FIVE ISLANDS FINE THE MAYOR GEORGETOWN P FOR REVENUE TAX I’ ON MOTOR BOAT Alton C. Berry Now in Ger­ Thomas M. Hagan’s Crew liecanso the federal tax on his motorbcat which was due July 31, many Writes of Experiences wan not pfdd until Aujr. 81, Mayor Ahrives and Portable Mill Sale Continued Ih'nke has been fined $10 hy the Before Signing of Armistice Internal revenue department and Begins Operations on Wood WHTFTALLRUGS further notified that nnlo»s the and in With the fine Is paid within three days nu- Lot Georgetown.—Some Semi-Annual Sale of Dropped Patterns othc4* ivill be im|>»MfMl. Army of Occupation “It’s a little rougti to be fincnl Illness in Tovm.—Arrivals Whittall Rugs you all know cannot be excelled by any other in this manner,'’ stated His when design, quality and satisfaction are considered. Honor. “e»pecial)>’ when my boat was commis8ione

velt’s reward in this s. PAYS A TRIBUTE latter says, had to come K ization of having perfor Cook (Oontinued from Pape One) duty from which his James F. WiU Co. was called to her home Friday. highest Influence, would have pro-1 reaped a benefit without compensa- 1 places: Olewig, Hitzarath, and Bern-■ thi^f Mr. Marr is luiich (better, Wendell Baker of Robinhood hasi longed their opposition to these tion to him in the way of personal kastle, Sohren, and then Mrs. Charles .M,)ore lelt Monday KllUXSW lCK measures, perhaps fatally. Rooae- advancement.” , went (o Pfalzbourg at the end of two lor a week’s vi.sit with relatives in . Recently pur- chasedcliuscd c*a wood sawing machine from; ROCKLAND MURDER TOP NOTCH PRICES C. A. .MacMalian and family have,.^.^^, ifowe gone to Somervill.. lor the Thomas Xixon of Robinhood SUSPECT IS IN BATH PAID FOR SMELTS He has rented a .tore here and wil , ^ Wednesday of Mr. and carry on thejiuu.utacture and sale , Reynolds, Alii Turilainen, the Finn w'anted Smelt fishermen are now receiving of his Kenneibe<. chewmg gum. , fojiowin by the authorities in connection with top notch rates for their catches and W. E. Rowe lias gone t<> Uaih, P®®P|” |the murder of Mrs. Caroline Welt j are making the beat of the high where he has obtained work in tlie attended the grange meetinii at r >ve I Rockland one w'eek a g o i prices paid by the Boston commis- Isl.inds Tuesday evening; jodgej Bath po-I sion merchants; Frank U Edgecomb Texas yard. Ir^tearns W. Scott, Miss Ethel B. liverett Cromv.'cU and .Milton Pink- lice station over night. He was ar-jof the north end received a check Todd, Mi.-?s -Marion Buzzo, Rev. Wil- J\ist Two Days ham drove from Bath to pass Sun­ rested in Riley, near .lay, while at a i Saturday for $iri.lo for 41 pounds, li:im Boyd and Roland Harford. dance hall by Deputy Sheriff A. A. caught on two tides. Tliey filled a day hero. The attendance at the Center Flora Moore is visiting relatives in Allen and was brought to this city by basket and were shipped to the Bos­ ,Eath. Her father took L v | arrived by trolley from Lewiston at gross amount $14.3)5, from which ing the train at Wiscasaet for BaMr. ’ ... , . ¡eight, was given his supper at the $1.25 was deducted for express and M ore Cheste r MacMahan of B:ith passed : . Robinhood »n- Qoionial and then was taken to the commissions. “A fow years ago I Sunday in town at the home of his ^'-i^il 1>>« toot with a na.l and wasjpoUee station. The trip to Rockland 1 thought I was getjLing a good price parents, Mr. and Mrs. .J. T. Mac-1was continued at S.50 Monday. j when they sent a check for $5 a Mahan.r. ¡,! I Mr.-.Turilainen Carroll was P. watchedPowers otby aRobin large- 1 basket,” laughed Mr. Edgecomb. I Mr. and \''S. George Hanna have | calling on friends edne.s- curious persons shortly ivpeaking of smelt fishing, anol,hor Big Bargains Saturday and Monday at I returiu'd from SoiUiiiport bringing. , after his arrival in Bath Sunday i recalls that at one time I with them I heir little grandcliild, .