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The BG News October 19, 1990

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Vol.73 Issue 31 October 19, 1990 Bowling Green, Ohio The BG News o*&An Independent Student Voice for 70 Years *s=ss

BRIEFLY Art show 1 Campus captures Rally for Volnovich at UT: University students have Hispanic been invited to a rally for George Voinovich, the Re- publican gubernatoral can- didate for Ohio. The rally diversity' takes place Saturday, Oct. 20,2:30-5:30 p.m. in the Stu- by Marvin Brown dent Union Auditorium at staff writer the University of Toledo. The rally, sponsored by A Hispanic art exhibit and a the College Republicans at Cultural Day are a part of the on- the University of Toledo, going celebration of Hispanic will allow students to learn Heritage Month. about Voinovich's views on The art exhibit, which opened issues affecting Ohio and its Monday after a dedication cere- residents. Students will mony in the Amani Cultural have a chance to meet area Center, is located in the McFall Republican candidates. Hot Art Gallery. dogs, beer, soda and other "[The exhibit] captures the snacks will be served. The richness and diversity of the His- rally is free and open to the panic culture," Latino Student public. Union President Aida Idiaquez Interested students are said. asked to meet at the Union Artists contributing work in- Oval at 2 p.m. Saturday. clude Emanuel Enriquez, an For further informations, alumni; Robert Garcia, a teacher contact Dave Darcy, vice from the Toldeo Public Schools; president for the Universi- Manuel Andrade, a graphic de- ty's College Republicans at sign art student and LSU mem- 354-8192. ber; and Adrian Tio, Fine Arts professor. Culture exchange: The elaborate sculptures and Representatives of the paintings reflecting the Hispanic People's Republic of China culture will be on display for the will be on campus for pre- rest of October. sentations at the School of Yesterday, the LSI! sponsored Art as part of a cultural Hispanic Cultural Day — a day exchange program between that celebrates the "diverse rep- Shaanxi and Ohio. Peng Li, resentation of Hispanic life- a professor of art at the styles," Idiaquez said. Xian College of Art, will Mariachi 90's, a Detroit band demonstrate Chinese paint- that plays with a traditonal Mexi- ing techniques 2 to 4 p.m. on can style, kicked off the celebra- Sunday Oct. 21, in 124 Fine tion by leading a march from the ■O News/John Grleshop Arts Building. Union to the Amani Cultural 101 Ethnic Studio instructor Aurello Sanchez Jr., explains the subt- Persons can register to leties of the porcelain sculpture 'On My Mind' by Robert Garcia to tured at the Latino Student Union sponsored Latin art exhibit held sophomore Shannon Monfer. Garcia was one of four artists fea- Thursday at the McFall Center art gallery. attend by calling 372-8525. See Art, page 4. The program is hosted by the Artists' Organization with support from the Ohio Arts Council and the Uni- versity's Asian Studies pro- Demographers meet in BG Colleges will face gram. Opinions on the occult: Population statisticians attracted world-wide for conference f"ll 1TT1 V)PT*Q CrilTlCll Ex-witch Penny Hoe- flinger will speak about the survey branch. dangers of the occult Sun- by James A. Tinker For example, Wright said, soap by Jeremy S. Weber However, Robert Moore, assis- day and Monday. managing editor This weekend's conference, operas are called such because of staff writer tant superintendent for the Ohio The former high priestess which the University sponsors the dominance of soap and other Department of Education, said of a coven in Wyoming will every two years, is the only of its ads for household items aimed at fewer high school students are at- talk about her involvement More than 150 applied demo- kind and has grown in accor- housewives for decades during Enrollment in Ohio colleges tending college. in witchcraft and how she graphers from three continents dance with the growth of the field the programming of daytime and universities is at an all-time " I Students | do not have the dol- left the occult by putting her and several nations are joining of applied demography. drama. high, but lars to go to college after high faith in Jesus Christ. Bowling Green's population this "[Applied demography] is re- Also, businesses can use demo- schools are fac- school,"he said. "If s a pretty se- All are welcome to hear weekend for the North American ally a new field and that has graphic studies in determining ing a recruiting rious problem." her speak in the Harshman Conference on Applied Demogra- grown in the last 10 years," the optimum location for a new crunch result- Moore estimated about 48 per- Quadrangle dining hall phy. Wright said, citing the preva- business. Demographic studies ing from a de- cent of Ohio seniors will attend Sunday at 9p.m. and in the Demogography, the study of pop- lence of personal computers and may indicate the average age of creasing num- college, a number which has been McDonald Quadrangle din- ulation statistics, including birth the consequential increase in local residents, their disposable ber of high decreasing. ing hall Monday at 7:30 p.m. rates, death rates and rates of available data. income, traffic patterns and school students. Despite the nearly 20 percent The programs are spon- population movement from place Demographics are used by other useful data. The Ohio drop in graduating seniors, offi- sored by Campus Crusade to place, is a field of growing sig- businesses, social institutions Government officials rely on Board of Re- cials are unsure whether or not for Christ and, on Sunday, nificance. such as hospitals, and govern- demographic data for city plan- gents reported Dalton enrollments will significantly de- co-sponsored by the Ander- "Just about everything is tied ment planners and politicians ning and other responsibilities so Tuesday an crease. son Hall staff in the Harsh- to demographics in one way or "All the advertisements we see "instead of reacting to problems average enrollment increase of "There have been many pre- man Quadrangle. another, said Kim Wright, di- on TV are based on demographic they can anticipate problems," 1.5 percent in Ohio state- dictions that enrollments would rector of the Population and Soci- analysis of who buys what," she supported institutions for 1990-91. drop, but they haven't," Ogden ety Research Center (PSRC) said. D See Demographers, page 5. The report follows an Associa- said. "We're certainly hoping City tion of Independent Colleges and that's the case and we can con- Universities' study, which found tinue to attract more people." Haunted house opens: an average enrollment increase However. Moore said fewer The Bowling Green Taliaferro receives sentence of more than 4.5 percent for high school students will affect Jaycees will be sponsoring 1990-91 in Ohio's private schools. enrollment at Ohio's schools, al- the 1990 haunted house at This news comes despite Ohio though he was unsure of the ex- the Wood County Fair- Department of Education fig- tent. grounds Annex Building on after emotional breakdown ures, which reported the number "If you have a low number in East Poe Road. of Ohio high school seniors will the first place, you will have a low The house will be open to- bility, but I don't know who else to dip from more than 150,000 in number in the second place," he night through Oct. 31,7 to 11 "I'm just so ashamed of myself... ask.' 198849 to about 120,000 in 1993-94. said. p.m. Admission is $2.50 with Taliaferro's defense attorney, According to the report, Ohio At the University, the head a coupon. of being here," he said before he Harold Hanna, asked the judge to has already has about 20,000 count remained fairly stable this Oct. 27 and 30 are College broke down in tears. consider sentencing options and fewer high school seniors this year, a feat University officials I.D. nights. said it would be beneficial for Ta- year than in 1988-89. hope continues as the traditional liaferro to undergo psychiatric or Linda Ogden, communications enrollment pool continues to de- Weather psychological therapy. director for the Board of Regents, crease. -Craig Taliaferro, former University said several explanations could University Presdident Paul Partly cloudy: However, DeCessna did not Today, partly cloudy and student take Hanna's requests into con- account for the record enrollment Olscamp has discussed the issue cool. High in the low 50s. sideration. He said Taliaferro has despite fewer high school seniors. at his State of the University had two previous chances to re- "[One reason'] could be that a speech, the Oct. 5 Board of by Sandra J. Kowalsky served concurrently. form himself when he was given greater proportion of high school Trustees meeting and his recent When asked to give his com- probation from other offenses. students are choosing to attend faculty open forum. clear and cily writer ments to Wood County Common cold. Low DeCessna added Taliaferro college," she said. "The other is "[A decrease in high school in the low Pleas Court Judge Donald only had acted on his own selfish that people outside the traditional students] is a trend I expect to Former University student DeCessna, Taliaferro took a long motives. area [older students] are attend- continue until at least 1994," he 30s. Sat- Craig Taliaferro, 40, broke down pause before speaking to pull A firm believer in severely pun- lngschool." told the trustees. "But I expect to emotionally before he was sen- himself together and to hold back ishing white-collar crime Christopher Dalton, vice presi- remain highly competitive/' £» tenced to tour to 10 years in an his tears. offenders, DeCessna said Ta- dent of planning and budgeting at Dalton said he hopes the Uni- sunny and Ohio penitentiary for two felony "I'm just so ashamed of myself liaferro had been educated and the University, agreed, citing the versity's enrollment will remain warmer. charges and one misdemeanor. ... of being here," he said before was smart enough to have known increase in high school students constant until the number of high !ES High Taliaferro will serve four to 10 he broke down in tears. better than to commit the crimes. attending college as particularly school students begins to rise around 60. Sears in jail for grand theft, three "Because he's able to use his significant. again later in the decade. ) five years in Jail for welfare "I hate myself because I know intelligence, I consider it a worse ^'Traditionally, Ohio has had a "We just have to continue to compiled from local and fraud and six months in jail for it's all my fault," he told the crime?' DeCessna said. lower participation rate than the work hard at recruiting fresh- wire reports writing checks with insufficient Judge. "I know I could be helped. national average." he said. funds. The sentences will be I know that's not your responsi- D See ToHoforro, page 5. "That's changing, though." □ See InroNment, page 4.

m Friday. October 19. 1990 THE BG NEWS Editorial

criticism. At the moment 20 percent of the 50,000 fed- The BG News and the Athletic Department who would eral inmates cannot read. Although a reading progam like to acknowledge students for their hard work in ex- Education to has been in effect since the early 80s, many still slip tracurricular activities. through the cracks. Groups of all sorts will be acknowledged for their As the program advances for others, these people very existence as well as the goals they have achieved are being left behind academically for the second time despite the hectic pace of college life. free convicts in their lives. Corrections officials must strive to ad- Tne evening promises to be a good time. Group ban- dress learning disabilities, mental and physiological ners and kudos from the public address system will be The U.S. Justice Department has taken one of our handicaps in these and other individuals for the pro- flying proudly, one student or group will be awarded a nation's most progressive steps in enriching the gram to be a success. tailgate party (thanks to their victory in the trivia lives of individuals who nave stumbled in life. Education programs in state prisons should next be competition) with reserved seats for the Oct. 27 game. Wednesday the Justice Department announced fed- investigated to ensure a level of learning at least as Remember a party isn't any fun if the guests don't eral prison inmates will be required to take classes or adequate as the federal plan. show. Very rude. prove they can read at a 12th-grade level and complete After prison, as everywhere else in life, education is So, the sponsors formally request your presence at a high school proficiency exam. the key to success. Maybe Dick Thornburgh and com- the game Saturday night, whether you are in a group If they refuse to particpate, inmates may only work Eany are realizing that positive rehabilitation is the or not — the evening is to honor students. in the lowest paying positions in the Federal Prison est way to take a bite out of crime. Oh yeah. The game against Eastern Michigan Uni- Industries Program. Also, those who actively partici- versity will be played at night under the lights without pate in the program will be considered for early respite for your delight! release into halfway house programs. Students and non-students should enjoy this night Literacy will empower these misguided men and Game honors game even more than last year with all the added fes- women in several ways. It will free them from ignor- tivities. Also, don't forget the free t-shirts available to ance and open the doors of job opportunity. The likeli- the first 6,000 students. hood of repeat offenders drops dramatically with the As a tradition begins (night games) another tra- prospect of increased literacy. student efforts dition returns with the active promotion of tailgate Currently, prison inmates are required to complete parties. The Athletic Department is confident the assignments at the eighth-grade level, but this pro- celebrations should promote a festive attitude for all gram will be mothballed when the new plan takes ef- Kick back, relax and be praised. Falcon fans. fect in all federal prisons next spring. This Saturday night it's time to accentuate the The plan is admirable, but it is not free of cautious positive and pat yourselves on the back. Actually, it's See ya Saturday! Letters Faith used as excuse for homophobia Editor, The News; I am responding to a letter that appeared in the BG News of Oct. 17 regarding a purportedly "Christian viewpoint on homosexuality. To those people who use their faith as a shield for their own homo- phobia, ana specifically to Mr. Sanders; First of all, I am not a homo- sexual. But I am a Christian, and I read your letter with a sense of barely controlled outrage. Your "ChrisUan" sentiments do a grave in- justice to those Christians worthy of the name. You challenge people to find Scriptures justifying homosexuality? I challenge YOU to find Scriptures that support your use of the Bible to condone bigotry, per- sonal attack and judgement of another's faith. Without getting into the finer points of theology, we are all equals before God: male or female; black, white or otherwise; heterosexual T and homosexual; even Christian and non-Christian. (And yes, even CUT TAXES pro-Sanders and anti-Sanders!) I may think of homosexuality as I RA.SECAPITALQA.NS |« «tfi want to: it's not my cup of tea (I like women far too much to change) but it's not my place to tell other people what tea they ought to drink. I can hardly believe you could, in conscience, call yourself a good Christian after espousing such blatantly non-Christian attitudes. If THIS is Christianity, then I must be on the wrong bus. In short, YOU are the one denying the truth, Mr. Sanders. Where is your love for your fellow man? (Don't get nervous, Mr. Sanders, I mean this in an entirely non-erotic sense). I advise YOU to go read your Bible some more; perhaps it will keep you from trying to beat other people over the head with it. Mark F. Jenkins, 215E.PoeSt.iVl Don't judge reader by jean choice MAKE TEXAS OUR CATAPULT DEMOCRATS Editor, The News; I am writing in response to your article "Fear leaves jeans in the RAISIN CAPITAL WITH RA1SEP TACKS ...REAP M¥ FUPS closet" and other such similar articles. I think this is getting just a bit out of hand. It seems the real issue here is getting lost. I was under the impression that last Thursday's Coming Out Day was to show support for or against LAG A. I'm against homosexuality because of my moral and religious views. But because I feel that way, I'm now being ana- lyzed as having an "inability to handle my sexual thoughts and feel- ings." I'm being classified as a homophobic because I'm not support- Author fed up with cooking ing LAGA. That's like saying since I don't support white supremacy I must be a black activist. I thought the whole point was to let people In all my wildest dreams, I I also miss some of the subs on the menu. Those are of those, and since there's no have their own opinions and do their own thing WITHOUT being never thought I'd actually miss cafeteria soups. I really, really things I have difficulty in re- Skyline Chili restaurants labeled by others. Kind of hypocritical isn't it? I'm not saying there cafeteria food. I actually do. miss Cream Of Broccoli, and to froducing in my own kitchen, around here, Chily's was my aren't any homophobics out there, but is it justified to say that about Well, I should qualify that. I a lesser extent, Cream Of Cau- t's possible, but at great cost, only hope. the whole group? It seems some people are grasping at this explana- don't miss ALL cafeteria food, liflower. Grocery stores rarely great effort and great mess. tion due to the massive opposition to LAGA. After all, it woukf show just SOME cafeteria food. carry these soups, and when Hell, I even miss (fake) Sea- how we are the ones with the problem and not them. they do they're nowhere near food Quiche. Nothing's better Unfortunately Mama Jane I don't support LAGA, but I'm not going to persecute them either. After spending a summer for a Hangover Sunday. Nowa- decided to get rid of the chili By the same token, I don't think I should be persecuted because they eating such gourmet fare as days when I have those ep- items (that can't be gotten don't agree with the way I think. Chef Boyardee ravioli, macar- isodes, my options are limited anywhere in town) in place of Kathy Roller oni It cheese, pasta & sauce, to eggs (too much effort to anti-freeze, and other sundry 1221/2 N. Prospect St. frozen pizzas, frozen burritos items that are available ever- cooktand Captain Crunch (too ywhere in town. and frozen chicken patties, I Tongue in much effort to eat). could actually use some cafeteria variety. I even miss the University I'm sure there are plenty of I do not miss Cod On Bun or on-campus students who think Cheek snack bars. Oh sure, I'm closer I'm nuts. This time last year I The BG News any of its derivatives. to some of the fast-food restau- - An Independent Student Voice - by rants, but they don't offer some wouldn't have said I missed I do miss Chicken Hoagies. of the things I grew to love. cafeteria food, but eating my Without a doubt, they were my own cooking (or lack thereof) Editorial Board absolute favorite cafeteria Chris Taco Bell doesn't have garlic has cured me. offering. If the grocery stores cheese bread. The pizza places Barbara A Weadock Dawson do, but they're not as inexpen- editor would carry them, I'd buy sive as the Amani Room. I'm still curious as to what's James A. Tinker Deborah Hippie them by the gross and eat noth- really in a Chimichanga or a managing editor assistant managing editor ing else. Falling that, I wish as good as the cafeteria soups. And no one in this town (that Crispito, though. John Kohlstrand Food Op would designate cer- Of course, the cafeterias I've found yet) offers Cincy- city editor tain days as Chicken Hoagie don't offer Ramen Noodle style chili dogs as awesome as Jill Novak Christian Thompson Days so I'd know to stop at a soup. Chily's (if any restaurant in Chris Dawson is a senior his- news editor news editor cafeteria and get one or two, I also used to love going to this area does, let me know c/o tory major and will only eat Wynne Everett Lynn M. Gagel instead of relying on hit or the cafeterias and finding such the BG News). Every so often I things that can be mfcrow- editorial editor assistant editorial editor miss, like I do now. things as gyros and meatball get a monster craving for one aved. The BG News Staff Photo Editor Paul Vemon Copy Editor Trwi Davss Photo Editor John Oneshop Copy Editor Sandra J Kowalwy 5:15 by J.A.Holmgren Sports Editor Matt Schroder Copy Editor MteheSe Laharty Sports Editor Charles Toil Copy Editor Matthew Mighea Insider Editor Dennis Robaugh Copy Editor Lort Meter Insider Mang Editor Michelle Banks Copy Editor Tan Hainaon Insider Asat Editor Francia P. Esposrlo Copy Editor Mlcrvsee Taylor \VNp "'FIRST ne*i vtiTwf Wire Editor Ivan Groger Copy Editor J J Thompson Asst Wire Editor Tanya Moore Copy Editor Jeremy Weber 'VSCHZN "/NT2S6/VA Chief Copy Editor Matthew A. Daneman Prod. Sup'r Morris Near Chief Copy Editor Anthony Bums Prod Sup'r Gene Powell L-OSUCH& Copy Editor Irene Babeaua Prod Sup'r Sean Rttaer

me BQ News is published da* Tuesday through Friday dumg me academe year and weeMy dumg the summer session by the Board of Student Puoscanone ol BowBng Green Stale University OpMone osoressed By coajmrasls do not neceasarty reflect the opnona of the 00 Mews Tht 90 News and Bowhng Green Slats University ere equal oooorlunay eraptoyera. and do not Owcrvrvnale ■> r-nng practices The BQ Mews wH not eocepl edverseing met 1 deemed < isory. degrading, or IneuBJnaon the Dee* of race. sea. or national origin

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Bowing Green Slate University Bowsng Green. Ohio 43403-0270 0 00 am to 6 00 p.m Monday through Friday THE BG NEWS Friday. October 19 1990 Campus Greek Rush decreasing while attitudes change

now because of this decrease. They will begin planning their by Heather Felly "They are going to have to recruitment processes earlier by staff u/rlter make themselves look more ap- sending letters to prospective pealing." Jones said, and "en- men entering the University dur- Members of the Greek system hance their image as profession- ing the summer to try to boost are trying to generate more in- als." their membership. terest in fraternity Rush, since Students want an organization the number of men interested in which will enhance their skills in "We are going to start planning joining fraternities this year is on the long run and focus on leader- for fall Rush in the spring and the decline. ship qualities, which is quite a carry it on through the summer to Many Greek officers are con- contradiction to what students increase membership again," cemed about the decrease in men wanted 20 years ago, she said. said Greg Valandingham, presi- rushing because Rush is their In the past, students wanted to dent of Kappa Sigma fraternity. lifeline. join an organization with a very According to Jones, a change in "If the house isn't growing, its strong emphasis on social as- demographics could be attributed dying," said John Kim, president pects, Jones said. to the decrease in men rushing. of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. However, "College students to- The traditional male student Although anticipated by Greek day, as compared to students 20 enrollment in universities — ages life, this year 175 men rushed years ago, are more interested in 18 to 22 —has been decreasing while last year's rush involved acquiring a skill, getting a degree during the last five years, Jones Night Shirt BO N«w«/Jay Murdock 250 men. ana graduating in order to be said. Last year the number of men successful so they can have their She said despite the reason for Associate Athletic Director Phil Goldstein examines one of 6,000 shirts to be given out at the second who pledged a fraternity was 340. BMW," Jones said. the decrease, the fraternities are annual night game this Saturday. Student Appreciation Day. The event Is designed to honor student while this year's membership fell To attain their goal of an in- handling the problem effectively. groups who have made significant accomplishments this year. unofficially to 322. crease in membership, fraterni- "I'm impressed with how the Kim Jones, assistant director ties are planning to have a more fraternities are concerned about of Greek Life said fraternities structured Rush format next the decrease," Jones said. "They LSU hosts Hispanic writers will have to sell themselves more year. are addressing the issue." by Jeremy S. Weber but in the world of literature." the 1988 Literacy Recognition A- BLOTTER* Laviera is the author of the staff writer ward for teaching and publishing ■An employee of Campus Pol- jacket was estimated at $365. driver in a car tried to intentiona- poem, "Enclave," which won the literary works of former child lyeyes, 440 E. Court St., reported ■A wallet containing cash, a lly hit a jogger running against him the 1982 American Book a- readers. people were throwing things at drivers license, a student ID card traffic Tuesday evening. The Latino Student Union will ward. He also has written four This will be a unique program two of the restaurant's delivery and a social security card was ■An employee of Uptown- sponosor a Hispanic writers books of poems. for the Latino Student Union, cars Monday morning. stolen from Prout Hall Monday Downtown, 162 N. Main St.. re- forum today, an event scheduled Caro said. ported there was a fight in front to promote Hispanics in the writ- Castillo also has written four "I don't think we've ever had evening. ing field. ■University police confiscated of the bar Wednesday morning. poem books. Her novel, "The this type of program where we've a stop sign, a yield sign and two ■An employee of Club Some ■Residents of a room in Dun- The forum will present Mixuiahula Letters," won her the had so many nationally-known bar Hall reported $50 was stolen nationally-known writers Tato 1987 American Book award. authors at one time," he said. parking signs from a room in Of- Other Place, 176 E. Wooster St., Laviera. Ana Castillo, Jose Mon- tenhauer East Monday morning. confiscated three fake IDs Tues- from their locked room Wednes- Montoya is the author of one ■Door pins from a door to the day evening. toya and Maritza Arrastia as part book and the poems, "La Jefita" "From what I can tell, I think day afternoon. of Hispanic Heritage Month, said activity room in Bromfield Hall and "El Louie." The JVew York we're going to get a real good were stolen Monday afternoon. ■A woman was found uncon- ■Daniel Fraylick, 521E. Merry graduate student Manuel Caro. Times Book Review called his turnout there," he said. scious in her car Tuesday evening St., was cited tor disorderly con- "These are really good work "electrifying." The program will be at Prout Damage was estimated at $288. writers," Caro said. "They're not ■An aviator jacket was stolen in the 100 block of E. Court Street. duct at the Business Administra- Arrastia won the 1988 New Chapel from 1:30 — 4:30 p.m. from Moore Musical Arts Center ■A resident of the 300 block of tion Building Wednesday even- just known in their communities, York for the Arts fellowship and Admission is free. Monday evening. The value of the E. Merry Avenue reported a ing.


