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Abisror, Abram, 42 Afrodescendants, 216, 236–37, 323–25. Aboy, Rosa, 191 See also Afro- Acebal, Justo Pallares, 32 Afro-porteños, 21, 232, 239 Adamovsky, Ezequiel, 190, 250, 260, 308–9 Afro-Uruguayans, in visual culture, 162–63 Adell, Héctor, 119–20 Agostini, Alberto María de, 136–37 African Americans, 79–81, 112 Ahmed, Sarah, 244, 263, 279 Africans, in Argentina Alberdi, Juan Bautista, 29 morenos and, as racial category, 5 Albinoim, Moisés Urquijo de, 38–39 mulato and, as racial category, 5 Alemán, Oscar Marcelo negros and, as racial category, 5 as black gaucho, 75 pardo and, as racial category, 5 criollismo tradition and, 74–78 zambo and, as racial category, 5 criticism of, 92–94 Afro-Argentines. See also Alemán, Oscar; early life for, 74–78 moreno; negros early musical success, 76–78 in , 218, 238–39 in Ebony, 73 in comic strips, 168–70 embrace of blackness by, 73 in Ebony, 73 European perception of African descent for, in fiction, 289–91 82–84 in Fiebre negra, 291, 302–7 international success of, 77–78 in films, 170 as jazz guitarist, 79 invisibilization of, 215 Les Loups and, 76–78 in May Revolution of 1810, 175 as musical influence, 92 mestizaje and, 222 musical style of, 84–86, 91–92 during Perón regime, 168–70, 190 in Paris, 79–86 political embrace of, 6 during Perón regime, 87 in popular photography, 167–70 popular recordings, 92 revisibilization of, 216, 238–39 racial discrimination as influence on career, tango music and, 89–90 86–94 in 2010 census, 21–22 rediscovery of, 94–95 violence against, 241–42 return to Buenos Aires, 86–95 in visual culture, 162–63, 168–70 touring with Baker, 81–82 The Afro-Argentines of Buenos Aires Alfonsín, Raúl, 202 (Andrews), 221–23, 303–4 Alliance Israélite Universelle, 40


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Alpersohn, Marcos, 35 as white nation, 150 Amadeo, Tomás, 31–32 white racial order in, 7 Ambram, Hortensia Benmuyal de, 39 whiteness in, cultural preference for, 3, 7–8, Ambrosetti, Juan B., 57–58 11, 127–28, 320–21 Ameghino, Carlos, 57–58 La Argentina Blanca (White Argentina), 243 Andrews, George Reid, 73, 221–23, 303–4 cabecitas negras and, 251–53 Anti-Discrimination Law, 202 civil unrest and, 243, 251–53 anti-Semitism, 188, 201–2 and, 246–49 Appelbaum, Nancy, 27 indigenous peoples and, 258–60 Araucanization, 132 during Kirchner presidencies, 260–63 Architectural Model of the Patagonian, 135 “Malón de la Paz” and, 250–51 Argentina. See also Buenos Aires; cocina criolla; malones and, 243–44, 249–50, 254–57 cookbooks; region Montoneros and, 252 alteration of physical landscape in, 55 1976–1983 dictatorship and, 253 Bicentennial census in, 10 public backlash against, 260–62 Bicentennial era, 202 racial hegemony and, 244–46 binary of civilization versus barbarism in, 26, La Argentina Mestiza, 263–64 45–46 Argentine food. See cocina criolla Catholicism in, 28–29 Argentine Indians. See indigenous populations; Chilean emigration to, 128 people; Tehuelche people Chinese population in, 272 Armory, Ariel, 261 during colonial period, 5 Armstrong, Louis, 87–88 Constitution of 1853 in, 28–29 El arte de cocinar, 104–5 as crisol de razas, 128–29, 155, 215 asado, 100, 107, 118–19, 121 disappearance of citizens in, 237 El asado criollo (Rodríguez Long and Groves), eugenics movement in, 8, 99 118–19 global response to racial attitudes in, 1, 4–5 Ashkenazi Jews, whiteness of, 38, 45–46 Immigration and Colonization Law in, 29 Asian-Argentines. See also Chinese, in immigration to, 7–8 Argentina; Japanese, in Argentina; Indian problem in, 127 Koreans, in Argentina indigenous people in, role in nation-building, in colectividad, 274–75 6 in cultural discourses, 275–76 internal racial hierarchies in, 215 in ethnic economies, 273–74 Japanese population in, 272 in film, 270, 276–86, 288 jazz in, 87–95 hyper-visibility of, 269 Korean population in, 273 as immigrants, 272–75 Liberating Revolution in, 137–38 invisibility of, in official discourses, 270–72 middle-class identity in, 156 in national mediators, 276–84 modern jazz in, 90–91 representation as heroic figures, 284–85 multiculturalism in, 203, 268–69 Asmussen, Svend, 84–86 1994 Constitution, 258 Asociación Castellana de Beneficencia y preference for Europeanness in, 2–4, 10–11 Misericordia, 40–41 public image problem for, 1, 4–5 Asociación Israelita Latina de Corrientes, race in, historical perspective of, 5–10, 42 19–20 Avni, Haim, 29 racial democracy in, 184 Axentzoff, José, 37 racial exceptionalism in, 2–5, 13 Ayala, Mario S., 59–60 as racial outlier, 1–2 Azevedo, Waldir, 92 regional context for, 10–13 republicanism in, 5–6, 20 Baker, Josephine, 79–82, 168 as sovereign nation, political development of, Baldi, Angel, 110 5–6 Ballent, Anahí, 58