\1-i iBiam Boyd ai'ei night, many peering through tho|'h^>' were retailed for five cents a ivin Brewer. passing a few days with Mrs. J. l^-v- 1 C o l o n i a l . 1 «^fzen irrespective of size. One day Friends ol Tjincoln (’aini);>oll are ’’f , ^The men’s waiting room at the friend was undecided whether to the Most SuccessfulI much pleas<>(l to he;;r be is so much ^^orklng lea.gne v.hicli has heen,T^^jne Central station was filled ¡purchase from him or not but sug­ better. ' nr";®": " ‘i ! Monday while Detective Roy and hi.s gested that if they were real fresh I Xe.vt meciiiig of R<\1 Cross will bei''’^’ OIi\er Tuesday. iprisoner awaited the train which was he might call^at their house that ¡with .Mrs. .\llred MaeMuhan. ' Thomas Hagan has begun work 11 5 „.¡„utes late. night and if his wife liked them she Cliarli's Houcher of liaili passed i.ga.n with hiR portable mill, the men I On the train were several Boston would buy a half-dozen. Sunday ai tin* 'Five Ishuuis. arnvmg \\ednesday. Ralph Reynolds, photographers. .r. tl. SIrvcns hiul il loixi of grain iind Will Mains will drive double.The Finn willingly posed for tlie On the Hockoniock dally siutlt coi'H' from I’.ath, W-ediiHsdny. team? tor i.lr. Hagan. ’cameramen. He had only one thing fishermen are bringing acroiw m a n y JANUARY l.,adies’ aid meets Wodncsday with I’eople here were much grieved to to say and that was that a mistake il'askets and ibags of smoits from the Miss Isabel Stevens. U-arn that .lohn Cummings of Bath, been made, that he was not the j^^^^^ waters of the Sasanoa. Taps-

HUSBAND MUST PAY ery move with keen, alert eves, and I f shipped by the baskc- WIFE $8.00 WEEKLY seemed to bo willing and eager to doi^.’'^ Bo:ston and New 'iork. The whatever the deiecetive wanted iiini ; ^ in tiiii; city ror :;0c ( harlcs i;. Bracca ol' t’u; Tnited ALL ARE BUSY DAYS to do. He was not handcuiYed that ■ pound. Clearance Sale! State.^ imMcl'.ant ma;in(‘. coiivioted of morning but followed the detective i ______non suppo! ' of his wife, was Orderoti AT BATH Y. M. C. A. as he bo.nded the train while ofiicer ¡ 11V .r.ulgc K "'■gan at a ni'.;''* ¡-■'jssiou Eogan trailed him. in the History ot Our Business at The Bath Dept Store o r tilt' i:ì .ii l '-ipal court .').')i)(lay to Turilainen set up an alibi, which The Y.M.C.A. is a busy place these pay ber $^ . ' ekly unti! 1 ;md showed tb it he left Rockland the CASTORIA wi’ek ly . ' thè l)alaiice ol' tiie yo r- | days, ln lact there .are more peo-l(j.jy of the murder and meeting a wo- pie sleeping and visiting there now tlU' li'SiJOll 1' nt to be il!,>\vi,'d lu.s: man acquaintance of his own nation­ For InfBHts and Childrea than even summer, when so many frt'edoiii (MI )»robation wi!!i ili^ iin- ality in Brunswick, went to Riley In Use For Over 30 Years Hundreds of people who come to look go away sati3fied buyers and return to buy . dorsi a lidi 1 1 '.', : hat iif' sho'jid ."i'P». ur; .sliulei'.ts wore at work in the ship- where he went to work Tuesday wards. Tuesday night 75 men slept morning. He was released after ex­ A h v t^b ean bel o re i he court wliciuv'i- ordired. tte more. Ws are selling goods cheaper than they can be duplicated in the markets in (U'faiilt .1 there, wliile its capacity for beds is amination. 'ìge Kee.