The Bowling Green State University BETA BETA BETA BIOLOGICAL - Bill Kermavner. recently elected Toledo Athletic Department is proud to take this HONORARY SOCIETY State President ol the Ohio Collegiate • Agency Night opportunity to recognize those student - Actively promotes biological interests Music Education Association • Stacy Schuiier President organizations which supplied the following by arranging speakers, activities, events • Tracy Motta, Vice President information about their recent accomplish- - Sponsors a recycling protect POMMERETTES ments, as part of Student Appreciation - Participates in various community DAY •This group promotes Falcon spint' UNDERGRADUATE ALUMNI ASSOCIA- Day. service protects - Sponsored the Dean's Forum where HONORS STUDENT ASSOCIATION throughout the community and on the TION Because of space limitations, not all of • Carolyn Marks. President and Linda students in the College were able to meet - Tuition Raffle Committee raised over BGSU campus • Largest campus fundraiser, Finals the material provided by the organizations Ball, Vice-President the Dean and discuss issues with him $6,000 Molly Null. Captain Week Survival Kits is detailed below. However, many - Conducted an exit interview with - Membership exceeded 400 - Mud Volleyball, campus wide spring noteworthy accomplishments are listed, B.Q. COUNCIL of TEACHERS OF graduating seniors ■ Fundraising Committee raised over PRAIRIE MARGINS IBG UNDERGRAD time event and the Athletic Department extends its MATHEMATICS • Hosted reception tor parents on $2,000 LITERARY MAG I ■ Master Teacher Award congratulations to these organizations tor - Membership of 175 Parents' Day - Dave Darcy. USG Senator of the - Completley SOU Out Ol PRAIRIE - Extern Program what they have achieved. • Software Swap of Math Related Year MARGINS in fall 89 • Amy and Jenny Harraman were Anyone wanting more information Software DELTA GAMMA - Michael Pollock. Student Leader of awarded 'outstanding session' at the about these or any other BGSU student - Affiliated with National Council of - Highest Active Chapter Average the Year. 1969-90 President ROBERT HAMILTON IV Student Alumni Association student organizations can contact the Office of Teachers of Mathematics 1989-90 - Michael Pollock and Tandi Rogers. - Hosted B G Invitational Dnll Foundation Conference at Ohio University Student Activities and Orientation, 405 • Highest Total Chapter Average Who's Who Among Students in American Meet(BGIDM) Student Services Building, BGSU. Bowling CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATION 1989-90 Colleges - 1st place colorguard at C Michigan UNDERORAOUATE STUDENT Green. Ohio, 43403 Ph.(419)372-2843. - 4th annual Harombi Party - Citation for Excellence m Scholar- - Tandi Rogers. President's dnll meet GOVERNMENT - 6th annual Bob Marley Tribute ship. 1st Place in Province Distinguished Service Award - Maureen Keane drill meet officer ol • 500% increase in voter turnout STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS - Ricardo Frazier, President - 500 hours of community service BGIDM - Improved campus safety - Hecent Accomplishments • Nora Vodanoff, Distinguished - Hush Honor Roll INSTRUMENTAL SOCIETY OF - More active lobbying m statehouse Service Award - Outstanding College Students ot AMERICA RUGBY CLUB • National Award lor layout 'I'm ADVERTISING CLUB America: Kathy Villari, Tiffany - Toured the Whirlpool Plant and the - MAC Club Rugby Champions. 9th Driving" Club Drive in U.S. - Hosted first ever Midwestern CHEERLEADERS Ferguson. Kelly Carroll. Kim Dale Dow Chemical Plant in Findlay. Ohio straight year • Faculty and Course Evaluation Advertising Career Conference -Supoorts Falcon athletics by leading - Mortar Board: Lon Winston. Tiffany - Bob Parry Irom Toledo Edison spoke • Midwest Universities Cup runner up Booklet - Attended Advertising Women of New the crowd at athletic events Ferguson on electrical safety - Ranked 7th in the nation • Kevin Coughlm. 1 at President York Conference •Involved in charity functions and -Phi Eta Sigma: Kathy Villari. Tiffany - Stephen Wadle and Matt Hoy, - Was Harmon. All-Ohio. All-Midwest. elected to 2nd term, appointed by governor community appearances Ferguson. Kelly Carroll. Kim awarded scholarships by the Toledo All-American Candidate to Board of Trustees ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA Dale. Robyn Asendori Instrument Society of America - Kyle Fulmar. All-Ohio. All-Midwest. • Linda Schnetzer. Vice President - Kathleen Ruffing. Scott Sadowski. CHI OMEGA • BM Heckman. awarded a scholarship All-American Candidate - David Slofka. Cabinet Member ol the recipients of the JoAnne J Trow - Chapter Excellence Award DELTA PSI KAPPA by the International Coil Winding - Randy Schott All-Ohio. All-Midwest Year Undergrade* Award - Philanthropy "Do It With A Twist". - Sponsored the Annual Alumni Association - Marc Coiciosser. All-Ohio. All- - Kate Juergens. Linda Popovtch. Twister Tournament Breakfast lor the School of HPER Midwest UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES ORGANIZA- recipients of the Graduate Fellowship -1990 Highest Association GPA • Members have combined accumula- KAPPA DELTA SORORITY TION Award -1990 Highest Active Chaptsr GPA tive GPA ol 3 33 - Raised over $2000 tor Prevention of SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY Hosted 1990 'Association of College • Nicky Pohlman, President and Bret -1990 Highest Total Chapter GPA ChUd Abuse Prevention/Philanthropy - Peterson Significant Chapter Award Unions-International' Regional Conference Berquist, Vice President - Beth Rutgers. Director of 1990 DELTA ZETA • Received Ruah Quota/Total Award at • Public Relations Citation Sponsored 1990 Homecoming King Leadership Conference and recipient - New Member Panheienic Council the Kappa Delta National Leadership - 2nd Place Greek Week and Queen elections ALPHA PHI SORORITY of 1990 Panhellenic Award Outstanding Pledge Class 1989-90 School 1990 - 1st Place Spirit Greek Week - Kate Ruffing. Internal Affairs Co- • Chapter of Excellence Award • Sharon Wise. Founder of - Intramurals Highest Participation 4 - Jeff Farthing. Sigma Chi Honors ordinator, recipient of 1990 Lenhart - Community Service Award GAMMA., Secretary/Treasurer of •1 Basketball Team KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA SORORITY - Vic Pascucci. Grand Consul's Scholarship • Took 2nd Place at Greek Week MIFCA. Mortar Board. Order of Omega - Philanthropies *1 Greek Regatta, • Dean's Scholarship Award 1989 Citation • Craig Mack, recipient of the 89-90 - Kimberi-e GokJsbefry, Greek Woman •2 Anchor Splash, «2 Greek Olympiad - Intramural Sports Award 1989 - Chns Cheuvront. Order ol Omega UAO Director of the Year of the Year CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL - N.M.P.C. 1 IF M DC Trick or - All Sports Award 1989-90 - Dave Bednarski. Northern Ohio Rep - Steven M Masuga. recipient ol the - Karen Radlinski, Alpha Phi - On District level of CKI- Talent show Treai" Most Spirited - Many outstanding individual awards at Grand Council 1989-90 UAO Program of the Year for Intemaitonal Traveling Consultant 1st place • Delta Zeta Province V - Activities - Greg Kirbabas. President M.l.F C A MardiGras Linda Schnetzer. Vice President of • Club scrapbook 2nd place Award KREISCHER QUAD GOVERNMENT Membership Development for the - Club Newsletter 3rd place - Many outstanding individual awards -Completed first year as United Quad SPORT MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS Panhellenic Council - Bridget Ottallosan (Outstanding Government and established first • Preview Day. helped with orientation - Represent the student body al Secretary) ENVIRONMENTAL INTEREST constitution of prospective students University events hosted by the Vice ALPHA SIGMA PHI - Andrew LittJefield (honorable mention GROUP-E16 -1st annual Kreischer Quad Carnival • • Plan a visit to Cleveland Cavaliers President. University Relations. Akimm - Chapter E.eilence Award 1969-90 outstanding treasurer) • Organized and sponsored Earth Apnl. 1990 Organization Association and Athletics • The Interfraternity Council Holds A Celebration - Monthly guesl speakers from the - Dionna Hoeischer, Coordinator Moore Service Award COLLEGE DEMOCRATS - Organized and sponsored Run for NON-TRADmONAL STUDENTS collegiate and professional ranks - Juke Zimmerman. Assistant - Jim Colaneii- Greek Athlete of the - Provided educatomal programs for the Earth-Sk race ASSOCIATION - Monthly newsletter covering issues Coordinator Year the organization and the community - Awarded William F.Stemer Award for • 3rd pnze in Homecoming Float m Sport Management through speakers and discussions Environmental Achievements Contest - Resume Booklet for juner and senior WFAL 6M AM/CABLE 14 AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION - Registered students and others to - Speakers including: Or Norman - New constitution for NTSA soon! management majors presented to - Celebrated their 20th year of • Most Outstanding Midwest Regional vote and worked for campaigns for candi- Meyers, Greg Gerwin - Organization Fair colleges, professional sports franchises existence by hokfcng an anniversary party Collegiate Chapter for 1969-90 dates and issues and other selected corporations with Alumni irom different parts of the us - Placed 5th in the nation among 475 - Sara Parish, Governor's Honors FASHION MERCHANDISING ASSOCIA- PHI BETA LAMBDA - David Baaulieu. Recognition for - Last year was the first year that collegiate chapter nationwide Program, intern with Governor TION • 1st group lo welcome Dr. Ted Leadership Role WFAL was able to bring professional Celeste - Sposors two fashion shows per year Williams. Dean College ot Business sports to campus radio. Cleveland BETA ALPHA PSI • Damian BiHack, internship with - Sponsors Student Design Snow - Worked the JC'e Recycling Center STUDENT ATHLETIC BOARO Cavaliers Basketball • Superior Chapter Secretary of State Sheuod Brown • Fastest Growing Business •Sponsor Athlete Special Achievement - WFAL brought successful -Nights - Beta Alpha Psi Regional and GAMMA PHI BETA Organization on campus Award Our to various social gathanng places National Conventions in Chicago and CONKLIN HALL COUNCIL - Freeze Frame. Philanthropy for ■Sponsor homecoming bonfire - Gave away a spring break trip to Toronto - Formulated idea tor a Constitution Handicapped « Underpnvelged Girts PHI MU ALPHA SINFONIA -Jamie Slavm. President Daylona - Recruiter's Night/Toledo CPA - held Gazebo Party - Crop Walk. Walk for Hunger - Assisted the Moore Musical Arts -Angle Diennger. Vice President Student Night - Joe Acerras representative of - Moat Improved Sorority GPA Center in Audition Days. Preview Days. • Spring and Fall Recognition Conkim Hall in President s round table • Greek Talent Show. 3 Awards Music Discovery Day. and the creation of a STUDENT ORGANIZATION OF SOCIAL Student Appreciation Day Is sponsored Banquets - Amy Hamm. Greek Athlete of the scholarship for excellent musicians WORKERS by the Athletic Dept, TO. BO Newe, A - Tutoring and field trips DEAN'S STUDENT ADVISORY Year ■Received 6 out of a possible 7 - Christmas Tree and Girls to Needy Citations ol E»ce*enoe at the last Province Famines Workshop ■ Raffle for Cummmgs Zucker m

=.. XW UK 3tH H Fnday. October 19. 1990 THE BG NEWS Flu season poised to strike in winter Students drawn to But students should wait until November for vaccinations Chicago art scene by Greg Watson include cold symptoms along every four hours to relieve the However, violent reactions to ing a Rembrandt drawing staff writer with fever, cough, headache, sore headache and muscle ache," he the vaccine are rare and are most by Greg Watson throat and fatigue, Kaplan said. said. likely to happen to people allergic staff writer and asked the coordinator With the influenza season be- Cindy Puffer, pharmacy coor- Aspirin should not be taken to eggs, she said. how much it was worth. ginning soon, many students have dinator at the Health Center, said when a person has influenza, he Students should go to a physi- "When he told me it was been calling the Student Health a flu vaccination will help boost said. Tlie consumption of aspirin cian to see what kind of vac- University art students are worth $50,000,1 almost swal- : Center because they are thinking immunity towards the most can lead to Reye's Syndrome, cination is less likely to cause taking a trip to Chicago this lowed my gum," he said. of getting flu vaccinations. common forms of influenza, but which can be fatal to young side effects, Puffer said. weekend, where they will see Later, the group will tour However, according to Dr. Jo- will not necessarily be a total adults, Kaplan said. Flu vaccinations are available classic art works, go to smaller area museums and shua Kaplan, director of Student attend some gallery open- : method of prevention. Good hygiene habits — such as at the Student Health Center professional galleries and ex- Health Services, students should Joanne Navin, nursing clini- washing hands and not coughing Mondays, Wednesdays, Thurs- plore the Chicago art scene. ings, Tio said. i wait until November to get vac- cian at Health Services, said peo- on others —should be continued to days and Fridays 8 — 11:15 a.m. The intent of the trip is for cinations. ple who do get influenza should prevent spreading the flu, Navin and 1:30 — 3 p.m. art majors to become more "The students will be able The peak flu period is Decem- treat it as any other illness and said. Vaccinations on Tuesdays are career-oriented, according to to see what a major opening 1' ber through February, Kaplan get lots of rest. Students who opt to get a vac- available 9 — 11:15 a.m. and 1:30 Adrian Tio, associate profes- is like and meet the artist fea- said, and if a vaccination is given Kaplan agreed, stressing the cination could have side effects — 3 p.m. sor in the School of Art. tured in them," he said. ; earlier than November, the vac- flu taxes away one's energy. including fever, headache and Students do not need appoint- "We hope to broaden the The group also will have a cination may wear off before the "The person should go to bed, other mfld flu symptoms. Puffer ments to get flu vaccinations. students' scope," Tio said. chance to meet a gallery di- ! end of the period. Flu symptoms drink fluids and take Tylenol said. There is a 0 charge. "Some students have not rector and look behind the been to a major museum or scenes of working in a gal- seen a real gallery." lery, Tio said. Enrollment Art "We want to tantalize them a Continued from page 1. □ Continued from page 1. to make the next step in a ca- Tio hopes the gallery open- reer," he added. ing will allow students to men," he said. "My prediction and non-traditional students, and This can be attributed to the Center. Three professors and 42 learn more about openings, would be that we'll stay relatively should remain relatively uns- University's large non-traditional "Cultural Day offers geogra- students are on the trip, cost, presentation and prep- stable. cathed by the upcoming numbers population, Dalton said. phical variances of Hispanic which began yesterday and aration of art work. "It's hard to see the future, but crunch. food, art, clothing, pottery, will end Sunday evening, Tio Adams said the experience given past experiences I guess I Although the University's en- "Often these people have full- jewery and literature," Idiaquez said. also can give a young artist a wouldn't expect to see a drop in rollment is comparable to last time jobs, so they come back to said. "It truely shows the diversi- better chance to have their enrollment.'' year's, more students are enroll- school part time,'' he said. ty of Hispanic culture." Brad Adams, a senior works displayed in a gallery. Olscamp has said the Universi- ing as part-time instead of full- A total of 18,040 students are According to Idiaquez, the water/color major, went on When an artist is looking ty has a high number of transfer time students. enrolled at the University, Dalton event drew a large attendence of the last two trips and said it for a job, it helps to know The increase in part-time stu- said. not only Hispanic students, but helps students appreciate people like gallery owners, dents has resulted in a decrease Part-time students number University faculty and staff as different types of art and feel Adams said. in revenue for the University, 2,443, an increase of 59 from well. the "life and blood" of the "The art field is not like SWEETEST Mr Dalton said. 1989-90. In addition, different aspects of Chicago art scene. other job fields in that there is October 30 the Hispanic heritage were dis- Friday, the group will take not a tob waiting for us when played. a behind the scenes tour of the we get out of college," Adams "Last year there were only Chicago Art Institute, which said. "Going to a gallery will Mexican contributions," she said, has works by Rembrandt, Pi- help us meet people who can "This year, there were contribu- casso and Salvador Dali, he help us in the future." tions from Puerto Rico, Chile and said. The group also will tour the Guatemala as well." Adams said his last mu- Terra Museum of American LSU advisor Yolanda Armola seum trip was a memorable Art and visit two studio art- said that she found Cultural Day experience when he was hold- ists. to be a learning experience. UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO HAPPY SWEETEST DAY!!! Raffle Winners:

AmyMcCrete 1st prize 1 dOZ. TOSeS

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FREE T-SHIRT TO FIRST 6000 TOMORROW NIGHT AT PERRY FIELD-GATES OPEN 5:30 THE BG NEWS Fndoy Oclobff 19 1990 Medical wastes investigated for potential danger PAINESVILLE, 0. (AP) - medical waste Tuesday after- Health officials are investigating noon. the dumping of potentially infec- John Radebaugh, a county en- tious hospital waste, including gineering technician, said local syringes and laboratory dishes, regulations prohibit the dumping at the Lake County landfill, a of medical waste at the landfill. newspaper reported Thursday. Officials don't know who A team of investigators from dumped the waste or if penalties the county health district and the are warranted, said Frank Kel- prosecutor's office collected med- logg, director of environmental ical waste samples and video- health programs for the health taped their findings at the landfill district. in Painesville for two hours Wednesday, according to77ie Wil- Medical waste appears to be in- loughby News-Herald. fectious, but the Ohio Environ- Gary Kron, director of the mental Protection Agency must county utilities department, said determine if it actually is infec- workers at the landfill noticed the tious, Kellogg said. Taliaferro □ Continued from page 1.

In his defense, Hanna filed 27 video camera city police found letters with the court from Uni- was purchased while Taliaferro versity professors, town citizens vacationed in Jamaica. and fellow county workers, all who spoke highly of Taliaferro. The welfare fraud charges Friends and family spoke on against Taliaferro, totaling behalf of Taliaferro before his $6,045, stemmed from a county- sentencing, including Father wide welfare investigation on Herbert Weber of St. Thomas part of the state of Ohio. Little Lambada ■O New»/Jay Murdock More Church. The state of Ohio concluded Ta- Weber, who has known Ta- liaferro received food stamps and As the group Marachl 90s plays traditional Hispanic music, sisters tors to the various foods, crafts and cultures of the many Latino na- liaferro for the past three years, Aid to Dependent Children bene- Lourdes. 4. and Marlsa Ramirez, 3, dance In the Amani Thursday tions represented. The event Is one of several designed to cele- said Taliaferro had worked in the fits illegally. afternoon. The music was part ol Culture Day, which exposed vlsl- brate Hispanic Heritage Month. church nursery and parents were In addition, Coon said Ta- impressed with his work. liaferro wrote out $600 worth of "He has the potential to make a bad checks. Demographers r contribution to the community if Taliaferro was an active parti- G Continued from page 1. (St|e £(& sN tuiB: four source for campus neuiB he is not given a lengthy sen- cipant on the University campus ence in victory or loss, thus af- tence," he said. several years ago. He was a Wright added. fecting thousands of constituents. DeCessna asked Weber if he member of the Students for a Demographics are being em- was aware of Taliaferro's past C'ed even more so than usual at Jerry Wicks, professor of soci- Democratic Society chapter in ology and director of the Univer- WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE offenses and read them to him. the late 60s and early 70s and was time of the year as politicians 111 The judge said Taliaferro had elected student body vice presi- map their campaign trail accord- sity's Population and Society S been charged with the posession dent in 1972. Taliaferro was also ing to demographic surveys. Research Center, is co-directing < CONGRATULATIONS! of narcotics in 1969, three counts active in Undergraduate Student An accurate application of de- the conference with K.V. Rao, as- O of armed robbery in Cuyahoga Government in recent years. mographics can mean the differ- socitate professor of sociology. SEPTEMBER FINALISTS County in 1982 and various other charges. Weber said he was unaware of 275 S. Main St. Administrative Staff- Jonece English, the details of the cases. BOWLING GREEN 353-3060 Residential Services Thursday's sentencing was a If what happened AVOID THE HASSLE result of grand theft charges Drop your car oft on your way to class with our shuttle bus service brought against him by Allstate Classified Staff- Carol Ash, Insurance Co.. Taliaferro report- on your inside "A whole new way to get your car fixed" ed a break-in to the Bowling ALL PINNACLE/ROAD HAWK TIRES Financial Aid & Student Employment Green police at his home in April happened on your EXPIRES of 1989 in which a video camera, $8.00 REBATE PER TIRE II tn 'ici still camera, compact disk player outside, would Graduate Staff- Fran Mayfield, Small Group and other items were allegedly 6 Months or 6000 Mile Warranties • Low Cost Rentals Housing/Greek Life stolen from his home. you still smoke? SOHIO, BP & Major Credit Cards Accepted Assistant Prosecuting Attorney HOURS MON-FRI 7 AM-9 PM SAT 8 AM-5 PM WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE Scott Coon said Taliaferro was reimbursed by Allstate Insurance NOVEMBER 15. for the losses. However, city THE GREAT AMERICAN AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. A7. AY AY. AY. AY. AY. police reported they found the SM0KE0UT. same model video camera which Taliaferro had reported stolen during a February search of his DELTA ZETA home. Taliaferro's attorney said the Mark's Pizza HALLOWEEN 352-3551 DATE DASH '90 •& Monday Night Specials -fr 9 till close ■ Pizza by the slice TONIGHT! Bucket of 7oz Genuine Draft Light 8:00 pm $2.00 OFF $1.50 OFF Be at the house with your Any Large Pizza takeouts date, bring some money and (in house only) don't be late & Deliveries | coupon exp. 10/31/90 Coupon Exp 10/31/90 Get ready to be spooked AZ's! AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. AY. l>) \ <>\ I \i


