announcements carefully. Walter W. Powell and Gili Drori of Stanford University and David Sunday 9 am - 12 pm: Learn From The Experts About Publishing Reingold of Indiana University. Both of these symposia are sponsored Social Issues Research In Top General Management Journals & jointly with SIM. Other symposia focus on volunteer management, Research Roundtables. Learn From The Experts will feature a large set privatization, boards of directors/trustees, quality performance, and of SIM experts who in various ways will address publishing social issues managerial/leadership qualities. research in top journals. This traditional and popular feature of the Our seven regular paper sessions include several that focus on how SIM program is especially important for doctoral students and junior public and nonprofit organizations relate to their external environ- faculty, and all members of the SIM division and friends and colleagues ment: Interorganizational relationships: Networking, contracting and of the division are warmly invited to attend to hear about the latest procurement, Politics and goal ambiguity in public and nonprofit research and publishing information. As soon as Learn From The organizations, Nonprofit organizations and their environments: Experts component is finished, the group will break into the annually Strategies and choices, and Innovation, reform and resistance to featured research roundtables to discuss specific areas of interest. change in public and nonprofit organizations. We also have two Monday 8 am - 10: 20 am: SIM Welcome Session and Award sessions that focus more explicitly on internal organizational dynamics: Nominees Paper Session - the SIM division officers will welcome new “Employee preferences and concerns in public and other sector organi- and existing members of the division. The welcome session will be zations” and “The role of values and organizational image in public followed immediately in the same room by a special session of papers sector organizations” and one that focus on conceptual issues: nominated by the SIM Division for the Newman Award and the Dexter “Applying economic models to nonprofit organizations.” Finally, we Award, joined by the highest ranked paper submitted by a student. If at have 18 interactive presentations and we are exploring the use of all possible, please plan to attend and encourage these young scholars “roving discussants” for the two sessions into which we have organized whose outstanding work has been commended in some instances to the 20 visual presentations. Academy for consideration. Social Issues in Management: This year, SIM is hosting 13 Monday 4:10 pm - 5:20 pm: Visual Presentations (Hawai`i paper sessions (with 52 papers), 6 interactive sessions (with 26 papers), Convention Center) - The SIM Division has grouped its visual presenta- 2 co-located sessions of visual presentations (totaling 20 papers), 6 All tions into two large visual villages of 10 papers each, titled “SIM Visual Academy symposia, 4 Showcase symposia, 9 joint division symposia, Village - New Visions”. Both sessions have been scheduled Monday from and 5 SIM symposia - and a very active program of outstanding profes- 4:10 pm to 5:20 pm in Exhibit Hall III of the Convention Center with sional development workshops (PDW). The SIM Division is proud of all all 20 papers in close proximity for easy access by SIM attendees. The the papers, symposia, and workshops we are sponsoring, and all SIM scheduled program has been cleared of any other sessions. Please Academy members are cordially invited to partake of as much of the SIM program as possible. The SIM scheduled program will take place in

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Academy Program Highlights plan if at all possible to go to the Convention Center and visit with our There will be five paper sessions and a symposium on Wednesday colleagues doing visual presentations. Your interest and support will be morning between 8:30 am and noon. much appreciated by the presenters. For all of the above sessions, please recheck the program for day- Monday 5:30 pm - 7 pm: Please plan to attend the SIM Business time and location of all events and sessions. Meeting, held in the Sheraton Waikiki. The business meeting will begin at 5:30 pm so that SIM members have the opportunity to attend the visual village earlier on Monday afternoon. The business meeting will be followed by the social hour, being planned in conjunction with the Public and Nonprofit (PNP) Division.

Pencil Drawing of American-Chinese Daughters Teri C. Tompkins, Pepperdine U.

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Special Thanks

AOM Headquarters Director of Placement PDW Chairs Others Nancy Urbanowicz Scott Douglas Russell Coff University of Maryland-Robert H. Elena Bunin Mary Mallon Smith School of Business Director of Exhibitor Ruth Chan Susan Brodt University of Washington Relations Business School Heather Crowe George Solomon Bill Cooke University of Hawai`i Isabel Dichiara Connie Marie Gaglio Proceedings Editor Howard Frank (Dean, Robert H. Taryn Fiore K. Mark Weaver Lynn Bowes-Sperry Smith School of Business, U. of Jel Hampson Timothy J. Hoff Maryland) Bret Hilton Director of Sponsorship John R. Hollenbeck James Jiambalvo (Dean, U. of Karen S. Whelan-Berry Jimmy Le Timothy Devinney Washington Business School) Terese M. Loncar Director of Membership Susan Adams Vance Roley (Dean, College of Business, U. Hawai`i at Manoa) Alina Matei Regina Greenwood Laurie Milton Nicola Allfree Matt Suppa Program Chairs Karl Moore Wendy Clark Lise Yager Anita McGahan Margaret Benefiel Mary Uhl-Bien Susan Zaid Cherlyn S. Granrose Mary Waller Michele Gelfand Hale Kaynak All Academy Chair James P. Guthrie Rosemary Batt Kimberly Elsbach Shaker Zahra Michael Manning Interactive Papers Chair Myrtle P. Bell Fran Yammarino Greg Young Jane Banaszak-Holl Ulrike Schultze Caucuses Chair Joseph Martocchio Alfie Marcus Walter Ferrier Ravi Ramamurti Dean Eitel Visual Village Chair James Hunt Mark Gavin Hun Lee J. Ben Arbaugh Tom Donaldson Local Arrangements Julia Teahen Lori Rosenkopf Committee Robert Giacalone Ping-kwong Yeung Mary Mallott (co-chair) Michael G. Pratt Steven S. Lui Jerry Calton (co-chair) G. Keong Leong Carolina Gomez Dharm P S Bhawuk Gerald Davis Patricia G. Martínez Hank Hennessey Ram Tenkasi Claire Simmers Marcia Sakai Maureen Ambrose Liz Borredon Bill Sodeman Pamela J. Hinds Kenneth Gray Derrek Choy Kate Kearins Karen Moffitt Amanda Budde Kirsten A. Gronbjerg Douglas Johnson Kevin Lo Gordon W. Cheung David Turnipseed Vijayan Munusamy Duane Windsor Jill Kickul Michael Valdez Christopher L. Tucci Lisa Gundry Mahalo (Thank you)

11 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Meet the Meeting Planners

The Honolulu, Hawai`i The Local Arrangements Committee 2005 Organizing Committee Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair ...... Mary Mallott, Program Chair...... Ken G. Smith, U. of Maryland U. of Hawai`i, West O`ahu Program Chair-Elect...... Thomas W. Lee, U. of Washington Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair ...... Jerry Calton, Co-Program Coordinator ...... Qing Cao, U. of Maryland U. of Hawai`i, Hilo Co-Program Coordinator...... Jimmy Le, Academy of Management LAC Support ...... Dharm P S Bhawuk, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa PDW Coordinator...... Janet A. Thompson, U. of Washington LAC Support ...... Hank Hennessey, U. of Hawai`i, Hilo Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair ...... Mary Mallott, LAC Support...... Marcia Sakai, U. of Hawai`i, Hilo U. of Hawai`i, West O`ahu LAC Support ...... Bill Sodeman, Hawai`i Pacific U Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair...... Jerry Calton, LAC Support...... Derrek Choy, U. of Hawai`i, West O`ahu U. of Hawai`i, Hilo LAC Support...... Amanda Budde, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa All-Academy Symposia Chair...... James Guthrie, U. of Kansas LAC Support...... Kevin Lo, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Interactive Papers Chair...... Greg Young, North Carolina State U. LAC Support...... Vijayan Munusamy, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Caucuses Chair...... Walter Ferrier, U. of Kentucky LAC Support...... Michael Valdez, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Visual Village Chair ...... Hun Lee, George Mason U. Proceedings Editor ...... K. Mark Weaver, Rowan U. AOM Headquarters Staff Director of Sponsorship...... Karen Whelan-Berry, Alpha Staff Roster Title Utah Valley State College Elena Bunin...... Internet & Web Development Manager Director of Exhibitor Relations...... George Solomon, Ruth Chan...... Financial Assistant George Washington U. Heather Crowe ...... Financial Manager Director of Placement Services ...... Scott Douglas, Binghamton U. Isabel Dichiara ...... Registration, Member Services Specialist Director of Membership...... Regina Greenwood, Kettering U. Taryn Fiore...... Meeting Specialist International Theme Committee...... David Lamond, Jel Hampson...... Registrar, Member Services Assistant Sydney Graduate School of Management Bret Hilton...... Technical Specialist Past Program Chair...... Thomas Cummings, U. of Southern California Jimmy Le ...... Program Coordinator Past Program Coordinator ...... Yolanda Jones, U. of Southern California Terese M. Loncar...... Assistant Director Web Program Support...... Matthew Suppa, Academy of Management Alina Matei...... Database Developer/Programmer Web Program Support...... Bret Hilton, Academy of Management Matthew Suppa ...... Assistant Director, Meeting Operations...... Taryn Fiore, Academy of Management Information Systems and Communications Registration Manager...... Isabel Dichiara, Academy of Management Nancy Urbanowicz...... Executive Director Registrar...... Jel Hampson, Academy of Management Lise Yager ...... Administrative Assistant Susan Zaid ...... Communications Specialist

Section A 12 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

The Division & Interest Group Program Chairs and Professional Development Workshop Chairs

Program Chairs of the Professional HCM...... Timothy Hoff, SUNY, Albany Divisions and Interest Groups HR...... John R. Hollenbeck, Michigan State U. BPS ...... Anita McGahan, Boston U. IM...... Timothy Michael Devinney, UNSW, CAR...... Cherlyn S. Granrose, Berry College Australian Graduate School of Mgt CM...... Michele Joy Gelfand, U. Of Maryland MC...... Susan Adams, Bentley College CMS ...... Rosemary Batt, Cornell U. MED...... Laurie Milton, U. of Western Ontario ENT...... Shaker A. Zahra, Babson College MH...... Karl Moore, McGill U. GDO ...... Myrtle P. Bell, U. Of Texas, Arlington MSR ...... Margaret Benefiel, Milltown Institute HCM...... Jane Banaszak-Holl, U. Of Michigan MOC...... Mary Waller, Tulane U. HR...... Joseph J. Martocchio, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign OM ...... Hale Kaynak, U. of Texas, Pan American IM...... Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern U. OMT ...... Kimberly D. Elsbach, U. of California, Davis MC...... James M. Hunt, Babson College ODC ...... Michael R. Manning, New Mexico State U. MED...... John B. Arbaugh, U. Of Wisconsin, Oshkosh OB...... Francis J. Yammarino, SUNY, Binghamton MH ...... Julia Teahen, Baker College OCIS...... Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist U. MSR ...... Robert A. Giacalone, Temple U. ONE ...... Alfred Marcus, U. of Minnesota MOC...... Michael G. Pratt, U. of Illinois PNP...... Dean Eitel, DePaul U. OM...... G. Keong Leong, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas RM...... Mark Gavin, Oklahoma State U. OMT...... Gerald F Davis, U. of Michigan SIM...... Thomas J. Donaldson, Wharton School ODC...... Ram Tenkasi, Benedictine U. TIM...... Lori Rosenkopf, U. of Pennsylvania OB...... Maureen L. Ambrose, U. of Central Florida Additional PDW Chairs OCIS ...... Pamela Hinds, Stanford U. Asia Academy of ONE ...... Kathryn N. Kearins, Auckland U. of Technology Management...... Ping-Kwong Yeung, Open U. of Hong Kong PNP ...... Kirsten Gronbjerg, Indiana U. Steve S. Lui, City U. of Hong Kong RM ...... Gordon W. Cheung, Chinese U of Hong Kong Iberoamerican Academy SIM ...... Oliver Duane Windsor, Rice U. of Management...... Carolina Gomez, Florida International U. TIM ...... Christopher L. Tucci, Ecole Poly. Fédérale De Lausanne Patricia Martinez, U. of Texas, San Antonio International Theme Committee ...... Claire A. Simmers, St. Joseph’s U. PDW Chairs of the Professional Divisions and Interest Groups Practice Theme Committee .....C Douglas Johnson, Georgia Southern U. David Turnipseed, Indiana U. Purdue U. BPS...... Russell Coff, Emory U. Teaching Theme CAR ...... Mary Mallon, Massey U. Committee...... Jill Kickul, Simmons School of Management CM...... Susan E. Brodt, Queen's U. Lisa Gundry, Depaul U. CMS ...... Bill Michael Cooke, U. of Manchester Mentoring Committee...... Liz Borredon, EDHEC School of Management ENT ...... Connie Marie Gaglio, San Francisco State U. Kenneth Gray, Florida A&M U. GDO ...... Lynn Bowes-Sperry, Western New England College New Doctoral Student Consortium ...... Karen Moffitt, U. of Memphis

13 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Professional Development Workshops: August 5-7 August 5-10, 2005 • Honolulu, Hawaii Refereed Scholarly Program: August 7-10

IMPORTANT DATES JUNE 29, 2005 - Deadline to reserve your hotel room with the Housing Bureau JULY 15, 2005 - Deadline to register for the meeting in advance at the early registration rate JULY 22, 2005 - Deadline to cancel your registration for the Annual Meeting and Receive a Refund (See housing section for hotel cancellation policy)

DON’T MISS THIS YEAR’S MEETING IN HONOLULU, HAWAII! Submissions are in and this year’s theme, ANew Vision of Management in the 21st Century, promises to make this meeting a great mix of papers, presentations and participation. To make sure you are ready to join other members of the Academy of Management, remember to:


You can reserve your room, register for the meeting and book your travel plans on-line by visiting the Honolulu Meeting website at: Use your credit card for all on-line reservations and registration, and benefit from secure 24-hour access to make your plans at your convenience. Please read the following information for instructions on how to make all of your housing, registration and travel plans. RESERVE YOUR ROOM by using the on-line reservation system available at, by calling the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU or by completing the 2005 AOM ANNUAL MEETING HOUSING RESERVATION FORM (enclosed). The deadline to reserve your room at the conference rates is June 29, 2005. If you choose to complete the form, please mail or fax it to: MAIL: AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU P.O.BOX 825 108 Wilmot Road, Suite 400 Deerfield, IL 60015-0825 PHONE: 800-974-9833; 847-282-2529 FAX: 800-521-6017; 847-940-2386

REGISTER TO ATTEND by using the on-line registration system available at or by completing the enclosed EARLY REGISTRATION FORM. The deadline to register in advance at the early registration rate is July 15, 2005. Registration forms received without payment will not be processed. Please send your completed registration WITH YOUR PAYMENT to: MAIL: Academy of Management Attn: Registration P.O. Box 3020 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8020 FAX: 914-923-2615 Hours of operation: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST Monday - Friday

MAKE YOUR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS by contacting ATC, Association Travel Concepts, the official travel agency of the 2005 Annual Meeting in Honolulu. You can save as much as 15% off published airfares by purchasing your ticket at least 60 days prior to the meeting. ATC will also search for the lowest available fare on ANY airline flying into Honolulu! Contact ATC at: WEB: E-MAIL: [email protected] FAX: 858-362-3153 Hours of operation: 9:00 am - 7:30 pm EST Monday-Friday

Section A 14 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

65th Annual Meeting HOUSING INFORMATION of the AND INSTRUCTIONS Academy of Management DEADLINE: June 29, 2005 August 5-10, 2005 • Honolulu, Hawaii MEETING AND HOTEL Reservations must be made with the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU by June 29, 2005 to benefit from the INFORMATION reduced room rates. After June 29, 2005, you may continue Sessions will be held at the Hawaii Convention to make reservations on-line or by faxing completed forms to the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU until July 11, 2005, Center, Hilton Hawaiian Village and however, the reduced rates and hotel availability cannot be The Sheraton Waikiki. guaranteed. Placement Services will be held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village for the duration of the Visit to make your housing reservations on-line, 24 hours a day, conference. 7 days a week, or follow the instructions below and Please visit complete the 2005 AOM ANNUAL MEETING HOUSING to view RESERVATION FORM. the hotel map.

Hotel Names and Addresses Single/Double Garden View $199.00 Hilton Hawaiian Village & Spa Mountain View $199.00 2005 Kalia Road Partial Ocean View $231.00 Honolulu, HI 96815-1999 Ocean View $256.00 Ali’i Tower $299.00

Sheraton Waikiki Manor Wing $113.00 2255 Kalakaua Avenue City View $173.00 Honolulu, HI 96815-2579 Mountain View $183.00 SOLDOUTPartial Ocean View $198.00 Please visit for more housing options. Ocean Front View $208.00

Housing Form Instructions All reservations must be made with the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU to receive the special AOM meeting rates. Reserve your room ON-LINE at, or by calling toll free at 800-974-9833 or 847-282-2529. You may also complete the 2005 AOM ANNUAL MEETING HOUSING RESER- VATION FORM and mail or fax the form to the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU (Address and fax number provid- ed on the form).

DO NOT SUBMIT DUPLICATE FORMS! Doing so may result in duplicate charges and duplicate reservations! DO NOT send this form to the Academy of Management office. For best availability and immediate confirmation, make your reservations via the internet through the meeting website. Faxed or mailed housing requests will take longer to process.

Continued on the next page

All rates listed are in US Dollars. A valid credit card is required to guarantee your room reservation Current room tax in Waikiki is 11.41% and occupancy tax also applies.

15 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

65th Annual Meeting HOUSING INFORMATION of the AND INSTRUCTIONS Academy of Management Continued from previous page August 5-10, 2005 • Honolulu, Hawaii

RESERVATION PROCEDURES: All reservations are being coordinated by the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU. Arrangements for housing must be made through the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU and NOT with the hotel directly. All housing reservation forms must be received by June 29, 2005. A valid credit card with an expiration date of August 2005 or later is required to guarantee your reservation. Upon receipt of your reservation, your confirmed hotel will charge a deposit equal to one nights room and tax.

CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS: All changes and cancellations to hotel reservations must be made with the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU on or before July 11, 2005. Starting July 12, 2005 and prior to 72 hours before arrival date, changes and cancellations must be made with your assigned hotel. Any cancellations made within 72 hours of the arrival date will result in forfeiture of one nights room and tax. For best availability and immediate confirmation, make your hotel reservation via the internet or by phone. Faxed housing requests will take longer to process and choice hotels may not be available.

SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have any special needs, such as a wheelchair accessible room, please indicate this on your housing form.

STUDENT-ONLY HOUSING: Attention students! Please reserve your room at The Ohana Maile Sky Court, 2058 Kuhio Avenue. This is a STUDENT-ONLY HOTEL, you must be a current student member to reserve a room. Your AOM Membership ID is required to make a reservation. The Ohana Maile Sky Court is offering a special student rate of $89.00 per night forSOLDOUT a single room. Reserve your room early! These rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to take advantage of this wonderful offer. Go to visit make your reservations. for more housing options.

Section A 16 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

65th Annual Meeting 2005 ANNUAL MEETING of the HOUSING RESERVATION Academy of Management FORM August 5-10, 2005 • Honolulu, Hawaii

INSTRUCTIONS: The deadline date for new reservations is June 29, 2005. For best availability and Arrival Date Departure Date immediate confirmation, make your reservation via the internet or by phone. Last Name First Name MI INTERNET: Visit the meeting website at Company Street Address PHONE: Call the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU at 800-974-9833 or City State/Country Zip/Postal Code 847-282-2529. Daytime Phone Fax

FAX: Only fully completed forms will be E-mail (confirmation will be sent via e-mail if address is provided) accepted at the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU at 800-521-6017 or 847-940-2386. Use one form per person Non-smoking room requested Special needs and make copies as needed. INDICATE 1st and 2nd HOTEL CHOICE AND TYPE OF ACCOMMODATIONS MAIL: Only fully completed forms will be (See the AOM website for hotel information and map) accepted at the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU: Address:P.O. Box 825, 108 HOTEL CHOICES TYPE OF ACCOMMODATIONS (circle one) Wilmot Road, Suite 400, Deerfield, IL 60015-0825 * Bed type request is based on availability 1. 1 person/1 bed 2 people/1 bed PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR HOUSING 2 people/2 beds 3 people/2 beds CONFIRMATION IS NOT YOUR 2. MEETING REGISTRATION 4 people/2 beds One-bedroom suite CONFIRMATION. Two-bedroom suite CONFIRMATION: A Confirmation will be mailed, faxed or e- Student-Only Housing check here mailed to you from the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU once your reserva- AOM Membership ID required ______tion has been confirmed. You will not *Please note student housing is first-come, first-served and reserved for valid AOM students only. receive a confirmation from your hotel. If If both requested hotels are unavailable, please process reservation according to: you do not receive a confirmation within two weeks, please call the Housing (check one) Bureau. 1. ROOM RATE LOCATION 2. ROOM RATES/TAXES: To take advantage of the special Meeting NAME(S) OF ALL ROOM OCCUPANTS 3. rates, please book your reservation by June 29, 2005. After that date the Hawaii 4. room blocks will be released and rooms Please note that additional charges may apply to a third or fourth person occupying the room. may only be available at higher rates. All rates are per room and are subject to RESERVATIONS/DEPOSITS: 11.41% tax. All reservations are being coordinated by the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU. Special requests cannot be guaranteed, Arrangements for housing must be made through the AOM HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU and however, hotels will do their best to honor NOT with the hotel directly. All housing reservation forms must be received by June 29, 2005. all requests. Hotels will assign specific A valid credit card with an expiration date of August 2005 or later is required to make a room types upon check-in, based on reservation. Upon receipt of your reservation, your confirmed hotel will charge a deposit equal availability. to one nights room and tax. CHANGES/CANCELLATIONS: All changes and cancellations in hotel reservations must be made with the AOM Credit Card HAWAII HOUSING BUREAU on or before July 11, 2005. Starting July 12, 2005 and AMERICAN EXPRESS DISCOVER MASTERCARD VISA prior to 72 hours before arrival date, changes and cancellations must be made with your assigned hotel. Any cancella- tions made within 72 hours of the arrival date will result in forfeiture of one nights Account Number room and tax. For best availability and immediate confirmation, make your hotel Expiration Date reservation via the internet or by phone. Faxed housing requests will take longer to process and choice Hotels may not be Card Holder Name (print) available. Card Holder’s Signature Please read all hotel information prior to completing and submitting this form to the Housing Bureau. Keep a copy of this form. Use one form per room required. Make additional copies if needed.

17 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

65th Annual Meeting REGISTRATION of the Academy of Management INFORMATION AND August 5-10, 2005 • Honolulu, Hawaii INSTRUCTIONS DEADLINE: July 15, 2005

To register on-line visit and use your credit card on our secure site. Via mail: Return the completed Early Registration Form by the deadline date to the address shown on the form. Via fax: Return the completed Early Registration Form by the deadline to: 914-923-2615

Early registration fees only apply to those registrations postmarked by July 15, 2005. Registrations postmarked after July 15, 2005 will not be accepted and you must register on-site and pay the higher fee.


Member: Academic and Executive $150.00 USD $210.00 USD Non-Member: Academic and Executive $265.00 USD $325.00 USD Member: Student and Emeritus $55.00 USD $77.00 USD Non-Member: Student $113.00 USD $135.00 USD The Non-Member Registration fee includes one year membership and two com- plimentary divisions/interest groups. PLEASE select your two groups from the list below and include them in the appropriate section of the Early Registration Form.

DIVISIONS Management History (MH) Public & Nonprofit (PNP) Business Policy & Strategy (BPS) Management Consulting (MC) Research Methods (RM) Careers (CAR) Managerial & Organizational Cognition (MOC) Social Issues in Management (SIM) Conflict Management (CM) Operations Management (OM) Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) Entrepreneurship (ENT) Organization & Management Theory (OMT) Gender & Diversity in Organizations (GDO) Organization, Development & Change (ODC) INTEREST GROUPS Critical Management Studies (CMS) Health Care Management (HCM) Organizational Behavior (OB) Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) Human Resources (HR) Organizational Communications & Information Organizations & The Natural Environment (ONE) International Management (IM) Systems (OCIS) Management Education & Development (MED)

PAYMENT METHODS AND INFORMATION: The Academy of Management accepts payment in the forms of checks in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks and the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard and American Express. We DO NOT accept purchase orders of any kind. Forms sent without complete payment will not be processed. No wire transfers are accepted. As an added measure of security we require that you provide your credit card verification number when filling out your registration form. It is an additional safeguard that helps us validate your pay- ment and protects against fraud. This number will not be stored in our records. Registrations received without a credit card verifi- cation number will not be processed. To find your credit card verification number on your MasterCard or Visa please look at the back of your credit card. You will see that your full credit card number is printed in the signature box and at the end of that num- ber you will find your three-digit verification number. For American Express cardholders please locate your verification number on the front of your credit card at either the right or left side above your credit card number. For further information go to ATTENDANCE AND RESTRICTED ACCESS: Registration for the Annual Meeting is required for attendance at any event listed in the Official Program (Friday noon through Wednesday afternoon). Those attending Friday events may pick up their badges on Saturday when on-site registration opens. Please refer to the Program for the specific operating hours of the Registration Area. Registrants must wear their name badge at all times since access to the meeting is restricted to paid meeting registrants. CANCELLATIONS: • To receive a refund of your registration fees, you must request it in writing and postmark or fax it to the AOM by July 22, 2005. • No refunds will be issued after July 22, 2005. • Please refer to the Housing Information and Instructions page for specifics on hotel cancellation policies. GUEST ATTENDANCE: Guests who are not Academy Members are allowed access to the Exhibits floor and are provided with a complimentary name badge. Please provide the name of your guest in the space provided on the Early Registration Form. THE MEETING PROGRAM: PLEASE BRING YOUR COPY OF THE PROGRAM WITH YOU TO THE MEETING — it is the only copy you will receive. Non- Members who register early are mailed a copy of the Program within 2-3 weeks, however, we must suspend the mailing of Programs to Non-Members after July 1, 2005 due to possible non-receipt. A limited number of Programs are available on-site at the Registration Desks for late registering Non-Members and for people who register on-site. THE PRESIDENTIAL LUNCHEON: TICKET FEE

The Academy of Management's Annual Presidential Luncheon will take place on Tuesday, August 9th at 12:00 noon. The Luncheon will be held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village's Mid-Pacific Conference Center in the Coral Ballroom on the sixth floor. All Presidential Luncheon Tickets must be purchased to attend. The ticket fee is a subsidized cost of $15.00 USD per person. (ticket valued at $35.00 USD per person). Purchased Presidential Luncheon Tickets guarantee a reserved seat. There will be no Luncheon ticket refunds after July 22, 2005.

Section A 18 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Important Change To The 2005 Annual Meeting Presidential Luncheon

Luncheon Tickets Must Now Be The current process, which was put in place to control no-shows and Purchased By All Attendees. Coupons Are wasted meals when the meeting was much smaller, is clearly broken No Longer Included With Registration. and exacerbated by the fact that the meeting attendance is growing, more coupons are being distributed, yet the relative size of the rooms Anyone having attended the annual meeting has no doubt experienced available for the luncheon at any given hotel remain about the same. the problematic process we have for distributing tickets to the Presidential Luncheon. The process, which is more than a decade old, In an effort to provide Presidential Luncheon attendees with a has been to give all Academic, Executive, and Emeritus registrants a quality event and to resolve the problems associated with the current coupon to the lunch which must be exchanged for an actual ticket. The coupon exchange process, starting in Hawai`i in 2005, annual meeting problems with this process are multiple: registrants wishing to attend the Presidential Luncheon must purchase a ticket at a cost of $15 USD per person. This is a subsidized ticket. The First, everyone paying the full registration fee gets a coupon, yet if direct cost to the Academy for the meal typically ranges from $35-$40 all coupons were exchanged, luncheon attendance would exceed USD per person. Tickets will be sold up to room capacity on a first capacity of the room. come, first served basis. A limited number of tickets will be made avail- Second, some registrants exchange the coupon for a ticket. Of that able on site if any remain after pre-registration closes. This new proce- group, some come to the lunch and some do not, leaving Local dure will guarantee seats to all attendees who have purchased tickets Arrangements Chairs and staff to guess the actual attendance number and make for a more enjoyable, less-stressful event. so as not to waste meals. Please purchase your Presidential Luncheon tickets when you pre- Third, others who forget to exchange the coupon often want to come register online at Early registration ends July to the lunch after the meal guarantee has been given to the hotel. 15, 2005. These people must wait in line to see if open seats are available. This is generally an unpleasant experience. Lastly, giving all registrants a coupon when all registrants cannot be accommodated at the lunch sends the wrong message, which is that the luncheon is an entitlement included in the registration fee. The truth is that the luncheon has always been subsidized by meeting revenue having nothing to do with the registration fee.

19 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

65th Annual Meeting of the EARLY REGISTRATION Academy of Management FORM August 5-10, 2005 • Honolulu, Hawaii DEADLINE: July 15, 2005 ATTENTION AOM ANNUAL MEETING ATTENDEES! If you wish to attend the Tuesday Presidential Luncheon, you must purchase a ticket to attend. COUPONS ARE NO LONGER INCLUDED WITH YOUR REGISTRATION FEE. - The ticket fee is a subsidized cost of $15.00 USD per person (the actual ticket value is $35.00 USD). - Luncheon Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is limited. - There will be no Luncheon Ticket refunds after July 22, 2005. Mail completed form to: Academy of Management, Attn: Registration, P.O. Box 3020, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8020 Fax completed form to: 914-923-2615 OR Register On-line using your credit card CONTACT INFORMATION (required) UPDATE CONTACT INFORMATION Name (First/Last): Member ID # (Optional): Address: Home Office City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Phone: Fax: Email: NAME BADGE INFORMATION (required) (Name as you would like it to appear on badge) Name Badge: Affiliation: Guest Name for Courtesy Badge: (Please provide first and last names)

MEMBER REGISTRATION FEES Academic/Executive ...... $150.00 USD Student ...... $55.00 USD Emeritus ...... $55.00 USD

NON-MEMBER REGISTRATION FEES includes 1 year of membership & 2 divisions/interest groups Academic ...... $265.00 USD Executive ...... $265.00 USD Student ...... $113.00 USD

Place your division and/or interest group selections below. Please refer to the Registration Information page for a complete listing. SELECTION ONE: SELECTION TWO:

PRESIDENTIAL LUNCHEON TICKETS Presidential Luncheon Ticket: (Must be purchased to attend) ...... Quantity ( ) x $15.00 USD ea. T -SHIRTS AOM 2005 T-Shirt: (See website for t-shirt design) ...... Quantity ( ) x $15.00 USD ea.

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (Full payment must accompany form) $ PAYMENT BY CHECK • Make Check Payable to: Academy of Management • Payment must accompany form • Payable and drawn only in US funds on US banks. • Incorrect checks will be returned • Please sign your check • No purchase orders or wire transfers PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD We accept MasterCard, Visa or American Express


Cardholder: Card #: Exp. Date: (Print name exactly as it appears on card) * As an added security measure, please include your credit card verification number. C.C. Verification # For Visa or MasterCard cardholders: last 3 digits found on the back of the card in the signature panel For American Express cardholders: additional 4 digits printed on the front of the card. REQUIRED I hereby authorize the Academy of Management to charge my credit card for the above amount:


Today’s Date: Check#/CC: Amount Paid:

Section A 20 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

65th Annual Meeting TRAVEL INFORMATION of the Academy of Management August 5-10, 2005 • Honolulu, Hawaii

ASSOCIATION TRAVEL CONCEPTS ASSOCIATION TRAVEL CONCEPTS (ATC) has been 1-800-458-9383 selected as the official travel agency for the Academy of email: [email protected] Management Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii August 5-10, Fax: (858) 362-3153 2005. As the official agency, ATC has negotiated discounted airfares with Continental and United Airlines and car rental ATC provides personalized service, advance seat assignments, special rates from Enterprise and Avis Rental Car. When you contact meal requests on airline flights, frequent flier programs, electronic ATC to purchase tickets more than 60 days prior to the meet- ticketing, E-mail access for convenient booking of your ticket, and region ing you will save 10% to 15% off the lowest available fares on to region flat rates. ATC can also offer Web only fares, low fares found Continental and United Airlines tickets. For tickets purchased only on the web using the Academy of Management Travel Center on- less than 60 days prior, the discounts will be 5% to 10% off the line booking engine. Go to and lowest available fares. Some restrictions may apply. Service follow the meeting and travel links. Consolidator and net fares reduce the fees apply. ATC will also search for the lowest available fare on cost of high priced tickets without a Saturday night stay. ANY airline serving Honolulu. Travel discounts are good August 3-14, 2005

You may also call your own agency or the vendors directly and refer to the following I.D. numbers listed:

United ID#510CK 800-521-4041 Enterprise ID#32H7476 800-593-0505 Continental VXBVVF 800-468-7022 Avis ID#J952801 800-331-1600

Honolulu International Airport

Honolulu International Airport is the major aviation gateway for the State of Hawaii and is the primary hub for domestic, international and inter-island flights.

Transportation from Honolulu International Airport:

THE WAIKIKI SHUTTLE EXPRESS Provides transportation from the airport to any hotel in Waikiki. The Waikiki Shuttle Express is operated by Roberts Hawaii. Service is provided from 6:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. every 25-30 minutes. After 10:00 A.M. every 20-25 minutes. Fees: Adults (one-way), $8.00 Adults (round-trip), $14.00 Children (3 years old and under), Free

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION "TheBus":Customer Service, (808) 848-4500 Route Information, (808) 848-5555 City Buses arrive approximately every 30 minutes depending on route number. Fees: Child on adult's lap (max age 6), FREE Children & Students (up to high school), $1.00 Adults, $2.00 Senior Citizen (with Reduced Fare card or valid Medicare card), $1.00 Visitor Pass (Four consecutive day pass. Unlimited use.) $20.00

TAXI CABS AMPCO Express (808) 861-8294 AMPCO Express is the managing contractor of the Airport's Open Taxi System at Honolulu International Airport. Taxi Service is available on the center median fronting the terminal baggage claim areas. See the taxi dispatchers (white shirts & blue vests with a yellow stripe, and the word “TAXI” in black & white lettering on the front) for service. The fare from the airport to Waikiki during non-rush hour periods is approxi- mately $25.00-$28.00.

21 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

“E` komo mai” (Welcome) Aloha kakou AOM Honolulu 2005 On behalf of the Local Arrangements Committee, we would like to Waikiki is relatively flat, but we are committed to assisting people welcome you to the 2005 Honolulu meeting. Aloha to all members, fami- with disabilities. For those with special needs, please contact us at lies, and friends that will be visiting. Honolulu is on the island of O`ahu, [email protected]. As in past years, we will work to accommodate the most populous island of the eight major Hawaiian islands. The those members who require added assistance, such as electric scooters. convention hotels are in Waikiki, along the beautiful white sand beaches. Overheads, Copies and other business services: We would like to provide you with a little information on Hawai`i – Please plan to bring you acetate transparencies with you to Hawai`i! to give you a sense of place. O`ahu is the island known as The Regular AOM attendees know that overheads are the standard for Gathering Place, and we gather for the Academy of Management meeting rooms. Please do not assume that there will be computer annual meeting. projectors in the meeting rooms. Bring your transparencies! The AOM Hawai`i is known as the Aloha state or the 50th state. The only state meetings have been known to wipe out all of the overhead acetate that is not a part of the North American continent, it is the southern- transparencies in a city – 40,000 in just 2 days. Since we live on an most of the 50 states. There are 8 major islands – Kaua`i, Ni`ihau, island, once those transparencies are gone, new supplies will not arrive O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Kaho`olawe, and Hawai`i, also known until the next cargo ship. Be on the safe side and plan ahead! Both of as the Big Island. But actually there are 124 other islands in what is the conference hotels have business centers for copies or other services, called the Hawaiian archipelago. The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, and other copy businesses are just a bus or taxi ride from Waikiki. other than Midway, are administratively part of Hawai`i. Transportation: Hawai`i was admitted to the Union of states in 1959. Despite its From Honolulu International Airport: Rental cars, taxis, and the airport newness as a state, Hawai`i has a long and rich history. shuttle are all available for travel to Waikiki hotels. The Airport Waikiki First settled by Polynesians sailing from other Pacific islands Express shuttle operates 24 hours a day and is $8 one-way or $14 round between A.D. 300 and 600, Hawai`i was visited in 1778 by British trip. If you take the shuttle to Hilton Hawaiian Village, it will drop you captain James Cook, who called the group the Sandwich Islands, after at the edge of the complex, at the shuttle entrance. Taxi Service is avail- the Earl of Sandwich. Hawai`i was a native kingdom throughout most able on the center median, outside the baggage claim areas, and is of the 19th century, with five kings, Kamehameha the I through the V, managed by a taxi dispatcher. Taxis should cost from $25-$28 dollars and final rule of Queen Lili`uokalani. In 1893, Queen Lili`uokalani was during non-rush hour periods. Traffic can be very heavy during deposed, and a year later the Republic of Hawai`i was established with morning and evening rush hours. You can make rental car reservations Sanford B. Dole as president. Following annexation (1898), Hawai`i with ATC the official AOM travel agency for Hawai`i 2005 on-line at became a U.S. territory in 1900. Be sure to check the Honolulu Hawaiians place a high value on the land. The word for land in airport website for additional information: Hawai`i is `Aina. When the state motto is translated from Hawaiian to English, it states the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. Around the Island and in Waikiki: Walking in Waikiki is safe and The following information will provide some information for plan- pleasant. If you want to see other parts of O`ahu, you might consider ning your visit for the Academy of Management. renting a car. The Honolulu city busses, called TheBus, are also a convenient way to get around. City bus schedules should be available Meeting Locations and from hotel information and concierge desks. There is regular service to Access for people with disabilities: Ala Moana shopping center, to Haunama Bay, into Honolulu’s down- The two major conference hotels are the Hilton Hawaiian Village and town, and around the island. Ala Moana shopping center and Hilo the Sheraton Waikiki, two oceanfront properties. The two hotels are a Hatties (a local apparel outlet) have open air shopping trolleys from 10-15 minute walk from each other. Meetings will also be held in the various Waikiki stops to take you to their stores. Hawai`i Convention Center, which is a 10-15 minute walk from the Hilton and a 25 to 30 minute walk from the Sheraton. Shuttle busses will run during the meetings. The quickest route between the Hilton and Sheraton is along the beach.

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Pre-Arrival Agriculture forms Sun and Ocean safety What are those Department of Agriculture forms for? Hawai`i is Please apply sunscreen (SPF 15 or stronger), carry bottled water on concerned with invasive species ruining the unique ecology of our your strolls, and pay attention to beach signs. All beaches in Hawai`i are islands. All airline passengers will be asked to fill out an Agricultural public beaches, but be sure to frequent beaches with lifeguards. While Declaration Form on their flights into Hawai`i. Passengers arriving in unlikely in August, especially on leeward shores, a high surf creates a Hawai`i must declare animals and plants, and some animals are dangerous rip tide that can pull the unwary out to sea. Box jellyfish are forbidden (like snakes). Be on the safe side – eat that last orange or common in all waters and regularly swarm Hawai`i’s south and west apple on the plane before your plane touches down and leave Fido at shores 8-10 days after the full moon. This should not be a problem home with a pet sitter. during the meeting. If you are hiking a trail, take water and be sure to When you depart, if you want to take pineapples with you, be sure to have a cell phone. Hikers sometimes get lost or misjudge the terrain. buy them at a store that will transport them to the airport for agricul- We do not have long, late summer nights, like in more northern lati- tural inspection and then just pick them up there. You will also have an tudes, so sunset comes quickly over the ocean. Sunrise will be around 6 agricultural inspection of your luggage as you depart Hawai`i. Most a.m. and sunset around 7 p.m. during the time of the meetings. If you convenient is buying pre-inspected fruit or flowers at an airport shop, want to snorkel, be sure to have a buddy. If you plan to scuba, make after you have cleared security. sure you allow enough time afterwards before flying (12-24 hours – ask your physician). T-Shirts 2005 Academy of Management Annual Meeting T-Shirts are available Food for purchase while registering for the We take food very seriously in Hawai`i. Enjoy Pacific Rim Cuisine with meeting. To view the t-shirt design, all of its fresh ocean fish and local produce. There are many price levels please visit of restaurants with many great restaurants within walking distance of your hotel. Prize-winning chefs abound in Hawai`i and you may have The cost is $15.00 and the 2005 t-shirt seen some of them on the Food Network, i.e. Roy Yamaguchi, Sam sales will benefit tsunami relief. Shirts Choy, Chef Mavro, Alan Wong, etc. Waikiki has casual to continental will be available for pick up at the regis- dining, with Japanese, Hawai`i Regional, French, Thai, American, tration area when the meeting starts. Lu`au, Euro-Asian fusion, Seafood, and Chinese restaurants. Or if you want a Hawaiian experience, plan a lu`au night (most lu`au are a Weather and Dress distance from Waikiki, so allow plenty of time). The dress code for Hawai`i is more casual than the usual AOM meeting. You will be in a resort setting, so pack your golf/polo shirts and light- Hawaiian Language weight clothing. Local businesses have adopted a dress style that may In Hawai`i there are 2 official languages, English and Hawaiian. seem more like casual Fridays in the office. Aloha shirts are everywhere Hawai`i is the only state that has an official native language. People – and the bright ones will mark you as a visitor. Consider sandals or who know the Hawaiian language can write checks in Hawaiian, and slip-on shoes because the easiest walk between the Hilton and Sheraton banks must accept them. Students at the University of Hawai`i have the is along the beach. There are no pantyhose police! Think about sand in option of receiving a diploma written in either language. your shoes or on your bare feet. The Hawaiian alphabet contains only 13 letters – 8 consonants and You may want a light sweater to slip on inside air-conditioned all 5 vowels. In Hawaiian, you can end up with a town name with 4 rooms, but the architecture of Hawai`i tends to blend the inside and the vowels like `Aiea (I-eh-ah), or one that has 3 A’s in a row, Ka`a`awa outside together. Open hallways, terraces, lanais, breezeways, and (kah ah ah-vah). beachside restaurants are part of the hotels. Temperatures in August Consonants (h, k, l, m, n, p, w,`) are generally pronounced much as should be in the mid-to-upper 80s (F°) or about 30° C. Generally, trade in English. Take note, however, of the final two consonants: w and the ` winds modify the humidity, keeping it comfortable. Honolulu is on the okina (`). leeward (dry) side of the island, so rain is unlikely.

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Visitors and residents alike are often confused about how to Waimea Valley Audubon Center, which is preserving native plant pronounce the Hawaiian “w.” Generally it is pronounced like the species. `Iolani Palace (the only royal palace in the U.S.), the Mission English “w,” but a soft “v” sound is commonly used in certain words Houses Museum, and the Bishop Museum will give you some sense of such as the island name “Kaho`olawe” (Kaho`olaVeh). Hawai`i’s history, Hawaiiana, and the territorial past. The Honolulu The final Hawaiian consonant, the ` okina ( `), indicates a glottal Academy of Arts has an excellent Asian art collection, including many stop which means your breath stops briefly as between the two parts of pieces contributed by James Michener. The Doris Duke house, Shangri the English term “oh-oh.” The okina is important. For example, lanai La, is administered by the Honolulu Academy of Arts, and tours leave is a porch or veranda; and Lana`i is the island off Maui. from the Academy (get your tickets in advance online). There is an aquarium and zoo at the end of Waikiki and a beautiful beach walk to One final element of Hawaiian spelling which is commonly seen in get there. Try snorkeling Haunama Bay or taking a surf lesson in Hawaiian words today is the kahako – which is a macron over a vowel Waikiki. Hike Diamond Head crater. And we cannot forget golf! There and indicates only that the vowel sound is held longer; it does not are more golf courses on O`ahu than any other island. change the quality of the sound, only the duration. You may link to the official state site for Two very useful words to know for restrooms are: kane = men and more information. You can check for classes at the hotels in lei wahine = women. making, hula, and Hawaiian culture. There is a 90-minute, free, Sightseeing guided walk of Waikiki to learn about everything from human sacri- There is plenty of information about tours and sights available in the fices to horse racing. Tours start at 9 a.m. daily except Sunday at the hotels and at concierge desks. Websites provide plenty of visitor infor- Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center in Waikiki. mation for those of you who plan ahead. If you are planning to visit Or just sit in the sun and watch the ocean. Relax and kick back, another island, start planning early. Inter-island flights have been very slow down, and enjoy! full for the past year. The two major inter-island airline carriers are Hawaiian and Aloha. Island Air is another option. The islands are Aloha, from your Local Arrangements team Co-Chairs: further from each other than many people realize – so, plan ahead and add on some extra days to your Hawaiian stay. For a pre- or post- Mary J. Mallott meeting vacation, consider booking a fly-drive-room option, since you University of Hawai`i-West O`ahu may save on the package deal. Also, consider an inter-island cruise; and while not inexpensive, you and your family can avoid hotel and airfare Jerry Calton charges while making day stops at several island destinations. University of Hawai`i-Hilo On O`ahu, visit sites like Pearl Harbor, the Missouri and Bowfin submarine, the Polynesian Cultural Center on the North shore, and

The Nuian Cleaner from New Visions of the Self at Work and at Home: A Photographic Exploration Henry Symonds, Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design; Ralph James Bathurst, Massey U., Albany; Janet Grace Sayers, Massey U.

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Pronunciation Guide

Vowels (a, e, i, o, u) are pronounced as follows: Word Pronunciation `Akaka...... ah-kah-kah •a sounds like [ah] as in above [ah buhv ]. Ala Wai ...... ah-lah wai •e sounds like [eh] as in bet [beht] Ali`i ...... ah-lee ee •i sounds like [ee] as in be [bee]. `Emalani...... eh-mah-lah-nee •o sounds like [oh] as in obey [oh bei ] Ewa ...... eh-vah `Iao...... ee-ow •u sounds like [oo] as in rule [rool]. Ilima...... ee-lee-mah Diphthongs: `Iolani ...... ee-oh-lah-nee • “ai” sounds like the “i” in ice. Helumoa...... heh-loo-moh-ah Hilo ...... hee-loh • “ae” sounds like “eye” with more of a gliding sound than ai Honolulu...... hoh-noh-loo-loo • “ao” sounds like “ow” in how, but without a nasal twang. Kaho`olawe...... kah-hoh oh-lah-veh • “au” sounds like the “ou” in house or out, Kahuku...... kah-hoo-koo but without a nasal twang. Kahuna ...... kah-hoo-nah • “ei” sounds like “ei” in chow mein or in eight. Kalakaua ...... kah-lah-kau-(w)ah Kalia...... kah-lee-ah • “eu” has no equivalent in English; Kamehameha ...... kah-meh-hah-meh-hah “eu” sounds like “eh-oo”, run together, as a single syllable. Kane`ohe...... kah-neh oh-heh • “iu” sounds like the “ew” in few. Kapi`olani...... kah-pee oh-lah-nee Kaua`i ...... kau-(w)ah ee • “oi” sounds like the “oi” in voice Kohala...... koh-hah-lah • “ou” sounds like the “ow” in bowl. Koko ...... koh-koh • “ui” is an unusual sound for English-speakers, sort of like the Lana`i...... lah-nah ee “ooey” in gooey, but pronounced as a single syllable. Likelike ...... lee-keh-lee-keh Mahealani...... mah-heh-ah-lah-nee Makai...... mah-kai Makiki...... mah-kee-kee Maui ...... mau-(w)ee Moloka`i ...... moh-loh-kah ee Ni`ihau...... nee ee-how The Meaning of a Lei O`ahu...... oh ah-hoo The giving of a lei is to convey a spirit of welcome, happiness, Palolo...... pah-loh-loh and hospitality – the spirit of aloha in its truest sense. Aloha Puna...... poo-nah is not just a word for hello and goodbye, it is to convey a Tapa ...... tah-pah sharing of divine spirit. The use of leis originated as a spiri- Ti (as in Ti Leaf)...... tee tual practice, and continues today as a way of marking Tiare...... tee-ah-reh (a Tahitian gardenia now found in Hawai`i) special events such as graduations, weddings, birthdays, new Waialua ...... wai-ah-loo-(w)ah babies, and retirements. A lei is a gift. Never refuse a lei, but Wai`anae ...... wai ah-neye you can always pass a lei on to another. Waikiki...... wai-kee-kee Waimea...... wai-meh-ah

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Honolulu Map





Directions Because we are on a relatively small island, people give direc- tions differently. North, south, east and west can change rapidly. You would have to know which side of the island you are on. We say: mauka = toward the mountains makai = toward the sea And on O`ahu, we say Diamond Head when we mean the eastern direction of the island, and Ewa when we mean the western direction.

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Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting Sponsors

On behalf of our university sponsors, welcome to systems. In addition, the Sauder School of Business has an extensive Aloha! Honolulu, and the Academy of Management 2005 Executive Education catalogue of courses and frequently designs Annual Meeting. Each year several universities act as sponsors for our specialized business programs for companies, both locally and interna- annual meeting by providing financial support at one of three levels: tionally. Gold - $5,000, Silver - $3,000, and Host - $1,500. Our sponsors this As the Sauder School of Business approaches its 50th year as a busi- year represent a number of U.S. states and three countries, the U.S., ness school, it continues to grow. Since 2001, 33 new faculty have been Canada, and Germany. recruited, its award-winning MBA program has been expanded, and a This year we have 12 sponsors whose institutions have combined to solid network of research centers have developed, including centres contribute $41,000. The Academy is very grateful to the sponsors for focused on financial research, family business, transportation, real their support of the 2005 meeting. Please thank faculty and other repre- estate and healthcare management. sentatives of these Schools during our meeting. I am grateful for our The Sauder School of Business represents the future of management sponsors, and for their support of the Academy of Management and our thinking. We create ideas and methods that change the way business is Annual Meeting. done, train tomorrow’s business leaders, and empower individuals and This year completes my term as Director of Sponsorship. I had a great organizations to realize their full potential. experience, and want to thank the universities and schools of business, Carnegie Mellon University their deans, faculty and staff, and the Academy officers, volunteers, and staff that I have worked with since 2000. Mahalo (thank you)! The only top 25 university founded in the 20th century, Carnegie Mellon has rapidly evolved into an internationally recognized institu- Best wishes for continued success to the new Director of Sponsorship, tion with a distinctive mix of world-class programs, ranging from Geralyn McClure Franklin, of The University of Texas of the Permian computer science, robotics and engineering to business, public policy, Basin. the fine arts and humanities. Students receive an education focused on Karen S. Whelan-Berry, Director of Sponsorship problem-solving, interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. Gold Sponsors The university is implementing a strategic plan leveraging its strengths to benefit society in the areas of biotechnology, information University of British Columbia and security technology, environmental sciences and practices, the fine The University of British Columbia is recognized as a leading research arts and humanities. Broadening undergraduate education, increasing institution, both within Canada and internationally. Located in diversity, and fostering the development of southwestern Pennsylvania Vancouver, close to one of Canada’s largest business centers, the Sauder are also priorities. School of Business plays an important role in the creation and applica- In management and social sciences, Carnegie Mellon leads in a tion of new business knowledge. It is very highly-regarded for its well number of research initiatives including innovation and collaborative published faculty, innovative research, and demanding business work, human-computer interaction, and its newest venture in social programs. enterprise and social entrepreneurship. Academy of Management The Sauder School of Business is recognized as Canada’s leading members engaged in these activities represent three Carnegie Mellon business research school, as measured by the number of research grants schools: the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, the Tepper awarded, and publications produced, by its 98 faculty. It also ranks School of Business, and the School of Computer Science. within the top 30 schools internationally for research publication, according to a review of leading business journals. European School of Management and Technology European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) was offi- The school boasts five business degree programs – Bachelor of cially founded in October 2002 on the initiative of 25 German blue chip Commerce, an award-winning MBA program, Master’s of Science in companies and associations. The corporate founding fathers’ goal was Business, Masters of Management, and PhD. These degrees build on the to endow Germany, at last, with a truly international business school – faculty’s strengths, with specializations in organizational behavior and a school with global reach and a European soul, located in the very human resources, operations and logistics, transportation, finance, heart of Europe, Berlin, the gateway between East and West. marketing, strategic management, and management information

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ESMT’s headquarters and main city campus are conveniently situated tional business communities, serving as board members, editors, in the historic part of Berlin, neighboring the State Department and speakers and administrators to top educational and business organiza- numerous famous museums. As a pioneering graduate school of busi- tions. ness, ESMT offers executive education (since 2003) and international Hawai`i Pacific University MBA degree programs (from January 2006) in English language. We are rapidly building up a highly international core faculty who has Hawai`i Pacific University is an international learning community set been exposed to the world’s leading business schools. In addition to the in the rich cultural context of Hawai`i. HPU is the largest private city campus, the School operates a technology campus in Munich and university in Hawai`i, with more than 8,000 students from every state a castle campus in Cologne. and more than 100 countries. The diversity of the student body stimu- lates learning about other cultures firsthand, both in and out of the Apart from developing leaders for the 21st century, ESMT seeks to classroom. Innovative undergraduate and graduate programs antici- develop new knowledge in its interdisciplinary Competence Centers. pate the changing needs of the community and prepare graduates to These address, inter alia, current management challenges in the areas live, work, and learn as active members of a global society. Hawai`i of leadership and governance, business in the enlarging Europe, Pacific University is accredited by the Western Association of Schools managing technology-based enterprise, and bridging the public/private and Colleges. sector interface. Forty percent of all students who graduate from Hawai`i Pacific ESMT is fully accredited by the German authorities as a private University major in a program housed within the College of Business university. While already fulfilling international standards, interna- Administration. Faculty have practical experience in addition to excel- tional accreditation such as AACSB and appearance in international lent academic credentials. The CBA offers the BSBA in Accounting, rankings will follow as soon as possible. For more information, visit our Corporate Communication, Business Economics, Entrepreneurial website at Studies, Finance, Human Resource Management, International University of Hawai`i at Manoa Business, Management, Marketing, Public Administration, and Travel Founded in 1949, the College of Business at the University of Hawai`i at Industry Management; and the BA in Economics and Justice Manoa is dedicated to providing quality international business educa- Administration. tion and is a pioneer among U.S. business schools in its focus on the The MBA at Hawai`i Pacific University is the largest MBA in Hawai`i. Asia-Pacific region. The College houses specialized resource centers Nearly half of all graduate students at HPU are in the MBA program. dedicated to providing programs, services and research related to Asia University of Maryland and the Pacific. Coupled with the University’s 300 Asian experts, an array of foreign language electives, approximately 1,000 Asia-Pacific The Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland is related courses and 40 centers and departments focused on the Asia- an internationally recognized leader in management education and Pacific region, the College is perfectly positioned to prepare global busi- research for the digital economy. A comprehensive business school, the ness leaders and educators with an international perspective. Smith School offers undergraduate, full-time and part-time MBA, Executive MBA, PhD, and executive education programs, as well as Long recognized for its Asia-Pacific focus, the College is continu- outreach services to the corporate community. ously ranked in the nation’s top 20 programs in international business by U.S. News and World Report. The College offers a wide selection of Like businesses, business schools in the new millennium must degree, certificate and high-impact executive programs in a unique transform their knowledge and research base, their curricula, and multicultural learning environment enhanced by collaborative modes of delivery. The Smith School is in the midst of this transforma- learning, research projects, national business competition, internships, tion, with a vision of becoming a model for business education and career services and study-abroad opportunities. All degrees offered by knowledge advancement for the 21st century. Smith School faculty the College are accredited by the AACSB International. members create new management knowledge and identify leading business practices for today’s networked world while Smith students The College is home to approximately 1,200 students, one-third learn how to apply information technology to create innovation and graduate students and two-thirds undergraduate students. The multi- drive business growth. The school’s leading-edge curriculum integrates ethnic makeup of Hawai`i students, a significant foreign student popu- the foundational business disciplines with cross-functional e-business lation and students from the U.S. mainland make for a culturally concentrations such as e-commerce, supply chain management, diverse environment in which to study. The College faculty is a diverse telecommunications, financial engineering, global business, and entre- group of internationally accomplished researchers, teachers and preneurship. consultants. They play an active role in local, national and interna-

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The Smith School’s Netcentricity Laboratory – developed in partner- master’s and doctoral programs in the sciences, education, psychology, ship with Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and other leading companies – economic development, the humanities, business, health services and provides Smith students with an unprecedented, hands-on learning the arts; and through its faculty’s innovative research achievements. environment to simulate the interdependent business operations of the Southern Miss’s academic initiatives are reinforced by its commitment networked enterprise and economy. Smith students also benefit from to knowledge-based service activities that enhance quality of life and hands-on learning through professional consulting programs, as well economic development. as the New Markets Growth Fund, a $20 million venture capital fund, Southern Miss is home to nationally recognized programs in marine which enables MBA students to gain valuable VC experience in a two- science, education, psychology, polymer science, international studies, semester class. arts, medical technology, hydrography, economic development and More information about the Robert H. Smith School of Business can others. be found at The College of Business is one of five degree-granting colleges at University of Maryland University College Southern Miss and is accredited by AACSB International – The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) is a visionary institu- Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. More than 75 tion, on the forefront of education for the 21st-century workforce. It is faculty members teach courses to approximately 2,000 graduate and an entrepreneurial and creative institution, committed to the explo- undergraduate students in 15 different majors in Hattiesburg and on ration of knowledge, the construction of partnerships, and innovative the Mississippi Gulf Coast. academic delivery. It is a large and diverse institution, serving 87,000 The College offers three graduate programs – the Master of Business students around the world. It is a substantive institution, committed to Administration, Master of Professional Accountancy, and the Master of lifelong learning and education of adults in the workforce. Business Administration/Master in Public Health dual degree. UMUC is experiencing and planning for significant growth. For the More information about Southern Miss is available on the univer- past five years we have experienced double-digit growth rates. UMUC sity’s Web site at For more information about specific has become the second largest university in Maryland. The Maryland business programs, call the dean’s office at (601) 266-4659 or go Higher Education Commission projects that UMUC’s enrollments will online to grow by 120% by 2010, when they will account for one-third of all Host Sponsors students enrolled in University System of Maryland institutions. UMUC’s Graduate School of Management and Technology prepares Benedictine University students for effective leadership and citizenship in a global environment Benedictine University in Lisle, Illinois dedicates itself to the education characterized by workforce diversity, increasing competition, and tech- of students from diverse ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. As an nological innovation. Programs are offered at the doctoral and master’s academic community committed to liberal arts and professional educa- levels and are designed to extend educational access to adult students in tion, distinguished and guided by its Roman Catholic tradition and a convenient format. Benedictine heritage, the University prepares its students for a lifetime Our rapid growth means we have expanding opportunities for inno- as active, informed and responsible citizens and leaders in the world vative academic leaders who value excellence in teaching and lifelong community. learning. UMUC faculty members bring professional work experience in U.S. News & World Report named Benedictine University among their field, as well as an impressive academic background to the class- the top schools in the Midwest Region and ranked the school seventh in room. We invite Academy of Management members to consider adjunct the Midwest for Campus Diversity in its 2005 Best Colleges issue. faculty positions with the University of Maryland University College. The Benedictine University Ph.D. in organization development (OD) University of Southern Mississippi prepares management professionals with state-of-the-art education in the field. Built on a more than 25-year history of successful graduate- The University of Southern Mississippi is a nationally accredited, public level OD education, this program is intended for those persons with university located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. With two campuses and extensive experience, who currently hold responsible positions either in five teaching and research sites across south Mississippi, Southern Miss the field of organization development, management or a closely allied is the state’s second largest university with more than 15,000 students. field such as human resource management. It is intended as a program As a Carnegie doctoral/research-extensive university, Southern Miss that makes a difference in both the scholarly and the practitioner serves constituents through its strong, varied undergraduate programs world. In the first few years of the program, Benedictine University undergirded by a sound, general education curriculum; through its

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Ph.D. students and faculty published and presented more than 300 arti- purpose of educating for the development of civic leadership and the cles, papers, presentations and seminars in OD academic and profes- promotion of human rights and social justice. Today, our multicultural sional journals and at associations, including conferences in Australia, student body, which ranks among the most diverse in the nation, lives India, Denmark, Mexico, Norway, Ireland, , Thailand and Italy. this mission by coming together to pursue an education that links The MS in Management and Organizational Behavior at learning and scholarship with leadership and service. Benedictine University is recognized both locally and nationally as a Chaminade’s School of Business develops graduates who invigorate leader in providing education toward managing the human side of their workplaces by integrating leading-edge business expertise with a organizations. Our full-time and adjunct faculty combines strong passion for social good. And the school provides an energetic and academic backgrounds with extensive practitioner experience to build a collaborative environment for faculty that encourages doing great work program that incorporates the values of human dignity and corporate that has impact, both in the classroom and in the business and civic social responsibility. We foster collaborative faculty/student relation- communities. Chaminade offers MBA programs with specializations in ships aimed at achieving a common goal: learning to create and not-for-profit management, public sector management, and sustain excellence in management. accounting, as well as undergraduate degrees in accounting, business administration, and marketing. Our graduates and faculty have been Brigham Young University – Hawai`i recognized both in Hawai`i and nationally for their professional accom- In 1955, the Church College of Hawai`i was founded by the Church of plishments and community contributions. Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in La`ie, Hawai`i, on O`ahu’s North Shore. Accreditation as a four-year, liberal arts institution With warmest Aloha, Chaminade University’s School of Business followed in 1961. The college became Brigham Young University - welcomes the Academy of Management to Honolulu. Hawai`i Campus (BYU–Hawai`i) in 1974 after developing into a Utah Valley State College comprehensive undergraduate college. Currently BYU–Hawai`i has four Nestled between the Wasatch front and Utah Lake in central Utah, Utah colleges and schools with 22 departments offering 39 majors. Valley State College (UVSC) is the key educational center to over 24,000 Teaching 2,400 students each year, the university is selective in its students. UVSC offers short-term training programs, training for high- admissions policies. Last year 17 percent of its applicants were admitted. tech careers, transfer degrees, and bachelor’s degrees. Our history as a About 45 percent of the students are international and come from 71 community college continues to foster a small school feeling to UVSC countries. Traditionally most of the international students came from the and we retain our commitment to small class sizes, while our student Pacific Islands. However, in recent years an increasing number of Asian body and advanced degree programs add the feeling of a thriving students are being enrolled. About 15 percent of the students are from university environment to the UVSC experience. This two-fold experi- Hawai`i with the remaining 40 percent coming from the U.S. mainland. ence sets us apart from other colleges; it is truly where education is on a The School of Business has over 500 students and offers three personal level. majors: accounting, hospitality and tourism management, and interna- At Utah Valley State College, our School of Business provides quality tional business management. Over half of the students are interna- undergraduate business education with a REAL applied focus for over tional. The School of Business has fourteen full-time faculty members. 4,000 associate and baccalaureate degree students. We pride ourselves Among universities that exclusively offer bachelor degrees, U.S. in being student oriented and having outstanding teachers who deliver News and World Report consistently ranks BYU–Hawai`i among the up-to-date curricula while incorporating global and ethical perspec- best in the western United States. Consumers Digest also ranks tives. When they leave UVSC, our graduates have an excellent baseline BYU–Hawai`i as the top value among all private universities in the U.S. education in business and effective communication skills, as well as a comprehensive understanding of advanced applications software. In Chaminade University addition to their commitment to excellent teaching, our 43 full-time Located on a hillside overlooking Diamondhead and the Pacific Ocean, faculty are also actively engaged in scholarship, and the School of Chaminade University is Hawai`i’s only Catholic institution of higher Business recently began editing and publishing the Journal of Business learning. Since 1955, students from Hawai`i, the Pacific Islands, the Inquiry: Research, Education, & Application. The School of Business is U.S. Mainland, and other parts of the world have come to Chaminade currently seeking AACSB accreditation, and aspires to be the premier to acquire the knowledge, skills, and moral convictions to work with undergraduate business school in the intermountain states recognized others and make a difference in their workplaces and communities. for its up-to-date curriculum, quality faculty, and graduates who Chaminade University is named for Father William Chaminade continue to learn and achieve in the world of business. (1761 – 1850), a French Catholic priest who lived and worked through the French Revolution and founded the Society of Mary with the

Section A 30 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

2005 Academy of Management Annual Meeting - Leadership University Sponsors The Academy of Management Annual Meeting works because of With a leading-edge curriculum that integrates the foundational faculty volunteers, who handle everything from details of meeting business disciplines with cross-functional e-business concentrations, the logistics to division, program, and PDW chair roles. We appreciate Smith School offers its degree, custom and certification programs in the energy and efforts of all our volunteers, and the support learning locations on three continents. The Smith School recently part- provided by their schools and universities. nered with the Graduate School of Business Administration (GSBA) In addition to our University Sponsors, we also want to recog- Zürich in Switzerland to deliver a unique global dual-degree Executive nize the schools and universities of our 2005 Academy of MBA program. The program enables executive students to gain in-depth Management Annual Meeting top leadership team. Thank you to global knowledge, perspective and skills working directly with busi- the schools and universities of our Academy of Management nesses in Europe, through GSBA; Asia, through Smith’s programs in President, Program Chair, PDW Chair, & LAC Co-chairs. We also China; and North America, through Smith’s main campus. want to acknowledge Pace University, where we have the Academy The Smith School also offers Executive MBA programs in Beijing offices. We are grateful for the support provided by their schools and and Shanghai, and delivers non-degree executive education programs universities, and appreciate the work of these key leaders, as well as across China. The school has a partnership with ChinaCast all our volunteers, in creating this year’s Annual Meeting. Communication Holdings Limited, a leading provider of e-learning solutions, to deliver education courses and programs beyond China’s Carnegie Mellon University largest cities via satellite. The only top 25 university founded in the 20th century, Carnegie Mellon has rapidly evolved into an internationally recognized institu- With its main campus located just outside Washington, D.C., the tion with a distinctive mix of world-class programs, ranging from Smith School provides students and faculty with access to a global busi- computer science, robotics and engineering to business, public policy, ness center and a technology hotbed in an area rich with social, profes- the fine arts and humanities. Students receive an education focused on sional development and employment opportunities. More information problem-solving, interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. about the Robert H. Smith School of Business can be found at The university is implementing a strategic plan leveraging its strengths to benefit society in the areas of biotechnology, information University of Washington and security technology, environmental sciences and practices, the fine Founded in 1917, the University of Washington Business School is the arts and humanities. Broadening undergraduate education, increasing second oldest institution of management education on the West Coast. diversity, and fostering the development of southwestern Pennsylvania About 2,500 students are enrolled in the School’s undergraduate and are also priorities. graduate programs each year, and over 1, 000 participate in our execu- In management and social sciences, Carnegie Mellon leads in a tive education seminars and lifelong learning programs for working number of research initiatives including innovation and collaborative professionals. U.S. News & World Reports ranks our MBA program work, human-computer interaction, and its newest venture in social 18th in the nation, and our Executive MBA program 21. The under- enterprise and social entrepreneurship. Academy of Management graduate program serves over 1,600 students every year and is ranked members engaged in these activities represent three Carnegie Mellon 16 by U.S. News & World Reports among public undergraduate schools: the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, the Tepper programs. UW Business School offers a rich array of graduate and exec- School of Business, and the School of Computer Science. utive programs: a full-time and evening MBA program, Executive MBA, Technology Management MBA, Global EMBA, and research-based University of Maryland Doctoral Program to train scholars who will contribute to the future The Robert H. Smith School of Business is an internationally recog- advancement of business education and practice. About five years ago, nized leader in management education and research for the digital we engaged the faculty, staff, alumni, and business partners in devel- economy. One of 13 colleges and schools at the University of Maryland, oping an exciting new mission and direction for the school – one that College Park, the Smith School offers undergraduate, full-time and will provide students with a superior learning experience and prepare part-time MBA, Executive MBA, PhD, and executive education them for success in a global, knowledge-based economy. As part of that programs, as well as outreach services to the corporate community. new mission and direction, UW Business School has launched a

31 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting campaign to build a $105 million new facility, and increase faculty schedules, and an interdisciplinary approach to academic disciplines. endowments and funds available for scholarships by about $60 million. To accommodate working students, many UHWO classes are conve- Our vision is to transform what has always been a very good business niently scheduled during evenings and weekends. UHWO has many school, with an exceptional reputation for scholarship, into one of the Neighbor Island students who take classes via the Hawai`i Interactive nation’s premier institutions for business education. Television System and online classes. The ethnic mix of students generally University of Hawai`i- Hilo mirrors the ethnic groups of the community -- Caucasian, Hawaiian/Part- The University of Hawai`i at Hilo is a vibrant multicultural campus that Hawaiian, Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Pacific Islander, and Mixed. provides opportunities for higher education on the “Big Island” of The University of Hawai`i-West O`ahu provides an environment Hawai`i to over 3,300 students, drawn from within the state, Asia, the where students and faculty can discover, examine, preserve, and Pacific Islands, the mainland US, Europe, and Latin America. UH-Hilo transmit knowledge, wisdom, and values that provide the foundation is a regional comprehensive university that offers baccalaureate and for the development of present and future generations of citizens and selected masters programs in a liberal arts setting. It is part of the state- results in the improvement of the quality of life for all. The West O`ahu supported, ten campus University of Hawai`i system, along with UH- campus has a small-town feel, but is quite close to Honolulu. Manoa, UH-West O`ahu, and seven community colleges. Within Pace University UH-Hilo are the following academic units: The College of Arts and The Academy of Management is grateful to Pace University for hosting Sciences, the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource its offices at its Briarcliff Manor campus in New York. Celebrating its Management, Ka Haka `Ula O Ke`elikolani College of Hawaiian centennial in 2006, Pace is a private university in the New York Language, and the College of Business & Economics. Metropolitan area with a growing national recognition for offering The College of Business & Economics, with 370 majors and 14 full time talented and ambitious students the learning experience that is faculty members, is one of the smallest business programs in the nation respectful of traditional academic values, entrepreneurial in spirit and recently to have achieved full AACSB accreditation. The College makes up responsive to the demands of today’s diverse learners for relevance, for its lack of size with the faculty’s commitment to fulfill its mission: “To convenience and flexibility. Pace University was founded as a School of assist individuals in acquiring the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed Accounting and it has been successfully building its reputation for excel- to be productive and responsible citizens in the global economy.” Its dedi- lence in business education over the last 100 years. Pace’s Lubin School cated cadre of nationally recognized scholars offer students a stimulating, of Business has a strong emphasis on the practical application of theory hands-on educational experience that focuses on the needs of smaller and offers its students innovative and dynamic programs, a world-class organizations, while utilizing the cultural and environmental diversity of faculty and a student-centered culture. Lubin’s multi-campus locations its island setting as a “living laboratory.” The College has ambitious in New York City and adjacent Westchester County offer unique access to growth goals in developing new programs that better serve the needs of its the New York business community. The Downtown New York City far-flung constituents – including strong consideration of a new MBA and campus is in the heart of Wall Street and the financial district and there an integrative focus on sustainable enterprise. is also a convenient Midtown campus. For a more suburban experience, University of Hawai`i – West O`ahu there are the Pleasantville and Briarcliff Manor campuses. The White Plains Graduate Center offers a full-scale facility for professionals in the The University of Hawai`i is a ten campus system of higher education Westchester Financial District. These diverse locations provide Lubin institutions serving the State of Hawai`i. The system includes baccalau- students with opportunities for jobs and internships at some of the reate degree granting institutions – the University of Hawai`i-West world’s leading companies. The practice-oriented academic focus and O`ahu, the University of Hawai`i at Hilo, and the University of Hawai`i proximity to leading businesses extends to the faculty, many of whom at Manoa, which is a Research I, multi-college university with graduate are experienced business professionals as well as respected scholars. programs located in rainbow-filled Manoa Valley. The system also Their commitment to excellence in teaching and the professional includes seven community colleges – four on O`ahu and one each on growth of students in conjunction with the School’s policy of small Maui, Kaua`i, and Hawai`i. classes provides a highly supportive learning environment for students. Overlooking historic Pearl Harbor, the University of Hawai`i-West The Lubin School has over 60,000 alumni, many of whom are among O`ahu is an upper-division baccalaureate campus emphasizing nontra- the most successful executives in Corporate America. ditional students in liberal arts, Hawaiian-Pacific studies, and business, public, and justice administration. Its mission is to meet the educa- tional needs of residents by offering quality teaching, flexible class

Section A 32 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

2005 Academy of Management Exhibitor Relations Committee George Solomon, Director of Exhibit Relations, George Washington University Erik Winslow, George Washington University Sergio D'Onofrio, George Washington University Ayman Tarabishy, George Washington University Tatyana Kuzina, George Washington University Geralyn Franklin, University of Texas at the Permian Basin

Company Booth Number (s) Company Booth Number (s) Company Booth Number (s) Atomic Dog Publishing...... 520 Ivey...... 421 Routledge Journals...... 519 Berrett-Koehler Pubs...... 408, 410 Kauffman Foundation ...... 222 Sage Pubs, Blackwell Pubs...... 500, 502, 504 Lawrence Erlbaum Assocs...... 513, 515 Bronze Sponsor...... 400, 402, 404 BusinessWeek...... 412 LearningBridge Inc...... 122 Shared Exhibit Booth...... 119 California Management Review...... 522 McGraw Hill /Irwin...... 308, 310 Simulearn Inc...... 216 Cambridge Univ. Press ...... 306 ME Sharpe...... 307 Society for Human Resource Mgt, Gold Sponsor ...... 401, 403 Darden...... 509, 511 Merlot...... 128 Springer...... 423 Davies Black Pubs...... 524 MIT ...... 224 Standard & Poor's...... 312, 314 ECCH Babson...... 407 Nanyang Bus School...... 327 Stanford Univ Press...... 425 Edward Elgar Pubs...... 508, 510 Oxford Univ Press...... 417, 419 Thompson Southwestern...... 501, 503, 505 Elsevier ...... 309, 311 Palgrave MacMillan...... 516 USASBE...... 220 Emerald...... 518 Paul Goodman...... 124 Verbi-Maxqda ...... 218 Exhibitor Relations...... 117 Pearson...... 512, 514 Wharton Research Data Svc ...... 415 Harper Collins Pubs ...... 506 Praeger/Greenwood Pubs Group ...... 507 Wiley...... 300, 302, 304 Harvard Business School Pubs .....409, 411, 413 Prentice Hall ...... 301, 303, 305 XanEdu...... 227, 326 Houghton Mifflin...... 313, 315 Princeton Univ Press...... 405 Human Relations...... 406 QSR...... 120 Interpretive Software Inc...... 126 Routledge...... 517

33 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Exhibit Hall Layout & Schedule

AOM 2005 Exhibitor and Break Times 2 126 128 129 228 229 328 329 428 429 528 529 Sunday, August 7 Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

127 226 227 326 9' AISLE 327 427 526 527

9' AISLE Breaks: 10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

2 122 124 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 125 224 8' 8' 425 524 525

'8' 8' 8' 8' (Sponsored by The Society for 123 222 EMAIL STATIONS 423 522 523

120 Human Resource Management) 9' AISLE 9' AISLE 121 220 421 520 521 Monday, August 8 9' AISLE

8' Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 119 218 419 518 519 8' Breaks: 10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

8' 117 216 417 516 517 (Sponsored by The Society for CONFERENCE BREAKS 8' Human Resource Management) 18' EMAIL STATIONS 8' 8' 8' EMAIL STORAGE STATIONS 2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 314 315 415514 515 (Sponsored by Sage Publications) 312 313 412 413 512 513 Tuesday, August 9 310 311 410 411 510 511 Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 308 309 408 409 508 509 2:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9' AISLE Breaks: 10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 6' AISLE 306 307 406 407 506 507 3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. 304 305 404 405 504 505

302 9' AISLE 303 402 9' AISLE 403 502 9' AISLE 503

300 301 400 401 500 501 Special Thanks to the 2005 Exhibitor Sponsor


6' 6' 6' 6'6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6'

Gold Sponsor of Sunday Afternoon and Monday Morning Refreshment Breaks

Section A 34 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Placement Services

Director: Placement Services for the 2005 annual meeting will be located on the 2nd floor of the Tapa Scott Douglas, Binghamton University Conference Center at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Online Placement Services are available to all Associate Director: Academy members who register for placement until August 15, 2005 and then open to all Janice Black, New Mexico State University Academy members until December 15th, 2005. Applicants and institutions are encouraged to pre- register for Placement Services online at beginning Assistant Director Wednesday, June 1st. Individuals unable to pre-register should bring the required information to James Dulebohn, Michigan State University be entered online at Placement Services during the meeting. Online Placement Services Cost to register as an applicant is $50 USD and provides an active applicant listing until December 15, 2005. The registration fee for positions is $200 USD and provides an active position listing until December 15, 2005. Please note that the registration fees for Placement Services are separate Onsite Placement Services from the registration fees for attending the annual meeting. Registration Tables are provided for conducting interviews in the Tapa Conference Center. Tables are located in Location: Hilton Hawaiian Village, small and medium-size rooms (6 – 20 tables per room) and will be available from Saturday, 2nd floor Tapa Conference Center, August 6 until Tuesday, August 9. The cost to reserve a table for the meeting is $100 USD. They are Iolani Suite 1 reserved on a first-come, first- served basis. Table layouts and reservations will be available online Hours: Saturday, August 6, 2005 at beginning Wednesday, June 1st. Tables may be reserved 9:00 am – 4:00 pm onsite if space is available. Sunday, August 7, 2005 Ins and Outs of Faculty Recruiting Workshop 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday, August 6th: 8:00 - 9:30am Hilton Hawaiian Village, Sea Pearl 4 Monday, August 8, 2005 This session is designed for individuals with position openings. It will provide information on 9:00 am – 4:00 pm university hiring practices, statistics from past and current years, perceptions of applicants, and Tuesday, August 9, 2005 suggestions for faculty hiring success. The session will be an interactive format and feature a 9:00 am – 4:00 pm panel of university placement experts. Interview Tables Placement for Applicants Workshop Saturday, August 6th: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Hilton Hawaiian Village, Hilton Hawaiian Village, South Pacific Ballroom 2 2nd floor Tapa Conference Center, This session is designed for applicants. It will provide information on university hiring practices, Iolani and Honolulu Suites statistics from past and current years, interview strategies, and suggestions for placement success. Hours: Saturday, August 6, 2005 The session will be an interactive format and feature a panel of university placement experts. 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Monday, August 8, 2005 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:00 am – 8:00 pm

Cost (both online and onsite) $50.00 USD Applicant Listing $200.00 USD Position Listing $100.00 USD Interview Table

35 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Placement Services

Placement Committee 2004-2005 Placement Activities Garry Adams, Auburn University We believe the interview areas offered by Placement Services are a very appropriate location for Rashmi Assudani, McGill University interviews. Additionally, candidates may be conducted in conversation areas available throughout the conference facilities. The conference hotels also offer a number of full and parlor suites that John Christopher, University of Florida may be used for interviews. Janine Clark, Jackel & Associates The Academy of Management is concerned about providing appropriate settings for conducting David Corsover, DeKalb College interviews. Settings that will accommodate candidates with disabilities and that do not have the Sandy Dinger, College of St. Rose potential of creating an awkward interview environment. Hotel guest rooms are usually inappro- priate settings for conducting recruiting interviews. If interviews must be conducted in hotel guest Bob Dooley, Oklahoma State University rooms, we offer the following suggestions: have multiple recruiters meet with each candidate; Bahman Ebrahimi, University of Denver leave the guest room door ajar; ensure that the room is properly prepared to conduct interviews Francis Fabian, UNC - Charlotte (i.e., beds are made, personal belongings are put away, etc.); maintain and encourage a profes- Claudia Ferrante, Carnegie Mellon University sional demeanor by having all parties sit on chairs or sofas, wear shoes, and ask only appropriate questions; and above all, be sensitive to concerns of the other party by avoiding actions or Scott Gallagher, Syracuse University comments that may make others uncomfortable. Laverne Higgins, LeMoyne College Excerpt from the Academy’s Code of Ethical Conduct Rayshad Holmes, George Washington The Academy of Management and its members are committed to providing academic environ- University ments that are free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation. Christian Kiewitz, The University of Alabama Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other Delaney Kirk, Drake University visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: Robert Kolodinsky, James Madison University 1. It is implicitly or explicitly suggested that submission to or rejection of the conduct will be a Kibeom Lee, University of Calgary factor in academic employment, admission, evaluation, or participation in an academic Wei Liu, University of Maryland activity; or T. Nicole Phillips, University of Central Florida 2. The conduct has the purpose of interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance, by creating an intimidating, hostile, or otherwise unacceptable educational or Bill Price, University of Texas, Permian Basin work environment. Narda Quigley, University of Maryland The determination of what constitutes sexual harassment depends upon the specific facts and Diana Reed, Drake University the context in which the conduct occurs. Sexual harassment takes many forms: subtle and indi- William Ritchie, Florida State University rect, blatant and overt. It can be conduct affecting an individual of the opposite sex or same sex, between peers or between individuals in a hierarchical relationship, or between teacher and Theodore Rosen, George Washington University student. Regardless of the intentions of the actor, the key question is always whether the conduct Mike Ryan, Bellarmine University would be unwelcome to the individual to which it is directed. Joanne Scillitoe, Rutgers University Gerald Sullivan, Piedmont College Charlotte Sutton, Auburn University Helen Takacs, Rutgers University Darren Treadway, University of Mississippi J. Michael Whitfield, Georgia College & State University Xin Yao, University of Washington

Section A 36 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

The William H. Newman Award

The Academy of Management awards the William H. Newman Award for Bennett, Louisiana Tech University; Jennifer L. Berdahl, University of outstanding papers based on a recent dissertation. This prestigious Toronto; Kristin Byron, Rochester Institute of Technology; Todd H. award can be given to up to three papers a year. The papers must be (a) Chiles, University of Missouri; Bella Galperin, University of Tampa; single authored; and (b) based on a doctoral dissertation completed Steven Grover, University of Otago; Susan Houghton, Georgia State within the last three years. Division Program Chairs nominate one University; Matthew Kraatz, University of Illinois; Kai Lamertz, paper each for this award. The Awards Committee, under the direction Concordia University; Vivien Lim, National University of Singapore; of the Chair, Karl Aquino, University of Delaware, selects papers that Maurice Schweitzer, University of Pennsylvania; Jason D. Shaw, make a substantive contribution to knowledge based on rigorous and University of Kentucky; Marcus Stewart, Bentley College; Thomas M. creative research designs. Committee members include: Rebecca J. Tripp, Washington State University.

Here are the 2005 William H. Newman Award Nominees: BPS HR OCIS Conglomerates Without Assets? Financial HRM Climate: Antecedents and Moderating Enhancing Perceived Value of Cross-depart- Intermediation and the Evolution of the Effects of Climate Level and Climate Strength mental Knowledge on Innovation Via KM Advertising Industry Neal Knight-Turvey, Queensland U. Technology Features Andrew Von Nordenflycht, Simon Fraser U. Technology Ixchel M. Faniel, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor CAR IM OMT Making Sense & Making Choices: Constructing Cosmopolitans and Locals: Knowledge Change in Institutions: The Decline of the No- Institutional and Individualized Careers Gathering and Project Quality in Lateral-Hiring Norm among Large Law Firms, Elizabeth Craig, Boston U. Transnational Teams 974-990 Martine Haas, Cornell U. Nina Shah, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign CM Cultural Diversity, Intragroup Conflict, and MC ONE Group Outcomes: Evidence for a Mediated Reuse of Intellectual Capital from Repositories: Middle Managers and the Environment: The Relationship A Mixed Methods Study Perspective of the Purchasing and Supply Markus Vodosek, U. of Utah Wai Fong Boh, Nanyang Technological U. Function Lutz Preuss, Royal Holloway College, U. of CMS MH London Challenging Distinctions: Illusions of Precision Withholding Effort in the Workplace: From Assessing Risks of Doing Buisness in Host Soldiering to Socially Motivated PNP Countries Underachievement Managing by and through Networks: Network Mikelle A. Calhoun, Valparaiso U. Stephanie Case Henagan, Northern Illinois U. Management, Policy Networks, and the Internet GDO MOC R. Karl Rethemeyer, U. at Albany, SUNY Psychological Contract Fairness and Status Knowledge Sharing and Team Effectiveness in Judgments: An Analysis of Hispanic Challenging Organizational Environments SIM Professionals. Martine Haas, Cornell U. Ethics, Discourse and Power Robert Gregory DelCampo, U. of New Mexico Raymond Daniel Gordon, U. of Technology, OB Sydney HCM Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A The Moderating Effect of Procedural Fairness Negative Relationship to Career Outcomes? TIM in Standardizing Professional Work Diane Bergeron, Teachers College, Columbia The Double Helix of Formal and Informal Seok Woo Kwon, U. of Kentucky U. Structures: Project Design for R&D Success Polly S. Rizova, Boston U.

37 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

The Carolyn Dexter Award

The Carolyn Dexter Award is an all Academy award to the paper that Carolyn Dexter Award of they offer new insights, are rich in observation best meets the objective of internationalizing the Academy. This serves and employ creative methodologies. Each Division Program Chair the mission of the Academy and the charge of the International Theme nominates up to two papers to the chair of this year’s Dexter Award Committee, which sponsors this Award. The criteria for the Award Committee, Jacob Eisenberg at University College Dublin. The other include the following: (a) The theme and content of the paper should Committee members are: David Lamond at Sydney Graduate School of reflect an awareness of business and management outside the domestic Management, Eleanor O’Higgins at University College Dublin, Anat boundaries; (b) Collaboration between scholars from different countries Rafaeli at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, and Jia Lin at is desirable; and (c) Papers are considered of high caliber for the University of Toronto.

Here are the 2005 Carolyn Dexter Award nominees:

BPS CM HCM The Antecedents of Competitive Aggressiveness Assessing Shared Mental Models in Negotiation: Hospitals on the Road to Competitive among Multinational Enterprises Evidence from Same and Cross-Cultural Advantage? The Case of Implementing DRGs in Tieying Yu, Boston College Negotiators German Hospitals Albert Cannella, Jr, Arizona State U. Leigh Anne Liu, U. of South Carolina Hans-Gerd Ridder, Hannover U. Ray Friedman, Vanderbilt U. Susanne Martini, Hannover U. BPS Bruce Barry, Vanderbilt U. Vanessa Doege, Hannover U. How National Systems Influence Executive Discretion: A Study of CEO Effects in Three CMS HCM Countries The Political Role of Business in Society: CSR Organizing Vision for IT Healthcare: Analysis Craig Crossland, Pennsylvania State U. Seen From a Habermasian Perspective of the Discourse Surrounding Electronic Health Andreas Georg Scherer, U. of Zurich Records CAR John Lee Reardon, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Antecedents and Consequences of Career Self- Guido Palazzo, U. of Lausanne Management Behaviors Elizabeth Davidson, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa CMS Babette Raabe, Siemens AG - US Filter Fighting over Knowledge Management, a HR Terry A Beehr, Central Michigan U. Foucauldian perspective IT Professionals: The Effect of HR Practices on Irene Lammers, Vrije U. Organizational Commitment and Turnover CAR Intentions Family-friendly Employment Practices: ENT Shoba Nair, Tata Consultancy Services Limited Importance and Effects in China, India, Kenya The Internationalization of US Venture Capital Stephen Deery, Kings College and Thailand Firms: An Empirical Examination Roderick D Iverson, Simon Fraser U. Peng Wang, Jackson State U. Isin Guler, Boston U. Fred Ochieng Walumbwa, U. of Nebraska Mauro F Guillen, U. of Penn-Wharton HR John Lawler, U. of Illinois Knowledge Team Design and Conflict: Evidence GDO Kan Shi, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing from Chinese High Technology Companies Gender Factors and Female Entrepreneurship: Paul Hempel, City U. of Hong Kong Ming Piao, Northwestern U. International Evidence and Policy Implications Zhixue Zhang, Peking University CM Nada Kobeissi, Long Island U., C.W.Post U.S. and Japanese Intercultural Negotiation GDO Schemas: A Tale of Overadjustment? Cultural Context and Family: Influences on Job Wendi L. Adair, Cornell U. Attribute Preferences and Work Outcomes Masako S. Taylor, Cornell U. Elizabeth A Corrigall, Penn State Worthington Catherine Tinsley, Georgetown U. Scranton

Section A 38 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

The Carolyn Dexter Award

IM MH ODC Janus Face of Intra-Firm Ties: Group-Wide A Historical Analysis of Ancient Chinese Societal Culture and Organization Design, A and Affiliate-Level Innovation in Taiwan Negotiators Strategies Tale of Two Oriental Cities Ishtiaq Pasha Mahmood, National U. of Hun-Joon Park, Yonsei U. Ji Li, Hong Kong Baptist University Singapore Changdao Jin, Not Specified ODC William G Mitchell, Duke U. Si Ahn Mehng, Yonsei U. Cultural Influences on Support for Chi-Nien Chung, National U. of Singapore Organizational Change MOC IM Understanding the role of locus of control in Eric Lamm, Boston College Institutional Environments, Staffing consultative decision making OMT Strategies & Subsidiary Performance: Lessons Marcus Selart, Norwegian School of from Japanese MNCs Balancing Autonomy and Cooperation: Economics and Business Administration Organizational Structures in the 2st Century. Ajai Singh Gaur, National U of Singapore Svein Tvedt Johansen, Norwegian School of Sebastian Raisch, U. of St.Gallen Andrew Delios, National U. of Singapore Economics and Business Administration Gilbert Probst, HEC, U. of Geneva Kulwant Singh, National U of Singapore MOC OMT MC The Crafting of Organizational Façades: An Empirical Investigation Institutional Influences in Multinational Management Consulting Courses and Competitiveness: An Empirical Exploration Students’ Self-Efficacy: An Empirical Philippe Baumard, UC Berkeley Haas Investigation (Visiting) Subramanian Rangan, INSEAD Ansgar Richter, European Business School Metin Sengul, INSEAD OB Sascha Leonard Schmidt, EBS/U.St. Gallen Why Would a Duck Walk into a Bar? A ONE Theoretical Examination of Humor and An International Comparison of the Factors MED Culture in Organizations Affecting Environmental Strategy and Political Culture and Business School Performance Teaching. Christopher Robert, U. of Missouri, Columbia Nicole Darnall, North Carolina State U. Simon Ulrik Kragh, Copenhagen Business School Wan Yan, U. of Missouri, Columbia Irene Henriques, York University Perry Sadorsky, York University Sven Bislev, Copenhagen Business School OB Development and Validation of a Measure of ONE MED Organizational Energy Erroneous Learning From the West: An A Challenge for the 2st Century? Emissions Empirical Study of Chinese Cases published in Michael S. Cole, U. of St Gallen Trading and Corporate Climate Strategies 992 and 999 Heike Bruch, U. of St Gallen Jonatan Pinkse, U. of Amsterdam Neng Liang, China Europe International Bernd Vogel, U. of St. Gallen PNP Business School OCIS Intertwining Offline and Online Channels in Shu Lin, Peking University Privacy Trade-Off Factors in E-Commerce – A Multi-Channel Public Service Delivery: A Case Study MH Study of Italy and the United States Early Stages of São Paulo – Brazil Tamara Dinev, Florida Atlantic U. Calvin M. L. Chan, National U. of Singapore Industrialization Process in the First Half of Massimo Bellotto, U. of Verona the 20th Century Paul Hart, Florida Atlantic U. Isabela Baleeiro Curado, FGV-EAESP Christian Colautti, IULM U. Vincenzo Russo, IULM U. Ilaria Serra, Florida Atlantic U.

39 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

The Carolyn Dexter Award

PNP SIM TIM Electronic Government as a Guided Evolution Community-Level Application of ISCT When The Impact of Acquisitions on the Innovation in Singapore: Vision for the World in the 21st Norms Collide: Access to HIV Medicines in Performance of Inventors at Semiconductor Century South Africa Companies Shirish C Srivastava, National U. of Linda M Sama, Pace U. Rahul Kapoor, INSEAD Singapore William D. Reisel, St. John’s U. Kwanghui Lim, National U. of Singapore Thompson SH Teo, National U. of Singapore TIM SIM Do Firms Produce Better Quality Research International Differences in Information with Greater Academic Collaboration? Ethics Kartik Kumaramangalam, London School of Maris G. Martinsons, City U. of Hong Kong Economics Simon K.K. So, City U. of Hong Kong

Face the Future: The Globalized Individual Leisa Ann Millar, Independent; Nerina Jimmieson, U. of Queensland

Section A 40 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

About the Academy of Management

The Academy of Management is a leading professional association of AOM Publications scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about Academy of Management Journal management and organizations. The Academy’s central mission is to Presents cutting edge research that provides readers with a forecast for enhance the profession of management by advancing the scholarship of new management thoughts and techniques. management and enriching the professional development of its members. The Academy’s membership consists of scholars at colleges, Published 6 times per year. Circulation: 16,900. universities, and research institutions, as well as practitioners with Academy of Management Review scholarly interests from business, government, and not-for-profit organ- Explores new management theories and presents high quality concep- izations. tual work. The Academy is committed to shaping the future of management Published quarterly. Circulation: 16,700. research and education. Management is defined broadly to encompass all processes, structures, and behaviors that are related to the work of Academy of Management Executive organizations, as well as the dynamics of industries, economies, Presents straightforward practical articles geared toward “thought cultures, and other environmental forces that affect organizations and leaders” who influence management practice about research findings their employees. concerning management issues. • 15,109 Members (66% U.S. / 34% International) Published quarterly. Circulation: 15,800. • 91 Countries Represented Academy of Management Learning & Education Journal • 24 Divisions and Interest Groups Examines pressing issues in the fields of management learning and • 7 Regional Affiliates (Eastern, Midwest, Southern, education. Southwest, Western, Asia, Iberoamerican) Published quarterly. Circulation: 15,100.

Member Type Percentages Academy of Management News Professors ...... 63% Quarterly newsletter covering society news and activities. Students...... 26% 24 Division-specific Newsletters Business Executives...... 9% Periodic newsletters addressing areas of specialization. Emeriti (i.e. retired professors) ...... 2% Placement Services Website of job opportunities and positions wanted. Published Spring, Fall, and at the Annual Meeting. Advertising The Academy of Management accepts advertising about professional resource materials in the annual meeting program and journals. Address inquiries to: Susan Zaid, Communications Specialist Academy of Management Pace University P.O. Box 3020, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8020 (914) 923-2607 Fax: (914) 923-2615 email: [email protected] For further information about the Academy of Management, please call the main office at (914) 923-2607, or email us

41 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Academy of Management

2004-2005 Board of Governors Chairpersons of the Professional Divisions and Interest Groups President BPS Margaret Peteraf, Dartmouth College Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U. CAR Yehuda Baruch, U. of East Anglia President-Elect and Coordinator of Professional CM Sally Blount, New York U. Divisions Thomas G. Cummings, U. of Southern California CMS David Jacobs, Hood College ENT Andrew Zacharakis, Babson College Vice President and Program Chair Ken G. Smith, U. of Maryland GDO Bernardo M. Ferdman, Alliant International U. HCM Kathryn Dansky, Penn State U. Vice President-Elect & Program Chair-Elect HR Diana L. Deadrick, Old Dominion U. Thomas W. Lee, U. of Washington IM Schon Beechler, Columbia U. Past President and Coordinator of External Relations MC Rickie Moore, E.M. Lyon/ISEOR Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser U. MED Carolyn Wiley, Mercer Human Resources Consulting Executive Director, AoM Headquarters MH Michele A. Govekar, Ohio Northern U. Nancy Urbanowicz MSR Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, U. of Canterbury Representatives-at-large MOC Stephen Mezias, New York U. Wayne F. Cascio, U. of Colorado, Denver OM Morgan Swink, Michigan State U. Andrea Casey, George Washington U. OMT Tina Dacin, Queen’s U. Julio O. DeCastro, Instituto de Empresa ODC George Roth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology R. Duane Ireland, Texas A & M U. OB Bruce Avolio. U. of Nebraska Ruth Kanfer, Georgia Institute of Technology OCIS Laurie Kirsch, U. of Pittsburgh Ellen E. Kossek, Michigan State U. ONE Michael V. Russo, U. of Oregon Debra L. Shapiro, U. of Maryland PNP Ralph Brower, Florida State U. Sim B. Sitkin, Duke U. RM Philip L. Roth, Clemson U. Dean Tjosvold, Lingnan U. SIM Bryan W. Husted, ITESM/ Instituto de Empresa Editor Representative TIM Laura B. Cardinal, Tulane U. Arthur P. Brief, Tulane U.

Future Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management 2006 Atlanta, Georgia August 11–16: Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Hyatt Regency Atlanta and Atlanta Hilton Hotel 2007 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 3 – 8: Philadelphia Convention Center and Surrounding Hotels

Section A 42 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

Academy of Management Past Presidents Affiliations reflect those at the time of presidency.

2003-2004 Rosalie L. Tung ...... Simon Fraser University 1973-1974 Lyman W. (Port) Porter...... University of California, Irvine 2002-2003 Jone L. Pearce ...... University of California, Irvine 1972-1973 Charles E. (Charlie) Summer, Jr...University of Washington 2001-2002 Jean M. Bartunek ...... Boston College 1971-1972 George A. Steiner .....University of California at Los Angeles 2000-2001 Andrew H. (Andy) Van de Ven ...... University of Minnesota 1970-1971 William G. (Bill) Wolf ...... Cornell University 1999-2000 David A. Whetten...... Brigham Young University 1969-1970 Joseph A. (Joe) Litterer ...... University of Massachusetts 1998-1999 Anne S. Huff ...... University of Colorado 1968-1969 Paul J. Gordon...... Indiana University 1997-1998 William H. (Bill) Starbuck ...... 1967-1968 Ernest (Ernie) Dale ...... University of Pennsylvania 1996-1997 Michael A. (Mike) Hitt ...... Texas A&M University 1966-1967 Max D. Richards ...... Pennsylvania State University 1995-1996 Richard T. (Rick) Mowday...... University of Oregon 1965-1966 Preston P. (Pres) Le Breton ...... University of Washington 1994-1995 Mary Ann Y. Von Glinow ...Florida International University 1964-1965 Dalton E. (Dalt) McFarland ...... Michigan State University 1993-1994 Greg R. Oldham ...... University of Illinois 1963-1964 Keith Davis...... Arizona State University 1992-1993 Donald C. (Don) Hambrick ...... Columbia University 1962-1963 Harold D. (Howdy) Koontz ...... University of California 1991-1992 Ramon J. (Ray) Aldag ...... University of Wisconsin at Los Angeles 1990-1991 Janice M. (Jan) Beyer...... University of Texas at Austin 1961-1962 Harold F. Smiddy ...... General Electric Company 1989-1990 Steven (Steve) Kerr ...... University of Southern California 1960-1961 George R. Terry...... Northwestern University 1988-1989 Arthur G. (Art) Bedeian ...... Louisiana State University 1959-1960 Joseph W. (Joe) Towle ...... Washington University 1987-1988 Don Hellriegel ...... Texas A&M University 1958-1959 Merten J. (Mandy) Mandeville ...... University of Illinois 1986-1987 Richard M. (Rick) Steers...... University of Oregon 1957-1958 Billy E. Goetz ...... Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985-1986 Fred Luthans ...... University of Nebraska 1956-1957 Alvin M. Brown...... Johns-Manville Corp. 1984-1985 Kathryn M. (Kay) Bartol ...... University of Maryland 1955-1956 Franklin G. (Frank) Moore ...... University of Michigan 1983-1984 John W. Slocum, Jr...... Southern Methodist University 1954-1955 Ronald B. (Ron) Shuman...... University of Oklahoma 1982-1983 Robert B. (Bob) Duncan ...... Northwestern University 1953-1954 William R. (Jack) Spriegel ...... University of Texas 1981-1982 Max S. Wortman, Jr...... University of Tennessee 1952-1953 Franklin E. (Frank) Folts...... Harvard University 1980-1981 Larry L. Cummings ...... University of Wisconsin 1951-1952 John F. Mee...... Indiana University 1979-1980 William F. (Bill) Glueck ...... University of Georgia 1950-1951 William H. (Bill) Newman...... Columbia University 1978-1979 Rosemary Pledger ...... University of Houston at Clear Lake 1949-1950 Michael J. (Mike) Jucius...... Ohio State University 1977-1978 John B. (Jack) Miner...... Georgia State University 1948-1949 Erwin H. Schell...... Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976-1977 Fremont F. (Monty) Kast ...... University of Washington 1947-1948 Ralph C. Davis ...... Ohio State University 1975-1976 Stanley C. (Stan) Vance ...... University of Tennessee 1941-1947 Robert P. (Bob) Brecht ...... University of Pennsylvania 1974-1975 Herbert G. (Herb) Hicks...... Louisiana State University 1936-1940 Charles L. (Charlie) Jamison...... University of Michigan

43 Section A Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting

2005 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Statistics

Table 1: Submissions by Sponsors Numbers reflect the submissions that were checked-in and reviewed. Some symposia were submitted to more than one sponsor.

Paper Submissions Symposia Submissions Interactive Submitted Sponsor Visual Paper Papers Proceedings Symposia Symposia Showcase Sponsor Papers Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance Accepted Acceptance Submitted Accepted Symposia AAS 00000033330 ART 30 23 0 0 23 0 2 1 0 BPS 555 181 71 81 333 33 42 22 13 CAR 67 28 0 10 38 4 23 15 1 CM 81 28 12 12 52 6 18 12 3 CMS 85 17 18 14 49 5 19 13 2 ENT 309 100 41 49 190 19 18 11 4 GDO 128 51 19 19 89 9 27 14 3 HCM 94 32 13 14 59 6 8 5 0 HR 241 56 39 35 130 13 56 39 6 IM 316 128 43 42 213 22 32 13 4 MC 76 24 13 12 49 5 7 4 0 MED 108 48 13 17 78 8 31 9 3 MH 47 12 7 6 25 3 8 6 2 MOC 138 49 18 20 87 9 23 17 2 MSR 40 16 6 6 28 3 7 2 1 OB 420 120 45 57 222 22 95 66 10 OCIS 147 53 22 22 97 9 17 9 1 ODC 110 40 18 17 75 8 28 12 5 OM 77 24 12 11 47 4 9 5 0 OMT 357 116 53 49 218 21 73 46 14 ONE 62 24 9 9 42 5 8 4 3 PNP 116 31 20 18 69 7 6 5 1 RM 63 20 6 6 32 4 11 7 2 SIM 170 52 20 26 98 10 20 14 4 TIM 306 101 47 46 194 19 21 16 4 Totals: 4143 1374 565 598 2537 254 642 400 88

Table 2: Sessions & Participants Table 3: Affiliations with 30+ Participants Table 4: Participant Country Representation

Sessions Total Affiliation Name* Affiliation Name* Country* Count Country* Count Country* Count Caucus ...... 24 Arizona State U. Pennsylvania State U. ARGENTINA ...... 5 ICELAND ...... 1 PERU ...... 1 Free Session ...... 17 Bocconi U. Rutgers U. AUSTRALIA ...... 247 INDIA ...... 21 PHILIPPINES ...... 1 Case Western Reserve U. Stanford U. AUSTRIA ...... 7 INDONESIA ...... 2 PORTUGAL ...... 10 Meeting ...... 163 BANGLADESH ...... 1 IRELAND ...... 19 PUERTO RICO ...... 1 Columbia U. Texas A&M U. Paper Session ...... 571 BELGIUM ...... 31 ISRAEL ...... 57 RUSSIAN FEDERATION .4 Copenhagen U. of California, Berkeley PDW Workshop ...... 323 BRAZIL ...... 38 ITALY ...... 92 SCOTLAND ...... 4 Business School U. of Central Florida BULGARIA ...... 1 JAMAICA ...... 1 SINGAPORE ...... 102 Social Event ...... 51 Cornell U. U. of Illinois, CANADA ...... 306 JAPAN ...... 38 SLOVENIA ...... 6 Symposium ...... 226 Florida State U. Urbana-Champaign CHILE ...... 1 KAZAKHSTAN ...... 1 SOUTH AFRICA ...... 7 Theme Session ...... 15 George Washington U. U. of Maryland CHINA ...... 73 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 17 SOUTH KOREA ...... 25 COLOMBIA ...... 1 LEBANON ...... 1 SPAIN ...... 68 Harvard U. U. of Michigan All Sessions ...... 1,390 CROATIA ...... 1 LITHUANIA ...... 5 SWEDEN ...... 41 INSEAD U. of Michigan, CYPRUS ...... 3 MACAU ...... 3 SWITZERLAND ...... 70 Ann Arbor Participants: Total London Business School DENMARK ...... 63 MALAYSIA ...... 4 TAIWAN ...... 97 People on Program ...... 6,121 Massachusetts Institute U. of Minnesota ESTONIA ...... 3 MEXICO ...... 17 THAILAND ...... 3 of Technology U. of Pennsylvania FINLAND ...... 41 NETHERLANDS . . . . .156 TURKEY ...... 14 Countries Represented ...... 63 Michigan State U. U. of Queensland FRANCE ...... 117 NEW ZEALAND ...... 72 UKRAINE ...... 1 GERMANY ...... 114 NIGERIA ...... 1 UNITED KINGDOM . .331 National U. of Singapore U. of Southern California GREECE ...... 13 NORWAY ...... 29 UNITED STATES . . .3631 New York U. U. of Western Ontario HONG KONG ...... 80 OMAN ...... 1 VIETNAM ...... 2 HUNGARY ...... 1 PAKISTAN ...... 1

*Self-Identified. Data may be incomplete. The Academy takes no position on national borders.


y 12:30 12:30 Section B Professors onsors: onsors:

Consortium Consortium pp y yy ic Facult g p Roundtables g MH: Pearl Harbor PS & Co-SPS & Co-S PS +: Series Practitioner

HR/OB/ODC: USS Chaffee

p 12:00 12:00 5 66 act Of Minorit act Of 4:30 4:30 6 4 p

OMT: OMT Junior FacultOMT: OMT Junior Facult MED/ODC/PTC: Strate MED +: Im MC: MC Writin

ment Worksho p 3737 36 35 34 4:00 4:00 11:30 11:30 Collaborations Collaborations Collaborations ggg ENT/BPS: CE Writer`s Worksho 3:30 3:30 33 g 11:00 11:00 Conference Program Guide Ð Friday,Guide Program Conference 5, August 2005 BPS/OMT: Research Develo TIM: TIM Doctoral Consortium ENT: EstablishinENT: EstablishinENT: Establishin Consultants The Next Generation y mt Consultin g g 30 32 3:00 3:00 313131 10:30 10:30 IT Transformation g

sors: Diversit sors: ONE/MED: Environmental Education 45 on onsors: Creatin p p etences etences 29 2:30 2:30 pp 10:00 10:00 ggg y t g g TTC/TIM: Teachin MED & Co-S GDO & Co-S HR/RM: Qualitative Research ODC/MC/IM:M International Global Com Global Com p ement Across Cultures gg ect M ect j g 28 26 24 25 27 2:00 2:00 etencies p & Consciousness I & Consciousness Consortium Consortium g y yy 9:30 9:30 e/Pro g Practice orate Venturin reneurshi lexit g p p p ic Com n Sciences in ODC ent Growth Modelinent Growth Modelinent Growth Modelin g g Chan onsors: Mana g p Entre onsors: Qualitative Research Methods onsors: Qualitative Research onsors: Measurinonsors: Measurin 1:30 1:30 g p pp ratin g Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times 9:00 9:00 MC: Your Consultin ONE/BPS: Strate RM/OB/ITC:RM/OB/ITC: Social Social Networks Research Networks Research RM/HR/ODC: LatRM/HR/ODC: LatRM/HR/ODC: Lat MED & Co-S IM: Honolulu Advertiser Visit MC: Inte ODC/ONE/MC: OD and Sustainabilit ENT: ENT Doctoral Consortium ENT: ENT Junior FacultENT: ENT Junior Facult ENT/TIM/BPS: Cor ODC/MED: Desi IM & Co-SIM & Co-S

AAA: Honolulu 2005, LAC AAA: Honolulu Friday Morning, August 5, 2005 5, August Morning, Friday

BPS & Co-S CAR/MC/MSR: Com ENT: Learnin Tour: Hilton

Friday Afternoon, August 5, 2005 August Friday Afternoon, Í y 16 21 2323 222222 17 13 15 7 20 10 1111 12 19 1414 8 1:00 1:00 9 MED/OB: Discussion Learnin HR/OB/ODC: Company Tour: USS Chaffee

an IM: Outdoor Adventure IM: Outdoor Adventure p

Í AAA: Honolulu 2005, LAC IM: IM Outdoor Adventure MH: Pearl Harbour HR/OB: Company Tour: Hilton PS & Co-Sponsors: Practitioner Series/A-RPS & Co-Sponsors: Practitioner Series/A-RPS & Co-Sponsors: Practitioner Series/A-R

18 3 ÍÍÍ Í Í Í Í 8:30 8:30 HR/OB: Com 2

8:00 8:00

SH: Puna Room SH: Waimea Canyon Room SH: Hilo Room SH: Iao Needle Room SH: Maui Ballroom OS: Honolulu Advertiser OS: USS Chaffee-Pearl Harbor SH: Akaka Falls Room SH: Ewa Room HH: South Pacific 2 Hawaii Naval DocksOS: OS: Hilton Tour CC: Room 326B HH: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 HH: South Pacific 1 CC: Room 321B CC: Room 322A CC: Room 322B CC: Room 308B CC: Room 313B CC: Room 317A CC: Room 318A CC: Room 305B CC: Room 307A CC: Room 308A CC: Room 303A CC: Room 303B CC: Room 304B CC: Room 301A CC: Room 301B CC: Room 302B OS: USS Chaffee-Pearl Harbor SH: Hilo Room HH: South Pacific 2 HH: South Pacific Hawaii Naval DocksOS: OS: Hilton Tour CC: Room 326B CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 5, Conference Program GuideÐFriday, SH: WaimeaCanyonRoom SH: PunaRoom SH: LanaiBallroom SH: KonaRoom SH: KokoCraterRoom SH: IaoNeedleRoom SH: HonoluluRoom SH: EwaRoom SH: AkakaFallsRoom &Bar OS: TikiGrill Determined OS: LocationToBe OS: LocalRestaurantTBD OS: LocalRestaurant HH: SouthPacific2 HH: SouthPacific1 3-4 HH: SeaPearlSuite 1 HH: SeaPearlSuite CC: Room326B CC: Room317A CC: Room313B CC: Room308(A&B) CC: Room306B CC: Room305B CC: Room304B CC: Room304A CC: Room303B CC: Room303A CC: Room302B CC: Room302A Í Í Í Í Í Í Í Í Í Í

Chris Poulson,California PolytechnicU.Pomona Visions of21stCenturyManagement: ComplexityofGlobalLogistics MC: MC Writing Roundtables Writing Roundtables MC: MC Consultants GDO +:Diversity FacultyDevelopment MED/ODC/PTC: Strategic AAA: Honolulu2005,LAC BPS/OMT: ResearchDevelopment OMT: OMTJuniorFacultyConsortium Workshop ENT/BPS: CEWriter`s Faculty ENT: ENTJunior ENT: ENTDoctoralConsortium &Sustainability ODC/ONE/MC: OD 5:00 40 39 38

ONE: Ph.D./NewFacult Rece OB: OBDocConsortium MSR: Meditation Friday Evening,August5,2005 41 42 5:30 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. GDO: GDO DoctoralConsortiumRec. GDO: GDO Rece ICW: NSU y Consortium 53 49 4846 44 43 47 52 51 45 50 6:00 p

ti SIM: SIM DoctoralConsortium SIM: SIM OB: OBJuniorFacult TownwithIM onthe NDSC: NDSCHa IM:Dinner ENT: ENTDoctoralStudentsDinner Facult ENT: EntJunior Rece MED: Welcome DoctoralConsortium OMT/ODC/MOC: ODC/MED/PTC: Leadershi Welcome IM Division IM: Consortium OCIS: Doctoral p on tion 54 ICW: NSU O ICW: NSU 56 55 6:30 57 CM: Rece BPS: DoctoralConsortium ODC: International Rece ODC: International ppy 58 46 Hour y p Consortium y ti p Dinner on ICW: MFCA Social enin p p ( tion forCMPDWPresenter 7:00 MED-PDW Develo g Meetin p ment Wksh g ) p tion 7:30 p 8:00



y ectives ectives jj rated g gy Section B ortunit reneurshi pp 11:30 11:30 p Inte g OB/BPS: Network ENT: O ENT: Endowed Chairs Outcomes Ob Outcomes Ob gg 145 OB/HR/MED: Leadershi gy ENT/TIM: ENT/TIM: with Technolo g

143 144 gy 146 ENT/TIM: Entre ENT/TIM:

11:00 11:00 142142

p ectives ectives p 142 namics Profile etencies About Strate y ical Innovation in HR Cam p g g

y and HRM p HCM: Teachin TTC/SIM: LearninTTC/SIM: Learnin HR: HR EditorsHR: HR EditorsHR: HR Editors Roundtable Roundtable Roundtable OMT/MED/TTC: Teachin y

ations Strate er p 134 139139 136136136 138 10:30 10:30 uium e & Individuals e & Individuals e & Individuals q Worksho ggg Research Issues Research Issues g gg ort for Researchers inin gg pp MED/MSR/MOC: Art Of Structured Reflection OM/BPS: O HR/TIM: Technolo TIM: TIM Doctoral Consortium CAR/ONE/PNP: Environmental Careers TIM: Junior Facult MED/BPS: Thinkin CM/PTC: Conflict D HR/ITC: Diversit RM/OB/HR: MultilevelRM/OB/HR: MultilevelRM/OB/HR: Multilevel Research Research Research stems ic Innovation y onsors: International Pers g p & Consciousness II & Consciousness 126 127 124 130 121 131 125 10:00 10:00 122 123 129129129 y Conference Program Guide Ð Saturday,Guide Program Conference 6, August 2005 lexit Strate Consortium p g y nin anizational S BPS/OMT/OB: KnowledBPS/OMT/OB: KnowledBPS/OMT/OB: Knowled OB/OMT/RM: EmerOB/OMT/RM: Emer OB & Co-S HR/TTC/OB: Business Com School HR/TTC/OB: ODC/RM: Tech Su g g g onsors: Qualitative Writin sis sis p p yy -In 115115115 119119 118 9:30 9:30 116 120 y p g ment Wksh 47 AA: Placement Services p es A MED/PTC/ODC: Executive Doctoral Collo CAR/MC/MSR: Com OMT & Co-S ODC: Trans-ODC: Trans-Or CM/GDO/SIM: Research Incubator on Power OCIS: Doctoral Consortium FacultOCIS: Junior MOC/BPS: Desi OMT/MH: New Archivalism & Archivalists Consortium anizations g eractioneraction Anal Anal g y ectives ectives ectives ement g p pp g anization Bu onsors: Process Research I onsors: Process Research g p Ima ment Worksho 106 104 114 112112 105 103 9:00 9:00 110 111 108 113 Develo g p Or p e in Or g Consortium Consortium Mana Consortium Consortium g yy Recruitin g yy y Consortium -International Consortium ua y y g g LAC Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum , erstars ggg p HCM: Evidenced-based Teachin RM & Co-S Committee Meetin Consortium y p BPS: Doctoral Consortium BPS: New Facult Su onsors: Movin g p onsors: Moderator/Intonsors: Moderator/Int onsors: Practitioner Series/A-Ronsors: Practitioner Series/A-Ronsors: Practitioner Series/A-R 100 99 102 98 8:30 8:30 pp ppp A: Membershi A AA: Ins/Outs of Facult AA: Honolulu 2005 A A A PS & Co-SPS & Co-SPS & Co-S RM/OB/GDO: Scale Develo MOC/ODC/SIM: Examinin MED/CMS: Resuscitatin OM: Future of OM MED & Co-S GDO: GDO Doctoral Consortium ENT: Teachin ODC: Socio-Economic OD OMT/BPS/MOC: Lan TIM: Doctoral and Jr Fac Consortium RM & Co-SRM & Co-S Doctoral ConsortiumDoctoral ConsortiumDoctoral Consortium IM: IM IM: IM IM: IM IM: IMD Junior Facult OB/OMT: Senior Scholars' PersOB/OMT: Senior Scholars' Pers OB/OMT/BPS: Institutional Pers OB: OB Doc StudentOB: OB Doc Student Consortium Consortium OB: OB Jr Facult OMT/ODC/MOC:OMT/ODC/MOC: OMT/ODC/MOC OMT/ODC/MOC Doct Doct Consortium Consortium OMT: OMT Junior FacultOMT: OMT Junior Facult NDSC: NDSC Consortium HR: HR DoctoralHR: HR DoctoralHR: HR Doctoral Consortium Consortium Consortium ENT: ENT Doctoral Consortium ENT: ENT Doctoral ENT: ENT Junior FacultENT: ENT Junior Facult HR: HR Junior Facult ODC/MED/PTC: Leadershi ENT: SME Networkin IM: InternationalizinIM: InternationalizinIM: Internationalizin

Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times 939393 95 81 63 64 79 89 80 70 69 87 91 96 9494 777777 78 8585 86 8383 84 62 9292 9090 82 747474 66 6767 73 88 68 767676 8:00 8:00 HCM: Cont. Bkfast.

72 Saturday Morning, August 6, 2005 August Morning, Saturday 7:30 7:30 7:00 7:00 SH: Kahuku Room SH: Akaka Falls Room SH: Ewa Room SH: Hilo Room HH: Tapa Ballroom 1 HH: Tapa Ballroom 2 OS: Kapiolani Park HH: South Pacific 1 HH: South Pacific 2 HH: South Pacific 3 CC: Room 328 HH: Iolani Suite 1 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 3 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 4 CC: Room 325A CC: Room 326B CC: Room 327 CC: Room 323B CC: Room 323C CC: Room 324 CC: Room 322A CC: Room 322B CC: Room 323A CC: Room 318B CC: Room 319A CC: Room 319B CC: Room 321B CC: Room 316C CC: Room 317A CC: Room 318A CC: Room 315 CC: Room 316A CC: Room 316B CC: Room 313A CC: Room 313B CC: Room 313C CC: Room 314 CC: Room 309 CC: Room 311 CC: Room 312 CC: Room 307A CC: Room 307B CC: Room 308 (A&B) CC: Room 305B CC: Room 306A CC: Room 306B CC: Room 303B CC: Room 304A CC: Room 304B CC: Room 305A CC: Room 302A CC: Room 302A CC: Room 302B CC: Room 303A (A&B)CC: Room 301

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 6, Conference Program GuideÐSaturday, SH: WaimeaCanyonRoom SH: WaianaeRoom SH: WaialuaRoom SH: PunaRoom SH: MauiBallroom SH: LanaiBallroom SH: KonaRoom SH: KokoCraterRoom SH: KohalaRoom SH: KauaiBallroom 7:00 61 60 59

SIM: DoctoralConsortium Saturday Morning,August6,2005(cont.) MSR CMS 7:30 : Medi : Breakfast tation tation 71 65 97 75 8:00 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. D/BC aainRaceRelationsToda GDO/OB/C: Hawaiian CMS: CMSDoctoralWorksho TTC &Co-S IAM: Iberoamerican Values They reckonyou’reeitherpopularor(unbearably)dull. Y A fudgedconceptthatnoacademiccanuse. Actually theysayyou’renothingatall (But latelyyoustrivetobePCandneutral). Y (But thesedaysnoonewantstobeamono). Y People’s mindsoffthenewandcool. Y Reared ontraditionsandtaboos They sayyou’reasacredcow Had beenreadingthesignsupside-down. And woebetidethegreenhornwho That guidessocialactionsandreactions They sayyou’readirectory Where otherwiseanarchyisrife. In companies,countriesandcommunities That bridgesandbondspeople They sayyou’reasocialglue by MandySukmanLee,Trinity CollegeDublin On Culture et whenthelaypeoplethinkofyou ou’re moreDaddy’s girlthanMomma’s boy ou canbeeithermono-ormulti- our milkisanarcoticthatputs 101 8:30 p onsors: Teachin

HCM/CAR: New CareersforSeniorFacult HCM/CAR: New 107 109 9:00 g p withTechnolo MH: New Member Worksho MH: NewMember OneSto MSR: MSRResearch: 48 y 117 9:30 gy MC: Fli g ht Ca y 128 10:00 p MH p p ital PNP: Service Learnin PNP: Service 133 132 137 135 10:30 GDO/PTC: Women onBoards:TheFuture GDO/PTC: Women Side Case TeachinCMS/MED: Dark IAM: Or HCM: Publishin 140 g Effect

g MC: MCCommunities PracticesinIberoamerica 141 11:00

CMS: New French Theor CMS: NewFrench g HealthResearch

11:30 g y


yy y abilit p e e RM/OB: g gg g n Ca Section B y e of Business 228 4:30 4:30 g in U.S. Journals g ua g g ODC/CMS: Critical IM: Meet the Editors RM/BPS/OMT: Robust CAR/PTC: Talk Stor Stor CAR/PTC: TalkCAR/PTC: Talk RM/OB: Meetin AC: TTC Meetin A

Research W ... Research 226 224 227 4:00 4:00 223223 p 228

222 onsors: Publishin p OMT CM/ONE: Multi-Case Meta-Theor g in Business Schools

onsors: Methods for Knowledonsors: Methods for Knowled OMT/PTC: The Lan y

pp reneurshi reneurialreneurialreneurial Boards: Lesson Boards: Lesson Boards: Lesson p ppp rit g BPS/OB/TIM: Conversation: D BPS/OB/TIM: Conversation:

3:30 3:30 218 Online 220 g sis sis sis e e e HR & Co-S yy

ggg 217 BPS & Co-SBPS & Co-S OMT: Teachin CAR/MED/HR: Peer Coachin ENT: Entre ENT: EntreENT: EntreENT: Entre 219 onsors: Inte p ggg Network Research 208208 216 209 3:00 3:00 211 212212212 g MED/TIM/ODC: Usin HR & Co-S onsors: Survival Analonsors: Survival Anal y Conference Program Guide Ð Saturday,Guide Program Conference 6, August 2005 pp p 207 2:30 2:30 204 Summit Cam y Consortium y a Journal Editor y ence uir g g q TIM/BPS/IM:TIM/BPS/IM:TIM/BPS/IM: First First First Mover Advanta Mover Advanta Mover Advanta RM & Co-SRM & Co-S RM/IM/ITC: Measurement Invariance BPS/OMT: Conductin

g iesies Consortium Consortium gg Emer yy atv. In atv. y 201201201 200200 199 2:00 2:00 196 Consortium y 49 reci Strate Strate pp g gg ndustr I

nitive Processesnitive Processesnitive Processes RM/HR/OB: Hierarchical Linear ModelinRM/HR/OB: Hierarchical Linear ModelinRM/HR/OB: Hierarchical Linear Modelin RM: Aesthetic Methods TIM: Junior Facult BPS: New Facult ENT Theor The Next ENT: HR/ITC: Australian HRM BPS: Doctoral Consortium onsors: Becomin g ggg g p onsors: Process Research II onsors: Process Research in onsors: Research International Patent p y p ment Cafement Cafe 194194194 193 195 1:30 1:30 189 191 192 190 pp pp yy hh OM: OM Doctoral Consortium OB: Mentorin MED/OB/BPS: Drama for Business MED/ONE/CMS: Sustainin OMT & Co-S MOC: Stud IM: Doctoral ConsortiumIM: Doctoral ConsortiumIM: Doctoral Consortium IM: IMD Junior Facult OB/PNP: FundinOB/PNP: Fundin ENT: ENT CoENT: ENT CoENT: ENT Co ODC/MC/OMT: A RM & Co-S ENT: ENT Doctoral Consortium ENT: ENT Junior FacultENT: ENT Junior Facult IM & Co-S pp

Worksho Worksho 182 179 175 176 183 178 172172172 173 180180 168168168 181 188 166 167167 174 1:00 1:00

g gg y

p BPS/OB: Conversations on Stra Process

Identification onsors: Introduction to Case Writin onsors:Introduction to Case p istration Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times g 162 12:30 12:30 AA: AMJ Editors` Mt AA: Membershi AA: Re A A A OM: Doc Consortium RM/HR/ONE: SEM with LISREL ODC/MC: JABSODC/MC: JABS Writin Writin CAR/MED/MSR:CAR/MED/MSR: The Career Develo The Career Develo RM/CMS: ResearchRM/CMS: Research Philoso Philoso DivisionIM: IM IM & Co-S HR: HR DoctoralHR: HR DoctoralHR: HR Doctoral Student Consortium Student Consortium Student Consortium OCIS: Luncheon for for OCISOCIS: LuncheonOCIS: Luncheon Consortia HR: HR Junior Facult

Saturday Afternoon, August 6, 2005 August Afternoon, Saturday 158 161 149 157157 150150 160160 154 155 153153153 156156 147 148 152 12:00 12:00 MED & Co-Sponsors: Moving Images OB/BPS: Network OB: OB Doc StudentOB: OB Doc Student Consortium Consortium OB: OB Jr Faculty Consortium AAA: Honolulu 2005, LAC AAA: Placement Services MED/PTC/ODC: Executive Doctoral Colloquium HR/TIM: Technological HR/TIM: Technological CM/GDO/SIM: Research Incubator on Power TIM: Doctoral Consortium OB/HR/MED: Leadership OB/HR/MED: Leadership ENT: Endowed Chairs Luncheon ENT: Endowed Chairs Luncheon ENT/TIM: EntrepreneurshipENT/TIM: EntrepreneurshipENT/TIM: Entrepreneurship RM/OB/HR: RM/OB/HR: RM/OB/HR: Multilevel Research Doct DoctOMT/ODC/MOC: OMT/ODC/MOC: OMT/ODC/MOC OMT/ODC/MOC Consortium Consortium OMT: OMT Junior Faculty Consortium OMT: OMT Junior Faculty Consortium NDSC: NDSC Consortium OCIS: Doctoral Consortium OCIS: Junior Faculty Consortium ENT: ENT Junior ENT: ENT Junior Faculty Faculty ODC/MED/PTC: Leadership MOC/BPS: DesigningStrategic Innovation ENT: Opportunity

Í Í Í Í ÍÍ Í ÍÍ Í Í Í Í Í ÍÍ Í ÍÍ ÍÍ Í Í Í Í ÍÍÍ Í Í ÍÍ HH: Tapa Ballroom 2 HH: South Pacific 3 HH: South Pacific 4 HH: Tapa Ballroom 1 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 3 HH: South Pacific 1 HH: South Pacific 2 CC: Room 328 HH: Iolani Suite 1 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 2 CC: Room 324 CC: Room 325A CC: Room 326B CC: Room 327 CC: Room 323A CC: Room 323B CC: Room 323C CC: Room 321B CC: Room 322A CC: Room 322B CC: Room 318B CC: Room 319A CC: Room 319B CC: Room 316C CC: Room 317A CC: Room 317B CC: Room 318A CC: Room 315 CC: Room 316A CC: Room 316B CC: Room 313B CC: Room 313C CC: Room 314 CC: Room 309 CC: Room 311 CC: Room 312 CC: Room 313A CC: Room 307A CC: Room 307B CC: Room 308 (A&B) CC: Room 305B CC: Room 306A CC: Room 306B CC: Room 304A CC: Room 304B CC: Room 305A CC: Room 302A CC: Room 302B CC: Room 303A CC: Room 303B CC: HCC Lobby - MembershipCC: HCC Lobby - RegistrationCC: HCC Lobby (A&B)CC: Room 301 CC: Center Rooftop

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 6, Conference Program GuideÐSaturday, SH: WaimeaCanyonRoom SH: WaianaeRoom SH: WaialuaRoom SH: PunaRoom SH: OahuRoom SH: NiihauRoom SH: MolokaiBallroom SH: LanaiBallroom SH: KonaRoom SH: KokoCraterRoom SH: KohalaRoom SH: KauaiBallroom SH: KahukuRoom SH: IaoNeedleRoom SH: HonoluluRoom SH: HiloRoom SH: EwaRoom SH: AkakaFallsRoom OS: TheWillows OS: PolynesianCulturalCtr. David A.Cowan,MiamiU. T Saturday Afternoon,August6,2005(cont.) ribal toTranspersonal 159 Í Í Í Í Í Í Í

PNP: Jr & Doctoral Luncheon PNP: Jr&Doctoral

CMS/MED: DoctoralConsortium SIM: SIM CMS: NewFrenchTheory IAM: Org Practices TTC/SIM: Learning PS &Co-Sponsors:PractitionerSeries/A-R DoctoralConsortium GDO: GDO 12:00 151

GDO: GDO Lunch GDO: GDOLunch 12:30 164 163 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes.

MH: SituationalLeadershi MC: Qualimetrics 1:00 177 187 184 186 185 170 165 171 169

MH: Gettin PNP: JrFacult ONE &Co-S PNP: PersonalStrate Consortium IPNP PNP: Doctoral HCM: Brin CMS/AAM: Asia:WTO Iberoamerican MacroIssues IAM: HCM: FeedbackonPredoc 1:30 g g p Your IdeastoFruition Your Published p onsors: MNCs/SustainableDev. y Cnotu PNP Consortium- 202 50 g ic Plannin , 198 202 197 2:00

Business & TTC: Best inAssessment Practices MSR: Theolo TTC: Best inAssessment Practices GDO: GDOTri g 203 206 205 2:30 gy HCM/OB: Future of Health Care ofHealth HCM/OB: Future Plannin MC: Intervention Inde MC: AreConsultants p andMana toCulturalCenter 210 213 214 3:00 215 g ement Theor CMS &Co-S HiddenDiversit GDO/MSR/IM: inLatinAmerica HRM IAM/HR/IM: MH: NewHistor 221 3:30 g

PNP/OM/BPS: Develo y p

endent? p onsors: CriticalEncounters y

225 4:00

MSR: S y at Work at

p in g p 4:30 &Usin irit ualit y g Cafe Cases Î Î Î Î Î CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Î Î Section B

8:30 8:30 8:00 8:00 tion p oration" p g 7:30 7:30 Conference Program Guide Ð Saturday,Guide Program Conference 6, August 2005 MC: MC & Friends Dinner Cruise tiontion of "The Cor pp g tion 246 7:00 7:00 p note with SBE tion y p tiontion 51 pp OM: Doctoral Dinner Consortium BusinessIAM: IAM Meetin ODC: Doctoral Student Rece p onsors: Showin p 245 243 244 6:30 6:30 tion licants OCIS: WelcomeOCIS: Welcome Rece Rece p pp 242242 CMS & Co-S IM: IM: IM PDWIM PDW Rece Rece ENT: ENT Luau SIM: SIM Division Ke NDSC: NDSC Rece OB: OB Reviewers' Rece 236 238238 237 241 239 240 6:00 6:00 AA: Placement for A A HCM: HCM PDW Rece

onsors: BOP Research Worksho p tion: SIM p Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times 234 235 5:30 5:30 AA: Atlanta 2006 A ONE & Co-S SIM: Rece RM/IM/ITC: lnternational RM/IM/ITC: lnternational RM/IM/ITC: lnternational OMT: Meet OMTOMT: Meet OMT Social Social

Saturday Evening, August 6, 2005 6, August Evening, Saturday : Meet the Editors Editors the : Meet GDO: GDO Trip to Cultural Center

231 233 229 232232232 230230 5:00 5:00 PNP: Jr Faculty Consortium - MSR: Theology & Management GDO/MSR/IM: Hidden Diversity SIM: SIM Doctoral Consortium PS & Co-Sponsors: Practitioner PS & Co-Sponsors: Practitioner PS & Co-Sponsors: Practitioner IAM/HR/IM: HRM in Latin PNP/OM/BPS: PNP/OM/BPS: RM/BPS/OMT: Robust TIM: Junior Faculty Camp AAC: TTC Meeting ODC/CMS: Critical Lenses on ODC CAR/MED/HR: Peer Coaching RM & Co-Sponsors: Survival RM & Co-Sponsors: Survival IM OB: OB Doc StudentOB: OB Doc Student Consortium Consortium AAA: Honolulu 2005, LAC RM/OB: Meeting Multilevel RM/OB: Meeting MultilevelRM/OB: Meeting MultilevelRM/OB: Meeting Multilevel OMT: OMT OMT: OMT Junior Faculty Business OMT/PTC: The Language of BPS & Co-Sponsors: MethodsBPS & Co-Sponsors: Methods MOC/BPS: Designing Strategic Innovation CM/ONE: Multi-Case Meta- BPS/OB/TIM: Conversation: HR +: Publishing in U.S. ODC/MC/OMT: Appreciatv. CAR/PTC: Talk Story Story CAR/PTC: TalkCAR/PTC: Talk ConsortiumOCIS: Doctoral Faculty OCIS: Junior Í

Í Í Í Í ÍÍÍ Í ÍÍ Í Í Í Í Í ÍÍ Í ÍÍ Í ÍÍÍ ÍÍ Í ÍÍ Í Í Í Í Í ÍÍ Í Í SH: Waianae Room SH: Molokai Ballroom SH: Niihau Room SH: Puna Room SH: Waialua Room SH: Koko Crater Room SH: Kona Room SH: Lanai Ballroom SH: Kahuku Room SH: Kauai Ballroom SH: Kohala Room OS: Sergio's Italian Restaurant SH: Hilo Room SH: Honolulu Room OS: Aquarium OS: Dinner Cruise OS: Ilikai Waikiki Hotel OS: Polynesian Cultural Ctr. HH: Sea Pearl Suite 2 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 3 HH: South Pacific 2 CC: Room 326B CC: Room 327 CC: Room 328 CC: Room 321B CC: Room 322A CC: Room 323A CC: Room 324 CC: Room 316B CC: Room 316C CC: Room 318B CC: Room 313B CC: Room 313C CC: Room 314 CC: Room 309 CC: Room 312 CC: Room 313A CC: Room 305B CC: Room 306A CC: Room 307A CC: Room 307B CC: Room 302A CC: Room 302A CC: Room 302B CC: Room 305A CC: Center Rooftop

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 7, Conference Program GuideÐSunday, HH: Tapa Ballroom 1 HH: TapaBallroom1 HH: SouthPacific4 HH: SouthPacific3 HH: SouthPacific2 HH: SouthPacific1 3 HH: SeaPearlSuite 2 HH: SeaPearlSuite 1 HH: SeaPearlSuite HH: IolaniSuite1 CC: Room328 CC: Room327 CC: Room326B CC: Room324 CC: Room323C CC: Room323B CC: Room323A CC: Room322B CC: Room322A CC: Room321B CC: Room319B CC: Room319A CC: Room318B CC: Room318A CC: Room317B CC: Room317A CC: Room316C CC: Room316B CC: Room316A CC: Room315 CC: Room314 CC: Room313C CC: Room313B CC: Room313A CC: Room312 CC: Room311 CC: Room309 CC: Room308(A&B) CC: Room307B CC: Room307A CC: Room306B CC: Room306A CC: Room305B CC: Room305A CC: Room304B CC: Room304A CC: Room303B CC: Room303A CC: Room302B CC: Room302A CC: Room301(A&B) CC: HCCLobby-Registration CC: HCCLobby-Membership Break Area - CC: ExhibitHallIII Exhibits - III CC: ExhibitHall Í

MED &Co-Sponsors:ManagementE-media Visions 7:30 250

A Sunday Morning,August7,2005 AA: Breakfast with DivisionChairs AA: Breakfastwith 8:00 254 256 268 261 275 270 255 258 262 267 260 257 269 263 253 276 274 252 266 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes.

BPS &Co-S Women`sCareersinAcademe CAR/GDO/MED: asanAcademicDisci ODC/MED: ODC StudentConsortium HR: HRDoctoral Ex AsktheQualitative RM/NDSC/CMS: OMT &Co-S BPS/MEN: Mana ENT/BPS/TIM: Entre IM: Inter Hi ODC/MC/MED: HR: HRJuniorFacult ENT: ENTDoctoralConsortium OM/PTC: Research with Healthcare Or OM/PTC: Research with Healthcare Practicin MED/MOC/MSR: TIM &Co-S S RM: PartialLeast OB &Co-S A A AA: Breakfast with AOMAffiliates AA: Breakfastwith AA: Honolulu2005 p retative Methods retative 8:30 287 289 277 280 279 286 278 284 p p onsors: Strate p p on onsors: Usin onsors: AsktheEditorsPanel sors: Techno-Entre

OCIS/MED/TTC: Mana OCIS/MED/TTC: OMT &Co-S Teachin CM/OCIS/OB: Consortium BPS: Doctoral MOC: Co BPS: NewFacult MED &Co-S A g AM: AsiaMana A g in h Im q M: AsiaMana g , uares p LAC y YourDissertation reneurshi Consortium p act Chan g g g g 300 292 291 290 9:00 295 294 296 293 304 305 298 302 307 306 301 299 297 nition intheRou nition LinkedFirmData Discernment ic Leadershi p p onsors: Mana onsors: Positive Or p & Geo & ENT: Meta-anal OB: OB Editor's Panel OB: OBEditor's OB &Co-S BPS &Co-S IM &Co-S OMT/BPS: Paradi Pro OMT: Dissertation IM/BPS/MEN: Research O CM &Co-S Strate BPS/OMT/TIM: A A A A A A A g y g AA: Re AA: Membershi AA: Exhibits AA: Current/Incomin Pro AA: Current AC: SouthwestAOMMeetin AA: PlacementServices ement Roundtable Consortium p 52 e Exercises reneurshi g p g p g g p s line about Teams erts ement E-Learnin ra g istration p 314 312 9:30 315 311 313 p g 316 p h g p onsors: InternationalGovernance onsors: h p onsors: CultureandLeadershi p y ement onsors: Ne onsors: Stud Toda y MOC: Mana BPS &Co-S OB/HR: Emer BPS &Co-S CM &Co-S g sis&Entre p MC/BPS/ODC: GlobalConsultin g g . Scholarshi ram Chairs ms andInstitutions y g gy p Committees osal Worksho g

g otiatin Across Disci y p pp 320 324 327 325 318 10:00 332 317 330 329 338 336 319 335 333 in reneurshi p g p p ortunities inIM onsors: First Job - Discussion Discussion onsors: FirstJob- g 340 p in onsors: Or onsors: CoordinationAmon g g Emer g in g Your First Job First Your Insi CM/RM/OB: Researchin HR &Co-S Cor IM/SIM/ONE: HR/OB: Or BPS &Co-S OM/TIM: MeetEditors ofOMJournals MED/ODC: FilminEx MED &Co-S IT&Or TIM/OCIS/OM: RM/ONE: TextualAnal CAR &Co-S theQuantitativeEx RM/NDSC: Ask Doct. Consortium OMT/ODC/MOC OMT/ODC/MOC: A g AA: AOM Associates AA: AOMAssociates ExecutiveIssues A g g p p AA: Conference Break AA: Conference p in ht &Forsi lines g g Industries anization Science p 348 10:30 342 343 341 347 344 g p anizational Membershi onsors: CraftofReviewin p p p onsors: Creativit onsors: Dialo onsors: Meet the Best Reviewers onsors: MeettheBest g ht g OCIS &Co-S OB: OB Doc Student Consortium OB: OBDocStudent andCareers CAR/IM/ITC: Transformation A A A p

AA: Div/IG Incomin AA: Div/IG AOM Meetin AC: Midwest AA: Incomin orate NGORelations 349 p

g y eriential Exercises sis anization g g Ne Firms 11:00

g MC/BPS: Consultin ues on aNewVision g p y g ative Emotions

onsors: American-Chinese Pro In Business In p p g

erts ram Chairs g g Chairs 11:30 g g inChina Î Î Î Î Î Î CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Î ir.

p g on S

g Fundin Section B g 11:30 11:30 mtmt gg

p MSR: Publishin M M in Business Schools onsors: Findin yy y p 11:00 11:00 350 ement Practice g 21st Centur Centur 21st 21st ment Worksho

p gg GDO: Diversit HCM & Co-S

inin Your Dissertation Tour: Dole pp g y in an g 10:30 10:30 345 346 p er Develo p g MED/CMS: of Globalization Issues HR: Com SIM: Ethics And Mana Educator TTC/OB/MED: Scientist and PTC/ITC: ShaPTC/ITC: Sha GDO/MED: Affective Education CMS/CAR: Critter Careers IM: Pa MH: Mana 10:00 10:00 328 323 337 339 334334 322 321 326 331 Conference Program Guide Ð Sunday,Guide Program Conference 7, August 2005 p erts p p le-Centered Learnin p ital Networks p 9:30 9:30 ment p 53 PNP: Multi Hos SIM: Learn from ex PNP: Doctoral PNP: Doctoral Consortium IIConsortium II MED/MSR: Princi anization g ulationulation gg oration Follow 9:00 9:00 308 310 309309 303 p hant hant p & The Or g he Past t MH: Professional Develo OM: OM in Core Business Curriculum HCM: Qualitative Methods Worksho HCM: Quantitative Methods Worksho CMS: Cor

g onsors: Practitioner Series/A-Ronsors: Practitioner Series/A-Ronsors: Practitioner Series/A-R ppp 285 288 282 283 281 8:30 8:30 MEN/ITC: Mentorin PTC: Giraffe and Ele HCM: Breakfast MH/MOC: Usin PS & Co-SPS & Co-SPS & Co-S ONE/SIM: Risk and Self-ReONE/SIM: Risk and Self-Re

Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times 264 273 259 265 272272272 271271 8:00 8:00 7:30 7:30 Hawaii: Paradise Found…and Lost – A Photo Essay Randall B. Dunham, U. of Wisconsin, Madison Sunday Morning, August 7, 2005 (cont.) 2005 7, August Morning, Sunday SH: Waimea Canyon Room SH: Oahu Room SH: Puna Room SH: Waianae Room SH: Lanai Ballroom SH: Maui Ballroom SH: Niihau Room SH: Kauai Ballroom SH: Koko Crater Room SH: Kona Room SH: Hilo Room SH: Honolulu Room SH: Iao Needle Room SH: Kahuku Room OS: Dole Factory Tour Dole Factory OS: Room SH: Akaka Falls SH: Ewa Room 2HH: Tapa Ballroom

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 7, Conference Program GuideÐSunday, SH: KohalaRoom SH: KahukuRoom SH: IaoNeedleRoom SH: HonoluluRoom SH: AkakaFallsRoom OS: DoleFactory Tour HH: SouthPacific4 HH: SouthPacific3 HH: SouthPacific2 HH: SouthPacific1 4 HH: SeaPearlSuite 3 HH: SeaPearlSuite 2 HH: SeaPearlSuite 1 HH: SeaPearlSuite HH: IolaniSuite1 4-5 HH: CoralBallroom CC: Room326B CC: Room325A CC: Room324 CC: Room323C CC: Room323A CC: Room322A CC: Room319B CC: Room319A CC: Room318B CC: Room318A CC: Room317B CC: Room317A CC: Room315 CC: Room311-FringeCafe CC: Room309 CC: Room308B CC: Room306B CC: Room306A CC: Room305B CC: Room304B CC: Room304A CC: Room302A CC: Room301A CC: HCCLobby-Registration CC: HCCLobby-Membership Break Area - CC: ExhibitHallIII Exhibits - III CC: ExhibitHall AB CC: BallroomSection SH: WaimeaCanyonRoom SH: WaialuaRoom SH: PunaRoom SH: NiihauRoom SH: KonaRoom Í

CAR/IM/ITC: Transformation Transformation CAR/IM/ITC: Í Í Í CAR/IM/ITC: Í Í Í Í 355 353 352 351 12:00 356357 354

HR: CompanyTour:Dole AAA: PlacementServices AAA: Honolulu2005,LAC AAA: Registration AAA: Membership AAA: Exhibits Sunday Afternoon,August7,2005

ICW: JAME Editorial Board Meetin Board ICW: JAMEEditorial SPDW: First Job - Break out III BoardMeetin Job-Breakout ICW: MLE SPDW:First A A A A AA: AOMFellows AA: Division AA: Incomin AC: International 359 12:30 358 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. g

A A PDWChairs AC: Western AOM Meetin AC: Western AA: Eastern AOM BoardMeetin AA: Eastern 365 360 364 363 1:00 362 366 361 g

ICW: Grou OS SeniorEditorMt ICW: ICW: MFCA BusinessMeetin ICW: MFCA A A A A AC: Mentorin AS: NewVisionsforTeachin AC: ITCRece AOM Meetin AC: Eastern g 368 371 370 367 1:30 369 p & Or & g ICW: JOM Edit.BoardMeetin ICW: JOM Or ICW: Positive A A A g p CommitteeMeetin AA: AMLE Editorial Board Mt Board AA: AMLEEditorial AC: Practice Theme Committee AC: Practice AA: tion g . M g 54 g 374 378 373 2:00 380 377 379 376 375 mt. Edit. Board Edit. mt. g g ICW: OMJ Edit.Board ICW: ICW: Or A A A A A A g g AA: MCExecutiveCommittee RT: Frin Winners AA: AOMAward AA: Pro Orientation AA: NewMember AA: AMROut g M . Scholarshi g g mt g 2:30 381 g anization Ed.Board g ram Chair ram e Cafe 382 A g g p AA: AME Editorial Board Mt AA: AMEEditorialBoard g oin Mt . A AA: Conference Break AA: Conference g g Edit.BoardMt 383 386 3:00 385 387 384 ICW: LRP Meetin ICW: LRP A A A A AA: IM ExecutiveCommittee AA: IM AS: FutureofBusinessSchools AA: AOM Review AA: AOMReview AA: AMJEditorialBoardMt g 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 389 388 3:30 409 408 407 406 411 405 404 403 402 401 400 410 399 398 397

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A g AA: MOC Executive Committee AA: MOCExecutive AA: CARExecutiveCommittee AA: OBExecutiveCommittee AA: BPSExecutiveCommittee AA: CMExecutiveCommittee Committee AA: ODCExecutive Committee AA: OMTExecutive AA: RMExecutiveCommittee AA: ENTExecutiveCommittee AA: PNPExecutiveCommittee Committee AA: ONEExecutive AA: MHExecutiveCommittee Committee AA: MSRExecutive AC: PTC Committee AA: CMSExecutive Committee AA: SIMExecutive Committee AA: HCMExecutive Committee AA: OMExecutive Committee AA: MEDExecutive Committee AA: GDOExecutive AC: SouthernAOMMeetin AA: HRExecutiveCommittee Committee AA: TIMExecutive AA: AMRIncomin . g

4:00 412

g ICW: OS Board . g Edit. Board Edit.Board 4:30 g Î Î Î Î Î CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Î Î Î Î Section B 8:30 8:30 tion p

GDO: GLBT and Friends


8:00 8:00 428 on on titi on pp ti p on ti on p ti Rece Rece p yy ICW: HKUST Rece

7:30 7:30 427 tion g p AA: All Academ All Academ AA: AA: AA ICW: AKMS Rece ICW: NSU Meetin DBA Students' ICW: Wharton Rece Rece ICW: OBTS/JME Rece Conference Program Guide Ð Sunday,Guide Program Conference 7, August 2005 p 425 7:00 7:00 422422 423 426 424 g tiontion pp onsors: Leadershi p 6:30 6:30 55 AC: AAM ReceAC: AAM Rece AA CAR/GDO: CAR/GDO Social Gatherin ICW: AKMS Meetin OB & Co-S 419 420 421 418418 6:00 6:00 yy g enin p AA: OCIS Executive Committee A

Arts O y 417 5:30 5:30 Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times W: Warwick Cocktail PartPart Warwick Cocktail Warwick Cocktail W: W: AA: AOM Convocation Academ RT: AC: AAM CommitteeAC: AAM Committee A A AA ICIC

413 415 414414 416416 5:00 5:00 Sunday Evening, August 7, 2005 7, August Evening, Sunday HR: Company Tour: Dole ART: Fringe Cafe AAA: MC Executive CommitteeAAA: MC Executive Committee ICW: OS Board ReceptionICW: OS Board Reception AAA: Honolulu 2005, LAC

Í Í ÍÍ ÍÍ Í Visions of 21st Century Management: Downsizing Chris Poulson, California Polytechnic U. Pomona SH: Waialua Room SH: Waianae Room OS: Dole Factory Tour Dole Factory OS: OS: Tiki Grill & Bar OS: Waikiki Beach Resort Marriott SH: Honolulu Room HH: Coral Ballroom 1 HH: South Pacific 1 HH: South Pacific 2 CC: Room 323B CC: Room 324 CC: Room 326B CC: Room 311 - Fringe Cafe CC: Room 311 - Fringe Cafe CC: Room 314 CC: Room 317B CC: Room 323A CC: Center Rooftop CC: Center Rooftop (A&B)CC: Room 301 CC: Room 311 SectionCC: Ballroom AB

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 8, Conference Program GuideÐMonday, CC: Room317B CC: Room317A CC: Room316C CC: Room316B CC: Room316A CC: Room315 CC: Room314 CC: Room313C CC: Room313B CC: Room313A CC: Room312 CC: Room311-Arts CC: Room311 CC: Room309 CC: Room308B CC: Room308A CC: Room307B CC: Room307A CC: Room306B CC: Room306A CC: Room305B CC: Room305A CC: Room304B CC: Room304A CC: Room303B CC: Room303A CC: Room302B CC: Room302A CC: Room301B CC: Room301A CC: HCCLobby-Registration CC: HCCLobby-Membership TIM 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall TIM 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall OMT 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall OMT 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall OM - III CC: ExhibitHall ODC 1 - CC: ExhibitHallIII OB - III CC: ExhibitHall MOC 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall MOC 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall MED - III CC: ExhibitHall MC - III CC: ExhibitHall 2 IM - III CC: ExhibitHall 1 IM - III CC: ExhibitHall HR - CC: ExhibitHallIII GDO 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall ENT 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall ENT 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall Break Area - CC: ExhibitHallIII BPS 2 - CC: ExhibitHallIII BPS 1 - CC: ExhibitHallIII Exhibits - III CC: ExhibitHall CC: AlaHalawaiConcourse 7:00 Monday Morning,August8,2005 432 431 7:30

TIM: TIM Welcome Welcome TIM: TIM MC: Welcome Breakfast MC: Welcome Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. 435

8:00 IM: Welcome 446 445 444 467 466 501 465 494 457 496 493 456 492 483 461 441 458 440 480 450 449 439 443 442 448 447 8:30 BPS: Com Value BPS: Diversification BPS: Executin andMana Culture IM: National IM: Knowled PatentStrate TIM/BPS/OMT: IM: SuccessfulAlliances Autonom OMT: Orderand Evolution ENT: Venture Communities OMT/OB: Positive OMT: Cor ENT: Internationalization OMT: Welcome/Distin MOC: Welcome & Culture in Mind &Culture MOC: Welcome GDO/CAR: Universit ENT/BPS/IM: InternationalEntre MC: Consultin BPS/OMT/RM: Set-theoreticMethods BPS/MOC: Mana Ca BPS: Natureof BPS: Shiftin A A A A A AS: Culture in Mana AS: Culture AS: Makin AS: Mone RT: Aesthetics andUni RT: Academ 520 519 515 514 513 512 511 510 509 508 507 506 502 516 525 524 504 503 523 522 521 p 56 p 9:00 orate Governance orate y g onents ofPerformance g g ball:Reframin Public SchoolsWork

e Flows&Subsidiaries Industr y g g Arts/Frin toOr OMT: Institutional Chan OMT: Institutional ODC: TransformationalChan &Mana MOC: Emotion MOC: Mana MC: Consultin M IM: Mana IM: Cross-Cultural Work Attitudes / Fit HR: P-O GDO: LeadersandDiversit Performance ENT: Venture BPS: TMTandtheStrate BPS: Interor MOC: Emotions inOr MOC: Emotions & Ado TIM: Diffusion TIM: BoundariesoftheFirm Assets TIM: Intellectual Develo TIM: Product OMT: Identit A A A Alliances AA: Exhibits AA: Re AA: Membershi g p erial Co abilities y y g ana Transformation g g Structure anizations ement Research uished Scholar g g q g e Cafe istration g ueness 9:30 y ement Tensionsin ement g Phenomenon nition g g y, erial Co anizational Networks gy Co g g andOr ers p p g reneurshi nition p p g g ment tion nition Life g g g . Life , ement g Culture e gy ement 10:00 526 527 y

p g e A A AA: Coffee Break AA: CoffeeBreak AA: Conference Break AA: Conference 10:30 592 590 588 578 570 551 546 545 534 574 575 598 532 584 531 569 583 540 530 529 539 538 537 536 607 535 606 556 555 605 554 597 547 596 595 548 594 604 593

OMT: SourcesofInstitutions OM: Technolo ODC: Accountin OB: Motivation MED: ToolsandTacticsforMED HR: HRMPractices ENT: Entre ENT: O BPS: Trust MOC: Bias in Decision-Makin MOC: Biasin Or MOC/OMT/CMS: OMT/BPS: Embeddedness and Sex atWork OB/GDO/SIM: MC: Consultants'Values&Actions OB/CM/HR: JusticeAroundthe BPS/TIM: Strate BPS: BoardStakeholders BPS: Knowled BPS: Mana BPS: Or Market to TIM: Time and Mana BPS: Context TIM: JointKnowled Cross-Cultural IM/OB/OMT: IM Pro TIM: Intellectual IM: Ex OMT: Chan ENT: Famil Do PricesCome OMT: Where D OMT: Network ENTRin ENT/SIM/MED: OMT: Theor TIM: IT Mana OMT: Learnin A A A A AS: Mana AS: ServicesSciences&M Outsourcin AS: Int`l AS: PaternalisminEmA : S: PaternalisminEm Business Grou 11:00 p pp atriates inAction atriates g anization andIndustr ortunit , p y g g Framin g y reneurial Governance reneurial

ement Consultin in e andSurvival Bu

g g Matters gy g g ement ,

Perf. and Chan e Flows DiversifiedFirms siness Advanta g y g &Pro y forEmotions Reco cAlliances ic Alliances namics p g g s & 11:30 p g e Creation andProcess , g ert Attitudes anizational ofServices j ect M g y p g nition lo ement g e g y ment t g g g mt y g e Î Î Î Î Î CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE y Î Î Î Î y y

pp gy g & abilit p gygy Value gy in MED s in s in y ers g on: on: on: on: iritualit p p ement ement air Incentive

tititi g , , p at at WorkWork gg p g s y ppp yy p ression and & Strate loitin ement & SCM e & Ca y Section B 11:30 11:30 p g g pp Arenas Ado Ado Ado and S g

Customers in OB Control Control p gygygy , , ate-Level g rs and Ma and HR ical Contract and Qualit iritual Leadershiiritual Leadershi uences of Bein & Validit g Positivit Positivit y g Identit y & Env:Strate & pp q y , ho re ofof g and Ex and Sharin ic HR and ic HR

p g g yy g ICW: JOB Ed. Board lier Mana gg

. Gov. & Ethical Conduct cholo orate Governance pp nition y p p g 11:00 11:00 608 AA: Meet the Editors AS: Learn from Hawaiian Hula A A MED: Quantit MED: Culture and Mana OM: Su IP: Co IP: New Research on Value IP: Collaborative Grou IP: Collaboration & Sustainabilit IP: Control and Ownershi IP: Governance IP: Governance IP: Cor IP: Cor IP: Creatin IP: Creatin IP: Create Knowled CMS: GlobalizationCMS: GlobalizationCMS: Globalization and MNCs and MNCs and MNCs CMS/ODC/OMT: O ONE: EnvironmentalONE: Environmental Strate Strate MH: HistorMH: Histor SIM: VisionsSIM: Visions for Ethics for Ethics SIM/IM: Cascadin MSR: Leadershi PNP: NP Or HCM: Innovations in Health Care OCIS: Conse CM: Trust and Trust Re CAR: Career Success HR: Strate ODC: Meta HR: Performance ManaHR: Performance Mana OCIS: TechnoloOCIS: TechnoloOCIS: Technolo RM: Reliabilit OB/HR: A OB: DestructiveOB: Destructive Work Behaviors Work Behaviors OB: OB Division 5 Year Review OB: Ps OB: Considerin MSR/MED: SMSR/MED: S GDO: Diversit

528 571 572 591 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 543543543 544 599599 573573 602602 603 576 600 550 586 542 541 552 589 553553 587587587 601 585 579579 580 581 582 577577 533 549 10:30 10:30 10:00 10:00 tion: Firmstion: Firmstion: Firms ppp ee gg s in Virtual g ence Ado Ado Ado p ts g e y Conference Program Guide Ð Monday, Guide Program Conference 8, August 2005 p gygygy stst g uities gg yyy q g Evol Evol p ms gg g 9:30 9:30 and Micro-Practices and Micro-Practices iritualit ic Action gg p g s ical Contract Methods ical onsibilitonsibilitonsibilit y & Or & Or p Claims g etencies ppp y pp g p ration Paradi g p for the Future AA: Placement Services etin in the SoTLE Emotional Intelli cholo g p A OCIS: Relationshi OCIS: TechnoloOCIS: TechnoloOCIS: Technolo g p y Com g e Models & Conce ical Revolution Sources of Value & Action Knowled ectives on S ectives g g in g g reneurshireneurshi orateorateorate Res Res Res lace Stress & Well-Bein p and Identification 9:00 9:00 l. Pref & Concerns: Pub & O p and Promotion Ine pp ward Nominees anizin ppp 57 p y 517 518518518 505 p y g A nition and Strate uisition Inte lorin nals and Status g q p LAC g , IP: Ex IP: Identit IP: Incentives and Rewards IP: Develo IP: New Views on Leadershi IP: Research on Grou IP: Knowled IP: Si IP: Co CMS: CorCMS: CorCMS: Cor CMS: Ecolo ONE: EnvironmentalONE: Environmental Performance Performance MH: EntreMH: Entre SIM: Ethics:SIM: Ethics: Emotions Emotions and An and An MSR: Pers PNP: Em HCM: HCM Business Meetin OCIS: CM/OB/HR: Obstacles to Fairness CAR/OB: Welcome Careers & Protean HR/ODC: New Directions in OCB Research ODC: Or HR/OB: Job SearchHR/OB: Job Search and Evaluation and Evaluation RM: Formative Measurement Models OB/ODC: Grou Exchan Exchan OB/HR: Advances in SocialOB/HR: Advances in Social OB: Work OB/RM/HR: Ps OMT/BPS/MED:OMT/BPS/MED: Learnin Learnin CMS/SIM: Com GDO: Pa GDO: Work and Famil MED: Publishin OM: Revolution in SCM IP: Ac IP: Transaction Cost Econ. IP: Teachin 8:30 8:30 OB/HR: New Leadershi 482482 500500 484 498 462 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 453453453 454 497497 488 495495 455 459 460 481 491 468 469 470 489 452 451 464 490 463463 499 487 486486 485 438 ees AA: Honolulu 2005 y A SIM: Welcome Session- SIM: Welcome HR: Welcome Ceremon and Awards lo

p 8:00 8:00 437 434 433 ODC: Welcome

436 Older Workers of Older Em g Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times g in g 7:30 7:30 CAU: Levera CAU: Mentorin

7:00 7:00 429 430 Monday Morning, August 8, 2005 (cont.) 2005 8, August Morning, Monday SH: Waimea Canyon Room SH: Waianae Room SH: Waimea Canyon: A1 SH: Waimea Canyon: A2 SH: Niihau Room SH: Oahu Room SH: Puna Room SH: Waialua Room SH: Honolulu Room SH: Kahuku Room SH: Kohala/Kona Room HH: Tapa 3 - Table C4 SH: Akaka Falls/Iao Room Needle SH: Hilo Room HH: Tapa 3 - Table C1 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C2 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C3 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B1 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B2 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B3 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B4 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A2 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A3 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A4 HH: South Pacific 2 HH: South Pacific 3 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A1 HH: Iolani Suite 1 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 1-2 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 HH: South Pacific 1 HH: Coral Ballroom 1 HH: Coral Ballroom 2 HH: Coral Ballroom 4 CC: Room 326B CC: Room 327 CC: Room 328 CC: Room 323C CC: Room 324 CC: Room 325A CC: Room 321B CC: Room 322A CC: Room 322B CC: Room 323A CC: Room 318B CC: Room 318B CC: Room 319A CC: Room 319B CC: Room 318A

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 8, Conference Program GuideÐMonday, CC: Room315 CC: Room314 CC: Room313C CC: Room313B CC: Room313A CC: Room312 CC: Room311 CC: Room309 CC: Room308B CC: Room308A CC: Room307B CC: Room307A CC: Room306B CC: Room306A CC: Room305B CC: Room305A CC: Room304B CC: Room304A CC: Room303B CC: Room303A CC: Room302B CC: Room302A CC: Room301B CC: Room301A CC: HCCLobby-Registration CC: HCCLobby-Membership TIM 3 - III CC: ExhibitHall TIM 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall TIM 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall SIM 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall SIM - III CC: ExhibitHall RM - III CC: ExhibitHall ONE - III CC: ExhibitHall OMT 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall OMT 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall OM - III CC: ExhibitHall ODC 2 - CC: ExhibitHallIII ODC 1 - CC: ExhibitHallIII OB - III CC: ExhibitHall MOC 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall MOC 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall MC - III CC: ExhibitHall 1 IM - III CC: ExhibitHall HR - CC: ExhibitHallIII HCM 2 - CC: ExhibitHallIII HCM 1 - CC: ExhibitHallIII GDO 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall ENT 2 - III CC: ExhibitHall ENT 1 - III CC: ExhibitHall Break Area - CC: ExhibitHallIII BPS 3 - CC: ExhibitHallIII BPS 2 - CC: ExhibitHallIII BPS 1 - CC: ExhibitHallIII Exhibits - III CC: ExhibitHall 12:00 Monday Afternoon,August8,2005 Í Í Í Í 612 654 681 622 611 610 621 620 619 618 693 617 692 641 640 691 639 679 629 678 677 628 676 690 689 684 675 674 671 670 662 638 633 632 627 616 615 614