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barbarism, civilization versus, 26, 45–46, 160 Brazil of gauchos, 47 Argentine attitudes toward, 74, 194 Barbieri, Gato, 94 Favelas, associations with, 204 beauty ideals, race as influence on, 228–30 Oscar Alemán in, musical influences on, 76 bebop music, 90–91 race and region in, 28 beef, in cocina criolla, 121–22 racial democracy in, 184, 321 Beines, Marta, 115–16 whiteness in, 31, 319–20 Benavento, Teófila. See Torres de Castex, Briones, Claudia, 8, 53–54, 101–2, 128–29, Susana 223, 239 Benton-Cohen, Katherine, 27 Brodkin, Karen, 28 Berisso, Emilio, 34 brown legends Bermúdez, Jorge, 161–62 in Argentine fiction, 290 Bernaldo de Quirós, Cesáreo, 64–65, 161–62 in Argentine historiography and public life, Berni, Antonio, 161–62 298–99, 309–10 Berreteaga, Choly, 119–21 Indias blancas, 291–302 Bialogorski, Mirta, 273 in Indias blancas II: La vuelta del , Bicentennial era, 202–3 291, 296–98 Bicentennial of the May Revolution of 1810, Buenos Aires 308–9 Afro-Argentines in, 218, 238–39 Biolcatti, Raúl, 262 under Argentine constitution, 20 black gaucho, 75 immigration into, 7–8 black legend, defined, 312 indigenous makeup of, through DNA black legends analysis, 315–16 in Argentine fiction, 302–7, 312 jazz culture in, 86–95 in Argentine historiography and public life, popular negritud in, 218 305–7, 311 porteños and, 58–61, 159 The Black Man Who Had a White Soul, provincial cooking in, growing popularity of, 168 105–7 blackness. See also Afro-Argentines; negro racial negritud in, 218 for Alemán, 73 representation as white-European city, disappearance of, as racial category, 6–7 214–15 as emblem of modernity, 74 revisibilization of Afro-Argentines in, 238–39 jazz and, 86–94 urban migration to, 193 porteños and, 230–31 Buenos Aires desde sententa años atrás (Wilde), as racial category, limited usefulness of, 213 4–5 Bustamante, Ezequiel “el Negrito,” 168 racial hegemony and, 244–46 Bustamante, Teodoro Sánchez de, 66–68 social, 237 Butler, Ray, 81 social prejudices against, 7 transnational construction of, 74 El cabecita negra (Ratier), 194–95 blanco, as racial category, 13 cabecitas negras (little black heads), 128 absence from Argentine census of, 271 La Argentina Blanca and, 251–53 D’Elía affair and, 204–5 economic class and, 156 Blanes, Juan Manuel, 159–60 El malón and, 249–50 Boccara, Guillaume, 180 Perón and, 157–58, 178–79 boliguayos, 246 Peronism and, political appropriation of, Bolivia, Jewish farmers in, 49–50 195–96 Bolivian Revolution, 127 Cabildo Abierto, 173–74 La bolsa (Martel), 30 Cabo, Dardo, 196–97 Bonelli, Florencia, 291–302 Cacciatore, Osvaldo, 253 Borenzstein, Sebastián, 276–77. See also Un Caggiano, Sergio, 177 cuento chino Cámpora, Héctor, 252–53

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Campos, Florencio Molina, 161–62 under military dictatorships, 119–20 Camusu Aike, 141, 143–45 during Perón regime, 112 as descendientes, 145–46 public celebration of, 115–20 land inspections and, 147–49 whiteness and, 111–12 Canals Frau, Salvador, 132–34 La cocina de nuestra tierra (Berreteaga), 121 Cárdenas, Lázaro, 187 La cocina del gaucho, 120 Carpentier, Georges, 82–84 Cocina ecléctica (Gorriti), 103 Carril, Hugo del, 168 La cocinera criolla (Cullen de Aldao), 103–4 Carrizo de Gandulfo, Doña Petrona, 100, El cocinero práctico argentino: Nuevo tratado 102–8, 111–12. See also cocina criolla de economía doméstica, pastelería, celebration of provincial cooking by, 115–18 repostería y helados (Gonzaga), 108 early life, 102 Coleman, Bill, 82–84 as ecónoma, 110–15 Colin, Paul, 79–81 ethnic and racial identity for, 113–14 Collins, Hill, 228 provincial status of, 113–14 colonialism Castillo, Alberto, 168 in Argentina, 5 Castro, Hortensia, 57–58 claims of whiteness during, 33–38 Catholicism, 28–29 indigenous populations and, 5 la cautiva, 265 Jewish immigrants and, 33–38 census data, for