^an ., P liim only f!s, seven having to sleep on Sigmucure of today. This is an absolute fact. The reason:—We bought eairly and heavily. It’s th;.l a seni. ' -e of two ■ beiland con ; iy jail wouid .' n, j niattrespes stretched out upon the ' teriKit i\ (\ ' '■ billiard and i>ool tables. Most of cash we want, to buy spring stock. You get the benefit. : thcte men are employed in the ship- WENTWORTH DIES Children Ory Charb'.; I. Xeweil, a f nry I'ei" ¡,re sailors. Often times RESULT OF EXPOSURE FOR FLETCHER'S thè compiaì :;nt. had ask.' tin ‘oiMt jiho Y.M.C.A. is called upon to take ,to coinpt'l t re.spond(>nt ' *rt ,)[■ traiipionls who come in 6n | Perley L. \\''entworth, :',3, died Sat-i CASTORIA bis 17 y('j ' old bri(u>, wiio is soon j til,, i;,te train, and are unable tc ju rd a y night at Dr. Crrant's em eig-; lo bocoiiic mothc'.-. and to uu t(j accommodations at the hotels. ency ho.“rpital. .Mr. W entworth was Children Cry Bargains All Over tiie limit o: live law in iiiif’:; and in;- .\inerican I.,ibrary assoriation | found Saturday forenoon wandering FOR FLETCHER'S pi'iso!iuion: of the ycr.ng liusbi.i'd., ¡jas recently sent through the State about the woods just below Winne- I , .ludge .\i i l ;r .T. punton in liis de-1 ¡,ji„.ary for “the Y.M.C.A. :]OiO volumes gance, and was brought to the police j CASTORIA tense said ihat this was not a case | of line fiction, which are greatlj' ap- station. Ho vavs ill and sutiering Children Ory I'oi- vindici i ness: that the wife wa.sj p,-ociated. Xew shelves have been fron» exposure, his feet being frozen. ' FOR FLETCHER'S The Store not de.' liiiMi , that the tatlicr of th • i (o iho reading room, and it is He was taken to Dr. Grant’s hospital, .'oung won. in had lionie tlie bnrdcn | more popular, now than ever, and his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Plum­ C A S T O R 5 A and wonht 1 m tinue to do su for his; 'I'he \Var Council recently sent a mer Wentworth of South Portland,' (laughttM'; I uit had been a case ot I new phonograph to the S'.M.C.A., came on the evening train. Still a large stock to be disposed of including love at tir>i ight and that the young 1 which is kept busy evenings, Mr. Went worth wiis an electrician Quarries, Factory hnsl'-and had eontriliiited to her sup-' The War Woi k council has also | and has been in Bath aliout a year, i M i port out <>i hi small earnings and sent some Hags, which are used <0|Ue was born in South Poriland, son | Locations, Mill • would coni Mine. He clainn-d that a decorate the rooms. | of the late William and Elizabeth, Sites, Farms, Sites fino woiilii he upoless and Ihat it At tiie desk cookies, cakes and ; pijjjimijei- Wentworth. ' rom MORE THAN 350 GARMENTS would not lii'lp m atters to sond the chocolates are on sale and a sur- 1 ------.young man to jail. prising liusiness is done evenings. Summer Hotels and Camps And they must all go before Monday night. Low prices will do it and any pru> 1‘KllKECT HKAliTH SCORE i The \.M.C.A. seem.’? a good plaC'-? , Located on the line of the dent buyer who will inspect stock and prices will admit that this is the !to live these days. Not only is it an! I attractive home for many men, but I Maine Central Railroad SALE GOING ON WITH . ¡everyone is in the best of health.! Give opportunity to those deslrlnv i« 1 100 percent, health. Another score make a chango In location for a SALE OF REAL BARGAINS I for the ‘‘Y.” new start in life. EXTRAORDINARY Undeveloped Water Powers COME EARLY AND LET US PROVE OUR STATEMENTS LOW PRICES HISS A. B. WATSON Unlimited Raw Material 4 an« All articles on sale are taken from our regular stock NewY orkGraduateChiropodit^ Good Farming Land and arc greatly reduced from the original • price«.—it-w 'pgf fcoaloBB, tngfoWB ■------— Devtcpwaent. ------— easy to prove for your own satisfaction that this state­ eased naiU, calouses, and all pain in the teet treated Comraui'tcatlons r^frardlnc loeatlfinw Bath Dept Store ment is true. »ucceasfully »re lnvlt.et,\ anfl will receive AtlentfOB wben ad