ART: AcademyArts/FringeCafe AAA: Registration AAA: Membership AAA: Exhibits

12:30 MC: FutureConsultin OMT/BPS/ENT: Theor BPS: RentA BPS: Learnin BPS: Technolo BPS: Ca BPS: Learnin TIM: FirmRes BPS: PerverseEffectsofIncentives TIM: Ca &IJVPerf Selection IM: Partner Com IM: Locationand TIM: Evolutionar Revisited IM: CulturalDistance OMT: Or ENT: O OMT: Cate andCommunit OMT: Networks ENT: Makin andGrowth OMT: Institutions TIM: TechEvolution TIM: Alliances Presentation RM: RMDVisual OMT: Or asStructure OMT: Networks and Resistance ODC: Politics ODC: Chan OB: Personalit IM: IJVs HCM: Or HCM: Im ENT: Entre BPS: E BPS: VerticalInte BPS: Knowled A A A AS: Future of Diversit AS: Futureof AS: Cross-CulturalMana AS: Or Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. q pp p , g uit p g g Alliances g p abilities &Resources anizations andPeace . in Emer . in anizational Crises anizational Effectiveness anizational ortunit anizations andEnvironment anizations rovin y g p g g Stakeholders ories andValuation reneurial Linka reneurial pp e Interventions

g g Decisions inVC 1:00 p g y from Prior Deals fromPrior inAlliances g gy ro onse toInnovation andDiversit e Strate y ClinicalInteraction y p Reco Diffusion

g Theor riation &Creation , g ration Ac in g g p q y

y Markets etitiveness g ofNascentOr gy uisitions Research y nition

g g ement y 1:30 es

y g . 2:00 58 759 749 745 744 739 719 716 712 700 699 697 740 707 706 696 695 705 704 703 702 764 701 775 725 724 774 723 715 714 763 762 713 761 773 772 2:30 776 OM: Su OB: Leadershi MOC: Learn MOC: IssuesinIdentit MC MC: Toolsof HR: Pot GDO: Gender ENT: Entre BPS: Risk BPS: Knowled MC: KM and Mana MC: KMand BPS/TIM: Desi Or BPS/OMT/TIM: BPS: First-MoverAdvanta BPS: Learnin BPS: M&ARelatedness BPS: Diversit OMT: Mana Ca BPS: Alliance Develo TIM: NewProduct Entr IM: Market Strate IM: Political TIM: NewVenturin IM: TheEx ENT: Fundin ENT: Entre OMT: StatusD Districts OMT: Industrial ENT: NewVenture OMT: W TIM: Entre TIM: Innovation Mana A A A AS: Mana AS: Entre AS: Be A AA: Conference Break AA: Conference pp p ( y h ourri 3:00 ond Mana l , ) p y Uncertaint p p p p itherin g Chain &Qualit Chain reneurial Activit reneurial g atriate's Career , reneurial reneurial reneurial Vision reneurial Education reneurial ement and g Know in y g ,

p g onBoards of Careers

g g y and y e inPartnershi n ofTechnolo namics theMNC Strate p g g g abilities IT? g g , e nMNCs ies in anizational g

ement ers Not y g y &D ement g ,


and ies p g y ment y y e

namics gy p s 792

793 783 782 781 839 788 780 779 787 786 785 837 849 803 802 848 801 796 795 836 835 794 834 847 846 845 844 843 840 833 832

ENT: Entre 4:00

ENT: Ima

781 780 779 BPS: Institutions &Advanta BPS: Institutions BPS: Ownershi OMT/CMS: Collaborative OMT/CMS: Collaborative Performance BPS: Alliance BPS: Com &Knowled BPS: Institutions BPS: Wh OMT: Structure&Desi TIM: Distin TIM IM IM: Ex TIM: EconomicsofInnovation IM: Mana ENT: NewVentureAdvanta ENT: Natureof Le OMT: Status& OMT: Sociolo ENT: Ca Diffusion OMT: Institutional TIM: Interor TIM: Strate TIM: Hi Villa Visual SIM: SIM Villa Visual SIM: SIM Issues and ONE: ONE OMT: AlliancesandNetworks OMT: Understandin A A A AS: Develo AS: BehavioralEthics AS: Bio 784 : Host Countr

A A A p p 850 g

g AS: Develo AS: BehavioralEthics AS: Bio loration AcrossBorders loration BPS: AssetS reneurs &NewVentures reneurs h Tech p es of Entre p y g abilities &Rents s 4:30 p erial Tensionsin Firms Diversif gy y g etition cholo p . Networks BPS: Mid-Career & Technolo g in y p p g y g ofGovernance s &Diversification uished S Nationals NewTheor y gy g cholo p itimac p g in &M reneurshi g g Desi p g e-New e-New g ecificit New gy n y 5:00 g y p gy g mt.

eaker and n g g g y e e y e p Î Î Î CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Î Î Î Î

. y g g e y ic g y e g The eaker

g ies 5:00 5:00 at at y p g

g anizin /Editorial g g g y mt. Ed in g Tech. namics in

p ort y loit Section B g & OCBs for chan & Memor Strate p ectives on ectives p

g g D pp Innovation p g y kr: Van de Ven g p Differences & note: Or & Social ssion Outcome nin . Su

ICW: Northeastern y p etition y hts in Identit g g p re p g 4:30 4:30 loitin lementin

p p p 851 ICW: MOR Advisor ONE: Ali MH: Hawthorne Studies PNP: Awards & Business MC: Steve Kerr Div S MED: Ethics & M GDO: Structures & Diversit MED: Women Leavin Division BusinessOM: Mt IP: Research on Ethical IP: Ex IP: Learn & Ex IP: Culture & Knowled IP: New Pers IP: Fin. Issues in Strate IP: Gender and Diversit IP: Com IP: Grou IP: Histor IP: Im IP: Incentives & Rewards in Centers CMS/IM/TIM: Call IM/BPS: Penrose & MNE IM/BPS: Penrose Identit MOC: MOC: Lead & Follow OCIS: Ke CM: Culture & Conflict CAR: Or HR: HRM & Individual ODC: Plannin HR: Grou OMT: Learnin OB: Im OB: Leadershi OB: Insi Decision OB: Makin OB: Stress & Co

HCM: Dist. S

IP: Globalization & Diversification

778 841 821 842 818 819 797 820 831 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 813 814 815 816 817 791 804 822 823 829 790 789 799 830 800 838 824 825 826 827 828 4:00 4:00 798

g 812



& Aesthetics and and & Aesthetics gg

y lace . tive inin p g gygygy g p gg ectives ectives . 3:30 3:30 p & & g ectives ectives yy

and Processes p & New g er Award p p p ital and y les and ectives in OB ectives & Culture & Culture & Culture g and Well- -Career p

p y Sustainable Sustainable t: Chant: Chan y p irical Studies irical Studies y yy e Sharin gg gg and Teams pp

g St MED: MED Global Forum p g and the Work Safet , y etition Identit Identit reneurshi reneurshi reneurshi p ectives on Diversit 3:00 3:00 gg p p p Culture and Emotion and Emotion Culture 777 p nition and Emotions hics: Em Em hics: hics: . g g Conference Program Guide Ð Monday, Guide Program Conference 8, August 2005 AS: New Vision of of AS: New VisionAS: New Vision AA ONE: EnvisioninONE: Envisionin MH: ScientificMH: Scientific MM SIM: EtSIM: Et SIM/OB/HR: CSP and Attraction MSR: Visions of Work PNP: New Vision for 21st HCM/OMT/OB: Patient Safet OB/GDO: Work-FamilOB/GDO: Work-Famil HR: Ice Cream Social & Networkin MED: Learnin Effects GDO/OB/HR: Context MED/HR: Advances in E- OM: JOM Best Pa IP: Pers IP: Diversit IP: Inst. Pressure & Or IP: Eco. & Evol. Pers IP: Eco. and Evol. Pers IP: Co IP: Or IP: Transformational Leadershi IP: Work and Famil IP: Entre IP: Entre IP: Entre IP: Envr. Influences on Or CMS: Work CMS: Work CMS: Work Intensification Intensification Intensification CMS/OMT/ODC: Discourses of OMT/BPS/TIM:OMT/BPS/TIM:OMT/BPS/TIM: Technolo Technolo Technolo OB/CM/HR: Debatin MOC/OMT/OB: Attribution MOC: OrMOC: Or OCIS: Knowled CM: Com CAR: Time-Famil HR/OB: Social Ca ODC: Resistance as Ada HR/ENT: HRMHR/ENT: HRM & & OMT: Innovation Over TimeOMT: Innovation Over TimeOMT: Innovation Over Time OB: Health OB: Leadershi RM: QualitativeRM: Qualitative Methods & Methods & OB: Cultural Pers OB: Creative Outcomes OB: Humor at Work 2:30 2:30 767767 743743 770770 771 748 768 718 756756 720 741 717 742 760 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 710710710 711 766766766 698698 755 747 746746 757 709 708 722 758 721721 765765765 750 751 769769 752 753 754 ICW: IACMR Exec Committee Mt Committee ICW: IACMR Exec 59 ggg 2:00 2:00 694 g y p e Balance g y g y g World World e Structure g y gg g & Polic abilit y y ital gy y p 1:30 1:30 g Justice p and Code-Makin

Deviants and Code-Makin and Code-Makin gygygy y ital g ggg ter Two"ter Two" g, p Knowled pp abilities Networks and ads & Teamsads & Teams g p & Value ,

ement and Learnin e&Ca n yy y ivin iritualit s and Fairness s and Fairness yyy Work-Famil g g g g p gg g

MNCs & Work anization Science ert , g in g p ee Commitment Reform& Resistance Reform& For g

y Triads Seriousl , g Or Identit Identit Identit n g, lo New Ca Social Ca g 1:00 1:00 ggg g p g g ement in a Warminement in a Warmin s and Diversit s and ininin and Sharin in in gg p ram Internationalization yyy ic Knowled g ic Decision Makin p p nitionnitionnition and Strate and Strate and Strate g g g ggg ues of Practice abilities at Social Ca q anization Desi p g Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times Decision-Makin : AS: ManaAS: Mana AA IP: Develo IP: Intellectual Pro IP: Develo CMS: StudCMS: StudCMS: Stud CMS: Globalization on "Cha on "Cha Reflections Reflections MH: MH: SIM: GovernanceSIM: Governance in CSR in CSR SIM/OB/OMT: Ethics and the Environment MSR: Science and S Innovation PNP: HCM: HC Em MED: Pro OM: E-Commerce ... IP: Strate IP: Creatin IP: Criti IP: Or IP: Work Desi IP IP: Strate IP: Networks as Source of Value IP: Ca OB/HR: Context and Creativit OB/CM/MOC: FeelinOB/CM/MOC: Feelin OB/HR: Transformational Leadershi OB/MOC: Error Mana OB/CM/MOC: Constructin MED/ODC/MH:MED/ODC/MH: New Vision Business New Vision Business SIM/BPS: Sustainable Strate HR: Fourth HR Meetin Town Hall GDO: Grou MED: MED Division Chairs' Luncheon GDO/CAR: Mana OMT/MOC: Code-BreakinOMT/MOC: Code-BreakinOMT/MOC: Code-Breakin Teams OB/OMT/OCIS: MOC: Network Effects and Learnin MOC: New VistasMOC: New Vistas in D in D OCIS/OB/MOC: Team Knowled CM/OB: Healin CAR/GDO/HR: Work & Famil HR/CAR: Takin ODC: Debatin HR: Work &HR: Work & Contextual Performance Contextual Performance OMT: CoOMT: CoOMT: Co RM: RM: International Networkin 12:30 12:30

ICW: JOB Luncheon ICW: JOB Luncheon AAA: Honolulu 2005, LAC AAA: Placement Services

651 652 653 625625625 626 658658 686686 688 661 683 634 656 673 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 665 663663 666 667 664 657657 687 636 630 655 631 682682682 613613 668 659 660660 669 624 623 637 672 635635 680680680 685 Í Í Í 12:00 12:00 Monday Afternoon, August 8, 2005 (cont.) 8, 2005 August Afternoon, Monday SH: Waialua Room SH: Waianae Room SH: Waimea Canyon Room SH: Niihau Room SH: Oahu Room SH: Puna Room SH: Honolulu Room SH: Kahuku Room SH: Kohala/Kona Room HH: Tapa 3 - Table C3 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C4 SH: Akaka Falls/Iao Needle Room SH: Hilo Room HH: Tapa 2 - Table B5 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C1 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C2 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B2 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B3 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B4 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A3 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A4 HH: Tapa 2 - Table B1 HH: South Pacific 3 HH: South Pacific 4 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A1 HH: Tapa 1 - Table A2 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 HH: South Pacific 1 HH: South Pacific 2 HH: Coral Ballroom 4 HH: Iolani Suite 1 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 1-2 CC: Room 328 HH: Coral Ballroom 1 HH: Coral Ballroom 2 CC: Room 324 CC: Room 325A CC: Room 326B CC: Room 327 CC: Room 322B CC: Room 323A CC: Room 323C CC: Room 319B CC: Room 321B CC: Room 322A CC: Room 317B CC: Room 318A CC: Room 318B CC: Room 319A CC: Room 316B CC: Room 316B CC: Room 316C CC: Room 317A CC: Room 316A

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 August 8, Conference Program GuideÐMonday, CC: Room304B CC: Room301B CC: Room301A CC: CenterRooftop SH: WaianaeRoom SH: WaialuaRoom SH: OahuRoom SH: NiihauRoom SH: Maui/MolokaiBallroom SH: Kohala/KonaRoom SH: KahukuRoom SH: Honolulu/Kahuku SH: HonoluluRoom SH: DiamondHeadLawn HH: SouthPacific4 HH: SouthPacific3 HH: SouthPacific2 1-2 HH: SeaPearlSuite HH: RooftopGarden 4 HH: CoralBallroom 2 HH: CoralBallroom 1 HH: CoralBallroom CC: Room326B CC: Room324 & C CC: Room323A,B CC: Room319B CC: Room318B CC: Room318A CC: Room316A CC: Room315 CC: Room314 CC: Room313B CC: Room311 CC: Room306B CC: Room306A 5:00 Í Í Í Í Í Í Í

856 865 854 862 864 860 853 855 859 863 857 861 858 PNP: Awards & Business PNP: Awards&Business ICW: NortheasternU.Reception GDO: BusinessMtg&Awards AAA: Honolulu2005,LAC &Conflict CM: Culture ART: AcademyArts/FringeCafe Consortium BPS: BPSMid-Career 5:30

ICW: Oxford Press Rece Oxford Press ICW: TIM: Business TIM ENT: Business Meetin OMT: BusinessMt SIM: SIM Division BusinessMeetin Division SIM: SIM MH: BusMt CMS: CMSBusiness HCM: HCMSocial MC: MCDBusiness/Awards RM: RM:Business ICW: IACMRBusiness Meetin Meetin Business OCIS: OCIS Forum Scholar IM: Eminent Monday Evening,August8,2005 867 866 6:00 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. g

OM: OM DivisionSocial OM: OM MED: MEDGlobalForumDinner 868 869 g .

g OMT: OMT Social Hour OMT: OMTSocial

873 875 870 874 871 876 872

p MC: MCDivisionSocialHour... 6:30 ti on

g PNP: Social Hour: Rece PNP: SocialHour: JointSocial &PNP SIM: SIM DanWren - MH: SocialHour RM: SocialHours /SocialHour OB: OBAwards TIM: Social TIM Hour Social OCIS: OCIS g

878 877

g GDO: GDO Social Hour GDO: GDOSocial BPS: Outstandin 880 879 7:00 ICW: MFCA Rece ICW: MFCA Rece ICW: BAM 60 p g tion Educator 7:30 p tion p tion 881 8:00 ICW: BYU Social ICW: BYU 8:30 882 9:00

A AA: President`sDessertRece

9:30 10:00 p tion Î Î CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Î s e s g g p gygy & ers mt y y p g uit p uir

q yyy q g p e M tion ementement endence in

lace g ins of Section B e Flows p 11:30 11:30 er Learnin gg p g p g g g in Chinese Relationshi & Control loitationloitation in Pub & NP y ional Strateional Strate y e & Ine pp gy g gg t Practice reneurshi g g p anizational anizational anizational Chan enc abilities reneurshi Ex Ex & Chan hic Variables at ggg g p yy p reciative In g p Cultural Studies yyy , New Firms pp ra of M of ion & Work erial Reasonin g al A y g g etition and etition & Performance ectives on RBV ectives g p orate Performance pp p 11:00 11:00 ortunitortunit p ats & Knowled p pppp

MC/ODC: A IM/OB/HR:IM/OB/HR:IM/OB/HR:Sociocultural Sociocultural Sociocultural M&A M&A M&A IM: GlobalIM: Global and and Re Re MOC: MOC Best Student Pa OCIS: VirtualOCIS: Virtual Communities and Communities & Work OCIS: Trust & Control PNP: HR & Leadin OMT: Power and Corru OMT/BPS/TIM: Interde OMT: Accountabilit IM: National Institutions & MNCs TIM: Radical Innovation IM: Int`lization & Performance IM: Ex TIM/BPS/OM: Distributed TIM: CreativitTIM: CreativitTIM: Creativit GDO: Disadvanta MC: Consultin MED: Modes of Mana MH: Histor MSR: Reli OB: Cor AS: Positive AS: Positive AS: Positive OrOrOr AS: HR in AS: HR in AS: HR in thethethe Centur Centur Centur 21st 21st 21st AS: Activism AS: Activism and Manaand Mana

AAA AAA AA BPS/TIM/OMT: Brokerin BPS/OMT/ENT: The Ori ENT: TMT & Venture Performance ENT: Context & Firm Creation ENT: OENT: O BPS: Mana BPS: ROI on Ca BPS: Princi BPS: Value of Innovation BPS/IM/OMT: Strate BPS: ComBPS: Com BPS: Pers CMS: Foucault ENT: Global Entre ENT: New Entre ENT: Fundin GDO: Demo

10:30 10:30 987 1025 978978978 101110111011 10101010 986 1031 10401040 1041 1049 1045 996 1047 1046 997 998998 1007 1054 1008 1009 1056 980 105510551055 981 982 983 985 976976976 977977 984984 979 991 993 994 995 999 1000 1024 1026 1029 1032 1034 AA: Conference Break A e g 975 ee 10:00 10:00 gg ement g y h Tech ectives g p p e Networks e Mana ect: Pub & Conference Program Guide Ð Tuesday, 9, August Ð Guide Program Conference 2005 g e Firms g p Hi gy abilities g Research yy g p abilities g in Virtual in Virtual Pers p Emotion yy ital p 9:30 9:30 R&D Consortia anizational Chan istration g Pers p abil. & Knowledabil. & Knowled e Café g g g g g pp g Threats Ca in y g gg ence and Entr g g anization at the Limit le Across Borders Better Better Better World World World ,,, ic Caic Ca namic Ca g p & Knowled y gg AA: Membershi AA: Re AA: Exhibits reneurshi g p A A A OMT: Network Frontiers ONE: ONE PNP: Or BPS: Alliance BPS: Alliance Performance HCM: Knowled HCM: Or HR: HR Strate IM: HR Across Borders OCIS: Knowled 's Creation's Creation's Creation Arts/Frin Emer yyy y in Transition Econ in Transition Econ Peo t of Performance y gg reneurial Growth g p ement Consultin p in orationsorationsorations 9:00 9:00 g OCIS: Emotions and IT TIM: Understandin TIM: Social Ca abilities and New Markets 61 ond Sarbanes-Oxleond Sarbanes-Oxle g ppp 972 973 974 962 963 961 965 966 967 968 969 971 p yy eratineratin pp IM/OB/OCIS:IM/OB/OCIS: Diversit Diversit 958 959 960 AS: AcademAS: AcademAS: Academ RT: Academ RT: AS: CorAS: CorAS: Cor AS: BeAS: Be AAA A AAA AA BPS: Outsourcin BPS: Executives and Boards BPS/OMT: StrateBPS/OMT: Strate OMT/MOC/OB: Identit MC: Mana CM/OB: The ParadoxCM/OB: The ParadoxCM/OB: The Paradox of Power of Power of Power IM: OIM: O BPS/OMT/TIM: D MOC/OB/OMT: Perceivin OMT/MOC/OB: Or Entre ENT/TIM: OMT: Industr OMT/BPS/OB: Buildin ENT: Entre ENT: Venture ENT: Venture LearninLearnin Sourcin IM: International Process IM: Internationalization IM: Mana BPS/TIM/OMT: Mana OMT: Careers OMT: Careers OMT: Careers and Professionsand Professionsand Professions BPS: Conce BPS: Ca 957957 8:30 8:30 904 905 901 898898898 899899 906906 951 937 900900900 911911911 924924 907 941 947 949 913 914914 921 922 923 908 948948948 902 903 950 915 8:00 8:00 Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times 7:30 7:30 Tuesday Morning, August 9, 2005 9, August Morning, Tuesday 7:00 7:00 CC: Room 318A CC: Room 316C CC: Room 317A CC: Room 317B CC: Room 315 CC: Room 316A CC: Room 316B CC: Room 313B CC: Room 313C CC: Room 314 CC: Room 309 CC: Room 311 CC: Room 312 CC: Room 313A CC: Room 307B CC: Room 308A CC: Room 308B CC: Room 306A CC: Room 306B CC: Room 307A CC: Room 304B CC: Room 305A CC: Room 305B CC: Room 302B CC: Room 303A CC: Room 303B CC: Room 304A CC: Room 301A CC: Room 301B CC: Room 302A CC: Exhibit Hall III - PNP CC: HCC Lobby - Membership CC: HCC Lobby - Registration CC: Exhibit Hall III - OB CC: Exhibit Hall III - OCIS CC: Exhibit Hall III - OMT 1 CC: Exhibit Hall III - ONE CC: Exhibit Hall III - MED CC: Exhibit Hall III - MH CC: Exhibit Hall III - MSR CC: Exhibit Hall III - HR CC: Exhibit Hall III - IM 1 CC: Exhibit Hall III - MC CC: Exhibit Hall III - GDO 2 CC: Exhibit Hall III - 1 HCM CC: Exhibit Hall III - 2 HCM CC: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 1 CC: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 2 CC: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 3 CC: Exhibit Hall III - GDO 1 CC: Exhibit Hall III CC: Exhibit Hall - BPS 1 III CC: Exhibit Hall - Break Area CC: Exhibit Hall III - CMS 1 CC: Exhibit Hall III - Exhibits

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 Conference Program GuideÐ August 9, Tuesday, SH: WaimeaCanyon:A2 SH: WaimeaCanyon:A1 SH: WaianaeRoom SH: WaialuaRoom SH: PunaRoom SH: Puna-TableD2 SH: Puna-TableD1 SH: OahuRoom SH: NiihauRoom SH: Niihau-TableB4 SH: Niihau-TableB3 SH: Niihau-TableB2 SH: Niihau-TableB1 SH: Kohala/KonaRoom SH: KahukuRoom SH: HonoluluRoom SH: HiloRoom - TableC2 SH: Hilo - TableC1 SH: Hilo Needle Room SH: AkakaFalls/Iao C4 HH: Tapa3-Table C3 HH: Tapa3-Table C2 HH: Tapa3-Table C1 HH: Tapa3-Table B4 HH: Tapa2-Table B3 HH: Tapa2-Table B2 HH: Tapa2-Table B1 HH: Tapa2-Table A4 HH: Tapa1-Table A3 HH: Tapa1-Table A2 HH: Tapa1-Table A1 HH: Tapa1-Table HH: SouthPacific4 HH: SouthPacific3 HH: SouthPacific2 HH: SouthPacific1 3-4 HH: SeaPearlSuite 1-2 HH: SeaPearlSuite HH: IolaniSuite1 CC: Room328 CC: Room327 CC: Room326B CC: Room325A CC: Room324 CC: Room323C CC: Room323B CC: Room323A CC: Room322B CC: Room322A CC: Room321B CC: Room319B CC: Room319A CC: Room318B Tuesday Morning,August9,2005 890 889 888 887 886 885 884 883 892 891 7:00

CAU: Interlockin CAU: Future Identit of CAU: InternationalEntre CAU: Focusin CAU: TheHeartofCollaboration CAU: Ima CAU: TheOr CAU: GLBTRESEARCHNETGlobal CAU: ResearchChallen CAU: Mentorin 893

A AA: Past Presidents Breakfast AA: PastPresidents g 7:30 es and Transformation g g anization-Nature Nexus g onFollowershi Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. -Diversit g Directorates y Research g y p 894 es inHRM -Difference reneurshi 8:00 896 897 895

p A

AA: Honolulu2005 p

OB/HR/CM: ProceduralJustice TrustandControl OB/OMT/MOC: OB: TransactiveMemor

952 912 955 936 935 934 933 932 931 930 929 928 927 926 925 946 939 917 938 916 942 920 954 944 943 945 919 909 910 918 953 956 940 8:30 ONE: Sustainabilit CMS: CMSKe SIM: Stakeholders IP: VirtualTeams IP: Ne IP: Work Mana Int'l HR IP: Mana Int'l HR IP: IP: Institutional Pressures Innovation&New ProductDev. IP: Develo IP: NewProduct Entre IP: Viewsof IP: Identif Incentives andRewards IP: IP: Or Mar OM: Issues inTML MED: Cultural VisionofWorkFamil New GDO/OB: A MED: 21stCentur GDO: Le OB: Ethical/UnethicalBehavior HR: PerformanceA RM/OB: Measurin &EmotionsinChan ODC: Relations OCIS/OB: RelationalIm ODC/OMT: Mana Ca HR: Intellectual CAR: Overla CM: Work HCM: Health Care BusinessStrate HCM: Health PNP: EconModels&NPOr beEthical? SIM: CanHRM Miner MH: Conversations:Fiedler& , LAC g g 970 . Incentives &Rewards . otiation andConflict p g 964 970 y lace Conflicts 62 p islation andGLBTRi 9:00 in lace Bull lace g p OB: Lifetime Achievement Award Achievement OB: Lifetime y g Ind. Com of ValuesandNorms S y inalized orCanonized? OB: OB Lifetime OB: OBLifetime A note Address y AA: PlacementServices g g g stems y g p ement ement y p in VisionsofMED Grou reneurshi andCommunit pp y ital andHPWS g in Downsizin raisals g p p p etencies p lications ofCMC ment 9:30 Constructs g p s g hts g, M&A y gy g e y ,


(cont.) 1028 1002 1027 1001 1037 1036 1035 1039 1038 1006 1051 1043 989 1042 1005 988 990 1004 1050 1033 1053 1052 1030 1048 992 1003 1023 1022 1021 1020 1019 1018 1017 1016 1015 1014 1013 1012 1044 10:30

CAR: Networks &NewJobs andNewJobs CAR: Networks CAR: Extra-Or CM: Diversit CMS: Anal

MED: Online Mana MED: Online GDO/CMS: Feminist Theorisin MED: ResearchinTeachin GDO: Sti OB: Personalit OB: WorkStress intheWork OB: Emotion Team Innovation OB/IM/TIM: OB/HR: Work Develo HR: Career RM: MultilevelResearch ODC: Time ODC: Positivel HR: WorkforceRestructurin HCM: Info Technolo HCM: Info PNP: RoleofValues S MSR: Socio-CulturalWork SIM/OMT: LawandMana SIM: Cor Dimensions MH: International ONE: StakeholderEn HCM: MedicalHumanCa Ideas aboutLeadershi IP: New IP: NewVentures IP: NewPers andKnowled IP: Networks IP: Mana IP: Mana toChan IP: Reactions IP: Mana IP: Mana IP: ChinaMana IP: Or Alternative Settin IP: Learnin OM: Strate g anization Chan 11:00 p y g g g g g zin orate PoliticalStrate mas andIdentities in in in in y g , and Conflict

g g g g ic IssuesinO Im g

g p theValueChain Or Alliances Networks&Alliance p anizational Careers theBi ectives onCareers y y lace A p g Research

rovisation & M.A.D.:It Just Do g erial Pers anization Chan g p gy ement Ed ment &Trainin , g gg Ima g Picture g g inHealth a 11:30 e e re g p ement g p ssion g p lace p g e: Pub ital ement erati ... g g ectives e OB p g irit gy g s p


g Î g y in kr. e . g p g p the + n & ital & t g g p 5:00 5:00 in-offs g otiation p ement onsibilities g & ital & Perf. g y p S p & Work e M y Section B e-Based y from External g mt. Research nificance namics & uished S g ic Continuit g y g g e in Emer lexit g etitive g g p orate Entr orate p . Comm. anizational Ident. Ident. anizational p g g 4:30 4:30 ENT: Social Ca AS: Women`s Career AS: Ban Si A A CAR: M. Driver Memorial HR: Assimilation & Stress ODC: Distin ODC: Politics of Chan RM: Research Desi HR: Knowled OB: Team D OB: Personalt ENT: Social Ca IM/HR: TMT International TIM: Learnin IM: Richman Award IM: Social Networks & FDI TIM: Knowled BPS: Future of the Field TIM: Simulation Studies BPS: Com BPS: Chan BPS: Strate BPS: Dissertation Award OMT/OB: Social Context: MC: Ethical Res IM: Executive Panel OMT/RM/MH: Movements MOC: Mental Models & OCIS: Or OCIS: Asia-Pacific CM: Justice & Ne MOC/OMT: Artifacts & Or ENT: Universit OMT: Or OMT: Com ENT: Cor

CM: Conflict Mana


OB/HR: Time & M OB/HR/ODC: Accentuatin

1151 1161 1193 1194 1202 1162 1184 1185 1157 1166 1206 1163 1164 1207 1146 1208 1147 1148 1149 1150 1144 1145 1198 1180 1165 1199 1182 1191 1192 1153 1183 1155 1196 1197 1156 4:00 4:00 1152 1189 1190

y p e g hill . irical p p p stems stems & Theor y uration

e Café g t , y e g g 3:30 3:30 stems stems S g g in y y Power g t. es in EEs S orate Soc orate Soc g g y AA: Conference Break AA: Conference pp gy, reneurial Firms A . Soc. Res Chan e Sharin p e in the Global e in the Global p to Leaders g g Arts/Frin Discourse gg

g y , lementation e in the Global p g reneurial Process Business Growth Growth Business anizational Evolution anizational Evolution en Innovation: p g y p gg p 1142 mt Strate 3:00 3:00 anizational Evolution en Innovation: Em g g p Conference Program Guide Ð Tuesday, 9, August Ð Guide Program Conference 2005 istration AS: Lessons from Chinese from Chinese AS: Lessons AS: Lessons AS: O AS: New Vision of AS: New Vision of g AA A AA CAR/GDO/OB: Women in IT ODC: ChanODC: Chan HR: Rewards & Pa OB/RM: CEO Assessment ENT: Valuation of Ventures TIM: OrTIM: Or OMT/TIM/ENT: Institutional ODC/OMT: CorODC/OMT: Cor OCIS: Work Practice RT: Academ RT: from Chinese AS: Lessons AS: O AS: New Vision of Scholarshi A A A A CAR: Career Self M HR: Recruitment & Retention ODC: Transformational Chan CAR/GDO/OB: Women in IT ODC: Chan RM: Simulation HR: Rewards & Pa OB/CM: When Trust is an U OB/RM: CEO Assessment ENT: Valuation of Ventures IM: KM in MNCs TIM: Alliances & Joint Ventures IM: Local Embeddedness of IM: International HR Policies TIM: Learnin BPS: Alternative Modes of TIM: Or BPS: Resource Reconfi BPS: Institutional Context BPS: Drivers of Performance BPS: Information in Alliances OMT/TIM/ENT: Institutional CM/OB/HR: Justice & Conflict MC: Consultin ODC/OMT: Cor ENT/BPS: Entre MOC: Knowled OCIS: Work Practice OCIS: It's About Time CM: Power and Conflict CMS: Gender CMS: M IM: Cultural Challen IM: Internationalization & Results MH: Historical Roots M OB: Teams and Social Networks Im OCIS: IT OCIS: Virtual Teams Assessin ODC: and CMS/OMT: Bourdieu ENT: Famil OMT: Trust and Diversit OMT: Institutional Ori ENT: Entre AA: Exhibits AA: Membershi AA: Re A A A 1073 11261126 1089 1119 1082 11411141 10631063 1064 1131 10651065 11271127 1122 2:30 2:30 1072 1088 1125 1073 1126 1135 1089 1118 1119 1082 1092 1139 1093 1094 1140 1067 1141 1068 1069 1070 1071 1066 1063 1064 1131 1075 1108 1065 1127 1083 1112 1122 1123 1074 1076 1077 1090 1091 1111 1114 1120 1121 1124 1079 1080 1129 1130 1081 1058 1059 1060 63 2:00 2:00 1:30 1:30 1:00 1:00 Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times 12:30 12:30 Tuesday Afternoon, August 9, 2005 August Afternoon, Tuesday 12:00 12:00 CC: Room 324 CC: Room 323A CC: Room 323B CC: Room 323C CC: Room 321B CC: Room 322A CC: Room 322B CC: Room 318B CC: Room 319A CC: Room 319B CC: Room 316C CC: Room 317A CC: Room 317B CC: Room 318A CC: Room 315 CC: Room 316A CC: Room 316B CC: Room 313B CC: Room 313C CC: Room 314 CC: Room 311 CC: Room 312 CC: Room 313A CC: Room 307B CC: Room 308A CC: Room 308B CC: Room 309 CC: Room 306A CC: Room 306B CC: Room 307A CC: Room 304B CC: Room 305A CC: Room 305B CC: Room 303A CC: Room 303B CC: Room 304A CC: Room 301A CC: Room 301B CC: Room 302A CC: Room 302B CC: Exhibit Hall III - 1 ODC CC: HCC Lobby - Membership CC: HCC Lobby - Registration CC: Exhibit Hall III - OB CC: Exhibit Hall III - OCIS CC: Exhibit Hall III - OCIS 2 CC: Exhibit Hall III - 2 CMS CC: Exhibit Hall III - IM 1 CC: Exhibit Hall III - IM 2 CC: Exhibit Hall III - MH CC: Exhibit Hall III CC: Exhibit Hall - Break Area CC: Exhibit Hall III - CM CC: Exhibit Hall III - CMS 1 CC: Exhibit Hall III - Exhibits

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 Conference Program GuideÐ August 9, Tuesday, SH: WaianaeRoom SH: WaialuaRoom SH: PunaRoom SH: OahuRoom SH: NiihauRoom SH: LanaiBallroom SH: Kohala/KonaRoom SH: KauaiBallroom SH: KahukuRoom SH: HonoluluRoom SH: HiloRoom Needle Room SH: AkakaFalls/Iao C4 HH: Tapa3-Table C3 HH: Tapa3-Table C2 HH: Tapa3-Table C1 HH: Tapa3-Table B5 HH: Tapa2-Table B4 HH: Tapa2-Table B3 HH: Tapa2-Table B2 HH: Tapa2-Table B1 HH: Tapa2-Table A4 HH: Tapa1-Table A3 HH: Tapa1-Table A2 HH: Tapa1-Table A1 HH: Tapa1-Table HH: SouthPacific3 HH: SouthPacific2 HH: SouthPacific1 3-4 HH: SeaPearlSuite 1-2 HH: SeaPearlSuite HH: IolaniSuite1 HH: CoralBallroom CC: Room328 CC: Room327 CC: Room326B CC: Room325A Tuesday Afternoon,August9,2005(cont.) 12:00 1057


A AAA: Honolulu2005,LAC A: Presidential Luncheon A: Presidential 12:30 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. 1:00 1:30 2:00 64 1061 1102 1101 1100 1099 1098 1097 1096 1095 1128 1110 1085 1109 1084 1117 1116 1115 1087 1133 1062 1138 1137 1134 1136 1132 1078 1086 1113 1107 1106 1105 1104 1103 2:30 A AA: PlacementServices IP: Ideas onSocialIdentit IP: IP: Pers IP: SocialRes IP: Cor IP: ResearchonStrate IP: Or IP: Or IP: ResearchonLeadershi OM: Pro MentorNetworks MED/CAR/GDO: NewPers GDO/OB/HR: MED: Knowled GDO: Truths OB: Leadershi OB: Ps OB: Or HCM/OMT: Work Relationshi Goal Ambi PNP: Pol& SIM/ONE: CSR:AEuro Pers SIM: Ethics Pers PNP/SIM: Instit SIM: Inte M ONE: Environmental Embedded CMS/MH: "The HCM: TheHealthcare MSR: S IP: ResearchonEthics IP: Re IP: Recruitin IP: ResearchonSocialIdentit IP: RealO A AA: Membershi g g g p g . anizational Chan y . and Political Political . and p p . Social Res Justice anizational cholo Justice andTrust j ect 3:00 g iritualit ectives onQualit rated Strate p ti , g Service ons , Lies theRi g p p g ical Contracts onsibilit y inVirtualTeams e Accumulation p Entre & p ectives , Debriefin

and g p p , Process ht Peo onsibilit ect gy g gy y g 3:30 p uit p g 1143 Res. mt Theories ean & Perf. Perf. & ectives e p y y y . p : Pub : Pub g p p y le y s ICW: Peter Frost Festival Frost ICW: Peter 4:00 1174 1173 1172 1171 1170 1169 1168 1167 1195 1181 1159 1158 1188 1187 1186 1179 1178 1177 1176 1175 1160 1201 1205 1204 1203 1200 1154

IP: StakeholderonGov. IP: SocialRes IP: Si and Economics IP: Science IP: Lon IP: ResearchonNetworks IP: Pers IP: Pers OM: Pro MED/MSR: Research & Diversit GDO: OTand GDO: SexualHarassment OB: Creativit OB:Perce Justice OB: Ne IP: SmallBusiness IP: HumanCa IP: HRMana IP: Mana IP: Intan

HCM: Patient Safet HCM: Patient PNP: CriticalMana Connected SIM/OCIS/TIM: SIM: Or SIM: CSP:Em ONE: Greenin CMS/OCIS: US/Euro 1209 4:30

g nals and Status nals and g g p p j Time Frames Time g g atives/Positives of atives/Positives ect M g ectives onGrou ectives onSocial ible Assets Identit in MSR: g y g Stakeholders p ement p g g p ital onsibilit mt in 21st mt in21st Universit y irical A w/aPOS 5:00 p dm Mt ti g y ons erial in HC p y e y g p y Î Î Î s

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Î Î 10:00 10:00 Section B 9:30 9:30

9:00 9:00 8:30 8:30 Conference Program Guide Ð Tuesday, 9, August Ð Guide Program Conference 2005 8:00 8:00 tion p 7:30 7:30 65 MED: MED MED: MED and ONE Socialand ONE Social ICW: TTU Rece IM: IMD SocialSocialSocial IM: IMD IM: IMD IM: IMD y 7:00 7:00 HR: HR SocialHR: HR Social 12331233 1231 123212321232 MSR: MSR Social ODC: ODC Social BPS: BPS Social Hour MOC: Social CM: CM Social Hour CAR: Social 12301230 gg


g g g 6:30 6:30 OCIS: OCISOCIS: OCIS Informal SocialInformal Social Event Event 1228 1229 1224 1227 1226 1225

. . g g g Meetin gg g AA: LAC Thank You Part

g A Falling Water U. of St. Gallen Petra Kugler, 28x28" Painting, 200, Acrylic on cardboard 12231223

ement Decision g Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times 6:00 6:00 HR: HR Division HR: Business Mt 1222 ICW: NSU Closin ONE: ONE ONE: ONE Business MeetinBusiness Meetin ICW: Mana CM: CM Business CAR: Business MtCAR: Business Mt ODC: AwardsODC: AwardsODC: Awards & Business & & MED: Business Mt GDO: Mobilizin BPS: Business Mt BPS: BPS BusinessBPS: Business IM: IM: IMD Members`IMD Members` Meetin Meetin MOC: Business Mt 12211221

Tuesday Evening, August 9, 2005 9, August Evening, Tuesday 5:30 5:30 MSR: MSR Administrative AAA: Honolulu 2005, LAC CM: Justice & Negotiation TIM: Knowledge TIM: Knowledge Mgmt Café ART: AcademyArts/Fringe 1214 12201220 1215 1217 1213 1212 12111211 121912191219 12101210 12161216 1218 OCIS: Org.Comm.

Í Í O Í Í Í Í Í 5:00 5:00 SH: Waimea Canyon Room SH: Kahuku Room SH: Puna Room SH: Waialua Room HH: South Pacific 1 HH: South Pacific 2 SH: Honolulu Room CC: Room 326B HH: Coral Ballroom 1 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 1-2 HH: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 CC: Room 322A CC: Room 322B CC: Room 323B CC: Room 319A CC: Room 319B CC: Room 321B CC: Room 317A CC: Room 317B CC: Room 318B CC: Room 313C CC: Room 315 CC: Room 316B CC: Room 316C CC: Room 306A CC: Room 306A CC: Room 311 CC: Room 313B CC: Center Rooftop

CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Section B 2005 AugustConference 10, Program GuideÐ Wednesday, CC: Room307A CC: Room306B CC: Room306A CC: Room305B CC: Room305A CC: Room304B CC: Room304A CC: Room303B CC: Room303A CC: Room302B CC: Room302A CC: Room301B CC: Room301A CC: HCCLobby-Registration A4 HH: Tapa1-Table A3 HH: Tapa1-Table A2 HH: Tapa1-Table A1 HH: Tapa1-Table HH: SouthPacific3 HH: SouthPacific2 HH: SouthPacific1 3-4 HH: SeaPearlSuite 1-2 HH: SeaPearlSuite CC: Room328 CC: Room327 CC: Room326B CC: Room325A CC: Room324 CC: Room323C CC: Room323B CC: Room323A CC: Room322B CC: Room322A CC: Room321B CC: Room319B CC: Room319A CC: Room318B CC: Room318A CC: Room317B CC: Room317A CC: Room316C CC: Room316B CC: Room316A CC: Room315 CC: Room314 CC: Room313C CC: Room313B CC: Room313A CC: Room312 CC: Room309 CC: Room308B CC: Room308A CC: Room307B 7:00 Wednesday Morning,August10,2005 7:30 Start andEndTimes AreApproximate.SeeSession Details(SectionD)forExactTimes. 1244 1245 8:00

IM: IMD Members IM: IMD Members A AA: Honolulu2005 1246 1248 1247 1274 1273 1272 1271 1294 1285 1263 1284 1262 1290 1267 1293 1255 1292 1266 1254 1257 1287 1286 1270 1256 1265 1283 1306 1297 1289 1291 1253 1252 1251 1250 1305 1249 1304 1269 1303 1268 1261 1260 1296 1295 1259 1288 8:30 OB: Buildin SmallGrou TheoriesofSmallGrou Theoriesof OB/OCIS/CM: OB/CAR: JobLoss 1307 IP: Strate IP: Emer IP: ResearchonStrate IP: Strate Qualit OM: Total MED: Mana GDO: Reducin Exec CommitteeBreakfast MED: MED andCommitment GDO: Networks OB: Leader-MemberExchan HR/MED: O ODC: Strate acrossCultures CAR/IM: Careers C ODC: Mer HR: Or CAR/HR/MED: NewVisionsofMentorin CM/OMT: Trustin MOC: Lan TrustResearch MOC: NewFrontiers IM/HR: InternationalHRTransfer WomenandWork CM/GDO/OB: HR: NewEm MC: Consultin TIM: Entre OMT: Or OB: TransformationalLeadershi Characteristics OB/HR: Job BPS/TIM: Strate BPS: CEOCom BPS: EvolutionofAlliances BPS: ResearchMethods TIM: Strate BPS: H ProductDesi Modular TIM: ofIJVs IM: Performance TIM: QualitativeStudies IM: Im ENT: Entre ENT: NewVentureCreation andRe OMT: Routines OMT: Interor ENT: NewVisionOfEntre MOC/OMT/OB: Brin A 1310 R/IM: Careers acrossCultures R/IM: Careers , OB/PNP: Perf. Goals at DFAS & USPS & GoalsatDFAS OB/PNP: Perf. LAC g p g yp a Safer Health S aSaferHealth 1311 1312 lementin 66 anizational Politics anizational 9:00 g g gy g ercom in anizations &LocalContexts g g OCIS/CMS: ERP S p ic Learnin gy p er ua g and HealthCare eneurial Universities g p gy reneurial Passion g Markets p erial Knowled timizin s &ExitsasChan &Innovation , anizational Governance g g irical SHRMStudies Co g and Chan e &Meta Relationshi OCIS: Knowled A Discrimination p p g gy y AA: Re ensation etition Strate Mana p the 21stCentur /Or in g g g Trainin g, in g g andCareers g an. Transformation p g gy ic Learnin g 9:30

p roduction y Or ement g istration hor stem p in MNCs in e g g p reneurshi g e andSkill n g s anizations toLife g y e stems: Critical stems: Critical g g p e Networks e p g y s p 10:00 g 1338 10:30 1323 1327 1358 1330 1329 1316 1315 1314 1313 1317 1372 1334 1371 1333 1325 1324 1362 1361 1364 1337 1336 1335 1360 1349 1348 1326 1356 1355 1354 1353 1352 1332 1367 1318 1331 1319 1320 1357 1358 1350 1359 1321 1330 1347 1373 1363 1351


ENT: NewVenturesvs.Established GDO: An Ca Human & Tech. OCIS/TIM: Euro in HR: HR&Performance

HR: 21st-Centur BPS: BehavioralControls BPS: PerformanceinHealth BPS: Geo BPS: Start-U BPS/OMT: IOCoPS TIM: Interor IM: Ex Tech.&Innovation TIM: Service InstitutionsandStrate IM: EE Ca ENT: Relational ENT: Academic Entre OMT: Leadershi andS OMT: Games Climate OMT/ONE: Terrorism & IP: Mana IP Settin Int'l IP: Tech.& OM: Technolo MED: Knowled MED: Perce Race GDO: Gender& OB: Leadershi OB: TeamDiversit Trustworthiness OB: Trust& OB: Em OB: Ex HR: Or Re RM: Visual CAR: Diversit HR: GlobalLeadershi CAR/OB/OMT: Identit CM: Counter OCIS: IT as a Brid OCIS/TIM: andHuman Tech. MOC: Decisn-Makin Where toNow? ODC/MOC: CM/SIM: RestorativeJustice Performance in HR: HRand MC/ODC: ClientCentered TIM: Knowled OMT/BPS: Knowled Research OB: CrossCultural

g : t. Edu./ 11:00 In fl uence of To p g g p atriate Ad p er anizational Learnin anizational Learnin lorin g lo , g A ement EducationInd. Eoin& Influence Emotion& y ra ctionable Knowled g ee Turnover p g p p anizational p ti y g theTeam roductive Beh. Strate gy p p ons of M hic Clusters /O g e Creation resentation- p e andSkillsfor y &Outcomes g &Social ccu j HR &HRM ustment Issues 11:30 p g y p e g y &Outcomes g p ital gy stems e in &Pros p g p y ational

s reneurs g tEd mt g p & p gy ital p g ct e Î Î e CONFERENCE PROGRAM GUIDE Î

y y py ment p lexit lexit p Section B p ement 11:30 11:30 g anizations g g

&Com &Com

anizational y y Formation e Across Borders g y g enous Develo orate Philanthro g p lace Trust & Satisfaction p 11:00 11:00 Decision Makin Trust and Satisfaction : : SIM: Indi PNP: Interor HCM: Teams in Healthcare IP IP: Knowled IP: Emotions in Or IP IP: Uncertaint IP: Uncertaint IP: Women in Mana Identit CMS: PNP: Effective Privatization SIM: Leaders & Crisis SIM: Cor

IP: Work

1370 1366 1328 1339 1340 1341 1342 1344 1345 1346 1322 1365 1368 1369 10:30 10:30 1343 10:00 10:00 gg . mt g g Courses y y ital p & Testin & Testin gg s. in Those "Others" Conference Program Guide Ð Wednesday, Ð Guide Program 10, Conference August 2005 9:30 9:30 y Structures: BoardsStructures: Boards g & Perf. Diversit g gy . S g Buildin Buildin yy irical Studies Alliances & Communication & Human Ca es in Volunteer M p g e in Health Care Or gy gy gy g & Performance hics & Trust gy Et 9:00 9:00 67 CAU: Teachin CAU: The Emonet Network uisition Strate . q g Chris Poulson, IP: Strate IP: Ac IP: Or IP: Collaboration &Sustainabilit IP: Technolo IP: Technolo IP: Technolo IP: Tech. & Inter-Or MNEs &SIM: Cross-Cultural Issues CMS/GDO/ODC: Writin PNP/SIM: GovernancePNP/SIM: Governance SIM: CSR: TheorSIM: CSR: Theor SIM: CSP: Em PNP: Challen HCM: Chan 1308 1309 8:30 8:30 12991299 13011301 1302 1298 1264 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1300 1258 y p Visions of 21st Century Management: Centralisation, California Polytechnic U. Pomona ement g is it? , Research y 8:00 8:00 reneurshi ement and Fairness p g y … Or

g anizations g & HR in p Mana g Start and End Times Are Approximate. See Session Details (Section D) for Exact Times. Start and End Times Diversit , in g atriate Success & Mobilit p 7:30 7:30 CAU: It’s Just a Do CAU: Future of Creativit CAU: Women in Entre CAU: Chan CAU: Leadershi An Business Ethics: CAU: CAU: Ex CAU: Ethics in Or CAU: Career Choice in Mana CAU: Teams

7:00 7:00 1242 1243 1238 1239 1240 1241 1234 1235 1236 1237 Wednesday Morning, August 10, 2005 (cont.) 2005 10, August Morning, Wednesday SH: Waimea Canyon Room SH: Waianae Room SH: Waimea Canyon: A1 SH: Waimea Canyon: A2 SH: Puna - Table D2 SH: Puna Room SH: Waialua Room SH: Niihau - Table B4 SH: Niihau Room SH: Oahu Room SH: Puna - Table D1 SH: Niihau - Table B1 SH: Niihau - Table B2 SH: Niihau - Table B3 SH: Honolulu Room SH: Kahuku Room SH: Kohala/Kona Room SH: Akaka Falls/Iao Needle Room SH: Hilo - Table C1 SH: Hilo - Table C2 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C1 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C2 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C3 HH: Tapa 3 - Table C4 HH: Tapa 2 - Table HH: Tapa 2 - B2 Table HH: Tapa 2 - B3 Table HH: Tapa 2 - B4 Table HH: Tapa 2 - B1

Session Details Ð Friday

Friday 8:00AM 7 SPDW: (BPS, OMT, ONE, TIM, RM, MH, IM, OB) The Power

Of Richness: The Why, When, Where And How Of FRIDAY 1 Honolulu 2005, LAC : (AAA) Qualitative Research Methods 8:00am - 11:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 326B 1:00pm - 4:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B Local Arrangements Chairs: Mary J. Mallott, U. of Hawai`i, West Organizer: Diana L. Day, Rutgers U., Camden Oahu; Jerry M Calton, U. of Hawai`i, Hilo Coordinator: Johann Peter Murmann, Northwestern U. Robert A Burgelman ; Deborah J 2 BSPDW: (HR, OB) Company Tour: Hilton Hawaiian Presenters: , Stanford U. Village Dougherty, Rutgers U.; Charles D. Galunic, INSEAD; Gabriel Szulanski ; Klaus Weber 8:00am - 5:00pm Off Site: Hilton Tour , INSEAD , Northwestern U. Pre-registration required at 8 SPDW: (CAR, MC, MSR) Complexity, Energy and . Consciousness: A New Vision for Leadership Limited to 25 attendees. Development, Part I Organizer: H W Hennessey, U. of Hawai`i, Hilo 1:00pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Pre-registration required by emailing [email protected] with Friday 8:30AM "AoM" in the subject line by Friday July 15, 2005. Saturday session International Management Division Outdoor no. is 104 3 : (IM) Terri Egan ; Suzanne Lahl Adventures Organizers: , Pepperdine U. , Private Consultant 8:30am - 2:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Coordinator: Ann E. Feyerherm, Pepperdine U. A series of outdoor adventures to take in Hawaii's beauty. Offsite. 8:30 to approximately 2:00 pm. Limited to IM Division members. 9 B: (ENT) Learning Entrepreneurship. Pre-registration and a fee to cover transport, the activity, and lunch 1:00pm - 3:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301A are required. To register, please contact [email protected]. Organizer: Barbara Jean Bird, American U. Organizers: Timothy Michael Devinney, Australian Graduate Presenters: Benson Honig, Wilfrid Laurier U.; James Fiet, U. of School of Management; Schon Beechler, Columbia U. Louisville; Michael Frese, Giessen U.; Keith Hmieleski, Texas Christian U. Friday 12:00PM 10 : (ENT) Doctoral Consortium. 1:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A 4 BSPDW: (HR, OB, ODC) Company Tour: USS Chaffee - Pearl Harbor This session continues on Saturday, 8am - 5pm and Sunday, 8am - 12pm. 12:00pm - 5:00pm Off Site: USS Chaffee-Pearl Harbor Organizers: Dean Shepherd, Indiana U.; Thomas Lumpkin, U. of Pre-registration required. Contact: [email protected]. Limited to Illinois, Chicago 30 participants. Citizenship documentation necessary for security Michael A. Hitt ; Michael Lubatkin screening. Presenters: , Texas A&M U. , U. Larry Garner of Connecticut; Dawn DeTienne, Utah State U.; Sharon Alvarez, Organizer: , Tarleton State U. ; Per Davidsson Presenter: David Purkiss, U.S. Navy Ohio State U. , Queensland U. of Technology /Jonkoping U.; Oana Branzei, Schulich School of Business; 5 B: (MH) Visit to the Hawaii Naval Docks Benson Honig, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Andrew Zacharakis, Babson 12:00pm - 2:00pm Off Site: Hawaii Naval Docks College; Richard T. Harrison, Edinburgh U.; Joseph E Coombs, Speaker: Michele A Govekar, Ohio Northern U. U. of Richmond; Benyamin Bergmann Lichtenstein, U. of Presenter: Paul L Govekar, Ohio Northern U. Massachusetts, Boston; Rita Gunther McGrath, Columbia U.; Saras Sarasvathy ; Phillip Phan Practitioner , U. of Virginia , Rensselaer 6 BSPDW: (PS, PNP, ODC, HR, MED) Polytechnic Institute; Robert E. Hoskisson, Arizona State U.; Series/Action-Research Community William B. Gartner, Clemson U.; Jay B Barney, Ohio State U.; Jeff 12:00pm - 5:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Hilo Room Covin, Indiana U.; Stewart Thornhill, U. of Western Ontario; Practitioners and academics come together for "hands-on" learning Jeffery S. McMullen, Baylor U.; Johan Wiklund, Jonkoping about action research. International Business School; Donald F Kuratko, Indiana U.; Heidi Organizer: Neil M. Boyd, Pennsylvania State U. M. Neck ; Mike Wright ; Jerome Neil M. Boyd ; Margaret T. Orr , Babson College , Nottingham U. Speakers: , Pennsylvania State U. , Katz, St. Louis U.; Patricia G Greene, Babson College; Gideon D Columbia U.; Joel I Harmon, Fairleigh Dickinson U.; Dan Twomey, Markman ; Patricia Phillips McDougall ; ; David Coghlan ; Olav , U. of Georgia , Indiana U. Fairleigh Dickinson U. , U. of Dublin Denis A. Gregoire, U. of Colorado, Boulder Eikeland, Work Research Institute; Lyle Yorks, Columbia U.; Jeana Wirtenberg, Jeana Wirtenberg, Ph.D, LLC; Carol Gorlick, 11 : (ENT) Junior Faculty Consortium. Pace U. 1:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303B This session continues on Saturday from 8am - 5pm. Organizers: Ronald K Mitchell, Texas Tech U.; Karl Vesper, U. of Friday 1:00PM Washington; Andrew C. Corbett, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Alex Frank DeNoble, SDSU

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 157 Section D FRIDAY Section D Session DetailsÐFriday Georgetown U. Research and TheoreticalAngles. Research and Across CurrentCulturalDifferences AModelForWorking Management: And Responsive 1:00pm - 4:00pm Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room313B 1:00pm -4:00pmHawaii 14 Organizer: [[email protected]]. transport. Pleaseregisterw/DavidThomasbyemailat Limited tothefirst25peoplewhosignup.Thereisachargefor 1:00pm -4:00pmOffSite:HonoluluAdvertiser 13 Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room305B 1:00pm -3:00pmHawaii 12 Coordinator: Students. Discussion Learning:CreatingCases thatEngage Sea PearlSuite3-4 Village: 1:00pm -2:00pmHiltonHawaiian 18 International, Ltd. Fisher-Yoshida Presenters: Organizer: or 610.667.5305 Register [email protected] South Pacific 1 Village: 1:00pm -4:00pmHiltonHawaiian 17 Presenters: Fee toattend-See WaikikiBeach:IaoNeedleRoom 1:00pm -4:00pmSheraton 16 Solutions Presenters: Fee toattend-See WaikikiBeach:AkakaFallsRoom 1:00pm -4:00pmSheraton 15 Organizers: Lazarova, [email protected] contactMila requiredbutissuggested.Please Registration isnot Practice & ProjectManagement: ItWorks Why Management "Global Competencies" Global Something…:ConceptualizingandMeasuring the Classroom UsingDiscussion Learning the Classroom Technology U. Advanced PMProgram Presenters: of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign Jean Leslie School Nanyang Business Missouri, St.Louis ; Ari Ginsberg

B B B B 4 SPDW: : : : SPDW: (MC) (MC) T (IM) eaching-oriented | ; Mike Grabarek ; Mike 4

SPDW: David C.Thomas Thomas Keil Illene CWasserman

Shaker AZahra Illene CWasserman David Jamieson Sandra MMartinez Schon Beechler , Center forCreativeLeadership (ENT, TIM,BPS) Mila B.Lazarova SiteHonolulu Advertiser Visittothe Michael JProvitera Creating andDevelopingYourConsulting Integrating OrganizationalChange (MED, OB) SPDW: , ColumbiaU.

, NewYork U. (MED, GDO, ODC,IM,PTC) ; PaulaMCaligiuri

☯ (IM, BPS,HR,MED, OB, RM) , York U. Management Practice-oriented | , NaviguentLLC ; DavidC.Thomas Creating Actionable Knowledge in Creating ActionableKnowledgein

, Babson College , ColumbiaU. , Pepperdine U. , SimonFraser U. Co ; Kathy Dee Geller , SimonFraser U. ; Markku V.J.Maula , WidenerU. , FieldingGraduate Institute rporate Venturing:Stateof , FieldingGraduate Institute , BarryU. , Rutgers U.

; William Malek ; Allan WBird ; John Warren ; TerryRArmstrong ; JeffCovin , SimonFraser U. Flexible, Fluid ; Aparna Joshi; Aparna , AretéLeadership

; Chay HoonLee ; International-oriented| , Helsinki U. of , HelsinkiU. That Certain

, U. of , U. , Indiana , Stanford

, IP

; Beth , U. ; , 158 , Theme-oriented | Concepts, Research Design, andAnalysis ResearchDesign, Concepts, the Natural Step the Natural Inquiryand Appreciative Integrating for Sustainability: Presenters: Discussant: Benedictine U. Development &Diversity Africa Ferdman Organizer: WaikikiBeach:MauiBallroom 1:00pm -2:30pmSheraton 21 Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room302B 1:00pm -6:00pmHawaii 20 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308A 1:00pm -4:00pmHawaii 19 Presenters: Ferdman Chairs: welcome. diversity are withinterestin teaching and/orconsultingbutall The workshopisparticularlytargetedatthosewithexperiencein WaikikiBeach:EwaRoom 2:00pm -6:00pmSheraton 24 Krackhardt Borgatti Presenters: non membersoftheResearchMethodsDivision. There isa$10feefor Pre-registration requiredat ConventionCenter:Room322A 1:00pm -5:00pmHawaii 23 Presenter: non membersoftheResearchMethodsDivision. There isa$7.50feefor Pre-registration requiredat ConventionCenter:Room322B 1:00pm -4:00pmHawaii 22 Health Service Presenters: Time ChangeOver forOperationalizing Procedure Statistical Environmental Management Diversity Consultants Developing Organizational Multiple SkillsandRolesin Interventions Architecturesand FutureOrganizational Construct Cornell U. Robert

B B B SPDW: SPDW: ; HeatherR.Wishik

SPDW: Jean M. Bartunek , U.College London SPDW: Lize A. Booysen , Boston College

, AlliantInternationalU. , AlliantInternationalU. SPDW: ; Sanjay Sharma

Robert JVandenberg Sumit Majumdar Hilary Bradbury , Carnegie Mellon U. , CarnegieMellonU. Margaret Peteraf Sissel Waage Lize A.Booysen Nicholas Athanassiou Paul Bate (RM, OB,ITC) (RM, HR,ODC) Joseph Mahoney SPDW: (ODC, ONE, MC) (ODC, ONE, ; PaulPlsek (ONE, BPS)

Visual Presentation| (ODC, MED)

(GDO, MED, PTC, ODC) , U. College London ; PlacidaV.Gallegos Friday 2:00PM ; Daniel JBrass , U.of South Africa , BostonCollege

, Heather R. Wishik & Assoc., Org. , Heather R.Wishik& , The Natural Step Social Networks , Paul E. Plsek &AssociatesInc. , PaulE.Plsek , WilfridLaurierU. , CaseWesternReserveU. Strategic Competencies And Strategic Competencies Latent GrowthModeling: , U. of Texas,Dallas , U. ofSouthAfrica , DartmouthCollege , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Using 'Design Rules' to Using 'Design Organizational Development Organizational ; StellaMNkomo

, U.ofGeorgia Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , Northeastern U. , U.of Kentucky ; Helen Bevan

; BernardoM. ; Keith Cox On Juggling , Solfire Consulting, Consulting, , Solfire Research: ; BernardoM.

; Stuart Hart , U.ofSouth ; Stephen P , , National ; David ; Glenn , Session Details Ð Friday

Inc. /Fielding Graduate Institute; Norma Wong, Daihonzan Chozen- Participants must submit a paper by 5/31/05 ji / International Zen Dojo ([email protected]). Organizers will review them & notify FRIDAY Author: Ann Akiko Kusumoto, Ann Akiko Kusumoto and authors of accepted papers by June 30. Associates, Inc. Organizers: Kyle J Mayer, U. of Southern California; Michael J Leiblein, Ohio State U.; Jeff Macher, Georgetown U. Publishing Qualitative Research: 25 SPDW: (HR, RM) Discussants: Joseph Mahoney, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Framing, Rigor & Editorial Comment Anita McGahan, Boston U.; Jack A Nickerson, Washington U.; 2:00pm - 4:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Margaret Peteraf, Dartmouth College; Harbir Singh, U. of Stephen Leybourne Organizer: , U. of Plymouth Pennsylvania Presenters: Julia Richardson, York U.; Robert P Gephart, U. of Alberta; Yehuda Baruch, U. of East Anglia; Helen DeCieri, Monash 31 : (ENT) Establishing Collaborations with International U. Associations and the Entrepreneurship Division. Creating The Next 3:00pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A 26 SPDW: (MED, IM, BPS, ODC) Organizers: Natalia Weisz, IAE Business School - U. Austral; Generation Of Leaders - The Australian Leadership Pramodita Sharma, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Guido Corbetta, Bocconi Consortium's Experience U.; Isabell Melanie Welpe, Ludwig-Maximilians U., Munich 2:00pm - 4:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 Presenters: Joan E. Ricart, IESE, U. of Navarra; Peter McKiernan, An interactive session on The Australian Leadership Consortium's U. of St. Andrews; Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, Arizona State U.; Julio O. innovative leadership programs. De Castro, Instituto de Empresa; Andrew Zacharakis, Babson Christopher Alexander Bell Chair: , Leadership Consortium College; Torsten Michael Pieper, European Business School; Sue Cobden ; Alan Bedford Presenters: , IBM , Telstra Corporation Anders Paarup Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School; Sabine B. Limited Klein, EBS International U.; Anne S. Huff, Technische U., München International Management 27 B4SPDW: (ODC, MC, IM) 32 : (TIM) TIM Division Doctoral Consortium Consulting For The 21st Century 3:00pm - 8:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A 2:00pm - 4:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308B Apply by sending application to Paul Bierly -- [email protected] Organizers: Therese F Yaeger, Benedictine U.; Thomas C Head, Organizers: Paul Bierly, James Madison U.; Fernando Suarez, Roosevelt U., Chicago-Schaumburg; Peter Sorensen, Benedictine Boston U. U. Speakers: George F Farris, Rutgers U.; Anne S Miner, U. of ; Violina Rindova Teaching Theories of IT-Enabled Wisconsin, Madison , U. of Maryland, College 28 SPDW: (TTC, TIM) ; Fariborz Damanpour ; Johannes M Pennings Transformation to Diverse Audiences Park , Rutgers U. , U. of Pennsylvania 2:00pm - 4:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room Pre-registration required. Send e-mail to [email protected] Organizer: Angel J. Salazar, Manchester Metropolitan U. Friday 3:30PM Discussants: Jeremy Howells, U. of Manchester; J. David 33 Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Johnson, U. of Kentucky; Natasha Munshi, Cass Business School; SPDW: (ENT, BPS) Writer's Workshop. Regis Cabral, - ; Adamantia G. Pateli, Athens U. of Economics and Business; David Walters, U. of Central Lancashire 3:30pm - 5:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Organizer: Thomas Dalziel, Arizona State U. Presenters: Lawrence C. Green, U. of Manchester; Angel J. Presenters: Shaker A Zahra, Babson College; Ben Oviatt, Georgia Salazar, Manchester Metropolitan U.; Joseph P McGill, Kean U.; State U.; Johan Wiklund, Jonkoping International Business School; Michael D Santoro, Lehigh U.; J. C. Spender, Open U. Sharon Alvarez, Ohio State U.

Friday 2:30PM Friday 4:00PM Environmental Education: 29 SPDW: (ONE, MED) Management Consulting Research and Writing What Should We Teach, And How Should We Assess 34 : (MC) Roundtables Learning? 4:00pm - 6:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Iao Needle Room 2:30pm - 4:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Presenters: Anthony F Buono, Bentley College; Larry E Greiner, Presenters: Mark Cordano, Ithaca College; Cathy Rusinko, U. of Southern California; Andreas Werr, Stockholm School of Philadelphia U.; Gordon P. Rands, Western Illinois U.; Carolyn Economics Egri, Simon Fraser U.; Linda M Sama, Pace U. 35 BSPDW: (MED, HR, CAR, GDO) Minority Faculty Making Friday 3:00PM An Impact At Majority Institutions 4:00pm - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 30 SPDW: (BPS, OMT) Research Development Workshop: A highlight of our experiences in academia to showcase how Different Types of Capabilities & Their Effects on Market diversity truly pays off, especially teaching students on Position predominantly white campuses. 3:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 159 Section D FRIDAY Section D Session DetailsÐFriday Development Student ConsortiumReception Facilitators: business schools. strategicplanningin to designandimplement focuses onhow This workshop(designedfordean's,departmentchairsandfaculty) Sea PearlSuite3-4 Village: 4:00pm -6:30pmHiltonHawaiian 36 Kristena Pa Whitfield Presenters: South Pacific2 Village: 5:30pm -6:15pmHiltonHawaiian 42 Host: [email protected] R.S.V.P. by June30th Pre-registration isrequired.Contact JeanieForrayat &Bar 5:30pm -7:30pmOffSite:TikiGrill 41 U. ofTechnology Rochester Institute Participants: Organizer: WaikikiBeach:PunaRoom 5:00pm -7:00pmSheraton 40 Contact: or [email protected] for more information. be nominatedbytheirfaculty.Visitwww.obweb.orgAttendees must WaikikiBeach:HonoluluRoom 5:00pm -7:00pmSheraton 39 Coordinator: tointroduceparticipantsmeditation. Workshop designed WaikikiBeach:AkakaFallsRoom 5:00pm -6:00pmSheraton 38 Organizers: Saturday. continueson Pre-registration required.Consortium ConventionCenter:Room313B 4:00pm -9:00pmHawaii 37 Officers and ExecutiveCommittee Officers Zbaracki California, Davis School Brigham YoungU. Presenters: Christine Beckman Coordinator: Susan R.Madsen Seidel Andrew B. Hargadon Business School Deborah JDougherty

: : B : B B (ICW) (GDO) (OB) Jeanie M. Forray : , U.ofBritishColumbia ; Anna Grandori SPDW: T (ONE) eaching-oriented | Peter Hom , U.of Pennsylvania : : , Pepperdine U. (MSR) (OMT) Organizational Behavior Division Doctoral Division Organizational Behavior Tim Hargrave Nova Southeastern University Reception University Nova Southeastern Scott Carlson Hammond Lena Rodriguez Joanne Martin Majken Schultz yne Gaylor yne GDO ReceptionwithGDO DoctoralConsortium Mark CordanoMark Gerald Biberman Scott CarlsonHammond Ph (MED, ODC, PTC)

; Janet MDukerich ; AlvaTaylor

Meditation Consortium OMT JuniorFaculty .D. Student/New Faculty Consortium .D. Student/NewFaculty ; Kristian Kreiner , UtahValleyStateCollege , Arizona StateU. , U.of California, Irvine , U.of California, Davis ☯ , RutgersU. , Western NewEngland College , BelhavenCollege , BocconiU. Management Practice-oriented | Friday 5:30PM Friday 5:00PM ; Aleta L Alli , U.of Minnesota , Stanford U. , Ithaca College , Copenhagen Business School , Copenhagen Business , San DiegoStateU. ; KevinG.Corley ; KarenGolden-Biddle , DartmouthCollege

, U. ofScranton ; SanjaySharma Strategic Faculty Strategic Faculty ; AnandNarasimhan ; KimberlyDElsbach , U.ofTexas,Austin

, Copenhagen Business , U. of Mississippi, Tupelo , U.ofMississippi, , UtahValley StateCollege , UtahValley StateCollege ; David A. Whetten ; DavidA.

; SandraRothenberg ; Marc-David L , Arizona StateU. ; Gwendolyn , WilfridLaurier International-oriented| , U.ofAlberta

; MarkJ , London

, U.of

; ,

; ; ; ,

; 160 Theme-oriented | to the IM Division Sessions at theAcademy to theIMDivisionSessions Consortium Reception andIntroductions Consortium Program Chair: Technology Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Host: ConventionCenter:Room304A 6:00pm -8:00pmHawaii 45 Illinois, Chicago Organizers: 6:00pm -8:30pmOffSite:LocalRestaurantTBD 44 Organizer: only,[email protected] by invitation 6:00pm -8:30pmOffSite:LocalRestaurant 43 Organizer: Contact: [email protected]. Spaceislimited! to applications Those interested shouldsend only. invitation Participation isby WaikikiBeach:Koko CraterRoom 6:00pm -9:00pmSheraton 49 Organizers: [email protected] at Pamela K.Steverson Restaurant TBA, pleasecontact 6:00pm -8:00pmOffSite: 48 Organizer: reception! Come greetoldfriends andmeetnewonesattheMEDwelcome South Pacific1 Village: 6:00pm -7:30pmHiltonHawaiian 47 Program Chair: Technology Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Host: organize therestaurantsandgroups IMDWelcome. followingthe a dutchtreatdinner.Wewill Officerwillhost Each IMDivision 6:00pm -8:00pmOffSite: 46 Current MEDMembers Committee Members Steverson U. ofMemphis Gundersen Devinney WorkshopChair: Professional Development Devinney WorkshopChair: Professional Development Program Chair:

4 : : : : : 4 (ENT) (ENT) (OB) (NDSC) (MED) Sully Taylor Sully Taylor

: (IM) Mary Uhl-Bien

, Australian Graduate School of Management , AustralianGraduateSchoolofManagement , Australian Graduate School of Management , AustralianGraduateSchoolofManagement : Organizational Behavior Division JuniorFaculty Division Organizational Behavior , U. of Memphis Ronald KMitchell Jane WhitneyGibson Laurie Milton (IM) , CaseWesternReserveU. Doctoral StudentsDinner. Dinner. Junior Faculty Dean Shepherd Laura Erskine Welcome ReceptionforAspiring,Newand Dinner on the Town with IM Division Executive Dinner ontheTownwithIMDivisionExecutive Ne ; JaniceMolloy Schon Beechler Schon Beechler Visual Presentation| Ravi Ramamurti Ravi Ramamurti Karen Moffitt Welcome to the IM Division andRoadMap IMDivision Welcome tothe w Doctoral Student Happy Hour StudentHappy w Doctoral , PortlandStateU. , PortlandStateU. LocationToBeDetermined LocationToBeDetermined Eleanor Westney Eleanor Westney , U.of Central Florida

Friday 6:00PM , U.ofCalgary,WesternOntario ; KyraSutton

, U.ofSouthernCalifornia , Indiana U. , U. ofMemphis , Texas TechU. , Ohio StateU. , Columbia U. , Columbia , Columbia U. , Columbia , Northeastern U. , Northeastern U. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , NovaSoutheasternU.

; Alton AlStanleyLovvorn , Massachusetts Institute of , MassachusettsInstitute , Massachusetts Institute of , MassachusettsInstitute ; Th , Ohio State U.

Timothy Michael Timothy Michael omas Lumpkin omas ; Pamela K.

; Allison

, U.of

, Session Details Ð Friday

Presenters: Dafna Eylon, U. of Richmond; Russell Cropanzano, 55 : (BPS) Doctoral Consortium U. of Arizona; Jeffrey R. Edwards, U. of North Carolina; Lynn 6:30pm - 9:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308 (A&B) FRIDAY Shore, San Diego State U.; Angelo DeNisi, Texas A&M U.; James By invitation only. Contact Tim Folta for additional information Campbell Quick, U. of Texas, Arlington; Elizabeth Wolfe ([email protected]). Morrison, New York U.; Joan Brett, Arizona State U., West; Organizers: Tim Folta, Purdue U.; Jan W. Rivkin, Harvard U. Robert Moorman, Creighton U.; Barbara S. Lawrence, U. of Participants: Michael Dowling, U. of Regensburg; Pierre California, Los Angeles Dussauge, HEC ; Henrich Greve, Norwegian School of Management; Peggy M. Lee, Arizona State U.; Michael J Leiblein, 50 : (OCIS) Doctoral Consortium Ohio State U.; Thomas C. Powell, Oxford U.; Joan E. Ricart, 6:00pm - 8:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A IESE, U. of Navarra; Melissa Schilling, New York U. By application only Organizer: Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist U. 56 : (CM) Conflict Management Division Reception for Presenters: JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; PDW Organizers and Presenters Robert Davison, City U. of Hong Kong; Michael Barrett, U. of 6:30pm - 8:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 1 Cambridge; Michael G Morris, U. of Virginia This reception is by invitation only. Susan E. Brodt Leadership Development Professional Development Workshop Chair: , 51 BSPDW: (ODC, MED, PTC) Queen's U. Wkshp: Reflective Learning And Action Inquiry In Teach, Res., And Pract. 57 4: (ODC) International Reception 6:00pm - 9:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B 6:30pm - 8:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Lanai Ballroom Registration required -- Inga Carboni([email protected]). Limited Organizer: Michael R Manning, New Mexico State U. to 15 participants. Pre-work required. Voluntary dinner in evening. Organizer: Inga Carboni, Boston College Friday 6:45PM Facilitators: William Torbert, Boston College; Pacey Foster, Boston College 58 : (ICW) Management Faculty of Color Association Social 52 BSPDW: (OMT, ODC, MOC) OMT/ODC/MOC Doctoral 6:45pm - 9:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room Consortium Organizer: Darlene Gambill Motley, Robert Morris U. 6:00pm - 8:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B Pre-registration required. Session continues on Saturday and Sunday Organizers: Matthew Kraatz, U. of Illinois; J Stuart Bunderson, Washington U.; George Roth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Presenters: Richard L Daft, Vanderbilt U.; Mary Ann Glynn, Emory U.; Royston Greenwood, U. of Alberta; Anne S. Huff, Technische U., München; Quy Nguyen Huy, INSEAD; Joe Porac, New York U.; Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; William H. Starbuck, New York U.; Andrew J. Hoffman, U. of Michigan; Charles N. Seashore, Fielding Graduate Institute; William A Pasmore, Mercer Delta Consulting

53 : (SIM) Social Issues In Management (SIM) Doctoral Consortium 6:00pm - 9:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kona Room Apply at the SIM web site: ( Organizers: Douglas R May, U. of Kansas; Andrew Crane, Nottingham U. Presenters: James Weber, Duquesne U.; Jeffrey Lenn, George Washington U.; Jeanne M Logsdon, U. of New Mexico; Domenec Mele, U. of Navarra; Mary J. Mallott, U. of Hawai`i, West Oahu

Friday 6:15PM 54 : (ICW) Nova Southeastern University Opening Meeting 6:15pm - 7:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Organizer: Jane Whitney Gibson, Nova Southeastern U.

Friday 6:30PM

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 161 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday Consortium Presenters: Weatherbee Organizers: scholars your doctoralworkandcareer1:1 withleadingCMS Discuss WaikikiBeach:LanaiBallroom 8:00am -10:30amSheraton 65 Organizer: Sea PearlSuite4 Village: 8:00am -9:30amHiltonHawaiian 64 Organizer: SeaPearl Suite3 8:00am -10:00amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 63 Oahu Local ArrangementsChairs: ConventionCenter:Room326B 8:00am -11:50pmHawaii 62 Presenters: Nottingham U. Organizers: ( website: Apply attheSIM WaikikiBeach:KonaRoom 7:00am -5:30pmSheraton 61 Coordinator: tointroduceparticipantsmeditation. Workshop designed WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 7:00am -8:00amSheraton 60 Host: Breakfast withCritters-bringyour own WaikikiBeach:LanaiBallroom 7:00am -8:00amSheraton 59 Breakfast Sheffield U. Cardiff U. Georgetown U. U. U. Kai N.Hockerts Cochran Diego StateU. Scott J. Reynolds Lawrence JLad J Radin U.ofLondon Holloway College, Pennsylvania State U. Management Waddock Bucknell U. Greening ; KellyStrong ; Bryan WHusted

: : : : B : (CMS) (AAA) (AAA) (AAA) (CMS) ; JerryM Calton David Jacobs : ; Duane Windsor , HofstraU.

(SIM) , IndianaU. : ; Campbell Jones ; Campbell , U.of Missouri, Columbia , BostonCollege T (MSR) eaching-oriented | Scott C.Douglas Regina Greenwood

; JamesRBailey ; AnshumanPrasad The InsandOutsofFacultyRecruiting Meeting& Opening Membership Committee Honolulu 2005,LAC Stephen A.Linstead Melissa Smith Baucus Hanne SkarstolJostensen Douglas RMay CMS DoctoralWorkshop Brown BagBreakfast CMS Saturday , Acadia U. Gerald Biberman ; PurseyHeugens

Social Issues InManagement(SIM)Doctoral Social Issues ; Marshall Schminke; Marshall ; Ann K. Buchholtz; AnnK. , INSEAD , ButlerU. , IowaStateU. Meditation , U.ofWashington ; ThomasM Jones , Hood College ; ThomasJ Donaldson , InstitutodeEmpresa , U.of Hawai`i, Hilo Saturday 7:00AM Saturday 8:00AM ☯ , RiceU. ; JenniferJGriffin ; Morten Huse ; Kathleen Rehbein; Kathleen Management Practice-oriented | , Leicester U. , U. of Kansas Mary J.Mallott , Binghamton U. , George WashingtonU.

, U. ofScranton ; John FMahon , ; Linda K Trevino , , U.ofNewHaven Kettering U. Utrecht U. , U.ofYork ; PeterCappelli , U.ofGeorgia

; MichaelEJohnson-Cramer , XavierU. , U.ofCentral Florida ; LoriVerstegen Ryan

, U.ofWashington , MasseyU. ; Stephen J.Wood , Norwegian Schoolof

; Andrew Crane ; Laura Spence ; DirkMatten

, U. of Hawai`i,West , U. of Pennsylvania ; RobynThomas

, George Washington , George ; George Brenkert; George , Marquette U. , Marquette , U. ofMaine ; Philip L , Pennsylvania , U.of ; Terrance G. ; Sandra A International-oriented|

, Royal

; ; Daniel

, Brunel , , San ; Tara , ; , ; , , 162 University and Hawaii University and Identity: ReassertingNative &Presenceinthe Values Aspects of SME Networking inSlovenia. Networking ofSME Aspects A. Levy Prasad Participants: Coordinator: ConventionCenter:Room305B 8:00am -10:00amHawaii 68 Organizers: Friday continuationfrom This sessionisa ConventionCenter:Room303B 8:00am -1:00pmHawaii 67 Illinois, Chicago Organizers: Sunday, 8am-12pm. Fridayandwillcontinueonto continuationfrom This sessionisa ConventionCenter:Room303A 8:00am -12:00pmHawaii 66 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:AkakaFallsRoom 8:00am -8:30amSheraton 72 Manoa Organizers: WaikikiBeach:PunaRoom 8:00am -10:00amSheraton 71 Presenters: Organizer: Jeanie [email protected] byJune30th. Open toallDoctoralstudents.Pre-registrationrequired.Contact WaikikiBeach:EwaRoom 8:00am -5:00pmSheraton 70 Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room318A 8:00am -11:00amHawaii 69 Kranj Presenters: School ofInternationalMgmt. Secrets Revealed Secrets Manoa Studies Ctr ForHawaiian Brandt Presenters: Melbourne U. Virginia Elizabeth A. Cooper Skidmore College Jane VWheeler of Wisconsin,Milwaukee St. Mary'sU. Mandel Shaver Washington U. ofTechnology Dawn DeTienne Theme-oriented |

: : : : 4 : ; Branko Bucar (ENT) (ENT) (ENT) (HCM) (GDO)

; Vijayan P. Munusamy : ; Ashleigh Shelby Rosette , Skidmore College , Skidmore , CollegeofCharleston , WakeForestU. , U.S.Air Force Academy (ENT) SPDW: Timothy Hoff Jeanie M.Forray J Robert Baum ; AndrewC. Corbett Entrepreneurial Networks:International Entrepreneurial Consortium. Junior Faculty Doctoral Consortium. Stacy Blake-Beard Connie MarieGaglio Bostjan Antoncic Jonathan K. Osorio Ronald KMitchell Dean Shepherd Dharm PrakashSharmaBhawuk HCM PDWContinentalBreakfast GDO DoctoralConsortium ; Alison Linstead David MBoje Robert D Hisrich Superstar Entrepreneurship Teachers:Their Superstar , BowlingGreen StateU. , UtahStateU. ; Donald F Kuratko ; Anshuman Prasad Visual Presentation| (GDO, OB, CM)(GDO, OB,

, U.of Rhode Island , U.ofLjubljana

; Myrtle P.Bell ; JeromeKatz , State U. ofNewYork, Albany

; HughWillmott , NewU. MexicoState , U. of Maryland , Indiana U. , Western NewEnglandCollege ; Gaylen N Chandler; Gaylen , U. ofPrimorska , Thunderbird, American Graduate , U. ofYork , Texas TechU. , U. ofHawai`i,Manoa ; Kevin George; Kevin Hindle , SimmonsCollege ; , Kamakaküokalani, Gladys Aiona , Kamakaküokalani,GladysAiona , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute ; JeanHelms Mills Manu Ka'iama , SanFranciscoStateU. Recovering aNational , U.of Houston Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , IndianaU.

, U.ofNew Haven , St.LouisU. , U.ofTexas, Arlington ; Th ; MartinNDavidson

; Pushkala Prasad ; Belle RoseRagins , Cambridge U.

omas Lumpkin omas , U. ofHawai`i, ; Karl Vesper ; Karl

; MitjaRuzzier ; StanleyW ,

; Pushkala U. ofHawai`i, ; Carol T Kulik ; Albert J.Mills

, UtahState U. , St.Mary'sU. , Swinburne ; ; Kelly G ; David , U.of , U. of , , U. of , U. , Arc- ; , U. , ; , Session Details Ð Saturday

73 : (HR) HR Junior Faculty Consortium Presenters: Tai-Young Kim, Sungkyunkwan U.; Madan M Pillutla, 8:00am - 10:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A London Business School; Rachelle Sampson, U. of Maryland; Pre-registration required. Contact Jeffrey L. LePine, U. of Florida Lance Brouthers, U. of Texas, El Paso; Olav Sorenson, London ([email protected]) to register. Business School; Yan Anthea Zhang, Rice U.; Haiyang Li, Texas Organizers: Mark V Roehling, Michigan State U.; Jeffrey LePine, A&M U.; Mike W. Peng, Ohio State U.; Ram Mudambi, Temple U.; U. of Florida; Pamela Perrewe, Florida State U.; Susan E. Mayson, Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, City U. of Hong Kong Monash U.; Helen DeCieri, Monash U. Presenters: Philip L Roth, Clemson U.; Michael J Burke, Tulane 78 4: (IM) International Management Division Junior U.; Gordon W Cheung, Chinese U. of Hong Kong; Mark Gavin, Faculty Consortium I Oklahoma State U.; David A Hofmann, U. of North Carolina; Mark 8:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A Griffin, Queensland U. of Technology; Lisa Schurer Lambert, Open only to invited participants, who must apply and pre-register Georgia State U.; Jodi S. Goodman, U. of Connecticut; Raza A for this consortium. SATURDAY Lorraine Eden Mir, William Paterson U.; Sanjay Jain, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Chair: , Texas A&M U. Harry G Barkema ; Nakiye Boyacigiller Marilyn Fenwick, Monash U.; Bennett J. Tepper, U. of North Presenters: , Tilburg U. , ; Tina Dacin ; Michael A. Hitt Carolina, Charlotte Sabanci U. , Queen's U., Canada , Texas A&M U.; Robert E. Hoskisson, Arizona State U.; Anne S. 74 : (HR) HR Doctoral Student Consortium Tsui, Arizona State U.; Sheila M. Puffer, Northeastern U.; Stephen 8:00am - 10:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A B Tallman, U. of Richmond; Hildy Teegen, George Washington U.; Pre-registration required. Contact John Delery, U. of Arkansas Alain C. Verbeke, U. of Calgary; Bernard Yeung, New York U.; ([email protected]) to register. Srilata Zaheer, U. of Minnesota; Marjorie A Lyles, Indiana U. Organizer: John E Delery, U. of Arkansas Presenters: Paul Boselie, Tilburg U.; Timothy M. Gardner, 79 BSPDW: (MED, CMS) Resuscitating Management Brigham Young U.; Caren Goldberg, George Washington U.; Education: Reintroducing Management To Students David P Lepak, Rutgers U.; Christine Marie Riordan, U. of 8:00am - 10:00am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 Georgia; Maria Rotundo, U. of Toronto; Jason D. Shaw, U. of A thought provoking discussion on critical approaches to Kentucky; Sean Alexander Way, Chinese U. of Hong Kong; management education and development. Michael Wesson, Texas A&M U. Chair: Stewart Clegg, U. of Technology, Sydney Presenters: Tyrone S. Pitsis, U. of Technology, Sydney; Emma S. 75 4 : (IAM) 21st Century Iberoamerican Culture: An Bowyer, U. of Technology, Sydney; Raymond Daniel Gordon, U. Understanding of Values and Their Effects of Technology, Sydney; Bill Michael Cooke, U. of Manchester; 8:00am - 10:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala Room Martin Kornberger, U. of Technology, Sydney Facilitator: Carlos Jesus Alsua, U. of Alaska, Anchorage Presenters: Carlos B. Gonzalez, California Polytechnic State U., 80 SPDW: (MED, OB, BPS, ODC, HR, MOC, OMT) Moving Pomona; Carlos Jesus Alsua, U. of Alaska, Anchorage; Patricia G Images: Cinema in the Classroom Martinez, U. of Texas, San Antonio; Raul Ramirez, U. of California, 8:00am - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa Ballroom 2 Irvine; Juan I Sanchez, Florida International U.; Guillermo Wated, This series of workshops will inform, guide and excite you about Florida International U.; Carolina Gomez, Florida International U. using cinema in your teaching. Organizers: Jon Billsberry, Open U.; Joseph E Champoux, U. of 76 4 : (IM) Comparative Approaches to Teaching New Mexico International Management: Internationalizing the Presenters: Joseph E Champoux, U. of New Mexico; Jon Curriculum Billsberry, Open U. 8:00am - 11:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A Participants: Veronique Ambrosini, Cranfield U. ; Thomaz Wood, Pre-registration required: To pre-register contact Julia Gluesing by Escola de Administracao de Empresas de Sao Paulo; Randall B email at [email protected] Dunham, U. of Wisconsin, Madison Organizers: Julia Gluesing, Wayne State U.; Gerhard Apfelthaler, FH Joanneum 81 SPDW: (MOC, ODC, SIM) Examining Organizational Moderator: Mary Yoko Brannen, San Jose State U. "Buy-In": Weaving the Nomological Net Presenters: Joseph E Champoux, U. of New Mexico; Michael 8:00am - 10:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Susan L Kirby Lacktorin, Akita International U.; Romie Frederick Littrell, Organizer: , Texas State U. Eric G Kirby ; Susan L Kirby Auckland U. of Technology; Tatiana Kostova, U. of South Carolina; Facilitators: , Texas State U. , Texas ; John K. Ross III Sankaran Manikutty, Indian Institute of Management; Joyce State U. , Texas State U., San Marcos Osland ; T.K. Peng ; Susan , San Jose State U. , I-Shou U., Taiwan 82 New Doctoral Student Consortium C Schneider ; J Michael Geringer : (NDSC) , HEC U. of Geneva , California 8:00am - 4:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 314 Polytechnic U. Hosted by European School of Management and Technology. Pre- Reg is available on the NDSC webpage or contact Pamela K. 77 4: (IM) International Management Division, Doctoral Student Consortium I Steverson at [email protected] Organizers: Laura Erskine, U. of Southern California; Allison 8:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B Gundersen ; Alton Al Stanley Lovvorn Open only to invited participants, who must apply and pre-register , Case Western Reserve U. , ; Janice Molloy ; Pamela K. for this consortium. U. of Memphis , Ohio State U. Steverson ; Kyra Sutton Chair: Andrew Delios, National U. of Singapore , U. of Memphis , Ohio State U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 163 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday U. ofBritishColumbia of Maryland Milwaukee California, LosAngeles Robert Moorman Shore Morrison Campbell Quick Management to Approach throughSocio-Economic Performance Randall B Dunham Randall B Roberson Notre Dame Program Chair: 8:00am - 9:00am Hawaii ConventionCenter: Room318B 8:00am -9:00amHawaii 87 Presenters: Facilitator: Open discussions ConventionCenter:Room323C 8:00am -9:30amHawaii 86 Presenters: Facilitator: Open discussions ConventionCenter:Room323B 8:00am -9:30amHawaii 85 U. ofArizona Presenters: Contact: [email protected]. Spaceislimited! to applications Those interestedshouldsend only. invitation Participation isby ConventionCenter:Room325A 8:00am -5:00pmHawaii 84 Fugate Presenters: Organizer: or [email protected] for more information. be nominatedbytheirfaculty.Visitwww.obweb.orgAttendees must ConventionCenter:Room324 8:00am -7:00pmHawaii 83 Westney Jeffrey J.Reuer Faculty Consortium Student Consortium Perspectives Divisions: Institutional Perspectives Divisions: Institutional Bettis Presenters: Keynote Speaker: Hollenbeck Technology, Sydney Miner of Oregon Kreiner Williamson Philip L Roth

B B B B B , IndependentConsultant , SMJEditor; U.ofNorth Carolina , SanDiego StateU. : , SouthernMethodistU. (ODC) , U.ofCincinnati Mary Uhl-Bien , Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology , MassachusettsInstitute : : , New York U. , NewYork ; Lyman W.Porter T , Arizona StateU. ; Timothy AJudge (OB) (OB) Richard NOsborn Hunt Jerry Peter Hom eaching-oriented | ; WilliamHGlick , U. of Maryland,CollegePark , MichiganStateU. ; JoneL.Pearce Ronald HHumphrey Craig CLundberg Dafna Eylon Frances M.McKee-Ryan Herman Aguinis SPDW: SPDW: ; JeffreyR.Edwards , Clemson U. , Clemson Integrating OD and Enhancing Economic Integrating ODandEnhancing

Karen Moffitt Organizational Behavior Division Junior Organizational BehaviorDivision Doctoral Organizational BehaviorDivision , U.ofNorthCarolina, ChapelHill , U.ofTexas,Arlington

, CreightonU. Thomas W.Lee , U.ofWisconsin,Madison ; Jennifer M George (OB, OMT, BPS) (OB, OMT) , TexasTechU. , Arizona StateU.

; Joan Brett

, U.of Central Florida ; LisaSchurerLambert , U. of Richmond , U. ☯ ; SaraLRynes ; Angelo DeNisi Management Practice-oriented | ; Angelo J.Kinicki , U. ofCalifornia,Irvine , U. ofCalifornia,Irvine , U.ofColorado,Denver , Arizona StateU. , U. ofMemphis , U. ofFlorida , Wayne StateU. ; JaniceSMiller ; JeromeKatz , Cornell U. , Cornell ; Barbara S.Lawrence Leadership: SeniorScholars' Leadership: , VirginiaCommonwealthU. , U.ofNorth Carolina , U.ofWashington , ArizonaStateU.,West , Oregon StateU. Leadership Acrossthe ; Stewart Clegg ; ElizabethWolfe , JAPEditor ; Russell Cropanzano ; Richard T.Mowday

, U. ofIowa , TexasA&MU. ; Robert Vecchio; Robert , St.LouisU. ; Henry PSims ; ; DanielSkarlicki , Arizona State U. , ArizonaState , U. of Wisconsin, , U.ofWisconsin, , GeorgiaState U. ; Eleanor ; Richard ; Loriann ; John R ; Richard A ; Ian O. International-oriented| , U.of ; Mel ; Lynn , U. of , U.

; Glen E. ; James ; ; , U.of , U. , U. , U. , , ;

; 164 Peron Environment ISEOR, U.ofLyon Facilitators: Presenters: Organizers: Pre-registration required.ConsortiumbeginsonFriday. ConventionCenter:Room313B 8:00am -5:30pmHawaii 90 Organizers: TapaBallroom1 8:00am -10:00amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 89 Organizer: Pre-work required. Voluntarydinnerinevening. to 15participants. Registration required--IngaCarboni([email protected]).Limited ConventionCenter:Room304B 8:00am -1:00pmHawaii 88 Organizer: Washington U. Organizers: beginsFriday,continuesSunday. Pre-registration required.Session ConventionCenter:Room313A 8:00am -5:00pmHawaii 92 Organizers: Pre-registration required.Contactorganizers. ConventionCenter:Room319A 8:00am -12:00pmHawaii 91 U. Consortium and Strategy: Theoretical and MethodologicalAdvances and Theoretical and Strategy: Res., AndPract. Wkshp: ReflectiveLearningAndActionInquiryInTeach., Zbaracki California, Davis School Brigham YoungU. Presenters: Christine Beckman Boston College California Loewenstein Speakers: Discussant: Northwestern U. D. Lee Presenters: Technology Pasmore Charles N.Seashore Michigan Seidel Andrew B. Hargadon of Michigan, Ann Arbor of Michigan,Ann Huy Business School Deborah JDougherty Theme-oriented | ; Royston Greenwood

B B B SPDW: , INSEAD , ISEOR/ U. ofParisSorbonne , U.ofBritishColumbia , Pennsylvania State U., Great Valley , PennsylvaniaStateU., ; Anna Grandori : (OM) ; Anne S. Huff , U.of Pennsylvania : SPDW: SPDW: ; Violina Rindova , Mercer DeltaConsulting (OMT) C. MarlenaFiol Inga Carboni Marc Bonnet William Torbert William Henri Savall Joanne Martin Richard L Daft (OMT, BPS,MOC) Joe Porac Majken Schultz Diane H.Parente Matthew Kraatz Klaus Weber , U. ofTexas,Austin

; Joe Porac Future of Operations Management inGlobal Future ofOperationsManagement ; George Roth

; PeerC.Fiss ; Janet MDukerich ; AlvaTaylor (ODC, MED,PTC) (OMT, ODC,MOC) OMT Junior Faculty Consortium OMT JuniorFaculty Visual Presentation| ; Kristian Kreiner ; Emmanuel Beck

, U.of California, Irvine , FieldingGraduateInstitute , U.of California, Davis ; William H. Starbuck , RutgersU. , NewYorkU. , TechnischeU.,München , BocconiU. , ISEOR, U.ofLyon , BostonCollege , ISEOR,U.ofLyon , U.of Alberta , Northwestern U. , New York U. , U. of Colorado, Denver of Colorado, , U. , Stanford U. , Vanderbilt U. , U. of Maryland,CollegePark , Copenhagen Business School , Copenhagen Business , Boston College , U. of Illinois ; KevinG.Corley ; KarenGolden-Biddle , Instituteof Massachusetts , Pennsylvania State U.,Erie , Pennsylvania State , DartmouthCollege , Queen's U.,Canada Language inOrganizations ; MarkKennedy ; AnandNarasimhan ; KimberlyDElsbach , U.ofTexas,Austin Leadership Development Leadership Development , Copenhagen Business Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , ISEOR,U.ofLyon OMT/ODC/MOC Doctoral OMT/ODC/MOC Doctoral ; AndrewJ.Hoffman ; Kathleen M.Sutcliffe ; David A. Whetten ; DavidA. ; JStuartBunderson ; Mary Ann Glynn ; William Ocasio ; Vincent Cristallini ; PaceyFoster

; Marc-David L , New York U. , Arizona StateU. ; WilliamA ; QuyNguyen , U.ofSouthern ; Jeffrey , U.ofAlberta

; MarkJ , London ; Michel , U.of ; Peggy ; ; , , Emory , , , U. of , U. , ; ,


Session Details Ð Saturday

93 BSPDW: (PS, PNP, ODC, HR, MED) Practitioner Presenters: Diana L. Day, Rutgers U., Camden; Javier Gimeno, Series/Action-Research Community INSEAD; Adelaide Wilcox King, U. of Virginia; Andrew King, 8:00am - 6:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Hilo Room Dartmouth College; Susan McEvily, U. of Pittsburgh; Gerry Practitioners and academics come together for "hands-on" learning McNamara, Michigan State U.; Michael V. Russo, U. of Oregon; about action research. Mark Shanley, Purdue U.; Margarethe F Wiersema, U. of Organizer: Neil M. Boyd, Pennsylvania State U. California, Irvine; Mike Wright, Nottingham U. Neil M. Boyd ; Margaret T. Orr Speakers: , Pennsylvania State U. , Doctoral Consortium Columbia U.; Joel I Harmon, Fairleigh Dickinson U.; Dan Twomey, 99 : (BPS) Fairleigh Dickinson U.; David Coghlan, U. of Dublin; Olav 8:30am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308 (A&B) By invitation only. Contact Tim Folta for additional information Eikeland, Work Research Institute; Lyle Yorks, Columbia U.; ([email protected]). Jeana Wirtenberg, Jeana Wirtenberg, Ph.D, LLC; Carol Gorlick,

Organizers: Tim Folta, Purdue U.; Jan W. Rivkin, Harvard U. SATURDAY Pace U. Presenters: Michael Dowling, U. of Regensburg; Pierre 94 SPDW: (RM, OB, BPS, GDO) Estimating Interaction Dussauge, HEC Paris; Henrich Greve, Norwegian School of Effects Using Multiple Regression Management; Peggy M. Lee, Arizona State U.; Michael J Leiblein, 8:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A Ohio State U.; Thomas C. Powell, Oxford U.; Joan E. Ricart, Pre-registration required at IESE, U. of Navarra; Melissa Schilling, New York U. There is a $10 fee for 100 Evidenced-Based Teaching and Core non members of the Research Methods Division. : (HCM) Competencies: A Why and How to Primer Presenter: Herman Aguinis, U. of Colorado, Denver 8:30am - 10:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Akaka Falls Room 95 SPDW: (RM, OB, GDO) The Neverending Story: A Organizers: Diana W Hilberman, U. of California, Los Angeles; Workshop on Survey Scale Development and Validation Dawn Oetjen, U. of Central Florida 8:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 Facilitators: Diana W Hilberman, U. of California, Los Angeles; Pre-registration required at Dawn Oetjen, U. of Central Florida There is a $10 fee for Participant: Grant T. Savage, U. of Alabama non members of the Research Methods Division. 101 New Roles and Careers for Presenters: Gilad Chen, Texas A&M U.; Claudia C. Cogliser, B SPDW: (HCM, CAR) Senior Faculty: Moving into Academic Administration Texas Tech U.; Robert J Vandenberg, U. of Georgia 8:30am - 10:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kauai Ballroom 96 : (TIM) Joint Session: Doctoral Consortium and Junior Organizer: Jeffrey Alexander, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Faculty Camp Speakers: Jeffrey Alexander, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Diane 8:00am - 10:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Brannon, Pennsylvania State U.; John D Blair, Texas Tech U. Organizers: Fernando Suarez, Boston U.; Paul Bierly, James 102 Process Research Madison U.; Gautam Ahuja, U. of Michigan; Atul Nerkar, Columbia SPDW: (RM, BPS, OB, OMT, TIM) Workshop I: A Spectrum of Methods U. Speakers: Linda Argote, Carnegie Mellon U.; Donald D Bergh, 8:30am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 311 Pre-registration required at Purdue U.; George F Farris, Rutgers U.; Martin J Kilduff, There is a $15 fee for Pennsylvania State U.; Walter Powell, Stanford U.; Mark Gavin, non members of the Research Methods Division. Oklahoma State U. Organizers: Andrew H. Van de Ven, U. of Minnesota; Marshall S. Poole 97 SPDW: (TTC, MED, OB, OCIS) Teaching with , Texas A&M U. Technology: Hands-On Seismic Examples and Human Presenters: Ann Langley, HEC Montreal; Kevin Dooley, Arizona Insights for the 21st Century State U.; Marshall S. Poole, Texas A&M U.; Andrew H. Van de Ven 8:00am - 11:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Koko Crater Room , U. of Minnesota Organizer: Randall G Sleeth, Virginia Commonwealth U. Presenters: Deborah J Armstrong, U. of Arkansas; Joseph E Saturday 9:00AM Champoux, U. of New Mexico; Randall B Dunham, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Robert Marx, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; 103 : (AAA) Placement Services Randall G Sleeth, Virginia Commonwealth U.; Joan Weiner, Drexel 9:00am - 4:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Iolani Suite 1 U. Placement Services - Registration and Information Organizer: Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U. Saturday 8:30AM 104 SPDW: (CAR, MC, MSR) Complexity, Energy and Consciousness: A New Vision for Leadership New Faculty Consortium 98 : (BPS) Development, Part II 8:30am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301 (A&B) Apply by 5/15/05 to [email protected]. Send: vita, 9:00am - 11:30am Off Site: Kapiolani Park Pre-registration by emailing [email protected] with "AoM" teaching/research interests (1p), nomination letter from Dean/Dept in the subject line by Friday July 15, 2005. Friday session no. is 8. Head. BPS PhD by 9/30/04. Organizers: Terri Egan, Pepperdine U.; Suzanne Lahl, Private Organizers: Amy Hillman, Arizona State U.; Mason A Carpenter, Consultant U. of Wisconsin, Madison

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 165 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday Presenters: Waterloo Colorado Springs Lips-Wiersma School Golden GateU. Northern Iowa Cognitive Processes ofCreative andtheEnhancement Business Models Colloquium Incubator onPower Harrison Newton James Pepperdine U. Organizer: By applicationonly ConventionCenter:Room302A 9:00am -5:30pmHawaii 110 Coordinator: WaikikiBeach:Waianae Room 9:00am -12:00pmSheraton 109 Schindl Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room305A 9:00am -11:30pmHawaii 108 Presenters: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyonRoom 9:00am -10:30amSheraton 107 Organizers: Management sinceitsinception. andconsiderationfortheAcademyof been akeydriver worldhas between theacademicandbusiness Building bridges South Pacific3 Village: 9:00am -5:00pmHiltonHawaiian 106 Central Florida Presenters: Organizer: Brodt ([email protected]) ( or emailSusan 15 Pre-registration isrequired.RegisteronlinebyJuly ConventionCenter:Room317A 9:00am -5:00pmHawaii 105 Coordinator: Gibson One StopShopping Academy and the Management History Division History and theManagement Academy Contact: Benedictine U. International U. Facilitator: Konrad Texas A&MU. Methodist U. Carolina

: B B B B ; CharlesJ.Fornaciari (OCIS) , Cranfield SchoolofManagement , Nova SoutheasternU. : SPDW: , U.ofWestern Ontario , SchindlRughasePartners ; Fiona Lee SPDW: ; SusanE.Brodt Bruce Hanson (MH) T eaching-oriented |

Daphne Deforres Ulrike Schultze Susan E.Brodt SPDW: Kathy LundDean Regina Greenwood Bruce Barry Olaf Rughase John DAram ; JeffreyT.Polzer Kathy LundDean Ann E.Feyerherm

: ; Margaret D Gorman; Margaret Doctoral Consortium , U. ofCanterbury Ne ; DeborahGruenfeld ; Alexander Styhre ; Alexander (MSR) ; MargaretBenefiel (MOC, BPS) (CM, GDO, SIM)(CM, GDO, ; Gerald Biberman w MemberWorkshop:Introductiontothe , CaseWesternReserveU.

(MED, PTC, ODC) , U.ofMichigan Qualitative Research Issues in MSR: inMSR: Research Issues Qualitative

, Colorado TechnicalU.

☯ , VanderbiltU. , CaseWesternReserveU. , Queen'sU. , SchindlRughasePartners Management Practice-oriented | , Southern Methodist U. , Queen'sU. Designing StrategicInnovation: , U. of Monterey , Florida GulfCoastU. , Idaho StateU. ; M AudreyKorsgaard ; Laquita C Blockson; Laquita , HarvardU. , Idaho StateU.

, PepperdineU. ; John F Milliman , KetteringU. Junior FacultyResearch , U.ofStockholm , AndoverNewton Theological ; Robin L. Pinkley , Stanford U. , George Washington U. , U.ofScranton

Executive Doctoral Executive Doctoral ; Robert Folger

; Ramona Bobocel ; JoSanzgiri ; Linda L.Putnam ; Therese FYaeger ; Jane Whitney ; LeeRobbins ; AlisonM. , U.ofColorado, ; Schalon ; Marjolein , U.of ; Kay Davis International-oriented| ; Michael , Alliant , U.ofSouth , Southern , U.of

, U.of ; Kim , , , , 166 Research and Writing Research and Approach in to Qualitative Research:ACollective Archival Data Of Applications Exploring TheSourcesAnd Archivalists: Presenters: Effective Teacher SchoolGoalsandBecomeaMore Achieve Business Presenter: Associates Participants: Organizer: open participation ConventionCenter:Room309 9:00am -11:30amHawaii 113 Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room316B 9:00am -10:00amHawaii 112 Organizers: By applicationonly ConventionCenter:Room302B 9:00am -5:30pmHawaii 111 117 Presenter: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room306A 9:30am -11:30amHawaii 116 U. Peteraf Presenters: Organizer: look forwardtoseeingyou! To pre-register, contact Teppo([email protected]). We ConventionCenter:Room315 9:30am -12:00pmHawaii 115 Presenters: Bechky Organizers: open participation ConventionCenter:Room313C 9:00am -12:00pmHawaii 114 Capabilities, &theIndividual-OrganizationRelationship Capabilities, An Overview of theISISProjectforTobaccoControl An Overview Loss of America's Best and Brightest Bestand Loss ofAmerica's Cambridge Robert Davison Daniel PForbes California, SantaBarbara Stephen Barley Presenters: Rice Purdue U. Pittsburgh Theme-oriented | ; JamalShamsie , U.ofCalifornia,SantaBarbara

SPDW: B : B SPDW: (OCIS) , Dartmouth College : 4 , U.of California, Davis SPDW: SPDW: (ODC) ; Gordon BDavis

Ram Tenkasi Cynthia KayStevens ; Michael GMorris David A.Kirsch Timothy Huerta Judy Tansky Teppo Felin JoAnne Yates David Obstfeld Nicole WoolseyBiggart Ritu Agarwal Ann Majchrzak Andrew B.Hargadon Marc Ventresca Marc (OMT, MH) (OMT, TIM,MOC, OCIS) : Ju (MC)

Designing Trans-Organizational Systems: Designing Trans-Organizational , StanfordU. , CityU.ofHongKong (HR, TTC, OB)(HR, TTC, (BPS, OMT, OB) , U.ofMinnesota nior Faculty Consortium nior Faculty Visual Presentation|

, Michigan State U. , MichiganState

Flight Capital: David Heenan Discusses Flight Capital:DavidHeenan Saturday 9:30AM , Emory U. , Ohio StateU. , BenedictineU. ; ChristopherMcKenna

New Archivalism And New New Archivalism , U. of Maryland , U.

, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology , Massachusetts Institute ; StevenPostrel , U. ofBritishColumbia , U. of Maryland , U. of California, Irvine California, , U.of , U.ofSouthernCalifornia , U. ofMinnesota ; Charles D.Galunic , U.ofOxford , U.ofVirginia Building Competencies: Help Building Competencies: , U.ofMaryland ; MenziL. Behrnd-Klodt Learning, Knowledge, , U.ofCalifornia, Davis Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U. ofCalifornia,Davis ; JCSpender ; Michael Barrett Tapping theCommunity ; Chris F.Kemerer ; John Mohr

, Southern Methodist

; JonWBeard

, OxfordU. , INSEAD ; Margaret , Open U. , Open ; Ronald E , U.of , U.of ; Beth , Klodt& ; , ;

, U. of

; Session Details Ð Saturday

9:30am - 10:30am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Maui Ballroom 124 BSPDW: (HR, TIM) Technological Innovation In The Introduction: Larry E Greiner, U. of Southern California HR Curriculum: A New Vision Of HR Information Systems David Heenan Distinguished Speaker: , Trustee, Campbell Estate 10:00am - 12:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316C Leadership: Organizers: Janet H Marler, State U. of New York, Albany ; Sandra 118 B4 SPDW: (OB, IM, PNP, ART) Fisher International Perspectives , Clarkson U. Presenters: Michael David Bedell, California State U, Bakersfield; 9:30am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C James Dulebohn ; John W Webster Open discussions , Michigan State U. , Dakota Deanne N. Den Hartog ; Marianna Fotaki State U.; Kathleen Utecht, Central Michigan U.; Kevin Carlson, Facilitators: , Erasmus U. , ; Raymond Boykin Manchester Business School; Juergen Weibler, U. of Hagen Virginia Polytechnic Institute , California State U., Presenters: Arja M Ropo, U. of Tampere; Brad Jackson, Victoria Chico

; Marcus W Dickson ; Beverly SATURDAY U. of Wellington , Wayne State U. 125 SPDW: (MED, BPS) Exercises That Frame Student Alimo-Metcalfe, U. of Leeds; Hugo Martin Kehr, Macquarie U., Thinking About Strategy ; Jonathan Gosling ; Boas Shamir Sydney , U. of Exeter , Hebrew U. 10:00am - 11:30am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 of Jerusalem; Ken Parry, Griffith U.; David Barry, Copenhagen Pre-registration required. E-mail organizer [email protected] Business School; Erika Sauer, U. of Tampere Organizer: C Gopinath, Suffolk U. Facilitator: Norm R Althouse, U. of Calgary 119 SPDW: (OB, OMT, RM) Leadership: Emerging B Presenter: Julie Siciliano, Florida Institute of Technology Research Issues 9:30am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323B 126 SPDW: (MED, MSR, MOC) The Art Of Structured Open discussions Reflection: Ways Of Knowing Jerry Hunt Facilitator: , Texas Tech U. 10:00am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Presenters: Allen Bluedorn, U. of Missouri, Columbia; Michael A. Workshop demonstrates strategies for initiating reflection as a Hitt, Texas A&M U.; Arja M Ropo, U. of Tampere; Arie Y. Lewin, means of enhancing learning. Duke U.; Erika Sauer, U. of Tampere Facilitators: Jan Schapper, Monash U.; Anne Bardoel, Monash U.; Technology Made Easy For Carol H Sawyer, U. of La Verne; Barbara Walling, U. of La Verne; 120 BSPDW: (ODC, RM) Judith A. Neal Researchers: Tools, Tips & Techniques , U. of New Haven Coordinator: Nita Currey, St. Edwards U. 9:30am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B Anne Kohnke Meda Organizer: , Benedictine U. 127 SPDW: (OM, BPS) Operations Strategy: Past, Presenters: Marie E. Di Virgilio, Benedictine U.; Cynthia L. Present and Future Heidorn , Benedictine U. 10:00am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa Ballroom 1 Speakers: Steven C. Wheelwright, Harvard U.; Paul M. Saturday 10:00AM Swamidass, Auburn U 121 SPDW: (CAR, ONE, PNP) Environmental Careers: 128 B: (PNP) The Service-learning Effect: Utilizing Passion and Productivity for the 21st Century Service-learning in Undergrad Nonprofit Management 10:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Curriculum Discussion of career challenges faced by those whose jobs involve 10:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room addressing environmental issues. Organizer: Regan Harwell Schaffer, Pepperdine U. Presenters: Gordon P. Rands, Western Illinois U.; Barbara A. Presenters: Roger Weis, Murray State U.; Alice E. Kaiser- Ribbens, Western Illinois U.; Eric Guinther, AECOS Consulting; Drobney, Slippery Rock U.; Regan Harwell Schaffer, Pepperdine Bruce Miller, U. of Hawai`i; Linda Paul, Hawai`i Audubon Society; U. Peter Young, Hawai`i Dept of Land & Natural Resources 129 SPDW: (RM, OB, HR) Multilevel Theory and Research 122 B SPDW: (CM, PTC) The Conflict Dynamics Profile in Organizations and Its Effectiveness in Workplace Interventions 10:00am - 12:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 10:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Pre-registration required at For additional information, contact Miriam Rothman There is a $5 fee for non ([email protected]). members of the Research Methods Division. Organizer: Miriam Rothman, U. of San Diego Presenter: Katherine Klein, U. of Pennsylvania Presenters: Deborah Pettry, ACL, Inc.; Russ Pierce, Consulting 130 TIM Division Doctoral Consortium and Clinical Psychologist; Miriam Rothman, U. of San Diego : (TIM) 10:00am - 12:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319B 123 B4SPDW: (HR, ITC) Diversity, Affirmative Action & Apply by sending application to Paul Bierly -- [email protected] Paul Bierly HRM: The Impact of AA on HRM Policies and Practices Organizer: , James Madison U. 10:00am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B Speakers: George F Farris, Rutgers U.; Anne S Miner, U. of Organizer: Harish C Jain, McMaster U. Wisconsin, Madison; Violina Rindova, U. of Maryland, College Presenters: Simon Taggar, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Venkata Ratnam, Park; Fariborz Damanpour, Rutgers U.; Johannes M Pennings, International Management Institute of New Delhi; John Lawler, U. U. of Pennsylvania of Illinois; Peter Sloane, Swansea U. Presenter: Fernando Suarez, Boston U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 167 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday Options, Challenges,andStrategies for the 21st Century for the21st toGovernance-AVision Management Directors: From Organizers: Hawaii Convention Center:Room316A 10:30am -12:00pm 136 Organizer: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:KauaiBallroom 10:30am -12:00pm 135 Presenters: Organizer: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:AkakaFallsRoom 10:30am -12:00pm 134 Organizer: Open, norestriction onparticipation. Sheraton WaikikiBeach:PunaRoom 10:30am -12:00pm 133 Chair: -allwelcome competition winners fromthisyear's Writing andTeachingwith"DarkSide"cases;learn Sheraton WaikikiBeach:LanaiBallroom 10:30am -12:30pm 132 Organizers: Pre-registration required Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room328 10:00am -12:00pm 131 Presenters: Mattis Susan Vinnicombe Participants: Chair: Michigan, AnnArbor Edward Zajac Rights Commission,NewZealand and WhyPrimer Competition IV Dark SideCase Cases: Theory Through Management Editor's Roundtable Coordinators: Participants: U. Florida Donna Malvey Ronald J.Burke State U. Alabama, Birmingham Participants: Calgary, U.ofWesternOntario U. Stanford U. Wilfrid LaurierU. Wilfrid LaurierU. INSEAD

: : B B : , National AcademyofEngineering Rosemary AMcGowan Ralph Stablein (HR) (HCM) (TIM)

; Harbir Singh ; Chei Hwee Chua

T eaching-oriented | SPDW: Stephen O'Connor Darrell E.Burke Ro SPDW: ; LeeFleming : Donna JSlovensky Stephen O'Connor John EDelery Gautam Ahuja HR DoctoralStudentandJunior Faculty: Junior FacultyCamp Rosanne Hawarden William GMitchellWilliam Matt Bladowski (HCM) Albert J.Mills sanne Hawarden P , NorthwesternU. , U. ofCentralFlorida ublishing HealthCare Research:Journal ; SherryFinney , YorkU.

(CMS, MED) (GDO, PTC) , CranfieldSchoolofManagement ; MyronDFottler Teaching withTechnology:AHowto ; EileenF. Hamby Saturday 10:30AM , MasseyU.,New Zealand , U. ofPennsylvania

☯ ; Su C Olsson , Harvard U. Management Practice-oriented | , U.of Arkansas , U. of South Carolina South , U.of , U. of Michigan , Florida StateU. , St. Mary'sU. , York U. , U.ofAlabama,Birmingham , Wilfrid LaurierU. , U.ofAlabama,Birmingham ; JeffreyAlexander , Massey U.,NewZealand Women on Boards of Women onBoards Writing AndTeachingCritical , , U.ofAlabama,Birmingham

, CapeBretonU. Duke U. , MasseyU.,NewZealand

; PamelaE. Paustian

; Albert Cannella, Jr ; Rosemary AMcGowan , U.ofCentral Florida , MasseyU.,NewZealand , U. ofCentralFlorida ; Judy McGregor ; Jerker C.Denrell

; Laurie Milton ; MichaelLenox ; Atul Nerkar ; JeffreyLePine

; Gene Deszca ; GuenterStahl , U.of International-oriented| ; MaryC. , Columbia , U.of , U. of , U. , Human , Arizona , Duke , U.of ; ; , ; , , , ; 168 and the Reconsideration of Established SocialOrder ofEstablished and theReconsideration Thinking And Systems UsingFrameAnalysis OB/Mgmt Course Learning 10:30am - 12:00pm Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room318B 10:30am -12:00pm 138 Presenters: Facilitator: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:KohalaRoom 10:30am -12:30pm 137 MAUSS (Mouvement Anti Utilitariste en Sciences Sociales) toCMS en SciencesSociales) MAUSS (Mouvement AntiUtilitariste Introducing newFrenchTheory - René Girard, Roger Caillois,and WaikikiBeach:KokoCraterRoom 11:00am -1:00pmSheraton 141 Thomas H. Olson Facilitators: Introduction: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:MauiBallroom 10:45am -11:45am 140 Organizer: Pre-registration required. Sheraton WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 10:30am -12:30pm 139 Chair: Pre-registration required.Contactworkshopchairtoregister. Menkes U. OfMontpellier1 Ecoto Lyon U. U. ofHouston,ClearLake Presenters: Objectives, Methods,andTools Learning OutcomesAsse in the 21st Century Iberoamerican Context. in the21stCenturyIberoamerican Presenters: Wright StateU. Zaragoza Perez Nurick Presenters: Juan CarlosU. Rynes U. Michigan State State U. Chermont Vieira Costa Prieto Rodriguez Oviedo, Spain Mielgo Bertrand Theme-oriented | ; MarcBonnet ; MichelPeron

4 4 : , ISEOR, U. ofLyon , Rey JuanCarlosU. Kevin Wooten , U.ofIowa (MC) , BentleyCollege , U. deOviedo,Spain ; Rodger WGriffeth , SpencerStuartInc.

SPDW: SPDW: , Pontificial Catholic U. of RiodeJaneiro , PontificialCatholicU. ; Maria JoseVelaJimenez

Patricia GMartinez James Weber : : Larry EGreiner Angel MartinezSanchez Louis White Arthur PBrief William DMurry Communities ofInterest,Research,Practice& , U. of Zaragoza , U. (IAM) (CMS) Rickie Moore ; CamiloVazquez Ordas ; James Weber ; James (OMT, MED, TTC) (TTC, SIM) , ISEOR, U. of Lyon , Pontificial Catholic U. of Rio de Janeiro U.ofRiode , PontificialCatholic Visual Presentation| ; PeterCappelli , U.deOviedo,Spain ; Nathalie Krief ; MurrayR. Barrick , U.ofSouthern California Organizational Processes and Practices ProcessesandPractices Organizational From Games to Violence: French Theory FrenchTheory From GamestoViolence: , ISEOR/U. of ParisSorbonne , U.of Houston, ClearLake Saturday 11:00AM Saturday 10:45AM ; MaryWayneBush

, U.of Houston, ClearLake , Duquesne U. ; Florence Noguera , Tulane U. ; Luisa-EugeniaReyes-Recio , ISEOR, U.ofLyon An Interactive Workshop on Workshop An Interactive ; JoseManuelMontes Peon , U. of SouthernCalifornia ; Pilar deLuis Carnicer , U. of New Orleans New , U.of , Duquesne U. ssment: Course Level ssment: Course , Duquesne U. , Duquesne , U.ofTexas,SanAntonio , ISEOR, U. of Lyon , U.ofPennsylvania Teaching anIntegrated Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ; HenriSavall

, U.ofZaragoza , U.ofZaragoza ; MarkGavin , U.ofIowa ; MariaJosePinillos- , Oviedo, Spain ; Joseph A.Petrick ; Paul N.Friga , Pepperdine U.

, ISEOR andGesem, ; MarkVRoehling ; Nuria Lopez

, ISEOR,U.of ; François , Oklahoma ; AlixValenti , U.of ; FlavioJose ; Justin ; Manuela ; SaraL ; AaronJ ; Helene , Rey , U. de , U. , Indiana ;

; Juan

, ,

, Session Details Ð Saturday

Organizer: Richard Pin, EDHEC Business School 148 : (AAA) Conference Registration Facilitator: Patrice Houdayer, EM Lyon 12:00pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Registration Presenters: Emmanuel Metais, EDHEC Business School; Pierre- On-site Registration, Pre-Registration Badge Pick-up, and Exhibitor Guy Hourquet, EDHEC Business School; Olivier Masclef, EDHEC Registration Business School 149 : (AAA) Academy of Management Journal Editors' 142 SPDW: (ENT, TIM) Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Meeting Emerging Economies -- An Irrational Endeavor? 12:00pm - 2:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3 11:00am - 1:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A Organizer: Sara L Rynes, U. of Iowa Organizer: Roberto Vassolo, IAE Business School - U. Austral 150 The Career Development Presenters: Sharon Alvarez, Ohio State U.; Iftekhar Hasan, BSPDW: (CAR, MED, MSR) Cafe: A Smorgasboard of Innovative Classroom Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Gregory Fairchild, U. of Virginia; SATURDAY Roberto Rafael Luchi, U. Austral; Natalia Weisz, IAE Business Activities School - U. Austral 12:00pm - 3:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317B Registration preferred but not required. Please register by sending an email to [email protected]. Saturday 11:30AM Organizer: Svenja Tams, U. of Bath Steven H. Cady 143 Opportunity Identification. Facilitator: , Bowling Green State U. : (ENT) Judith Pringle 11:30am - 1:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Discussant: , U. of Auckland Michael B. Arthur ; Veronica M. Godshalk Organizer: Dawn DeTienne, Utah State U. Presenters: , Suffolk U. , ; Monica Higgins ; Participants: Dimo P. Dimov, Instituto de Empresa; Gaylen N Pennsylvania State U., Great Valley , Harvard U. Konstantin Korotov ; Marjolein Lips-Wiersma Chandler, Utah State U.; James Fiet, U. of Louisville; Connie , ESMT , U. of ; Judith A. Neal ; Troy Nielson Marie Gaglio, San Francisco State U.; Jeffery S. McMullen, Baylor Canterbury , U. of New Haven , ; Polly Parker ; Barbara A. Ribbens U.; Robert P Singh, Morgan State U.; Deniz Ucbasaran, Brigham Young U. , Griffith U. , Nottingham U.; Per Davidsson, Queensland U. of Technology Western Illinois U. /Jonkoping U. 151 : (GDO) GDO Lunch at the Willows 144 : (ENT) Council of Entrepreneurship Endowed Chairs 12:00pm - 2:00pm Off Site: The Willows Luncheon Contact Vijayan P.Munusamy at [email protected] for information on lunch and Lynn Bowes-Sperry at [email protected] to register 11:30am - 1:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B Admission by pre-registration only. Register with George Vozikis by June 30th. Vijayan P. Munusamy [[email protected]] Organizer: , U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Lynn Bowes-Sperry Presenter: George S Vozikis, U. of Tulsa Contact: , Western New England College 152 : (HR) HR Junior Faculty Consortium Luncheon 145 B SPDW: (OB, BPS) Leadership Across the 12:00pm - 1:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A Divisions: Network Leadership 11:30am - 1:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C 153 : (HR) HR Doctoral Student Consortium Open discussions 12:00pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A Facilitators: Richard N Osborn, Wayne State U.; Jerry Hunt, Pre-registration required. Contact John Delery, U. of Arkansas Texas Tech U. ([email protected]) to register. Presenters: Daniel J Brass, U. of Kentucky; Barbara Gray, Organizer: John E Delery, U. of Arkansas Pennsylvania State U.; Henrich Greve, Norwegian School of Management; Keith G Provan, U. of Arizona 154 4: (IM) IM Division Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortia Luncheon 146 B SPDW: (OB, HR, MED) Leadership Development 12:00pm - 1:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A 11:30am - 1:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323B Open only to faculty and attendees of the Doctoral Student and Open discussions. Junior Faculty Consortia. A box lunch will be provided. Facilitator: Cynthia D. McCauley, Center for Creative Leadership Hosts: Andrew Delios, National U. of Singapore; Lorraine Eden, Presenters: Raymond T Sparrowe, Washington U.; Larry Peters, Texas A&M U. Texas Christian U.; Gregory K. Stephens, Texas Christian U.; Jody Fry, Tarleton State U.; Scott Seibert, Melbourne Business 155 4SPDW: (IM, BPS, OB, GDO, OM, MED) Case Writing School; Stacy L Jackson, Calvin College Workshop 12:00pm - 3:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B Pre-registration is required. Please contact Paul Beamish Saturday 12:00PM [email protected] for registration. Paul Beamish 147 : (AAA) Membership Chair: , U. of Western Ontario 12:00pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Membership Facilitators: Charles Dhanaraj, Indiana U., Bloomington; Anthony Stop by to meet members of the Membership Committee. Inquire Goerzen, U. of Victoria about membership, update your information or sign up as an 156 : (OCIS) Luncheon for OCIS Jr. Fac and Doctoral Academy volunteer. Students Organizer: Regina Greenwood, Kettering U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 169 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday and Practice forTheory Workshop: WritingandReviewing Science with LISREL Organizer: The U.ofTexas Administration, -PanAmerican By invitationonly;SponsoredbytheCollegeofBusiness TapaBallroom1 12:00pm -1:00pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: 158 Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room316B 12:00pm -3:00pmHawaii 157 Organizer: Convention 12:00pm -1:00pmHawaii Fee toattend-See WaikikiBeach:IaoNeedleRoom 12:30pm -2:00pmSheraton 163 Maryland, CollegePark Priem Stanford U. Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room318A 12:30pm -3:00pmHawaii 162 Presenter: members oftheResearchMethodsDivision. There isa$5feefornon Pre-registration requiredat ConventionCenter:Room327 12:00pm -2:00pmHawaii 161 Presenters: Organizer: members oftheResearchMethodsDivision. There isa$5feefornon Pre-registration requiredat ConventionCenter:Room322A 12:00pm -2:00pmHawaii 160 Ohio U. Organizers: WaikikiBeach:WaialuaRoom 12:00pm -1:00pmSheraton 159 Teachers College,ColumbiaU. Arbor Process Lunch Consortium Luncheon Research: Marxist Theory and Organizational Analysis Research: MarxistTheoryandOrganizational Methods Research Qualimetrics Consulting InterventionsUsing John MJermier Franklin &MarshallCollege William APasmore

B B SPDW: SPDW: B : B , U.ofWisconsin,Milwaukee (OM)



eaching-oriented | 4 Gordon WCheung Hale Kaynak Richard WWoodman Ulrike Schultze James WFredrickson Raza AMir ; Pamela RHaunschild Jean M.Bartunek Harry GBarkema Paul Adler Angela L.Bies Doctoral Consortium Faculty Orientation Doctoral ConsortiumFaculty


Do (BPS, OB) (ODC, MC) , U.ofSouthFlorida : ing ResearchthroughManagement (PNP) , Mercer Delta Consulting Saturday 12:30PM , William Paterson U. , William , U.ofSouthern California ; Kathleen M.Sutcliffe , U.of Texas, PanAmerican Junior Faculty & Doctoral Junior Faculty ☯ Philosophies ofOrganizational

Conversations on Strategy Conversations on Management Practice-oriented | , Southern MethodistU. ; JohnBellamy Foster Journal ofAppliedBehavioral , Texas A&MU. Structural EquationModeling , Tilburg U. , Tilburg Center: Center Rooftop Center: CenterRooftop , Boston College , Boston , Chinese U.ofHongKong ; Robert JMarshak , TexasA&MU. , U.of Texas, Austin ; Violina Rindova , U.of Texas, Austin ; CraigPrichard

; Robert ABurgelman ; Judith L. Millesen

, Ann U. ofMichigan, ; WWarnerBurke

; Linda Forbes , U.ofOregon , AmericanU. , U.of , MasseyU. International-oriented| ; RichardL , , ,

; ; , 170 Voyant Feedback from theExperts Feedback from theExperts Feedback from ISEOR, U.ofLyon Presenters: Now". International U. Campbell Presenters: Reynolds ConventionCenter:Room303A 1:00pm -5:00pmHawaii 166 Participants: Coordinator: negotiations onChina/New Lessons forlabor Zealand/Australia trade WaikikiBeach:KokoCraterRoom 1:00pm -2:30pmSheraton 165 Moderator: WaikikiBeach:LanaiBallroom 12:30pm -2:00pmSheraton 164 Organizer: Albany, SUNY,518-402-6512,[email protected] Preregistration required.Contact person:TimHoff,Universityat WaikikiBeach:MolokaiBallroom 1:00pm -2:30pmSheraton 170 Fottler Participants: Moderator: Organizer: Alberta, 780-492-4246,[email protected] Prior registrationrequired.Contact person:TrishReay,U.of WaikikiBeach:AkakaFallsRoom 1:00pm -2:30pmSheraton 169 Presenters: Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room307A 1:00pm -3:00pmHawaii 168 Organizers: Friday continuationfrom This sessionisa ConventionCenter:Room303B 1:00pm -5:00pmHawaii 167 Illinois, Chicago Organizers: Sunday, 8am-12pm. Fridayandwillcontinueonto continuationfrom This sessionisa Processes China, Asia andFreeTradeAgreements. China, Asia A&M U. J Slovensky Washington Hong Kong Theme-oriented |

: 4 : : : : Norris FKrueger (ENT) (HCM) (HCM) (ENT) (ENT) , U.of Central Florida

, ISEOR, U.ofLyon

: (MH) , Center forLeadership Studies , Florida InternationalU. Timothy Hoff Trish Reay Trish Reay Jane WhitneyGibson SPDW: ; AndrewC. Corbett Henri Savall Paul Hersey Alan LCarsrud Maija Renko Maija Ronald KMitchell Dean Shepherd

Nigel Haworth Robert C.Myrtle Chris Nyland , U. ofAlabama,Birmingham Doctoral Consortium. Researching Entrepreneurial Cognitive Researching Entrepreneurial Junior FacultyConsortium. Br Successfully: Managing theDissertation ; Amanda Bullough ; Amanda "T inging Your Research IdeastoFruition: Visual Presentation| eaching Situational Leadership Thenand eaching SituationalLeadership ; RickieMoore (CMS, AAM)

, U.ofAlberta , U.ofAlberta Saturday 1:00PM , BoiseStateU. , ISEOR,U.ofLyon , CenterforLeadershipStudies , State U. ofNewYork, Albany , Florida InternationalU. , Monash U. , Auckland U. , Florida InternationalU. ; JohnD Blair , Indiana U. , U. ofSouthernCalifornia , Texas TechU.

Do Worker's Rights Matter? Rights Matter? Do Worker's , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute , ISEOR,U.of Lyon ; K. GalenKroeck; , NovaSoutheasternU. , Florida InternationalU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings

; Th

; BillTaylor ; VelmaRoberts , Texas TechU. omas Lumpkin omas ; Marc Bonnet

; Karl Vesper ; Karl

; PaulD , Florida ; Olivier , CityU.of ; Ronald ; Myron D ; Donna , Florida , , U.of , U. of Session Details Ð Saturday

Participants: Timothy Hoff, State U. of New York, Albany ; James Hands-on workshop in using drama and performing arts skills to D. Bramble, Creighton U.; Grant T. Savage, U. of Alabama; Ann structure presentations. Scheck McAlearney, Ohio State U.; Jane Banaszak-Holl, U. of Chair: Drew Harris, Longwood U. Michigan, Ann Arbor; Eric W. Ford, Tulane U. Discussants: Esther R Thomas, Texas Southern U.; Maria Mendez-Rodríguez, New Mexico State U. The Effects of the Iberoamerican Macro 171 4: (IAM) Presenter: Gene T Muto, Longwood U. Environment in the 21st Century 1:00pm - 3:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala Room 176 SPDW: (MED, ONE, CMS) Sustainable Aquaculture Facilitator: Claudia Ramos-Garza, ITESM Leadership: New Vision Of Management And Critical Presenters: Jaime Rivera Camino, U. of Carlos III de Madrid; Luis Challenges R. Gomez-Mejia, Arizona State U.; Jorge A Gonzalez, U. of 1:00pm - 2:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 4

Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Lorena R. Perez Floriano, Instituto Coordinator: Joseph A. Petrick, Wright State U. SATURDAY Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico; Guillermo Cardoza, Instituto de Presenters: Reza Kamarei, Oceanic Institute; Monika Winn, U. of Empresa; Julian Diaz-Saavedra, U. of Carlos III de Madrid; Victoria; Andrew Griffiths, U. of Queensland Adriana Angel, Instituto de Empresa; Claudia Ramos-Garza, ITESM 177 B: (MH) Professional Development in Academia: Getting Published 172 4: (IM) International Management Division Doctoral 1:00pm - 2:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room Student Consortium II Presenters: Donald F Kuratko, Indiana U.; Dewey E Johnson, 1:00pm - 4:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B California State U., Fresno; Diana Reed, Drake U.; Karl Moore, Open only to invited participants, who must apply and pre-register McGill U. for this consortium. Chair: Andrew Delios, National U. of Singapore 178 : (MOC) Studying the Social and Cognitive Context of Presenters: Tai-Young Kim, Sungkyunkwan U.; Madan M Pillutla, Industry Emergence London Business School; Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, City U. of Hong 1:00pm - 3:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Kong; Rachelle Sampson, U. of Maryland; Lance Brouthers, U. of Open -- no restriction on participation. Stephen Mezias ; Wesley Sine Texas, El Paso; Olav Sorenson, London Business School; Yan Organizers: , New York U. , Cornell Anthea Zhang, Rice U.; Haiyang Li, Texas A&M U.; Mike W. U. Daniel P Forbes ; David A. Kirsch Peng, Ohio State U.; Ram Mudambi, Temple U.; Kwaku Participants: , U. of Minnesota , ; Marc Ventresca ; Elizabeth Boyle Atuahene-Gima, City U. of Hong Kong U. of Maryland , U. of Oxford , National U. of Singapore 173 : (IM) International Management Division Junior 4 Leadership: Mentoring Faculty Consortium II 179 B : (OB) 1:00pm - 2:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C 1:00pm - 4:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A Open only to invited participants, who must apply and pre-register Open discussions Laura Erskine for this consortium. Facilitator: , U. of Southern California Jerry Hunt ; Mary Uhl-Bien Chair: Lorraine Eden, Texas A&M U. Presenters: , Texas Tech U. , U. of ; Michael D. Mumford Presenters: Harry G Barkema, Tilburg U.; Nakiye Boyacigiller, Central Florida , U. of Oklahoma ; Tina Dacin ; Michael A. Hitt Sabanci U. , Queen's U., Canada , 180 SPDW: (OB, PNP) Leadership: Funding ; Robert E. Hoskisson ; Anne S. B Texas A&M U. , Arizona State U. 1:00pm - 2:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323B Tsui, Arizona State U.; Sheila M. Puffer, Northeastern U.; Stephen Open discussions B Tallman, U. of Richmond; Hildy Teegen, George Washington U.; Facilitator: Mary Uhl-Bien, U. of Central Florida Alain C. Verbeke, U. of Calgary; Bernard Yeung, New York U.; Presenters: Richard N Osborn, Wayne State U.; Timothy Hoff, Srilata Zaheer, U. of Minnesota; Marjorie A Lyles, Indiana U. State U. of New York, Albany ; Michael D. Mumford, U. of Oklahoma; Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida 174 B4 SPDW: (IM, BPS, TIM, PTC) Doing International Research with Patent Data: From the Basics to the State 181 B SPDW: (ODC, MC, OMT) The Appreciative Inquiry of the Art Summit Methodology: New Visions For Leading Large- 1:00pm - 3:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Scale Change Markus Reitzig ; Stuart Chairs: , Copenhagen Business School 1:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 309 Graham, Georgia Tech Organizer: James D Ludema, Benedictine U. Discussant: Rosemarie Ziedonis, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Presenters: Larissa Marczak, Benedictine U.; Frank J Barrett, Presenters: Olav Sorenson, London Business School; Brian Naval Postgraduate School; Ned Powley, Case Western Reserve Silverman, U. of Toronto; Holger Ernst, Otto Beisheim Graduate U.; Ronald Fry, Case Western Reserve U.; David Bright, Case School of Management (WHU); Michelle Gittelman, New York U. Western Reserve U.; David L Cooperrider, Case Western Reserve Author: Juan Alcacer, New York U. U. 175 BSPDW: (MED, OB, BPS) A Rose by Any Other 182 : (OM) Operations Management Doctoral Consortium Name: Bringing Classic Drama Theory & Performing Arts -- Research Incubator Skills to Presentations 1:00pm - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa Ballroom 1 1:00pm - 2:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 171 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday of Phoenix Nonprofit Century” forPublicand Vision ofManagementinthe21st New Vision ofManagement New Vision Towarda Development: Corporations andSustainable Collective Scholarly Vision: Becoming a Journal Editor Becominga ScholarlyVision: Collective Presenters: Western Ontario Chairs: Open participation ConventionCenter:Room318B 1:00pm -3:00pmHawaii 183 Chair: [email protected]. MohanV.Tatikondaat Interested studentsshouldcontact invitation only. Pre-registration isrequired.Registrationby Ohio U. Organizers: byJune15th. [[email protected]] In ordertoparticipate Dr.Biesat pleasecontact WaikikiBeach:Waialua Room 1:00pm -6:00pmSheraton 187 Facilitator: inwork-lifebalance. toanyoneinterested This sessionisopen WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 1:00pm -3:30pmSheraton 186 Facilitators: Organizer: 15. beforeJune [email protected] [email protected] with EricMartin,[email protected], Please register WaikikiBeach:NiihauRoom 1:00pm -4:00pmSheraton 185 Facilitator: WaikikiBeach: PunaRoom 1:00pm -3:00pmSheraton 184 Presenters: Vestergaard Century &Vision forthe21st Plan Strategic Own Personal Colorado, Denver of California,Davis Vanderbilt U. Christmann Gerard P.Hodgkinson Elena PAntonacopoulou Pennsylvania Boal Kimberly B. Linda Argote Berkeley James Werbel U. Rutgers U. Willman Warwick ; Stephen A. Linstead

B B B B SPDW: Mohan V. Tatikonda Yehuda Baruch

; John Purcell , OxfordU.

T ; RaghuGarud eaching-oriented | 4 Dean F.Eitel Detelin SElenkov

Eric C. Martin Eric C. : SPDW: Jessica Word Jessica Anne S.Tsui Roger Burritt Angela L.Bies (PNP) , Rutgers U. ; William DanielSchulte , AarhusSchool Business ; TimothyClark

(OMT, OB,BPS,CAR,HR,CM) , Carnegie MellonU. : , Iowa StateU. (PNP) :

; Yo , TexasTechU. (PNP)

; DeniseM.Rousseau (ONE, IM,CM,ITC) Re-energize YourLife:Developing Re-energize ; TheresaM. Welbourne chanan Altman chanan Junior Faculty Consortium—“A New Junior FacultyConsortium—“A , U.ofBath , U.ofLeeds , U. ofEastAnglia ; Kai N.Hockerts ; , DePaul U. Doctoral Consortium I Doctoral Consortium ☯ , U.of York , Eastern ConnecticutStateU. , ArizonaStateU. , AustralianNationalU. , New York U. , U.of Liverpool , Florida StateU. Management Practice-oriented | , Texas A&MU. , IndianaU. , Durham U. , Durham ; Sheldon Zedeck , U. ofTennessee,Knoxville

; PeterCappelli ; CharlesBaden-Fuller ; SimB.Sitkin ; Herman Aguinis ; Glenn Morgan , LondonMetropolitanU. , ShenandoahU. Multinational ; Carol TKulik ; DeborahJDougherty , Carnegie MellonU. ; AlisonM.Konrad ; Russ Vince , INSEAD ; DonaldAPalmer ; Judith L. Millesen ; ErnestL.Duncan

, U. of Michigan Building the , ; Petra U. ofCalifornia, , DukeU. , U.of

; Ann Olsen , U.of International-oriented| , U.of ; Jens , Melbourne , U.ofHull , City U. ; Paul ;

, U.of ; ; , U. , U. ,

, , ; ; 172 Workshop II: A Spectrum ofMethods Workshop II:ASpectrum Paradigms? How isOurVisionFramedbyour HRM: International Ven State U. Organizers: Head. BPSPhDby9/30/04. from Dean/Deptteaching/research interests(1p),nominationsletter Send:vita, [email protected]. Apply by5/15/05 (A&B) Center:Room301 Convention 1:30pm -5:00pmHawaii 189 Presenters: Poole Organizers: also coversregistrationforthissession. Methods, which Pre-register forA Spectrumof WorkshopI: Process Research ConventionCenter:Room311 1:00pm -4:00pmHawaii 188 1:30pm - 3:30pm Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room316C 1:30pm -3:30pmHawaii 193 Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room306A 1:30pm -3:30pmHawaii 192 Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room305B 1:30pm -3:30pmHawaii 191 Dussauge Participants: Organizers: ([email protected]). information By invitationonly.ContactTimFoltaforadditional (A&B) Center:Room308 Convention 1:30pm -5:00pmHawaii 190 California, Irvine Qualitative Research Theory School Zander Mark Shanley Presenters: Madison U. ofWisconsin, Presenters: School U. Ohio StateU. Management McNamara Dartmouth College INSEAD Monash U. U. Technology /Jonkoping Illinois, Urbana-Champaign IESE, U.ofNavarra Theme-oriented | , U.ofMinnesota

: SPDW: 4 : : , TexasA&MU. ; Sharon Alvarez (BPS) (ENT) (BPS) , UppsalaU. ; MarshallS.Poole

; Adelaide WilcoxKing : (RM) , HECParis Doug Bosse , MichiganStateU. SPDW: Ann Langley Connie MarieGaglio Diana L.Day Peter JDowling Amy Hillman Andrew H.Van de Ven Marilyn Fenwick Tim Folta Michael DowlingMichael ; Peggy M. Lee ; ThomasC.Powell New FacultyConsortium Doctoral Consortium The Next Generation of Entrepreneurship The NextGenerationofEntrepreneurship (RM, BPS,OB,OMT,TIM)

, Purdue U. , Purdue Aesthetic Methods: New Approaches in Methods:NewApproaches Aesthetic ; MikeWright Visual Presentation| ; Susan McEvily (HR, ITC) ; MelissaSchilling ; Michael G Jacobides , PurdueU. ; Henrich Greve Saturday 1:30PM , Ohio State U. , OhioState

, OhioStateU. , HEC Montreal , Rutgers U.,Camden ; Margarethe F Wiersema , Arizona StateU.

; PerDavidsson

, TexasA&MU. , ArizonaStateU. , U. ofCanberra , Monash U. 21st Century Australian 21st Century , Nottingham U. , Nottingham ; MichaelV.Russo , U.ofRegensburg , U.ofVirginia ; JanW.Rivkin , SanFranciscoStateU. , OxfordU. , U.ofPittsburgh , U.ofMinnesota Selected forBestPaper Proceedings

, NorwegianSchoolof , NewYork U. ; Joseph Mahoney Process Research Process Research ; Kevin Dooley ; MaryR.Watson

; Mason A Carpenter , London Business ; AndrewH.Van de

, Queensland U.of ; Cathy Sheehan ; JoanE.Ricart

; MichaelJLeiblein ; Andrew King ; JavierGimeno ; Pierre , HarvardU. , U.ofOregon , U.of ; Gerry ; Marshall S.

, Arizona ; Ivo , U.of , New , , , , ; , , Session Details Ð Saturday

Pre-registration required at 200 SPDW: (RM, TIM, BPS, OMT, MH) Survival Analysis There is a $5 fee for non 2:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A members of the Research Methods Division. Pre-registration required at Presenters: Hans Hansen, Victoria U. of Wellington; David Barry, There is a $10 fee for Copenhagen Business School; Stephen A. Linstead, U. of York non members of the Research Methods Division. Presenters: James Wade, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Anand 194 SPDW: (RM, HR, OB) An Overview of the Logic and Swaminathan, U. of California, Davis Rationale of Hierarchical Linear Modeling with First Mover Advantages Substantive Applications 201 4 SPDW: (TIM, BPS, IM) 1:30pm - 4:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 Revisited: Building Blocks For A Better Theory Pre-registration required at 2:00pm - 3:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 There is a $7.50 fee for Chair: Fernando Suarez, Boston U. SATURDAY non members of the Research Methods Division. Presenters: Marvin B Lieberman, U. of California, Los Angeles; Presenter: David A Hofmann, U. of North Carolina David B. Montgomery, Singapore Management U.; Fernando Suarez, Boston U.; Jonathan Bohlmann, Michigan State U.; Jaime 195 : (TIM) Junior Faculty Camp Gomez, U. of Zaragoza; Rajshree Agarwal, U. of Illinois, Urbana- 1:30pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Champaign Pre-registration required. Organizers: Gautam Ahuja, U. of Michigan; Atul Nerkar, Columbia 202 : (TTC) Course-Embedded Assessment in U. Management Education: Best Practices for Teaching and Participants: William G Mitchell, Duke U.; Jerker C. Denrell, Learning Stanford U.; Lee Fleming, Harvard U.; Albert Cannella, Jr, Arizona 2:00pm - 3:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kahuku Room State U.; Harbir Singh, U. of Pennsylvania; Michael Lenox, Duke Organizer: Michael J. Jedel, DePaul U. U. Presenters: Michael J. Jedel, DePaul U.; Nancy T. Hill, DePaul U.

Saturday 2:00PM Saturday 2:30PM 196 SPDW: (BPS, OMT) Theoretical And Empirical 203 SPDW: (HCM, OB) Town Hall Meeting: The Current Applications Of Social Network Analysis and Future State of Health Care Research 2:00pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A 2:30pm - 4:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kauai Ballroom Pre-registration Required. Contact Jonathan Johnson Organizer: Timothy Hoff, State U. of New York, Albany ([email protected]) for details. A website will be created for Moderator: Timothy Hoff, State U. of New York, Albany additional info. Participants: Jeffrey Alexander, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Jane Organizers: Daniel J Brass, U. of Kentucky; Jonathan Lewis Banaszak-Holl, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; C R Hinings, U. of Johnson, U. of Arkansas; Giuseppe Labianca, Emory U. Alberta; Jacqueline Zinn, Temple U. Discussants: Stephen P Borgatti, Boston College; David Promoting Academic Krackhardt, Carnegie Mellon U. 204 SPDW: (HR, SIM, MED, TTC) Integrity in Business Schools 197 4: (GDO) GDO Trip to the Polynesian Cultural Center 2:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B 2:00pm - 9:00pm Off Site: Polynesian Cultural Ctr. Organizer: Thomas H Stone, Oklahoma State U. Please contact Lynn Bowes-Sperry at [email protected] to Presenters: Donald L McCabe, Rutgers U.; Jennifer Kisamore, U. register and arrange for payment by June 30, 2005. of Oklahoma Organizer: Dharm Prakash Sharma Bhawuk, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Contact: Lynn Bowes-Sperry, Western New England College 205 B: (MC) Master or Slave? On Independence in the Client-Consultant Relationship 198 B: (MSR) Integrating Theology into Management 2:30pm - 4:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Akaka Falls Room Theory and Practice Fee to attend - See 2:00pm - 5:15pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room Presenters: Michael C. Nippa, Freiberg U.; Judith Gebhardt, U. of Coordinator: Mitchell J Neubert, Baylor U. Southern California Presenters: Denise Daniels, Seattle Pacific U.; Margaret Diddams, Seattle Pacific U.; Bruno Dyck, U. of Manitoba; Randal S Franz, 206 B: (MC) Successful Intervention Planning Seattle Pacific U.; Kenman L Wong, Seattle Pacific U. 2:30pm - 4:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Iao Needle Room Fee to attend - See 199 4SPDW: (RM, IM, ITC) Measurement Presenters: Leon De Caluwe, Free U., Twynstra; Hans Vermaak, Equivalence/Invariance in Cross-Cultural Research Twynstra Management Consultants 2:00pm - 4:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 A Taste Of Merlot: Using Pre-registration required at 207 SPDW: (MED, TIM, ODC) There is a $5 fee for non Digital Online Teaching Modules In The Classroom members of the Research Methods Division. 2:30pm - 4:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 Presenter: Gordon W Cheung, Chinese U. of Hong Kong MERLOT, a teaching and learning cooperative, is an acronym for Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 173 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday Management Board Member for an Entrepreneurial Venture. Board MemberforanEntrepreneurial and GlobalWorkplace Operating WhenHiddenIdentitiesIntersectintheU.S. George Davidsson College Joanne H. Gavin Church Participants: Facilitator: Organizer: Open, norestriction onparticipation. WaikikiBeach:KokoCraterRoom 3:00pm -6:00pmSheraton 213 Zahra Presenters: Coordinator: ConventionCenter:Room307A 3:00pm -5:00pmHawaii 212 Facilitators: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room304B 3:00pm -5:00pmHawaii 211 Cambridge U. Presenters: Chair: Theory (Anshuman Prasad) Postcolonial (Pushkala Prasad) onLPT(Hugh Willmott), Structuration/Praxeology Dialoguing latest WaikikiBeach:LanaiBallroom 3:00pm -5:00pmSheraton 210 Presenters: Open registration. ConventionCenter:Room321B 3:00pm -6:00pmHawaii 209 Organizer: AOM Kwanghui Lim([email protected])withsubjectheading: Pre-registration requested(notrequired). To register, e-mail ConventionCenter:Room316B 3:00pm -6:00pmHawaii 208 Presenters: Coordinator: NonPatent Data NonPatent and Patent On KnowledgeFor Research FlowsUsing Dialogue in andPostcolonialism Structuration Labor Process, Coombs Presenters: York U. Discussants: Chair: Ziedonis Arvids A Ziedonis

B : , BabsonCollege Anshuman Prasad Lee Fleming (ENT) ; DonaldWMcCormick

, U.ofWisconsin, Madison , U.of Toronto SPDW: SPDW: SPDW: SPDW: , Ohio State U. , OhioState , U.of Michigan, AnnArbor T

eaching-oriented | Susan LKirby Susan LKirby Connie MarieGaglio Kw : , Queensland U. U.ofTechnology/Jonkoping Kelly GShaver Howard Aldrich Pushkala Prasad Polly Parker Cathy OwensSwift Jeffrey Furman (ENT) Flavia Cavazotte Flavia Deborah S. Butler Ronald EPurser Juan Alcacer Entrepreneurship ResearchWorkshop. Entrepreneurship ; AnshumanPrasad an (CAR, MED, HR) (GDO, MSR, IM) GDO)(CMS, ODC,RM, (BPS, IM,OMT, OCIS,TIM, RM) ghui Lim , MaristCollege

Application of Lessons Learned asa Application ofLessonsLearned , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor , Harvard U. ; GildaGarcia Saturday 3:00PM ; Morten Huse , GriffithU. ☯

, TexasStateU. , TexasStateU. , U.of NewHaven , National U.ofSingapore Management Practice-oriented | , New YorkU. , College ofCharleston , Boston U. , U. ofNorthCarolina , Skidmore College , San FranciscoStateU. , IBMEC,RiodeJaneiro , GeorgiaStateU. , U. of Redlands , GeorgiaSouthern U. , SanFranciscoStateU. ; Beate Klingenberg Exploring theForces Peer Coaching , U.ofNew Haven ; DouglasT. Hall

, Texas State U.,SanMarcos , TexasState , Norwegian School of ; JasjitSingh ; Michelle Gittelman Critical Encounters:

; Rosemarie ; Afsaneh ; Hugh Willmott ; ShakerA Methodologies ; Per

, INSEAD , BostonU. International-oriented| ; Gary

, Marist ; Robin ; Gerard

, New ; , ; 174 Andonova Floriano Roy J.Lewicki Dynamic Capabilities Dynamic Can DoAboutIt?Conversationson and WhatFirms America 216 Presenter: WaikikiBeach: WaimeaCanyonRoom 3:00pm -4:00pmSheraton 215 Zapata-Cantu Olivas-Lujan Jose StateU. Organizers: WaikikiBeach:HonoluluRoom 3:00pm -6:00pmSheraton 214 Alfred Allen MarcusAlfred Allen Zietsma Participants: Organizer: for information. Pre-registration isrequired.EmailRalphHanke([email protected]) ConventionCenter:Room305B 3:30pm -5:30pmHawaii 218 Presenters: Organizer: Pre-registration required. diverse theoreticalperspectives. withapanelthatintroduces An interactivediscussionsession ConventionCenter:Room306A 3:30pm -5:30pmHawaii 217 Organizers: Open, norestriction onparticipation ConventionCenter:Room318A 3:00pm -5:00pmHawaii Executive MBALevels Process Conflicts andtheFraming Workshop: Stakeholder New Journal for2006. New Wisconsin, Milwaukee Nahavandi Anand Swaminathan D'Aveni Presenters: Tanure Presenters: Elvira Anand Narasimhan Linstead Galicia Christopher L Tucci International Management Mary F.SullyDeLuque Theme-oriented |

4 B , Lexington College , Lexington , UNAM , FundaçãoDomCabral/PUC MInas SPDW: , Dartmouth College SPDW: , U.of Western Ontario : : SPDW: , InstitutoTecnologicoAutonomodeMexico , U.of York

(OMT) (MH) , Instituto Tecnologico AutonomodeMexico , InstitutoTecnologico Charles Booth Ralph Hanke Violina Rindova , Arizona StateU.,West Hugh Courtney Stewart Clegg Lourdes Cassanova Anabella Davila Terry W.Conry Barbara Gray Barbara ; Asbjorn Osland , Clarion U. of PA & Tecnológico de Monterrey , ClarionU.ofPA&Tecnológicode , ITESM

; Jaime Ruiz-Gutierrez; Jaime , Ohio StateU. Management & Organizational History:A Management (BPS, OB,TIM) (IAM, HR,IM) (CM, ONE) Teaching OMT: From Undergraduate to Teaching OMT:FromUndergraduate Visual Presentation| , London Business School , LondonBusiness ; Rodney Lacey , U.ofMinnesota , EcolePolytechniqueFédéraledeLausanne ; Carolyn Wiethoff , U.ofCalifornia, Davis ; Jacobo Ramirez Saturday 3:30PM , Bowling GreenState U. , Thunderbird, The Garvin Schoolof

; Lydia AuroraArbaiza

, U. of the WestofEngland , U. of Technology, Sydney Technology, , U.of , Pennsylvania State U. State , Pennsylvania , U. of Maryland,CollegePark ; Raghu Garud , U. of Maryland , OhioU. Multi-Case Meta-Theory Multi-Case Meta-Theory , TEC DEMONTERREY Best HRM Practices inLatin HRM Practices Best ; Frank DenHond ; , U. San JoseState Why Markets Don't StandStill Why Markets , INSEAD ; BelleRose Ragins

Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofCalifornia,Irvine ; Kelly Thomson ; Monika Winn , U. de los Andes, Colombia , U.delos , ITESM , IndianaU.,Bloomington ; Fernando Arias- ; Joyce Osland , New YorkU. ; Richard Anthony

; LorenaR.Perez , ESAN , MaastrichtU. ; CharleneE. ; Miguel R. ; Veneta ; MartaM , U.ofVictoria ; Stephen A. , YorkU. , U. of , U. ; Betania ;

, San ; Laura ; ; ; ; ; Session Details Ð Saturday

219 4SPDW: (HR, CAR, IAM, RM, IM) Playing the U.S. Presenters: Stephen A. Linstead, U. of York; Alison Linstead, U. Publishing Game: Tacit Rules for Publishing from of York; Carl Rhodes, U. of Technology, Sydney; Emma Bell, Outside North America Queen Mary U. of London; Scott Taylor, U. of Birmingham 3:30pm - 5:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B 227 Robust Regression Organizers: Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Wirtschafts U. Wien; Mary R. SPDW: (RM, BPS, OMT) 4:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 Watson, New School U. Sara L Rynes ; Hugh P. Gunz Pre-registration required at Presenters: , U. of Iowa , U. of There is a $5 fee for non Toronto; Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser U.; Mark F Peterson, ; Theresa M. Welbourne ; Helen members of the Research Methods Division. Florida Atlantic U. , U. of Michigan Presenter: William H. Starbuck, New York U. Mayerhofer, Vienna U. of Economics and Business Administration

220 B SPDW: (OMT, PTC) The Language of Business: Saturday 4:30PM SATURDAY New Strategies in Organizational Communication and Meeting Multilevel Researchers Learning 228 SPDW: (RM, OB) 4:30pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 3:30pm - 5:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313C Presenters: Paul Bliese, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; pre-registration required. Contact session organizer. Gilad Chen ; David A Hofmann Organizer: Terrence Gargiulo, , Texas A&M U. , U. of North Carolina; Katherine Klein, U. of Pennsylvania; John Mathieu, U. of 221 SPDW: (PNP, OM, BPS) Developing and Using Cases in Connecticut Teaching and Research: An Experiential Workshop 3:30pm - 5:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kahuku Room Saturday 5:00PM Chair: William F. Crittenden, Northeastern U. Speakers: Ralph Brower, Florida State U.; Robert C. Myrtle, U. of 229 : (AAA) Atlanta 2006 Organizing Committee Southern California; Chris Robertson, Northeastern U. 5:00pm - 6:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3 Presenter: Vicky Crittenden, Boston College Organizer: Thomas W. Lee, U. of Washington 230 : (OMT) Meet OMT Social Hour Saturday 4:00PM 5:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313A Organizer: Kimberly D Elsbach, U. of California, Davis 222 : (AAC) Teaching Theme Committee Meeting 4:00pm - 5:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 2 231 SPDW: (ONE, BPS, TIM, IM, SIM) Bottom Of The Pyramid Lisa K Gundry ; Jill R Kickul Organizers: , DePaul U. , Simmons Research Workshop College 5:00pm - 7:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Mark B. Milstein Incorporating Ancient Hawaiian Organizer: , Cornell U. 223 SPDW: (CAR, PTC) Stuart Hart ; Sanjay Sharma Talk Story Elements in Modern Management Dialogue Facilitators: , Cornell U. , Wilfrid Laurier U.; Ted London, U. of North Carolina; Nicolas Gutierrez, ITESM; 4:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Center Rooftop Mark B. Milstein, Cornell U.; Micheal D Gordon, U. of Michigan, Presenters: Linda Mueller, LM Solutions; Bettie C. Hall, U. of Ann Arbor; Lisa M. Jones, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Cincinnati/Hall Associates Consulting 232 Five Major Tips for Conducting 224 Meet the Editors 4SPDW: (RM, IM, ITC) 4: (IM) International Research 4:00pm - 5:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A Open only to registered attendees of the doctoral student and junior 5:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A faculty consortia. Pre-registration required at Organizers: Lorraine Eden, Texas A&M U.; Andrew Delios, Presenters: Sherry E. Sullivan, Bowling Green State U.; Howard National U. of Singapore Tu ; Monica L Forret Chair: Timothy Michael Devinney, Australian Graduate School of , U. of Memphis , St. Ambrose U. Management 233 : (SIM) Reception for SIM Keynote Address in Presenters: Martin J Kilduff, Pennsylvania State U.; Arie Y. Lewin, conjunction with the Society for Business Ethics ; Dan E Schendel ; Linda Argote Duke U. , Purdue U. , Carnegie 5:00pm - 6:00pm Off Site: Ilikai Waikiki Hotel ; Bradley L. Kirkman Mellon U. , Texas A&M U. Organizers: Edwin Hartman, Rutgers U.; Dennis Moberg, Santa Clara U. 225 B: (MSR) Spirituality Cafe: Fostering Collective Wisdom 4:00pm - 5:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room Saturday 5:30PM Presenter: Keiko Krahnke, U. of Northern Colorado 234 : (AAA) Placement for Applicants 226 B4SPDW: (ODC, CMS) Critical Lenses on 5:30pm - 7:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Organization Development and Change: Re-Visiting ODC Organizer: Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U. 4:00pm - 6:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B 235 HCM Pre-Conference PDW Reception Organizers: Julie Wolfram Cox, RMIT U.; Bill Michael Cooke, U. : (HCM) 5:30pm - 7:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kauai Ballroom of Manchester Welcome: Ruth A Anderson, Duke U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 175 Section D SATURDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSaturday Reception In The 21st. Century In The21st. Management The Film,"TheCorporation" ToRe(Vision) Organizer: for [email protected] Contact AnneMcCarthy Lu'au attheHonoluluAquarium. 6:00pm -9:30pmOffSite:Aquarium 237 Presenters: Coordinator: seat. Movie: "TheCorporation";Open to all;comeearlyguaranteea WaikikiBeach:LanaiBallroom 6:00pm -9:00pmSheraton 236 Presenter: Organizer: WaikikiBeach:MolokaiBallroom 6:30pm -8:30pmSheraton 244 Coordinator: WaikikiBeach:KohalaRoom 6:30pm -8:30pmSheraton 243 Convention 6:15pm -8:30pmHawaii 242 Organizers: 6:00pm -8:15pmOffSite:IlikaiWaikikiHotel 241 Binghamton Presenter: ConventionCenter:Room316C 6:00pm -9:00pmHawaii 240 Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room314 6:00pm -8:00pmHawaii 239 Lausanne. This receptionissupportedinpartbyIMD, PDWs. Division forattendeesofthevariousIM atthisreception Join yourcolleagues WaikikiBeach:NiihauRoom 6:00pm -8:00pmSheraton 238 Ethics?" toBusiness Relevant Philosophy Stanford U.,"Is Business Meeting Humphries Rutgers U. Steverson U. ofMemphis Gundersen Program Chair:

: : : : : : : (ODC) (IAM) (OCIS) (OB) (NDSC) (IM) (ENT)

: T


eaching-oriented | , U. of Memphis Jane Banaszak-Holl Francis JYammarino A Michael RManning International Management Division PDW Division International Management , U. of Waikato , U.of , CaseWesternReserveU.