Afrodescendants and Coltrane, John, 91 indigenous people, 323–25 comic strips, 162–63, 168–70 Centurión, Emilio, 161–62 Comunidad Israelita Sefardí of Córdoba, 42 Cerro de la Gloria, 60–61 Congregación Israelita Latina Serafadim of Chamosa, Oscar, 101–2, 161, 250 Santa Fe, 40–41 Chávez, Hugo, 322 Conquest of the Desert, 127, 131–32, 141–42, Chen, Verónica, 277. See also Mujer conejo 160, 246–49 chicanos, 127 The Conquest of the Fifteen Thousand Leagues , emigration to Argentina, 128 (Zeballos), 131 Chilotes, 136–37, 140 Constitution of 1853, 28–29 Chimbela, 170 Constitution of 1994, 258 Chinese, in Argentina, 272 Cook, Will Marion, 79–81 cholos, 127 cookbooks. See also Carrizo de Gandulfo, Chumbita, Hugo, 315–16 Doña Petrona Cicciarello-Maher, George, 254 for cocina criolla, 102–8 civil unrest nationalism through, 107 La Argentina Blanca and, 243, 251–53 in provinces, 108 El malón and, 243–44 Cooke, John William, 198–99 “El Segundo Malón de la Paz,” 258–59 corporate home economist. See ecónoma civilization, barbarism versus, 26, 45–46, 160 Coscia, Jorge, 203 La cocina argentina y francesa (Gonzaga), Coya peasants, 55–56 105–8 criollismo tradition, 74–78 cocina criolla (traditional Argentine food), black gaucho in, 75 102–4, 107–8, 113, 119 “Malón de la Paz” and, 250–51 Afro-Argentine women’s role in, 112 Perón and, 163–64 asado, 100, 107, 118–19, 121 criollos. See also cocina criolla beef as staple in, 121–22 black gaucho, 75 early cookbooks, 102–8 historical development of term, 101–2 European influences on, 110–12 indigenous peoples and, 54 Gonzaga and, 105–8 Jewish immigrants and, 34–38 indigenous influences on, 100, 114–15, 122 Liga Patriótica Argentina and, 31–32, 35–38 international influences on, 99–100 mestizo population compared to, 101–2 mestizo influences on, 122 Perón and, 163–64

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in pintura costumbrista, 64–65 Ellington, Duke, 82–84, 87–88 as racial category, 5, 13, 53–54, 101–2 Entre Ríos, Jewish immigrants in, 36–38, 50 regional differences among, 101–2 Escalada, Federico, 135 crisol de razas (racial crucible), 128–29, 155, Especialidades de la cocina criolla, 115 215 Espejo, José, 173–74 Cuban Revolution, 198 ethnicity Un cuento chino, 270, 276–84 for Carrizo de Gandulfo, 113–14 Cullen de Aldao, Mercedes, 103–4 defined, 180 Cultural-Historical School, 137–38 of Other, 180 culture, race reconceptualized as, 133 tourism influenced by, 69–70 Curutchet, Jorge, 88 ethnicization, 129 ethnos, 180 da Silva, Luis Lopes, 81–82 eugenics, 8, 99 Dachevsky, Sara, 36–37 Eurindia (Rojas), 161–62 Dávila, Jerry, 29 Europe Davis, Miles, 91 cocina criolla influenced by, 110–12 De Kers, Robert, 81–82 jazz in, 80–81 degenerative mestizaje, 129–40, 143 scientific racism in, 6 Degreff, Walter, 43 Sephardi Jews and, cultural ties to, 39 del Valle, María Remedios, 309, 311 European exceptionalism, 201 Deleuze, Gilles, 264 Europeanness D’Elía, Luis, 204–5, 260–62 Argentine preference for, 2–4, 10–11 Della Valle, Ángel, 159–60 Latin American rejection of, 2–3, 10–11 Derrida, Jacques, 244 as source of pride, 3 El Descamisado, 196–97, 208 extinction descamisados (shirtless ones), 190–91 Araucanization and, 132 descendientes (descendants), 140–50 discursive formation of, 130–32, 151 Camusu Aike as, 145 of Tehuelche people, 130–32 development of, as classification category, Ezeiza, Gabino, 168 126, 149–50 as replacement for mestizo, 130 Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism Devieri, Hugo, 168 (Sarmiento), 246–47, 280 Dickmann, Enrique, 33–34 Fader, Fernando, 161–62 Dirlik, Arif, 276 Fagnano, Joseph, 142 disappearance of citizens, 237 Fanon, Franz, 198, 261 Dominican Republic, Jewish farmers in, 49–50 Feather, Leonard, 84 Don José (Hamilton), 315–16 Feinmann, José Pablo, 199 Doña Petrona. See Carrizo de Gandulfo, Doña Fenton, Victor, 143–44 Petrona Ferreira, Luis, 237 fiction, Argentine Earle, Rebecca, 100 black legends in, 302–7, 312 Ebony, 73 brown legends in, 290 ecónoma (corporate home economist), 110–15 racial storytelling in, 289–91 economic class Fiebre negra (Rosenzvit), 291, 302–7 cabecitas negras linked with, 156 film groncho linked with, 156 Afro-Argentines in, 170 negros linked with, 9, 156–57 Asian-Argentines in, 270, 276–86, 288 racialization of, 21, 204 Fin de semana, 188–90 tourism and, 53–54 First National Indigenous Census, 138 Eichelbaum, Samuel, 36 First Peronism era, 157 Elena, Eduardo, 250 Jewish immigrants during, 188 elites, political, 7, 29–30 nationalization of whiteness during, 186–92