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M ■M THE BG NEWS Sports Jiranek's first hat trick helps BG to 8-3 victory _ by Charles Toil pant BG in the CCHA consolation hand the puck past UM's fresh- (ports editor game. man goaltender Steve Shields. After missing on their first 15 Twenty-four seconds later, Jir- power plays of the season, the anek scored his first goal of the First steps are important. Falcons connected on three of evening when he corralled a pass Neil Armstrongs' made histo- eight attempts against Michigan. from Klee at the blue line and ry. Frankenstein's scared us. Martin Jiranek highlighted powered a 15-foot wrist shot past The 1990 Bowling Green hockey BG's offensive explosion with his Shields. team's first step may not be re- first career hat trick. The junior Not to be outdone, Michigan membered as well as those, but it center spread his goals around, came back less than 30 seconds may have put an end to the early scoring one in each period. later on a four-on-three advan- questions surrounding this year's "We had to prove we could do tage when defenseman Patrick team being in transition. something on offense," Jiranek Neaton pushed a loose puck past Not only did the Falcons record said. "People started to question BG goaltender Angelo Libertucci. their first victory of the season, us and they had good reason. We Libertucci was another Falcon they did it in grand fashion crush- realized we had to play hard as a who was able to forget Saturday's ing the CCHA first-place Michi- team in order to win." 10-2 defeat. The sophomore re- gan Wolverines 8-3 in the home Brett Harkins added two goals sponded with a workman-like opener in front of 4,282 fans at the and two assists from his center performance with 26 saves. Ice Arena. position, while defenseman Ken "All I thought about this week Michigan (2-1 CCHA, 2-1 over- Klee chipped in with two assists was my performance at Lake Su- ail) entered the game ranked as and his first career goal. Serior," Libertucci said. "I felt I Khigh as fourth in some national BG head coach Jerry York said ad to redeem myself, especially lls. The Wolverines were com- the team made considerable to my teammates. I couldn't have j off a weekend sweep at Miami strides against Michigan. picked a better place to come in which they outscored the Red- "We were stunnned a bit from skins 20-4. the losses to Lake Superior," he After a late first period goal by Bowling Green (1-2,1-2), on the said. "We were a little disheveled Jiranek, the Wolverines mounted other hand, was reeling after last weekend. Maybe we tried to their own comeback early in the dropping two games at Lake Su- accomplish too many things dur- second period with two consecu- perior in which they were out- ing training camp." tive power play goals within two scored 13-3. Midway through the opening minutes of each other to tie the j "We knew they would bounce period, the Falcons struck first game at three. pack with a big game," said UM when Harkins broke loose at the But instead of panicking, the Bead coach Red Berenson, whose red line as UM defenseman David Falcons continued their solid play team was shunned from the Harlock slipped to the ice. and pulled ahead of the Wolver- NCAA tournament last season Harkins proceeded to skate in, ines. after beating eventual partici- fake a shot left and then back- With four minutes remaining in the second period, Jiranek took the puck at center ice, skated in, faked a shot and then darted around a sliding UM defender to HOWARD'S club H score on a beautiful backhander, putting the Falcons on top for 210 N. Main 352-9951 good. 1-3. Harkins, Llew Ncwana, and Peter Holmes finished out the Wednesday - scoring for the Falcons. LYBARGER - EVANS "The big test will be tomorrow BG Newt/John Grleshop night (at Michigan)," Jiranek Falcon Junior center Martin Jiranek skates past Michigan co-captain David Harlock on the way to his first Saturday said. "Upsets do happen. We career hat trick. BG earned its tlrst CCHA victory in an 8-3 rout ot the Wolverines at the Ice Arena. Sopho- BAND have to prove this wasn't an up- more goaltender Angelo Libertucci posted 26 saves and shut out UM In the third period, while sophomore October 17-20 set." center Brett Harkins added two goals (or the Falcons. > UNITING BG STUDENTS FOR THE UNITED WAYc THE PRE-MEDICAL SOCIETY Quote of the Week THE HALLOWEEN DASH n DUNK 18-20 Welcome "Well If that's what he says that's his problem. If he's going to $2.00 Cover after 9:30 D WHAT- A 2 MILE PACE OR WALK bang the game on one play, he's totally wrong." WHIM- CO 25. RUN 4 30, WALK HO - Oakland A's slugger Jose Canseco responding to manager 21 and over Tony LaRussa's statement that the outfielder's misplayed ball A WHIM- START AND FN6H AT UNON OVAL I cost the defending champs a chance to win Game 2 ot the World $1.00 Cover after 9:30 S DONATIONS- S2 00 PEP PARTOPANT Series. SION UK- DUCATON BUILDINGOCT 23-24 1000Om -3 00pm H HHZII- "3 "OP M/F RUNNERS AND WALKERS HOURS: AND ORGANIZATION WITH MOST PARTICIPANTS Mon.-Sat.: Noon 'til 2:30 a..m. Season tickets N* WHIN-XT 25400pm -700 pm. Sunday: 2:00 p.m. 'til 2:30 a.m. WHIBI- UNON OVAL DUNKIES- DR LEE MESERVE running out * Mini-Pitchers Every Day it .. D KEVIN CAUGH.IN Bowling Green hockey fans Help Support MS with the Ugly Bartender Contest' FOOTBALL COACH -MC€ ANKEV who plan to purchase season tick- U ANGELO L8EPTUO ets tor the upcoming 1990-91 N SWIM COACH-SUE NUTTY & OTHERS season are urged to do so in the DONATION- 25C PEP THROW next few weeks. K As few as 20 seats remain in the all proceeds benefit the United Way 3 season ticket section of the Ice Arena. A season ticket for hockey costs wxnmMssaEMEanmm $133 for the 19 home contests this Sear. Tickets can be purchased at le BG ticket office which is open daily between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Visa and Mastercard accepted l ERVICE SPECIALS BELOW INCLUDE A career path at EDS can and can be charged by phone at f\Sz$ 372-2762. 10-POINT SAFETY INSPECTION 3 lead in many directions. ■FALL § QC INCLUDES 3«J 2 GAL Winterizing 39 ANTIFREEZE The BG News Lube, Oil & Entry-level Computer Opportunities Filter Consider a company where you can work with leading- Vint 95 edge technology in a variety of industries - EDS. Asa Join the Truck MOST $55 billion corporation providing information tech- CABS **i $5 00;»ii Extra nology solutions for customers around the world, EDS I'm Driving Club" TUNE-UP believes real career opportunity means a variety of BRAKE people working with a variety of alternatives. promote responsible ONLY "T^aT Our entry-level development programsare SPECIAL! 6 Cyl $48.00 recognized as models in the information technology decision making FOR MOST CARS 8 Cyl $54.00 sci \ ices field. They provide the practical hands-on ON MOST CARS experience and the technical know-how needed to where alcohol is concerned FRONT DISC Includes spark plugs, sot- excel and grow in this dynamic industry. ilncludat Pad* i limitation, ting timing, adj carb. Some Metallic Padt « $4Q95 Development Program for Business Applications whether driving or not. Foreign Car Work Extra • 4-year college degree (any major) with a 3.0/4.0 5-Point Winter overall GPA preferred REAR DRUM Electrical Check • Demonstrated technical aptitude Include* Shoes I Labor $3g95 We'll check your battary, • Excellent communication skills Some Foreign Car Work Etta. alternator? regulator; ■ Strong record of achievement • tarter .. and electrlci • Assignments may require relocation Quality Work at Reasonable Rates EDS will be conducting an information session on YOU CAN DEPEND ON OUR STAFF OF ()ctober 23rd in the Placement Office reception area CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS at 7:00 p.m. We will also be conducting on-campus interviews October 24th and 25th. For more informa- tion, contact your placement office or send us your Stadium View Sunoco resume todav. 1530 E. Wooster St., BG.B.G SERVICE BAYS OPEN 352-0387 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Phone 352-0387 EDS Recruiting Mon.-Fri. (Oct. 15-19) Stadium View Sunoco ,0 BGSU students and j 700 Tower Drive, 5th Floor Faculty with this P.O. Box 7019, Dept. 2CMU2920 in front of Ed. Bldg. from 9:30-4:30 s 1530 E. Wooster Troy, MI 18007-7019 coupon and Valid I.D. j FREE!! L W^jQftiiNJflbftJC-i^JL3^0.-! THE BG NEWS Friday October 19, 1990 Falcons look to the stars Volleyball team's success) for their first MAC win taken for granted by fans and it pushes them throughout "Both Buffy and Carey have 2 against Cincinnati, Todd Powell booted a by Jamie Joss by Matt Schroder 41-yard field goal. Since then, opposing defen- the match," coach Denise Van De been seeing setting time and are sports editor ses have shut out the Falcons in quarter num- sports writer Wallesaid. both doing a nice job," Van Be ber three. This weekend BG, with a quick Wallesaid. The roar coming from the football stadium In fact, they've only scored six points in the For many traditionally suc- and improved offense, will try to BG has been working on their Saturday night may not be coming just from fourth quarter since the opening game when the cessful teams, no matter how set down the high-powered attack defense, improving their tran- screaming Falcon fans. Falcons posted 14. well they do they are always ex- of Metro Conference foe Louis- sition game, blocking, and dig- Listen tor the growling stomachs coming "Our halftone proceedure will change this pected to be perfect. ville. ging on the attack. from both sidelines — Bowling Green ana week," Ankney said. "We are going to get more Too many times these teams' Van De Walle expects a battle The Falcons were ranked 18th Eastern Michigan are a couple of hungry specific information from the coaches meeting performances are taken for in the middle. This match in hitting percentage (.271), 14th teams. across to the players. granted. should be a battle at the net and in digs per game (18.34), and 18th But one thing is certain: one "We're also going to go out and do something This is a different experience could be a big blocking game." in blocks per game (3.20) in the team will spend Sunday pat- physical before the second half kick-off instead that the Falcon volleyball team Junior Tammy Schiller, will be Oct. 9 American Volleyball ting its bellies while the other of just going right into the game," he said. seems to be going through this a key to this battle in the middle, Coaches Association statistics. is left scrounging for crumbs. When the BG offense does take the field, it year. she is 7th in the nation with (4.79) Their defense and rankings The Falcons, winless since will be facing an Eastern defense which yields After a short derailment (three kills per game and 19th in hitting should get a tough test against the week one at Cincinnati, host a 375 yards per game (seventh in the MAC). straight losses opposed to its 16 percentage (.374) through Oct. 9. Cardinals' top players Laurie Huron team which posted its "We're expecting a defense which is strong wins), they are back on track Fellow junior Lisa Mika, will Maxwell and Shannon Misek. last win back on Sept. 15 at up front," Ankney said. with consecutive victories over also be a key to combatting the Maxwell is among the leaders home against Ohio. Kick-off And that's what the Falcons will get. Ball State and Dayton. Cardinals' middle-attack. She in the nation, through Oct. 9 she at Doyt.L. Perry Field will be The Hurons' front four defensive lineman BG improved its record to 18-4, has been blocking extremely well was 10th in kills per game (4.68), 1-2 in the Mid-American Confer- recently, including game highs of and third in hitting percentage at 7:00 p.m. as BG holds its Ankney average 6-foot 3 inches and 269 pounds. Seniors second-ever night football Donshell English, Mike Bass, Craig Peters- ence and a No. 10 ranking in the 13 and 10 against Miami andDay- (.448). game. mark, and sophomore Sean Shoda will try and NCAA Volleyball Mideast region ton, respectively. Mika will also Misek isn't a player among the In order for Bowling Green to fatten up its put the heat on quarterback Erik White and the poll. contribute to the BG attack with leaders in the nation, but isn't a 0-3-1 Mid-American Conference record, the Falcon offense. But during the losses, there was her consistent offensive game. player that should be overlooked.' offense will have to find some way to score "(Eastern) doesn't blitz much with lineback- miscommunication on the court, "Both Tammy and Lisa have points in the second half. The last two weeks the ers and defensive backs becuase they think fans losing confidence in the been attacking the ball very "We need to be very aware of Falcons took leads into the third quarter only to their front four can adequately pressure the team, and even a loss in at- well," Van De Walle said. Soph- Misek, she is an extremely tal- see the opposing offense rally back. passer," Ankney said. tendance. omore setter Buffy Williams has ented left-side attacker," Van De While Moe Ankney has found it difficult to Normal attendance for Falcon stepped in well for the Falcons Wallesaid. pinpoint the reasons for the second-half mis- BG will counter with an offensive line of Eric home games runs on average of ana will probably get the nod for The Cardinals were ninth in the comings, the BG head coach is not going to sit Fitzpatrick, Steve Bosko, Billy Horn, Brian 300-500 fans, but last weekend the this weekend's match against Oct. 9 NCAA Volleyball South back and let it continue. Sherman, and Nick Sims, who average 6-3,290. crowds were about 100-200 fans. UL. Region rankings. "We're not doing well coming out after the Given Eastern's size and strength up front, This is a major problem when halftone," Ankney said. "We're going to try White may get more opportunities to drop back the fans are a key part of the and do some different things this week. The and pass. game that drives the Falcons to third quarter has been terrible for us all year." "We're going to try and pass against them," victory. How terrible you ask? Ankney said. "We should be able to throw ef- "(The players) love it when the Attention! With 6:02 to play in the third quarter on Sept. fectively if we can execute." crowd gets loud, because they get really excited about the match Announcing the Soccer team SPECIALS new College-Age Wedding for Sweetest Day - Oct. 20 Sunday School Apparel TEDDY DELIGHT CANPY MB tries to limit This cute beige Teddy is sitting under We'va Mad ■ brandy snifter with sweat Class at ZJnii ^Jjau an arrangement of fresh carnations treats and toped It off with a pretty roae the mistakes and chocolate kisses «22 95 fULfifi. Trinity United T TREAT * K188 FOR SWEETEST PAY 107 Louisiana AVO.. Our antique style soda glass is Wed Our own special bud vase Is fled with by Kevin Cummings PetTysburn with fresh flowers and two straws.. fragrant carnations and aweel chocalale Methodist Church sports writer But no calories! SI 4 95 losses to show your sweet how much Homecoming Gowns you care! $5,95 200 N. Summit l-'nrmiil Weal 9:15 a.m. Despite its long awaited fifth Mon. Ihru wpcl. 10:00 ■ MM victory, it is business as usual for rhura. 12:00 - a:00 The A variety of issues the soccer team, as they prepare Fit and sal. 10:00 - 3:00 5L forDePaul. Flower Basket are discussed from a The Falcon kickers put their HU» 352-6395 • 165 S Muln St Downtown B.C. ^ Christian perspective. 5-9-1 record and modest one game 874-0146 P.„o*.t D..,k! winning streak on the line today We Deliver Open Sweetest Day 'till 8:00pm All Young Adults Are Welcome' at home against the 2-11 Blue Demons. Falcon midfielder Steve Cain thinks the team can still finish re- spectable this year. "We're taking it one game at a tone," Cain said. "If we win the & Know QL rest of our games we'll finish above .500 and end the season on a positive note. That will be a big boost to our confidence heading into next year." DePaul has not been able to re- Saturday, October 20 place Jason Cohen, the school's all-tone leading scorer, and thus have suffered offensively. Mindy&Dave Missy & Brant Dawn & Don Bridget & Greg W W "We'll look to Tim Green and BethftAndy Jim Piscitelli up front for scor- Katie ft Kevin A. Hole & John Jen & Boomer ing, and Mark Telken and Kevin JoeS & Chris Jennings at midfield," DePaul Angie & Jon Karen E. & Mr. Jump Julie & John head coach John Barrett said. Trad & Brian Barrett has to look awfully Shannon & Jeff Griff & Yaro (my love) Deanna & Tim hard to find any scoring at all on Kelly & Joe his squad as Jennings leads the Julie & Erie Anissa & Sears Jill & Erie team in scoring with only four Anne & Brian goalS and one assist. Emily T. ft The Brown Brothers Megan & Nate iJeJcert&Tony Gone is DePaul's two-time Lorie ft ft. GeJfma. 6fti MVP netminder Rich Horwath, Kim ft Jim HW ft D«e but the Demons have been steady Stephanie Diftjft in net with Mike Magno leading •4Chu<* the defensive corps with a 2.0 Lymft M ^ftfcrt ***** | goals against average, and some very consistent play from defen- O'Neal & HejfrerftScot MMraen ft Sweeney semen Ron Branstetter and Jim ■■$-?:' Luby. "We need to cut down on a few mistakes that we have been mak- Chris & Brad Holly ft Wicker Julie ft Heath nfriy & Lincoln nmy M. & Matt ing that have been costing us goals," BG head coach Gary Elena & Greg Stacy ft Kevin Lori ft Shone Kates ft Barney Nancy ft Jake Palmisano said. "With a little luck, things could be alot Heather & George Cindy & Brian Koto ft Matt Casey ft Shane 0. Spene ft Mort different this year." Barrett, who is in his first year Cindy B.& Suzanne ft Patrick Heather ft Jason Heathdiff ft Jeffe Heather ft Mr. X at DePaul, knows of BG's reputa- tion and potential, but is a total Jennifer & Dale Lori & John Tracy ft Chris Shannon & Smitty Michelle & Bill stranger to soccer as a whole in the midwest. Carlo & Jon Laura ft Jeff Melissa ft Dave Jen ft Chad Dawn-Dawn ft Cosmo "I'm happy to be at DePaul," said Barrett. "To put this team Jane & Ryan Allie ft Paul Amy ft Bob Lara & Mike Julie W. ft Aaron together has been my biggest Cinderella ft Prince Charming soccer challenge: While coaching Greek ft Merb Ellen ft Michael Hope ft Charles Amy&Bud in New England, I knew of the Cheri&Mike soccer powers in the midwest, Em«V & Brian Katie ft Jammie Am ft Tom Jen ft Dan and I put BG in that category." Jessica B. ft Don l»n ft Danger Jenii&Todd Although this is the first meet- Jen ft inn Anne & Dom from the M. 0. E. house ing between the two schools, Cain Jessica C. ft ? knows the Falcons will have to play their best game to win. Jen ft? Mikki ft Mike, the mon "Depaul is struggling, so they'll be coming at us, Cain Sandi ft Rick A. K. A. "Pooch" Kelly & Tom Hoy-Hoy ft Matt said. "We have to play our regu- lar game, and put forth our nor- Amy ft Matt Megan ft Jon Keley&Tm mal effort." "Our philosophy for the game Jacki & Charlie LmdaftGrag Molly & Todd will evolve from the players," Barrett said. "We are going to Down & Kevin Shelley ft Mary's boyfriend "Joey" Inane & Brian have to create our own style to be competitive." Missy & Bryan Jwwy & Jtwofl Jules & Steve The game will be played on Mickey Cochrane Field at 4:00 Sidney & Gooch rdiwiy & IM wyjtdiy MM p.m. Jennifer ft Tony Give a hoot. Just Do Don't pollute. 8 Friday, October 19, 1990 THE BG NEWS •wim teams enter weekend A's hoping Hurricanes, Irish Moore is with hard working attitude end long rivalry the stopper

an impact. Katie Thompson, who is a school by Kevin Cummlngs by Jim Donaghy sports writer "They're going to be good," he record holder, Jill Bowers and Saturday at ND said. "But it's going to take most valuable freshman Jody AP baseball writer awhile. We don't expect them to Reed. by John Nelson The men's and women's swim stand up and be noticed imme- The men's squad enters the AP sports writer OAKLAND, Calif. — teams are about as similar as diately? new season hoping to better a 4-10 Somehow, the Oakland Athletics night and day —at least on paper. Gordon said this is the hardest dual meet record and its' fifth- didn't expect Mike Moore would Both the men and women open working women's team he has place finish in a six-team MAC It's not goodbye. It's 'til they meet again. have to be their World Series their season at Xavier University had in his four years at BG, and swim conference. "With the type of teams we have, we'll probably meet them in stopper. Saturday at noon. expects them to be his fastest Led by captains Adam Burton a bowl game somewhere down the line," Miami receiver Lamar That's because the A's didn't Led by co-captains Deidre Heer squad. and Brian Kaminski, the Falcons Thomas said. figure on going home down 2-0 to and Katie Thompson, the women "This team is going to set a lot should be much improved. But The second-ranked Hurricanes play at No. 6 Notre Dame on the Cincinnati Reds. enter the 1990-91 campaign with a of records this year," Gordon with no seniors on the team, they Saturday in the last scheduled meeting of these two teams in All the signs suggest the A's are experieinced squad, and should said. "However, that doesn't still appear to be one recruiting their great intersectional rivalry. in trouble. Some of those signs challenge (or the Mid-American mean we'll move up in the con- class away from competing for Botn teams are 4-1 and in contention for a national title, which were even there before the Series Conference Championship. ference." the MAC crown. has gone to the winner of the past three games in this series. The started. BG set a school record last year After OU, Gordon believes only "We're swimming a fine line," two schools have played in 19 of the last 20 seasons, and Miami The A's miss Walt Weiss' for dual meet victories on its way 50 points separate BG, Ball State, Gordon said. "Seven of our dual has won five of the last six. steady defense at shortstop and, to a 10-4 season, and a fourth- and Miami. A deficit the Falcons meets are absolute toss-ups. "This is it," Hurricanes tackle Mike Sullivan said. "This is the despite a Game 2 home run, Jose place conference finish. can easily make up at Cooper "If we swim a great meet, we end of the series. As much hype as already goes into it, this just Canseco is hurting. And Mark Although Ohio University is Pool - the site of the MAC could win them all. If not, we adds a little bit of fuel to the fire." McGwire isn't hitting. favored to win its third-straight Championships. could lose them all." Notre Dame has written most of its schedule through the year In Game 1, the Reds destroyed MAC title, BG head coach Brian The key to the teams' success BG's most difficult competition 2004, and school officials have purposely left off Miami. While Dave Stewart with a 7-0 rout and Gordon believes the Falcons will will be its' second, third, and will come from Eastern Michi- entertaining, the rivalry has produced some tense moments. on Wednesday they took care of challenge the Bobcats. fourth position swimmers. gan, who has won 12 straight Miami was accused of running up the score in a 58-7 victory in Dennis Eckersley with a 5-4 vic- "We've always been known as "If and when our number one MAC titles. Ohio is predicted to 1985, and the two teams got into a fight before the game two tory in 10 innings. a team with depth," Gordon said. swimmer doesn't win an event, be EMU's closest competitor in years ago at Notre Dame. Meanwhile, Billy Hatcher is "In some cases we have seven we'll count on numbers two, fouryears. 7-for-7 with five extra bases, the women fighting for three spots. three, and four to finish ahead of BG's biggest rival Miami is Miami quarterback Craig Erickson will be looking at a Notre bullpen is as nasty as ever and "Last year, we finished fourth, our opponents," Gordon said. targeted for third, while the Fal- Dame pass defense that yielded 83 points to air-minded Stanford the Reds are running wild on the and 75 percent of our team were BG figures to be strong in many cons, Ball State, and Toledo and Air Force the last two weeks. Miami shut out Kansas 34-0 bases. either freshmen or sophomores. events including — the breast should battle for fourth place. last Saturday, but yielded at least 21 points in its four previous The A's swept the Boston Red Hus, all of our seniors are proven stroke, back stroke, sprint fly. The men's team could win the games. Sox by hanging in there for six or swimmers, he added." middle distant free stroke, and conference in the distant free In other Saturday games involving ranked teams, it's No. 1 seven innings and then wrecking There are also high expecta- diving. style and back stroke, and also Virginia (6-0) at Wake Forest; Alabama at No. 3 Tennessee the relievers. That strategy iust tions for the incoming freshmen "It's hard to single out any one should be competitive in the re- (4-0-2); Oklahoma State at No. 4 Nebraska (6-0); No. 7 Florida won't work with Norm Charlton, class, although Gordon knows it individual on this team," Gordon lays and diving events. State (4-1) at No. 5 Auburn (4-0-1); No. 24 Michigan State (2-2-1) Rob Dibble and Randy Myers will take time for them to make said. "But we'll count heavily on "Some schools ran up the at No. 8 Illinois (4-1); No. 9 Houston (5-0) at Southern Methodist; waiting in the Cincinnati bullpen. scores on us last year," Gordon No. 22 Iowa (4-1) at No. 10 Michigan (3-2); No. 11 Georgia Tech ■Coupon) said. "We haven't forgotten about (5-0) at North Carolina; No. 13 Washington (5-1) at Stanford; No. No team has ever rallied from a A it. We will not be embarrassed 14 Colorado (5-1-1) at Kansas, and Arizona at No. 15 Southern Cal 3-0 deficit and it's up to Moore to this year." (5-1); Iowa State at No. 16 Oklahoma (5-1); Akron at No. 17 Flor- make sure the A's don't have to Small I ida (5-1); Arkansas State at No. 18 Mississippi (5-1); Arkansas try. at No. 19 Texas (3-1); No. 20 Indiana (4-0-1) at Minnesota; Weber "It doesn't matter what the sit- 1-ilem 75 State at No. 21 Wyoming (7-0); No. 22 Clemson (5-2) at North uation is, tied or down two games $9 Mill. Ittmi Carolina State, and Baylor at No. 25 Texas A&M (4-2). to none,' Moore said. "I just have Pizzas or Cllciio Jim to do my job, I'm not going to put 50' ID. 10. MZI0 JDD any more pressure on me. 3 Virginia is favored by nearly four touchdowns over Atlantic At least Moore's postseason Nobody Sells Better Pizza For Less! Coast Conference foe Wake Forest, which beat Army 52-14, then history suggests the A's are in , Free Delivery-Ph. 352-5166 lost to North Carolina and Maryland by a combined score of good shape for Game 3. The right- $ EXPIRES 11/1/90 72-37. hander is 4-0 in the playoffs and If Virginia can keep its record clean, which appears likely, the World Series the last two seasons, pEte^203 ff. Main Mot ratio with an oilier otter Cavaliers and Georgia Tech could fight it out for the ACC title in including two wins against San I B.G.'s Favorite Pizza Since 1964 two weeks, both unbeaten. Francisco last year. V D a n Moore was 19-11 for the A's last Alabama is on a roll — with victories over Vanderbilt and year but dropped to 13-15 this Southwestern Louisiana in the past two weeks — but it might not season with a 4.65 earned run last. The Crimson Tide is at Tennessee, and the Volunteers still average. At home, he was 7-10. remember last year's 47-30 loss at Alabama. "It's a confidence booster for Last week, Tennessee dismantled Florida 45-3. me to get a chance in this game," oca Moore said. "I know there were Florida State coach Bobby Bowden is still looking for his 200th times I struggled during the career victory after losing to Miami two weeks ago. Bowden year." hopes his players learned something about big, hostile crowds in that game, because it will be even worse at Auburn. Moore is scheduled to face Cin- "You've got to remember that a lot of these young kids I've cinnati left-hander Tom Brown- got, they haven't been in towns as big as Auburn's stadium," ing, who is celebrating the birth Bowden said. . . „ . of a boy early Thursday. A sellout crowd of 85,214 is expected. Florida State has won the last three meetings of the two teams. BG roundup TUBA ... TROMBONE FRENCH HORN. The men's golf team will bring the clubs home to THE UNIVERSITY BANDS OF BGSU HAVE Bowling Green for the first POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN THE UNIVERSITY AND time this season as the team CONCERT BANDS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS. hosts the BGSU Fall Invita- IF YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN tional. ONE OF THESE ENSEMBLES. CONTACT: The women's team will remain this weekend as UNIVERSITY BANDS well, as they host Cincinnati lOlO MUSICAL ARTS and Tennessee Tech on Sat- urday and Sunday. 372-2186 However, the men's ten- nis team will hit the road JOIN THE ATHLETIC BAND TOO! ! ! ! ! ! again after holding its own FIRST ORGANIZATION MEETING WEDNESDAY. Invitational tournament OCTOBER 24. 7:00 P.M. BRYAN RECITAL HALL. here last weekend. The net- MMAC BUILDING. OR CALL ABOVE PHONE. ters travel to East Lansing, SPRING QUARTER CREDIT AVAILABLE. Mich. Friday to compete in NON-MUSIC MAJORS WELCOME IN ANY BAND. the Michigan State Doubles Invitational. CLARINET PERCUSSION FLUTE . ^^^r^^^^^r^^W»^^r^^r>rW ATTENTION NON-TRAD. STUDENTS TAILGATE PARTY