SPDW: Linda JeanTwiname Dennis Moberg Laura Erskine OB Division Reviewers' Reception OB Division Reviewers' nne McCarthy Dale EFitzgibbons Luis R.Gomez-Mejia Iberoamerican Academy ofManagement Iberoamerican Academy Entrepreneurship DivisionSocial Entrepreneurship Doctoral Student Reception Doctoral Student ; JaniceMolloy OCIS Welcome Reception OCIS Welcome New DoctoralStudentReception Karen Moffitt SIM Keynote with SBE: Richard Rorty, with SBE:RichardRorty, SIM Keynote (CMS, IM, GDO,ODC,OMT,MED) (CMS, RM,

Saturday 6:30PM Saturday 6:00PM Saturday 6:15PM

☯ ; KyraSutton , U.ofSouthernCalifornia Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Baltimore , Santa ClaraU. Center: Center Rooftop Center: Center , U. ofMemphis , Ohio StateU. , New MexicoStateU. , AnnArbor U. ofMichigan, , Illinois State U. , IllinoisStateU. , StateU.ofNew York, , U.ofWaikato , Arizona State U. , ArizonaState ; Alton AlStanleyLovvorn , Ohio State U. ; Edwin Hartman

; Pamela K.

; Maria

; Allison


Using , , 176 Dinner Cruise Contact: Organizer: ECULLY, FRANCE. GuydeCollongue,BP174, Rickie Moore,EMLyon,23avenue to Checkssent Online registrationavailableat Cruise Site:Dinner 7:00pm -10:00pmOff 246 Organizer: Group, KelleySchoolofBusiness,IndianaUniversity Only;SponsoredbytheOperationsManagement By Invitation Site: 6:30pm -10:00pmOff 245 Theme-oriented |

: : (MC) (OM) Rickie Moore Susan M.Adams Mo Management Consulting MembersandFriends Management Consulting Doctoral ConsortiumDinner han V.Tatikonda

Visual Presentation|

Sergio's ItalianRestaurant Sergio's , ISEOR, U. ofLyon Saturday 7:00PM , Bentley College , IndianaU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings

Session Details Ð Sunday

Sunday 7:00AM 252 : (AAA) Honolulu 2005, LAC 8:00am - 11:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 326B 247 : (CMS) CMS Sunday Brown Bag Breakfast Local Arrangements Chairs: Mary J. Mallott, U. of Hawai`i, West 7:00am - 8:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Lanai Ballroom Oahu; Jerry M Calton, U. of Hawai`i, Hilo Breakfast with critters - bring your own. Host: Paul Adler, U. of Southern California 253 : (AAA) Breakfast with Academy of Management Affiliates 248 SPDW: (MED, BPS, CAR, CMS, GDO, HR, IM, ITC, MH, OB, 8:00am - 9:30am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 OM, OMT, RM, TIM, ENT) Management E-Media Visions AOM Affiliates: WAM, EAM, MAM, SAM, SMA, AAM, IAM 7:00am - 9:00am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 Organizer: Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U. Presentations of critical incidents and cases in management e- media will be critically considered in this roundtable structured 254 4SPDW: (BPS, HR, ONE, TIM, IM, RM) Linked Macro and session. Micro Firm Data: New Opportunities for Research in Organizer: Charles B Wankel, St. John's U. Management Presenters: Neal M. Ashkanasy, U. of Queensland; Regina F 8:00am - 10:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A Bento, U. of Baltimore; Philip L Cochran, Indiana U.; Jim Combs, Pre-Registration required. Email Rajshree Agarwal Florida State U.; Timothy DeGroot, Oklahoma State U.; Alev M ([email protected]). Efendioglu, U. of San Francisco; Alan B. Eisner, Pace U.; Dale E Organizer: Rajshree Agarwal, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Fitzgibbons, Illinois State U.; Jeanie M. Forray, Western New Facilitators: Benjamin A. Campbell, U. of Pennsylvania; Catherine England College; Eric Goodman, Kaplan U.; Paul L Govekar, Ohio Morrison Paul, U. of California, Davis; Donald Siegel, Rensselaer Northern U.; Lee Grubb, East Carolina U.; Robert J. Harvey, Polytechnic Institute; Mike Wright, Nottingham U. Virginia Tech; James C Hayton, Utah State U.; Kurt Heppard, U.S. Air Force Academy; David Jacobs, Hood College; Penelope 255 SPDW: (BPS, MEN) Managing Your Dissertation Jones, U. of the West of England; Palmira Juceviciene, Kaunas U. Workshop SUNDAY of Technology; Robertas Jucevicius, Kaunas U. of Technology; 8:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 Peggy D. Lee, Pennsylvania State U., Great Valley; Romie Pre-registration is requested by e-mail to Nandini Lahiri at Frederick Littrell, Auckland U. of Technology; Pablo Martin De [email protected] Nandini Lahiri Holan, Instituto de Empresa; Nir Menachemi, Florida State U.; Organizer: , Indian School of Business Rajshree Agarwal ; Sarfraz A Mian, State U. of New York, Oswego; Paul Miesing, Presenters: , U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Gautam Ahuja ; Weiru Chen ; Raghu State U. of New York, Albany ; Ron Ophir, York U.; Mustafa F , U. of Michigan , INSEAD Garud ; Isin Guler ; David Hoopes Ozbilgin, Queen Mary U. of London; Pamela E. Paustian, U. of , New York U. , Boston U. , ; Anne Marie Knott ; Susan Alabama, Birmingham; E Brian Peach, U. of West Florida; Sharma Southern Methodist U. , U. of Maryland McEvily ; Kent Miller ; Corey Phelps N. Pillutla, Towson U.; Kira Kristal Reed, Syracuse U.; Barry , U. of Pittsburgh , Purdue U. , ; Raja Roy ; Chamu Sundaramurthy Rice, Loyola College; Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam, Duquesne U.; U. of Washington , Tulane U. , Lynda St Clair, Bryant U; William Daniel Schulte, Shenandoah U.; San Diego State U. Donna J Slovensky ; Robert David , U. of Alabama, Birmingham 256 Women's Careers in Stephens ; Matt Suppa SPDW: (CAR, GDO, MED) , West Virginia U. , Academy of Academe: Setting out to Sea, Seeking Safe Harbors, ; Kim-Chi Wakefield Trinh ; Tunga Kiyak Management , Duke U. , Sailing into the Wind Michigan State U.; Charles B Wankel, St. John's U.; Yuji Yoshida, 8:00am - 10:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A Chiba U. of Commerce; B J Zirger, U. of Cincinnati Organizer: Lynda St Clair, Bryant U Madeline M. Crocitto 249 B: (MSR) Meditation Presenters: , State U. of New York, Old 7:00am - 8:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room Westbury; Terri Hasseler, Bryant U; Belle Rose Ragins, U. of Workshop designed to introduce participants to meditation. Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Joy Schneer, Rider U. Coordinator: Gerald Biberman, U. of Scranton 257 : (ENT) Doctoral Consortium 8:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A Sunday 7:30AM This session is a continuation from Friday and Saturday. Organizers: Dean Shepherd, Indiana U.; Thomas Lumpkin, U. of 250 Breakfast with Current Division/Interest Group : (AAA) Illinois, Chicago Chairs (2004-2005) 7:30am - 9:00am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 1 258 SPDW: (ENT, BPS, TIM) Economic Geography and Organizer: Thomas G. Cummings, U. of Southern California Regional Science in Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation 251 SPDW: (OMT, OB, ODC, MOC) Ask the Editors Breakfast 8:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B 7:30am - 8:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313A Distinguished Speaker: David Audretsch, Indiana U., Bloomington Pre-registration required. Part of OMT, ODC, MOC doctoral Michael Camp ; Rita Gunther McGrath consortium, OMT jr. faculty consortium, and OB doctoral and jr. Chairs: , Ohio State U. , Columbia U.; Lawrence A. Plummer, U. of Colorado, Boulder facutly consortiums. Elaine Mosakowski Organizer: Kimberly D Elsbach, U. of California, Davis Participant: , U. of Colorado, Boulder 259 : (HCM) HCM PDW Continental Breakfast Sunday 8:00AM 8:00am - 8:30am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Akaka Falls Room

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 177 Section D SUNDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSunday Presenter: Michael Wesson Kentucky Decision Making Learning Organization Management Research: The State of the Art ofthe Research: TheState Management Organizers: Pre-registration required. ConventionCenter:Room304A 8:00am -12:00pmHawaii 260 Organizer: Facilitators: Organizer: WaikikiBeach:EwaRoom 8:00am -10:00amSheraton 265 Presenters: Organizer: WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 8:00am -12:00pmSheraton 264 Coordinator: Max 20people. your expectations. tobrieflyexplain mail [email protected] E- approach. Personal experienceofanalternativedecision-making SouthPacific4 Village: 8:00am -12:00pmHiltonHawaiian 263 Chair: Power Of Richness". an adjunctto"The Eckhardt([email protected]). Thissessionis Pre-Registration requested(Not Required). EmailGiana ConventionCenter:Room305A 8:00am -10:00amHawaii 262 Georgia David PLepak Brigham YoungU. Presenters: Organizer: ([email protected]) toregister. Pre-registration required.ContactJohnDelery,U.ofArkansas ConventionCenter:Room316A 8:00am -12:00pmHawaii 261 Presenters: Monash U. Memory, History and Commemoration History Memory, de Empresa Fernado U. Presenter: Management U. ofFlorida Kennedy Schaubroeck of Maryland Houston Mujtaba Jue ; MelissaNajera-Castillo , U.ofPhoenix

B B 4 : : Giana M Eckhardt (HR) (HR) SPDW: ; Maria Rotundo : ; SabineSonnentag , Nova Southeastern U. SPDW: , U.of Western Ontario ; SeanAlexanderWay , CEdward Waters (IM) T 4 ; Helen DeCieri Andre LDelbecq Russell WBelk Timothy Hoff Andrea Casey Bahaudin Mujtaba John EDelery eaching-oriented | ; EduardoSalas Charles Booth Michael Scharff Paul Boselie Adrienne Colella Mark VRoehling ; PamelaPerrewe HR DoctoralStudentConsortium HR JuniorFacultyConsortium Laurent GFalque

, Drexel U. , Drexel Interpretative Methods inInternational

, Rutgers U. , Rutgers (MED, MOC,MSR) (MH, MOC) SPDW: , TexasA&MU. ; Caren Goldberg ; Stephanie Wilson


, State U. ofNewYork, Albany , U. of Toronto , U. , TilburgU. , AustralianGraduateSchoolof ☯ , George Washington U. , GeorgeWashington , U.ofArkansas

, Monash U. , U.of Utah ; Christine MarieRiordan , U. of theWestof England Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Houston,ClearLake ; James B.Artley , U. ofPhoenix , U. ofCentralFlorida Using the Past in Organizations: Organizations: Using thePastin , Santa ClaraU. , U.ofKonstanz , Michigan StateU. , TexasA&MU. , Nova SoutheasternU. , Florida StateU. , ; Pablo Martin De HolanPablo MartinDe ; EDHEC BusinessSchool , Chinese U.ofHongKong Practicing Discernment In ; Timothy M. Gardner , George Washington U. Mentoring andthe

, U.ofPhoenix ; Jason D. Shaw ; JosephWilliam

; M.SusanTaylor ; SteveWerner , Nova Southeastern Southeastern , Nova ; SusanE.Mayson

; JeffreyLePine ; John

; Bahaudin , U.of ; Olivera International-oriented| ; Arthur L. , U. of , U. , Instituto , ; ; , U. of , U. , , 178 the Divisions - Strategic Leadership - Strategic the Divisions Research with Health Care Organizations Research withHealthCare Benedictine U. Center For Socio-EconomicDevelopment Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room319B 8:00am -12:00pmHawaii 268 Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room304B 8:00am -10:00amHawaii 267 Presenters: Texas TechU. Facilitators: Open discussions ConventionCenter:Room323B 8:00am -9:30amHawaii 266 8:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton WaikikiBeach:HiloRoom 8:00am -12:00pmSheraton 272 Lenox Presenters: Organizer: WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 8:00am -9:30amSheraton 271 Presenters: State U. Contacts: Organizer: faculty consortium. consortium, OMTjr.facultyandOB doctoral andjr. Pre-registration required--part of OMT,MOC, ODC doctoral ConventionCenter:Room313A 8:00am -10:00amHawaii 270 Robert C.Myrtle Presenters: Organizer: [email protected]. to AnitaTuckerat Send emailofresearchinterests similarinterests. Pre-registration isrequired.Itenablesgroupingof TapaBallroom1 8:00am -10:00amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 269 Series/Action-Research Community Series/Action-Research Organizational Change OrConsultingOn ForTeaching Impact Exercises Discipline U. ofNewSouth Wales L Geigle Pepperdine U. Lewin Arthur PBrief Argote McFillen U. Pennsylvania Theme-oriented | ; Chris Long

B B B , DukeU. , DukeU. , Carnegie MellonU. SPDW: SPDW: SPDW: SPDW: , IBM Business Consulting Services , IBMBusinessConsulting SPDW: SPDW: , Bowling GreenState U. Mary Uhl-Bien

Glenn Varney Ian Palmer Magali Delmas Mary Tripsas Anita L.Tucker

Richard N Osborn Arthur M.Freedman Buono F Anthony Kimberly B.Boal David Vogel Donald APalmer Linda S.Leach SPDW: ; RichardDunford ; LarryM.Starr , Tulane U. , Tulane , Washington U. , Washington ; Christine Beckman (PS, PNP,ODC, HR, MED) (OM, PTC) ; SergioAndres Molina-Murillo (ODC, MED) (ODC, MC, MED) (ONE, SIM) (OMT, OB, ODC, MOC) , U.ofSouthernCalifornia

Visual Presentation|

(OB, BPS, OMT,PNP) , U.ofTechnology, Sydney , Harvard Business School , Harvard BusinessSchool , U. of California, Berkeley of California, , U. , U. of Central Florida of Central , U. , BowlingGreenState U. ; Sara L Rynes , U.of California,SantaBarbara

Conducting Process Improvement Conducting ProcessImprovement , U.of Pennsylvania ; Edward Zajac , Los Angeles Children's Hospital Risk andSelf-Regulation

Building ODCasanAcademic , TexasTechU. , U.ofCalifornia,Davis , U.ofPennsylvania , Bentley College , Bentley , ; AllanLind Jr. Wayne StateU. , AmericanU. , MacquarieU., Sydney “That Was Great!”: High “That WasGreat!”: Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.of California, Irvine Ask the EditorsPanel Ask the , U. ofIowa ; PeterSorensen

; Anita L. Tucker , NorthwesternU. Practitioner ; GavinM.Schwarz Leadership Across Leadership Across ; SimB.Sitkin ; Peter Hom ; Peter ; Raymond Saner , Duke U. , Duke ; ; JerryHunt

, U. ofMinnesota Chris Worley ; JamesM ; Michael ; ArieY. ; Linda ; Suzanne

, Arizona , , U. of ; , , Duke ; , , ,

Session Details Ð Sunday

Practitioners and academics come together for "hands-on" learning Wichita State U.; D Anthony Butterfield, U. of Massachusetts; about action research. Yifeng Nancy Chen, Lingnan U.; Asli M. Colpan, Kyoto U.; Organizer: Neil M. Boyd, Pennsylvania State U. Andrew Delios, National U. of Singapore; Shih-Chieh Fang, Speakers: Neil M. Boyd, Pennsylvania State U.; Margaret T. Orr, National Kaohsiung First U.; Hiroshi Fujii, Meisei U.; Shuzo Columbia U.; Joel I Harmon, Fairleigh Dickinson U.; Dan Twomey, Fujimura, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Anjula Gurtoo, Indian Fairleigh Dickinson U.; David Coghlan, U. of Dublin; Olav Institute of Science; Takashi Hikino, Kyoto U.; Chi-Yu Huang, I- Eikeland, Work Research Institute; Lyle Yorks, Columbia U.; Shou U., Taiwan; Pei-Wen Huang, I-Shou U./ Cheng Shiu U.; Jeana Wirtenberg, Jeana Wirtenberg, Ph.D, LLC; Carol Gorlick, Shingo Igarashi, Kyushu U.; Tzu-Tang Blue Lan, National Sun Pace U. Yat-Sen U.; Chi-Wei Liu, I-Shou U./ HungKuang Technology U.; Thomas Mannarelli, INSEAD; Charles C Manz, U. of Using the "Giraffe and Elephant" 273 B4 : (PTC) Massachusetts, Amherst; Gyewan Moon, Kyungpook National U.; Diversity Fable to Address Parity of Esteem Santanu Sarkar, Tata Institute of Social Sciences; Chunlin Si, 8:00am - 9:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Fudan U.; Noriko Taji, Meisei U.; Dean Tjosvold, Lingnan U.; C Douglas Johnson Organizer: , Georgia Southern U. Stephen Tsai, National Sun Yat-Sen U.; Ryo Tsukioka, Recruit C Douglas Johnson ; Vanessa Presenters: , Georgia Southern U. Works Laboratory Inc.; Anyu Wang, Fudan U.; Liyan Wang, Hill ; Chandra Y. Guinn , U. of Louisiana at Lafayette , U. of North Lingnan U.; Zhong-Ming Wang, Zhejiang U.; Jisun Yu, U. of Carolina, Chapel Hill Minnesota; Wei-Ping Yu, Sichuan U.; Nan Zhou, National U. of ; Ying Zhu 274 : (RM) Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Singapore , Atomi U. Squares 278 : (BPS) New Faculty Consortium 8:00am - 10:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 8:30am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301 (A&B) Pre-registration required at Apply by 5/15/05 to [email protected]. Send vita, There is a $5 fee for non teaching/research interests (1P), nomination letter from Dean/Dept members of the Research Methods Division. Head. BPS PhD by 9/30/04. SUNDAY Degenhard Meier ; Malte Brettel Presenters: , RWTH Aachen , Organizers: Amy Hillman, Arizona State U.; Mason A Carpenter, RWTH Aachen U. of Wisconsin, Madison Diana L. Day ; Javier Gimeno 275 Ask the Experts: Qualitative Presenters: , Rutgers U., Camden , SPDW: (RM, NDSC, CMS) ; Adelaide Wilcox King ; Andrew King Methods INSEAD , U. of Virginia , Dartmouth College; Susan McEvily, U. of Pittsburgh; Gerry 8:00am - 10:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 314 McNamara ; Michael V. Russo ; Organizer: Raza A Mir, William Paterson U. , Michigan State U. , U. of Oregon Anshuman Prasad ; Pushkala Mark Shanley, Purdue U.; Margarethe F Wiersema, U. of Presenters: , U. of New Haven ; Mike Wright Prasad, Skidmore College; Diana Sharpe, Monmouth U.; Raza A California, Irvine , Nottingham U. Mir , William Paterson U. 279 : (BPS) Doctoral Consortium 8:30am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308 (A&B) 276 B SPDW: (TIM, BPS, MC, ENT) Should Techno- Entrepreneurship Be A Separate Field Of By invitation only. Contact Tim Folta for additional information ([email protected]). Training/Research/Consulting? Organizers: Tim Folta, Purdue U.; Jan W. Rivkin, Harvard U. 8:00am - 10:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Participants: Michael Dowling, U. of Regensburg; Pierre Organizer: Francois Therin, Grenoble Ecole de Management Dussauge ; Henrich Greve Sylvie Blanco , HEC Paris , Norwegian School of Speaker: , Grenoble Ecole de Management Management; Peggy M. Lee, Arizona State U.; Michael J Leiblein, Presenters: Shaker A Zahra, Babson College; J Michael Geringer, ; Thomas C. Powell ; Joan E. Ricart ; Vishal K. Gupta Ohio State U. , Oxford U. , California Polytechnic U. , U. of Missouri, IESE, U. of Navarra; Melissa Schilling, New York U. Columbia; Gita Surie, Adelphi U. 280 SPDW: (CM, OCIS, OB) Teaching About Groups Sunday 8:30AM and Teams 8:30am - 10:00am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 309 277 4 : (AAM) Asia Management Roundtable: Strategic This workshop is open to all members of the Academy and does not Research Directions in the 21st Century require pre-registration. 8:30am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 Organizer: Susan E. Brodt, Queen's U. Registration NOT required. Presenter: Joann Keyton, U. of Kansas Professional Development Workshop Chairs: Ping Kwong Yeung, The Corporation Follow Up Open U., Hong Kong; Steven S. Lui, City U. of Hong Kong 281 4 : (CMS) Moderators: Irene K-H Chew, Nanyang Technological U.; Eric WK 8:30am - 9:30am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Koko Crater Room Tsang, Wayne State U.; Dean Tjosvold, Lingnan U.; Nitin Follow up to last night's showing of "The Corporation" Pangarkar Organizers: Maria Humphries, U. of Waikato; Dale E Fitzgibbons, , National U. of Singapore ; Linda Jean Twiname Speakers: Paul Beamish, U. of Western Ontario; Kwok Leung, Illinois State U. , U. of Waikato City U. of Hong Kong 282 : (HCM) Qualitative Methods Workshop Presenters: Jose L.C. Costa Alves, U. of Massachusetts; Madan 8:30am - 10:00am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room Annavarjula, Northern Illinois U.; Stewart Arnold, U. of Organizer: Grant T. Savage, U. of Alabama Queensland; Shigeru Asaba, Gakushuin U.; Sam Beldona,

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 179 Section D SUNDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSunday New YorkU. Experience And Dialogue Experience On Education's RoleInThePoorAreas:Reflections Operations in the Core Business Curriculum Operations intheCoreBusiness Organizer: TapaBallroom2 8:30am -10:00amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 288 Presenters: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room318A 8:30am -10:00amHawaii 287 Schneider New YorkU. Organizers: [email protected]. Please sendall ConventionCenter:Room302A 8:30am -12:00pmHawaii 286 Presenters: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyonRoom 8:30am -10:00amSheraton 285 Chair: South Pacific2 Village: 8:30am -10:00amHiltonHawaiian 284 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:KauaiBallroom 8:30am -10:00amSheraton 283 Presenters: Presenters: U. ofOklahoma Myron D Fottler U. ofNewYork, Albany Chilingerian When KnowledgeIsNotEnough Development Continental Breakfast Austin Susan Houghton Participants: Presenter: Plambeck Dasborough U. ofRegina W. Moore Speakers: Discussant: DeFillippi Strathclyde E Johnson Presenters: State U. Alabama, Birmingham H Glick Fiol Binghamton U. Andrea Casey Pamela SBarr Ashkanasy , U.of Colorado, Denver

SPDW: : B : ; Lynn A Isabella Ana Maria Peredo Ana Maria (MOC) (HCM) , Arizona StateU. ; ThomasY.Choi : : (OM) (MH) , California StateU.,Northridge , Suffolk U. T , HECParis Donna LWiley SPDW: , HEC U.ofGeneva Elena PAntonacopoulou eaching-oriented | Janet L.Hartley Deborah Waddill Ford Eric W. ; MarkJMartinko , California StateU.,Fresno , U. of Queensland , U.of Deborah Waddill Jane WhitneyGibson GrantSavage T. Elliot Bendoly Eric W.Ford Murdith McLean Sucheta Nadkarni ; Rhonda K Reger ; ChetMiller Fran Ackermann , Brandeis U. , U. ofQueensland/OklahomaStateU. (OCIS, MED,TTC) Quantitative MethodsWorkshop Cognition in theRough ; JanetM Dukerich , George WashingtonU. , GeorgiaStateU. Getting Involved in Professional Getting InvolvedinProfessional ; KarlMoore Mid-Life Crisis: Revisiting the Roleof Revisiting Mid-Life Crisis: , U.ofCentralFlorida , Georgia StateU. (MED, CMS, IM, ONE) ; Richard G. Milter ; LMichele Issel ; AnnScheck McAlearney , U.ofVirginia , TulaneU. ; Gerard P.Hodgkinson , TulaneU. ☯ , Wake ForestU. , U.of Victoria , CaliforniaStateU.,Hayward , Arizona StateU. , Emory U. Management Practice-oriented | , Bowling GreenState U. ; Raghu Garud , McGill U. , George WashingtonU. , U. ofAlabama , U. ofVictoria , Florida StateU.

, George WashingtonU. ; BruceAvolio ; MaryJWaller , Strathclyde U. , Strathclyde , U. ofNebraska , U. ofMaryland Management E-Learning: Management ; Michel Bougon , U.ofTexas, Austin , NovaSoutheastern U. ; George P Huber ; George ; Stephen O'Connor , U.ofLiverpool ; Amelia Carr

; GerryJohnson ; Scott C. Douglas ; Jonathon R. Halbesleben , U.ofIllinois,Chicago

, OhioU. ; Robert BrentAnderson

Management ; Frances JMilliken , New YorkU. ; SuzannedeTreville ; Timothy Hoff , U.ofNebraska ; NealM. ; Stephen Mezias , TulaneU. ; Susan C ; Susan ; Marie , U.ofLeeds , BryantU , OhioStateU. ; Nils , BowlingGreen

; Robert J. International-oriented| , U.of Texas, ; Marlena , U.of ; Richard , U.of ; William ; Dewey , , State ; ; Jon ; , ; , , ; , , 180 Baker Maryland Disciplines: The DogfightOverInnovation Disciplines: The Organizational Scholarship(POS) Positive from Methods,&Mechanisms Variables, Academy Committees Meeting Pagell 9:00am - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby-Membership ConventionCenter:HCC 9:00am -5:00pmHawaii 291 Organizer: ConventionCent 9:00am -5:00pmHawaii 290 Institute ofTechnology Wrzesniewski Chairs: Pre-registration required. ConventionCenter:Room317B 8:30am -12:00pmHawaii 289 Organizer: [email protected] Registration required:ContactBrian Silvermanat Look forinfoaboutweb-baseddiscussion beforethesession. ConventionCenter:Room313B 9:00am -11:30amHawaii 297 Organizer: SeaPearl Suite1 9:00am -10:30amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 296 Organizer: SeaPearl Suite3 9:00am -10:30amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 295 Organizers: SeaPearlSuite2 9:00am -10:30amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 294 Organizer: Placement Services-RegistrationandInformation Iolani Suite1 Village: 9:00am -4:00pmHiltonHawaiian 293 Registration On-site Registration, Pre-RegistrationBadgePick-up, andExhibitor ConventionCent 9:00am -5:00pmHawaii 292 Organizer: Academy volunteer. about membership,updateyourinformationorsignupasan Stop bytomeetmembersoftheMembershipCommittee.Inquire U. deLausanne of Michigan, Ann Arbor of Michigan,Ann Facilitators: Brandeis U. Theme-oriented |

: : : : : : : , U.ofMichigan , Oregon State U. (AAA) (AAA) (AAC) (AAA) (AAA) (AAA) (AAA) Kim Cameron SPDW: SPDW: ; JimmyLe

George TSolomon Brian Silverman Beard Jon W Cummings Thomas G. Scott C.Douglas Regina Greenwood

Fiona Lee Ken G.Smith Membership Conference Exhibits Current and Incoming Heads and Members of and Membersof Current andIncomingHeads Current ProgramChairs Placement Services Conference Registration Southwest Academy of Management Officers ofManagement Southwest Academy , New YorkU. ; DaesikHur (OMT, OB, ODC, MOC) (BPS, OMT, TIM) Visual Presentation|

, AcademyofManagement ; NedPowley , U. ofMichigan ; RyanQuinn , U.ofMichigan ; Robert E Quinn; RobertE Sunday 9:00AM

, Purdue U.

, U.of Maryland

, U. ofToronto ; Michele Williams , Bowling GreenState U. , Binghamton U.

, George WashingtonU. , Kettering U. er: Exhibit Hall III - Exhibits - er: ExhibitHallIII er: HCC Lobby-Registration er: HCC Strategy Across Across Strategy , U.ofSouthern California , CaseWesternReserveU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofVirginia

; JodyHoffer Gittell ; Gretchen M.Spreitzer

, U.of Michigan Uncovering New ; Qing Cao

(2004-2005) Meeting (2004-2005)

, Massachusetts , Massachusetts

; WayneE , U.of ; Mark ; Amy , , U.

Session Details Ð Sunday

Participants: Ronald S. Burt, U. of Chicago; Anita McGahan, 9:00am - 10:30am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room Boston U.; Michael Ryall, Melbourne Business School; Olav Coordinator: Len Tischler, U. of Scranton Sorenson, London Business School Presenter: Len Tischler, U. of Scranton 298 SPDW: (BPS, TIM, ITC, ENT) Studying Emerging 304 : (OB) Organizational Behavior Joint Session Junior Industries in the 21st Century: From Biotech to Nanotech Faculty & Doctoral Student Consortium: Editors' Panel and Beyond 9:00am - 10:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B Participation is by invitation only. Those interested should send Pre-registration required. Contact Michelle Gittelman applications to [email protected]. Space is limited! Mary Uhl-Bien ; Peter Hom ([email protected]). Contacts: , U. of Central Florida , Arizona Organizers: Michelle Gittelman, New York U.; Vincent State U. Herman Aguinis ; Sheldon Mangematin, INRA/UPMF Presenters: , U. of Colorado, Denver Zedeck ; Rodger W Griffeth Presenters: Maryanne P Feldman, U. of Toronto; Bernard , U. of California, Berkeley , U. of New ; David A Harrison ; Murray R. Kahane, ISTM/LATTS; Alan D. Meyer, U. of Oregon; Natasha Orleans , Pennsylvania State U. Barrick ; Michael D. Mumford ; Carol T Munshi, Cass Business School; Walter Powell, Stanford U. , U. of Iowa , U. of Oklahoma Kulik, Melbourne U.; Daniel Skarlicki, U. of British Columbia; 299 B4 SPDW: (CM, BPS, MOC, GDO, CAR, HR, TIM, OMT, Bradley L. Kirkman, Texas A&M U.; Loriann Roberson, Arizona OCIS, MED, MH, ITC) Starting Out on the Right Foot: State U. Negotiating Your First Academic Job 305 How to Measure 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B B SPDW: (OB, OMT, MED, IM, HR) Pre-registration is required. Register online by July 15 Culture and Leadership Across Cultures ( or email Wendi 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C Adair ([email protected]). Pre-registration required via email. Contact [email protected] Mansour Javidan SUNDAY Organizer: Wendi L. Adair, Cornell U. Distinguished Speakers: , Thunderbird, The ; Mark F Peterson Presenters: Susan E. Brodt, Queen's U.; Roy J. Lewicki, Ohio Garvin School of International Management , State U.; Margaret A. Neale, Stanford U.; Gregory B. Northcraft, Florida Atlantic U. Romie Frederick Littrell U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Robin L. Pinkley, Southern Moderator: , Auckland U. of Technology Mahmut Bayazit Methodist U.; Hildy Teegen, George Washington U.; Laurie R. Participant: , Koc U. Weingart , Carnegie Mellon U. 306 : (OMT) OMT Dissertation Proposal Workshop 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B 300 : (ENT) Meta-analysis & Evidence-based Entrepreneurship:Towards an Accumulated Knowledge in Pre-registration required. Contact organizers. Organizers: Tina Dacin, Queen's U., Canada; Pamela R Entrepreneurship Haunschild, U. of Texas, Austin 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A Andrew H. Van de Ven ; William Michael Frese Presenters: , U. of Minnesota Chair: , Giessen U. Ocasio ; Anna Grandori ; Bob Per Davidsson , Northwestern U. , Bocconi U. Presenters: , Queensland U. of Technology Hinings, U. of Alberta; David A. Whetten, Brigham Young U. /Jonkoping U.; Andreas Rauch, Giessen U.; Michael Frese, Giessen U.; Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U. 307 4 SPDW: (OMT, BPS) Paradigmatic Issues In Institutional Theory and Research 301 4SPDW: (IM, BPS, MEN) Research Opportunities and Career Development in International Management 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Pre-registration required and Business Strategy Organizers: Tammar B. Zilber, Hebrew U. of Jerusalem; Kelly 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316C Thomson, York U. Mariko Sakakibara Organizer: , U. of California, Los Angeles Facilitators: Roy R Suddaby, U. of Iowa; Matthew Kraatz, U. of Sea Jin Chang ; Tarun Khanna Presenters: , Korea U. , Harvard Illinois; Cynthia Hardy, Melbourne U.; Nelson Phillips, Imperial ; Marvin B Lieberman Business School , U. of California, Los College London; P Devereaux Jennings, U. of Alberta Angeles; Bernard Yeung, New York U.; Srilata Zaheer, U. of Minnesota 308 B4 : (PNP) Multi Hospital Networks: Governance and Strategic Tools 302 Conducting 4 SPDW: (IM, BPS, OMT, ONE, SIM) 9:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Iao Needle Room Research on International and Comparative Corporate Pre-registration required through Emanuele Vendramini at Governance [[email protected]] 9:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Organizers: Emanuele Vendramini, Bocconi U.; Emanuele Chair: Ruth V Aguilera, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Vendramini, Bocconi U. Presenters: Brian Boyd, Arizona State U.; Igor Filatotchev, King's Presenters: Elio Borgonovi, Bocconi U.; Raffaella Molteni, John College, U. of London; Joshua D Margolis, Harvard Business Hopkins Medicine International; Mario Del Vecchio, SDA Bocconi School; Donald A Palmer, U. of California, Davis; Steen Thomsen, U.; Emanuele Vendramini, Bocconi U.; Sophie Monnier, Teaching Copenhagen Business School; Parthiban David, U. of Notre Dame Hospital of Nice; Stephane Jarlegand, Teaching Hospital of Nice 303 Principle-Centered Learning: SPDW: (MED, MSR) 309 B4 : (PNP) Doctoral Consortium II Bringing Learning To A Higher Level 9:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 181 Section D SUNDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSunday of Phoenix Groups Job-Discussion Negotiating YourFirstAcademic Christine M.van Winkelen Facilitators: College Organizer: metrics. monitoring key dilemmasby knowledge based unavoidable Improve thewayyourorganization handlessome ConventionCenter:Room306B 9:30am -12:00pmHawaii 314 Contact: Organizer: session 299) your firstacademicjob.(See student workshoponnegotiating componentofthedoctoral discussion group This sessionisthe ConventionCenter:Room313C 9:30am -11:00amHawaii 313 Organizer: Pre-registration [email protected] ConventionCenter:Room306A 9:30am -12:00pmHawaii 312 ofthesession. inadvance questions register andsubmitdiscussion forparticipantsto set upawebsite Pre-registration required.Wewill ConventionCenter:Room317A 9:30am -12:00pmHawaii 311 Organizers: WaikikiBeach:KonaRoom 9:00am -12:00pmSheraton 310 Facilitators: Organizer: U. Presenters: Arizona StateU. Kansas Presenters: College, U.ofLondon Royal Holloway Knowledge toManaging &BalancedApproach an Integrated Shape Study ofCoordinationWithinandBetweenFirms OCIS, MED,MH, ITC) Organization Science Organizers: of Pennsylvania R Weaver Carolina, Charlotte Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Reynolds Bocconi U. Speakers: G Jacobides New YorkU. ; Anju Seth ; Andreas Georg Scherer

B B SPDW: SPDW: ; Thomas MJones : 4 :

Susan E. Brodt Susan E. (MOC) (SIM) , U.of Washington , U.of Delaware T

Ranjay Gulati ; JohnPaulMacDuffie eaching-oriented | Christine M.van Winkelen Wendi L.Adair Riitta Katila Martin Eric C. Jane EMcKenzie Word Jessica Philip Anderson Robert AGiacalone Marshall Schminke Phanish Puranam ; HayagreevaRao

, London Business School , London Business (BPS, TIM,OMT, MOC, IM) OMT, TIM,OM) (BPS, SPDW: , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign ; Edward Zajac Learn From The Experts About Publishing About Experts Learn FromThe ; AnneM. O'Leary-Kelly Using the Knowledgeability Monitor to Using theKnowledgeability ; Linda K Trevino (CM, BPS, MOC, GDO, CAR, HR, TIM, OMT, Starting Out ontheRightFoot: , Stanford U. Sunday 9:30AM , Queen's U.

, Northwestern U. ☯ , Eastern ConnecticutStateU. ; Thomas AWright , Florida StateU. , Cornell U. ; Lori Verstegen Ryan , U. ofWashington Management Practice-oriented | , Henley ManagementCollege ; DeborahElizabeth Rupp , U. of Zurich , INSEAD , HenleyManagementCollege , London BusinessSchool , , NorthwesternU. ; Bennett J. Tepper , U.ofCentralFlorida Northwestern U. , TempleU. , U.ofPennsylvania New DirectionsInthe , Pennsylvania StateU. , Pennsylvania , Henley Management ; William G Mitchell , U.of Arkansas ; Donald Siegel The Next Disciplinein ; Anna Grandori ; Anna ; ErnestL.Duncan

; Douglas R May ; Douglas ; GeraldKeim , U. ofNevada,Reno ; HarbirSingh , SanDiegoState

, U.ofNorth ; DirkMatten ; JoePorac International-oriented|

, U.of ; Michael ; ScottJ.

, , Duke , , ; Gary ; , U. of , U. , U.


, 182 Researching Negative Emotions inOrganizations Emotions Researching Negative Vision ofCareerManagement Industries Cultural from 21stCentury Into Business:Modelsforthe 10:00am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian 10:00am -12:00pm 317 Presenters: Moderator: ConventionCenter:Room311 9:45am -10:45amHawaii 316 Presenters: Facilitator: Open discussions ConventionCenter:Room323B 9:30am -11:30amHawaii 315 Georgetown U. Presenters: Organizer: byJuly15th. ([email protected]) Pre-registration isrequired.Contact MichaelGross Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room309 10:00am -12:00pm 320 Valcour Takeuchi Suffolk U. Presenters: Calgary, U.ofWesternOntario Organizers: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room323A 10:00am -12:00pm 319 Organizers: Open, norestriction onparticipation Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room303B 10:00am -12:00pm 318 Organizer: ACACIA, BAM,IFSAM AOM Associates:EURAM,EGOS,ANZAM,ANPAD, ASAC, Yew Lai Trends and Practices: Insights from the Field fromthe Insights and Practices: Trends Executive Issues U. Business School Caluwe U., London Hebrew U. ofJerusalem Participants: Richard Scott College, CUNY College Theme-oriented | ; Ronald E.Riggio

: B B SPDW: B (AAA) ; Joann Keyton 4

, FreeU., Twynstra , BostonCollege , Harvard U. SPDW: ; SherryE.Sullivan , Hong andTechnology KongU.ofScience

Bruce Avolio ; Jamal Shamsie Michael A.Gross Denise M.Rousseau SPDW: Miguel Caldas

Maria Eugenia Arias Leanne Atwater Blake E.Ashforth Michael B.Arthur Holly Slay Theresa KLant Mary Ann Glynn Academy of Management Associates Academy ofManagement (CM, RM,OB) SPDW: SPDW: , Stanford U. , Stanford ; Tricia Jones ; Tricia ; Anand Narasimhan; Anand ; John Gaulding (CAR, MED, HR, IM)

Visual Presentation| (BPS, MOC, OMT,OB) (BPS,

, Claremont McKennaCollege (MC, BPS, ODC) (OB, HR)

, U.ofMaryland Sunday 10:00AM , U.ofKansas Sunday 9:45AM , U. of Nebraska , U. , LoyolaU.,New Orleans ; Bjoern ZEkelund , New YorkU. Stepping intotheShadow: , Michigan State U. State , Michigan , ArizonaStateU. Village: SouthPacific3 , Colorado StateU. , Temple U. , Temple , Bowling Green State U. , Emory U. , Emory , SuffolkU. , Arizona StateU. Leadership: Emerging Leadership: , CarnegieMellonU. , McKinsey & Company , McKinsey ,

Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , London Business School , LondonBusiness ; Helaine J Korn Dialogues onaNew ; LaurieMilton Global Consulting ; Candace Jones ; Robert J.DeFillippi ; Joseph Lampel Injecting Creativity

; KenParry , Copenhagen ; Richard Kum- ; Robert Bies ; BoasShamir ; P.Monique

, U.of , Baruch ; Riki ; Leon De

, Griffith , Boston , City , ; W , , Session Details Ð Sunday

321 BSPDW: (CMS, CAR) Critters and Their Careers B4Culture in Organizations of the Computer Industry: (Alternatives to the “Post-Doc”) Insights from Latin America | Anabella Davila, Tec De 10:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Lanai Ballroom Monterrey; Ana Luisa Perez, Tec De Monterrey; Gustavo Join our provocateurs to discuss the "(a)typical" critter career. Are Habermann, Tec De Monterrey we impractical? 'Xinren' versus 'Vertrauen': Two Perspectives on Trust in Organizer: Jeanie M. Forray, Western New England College Torsten M. Michael Chumer ; Sino-German Business Partnerships | Participants: , New Jersey Institute of Technology Kuehlmann, U. of Bayreuth; Nada Endrissat, Basel U. Charlice Hurst, U. of Florida; Roy Stager Jacques, Auckland U. of ; Alison Linstead ; Craig Prichard B4Forms of Diversification and Impacts on Return-Risk Technology , U. of York , Massey Chia-Wen Hsu U.; Nina Gregg, Communication Resources Relations:A Competence Perspective | , National Taiwan U.; Heng-Yih Liu, Yuan Ze U. 322 SPDW: (GDO, MED) Affective Education: An Knowledge Management of Taiwanese MNC Subsidiaries: Experiential Workshop The Systematic Perspective of Human Capital | Bih Shiaw 10:00am - 11:30am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Koko Crater Room Jaw, National Sun Yat-Sen U.; Christina Yu-Ping Wang, It is recommended to come in loose, comfortable clothes that do not National Sun Yat-Sen U.; Yen-Hao Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen restrict the body. This workshop is open, no restriction on U. participation. B4Too Far Away to Monitor?: International Acquisitions and Diego Rinallo Organizer: , Bocconi U. Shareholder Wealth | Yangmin Kim, Sogang U. Diego Rinallo Facilitator: , Bocconi U. 4Obstacles to Internationalization as Seen by SMEs in Five Audra I. 323 B: (HR) Company Tour: Meet the HR Managers, Dole Central and Eastern European Countries | Factory Tour & Sunset Beach Visitation Mockaitis, Vilnius U.; Erika Vaiginiene, Vilnius U. 10:00am - 7:00pm Off Site: Dole Factory Tour 4 Subsidiary-Driven Investment of International Business: Pre-registration required. Contact Michael Valdez, University of The Case of a Japanese Subsidiary in Taiwan | Peter J. SUNDAY Hawaii at Manoa ([email protected]). Sher, National Chung Hsing U.; C. Y. Huang, Twelite Corp.; Organizers: Dharm Prakash Sharma Bhawuk, U. of Hawai`i, Homin Chen, National Taiwan U. Manoa; Elaine Bailey, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa; Michael Valdez, U. of 4How Dominant Logic Develops, Changes and Designs Hawai`i Organizations | Ashok Som, ESSEC Business School 324 SPDW: (HR, BPS, OB, OMT, RM) The Craft of Reviewing 4Post-acquisition Integration in Cross-border Acquisitions: 10:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B The Impact of National Culture | Betania Tanure, Fundação Organizer: Joy Humphries Karriker, Virginia Commonwealth U. Dom Cabral/PUC MInas; Vera L. Cançado, Fundação Dom Presenters: Lucy R. Ford, Rutgers U., Camden; David A Harrison, Cabral/Fundação Pedro Leopoldo; Roberto Gonzalez Duarte, Pennsylvania State U.; Lucy L Gilson, U. of Connecticut; Mark PUC Minas / Fundação Dom Cabral Gavin, Oklahoma State U. 4Diversity, Human & Social Capital as Location A Research Incubator on the Determinants: Evidence from the Indian IT Industry | 325 SPDW: (HR, OB) Florian A. Täube Perceived Organizational Membership Framework , U. of Frankfurt Roles of Market Orientation, Autonomy and Ownership on 10:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B 4 Li-Qun Wei Pre-registration required. Contact Christina Stamper at SHRM-Performance Linkage in China | , U. of Chung-Ming Lau [email protected] International Business and Economics; , Organizers: Christina L Stamper, Western Michigan U.; Suzanne Chinese U. of Hong Kong S Masterson, U. of Cincinnati B4Corporate Human Resource Strategy in Multi-National Enterprises: A Study of Four South African MNEs | Albert 326 : (Paper Session) - (IM) IMD Paper Development Wocke, U. of Pretoria Workshop 10:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Maui Ballroom 327 4 SPDW: (IM, SIM, ONE) Collaboration or Conflict? By invitation only. An innovative session in which authors work in A Dialogue on International Corporate-NGO Relations sub-groups to critique each other's work, facilitated by leading IM 10:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305A scholars. Organizer: Jonathan P Doh, Villanova U. Organizers: Tatiana Kostova, U. of South Carolina; Ravi Facilitators: Robert Brent Anderson, U. of Regina; Ted London, Ramamurti, Northeastern U. U. of North Carolina; Liesl Riddle, George Washington U. Facilitators: Paul Beamish, U. of Western Ontario; Sully Taylor, Presenters: Sam Gon, The Nature Conservancy; Hildy Teegen, Portland State U.; Eleanor Westney, Massachusetts Institute of George Washington U.; Mark B. Milstein, Cornell U. Technology Participants: James E. Mattingly, U. of Northern Iowa; Rafael 4Determinant Factors of the Subsidiaries’ Roles in Emerging Lucea, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ann Olsen, Economies | Felipe Mendes Borini, Pontifical Catholic U. of Vanderbilt U.; Raul Pacheco-Vega, Center for Innovation in ; Patricia C Kelley Sao Paulo; Moacir De Miranda Oliveira, Pontifical Catholic U. of Competitive Technology , U. of Washington, ; Jason McNichol ; Anne Sao Paulo; Arnoldo Hoyos Guevara, Pontifical Catholic U. of Bothell , Social Science Research Council Starks Acosta Sao Paulo , Consultative Group on International Agricultural

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 183 Section D SUNDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSunday Presenters: Consortium For CriticalTheory Classroom:TheCase Globalization InTheManagement Washington U. Organizers: on Saturday. startsonFriday,andcontinues Pre-registration required.Session Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room313A 10:00am -12:00pm 333 Kalyan Singhal North Carolina StateU. Presenters: Moderator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:TapaBallroom1 10:00am -12:00pm 332 Presenters: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyon Room 10:00am -11:30am 331 Presenter: student interactioninWebcourses. toincrease designed Demonstrations ofexperientialexercises Hilton Hawaiian 10:00am -11:30am 330 Coordinator: association. An opportunitytomeetwithandlearnfromthebest reviewersinthe Hilton Hawaiian 10:00am -12:00pm 329 Contact: Organizer: issues. ethical identify global to helpstudents This!" book,"Globalize We useAnitaRoddick's Hilton HawaiianVillage:TapaBallroom2 10:00am -11:00am 328 Bensedrine Research U. Southeastern U. Humphries Associate Editors of Operations Management Journals Management ofOperations Editors Associate Dissertation Reviewers ToTheBestOfTomorrow's Reviewers Of Reviewing:FromToday'sBest Art AndCraft Experiential Exercises State U. Presenters: Technology Pasmore Charles N.Seashore Michigan of Michigan, Ann Arbor of Michigan,Ann Huy ; Royston Greenwood , INSEAD

B SPDW: ; Andrew Taylor : SPDW: SPDW: ; Anne S. Huff Dale EFitzgibbons , Mercer DeltaConsulting ; Helene SFine (MH) T eaching-oriented | SPDW: Joseph EChampoux Maria Humphries Janet L.Hartley , U. of Waikato , U.of

SPDW: Dale EFitzgibbons Barbara B.Flynn Karl Moore Richard L Daft Matthew Kraatz , ELMResearch&Strategy

Haze NicoleSchepmyer (OM, TIM)

; Joe Porac

; George Roth Doctoral StudentWorkshop:ManagingYour , U.ofBaltimore ; Richard T.Mowday (MED, ODC) (MED, NDSC, MEN, ONE, GDO) (OMT, ODC, MOC) (MED, CMS) , FieldingGraduateInstitute

; William H. Starbuck ; Michael W.Lawless , TechnischeU.,München , McGillU. Got Questions? Ask the Editors and the Editors Got Questions?Ask , Bradford U. ☯ , U.of Alberta , Bridgewater StateU. , New York U.

Management Practice-oriented | , Vanderbilt U. , Bowling GreenState U.

, U. of Illinois Village: SouthPacific2 Village: SouthPacific1 , IllinoisStateU. , U. ofWaikato , Instituteof Massachusetts Film Scenes as Bases for Film Scenesas , Wake ForestU. , IllinoisStateU. ; VickiSmith-Daniels , U.ofNewMexico Re(Visioning) IssuesOf Re(Visioning) ; JaneWhitney Gibson

, U.of Oregon , MadisonU. OMT/ODC/MOC Doctoral OMT/ODC/MOC Doctoral ; AndrewJ.Hoffman ; Kathleen M.Sutcliffe ; JStuartBunderson ; Mary Ann Glynn

, New York U. , WakeForestU. ; Robert Handfield ; Jabril ; Maria ; WilliamA ; QuyNguyen Learning The International-oriented| , Arizona , Nova ; , Emory , U. of ; , U. ,

, 184 School U. ofIllinois Organizational Performance Methods Integrating OurDividedRoles Goodman State U. State U. Jeffrey R.Edwards Burke Presenters: 10:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room327 10:00am -12:00pm 336 Organizer: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room314 10:00am -12:00pm 335 Facilitator: Georgia SouthernU. WorkshopChair: Professional Development Organizer: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 10:00am -12:00pm 334 Organizer: - BreakArea III Hawaii Convention Center:ExhibitHall 10:15am -10:45am 340 Organizers: to:[email protected] Pre-registration required.Registerbye-mail Sheraton WaikikiBeach:HonoluluRoom 10:00am -12:00pm 339 North Carolina, ChapelHill Presenters: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room328 10:00am -11:30am 338 Presenter: Organizer: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:AkakaFallsRoom 10:00am -12:00pm 337 Presenters: Organizer: members oftheResearchMethodsDivision. There isa$5feefornon Pre-registration requiredat Analysis Century PracticeInThe21st OfManagement A NewVision Scholars' AbilityinShapingtheVisionof21stCentury North Carolina, Charlotte Chinese U.ofHongKong Discussants: Discussants: Rousseau Pearce Theme-oriented |

SPDW: SPDW: B : , TulaneU. Fernando Suarez ; MarshallVanAlstyne (AAA) , U.ofCalifornia,Irvine 4 ; Philip L Roth ; Mark Griffin SPDW: SPDW: :

(SIM) , U. of Connecticut SPDW: , Carnegie Mellon U. , Carnegie MellonU. Eric H Kessler Jeffrey SFrooman George TSolomon Mark Gavin Kessler Eric H Jerry MCalton R ; RobertPGephart Herman Aguinis Andrew McAfee Ian Palmer Gerard Beenen obert PGephart Allen Bluedorn Conference Break (RM, ONE) (RM, NDSC) Research Roundtable: LinkingEthicsWith Research Roundtable: (TTC, OB, MED) (TTC, OB, (TIM, OCIS,OM) ; Gilad Chen Visual Presentation| (PTC, ITC) , U.ofNorth Carolina , Queensland U.ofTechnology Sunday 10:15AM , Oklahoma StateU. , Clemson U. , Clemson , U.ofTechnology, Sydney , BostonU. Doing Computer-aided Textual Textual Doing Computer-aided ; ClaudiaC.Cogliser , PaceU. , PaceU. ; GianvitoLanzolla , U.of Hawai`i, Hilo Ask the Experts: Quantitative the Experts: Ask , Carnegie MellonU. ; LisaSchurerLambert , Harvard U. , U. ofMissouri,Columbia , U.ofColorado,Denver , U. ofAlberta Developing Management

; SaraLRynes , Texas A&MU. , U. ofNewBrunswick,John Saint , Boston U. , Boston , George WashingtonU. , U. ofAlberta

Scientist and Educator: IT Investment and IT Investment

Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ; Bennett J. Tepper ; Aleda V Roth ; Mark Gavin C DouglasJohnson

, U. ofIowa ; , London Business , London , TexasTechU. Gordon WCheung ; Denise M. ; Lorna Doucet ; JodiS. , Georgia ; Michael J , Oklahoma ; Jone L. , U.of , U.of ; , , ,

Session Details Ð Sunday

Sunday 10:30AM Henry P Sims, U. of Maryland; William H Glick, Arizona State U.; Daniel Skarlicki, U. of British Columbia; Randall B Dunham, U. of 341 : (AAA) Incoming Program Chairs (2005-2006) Meeting Wisconsin, Madison 10:30am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 1 Organizers: Thomas W. Lee, U. of Washington; Janet Thompson, 348 B4 SPDW: (OCIS, IM, MED, PTC) How Eagles can U. of Washington; Jimmy Le, Academy of Management Soar in the Land of the Dragon: US-Chinese Work Management Issues in the New Century 342 Meeting with Incoming Division/Interest Group : (AAA) 10:30am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302B Chairs (2005-2006) Organizer: Robert Davison, City U. of Hong Kong 10:30am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3 Robert Davison ; Maris G. Ken G. Smith Presenters: , City U. of Hong Kong Organizer: , U. of Maryland Martinsons, City U. of Hong Kong; Aelita Brivins Martinsons, ; Xiaoying Dong 343 : (AAC) Midwest Academy of Management Officers Cross-Cultural Coach , Peking U. Meeting 10:30am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 2 Sunday 11:00AM Organizers: Jeffrey P Katz, Kansas State U.; Jill R Kickul, Simmons College 349 B4 SPDW: (MC, BPS) China:The Challenges of Consulting in the 21st Century 344 SPDW: (CAR, IM, ITC) Personal Transformation 11:00am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 311 Through International Careers: Butterfly or Moth? Host: Rickie Moore, ISEOR, U. of Lyon 10:30am - 12:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A Distinguished Speaker: Qiwei Chen, Asia Business Consulting Organizer: Julia Richardson, York U. Coordinators: Sabrina Deutsch Salamon, York U.; Kerr Inkson, U. 350 B4: (MSR) Where and How to Publish on Spirituality ; Barbara Myers ; Judith in Organizations of Otago , Auckland U. of Technology SUNDAY Pringle, U. of Auckland 11:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room Facilitators: Yochanan Altman, London Metropolitan U.; Frank 345 : (GDO) GDO Town Hall Meeting: Increasing Bournois, U. of Pantheon Assas Paris II Diversity in Business School Faculty Coordinator: Gerald Biberman, U. of Scranton 10:30am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Ewa Room Attendance open. For updated information about this PDW and Sunday 12:00PM getting involved, visit 351 : (AAA) Incoming PDW Chairs (2005-2006) Meeting Organizers: Robyn A. Berkley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; 12:00pm - 1:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 2 Ron Ophir, York U. Organizers: Angelo DeNisi, Texas A&M U.; Jimmy Le, Academy of Chairs: Belle Rose Ragins, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Susan L Management Kirby, Texas State U. Participants: Lotte Bailyn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 352 : (AAA) Division Treasurers' Meeting Gwendolyn M. Combs, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln; Elizabeth A. 12:00pm - 1:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3 Heather Crowe Cooper, U. of Rhode Island; David L Ford, Jr., U. of Texas, Dallas; Organizer: , Academy of Management Ken G. Smith Keith James, Colorado State U.; David A Kravitz, George Mason Program Chair: , U. of Maryland ; Joana L. Young ; Robert Sardy U. , Baylor U. , Alliant International 353 : (AAA) AOM Fellows Group Committee on ; Eleanor H Buttner U. , U. of North Carolina, Greensboro Membership Meeting 346 SPDW: (HCM, OMT, ODC, TIM) Finding the Appropriate 12:00pm - 1:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 4 Organizer: Kathryn M. Bartol, U. of Maryland Funding Source 10:30am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kauai Ballroom 354 : (AAC) International Theme Committee Meeting Timothy Hoff Organizer: , State U. of New York, Albany 12:00pm - 1:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room Presenters: Michael I Harrison, Agency for Healthcare Research Organizer: Claire A. Simmers, St. Joseph's U. and Quality; Thomas F Hilton, National Institute on Drug Abuse; David Chambers, National Institute of Mental Health 355 : (ICW) Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship Editorial Board Meeting 347 : (OB) Organizational Behavior Division Doctoral 12:00pm - 2:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Student Consortium Organizer: Jane Whitney Gibson, Nova Southeastern U. 10:30am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 Attendees must be nominated by their faculty. Visit 356 : (ICW) Management Learning Editorial Board Meeting or contact Peter Hom at [email protected] for more information. 12:00pm - 2:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room Bente Elkjaer Contact: Peter Hom, Arizona State U. Organizer: , Danish U. of Education Presenters: Frances M. McKee-Ryan, Oregon State U.; Janice S 357 B4 : (SPDW) Starting Out on the Right Foot: Miller, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Timothy A Judge, U. of Negotiating Your First Academic Job - Break out III Florida; Mel Fugate, Southern Methodist U.; Robert Vecchio, U. of 12:00pm - 2:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room Notre Dame; Jone L. Pearce, U. of California, Irvine; Loriann Roberson, Arizona State U.; Angelo J. Kinicki, Arizona State U.;

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 185 Section D SUNDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSunday Education EditorialBoardMeeting 21st Century Board International Advisory Meeting Meeting Gray ConventionCenter: Room318A 1:30pm -3:00pmHawaii 367 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:NiihauRoom 1:00pm -2:30pmSheraton 366 Organizer: Sea PearlSuite4 Village: 1:00pm -3:00pmHiltonHawaiian 365 Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room322A 1:00pm -3:30pmHawaii 364 Participants: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room315 1:00pm -2:50pmHawaii 363 Organizer: Carolyn Dexter Award reviewers,past winners. nominees,and WaikikiBeach:WaialuaRoom 1:00pm -2:00pmSheraton 362 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:KohalaRoom 1:00pm -3:00pmSheraton 361 Organizers: Sea PearlSuite3 Village: 1:00pm -2:30pmHiltonHawaiian 360 Organizer: SeaPearlSuite1 12:30pm -2:00pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: 359 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:IaoNeedleRoom 12:30pm -2:00pmSheraton 358 Contact: Organizer: Breakout I. (20-25)discussionwillbeHELDjointlywith This smallgroup Business Meeting Board State U. Whetten Toyota

, FloridaA&M U. : : : : : : : : : : Joyce E.A. Russell ; EllenVan Velsor (AAA) (ICW) (ICW) (ICW) (AAS) (AAC) (AAC) (AAC) (AAC) (AAA)

; Henry Mintzberg , Brigham YoungU. Susan E. Brodt Susan E.

T eaching-oriented |

Darlene Gambill Motley Alison M.Konrad Jennifer Kukawa Claire A.Simmers Kessler Eric H James CSpee Theodoros Peridis Wendi L.Adair Liz Borredon Scott Koerwer Ma Group andOrganizationManagement Editorial SeniorEditorMeeting Organization Science Eastern Academy of Management ofManagement Eastern Academy Academy ofManagementLearning and Teaching Managementinthe New Visionsfor International Theme Committee Reception ThemeCommittee International Officers ofManagement Eastern Academy Mentoring CommitteeMeeting Western AcademyofManagementOfficers

nagement Faculty of Color Association Association FacultyofColor nagement

Sunday 12:30PM Sunday 1:30PM Sunday 1:00PM ☯ , Queen's U. , Center forCreativeLeadership , EDHEC Business School , EDHECBusiness , PaceU. , U.of Redlands , U. of Maryland , Cornell U. Management Practice-oriented | , McGillU. , U. of Maryland , Carnegie MellonU. , U. ofWesternOntario , St. Joseph'sU. , York U. , York

, RobertMorris U. ; MikeMorrison

; RoyJ.Lewicki

; Kenneth R. International-oriented| , U.of ; David A. , Ohio

186 Pomona Program Chair: Erasmus U. Chairs Program Chairs Editorial BoardMeeting Presenter: 372 Organizer: Sea PearlSuite2 Village: 1:30pm -3:30pmHiltonHawaiian 371 Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room323A 1:30pm -3:00pmHawaii 370 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 1:30pm -3:00pmSheraton 369 Organizer: South Pacific1 Village: 1:30pm -2:00pmHiltonHawaiian 368 Organizer: 2:00pm - 3:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea PearlSuite1 Village: 2:00pm -3:30pmHilton Hawaiian 379 Perez Organizers: Convention 2:00pm -10:00pmHawaii 378 Presenter: Thompson Organizers: South Pacific 1 Village: 2:00pm -3:00pmHiltonHawaiian 377 Organizer: Coral Ballroom4-5 Village: 2:00pm -3:30pmHiltonHawaiian 376 Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room319B 2:00pm -3:30pmHawaii 375 Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room317B 2:00pm -6:00pmHawaii 374 Chair: Convention 2:00pm -3:30pmHawaii 373 Welcome: Convention 1:55pm -2:00pmHawaii Meeting Community Meeting Theme-oriented |

: : : : : : : : : : : : , CornellU. Denise M.Rousseau (AAA) (ICW) (ICW) (AAC) (AAA) (ICW) (ART) (AAA) (AAA) (AAA) (AAA) (AAA)

Ken G.Smith Matt Suppa Matt Suppa Gretchen M.Spreitzer Ru David L. Turnipseed Jimmy Le James RBailey Regina Greenwood Arthur PBrief , U. of Washington ; Matt Statler Hans Hansen Jimmy Le Journal ofManagement EditorialBoard Positive OrganizationalScholarship Organization Journal: EditorialBoard Meeting Organization Journal: Welcome to the 2005 Meeting tothe Welcome Developer TrainingSessionforPDW Program Program Developer TrainingSessionfor Program Orientation New Member Outgoing Academy ofManagementReview Meeting Committee MC Executive Academy ofManagementAwardWinners Fringe Cafe Practice ThemeCommitteeMeeting Practice ssell Cropanzano Ri Chris Poulson ; David A Cowan ckie Moore Visual Presentation|

, Academy ofManagement , Academy ofManagement , Academy ofManagement , Academy ofManagement

Sunday 2:00PM Sunday 1:55PM , U.of Maryland , Imagination LabFoundation , Tulane U. , VictoriaU.ofWellington

, George WashingtonU.

, Carnegie MellonU. , ISEOR, U.ofLyon Center: Ballroom Section AB Center: BallroomSection AB Center: BallroomSection Center: Room311-FringeCafe , California Polytechnic StateU., , California Polytechnic , , IndianaU./PurdueU. , Kettering U. U. ofArizona , U. of Michigan, AnnArbor , U.ofMichigan, , MiamiU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings

; Gail Whiteman; Gail

; Janet ; Pedro David


Session Details Ð Sunday

Organizers: Marta B. Calas, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Linda 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A Smircich, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Glenn Morgan, U. of Division Chair: Tina Dacin, Queen's U., Canada Warwick 391 : (AAA) ODC Executive Committee Meeting 380 : (ICW) Organization Management Journal Editorial 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B George Roth Board Meeting Division Chair: , Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2:00pm - 3:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room 392 CM Executive Committee Meeting Jeanie M. Forray : (AAA) Organizer: , Western New England College 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Division Chair: Sally Blount, New York U. Sunday 2:30PM 393 : (AAA) BPS Executive Committee Meeting 381 : (AAA) Academy of Management Executive Editorial 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Margaret Peteraf Board Meeting Division Chair: , Dartmouth College 2:30pm - 4:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B 394 OB Executive Committee Meeting. Peter Cappelli : (AAA) Organizer: , U. of Pennsylvania 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B Division Chair: Bruce Avolio, U. of Nebraska Sunday 2:45PM 395 : (AAA) CAR Executive Committee Meeting 382 : (AAA) Conference Break 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308B 2:45pm - 3:15pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - Break Area Division Chair: Yehuda Baruch, U. of East Anglia Sponsored by: Society for Human Resource Management. Booth 396 MOC Executive Committee Meeting numbers 401 and 403. : (AAA) 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 309 Organizer: George T Solomon, George Washington U. Division Chair: Stephen Mezias, New York U. SUNDAY

Sunday 3:00PM 397 : (AAA) Academy of Management Review Incoming Editorial Board Meeting 383 : (AAA) IM Executive Committee Meeting 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319B 3:00pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A Organizer: Martin J Kilduff, Pennsylvania State U. Division Chair: Schon Beechler, Columbia U. 398 : (AAA) TIM Executive Committee Meeting 384 : (AAA) Academy of Management Journal Editorial 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C Board Meeting Division Chair: Laura B. Cardinal, Tulane U. 3:00pm - 4:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Organizer: Sara L Rynes, U. of Iowa 399 : (AAA) HR Executive Committee Meeting 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 325A 385 : (AAA) AOM Centralized Review System Division Chair: Diana L Deadrick, Old Dominion U. 3:00pm - 3:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 Organizers: Matt Suppa, Academy of Management; Bret Hilton, 400 : (AAA) GDO Executive Committee Meeting Academy of Management 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Division Chair: Bernardo M. Ferdman, Alliant International U. The Future of Business Schools: How Must 386 : (AAS) MED Executive Committee Meeting They Change? 401 : (AAA) 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 3:00pm - 4:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 Division Chair: Carolyn Wiley, Mercer Human Resource Consulting Moderator: Judy Olian, Pennsylvania State U. Participants: Paul Danos, Dartmouth College; Stuart Feldman, IBM 402 : (AAA) OM Executive Committee Meeting Internet Research; Henry Mintzberg, McGill U. 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 4 Division Chair: Morgan Swink, Michigan State U. 387 : (ICW) Long Range Planning Editorial Board Meeting 3:00pm - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 4 403 : (AAA) HCM Executive Committee Meeting Organizer: Charles Baden-Fuller, City U. 3:30pm - 5:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Akaka Falls Room Division Chair: Kathryn H Dansky, Pennsylvania State U. Sunday 3:30PM 404 : (AAA) SIM Executive Committee Meeting ENT Executive Committee Meeting 3:30pm - 5:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room 388 : (AAA) Bryan W Husted 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301A Division Chair: , Instituto de Empresa Andrew Zacharakis Division Chair: , Babson College 405 : (AAA) CMS Executive Committee Meeting RM Executive Committee Meeting 3:30pm - 5:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Iao Needle Room 389 : (AAA) David Jacobs 3:30pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A Division Chair: , Hood College Philip L Roth Division Chair: , Clemson U. 406 : (AAA) MSR Executive Committee Meeting 3:30pm - 5:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala Room 390 : (AAA) OMT Executive Committee Meeting Division Chair: Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, U. of Canterbury

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 187 Section D SUNDAY Section D Session DetailsÐSunday Distinguished Executive Speaker Distinguished Meeting Welcome/Reception Board Meeting ConventionCenter: Room323B 5:00pm -6:00pmHawaii 414 Distinguished Speaker | and Dexter, Newman, andCelebration: Awards All Academy | of Management oftheAcademy The State Presiding: Convention 5:00pm -7:00pmHawaii 413 Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room324 4:00pm -6:00pmHawaii 412 Organizer: WaikikiBeach: KahukuRoom 3:30pm -4:30pmSheraton 411 Organizer: Sea PearlSuite3 Village: 3:30pm -5:00pmHiltonHawaiian 410 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyonRoom 3:30pm -5:00pmSheraton 409 Division Chair: WaikikiBeach:PunaRoom 3:30pm -5:00pmSheraton 408 Division Chair: WaikikiBeach:KonaRoom 3:30pm -5:00pmSheraton 407 Reception U./Purdue U. Distinguished Speaker: Welcome: Program Chair: Joseph JGalaskiewicz Camarata Professional Development WorkshopChair: Professional Development Business School State U.ofNew York, Albany Gasco JudithMillesen L. Reed Participants: U. Rousseau Outstanding Mentoring Practice | Practice Outstanding Mentoring Finley-Hervey Delaware;

, SyracuseU. : : : : : : : : , InternationalGovernance Instituteof (AAC) (AAA) (ICW) (AAC) (AAC) (AAA) (AAA) (AAA)

T , Kent State U. Denise M.Rousseau Ken G.Smith eaching-oriented | Jennifer Kukawa David L. Turnipseed Christine MarieRiordan

Laurie NDiPadova-Stocks Organization Science Editorial Review Board ReviewBoard Editorial Organization Science PNP ExecutiveCommitteeMeeting ONE ExecutiveCommitteeMeeting Meeting Committee MH Executive Academy of Management Convocation and Academy ofManagementConvocation Practice ThemeCommittee Practice Executive Association Southern Management Asia Academy of Management Committee Asia AcademyofManagement , Carnegie Mellon U. , Carnegie MellonU. Jacob Eisenberg Ralph Brower Michael V.Russo Michele A Govekar Kirsten Gronbjerg ; AngelaL. Bies

, Florida A&MU. , OhioU. ; Stephen T.T. Teo Matthew Liao-Troth Matthew

To Be Announced To Be Sunday 5:00PM Sunday 4:00PM , U.ofArizona , U.of Maryland ; AnthonyCresswell ☯ To BeAnnounced Management Practice-oriented | ; Mary EGuy , Carnegie MellonU. Center: Ballroom Section AB Center: BallroomSection ; SuellenM Littleton , Florida StateU. , U. ofCollegeDublin; , , IndianaU./PurdueU. , TexasA&MU. , U.ofOregon Carnegie MellonU. , IndianaU. , OhioNorthern U. , U.of Georgia , U.of Technology, Sydney ; JimPerry

Karl Aquino , Park U. , Florida StateU. , Western WashingtonU. , - Dean F.Eitel

; Karl Rethemeyer , - , U. ofAlbany,SUNY Denise M. ; JaneBeckett- ; KiraKristal , Indiana , London , U.of



, DePaul ; Mila , ; ; 188 Wellington Falling Water. | Falling Water. a Creative of Leadership Inspired Experience”- “Shared U. Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room311 5:00pm -7:00pmHawaii 415 Organizer: | Micro/Meso/Macro/Meta B 4 B Research Dissertation ofthe Shifts: Drawings Subterranean Link Aesthetic andCreative Pomona Program Chair: Reception Theme-oriented | 4 4 ; Gail Whiteman; Gail

Hoon Lee Tompkins Millar Dublin Nerina Jimmieson Veronica Boyle Photographic Exploration | Exploration Photographic | Business Classroom| Process | Process Process | Process Management | Poulson Herkenhoff Randall B Dunham Randall B Fernando Miguel Pereira Alves Albany; College ofArtsandDesign; Nacional das Belas-Artes Nacional dasBelas-Artes Lisboa (UTL); Tampere Indians from the Amazon Rainforest | Rainforest Amazon Indians fromthe Pepperdine U. Hawaii: Paradise Found... and Lost--APhotoEssay| Hawaii: ParadiseFound... Erstwhile Ears| at Home:A Work and at oftheSelf New Visions | messages with Boxes Tribal toTranspersonal| | Markers FromtheOuter ofManagement New Visions Ambiguity: A21stC Structuring a Creativity in A NewVisionofManagement:Nurturing Walking Companions| Poem: My Drawings ofAmeri Pencil Face theFuture:TheGlobalize Veil | Behind the | Paralysed Ri andFire: Flax, Fortune Poem)| (A On Culture Dennis A Gioia

Visions of Management in the 21st Century | 21st Century inthe Management of Visions NIGHT | Culturally tunedEmotion , Independent; : (Paper Session)-(ART) ; MattStatler Janet GraceSayers Chung-Ming Lau Chung-Ming , California Polytechnic State U.,Pomona , CaliforniaPolytechnic

Pedro DavidPerez , Nanyang BusinessSchool , PepperdineU. Terry B.Porter Terry Erika Sauer Erika , St. Mary's College Chris Poulson Wayne Visser Ma Petra Kugler Chee-Kong Ho Visual Presentation| , GriffithU. , ErasmusU. Fernando Miguel PereiraAlves , Pennsylvania State U. , Pennsylvania ria VirgíniaGoesPereiraAlves Samuel PhineasUpham Wayne Visser , U.of Queensland , U.ofWisconsin,Madison Nerina Jimmieson , ImaginationLabFoundation , U.ofTampere; Ellen LWest Mandy Sukman Lee Dennis A Gioia , ChineseU.ofHongKong Leisa Ann Millar , U. of Massachusetts, Amherst , U.of Massachusetts, , U. ofSt.Gallen D between Chess Gamesand between Chess c , U.ofNottingham Ralph JamesBathurst , California Polytechnic StateU., , California Polytechnic ding the Textile Wave| ding theTextile , MasseyU. , an-Chinese Daughters| an-Chinese ; HansHansen avid ACowan Henry Symonds Cornell U. , NationalU.ofSingapore; AcademyArts Openingand al Intelligence:Quechua , U.TécnicadeLisboa(UTL) Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofNottingham d Individual| entury Management Vision Management Vision entury Teri CTompkins , PortlandStateU. , U.ofQueensland ; David ACowan Arja M Ropo Linda MacGrain , Pennsylvania State U. State , Pennsylvania , Independent; , U. of Pennsylvania , U. ofPennsylvania , Miami U. , Miami , Victoria U.of , TrinityCollege , Whitecliffe Leisa Ann , U.Técnicade , Sociedade , MasseyU., Chris Maree , U.of , Teri C Chay , Miami Session Details Ð Sunday

4 The Downsizer | Chris Poulson, California Polytechnic 424 : (ICW) Organizational Behavior TeachingSociety and State U., Pomona Journal of Management Education Reception 7:00pm - 9:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room 416 : (ICW) Warwick Business School Cocktail Party Organizer: Jeanie M. Forray, Western New England College 5:00pm - 7:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 1 Hosts: Robert Marx, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Regina F Ann Jackson Organizer: , U. of Warwick Bento, U. of Baltimore Association of Korean Management Scholars Sunday 5:30PM 425 : (ICW) Reception 417 : (AAA) OCIS Executive Committee Meeting 7:00pm - 9:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room 5:30pm - 7:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A Organizer: Daesik Hur, Bowling Green State U. Division Chair: Laurie Kirsch, U. of Pittsburgh Host: Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount U. 426 : (ICW) Wharton School Reception Sunday 6:00PM 7:00pm - 9:00pm Off Site: Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort Organizer: Roxanne Gilmer, U. of Pennsylvania 418 : (AAC) Asia Academy of Management Reception 6:00pm - 8:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323B Organizer: Chung-Ming Lau, Chinese U. of Hong Kong Sunday 7:30PM 419 SPDW: (CAR, GDO) CAR/GDO Social Gathering 427 : (ICW) Hong Kong University of Science and 6:00pm - 8:00pm Off Site: Tiki Grill & Bar Technology Reception Tiki Grill & Bar, Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel, Level 2, 2570 Kalakaua 7:30pm - 10:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 Ave. (Walk towards Diamond Head and Kapiolani Park on main Organizer: Xueguang Zhou, Hong Kong U. Dept of Management street of Waikiki). SUNDAY Hosts: Mary Mallon, Massey U.; Lynn Bowes-Sperry, Western Sunday 8:00PM New England College 428 GLBT and Friends Reception 420 : (ICW) Association of Korean Management Scholars : (GDO) Meeting 8:00pm - 10:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 314 Allies, friends, gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgendered persons 6:00pm - 7:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room invited. Sponsors: U of Utah, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, OD Organizer: Daesik Hur, Bowling Green State U. Systems ( Host: Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount U. Hosts: Ron Ophir, York U.; Gerardo Okhuysen, U. of Utah; Bryant 421 SPDW: (OB, OMT, BPS, HR) Leadership Reception A Hudson, U. of Utah 6:00pm - 7:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301 (A&B) Organizer: Michael D. Mumford, U. of Oklahoma

Sunday 7:00PM 422 : (AAA) All Academy Reception 7:00pm - 9:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Center Rooftop Sponsored by: U. of Hawai`i at Manoa, Hawai`i Pacific U., and The Academy of Management. Leis provided by U. of Maryland. E komo mai. (Welcome) Aloha kakou. (Greetings everyone) Ho`olu komo la kaua. (Please join us.) The expression “Aloha kakou” conveys more than just greetings. It also means “let there be friendship between us” and conveys the hospitality of Hawai`i. Come greet old friends, make new acquaintances, and enjoy the warm tropical evening together. We are hosting a special Hawaiian welcome for all of you. Mahalo, (Thank you) from the Honolulu Local Arrangements Committee. Hosts: Ken G. Smith, U. of Maryland; Qing Cao, U. of Maryland; Thomas W. Lee, U. of Washington; Janet Thompson, U. of Washington Local Arrangements Chairs: Mary J. Mallott, U. of Hawai`i, West Oahu; Jerry M Calton, U. of Hawai`i, Hilo 423 : (ICW) Nova Southeastern University DBA Students' Meeting 7:00pm - 8:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Organizer: Jane Whitney Gibson, Nova Southeastern U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 189 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Employees: ChangingRolesandShiftingIdentities Coonfield Spiker Organizers: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyon-A1 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 429 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304A 8:00am -8:30amHawaii 435 Award:HRina Executive fortheDistinguished Address Achievement Career HenemanJr. fortheHerbert Address WorkshopChair: Professional Development Champaign Program Chair: Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Coral Ballroom4 Village: 8:00am -9:50amHiltonHawaiian 434 Local ArrangementsChairs: ConventionCenter:Room326B 8:00am -11:50pmHawaii 433 Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room306A 7:30am -8:30amHawaii 432 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room314 7:30am -8:30amHawaii 431 Organizers: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyon-A2 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 430 Coordinator: Hofmeister Distinguished Speakers: U. Michigan State Oahu Lausanne East Anglia Value Organizational Contributory Older WorkersforPositive Program Chair: of Technology Program Chair: Economics Global Economy| | Justice forOrganizational Quest Award:My Greenberg

; JerryM Calton : : : : : CAU: B

, MiamiU.,Ohio (IM) (HR) (AAA) (TIM) (MC) CAU: T , - eaching-oriented | Ch ; Sherry E.Sullivan ; Sherry IM DivisionWelcome (CAU) , Shell OilCompany Suzanne J.Peterson Hetty VanEmmerik Welcome and Awards Ceremony Welcome andAwards Welcome Breakfast forMC Welcome Breakfast TIM WelcomeBreakfast Scott ASnell Honolulu 2005,LAC (CAU) ristopher L Tucci , Ohio StateU. Schon Beechler Di Ri Joseph JMartocchio Ravi Ramamurti James M.Hunt ana LDeadrick ckie Moore Mentoring and CoachingofOlder Maximizing the Talents and Strengths of and Strengths theTalents Maximizing D Eleanor Westney K. Michele Kacmar Andreas Werr , U.of Hawai`i, Hilo ; RickNida John Hofmeister Monday 7:00AM Monday 8:00AM Monday 7:30AM Jerald Greenberg ☯ , Cornell U. , Cornell Management Practice-oriented | Mary J.Mallott , ISEOR, U.ofLyon , , BowlingGreen StateU. , Columbia U. , Columbia , Ecole Polytechnique Fédéralede , EcolePolytechnique , , Northeastern U. Babson College Babson College , OldDominionU. Utrecht U. , MiamiU.,Ohio , -

, Stockholm Schoolof , Stockholm

; Richard Hunter , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-

, ShellOilCompany , U.ofAlabama , Massachusetts Institute , MassachusettsInstitute , Ohio StateU.

, U. of Hawai`i,West ; Yehuda Baruch John RHollenbeck

; BarryK.

Jerald International-oriented| , - ; John ; Ted

, U.of , 190 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: ranked SIMstudentpaper. award,highest Dexter internationalaward,Newmandissertation nomineesfor 8-8:30am.Papersession:SIM Welcome session WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 8:00am -10:20amSheraton 437 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room321B 8:00am -8:30amHawaii 436 Complexity Leadership: ANe Leadership: Complexity | of Leadership Model Systems A Multi-Level AbsentTheory Developing Leadership Lost inParadise:Still in andTeamDynamics Leadership Chair: ConventionCenter:Room327 8:20am -10:20amHawaii 438 2 2 | andPower Discourse Ethics, Practice of Leadership in the 21st Century Practice ofLeadershipinthe21st Nominees Award 2005 SIMDivision New SIMMembers; Existing and Devinney WorkshopChair: Professional Development Rehbein Discussants: Chair: U. ofPennsylvania WorkshopChair: Professional Development Program Chair: Program Chair: Technology New MexicoStateU. WorkshopChair: Professional Development Theme-oriented | 4 B Cambridge; State U.ofNew York, Binghamton Collide: Access to HIV Medicines in South Africa | Africa in South toHIVMedicines Collide: Access State U.; Kinicki Technology, Sydney Technology, Sydney Hong Kong G. Martinsons 21st Century | Impact | of or Evidence | Approach Century A 21st Sama Benjamin A. Neville Marion Mary ShaneConnelly New York,Binghamton; Stakeholder Salience Revisited: Salience Stakeholder 4

B : B Angelo J. Kinicki Dawn R Elm

(ODC) Community-Level Application of ISCTWhenNorms Application Community-Level

, Marquette U. , PaceU.; , Australian Graduate School of Management , AustralianGraduateSchoolofManagement International Differences in Information Ethics | Ethics International DifferencesinInformation , ArizonaStateU.; , Clemson U. 4 JS:

Gregory Prussia Jennifer JGriffin

ODC Welcome and Breakfast ODC Welcome (OB, HR) Br Gretchen M.Spreitzer Gregory Whitwell Duane Windsor Ram Tenkasi : Visual Presentation| yan WHusted , City U.ofHongKong; (Paper Session)-(SIM) Mary Uhl-Bien William D.Reisel , U.ofSt.Thomas Kathleen Rehbein George Roth Monday 8:20AM , U.ofMelbourne; , ArizonaStateU. New Paradigms for theStudyand New Paradigmsfor , U.of Oklahoma;

Michael D. Mumford Michael D. Bruce Avolio Kathryn J.L.Jacobson , Benedictine U. , SeattleU. , George WashingtonU. w Vision of Leadership for the forthe ofLeadership w Vision , RiceU. , Francis JYammarinoFrancis Raymond Daniel Gordon , U. ofMelbourne Instituto de Empresa Instituto deEmpresa , U. ofCentralFlorida; , MassachusettsInstituteof Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , St. John's U. , St.John'sU. Long-Term Space Flight: Space Long-Term , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor Reassessing Legitimacy | Legitimacy Reassessing , Marquette U. Simon K.K.So Simon J. Bell Welcome for Session , U. ofNebraska Shelley DDionne Timothy Michael Thomas JDonaldson Michael RManning

, U. of Oklahoma;

Angelo J. , Arizona , StateU.of ; Kathleen , U.of Russ , CityU.of Linda M , U.of Maris Maris , , , Session Details Ð Monday

Speakers: Francis J Yammarino, State U. of New York, Role of Cultural Differences in Int'l Studies on Organizational Binghamton; Bruce Avolio, U. of Nebraska; Mary Uhl-Bien, U. of Stress and Knowledge Management | Rabi S Bhagat, U. of Central Florida Memphis Participants: Mary Shane Connelly, U. of Oklahoma; Shelley D Cultural Influences on Leadership Processes: Implications for Dionne ; Michael D. Mumford , State U. of New York, Binghamton , Peter W Dorfman, New Mexico State U. ; Kathryn J. L. Jacobson ; the 21st Century | U. of Oklahoma , Arizona State U. Derived Etics:An Approach to study International Human Gregory Prussia, Seattle U.; Russ Marion, Clemson U. Resource Management Practices | Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International U. Monday 8:30AM 442 4 : (Paper Session) - (ART) AcademyArts Exhibition 439 : (AAS) A New Vision of Management for the 21st and The Fringe Café (See Fringe Café program in Century: Moneyball as a Reframing Phenomenon registration packet) 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 Richard A Wolfe 8:30am - 10:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 311 Chair: , U. of Michigan Organizers: Hans Hansen, Victoria U. of Wellington; Pedro David Robert E Quinn Discussant: , U. of Michigan Perez, Cornell U.; David A Cowan, Miami U.; Gail Whiteman, Moneyball as Strategic Human Resource Management: Erasmus U.; Matt Statler, Imagination Lab Foundation Managing People and Data for Competitive Advantage | Program Chair: Chris Poulson, California Polytechnic State U., Patrick Wright, Cornell U. Pomona Lies, Damn Lies, and Sabermetrics: An Issue of 443 Visions of Diversity and Uniqueness: The Organizational Context | James R Terborg, U. of Oregon : (ART) Promise of Aesthetics Research in Management Moneyball and Entrepreneurial Opportunity in Professional Bill Gerrard 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 311 - Arts Baseball: A Case Study of Organizational L | , Chair: Pedro David Perez, Cornell U. Kathy M. Babiak Leeds U. Business School; , U. of Michigan Be Careful How You Interpret the World: It Is Like That | David Dennis L Smart Moneyball: A Strategic Management Lens | , A Cowan, Miami U. Richard A Wolfe Texas A&M U.; , U. of Michigan Of Metaphor, Art and Aesthetic Knowledge | Mary Jo Hatch, U. Kim Moneyball and Positive Organizational Scholarship | of Virginia Cameron , U. of Michigan Our Bodies, Our(ganizational)selves | Hans Hansen, Victoria U. Inside the Lines: Reactions to Moneyball/Sabermetrics by of Wellington Richard A Wolfe MLB Executives | , U. of Michigan Philosophies of Artistic Truth and Organizational Reality | Stephen A. Linstead 440 : (AAS) Making Public Schools Work: Management , U. of York Matt Statler Reform as the Key Aesthetic Research and Practical Wisdom | , 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 Imagination Lab Foundation MONDAY Chair: Lyman W. Porter, U. of California, Irvine Participants: David A Cowan, Miami U.; Hans Hansen, Victoria U. How Management Scholars Can Contribute to School Reform of Wellington; Mary Jo Hatch, U. of Virginia; Stephen A. Linstead, ; Matt Statler | Lyman W. Porter, U. of California, Irvine U. of York , Imagination Lab Foundation A Management Scholar's Report from the Front Lines of the 444 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Executing Alliances Effectively Education Wars | William G Ouchi, U. of California, Los 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B Angeles Chair: Anuja Gupta, Wharton School Contrary to Everything You've Heard, Unions Are Not the Discussant: Asli Musaoglu Arikan, Georgia State U. Problem | Adam Urbanski, Rochester Teachers Association, BAlliance Organization and Technological Performance: American Federation of Teachers Integrating KBV and TCE Explanations | Michael J Leiblein, A Cabinet Officer's Perspective on Making Schools Work | Ohio State U.; Jeff Macher, Georgetown U. Richard Riordan, Office of the Governor, State of California Safeguards or Coordination Mechanisms: the Role of A Governor's Perspective on Making Schools Work | Linda Relational Contracts in Buyer-supplier Alliances | Luiz F. Lingle, Governor, State of Hawaii Mesquita, Arizona State U.; Thomas Brush, Purdue U., West Lafayette Where is Culture in Management Research? A 441 : (AAS) The Relational Structure of an Alliance and Alliance Review, Synthesis and Future Directions Managers' Attribution of Poor Performance | Zhi Huang, 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B Boston College; Candace Jones, Boston College; Anita D Chair: Dharm Prakash Sharma Bhawuk, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Bhappu, Southern Methodist U. Where is Culture in Management Research? A Review, Together or Apart? An Empirical Investigation of Decision Synthesis and Future Directions | Dharm Prakash Sharma Making Within & Between Alliance Partners | Jorge Walter, Bhawuk, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa; Michael Valdez, U. of Hawai`i; New York U.; Christoph F. Lechner, U. of St. Gallen Vijayan P. Munusamy, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa; Amanda Budde, U. of Hawai`i; Kevin Lo, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa 445 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Value Creation in Models of Cultures, Management Processes, and Diversification and Divestitures Organizational Behavior | Miriam Erez, Technion 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 191 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Differ: WhatDoWe How DoFirms Chair: ConventionCenter:Room309 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 448 2 Conglomerates Withoutand Assets?FinancialIntermediation andtheirPerformance Deregulation to Responses Strategic Comp Breathing Shoesand Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 447 2 and Ris Strategic Responsiveness 4 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 446 2 Revisited: on Performance The EffectofDiversification 2 4 Discussant: Chair: Industry StructureforFirmPerformance Discussant: Organizational Culture as a Mediator of CEO Values and Values ofCEO Mediator as a Culture Organizational and Behaviora Rent Appropriation B Competition, Learning, or Le Variability of Firm Growth Rates: A Variance Components Rates:AVariance FirmGrowth of Variability TheImpactof InternationalDiversification: Corporate Padova; Carolina Denrell Juul Andersen the Evolution of the Advertising Industry| of theAdvertising the Evolution Industry| Implications intheU.S.Airline Industry| theFootwear Rejuvenated | Analysis | or Both? Premium, Discount, Diversification | Globalization Foreign Competition&Industry Santa ClaraU. David Hoopes Nordenflycht Wiersema Srikanth Instituto de Empresa; Instituto deEmpresa; Scranton; Rasheed Simon Padova; Oreg Carolina; Vasconcelos Organizational Performance | Performance Organizational | Divestment Resource Adoption of Websites by Consumer Magazines| by Consumer of Websites Adoption California StateU.,LongBeach Leuven-Gent Management School; Acquisition Experience an Experience Acquisition

: : : Dovev Lavie Lyda S.Bigelow Jill R.Hough Pek-hooi Soh (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) , U.of Haifa; , CornellU. T , StanfordU.; eaching-oriented | Pietro Romano Andrea Furlan , London Business School , London BusinessSchool Michelle Gittelman Jill R. Hough Harbir Singh Russell Coff , U. of Texas, Arlington Arlington of Texas, , U. Margarethe FWiersema Nancy BrownJohnson , U.of California,Irvine; Luiz Artur Ledur Brito , FGV-EAESP , Simon FraserU. , Southern MethodistU.; , , U.ofTexas,Austin Copenhagen Business School; Copenhagen Business , U.ofTulsa , NationalU. ofSingapore Taly Dvir , WashingtonU.inSt.Louis Richard A Bettis Manuel Becerra ☯ , Emory U. , U.of Pennsylvania , U.of Tulsa , U. ofPadova; Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Udine , U. Thomas P.Moliterno lementarities: HowGeoxhas lementarities: , Tel AvivU. Components ofPerformance The Nature of Capabilities of The Nature Implications ofShifting , d Value Creation | d ValueCreation gitimacy: Understanding the Understanding the gitimacy: New YorkU. Yair Berson , FGV-EAESP; , U.ofKentucky; Know AboutCapabilities? | Know k-Return Relations | k-Return Harry P.Bowen , U.ofCalifornia,Irvine David Andrew Horne l Antecedents of Strategic ofStrategic l Antecedents , Instituto de Empresa , Instituto , SMJEditor; U.ofNorth Andrea Vinelli Tammy L. MadsenTammy L. Arnaldo Camuffo

Irene Goll , U. of Haifa; Andrew Von , U. ofSouth Jerker C. Juan Santaló Flavio Kannan Margarethe F International-oriented| , Vlerick- Abdul Daniel , U.of , U.of Torben , Shaul , U.of


, 192 Irvine London Thomas Greckhamer Participants: Strategy: Framing andStrategyMaking Strategy: Framing 450 Three Framing: Incumbents Contests: Micromecha Framing Discussants: Chair: INSEAD Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room313B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 449 2 and Insi Patents Secrecy, Corporate Has the New Career Arrived in the Public Sector?A NewCareerArrivedinthePublic Has the Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 451 | and Prospects Issues Current Methods: Set-theoretic inCorporate Diversity Some DeterminantsofCross-National Configurational A Practices: HighPerforming Towards Convergence Is There with Set-theo Strategic Theorizing Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room313C 8:30am -10:20amHawaii of Arizona Hogeschool Antwerp Management and Strategy Research and Strategy Management New Insights from Advances inResearch Advances New Insightsfrom Theme-oriented | Assessing the Resource Base of Japanese and U.S. Auto Assessing theResourceBaseofJapaneseandU.S.Auto Technology Queensland U.ofTechnology; Rajeev Dhawan Fiss Respond totheInternet| the FaceofTechnicalChange| ForSome| Makes theShipComeIn... Qualitative Studyof Ownership: AFuzzySetsApproach| | CaseAnalysis Comparative | Dynamics ofOrganization Analysis Logical | Datasets of Pittsburgh; INSEAD; Pennsylvania U. Emory U.; Bradley Doz Antwerp; of London; Greckhamer Producers | Producers

; JohnPaul MacDuffie 4 JS: Anne S. Huff Jon P.Briscoe , INSEAD , Queen'sU.,Canada ; Bruce Kogut

JS: (CAR, OB) ; Geert vanHootegem Peer C. Fiss Peer C. , Queensland U.ofTechnology; SHCS: Sarah Kaplan GeertHootegem van John Paul MacDuffie John Paul (BPS, MOC) Ruth VAguilera J. C. Spender Russell Coff Ruth VAguilera Rodney Lacey , Louisiana State U. , Louisiana StateU. Marvin BLiebermanMarvin Charles Ragin Theories, Causal Mechanisms, and Theories, CausalMechanisms, Visual Presentation| (BPS, OMT, RM) , GeorgiaState U. , TechnischeU.,München ; Frits Pil ; Frits The Protean Career in the 21st Century: 21stCentury: The ProteanCareerinthe , Northern Illinois U. , INSEAD , LouisianaStateU. , Queen's U.,Canada MaleandFema The RoleofManagerialCognitionin , U.of Pennsylvania , Emory U.; , Open U. , U.ofPennsylvania , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign , U.of California,Irvine; , U. ofPittsburgh Gabriel Szulanski Established Companies Established , U. of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign , U.ofArizona ; Rodney Lacey , CatholicU.ofLeuven Kerry Brown , Catholic U.ofLeuven , nisms of Strategy-making in ofStrategy-making nisms Axel Marx U. of Pennsylvania; U. ofPennsylvania; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Set-theoretic Methodsin retic Methods and Large-N and Large-N retic Methods ; YvesDoz , U. of California, Los Angeles; , U.ofCalifornia,LosAngeles; Sarah Kaplan Peggy M. Lee der Trading: Loose Lips Lips Loose der Trading: ; Gregory Jackson le Managers|

Paula McDonald Gregory Jackson Scott D.Hayward , Hogeschool

; GabrielSzulanski ; CharlesRagin , Queensland U.of

, U.ofCalifornia, , INSEAD ; AxelMarx , INSEAD; , U.of Bruce Kogut , ArizonaState Thomas Frits Pil Lisa Peer C. Yves , , , U.of , U. ; , U. , U. , U. , , , Session Details Ð Monday

Are Protean Employees Less Committed to Their Transaction Cost Economics: No Longer Bad for Organizations? No! (And Yes.) | Jon P. Briscoe, Northern Business? | David Weitzner, York U. Illinois U.; Lisa M. Finkelstein, Northern Illinois U. Organizing Ecological Revolution What Does the Younger Generation Want? Evidence of the 454 4 : (CMS) 8:30am - 10:10am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room Protean Career Orientation in Germany | Rosina M. Organizing Ecological Revolution | John Bellamy Foster, U. of Gasteiger, Ludwig-Maximilians U., Munich Oregon Career Transitions: Conventional and Protean Careers of Former US Navy Admirals | Yehuda Baruch, U. of East 455 SHCS: (CMS, SIM) Competing Claims: Critical Anglia; James Campbell Quick, U. of Texas, Arlington Perspectives on ‘Sustainability’ and Biotechnology The "Protean" Approach to Unemployment: Results From a 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 2 Michael B Elmes ; Qualitative Study | Jon P. Briscoe, Northern Illinois U.; Lea Organizers: , Worcester Polytechnic Institute Sally Jane Davenport Waters, U. of Melbourne , Victoria U. of Wellington Participants: Yehuda Baruch, U. of East Anglia; Lea Waters, U. of 'Nature' in the Discourse of Sustainable Development and Melbourne; Lisa M. Finkelstein, Northern Illinois U.; Rosina M. Biotechnology in NZ: A North American View | Michael B Gasteiger, Ludwig-Maximilians U., Munich; Lisa Bradley, Elmes, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Queensland U. of Technology; Paula McDonald, Queensland U. of The Role of Communication in Sustainable Biotechnology in Technology; James Campbell Quick, U. of Texas, Arlington; NZ: Media, Indigenous and Public Voices | Kay Weaver, U. Jurgen Kaschube, Ludwig-Maximilians U., Munich; Kerry Brown, of Waikato; Fiona Te Momo, Massey U. Queensland U. of Technology Participation and Partnerships: Sustaining A Nascent, Judy Motion Bill 452 Obstacles to Fairness: The Controversial Industry | , U. of Waikato; B JS: (CM, OB, HR) Doolin Trials and Tribulations of Getting Managers to Enact , Auckland U. of Technology Justice Sustaining Ambiguity: Enabling Stakeholder Interaction Sally Jane 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B Through Multiple Sustainability Discourses | Chairs: David L. Patient, U. of British Columbia; Chris Long, Davenport, Victoria U. of Wellington; Shirley R. Leitch, U. of Washington U. Waikato Discussant: M Audrey Korsgaard, U. of South Carolina 456 4: (Paper Session) - (ENT) The Internationalization of The Delicate Art of Bearing Bad News: The Role of New Ventures: Strategies and Performance Effects Ramona Dispositional Factors in Managerial Distancing | 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B Bobocel, U. of Waterloo; Katrina L Goreham, U. of Waterloo Chair: Joy Godesiabois, U. of Colorado, Boulder Moral Maturity, Emotional Intelligence, and Interpersonal 4The Differential Effects of Social Capital Types on David L. Patient Justice: Delivering Bad News | , U. of British Internationalization | Shameen Prashantham, Strathclyde U. MONDAY Daniel Skarlicki Columbia; , U. of British Columbia 4International Entrepreneurial Action and SME The Compassionate Side of Unfairness: Empathy and Unjust Internationalization | Hanna Berg, Stockholm School of Managerial Decisions | Steven Blader, New York U. Economics; Carin Holmquist, Stockholm School of Economics Fairness in the Face of Adversity: How Conflicts Affect 4 Network Analysis in an International Entrepreneurial Managers’ Fairness-Building Efforts | Chris Long, Environment | Joy Godesiabois, U. of Colorado, Boulder Washington U. 24The Internationalization of US Venture Capital Firms: An Isin Guler Mauro F 453 : (Paper Session) - (CMS) Corporate Social Empirical Examination | , Boston U.; Guillen Responsibility, Governance, and Stakeholder Theory , U. of Pennsylvania 8:30am - 10:20am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Hilo Room 457 New Venture Evolution & Terrance G. Weatherbee : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Chair: , Acadia U. Performance Discussant: Janice Traflet, Bucknell U. 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A A Critical Analysis of Stakeholder Theory and Corporate Chair: Brett Anitra Gilbert, Georgia State U. Harry J Van Buren III Governance | , U. of New Mexico Resource Development Phases in New Ventures | Page West, B Governance versus Governing: Philosophical Issues Wake Forest U.; Charles E. Bamford, Queen's U. Underpinning Corporate Governance | Steve Letza, Leeds Iridium’s House of Cards: The Nature of Entrepreneurial Clive Smallman Metropolitan U.; , Lincoln U., New Zealand; Stages and Stage Transitions | Kevin Dooley, Arizona State Xiuping Sun , Leeds Metropolitan U. U.; Gregory A Daneke, Arizona State U.; Seemantini Madhukar The Political Role of Business in Society: CSR Seen From Pathak, Arizona State U. a Habermasian Perspective | Andreas Georg Scherer, U. of Real Options Reasoning and the Formation of Guido Palazzo Zurich; , U. of Lausanne Entrepreneurial Conceit | Jay J Janney, U. of Dayton Hidden Costs of Corporate Governance: Crowding Out of 2An Analysis of New Venture Performance: Linking Product Michael C. Trust - Modus Operandi and Economic Effects | Innovation and Legitimation | Reiko Kishida, Case Western Nippa Jens Grigoleit , Freiberg U.; , Freiberg U. Reserve U.; William S Schulze, Case Western Reserve U.; David Deeds, Case Western Reserve U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 193 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Conflict, Interference,andFacilitation Outcomes and Processes, Firms:Antecedents, Entrepreneurial Administration Discussant: theDegr Explain Factors That of SouthernCalifornia Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room316A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 458 Connecting Work-FamilyPo Discussant: Chair: SouthPacific1 Village: 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiian 460 of and Men:AStudy forWomen andEarnings Pay Dispersion 4 4 2 Chair: SeaPearlSuite1-2 Village: 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiian 459 Young, of the Survival Capital,and Exporting, Social Lear Rebounds: By Leapsand Heterogene Why Does The Entrepreneur'sPath | Companies CapitalBacked ofVenture Export Intensity Worldwide Bingham Participants: Wright Management School Gender, Race, and Meritocracy in Organizational Careers | Careers inOrganizational andMeritocracy Gender, Race,

Gender Inequalities in Earnings among Israeli Israeli among inEarnings Gender Inequalities M. Konrad Management School Management School; Management School; a Sticky Floor or a Glass Ceiling? | or aGlass a StickyFloor Louise Scholes Wright B. Bingham High Tech Startups | High TechStartups Environments | | Environments Swedish Doctors.| Still | Exist? Discrimination Lawyers:Does | Firms Technology-Based International Market En Emilio J.Castilla U. ofLausanne Kuemmerle U. of Minnesota California; College ofManagement,Israel Moore

B : 4 Gender and Racial Differential Gender andRacial Laura M Graves Christine BrownMahoney (Paper Session)-(GDO) , Nottingham U. , Nottingham Harry JSapienza : SHCS: (Paper Session) -(GDO) , Stanford U. , College of Management,Israel; T , Nottingham U.; , Nottingham eaching-oriented |

Regine Bendl Regine Patti LynnCollett

Erkko Autio Erkko Dalhia Mani , U.of WesternOntario; , Harvard U. , Stanford U. (ENT, BPS,IM) , NottinghamU.; Alison Cook ; WalterKuemmerle , U.ofPennsylvania Harlow Award Nominee ; Bart Clarysse; Bart , ClarkU. Yang Ans Heirman Johan Bruneel ity inCapabilitiesArise?| ☯ , HEC, U. of Lausanne of , HEC,U. , U.of Minnesota Bart Clarysse , U.ofMinnesota; , Vienna U. of Economics and Business , ViennaU.ofEconomicsandBusiness Andrew Burrows Management Practice-oriented | to GlobalExpansion| try Capabilities| , U. ofNorth Texas licies to Supportive Work Supportive licies to Internationalization of Internationalization Pay and Promotion Inequities and Promotion Pay Helena Yli-Renko ee of Internationalisation of ee of Internationalisation , UtahStateU. ning and Development of and Development ning , U.ofMinnesota Work and Family: Balance, Work andFamily:Balance, , U.ofWesternOntario; Dave Paton , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent Kathy Cannings , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent s in Promotions: IsThere s inPromotions: , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent Margaret Yap , Harvard U. Tamar Almor-Ellemers ; HelenaYli-Renko

Harry JSapienza , Nottingham U.;

Erkko Autio Erkko ; ChristopherB. , NottinghamU. Dalia Rachman- , U. ofSouthern Walter Christopher ; Mike International-oriented| , UppsalaU. , Ryerson , HEC, Alison Mi , U. , U. ke , 194 Susan Perry Technology Frehill Participants: and Engineering WomenFacultyinScience Advancing Transformation: Meeting New Insights Transforming theFacultyMindset| Transforming Cha Theory Driven Chair: ConventionCenter:Room316C 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 461 Coping with in Differences Gender Work-Family Typesof Alliance:Distinct The Work-Family Too:Understanding We're Busy An Investigation of the Effects of oftheEffects An Investigation of Exploration Search: An on Job The RoleofEthnicity Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 463 State U.ofNew York, Albany WorkshopCoordinator: Professional Development Program Chair: Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: learn aboutawardwinnersfromthis year. intheHCMdivision,hearwhat'scomingupand Become involved WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 462 Stragegies for Change: The GenderEquityProject | Appro Institutional An Integrated Organi Gendered Transforming Facilitator: Theme-oriented | Mexico State U.; Mexico StateU.; Wendy R Boswell London BusinessSchool; State U. and Work Outcomes ofMidlifeWomen| and WorkOutcomes Facilitation and Outcomes for Women and Men | Women andMen Facilitation andOutcomesfor Women WithoutChildren| Never-Married Cultural Intelligence on Job Search | Search onJob Intelligence Cultural Processes andOutcomes| Faculty | Theory| Organization on Feminist Based T. AlexandraBeauregard Annemarie Nicols-Grinenko Van Steenbergen Marcinkus Maryland Karen SWhelan-Berry Hamilton Western ReserveU.; The Impact of SocialSupport The Impact

SHCS: JS: : Diana Bilimoria MeredithBurnett F. , New Mexico StateU. (HCM)

(HR, OB) Ronda Roberts Callister ; AnnemarieNicols-Grinenko Ramon J.Aldag , Boston College; Mary FrankFox Cecily Jeser-Cannavale Cecily , CaseWesternReserveU. (GDO, CAR) , BostonCollege; H Ka

Jane Banaszak-Holl ealth Care Management Division Business ealth CareManagementDivision Visual Presentation| thryn H Danskythryn H

Job Search, Evaluation,andOutcomes: Job Search, Cecily Jeser-Cannavale nge Efforts| , LeidenU.; Ruth AAnderson , TexasA&MU. , CaseWesternReserveU. Susan Perry Applying TheorytoUniversity , UtahValley StateCollege , U.of Maryland Mark V Roehling ; MaryFrankFox , U. of Wisconsin, Madison , U. ofWisconsin, , Georgia InstituteofTechnology , U. of Surrey Judith R Gordon Judith R Gordon , HunterCollege,CUNY Meredith F. Burnett Meredith F. Naomi Ellemers zations: A Mentoring Program A Mentoring zations: , Pennsylvania State U. , Pennsylvania Ronda Roberts Callister Ronda Roberts ach to the Advancement of of totheAdvancement ach the Work-Life Conflictof the Work-Life on theWork-FamilyBalance Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Personality, Emotional and Emotional Personality, , UtahState U. , U. ofMichigan,AnnArbor , CaseWesternReserveU. , NewMexicoStateU. Work-Home Interference | Interference Work-Home Diana Bilimoria , Duke U. , Duke

, Hunter College,CUNY Lisa M.Moynihan , New Mexico StateU. , Michigan StateU.; , Georgia Instituteof Wendy Carol , Boston College; Lisa Frehill Elizabeth A. , Boston College , Leiden U. , Leiden Timothy Hoff , U.of , Case Elianne ; Lisa , Utah , New , , ; Session Details Ð Monday

Self-Verification in the Interview: Job Seekers’ Battle of the Finalist--IMD Best Paper from an Under-represented Country Wills | Daniel M Cable, U. of North Carolina 4Managing Social Mechanisms of Control in Safeguarding Influence of Information, Source Content & Valence on Job International Alliances | Cheng-Min Chuang, National Taiwan Seekers’ Beliefs of Potential Employers | Adam M. Kanar, U. Cornell U.; Christopher Collins, Cornell U.; Bradford S. Bell, 466 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Knowledge Flows in MNC Cornell U. Subsidiaries How Does Familiarity Influence Job Seekers’ Evaluations & 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305A Cynthia Kay Stevens Decisions to Apply? | , U. of Maryland; Chair: Laszlo Tihanyi, Texas A&M U. Lisa Dragoni, U. of Maryland; Meredith F. Burnett, U. of Exploration and Exploitation: The Effects of Subsidiary Maryland Learning Strategy on Knowledge Outcomes | Shaohua Participants: Mark V Roehling, Michigan State U.; Wendy R "Carolyn" Mu, Baylor U.; Devi R Gnyawali, Virginia Tech Boswell, Texas A&M U.; Christopher Collins, Cornell U.; Does Knowledge Sharing Pay?A MNC Subsidiary Bradford S. Bell, Cornell U.; Lisa Dragoni, U. of Maryland; B4 Torben Pedersen Meredith F. Burnett, U. of Maryland Perspective on Knowledge Outflows | , Copenhagen Business School; Volker Mahnke, CBS; Markus 464 BJS: (HR, ODC) New Directions in Organizational Venzin, Bocconi U. Citizenship Behavior Research 24Capabilities, Cultural Distance and the Effectiveness of 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319B Knowledge Flows Within the MNC | Tina Claudia Chini, Chair: Christiane Spitzmueller, U. of Houston London Business School; Björn Ambos, U. of Edinburgh Encouraging OCB at Work: An Examination of Personality Moderating Effects of Culture in Transfer Of Knowledge | and Situational Cues | Dana Glenn, U. of Houston; Eric M. Verner Worm, Copenhagen Business School; Xiaojun Xu, Dunleavy, U. of Houston; Meagan Tunstall, U. of Houston; Fudan U.; Jai Sinha, Assert Institute of Management Studies Christiane Spitzmueller, U. of Houston 4Knowledge Flows in MNCs: A Typology of Subsidiary Roles Role Definition as a Moderator of the Relationship Between | Anne-Wil Harzing, U. of Melbourne; Niels G. Noorderhaven, Personality and OCB | Olga Clark, Bowling Green State U.; Tilburg U. Michael J. Zickar, Bowling Green State U.; Steve Jex, Bowling Green State U. 467 : (Paper Session) - (IM) National Culture and Managerial Supervisor and Recipient Ratings of Altruism: Is Coworker Behavior Help Always Helpful? | Kristina Renee Miller, U. of Houston; 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Chair: David C. Thomas, Simon Fraser U. Christiane Spitzmueller, U. of Houston Discussant: Mansour Javidan, Thunderbird, The Garvin School of Is Organizational Survey Participation an Organizational International Management

Citizenship Behavior? | Christiane Spitzmueller, U. of MONDAY 2 A Vision for Overcoming Challenges in Cross-Cultural Houston; Dana Glenn, U. of Houston; Christopher Barr, U. of Management Research and Practice | Richard DeJordy, Houston; Steven Rogelberg, U. of North Carolina, Charlotte; Boston College Patrick Daniel, U. of Houston Finalist--Doug Nigh Award Presenters: Kristina Renee Miller, U. of Houston; Olga Clark, Bowling Green State U.; Christiane Spitzmueller, U. of Houston; 4Effects of Organizational Socialization on Work Enthusiasm Robert J Taormina Dana Glenn, U. of Houston in Two Chinese Cultures | , U. of Macau; Jennifer H. Gao, Macau U. of Science and Technology 465 : (Paper Session) - (IM) What Makes for Successful 4Cultural Variation and the Psychological Contract:The Alliances? Mediating Effect of Exchange Ideology | David C. Thomas, 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A Simon Fraser U.; Elizabeth C Ravlin, U. of South Carolina; Preet S Aulakh Chair: , York U. Kevin Au, Chinese U. of Hong Kong Andrew Delios Discussant: , National U. of Singapore 4Managers Perceptions of Organization in Africa: Evidence 24 Alliance Formation Propensity in the Global Chemical- from South Africa and Zimbabwe | Terence Jackson, ESCP- Farok Contractor Pharmaceutical Industry | , Rutgers EAP European School of Management Business School--Newark and New Brunswick; Sam Beldona, 24How do You Climb the Corporate Ladder? The Ethical Wichita State U.; Chang-Su Kim, Nanyang Business School Preferences for Influencing Superiors | David A Ralston, U. 4Do Japanese Firms Outperform U.S. Partners in of Oklahoma; Carolyn Egri, Simon Fraser U.; Irina Naoumova, Technology Alliances?: A Test of Market Valuations | U. of Tennessee; Florian Wangenheim, U. of Dortmund; Ping Byung Hee Lee , Hanyang U. Ping Fu, Chinese U. of Hong Kong; Maria Teresa de la Garza 24The Development of Trust in Product Development Carranza, Instituto Technologico de Celaya; Laurie Milton, U. of Partnerships: A Comparison between Korea and Austria | Calgary, U. of Western Ontario; Tania Casado, U. of Sao Paulo; Martin Hemmert, Korea U.; Ludwig Bstieler, U. of New Prem Ramburuth, U. of New South Wales; Mahfooz Alam Hampshire Ansari, U. Science Malaysia; Liesl Riddle, George Washington Finalist--IMD Best Paper from an Under-represented Country U.; Ho-Beng Chia, National U. of Singapore; Ilya Girson, U. of 4An Examination of Wealth Creation of Global R&D Westminster; Malika Richards, Pennsylvania State U.; Ian Collaborations | Byung Hee Lee, Hanyang U. Palmer, U. of Technology, Sydney; David M Brock, Ben-Gurion

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 195 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday BPS: 4 B Facilitator: Tapa1-TableA2 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 469 Facilitator: Tapa1-TableA1 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 468 BPS: BPS: BPS: BPS: BPS: BPS: BPS: OMT:

Tang U., Milan; Christine MinHsunKuo Radboud U.Nijmegen; State U. of Dallas; Stress EBiofeedback; Lenartowicz U.; U. ofToronto; U. ofMinnesota Evidence from Gro Evidence from Susman Wichita StateU.; Virginia Tech; Zhou Fund Minnesota Philip Bromiley Abhirup Chakrabarti Peking U. Changhui Zhou Thanh Hung Narasimhan Srinivasan U., Negev; Carolin Wolff West Lafayette; Ruth and Centralization of HR Compensation Services | Services ofHRCompensation and Centralization inS Governance Structure Industries | Contextof Kno Performance:The China | in Process onTakeover Target's Ownership Defenses' Underlying Cost and Profit Logics | Logics CostandProfit Underlying Defenses' M. Vera Order that is Distinct from Western Practice? | Practice? Distinct fromWestern is Order that Maribor; Osijek; Exploitation | Exploitation

: : BPS: Trust, Transaction Cost Econ Trust, TransactionCost Provi ofOnline The Influence of Basis and Economic Social The orAlly? Make, Buy, TargetandAcquisition with Prior Alliance in Acquisitions:The Learning Explaining HostileTake The GeographicDiffusion Sequential vs.OutrightAcquisitions:Effectsofthe Francisco B.Castro (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) , Purdue U., WestLafayette; , LingnanU.; , Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; and Technology; , HongKong U.ofScience , PennsylvaniaStateU. Antecedents ofIntentionally Arunas Starkus T , U.ofHouston Valerie Claude-Gaudillat Paulo JoseProchno eaching-oriented | , PennsylvaniaState U. Harald Herrig Do Chinese Businesses Endorse an Economic anEconomic Endorse Businesses Do Chinese Donna Ledgerwood Andre AnugerahPekerti Arif Nazir Butt Arif Nazir Sanjay Banerjee Sanjay , Florida Atlantic U.; , FloridaAtlanticU.; , NationalEconomicsU.; , U. ofMunich; Zhilin Yang Alan Wallace Louise Anne Nemanich William ATulskie , U.ofMinnesota; , PekingU.; Donald D Bergh Finalist--IMD BestPaper Paulina Wan unded Theory| , DukeU. Isabelle Maignan ☯ , ESC-Grenoble; Yong-lin Moon , CIBER-Vilnius; , U. do Porto, CEMPRE;do Porto, , U. Management Practice-oriented | , Yuan Ze U.; , U.of Connecticut; Transaction Economics Cost Acquisition Integration , Lahore U.ofManagement Sciences; , City U. ofHongKong , Retired; Jianfeng Wu over Outcomes via Takeover viaTakeover over Outcomes Arnold Picot upplier Relationships | upplier Relationships , FundaçãoDom Cabral , U. ofMinnesota; , U. ofNorth Texas; of Business Acquisitions | Acquisitions of Business , LingnanU.; Ana MariaRossi , CERAM Thomas Brush , PurdueU.; Jared D.Harris , - Ro sion on the Outsourcing Outsourcing on the sion omics, and Mechanisms | omics, andMechanisms , U.ofQueensland; Incomplete Contracts – Contracts Incomplete wledge-intensive wledge-intensive Marina Fiedler le Wade Danis Philip Hallinger Mario Molteni , Seoul National U.; , U.ofHouston; s of Exploration and of Exploration s Tevfik Dalgic , ING; Vojko Potocan , PekingU.; , MunichU.

Marina Dabic Tomasz Gerald I Ruth C May Akbar Zaheer Olivier Furrer , PurdueU., Laura Poppo John Perry , U.of , Georgia , ClinicaDe Kevin Zheng Mark Weber International-oriented| , MunichU.; , Catholic

, UTD; Bret Ryan Yiyi Su , Mahidol Derek Moureen Dusya , U.of , U. of , U. , U.

Vu , , , , , , 196 TIM: B Facilitator: Tapa1-TableA4 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 471 2 B Facilitator: Tapa1-TableA3 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 470 Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB2 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 473 B Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB1 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 472 B Knowledge Competencies MOC: MSR: OB: Winner ofMED Division Best Paper inManagement Education B Theme-oriented | 4 CMS: MC: U. ofEconomics How Will We Meet the Challenges of Competition? | theChallenges Meet How WillWe Participant Observation | Observation Participant | as Alumni&Friends University the French Tour Operating Industry| TourOperating the French Consultants in China Mainland| in Consultants Melbourne Peter Galvin Lv Ping Ventures | Ventures New Technology inChinese Product Performance Professor | Determined Management Blog ofa Learning: The Memphis; Taylor Seers Technology and Employee Identity | and Employee Lafayette Yinghong (Susan) Wei Western Washington U. Western Washington Performance | Performance Organizationally Valued Outcomes | ValuedOutcomes Organizationally Bruce Thomson Tsinghua U.; Ho MED: MED: OB: Kristi Lewis Tyran Temporal Orientation and Its Relationship to and ItsRelationship Orientation Temporal

The Role of OrganizationalSyst The Role MED: : : : : , -; Bringing Who We Are toWork:Bringing WhoWeAre ATheoreticalModel| Managerial Cognitions on Performance : The Case of :TheCase on Performance Cognitions Managerial (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP)

Study on Identifying Competency Competency Study onIdentifying Relations at Work and Sense of Self: Exploring LMX Exploring LMX ofSelf: andSense Relations atWork TIM: Manufacturing the “Little Man”: Analysis From Analysis Man”: “Little Manufacturing the , Virginia Commonwealth , VirginiaU. The Role of Metacognition in Problem-Based in Problem-Based The RoleofMetacognition | Tool Learning asaStudent Writing CaseStudies , U.ofMemphis MED: Foley Charles Michael KMoch Nell TaborHartley John EDelery Linda JeanTwiname , Tsinghua U.; , Tsinghua Knowledge Markets and Management Education: andManagementEducation: Knowledge Markets

Pamela K.Steverson Proximal and Distal Search Behavior and New and Behavior Search and Distal Proximal Kwaku Atuahene-Gima Linda LBrennan , Curtin U.ofTechnology; Zhao Ping Connecting CourseworktoRealWork:

Visual Presentation| Dinesh Venkiteshwaran , MonashU. , WesternWashingtonU.; , - Lu Lei , U.ofArkansas , Oklahoma StateU. , Tsinghua U.; , Tsinghua , MichiganStateU. Exploring SourcesofValue Teaching andActionable Incentives, Rewards and Rewards Incentives, Identity andIdentification Pamela Tierney , Robert Morris U. Roy StagerJacques , TsinghuaU.; , U.ofWaikato , Mercer U. , Mercer , U.ofMemphis; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Virtual Mentors to Students toStudents Mentors Virtual Wang Yihua , CityU.ofHongKong; ems onKnowledge and Li Gregg Jennifer Davies Tejinder KBilling Raphael Dornier Se , Purdue U.,West , Portland StateU. Liao Yimin ts forManagement ts Joseph EGarcia , , TsinghuaU.; , Auckland U. of , AucklandU.of Robert R - ; Ho Alfred , , U.of

Anson , Izmir

, U.of S.

, Session Details Ð Monday

OMT: Entrepreneurial Autonomy, Incentives, and Relational 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 Donna L Wiley Governance in Franchise Chains | Olivier Cochet, U. of Facilitator: , California State U., Hayward IM: Muenster; Julian Dormann, U. of Muenster 4 Cultural Dissimilarity in Teams: The Role of Relational HR: The Dispersion of Employees' Wage Increases and Firm and Collective Identification | Danielle Cooper, U. of Illinois, Performance | Christian Grund, U. of Bonn; Niels Urbana-Champaign OB: Westergaard-Nielsen, Aarhus Business School The Contingent Model of Paternalistic Leadership: HR: Different Relationships Between Performance Appraisal Subordinate Dependence and Leader Competence | Li- Fang Chou Bor-Shiuan Cheng Bard Kuvaas, , National Taiwan U.; , National Satisfaction and Work Performance | Chin-Kang Jen Norwegian School of Management Taiwan U.; , National Sun Yat-Sen U. IM: HR: The Positive Illusion of Applicants | Maria Fernanda 4 Country Clusters for Int'l Mgt Research: Comparative A Garcia, U. of Texas, El Paso Analyses of Neural Network and Other Approaches | Ahad M Osman-Gani, Nanyang Business School BPNP: Mission-Market Tension in Managing Nonprofit OB: Arijit Chatterjee Organizations | Dennis R Young, Case Western Reserve U. Flow in Teams | , Pennsylvania State U. 477 Modeling and Conceptualizing 474 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Perspectives on Developing : (Paper Session) - (IP) Knowledge Competencies 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B3 Steve Scullen Facilitator: Dail Fields, Regent U. Facilitator: , Drake U. MOC: 4IM: Phenomenography: Understanding Internationalisation The Role of Time in Interdependence: Development of Sally Blount Peter W. Lamb, La Trobe U. the Temporal Adaptability Scale. | , New York U.; from a Practitioner Perspective | Sophie Leroy / U. of Queensland; Jorgen Sandberg, U. of Queensland; Peter , New York U. MOC: W. Liesch, U. of Queensland Voices in the Static: The False Perception of Patterns in MC: Exploring Managerial Dilemmas in Professional Service the Noise of Everyday Life | Jennifer Ann Whitson, Firms | Flemming Poulfelt, Copenhagen Business School; Northwestern U. OMT: Soeren H. Jensen, Copenhagen Business School Narratives in Knowledge Management: Bridging the Gap Georg MED: Psychological Safety in Learning Teams: Insights between Narrative and Discursive Knowledge | Schreyogg Daniel Geiger from a Conversation-Centered Perspective | Esther Wyss- , Freie U. Berlin; , Freie U. Berlin RM: Flamm, Alliant International U.; Anthony Pescosolido, U. of B Spectral Analysis of Socio-economic Diagnoses : New Hampshire Qualimetrical Treatment of Qualitative Data | Henri Savall, OMT: The Socialization of Novice and Experienced ISEOR, U. of Lyon; Veronique Zardet, ISEOR, U. of Lyon; Nouria Harbi Newcomers In an Ideographic Organization | Susanne G , ISEOR, U. of Lyon ODC: Scott, U. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Vicki R. Lane, U. of B Answers for Questions to Come: Reflective Dialogue MONDAY Colorado, Denver; Kellyann Berube Kowalski, U. of as an Enabler for Strategic Innovation | Claus D Jacobs, Massachusetts, Dartmouth Imagination Lab Foundation; Loizos Th. Heracleous, Templeton College, Oxford U. 475 : (Paper Session) - (IP) New Views on Leadership 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B4 478 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Signals and Status Facilitator: Titus Oshagbemi, Queen's U., Belfast 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 OB: Loyal Squires: How Their Psychological and Operational Facilitator: Amy-Nicole Salvaggio, U. of Tulsa Effects Make Charismatic Leadership Possible | Mark B OCIS: Languaging Conflict: A Case Study of Weber, U. of Toronto; Celia Moore, U. of Toronto; Roger L. Contraversation. | Maria Aggestam, Lund U.; James Keenan, Martin, U. of Toronto Fairfield U. MH: A Historical Investigation of Portrayals of Leaders in the OB: The Effects of Leader Compassion Display on Follower Business Press, 1980-1999 | David R Hannah, Simon Fraser Attributions: Building a Socialized Image | Susan Michie, U. U.; Christopher D. Zatzick, Simon Fraser U. of Evansville; Debra L Nelson, Oklahoma State U. OMT: Daniel Beunza 2CMS: What is the Meaning of Leadership? A Guided Tour Securities Analysts as Frame-Makers | through a Swiss-German Leadership Landscape | Nada Ibanez, Pompeu Fabra U.; Raghu Garud, New York U. Endrissat, Basel U.; Werner R. Mueller, Basel U.; Jens O. B MOC: A Proposed Framework for Examining Denial in Meissner, Basel U. Organizations | C Ken Weidner, St. Joseph's U.; Yasmin S. BOB: Goal Orientation: Examining Validity and Nomological Purohit, St. Joseph's U. Arlise P. Relationships with Core Self-Evaluations | 479 Cognition and Strategic Action Mckinney : (Paper Session) - (IP) , U. of North Carolina, Greensboro 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C4 OB: Desire to Lead vs. Desire To Develop Leadership Facilitator: Daria Panina, Texas A&M U. Capability: Relevance of ‘Born vs. Made’ Beliefs | Todd J. BTIM: Reconstructive Remembering in Project Environments | Maurer, Georgia State U.; Michael Lippstreu, Georgia Institute Eugenia Cacciatori, Bocconi U. of Technology 476 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Research on Groups

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 197 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Organizational Evolution Cases andApplications the Scholarship ofTeaching,Learning,andEducation the Scholarship 4 Discussants: Chair: WaikikiBeach:Kohala/Kona Room 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 482 Distinguished Speakers: Session MED DivisionWelcome SouthPacific2 Village: 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiian 481 B B B 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room314 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 480 2 4 TIM: TIM: Northern U. Tworoger Discussant: Bailey Moderators: LeClair Washington Kevin G. Corley Gioia MOC: Consulting Strategies forEmpl Consulting Strategies and Trust Consumer ItsImpact on Customers: Educating A Historical Investigation of the Investigation A Historical

Ohio U.; Between Two Models of Strategic IssueDiagnosis| Models ofStrategic Between Two Family Firms: A Cross-Cultural Analysis | Analysis A Cross-Cultural Family Firms: | an Organization of Evolution Theory fromthe Southern Mississippi Southern Mississippi; Topping State U. Timothy PBlumentritt Julian Saginaw Valley State U. Saginaw Valley California StateU.,Sacramento; Eisingerich Consultants; Diversification Structure | Structure Diversification Foreign Affairs| Effective HRM and Job Embeddedness | HRMandJobEmbeddedness Effective | Consulting Management Implications for Creation of Non-Profits | of Non-Profits Creation Management Control| Management State U.,Sacramento; Oral History as a Classroom Tool: Learning Management Management Learning Tool: Classroom as a Oral History

Designing and Processing a Socio-economic aSocio-economic andProcessing Designing Knowledge Search Pattern and Innovation: TheRoleof andInnovation: Pattern Knowledge Search | Practices andInnovative Strategy Types Business Handling Wicked Problems at the Dutch Ministry of Ministry Dutch atthe Wicked Problems Handling , PennsylvaniaStateU. B B PNP: Alfred A. Bolton Aaron J Nurick , George Washington U. , Association to Advance Collegiate Schools ofBusiness Collegiate Schools toAdvance , Association : Saying FUI toTO/FU:ExploringtheRelationship Saying

(Paper Session) -(MC) , SaginawValleyStateU.; , NovaSoutheasternU. T

eaching-oriented | ; C R Marshall ; CR Jari Ojala , U.of Southern Mississippi; ; ChristineQuinn Trank : Dances of Power: Normative Agency inthe Agency Normative Dances ofPower: David Jamieson David J. B. Arbaugh (MED) Charles WBlackwell : , U. of Cambridge; , U.of (Paper Session)-(MH) Annemieke Stoppelenburg , Arizona State U. , ArizonaState Perils and PossibilitiesforPublishing Perils and Hans Vermaak , U.ofJyvaskyla; , BentleyCollege , Averett U. Stephen ChristianBushardt William MMoore ☯ Chris W.Wright , MarquetteU.; , U. of Wisconsin, Stevens Pt. , U.of Wisconsin,Stevens Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Wisconsin,Oshkosh

Laurent Cappelletti ; CynthiaFukami

, Pepperdine U. Nidhi Srinivas Qing Cao

Consulting to Organizations: ; Michele A Govekar Simon J.Bell ; Christina Fong , NovaSoutheasternU. oyee Retention: The Role of TheRole Retention: oyee Anthony R.Wheeler Joseph Ofori-Dankwa , TwynstraManagement , TexasTechU. Strategic Process Within Process Strategic Entrepreneurship and Juha-Antti Lamberg David L.Duhon , U. ofMaryland Wade Danis , SanStateU. Francisco , SalisburyU. , - , New School U. , U. ofDenver , U. of Cambridge Chris J.Sablynski , ISEOR, U.ofLyon Patrick Kreiser Andreas B. , U.of ; Daniel Sharon International-oriented| , U.of , Georgia ; JamesR , Ohio ; Dennis A , U. of , U. , California ; Leslie , Scott D , ;

, , 198 Spirituality Challenges for the 21st Century. the21st Challenges for Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Discussants: inthisarea. advancingresearch anobjectiveof organizations with on cultural-cognitiveperspective Our paneldiscussesanintegrated ConventionCenter:Room317A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 483 2 Tipping the 'Mental Health Scales' in Contact Centre Work | Centre Work inContact Scales' Health Tipping the'Mental Merger: AStr Organizational of WorkplaceBullying The Impact Available Role ofPerceived of the Model An Integrative on Impact thatMost Workplace Factors the What are Chair: ConventionCenter:Room325A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 485 Chair: WaikikiBeach:PunaRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 484 Culture inMind Northwestern U. Coordinators: Frances JMilliken S. Tsui Ann Arbor Discussant: Theme-oriented | Adventures in Software Arche inSoftware Adventures International Business School International Business Helsinki U.ofTechnology; Tampere U. ofTechnology Manchester An Analysis inStrateg Sustainability | Concepts, Conversa | and Organizations Evidence from the HigherEducation Sector| Evidence from Contracts | Coping w/Org Support in | Health: AMeta-Analysis Employee Carole Page Tytherleigh Queensland; Lawrence Idaho StateU.; M Logsdon Augier Theory intheCode| Year 1900 Competencies ag Year 1900 Competencies Spirituality in the Workplace: Theory, Practice, Theory,Practice, in theWorkplace: Spirituality ReligionandWork: inSpirituality, Research Empirical an Consciousness, Mindfulness, Winner ofJohnF.MeeManage

: B : Susan Cartwright Lee Robbins (MOC) (Paper Session)-(MSR) , ArizonaStateU. : Paul HerseyAward for Best Paper on Leadership (OB) , Stanford U. ; Majken Schultz Michael JProvitera Michael

, U.of Queensland/Griffith U.; Theresa KLant Ma Welcome and ThemeSession:Keeping Welcome Workplace Stress and Well-Being: Workplace Stress , U. of New Mexico New , U.of , U. of Plymouth , U.of Sabir IssaGiga Sabir , MasseyU. Anne Pisarski ry Ann Glynn

Visual Presentation| Charles J.Fornaciari , NewYork U. Sheriffe Khan , Golden Gate U. ; Candace Jones John EYoung , U. of Manchester , U. tions, andClusters| Michael JosephPrietula ; Lloyd Sandelands ic Leadership | , Copenhagen Business School , Copenhagen Business , NewYorkU. Anders Melander Award . RoleConflict| , U. of Queensland essful Challenge? Some essful Challenge?Some , Emory U. , Emory , U. of Manchester Perspectives onWorkplace , BarryU. , NICOMS LTD , NICOMS ology:Seeking (ABTOF) ology:Seeking (ABTOF) ainst the 21st Century Criteria: Criteria: Century ainst the21st Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ment HistoryContribution on Employee Psychological Psychological on Employee

d Spirituality in Executives in Executives d Spirituality , U.of New Mexico; , FloridaGulfCoastU. ; Klaus Weber , BostonCollege Brian Faragher Victor J. Callan ; Michael G.Pratt Kalle Pajunen , Kathy LundDean , Jonkoping Sandra A. U. ofMichigan, , EmoryU.; Michelle , , , U.of ; Anne ; , U.of Jeanne

, U. of Mie

, Session Details Ð Monday

Participants: Brian Faragher, U. of Manchester; Sabir Issa Giga, About the "I" in the EI Construct: A More Social Approach to U. of Manchester; Michelle Tytherleigh, U. of Plymouth; Carole Intelligence & Its Perf. Implications | Alexandra Michel, U. of Page, Massey U.; Sandra A. Lawrence, U. of Queensland/Griffith Southern California; Karen Jehn, Leiden U. U.; Victor J. Callan, U. of Queensland; Anne Pisarski, U. of Participants: Hillary Anger Elfenbein, U. of California, Berkeley; Queensland Karen Jehn, Leiden U.; Peter J. Jordan, Griffith U.; Alexandra Michel, U. of Southern California; Jane P Murray, Griffith U.; 486 JS: (OB, HR) Advancements in Social Exchange Steven B Wolff, Hay Group Theory: Mediators, Moderators, and Unit-Level Effects 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 488 JS: (OB, RM, HR) Precision in Psychological Contract Chairs: Deborah Elizabeth Rupp, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Research: The Next Generation Christine Lynn Jackson , Purdue U., West Lafayette 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Discussants: Lynn Shore, San Diego State U.; Jacqueline Coyle- Participants: Guillermo E. Dabos, Carnegie Mellon U.; Jeffrey R. Shapiro, London School of Economics Edwards, U. of North Carolina; David Krackhardt, Carnegie Mellon Effects of Link-Pin Quality on Perceived Organizational U.; Lisa Schurer Lambert, Georgia State U.; Robert E Ployhart, Support | Subrahmaniam Tangirala, Purdue U., West U. of South Carolina; Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U.; Lafayette; Stephen Green, Purdue U.; Rangaraj Ramanujam, Amanuel G. Tekleab, Clarkson U. Purdue U., West Lafayette OCIS Welcome Social Exchange and Politics: The Positive Effects on 489 : (OCIS) 8:30am - 8:59am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A Creativity | Shalini Khazanchi, U. of Cincinnati; Suzanne S Masterson, U. of Cincinnati 490 : (ODC) Division Theme Session: Organizing for A Model of Perceived Organizational Support and Person- the Future: Designing the 21st Century Organization and Organizational Fit | Todd C. Darnold, U. of Iowa; Lynn Shore, Beyond San Diego State U.; Amy L. Kristof-Brown, U. of Iowa 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Social Exchange Relationships: Intervening Mechanism of the Program Chair: Ram Tenkasi, Benedictine U. POS & LMX-Performance Relationship | Christine Lynn Distinguished Speakers: Edward E. Lawler, U. of Southern ; Thomas W. Malone Jackson, Purdue U., West Lafayette; Bruce Louis Rich, U. of California , Massachusetts Institute of ; Jay Galbraith Florida Technology , U. of Southern California William A Pasmore Social Exchange and Union Commitment: Examining Discussant: , Mercer Delta Consulting Edward E. Lawler Multilevel Homology | James L. Farr, Pennsylvania State U.; Taking Change Seriously | , U. of Southern Daniel A. Newman, U. of Maryland; David Mayer, U. of California Thomas W. Malone Maryland Inventing Organizations | , Massachusetts Speakers: Subrahmaniam Tangirala, Purdue U., West Lafayette; Institute of Technology Shalini Khazanchi, U. of Cincinnati; Todd C. Darnold, U. of Iowa; Strategy and Structure: The Process Will Continue | Jay MONDAY Christine Lynn Jackson, Purdue U., West Lafayette; Daniel A. Galbraith, U. of Southern California Newman, U. of Maryland Discussion - Thinking Outside of the Boxes | William A Participants: Stephen Green, Purdue U.; Rangaraj Ramanujam, Pasmore, Mercer Delta Consulting Purdue U., West Lafayette; Suzanne S Masterson, U. of Cincinnati; 491 Revolution in Supply Chain Management Amy L. Kristof-Brown, U. of Iowa; Lynn Shore, San Diego State : (OM) ; Bruce Louis Rich ; David Mayer 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 U. , U. of Florida , U. of Maryland Organizer: Diane H. Parente, Pennsylvania State U., Erie Kurt Cavano 487 JS: (OB, ODC) Emotional Intelligence in Groups: Presenter: , TradeCard Inc. Benefits and Costs for the Management in the 21st 492 : (OMT) OMT Welcome Breakfast and Century Distinguished Scholar 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C Vanessa Urch Druskat ; Fabio Sala 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301A Chairs: , U. of New Hampshire , Introduction: Kimberly D Elsbach, U. of California, Davis ; Gerald J Mount - , Grand Valley State U. Program Chair: Gerald F Davis, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Sigal Barsade ; Richard E. Discussants: , U. of Pennsylvania Distinguished Speaker: Joanne Martin, Stanford U. Boyatzis , Case Western Reserve U. The Myth of Organizational Unity: Oligarchical and Team Emotional Intelligence: What It Can Mean and How It Democratic Approaches to Organizational Theory | Joanne Hillary Anger Elfenbein Can Impact Performance | , U. of Martin, Stanford U. California, Berkeley Does Training Increase Emotional Intelligence in Groups and 493 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Serf Boards? Power and Group Performance? | Peter J. Jordan, Griffith U.; Jane P Influence in Corporate Governance Murray, Griffith U. 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A Group Emotional Competence and Its Link to Group Chair: Nancy R. Kucinski, Hardin Simmons U. Yuri Mishina Performance | Steven B Wolff, Hay Group; Vanessa Urch Discussant: , Michigan State U. Druskat, U. of New Hampshire 2The Other Pathway to the Boardroom: Interpersonal Influence Behavior and Board Appointments | James Westphal, U. of Texas, Austin; Ithai Stern, Northwestern U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 199 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Organizational Fields Participants: Practices: RethinkingStrategy andOrganization Work Settings Discussant: Permanent Outsiders orTemp Outsiders Permanent Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room302B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 496 The ChallengesofLearning Us Help Theory andActor-Network Theories How Practice and OrganizationalEvolution| Learning, Cognition Learning Organizational and Chair: learningtheoryandpractice. micro-foundations inorganizational ofashifttowardslookingatthe theimplications Join ustodiscuss CoralBallroom1 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 495 and Structure Status oftheMulti-level Dynamics of the Evolution in Competition 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room303B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 494 on TMT ofCEOCertification or Shadow?TheImpact Halo in Corporate Ignorance Road toAbilene:Pluralistic On the 2 Feldman Discussant: Maurizio Zollo Inter-Organizational Temporal Coordination: The Concept of Coordination:TheConcept Temporal Inter-Organizational None:Politi And ThenThereWere U. ofTexas,Austin; Management; Zollo Financial Networks| Financial Community as a Temporary Employee | Employee a Temporary as Community | Theory Revisited Organisational Understand Evolving | Analysis Mobility Organizational | Industry| Equipment Communications | Pay Structure | Persistence Strategic and Firms’ Boards Feldman Tilburg U. U. James Wade Michigan U. ofLiverpool; Ocasio Philippe Naccache Temporal Institution | Institution Temporal | Board Membership Value of Affiliation:Composition Value

JS: 4 : Ruth Blatt Nicola C.Dragonetti Patrick Reinmoeller (Paper Session)-(OMT) , INSEAD

, U.of California, Irvine (OMT, OB) T , Northwestern U. eaching-oriented | SHCS: Henrich Greve Henrich Jane EDutton Jane , U.of California, Irvine Linda Argote Elena PAntonacopoulou Elena Gerry Johnson , INSEAD , U. of Wisconsin, Madison; , U.ofWisconsin,

Amir Sasson , U.ofMichigan Nicola C. Dragonetti (OMT, BPS,MED) Scott D. Graffin Positive Communities in Transient Positive CommunitiesinTransient , ParisXNanterre,CEROS Michael Bednar

☯ John Joseph Oystein Fjeldstad , Carnegie MellonU. Organizational Routines| Bernard LouisLeca , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor , U.of Michigan,Ann Management Practice-oriented | , Erasmus U. , Norwegian School of Management , Norwegian Schoolof , U. of Liverpool Zhi Huang , U.of Strathclyde , Norwegian SchoolofManagement in Practice: Strategy and in Practice:Strategy the Need for the Need a MicroLevel for of ; GerryJohnson Order and Autonomyin Order orary Insiders? Experiencing Experiencing orary Insiders? Capabilities: A Case ofthe Capabilities:ACase , U.ofWisconsin,Madison; and Redundancy of andRedundancy Learning andMicro- , U.ofLiverpool cal SettlementsofInsider , Northwestern U.; , U.ofTexas,Austin Elena PAntonacopoulou , U.ofLiverpool , BostonCollege Joe Porac , Norwegian Schoolof Jonghoon Bae Ruth Blatt , Essec&U.Lille1; James Westphal James , U.ofStrathclyde International-oriented| Martha S. , NewYork ; Martha S. Maurizio Maurizio

, U. of , U. William ,

, , ; 200 Presenters: Does itPay? Organizational Behavior and Strategy Research Strategy Organizational Behaviorand B 2 B Chair: WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 497 of PositiveCommu The Language ThePo Managing Multiplexity: | Producers Nashville Among Practices Bracketing Overview of Formative and Reflective Measurement Models Measurement Reflective and Overview ofFormative Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 499 ReasonableAccommo Comparing and theFormofReciprocity Contract Fulfilment Psychological Individual andOrganizational B Discussant: Chair: Welcome: WaikikiBeach:WaialuaRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 498 Ap a StructuralEquation Using Concerns in Public & Other Sector Organizations Concerns inPublic&Other Michigan Boston College Theme-oriented | 4

Why DoPublicEmployees U. ofLouisville Syracuse U.; Environmental Strategy and Performance | Strategy andPerformance Environmental Long Lingo Graduates | Graduates Clemens Parzefall Nightclub Talen More Relevant Performance Measurement | | Measurement Relevant Performance More and the Effects of Measurement Model Misspec | ModelMisspec ofMeasurement and theEffects Mobility-Related Disabil theSens - Examining | Performance andEconomic Performance Podsakoff Kathleen L. McGinn Balser Sadorsky North Carolina StateU.; Florida StateU. U. ofOklahoma,Norman Syracuse U. Performance: New Visions in the 21st Century | inthe21stCentury NewVisions Performance: | Opportunities? Testing Three Hypotheses | Hypotheses Testing Three Opportunities?