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First Peronism era, (cont.) Guy, Donna, 44 racial democracy after, 193 Guzmán, Florencia, 101 racial propaganda during, 188–90 Flemming, Harry, 79, 81 Hamilton, José Ignacio García, 315–16 Flores, René, 271 Handbook of South American Indians, 132 food. See cocina criolla; cookbooks Handy, W. C., 80–81 Foucault, Michel, 130–32 Hanglin, Rolando, 258–59 France. See Paris, France Hawkins, Coleman, 87–88 Freedberg, David, 178 Henderson, Fletcher, 87–88 Freyre, Gilberto, 200–1 Hernández, José, 75 Frigerio, Alejandro, 74 Hernández Arregui, Juan José, 198–99 Fuentes, Ana Cecilia, 43 Higa, Marcelo, 274 Furman, Luisa, 36–37 Hindemith, Paul, 91 Hirsch, Maurice de, 30 Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer, 192 Historia de Santa Cruz (Lenzi), 138–40 Gálvez, Delfina Bunge de, 60 Holmberg, Eduardo, 57–58 Gálvez, Manuel, 25–26, 47 Hsu, Juan Martín, 285 Gandulfo, Oscar, 110 Huffington Post, 1 Gardel, Carlos, 78 hyperdescent, principle of, 143 Garrido, Pablo, 90 hypergamic unions, 143 gauchos, 35–36, 50 hypodescent, principle of, 143 asado and, 118–19 hypogamic unions, 143 barbarism of, 47 cult of, 54 El ídolo del tango, 91–92 Los gauchos judíos (Gerchunoff), 34, 38–39 Imbelloni, José, 134–36 Gauguin, Paul, 64–65 Architectural Model of the Patagonian, 135 Geler, Lea, 19–20, 107, 298, 322 Skelic Index and, 136 gender hierarchies, for Jews, 27 on Tehuelche people, 135–36 Gendron, Bernard, 79–81 immigration. See also Jewish immigrants Generation of the Centennial, 58 to Argentina, 7–8, 128 genocide, of indigenous populations, 20–21 Asian-Argentines and, 272–75 Gerchunoff, Alberto, 34, 38–39, 46 from neighboring nations, 128 Germani, Gino, 193 preferred populations for, whiteness as factor Getz, Stan, 91 in, 31–32 Gillespie, Dizzy, 91 whiteness in Argentina and, 7–8 Giménez, La Mona, 260 Immigration and Colonization Law, 29 Gonzaga, Antonio, 105–8 INADI. See Instituto Nacional contra la Gordillo, Gastón, 268 Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo Gorelik, Adrián, 58 “Indian problem,” in Argentina, 127. See also Gorriti, Juana Manuela, 103 Tehuelche people Gramajo Gutiérrez, Alfredo, 64–65 Indias blancas (Bonelli), 291–302 Grimson, Alejandro, 242 Indias blancas II: La vuelta del ranquel Griva, Edelmi, 138 (Bonelli), 291, 296–98 groncho, 156 indigenism, 133–34, 200–1 Grondona, Mariano, 254 indigenous populations. See also Tehuelche Groves, Jewel B., 118–19 people Gschwind, Eduardo, 31–32 La Argentina Blanca and, 258–60 Guano, Emanuela, 255 Argentine food influenced by, 100 Guattari, Félix, 264 authenticity of activists for, 314 Güemes, Martín Miguel de, 60–61 Chilote, 136–37, 140 La guerra al malón (Prado), 253 cocina criolla influenced by, 100, 114–15, Gutiérrez, Eduardo, 74–75 122

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during colonial period, 5 Jewish Colonization Association (JCA), 30, in comic strips, 162–63 35–36, 38 during Conquest of the Desert, 248 Jewish women, myths about hypersexuality of, criollos and, 54 44–45 de-indianization of, 20 Jews in Argentina. See also Ashkenazi Jews; demand for census data on, 323–25 Sephardi Jews; Syrian Jews disappearance of, as racial category, 6–7 acceptance as white, 33 exoticization of, in tourist literature, 63–64 anti-Semitism and, during First Peronism era, in fiction, 289–91 188 genocide of, 20–21 binary of civilization versus barbarism of, 26, in May Revolution of 1810, 175 45–46 mestizo category, 5 under Constitution of 1853, 28–33 in Mexico, assimilation of, 55, 204 criollos and, 34–38 military campaigns against, 6–7 in Entre Ríos, 36–38, 50 in periodicals, visual representations of, during First Peronism, 188 162–63 Gálvez on, 25–26 during Perón regime, 128, 133 gender hierarchies for, 27 in popular media, visual representations of, under Immigration and Colonization Law, 162–63, 197 29 in popular photography, 167–70 in Latin American colonies, 33–38 racial hegemony and, 244–46 Lugones on, 26 reciprocity with tourists, 69 manliness for, 46, 48 role in Argentine nation-building, 6 from Morocco, 39–40 in Santa Cruz, emigration to, 151 