For the BGSU vs. Eastern Michigan game, Oct. 20 Starts at 5:00 near the Information Center FREE T-SHIRT TO FIRST 6000 Look for the NTSA sign BGSU STUDENTS. GATES OPEN Bring a side dish and something to drink! AT5:30. COME OUT EARLY For more information call 372-8248 or 372-2573 AND TAILGATE! University Bookstore Will be open until 6:00 p.m Monday - Thursday THE BG NEWS Fndoy. October 19. 1990 Classifieds

•Gamma Phi LI Shan • Gamma Pra • ALPHA CHI OMEOA AOTT • MaMyLutu ■ AOTT AXO • AXO • AXO * AXO CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS Big hunt is here, yea it a true HEY AXO LIL SHERI Todays the dey tor you to see To my ante Sfacey Hal. Mce Job You Are And of course your big adores you* OET EXCITED FOR SATURDAY You re the perfect HHe Having you aa my attle w* be a bell Tekrlund Caaer ol the Week • You're the cutest pledge in Gamma Phi YOUR BK) CAN'T WAIT" For a big Ike me' Wei be the beat Bag - Lime pas-. CongreruWionB' If you warent my M Id probably d-e! LOVE Love your lag I can't wan lor thoee moments to share' I am ao happy you are al mme 7 YOUR BIO? Love. Your BkJ?? Cl» O Ctn-O Cfa-O CM-O You wa know soon enough DON I WHINE ALPHA CHI OMEOA STUDENTS FOR LIFE AOTT ■ Taml Slppy • AOTT Jaffa. Smmy. Barney. MY LOVE IN PKE - Your BIG' MEETS EACH MONDAY NIQHI tonights the night, ao gat psyched1 Your big AXO * LK. AMY • AXO Shane O Cosmo Dave ft Todd 1:00 P.M. Alpha Oamme Dana (whoever mat may be) is aoooo excited LI Amy ABomonoo, Vemanoe a a fiesta" ALUMNI LOUNOE. UNIVERSITY UNION 'LIMoira- Date Dash - Alpha love, Your B-g I'm excited you're my Little it a true Gat peyched lor Chee-0 brothers" COME AND BE A VOICE You are the beat Mtie aver Meet at the house by 130 pm AOTT • AOTT • AOTT and by now you know your Ekg loves you Leva - Your sutlers ft Cl»-O dates FOR THE VOICELESS! Our friendship is a tie that ■ never sever See you tonight! I can't wart tor you to sea Haethcatt. O'Neal Kates I can't wart to reveal myself to you. My true identity Casey, Dawn-Oawn. Stepn ft Mot*/1 AOTT • Tern Walters ■ AOTT But you'l have to wait, ao guess who??? Saturday a com-ng fast Alpha Oama Hooray. Hooray todays the day • Gamma Phi Beta • and I know our bond w* forever last1 • • A-terrbonOet>rra«mbere* • Oat psyched tor our Date Dash tonight' Meet Youl find out In a special way CHFO III Spenc Cm-O SwmlrwSet Nov 3 Love, lag? at the house at«:IOI You BIG can I wail to leu you why As BIG ft LITTLE we can I go wrong i $8.00 with lunch « Berries • LITTLE WENDY TAYLOR • She's gtad thai you're an AOTT even though you knew aft along1 Arjpkcatlone m 410 Ed Due Oct 26 Alpha Phi You are the coolest LITTLE m town Alpha Love ■ Your Big AXO ' Lll' Jennifer Combe • AXO (thai wasn't cool al al) Sweet Tear Sale The day la drawing near But you juat better remember Vou have a BIO that -.41 always be around Oct 15-18 AMA The beat pair, we wa forever be Soon you'll finally hear I waa here Ural 1M TENNIS I'm better' Sweet Ta* Sale AOTT • Tn DeB • AOTT ■ Tn-Delt HAUNTED HOUSE I can't wait untl you're part of our Who your big will be Even though we only won ONE Alpha Phi Hey. Sharon Wiley' AWESOME family tho you never would hetre gueaaad it waa me Aa BIG I LITTLE wa rs sta 11 Will t» held Oct. 1*, 20. 26. 27, 30,11 at the I can hardly wart lor tonight' I LOVE MY LITTLE! Wa'N make the beat Ngf ill team aver Bowling Qreen Fairgrounds Irom 7:00-11:00. Gel psyched' Chi o Love ft Mine. Admission la only 12 50 So don't mlaa out • GAMMA PHI BETA • Alpha Phi and our Irtandshlp will never sever Love. Your AOTT Big BIG SPENC thia waakand with our all now bonecMlting UT Jarmy Detrick Love. Your Big? houaa. Now that you know that it is me, 'LOST' ChriaH. I hope you are aa exerted aa can be. AOTT • • Jill Surd • • AOTT AMA Formal Mooting - Tuesday. Oct 23 14K gold charm bracelet. Including anchor 1 AXO • LI Angx Eton ■ AXO Happy 21 SI Birthday! So welcome to our Family in Alpha Phi. The week has finely come to an end It is a rare and apacktl thing to hnd a tnend who at 7 30 pm in 220 Math Science lion charma. Reward Oftaredl Call You know, we're the beat Big unle pair But who your big is wB depend Ye knew, I reedy miss talking to youl 708-397-0912 Loat 10-8, Homecoming wil reman a tnend forever tohrlBQi She loves you lots ft can't wart to see weekend. I LOVE MY LIL " Leva. Caribbean Aaaociation prosenta its Annual Har- Love. Your Big. Mmdy How exerted you're going to be I can't wait u Saturday Your Buddy ambee REOOAE party. Sal Oct 27. Lanhan • PHI KAPPA TAU ■ Alpha PM Love • Your Big ?? Love - Your BIG? Ballroom. Union, with Chill Factor Irom Pitts- Paul Edwards burgh |w APA, ECAP. WFVV. OSS) $1 The past month with you Congratulations to Delta Zeta Alpha Xi --■LH'Meredith-" Alpha Xi AOTT • • • ANOIE POWELL • • • AOTT proceeds to St. Pauls Community Canter In haa been aweeome! Welcome to Xi Baal lamay TONIGHTS THE NIOHT, YOU HAVE BEEN AXO * Lorl Scaduto * AXO onbacorrang Toledo earring the Indigent and homeless. Ooa Have a Happy Sweetest Day! "Scaduto, Scadatal. I love you Ions Little' WAITING FOR, I'M SO EXCITED TO HAVE Intramural Softbai Champa Low. Love. Cara Love, your aweeome Big Uea YOU AS MY UL'. WELCOME TO THE FAMI- Alpha Chi Incorporated • Alpha Xi Delta ■ I love my Irttle' CHICAGO SHOPPING TOUR LY. ALPHA LOVE. YOUR BIO?? Give us any chance we'l take it Nov. 30 S Doc I $99 00 I Lava and mlaa you Alpha XI Delta-Alpha XI Delta AOTT AOTT PAM ECHLEH AOTT AOTT Give us any dreem we'l we'l make it Travel Untmrted Inc 353-0050. 198 S. Main. • SIG KAP • • SIG KAP • • SIG KAP ■ Your Sweetie at KSU LI'Shelby. DC YOU LAUGH WHEN We're Big end Little thru and thru' BO Congratulations to al of the new officers and •Barbara We're ao happy to have you Mi our family! I love YOU SAW THE SIGN. . Welcome to the temly'" chairman' I know you'l do a GREAT |obl Colonial Wllamsburg Tour Nov 14-18. you, LI, and ao doea your Grandbig Knstonl AND WONDER WHO I AM Love, Your Pledge Educator AXO • AXO ■ AXO • AXO * AXO $398/per double occupancy Includes: Motor Xi Love and Mine. NOW IF YOU LOOK REAL CLOSE. Dan- Coach. Hoaday Inn Accomodattons. some BtgUaa THERE IS A CLUE Happy Sweetest Day HONEY" Thanks so AXO AXO AXO LIL JENNIE KLAUER AXO AXO meats, admlaalons to Wllamsburg, Jamestown " AOPI PLEDGES " Alpha XI Dana • Alpha XI Dana NOT VERY HARD TO FIND' DID YOU much tor always being there ft heaping me AXO A York Town with special guide Other leaturea. Tonight's the night EVER WONDER WHERE I GET THESE through my bad tanas What would I do without' SOON YOU WILL SEE. WHO I MAY BE can Travel Unlimited Inc 353-0050 198 S you'll finally aee. RHYMES? you?!?! You're the beat11 LOVE YOU " Alpha XI Dana ■ Alpha XI Dana BUT UNTIL THEN. LITTLE HINTS I WILL SEND Main Street. BG The girl who'll be your big LOVE-YOUR EUG??? Love always Dana La" Kelly Sikora ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW Through all eternity. PS Good Luck on your exams' Dry Dock 'Special* Announcement I'm ao excited you're my H', I'm looking forward IS THAT YOUR EUG LOVES YOU SO ■ She' a thai special sister PSS Thanks tor making Phl-srslds s bleat' Dry Dock Advisory Board proudly presents. to lots of good times and plenty ol that "green AOTT Becky Ellis AOTT WELL BE THE BEST. BETTER THAN THE Who'll always be there. Love Street m concert at Dry Dock1 |eeo"lt Thank God it's Friday1 REST' For the memoriae wilt be endless Dave, I love my little" Love. Big Susie Tonight's the night to meet your Big Stay tuned tor further details. Also next week. that the two of you will ihare. GET PSYCHED FOR SATURDAY BECAUSE Tab about love talk about trust, laa. about lor our Annual Lip-Sync Contest on Oct. 28 - Can I can't wait! THERE YOU'LL FINO OUT MY TRUE IOEN ever baby when you talk about us I told you be ■Sogetreadyl or Friday. Guess Who? Brian at 353-9000 lor details it's bound to bring Joyful tears. ALPHA XI DELTA • ALPHA XI DELTA TITY lore that I wasn't aura There are no longer any THANK YOU For the love from AOTT UT Nicola Footer LOVE YOUR. doubts In my mind Happy Sweotool Day'" % BKJ??? Will leal well beyond theee college years. I'm BO exerted that you're my LI. AOTT Jennifer Gilbert AOTT I Love You j LATE NIOHT WITH DRY DOCK Together we'l make XI best family Gat psyched about tonight! I'm so excited that Caryrg After the Lights are Turned off at the Stadium. Love Big Cara you are part ol my famity' AXO AXO AXO • • GAMMA PHI BETA ■ ■ Come to the Dock where the LIGHTS stay on til Love, Your Big LIT Chrtsty Compton LIL USA RADUNE 1 am*. Located In the Basement of Haralwnafi The time is near. I know mat we are gomg through some hard We'l be the beat family around. Alpha XILU ERIN MORAN Alph XI Lll Quad. No cover or ID'as needed See you so lets give a cheer 'cause Gamma Phi love abounds I'm ao excited to have my little' We don't have AOTT Jennifer Paugh, AOTT times right now. but I mat wanted you tow] there! (* OPENING AT 11.00 PM DUE TO For me beet big* combo Big Hunt is hw9 and you wiH see lo pretend anymore because I'm so proud for Gat Psyched! know thai I love you and I always wB Happy BO'S 2ND HOME NIGHT GAME GO FAL- of the year Day Buddy! That your big Is MEi HA HA you to be pert ol our tamey! I'm ao excited that you are my ante' CONSBEAT EMU!') See you Saturday' •a Love Your BIG XI Love. Jennifer Love. Your big "Al of My Love' Love. Your Big I?) Derrick •» PHI ETA SIGMA HAPPY HOURS AXO AXO AXO I Al members invited to happy hours on Thurs- * * Gamma Phi Beta ' ANGELA DAMORE AOTT LI Krlaten AOTT day. October 25 from 5 to 8 pm al Cassidy's LIL' LIBBV PETERS • Alpha Omtcron Pi • Tonight ia the night, ao gat excited' DEE GEE PLEDGES ARE AWESOME Free pizza, drinks, and door prizes Bnhg your Your Big is thinking about you! I'm excited to have you as part of the larroty" AXO HEATHER RIECKS AXO DEE GEE PLEDGES ARE AWESOME ID and a friend! Hel-o Slammer1 You're a great parson and DEE GEE PLEDGES ARE AWESOME L ook out - hare I coma Love. Your Big tnend I can't wall to begin our Big/Urea teem PHI ETA SIQMA SCHOLARSHIPS I I's your big who's tons of fun, ANG-E GrtJ-ETT AOTT LI" Amy Art AOTT tomorrow!! Al members are elegible to win. Four book B eiieve what you may; who will I be? DEE GEE SPIRIT You're me beat The day ia finaly here! I've been going crazy al I Love my Little! scholarships wll be awarded by the BGSU B ul remember we are the beat big/Ill Get psyched for Saturday waaki We ere going to be an awesome Big/LiT Love, Your Big DEE GEE SPIRIT Y ou and mel chapter of PM Eta Sima Applications are due Your Big Loves You" loom I love my a!''Love-Your big. DEE GEE SPIRIT October 29 Pick up an application at 310 -big hunt continues... DEE GEE SPIRIT BuabiaM AUnauMtiBVon. Love big ??? AOTT Melissa McAfee AOTT AXO Lll Daenne AXO AOTT AOTT AOTT AOTT I ajst can't wart to meet you- Saturday ej the day STUDENTS FOR CHOICE Dell • MATT CHEESER • Dart QrandM' Daniels White It is going to be such tun • You wB be on your way Sunday at 7pm, Math-Science Room 222 • ' • Amy Burfcey • • • O Mighty Data Party King'' Get Psyched cuz big hi Is tonite Out ol al the AOTT's to choose - to finding your Big Cometoin us. and be a voice tor choice! Saturday you'l turn 21 "Favor Cravor" I'm ao exerted you're a part ol the family Have you guessed which one? (Who I know you wB dig!) We'l go oul and have lots of fun. Thank you for the wonderful times thus tar My u loves you. so I know I wB tool I Love? Everyone wB be there Amaretto sours is what your drink wil be Love you Bub Tomandvsky a Phefcpa and Lynn Lavner in con- Luv. Your Gtarvdblg!??! To aee the BEST BK3 - UL pakl and after that maybe a long island ice tea carl. Tonight 8 00 Bryan Recital Hal Free and L.I.T.B So coma on Amy, you can't hide AOTT Pledges • AOTT Pledges Your big?? open to al. we went to aee your wad aided AOTT Trscey Manaage AOTT Gel psyched lo meat your Bigs!! Derta Sigma Pl Juts ft Stacy You're doing an awesome job this semester AOTT Pledge. • AOTT Pledges Secret w Scon Doeachar Good Luck at Individuals m» Sundayi Thank-you for everything you're doing lor the AXO Lll Kim Shaard. AXO LOST & FOUND chapter Keep your chin up because we love The hunt a almost done I know you can do it' •""•erne Zeta""" AOTT" -KRISTIN SLATER" •AOTT Your Secret Big you. Love • Samantha And aoon we wB have Iota of fun. What an awesome family I have! You guys are OET EXCITED FOR TONIGHT BECAUSE IT IS Because Saturdays approaching feat •LOST- 14K gold necklace with trl-oold clown great. Welcome grand*! Laurie WakJron. great- AOTT • AOTT • AOTT • AOTT OONNA BE A BLAST. I'M SO EXCITED TO Than my identity youl know at kjstl I DODO charm. Sentimental value Pleaae call grand hl's Sue Cory and Beth Swisher. and new Orstchen Hoover HAVE YOU AS MY GRAND LIL'. Love. Your Big? Itovemybkji 372-3086 members Beth Myers and Juke Gumben Now You're Aweeome! ALPHA LOVE - YOUR ORAND BIG. Happy Swweeteot Day Susan! we are 13 members strong Gat psyched lor tonight! Loat - All black 1 yr lam cat. Down town vicinity UTB-" on Sat the 6 th Can 353-6344 Luv ya'a, Mary B. Guess Who? AOTT Sigma Chi A Chi O-Sig Ep AXO Lll' Jill Hokowczak AXO Oat peyched for Saturday's hunt! I am so ex- -Lucy^. PLEDGES DODO erted lor everyone fo know how kicky I am to • • • ALPHA XI DELTA • ■ ■ AOTT AOTT AOTT AOTT AOTT "Have a Bal in the Fal" SERVICES OFFERED UTRoDei La" Juke Crawford Tea at the Sigma Chi Houaa have you for my ■'' ?? Love. Your big!?? DODO How could I leave such an AWESOME little? I I hope you're aa excited aa I am • only a few Friday Oct 19. 1990 AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO Trassy- love you' Told 'ya you'd be happy! hours left til you find out who I am. 800 PREGNANT? Happy Sweeteat Day to the beal sister m tne*) XI Love. Big Mlchete and family1 Love Your Big We can help FREE pregnancy teats ft suppor- work) Keep your head high and smaai I lore- P.S Cap your hands. Stomp your feat. Jump AXO Lll' Valerie Mastsreon AXO tive services Confidential BG Pregnancy Attention Greeks. you! up and down and No make-up at 12? AOTT AOTT AOTT AOTT AOTT Come to Falcon Frenzie before the game Sat- The big/in hunt has lasted all was* Center Cat 354 HOPE Cluea to my Identity you surely did seek • Alpha Xi • JEN MCQEE • Alpha XI • To my ante Jenntler Shapiro - urday! October 20, 4-6 pm on the south side ol DODO On Saturday you will finally aaa Typing. $1 50 per page 354-0371. LI Jen, You don't know who I am, the Ice arena parking lot Organized by Alpha Just who your excited bag will be. Welcome to the famllyi But it won't be long before you do. Phi. Zeta Beta Tau. and the BGSU athletic Do You're the basil DM you know? Only about IS of ebortiona In I You are the best Little" And then you'l finaly know partment. : Qet Psyched tor Saturday! PERSONALS Love. Big Cindy How much I LOVE YOU' U S are performed for MychcBogicai health - Attention Greeks Hove youl AOTT AOTT AOTT AOTT AOTT reasons and lo prevent the birth of a handk ' Come lo Falcon Frenzie before the game Sat- Your Big capped chad • • Kim Wooaottght • • •Gamma PWTobTGamma Phi- urdayl October 20.4-6 pm on the south side of »-, Dry Dock 'Special- Announcement Thanks for being a wonderful Unit Director. The Lll Tool. AOTT •■U'Dn" AOTT the Ice arena parking lot Organized by Alpha AXO Tracy Januska AXO Dry Dock Advisory Board proudly presents Jj Slaters of Delta Zeta love you. Hip Hip Hooray, let's give a cheer Get psyched lor en awesome night' Phi. Zeta Beta Tau, and the BGSU Athletic De- I can t wart IB Saturday! Only 1 more day unti Love Street In concert et Dry Dock! -^ The end of big hunt la drawing near! You're the BEST!! partment. • TERRI SCHELT- the hunt la over Gat psyched lor tha"Big" day Now don't you worry, don't you fret Love. Your Big Stay tuned for further details AJao next weak. Attention Ladles • for al your special needs A The big'little pair no one can compare' 'Cause I'm the big you won't forget! Our Annual Up Sync Contest on Oct 26 • Cal I LOVE MY ORANDLITTLEI Mary Kay cosmetics, cal Pam Eyer at Love Your Big So Ul ToN...Oat ready...0at sat... Brian at 353 9000 lor delete AOTT* Amy Alt-AOTT 352 4915 anytime WBDotvoi ■Tray* You We'll make the bast Blg/L ll teem aver yell Congratulationa on our NMPC position I knew ' Gamma Phi Beta ' AXD AXO AXO Love, Big??? you could do ill. Alpha love). Jem AZD La" Amy Cherry Hotmee LI'Katy Bataman Grand Lil Se»y Croft and Lll Lisa Walters DZDZDZDZDZ Big and IttJe mats what we'l be AOTT • AOTT • AOTT I'm aoooo glad were finaly together!!! It's going Welcome to the lamay ful of tun so be ready to The Sistera of Delta Zeta would Ike to congratu-' •SIG KAP-LAMBOA CHI'SIG KAP-LAMBDA The beat to ever hit BG LJ Katie Sknko. to be an awesome veer. I couldn't have asked go out and bo loopy! CHI kits JB Matchinga and Pamela Lause on then . Wei dance and party and do it up right lonight is the night! lor a barter LITTLE' Love. Krlaten The sisters of Sigma Kappa would Ike to con- poailona with the spirit committee Cause my Irttle is out of sight Gat psyched! Love. Your Big AZD gratulate Jennl Baughman on her recant pinning I Iff yd Love, Your Big. Stef DZ DZ OZ DZ OZ Love Your Big? to Rob KJuz We love you! Lil Kim Plalkiewlcz AZD AZD AZD AZD AZD I'm so proud to have you as my IrrbS AOTT • AOTT • AOTT • AOTT • AXO AXO AXO AXO UL' KELLY LOTHES. OZ Love, Big Amy ••••KAPPAMOMA'" • AChIO- AChJO- AChIO UT Rhonda Little June I'm so happy we're a pair. Congratulations to the softbai team My hair Is blonde. The week la over, I'm ao excited. Oat exerted lor tomorrow!! I cant wait H your Littles Ike you are certainly rare DZ DZ DZ DZ OZ lor a great season My eyes are green. Causa you're the IT I want. part of my tamty! I'm proud of you In every way. Delta Zeta pledgee are doing But who I am, ia yet to be seen! Friday's the mghl ao don't be late Love, Your Big You're the beat IT, I must say! WHO IS YOUR BID? For our aweeome Bkj/Ui Hunt! Alpha CM Alpha CM Alpha CM Love ya lots. Big Juas a great rob Keep up the good work • • • AXO - LIL DAISY - AXO * • • I love my LI', Big ? Alpha Love end Mine. Your Big AZD AZD AZD AZD AZD OZ DZ DZ OZ OZ Saturday's the day that you'l find out AOTT • AOTT ■ AOTT ■ AOTT " Just what your big la al about AXO Lil Kathleen AXO ERIC M and MR LEVON. Who ami?. .Just wait and see A CHI O LIL SANDY PRUBNEK ACHIO Tomorrow's the day that you wB aee AZD"-ULSA8flaNA'" AZO For Btg Lil Hunt wll reveal me! YOU'RE THE BEST LITTLE IN THE WHOLE AOTT • AOTT 'JULIE • AOTT • AOTT Just how dear you are lo ma! Now your otfkaeSy my LITTLE BEANA! Round and Round What comae around goea around1 t can't wait H you meat your family anew WORLD!! ONLY ONE MORE DAY UNTIL Now you barter love thia personal So don't be lale - cuz I can't wait Ok) you aver doubt it? Love. K And lei you in person that BG/UL HUNT! GET EXCITED! I LOVE Y0UI This ones lust for you... Aa big and little we're gonna be great! Welcome lo the family I LOVE YOU! Your big knee you" Love. ? ? ? Your Big ACHIO BIG??? ACHIO •Oyanne (eea U In class) AXO Your Big Lovea You! AXO Xi Love. Big Laa ••• AXO-UL DAISY-AXO •• * P S How's your button? Feteon Frenzie Oct 20, 4-6 pm A-Chl-0 -Ul- ratoole eectoetpVA-Chl-O AOTT * CARLA DEANGELO * AOTT AXO ■ AXO • AXO • AXO ••SWKAP-SIGKAP-SiaKAP" What can I say" I've got the beat little EVER'! Tonight wB be a greet night for you. LI' DONNA KLUMPP BOB South aide of Ice Arena Parking Lot \ Participating Greek chapters •USA JONES* You are ao special to me and I know we'l be I'm so excited to get to know you better! You're an aweeome Irttle! Gat peyched lor Sat Happy Sweatee! Day! Coma and cook out before the footbel gems) .» Thank you ao much for al you've done for aal THE BEST Big Ul ever' See you Saturday! Al- (Our femry la getting an awesome new edition.) urdayl I can't wait to gat my Irttle and welcome ILoveYou.Sweetheerti You are an aweeome Pledge Educator and a pha Chi Omega Love, But Moat of Mine. Your * * Alpha Love. Your Grand Big. you Into the family' LOfo 1 special parson BtflTI AOTT • Heather Ferguson • AOTT Love. Your Big ??? IP S "FAVORS'-. ejryoneTI?!) FASHION MERCHANDISING ASSOCIATtOjb We love you11 AXO • AXO • AXO • AXO AChIO Lll' Christy Llghtloot AChIO and STUDENT APPRECIATION DAY Teem Up.J YOUR SIGMA KAPPA PLEDGES For Footbel. Fun and Fashion" Big ft little are you and me Congratulationa on being elected Rush Chair- Brian Vermlfye Meet Sat Oct 20 et Stadium Gate « 6.00 | FRIENDS FOREVER man lor 1990-911 Your skMera are al behind AXO • AXO • AXO • AXO Happy Sweetesl Dey. Sweetheart"! for FREE T-Shlrta ft prs-geme socializing BY • Alpha Phi-Alpha PN' we'l ALWAYS ball youl Ul AMY LIFER Thanks tor driving out hero to aaa ma. We're POP. Congratulationa Anne Crookshank Get excited for Saturday You are the greatest little e person could aak gomg to have a great weekend together I LOVE YOU LITTLE onyOupaartkvjtoJamosRackloyofOSU.I AOTT • Jaivnrlar Neronl • AOTT for. Your are such an aasei to AXO. I can't wait I love youl rn«T-erte»TTTO Your Big 777 1 to welcome you mto our family Gal payeneo lor Your "hoi" reporter gmrnand. 8 J.K FIRST SOOO STUDENTS' ■ Alpha XI Dana ■ Alpha XI Dana • Gat exerted for tonight There are many awe- AChiOAChiOACbiO Saturday! You'l be aurpriaed" a Little Tracy Munaon some ttmee to come this year1 PS m»x>ybelatedanmveraary SATURDAY 7 PM - PERRY FsILO »J Chi Love ft Al Mine, Your Big??? FALCONS VS. EASTERN imieKrlaiiGheen MY UL' IS THE BEST" AXO ' AXO ■ AXO * AXO Brand Little Susie Campbell Alpha Chi Omega!! AOTT • Love • Your Big * AOTT sasfti ajsrt: faflng, wearing out, becoming Qraal-Orand LHIIe KeHy Sikora Ul' Laura Montar exhauatad by making exceeeive demands on Fnche Homey. I couldn't aak for a batter fsmHyl I can't wait until lumoiiuw night I AXO Uea King AXO I'm eorry for everything. I'm ao glad we can » AOTT • Jennifer Daube ■ AOTT energy, strength, and reoourcea Hope you are aa excited aa I ami I'll mfee you ao much whan I graduate... I hope I can be everything you want In a BIG! I Big-La Hunt a) aamoat here make that, work Happy Sweatee! Day I km , So let's make thlalasl veer together I LUV MY LITTLE! 11 We'l Wneey meat- so grva a cheer rual know you I be an AWESOME LITTLE! Running out ol your resources? Check ours ul one to remember. I love you all. LOVE - YOUR BIG! The beat Ng-aT wo wB be out-the new Leadership Resource Library In No. AOTT • LOVE. YOUR BIG ■ AOTT Amy No one else but you and me1 405 Student Servtcae. open 6em-6pm M-F. its • Alpha XI Dana • Alpha XI DeHa - llovemyUri! ALPHA CHI OMEOA got free hand-oute on burn-out and many other AOTT • Laura Weber • AOTT Your Big?? leadership iaauee and concerns Tapes and • AXO • AXO • AXO * AXO • UL DIANA MCTAOOART QPHIBaPHIBOPHIB Laura you wB always be a very speck ekuer to books are also available lor loan Sponsored by LH Kriati Soden YOUR BK) HUNT IS ALMOST DONE UT Keee Gordon ma. I cant w-tloryouloaeethatyourBIGia the office ol Student Actrvttlee end Orientation Gat ready - cuz big and I aoon we I Dal Ffr the BO OET READY COB WE'RE OONNA AXO ft KAREN OERTZ • AXO Hip Hep Hooray, e! and the S O L.D organization (Student Organi- day is atmoet here Hope you are aa psyched aa HAVE LOTS OF FUN! Only a lew more days WpHlpHoorae. OuseeWho? zations Leadarahlp Development-Ware SATURDAY NrOHT-YOU'LL BEE THE LIGHT... then everyone wB see. Btg end Lime you ana me I am Cuz we are going to have an AWESOME SOLD onlaaderahipll year! I can't wait IH Saturday1 A BK) YOU NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD BEI just who the beal Shout ■ high, enout "low Lova-Yourbig I LUV MY LK! AOTT • LK' Una HHe • AOTT lag/Li" pakwB be Caribbean Association present! Its Annual Har ■ l'l bet rve got you on the go LOVE, BK) 7 Get psyched for Friday's Big UtOe ceremonyl Love. Your Big? ambaaRCOOAE party. Sat. Oct 27. Lenhart Don't you worry lor soon ■ wB be, • DEE ZEE • DEE ZEE • DEE ZEE ■ ALPHA CM OMEOA I'm so excited that you're my Intel Welcome to Baaroom. Union. .ItnChwt Fester Irom PMs- Time far you to loin my lamay Happy 21 st birthday AXO •• JACK* aaaarjraai--AXO DIANA MCTAOOART IB AWESOME! my (and now your) new family' You're AWE- burgh. (w/ APA, ECAP, WFVV. OSS) fl You era e very epeoW person, Love, tag? KRWTY HAOELBAROER DIANA MCTAOOART IS FUN I SOME! proceeds to St. Pauls Community Canter m mend, saner, and eapeceay Mel OPMBOPHIBOPHIB You tires*/ made it! DIANA MCTAOOART IS MY NUMBER II Alpha love. Toledo serving the moigent and homelaaa Oaa Frtanda But you are rare to teirjl! Bepreca/edtocelebratei Your BIG Love you. Big Langer I LOVE MY UL'i YOUR tJtG?? cGirtlniiedonpJ