Mark PSharfman

Environmental Risk Management and the Cost of Capital Cost andthe RiskManagement Environmental GreenPe Incentives, Economic B : B Is the Grass Greener? Sector Shifting by MPA Sector Shifting Is theGrassGreener? Frances E BowenFrances E Philip MPodsakoff Shirley Avrami (RM) An International Comparison of the Factors Affecting of theFactors Comparison An International :

(Paper Session) -(ONE) , U.ofMissouri,St.Louis Ralph Brower : Elizabeth LongLingo , London School of Economics , LondonSchoolofEconomics Varden Hadfield , James MadisonU. (Paper Session)-(PNP) Formative Measurement Models in Models Measurement Formative , York U. , Indiana U.;

, Harvard U. ; Kathleen L. McGinn Michael V.Russo Mary TschirhartMary Visual Presentation| t Buyers| , Knesset , U.of Oklahoma, Norman; , Harvard U. , Florida StateU. , U.of Calgary e of Indebtedness | e ofIndebtedness Scott B. MacKenzie , Indiana U. Irene Henriques ities Across Sectors | | Sectors ities Across , Brigham YoungU. Pacey Foster Desire IntrinsicWorkplace Determinants: Attitudes toward Attitudes toward Determinants: sitive Organizational Ties of OrganizationalTies sitive , SyracuseU.; proach toLinkEnvironmental Environmental Performance: Performance: Environmental , Harvard U. , U. ofOregon Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Employee Preferences & Employee Preferences nity amongLongshoremen| , Harvard U. dations forEm rformance & Financial rformance , York U.; , BostonCollege ; Pacey Foster ; Pacey , Indiana U. Marjo-Riitta Alison Anker ; Ruth Blatt Chitru Ken Chung Nicole Darnall Leonard Bright Kaifeng Yang Deborah ployees with ployees Perry Bruce Elizabeth

Philip M Fern

, U. of , ando , , , , , , Session Details Ð Monday

Examples of Constructs Having Formative Indicators in Stop by to meet members of the Membership Committee. Inquire Organizational Behavior and Strategy Research | Nathan about membership, update your information or sign up as an Philip Podsakoff, U. of Florida; Wei Shen, U. of Florida Academy volunteer. Practical Guidelines for Developing and Validating Constructs Organizer: Regina Greenwood, Kettering U. Scott B. MacKenzie with Formative Indicators | , Indiana U.; 504 : (AAA) Conference Registration Philip M Podsakoff, Indiana U. 9:00am - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Registration Participants: Scott B. MacKenzie, Indiana U.; Nathan Philip On-site Registration, Pre-Registration Badge Pick-up, and Exhibitor Podsakoff, U. of Florida; Wei Shen, U. of Florida Registration 500 : (Paper Session) - (SIM) Ethics: Role of Emotions 505 : (AAA) Placement Services and Angst in Moral Misconduct 9:00am - 4:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Iolani Suite 1 8:30am - 10:20am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room Placement Services - Registration and Information Chair: Timothy P. Keane, Rockhurst U. Organizer: Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U. Discussants: James M. Schmidtke, California State U., Fresno; Davide Secchi, Insubria U. 506 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Interorganizational An Alternative Approach to Appraising Corporate Social Networks Responsibility: Ethical Character & Emotion | Rosa Chun, 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 1 Presented on panels 1-5 Manchester Business School Embeddedness, Tie Dissolution and the Stability of An Empirical Investigation of Moral Emotions in the Ethical 1 Interorganizational Networks | Francisco Polidoro, U. of Decision-Making Process | Jennifer Mencl, U. of Minnesota, Michigan; Gautam Ahuja, U. of Michigan Duluth; Douglas R May, U. of Kansas 1Scale-free Networks in the Presence of Constraints: an Attributional Bias and the Justification of Unethical Behavior | Jeho Lee Paul Harvey, Florida State U. Investigation of the Airline Route Network | , KAIST Graduate School of Management; Namgyoo Kenny Park, Moral Stress: Integrating Role Theory and Stakeholder Sungho Kim Scott J. KAIST Graduate School of Management; , KAIST Theory to Understand Managerial Moral Angst | Graduate School of Management Reynolds, U. of Washington; Bradley Paul Owens, U. of 4 The Dynamics of Innovation Alliances | Lionel J Washington 1 Nesta, SPRU/ U. of Sussex; Vincent Mangematin, INRA/UPMF 501 JS: (TIM, BPS, OMT) Patent Strategy and B 1An Analysis of Social Capital Outcomes in Competitive Advantage in the Knowledge Economy Professional-Client Networks | Yuliani Suseno, U. of 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Queensland; Ashly H Pinnington, Robert Gordon U.; John Chairs: Deepak Somaya, U. of Maryland; Francisco Veloso, Gardner, U. of Queensland; Arthur Shulman, Griffith U. Carnegie Mellon U. 1Intermediation as a Strategy: a Theoretical and Empirical MONDAY Combining R&D and Legal Resources for Patenting Perspective | Corentin Curchod, U. of Paris I Sorbonne Performance | Deepak Somaya, U. of Maryland; Ian O. Williamson, U. of Maryland, College Park 507 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Top Management Teams Does the Market Value Software Patents? A First Look | and the Strategy Process Stuart Graham, Georgia Tech; David Mowery, U. of California, 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 2 Berkeley Presented on panels 6-10 Patently Wrong? Firm Strategy and the Decision to Disband 1Board of Directors as Decision-Making Groups: An Technological Assets | Robert A. Lowe, Carnegie Mellon U.; Empirical Study on Board Processes and Performance. | Fabio Zona Alessandro Zattoni Francisco Veloso, Carnegie Mellon U. , Bocconi U.; , SDA Bocconi - Business Method Patents as Real Options: Value and Parthenope U. Organizational Resources: Further exploration of Top Disclosure as Drivers of Litigation | Atul Nerkar, Columbia U.; 1 Srikanth Paruchuri, U. of Florida; Mukti V Khaire, Columbia U. Management as a Source of Competitive Advantage | Tolulope Bewaji Do Patent Citations Increase Patent Litigation? Empirical , Temple U. Turning Knowledge into Action: The Role of Incentives in Evidence of Strategic Patenting in Telecom | Juan Alcacer, 1 Henry Sauermann New York U.; Rachelle Sampson, U. of Maryland Organizational Capabilities | , Duke U. 1The Role of Operations Executives in The Process Of Strategy: A Contingency Theory | Lieven Demeester, Monday 9:00AM INSEAD; Jovan Grahovac, Tulane U. 502 : (AAA) Conference Exhibits 1Executives Who Engage in Elitist Association: A New 9:00am - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - Exhibits Vantage on the Imperial CEO | Guoli Chen, Pennsylvania Organizer: George T Solomon, George Washington U. State U.; Linda K Trevino, Pennsylvania State U.; Donald C. Hambrick, Pennsylvania State U. 503 : (AAA) Membership 9:00am - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Membership 508 1: (Paper Session) - (ENT) New Venture Performance: Insights from Emerging Research

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 201 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Organizational Practices 1 1 4 1 4 Presented onpanels21-29 HR III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 510 1 B 1 1 B Presented onpanels36-40 GDO 1 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 509 1 B 4 B 1 Presented onpanels31-35 ENT 1 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Business School; Moores U.; Liverpool John Retention: Factors that Motivate Top Performers to Stay | toStay TopPerformers thatMotivate Factors Retention: | Mechanisms P-O FitasExplanatory Ministers | andLesbian ofGay Careers | Examination An Empirical Effectiveness: | | Entrepreneurs commerce Person-Job Fit: Implications forHRM| Fit:Implications Person-Job U.; Jaewon Kim | andFirmPerformance HR Effectiveness on Systems Kimberly MEllis | Firms technology Entrepreneurial State U.; H. Kluemper Hyuk Rhee Yuan Melbourne; U. ofMichigan U. ofSingapore Toronto; Creed National TaiwanU.; of Nebraska The Case for Inclusiveness | forInclusiveness The Case | Performance withOrganizational and Interactions Analyses of Internal Cond ofInternal Analyses Study | Delaware U. Employees’ Reported Reasons for Turnover and Turnover for Reasons Reported Employees’ Commitment InCallCenters: Does ItMatter?| toEmploy Linking Mentoring the in Sensemaking Clean? Slate Theological the Wiping Upper EchelonsGender | Practices EffectsofDiversity Exploring Shareholder toIndustryCharacteristics Strategy Matching NewVenture of E- Success AffectingtheCompetitive Factors Critical Victor Franklin

Determinants of New Venture Survival: Multi-Level Multi-Level Survival: of NewVenture Determinants in Motives Alliance Formation 1 1 The Impact of HR Involvement and Commitment HR The ImpactofHRInvolvementand ofHigh- Strategy andthePerformance Alliance Seongmin Ryu , U.ofIllinois,Chicago An AnachronisticApproach MainEffects andCEOPay: Diversity Gender Board : : Latent Growth Models of Person-Organization Fitand ofPerson-Organization Models Growth Latent , U.ofRhode Island T (Paper Session)-(HR) (Paper Session)-(GDO) eaching-oriented | Anita VanGils Kara Anne ArnoldKara Anne Joseph ECoombs , KoreaU. Scott Seibert , U. of Pennsylvania; , U. ofPennsylvania; , Oklahoma StateU.; , TexasA&MU. , Michigan State U.; , MichiganState Andrew Taylor , SeoulNationalU. Changya Hu ☯ , Maastricht U.;

Management Practice-oriented | , Melbourne BusinessSchool;

Gillian Wright Diversity and Organizational , Memorial U.ofNewfoundland itions at Startup Stages | itions atStartupStages , U. ofRichmond Nittana Sukasame P-O Fit/WorkAttitudes ee Loyalty: Empowermentand ee Catherine Loughlin Leaders, Diversity, and Leaders, Diversity, , NationalTaiwanU. , BradfordU. Seongsu Kim K Matthew Gilley SMEs: A Conjoint Analysis Conjoint Analysis SMEs:A toLeadershipTheory: Phyllis Keys Nitin Pangarkar Peter Zwart Maria Kraimer , Manchester Metro Aichia Chuang W. E.Douglas Me , , BangkokU./U. lissa Wooten Seoul National , U.of International-oriented| , Groningen Ed Rose , U.of , Oklahoma , National Jay Ling Donald , U.of

, , , 202 Enterprise Management Enterprise MNCs B Presented onpanels51-55 IM 1 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 511 1 B 1 1 4 4 4 Presented onpanels56-60 IM 2 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 512 4 4 4 1 Theme-oriented | 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the Subsidiary of the MNC | of theMNC the Subsidiary Virginia Tech Richard C Hoffman Richard C M Shipper Person-Organization Fit| Person-Organization Demand-Control-Support | Approach AMulti-level Behaviors: Organizational Values | Carlson Yat-Sen U.; Huang Entertainment Inc.; John P.Hausknecht Cultural Distance | Distance Cultural Christian Geisler Asmussen theIntegration-R Formalizing | Workplace intheChinese Justice | Sensitivity Ethical Emotions and Chinese Organizations| U. ofMelbourne Melbourne; Derek S.Chapman William H.A.Johnson International Business School International Business National ChengchiU.,Taiwan Shian Han Akron Timothy JonWilkinson Dail Fields Hill; Conceptual Ambiguity and Empirical Reality | Reality Empirical and Ambiguity Conceptual Employees Attitudesand Employees Salisbury State U. Salisbury State Individual Differences in Appli Individual Differences of relationship in the ofSelf-Efficacy role The impacting and Management Resource Human High-commitment The Influence of National Culture on Firm Growth Option Growth onFirm Culture The InfluenceofNational 1

Measures of Person-Work Environment Fit Constructs: Environment ofPerson-Work Measures 1 1 Subsidiary Control and the Diminishing Impactof Diminishing Controlandthe Subsidiary Optimal? Strategy Transnational When isthe Through NetworksofGu Thriving Family- Exploring 'Confucian on Individual Influences Cultural Ethique, Ética,Ethics:

Tony W.Tong : : Fostering Self-InitiatedTe , National SunYat-SenU.; (Paper Session)-(IM) (Paper Session)-(IM) , Virginia Polytechnic Institute; , Virginia Institute; Polytechnic A Cross-Culture Study of ManagerialSkills, A Cross-CultureStudy Asda Chintakananda , SalisburyU.; , National ChengchiU.,Taiwan; , RegentU. Taco Reus Ing-Chung Huang Visual Presentation| , StateU.of New York,Buffalo Julianne M. Rodda , U.of Calgary , SalisburyU.; Lance Brouthers , DePaulU.; , Florida Atlantic U.; , FloridaAtlantic , BentleyCollege

, U.ofAkron;

Jeanette ADavy Zhixing Xiao M Kelly A.Piasentin Model and Burnout | Model andBurnout National Culture and National Culture Management Tensions in Management , Copenhagen Business School Business , Copenhagen anagerial Performance | anagerial Performance John WMedcof , U. National SunYat-Sen , esponsiveness Framework | esponsiveness cant Attraction:The Role of cant Attraction:TheRoleof U. ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Chin-Hui Chen Michael Howard ism' as a Dimension of ism' as aDimension chnological Inno Denise M. Rotondo Virginia K. Bratton Scott Widmier Mike Lane , U.ofTexas, ElPaso; Andrew O. Herdman Andrew O. , DePaul U. anxi: Social Capital in Social Capital anxi: , China Europe , China , Wright StateU.; Yu-Chen Wei Catherine Maguire , U. ofCalgary; , McMaster U.; , McMaster , RegentU.; , NationalSun Kevin Yu-Hwa , Harrah's vation in , U.of , Tzu- , U. of , U. , Frank , , Session Details Ð Monday

B4 1Towards a Model of MNC Economic Returns:An 1Negative Emotions and Learning from Errors | Bin Zhao, U. Interaction of the MNC, State and Market | James H Davis, of Western Ontario; Fernando Olivera, U. of Western Ontario Notre Dame B1Risky Business: Emotions, Cognition and Choice 41A Cross-National Comparison of Incubated Behavior | Judith Ann Chapman, U. of Western Sydney Organizations:An Institutional Perspective | Tomas 1The Necessary and Functional Role of Affect in Karlsson, Jonkoping International Business School; Friederike Strategic Decision-Making | Claire E Ashton-James, U. of Welter, Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research; New South Wales; Neal M. Ashkanasy, U. of Queensland Leora Shakked, Haifa U.; Arie Sadaovski, - 1Emotional Intelligence and Communication Perceptions During Conflict and Decision Making | Ashlea C Troth, 513 1: (Paper Session) - (MC) Management Consulting and Organizational Life Griffith U.; Peter J. Jordan, Griffith U.; Sally V Hall-Thompson, Sandra A. Lawrence 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - MC U. of Queensland/Griffith U.; , U. of Presented on panels 71-75 Queensland/Griffith U. 1Management Consulting as a Therapeutic Process: A 41Interpersonal Trust and Emotion as Predictors of Dongseop Lee Suitable Case for Treatment? | Tyrone S. Pitsis, U. of Cooperation in Work Teams | , U. of Tulsa; Alexander Stajkovic Technology, Sydney; Martin Kornberger, U. of Technology, , U. of Wisconsin, Madison Stewart Clegg Carl Sydney; , U. of Technology, Sydney; 516 Emotions in Organizational Rhodes : (Paper Session) - (MOC) , U. of Technology, Sydney Life: Management Lessons for the 21st Century 1Disciplining Clients: The Use of Organizational Health 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317B Metaphors in a Consultancy Service Prospectus | Annika This session examines how emotions influence creativity, whistle- Schilling, Stockholm School of Economics blowing, knowledge transfer, and decision-making. Winner of the Bentley College/HEC Outstanding Student Paper Chair: Lorna Doucet, U. of Illinois Award From Positive Affect to Creativity: The Surprising Role of B 1A New Vision of Innovation in the 21st Century: The Surprise | Allan Filipowicz, INSEAD Tole of Communities of Practice | Nicolas Rolland, CERAM The Role of Mood in Knowledge Transfer and Learning | B1Getting Diversification to Work | Graham K Kenny, Daniel Z. Levin, Rutgers U.; Terri R. Kurtzberg, Rutgers U.; Strategic Factors Katherine W. Phillips, Northwestern U. B 1Constructing Organizational Identity Multimodally | Examining Anger as a Mediator of Cognitive Influences on David Oliver, Imagination Lab Foundation; Johan Roos, Whistle-Blowing Decisions | Michael J. Gundlach, Bond U. Imagination Lab Foundation A Study of Cognitive Style and Emotion in Financial Trading: Peter John Noordink 514 1: (Paper Session) - (MOC) Breaking New Ground in Does Expertise Make a Difference? | , Managerial Cognition U. of Queensland MONDAY 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - MOC 1 517 : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) Relationships in Virtual This session focus on new developments in managerial cognition. Teams Paper Session Presented on panels 11-15 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A 1The Cognitive Determinants of Organizational Success: Chair: Julia Gluesing, Wayne State U. The Role of Cognitive Orientation Structure | Jeremy John Discussant: Jeanne M Wilson, William & Mary Marcel, U. of Virginia; Irene M Duhaime, Georgia State U.; Understanding Impression Formation and Impression Anthony Robinson , Georgia State U. Accuracy Among Distributed Coworkers | Aditya Johri, 1Method as Theory in the Study of Managerial Cognition | Stanford U. Mihnea Calin Moldoveanu , U. of Toronto BThe Effects of Personality and Communication Medium on 1Cognitive Dynamics of Capability Development Paths | Team Outcomes | Thomas A. O'Neill, U. of Calgary; Theresa Tomi MM Laamanen Johan Wallin , Helsinki U. of Technology; , J B Kline, U. of Calgary; Laura Hambley, U. of Calgary Synocus Oy David 2Synchronicity Matters! Development of Task and Social B1Organizational Identity as a Strategic Practice | Cohesion in FtF and Text Based CMC Groups | Artemis Oliver, Imagination Lab Foundation; Peter T. Burgi, Imagination Chang, QUT Lab Foundation 2nd Runner-up Best Paper 2005 1The Motivation to Participate. Disclosing Cognitive Understanding People, Information Technology, & Task within Schemas in Brand Community Members | Gabriele Virtual Teams | Olivier Caya, McGill U.; Mark Mortensen, Morandin, Bologna U.; Richard P. Bagozzi, Rice U.; Massimo Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alain Pinsonneault, Bergami, Bologna U. McGill U. 515 : (Paper Session) - (MOC) Emotion and Management: 1 518 : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) Technology Adoption: The On Learning, Decision-Making, and Trust Firm Level 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - MOC 2 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B This session explores the role of emotion in learning, decision- Chair: Sandra Slaughter, Carnegie Mellon U. making, and trust. Presented on panels 16-20 Discussant: Cynthia M Beath, U. of Texas, Austin

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 203 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Culture andProcess Strategy, Structure 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OMT 2 III - ConventionCenter: ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 521 1 4 4 1 Presented onpanels41-45 OMT 1 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 520 B 1 B B B Presented onpanels76-80 ODC 1 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 519 B of Stake A ProcessTheoryView B Propen Explaining Firms' 1 4 4 1 1 Singapore Singapore National U.ofSingapore; Schiller National U.ofSingapore; Legitimacy–An historical case study| case historical Legitimacy–An Invented Bureaucracy| ofChange Perspective | Management Enterprise Systems | Signaling Technology Strategic perspective on E.U. enlargement | E.U. enlargement on perspective Srivastava ESADE; Relationships: Explaining Mackenzie Paulo; Mascarenhas Zhou Berends U.; Parkside JP Croes Oklahoma; Boonstra Deakin U. Denying It| significance of conversations acrosslevels| significance of | Public Organizations Singapore; contingency perspective onor perspective contingency Knowledge Transfer| Rationality andInstitutional Turmoil at the Bauhaus: Problems Problems at theBauhaus: Turmoil Orga How aPost-Bureaucratic aTransformational Paradox: vs.Future Past Managing the Information System Adoption as an Occasion of as anOccasion Information SystemAdoption

1 1 1 1 1 1 Transaction Costs, Social Institutions, and Interfirm andInterfirm Institutions, Costs, Social Transaction Reinhard Bachmann Websites in the 21st Century: Contrasting the 21st Century:Contrasting inthe Websites , HongKong U.DeptofManagement When do managers engage in downsizing? A downsizing? engagein do managers When

Changing Organization : : : Transition Economies and Economies Transition Isabella FreitasVasconcelos (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(ODC) T eaching-oriented | , U.ofCologne; The Experience of Organizational Change: The of Organizational The Experience Strategically Repositioning Bonnie Richley , Maastricht U. , U.of Oklahoma; , Sioo; , National U. of Singapore; , NationalU.ofSingapore; Teresa MarieShaft Yijie Lei Renate Werkman , Escola de Administracao de Empresas deSao deEmpresas , Escola deAdministracao Willem Vander Kloot , NationalU.ofSingapore Implementations | ☯

Ruey-Lin Hsiao Peter Walgenbach sities to Engage in Information Information in toEngage sities Management Practice-oriented | Paul CharlesNutt , Case Western ReserveU. , Birkbeck College, U. of London , Birkbeck College,U.of M SAnnapoornima Shan-Ling Pan Achim Oberg Contract Duration | | ContractDuration Weijun Zheng Theory Perspectives | Theory s: Reducing Complexity,Not , Vrije U.Amsterdam; , U. ofOklahoma,Norman; Institutional Change Transformational change: Identity, Cognition,and holder ManagementDuring ganizational mimicry. | mimicry. ganizational nization Unintentionally nization Re-

Trust Building: A network Anetwork Trust Building: Robert WZmud Robert , U.Presbiteriana Hans Van Ees Thompson SHTeo of Internal and External andExternal of Internal and Transforming and Transforming , LeidenU. , AachenU.; , National U.of Stella MarieMinahan , National U.of André Ofenhejm Sathish Sritharan , U.of Wisconsin, , Ohio StateU. , Erfurt U. , National U.of Tony Lingham Xueguang International-oriented| , U.of , Groningen Simone Jaap Shirish C

Peter , Henry , , , 204 Appropriation Development Process 4 Presented onpanels61-65 ConventionCent 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 522 1 1 1 1 1 Presented onpanels46-50 B 4 1 B Presented onpanels66-70 ConventionCent 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 523 1 1 1 1 Theme-oriented | 4 1 1 Intellectual Gravity in Biotechnology Firms. | Firms. GravityinBiotechnology Intellectual | Knowledge-Partitioning Strategic Evidence for | Development in CoordinatingSoftware Quantitative Organizational Culture Research | Research Culture Organizational Quantitative | Hybrids ofInternal the Boundaries | Exchange Perspective An Performance: Employees’ Image Organizational a | Organizations Product Development Projects: the Mitka Case.| theMitka Projects: Product Development Import Actually Companies Zammuto Davis Carnegie MellonU.; Berchicci Patent Licensing| | Advantage of Competitive Source Hereford Washington; David R. Hekman John Howells U.; Emanuela Prandelli Nova de Lisboa; Nova deLisboa; Concordia U.; Charles Hine Maitlis Angeles Experiences of Small High-tech Danish Firms | DanishFirms SmallHigh-tech of Experiences Boston U. Queensland Who You Ask Matters: Hierarchical Subculture Effectson Subculture Hierarchical Matters: Ask Who You AStudyon Hierarchy? over the Rule Hybrids Can Internal Professional Identification Influences How Social on Perspective ARole-Theoretical Yourself: (Dis)Playing in Sensebreaking of Accounts: The Disruption The Influence of Environmental Ambition on Radical Radical on Ambition The InfluenceofEnvironmental Do Extent Product Innovation:To What Web-based 1

4 1 1 The Pattern of Utilizing Co ofUtilizing The Pattern Determinants of Patent Value: An Empirical Analysis of Analysis Empirical Value: An of Patent Determinants Deborah Raccagni Extending Conceptual Thinki Extending Conceptual Inter-Firm Innovationun Evid Learning whileSourcing: 1 : : , Copenhagen Business School , U.ofBritish Columbia (Paper Session)-(TIM) (Paper Session)-(TIM) Technology Suppression Strategies asIllusion| Strategies Technology Suppression The Role of Patents inth of Patents The Role , U.of Washington , U.of Melbourne , TUDelft; H KevinSteensma

, U.ofQueensland; Pursey Heugens , Aarhus BusinessSchool Visual Presentation| Nitin Joglekar Thomas B LawrenceThomas B , U.ofWashington; Mariko Sakakibara Francisco Veloso , BocconiU.; Han Brezet

, BocconiU.

nd Media Reputation| nd der Uncertainty:Empirical Customer Knowledge? | Managing theProduct Intellectual Assets & their Intellectual Assets er: Exhibit Hall III - TIM 1 III - er: ExhibitHall er: Exhibit Hall III - TIM 2 III - er: ExhibitHall , Boston U.; , Boston mpetitorsf Knowledgeasa mpetitorsf , , , U.ofWashington; Utrecht U. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Maher Khaled TU Delft Gianmario Verona ng on Intellectual Assets: Assets: on Intellectual ng e Innovation Process: e Innovation ence of Productivity Gains ofProductivity ence Gregory A. Bigley Gregory A. Naoko Kishi , Carnegie MellonU. , SimonFraserU.; Sali Li , U.ofCalifornia,Los Stephen Rosenthal Paulo Gomes , U.ofUtah , U. of , U. Damian Kai Lamertz Ray Lee N. , TokyoU. Jaegul Lee James F. , Bocconi Luca , U.of Sally , U. , , , Session Details Ð Monday

Value Creation and Transformation in the Internet-Age: Organizers: Peter Cappelli, U. of Pennsylvania; Sara L Rynes, U. Central Issues and Controversies | Angel J. Salazar, of Iowa; James R Bailey, George Washington U.; Martin J Kilduff, Manchester Metropolitan U. Pennsylvania State U. 524 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Strategy, Technology, & 529 : (AAS) Paternalism in Employment Relationships: A Innovation: Boundaries of the Firm 19th Century Concept for the 21st Century 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 Chair: Minyuan Zhao, U. of Minnesota Organizer: Patricia G Martinez, U. of Texas, San Antonio Discussant: Allan N Afuah, U. of Michigan Chair: Sanford M Jacoby, U. of California, Los Angeles 2How Buyers Shape Supplier Performance:Can Governance A Test of Organizational Benevolence and Paternalism in Skills Substitute for Expertise? | Anne Parmigiani, U. of Contemporary Employment Relationships | Patricia G Oregon; William G Mitchell, Duke U. Martinez, U. of Texas, San Antonio 4Distributed R&D, Cross-Regional Ties and Quality of Paternalism and Radical Organizational Change | Jone L. Pearce Innovative Output | Jasjit Singh, INSEAD , U. of California, Irvine Why Firm-established User Communities Work for Measuring Paternalism: Opening the Door to Research | Lars Adrienne Colella, Texas A&M U.; Fernanda Garcia, U. of Texas Innovation:The Characteristics of Innovative Users | Mary Triana Laura Riedel Bo Jeppesen, Copenhagen Business School; Lars El Paso; , Texas A&M U.; , Texas A&M Frederiksen, Copenhagen Business School U. Paternalism as a Form of Leadership: Differentiating B Open Beyond Software | Sonali Shah, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Mary Uhl- Champaign Paternalism from Leader-Member Exchange | Bien, U. of Central Florida; John M Maslyn, Belmont U. 525 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Diffusion & Adoption 9:00am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A 530 4 : (AAS) The International Outsourcing of Chair: Bettina Lynda Bastian, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Services: Research and Managerial Issues Lausanne 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313A Discussant: Nikolaos Panagopoulos, Athens U. of Economics and Presenters: Farok Contractor, Rutgers Business School--Newark Business and New Brunswick; Susan Mudambi, Temple U.; Masaaki Kotabe ; Janet Y. Murray ; Mary Ann Von 2Death Hurts, But It Isn’t Fatal: The Postexit Diffusion Of , Temple U. , St. Louis U. Glinow ; Michael J. Mol Knowledge Created By Innovative Companies | Glenn , Florida International U. , London Business Hoetker, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Rajshree Agarwal, School & U. of Reading U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 531 : (AAS) The New Field of Services Sciences: Calling Stephan Schrader Best Paper Award Finalist for Management Research Path Dependence and Path-Constrained Melioration in 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 MONDAY Technology Development and Adoption | Andrew Nelson, Introduction: Scott Koerwer, U. of Maryland Stanford U. Keynote Speaker: Stuart Feldman, IBM Internet Research Examining Klein and Sorra’s Innovation Implementation Model Linying Dong Derrick Neufeld 532 : (AAS) The Future of Management Consulting | , Ryerson U.; , U. of Western Worldwide Ontario; Chris Higgins, U. of Western Ontario 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B Exploring the Determinants of Potential Absorptive Moderator: Larry E Greiner, U. of Southern California Josep Capacity and its Impact on Innovation Performance | Participants: John Gaulding,; Flemming Poulfelt, A. Tribó Andrea Fosfuri , U. of Carlos III Madrid; , U. of Carlos III Copenhagen Business School; Qiwei Chen, Asia Business de Madrid Consulting

533 Aohe pau ka ike i kau halau: What we can Monday 10:15AM : (AAS) Learn from Hawaiian Hula 526 : (AAA) Coffee Break 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 2 10:15am - 10:45am Hawaii Convention Center: Ala Halawai Concourse Organizer: Martin L. Martens, Concordia U. Sponsored by: University of Maryland University College Participants: Nelson Phillips, Imperial College London; Dawn R Elm, U. of St. Thomas; Mary J Waller, Tulane U.; Jason Kanov, Conference Break 527 : (AAA) Seattle U. 10:15am - 10:45am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - Break Area Sponsored by: Society for Human Resource Management. Booth 534 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Trust, Framing and the numbers 401 and 403. Strategy Process Organizer: George T Solomon, George Washington U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 1 Presented on panels 13-20 Monday 10:40AM B4 1Relationship Between Control, Trust and Performance Within Inter-firms Partnership. | Franck 528 : (AAA) Meet the Academy's Editors Brulhart, U. d'Aix-Marseille II; Christophe Favoreu, Groupe 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room ESC Toulouse Business School

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 205 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Contractual Mechanisms and IndustryStructure Contractual Mechanisms Choices Management Discussant: Chair: Hawaii Convention Center:Room308A 10:40am -12:00pm 537 oftheIndustry Out Companies Start-up Drive Do Incumbents | Spillovers? Seeking Desperately Ve of Corporate A Typology Chan Seeing Opportunityin Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room307B 10:40am -12:00pm 536 2 for Implications Systems: in Complex Patterned Interactions B B Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room306B 10:40am -12:00pm 535 1 B B B 1 4 | and9/11 Intelligence ofTwoEvils:Actionable The Lesser 1 4 U. ofToronto firm role in capabilility and opportunityspaces| firm roleincapabilility Pennsylvania State U. Pennsylvania State Bamberg Consulting Group; Study of CEO Effects in Three Countries| Effects inThree of CEO Study Caldwell Toronto; Interorganizational Context Interorganizational | Harvard BusinessSchool Bologna Battista Dagnino Via PatentLitigationSuits?| and Locus ofOpportunity| Exploitation Cognition| Team,andOpportunity Structure, | Exploration Jeffery S.McMullen Juan Ignacio Canales Mukherji International U.; London BusinessSchool; New SouthWales; Dartmouth College; Regulatory Constraints and Change| Constraints Regulatory Wharton School | Strategy Execution Results of an Empirical Survey | Survey of anEmpirical Results Young U. 1 Trustworthiness, Governance, and Wealth Creation | Creation and Wealth Governance, Trustworthiness, How NationalSystemsInfluenc 1

1 Managerial Choice, Internal Fit, and Adaptation, under under Fit,andAdaptation, Internal Managerial Choice, ofStrat Nature the onto Inquiring : : : Dynamic Gap Bridging and Gap Bridging Dynamic Creating and SustainingCom Creating Douglas J. Miller Douglas J. Moses Acquaah Corey Phelps (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) The Business Model: an Integrative Framework for Framework an Integrative The BusinessModel: T eaching-oriented | Strategy Processes inMulti Strategy Processes Joel A.C.Baum , U.of Houston, Victoria; Kyle JMayer Kyle Todd Zenger , Texas A&MInternationalU. Ja John D.Francis n W.Rivkin , U.ofCatania; , U.ofWashington Dodo ZuKnyphausen-Aufsess Michael Behnam Randal Reed , U.ofNorthCarolina,Greensboro , BaylorU. , TulaneU.

☯ James Richardson , Washington U. , U.ofSt. Andrews; , U.ofSouthernCalifornia Management Practice-oriented | , U.of Toronto; Susan AHill ge: Examining the Role of Role ge: Examiningthe nture Units: Exploration, Organizational Design, Influenceson Contextual Managing DiversifiedFirms , Harvard U.; , Harvard Karsten L. Hoppe Ananda Mukherji , SanDiegoStateU.; Marcello MMariani G , MorganState U. Mark HHansen Barak S.Aharonson ap Set Development:the ap Set Dirk Ulrich Gilbert e Executive Discretion: A Discretion: e Executive petitive Advantage in the inthe Advantage petitive , SuffolkU. egy-making Modes| egy-making national Companies: , London Business School Maryanne PFeldman Margaret Peteraf Nicolaj Siggelkow , U.of Hawai`i Joaquim Vila Julian Birkinshaw Craig Crossland , TexasA&M Clark Gilbert , Boston , Brigham International-oriented| , U.of Giovanni

, U.of , U.of Jyotsna , U. of, U. , IESE Cam ,

, , , , , 206 the BoardofDirectors Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room308B 10:40am -12:00pm 538 Difference Cultural Organizational 2 Black- ALookIntothe BeGoodWhat DoesItTaketo Parent? 4 The Determinants of Success in Research & Development Development & in Research ofSuccess The Determinants Hawaii Convention Center:Room313B 10:40am -12:00pm 540 2 2 4 Outcomes, CEO PowerDimensions:TheirInterrelationships, Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room309 10:40am -12:00pm 539 Diffusion:Inter-firm Technology DoIntra-Organizational Capacity: Realized Absorptive and Effects ofPotential Discussant: Technology andCompetitive Advantage Theme-oriented |

B in Stakeholder Governance Parent-Subsidiary Conflict with Parent-Subsidiary Happy Few, Band of Brothers? Band ofBrothers? Determinants andEffectsof Happy Few, Swedish School of Economics and BusinessAdministration of Economicsand Swedish School Administration; Riikka Sarala BusinessAdministration; of Economicsand Swedish School HEC Paris; Powell Louisiana Tech U.; Louisiana Tech Positions on Other Firm's Boards | Boards Firm's onOther Positions Knowledge Sharing: Steps Toward Construct Clarity | Clarity Construct Toward Knowledge Sharing:Steps Antecedents and Consequences | Consequences and Antecedents Board Nomination Committees in Switzerland | inSwitzerland Committees Board Nomination and Capabi Integration box of Non-synergistic Alliances | | and Contingencies | Linkages Matter? | Panel Dynamic with System Reconceptualization Gwendolyn Kuo-fangLee Griffith Cynthia A Lengnick-Hall U.; Ruigrok Gallen; of Technology; Pajunen Chi-Hyon Lee Maryland, CollegePark; Bao Software Industry| Disentangling Knowledge Flow, Knowledge Transfer & Transfer Flow, Knowledge Knowledge Disentangling A Road to Directorship: How Corporate Executives Secure Secure Executives HowCorporate Directorship: A Roadto

Performance Effects of Diversification Within the Withinthe of Diversification Performance Effects : JS: : Sabina Tacheva Mitrabarun Sarkar Daniel P Forbes (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) , U.ofLethbridge (BPS, TIM) , U.ofAlabama , U.ofTexas, SanAntonio Yan Hu , U.ofSt. Gallen; , Tampere U.ofTechnology; Anne MarieKnott Morten Huse Arvids AZiedonis Degenhard Meier Jeffrey H.Dyer , Swedish School of Economics and Business Economicsand , SwedishSchoolof , Boston U. , Boston Visual Presentation| Grant T.Savage Guenter Stahl , U. ofSt.Gallen Alliances as Vehicles for Innovation, for as Vehicles Alliances Albert Cannella,Jr , U.ofSt.Gallen; , U. ofMinnesota Nandini Lahiri Huseyin Tanriverdi Brad Olson , U.of CentralFlorida , NorwegianManagement Schoolof

Qing Cao lity Improvement| Va , U. of Texas, SanAntonio; Simon Peck , U.of Florida , Brigham YoungU.; , U. ofMaryland lue Creation | , AnnArbor U. ofMichigan, Knowledge Flows Stakeholder Representation on Stakeholder Representation Organizational Transition | Transition Organizational , RWTHAachen , INSEAD; , U.ofAlabama in MNCs: An Examination of An Examination in MNCs: Selected forBestPaper Proceedings s in Acquisitions: Social Social s inAcquisitions: , U.ofMaryland , U.ofLethbridge; , Indian School of Business ofBusiness , IndianSchool Anil KGupta Petri Parvinen Peder M.Greve Richard H. Lester , CaseWesternReserve , Arizona State U. , Arizona Ingmar Bjorkman , U. of Texas, Austin; , U.of Texas, Austin; Oliver Gottschalg

Eero Vaara Eero Benjamin C.

, U.of Winfried , HelsinkiU. Yongjian Robert J , U.ofSt. , , Kalle , , Session Details Ð Monday

Managerial Decision-Making Regarding Governance | Firing me Softly: The Meanings of Dismissal | Ana Luisa Vieira Prashant Kale, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Phanish Puranam, Pliopas, EAESP, Fundação Getúlio Vargas; Maria Jose Tonelli, London Business School EAESP-FGV, Sao Paulo, Brazil Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Devalued? | Joanne Talk of National Culture in Connection with the Unsettling of Elizabeth Oxley, U. of Toronto Organizational Culture | Agneta Moulettes, Lund U. Participants: Mariko Sakakibara, U. of California, Los Angeles; Brian Silverman, U. of Toronto; Prashant Kale, U. of Michigan, 544 JS: (CMS, ODC, OMT) One Hundred Years of Ann Arbor; Phanish Puranam, London Business School; Jeffrey H. Servitude? Institutional Constructions of Oppression and Dyer, Brigham Young U. Difference 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room 541 : (Paper Session) - (CAR) Career Success: Is it Up, Up, Chairs: Michael James Zyphur, Tulane U.; David M Boje, New Up? Mexico State U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Servicing Global Power: Toward Understanding Ideology and Chair: Nikos Bozionelos, Sheffield U. Pushkala Prasad Kathleen Park Representation in International Business | , Discussant: , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Skidmore College; Anshuman Prasad, U. of New Haven; Ariel Levi Linda Career Goal Persistence | , Wayne State U.; Michael Cavanaugh, Fairfield U. Haynes Slowik Jean-Luc Cerdin , U. of Detroit, Mercy; , ESSEC Simulating Opposition in Organization Science: A Business School; Diya Das, Syracuse U. Baudrillardian Analysis | Michael James Zyphur, Tulane U. Challenging Experiences as Cues for Promotion Evaluations: Service not Servitude? Re-Searching Ethics for a Responsible A New Perspective on the Glass Ceiling | Irene E. De Pater, Critical Management Scholarship | Joanna Brewis, U. of U. of Amsterdam; Anna Van Vianen, U. of Amsterdam; Agneta Leicester; Edward Wray-Bliss, Nottingham U. H. Fischer, U. of Amsterdam Self-Serving Servants: Ethical Tension in Organization Individual Traits, Human Capital, or Family Situation: Which Studies and an "Ethics of Difference" | Gazi Islam, Tulane U. Predicts Males/Females Career Success? | Christine Marie Riordan, U. of Georgia; Robert Donn Gatewood, U. of Georgia; Institutional Theory, Embedding Change and Critical Hugh Marcus M. Butts, U. of Georgia; Garnett Stokes, U. of Georgia Management Studies: A New Vision of Management | Willmott Influence of Career-Plateaued on Attitudes and Behaviors and , Cambridge U. the Moderating Role of Self-Plateauing | Michel Tremblay, 545 1: (Paper Session) - (ENT) Research on Opportunity HEC Montreal Recognition 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 1 542 Trust and Trust Repair : (Paper Session) - (CM) Presented on panels 21-24 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B Roy J. Lewicki 1Episodic Knowledge and Entrepreneurial Discovery | Chair: , Ohio State U. MONDAY Patrick J. Murphy, DePaul U. BThe Effect of Real Options on Trust and Trustworthiness: The Relevance of Irrelevant Alternatives | Deepak Malhotra, 1The Co-existence of "Schumpeterian" and "Kirznerian" Mikael J Samuelsson Harvard U. Venture Opportunities. | , Borås U. Expectations Across People and Time: Trustworthiness, 1A Sensemaking-Sensegiving Perspective on the Evolution Dev K. Dutta Time Horizon and Non-cooperation | Peter Hwang, National of Growth Intentions in Entrepreneurial Firms | , Stewart Thornhill U. of Singapore U. of Western Ontario; , U. of Western Ontario Building Trust through Interpersonal Emotion Management: A 1Representation and Realization: A Theoretical Perspective Threat Regulation Model of Collaboration | Michele on Entrepreneurship | Benson Honig, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Tomas Karlsson Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Jonkoping International Business School 2 Silence Speaks Volumes: The Effectiveness of Reticence 546 1: (Paper Session) - (ENT) Governance Systems in Donald L Ferrin for Repairing Trust Violations | , Singapore Entrepreneurial Firms Management U.; Peter H Kim, U. of Southern California; Cecily 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 2 D Cooper, U. of Miami; Kurt T Dirks, Washington U. Presented on panels 77-80 Winner of CM Division Best Paper Award - Empirical 1Gene Politics: A New View of Family Business | Nigel Nicholson, London Business School 543 : (Paper Session) - (CMS) Alternative Perspectives on Globalization and MNCs 1Beyond The Developmental Model for Family Business: An Matthew W. Rutherford 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Hilo Room Empirical Examination | , Gonzaga U.; Chair: Jean Helms Mills, St. Mary's U. Lori A. Muse, Western Michigan U.; Sharon Oswald, Auburn U 24Hegemony in the Global Factory: Power, Ideology, and 1Boards Attending to Opportunity in Established Value in Global Production Networks | David Levy, U. of Enterprises:An Attention-Based Model | Chris Tuggle, Texas Massachusetts, Boston A&M U.; Don Hellriegel, Texas A&M U. 4 On Doing Ethnography in International Business 1Do Boards of Directors Value Entrepreneurial Research: Relevance, Practice and Future Directions. | Performance? An Empirical Study | William John Lekse, Diana Sharpe, Monmouth U. Babson College; Mengxin Zhao, Bentley College

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 207 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Chair: Sheraton Waikiki Beach: WaianaeRoom 10:40am -12:00pm 550 in Discrimination on Effects Type Religion andJob in Under-Represented Women Whyare Ties thatBlind: andJob Processes Referral Mechanisms: Missed Discussant: Chair: 1-2 Hilton HawaiianVillage:SeaPearlSuite 10:40am -12:00pm 549 Norris FKrueger Development Presenters: Texas, ElPaso Discussants: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room301B 10:40am -12:00pm 548 of the Incide Regional Determinants | Ventures ofNew Networks Advisory All intheFamily: Moderating Commitment andthe Family of Antecedents Ma Governing by to Approach Network No FamilyisanIsland:A Social Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room303A 10:40am -12:00pm 547 Resources: Selection,Referral,andUnder-representation And ImplementationOfNew HealthCareTechnology Sources of Competitive Advantage Sources ofCompetitive Knowledge as a Basis for Community Action Community Knowledge asaBasisfor Discussant: Maria Peredo Regina Arizona; Bambi Douma H. Kim Customer Service Race-matching in Urban Firms | inUrban Race-matching Service Customer United States: A Preliminary Report | States:APreliminary United Employment Settings | Settings Employment Technology?| Information | Segregation FamilyTies| Effects ofCEO | Family Businesses Family Firms| in Governance International Business School International Business Fairchild State U.; Chang Lethbridge; Jiun Shiu Chen Technology Technology; U.; Place, Race and Human Resources: Supervisor and Supervisor andHumanResources: Race Place,

: : B B Glen E. Kreiner Larry R. Hearld Beverly J Demarr Bryant Thomas A. M. B.Neace (Paper Session)-(HCM) (Paper Session)-(GDO) ; Michael Christie : (Paper Session) -(ENT) , MississippiStateU.; , U. ofNorth Carolina,Chapel Hill T 4 eaching-oriented | Barbara AGutek Raymond Saner Waheeda Lillevik Waheeda Larry R.Hearld Jess H.Chua , U. of Virginia; , U. ; Lichia Yiu Max Wortman

, U. ofVictoria Richard Perlow Roberto Fernandez JS: , Boise State U. , BoiseState , U. ofMontana; Brian Rubineau naging Identity Boundaries: The Case of naging IdentityBoundaries:TheCase , MercerU. , U.ofMemphis; (ENT, SIM, MED) , U.ofCincinnati , U.ofMichigan , Ferris StateU. , CSEND Chamu Sundaramurthy , Queensland U.ofTechnology ☯ , NichollsStateU , U. ofCalgary Jeffrey A.Robinson Management Practice-oriented | , IowaStateU. ; ThomasA.Bryant Kazhal Yousefvand Mansouri , U. of Michigan , Center ForSocio-Economic , U.of Arizona , Flint U. ofMichigan, , U. of Lethbridge , U.of James JChrisman Kenneth WKoput Diversity and Human Diversity and Strategies ForTheAdoption Family Business: Unique Family Business: ; Robert BrentAnderson Raj VMahto Elizabeth Layne Paddock Elizabeth Layne , Massachusetts Instituteof , Massachusetts Mattias Nordqvist Edith C. Busija Edith C. , Massachusetts Instituteof , Massachusetts Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship nce of Family Firms in the ofFamilyFirmsinthe nce

; Frank Hoy Erick Paulo Cesar , U. ofMemphis; , Nicholls State U , NichollsState , New YorkU. , San DiegoState , , Mississippi , U.ofMemphis U. ofArizona;

International-oriented| , Jonkoping , U.of ; Ana Gregory , U.of Phillip , U. of, U. , U. of, U.


208 Development & Performance Appraisal & Performance Development B 1 Presented onpanels53-60 - HR III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:40am -12:00pm 551 Tango: Trusta It Takestwoto 2 B Barriers andMacro-Level Meso- 2 Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room319B 10:40am -12:00pm 552 1 1 B 4 1 B Effectiveness Through HR Localization of Health IT: How Users “Repair” Electronic Electronic “Repair” IT:HowUsers of Health Localization Examining theImpactofHuman Theme-oriented | 1 Technology Enablers: Manage 1 1 1 Wicks Mayer Columbia; Carolina, ChapelHill Furst End-user Acceptance of Technology | of Technology Acceptance End-user Justin Nyberg Constraint Salience in Supervisory & Self-ratings | & inSupervisory Constraint Salience Model for Effective Web Based Recruitment | Recruitment| WebBased Effective Model for Attraction| onApplicant Difficulty Process | Feedback Assessment Multisource Organizing Principles DuringChange| Principles Organizing Practice Guideline Practice in Large Cities of China| Cities in Large of Washington; Sekiguchi Messersmith Pennsylvania State U. Pennsylvania State Alberta; U.; Keown-Gerrard Jerry Goodstein State U.,Vancouver; Michael IHarrison Western ReserveU. Toronto Values-Based Performance | Performance Values-Based and Members | and Members| Tenure | Medical Record Systems| Medical Record Organizational Performance | Performance Organizational Washington Victoria Attributions in Performance Appraisal: Situational Situational Appraisal: in Performance Attributions An Analysis of Online Recruiting: Building a Conceptual a Conceptual Building ofOnlineRecruiting: An Analysis andSelection Reputation, Familiarity, Effect ofOrg. of at theTreatment Looking Time forAccountability:

Beyond Performance: The Impact of Intelligence on Job on Job TheImpactofIntelligence Beyond Performance: 1 : Mutual Expectations between Recr between Mutual Expectations David A. Jones David A. Joseph J Martocchio (Paper Session)-(HR) , LouisianaStateU.; Walking the Talk: Developing and Testing a Model of aModel andTesting Developing Walking theTalk: Identifying Training Needs Training Identifying : , U.ofVirginia , U.ofNevada, Las Vegas (Paper Session)-(HR) Jay Handelman Mark Maltarich , Osaka U.ofEconomics; Robert Woods , U.ofKansas , U. of Wisconsin, Madison , U. ofWisconsin, Visual Presentation| Wendy S.Harman , U.ofCalgary; Benson Rosen , WashingtonStateU.,Vancouver; , Agencyfor Healthcare ResearchandQuality , U.ofVermont Implementation | Implementation Susan M. Burroughs

, Queen'sU.; , U.of Wisconsin, Madison; , U. of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign , U.of Nevada, LasVegas; Richard SBlackburn Maximizing Organizational Maximizing Hao Zhao

Shirly BarLev nd Institutional Logics as nd InstitutionalLogics Careers, Recruiting, Lorne M Sulsky Lorne M Melissa Gruys m Seonghee Cho , U.ofNorth Carolina; and Facilitators to Clinical toClinical and Facilitators Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofWashington; Resources Management on Management Resources ent Practices thatPromote ent Practices fo Dierk Esseln r Virtual Team Leaders Team r Virtual , U.ofIllinois,Chicago Ali Dastmalchian Erin Gilbart Scott Taylor uiters and Applicants andApplicants uiters Kathryn HDansky Karan Sonpar

, U. of PugetSound; , BarIlanU.; Chad Higgins , Washington , , WilfridLaurier , U. ofMissouri, U. ofNorth Jake , U.of , U.of Andrew C , Case Anthony Karl Tomoki Stacie Janine L. , U. of , U. , U.of , U. , Session Details Ð Monday

BA Critical Analysis Of The Dominant Strategic Human 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305A Ivan Manev Gangaram Singh, San Chair: , U. of Maine Resource Management Perspective | Tarun Khanna Diego State U.; Chee Chow, San Diego State U.; Anne Wu, Discussant: , Harvard Business School National Chenchi U. 4Japanese Inter-Corporate Groupings: A Comparison of Do the Best Companies to Work for Provide Better Customer Vertical and Horizontal Keiretsu | Jean McGuire, Concordia Sandra Dow Toru Yoshikawa Satisfaction? | Daniel Simon, Cornell U. U.; , U. du Québec à Montréal; , Singapore Management U. 4Human Resource Management and Performance: David E Guest 24Janus Face of Intra-Firm Ties: Group-Wide and Affiliate- Exploring the Linkages | , King's College, U. of Ishtiaq Pasha Mahmood London; Michael Clinton, King's College, U. of London Level Innovation in Taiwan | , National U. of Singapore; William G Mitchell, Duke U.; Chi-Nien 2BThe Transformation of Authority at Continental Airlines | Chung, National U. of Singapore Andrew Von Nordenflycht, Simon Fraser U. Finalist--IMD Best Paper 553 : (Paper Session) - (HR) New Directions in Performance 4Organizational Form, Foreign Ownership and Performance: Management Research Evidence from the MENA Region | Nada Kobeissi, Long 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A Island U., C.W.Post Yehuda Baruch Chair: , U. of East Anglia 24A Temporal Study of Diversification, Group Affiliation and 2A Meta-analysis of Work Sample Test Validity:Updating and Performance among Indian Manufacturers | Barbara Integrating Some Classic Literature | Philip L Roth, Pecherot Petitt, Thunderbird, American Graduate School of Clemson U.; Phil Bobko, Gettysburg College; Lynn A. International Mgmt.; Kannan Ramaswamy, Thunderbird, McFarland, Clemson U. American Graduate School of International Mgmt.; Mingfang Li, Winner of HR Division Best Paper Award California State U., Northridge 2Evaluating Dynamic Performance: Effects of Trend, Mean, Finalist--IMD Best Paper and Variation of Performance on Evaluations | Jochen Reb, 556 4 JS: (IM, OB, OMT) New Horizons on Cross- Singapore Management U. National and Cross-Cultural Research: Implications for 2 A Performance Motivator in One Country, a Non Motivator 4 the 21st Century in Another? An Empirical Study | Marjaana Rehu, U. of Edward J. Lusk Birgitta Wolff 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Magdeburg; , U. of Magdeburg; , Organizer: Rabi S Bhagat, U. of Memphis U. of Magdeburg Discussant: Dharm Prakash Sharma Bhawuk, U. of Hawai`i, I. M. BRater Behaviors, Ratee's Reactions, and Performance | Manoa Jawahar , Illinois State U. Structure of Social Axioms Around the Globe: Towards a New Cognitive, Affective, and Social Network Influences in Perspective | Kwok Leung, City U. of Hong Kong

Anuradha Ramesh MONDAY Performance Appraisal | , U. of Maryland, Protestant Relational Ideology: Its Cognitive Underpinnings College Park; Daniel A. Newman, U. of Maryland and Organizational Implications | Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, U. Winner of HR Division's Best Student Paper Award of Michigan 554 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Expatriates in Action Going Beyond the Existing Paradigms in International 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A Management: Using Feeling and Thinking | Rosalie L. Tung, Chair: Mikael Sondergaard, U. of Arhaus Simon Fraser U. Discussant: Richard Brislin, U. of Hawai`i Culture Clashes Around the Globe and the Future of 4A Quasi-Experimental Field Study on the Impact of Host Globalization | Rabi S Bhagat, U. of Memphis; B. Ram Baliga, Worker Perceptions on Expatriate Adjustment | Arup Wake Forest U.; Shin Mannsoo, Korea U.; Ben L Kedia, U. of Varma, Loyola U. Chicago; Soo Min Toh, U. of Toronto; Pawan Memphis S. Budhwar, Aston Business School; Soumendu Biswas, Indian Institute of Technology 557 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Cognition, Identity, and Strategic 4Does Cultural Similarity/Dissimilarity Matter? U.S. Business Action Jan Selmer, Hong 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A1 Expatriates in Canada and Germany | Mathew Laurence Sheep Kong Baptist U.; Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Hong Kong Baptist U. Facilitator: , U. of Cincinnati OB: 4Trust and Distrust of Expatriate Managers in a Foreign- Toward an Understanding of Shared Vision and David A Waldman Lai Si Tsui-Auch, Organizational Learning | , Arizona State Owned Enterprise: A Grounded Theory | Yair Berson Craig L Pearce Nanyang Technological U.; Eden Ling, - ; Joyce Low, - ; U.; , U. of Haifa; , Claremont Stephen Wan, - Graduate U. OB: Psychological Collectivism: A Measurement Validation B4Expatriate Learning: Exploring How Japanese Christine Managers Adapt in the United States | D Christopher Kayes, and Linkage to Group Member Performance | Yoshitaka Yamazaki Lynn Jackson, Purdue U., West Lafayette; Jason Colquitt, U. George Washington U.; , International U. of Michael Wesson Cindy Zapata Japan of Florida; , Texas A&M U.; , U. of Florida 555 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Business Groups, Ownership, and Performance

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 209 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday RM: BPS: PNP: OMT: HCM: GDO: 560 B 4 Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA3 10:40am -12:00pm 559 Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA2 10:40am -12:00pm 558 4 MOC: ONE: Collaboration Value OB:

IM: HCM: HCM: Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen Business U. ofNevada,LasVegas U. U.; Antonio; San Antonio; Texas, SanAntonio; for Environmental Activities and Performance | andPerformance Activities for Environmental Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect| Loyalty, Voice, Relationships | Relationships | Hui Mark AlanDavis Katja Nothnagel Abraham Carmeli Steven Melnyk Frank Montabon Sroufe Teachers College,ColumbiaU. Randall EWestgren Organizational Identification and Work Outcomes | Outcomes and Work Identification Organizational Nation Study| Squire Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior | Behavior Citizenship Organizational of Antecedents Performance as a Piece of the Puzzle. | of thePuzzle. asaPiece Performance | TherapyFacilities Physical of AnAnalysis Performance: When DoTheySo?| Variable Approach Using Doomed Firms| Using Variable Approach | Difference the Models ThatMake at Multidiscplinary Meetings| at Multidiscplinary Resources in Empirical Tests of the RBV (1984-2004) | RBV (1984-2004) of the Tests inEmpirical Resources Texas; U. ofDelaware; OB: Who May Become Followers Become Who May The VRIN Problematic: Oper Problematic: The VRIN

OM: : : : Estimating the Cost ofStrategicLiabilities:AMulti- Estimating the andPerforman Participation A Study of Expectancy Theo A StudyofExpectancy The Role of Perceived Organizational Prestige in Organizational The RoleofPerceived In SookKim Sex Differences in Research Productivity: Job Sex DifferencesinResearch Scanning,andFirm Strategy, Environmental Cross-Cultural Differences in the Use of Time: A Three of Time:AThree intheUse Differences Cross-Cultural

, ChineseU. of HongKong; Identity Congruence and Behavioral Outcomes: Exit, Exit, Outcomes: andBehavioral Congruence Identity (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) GDO Division BestPaperBased onaDissertation A MatterofExchange: Let Us Work Together - The Challenges of Interacting of Interacting Let UsWorkTogether-TheChallenges , U.ofManchester , Boston College; T William CordellMcDowell Modularization and the Impact on Supply on Supply Impact Modularization andthe Kathi JLovelace Dean Bartlett eaching-oriented | Dennis JDuchon

Stephanie DeAnn Thomas , Michigan State U. , MichiganState Corinne Boyles Diane Ferry , YonSeiU.; Mickey Bruce Howard , U.ofPaderborn , U.ofNorth Texas; , IowaStateU.; , BarIlanU.; Donde AshmosPlowman , U.ofIllinois , London MetropolitanU. ☯ Management Practice-oriented | Karen Chinander , U. of PugetSound New Perspectiveson Collaborative Groups New ResearchonSourcesof , U. of Texas,SanAntonio Kyoungsu Kim , U. of Delaware; Kong SooKim Individual and Contextual Individual andContextual Cy Gershon Gilat Peter Foreman Anne Reff PedersenAnne Reff , KinkiU.,Higashi-Osaka ationalizing Strategic Vaidy Jayaraman ce: It's Shared Mental ce: It'sSharedMental of Leadersand Charismatic nthia Lee ry as a MotivationalModel ry as , U.ofNorth Texas Grant Miles Patricia GMartinez , U.ofBath; , U.of Texas, San , Florida AtlanticU.; , ChonnamNational Diane Bergeron , Northeastern U. , Kunsan National Sharon Watson Richard JArend , Bar IlanU. , IllinoisState U.; , U. ofTexas, , U.ofNorth International-oriented|

Robert , U.ofMiami; Brian C ,

Chun , U.of , , , 210 TIM: 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B1 Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa2-TableB1 10:40am -12:00pm 561 Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA4 10:40am -12:00pm 4 B B Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa2-TableB2 10:40am -12:00pm 562 B B Lausanne Facilitator: HCM: Ownership ENT: OMT: OB: TIM: Theme-oriented | BPS: MC: BPS: Middlesex U.; through Domain-Based Collaborative Governance | Governance Collaborative through Domain-Based RLBO as anAlternativetoSpin-off| RLBO Performance: Agency or Life-style Relationship? | Relationship? or Life-style Agency Performance: to Corporate | to Corporate Oswald Olivier Cochet Calgary Stephanie Bertels Singapore Management U.; Young Rok Choi Humphry Hung Provera U.; Bocconi / Empirical Rights: Decision Pennsylvania State U.,Erie Pennsylvania State Warner Performance: The Role of Ownership | TheRoleofOwnership Performance: Birmingham Alabama, Birmingham; of Massachusetts, Amherst of Massachusetts, Sandra G. Rota Organizational Life | Organizational Zanzi Case ofCollective Invention?.| Resource-based Perspective Perspective Resource-based Health Care Organizations | Organizations Care Health Babis Mainemelis Relationship: An Empirical Test on R&D Investments | Relationship: AnEmpiricalTest onR&DInvestments Spin-Offs in the XXI Century. | XXICentury. Spin-Offs inthe Matthew W. Rutherford Muenster Kong Polytechnic U. Kong Polytechnic SIM: MC: Exploring the Functions of Play Behaviors in FunctionsofPlayBehaviors Exploring the

4 TIM: Open Source Software Development – Just another another – Just Development Open SourceSoftware Generating Value in Formal Standards Environments: A Environments: Standards Generating ValueinFormal : : Influence of Large Stake Family Ownership on Family Ownership Stake of Large Influence Contractual Self-Enforcement Contractual Self-Enforcement A Resource Based View A Resource (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) The ConsultingCareerinTra BPS: Cohesion through Values? Management Consulting Consulting Management Values? through Cohesion Paths of Divestiture toward Public Independence:D- toward Paths ofDivestiture The Politics of Provision: En of Provision: The Politics Free Cash Flow and Princip Free CashFlowand , SuffolkU. Does Corporate Governance Matter in Innovation? | inInnovation? Matter Governance Corporate Does , Pennsylvania State U., Erie; , PennsylvaniaStateU., , Auburn U; Mary SueLove Jeremy CollinJeremy Short Matthias Finger , SDA Bocconi / Bocconi U. , SDABocconi/

Small and Medium-Sized Firm Behavior and Behavior Firm andMedium-Sized Small Abby Ghobadian Visual Presentation| , U. ofMuenster; Susan M.Adams , HongKongPolytechnicU.; , U.ofZurich , SingaporeManagement U.; , London Business School , LondonBusinessSchool , U.ofCalgary; Lori A. MuseLori A. Anna Canato Sarah Ronson Thomas L Powers Thomas L , Southern Illinois U., Edwardsville , SouthernIllinoisU., , Gonzaga U. , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de , EcolePolytechnique Control andOwnership Go Bong HeeHan , PortlandStateU. Evidence from Franchising | fromFranchising Evidence vernance, Control,and Of Partnership StrategiesIn Of Partnership Amy K.Yarbrough , MiddlesexU. on Early Acquisition| on Early Thomas Ehrmann , WesternMichiganU.; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , Bentley College; , BentleyCollege; Ferdinando Pennarola Harrie Vredenburg Margit Osterloh , BocconiU.; nsition: From Partnership Partnership nsition: From al-Principal Agency hancing Accountability hancing Accountability and Delegationof Jim Fairbank , London Business School; , LondonBusiness Michael Reto Braun , U.of Alabama, Nicholas O'Regan , AjouU. Y H Wong Y H Toru Yoshikawa Bernardino , U.of , U.ofZurich; , U.of , Alberto

, U.of , Hong Sharon Al , SDA , U. , , Session Details Ð Monday

BPS: Corporate Governance and Firm Competitive BPS: Strategic Control in Universities as Pluralistic Contexts | Behavior: Disentangling Motivation and Capability Effects | Paula Jarzabkowski, Aston Business School Jinyu He, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign B4TIM: Examining the Effects of Board Competence on BENT: The Governance of Corporate Entrepreneurs: The Operational Innovation | Hsueh Liang Wu, National Cheng Applicability of Agency Theory | Donna Kelley, Babson Kung U.; Cheng Yu Lee, National Cheng Kung U. College; Heidi M. Neck, Babson College; Lois S. Peters, OMT: CEO Duality, Board Composition, and the Speed and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Gina O'Connor, Rensselaer Breadth of Strategic Behavior | Bongjin Kim, U. of Texas, Polytechnic Institute San Antonio; John E Prescott, U. of Pittsburgh 563 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Governance, Control, and 566 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Creating and Exploiting Value Incentives 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B3 Facilitator: Francois Therin, Grenoble Ecole de Management Facilitator: Paul Laurence Robertson, Griffith U. TIM: Innovation and Complementarity: Economic Incentives BBPS: The Effect of Outside Director Stock-Based and Market Outcomes | Daniel Levinthal, U. of Pennsylvania; Compensation on Corporate Social Performance | Yuval Brian Wu, U. of Pennsylvania Deutsch, York U.; Michael S. Valente, York U. BTIM: My Precious: The Role of Appropriability Strategies in BPS: Blockholder Ownership, Dividends and Firm Valuein Shaping Innovative Performance | Keld Laursen, Continental Europe | Steen Thomsen, Copenhagen Business Copenhagen Business School; Ammon Salter, Imperial College School London BPS: Investigating Board Process: How Outside Directors TIM: The Dynamic Interaction between Institutional and Attempt to Overcome Information Asymmetry | Matthew A. Cultural Mechanisms in KMS Effectiveness | Hind Benbya, Rutherford, James Madison U.; Ann K. Buchholtz, U. of Lecce U. Georgia OMT: Economic Exchange or Social Obligation BPS: IPO Lockups, Relative Bargaining Power, and Reciprocity?Exchange Modalitiesof Interorg. Relations | Executive Compensation | Lerong He, U. of Pennsylvania Christiana Weber, Social Science Research Center, Berlin; BPS: A Meta-Analytic Review of Formal Operational Control Markus Goebel, U. der Bundeswehr; Michael Gaitanides, Systems. | David Kern, Oklahoma State U.; James M. Pappas, Helmut Schmidt U. Oklahoma State U.; Timothy DeGroot, Oklahoma State U. BENT: The Nature of Good Deals for Entrepreneurs | James Fiet, U. of Louisville; Pankaj C Patel, U. of Louisville 564 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Corporate Governance and Ethical Conduct 567 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Creating and Sharing Knowledge 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B4 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 Facilitator: Sandra L Christensen, Eastern Washington U. Facilitator: M. Lourdes Sosa, Massachusetts Institute of MONDAY 4 IM: Corporate Governance Reforms around the World | Technology Pursey Heugens, Utrecht U.; Jordan Otten, Utrecht U. TIM: When Do Acquisitions Facilitate Knowledge Transfer SIM: An Integrative Theory of Executive Corruption: from Targets to Acquirers? | Jaeyong Song, Seoul National Woojin Yoon Implications for Corporate Governance | Ann K. Buchholtz, U.; , Seoul National U. U. of Georgia; Jill Ann Brown, U. of Georgia TIM: Coordination of Innovation: The Impact of Justification on SIM: The Effects of Corporate Governance on Corporate Common Knowledge as Base for Coordination | Philipp Tuertscher Simon Grand Social Responsibility | Wendy Chapple, U. of Nottingham / , U. of St. Gallen; , U. of St. Gallen; Georg Von Krogh ICCSR; Deniz Ucbasaran, Nottingham U.; Georgios Makris, - , U. of St. Gallen OMT: Ken N. B4 IM: Globalisation and National Varieties of Corporate Improvisational Action as Tacit Knowledge | Kamoche Miguel Pina Cunha Governance System | Soo Hee Lee, Birkbeck College, U. of , City U.; , U. Nova de Lisboa CMS: London; Bongjin Kim, U. of Texas, San Antonio The Dark Side of Narrations:Challenging the Daniel 4OMT: The Impact of Institutional Factors on Patterns of Epistemological Nature of Narrative Knowledge | Geiger Intercorporate Ties | Ilya Okhmatovskiy, U. of Southern , Freie U. Berlin OCIS: California Phenomenology of InterrelatedEmbodied Implicit and Narrative Knowing in Organizations | Wendelin Kuepers, 565 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Corporate Governance Open U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 Facilitator: Lori Verstegen Ryan, San Diego State U. 568 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Creating Knowledge and BPS: Formalization as a Means to Give and Make Sense | Capabilities Paul W.L. Vlaar, Erasmus U.; Frans A.J. Van den Bosch, 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C4 Erasmus U.; Henk W. Volberda, Erasmus U. Facilitator: Lars Schweizer, U. of Bamberg BPS: The Market for Corporate Directors: Does “Settling Up” B4 BPS: How National Institutions Influence Knowledge Occur? | Christine Shropshire, Arizona State U.; Robert Spillovers In Technology Alliances | Gurneeta Vasudeva, Ensign White, Arizona State U. George Washington U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 211 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Management Education -CoursesandPrograms Management 1 Presented onpanels25-30 - MED III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:40am -12:00pm 570 Problems ofAligningITw does inChange, Preferences Looking forPersonal How EthicalLeadersBuild of Causes and Consequences Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room314 10:40am -12:00pm 569 B 4 Consultants BPS: Twynstra Nistelrooij Participants: Bentley College Bentley College OB:

State College U.; Schouten Antonie Van Nistelrooij Madhukar Pathak Kohnke Meda their Subsequent Emplo their Subsequent Program forPrac | Performance on Academic of ManagementE-le Vision Co withthe and Learning Fair Assessment? | Fair Assessment? | Professionals Business Competent Developing and Careers| Projects: A Framework Combining Mental Models | Models Mental Projects: AFrameworkCombining Matter?| Personality Actions | National U.ofSingapore Annapoornima Dublin Yousef Eiadat Baglieri Southern MethodistU.; Gygi Paul Burton Technology W Weiss Integration in An Inherently Political Setting | Setting Political Inherently in An Integration Vrije U. 1 1 1 1 1 CAR:

B BPS: Executive Job Change inBiote Executive Job Classroom Contribution: What Do Students Perceive as Contribution:WhatDoStudents Perceive Classroom Service-Learning: Learningthrough Collateral Michael JProvitera Understanding Changes in Changes Understanding Leon De Caluwe Keen to Help? A Field Study of Managers’IPTsand Study Help?AField Keen to : , Utah ValleyStateCollege; 1 (MC) ; Anne Kohnke Meda; AnneKohnke Traits, Domain Knowledge, Intellectual Development Development Knowledge,Intellectual Traits, Domain Designing an Adult Learner Graduate Degree Degree Graduate Learner an Adult Designing oftheirImpact Tactics: AStudy and Tendency Kiasu and Experimental A Personal T , Free U.,Amsterdam , U.ofCatania; eaching-oriented | : Green and Competitive: a Jordanian Perspective? | Perspective? aJordanian and Competitive: Green , BentleyCollege Claartje JVinkenburg Claartje Nanja Schouten (Paper Session)-(MED) , Vrije U.

Va , U. of Washington, Bothell , U. ofWashington, , Benedictine U. , Benedictine lues and Actions of Management and ActionsofManagement lues , U. ofCollegeDublin; Phillip L. Ackerman , National U.ofSingapore; , Arizona State U. , ArizonaState ticing Managers| , FreeU., Twynstra Molly Pepper ☯ Leon De Caluwe Don Vandewalle Jun Li , BarryU.

, Free U., Amsterdam; , FreeU., Management Practice-oriented | ith Business Professionals & ith BusinessProfessionals EthicalOrganizations| ye , Vrije U.; nsultant LearningMethod | , Benedictine U. , Benedictine e Coaching | e Coaching ; Leon De Caluwe Incongruence in Values and inValues Incongruence , U. ofNewHampshire Eric GKirby arning Technologies| Susan R.Madsen , VrijeU. Perception of Users: ANew of Users: Perception Tools andTacticsfor , GonzagaU.; , Georgia Institute of ch Startups: Knowledge ch Startups: Claartje JVinkenburg Aidan Kelly Robert E. Scully Reflection onTeaching , FreeU., Twynstra; , Southern MethodistU. ; Antonie Van ; Antonie Pek-hooi Soh Peter A.Heslin , Texas StateU. ; JosephWWeiss Nanja , FreeU., Daniela , U.ofCollege Seemantini International-oriented| , UtahValley Anne Janice

, Barry M S Joseph , James James , , , 212 "Qualitative" Issues in Management Education inManagement "Qualitative" Issues Performance 4 Chair: Hilton Hawaiian 10:40am -12:00pm 572 B Chair: 3-4 Hilton HawaiianVillage:SeaPearlSuite 10:40am -12:00pm 571 B 2 | Better ThanAverage When Good= Chair: outcomes ofsuchbiases. our decision-making, andthe in identifybiases Multiple studies Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room317B 10:40am -12:00pm 574 U. ofNebraska,Kearney Presenters: Chair: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:Kohala/KonaRoom 10:40am -12:00pm 573 2 2 B the Bad,andUgly Management Learning Management College Winner ofMED Division Best Paper inManagement Learning Whew, that was close!: How near miss events bias events Hownear miss was close!: Whew, that Studyof West:AnEmpirical Erroneous LearningFromthe Theme-oriented | When it's Right to be "Wrong": The Effects of Inherent it's Righttobe"Wrong":The Effects When 4 Business Students' Cultural Cultural Business Students' Mellon U. China Europe International Business School; School; China EuropeInternationalBusiness Student and Teacher-Driven Management Scien Ba to Teaching Approach Victoria U.ofTechnology; Savannah State U.; Savannah State Richard Godfrey Marilyn Hart Bislev KraghSimon Ulrik Hutchings Georgetown U.; Edward Romar Instruction. | on networking in China and the Arab World | and theArabWorld China in networking on Overconfidence on Product Performance | onProduct Performance Overconfidence subsequent decision making under risk | under risk subsequent decisionmaking 1999 | 1992 and in published Cases Chinese Wisconsin, Oshkosh Ceram SophiaAntipolis Responses to Stress and Test Anxiety Among Among Anxiety andTest Responses toStress Reliability TechniquesAppliedto Learning ina Experiential Guanxi and Wasta and theim Guanxi andWasta 4

The Difficulty in Implementing TQM in Higher Education TQMinHigherEducation inImplementing The Difficulty 4 : : Susan Miller Linda LBrennan Erik Ian Dane Fred Luthans (Paper Session)-(MOC) (MH) Political Culture and Business School Teaching. | Teaching. School andBusiness Political Culture : : (Paper Session)-(MED) , Copenhagen Business School , Copenhagen Business (Paper Session)-(MED) Suzanne J.Peterson The EvolutionoftheImpactPositivityon , Queensland U.ofTechnology;

, U. ofWisconsin,Oshkosh Gavriel Meirovich Visual Presentation| , Robin Dillon-Merrill , U.ofHull U. of Massachusetts, Boston U. ofMassachusetts, , U.ofWisconsin,Oshkosh; , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign , U.of Nebraska, Lincoln , Copenhagen Business School; , Copenhagen BusinessSchool; Ronald C Carter Ronald C ce Students| , Mercer U. ; Brett Luthans

Village: SouthPacific2 Patrick WayneFoley Patrick ldrige Award Concepts| Award ldrige Quality Course: A Hands-on Quality Course:AHands-on Biased Decisions: TheGood, Biased Decisions: Values as Antecedents to Antecedents Values as

, MiamiU.,Ohio Learning Styles | Learning Styles Cultural IssuesIn Quantitative and , SapirAcademicCollege; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings pact of internationalisation pact of internationalisation

Ulysses J.Brown College Drop-Out Rates| College , Georgetown U. , FloridaA&MU. , MissouriWesternSt. Don Moore David ThomasWeir Catherine Tinsley Shu Lin Marilyn Hart Marilyn Mark Simon ; KyleLuthans , MelbourneU. Kate , Carnegie Neng Liang Ann Mitsis

Sven , PekingU. Michael , , U.of , , , , ,

, Session Details Ð Monday

Oakland U.; Susan Houghton, Georgia State U.; Catherine L. Presented on panels 41-52 Tyler, Oakland U. 1Linking Goal Setting and Goal Orientation: Overriding, 2Prone to Bias: Toward a Theory of Individual Differences in Moderation, and Mediation Approaches | Yaping Gong, Bias Manifestation | Shaul Oreg, U. of Haifa; Mahmut Bayazit, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Kin Fai Ellick Wong, Koc U. Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Jiing-Lih Farh, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Song Chang, Hong Kong Organizational Identity: 575 JS: (MOC, OMT, CMS) U. of Science and Technology Divergent Conceptualizations, Applications, and 1Teacher Behaviors, Teacher Efficacy and Students' Quality Measurement of School Life: A Multilevel Perspective | Rachel Louise 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A Hannam, U. of Queensland; Nerina Jimmieson, U. of Organizer: C. Marlena Fiol, U. of Colorado, Denver Queensland; Gillian Yeo, U. of Queensland Presenters: David A. Whetten, Brigham Young U.; Mary Jo Hatch, U. of Virginia; Dvora Yanow, California State U.; John Mohr, U. of 1“Warming” Goal-Setting Theory: Common Antecedents Lucy California, Santa Barbara; C. Marlena Fiol, U. of Colorado, Denver; and Consequences of Goal-Setting and Stress | Arendt Edward O'Connor, U. of Colorado, Denver , U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee B 1An Impression Management Model of Stigma 576 : (Paper Session) - (MSR) Leadership and the Spiritual Management: Actor Responses to Audience Cues | Larry Workplace W. Hughes, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln; William L Gardner, Texas 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Tech U. Gerald Biberman Chair: , U. of Scranton Contextualizing Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Maree Veronica Boyle 1 Discussant: , Griffith U. Conceptual Analysis | Yitzhak Fried, Wayne State U.; Amos The Mediating Affects of Spirituality on Transformational Drory, Ben-Gurion U., Negev; Ariel Levi, Wayne State U. Leadership and Employee Turnover | Tom W. Moore, U. of B1The Measurement of Equity Sensitivity: A Comparison of Texas, Arlington; Wendy J. Casper, U. of Texas, Arlington the ESI and EPQ | Judy Perkins Strauss, California State U., B A Strategic Scorecard Model of Perfromance Excellence Long Beach; Ted Shore, California State U., Long Beach Laura L Matherly Through Spiritual Leadership | , Tarleton Job Satisfaction: Comparing Effects of the Situational, Louis W Fry 1 State U. Central Texas; , Tarleton State U. Central Dispositional, and Interactional Approaches | Leon Texas; J-Robert Ouimet, Holding O.C.B. Inc. Schjoedt, Illinois State U.; David B Balkin, U. of Colorado, A Taxonomy of Spirit-centered Leadership Reflected in the Boulder; Robert A Baron, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Arthur L. Jue Phenomenology of Entrepreneurial Leaders | , 1Guilty or Innocent: Accountability and Judgments of U. of Phoenix Responsibility Following Absence from Work | Eric Patton, 577 B4 SHCS: (MSR, MED) Leadership for Adaptive Concordia U. MONDAY Organizations: Models from the Christian, Hindu and 1System Justification Theory: Explaining Why Not Only Men Buddhist Traditions but also Women Discriminate Against Women | Joerg Dietz, 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 1 U. of Western Ontario; Lars-Eric Petersen, Martin-Luther-U. The symposium will explore the implications of the teachings and Halle; Chetan Joshi, U. of Western Ontario writings from three spiritual traditions for leadership in the 21st 1Project Morale: A Multifaceted Construct and Its Link to century. Project Success | Zvi H. Aronson, Stevens Institute of Discussant: Prasad Kaipa, Kaipa Group Technology; Thomas Lechler, Stevens Institute of Technology Business Executives and Prayer: How a Core Spiritual 1Do Individual Differences Influence Social Capital Payoffs Discipline Is Expressed in the Life of Contem | Andre L for Minority Employees? | Arjun Bhardwaj, U. of Western Delbecq, Santa Clara U. Ontario Transformational Leadership and Self-Awareness in Deviance, Aggression and Anti- Hinduism: A Role Model for Creating Adaptive Organ | 579 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Harsh K Luthar, Bryant U Social Behavior: Examining Antecedents and Leadership Lessons and Indications from the Buddhist Consequences Tradition for Creating Adaptive Organizations | Barbara 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 Chair: Marie S. Mitchell, U. of Central Florida Gray, Pennsylvania State U. Discussant: Theresa Domagalski, Florida Institute of Technology Leadership Lessons and Indications from the Buddhist Identity Expression as a Predictor of Antisocial Work Behavior Tradition for Creating Adaptive Organizations | Mark P | Stefan Thau, U. of Groningen; Karl Aquino, U. of Delaware; Kriger, Norwegian School of Management Rafael Wittek, U. of Groningen Participants: Andre L Delbecq, Santa Clara U.; Harsh K Luthar, Will Felps, U. of Bryant U; Barbara Gray, Pennsylvania State U.; Mark P Kriger, How Teammates Respond to Bad Apples | Norwegian School of Management Washington Effects of Organizational Tolerance on the Incidence and 578 1: (Paper Session) - (OB) Motivation, Performance, Consequences of Workplace Aggression | Aaron CH Schat, and Attitudes McMaster U.; Serge Desmarais, U. of Guelph; E Kevin 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OB Kelloway, St. Mary's U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 213 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Presenters: Behavior Customer-Centric PerspectiveonOrganizational Consequences Examining Antecedentsand Leader Behaviors of The Role Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room328 10:40am -12:00pm 582 EffectsofPsychological and…Keep it?The Take thisJob Psychological Centralityin of Work Role The Who Cares? 2 4 Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room327 10:40am -12:00pm 581 U. ofCentralFlorida Participants: the future. 5-year report the OBDivision and for considertheDivision'sgoals an opportunitytomeetanddiscuss This sessionprovidesmembers Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room325A 10:40am -12:00pm 580 2 Action Review of the OB Division 5 Year Review oftheOBDivision5Year Action Review Queensland Stoner Presenters: of Tampa Washington Discussant: Cropanzano Kulik Eylon State U.ofNew York, Binghamton Daniel Skarlicki 4 B One Big Happy Family: Workp One BigHappyFamily: Self-Efficacy inExplai Self-Efficacy State U. National TaiwanU. of SimilarityandLeader-MemberExchange| with Individual and Envir with Individual Renate R Mai-Dalton Renate R U. ofTexas,SanAntonio; in Customer Service | Service in Customer onJob-Co Contract Breach | Contract Violation | a CollectivistCulture in Contract Breach Psychological College of Saint Benilde College ofSaint Bordia Simon Lloyd D. Restubog Rank Kevin E.Henderson Anand Tampa U.; Proactive Service Performance: Identifying Relationships Relationships Identifying Performance: Service Proactive Antecedents of Psychological ofPsychological Antecedents Examination oftheModera

, Melbourne U. : : : , U.of Richmond Jason Stoner Jacqueline NHood David L.Turnipseed (Paper Session)-(OB) (Paper Session)-(OB) (OB) , Florida State U. , FloridaState , U.ofSouth Florida/U.ofGiessen; , U.ofArkansas; T , U. ofSouthAustralia;

eaching-oriented | ; AaronCH Schat Mark MSuazo ; VikasAnand Stefan Thau Edward E.Kass Suzanne SMasterson Having AllofYourVoices Heard:AnAfter OB ExecutiveCommittee , U. ofArizona , U.ofBritishColumbia ; Bruce Avolio ; AnneM. O'Leary-Kelly , FloridaStateU.; ; PeterHom ; Simon Lloyd D.Restubog , U.ofArkansas, Fayetteville Vickie Coleman Gallagher , U.ofKansas , U.of Groningen ☯ ning Deviance | ning Deviance , U.of NewMexico , U.of Arkansas , U.of Texas,SanAntonio Blake E.Ashforth Hui Liao ; AngeloDeNisi Management Practice-oriented | , Indiana U./PurdueU. , St. Joseph'sU. William H.Turnley William onmental Variables | | onmental Variables , U.of Queensland; , McMaster U. , McMaster C Ps onsidering Customers: A onsidering Customers: nstrained Employees | Employees nstrained Robert L. Tang ychological Contract Breach: and Leader-Member Exchange Exchange and Leader-Member ting and Mediating Effect of ting andMediatingEffect , U.ofNebraska , U.of Cincinnati , ArizonaStateU. lace Familismand , RutgersU.; Contract Breach: TheRole Contract Breach: Pamela Perrewe ; Francis J Yammarino , - ; Will Felps ; Maureen LAmbrose , Texas A&MU. Jens M.Unger ; BellaL.Galperin Bella L.Galperin , U. of Arkansas , ArizonaStateU.; , Kansas StateU.; , DeLaSalle- Aichia Chuang Prashant

; Russell , FloridaState Mark MSuazo , U.of Johannes ; Carol T ; Jason , U.of International-oriented| , Florida

Vikas , U. of , U. ; Dafna ; , U. of, U. , U. , U. , , , , 214 Toward Establishing CausalPriority Toward Establishing Sexuality intheWorkplace Sexuality Organizational Justice: Justice: Research Organizational inthe Justice Organizational Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room313C 10:40am -12:00pm 583 B Exchange: Leader-Member Serving CustomersThrough Organization-Level Link Organization-Level over to UnitLevel Effectiveness Relate Capital Does Human Chairs: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room323C 10:40am -12:00pm 585 Workplace | The Sanitized of Gender the Ages: ConsideringtheIntersection Sex through | Work? atWork Sexuality Does Utilizing Sex asaTool: Moderator: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room316A 10:40am -12:00pm 584 Societies: A inChinese Research Justice Organizational “F Discussant: the World: A Status Report the World:AStatus Giessen U. Pennsylvania State Presenters: Economics Melbourne U. Participants: Discussant: North Carolina, Charlotte of Melbourne Theme-oriented |

air Go”: Organizational Justice Research in Australia | inAustralia Research air Go”: OrganizationalJustice Tulane U. U.; Christine Bradley Victoria SLim T Kulik Research | Research Kingdom | | andIdentification RoleofManagerFit Moderating Aggression, andPerformance | Time? | Identity, Sexuality,andAge| | Update and Review Fischbach Giessen; Pennsylvania State U. Pennsylvania State Alicia AGrandey Nicole Kangas U. Erdogan Customer Aggression Pred Aggression Customer Kenexa; Economics

Biting the Hand that Serves Them:WhenDoes Serves Biting theHandthat 4 JS: B Arthur PBrief Jerald Greenberg Joerg Dietz

; HuiLiao SHCS: (OB, HR) , Melbourne U.; , Melbourne ; MichelleBrown SHCS: Robin Ely Jase Ramsey Robert E Ployhart Robert E , Portland StateU.; Berrin Erdogan Jerald Greenberg Jerald Katherine Klein Katherine Jeanne M.Carsten Kees Vanden Bos ; Kwok Leung ; Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro , U.of Trier Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro Kees Vanden Bos (OB, CM,HR) Visual Presentation| , U. ofMelbourne , Stanford U. , Stanford , RutgersU. (OB, GDO,SIM) Advances in Aggregate-Level Research: Research: Aggregate-Level Advances in , U.ofWesternOntario , Pennsylvania State U.; , Pennsylvania , TulaneU.; , TulaneU.; , Harvard U. ; Johannes Rank , Ohio State U. , OhioState ages Among Work Overload, ages Among Work , U.ofSouth Carolina Michelle Brown Kwok Leung , City U.ofHongKong , Portland StateU. , U. of Pennsylvania , U. ofPennsylvania , U. ofMelbourne Vicki Schultz Vicki Organizational JusticeAround , U.of SouthCarolina; , Ohio StateU.

Jeanne K.J.Enders Netherlands: Basic and Applied and Applied Basic Netherlands: , U. ofSouthFlorida; , UtrechtU. ict Employee Exhaustion? | Exhaustion? ict Employee Ma Suzanne Chan-Serafin Debra Meyerson , Utrecht U. , Utrecht Doing the Taboo: Studying Selected forBestPaper Proceedings rla BaskervilleWatkins Findings from theUnited Findings from Jeremy F. Dawson , CityU.of Hong Kong , U.ofSouth Florida/U.of , London Schoolof

, London Schoolof ; SDouglas Pugh , U.ofMelbourne; , YaleU. ; Carol TKulik Julie Kern ; Victoria SLim ; JulieKern , PortlandState , StanfordU.; Andrea Jeff Weekley , , AstonU.; , Tulane Berrin , , , Jill Jill , U.of Carol , U. , Session Details Ð Monday

Michael W. Grojean, Aston U.; D Brent Smith, Rice U.; Jana L. B1Can Emotional Intelligence be Improved Through Raver, Queen's U. Training?: An Experimental Study | Jane P Murray, Griffith Which Comes First and Why? Linkages Between Employee U.; Peter J. Jordan, Griffith U.; Sally V Hall-Thompson, U. of Attitudes and Organizational Outcomes | S Douglas Pugh, Queensland/Griffith U. U. of North Carolina, Charlotte; Joerg Dietz, U. of Western B4 1Accounting for Organizational Accountability in Ontario Revolutionary Change Processes | Rodolphe Durand, HEC Influence of Interrater Agreement on Causal Inferences in Paris; Quy Nguyen Huy, INSEAD Longitudinal Organization-Level Data | Daniel Judson Beal, B 1Getting Ready for Organizational Change: Toward a Rice U.; Kelly de Chermont, Rice U.; Jeremy F. Dawson, Aston Procedural Model | Jennifer Walinga, U VIC; Tanis Farish, U U. VIC Presenters: Robert E Ployhart, U. of South Carolina; Jeremy F. Dawson, Aston U.; Daniel Judson Beal, Rice U.; S Douglas 589 : (Paper Session) - (ODC) The Role of Metaphors, Maps, Pugh, U. of North Carolina, Charlotte and Vision in Organizational Change 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B 586 : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) The Consequences of Being Chair: Ian Palmer, U. of Technology, Sydney Virtual Discussant: Neil M. Boyd, Pennsylvania State U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A 2BConstructing Shared Understanding: The Role of Chair: Katherine Chudoba, Florida State U. Claus Jae Yun Moon Embodied Metaphors in Organization Development | Discussant: , Hong Kong U. of Science and D Jacobs, Imagination Lab Foundation; Loizos Th. Heracleous, Technology Templeton College, Oxford U. B4 Subgroups with Attitude: Imbalance and Isolation in 2The Governance of Transition Processes in an Geographically Dispersed Teams | Michael Boyer O'Leary, Jessica Mark Mortensen Organisation: A Cognitive Mapping Approach | Boston College; , Massachusetts Institute of Steur, U. of Groningen; Rafael Wittek, U. of Groningen Technology Winner of ODC Division Best Paper B4 The Importance of Teamwork for Dispersed Project Change Visions and the Organizational Change Process: A Teams | Martin Hoegl, WHU; Holger Ernst, Otto Beisheim Karen S Whelan-Berry Luigi Proserpio Cross-Case Multi-Level Analysis | , Graduate School of Management (WHU); , Utah Valley State College Bocconi U. Organizational Learning as an Organization Development Working in Virtual Teams: Awareness and Teamwork | Intervention in Taiwan | Bella Ya-Hui Lien, National Chung Chyng-Yang Jang, U. of Texas, Arlington Cheng U.; Richard Yu-Yuan Hung, Tokyo U. Using Bibliometric Analysis to Evaluate Scientific Progress in Virtual Teams Research | Suzanne P Weisband, U. of 590 1: (Paper Session) - (OM) Strategy, Technology & Arizona; Sherry M Thatcher, U. of Arizona; Jennifer M Xu, U. of Project Management MONDAY Arizona 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OM Presented on panels 71-76 Technology Adoption: The 587 : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) 1Project Success as a Topic in Project Management Individual Level Literature | Lavagnon A. Ika, U. du Québec à Montréal; 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B Amadou Diallo, U. du Québec à Montréal; Denis Thuillier, U. Chair: Mark Keil, Georgia State U. du Québec à Montréal Discussant: Bernd Erhard Irmer, InfoHRM New Product Development and Industry Clockspeed: An Users’ Beliefs Toward Technology: A Social Capital B1 Isomorphism Perspective | Jeffrey Norris Street, U. of Perspective | Massimo Magni, Bocconi U.; Luigi Proserpio, Georgia Bocconi U. B 1Criteria for Effective Leadership in Complex Project B4Technology Sensemaking: Local Knowledge and Patterns Environments | Hans J Thamhain, Bentley College of Technology Adoption | Ruey-Lin Hsiao, National U. of Singapore; Se-Hwa Wu, National Chengchi U., Taiwan; Sheng- 4 1Linking Business & Manufacturing Strategies: The Hong Cui Tsung Hou, National Chengchi U., Taiwan Moderating Role of Communication | , City U. of Counterintentional Habit as an Inhibitor of Technology Hong Kong Acceptance | Greta Leigh Polites, U. of Georgia B1The Determinants of Alternative Strategies for Novel Masanori Yasumoto Antecedents of Specific Computer Self-Efficacy: Exploring Technology Introduction | , Shinshu U./U. Takahiro Fujimoto Use in Complex Information Systems | Clay K. Williams, U. of Tokyo; , U. of Tokyo of Georgia 591 : (Paper Session) - (OM) Supplier Management & SCM Research 588 1: (Paper Session) - (ODC) Accounting for Emotions in change 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 Chair: Amelia Carr, Bowling Green State U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ODC 1 Presented on panels 38-40 2Performance Effects of Relationalism with Dominant and Non-Dominant Suppliers: A Case Study | Charnchai Tangpong, U. of Pennsylvania; Michael D Michalisin, Southern

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 215 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room301A 10:40am -12:00pm 594 1 1 B 1 B Presented onpanels65-70 - OMT2 III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:40am -12:00pm 593 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Presented onpanels31-37 - OMT1 III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:40am -12:00pm 592 B ontheOutsourcing Influences andProcess-View Political 2 Determining WhenMultipleRes 1 4 Lamming Station York, EmpireStateCollege McIvor M Purdy Institutional Explanation for Institutional Explanation Framework | Framework | Deep Structure Evaluation| Alternative social position| Agency | | Structure Changein Argument Rhetorical | Design | Template School aBusiness Diffusing Process | Process I-Chieh Hsu Suhaib Riaz Xiaowei Luo Carbondale Illinois U.,Carbondale; Oregon StateU.; Uppsala U. Nitin Nohria U. ofSouthernCalifornia; State U.; Levinthal A Theory-Driven Empiri A Theory-Driven Empire StateCollege; Values Framework| from a Human Capital Perspective: Preliminary Thoughts| Preliminary Perspective: Capital from aHuman Supply Chain Mana Supply Chain Rungtusanatham How do Routines Change? How doRoutines The To Approach A Behavioral and Generation Alternative of Search: Two Faces | of theIronCage,Inside-Out. Caged? AView Who is and institutions:The Agency Institutional on Environments The InfluenceofLocal Institutionalizationas Webs: inSelf-Spun Suspended and Imitation Differentiation Belonging inaFi 1

Roles Managers Play: A Deep Play:A Roles Managers Performance: andSupply Interactions Supplier-Supplier : 1 1 The Unintended Consequence of the Law: an (OMT) : : T (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) , U.ofUlster, MageeCampus, Londonderry; eaching-oriented | Developing a Model of Knowledge Management Management ofKnowledge aModel Developing , U.of Washington, Tacoma Daniel R Krause Daniel R James I.Bowie , U.of Pennsylvania , U.of Southampton Tracy AThompson Donna Marshall Theory Matters:TheFuture ofOMT , National ChanghuaU.ofEducation , U. ofWesternOntario , HarvardU. , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Hari Bapuji Thomas Y.Choi Julie Battilana , ArizonaStateU. Desmond W. Ng eld: The Roleof Rankin gement Research| ☯ Nancy MillerFrank Alan Belasen Arlyn JMelcher

Management Practice-oriented | cal Investigation | cal Investigation , U.of Arizona Yuan Li Thorbjoern Knudsen , U. of Western Ontario , Arizona StateU. , U. of College Dublin; , U.of CollegeDublin; Stock Option inCEOPay| Stock Option Towards a Conceptual Towards a , U. ofWashington,Tacoma; in Graphical Trademark Trademark in Graphical enablingroleofindividuals' Learning andChange The SourcesofInstitutions , INSEAD pondents areNeededin , U.ofSouthern California; , ArizonaStateU.; Pu er LookattheCompeting , TexasA&M U., College , StateU.of NewYork, nctuated EquilibriaOf , SouthernIllinoisU., , State U. ofNew Mark Pagell Linda Wedlin gs in Creating and gs inCreating Zhaohui Wu Sandy E.Green , SDU; Ronan International-oriented| Richard

Manus Daniel , Oregon ,

, Jill ,

216 Matthew Kraatz Hole: Network Structures and Dynamics Hole: NetworkStructuresand Diversity, and Survival Diversity, and 596 2 Holes | Structural GoodsinTransactional Public Promoting Interorganizational Embeddedne Density Clusters: HowNetwork The CascadingBenefitsof Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room302A 10:40am -12:00pm 595 Walsh Presenters: Refinement andObso UK in the Evolution Organizational System-Dependent Diversity Theory ofPopulation-Level An Ecological Entries The EffectofBusiness Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room303B 10:40am -12:00pm 597 Constructing PerceptionsofVal B 2 StockOptionValu Subjective Business Administration Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room302B 10:40am -12:00pm Discussant: Discussant: Theme-oriented | Not All Ties Are Equal: Not AllTies Information, Prices, and Sensemaking in Financial Futures Futures inFinancial Prices, andSensemaking Information, Pricing Structure and Structuring Price | Price andStructuring Pricing Structure Management U.; of Pennsylvania of Pennsylvania and Receptivity of Network Resources | Resources ofNetwork and Receptivity Affects TieStrength| the Analysis of Organizational Change | Organizational of the Analysis Motorcycle Industry, Dependence | Survival | | Value,1997-2002 Market | Divergence of Evidence Empirical Carnegie MellonU.; Jonathan Jaffee Dingkun Ge Mannheim U. Erfurt U.; Ravindranath Madhavan Northwestern U.; U.; Groningen Carlo Wezel Station; U.; Michigan State Professional Networks on Law Firm Performance | Networks onLawFirmPerformance Professional Trading |

: : : Filippo CarloWezel Alix Valenti , U.ofMichigan Urelmaa Tsolmon Christine Quinn Trank (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) Robert Michael HolmesRobert Michael Philip Selznick Arent Greve Mikolaj JanPiskorskiMikolaj Pablo Martin DeHolan Michael Woywode Peter ALevin Jisung Kim , San Francisco State U. , San FranciscoState , TilburgU.; , U.ofIllinois Visual Presentation| , U.of Houston, ClearLake Christophe Boone , U.ofSouthernCalifornia; Robert O Kurzban Dovev Lavie Cynthia E.Devers ; Gerald FDavis ; Marco Tortoriello lescence: Questioning , Norwegian School of Economics and , NorwegianSchoolof , Brigham YoungU. 1895-1993 | , FordhamU.

Sheen S.Levine , TilburgU. The TemporalDynamicsof , Barnard College , U. of California,Berkeley Arjen VanWitteloostuijn , U.of Pittsburgh , Texas TechU. ation and the Black-Scholes: Black-Scholes: ation andthe , Aachen U.; Where Do Prices Come From? Come Do Prices Where Take ittothe(Structural) Change, Organizational Change, Organizational Brayden G KingBrayden G , U. ofTexas,Austin; and Exits onOrganizational ue: AcquisitionLocationand , HarvardU. ss and TheReach,Richness, ss , TexasA&MU. , InstitutodeEmpresa Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofAntwerp; , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor , U. of Pennsylvania , U.ofPennsylvania Alessandro Lomi , TexasA&MU.,College , Carnegie MellonU. Robert Wiseman , Singapore Josef Brüderl Mark JZbaracki Ranjay Gulati Nikolaus Beck

Bill Mcevily Prior Resultsin , U. ofArizona , U.of ; JamesP Filippo , Bologna , , , , , , U. ;

Session Details Ð Monday

Cascading Arenas and Genetic Modification: The U.S. Case | Discussant: Brent Goldfarb, U. of Maryland Stephanie Welcomer, U. of Maine; John F Mahon, U. of Maine Uncertainty: Opportunity and Threat in New Product Cascading Arenas of Resolution: Managerial Implications | Development | Jiyao Chen, Stevens Institute of Technology; Jennifer J Griffin, George Washington U.; Richard McGowan, Gary S. Lynn, Stevens Institute of Technology Boston College 2Firm Boundaries, Technological Relevance, and the Rate of Project Development | Jerry W. Kim, Harvard U. 604 1: (Paper Session) - (TIM) Information Technology Management & Strategy Speeding Products to Markets: The Role of Technical and Christina Elisabeth Wyss 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - TIM 1 Commercial Knowledge | , U. of St. Presented on panels 61-64 Gallen 1Impact of Internet Strategy Announcements: An Event 2How Do Firms Obtain and Retain Their Dominant Position? | John M de Figueiredo Margaret K Kyle Study Analysis | Anna M. Dempster, Birkbeck College, U. of , Princeton U.; , Duke U. London 1A New Vision of Innovation Management: Towards an Monday 11:00AM Integrated Paradigm | Ping Lan, U. of Alaska, Fairbanks 608 : (ICW) Journal of Organizational Behavior Editorial B1Intraorganizational Diffusion of ICT: Antecedents and Board Meeting Paulina Papastathopoulou Consequences | , Athens U. of 11:00am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Akaka Falls/Iao Needle Room George Avlonitis Economics and Business; , Athens U. of Organizer: Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U. Economics and Business; Nikolaos Panagopoulos, Athens U. of Economics and Business 4 1Virtual Health Care Infrastructures: Monday 12:00PM Telecommunications, the Internet and Grid Computing | 609 : (ICW) Journal of Organizational Behavior Luncheon Ann Séror, U. Laval 12:00pm - 2:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Akaka Falls/Iao Needle Room Organizer: Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U. 605 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Intellectual Property 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Chair: Gina Dokko, New York U. Monday 12:20PM Discussant: Joel West, San Jose State U. 610 4 : (AAS) A Role for Organizations in Sustainable 2Motivations and Incentives for Patenting within Universities: Peace? A New Vision for Management in the 21st Century Nicola Baldini A Survey of Italian Inventors | , U. of Bologna; 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 Rosa Grimaldi Maurizio Sobrero , U. of Bologna; , U. of Bologna Organizers: Gretchen M. Spreitzer, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Patent Informatics for Patent Thicket Detection: A Network Frances J Milliken, New York U. Analytic Approach for Patent Space | Gavin Clarkson, U. of Discussant: Andre L Delbecq, Santa Clara U. MONDAY Michigan, Ann Arbor The Role of Business in Fostering Peace: A Plan for Action | 24 Do Firms Produce Better Quality Research with Timothy L. Fort, U. of Michigan; Cindy A. Schipani, U. of Greater Academic Collaboration? | Kartik Michigan, Ann Arbor Kumaramangalam, London School of Economics The Influence of Organizational Leadership and Employee TIM Division Best Student Paper Award Finalist Voice on Peace | Gretchen M. Spreitzer, U. of Michigan, Ann Academic Research, The Bayh-Dole Act and Firm Patenting | Arbor Natarajan Balasubramanian, U. of California, Los Angeles; Facilitating Community Engagement: The Role of Mariko Sakakibara , U. of California, Los Angeles Organizational "Voice" Practices | Frances J Milliken, New Naomi B. Rothman 606 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Joint Knowledge Creation & York U.; , New York U. Sharing 611 : (AAS) New Perspectives on Cross-Cultural 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Approaches to Management Anne W. Fuller Chair: , Georgia Institute of Technology 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313A David Hsu Discussant: , Wharton School Facilitator: Detelin S Elenkov, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville 2The Fragility of Knowledge Sharing: A Behavioral Approach Taking Positivity Across Cultures: Investing in Psychological Simon Gächter Stefan Haefliger | , U. of St. Gallen; , U. of St. Capital | Fred Luthans, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln Georg Von Krogh Gallen; , U. of St. Gallen The Quest for a New Paradigm of International Leadership | Collaborative Networks as Determinants of Knowledge Fons Trompenaars, Trompenaars Hampden-Turner; Radboud Diffusion Patterns | Jasjit Singh, INSEAD U.; Free U., Brussels; Peter Woolliams, Anglia U. 4Collaborate for Knowledge Creation: An Empirical Beyond Cultural Distance: Cross-Cultural Research in a Investigation | Zi-Lin He, U. of Otago; Deng Chen, U. of Otago; Global Economy | Oded Shenkar, Ohio State U. Min Deng, National U. of Singapore Managing the Cultural Kaleidoscope | Lena Zander, Stockholm 607 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Time to Market School of Economics 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A Chair: Christian Loepfe, U. of St. Gallen

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 217 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Management & Strategy Management Sharing Discussant: Chair: Hawaii Convention Center:Room307A 10:40am -12:00pm 607 4 ofKnowledge Networks as Determinants Collaborative 2 Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room306A 10:40am -12:00pm 606 TheBayh Academic Research, 2 ThicketDetection:ANetwork Patent Informaticsfor 2 Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room304B 10:40am -12:00pm 605 4 B 1 1 Presented onpanels61-64 Hawaii ConventionCenter: 10:40am -12:00pm 604 of Resoluti Arenas Cascading | Case The U.S. and GeneticModification: Arenas Cascading The Fragility of Knowledge Sharing: A Behavioral Approach Approach Sharing: ABehavioral of Knowledge The Fragility 4 Motivations andIncentives 1 Collaborate forKnowledge Collaborate 1 of Economics and Business of Economicsand Business; Economics and Business; Economics and Consequences | Consequences Greater Academic Collaboration? | Collaboration? Academic Greater Integrated Paradigm | Paradigm Integrated Study Analysis | Study Analysis Investigation | Investigation Diffusion Patterns| Space | Patent for Analytic Approach Telecommunications, theInte Telecommunications, Mariko Sakakibara Natarajan Balasubramanian Ann Séror Boston College Jennifer JGriffin Stephanie Welcomer Rosa Grimaldi Kumaramangalam London Min Deng Michigan, AnnArbor Gallen; | A Survey of Italian Inventors | ofItalianInventors A Survey Impact of InternetStrategyAnno Impact Simon Gächter

Intraorganizational Diffusion of ICT:Antecedentsand Intraorganizational Diffusion : : : 1 A NewVisionofInnovation Christian Loepfe Anne W. Fuller Gina Dokko (Paper Session)-(TIM) (Paper Session)-(TIM) (Paper Session)-(TIM) Do Firms Produce Better Quality Research with Research Quality Better Do FirmsProduce TIM Division Best StudentPaperAward Finalist :

Virtual Health Care Infrastructures: Care Infrastructures: Virtual Health (Paper Session)-(TIM) T Georg Von Krogh eaching-oriented | David Hsu Joel West Joel , National U.ofSingapore , U.Laval , U. ofBologna; Zi-Lin He , NewYork U. , U.ofSt.Gallen; , George WashingtonU.; Anna M.Dempster Paulina Papastathopoulou , Georgia Institute ofTechnology , LondonSchoolofEconomics , U. of California, Los Angeles , U.ofCalifornia,LosAngeles , SanJoseStateU. , Wharton School , U.ofSt. Gallen Jasjit Singh , U.ofMaine; ☯

Ping Lan Management Practice-oriented |

, U. of Otago; , U. Nikolaos Panagopoulos George Avlonitis , U.of St. Gallen Joint KnowledgeCreation& Property Intellectual Time toMarket fo Creation: An Empirical Empirical Creation: An , U. ofCalifornia,LosAngeles; on: Managerial Implications | Implications on: Managerial r Patenting within Universities: within r Patenting -Dole ActandFirmPatenting| Information Technology Maurizio Sobrero rnet and Grid Computing | rnet andGridComputing Nicola Baldini Management: Towards an Management: Towards , U.ofAlaska,Fairbanks , INSEAD Exhibit Hall III - TIM1 III ExhibitHall Stefan Haefliger uncements: AnEvent John F MahonJohn F , BirkbeckCollege,U.of Kartik Deng Chen Gavin Clarkson Richard McGowan , Athens U.of

, Athens U.of , U. ofBologna; , U.ofBologna , U.of Maine , U.ofOtago; International-oriented|

, AthensU. , U.ofSt.

, U. of , U. , 218 Approaches toManagement Peace? A New Vision for Management inthe21stCentury Peace? ANewVisionforManagement 12:00pm - 2:00pm Sheraton WaikikiBeach:AkakaFalls/IaoNeedleRoom 12:00pm -2:00pmSheraton 609 Organizer: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:AkakaFalls/IaoNeedleRoom 11:00am -12:00pm 608 2 TheRoleofTechnicaland toMarkets: Speeding Products 2 Managing the Cultural Kaleidoscope | Kaleidoscope Cultural Managing the ina Research Cross-Cultural Distance: Cultural Beyond of a NewParadigm The Questfor inPsychological Investing Cultures: Across Taking Positivity Facilitator: ConventionCenter:Room313A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 611 TheRoleof Facilitating CommunityEngagement: andEmployee Leadership of Organizational The Influence | APlanforAction Peace: inFostering The RoleofBusiness Discussant: Frances JMilliken Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room312 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 610 Organizer: Board Meeting Discussant: Theme-oriented | How Do Firms ObtainandRetain How DoFirms of andtheRate Relevance, Firm Boundaries,Technological Gallen Development | Development Commercial Knowledge| Global Economy| | Capital | "Voice" Practices Organizational Voice onPeace| John Mde Figueiredo U.; Free U., Brussels; Fons Trompenaars Timothy L. Fort Michigan, AnnArbor Arbor Gary S.Lynn Project Development | Project Development York U.; School of Economics School ofEconomics Uncertainty: Opportunity Uncertainty:

: : : 4 (ICW) (ICW) (AAS)

Detelin SElenkov Denise M.Rousseau Denise M.Rousseau : Naomi B. Rothman Naomi B. Andre LDelbecq Brent Goldfarb Gretchen M.Spreitzer Fred Luthans (AAS) Journal of Organizational Behavior Luncheon Journal ofOrganizationalBehavior Editorial Journal ofOrganizational Behavior New PerspectivesonCross-Cultural , Stevensof Technology Institute

Visual Presentation| , U. of Michigan; , U.ofMichigan; , NewYork U. A Role for Organizations in Sustainable Organizations inSustainable A Rolefor Jiyao Chen Gretchen M. Spreitzer Monday 11:00AM Monday 12:00PM Monday 12:20PM Oded , Trompenaars Hampden-Turner;Radboud Peter Woolliams , PrincetonU.; , U.of Nebraska, Lincoln Jerry W. Kim , U. of Maryland Shenkar , U. ofTennessee,Knoxville , Santa ClaraU. and Threat in New Product New Product and Threatin Christina Elisabeth Wyss , Stevens Institute of Technology; , Stevens Instituteof , New YorkU. , CarnegieMellonU. , CarnegieMellonU.

, U. of Michigan, AnnArbor , U.ofMichigan, Cindy A. SchipaniCindy A. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings International Leadership | Leadership International , OhioStateU. Their Dominant Position? | Dominant Position? Their Frances JMilliken Margaret K Kyle Margaret K , Harvard U. Lena Zander , AngliaU.

, U.of Michigan,Ann , Stockholm , Stockholm , U.of , U.ofSt. , DukeU. , New ;

Session Details Ð Monday

Environmental Scanning, Cultural Intelligence, and Effective 1A Meta-Analytic Review of Vertical Integration:Synthesis of Strategic Decision-making in the 21st C | Detelin S Elenkov, TCT and Capability Perspectives | Weilei (Stone) Shi, U. of U. of Tennessee, Knoxville Pittsburgh Presenters: Arie Y. Lewin, Duke U.; David A Thomas, Harvard U. 1Vertical Strategies for Information Systems: Economic, Strategic and Political Determinants | Emilio Alvarez, U. of 612 : (AAS) The Future of Diversity Research: Applying Complutense De Madrid Ourselves to New Challenges for the 21st Century 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 1An Inductive Model of Dyadic Relationships: Unveiling Organizers: Susan L Kirby, Texas State U.; Judith A Clair, Boston Transaction and Agency Issues | Asda Chintakananda, U. College of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Anne York, U. of Nebraska, Chair: Joy E. Beatty, U. of Michigan, Dearborn Omaha; Hugh O'Neill, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Discussant: Judith A Clair, Boston College Equity Stakeholders and Gary N. Powell ; Robin Ely 616 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Presenters: , U. of Connecticut , Harvard Value Creation U.; Jeffrey T. Polzer, Harvard U.; Alison M. Konrad, U. of Western 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 3 Ontario Presented on panels 64-70 613 : (AAS) Visions of Management in a Warming 1Strategies and Tactics for Overvalued and Undervalued World: A Critical Challenge for the 21st Century Stock in Bull and Bear Markets | Susan F. Storrud-Barnes, 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B Cleveland State U.; Richard Reed, Washington State U. Chair: Barbara A. Ribbens, Western Illinois U. 1Influencing Director Decision-Making: A Theory of Analyst Managing Climate Risks in the 21st Century: Challenges and Influence | Gavin John Nicholson, U. of Queensland; Geoffrey Opportunities | Eileen Shea, East West Center Kiel, U. of Queensland The Ethical Challenges of Climate Change | Gordon P. Rands, B41The Dynamics of Invisible-stakeholders’ Legitimacy Western Illinois U.; Barbara A. Ribbens, Western Illinois U.; and New Firms Mortality in a Developing | Tariq H. Malik, William J. Maakestad, Western Illinois U. Birkbeck College, U. of London The Global Governance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A 1Disentangling the Roles of Equity Market and Alliances in Political Economy Approach | David Levy, U. of MA: The Valuation and Search Problems | Jung-Chin Shen, Massachusetts, Boston York U./INSEAD Strategic Management Implications of Global Warming: B 1An Industry Approach in Explaining the Sources of Market Strategies for Climate Change | Jonatan Pinkse, U. Long-run Profitability of Mergers and Divestments | Costas of Amsterdam; Ans Kolk, U. of Amsterdam T Constantinou, U. of Strathclyde; Charalambos T Constantinou, Edinburgh U. 614 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Knowledge Strategy 1 MONDAY 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 1 1Are Shareholders Environmental “Laggards”? Corporate Presented on panels 21-25 Governance and Environmental Firm Performance | Carl J. 1The Role of Firms’ Knowledge Strategies in Developing Kock, Instituto de Empresa; Juan Santaló, Instituto de Empresa Yue Deep and Broad Knowledge | Justin J.P. Jansen, Erasmus 1Unpacking the Insiders: Family Firms in Crises | Maggie Zhou Michael Jensen U.; Raymond Van Wijk, Erasmus U.; Frans A.J. Van den , U. of Michigan; , U. of Michigan Bosch Henk W. Volberda , Erasmus U.; , Erasmus U. 617 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Perverse Effects of Incentive 4 1Exploration through Exploitation in International Compensation Product Development: A Case of Japanese Automakers | 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B Yasuo Sugiyama, Kyoto U. Chair: Josep A. Tribó, U. of Carlos III Madrid 1Learning, Sense Making, Action and Performance: A Test Discussant: Edward Zajac, Northwestern U. of Choo’s Theory of the Knowing Organization | Terrence C. Envy, Comparison Costs, and the Economic Theory of the Sebora, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln; Jan Hansen, Benedictine Firm | Todd Zenger, Washington U.; Jack A Nickerson, College Washington U.

615 Vertical and Horizontal 2BFinancial Misrepresentation, Executive Compensation, 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Jared D. Integration and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study | Harris Philip Bromiley 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 2 , U. of Minnesota; , U. of Minnesota Presented on panels 26-30 The Effect of Managerial Escalation Bias on Employee 1Understanding Complex Industries as Systems | Margaret Incentives | Heli Wang, Hong Kong U. of Science and Dalziel, U. of Ottawa Technology 1A longitudinal analysis of the service-profit chain | J Bruce Do Institutions Notice Good Governance? | Karen Schnatterly, Tracey, Cornell U.; David A. Dittman, Cornell U.; Gordon S. U. of Minnesota; Scott G. Johnson, Oklahoma State U. Potter , Cornell U. 618 Learning in Alliances Angelina : (Paper Session) - (BPS) B 1Rethinking Traditional Value Chain Logic | 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B Zubac, U. of Adelaide; Graham Hubbard, U. of Adelaide; Lester Chair: Zachary Sheaffer, Open U., Israel Johnson, U. of Melbourne Discussant: Olav Sorenson, London Business School

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 219 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday from Prior Deals from Prior Innovation Emerging andTransitioningMarkets Adverse Selection in Acquisitions of New Ventures: TheRoles of NewVentures: in Acquisitions Selection Adverse Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room309 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 621 forTechnology Motives and Network-Based Resource-Based 2 the and Alliances Knowledge TransferinVertical Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 620 4 2 4 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 619 2 Transfor Technological Core andPartner Structure of Network Joint Contribution Te andAlliance Opportunism Discussant: Discussant: 4 Alliance in andExploitation Exploration Balancing Unbundling Competitive Heterog Unbundling Competitive An Integrated Learning View of Services Firm View ofServices Learning An Integrated Valuein GroupsCreate Do Business and When How

of Singapore; Mechanisms in Transition Economies | Economies inTransition Mechanisms of Alliancesand IPOsinM&ADesign| | Study Exploratory An Licensing: forCom Consequences Trends Internationalization | Economies? Emerging and Exploi Exploration | Performance on Innovation Knowledge Attributes Forgive Divine| Texas, Austin Carpenter State U. Thomas JDouglas Judge Exploring Organizational Mesquita Walters U.; Louisiana Tech U. ofTexas,Austin; Ohio StateU.; Yao Maastricht U.; Rothaermel Darryl A.Seale Melissa Schilling Formation: AMultidime Formation: & Capability Influences on Innovation | on Innovation & CapabilityInfluences Institutional Changes and Corporate Governance Governance Institutional ChangesandCorporate

: : : Competitive Advantage in Advantage Competitive Qing Cao Jeffrey Furman Michael Provance (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) , U.ofKentucky; , U.ofTennessee; T eaching-oriented | , Louisiana TechU. , Louisiana Laurence Capron Jeffrey Furman Sumit Majumdar

, ArizonaStateU.; , U. of Wisconsin, Madison; , U.of Wisconsin,Madison; , GeorgiaTechnology; Instituteof , U.ofMaryland Hongjin Zhu Nadine Roijakkers Tammy L. Madsen , U.ofNevada,LasVegas

Steven EPhelan , NewYork U. Mark Kroll , Boston U. , ClemsonU.; Lori Rosenkopf Susan McEvily ☯ , U.of Maryland Management Practice-oriented | tation Alliances| nsional Perspective | nsional Perspective , Boston U. Irina Naoumova petitive Advantage | Advantage petitive , U. ofTexas,Dallas Ishtiaq PashaMahmood Capacity for Change | Capacityfor , National U.ofSingapore , INSEAD mation through Collaboration: mation through Jaideep Anand Technology Diffusionand Building Capabilitiesin Creating Options: Learning Creating Options:Learning rm in Emerging Markets | Markets Emerging in , Louisiana Tech U.; Tech , Louisiana Transition Economies: Economies: Transition ination: To Err isHuman,to ination: ToErr , Eindhoven U. of Technology , EindhovenU. Nadejda Koutsevol , SantaClaraU. eneity: Incentive Structures Structures eneity: Incentive , U.ofNevada, LasVegas; , U.ofPennsylvania , U. of Pittsburgh , U.ofPittsburgh Jorge Walter Stewart R Miller

, U.of Tennessee; Jeffrey J.Reuer Michael JLeiblein Son Anh Le Frank T. , Ohio StateU. J Hagedoorn Luiz F. Dovev Lavie , NewYorkU.; Bruce International-oriented| William Q , National U. , Kazan Mason A , U.of , Emery , U. , , , 220 Dialogue withintheResource-BasedView Participants: U. ofTexas,Arlington Speakers: Institutional Settings and RentAppr Institutional Settings Competitive Re-Conceptualizing Distribution of the Measuring Inter- AdvantageinaMulti-Stakeholder, Competitive What is International U. Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room313B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 622 2 The Role of Morality in Mediated Disputes at Work: A Justice Work:AJustice at inMediatedDisputes The RoleofMorality Discussant: U. ofBritishColumbia Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room318B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 624 to & Relationship Choices Unconscious and Work: Love Conflict:U.S. of Work-Family Comparison A Cross-Cultural of Social Study A Two-Nation fromtheStudy Major Findings Hammer Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room319A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 623 andAproppria Creation Value Conflicts in the 21st Century Conflicts inthe21st International and Interdisciplinary Perspective and Interdisciplinary International U. ofTexas,Arlington Kandikjan Theme-oriented | Where Do Alliances Come From? The Effects ofUpper Effects The Where DoAlliancesComeFrom? Children and Aging | andAging Children Lilian Kandikjan J. Casper Shanley Margaret Neal U., Negev; Pedhiwala versus Alliance” Decision | Decision Alliance” versus Hesterly Based Employees: The Case of MajorLeague| TheCase Employees: Based and For Whom? | and ForWhom? the Firm| | World? temporal Perspective | Perspective | Burnout | Brazil versus Conflict | Embeddedness | Florida of NorthCarolina, ChapelHill; Monica Higgins Echelons on Alliance Formation | Formation onAlliance Echelons An Empirical Study of Industry Predictors of the “Merger “Merger of the StudyofIndustryPredictors An Empirical

4 William S Hesterly William S Laurie J Barclay Ayala Malach Pines

: JS: , Portland StateU. (BPS) Margarita Shafiro , Ohio U. , Ohio , Purdue U.; JS: , U.of Utah; Rebecca JBennett Rebecca (CM, OB) Margaret Neal Margaret , U.of Texas, Arlington; Margarita Shafiro Ayala MalachPines , Portland StateU.; Marvin BLieberman Leslie B.Hammer (CAR, GDO, HR) Rent Appropriation vs.RentCreation:A Rent Appropriation Visual Presentation| , Portland StateU. Ba Eileen Kwesiga , HarvardU. ; Nisreen Pedhiwala , OhioU. rry MGoldman ; Amy Taylor-Bianco Peter Moran Teppo Felin Healing, Forgiving,andResolving Russell Coff Mina Lee Aya S.Chacar , U.of British Columbia Leslie B.Hammer , U.of Utah , PortlandStateU. , Ben-Gurion U.,Negev , PortlandStateU. , PortlandStateU.; Value Among Stakeholders of Among Stakeholders Value Support and Work-Family Work-Family Supportand , tion and the Role of Social ofSocial and theRole tion Xiaoli Yin Xiaoli , PortlandStateU. Work & Family: An Work &Family: Roberto Ragozzino

Ayala MalachPines Louisiana Tech U. Louisiana Tech of Working CouplesCaring for , PurdueU. , Ben-Gurion U., Negev , Ben-GurionU., , London Business School School , LondonBusiness Advantage: Value By Whom ValueBy Advantage: , Emory U. , Emory , U.ofTexas,Arlington; , U.ofCalifornia,LosAngeles , EmoryU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofArizona; Amy Taylor-Bianco ; AyaS.Chacar opriation by Knowledge- , FloridaInternationalU. Jerry W.Kim , PortlandStateU. , Purdue U.; , OhioU. , Portland StateU.; ; WendyJ.Casper ; EileenKwesiga ; DanielSkarlicki

Nisreen ; LeslieB. Debra L. ; Lilian , Harvard U.; , U.of Central

, Ben-Gurion , Florida Mark William S , Ohio U.; , Ohio Wendy , , , Session Details Ð Monday

Shapiro, U. of Maryland; Russell Cropanzano, U. of Arizona; Towards a Political Economy of the Multinational Company | Jaewon Ko, U. of Arizona; Sherry M Thatcher, U. of Arizona Jacques Belanger, U. Laval; Paul Edwards, U. of Warwick Personality and Status Variables as Predictors of Towards A Theory of Dominant Interests, Globalization and Revenge/Forgiveness in Organizations | Karl Aquino, U. of Work | Steve Frenkel, Australian Graduate School of Delaware; Kristin Byron, Rochester Institute of Technology; Management Rebecca J Bennett, Louisiana Tech U.; Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U. 627 1: (Paper Session) - (ENT) Interorganizational Healing the Wounds of Injustice: The Effectiveness of Writing Linkages & Entrepreneurial Learning Interventions | Laurie J Barclay, U. of British Columbia; Daniel 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 1 Presented on panels 51-54 Skarlicki, U. of British Columbia Entrepreneurial Learning in Academic Spin-Offs: A Sensemaking as Healing | Sally Maitlis, U. of British Columbia 1 Stefan A. Sanz-Velasco Participants: Daniel Skarlicki, U. of British Columbia; Laurie J Business Model Perspective. | , Rögnvaldur J Saemundsson Barclay, U. of British Columbia; Karl Aquino, U. of Delaware; Chalmers U. of Technology; , Kristin Byron, Rochester Institute of Technology; Rebecca J Reykjavik U. Bennett, Louisiana Tech U.; Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U.; 1A Praxeological and Theoretical-Fit Approach to Barry M Goldman, U. of Arizona; Russell Cropanzano, U. of Understanding the University Tech Transfer Process | Arizona; Debra L. Shapiro, U. of Maryland; Jaewon Ko, U. of Robert Leslie Phillips, Texas Tech U.; Keith Brigham, Texas Arizona; Sherry M Thatcher, U. of Arizona; Sally Maitlis, U. of Tech U. British Columbia 1The Entrepreneurial Firm’s Knowledge Acquisition from a University Linked Business Incubator | Nareatha L. 625 Studying Identity in the 21st Century: 4 : (CMS) Studdard, Arkansas State U. Learning from Different Approaches 1Knowledge Acquisition and Leakage in Interfirm 12:20pm - 2:10pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Hilo Room Organizers: Robyn Thomas, Cardiff U.; Cynthia Hardy, Melbourne Relationships involving New Technology Based Firms. | Hamieda Parker U. , U. of Cape Town Linda L. Putnam Chair: , Texas A&M U. 628 : (ENT) "If the 'Smart Money' Was So Smart...": Changes in Aged Care: The Contributions of Identity Theory | Making Decisions in Contemporary Venture Capital Leisa D. Sargent, U. of Melbourne; Belinda C. Allen, U. of 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B Melbourne Venture capitalists’ decision policies across three countries: Susan Ainsworth Using Discourse Analysis to Study Identity | , An institutional theory perspective | Andrew Zacharakis, Cynthia Hardy Sydney U.; , Melbourne U. Babson College; Jeffery S. McMullen, Baylor U.; Dean Exploring Identity Work in Practice | Mats G Alvesson, Lund U.; Shepherd, Indiana U. Dan Karreman, Lund U.; Stefan Sveningsson, Lund U. Effects of board processes on decision quality in venture MONDAY Cross-cultural Issues in the Reflexive Study of Identities | capital-backed firms | M Audrey Korsgaard, U. of South Robyn Thomas Janne Tienari , Cardiff U.; , Lappeenranta U. of Carolina; Daniel P Forbes, U. of Minnesota; Harry J Sapienza, Susan Merilainen Technology; , Helsinki School of Economics; U. of Minnesota Annette Davies , Cardiff U. When do venture capitalists make a difference? The export Participants: Cynthia Hardy, Melbourne U.; Dan Karreman, Lund intensity of VC-backed companies | Andy Lockett, U. of U.; Annette Davies, Cardiff U.; Belinda C. Allen, U. of Melbourne; Nottingham Stefan Sveningsson, Lund U.; Susan Ainsworth, Sydney U.; Susan Merilainen, Helsinki School of Economics; Janne Tienari, Management team expertise & VC investments in uncertain Dimo P. Dimov Lappeenranta U. of Technology; Leisa D. Sargent, U. of markets: The roles of reputation & status | , Dean Shepherd Melbourne; Mats G Alvesson, Lund U.; Robyn Thomas, Cardiff U. Instituto de Empresa; , Indiana U. Participants: Harry J Sapienza, U. of Minnesota; M Audrey 626 B4: (CMS) Globalization, Multinationals and Work Korsgaard, U. of South Carolina; Andrew Zacharakis, Babson 12:20pm - 2:10pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room College; Jeffery S. McMullen, Baylor U.; Dean Shepherd, Indiana Organizer: Steve Frenkel, Australian Graduate School of U.; Andy Lockett, U. of Nottingham; Dimo P. Dimov, Instituto de Management Empresa Chair: Steve Frenkel, Australian Graduate School of Management Globalization of Business Services: Outsourcing of 629 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Entrepreneurial Opportunity Processes, Functions and Labor | Mari Sako, Oxford U. Recognition 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A Globalization at Work: Business Process Outsourcing, Natalia Weisz Sarosh Chair: , IAE Business School - U. Austral Software Services Exports and Labor Market Dev | Prior Knowledge, Bisociative Mode of Thinking and Kuruvilla, Cornell U.; Christopher Erickson, U. of California, Stephen Ko, Los Angeles Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification | Hong Kong Polytechnic U.; John E Butler, Hong Kong New Business Models for the 21st Century: Identifying David Polytechnic U. Sources of Variation in Business Strategies of | An Integrative Model of Opportunity Recognition | Diane Finegold, KGI; Gurinder Shahi, USC; Divya Shahi, KGI McMeekin Sullivan, U. of Central Florida

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 221 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Hinder Employees Help or InformalWorkPractices the 21stCentury:Do 4 opportunity in knowledge and prior ofgender The role Understanding the Work-Family Interface:The Roleof Interface:The the Work-Family Understanding Or using Parents Are Working TheCritical Systems: Conflict inLow-Income Work-family Role ofManagerial The Leaving at9:00PM? You're What? AsBarriersAnd Work Practices Policies: Work-Life Beyond Chairs: SouthPacific1 Village: 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiian 631 Subordinate: aDemanding BossMeets When aDemanding 2 4 B Chair: SeaPearlSuite1-2 Village: 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiian 630 Discussant: York U. or Imagined Implications for GroupPerformance? for or ImaginedImplications Participants: U. Barratt Metropolitan U. Michigan State U. Michigan State B The Effects of Racial Diversity on Group Performance: onGroupPerformance: Diversity of Racial The Effects ; EllenE.Kossek Business Systems, Cultural Val Cultural Business Systems, Affective Climate and Reactions to Conflict in Culturally inCulturally toConflict and Reactions Climate Affective Moderating EffectofLe Cognitions: A Partial Least Squares Model | Model| Least Squares Partial Cognitions: A | identification Dispositional vs. Situational Sources of Control | of Control Sources Situational vs. Dispositional | Support? Social orfor Careers Mobilize Their | Relationships ofParent-Provider Role | Conflict on Work-Family Beliefs | Integration Life ToWork Potential Support | Similarity Strength The EffectofGrowth-need Heterogeneous Wo Manchester MetropolitanU.; Western Ontario (Dominic) Lim A&T StateU. Stewart Hong KongPolytechnicU.; Ohio StateU. New YorkU. Queensland; College, CUNY Andreassi of Tennessee,Chattanooga Michigan State U.; Michigan State Chandler Freeing RealityfromPerception| of Queensland Science Foundation Science Foundation Meece Workgroup Demography and Workgroup Demography

: Lori Homer (Paper Session)-(GDO) , National Science Foundation , National Science Kyra Sutton JS: , Michigan StateU.; , Michigan T eaching-oriented | , Bentley College; Linda K.Stroh , Utah State U. (GDO, CAR) Jeanine K. Jeanine Andreassi , Baruch College; ; Darrell Meece ; Darrell Charmine Hartel ; Cynthia A. Thompson , U. ofWesternOntario; , U. of Washington , U.ofWashington Dawn DeTienne , Michigan State U. , MichiganState , Ohio StateU.

Harlow Award Nominee Ellen E.Kossek rkgroups | rkgroups ☯ Managing Work-Family Balance in Balance Managing Work-Family Management Practice-oriented | , Loyola U.Chicago ader-Member Exchange| Olenda EJohnson Marguerite E.Barratt Joyce Iun , Michigan State U. , MichiganState Cynthia A.Thompson Cary L.Cooper Similarity and Diversity:Real Similarity and ganizational Networks ganizational to , Deakin U.; , Deakin ; Linda M. Dunn-Jensen , UtahStateU.; , BaruchCollege Group Performance: The Group Performance: Oluremi B.Ayoko ues and Entrepreneurial ues and Entrepreneurial ; CaryL.Cooper , Michigan State U.; , MichiganState Linda M.Dunn-Jensen ; Susan Lewis Brian JosephO'Leary , PolyU Eric A.Morse , Baruch College,CUNY Shaun Pichler Victor J.Callan

, Lancaster U. , North Carolina, North ; ShaunPichler Susan Lewis Sun Kyu Gaylen N , National ; Marguerite E. International-oriented| , Manchester Kyra Sutton Xu Huang , Lancaster , Baruch , U.of Jeanine K. , U.of Marcus

Darrell , New , , U. , U. , , , , , 222 1 Presented onpanels74-77 HCM 2 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 633 1 B 1 Presented onpanels71-73 HCM 1 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 632 B 2 and Demands, Burnout, Job 2 Chair: Presiding: WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 12:20pm -2:10pmSheraton 634 B B 1 Understanding Organizations andtheirEnvironment Organizations Understanding Interactions Improving Clinical Improve Commitment AmongHealthCareEmployees Improve Commitment Theme-oriented | The Moderating Effect of Procedural Fairness in Fairness Effectof Procedural The Moderating B Winner ofHCM Division Best Paper Based on a Dissertation 1 1 1 Leadership Inclusive Leadership Amer Kaissi Socialization, Role Stress, and Burnout | andBurnout Role Stress, Socialization, with Patient-Physician Data| Interaction Positions:The Case of Taiwan Healthcare Industry | ofTaiwanHealthcareIndustry Case Positions:The Barriers, Facilitators,andConsequences.| Outcomes: OneofMedical Outcomes: Goldman Proenca Assistants: Mediating and Moderating Effects | Effects andModerating Mediating Assistants: Psychological Safety and LearninginCareTeams | Safety Psychological M. Nembhard Ann Peng Yu Chin-Shien Lin Thomas Shou U Wang Texas A&MU. Florida; Hospital; U. ofCentralFlorida; Kentucky of Alabama,Birmingham O'Connor of Alabama,Birmingham Duncan Priorities | Investigation in Healthcare | inHealthcare Investigation | Areas Two Metropolitan Standardizing Profe Benefiting from Networks by Occupying Central Central Benefiting fromNetworksbyOccupying Thro Practice Clinical Improving Heal Mental Understanding Boundary of AgencyPredic of Boundary Preventing Burnout: The Effects of LMX and Mentoring on andMentoring ofLMX TheEffects Burnout: Preventing

Women's Health Issues: A CaseStudyinSetting Issues: Women's Health The BenefitsofOrganizationalAlig in Planning Strategic Healthcare of Study An Exploratory 1 1 : , NationalChenchiU. Myron D Fottler (Paper Session)-(HCM) : : , KaohsiungMedicalU,Chung-HoMemorial Hospital,I- (Paper Session)-(HCM) (Paper Session)-(HCM) Trish Reay Robert C FordRobert C , U.ofAlabama, Birmingham; , U.of Georgia , WidenerU.; Lee Johnson , KendalCorp. , U.of Alabama,Birmingham; , Providence U.; Peter MGinter , Trinity U. , Trinity , Harvard U.; , Harvard Visual Presentation| , National ChungHsingU.; , U.ofAlberta , U.of Central Florida Kenneth Bradley ssional Work | ssional Work ness and Professional Status on Status ness andProfessional Caryl Carpenter , U.ofCentral Florida; , Florida Hospital , Florida

, U.of Alabama,Birmingham; Fang-Yi Lo Amy C.Edmondson Award James WBegun Tu Positive WorkPracticesto Centers inTaiwan| Centers tions of Physicians & Hospital's Hospital's & tions ofPhysicians th Treatment in Primary Care Care inPrimary th Treatment Duncan Dickson rnover Intent Among Nursing Intent AmongNursing rnover A ViewfromAbove: and Understanding

Selected forBestPaper Proceedings

ugh Pay-For-Performance: ugh Pay-For-Performance: Seok WooKwon Martha Slay Wingate , National ChenchiU.; , WinterParkMemorial , WidenerU.; Richard Shewchuk nment: An Exploratory nment: AnExploratory Chow-Ming Joseph Ming Tai-Seale Christopher H. , U. ofMinnesota; Myron D Fottler Stephen , , Harvard U. U. ofCentral Jose Hsiu-Ling Beryl , U.of Ingrid Tzu-Ju W Jack

, , U. , U. , Session Details Ð Monday

635 : (Paper Session) - (HR) Antecedents of Work and Network Ownership and Business Development in Contextual Performance Established Firms | Bjorn Lovas, London Business School; 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A Michelle A. Rogan, London Business School Chair: Gary C McMahan, U. of Texas, Arlington Participants: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, London Business School; Interactive Effects of Perceived Organizational Support and Matthew J. Bidwell, INSEAD; Stephen Barley, Stanford U.; General Mental Ability on Performance | L A Witt, U. of New Gideon Kunda, Tel Aviv U.; Joseph P. Broschak, U. of Illinois, Orleans Urbana-Champaign; Bjorn Lovas, London Business School; 2The “Dark Side” of Self-Monitoring: Engaging in Michelle A. Rogan, London Business School Counterproductive Behaviors at Work | Laura Parks, U. of 638 : (Paper Session) - (IM) International JVs, Alliances, Iowa; Michael K Mount, U. of Iowa 1 and Acquisitions 2Emotional Intelligence Abilities, Personality and Workplace 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - IM 1 Performance | R. D. Shaffer, Hong Kong Polytechnic U.; Presented on panels 1-12 Margaret A Shaffer, Hong Kong Baptist U. 1Repetition of Foreign Market Entry Forms: Managerial and Differentiating the Antecedents of OCBO and OCBI:A Multiple Organizational Drivers | Elie Matta, HEC Paris; Paul James J Lavelle Commitments and Justice Framework | , U. Beamish, U. of Western Ontario Mary Konovsky Joel Brockner of Texas, Arlington; , Tulane U.; , 4 1Duality in Theoretical and Methodological Columbia U. Approaches to the Model of Foreign Entry Modes | Lyubov Effective Leadership Enables Conscientious Workers To A. Bogun, Odessa Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law L A Witt Perform Effectively | , U. of New Orleans 1International Agent Performance: HQ-Agent Relations, William 636 : (HR) Fourth HR Division Town Hall Meeting: Is Inter-Agent Relations and Global Capabilities | Newburry Huiping Li the Field of HRM Advancing as a Science? , Rutgers U.; , Rutgers U. 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 4 41A Danish Company Goes to Brazil | Robson Rocha, Keynote Speakers: Sara L Rynes, U. of Iowa; Robert L Dipboye, Copenhagen Business School U. of Central Florida 1Reexamining Joint Ventures: Transaction Cost, Real Chairs: Dianna L. Stone, U. of Central Florida; Richard J Option, and the Choice of Entry Strategy | Shih-Fen S. Klimoski, George Mason U. Chen, Brandeis U. Facilitators: John W Boudreau, U. of Southern California; Wayne 41Number of Partners and JV Performance: The Role of F. Cascio ; Debra Cohen , U. of Colorado, Denver , Society for Social Capital: A TCE and RBV Perspective | Nikhil Celly, ; Diana L Deadrick Human Resource Management , Old Dominion U. of Western Ontario U.; Rodger W Griffeth, U. of New Orleans; John R Hollenbeck, ; K. Michele Kacmar ; Gary P 41An Integrative Model about Control and Cooperation in Michigan State U. , U. of Alabama James Woodley International Strategic Alliances | , U. of MONDAY Latham, U. of Toronto; Thomas W. Lee, U. of Washington; Joseph North Carolina, Greensboro J Martocchio, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Lynn Shore, San Diego State U.; Scott A Snell, Cornell U.; Lois Tetrick, George 41An Assessment of Process Theory and Alliance Theodore Mason U.; Mary R. Watson, New School U.; Theresa M. Research: Towards A Framework For Discourse | Welbourne, U. of Michigan; Sheldon Zedeck, U. of California, Andrew Khoury, U. of Texas, Dallas Berkeley 41Trust and Control Paradox and Alliance Stability in Coordinators: Kimberly Lukaszewski, State U. of New York, New International Business Alliances | Refik Culpan, Pennsylvania Paltz; Tangela Nichole Phillips, U. of Central Florida; Linda C. State U., Harrisburg Isenhour, U. of Central Florida; Diana S. Navas, U. of Central 41International Acquisitions and the Internal Boundaries of Florida the Firm: Enabling Rapid Foreign Expansion | Mario Schijven, Tilburg U. 637 JS: (HR, CAR) Taking Triads Seriously: New 41Spanning the Global Network: Cross-Border Perspectives on Labor Market Intermediaries 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319B Acquisitions, the MNE and Market Knowledge Spillovers | J. Muir Macpherson Chair: Emilio J. Castilla, U. of Pennsylvania , U. of Texas, Austin A Servant of Two Masters: Towards a Theory of Triadic 41IM&A Performance, HR Practices and Acquirer Employment Relationships | Matthew J. Bidwell, INSEAD; Nationality: An Exploratory Study of Forgotten Factors | Yaakov Weber Dalia Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, London Business School , College of Management, Israel; Rachman-Moore Market Mediating Organizations: The Case of Technical , College of Management, Israel Stephen Barley Gideon Kunda Staffing Firms | , Stanford U.; , 639 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Cultural Distance Revisited Tel Aviv U. 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A The Consequences of Market Tie Dissolution for the Mobility Chair: Afzalur Rahim, Center for Advanced Study in Management of Professional Service Firm Managers | Joseph P. Discussant: David A Ralston, U. of Oklahoma Broschak, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 4Cultural Distance Reexamined: The GLOBE Index of Cultural Distance and Cross-Cultural Adjustment | Klaus J.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 223 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday 642 4 4 Alliances In Strategic ForInternational Partner Selection on An Emphasis Joint Venture: ofInternational Performance 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room305B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 641 2 4 4 4 4 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room305A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 640 4 4 4 Performance Competitiveness Capabilities Discussant: External Entry and the Evolution of Industry Clusters in the andtheEvolutionofIndustryClusters External Entry Partner Resource Asymmetry and IJV Survival | andIJVSurvival Asymmetry Partner Resource AnEmpirical Ventures: OwnedJoint and Equity Resources Multinational on Partnerships of Repeated The Impact Internationalization IndustryDethro Understanding Decisions ofSpanishMNEs:AnAnalysisBased Location Location Geographic Are?The WhereThey Does itMatter or are Countries, Do Between Distances Firms Change the New ParadoxesofManag over ofCultures and Dynamics Differences Cross-Cultural Technology Economics; Analysis Of Resources And Control | Control And OfResources Analysis | Economies Emerging | Sales Local | Performance Corporation Small Firms| Action| on Competitive Context DevelopmentPath| on theInvestment Location Choices| of CountriesandMNE the FirmsDistancesChanged?| | Specificity andCultural Leadership | Time: Meta-AnalysisofHofstedesTaxonomy Nanyang TechnologicalU. Templer U. ofCalgary; U. Helsinki U. of Technology; Helsinki U.ofTechnology; SDA Bocconi U.; SDA BocconiU.; Baruch College,CUNY; Singapore ManagementU.; Toronto Zazo Sheffield U. of Utah Maria Education; Biotechnology Indu José AngelZúñiga-Vicente

: : : Ilgaz T Arikan Ayesha Malhotra (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IM) (Paper Session)-(IM) , SalamancaU.; , U.ofPadova; T eaching-oriented | , Nanyang Technological U.; , NanyangTechnological Ivo Zander Charles Dhanaraj Charles

Chwo-Ming Yu

Tomi Samuli Nokelainen Piers Steel Yu-Ching Chiao Maria Chiarvesio

Finalist--Doug NighAward Giuseppe Delmestri , Georgia StateU. of Clusters and Competitiveness of Competitiveness and ofClusters , UppsalaU. stry inCanada| Stefano Micelli , St.LouisU. Javier González-Benito ☯ Srilata Zaheer Management Practice-oriented | Manuel AnibalPortugal Ferreira , U.of Calgary Strategic Knowledge and Strategic Knowledge Pa Location andInternational Juha S.Laurila , National ChengchiU.,Taiwan , Indiana U., Bloomington , Indiana U.,Bloomington Xufei Ma ement: betweenGlobal , Rey JuanCarlosU. rtner Selection andJV Selection rtner Anthony Goerzen , National ChanghuaU.of , U.ofUdine; nement: EffectsofNational Juha-Antti Lamberg Jessica Lindbergh , U. of Ca' Foscari of Venice , U.ofCa'FoscariVenice , NationalU.ofSingapore Anand N Chandrasekar , Tampere U.of , Bergamo U. Dean A.Hennessy , U.ofMinnesota Silvio Carlos Arduini Mehmet Demirbag Jose Ignacio Galan , Helsinki School of , HelsinkiSchool

Lilach Nachum Lilach , Salamanca U.; , Salamanca Eleonora Di Di Eleonora , U. ofVictoria Vas Taras International-oriented| Jane Lu , Uppsala , , U.of , U. , , , , , , 224 ENT: BPS: BPS: BPS: 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa1-TableA2 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: 643 B Facilitator: Tapa1-TableA1 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: B B Facilitator: Tapa1-TableA3 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: 644 4 Reading Facilitator: MOC: Sharing Knowledge OMT: Theme-oriented |


T.K. Peng Shou U.,Taiwan; Columbia U. New Economy:Lessons From Entertainment Industries | Industries FromEntertainment New Economy:Lessons Performance: An Empirical Examination | Examination AnEmpirical Performance: Ilan U.; Chaudhuri Frederiksen Mark Lorenzen RaviShankar Mayasandra Nagaraja Do theyfacilitateworkplace | Implementation a School-Based Liu Perspective | Perspective Alberta Purdue U. Determinants ofSICCoding| Determinants Brenda Scafidi Southern Mississippi; U.; Gilbert of Local Conflicts in a Global Organization | Organization of LocalConflictsinaGlobal Institute of Technology Institute ofTechnology Peter Davis Frederick Terman's Model | Model Terman's Frederick An Empirical Test of the Consequences of OCB | ofOCB TestoftheConsequences An Empirical Effects of Integration Strategies on Performance | onPerformance Effects ofIntegrationStrategies Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer | andTransfer Acquisition Knowledge Environmental Disruptions | Disruptions Environmental | and Innovation Mergers of the Analysis Organizations' KM Efforts: Benign? or Malign? | KMEfforts:Benign?orMalign? Organizations' BPS: MSR: OB: TIM:

BPS: : : Clusters, Knowledge Spillo IM: Chronicity and Innovation as Responses to Responses as andInnovation Chronicity Endogeneity in Combinations:TheRoleof Innovative Achieving SuccessfulOrg , I-Shou U./ HungKuang Technology U.; Coders' Relationships with Co David Audretsch Dual OrganizationalIdentitiesinOutsourcing (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Are "Good Soldiers" also "Good Knowledge Sharers"? KnowledgeSharers"? "Good also Are "GoodSoldiers" Innovative University for the Knowledge Economy: Knowledge Economy: the for University Innovative High Involvement Work Practices in Nursing Homes: Homes: Nursing in Practices Work High Involvement a SystemofCare:TheInitialStage Coordination in Managing Innovation-Driven Acquisitions: Contingent Acquisitions: Managing Innovation-Driven Workplace Spirituality: A Critical Relativist ACritical Spirituality: Workplace Working with the Enemy: An Ethnographic Account EthnographicAccount An Enemy: with the Working , Georgia StateU.; Gideon Kunda Vishal K.Gupta Akiko Kamimura Michael J.Mol The Management Of Projects And Products In The OfProjectsAndProductsInThe The Management , I-Shou U.,Taiwan , U.of Pennsylvania , U. of Memphis; , Copenhagen Business School , Copenhagen BusinessSchool To Visual Presentation| , , Mississippi DepartmentofMental Health Mississippi Copenhagen Business School; Copenhagen Business m W.Moore Pei-Wen Huang

, IndianaU., Bloomington Loria Crowder-Brown , TelAvivU. , London Business School &U.of , London BusinessSchool , U. of Missouri,Columbia , U. Arbor ofMichigan,Ann Perspectives onCreatingand Perspectives Critiques ofPractice Patricia PhillipsMcDougall Timothy N. Carroll change?| , U. ofTexas,Arlington Stephen B.AdamsStephen Clay Dibrell anizational Ch vers and New Venture Venture and New vers Jongtae Shin Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , I-ShouU./ Cheng ShiuU.; ded Organizations as ded Organizations Sharon Topping , National U. ofSingapore , National Aldas Kriauciunas Kent Rondeau , Oregon StateU.; Fu-Sheng Tsai Ariel Y.FishmanAriel , Jackson StateU.; Brett Anitra ange through , Columbia U. , Columbia Galit Ailon Lars , Georgia

, SalisburyU. Chi-Wei , U.of Saikat , Indiana , U. of , U. , I- , Bar , , Session Details Ð Monday

645 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Current Issues in Organization BBPS: Am I better than you? The roles of hubris and Design comparative optimism in CEO decision making | S. Trevis 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A4 Certo, Texas A&M U.; Angelo DeNisi, Texas A&M U.; Tim R. Facilitator: Laura Dabbish, Carnegie Mellon U. Holcomb, Texas A&M U. B OCIS: Managing Flexibility in Outsourcing | Chengxun BPS: Personality, Perceptions and Retrenchment in Response Tan Siew Kien Sia , Nanyang Technological U.; , Nanyang to Decline | Martina Musteen, U. of Kansas; Xin Liang, U. of Technological U. Kansas; Vincent L Barker, U. of Kansas OMT: The Quest for Interorganizational Reliability: BPS: Endogenous Variables Affecting CEO Decision-Making | Organizational Culture and Collaborative Capacity | Raed Elaydi, North Carolina U., Chapel Hill Stephanie Bertels, U. of Calgary; Frances E Bowen, U. of OB: Stimulating Individual, Group, and Organizational Harrie Vredenburg Calgary; , U. of Calgary Decision Makers to Consider Alternatives | Robert PNP: Content Domain, Measurement, and Validity of the Red Litchfield, Washington and Jefferson College Tape Concept | David H Coursey, Florida State U.; Sanjay K Pandey, Rutgers U., Camden 649 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Developing Networks as a Source of Value 646 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Current Issues in Work Design 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B4 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B1 Facilitator: Thomas P. Moliterno, U. of South Carolina Therese F Yaeger Facilitator: , Benedictine U. BBPS: Do Alliances Create Value Or Are They A Zero Sum PNP: 2 Intertwining Offline and Online Channels in Multi- Game?A Look at Weighted Returns and Betas | Patrizia Calvin M. Channel Public Service Delivery: A Case Study | Porrini, Long Island U. L. Chan , National U. of Singapore 4BPS: Structural Holes, Third-Party Intermediaries and The OCIS: To See and Not To See: Communicating and Alliance Creation Process | Cliff Wymbs, Baruch College, Representing Work in Multi-Level Authority Relationships | CUNY Joao Cunha, Massachusetts Institute of Technology B4 BPS: Diversification and Diffusion: A Social PNP: Serving Two Organizations in the Public Service Networks Perspective | Nan Zhou, National U. of Singapore; Context: Consequences amongst Contract Employees | Andrew Delios, National U. of Singapore Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro Paula , London School of Economics; 4OMT: Islands in the Net.Analyzing Structural Evolution of C Morrow, Iowa State U.; Ian Kessler, U. of Oxford Terry Amburgey, J.L. TIM: R&D Networks in Biotechnology. | Determinants of Innovation Process Structure: Rotman School of Management; Andreas Al-Laham, Cass Robert “Methodology Debates" in Software Development | Business School D Austin, Harvard U.; Lee Devin, Swarthmore College 650 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Developing New Capabilities Decision-Making MONDAY 647 : (Paper Session) - (IP) with Social Capital 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B2 Turanay Caner 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 Facilitator: , U. of Pittsburgh Facilitator: Ricarda B. Bouncken, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt U. Greifswald BPS: Escalating Investments and Declining Returns:Red 4BPS: Tacit Knowledge Integration Capabilities in the Auto Joseph Queen Competition in the Motion Picture Industry | Industry: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective | Janet Y. Lampel Jamal Shamsie , City U., London; , Michigan State U. Murray, St. Louis U.; Ronaldo C. Parente, Rutgers U.; Masaaki BPS: B Are CEOs Myopic? A Dynamic Model of the Kotabe, Temple U. Ongoing Debate | Maya Waisman, Rensselaer Polytechnic OMT: Organizational Identification: A Relational Approach | Institute; Moren Levesque, Case Western Reserve U.; Phillip Elizabeth A. Hamilton, Boston College; Candace Jones, Phan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Boston College BENT: Towards Strategic Ambidexterity: The Nexus Of Pro- BPS: Is Ambidexterity a Valuable Organizational Capability? A Profit And Pro-Growth For Corporate Venturing | Mary Han, Test in Software Product Introductions | N Venkatraman, Ryerson U. Boston U.; Chi-Hyon Lee, Boston U.; Bala Iyer, Boston U. ENT: The Impact of Agency Costs, Reputation and Experience BPS: The Role of Leadership Values in Dynamic on the Decision to Syndicate. | Miguel LCJ Meuleman, Ghent Capabilties: The Role of Signature Processes | Sumantra Sophie Manigart Andy Lockett U.; , Ghent U.; , U. of Nottingham Ghoshal, London Business School; Lynda Gratton, London Business School 648 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Strategic Decision Making ODC: 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B3 2B Responding To A Changing Environment: Adapting Facilitator: Al Douglas McCready, George Washington U. Human And Social Capital To Impact Performance | Kira Kristal Reed Narasimhan Srinivasan B BPS: Strategic Decision Making Effectiveness in Crisis , Syracuse U.; , U. of Response: The Importance of Process and Choice | Paul L. Connecticut Winner of ODC Best Interactive Paper Award Drnevich, Purdue U., West Lafayette; Shailendra R Mehta, Alok R Chaturvedi Purdue U., West Lafayette; , Purdue U., West 651 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Developing New Capabilities Lafayette 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 Facilitator: Liliana Perez Nordtvedt, U. of Texas, Arlington

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 225 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday BPS: TIM: OM: TIM: Niches Products, HarcourtAssessment State U.,Northridge Presenters: Moderator: ConventionCenter:Room314 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 654 4 B B Facilitator: Tapa3-TableC4 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: 653 B TIM: Facilitator: Tapa3-TableC3 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: 652 4 BPS: Sources ofValue OMT: OMT: BPS: Research OCIS: 4 4 OMT: Contents | Competitive Capabilitiesand Turbulence, and Performance: An Empirical Study | AnEmpirical andPerformance: Turbulence, Reputation | Reputation Opportunism inITOutsourcingRole of Deals:The Jane Zhao Charl DuPlessis Gianiodis Managers and Project Performance Managers andProject | Performance Kristal Kim National TaiwanU.; International Business School; International Business Singapore ManagementU. Zhanyun Zhao Commitment Organizations | Organizations Commitment J Cordeiro Yon SeiU.; Technical Value of Innovation | ofInnovation Value Technical Measure | Measure | Performance Organizational Zeng Coates Capability Transfer in the Chinese Auto Industry | Industry Chinese Auto Capability Transferinthe of Utah ENT: Effect of Supply Chain Adapti Effect ofSupply

Entitlement and Intellectual PropertyRightsinDigital Entitlement andIntellectual Explor Capital, Intellectual Innovation Search| in Problem Identification : : : BPS: Core Competence: Beyond a Concept Towards a Towards Concept a Beyond Core Competence: in Advantage Cumulative versus Capability | Rivalry a Theory of Towards Resource-based CEO External Ties and Compensation Structure | Structure Compensation CEO ExternalTiesand of InnovationProject The ExternalSocialNetwork (MC) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) , St.LouisU.;

CMS: , U.ofAuckland Where Brokers DoNotWork: Where Brokers Achieve Economies of Scale and Minimize andMinimize of Scale Economies Achieve , YorkU.; T , Marist College , Marist Strategic Resources, Social Capital, Environmental Environmental Capital, Strategic Resources,Social eaching-oriented | Gerard George Mickey BruceHoward Larry EGreiner Toward a Multilevel Knowle a Multilevel Toward William Crookston Future Consulting -DiversifyingintoNew Future Consulting , U. ofGeorgia , U.of Kansas , StateU.ofNewYork,Brockport Ju Peggy McDermott Jai-Beom Kim Joo Han Lee Joo Han Siah-Hwee Ang Siah-Hwee st PublicStewardshipof , Mathematica PolicyResearch ; MarcyGuddemi Aleda VRoth

, U.ofVirginia Cheng-Min Chuang Mike C.H. Chao ☯ , U. of Wisconsin, Madison , U.of Wisconsin,Madison Management Practice-oriented | , U. of SouthernCalifornia , - Developing Social Capital Developing Social andNew Property Intellectual , Sungkyunkwan U.; ; JamesK.Malernee , USC , U. ofAuckland; , Siena College; , Siena Anne S.Tsui ation, and the Retained Retained ation, andthe , U. ofNorth Carolina, ChapelHill , U.ofBath Zhixing Xiao Business Performance| Christina Fang vity on Combinative vity onCombinative John P.Meyer ; Alan Glassman , Director, Early Childhood , St.LouisU.; Social Capital in High- Social Capitalin , National TaiwanU. dge Transfer Paradigm: Paradigm: dge Transfer IntellectualProperty| Mats Lingblad , Arizona StateU. , China Europe Theresa Taylor- Xiaoxia (Erin) Hun-Joon Park , , IonaCollege New YorkU.; , Cornerstone International-oriented| Kun Liu Seung H. , California Peter T. Zheng Zheng ,

I Han James Murat , U. , , 226 Education intheTwenty-FirstCentury Facilitator: Hull 657 Chair: South Pacific2 Village: 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiian 656 of Training:TheCaseStudy Management Transcultural Hosts: Wiley Organizers: SeaPearlSuite3-4 Village: 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiian 655 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room317A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 659 | 2 Coverage The TrendsinChapter Management HistoryinIntroduc Reflections onW Personal Chair: WaikikiBeach:Kohala/KonaRoom 12:20pm -2:10pmSheraton 658 College | a SmallPrivate at Transformation Curricular | University Public a Large at Transformation Curricular of theTraditiona The Evolution CoralBallroom1 12:20pm -2:10pmHiltonHawaiianVillage: Monaco J. DeFillippi Presenters: California, LosAngeles Participants: Forward Internationalization: LookingLooking Backward- Communities of Practice and KnowledgeManagement, On Perceptions, Participants: Management History StillImportant? Management Discussant: Litvin James EStewart Central Florida Whitney Gibson Texas A&MU. College Theme-oriented | College Popper Nova Southeastern U. Nova Southeastern 1995-2005 | 1995-2005 | Companies Japanese Paradigm | Paradigm Fleet William PCurington of Arkansas Litvin Winner ofMED Division Best Symposium inManagement

: : , MercerHumanResourceConsulting , MerrimackCollege Vinod K Jain Jane Whitney Gibson (MED) (Paper Session)-(MOC) Regina F Bento Regina F ; James Grinnell , ArizonaStateU.,West , U.of Maryland, UniversityCollege 4 : SHCS: , MerrimackCollege

(MH) , Merrimack College; Yuji Yoshida : Gord Regina Greenwood Regina J. B. Arbaugh (MED) , Suffolk U. Molly InhofeRapert Daniel AWren ME ; David DVan Fleet Authors Reflect on Chapter 2: Is Authors ReflectonChapter Grinnell James (MED, ODC, MH)(MED, ODC, Daniel AWren , NovaSoutheasternU. on WCheung on D Past Division Chairs'Luncheon D PastDivision Visual Presentation| , MerrimackCollege Education and Development Curriculum andProgram , U.ofMaryland,College University , U.ofBaltimore ; Ben LKedia ; , U.ofArkansas; , Chiba U.ofCommerce , MerrimackCollege ; WilliamPCurington , U. of Wisconsin,Oshkosh , U. of Oklahoma , U.of

riting "ChapterTwo."| , Nova SoutheasternU. Emiko Magoshi , Merrimack College; James EStewartJames , , U. of Oklahoma , U.of Network Effects and Learning: Network EffectsandLearning: , KetteringU. Chinese U.ofHongKong l Business Educational Educational l Business , U.ofArkansas A New Vision ofBusiness A NewVision , ArizonaStateU.,West tory ManagementTextbooks: Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ; Edward Popper , U.ofMemphis ; Steven Armstrong Jane WhitneyGibson ; Robert CFord Molly InhofeRapert

; VictorTabbush

; Ricky WGriffin , Obirin U. , Obirin , U. ofArkansas

, Merrimack ; DeborahR. Deborah R. ; Salvatore J. David DVan ; Carolyn , Merrimack , U.of

; Robert ; Jane Edward , U. of , U. of , U. , U. , , ; Session Details Ð Monday

This session explores how social networks infuence how we 2What Should a Science of Workplace Spirituality Study? | perceive and understand various facets of organizational life. Don Grant, U. of Arizona Chair: Ebony N. Bridwell-Mitchell, New York U. A Small World after All? Network Perceptions Versus Reality | 662 1: (Paper Session) - (OB) Personality, Individual Martin J Kilduff, Pennsylvania State U.; Wen-Pin Tsai, Differences, and Diversity Issues Pennsylvania State U.; Craig Crossland, Pennsylvania State U. 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OB Individuals, Organizations and Networks: An Integrated Presented on panels 31-37 Framework to Guide Knowledge Management | Jane E 1Controlling for Commensurability in a Meta-Analysis of Jonas Schultz McKenzie, Henley Management College; Christine M. van Personality and Subjective Well-Being | , U. of Piers Steel Joseph Schmidt Winkelen, Henley Management College Calgary; , U. of Calgary; , U. of Modeling Social Structure as Network Effects: Agent-Based Calgary Self-Efficacy and Task Performance: An Investigation from Modeling Support for Rewarding Learning | Brian F. Tivnan, 1 Gillian Yeo George Washington U.; James K. Hazy, George Washington U.; Two Levels of Analysis and Specificity | , U. of Andrew Neal David R. Schwandt, George Washington U. Queensland; , U. of Queensland 2Social Capital and Transactive Memory Systems in Work 1Strike Propensity Among Union Workers: A Qualitative and Matthew J. Monnot Groups: A Multilevel Approach | Yu Connie Yuan, Cornell U.; Meta-Analytic Review | , Central Michigan Peter R Monge, U. of Southern California; Janet Fulk, U. of U. Southern California 1To Perceive or Not to Perceive: Personality as a Moderator Between Context and Leadership | Sheryl L 660 : (Paper Session) - (MOC) New Vistas in Dyadic and Shivers, Florida A&M U. Team Research 1Why People Believe (or Don’t Believe) Our Research: The 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317B Role of Self Affirmation Processes | Dan V. Caprar, U. of Explores varied topics in dyadic & team research. Emphasis on Iowa perception, diversity, and knowledge structures. The Impact of Core Self-Evaluations on Perceptions of Chair: Teresa Cardador, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 1 Support, Commitment, and Role-Conflict | Karl Pajo, Massey B Complementary (but not always Complimentary) U.; Nigel Guenole, U. of Canterbury; Mary Mallon, Massey U.; Construal of Work Partners | Miguel M. Unzueta, Stanford U.; Robyn Ward, Massey U. Larissa Tiedens, Stanford U.; Maia Young, U. of California, Los Angeles 663 JS: (OB, CM, MOC) Feelings and Fairness in The Influence of Sex Dissimilarity in Distributive Versus Organizations Colocated Groups | Prithviraj Chattopadhyay, Australian 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 Graduate School of Management; Elizabeth George, Australian Organizers: Tom Tyler, New York U.; Celia M. Gonzalez, New York Graduate School of Management; Arthur Shulman, Griffith U. U. MONDAY Affective Diversity, Flight Crew Dynamics and Performance | The Interplay Between Cognitive and Affective Factors on the Lorna Doucet, U. of Illinois; Mary J Waller, Tulane U.; Lu Justice Judgments Process | Kees Van den Bos, Utrecht U.; Wang, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Sybil Phillips, U. of Susanne de Wit, Utrecht U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign The Influence of Moral Conviction on Perceptions of Fairness 4Social Identity, Social Relations, and the Individualism- | Elizabeth Mullen, Northwestern U.; Linda Skitka, U. of Illinois, Collectivism -- Teamwork Relationship | Michael J. Chicago Gundlach, Bond U.; Suzanne Zivnuska, Bond U. Feelings of Similarity, Belongingness and Justice | Steven Knowledge Structure Efficiency: The Effect of TMT Blader, New York U.; David De Cremer, Tilburg U. Knowledge Structure Efficiency on Performance | Susan The Interactive Effects of Identification and Felt Relational Houghton, Georgia State U.; Alice C Stewart, North Carolina Value Shape Sensitivity to Procedures | Celia M. Gonzalez, A&T State U.; Pamela S Barr, Georgia State U. New York U.; Tom Tyler, New York U. The Effects of Unfavorable Outcomes and Procedural Justice 661 : (Paper Session) - (MSR) The Science of Workplace on Cognitive Appraisals and Emotions | Jeremy Offenstein, Spirituality City U. of New York Graduate Center; Yochi Cohen-Charash, 12:20pm - 2:10pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Charles Scherbaum Chair: Donald W McCormick, U. of Redlands City U. of New York, Baruch College; , City Discussant: Jeff Tschetter, U. of Sioux Falls U. of New York, Baruch College Participants: Kees Van den Bos, Utrecht U.; Susanne de Wit, B4Self-actualising Workplace Spirituality: An Empirical Utrecht U.; Elizabeth Mullen, Northwestern U.; Linda Skitka, U. of Study | Mario Fernando, U. of Wollongong Illinois, Chicago; Steven Blader, New York U.; David De Cremer, 2Scale Development Practices within the MSR Domain: An Tilburg U.; Yochi Cohen-Charash, City U. of New York, Baruch Charles J. Assessment of the Literature from 1996-2004 | College; Jeremy Offenstein, City U. of New York Graduate Center; Fornaciari, Florida Gulf Coast U.; John J. Sherlock, Western Charles Scherbaum, City U. of New York, Baruch College Carolina U.; William J. Ritchie, Florida Gulf Coast U.; Kathy Lund Dean, Idaho State U. 664 JS: (OB, CM, MOC) Constructing Deviants Across Levels

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 227 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Leader InterventionstoTeamOutcomes Leader Participants: Dudzinska-Przesmitzki Georgia Tech Diana I.Jimeno-Ingrum Quinnipiac U. Followers’ Rating of Leadership of Leadership Rating Followers’ Behaviorsof Video-Observed Exploring theImpactofExec Identifyi Leaders: Transforming Parker Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room325A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 666 View ofHow A Longitudinal ContextandRoleIdentityin of theImpact into Exploration onEmployee RelationsandTrust of Customer The Impact at Safetyand Work | Creativity Psychological of Personaland Effects Performance: Creative Employees’ Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323C 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 665 Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room328 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii Technology 21st Century Creativity: ANewVisionforManagementinthe Employee Neta AMoye M Farmer Presenters: of Washington College U. ofBritishColumbia of Delaware Walters Dudzinska-Przesmitzki U. ofTechnology; Illinois, Urbana-Champaign U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign; Commitment and Perceived Capabilities| andPerceived Commitment Managers | | Beliefs, andEmotions Unfold| Processes Creative Team Relation toCreative Self-Efficacy| Creativity | | Category byJob Factors Contextual State U.; U.; Georgia Tech; Griffin Technology; Weichun Zhu Walumbwa Wilderom Finn

JS: B Claus W Langfred Lucy L Gilson , U.ofNewSouthWales ; Anne M. O'Leary-Kelly , QueenslandU.ofTechnology; Claire Mason Gergana T.Markova

(OB, HR) , Queensland U.ofTechnology , WichitaStateU. T eaching-oriented | , QuinnipiacU. JS: Giuseppe Labianca Pamela Tierney Lucy LGilson , U. of Twente ; GregR.Oldham , Vanderbilt U. ; Nora Y.Madjar , U. of Nebraska; , U.of

(OB, HR) Nora Y.Madjar Sharon Parker Joost Van der WeideJoost , U. ofNebraska Lucy L Gilson Transformational Leadership:From Mark Griffin , U.of Connecticut ; LynnBowes-Sperry , Queensland U.ofTechnology , U.ofConnecticut , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign The Importance of Context for Context for of The Importance ☯ , WashingtonU. , U.ofConnecticut; ; PamelaTierney Management Practice-oriented | ; Claus WLangfred , U. of Connecticut , Portland StateU. Claire Mason , U.ofCentralFlorida , U. ofConnecticut Conflict, Information Sharing, and Sharing, Conflict, Information , U. of Connecticut; , U. of NewSouthWales; utive Coaching onLeaders| Coaching utive ; MarkGriffin , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Bruce Avolio , U. of Connecticut , U.ofConnecticut , EmoryU. , U.ofArkansas Highly Effective Dutch Middle DutchMiddle Highly Effective , Queensland U.ofTechnology ng the Associated Values, ng theAssociated in Predicting Organizational Organizational in Predicting Diana I.Jimeno-Ingrum , U.ofTwente; Claire Mason Steven MFarmer Neta AMoye ; RowenaOrtiz-Walters , Queensland U.of ; Sandra L. Robinson , WesternNewEngland Christina Shalley , Portland StateU. , Queensland U.of , U.of Nebraska; ; Christina Shalley Rowena Ortiz-

, ; KarlAquino Fred Ochieng ; Dana Washington U. Greg R. OldhamGreg R. ; WillFelps Dana ; Sharon Celeste P.M. , Queensland International-oriented| , Vanderbilt Mark ; Steven , Wichita , U.of , U. , , U. Fran ; ; , , , , 228 Dimensions, Beliefs, Distribution,andCoordinationDimensions, Outcomes Team-Level and Structures he Role of Time in Error Management | Management inError of Time Role he PowerofMindfulness:TheRole the Harnessing and Communicating, inTeams:Identifying, Error Management Discussant: ConventionCenter:Room327 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 667 toWell-Be Leading Others 669 | Climate Team Justice and Ties Intra-Team Network Experimental Leavitt and Bavelas the Revisiting inTeam Distributed Leadership asTeam Shared Leadership Discussant: Chair: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room316C 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 668 Organizations U. ofNebraska Participants: Niro Sivanathan Weide Speakers: Participants: U. of NorthCarolina, ChapelHill Presenters: Queen's U. Queen's U. Robertson Dixon Mayo Knight New York,Buffalo Cornell U. Williamson Theme-oriented | ; Rangaraj Ramanujam Pennsylvania; U. ofNewYork, Buffalo; U. ofNorth Carolina; Williamson Carnegie MellonU.; Organizational Climate | Climate Organizational Pro| thetheir Priorto Errors Correcting | Leadership Transformational Communication Network Structures| Network Communication | andTeamPerformance Perceptions Research Agenda| U.; Kevin Kelloway Cincinnati; Cincinnati; Margarita Mayo Roberson Lafayette

JS: JS: 4 , InstitutodeEmpresa , U. ofCincinnati Nick Turner Martin J Kilduff , U.ofTwente , U. ofPennsylvania SHCS: (OB, MOC) (OCIS, OB,MOC) Fran Finn Prasad Balkundi ; Catherine Loughlin ; EKevin Kelloway , San U. FranciscoState , U. of Maryland,College Park David AHofmann Ray Reagans Sim B.Sitkin Celeste P.M.WilderomCeleste Juan-Carlos Pastor Juan-Carlos , CornellU. Bruce Robertson Andrea Dixon , U. of Maryland,CollegePark; ; Weichun Zhu ; Weichun (OB, OMT,OCIS)

, Northwestern U. Jonathan C.Ziegert ; Th Visual Presentation| , , Instituto de Empresa , InstitutodeEmpresa , St.Mary'sU.; Queen's U.; ; Fred Ochieng Walumbwa , QueenslandU.ofTechnology Managing andLearningfromErrorsin omas E.Holubik ; BrettR. Smith , PennsylvaniaStateU. Rangaraj Ramanujam Zhike Lei Juan-Carlos Pastor , Duke U. , Duke , Columbia U. , Columbia , Purdue U.,WestLafayette ; Jonathan C.Ziegert Thomas E.Holubik ; Ajay Mehra Structuring Team Knowledge: Structuring Team , U. of Cincinnati; , U. , State U.ofNewYork, Buffalo ing: Direct and Indirect Effects of and IndirectEffects ing: Direct ; PaulSGoodman Andrew P.Knight , U. ofNebraska , U. ofNorth Carolina , St. Mary'sU. Network Centralization: A Centralization: Network , San U. FranciscoState Catherine Loughlin , U.ofToronto , InstitutodeEmpresa , U. ofNorth Carolina, ChapelHill Team-Level Network Team-Level s: The Network of Leadership s: TheNetworkofLeadership Niro Sivanathan ; PrasadBalkundi Julian Barling Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.of Twente , DrexelU. , U. ofCincinnati , TexasTechU. , U.ofCincinnati ; Quinetta M Roberson Paul SGoodman Prasad Balkundi Prasad

Ajay Mehra ; Nick Turner , InstitutodeEmpresa; Quinetta M Brett R.Smith , PurdueU.,West David AHofmann ; Julian Barling; Julian , TexasTechU. , CarnegieMellon , U.of , U.ofNebraska , DrexelU. ; Bruce Avolio , Queen's U.; , Queen's , Northwestern ; ZhikeLei ; Joost Van der , U.ofToronto ; AndrewP. , StateU. of ; Ian O. ; Margarita ; Bruce , U.of ; Andrea , Ian O.