Nacionalismo movement and, 26–27, 42–45 state policy towards, 128, 133 negative stereotypes about, 26, 30–31, 42–45 territorialization of, 140–41 as non-white, 25 as tipos populares, 64–66 under Perón, 188 tourism and, invisibility of, 54–56, 63–70 political activism of, 37–38 in 2010 census, 21–22 political elites’ response to, 29–30 in visual culture, representations of, 161–62 positive stereotypes about, 26 whitening of, 149 proof of whiteness by, 33–34 zambo category, 5 prostitution and, negative associations with, inequality. See social inequality 42–45 Ingenieros, José, 32–33 racial construction of, 28–33 Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Sociedad Israelita de Protección a Niñas y Xenofobia y el Racismo (INADI), 202, 270 Mujeres and, 44–45 International Labor Organization Convention as teachers, 36–37 169, 151 Tragic Week of 1919 and, 26, 31–33 Iramain, Juan Carlos, 64–65 whiteness and, 25–27, 33–38, 46 Joseph, Galen, 255 Japanese, in Argentina, 191, 272–75 “Juan Pueblo” phenotype, 163–64, 178 jazz. See also Alemán, Oscar Marcelo “El judío Aarón” (Eichelbaum), 36 in Argentina, 87–95 “Jujuy” (Berni), 161–62 bebop genre, 90–91 Justo, Agustín P., 61–62 blackness and, 86–94 in Buenos Aires, 86–95 Kenton, Stan, 91 European embrace of, 80–81 Kid Gavilan, 168 in Latin America, 80–81 Kirchner, Cristina Fernández de, 202, 257, modern, 90–91 308–9 racial exoticism of, 87–88 La Argentina Blanca and, 260–63 tango music compared to, cultural status of, reterritorialization of mestizo under, 93–94 260–63

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Kirchner, Néstor, 202, 257, 308–9 López, Jacinto, 149–50 La Argentina Blanca and, 260–63 Losonczy, Anne-Marie, 239 reterritorialization of mestizo under, Les Loups, 76–78 260–63 Loveman, Mara, 271 Knight, Alan, 204 Lowe, Lisa, 285 Kolla people, 55–56 Lucía Miranda (Mansilla), 295 in “Malón de la Paz,” 167–68, 191, Lugones, Leopoldo, 26, 32, 47 250–51 Luna, Buenaventura, 177–78 Koreans, in Argentina, 273 Macías, José, 146 Lainez, Manuel Mujica, 213 Macpherson, Anne, 27 Lake, Marilyn, 27 malón, 243–44, 249–50, 254–57 land inspectors, 140–41, 147–49 “Malón de la Paz,” 167–68, 191 Lang, Eddie, 78, 84 La Argentina Blanca and, 250–51 Lanteri, Arturo, 162–63 criollismo and, 250–51 Laplantine, François, 264 “El Segundo Malón de la Paz,” 258–59 Latin America. See also Argentina; indigenous “Manifestación” (Berni), 161–62 populations Mañosa, Francisco, 90 immigration demographics for, 319 Mansilla, Eduarda, 295–96 jazz in, 80–81 Mansilla, Lucio, 296 Jewish farmers in, 49–50 Mapuche people, 126, 129 literature on race in, 28 Araucanization by, 132 mestizo nationalism in, 2–3, 54 Chilotes and, 140 mestizo populations in, 320 geographic origins of, 266 Nikkei populations in, 287 Tehuelche people and, 131 population demographics in, 319–20 Mapuche-Tehuelche people, 141–42 racial democracy in, 10–12, 321 Maradona, Diego, 260 rejection of Europeanness throughout, 2–3, Marta, Griselda Dalla, 138 10–11 Martel, Julián, 30 white population in, by nation, 320 Martín Fierro (Hernández), 75 Latour, Bruno, 279 Martínez, María Elena, 29 Law of the Free Womb, 214, 316 May Revolution of 1810, 175, 308–9 Lecuona, Ernesto, 87 media. See film; periodicals; popular media Lenton, Diana, 131 melting pot. See crisol de razas Lenzi, Juan Hilarion, 138–40 Menem, Carlos, 26, 202, 254 Lescano, Pablo, 260 neoliberal reforms under, 255 Lesser, Jeffrey, 31 mesticismo, 54 Levi, Alegría, 39 mestizaje Levi, Jaime, 188–90 degenerative, 129–40, 143 Liberating Revolution, 137–38 disappearance of Afro-Argentines through, El libro de Doña Petrona (Carrizo de 222 Gandulfo), 111–12 elimination of, 236 Liga Patriótica Argentina, 31–32, 35–38 Peronism and, 200–1 “Limehouse Blues,” 84–86 racial hegemony and, 244–46 Lío, Ubaldo de, 93–94 racial negritud and, 236 Lista, Ramón, 142–43 social inequality and, 4 Lista, Ramona, 146, 149 whiteness compared to, 11, 127, 149 literature. See fiction, Argentine mestizo logics, 180 little black heads. See cabecitas negras mestizo nationalism, 193 Lobo, Gastão Bueno, 76 mestizo population Lojo, María Rosa, 295–96 cocina criolla influenced by, 122 López, Abdón, 149–50 criollo category compared to, 101–2