MM GAMBIA PHI BETA HAPPY SWEETESTS DAYi MattCheeher continued from p.9 DAWN HABERMAN Jamto -• Thinks for coming homo Oat psyched Wei. when does this ride end? to ten more day* Th* wothor* d PI Kappa PN would Bu» to Happy Sweeteel Day to a trufy sweet guy' Be Qol poycxod otlgM. I hovo nom tor you tor Chea-O Lars try to make aura si of your (or so may ssyI I hope not' I won't bs the first congratutots Malt DUBBMI on ha sngegement around on 26 Q PM B LI Susan Webb QPNI To«toy a •» (toy KM I «M to My things make t back to Denaon to lump oh its si up lo you Happy Sweeteel to Masses McKmnen tha past summer "Kathy' I hew* a surpri** tor you. your Big lov** you to ThM soon you Ibe eurpneed right I lova youl Ranee Day HP tru*l Th* HuM I* nor* • the fun* |ud begun. baton) your *ya* Love.Jeee but Boon you «• ■•• me bed BU t unto ■ you To eee who your Big wfl be SogM HEY DEAN PI PHI '■•■Ml exceed and MM rerrvarnbor Ml your Big WANTED Tomghl ws I cross the U S border MICHELLE DUNCAN (Mommy) SPIRIT GPNBLove YourBvjGPNB IOVM you and elw*y* wa loravarll To wsw, and dine and stay You came mto our kvss Quite vrddsrvy Lov*. Your Big ■ I'm so gtod you'ra up hers And wa dtont know WHAT to do wft/oui HOTI 1 tomato needed to lubHail apartment for 0 PM B " unto Dlone • 0 PNt To catobrato tn* Swaataet Day! But we're reel glad now you're around Spring Semeeter Very doae to campu* 'U Brand* Torn* I love you' Cuz now U can gat ua RM Reasoned* rent Cal 354-8656 BPIPJT BsM M* HUM to ■>••« mm. Big and UIM lhara you and ma. Btondle Certain beverage*" (halha!) I Female Roomale needed lor spring semes- 1 The case* you '** wnooMroB •»* oorMnf you I be ao exceed you i want to pee HAPPY 21ST B-DAY BABE Ha Bme to It tor race Apt Close to campus Rent includes tofMkor. M your BMW «l MB* ooMfewo PARTY! HOTI I cant wan unM you find ma out. Hay urEmty wing MuWies 354 5792 to B—T. Tito I KMBBtoO, cuz man I hopa youl acroam and about' Lova. Your rooms**- You'ra gonna soon have some fsmsy yn «*■ to Thar* **y r« esdtoa The auapanaa la Many you. I know it'a trua. But Jackie. Donna. Barb, Juke 1 Female lo share room Spring Semester Nice Qst sxOlsd tor Big Hurt PI PHI PI PHI w. YOUR BIO LOVES yQU" apartment Close to campua Reasonable rent Cur Urns wB soon bo dona Tha saiers ol PI Bata PN would late to congratu- ILOVI MY UTTUI Cal 354 8653 ■ LH Katto Maoaa Than wa'l have our tamsy. and Mortar Board ate Kim Dudgeon on her engagement to Mate ■—■ tob at kaaplat ma apart elarel a whole lot of fun supports Roth 1 male to sublease 2 bdrm. lurmahed. Vaage 0 PN B UT tmuMm Barry Q PN B Oat raady tor thla one-clue numbar five Your Big loves ys and can't wart to ehar* Student Apprecahon Day PI PHI PI PHI Green apt lor Spring S160/month Cal Wal dance and party My Motor la bualnaaa, put that to tha MM Ths Oamma PIS spklt for our Bkj/LI Pair and 354 7331 Our Falcon Footbal Team anddoauprtjM Put ua together and wa'ra banar than PI PHI PIKES PI PHI PIKES 1 OR 2 FEMALES OR MALES NEEDED TO as Bg and LI w*« tnaraatl onOct 20th! * a sparking dean house a what you deske. Ths PI Phis would kks lo thank Pi Kappa Alpha SHARE A HOUSE WITH 3 OTHER OIRLS DUR- be out of eight!" Youlllll two smoty nest moms srs ready lor Nrs Rater- lor Mi asing carnations ING SPRING AND SUMMER LOCATION IS So »oon It wfl be »m* * Csl 354 2207 My Puppy named Trek PI PHI PIKES PI PHI PIKES ACROSS FROM CAMPUS CALL 354-5972 for al to sea wtat an Can U hear a whip cracking? I aura dMn't at FOR MORE INFO awaaoma txfl/m* teem Bata ' Gemma PN Beta If anybody rscordad the 9th Inning ol the Rede • U'AngwBava 10:56 on Mon. Hay sewer rat. can I go for a wawflballl Pketse game 0. ptoaaa ocntact Mate Wootoy a! Ptctur* Ptoca ■ Picture Ptoc* Female, non-smoker to sublease In I lova my ma Bat la etoar rid* si your pick-up? Maybe U can take me to Lova and TTKE BKr77? 354 4077 5 Reprint* lor S1 00 Vaage Green Apartmenta tha Kenny G concert so I can FREEZE, maybe I can't wan unB) big hunt Picture Ptoc* * Picture Ptoc* Cal 354-5632 after 8pm ■a aomatjma ma yaar INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION not Ya know, I told you so R U mocking m*?! ', Oarraa* PM Bala UT Candy Oamma PN Bata Aa big and MM wa wB ba Enough toft, tot's parly' Meat at Campua Po Wei. Happy Swsstsst Dsy. ys Prep! Maybe we 00 ya know, do ya know, do ya know who I am Ova cutoat pur to Nt BQI ryeyee for food and fun Monday. October 22 at can listen to E C discs I LOVE YOU' Pod Tournament at Good Tymee Club. Monday Make easy money - rent your Mclntosh to a 1 rragH ba la( and btonda Lova your Big 8 00 pm -Baked Potato night - signup until 8 30 struggling grad student. Can 354-8378 W*h a deep dark ton PS - How big'* the diamond? IT'S (UNA JACOBS IMTHOAY Princess. Nonsmoking female roommate needed for I might ba quW. I mkjht be rowdy PM She's linaly 21 You're stB the sweetest, by far. Spring semester Very close to campus Own I might ba cuto or I might ba dowdy NEVER AGAIN elections October 23rd si 9 30 Happy Sweetest Dey! Bedroom Csl 354 6881 I rrwjrt be young or I rrvghl be old Qrand LJ Angla C Grvs her a csl 354-4658 or stop by tha In tha Alumni Room Louie I mgni ba any or I might ba bold I'm ao axdtod and you wB aaa. how graat a tam- bakery today •— she* tha ona with tha blonde Wanted Immedatefy Efficiency apl. lo eub- ly we wfl be No Initiation leee But ona tNngs tor aura and you can bM M. leeae now through June 1 Cal 352-5708. aak Your Big's tha baat almost bsnsr than ma Were gonna ba ma baal Big and UT pair JENNY BANKEY OUADARINO lor Tangy. And soon you'l ba apart of out femty I yM Have a vary Hsppy O PN A Ul Bockl Miner O PN A Love. Your Big Lova your Orand Big The time has come to end our tun Birthday Unto! S.O.L.D. Assumptions ol Leadership: Qsmma PM ' ' Qsmms PM Our friendship hss already begun HELP WANTED Lova. Sue. Assume that no one person can have al the an- Because I know my mto a #1. 8AMMA PHIteTTA swers Oamma PN' LHJAMI • Oat excited Love Your Big Ul AMY HYMEN Jenny- $7-S12 60 Its bssn a wssk of ctuaa OPNAOPNAOPNA HAVt YOU FKJORED ME OUT YETT Atovesonnet H you don't h*v* al the answers you'd ake 10 Vector Marketing Corporation wil fB positions And I bat you stB can't guaaa DON'T FBET - YOU WON'T REORETI In my dreams yours SI I sees have about running your organization, stop by with sharp posrtrva people. FuaVPart-tlme. But your Bk) to wfd and crazy IK. QOO PHOO BOO Boobs, butt and knees ORDER OF OMEGA tha raw Leadership Resource Library In Ihs Temporary/Permanent. No experience neces- Eapocaiy in her etyle of dreea YOUR BIG L0VE1 YOU Bs my main squeeze' Meeting lor al members Student Activities and Orientation office (405 sary Full training Flexible houra Call I lova to Islsn lo clsssic tunas (Oh.waf. ao I'm no! original ) Sunday. Oct 21 -5:00 Student Services) Free handouts are available 382-1060 And heJr'e not a big thing with ma meolherJLS Alpha Sigrra PN House on various teedership topics, incudkig group Bui tha biggee! hmt I could ojvs you ORDER OF OMEGA motlvstion. running effective meetings, fund- ATTENTION: Fraternltlea. Sororttlea. Cluba. Is s tssts ol old Itsfy raising how-los. and publicity tip* Books and and lndtviduale.Trip organizers wanted lor fan- Oat psychad tor tl» Hum JOIN THE FUN' I hopa tha lima is soon tapes are srso avsiiable lor checkout tastic Ski and Sun Tours Earn cash commis- Whs knows whan I wtH ba Whan wa can snar s a pack of Skitttoa "UNDER THE LIGHTS N" ORDER OF OMEOA sions andVor go lor Ira*. Cal th* tl company Bui I know ona Hung And on tha Baa Qaa campua TOMORROW 7 PatPERRY FIELD Meeting for al members Come check it ou!-!he new LeadersNp Re- In college travd. Moguls Ski and Sun Tours, Ws sis I he bast Blg/Lrrlle Ws ■ bs ma bast ol Ihs Bigs snd Littles' COME EARLY AND TAILGATE Sunday. Oct 21 -5:00 source Library, open M-F Sam-Spm Spon- Inc . 1B00-666-4B57 That anyone will ever seel I cant wan Bl day! Alpha Sigma Phi House sored by SAO and SOLD (Student Organize- CHRISTMAS. Spring Break, summer travd Always rsmsmbsi Your Big tovaa yaul KM. Join tha "I'm Driving Club". Membership ORDER OF OMEOA bone Leadership Development-We're SOLD FREE Air couriers needed and cruiseship )ob* PB.M you thtok you know, you're wrong! Your BK1 Drive from Ocl 15-19 In front of Educstlon on toadersNpt) Cal 1-805-682-7555 »xt F-1658. Buik*ng1iom9 30 4 30 SHAN A KELLER Oamma Phi Ul Katw Lamb Oamma Phi Oamma Phi' ur Caaaandra ' Oamma PN ORDER OF OMEGA Help wanted waitresses for 1*1. 2nd * 3rd Join WFAL and tha BIRDCAGE at tha 2nd Congratuabona' I Aran't you excited, goey gaa? Tha baat big and Hopa you'ra having FUN SO FAR' Kaap wish- Meeting lor al members sNfts. S2 09 plus tip*, flexible hour* Cook* for 1 mghtgame tNB Saturday Come cheer on the Teiefund Cdtor ol the Week! 1st. 2nd A 3rd shift Wagea are negotiable de- ■ ■ pas ws wfl ba To oal you my 1 I feel so ing on that star and soon you wB saa who your Sunday, Ocl 21 -5:00 FALCONS aa they take on tha Huron* from Keep up the Great Work! pending on experience, flexible hours.Danny'* I proud. Aa big and ■ wa'l stand out si a crowd' I bk) a going to bat I'm ao exerted to hava a W Alpha Sigma PN Houee Eastern Michigan meat ua at tha South and Restaurant-257-2209 Ask lor Kevin. - batch, cant war) to aaa who I am - You'ra tha who's tustaksms' Wait and Sea' ORDER OF OMEGA zone at 6 30 and be raady to throw some bird- baM. KatM Lambl Lova and TTKa. SIGEP ssed snd get WILD and ROWDYIII Marketing opportunity ideal for seniors and Lova and TTKE, Your Bk) Your Awaaoma Bk) B League Softool Champa! OSEA Membership Drive Ocl 8-19th Table graduate students interested in developing e Jon- Congratulations Brothers sat up on 1st floor Ed BkSg coma ft out an ap- substantial second or part-time income Cal fl's taken me two years but I have fkvafy de- Oamma PM Bsts •• Gamma Phi Bsts Qsmms Phi Bsts Ul Cessna Qsmms PN Bats paCaDon' 9am • 3pm. after 6pm Ash to' Jennifer at 678-8306 veloped a way to always ba happy SIGEP LI Karri II bat you think you know who I am. Know It's Youl Padalom- Tim Stanton. Oook Luck at State Ftaouetbaa Now hiring - lull » part time help lor the Salad I hopa you hava had fun trua asaltt what? You'ra wrong. Don't worry though - wa'ra Gassy in Perryshurg Students, housewives, Thanks lor the greatest years ol my If si "I want somebody to share-share the rest of my Final! Tha Brothera of Sigma PN Epeeon This a only ins begvmng ol our going to hava a graat yaar whan your duas load I lova you my swsetle. lie." and that somebody a you! Though we're and retirees are welcome. If you are Interested frtondahk) you to mall Sigma Chi - Alpha Phi • Love. Can* apart, you'ra with me always Happy Swsetesl in (oming the Salad Galley learn, ptoaaa reply to I cant wart for tha day you bacoma my B I LOVE MY LITTLE! Good Luck on Day 11 lova youl Salad Gdtoy. 3246 Navarre. Oregon. OH Lova. Your Big Sigma CN Darby Days' 43616 419697-1541. KAPPA SIGMA Alpha Phi - Sigma CM Oamma PM Lttlla Tarrl Schdl Oamma PM Congratulations OVERSEAS JOBS $900-2000 mo Summer. GertmePNBetoGemrmPNBeO. Tha baat ol tvnaa are drawing near KAPPA SK) to Josh KAPPA SKI PHIDELT Yr round. Al Counlries.AI fields Free Info And vary soon H wB ba ctoar Sigma Kappa Panareee To the PN Deft who slow my heert. Wrile IJC. PO Bx 52-OH03 Corona DM Mar CA Hay MM ona ton! BBS tun Big Hunt wBbaunfuitod To al my slaters in Sigma Kappa. I'm ao glad I ••" BrolhecoMhe weak ••• Could you ptoaaa give it back. 92625 Our manaShlp a strsngs And la hava tha baat Ws In tha wortdl go! lo know som* ol you batter tost weekend It'* sort of hard tvlng without tt But M you ttank you know, your wrong Lovs. Your Big??? and I rant warn I'm doae with everyone! Warned Part-Urn* bar maid. antacBv*. some Yes. I am being ■ smartass' Lova. Your Bk) KAPPA SIGMA • ALPHA XI DELTA Love, Krtsti CWchetto experience prelerred. Good pay CaH lor de- Miss you lots, hon tails Call evenings alter 7 874-9058 Oamma Phi Bata Oamma Phi Bsts Ths brothers ol Kappa Sigma would Ike to con- QSMMIPM- ■OaatraaPM Your fsvorite parson!?! grfltulete Bran May on hie recent tovaftorlng lo LI Cathy Sigma Kappa UM Water*. Oamma Phi Bata LI Jansi Baaaon I lust wantod you to know that I Lova You Tha brother* of Pi Kappa PN would Ike PM Delta Thau • Alpha XI Deru FOR SALE toll Trua? Vary Much! Our lamty wB ba the baal! KAPPA HOMA ' ALPHA CHI OMEOA to welcome you to Bowling Green Good The Brother of PN Delia Theta would ake to co- Could It ba? Lovs. Big Dsmse Tha Brothers of Kappe Sigma would kks to Luck with !he upcoming semester ngratuatte Scott Daisy on his recant lavaberlng Bk) ALT you and mat? Oamma PM ' ' Oamma PM congratulate Brian Harootyan on his tovakenng Sigma Ksppe 1967 Cutlass Sedan TVea A bat! 1 Yr Old lo Alpha XI Delta Holy Remark Way lo go. Our frtendehlewfl grow toAJtoonCarnahan. 352-7763 leave message you wB aaa. Cheaaeball! Bk) t LI akttar foravar I PM • • Gamma PM Kersn Gardner... PM Dan • Alpha XI Some teams are batter than others, but only 1973VWtus. muataeetoapprec. wewBbe LI Osntoa Ntodermeyer . .Can be your friend, can be your friend. ona learn a better than all S1,500 or bast offer Do you know who I am? cm ba your friend, too! DEE GEE CAR STUFFERS 352-0892 Lova. Your Bk) PM DeMa ■ Kappa* ' ThM* CM* I'm aura you donl Thank* lor being MY beat pal! Let's gel Irophy #7 Ihia afternoon. Oamma PN Bata Oamma Phi Bata The Alpha Gams can't wall for our A-way 00c- Meyoe eomeday soon you wfl know Leo Ann (A K A "Dick") Your Sigma Nu coach**. kout tomorrow rkgMI 1981 CHEW CHEVETTE FOR SALE" ONLY Eric, Oreg. a Shan* But efweys remember your BfO lovaa you ao. 80,000 MILES. RUNS AWESOME' NEW Oamma Phi Oamma Phi Qemma Phi Ona tost due for tha week, Phi Mu Phi Mu PN Mu " Late Night with DRY DOCK TIRES. STEREO WITH POWER BOOSTERS. unto Trad Tram: I have another Mtto for you to seek. LH'Csllle Burke Alter the Lights are Turned Off STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY to RECENT OIL CHANGE. ETC. MUST SELL - Are you wondering what to do? Osmms Phi- • Oamma PM I'm ao excited that your* my little Tha yaar wB el the Sladium. Coma to tha Dock now svaaQle In tha Student Activities and Orien- I $700 OBO CALL 353-9179 FOR RAY OR About your BtQ do you hava a due? bo ebsoluiery fantaatlcl where the LIGHTS stay on IB 1 am- tation Office. Room 405 Student Service* LEAVE MESSAGE I think ths Browns are number one Love, Big Jen Oamma Phi Bata Oamma Phi Beta Located in the Basement of Harshrran Quad. Buedkig Pick up /oura whito tha supply aats I go tanning • but not by the aunt PN Mu Phi Mu PN Mu 1912 TOYATA COROLLA - 81,000 MILES. unto TOMB- No Cover or ID'* needed See you There! rm a Mtto oktor than you Ted. I lova you! NO MATTER WHAT! I'm look- EXCELLENT CONDITION! 12000. CALL JEN- Big Hunt haa bean ao much fun - (• OPENING AT 11 00 PM DUE TO BO'S 2ND Not by ona yaar but by two ing forward to tomorrow nlghla REVENGE OF ANN 354-5711. But soon it wB bs ovsr snd dons HOME NIGHT GAME OO FALCONS BEAT Phi Mu Phi Mu PN Mu Oos sal clus should be tha key THE FAR SIDE' Happy Sweetest Day Sweetie! Fmaty It wB be mat you and ms - EMU'-) Ufa Dayn* & Joyce 1985 Buick Century, loaded, landau root. Quaea what? You'ra tatar than mall Love. Jukene The beat big and Mto there wB avar bal New LI' Juke* excel condition $3,800 or be*! otler Lova. your BK3 U'Angle Carrol Sigrra Kappa - Alpha Sigma PN Your Big Lovaa Youl OrandH'a Amy So « Kim 3540300 daya My artto a the Baat 777? You'ra an AWESOMEfameylll Better than al the Rest' 1988 Cavalier 4-cyt: loaded Cal 352 8550 LoveMoly I hops BIO HUNT haa been tun. LB Luctoda MB PN Mu PN Mu PN Mu Th* Battle ol Ohio 2 hockey season ticket* lor ••)• Oay/Laabton ertonTtflbon Una You are reeay almost don* NMnomtotake! Monday nlte Football ALL FRIDAY NIGHT GAMES!! M you hava questions about homoaaxualty or Prsfty soon you wB see, JktyoumyMa I can't wait to takal Sea It Phone 354-8068 Beet BK3 and Little we wB ba, PN Mu Sarah Lucas PN Mu Until that fine day ws units' National Corning Out Day, oal 352-LAOA at Brathaua (362 524 2| from 7-10 pm Monday*. Wednee- Lova Your Big? I lova my graat grand ma! Itsaftar of us are m sight! Get your Iree ticket Oamma Phi Beta UTB.Chriatl 222 S College - Furniture Sale! a. wfl ba ao enOHng to ravaal days and Fridays lo win a tool ball Saturday. Oct. 20. 9am-2pm Identmea ws'l no longer concaall every Monday Lois ol items. Some FREE" I Love My Llttls OJNA QUA Bo beenai. Is ft lo Isenis urLorls PN Mu • Julie Taylor • PN Mu Your Big Finely t Yours 21 Any day now... I love my Grend ltd* Oat ascBad for tha BM Deyl Happy "BIO BUNG Birthday Can you aaa... PNMu" KknPotok* PhiMu Beginning 5 piece drum aa!. !atr condition. 225 or best offer Cal Jordan al 352-4722. LoveyaSIS Could tha baa due THE BK) EVENT a* to who your big may ba? PS Oat ready for Sat nit* PhlMu* Theta CN -PNMu" That* CM The 12th annual Uptown/Do I LOVE MY UTTLEI oamma Phi* UL ABBY • Oamma Phi Tha PN Mua era realty exciled for our golf tea Halloween Ulan. Computer lor sale AT 286 Compatible Loaded Oamma Phi Bata Oamma Phi Bata Oat excited my Ma dear. Oo Phi Del! Hockey tonight wKh you guys! Oal excited - Us going to Wed Ocl. 3in 14" color. BOA 40 mg harddrrve Ummlted For tha day wa meet la almost here! Oo Phi Deri Hockey oeabtoatllPN Mu ■ ThetaCN • PNMu • Thai* Free mugs, pop 00m telephone support. 1 year warranty Dealer I And when we do you ■ finely see Qo Phi Deri Hockey UT Polyp.. CM snd ths 1200 costum* conteit friendly computer $ 1199 00 Cal 435-4433. What a great tug* team wa wB bel 00 Phi Daft Hockey rm ao gtod you'ra finely my m* one! I think I LOVE MY UTTLEI you're wonderful, and I lov* you! Don't miss out! PNMuKrtotonSuaAnkneyPNMu Mud Sal. PN Dslts Thsts Hocks1 MLove. BigStecey Ankney. Apartment Size Kenmore Dryer and portable Oamma Phi' Angela Psrtee ' Oamma Phi Happy Buthday to you Th* brothers of Sigma PN Nothing would Ike to washer 6 months old. 3 yaar service mainte- 80 long as we ere loved by others I should ssy OO HOMA KAPPAl LaM Murphy (AKA Tad) fr* your day of funl congratulate the pirates on their Hvaeertng of nance program. C*l now 352-7736 toav* Bs* wa are aknoM svdtopensabto: and no worn 00 SKI MA KAPPA I You aged woman you How does It feel to ba Happy Birthday to you Victory Man and the non-avaliering Preeby- name and numbar an to JSIBIII whaa aha haa a sater youl for- QOBrOMAIOLPPAl cadi Happy 20th! Are you ready to party?! Al Too bad your turning 20 no! 21! torton . aver be spscal 10 ms wa need now are Date Party Dates' 7 days toft! Happy Birthday anyway' Th* satara d Oamma PN Beta would *k* lo Mua! Sal 160 watt Sun Baaa speaker cabin*!. Love. Yeur Big ort or• or« or art You'ra an EXCELLENT roomtol Lova. LU (AKA Love- congratuaie Rori Sinks snd Dsvs Rubis on their IS In. chrome whede. 13 ft. seiJboet. couches WEDNESDAY "Jamto « Joe Bfl) Wafcer Oarr«iaPN-PNSk)rm Kappa avalarlng Cal Jay 354 0136 Leave message THURSDAY ALTEBNATTVE STOMPII! PN Mu Krialan Sue Anknay Phi Mu Oamma Phi ■ uaaHaduna" Oamma Phi FRIDAY Fambo Marble eye'' THETA CHI My Qrandtms s ao sweat and shs shinsa Bu> SATURDAY "The Resos" Brother of the Weak SEIZED CARI, truck*, boats. Awheelera. gold. I lova you ao dearly but boy do I tool oktu Dnr* SpeOels everyday M 9 00 To the moat wonderful girlfriend a guy could aak PM tig • Dave Ruble • PM Hg Charke Johnson and Paul Corniae molorhomes. by FBI. IRS, DEA. AvaHabla your Love 777? IB A OVER WELCOME tor You are truly the beat parson that ha* aver I Lova You Athlete ol the Weak area now Cal 1 -805-682-7565 Ext C 2804 Oaaaase PM ■ Ceurtney Bannatt • Oemwia Phi ort ort ort ort ort bean In my We Thank you for the past three MattKagy Tha anvs wB soon bs here yearn and for being my very beet friend. Happy Cabinet Member of the Weak lOayl KknKyto Two speakers lor sale Yahmaha NS-93-93 Whan your bk) wB finely appear HAPPY BBTTHOAY JACK! PN Sigma Kappa-Chad NobeTPN Sigma Kap- I Lov* You Always. BB THETA CHI $70 complete 354-2222. Tony. I cant wan unM you aorvs this rkMto HAVE A SUPERWEEKEND THE BKJ "20"l pa* PEACE DUDE, HAVE FUN ■ KNOW YOUR Thanks for an awaaoma time toat weekend You a* tmasy be my Mall MAN ■ LOVE MOLLY LOOKWHAT'tCOaBIIO Next time try lo kaap your ctothaa on whan UAO RSA UAO RSA UAO RSA YORX AM/FM Dud Cassette with Remote Much Lova. Your Bk) CHESTER THE MOLE STE R WHAT'S COMING? paying in tha com field Love. KriaB UAO PRESENTS . BEAU COUP ANO KEVIN Control Good CondWon. Cal 354 8547.Aak RALEIGH APPEARING UVE IN A ONE-TIME lor Eric ONLY SHOW AT BQSU ON OCTOBER 26 AT 8 PMI TICKETS ARE S3 WITH VALID ID. OR SS WITHOUT. GENERAL ADMISSION THIS IS FOR RENT Fatman byJonn Boissy NOTASHOWTOMISS" VARSITY BASEBALL 1 * 2 bedroom apt* Tryouta lor waft - ona, Od. 2B - Nov. 1. Team rmmedate Occupancy p)**T& flin meeting 3:00 on Ocl 29 CM 2-7066. Need 362-7464 or 823-7655 «•* CITV. T»at uawau. *yc«A>* THK M UGGCSS TWAbosvr f prod d phyaica). medical rattory torm, and 9 A 12 month teaeee/aemester liaaai AKIO .SLyr-rer Frtrc* Our TO WiUMPHf- A*T Atr-jQi la. 1h*r MIS C/ XOTTKPN0T0 OOIXO Gred downtown locdkjn Reeaonabie rent Cal VUTO«5 TO oust avajar crv.CM Jon M. Dave H. Aaron W. Jo* K. 352-4204. roots &«I.Ccswar ... AASW Htv/cewkb VCu CArw" TpaaT KitN.andOonger Apartment tor Rent Mrwof^ O/Baa T>wr raarv t DarAmATIC CLOW 4V4» €*JO Take 8 gorgaoue Chi O's and put 'am In • pol, Cal 473-2099. please leave 11 TSac s-rai* acPbauc rm ASu^ax and 8 fine dates thai ere redry hot. Add an ewa some favor, and an alcohol flavor, and you T)-ar a*Mo-»- our OF AH?/ come up with a taate that youl want to savor For Ran! So M you men ge! ready lor some fun because One bedroom Apartment Chaaomunga weekend haa kat begun! Cal Afternoon* ' 354-8800 Love. Carte. Maaaaa. Jut*. U. Jennifer and Laura