, , U.of , State , , U. E ; , , , Session Details Ð Monday

12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A Chair: Suzanne deTreville, U. de Lausanne Organizers: Mark A. Clark, American U.; J. Alberto Espinosa, E-Retailing in a Demand Chain Management Context: American U. Elliot Eduardo Salas Relating Physical Distribution Service & Margins | Discussant: , U. of Central Florida Rabinovich, Arizona State U.; Manus Rungtusanatham, Network Structure and Expertise Coordination in Knowledge Arizona State U. Teams | Samer Faraj, U. of Maryland Implementing Reverse E-Auctions: Lessons from Experience | Knowledge, Ignorance, and Distortion: An Expanded Daesik Hur, Bowling Green State U.; Janet L. Hartley, Bowling Representation of Belief Structures in Groups | Vikas Green State U.; Vincent A Mabert, Indiana U., Bloomington Anand, U. of Arkansas; Nina Gupta, U. of Arkansas; Kevin E. An Empirical Investigation of the B2B E-Service Chain | Pedro Henderson, U. of Arkansas, Fayetteville Oliveira, U. Catolica Portuguesa; Aleda V Roth, U. of North Transactive Memory Perspective on Team Knowledge Carolina, Chapel Hill Measures: A Review and Agenda | Naina Gupta, U. of TAM, TCA, & SERVQUAL Compared: Measuring Online Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Andrea Hollingshead, U. of Illinois, Customer Satisfaction & Preference Across Regions | Urbana-Champaign Andrea McGee Prud'homme, Michigan State U.; Ken Boyer, Structural Dimensions of Team Knowledge | Mark A. Clark, Michigan State U.; Roger Calantone, Michigan State U. American U.; J. Alberto Espinosa, American U. Participants: Samer Faraj, U. of Maryland; Vikas Anand, U. of 674 1: (Paper Session) - (OMT) Networks as Structure Arkansas; Nina Gupta, U. of Arkansas; Kevin E. Henderson, U. of 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OMT 1 Arkansas, Fayetteville; Naina Gupta, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Presented on panels 41-44 Champaign; Andrea Hollingshead, U. of Illinois, Urbana- 1Is the Doctor In? Impact of Physician Job Design on Champaign Relational Coordination and Patient Outcomes | Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis U.; Dana Beth Weinberg, Queens 670 1: (Paper Session) - (ODC) Change Interventions College; Adrienne Bennett, Newton-Wellesley Hospital; Joseph 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ODC 1 A. Miller, Independent Consultant Presented on panels 38-40 1Nework Organizations: Archetypes and Performance | B1Creating An Excellent Service Culture:A Scholar and Jonathan Pinto, U. of Pittsburgh Practitioner Explore A Successful Change Case | Karen S Networks of Order and Chance: Archetypes, Emergence, Whelan-Berry Patricia L Alexander 1 , Utah Valley State College; , and Randomness in Organizational Structures | Jonathan Texas Wesleyan U. Lewis Johnson, U. of Arkansas; Sven Kepes, U. of Arkansas B Architecture as an Organization Development 1 B Matrix Structures in MNCs – Areas of Application and Kirk Hamilton 41 Intervention:Two Hospital Case Studies | , Success Factors | Mihael Adzic, U. of Kiel Texas A&M U., College Station; Walter Scott Sherman, Texas A&M U., Corpus Christi 675 1: (Paper Session) - (OMT) Theorizing Organizational MONDAY Effectiveness 671 Accepting, resisting, and 1: (Paper Session) - (ODC) 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OMT 2 politicizing organizational change Presented on panels 45-50 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ODC 2 1Behavioral Assumptions and Theory Development: The Presented on panels 61-63 Eric WK Tsang 1Change Management Matters: A political perspective on Case of Transaction Cost Economics | , Wayne State U. change processes and outcomes | Inger G. Stensaker, 1Reconciling Phyletic Gradualism with Punctuated Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration; Gino Cattani Daniel Levinthal Ann Langley, HEC Montreal Equilibrium | , New York U.; , U. 1Executive Resistance to Change: the Role of Exemplarity | of Pennsylvania Tessa Melkonian, EM Lyon 1Measuring Organizational Performance in Management 1Explaining Factors Affecting the Speed of Change Research: A Synthesis of Challenges & Approaches | Timothy Michael Devinney, Australian Graduate School of Adoption : a Case Study Approach | Alain Vas, Catholic U. of Management; Pierre Jules Richard, U. of New South Wales / U. Louvain; Régis Coeurderoy, Catholic U. of Louvain of Sydney; George S Yip, London Business School; Gerry 672 : (ODC) We See Dead People? Reflective Debate on Johnson, U. of Strathclyde John Miner's Vision for Organization Science B 1Factors that Impact Sales Persons' Performance in 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Virtual Environments | Tammy McClanahan Johnson, Facilitator: Gavin M. Schwarz, U. of New South Wales Standard Register Presenters: Stewart Clegg, U. of Technology, Sydney; Thomas G. 1Competing Views of Firm Success: Towards an Integrated Cummings ; Lex Donaldson , U. of Southern California , Australian Theory of Effectiveness and Survival | Tim R. Holcomb, ; Robert E Quinn ; Graduate School of Management , U. of Michigan Texas A&M U. John B. Miner , Self-employed 1Simple Models of Hierarchical Organizations | Ali Yassine David Goldberg 673 : (OM) E-Commerce , U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; , U. 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Tian-Li Yu, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 229 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Sources and Consequences ofOrganizationalCrisis and Consequences Sources Valuation and Categories Within Organizations Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room303B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 679 | Production Conspicuous Concentrat Categorization, 2 Theory| andInstitutional ofCategories The Structuring Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room302B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 678 through Acquiring Information | Organization Interconnected the Designing Orga and Formal Aligning CoPs Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room302A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 677 B 4 4 4 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room301A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 676 Economic Development and Growth Development and Economic Evaluative Schemas and the Attention of Critics in the U.S. U.S. in the Critics of and theAttention Schemas Evaluative 4 Changing logics in emerging markets: the Chinese the Chinese markets: logicsinemerging Changing | Economies inEmerging Failure Internal Market inthe of Organizations Role GetRicher:The Rich Why the Washington Qiumei JaneXu Katherine Xin Hsieh Management | | ofNetworksandCommunities The Case Boundary Location and Location Boundary | Situation ofWork industry | automobile ofNations| Wealth Wheat Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute Young Management deLyon Mexico of ICT| Film Industry| Josserand Urbana-Champaign Cebon A Passion for Imperfections : Revisiting Crisis :Revisiting Imperfections A Passionfor Bl Exchange-Level Building Can Progress Be Resistant to Bad Institutions? TheCase toBadInstitutions? Resistant Be Can Progress

: : : 4 Marc SMentzer Jonathan Matheny Marc-David LSeidel Nina Shah (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) : , London Business School (Paper Session)-(OMT) , Harvard U. , Chinese U.ofHongKong , U.ofMelbourne; T eaching-oriented | Veneta Andonova W. L. Dougan John Weeks Gina Dokko Ruth VAguilera , Paris DauphineU. , Texas TechU. , CEIBS; , U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.ofIllinois, Greta Hsu Christophe Roux-Dufort , U.ofCalifornia, Irvine , U.ofSaskatchewan Emmanuelle Vaast Jone L.Pearce

, New York U. ☯ , INSEAD , AucklandU.ofTechnology Wei Chen , U.of Wisconsin, Whitewater Alaka N.Rao Management Practice-oriented | , U. ofBritishColumbia E. GeoffreyLove Linda-Eling Lee Industry Performance | Industry Performance , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign ion & Constraint: Industrial & Constraint:Industrial ion

, U.of California,Davis , Instituto Tecnologico Autonomode , InstitutoTecnologico Boundary Conditions: Boundary Conditions: Community Networks and Trauma and Recovery: Trauma andRecovery: Interpersonal Relations | ocks of Informal Organization: Organization: ofInformal ocks Institutional Conditionsfor nizations: Constructing the the Constructing nizations: , TexasTechU.; , U.ofCalifornia,Irvine; , U.of California, Irvine;

, LongIslandU. , Ecolede , Harvard U. , Harvard , U. of Illinois, , U. Emmanuel Paul DNugent Marvin International-oriented| Christopher Michael N. Kai-Yu Peter

, 230 Maryland INSEAD Graebner Participants: Making Entrepreneurial Contexts Entrepreneurial Organizations? ContributionsofResearchin Quantitative Contemporaneous Strategic Interfaces:TheIdentificat Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 680 | Worth? IsRecoveryExperience How Much 2 682 New Revisiting BurnsandStalker:FormalStructure or Buy:Bo Beyond Make The DownsidesofEmbeddedness: Modular of ResidualFit:Mapping Presence Change inthe of Case The Not Learning)fromNewVentures: Learning (and Discussant: Martin Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room313C 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 681 of Performance Roles StrategyImitation: of Antecedents as the Dynamic ofInstitutional Change Dynamic as the Theme-oriented | How Aspiration Levels Affect Levels How Aspiration Anne SMiner Mitsuhashi Austin U. of Wisconsin, Madison; U. ofWisconsin, Opportunities | Social-Ecological System | System Social-Ecological Interests in Strategizing | Interests in Acquisition Negotiations| Acquisition | Discretion Ventures in Dynamic Emerging Industries | Emerging inDynamic Ventures | Markets Architectures to | Serial Entrepreneurs | Rivalry Market and Feedback, Uncertainty, Cornell U.; Harvard BusinessSchool Park Hendron Christensen William HCooper Pamela RHaunschild Kabanoff Technological Change: an Empirical Test| Technological Change:anEmpirical Austin; Hickson Entrepreneurial Fallibility an Fallibility Entrepreneurial Re Grab theRifle:Managerial

: SHCS: Federico Aime , U. of Texas, Austin , U.of Texas, Austin (Paper Session)-(OMT) Pamela RHaunschild , INSEAD ; Wesley Sine

SHCS: ; Hitoshi Mitsuhashi , U.of Texas, Austin Andrew D Henderson Andrew D , Bradford U.; Wendy K.SmithWendy Kathleen M.Eisenhardt Kathleen , U. of Texas, Austin; of Texas, , U. , Queensland U.ofTechnology Clark Gilbert Clark (OMT, MOC) Filipe ManuelSimoes DosSantos David A.Kirsch , U. of Tsukuba , U.of Jack Keegan Jack , SDU (OMT, BPS,ENT) , U. of Wisconsin, Madison , U. ofWisconsin, Visual Presentation| Thorbjoern Knudsen Discontinuous Change| , Queen'sU. , MichiganStateU. , CornellU. David CharlesWilson , U. of Texas, Austin , U.of Texas, Austin , Harvard BusinessSchool Code-Breaking and Code-Making Code-Making Code-Breaking and Jeffrey AMartin undary Decisions in Nascent undary Decisions , Harvard Business School , HarvardBusiness

Jay Kim , Queensland U.ofTechnology; ; FilipeManuelSimoesDosSantos , U. ofTsukuba , U. ofTexas,Austin Susan Miller , U. of Maryland; Melissa Graebner Cognition andStrategy- Gail Whiteman , U. ofTexas,Austin M d the Evaluation of New d theEvaluation Response toaPunctuating Response ; David A.Kirsch Measurement ofIndustry-level Measurement A TheoryofNascent ichael Bednar silience within an Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , Stanford U. , U.ofSouthern California; ion and Import of Core ion andImport Social Rela Social , SDU; , U.of Hull; , U. of Texas, Austin; of Texas, , U.

Clark Gilbert Hitoshi , Erasmus U.; , U. ofWarwick Michael June-Young Kim , INSEAD Michael G , U. ofTexas, , U. ofTexas, Wesley Sine ; JeffreyA Kyung Min , U.of tionships in ; Melissa Adaptive David J. , Boris , , , Session Details Ð Monday

12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A Hong Kong; Guo-hua Huang, Hong Kong U. of Science and Chairs: Andrew Parker, Stanford U.; Young-Kyu Kim, U. of Technology Chicago 1Reinventing the Future: Design Science Research in the Nicole Woolsey Biggart Discussant: , U. of California, Davis Field of Organization Studies | Joan Ernst Van Aken, The Organizing Grammar of New Practice Evolution in Eindhoven U. of Technology; Georges Romme, Tilburg U. Anand Narasimhan Professional Service Firms | , London 41Developing Content Adequate Measures for Business School; Heidi K. Gardner, London Business School; Tim J Morris Organizational Research: A Review of Current Practices | , U. of Oxford Jian Liang, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Jiing-Lih Rivalry and Affiliation: Changing Logics for Collaboration in Farh, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology Biotechnology | Andrew Parker, Stanford U.; Walter Powell, 1Organizational Level Referenced by Climate Items: Stanford U. Implications for Organizational Surveys | Lorin Mueller, Legitimate Deception: Pseudonyms as Legitimate Product American Institutes for Research Offerings among Jazz Record Companies | Young-Kyu Kim, U. of Chicago; Damon J Phillips, U. of Chicago 685 : (RM) Research Methods Division: International Code Violation: The Anti-Biotechnology Movement and Networking German Pharma Firms | Klaus Weber, Northwestern U.; Lacy 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A Glenn Thomas Hayagreeva Rao , Emory U.; , Northwestern U. 686 : (SIM) The Role of Governance in Corporate Social Participants: Walter Powell, Stanford U.; Damon J Phillips, U. of Responsibility ; Klaus Weber ; Lacy Glenn Thomas Chicago , Northwestern U. , 12:20pm - 2:10pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room ; Hayagreeva Rao ; Heidi K. Gardner Emory U. , Northwestern U. , Chair: Ann Kinkade, U. of Wisconsin, Madison ; Tim J Morris London Business School , U. of Oxford Discussant: Ramon J. Aldag, U. of Wisconsin, Madison Bryan W 683 B4 : (Paper Session) - (PNP) Innovation, Reform & The Organization of Corporate Social Responsibility | Resistance to Change in Public & Nonprofit Husted, Instituto de Empresa Organizations Governance, Accountability, and Global Business Citizenship 12:20pm - 2:10pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room | Jeanne M Logsdon, U. of New Mexico; Donna J Wood, U. of Chair: Eran Vigoda-Gadot, U. of Haifa Northern Iowa Discussant: David H Coursey, Florida State U. Governance and CSR Strategies and Practices | John F 2Innovation and Organizational Performance: A Critical Mahon, U. of Maine Review of the Evidence and a Research Agenda | Richard The Integration of Strategic Mark Walker 687 SHCS: (SIM, BPS) , Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology Management and Business & Public Policy Fields 4Managing for Results within the Dutch Central Government: Through Sustainability MONDAY An Analysis Based on Change Agents Views | Michel Ehrenhard Dennis Muntslag 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 2 , U. of Twente; , U. of Twente; Chairs: Lee Burke, George Washington U.; Mark Starik, George Celeste P.M. Wilderom , U. of Twente Washington U. Leadership, Resistance, and School Principals and Introduction to the Symposium Topic and Process | Mark Teachers: Positive Visions for the 21st Century | Joseph E. Starik, George Washington U. (Gene) Justin, Claremont Graduate U. Voluntary Programs as Alternative Environmental Policy BResistance to Change in Nonprofit Organisations: A Social Instruments? U.S. Sustainable Slopes Program | Jorge Identity Perspective | Felix Dresewski, UPJ Rivera, George Washington U.; Charles Koerber, George The Constitution of Power and Corruption in a Police Washington U. Organization | Raymond Daniel Gordon, U. of Technology, Integrating Strategic Management & Public Policy: The Case Sydney of Privatization in Developing Countries | Kalpana Seethepalli, George Washington U. 684 1: (Paper Session) - (RM) RMD Visual Presentation 12:20pm - 2:10pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - RM Sustaining Competition in an Era of Concentration and Presented on panels 55-60 Consolidation | Lee Burke, George Washington U. 1Organizational Inquiry as a Rhetorical Process: The Role The Concept of Sustainability and Politics in Strategy and of Tropes in Organizational Theory/Methods | Sandy E. Policy | Wm. Scott Brickner, Brickner Research Green, U. of Southern California; C. Murat Alpaslan, California Social Sustainability as a Bridge Connecting Strategy and State U., Northridge; Ian Mitroff, U. of Southern California Public Policy | Michelle Westermann-Behaylo, George 1Not All Differences are the Same:Measuring Diversity Washington U. Jeremy F. Dawson Using Distances Between Categories | , Ethics and the Corporate Felix Brodbeck 688 JS: (SIM, OB, OMT) Aston U.; , Aston U. Environment On the Problem of Testing Mediators Using Cross- 1 12:20pm - 2:10pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Oahu Room Kenneth S Law sectional Correlational Data. | , Hong Kong U. Chairs: Kristin Smith-Crowe, U. of Utah; Suzanne Chan-Serafin, Chi-Sum Wong of Science and Technology; , Chinese U. of Tulane U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 231 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Firm Reaction Innovation | of anIncumbent? Behavior theSearch What Determines Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304B 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 691 1 1 1 B Presented onpanels17-20 ConventionCent 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 690 1 B 1 1 Presented onpanels13-16 ConventionCent 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 689 inOrganizatio Ironic Processes Corporate Wrongdoing ofthe Examination SeeCanHurtYou:An Can't What You at Work Sanctions andFormal Informal The TensionBetween Discussant: Discussant: 1 Tenbrunsel M Dukerich Virginia Tech Srivastava industry | Firms: a Theoretical Model | Model Firms: aTheoretical knowledge| torecombining framework | Perspective Theory Relevance | Networks Alliance in Capital and Social Search Ethical Infrastructure of Organizations | ofOrganizations Infrastructure Ethical | Hongquan Zhu Queensland Justin TH Chua Phelps Washington Rutgers U. Serafin BNA Elizabeth EveUmphress Raffaele Oriani Alliances | School Bruxelles; and the Non-redundancy ofTi and theNon-redundancy Davis Palmer Austin; Disruptive Innovations and the Time-to-entry of Incumbent ofIncumbent and theTime-to-entry Innovations Disruptive Technologica Integrating fromYou:A Learned Have Learning fromWhatOthers Ex Technological Neighbor!| Love Thy Innovation? of In search Danielle E.Warren

4 : 1 1 Collaborative agreements and R&D intensity in the IT IT inthe R&D intensity and agreements Collaborative Michael J. Fern (Paper Session)-(TIM) 1 Friend or Foe? Partner Sel or Foe?Partner Friend : : T (Paper Session)-(TIM) (Paper Session)-(TIM) , U.ofWashington George P Huber George P , U.ofCalifornia,Davis; , Tulane U.; eaching-oriented | Thomas WDunfee David FRobinson

Olivier Mortehan Bruno J,M,Tvan Pottelsberghe , Virginia Polytechnic Institute; , VirginiaPolytechnic The Effects of Strength of Ties, Structural Holes, Structural of Ties, The EffectsofStrength Mikkel Lucas Overby , U. of Notre Dame; Notre , U.of , U. of Texas, Austin; Austin; Texas, , U.of

, , U. ofMichigan , U.ofQueensland; U. ofBologna ploration: The Role of Recombinatory ofRecombinatory The Role ploration: Kristin Smith-Crowe , U.of North Carolina , RutgersU. ☯ and Social Influence | and SocialInfluence

Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Texas, Austin , U.of Texas, Austin , TexasA&MU.; l Acquisitions: A complexity-based complexity-based A l Acquisitions: Evolutionary Theory , U. Libre deBruxelles , Texas TechU. , Wharton School , Wharton nal Corruption Control | nal CorruptionControl Marco Sonnino Technological Evolution& Alliances forTechnology& er: Exhibit Hall III - TIM 2 III - er: ExhibitHall TIM 1 III - er: ExhibitHall Michael Maher Arthur PBrief es on Team Innovation | es onTeamInnovation Donald A. Lange , Copenhagen Business ection Criteria in Strategic ection Criteria Hongyan Yang Yuliani Suseno , U. of Utah; , U. Donald Hatfield Dorothy Kirkman Joshua Joseph Suzanne Chan- , U.Librede , Tulane U.; , Tulane Donald A , U. ofCalifornia, , BolognaU.; Manish K. International-oriented| , U.ofTexas, , U.of

, U.of Corey Ann Janet , , , 232 B The Performance: R&DCapabilities,andFirm HRM Practices, andAlli M&A Comparing Organizatio Capacity, Absorptive Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room306A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 692 Soloists and Team Players: An Chair: ConventionCenter:Room312 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 695 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyonRoom 2:00pm -4:00pmSheraton 694 2 at Competence Firm-Level and Experience Incumbency, B B Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room307A 12:20pm -2:10pmHawaii 693 ManagementResearch, Executive Committee Meeting Committee Executive ManagementResearch, INSEAD Participants: Theme-oriented | Seeing the Light: Cognitive Seeing the A LensModelofOrganization 4 Dominance of Network Business Systems | Systems of NetworkBusiness Dominance Technology Anita McGahan Customer Hierarchies: The Computer Industry | Computer Industry The Hierarchies: Customer College Govindarajan Lourdes Sosa Funk Provision | Mediating Role of R&D Capabilities | RoleofR&D Mediating | Industry Matters | Development Radical Innovation: The Anti-Cancer Drugs Market | Market Drugs TheAnti-Cancer Innovation: Radical George Kuk Helsinki U. of Technology; Helsinki U.ofTechnology; Rutgers U. Leibold Stellenbosch Introducing Radical and Di Radical Introducing Innovation | the Fiber-Optic Revolution | Revolution the Fiber-Optic Positive and NegativeFeed Positive with Change Technological Poised Organizational Strategy in Dealing with Disruptive Disruptive with inDealing Strategy Organizational Poised

Impact of Market andTechnolo Market Impact of : B : : Giovanni Valentini Karl Moore Tunji Adegbesan (Paper Session)-(TIM) (ICW) (Paper Session)-(TIM) , HitotsubashiU. 4 , StellenboschU.; A Thomas Keil Francisco VelosoFrancisco nne S.Tsui Henry Mintzberg International Association forChinese International : (AAS) Michael Lenox Michael , Nottingham U. , Nottingham Sven Constantin Voelpel , Dartmouth College;, Dartmouth Visual Presentation| , Massachusetts Institute of Technology ofTechnology Institute , Massachusetts , McGillU. , BostonU. Riitta Katila Beyond Managers NotMBAs Beyond Managers Asli Musaoglu Arikan Monday 2:00PM Monday 2:30PM , ArizonaStateU. , U. of Navarra , U. , York U. , IESE ance Activity for Newly IPOed firms: firms: Newly IPOed Activity for ance Solomon Russom Habtay Tomi MMLaamanen , McGill U. , McGill , Duke U. , Carnegie MellonU. Capabilities &Resources Capabilities Firm Response toInnovation Firm Response , Stanford U. sruptive Innovation | Innovation sruptive Frames and Firm Response to Response Frames andFirm in Product Design and Design in Product back Effects in Com back Effectsin Sarah Kaplan Evolutionary Studyof Product Evolutionary al ScanninginITInvestment| n Structure, and Information andInformation n Structure, Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Praveen Kopalle gical Capabilitiesin gical ; Quy Nguyen Huy , Harvard U.; Erika E. Harden Erika E.

, Georgia StateU.; , U. of Pennsylvania , U. ofPennsylvania Antti Sillanpää , Helsinki U.of Vijay

petition for Jeffrey Lee , Dartmouth Marius , U.of M. , ,

, Session Details Ð Monday

696 : (AAS) Entrepreneurial Vision and Visions of 1The Impact of Alliance Blocks Embeddedness on the Firms Entrepreneurship Performance in the Plant Biotech Industry. | David Daniel 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313A Catherine, UMR GAEL INRA U. Organizers: David Obstfeld, U. of California, Irvine; Rodney Lacey, 1Diversification Strategy and Profit Performance:A U. of California, Irvine Asli M. Howard Aldrich Longitudinal Analysis of Japan's Textile Firms | Discussant: , U. of North Carolina Colpan, Kyoto U.; Takashi Hikino, Kyoto U. Entrepreneurial Action and the Role of Uncertainty in the The Fertility and Fragility of Horizontal Acquisition Dean Shepherd 1 Theory of the Entrepreneur | , Indiana U.; Capability | Mario Schijven, Tilburg U. Jeffery S. McMullen, Baylor U. Getting New Things Done: The Essential Nature of 700 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Risk, Uncertainty and Entrepreneurial Action | David Obstfeld, U. of California, Dynamics Irvine; Rodney Lacey, U. of California, Irvine 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 2 Bricolage vs. Breakthrough:Distributed and Embedded Presented on panels 65-70 Agency in Technology Entrepreneurship | Raghu Garud, 1Absorptive Multinational Organizations in Turbulent New York U.; Peter Karnoe, Copenhagen Business School Environments | David W Loree, U. of Western Ontario; Eui Entrepreneurship at the Intersection of Organizational Jeong, Bowling Green State U. Economics and Organizational Sociology | Philip Anderson, 1How Dynamic can Organizational Competencies be? | INSEAD Georg Schreyogg, Freie U. Berlin; Martina Kliesch, Freie U. Berlin 697 : (AAS) Astute Foresight or Wishful Thinking? A 1Strategic Flexibility and the Evolution of Business Forum on Management and Organizational Prophecy Configurations | Yi-Chia Chiu, National Chung Hsing U.; Ji-ren 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 Lee, National Taiwan U. Facilitator: Gavin M. Schwarz, U. of New South Wales B1Real Option to Play the Competitive Strategy: First- New Title | follower Capital Investment and Pricing | Deepak Participants: Steven Kerr, Goldman, Sachs & Co.; Richard T. Dhayanithy, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow Mowday, U. of Oregon; William H. Starbuck, New York U.; Risk and Decision Making: Moving from Decision Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser U.; Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida 1 Todd International U. Outcomes to the Organizational Decision Process | Alessandri, Syracuse U. 698 : (AAS) Shaping the New Vision of Management in the 1The Effect of Anxiety and Confidence on Risky Decision- Global Environment making | Jerayr M Haleblian, U. of California, Riverside; Livia 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B Markoczy, U. of Texas, Dallas; Gerry McNamara, Michigan

Chair: Therese F Yaeger, Benedictine U. State U. MONDAY Participants: Philip Terry Anderson, Abbott Laboratories; Deloras Jones, Dana Corporation; Robert Kjar, Takeda Pharmaceuticals; 701 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Alliance Capabilities and Linda Sharkey, GE Capital; David Coghlan, U. of Dublin; Thomas Alliance Formation G. Cummings, U. of Southern California; Flemming Poulfelt, 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B Copenhagen Business School; A.B. Rami Shani, California Chair: Olivier Chatain, INSEAD Polytechnic State U., San Luis Obispo; Peter Sorensen, Discussant: Melissa M Appleyard, Portland State U. Benedictine U. Multiple Information Sources and Their Effects on Alliance Formation Rates in the Cellular Industry | Lori Rosenkopf, Knowledge Transfer and 699 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) U. of Pennsylvania; Anuja Gupta, Wharton School Learning through Alliances, Partnerships and BDeveloping Alliance Capabilities: An Empirical Study | Koen Acquisitions Heimeriks, Copenhagen Business School; Geert Duysters, 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 1 Eindhoven U. of Technology; Wim Vanhaverbeke, Eindhoven U. Presented on panels 25-30 of Technology B1R&D and Patenting Activity and the Propensity to Friends, Acquaintances, or Strangers? Partner Selection in Acquire in High Technology Industries | Panayotis Dan Li Lorraine Eden Dessyllas Alan Hughes R&D Alliances | , Indiana U.; , Texas , Oxford U.; , Cambridge U. A&M U.; R. Duane Ireland, Texas A&M U. B 1Outsourcing IT-Enabled Knowledge Capabilities: Symbolic Certification or Substantive Resources? Overtallying Strategy, Process, and Performance Implications | Paul L. Tim G. Pollock Drnevich Thomas Brush the Value of Prestigious Affiliates | , , Purdue U., West Lafayette; , Purdue Pennsylvania State U.; Guoli Chen, Pennsylvania State U.; Eric U., West Lafayette M. Jackson, Jackson Leadership Systems Inc. 1Inter-Partner Relationship and the Impact of Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms on Process Learning | Jan Erik Feller, 702 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Director Diversity and the Helsinki U. of Technology; Annaleena Parhankangas, Helsinki Functioning of Boards U. of Technology; Riitta Smeds, Helsinki U. of Technology 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B Esther Solomon B1Environmental Volunatary Approaches: The Irish Chair: , Fordham U. Karen Schnatterly Experience | James A. Cunningham, NUIG Discussant: , U. of Minnesota

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 233 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Structure Targets ofValuable Characteristics Mover Advantage Discussant: The Race to Product Launch: Antecedents of Speed to Market Market Speedto of Antecedents Launch: toProduct The Race B Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room309 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 705 and Innovatio Learning Strategy Hiring Learning By and Exploitationin Exploration of Learning fromSamples Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 704 2 ofacquirers The Characteristics of M&A onDimensions EffectofIntegration The Moderating Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 703 of theRoles Examining and FirmPerformance: TMT Diversity Board: ANatural onthe Directors of Non-Executive The Value B Women inTopManagement of Predictors Organizational Measuring Inter-Industry Relatedness: SIC-Distances vs. the vs. SIC-Distances Relatedness: Inter-Industry Measuring Making it Pay to be First: Determining the Choice of Entry Choice ofEntry the it PaytobeFirst:Determining Making 4 Barak S.Aharonson Missouri Business Administration; Economics and Tzabbar Strategies inHigh-Tec | of IndustryandOrganiz Barriers toIn Organizational | and Acquisitions of Mergers Creation Relatedness | External andInternalContexts| | Experiment | Boardrooms and Corporate Teams Oldroyd Columbia U.; Elisabeth Wyss Wassenhove London BusinessSchool; Women's U.; Kim State U.; Young U.; HEC Paris; State U. Timing andFirst-MoverAdvantages | and Firm Performance: Evidence from Korea | Korea from Evidence and FirmPerformance: Survivor Principle | Survivor Principle Pingping Song

: : : Juan Alcacer Teppo Felin Nandini Lahiri (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) , SogangU. Corporate Governance Reforms, Outside Directors, Directors, Reforms,Outside Governance Corporate T

eaching-oriented | , U.of Central Florida; , Northwestern U.; Ariel Y.Fishman Marvin BLieberman Giovanni Gavetti Christine Shropshire Douglas Johnson David Souder Ho-uk Lee Edward Zajac , INSEAD Rocio Bonet Aks Zaheer , EmoryU. , U.ofSt.Gallen , Georgia StateU.;

, NewYork U. or Hiring to Avoid Learning? | Learning? Avoid or Hiringto , Indian School of Business , IndianSchoolofBusiness Lasse B.Lien , U.ofToronto ☯ , YonSeiU. hnology Industries | hnology Management Practice-oriented | ational Traits| Maurizio ZolloMaurizio M , U.of Minnesota , ColumbiaU. , Harvard BusinessSchool Ranjay Gulati , U. of Pennsylvania , U. of Minnesota; , U.of illions or More:Overcoming illions orMore:Overcoming , NorthwesternU. Learning andOrganization andthe Relatedness M&A New PerspectivesonFirst- , PurdueU. Changing Routines: Influence ChangingRoutines:Influence ferential Learning | ferential Learning , U.ofCalifornia, LosAngeles Brian Silverman , Arizona StateU. n Value. A Long A n Value. and targets and Total Value and TotalValue and targets Jong-Hun Park , NorwegianSchoolof William C Bogner

Amy Hillman , INSEAD; Nile W.Hatch Peter GKlein , Northwestern U. Andrea Masini Lihua Olivia Wang Lihua Olivia Xavier Castaner Christina , U.ofToronto; itudinal Study itudinal Study Daniel Yangmin , Ewha International-oriented| James Luk N Van Luk N , Arizona , Georgia , U.of , Brigham , , , 234 Presenters: Alliances Time, the Wrong Time Time, theWrong theRight Careers: Over-time, Part-time, Families and Designing Boundaries oftheFirm:FromMake/Buy/Allyto Designing Varies: Specification Why Interface Interdependency inOr Discussants: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room313B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 706 2 Effects ofOrganizational Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 708 from Evidence Structure: and Contract IPPortfolios R&D Firm Co Provisionsin Combining andContractual Structures asGovernance Strategic Alliances and Co Repeated Interactions Discussant: ConventionCenter:Room313C 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 707 and Imitation Innovation, Strategic Implications & Architectures:Organizational & Vertical Interfaces Speakers: St. Gallen Sanchez Tushman Hill Southern California Theme-oriented | 4 of Maryland Multinational Enterprises | Multinational Enterprises Roy and Communication Advantage | Advantage and Communication Modularity Organizational | Relationship | 1st Move-Performance onthe Dynamism Interfaces | | Dynamic BenefitsofVertical Architecture Biotechnology Alliances | Biotechnology | ofITOutsourcingAgreements Analysis Forms | Development Contracts| Technology Florida, St.Petersburg; Vera L.Street St. Gallen Jacobides London BusinessSchool; Southern California California, Berkeley Cannella, Jr Business School School ; Simon D. Wakeman ; The Antecedents of Competitive Aggressiveness among Aggressiveness of Competitive The Antecedents

B SHCS: Lotte Bailyn , U.ofMichigan : , Copenhagen BusinessSchool ; SendilEthiraj , Harvard U. (Paper Session)-(CAR) Rachelle Sampson

Michael GJacobides Jeffrey J.Reuer Phanish Puranam Arvids AZiedonis Yoav Vardi (BPS, TIM) Nicolaj Siggelkow , London BusinessSchool; JS: , Arizona StateU. Sendil Ethiraj Sendil , Florida StateU.; (BPS, OMT, TIM) Visual Presentation| ; JeffreyJ.Reuer , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology , TelAvivU. ganizations: Toward Contractual DesignofTechnology Contractual , U.of California,Berkeley , U.of Michigan, AnnArbor

Bruce T.Lamont Capacity & Environmental Capacity &Environmental the Designof Organizational , U.of North Carolina, ChapelHill Phanish Puranam , U. Arbor; of Michigan,Ann ntract Designs: An Empirical Designs:AnEmpirical ntract , U. ofMaryland Simon D.Wakeman , London BusinessSchool , AnnArbor U. ofMichigan, Tieying Yu , WhartonSchool ntract Structure: Evidence from Evidence ntract Structure: Ron Sanchez , London Business School School , LondonBusiness New ConceptsofTimein Marc D.Street Designing Organizational Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofNorth Carolina,Chapel Heterogenous Knowledge Heterogenous Michael GJacobides ; StephanBillinger Stephan Billinger , Boston College; Rachelle Sampson , Florida StateU. s a Theory of ; Kyle JMayer , Copenhagen Kyle JMayer Kyle , London Business ; MichaelL. Michael G , U. ofSouth , U.of ; Ron Rishi Raj , U.of , U. of Albert , U.of , , U.of , U. Session Details Ð Monday

Work Hard and/or Play Hard: Propensity to Work Long Hours Discussant: David Knights, U. of Exeter and the Influence of Role Polychronicity | Marcus M. Butts, Introduction: Discourses of Identity in Practice | Alison U. of Georgia Linstead, U. of York Beyond a Dichotomy: Expanding Our Ability to Understand Identity and Discourse | David Stephen Grant, U. of Sydney Part-Time and Full-Time Work Arrangements | Melissa W. Identity Work in the US Medical Profession | Marlena Fiol, U. of Barringer, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Sara McComb, U. of Colorado, Denver; Edward O'Connor, U. of Colorado, Denver Massachusetts; Kristina A. Bourne, U. of Massachusetts, Conflated & Frustrated Identity Changes During Strategic Amherst Change | Phyllis Johnson, Strathclyde U.; Nic Beech, 2Never a Good Time? Exploring Relationships between Strathclyde U. Timing Childbirth and Perceived Career Success | Jamie J. Identity as Event | Stephen A. Linstead, U. of York; Alison Ladge, Boston College Linstead, U. of York Winner of The Arnon Reichers Best Student Paper Award Speakers: Marlena Fiol, U. of Colorado, Denver; Stephen A. Managing Incidents of Time-Based Work-Family Conflict: A Linstead, U. of York; David Stephen Grant, U. of Sydney Three-Stage Process | Gary N. Powell, U. of Connecticut; 712 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Process & Behavioral Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Drexel U. 1 Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Performance 709 : (Paper Session) - (CM) Competition and Social 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 1 Comparisons Presented on panels 21-24 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B 1Participation and Commitment: The Mediating Effects of Chair: Don Moore, Carnegie Mellon U. Value Congruence and Perceived Influence | Peter Davis, Discussant: Max H Bazerman, Harvard U. U. of Memphis; Raj V Mahto, U. of Memphis; David G Allen, U. For the Love of the Game? Betting, Prediction, and Bias in of Memphis Athletic Competition | Joseph R Radzevick, Carnegie Mellon 1Job Characteristics: Their Effect on Entrepreneurial Job U.; Don Moore, Carnegie Mellon U. Satisfaction | Leon Schjoedt, Illinois State U. The Causes and Consequences of Behavioral Forecasting 1Interpreneurship: Examining the Effects of Social Errors: Examples from Two Conflict Situations | Kristina Structure on the EO—Performance Relationship | Curt Diekmann, U. of Utah; Adam Galinsky, Northwestern U.; Sheli Moore, TCU; Barry A Macy, Texas Tech U. Sillito, U. of Utah; Ann Tenbrunsel, U. of Notre Dame 1The Role of Innovative Search in Initial Public Offerings of Ranks and Rivals: Implications for Maximizing Joint Gains U.S. Semiconductor Ventures | Geraldine Wu, Columbia U. | Stephen M Garcia, U. of Michigan; Avishalom Tor, Haifa U. 713 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) New Venture Strategy & 2Do We Prefer Coworkers Who Are Better or Worse Than Performance Us? Evidence from the 'Weakest Link' Game | Madan M MONDAY 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B Pillutla, London Business School; Sarah Ronson, London Chair: JiFeng Yu, Georgia State U. Business School 2 An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship among Founding Winner of CM Division Best Paper Award - Conflict in Context B Resources, Strategies, and Performance | Scott L. Newbert, 710 : (Paper Session) - (CMS) New Production Systems, Villanova U.; Bruce A Kirchhoff, New Jersey Institute of Work Intensification, and Worker Outcomes Technology; Steven T. Walsh, U. of New Mexico 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Hilo Room Locating Close to Dominant Firms: An Entry Strategy in an Chair: Armel Brice Adanhounme, HEC Montreal Emerging Industry | Linda Tegarden, Virginia Tech; William B4'Feeding the Beast': A Perspective on Working in the First Lamb, Ohio U.; Donald Hatfield, Virginia Tech Tier Automotive Industry of the US and UK | Andrew Harry 4Determinants of Strategy and Performance in Small Barton, Cardiff U.; Rick Delbridge, Cardiff U. Technology-based Private Firms in Japan | Kozo Yamada, The Impact of Process Formalization on Production Sophia U.; Yoshihiro Eshima, Osaka U. of Economics Relations in Systems Engineering | Paul D Nugent, BSURVIVAL OF THE BIGGEST?The Effect of Initial Size and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Firm Growth on New Firm Survival | Frederic Delmar, Confessing for Quality | Johan Quist, Karlstad U.; Per Skålén, Stockholm School of Economics; Karin Sjöberg, Jonkoping Karlstad U. International Business School; Karl Wennberg, Stockholm Work Intensity And Work-Family Balance In Europe | Peter School of Economics Berg, Michigan State U.; Kaumudi Misra, Michigan State U.; The Value-added of Kyoko Kato, Michigan State U. 714 B: (Paper Session) - (ENT) Entrepreneurship Education 711 B JS: (CMS, OMT, ODC) Discourses of Identity in 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A Practice Chair: Max Wortman, Iowa State U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room Entrepreneurship Education: Do they practice what we Organizers: Alison Linstead, U. of York; Phyllis Johnson, teach? | Linda F. Edelman, Bentley College; Tatiana S. Strathclyde U.; Nic Beech, Strathclyde U. Manolova, Suffolk U.; Candida G Brush, Boston U.; Patricia G Chair: Alison Linstead, U. of York Greene, Babson College

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 235 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Venture Families Diversity Training Gone Bad: A Bad: Gone Training Diversity Learning- the Moving Toward Chair: South Pacific 1 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 717 1 1 1 Presented onpanels77-80 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 716 BuildingCorp. Firms: Deals ofNewlyIPOed Corporate 2 and HumanCapita Social Ties Capital Corporate Venture Chair: ConventionCenter:Room303B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 715 2 2 Outcomes: The Moderating EffectofContext Moderating Outcomes: The from Entrepreneurs Are andStereotypes: Entrepreneurship U. ofTennessee; U. ofMelbourne; London BusinessSchool Boulder Satisfaction: An Empirical Study Empirical An Satisfaction: | 21st Century inthe Management of New Vision Modern Circumstances | Circumstances Modern Wilhelm Identity Threat as a Moderator of Receptiven | ofReceptiven as aModerator Identity Threat a of | Orientation the Diversity Integration Conducti Capabilities for | Venture. Nascent tothe Team Members Souitaris and ofScience Intentions Chrobot-Mason Gruber Sharon Bartley State U.; Musaoglu Arikan Columbia; irege; Marketing Planning in VC-backed Startups | Startups inVC-backed Planning Marketing Mars orfromVenus?| Entrepreneurship Education | | Education Entrepreneurship Urbana-Champaign U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign; Portsmouth matter? | Indore Wasti 1 RaiseEntrepreneurial Programs Do Entrepreneurship Work and Family Research: NewConsiderations for Research: Work andFamily A ScalableProblem-based

Process Matters – Empirical Evidence on the Value of on theValue Empirical Evidence – Process Matters JS: 1 : Antecedents of Marital Happiness of & Career Marital Antecedents Profiles of academic Loriann Roberson Andrew Zacharakis (Paper Session)-(ENT) : , SabanciU.;

Myriam Carrere (GDO, OB, HR)(GDO, OB, Gender RIASEC and Entrepreneurship: Toward a Toward andEntrepreneurship: Gender RIASEC

T (Paper Session)-(GDO) , U.ofMunich eaching-oriented | , VirginiaStateU. Anthony C.Warren , Cass BusinessSchool; Vincent Mangematin Daniel Turban , , U.ofCincinnati U. ofTennessee,Knoxville; Carol T Kulik Sharon A. Judge Sharon A. , Georgia StateU.; Arijit Sikdar ☯ , INRA/UPMF Diversity and Organizational Diversity andOrganizational , Arizona StateU.

Management Practice-oriented | , Babson College Vishal K.Gupta andFirmGrowthValue| , U. of Missouri, Columbia; , U.of Missouri, Columbia; activities andca ng Alliances & M&As? | &M&As? ng Alliances Stacy Saturay Stacy En Funding the Entrepreneurial Funding theEntrepreneurial and-Effectiveness Paradigm: An Paradigm: and-Effectiveness , Pennsylvania State U. , Pennsylvania State er: Exhibit Hall III - GDO 1 - er: ExhibitHallIII l: Resource Contributionby l: Resource , Melbourne U. , Melbourne Learning System for System Learning gineering Students? | gineering Students? Model Examining Subgroup Model ExaminingSubgroup , , Gender, Careers,and Ralph Hanke Indian Institute of Management, Indian Institute INRA/UPMF; David Zou Stefania Zerbinati of Dual-Career Managers | Managers ofDual-Career , U.ofTennessee, Knoxville Anita McGahan , U.of Missouri, , U.of Colorado, reers: does gender , U. of Illinois, , U.of William QJudge William Angela Paladino Reddi Kotha , Bowling Green Ma Marc B.

reva Sabatier Donna International-oriented| S. Arzu Asli , U.of , BostonU. Yong Li Paul G Vangelis , , , , , 236 Gelfand Participants: Testing, etc.) Creating High Relia Creating High "Traditional" TheCasefor Water: and Bath Keeping Baby Modeling Adverse Organizer: WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 718 and Climate Organizational and Climate Treatment:EffectsofOrganizational Differential B B 1 1 1 B 1 Presented onpanels41-50 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 719 ReduceMedical to Technologies on Information Relying Erro Reducing Prescribing Safety Patient Improving Theoryto Accident Applying Normal Solutions: Innovations in Patient Safety Research Solutions: InnovationsinPatientSafety Kulik Paladino Roberson Theme-oriented | 1 1 4 Maryland U. College, U.ofLondon; Center Sinclair Goodman of California,Berkeley Contract Research | Contract Research Multidimensional Approach| | Firm Performance toEnhance Strategy Logistic Extension | Approaches to StudyingPatientSafety| Approaches to | Individual Differences Errors: Are WeExpectingTooMuch?| Errors: Are Technology | | in Hospitals Lisa Michelle Leslie Shih Baruch College; McDaniel Vanderbilt U. U.; McAlearney David Sluss Accurate Information On TestValidity?| On Accurate Information Can | Short Form:CatchMeifYou Analysis | Analysis Competing Models of Cognitive Appraisal in Psychological inPsychological Appraisal Models ofCognitive Competing totheOrganiz Dual Commitment Strategywith Management Matching HumanResource Longitudinal AReplicationand Propensity: Models ofStrike 1

Do Employment TestPublish Do Employment Em ofBar-On’s The Fakability , Melbourne U. B 1 Michael A. McDaniel , NationalChengKungU.;

, U. ofMaryland : , U. of Melbourne , U. (Paper Session)-(HR) , Arizona StateU. , PortlandStateU. Grant T.Savage JS: Union Joining and L Union Joiningand , Virginia Commonwealth U.; Donna Chrobot-Mason , Carnegie MellonU. Donna Buttigieg (HCM, OMT,OB)

, OhioStateU. , Arizona StateU.; James E.Martin James James D.Bramble Mi Visual Presentation| Deborah Organizational Consequences| ; Lisa Michelle Leslie chal Tamuz bility Organizations | bility Organizations , U.ofMaryland; ; Steven Kaplan Lisa SchurerLambert Roderick D Iverson Roderick D ; David Sluss

, Virginia Commonwealth U. , U. of Alabama , U.of Loriann Roberson rs with Health Information Information rs withHealth Whetzel Attributions to Discrimination | to Attributions , Monash U.; , Monash , U. of Tennessee Health Sciences , U. ofTennesseeHealthSciences , Wayne StateU.; Disasters, Processes, and Processes, Disasters, eaving: An Event History Event History An eaving: er: Exhibit Hall III - HR - er: ExhibitHallIII Potpourri (IR,Validityand Yun-Hwa Chiang Steven Kaplan Aaron Cohen Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.of Cincinnati , CreightonU. er ManualsProvide , WorkSkillsFirst, Inc. otional Quotient Inventory Quotient otional ation and the Union: A , ArizonaStateU. Michele J.Gelfand , Arizona StateU. Lee Grubb Hannah Rothstein , U.of Maryland Karlene H.RobertsKarlene Stephen Deery Ann Scheck , Simon Fraser U. Timothy J.Vogus Michael A. , Arizona StateU.; , Georgia StateU. , U. ofHaifa , Arizona StateU. Robert R , MingChuan , EastCarolina ; MicheleJ. Paul S Hsi-An ; Loriann

; Angela ; Carol T , King's , U. of , U. , , U. , U. , Session Details Ð Monday

1Scholarship Rankings in Departments of Management: Creating Connections Between Job Embeddedness and Some Criterion Problems | Carrie A. Belsito, Texas A&M U.; Social Capital | Brooks C Holtom, Georgetown U.; Thomas W. Angelo DeNisi, Texas A&M U. Lee, U. of Washington 1Men, Women, and Managers: An Examination of Changing Internal Market Orientation as a Tool for Fostering Gender Stereotypes | Emily E Duehr, U. of Minnesota, Twin Organizational Social Capital and Retention | David G Allen, Cities; Joyce E Bono, U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities U. of Memphis; Ashley J. Kilburn, U. of Memphis; Brandon R. 1Temporary Workers’ Perceptions of Stigmatization: Kilburn, U. of Memphis Influences and Effects | Anthony S. Boyce, Michigan State U.; Speakers: Brooks C Holtom, Georgetown U.; Carrie R Leana, U. Ann Marie Ryan, Michigan State U.; Anna L. Imus, Michigan of Pittsburgh; Jason D. Shaw, U. of Kentucky; David G Allen, U. of State U.; Frederick Morgeson, Michigan State U.; Terry A Memphis Hauer, Manager, Testing & Validation Participants: Brenda E Ghitulescu, U. of Pittsburgh; Frits Pil, U. of Pittsburgh; Jonathan Lewis Johnson, U. of Arkansas; Brandon R. 720 : (HR) Ice Cream Social and Member Networking Kilburn, U. of Memphis; Ashley J. Kilburn, U. of Memphis Event 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 4 723 : (Paper Session) - (IM) The Expatriate's Career Join your friends and colleagues in the HR Division for an afternoon 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A Schon Beechler treat! Chair: , Columbia U. Mila B. Lazarova Program Chair: Joseph J Martocchio, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Discussant: , Simon Fraser U. Champaign 4Global Careers: North-American, European and Asian Perspectives | Guenter Stahl, INSEAD; Chei Hwee Chua, U. 721 B4 JS: (HR, ENT) Small & Entrepreneurial Firms in of South Carolina; Paula M Caligiuri, Rutgers U.; Jean-Luc the 21st Century: At the Intersection of HRM & Cerdin, ESSEC Business School; Edwin L Miller, U. of Entrepreneurship Michigan; Mami Taniguchi, Waseda U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A 4The Inpatriate Experience in Multinational Companies: An Invited presenter symposium bringing together current research at Exploratory Case Study | Sebastian Reiche, Melbourne U.; the intersection of HRM and entrepreneurship. Anne-Wil Harzing, U. of Melbourne Rowena Barrett Organizer: , Monash U. 4Factors Affecting Repatriate Job Satisfaction and Job Chair: Susan E. Mayson, Monash U. Attachment for Japanese Managers | Michael J. Stevens, U. Facilitator: Judy Tansky, Ohio State U. of Missouri, St. Louis; Gary Oddou, California State U., San Human Resource Management in Smaller Firms: A Marcos; Norihito Furuya, IGB Network Co., Ltd.; Allan W Bird, Sue Marlow Contradiction in Terms? | , De Montfort U. U. of Missouri, St. Louis; Mark Mendenhall, U. of Tennessee, Understanding HRM in Emerging Entrepreneurial Firms: Chattanooga What Happens When We Keep It in the Family? | James C 4Man Without a Country: Is There a Liability of Foreignness MONDAY Hayton Christopher Clark , Utah State U.; , Utah State U. in Individual Outcomes? | John Mezias, U. of Miami; Stephen Growing Small Firms in Australia: How Do They Do What Mezias, New York U. They Do with Human Resource Management? | Rowena Barrett, Monash U.; Susan E. Mayson, Monash U. 724 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Political Strategies in MNCs HR in the Small Business Enterprise: Assessing the Impact of 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305A Chair: Sankaran Manikutty, Indian Institute of Management PEO Utilization | Brian S Klaas, U. of South Carolina Discussant: Jean J Boddewyn, Baruch College Performance Management in Small and High Growth Avoidance, Isolation and Accommodation Strategies of MNCs Companies | Robert L Cardy, Arizona State U.; Janice S in Response to Legitimacy Attacks | Anna Lamin, U. of Miller, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Minnesota; Srilata Zaheer, U. of Minnesota Surviving for Growth: Change or Stasis in a Low-tech 4Managing Institutional and Political Risk in Emerging Entrepreneurial Small Firm | Sarah Jack, Aberdeen U.; Jeff Economies | Jonathan P Doh, Villanova U.; Kalpana Hyman, Aberdeen U.; Fraser Osborne, Aberdeen U. Seethepalli, George Washington U. 722 B JS: (HR, OB) Exploring the Relationship Between 4Successful Adaptation to Regulatory Punctuations: A Case Social Capital and Voluntary Turnover in the 21st Century Study of the Mexican Banking Industry. | Luis Antonio 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319B Perez-Batres, Texas A&M U. Chair: Thomas W. Lee, U. of Washington 4Globalization and the Political Participation of Firms: Facilitator: Malvina Klag, McGill U. Lobbying and Firm Internationalization | Leonard Bierman, Predictors of Teacher Turnover in Urban Public Schools: Texas A&M U.; Jonathan Brookfield, Texas A&M U.; Michael Social Capital and Human Capital Effects | Carrie R Leana, W Pustay, Texas A&M U.; Asghar Zardkoohi, Texas A&M U. U. of Pittsburgh; Brenda E Ghitulescu, U. of Pittsburgh; Frits Pil, U. of Pittsburgh 725 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Market Entry Strategies 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Social Capital, Org., and Environmental Predictors of Quits, Mohan Subramaniam Jason D. Shaw Chair: , Boston College Discharges, and Intra-Org. Mobility | , U. of Discussant: Witold Jerzy Henisz, Wharton School Kentucky; Jonathan Lewis Johnson, U. of Arkansas

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 237 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday MED: 2 B B Facilitator: Tapa 1-TableA2 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 727 B B 4 Facilitator: Tapa 1-TableA1 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 726 B 2 4 4 BPS: HR: OB: Entry Strategies and Subsequent Fo and Subsequent Entry Strategies OB: GDO: 4 4 Links between Business St Links betweenBusiness GDO: of Singapore Lafayette; Can you have it both ways? | ways? itboth Can youhave of an organizatio perceptions Klein Diego StateU.; Jaussi Influence Satisfaction with Workplace Outcomes? | Outcomes? withWorkplace Influence Satisfaction Moderating EffectsofGen Entry Mode Choices: An Empirical Examination | Empirical Examination An Choices: Entry Mode Oke Perkins Strauss O Sawyerr Ruihua JoyJiang George O.White III | and Substance Style on Effects ofNationalCulture Timmerman U. ofKansas; Organizational Outcomes intheMilitary| Outcomes Organizational Texas, Arlington Texas, Arlington Wayne StateU. Gilboa Sydney Rediscovering Jinnah’s Vision | Jinnah’sVision Rediscovering Knowledge Management (KM) | Knowledge Management(KM) Thurner Nagaraja Vejrup-Hansen Copenhagen Business School; Copenhagen Business Savannah State U.; Savannah State and Target Influences onAggression | Influences and Target Compensation on Firm Performance | Performance on Firm Compensation of Uncertainty on Subsidiary Group Size | Group Size onSubsidiary of Uncertainty and the United States: A Comparative Analysis | Analysis States: AComparative and theUnited U. ofTexas,Arlington Diversity, Values, andCo Diversity, Beating the Competition…Litera Beating the Portfolios of Real Options in of RealOptions Portfolios

GDO: GDO: : : Entry Mode Contract Negotiations and Formation: Formation: Contract Negotiationsand Entry Mode The Impact of Human Capital Diversity, Experience and Experience Diversity, Capital The ImpactofHuman The Role of Subcultural Diversity in Organizational inOrganizational Diversity The RoleofSubcultural A Meta-Analysis of Stress and Performance at Work: at Work: andPerformance ofStress A Meta-Analysis (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) , CranfieldU. GDO: , SirotaConsulting The Relationship between Unit Diversity and UnitDiversity between The Relationship Universal Diverse Orientation in Orientation Diverse Universal , StateU. ofNewYork,Binghamton; , TelAvivU.; T Michelle TViolanti Christopher Wheat eaching-oriented | , U.ofSt. Gallen; Effectiveness and Efficiency through Diversity – Diversity Efficiency through Effectiveness and &majority Minority glasses: Different colored , National U.ofSingapore; James BStewart , CaliforniaPolytechnicStateU.,Pomona; Pakistani Model of Diversity Management: of Diversity Model Pakistani , U. Tennessee Technological Martina Musteen Elizabeth Carroll , Copenhagen Business School , CopenhagenBusiness , CaliforniaStateU.,LongBeach; , LehighU. , U.ofTexas,ElPaso Stephen BKnouse Arie Shirom ☯ Management Practice-oriented | Li ChoyChong Diversity and the Workplace andthe Diversity Perspectives onDiversity , U. ofTennessee,Knoxville , Harvard U. , Harvard , Pennsylvania State U.,Mckeesport State , Pennsylvania der, Age,andTenure| rategies and Foreign Market rategies andForeign ngruence: Does Ethnicity Volker Mahnke n's diversity policies| n's diversity , William Ross O'Brien U. ofKansas; , TelAvivU.; Foreign Markets: The Impact TheImpact Markets: Foreign , BinghamtonU.; Jawad Syed RaviShankar Mayasandra Shan-Ling Pan lly!: Personal, Situational, Situational, lly!: Personal, reign Expansion Path | Path Expansion reign , U.ofLouisiana at the United Kingdom theUnited Keld Laursen , U. of St. Gallen of St. , U. Tom Alan Amy Randel Ulysses J.Brown Ulysses Ma Yitzhak Fried Deepak KDatta , CBS; , Macquarie U., , Macquarie rc-Oliver Douglas Adegoke International-oriented| , NationalU. Judy Xin Liang Simona Olukemi Per , U. of , U. Kim , Deirdre

, San

, , , , 238 OB: OMT: OMT: 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1-TableA4 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 729 4 4 B Facilitator: Tapa 1-TableA3 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 728 ENT: Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB1 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 730 4 ONE: Facilitator: Evolutionary Perspectives Organizational Practices Perspectives OMT: OCIS: OMT: OMT: Theme-oriented | 4 IM: IM:

Beth Rubin INSEAD; Organizational Environmental Strategies | Environmental Organizational Capabilities, Economics and Capabilities, Economics Kong Baptist U.; Kong BaptistU.; Technology McCaughey Cornell U.; Dobbs Dallas; Louisiana Tech U. Louisiana Tech Boston College; Carlo Wezel Dillard Portland StateU.; of Technology Development | Development of Technology Nonprofit Consulting Industry, 1977-2003 | 1977-2003 Industry, Consulting Nonprofit Leagues.| Sports Mortality ofProfessional | Shock Resulting fromaFirm-Specific Impacts | ofDormancy a Period Change | of Institutional Sahaym U. in the21stCentury| Railroad Signalin Railroad | Configurations National Institutional Metropolitana, Iztapalapa Behavior: AReviewand Ag Behavior: Environment, Relationship and Interactions | Relationshipand Interactions Environment, Darwinism, Behavioral Gene Behavioral Darwinism,

: : : New Ventures and Ambidextrous Firms from the Lens of Lens fromthe Firms and Ambidextrous New Ventures CMS: Symbolic Representation and Transformation of andTransformation Representation Symbolic Adopting through Social and Ec Adopting throughSocial Local Search and Mimetic Entry into New Markets in the inthe New Markets and MimeticEntry into Local Search and Characteristics Gone:Niche Going, Misery LovesCompany:T Populations after Organizational of The Re-Emergence Lessons from the International DiffusionofEarly from theInternational Lessons The LogicofIndividual Organizational Implicatio Organizational (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) ONE: , LeTourneau U.; , Portland StateU. Xia Zhao Sanjay Sharma David Bright Morlacchi Pierangela , U.of Washington, Seattle Latin America’sOrgan Arie Y.Lewin Dong-Il Jung Dong-Il Natural Environment and Institutional and Institutional Environment Natural , DeVryU.;

, U. of Manitoba; , TilburgU. Visual Presentation| Metin Sengul Jane WHMoy , U.ofTexas, Dallas Darrell Brown g Technologies | g Technologies , Case WesternReserveU. Eduardo Ibarra-Colado Marie Bell , DukeU. , WilfridLaurierU. J. Richard Harrison , Cornell U.

Jeroen Kuilman Research onEcologicaland and Institutional Pressures Ecological andEvolutionary Ayse Saka

Action in the Dynamics of Dynamics Action inthe Nealia S.Bruning enda for Future Research | Research enda forFuture , INSEAD; , U.ofSussex ns for the Social Construction Construction ns fortheSocial Evolutionary Theory | EvolutionaryTheory , -; he Spread of Negative he Spread Paul Leonardi , PortlandStateU.; tics, and Organizational tics, and Organizational Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ization StudiesChallenges , NewYorkInstitute of Gongming Qian Andrew Nelson , U.ofGroningen; onomic Means in Times Means inTimes onomic Michael A.Witt Richard H.Lester , Erasmus U. , U. of Texas, , U.of R Scott Marshall Sangchan Park Michael E. , U. Autonoma , U. , Stanford U. , Stanford , ji Li U. ofManitoba; Tieying Yu Jesse , - , Hong , Stanford Arvin Filippo , , , , , Session Details Ð Monday

Remus Ilies, Michigan State U.; Richard Arvey, U. of 734 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Work and Family Minnesota; Thomas Bouchard, U. of Minnesota 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B5 Facilitator: Amy B Henley, U. of Texas, Arlington Cognition and Emotions in 731 : (Paper Session) - (IP) GDO: Cultural Context and Family: Influences on Job Attribute Organizations Preferences and Work Outcomes | Elizabeth A Corrigall, 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B2 John D. Watt Pennsylvania State U., Worthington Scranton Facilitator: , U. of Central Arkansas GDO: OB: B Factors Affecting Early Career Women's Choices: Consequences of Positive and Negative Feedback: The Deborah A. O'Neil Frank D. Implications for Organizations | , Case Impact on Emotions and Extra-Role Behaviors | Diana Bilimoria Belschak Deanne N. Den Hartog Western Reserve U.; , Case Western Reserve U. , Erasmus U.; , Erasmus U. HR: Marie-Josée OB: Family Ties and International Mobility | The Nature and Construct of Emotional Stability and Its Dupuis Victor Y. Haines Tania Yan Li , U. of Montreal; , U. of Montreal; Convergent and Discriminant Validity | , Chinese U. of Saba, U. of Montreal Hong Kong 2OB: No Exit, No Voice: The Bind of Risky Voice 735 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Entrepreneurship and Learning Opportunities in Organizations | James R. Detert, 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 Carlo Salvato Pennsylvania State U.; Amy C. Edmondson, Harvard U. Facilitator: , Bocconi U. GDO: Two Sides of the Coin: People with Disabilities and CMS: Epistemology in Entrepreneurship Research: A New Brian B. McKenzie Caregivers at Work | Hugh Bainbridge, U. of Melbourne; Vision in the 21st Century | , California Christina Cregan, Melbourne U. State U., Hayward MOC: When Does Humor Generate a Laugh or a Lawsuit, and BENT: A Theory of Entrepreneurial Learning | Pankaj C Patel, Why Should Management Scholars Care | Allan Filipowicz, U. of Louisville ENT: INSEAD Opportunity Finding by Nascent Entrepreneurs: Satisficing or Optimizing Search? | Sibin Wu, U. of Texas, 732 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Organizational Culture and Pan American; Richard L Priem, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Emotion Paul C Nystrom, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B3 OMT: Bad Apple: Experiential and Vicarious Learning of Ranbir Kumar Bhatia Facilitator: , - Opportunistic Behavior in a Franchise Network | Sunghoon OB: Exploring Task-Based Self-Esteem: Self Evaluation Kim, Cornell U.; Hyeon Jeong Park, Georgia State U.; Dong-Il Maintenance and Work Teams | Joshua R. Knapp, U. of Jung, Cornell U. Cincinnati ENT: Cognitive Adaptability in Entrepreneurial Environments: OB: B How ‘Bad Apples’ Spoil the Bunch: Faultlines, Motivation, Context, and Metacognition | James Haynie, U. Emotional Levers and Exclusion in the Workplace | Debra of Colorado, Boulder; Elaine Mosakowski, U. of Colorado, Panipucci, Deakin U. Boulder; Christopher Earley, National U. of Singapore MONDAY OB: Effects of Climate Level and Climate Strength on Unit Entrepreneurship Processes Morale in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) | Gary Shteynberg, U. 736 : (Paper Session) - (IP) of Maryland; Julie Lyon, U. of Maryland; Bryan Sexton, Johns 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 Facilitator: Patrick G. Maggitti, St. Joseph's U. Hopkins U. ENT: SIM: An Investigation about the Entrepreneurial Intentions of 2 The Role of Values and Emotions in Newcomers’ Erick Paulo Cesar Chang Socialization into Organizational Corruption | Charles C Hispanics in the United States | , Manz Mahendra Joshi Mississippi State U. , U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; , U. of ENT: Arkansas; Vikas Anand, U. of Arkansas Knowledge Valorization via Boundary Extensions: Do Entrepreneuial Experiments Create Markets? | Gita Surie, 733 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Transformational Leadership Adelphi U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B4 OMT: Understanding The Entrepreneurship Of Social Joseph Weintraub Facilitator: , Babson College Networks And Market Dynamics | Desmond W. Ng, Texas PNP: Taieb The Changing Nature of Public Entrepreneurship | A&M U., College Station Hafsi , HEC Montreal GDO: Senior Women Managers Leaving Corporate to Become MED: B4 Educating Leaders for the 21st Century: A Entrepreneurs:Human & Social Capital Contributions | Siri Kathy Dee Geller Transformative Learning Process | , Areté Ann Terjesen, Cranfield School of Management Leadership International, Ltd. HR: Change and Stability in Employment Models in OB: Authentic Transformational Leadership and Followers’ Entrepreneurial Firms | Aegean Oi Kam Leung, National U. of Weichun Zhu Sustained Identification | , U. of Nebraska; Singapore; Ronald Rodgers, National U. of Singapore Rebecca Reichard, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln; Steve M. Norman, U. of Nebraska 737 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Entrepreneurship Processes and OB: The Romance of Leadership? Social Exchange Theory New Ventures Meets Self-Regulatory Focus Theory | Sankalp Chaturvedi, 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 Rory P. O'Shea National U. of Singapore; Daniel McAllister, National U. of Facilitator: , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Singapore

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 239 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday ENT: Consultation: Integration Across Boundaries Consultation: IntegrationAcross Consulting 740 B B B B Presented onpanels61-64 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 739 4 ENT: Facilitator: Tapa 3-TableC4 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 738 B TIM: Organizations TIM: ENT: 1 1 1 ENT: IM: Wright Fisher HEC Paris in Academic Spin-outs | Spin-outs in Academic Ekelund Hostility and Firm Performance: Does Size Matter? | Matter? DoesSize and FirmPerformance: Hostility Engine ofStrate Radboud U.Nijmegen A.W. Kok Kansas City of Missouri,Columbia; Michigan U. U.; Bahaee Lawrence Roland Lepisto Sidhartha RDas Frans A.J.Van den Bosch Wiklund Rauch Frese Does: Comparing Two Dominant Approaches | Does: ComparingTwoDominantApproaches Balagopal Vissa Group Effects | Group Effects Urbana-Champaign; the Ad-hoc/Sustained Prod the Ad-hoc/Sustained | Progress DecisionMaking: ACase Study | Diagnostic Strategies in the U.S. Corporate Environment | Environment Corporate Diagnostic StrategiesintheU.S. Tools | Norwegian SchoolofManagement; George Mason U. Erasmus U. Norwegian SchoolofManagement ENT:

1 An N-Person Repeated Prisoners' Repeated Prisoners' An N-Person Impact ofEntrepreneurialInnovation Development of a Global Employee Survey. | Survey. of a Global Employee Development Strategic toEnhance Tools IT-Based Visualization Keep itSimple!TheRoleof 1 : Goal Autonomy, Technology Intensity, Environmental Environmental Intensity, Technology Goal Autonomy, as or asStrategyEnhancement Venturing Corporate | of Entrepreneurs The TimeFrames Kevin Love On A Wild Goose Chase: Looking for Positive Business Business Positive for Looking Chase: On AWildGoose (Paper Session)-(IP) An Examination of Entrepreneurial Team Development TeamDevelopment of Entrepreneurial An Examination An Assessment of Three Management Consulting Consulting Management of Three An Assessment Who the Entrepreneurs Is Vs. What the Entrepreneur IsVs.WhattheEntrepreneur Who theEntrepreneurs : : , GiessenU. , Georgia Southern U. , Giessen U.; , Giessen T , Nottingham U.; , Nottingham (Paper Session)-(MC) (Paper Session)-(MC) eaching-oriented | , Central MichiganU.; Kubilay Gok Fabien De GeuserFabien De , Jonkoping International Business School; School; , JonkopingInternationalBusiness , Copenhagen Business School; Business , Copenhagen , Radboud U.Nijmegen;

Preeta Roy

, Central MichiganU.; , INSEAD , GeorgeMason U.; gic Renewal| Aya S.Chacar G T LumpkinG T Randall E Westgren , U. of Wisconsin, Madison , U.ofWisconsin, Madison ☯ Gwen Richtermeyer , U. ofPennsylvania Nathalie Moray

Management Practice-oriented | Environmental Influences on Environmental Influences Iris Vanaelst , HEC, U.ofLausanne; , Central MichiganU.; , Erasmus U.; uct Innovation Tradeoff | Tradeoff Innovation uct Randall Hayes er: Exhibit Hall III - MC - er: ExhibitHallIII The Tools of Management The Toolsof Management Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Simplification in Management inManagement Simplification , FloridaInternational U.; Henri Burgers , U. of Illinois, Chicago; , U.ofIllinois, Adrian M.A. Van Deemen Øyvind Martinsen Steve Sonka Maheshkumar PJoshi Debra McGilsky , VrijeU.Brussel; , U.ofGent Dilemma Approach to to Approach Dilemma Kirsten Berg Henk W. Volberda Henk W. , U. of Illinois; on Technological Allen Bluedorn , U. of Missouri, , CentralMichigan , Erasmus U.; Mahmood

, U.ofIllinois, Michel Fiol International-oriented| Michael Andreas Bjoern Z , Central , , Donna Robert Johan Mike , U. , , , , 240 Processes Design andEvaluation Chair: Sea PearlSuite3-4 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 741 B B Capital ofIntellectual Reuse B Chair: ConventionCenter:Room314 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii Trainee Satisfaction: Further Exploration of Structure and of Structure Exploration Further Trainee Satisfaction: an Actual Relationship Between onTraining Text and On-Screen Details Effects ofSeductive Meta-Analysis Instruction:A ofWeb-Based The Effectiveness Discussant: of Technology Chairs: South Pacific2 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 742 B Discussant: Winner oftheBentley College/HEC Outstanding Student Paper Theme-oriented | Conducting Geographically Dispersed Knowledge Work – Work Knowledge Dispersed Geographically Conducting 4 M&As and Behavioral Due Diligence: Pearls of Wisdom ofWisdom DueDiligence:Pearls M&As andBehavioral Southern California of Technology Technology; of Illinois Institute Technology; of Illinois Institute Tulsa; Carlos Royo Lingham Management Education | Education Management Methods Study| Technology and Individ | Doctoral StudentSupervision Nomological Network | Nomological | Outcomes of OnlineInstruction| Activities | Teaching from Leaders for Consultants | from LeadersforConsultants Assudani Queensland; Tulsa; Wisher School of Economics School ofEconomics ofEconomics; Stockholm School Murzin U.; Amit J.Shah Management in a Consulting Merger | inaConsulting Management Training to Managerial Lear Training toManagerial Firms| KnowledgeIntensive Implications for Queensland What it Means to Supervise: A Phenomenographic Study of Study A Phenomenographic What itMeanstoSupervise: and Comparison, Assessment, StyleModels: Learning Integrating Knowledge Systems: A Study ofKnowledge AStudy Knowledge Systems: Integrating

T-Groups Revisited: The Significance of Sensitivity of Sensitivity The Significance T-Groups Revisited:

JS: Student Orientation: Effects of Individual Differences on Differences ofIndividual Orientation: Effects Student Zelimir William Todorovic Frank Gaskill E BrianPeach Kurt Kraiger : (MED, HR) Jaime Kuo Kurt Kraiger (Paper Session)-(MED) , IndianaU./PurdueU. , AdvancedDistributedLearning Timothy Baldwin Annika Schilling , ESADE;

, XavierU. , U. ofBarcelona David Stewart Jane PMurray , Frostburg StateU. Visual Presentation| , U.ofSt.Francis(IL) , U.ofTulsa , Illinois Institute of Technology; ofTechnology; , IllinoisInstitute E-Learning: Advances in Training in E-Learning: Advances Wai Fong Boh , U.ofWestFlorida Bonnie Richley , U.ofTulsa Thomas F. Hawk Thomas F.

Traci Sitzmann KennethBrown G ual Differences | ual Differences , Stockholm School of Economics , StockholmSchool , Indiana U., Bloomington , Indiana U.,Bloomington Award Karen Moustafa , U. of Tulsa; fr , GriffithU.; ; Annette om Repositories: A Mixed AMixed om Repositories: ning and Development | and Development ning Annette Towler Courtney Van Overberghe , Indiana U./PurdueU.; d Perceived Learner Control: d Perceived Learning Stylesand Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Andreas Werr , NanyangTechnological U. Judith Gebhardt April Wright

, CaseWesternReserveU.; Towler , FrostburgStateU.; , U. ofTulsa; Patricia Geale Traci Sitzmann Markus Ejenäs Seyoung Park , U. of Iowa , IndianaU./Purdue , U. of , U. , Illinois Institute , Illinois Institute , Illinois Institute Institute , Illinois , Stockholm Rashmi H. Eyal Ronen , U.of Robert Egor , U.of Tony , U.of , , , U.of , Session Details Ð Monday

Participants: Traci Sitzmann, U. of Tulsa; Robert Wisher, Antonacopoulou, U. of Liverpool; Jason Ferdinand, Liverpool Advanced Distributed Learning; David Stewart, U. of Tulsa; Jaime U. Kuo, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eyal Ronen, Illinois Institute of 1Organizational Resistance to Institutional Environments: Technology; Courtney Van Overberghe, Illinois Institute of Evidence from the Front Line | Gail P. Clarkson, U. of Leeds; Technology; Seyoung Park, U. of Tulsa; Kenneth G Brown, U. of Gerard P. Hodgkinson, U. of Leeds Iowa 1Mechanisms of Tacit Knowing: A Model towards Creating William H. A. Johnson 743 : (Paper Session) - (MH) Scientific Management: Actionable Knowledge | , Bentley Changing with the Times College 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala/Kona Room Organizational Identity and Organizational David A Lamond 746 : (MOC) Chair: , U. of Western Sydney Culture: What’s the Difference? Discussants: Patrick Fitzgerald, Oklahoma City U.; Paul L 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317B Govekar, Ohio Northern U.; F Barry Barnes, Nova Southeastern Susan C Schneider ; Alfred A. Bolton Chair: , HEC U. of Geneva U. , Averett U. Discussant: Majken Schultz, Copenhagen Business School 4Albert Thomas and Scientific Management in War and Participants: Peter T. Burgi, Imagination Lab Foundation; Anna Peace, 1914-1932 | Emil Walter-Busch, U. of St. Gallen Lupina-Wegener, HEC U. of Geneva; Christine Vallaster, Giessen Can Strategy Save a Dying Industry? The Street Railway U. Industry: 1920-1936 | Charles D. Wrege, Cornell U.; Regina Attribution Theory in Greenwood, Kettering U.; John G Joos, Nova Southeastern U. 747 4 JS: (MOC, OMT, OB) Management: A Quarter Century of Research 2 Withholding Effort in the Workplace: From Soldiering to Socially Motivated Underachievement | Stephanie Case 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A Chairs: Marie Dasborough, U. of Queensland/Oklahoma State U.; Henagan, Northern Illinois U. Neal M. Ashkanasy, U. of Queensland Ronald B. Shuman Best Graduate Student Paper Award Discussant: Stephen Green, Purdue U. The Cold War and the Scientific Management of Consumer The Evolution of Attribution Theory in Management: Chris Nyland Amanda McLeod Interests | , Monash U.; , Implications for Authentic Leadership Development | Mark J Monash U. Martinko, Florida State U.; William L Gardner, Texas Tech U. 744 1: (Paper Session) - (MOC) Who Am I? Who Are We?: Leader and Member Reports of LMX: Trust as a Mediator of Emerging Issues in Identity Research in Organizations Behavior and LMX | Christina Sue-Chan, City U. of Hong 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - MOC 1 Kong; Rick D Hackett, McMaster U.; Al Au, U. of Hong Kong This session spans levels of analysis and explores several emerging Follower Attributions for Negative Leader Behavior and the issues relating to identity in organizations.Presented on panels 13- “Romance of Leadership” Effect | Marie Dasborough, U. of

16 Queensland/Oklahoma State U.; Neal M. Ashkanasy, U. of MONDAY B1Fight or Flight: Territorial Infringement in Organizations | Queensland; Cynthia D Fisher, Bond U. Graham Brown, Singapore Management U.; Michael Read, U. The Role of Attributions in the Self-Concept | Kevin Miliffe, U. of British Columbia of Florida; Timothy A Judge, U. of Florida; John Kammeyer- 1It's Not About the Money: Exploring Types of Meaning Mueller, U. of Florida Employees Find in Their Jobs and Organizations | Heather Participants: Al Au, U. of Hong Kong; Cynthia D Fisher, Bond U.; C. Vough, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Kevin G. Corley, William L Gardner, Texas Tech U.; Rick D Hackett, McMaster U.; Arizona State U. Timothy A Judge, U. of Florida; John Kammeyer-Mueller, U. of 41Why They can never be as good as Us: how other Florida; Mark J Martinko, Florida State U.; Kevin Miliffe, U. of organizations must be worse off on essential features | Florida; Christina Sue-Chan, City U. of Hong Kong Johan Van Rekom, Erasmus U.; Mirdita N. Elstak, Erasmus U. 748 : (MSR) Workplace Spirituality as a New Vision of 745 1: (Paper Session) - (MOC) Learning, Knowing, and Management Sensemaking in Organizations 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Judith A. Neal 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - MOC 2 Chair: , U. of New Haven Explores various topics about how collectives learn, store Discussant: Jeanne M McNett, Assumption College knowledge, and engage in sensemaking.Presented on panels 51-55 Spiritual Capital in Modern Organizations and the Case of 1Social Networks and Creativity: Combining Expertise in Amish Enterprises | Richard J. Martinez, Cedarville U.; Rob Complex Innovations | Arent Greve, Norwegian School of Rogers, Baylor U.; Gaynor Yancey, Baylor U.; Jon Singletary, Economics and Business Administration Baylor U. 1Sharing Expertise in Management: A Study on Team A Holistic Framework for the Design of Transformational Learning and its Effect on Shared Mental Models. | Piet Van Learning Experiences | Peter J Robertson, U. of Southern den Bossche, Maastricht U.; Wim Gijselaers, Maastricht U.; California; Joseph Harder, U. of Virginia; Hayden Woodward, Mien Segers, Maastricht U.; Geert Woltjer, Maastricht U. U. of Virginia 1Absorptive Capacity: Tales from the Field | Mark Easterby- Why is Spirituality Integral to Management Education? | Smith, Lancaster U.; Manuel Graca, Lancaster U.; Elena P Ramnath Narayanswamy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 241 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday the Workplace Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 750 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Presented onpanels1-12 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 749 Discussant: 1 1 Mexico State U. Mexico StateU. Charles F.Seifert Science andTechnology; Lapierre Attribution of Leader Integrity | Leader Integrity Attribution of Attributes of Charism Employees' Health: An Integrative Study| Integrative Health: An Employees' | Motivation ofInfluencingFollower Two Ways Questionnaire: A Qu Rapport ManagementBehavior| Behavior Qu | TensionRelationship Exchange–Work Member Leadershi Transactional | Outcomes Work andEmployee Leadership Transformational Leadership | CEO Transformational Organizations: Transnati Organizations: Context| Chinese David Morrison Carolina, Greensboro; Villanova U.; Villanova Alabama Brouer Hoffman State U.; Bruch Cornell U.; Zhen-Xiong Chen Notre Dame; Jen-Wei Cheng Hsien-Wen Chen School of International Management School ofInternationalManagement Knoxville Knoxville Meriac Michael S.Cole 1 Means of Averting Work-Family Conflict and of Protecting of Protecting and Conflict Work-Family of Averting Means &Preventio Promotion-Oriented andValidati Development of theExtended Validation Leader- of the Moderators andSituational Dispositional A Theoreticaland Linking as aMediator Moods Positive Employee TheRoleof Teams: inTopManagement Goal Agreement

: 1 Balancing Global and Local Context in Multinational in and LocalContext Global Balancing a in andOutcomes Antecedents Supervision: Abusive Examining the Validity of the Multifactor Leadership Leadership oftheMultifactor Examining theValidity Leader Integrity: A Process Oriented Framework for the for Oriented Framework AProcess Leader Integrity: Who AretheSpellbinders?: John Cordery (Paper Session)-(OB) : , U. ofSt.Gallen; T , U.ofTennessee; (Paper Session)-(OB) , Florida StateU.; eaching-oriented | , U.of Ottawa; , U.of Tennessee; Ronald J.Burke John J. Sosik Chester ASchriesheim Mary F.SullyDe Luque Wei-Chi Tsai Bret H.Bradley estionnaire |

, NationalTaiwanU. , U.ofWesternAustralia , U.ofSt.Gallen , NationalTaiwanU./ChienkuoTechnologyU.; , U.ofWesternAustralia , Siena College; , SienaCollege; , U.ofCanberra; EmpiricalExaminationofBass’ Samuel Aryee ☯ antitative Review | John Cordery

atic Leaders| , Pennsylvania State U., Great Valley , PennsylvaniaStateU., Tammy DAllen Boas Shamir Management Practice-oriented | Ken Harris Yaw Aboagye Debrah David JWoehr p Dimensions| , York U. , National ChengchiU.,Taiwan; H onal Leadership onal Leadership | Gary Yukl Joy Oliver on of a Measure ofLeader of aMeasure on

ealth, SafetyandWell-Beingin , U.ofIowa Version oftheInfluence er: Exhibit Hall III - OB - er: ExhibitHallIII Leadership Kevin B Lowe Identifying Personal Carolyn I Chavez , HongKongBaptistU.; n-Oriented Leadership: Leadership: n-Oriented Li-yun Sun , U.ofMiami Charles D. White , BradleyU. , U.ofWesternAustralia; , Thunderbird, The Garvin , Hebrew U. ofJerusalem; , U.ofAlbany,SUNY; Dong-il Jung , U.ofTennessee; Amy E.Colbert , U. of SouthFlorida , U.of Tennessee, Brian James Timothy Hinkin

Laurent M. Narda Quigley , Macau U.of , , BrunelU. U. ofNorth International-oriented| Heike , SanDiego , New Robyn L. , U.of , U.of John , , 242 Leadership andTeams Leadership International and CulturalPerspectives International Empowering Leadership and Performance: The Roles Linking andPerformance: Leadership Empowering Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323C 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 751 B 2 Absente Configurations, Satisfaction 4 Evidencefrom Managers’ ResponsetoMalpractices: in on Trust andNetworkDensity Culture The Effectsof 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room325A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 752 B and Charisma of HowLeader Models Testing Integrated 2 Texas A&MU. Presenters: Michael Grant Northwestern U. Presenters: Discussant: Jay B.Carson Theme-oriented | Effects of Transformational Lead Effects ofTransformational A Multilevel Quasi-Experimental Quasi-Experimental A Multilevel

Change in the Context of Power ofPower in theContext Change of asaModerator TestofWorkCentrality A Cross-National Depot Maryland Carson Texas A&MU.; Kanfer Pennsylvania State U.; Pennsylvania State Balkundi Teams | the Job-Life Satisfacti the Job-Life of TeamEfficacyandKnow Case Study of PolishManagers | Case Study | Economies Emerging Networks | Chinese vsAmericanManagerial | TeamPerformance Affect Centrality Network City U. Sivanathan Chua Srivastava Arbor; Arthaud-Day Baibing Li Understanding | Investigation of Antecedents and Outcomes | andOutcomes of Antecedents Investigation Ohio StateU.; Employee Safety Performance Safety Employee Empowerment, and Performance in Teams. | in Teams. andPerformance Empowerment, Ingram Edwin ALocke Richard H Price Richard H

Tradeoffs in Well-Being at in Well-Being Tradeoffs Shared Leadership in Autonomous Work Teams: An WorkTeams: inAutonomous Leadership Shared : : Tyrone S. Pitsis B. KaySnavely (Paper Session)-(OB) (Paper Session)-(OB) , Columbia U.; , Columbia Marlys K. Christianson , Georgia InstituteofTechnology; , ColumbiaU. , U. ofMaryland, Park; College Abhishek Srivastava Brian R.Dineen Lorna Doucet Ethlyn AnneWilliams , State U. ofNewYork, Buffalo; Brian R.Dineen , Loughborough U. , WestVirginiaU.; ; Prasad Balkundi ; Prasad , AnnArbor U. ofMichigan, , Northwestern U.; , U. ofMaryland,CollegePark ; Laurent M. Lapierre , Indiana U.,Bloomington Carolyn Wiethoff Visual Presentation| Bradley L. Kirkman , , U. of Michigan , U.ofMichigan U. ofMaryland,CollegePark Adam Michael Grant , MiamiU.,Ohio Michael W. Morris , U.ofTechnology, Sydney David AHarrison on Relationship | on Relationship , U. of Illinois

Kamel Mellahi , U. of Kentucky , U.of , U.ofKentucky; Advances intheStudyof Advances Ex Kathryn M. Bartol Kathryn M. ledge Sharing | ledge Sharing panding Horizons inOB: panding Horizons , StateU.ofNewYork,Buffalo Ni , AnnArbor; U. ofMichigan, , West Virginia U. , WestVirginia Work: Toward an Integrated Work: TowardanIntegrated , FloridaAtlanticU. , Indiana U., Bloomington , IndianaU.,Bloomington ck Turner Selected forBestPaper Proceedings : A Quasi-Experiment | : AQuasi-Experiment ership Trainingon ership Study of Leadership, Study of Leadership, and Cultural Differential: A and Cultural Differential: , U.ofOttawa , Texas A&MU.; Krystyna Joanna Zaleska eism, andInjuriesin Paul ETesluk , ColumbiaU.; , U.ofMichigan,Ann , Loughborough U.; Don Allen Martin JKilduff , Pennsylvania State U. StateU. , Pennsylvania ; NiroSivanathan Marne Lynn

, Queen'sU. Raymond A Noe Abhishek ; Gilad Chen ; Gilad , U.ofMaryland; ; Adam Roy YongJoo Jay B. Gilad Chen Prasad , TheHome Ruth , U.of Paul , Niro , , ; , , , Session Details Ð Monday

Presenters: Kamel Mellahi, Loughborough U.; Krystyna Joanna M. O'Leary-Kelly, U. of Arkansas; Christine Pearson, Thunderbird, Zaleska, City U.; Marne Lynn Arthaud-Day, Indiana U., American Graduate School of International Mgmt.; Sandra L. Bloomington; Roy Yong Joo Chua, Columbia U. Robinson, U. of British Columbia; Bennett J. Tepper, U. of North Carolina, Charlotte; Danielle E. Warren, Rutgers U. 753 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Individual and Group Effects on Creative Outcomes 756 4SHCS: (OB, GDO) The Impact of Globalization on the 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 Work-Family Interface of Vulnerable Groups. Chair: Diane McMeekin Sullivan, U. of Central Florida 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 1 Discussant: Charlotte D. Shelton, Rockhurst U. Chair: Steven A.Y. Poelmans, IESE, U. of Navarra Group Composition and Creative Behavior: Effects of Discussant: Steven A.Y. Poelmans, IESE, U. of Navarra Relational Demography and Group Diversity | Jin Nam Globalization and the Harmonization of Work with Personal Choi, McGill U. Life. | Susan Lewis, Manchester Metropolitan U.; Rhona 4 Individualism-Collectivism and Group Creativity | Jack Rapoport, Institute of Family & Environmental Research; Anthony Goncalo, Cornell U.; Barry M Staw, U. of California, Richenda Gambles, Manchester Metropolitan U. Berkeley Managing Acculturative Stress and Work-Family Resources: BThe Influence of Transformational Leadership and Core Insights from U.S. Latino Mid-Western Migra | Ellen E. Self-Evaluations on Individual Creativity | An-chih Wang, Kossek, Michigan State U.; Darrell Meece, Michigan State U.; National Taiwan U.; Bor-Shiuan Cheng, National Taiwan U.; Marguerite E. Barratt, National Science Foundation; Beth Jiing-Lih Farh, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology Prince, Michigan State U. The Renaissance or the Cuckoo Clock? The Effects of Exploring Moderators in the Relationship Between Job Distress and Work Demands on Innovation | Kerrie Insecurity & Work-Family Conflict for Temporary | Khatera Unsworth, Queensland U. of Technology; Artemis Chang, QUT Sahibzada, Portland State U.; Leslie B. Hammer, Portland State Presenters: Jin Nam Choi, McGill U.; An-chih Wang, National U. Taiwan U.; Jack Anthony Goncalo, Cornell U.; Kerrie Unsworth, 757 Knowledge Sharing Across Queensland U. of Technology : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) Boundaries 754 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Lighten up! Understanding the 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A Influence of Humor and Positive Mood in Work Settings Chair: Samer Faraj, U. of Maryland 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Discussant: Jonathon N. Cummings, Massachusetts Institute of Chair: Jon Billsberry, Open U. Technology Discussant: Robert C Ford, U. of Central Florida Mechanisms for Integrating Distributed Knowledge in 24Why Would a Duck Walk into a Bar? A Theoretical Project-Based Organizations | Wai Fong Boh, Nanyang

Examination of Humor and Culture in Organizations | Technological U. MONDAY Christopher Robert, U. of Missouri, Columbia; Wan Yan, U. of 2Enhancing Perceived Value of Cross-departmental Missouri, Columbia Knowledge on Innovation Via KM Technology Features | OB Division Dexter Award Ixchel M. Faniel, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor The "Black Box" of Humor: An Exploration of the Processes Winner of OCIS Division Top Paper Award Underlying Humor and Workplace Relations | Cecily D 4The Influence of Cultural Diversity and Virtualness on Cooper, U. of Miami Knowledge Exchange in Teams | N. Sharon Hill, U. of 2An Integrative Model Linking Employee Positive Moods and Maryland Task Performance | Wei-Chi Tsai, National Chengchi U., Exploring Narrative Variety:Narrative-Based Knowledge Taiwan; Chien-Cheng Chen, Chung Kuo Institute of Technology; Sharing in the Oil Exploration Industry | Daniel Geiger, Freie Hui-Lu Liu, National Taiwan U. U. Berlin; Georg Schreyogg, Freie U. Berlin Funny Business: A Model of How Leaders’ Humor Affects 758 The Adaptive Functions of Followers’ Creativity and Satisfaction | Lucy Arendt, U. of : (Paper Session) - (ODC) Resistance, Cynicism, and Problem Solving in Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Mark A Mone, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Organizational Change Presenters: Lucy Arendt, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Christopher 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Richard W Woodman Robert, U. of Missouri, Columbia; Cecily D Cooper, U. of Miami; Chair: , Texas A&M U. Erik Monsen Wei-Chi Tsai, National Chengchi U., Taiwan Discussant: , U. of Colorado, Boulder Transformational Leadership,Organizational Justice,and 755 SHCS: (OB, CM, HR) Debating Constructive and Employee Cynicism about Organizational Change | Ju- Destructive Workplace Deviance: Deliberations for the Chien Cindy Wu, Baylor U.; Mitchell J Neubert, Baylor U.; 21st Century Xiang Yi, Western Illinois U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316C The Role of Cynicism and Other Defense Strategies in the Marie S. Mitchell ; Rebecca J Chairs: , U. of Central Florida Contemporary Changing Workplace | Gareth Simpson, U. of Bennett , Louisiana Tech U. Queensland Participants: Janet M Dukerich, U. of Texas, Austin; Suzy Fox, Loyola U. Chicago; Elizabeth Wolfe Morrison, New York U.; Anne

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 243 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Networks, Regions,andIndustrial Districts 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii ConventionCenter: Room302A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 762 Theory | of Institutional On theW(h)ithering Discussant: Carolina Hayagreeva Rao Distinguished Speakers: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room301A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 761 and Firm Management, Supply Strategic Purchasing, Relationships Between Operati Plant RolesandDecision South Pacific3 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 760 B 1 1 1 B B Presented onpanels71-76 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 759 2 Role of The Positive Award Management Using Attachment Theory to Compare TraditionalAction toCompare Using AttachmentTheory 1 1 4 Research and Appreciative Inquiry | Inquiry andAppreciative Research Lafayette Lead to Outstanding Performance | OutstandingPerformance Lead to inTaiwan| ABC Corporation Performance | Performance Chain| of GreenSupply Adopters Among Early Networks | Zhu Daewoo Park Consultants; Jeffrey D Ford Bowling Green State U. Western ReserveU. Valley StateU.; L Moore Catolica Portuguesa Taiwan; Seattle U.; Paulraj Training andBuyer-Supp Dependency of Website Quality Dimensions | | QualityDimensions of Website Dependency Alignments Behind the Toyota Production System | Production System BehindtheToyota Alignments of Michigan, Ann Arbor; of Michigan,Ann U. ofSouthCarolina Stanford U.; Supply Chain Best Practice: Identifying the Initiatives that theInitiatives Identifying Supply ChainBestPractice: Chain Selecting Supply Pr of TheCase inPractice: ChainManagement Green Supply 1

A Study of the Relationships Between Buyer’s Power, Power, Buyer’s Between of theRelationships A Study An EmpiricalInvestigation : : 1 (Paper Session)-(OMT) (OM) , DalianU.of Technology;

: : T (OMT) (Paper Session)-(OM) , Cleveland StateU.; , Cleveland Winner of ODC Best Action Research Paper eaching-oriented | Ro Hoshin Kanri Planning:The System ofFive Hoshin KanriPlanning:The Su-Li Lin , MichiganStateU.; Donald APalmer Journal of Operations Management BestPaper Journal ofOperationsManagement Stanley E.Fawcett yston Greenwood

Catherine Maritan Hayagreeva Rao Angelo D'Amelio , Xavier U.; , Xavier On theW(h)itheringofInstitutionalTheory , Northwestern U. , Ohio StateU.; Mike Reinerth Injazz Chen , I-ShouU., Taiwan Resistance in the Conduct ofChange| Resistanceinthe W RichardScott ☯

Thomas Brush Management Practice-oriented | AutonomyinMultinationalPlant Hema AKrishnan , U.ofCalifornia,Davis lier Relationship | , Cleveland StateU.; Augustine A Lado William MMothersell oject: Does Gender Matter? | Matter? oject: DoesGender It Can't Happen Here: It Can'tHappen , U.ofAlberta , Northwestern U.; , Northwestern er: Exhibit Hall III - OM - er: ExhibitHallIII Joseph Sarkis , Brigham YoungU. , General Motors Corp. , General onal Practices & Performance &Performance onal Practices , Landmark Education , Landmark Supply Chain&Quality Laurie Ford , Syracuse U.; , Syracuse of the Customer Profile of theCustomerProfile Cheng-Kai Hu ; Andrew Spicer Gregory M. MagnanGregory M. , Stanford U. Eric HNeilsen , Purdue U., West , CriticalPath , Xavier U. W RichardScott , Clark U. Aneel Karnani , I-Shou U., Amelia Carr

, ClarksonU. Andrew Spicer , U.ofSouth Antony Rui Sousa , Grand International-oriented| ; Qinghua

, Case Michael , , , U. , U. ,

, 244 Dynamics of Status of Dynamics Innovation OverTime 2 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room302B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 763 Making ItUpAsWeGoAlong:PublicOccupational 2 Institutional Embedd 2 Chair: Who Will Seize the Promise of the New? Antecedents of theNew?Antecedents of the Promise Who WillSeize Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 765 2 4 2 4 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room307A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 764 Linkage fromInstitutional StigmaDynamics Grace: Fall From Competition and Status Structure Corporation, InsideandOut Discussant: Discussant: Theme-oriented | What's in it for them? Advant What's initforthem? Pow Chainsof Bonds ofMorality, Evol Forums vs.Fountains:The 4 4 Transnational Management and Symbolic Production| andSymbolic Management Transnational

Maryland Multinational Enterprises | Multinational Enterprises Management Management; Industrial Management; Western Ontario Environmental Uncertainty inStrategy | Uncertainty Environmental Matthew Amis Queen's U.; Robbins Categories andtheIn Exploration in a Populat in Exploration | Loss | Hamilton Columbia U. Gokhan Ertug Metin Sengul School of Economics School ofEconomics Venture Growth | Growth Venture in Exchange Relationships | Relationships in Exchange | Economy Maritime in theClyde Networks | and Rochester in Akron Networks An Empirical Exploration | Exploration An Empirical Foundations of theBo of Foundations Zhi Huang Institutional Influences in Multinational Competitiveness: Multinational Competitiveness: Institutional Influencesin Ro The Knowledge Transformation:

Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow: Strategies forNew Strategies Grow: fromLittleAcorns Great Oaks : : 4 Group Faultlinesatthe Elie Matta Theodora Welch Eric J.Neuman RichardBlackburn S (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) : (Paper Session)-(OMT) Bin Zhao , Emory U. Wesley Sine Wesley Michael Jensen Michael Dara Szyliowicz Sheen S.Levine , U. of Rhode Island of Rhode , U. , Boston College Kjersten BunkerWhittington , INSEAD , HECParis Jon ErlandLervik Visual Presentation| , INSEAD , U. ofMemphis; , U.ofWestern Ontario; Mukti VKhaire edness of High-Tech , U.ofMichigan, AnnArbor

, U. of Massachusetts, Boston , U.of Massachusetts,

, Cornell U. tra-firm Divisionof Labor | Randi Lunnan ston Biotech Region | ston Biotech , U.ofNorthCarolina, ChapelHill , U. ofMichigan ion of Organizations | Organizations ion of , TexasTechU. , Singapore Management U. Management Levelof Management Subramanian Rangan Ragnhild Kvalshaugen A League ofTheirOwn: A League The Shock of the New: The Shockof

ages of HigherStatus Partners Fabrizio Castellucci Managing the Multinational Michael Leslie Silk , NorwegianSchoolof Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ution of Knowledge in the Domain of Institutions ofInstitutions Domain in the , ColumbiaU. er: Horizontal and Vertical and Vertical er: Horizontal Sean Safford , Norwegian Schoolof le of Multidimensional DavidLoree W Regions:Relational , Stanford U. Mary Krome Mary Arik Lifschitz Kelley Porter Dimo P. , U.of , INSEAD; , INSEAD; Gregory E. , London , SINTEF , U.of John , , Session Details Ð Monday

Dimov, Instituto de Empresa; Pablo Martin De Holan, Instituto Chair: Cynthia S. Cycyota, U.S. Air Force Academy de Empresa Discussants: Carolyn Gardner, Radford U.; Janice R Joplin, U. of More of a Journey: Antecedents of Explorative Product Texas, El Paso Innovation | Henrich Greve, Norwegian School of Management Playing the scales: Learning to be a Qualitative Researcher Innovation and Reputation: The Effect of Spin-outs on the | Michael Humphreys, U. of Nottingham Performance of Progenitors | Jonathan Jaffee, U. of Southern Examining the Discovery Process within a Research Team | California; David McKendrick, U. of Durham Anne D Smith, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Joan Rentsch, U. of The Politics of Networked Innovation | Jacky Swan, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville Warwick; Harry Scarbrough, U. of Warwick Qualimetrics methodology for assessing hidden costs | Henri Savall, ISEOR, U. of Lyon; Veronique Zardet, ISEOR, U. 766 SHCS: (OMT, BPS, TIM) High-tech and High-touch: of Lyon; Marc Bonnet, ISEOR, U. of Lyon Exploring the Role of Fashion and Aesthetics in 2Role of Content Analysis in Developing Adolescent Theories Technology Markets | Karan Sonpar, U. of Alberta; Karen Golden-Biddle, U. of 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A Alberta Organizers: Violina Rindova, U. of Maryland, College Park; Davide Ravasi Is Management Science Built on a Shaky Foundation? The , Bocconi U. Eileen Kwesiga David A. Kirsch ; Mary Tripsas Case for Intersubjective Certifiability | , U. of Discussants: , U. of Maryland , Marshall Wilson Pattie Harvard Business School; Virginia Postrel, Texas, Arlington; , U. of Texas, Arlington Introduction: Understanding Symbolic Value Creation | Davide 770 : (Paper Session) - (SIM) Ethics: Empirical Studies Ravasi, Bocconi U.; Violina Rindova, U. of Maryland, College 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room Park Chair: Antonio Tencati, Bocconi U. Technological Change, Product Design, and Consumer Discussants: Mikelle A. Calhoun, Valparaiso U.; John W Dienhart, Perceptions of Value | Violina Rindova, U. of Maryland, Seattle U. College Park; Antoaneta Petkova, U. of Maryland Ethical Work Climate: Fresh Breeze in Sight | Anke Arnaud, U. Aesthetic Innovation and Commoditized Industries | Micki of Central Florida; Marshall Schminke, U. of Central Florida Eisenman, Columbia U. / Baruch College, CUNY The Effects of Moral Identity on Moral Behavior: An Empirical Constructing Symbolic Value in Fashion: An Ethnographic Investigation of the Moral Individual | Scott J. Reynolds, U. Study of Milan Fashion Shows | Diego Rinallo, Bocconi U. of Washington; Tara L. Ceranic, U. of Washington Lying, Cheating, Stealing: Groups and the Ring of Gyges | 767 : (Paper Session) - (ONE) Envisioning Sustainable Amir Erez, U. of Florida; Heather Elms, Central European U; Organizations: Reaching for a New Horizon Eric Fong, U. of Alabama, Huntsville 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kahuku Room The Effects of Age and Tenure on Reporting of Observed Chair: Mark B. Milstein, Cornell U. MONDAY Ethical Misconduct | Jason Stansbury, Vanderbilt U.; Bart Can Organizations be Sustainable in a Neoclassical World? A Irwin Victor, Vanderbilt U. Study of One Organization’s Experience. | Wendy Stubbs, Monash U. 771 JS: (SIM, OB, HR) Corporate Social Performance: Selling Small and Smart: A New Vision of the Sustainable Implications for Individual Behavior and Firm Financial Enterprise in the 21st Century | Sandra Rothenberg, Performance Rochester Institute of Technology 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Oahu Room Jennifer K Lee ; Louis C. Buffardi B Measuring Sustainability to Manage it: Issues and Gaps Chairs: , George Mason U. , in Sustainability Measurement | Nardia Haigh, U. of George Mason U. Queensland; Andrew Griffiths, U. of Queensland What Types of Employees Can Socially Responsible Expanding the Conceptual Framework of Environmentalism in Organizations Attract? | Marc O Orlitzky, U. of Auckland; Diane L Swanson Organizations | Terry B. Porter, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst , Kansas State U. Corporate Social Performance and Organizational 768 : (PNP) PNP Keynote Address: Public & Nonprofit Attractiveness: The Explanatory Role of Work Values | Organizations - New Vision of Management for 21st Felissa Lee, Marquette U.; James E. Mattingly, U. of Northern Century Iowa 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room Corporate Social Performance and Organization Welcome: Ralph Brower, Florida State U. Attractiveness: Moderation by Social Value Orientation | Kirsten Gronbjerg Introduction: , Indiana U. Jennifer K Lee, George Mason U.; Louis C. Buffardi, George Keynote Address: New Vision of Management - The View Mason U. from Hawaii | Corporate Social Performance and Competitive Advantage: A Speaker: Susan Au Doyle, Aloha United Way Person-Organization “Fit” Perspective | Daniel Greening, U. of Missouri, Columbia 769 : (Paper Session) - (RM) Theory Development & Qualitative Research Organizational Identity and Corporate Charity: The Effect of Phineas Upham 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 Charity on Employee Performance | , Wharton School

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 245 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday & Innovation A Meta-RankingofTIMa B 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 774 1 1 1 1 Presented onpanels37-40 ConventionCenter: 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 773 1 1 1 1 B B Presented onpanels31-36 ConventionCenter: 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 772 Time: over Performance Social Corporate of The Stability Venturing Discussant: R&D, Insider Ownership, Analyst Coverage, and AnalystCoverage, Ownership, R&D, Insider Exit strategies for new ventures in the incubation process | process incubation inthe Exit strategiesfornewventures 1 4 Wien Laval U.; Active Paradigm | Active Paradigm Innovativeness | Support forEnhancingFirm's Organizational Innovative Activity| Innovative | Biotechnology | RoleofTMTCharacteristics Moderator Typology. | Products| Innovative | United States Multinationals inthe Aggregation andCalibratio Aggregation | FinancialPerformance Implications for Barbara Becker U.; Bierly Schreier Institute Institute; Polytechnic Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute; Short David N Barron Taiwan State U.ofNew York, Albany Studies| Review ofEmpirical Systematic Organizations: AStudy Organizations: Underpricing of Technology IPOs | of Technology IPOs Underpricing Specialized Knowledge and the Role of Confidence in in of Confidence Role andthe Knowledge Specialized inITand ofVentureCapital andDemand The Supply Innovati Technological Inno in Consultants The Roleof and Creative of Mechanisms of Gatekeeping The Study Capabilities Absorptive of 1

Technological Innovations in Innovations Technological : 1 1 J CSpender Users as Innovation Networkers: Beyond the Customer theCustomer Beyond InnovationNetworkers: as Users and Management, Knowledge E-Business, Michael Dowling (Paper Session)-(TIM) , Portland StateU. : : , JamesMadisonU.; T (Paper Session)-(TIM) (Paper Session)-(TIM) eaching-oriented | Decision Making and Decision Making

, WirtschaftsU.Wien; Andreas Schwab Réjean Landry

Anna Canato , U.ofOxford , EBS/U.St.Gallen , OpenU. Miguel AngelCampo-Rembado Chung-Jen Chen Christopher UlrichLettl Mingming Zhou , U.of Regensburg Marc ToddJunkunc ☯ Wei-Hsin Hsiang

Management Practice-oriented | nd EntrepreneurshipJournals: on and Organization Survival: The Survival: on andOrganization , LavalU.; Submarine Development Development | Submarine , Bocconi U. Scott RGallagher , Louisiana State U. , Louisiana StateU. Entrepreneurship &New Entrepreneurship Japanese and European andEuropean Japanese n to a Common Metric | n toaCommonMetric Nikolaus Franke Entrepreneurial Activity Entrepreneurial Management ofTechnology Innovation in High Reliability High Reliability in Innovation Exhibit Hall III - TIM 2 - TIM ExhibitHallIII 1 - TIM ExhibitHallIII Bill Francis the Manufacturing Sector:A theManufacturing vation Activities: Towards a Activities:Towards vation Nabil Amara , NationalChengKungU. , RensselaerPolytechnic Iftekhar Hasan Seiko Arai , National ChengchiU., , U.of Miami Jeremy Collin Jaeyoung Kang , Berlin Technical U. , BerlinTechnicalU. , Rensselaer Nizar Becheikh , JamesMadison , , LavalU. Wirtschafts U. , U.ofOxford; , New YorkU. International-oriented| , Paul Martin

, , 246 Outcomes into a New Vision ofManagement Outcomes intoaNewVision Complementarities Or Complexities? Performance Effects Of Effects Performance OrComplexities? Complementarities - BigTechnolo Small Artifacts by Induced theBlinkers off inRipping Users Involving andtrustnetworks knowledge external and of internal Impact Chair: ConventionCenter:Room306A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 775 Discussant: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room312 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 779 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyonRoom 4:00pm -5:00pmSheraton 778 Steven Armstrong Organizers: website. ontheMEDDivision's opportunities forexchangeandlearning information alongwith access this Interested partieswillbeableto incountriesaroundtheglobe. education anddevelopment andresearchinmanagement and informationsharingonteaching Only.TheGlobalMEDForumfacilitatesknowledge By Invitation Sea PearlSuite1-2 Village: 3:00pm -5:00pmHiltonHawaiian 777 Organizer: Boothnumbers400,402and404 Sponsored by:SagePublications. ConventionCent 2:45pm -3:15pmHawaii 776 Product Development Process Product Development Advisory and EditorialBoardsMeeting Advisory Presenter: Oshkosh Discussant: Theme-oriented | Discourse and Venture Capital Funding | Funding Capital Venture and Discourse Principles | The Focused And Integrative Approaches | Approaches Integrative And The Focused | Designs Dominant | performance on team of NPDteams U. ofMichigan; HEC U.of Geneva; of Oklahoma; Peter R.Magnusson Social Construction of Technological Districts: Public Districts: ofTechnological Construction Social

: : : : : Rongrong(Charlotte) Ren (Paper Session)-(TIM) (AAS) (ICW) (MED) (AAA)

; Laurie Milton Carolyn Wiley George TSolomon Emily Dunham Heaphy A Denise M.Rousseau Denise Victor Seidel Carolyn Wiley nne S.Tsui Ma Integrating Biopsychological Measures and Measures and Integrating Biopsychological Conference Break ME Kristian Kreiner nagement and Organization Review, Review, Organization and nagement Kunal Banerji D GlobalForum Visual Presentation| PuayKhoon Toh , U.of Hull Bettina Buechel Monday 3:00PM Monday 4:10PM Monday 2:45PM Monday 4:00PM , U.ofCalgary,WesternOntario , Karlstad U. , ArizonaStateU. Pascal Le Masson Pascal Le , Mercer HumanResource Consulting , U.of Oxford , Mercer HumanResource Consulting ; J B Arbaugh Management of theNew Management , George WashingtonU. , Florida AtlanticU. gies: The Power ofImperfect gies: The , Copenhagen Business School , CopenhagenBusinessSchool er: Exhibit Hall III - Break Area - er: ExhibitHallIII , U.ofCalifornia, LosAngeles , CarnegieMellonU.

, U.of Michigan, AnnArbor , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor

Selected forBestPaper Proceedings


Heidi Armbruster , EcoledesMines; , U. of Wisconsin,

Shaila Miranda Gautam Ahuja

, , U. ; ,

Session Details Ð Monday

Benign Stress and Cognitive Performance in Organizations | 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 2 Modupe Akinola, Harvard U.; Wendy Mendes, Harvard U.; Presented on panels 51-55 Teresa M Amabile, Harvard Business School 1CEO Moral Capital and Strategic Leadership: The Enriching the Construct of Engagement: Physiological Relationship to Firm Performance | John Richard Phillips, Correlates and Sensory Awareness of the Body | Emily U. of Western Ontario; W Glenn Rowe, U. of Western Ontario Dunham Heaphy, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1Strategic Planning-Firm Performance Linkage: Empirical Effortful Performance: Arousal, Health, and Energetic Investigation from from Emergent Market | Hussam Ahmad Al-Shammari Resources | Caneel K. Joyce, U. of California, Berkeley , U. of Texas, Arlington The Benefits of Emotional Expression in an Online Support B1Of Competitive Advantage: Locale and Appropriability | Hao Ma Group | Kimberly S Ling, Carnegie Mellon U. , Peking U./U. of Illinois at Springfield 1The BCG Matrix Revisited: A Computational Approach | 780 : (AAS) Behavioral Approaches to Ethics Steven E Phelan, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Markus Venzin, 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313A Bocconi U. Organizer: Tom Tyler, New York U. 1Sociological Theories of Market Institutions and Strategic Dolly Chugh Bad Apples and Bounded Ethicality | , Harvard U.; Management Research | Ilya Okhmatovskiy, U. of Southern Max H Bazerman Mahzarin Banaji , Harvard U.; , Harvard U. California Ethical Fading, Self-Deception, and Business Ethics | David Messick, Northwestern U. 784 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Asset Specificity and How Ethical Credentials License Unethical Behavior | Dale Contracting Miller, Stanford U. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B Anne Parmigiani The Cognitive and Social Psychology of Contagious Chair: , U. of Oregon Discussant: Jeff Macher, Georgetown U. Organizational Corruption | John M. Darley, Princeton U. Promoting Employee Policy Adherence and Rule Following in Choice and Performance of Governance Mechanisms: Matching Governance to Sources of Asset Specificity | Work Settings | Tom Tyler, New York U. Glenn Hoetker, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Thomas 781 : (AAS) Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Mellewigt, U. of Paderborn New Management Theory: Processes Used by Top Is Asset Specificity a Liability? A Power Perspective of Scholars Safeguarding Specific Investments | Min-Ping Kang, Shih 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 Hsin U.; Chwo-Ming Yu, National Chengchi U., Taiwan; Dah- Chair: Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M U. Hsian Seetoo, National Chengchi U., Taiwan Participants: Edwin A Locke, U. of Maryland, College Park; Henry Specificity Investments, Relationship Learning, and Mintzberg, McGill U.; Terence R Mitchell, U. of Washington; W Competence Building: the Suppliers' Perspective | Wann- MONDAY Richard Scott, Stanford U.; Jay B Barney, Ohio State U. Yih Wu, National Cheng Kung U.; Su-Chao Chang, National Cheng Kung U.; Ya-Jung Wu, Kao Yuan Institute of Technology 782 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Ownership, Incentives and Diversification Contracting in Context: The Use of Extendibility Provisions in Kyle J Mayer 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 1 Information Technology | , U. of Southern Presented on panels 21-26 California; Libby Leann Weber, U. of Southern California Yi 41Ownership Structure and Corporate Diversification | 785 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Why Firms Diversify: Zhang, Peking U.; Xi Li, Peking U. Structural Antecedents and Expansion Kandice A 1Does Industry Matter in CEO Compensation? | 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308A Kapinos, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Ji-young Ahn, U. of Chair: Thomas Hutzschenreuter, Otto Beisheim Graduate School Illinois, Urbana-Champaign of Management (WHU) 1Governance in Dual Class Share Firms: Looking Core Factor, Portfolio Risk and Escape Paradigm Motivations Beyond the Usual Suspect | Sujit Sur, Concordia U. on Entry: Investigating the Rumelt Model | Curba Morris B41Equity Ownership by Financial Institutions and Firm Lampert, U. of South Carolina Productivity: Evidence from Japan | Zhonghua Wu, National 2The Value of Expansions Within and Across Industries: A U. of Singapore Learning Perspective | Dorota Piaskowska-Lewandowska, 1Diversification Decisions in Family-Controlled Public U. of College Dublin Corporations | Marianna Makri, U. of Miami; Martin Larraza- Structural Responses to Strategic Change: Flexibility and Kintana, U. Pública de Navarra; Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, Arizona Inertia after Market Entry | Charles Williams, U. of Illinois, State U. Urbana-Champaign B1Justifications for Golden Parachutes Without Empirical Director Acquisition Experience and the Effect of Board Evidence of Profitability Correlation | Crystal D Gifford, Independence on Firm Acquisition Performance | Michael Argosy U., Sarasota McDonald, U. of Central Florida; James Westphal, U. of Texas, Austin; Melissa Graebner, U. of Texas, Austin 783 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) Institutions, Leadership and Competitive Advantage

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 247 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Performance Interdependence Competitive Support at Home: Reducing Work-Family Conflict Work-Family Reducing Support atHome: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 789 B 4 and SocialEmded Organizational RentDistributin Slitting thePie: Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room313B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 788 B of and theStrategy Dynamism, Theory, Market Complexity Firm Performance: and Firm Action,RivalAction Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room309 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 787 When DoFirmsChangeTheir onProductandProcess and Competition Effects ofSize 4 the BirthofIndustrialResearch and Academic Science Early Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 786 Knowledge Development Discussant: Are Investment BankersGoodFo Are Investment The Awaren Intensity: Competitive The Relationship between Environmental Turbulence and Turbulence Environmental between The Relationship AffectR&D and FinancialMarkets Do OwnerIdentity Eisenhardt National TaiwanU. Curt Grimm Derfus Alliance Failure: ACo Alliance Failure: of Exchange| Simple Rules | Understanding Competitive Hiring ExperienceScientists?| Review Innovations: | A Quantitative An | Firms ofEuropean Analysis Investments? Industry| Pharmaceutical Labs intheUS Sobrero Munari Pennsylvania; Patrizia Porrini Jeffrey H. Dyer National U.ofSingapore Boston U. Rutgers U. Florida Hsieh Perspective | Perspective

B : : : Sherry E.Sullivan Appleyard Melissa M Hong Cui Sonali Shah (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) : , London Business School (Paper Session) -(CAR) , U. ofMaryland; T , U.ofBologna; eaching-oriented | , U.ofBologna Javier Gimeno Javier ZhaoMinyuan Ronald J.Burke Susan McEvily , Stanford U.

, U. of Maryland; , CityU.ofHongKong Prashant Kale Mi , LongIslandU. , BrighamYoungU.; Peter Moran , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Jason Davis ng-Jer Chen ☯ , BowlingGreenState U. Raffaele Oriani ntingency Approach| Patrick G.Maggitti , U.of Minnesota Management Practice-oriented | , INSEAD , U. of Pittsburgh , Portland StateU. , York U.

Alliance andAcquisition Mindsetand The Competitive Institutional Contextand , London Business School; , London Business Ken G.Smith , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor , U.ofMichigan,Ann , Stanford U.; Interdependence | Interdependence , U.ofVirginia; Technological PositionBy Support atWorkand

in Alliances and Networks | and Networks| in Alliances dedness and theReliability dedness Daniel Tzabbar r Acquisition Premiums? | Premiums? r Acquisition Harbir Singh ess-Motivation-Capability ess-Motivation-Capability , U.ofBologna; Fariborz Damanpour Kathleen M. , U.of Maryland , St. Joseph's U.; Jeffrey Furman Kuo-Hsien Su Nitin Pangarkar , U.ofCentral , U.of Pamela J Federico International-oriented|

Maurizio Kai-Yu , , , , 248 U. ofBath Participants: Conflict/Negotiation 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room318B 4:10pm -5:30pmHawaii 790 Careers aboutAsymmetrical Beliefs Couples? Dual-Earner EffectsofWorkandBoundary Crossover and Individual B 4 Systemic Tendencies ShapingJo Tendencies Systemic andFlexi Institutions Market Labor or Good Jobs US: inIndiaandthe Outsourcing Call Center Call of Work inOutsourced Experience on the Influences Management Discussant: Chair: Cornell U. Organizers: WaikikiBeach:HonoluluRoom 4:10pm -5:20pmSheraton 791 B B 4 Discussant: Center Industry Call fromthe Global InformationEconomy?Evidence Theme-oriented | Work-Family Conflict: TheImport Work-Family 4 Assessing Shared Mental Model Shared Assessing U.S. andJapaneseIntercultura

Sciences; Sciences; John Lawler Barry from Same and Cross-Cultural Negotiators | Negotiators and Cross-Cultural from Same and the Support-Well Being Relationship | Relationship and theSupport-WellBeing Stressors onDual-Ea Centers: TheNetherlandsand theUS| Global Sweatshops?| Centers | | of Overadjustment? Tale Effects in China, India,K Effects in Jackson State U.; Maeve Houlihan Burks Purohit Northwestern U. U. Masako S.Taylor Liu U. ofMissouri,St.Louis; U.; Jaarsveld Doellgast of Maine; Disadvantage in Workplace Interviews| in Workplace Disadvantage Practices and Supportive Supervisors | Supervisors andSupportive Practices Perceptions of Responsibility | Responsibility of Perceptions The “Ripple Effect”: Cultural Differences in Subjective in Subjective CulturalDifferences The “RippleEffect”:

How Cultureand Non-cons : 4 Family-friendly Employment Practices: Importance and Importance Practices: Employment Family-friendly , U.ofSouth Carolina; Inge Sieben Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks Thomas A KochanThomas A (Paper Session)-(CM) Winner ofCareers Division Applied Paper Award JS: , VanderbiltU. , U.ofMichigan ; Danielle VanJaarsveld , St.Joseph'sU.; (CMS, IM,TIM) Lynn Imai Steve Frenkel Virginia LeeDoellgast Leisa D.Sargent Maeve HoulihanMaeve , Cornell U. Ming Piao , U.of BritishColumbia; Nick Kinnie , U. ofIllinois; Visual Presentation|

, , U.ofCollegeDublin Maastricht U. Fred Ochieng Walumbwa , CornellU.; , U.ofMaryland

, Northwestern U. , U. ofBath; , Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology , Massachusetts Institute rner Couples| , AustralianGraduate School of Hyunji Kwon Kathleen Frye Good JobsorBadinthe Claire A.Simmers Ray Friedman enya and Thailand | andThailand| enya , U. ofCollegeDublin Kan Shi , U.of Melbourne Cu , U. ofMichigan Wendi L. Adair Wendi L. Catherine Tinsley lture and cious Mimicry Create cious Mimicry , U.ofBritishColumbia , CornellU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings b Quality in Call Centers | Centers b QualityinCall l Negotiation Schemas: A A l NegotiationSchemas: William W.Maddux Andries de Grip Andries de ble Employment in Call in ble Employment s in Negotiation: Evidence Negotiation: s in ance of Family-Friendly John Purcell , ChineseAcademyof , Cornell U.; Stephan Desrochers , U.ofMissouri, St.Louis , VanderbiltU.; James A.Breaugh Danielle Van Jeffrey Sanchez- ; HyunjiKwon , St. Joseph'sU. , CornellU.; , U. of Nebraska; , U.of Yasmin S. Yasmin ; NickKinnie Leigh Anne , U.ofBath Peng Wang , Georgetown Virginia Lee , Maastricht , Bruce

, , U. , , , Session Details Ð Monday

792 1: (Paper Session) - (ENT) Entrepreneurs and Their Entrepreneurial Orientation: an Empirical Assessment of Ventures SMES in Hypercompetition | Salvatore Sciascia, LIUC, 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 1 Cattaneo U.; Lucia Naldi, Jonkoping U.; Fernando G. Alberti, Presented on panels 41-44 Jonkoping U. 1What Happens to Nascent Entrepreneurs? An Econometric Self-Regulation in Decision-Making by Entrepreneurs: An Analysis of the PSED | Simon C Parker, U. of Durham Exploratory Study | Peter Bryant, U. of Sydney 1Practical Intelligence in High Potential Entrepreneurs | Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry | Brian Wu, U. of Barbara Jean Bird, American U.; J Robert Baum, U. of Pennsylvania; Anne Marie Knott, U. of Maryland Maryland 1To Join, To Lead, or To Create? Network Effects and 796 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) New Venture Performace: Small Firm Product Offerings | Jacqueline N Hood, U. of New Effects of Financing, Governance & Alliances Anne D Smith Susan 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303B Mexico; , U. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Scott L. Newbert Houghton, Georgia State U. Chair: , Villanova U. 1Alliance and Venture Capital Networks: An Analysis of Venture Capital in China: Investent Process and Decision- Lindy making Factors | Paul Vega, U. of St. Gallen; Wei Zhang, Start-up Firms in the Biotechnology Industry | Li Choy Chong Steven White Archambeau, U. of Utah; Anupama Phene, U. of Utah; Tiffany Tsinghua U.; , U. of St. Gallen; , L Galvin, U. of Utah INSEAD Firm Founders, Boards and Misleading Disclosures: A New 793 1: (Paper Session) - (ENT) Entrepreneurial Processes: Vision of Governance or Familiar Problems? | William J Conflicting Images in Emerging Research Donoher, Bradley U.; Richard Reed, Washington State U. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 2 4Strategic Alliance Portfolio Performance in SMEs: A multi- Presented on panels 71-74 country study | Mert Tokman, U. of Alabama; Louis Marino, U. 41The Entrepreneurial Process as a Matching Problem | of Alabama; R. Glenn Richey, U. of Alabama; Pat H Dickson, Per Davidsson , Queensland U. of Technology /Jonkoping U. Georgia Institute of Technology; Mark Weaver, Rowan U. 1Determinants of Entrepreneurial Action: An Empirical Test Configurations of Small and Micro Businesses and Success: Michael D Meeks of a Composite Intentions-Based Model | , Strategies, Firm, and Environment | Jens M. Unger, U. of G. Dale Meyer San Francisco State U.; , U. of Colorado, Boulder Giessen; Michael Frese, Giessen U. B 1Entrepreneurial Configurations: What’s Driving the Outsourcing - Performance Linkage? | Manjula S. Salimath, 797 : (Paper Session) - (GDO) Structural Determinants of Washington State U.; John B Cullen, Washington State U.; Diversity: How Institutions Positively or Negatively Affect Uchila Umesh, Washington State U., Vancouver Diversity 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 1Gender, Size and New Venture Development in the MONDAY Lois Shelton Thomas Chair: Laura Lynn Beauvais, U. of Rhode Island Services Industries | , Chapman U.; Marjorie L McInerney Turk, Chapman U. Discussant: , Marshall U. 2Institutional Determinants of Faculty Diversity | Baniyelme 794 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Capabilities & The Creation David Zoogah, Ohio State U.; Susan Josephs, Ohio State U. of Entrepreneurial Rents 2Developing Cultural Diversity Advantage: The Impact of 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B Diversity Management Structures | Yang Yang, U. of Western Chair: Frederic Delmar, Stockholm School of Economics Ontario Dynamism in Capabilities and Networks: Implications for Harlow Award Nominee Wealth Creation in Technology Start-Ups | Yanfeng Zheng, Impact of Leaders’ Racial Attitudes on Ratings of Causes & U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Jing Liu, Cornell U.; Gerard George, Solutions to a Minority Employee Shortage | Eleanor H U. of Wisconsin, Madison Buttner, U. of North Carolina, Greensboro; Kevin B Lowe, U. of Creative Destruction-Creative Accumulation? Conditions North Carolina, Greensboro; Lenora Billings-Harris, U. of North Favoring Growth of New and Established Firms | Jonathan Carolina, Greensboro Thomas Eckhardt, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Scott Shane, B4CEO Commitment, Perceptions of CEO Commitment, Case Western Reserve U. and Actual Diversity Outcomes | Eddy S. Ng, Trent U.; Willi H On the Longevity of Patent-Protected Discoveries | Maritza Wiesner, McMaster U.; Harish C Jain, McMaster U. Espina, U. del Este; Gideon D Markman, U. of Georgia 798 : (HCM) HCM Division Distinguished Speaker: Van 795 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) The Nature of Entrepreneurial de Ven on the Changing Designs of Work in Healthcare Act 4:10pm - 5:20pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A Distinguished Speaker: Andrew H. Van de Ven, U. of Minnesota Chair: Daniel P Forbes, U. of Minnesota Interplay of Individual and Community Social Capital. An 799 : (Paper Session) - (HR) HR Practices, Employee Empirical Study among Business Starters. | Boris F Commitment, and Employee Turnover Blumberg, U. of Maastricht 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319B Chair: Ingrid Fulmer, Michigan State U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 249 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday B and Behavior: HRM Practices,OrganizationalCommitment 2 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room305A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 802 4 Transaction FlowPatternsin 2 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 801 Ratings: Larger Center Group DifferencesinAssessment Racial Interviews: v.Situational Tests Pencil-and-Paper ofPrestigiou An Examination Differences Inequity: Individual of Perceptions Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 800 2 2 and Stigmas in theWorkplace and Stigmasin Decision-Making about Workplace Disputes: APolicy- Disputes: aboutWorkplace Decision-Making Effectsof and Moderating Antecedents HRM Climate: 4 4 4 Differences between Multinational & Nationally &Nationally Multinational between Differences U. ofSouthCarolina Douglas Mahony MNC Subsidiary Managers: An Empirical Test| Managers:AnEmpirical MNC Subsidiary Expansion | Expansion Test of a Process Model| Test ofaProcess Homogeneous Groups: The Influence of Status Cues| ofStatus Groups: TheInfluence Homogeneous | Behavior Relational of Subsidiaries Factors Than Expected? | | Perceptions and Job-relatedness Differences | Technology Geek | Programs Affirmative Action Temple U.; Auburn U; Becton Christina Lea Butler Shoba Nair Carolina; Vora H. Hunter Jeremy Bernerth Auburn U; Queensland U.ofTechnology Edwardsville; Philip L Roth Pennsylvania; Organizational Commitment Commitment Organizational Capturing Study | Capturing | Strength and Climate Level Climate Fraser U. Deery Increasing Exploration: Evidenc Exploration: Increasing among Identification Antecedents ofDualOrganizational

: : : Vanessa Ratten Aahad Osman-Gani Elizabeth Douthitt (Paper Session)-(IM) (Paper Session)-(IM) (Paper Session)-(HR) , U.ofTexas,Dallas; IT Professionals: The Effect of HR Practices on Effect ofHR IT Professionals:The , King'sCollege,U.ofLondon; T , Winthrop U.; eaching-oriented | Lilach Nachum Ruth VAguilera Kendall Roth , U.of Alberta; Allison Jones-Farmer H Xiangwen Jiang , Tata Consultancy Services Limited; , Tata ConsultancyServicesLimited; ubert Feild Juan Alcacer Jo EllenMoore Jo , Clemson U. , Clemson Wilbur Chung , AuburnU; , U.ofSouthCarolina; Brian SKlaas Michelle A. Dean , Queensland U.ofTechnology , KingstonU. Mary SueLove Hubert Feild ☯ , Stanford U. , U.ofSouth Carolina , Auburn U; Management Practice-oriented | , NanyangU. Technological Greg Irving , Baruch College,CUNY , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Tatiana Kostova Ma Ex Group Differences, Inequity, Group Differences, , New York U.; , Temple U. Ian RGellatly s Stigma: The Case ofthe Case The s Stigma: MNCs Network andAntecedent MNCs , U. of Maryland, CollegePark ploration AcrossBorders , Southern Illinois U., Edwardsville , SouthernIllinoisU., Allison Jones-Farmer nagerial Tensions inMNCs Tensions nagerial and Turnover Intentions | Intentions and Turnover

Harvell JacksonWalker , AuburnU , U.ofSouthCarolina; , AuburnU; William F Giles e from International e fromInternational , WilfridLaurierU. Roderick D Iverson Roderick D , SouthernIllinoisU., , SanDiego StateU.; Hoyt Noland Wheeler Hoyt Noland Neal Knight-Turvey Heather Berry , U. of Alberta; , U.of South William F Giles into Response Stephen Qin Yang International-oriented| J. Bret , AuburnU; Davina E. , AuburnU , U.of , Simon , Karen ,


, , 250 B 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room305B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 803 4 4 4 B SIM: Facilitator: Tapa 1-TableA1 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 805 Thinkingand Penrosian and Lim Strategic Implications of Japanese The Dynamics Subsidiary on MNE Slack Expatriate The Effectof(Penrosian) Penrose andMNEStra (on Introduction andConclusion Chair: ConventionCenter:Room316C 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 804 2 Theory ofMNE Country Nationals inMNCs Country Nationals SIM: Discussant: Theme-oriented | 4 4 MC: Pay Referent Selectioninan Pay Referent and Expansion, International Environment, Home-country Rebel: WhenDoes Conform Or and Leap: DomesticMindsets You Before Think Study of Self-initiated Foreign Employees | Employees Foreign of Self-initiated Study Pitelis of Unethical Organizational Behavior | Behavior Organizational of Unethical | Corruption Question of Professionalism | | ofProfessionalism Question Augier Role of National Culture | of NationalCulture Role Firms| E-commerce of US Firm Value:TheCase | Performance? Enhance Firm an inGlobal Multinationality The Penrose Effect | Effect The Penrose | Performance Baptist U.; Hong KongPolytechnicU.; Sucheta Nadkarni Institute of Technology Institute ofTechnology Rekha Krishnan School of Management School ofManagement Mezias Taiwan; Wyoming; Whitewater; Loyola MarymountU.; Weaver Satisfaction of Host Country Workforce | Workforce of HostCountry Satisfaction U. ofCalgary U.; Future oftheMNE)| Proactive Socialization, Adju Socialization, Proactive Perceived Reward, Orga

Rotten to the Core: An Synthesis of Multiple Perspectives of MultiplePerspectives AnSynthesis Core: the Rotten to of CorruptionandAnti- andSymbolism The Substance : : 4 Pedro David Perez Kevin BLowe ChristosPitelis N. (Paper Session)-(IM) (Paper Session)-(IP) Ethical Duties of Managerial Ethical Dutiesof C Managerial SHCS: , U.ofCambridge , Stanford U.; , U.ofMiami; , U.ofDelaware; Elizabeth DScott Elizabeth Joseph Mahoney Kwok Leung James Page David AHarrison Wonshul Shim (IM, BPS) Vilmos F. Misangyi Vilmos F.

Visual Presentation| Anthony Goerzen , TilburgU. , U.ofNorth Carolina,Greensboro , U.ofNebraska; David Teece NamgyooPark Kenny tegic Management| K. PraveenParboteeah , CityU.ofHongKong , U.of Cambridge Christos N. Pitelis Christos N. Danchi Tan , Cornell U. , Cornell Edith Penrose's Contribution tothe Contribution Edith Penrose's , StirlingAdvisors, Inc. t he Future of the MNE | oftheMNE he Future Heather Elms Research onEthicalBehaviors , Eastern ConnecticutStateU. Forgotten Managers: Host Host Forgotten Managers: , U.of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign Margaret AShaffer Firm Growth in U.S.Industries: in Firm Growth , HanyangU. Jiu Chang

nizational Commitment,andJob , Pennsylvania State U. , Pennsylvania State itations of Penrose's Work | Work itations ofPenrose's d Multidomestic Industries | Multidomestic Industries d International Context: The International Pe stment and Turnover: A and Turnover: stment Elliot A. Fishman Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Alexander Eapen , U.ofDelaware; , U.ofCalifornia,Berkeley Ke , U.ofVictoria , NationalChengchiU., nrosian Thinking and the Thinking nrosian Pol Herrmann onsulting: Revisiting the the Revisiting onsulting: eping To The Rules The eping To , Temple U. , Central European U Karen L.Page , U.of Cambridge , KAIST Graduate Yongsun Paik Alain C.Verbeke Alain , U. of Wisconsin, , U. ofWisconsin, Carmen K. Fu , Hong Kong , Hong Christos N. , Stevens Gary R , IowaState , Tilburg U.; , Tilburg John , U.of , Mie ,

, Session Details Ð Monday

4 SIM: Assessing Corruption in the Organizational Gray MOC: The No Blame Organization. | Bernardino Provera, Sector: A Tale of Hybrids and Quangos | Rae Andre, SDA Bocconi / Bocconi U.; Andrea Montefusco, SDA Bocconi / Northeastern U. Bocconi U.; Anna Canato, Bocconi U. SIM: The Strategic Management Antecedents of Corruption: 809 : (Paper Session) - (IP) New Perspectives on Sources of An Exploratory Study | Taieb Hafsi, HEC Montreal Value 806 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Exploiting Innovation 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B1 Romie Frederick Littrell 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A2 Facilitator: , Auckland U. of Technology Facilitator: Cormac Mac Fhionnlaoich, U. of College Dublin OB: Tacit Knowledge: A Refinement and Empirical Test of the ENT: Reorienting Strategic Entrepreneurship: Resource Academic Tacit Knowledge Scale | Gary S Insch, West Management across Exploration and Exploitation | Justin Virginia U.; David Dawley, West Virginia U.; Nancy H Leonard, Wolfgang Webb, Texas A&M U.; R. Duane Ireland, Texas A&M West Virginia U. U. IM: Does Ownership Pay? Comparing Foreign versus Local TIM: The Process of Knowledge Creation in Organizations | Service Firm Performance in Emerging Markets | Jennifer Christine Soo, U. of Western Australia; Timothy Michael Oetzel, American U.; Sudeshna Banerjee, World Bank Devinney, Australian Graduate School of Management; David OB: Individual and Company Benefits of Communities of Midgley, INSEAD Practice | Katja Zboralski, Berlin U. of Technology; Soeren ENT: Innovation, New Product Development, and Salomo, Graz U.; Hans Georg Gemuenden, Berlin U. of Internationalization: SME Performance Implications | James Technology A Wolff, Witchita State U.; Timothy Pett, Wichita State U. 4IM: International M&As: The Relationship between TIM: Corporate Board Impact On Firm Innovation: A Organizational Culture and Performance | Patrick X. Zhu, U. Knowledge-based Perspective | Xuanli Xie, U. of North of Auckland; Elizabeth L. Rose, Victoria U. of Wellington; Carolina, Chapel Hill; Hugh O'Neill, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Kiyohiko Ito, U. of Hawai`i, Manoa Hill CMS: Knowledge and Labour Theories of Value: Can They be Reconciled? | Stephen J Jaros, Southern U. 807 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Learning and Exploiting Innovation 810 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Financial Issues in Strategic 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A3 Management Facilitator: Garry L. Adams, Auburn U 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B2 TIM: A Critical Assessment of Performance Measurement of Facilitator: Jim Combs, Florida State U. NPD Projects | Floortje P. Blindenbach-Driessen, Erasmus ENT: Family Involvement, Agency Costs, and Debt Financing U.; jan van Dalen, Erasmus U.; Jan Van Den Ende, Rotterdam for New Ventures | Jess H. Chua, U. of Calgary; James J School of Management Chrisman, Mississippi State U.; Franz W. Kellermanns, MONDAY BPS: A Matter of Life and Death: Innovation and Firm Survival Mississippi State U. | Elena Cefis, Utrecht U.; Orietta Marsili, Erasmus U. MED: Marrying Management and Finance: Problem- BPS: Structural Reconfiguration and Innovation: A Framework based, Integrated Learning for Business Undergrads | of What Goes Where and Why | Samina Karim, Boston U. Linda K Gibson, Pacific Lutheran U.; Bruce Finnie, Pacific BPS: Firm Decomposition and Innovation: Capturing Lutheran U. Exploration and Exploitation Complementarities | Anne ENT: Corporate Venture Capital and the Post-IPO Marie Knott, U. of Maryland Performance of Start-up Firms | Ari Ginsberg, New York U.; Iftekhar Hasan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Christopher L 808 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Organizational Culture and Tucci, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Knowledge Resources HCM: Assessing the Differential Impact of Hospital 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A4 Diversification on Financial Performance | Won Sik Suh, Facilitator: Sylvia Sloan Black, North Carolina A&T State U. Florida International U.; Susan Key, U. of Alabama, Birmingham 4IM: The Effect of Culture on the Choice between Formal Control and Relational Governance | Manuela Batul 811 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Gender and Diversity in the Giangrande, INSEAD Workplace B RM: Organizational Citizenship Climate:Towards a 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B3 System-level Analysis of the Good Soldier Syndrome | Facilitator: Maree Veronica Boyle, Griffith U. Eran Vigoda-Gadot, U. of Haifa; Taly Birman-Shemesh, U. of 4GDO: Organizational Sex Composition and Employee Haifa; Itai Beeri, U. of College Cork Commitment: Sex Asymmetric Effects and Unit Size Effects TIM: How Organizational Climate and Structure Affect | Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics; Riccardo Knowledge Management¡VThe Social Interaction View | Peccei, King's College, U. of London Chung-Jen Chen, National Cheng Kung U.; Jing-Wen Huang, ENT: Entrepreneurial Ventures, Performance, and the Gender National Cheng Kung U. Effect | William L Cron, TCU; Garry D Bruton, TCU; John W. 4IM: Organizational Learning and Culture | Mark Easterby- Slocum, Southern Methodist U. Smith, Lancaster U.; Sully Taylor, Portland State U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 251 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday BPS: OB: BPS: OB: IM: OB: Facilitator: Tapa 3-TableC1 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 814 4 MH: Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB5 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 813 4 4 Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB4 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 812 4 MC: BPS: OMT: ENT: GDO: Connecticut; Louisiana State U. Louisiana State ofTechnology; Institute Massachusetts Davies U. Gomez Travis Maynard Texas, ElPaso Carlos Gamboa Colpan Kobeissi Paola Perez-Aleman Chapel Hill; Taylor Massachusetts Institute of Technology; ofTechnology; Institute Massachusetts ofTechnology; Institute Massachusetts Curhan Performance: Japan's Textile Firms in the 1990s | Firms inthe Japan'sTextile Performance: I-Shou U./Tajen InstituteofTechnology; Technology; Trevor Yu Organization and Institutionsin Organization Context of Multilevel Org of Multilevel Context Performance:Direct & Mediated Effects Through Conflict | EffectsThrough &Mediated Performance:Direct | toTeamsandEmpowerment Resistance Employees' Customer Satisfaction| Customer Behavior| Strategy onConsumerPurchase International Evidence and International Evidence of Institutions | of Institutions Conversational Dynamics Conversational Popular Music Industry-AnEvolutionaryView| Popular Music | Projects? U., Taiwan CM: Product Diversity,Internationa Dual Effects of Social Identification on Team on Team ofSocialIdentification Dual Effects oftheInfluences Investigation A Multi-Level ofUpwar anUnderstanding Toward The TimesTheyAreA-Ch Exist Does in Gender Difference

: : : The Competitive Causes and Consequences of andConsequences Causes The Competitive Intern of The MediatingEffects (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Thin Slices of Negotiation: Predicting Outcomes from Outcomes Predicting Negotiation: Thin Slicesof How International is Entrepreneurship? | Entrepreneurship? How Internationalis Studying Structures within Industries: The Relevance TheRelevance within Industries: Studying Structures A Bottom-up View of Globalization: Changing Globalization: of A Bottom-upView Gender Factors and Female Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship: and Female Gender Factors , U.of Connecticut; , U.ofMelbourne T , CornellU. , KyotoU.; , Massachusetts Institute of Technology; ofTechnology; , MassachusettsInstitute Maria Vakola S. NooreinInamdar Detelin SElenkov eaching-oriented | , Long Island U.,C.W.Post , U.ofNorthCarolina, ChapelHill David AHofmann Daewoo Park Peter Galvin Wendy M.MarshWendy , U.ofConnecticut; Stephane A. Tywoniak , U.ofTexasElPaso; Takashi Hikino , McGillU. , AthensU.ofEconomicsandBusiness ☯ Management Practice-oriented | , Curtin U.ofTechnology; Daniel Simon Group Outcome Research Group Outcome Competition Globalization andDiversification , XavierU.; Lisa M. Jones , U. ofTennessee,Knoxville anizational Theory | anizational Theory , Harvard U. , Harvard in the First 5 Minutes| in theFirst Po angin’: Transforma , U. ofNorth Carolina , GAP, Inc.; , GAP, licy Implications | licy Implications Developing Countries | DevelopingCountries l Scope,andEconomic , KyotoU. John Mathieu ational Marketing ational Marketing Managing Consulting Consulting Managing Hema AKrishnan Lance Brouthers Sonja WileyPatton Nathan Eagle Ron Caneel , Queensland U.of , CornellU.;

d Influence Within the Withinthe d Influence Chia-Chen Kuo , U. ofNorthCarolina, Thomas Ruddy Tsai-Lung Liu Alex Pentland Scott R. Ernesto , U.of tion inthe International-oriented| , Jennifer Nada Kang Yang Miguel Jared R. , Asli M. , U.of , Xavier

, I-Shou , , - M. , ,

252 OMT: Facilitator: Tapa 3-TableC2 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 815 B B OMT: Facilitator: Tapa 3-TableC4 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 817 2 4 OCIS: Facilitator: Tapa 3-TableC3 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 816 PNP: TIM: Organizations Theme-oriented | OCIS:

MC: TIM: Experienced by those Engaged in its Formation | EngagedinitsFormation bythose Experienced Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute An Exploratory Empirical Study| Empirical An Exploratory Ghosh on the Way to a Theory of a Theory on theWayto Umbrella Model to Enhance Student Learning | Learning Student toEnhance Model Umbrella Zu Knyphausen-Aufsess Schweizer Dayton Christian Kiewitz Steve Gove Philipp Koellinger Information Technology| Information Pamela Brandes Maria Goranova Hameed Khan Hartley Millesen Perspective | Perspective Alabama; Alabama; Institutional Portfolios on Executive Compensation | Compensation Institutional PortfoliosonExecutive | model Dynamics and aSystem Sao Paulo; Michele A Govekar U. ofGeorgia; Discoveries Made in U.S. Universities | inU.S. Universities Made Discoveries British Columbia British Columbia Shan-Ling Pan Effects in the Adoption of E-Business Technologies | Technologies of E-Business Adoption Effects inthe Managers’ Responsibility | Responsibility Managers’ MH: SIM: MH:

Spillover or Bypassing? Appropriating Rents From RentsFrom or Bypassing?Appropriating Spillover Winner of OCIS Division Best Interactive Paper Award OMT: : : : Building Civil Society It’s Not Just How Much You Own: The Effect of The You Own: It’s NotJustHowMuch study aQualitative Memory: Organizational Studying Enterprise SystemsAdop (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Consulting Success and C Consulting Success Winner of OCIS Division Top Student PaperAward An OverviewofManagement The More You Have the More You Buy: Lock-In- Buy: You theMore The MoreYouHave A Tale Of Two Fires: Igniting Social Expectations For Expectations For Social A TaleOfTwoFires:Igniting Amul – India’s Cooperative Success Story| Success Cooperative Amul –India’s Process VirtualizationTheo , McGill U.; , Robert Morris U. Edward FMurphy Jr Emmeline dePillis Jan N.Chong , Ohio U.; Collaborative Inertia and Collaborative Advantage: Advantage: Collaborative and Inertia Collaborative Michelle Bunn Eric SWilliams , U.of Bamberg; Afonso Carlos Fleury , U. of Dayton; , U.of

Pe Eric TzeKuan Lim , Technology; State U.ofNew York, Instituteof Visual Presentation| , National U.ofSingapore; , SyracuseU.; ter T.Gianiodis , SyracuseU. , U.ofDayton; Frances Westley Eric C.Martin , DIWBerlin; , OhioNorthern U. , Stanford U. , U.of Alabama , U.of Alabama; History andSocialMovements Incentives and Rewards in Rewards and Incentives Implementing Technologies , U. of Bamberg in Post-Conflict Bosnia as in Post-ConflictBosnia Jay JJanney , U. ofHawai`i,Hilo Eric Overby Martin Rajes Management Consulting| Paul L Govekar , EmbryRiddleAeronauticalU. Ravi Dharwadkar tion: A Proposed Contingency tion: AProposed Christian Schade Brett Paul Matherne ontingent Fees as Elements as Elements ontingent Fees , EasternConnecticut StateU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofGeorgia; , U.ofSaoPaulo , NationalU.ofSingapore; ry andtheImpactof Davi NoboruNakano Grant T.Savage , McGillU. Philosophies:An , Emory U. , U.of Dayton; , U.ofBamberg; Chee-Wee Tan Qian Xiao Gideon D Markman , Ohio NorthernU.; Phillip Phan , Syracuse U.; , SyracuseU.; , HumboldtU. Nell Tabor , U.of , U.of Abhijit B Judith L. , U.of Raihan Lars

, U.of , U.of Dodo Dodo

, , Session Details Ð Monday

4GDO: Output Pay and Ethnic Wage Differentials: Canadian 822 : (Paper Session) - (MOC) Identity Dynamics in Evidence | Tony Fang, U. of Northern British Columbia; John S Organizations: On Narratives, Facades, and Learning Heywood, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A HR: Broad-Based Stock Options: Before And After The Market This session covers several identity-related issues: identity Jim Sesil, Rutgers U.; Maya Kroumova, New York narratives, organizational facades, and identity and learning. Downturn | Kevin W. Rockmann Institute of Technology Chair: , George Mason U. Narratives of Organizational Identity and Acquisition 818 : (MC) The MCD Distinguished Speaker, Steve Kerr. Integration | Samia Chreim, U. of Lethbridge Consulting and Academia 4The Crafting of Organizational Façades:An Empirical 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 1 Investigation | Philippe Baumard, U. of California, Berkeley Steven Kerr Distinguished Speaker: , Goldman, Sachs & Co. The Intersection of Organizational Identity and Learning: 819 : (Paper Session) - (MED) Ethics and Management Strategic Change via Capability Grafting | Rajiv Nag, Education Pennsylvania State U.; Kevin G. Corley, Arizona State U.; 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 Dennis A Gioia, Pennsylvania State U. Chair: Eric G Kirby, Texas State U. 823 : (Paper Session) - (MOC) Follow the Leader: New Ethical Distancing: A Content Analysis of Student Views on Leadership Rationalizations for Cheating | Jeffrey B Kaufmann, Iowa Tim West Sue Pickard Ravenscroft 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317B State U.; , U. of Arkansas; , This session discusses various aspects of leadership, with an Charles B Shrader Iowa State U.; , Iowa State U. emphasis on leaders & followers. Enhancing Ethical Perceptions: Impact of Integrated Ethics Chair: Paul Harvey, Florida State U. Curriculum vs a Stand Alone Ethics Course | Yvette P. Leadership Transference: The Impact of Previous Leaders Lopez Paula Rechner , Texas A&M U.; , California State U., on Follower Performance | Barbara A. Ritter, Coastal Chamu Sundaramurthy Julie B Fresno; , San Diego State U.; Carolina U. Olson-Buchanan, California State U., Fresno B Transactional Leadership Re-Visited:Self-Other B Calling Students to Action: A Longitudinal J Lee Whittington C Ken Agreement and Its Consequences | , U. of Investigation of Whistle-Blowing in the Classroom | Dallas; Renee Holloway, U. of Texas, Arlington; Vicki L Weidner Claire A. Simmers , St. Joseph's U.; , St. Joseph's U.; Goodwin, U. of North Texas; William Ickes, U. of Texas, Derek R. Avery , Rutgers U., Camden Arlington George Williams in Thailand: An ethical decision-making Social Distance and Follower Attitudes toward Leaders: A J Goosby Smith Constance R exercise | , Pepperdine U.; Cognitive Elaboration Perspective | Jae-Uk Chun, State U. of James , Pepperdine U. New York, Binghamton; Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U. MONDAY 820 A New Vision of Women and B : (MED) 824 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Examining Impression Corporate Leadership: Why Are Women Leaving the Management in Organizations Workplace? 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Chair: Ceasar Douglas, Florida State U. Ethics, Leadership, and Gender: Are Women Leaving The Discussant: Catherine Connelly, McMaster U. Corporate World Because They Are More Ethical? | Michael What Breaks a Leader: The Curvilinear Relationship E. Brown , Pennsylvania State U., Erie Between Assertiveness and Leadership | Daniel Ames, What Happened To The Women?: A Model Examining Why Columbia U.; Frank Flynn, Columbia U. Successful Women Are Leaving The Workplace | Jeffrey Pseudo Citizenship in Office and Professional Settings | Robin Miles, U. of the Pacific Stanley Snell, Lingnan U.; Yuk Lan Wong, Lingnan U. Exercising Their Options: Why Female Managers Are Opting Facilitating Peer Helping After Psychological Contract Out Of Corporations | Kimberly S Scott, Wrigley Company Breach: The Role of Impression Management | Morgan Implications & Possibilities For Reversing The Trend: Milner, Eastern Michigan U. Integration, Audience Participation, Discussi | Peg Thoms, Good Soldier or Good Actor? Examining the Instrumentality of Pennsylvania State U., Behrend OCBs and the Role of Cognitions | Seokhwa Yun, Montclair Participants: Peg Thoms, Pennsylvania State U., Behrend; Michael State U.; Riki Takeuchi, Hong Kong U. of Science and E. Brown, Pennsylvania State U., Erie; Kimberly S Scott, Wrigley Technology; Wei Liu, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Company; Jeffrey Miles, U. of the Pacific Business Reflections on Hawthorne Past and Presenters: Daniel Ames, Columbia U.; Robin Stanley Snell, 821 B : (MH) ; Yuk Lan Wong ; Seokhwa Yun Present Lingnan U. , Lingnan U. , Montclair State U.; Morgan Milner, Eastern Michigan U. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala/Kona Room Daniel A Wren Chair: , U. of Oklahoma 825 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Leadership and Citizenship Presenters: Alfred A. Bolton, Averett U.; Regina Greenwood, Behaviors: New Examinations and Understandings ; Daniel A Wren Kettering U. , U. of Oklahoma 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 253 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Presenters: Presenters: U. Farmer Making inDecision Intuition, EmotionandJustificationBeliefs Research DuringDecision Emotional Being in My Gut?TheRoleCharacteristics Should ITrust ofTask Chair: ConventionCenter:Room327 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 827 the Impactof Examining Organizati and Feel:Behavioral HowYouThink How YouActAffects 2 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room325A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 826 an Leadership Transformational Exchange ofLeader-Member Antecedents The Dispositional 4 toMembers’ Relate Tactics Influence Leaders’ Do Discussant: Chair: Washington U. Technology Discussant: Cognitive and Affective Identification in Organizational inOrganizational Identification andAffective Cognitive ; Melenie J.Lankau An Integrative ModelLinkin An Integrative Melbourne Bradley RAgle Thomas Ng Verification Predictors of Role Behaviors | Behaviors ofRole Verification Predictors Mediating EffectsofIdentifications| Mediating Empirical Investigation | Investigation Empirical | Decision-Making and Analytical Intuitive Teams| Top Management | Identification Organizational of Antecedents | Perspective and OCB:AProcess | Behaviors Citizenship Organizational | Behaviors? Cooperative Washington; Hekman Renhong Zhu Taiwan U. ofTechnology; Chung KuoInstitute Mason U.; of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign; U.; Wichita State U.; Wichita StateU.; U.; Andrew Ward Frederick Morgeson Settings | Doing Only What They Like to Fit,and What TheyLike Role Identities, Doing Only Do?

: : Budi Soetjipto Rick DHackett Nancy Borkowski Yekaterina Bezrukova John BStark (Paper Session)-(OB) (Paper Session)-(OB) , WichitaStateU.

T eaching-oriented |

; GregJSears , U. of Washington; , U. David R.Hekman Chien-Cheng Chen Jonathan Matheny Robert Moorman Kevin S.Groves Winner of OB DivisionBest Paper Award Michael G.Pratt Michael DavidJohnson ; WuLiu , U. of Georgia; James F.HerefordJames , Sun Yat-SenU.; , U. ofGeorgia; , U. ofPittsburgh Linnea VanDyne , CaliforniaStateU,Bakersfield , U.ofIndonesia ; , McMasterU. , U.of Georgia , VanderbiltU. , MichiganStateU. ; Michael DavidJohnson ☯ , St.ThomasU. , McMasterU. Management Practice-oriented | , California StateU.,LosAngeles Myeong-Gu Seo , RutgersU. , Creighton U. , Creighton U Ne , U. ofWashington , U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Illinois, , U.of Jeffrey Sonnenfeld Raymond T SparroweRaymond T H KevinSteensma , nderstanding theRoleof , ChungKuoInstituteof g Supervisor Support and Support g Supervisor Melenie J.Lankau Auckland U. of Technology Auckland U.of A w InsightsinIdentity Kevin W.Rockmann d Extra-Role Behaviors:The d Extra-Role llen Amason Yongkang Yang , U.ofWashington Making, Good or Bad?An Making, Good , Michigan State U. , MichiganState onal Value Dissimilarity in Dissimilarity onal Value Su-Fen Chiu , MichiganStateU.; Maria Kraimer ; RaymondSparrowe T Greg JSears Wu Liu Chien-Cheng Chen , U.of Maryland , U. ofGeorgia; Erik IanDane ; Steven M Steven MFarmerSteven , Vanderbilt U.; , Vanderbilt , U.of , Yale U.; , Yale , MichiganState , , , FudanU. David R. U. ofGeorgia; National International-oriented| , Washington , U.of , McMaster , George

, U. , , , 254 Brouer Southern MethodistU. Presenters: potential developing changecapacityandunlocking 21st Century 2 2 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room328 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 828 Accountability, Self Justification, on Beliefs andEfficacy Motives The RoleofJustification Change Climate: Unlocki Change Climate: Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room321B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 830 | Workinthe21stCentury Organizing Technology Keynote Speaker: Introduction: ConventionCenter:Room318A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 829 a Workplace as Perceptions toPolitics Strain Reactions An and Well-Being: Job Stress Presenters: Hans-Georg Wolff Myeong-Gu Seo Theme-oriented | An Alternative Models Test of Lazarus' Process Theory of Theoryof Process of Lazarus' ModelsTest An Alternative Kacmar,andWilliams'(2000) Carlson, Further Validationof U.; Hochwarter Florida StateU.; South Florida Hongsheng Che Arizona StateU.; Work-Family Conflict Measure | Conflict Measure Work-Family Texas Voelker Unfolding of Planned Change" | Change" of Planned Unfolding Decisions in Escalation Situations | Situations Escalation in Decisions Stressor: Political Skill as a Neutralizer | a Neutralizer as PoliticalSkill Stressor: Fit| Person-Environment U. ofErlangen,Nuremberg Hans-Georg Wolff Manitoba; Navarra; Cooper of SouthFlorida; Ottawa; Coping | Coping Economics and Business Economics and Business; Economics and U. ofEconomicsandBusiness; Massachusetts Institute of Technology ofTechnology Institute Massachusetts "Towards a Holistic Theoretical Framework forthe Framework Holistic Theoretical a "Towards

: : David C. GilmoreDavid C. GerganaMarkova T. Peter Sorensen (Paper Session)-(OB) (Paper Session)-(ODC) , Florida StateU. : (OCIS)

, LancasterU.; , North Texas U.; Tammy DAllen Laurent M. Lapierre Erik IanDane Rita CamposCunha Bruce Hanson Bruce Ju Mel Fugate Pamela Hinds Glen Whyte an I Sanchez

, Florida StateU.; , U.ofMaryland Visual Presentation| Keynote Address: Organizing Workinthe Organizing Keynote Address: Thomas W.Malone , U.ofErlangen, Nuremberg Gerald R Ferris Michael PO'Driscoll , BeijingNormalU.; Gregory Prussia , U.ofErlangen, Nuremberg; ; Liuqin Yang , BenedictineU. , Southern MethodistU.; , U.of North Carolina,Charlotte , U.of Toronto Steven A.Y.Poelmans , U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign of Illinois, , U. ng Change Potential | Change Potential ng , Colorado TechnicalU. , U. ofSouthFlorida; , Stanford U. , U. of CentralFlorida , Florida InternationalU. William Cordell McDowell Gregory Prastacos St Liuqin Yang Planning forchange: ress and CopingatWork ress , U.ofOttawa ; NeilFassina Mary DanaLaird , U.NovadeLisboa Examination from the View of from theView Examination Klas E.Soderquist and Escalation Behavior | Behavior and Escalation , FloridaStateU.; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofSouth Florida , SeattleU. Laurent M. Lapierre Sophia Philippidou , Massachusetts Institute of , MassachusettsInstituteof Paul ESpector , U.ofWaikato; Thomas W.Malone Neil Fassina , U.of South Florida; ; Mel Fugate ; Mel Robyn L.Brouer , U. ofManitoba Paul ESpector Angelo J.Kinicki , Athens U.of , IESE,U.of , Klaus Moser Troy A. Florida State Wayne A. , AthensU. of , U.of , U.of North , U.of ; Robyn L. Cary L. , Athens , U.of , ;

, ; , U. , , , Session Details Ð Monday

BPredictors of Employee Well-being: Maximizing Value from 834 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Agency and Institutional Diagnostic Tools | Rachael Helen Palmer, U. of Melbourne; Diffusion Peter Michael Hart, Insight SRC; Alexander J Wearing, U. of 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301A Melbourne Chair: Melissa Wooten, U. of Michigan Developing Capacity for Change Action | Christine Benedichte Discussant: Rodney Lacey, U. of California, Irvine Meyer, Norwegian School of Economics and Business 4Mapping the Institutional Terrain of Societal Logics and Administration; Inger G. Stensaker, Norwegian School of Organizational Forms in Western China | Bradley James Economics and Business Administration Koch, Nanyang Technological U. 4Institutional Dynamics in the Evolution of the Indian 831 Operations Management Division Business : (OM) Software Industry | Venkatarman Nilakant, U. of Canterbury Meeting 24Microdynamic Mechanisms of Institutional Translation: a 4:10pm - 5:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 Double Case Study | Eva Boxenbaum, Copenhagen Business 832 1: (Paper Session) - (OMT) Understanding Design, School Present and Future 4The Diffusion of Western Acquisitions in Transition 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OMT 1 Economies: An Integrative View | Jun Xia, Texas Tech U. Presented on panels 32-38 1Introducing Dynamics in Interorganizational Governance 835 4: (OMT) Economic Sociology of Corporate Research | Paul W.L. Vlaar, Erasmus U. Governance: Ownership and Board Networks in B1Introducing Trade-offs and Dialectics in Research on Comparative Perspective Formalization in Alliances | Paul W.L. Vlaar, Erasmus U. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A Organizer: Bruce Kogut, INSEAD 41TQM Impacts on Corporate Performance: Review of the Denmark | Steen Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School Literature and a Proposed Model | Fatma Pakdil, Baskent U. Sweden | Anna Stafsudd, Lund U. 1Partnership Versus Corporation: Alternative Forms of Spain | Fabrizio Ferraro, IESE Business School Governance in Professional Service Firms | Laura Empson, Mexico and Chile | Jordan Siegel, HBS U. of Oxford; Chris Chapman, U. of Oxford Jonathan Brookfield Making Technology Work: A Case Study of the Job-Design Taiwan | , Texas A&M U. 1 Xiao Zhixing Process Surrounding Technological Change | Lisa Ellen China | , CEIBS Cohen, U. of California, Irvine 836 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Status Orders and the 1Organizing for Innovation in the 21st Century | Deborah Dynamics of Legitimacy J Dougherty, Rutgers U. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302B 1Project Stakeholders Interests and Precautionism: Ties to Chair: Sylvia Flatt, U. of San Francisco MONDAY Paradoxical Management Practices | Nuno Gil, Manchester Discussant: Marvin Washington, Texas Tech U. U.; Sara Beckman, California U. Mind the Gap: A Multi-level Model of Cultural Embeddedness and Legitimacy | Sandy Hershcovis, Queen's U.; Irene M. 833 Alliances and Networks 1: (Paper Session) - (OMT) Herremans, U. of Calgary 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OMT 2 Presented on panels 45-50 2How do Firm’s Actions Influence Corporate Reputation? E. Geoffrey 1The Monkeys Disperse when the Tree Falls:Network The Case of Downsizing at Large U.S. Firms. | Love, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Matthew Kraatz, U. of Transmutation and Failure | Chung-Ting Lo, I-Shou U., Illinois Taiwan Legitimizing Illegitimacy: Middle-Status Deviance in the 1Network Horizon and the Creation of Structural Holes | Michael Jensen Diederik Willem Van Liere, Erasmus U.; Otto Koppius, Danish Film Industry | , U. of Michigan Erasmus U. Status Security and Career Conformity: Theory and Evidence Forrest Briscoe 1Does Competition Kill Ties? | Richard Kum-Yew Lai, Harvard from a Large Medical Organization | , U. Pennsylvania State U. 1Status and Allliance Partner Selection in the Global 837 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Design for Living: Origins, Francois Herve Collet Software Industry | , Said Business Changes, and Consequences of Structure School 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A 41Building Field Level Collaborative Capital: The Case of Chair: Charles B Finn, College of Saint Rose an Australian Biotechnology Consortium | John W Selsky, Discussant: Ray Zammuto, U. of Melbourne U. of Massachusetts, Boston; Melissa Marot, U. of Melbourne; The Socialization of Organizations: Sources of Competitive William Hart, U. of Melbourne; Prasuna Reddy, U. of Melbourne Homogeneity Among IPO Firms | Kai Lamertz, Concordia U.; 1Social Embeddedness and Partner Selectivity: Examining Martin L. Martens, Concordia U. Time and Strategic Goal Choice in Alliances | Bret Ryan Balancing Autonomy and Cooperation: Organizational Fund, Pennsylvania State U. Structures in the 21st Century. | Sebastian Raisch, U. of St. Gallen; Gilbert Probst, HEC U. of Geneva

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 255 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday Capacity, Learning, and Organizational Memory Learning,andOrganizational Capacity, Speakers: 2 B 1 Presented onpanels56-60 ConventionCent 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 840 inColla Accountability | Representation and Employee Community Collaborative Collaboration inSupplyCha | Community Collaborative Towards Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room313C 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 839 B a Theoryof Towards betweenL The Interplay and Orientation, Learning Culture, Organizational Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 838 in Benefits Health Partner of Same-Sex TheRise Tug ofWar: Lessons andOrganizational Adaptation: Form Governance Business and Society Natural Environment: IssuesandChallenges Natural Environment: Brunswick Rubinstein Ctr. Organizational Fitness Ctr. Organizational Discussants: Rutgers U.,New Brunswick 4 4 Melbourne Paul MacDuffie Martin-Rios California; and Footprints | and Footprints Determinants ofAbsorptiveCapacity| | AccidentInvestigations Chemical Plant | Effectiveness | 1990-2003 500 Corporations, Fortune in the80s| Loan Industry from theSavingsand U. ofAmsterdam Saul AveryRubinstein York U.; Harvey Moore Janeiro; Stanley G Harris U. ofOttawa; Opportunities | Business Creating Awareness Development:Environmental and Empirical Application | Application and Empirical Trading and Corporate Corporate Trading and Christopher Shook Organization andtheNaturalEn Organization 1 1

4 1 : Daniela Blettner (Paper Session)-(OMT) Paul Adler

: SHCS: T (Paper Session)-(ONE) John Paul MacDuffie John Paul eaching-oriented | A Challenge for the 21st Century? Emissions Emissions Century? 21st A Challengeforthe Organizational Memory: Conceptual Framework Conceptual Memory: Organizational From DiamondRush Marie AgnesChauvel , Rutgers U. Robin Church Theresa KLant Lynda M. Applegate Charles Heckscher , Rutgers U.,NewBrunswick (OMT, CMS) Linda Duxbury , Louisiana State U.; State , Louisiana , U.ofSouthernCalifornia , Simone Bacellar LealFerreira Brian Gregory U. of Pennsylvania U. ofPennsylvania , AuburnU; Boyd Cohen , Auburn U Organizational Knowledge: ; Carlos Martin-Rios , U.ofSt. Gallen borative Knowledge-Work | Knowledge-Work borative ☯

earning and Strategy inFour and Strategy earning , U.of Toronto; , Rutgers U.