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de-indianization of, 20 mestizo, 193 descendiente as replacement term for, 130, mestizo, in Latin America, 2–3, 54 141 nation-building, whiteness and, 222 during Kirchner presidencies, 260–63 negrophilia, 79–81 Latin American nationalism, 2–3, 54 negros, 244, 265 by nation, 320 D’Elía affair and, 204–5 racial categorization of, 5 economic class and, 9, 156–57 reterritorialization of, 260–63 as followers of Perón, J., 155–56 support of Perón, 178 as insult, 9, 316 suppression of, as ethnic category, 126 malones, 254–57 tourism and, 54–55 non-diasporic, 157 Mexico, indigenous people in, 55 as non-racial term, 9, 322–23 middle-class, in Argentina, 156 Peronism and, political appropriation of, Milanesio, Natalia, 156 195–96 minorities. See also Afro-Argentines; Asian- as racial category, 5, 13, 156–57 Argentines; indigenous populations racial prejudice against, 156 social inequality and, 4 as symbol of pride, 260 Miranda, Bibi, 81–82, 84–86 transformation of term, 9, 123 Mirelman, Victor, 44 negros Peronistas, 205–6 Mirzoeff, Nicholas, 179 The New York Times, 1 miscegenation, 177 Nikkei populations, in Latin America, 287. Mitchell, Roberto, 119–20 See also Japanese, in Argentina Los mitos de la historia argentina (Pigna), 1976–1983 dictatorship, 253 298–99 1994 National Constitution, 258 modern jazz, 90–91 Nouss, Alexis, 264 Montoneros, 252 Moore, Archie, 168 Onganía, Juan Carlos, 147–48 Moreira, Jorge Alemán, 74–75 Ordóñez, Proto, 31–32 moreno, as racial category, 5, 225–27, 236 Oria, Salvador, 59 Moreno, Francisco, 57–58 Ortiz, Roberto, 61–62 Moroccan Jews, 39–40 Mouchet, Enrique, 32 paintings of country scenes. See pintura Mouesca, Eduardo, 37 costumbrista Movimiento de Sacerdotes para el Tercer El país de la selva (Rojas), 58 Mundo (MSTM), 198 paisano, 9 Mugica, Adolfo, 249 Palitos, Pablo, 76 Mugica, Carlos, 198–200 pardo, as racial category, 5, 226, 236 Mujer conejo, 270, 276–84 Paris, France, 79–86 mulato, as racial category, 5, 226 Parker, Charlie, 91 multicultural movements, 203, 268–69. See also Patagonia region. See also Mapuche people; Asian-Argentines Santa Cruz, Territory of; Tehuelche people music. See jazz; tango music Araucanization in, 132 Architectural Model of the Patagonian, 135 Nacionalismo movement, 26 Conquest of the Desert and, 127, 131–32, fear of Jews and, 26–27, 42–45 141–42 on prostitution, Jewish associations with, as Governorate, 141–42 42–45 Imbelloni in, 134–36 Naguil, Gregorio López, 178 racial types in, 132 nationalism. See also Romantic nationalist Patoruzú, 162–63 movement patriotic pilgrimages, 60–61 through cookbooks, 107 Peralta, Helena Olivier, 197 historical development of, 160–62 Peralta, Santiago, 188

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Pérez, José, 188–90 Pibelandia, 170 La perfecta cocinera argentina (Torres de Pigafetta, Antonio de, 134 Castex), 103 Pigna, Felipe, 298–99 periodicals, 162–64, 196–97 pintura costumbrista (paintings of country Perón, Eva Duarte de, 163, 170–74, 184–85, scenes), 64–65 190–91. See also First Peronism era Pittman, Booker, 87 Perón, Juan D., 26, 61–62, 87, 184–85, 322. Pixinguinha, 80–81 See also First Peronism era pluralism, 201–6 Afro-Argentines and, 168–70, 190 pluriculturalism, 185 Baker and, 168 popular media, 162–63, 197. See also comic cabecitas negras and, 157–58, 178–79 strips; film; periodicals Cabildo Abierto and, 173–74 popular negritud, 218 coat of arms for, 170–74 porteños, 58–61, 159 cocina criolla and, 112 Afro-porteños, 21, 232, 239 criollos and, 163–64 blackness and, 230–31 demographic transformation under, 128 whiteness and, 235–36 Jewish population under, 188 Los porteños (Lainez), 213 El malón and, 249–50 Posse, Abel, 242–43 mestizo support of, 178 poverty, racialization of, 204 negro followers of, 155–56 Prado, Manuel, 253 pluriculturalism under, 185 Proceso dictatorship, 201 political overthrow of, 137–38 criollo nationalism and, 119–20 race before, 159–63 land inspections during, 148 race-related propaganda and, 188–90 whiteness and, 253, 298 repudiation of anti-Semitism, 188 propaganda skin color associated with, 174–77 under during First Peronism era, 188–90 tercermundismo for, 199–200 iconography and, 159–60 treatment of indigenous people under, 128, visual culture as, 158–59, 163–64, 188–90 133 prostitution, Jewish immigrants and, 42–45 visual culture before, 159–63 Puiggrós, Rodolfo, 198–99 visual culture under, skin