Y7mtW..*w*«»t FALCON FEVER! The Replace- ments: A Dose Of Thunder... Or Never Mind. Page 4

Exterior Decora- ting

A Tale Of Tattoos

Page 7

i Friday. October 19. 1990

r^** Inside the The Insider You wake up Saturday morn- brate and sulk at the same time. ing, head pounding like a legion But you knew that because you of timpani, and stagger to the read Dago Esposlto's review on bathroom. After throwing cold page 4 In The Insider. water on your face, you peel off From then on the evening Is your drawers to mount the porce- but ajagged memory, further ex- lain throne. acerbated by the fact that you You catch a glimpse of your continually trip on Chuck Travis' derrlere In the mirror, and sec "Great American Medicine Papa Smurf winging you the bird Show" — which defiles every- on your left butt cheek. Had you thing the University's English Editor: Dennis Robaugh read Wendy King's story about department deems sacred and Managing Editor: Shelley Banks tattoos In The Insider on page 7 was featured In Friday's Insider. you may have avoided encoun- If you could only lay off the psy- Assistant Editor: Frank Esposito tering such a nightmare vision. chedcllcs. Chief Photographer: John Potter Unfortunately, you Joined You do remember that you met Art Director: Sean Risser WBGU-FM 88.1 talk show hosts up with Jtvln' Ivan In downtown Chris Comer. Dave Blackwood Bowling Green. An engtmarlc Fiction Editor: Zochary Pott and Phil the English guy, whose grin played about his face as he Staff Mascot: Jivin' Ivan name you don't know so you Just placed his hand on your shoulder Production Manager: Nancy Nelson call him Phil the English guy. at ... and you sank with him to new Production Supervisors: Gene Powell. Seon Risser the protest smoke-In at the sup- depths of depravity. Furry mem- posedly smoke-free University ories of stapling a Playgtrl center- Production Assistants: Brian Green Union at 3 p.m. Friday. Since fold to Paul Olscamp's front door Tim Mechley only you four were smoking and fill your mind. Then the screen Bill Newsteod everybody glared at you, Phil gets wavy. (reading Jason Zachary Pott's film You leave the bathroom, rub- Renee Parker review In The Insider on page 9) bing the spot on your pants be- Derrick Ross suggested you catch the latest neath which the smiling face of Advertising Manager: Jan Stubbs cyberpunk effort called "Hard- Papa Smurf rests. In your mind Business Manager: Barb Miller ware." you are vaguely conscious of the After stocking up on liquor and fact someone Is plotting your Adviser: Robert Bortel Illicit smokes, you headed for the every move In a half-assed Jay movies. Pounding from the car's llclnerney prose Imitation. speakers Is the new Replace- Bowling Green. Halogen lights ments , which characteris- Pig City. The Insider Is there. tically makes you want to cele- The Editors. year by the Basra of State* PuMfctftors <* QMUng Crass State IM- «rt* m Opnoasfi(MfHM bycwuinnbb do rai(NKeWiMyr«MctNkcoiw>- ions ■fcaaMsamasMswasMMBm** na ■ *i Fnday. October 19, 1990 Silent films pianist links past to 1990 Film Institute In Washington. by Angela Murphy Eastman House In Rochester, sloff writer Museum of our National Heritage In Lexington, and the Ford Mu- seum In Dearborn. Stuart Oderman Is among the "(My appearances at) some of last of his kind the places have been through the Oderman Is a silent movie kindness of Miss Glsh, who has piano player, one of three left In given (them) my name," he said. the United States as a result of the Oderman also performs regu- rapidly expanding technology of larly at the Museum of Modern the entertainment Industry. He Art In New York, where he first has often been referred to as "the met Lillian Glsh. last of a dying breed." "I met Lillian Glsh when I was A 31 -year veteran of the silent 14.1 was cutting school and she film business. Oderman played was at the Museum of Modern for Lillian Gums 1919 film. Art watching one of her sister's "True Heart Susie" last Saturday films," he said. evening as part of the rededlca- He used to cut school a lot In Stuart Oderman tton of the Dorothy and Lillian Newark, New Jersey and "steal Glsh Film Theater. away to New York City to the Mu- Even though he Is working seum," he said. "If I couldn't get luckily about 150 nights a theater tickets, that's when I went year," with college or film chorus to the museum." YOU ASKED FOR IT! HERE IT IS! performances, he still pegs Lillian Oderman remembers the first Glsh as the one responsible for time he met Lillian Glsh, and his his success In the Industry. mentor Arthur Kleiner. LIVE WCW PAY-FOR-VIEW "I always tell people, she has "I Just walked up to her and I given me a life I would never Introduced myself and I said, 'I WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING PRESENTS have, because I've traveled all want to play the piano for silent over the country," he said. films like Mr. Kleiner, and she He has played for museums took me up to meet Arthur and film societies across the ■ See Piano, page 10. country, Including the American

PHI ETA SIGMA $400 IN SCHOLARSHIPS All members eligible to win. Applications can be picked up at 310 Business Administration. Deadline is October 29.

Campus PoUueues 440 €. Court 352-9638 Feel the thrills and chills of three fearful hours of World Pagliais 945 S. Main 352-7571 Championship Wrestling when Halloween Havoc '90: Bring to you 'OKTOB€RF€ST' Terror Rules the Ring delivers the frights on the scariest The Whole Month of October night of the year. WCW fans and creatures of the night • don't you dare miss the action — LIVE, October 27th 10" German Pizza $3.79 Order now at 352-8424 - Price will increase Oct. 26-27, so 4" German Sub $1.50 hurry and enjoy the excitement, only $20" now only from St. PouK Girl & Wood Pecker Oder on top. UJorsteiner Beer on top or By the Bottle Also, bring o group & try the Friendship gome. $1.00 off I Free cup of soup \ Free can of any large w/ purchase of pop w/ purchase Pasta Purchase any large salad of any 7 " sub 118 N. Main 352-8424 €xp. 10/31/90 m J €xp 10/31/90 rn llrt1ln.W}.Jr9«tf9tW r. ilrll- zanlmaw anlbnuog-auonlmo .v....,.vi..-,iibi.v;.n.LQJ. . Friday, Oclobec 19. 1990 IllSlDERi Within Their Reach . Replacements set to make it big or go bust / move symbolic of the band's ru- by Frank EsposHo assistant editor mored demise, all four band members (Westerberg Is Joined by guitarist Slim Dunlap, who re- placed original guitarist Bob Stln- ] v A* the 90s begin, the titans of son, drummer and 80s American Independent rock bassist Tommy Stlnson) appear are scattered. R.E.M has two pla- together on only one track ("Atti- tinum under Its belt. music tude"). The rest of the album Is Husker Du Is no more, but Bob fleshed out by guest musicians Mould and Grant Hart continue to Including the Georgia Satellites' ply their sonic trade. The Violent REUIEUI Hauro Majellan and Velvet Femmes are still out there, but Underground legend . their last effort seemed a bit ! In spite of all the Inner turmoil shaky. that Is haunting AH Shook Down, And then there's the Replace- Now the Replacements have It's one of the year's best albums ments, the Infamous bad boys of rang the bell for the new decade as well as a landmark for the Re- The Replacementslleft to right Tommy Stlnson. . SHm the college circuit, who thorough- with a possible breakup — the placements. ly reshaped 80s postpunk wlh very word scorches my soul — All Shook Down has a raw, ur- Dunlap, and Chris Marsl This could be the last album for these slaves of their blend of rage and sensiti- and the release of a powerful gent, largely acoustic sound. Ignorance. vity. Through a series of monu- new album. All Shook Down Westerbcrg's voice Is at Its gra- One of the album's most telling "Hy Little Problem" Is the most mental albums, the Mats, as fans The Inside dirt has It that Paul velly best. And his lyrics may features Is the presence of a pair scorching track here. The guitars called them, tried to sort out the Westerberg. the Mate' resident have never been this sharp and of the most potent tear-jerkers arc cranked up to the sky like the emotional knots of life In the dec- genius/vocallst/gultarist/rock Incisive while retaining their Westerberg has ever penned. Hats of old and the drumbeats ade that seemed to have no Iden- god Intended for AD Shook marvelous narrative wit. "Sadly Beautiful" and "Torture" snap like a hundred heads of tity. Down to be his solo debut. In a If the album can claim a theme both simply ache. There's noth- Iceberg lettuce breaking In sync. It would be misery, pure and ing watered-down here. Wester- Johnette Napolltano of Concrete simple. It surfaces on spectacular berg Is swaying on the edge with Blonde shares vocal duties here tracks such as "Attitude "("You every ragged note. "Sadly Beauti- with Westerberg and she pushes don't suck.. .It was my attitude"), ful" Is the more melancholy of him to new heights of romantic an acoustic guitar-driven slnga- the two, with regret-laden acous- frustration. It's Incredibly weird long, and "Happy Town," a hook- tic strumming accompanying the to hear Westerberg singing with a heavy bruiser about being tale of a maiden fair who grew up woman after so many years of trapped by real life. Even the In- "so sadly beautiful." "Torture" is fronting one of rock's rowdiest BOWLING GREEN'S fectuous harmonies of "When It more upbeat, but Westerbcrg's boys-only clubs. HOTTEST NEW NITE CLUB Began" and "Nobody" ("Hearta- plaintive wall barrels through "The Last" fittingly closes out ches/On your wedding ("You hide yourself In dark- All Shook Down, combining a THURS. day You're still In love with no- ness/But we're headed for the bunch of piano-drenched Re- ROCK & ROLL body") are full of longing. sun... It's torture"). placemnts tunes of old — "An- drogynous," "Swlngln" Party," PLUS! • LARRY FISH *| "NightclubJitters," "They're Blind." All the ghosts are here as "HAS TO BE THE BEST a send-off to what Is being ENTERTAINER IN BGI" HAPPY BIRTHDAY portrayed by the rock press as 9 DJIL-I o.m. the last Replacements album. SlOO COVED YOGURT OASIS. Westerberg croons cryptic lyric FRI. & SAT. after cryptic lyric. "It's too late to COMEDY 0rt,19th k 20th I year okJ run like hell..." he rasps. "This one's your last chance/To make STARRING this last one really /The last." So what happens now? LOWELL SANDERS I don't suppose anybody SUNDAY knows what to do when the final curtain falls on their favorite OCT. 21 band. I'm no different. I haven't accepted It yet I wish they'd Just I CUSHMAN I come right out and say It, PLUS! AMD Come help us celebrate whatever the outcome. This con- DAN DAVIS fusion Isn't doing good things for me. 6very customer through I'll play "Answering Machine" SHOWTIMES & ADMISSION and get all twisted up Inside. And FRI. & SAT. 8:00 8:10:30 P.M. $8.00 the door receives a child then I'D play All Shook Down and * TWO HVMAM MIN.* wonder how this whole damn size yogurt thing happened. FOR INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS CALL: 354-7499 FREE ALL DAY Greenwood Centre, 1616 E. Woosier, B.G. (Across from stadium] Doors open ot 2 PM BG News... STUDENT DISCOUNT keeps you ADMISSION ONLY $3.00 III) ((> (kite! . a orw WTILI wincK Ltjvs. nm "t Friday, October 19. 1990