Management Practice-oriented | , New YorkU. Climate Strategies| Climate Collaborative Community in Collaborative Community ins: With and Without Trust| ins: WithandWithout Sponge Bob, CEO: Absorptive Sponge Bob,CEO:Absorptive , CarletonU. Achilles AArmenakis Kim-Chi WakefieldKim-Chi Trinh , U.ofPennsylvania er: Exhibit Hall III - ONE - er: ExhibitHallIII , Rutgers U.,New Brunswick , U. ofVictoria toSustainable , PUC Rio , PUC , Harvard U. , U. ofSouthern Mississippi; Organizations andthe Organizations vironment: Journal Ratings Ratings Journal vironment: Matthew Kraatz Paul Adler Ron Ophir ; CharlesHeckscher , Rutgers U.,New Gregory SRichards You-Ta Chuang ; NathanielFoote Peter Cebon Jonatan Pinkse , U.ofSouthern , IBMEC,Riode

; SaulAvery , YorkU. International-oriented| Carlos , U.ofIllinois James , AuburnU;

, DukeU. , U.of John , , , , , 256 Participant: Hiring Practices: Red Herring orLowHangingFruit? Hiring Practices: Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: attend thissessionforthegreater benefitofthedivision. are requestedto Division All membersofthePublicandNonprofit WaikikiBeach:WaialuaRoom 4:10pm -6:00pmSheraton 842 Moderator: WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 4:10pm -5:20pmSheraton 841 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 B 1 B B B Presented onpanels11-20 ConventionCent 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 843 New Visions for the 21st Century the21st for New Visions Program Chair: Professional Development WorkshopChair: Professional Development SUNY Galaskiewicz Presenters: U. Theme-oriented | 4 1 1 1 1 Utah Hahn Earl Wry Corporate Profitability | Profitability Corporate Friendly ProductinInstitu Paradox ofControl| Paradox | asData The Military Extension| Theoretical Discourse | Determinants Vermeulen U. ofDelaware James M.Schmidtke Combs Use of Progapanda| Use Action| ofAffirmative Force Competing Arlington; New SouthWales; Barry Shareho that Attenuate U. ofSt.Gallen Connected World| Connected of Virginia The Introduction and Dissemination of an Environmental ofanEnvironmental Dissemination and The Introduction Identifying Patterns of Stakeholder Heterogeneity| Patterns ofStakeholder Identifying andthe EthicsPrograms Problem: Agency The Moral within Organizations: Harassment of Sexual The Modeling a 8000 -Towards ofSA byMeans Social Accounting of AnInvestigation in theMBACurriculum: Ethics 1

DDE as a Justification for Voluntary Societal Activities Activities Societal Voluntary Justification for DDE asa : B B Sustainable Profit: Reconcil Sustainable Profit: (PNP)

, Institutefor FututesStudies&TechnologyAssessment Ethical Concerns inOrganizat Concerns Ethical | Public? Taking SocialVentures the versus theRopes:InstitutionalBias Against , VanderbiltU. , U.of Nebraska, Lincoln 4 Relational Intelligence forLea Relational Intelligence : Mark B.Milstein Meghan Chapple , U.ofAlberta James LPerry (ONE) Gary CMcMahan 1 PNP Awards and BusinessSession and PNP Awards , U. ofArizona , Tilburg U. , Tilburg Ralph Brower Kirsten Gronbjerg Visual Presentation| Aligning Sustainability Strategiesand Aligning Sustainability Joel M.Evans : (Paper Session) -(SIM) Matthew Liao-Troth Matthew Andreas Rasche Nicola M.Pless , CaliforniaStateU.,Fresno Jason Stansbury Marshall WilsonPattie Marshall John Sibley Butler

, IndianaU./PurdueU. ; AnthonyCresswell lder Value | lder Value , CornellU. Frank Figge , Florida StateU. , World ResourcesInstitute tionalized Fields| , U. of Texas, Arlington , U. of Texas,Arlington er: Exhibit Hall III - SIM - er: ExhibitHallIII , U. ofArizona; , IndianaU. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ing Sustainabilityand

, European Business School Dirk UlrichGilbert , INSEAD; ional Socialization: The ional Socialization: , U.ofLeeds; Darrell G.Coleman , Western WashingtonU. ding Responsibly ina Responsibly ding , VanderbiltU.; Dean F.Eitel Charl DuPlessis SIM VisualVillage- Gwendolyn M. , U. of Texas,Austin; ; JosephJ , U. of Albany, , U.ofAlbany, Gary RWeaver , U. ofTexas, Patrick Thomas Maak


, DePaul Tyler Bruce , U.of

, U.of , U. , , Session Details Ð Monday

844 B4 1: (Paper Session) - (SIM) SIM Visual Village - 846 1: (Paper Session) - (TIM) Strategy, Technology, & New Visions for the 21st Century Innovation 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - SIM 2 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - TIM 2 Presented on panels 1-10 Presented on panels 61-65 1Multinationals and AIDS: Who Joins the Fight, and 1Timed, Punctuated Organizational Learning: A Success Why? | Peter JJ Anderson, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Gerald Factor in High Technology Manufacturing | Charles Maria F Davis, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Weber, Portland State U. 21Falling Out of Favor: Illegitimacy, Social Control, and the B41What Really Drives Gazelle Firms? | Nicholas Process of Organizational Stigmatization | Cynthia E. O'Regan, Middlesex U.; Abby Ghobadian, Middlesex U.; David Devers, Texas A&M U., College Station; Todd Dewett, Wright Gallear, Middlesex U. State U.; Carrie A. Belsito, Texas A&M U. 1Does Complexity Dampen Incentives for Innovation? | 1Board Member Diversity as an Outcome: An Examination Sendil Ethiraj, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Mayuram Krishnan, of Discrimination Lawsuits | Bryan Dennis, Idaho State U.; Jill U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Narayan Ramasubbu, U. of Ann Brown, U. of Georgia; Marcus Stewart, Bentley College; Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann K. Buchholtz, U. of Georgia B 1Importance of Senior Management Involvement and 41Children's Work, Gender and Welfare: A Case Study in Climate to Predevelopment Innovation Outcome | Peter A. Brazil | Lawrence French, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Koen, Stevens Institute of Technology; Elko Kleinschmidt, 1Legitimising a Corporate Citizen: An Analysis of the McMaster U.; Ken Lauer, Creative Problem Solving Group Rhetoric of Social Reporting | Colin Patrick Higgins, Massey 1Competitive Analysis of Incumbent Postal Operators in U.; Su C Olsson, Massey U., New Zealand; Robyn J Walker, Europe | Matthias Finger, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Massey U. Lausanne; Patrick Mollet, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de 1Solution or Problem? A Neo-Institutional Perspective on Lausanne Tammy MacLean Integrating Ethics into MBA Curricula | , 847 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Managing Barrie E. Litzky 1 Suffolk U.; , Pennsylvania State U., Great Valley Interorganizational Networks 1Managerial Endorsement of CSR and Corruption: Personal 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - TIM 3 Values or Situational Strength? | Sushil Nifadkar, Arizona Presented on panels 66-70 State U.; Anne S. Tsui, Arizona State U. 41Global R&D Activities of Japanese MNCs in the US: A 1Corporate Social Responsibility and Interorganizational Triangulation Approach | Sam Kurokawa, Drexel U. Relationships: Cooperation through CSR | Richard C. 1What Makes a Project Open Source? Migrating from Peters, Florida Atlantic U. Organic to Synthetic Communities | Siobhan O'Mahony, 1Management Challenges at the Intersection of Space Harvard U.; Joel West, San Jose State U. MONDAY Class and Human Resources | Jeffrey A. Robinson, New 1Management Characteristics, Collaboration and Innovation York U.; Gregory Fairchild, U. of Virginia Performance in the UK | Andy Cosh, Cambridge U.; Xiaolan B41A Business Ethics National Index (BENI): Measuring Fu, Cambridge U.; Alan Hughes, Cambridge U. Business Ethics Activity around the World | Mark Schwartz, B1The Small World of Internet Alliances | Stephen Chen, York U.; James Weber, Duquesne U. Australian National U.; Maciek Waldemar, Adam Ronowski, High-Technology Industry Australian National U. 845 1: (Paper Session) - (TIM) Xing Zhong Studies 1Emergence of Innovation in Social Structure | , U. of Chicago; Salih Zeki Ozdemir, U. of Chicago 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - TIM 1 Presented on panels 27-31 848 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Economics of 1The Impact of Complexity and Uncertainty on the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Performance of Innovation-Motivated Acquisitions | Saikat 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Chaudhuri, U. of Pennsylvania Chair: Kira Markiewicz, U. of California, Berkeley 1Exploring Industry Implications of Organizational Discussant: Jasjit Singh, INSEAD Learning | David R. King, U.S. Air Force; Rebecca J. 2Mergers and Acquisitions and Technological Performance | Slotegraaf, Indiana U. Giovanni Valentini, IESE 1Inter-Cluster Performance Differentials: Innovation and TIM Division Best Student Paper Award Finalist Growth in the Medical Device Industry | Frank T. Finding the Right Balance: Decisions Under Uncertainty and Rothaermel, Georgia Institute of Technology; David N Ku, Venture Capital Syndication | Gary Dushnitsky, U. of Georgia Institute of Technology Pennsylvania; Zur Shapira, New York U. 1Knowledge Sourcing Strategies And Firm Performance: The Complementary Role of Patents in Appropriating the An Empirical Study Of US Biopharmaceutical Firms | Bou- Returns from Innovation | Henrique M. Barros, Ibmec, Sao Wen Lin, National Tsing Hua U. Paulo

B 1Building a customer based learning curve for 849 TIM Distinguished Speaker Session Frances Fortuin Onno : (TIM) corporate R&D | , Wageningen U.; 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Omta, Wageningen U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 257 Section D MONDAY Section D Session DetailsÐMonday State U.ofNew York, Albany Business Meeting Consortium: Managing Your EvolvingCareer Managing Your Consortium: Professional Development WorkshopCoordinator: Professional Development Program Chair: Division Chair-Elect.: 850 | Innovation Democratizing Lausanne Chair: Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room319B 5:30pm -8:00pmHawaii 857 ConventionCenter:Room314 5:30pm -7:00pmHawaii 856 Division Chair: WaikikiBeach: DiamondHeadLawn 5:30pm -7:30pmSheraton 855 Division Chair:Andrew(Zach) Zacharakis ConventionCenter:Room301B 5:30pm -10:30pmHawaii 854 WaikikiBeach:HonoluluRoom 5:30pm -6:30pmSheraton 853 Presiding: andpresentationofawards.GDOsocialfollows. Business meeting Sea PearlSuite1-2 Village: 5:20pm -6:30pmHiltonHawaiian 852 Organizer: South Pacific4 Village: 5:00pm -7:00pmHiltonHawaiian 851 Organizers: [email protected]). & share.Pre-registration required(contactCathyMaritan, workshop isforexperiencedBPSfacultytonetwork This interactive ConventionCenter:Room306B 5:00pm -6:45pmHawaii Management Research Business Meeting Research Business Management Management" of "GreatMindsin ofNewRelease Celebration Participants: Wake ForestU. Duhaime Northwestern U. Anju Seth Institute of Technology Institute ofTechnology

: : : : : : : : Christopher LTucci (ICW) (ICW) (HCM) (Paper Session)-(ENT) (CMS) (GDO) (ICW) (BPS) , Georgia StateU. T , U. of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign eaching-oriented | Bernardo M. Ferdman Xiao-Ping Chen Cynthia Lee Catherine Maritan Albert Cannella,Jr Northeastern University Reception University Northeastern International Association forChinese International PressReception: Oxford University Business Policy and Strategy Mid-Career and Strategy Business Policy CMS Business Meeting CMS Business HCM Social Hours HCM Social Presentation andAwards Business Meeting Ka ; MelissaSchilling Jane Banaszak-Holl

thryn H Danskythryn H

Ruth AAnderson

Monday 5:20PM Monday 5:30PM Monday 5:00PM , Northeastern U. ☯ Management Practice-oriented | ; MargaretPeteraf , U. of Washington , Ecole Polytechnique Fédéralede , EcolePolytechnique Eric vonHippel , Syracuse U. , Syracuse Entrepreneurship Division Entrepreneurship , Arizona State U. , ArizonaState , AlliantInternationalU. , Pennsylvania State U. , Pennsylvania , New YorkU.

, U. ofMichigan,AnnArbor , Duke U. , Duke

; Edward Zajac

; Annette LRanft , Massachusetts , Massachusetts , Dartmouth College, Dartmouth

; IreneM Timothy Hoff


, , ,


258 Management Forum Management ScholarinInternational Eminent Strategy+Business Meeting Presenters: Distinguished Speaker: 862 ConventionCenter:Room318A 5:30pm -6:45pmHawaii 861 Division Chair: WaikikiBeach:Kohala/KonaRoom 5:30pm -6:15pmSheraton 860 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Coral Ballroom1 Village: 5:30pm -6:10pmHiltonHawaiian 859 Welcome: ConventionCenter:Room315 5:30pm -7:00pmHawaii 858 6:00pm - 7:30pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific3 Village: 6:00pm -7:30pmHiltonHawaiian 867 Steven Armstrong Organizers: Only. By Invitation South Pacific 2 Village: 6:00pm -7:30pmHiltonHawaiian 866 Lausanne Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304B 5:30pm -6:30pmHawaii 865 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 5:30pm -7:00pmSheraton 864 ConventionCenter:Room324 5:30pm -6:30pmHawaii 863 U. ofCalifornia,Davis WorkshopChair: Professional Development Program Chair: Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room301A 5:30pm -6:15pmHawaii Technology Oshkosh U. ofPennsylvania WorkshopChair: Professional Development Program Chair: Program Chair: Economics Bentley College Bentley College WorkshopChair: Professional Development Theme-oriented |

: : : 4 : : : : : : Christopher LTucci (OCIS) (MH) (MC) (OM) (MED) (TIM) (SIM) (RM) (OMT) : ; Laurie Milton

(Paper Session)-(IM) Randall Rothenberg ; Gabriel Szulanski D EleanorWestney Carolyn Wiley Business Meeting DivisionBusiness Management Consulting Research Methods Division BusinessMeeting Division Research Methods Operations Management Division Social Division Operations Management TIM BusinessMeeting SIM Division Business Meeting SIM DivisionBusiness ME Artifact Meeting and OMT Business OCIS Business Meeting OCIS Business Ri Br Tina Dacin Michele A Govekar Gerald F Davis Duane Windsor James M.Hunt ckie Moore Visual Presentation| yan WHusted D GlobalForumDinner

, U.of Hull Andreas Werr Kathleen Rehbein Pamela RHaunschild

Bruce Kogut Monday 6:00PM , U.ofCalgary,WesternOntario , Queen's U.,Canada , Mercer HumanResource Consulting , Ecole Polytechnique Fédéralede , EcolePolytechnique , ISEOR, U.ofLyon ; J B Arbaugh , , , INSEAD , Booz AllenHamilton , RiceU. , , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor U. ofMichigan, Babson College Babson College Booz Allen Hamilton Booz AllenHamilton

Instituto de Empresa Instituto deEmpresa Massachusetts Institute of Massachusetts , OhioNorthern U. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , Stockholm Schoolof , Stockholm , INSEAD

, Marquette U.

Kimberly DElsbach Thomas JDonaldson Susan M.Adams , U. of Texas, Austin Austin Texas, , U.of

, U. of Wisconsin,

, ; ,

, Session Details Ð Monday

Monday 6:15PM 877 : (BPS) Outstanding Educator Award in Honor of Jay B. Barney 868 : (OMT) OMT Social Hour 6:45pm - 7:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313B 6:15pm - 7:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A This award is given once every two years to acknowledge an Tina Dacin Division Chair: , Queen's U., Canada outstanding teacher and mentor in the field of strategic management Pamela R Haunschild Division Chair-Elect.: , U. of Texas, Austin and business policy. Gerald F Davis Program Chair: , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Division Chair: Margaret Peteraf, Dartmouth College Kimberly D Professional Development Workshop Coordinator: Division Chair-Elect.: James Westphal, U. of Texas, Austin Elsbach , U. of California, Davis Program Chair: Anita McGahan, Boston U. Professional Development Workshop Chair: Russell Coff, Emory U. Monday 6:20PM Presenters: Allan N Afuah, U. of Michigan; Nile W. Hatch, Brigham Young U.; Thomas Lawton, Dartmouth College; Karen 869 : (MC) MC Division Social Hour Schnatterly, U. of Minnesota 6:20pm - 8:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 4 Organizer: Rickie Moore, ISEOR, U. of Lyon 878 : (GDO) GDO Social Hour 6:45pm - 9:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Rooftop Garden Monday 6:30PM Fellowship while watching the sunset and spectacular view. Come and go or stay the entire time. Rain location is South Pacific 870 : (MH) Management History Social Hour Ballroom 1. 6:30pm - 8:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kahuku Room Division Chair: Bernardo M. Ferdman, Alliant International U. Reception sponsored by Baker College in honor of Daniel Wren and Division Chair-Elect.: Martin N Davidson, U. of Virginia his new book, "The History of Management Thought," 5th edition Program Chair: Myrtle P. Bell, U. of Texas, Arlington (Wiley). Professional Development Workshop Chair: Lynn Bowes-Sperry, Western New England College 871 : (OB) OB Division Awards and Celebration / Social Hour 6:30pm - 8:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323 A, B & C Monday 7:00PM Presentation of OB Division Awards followed by Division 879 : (ICW) British Academy of Management Reception celebration/social. 7:00pm - 9:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu/Kahuku Liam Irwin 872 : (OCIS) OCIS Social Hour Organizer: , U. of Leeds 6:30pm - 8:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Center Rooftop 880 : (ICW) Management Faculty of Color Association 873 : (PNP) PNP Reception Reception 6:30pm - 9:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room 7:00pm - 9:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room MONDAY Joint with SIM. Check final program for location. Ticket required; Organizer: Darlene Gambill Motley, Robert Morris U. tickets will be distributed at PNP Awards & Business meeting, Monday 4:10 pm. Monday 8:00PM Division Chair: Ralph Brower, Florida State U. Division Chair-Elect.: Matthew Liao-Troth, Western Washington U. 881 : (ICW) Brigham Young U. Social Program Chair: Kirsten Gronbjerg, Indiana U. 8:00pm - 10:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 2 Professional Development Workshop Chair: Dean F. Eitel, DePaul This is an AOM event for all attendees who are affiliated with BYU or U. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Organizer: Michael Thompson, Brigham Young U. 874 : (RM) Research Methods Division - Social Hours 6:30pm - 9:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 Monday 9:00PM 875 : (SIM) SIM & PNP Joint Social 882 President's Dessert Reception for New and 6:30pm - 10:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room : (AAA) Tickets (required for admission) will be distributed at both the SIM International Members Division Business Meeting (Monday 5:30 - 6:30 in the Oahu Room, 9:00pm - 10:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Maui/Molokai Ballroom Sheraton Waikiki Beach Hotel) and the PNP Awards and Business Sponsored by: U. of British Columbia Session (Monday 4:10 – 6:00 in the Waialua Room, Sheraton Organizer: Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U. Waikiki Beach). 876 : (TIM) TIM Social: The Best Social in Town! 6:30pm - 8:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Organizers: Christopher L Tucci, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Bettina Lynda Bastian, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Monday 6:45PM

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 259 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Direction Collegial Collaboration and OrganizationalLife of LandandPlace Perspective the Nexus from HRM Others’ Perspectives Research Directions Going? TheFutureofIdentityandResearch International Business Developing theFieldofEntrepreneurshipand Experiences GLBT’sWorkplace and PractitionerNetworkInvestigating Raymond N.C.Trau Deakin U. 7:00am - 8:30am Sheraton WaikikiBeach: WaimeaCanyon-A2 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 892 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyon-A1 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 891 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:Puna-TableD2 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 890 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:Puna-TableD1 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 889 Organizers: WaikikiBeach: Niihau-TableB4 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 888 Howell Organizers: WaikikiBeach: Niihau-TableB3 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 887 Amherst of Massachusetts, Organizers: WaikikiBeach: Niihau-TableB2 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 886 U. Organizers: WaikikiBeach:Niihau-TableB1 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 885 WalckChrista L Organizers: - TableC2 WaikikiBeach:Hilo 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 884 Organizers: - TableC1 WaikikiBeach:Hilo 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 883 of Canterbury Amherst Queensland U.ofTechnology Munich

CAU: CAU: CAU: CAU: 4 CAU: CAU: CAU: CAU: 4 ; Dietmar Grichnik , NewMexico StateU. CAU: CAU: ; JudithA.Neal T ; Belle RoseRagins eaching-oriented |

Shawnta S.Friday-Stroud Daniel ELockhart Kristin N.Price (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) Shaker AZahra Kim T.Hinrichs Karen Manz Sam Farry Michael BElmes Douglas Creed ; Isabell Melanie Welpe (CAU) (CAU)

, MichiganTechnologicalU. Focusing onFollowership:Issuesand forCreative Match Making Academic Using ImagestoTransformManagement Rethinking theOrganization-Nature Challenges InEvaluating AndMeasuring Difference:The Mentoring, Diversity, and Interlocking Directorates–Future We Know But WhereAreWe Who WeAre, , DeakinU. International Entrepreneurship: International Entrepreneurship: GLBTRESEARCHNET: GlobalResearch , PepperdineU. Tuesday 7:00AM

, U.ofNewHaven , Hartford Seminary ☯

, Heinrich HeineU.

Management Practice-oriented | ; RobertMarx , Pennsylvania State U. State , Pennsylvania

, U. of Rhode Island Rhode , U.of , Babson College , Minnesota StateU.,Mankato ; MaryHan , Worcester Polytechnic Institute , Worcester Polytechnic , U. ofKentucky , U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee , U. ofWisconsin, , Ludwig-Maximilians U., , Ludwig-Maximilians , Florida A&M U. ; Nancy Wallis , RyersonU. , U. of Massachusetts, , U.of Massachusetts, ; CharlesCManz

; Vanessa Ratten ; LeoPaulDana ; Charmine Hartel

International-oriented| , Pepperdine

; Jon P ; ; , U. , U. , , 260 Team Creativity: AProcessModel| Team Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323C 8:10am -10:10amHawaii 895 Local ArrangementsChairs: ConventionCenter:Room326B 8:00am -11:50pmHawaii 894 Organizer: South Pacific4 Village: 7:15am -8:30amHiltonHawaiian 893 de Empresas,FundacaoGetulioVargas Organizers: Second Discussant | Discussant Second | First Discussant Twenty Systems: andHuman Resource Justice Procedural Three ThingsIHaveLearned as Justice Seriously: More Even Justice Taking Interactional Effect| Process ontheFair EraofResearch The 1995-2005 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room327 8:10am -10:10amHawaii 896 | Discussant inTeams:A Memory Story ofTransactive The Emerging System Memory andTransactive Contexts Membership | Memory of Transactive Errors Oahu (1985) and Greenberg Organizations: TwentyYearsAfterFolger Diverse Approaches and StimulatingLinkages Diverse Approaches Herndon Participants: Discussants: Discussants: Hollingshead of Texas,Austin of CentralFlorida Theme-oriented | of Arizona U. ofTexas,Austin; Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Green StateU. Years since Folger and Greenberg | andGreenberg Years sinceFolger | Justice from StudyingProcedural Exchange | as Justice Versus Encounter | Research of TMS andSynthesis Review | Transfer Kees Vanden Bos Georgetown U. Arizona Pennsylvania State U.; Pennsylvania State

; JerryM Calton : : :

Ralph Hanke Russell Cropanzano (OB) (AAA) (AAA)

JS: , U. of Texas, Austin of Texas, , U. Kathryn M.Bartol Beatriz Lacombe Transactive MemoryS (OB, HR,CM) John R AustinJohn Jerald Greenberg Honolulu 2005,LAC of theAOMBreakfast Past Presidents Linda Argote , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Kyle Lewis ; Linda Argote Visual Presentation| Jerald Greenberg , BowlingGreenStateU. , U.of Hawai`i, Hilo , Utrecht U. Robert Folger Josh Keller Tuesday 7:15AM Tuesday 8:10AM Tuesday 8:00AM , U.of Texas, Austin; Ralph Hanke Aloha! Procedural Justice in Justice Aloha! Procedural , Carnegie Mellon U. , Carnegie MellonU. , U. ofArizona , Pennsylvania State U. State , Pennsylvania Mary J.Mallott ; JoshKeller , U.ofMaryland , Escola de Administração Publica e , Escola Publica deAdministração , Carnegie MellonU. , Ohio StateU. About Organizat Andrea Hollingshead , U.ofTexas,Austin Selected forBestPaper Proceedings

, U.of Central Florida , Ohio StateU. ystems Research: ystems Ralph Hanke , BowlingGreenStateU. ; Stephanie Ward Russell Cropanzano Stephen Gilliland , U. ofTexas,Austin , U. of Hawai`i,West

; Robert Folger Benjamin Herndon ; Benjamin Robert Bies John R Austin ional Behavior ; Kyle Lewis ; Andrea , Bowling

, U.of

, - , , U.of , U. , U. , , U. , U. , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Presenters: Robert Bies, Georgetown U.; Kees Van den Bos, 901 : (ART) AcademyArts Exhibition and The Fringe Café Utrecht U.; Russell Cropanzano, U. of Arizona; Stephen Gilliland, (See Fringe Café program in registration packet) U. of Arizona 8:30am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 311 Hans Hansen ; Pedro David Exploring the Coexistence of Organizers: , Victoria U. of Wellington 897 JS: (OB, OMT, MOC) Perez, Cornell U.; David A Cowan, Miami U.; Gail Whiteman, Trust and Control – Sparring Partners or Winning Team? Erasmus U.; Matt Statler, Imagination Lab Foundation 8:10am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 325A Program Chair: Chris Poulson, California Polytechnic State U., Antoinette Weibel ; Katinka Monica Bijlsma- Chairs: , Zurich U. Pomona Frankema, Free U., Amsterdam Control and Trustworthiness – Towards an Understanding of 902 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Performance: Concepts, Vicious and Virtuous Cycles in Firms | Antoinette Weibel, Measurement and Data Zurich U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B Trust and Control: The Role of Leader and Follower Chair: Gurneeta Vasudeva, George Washington U. Gerry McNamara Perceptions | Sim B. Sitkin, Duke U.; Allan Lind Jr., Duke U.; Discussant: , Michigan State U. William H Glick Morela Hernandez, Duke U. The Myth of Firm Performance | , Arizona State Nathan Thomas Washburn Chet Miller Control as a Facilitator of Trust - Small-Business Cooperation U.; , Arizona State U.; , Wake Forest U. in Uncertain Circumstances | Malin Tillmar, Institute of Working Life Corporate Social Performance and KLD Data: Do They Really Work Together? | Robert J. Duesing, Oklahoma State U.; Heed in Need of a Winning Team: Trust and Monitoring in Joseph E Coombs Temporary Research Teams | Katinka Monica Bijlsma- , U. of Richmond Frankema Ana-Christina Costa 2Archetypes of Organizational Success and Failure | Denise , Free U., Amsterdam; , TU Lima Fleck Delft; Bart de Jong, Free U., Amsterdam , Federal U., Rio de Janeiro Ankush Chopra The Trust/Control Duality: You Can’t Have One Without the 2Survival | , Duke U. Other | Guido Möllering, Free U., Berlin 903 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) New Markets and Underlying Sim B. Sitkin ; Allan Lind Jr. ; Participants: , Duke U. , Duke U. Capability Development Morela Hernandez, Duke U.; Malin Tillmar, Institute of Working 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308A Life; Bart de Jong, Free U., Amsterdam; Ana-Christina Costa, TU Chair: Gary S Insch, West Virginia U. Delft; Guido Möllering, Free U., Berlin Discussant: Michael J Leiblein, Ohio State U. B4 Going Steady: Interacting Antecedents & Tuesday 8:30AM Consequences of Rhythm of Change in Product Diversity | Parshotam Dass, U. of Manitoba; Na Ni, U. of Manitoba Corporations for a Better World? 898 : (AAS) Beneficial versus Harmful Nonlocal Experience | Jung Won 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 Min, U. of Tsukuba; Hitoshi Mitsuhashi, U. of Tsukuba Organizer: William H. Starbuck, New York U. Path Dependencies and New Product Introduction Modes | We Need the Power of Corporations | William H. Starbuck, Louis Mulotte, HEC Paris New York U. The Unfettered Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility 904 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Outsourcing and the and the Coming Crisis of Corporate Contr | James P Walsh, Organization of Knowledge Firms U. of Michigan 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308B Corporations Exist to Serve Us, Not Serve Them | Henry Chair: Paolo Boccardelli, Libera U. Internationale Mintzberg, McGill U. Discussant: Kira Fabrizio, U. of California, Berkeley Rethinking and Reclaiming the Corporation | Alan D. Meyer, U. Telework: Challenge to Knowledge Creation and Transfer in a of Oregon Knowledge- and Technology-based Century | Flore WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Bridoux, U. Catholique de Louvain; Laurent Taskin, U. Beyond Sarbanes-Oxley: Transparency 899 B4 : (AAS) Catholique de Louvain and Accountability - Business, Government, and 2 Antecedents of Variation in Knowledge Flows across Nonprofit Sectors Inter-unit Dyads within the Large Enterprise | Antoaneta 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313A Petkova, U. of Maryland; Anil K Gupta, U. of Maryland, College Coordinators: Kirsten Gronbjerg, Indiana U.; Duane Windsor, Park Rice U. What Determines Knowledge Sourcing From Host Participants: Robert Doktor, U. of Hawai`i; Jonathan D. Breul, IBM 4 Jaeyong Song Center for the Business of Government; Randall W. Roth, U. of Locations of Overseas R&D Operations? | , Kazuhiro Asakawa Youngeun Chu Hawai`i; Brian Gallagher, United Way of America Seoul National U.; , Keio U.; , LG-Caltex Oil Corporation 900 : (AAS) A New Vision of Management for the 21st Business Models for Knowledge Intensive Firms: Century: Is There a Role for the Academy in Its Creation? Positioning of Diagnosis, Search and Design Shops | 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 Charles B. Stabell, Norwegian School of Management; Norman Participants: Edward E. Lawler, U. of Southern California; Jay T. Sheehan, U. of Saskatchewan Lorsch, Harvard U.; Raymond E Miles, U. of California, Berkeley

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 261 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Directors: Continuity andTurnover Directors: Continuity Discussant: Predictors and Consequences and Predictors Discussant: Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room306B 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 908 Eisenhardt Speakers: ConventionCenter:Room316C 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 907 Concluding Remarks| of High Outcomes Termination The DeterminantsofInter-PartnerLearninginAlliances:An in Capabilities and Relational Combinative Coupling andSustained Digital Economy Allocativ Managing Heterogeneity, Introduction | Chair | ConventionCenter:Room313B 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 906 2 2 B | OfficerExit A ModelofChiefFinancial Chair: ConventionCenter:Room309 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 905 Madsen Rajshree Agarwal Consortia inthe21stCentury Consortia Causes, Consequences and Challenges of Change Challengesof Consequences and Causes, Presenters: Knowledge Transfer Within and Between Organizations Knowledge TransferWithinandBetween Sannio Barney U. A Changing of the Guard: Executive and Director Turnover Turnover Director and Executive of theGuard: A Changing B Do Top Leaders Matter? The Leadership Effect Revisited | Revisited Effect Leadership The Do TopLeadersMatter? ; Joan Indiana U. Reutzel Context and NewCEODismissal| Context R&D Consortia Formation Processes | FormationProcesses Consortia R&D | ine-Commerce Study Empirical | Transfer Practice Best Interorganizational Tourism Industry| | Concerns and Technology Maurizio Zollo Tim R. Holcomb Battista Dagnino Indiana U.; Arthaud-Day U. Marymount U.; Denver; U. Following Corporate Ear Following Corporate A Selection That Cannot Stand the Test: Succession Succession theTest: A SelectionThatCannotStand

SHCS: B : Jill Ann Brown (Paper Session)-(BPS) ; Andrea Lanza , OhioState U. Alan B. Eisner 4 Jay BBarney , Santa Clara U. E.Ricart JS: T

David Teece , Texas A&MU.; eaching-oriented | James C Hayton James C , Stanford U. Giovanni Battista Dagnino Wm GerardSanders Wm Akbar Zaheer Akbar (BPS, TIM,OMT) (BPS, OMT, TIM) JS: JS: S. TrevisCerto Arturo L. CapassoArturo L. , Indiana U.,Bloomington; (BPS, OMT) , INSEAD Yves Doz , IESE,U.ofNavarra , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign , TexasA&MU. , U.ofCatania , OhioStateU. , U.of Georgia ; Arturo L. Capasso , PaceU. , SDABocconiU. Jay BBarney , U.of California, Berkeley ; MargaretPeteraf Joan E.Ricart ☯ , U.of Minnesota Management Practice-oriented | Albert Cannella, Jr Albert Cannella, , INSEAD , Utah State U.; , UtahState nings Restatements | nings Restatements , Texas A&MU.; Strategic Capabilities and Strategic Capabilities A New Vision ofManagingR&D A New Vision Dynamic Capabilities:The Dynamic Executives and Boardsof Executives and ; Noushi Rahman of Emergent and Engineered andEngineered ofEmergent Andrea Lanza , BrighamYoungU. Technology Alliances| Technology Competitive Advantage inthe Advantage Competitive , U.degliStudidelSannio

e Balance, andBehavioral e Balance, , OhioStateU. ; Maurizio Zollo William G Mitchell , IESE,U.ofNavarra , U. of Catania , U. ; WilliamGMitchell Yan AntheaZhang

Catherine MDalton , U. degli Studidel , Dartmouth College Christopher Ray Peter SRing Paul MOlk Dan RDalton , Arizona StateU. , SDABocconiU. ; KathleenM. Giovanni , PaceU. ; Tammy L. Marne Lynn International-oriented| ; JayB , INSEAD , U.of , Loyola , Duke

, Rice , Duke , ; ,

262 Participants: on MovingfromResearch toPractice Ideological Underpinnings of Underpinnings Ideological Valu Occupation-Embedded Discussant: York U. Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room319A 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 909 R&D inInternational Management Resource Human Technological andtheDiffusionof Institutions Collaborative Formation Conditio Bullying DownUnder: Organisa andBullyin Reducing Aggression of theEffectiveness Measuring Workplace Bullying: Cons The Workplace Bullying: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room318B 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 910 or RestrictingOverlap Enhancing Management: Boundary Complex OccupationalIden Profe Calling across a Having Individual ValuesandProfessionalNorms U. ofJerusalem Authors: Wrzesniewski Rothman Tel AvivU. Discussant: Theme-oriented | U.; Michel Anteby U. ofManchester; Jensen Dumas Students. | Priorities ofEconomists.| Value Best Practices | Best Practices | and MBAStudents. Framework| Conceptual A Consortia: Knowledge: TheDiffere | Consortia Workplace Bullying| | Affairs ofVeterans the U.S.Department | Interventions | andPersonalIdentities. Professional between | Callings. and Careers Jerusalem; Sonia Roccas U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; U. ofMichigan, Murphy State U. State U.ofNew York, New Paltz; U.; Ann Arbor; Cameron

: Randall SSchuler Helaine J Korn Jana L. Raver Jana L. (CM) Jennifer Tosti : Michel Anteby , New York U. (CAR) , George WashingtonU. , New York U. ; SoniaRoccas , RMIT U.; Hugh P.Gunz Stale Einarsen Workplace Bullying: InternationalWorkplace Bullying: Perspectives , GriffithU.; Tracy Dumas Brian Silverman Amy Wrzesniewski , New YorkU. Jennifer Tosti Alan B.Eisner Careers in the 21st Century: Overlap of Century: Overlap Careers inthe21st , Open U.,Israel; Visual Presentation| , New YorkU./Harvard Helge Hoel Charlotte Rayner ns, Innovation,andLearninginR&D , Queen'sU. Brian Faragher Sara Branch , BaruchCollege, CUNY , NewYork U. ; ShoshanaDobrow , New YorkU./Harvard U. Michael Sheehan , Rutgers U. Michelle Barker Shoshana Dobrow , U.of Toronto , Open U.,Israel , George WashingtonU. , U.of Bergen Naomi B.Rothman ntial Diffusion| Ro , New YorkU.; tities: ChoosingtoCombineJobs, , U. of Manchester; , Pace U.; es: The Case of the Personal of thePersonal Case es: The , U. ofToronto Career Choice among Graduate Choice Career ssions: An Examination of Music Examination ssions: An se equences, Precursors, and Precursors, equences, tional Strategies to Address toAddress tional Strategies , New YorkU. , GriffithU.; Lilach Sagiv marie Ziedonis g: An Intervention Project in g: AnIntervention ; Linda M. Dunn-Jensen Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Loraleigh Keashly , U.ofManchester Neil Gandal , PortsmouthU Noushi Rahman , GriffithU.; , U.ofGlamorgan ; Lilach Sagiv

, HarvardU. Ibraiz Tarique Linda M. Dunn- Linda M. , Harvard U. Arvids AZiedonis Heather A , Hebrew U.of Joel HNeuman , New YorkU.;

Sabir IssaGiga ; Neil Gandal , Tel AvivU.; ; Naomi B. , U. of Michigan, , U.ofMichigan, Christine Tracy , Wayne ; Amy , Hebr , Pace , Pace , New ew ew , , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Creating Actionable Knowledge on Workplace Bullying: 914 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) New Venture Learning: Reflections on Practice | Michael Sheehan, U. of Glamorgan; Implications for Opportunity Identification Michelle Barker, Griffith U.; David Manning, Griffith U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303B Chair: Neri Karra, U. of Cambridge Navigating the Paradox of Power: 911 JS: (CM, OB) BLearning Under Uncertainty: Structural Heterogeneity in Implications of Power on Individuals and Groups in Corporate Venture Capital Relationships | Anu Wadhwa, Organizations Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Sandip Basu, U. of 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A Washington, Seattle; Suresh B Kotha, U. of Washington, Seattle Chad A. Proell ; Elizabeth A Mannix Chairs: , Cornell U. , Cornell U. An Upper-Echelons Theory Approach to the Emergence Keith Murnighan ; Niro Sivanathan B Discussants: , Northwestern U. , of Organizational Learning in Nascent Firms | Keith Northwestern U.; Madan M Pillutla, London Business School Hmieleski, TCU; Michael Ensley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Honey or Vinegar? How Power Affects the Impact of Anger Institute and Happiness on Value Creation | Jennifer R. Overbeck, U. 2Deciding on an Entrepreneurial Career: A Test of the Push of Southern California; Margaret A. Neale, Stanford U. Leon Schjoedt, Simone Moran and Pull Hypotheses using the PSED Data | Power, Envy, and Deception in Negotiations | , Illinois State U.; Kelly G Shaver, College of Charleston Ben-Gurion U., Negev; Maurice Schweitzer, U. of Pennsylvania 2Clairvoyance or Something Less Sinister: A Model of Choose or Lose: The Impact of Choice on Perceptions of David Chad A. Proell Market Insights and Opportunity Recognition | Power and Subsequent Behavior | , Cornell Matthew Townsend, U. of Oklahoma; Jason A. Harkins, U. of Elizabeth A Mannix Susan F. Cabrera U.; , Cornell U.; , Cornell Oklahoma U. Acceptable Action: The Effects of Power and Activation of the 915 JS: (ENT, TIM) Regional Perspectives on Behavioral Approach System on Regrets | Adam Galinsky, Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Identities, Networks & Northwestern U.; Katie Liljenquist, Northwestern U.; Chen-Bo Chinese TechZones Zhong, Northwestern U.; Joe Magee, New York U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B Speakers: Jennifer R. Overbeck, U. of Southern California; Chairs: Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, U. of California, Irvine; Maurice Schweitzer, U. of Pennsylvania; Chad A. Proell, Cornell Jennifer Woolley, U. of California, Irvine U. Facilitator: Michael L. Tushman, Harvard U. Participants: Elizabeth A Mannix, Cornell U.; Margaret A. Neale, Regional Perspectives on Entrepreneurship:Regional Stanford U.; Simone Moran, Ben-Gurion U., Negev; Adam Identities and Agglomeration, Network Effects o | Jennifer Galinsky, Northwestern U.; Katie Liljenquist, Northwestern U.; Woolley, U. of California, Irvine Chen-Bo Zhong, Northwestern U.; Joe Magee, New York U.; Regional Industrial Identity: Effects on the Spatial Susan F. Cabrera, Cornell U. Arrangements of US Biotechnology,1976-2002 | Elaine Romanelli, Georgetown U.; Olga Khessina, Georgetown U. 912 B : (CMS) CMS Keynote Address 8:30am - 10:10am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room Spillovers Versus Embeddedness: the Contingent Effects of Chair: Stephen J Jaros, Southern U. Propinquity and Social Structure | Kjersten Bunker Developing Constructively Critical Managers | Henry Whittington, Stanford U.; Jason Owen-Smith, U. of Michigan, Mintzberg, McGill U. Ann Arbor Growth of Entrepreneurial Clusters: New Technology Determinant of 913 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Development Zones in China, 1988-2000 | Haiyang Li, Entrepreneurial Firms' Performance and Growth Texas A&M U.; Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, U. of California, 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A Irvine; Yan Anthea Zhang, Rice U. Chair: Pramodita Sharma, Wilfrid Laurier U.

Speakers: Elaine Romanelli, Georgetown U.; Olga Khessina, WEDNESDAY TUESDAY BNew Venture Growth: A Transaction Costs Perspective | Georgetown U.; Kjersten Bunker Whittington, Stanford U.; Gaylen N Chandler Alexander McKelvie , Utah State U.; , Haiyang Li, Texas A&M U.; Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, U. of Per Davidsson Jonkoping International Business School; , California, Irvine; Yan Anthea Zhang, Rice U.; Jason Owen-Smith, Queensland U. of Technology /Jonkoping U. U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Resource Combinations and the Effectiveness of External Growth Mechanisms for Small Businesses | Johan Wiklund, 916 : (GDO) The Landscape of Civil Rights: The Effect Jonkoping International Business School; Dean Shepherd, of Legislation on 21st Century GLBT Workplace Rights Indiana U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 1-2 Robyn A. Berkley ; 2 Growing Profitable or Growing from Profits: Putting Chairs: , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute B4 Elizabeth A. Cooper the Horse in Front of the Cart? | Per Davidsson, Queensland , U. of Rhode Island Elizabeth U. of Technology /Jonkoping U.; Paul Richard Steffens, Civil Rights Legislation and the GBLT Community | A. Cooper Queensland U. of Technology; Jason Robert Fitzsimmons, , U. of Rhode Island Queensland U. of Technology The Proliferation of Same-Sex Harassment: Implications for Decomposing Founder Effects: Executive Compensation, GLBT Protection Under Title VII | Robyn A. Berkley, Alisa H. Watt Governance Structure and Firm Performance | Lerong He, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; , Rensselaer U. of Pennsylvania Polytechnic Institute

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 263 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Toronto Management Practices EmbracingManagement aDualAgenda 2 2 B B Discussant: Chair: WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 8:30am -10:10amSheraton 918 | Processes Family, andLife Career, Mapping ofDynamic and Medi The DualAgenda andExpl Balancing Exploration Dual and theWork-Family Telecommuting Supervising Facilitator: Chair: South Pacific1 Village: 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiian 917 and Practice: Between Law Eclipsing aCommunity:Inters theLegalRightsof Balancing Teeter-Totter: The Diversity Challenges and Future Opportunities Challenges and Litrico Speakers: Ophir Participants: McGill U. Participants: Karakas Kaplan B Compet Hospitals ontheRoadto Health CareStrategic Planning Arrangements: A Multiple Case-Study | AMultipleCase-Study Arrangements: Agenda | Benefits | of DomesticPartner Adoption | Legal Environment | Religious Employees LGB and Rachel Vasconez Birmingham; U. ofAlabama,Birmingham; Kossek Mary DeanLee Forrest Briscoe Ridder You-Ta Chuang Litrico Zhanlian Feng Intrator Birmingham of Alabama,Birmingham; Abdolrasulnia Kossek Realities: StrategicPrepa | of Implementing DRGs in German Hospitals | inGerman DRGs of Implementing Nursing Home Performance? | Performance? Home Nursing Doege

Nelson C.Weichold

Health Care Strategy: The St The CareStrategy: Health : B , YorkU. Stephen O'Connor Ellen E. Kossek , McGill U. , McGill (Paper Session)-(HCM) Doing Better to Do Well: Does Innovation Improve Improve Doing BettertoDoWell:Does Innovation , St.Louis U.

, McGillU. ; SusanC.Eaton , McGill U.; , McGill , Hannover U. , Hannover T , Hannover U.; , Hannover Brenda A.Lautsch eaching-oriented | , Brown U. , MichiganStateU. , MichiganStateU.; Lotte Bailyn JS: Alison Evans Cuellar Alisa H.Watt Ellen E.Kossek Ellen Brenda A.Lautsch ; You-Ta Chuang; You-Ta (GDO, OB) Maziar Abdolrasulnia ; ForrestBriscoe , U. ofAlabama,Birmingham; , Brown U.; , McGillU.; , PennsylvaniaStateU. , YorkU.; ; RobertSardy , U.ofAlabama,Birmingham Mary DeanLee , MichiganStateU. , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , MassachusettsInstitute Susanne Martini , U.ofAlabama,Birmingham; ☯ Robert Sardy , U.of Alabama,Birmingham , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Rensselaer Polytechnic A New Vision of Work and Family: A NewVisionofWorkandFamily: , Harvard U. , Harvard Management Practice-oriented | W JackDuncan Robin Church , Michigan State U. State , Michigan cal Practice Organizations | Organizations cal Practice Fahri Karakas Vincent Mor , Simon FraserU. The Effects of State Legislationon Legislationon The EffectsofState redness Planning| Susan C.Eaton W JackDuncan Health Care Strategy: Current Health CareStrategy: ection of LGBT Issues and the Issues of LGBT ection , YorkU. , Simon FraserU.; oitation in Alternative Work inAlternative oitation , ColumbiaU. , PennsylvaniaStateU. , AlliantInternationalU. forTwenty-FirstCentury Jacqueline Zinn , McGillU. ate of Research 2000-2004 ate of Research itive Advantage?The Case Advantage?The itive David Kaplan , U.ofAlabama,Birmingham; , Alliant International U. , AlliantInternational ; Robin Church , Hannover U.; , Brown U. ;

, U.of Toronto , McGillU.; , U.of Alabama, Jean-Baptiste Ron Ophir , HarvardU. Peter MGinter ; Jean-Baptiste , U.ofAlabama, ; MaryDean Lee Peter MGinter Ellen E. , St.LouisU. Hans-Gerd , Temple U.; , Temple International-oriented| Maziar Orna Ellen E. Vanessa , U.of , YorkU.;

; Fahri ; ; David Ron , U. , , 264 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323B 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 920 2 4 B Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319B 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 919 4 4 4 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304A 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 921 B for andTheoryAgreement Idiosyncrasy Implications of B “Rank and(No)Yank”: Mana and Talent Performance Appraisals: CriticalConsiderations Appraisals: Performance (HPWS) WorkSystems and HighPerformance Capital Discussant: Theme-oriented | Can High Performance Work Systems Really Lead to Better Better Really Leadto Systems Work Can HighPerformance 4 Conceptualizing Competency Competency Conceptualizing in of Criteria Use onthe Structure of Ownership The Effects High Performance Work Systems and Firm Performance: A Performance: and Firm Systems Work High Performance Home Country Governance Quality and the Bonding andthe Quality Governance Country Home is no When Outsourcing an Emerging in facilities R&D Establish Why DoMNCs Ca Global Venture Understanding Relocation of Investment Bank Research | of InvestmentBankResearch Relocation Cornell U. Technology Swinburne U.of Technology; Troeger Goethe U.; Kung U. Hwa Chiang Performance: An Exploration of Service Firms | Firms of Service AnExploration Performance: Madhavan Cross-Cultural Comparison inThree Countries | Comparison Cross-Cultural Hypothesis | fromChina| Evidence and Empirical Theory Market? | Actors asEconomic Communities Technical Accuracy in Frame-of-Reference Training | Training inFrame-of-Reference Accuracy | Distribution RankingSystems Walsh A&M U. Haiyang Li Samir Shrivastava Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology Hong KongU.of ScienceandTechnology Wu Uggerslev Lafayette; West Lafayette; Northridge; Outcomes: Different Mediating Mechanisms | DifferentMediatingMechanisms Outcomes: the CEOEvaluation| Performance? | Performance? Singapore ManagementU. Investment ofIntellectualCapitalin Intellectual CapitalasMe

: : : , NationalU. of Singapore BradfordBell S. Joyce E Bono Briance Mascarenhas (Paper Session)-(HR) (Paper Session)-(HR) (Paper Session)-(IM) , Cornell U.; , Deutsche BankAG Gita Surie

Stephen Green , U. of Manitoba; , U.of Pittsburgh; , Texas A&MU.; Florian A.Täube Henry LTosi , Ming ChuanU.; Paul MVaaler Visual Presentation| Deidra JSchleicher Hsi-An Shih , U.ofMinnesota, TwinCities Linda Canina , SwinburneU.ofTechnology; , Adelphi U. , Adelphi , CornellU. Paula Silva , U. of Florida , U. t anOption:International , Purdue U. International Sourcing ofMoney International , Rutgers U. , Rutgers Developing Effective Developing Effective Investments inIntellectual Lorne MSulsky Robert MichaelHolmes Jr , TuftsU.; Akie Iriyama , U. of Frankfurt; gerial ReactionstoForced Soma Pillay diators of HR System and of HRSystem diators , National ChengKungU.; Ch as a Value Creating Fractal | Creating Fractal as aValue , CornellU.; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings u-Chun Hsu Rebecca A Bull , CaliforniaStateU., pital Flows: Transnational pital , PurdueU., West PredictingFirm Burkhard N.Schrage , SwinburneU.of , U.of Pittsburgh , WilfridLaurierU. Cathy AEnz Nils Hermann , National Cheng , National Michael H.Grote Krista Riki Takeuchi Robert Jones Ravindranath , PurdueU., Pei-Chuan Kate

, Texas Yun- ,

, , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

B4Adverse Country-of-Origin Image: Implications for 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B Wade Danis Y LR Moorthy, Indian Institute of Chair: , Georgia State U. International Marketing | Mike W. Peng Management, Bangalore; Sundararaman Ramesh, Indian Discussant: , Ohio State U. Institute of Management, Bangalore; Ganesh N. Prabhu, Indian 24Corporate Governance, Exporting and Performance of Institute of Management, Bangalore Firms in Transition Economies | Igor Filatotchev, King's College, U. of London; Natalia Isachenkova, U. of Kingston; 922 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Internationalization as Tomasz Mickiewicz, U. of London Exploration and Exploitation 4 Operating Characteristics of Foreign Subsidiaries of 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305A Small Transnationals | Wenyi Chu, National Taiwan U.; Michel Berry Chair: , Ecole de Paris du Management Cheng-Min Chuang, National Taiwan U. Discussant: Alain C. Verbeke, U. of Calgary 24Banks in National Corporate Networks: How Western The Role of Strategic Ambidexterity in International 4 Ilya Okhmatovskiy, U. of Southern Preet S Aulakh Theories Work in Russia | Expansion and Performance | , York U.; California Mitrabarun Sarkar, U. of Central Florida 4Multinational Enterprises, Foreign Direct Investment and Closing the Knowledge Gap in Foreign Markets - An 4 Arjen Van Witteloostuijn, U. of Groningen; Marjorie A Lyles Trade in China | Organizational Learning Perspective | , Jianhong Zhang, U. of Groningen; Jan Jacobs, U. of Groningen Indiana U.; Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School; 4 Population Exploitation, Organizational Exploration: Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School Effects on FDI Location Decisions in China | Jiatao Li, Hong B4 In Search of Simplicity: Bringing Complexity Theory in Kun Yao Tevfik Dalgic Kiran Mirza Kong U. of Science and Technology; , Hong Kong U. of International Business | , UTD; Science and Technology Ismail, U. of Texas, Dallas; Mine Ozer, U. of Texas, Dallas; Xia Zhao, U. of Texas, Dallas 925 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Research on Incentives and B4Foreign Expansion Under Uncertainty: A Strategic Real Rewards in Organizations Options Perspective | Marc-Oliver Thurner, U. of St. Gallen 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A1 John Schaubroeck 4The Internationalization of Chinese Firms | John Child, Facilitator: , Drexel U. Birmingham U.; Suzana Braga Rodrigues, Birmingham U. ENT: Incentive Design for Corporate Employee- Entrepreneurs | Erik Monsen, Max-Planck Institute Leading and Managing People 923 : (Paper Session) - (IM) HR: Compensation and Benefit Valuations by New Workforce Across Cultures Entrants | Neil Tocher, Auburn U; Hubert Feild, Auburn U 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B HR: Chair: James H. Biteman, Tulane U. B Internal Employment Opportunity and External Discussant: Martha L Maznevski, IMD Employment Opportunity as Competing Alternatives | Robert P Steel, U. of Michigan, Dearborn; Timothy E Landon, B4 Employee Commitment in MNCs: Impacts of U. of Michigan, Dearborn Organizational Culture, HRM and Top Management Orientations | Sully Taylor, Portland State U.; Orly Levy, 926 : (Paper Session) - (IP) New Perspectives on Incentives Sabanci U.; Nakiye Boyacigiller, Sabanci U.; Schon Beechler, and Rewards in Organizations Columbia U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A2 4 International Differences in Leadership Effects on Facilitator: Elizabeth C Ravlin, U. of South Carolina Creativity and Innovation: Values as Moderators | Johannes B PNP: Accountability in the Shadows? The Use of Rank, U. of South Florida/U. of Giessen; Babette Raabe, Performance Management in Special Purpose Siemens AG - US Filter; Rudolf Kerschreiter, Ludwig- Governments | Kimberley Roussin Isett, Columbia U.; Tanya Maximilians U., Munich Heikkila, Columbia U. USA WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 4Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership:A 4IM: Upward Influence Tactics and Promotability: A Cross- Group-Level Analysis in Five Countries | M. Afzalur Rahim, Cultural Study | Pol Herrmann, Iowa State U.; James Werbel, Western Kentucky U.; Clement Psenicka, Youngstown State U.; Iowa State U. Sae-Yoon Oh, Honam U.; Panagiotis Polychroniou, U. of 4ODC: The 'Politics' of Market Pay and Performance Ioannina; Shameema Ferdausy, U. of Chittagong; Joao Dias, Comparisons in Legitimating UK CEO Pay Awards | Stuart ISCTE Ogden, Manchester Business School; Robert Watson, U. of 4Old Faces, New Places: Equity Theory in Cross-Cultural Durham Contexts | Mark C Bolino, U. of Oklahoma; William H. Turnley, CAR: Occupational Skills, Job Changes and Wages | Alec Kansas State U. Levenson, U. of Southern California; George Benson, U. of 4Sense-Making in a Multinational Corporation: Cross- Texas, Arlington Cultural Equivalence of a Molar Climate Model | Kevin Fox, Identifying Individual U. of Tulsa; Chris Wright, CorporateSurvey.Com; David 927 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Stewart, U. of Tulsa Competencies 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A3 924 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Operating Successfully in Facilitator: Charles K Parsons, Georgia Institute of Technology Transition Economies

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 265 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday TIM: ENT: ENT: OB: B B BPS: Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB2 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 930 B Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB1 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 929 4 4 Facilitator: Tapa1-TableA4 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 928 Development Entrepreneurship HR: PNP: MOC: TIM: 4 ENT: IM: Technologies: Product Entry, Exit & Firm Performance | Exit&FirmPerformance Product Entry, Technologies: Employees | Employees Capital, Firm Characteristics and Transition | andTransition FirmCharacteristics Capital, | Alertness and Entrepreneurial Styles Interpretation of the Triggers of Innovation | oftheTriggersInnovation Interpretation Entrepreneurs | Pittsburgh Sorenson Rongrong(Charlotte) Ren Donald JCampbell Dhurakijpundit U. Tseng State U.; V. Nguyen Customer Hierarchies: The Music industry | TheMusic Hierarchies: Customer Hänninen A Witt of London; Lohrke Alabama; Funk HEC Paris Potential: A Comparison of Potential: AComparison College Dublin; Michigan; Pomona Pomona; of the Bicycle Component Industry| Component of theBicycle Exploration-Exploitat Cadets | of in aSample BeliefsModel Benevolence" Personality Factors and Job Performance of Call Center ofCallCenter Job Performance and Factors Personality Person-Situation Predicto Person-Situation

Sometimes Integral Product Architectures win:TheCase Product Architectures Integral Sometimes TIM: : : : Growth Expectations of Busi Growth Expectationsof Exploring anEntrepreneuria Financial Feedback, Sharehol Embracing Change: National Culture, Institutions, & Entrepreneurship &Entrepreneurship Institutions, National Culture, Introducing Radical Product Innovations: TheRoleof Innovations: Product Radical Introducing (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Technological Change within Technological Change TIM: , HitotsubashiU. Cultural Behaviorof Impact on Risk-Taking , U. ofNew Orleans , NationalChengKungU.; T , U.ofAlabama eaching-oriented | Design Product Portfolios for Multi-generation forMulti-generation Portfolios Design Product Stefano Brusoni Denise Sumpf Stephanie A. Fernhaber Jerman Rose Olukemi OSawyerr Zhi Tang Jin KyuPARK , Helsinki U.ofTechnology , London Business School; , London BusinessSchool; Product Innovation as Micro-Strategy | asMicro-Strategy Product Innovation , NationalU.; Economics Tomasz Mickiewicz

Shanthi Srinivas Charles Baden-Fuller

Dietmar Grichnik , U. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; , U.ofAlabama, Tuscaloosa; , United States , UnitedStatesMilitaryAcademy ☯ ion Dilemma| , European Business School , European Business , Washington StateU.; Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Michigan , U. , Bocconi U. Examining a"Capabilitiesand Innovation andNewProduct New ProductDevelopment Individual Viewsof , U. of California, Los Angeles; , U.of California,Los rs of Adaptive Performance | Performance rs ofAdaptive US, Taiwan & Vietnam | US, Taiwan& , California Polytechnic StateU., , CaliforniaPolytechnic , U.ofLondon , California Polytechnic StateU., California Polytechnic , IndianaU.,Bloomington Supara Kapasuwan l Typology:Attributional ness Owners.Human ness Owners.Human der Wealth, andthe der Wealth, , HeinrichHeineU. Product Design and Product Scott Bryant Susan McEvily Peter McNamara , CityU. Sebastian Fixson Jintong Tang Ch Jeffrey Lee N Franz T Ruta Aidis iung-Hui , Montana ils Plambeck International-oriented| Seppo , U.of , , U.of , U.of Thang

Olav , U.of , U. L , 266 CMS: OB: 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa2-TableB4 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 932 B 4 IM: Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB3 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 931 2 Facilitator: Tapa3-TableC2 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 934 4 4 4 Facilitator: Tapa3-TableC1 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 933 4 4 4 Facilitator: Resource Management Conflict Management PNP: Theme-oriented | B BPS: ENT: IM: HR: HR: CAR: (Sophie) Chen Mover Advantages| Mover Singapore; A Post-colonialCritique| Government as a Customer-Regulator Relationship| as aCustomer-Regulator Government Influence EmploymentLawsuit Se Citizenship in the 21st Century | Century 21st inthe Citizenship in Localization | in Localization Richard A. Posthuma Richard A. Dawn E.Chandler Gunby Bridwell-Mitchell Vipan K Luthar NetworkandAdu Developmental vs. Economic Forces | vs. Economic Resource Management| Australia U. ofSingapore; Likelihood toSexuallyHarass| multinational enterprises (MNEs) | (MNEs) multinational enterprises Aberdeen U.; Organizational Politicsand Organizational Control | Discursive Practice inNewYorkCitySchools| Discursive Practice Seung-Hyun Lee Product Innovation Firms | Product InnovationFirms TIM: Organizational Downsizingin Organizational CM: CM: Neutralizing Antisocial Workpla Antisocial Neutralizing

: : : : SIM: MH: Patterned Homogen Critical Theoretical Perspectives on International Human Human onInternational Perspectives Critical Theoretical The American, East Indian, and Chinese Cultures:The Cultures:The andChinese The American,EastIndian, (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) International HRM strategic HRM in Sino-western Joint Ventures: Decision Factors Factors Decision Ventures: Joint HRM inSino-western The Role of Strategy Development Processes inthe Processes Development The RoleofStrategy International Entrepren Mobilizi Probing theFuture: Understanding Expatriate Success Using Using Success Expatriate Understanding How Ideology, Party Status, and Risk Framing Risk and How Ideology,PartyStatus,

, ElonU. The Transfer of Professional Management toIndia: Management ofProfessional The Transfer Sarah Hicks Sarah Debra LouisConnelley Dante DiGregorio Daria Crawley Global Labor Practices and Global Corporate andGlobalCorporate Global LaborPractices Shobha SDas

Mant Visual Presentation| , -; , St. Pauls College , St.PaulsCollege Jen Yuin Chin Marie Wilson , U.ofTexas,Dallas , NewYorkU.; o Gotsi , BostonU.; Liljana Erakovic , WashingtonU. Krishna Udayasankar , U.ofTexas ElPaso , Robert MorrisU.

Ekin Alakent eity inanIn Issues in International Human Issues inInternational Institutional Pressures Negotiation andWorkplace Resource Human International , Nanyang TechnologicalU. , U. ofNewMexico , Aberdeen U. Tuomo Peltonen Nidhi Srinivas Konstantinos Andriopoulos eurship, Institutions, andFirst- eurship, Institutions, Kathy E.Kram , U. ofAuckland; , , TouroU.International TimesofCrisis:Institutional Roger L. DunbarRoger L. Selected forBestPaper Proceedings National U.ofSingapore integration in Chinese integrationinChinese Harsh K Luthar Harsh K Tara JRadin ng Foresight inMultiple- ng Foresight ce Behavior: The Role of TheRole ce Behavior: lt Development Lenses | Lenses lt Development , U.ofAuckland ttlement Negotiation| stitutionalized Field: Jie Shen , U.of Texas, Dallas; Vivien KGLim , New School U. , U.ofOulu , National U.of , BostonU. , U. ofSouth Shao Hui , HofstraU. , NewYorkU. , BryantU; Ebony N.

, National Norris , Session Details Ð Tuesday

CM: Inter-team Conflict in a Multiple Round Negotiation and its Winner of the Thomson South-Western Award for Outstanding Impact on Outcomes | Kristin Jackson Behfar, Northwestern Research Based Paper on Management Consulting U.; Mary Kern, Baruch College, CUNY; Geoffrey Leonardelli, BClients' Opposition to External Management Consultants U. of Toronto; Leigh Thompson, Northwestern U. Matters: Towards a Research Framework | Michael C. 4IM: Transferring Value-Infused Organizational Practices in Nippa, Freiberg U. MNCs: A Conflict Perspective | Susanne Blazejewski, 938 : (MED) New Visions of Management Education European U. Viadrina and Development for the 21st Century Finalist--IMD Best Paper from an Under-represented Country 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 935 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Issues in Negotiation and MED Division Theme Session Conflict Restraining Golem and Harnessing Pygmalion in the 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 Classroom - MED Best Paper in Management Education | Facilitator: Muberra Yuksel, Kadir Has U. Dennis Reynolds, Washington State U. BMED: Something Old, Something New: An Improved In Search of a Liberal Business Education | Diane F Baker, Vision of Personality and Conflict Management Styles | Millsaps College Darlene Gambill Motley, Robert Morris U.; Nell Tabor Hartley, Toward a Research-Based View of Management Education | Robert Morris U. Paul L. Drnevich, Purdue U., West Lafayette; John B. Norris, CM: Implicit Theories of Negotiating Ability and Performance: Purdue U., West Lafayette Longitudinal and Experimental Evidence | Laura Kray, U. of Managing Teaching and Learning Environments to Facilitate California, Berkeley; Michael Haselhuhn, U. of California, Curriculum Change | Marie Kavanagh, U. of Queensland; Berkeley Allison Brown, QUT BPS: Conflict Management for Justice, Innovation and Cultural Issues in Dean 939 4: (Paper Session) - (MED) Strategic Advantage in Organizational Partnerships | Technology-Mediated Learning Tjosvold, Lingnan U.; Alfred Wong, Lingnan U.; Yifeng Nancy Chen 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 , Lingnan U. Chair: Terrell G Manyak, Nova Southeastern U. BPS: Exploring Characteristics of the Strategic Consensus Individualism-Collectivism: Feedback-Seeking and Gregory P Reilly Scott 4 Construct | , U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Learning Performance in a Hybrid Environment | Alvin D. Graffin, U. of Wisconsin, Madison Hwang, Pace U. 936 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Issues in Virtual Teams Sneaking a Peek: Examining the Impact of Online 8:30am - 10:10am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C4 Gradebooks on Student Performance | Deanna Geddes, Facilitator: Padmal Vitharana, Syracuse U. Temple U.; Jiu Chang, Temple U. 2 OB: The Role of Virtual Work in Understanding the B Cultural Filtering of Online Educational Content | Impact of Supervisory Relationships | Timothy Golden, Sylvia Van de Bunt-Kokhuis, Vrije U.Amsterdam, Haagse Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; John F Veiga, U. of Hogeschool/TH Rijswijk Connecticut 4Technology Mediated Learning with a Chinese Face: A 2 CM: Brokers' Roles in Knowledge Management in Teams: Case Study on Ladder Digital College | Ruey-Lin Hsiao, Expertise, Influence and Schema Conflicts | Barbara Gray, National U. of Singapore Gerald I Susman Pennsylvania State U.; , Pennsylvania State U.; Reflecting on Leadership and Behavioral Hong Ren, Pennsylvania State U. 940 : (MH) OCIS: What You Think Others Think: Influence of Presumed Research: Conversations with Fred Fiedler and John B. Miner Influence in e-Collaborations | Eric Tze Kuan Lim, National U. of Singapore; Chee-Wee Tan, U. of British Columbia 8:30am - 10:10am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala/Kona Room WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Moderator: Arthur G. Bedeian, Louisiana State U. 937 : (Paper Session) - (MC) New Directions in Participants: Daniel A Wren, U. of Oklahoma; Lyman W. Porter, U. Management Consulting Research of California, Irvine; James G Hunt, Texas Tech U.; John G Joos, 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 314 Nova Southeastern U. Chair: Flemming Poulfelt, Copenhagen Business School 941 Perceiving Emotion and Discussant: Judith Gebhardt, U. of Southern California 4 JS: (MOC, OB, OMT) Emotion-Evoking Acts in Organizations: Studies of A New Vision of Management in Action Research | B4 Attributions and Behavior Guilan Wang, Central Michigan U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A BChampions' Characteristics and Organizational Innovation : Chairs: Neal M. Ashkanasy, U. of Queensland; Jean C. P. Althoff, Georges Tomorrow's Success in a Globalized World | U. of Queensland Trepo Francois Grima , HEC Paris; , U. of Paris XII The Utility of Understanding Emotional Expressions in 2 Management Consulting Courses and Students' Self- Strategic Interpersonal Encounters | Claire E Ashton-James, Ansgar Richter Efficacy: An Empirical Investigation | , U. of New South Wales European Business School; Sascha Leonard Schmidt, EBS/U.St. Gallen

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 267 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Work Computer-MediatedImplications of Communicationat Consequences of Ethical (and Unethical) Behavior Unethical) ofEthical(and Consequences The Benefit of Understanding Others’ Emotions for Emotions Others’ Understanding of The Benefit Ecologically Valid Video:AToolforthe Face The About a Recognition Facial Emotion Relationship between Systems Relationship between Systems Co Communication: Polychronic Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room322A 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 943 4 B Di Why WouldEx-Employees 2 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room328 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 942 Negative TheRoleofPositiveand orBenevolence? Cynicism Presenters: Hannah Participants: California Allred Wales Singapore Ramarajan Singapore Elfenbein Effects of Utilitarian & Ontological Effects ofUtilitarian Why Do They DoIt?The Role Why DoThey

Queensland; Effectiveness inNegotiation| Effectiveness | Ability Recognition Emotion of Assessment Teams| Top Management Development | Development Us Conversations Concurrent | Secrets? Attributions| Place Work Acts onOur Corporation; Duffy Model | Christine L.Porath Frances Cameron National U.ofSingapore Hwee-hoon Tan California, Berkeley; California, Berkeley; Althoff Pennsylvania; Michigan State U. Michigan State Stephen E.Humphrey U.; Michigan State Antonie Stam Disengagement &Leade on Multitask Performance in Teams | in Performance on Multitask Allred

: Determinants of Bribery in Determinants Organ

; SigalBarsade , Harvard U. Anke Arnaud (Paper Session)-(OB) , Simon Fraser U. , , U.ofKentucky; JS: , Harvard U. ; MiguelAlzola T , U.of California, Berkeley , U.of Queensland; ; CaneelK.Joyce eaching-oriented | Kristin Byron , U. of Pennsylvania , U.of Miguel Alzola Christopher J.Meyer Jeff Thompson (OCIS, OB) Voon ChuanVoon Aik David RHannah Samual Fraidin Neal M.Ashkanasy , U. of Missouri; Lakshmi Ramarajan ; ClaireEAshton-James Herbert Remidez , NationalU.ofSingapore; , U.of Central Florida , Queen's U. , Queen's Christopher J.Meyer , U.ofPennsylvania , U.ofSouthern California; Maw-Der Foo Caneel K.Joyce Virtual Connections:Relational ☯ , Rutgers U. , RochesterTechnology Instituteof Michael D.Guttentag ; Christine L. Porath , Rutgers U.; , Florida StateU.; Management Practice-oriented | , Brigham YoungU. , U. ofCalifornia,Berkeley rship inFraudul Hillary AngerElfenbein , National U.ofSingapore An ; Hwee-hoon Tan , SimonFraser U. , Columbia LawSchool nd Attributions of Intentionality in of Intentionality nd Attributions vulge Former Employers’ Trade Employers’ vulge Former Jean C.P.AlthoffJean James M.Laffey tecedents and tecedents and , Michigan State U. , MichiganState Design and Virtual Team Trust and VirtualTeam Design nsequences ofJuggling nsequences ing Multiple Media | ing MultipleMedia Hillary AngerElfenbein of Cohesion,Moral ; Maw-Der Foo , U.ofQueensland , U.ofArkansas,LittleRock; , NationalU. of Singapore; , U.ofPennsylvania; Individualism-Collectivism Individualism-Collectivism Chao Chen , U.ofCalifornia,Berkeley izations: An Integrative AnIntegrative izations: ; HillaryAnger John AWagner , MichiganStateU.; , U. of NewSouth Sigal Barsade John R HollenbeckJohn R Voon Chuan Aik ent Behavior| , U. ofSouthern , RAND , NationalU.of Michelle K , , Rutgers U. , Rutgers , U. of of , U. , NationalU. of Jean C.P. U. ofMissouri ; David R International-oriented| , U.of ; Lakshmi ; Keith Ann

, U.of Keith , U.of , , , 268 Bases ofOrganizationalChange Coevolution of Alliance of Coevolution B Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322B 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 944 FeedbackinTeams| andPerformance Channel Selection AL Cannot See: You Trusting What onthe Use Media RoleofCommunication The Moderating Presenters: Organizer: University ofOxford. Operations Management Group ofthe at theSaidBusinessSchool A paneldiscussiononthefuture ofoperationsmanagementbythe SouthPacific3 Village: 8:30am -10:10amHiltonHawaiian 946 of BusinessProcess side Human Managing the Avoiding Problemsduri | fromResearch Lessons Downsizing: Managing Effective and Op Contradictions Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room321B 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 945 B Organizational of The Labors Business Administration Economics and Discussant: Marginalized, Realized, Rationalized, or Canonized? Marginalized, Realized,Rationalized, BPR M&A,and Change:Downsizing, Planned Organizational Theme-oriented | Relational BasesforOrganizing| Linking Emotional Intelligence Intelligence Emotional Linking Cameron Harrison Reserve U.; Western ReserveU.; Bryant Seo and Realities. | and Realities.| Development in A Retrospective Processual Analysis | Analysis Processual A Retrospective Relationship Between Reengineering (BPR): Affect Reengineering Change Organizational | Aesthetic Labor Beyo of British Columbia; of BritishColumbia; Christopher D. Zatzick U. Thatcher Oklahoma; Io Papadopoulou Kontoghiorghes well as Organizational Performance | Performance well asOrganizational S Masterson Tie Strength and Tie Dynamic: Alternative Relationships Relationships Dynamic: Alternative Tie Strengthand

: B Anat Lechner Jean M. Bartunek (Paper Session)-(ODC) , U.ofMaryland; JS: : , Monash U.; (OM) Kathryn Lee Blackmon (ODC, OMT) Steve New Jean M.Bartunek BenedichteChristine Meyer , U.of Richmond; , U.of Arizona , U.of Michigan Laku Chidambaram Linda Robson A New Vision forOMinthe21stCentury: A NewVision , U. ofCincinnati Visual Presentation| Philipp Kaser , CyprusInternationalof Management; Institute

Virtual Teams| , New York U. , CyprusofManagement InternationalInstitute Zinta S.Byrne , U.of Oxford Julie Wolfram Cox M. Susan Taylor Darren Jason Good positional TensionsinPlanned Managing DualitiesandTensionsin s Knowledge and Organizational Gaps: , BostonCollege ng Acquisition Integration | Integration ng Acquisition nd theService , SimonFraser U.; Identity Comprehension | Comprehension Identity Zhaoping Liu Linda L.Putnam , CaseWesternReserveU. , Boston College , Boston Relational and Emotional and Relational Change: Emotional and Change: Emotional , U. ofZurich and Leadership | and Leadership , , Oxford U. , Oxford Dimensions to Individual as toIndividual Dimensions Selected forBestPaper Proceedings U. ofOklahoma ; RoyWestbrook

Andre Araujo , ColoradoState U.; Hilary Bradbury ongitudinal Study of Trust ongitudinal Study , U.ofMaryland , Norwegian Schoolof Encounter| , RMITU. Constantine , Cornell U. , Case Western , Case David L.Patient Sajjad Haider , Texas A&MU. , U.of Myeong-Gu , U. ofOxford Jeffrey Sherry M , Case Melanie Suzanne , Napier

, U. Kim Session Details Ð Tuesday

947 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) In the Beginning: Origins of 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301A Moshe Farjoun Industries, Organizational Forms, and Industrial Districts Organizer: , New York U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A Coping with Time Pressures: When Rigid, Ambitious Chair: Lyda S. Bigelow, Washington U. in St. Louis Deadlines Don't Make Sense | Sally Blount, New York U.; Discussant: Mina Yoo, U. of Washington, Seattle Sophie Leroy, New York U. The Spatial Evolution of Organizational Foundings: Evidence The Opacity of Risk: Language and the Culture of Safety in from U.S. Instrument Manufacturers | Pino G. Audia, U. of NASA's Space Shuttle Program | William Ocasio, California, Berkeley; John Freeman, U. of California, Berkeley; Northwestern U. Paul D Reynolds, Florida International U. Barriers to the Interpretation and Diffusion of Information Entrepreneurship and New Industry Emergence: The About Potential Problems in Organization | Frances J American Film Industry, 1896-1928 | Elizabeth Boyle, Milliken, New York U.; Theresa K Lant, New York U.; Ebony N. National U. of Singapore; Stephen Mezias, New York U. Bridwell-Mitchell, New York U. On Air: Organizational Origins and Density Dependence in the Presenters: Sally Blount, New York U.; Scott A Snook, Harvard U.S. Broadcasting Industry, 1940-1980 | Alessandro Lomi, U.; William Ocasio, Northwestern U.; Frances J Milliken, New Bologna U.; Giacomo Negro, Bocconi University / SDA Bocconi; York U. Fabrizio Perretti, Bocconi University / SDA Bocconi 951 SHCS: (OMT, MOC, OB) Scandals, Crises, and Stigmas: 4The Effects of Density and Crowding on Market Entry Exploring Organizational and Individual Responses to Hitoshi Mitsuhashi Behavior in Geographical Space | , U. of Identity Threats Wesley Sine Hisaki Yamaga Tsukuba; , Cornell U.; , U. of 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313C Tsukuba Chair: Glen E. Kreiner, U. of Cincinnati 948 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) My Brilliant Career: The Perceived Legitimacy of Organizational Identity Threat: Professions and Careers Within and Beyond Implications for Members’ Responses | Caroline A Bartel, Organizations New York U. 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A Being Martha Stewart: Risk and Resilience in Organizational Chair: Craig Prichard, Massey U. Identity | Mary Ann Glynn, Emory U.; Krysia A. Wrobel, Emory Discussant: Tracy A Thompson, U. of Washington, Tacoma U. Exploring Professional Space | Rajshree Prakash, Alberta U. Tearing the Communion Fabric? A Case Study of Threatened Managing the Progression Paradox | Siobhan O'Mahony, Identity in the Episcopal Church | Elaine C. Hollensbe, U. of Harvard U.; Beth Bechky, U. of California, Davis Cincinnati; Glen E. Kreiner, U. of Cincinnati; Mathew Laurence Playing Along and Away: Nested Careers and the Co- Sheep, U. of Cincinnati; Brett R. Smith, U. of Cincinnati evolution of Jazz Musicians from 1930 to 1969 | Charles Participants: Glen E. Kreiner, U. of Cincinnati; Caroline A Bartel, Kirschbaum, EAESP, Fundação Getúlio Vargas; Flavio New York U.; Mary Ann Glynn, Emory U.; Elaine C. Hollensbe, U. Vasconcelos, FGV-EAESP of Cincinnati; Mathew Laurence Sheep, U. of Cincinnati; Brett R. On the Strategic Manipulation and Redefinition of Legitimacy | Smith, U. of Cincinnati; Krysia A. Wrobel, Emory U. Joel M. Evans , U. of Arizona 952 : (Paper Session) - (ONE) Sustainability and 949 JS: (OMT, BPS, OB) Building Capabilities: Community: Emerging Forms of Organizing Reconceptualizing Organizational Resources 8:30am - 10:10am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kahuku Room M. B. Neace 8:30am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302B Chair: , Mercer U. Organizers: Marlys K. Christianson, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Emotionality of Organising for Sustainability: “Feeling” the Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Stakeholders’ Pulse | Aarti Sharma, Auckland U. of

Discussant: Paul Adler, U. of Southern California Technology WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Can Organizational Processes Create Resources for Solving Social Norms and Coercive Rules in Overlapping Public Problems? | Martha S. Feldman, U. of California, Irvine Communities: Evolution on God's Waters. | Thomas Andrew Creating Conditions for Coordination: Roles in Temporary Bryer, U. of Southern California Organizations | Beth Bechky, U. of California, Davis 4 New Forms of Governance:Changing Relationships Organizing to Increase Mindful Interaction: Lessons from between Corporates, Government and Community | Suzanne Benn Dexter Dunphy Healthcare | Marlys K. Christianson, U. of Michigan, Ann , U. of Technology, Sydney; , U. Arbor; Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor of Technology, Sydney The Tertius Iungens Mechanism, Projects, and Dynamic Eco-Partnering--a Politics of Sustainable Development:The Sharon M. Capability | David Obstfeld, U. of California, Irvine Case of the Ricelands Habitat Partnership | Livesey Molly Shearer Participants: Martha S. Feldman, U. of California, Irvine; Beth , Fordham U.; , Independent Researcher; Cathy Hartman Edwin R. Stafford Bechky, U. of California, Davis; David Obstfeld, U. of California, , Utah State U.; , Utah State Irvine U. 953 Applying Economic 950 BJS: (OMT, MOC, OB) Organization at the Limit: NASA B4 : (Paper Session) - (PNP) Models to Nonprofit Organizations and the Columbia Disaster

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 269 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Participants: Effects Methods toProvideNovelInsightsintoGroup-Level Quigley | InNonprofits Slack Organizational Discussant: Chair: WaikikiBeach:WaialuaRoom 8:30am -10:10amSheraton Rogers Discussants: Chair: WaikikiBeach:AkakaFalls/IaoNeedle Room 8:30am -10:10amSheraton 955 A MultilevelExamination When DoestheMethodof on EffectsofGroupProcesses Exploring theDifferential Multi Analysisand Network Social | Phenomena Organizational ofMultilevel The Emergence Mason Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room323A 8:30am -10:10amHawaii 954 ofContext:Examin Solutions Out B B Century: Cutting EdgeResearch Century: Cutting Tesluk Drexel U. Andrew P.Knight 4 Organizational NGDO andtheChallengesof The Spanish Technology U. ofNSW/U. Sydney; Ziegert Institute U.; Distribution Constraint on Corporate Stakeholders | Stakeholders Corporate on Really Matter? | Really Matter? | Measures andConsensus Aggregate Divide | Bridging the | Organizations Sector toThird Concepts Steve WJKozlowski Valladolid; Perez Antonio Texas, SanAntonio; U. ofTexas,SanAntonio; of Colorado,Denver Tekleab Andrew P.Knight Sydney Macquarie U.,Sydney; Architecture Design: An Agency Perspective | Perspective Agency Design:An Architecture Performance in Health Service Firms| inHealthService Performance A Property Right Theory of the Non-Profit Form:TheNon- oftheNon-Profit Right Theory A Property The Lack of Diversification in Managerial Portfolios: Impact inManagerial Diversification of The Lack

4 JS: Elizabeth Keating Charles B Finn Charles B Sandra A Waddock Sandra A , Queensland U.ofTechnology , U.ofMaryland Catherine G. Collins , Pitzer College The Influence ofSectoran The Influence

, Villanova U. , Villanova

, U.deValladolid; (RM, OB) T , DrexelU. eaching-oriented | , Clarkson U.; : Dennis RYoung Dennis (Paper Session)-(SIM) Steve WJ Kozlowski Steve Michael EJohnson-CramerMichael Natalia MartinCruz , U.ofPennsylvania Measuring Group Constructs: Alternative Measuring GroupConstructs:Alternative Narda Quigley ; Amanuel G. Tekleab , U.ofPennsylvania , College of SaintRose ; Katherine Klein Mark L.Lengnick-Hall ☯ , Harvard U.; , MichiganStateU. Paul ETesluk Katherine Klein Stephen T.T.Teo Management Practice-oriented | , BostonCollege Juan HernangomezBarahona of Team Leadership | Leadership of Team Reconsidered | Claire Mason AssessingaTeam-LevelVariable Cynthia ALengnick-Hall , U.ofNSW/U.Sydney , CaseWesternReserveU. , U. de Valladolid , U.deValladolid Philip L CochranPhilip L , Michigan State U. , MichiganState , Villanova U.; , Villanova ing the Transfer of Business ofBusiness Transfer ing the level Theory and Research: level TheoryandResearch: Stakeholders inthe21st d Strategic HRM on Firm HRMon d Firm Strategic

Mark A.Hager ; JonathanC.Ziegert Woods Bowman , U.ofMaryland , U. of Pennsylvania , U. , U. of Pennsylvania; , U.ofPennsylvania; , Queensland U.of , BucknellU. , ClarksonU. , U.of Technology, Gabriel E.Kaplan John J. Rodwell Catherine G.Collins , U.of Texas,San Tammy E.Beck Amanuel G. Jonathan C. , IndianaU.; Victor Martin , TheUrban International-oriented| ; Narda ; Claire ; KathrynS , U.of , DePaul ; PaulE , ; , , , U. , , 270 Resources beEthical? U. Can Employee Partnership Partnership Can Employee | ofExecutives Management and the Ethics Management: Resource EthicalHuman for The Potential Chairs: WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 8:30am -10:10amSheraton 956 2 Theory| and Stakeholder Activists, Firms, Destructive Leading Multinational Teams: Leading Multinational onInformati Culture The Effectsof and Cr Differences Demographic the Cl Waking uporRe-setting Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room317B 8:40am -10:10amHawaii 957 in Workpl Managing Neutrality Rights AnEmployee and Materialism: Pay Systems Moral Stakehol as Employees History forEthicalHRMinthe21stCentury| from Lessons Research forFuture andDirections Settings: Promises,Challenges Discussant: Martins Theme-oriented | Resource Dependence, Mana Dependence, Resource Georgia Tech Southern California; Victoria U.ofWellington; Virginia L Martins Philippe Bonardi Cornell U. Stakeholder Mo HRM? | HRM? Distance andTimeZones| Dilemma oftheHRManager| throughActivism| Making aDifference in Collaborative Knowledge Teams | Teams Knowledge in Collaborative VolatilityinTeams| Effects ofMembership | Perspective HRM | Gill Palmer Victoria U.ofTechnology; Gloucestershire; Bruhn Gannon U. Melissa Smith Baucus Robert Phillips College Stakeholder Performance | Stakeholder Performance Monash U. What Makes a Stakeholder Act? Adding the Issue into into Act?AddingtheIssue aStakeholder What Makes

B 4 Michelle Greenwood Aparna Joshi

, Georgia InstituteofTechnology

, U.ofMinnesota; Michelle Greenwood

: JS: David EGuest Bradley L.Kirkman (SIM) , Georgia Institute of Technology; , Georgia InstituteofTechnology; , Monash U. (IM, OB,OCIS) Visual Presentation| John RDeckop Can the Management of Humans as Can theManagementof , Diana Winstanley U. ofRichmond; bilization Theory| , U.ofWesternOntario , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Tuesday 8:40AM Sirkka Jarvenpaa

, Xavier U.; , King'sCollege,U.ofLondon Cristina Gibson Shirley R.LeitchShirley Julian Teicher , Monash U. Contribute to a More Ethical a More Contribute to Leveraging Diversity in Virtual Leveraging DiversityinVirtual Inspiring Commitment Across Across Commitment Inspiring , Monash U.; ders: Implications for Ethical forEthical ders: Implications , TexasA&MU. Shawn Berman ace Conflict Resol Aparna Joshi ock: An Exploration ofthe ock: AnExploration , Temple U.; , Temple gerial Discretion and Discretion gerial Selected forBestPaper Proceedings eativity in Virtual Work | Virtual Work eativity in Bernadine VanGramberg Andrew on Sharing and Protection andProtection on Sharing Thomas GerardComstock , KingstonU. Sally JaneDavenport ; HelenDeCieri , U. of Texas, Austin , U.of Texas, Austin Ann Majchrzak , Monash U. , U. ofCalifornia,Irvine

C Wicks , U.of Waikato Helen DeCieri David Dawson Christina Shalley Tim Kasser , U. of Illinois, Patrick Wright , Santa ClaraU.; Ma ution: The ry EZellmer- , U.of ; Luis L , Monash , U.of , Knox Jean- , , U.of Luis , , , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Urbana-Champaign; Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser U.; Hui Deploying Intellectual Capital for Architectural Innovative Liao, Rutgers U. Capabilities | Mohan Subramaniam, Boston College; Mark Presenters: Mary E Zellmer-Bruhn, U. of Minnesota; Cristina Youndt, Skidmore College Gibson ; Luis L Martins , U. of California, Irvine , Georgia Institute of 2Alliance Networks and Knowledge Creation: The Impact of Technology; Christina Shalley, Georgia Tech; Ann Majchrzak, U. Melissa ; Sirkka Jarvenpaa ; Small World Connectivity on Firm Innovation. | of Southern California , U. of Texas, Austin Schilling, New York U.; Corey Phelps, U. of Washington Aparna Joshi, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Mila B. Lazarova, Simon Fraser U.; Hui Liao, Rutgers U. Tuesday 9:00AM Tuesday 8:50AM 961 : (AAA) Conference Exhibits 9:00am - 11:45am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - Exhibits 958 : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) Getting Emotional About IT Organizer: George T Solomon, George Washington U. 8:50am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A Chair: Susan Winter, U. of North Carolina, Charlotte 962 : (AAA) Membership Discussant: Zeynep Aksehirli, Dartmouth College 9:00am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Membership Can Emotions Transcend Contextual Barriers? Investigating Stop by to meet members of the Membership Committee. Inquire Emotions in Computer-Mediated Groups | Jennifer Lindsay, about membership, update your information or sign up as an U. of Maryland, College Park Academy volunteer. Organizer: Regina Greenwood 2Toward a Model of Nonverbal Cues and Emotion in Email | , Kettering U. Kristin Byron David C. , Rochester Institute of Technology; 963 : (AAA) Conference Registration Baldridge , Oregon State U. 9:00am - 11:30am Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Registration 2nd Runner-up Best Paper 2005 On-site Registration, Pre-Registration Badge Pick-up, and Exhibitor The Role of Affect in the Acceptance of Information Registration Technology | Stefano Perlusz, Singapore Management U.; Urs Placement Services E Gattiker, U. of Luebeck, ISNM; Moon-ho Ho, McGill U. 964 : (AAA) Humor as a Management Tool and Organizational Asset | Eric 9:00am - 11:30am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Iolani Suite 1 J. Romero Kevin William Placement Services - Registration and Information , U. of Texas, Pan American; Organizer: Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U. Cruthirds, U. of Texas, Pan American Mediators of Alliance and Understanding High 965 1: (Paper Session) - (BPS) 959 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Acquisition Performance Technology 9:00am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - BPS 1 8:50am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Presented on panels 31-36 Chair: Anu Wadhwa, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne David R. King 41Where Do Firms Acquire? Understanding the Influence Discussant: , U.S. Air Force Miguel Diffusion Pattern of Linux: An Assessment on Major of Geographic Location on Acquisition Activity | Ramos, U. of Minnesota Technology Dimensions | Nir B Kshetri, U. of North Carolina, Technology Profile and Sector Opportunity as Greensboro B4 1 Unpacking the Multidimensional Construct of the Innovation Determinants of Exploration and Exploitation Alliances | Jing Zhang, City U.; Charles Baden-Fuller, City U.; Vincent Kun Liu, U. of Utah; William S Hesterly, U. of Utah Problem | Mangematin, INRA/UPMF; Lionel J Nesta, SPRU/ U. of Sussex Focal Firms as Technological Gatekeepers within Industrial 1The Effect of Rivalry on Intra-industry Partner Selection: Clusters: Evidence fromMachinery | Alessandro Malipiero, William Schneper Federico Munari The Case of Major League Baseball | , U. U. of Bologna; , U. of Bologna of Pennsylvania USA WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Leveraging Existing Technology: The Role of Alliances in The Effect of National Governance Systems on Value Preeta 41 Cross-Application across Technology Domains | Creation in Cross-Border Acquisitions | Haryanto Haryanto, Roy, U. of Pennsylvania U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 960 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Network Theory & Social 1Managerial Discretion and Takeover Performance | Andy Capital Cosh, Cambridge U.; Paul Martin Guest, Cambridge U., CBR; 8:50am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Alan Hughes, Cambridge U. Chair: Raja Roy, Tulane U. 966 Innovation and Knowledge Discussant: Satish Nambisan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1: (Paper Session) - (HCM) Management in Healthcare Inventing the Future Core: Social Capital Determinants of Henri Schildt 9:00am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - HCM 1 Invention Novelty and Impact | , Helsinki U. of Presented on panels 41-43 Markku V. J. Maula Technology; , Helsinki U. of Technology; 1The Emergence of Radically New Health Care Jukka-Pekka Salmenkaita, Nokia Technologies:Inventive Users as Innovation Networkers | 2 The Double Helix of Formal and Informal Structures: B4 Christopher Ulrich Lettl, Berlin Technical U. Polly S. Rizova Project Design for R&D Success | , Boston U. 1Gaining Legitimacy, Knowledge Creation and Hospital Stephan Schrader Best Paper Award Finalist Survival | Shih-Chieh Fang, National Kaohsiung First U.; Chen-

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 271 Section D TUESDAY Performance 1 B 1 1 B 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 Presented onpanels51-62 HR III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:10amHawaii 1 1 1 Presented onpanels44-46 HCM 2 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:10amHawaii 1 Influences onOrganizational Change Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday 968 967 1 1 1 Houston Bureau ofPeng-HuCountyGovernment, Taiwan Peccei Jaap Paauwe Perspective | Perspective Managementa Knowledge Knowledge Economy | Knowledge Economy with Organizational Performance | Performance with Organizational U.S. LongitudinalData| from Taiwan| Firm | Pharmaceutical inaGlobal Study Empirical in Taiwan| Firm Performance | andFinancialPerformance Social Corporate | | Longitudinal Study | Victoria Allouche Capabilities: ManagingHR PracticesintheMNC| W Business School Gardner Independent Researcher; Zhao Morris Gonca Gunay Yat-Sen U. Utah StateU.; Application and Implem Application | Firms Manufacturing of Chinese Transitions Franson TQM-Aligned Organizational Culture and its Relationship and itsRelationship Culture TQM-Aligned Organizational Ri and Return Sharing Control andBroad-based Executive | andIsomorphism Practices Resource Human Evidence and Unionization: Strategy Resource Human and Management Practices Practices, Resource Human Between Link of the Examination A Meta-Analytical Key The Application: Contingent inCanada| Work life Healthcare ofChangeRegardi Perceptions influencesoflearnin Contextual Michael Dutch Eileen McCaffrey e

Compensation Strategy an Strategy Compensation Modes Employment to'xia-gang': From 'Iron-Rice-Bowl' 1 1 i Online Customer Communities and HMOs: A and Communities Online Customer

Y , NanjingU.; : : ang Intellectual Capital Investments in Learning inLearning Investments Intellectual Capital , Cornell U.; , King's College, U.ofLondon; , King'sCollege, (Paper Session)-(HR) (Paper Session)-(HCM) T , London Business School; , LondonBusinessSchool; , Purdue U. eaching-oriented | , U.of Paris 1; , F

ooy , Erasmus U. , Erasmus , Izmir U.ofEconomics; Ja Priya Nambisan Shyh-jer Chen i , Greensboro College; ng mes CHayton Dejun Cheng Scott ASnell , U.ofWesternAustralia U . Gulem Atabay /

I Patrice Laroche - Jim Sesil Sh Management Practice-oriented | entation of Theory| entation Ethan Lock Jim Sesil ou nd Knowledge Socialization nd Knowledge Socialization HR Strategy & Firm HR Strategy , U. National SunYat-Sen Collective Learning:An U Stock Options: Evidence from Evidencefrom Stock Options: d Competitive Advantage: Advantage: d Competitive , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute Organizational Turnover, and Turnover, Organizational , UtahStateU.; , Contextual and Perceptual .; Shyh-jer Chen , CornellU. ghts with Employees in the Employees ghts with Nanjing U. ng Nursing Applications: A Applications: ng Nursing g inahospitalenvironment. W , RutgersU. Lisa M.Moynihan fo , RutgersU. Claudia Steinke e , IzmirU.of Economics; Troy VictorMumford Paul Boselie , Arizona State U. i r Best Practice Success Success r BestPractice - Basak Halil Steve Werner Mi

, U. of Nancy 2 of Nancy , U. n H uang James Carey Gregory , National Sun Shuming Jose , EgeU. , , TilburgU.; Riccardo H International-oriented| , U.of , U.of ea , London Heidi K. Shad S. lth

, , 272 Park Distinguished Speaker: Borders B 1 B 1 4 Presented onpanels13-21 IM 1 III - ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 9:00am -10:10amHawaii 969 4 1 1 Presented onpanels22-29 ConventionCent 9:00am -10:10amHawaii 971 Introduction: follows thepresentation. Aquestionandanswerperiod withDr.Locke Achievement Award. Lifetime of theOBDivision Dr. EdwinLockeistherecipient ConventionCenter:Room324 9:00am -10:10amHawaii 970 1 4 4 4 Invited Address:TheoryBuilding by Induction 4 1 1 1 1 1 Theme-oriented | Russia Economics Russia; of EconomicsRussia; of Economics; Van Alstyne Western Ontario Haggerty Virtual Organizations in Russia | inRussia Virtual Organizations Extrinsic WorkRewards| Ratings ofIntrinsic& Social Networks | Social Networks International Assignees | as Fair Across Cultures? | as Fair AcrossCultures? Pay:An AgencyTheo | Markets Emerging Assignment Management| Languages in Communication Networks | Networks Communication Languages in SDA Bocconi U.; SDA BocconiU.; Ferreter of NewYork,Baruch College Stehle U. ofVaasa Force Academy; Saba Colakoglu School of Management School ofManagement Norwegian SchoolofManagement; Taiwan; Taiwan Practices in Spanish Subsidiaries | Subsidiaries inSpanish Practices Effective Human Resource Management ModelsFor Management Resource Human Effective Eq ofMeasurement Examination An Empirical Analysis of Strategies and Efficiencies in Efficiencies and ofStrategies Analysis An Empirical | Event Learning asa Support Satisfaction: Beyond Of Repatriation AffectingThe Practices Key HRSupport 1

4 1 1 : Is Standardization of Performance Appraisal Perceived Perceived Appraisal of Performance Is Standardization The Emergence of Shared The Emergence of Expatriates'Performance-Related Determinants in Performance andOverseas Selection Expatriate A StrategicContingency (OB) 1 IHRM Approaches Of German MNEs | OfGermanMNEs IHRM Approaches : :

, Siemens; (P (Paper Session)-(OCIS) The Legitimacy of US Pay for Performance US PayforPerformance of The Legitimacy , Baruch College,CUNY; Francois Hsiang-Lin Cheng OB Division Lifetime Achievement Award OB Division Lifetime aper , U.of Western Ontario; Terence RMitchell , Boston U. S Sergey Morgoulis-Jakoushev Visual Presentation| ess , RutgersU. Javier Quintanilla Santi Furnari Ronel Erwee i Thea Mills Nathaniel Bulkley on EdwinLocke A

Carol Yeh-yun Lin Marina Libo ) ry Perspective| -

(IM) Cherrie J.Zhu Laura E.MercerTraavik

, U.ofWashington M Paula MCaligiuri Approach to Expatriate toExpatriate Approach , Stockholm School ofEconomics , Stockholm School , SDA Bocconi U. , SDA BocconiU. er: Exhibit Hall III - OCIS III - er: ExhibitHall , U. ofSouthern Queensland Meanings and Common and Common Meanings anag Knowledge Networks Charles Scherbaum Deborah Compeau Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , StockholmSchoolof , IESE,U.ofNavarra Randi Lunnan Carl Fey uivalence of Importance ofImportance uivalence , U. of Maryland, College of Maryland, , U. , NationalChengchiU., i , U.ofMichigan; ng Thomas Drape Christelle Tornikoski , National ChengchiU., P , Monash U. eop , Stockholm School , StockholmSchool Giuseppe Soda , Stockholm School Wolfgang , RutgersU.; l e , Norwegian A Jennifer

cross , U.of , U.S.Air , , City U. , City Marshall Nicole

, , Session Details Ð Tuesday

1Online Knowledge Transfer: The Roles of Experience, 1A User-Centered Perspective of Management: System, and Receptor | Allard C.R. Van Riel, U. of Liège; Managing the Range in the American Southwest, 1860- Zuzana Sasovova, Vrije U. Amsterdam 2004 | Christa L Walck, Michigan Technological U. 1An Exploratory Study of Individual Contributing and B 1The Adoption of Renewable Energy by Electric Seeking Behaviors through Knowledge Repositories | Vikas Utilities in the United States | Gregory Theyel, California Mehra, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore State U., Hayward; Nelli Haar, Reutlingen U. 1Who’s Doing What, When? Coordinating Work in a 974 Organizational Distributed Software Development Team | Heng Xu, B4 1: (Paper Session) - (PNP) Perspectives on the Public and Nonprofit Sectors Massachusetts Institute of Technology; JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Wanda J Orlikowski, 9:00am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - PNP Presented on panels 1-12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Discussants: Joaquin Herranz, U. of Washington, Seattle; Regan Leveraging HR Communications for Knowledge Sharing: B1 Harwell Schaffer, Pepperdine U.; Humberto Falcao Martins, U. of Monica Identifying the Messages and Fitting the Media | Brasilia; Melvin L. Smith, Case Western Reserve U.; Judith Y Adya Bonnie S O'Neill , Marquette U.; , Marquette U. Weisinger, New Mexico State U. 1Towards a Classification Framework of External 1Network Structure and Effectiveness: What Estuaries Told Jeroen Kraaijenbrink Knowledge Integration Processes | , Us | Wendy Xinfang gao, Florida State U. Twente U. 1Paradox And Collaboration In Coalition Work | Sonia Ospina Angel Saz-Carranza 972 1: (Paper Session) - (OMT) Frontiers of Network , New York U.; , New York U. Research 1Leadership for the Common Good: Building Cross- 9:00am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OMT 1 Sector Regimes of Mutual Gain | John M Bryson, U. of Presented on panels 63-69 Minnesota; Barbara C. Crosby, U. of Minnesota 1Niches in Networks of Competition: A Network 2B4 1Electronic Government as a Guided Evolution in Identification of Niche Structures and Firm Mortality | Singapore: Vision for the World in the 21st Century | Dongyoub Shin, Yon Sei U.; Joon Han, Yon Sei U.; Nokyoung Shirish C Srivastava, National U. of Singapore; Thompson SH Ki, Yon Sei U. Teo, National U. of Singapore 1The Effects of Network Structure and Network Partner 41A Typology Of Expatriatism: The Unique Experience of Profiles on Firm Risk Taking | Bilian Ni Sullivan, Hong Kong Public, Nonprofit, and Entrepreneurial Expats | Brian U. of Science and Technology; Jonathan F Haynes, Stanford U. Connelly, Texas A&M U. 41Dynamics of Cronyist Social Exchanges Across Cultures 1Does Organizational Form Matter: A Comparison of For- | Naresh Khatri, U. of Missouri, Columbia; Eric WK Tsang, Profits and Nonprofits in Nursing Home Services | Jongho Wayne State U.; Thomas M Begley, U. of College Dublin Roh, Florida State U. 1Growing on Lifestyle: Toward an Emergent Process 1Public-Private Partnerships: A Multidimensional Model for Model of Regional Cluster Development | Bill Wooldridge, Contracting | Hugo Zarco-Jasso, IESE, U. of Navarra U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Marta B. Calas, U. of 1An Integration of Public Organization and Organizational Massachusetts, Amherst; Arturo E Osorio, U. of Massachusetts, Economic Theories of Governance Structures | Domenico Amherst Salvatore, Bocconi U./Parthenope U. 1Heterogeneity in Social Networks and Work Experience as 1Social Network Analysis of Partnerships in Disaster Determinants of Individual Job Performance | Gina Dokko, Management: A Study of Women Leaders from NGOs | New York U. Triparna Vasavada, State U. of New York, Rockefeller College 1Are Communities of Practice a Valid Unit of Analysis? | of Public Affairs & Policy Guillaume Soenen, EM Lyon 1Will Public Service Providers be Publicly Traded in the WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 1It's a Small World After All: Network Theory, Japanese 21st Century? Correctional Privatization | Maureen Casile, Business, and Industrial Networks | Toshihiro Nishiguchi, Bowling Green State U.; Alison Davis-Blake, U. of Texas, Hitotsubashi U.; Jonathan Brookfield, Texas A&M U. Austin

973 Organizations and the 1Managing Effective Collaborations in a Nonprofit 1: (Paper Session) - (ONE) Kim T. Hinrichs Natural Environment: Illustrations and Explanations Environment | , Minnesota State U., Mankato; Janice A. Black 9:00am - 10:10am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ONE , New Mexico State U. Presented on panels 37-40 21Agents or Stewards: How Government Manages its 1Faulty Learning and Learning from Faults: Experience and Contracting Relationships with Nonprofit Providers | David Van Slyke Capability in the Natural Gas Industry | Vinit Desai, U. of , Syracuse U. California, Berkeley 41Behind the Emergence of an Environmental Protection Tuesday 10:15AM System in a Transition Economy | Yuan Lu, Chinese U. of 975 : (AAA) Conference Break Hong Kong; Soo-hung Terence Tsai, Chinese U. of Hong Kong 10:15am - 10:45am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - Break Area Organizer: George T Solomon, George Washington U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 273 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Management inthe21stCentury Management Enablers, and Mechanisms Enablers, and Fads Temporary Discerning betweenEnduringTrendsand 1 1 Presented onpanels41-47 - BPS1 III Center: ExhibitHall Hawaii Convention 10:30am -11:50am 979 | Learning Energized Designing The PowerTake toCourage: Empowerment and Change on Enabling PositiveChangewith of The EvolvingInterface and ExtraordinaryChange| Virtuousness Organizer: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room315 10:30am -11:50am 978 Empirical An Avoidance: Stigma oftheActivist Negotiation theWorkplace| and Around In Speech asFree Activism Power, Strategy, Strategic Activism: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room313A 10:30am -11:50am 977 | HumanResources Externalizing inGlobal with Paradox Coping | HR andKnowledgeWork Creating a Strategic Chair: Organizer: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room312 10:30am -11:50am 976 Michigan College of Maryland Rothenberg Irvine Southern California Direct Test| Direct Performance? RethinkingHow Performance? United Airlines Flight 93| Airlines United Organizing:AParadoxicalPositive Challengef| | Discrimination Fosters Workplace | World Corporate Pendulum | Scott L. NewbertScott L. Bruce Barry Quinn C. Worline Rosette Sonenshein Leif Erhardt Can the Resource-Based Can theResource-Based

1 : :

A Resource-Based View of Corporate Reputation: a Reputation: ofCorporate View A Resource-Based Sandra Rothenberg Jone L.Pearce (AAS) (AAS) : : , U. ofMichigan T (Paper Session)-(BPS) (AAS) eaching-oriented | Scott Sonenshein Alaka N.Rao , U.of Houston; Human Resourcesinthe21stCentury: Positive Organizational Change: Obstacles, Obstacles, Change: Positive Organizational , Emory U. , Rochesterof Technology; Institute , Rutgers U. , U. Arbor ofMichigan,Ann , Vanderbilt U. Katherine Xin Talkin' Bout a Revolution: Activism and Talkin' BoutaRevolution:Activism Gregorio Martín-deCastro , VillanovaU. , U.ofCalifornia,Irvine HR Organization | HR Organization Tuesday 10:30AM David Levy ☯ , U. of California, Irvine of California, , U. Management Practice-oriented |

Patricia FaisonHewlin , Rochester Technology Instituteof Order and Change onPathto Order and Identity intheWorkplace| David PLepak , Arbor U. ofMichigan,Ann , CEIBS; Ryan Quinn View Really Explain Firm View ReallyExplain

Businesses:TheGlobal/Local LanguageStrategies| The Resource-Based View The Resource-Based , U. ofMassachusetts,Boston Jean M.Bartunek Examination ofHowInaction Examination Alaka N.Rao We Think about the RBV | about theRBV We Think

Vladimir Pucik and Influence in the inthe and Influence Ashleigh Shelby Edward E.Lawler , U.ofVirginia; , U. ofComplutenseDe , Rutgers U.; , Rutgers

Kim Cameron , U.ofCalifornia, , GeorgetownU. Holly Slay International-oriented| , Boston , IMD Robert E Sandra Niclas Scott Monica , U.of , U.of , U.

274 Cognition andConfidence Relationships inContext Relationships Capabilities Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room306B 10:30am -11:50am 980 B 4 1 1 1 Chair: Hawaii Convention Center:Room308A 10:30am -11:50am 982 B B inCapabilities:A toInvestments Returns Managing Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room307B 10:30am -11:50am 981 B 2 B Discussant: Management Discussant: Discussant: Theme-oriented |

1 The Role of Resource Allocation and Transformation in andTransformation Allocation Resource The Roleof 4 1 Rob Bauer Helsinki U. of Technology Helsinki U.ofTechnology York U.; Stuart Read Naval PostgraduateSchool; Agent Simulation Model of Competition | of Competition Agent SimulationModel Empirical Test| Conceptual Framework| Conceptual telephony | Nadja Guenster Georgia StateU. Virginia; Robertson Polytechnic Institute Institute Polytechnic Johnson U. ofAdelaide; Catherine Maritan Ontario Rouse Emilio Navas-López Madrid; Uncertain Ventures: An Empirical Analysis | Analysis Empirical An Ventures: Uncertain Technology Leveraging | The Firm in Resource Investment Terms | Terms Investment in Resource The Firm Strategy | Subjective Manager Subjective Queen's U.; Embeddedness of Dyna Embeddedness of andCh of Search The Value Advantage:An ofCompetitive Sources Isolating Potential Real Options Reasoning and theManagementof Real OptionsReasoning

Cognition And Competitive Dy Cognition AndCompetitive Meeting The Criteria for a Dynamic Theory of the Firm: TheoryoftheFirm: aDynamic for Criteria Meeting The ForNon-Predictive Case The Do Next? What To : : : Resource Value and New Markets: The case of mobile ofmobile Thecase and NewMarkets: Value Resource Mark HHansen Thomas Clarke Annetta Fortune (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) The Economic Value of Cor Value The Economic , U. ofWestern Ontario; Pedro López-Sáez Pamela SBarr Rita Gunther McGrathRita Gunther Thomas Clarke Deepak Somaya Deepak Shayne Gary , U.of Melbourne

Robert Wiltbank , WarwickBusinessSchool , Maastricht U.; Tina Dacin , IMD, Lausanne Shahzad Ansari Visual Presentation| Graham Hubbard , ErasmusU.; Glenn Rowe , SyracuseU. , U.ofTechnology, Sydney , Brigham Young U. , DrexelU. , U.ofComplutense DeMadrid ial Beliefs | ial Beliefs , AustralianGraduateSchoolof , Queen's U.,Canada , Georgia StateU.; , U.Sydney of Technology,

, U. ofMaryland mic Capabilities| Kees Koedijk , U.of ComplutenseDeMadrid; Erwin Danneels

Todd Alessandri , Willamette U.; Saras Sarasvathy Saras Managerial Reasoning, Managerial Principal Agency Principal Agency in onInvestment Returns , ErasmusU. , U. ofWesternOntario; Jeroen Derwall Suhaib Riaz ange Capabilities:AMulti- , Columbia U.; , Columbia Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofAdelaide; Jeremy JohnMarcel namics: The Influence of Influence namics: The porate Eco-Efficiency | Eco-Efficiency porate , Erasmus U. Irene M Duhaime Irene M , U. ofWestern Nicholas Dew , Worcester Duncan , Syracuse U.; , Syracuse Satyendra Singh Angelina Zubac , Erasmus U.; Taina Tukiainen , U.ofVirginia; Thomas Keil Lester Michael J , U.of , José , , , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Reexamination of Triadic Principal-Agent Relationship | Strategic Planning Among Chinese Firms | Brian Boyd, Arizona Edward Zajac, Northwestern U.; Ming Piao, Northwestern U. State U.; Heli Wang, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; 4Rewards and Firm Performance - A Look into the Michael N. Young, Chinese U. of Hong Kong Motivation Black-Box | Oliver Gottschalg, HEC Paris Private Ownership in Infrastructure Projects in China | Yi 4Can Independent Distribution Function as a Mode of Jiang, Ohio State U.; Mike W. Peng, Ohio State U. Governance? A Study of Life Insurance Market | Igor Strategy in Chinese Firms: Business Groups in China | Robert Filatotchev, King's College, U. of London; Damian Ward, U. of E. Hoskisson, Arizona State U.; Garry D Bruton, TCU; Daphne Bradford Yiu, Chinese U. of Hong Kong Content and Thoroughness of Performance Reasonings in Management Localization in MNC Overseas Subsidiaries | Yan Anthea Zhang German Letters to Shareholders | Axel v. Werder, Technical , Rice U. U. of Berlin; Till Talaulicar, Technical U. of Berlin Survival and Failure of China’s Technology Ventures: Evidence from Zhongguanchung High Technology Sc | 983 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Commercialization and the Haiyang Li, Texas A&M U.; Li-An Zhou, Peking U. Value of Innovation Participants: Brian Boyd, Arizona State U.; Xueguang Zhou, Hong 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308B Kong U. Dept of Management; Mike W. Peng, Ohio State U.; Yi Carmen Weigelt Chair: , Rice U. Jiang, Ohio State U.; Robert E. Hoskisson, Arizona State U.; Raja Roy Discussant: , Tulane U. Daphne Yiu, Chinese U. of Hong Kong; Garry D Bruton, TCU; Yan Do Stock Markets Value Innovation? A Meta-Analysis | Anthea Zhang, Rice U.; Haiyang Li, Texas A&M U.; Li-An Zhou, Federico Ballardini, U. of Bologna; Alessandro Malipiero, U. of Peking U. Bologna; Raffaele Oriani, U. of Bologna; Maurizio Sobrero, U. of Bologna; Alessandra Zammit, U. of Bologna 986 SHCS: (BPS, OMT, ENT) Luck Vs Skill 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316C 2B Understanding Firm Organization and Performance: A Joe Porac Jeff Discussant: , New York U. Knowledge-Based Examination in Drug Development | Patrick Regner Macher, Georgetown U. Strategic Insight in Emerging Industries | , An Examination of Strategic Planning and Flexibility to Firm Stockholm School of Economics On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time | Innovation: A Three Study Approach | Clay Dibrell, Oregon Giovanni Gavetti, Harvard Business School; Jan W. Rivkin, State U.; Justin BL Craig, Oregon State U. Harvard U. Creating Value from Knowledge and Knowing: Absorptive Technological Specialization and Genesis of New Capacity or Potential Exploitation Capability? | Lance Technologies: How Corning Invented and Developed Fib | Richard Newey, U. of Queensland Gino Cattani, New York U. 984 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Competition and Performance Fooled by Randomness – the Role of Luck in Accurate 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313B Forecasting | Christina Fang, New York U. Chair: Walter J Ferrier, U. of Kentucky Discussant: Walter J Ferrier, U. of Kentucky 987 SHCS: (BPS, TIM, OMT) Brokering Innovations Acting upon Competitors’ Resources through Strategic 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313C Chair: Lee Fleming, Harvard U. Actions in Factor and Political Markets | Olivier Chatain, Discussant: Toby E. Stuart, Columbia U. INSEAD; Laurence Capron, INSEAD Second-Hand Brokerage | Ronald S. Burt, U. of Chicago 4The Roads to Success--Sustained Inter-firm Performance Cohesion, Brokerage, and Combinatorial Creativity | Lee Differences In China’s Auto Market | Qingjiu Tao, Lehigh U.; Fleming, Harvard U.; Santiago Mingo, Harvard U.; David Chen, John E Prescott, U. of Pittsburgh Harvard U.

When Should (Not) a Firm Retrench? Moderating Role of the WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Building a Knowledge Broker: A Qualitative and Longitudinal Firm's Dominant Rent Creation Logic | Sun Kyu (Dominic) Study | Robert I. Sutton, Stanford U.; Elizabeth M. Gerber, Lim, U. of Western Ontario Stanford U. 2Capital Structure and Competitive Behavior: The Effect of Brokering, Innovation, and the Role of Expertise in Dynamics Equity Financing and Earnings Pressure | Yu Zhang, Environments | Andrew B. Hargadon, U. of California, Davis; INSEAD Jennifer K. Whyte, Imperial College London 985 4 JS: (BPS, IM, OMT) Strategy in Chinese Firms: Participants: Ronald S. Burt, U. of Chicago; Robert I. Sutton, ; Andrew B. Hargadon ; Institutional Antecedents, Processes and Outcomes Stanford U. , U. of California, Davis 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 309 Santiago Mingo, Harvard U.; David Chen, Harvard U.; Elizabeth Chairs: Heli Wang, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; M. Gerber, Stanford U.; Jennifer K. Whyte, Imperial College Michael N. Young, Chinese U. of Hong Kong London Rethinking Property Rights as a Relational Concept: 988 B : (Paper Session) - (CAR) Extra-Organizational Explorations in China’s Transitional Economy | Xueguang Careers: Careers Outside the Boundaries of Zhou, Hong Kong U. Dept of Management Organizations 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Chair: Patricia Ann Baccili, Unlimited Possibilities Now, Inc

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 275 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday New Job Opportunities? Discussant: | ContingentEmployment Reworking Highwayor Career Freedomonthe & Careers: Temps Discussant: 1 Presented onpanels15-20 - CMS1 III Hawaii Convention Center:ExhibitHall 10:30am -11:50am 991 in Differences ofSocialCapital:Gender The DownSide 2 andCognitive onAffective Similarity of Social The Impact Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room318B 10:30am -11:50am 990 EffectsofSoci The Differential 2 Non-Network-Based after andJobSearch Networks Social 2 Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room322A 10:30am -11:50am 989 2 Playing by the Rules: A Social Network Perspective on Perspective Network by theRules:ASocial Playing Careers: Beyond Organizational 4 International; Outcomes: Evidence for a Mediated Relationship | foraMediated Evidence Outcomes: INSEAD Perspectives on a Photographic Exploration | Exploration onaPhotographic Perspectives Behaviors towards Temporary Firms and Clients | Firmsand Temporary towards Behaviors Institutional Conflict| Trapped at a Roadblock| Trapped at Homophilous Work Relations | Work Relations Homophilous | Conflict Opinion Reactions to Embeddedness onEmplo | inBoston Chinese High-Skilled Migration: Vodosek Ling Yuan CSX Transportation; Fernandez-Mateo Northwestern U. Lewin Loyd Northwestern U.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology ofTechnology Institute Massachusetts INSEAD Columbia Missouri, Columbia; Twente Connelly Success for Entry-level Job Seekers | Seekers Job Entry-level for Success Preparing for Radical Career Change | forRadicalCareer Preparing Trust in Mediated Employment Arrangements | Arrangements Employment Trust inMediated Predicting Temporary Workers' Impression Management Management Impression Workers' Predicting Temporary When a Rose is not a Rose: A 21st Century Vision of Vision Century A21st Rose: not a When aRoseis Cultural Diversity, Intragroup Conflict, and Group andGroup Conflict, Diversity,Intragroup Cultural

Social Networks, Self-perceptions, and Job Search Search andJob Self-perceptions, Social Networks, 1 : Winner ofCareers Division Best OverallPaper Award New Visions of the Self at Work and at Home: Critical Critical Home: at Workand of theSelf New Visions Markus Vodosek Brian P. Niehoff (Paper Session)-(CM) : : T (Paper Session)-(CMS) (Paper Session)-(CAR) eaching-oriented | Barbara A.Ribbens Parks-Yancy Rochelle Yekaterina Bezrukova , U. of Utah , U. , McMaster U. , U. of Illinois,Chicago , NorthwesternU.; Elizabeth Goodrick Robert B. Lount , London Business School , LondonBusinessSchool Thomas W. Dougherty , Kansas StateU. Sandy J.Wayne , U.ofUtah ☯ Debra LouisConnelley

Management Practice-oriented |

Diversity andConflict Diversity yee Outcomes| Belinda C. Allen , WesternIllinoisU. al Support and Social and al Support Katherine W.Phillips Are Networks the Route to Routeto Are Networksthe Foucault, CulturalStudies , RutgersU. , TexasSouthernU. Renée C. vanderHulstRenée C. Cynthia S.Wang , FloridaAtlanticU. , Northwestern U.; Information, Learning and Learning Information, Matthew J.Bidwell , U.ofIllinois,Chicago; Yu HaCheung Roxana Barbulescu , U. of Missouri, , U. ofMelbourne Isabel K.GrafIsabel Fei Qin , Touro U. Janet Grace International-oriented| , Isabel

Denise , Catherine , Markus , U. of , U. , U.of ,


, 276 Management inthe21stCentury Management Coordinator: Whitford Josh Thompson, BillLazonick, Speakers are:CraigLittler,Paul Sheraton WaikikiBeach:HonoluluRoom 10:30am -11:50am 992 4 B B 1 1 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT2 III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:30am -11:50am 994 4 1 4 4 Presented onpanels11-14 - ENT1 III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:30am -11:50am 993 | Restructuring of Corporate A SignallingTheory of Transformation Organizational The Economy: The NewOld of theNewEcon Evolution ATaleofIncreased Capitalism: Disconnected Andrews U. INSEAD Speakers: in Entrepreneurship Worldwide Stage Theme-oriented | 4 4 1 1 1 1 Henry Symonds Hong Kong Stanford Bloomington Lazonick Littler Venture | Venture andSoci Entrepreneurship Carroll Sayers Advertising | Advertising American Manufacturing | Manufacturing American | Unmanageability Value Test of its Own Design | | OwnDesign ofits Value Test Transitional Economy | Economy Transitional | Isomorphism Mimetic School Copenhagen Business Suzanne Benn Instituto de Empresa; Instituto deEmpresa; Julio O. DeCastro | Approach of theGem's AReexamination Environment? Bojidar S Gyoshev U. ofMaine Studies: Towards a Non-Essentialist Theory | Theory| Non-Essentialist a Studies: Towards Assessed Against Minnich's Four Errors | Errors Minnich'sFour Against Assessed Kyoto U. The Symbolic Pharmacy: Myth in Pharmaceutical Myth inPharmaceutical Pharmacy: The Symbolic 1 1

1 4 Mirror, MirrorontheWall:"Cultu The Role of Trust for Entrepreneurial Exchange ina Exchange of TrustforEntrepreneurial The Role Entrepreneurial Activitya of Role onthe ANote Internationalization: New Venture The Role of Symbolic Capital in Stakeholder Disputes| in Stakeholder The RoleofSymbolicCapital Explore or Exploit: the Role of Corporate of Corporate Role the orExploit: Explore A Critical Review of a University Career Workshop Workshop Career University Reviewofa A Critical 1

; Josh Whitford : : , St.AndrewsU. (CMS) (Paper Session)-(ENT) , St.Mary'sU.; , MasseyU.; Paul Thompson Foucault, Bakhtin and Agency in Organization Organization andAgencyin Foucault, Bakhtin : , U. of York, UK; of York, , U. , Euro-AsiaCentre,INSEAD (Paper Session)-(ENT) Craig R.Littler Chunyan Jiang James TimothyScott Analyzing the Big Picture: Capitalism and and Capitalism Analyzing theBigPicture: Visual Presentation| , U. ofTechnology,Sydney;

, Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design ofArtsand , WhitecliffeCollege , InstitutodeEmpresa; , International Business School; School; , International Business Paul Thompson Ralph James Bathurst

Rachida Justo , Columbia U. , Columbia Albert J. Mills

, StrathclydeU. Stephanie A.Fernhaber , St. Andrews U. Tatiana S.Manolova omy Business Model | BusinessModel omy David RThompson , Chinese U.ofHongKong Josh Whitford al Network in Chinse New Network inChinse al nd Entrepreneurial Emerging Research Issues Emerging ResearchIssues Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Galit Ailon Entrepreneurship ona

; Craig R. Littler , U.ofSt.Andrews; , St.Mary'sU. , InstitutodeEmpresa , StrathclydeU. re's Consequences"ina ; WilliamLazonick Alberto Maydeu Richard Jones , Columbia U. , Massey U.,Albany; , BarIlanU. Hisako Inaba , Chinese U.of , SuffolkU.; Wendy R Craig R. , IndianaU., William Ivan Manev , St. Neil , , , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Presented on panels 57-60 Chair: Jonathan Thomas Eckhardt, U. of Wisconsin, Madison 1Examining the Social Entrepreneurship Phenomenon: Do Business Incubators Work? Perspectives on Incubator A Process Model of Social Venture Choice | Mark P Success | Christopher E. Stevens, Case Western Reserve U.; Sharfman, U. of Oklahoma, Norman; Lowell Busenitz, U. of William S Schulze, Case Western Reserve U.; Cameron M Oklahoma; David Matthew Townsend, U. of Oklahoma; Jason Ford, U. of Central Florida; Thomas O'Neal, U. of Central Florida A. Harkins, U. of Oklahoma Technological Innovation Activities in Firms and Propensity of B1Resource Network Development: Entrepreneurial Individuals Starting New Businesses | Poh-Kam Wong, Ventures and Negative Consequences of Social Capital | National U. of Singapore; Lena Lee, National U. of Singapore Julie Feickert, U. of Utah 2Forms of Entrepreneurs' Capital, Venture Strategy and 1A Revised Conceptual Model of the Firm-level Performance | Hermann Achidi Ndofor, U. of North Carolina, Entrepreneurial Process | Patrick Kreiser, Ohio U. Charlotte; Richard L Priem, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 1Learning to Live With Dependence Traps: Retention of B4 Environmental determinants and proximity effects on Critical High-skill Employees in IT Start-ups | Jia (Carol) Xu, entrepreneurship in the French ICT sector | Frank Lasch, North Carolina U., Chapel Hill CEROM Montpellier Business School; Frédéric Le Roy, ERFI/CEROM U. of Montpellier 1; Saïd Yami, ERFI/CEROM U. Research on Funding of 995 1: (Paper Session) - (ENT) of Montpellier 1 Entrepreneurial Firms 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - ENT 3 998 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Exploitation of Entrepreneurial Presented on panels 53-56 Opportunities B1How a Small Business can increase its chances to 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303B receive Bank Loan | Volker Bruns, Jonkoping International Chair: Shameen Prashantham, Strathclyde U. Business School An experimental test of entrepreneurial exploitation | Steven E 1Underwriters and the Agency Problem at the Time of the Phelan, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas; G. Stoney Alder, U. of IPO | Jonathan D. Arthurs, Washington State U.; Lowell Nevada, Las Vegas Busenitz, U. of Oklahoma; Richard A Johnson, U. of 2Antecedents and Exploitation Outcomes of Opportunity Oklahoma; Robert E. Hoskisson, Arizona State U. Identification Processes | Gaylen N Chandler, Utah State U.; Douglas W Lyon Dawn DeTienne B1Blockholder Conflicts in VC backed Entrepreneurial , Fort Lewis College; , Utah Firms: Do the Costs Outweigh the Benefits? | K Thomas State U. Chandy, Binghamton U.; Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam, Duquesne No Exit: Explaining the Persistence of "Living Dead" Firms | U. Carla Petra Pavone, U. of Minnesota; Sanjay Banerjee, U. of 1Gender and Business Finance: Investigating the Minnesota Relationship between Banks and Entrepreneurs | Sara 2Strategic Process Effects on the Entrepreneurial Orientation Jeff Covin Carter, Strathclyde U.; Eleanor Shaw, Strathclyde U.; Fiona - Sales Growth Rate Relationship | , Indiana U.; Wilson, Glasgow U.; Wing Lam, Glasgow U. Kimberly M Green, Indiana U., Bloomington; Dennis P Slevin, U. of Pittsburgh 996 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Role of Top Management Team Demographic Variables at & Human Capital in New Venture Performance 999 1: (Paper Session) - (GDO) 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B Work Chair: Todd Saxton, Indiana U. 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - GDO 1 4Is the Team as Strong as its Strongest Link? Venture Presented on panels 21-26 Teams’ Advice Networks and Strategic Debate | Balagopal 1Who’s on the Job: The Importance of Explicit Gender Marnie Young Jerry P Vissa, INSEAD Identifiers in Job Titles | , Algoma U.; Sheppard WEDNESDAY TUESDAY A Social Cognitive Model of Founding Team Dynamics | , Simon Fraser U. Michael Ensley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jon C. Carr, 1Ain’t You Too Young to Be the Boss? When Age U. of Southern Mississippi; Pasi Sajasalo, Tampere U. of Discrimination Targets Employees under 40 | Eileen Technology Kwesiga, U. of Texas, Arlington 2B4The Imprinting Effect of Initial Resources and Market 1Being Trusted: The Influence of Team Demographic Strategy on the Early Growth Path of Start-Ups | Ans Dissimilarity on Dyadic Trust Across Boundaries | Michele Heirman, Vlerick-Leuven-Gent Management School; Bart Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clarysse, Vlerick-Leuven-Gent Management School 1Differences in the Use of Upward Influence Strategies BMultiple "fit" considerations in human resource acquisition between Sexes | Anna B. Kayes, George Washington U. for entrepreneurial firms | Aegean Oi Kam Leung, National U. 1When Ideas are not Enough: The Relationship between of Singapore; Jing Zhang, City U.; Poh-Kam Wong, National U. Social Identity and Championing | Shalei Simms, Rutgers U. of Singapore; Maw-Der Foo, National U. of Singapore 41The Time Bomb in Japanese Corporations: Gender Denise Luethge, 997 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Contextual Influences on New Differences in Refining Tacit Knowledge | U. of Michigan, Flint; Philippe Byosiere, Doshisha U. Firm Creation & Performance 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 277 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday 20th? Fadofthe orPassing of GenderForthe21stCentury Care fromHealth Evidence Activities: Technically Complex Discussant: Organizer: Sheraton Waikiki Beach: HiloRoom 10:30am -11:50am 1003 Organizer: Hilton Hawaiian 10:30am -11:50am 1002 and theWo Orientation Sexual TheApplicant Homosexuals: of theHiring Factors Affecting 2 Across Stigmas Invisible Disclosing Disconnects: Disclosure Chair: 1-2 Hilton HawaiianVillage:SeaPearlSuite 10:30am -11:50am 1001 1 1 B 1 Presented onpanels27-30 - GDO2 III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:30am -11:50am 1000 Presenter: A&M U. Kornberger Deborah MKolb Deborah Jones Amherst Chair: and Inequity Identities Birmingham Robert Sardy Mary U.ofLondon Presenters: Stigmatization WithinIt Organizations:WhyItOccurs,How 1 Choi London School of Economics London School Stanford U.; Privilege | without Privilege| Members Organization Plans| Action Attitudes towardAffirmative Consequences of Coming Out atWork| Out ofComing Consequences | and theJobCharacteristics Life Domains | Singapore; Georgia; George Mason U.; | Workforce Diverse a OfPursuing Complexities Orientation: Triana Rosette Develops, and What Results | What Results and Develops, Framing Inequity Safely: The Motivated Denial of White DenialofWhite Motivated The Safely: Framing Inequity for Impediment ASystemic Disadvantage: Undeserved on Consequences and Anticipated Effects ofRace Aneika L Simmons Aneika L

Gary C McMahan Albert J. Mills 1 B : ; Anne Elizabeth Ross-Smith , Singapore ManagementU. ; Jeanie M.Forray (Paper Session)-(GDO) Selection, Obedience, & Social Dominance Dominance &Social Selection, Obedience,

, TexasA&MU.; T : JS:

Dov Rothman eaching-oriented | R Jacques Roy Stager , U.of Houston (Paper Session)-(GDO) Karen LeeAshcraft R Vikki NatashaWilkinsVikki , U.Sydney of Technology, : obert S. Huckman obert Donn Gatewood (HCM) , U. Alliant International (GDO, CMS) Brian Lowery Angeline Lim

Miguel M.Unzueta , VictoriaU.ofWellington , Simmons School ofManagement , SimmonsSchool ; Kristina A. Bourne Belle Rose Ragins Human CapitalDevelopment in , St.Mary'sU. Tiffany M. BludauTiffany M. , TexasA&MU.,CollegeStation; , U. ofTexas,Arlington ☯ , Columbia U. Wendy R BoswellWendy R

Management Practice-oriented | , Western NewEngland College Feminist Theorising: New Vision NewVision Feminist Theorising: , National U.ofSingapore; , Stanford U.; Village: SouthPacific1 , Harvard U. , Harvard , Auckland U. of Technology , AucklandU.of , U.ofUtah rkplace: The Antecedents and Antecedents rkplace: The Stigmas and Invisible Maw-Der Foo , , Jackson State U. , JacksonState Christine Marie Riordan Stanford U. Addressing Disadvantage Disadvantage Addressing , U.ofGeorgia ; ScottTaylor , U. ofTechnology, Sydney , U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee , U.ofWisconsin,Milwaukee ; Linda L. Putnam , U. of Massachusetts, , U.ofMassachusetts, , George Mason U. ; RonitKark Eric David Knowles ; Emma Bell , Texas A&MU. Martin MKamen Ashleigh Shelby , National U.of D avid AKravitz ; Martin , U.of , BarIlan U. International-oriented| Young Rok , Queen Mary , Texas ; , U.of , , ; , ; 278 Leverage FirmPerformance Development and Training 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room319B 10:30am -11:50am 1005 B B Care inHealth and Complementarities HR andITCapabilities B Chair: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 10:30am -11:50am 1004 4 A ModeloftheConsequences 2 Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room323B 10:30am -11:50am 1006 2 4 DoIndustry Performance: and Firm Reductions Workforce Alignment: Action andInterest Chair: Opportunities Health Careand Cure ForOur Problems?Challenges Theme-oriented | Mentors' Motivations at Work as Predictors ofProteges' asPredictors at Work Mentors' Motivations Contingent LaborStrategies, 4 Integration and Assignment in HRM: The Effects of inHRM:The and Assignment Integration

Discourse Surrounding El Surrounding Discourse AffectPatientCareTeamwork| Mediation Chris Brewster Business School; Managerial Selectionin Managerial Billsberry Geography andTime| | Organizations Unintended Outcomes| th Conditions Moderate Strategies Organizational | Christopher H. Thomas Lankau U. ofHawai`i,Manoa Elizabeth Davidson Rutgers U.; Alexander Way U. Yeon Ji U. ofKansas; Bloomington State U.; L Hicks Goldstein Experiences in a Formal Mentoring Program | Program Mentoring inaFormal Experiences | Analysis AFirm-Level Employees: Full Time and Financial Performance | Performance and Financial W. Thacker Missouri, Columbia Missouri, Columbia

Organizing Vision for IT Healthcare: Analysis ofthe Analysis Organizing VisionforITHealthcare: about Virtual Teams:Thinking On the Receiving End: An Exploratory Study of Study On theReceivingEnd:AnExploratory

Naresh Khatri Niti Pandey John C Dencker Winner ofHRDivision'sBestStudent Paper Award : : : Information TechnologySt (Paper Session)-(HR) (Paper Session)-(HCM) (Paper Session)-(HR) , U.ofGeorgia; , U.ofKansas , U.ofMissouri, Columbia; Wendy RBoswell , Open U. , Brandeis U. Charles HFay , U. of Windsor

Deepak KDatta Visual Presentation| , U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.ofIllinois, , , Henley ManagementCollege Naresh Khatri Chinese U.ofHongKong; Anna Patrizia Rogaczewska , U.ofMissouri,Columbia , U.of Hawai`i, Manoa; , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Robert R Hirschfeld Robert R , U.of Georgia Henrik Holt Larsen e Relationship? | e Relationship? the United Kingdom | the UnitedKingdom Steven Whiting , Rutgers U.,NewBrunswick; ectronic HealthRecords| ectronic

, Texas A&MU. Workforce Restructuring to Workforce Restructuring Employee Career

Alexander Colvin Linking Employees and LinkingEmployees of Training: Considering ofTraining:Considering , U. ofTexas,Arlington; Is Information TechnologyA Is Information HIHRS, and HR Outcomes for HIHRS, andHROutcomes Darrell E.Burke , U. ofMissouri,Columbia; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings rategy-Environmental Fit rategy-Environmental Fit Gordon DBrown How Distance &Digital How Distance , IndianaU., John LeeReardon David PLepak James PGuthrie James , U. ofGeorgia; , Copenhagen Na , Aalborg U.; , Aalborg , Pennsylvania , FloridaState nce L Jon Sean Melenie J. , U.of Yong- James

Lanis , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Employee Involvement In Skill Development: Exploration Of Expatriate Capabilities, Knowledge Transfer, and Foreign Additional Antecedents And Outcomes | Todd J. Maurer, Direct Investment Performance | Hyondong Kim, Ohio State Georgia State U.; Michael Lippstreu, Georgia Institute of U. Technology 1010 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Global and Regional Strategy 1007 : (Paper Session) - (IM) How National Institutions 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B Affect MNCs Chair: Arvind Bhambri, U. of Southern California 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A Discussant: Srilata Zaheer, U. of Minnesota Chair: Nicholas Athanassiou, Northeastern U. 4The Firm-Specific Advantages, Performance, and Intra- Discussant: Lorraine Eden, Texas A&M U. Regional Sales of Multinational Enterprises | Alan M 4Institution Support and Foreign Entry Strategy: US Firms Rugman, Indiana U. Entering the Eurasian Transition Economies | Jun Xia, 2Rivalry Deterrence in Global Markets: Contingencies Texas Tech U.; Kimberly B. Boal, Texas Tech U. Governing the Mutual Forbearance Hypothesis | Tieying Yu, Finalist--Doug Nigh Award Boston College; Mohan Subramaniam, Boston College 4Ownership Strategies and Subsidiary Performance: Impact Finalist--IMD Best Paper of Institutions and Experience | Ajai Singh Gaur, National U. Finalist--Doug Nigh Award of Singapore; Jane Lu, Singapore Management U. 4Performance Relationships within the I-R Framework: 2Institutional Environment Relatedness and FDI Failures in Computer Products and Household Goods Industries | the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry | Susan Perkins- Torben Juul Andersen, Copenhagen Business School; Rodriguez, New York U. Maheshkumar P Joshi, George Mason U. Institutional Environment and Survival of Overseas 4Embedding the Multinational Enterprise | Raymond Subsidiaries | Charles Dhanaraj, Indiana U., Bloomington; Paul Loveridge, Oxford U. Beamish, U. of Western Ontario 1011 B4 SHCS: (IM, OB, HR) Management of 1008 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Internationalization of the Firm Sociocultural Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: & Performance Learning from Experience 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305A 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A Chair: Paul M Vaaler, Tufts U. Chairs: Guenter Stahl, INSEAD; Chei Hwee Chua, U. of South Discussant: Bernard M. Wolf, York U., Toronto Carolina 4Multinationality and Cost Efficiency: The Case of U.S. Creating a New Identity and High-Performance Culture at Manufacturing Firms | Lei Li, U. of Portland Novartis: The Role of Leadership and HRM | Chei Hwee 4Internationalization and Performance: Exploring the Role of Chua, U. of South Carolina; Guenter Stahl, INSEAD Organizational Structure | Fabienne Fortanier, U. of DaimlerChrysler: A Case Study of a Cross-Border Merger | Amsterdam; Alan Muller, Erasmus U. Torsten M. Kuehlmann, U. of Bayreuth; Peter J Dowling, U. of Internationalization and Performance: The S-curve Hypothesis Canberra and Product Diversity Effect | Chin-Chun Hsu, U. of Nevada, Importance of the Agreement Formation Process in Partnering Las Vegas with the Unfamiliar: Renault and Nissan | Harry Korine, Kazuhiro Asakawa Pierre- 24Investor Response to FDI Risk: The Effects of Direct and London Business School; , Keio U.; Yves Gomez Indirect Experience of MNCs | Anthony Goerzen, U. of , EM Lyon Victoria; Stephen Sapp, U. of Western Ontario The CNH Global Case: Building Social Capabilities to Win in Finalist--Doug Nigh Award Cross-Border Acquisitions, JVs and Alli | Piero Morosini, ESMT 1009 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Expatriates and Knowledge Managing Human Resources to Capture Capabilities in High- WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Flows in MNCs Technology Acquisitions: The Case of Cisco | Saikat 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Chaudhuri, U. of Pennsylvania Naomi A Gardberg Chair: , Baruch College, CUNY Participants: Chei Hwee Chua, U. of South Carolina; Guenter Tatiana Kostova Discussant: , U. of South Carolina Stahl, INSEAD; Torsten M. Kuehlmann, U. of Bayreuth; Peter J 4MNE Tacit Knowledge and IJV Performance: When Do Dowling, U. of Canberra; Harry Korine, London Business School; Expatriates Make a Difference? | Dev K. Dutta, U. of Western Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio U.; Pierre-Yves Gomez, EM Lyon; Piero Ontario; Paul Beamish, U. of Western Ontario Morosini, ESMT; Saikat Chaudhuri, U. of Pennsylvania 4Expatriate Managers and Corporate-Level International Learning in Alternative Settings Strategy | Brian Connelly, Texas A&M U.; Angelo DeNisi, 1012 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Texas A&M U. 10:30am - 11:50am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A1 Facilitator: David A Lamond, U. of Western Sydney 24Cosmopolitans and Locals: Knowledge Gathering and MOC: Gianni G Martine Haas Conventional Artifacts in the Digital Era | Project Quality in Transnational Teams | , Lorenzoni, U. of Bologna; Alessandro Narduzzo, Free U. Cornell U. Bozen-Bolzano

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 279 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Organization Change B Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA4 10:30am -11:50am 1015 4 4 4 OMT: Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA3 10:30am -11:50am 1014 OCIS: Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA2 10:30am -11:50am 1013 4 CM: Alliances China OMT: OMT: OB: ENT: IM: TIM: IM: IM: Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology Hong KongU.of ScienceandTechnology Baruch College of NewYork,Baruch College; Partners: Review and Recommendations | and Recommendations Partners: Review Joseph Paul Dunn Fuller New YorkU.; Gong Beck Hollywood Film-making Ind Film-making Hollywood Sequence and Longitudina and Sequence Reference Groups| Reference Dependence | ofRules| Set ofanOrganizational Development Ann Arbor Arbor; of Michigan,Ann Spreitzer Christianson Emory U. R. Weingart Jiaotong U. Practices: Canada and the Pe Canadaandthe Practices: Evide and Performance: New YorkU. | Adjustment Learning OrientationinCross-Cultural School; China's Handset Makers | White Business School; OMT: An Empirical Examination of Thriving at Work | ofThrivingat Examination An Empirical An Exploration-Exploitation An Exploration-Exploitation Imitation or Distinction? Strategic Responses to Social toSocial Responses or Distinction?Strategic Imitation and BimodalDuration Performance Sampling andInstitutiona Rationality A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Business Business of Ethical Comparison A Cross-Cultural Characteristics Managerial Governance Mechanisms, Examinatio A Longitudinal

Compensation and Career Paths of IT Professionals: A ofITProfessionals: Paths and Career Compensation : : : Latecomer Strategies: Levera Latecomer Strategies: Entrepreneurial Firms in Search of Established of Established in Search Firms Entrepreneurial , Erfurt U. (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) , andTechnology; Hong KongU.ofScience , CityU. , INSEAD In SearchofFit:ALongitudinalStudyonthe T eaching-oriented |

, Nanyang Technological U.; , NanyangTechnological Barbara Carlin Ayesha Malhotra Timothy Huerta Tiemin Wang , U.of Michigan, AnnArbor; , Brock U.; , Carnegie MellonU.; , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; , U.ofMichigan,Ann Simone Ferriani Jerker C.Denrell Sandra Slaughter

, London Business School Freek Vermeulen Anamitra Shome ☯ , U.of Houston Adam Michael Grant Management Practice-oriented | , U. ofBritishColumbia , St. LouisU. nce from China| from nce Managing Networksand on Perspectives Managerial Longitudinal Perspectives on Wei Xie Wei l Economic Analysis | Analysis l Economic ustry, 1992-2003 | | 1992-2003 ustry, Irene Y.He , Bologna U.; , Bologna n of Goal Setting and Setting n ofGoal Mo lized Expectations: The Expectations: lized ople's Republic ofChina| Republic ople's , StanfordU.; Michael Joseph Prietula del of Negotiation| del , Carnegie MellonU. Soon Ang , TsinghuaU.; ging and Learning by ging andLearning KathleenSutcliffe M. , Brock U. , Brock , LondonBusiness , CityU.ofNewYork, Gretchen M. Charles Baden- Yuan Li , U. of Michigan, T.K. Das , Nanyang Zur Shapira Song Chang Gino Cattani International-oriented| Steven Marlys K. Damien , Xian Nikolaus , CityU. Yaping Laurie , , U. , , , 280 OMT: BPS: BPS: 4 4 Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa2-TableB1 10:30am -11:50am 1016 B B B B Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa2-TableB3 10:30am -11:50am 1018 B 4 Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa2-TableB2 10:30am -11:50am 1017 Reactions to Change Reactions to OMT: MOC: BPS: Theme-oriented | HR: HCM: 4 IM: IM: ODC: Prescott Pittsburgh; Free U. Organisational Change Practice | Change Practice Organisational the NetworkTiesatNokia| Readiness to Organizational Change | Organizational Readiness to Organizational Change: A Theoretical Framework | Change: ATheoreticalFramework Organizational de Janeiro Moreno | of WebTech Adoption Melanie Schreiner on Healthcare Organizational Change | Organizational on Healthcare Business School; U. of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center; U. ofOklahomaHealthSciences Nuremberg; Dallas "John" Lin Relationships: The Impact of Relationships: The Efficiency andFairness Impact | Empirical Investigation a Investigation Empirical St. Michael's St. Michael's U. ofEconomicsandBusiness Options in International Joint Ventures | Ventures Joint Options inInternational | Ventures International Joint | Chan Managing Transformational School Free U.; Korn Purpose FitMatter?| Jørn Flohr NielsenJørn Flohr Diether Gebert

4 ODC: Acquiring Social Capital | Capital Social Acquiring DoesStrategy- Alliance Purpose: From FirmStrategyTo Dynamics ofInter-FirmNetworks.| Firms' Reactions to Evaluation ofInter-firm toEvaluation Firms' Reactions Ambidexterity in Strategic Alliance Formations: AllianceFormations: inStrategic Ambidexterity The Compatriot Syndication Syndication The Compatriot asOrga Control andTrust

Organizational Identifica The ImpactofStructure, : : : ODC: ODC: , Baruch College,CUNY (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) The Effect of Exploration, Exploitation, and Process andProcess Exploitation, The EffectofExploration, Empowerment - Catalyst for or Impedimentto for -Catalyst Empowerment Jan Schapper Mary LouKotecki Anat Lechner , IBMEC,RiodeJaneiro; Peter Groenewegen Using Conceptual Frameworks to Inform toInform Frameworks Using Conceptual , U. of Pittsburgh , U. Models of Organization Ravindranath Madhavan , U. of Texas, Dallas; , U. of Texas,Dallas; To Alexander Toni Mohr ward a PredictiveMo ward Visual Presentation| , BerlinTechnicalU. Bjorn Lovas , U.ofSt.Gallen , U.ofAarhus

, NewYork U. , Monash U. Noushi Rahman nologies: Encapsula , Deere&Company nd Computer Simulation | Simulation Computer nd Managing Alliances Managing Organization Change Managing Organization Organizational andEmployee , FreeU.; tion in Times of Radical of tion in Radical Times Lynda Gratton , London Business School , London Business Practices andProcesseson Michelle A. Rogan Jonas Puck nizing Principles of Principles nizing Haibin Yang Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Flavia Cavazotte Effect: Exercising Call Exercising Effect: , Bradford U. ge? An Explorative Study Study ge? AnExplorative al Changeandthe Faye Charlotte Lambert , U.ofPittsburgh; del of Individual Gerhard Van deBunt , PaceU.; A Maurits de Klepper Maria Vakola nn F.Chou Stephen L Walston Stephen L Akie Iriyama , U. of Erlangen, , U.of , London Business , U. ofTexas, ti ng Participation ng Participation , London

, IBMEC,Rio Helaine J , NCQA Zhiang John E , Athens Valter , U.of , , , ,

Session Details Ð Tuesday

4IM: Calling all Cross-Cultural Enthusiasts: In Search of a 1022 : (Paper Session) - (IP) New Ventures Cultural Dimension for Change | Eric Lamm, Boston College 10:30am - 11:50am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 Facilitator: Benson Honig, Wilfrid Laurier U. 1019 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Managing the Value Chain ENT: The Role of Relatedness: A Dynamic Model for 10:30am - 11:50am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B4 Venturing | Steven Walter Bradley, Indiana U., Bloomington; Murat Kristal Facilitator: , York U. Kimberly M Green, Indiana U., Bloomington ODC: Selecting Global Suppliers: Supplier Selection Decision ENT: Key Customers as Strategic Partners - A Source of Daewoo Park Hema Models and Strategic Intent | , Xavier U.; Competitive Advantage for Software New Ventures? | A Krishnan , Xavier U. Philipp Tuertscher, U. of St. Gallen IM: B4 Playing Football in a Soccer Field: Value Chain ENT: The Effects of Entrepreneurial Human and Social Capital Michael G Structures, Modularity and Foreign Expansion | on the Survival of New Ventures | Ronit Yitshaki-Hagai, Bar Jacobides , London Business School Ilan U.; Susanna Khavul, London Business School ONE: Middle Managers and the Environment: The Perspective BENT: Exploring Entrepreneurs’ Attributions to Intuition as a Lutz Preuss of the Purchasing and Supply Function | , Royal Basis for the Venture Founding Decision | Brian D. Blume, Holloway College, U. of London Indiana U., Bloomington; Jeff Covin, Indiana U. OMT: Professional Distance: Managing Client Relations in Knowledge-Based Service Organizations | Peter Mills, U. of 1023 : (Paper Session) - (IP) New Ideas about Leadership Oregon; Michele L. Swift, U. of Colorado, Boulder 10:30am - 11:50am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C4 Jacqueline N Hood OM: The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Supply Chain Facilitator: , U. of New Mexico HR: Performance in China | Xiande Zhao, Chinese U. of Hong Upwards Bullying: A theoretical analysis and findings from Sara Branch Sheryl Ramsay Kong; Winter Nie, Thunderbird, The Garvin School of an interview study. | , Griffith U.; , Michelle Barker Michael Sheehan International Management; Baofeng Huo, Chinese U. of Hong Griffith U.; , Griffith U.; , U. of Kong; Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, Chinese U. of Hong Kong Glamorgan OB: Doing Nothing as a Managerial Behavior: Development of 1020 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Networks and Knowledge Leader Omission and Extinction Scales | Timothy Hinkin, Sharing Cornell U. 10:30am - 11:50am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 OMT: How Misfits Between Climate And Leadership Style Facilitator: Melissa S Cardon, Case Western Reserve U./ Pace U. Affect Performance | Dorthe Dojbak Haakonson, U. of MOC: How Networks of Practice and Organizational Southern Denmark; Jorgen Lauridsen, U. of Southern Denmark; Identification Affect Inter-Group Knowledge Transfer | Richard M Burton, Duke U.; Borge Obel, Aarhus Business Fabiola Bertolotti Elisa , U. of Modena and Reggio Emilia; School Mattarelli Maria Rita , U. of Modena and Reggio Emilia; BCM: Leaders as Internal Liaisons: Managing Groups that Tagliaventi, Bologna U. Include a Prima Donna | John M Oesch, U. of Toronto; Keith HCM: The Challenge of Knowledge Transfer in a Public Murnighan, Northwestern U.; Rosemary Hannam, J.L. Rotman Peter Carswell Hospital | , UNITEC New Zealand School of Management HR: Who You Know vs. What You Know: The Impact of Social B4 MC: Being Human: The Real Challenge for the 21st Michael J. Position and Knowledge on Team Performance | Century | Amanda Jane Martin, Leading Innovation Pty, Ltd.; Ashworth Kathleen M. Carley , Carnegie Mellon U.; , Carnegie Denise Ann Hagan, Queensland Public Service; Bernadette Mellon U. Anne Rutyna, Organisational Development Options; Raelea HR: Knowledge Networks and Extended Internal Labour Stewart, - Markets: the Case of R&D Scientists | Alice Lam, Brunel U. 1024 1: (Paper Session) - (MC) Management Consulting 1021 : (Paper Session) - (IP) New Perspectives on Careers and New Ways of Thinking About Change WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 10:30am - 11:50am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - MC Facilitator: Peter A. Heslin, Southern Methodist U. Presented on panels 37-40 OCIS: Did I Make All the Right Choices?: The Long Road to B1Management Consulting Interventions as Integrated being an IS Professional | Michael T.K. Tan, National U. of Trianing Action for Intermediate Staff | Marc Bonnet, ISEOR, Singapore; Hung-Pheng Tan, National U. of Singapore U. of Lyon CAR: B The Pleasure and Pain of Social Comparisons: The B 1In The Subjugation of Instrumentality - Forms and Effects of Social Comparisons on Managerial Careers | Flows of Knowledge | Anne Bang, Copenhagen U. Kimberly Eddleston, Northeastern U. Winner of the Bentley College/HEC Outstanding Student Paper CAR: Customized Careers | P. Monique Valcour, Boston Award Lotte Bailyn College; , Massachusetts Institute of Technology; B4 1Globalization, Homogeneity, and the Crisis of Maria Alejandra Quijada , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Change Management. | Tojo Thatchenkery, George Mason 4CAR: The Career Capital of Managers with Global Careers | U.; Gopakumar MG, Tata Management Training Centre Vesa Suutari Kristiina Makela , U. of Vaasa; , Helsinki School of B1Innovation in Praxis | Per Kirkebak, Østfold U. College; Economics Torbjoern Korsvold, Østfold Research Foundation

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 281 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Managerial Learning Managerial Education Behavior of Organizational 1028 Chair: 3-4 Hilton HawaiianVillage:SeaPearlSuite 10:30am -11:50am 1027 B B B 1 B 1 1 Presented onpanels4-10 - MED III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:30am -11:50am 1026 Diana Whitney Participants: | Presentation. Symposium forthis Enter Title | &Teams Inquiry Appreciative Organizer: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room314 10:30am -11:50am 1025 Approach toBuildingTeams 1 1 Waikato Managerial Learning Practices | Learning Practices Managerial Tacit Knowledge| Belhaven College; Belhaven College; Brewster Faculty | t Vision: Operationalizing Performance: An Experiment of Service-Learning | ofService-Learning AnExperiment Performance: So ManyTheorie | Personality | Education Behavior Organizational Hezekiah Orji Chinyere Ajuogu Okechukwu Ajuogu U. ofLiverpool Lee George Mason U. Tiffany M. Bludau George Mason U.; Mason U.; McNatt Research Institute; Research Institute; Conceptual overview of methods and application | and application of methods overview Conceptual New Roles| into Transition Mahmud U.; Enhancing Oral Communication Oral Enhancing Communication Teaching WorkMotivation Teaching for Exercise Are?: An You Guess Who The EconomicsandChallengesof Shared Leadershipin Organizational Commitment asa21stC Creation &Knowledge Learning Toward 1 1 Rethinking OrganizationalLea Martha L. Loudder Martha L.

Matthew DonaldLynall , U.ofBirmingham &Oregon 1 B

Learning Styles and the Acq Stylesandthe Learning Measuring the Progress of Leaders asThey Progress ofLeaders the Measuring JS: T : : : , OldDominion U.; eaching-oriented | Jeffery J.VanderWielen (Paper Session)-(MED) (Paper Session)-(MED) (Paper Session)-(MED) Service and Lifelong Learnin

, U. of Hull , U. , Oklahoma StateU.; JR Smith Tracey Carsten Tracey Roll, Ph.D. (MC, ODC) Alison SO'Brien , Corporation for Positive Change for Positive , Corporation Marc HAnderson , U. ofPhoenixOnline , Federal Girls College,Owerri,Nigeria; , George MasonU.; s AreNeeded| Alisa Mosley Laura Wheeler Poms Cathleen Swody , JacksonStateU.; Steven Armstrong , Fed U.of Tech Owerri (FUTO);

☯ Appreciative Inquiry: A 21st Century Appreciative Inquiry:A21stCentury

, Texas A&M U. Management Practice-oriented | a Learning Community| a Thomas Ng he LearningCycle Social | , U. ofWesternOntario

, George MasonU.; Theories: An Steven MRumery

Tim OPeterson Among BusinessSchool , , U.ofWaikato , ZGroup,Inc. Online Management in theTeaching Research Jackson StateU. Multiple Modes of Elena PAntonacopoulou rning: NewInsightsfrom Confidence, Skills, and Confidence, Skills, Marc HAnderson uisition of Managerial uisition of , U.of Connecticut QualityUndergraduate , T'NTConsultingGroup , U. ofGeorgia Michael Camburn Kristena PayneGaylor , U. of Hull; , U. Paige Wolf g in Organizations: A Organizations: g in , George MasonU.; Illustration ofWhy , Oklahoma State , Oklahoma Zachary Horn , Leadership International-oriented| Sonya Anis , George Gladys , U.of Mark Brian Velma , , ; , , 282 Practice 4 Presented onpanels1-3 - MH III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:30am -11:50am 1029 In The Roles Student Professor And 2 Chair: Hilton Hawaiian 10:30am -11:50am Discussant: as discussant. papers inMOC. year'sMOCScholar,willserve George Huber, this student-authoredThis sessionbringstogetherthe highestranked Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room317A 10:30am -11:50am 1031 B –Brazil SãoPaulo of Stages Early 2 Chair: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:Kohala/KonaRoom 10:30am -11:50am 1030 4 1 Management History Management Discussants: Discussants: Kettering U. Murphy Jr Theme-oriented |

4 1 1 College Dublin Visual Arts into Organizational Studies| Organizational Arts into Visual Classroom: Literature and Experience | and Experience Literature Classroom: Training Managem | Achievement the First Half of the 20th Century | Century of the20th the FirstHalf Management Consulting in Estonia: 1960-2000 | 1960-2000 inEstonia: Consulting Management Technical U.; Ainamo Utah Valley State College Utah ValleyState Harold P.Welsch J. Murphy Jon MWerner Whitewater; FGV-EAESP Doherty Bahaudin Mujtaba Alvin Hwang Ahn Mehng Strategies | Katrina Robinson MBA Courses | | MBA Courses the Early Medieval Irish Celtic Church.| Celtic Irish Medieval the Early Learning in e-Groups: The Shift from Groupware to to Shift from Groupware e-Groups: The in Learning De The EffectofInstructional Managing KnowledgeWork throug Historically Viewing Work A Historical Analysis ofAnci Analysis A Historical A Confirmatory Study of "Teaching Presence" in Online in Online Presence" of"Teaching Study A Confirmatory A Conceptual History of Entrepr History A Conceptual Charisma Revisited| Charisma

J Goosby Smith Franz T Lohrke Franz T B : 4 (MOC) Westernization behind Westernization the 4

: , EmbryRiddleAeronauticalU. (Paper Session)-(MH) , Helsinki School of Economics; ofEconomics; , HelsinkiSchool , St.Joseph'sU. ; 1 George PHuber Sharon Topping Chester SSpell , DePaul U.;

, YonSeiU. : H. Nancy LienH. Nancy MOC Best Student Papers MOC BestStudent Hun-Joon Park , Pace U. (Paper Session)-(MH) Janne Tienari Visual Presentation| , U. of Wisconsin, Whitewater , U.ofWisconsin, Terrell GManyak J. B.Arbaugh , DePaulU. , LancasterU. , NovaSoutheasternU. , U.ofAlabama ent Portals| , Pepperdine U.