color and, 157–59 Pulido, Ángel, 39 Peronism purity of blood, 239 cabecitas negras and, political appropriation of, 195–96 quadroon, 226 challenges to European exceptionalism with, Quijada, Mónica, 114, 245 201 Quinterno, Dante, 162–63 First Peronism era, 157 iconography under, 159–60 race. See also blackness; whiteness mestizaje and, 200–1 abandonment of concept, by anthropologists, negro and, political appropriation of, 133 195–96 in Argentina, historical perspective of, 5–10, from 1955–1976, 192–201 19–20 pluralism and, 201–6 for Carrizo de Gandulfo, 113–14 porteños and, 159 defined, 180 race before, 159–63 disappearance of racial categories in, 6–7 repudiation of anti-Semitism and, 188 literature on, in Latin America, 28 visual culture before, 159–63 for Perón, E., in speeches, 190–91 visual culture under, 157–59 during Perón regime, public discussions of, whiteness and, 322 157–59 Peronist Resistance, 199 before Peronism, 159–63 phenotypic uncertainty, 239 phenotypic approach to, 28 Piazzolla, Astor, 93–94 reconceptualized as culture, 133

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social inequality and, 4 republicanism, 5–6, 20 tourism influenced by, 69–70 reservations, for Argentine Indians, 142 racial categories Los resistentes, 196 Afrodescendants, 216, 236–37 revisibilization, of Afro-Argentines, 216, blackness as, disappearance of, 6–7 238–39 blanco as, 13 revisionismo histórico, 198–99 criollos as, 5, 13, 53–54, 101–2 Reyes, Cipriano, 177–78 during First Peronism era, 157 Reynolds, Henry, 27 limited usefulness of, 4–5 Ricardo, José, 78 moreno as, 5, 225–27, 236 riots. See civil unrest mulato as, 5, 226 Roach, Hal, 170 negro as, 5, 13, 156–57, 236 road construction projects, for tourism, 61–62 pardo as, 5, 226, 236 Roca, Julio Argentino, 127, 247, 296. See also reconceptualization of, 133–34 Conquest of the Desert trigueño, 225–27 Rodríguez, Mariela, 19–20 zambo as, 5 Rodríguez Long, E., 19–20 racial crucibles. See crisol de razas Rojas, Ricardo, 38, 58, 161–62 racial democracy Romantic nationalist movement in Argentina, 184 limitations of, 63–70 after First Peronism era, 193 El país de la selva, 58 in Latin America, 301, 321 tourism and, 56–61, 63–70 whiteness and, 11–12 Romero, Héctor “Toto,” 196 racial exceptionalism. See also whiteness Rosemblatt, Karin, 27 in Argentina, 2–5, 13 Rosenzvit, Miguel, 291, 302–7 republicanism as influence on, 5–6, 20 Rozenmacher, Germán, 193–94 racial myths, 12 Rugendas, Johann, 159–60 racial negritud, 218 beauty ideals influenced by, 228–30 Saint Antonin, Celestina P. de, 59–60 mestizaje and, 236 La Salada, 285–86, 288 moving away from, 232–34 Salgán, Horacio, 93–94 social exclusion and, 227–35 Salischiker, Juanita de, 36–37 racial prejudice, against negros, 156 Samurai, 270, 276–84 racial storytelling, 289–91 San Martín, José de, 315–16 racialization, 129 Santa Cruz, Territory of of economic class, 21, 204 Chilotes in, 140 of poor, tourism and, 53–54 creation of, 141–42 of poverty, 204 indigenous populations in, 151 of Tehuelche people, 150 Mapuche in, 141–42 racism, scientific, 6 Mapuche-Tehuelche in, 141–42 Ramoneda, Francisco, 64–65 Tehuelche people in, 138–42 Ramos, Jorge Abelardo, 198–99 Saragoza, Alex, 63 Ramos, Juan P., 32 Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino, 26, 246–47, Ramos, Victor, 122 280, 296 Ramos Mejía, José María, 30, 33 Scheuer, Gaspar, 277. See also Samurai “El rapto de la cautiva” (Rugendas), 159–60 Schifrin, Lalo, 91, 94 “Rapto de una blanca” (Blanes), 159–60 scientific racism, 6. See also eugenics Rascals, 170 Segato, Rita, 127, 216 Ratier, Hugo, 193–95, 249–50, 252 “El Segundo Malón de la Paz,” 258–59 Rechain, Arístides, 162–63, 175 Senkman, Leonardo, 42 Reese, James, 79–81 sensuality. See Jewish women, myths about Reinhardt, Django, 79–82, 84 hypersexuality of; prostitution, Jewish Remedi, Fernando, 103 immigrants and