r^P Groovemaster rolls out reggae rhythms by CoN**n Hlxanbough staff writer "Groovemaster style isn't Jamaican reggae, nor is it American reggae, it's Groovemaster reggae." The years following (he 1981 death of Bob Marley, widely rec- ognized as the king of reggae, -Gaylord Richardson marked a decline In the populari- ty of reggae music. But In recent years, the tide has begun to turn and the steady — Damon Arterbrtdge, lead a message for everyone In our strong beat of this Jamaican-born vocals; Bruce MacLaughltn, bass music," guitarist Nemeth said. sound has returned to the air- guitar; Mike Nemeth, guitar and "Groovemaster style Isn't Jamai- waves. Thanks to such artists as lead guitar; Don Morrow, key- can reggae, nor Is It American UB40, Hazl Priest and Zlggy Mar- boards and vocals; Linda Gurney, reggae, It's Groovemaster reg- ley (Bob's son) and the Melody keyboards and vocals; and Gay- gae," Richardson said. "Our mu- Makers, reggae has enjoyed a re- lord Richardson, drums and sic Is a highly energized form of vival In the world of music. vocals. reggae with more accents and A local band called Groove- drive." Groovemaster lays down master has carried reggae's res- The band carries on the reggae the fundamentals In reggae. The urgence to Bowling Green by re- tradition by producing an Invig- band considers both the laldback maining true to their beliefs and orating rhythm which speaks of personality of Jamaican reggae ties to the roots of reggae. life. The roots, dance-hall and and the drive and attitude of Groovemasterfleft to right) Damon Arterbrldge. Don Morrow. Linda Gurney. Groovemaster was formed In raggamuffln reggae styles American reggae and builds on Gaylord Richardson. Mike Nemeth. and Bruce MacLaughlln 1988 and has experienced a Groovemaster has developed that. Richardson said Groove- number of personnel changes. hold something that will please master pays attention to detail with the bands that performed Club H and Easy Street Cafe In The Inevitable transitions have most listeners. and honesty In the roots and there. One night he sat In and BG, Skankland In Colombus, led to the band's current lineup "Whether young or old, there Is structure of the music, but plays sang with Groovemaster. His Splash In Cleveland, Mother's reggae with current issues In vocal ability sparked an offer for Junction In Kent, and Shooters mind. him to permanently Join the band and the BIJou Theatre In Toledo. and he accepted. They have also performed at the All of the band members have Recently Groovemaster laid University as the headllner for a 3.DEREK WOLFGRAM - strong musical backgrounds and down some tracks at Disc Lim- concert organized by Amnesty Ridsdale'sMap experience with one Interesting ited, a recording studio In Detroit, International. 4.REPLACEMENTS - All exception. Alterbrtdge landed his for a forthcoming EP. The EP will On Sunday October 21, Shook Down calling with Groovemaster not by be used for promotional purposes 5.SOCIAL DISTORTION - Groovemaster will play at Fran- "RingofFire" (12" single) diligent music studies and prac- In hopes of acquiring a recording kle's In Toledo. They will be 6.PIXIES - Bossanova tice, but being In the right place contract and for commercial opening for Ipso Facto, a Min- WANE'S ADDICTION - at the right time. marketing. neapolis-based reggae outfit who Ritual De la Habitual Alterbrtdge was a cook at Groovemaster has appeared were recently signed by Warner WBGU Alternative Air- 8. JERICHO TURNPIKE - Shooter's In Toledo who had a before standing room only Bros. The show starts at 9 p.m. Slay Top Ten - Week ending Spinning In Infinity habit of spontaneously sitting In crowds In clubs such as Howard's and admission Is S6. enter 19. 9.DUTCH CRUMBS - Bit- l.VARIOUS ARTISTS - ter Rubaiyat Compilation 10.BOB MOULD - "It's 2.ESCAPED FETAL Too Late" (12"single) PIGS -E.F.P. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON CONGRATULATES Howards Club H ITS 1990 FALL PLEDGE CLASS Tom Lucido 210 N. Main 352-9951 Mike Vance Presents: Brent LeGris Owen Pohl BENEFIT JAM & CHICKEN DINNER Tony Peters Eric Barrett FOR M.S. Randy Ruppel Dave Worley Sunday, October 21 Jack Roberts Alex Levin Barbeque Dinner at 4:00 pm Matt Kohut Jason Cooper $3.00 a plate fVt^-£5^ FEATURING: 5 LOCAL BANDS Chris Craycraft Jeff Drain STARTING AT 6:00 pm Max Bisschop Brian Wiser • BLITZEN * BIG HUNK-O-CHEESE * Brian Miller • LYBARGER-EVANS BAND* PHANTOM CIRCUS* *KARMAKANIX* Donations at Door |ln Wednesday's BG News, the Sigma Chi crest inadvertently 18 and Over Welcome ras run instead of the correct crest for Sigma Alpha Epsilon/ BRING U.C.L.Y. MUGS which is correctly pictured above. I ,Z . —— 6 Friday, October 19, 1990

FROM THE ASHES OF and Hike "Winger" Wing (guitar) STAND YOUR GROUND: the University of Toledo's WXUT. THE OLD: with veteran sklns-pounder Figure Ground, a Youngs town coming In at number 3 on their Perpetual rejuvenation (some Larry Zengel, formerly of Shee- quartet consisting of Michael local top ten as of October 1. might call It Inbreeding) Is one of pish Grin. They made their live Loncar, Josh Kessler, Michael the Inherent charms of college debut In Kent about a month ago Cohen, and Erik Carlson, will HUNK 0'FUNK Y LOVE: scenes from coast to coast and BG and hit Cleveland shortly after. make their NW Ohio debut this By all accounts, area funkateers Is no exception. The most promis- The name comes from a song by Tuesday at the Easystreet Cafe In Big Hunk 0' Cheese have ing realignment would appear to the Sensational Alex Harvey downtown BG. The combo absolutely terrorized audiences *****$& be a trio that will be familiar to Band, an obscure British pop played earlier this year at CBGB's of late with their pulsating & any local scene Junkie worth his band from the 70s which "didn't In New York City as part of the rhythmic attack. They blitzed a salt and... follow the rules of rock-n-roll." New Music Seminar and drew at- mosh-happy crowd at the Good THEY CALL THEM- according to Finch. tention from such major labels as Tymes In BG a few weeks ago SELVES VAMBO MARBLE Tonight at the Good Tymes, the Island and Atlantic. They re- and had the place hoppln' in EYE: band will make their BG debut cently released Threads, a four- spite of a bad sound mix. They ...and they Include Art School and we'll be able to make the call song EP produced by Tim Butler busted out a bunch of fast, funky alums Perry Finch (vocals, bass) for ourselves. of the Psychedelic Furs. Threads tunes and their cover of the features FG's trademark atmos- Commodores' "Brick House" pheric guitar sound and has made up for the outrageous S4 received considerable airplay at cover charge. 'Royal Hunt' cast Monday Nov. 5, 1990 captures crowds 8:00 pm Anderson by Mel Hatch theater critic presents Arena

LIVE IN CONCERT Tickets go on sale The University's Theater De- Monday Oct. 22. 1990 partment did great Justice to I am - 4 pm Peter Shaffer's drama, "The Royal Hunt of the Sun," which in Student Services Forum plays at the planetarium this weekend starting at 8 p.m. THEATER It's set between the years 1531 Reserved Seats $14 00 and 1533. when world conquest Mm J BGSU Students Only. took precedence over honor and with vend student 10 gold was more Important than Limit of 4 tickets human life. Sounds a little like He could have been played as a per purchase. 1990. huh? Only In the 16th cen- harsh character, but Stringer students* may chorge tury In Peru, entire armies were chose wisely to give his De Soto a to lurssr Accounts slaughtered for the sake of glo- kinder flavor while also demand- rifying one Spaniard — Plzarro. ing respect from his men. The name that struck terror Rene Guerrero, senior theatre Oct 23 reserved seats and respect In the hearts of all In- management major, was Atahual- lor general pubsc cans at that time with one excep- lpa. the Incan ruler. Guerrero on sale lor $17 00 tion, the Incan Klng/Delty Ata- brought life to the character of huallpa. Through his will and BGSU Students $14 00 Atahuallpa, and through dance on sale at strong religious convictions, he conveyed his deep convictions. Union Info Desk (10am - 3pm). alone turns the greedy, bloodth- Guerrero has an Intense focus irsty Plzarro Into a sensitive and onstage and I felt mysteriously Finders, Boogie Records, caring human being. drawn to the defeated, but proud Abbey Road, and the Shed When I heard the first booming Atahuallpa. words of Old Martin, played by Although presented In a cham- Terry Paul Morris, I felt the cast ber theatre style, "The Royal was well-chosen. My hunch was Hunt of the Sun" would not have OPENING ACT proven correct as I watched the been complete without Its special TO BE ANNOUNCEO play progress. Since the play was technical effects. The planetar- performed as chamber theatre, ium was an Interesting choice of the director, Norm Schroder felt locale for this performance, and I Please no food, beverages, at ease Including women In this had fun sitting In the dark watch- smoking, recording devices, play written for an all-male cast. ing the stars during part of the or cameras snowed This was a good choice because dialogue. On the other hand. It —~ lOoOOO »•— In Anderson Arena Lisa Marie Bodollo, a theatre may have been a little too long to graduate student, was perfect In keep us In the dark, because mid- the small, but significant role of way through I was devastated to Young Martin. I was completely hear a thoughtless person snor- MANIACS Remember. Don't be a MANIAC with Alcohol' convinced that she was Old Mar- ing. The seats are comfortable In Support Alcohol tin aa a boy and squire of Plzarro. the planetarium, but maybe a Awareness Week Michael Myers was convincing little too comfortable. Oct 15-20 In the demanding role of Plzarro. The light design Is credited to Myers has a professional acting Mike Boll, and the sound effects style, although he grew a bit were created by Steve Shaw. melodramatic at times. His ability "The Royal Hunt of the Sun" is to make his monstrously long much more than a play about Pl- monologues Interesting was a tal- zarro's conquest of the Incan civi- ent to make any director beam lization. It seeks to remind us that with great Joy. no belief can be unaltered, and Mark Stringer, a theatre gradu- greed for power and money will ate student, played the role of Pl- ultimately lead us to our own des- zarro'* right-band man, Dc Soto. truction. -J .aneiA noeiocr^ TI BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY

Vol. XXI, No. 4 October 19,1990

This (s a photograph taken by the spacecraft Voyager during its travels through space. The Voy- requested and an are welcome to attend. The first portion of the program descibes the Voyager ager is the subject ot the planetarium show running through Sunday, Nov. 18. The presentations spacecraft and how It operates, while the main segment utilizes photographs such as this to areshown Tuesdays and Fridays at B p.m. and Sundays at 7:30p.m. A one dollar donation Is provide a visual tour of the earth s neighbors UAO brings 10,000 Maniacs to A musical celebration BG's own "Blind Man's Zoo" of Caribbean culture Jumping oft the peace train at the The current tour follows the release 10,000 Maniacs could be de- In the midst of various Halloween bringing together a diverse group of University will be 10,000 Maniacs, and positive reception of the band's scribed as a very socially aware group parties, where everyone pretends to students," he said This type of event which wM be performing live at Ander- ■bum "Bind Man's Zoo." Natalie based on the content of its songs. The be something they aren't, the Carib- is also a way to promote awareness of son Arena Monday, Nov. 5. Tickets Merchant, the Maniacs' lead singer, issues dealt with on "Band Man's Zoo" bean Association is throwing a party to the social problems in the Caribbean for the 8 p.m. show go on sale 8 a.m. said, "I believe that there Is a vast Im- include the Vietnam War, a pre-Exxon entice people to do just the opposite: and South Africa. Frazer said he be Monday, Oct. 22. Only BGSU stu- provement In both the writing and the concern for the threat of oil spills, and accept who they are. and who every- leves that students need to realize dents may purchase tickets on Mon- performing of the songs that are con- the plight of the African elephants hun- one etoe is, and party together all the that they are "the unifying, body for day; they win be available to the gen- tained In this album. I'm proud of "In ted and brutaty slaughtered by poa- same. social change." eral public Tuesday, Oct. 23. Tickets my Trtbe" (the band's previous, break- chers for their Ivory tusks. The Annual Harambee Unity Reggae Reggae music, Frazer pointed out. are $14 with a valid BGSU student ID through effort), but this record reflects The first single released from the Party is Saturday, Oct. 27.9 p.m.-1 is an Integral part ol the Caribbean cul- and $17 without, and will be sold In our live sound, a goal that we've long album. 'Trouble Me," addresses the a.m. In the Lsnhart Grand Balroom of ture. That culture emphasizes racial the Student Services Forum. wished to attain." wonderful, unconditional offer of love the University Union. The event is diversity, as wed as the music does. and friendship that can be shared be- usually held in the Northeast Com- "Our mission Is to promote Carib- tween people. mons, but such a crowd Is anticipated bean culture and bring more of that When 10,000 Maniacs began play- that a larger room was reserved. Live culture to campus," Frazier said. ing around upstate New York in 1881 music wi be provided by Chil Factor The reggae party is a chance for they were performing cover songs by International, a Pittsburgh-based rag students to experience comfort In di- post-punk English bands such as Joy gae band. The party is free and aH versity firsthand. According to Frazer. Division and the Gang of Four, and members of the Bowling Green com- "We have everybody there realizing reggae tunes by Bob Mariey and the munity are encouraged to attend. that we're all human and can party Mighty Diamonds. Soon they were Richard Frazer, president of the Car- together, based on the idea of a united writing their own material, integrating ibbean Student Association, said that people regardless of race. It seems to their Britain rock and Caribbean In- there is a specific purpose for having draw a real diverse group. We think fluences with elements of country, the annual party. that's important so we continue to put folk and bkiegrass "Reggae music is a good vehicle for on these concerts." By 1984 the band had made a brief tour of the United Kingdom and iowimo sum ITAII umvimrr released two self-produced discs on their own Christian Burial label: a five- track EP, "Human Conflicts No. 5." followed by a full-length album, "Se- GREEN crets of the I Ching." All this paved the Green Sheet is published by the Bowling Green State University way to then switch to the Elektra label Office ol Student Pubications for students, faculty and staff. to record first "The Wishing Chair" The next issue ol Green Sheet will be published Nov. 2. It will cover and then "In my Tribe." events occuring Nov 5 through Nov 18. The deadline to submit mformation for that issue is noon Wednesday, Oct 31 They have also appeared on NBC's "Late Night with David Lettermen," AH events must be submitted in writing to the Green Sheet editor. 210 West Hat There is no charge to have an item listed. "The Tonight Show," and "Saturday Editor Melissa Henry Night Live." Calendar: Tom Rodda Production: Lisa Claslnski v Sorting Inr Ihn rnnrnd in MMtJl .-■ only In Anderson Arena • •.m.-5 p.m. - Hispanic Heritage 12;15..m -UAO Movie 10 a.m. - Church Service I a.m.-5 p.m. - Hispanic Heritage 7:30 p.m. - Volleyball "Altered Stales " $1 SOwithvslld University Christian Church, 1040 Month BGSU at Unrveralty o( Cincinnati Traoroonelarrirnodernhlepenlearl BGSU Student I D. 210 Math Choral Rehearsal Hal. Moore Traditional and modern hispanic art exhibit Free and open lo al Science*. Musical Arts Center exhibit Sponsored by the Latin 3 p.m.-Concert Gaaary.McFal Center Student Union m cooperation with JazzComboa. Free and open to al. 10 a.m. - Church 8 amice the Office of Minority Student Bryan Recital Hal. Moore Musical • a.m.-5 p.m. - Conference 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Conleranco First Presbyterian Church, 126 S Affairs. Free and open to al. Art* Center. North American Conference on North American Conference on Church. Gallery. McFall Center Applied Demography Sponsored Applied Demography Sponeored I p-m. - Plenetartum Program by the Sociology Department.the by the Sociology Depanment.the 10 a.m. - Church Service 11:30 a.m. - Church Service The Voyager Encounters." Population and Research Center, Population and Reeeerch Center, Christ Community Church. St Thomas More Parish. 426 Concerns the Voyager spacecraft the Population Association of the Population Association of Women's Club. 134 N Prospect Thurshn and its photographs S1 donation. America's State and Local America's State and Local Planetarium. Demography Interest Group and Demography Interest Group and 10,11:30 a.m. 7 p.m.-Church 4-6 p.m. - TlmexfReebok Fitness Business Demography Interest Business Demography Interest Services Week 64) p.m. - Welcome to the Reel Group. Funded In part by an Group. Funded In part by an St Thome* More Parish, 425 Strength Training Carte. Free. World Academic Challenge Grant from the Academic Challenge Grant from Vie Thurshn. Combative Dence Room, Student Presentation on interviewing skies Ohio Board of Regents and a grant Ohio Boerd of Regents and a grant Recreation Center. Free and open to al. Sponsored by tram the Canadian Embassy's from the Canadian Embassy's 10 ..m., 8 p.m. - Church Services theataflolOffenhauerTowera. « Department or Extemel Alters Department of External Affairs Dsyspring Assembly of God. 6:10-10:30 p.m. - Mini-Courae Otfenhauer Lounge. Alumni Room, and Ohio Suite. Alumni Room, and Ohio Suite, 1 7360 N Dixie Highway Standard Frst Aid. Given by the Onion Union S3 Red Cross $35 Can be charged 1:10 p.m. - Woman's Spirituality 10:30 a.m. - Church Service lo Bursar Sponsored by UAO. Group 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Hispanic • a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Leadership Agape Church ot Prayer. United Onto Suite. Union. Free and open to al. 217 W. Heritage Month Seminar Christian Fellowship. 313 Thurstm Washington St la*p»nlc Merature conference Student Leadership Training (BOle study at 9:30 a.m.). 7 p.m. - Hispanic Heritage Month Writers Teto Laviera and Marltza Seminar. Andy Mozenter wtl Dr. America de Bracho, a physician • p.m. - Peace Coalition Arreeoe and poets Ana CestKo and speak Cost is $15. which includes 10:10 a.m. - Church Service at La Case Clinic In Detroit, w* Free and open to all. United Joee Montoys w« participate. Free lunch, end can be applied to e Trinity United Methodist Church, speak Free and open foal Main Christian Fellowship Center. SIS and open to al Sponsored by the student's Bursar account Open to 200 N. Summit (Sunday school at lounge. Prout. Thuretln. Lahn Student Union m cooperation any on-campus student leader. 9:15 a.m.). with the Office of Minority Student Sponsored by Student Activities I p.m. -Students for Lite S p.m. - College Democrats Affairs Amanf. Commons. and Orientation end the SOLD. 10:10 a.m., 6 p.m. - Church Free and open to al. Faculty Free and open to al 110 Business Organization. Lenhart Grand Service. Lounge. Union Administration Neon - Falcon Club Luncheon Baaroom, Union. Frst BeOS*! Church 749 S Lounge, foe Arena. 7:10-1:30 p.m. - Mini-Course 9:30 p.m. - Progressive Student • a.m.-5 p.m. - Music Workshop Mixology. Drink mixing. Given by Organization Noon - Graduate Student Assistance lor musicians In their 10:45 e.m. - Church Service MikeStemple $21. Can be Meeting. Free and open to al. Luncheon performance of music based on Frst Christian Church. 875 cherged to Bursar Sponeored by United Christian Feaowshlp Center. SI donation Open lo al United dencea of the Renaissance, Heaklns (Sunday school at 9:30 UAO. 200 Hayes 313Thurabn. ChrteBan Feaowshlp Center. 313 Baroque. 19th and 20th century am.). Thurson periods. Given by dence historian S p.m. - Concert 10:45 a.m. - Church Service and choreographer Richard Powers The Chamber Winds, directed by ( a.m.-5 p.m. - Hispanic Heritage 3:45 nun. - Economic•, Deliverance Tabernacle Church of of the University of Cincinnati. Mark S. Kety. Free and open to al. Month Mathematics, and Statistics God, 17202 N. Mercer (Sunday Bryan Recital Hal. Moore Musical Bryan Recital Hal, Moore Musical Traditional and modem hispanic art Joint CoaoQulum Economics. Arts Center school at 9.30 am ). Arts Center Mathematics, and Statistics exhibit Free and open to al. Gslery. McFall Center "IJynarnica and Symmetry; 11 a.m.-Church Service *-9 p.m. - Welcome lo the Real Characterization of Some Maumee Valley Unitarian Men* and Women's teams st World 10-11:30 a.m. -Advisement Paradoxes from MethemaHr at Unrversaiist Congregation Schaler Xavier University ClnndnatJ Panel of local businesspeople w* For hearing impaired majora. 444 Economice ' Dr DonaM G Saari of Hal. 130 W Indiana. Perrysourg answer quesbona regarding Job Education Northweetem University wtl apeak. 2 p.m. - Theetre Production (Religious education at 10am) interview* and related topic* Free Free and open to *J 469 Math "The Royal Hunt of the Sun." $2. and open to al. Sponsored by the 11:30 a.m. -Church Service Science*. 11 a.m. - Church Service staff of Otfenhauer Tower* Planetarium. St. Thomas More Parish, 426 Fourequere Gospel Church 205 Otfenhauer Lounge. Thurabn. 4 p.m. - Volleyball Sandridge BOSU vs. OePaul University 9 p.m.-Football Game BGSU vs. University of Louisville. 1-1:30 p.m. - Advisement 11 a.m., 7 p.m. - Church Services "It's Raining Cats and Dawgs." The Free and open to at. Anderson For hearing impaired maters 444 Ifta-M Oamtni Society New Horizon Pentecostal Church Browns vs. the Bengasi on wide Arena. Education Free and open to al. 222 of God. 620 Second St. (Sunday screen TV. Munctnes provided. Education. 7 p.m. - Football school at 10 a.m.) Free. Open to the women of 3 p.m.— Soccer McDonald and the men of Kohl Hal. Under the Lights Student BGSU vs. Michigan State 7-ep.m.-Mormel Discussion 11 a.m.-4 p.m. - Sale 1st floor, McDonald East. Appreciation Day. BGSU va. Unrveralty. Free and open to al. Dr. Chart** Wright. Founder of the Sale items from developing Eastern Michigan University Doyt Cochrane Field. African American History Museum. L. Perry Field countries. Proceeds go to the wa" speek Free and open to al artists. Sponeored by Arusiens S a.m.-5 p.m. - Hispanic Heritage 1:10 p.m. - Biology Seminar Sponeored by the African American 7:10 p.m. - Football Gem* Flash International. St. Thomas More Graduate Student Association Topic and speaker to be Cards F*n*n. 426 Thurson. Traditional and modern hispanic art Faculty Lounge, Union. announced. 112 Life Science. Featuring "The Women of exhibit Free and open to al. 2-4 p.m. - Shsanxl Cultural McDonald Quadrangle." Doyt L. Gasery. McFall Center 4 p.m. - Intramural DeedNne 7:10 p.m. - Hockey Exchange Perry Field Entries due for men* and women's BGSU si University of Michigan Demonstration ol Chinese painting 4 p.m. - Intramural Deadline cross country. 108 Student Am Arbor. technlquea. Presented by Peng U, 7:45.10 p.m. -UAO Movie Entries due for coed triples Recreation Center. a professor of art at the Xian "Steel Megnokas ."$1 50 with volleybell. Play beams October a-11 p.m. - Movies Colege of Art, People* Republic of student I.D 210 Math Science 29.10S Student Recreation 4-5 p.m. - TlmexfReebok Fitness Student Organization's Movie China. Cat" 372-8525 lor Center. Week Mght. Vkteoe and popcorn. Free • p.m. - Theetre Production registration Hosted by the School Strength Training Canto. Free. and open to al. CaC Andrea at of Art. Sponsored by the Artists' "The Royal Hunt of the Sun." S2. 4-6 p.m. - TlmexfReebok Fitness Combative Dence Room. Student 372-6787 tor Information St Organization with support from the Planetarium Week Recreation Center. Thome* More Pariah, 426 Thuretm. Asien Studies Program and the Sprint Step Contest. Free. 1i:15 a.m.-UAO Movie Ohio Arts Council 124 Fine Arts Mezzanine Level, Student 7:45, tO p.m.- UAO Movie 4-6 p.m. - TlmexfReebok Fitness Altered States." $ 1 50 with Recreation Center. Week "Steel Magnoeea " $1.50 wHh vakd 6 BJB. - Menontt* Fellowship and student I D 210 Math Science Aerobtcycle Contact. Free BGSU student ID 210M*th Worthlp 4-7:30 p.m. - United Karat* Mezzanine Level. Student Sctenoe*. Meal at 6 p.m . feaowshlp at 7 p.m. System Recreation Center. Open to al. Free chid car* BGSU Karate Club Frst day of • p.m.-3cwitue«tyWeek 1,10 a-m. - Church Services available United Christian new session. $35 for seven week 6:10-10:30 p.m. - MM-Courea SpkHleet Tarot cards and a ghost St. Johns Episcopal Church, 1509 Feaowshlp Center. 313 ThuraBh. CM session Open loan Can story. Free and open to at. E Wooeter ■ Standard First Aid. Given by the Continuing Education at 372-8181 Red Cross. $36. Can be charged Mezzanine Lounge Rodger. 7-S p.m. - Shaanxl Cultural s for more information. Gym. Eppter to Bursar Sponeored by UAO. Quadrangle 1,10 a.m.. Noon - Church Exchange Canter. OMo Suite. Union. Slide Lectures: "Shaanxl Fokcratt" St Atoysms Church. 150S I p.m. - Concert and Fortuity Symbols In Shaanxl — I p.m. rfiepenrc Heritage aaonth 7 p.m. - Panel Discussion Romanovsky and PhNpe with Lynn Enterprise Folk Ari"' The speakers w* be Che. "South America and the Drug Career Choice*." Panel Lavner. Free and open to al. Tingshu. vice director of the Bee! Problem " Dr. Roger Anderson. diecuaakm about careera m the Sponeored by Founder* •:J0.11 a.m.-Church Services Municipal Art Gallery, and Dang associate professor of poetical video and Urn Induatry. Free and Quadrangle. Residence Education St Mark* Lutheran Church. 315 Ronghua. chairmen ol the Shaanxl science, w* apeak. Free and open open to al Sponeored by the Series. Leablan and Gay AfJano*. 8. Cotege (Sunday school at 9:46 Cultural Bureau. Free and open to to el. Sponeored by the Latin International TelevWon Women for Women, end University *.m.). al. Heated by the School of Art. Student Union In cooperation with Association. WBGU TV. Programmers. Sponeored by the Artists' the Office of Minority Student • a.m.-Church Service Organization with support from the e p.m.— ineetre Production Peace Lutheran Church. 1028 Affaire Second floor lounge. 7 p.m. — University Placement Asian StudkM Program and the Student Servtcee. "The Royal Hunt of the Sun." Waal Peer! (Sunday school at Ohio Art* Cound. 204 Fine Art* Admteaton Is 12. Planetarium 10:15am) Proteeelonel Development 7 p.m.-Solid fteck Christian Seminar. "Scruple* - A Matter of 7>*M p.m. •■ PtaMteWnMi Program Choice " Lenhart Grand Baaroom. • p.m.-Readme; 0,11a.m.- Church Service. "The Voyager Encounters." Meeting Free and open lo el Union. Abby Frucht, recipient of the 1087 Fret United Methodist Church. Conceme (he Voyeoer apacecrart Prout Chapel lows Short Fiction Award wtl reed. C*J 1506 E Wooeter and Rt photographs. $1 donation. 7:10 p.m.-Freehman Bible Study Free and open to afl. Sponeored by Plenetartum. the Creative Writing Program Prout •:*)a.m.-Church Service 7 p.m. - Active Christiens Todsy Free and open to al United Feaowshlp Meeting Free and open Christian Feaowshlp Center. 313 Chapel. Grace Brethren Church, 121 S. I p.m. - Bryan Che»»ber Sertee S to al Alumni Room. Union Thurstln. Mixed Chamber Concert 0-11 p-m.- National Alcohol "ttnpreaasontarn " Free and open to 7:10 p.m. - Formal meeting 7*6 p.m. - College RepubUcen 10 **v - Church Service el Bryan Recrtel Hal. Moore Eten Sounders. Director ol Sales. Happy Daze Dance. Free and open Prout Chapel Moaica) Arts Center. C«T4^PfW