Jianwen Liao Village: SouthPacific2 , U. of Texas, Austin , U.ofTexas,Austin Ron Kerr , RutgersU.,Camden , National Hualien Teachers College; , National HualienTeachers , U. ofSouthern Mississippi , Lappeenranta U.of Technology , YonSeiU.; Medieval-Style: The Monks of Medieval-Style: TheMonks International Dimensionsof livery MethodonStudent , ent Chinese Negotiators Negotiators ent Chinese Selected forBestPaper Proceedings U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; U. ofWisconsin, , NovaSoutheasternU.; L. RogerYin Industrialization Process in Industrialization Process Curtain: The Expansion of TheExpansion Curtain: h Art: Incorporating the h Art:Incorporating , LancasterU.; eneurial Thought| eneurial Discussion-Based Online Discussion-Based History of Management , Northeastern IllinoisU.; Isabela BaleeiroCurado ; BeverlyJ.Jones Jaak Leimann Changdao Jin

Paul McGrath Elizabeth M Elizabeth Gregory R.Berry , U. of Wisconsin, , U. ofWisconsin, ; Edward F Sarah Antti , Tallinn , - ; Patrick , , U. Si , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Organizational Identity Change: An Alliance Between Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Activity in Faith-based Organizational Identity and Identification | Mirdita N. Elstak, Communities: A Conceptual Model | Joel Ryman, East Erasmus U.; Cees B.M. Van Riel, Erasmus U. Tennessee State U. How is Knowledge Present in Action? Exploring Three Entrepreneurs, Boards, Carlos Rodriguez Lluesma 1034 1: (Paper Session) - (OB) Knowledge Distinctions | , Stakeholders, and Firm Peformance Stanford U.; Diane E Bailey, Stanford U. 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OB Effects of Information Sharing on Belief Similarity and Presented on panels 48-52 Ece Tuncel, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Performance in Teams | B1The Role of Goal Orientation in the Relationship Champaign Between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs | Frits Managing Learning Climate as a Social Moderator of Techno- Wijbenga, U. of Durham Isabel M. Prieto Structural Knowledge Management | , Independent or Indifferent: Predicting Board Behavior Elena Revilla 1 Valladolid U.; , Instituto de Empresa When the Spotlight Falls on Them | Sayan Chatterjee, Case 1032 1: (Paper Session) - (MSR) Religious Aspects of Western Reserve U. Workplace Spirituality 1Empowerment and Performance in Mature Fast-Growth 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - MSR Entrepreneurial Firms | Joana L. Young, Baylor U.; Nancy Presented on panels 31-36 Upton, Baylor U. 1Correlates of the Protestant Ethic of Hard Work: Results 1The Companies We Keep: A New Vision of from a Diverse Ethno-Religious Sample | Gangaram Singh, Shareholder-Firm Relations in the 21st Century | Brooke San Diego State U.; Jai Ghorpade, San Diego State U.; Jim Harrington, Brown U. Lackritz, San Diego State U. 1Stakeholder Management: The Effects of Resource 1Workplace Religious Expression, Religiosity and Job Dependency on Trust and Control Strategies | Chee-Wee Satisfaction: Clarifying a Relationship | James Edward Tan, U. of British Columbia; Eric Tze Kuan Lim, National U. of King, Samford U. Singapore B4 1Level of Existence and Motivation in Islam | Abbas 1035 Emotion in the Workplace J Ali, Indiana U. : (Paper Session) - (OB) 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 325A B41Religious Denominations and Work Outcomes: A Chair: Anne Pisarski, U. of Queensland K. Focus on Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam | Discussant: J. Duane Hoover, Texas Tech U. Praveen Parboteeah Yongsun , U. of Wisconsin, Whitewater; A Study of Emotion and Exchange in Team Member Paik John B Cullen , Loyola Marymount U.; , Washington State Relationships | Herman Tse, U. of Queensland; Marie U. Dasborough, U. of Queensland/Oklahoma State U. B1Religion and Attitudes Toward Diversity: A Potential Towards a Dynamic Model of Collective Emotion Emergence Judy Perkins Strauss, California State Workplace Conflict? | in Work Groups | Frank Heiko Walter, U. of St. Gallen U., Long Beach; Olukemi O Sawyerr, California Polytechnic Alleviating Toxic Emotions: The Role of High Self-Monitoring State U., Pomona Ginka Toegel 1Religion: A Multifacted Influence on Entrepreneurial and High Positive Affectivity Managers | , London School of Economics Behavior | Alexa A Perryman, Florida State U.; Steven A 2Emotional Fit in the Workplace: Its Psychological and Williamson, U. of North Florida Behavioral Outcomes | Hakan Ozcelik, California State U., 1033 : (MSR) Social and Cultural Aspects of Workplace Sacramento Spirituailty Presenters: Herman Tse, U. of Queensland; Frank Heiko Walter, 10:30am - 11:50am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room U. of St. Gallen; Ginka Toegel, London School of Economics; USA WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Chair: Elizabeth Douthitt, Stanford U. Hakan Ozcelik, California State U., Sacramento Thomas A Bausch Discussant: , Marquette U. Work Stress: The Influence of Zhuangzi's Exemplars of Spiritual Attainment: Artisans and 1036 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Justice, Abusive Supervision and Cyberloafing Entreprenueurs | Alex Stewart, Marquette U.; Gregory N. P. Konz 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 , Marquette U. Chair: Daniel C Ganster, U. of Arkansas Linking Spirituality to Workplace Performance: A Qualitatitive Discussant: Lois Tetrick, George Mason U. Angela Miles Study of the Brazilian Candomble | , North 2Attenuating Insomniac Reactions to Underpayment Inequity Carolina A&T State U.; Sally Sledge, Christopher Newport U.; Jerald Greenberg Samuel Coppage with Interactional Justice Training | , Ohio , Old Dominion U. State U. Belief Systems and Core Values in Emergent Management Flight from Unfairness: Longitudinal Effects of Injustice on Styles in Africa and the Middle World | David Thomas Weir, Larry W. Howard Mzamo P Mangaliso Emotional Exhaustion and Withdrawal | , Ceram Sophia Antipolis; , U. of Middle Tennessee State U.; Cynthia Cordes, U. of Miami Massachusetts, Amherst BAbusive Supervision, Subordinate Alcohol Use, and Drinking Attributions: Performance Implications | Jolene L

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 283 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Personality Aggression Research Research: Assessingthe inAggression New Directions of Outcomes on the Injury:Adding Insultto AMeta-Analysis AWithin- ofAggression: Situational Predictors and Personal Workplace Types IIandIII of ofPredictors The Specificity Construct Questionnaire: Aggression The Workplace Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room323C 10:30am -11:50am 1038 onAdjustmenttoWork Proactivity Employee The Effectsof Effects andModerated Direct Moderating Factors: Success andExecutive Five The Big Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room328 10:30am -11:50am 1037 Cyberloafing asaCopingMe Yeol Kim Rode Presenters: Presenters: Carolina, Charlotte M. Hoobler Employee Outcomes and Access to Resources | Resources to Access and Outcomes Employee Chicago William HBommer Near Business Costs of Intimate PartnerViolence| ofIntimate Business Costs Workplace Aggression| | Analysis Person Aggression | | toAggression ofExposure Measure of a Validation | Relationship and Interpersonal | TaskPerformance Center GPA andAssessment Effects ofDerailingTraits.| Work Stressors,Sanction Kelloway CH Schat K.J. Enders Skinner U. ofArkansas; Hong Kong; Queen's U. Newfoundland; North Carolina, Charlotte Henle Marne Lynn Arthaud-Day Charles Rode Decisions International Decisions International Waterloo; LeBlanc Lean Leveraging Managers'Dispos Leveraging , Miami U.,Ohio

Kathryne Dupre Martin Jennifer A JS: : , IndianaU.; , U.ofArkansas (Paper Session)-(OB) , U.of North Carolina,Charlotte; , City U.ofHongKong T eaching-oriented | (OB, HR) , Northern IllinoisU.; , U. of Illinois,Chicago , Queen'sU. Douglas J.Brown Larry W.Howard Tjai M. Nielsen , St.Mary'sU. , McMaster U.; Chet Robie Research , Portland StateU. Sang-Pyo Kim Mi , Miami U.,Ohio; Julian Barling ; JeraldGreenberg Collette M.Arens Bates chelle Inness Timothy Baldwin New DirectionsinWorkplace ; JeanneK.J.Enders Kathryne Dupre , ClevelandStateU. , Memorial U.ofNewfoundland , York College of Pennsylvania , York CollegeofPennsylvania , WilfridLaurier U.;

Management Practice-oriented | , George WashingtonU. Serge Desmarais , Indiana U.,Bloomington; Sandy Hershcovis , Middle StateU. Tennessee , JinjuNationalU. s, and Cyberloafing | s, and , U. ofWaterloo th New Developments in New Developments Jenny M. Hoobler of Emotional Intelligence on Intelligence of Emotional Douglas J.Brown , Queen's U.; , Queen's od: Relationship Between od: Relationship Between ; Chris A. Henle , Queen's U.; , Queen's Christine HMooney itions: Proactive Personality, Personality, itions: Proactive Tae-Yeol Kim , IndianaU., Bloomington; , Ohio StateU. , MemorialU.of Anita Blanchard , Portland StateU. , U. of Arkansas; , U. Paul Bly , U.of Guelph; ; Joseph Charles; Joseph Nick Turner Manon Mireille , Queen's U. , Queen's , U.ofNorth , U.ofIllinois, , U.of , CityU.of , Personnel Carol Reeves International-oriented| Chris A. , IndianaU.; Janet P Jeanne Joseph ; Jenny , U. of , U. , Emily Aaron Kevin ; Tae- , 284 Braude College WEiss U. Authority Virtual Work The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Employee andEmployee Leadership of Transformational The Impact Different Yet &TeamCharacteristics, Leadership Same Discussant: Organizers: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room324 10:30am -11:50am 1039 Effects ofO The Alone? Hacking Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room317B 10:30am -11:50am 1040 Effe Project TeamInnovation: Effects ofTeamCompositionan Leadership, TeamCompos Leadership, Authority Authority Technion Eitan Naveh Presenters: Arkansas Presenters: Participants: Queen's U. Queen's U. U. ofArkansas Queen's U. Theme-oriented | ; IrisArbel Development Authority U. ofMelbourne Eseryel Syracuse U.; Virtual Disciplines | Virtual Disciplines Processes | Processes | Products ofNew ConceptualDesign | onTeamInnovation WorkEngagement vs. Manufacturing| Effects onInnovationinR&D on Open Source Community Leadership | Leadership Community Source on Open Development Authority; Development Authority; Ella Miron Technion; Segal Ehud Kroll Menachem WEiss Technology; Israel Instituteof O'Mahony Haifa; Van DerVegt Teams | Time Discipline in Virtual Organisations: fromRigidto Organisations: inVirtual Time Discipline InteractionsFace-to-Face inSe

Suzanne P Weisband Suzanne P , Technion-IsraelInstituteofTechnology

: (Paper Session)-(OCIS) ; YairBerson ; NissimMamane ; UziMelamed , Technion-IsraelInstituteofTechnology; ; MichaelBoazon ; MichelleInness Amy Wrzesniewski JS: , Syracuse U. , Syracuse ; Kathryne Dupre ; Nick Turner ; Emily Lean Vered Segal Aaron CH Schat Gerben S.Van Der Vegt Anita DBhappu Miriam Erez Kevin Crowston , Technion-Israel InstituteofTechnology Serge Desmarais Serge , Technion-Israel InstituteofTechnology Eitan Naveh , Technion; , Harvard U.; (OB, IM,TIM) , ORT BraudeCollege

; KevinKelloway ; PattyC.P. Farh Chengetai Masango Patty C.P. Patty Farh , Groningen U. , Groningen Visual Presentation| , Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; , Technion-IsraelInstituteofTechnology; , U.of Haifa , RAFAEL -Armament Development , U.ofArkansas Heejin Lee , Technion , Technion-Israel Institute ofTechnology , Technion-Israel Institute , Queen'sU. Michael Boazon , Technion-Israel InstituteofTechnology; Nissim Mamane Uzi Melamed Fabrizio Ferraro , RAFAEL -Armament Development , Queen'sU. , RAFAEL -Armament Development Team Innovation: Effects of Effects Team Innovation: , Southern MethodistU. , U. ofArizona , McMaster U. , Memorial U.ofNewfoundland , Syracuse U.; , New YorkU. , U. ofGuelph ition, Structure,andProcesses , U. ofSouthAustralia; cts of Team Composition and Composition cts ofTeam , St.Mary'sU. , U.ofSouthAustralia Miriam Erez Virtual Communities and Virtual Communities ; AmyWrzesniewski d TeamProcessesonthe ; Cynthia Lee , U.ofMelbourne; nline and Offline Selected forBestPaper Proceedings ; ManonMireille LeBlanc , GroningenU. , SyracuseU.; lf-Organizing Distributed ; Sandy Hershcovis ; Collette M.ArensBates , RAFAEL - Armament , RAFAEL -Armament ; Carol Reeves , RAFAEL -Armament Iris Arbel , IESE Business School , IESEBusiness James Howison ; Julian Barling , Technion; ; Ehud Kroll Yair Berson Siobhan , NortheasternU. Miriam Erez U. Yeliz ; EllaMiron ; Menachem , Technion- Sangjo Oh Participation Participation Gerben S. , NewYork Vered , U.of , ORT , U. of , U. , , , , , ; , , ,

Session Details Ð Tuesday

Unpacking the Social Environment and Consequences of Intrinsic Motivation in Lean Production? Contextual, Dispersed Work | Kevin W. Rockmann, George Mason U. Configurational, and Levels-of-Analysis Issues | Suzanne deTreville, U. de Lausanne; John Antonakis, HEC, U. of Finding The Balance: Trust 1041 : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) Lausanne & Control Assessing Internal and External Alignment: A "Deep" 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A Empirical Study | Steven Melnyk, Michigan State U.; Ken Chair: Siew Kien Sia, Nanyang Technological U. Boyer, Michigan State U.; Jinhui Wu, Michigan State U. Discussant: Katherine J. Stewart, U. of Maryland, College Park 2 An Extended Model of IS Project Control | Cecil Eng 1045 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Power Corrupts: Authority Huang Chua, Nanyang Technological U.; Christina Soh, and Resistance in Organizations Nanyang Technological U.; Harminder Singh, Nanyang 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301A Technological U. Chair: Kathleen Park, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2Understanding and Mitigating Uncertainty in Online Discussant: Kenneth Bettenhausen, U. of Colorado, Denver Environments: A Longitudinal Analysis of Trust | Paul A. A Multidimensional Conceptualization of Organizational Pavlou, U. of California, Riverside; Huigang Liang, Florida Corruption Control | Donald A. Lange, U. of Texas, Austin Atlantic U.; Yajiong Xue, U. of Rhode Island Too Good to Be True? Social Evaluations and the Runner up to OCIS Division Best Paper Award Sociopolitics of Corporate Illegality | Yuri Mishina, Michigan 24Privacy Trade-Off Factors in E-Commerce – A Study of State U.; Bernadine D. Johnson, Michigan State U.; Emily S. Italy and the United States | Tamara Dinev, Florida Atlantic Block, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign U.; Massimo Bellotto, U. of Verona; Paul Hart, Florida Atlantic Representational Predicaments in Hong Kong: Origins, Christian Colautti Vincenzo Russo U.; , IULM U.; , IULM U.; Manifestations and Prognosis | Robin Stanley Snell, Lingnan Ilaria Serra , Florida Atlantic U. U.; May M L Wong, Lingnan U. Privacy, Psychological Contract Breach and Attitudes Toward 2 From Chaos to Tempered Radicalism: The Form and David Zweig Knowledge-Based Marketing | , U. of Toronto; Content of Organizational Resistance | Michael B Elmes, Pankaj Aggarwal , U. of Toronto Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Steven S Taylor, Worcester 1042 : (ODC) Positively M.A.D.: The Role of Appreciative Polytechnic Institute Winner of OMT Division Best Paper Award Intelligence and High Quality Connections 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B 1046 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Who's in Charge Here? Chair: Tojo Thatchenkery, George Mason U. Accountability and Control in Organizations Steve Piersanti ; Philip H Mirvis Presenters: , Berrett-Koehler , 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302B ; Carol Metzker ; Independent Consultant , Independent Consultant Chair: Robert W. Sosna, Golden Gate U. Emily Dunham Heaphy ; Robert P , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Discussant: Peer C. Fiss, Queen's U., Canada Gephart ; David L Cooperrider , U. of Alberta , Case Western Accountability of Agents: Beyond Incentives and Reserve U.; Frank J Barrett, Naval Postgraduate School Monitoring | Neal P Mero, U. of Central Florida; Rebecca 1043 : (Paper Session) - (ODC) The Role of Time, Monette Guidice, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas Improvisation and Identity in Organizational Change Coming Forward: Institutional Influences on Voluntary 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B Disclosure | Michael D. Pfarrer, U. of Maryland, College Park; Chair: Ronald E Purser, San Francisco State U. Ken G. Smith, U. of Maryland; Dmitry Mikhail Khanin, U. of Discussant: Maria Vakola, Athens U. of Economics and Business Maryland; Xiaomeng Zhang, U. of Maryland Managing Change: Time for Change | Gerard F Farias, 2The Impact of the Enron Accounting Scandal on Fairleigh Dickinson U. Impressions of Managerial Control | Eric J. Neuman, U. of USA WEDNESDAY TUESDAY B Improvising within Management: Oxymoron, Paradox, or Michigan, Ann Arbor Legitimate Way of Achieving? | Stephen Leybourne, U. of Managing the Control/Autonomy Dilemma: From Plymouth Impossible Balance to Rhythmic Oscillation Dynamics | Change Now Because I Say So! Specialized Management Catherine Thomas, - ; Renata Kaminska-Labbe, - ; Bill Identity and Coercive Rapid Transformation | Leslie E. McKelvey, U. of California, Los Angeles Sekerka Roxanne Zolin , Naval Postgraduate School; , Naval Interdependence in Postgraduate School; Cary Simon, Naval Postgraduate School 1047 JS: (OMT, BPS, TIM) Organizations, Circa 2005 1044 : (Paper Session) - (OM) Strategic Issues in Operations 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A 10:30am - 11:50am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 Discussant: Andrew H. Van de Ven, U. of Minnesota Chair: Marta Sinclair, Griffith U. Managing Coordination Networks in a Distributed R&D Unit | The Effect of Manufacturing Proactivity on Environmental Jonathon N. Cummings, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Proactivity: An Exploratory Analysis | Javier González- Network Structure and Individual Effectiveness in a Global Benito, Salamanca U.; Oscar González-Benito, Salamanca U. Securities Firm | Martin Gargiulo, INSEAD; Gokhan Ertug, 2Competitive Priorities as Trade-Offs or Mutually Supportive: INSEAD; Charles D. Galunic, INSEAD Can We Call the Question Yet? | Ravi Kathuria, Chapman U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 285 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Organizations LeadershipinPublicandNonprofit Resources and U. Manyak B B B 1 B B 1 Discussants: Presented onpanels61-68 - PNP III Hawaii ConventionCenter:ExhibitHall 10:30am -11:50am 1049 2 4 4 Chair: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 10:30am -11:50am 1048 and Interde Inertia, Information Management of Interdependence and Innovation: Engagement: Conceptualization andInvestigation Conceptualization Engagement: Harvard U. Technology Participants: Firm ResponsestoSe 1 1 1 1 1 Business Networks and the Business Networks SocialNetworkAnalysis| Coke inKerala:A Culture Through | and Satisfaction Identification Engagement | Practices in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises | Enterprises andMedium-Sized inSmall Practices | Expansion onFirm Coordination Structures and Exploitation Exploration of publicemployees?| Verbos Eesily Sung Min Park Sung Min Van Buren Case WesternReserveU. R. Robertson Hilton Kate Rowbotham M. Kleinbaum Williams Coast U. Ritchie Shivarajan Marie Collins Agencies:The Empirical Study of Federal Employees | Employees ofFederal Study Empirical Agencies:The | Leadership. of Executive a ClearerView Toward Housing| inSupportive Aging Successful Care:Measuring Nonprofit Organization Financial Performance | Performance Financial Organization Nonprofit Kathryn Pavlovich Sage Publications Best Conference Paper by a Publicand Conflict & Change inNo Conflict & Individual and Organizatio Sustainable Organizationa The Influence of Top Executive Executive of Top The Influence Why are age differences present in the work preferences preferences work inthe present differences Why areage

Dexter Dunphy : B , Nova Southeastern U. (Paper Session)-(ONE) The Leadership and Motivation effects in Public effects inPublic Motivation and The Leadership toSurvive? Business Execuitves Need Do Nonprofits Commons ofLong-term Managing the , DukeU.; T eaching-oriented | , Florida Gulf Coast U.; Coast , FloridaGulf , U.ofWisconsin, Milwaukee ; Charles Williams ; GokhanErtug , U.ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign 4 Jonathon N.Cummings Jonathon Robert C.Myrtle , Case WesternReserveU. , Temple U.; NonProfit Division Doctoral Student 1

, U. ofWaikato; , Harvard U.; , Harvard , Sanjay Sharma U. ofGeorgia Michael Lenox , U.ofToronto; Business Modes of Thought | of Thought Business Modes : , U.ofWaikato , U.of Technology, Sydney (Paper Session) - (PNP) , CaseWesternReserveU.; ☯ condary StakeholderAction| Management Practice-oriented |

Terry Halbert , INSEAD Leonard Bright nprofit OrganizationalIdentity& , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign , U. ofSouthernCalifornia Michael L.Tushman ; EmanueleVendramini nal Factors Affecting Volunteers' AffectingVolunteers' nal Factors l InnovationviaStakeholder Stewart Lawrence Uptake of Sustainability of Sustainability Uptake Business and Stakeholder Business and at the Corporate Level| Corporate atthe pendence: The Influence of TheInfluence pendence: Karen Eastwood , , Wilfrid LaurierU. Duke U. Janelle Enns Robin Church ; Adam M. Kleinbaum , Massachusetts Institute of , MassachusettsInstitute Functional Experience on Functional Experience , TempleU. , U. ofLouisville Human Sridevi , U. ofToronto , , U.ofToronto; , U.ofWaikato; Charles , Harvard U. Michel Avital Florida Gulf

International-oriented| Amy Klemm William J. , Bocconi ; TerrellG Jane A. Chuck

Eva , Adam , 286 Organizational ImageinPublicSectorOrganizations B B Discussant: Chair: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:WaialuaRoom 10:30am -11:50am 1050 1 Constructing Corporate Social Social Constructing Corporate | Virtues ofPoliticallyActiveFirms Vasudeva Discussants: Chair: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:NiihauRoom 10:30am -11:50am 1052 Agreement: ofInterrater as anIndicator The Userwg of and Measure Group Size 2 2 Discussants: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room323A 10:30am -11:50am 1051 Strategy in the 21st Century 21st Strategy inthe Oklahoma StateU. Theme-oriented | Variance of Means versus Mean of Variances: A Contrarian AContrarian Mean ofVariances: Means versus of Variance Frameworkand Conceptual 4 An Identification: Image&Employee Organizational Winner ofSage Publications/RM DivisionBestPaperAward A&M U.; U. In Sook Kim Sydney; Culture in Public Administration| inPublic Culture Antti Lamberg Implementation of a Personel System| ofaPersonel Implementation | Schemes Industry Associations| | and Prescriptions Problems, Practices, | Perspective Different Seymour Gould-Williams Sin Mumford of SouthernCalifornia San FranciscoStateU.; Mcwilliams U.; Kingdom; Empirical Study Conduct Study Empirical Government | Government View on Operationalizing Group Dispersion | View onOperationalizingGroup | Homology Theoriesof Testing Multilevel Technology; Exploring Values Management and the Design and and theDesign Management Values Exploring Award Service of Public oftheEffectiveness An Analysis Understanding Political, Administrative, and Organizational andOrganizational Administrative, Political, Understanding

, Pennsylvania StateU.; , Pennsylvania Lyndsay Rashman

Christina Koennecke Virginia Gerde Mark Griffin B B : Managing EmployeeOutcome (Paper Session)-(RM) 4 4 , GeorgeU. Washington John J. Rodwell Paul Bliese

John MBryson , Utah State U. Finola Kerrigan Victor Heller Victor Anthony P.Ammeter , DeakinU.; Jean Hartley : : Kalle Pajunen , Yon SeiU.; (Paper Session)-(PNP) (Paper Session)-(SIM) Visual Presentation| , Helsinki U.ofTechnology Andrew James Noblet , Queensland U.ofTechnology , Duquesne U. Best Student Paper , Walter Reed Army Institute ofResearch , WalterReedArmyInstitute , Warwick U. , U.of Texas, SanAntonio Stephen T.T. Teo James L Perry James L Kyoungsu Kim Anja Schaefer , U. of Minnesota , Warwick U.; , Macquarie U.,Sydney , Center onPhilanthropy Yong HyunCho , Cardiff U. , King'sCollege,U.ofLondon ed in the Public Sector. | ed inthePublicSector. , Tampere U.of Technology; Group-Level Properties: A Properties: Group-Level Daniel A.Newman Multi-level Research

Statistical Procedures for Procedures Statistical Responsibility: TheRoleof Responsibility: , U.ofMississippi Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Saku Mantere Thomas AndrewBryer Corporate Political The RoleofValues& s inReformedLocal , Deakin U.; James Downe , IndianaU./PurdueU. , Open U., United , Chonnam NationalU.;

, U.of Technology, Laurie EPaarlberg , Chonnam National Troy Victor Gilad Chen , U. ofMaryland Hock-Peng , HelsinkiU.of ; Gurneeta ; MarkGavin John Hunter Hunter John

Julian , Cardiff Juha- , Texas

, U. ,

, Session Details Ð Tuesday

Political Strategy, Access, And Influence: A Social Network 1056 B4 JS: (TIM, BPS, OM) Managing Distributed Perspective | Jonathan P Doh, Villanova U.; Douglas A Innovation: Multiple Perspectives Schuler, Rice U.; Kathleen Rehbein, Marquette U. 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Integrating Corporate Social Performance and Political Chair: Satish Nambisan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Kathleen Rehbein Douglas A Participants: Vish Krishnan, U. of Texas, Austin; Mohanbir Strategy | , Marquette U.; Sawhney ; Ralph Welborn Schuler, Rice U. , Northwestern U. , Unisys Corporation Law & Management: Towards an 1053 JS: (SIM, OMT) Tuesday 12:00PM Understanding of the Intersection Between the Law and Management 1057 : (AAA) Presidential Luncheon 10:30am - 11:50am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Oahu Room 12:00pm - 2:15pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom Chair: Jeffrey B Kaufmann, Iowa State U. President Denise M. Rousseau will address the Academy. Winners Overview: What is Law and Management? | Jeffrey B of the Distinguished Scholarly Contribution to Management Award, Kaufmann, Iowa State U. the Distinguished Service, Educator and Scholar Practitioner The Value of Managing the Legal Dimensions of Business: Awards, the George R. Terry Book Award, and the AOM Executive, Legal Astuteness as a Competitive Advantage | Constance Journal, Review, and Learning & Education 2005 Best Paper Awards will be announced by President-Elect Thomas G. E. Bagley, Harvard Business School Leonard Bierman Cummings. Pay Secrecy/Confidentiality and the Law | , Distinguished Speaker: Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon U. Texas A&M U. Chair: Thomas G. Cummings, U. of Southern California Blunt Machetes in the Patent Thicket: 100 Years of Patent Pools and Antitrust Enforcement | Gavin Clarkson, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Tuesday 2:15PM 1058 Conference Exhibits 1054 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Radical Innovation : (AAA) 2:15pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - Exhibits 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B George T Solomon Chair: Brian Wu, U. of Pennsylvania Organizer: , George Washington U. Willow Sheremata Discussant: , York U. 1059 : (AAA) Membership BScreening vs Pyramiding: Efficient Identification of Leading- 2:15pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Membership Edge Expertise | Reinhard Prügl, Vienna U. of Economics and Stop by to meet members of the Membership Committee. Inquire Business Administration about membership, update your information or sign up as an The Impact of Leader Personality on New Product Teamwork Academy volunteer. and Performance: The Role of Uncertainty | Zvi H. Organizer: Regina Greenwood, Kettering U. Aronson Richard R Reilly , Stevens Institute of Technology; , 1060 Conference Registration Gary S. Lynn : (AAA) Stevens Institute of Technology; , Stevens Institute 2:15pm - 5:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: HCC Lobby - Registration of Technology On-site Registration, Pre-Registration Badge Pick-up, and Exhibitor 2 BToward a Systematic Framework on Dominant Designs, Registration Technological Innovations, & Industrial Change | Johann Peter Murmann, Northwestern U.; Koen Frenken, Utrecht U. 1061 : (AAA) Placement Services Stephan Schrader Best Paper Award Finalist 2:15pm - 4:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Iolani Suite 1 The Effect of Interdivisional Knowledge Transfer on the Placement Services - Registration and Information Organizer: Scott C. Douglas, Binghamton U. Impact of Inventions | Douglas J. Miller, Tulane U.; Michael J. Fern Laura B. Cardinal

, U. of North Carolina; , Tulane U. WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Tuesday 2:30PM 1055 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Creativity 10:30am - 11:50am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A 1062 : (AAA) Membership Debriefing Meeting Chair: Jim Fairbank, Pennsylvania State U., Erie 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Discussant: Jennifer K. Whyte, Imperial College London Organizer: Regina Greenwood, Kettering U. Mark de Rond The Structure of Serendipity | , Cambridge U.; 1063 New Vision of Transitional Economies in the Raymond-Alain Thietart : (AAS) , Paris-Dauphine U.-Essec 21st Century: Lessons from Chinese Reform A Proper Lack of UnderstandingTowards a Theory of 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 Creativity in Multidisciplinary Teams | Ben Dankbaar, Chair: Justin Tan, Creighton U. Radboud U. Nijmegen; Geert Vissers, Radboud U. Nijmegen China and Emerging Markets: Restructuring of the Global Value Creation by Toolkits for User Innovation and Design: An Economy | Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M U. Empirical Test | Martin Schreier, Wirtschafts U. Wien; Chinese Expansion into the New Economy: A Matter of Nikolaus Franke , Wirtschafts U. Wien Convergence? | Max Boisot, U. Oberta de Catalunya; John Generative Redundancy: Organizational Resilience as Child, Birmingham U. Innovation | Daniel Beunza Ibanez, Pompeu Fabra U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 287 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday (See FringeCaféprogram inregistrationpacket) Pomona Program Chair: Erasmus U. Expansion: DeNovo Entry vs. Alliances vs. Acquisitions Entryvs.Alliances DeNovo Expansion: Do Pre-Acquisition Alliances intheContin Process Placing Chair: ConventionCenter:Room306B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1067 Perez Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room311 2:30pm -10:00pmHawaii 1066 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room315 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1065 The ThanOthers? “Open” FirmsMore Why AreSome of Public Scienc Exploitation ofOpen Dynamics The Industrial Chair: For more information see ConventionCenter:Room313A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1064 TransitionalEconom Chinese theChinese from Russian Management for Lessons of Reform in the and outward) The RoleofFDI(bothinward Locating andIncorporatingExternalInnovations for the 21st Century for the21st of Management(WHU) College Participants: Discussant: Michigan, AnnArbor of Pennsylvania; of Pennsylvania; Coordination: An Experimental Approach | Approach An Experimental Coordination: | Performance Acquisition Firms| UKManufacturing Sources ofOpennessAmong Firms | Biotechnology Electron| of Consumer the Transformation Re| Russian and Contrasttothe System: Comparison | Experience | andSociety China’s Economy Imperial CollegeLondon Keld Laursen Justin Tan Agarwal Fraser U. Kimberly MEllis Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen Business Olesen Christensen State U. , CornellU.

Thomas Hutzschenreuter R. Duane Ireland Joel West

: : : ; Stephen Barley (Paper Session)-(BPS) (ART) (AAS) T : , Copenhagen Business School; , Copenhagen Business eaching-oriented | (AAS) , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign; ; Matt Statler Henry Chesbrough Henry Hans Hansen Sara LRynes , Creighton U. A New Vision of Management Scholarship Management A NewVisionof A Chris Poulson , Copenhagen Business School; , Copenhagen BusinessSchool; cademyArts Exhibitionand The FringeCafé cademyArts , San Jose State U. , SanJoseState , Copenhagen Business School; Business , Copenhagen ; David A Cowan Sheila M.Puffer Open Innovation: Empirical Research on Open Innovation:EmpiricalResearchon Jaideep Anand , Michigan State U.; , MichiganState

, Texas A&M U. ☯ , Imagination LabFoundation , Stanford U. , VictoriaU.ofWellington Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Iowa Kira Fabrizio e by Pharmaceutical and e byPharmaceutical , California Polytechnic StateU., , California Polytechnic Help in Post-Acquisition Taco Reus y as a Complex Adaptive Adaptive Complex y asa gency Framework of Merger and gency FrameworkofMerger , Alternative Modes of Modes Alternative , OttoBeisheimGraduateSchool U. ofCalifornia,Berkeley , Northeastern U., Northeastern , MiamiU. , OhioStateU. Innovation – Evidence from –Evidence Innovation Rosalie L. Tung Rosalie L. ; Jane EDutton ; JeanM. Bartunek Bruce T. Lamont Bruce T. , U.ofCalifornia, Berkeley Jonas Sorth Kjær , Florida Atlantic U.; , FloridaAtlantic ; Gail Whiteman; Gail Rachel Croson

Michael Holm Rajshree Ammon Salter Jens Frøslev ; Pedro David International-oriented| , U.of , Simon

, Florida , Boston , , , U. ,

288 Drivers ofPerformance Firm's Relationships oftheEmbedded andUnits:Evidence ofResources Retention 2 | Unbundling:ASynthesis Corporate on Research Chair: ConventionCenter:Room307B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1068 2 Mechanisms Effective and Alliances Acquisitions When are the from a NewLineofBusiness:Evidence into Alliances Entry Three Journeys into the Comple intothe Three Journeys Drive Profitswhen Complementarities Firm andIndustry Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1070 on Buyer Capabilities Impactof Unpacking Supplier the | based ViewoftheFirm a Complexity Towards 2 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1069 Discussant: Discussant: Theme-oriented | Curing Indigestion: Resources: as ChannelsforExternal Interfirm Distances 4 4 Sancho Barbara; Texas, Austin; of PrivateInfrastructureInvestments| | Performance ofAcquisition Dynamics Multi-Country Empirical Study | Study Empirical Multi-Country Yayavaram Navarra Moschieri Utility Industry | Utility Industry Analysis of Unit Performance in Multimarket Firms| inMultimarket ofUnitPerformance Analysis Nature of Resources within Structure | Structure within of Resources Nature | NewResources? for Acquiring Global Aerospa Firm Performance | Firm Performance andCapabi Resource | Performance of Texas, Dallas; of Texas,Dallas; Boston U. Technological U. Technological U. Technological U.; National U.ofSingapore; Wharton School; Duke U.; Tilburg U. A Carpenter The Choice between Alliances andM&A| Alliances between The Choice Deregulation and Resource Re Resource and Deregulation Integrating Resource- and Resource- Knowledge-based Views: Integrating The Deinstitutionalization of The Deinstitutionalization A Governance: of Corporate Integrating MultipleTheories

Nicola C.Dragonetti Tim Folta Constance RJames : : : (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) , Barbara U. ofCalifornia,Santa Michael V.Russo Jan W. Rivkin Michael A.Witt Michael Catherine Maritan Catherine Scott Rockart , IESE, U.ofNavarra; , National U. of Singapore , National U.ofSingapore , U. of Wisconsin, Madison; , U. ofWisconsin,Madison; , PurdueU. Visual Presentation| An Carmen Weigelt ce Industry| Bennet Zelner Zhiang "John" Lin Magali Delmas thony Ross Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti Organizational Restruc

Sebastian Raisch , Harvard U. lity Heterogeneity| , Duke U.; , Duke

, Pepperdine U. , U. of Liverpool , INSEAD Shobha SDas , U. of Oregon; , U.of , Syracuse U. , Syracuse , Michigan StateU. Resource Reconfiguration Conceptual Questions About Questions About Conceptual and the Institutional Context Louis Mulotte xity and Dynamics underlying underlying xity and Dynamics , Coerced Reforms: The Case TheCase Reforms: Coerced Johanna Mair Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , U.ofCalifornia,Santa , RiceU. Georgetown U. configuration in the Electric intheElectric configuration Krishna Udayasankar Arie Y.Lewin Laurence Capron , U.of Texas, Dallas , U.ofSt. Gallen Stewart R Miller Stewart R , Nanyang Witold JerzyHenisz Samina Karim Mario Schijven Mario Maria J.Montes- Michael Lenox Michael t , HEC Paris , HEC uring and the , IESE, U.of Haibin Yang , DukeU. , Nanyang Sai Krishna Caterina , INSEAD Mason , , , U.of , , U. ,

, Session Details Ð Tuesday

B How Emotion Can Inform Strategy? | Quy Nguyen Huy, Leaving the Force: Women and Men Dropping Out of IT | INSEAD Mark Wardell, Pennsylvania State U.; Steven Sawyer, Pennsylvania State U. Information Capabilities in 1071 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Speakers: Debra A. Major, Old Dominion U.; Kathryn M. Bartol, U. Alliances and Networks of Maryland; Anne M. O'Leary-Kelly, U. of Arkansas; Mark 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 309 Wardell, Pennsylvania State U. Karen L. Ekstein Chair: , York U. Participants: Donald D. Davis, Old Dominion U.; Lisa M. Germano, Michael G Jacobides Discussant: , London Business School Old Dominion U.; Ian O. Williamson, U. of Maryland, College Park; Information Age Organization and Relational Governance | Gosia A. Langa, U. of Maryland; Bill Hardgrave, U. of Arkansas; SungMin Kim, Cleveland State U. Vicki McKinney, U. of Arkansas; Darryl D. Wilson, U. of Arkansas; B4Enhancing Strategic Outcomes of IT Adoption: The Role Nita Brooks, U. of Arkansas; Steven Sawyer, Pennsylvania State of Network Effects and Absorptive Capacity | Jay Hyuk U. Rhee, Korea U. Power and A Process View of Instability in Cooperative Ventures: The 1074 : (Paper Session) - (CM) Conflict/Negotiation Role of Reciprocity | Ariff Kachra, Pepperdine U.; Roderick E 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B White, Ivey School of Business Chair: Margaret A. Neale, Stanford U. Information Technology and Organizational Performance: SungMin Kim Are Prime Movers More Powerful? Evidence from The Role of IT Adaptation | , Cleveland State U. Experiments on Competitive Choice and Interaction | Joe Magee Adam Galinsky 1072 B4: (Paper Session) - (CAR) Career Assistance and , New York U.; , Northwestern U.; Deborah Gruenfeld Career Self Management in Different National Contexts , Stanford U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Powerful Perceivers, Powerless Objects: Flexibility of Chair: Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Wirtschafts U. Wien Powerholders’ Social Attention | Jennifer R. Overbeck, U. of Discussant: Christy Harris Weer, Drexel U. Southern California; Bernadette Park, U. of Colorado, Boulder B4Career Counseling in the New Career Era: Career types Soft versus Hard: Tactics for Low Power Negotiators to and the Perceived Need for Career Counseling | Anneleen Secure Good Outcomes | Madan M Pillutla, London Business Forrier, Katholieke U. Leuven; Luc Sels, Katholieke U. Leuven; School; Jayanth Narayanan, London Business School Marijke Verbruggen, Katholieke U. Leuven Knowing Your Place: Self-Perceptions of Status in Social Testing the Generalizability of a Subjective Career Matrix: Groups | Cameron Anderson, New York U.; Sandra Spataro, Framework of Career Mist and Drift | Ichiro Kato, Kushiro Yale U.; Jennifer Chatman, U. of California, Berkeley; Sanjay Public U. of Economics; Ryuta Suzuki, Kobe U. Srivastava, U. of Oregon BAntecedents and Consequences of Career Self- Babette Raabe 1075 4 SHCS: (CM, OB, HR) Justice and Conflict: The Management Behaviors | , Siemens AG - US Transformation of Injustice in the Workplace Filter; Terry A. Beehr, Central Michigan U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313C Making Sense & Making Choices: Constructing Institutional Chairs: Barry M Goldman, U. of Arizona; Russell Cropanzano, U. Elizabeth Craig and Individualized Careers | , Boston U. of Arizona; Jaewon Ko, U. of Arizona Discussant: Robert Bies, Georgetown U. 1073 JS: (CAR, GDO, OB) The Under-Representation of Women in Information Technology: Four Theoretical Darwin Domination and Deonance: An Evolutionary Perspectives Perspective of Third Parties' Reactions to Injustice | Robert Folger Daniel Skarlicki 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A , U. of Central Florida; , U. of British Chair: Debra A. Major, Old Dominion U. Columbia

Discussant: Bernardo M. Ferdman, Alliant International U. The Fairness of a Need | Peter Carnevale, New York U. WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Men and Women's Experiences in IT: Differences in Culture and Organizational Justice: A Meta-Analysis | Andrew Perceptions of Climate and Workplace Relationships | Li, U. of Arizona; Russell Cropanzano, U. of Arizona Debra A. Major, Old Dominion U.; Donald D. Davis, Old Process Fairness and Judgments of Accountability | Ariel Y. Dominion U.; Lisa M. Germano, Old Dominion U. Fishman, Columbia U.; Joel Brockner, Columbia U.; Scott Social Capital at Work: Gender, Social Exchange and Job Spiegel, Columbia U.; Jochen Reb, Singapore Management U.; Barry M Goldman Charlee Garden Embeddedness | Kathryn M. Bartol, U. of Maryland; Ian O. , U. of Arizona; , Garden Williamson, U. of Maryland, College Park; Gosia A. Langa, U. Consulting of Maryland Exposing Organizations' 'Dirty Laundary': Revisiting How, and The Influence of Professional Identification on the Retention of Why, Employees Blow the Whistle | Debra L. Shapiro, U. of Katherine A DeCelles Women and Minorities in IT | Anne M. O'Leary-Kelly, U. of Maryland; , U. of Maryland Daniel Skarlicki ; Robert Arkansas; Bill Hardgrave, U. of Arkansas; Vicki McKinney, U. Participants: , U. of British Columbia Folger ; Peter Carnevale ; of Arkansas; Darryl D. Wilson, U. of Arkansas; Nita Brooks, U. , U. of Central Florida , New York U. Andrew Li ; Ariel Y. Fishman ; Joel of Arkansas , U. of Arizona , Columbia U. Brockner, Columbia U.; Scott Spiegel, Columbia U.; Jochen Reb, Singapore Management U.; Charlee Garden, Garden Consulting;

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 289 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday "The Embedded Corporation" "The Embedded Power Angeles Applegate Technology Presenters: WaikikiBeach:HonoluluRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1078 2 1 1 4 1 1 Presented onpanels31-36 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1077 1 B 1 1 1 B Presented onpanels11-16 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1076 Maryland Debra L.Shapiro 4 1 1 1 Chris Mabey Assessing Risks of Doing Buisness in Host Countries | Host in ofDoingBuisness Risks Assessing Theory - A Constructivist Reading of Penrose's Work| of Penrose's Reading Theory -AConstructivist & EconomicRoots| Individualistic Truth | Perspective from aDevelopingCountry| from Perspective ofFear| Institutionalization Honolulu | Review | - aLiterature Mikelle A.Calhoun Janne PetteriKurtakko Strategies | AnalysisofResearch AComparative Organisations: Redlands Sharon Green FGV João Marcelo Crubellate Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Wisconsin, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Milwaukee St. Mary'sU. and BusinessAdministration Discourse | Discourse Business School Change | Jonathan Raelin Liefooghe Critique and Relevance of Critique andRelevance Stress inOrganizations: atWal-Mart toDo?BigandLittleBoxes a Body What’s in Subtext FormsofGender Different 1 Making Sense ofFeminist Making Sense Economic Discourse & the Governance of &theGovernance Discourse Economic

Towards General Theory of Strategic Management ofStrategicManagement General Theory Towards | Organizations ofPowerin Implications The Ethical from Organizations Service Professional Uncoupling Goal-Settin Reinterpreting 1 JS: 1

Challenging Distinctions: Management Development as a Gendered Order of Order as aGendered Management Development T : : eaching-oriented | D ChristopherKayes , Cornell U. , Cornell (CMS, MH) ; PaulAdler (Paper Session)-(CMS) (Paper Session)-(CMS) Thomas AKochan Kelly ElizabethDye , Birkbeck College, U. ofLondon , Birkbeck College,U. Hans Hansen Tim PFinch-Lees Jakob Vestergaard Jorgensen , BirkbeckU. ofLondon; College, , California StateU.,Hayward; , U.ofMaryland , George WashingtonU. ; SanfordMJacoby A RoundtableonSanfordJacoby's , ValparaisoU. , U. ofSouthernCalifornia ☯ Management Practice-oriented |

, U. ofLapland Regine Bendl Flavio Vasconcelos , Maringá StateU. , Victoria U. of Wellington , VictoriaU.ofWellington Between Efficiencyandthe , Marketing Strategy:A , GeorgeWashingtonU.; Massachusetts Institute of Massachusetts Isabella FreitasVasconcelos er: Exhibit Hall III - CMS 2 - er: ExhibitHallIII CMS 1 - er: ExhibitHallIII ; Katherine ADeCelles ; , Acadia U.; , Acadia , Birkbeck College, U.ofLondon; , BirkbeckCollege, Strategies of Organizational Organizational Strategies of

Illusions of Precision ofPrecision Illusions g as Socially Constructed g asSocially Management Strategy, Management Strategy, Gender, Discourse Amy KlemmVerbos , ViennaU.ofEconomics , U. ofCalifornia,Los Organization Theory Organization Jean HelmsMills Alex Faria , Copenhagen Judith White Judith , FGV-EAESP; ; Ronald Andreas PD International-oriented| , U.of , EBAPE-

, U. of , U.of , U. , 290 Organizational Analysis Manifesto For a Critical « Bourdieusian » Perspective in Perspective » «Bourdieusian a Critical For Manifesto Game: ABourdieusian Strategy asa andMethodol Fields asContext New Bourdieu andthe Organizat Bourdieu and Discussant: ConventionCenter:Room301A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1079 New Ventures and Institutional The and Institutional New Ventures Research: ofEntrepreneurship andFuture Present, The Past, Chair: ConventionCenter:Room303A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii Process 1081 Hazard of Moral View Based Justice An Organizational of Organizing Distinctive Patterns CEOs Founding Family The Effectsof Chair: ConventionCenter:Room301B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1080 Dynamics on Organizational Growth on Dynamics Participants: Barbara Louis Leca Washington Madison School ofManagement Theme-oriented | U. ofMemphis; Michigan of Wisconsin,Madison; Family StrategicPlanning U. ofCalifornia,SantaBarbara Strategies inan of theStudy to Approaches Organisational and Management Theory| and Management Organisational | Analysis in Institutional Emerging Organizational Forms | Forms Organizational Emerging TrendsandTraining| Analytic Data Problems inFamilyFirms| Family Firms| in and Performance Oregon StateU.; Essec & U. Lille 1; Essec &U.Lille Golsorkhi U. ofSouthCarolina Memphis; Iowa Marvin Washington Connecticut; Diego StateU.; Case WesternReserveU. U. ofTexas,Arlington The Moderating Role of Flexibility in FamilyandNon- of Flexibility Role The Moderating

Avi Fiegenbaum Klein Sabine B. 4 : B ; Marc Ventresca ; Marc (Paper Session)-(ENT) ; Victoria Stephens Johnson :

(Paper Session)-(ENT) , Essec&U.Lille1 Yves Dezalay Yves , Texas TechU. Marie-Leandre Gomez-Champey Marie-Leandre JS: JS: Raj VMahto , Rouen SchoolofManagement Yan Ling (CMS, OMT) Visual Presentation| Robert WRenn Christopher Shook Lloyd PSteier Justin BL Craig Organizational Field| Marie-Leandre Gomez-Champey , EBSInternationalU. ; Mustafa Emirbayer , Texas TechU.; , Technion Institutionalists: Comparing Comparing Institutionalists: Family Businesses. | Family Businesses. , George Mason U.; , GeorgeMason , U.of Oxford ional Analysis ional Analysis | , U.ofMemphis; , Centre de Sociologie Européenne , CentredeSociologie Victoria Stephens Johnson

; RoyRSuddaby Marc Ventresca Bringing Bourdieu(Back?)into ; JohnMohr and Innovation| Michael Lubatkin Studying the Entrepreneurial Studying theEntrepreneurial Institutional Fields| , U. ofAlberta ogy: The Organizational Field ogy: TheOrganizational , U.ofMemphis Effect of Family Business Effect ofFamilyBusiness Selected forBestPaper Proceedings WithinEntrepreneurial , OregonStateU. ory: The Legitimatization of ory: TheLegitimatization , U.of Michigan , Auburn U; ; Damon Golsorkhi Alton AlStanley Lovvorn Roy R Suddaby Roy R A and Familiness onRisk and Familiness Michelle A.Dean pproach to ‘Managerial’ ‘Managerial’ to pproach

Richard B RobinsonRichard B Mustafa Emirbayer , U.of California,Santa , U. ofWisconsin, Bernard LouisLeca William SSchulze , U.of Oxford; , U. ofIowa , ESSEC Peter Davis Damon Clay Dibrell G Tyge Payne , U. of of , U. ; Marvin John Mohr , U.of , ESSEC ; Bernard , U.of , Rouen , San , U.of , , U. , , , , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Latent Class Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ventures Based on 2A New Vision of Stereotype Threat: Testing Its Effects in a Economic Growth Theory | Charles K. Waterson, U. of Field Setting | Beth G Chung-Herrera, San Diego State U.; Nebraska, Lincoln; Terrence C. Sebora, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln Mark G. Ehrhart, San Diego State U.; Karen Holcombe Who Enters, Where, and Why? Strategic Location Choices of Ehrhart, San Diego State U.; Keith Hattrup, San Diego State U.; New Enterprises | Aviad Pe'er, UBC; Ilan Vertinsky, UBC Jerry Solamon, City of Atlanta 1082 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Valuation of Entrepreneurial 1085 JS: (GDO, OB, HR) Demography and Performance: Ventures New Perspectives on the “Black Box” and “Business 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303B Case” Chair: Reddi Kotha, London Business School 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 4“Signaling The Firm’s Value”: Information Disclosure, Chair: Quinetta M Roberson, Cornell U. Corporate Governance and Performance of IPOs | Igor Thanks for Nothing: The Effects of Sex and Agreeableness on Filatotchev, King's College, U. of London; Salim Chahine, the Evaluation of Helping Behavior | Frank Flynn, Columbia American U. of Beirut U. VC decision-making: Good judgment and organizational A Multi-Level Study of Demographic Diversity, Group checks on cognitive bias and error. | Christopher I. Rider, U. Heterogeneity and Performance | Rosemary Batt, Cornell U.; of California, Berkeley; Philip E. Tetlock, U. of California, Sunghoon Kim, Cornell U.; Quinetta M Roberson, Cornell U. Berkeley Multi-Level Effects of Demographic Faultlines on Team The Management of Risk through Information and Performance and Rewards | Yunhyung Chung, Rutgers U.; Governance Capabilities in IPO Ventures | Lowell Busenitz, Susan E Jackson, Rutgers U.; James Shaw, Bond U. U. of Oklahoma; Jonathan D. Arthurs, Washington State U. Cultural Diversity in Human Capital, Performance and the Management Team Restructuring in Pre-IPO Startups:The Contingent Role of Formalized HR Structures | Amy Influence of VC and Executive Characteristics | Jun Li, U. of Capehart, East Carolina U.; Orlando C Richard, U. of Texas, New Hampshire Dallas Effects of Racial Composition and Manager Background on Why Do Entrepreneurial Firms 1083 SHCS: (ENT, BPS) Managerial Team Assessments and Performance | Melissa Exist? C Thomas-Hunt, Cornell U.; Patrick Morris, The May Group; 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316C Stephen Sauer, Cornell U. Chair: Doug Bosse, Ohio State U. Presenters: Rosemary Batt, Cornell U.; Sunghoon Kim, Cornell Discussant: Elaine Mosakowski, U. of Colorado, Boulder U.; Frank Flynn, Columbia U.; Yunhyung Chung, Rutgers U.; Resources, Capabilities, and Entrepreneurial Perceptions | Orlando C Richard, U. of Texas, Dallas; Melissa C Thomas-Hunt, Yasemin Y Kor Joseph Mahoney , U. of Delaware; , U. of Illinois, Cornell U.; Stephen Sauer, Cornell U. Urbana-Champaign; Steven C. Michael, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign 1086 : (Paper Session) - (HCM) Improving the Work How Do Entrepreneurs Organize Firms under Conditions of Environment for Health Care Employees & the Effects on Uncertainty? | Sharon Alvarez, Ohio State U. Organizational Performance Testing the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship | 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Hilo Room David Audretsch, Indiana U., Bloomington; Max Keilbach, Max- Chair: Ann F. Chou, NCQA Planck Institute Discussant: Valerie L. Myers, U. of Michigan A Problem-solving Perspective on the Entrepreneurial Firm | BHaving fun while getting health care work done: Does Jack A Nickerson, Washington U.; Chih-mao Hsieh, personality make a difference? | Katherine A Karl, Marshall Washington U. U.; Joy VanEck Peluchette, U. of Southern Indiana Work Environment Perceptions and Organizational WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 1084 Affirmative Action and : (Paper Session) - (GDO) Commitment: A Study of Hospital Nurses | I E Jernigan, U. Stereotype Threat: Truths, Lies, and Consequences of North Carolina, Charlotte; Joyce M Beggs, U. of North 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 1-2 Carolina, Charlotte; Gary F Kohut, U. of North Carolina, Chair: Mary E Graham, Clarkson U. Charlotte Further Development of a Test of Knowledge of Workplace B Empowering Nurses for Work Engagement and Health in Affirmative Action Law and Regulations | David A Kravitz, Hospital Settings. | Heather K. Spence Laschinger, U. of George Mason U.; Gunna (Janet) Yun, George Mason U. Western Ontario; Joan Finegan, U. of Western Ontario Does Social Inequity Increase Support for Affirmative Action? 2 Patient Turnover and Nursing Staff Adequacy | Lynn Brian Lowery B Depends on How You Look at It | , Stanford U.; Unruh, U. of Central Florida; Myron D Fottler, U. of Central Eric David Knowles Rosalind M. Chow , Stanford U.; , Stanford Florida U. BAsian Americans, Stereotypes and Success Expectancy: 1087 JS: (HCM, OMT) The Space Between: A Relational Implications of Affirmative Action Programs | Faye K Approach to Understanding Quality of Care Cocchiara, U. of Texas, Arlington 2:30pm - 3:50pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waianae Room

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 291 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Participants: Speakers: Rewards and PaySystems Rewards Recruitment andRetention | Satisfaction) Can’t BuyHappiness(or Money B and Attitudes DoEmployee Riding theRollerCoaster:How B Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1089 on Control Mechanisms and Voice of Employee The Impact Predicting Voluntary Turnov in andGenderDiscrimination Programs of Diversity Role B Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1088 in Care SupportBuildsHigh-Quality How Co-Worker to Place Thatisa"Good toWork" Place Creating A"Good | Care Quality Patient Fabric ofHigh The Relational How OrganizationalPrac Crawley Discussants: Golden-Biddle Organizers: Vanderbilt U. U. Brandeis U. 4 Expe and Setting Applying Goal ; Dana Beth Weinberg Technology Institute ofTechnology; Vogus GermAnn International U. Kane Colvin Behavior TrackwithSt | Behaviors and Workplace Turnover Voluntary Traits| Personality | Attractiveness Organizational Model| Alternative An SCUs: Alzheimer’s RelationalLandsca Live": College; Susan Pfefferle Jody HofferGittell Brandes Lilius Chinese U.ofHongKong; Technological U. Technological U. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute the Effects of RJPs on Performance | on Performance of RJPs the Effects Modeling of Reward Satisfaction | Satisfaction Reward Modeling of Piccolo John C.Shaw Philip Podsakoff

Function-Based Pay: Proposal andInitialTest| Proposal Pay: Function-Based

Joseph J Martocchio Aparna Joshi : : The Antecedents of Reward: The of Reward: The Antecedents (Paper Session)-(HR) (Paper Session)-(HR) , AlliantInternationalU.; , Robert MorrisU. , U.ofMichigan, AnnArbor T , Vanderbilt U. , PennsylvaniaStateU.; eaching-oriented | Jody Hoffer GittellJody Hoffer , U.of Florida; Rebekah Zincavage , Syracuse U.; Jacoba Marja Lilius Almas Dossa Almas ; Kathy GermAnn , U. of Alberta; Stacy Blake-Beard , U. ofAlberta , Mississippi State U. State , Mississippi , BrandeisU.; , U.of Florida; , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign , BrandeisU.; Tom AlanTimmerman ☯ , QueensCollege Timothy A Judge Timothy A Michael Hadani Luis L Martins Management Practice-oriented | , Brandeis U. tices ShapeRelation ock Options’Value?| Karen Golden-Biddle , U. of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign Thomas ABirtch , Brandeis U. er with Broad and Narrow and Narrow er withBroad pes andtheNaviga|

, U. ofAlberta

Perspectives onEmployee Employee New Ideason , Brandeis U. , Brandeis Joy D.S.Papini , U. of Michigan, AnnArbor , U.ofMichigan, , SimmonsCollege Dana BethWeinberg Rosemary Batt Bruce Louis Rich Almas Dossa ctancy Theories to Explain Explain to ctancy Theories Charles KParsons ; SusanPfefferle Flora FTCheung , Georgia Instituteof ; RebekahZincavage , SyracuseU. ; Timothy J.Vogus , U.of Florida; Stephanie Pane oretical and Empirical and Empirical oretical , Tennessee , CambridgeU. Jacoba Marja , Alliant ships of Care | ships ofCare , , U. ofAlberta , Brandeis U.; , Brandeis Ronald F. Cornell U. Pamela ; Daria International-oriented| , U.ofFlorida; Kathy Alexander , Queens Timothy J. , Georgia Jeffrey S. , Brandeis Nathan , ; Karen , , , 292 Economies Performance MNCs 4 4 4 4 4 4 Presented onpanels41-46 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1090 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1092 4 4 1 4 4 4 Presented onpanels47-52 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1091 Theme-oriented | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Venice Udine; Maarten Wensveen U.; Western Michigan U. ofHongKong Italian Apparel Firms in Romania | Firms in Italian Apparel Marques Friedrich Convergence as aManageme Convergence National Patterns of Corruption and Software Piracy| andSoftware ofCorruption National Patterns Cities | Countries Developing China | Evidencefrom Environment? Situation Business Sensitive of Japanese Firms (and vice versa) | versa) of JapaneseFirms(andvice Interorganizational | vs.Wal-Mart Ecological or Context-Dependent Usha C.V.Haley Cleveland State U.; Cleveland State Rajshekhar G.Javalgi Cass Business School Cass Business U.; Robertson Zedtwitz Massachusetts Institute of Technology ofTechnology Institute Massachusetts California, Berkeley Padova; Australian National U. Australian National State U.; Managing Supply Network Internati Managing Network Supply Directorship Interlock Networks in China: A Tale of Two NetworksinChina:ATale Interlock Directorship inCompanies from Strategies International R&D Host Country Harm Investment Direct Does Foreign toCulturally Responses of Difference: The Meaning The Influence ofForeignOw The Influence Internati Firm´s New Venture Organizational an using ofRetailers Global Expansion Firms? | Internet are How Global Universal and Performance: International Diversification William F. Crittenden

Robert Doktor

1 : 1 (Paper Session)-(IM) Managing Effectively in China: Strategic inChina:Strategic Managing Effectively The ImpactofTradeLiberal Andrea Vinelli : : Bing Ren (Paper Session)-(IM) (Paper Session)-(IM) Andrea Furlan , TsinghuaU. Robert Salomon Andres Hatum

, Northeastern U.;

Visual Presentation| , U.ofNewHaven , ChineseU.ofHongKong; , U.ofHawai`i , ArizonaStateU.; Patricia R.Todd Embededdness.| , ErasmusU. , U.ofPadova; Patrick Reinmoeller , ClevelandStateU.;

, U. ofPadova; , Austral U. Relationship? | the CaseofChina| , NortheasternU. , U. ofSouthern California Knowledge Management in Knowledge Management K MatthewGilley er: Exhibit Hall III - IM1 er: ExhibitHallIII er: Exhibit Hall III - IM2 er: ExhibitHallIII s Operating inEmerging Internationalization and Internationalization Selected forBestPaper Proceedings in Latin America | in LatinAmerica nt Model for the New Era | nt ModelfortheNewEra nership on the Performance onthePerformance nership onalization and onalization ization Policieson , LubrizolCorporation Fabrizio Gerli Arnaldo Camuffo Luiz F. MesquitaLuiz F. onalization: A Study of of AStudy onalization: Stephen Chen Pietro Romano KC O'Shaughnessy Feng Liang Andreas Al-Laham Luis VivesDePrada , ErasmusU.; Robert FScherer Kevin Au Maximilian von- , Oklahoma State , U.of Patricia , U.of , , U.of , Chinese , Arizona , U.of Chris , , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

B4Designing Knowledge Management Systems in 1095 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Research on Leadership Multinational Corporations: A Managerial Framework | Bo 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A1 Janice R Joplin B. Nielsen, Western Washington U.; Snejina Michailova, Facilitator: , U. of Texas, El Paso Copenhagen Business School OB: Self-Monitoring and Leadership Emergence: Evidence Building and leveraging knowledge capabilities through cross- from a High-Technology Firm | Ajay Mehra, U. of Cincinnati; Dennis A Gioia border acquisitions | Manuel Anibal Portugal Ferreira, U. of , Pennsylvania State U. Utah; Stephen B Tallman, U. of Richmond B4 MC: A New Vision of Management Developing New Knowledge Stock Development in MNC Leadership to Unleash Human Potential to Innovate | Subsidiaries:Knowledge Sources & Headquarters Control Marilyn E. Harris, Central Michigan U/Human Systems Change Guilan Wang Long Peng Mechanisms | Riikka Sarala, Swedish School of Economics Consulting,Inc.; , Central Michigan U.; , and Business Administration; Jennie Sumelius, Swedish School Beijing Foreign Studies U. MSR: of Economics and Business Administration Strange Bedfellows: What Academic Theories of Finalist--IMD Best Paper from an Under-represented Country Leadership Imply for the Organized Church | Alice C 4Technology Sourcing in MNEs and the Roles of Stewart, North Carolina A&T State U. Subsidiaries: An Empirical Investigation | Marina 2BMED: Leadership Development in Health Care: Results of Papanastassiou, Athens U. of Economics and Business Two Nationwide Studies | Ann Scheck McAlearney, Ohio State U. 1093 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Institutional and Cultural Winner of MED Division Best Paper in Management Embeddedness of Firms Development 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305A 2B4 IM: Social Culture Intelligence, Top-Level Leadership Chair: Rae Andre, Northeastern U. Detelin S Susan C Schneider and Innovation Influence: An International Study | Discussant: , HEC U. of Geneva Elenkov, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Ivan Manev, U. of Maine 4Corporate Governance & Embeddedness: The Persistence of Country Specific Traits | Sandra Dow, U. du Québec à 1096 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Organizational Change Montréal; Jean McGuire, Concordia U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A2 Linda Sharkey 4A Cross-National Study of Market Exchange Milieus and Facilitator: , GE Capital OB: Consumer Loyalty Dynamics | Deepak Sirdeshmukh, North The Impact of Group Norms on Implementing Strategic David F Caldwell Carolina State U.; Patrick Lentz, U. of Dortmund; Edwin J. Organizational Change | , Santa Clara U.; Jennifer Chatman Charles A Nijssen, Radboud U. Nijmegen; Jagdip Singh, Case Western , U. of California, Berkeley; O'Reilly Margaret Ormiston Reserve U.; Hartmut Holzmueller, U. of Dortmund , Stanford U.; , U. of California, International Technology Management: A Social Constructivist Berkeley PNP: Perspective | Paul Leonardi, Stanford U. The Dynamics of Accounting Change: Comparing the Laura Maria Caccia 4Cultural Influences on Service Failure and Recovery: Cases of Two Local Governments | , Bocconi U. and U. of Valle d'Aosta Lisa Hisae Nishii, Cornell U.; Karen Implications for HRM | ODC: Holcombe Ehrhart, San Diego State U.; Masako S. Taylor, Relational Perspectives on the Construction of Meaning: Olympia Cornell U.; Tomoe Kono, San Diego State U. A Network Model of Change Interpretation | Kyriakidou, Aegean U. 1094 : (Paper Session) - (IM) International HR Policies ODC: Inertia or Change? Empirical exploration of a firm | 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Srikanth Paruchuri, U. of Florida Chair: Sully Taylor, Portland State U. Discussant: Jian Han, Peking U. 1097 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Organizational Justice and B4Cultural Differences Influencing German and Asian HR | Trust Wolfgang Stehle, Siemens; Ronel Erwee, U. of Southern 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A3 WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Queensland Facilitator: Michael Wesson, Texas A&M U. HR: 2BEmployment Discrimination Law Exposures for A Gift Exchange Perspective on Organizational International Employers:A Risk Assessment Model | Training | David B Balkin, U. of Colorado, Boulder; Nathalie Richard A. Posthuma, U. of Texas El Paso; Mark V Roehling, Richebe, Audencia Nantes Michigan State U.; Michael A Campion, Purdue U. HR: Different Models of the Relationship Between Perceptions 4Foreign Subsidiary Managerial Staffing Strategy: Agency of HRM Practices and Employee Outcomes | Bard Kuvaas, Theory and Institutional Theory Perspectives | Chei Hwee Norwegian School of Management Chua, U. of South Carolina CAR: The Moderating Effect of POS on the Relationship 24Institutional Environments, Staffing Strategies & Between Psychological Contract Breach and Outcomes | Subsidiary Performance: Lessons from Japanese MNCs | Thomas J. Zagenczyk, U. of Pittsburgh Ajai Singh Gaur, National U. of Singapore; Andrew Delios, OMT: Trust, Institutions and Agency: Towards a National U. of Singapore; Kulwant Singh, National U. of Neoinstitutional Theory of Trust | Guido Möllering, Free U., Singapore Berlin Finalist--IMD Best Paper

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 293 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday OM: BPS: SIM: Social Responsibility Performance Responsibility Facilitators: Tapa 2-TableB2 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1100 4 Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB1 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1099 4 BPS: Facilitator: Tapa 1-TableA4 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1098 2 SIM: CM: ENT: Missouri, Kansas City Missouri, Kansas Renz U. ofWesternOntario College; Hillman Washington U.; Environmental Initiatives: Evidence from the Vineyard | Vineyard fromthe Evidence Initiatives: Environmental Environment Challe Philanthropists: Identifying Characteristics andStages| Characteristics Identifying Philanthropists: Management ofStakeholde Affects Employees| Performance Social Corporate Performance During Industry Slowdown | During Industry Performance Marilyn L Taylor Tom EThomas Annetta Fortune Oana Branzei Mohan Earl Wry U. ofLausanne; Sirmon U. of Illinois, Springfield; U. ofIllinois, Srikantia ISU; Institute ofTechnology; to CombatGlobalDominat Performance: A Look at the Chemical ProductsIndustry| ALookatthe Performance: Environmental Moderators of Competitive Advantage | Advantage of Competitive Moderators Environmental Creation | Strategy toValue & Centralityto in Organizations: The Effect of Conflict| TheEffect in Organizations: San FranciscoStateU. Kaohsiung ENT: ONE: BPS: Armed Hospital's Balanced Scorecard With AHP For With AHPFor Scorecard Balanced Armed Hospital's Global CSR: An Empirical Analysis of Transnational ofTransnational Analysis AnEmpirical Global CSR: Appr A Multi-Dimensional CMS: Ordinary Resources to Extraordinary Performance: Ordinary Resources to ExtraordinaryPerformance: Relativity & Capabilities: Li

Managerial Action to Build Control, Trust, and Fairness Control, Trust,andFairness toBuild Action Managerial : : : , U. of Missouri, Kansas City; , U.ofMissouri,KansasCity; (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Growth Orientation As Liabi As Growth Orientation A Foray into the Realm of Entrepreneurs as Realm ofEntrepreneurs A Forayintothe Research Capability,Productivity,andFirm Carrots, Sticks and Values as Motivators for as Motivators Values Carrots, Sticksand T , U.ofWarwick eaching-oriented | , Clemson U.; , Clemson Mary EllenBoyle Elaine SPotoker , Arizona StateU. Robert J. Strom Robert J. , U.ofAlberta Alketa Peci World Social Forum: Levera World Forum: Social , BaldwinWallaceCollege;

, Schulich School of Business; , SchulichSchool Laura B. Cardinal , Jussi Autere , U. of Missouri; , U.ofMissouri; , DrexelU.; San Francisco State U.; San Francisco , EBAPE-FGV nges inTaiwan|

Michael A. Hitt ☯ Management Practice-oriented | Peter J. Rea Peter J. , Kauffman Foundation; , - , , Clark U. , Clark Perspectives on Corporate Corporate Perspectives on and Research onStrategy Research on Corporate Social Social Research onCorporate Tsaubin Chen ion byFinancialCapital| Lois Shelton , HelsinkiU.ofTechnology r Relations in MNCs | oach how for Understanding oach nking Strengths, Weaknesses Weaknesses nking Strengths, Theresa Taylor-Coates , TulaneU. Rhonda Holman ; Alketa Peci lity: Growth Strategy And lity: GrowthStrategyAnd Sangeeta Parameshwar , Texas A&MU.; , BaldwinWallaceCollege ging Spiritual Capital ging Spiritual Feng Chuan Pan Murray Silverman , Chapman U. , ShihChienU., Chris Long Stewart Thornhill Erkko Autio Erkko David G. , EBAPE-FGV David O. International-oriented| , U.of Anupama Amy , Tyler Param , Marist , Tajen , HEC, , , , 294 OB: BPS: BPS: B OMT: International Management Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB3 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1101 4 B B Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB5 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1103 HCM: Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB4 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1102 SIM: OB: MSR: OM: HCM: Theme-oriented | OM: BPS: CMS: Illinois U. Competitive Advantage | Advantage Competitive Corporate Social Responsibility: UK Evidence | UKEvidence Responsibility: Social Corporate Coleman Haifa; Brammer of NorthCarolina, Pembroke Many Cons.| Evidence andOrganizatio of Bath Tipping Point forVoluntar Tipping Point Cambridge U.; U. ofZurich; Northwestern U.; and the Multinational Enterprise | and theMultinationalEnterprise Ambrosini Christopher A. Voss Quality: The Mediation RoleofTrust| Quality: TheMediation multidisciplinary work teams. | workteams. multidisciplinary Coworker Similarityon MotivationGains| | Construction Identity Socially Embedded Options | Egg | Heusinkveld J. Reuer McFadden Virtual Channels| Safety | U. Nijmegen Working Harder with the Out-Group: TheImpactof Working Harderwiththe “C An Error Management SystemforImprovedPatient An ErrorManagement Influences on the Incidence of Employee Involvement in Involvement ofEmployee ontheIncidence Influences SIM: Industry and Firm Influences onValuable Growth and FirmInfluences Industry and ofPrudential TheCase Options: Announcement Co-evolution in Management Fashion; One Pro and One Pro Fashion; in Management Co-evolution Can We Agree on the Force?: Multi-disciplined Multi-disciplined on theForce?: Agree Can We Human Resource Management Practices and Service andService Practices Management Resource Human Bounded knowledge and social identitiesin Bounded knowledgeandsocial

: : : Service Quality inMulti-Channe Service an I Do It?” Feedback at Work as an Opportunity for an IDoIt?” atWorkasanOpportunity Feedback Inter-team Coordination R Inter-team Coordination (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Unholy Affinity? Free Trade Theory, Postmodernism, Postmodernism, FreeTradeTheory, Affinity? Unholy Anna M.Dempster Amit Gur Institutional and Knowledge Factors: Drivers ofthe Drivers Institutional andKnowledgeFactors: Winter Nie Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra Xin Yao , U.of North Carolina, ChapelHill Gregory NStock , U.of Utah , U.of Bath; Tony W. Tong Tony W. , Cranfield U.; , Northern IllinoisU.; William McKinley , RadboudU.Nijmegen; Visual Presentation| Sa Jo , Technion , Wichita State U. , WichitaState Katherine W. Phillips s Benders ndra Dawson , Thunderbird,TheGarvin Schoolof Rui Sousa , London Business School , LondonBusiness Andrew I. Millington , State U. ofNewYork, Buffalo; Cliff Bowman , Birkbeck College, U. of London , BirkbeckCollege,U. , Northern IllinoisU.; Sarah Burton-Taylor Sarah Perspectives on Quality Perspectives on Real Options SocialIdentity New IdeasAbout y Societal Activities | Activities y Societal nal Implications | , Radboud U.Nijmegen; , U. CatolicaPortuguesa; , Southern Illinois U., Carbondale , SouthernIllinois , Cambridge U. , Cambridge Charles R Gowen , U.ofMinnesota Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Eivor Oborn-Barrett outines as a Source of a Source outines as Andreas GeorgScherer Jurriaan Nijholt l Services Employing Employing l Services , Northwestern U. , Cranfield U. Shay Tzafrir

, U.of Bath Robert B.Lount Svenja Tams Eric B.Dent Kathleen , -; , Northern Darrell G. Stephen Stefan Veronique , Radboud , U.of ,

Jeffrey , U. , U. , ,

Session Details Ð Tuesday

BTIM: Entrepreneurial Asymmetrical Alliances: Large Firm OMT: Furthering Interests: Industry Associations And The Options and Small Firm Liabilities | Margaret Dalziel, U. of State | David Eduardo Cavazos, Texas Tech U.; Dara Ottawa Szyliowicz, Texas Tech U. 1104 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Research on Social Identity 1107 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Research on Ethics 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C4 Facilitator: Lynne Andersson, Temple U. Facilitator: Paul G Wilhelm, Virginia State U. SIM: Who Boycotts Whom: A Social Identity Perspective on BMOC: Linking Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance and Consumer Boycotts | Naomi A Gardberg, Baruch College, Managerial Ethical Decision-Making | Kevin S. Groves, CUNY; William Newburry, Rutgers U. California State U., Los Angeles; Charles M Vance, Loyola OB: Organizational Newcomer Socialization: A Meta-Analysis Marymount U.; Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount U.; Herb and Summary Path Model | Talya N Bauer, Portland State U.; Kindler, Kindler & Associates Todd Bodner, Portland State U.; Berrin Erdogan, Portland SIM: The Impact of Individual Values on Ethical Decision- State U.; Donald M Truxillo, Portland State U.; Jennifer Making and the Effect of an Ethical Culture | Daniel Rottig, Sommers, U. S. Army Research Institute Florida Atlantic U. 4ODC: Cultural Influences on Support for Organizational B SIM: Exploring Recent Business Scandals and Change | Eric Lamm, Boston College Entrepreneurial Antecedents: Ethical Leadership BONE: Organizational Identity and Organizational Image: A Implications | John Todd, U. of Arkansas Sustainability Perspective | Rumina Dhalla, York U.; David SIM: A Review of the Empirical Ethical Decision-Making Wheeler, York U. Literature: 1996-2003 | Michael James O'Fallon, Washington State U.; Kenneth D Butterfield, Washington State U. 1105 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Recruiting and Attracting the Right People 1108 B: (Paper Session) - (MC) Consulting to Leaders: High 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 Impact Consultation Facilitator: Timothy M. Gardner, Brigham Young U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 314 B4HR: Justice Perceptions and Organizational Chair: Mary Wayne Bush, Pepperdine U. Attractiveness as a Potential Employer | Ho-Beng Chia, Discussant: Joseph Weintraub, Babson College National U. of Singapore; Wah Yue Chay, Nanyang 2B Enhancing Learning and Development Through Technological U.; Adrian Chuin Li Ng, Citibank N.A. Singapore Actionable Feedback | Mark D Cannon, Vanderbilt U.; Robert HR: Effects of Ethnicity, Name and Immigration Status on Witherspoon, Performance and Leadership, Ltd. Employment Short-listing | Marie Wilson, U. of Auckland; Winner of the Graziadio Business School/Pepperdine Award for Suchi Mouly, U. of Auckland; Priyanka Gahlout, U. of Outstanding Practice Based Paper on Management Consulting Auckland; Lucia Liu, U. of Auckland BMultisource Feedback, Coaching, and Leadership HR: Exploring the Dimensionality of Corporate Image and Its Development: Personality and Homophily Effects | Ginka Linkage to Organizational Attractiveness | Wei-Chi Tsai, Toegel, London School of Economics; Nigel Nicholson, London National Chengchi U., Taiwan; Irene W. F. Yang, National Chiao Business School Tung U.; Hung-Yue Suen, Shanghai Commercial and Savings BLeadership, Organizational Culture and Performance: Bank Exploring One Leader’s Impact | Bryan Adkins, U. of San HR: Effects of Multiple Recruitment Activities on Applicant Francisco Attraction | Alan Saks, U. of Toronto; Krista Uggerslev, U. of B Leadership Pathology As A Nexus of Dysfunctional Manitoba Organizations | Alan Goldman, Arizona State U. GDO: Who Goes & Who Stays?: A Social Network Knowledge Accumulation WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Perspective on Head Coach Mobility within the NBA, 1946- 1109 : (Paper Session) - (MED) and Transfer 2002 | Sharron Hunter-Rainey, North Carolina Central U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4 Miguel R. Olivas-Lujan 1106 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Regulatory and Political Chair: , Clarion U. of PA & Tecnológico de Perspectives Monterrey 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 BFacilitating the Transfer of Learning: Participant Facilitator: Amy E. Smith, U. of Albany, SUNY Perspectives | Sarah Isabella Leberman, Massey U. CMS: A Case of Therapeutic Government: Self-esteem and A Technology Classification Process:Teaching Technology the Older Unemployed | Susan Ainsworth, Sydney U. Managers Successful Technology Adoption | Andres 4 CMS: If You Can't Lick Em . . .: Financial Hypertrophy Fortino, Marist College and American Labor's New Shareholder Offensive | Richard 2BThe Relationship of Affect and Cognition Based Trust With Marens, California State U., Sacramento Sharing and Use of Tacit Knowledge | J. Scott Holste, B ONE: Active & Passive Strategies Addressing Emerging International Mission Board, SBC; Dail Fields, Regent U. Environmental Regulations: 21st Century Visions | Bruce “B to U”: A New Model for Development | Dale Jasinski, Clemens, James Madison U.; Charles E. Bamford, Queen's U. Quinnipiac U.; Steve C Dunn, U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 295 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Participants: Speaker: Lankau Godshalk Sherry E.Sullivan Whiting Capital and Career Knowledge, Social Networks toEnhance Using Mentor B Expert Between Differences Chair: used inorganizations. shared,and isretained, This sessiondiscusseshowknowledge ConventionCenter:Room317A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1112 1 B 1 1 Presented onpanels17-20 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1111 fo andStrategies Mechanisms Developmental NetworksinAction| Learning in The Roleof | Imperative Mentoring The Faculty South Pacific2 Village: 2:30pm -3:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1110 Management Theory Management Learning, andInnovation Team On Effectiveness, Expertise, Management: 1 Dickson Suzanne C. DeJanasz Suzanne Lankau Godshalk Thorvald Haerem U. of MaryWashington; U. Breland Mississippi; Novicevic Moore Challenging Organizational Environments | Environments Challenging Organizational | Discourse | Originate? Chain Value Did the Developers' Use of Information During NPD | DuringNPD| ofInformation Use Developers' | With Mentors U.; Isabel M.Prieto Cornell U. Saskatchewan Knowledge Management:Lear Hirsch Northern IllinoisU.; Knowledge Sharingand Team Effectiveness in ofDiffusion:The The Diffusion Theory| RootsofCareer Historical Tracing the Where View: Activity-Based of Porter’s Exploring theRoots Connecting Theories of Connecting Theories Manuel Graca

Jeffrey BKaufmann B : 1 , U.ofGeorgia , Westminster College (Paper Session)-(MOC) Barnard and Custome and Barnard T Carol A. Dickson Carol A. , U.of Toronto; , Northwestern U. , Pennsylvania State U., GreatValley StateU., , Pennsylvania eaching-oriented | : , U.ofGeorgia , U. of Mississippi of Mississippi , U. (Paper Session)-(MH) , U. of Hawai`i, Manoaof Hawai`i, , U.

Suzanne C.DeJanasz Suzanne , Pennsylvania State U., GreatValley; StateU., , Pennsylvania , U. of Mississippi; , U.of Mississippi; Erin R.Holmes JS: Jennifer AnnWhitson , BowlingGreen StateU. , ValladolidU.; (MED, CAR, GDO) Vicki R.Whiting , LancasterU. , Norwegian School of Management , NorwegianSchoolofManagement

; Monica Higgins Elisa Fredericks

Sherry E.Sullivan ☯ Hugh P.Gunz Mentoring Relationships Relationships | Mentoring , U. of Mary Washington; , U.ofMary Washington; Management Practice-oriented |

, U. of Hawai`i,Manoa , IowaStateU.

DynamicCapabilitiesand , U. of Mississippi; , U. of Mississippi; and Non-expert Product Allison Burgess Duke r-Involving HRM | r Identifying and Connecting and r Identifying er: Exhibit Hall III - MH - er: ExhibitHallIII Knowledge Sharing& Mark Easterby-Smith Historical Rootsof , WestminsterCollege; ning as a Focal Concept| as aFocal ning , U.ofMary Washington Evolution of Evolution Managerial Suzanne C.DeJanasz A NewVisionofFaculty: Norman T. Sheehan , Northwestern U.; Monica Higgins , NorthernIllinois U.; , U.of Toronto , Harvard U. , BowlingGreenState ; Veronica M. ; MelenieJ. Jacob W. Martine Haas Melenie J. Carol A. ; VickiR. Milorad Devaki Rau International-oriented| Veronica M. Celia , U.of , Harvard , Lancaster Paul M , U. of , U. ; , U. , , 296 Scranton Pomona Participants: Consideration of Social Comparisons, Affect and Teams Affect ofSocialComparisons, Consideration 1114 | and Entrepreneurship of Sprituality The DarkSide inRecovery | Organizations Spirituality andSpiritua Entrepreneurship The RoleofSpiritualityfor Chair: WaikikiBeach:AkakaFalls/IaoNeedleRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1113 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room325A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1115 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 Presented onpanels21-29 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii and Managers: Empirical and Conceptual Results Conceptual Empiricaland and Managers: Pomona Theme-oriented | 1 Biberman Osaka U.ofEconomics; Regulation on Team Effectiveness | Team Effectiveness on Regulation and Initiation| Potency Firms| High-Technology from Teams in Work Systems Collaboration in Satellite Radio | inSatellite Collaboration Integrative Framework| Integrative Task| and TrustUnderaConjunctive | Structuralism of Individualism& Integration Sandra King Kauanui Vijaya Venkataramani Zhixue Zhang empirical and conceptual results| and conceptual empirical California Polytechnic StateU.,Pomona; California Polytechnic Bhardwaj Hong Kong Ann Glynn Development | Development Guohong Han Champaign; Gate U. Yulan Han Gate U.; Chen Liu Innovation Amplified: The Innovation Learning fromErrorsinGroup an Towards ComeFrom?: aTeam'sNetworks does Where Person-Group Fit:ADynamicModel| Cohesiveness of Efficacy: Effects From SelftoCollective Individual Level Antece A Role-Based Model of Team Leader Selection and Leader Selection ofTeam Model A Role-Based , Dong HuaU.; ,

The Influence of Team Goa ofTeam The Influence China: in Team Innovation Memory ofTransactive and Consequences Antecedents Sandra KingKauanui J. Craig Wallace 1 : : ; LeeRobbins (MSR) (Paper Session)-(OB) , Lingnan U. : (Paper Session)-(OB) Gerald Biberman Gary A.Ballinger Sandra King Kauanui , U.of Western Ontario , U.of Scranton , PekingU. , Emory U. The Role of Spirituality for Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs The RoleofSpiritualityfor Niti Pandey Visual Presentation| , Peking U.; , Peking , U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Jay B.Carson Dean Tjosvold , Golden GateU. , TulaneU. , California Polytechnic State U.,Pomona State , CaliforniaPolytechnic , Purdue U., WestLafayette

Chad Higgins , U.ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign; Alfred Wong dents of Network Centrality: An dents ofNetwork Entrepreneurs andManagers: , California Polytechnic StateU., , CaliforniaPolytechnic Aparna Joshi Paul Hempel , U.of Scranton , Purdue U. , Purdue Organizational Justice:A Staged Dynamics of Inter-Firm ofInter-Firm Dynamics Staged lity: Is there a relationship? | relationship? a lity: Isthere er: Exhibit Hall III - OB - er: ExhibitHallIII , U. ofMaryland,CollegePark Teams and Social Networks Teams and , CaliforniaPolytechnicU., State Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Goal Interdependence for Goal Interdependence s: ARelationalPerspective| l Orientation andSelf- l Orientation , LingnanU.; Chad Navis ; Gerald Biberman; Gerald Sandra King Kauanui , LingnanU.; , U.ofWashington Anju Mehta Lee Robbins , City U.ofHongKong; , U. ofIllinois, Urbana- Lee Robbins Derek C. Man Tomoki Sekiguchi Yifeng Nancy , EmoryU.; Arjun , Auburn U Chun Hong Gerald , Golden , Golden

, U.of , U.of Mary , ,

Session Details Ð Tuesday

Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice Climate on Personality and Leadership in Virtual Contexts: Reconsidering Individual Justice Perceptions and Outcomes | Maribeth Some Traditional Concepts | Pierre Balthazard, Arizona State Kuenzi, U. of Central Florida; Maureen L Ambrose, U. of U.; David A Waldman, Arizona State U. Central Florida Speakers: Surinder Kahai, State U. of New York, Binghamton; If You Feel Bad, It’s Unfair: A Meta-Analysis of Affect and Thomas A. O'Neill, U. of Calgary; Craig L Pearce, Claremont Organizational Justice Perceptions | Adam Barsky, U. of Graduate U.; Pierre Balthazard, Arizona State U. Seth A. Kaplan Melbourne; , Tulane U. 1118 When Trust is an Uphill Climb: Studying Karen JS: (OB, CM) The Dynamics of Anger and Negative Work Events | Trust in Contexts that Do Not Encourage It Harlos , McGill U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C When Must There Be Justice for All? A Multilevel Chairs: Jason Colquitt, U. of Florida; Cindy Zapata, U. of Florida Examination of Justice in Teams | David Mayer, U. of Discussant: Roy J. Lewicki, Ohio State U. Maryland; Kirsten Keller, U. of Maryland; Paul Hanges, U. of Trust Under Repair: Regulation and Punishment as Methods Lisa Michelle Leslie Maryland; , U. of Maryland for Rebuilding Trust | Kurt T Dirks, Washington U.; Peter H Maribeth Kuenzi ; Adam Barsky Presenters: , U. of Central Florida , Kim, U. of Southern California; Cecily D Cooper, U. of Miami; ; Karen Harlos ; David Mayer U. of Melbourne , McGill U. , U. of Donald L Ferrin, Singapore Management U. Maryland Trust in Urgent and Routine Contexts: Building and Reacting 1116 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Assumptions and Perceptions to Trust Among Firefighters | Jason Colquitt, U. of Florida; of Psychological Contract and Psychological Contract Jeffrey LePine, U. of Florida; Cindy Zapata, U. of Florida; Eric Wild Breach , U. of Florida 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 Trust When Commitment is in Doubt: Unraveling the Cycle of Chair: Matthew Liao-Troth, Western Washington U. Reciprocity in Buyer-Supplier Relations | Tony Simons, Discussant: Elizabeth George, Australian Graduate School of Cornell U.; James M Hagen, Cornell U. Management Trust from Near and Far: Commitment and Turnover in B Exploring the Role of Ideology in the Multidimensional Franchise-Based Organizations | Aneil K Mishra, Wake Contract | John B. Bingham, Brigham Young U. Forest U.; Karen Mishra, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Making Right the Wrong: Restoring Relationships After an Presenters: Kurt T Dirks, Washington U.; Cindy Zapata, U. of Injustice Has Occurred | Meena Andiappan, Pennsylvania Florida; Tony Simons, Cornell U.; Aneil K Mishra, Wake Forest U. State U. Participants: Peter H Kim, U. of Southern California; Cecily D Cooper ; Donald L Ferrin ; 2Psychological Contract Breach: Assessing Underlying , U. of Miami , Singapore Management U. Samantha D. Montes Greg Jason Colquitt, U. of Florida; Jeffrey LePine, U. of Florida; Eric Assumptions | , Wilfrid Laurier U.; Wild ; James M Hagen ; Karen Mishra Irving, Wilfrid Laurier U. , U. of Florida , Cornell U. , U. The Impact of Psychological Contract Breach on Work- of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis | Hao Zhao, U. of 1119 JS: (OB, RM) Assessing CEOs from a Distance: An Illinois, Chicago; Sandy J. Wayne, U. of Illinois, Chicago; Brian Examination and Comparison of Research Assessment Christopher Glibkowski, U. of Illinois, Chicago; Jesus Bravo, Methods U. of Illinois, Chicago 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 Presenters: John B. Bingham, Brigham Young U.; Meena Chair: Randall S Peterson, London Business School Andiappan, Pennsylvania State U.; Samantha D. Montes, Wilfrid Assessing CEOs from a Distance: The Group Dynamics Q- ; Hao Zhao Laurier U. , U. of Illinois, Chicago Sort and the California Adult Q-Set | Randall S Peterson, Sarah Ronson 1117 : (OB) Formal and Shared Leadership in Virtual London Business School; , London Business Teams School WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Assessing CEOs from a Distance: CEO Charisma and Chair: David A Waldman, Arizona State U. Executive Attributes | Cynthia G Emrich, College of William Leadership, Anonymity, and Opinion Change in Electronic and Mary; Holly H Brower, Butler U.; Kathryn Sherony, Purdue Michael Cooper Groups | Surinder Kahai, State U. of New York, Binghamton; U.; , Purdue U. Bruce Avolio, U. of Nebraska; John J. Sosik, Pennsylvania Assessing CEOs from a Distance: Comparing CEO Cognitive State U., Great Valley and Integrative Complexity | Margaret Ormiston, U. of The Effects of Leadership Style and Communication Medium California, Berkeley; Elaine M. Wong, U. of California, Berkeley; Philip E. Tetlock on Team Interaction Styles and Outcomes | Laura Hambley, , U. of California, Berkeley Sarah Ronson ; Cynthia G U. of Calgary; Theresa J B Kline, U. of Calgary; Thomas A. Participants: , London Business School Emrich ; Holly H Brower ; O'Neill, U. of Calgary , College of William and Mary , Butler U. Kathryn Sherony ; Michael Cooper ; Is Shared Leadership the Panacea for E-leadership in Virtual , Purdue U. , Purdue U. Margaret Ormiston, U. of California, Berkeley; Elaine M. Wong, U. Teams? | Craig L Pearce, Claremont Graduate U.; Youngjin of California, Berkeley; Philip E. Tetlock, U. of California, Berkeley Yoo, Case Western Reserve U. 1120 1: (Paper Session) - (OCIS) IT Implementation 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - OCIS

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 297 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday and Prospects forOrganizations and Prospects Occupational WorkStylesand Chair: ConventionCenter:Room317B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1122 1 1 B 1 B 1 Presented onpanels53-59 ConventionCenter: 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1121 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 B Presented onpanels1-8 Discussant: 1 1 1 1 C. Cogliser State U. Prospects | Prospects Disadvantage? | Boundary-Spanning Environments| Knowledge Transfer Perspective | Knowledge TransferPerspective Online Communication | Online Communication | of theConstruct AReview Systems: Information | Projects Systems Information ofConfig Implementation Constitutive Perspective on Engineering Culture | Culture onEngineering Perspective Constitutive – IssuesandFutureResearchAgenda| Tanvi Gautam Renee Michelle ElainePratt Sharma Pozzebon Assudani U.; U. ofQueensland Mellon U. Aalborg U. State U.; of Missouri Little Rock; Zhong Work Environment | Work Environment Systems: Examples from an Empirical Study | Study fromanEmpirical Systems: Examples | Delphi Study Lee Mary BethWatson-Manheim A Template-DrivenMessaging IT Cha Enabled Organizational Management SupportandtheImplementationof of Knowledge The Impact andthe ofPower/Knowledge The Entwinement | Incorporation onSystem The EffectofPersonalityTraits Work Team Effectiveness Field Research: Progress and Progress Field Research: Effectiveness Work Team at aDevelopmental VirtualTeams Are Group Potency: onComputer-MediatedLearningin The EffectofContext Winner of OCIS Division Best Visual Presentation Award The Need to Weave Sustainability into Information intoInformation Sustainability The NeedtoWeave Projects: A PostMortemEvaluationofIT Barriers to Conducting Geographically Dis Conducting Geographically Laurie Kirsch

User Participation in ERP Implementation: Froma Implementation: in ERP User Participation JoAnne Yates , U.ofIllinois,Chicago; : 1 (Paper Session)-(OCIS) Meet Me in Cyberspace: Meetings in the Distributed Distributed inthe Meetings Me inCyberspace: Meet , U.ofSouthern California T : eaching-oriented | , U.of Oklahoma; (Paper Session)-(OCIS) Anca Metiu Lars Mathiassen , XavierU. , HEC Montreal; , HEC Antonie Stam , TexasTechU.; Michael J.Ashworth , U. ofPittsburgh Vijay Kasi , U.ofPittsburgh; M. TravisMaynard , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instituteof , Massachusetts , INSEAD

☯ Katherine Chudoba

Management Practice-oriented | , U.of Missouri; Traci Carte , Georgia StateU.; , Georgia StateU.; Herbert Remidez Charo Rodriguez Kevin Crowston urable Techn Aaron Becker on the Governance of on theGovernance , Florida StateU. , U. ofIllinois,Chicago; Organizational Change:A Organizational Work Practice: Problems Problems Work Practice: Exhibit Hall III - OCIS 2 - ExhibitHallIII System for Supporting Systemfor nge: ItIsJustRoutine(s)!| Raymond M. Henry Virtual Teams , CarnegieMellonU.

V Sambamurthy persed Knowledge Work Work Knowledge persed Nancy Deng , U.of Oklahoma; , U.of Connecticut Jiangfan (Jenny) ologies | James M.Laffey , Florida StateU.; , U. of Oklahoma Rashmi H. , Syracuse U. , U. ofArkansas, , McGillU. Mark Keil Keld Pedersen

Nardia Haigh , Carnegie International-oriented| Marlei , Michigan Chei-Sian Paul , Clemson Rajeev , Georgia Claudia , U.

, , 298 Simulating Change Transformational Change Transformational EffectsofRelationalStocksonTechnology-Enabled Temporal Chair: ConventionCenter:Room318A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1123 “Reconstructing” BestPractices as | Rites Presentations Organizational inandAm Situated Learning Chair: ConventionCenter:Room321B 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1125 1 1 B 2 Presented onpanels37-40 ConventionCent 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1124 4 Impact of Schedule and Budge Discussant: Discussant: Theme-oriented | B 1 The Role of Emotion in Post-merger Integration: Time and Time Integration: Emotion inPost-merger The Roleof Oklahoma Crawford in the Commons | in theCommons | Management Roleof (JIM): TheEmerging Maryland, CollegePark Kien Sia Michigan Implementation: An Empirical demonstration | demonstration AnEmpirical Implementation: Ford Cohesion-Performance Relationship inTeams| Relationship Cohesion-Performance Carte U. ofOklahoma; Evidence From ITuse in a Network of Practice | of Practice ITuseinaNetwork Evidence From Space Dependent Theory| Space | Perspective ABehavioral Development: | Group Performance Questionnaire: Development, Development, Questionnaire: Emmanuelle Vaast Elving Kilian M.Bennebroek Gravenhorst U. ofColorado, Boulder Boulder; Leonardi Brennan O'Neill School; Michigan, AnnArbor; U. Thomas Do First Impressions Really Matter? A Comparison of the AComparison Do FirstImpressionsReallyMatter? Simulating Institutional Control Simulating Institutional a A ConstructValidationof New JobInsecurity Measure 1 The Communicationand

Janet Fulk Lynda M Kilbourne : : 1 Using Change Process Profiles to Study ProfilestoStudy Change Process Using , Northern Kentucky U.; , NorthernKentucky (Paper Session)-(OCIS) (Paper Session)-(ODC) , U.of Oklahoma , U.ofAmsterdam; : Gary Davies , U.of Michigan, AnnArbor (Paper Session)-(ODC) , Nanyang Technological U.; , Nanyang Technological William Waite Michael Boyer Michael O'Leary Jennifer Phillips Bott Jennifer , Stanford U.; , U. of Oklahoma; , U. Winner of ODC Best VisualPaper Visual Presentation| , U.ofSouthernCalifornia , CurtinU.ofTechnology Laku Chidambaram

, LongIslandU. Timothy Huerta , Manchester Business School BusinessSchool , Manchester D onald Harter Michele Jackson , U.of Colorado, Boulder; Shaila Miranda , XavierU.

Renate Werkman

Laku Chidambaram ong Distributed Communities: ong Distributed Communities: Bertie MGreer Bertie Organizational Change Rosa Chun er: Exhibit Hall III - ODC 1 - er: ExhibitHallIII Sources and Processesof Sources and t Pressure on Software t Pressureon It's AboutTime , BallStateU. in Packaged Results, and Application | andApplication Results, Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , BostonCollege s on Counsumption Patterns Patterns s onCounsumption Assessing, Validatingand Assessing, , SyracuseU.; , U.ofBritishColumbia , U.ofAmsterdam; Adrian Yeow , U.ofOklahoma; , U.of Oklahoma; JoAnn MBrooks , U.of Colorado, , Manchester Business , Vrije U.Amsterdam , NorthernKentucky Ning Nan Software | Patrick , U. of of , U.

Amer Diwan Matthew W Tara , U.of Rui Huang , U.of Traci Wim Jeff , U. of Siew , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Processes of Radical Organizational Change: Transformation B Hotel Management: In Search of an Improved Efficiency Through Sedimentation | Namrata Malhotra, Imperial College by Integrating Project Management Principles | Marta London; C R Hinings, U. of Alberta Sinclair, Griffith U.; Carl R. Sinclair, U. of Queensland 2Change from Below: The Case of the Voice of the Faithful | An Ethnographic Approach to Safety in Complex Continuous Inga Carboni, Boston College Service Operations | Ravi Behara, Florida Atlantic U.; Karen Winner of ODC Division Best Doctoral Student Paper Chinander, Florida Atlantic U.; Robert Wears, U. of Florida; BMaking The Herd Drink: The Role of Organizational Efficacy Shawna Perry, U. of Florida for Change in Innovation Implementation | N. Sharon Hill, U. 1129 Diversity and Trust Across of Maryland; Kathryn M. Bartol, U. of Maryland : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Social Boundaries B Spiritual Leadership Theory as a Source for Louis W 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A Organization Development and Transformation | Chair: Bo B. Nielsen, Western Washington U. Fry J Lee Whittington , Tarleton State U. Central Texas; , U. of Discussant: Antoinette Weibel, Zurich U. Dallas The Context of Group Faultlines: Diversity, Inequality and 1126 : (Paper Session) - (ODC) Organization development Conflict in Organizations | James A. Robins, City U. of Hong and change in the global context Kong; Steven S. Lui, City U. of Hong Kong 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B Superordinate Social Identity, Knowledge Demonstrability, Chair: Julie Wolfram Cox, RMIT U. andKnowledge Transfer across Groups | Aimee Kane, New Discussant: Melanie Bryant, Monash U. York U. B4 Societal Culture and Organization Design, A Tale of 4Doing Trust: The Practice of Trust in Multinational Two Oriental Cities | ji Li, Hong Kong Baptist U. Cooperation under Political Conflict | Nissim Mizrachi, Tel 4Industrial Change and Economic Development: A Aviv U.; Israel Drori, College of Management, Israel comparative case analysis | Thomas H. Forster, NZTE; Expectations and Satisfaction in Trust-Based Relationships | Suchi Mouly, U. of Auckland; Jay Sankaran, U. of Auckland Ben M. Bensaou, INSEAD; Gokhan Ertug, INSEAD B4 Managing in the 21st Century: The Cultural Impact Easy Come, Easy Go: Charlotte D. 1130 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) of Globalization on Organizational Values | Institutional Origins, Translation, and Decline Shelton, Rockhurst U.; John Z. Yang, China Center for Myles P. Gartland 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302B Economic Research, Peking U.; , Rockhurst Chair: Don Antunes, IMD U. Discussant: W. Trexler Proffitt Jr., Franklin & Marshall College B4 Organization Development in the Global Context: A The Origins and Dynamics of Institutions: An Evolutionary Critique | Tojo Thatchenkery, George Mason U.; Gopakumar John Weeks M.G. Perspective on Institutionalization | , INSEAD; , Tata Management Training Centre Charles D. Galunic, INSEAD 1127 SHCS: (ODC, OMT) Corporate Social 4The Innovative Capacity of Institutional Entrepreneurs: Responsibility and its Implications for Management Mechanisms for Generating Alternative Ideas | Eva Research and Education Boxenbaum, Copenhagen Business School; Julie Battilana, 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A INSEAD Facilitators: Mona Amodeo, Benedictine U.; Keith Cox, Agency in Diffusion: Activism, Imitation and the Adoption of Benedictine U.; Daniel Kenneth Saint, Benedictine U. Domestic Partner Benefits | Sean Safford, London School of Speakers: Ray Anderson, Founder & Chairman, Interface, Inc.; Economics; Forrest Briscoe, Pennsylvania State U. Scott Reed ; Philip H , Former Group President, Donnelly Corp. 2Change in Institutions: The Decline of the No-Lateral-Hiring Mirvis , Independent Consultant Norm among Large Law Firms, 1974-1990 | Nina Shah, U. USA WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 1128 Project, Service, & Process of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign : (Paper Session) - (OM) Winner of the Louis R. Pondy Best Paper Based on a Management Dissertation Award 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 Mohan V. Tatikonda Chair: , Indiana U. 1131 JS: (OMT, TIM, ENT) Institutional Entrepreneurship B What is Project Strategy | Aaron J. Shenhar, Stevens 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313B Institute of Technology; Dov Dvir, Ben-Gurion U., Negev; Organizers: Raghu Garud, New York U.; Steve Maguire, McGill U.; William Guth, Stevens Institute of Technology; Thomas Cynthia Hardy, Melbourne U. Lechler, Stevens Institute of Technology; Peerasit Patanakul, Institutional Entrepreneurship | Raghu Garud, New York U.; Stevens Institute of Technology; Michael Poli, Stevens Institute Cynthia Hardy, Melbourne U.; Steve Maguire, McGill U. of Technology; Joca Stefanovic, Stevens Institute of Technology Institutional Entrepreneurship, Dialectics, and Collective BThe Process Management Triangle: An Empirical Action | Andrew H. Van de Ven, U. of Minnesota; Tim Investigation of Process Trade-Offs | Robert D Klassen, U. Hargrave, U. of Minnesota of Western Ontario; Larry Menor, U. of Western Ontario Truces and Transformations in Institutional Logics | Mark Kennedy, U. of Southern California; Paul M Hirsch, Northwestern U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 299 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Ambiguity inPublic&NonprofitOrganizations 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii ConventionCenter: Room323A 2:30pm -3:50pmHawaii 1135 Presenters: Rice U. Coordinators: WaikikiBeach:LanaiBallroom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1134 Three BigManagementCha B 2 ofInstit andPolitics The Power Discussant: Chair: WaikikiBeach:WaialuaRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1133 2 B Supply and Green Systems Management Environmental B Chair: WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1132 | New IndustryCreation Managing | Making inthe Institutional SpacesandMarkets David Reingold California Hargrave Participants: Management Systems:Rationalities and Contradictions Management Accountability School School Copenhagen Business Connecting the Dots in Public Management: Political Management:Political Dots inPublic the Connecting Adoption of Environmental Management System by System Management of Environmental Adoption Identifying and Making Use of Use and Making Identifying Strathclyde U. Environment, Goal Ambiguity Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen Business Business School Services Agencies | | at theWorldBank Paradigm | or Contradictions? Management:Complements Chain Public and Nonprofit Organizations | and NonprofitOrganizations Public Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Vasudev Joshi U. Nicole Darnall Minnesota; Zutshi Carolina K Pandey Government Departments and Agencies Departments | Government Investor Reactions to EmissionInformation| Reactionsto Investor Myth? | Carolina StateU.; Charles H. Levine AwardforBestConference Paperinthe Effect of Environmental Management Systems on Systems Management Effect ofEnvironmental 4

Santo D Marabella Pratima Bansal B : 4 B

(Paper Session)-(RM) 4 : ; Paul M Hirsch T , Deakin U.; , U.of Minnesota

eaching-oriented | (Paper Session)-(ONE) Corporate GreeningThroughISO14001:ARational Corporate Olivier Boiral

Walter Powell Laurie NDiPadova-Stocks Andrew H.Van de Ven SHCS: , Rutgers U.,Camden; Kirsten Gronbjerg Fran Ackermann : , Indiana U., Bloomington , IndianaU.,Bloomington (Paper Session)-(PNP)

, North Carolina StateU.; Public andNonProfit Division , Michigan State U.; Michigan State (PNP, SIM) Robert Handfield Amrik SSohal , U.ofWestern Ontario ☯ Seok-Eun Kim , LavalU. , Northwestern U. , Moravian College ; MarkKennedy , Stanford U. Management Practice-oriented | ; Mary Tripsas llenges in Shaufique Sidique Simulation , Strathclyde U.; Institutional Perspectives on Institutional Perspectiveson , IndianaU. utionalizing a Development Development a utionalizing Distinctive Competencies in Competencies Distinctive and RoleAmbiguity| Environmental Nilima Gulrajani Bradley EWright , U.ofMinnesota , MonashU. Mary Tripsas Madhu Khanna ; Gili S.Drori , North Carolina StateU. , ParkU. , KansasStateU. Politics &Goal Nonprofit Human John M Bryson ; Peter Karnoe , U.of Southern Jason Jolley

; Duane Windsor , HarvardBusiness Colin Eden Dr Ambika

, MichiganState , Harvard Satish , Cambridge U. , StanfordU. Peter Karnoe ; Tim International-oriented| , U.of North

, U.of , North , Sanjay , U. of , U. , ,

; , 300 European Perspective a andResearchfrom of Management Value. NewVision Theories: NewDevelopmentsandProposals Contractarianism Habermas,Stakeholders,and Nietzsche, Marcus Discussants: Chair: WaikikiBeach:Kohala/KonaRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1136 TheoryThrough Developing Agent- and NetworksinDiffusion:Comparing Heterogeneity Ex Corrected? How Correctis Chair: Chair: Organizer: WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1138 4 4 to Management From Stakeholder Wright StateU. Discussants: Chair: WaikikiBeach:NiihauRoom 2:30pm -3:50pmSheraton 1137 Advantage Creating Competitive ofCompetitive Sources Spillover Strategy:VetoPoints, Theory ofNon-Market An Integrative Discussant: Discussant: Theme-oriented | Contractarian Business Ethics: Business Contractarian National IdentityWhen Does MatterinEthicalDecision- Sterman Allen Weitzner Davis Corrections for Common Method Variance | Variance Method Common for Corrections Conditions | ofISCT| Extension Empirical Making?: An Strategies | | Models and DifferentialEquation Based - Applying Habermasian Discourse Ethics | Ethics Discourse Habermasian - Applying Strategy | | Marketplaces and Economic | Durability and Policy Policy Scope, Tech U.; Richardson Gerald Keim Rahmandad Rasche Princeton U. U. ofCalifornia,Riverside; Vallée U.(France) Salorio Integrating Political, Econ Political, Integrating Re-conceptualizing the Re-conceptualizing

David Wasieleski Butts Marcus M. Francesco Perrini Gerald F Cavanagh

B 4 , U.ofMinnesota , InstitutodeEmpresa , Stanford U.; 4

: , U. of Connecticut, Stamford; , U.ofConnecticut,Stamford; , European Business School , European BusinessSchool Francesco Perrini (Paper Session)-(SIM) , Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology , Massachusetts Institute

Michael Sturman Thomas JDonaldson Steve Scullen , York U. : Jeffrey Lenn Jamie RHendry Bryan WHusted (Paper Session)-(SIM) JS: , Louisiana State U.; , Louisiana StateU.; , Massachusetts InstituteofTechnology; , Massachusetts Jean JBoddewyn , ArizonaStateU. Ben Wempe Visual Presentation| (SIM, ONE)

Christopher B.Bingham , U.of Georgia , DuquesneU. , BocconiU.

, George Washington U. Washington , George , Drake U. , U.of Detroit,Mercy 21st Century Strategic Self| 21st CenturyStrategic , Erasmus U. Andrew Spicer , Cornell U. , Bocconi U. , Bocconi , Bucknell U. , Bucknell omic and Organizational omic and Organizational Simulation Methods | Methods Simulation CSR: Stakeholder, Trust and CSR: Stakeholder,Trust , Instituto deEmpresa; amining the Accuracy of Accuracy amining the , U.ofPennsylvania , BaruchCollege; Advantage in the Political in thePolitical Advantage Integrated Strategy Integrated Strategy Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Amy Hillman Marcia Simmering Through Corporate Social Social Through Corporate Promise and Application and Application Promise Stakeholder Accountability Accountability Stakeholder Ethics Perspectives: Ethics Perspectives: Nicolas Dahan ; Joseph A.Petrick John M de Figueiredo , U.of SouthCarolina Hazhir , Stanford U. , Arizona StateU.; Wendy Bailey Andreas ; Alfred Allen Hettie

Eugene David B. Jason , Louisiana , Marne-la- John David , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Presenters: Craig Smith, London Business School; Josep M. Tuesday 3:15PM Lozano, ESADE; Sandro Castaldo, Bocconi U.; Peter Neergaard, Copenhagen Business School; Mario Minoja, Bocconi U. 1142 : (AAA) Conference Break 3:15pm - 3:45pm Hawaii Convention Center: Exhibit Hall III - Break Area 1139 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Alliances & Joint Ventures Organizer: George T Solomon, George Washington U. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Chair: Michael J. Mannor, Michigan State U. Tuesday 3:30PM Discussant: Patricia M Norman, Baylor U. 24Do International Joint Ventures Foster or Inhibit 1143 : (ICW) Peter Frost Commemorative Festival, Innovative Activities in Emerging Economies? | Ishtiaq Celebrating Emotions at Work: A U. of British Columbia 3- Pasha Mahmood, National U. of Singapore; Weiting Zheng, Year Gold Sponsorship Event National U. of Singapore 3:30pm - 5:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kauai Ballroom Technology Licensing Partners | YoungJun Kim, George This Festival, made possible through the University of British Washington U.; Nicholas S Vonortas, George Washington U. Columbia's 3 year AoM Gold Sponsorship, is held in honor of Peter Transferring and Creating Technological Knowledge in Frost, celebrating his contributions to the study of emotion in Interfirm R&D Relationships | Dries Faems, Catholic U. of organizations. Featuring a collection of innovative displays by many Leuven; Maddy Janssens, Catholic U. of Leuven; Bart Van of the field's emotion researchers, the Festival captures participants' Looy, Catholic U. of Leuven work, ideas, and feelings about emotion in organizations. Displays Modeling Relationships among Strategic Alliance include photos, poems, music, sculpture, metaphor and pictures, as Performance Measures: The Case of R&D Consortia | Paul well as posters and laptop-style presentations. Attendees are encouraged to celebrate the memory of Peter by wandering through M Olk, U. of Denver the Festival displays. To close the session, a group of scholars will 1140 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Learning discuss emerging directions in the field of emotions. 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Participants: Karl Aquino, U. of Delaware; Linda Babcock, Chair: Geraldine Wu, Columbia U. Carnegie Mellon U.; Laurie J Barclay, U. of British Columbia; Sigal Discussant: Robert S. Huckman, Harvard U. Barsade, U. of Pennsylvania; Brittany Boyd, Baruch College, 2BLearning & Post-Project Competence and Status CUNY; Kim Cameron, U. of Michigan; Yochi Cohen-Charash, City Enhancement in Fast Cycle and Regular Teams | Vadake U. of New York, Baruch College; Jean-Francois Coget, HEC Paris; Narayanan, Drexel U. Lorna Doucet, U. of Illinois; Jane E Dutton, U. of Michigan, Ann Stephan Schrader Best Paper Award Finalist Arbor; Hillary Anger Elfenbein, U. of California, Berkeley; Amir Absorptive Capacity and Technology Sourcing | Hongwu Erez, U. of Florida; Martha S. Feldman, U. of California, Irvine; Donald E Gibson ; Jody Hoffer Gittell ; Ouyang, Fordham U. , Fairfield U. , Brandeis U. Roxana Gonzales ; Quy Nguyen Huy Gaining from Your Losses: The Backward Transfer of , Carnegie Mellon U. , INSEAD; Alice Isen, Cornell U.; Karen Jehn, Leiden U.; Jason Knowledge through Mobility Ties | Rafael A. Corredoira, U. Kanov, Seattle U.; Tina Kiefer, U. of London; Jennifer Lerner, of Pennsylvania; Lori Rosenkopf, U. of Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon U.; Jacoba Marja Lilius, U. of Michigan, Ann Contributions of Know-What and Know-How to Performance Arbor; Sally Maitlis, U. of British Columbia; Martin L. Martens, Anita L. Improvement in Complex Service Organizations | Concordia U.; Don Moore, Carnegie Mellon U.; Jeremy Tucker Ingrid M. Nembhard , U. of Pennsylvania; , Harvard U.; Offenstein, City U. of New York Graduate Center; Hakan Ozcelik, Amy C. Edmondson , Harvard U. California State U., Sacramento; David L. Patient, U. of British ; Christine Pearson 1141 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Organizational / Columbia , Thunderbird, American Graduate School of International Mgmt.; Chris Poulson, California Technological Evolution & Change Polytechnic State U., Pomona; Sandra L. Robinson, U. of British 2:30pm - 3:50pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A ; Pauline Schilpzand ; Martin Schulz WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Chair: Mari W Buche, Michigan Technological U. Columbia , U. of Florida , U. of ; Timothy J. Vogus ; Michele Discussant: Jeffrey Lee Funk, Hitotsubashi U. British Columbia , Vanderbilt U. Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Monica C. 2Frequent Innovation and Mortality in High-Technology Worline, Emory U. Competition | David McKendrick, U. of Durham; James Wade, U. of Wisconsin, Madison BThe sources of management innovation | Michael J. Mol, Tuesday 4:10PM London Business School & U. of Reading; Julian Birkinshaw, 1144 : (AAS) Women's Career Advancement: Re- London Business School examining Glass Ceiling Effects in the 21st Century Market Knowledge Contribution to Dynamic Capabilities: 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 the Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry | Daniele Severi Chairs: Beverly C. Tyler, New York U.; Linda M. Dunn-Jensen, Bruni, Bocconi U.; Gianmario Verona, Bocconi U. New York U. Consumer-led Institutional Change: The case of SMS in Discussant: Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International U. Mobile Communications | Shahzad Ansari, Erasmus U.; The Academic Glass Ceiling: Women Faculty in Science and Nelson Phillips, Imperial College London Engineering | Diana Bilimoria, Case Western Reserve U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 301 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Competitive Interaction Competitive Strategic Management Emerging Economies 1148 Competitive New Resources, | Activities inExploration Competition Multimarket Retreat | Attack Defend Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room307B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1147 B 2 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room306B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1146 Scientific Cynicism:TheFile-Drawe other professional Whathappenedwhen Is abannecessary? Effect Sizes,ConfidenceInterv theQueenofHearts:WhatiswrongwithNHST? Croquet with Introduction | Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room313A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1145 Women's AttributionalRati in Determinant ofNetworkChoicesManagers as a Status Women's forIncreasing AVision Transformation: Cultural of Statistical Significance from Its Journals Significance fromIts of Statistical Jay BBarney Discussants: New Academic Fields as Social Movements: The Case of TheCase Movements: as Social Fields New Academic View Consensus A Really? Management, What isStrategic Chen U. Austral Anand Cooperation and Comp and Cooperation The Impact of Value Creation andImitation| of Value The Impact | Research | NHST? ban societies triedto Effect Sizes| Intervals for | Successes inaMixed-sexteam| Work Organizations| Level| Representation atExecutive U.; York U.; Melbourne; Grahovac Pan U. ofTexas,Arlington; State U.; Strategic Theory and Practice | andPractice Strategic Theory Strategic Management | Strategic Management oftheField| on theEssence Cross-functional Coop Cross-functional William H.Starbuck

Donald C. Hambrick Donald C.

Stephen A Drew Stephen A Daniel Tzabbar , IndianaU. : : : : (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) (AAS) Making Strategy Matter: The Advancement of TheAdvancement Making StrategyMatter: , U. ofVirginia T eaching-oriented | , Ohio StateU.; William H.Starbuck Madeline EHeilman Richard JArendRichard Ming-Jer Chen , Tulane U.; Joseph Mahoney , Ohio StateU. Alan Simon Mikelle A.Calhoun Proposed: The Academy Should Ban Tests BanTests Academy Should Proposed: The Eric Abrahamson Eric , U.of Central Florida , U. ofWashington, Bothell ☯

, New YorkU. Douglas J. Miller Douglas J. Rebecca J. SlotegraafRebecca J. Roberto Vassolo Management Practice-oriented | Douglas O'Bannon

Beverly C.Tyler , U. ofWestern Australia

etition: The Simultaneous Roleof etition: TheSimultaneous , Pennsylvania State U.; , Pennsylvania , U. ofVirginia etition within Firms | etition withinFirms onalization of Their Own ofTheir onalization , U.ofNevada,LasVegas Donald C.Hambrick , Bruce Thompson , NewYorkU. Advantage, and Performance: and Performance: Advantage, , New YorkU. U. ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign Imitation, Reciprocityand Future oftheField Strategic Change in als, and EspeciallyConfidence als, , ColumbiaU. , ValparaisoU. Rajiv Nag Fiona Fidler Flora Stormer r Problem in Management r Problem Michelle C. Haynes Isabel Metz , TulaneU. , NewYork U. , IAE Business School - School - , IAEBusiness , Pennsylvania State , Pennsylvania , - , Indiana U.; , U.ofMelbourne , Texas A&MU.

Xueming Luo , Pennsylvania Jovan , U.ofAlberta Ming-Jer International-oriented| , U.of Jaideep , New Xing , ; 302 Performance Continuity, Signals,andSuccess| Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1149 2 4 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room308A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 4 Presented onpanels1-12 ConventionCent 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1152 Rikard Larsson Derr Presenters: Moderator: Careers Division. ustohonorthisforefatherofthe Pleasejoin executive development. and careers,decision-making cognitive psychology, areas, including andoftenground-breakingDriver inhisimportant workinseveral whoworkedwithorfollowedinthefootstepsofDr. includes those withaFestschrift.Thispanelofindividuals Michael J.Driver The Careers Divisionishonoredtocelebratethelifeandworkof ConventionCenter:Room319A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1151 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room309 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1150 intheFortune and Performance Agency Family Involvement, inPost-IPOStartups:Evidence Exit Executive of Antecedents the Best Dissertation Award the BestDissertation Pioneer and Scholar StudentsPayTributetoa Colleagues and Prince California Discussant: Discussant: Theme-oriented | Antecedents and Outcome of Diversification-Control ofDiversification-Control and Outcome Antecedents Creating Capabilities for New Market Entry | Entry New Market Creating Capabilitiesfor Balancing Economies: inEmerging Restructuring Corporate 1 Yuan-Chieh Chang School of Management (WHU) School ofManagement (WHU); Guenther Otto BeisheimGraduateSchoolofManagement(WHU); Transaction and Organization Costs | 1000 | | Industry Biotech From theU.S. Study of Taiwanese Cases | Cases of Taiwanese Study Stanford U.; of NorthCarolina Tihanyi Arizona StateU.; U. ofAlberta; Alignment: Top100Busin Alignment: , BrighamYoungU.

Dov Rothman Taieb Hafsi James Westphal , Kansas State U. , Kansas : 1 B : (Paper Session)-(BPS) (BPS)

Conflict and Creativity over Project LifeCycles:A overProject Creativity and Conflict ; ThomasH.Olson : Danny Miller , TexasA&MU.; Johannes Christian Voll Suzanne C. De Janasz (Paper Session)-(CM) Emmeline dePillis Al Douglas McCready Al Douglas JerzyHenisz Witold : , Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management , Otto Beisheim GraduateSchoolofManagement (CAR) Doctoral Student Research by Finalists for Doctoral StudentResearchbyFinalistsfor

Chi-Nien Chung , LundU. Richard H. Lester Visual Presentation|

, HECMontreal Remembering Michael Driver: Friends, Driver: Friends, Michael Remembering Richard A Johnson Richard A , Columbia U. , NationalTsing HuaU. , HECMontreal; ; Phillip Hunsaker , U. of Texas, Austin , U.ofTexas,Austin ; Dianne Sundby ; Najmedin Meshkati

Robert EnsignWhite , U. ofSouthernCalifornia ess Groups inTaiwan| ess , U.ofHawai`i, Hilo , National U. of Singapore , NationalU.ofSingapore

Strategic Continuity and , WhartonSchool er: Exhibit Hall III - CM - er: ExhibitHallIII Ming-Huei Chen , U.ofMaryWashington Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , Louisiana Tech U. , LouisianaTech , George WashingtonU. Conflict Management , OttoBeisheimGraduate Thomas Hutzschenreuter Jun Li Isabelle Le Breton-MillerIsabelle Le , U.of Oklahoma; , Private practice , U. of SanDiego Robert E. Hoskisson Robert E. , U.of New Hampshire , U. ofSouthern , Arizona StateU. ; C.Brooklyn Ted London , YuanZeU.; ; J.Bruce Mi Feng Laszlo Fabian ;

, U. , U. , , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

1The Impact of Contextual and Individual Variables on 4:10pm - 5:20pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room Employee Voice: An Integrated Framework | Erika E. Organizers: Jan Ulijn (Eindhoven, Netherlands), Frank Lasch Harden, Rutgers U. (Montpellier, France) Organizers: Frank Lasch, CEROM Montpellier Business School; 1It Takes Two to Tango: An Interdependence Analysis of Jan Ulijn Donald L Ferrin , Faculty of Technology Management Trust and Cooperation Spirals | , Singapore Discussants: Howard Aldrich, U. of North Carolina; Jürgen Management U.; Michelle C Bligh, Claremont Graduate U.; Schmude Jeffrey C Kohles , Regensburg U. , California State U., San Marcos Presenters: Patricia G Greene, Babson College; Saïd Yami, 1Accounting Information in the Conflict between Regulator ERFI/CEROM U. of Montpellier 1; Frank Lasch, CEROM and Regulated Firms: Evidence from Brazil | Ricardo L. Montpellier Business School; Janez Prašnikar, U. of Ljubljana Cardoso, EBAPE-FGV; Eliseu Martins, FEA-USP 1Indecisiveness from a Nonconsequentialist Decision- 1155 B4: (ENT) New Contexts for Innovation and making Perspective | Raed Elaydi, North Carolina U., Chapel Entrepreneurship: International Perspective on University Hill Spin-offs. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B 1Toward an Integrated Process Model of Peer Reporting | Donald Siegel Trevor E. Murray, Touro U. International; Debra Louis Chair: , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Connelley, Touro U. International Conceptualizing the Heterogeneity of Research-based Spin- 1The Relationship Between Intergroup Competition and offs: A Multi-dimensional Taxonomy | Andy Lockett, U. of Mike Wright Longitudinal Change in Group Effectiveness | Andreas W. Nottingham; , Nottingham U. Richter, Aston U.; Michael West, Aston U.; Claudia A. Institutional Determinants of Research Based Spin-offs: A Sacramento, Aston U.; Giles Hirst, Aston U. Pan-European Study of Start-up and Growth | Bart Development and Empirical Exploration of a New Model of Clarysse, Vlerick-Leuven-Gent Management School; Nathalie 1 Moray Intragroup Conflict | Kjell B Hjertø, Norwegian School of , U. of Gent Management; Bard Kuvaas, Norwegian School of Management Internal Determinants of University Spinoff Activity: A 1A Longitudinal Study on the Association between Task and Longitudal Study of 141 U.S. Universities | Thomas J Allen, Kyoosang Choi Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Rory O'Shea, U. of Relationship Conflict | , State U. of New York, Frank Roche Buffalo; Bongsoon Cho, Kookmin U. College Dublin; , U. of College Dublin 41When Power and Experience Moderate the Relationship Entrepreneurial Activity at U.S. Research Universities: A Eman L. Review and Research Agenda | Gideon D Markman, U. of Between Interpersonal Conflict and Consensus | Peter T. Gianiodis ElShenawy, Washington State U. Georgia; , U. of Georgia The Motivating Effect of Emotions in Post-negotiation Proximity as a Resource Base for University-Industry Links 1 Peter Lindelof Contract Implementation | Alexandra A. Mislin, Washington and Technology Transfer - A Structural EQ | , U. U. of Nottingham Presenter: Frank Roche, U. of College Dublin How Bargaining Alters Outcomes: Bilateral Trade B41 Participants: Mike Wright, Nottingham U.; Andy Lockett, U. of Deborah Elms Negotiations and Bargaining Strategies | , Nottingham; Bart Clarysse, Vlerick-Leuven-Gent Management Institute for Defence & Strategic Studies, Singapore School; Nathalie Moray, U. of Gent; Thomas J Allen, ; Rory O'Shea 1153 : (Paper Session) - (CM) Justice and Negotiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology , U. of College ; Gideon D Markman ; Peter T. Gianiodis 4:10pm - 5:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B Dublin , U. of Georgia , U. Chair: Tae-Yeol Kim, City U. of Hong Kong of Georgia; Peter Lindelof, U. of Nottingham Discussant: Donald E Conlon, Michigan State U. 1156 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Corporate Entrepreneurship BFrom Egocentric to Socially Constructed Notions of

& Value Creation WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Mara I. Hernandez Fairness in Negotiation | , Massachusetts 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A Jared R. Curhan Institute of Technology; , Massachusetts Chair: Benson Honig, Wilfrid Laurier U. Institute of Technology Innovation as a Corporate Entrepreneurial Outcome in The Effects of Social and Normative Comparison on Justice Start-ups: a Human Resource-Based View | Johan Maes, Tae-Yeol Kim Jeffrey R. Judgments | , City U. of Hong Kong; Katholieke U. Leuven; Luc Sels, Katholieke U. Leuven; Sophie Edwards , U. of North Carolina Anna De Winne, Katholieke U. Leuven B Predicting Negotiator Outcome Satisfaction: 2How Corporate Entrepreneurs Think: Cognition, Context, Interactional Justice and Social Comparison Perceptions | and Entrepreneurial Scripts | Andrew C. Corbett, Rensselaer Edward E. Kass , St. Joseph's U. Polytechnic Institute; Keith Hmieleski, TCU The Lingering Effects of Negotiation in Recruitment on the CEO Transformational Leadership and Corporate Long-Term Employment Relationship | Merideth Ferguson, Entrepreneurship: Role of TMT Process and Perspective | Neta A Moye Ray Friedman Vanderbilt U.; , Vanderbilt U.; , Yan Ling, George Mason U.; Michael Lubatkin, U. of Vanderbilt U. Connecticut; Zeki Simsek, U. of Connecticut; John F Veiga, U. of Connecticut 1154 B4 JS: (CMS, OCIS) European/US Cooperation in New Firm Formation Across Cultural Borders

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 303 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Performance Firm Process:Implicationsfor Entrepreneurial Competitive Advantage through Organizational Diversity Organizational through Advantage Competitive 2 Fittest orLeast Survival ofthe Reproduction At Homosocial Chair: South Pacific 1 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1159 B power? or forsex-based for sex desire A harassment: Sexual B 2 Chair: Sea PearlSuite1-2 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1158 of of theEffects Ties:AStudy onEthnic Building aBusiness B B 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room303B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1157 Diversity: Advancing theField Diversity: Advancing Guidelines after theEEOC Discussant: Spin-out Formation and Performance from the Lensof from and Performance Formation Spin-out Feminist Analysis of Micro Research on Genderin Research of Micro Feminist Analysis B Harassment ofSexual Predicting Outcomes A Modelfor Forces, Constraints,andProfessi FieldStudyin AnExploratory andTrust: Intrapreneurship Environmental Uncertainty | Uncertainty Environmental Walter Stephan Mexican American and Anglo women | women and Anglo American Mexican The ModeratingRole within an Ambiguous | Demography in Organizational | | EthnicNetworks Mary WHrivnak U.; Cleveland State Ely Phillips Bott Hornsby Sahaym Mexico State U.; Mexico StateU.; State U.; Western ReserveU. California StateU.,SanBernardino; Peking U.; Jasmine Tata Phillips Complaints byRace Model| Family Business:ATheoretical | Settings Nonprofit and For-Profit Dynamic Capabilitiesand Organizations: Suggestions for Advancing theField| Advancing Suggestions for Organizations: Understanding of Molehil Understanding Organizational Antecedents and Antecedents Organizational Determinants of Sexual Harassmen Determinants ofSexual Jennifer L.Berdahl Perceptions ofSexual , HarvardU.;

Marcy Crary Karen L.Middleton Helena Yli-Renko : : (Paper Session)-(GDO) (Paper Session)-(GDO) T : eaching-oriented | , Imperial CollegeLondon; , U.of Washington, Seattle (Paper Session)-(ENT) , BallStateU.; Robyn A.Berkley Anne S. Tsui Anne S. da yu

, Ball StateU. , Loyola U.Chicago , NewMexicoStateU. , BentleyCollege Irene Padavic , Cleveland State U. , ClevelandState , PekingU. Peter WDorfman Harlow Award Nominee Neri Karra Kenneth J. Dunegan , U.of Toronto , U.ofSouthern California andGender| ☯ , ArizonaStateU. Social Context | Context Social of ManagerialLevel| , Texas A&MU.,CorpusChristi Donald F KuratkoDonald F Management Practice-oriented | Harassment Severity:Towardan ls and Mountains | ls andMountains

, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute Social Capital Theory| Social T , U.ofCambridge; Fit? Psychology meets Ecology meetsEcology Fit? Psychology he Top:TheRoleOf Organization TheoryMeets Sexual Harassment25 Years Re , Florida StateU.

Social Capitalinthe becca MButz Paul Tracey , NewMexicoStateU.; Aimee Dars Ellis Aimee Dars onalization of Chinese Entrepreneurial Actions: Actions: Entrepreneurial John D AramJohn D Michael GeneStull Harsh KLuthar t Coping Strategies in t CopingStrategies Cara Christina , Cleveland StateU.; Roxanne R Cox , Indiana U.; Jianjun Zhang

Jeffrey S , U. ofCambridge Bryan J.Pesta , Nelson Tulane U. , Case International-oriented| , Arizona Arvin , BryantU; Jennifer , Robin , , New , 304 Award FinalistsPresentation Adaptation, andStress Knowledge-Based Settings 1161 Psychological andPositiveAffect Work Environments, Safety, B as aSystem NearMiss ofSafety: Danger intheGuise B Discussant: Chair: WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 4:10pm -5:20pmSheraton 1160 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii ConventionCenter: Room305A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1163 Sharing: forKnowledge Contract Psychological Managing the 4 Conflict: Work andFamily 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1162 B 2 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii Patient Safety toImproving MethodologicalApproaches and Theoretical Theme-oriented | Met Expectations: The Effects of Expected and Delivered and Delivered ofExpected Effects The Met Expectations:

4 Knowledge Team Design a Knowledge Team Individual’s GlobalMobilityforWork| Wilfrid LaurierU.; College of HongKong; The Role of High-Involvement WorkPractices| The RoleofHigh-Involvement | andOutcomes Integration Workforce-Social Chinese High Technology Companies TechnologyCompanies | High Chinese | ATheoreticalFramework Care: in Health | atWork? Nurse OraGood Failure? ASuccess? The Role of Human Resource Management | Management Resource The RoleofHuman Make aDifference?| O'Neill Ontario Maurer Wang Ghitulescu Thomas Tamuz New York,Albany U. ofNebraska,Lincoln; Waikato South Australia Valuing a Range Challenge and Hindrance Stressors | Stressors Challenge andHindrance Inducements on Attitudes and Intentions| Inducements onAttitudes Harvard U.; Employees' Investment in Organiz in Investment Employees' ofaDiversified Component as a Employee The Immigrant The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Outcomes of andTheUgly:Outcomes TheBad, The Good, Creating a Culture of Safety in Hospitals | Hospitals in ofSafety a Culture Creating Patient SafetyinHealthOrganizations: Studying Care

Manuela Brusoni Arup Varma Donna LWiley : : : : (Paper Session)-(HR) (Paper Session)-(HCM) (Paper Session)-(IM) (Paper Session)-(HR) , U.of Manitoba , Marquette U.; , U. of Tennessee Health Sciences Center; , U.ofTennesseeSciences Health , U.ofWestern Ontario; , U. of Texas Houston Medical School , U.of Texas HoustonMedical Manuela Brusoni Manuela , U. of Pittsburgh Anita L.Tucker

Visual Presentation| Zh , LoyolaU.Chicago ixue Zhang Samantha D. Montes of Approaches | of Approaches , CaliforniaStateU.,Hayward , BocconiU. Monica Adya Susan R.Madsen

Douglas RMay Can Home-based Teleworking Can Home-based , Bocconi U. Barry Richman Dissertation Dissertation Barry Richman , U. of Pennsylvania Employee Integration, Work Arrangementsin

nd Conflict: Evidencefrom nd , Peking U. Learning tobeSafe:

Lyn Purdy Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , Marquette U. Timothy Hoff ational Social Capital: ational SocialCapital: , WilfridLaurierU. , U.ofKansas Phyllis Tharenou Jarrod MHaar , Utah ValleyState , U.of Western Paul Hempel Greg Irving Cheryl Rathert Sara J.Singer Bonnie S Xiaoyun Eric J. , StateU.of Brenda E Michal , U.of , City U. , City , , U. of , U. , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

Finalists for the IM Division's prestigious Barry Richman Dissertation 1167 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Perspectives on Social Identity Award present their work. Open to all. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A1 Division Chair: Schon Beechler, Columbia U. Facilitator: Rabi S Bhagat, U. of Memphis 4Do Foreign Firms Crowd Out Domestic Firms? Evidence HR: Subjective P-O Fit: A Review of Existing Measures and from the Czech Republic | Renata Kosova, George Suggestions for Future Research | Kelly A. Piasentin, U. of Washington U. Calgary; Derek S. Chapman, U. of Calgary Shared Mental Models in Negotiation | Leigh Anne Liu, U. of OB: When We Disagree About Who We Are: Ideographic South Carolina Identity and Firm Performance | Zannie Voss, Duke U.; Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion in the Global Economy | Daniel M Cable, U. of North Carolina; Glenn Voss, North Jasjit Singh, INSEAD Carolina State U. IM: Effects of Culture on Organizational Attribution Styles: A Social Networks and FDI 4 1164 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Study of Four Pacific-Rim Nations | Andre Anugerah 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B William John Lekse Pekerti, U. of Queensland; Roger Kashlak, Loyola College; Chair: , Babson College Aahad Osman-Gani Anugerah Discussant: Elie Matta, HEC Paris , Nanyang Technological U.; Pekerti, Institute for Management Education & Development 4 Investing in China: A Network Perspective on the IM: Jiatao 4 Empowerment: Clarifying the Construct and Setting the Diffusion of FDI Entry Decisions across Countries | Anne Berthelot Li Jing Yu Yang Stage for Cross-Cultural Research | , U. of , Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; , Janice R Joplin Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Deborah Rui Yue, Texas, El Paso; , U. of Texas, El Paso OB: Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Psychological Contracts Joshua R. Knapp International SMEs Social Ties and FDI Decision. | Chin-Chun | , U. of Cincinnati Hsu , U. of Nevada, Las Vegas 1168 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Perspectives on Groups 4Networks and Financial Performance: The Role of Internal 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A2 Ties in Accessing Opportunities | Marie Louise Mors, Facilitator: Steven Grover, U. of Otago Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Bjorn Lovas, London OB: Effects of Organizational Systems on Team Potency and Business School Performance: Extending Guzzo et al.’s Model | Frances A. Executive Panel: Management Kennedy, Clemson U.; Thomas P. Klammer, U. of North Texas; 1165 B4 : (IM) Misty L Loughry Michael M. Beyerlein Competencies for the 21st Century Global Manager , Clemson U.; , U. of North Texas 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B OB: Organized by IMD's External Relations Committee, this panel will Solidarity Through Networks: The Effects of Task and explore the relationship between value systems and managing Informal Interdependence | Ferry Koster, Amsterdam U.; change in a complex global environment. Session facilitated by A. Frans Stokman, Groningen U.; Randy Hodson, Ohio State U. Budde, M. Valdez, C. Suarez, V. Munuswamy, and K. Lo--all from U. MOC: Individual Decisions Following Group Choice: Mediating of Hawaii. Roles of Risk Propensity and Risk Perception | David Organizers: David C. Thomas, Simon Fraser U.; Martha L Lehman, Purdue U.; Rangaraj Ramanujam, Purdue U., West Maznevski, IMD; Colette A Frayne, Seattle U. Lafayette Distinguished Speakers: Vaughn Vasconcellos, Akimeka LLC; OB: Process and Performance in Top Management Teams: Failautusi Avegalio, U. of Hawai`i; Chong-Moon Lee, AmBex The ContingentRole of Interdependence | Bret H. Bradley, Venture Capital; John Griffin, Former CEO, Caterpillar U. of Iowa; Murray R. Barrick, U. of Iowa; Amy L. Kristof- Discussants: Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser U.; Robert Doktor, U. Brown, U. of Iowa; Amy E. Colbert, U. of Notre Dame of Hawai`i; Allen Morrison, IMD MOC: Power and Objectification: Seeing Others through a

M. Ena Inesi Deborah WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 1166 JS: (IM, HR) International Assignment Experience Lens of Self Interest | , Stanford U.; 4 Gruenfeld at the Top: Does It Make a Difference? , Stanford U. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A 1169 Research on Networks Robert Hooijberg : (Paper Session) - (IP) Chair: , IMD 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A3 International Assignment Experience at the Top: Does It Make Facilitator: Henrich Greve, Norwegian School of Management a Difference? | Robert Hooijberg, IMD OMT: The Rise and Fall of Small Worlds | Arijit Chatterjee, Director International Experience: The Case of the UK FTSE Pennsylvania State U. 100 | Wm Gerard Sanders, Brigham Young U.; Elisabeth Marx, 2B4 IM: Comparing Managers’ Charisma, Social Hanover Fox International Networks, and Self-Set Career Goals in the US and China | The Role of International Assignment Experience in Top Alexander Stajkovic, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Mason A Teams and Firm Performance | Hal Gregersen, London Carpenter, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Scott D. Graffin, U. of Business School; J Stewart Black, INSEAD Wisconsin, Madison International Attention in Top Management Teams: B4 IM: Managerial Ties in China: When Do They Bolster Determinants and Performance Implications | Cyril Daniel or Damage Firm Performance? | Julie Juan Li, Hong Kong U. Bouquet, York U.; Allen Morrison, IMD of Science and Technology; Kevin Zheng Zhou, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Laura Poppo, Virginia Tech

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 305 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday GDO: GDO: TIM: OM: Status Frames 2 B Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB2 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1172 Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB1 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1171 4 4 Facilitator: Tapa 1-TableA4 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1170 OMT: GDO:

ENT: MH: Seattle Rashomon Effect | Effect Rashomon Robert Cialdini Patricia VincentRoelhing Systems: A Study of the Indian Context | of theIndian Systems: AStudy Sources in Empirical OM Research | OMResearch Sources inEmpirical Assessment of Intellectual Roots and Structure | RootsandStructure Intellectual of Assessment Diffusion of Corporate Social Responsibility | | Responsibility Social ofCorporate Diffusion | | Dilemma theSelf-Promotion and Overcoming Competence Rond David C. Baldridge of Technology Mattsson USD; Lee of NorthDakota; Workgroup Supportiveness Supportiveness Workgroup C. Denrell Textual Analysis Revisited | Revisited Textual Analysis Overweight Employees | Overweight Employees York U.; Communality Deficiency| Perceived Business School,U.K.; Hope College Institute of Technology Institute ofTechnology Hsu Research and Interorganizational Relationships | Relationships and Interorganizational Research 4 RM: RM: ENT: SIM: Jeffrey Pfeffer Murray Lindsay Reflections on the Acquisition and Reflections ontheAcquisition A Survey of ContemporaryInnovationLiterature:A A Survey CM: ENT: Interdependent Sampling a Interdependent Sampling Investigating the Validity of Stereotypes about ofStereotypes Validity Investigating the The forWomen’sSuccess: Mitigating thePenalties

, CornellU.; : : : , WhartonSchool;

History, Ownership Forms and Corporate Governance Governance andCorporate Forms History, Ownership Reconsidering theDesider Reconsidering The Legitimacy of Messiness: Interdisciplinary of Messiness:Interdisciplinary The Legitimacy Withholding Accommodation Requests:TheRoleof Withholding Accommodation (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) MIT Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Examination | Examination Empirical An MIT Entrepreneurs: From Cost to Resource: The Transformation and TheTransformation Resource: From Costto , Cambridge U.;

Vipin Gupta Family Business Research: ABibliometric Family BusinessResearch: T Why Use an Agent inTran Why an Agent Use eaching-oriented | Marianne Miller Anne DSmith Michele AGovekar Identifying Trends in Entrepreneurship Research: Research: in Entrepreneurship Identifying Trends Madeline EHeilman , Helsinki U.ofTechnology; , Stanford U.; , Sunghoon Kim , StanfordU.; Kimberly A Bates Kimberly A - ; , U.ofWesternOntario Harlow Award Recipient , SimmonsSchoolofManagement , Oregon State U. Rebecca Robin PortnoyRebecca Robin C.H. Tzeng Sonja Marjanovic ☯ Edward B. Roberts Edward B. , U.of Tennessee, Knoxville Diana M Reader Management Practice-oriented | Gael LeMens , VirginiaCommonwealthU. , Hope College; Mark VRoehling New Ideas about Signals and Signalsand New Ideasabout Science andEconomics Long Time Research Over , Ohio Northern U. , New YorkU. Christina Fong and Requester Attributes| Requester and D , avid Watkins , McGillU. nd Social Contagion | Contagion nd Social Cornell U. atum of Representativeness atum ofRepresentativeness , TrentU. sactions? Signaling sactions? Henri Schildt , Stanford U. Use of Innovative Data of Innovative Use Tyler G.Okimoto , BathSpaU.,College David Hollingworth , Cambridge U. , Massachusetts , Massachusetts Maureen Dunn

, Michigan StateU.; Kamala Gollakota , U. of Washington, , U. ofWashington; , Southampton Min-Dong Paul International-oriented| , HelsinkiU. Juha T. Mark de

Jerker Jerker David , New , , U. , 306 SIM: Governance 4 B B Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB3 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1173 B B Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB5 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1175 B B Facilitator: Tapa 2-TableB4 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1174 PNP: Theme-oriented | SIM: OCIS: 4 4 PNP: Institute U. ofNorth Carolina, Charlotte; Polytechnic Institute; Institute; Polytechnic Sheldon Balbirer Acquaah investor approach and institutional effects| and institutional approach investor Evidence | Environmental Strategy. | Environmental Biotechnology | Biotechnology Reputation | Reputation Customer Expectationsa Customer Chang Williams Navarra; Young U. HiattShon R Scott Hunsinger Carolina, Charlotte; North Carolina, Charlotte; Technology Why? | | Markets Two-Sided Haugh Multi-Stakeholder Commitment | Commitment Multi-Stakeholder Sarah ElizabethAnn Dixon Stanford U. Conceptual Framework | Framework Conceptual Wight for Ecopreneurship| Brigham YoungU.; Microfinance NGOs | Microfinance SIM: BPS: BPS: SIM: BPS: Three-Sector Stakeholder Approach to Agriculture toAgriculture Approach Stakeholder Three-Sector ONE: OMT: Cross-sector Partnerships Involving Social Enterprise: A Enterprise: Social Involving Partnerships Cross-sector

: : : Who's in the Business ofSavingLives?| Who's intheBusiness SIM: (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Corporate Social Responsibilities: Theoryand Responsibilities: Social Corporate A Governance Framework for Understanding Understanding for A GovernanceFramework Social Performance andEc Social Performance IT Adoption, Image, & FirmSupport:AStudyof IT Adoption,Image,& , U.ofAuckland Corporate Reputations: How Long Do They Last and Last Do They HowLong Corporate Reputations: in ofCompetitiveAdvantage View Resource-Based , U.of Utah , U.of Cambridge Building Intangible Resources: The Stickiness of TheStickiness Resources: Building Intangible Jennifer Susan Anne Leigh Nikhil Celly Susan Key Tony Wingler Entrepreneurialism and Embeddedness: A Model AModel andEmbeddedness: Entrepreneurialism Corporate Disclosure Strategies: an analysis of ananalysis Strategies: Disclosure Corporate , BostonU. Marcelo Paladino , U.of North Carolina, Greensboro Corporate Community Involvement Promoting a Promoting Involvement Community Corporate

Paul CGodfrey Paul , CornellU.; Siah-Hwee Ang Siah-Hwee Visual Presentation| , Appalachian State U. , Appalachian Stephen Luxmore , U.ofNorthCarolina,Greensboro; , U.ofAlabama, Birmingham Jared M.Hansen Pamela J.Jackson , U.ofWestern Ontario Phillip Phan , U.of North Carolina, Greensboro; Anne Margaret Clifford Mingchun Sun James C.Brau Warner P.Woodworth Frances SharerVergara Paul Tracey nd Social Meaning | Social Meaning nd , IAE -U.Austral BusinessSchool Social Responsibility Intangible Assets on Stakeholder Perspectives Judith Walls , BrighamYoungU.; , KingstonU. , U. ofAuckland; Hari KrishnaRajagopalan Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , RensselaerPolytechnic onomic Dimensionsof Domenec Mele , RochesterInstituteof , GettysburgCollege , Brigham Young U. , Stanford U.; , Brigham Young U.; , Fayetteville State U.; , Fayetteville , U.ofCambridge; , Rensselaer , Kingston U.; , Kingston Ana-Maria Cynthia Clark

Nile W.Hatch , Brigham Pepe Lee Susan Winter , U.ofNorth , U.of Edison Tse

Moses , U.of Helen , , , Session Details Ð Tuesday

BPS: Competitive Advantage Through People? | Henry 4 HR: The “strength” of the HRM system: An Empirical Sauermann, Duke U. Test of the Bowen & Ostroff model | Karin Sanders, U. of MC: No Time to Govern? The Impact of Multiple Directorships Twente; Luc W. Dorenbosch, Tilburg U.; Renee Dereuver, on Director and Corporate Performance | Geoffrey Kiel, U. Utilburg; Marloes Vanengen, Utilburg of Queensland; Gavin John Nicholson, U. of Queensland; 1179 Strategic Issues in Small Kevin Patrick Hendry, U. of Queensland : (Paper Session) - (IP) Business 1176 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Managing Stakeholders 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C4 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 Facilitator: Pramodita Sharma, Wilfrid Laurier U. Facilitator: Dean Tjosvold, Lingnan U. 4IM: International Orientations: Antecedents and SIM: Biting the Hand That Feeds You: Customer Concerns in Organizational Outcomes for SMEs | Anthony Robinson, the S&P 500 | Sara A Morris, Old Dominion U.; Barbara R Georgia State U. Bartkus, Old Dominion U. BENT: Family Councils and Governance Systems in Family CM: Giving Away Too Much: Extreme Relational Orientation Businesses: Agency Theory or Paternalistic Logic | Luca and Self-sacrifice at the Bargaining Table | Emily T. Gnan, Bocconi U.; Morten Huse, Norwegian School of Amanatullah, Columbia U.; Michael W. Morris, Columbia U. Management; Daniela Montemerlo, Bocconi U. BPS: Competing Interests in Distressed Firms: A Comparison ENT: Selling Entrepreneurial Firms through IPOs and M&As | of Creditor and Shareholder Asset Preferences | William J Ilgaz T Arikan, Georgia State U. Donoher, Bradley U. SIM: The Board Advisory Role in Small-Medium Firms: A CM: What Do Unions Do New Publicly Traded Firms? | Contingency Perspectives on Organizational Crises | Kyoung Won Park, U. of Minnesota Alessandro Minichilli, Bocconi U.; Morten Huse, Norwegian Cathrine Hansen Strategic Issues in Human School of Management; , Norwegian School of 1177 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Management Resource Management 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 1180 B : (Paper Session) - (MC) Ethical and Fiduciary Facilitator: Michelle Arthur, U. of New Mexico Responsibilities in Consulting 4PNP: Training Effectiveness at the Israel Police Academy 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 314 | Hilla Peretz, U. of Haifa; Zehava Rosenblatt, U. of Haifa Chair: Nicolas Rolland, CERAM IM: Effects of Transactional Performance-Based Human Discussant: Miguel Caldas, Loyola U., New Orleans Resource Management Practices on Firm Performance | What Role Did Consultants Play in Enron? The Regulatory Hyeon Jeong Park, Georgia State U.; Kweon-Taek Chung, Origins of the Corporate Governance Crisis | Christopher Samsung Economic Research Institutue McKenna, Oxford U. BHR: Managerial Participation in Human Resource Decision- Internal Auditing and Consulting Practice in the 21st Making: Testing a Knowledge-based View | Sheela Pandey, Century | Sally Ann Woodward, City U., London; Georges Temple U.; Tolulope Bewaji, Temple U. Michel Selim, City U., London HR: Adoption of Work Practices: The Role of Strategy, B4The Role of Financial and Legal Advisors throughout Executive Values and Power | Emily M. Nason, U. of the Acquisition Process: Evidence from Europe | California, Los Angeles Angeloantonio Russo, Bocconi U.; Francesco Perrini, Bocconi U. Strategic Human Capital 1178 : (Paper Session) - (IP) BSeeing the Forest for the Trees -A Critique of the Critical Management Theorists. | H. William Vroman, Morgan State U. 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 Facilitator: Maria Rotundo, U. of Toronto 1181 B4 JS: (MED, MSR) Stories about Management WEDNESDAY TUESDAY BHR: The Impact Of Benefit Value On Perceived Teaching and Research: Making Sense of Management in Organizational Support, Employee Performance And the 21st Century Retention | Lori A. Muse, Western Michigan U.; Christina L 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Stamper, Western Michigan U. The four storytellers are Professors: (1) Brian Boyd, (2) Andre CAR: Career System Practices: A Palliative or Strategic Delbecq, (3) Bill Judge and (4) Judi Neal. Brian Boyd ; Andre L Delbecq Approach to Managerial Labor Market Choices | Schalon Presenters: , Arizona State U. , Santa ; William Q Judge ; Judith A. Neal Harrison Newton, Case Western Reserve U. Clara U. , U. of Tennessee , U. of HR: Contingencies in the Impact of Pay Dispersion on New Haven Perceptual and Objective Organizational Outcomes | Sven 1182 : (Paper Session) - (MOC) We Believe!: The Role of Kepes, U. of Arkansas; John E Delery, U. of Arkansas; Nina Mental Models, Team Models, and Shared Cognitions in Gupta , U. of Arkansas Team Work HR: Rent Theories, Human Resources, and the Competitive 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A Advantage of Firms | Adina Dabu, U. of Illinois, Urbana- This session discusses issues regarding shared mental models, Champaign; Clinton Chadwick, U. of Illinois, Urbana- shared cognitions, and team knowledge. Champaign Chair: Ece Tuncel, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 307 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday on Individual and Team-LevelPerformance Extending theTipofCulturalIceberg The Interactive Effects of Shared Mental Models and Models EffectsofSharedMental The Interactive 2 4 of Grou Can:Influence I ThinkWe Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323C 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1184 | and Artifacts How BrandsLiveinSymbols Sp Bodies in/and Autoproducti Artifacts inthe MarkersinOfficeSettings| Interpreting PhysicalIdentity of ExtendingtheTip Introduction: ArtifactsandOrganization: Extending theTipofCulturalIceberg ConventionCenter:Room301A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1183 in Project Deadlines Meeting ofTeamKnowle A NewVision inComplexTasks| andPerformance Models Mental Discussant: Business School Elsbach Anand Narasimhan Presenters: A Theory of theEffectsCrossUn A Theory Competence Level Diversity and Interpersonal Helping in in Helping andInterpersonal Diversity Level Competence Texas A&MU. Texas A&MU.; U. ofTexas,Austin; Technology American U. Yanow Robert EWood Shayne Gary State U.; Behaviors on Individual and Team Performance on | Performance Individual and Behaviors Team Constructive Confrontation Confrontation Constructive Teams | | andPerformance Group Processes | Organizations | Iceberg the Cultural Cognitions | of Shared the Effects | & Structure Steven WFloyd U.; State Mississippi Kellermanns Christopher O.L.H. Porter Elsbach Kimberly D Robert ARoe Eindhoven; Technische U.Eindhoven; of HongKong; Bunderson Model Dissimilarity on Work Group Outcomes | GroupOutcomes onWork Dissimilarity Model Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen Business Demonstrating Teamwork's Value: Effects of Backing up Value:EffectsofBacking Teamwork's Demonstrating inTeams Individual | Performance

Kenneth Bettenhausen 4 : (Paper Session)-(OB) , U.of California, Davis T

, CaliforniaStateU. eaching-oriented | Anat Rafaeli James M.Schmidtke James Daniel R Ilgen Daniel R Gerben S.VanDerVegt JS: JS: Wendelien VanEerde , Washington U. , Mississippi State U.; State , Mississippi ; DvoraYanow , Australian Graduate SchoolofManagement; (MOC, OMT) , Maastricht U. , Maastricht Mark A.Clark Do Celile ItirGogus ace: AnInterpretiveApproach| , U.ofNewSouth Wales , U.ofConnecticut Anand Narasimhan , London Business School , LondonBusiness ng Tao Yang George PHuber Barbara Spencer , U.of California, Davis ☯ , Technion-Israel InstituteofTechnology Anat Rafaeli Management Practice-oriented | , StateU. Michigan Christel G. Rutte , Texas A&MU.; on of Visual Humor in Humor on ofVisual Ar , U. ofColorado, Denver

; MajkenSchultz , AmericanU.; The Effects of Team Dynamics The EffectsofTeamDynamics Teams: A Longitudinal Studyon Teams: A , on Decision Quality | on DecisionQuality dge: Multidimensional Content dge: Multidimensional tifacts and Organization: California StateU. , CaliforniaStateU.,Fresno , Nanjing U. , Nanjing , TexasA&MU.; p Member Expectationson p Member , TechnischeU.Eindhoven; , Groningen U.;, Groningen Allison WPearson , Technion-IsraelInstituteof

, U.of Texas, Austin Josette M.P. Gevers derstanding and Mental and Mental derstanding , LondonBusinessSchool Chi C.Dang , Mississippi StateU.; , Mississippi Chun Hui ; Kimberly D J. Alberto Espinosa Chien-Feng Yu , TechnischeU.

