: 2016 New DisplacementsCHAD and Affected People in as of 31 October 2016

Notes: # In Sortony and Tawilla, authorities halted IOM's registration and verification processes in mid-February. As a result, figures By State underwent revision and have now been amended according to KornoiRegistered/Verified vs Unverified Registered/Verified Unverified WFP's latest beneficiary figure in July. Tina 115,835(97.9%) # In Boori and Wadi Boori, confirmation on reported displacement El Tina 118,280(57.6%) 89.5% 60.3% 34% Unverified 28,708(33.0%) to the area and / or to other areas remains impossible due to insufficient humanitarian access. Kornoi 52,929(60.9%) 86,982(42.4%) # All HAC return figures are considered as reported as there has Registered/Verified 5,166(5.9%) El Malha been no verification. Central Darfur 1,610(1.4%) Umm Baru 179(0.2%) 835(0.7%) West Darfur South Darfur Kulbus Kutum LEGEND Kulbus Saiyah International boundaries Kutum Mellit State boundaries 5,000 El Kuma

people returned to Mulli, Hellat Zaghawa, ≤ 45,000 Mellit NORTH Locality boundaries 1,610 2,909 21,553 25,283 Doroti, Alla Maragha, Atiya villages Boori and Wadi Boori area Um Tajouk town New arrival site next to KORDOFAN State capital from Abuzar camp in El localitySilleia Kebkabiya town Sortony UNAMID Team Site NORTH variousEl sources Sireaf various sources Rwanda camp I-A assessment WFP WFP Kafod WFP Primary town Kuma DARFUR Jebel Moon Secondary town Korma 1,000 WESTSirba Rokoro Village Ed Al Nagab El Fasher various sources DARFUR El Sireaf Kebkabiya IDP camp/gathering site Mulli 179 Tawilla Birkat Seira 4,200 Umm Keddada Ardamata camp Saraf Omra Kebkabiya Rwanda El Fasher IDP gathering site Tawilla Fanga Suk Burush Ardamata IOM Saraf Omra Bulleh Abuzar 1,500 Kebkabiya Tawilla Barbis Basa various sources Umm Keddada people reportedly returned Kaguro Argo IDP in host community Sortony El Geneina Um Tajouk Burgo 29,445 to villages around Um Tajouk Sortony 5,060 UNAMID Team Site Guldo town Kreinik town in Kreinik locality people reportedly returned to Fanga Suk village and Rokoro town El Geneina Central/North Rokoro Reported hostilities various sources HAC Fanga Suk from different villages in North Jebel Marra in Rokoro locality Jebel MarraDaya Dar El Salam HAC Wadi(Rokoro) Boori Jo-Kosti Reported displacement movements Misterei Guldo Golo 21,865 West Jebel Mera Shadad Nertiti town & Nertiti North IDP camp Kosa Sarrong Marra (Nertiti) Boori Reported return movements Zalingei Koron HAC Buri Deribat Nertiti N. Kwilla Kibli Shangil Tobay Hameedia Nertiti Kutrum Murnei Kaninga IDPs independently Nertiti Garsila Kundah Koronga Boldon Nertiti Sharg registered / verified Kango Haraza Hasahisa camp: Zalingei Nertiti S. + Asterana Galol 3,354 Hasahisa Jebel Marra El Malam 3,184 Kalimendo Thur IDPs and affected people Hameedia camp: 1,812 Tarantara Shadad camp Beida Sullu Thur East & West Wada`ah reported but unverified Kalokitting I-A team Azum WFP Torray Mershing Returnees Menawashi Manawashi Niteaga Habila 835 WEST Humanitarian Services CENTRAL Deribat Kass Mershing Kass NNGO El Taweisha Education Alwehda Sheiria KORDOFAN Habila DARFUR Kass Kass Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items Garsila 1,123 El Malam town Food Security & Livelihoods 1,023 Foro 48,000 60 12,075 14,672 2,190 IOM Health people returned to surroundings villagesBaranga NW of people reportedly returned to Golo Golo town Thur village Kass area Daya village Habila town from Habila town in Habila locality Sheikhs 372 town from Terbi, Durgo,Tala and HAC HAC IOM Otash Nutrition Foro Baranga Menawashi village IOM KattiWadi villages Salih in Rokoro locality Shattai Nyala North Protection IOM HAC Nyala Bindisi Mukjar Nyala Water, Sanitation & Hygiene SOUTH 4,574 El lait Bielel Mershing village Bindisi DARFUR IOMAbou Adid Date: 31 October 2016 Mukjar Sources: Roads (UNJLC), boundaries Ed El Fursan El Salam (CBS), settlements (IMWG), OCHA. Kubum Yassin 7,967 Egypt Libya Feedback: [email protected] Otash camp www.unocha.org/sudan www.reliefweb.int IOM Boundaries and names shown and designations Ed El Fursan used in this map do not imply official endorsement Ed Daein Abu Karinka or acceptance by the United Nations. The final Chad boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan is yet to be determined, Adila S U D A N Eritrea as the final statusof the area. Assalaya EAST IDP figures constantly fluctuate, more so during the Umm Dukhun Rahed el Berdin onset of a new crisis. OCHA receives figures from the UN Gereida and partners and triangulates them. DARFUR The number of verified IDPs OCHA reports on has been Tullus either registered / verified by IOM and / or confirmed through Rahad El Berdi Abu Jabra Ethiopia inter-agency assessments / missions and / or during the Bahr El Arab provision of assistance by IASC humanitarian partners. Nyimeri El Ferdous Katila Dimsu C.A.R. South Sudan This in turn implies that the level of verification and Sunta accuracy varies greatly. CAR