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Sephardi Jews, 38–42 Telles, Edward, 271 serranos, 55–56 tercermundismo (Third-Worldism), 199–200 Sharfstein, Daniel, 47 Testaert, Jules, 81–82 shirtless ones. See descamisados Third-Worldism. See tercermundismo Silva, Romeu, 81–82 Thompson, Era Bell, 73 Skelic Index, 136 tipos regionales, 72 skin color. See also blackness; whiteness Torres de Castex, Susana, 103 during Perón regime, 157–59, 167–70 tourism Perón regime and, 174–77 alteration of physical landscape for, 55, social prejudices against, 7 57–63 trigueño and, 225–27 through car travel, 60, 62–63 slavery, abolition of, 5–6, 20 construction of whiteness and, 54–55 social blackness, 237 ethnicity as influence on, 69–70 social inequality exoticization of indigenous populations in, mestizaje and, 4 63–64 minorities and, 4 explorers’ role in, 57–58 race and, 4 indigenous populations and, invisibility of, whiteness and, 4 54–56, 63–70 social whiteness, 237 internal, 58–61 Sociedad Israelita de Protección a Niñas y in lower Sierras, 62 Mujeres, 44–45 mestizo populations and, 54–55 Solberg, Carl, 31 as patriotic, 58–61 Sommer, Doris, 311 pintura costumbrista and, 64–65 Sopeña, Gerardo, 94 porteños and, 58–61 Sosa, Domingo, 238 pre-determination of tourist experience, Spain, Sephardi Jews and, 40 55–57 Stella, 170 race as influence on, 69–70 Steward, Julian, 132 racialization of poor and, 53–54 Stoler, Ann, 245 road construction projects for, 61–62 Storni, Alfonsina, 32 Romantic nationalist movement and, 56–61, Stravinsky, Igor, 91 63–70 Syrian Jews, 38–42 tipos populares and, 64–66 tipos regionales and, 72 tango music, 89–90, 162–63 tourists jazz compared to, 93–94 pre-determination of experience for, 55–57 Taullard, Alfredo, 239 reciprocity with locals, 69 Taussig, Michael, 261 turista argentino, 69 Tehuelche people, 126, 129 whiteness and, 68–69 Araucanization and, 132 Tragic Week of 1919, 26, 31–33 Conquest of the Desert and, 127, 131–32 trigueño, as racial category, 225–27, 236 crossbreeding with, 139 Tristano, Lennie, 91 extinction of, 130–32, 150 Tuero, Emilio, 92 as hybrid people, 150 turista argentino, 69 Imbelloni on, 135–36 language for, 138 United States (US) Mapuche people and, 131 chicanos in, 126 racialization of, 150 scientific racism in, 6 reemergence of, 151 whiteness in, 28 role of whites in extinction of, 138–40 Uriburu, José Evaristo, 141–42 in Santa Cruz, 138–42 The Tehuelche People: A Disappearing Race Vardaro, Elvino, 78 (Lista), 142 Varela, Horacio Beccar, 31–32

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Vargas, Getúlio, 184, 187 during First Peronism era, nationalization of, Vasconcelos, José, 127, 200–1 186–92 visual culture ideology of, 12–13 Afro-Argentines in, 162–63, 168–70, 190 immigration and, 7–8, 31–32 Afro-Uruguayans in, 162–63 Jews and, 25–27, 33–38, 46 through coat of arms, 170–74 “Juan Pueblo” phenotype, 163–64 in comic strips, 162–63 in Latin American colonies, 33–38 dark skin color in, representations of, manliness and, for Jewish males, 46, 48 157–59, 167–70 mestizaje compared to, 11, 127, 149 through film, 170 miscegenation and, 177 indigenous people represented in, 161–63 nationalization of, 186–92 “Juan Pueblo” phenotype in, 163–64 nation-building and, 222 miscegenation themes in, 177 from 1955–1976, political response to, national metonyms in, 174–77 192–201 nationalism as influence on, 160–62 as one-way journey, 223 ordinary Argentines in, 160 Peronism and, 322 in periodicals, 162–63 popular negritud and, 218 during Perón regime, 157–59 porteños and, 235–36 before Peronism, 159–63 as racial category, limited usefulness of, 4–5 through photography, 167–70 racial democracy and, 11–12 through popular media, 162–63, 197 racial hegemony and, 244–46 as propaganda, 158–59, 163–64, 188–90 social, 237 racial ambiguities of, 163–64 social inequality and, 4 skin color in, representations of, 157–59, 178 as source of pride, 3 tango music in, 162–63 tourism and, 54–55 Vitullo, Sesostris, 163 of tourists, 68–69 “La vuelta del malón” (Della Valle), 159–60 US scholarship on, 28 Wilde, José Antonio, 213 Wade, Peter, 28 Wooding, Sam, 80–81 War of the Triple Alliance (Paraguayan War), Wyer, Paul, 80–81, 87 214, 304 Weinstein, Barbara, 28 Yagupsky, Máximo, 34 White Argentina. See La Argentina Blanca Yrigoyen, Hipólito, 31–32, 155–56 white racial order, in Argentina, 7 Yupanqui, Atahualpa, 161 Whiteman, Paul, 78, 80–82 whiteness. See also Europeanness zambo, as racial category, 5 in Argentina, cultural preference for, 3, 7–8, Zeballos, Estanislao, 30, 57–58, 131, 141, 11, 127–28, 320–21 296 of Ashkenazi Jews, 38, 45–46 Ziperovich, Rosa de, 36–37 in Brazil, 319–20 Zocchi, Juan, 59–60 cocina criolla and, 111–12 Zolov, Eric, 63

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