Majken Schultz , Copenhagen

Jenny Keng Dvora J Stuart , ChineseU. International-oriented| , Michigan Kyle Lewis Franz W. Michael , , , , ; , , , 308 on WorkBehaviors Behavior and"Positives"ofOrganizationalCitizenship "Negatives" Presenters: Gerben S.Van Der Vegt Taking Personality, Proactive Moderating Distancing: and Balancing Chameleons Social 4 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room324 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1185 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room327 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1187 4 2 2 2 Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room325A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1186 Employee Outcomes Perceptions andtheirInfluenceon ofJustice Predictors Presenters: Seattle Pacific U. Seattle Pacific Bergeron Porter Presenters: Discussant: Joe Magee Sasovova Theme-oriented | Winner of OB DivisionBest Dissertation-Based Paper Award The Impact of Empathy, Concern with Future withFuture Concern The ImpactofEmpathy, 4 ANegative Behavior: Citizenship Organizational Antecedents & Outcomes of Perceived Locus of Causality: Causality: Locus of of Perceived &Outcomes Antecedents Relationships Among Burnout, Relationships AmongBurnout, Washington State U. Washington State Taiwan U.; Similarity to Subordinate Performance | Performance toSubordinate Similarity and a Laboratory Study of Helping Behavior | | Behavior StudyofHelping Laboratory and a Sasovova New YorkU. | a Moderator as Autonomy Analyzing Theory| of Self-Determination An Application Effect of Self-Monitoring in Social Influence | Influence inSocial Effect ofSelf-Monitoring Organizational Citizenship Behavior | Behavior Citizenship Organizational Sheldon of Singapore; Turban of Business; Joireman Teachers College,ColumbiaU. Lee U. ofCanberra; Jr. Consequences, and Time Horizon on OCBs | onOCBs Horizon andTime Consequences, | CareerOutcomes? Relationship to The Power Motive and Action-Orientation: U.S.Presidents Action-Orientation: and Motive The Power Processes Linking Perceived Leader-Subordinate Goal Goal Leader-Subordinate Perceived Linking Processes , Louisiana Tech U.; , LouisianaTech

Markus Vodosek David A.Jones Isabel C Botero , TexasA&MU. , Northeastern U.; : : : (Paper Session)-(OB) (Paper Session)-(OB) (Paper Session)-(OB) , Teachers College,ColumbiaU. , VrijeU.Amsterdam

, U.ofMissouri, Columbia; , New YorkU. , U. of Missouri, Columbia , U.of Missouri, Columbia Zhen-Xiong Chen Hwee-hoon Tan Chi C. Dang Chi C. John Schaubroeck Brian P.Niehoff James JLavelle James , Washington StateU.; , VrijeU.Amsterdam Miao-Ching Tsai Denise Daniels KennethBrown G ; Su Visual Presentation| Samuel Aryee -Fen Chiu -Fen ; Ch

, U.ofVermont , U.ofMinnesota, Duluth

, U.ofUtah , MichiganStateU. Chun Hui Chun , GroningenU. Kim Hester un Hui un , National U.ofSingapore , Kansas StateU. , U. of Texas, Arlington , U. of Texas,Arlington , U. ofCanberra ; Kim Hester; Kim , National TaiwanU. , National TaiwanU. The Influence of Personality The Influence Understanding the Understanding Individual andSocial , , Seattle Pacific U.; U.; , Seattle Pacific Charge, and Performance: Charge, andPerformance: Drexel U. , ChineseU.ofHongKong , Hong KongBaptistU.; , , U.ofIowa; Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Dishan Kamdar Chinese U.ofHongKong Job Involvement, and Job Involvement, Hwee-hoon Tan , Arkansas State U. , ArkansasState Diane Bergeron ; Christopher O.L.H. Su-Fen Chiu , Arkansas StateU. Jerry Bryan Fuller, Zhen-Xiong Chen ; Denise Daniels; Denise Kenn ; Diane Blythe Duell Zuzana , IndianSchool Joe Magee Daniel Jeff on M , NationalU. ; Zuzana , National Cynthia , ; ; , , , ,

Session Details Ð Tuesday

2Personality as a Determinant of Employees’ Response to Time and Ties in Teams: Development and Determinants of Justice and Organizational Reward Perceptions | Meredith Intra-Group Network Structures | Katherine Klein, U. of F. Burnett, U. of Maryland Pennsylvania; David A Harrison, Pennsylvania State U.; 4Do Cultural Values and Justice Moderate the Relationship Andrew P. Knight, U. of Pennsylvania Between HRM Practices and Outcomes? | Pei-Chuan Wu, 1190 SHCS: (OB, HR, ODC) Accentuating the Positive at National U. of Singapore Work: Linking Positive Psychological Capacities with Social Influence Process in Organizational Justice Valued Outcomes Perceptions: The Role of Social Ties | Ruolian Fang, U. of Ho-Beng Chia 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A Kentucky; , National U. of Singapore Chair: Cary L. Cooper, Lancaster U. Mediating Effects of Cynicism on the Relationships Between Using a Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) Framework to Jeong-Yeon Justice and Employee Outcome Variables | Understand the Role of Job Satisfaction | Thomas A Wright, Lee , Indiana U., Bloomington U. of Nevada, Reno; Douglas G. Bonett, Iowa State U. Meredith F. Burnett ; Pei-Chuan Wu Presenters: , U. of Maryland , Capturing Positive Emotions in Mergers and Acquisitions | National U. of Singapore; Ruolian Fang, U. of Kentucky; Jeong- Verena Kusstatscher, Independent Researcher; Cary L. Yeon Lee, Indiana U., Bloomington Cooper, Lancaster U. 1188 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Moving the Creativity Interdependence and Political Skill: Exploring Positive Construct into the 21st Century: Determinants and Organizational Behavior Constructs | Marilyn Macik-Frey, U. Dimensions of Creativity of Texas, Arlington; Ana Maria Rossi, Clinica De Stress E 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Biofeedback; James Campbell Quick, U. of Texas, Arlington Chair: Christine O'Connor, U. of Ballarat Extending the Case for Hope at Work as the Most Unique Discussant: Richard S Blackburn, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Positive Organizational Capacity | Bret Simmons, North An Empirical Examination of Timelessness and Creativity. | Dakota State U.; Debra L Nelson, Oklahoma State U. Babis Mainemelis, London Business School Presenters: Thomas A Wright, U. of Nevada, Reno; Verena The Effects of Choice, Goal and Creative Self-Efficacy on Kusstatscher, Independent Researcher; Cary L. Cooper, Divergent Thinking and Creative Outcomes | Roy Yong Joo Lancaster U.; Marilyn Macik-Frey, U. of Texas, Arlington; Bret Chua, Columbia U.; Sheena S. Iyengar, Columbia U. Simmons, North Dakota State U. Exploring the Complexity of Creativity in Organizations: A Participants: Douglas G. Bonett, Iowa State U.; Ana Maria Rossi, ; James Campbell Quick Todd Dewett, Clinica De Stress E Biofeedback , U. of Multidimensional & Dynamic Perspective | ; Debra L Nelson Wright State U. Texas, Arlington , Oklahoma State U. Novelty and Value as Distinct Facets of Creativity: An 1191 : (Paper Session) - (OCIS) Perspectives on Empirical Study of Assessments and Assessors | Diane Organizational Communication McMeekin Sullivan, U. of Central Florida; Cameron M Ford, U. 4:10pm - 5:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317B of Central Florida Chair: Sue Currey, St. Edwards U. Presenters: Babis Mainemelis, London Business School; Todd Discussant: Shaila Miranda, U. of Oklahoma Dewett, Wright State U.; Diane McMeekin Sullivan, U. of Central The Language of Leadership in the 21st Century: The Use Florida; Roy Yong Joo Chua, Columbia U. of Influence Tactics in Email | Lindred Greer, Leiden U. 1189 SHCS: (OB, HR) Time, Time, Time, See What's 2 B Supportive Supervisor Communication,LMX and Become of Me: Management Research Through a New Performance:The Test of a Theoretical Model | Daniel F. Temporal Vision Michael, U. of Southern Mississippi; Stanley G Harris, Auburn William F Giles Hubert Feild 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313C U; , Auburn U; , Auburn U Chairs: Abbie J. Shipp, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Allen Employee Portals: A Field Study Examining Technology WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Bluedorn, U. of Missouri, Columbia Mediated Organizational Communication | Malayka Discussants: Hettie Richardson, Louisiana State U.; Gerardo Klimchak, U. of South Carolina; Brian S Klaas, U. of South Okhuysen, U. of Utah; Amy L. Kristof-Brown, U. of Iowa; Carolina Giuseppe Labianca, Emory U. Crisis Management Through Strategic Communication:A Time and Organizational Behavior: A Historical Overview | Model of Effective Web-Based Messaging | Lisa M. Jones, Allen Bluedorn, U. of Missouri, Columbia U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Al Segars, U. of North Temporal Aspects of Panic in Organizations | Mary J Waller, Carolina, Chapel Hill Tulane U.; Rommel O. Salvador, Tulane U. 2Building an Organizational Change Communication Theory | Managerial Decision Making and Temporal Coordination Jennifer Frahm, U. of Melbourne; Kerry Brown, Queensland U. Under Temporal Uncertainty | Sally Blount, New York U.; of Technology Sophie Leroy, New York U. 1192 4 : (OCIS) Invited Symposium - Management in Recollected, Current, and Anticipated Person-Environment Fit the 21st Century: Perspectives from Asia-Pacific Abbie J. Shipp Within the Present Moment | , U. of North 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A Jeffrey R. Edwards Carolina, Chapel Hill; , U. of North Carolina Chair: Bernard Tan Cheng Yian, National U. of Singapore

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 309 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday Approach toManaginginthe21stCentury Do We Know It: Knowledge and Complexity Do WeKnowIt:Knowledge Organizational Change Program Chair: ConventionCenter:Room321B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1193 Presenters: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room302B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1197 of Social-Political Study Diverse Identities:AnEmpirical Identity Reactionsto Fragility:LaborMarket (Middle) Status Bias, an The RedQueen,Success Organizational Identities, Chair: ConventionCenter:Room302A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1196 Presenters: Organizer: South Pacific3 Village: 4:10pm -5:20pmHiltonHawaiian 1195 Change: to Reducing Resistance B Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1194 Reflection" Cummings"Evolution ofODCanditsFuture:APersonal Constraints, Sanctions and Consequences Constraints, Sanctions California Distinguished Speaker: Discussant: Discussant: Larson Discussant: Xian JiaotongU. 4 U. Reserve U.; Queensland; Sustainable Future| Outcomes in American Communities | Communities inAmerican Outcomes Silicon Claims among Influence TacticsandLeade William PBarnett Greta Hsu and BusinessAdministration Christine Benedichte Meyer Furst U.; Technology U. ofChicago; U. Middle Manage Middle Scheming: Dynamic Generating and Acting on Demand for Public Reforms | Reforms Public onDemandfor andActing Generating Ozgecan Kocak

Charles Chowa Elizabeth G.Pontikes Wayne Boss : : : , Oregon StateU. (Paper Session)-(ODC) (Paper Session)-(OMT) (OMT) , LouisianaStateU. T : : eaching-oriented | Diane H.Parente (OM) (ODC) Christopher Earley Jeffrey Pinto Corinne A Coen Rao Hayagreeva David Coghlan

, U.of California,Davis; Esther Wyss-Flamm Organizational Identity:Meanings, Ram Tenkasi Nerina Jimmieson ; FelixTan Project Management: AnInterdisciplinary Project Management: Ezra Zuckerman ODC DistinguishedSpeaker,Thomas , U.ofColorado,Boulder rs inChange| , Stanford U.; , U.of Missouri, St.Louis , ColumbiaU.; Thomas G.Cummings ; KarenBrown ☯ Elizabeth M.Essex , Pennsylvania State U., Erie StateU., , Pennsylvania

Management Practice-oriented | Valley Law Firms | Valley LawFirms , AucklandU.ofTechnology Specialization, andProminence| , U. of Dublin , Pennsylvania State U.,Erie , Pennsylvania State , State U.ofNewYork, Buffalo , Stanford U. , Benedictine U. , Northwestern U. , Northwestern , , NorwegianSchoolofEconomics Managers Striving fora ManagersStriving National U.ofSingapore What DoWeKnowandWhen The Politicsof r-Member Exchange| , Elizabeth G. Pontikes Elizabeth G. , U.ofQueensland Sharyn ElizabethHerzig Massachusetts Institute of Massachusetts The RoleofManagerial , AlliantInternationalU. Michael THannan d Organizational Inertia| d Organizational Glenn RCarroll , U.ofWashington, Bothell Hongwei Xu , CaseWestern , U. ofSouthern Damon JPhillips

International-oriented| ; Erik , StanfordU. , Stanford ; Yuan Li , Stanford , Stanford Stacie , U. of , , 310 Discussant: Reed College Social Context in Work Teams: The Role of Team Boundary TheRoleofTeam Teams: Context inWork Social Organizer: ConventionCenter:Room313B 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1198 Dynamics and On theStructure B EcoComplex. Managementand PolicyattheRutgers Supply ChainEnvironmental for Director/Research Scientist is theAssociate Dr. KevinLyons WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 4:10pm -5:20pmSheraton 1200 On Law,Organizations,andSocia of andtheEmergence Movements, Institutional Theory,Social to Alternatives Form: and Organizational Social Movements | Outcomes Organizational Social Movement Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room316C 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1199 ofSocialContext:HowCareersLink The Architecture ContextofCareers| andtheSocial Imprints Career Gro Reference Organizational Social Movements Within Organizations Research Social MovementsWithinOrganizations Etic Perspectives Challenges in Operations and Teaching Challenges inOperationsand Harvard U. Technology Presenters: Theme-oriented | The Problem of Research Progress: A Cumulative ACumulative Progress: ofResearch The Problem Technology Angeles Laszlo Tihanyi U. ofArizona; Higgins Emergent Change| Emergent | Studies Organization Disagreement | | Disagreement Rights Context | Rights Context Modernist Architecture| Industries| inThreeAmerican Corporations and Institutions| Individuals | Work Environment ComponentofTheir Human of Toronto Moldoveanu Mihnea Calin Lawrence Schneiberg Institute; San Antonio; Knowledge Perspective | Perspective Knowledge Tammy E.Beck San Antonio; of Texas,SanAntonio; Winner of OMT Division Best Symposium ProposalAward Radical Change Radical Accidenta Redirecting inOrganizations: Power LawPhenomena

JS: B SHCS: ; Barbara S.Lawrence (OMT, OB) Barbara S.Lawrence , Harvard U. ; CandaceJones Donald Hatfield Mark Mortensen Andrew J.Hoffman Melissa Wooten

, U. of California, Los Angeles , U.of California,Los

(OMT, RM, MH) (OMT, RM, , Reed College : LaKami T. Baker Deandra Travis (ONE) Anand Sw Visual Presentation| , Texas A&MU. , U.ofTexas,SanAntonio; Mark Mortensen

Lauren BEdelman Exploring Social Context: Emic and Exploring SocialContext:Emic Greening University Supply Chains: Supply Chains: Greening University Donde AshmosPlowman Stephanie DeAnnThomas Bill McKelvey aminathan , VirginiaTech , U. of Michigan , Massachusetts Instituteof , Massachusetts , Boston College Mauro F Guillen , U.of Toronto; Kevin Carlson Incorporating andModeling lly: AQualitativeAnalysisof , U. ofTexas,SanAntonio , ups: How People Constitute the How PeopleConstitute ups: , U.ofCalifornia,LosAngeles U. ofMichigan Candace Jones , U. ofTexas,SanAntonio; , U. of California, Los Angeles , U.ofCalifornia,LosAngeles of Organizational Complexity | Complexity of Organizational Selected forBestPaper Proceedings l MovementsintheCivil , Massachusetts Instituteof , Massachusetts , U.of California, Davis; , U.of California, Berkeley , U.ofCalifornia, Los ; MarcSchneiberg , Virginia Polytechnic , VirginiaPolytechnic ; Monica Higgins R

, U. of Pennsylvania Mukta Kulkarni obert M.Bauer Sarah ASoule , Boston College , Boston Marc , U.ofTexas, , U.ofTexas, Barbara S. Monica

, U. , U. , , ,

Session Details Ð Tuesday

Distinguished Speaker: Kevin L. Lyons, Rutgers U. Path Dependence in Firm-Stakeholder Relations | Michael L. Barnett, U. of South Florida 1201 B4 : (PNP) Critical Managerial/Leadrshp Qualities for Internat'l, Military, NGO & Public Service 1204 : (SIM) Organizational Identity through a POS Professionals Lens: Leveraging Identity for Positive Contributions 4:10pm - 5:20pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room 4:10pm - 5:20pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room Chairs: Kathleen Campbell, United States Military Academy; Chair: Shelley Brickson, London Business School Joshua Conner, United States Military Academy; Tom Pae, United Positive Organizational Identity, Positive Organizational States Military Academy; Brian Tribus, United States Military Orientation. | Kevin G. Corley, Arizona State U.; Dennis A Academy Gioia, Pennsylvania State U. Perceptual Bias Is Alive and Well: Training Alexander's Story: Linking Organizational Identity to Managers/Leaders to Avoid It | Kathleen Campbell, United Organizational Vitality. | Monica C. Worline, Emory U.; Krysia States Military Academy; Joshua Conner, United States Military A. Wrobel, Emory U.; F.K. Marsh, Concordia U. Academy; Tom Pae, United States Military Academy Miracle: How Boundary Work and Cultural Practice Shape Kathleen The Sensitivity Component of Self-Monitoring. | Organizational Integration. | Israel Drori, College of Campbell Brian Tribus , United States Military Academy; , United Management, Israel; Amy Wrzesniewski, New York U.; Shmuel States Military Academy Ellis, Tel Aviv U. Orientations to Learning and Trusting Others: Key Organizational Identity Orientation and Positive Organizational Donald J Characteristics for Int'l Managers & Officers | Contributions to Stakeholders. | Shelley Brickson, London Campbell , United States Military Academy Business School Participant: Donald J Campbell, United States Military Academy 1205 JS: (SIM, OCIS, TIM) The Connected Home: Paradise 1202 Innovative Research Design & : (Paper Session) - (RM) or Poison Methodology 4:10pm - 5:20pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Oahu Room 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A Moderator: Sue Conger, U. of Dallas L Michele Issel Chair: , U. of Illinois, Chicago Presenters: Florence Mason, F. Mason and Associates; Richard O Margaret T. Orr ; Robert C Liden Discussants: , Columbia U. , U. of Mason, Southern Methodist U.; Joanne H. Pratt, Joanne H. Pratt Illinois, Chicago Associates; John Henderson, Boston U.; Sue Conger, U. of Dallas B4 Integrating Action Research Methods:Contextual Components and Constructive Choices | Patrice Braun, U. 1206 : (TIM) Organizational Learning from External of Ballarat Sources: New Issues and Performance Implications A Method for Checking the Vision: the Case of the Retail 4:10pm - 5:20pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304B Michael D Santoro Automation Sector in Brazil | Joao Mauricio Gama Organizer: , Lehigh U. Boaventura, Sao Paulo City U.; Adalberto A. Fischmann, Sao External Organizational Learning and Dynamic Capabilities | Paulo U. Technological Knowledge and Governance in Alliances 2Prospective Case Study Design for Deductive Theory Among Competitors | Testing | Alex B. Bitekhtine, McGill U. Outsourcing to OffShore Locations and Competitive Controlling Nuisance Variables by Using a Matched-Groups Advantage: An Organization Centered View | Design | James A. Breaugh, U. of Missouri, St. Louis; Kathleen Perf. Implications of Organizational Structure and Knowledge Frye, U. of Missouri, St. Louis Sharing in Multinational R&D Networks | Thinking,Talking and Doing: How the Knowledge-Based View Corporate Social 1203 : (Paper Session) - (SIM) Might Clarify Techno's Relationship w/ Org. | Performance: Empirical Studies Participants: Paul Bierly, James Madison U.; Fariborz WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 4:10pm - 5:20pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala/Kona Room Damanpour, Rutgers U.; Shanthi Gopalakrishnan, New Jersey Chair: Jennifer A Martin, York College of Pennsylvania ; Chris W Grevesen ; Joseph P Margaret Cording ; Josetta S McLaughlin Institute of Technology , DeVry U. Discussants: , Rice U. , McGill, Kean U.; J. C. Spender, Open U.; Michael D Santoro, Roosevelt U. Lehigh U. 2 The Corporate Social and Financial Performance Relationship: What’s the Ultimate Determinant? | Josep A. 1207 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Knowledge Management Tribó, U. of Carlos III Madrid; Jordi Surroca, U. of Carlos III 4:10pm - 5:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A Francois Therin Madrid Chair: , Grenoble Ecole de Management Deepak Somaya 4Dual Effect of Corporate Social Performance on Discussant: , U. of Maryland Internationalization: Revisiting the CSP-CFP Link | Jijun When do Acquisitions facilitate Technological Exploration and Paul Almeida Anupama Gao, U. of Western Ontario; Vanessa M. Strike, U. of Western Exploitation? | , Georgetown U.; Phene Stephen B Tallman Ontario , U. of Utah; , U. of Richmond A Behavioral Approach to the Link between Financial BKnowledge Generation in Virtual Communities of Practice | Thorsten Andreas Teichert Iwan Von Performance on Airline Safety | Peter Micah Madsen, U. of , U. of Hamburg; Wartburg Katja Rost California, Berkeley , U. of Hamburg; , U. of Bern

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 311 Section D TUESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Tuesday get involved! this session.Come in andmobilize want? Let'sstrategize,organize, domembers ofgenderanddiversity management” What “newvision South Pacific1 Village: 5:30pm -6:50pmHiltonHawaiian 1213 WorkshopChair: Professional Development Program Chair: Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319B 5:30pm -6:30pmHawaii 1212 U. WorkshopChair: Professional Development Program Chair: Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Reviewer Awards. Student PaperAward,TheBest Applied PaperAward, andTheBest BestPaperAward,The honor winnersof The The divisionwill ConventionCenter:Room322A 5:30pm -6:30pmHawaii 1211 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room313B 5:30pm -6:30pmHawaii 1210 WaikikiBeach: PunaRoom 5:20pm -6:30pmSheraton 1209 in Diffusion ofInnovations On the with and Exploitation Exploration Strategic NPDPortfolio Mana B Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room307A 4:10pm -5:20pmHawaii 1208 4 Queen's U. Program Chair: Professional Development WorkshopChair: Professional Development Electronic Reverse Auction Configuration: Impact on Buyer on Buyer Impact Configuration: Auction Reverse Electronic

Simulation Study| Simulation | Environments Hierarchy in Open Source Software Development | Development Software Source inOpen Hierarchy Kugler U. ofNevada; Stylianos Kavadias Tatarynowicz State U. California StateU.,DominguezHills; Price and Perceived Buyer Opportunism | Opportunism Buyer and Perceived Price Tacit Knowledge| Informally Hierarchical: A Model of a Knowledge of aKnowledge Model A Hierarchical: Informally

Andrew King : : : : : (CM) (CAR) (BPS) (MSR) (Paper Session)-(TIM) T , U. ofSt.Gallen : eaching-oriented | (GDO) Charles Williams Charles

Conflict Division Business Meeting Conflict Division BPS Business Meeting BPS Business Sally Blount Yehuda Baruch Margaret Peteraf Careers Division Business Meeting Business Careers Division MSR Administrative Meeting MSR Administrative Michele J.Gelfand Cherlyn SkrommeGranrose Anita McGahan , U.ofSt.Gallen; Cynthia KayStevens

Mobilizing for theFuture Raul O. Chao Raul O. , DartmouthCollege Catherine Tinsley Kerr Inkson James Westphal Kent Miller Tuesday 5:30PM Tuesday 5:20PM , Georgia InstituteofTechnology Michele Simoni ☯ Management Practice-oriented | , New YorkU. , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign , U. of East Anglia , U. ofEastAnglia , BostonU. gement in Complex Complex in gement Simulation Studies , Dartmouth College , U.ofOtago , Georgia InstituteofTechnology; , PurdueU.; Gianluca Vagnani , U.of Maryland In Evolving Social Networks: A Networks: Social Evolving terpersonal Learning and Learning terpersonal , U. of Texas, Austin , U.ofTexas,Austin , U.ofMaryland , U.ofNaples II; Roger Calantone , GeorgetownU.

Susan E.Brodt Mary Mallon Russell Coff

, Berry College Meng Zhao

Craig R.Carter , U.ofRome International-oriented|

Adam , Massey , Emory U. , Michigan Petra , , , 312 Meeting Business Meeting Workshop Organizer: Program Chair: Technology Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Host: Awards. Socialfollows. Reviewer andDistinguished Award, threeBest Paperawards, thepastyear,andtohonorwinnersofRichman Join ustoreview ConventionCenter:Room316B 5:30pm -7:00pmHawaii 1216 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyonRoom 5:30pm -7:00pmSheraton 1215 Organizer: South Pacific2 Village: 5:30pm -7:00pmHiltonHawaiian 1214 | fortheFuture Mobilizing GDO Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 5:30pm -10:30pmSheraton 1220 Division Chair-Elect.: Ram Tenkasi Division Chairs: ConventionCenter:Room322B 5:30pm -6:30pmHawaii 1219 U. WorkshopChair: Professional Development Program Chair: Division Chair: ConventionCenter:Room317A 5:30pm -6:30pmHawaii 1218 of Calgary,U.WesternOntario WorkshopCoordinator: Professional Development Program Chair: Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Sea PearlSuite3-4 Village: 5:30pm -6:30pmHiltonHawaiian 1217 Division Business Meeting Division Business Program Chair: Devinney WorkshopChair: Professional Development New MexicoStateU. WorkshopChair: Professional Development Technology U. ofMinnesota WorkshopChair: Professional Development Theme-oriented | Sully Taylor

: : : : : : : (IM) (ICW) (ICW) (ONE) (ODC) (MOC) (MED)

, Australian Graduate School of Management , AustralianGraduateSchoolofManagement Myrtle P.Bell A Jane WhitneyGibson

nna Torrance IM Division Members'Meeting , Benedictine U. Management Decision Receptionand Management Nova SoutheasternUniversityClosing Schon Beechler Stephen Mezias Ca Michael V.Russo Organizations and the Natural Environment Environment Organizations andtheNatural ODC Awards and BusinessMeeting ODC Awards AwardsandBusinessMeeting MED Division Managerial and Organizational Cognition Organizational and Managerial Ravi Ramamurti Michael G.Pratt J. B.Arbaugh Kate Kearins Gretchen M.Spreitzer Visual Presentation| rolyn Wiley , PortlandStateU.

Eleanor Westney Mark Cordano George Roth Steven Armstrong

Tuesday 5:45PM , U.ofTexas,Arlington , Emerald GroupPublishing , AucklandU.ofTechnology , Mercer Human Resource Consulting , U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh , U. ofWisconsin,

, New YorkU. , Columbia U. , Columbia , U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign , U.ofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign , Northeastern U. , U.ofOregon , NovaSoutheasternU. , MassachusettsInstituteof Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , IthacaCollege , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor , Massachusetts Institute of , MassachusettsInstitute , U. of Hull , U. Mary JWaller Timothy Michael Michael RManning Alfred Allen Marcus

Laurie Milton

, Tulane , , U. , U. , ;

Session Details Ð Tuesday

1221 : (HR) HR Division Business Meeting Tuesday 6:45PM 5:45pm - 6:45pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323B Everyone is welcome to attend. 1230 : (HR) HR Division Reception Division Chair: Diana L Deadrick, Old Dominion U. 6:45pm - 7:45pm Hawaii Convention Center: Center Rooftop Division Chair-Elect.: K. Michele Kacmar, U. of Alabama Hosts: John C Dencker, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Aparna Program Chair: Joseph J Martocchio, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Joshi, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Champaign Division Chair: Diana L Deadrick, Old Dominion U. Professional Development Workshop Chair: John R Hollenbeck, Division Chair-Elect.: K. Michele Kacmar, U. of Alabama Michigan State U. Program Chair: Joseph J Martocchio, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign Professional Development Workshop Chair: John R Hollenbeck, Tuesday 6:00PM Michigan State U. 1222 : (AAA) LAC Thank You Party 6:00pm - 8:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 1-2 Tuesday 7:00PM Local Arrangements Chairs: Mary J. Mallott, U. of Hawai`i, West Oahu; Jerry M Calton, U. of Hawai`i, Hilo 1231 : (ICW) Texas Tech University Reception 7:00pm - 10:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room Organizer: Ritch L Sorenson, Texas Tech U. Tuesday 6:15PM 1232 : (IM) IM Division Social 1223 Pau Hana - OCIS Informal Social Event : (OCIS) 7:00pm - 8:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 6:15pm - 8:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317B Network with IMD members and nibble on some food. Restricted to Relax and unwind with fellow OCIS colleagues. All are welcome. IMD members. Partly sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton strategy We will meet at 6:15pm and walk together to a place for dinner and and business. drinks. Host: Schon Beechler, Columbia U. MED and ONE Divisions' Joint Social Tuesday 6:30PM 1233 : (MED) 7:00pm - 10:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Coral Ballroom 1 1224 : (BPS) BPS Social Hour Organizer: J. B. Arbaugh, U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh 6:30pm - 7:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313C Division Chair: Carolyn Wiley, Mercer Human Resource Consulting Division Chair: Margaret Peteraf, Dartmouth College Division Chair-Elect.: Steven Armstrong, U. of Hull Division Chair-Elect.: James Westphal, U. of Texas, Austin Program Chair: J. B. Arbaugh, U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Program Chair: Anita McGahan, Boston U. Professional Development Workshop Coordinator: Laurie Milton, U. Professional Development Workshop Chair: Russell Coff, Emory U. of Calgary, U. of Western Ontario 1225 : (CAR) Careers Division Social 6:30pm - 8:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Please join us for relaxing, casual, fun. Note: Members may bring books published this year or forthcoming for display table. Program Chair: Cherlyn Skromme Granrose, Berry College 1226 : (CM) Conflict Division Social Hour 6:30pm - 8:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B 1227 : (MOC) Managerial and Organizational Cognition

Division Social Hour WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 6:30pm - 7:30pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316C Division Chair: Stephen Mezias, New York U. Program Chair: Michael G. Pratt, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Professional Development Workshop Chair: Mary J Waller, Tulane U. 1228 : (MSR) MSR Social 6:30pm - 10:30pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room 1229 : (ODC) ODC Social 6:30pm - 9:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 321B Division Chair: Gretchen M. Spreitzer, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Division Chair-Elect.: George Roth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Program Chair: Ram Tenkasi, Benedictine U. Professional Development Workshop Chair: Michael R Manning, New Mexico State U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 313 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Scandinavian Context Robinson Organizer: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyon-A2 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1243 Csonka Broberg Organizers: WaikikiBeach:WaimeaCanyon-A1 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1242 Organizer: WaikikiBeach:Puna-TableD2 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1241 Organizers: WaikikiBeach:Puna-TableD1 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1240 Organizer: WaikikiBeach: Niihau-TableB4 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1239 Organizers: WaikikiBeach: Niihau-TableB3 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1238 Organizers: WaikikiBeach: Niihau-TableB2 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1237 Participants: Organizer: WaikikiBeach:Niihau-TableB1 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1236 Organizer: - TableC2 WaikikiBeach:Hilo 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1235 Organizer: - TableC1 WaikikiBeach:Hilo 7:00am -8:30amSheraton 1234 Interdisciplinary View ofCareerChoiceinManagement:An Consequences New Initiatives Perspectives Divergent Women: Women’sEntrepreneurshipfrom Century of Familyinthe21st Success and GlobalEmployeeMobility Success is theresponsibilityofbusiness educator? Education Management Today:ChangingSocietyby Leaders Jenny M. Hoobler Lavelle U. ofHaifa Bilkent U. Kusku

, Istanbul Technical U. CAU: CAU: 4 B CAU: CAU: CAU: CAU: , U.ofTexas,Arlington , - , AalborgIndustriesA/S 4 ; ZeynepKadire Girgin CAU: T CAU: CAU: , New York U. eaching-oriented | ; Olympia Kyriakidou; Olympia Larry Summers Lindsey Godwin TimmermanTom Alan Ayala MalachPines R Estelle Toomey CAU: Bolette Christensen Stacy Blake-Beard Teri Domagalski Kenneth HPrice obert Folger Mustafa F OzbilginMustafa F (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU) (CAU)


(CAU) , U. of Illinois, Chicago , U.ofIllinois, Antecedents, Correlates and Correlates Antecedents, EthicsandOrganizations: Behavioral The Many Faces of Entrepreneurial The ManyFacesofEntrepreneurial A NewVisionforCreativityResearch Dog …Or,isit?NewVisions It’s Justa andFairness Teams, Diversity Wednesday 7:00AM The DNA of International Assignment The DNAofInternationalAssignment Business Ethics: An Oxymoron?What Business Ethics:AnOxymoron?What Business Shaping Tomorrow's Leadership and HR in a Leadership andHRin ☯

, U.of Central Florida Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Missouri,Columbia U. , Oxford

, CaseWesternReserveU. ; ZahideKarakitapoglu Aygun , FloridaTechnology Instituteof , U. ofTexas,Arlington , SimmonsCollege , ; ToreHakonsson , QueenMaryU. ofLondon , AegeanU. Ben-Gurion U., Negev , DanishIndustries , BilkentU.

, Tennessee Technological U. , TennesseeTechnologicalU. ; EranVigoda-Gadot

; JeffreyA. , - ; Lone ; JamesJ International-oriented| ; Agi

; Fatma ; ,

, 314 Presenters: Individual Research: LookingatJobLossThroughtheEyesof Singer Lei Rudolph Vogus 1246 Division Chair-Elect.: Division Chair: Host: Coffee/donuts provided. 2006 programeven better.Leaveanytimeforothersessions. Stop bytoofferfeedbackonIMD's2005program, andhelpmake ConventionCenter:Room305A 8:00am -9:00amHawaii 1245 Local ArrangementsChairs: ConventionCenter:Room326B 8:00am -5:00pmHawaii 1244 The Match Between Coping Goals and Coping: The Missing Coping: TheMissing Goals and Coping Between The Match of JobLoss:A Making Sense Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323C 8:20am -10:20amHawaii 1247 To ErrIsHuman,CorrectMindful:TowardABehavioral The inORCrises: Management Crisis and Error Persistence Solving and Problem Safety of Psychological The Impact ImplicationsforError Networks: Error Communication Chair: ConventionCenter:Room327 8:20am -10:20amHawaii Oahu and LearningfromErrorsinHospitals Program Chair: of Technology Discussant: Discussant: Devinney WorkshopChair: Professional Development Theme-oriented | Jason Stansbury Link in Coping with Job Loss Process Models | Models Process Loss with Job Link inCoping ofJobLoss| Meaning Ascribed Emotional Reliability | High Theoryof Role of Exploration in 24Hospital| onReporting Culture Efficacy andOrganiz Management State U.; Kinicki Chapel Hill Hofmann Harvard U.; Veterans Administration Boston Medical Center Veterans AdministrationBoston U. ofTexas,Arlington; , U.ofNorth Carolina, ChapelHill ; JerryM Calton Sully Taylor

Frances M. McKee-Ryan Frances M. David AHofmann , Vanderbilt U. , Harvard U. : : JS: (IM) (AAA) , VeteransAdministrationBostonMedicalCenter , Australian Graduate School of Management , AustralianGraduateSchoolofManagement , ArizonaStateU.; : (OB, CAR)

(OB) Anita L.Tucker Connie Wanberg Frese Michael Meghna Virick , U.of North Carolina; IMD Members'FeedbackSession Honolulu 2005, LAC Honolulu 2005, Anita L.Tucker Schon Beechler Ravi Ramamurti Building a Safer Health System: Managing Building aSaferHealthSystem:Managing Visual Presentation| , PortlandStateU. ; David AHofmann , VanderbiltU. ; JasonStansbury Wednesday 8:00AM Wednesday 8:20AM D Eleanor Westney A NewVisionforUnemployment , U.of Hawai`i, Hilo

and Exploitation | and Exploitation , U.of North Carolina Mary A.Gowan , Giessen U. , U.ofTexas,Arlington , U. of Pennsylvania Mary J.Mallott Frances M.McKee-Ryan , U.ofMinnesota , U. of Pennsylvania ational Learning | ational Learning Timothy J.Vogus , Columbia U. , Columbia , OregonState U. Retrospective Analysis ofthe Analysis Retrospective , Northeastern U. Zhike Lei Selected forBestPaper Proceedings

, U.of North Carolina , VanderbiltU. , Massachusetts Institute , MassachusettsInstitute , George WashingtonU. , U. of Hawai`i,West Jenny WRudolph Timothy Michael

, U.of North Carolina,

; TimothyJ. Meghna Virick , Vanderbilt U.; , Vanderbilt David A

Sara J.Singer Angelo J. ; JennyW , Oregon ; Sara J. ; Zhike , , , Session Details Ð Wednesday

A Dispositional Approach to Employability and Its Implications Michigan State U.; Timothy Ruefli, U. of Texas, Austin; Robert R for Coping with Job Loss | Mel Fugate, Southern Methodist U. Wiggins, U. of Memphis Exploring for Better Jobs: Job Search and Career Exploration 1250 : (BPS) Creating Actionable Knowledge about Jelena Zikic During Involuntary Job Loss | , Instituto de Research Methods in Strategic Management Empresa 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307B Protean Career Attitude, Self-Esteem, and Job-Search Improving methodology in strategy research Intensity During Unemployment | Lea Waters, U. of Chairs: David Ketchen, Florida State U.; Donald D Bergh, Purdue Melbourne; Jon P. Briscoe, Northern Illinois U.; Douglas T. U. Hall, Boston U. The Dimensionality of Organizational Performance and Testing a Job Search Model Within the Motivational and Self- Implications for Management Research | James G. Combs, Regulatory Framework in China | Zhaoli Song, National U. of Florida State U.; Thomas R. Crook, Florida State U. Singapore; Connie Wanberg, U. of Minnesota; Xiongying Niu, Multi-Theoretical Mixed-level Research in Strategic Chinese U. of International Economics and Business; Yizhong Management | Caron H St John, Clemson U. Xie , Chinese Academy of Sciences Mechanisms and Empirical Research | Scott G. Johnson, Meghna Virick ; Mary A. Participants: , U. of Texas, Arlington Oklahoma State U. Gowan ; Angelo J. Kinicki , George Washington U. , Arizona State Cause Mapping in Strategic Management Research: U.; Frances M. McKee-Ryan, Oregon State U.; Mel Fugate, Processes, Issues, and Observations | Devi R Gnyawali, Southern Methodist U.; Jelena Zikic, Instituto de Empresa; Lea Virginia Tech; Beverly B. Tyler, North Carolina State U. Waters, U. of Melbourne; Jon P. Briscoe, Northern Illinois U.; Douglas T. Hall, Boston U.; Zhaoli Song, National U. of Singapore; The Problem of Method and the Practice of Management Kent Miller Connie Wanberg, U. of Minnesota; Xiongying Niu, Chinese U. of Research | , Purdue U. Philip Bromiley ; Kent Miller International Economics and Business; Yizhong Xie, Chinese Presenters: , U. of Minnesota , Purdue ; Scott G. Johnson ; Caron H St John Academy of Sciences U. , Oklahoma State U. , Clemson U.; Beverly B. Tyler, North Carolina State U.; Jim 1248 JS: (OB, OCIS, CM) Theories of Small Groups: Combs, Florida State U.; Thomas R. Crook, Florida State U. Interdisciplinary Perspectives 1251 Evolution of Alliances and 8:20am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Chairs: Marshall S. Poole, Texas A&M U.; Andrea Hollingshead, Partnerships U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308A Steven Boivie Groups from the Functional Perspective | Andrea Chair: , U. of Texas, Austin Lyubov A. Bogun Hollingshead, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Discussant: , Odessa Institute of Understanding Groups from a Feminist Perspective | Jennifer Entrepreneurship and Law L. Berdahl, U. of Toronto 4Strategic Choice between Dyadic and Multiparty Alliances: Jun Xia Traces, Trajectories, and Timing: The Temporal Perspective An Approach based on the RBT of Alliance | , Texas on Groups. | Marshall S. Poole, Texas A&M U. Tech U. Collaborative vs Autonomous Production in the Touchstones: Interdisciplinary Perspectives | Janet Fulk, U. of B4 Southern California Worldwide Aircraft Industry: A Utility-Based Approach | Bernard Garrette Xavier Castaner Participants: Jennifer L. Berdahl, U. of Toronto; Andrea , HEC Paris; , HEC Paris; Pierre Dussauge Hollingshead, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Marshall S. , HEC Paris Poole, Texas A&M U.; Janet Fulk, U. of Southern California Cooperation Evolvement in Successful Networks in Peripheral Areas | Ossi Pesämaa, Lulea U.; Joakim Wincent, Lulea U. 2Co-Evolution of Social Capital and Knowledge: An Extension Wednesday 8:30AM of Nahapeit and Ghoshal Framework | Hari Bapuji, U. of 1249 : (BPS) Hypercompetition: Are Performance Western Ontario; Mary M Crossan, U. of Western Ontario Differences Less Durable Now Than in the Past? 1252 CEO Compensation and 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B : (Paper Session) - (BPS) Has Dynamic Competition Increased? No and Yes | Gerry Decision-Making McNamara, Michigan State U.; Paul M Vaaler, Tufts U. 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 308B Chair: Theodora Welch, U. of Massachusetts, Boston The Rise of Hypercompetition in the US Manufacturing Discussant: Michael L. Barnett, U. of South Florida Richard Anthony D'Aveni Sector: 1950-2002 | , Dartmouth A More Dynamic View of CEO Pay: The In-the-money Effect College and Opportunity Cost of Stock Options | Mathias Arrfelt, WEDNESDAY The Volatility of Corporate Performance | Panayiota Michigan State U.; Robert Wiseman, Michigan State U.; Cynthia Konstantina Kiousis, Ohio State U. E. Devers, Texas A&M U., College Station Peeking Under the Sheet of Schumpeter’s Ghost: Further CEO Compensation Structure and Organizational Risk: A Investigations into Hypercompetition | Timothy Ruefli, U. of Longitudinal Analysis | Joseph E Coombs, U. of Richmond; K Texas, Austin; Robert R Wiggins, U. of Memphis Matthew Gilley, Oklahoma State U.; Satyanarayana Parayitam, Participants: Richard Anthony D'Aveni, Dartmouth College; McNeese State U. Panayiota Konstantina Kiousis, Ohio State U.; Gerry McNamara,

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 315 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Designing Relation | Ceiling Glass the Through Women Mentoring inMentoring Communication Change| IntentionalBehavioral for Mentoring | Interface the Work-Family and Mentoring | Virtual Mentoring | andMentoring Socialization Organizational andMentoring: Leadership Kram Chairs: smallgroupworkandaudienceparticipation. involves designthat incubator aninteractiveresearch Symposium uses ConventionCenter:Room319A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1254 | Ecosystem. inaBusiness and Innovation Framing Strategy | Transformation. ofStrategic Managing the'Unmanageables' Through Transformation Corporate and Capital Corporate Venture Leadership, Corporate Discussant: Chair: presentations &paper discussions between equally be splitalmost this sessionwill memberstocomeeagerlisten&participate: We inviteacademy ConventionCenter:Room309 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1253 Value: Opportunity Insuring B Mentoring:Building BridgesandMakingWaves Mentoring:Building Participants: Century. and OrganizationalTransformationinthe21st Strategic Business School Deborah JDougherty You Get What You Pay For: Impact of Top Management ImpactofTopManagement WhatYouPayFor: You Get Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute S. Peters Giscombe Boyatzis Milwaukee Greenhaus Murphy Development Programs | Practice | Practice | Theory, Researchand | Strategic Transformation. | Chief Executives. Marco Iansiti Deborah JDougherty Pennsylvania State U.,GreatValleyPennsylvania State U.,GreatValley;Pennsylvania State Leadership Creative Leadership; Tech Hayden Offstein Amason Team Incentive Pay on Firm Competitive Behavior | Behavior Competitive on Firm Pay Team Incentive Michigan State U. Michigan State , BostonU.

Diana L.Day B JS: Belle RoseRagins

T (BPS, TIM) eaching-oriented | , Claremont McKennaCollege , U.of Georgia; Mary Tripsas , Case Western ReserveU. , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; , RensselaerPolytechnic JS: Lois S.Peters

, Catalyst; Pamela Kalbfleish , Drexel U.; (CAR, HR,MED) , Harvard Business School , HarvardBusiness , RutgersU., Camden , FrostburgStateU.; Ellen Ensher ships for LearningintoLeader ships for Teaching OldDogsNewTricks: , RutgersU. Andrew Ward Victoria Guthrie Karen S. Lyness Karen S. ☯ , RutgersU. , Harvard BusinessSchool Romila Singh , U. of Wisconsin,Milwaukee Management Practice-oriented | Peggy M. Lee Peggy M. , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , RensselaerPolytechnic Standing at the Cross Standing Roads of The Compensation of First Time The Compensation Cynthia D.McCauley Relationships: Theory and Diana L.Day , U. ofNorth Dakota Creating NewVisionsof , LoyolaMarymountU.; ; MarcoIansiti , U.ofGeorgia; Radical Innovation. | Radical Innovation. Veronica M. Godshalk John J.Sosik , U.ofWisconsin, Devi R Gnyawali , Centerfor Creative , Baruch College, CUNY , ArizonaStateU. , Rutgers U.,Camden Jeffrey H. Gina O'Connor Georgia T.Chao , Harvard Richard E. Katherine , Centerfor

International-oriented| Allen ,

; KathyE. Susan E. , Virginia Evan ; Lois , , , 316 James Werbel Participants: Khapova Science andTechnology Century? inthe21st and SchoormanModel Provide Mayer, Davis International Vision ofCareerManagement International Guanxi as Impetus? CareerExpl as Impetus? Guanxi Exp Career Professionals: Pacific and Kiasuism, Collectivism, Politics, inSingapore: Careers | Careers of Model TheEuro-American Point ofDeparture: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room322A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1255 Facilitator: Frankema, M.A. Korsgaard. Discussant:S.Robinson Panel: R.Mayer,K.Dirks,S.Sitkin, N.Gillespie,K.Bijlsma- ConventionCenter:Room318B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1257 Negotiating Claiming Authority: Differences inJob Gender An OfferYouShouldRefuse: Shouldn't When theCustomer for is thatGlassCeiling?GenderEffects How Strong Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room316A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1256 in Transition| Culture ontheMove, Careers Russia: Discussant: Perspectives for the 21st Century Perspectives forthe21st Participants: U. ofMaryland Presenters: Georgia T.Chao Belliveau Greenhaus Godshalk Marymount U. Sosik College Creative Leadership Lyness Leadership Theme-oriented | Khapova United States| Change | Positions | Positions by Clients| Harassment ofSexual Consequences | Mentoring Gettman Polly Parker Kerr Inkson Technology; McGinn Tinsley Candidate Counteroffers | Candidate Counteroffers , PennsylvaniaStateU.,GreatValley

Kerr Inkson Hannah Riley Bowles Hannah Riley JS:

; Romila Singh , Baruch College, CUNY , Twente U. , TexasA&MU. , Pennsylvania State U., GreatValley StateU., , Pennsylvania JS: JS: , GeorgetownU.

Roxanne Zolin (CAR, IM) ; PamelaKalbfleish , Harvard U. , Drexel U. , U.of Maryland; Catherine Tinsley Barbara AGutek David C.Thomas , Twente U.; Julia RichardsonJulia Richard E.BoyatzisRichard Julia Richardson ; KatherineGiscombe (CM, OMT) (CM, GDO, OB) ; Michele J.Gelfand Hannah Riley Bowles , Iowa StateU. , U. of Otago James Werbel James , GriffithU. Paul Martorana , Michigan State U. , MichiganState Visual Presentation| , U.of Otago Lynda Song ; SusanE.Murphy Careers across Cultures:Towardan across Careers ; Victoria Guthrie , U. ofWisconsin,Milwaukee ; Konstantin Korotov Konstantin Korotov ; Kathleen L.McGinn What New Visions ofTrust Canthe What New Visions , Naval PostgraduateSchool Michele J.Gelfand , HarvardU. ; Lynda Song ; Lynda , U. ofArizona , Simon FraserU. Women and Work: Women andWork: , GeorgetownU. , Iowa StateU. , York U. , York , U.ofNorth Dakota , York U. Maura ABelliveauMaura ; Cynthia D.McCauley , NorthwesternU.; , HongKongU.ofScienceand Be King: Antecedents and BeKing:Antecedents the Path to Top Leadership Leadership toTop thePath , CaseWesternReserveU. oration in China and the inChina oration , U.of Maryland ; EllenEnsher Selected forBestPaper Proceedings eriences in New Zealand | | inNewZealand eriences , Catalyst , HarvardU.;

, Claremont McKenna ; PollyParker , Center for Creative , Hong KongU.of , ESMT ; VeronicaM. , ESMT ; Hilary J.Gettman ; JeffreyH. , Harvard U. , Harvard , U. ofMaryland

Catherine Kathleen L. , TexasA&MU. , Loyola ; MauraA ; KarenS. ; JohnJ.

, GriffithU. ; Svetlana , Centerfor Svetlana Hilary J. ; ; , Session Details Ð Wednesday

Discussant: Sandra L. Robinson, U. of British Columbia Entrepreneurial Vision: Its Nature and Effects | Barbara Presenters: Roger C Mayer, U. of Akron; Nicole Gillespie, U. of Jean Bird, American U.; Robert A Baron, Rensselaer Warwick Polytechnic Institute Kurt T Dirks ; Katinka Monica Participants: , Washington U. 2Validation of Effective Entrepreneurship Behaviors | Travor Bijlsma-Frankema, Free U., Amsterdam; M Audrey Korsgaard, C. Brown, Memorial U. of Newfoundland; Dennis Hanlon, U. of South Carolina; Sim B. Sitkin, Duke U. Memorial U. of Newfoundland 1258 JS: (CMS, GDO, ODC) Writing in Those "Others": 2Entrepreneurial Passion: The Nature and Influence of Practices for Reading and Writing Diversity into Emotions in Entrepreneurship | Melissa S Cardon, Case Organizational Studies Western Reserve U./ Pace U.; Joakim Wincent, Lulea U.; Jagdip Singh Mateja Drnovsek 8:30am - 10:20am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room , Case Western Reserve U.; , U. Unveiling Europe's Civilized Face: Confrontations with of Ljubljana Diversity in the Scandanavian Workplace | Pushkala B4 Symbolic Emphasizing: How Entrepreneurs Use Christoph Zott Prasad, Skidmore College Symbolism to Acquire Resources | , INSEAD Judith Pringle Reflections on Amplifying "Others'" Voices | , U. 1262 : (Paper Session) - (GDO) Gender, Racioethnicity, of Auckland Networks, and Commitment: Questions, Answers, and Strategies of Displacement: Reading Workplace Diversity in Effects “South-East Asia” from New Zealand | Deborah Jones, 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 1-2 Victoria U. of Wellington Chair: Gwendolyn M. Combs, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln Images of African Management in Organization Studies: Is Ethnic Citizenship Behaviors, Organizational Citizenship There an Alternative? | Stella M Nkomo, U. of South Africa Behaviors, and Ethnic Identity | Patricia G Martinez, U. of Participants: Pushkala Prasad, Skidmore College; Judith Pringle, Texas, San Antonio; Amy Randel, San Diego State U.; Raul U. of Auckland; Deborah Jones, Victoria U. of Wellington; Stella M Ramirez, U. of California, Irvine Nkomo, U. of South Africa Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Network Participation and Career Satisfaction | Hetty Van Emmerik, 1259 : (ENT) A New Vision Of Entrepreneurship: Traditional/Non-traditional Views Of The Entrepreneurial Utrecht U.; Martin C. Euwema, Utrecht U.; Myrthe Geschiere, Utrecht U.; Marieke Schouten, Utrecht U. Domain 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301B The Social Identity and Social Networks of Ethnic Minority Organizer: Brian B. McKenzie, California State U., Hayward Groups: A Test of Distinctiveness Theory | Ana S Leonard, Chair: Brian B. McKenzie, California State U., Hayward Miami U.; Ajay Mehra, U. of Cincinnati; Ralph Katerberg, U. of Presenters: Sharon Alvarez, Ohio State U.; Richard J. Ash, Cincinnati College of William and Mary; Thomas A. Bryant, Nicholls State U; An Exploration of Race/Ethnicity as a Boundary Condition to Andrew Cardow, Massey U.; Connie Marie Gaglio, San Francisco Social Capital-Job Performance Linkages | Arjun Bhardwaj, State U.; Marcos Hashimoto, Business School Sao Paulo; Norris U. of Western Ontario F Krueger, Boise State U.; Brian B. McKenzie, California State U., The Effects of Social Capital Resources on the Careers of Hayward Gender and Class Groups | Rochelle Parks-Yancy, Texas Southern U.; Nancy DiTomaso, Rutgers U.; Corinne Post, Pace 1260 : (Paper Session) - (ENT) Determinants of New Venture U. Creation 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303A 1263 : (GDO) Overcoming Barriers to Equality Among Lucia Naldi Chair: , Jonkoping U. Diverse Sexual Orientations at Work 4Demographic Structure and Entrepreneurial Activity | Moren 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 1 Levesque, Case Western Reserve U.; Maria Minniti, Babson Chair: Michelle Hebl, Rice U. College Explaining the Paradox of Resistance to Gay Stigma in Exploring Determinants of Organizational Emergence: Organizations | W. E. Douglas Creed, U. of Rhode Island; Institutional Perspective | Erno Tapio Tornikoski, Seinäjoki Erica Foldy, New York U. Polytechnic Strategies for Integrating Transgendered Employees Into the 4Nurturing Entrepreneurship: Does One Size Fit All? | Workplace | Raymond N.C. Trau, Deakin U. Sergey Anokhin, Case Western Reserve U. Targeting the Subtleties: Strategies for Remediating 2 Entrepreneurial Capital and the Self-employment Interpersonal Discrimination | Sarah Singletary, Rice U.; Decision | Evan Douglas, Queensland U. of Technology Michelle Hebl, Rice U. WEDNESDAY The Influence of Goal-Setting and Leader Support in Diversity 1261 B : (Paper Session) - (ENT) The Role of Vision & Passion in Entrepreneurial Activities Training:Integrating Gay and Lesbian | Eden King, Rice U.; Michelle Hebl Stacey Turner Kelly de 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 303B , Rice U.; , Rice U.; Chermont Chair: Alexander McKelvie, Jonkoping International Business , Rice U. School

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 317 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Rice U. N.C. Trau Foldy Participants: Strategic Human Resource Management The Impact of Political Skill on the Effectiveness of Employee ofEmployee on theEffectiveness Skill of Political The Impact Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room319B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1266 Quit RateFunctionality,HRMInvestments,&Innovation: Principles,Workforce Management Resource Human Rational andEmotional Systems: Work High Involvement Discussant: ConventionCenter:Room315 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1265 B B B Chair: WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 1264 to Justice Using Organizational to ExternalPressures Perspectives on Dependence Adaptation Organizational Participants: Discussant: Kentucky Rutgers U. Authors: Cornell U. Arkansas 4 in theAssessm Congruence Strategiesinthe and Competitive Integration Downstream Ranida Boonthanom Michele Kacmar Arkansas David Mohr Boston U.; Lepak Lessons from the Field| fromthe Lessons Pichler Intimidation and Exemplification | andExemplification Intimidation andTestofaTheory| Development | & FirmPerformance Ambidexterity Fit | Polici Between Workplace Technological U. Technological U. U.; Kentucky; Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh Organizations' Employees and Customers | andCustomers Employees Organizations' | Industry US Pharmaceutical Nursing Facilities | Facilities Nursing Colakoglu Organizational and Organizational Vertical Integration between Community Hospitals and Hospitals Community between Vertical Integration , NewYork U. Matthew Allen

Patricia J. Ohlott LeonardFriedman H : : ; Sarah Singletary Sven Kepes (Paper Session)-(HCM) (HR) Atul Mitra ; JasonD.Shaw , Rutgers U.; T , Deakin U. ; Jeff Ericksen eaching-oriented | : , Michigan StateU. , Michigan ; MatthewAllen (HR) Joel R.DeLuca Joel Jullet A.Davis Jullet Patrick Wright W. E. DouglasCreedW. David PLepak Atul Mitra Ne , RutgersU. Mark Meterko , U.S. Departmentof VeteransAffairs w Empirical Studies intheFieldof w Empirical Re-Visioning OrganizationalPolitics Re-Visioning , U.ofNorthern Iowa ; ShaunPichler , U.ofAlabama; , U.ofArkansas; ; Kellyde Chermont , CornellU. Niclas Leif Erhardt Jen-Pei Lo , U.ofNorthern Iowa , Center for CreativeLeadership Institutional Change in Health Care: Care: Change inHealth Institutional ☯ , IndianaU.Southeast , Cornell U.

Attributions of HR Practices | of HRPractices Attributions , Rice U. , Rice , U.of Kentucky Management Practice-oriented | , Cornell U. , Cornell U. , Cornell , U. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Alabama, , U.of , EvergreenBusinessGroup , RutgersU. , Oregon StateU. , U.S. Department ofVeterans Affairs; , NSYSU., Kaohsiung, Taiwan , NSYSU., Kaohsiung, Jim Goes es and Sexual Ori | and SexualOri es ent of Service Quality Between Quality Between ent ofService Institutional & Resource Institutional & Explain the Relationship Explain the , U.ofRhode Island , NSYSU.,Kaohsiung,Taiwan; Daniel Simonet , MichiganStateU. Suzanne Zivnuska An Exploration of Internal ofInternal AnExploration John EDelery ; BrianR. Dineen Ken Harris ; Niclas Leif Erhardt; NiclasLeif , WaldenU. ; John EDelery , RiceU. ; ChristopherCollins , Rutgers U.; Jeff Ericksen Jason D.Shaw

; Stacey Turner Gary JYoung , BradleyU.; , Nanyang , U.of Shaun International-oriented| ; Erica ; Raymond Saba , BondU.; , U. of , U. , U.of , Cornell David P , U.of

, K. , , , 318 Mississippi MNCs Connecticut John Mathieu Bradford S.Bell Participants: Discussant | Discussant Politicsand Organizational Lea Contractas of Psychological a Mediator Relationships Computer Mediat Investigating 4 4 4 Technology Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1268 Effects OverTime:InvestNowtoBenefitLater. Team Training TheForgottenFactorin Assessment: Skill Reactions to On-t Does Employer-Provided Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room323B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1267 Training Effectiveness Byron W.Eckols Zivnuska Participants: Creative Leadership Center for Creative Leadership Speakers: Creative Leadership U. ofAkron Mississippi Theme-oriented | The Transnational Solu The Transnational International StrategyImpl

of Management Boggs Connecticut Xiangmin Liu Subsidiary Persp Water? | | Justice,andWorkAttitudes Between Politics, | Dyads Team andPoliticalSkillinVirtual Choice | Explaining Motivati Russell E.Johnson C. Rosen P. Ammeter Empirical Study | Study Empirical J KevinFord School U. ofWarwick; Tavares Jean Brittain Leslie Services; John Mathieu International Experience and CEO Selection: An andCEOSelection: International Experience

Michael A. Witt Michael A. Peter Cappelli

: JS: (Paper Session)-(IM) , BondU. , St.LouisU. Ken Harris ; Christopher C. Rosen ; Chu-HsiangChang (HR, MED) ; PaulE.Levy , CenterforCreativeLeadership Raymond A Noe Eleanor Westney , U.of Akron; Brian J.Reithel Patricia J.Ohlott Xiangmin Liu Xiangmin K. Michele Kacmar Joel R.DeLuca , U. ofConnecticut , U. of Mississippi; , U. of Mississippi; , Michigan StateU. , CornellU. , Cornell U.; , Cornell Visual Presentation| , FieldAssetServices Peer HullKristensen , ; Ranida Boonthanom U. ofConnecticut; , U. of Pennsylvania , U.ofPennsylvania ective | , BradleyU. Peter Magnusson , INSEAD Optimizing Individual and Team on to Learn. | Learn. on to , CenterforCreativeLeadership; , U.ofAkron; , U.of Akron

Chu-Hsiang Chang , Cornell U. tion Reconsidered | tion Reconsidered ; JKevinFord , U. of Mississippi of Mississippi , U. Rosemary Batt , Ohio StateU. Birgitte Grogaard , Evergreen Business Group , Massachusetts Institute of Institute , Massachusetts ; JeanBrittain Leslie , Center forCreativeLeadership; Implementing Strategyin ementation:a Headquarter- ementation:a , U. ofAkron , U. ; Tammy L. Woods , U.ofAlabama he-Job Training PayOff?| Training he-Job ed Communication Media Media ed Communication ; Anthony P. Ammeter dership Effectiveness: Oil and Oil Effectiveness: dership Byron W.Eckols , U.ofAkron Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Paul E.Levy ; Rosemary Batt ; Joan C. Tavares Tammy L. Woods Tammy L. Bradford S. Bell ; BrianJ.Reithel , Copenhagen Business , St.LouisU.; , Indiana U.Southeast , MichiganStateU. ; Russell E.Johnson , Cornell U. , U. of Akron; ; Patricia J.Ohlott ; Suzanne , NorwegianSchool Glenn Morgan , U. ofAkron , , Centerfor , U.of Field Asset Christopher David , Cornell U. , Cornell , CornellU.; Joan C. Anthony , Centerfor , U. of , U. , U.of , U.of ; ; , ; , , Session Details Ð Wednesday

B4 International Transfer Pricing and Subsidiary CM: The Big Muddy: Behavioral and Affective Forecasting, Performance: The Role of Organizational Justice | Ramon Learning, Competitive Arousal, and Escalation | Gillian Ku, Paz-Vega, ITESM/EGADE London Business School Finalist--IMD Best Paper from an Under-represented Country BENT: Corporate Entrepreneurship, Corporate Network, and A Comparative Analysis of Strategies for Management of Adversity: An Organizational Learning Perspective | Ping Values in TNCs. | Anupama Mohan, U. of Warwick Kwong Yeung, Open U., Hong Kong; Steven S. Lui, City U. of Hong Kong; Chung-Ming Lau, Chinese U. of Hong Kong 1269 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Performance of Cross-border 2 ODC: More Or Less Than Give And Take: Manifested JVs Attitudes to Inter-Partner Learning in Collaboration | Paul 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Charles Hibbert Chris Huxham Sanjeev Agarwal , Strathclyde U.; , Strathclyde U. Chair: , Iowa State U. Winner of ODC Division Rupert F. Chisholm Best Theory to Discussant: Sumit Majumdar, U. of Texas, Dallas Practice Paper 4Parent Multiplicity and International Joint Venture OMT: Performance and Learning Implications of Partial Performance: Agency and Resource Perspectives | Yaping Outsourcing | Andreas Schwab, Louisiana State U.; Yves Gong, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Oded Shenkar Yadong Luo Mee-Kau Damoiseau, Louisiana State U.; James Harvey Moore, , Ohio State U.; , U. of Miami; Thongchai Srivardhana Nyaw, Lingnan U. Louisiana State U.; , Louisiana State U. 4Contextually Defined Development of International Joint 1272 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Research on Strategic Learning Ventures | Tuija Mainela, U. of Oulu; Vesa Johannes 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A2 Puhakka, U. of Oulu Facilitator: Patrick Reinmoeller, Erasmus U. Synergy, Learning, and IJV Evolution: Extending the Real B ODC: Learning Organizations: Managerial Control Options Approach | Jing Li, Simon Fraser U. Models? | Devi P Akella, Albany State U 4International Joint Venture Termination: What Matters MOC: How do firms get to know their own capabilities? | Tali Most? | Shige Makino, Chinese U. of Hong Kong; Christine M. Shimoni, Tel Aviv U.; Moshe Farjoun, New York U. Chan, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Takehiko B4MC: SMEs and Internationalisation: Planning, Manning Isobe, Kobe U. and Scanning in Performance and Support Provision | Terry 4Control and Autonomy in IJVs: Multiparty Performance Mughan, Anglia Polytechnic U.; Lester Lloyd-Reason, Anglia Impacts | Dong Chen, Loyola Marymount U.; William Polytechnic U. Newburry, Rutgers U.; Seung Ho Park, Samsung Economic TIM: Broad Search v.s. Focused Search: UK Evidence on Research Institute & CEIBS Knowledge Sourcing Strategy for Product Innovation | Ruiming Lin, London Business School 1270 4 JS: (IM, HR) Transfer of HR Systems and Practices in MNCs 1273 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Strategies for Emerging 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316B Markets Chair: Paula M Caligiuri, Rutgers U. 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A3 When in Rome…? Human Resource Management and the Facilitator: Johan Wiklund, Jonkoping International Business Performance of Foreign Firms Operating in India | Ingmar School Bjorkman, Swedish School of Economics and Business 4IM: Comparative Social Capital: Networks of Entrepreneurs Administration & Venture Capitalists in Transition Economies | Bat MNCs’ Career Management Systems and Their Contribution Batjargal, Harvard U. to Organizational Success: Comparative View | Wolfgang 4ENT: Venture Capital Decisions in China and Russia: Mayrhofer, Wirtschafts U. Wien Network Transitivity and Social Referral | Bat Batjargal, The Forgotten Employees: Causes and Effects of Locals’ Harvard U. Satisfaction with Local-Expatriate Pay | Jaime Alfonso 4IM: Pitfalls and Promises of Transition:Understanding Bonache, Carlos III U. Managerial Social Capital in Emerging Economies | Wendi An Institutional Perspective on the Role of Expatriates in L. Adair, Cornell U.; Christopher Anderson, Syracuse U. Diffusing HRM across the MNC | Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC 4 ENT: New Ventures in Emerging Markets: Business School; Mark Fenton-O'Creevy, Open U.; Paul Comprehensive Review and Future Directions | Toyah L. Gooderham, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Miller, Texas A&M U. Administration 1274 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Strategy and Health Care

Transfer of International Executive Performance Management WEDNESDAY Carlos Martin-Rios 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A4 Systems in European and U.S. MNCs | , Facilitator: Robert C. Myrtle, U. of Southern California Rutgers U., New Brunswick; Paula M Caligiuri, Rutgers U. BHCM: Human Resources Management, Organizational 1271 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Strategic Learning Culture, and Hospital Performance | S Robert Hernandez, U. 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A1 of Alabama, Birmingham; Elena Platonova, U. of Alabama, Facilitator: Eric Goodman, Kaplan U. Birmingham; Richard Shewchuk, U. of Alabama, Birmingham

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 319 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Performance B OMT: Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB3 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 1277 4 BPS: Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB2 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 1276 4 4 BPS: Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB1 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 1275 B HCM: BPS: BPS: BPS: OM: BPS: BPS: John R.Nevin Benjamin Fraser Nicolaj Siggelkow Victorian (Australian) Public Health System. | | PublicHealthSystem. (Australian) Victorian Jambulingam Employ Different Market Strategies? | Strategies? Market Different Employ Raymond Harbridge Stanton Gakuin U.; Consequences ForStrate Consequences California; Krishnan Srinivasan Reece Aaron Alabama, Tuscaloosa; Diversification Strategy, and Firm Performance | Firm Performance Strategy, and Diversification Hagedoorn State U.; Management; Wan Thomas Fritz from Civil Lawsuits | Lawsuits from Civil | Performance on Acquisition Feedback| Performance and Diversification | and Diversification West Lafayette Shaver Conditions of Supplier-Buyer Interdependence | Interdependence of Supplier-Buyer Conditions Variability in Performance | Performance Variability in | Firms Japanese Established Meta-Analysis | Meta-Analysis HCM: IM: Diseconomies of Managingin Diseconomies Complementarity and Locational ofStrategic The Effects Imp and Survival Performance ofMerg Performance Financial Activity from ChangeandAcquisition Organizational Simulating Trust Restoration Behavior And Its Behavior Simulating TrustRestoration The Challenges for HRM an The Challengesfor

: : : Impact of Fairness and Trust Impact ofFairnessand , Thunderbird, The Garvin SchoolofInternational (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Exploring The Effect of Corporate Strategy on Strategy TheEffectofCorporate Exploring Large of andPerformance Patterns Diversification T Radical Environmental Transformation, Corporate Corporate Transformation, Environmental Radical , U.ofMinnesota eaching-oriented | Greg SYoung James Douglas Orton Tony W.Tong , La Trobe U.; Do Not-for-Profit and For-Profit Nursing Homes Nursing andFor-Profit Do Not-for-Profit Hans Van KranenburgHans Van , ICICI Bank Sydney Finkelstein Yoshitaka Fukui , ArizonaStateU.; , Maastricht U.;

, U.ofAlabama,Tuscaloosa , International U.Bremen Daph , St. Joseph'sU.; , U. of Wisconsin, Madison , U. ofWisconsin, Andreas Bausch , LaTrobeU.; , Wharton School ne Yiu , LaTrobe U.; ☯ Jamie P. Eggers Jamie P. John Mezias Timothy Bartram Louis Marino , State U. ofNewYork, Buffalo , North CarolinaStateU. Management Practice-oriented | , Chinese U.ofHongKong Richard NOsborn Dinesh Venkiteshwaran Organizational EthicsandTrust Acquisition Strategy and Acquisition Strategy Strategy and Performance gic Alliance Outcomes | Alliance Outcomes gic , Aoyama GakuinU. Rekha Krishnan Joan DPenner-Hahn , Dartmouth College, Dartmouth , MichiganTechnologicalU. Terese Garreffa Ravi Kathuria Jay Kim , MaastrichtU.; Tatsuo Ushijima d Performance inthe d Performance , InternationalU.Bremen; Acquisitions: Evidence Evidence Acquisitions: onLoyaltyUnderVarying Sandra Leggat , U.ofMiami; lications of Exploration ofExploration lications ers and Acquisitions – A ers andAcquisitions , U.ofAlabama; , U.ofPennsylvania; , La Trobe U.; , U.ofSouthern Jullet A.Davis , Chapman U.; , Chapman , Wayne StateU. , Tilburg U.; , Tilburg , La TrobeU. John Pauline J Myles , Aoyama International-oriented| , LaTrobeU.; Thani , PurdueU., , Wayne William P Joshua Krishnan , U.of


320 RM: ODC: TIM: Sustainability Communication 4 ENT: Facilitator: Tapa2-TableB4 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 1278 Facilitator: Tapa 3-TableC3 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 1281 B PNP: Facilitator: Tapa3-TableC2 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 1280 B OCIS: Facilitator: Tapa3-TableC1 8:30am -10:20amHiltonHawaiianVillage: 1279 TIM: TIM: MOC: Theme-oriented | OM: OB: Boston U. Pantheon AssasParisII; Altman Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen Business & Firm Context on Product & Process Improvement | Improvement Process & & FirmContextonProduct Antecedents to Cooperation toCooperation Antecedents RMIT U. Richard C. PetersRichard C. Timothy Pett Spiritually Sustainable Enterprise. | SustainableEnterprise. Spiritually International; Paola Cillo | Publishers VideoGame A StudyofU.S. during Organizational Change | Change Organizational during Force Academy; Power of Stylistic Innovation| Power ofStylistic Partners | the relation between sc between the relation of WesternOntario B. Bouncken Maria ChiaraDi Guardo IESE Business School IESE Business Partnerships: A Partnerships: Balanced Behaviors | Behaviors Strategy | Atlantic U. U. MSR: Improving Factorial Survey Improving FactorialSurvey M Harmonizing theOrganizationa Activitiesand Projects, R&D forInnovation: Organizing | and KnowledgeTransferinAlliances. Ambiguity OCIS: Modeling SME Performance: Impact of Strategic Action of StrategicAction Impact SME Performance: Modeling Scientific Controversies as aPRProblem?-Managing Controversies Scientific Conceptualizing Ethnicit Conceptualizing

Multimarket Contact Gets You Close: Additional Close: GetsYou Contact Multimarket Network Effects, Vertical Integration and Performance: Effects, VerticalIntegrationandPerformance: Network : : : : Performance Measurement OfInter-Firm E- OfInter-Firm Measurement Performance Motivation to Perform Organizational Citizenship Citizenship Organizational Motivation toPerform (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Wealth Maximization, Self Realization, andthe SelfRealization, Wealth Maximization, , London MetropolitanU.; Carolyn Gardner Surinder Kahai Peter Groenewegen Sheryl WinstonSmith E-mail at Work: A Cause for Concern?| Causefor E-mail atWork:A David MPorter,Jr. Giovanni Valentini , Bocconi U. Alvaro Espejo Alvaro

Eric B.Dent , Wichita State U.; , Wichita StateU.; , Ernst-Moritz-Arndt U.Greifswald; Visual Presentation|

Ed Vos , FloridaAtlanticU.; , State U.ofNewYork, Binghamton , U.of Waikato , CagliariU. Jacques Rojot ience and its publics | and its publics ience , Radford U. , U.of North Carolina, Pembroke Collaboration and Technology and HumanCapital Technology and Technology and Technology Alliances , U. Adolfo Ibanez; , U.Adolfo Scorecard Approach | Approach Scorecard , Free U. , Free y, Justice, andResistance y, Justice, , IESE; , HowardU. , Gustavus Aldolphus College , Gustavus Aldolphus between Multimarket Firms | Firms between Multimarket James AWolff Rossella Cappetta Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Frank Bournois ethods: AMultimedia Ahmad Glover l System of Meanings:The ofMeanings:The l System Bruno Cassiman John Stephan James RBarker , U.ofParis II Byunggon Yoo Pablo Cardona , Suhaib Riaz Witchita State Maja Horst , U.of , TouroU. , BocconiU.; Fang Zhao

Yochanan , Florida , Air , IESE; Ricarda , , U. , , ,

Session Details Ð Wednesday

OCIS: Gender, Technology and Supplemental Work-at- MED Officers, Executive Committee members, country liaisons, and home: A Critical Review | Peggy Dwyer, U. of Central Florida; guests - please join us for a review of the program and future Carol Stoak Saunders, U. of Central Florida planning for the division! OCIS: An Empirical Study of Information Systems Sourcing Organizer: J. B. Arbaugh, U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Steven Armstrong Decisions from a Resource-Based Perspective | Emilio Host: , U. of Hull Alvarez , U. of Complutense De Madrid 1285 B: (Paper Session) - (MED) Managerial Knowledge and HR: B Source of IT Capabilities and HRM in Motivating Skill Development Effective IT Usage | Chei-Sian Lee, U. of Illinois, Chicago; 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 2 Chay Hoon Lee, Nanyang Business School Chair: Ann L Cunliffe, U. of New Mexico B OCIS: Virtual Presence and Real Performance: Impact of BForced Ranking: Who is Attracted to it? A Study of Media Use on Performance Evaluations | Jeanine W. Performance Management System Preferences | Brian D. Turner, Georgetown U.; Jean A Grube, Medical College of Blume, Indiana U., Bloomington; Timothy Baldwin, Indiana U., Wisconsin Bloomington; Robert S. Rubin, DePaul U. BThe Learning Conference | Ib Ravn, Learning Lab Denmark 1282 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Technology and Inter- 2 Four Levels of Learning: A Framework for Preparing Organizational Systems Managers and Leaders | Donald L Adolphson, Brigham 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C4 William H Baker Facilitator: William John Lekse, Babson College Young U.; , Brigham Young U. B ONE: An Empirical Study of the Link between A Prescription for Experiential Executive Skill Development J. Duane Hoover Environmental Sustainability and Information Systems | in MBA Programs | , Texas Tech U. Nardia Haigh Andrew Griffiths , U. of Queensland; , U. of 1286 : (Paper Session) - (MOC) New Frontiers in Trust Queensland Research: Online Groups, Boundary Spanners, and BOCIS: Effective Management of Enterprise Architecture: Emotions Wai Fong Boh Competencies, Maturity and Impacts | , 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316C Nanyang Technological U.; Daniel Yellin, IBM Research Explores issues such as trust in online groups and among boundary TIM: Knowledge Integration and the Development of IT spanners, as well as the role of affect and mood on trust. Capabilities: Configurations of ERP Adopters | Andrea Chair: Heather C. Vough, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Masini, London Business School; Luk N Van Wassenhove, Online Communication and Social Dilemmas: How Media INSEAD Influences Trust, Cooperation and Fairness | Liuba Belkin, OMT: Interorganizational Monitoring: Processes, Choices and Rutgers U.; Charles E Naquin, U. of Notre Dame; Terri R. Outcomes | Giuseppe Labianca, Emory U.; Jim Fairbank, Kurtzberg, Rutgers U. Pennsylvania State U., Erie Cognitive Appraisal And Affective Reactions To Succession OCIS: Strategic Groups, Resources Strategies, and Events And Trust Judgments In New Leaders | Gary A. Performance in B2B Electronic Marketplaces | Christina Ballinger, Purdue U.; David Schoorman, Purdue U. Soh, Nanyang Technological U.; Shobha S Das, Nanyang 2BTrust and Control Mechanisms in Organizational Boundary Technological U.; Kim Huat Goh, Nanyang Technological U. Spanners’ Cognitions and Behaviors. | Sanjukta Kusari, Case Western Reserve U.; Daniel A. Cohen, Case Western 1283 : (Paper Session) - (MC) The Consulting Relationship B Reserve U.; Jagdip Singh, Case Western Reserve U.; Detelina 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 314 Marinova Chair: Donald D Warrick, U. of Colorado, Boulder , Case Western Reserve U. Discussant: Tjai M. Nielsen, George Washington U. The Role Of Mood And Target-Specific Information In The Gary A. 2B4 Purchasing Management Consultants – From Formation Of Trust Judgments In Work Groups | Ballinger David Lehman David Personal Ties to Organizational Procedures | Andreas Werr, , Purdue U.; , Purdue U.; Schoorman Stockholm School of Economics; Frida Pemer, Stockholm , Purdue U. School of Economics 1287 : (Paper Session) - (MOC) Language & Metaphor in 4Establishing the Play Frame: Humor in the Client- Organizational Life: Its Role in Community Identity, Consultant Relationship | Timothy Clark, Durham U.; Andrew Strategy, & Coordination Sturdy , Imperial College London 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 317A 2 Virtual Coopetition: Mutual Value Preservation in the This session explores the power of language in maintaining identity, Management Consulting Industry | Abhijit Mandal, U. of understanding strategy and decision-making, and improving Don Antunes Warwick; , IMD coordination. WEDNESDAY B4 Education and Experience as Antecedents of the Chair: Martin L. Martens, Concordia U. Performance of Management Consultants | Sascha Leonard Language as a Coordinating Mechanism: How Linguistic Schmidt, EBS/U.St. Gallen; Ansgar Richter, European Memes Help Direct Appropriate Action | Chip Heath, Business School Stanford U.; Victor Seidel, U. of Oxford 1284 : (MED) MED Executive Committee Breakfast 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sea Pearl Suite 3-4

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 321 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Speakers: Leadership Transformational Motivational ProcessesUnderlying Through Stories Life inand Organizations: BringingOrganizationsto Discussant: Michigan, AnnArbor Motivation to Lead, MotivationtoFollow:TheRoleofSelf- Motivation to A Self-Interest? Diminish Leaders Do Transformational of Transformation An Evaluation Chair: ConventionCenter:Room313A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1289 | Life Social Reveal Work: HowNarratives Stories about | ofLeadership Narratives Moments: Revealing Doing DirtyWork| in ofImpact Narratives | atWork Stories ofCourage | ofThriving Narratives Life in of Narratives to andIntroduction Welcome Organizers: ConventionCenter:Room301A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1288 Market: and theStock Metaphor discursive ofthe analysis Strategy asmetaphor.Acritical 4 Participants: Arbor of Michigan,Ann Emory U. Michael Grant Michigan, AnnArbor Tim Pauling Linguistic Framing of CEO Succession in Large Japanese Japanese inLarge Succession of CEO Linguistic Framing Kemerling Ann Arbor; Grant Business Administration Aston U. Wilfrid LaurierU.; Michelle Trahan Wrobel Role of SelfConcept| Role Regulatory Focus in Leadership Processes | Processes inLeadership Focus Regulatory Priming Approach| Nonconscious | Organizations and Biases Investor | Commentary, strategy talk| construction of | Agency Human Firms: Rules,Identities,and Chung AngU. Ilan U.; Technology; Columbia U.; Columbia U.; Mary Ann Glynn Waterloo; Spreitzer Arbor;

Andreas W. Richter Andreas W. : JS: (OB) , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor; ; Krysia A.Wrobel Jane E Dutton T , Emory U.; Dina Van Dijk Scott Sonenshein (MOC, OMT, OB) eaching-oriented | Lloyd Sandelands Mary Ann Glynn , U.of Michigan, AnnArbor , Arbor U. ofMichigan,Ann Gretchen M.Spreitzer

Shawn G. Komar U , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor , U.of Michigan,Ann Ginelle Nagel , AnnArbor U. ofMichigan, nderstanding the Antecedents and nderstanding theAntecedents Eero Vaara Eero Maia Young Oliver Sheldon

, U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor , EmoryU. Jane EDutton ; ClaireKemerling Heather AnneMacDonald Mary AnnGlynn , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor; , Ben-Gurion U.,Negev Scott Sonenshein ☯ , Aston U. Management Practice-oriented | , Swedish School of Economics and , SwedishSchoolofEconomics Giles Hirst , U.of Michigan, AnnArbor; , Emory U. Narratives ofLifein Narratives , U.of California, LosAngeles , Emory U. , U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor , U. ofMichigan,Ann , U. of Waterloo; , Monica C. Worline Monica C. , CornellU.; U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor U. ofMichigan, Saku Mantere al Leadership Theory:The Leadership al , Price Trajectories, Media Trajectories, Price , U.ofMichigan,AnnArbor U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; U. ofMichigan, Tim Pauling , AstonU.; ; Amy Michelle Trahan , U. ofMichigan, AnnArbor , Emory U. ; GinelleNagel ; Jane E Dutton Douglas J. Brown ; Monica C.Worline Michael W.Morris , U. ofMichigan,Ann Daniel Ames Ad Lisa M. Keeping , U. of Waterloo am Michael , HelsinkiU.of , U. ofMichigan, Rolf Van Dick , EmoryU. Ronit Kark Krysia A. Gretch Hyosun Kim International-oriented| , U.of , U.of ; Adam Claire , , U.of en en , Amy , , U. ; , Bar M. , , , 322 Presenters: Outcomes LMXonWork Influenceof (LMX):The Exchange Member Events Theory Organizational After-life Leader-Member Exchangeand Leader-Member AutonomyandDelegationonJobSatisfaction: of The Impacts 2 4 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room325A 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1290 Chair: ConventionCenter:Room321B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1292 Characteristics Model: TheoryandJob Events Affective Characteristics Merging Job Design: AReturntoanInteractionalApproach Affect andJob of TheImpact Event: asanAffective Failure Feedback Chair: ConventionCenter:Room312 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1291 McAndrews Little Speakers: Hong Kong Lloyd D.Restubog Waterloo Presenters: Discussant: Discussant: Discussant: Catherine Daus SkillsNET Corporation Participants: Edwardsville Virginia CommonwealthU. Theme-oriented | The Role of LMX in the Psychological Contract Breach - Breach Contract Psychological of LMXinthe The Role Upward Influence andWork Influence Upward De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde De LaSalle-CollegeofSaintBenilde | Australia; Illinois U.,Edwardsville Daus Ronald H Humphrey of LMX and Organizational Support | Support and Organizational of LMX Jiao Display ofOrganizational LMX | The Roleof Interdependent and Independent Influences | Leader Affect,GoalOrientat Oklahoma; Connelly Restubog Jantan Ang DeGroot Subordinates’ Performance Relationship | Relationship Performance Subordinates’ Laura McAndrews Little

Cam Caldwell Ronald Fry HumphreyRonald H : : JS: , - ; , McMaster U.; (Paper Session)-(OB) (Paper Session)-(ODC) , Southern Illinois U.,Edwardsville; ; Ronit Kark , - Michael D.Mumford (OB, HR) ; Changquan Jiao Mahfooz AlamAnsari , Oklahoma StateU.

Mahfooz AlamAnsari Giles Hirst Mary Uhl-Bien George W.Hay JBrass Daniel , U.of Oklahoma; Scott A. Krebs Scott A. Shane Connelly Shane , U.of Queensland; Blaine H. Gaddis , SouthernIllinoisU.,Edwardsville

Visual Presentation| , CaseWesternReserveU. , OklahomaStateU. , U.of Queensland Job Characteristics and Affective Job Characteristics , U.of Houston, Victoria , BarIlanU. ; Timothy DeGroot Rick DHackett , AstonU. Ziguang Chen , VirginiaCommonwealth U. ; Tiffany Cage , U. of CentralFlorida , U.ofKentucky

, VirginiaCommonwealthU. , McDonald's Corp./BenedictineU. , U.of Queensland; , Oklahoma StateU.; , U. ofOklahoma , McMaster U. , McMaster CitizenshipBehavior| Michael D.Mumford with Affective Events Theory | Events Theory with Affective New Developments inLeader- New Developments , U.ofOklahoma , SkillsNETCorporation Outcomes: The Mediating Role TheMediating Outcomes: ; DouglasJ. Brown Prashant Bordia Time, Mergers, Exits and Exits Time, Mergers, ion, andFeedback| , U.ScienceMalaysia; the Conceptualization and the Conceptualization , U. Science Malaysia , U.Science Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , McMasterU. , CityU.ofHongKong ; Ziguang Chen ; Ronald H Humphrey , Southern IllinoisU., , Oklahoma StateU. Magdalene Chooi Hwa Tiffany Cage ; BlaineH. Gaddis Robert L. Tang ; Laura Simon Lloyd D. , U. ofSouth Timothy , U.of Catherine , U.of , City U.of Changquan Shane ; Simon , Southern Muhamad , ; , , Session Details Ð Wednesday

Conflict in Mergers: Integrating Psychological, Social and Charnchai Tangpong, U. of Pennsylvania; Michael D Cultural Perspectives on Merger Failure | Katty Marmenout, Michalisin, Southern Illinois U., Carbondale; Arlyn J Melcher, McGill U. Southern Illinois U., Carbondale What Do We Know About Business Exit? | Carolin Decker, U. Firm Status, Partner Selection and Alliance Activities in the of Paderborn IPO Underwriting Syndicate | Guoli Chen, Pennsylvania State Not Going Gentle into That Good Night: Pursuing U. Ian Walsh Organizational Afterlife | , Boston College 1296 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) Beyond the Routine: 24Time To Change, Time For Change: How was Time Used Resources, Routines, and Reproduction to Change a Global Company? | Heejin Lee, U. of Melbourne; 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302B Ji-Hwan Lee, Ewha Women's U.; Jiman Lee, Yon Sei U.; Chair: Joseph P. Broschak, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Chong Ju Choi, City U. Discussant: Sandra Rothenberg, Rochester Institute of Technology 1293 Strategic Issues in Applying Organizational Routines in Analyzing Organizations | : (Paper Session) - (ODC) Markus C Becker Organizational Change , Centre National de Recherche Scientifique; Francesco Zirpoli, Salerno U.; Pasquale Salvatore, Salerno U. 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322B Chair: David Jamieson, Pepperdine U. The Dynamics of Routines and Capabilities in New Ventures | Yan Gong Ted Baker Discussant: Miriam Y Lacey, Pepperdine U. , U. of Wisconsin, Madison; , U. of Anne S Miner Managerial Attention and Firm Performance following an Connecticut; , U. of Wisconsin, Madison Environmental Shift | Theresa Cho, Rutgers U. Dynamic Capabilities: Operational Flexibility, Organizational Design, and Information Sharing | Sharyn D Gardner, BEffects of Organizational Life Cycle and Organizational Siah-Hwee Ang College of New Jersey Slack on International Growth Strategies | , M.V. Shyam Kumar U. of Auckland; Jason Huang, U. of Auckland Change in Large Organizations | , City U. of Connectedness and Relatability of Strategic Change New York, Baruch College Processes | Florian Kappler, U. of St. Gallen 1297 : (OMT) Organizations in the Local Context 4Emerging Credit Card Markets: A Comparison of Russia 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313B and the US | Alya Guseva, Boston U. Chair: Pino G. Audia, U. of California, Berkeley Discussant: Howard Aldrich, U. of North Carolina 1294 : (Paper Session) - (OM) Total Quality Management Entrepreneurship in Local Context: Banks and Retail Firms in 8:30am - 10:20am Hilton Hawaiian Village: South Pacific 3 John Freeman, U. of California, Berkeley; Andrea McGee Prud'homme the United States | Chair: , Michigan State U. Pino G. Audia, U. of California, Berkeley; Nydia MacGregor, U. B A Critical Review of Six Sigma in Organizational of California, Berkeley Operations | Rodney McAdam, U. of Ulster , Jordanstown Agglomeration Economies & Embeddedness in the Local Management Standards Adoption Benefits: Towards a Theory Community: Evidence from US Footwear | Pino G. Audia, U. of Performance Attribution in Bandwagons | Gavin Dick, U. of California, Berkeley; Christopher I. Rider, U. of California, of Kent, Canterbury Berkeley Method and Context Perspectives on Learning and Kinship in the Shadow of the Corporation: Clyde River Knowledge Creation in Quality | Adrian Choo, Rensselaer Shipbuilding Inter-Builder Network, 1711-1990 | Paul Polytechnic Institute; Kevin Linderman, Carlson School of Ingram, Columbia U.; Arik Lifschitz, Columbia U. Management; Roger Schroeder, Carlson School of Corp. Demography & Wage Inequality: Vertical & Horizontal Management Sorting as Sources of Reg'l Wage Inequalit | Jesper B Solidifying TQM Theory and Measures: A Replication and Sorensen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Olav Extension | Hale Kaynak, U. of Texas, Pan American; Janet L. Sorenson, London Business School Hartley, Bowling Green State U. Participants: John Freeman, U. of California, Berkeley; Pino G. Audia ; Nydia MacGregor Choose Your Friends Wisely: , U. of California, Berkeley , U. of 1295 : (Paper Session) - (OMT) ; Christopher I. Rider Governance and Interorganizational Relations California, Berkeley , U. of California, Berkeley; Paul Ingram, Columbia U.; Arik Lifschitz, Columbia U.; 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 302A Jesper B Sorensen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Olav Chair: Stephanie Bertels, U. of Calgary Sorenson, London Business School Discussant: Anne Parmigiani, U. of Oregon 4Markets, Hierarchies, and Beyond: Configurations of Inter- 1298 B4 : (PNP) Challenges in Volunteer Organizational Governance Mechanisms | Mark Ebers, U. Management WEDNESDAY zu Koeln; Leon A. G. Oerlemans, Tilburg U. 8:30am - 10:20am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room Trust and Formal Contracts in Interorganizational Organizer: Matthew Liao-Troth, Western Washington U. Relationships - Substitutes and Complements | Thomas Management Models for Engaging Volunteers in State Mellewigt, U. of Paderborn; Anoop Madhok, U. of Utah; Government Agencies: Challenges and Recommendatio | Antoinette Weibel, Zurich U. Sarah Jane Rehnborg, U. of Texas, Austin; Tom McVey, U. of 2A New Breed of Suppliers in the New Economy: A Texas, Austin Longitudinal Case Study of the U.S. Computer Industry |

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 323 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Erasmus U. Matthew Liao-Troth 4 Discussants: Chair: WaikikiBeach:AkakaFalls/IaoNeedle Room 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 1300 Bridgi Social Entrepreneurship: ofTrustees andBoards Performance, Structures, Governance Institutional andLega Theories, Models,and Chair: WaikikiBeach:KahukuRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 1299 | Administrator Volunteer Best No One | of Volunteers Contract Psychological Managing the Mana Streamlining Volunteer TheBusinessImpact inVolunteering: Involvement Corporate DesignandImpl Lines: Fine of Challenges NGOs: inPolish Management Volunteer | inKazakhstan Management of Volunteer Challenges Performance and Structures Governance Ground? Trustees: Common Cultural Issues BusinessEthicsandCross- Cultural Issues:International Valentina Mele Participants: Rottig Christensen Tschirhart Institute ofManagement Jeffrey L. Brudney McVey

Aigerim Ibrayeva Valenti Smith Washington U. Erasmus U. between Entrepreneurial and Nonprofit Ventures | Ventures Nonprofit and Entrepreneurial between | HigherEducation in Private | of | of aNationalDayService | Volunteer Programs Employee | Formalization the TNC in the Global Governance | Global Governance the TNCin Simmons U. U.; U.; Luce Dorothée Baumann Scherer Quinnipiac U. Nezhina Practices at Nonprofit Organizations | Organizations at Nonprofit Practices Global Rules and Private Actors: Towards a New Roleof Towardsa Actors: Rules andPrivate Global Lynda St. Clair James LPerry , Florida Atlantic U.

William ASodeman J. Richard Harrison B , U.ofTexas,Austin , TCU , Indiana U./Purdue U.; 4 T , U.of Houston, ClearLake JS: eaching-oriented | , SyracuseU. , U.ofZurich; , U.of Georgia;

Sarah JaneRehnborg , Indiana U. Eleanor O'Higgins (PNP, SIM)

: , BocconiU. (Paper Session)-(SIM)

, U.ofGeorgia Angela L.Bies , Western Washington U. , Kazakhstan Institute of Management ofManagement , KazakhstanInstitute , IndianaU./PurdueU. Valentina Mele , BryantU l EnvironmentInfluence , U.of Zurich ; Angela L.Bies Roles of DirectorsandTrustees| Roles ; LyndaSt.Clair ; James LPerry ☯ Guido Palazzo Boards ofDirectors/Boards Management Practice-oriented | ; TamaraNezhina , U.ofTexas,Dallas Jeffrey L.Brudney , Hawai`i Pacific U. , Hawai`iPacific ; JoySmith ementation Challenges Challenges in ementation gement Through ICTs. The Case gement ThroughICTs.The Ma , U. ofCollegeDublin ng the Governance Gap ng theGovernance ; AigerimIbrayeva Nancy R. Kucinski , TexasA&MU. Robert KChristensen tthew Liao-Troth , U.of Texas, Austin , BocconiU. Mary Tschirhart , Indiana U./Purdue U. MNEs andCross- , U.ofLausanne; , Texas A&M U. , IndianaU./PurdueU. , Bryant U Lucas C.P.M.Meijs Andreas Georg Patrice Luoma ; LucasC.P.M.Meijs , U. ofGeorgia , U. of Georgia; , U.of s onGovernance ; Robert K , Western , Kazakhstan , Kazakhstan International-oriented| ; Daniel , Hardin , Syracuse ; Tom ; Mary Rebecca Joy , Indiana Tamara , ; Alix ; , ; , 324 Responsibility: TheoryBuildingandTesting Performance: Empirical Studies Performance: 2 2 Re and Managerial, Traditional, Chair: WaikikiBeach:Kohala/KonaRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 1301 4 4 B Electronic Networks: Identifying a Constant Source of Source a Constant Identifying Networks: Electronic B Chair: ConventionCenter:Room304B 8:30am -10:20amHawaii 1303 B Governance ofCorporate of theImpact Study An Empirical Discussants: Chair: WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 8:30am -10:20amSheraton 1302 B Johnson Jr. Discussants: Discussant: Technology Pepperdine U. Theme-oriented | B 4 Coordination Processes for Multi- for Processes Coordination

Wokutch Responsibility | | Responsibility Performance: An Examination of the Role of Time| oftheRole AnExamination Performance: | Performance Social ResponsibilityandFinancial Social Responsibility | Structural Holes Prior to Entry | Entry Holes Priorto Structural | Performance Social and RiskonCorporate Business Ethics | Business Ethics | Perspective A Cross-Cultural Collin Short Brock U.; California, Berkeley; Wong Northeastern U.; New SouthWales; Carolina Jr. Oklahoma, Norman Guido Palazzo Reward for Increasing Legitimacy | Legitimacy forIncreasing Reward | Performance Design Integration | Integration Design Global CorporateSocialResponsibility| | Ethics Discourse through Integrity Corporate Social Performance and Firm Financial and FirmFinancial Performance Social Corporate TMTs onFirm Good PayOff?:TheEffectof Does Being

Shaping Activism Agendas: Agendas: Shaping Activism Social Performance and the Costs of Capital: The Costs andthe Social Performance and Corporate Strategies Societal Congruent , Franklin&MarshallCollege; Toward a Culture-specific Approach to International toInternational Approach aCulture-specific Toward and Gene Moral Philosophy

Garry L. Adams Stefan Haefliger Jennifer Mencl

: An Inductive Typology of Corporate Social Social of Corporate An InductiveTypology Business Ethics in MNCs: Integr inMNCs: Business Ethics (Paper Session)-(TIM) , U.ofCalifornia, Berkeley; : : (Paper Session)-(SIM) (Paper Session)-(SIM) Steven White , VirginiaTech , U. of Missouri, St. Louis , U. ofMissouri,St. Barbara Sainty Marc Bonnet Marc BuonoAnthony F

, PortlandStateU. Visual Presentation| , U. ofLausanne Darrell G.Coleman David A Ralston Kunal Basu Michael Behnam , U.ofMinnesota, Duluth Jiyun Wu , Auburn U. Philip E.Tetlock , U.ofSt. Gallen Alan O'Sullivan , INSEAD , ISEOR, U.ofLyon Davide Secchi , BrockU. , BentleyCollege , VirginiaTech; Qualitative Studies of Qualitative Studies , OxfordU.; Templeton College, lational Theories of Corporate of Corporate lational Theories Andrew Spicer Corporate Social Corporate Corporate Social Corporate Institutional Investors and Institutional Investors Selected forBestPaper Proceedings rational Subculture Theory: Theory: Subculture rational Margaret Ormiston Chris Robertson , U.ofOklahoma

Jenny Gibb supplier Collaborative supplier Collaborative , U.of Utah , SuffolkU. , U.of California, Berkeley , U.ofOttawa Mark PSharfman Dirk UlrichGilbert , InsubriaU. ating Compliance and ating Compliance ; Karen E.Schnietz W. TrexlerProffitt Richard E ; Julius H , U. ofWaikato ,

Paul Dunn U. ofSouth , , U.of Elaine M. Jeremy , U. of , U. , U.of , , Session Details Ð Wednesday

The Development of a Market: Insights from Mobile Catholic U. of Leuven; Bruno J, M, T van Pottelsberghe, U. Communications | Shahzad Ansari, Erasmus U.; Kamal Libre de Bruxelles; Koenraad Debackere, Leuven U.; Paolo Munir, U. of Cambridge Landoni, Politecnico di Milano; Eléftherios Sapsalis, U. Libre Julie Callaert 2Business Value of IT: The Case of e-Justice in Singapore | Bruxelles; , Catholic U. of Leuven Hung-Pheng Tan, National U. of Singapore; Michael T.K. Tan, Analyzing the Effectiveness of University Technology National U. of Singapore; K S Raman, National U. of Singapore Transfer: Implications for Entrepreneurship | Donald Siegel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1304 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Modular Product Design Shifting governance practices and interactions: Recent 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306A developments at universities in Japan | Tomohiro Ijichi, Chair: Ranjita Majumder Singh, U. of Toronto Hitotsubashi U. Discussant: Sebastian Fixson, U. of Michigan Martin Modularity as an Entry Strategy:The invasion of new niches in Are Co-active Researchers on Top of Their Class? | Meyer, SPRU/ U. of Sussex the LAN equipment industry | Stefano Brusoni, Bocconi U.; Participants: Rory O'Shea, U. of College Dublin; Bruno J, M, T van Roberto Fontana, Bocconi U. Pottelsberghe, U. Libre de Bruxelles; Donald Siegel, Rensselaer B4 Design Complexity, Vertical Disintegration and Polytechnic Institute; Thomas J Allen, Massachusetts Institute of Knowledge Organization In the Semiconductor Industry | Technology; Koenraad Debackere, Leuven U.; Tomohiro Ijichi, Ludovic Dibiaggio, Ceram Sophia Antipolis Hitotsubashi U.; Martin Meyer, SPRU/ U. of Sussex; Kenneth BModular Design and Tech. Innovation | R Balachandra, Morse, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Paolo Landoni, Northeastern U. Politecnico di Milano; Julie Callaert, Catholic U. of Leuven; Making Variety: An Empirical Study on the Role of Component Eléftherios Sapsalis, U. Libre Bruxelles Status and Organizational Constraints | Fabrizio Perretti, Giacomo Negro Bocconi University / SDA Bocconi; , Bocconi Wednesday 8:40AM University / SDA Bocconi 1307 B JS: (OB, PNP) Defense Finance & Accounting 1305 : (Paper Session) - (TIM) Strategy, Technology, & Service & U.S. Postal Service: Building a Quality Innovation Performance & Culture 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 307A Bettina Lynda Bastian 8:40am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 Chair: , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Chairs: Nicholas Mathys, DePaul U.; Kenneth R Thompson, Lausanne Tomi MM Laamanen DePaul U. Discussant: , Helsinki U. of Technology Presenters: Edward Kufeldt, Dept. of Defense - Defense Finance & 2 B The Impact of Acquisitions on the Innovation Accounting Service; Ann C. Wright, United States Postal Service; Performance of Inventors at Semiconductor Companies | Mark A. Abramson, IBM Center for the Business of Government Rahul Kapoor, INSEAD; Kwanghui Lim, National U. of Singapore A Combinative & Human Capital Perspective on Knowledge Wednesday 8:45AM Creation: Evidence from Inventor Mobility | Sharon F. 1308 CAU: (CAU) The Spices of Diversity: Does Matusik, U. of Colorado, Boulder; Michael B. Heeley, Colorado Instructor Race or Gender Impact the Dynamics of Lawrence A. Plummer School of Mines; , U. of Colorado, Diversity of Courses? Boulder 8:45am - 10:15am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Puna Room Exploring Interaction among Factors Influencing Organizers: Carol P Harvey, Assumption College; Carole Information Systems Investment | Yajiong Xue, U. of Rhode Gwendolyn Parker, Seton Hill U.; M. June Allard, Worcester State Island; Huigang Liang, Florida Atlantic U.; William R. Boulton, College Auburn U 1309 Emonet: The Network for the Study of Does Vertical Integration Impact Technological Search? CAU: (CAU) Emotion in Organizations Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry | Nandini Lahiri, Gautam Ahuja 8:45am - 10:15am Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waimea Canyon Room Indian School of Business ; , U. of Michigan Organizer: Neal M. Ashkanasy, U. of Queensland 1306 B: (TIM) Entrepreneurial Universities: Constituents, Consequences and Concerns Wednesday 8:50AM 8:30am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313C Chair: Carl Schramm, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation 1310 JS: (OCIS, CMS) Critical Insights into the Aldo Geuna Organizational Implications of Enterprise Resource

Discussant: , SPRU/ U. of Sussex WEDNESDAY Creating the entrepreneurial university: the case of MIT | Rory Planning Systems O'Shea, U. of College Dublin; Thomas J Allen, Massachusetts 8:50am - 10:20am Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318A Institute of Technology; Kenneth Morse, Massachusetts Institute Chairs: David Stephen Grant, U. of Sydney; Bill Harley, U. of of Technology Melbourne; Christopher Wright, U. of New South Wales Scientific and Entrepreneurial Effectiveness of European Discussant: JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Universities: An Empirical Assessment | Bart Van Looy, Critical Insights into the Organizational Implications of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems | David Stephen

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 325 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Wagner of Sydney Cambridge Participants: Capitalists forPrivate FactorMarkets inStrategic M&A IPOs versus Discussant: Chair: Hawaii Convention Center:Room307B 10:40am -12:00pm 1313 the Ties Understanding 4 and Knowledge Communication Computer-Mediated Generalized or Reciprocity Discussant: Chair: ConventionCenter:Room317B 9:00am -10:20amHawaii 1312 Registration On-site Registration, Pre-RegistrationBadgePick-up, andExhibitor Center: HCCLobby-Registration Convention 9:00am -12:00pmHawaii 1311 Design | Viewon ERP-systems andJob A Sociotechnical Chain| Supply the across Practice Surveillance A ManufacturingDinosaurLearning Informati a Working Creating Discursive ACritical ofERPs: Construction The Social Teams as Networks in a Connected Organization: The as NetworksinaConnectedOrganization: Teams Wright Johnstown Urbana-Champaign; Ghosh Maryland; Denmark Sydney; Barrett U.; Benders Firms | Ne of Communication Roleof | Geographic Distance Critical Relational View| Networks: A | Networks Knowledge Electronic the KnowledgeEconomy| | of ERPProjects Space Liminal | Perspective Grant Mellon U.; Christian Steglich of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign; Cummings Roel Schouteten

Roberto Vassolo Fabrizio Ferraro : : : , Cornell U. (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(OCIS) (AAA) , U.ofSydney; T ; ChristianKoch , U. ofNew SouthWales , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , MassachusettsInstitute , U.of Cambridge eaching-oriented | ; Jo Ilgaz TArikan Nick Wailes , Radboud U.Nijmegen;

Isin Guler J. AlbertoEspinosa

Kristine Dery Steven L.Johnson Denise M.Rousseau , Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology; Institute , Massachusetts s Be Conference Registration Conference Kr ; NickWailes nders istine Dery Wednesday 10:40AM Wednesday 9:00AM , U.ofGroningen; , BostonU. , IESE Business School , IESEBusiness Robert Whitbred , U.ofSydney , Radboud U. Nijmegen Bill Harley , IAE Business School - U.Austral School - , IAEBusiness ☯ , Georgia State U. , Radboud U.Nijmegen that Bind:ALongitudi twork Evolution | Evolution twork , U. of Sydney Management Practice-oriented | , Technical U.ofDenmark Exchange? Structuring of Structuring Exchange? on System by Embracing the on SystembyEmbracing , U. of Sydney; Christian Koch Start-Ups, IPOs and Venture and Venture IPOs Start-Ups, , AmericanU. , U.ofSydney , U. ofMaryland Fa Knowledge Networks , U.ofMelbourne; , CarnegieMellonU. Klarissa Chang bio Fonti Ronald S.Batenburg Erica LWagner to Play Scrabble:ERPin to Samer Faraj Chunke Su ; MichaelBarrett , U. ofPittsburgh,

Jonathon N. Noshir Contractor , Boston College;

Richard Hall

, Technical U.of ; Richard Hall nal Investigation nal Investigation , U.ofIllinois, , Carnegie , U.of Michael ; EricaL Christopher International-oriented| , CornellU. Tanu , U.of , Utrecht

, U.of Jos , U. , U. 326 Organization Design Evolution of Industry Clusters Throug Evolution of Industry Clusters 4 4 Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room308A 10:40am -12:00pm 1314 4 ofTheCoin:Na The FlipSide of InternetStartups| Post-IPO Performance B Units:The Control ofBusiness Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room309 10:40am -12:00pm 1316 Cardiac from Evidence Performance? Drive Does Status Services: inProfessional Reputation and Structure Ownership Performance? Operational ReallyImprove Does Focus of Improvement inaPortfolio DoingLess Versus Doing More Organizers: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room308B 10:40am -12:00pm 1315 Densityon and Local Availability Resource The Effectsof Performance: Perspectives fromHealth CareIndustry the Performance: Speakers: Harvard U. Harvard U. Theme-oriented | Exploring theInterde Asian Business is Regi is Asian Business onthe intheMarket Proximity of Geographical The Impact intoNewMarkets;AnIntegration VC Firms'Diversification of Institutional and Netw of Institutional Singapore Riitta Katila Korea U. of FlagshipFirms| | Structure Quality ofOrganizational Corporate Venture Funding | Funding Venture Corporate Surgery | Surgery Industry | the Healthcare Evidence from | ofClinicalTrials Management fromthe Lessons | onProject Effect ofFocus Projects: The | and Failure Performance, Firm Founding, Huckman Nembhard Eric Dooms Columbia U. Singapore ManagementU.; Nanyang Business School; School; Nanyang Business Austin Arbor Michigan, AnnArbor; Utah; Indiana U.; James US Banking | US Banking Harvard U.

Lalit Manral Karynne L. Turner Karynne L. : : B (Paper Session)-(BPS) (Paper Session)-(BPS) Ana TeresaTavares

, Hofstra U.; Darren Zinner ; Dov Rothman Andreas Bausch Karynne L. Turner Karynne L. Daniel Snow : , Harvard U.; Robert S.Huckman (BPS) , Harvard U.; , Harvard Simon Collinson , Stanford U. , TilburgU.; Visual Presentation| Kenneth J.Hatten , ColumbiaU. Organizational Context and Context Organizational James P.Keeler Manuel AnibalPortugal Ferreira

Jane Banaszak-Holl pendence ofProfitabilityand Control in , Harvard U. , HarvardU. , Georgia StateU. Darren Zinner , Columbia U. Richard Bohmer AswinOijen Van onal, notGlobal| ork Perspectives | ork Perspectives , International U.Bremen , U. de Porto Alison Davis-Blake Pek-hooi Soh , , Warwick Business School School , Warwick Business scent Technology Ventures and scent TechnologyVentures Georgia StateU. Geographic Clusters Behavioral Controlsand Behavioral Downside of Differentiation | of Differentiation Downside , Harvard U.; , Harvard Jeff Rosenberger Selected forBestPaper Proceedings , BostonU.; ; Ingrid M. Nembhard ; Robert S. Huckman , KenyonCollege h Spin-offs andtheRole h Spin-offs , Harvard U. Akiko Kamimura , HarvardU. , Tilburg U. , Tilburg , National U.of , U.of Michigan, Ann Dov Rothman Alan MRugman Daniel Snow Sea JinChang Ingrid M. William L. Jane Lu Pamsy Hui , U. ofTexas, , StanfordU.; Robert S.

, U.of , , , , U.of , , , , ,

Session Details Ð Wednesday

BLimits to Control? Faculty Participation in Universtity Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Erik Ian Dane, U. of Illinois, Urbana- Governance | Peter Lotz, Copenhagen Business School Champaign; Michael G. Pratt, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Generalizing Relational Identification to and from The Inter-Organizational 1317 JS: (BPS, OMT) Organizational Identification | David Sluss, Arizona State U. Communities of Practice(IOCoPs): New Insights and Participants: Teresa Cardador, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Knowledge Strategies Erik Ian Dane, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Michael G. Pratt, 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 306B U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Shelley Brickson, London Bertrand V Quelin ; Frederic Dalsace Coordinators: , HEC Paris , Business School HEC Paris; Bertrand Moingeon, HEC Paris Interorganizational Communities of Practice: Connecting and 1320 : (Paper Session) - (CM) Counterproductive Work Collaborating Across Boundaries | Janine Nahapiet, Behaviors Templeton College, Oxford U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 318B Jennifer Dunn Communities of Creation: Managing Collaborative Innovation Chair: , U. of Pennsylvania Discussant: Chris Bell, York U. Across Boundaries | Mohanbir Sawhney, Northwestern U.; Emanuela Prandelli, Bocconi U.; Gianmario Verona, Bocconi Invidious Comparisons and Insidious Behaviors: Envy and Jennifer Dunn U. Social Undermining at Work | , U. of Maurice Schweitzer Realizing the Potential of Formalized Communities of Practice Pennsylvania; , U. of Pennsylvania in a Knowledge Economy | Cynthia Odom, George BWorkplace Aggression Revisited: Prevalence, Outcomes, Laurela Burnazi Washington U.; John Starns, George Washington U. and Antecedents | , Wayne State U.; Loraleigh Keashly Joel H Neuman Network Structure of IOCOPs & Effectiveness of de jure , Wayne State U.; , State U. Standards Setting in Technical Communities | Gwendolyn of New York, New Paltz Kuo-fang Lee, U. of Florida B Employee Perceptions of Managerial Robert M. Presenters: Cynthia Odom, George Washington U.; John Starns, Incivility:Development of a Measurement Scale | Crocker Stanley G Harris George Washington U. , Stephen F. Austin State U.; , Auburn Phil E Stetz Participants: Janine Nahapiet, Templeton College, Oxford U.; U; , Stephen F. Austin State U. Mohanbir Sawhney, Northwestern U.; Gwendolyn Kuo-fang Lee, BThe Effects of Incivility on U. of Florida Performance,Motivation,Creativity, Helpfulness & Dysfunctional Behavior | Christine L. Porath, U. of Southern Diversity, Identity and 1318 : (Paper Session) - (CAR) California; Amir Erez, U. of Florida Occupational Choice 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 322A 1321 B4 JS: (CM, SIM) Restorative Justice: A New Chair: Samuel Rabinowitz, Rutgers Business School--Newark and Vision for Workplace Justice New Brunswick 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 316A Discussant: Peter A. Heslin, Southern Methodist U. Chairs: Deborah Kidder, Towson U.; Michael A. Gross, Colorado Complex Occupational Identities: Integrating Multiple State U. Distinct Occupational Identities | Naomi B. Rothman, New Discussant: Robert Bies, Georgetown U. York U. Victim Offender Mediation in the United States | Michael A. Relationships Among Ethnicity, Gender, and Beliefs, Gross, Colorado State U. Attitudes and Intentions to Seek IT careers | Richard D. Restorative Justice in the Workplace: Hawai'i's Experience | Johnson, U. of Central Florida; Dianna L. Stone, U. of Central Lorenn Walker, - Florida; Tangela Nichole Phillips, U. of Central Florida Restorative Justice in Japan | Hidemasa Yamamoto, Dokkyo U. A New Vision of Management in the 21st Century: Diversity Restorative Justice in New Zealand | Helen Bowen, Restorative and Career Choice Issues for Young Workers | Myrtle P. Justice Trust Bell, U. of Texas, Arlington Culture, Shame, and Revenge | Michele J. Gelfand, U. of A Career Typology for the 21st Century Entrepreneurial Maryland; Chris Bell, York U.; Gary Shteynberg, U. of Maryland Dorothy Perrin Moore Woman | , Citadel School of Business 1322 : (Paper Session) - (CMS) Foucauldian Perspectives on Administration Identity Formation and Organizational Control 1319 JS: (CAR, OB, OMT) Building Bridges: Multiple 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Honolulu Room Chair: Ann L Cunliffe Levels of Identity and Identification , U. of New Mexico 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319A Fighting over Knowledge Management, A Foucauldian

Chair: David Sluss, Arizona State U. Perspective | Irene Lammers, Vrije U. WEDNESDAY Discussant: Blake E. Ashforth, Arizona State U. 2Institutionalizing Identities: Communication Skills and the Organizational Identity Orientation as a Determinant of Making of Doctors and Patients | Gazi Islam, Tulane U.; Organizational Identification | Shelley Brickson, London Michael James Zyphur, Tulane U. Business School 2Identification vs. Dis-identification: What Does it Mean to be Understanding Patterns of Professional and Organizational a “Professional”? | Olivier Herrbach, U. Sciences Sociales; Identification: A Multi-Method Study | Teresa Cardador, U. of Katarzyna Kosmala, Heriot-Watt U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 327 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room301B 10:40am -12:00pm 1323 Where Do Entrepreneurial Orientations Come From? An From? Come Orientations DoEntrepreneurial Where 2 Foreign Deve Explaining the - Entrepreneur RelationalSupportin The RoleofPerceived Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room303B 10:40am -12:00pm Rents Entrepreneurial 1325 4 4 Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room303A 10:40am -12:00pm 1324 4 of Comparison A Effects ofHigh-TechM&A: Firm Valuation B 2: Round vs.Goliath David between New Venturesand Established Companies Entrepreneurs &Careers Entrepreneurs Entrepreneur Social Competence andCapital:TheSocial Competence Social Entrepreneur When two Words Collide: The Role of Corporate Envy in Envy of Corporate Role The Collide: Words When two Investigation of Factors Associated with Women’s Self- Women’s Investigation ofFactorsAssociatedwith toScience- Endowments Origin andResource Institutional inEurope:DoesFirmSize Capital Syndication Venture employment Preference in Nordic Countries | | Countries inNordic employment Preference Sanjay Jain Some Implications for Org for Implications Some Disclosure of University Inventions | Inventions ofUniversity Disclosure Investigation on Their Social Origin | on TheirSocial Investigation andKnowledge Networks Acquisition | | Dyads Customer | Preferences | Firms Entrepreneurial Based Matter? | and Establ New Ventures | Profitability Incumbent Merja Johanna Huhtala Arenius Economics and Business Administration Economics and Bologna U.; Texas, Dallas Boulder; Vanaelst Johan Bruneel Florida StateU. Wisconsin, Madison; Ragozzino Rangarajan Vozikis Corporate Venturing Activities | Activities Venturing Corporate Networks of Politically Skil of Politically Networks L'Aquila U. Endowed Chairs in Entrepreneurship: A Survey ofDeans' Survey A Chairs inEntrepreneurship: Endowed From OrganisationalObject Academic Entrepreneurship:En

Stanley Ross Louis Marino Zelimir WilliamTodorovic B : : (Paper Session)-(ENT) (Paper Session)-(ENT) T eaching-oriented | , U.ofTulsa; , U. ofLausanne; Lawrence A.Plummer , VrijeU.Brussel : Hans Bruining (Paper Session)-(ENT) , U.of CentralFlorida , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent ManagementSchool Cristina Boari , U. of Wisconsin, Madison , U. of Wisconsin,Madison Gary J.Castrogiovanni , Vlerick-Leuven-Gent Management School; , U.ofAlabama , Bridgewater StateU. Dirk DeClercq Timothy S Mescon Mark Maltarich ☯

Management Practice-oriented | , London School of Economics , London SchoolofEconomics , Erasmus U. Anne Kovalainen

Thomas JDean , BolognaU.; Entry and the Persistence of Persistence Entry andthe ished Acquirers | ished lopment of start-ups: Social lopment ofstart-ups:Social anisational Control| led Entrepreneurs | led Entrepreneurs Relational Capital& Relational Differences Performance , IndianaU./PurdueU. to Self-ManagedSubject: , U.ofColorado, Boulder Nathalie Moray Marina Biniari trepreneurial Intentandthe University, Academic University, , BrockU.; , U.ofWisconsin,Madison; Gerard George , U.ofTulsa; Haibin Yang Luciano Fratocchi , Kennesaw StateU. Manuela Presutti , U.of Colorado, , Turku Schoolof Roberto Deva , U.ofGent; , StrathclydeU. Pia Maria Sean Lux International-oriented| Hannele George S , U.of , U.of

Iris , , , 328 1327 An Contract FairnessandStatusJudgments: Psychological AttitudesTowardsBlacks Racial inWhite Differences Gender of Effects inOrganizations: Minorities Cultural of Commitment B B Chair: 1-2 Hilton HawaiianVillage:SeaPearlSuite 10:40am -12:00pm 1326 Organizational Trust in Hospital Nursing Staffs | Staffs Nursing Hospital Trust in Organizational face, for workplace:Concern in the withAIDS Face-to-face B Sense-making in Difficult Time Chair: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:WaianaeRoom 10:40am -12:00pm 1328 4 B of on theBasis Expression Workplace Anger in Differences Chair: Hilton Hawaiian 10:40am -12:00pm Discussant: Influence: What's Gender todowith it? Gender Influence: What's Employee Interactions Affecting As ASettingForCollaboration:Factors Psychology: Attitudinal andBehavioralDifferences Psychology: Theme-oriented | 4 4 An Intervention Model of Shiftwork Tolerance | ShiftworkTolerance of An InterventionModel The Contextual Dimension Dimension The Contextual Stellenbosch U. U.; Maree Veronica Boyle Lafferty Queensland/Griffith U.; Pisarski Gallois Queensland Asia-Pacific Hospitals | Hospitals Asia-Pacific | inPakistan women Working | Professionals. ofHispanic Analysis | Conform | to andPressure Leadership Fear of AIDS and its Consequences | Consequences of AIDSandits Fear | Status and Hierarchical Gender Auckland U.ofTechnology; Florida InstituteofTechnology; Menon Renee de Reuver U.; National U.ofSingapore DelCampo Sydney; Queensland African Military with Psychological Empowerment | Empowerment withPsychological African Military The Role of Emotional Intelligence | Preferences in South Africa | Africa South in Preferences Brenda KathleenJohnson Exploring Gender and Racial Integration in the South South inthe Integration and Racial Gender Exploring

4 Clive Morley Karen Jehn

David L Ford,Jr. Amer Kaissi Susan M.Burroughs : 4 : Gender, Emotion andAggressio Gender and Race Differences in Leader Behavior inLeaderBehavior Differences andRace Gender (Paper Session)-(GDO) (Paper Session)-(HCM) : , LouisianaStateU.,Shreveport; , U.of Queensland; (Paper Session)-(GDO) , National DefenseU. Winner ofHCM Division Best Paper Award , U.ofQueensland; Faiza Ali Amer Kaissi Amer , U. of NewMexico Visual Presentation| , , TrinityU. , RMITU.; Leiden U.; , MacquarieU.,Sydney , TilburgU. , U.of Texas, Dallas , TrinityU. , GriffithU.;

Philip Bohle , U. of PugetSound Stewart Arnold Village: SouthPacific1 Bernadette MariaWatson Ju Marloes vanEngen Stella MNkomo Stella Sandra A. Lawrence , Columbia U. of Emotional Labour and Labour of Emotional lie WolframCox s: ExperiencesofEmployeesin Anger, Emotion, and Anger, Emotion, The Health Care Workplace The HealthCareWorkplace Lisa Steelman Romie FrederickLittrell Jawad Syed Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Gender, Race,and Victor J.Callan , U.of NSW; Theresa Domagalski Alberto Ramirez n in the Workplace: Workplace: n inthe Elize Kotze Robert Gregory Vivien KG Lim , U. of Queensland; , U. Joyce Rupert

, U. of SouthAfrica , MacquarieU., , Florida Tech , Florida , RMIT U. , RMIT , Cynthia Tilburg U.; Christina L. , U.of Anne , U.of ,

, U.of Sanjay T , , Leiden , RMIT ,

, Session Details Ð Wednesday

1329 : (HR) A New Vision of Human Resource 1332 B4: (HR) Organisational Learning and HRM Management in the 21st Century Challenges in Professional Services Firms 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 312 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323B Chair: Wayne F. Cascio, U. of Colorado, Denver Chairs: Scott A Snell, Cornell U.; Juani Swart, U. of Bath From Business Partner to Driving Business Success: The Effects of HR Systems on Organizational Intellectual Capital Next Step in the Evolution of HR Management. | Wayne F. in Software & IT Consulting Firms | Christopher Collins, Cascio, U. of Colorado, Denver Cornell U. The Four Cs of the HR Profession | Susan R. Meisinger, SPHR, Evolution of Exploitative and Exploratory Learning in a Society for Human Resource Management Marketing Agency | Nick Kinnie, U. of Bath; Mark Lund, U. of Will There Really Be a Labor Shortage? | Peter Cappelli, U. of Bath Pennsylvania Managing Intellectual Capital Architectures: HRM and From Human Resources Management to Organizational Bilateral Learning in Law Firms | Sung-Choon Kang, Cornell Effectiveness | Edward E. Lawler, U. of Southern California U.; Scott A Snell, Cornell U. Participants: Susan R. Meisinger, SPHR, Society for Human Developing Inter-organisational Intellectual Capital in a Resource Management; Peter Cappelli, U. of Pennsylvania; Management Consultancy Network | Juani Swart, U. of Bath; Edward E. Lawler, U. of Southern California Jason Rabinowitz, McKinsey & Company HR and Performance in Europe: A Context Participants: Christopher Collins, Cornell U.; Sung-Choon Kang, 1330 4: (HR) ; Nick Kinnie ; Mark Lund ; Jason Based View Cornell U. , U. of Bath , U. of Bath Rabinowitz, McKinsey & Company 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 315 Henrik Holt Larsen Chair: , Copenhagen Business School 1333 : (Paper Session) - (IM) Emerging Market Institutions Wolfgang Mayrhofer Discussant: , Wirtschafts U. Wien and Strategy From Collectivism to Individualism – What Does it Mean for 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 304A HRM? | Erling Rasmussen, U. of Auckland; Torben Andersen, Chair: Paul Miesing, State U. of New York, Albany Southern Denmark U. Discussant: Richard Kum-Yew Lai, Harvard U. The Relationship Between Culture and HRM Across a Broad 4The Separate and Unequal Influence ofInstitutional Pillars Range of Countries | Lisa Hisae Nishii, Cornell U. on Foreign Investment | Jamie D. Collins, Texas A&M U.; Dan Towards the Nordic Model of HR? A Comparison Between Li, Indiana U.; Purva Kansal, Panjab U. Estonian and Nordic HR Strategies and Practice | Ruth 4The Antecedents and Consequences of Emerging Market Alas, Estonian Business School; Sinikka Vanhala, Helsinki Divestitures | Pablo Martin De Holan, Instituto de Empresa; School of Economics; Tonu Kaarelson, Estonian Business Omar Toulan, McGill U. School 4Sequential Purchases of Large Shares: Acquisition Strategy HRM-Performance Link in Europe – A General Model | Rita in an Emerging Market Context | Dean Xu, Peking U.; Campos Cunha, U. Nova de Lisboa Changhui Zhou, Peking U. Linking Strategic Human Resource Management Bundles with Flight to Quality in Corporate Governance During Crisis | Yi Business Performance:Toward an EU Framework | Eleni Jiang, Ohio State U. Stavrou, U. of Cyprus Expatriate Adjustment Issues HRM and Firm Performance: The Context Matters! | Irene 1334 : (Paper Session) - (IM) 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 305B Nikandrou, Athens U. of Economics and Business; Eleni Chair: Richard A. Posthuma, U. of Texas El Paso Apospori, Athens U. of Economics and Business Discussant: Robert J Taormina, U. of Macau Human Resource Outsourcing and Human Resource 4The Effects of P-O Fit on Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Ruediger Kabst, U. of Excellence: Opponents or Fellows? | Expatriate Managers and Its Consequences | Riki Takeuchi, Giessen; Wenzel Matiaske, U. of Flensburg; Thomas Mellewigt, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Jeffrey Shay, U. of U. of Paderborn Montana A Comparative Study of the Determinants of HR Outsourcing 4Expatriate Adjustment and Performance: The Mediating Cem Tanova, Eastern in Turkey and the European Union | Roleof Managerial Practices | Jeffrey Shay, U. of Montana; J Mediterranean U. Bruce Tracey, Cornell U.; Jingyan Liu, Zhongshan U 1331 B4 : (HR) Leadership Development in the 21st B4Engineering Your Own Adjustment: Expatriate Century: Visions from Around the Globe Adjustment through Sensemaking A Process Model | 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 319B Gitanjali Sharma, U. of Manitoba Chairs: Jon P. Briscoe, Northern Illinois U.; C. Brooklyn Derr, 4Social Capital and Performance Among Host Nationals and WEDNESDAY Brigham Young U. Expatriates: Does Nationality Matter? | Stuart M Schmidt, Presenters: Roger R. Collins, Australian Graduate School of Temple U.; Unnikammu Moideenkutty, Sultan Qaboos U. Management; Mami Taniguchi, Waseda U.; Juan-Carlos Pastor, Instituto de Empresa; Eduardo Guzman Saenz, ITESM, Campus 1335 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Technology and Strategy in Monterrey; Sylvie Roussillon, EM Lyon International Settings 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 1 - Table A1

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 329 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Management Teams Management Industry Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA3 10:40am -12:00pm 1337 B 4 B Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA2 10:40am -12:00pm 1336 4 B 4 4 4 Facilitator: ODC: HCM: 4 HR: OM: TIM: Massachusetts, Amherst Massachusetts, Industry | Tampere U. ofTechnology Rush U. A. Neal Technology Technology; International Adult Education | International Adult Education Technology Choice Incentive Technology Choice its Impact on the Performance of 3PLs in China | of3PLsin Performance its Impactonthe Perspective | Perspective ofCEOSu Consequences Makinen Cardinal StritchU. Chung-Shing Lee Chung-Shing Economics Mississippi; Zhao of CEO and Board Chair Perspectives | Chair Perspectives of CEOandBoard Smith the Management Classroom | Classroom the Management Southwest MissouriState Dinosaurs? | or Dynamos Process: Technology Industrial Clusters in Clusters Technology Industrial Seminary; California StateU.,LosAngeles St. Gallen An Organization Culture Perspective | Perspective Culture An Organization Economy: One Size Does NotFitAll| Economy: OneSize Amit Das Technology Adoption: An International Study | Study AnInternational Technology Adoption: The New Challenge for Managers| Challenge for The New North Texas 4 MSR: BPS: TIM: HR: MED: TIM: TIM: Corporate Level Management's Role in the Divestment Divestment LevelManagement'sRoleinthe Corporate

: : An Exploratory Study of the Performance of thePerformance Study An Exploratory A Taxonomy of Information Technology Strategy and Strategy Technology ofInformation A Taxonomy Effect of National Attributes toTakeoffTimeof Effect ofNationalAttributes , ChineseU.ofHongKong; (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) Barriers to CEO Succession toCEOSuccession Barriers The TMTConsensus-Performa , Gustavus Aldolphus College , Gustavus Aldolphus T Language is the First Issue: Discussing Spiritualityin Issue:Discussing Language istheFirst

Leadership Development and Leadership Development eaching-oriented | Formation and Linkages of Networks ofHigh- of Networks Formation andLinkages , U.ofNewHaven; Constance RJames Patrick Christopher Flood Yinghong (Susan)Wei The Impact of Manufacturing Offshore on Offshore of Manufacturing Impact The Examining the Challenge of Examining theChallenge , Tampere U.ofTechnology; Using a Hyper Accelerated Teaching Model in Model Teaching Accelerated a Hyper Using , Nanyang TechnologicalU. Robert Marx Erica ReneeFuchs Erica Qiang Wang Randolph EKirchain Irene K-HChew , Pacific Lutheran U.; , PacificLutheran

☯ Management Practice-oriented | , U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; , U.ofMassachusetts, , U.ofInternational Businessand Charles CManz The Influence of CEOs and Top CEOs The Influenceof The Management Education The Management ccession : A Singapore ccession :ASingapore , Pepperdine U. , Massachusetts Institute of Institute , Massachusetts , Nanyang TechnologicalU.; s , OklahomaStateU. Karen Manz Fujun Lai Gary Frederick Keller in theOptoelectronics , MassachusettsInstituteof , U.ofLimerick the Asia Pacific Region| the AsiaPacific Planning: A Comparison Planning: AComparison Tomi Haapaniemi Matthias F. Brauer Matthias F. Kevin S.Groves Innovation inaGlobal Innovation Su nce Link: Integrating Link: Integrating nce Kuei-Hsien Niu Sheryl Winston Vinay K Garg ccession Planning: ccession , U.of Southern Andrew N. Garman , U. of , Hartford International-oriented| Saku Juhani Xiande , U. of , U. , , Judith , , , U.of , 330 OCIS: ENT: Borders Making Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa1-TableA4 10:40am -12:00pm 1338 B 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B2 Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa2-Table B2 10:40am -12:00pm 1340 B B BPS: Host: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa2-TableB1 10:40am -12:00pm 1339 Actionable Knowledge MOC: Theme-oriented | HR: MOC: Dong HwaU. National ChanghuaU.ofEducation; Hull Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen Business and Cross Cultural Traini Cultural and Cross Strategic Perspectives | Strategic Perspectives Garage Model. | Garage Model. From theUnitedStatesMilitar Ronald L. Dufresne Bernd Erhard Irmer Mark Simon Lee Endres Guan Know? Views from Educ Know? Views Model | Ramburuth Import of New Approaches to Strategy| to Approaches of New Import | Muller Field Study Examining Product Introduction Decisions | Decisions Introduction Product Field StudyExamining Scherer College; Decision-Making Model | Model Decision-Making Chapel Hill; U.; Satisfaction and Impacts on Behavioral Intentions | Intentions and ImpactsonBehavioral Satisfaction | Education Management Contemporary Frostburg State U. Crissie MFrye Westwood College; New SouthWales IM: MED: 4 MED: MED: MED: Claus Nygaard MED: MED: Ramon J. Aldag Entrepreneurial Orientati Entrepreneurial The Development and Testing The DevelopmentandTesting Robert G. FichmanRobert G.

Accommodative Patterns Patterns Accommodative Facilitating the Utilization of Human Capital Metrics | of HumanCapitalMetrics theUtilization Facilitating What do Students of International Business Needto Business of International Students What do Software Project Escalation: Software ProjectEscalation: : : : (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP) (Paper Session)-(IP)

, DeLinInstitute Taiwan; ofTechnology, Antecedents ofOverconfidenc The Multifaceted Nature of Online MBA Nature Student The Multifaceted Into IndianBusiness American Integrating Curriculum development focus Curriculum development Critical Debates in Management Education -The Education Critical DebatesinManagement

, U.ofNew Mexico Karen Moustafa , ClevelandStateU. Ethics in Management Education: Perspectives Perspectives Education: Ethics inManagement Amrit Tiwana Rajshekhar G.Javalgi Educating the Global Manager: Cultural Diversity Diversity Cultural Educating theGlobalManager: , U. of NewSouthWales; Richard WWoodman , EasternU.; Michigan , Oakland U.; , Oakland Visual Presentation| , U. Eastern Michigan , Copenhagen Business School; Dale Cyphert , U. ofWisconsin,Madison Sanjib Chowdhury , BostonCollege; , InfoHRM; , IowaState U.;

, BostonCollege , IndianaU./PurdueU. Catherine L.Tyler Susan Kuznik ng in IB Education | ng inIBEducation ators andPractitioners| ators Raed Elaydi Raed Management Education and Education and Management Transfering Knowledge Across KnowledgeAcross Transfering Decision The Processof on of Business Schools: of Business on of Decision-Making: The of Decision-Making: Anastasia Ellerby , , Selected forBestPaper Proceedings y Academy at West Point| at y Academy U. ofNorthern Iowa Cleveland State U.; Cleveland State , TexasA&MU. Cheryl Hurtubis-Sahlen An Kuo-Pin Yang of aNonconsequentialist Catherine Welch Evan HaydenOffstein Mark Keil e: Evidence from a from e: Evidence Embedded Options Options Embedded , EasternMichiganU.; ing on student learning ing onstudentlearning , North Carolina U., , BaldwinWallace Susan Miller Helen Juliette , Oakland U. , Oakland Yu-Ching Chiao , Prem Thomas Højlt Georgia State , InfoHRM , National Robert F Jyh-Liang , U.of Megan , U.of , , , , Session Details Ð Wednesday

Facilitator: Thomas M Begley, U. of College Dublin 1343 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Building Workplace Trust and 4 IM: Institutional and Personal Forms of Power and Trust | Satisfaction Reinhard Bachmann, Birkbeck College, U. of London; Arjen 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C1 Van Witteloostuijn, U. of Groningen Facilitator: Kira Kristal Reed, Syracuse U. 4CAR: Cross-Cultural Mentoring in International Joint OB: Values Diversity and Teammember's Effectiveness: Ventures | Aimin Yan, Boston U.; Yan Shen, Boston U. The Mediation of Trustfulness and Trustworthiness | Bor- 4IM: Knowledge Flows in Multinational Corporations: The Shiuan Cheng, National Taiwan U.; Li-Fang Chou, National Role of Inpatriate Assignees Social Capital | Sebastian Taiwan U.; Tin-Yu Wang, National Taiwan U.; Min-ping Huang, Reiche, Melbourne U.; Anne-Wil Harzing, U. of Melbourne Yuan Ze U. OB: 4 IM: Exploring the Mode of Knowledge Transfer in MNCs: B A Social Exchange-Driven Structural Equation Model The Role of Direct and Indirect Linkages | Kazuhiro Analysis of Psychological Empowerment | Yuen Hung Chan, Robert R Taylor Dan L. Asakawa, Keio U.; Mary Krome Hamilton, U. of Rhode Island U. of Central Arkansas; , U. of Memphis; Sherrell Emin Babakus OMT: Signification and Hegemony: Studying Knowledge , U. of Memphis; , U. of Memphis OCIS: Transfer Across International Boundaries | Raza A Mir, Clarifying the Effects of Internet Monitoring on Job G. William Paterson U. Attitudes: The Mediating Role of Employee Trust | Stoney Alder, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Terry W Noel, 1341 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Emotions in Organizations California State U., Chico; Maureen L Ambrose, U. of Central 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B3 Florida Facilitator: Scott Jeffrey, U. of Waterloo OB: Multiple Climates and Their Effect on Business TIM: Role of Emotions in Emerging Technologies Performance Through Staff and Customer Outcomes | Management | Malavika Sundararajan, Rensselaer Judith Sylvia MacCormick, U. of New South Wales; Sharon Polytechnic Institute; Lois S. Peters, Rensselaer Polytechnic Parker, U. of New South Wales Institute OB: Service Recovery Performance: Construct Validation and OB: Linking Regret to Escalation of Commitment: The Roles Test of a Mediated-Moderated Model | Hui Liao, Rutgers U. of Outcome Visibility and Anticipated Regret | Kin Fai Ellick Wong, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Jessica Y. Y. 1344 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Coping with Uncertainty and Kwong, Chinese U. of Hong Kong Complexity OB: Affective States and Forms of Commitment: An Empirical 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C2 Alessia Contu Analysis. | Olivier Herrbach, U. Sciences Sociales; Karim Facilitator: , Lancaster U. ENT: Mignonac, U. Sciences Sociales An Empirical Study Of Environmental Uncertainty, Zhi Tang BODC: Models of emotion management for change | Nell Internal Variety, And Firm Performance in SMEs | , Kimberley, Monash U.; Charmine Hartel, Deakin U. U. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa ENT: How Do Entrepreneurs Organize Firms Under 1342 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Trust and Satisfaction in the Conditions of Uncertainty? | Sharon Alvarez, Ohio State U. Workplace B CMS: A Process Thought Perspective on Critical 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 2 - Table B4 Management Inquiry | Clive Smallman, Lincoln U., New Facilitator: S Douglas Pugh, U. of North Carolina, Charlotte Zealand PNP: An Examination of Public and Nonprofit Employee B BPS: Decision References under Uncertainty: Real Options Attitudes Toward Workplace Fun | Katherine A Karl, Marshall Reasoning versus Escalating Commitment | Shu-Jou Lin, U.; Joy VanEck Peluchette, U. of Southern Indiana; Leda National Taiwan U. / Kainan U.; Ming-Je Tang, National Taiwan McIntyre Hall, Indiana U., South Bend; Lynn Harland, U. of U. Nebraska, Omaha HR: Formation of Organizational Commitment in a New 1345 : (Paper Session) - (IP) Uncertainty and Complexity Venture: A longitudinal analysis | Sumita Raghuram, 10:40am - 12:00pm Hilton Hawaiian Village: Tapa 3 - Table C3 Fordham U. Facilitator: Jerry Hunt, Texas Tech U. OB: Individual Difference and Contextual Predictors of Work- 4TIM: Exploring academic start-up entrepreneurs' ability to Nonwork Spillover | Jennifer K Lee, George Mason U.; Laura obtain venture capital funding | Rosa Grimaldi, U. of Bologna; Wheeler Poms, George Mason U. Allan N Afuah, U. of Michigan OB: The Impact of Relational Demography on Perceived BMC: Sail or Sink : Implementing Vision and Strategy in Trustworthiness: Similarity or Norms | Dora C. Lau, Chinese Times of Turbulence and Uncertainty | Rickie Moore, U. of Hong Kong; Long Wai Lam, U. of Macau; Sabrina ISEOR, U. of Lyon WEDNESDAY Deutsch Salamon, York U. OMT: Chance, Choice & Inevitability in Strategy | Mark de OB: What Happens When You Expect Unfairness, and When Rond, Cambridge U.; Raymond-Alain Thietart, Paris-Dauphine You Don't? The Role of Negative Surprise | Subrahmaniam U.-Essec Tangirala, Purdue U., West Lafayette; Vijaya Venkataramani, OMT: Conceptually Close Cousins: Chaos Theory and Purdue U., West Lafayette; Deidra J Schleicher, Purdue U., Dialectical Analysis in Organization Theory | Thomas E Will, West Lafayette U. of Georgia

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 331 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday GDO: HR: Management Education Management Discussant: Wilderom Chair: 3-4 Hilton HawaiianVillage:SeaPearlSuite 10:40am -12:00pm 1348 Model| Expert tothe Alternative An Constructivist Consulting: Interaction: of Client-Consultant Model An Interpretive client-consultant inthe Humour andImpleme Designing oftheInternalConsultant IdentityandAmbiguities Inside Out? Twente Chairs: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room314 10:40am -12:00pm 1347 B CAR: Facilitator: Hilton HawaiianVillage:Tapa3-TableC4 10:40am -12:00pm 1346 Century inthe21st ofManagementConsulting a NewVision as GDO: Participants: Christopher Wright Twente andU.of TexasatDallas 4 State U.; Huntsville U. ofAlabama,Huntsville; Graduate School ofManagement Technology, Sydney; Boston College Reserve U.; Recognition of Entrepreneurs | Entrepreneurs of Recognition Relationship to Student Satisfaction | StudentSatisfaction Relationship to | andMeasurement Concept matter | Client-a Horizontal | Resocialization Following Maternity Leave | Leave Maternity Following Resocialization Bernerth Tim O Peterson Tim O Dallas Twente; Jeffrey N. Hicks Cynthia L Gramm Montana StateU. U. ofSanDiego; U.; Twente; Among Executive Women | Women Among Executive | TheRoleofApplicantGender Decisions: Influence Tactics in the Business Classroom andTheir Classroom Tacticsinthe Business Influence Students | for of Respect Search in Studies Four Empirical Christopher Wright Remedy-Seeking Responses to Wrongful Dismissal | Dismissal toWrongful Responses Remedy-Seeking

Transitioning from Working Woman to Working Mother: WorkingMother: to Woman Transitioning fromWorking Rodney S Farr-Wharton Seeing Only Shadows: A Theory of Gender-Blindness A TheoryofGender-Blindness Shadows: Seeing Only Selection in Perceptions of Employment Justice

C Ken Weidner : B ; NataliaNikolova Jeffrey N. Hicks Jeffrey N. ENT: (Paper Session)-(IP)

T : , U. of Twente eaching-oriented | Diana Reed (Paper Session)-(MED) Padmakumar Nair Celeste P.M.Wilderom Timothy Clark David JCooper David D VanFleet , AuburnU; JS: Timothy Clark Timothy The impact of Gender on Opportunity on Opportunity The impactofGender Nurete Leor Brenner (MC, ODC) , OklahomaStateU.; , IBMBusinessConsultingServices&U.of Frank Pons , U.ofNew South Wales , U.ofAlabama,Huntsville; , St.Joseph'sU. , DrakeU. dvisor Interaction | Interaction dvisor Harvell Jackson Walker Timothy Michael Devinney , IBM Business Consulting Services & U. of , IBMBusiness Services&U. Consulting , U. ofNew South Wales ☯ nting Performance Indicators with Indicators Performance nting , U. of Technology, Sydney of Technology, , U. , Durham U. Management Practice-oriented |

, Durham U. , Durham More Client-Centered Consulting More Client-CenteredConsulting , U. of Alberta , U.of Elizabeth Weatherly Elizabeth , U. of TwenteandU.Texasat Women inManagement , Arizona StateU.,West , U. of the Sunshine Coast , U. oftheSunshine , U. ofSanDiego; ; MarcWouters Lindsey Godwin relationshi Natalia Nikolova , Student Perceptionsof U. ofTwente Yvonne O Brunetto , CaseWesternReserveU. ; PadmakumarNair Dennis L. Mott Stephen SStandifird Marc Wouters p: No laughing John F Schnell F John , Auburn U , U.ofTwente Jeremy , U.ofAlabama, Dan Moshavi , Case Western , Case Ja , U. of of , U. , Australian ; CelesteP.M. mie J.Ladge International-oriented| , Oklahoma , Griffith

, U.of , U. of ; , , , , 332 Cross-Cultural Issues Cross-Cultural Management Education Providers andPractitioners Education Providers Management 1350 Thinkers Strategic Developing Chair: Hilton Hawaiian 10:40am -12:00pm 1349 2 Language Challenges in International Work: The Impact of The Impact Work: Language ChallengesinInternational 2 Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room313A 10:40am -12:00pm 1351 4 B Job the"Best" for Looking butFeeling Worse: Doing Better B Chair: also emphasizesprospecttheory. tendencies ondecision-making; and maximizing theroleoflocuscontrol This sessionexamines Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room317A 10:40am -12:00pm Prospect Theory Prospect Theme-oriented |

Development andValidation Development Between Hope and Despair: EffectsofSunkCosts,Self- and Despair: Between Hope Kowtha Efficacy and Risk Propensity on Prospecting | on Prospecting and RiskPropensity Efficacy | forAACSB Faculty Participating Agenda | a Research Theory inSetting | inBusiness Test Achievement Stanford U.; | Lingua Franca. inthe Proficiency Uneven | Satisfaction Undermines Holbrook Holmes Jr A&M U.; Acquiring CriticalHRKnowledge?| Joyce S.Allen Administration Johansen Administration; andBusiness School ofEconomics George WashingtonU.; Cincinnati; College Rachael F.Elwork League Baseball, Consultative Decision Making | Making Decision Consultative St. Gallen; Meetings on Student Evaluations of Instructors| Evaluations onStudent Meetings Energy | George Mason U. Teams | 4 and Qualification, Professional Academic Qualification, 4 ETS MajorField on the Factors RelatedtoPerformance Can You Spare Some Time? The Role of Casual Role The Time? Some Can YouSpare 4

Michael J Provitera Romie Frederick Littrell Arran Caza : : Understanding the Role of Locus of Control in ofControl Role of Locus the Understanding (Paper Session)-(MOC) (Paper Session)-(OB) A Field Test of Prospect Theory: Risk TakinginMajor Theory:Risk A FieldTestofProspect Team Dynamics And Learnin And Team Dynamics AreManagers and M&As: Management Education : , National U.ofSingapore (Paper Session)-(MED) Michael WPustay Joseph EChampoux Vijaya L Narapareddy Michael S.Cole , OhioU. , Norwegian School of Economics and Business Economicsand , Norwegian Schoolof , Texas A&MU. Philip KWay Philip Bernd Vogel Pamela Hinds Visual Presentation| , Xavier U. , Xavier , U. of Michigan, AnnArbor , U.ofMichigan,

OB Division Dexter Award , ColumbiaU.; 1985-1992 |

Andrea Casey , BarryU. , U. ofSt. Gallen , U.of Cincinnati Village: SouthPacific2 , U.of St. Gallen; , Stanford U.; , Texas A&MU.; , Auckland U.ofTechnology Sheena S.Iyengar Research in International and Research inInternational : Implications of Learning of Learning : Implications of a Measure of Organizational of aMeasure Decision-Making and Decision-Making , U.ofNew Mexico , Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Asghar Zardkoohi Knowledge and Skills for Knowledge andSkillsfor Denver U. Barry Schwartz Marcus Selart Peter Bycio Daniel JKoys g in Multidisciplinary g inMultidisciplinary , George Washington U. Ted KDass Catherine Cramton Ellen F. Goldman Heike Bruch Robert Michael

Tsedal Beyene , Xavier U.; , Xavier , ColumbiaU.; , Norwegian , Swarthmore N Rao Svein Tvedt , U.of , DePaulU. , Texas Robert L , U. of , U.

, ,

, Session Details Ð Wednesday

4OCB Through Cultural Lenses: Exploring the Relations 1354 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Trust and Trustworthiness Among Personality, OCB and Cultural Values | Xian Xu, U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 325A Roxanne Zolin of South Florida Chair: , Naval Postgraduate School Jon M Werner Understanding Values-Based Leadership and Discussant: , U. of Wisconsin, Whitewater Transformation in Firms: A Study of CEOs in 16 Countries | See You, Trust You? The Impact of Sources of Information on Bennett W Cherry Mary F. Sully De Luque, Thunderbird, The Garvin School of Perceptions of Trustworthiness | , International Management; David A Waldman, Arizona State U.; California State U., San Marcos Robert J House, U. of Pennsylvania; Nathan Thomas Respect and Trust in Teams: The Relational Basis for Proper Washburn, Arizona State U. Team Functioning | Matthew A. Cronin, George Mason U. Presenters: Tsedal Beyene, Stanford U.; Xian Xu, U. of South A Multilevel Test of Managerial Trustworthiness: Antecedents Florida; Mary F. Sully De Luque, Thunderbird, The Garvin School and Consequences | Janaki Gooty, Oklahoma State U.; of International Management; Michael S. Cole, U. of St. Gallen James M. Pappas, Oklahoma State U.

1352 Exploring the Team Boundary: New 4Trust in the Face of Competitive and Cooperative Rewards : (OB) Kok Yee Ng Roy Yong Joo Chua Directions and Extensions of Team Boundary | , Nanyang Technological U.; , Meow Lan Chan Management Research Columbia U.; , Nanyang Technological U. Presenters: Bennett W Cherry, California State U., San Marcos; 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323C Jennifer Ann Marrone Matthew A. Cronin, George Mason U.; James M. Pappas, Chair: , Seattle U. ; Kok Yee Ng Discussant: Paul E Tesluk, U. of Maryland Oklahoma State U. , Nanyang Technological U. From Knowledge Gathering to Project Quality: The Role of 1355 : (Paper Session) - (OB) The Influence of Team Team Autonomy | Martine Haas, Cornell U. Diversity on Organizational Outcomes Leveraging Member Expertise in Groups: The Importance of 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 327 Group Climate | J Stuart Bunderson, Washington U.; Chair: Molly Pepper, Gonzaga U. Alexandra A. Mislin, Washington U. Discussant: Elizabeth C Ravlin, U. of South Carolina Effective Boundary Management Activities in Cross- A Longitudinal Examination of Within- and Between-Member Functional Decision-Making Teams | Vanessa Urch Druskat, Functional Diversity on Team Performance | John Mathieu, U. of New Hampshire; Steven B Wolff, Hay Group U. of Connecticut; Tammy L. Woods, U. of Connecticut Cutting Across Team Boundaries: Antecedents and BThe Empirical Investigation of How Our Peers’ Personality Implications of Individual Boundary Spanning Actions | Composition Influences Our Satisfaction. | Pauline Jennifer Ann Marrone, Seattle U. Schilpzand, U. of Florida; Amir Erez, U. of Florida; Timothy A Participants: Martine Haas, Cornell U.; Vanessa Urch Druskat, U. Judge, U. of Florida of New Hampshire; Steven B Wolff, Hay Group; J Stuart What Happens When Individual and Team Goals Compete? | Bunderson, Washington U.; Alexandra A. Mislin, Washington U. Deborah Faith Crown Core, Ohio U. “It’s the Thought that Counts”: Outcomes as Affirmation of 1353 I Quit! Antecedents and : (Paper Session) - (OB) Membership Value | Tyler G. Okimoto, New York U.; Tom Consequences of Employee Turnover Tyler, New York U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 324 Presenters: Pauline Schilpzand, U. of Florida; John Mathieu, U. of Chair: Marta Sinclair, Griffith U. Connecticut; Deborah Faith Crown Core, Ohio U.; Tyler G. Discussant: Eric J. Romero, U. of Texas, Pan American Okimoto, New York U. When Do They Leave? Exploring Some Triggering Moderators in the Commitment-Turnover Relationship | 1356 : (Paper Session) - (OB) Explorations of the Influence Yitzhak Fried, Wayne State U.; Diya Das, Syracuse U.; Ravi of Leadership on Organizational Outcomes Dharwadkar, Syracuse U. 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 328 BOrganizational Learning and Employee Turnover: A Chair: Margaret T. Orr, Columbia U. Rajnandini Pillai Curvilinear Relationship | Joyce Heames, Ole Miss U.; Discussant: , California State U., San Marcos Rebecca Monette Guidice, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas Leading in a Highly Competitive Environment: Effects of Jun Liu BJustice and Trust as Moderators of the Satisfaction – Confident Leadership on Follower Commitment | , Ping Ping Fu Turnover Relationship | Christiane Spitzmueller, U. of Chinese U. of Hong Kong; , Chinese U. of Hong Wei Ku Wu An Li Wang Rong Houston; Matthias Spitzmueller, Kienbaum Management Kong; , Tsinghua U.; , Fudan U.; Xian Wu Xiao Li Ji Su Zhong Consultants; Sally Chee, U. of Houston; Ingwer Borg, ZUMA , Suzhou U.; , Chongqing U.; , Yong Gang Fu Yong Mannheim / U. of Giessen Chongqing U.; , Dalian U. of Technology; Kang Yang WEDNESDAY The Impact of Membership Change on Task and Social , Fudan U. Knowledge in Research Groups | Sungu Armagan, U. of Does Participative Leadership Lead to Empowerment or Xu Huang Utah; Gerardo Okhuysen, U. of Utah; Harris Sondak, U. of Trust? The Moderating Role of Self-Esteem | , Utah Hong Kong Polytechnic U. Presenters: Diya Das, Syracuse U.; Joyce Heames, Ole Miss U.; Do Leaders Reap What They Sow? Outcomes of Leader Christiane Spitzmueller, U. of Houston; Sungu Armagan, U. of Organizational Cynicism About Change | Robert S. Rubin, Utah DePaul U.; William H Bommer, Cleveland State U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 333 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday Theory Businesses Chair: Hawaii Convention Center:Room316C 10:40am -12:00pm 1359 of as Moderators Demographics of WebWeWeave:TheIntersection What aTangled toWeb-Based Contrast Effects Related and Negativity A Attraction toOrganizations: on of WebSites The Impact Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room317B 10:40am -12:00pm 1358 Co-Design: for Communities onOrg Institutional Influences Buye Joint ActionBetween Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room318A 10:40am -12:00pm 1357 Intelligence of Emotional Impact Acquiring Human Capital in the21stCentury Capitalin Acquiring Human Loyola U. Chicago Loyola U.Chicago Discussants: Presenters: Kong Polytechnic U. Kong Polytechnic Robert S.Rubin Transaction Environment & Capability Effects | &CapabilityEffects Environment Transaction Business-to-Consumer E-Business Systems | Systems E-Business Business-to-Consumer Site Characteristics and Applicant Attractio | Attractio andApplicant Site Characteristics Technology and Diversity | ofRecruitmentMaterial Customization | Approach Multi-level | Customization of Mass Enabler | Coordinating Mechanism As A Systems | Outcomes andGroup Behaviors, Leadership Holcombe Ehrhart Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute Chatterjee Charles Chowa Missouri, St.Louis; Jeyaraj Memphis Goldberg Koch School; ofManagementResearch,LondonBusiness Advanced Institute ofTechnology; Institute Massachusetts U.; Texas A&MInternationalU.; of Kentucky Memphis James RVanScotter California StateU.,LongBeach Maryland; Governance & Use of B2B Platform:FirmRelationship, of B2B & Use Governance Jyotsna Mukherji

Charmine Hartel David GAllen Peter R Monge : B

(Paper Session)-(OCIS) , Bremen U.

T JS: eaching-oriented | , U. of Missouri, St. Louis; , U.ofMissouri,St.Louis; Petra Schubert Jun Liu Kevin PGallagher Kevin JS: , GeorgeU.; Washington Jacob Eisenberg Jacob Jonathan C. Ziegert

, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; , RensselaerPolytechnic (OCIS, TIM) (ODC, MOC) , DePaulU. , U.ofMissouri,St.Louis , ChineseU. of HongKong ; Th , U.ofMemphis , U.ofSouthern California , SanDiegoStateU.; Gary Griggs , DeakinU. omas Sy , TexasA&MInternationalU. ☯ , Louisiana StateU.; , Louisiana Management Practice-oriented | The Role of Technology in The RoleofTechnology , U.ofAppliedBasel; Sciences Robert F OtondoRobert F rs And Suppliers: Informations rs AndSuppliers:Informations Reflections on Affective Events Events Reflections onAffective , U. ofCollegeDublin on Applicant Attraction| on , Florida StateU. John D.Francis Customer Collaboration as an as Collaboration Customer anizational Adoptionof anizational , CaliforniaStateU.,LongBeach IT as a Bridge Between Between IT asaBridge , Drexel U. , Drexel , on Leadership Emergence, Emergence, on Leadership Relationships BetweenWeb Relationships U. ofMissouri,St.Louis; Deborah Balser David G AllenDavid G Frank T.Piller Kathrin Moeslein David Mayer , U.of Memphis; Mitzi GPitts ; Xu Huang Brian R.Dineen Ananda Mukherji T Ravichandran , San DiegoState Caren

; SuzyFox , U.of Anand , U.of International-oriented| Thomas Sy , Dipanjan , U.of Karen Michael , Hong , U.of , , U. , , , ; , 334 Social Systems the System A Large-Scale Smartcard-Based Electronic Payment System System Payment Electronic Smartcard-Based A Large-Scale A FrameworkforSocialSystems B Chair: Hilton Hawaiian 10:40am -12:00pm 1360 Of Usefulness And Relevance OnThe A CEO’sPerspective Development ofaTheo AET toResearchonEmotionsinthe Applications of FirmPerformance-- Influence Executives Do How Much Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room302B 10:40am -12:00pm 1362 B 2 Rivalry Theory:TheMotivational B Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room302A 10:40am -12:00pm 1361 B U. Participants: Theme-oriented | “Work the System”: Employee Creativity in the Shadows | intheShadows| Creativity Employee “Work theSystem”:

Swinging for the Fences: Stock Options, Aggressive Aggressive Options, Stock the Fences: Swinging for 4 ; Kay Russell The Leadership&Ca Consequences of CEO Rivalry | ofCEORivalry Consequences Gogus Baptist U.; California, Berkeley Technology Hartel and Service Operations Management | Management Operations and Service Mana AET ForLeadingAnd Workplace: Advantages Really? | Really? Twente Steenhuis Gerard Sanders Deakin U. Russell McComb Ralitza Patrashkova Feirong Yuan Hazy Sapir Academic College Sapir Academic Bendoly Multiple Case-Study in theAircraftIndustry| Multiple Case-Study Strategic Investments, and Extreme Performance | Performance andExtreme Strategic Investments, Variance Following Centralized IT Deployment | ITDeployment Centralized Variance Following Contingency andSyne Leadership, Organizational Organizational Leadership, International Technology Transfer: BuildingTheoryFrom Transfer: International Technology Quality of Design and Quality of Conformance: of Conformance: andQuality of Design Quality Resonant Dissonance: Investigating Lagged Operational LaggedOperational Investigating Dissonance: Resonant

Elliot Bendoly Titus Oshagbemi Tjai M. Nielsen : : : , GeorgeWashington U. (Paper Session)-(OM) (Paper Session)-(OMT) (Paper Session)-(OMT) , DeakinU.; , Texas A&MU.; , S.J.P.Group; , Emory U.; James GHunt James Ferrara Maria , U. of Massachusetts , U.of Massachusetts Charmine Hartel

Alison Mackey , EasternWashingtonU.; Wing-Keung Wong , S.J.P.Group , Texas A&MU.,CollegeStation; Visual Presentation|

, BrighamYoungU. , EmoryU. Rebekah Bennett , George Washington U. Mark Cotteleer , U.ofMassachusetts,Amherst; , Queen's U.,Belfast ry of Workplace Events| ry of pabilities Model(LCM)| Debra Panipucci , ParthenopeU.ofNaples RichardWoodman W , Texas TechU. rgistic Approach | , Ohio State U. Village: SouthPacific3 and Limitations | and Limitations , Deakin U. , Deakin ; Debra Panipucci; Debra Technology Management & Technology Management Capabilities ging In Organizations | ging InOrganizations Does LeadershipMatter? Gaming ofGames, System , National U.ofSingapore Selected forBestPaper Proceedings Effects andOrgan Modeling and Simulation | | and Simulation Modeling Gavin James Kilduff , MarquetteU. Erik JdeBruijn , Queensland U.of ; MichelleKPizer , DeakinU. Ziqi Liao & Sustainability: Gavriel Meirovich Michelle KPizer , DeakinU. , TexasA&MU. Celile Itir Harm-Jan James K. Charmine , HongKong , U.of Elliot izational Sara Kay Wm , Deakin , U. of , U.

, , Session Details Ð Wednesday

2The Use of Organizational Learning Mechanisms: Participants: Dan Bowman, - ; Joaquin Herranz, U. of Environmental, Managerial, and Cultural Correlates. | Idan - Washington, Seattle; Timothy S. Reed, U.S. Air Force Academy; Barkai, IDF; Yitzhak - Samuel, U. of Haifa Klaus Uhlenbruck, U. of Montana Immanence and Transcendence: the “Consumption” of 1366 : (Paper Session) - (PNP) Interorganizational Angelo Fanelli B4 Charismatic Leadership in the US | , HEC Relations: Networking, Contracting & Procurement Paris 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Waialua Room Lisa M. Prosser 1363 New Approaches to Tackle Chair: , U. of Southern California JS: (OMT, BPS) Herman L. Boschken Knowledge into Networks: Research Implications and Discussant: , San Jose State U. New Research Avenues Interorganizational Relations: The Case of U.S. Securities Amy E. Smith 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 313B Regulation | , U. of Albany, SUNY The Paradoxical Combination of Inter-organizational 2 Managing by and through Networks: Network R. Karl knowledge governance logics | Emmanuel Josserand, Paris Management, Policy Networks, and the Internet | Rethemeyer Dauphine U. , U. of Albany, SUNY A Knowledge-Based View Of Networks And Networking | J C BContracting Public Library Management to Private Vendors: Spender, Open U. The New Public Management Model | Robert C. Ward, Knowledge and Stakeholders in Networks: Investigating the Louisiana State U.; Michael Carpenter, Louisiana State U. Governance of Knowledge | Thomas Clarke, U. of BThe Potential Role of Public Procurement in Influencing Technology, Sydney Markets | Helen Walker, U. of Bath; Christine Harland, U. of Social Networks and Knowledge Resources in the Sport Bath; Nigel Caldwell, U. of Bath; Louise Knight, U. of Bath Lionel Maltese Events and SME's High Tech Industry | , IAE 1367 : (RM) Visual Representation in the Research Vincent Chauvet U., Aix en Provence; , IAE U., Aix en Provence Process Knowledge Sharing in the Telecommunication Industry: An 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 323A "Iron Cage" Perspective | Philippe Baumard, U. of California, Visual Representations in Presenting Research. | Paul S Berkeley Goodman, Carnegie Mellon U. Participants: Philippe Baumard, U. of California, Berkeley; Thomas Videography as Visual Representation in Research Design Clarke ; J C Spender ; Vincent , U. of Technology, Sydney , Open U. and Measurement | Laurie R. Weingart, Carnegie Mellon U. Chauvet ; Lionel Maltese , IAE U., Aix en Provence , IAE U., Aix en Participants: Laurie R. Weingart, Carnegie Mellon U.; Paul S ; Emmanuel Josserand Provence , Paris Dauphine U. Goodman, Carnegie Mellon U. 1364 JS: (OMT, ONE) Terrorism, Climate Change and 1368 B : (Paper Session) - (SIM) Leaders and Crisis Managing in the 21st Century Management: Social Responsibility, Technology, and 10:40am - 12:00pm Hawaii Convention Center: Room 301A Accounting Examples Chair: Andrew H. Van de Ven, U. of Minnesota 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kohala/Kona Room Relationship between Economic, Ecological and Management Chair: Patricia C Kelley, U. of Washington, Bothell Monika Winn Manfred Kirchgeorg Paradigms | , U. of Victoria; , Discussants: Marilyn L Taylor, U. of Missouri; Harry J Van Buren Leipzig Graduate School of Management III, U. of New Mexico International Terrorism, Uncertainty and the Firm | John T CSR and the CEO: Determinants of a Strategic Intention Steen Peter W. Liesch , U. of Queensland; , U. of Queensland; towards Corporate Social Responsibility | Richard C. Peters, Michael Czinkota Gary Knight , Georgetown U.; , Florida State Florida Atlantic U.; Xenophon Koufteros, Florida Atlantic U. U. Reactions to a Crisis: Leader Explanations and Audience Facing the Future: How business is Responding to Climate Responses | Jaclyn M. Nowakowski, Michigan State U.; Bruce Sampson Change | , BC Hydro Donald E Conlon, Michigan State U. Monika Winn Andrew Slack and Sustainability | , U. of Victoria; Shocks and Ethical Behavior in Organizations: Authentic Griffiths , U. of Queensland Leadership in the Accounting Profession | Claudia C. Participants: Andrew Griffiths, U. of Queensland; Monika Winn, U. Cogliser, Texas Tech U.; Anne M. Magro, U. of Oklahoma of Victoria; John T Steen, U. of Queensland; Peter W. Liesch, U. The Role of Senior Managers in Preventing of Queensland; Manfred Kirchgeorg, Leipzig Graduate School of B Judith Ann Management; Bruce Sampson, BC Hydro; Gary Knight, Florida Technological Accidents and Disasters | Chapman State U.; Michael Czinkota, Georgetown U. , U. of Western Sydney 1369 Corporate Philanthropy 1365 : (PNP) New Public Management in the 21st Century: 4 : (Paper Session) - (SIM) WEDNESDAY in the 21st Century Evidence of Effective Implementation in Privatization 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Niihau Room 10:40am - 12:00pm Sheraton Waikiki Beach: Kahuku Room Risa Morimoto Chairs: Kathleen Voges, Texas A&M U., Kingsville; Leslie Chair: , Groupe ESC Toulouse Business School Lynne Andersson ; Enrique M Perez Tworoger, Nova Southeastern U. Discussants: , Temple U. , Florida Atlantic U.

Teaching-oriented | ☯Management Practice-oriented | International-oriented| Theme-oriented | Visual Presentation | Selected for Best Paper Proceedings 335 Section D WEDNESDAY Section D Session DetailsÐ Wednesday the Community, State, Civil Sector andCorporations Civil the Community,State, Discussant: Chair: Hawaii Convention Center:Room313C 10:40am -12:00pm 1373 4 B and Network LifeCycle Discussant: Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room306A 10:40am -12:00pm 1372 B Ide User Guided andPioneering of Model a Dual-motive Toward Protection Property Intellectual Chair: Hawaii ConventionCenter:Room304B 10:40am -12:00pm 1371 UNITEC Institute ofTechnology Camp Presenters: Organizer: Sheraton WaikikiBeach:OahuRoom 10:40am -12:00pm 1370 2 but DonotCare:ReneginginEconomic PeopleGive Some Behavior Giving: ATheoryofPlanned of The Nature Exploitation Innovation Discussant: Too Little or Too Much? Reexami Too Much? Too Littleor 4 inLogistics Innovation on the Factors Influencing Aligning Innovations to Ne Aligning Innovationsto Activities within Services| Activities Science andTechnology andTechnology; Kong U.ofScience Biopharmaceutical Industry Biopharmaceutical | New MobileTelecommServices Ideation of Workplace | Games | | Philanthropy Corporate of Examination Houman Andersen John E.Taylor David Daniel Catherine Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology; Hong KongU.of ScienceandTechnology; Magnusson Idaho StateU. Ho Carnegie MellonU.; Greifswald Harburg U.; Technologies | Relocation and Relocation Innovative between Charitable Giving and Performance | and Performance Giving Charitable between Douglas E.Thomas U.; Louisiana State Strategic Corporate Soci Strategic Corporate In the Shadow of the Dragon and the Tiger: Production Tiger:Production andthe In theShadowofDragon , ChangJung ChristianU. , U. ofRegina

Henry Sauermann Peter Galvin Sylvie Blanco 4 : : : (Paper Session)-(TIM) (Paper Session)-(TIM) (Paper Session)-(TIM) T

eaching-oriented | R Robert BrentAnderson Tom Wamalwa Faems Dries Ashley Braganza Ashley

obert BrentAnderson Daylian M.Cain :

(SIM) Ricarda B.Bouncken , Karlstad U. Feirong Yuan , Stanford U.; , Stanford Chieh-Yu Lin , CurtinU.of Technology ; LeoPaul Dana Indigenous Development: theRoleof Indigenous Development: , Grenoble Ecole de Management Management de , GrenobleEcole Yves Damoiseau , AarhusBusinessSchool Robyn Dawes , U.ofNew Mexico ☯ Actors Centrality: The , Catholic U.ofLeuven , Duke U. Management Practice-oriented | , UMR GAEL INRA U. INRA , UMRGAEL , CapellaU. , Carnegie MellonU.; al Responsibility | al Responsibility , CranfieldU. , Texas A&MU.,CollegeStation tworks: TheGlobalChallenge| ness Reconsidered | Reconsidered ness ; AnaMariaPeredo Christiane Bettina Hipp Raymond Levitt Interorganizational Networks Service, Technology,and Knowledge Creation& faced with Biotech Rupture. | Rupture. Biotech with faced , Chang JungChristianU.; in Collaborati Individual Innovation in the Individual Innovation ation: Exploring End-User End-User ation: Exploring , U.of Regina , U.of Canterbury , U.of Regina , Ernst-Moritz-Arndt U. , CarnegieMellon U. ning the Relationship ning the Jiatao Li , Louisiana State U.; , Louisiana Jaepil Choi Jaepil Bryan Dennis ve Innovation ve Innovation , StanfordU. , Hong KongU.of Brent D Beal Brent D ; Ronald D. Jason Dana , U.ofVictoria Peter R. Heli Wang International-oriented| ; EllaHenry Poul , Hamburg- , Hong Yi-Hui

, , , ,

, 336 Desorptive Capacity and Its Impact on the External External onthe andItsImpact Capacity Desorptive Capacity: AnEmpirica Absorptive 2 and Exploration ofBalancing Interpretations Rival Theme-oriented | 4 Eindhoven U. of Technology Eindhoven U.of Gilsing Tilburg U.; Vanhaverbeke Productivity in the Pharmaceutical Industry| inthePharmaceutical Productivity Commercialization of Knowledge | of Knowledge Commercialization Simultan Exploitation: Stanford U. Nemanich Technology Eckhard R.V.Lichtenthaler Ernst (WHU); Beisheim GraduateSchoolofManagement Optimal Cognitive Distance and Absorptive Capcity| Optimal CognitiveDistanceandAbsorptive , OttoBeisheimGraduate (WHU); School ofManagement , EindhovenU.ofTechnology; , U.of Houston; Geert Duysters Visual Presentation| , Technology; Eindhoven U.of eous orSequential? | Robert TKeller , EindhovenU.ofTechnology; , Swiss Federal Institute of , SwissFederalInstitute Selected forBestPaper Proceedings l AnalysisofInnovation Ulrich Lichtenthaler Ad VandenOord , U. of Houston , U. Bart Nooteboom Eric L.Chen Louise Anne Holger , Victor , Otto Wim , ,

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