I.^Ml -^ TATTOO YOU m photos by John Potter story by Wendy King **• *^ The ancient art of body decorating A tattoo artists' "tools of the trade ' can still be seen in Northwest Ohio

As I was silting In the Jacuzzi, very nervous. My friend noticed letting the hot. swirling waters my apprehension, and made me soothe my aching muscles after a go first so I would not chicken hard day on the slopes, I noticed out. a woman staring at me. She made no effort to hide her gaze — she As I showed the owner my de- was staring at my hip. sign, I took a deep breath. Be- The object of her attention was cause of the placement of my tat- a small broken heart, and It hap- too, I had to wear my one-piece pened to be on my hip. bathing suit and a skirt, which I had to pull up on one side. I was Yes. folks, I have a tattoo. rather self-conscious throughout "Tattoos are a very personal the entire experience because of statement," says Ray Browne, my scantily dad body. professor of popular culture. I was not sure what to expect. I "They are the most Intimate way had been told the process was that art becomes a part of you. painless, and would take less (Tattoos) are Interesting, Irre- than 30 minutes to do. Before the placeable exercises In political, needle punctured my skin, I social, personal, sexual state- wondered what the hell I was do- ments, perhaps even spiritual." ing. I reminded myself that this Although I did not view the was something I wanted to do. process on such a lofty Intellec- Even if I wanted to change my tual level, I still wanted a tattoo, mind about the whole deal. It so I got It. For two years I thought would have been too late. about the possibility of getting a tattoo, and I decided that If I did When the needle first plunged not do It now, I never would. into my skin, It felt a "Tattoos have been around /Irf/euncomfortable, but then my since the earliest cultures," skin went numb and It did not Browne added. "Cleopatra had bother me as much. However, I tattoos. They were a mark of dls- did continue to make faces be- tlctlon to separate the classes. cause It still felt weird. Sailors used to get tattoos of their In less than 25 minutes, I had a girlfriends. In order to remember tattoo that would be mine for the them while they were at sea." rest of my life. My parents did not know about I didn't have quite as much at It for three months, when I broke stake, but there were still many the news to my mom and gran- facts I had to consider before I ac- dma, who both actually like It. tually made my decision. Number My friends and acquaintances one on the list was the perman- do not seem to mind that I have a ency of the art form. tattoo. Many of the people I know Unlike make-up, tattoos are a have them, so It's common permanent form of body art and among my group of friends. Be- cannot be washed off with soap sides, with Ohio weather being and water. If I ever did want to what It Is, my hip doesn't exactly remove It through laser surgery It suffer from overexposure. could cost from $600 to more I never regret It, because I still thanSlOOO. like It and I feel It shows my orig- Secondly, I had to consider inality since It Is my own design health risks associated with get- which no one else has. Think ting a tattoo. about It, how many women do If an un sterile needle Is used In you know on campus who have the tattooing process, the tattooee tattoos? risks contracting the HIV virus If you are thinking about get- (which can cause AIDS) or hepati- ting a tattoo, there are many tis. Tattoos also may get Infected things you should consider be- If the needle Is not sterile. fore you actually decide to do It. I contacted the Toledo Tattoo Don't rush Into It Just because Co. and was told by the owner, you think you want one right Robert Gerrie that they use only now. sterile needles and FDA ap- "Take a good hard look at what proved colors. Armed with his you're getting Into. Make sure reassuring words, I made the ap- (you) know what (you) really Tattoo artist Robert Woody works on a tattoo for his employer pointment to go with a friend. Robert Cerrle T7>e tattoo, which covers most j>f Gerries back, When we first arrived, I was ■SecTaUoo.pagell.^^mepasttw&^^-^S!,^, kkuoO s*itaw!ns'4 bm lonaoO ancimcO => t* Fndoy. October 19. 1990 M5IDER; Hostel helps at low cost The darling Doctor Dave gives

by COHMII Hlxenbaugh staff writer "We stayed in hostels in Paris, Budapest, Czechoslo- BGSU music quizzers 'The Eye' vakia and Switzerland.... My favorite hostel experience by Dave latklnd was the one in Switzerland. It was absolutely beautiful College ot Musical Knowledge From the remote beauty of the countryside and scenic shore- and the hostel provided great daytime excursions." lines to the fast-paced cities of -Deb Ogden, hostel-goer New York. Chicago and Los An- Doctor Dave wanted to say a geles, America Is a land full of hearty thank you to all of his con- exciting experiences for every bathing facilities for males and Budapest. Czechoslovakia and cerned fans and students who *%£»* traveler. females. Some Include kitchen Switzerland." she said. "My sent cards to Insure his quick re- If seeing what America has to and dining areas along with favorite hostel experience was covery to well-being. Nurse IT IS MIDTERM TIME. THIS offer Is your passion, but you rooms for relaxing and meeting the one In Switzerland. It was ab- Schmidt miraculously helped WEEK. THE DOCTOR URGES lack sufficient funds needed for other travelers. solutely beautiful and the hostel cure the Doctor and he Is now YOU TO LOOK DEEP INTO HIS your adventures, there Is help. The A YH association Is a provided great daytime excur- quite healthy. "The Incredible EYES AND SEE HOW MANY OF For more than 50 years, Amer- member of the International sions." College of Musical Knowledge" THESE 'EYE' SONGS YOU KNOW. ican Youth Hostels have provid- Youth Hostel Federation. An The excursion Ogden took left reaches the halfway point of the Freshman level-One point ed lodging at low cost for budget- AYH membership card Is valid at her with one of her fondest travel semester this week. So, this week each. minded travelers. any of the 5.000 hostels world- memories. "The hostel chartered Is the musical midterm. BE PRE- 1. What two singers threatened There are more than 250 char- wide In 62 different countries. a bus to Grlndenwald (a ski resort PARED. to "Close My Eyes Forever"? tered hostels across the United Deb Ogden, a senior liberal In the Alps) and from there we For the third consecutive week, 2. What singer was "Lost In States, which offer a friendly en- studies major, put her member- took a 30 minute chairllft ride up only one perfect entry was Your Eyes" last year? vironment in rural areas and cit- ship card to use In a number of the Alps. After we reached the found. This week's winner Is Sophomore level-Two points ies and around places of culture International hostels. She toured top of the lift, we hiked the rest of Andy Dugan. He knew that the each. and history. Europe for a month this past the way up to the mountain peak. correct answers to last week's 3. Who has "Eyes Without a The A YH hostels are dor- summer with three other trav- It was the most beautiful and 'down' quiz were: Face"? mitory-style accomodations that elers. 1. Guns V Roses 4. Who hit the charts In 1986 provide separate sleeping and "We stayed In hostels In Paris, I See Travel, page 9. 2. Men At Work with "In Your Eyes'? 3. Rod Stewart Junior level-Three points each. 4. Tom Petty 5. What hit from last year be- The BG News 5. "Bust A Move" by Young gins with the line "Look In my M.C eyes. What do you see?"7 6. "Toy Soldiers" by Martlka 6. Two the ten biggest Number 7. Gregory Abbott One hits of the 80s have the word 8. Warrant 'eye' or 'eyes' In the title. Name 9. "Love Plus One" by Haircut either one. 100 Senior level-Four points each. G 10. "Don't Worry, Be Happy" 7. Who sang "Eye In the Sky'? P^°C$O* PEOPLE'S PIZZA by Bobby McFenin 8. Name any of Naked Eyes' For an opportunity to win this Top 40 hits. e week's prize, submit your entry Graduate level-Five points * CHOICE AWARDS with your answers, name, ad- each. dress and phone number to "Fri- 9. Who hit the Top 20 In 1982 day Music Contest," c/o 214 with "Blue Eyes"? Local pizzerias will be competing for awards in West Hall. B.G.. OH, 43403. 10. What Number One song Submit all entries before noon, opens with the line "Close your the following categories: Wednesday. Oct. 24. 1990. eyes. Give me your hand, darl- BGSU Student Publications' em- ing. Do you feel my heart beat- ployees are not eligible. The win- ing?"? • Best Overall Pizza ner's name and all the answers This week's winner will earn a will be revealed In the next quiz. FREE promotional tape from Fin- • Best Sauce DR. DAVE WANTS TO SEE ders Records and Tapes, located MORE STUDENTS ENTER THE at 128 N. Main. B.G. YOU could • Best Crust $k QUIZ. ESPECIALLY NOW THAT be this week's winner. • Most Unusual Toppings A panel of distinguished pizza judges including city and university offi- cals and student representatives will taste-test pizza samples on Wed., Nov. 7 at which time the winners will be announced.

You can join the distinguished panel of pizza judges by submitting an essay as to Why you're BG's biggest pizza eater.

Submit your entry to the BG News, 210 West Hall by 5 p.m. Wed., Oct 31. Please limit you essay to one page. Three members of the pizza panel will be chosen from these entries. Good Luck!

******* ., In celebration of National Pfcza Month! «4«**««««^« Friday. Oclobet 19. 1990 UilSlDERJ

seeing one of the best scl-fl flicks by Jason Zachary Pott fiction editor of the 1990s. Hardware narrowly Director Richard Stanch/ has brought us "Hardware," a cyber- punk reader's wet dream. He The best date In the world Is creates a nightmarish vision of a snuggling up with a fellow film escaped old X rating possible future In which buff, a bag of Bar-B-Q chips, a machines called Mark 13s arc beer and a movie. You have now gas — she drove. armed boyfriend tries to save created for the purpose of exter- entered ... the Cheap Date Zone. In the car we talked about the her." I look up from the maga- minating humans for population You know the type of date. movie we were going to see (I zine. "What do you think?" control. The Mark 13 Is created You've both gone through the brought along the latest Issue of "Sounds great. But what does it and the public knows nothing "Wine and Dine" phase In which Fangoria for this very purpose). say about the guy getting cut In about the killer robot's existence. all of your money goes out the "It says here that 'Hardware'Just half?" So when electronics scavenger window and Into the pocket of managed to avoid an X rating. It "Nothing. You've been watch- Moe Baxter (Dylan McDennott) some pompous waiter who seems there was supposed to be a ing 'Omen II' again, haven't brings home a dismantled Mark doesn't even speak English. Now, Finn scene with a man's body getting you?" 13 home to his girlfriend Julie you have become familiar with chopped In half." We get to the theater about 10 (Stacy Travis) as a gift, he has no each other so the big bucks can i "Damn." she says. "We'll minutes early so we won't miss Idea what's In store for them. take a rest. REUIEUI probably miss It. He probably the previews for the coming at- She Is a sculptor who uses "So what so you want to do?" deserved It too." (My date Is an tractions (sometimes the best part machine parts for her medium. he asks, grinding the toe of his 4 ultra-femlnlst). "What else does It about going to the movies). I When she gets Moe's gift, she gets shoe into the ground. money from your paycheck for say?" stared at the title, "Hardware," this bright Idea and Incorporates "I don't know. What do you beer with the guys. Plus, you get "Well, It's a new wave science- on the billboard leading the way Mark 13 Into her artwork of elec- feel like doing?" she replies while to go to the latest film you've fiction movie. You know, of the Into the movies. Oh boy! Scl-fl tronics. Bad move on her part be- looking at the scuff marks on his been dying to see ever since It cyberpunk genre. A post- stuff to ooze across my sights, cause Mark 13 rebuilds Itself Into sneakers. has been condemned by every modern-apocalyptlc-futu re-shock turning my brain Into radioactive a killing monster and soon all hell "How 'bout a movie?" moral person In the country. type of flick. Seems there's a sewage. There's nothing better. I breaks loose. It's like one of War- "Okay." I had one of these dates last robot that goes haywire and tries was a film Junkie looking for a hol pieces that climbs off the wall Great. You get to save some weekend. It was great. I saved to kill a woman In her high-tech celluloid fix. We had arrived and apartment while her blonlc- nothing was going to stop us from ■ See Hardware, page 10. ■ From Travel, page 8. overwhelming sight I've ever ternational youth hostel In India. seen," Ogden said. "Our mountaineering group TOLEDO & BOWLING Whether a traveler chooses to took a hiking trip In the Hima- brave the rapids or trek through layas," she said. "There were GREEN'S ENTERTAINMENT mountains or Jungles, the unu- about 30 of us and we stayed sual excursions put them directly overnight In a youth hostel. The ALTERNATIVE among the forces of beauty and hostel was In a beautiful area, 838-7746 838-7825 nature. Ogden said that her Swiss was clean and provided us with a Alps trip was so emotionally morning meal before we contin- 27820 E. Broadway overwhelming that she couldn't ued our Journey." help but cry the whole way up The rate for a nights stay at a BOARDWALK INC. How to get there: Take Rt. 75 M to the mountain. youth hostel varies depending on Perrysburg - Rt. 20 exit. Go right (east) 5 Bring in this coupon An aspect of the International each Individual hostel. In most miles to E. Broadway. Turn left and we're hostels that Ogden appreciated cases, the price for an overnight and receive free admission 3 miles down E. Broadway on the right. was the friendliness. stay can range from a mere S4 to Thursday or VJ price admission "Host of the travelers I met a higher cost of S25. Dhume said Open: Thurs. 8 • 2:30 Oldies Night (21 G Over) were from America, Canada and the hostel she stayed at In India on Friday. Frl. 4 • 2:30 Top 40 Dance Australia," she said. "We all was free to those who had stu- (Coupon Expire* 10/31/90) Top 40 Dance spoke English In a foreign- dent Identification. Sat. 8 • 2:30 speaking country. It was nice to Students Interested In Joining communicate with people that the AYH Association can do so by understood you and your cul- contacting Joanne Brunlng at the ture." UAO office (located on the third Nandlta Dhume, a graduate floor of the Union). The member- LI Horton student and a member of the De- ship costs a student S25 and Is lhi Mountaineering Association, valid for 12 months from the date also enjoyed the comfort of an In- of purchase. WITH nctef HAI">1 0*i6ME-A-c\ieAeMr-ewTi-\*j\z ««tccK4.>sr

«o»»e, , Annual Harambee /*/\e/v\o/u-z.e TrH* W" IHtl , ' . , \ M*»>'- '- _^-| f"r T*rt W ■O p - T O - Trt^" /WN^re ^^7/ I »iw "'•' Reggae tJ€>AK HfADUA/F* Party eo/*ri-s-nrvy SHUT DOWN 1*1, »«», i BFt*"S^ IT (U*'

Sat. Oct. 27, at 9 pm Mtl, O'O 10U .— g^lL-oOT UMC«- B* vfM HCAU 1« "•* Lenhart Ballroom, University Union CUANPl*"Ori.f yJMIItP COSTl-f- WT» owe covtM? Donation $1-proceeds to St. Paul's Community Center In Toledo si«t Ntw Guf Jusr ot "0, ""•", «W(S« T serving the homeless and indegent 4OT ruT 0« THt .~1 £"£*■% - .*»<> ' \i Bene* TAn-eS Sponsored by CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATION and » *i Tir»e>" toned » L eve^TT «n**nnr ^A>T!, African Peoples Association, Ethnic Cultural -l . ■»—m • i «« i i/ Arts Program, Graduate Student Senate and Women for Women. S, It? YOUNG'S NEWSSTAND 17H s. Main - - '■ .YOu'V'Oiw^UjfJitows Headquarters 353-2176 ■ i ■ • ONE LOVE ,|— ',,''.*", ilHil, ■■■■■■■r mil in JlOi 0**** ********* IO Friday, October 19. 1990

r^^n Dago reviews fave dope jams quartet (Q-Tlp. Shaheed, Fife, Wild Side" down to the boneyard by Frank Esposlto assistant editor and Jarobl) has an ultra-keen ear In "Can I Kick It?" and laugh It up for putting samples together to on "I Left My Wallet In El Se- music create atmospheric pockets of gundo," a hysterical rap trav- slow-groovln' funk. elogue. Serious rap fans would be A Tribe Called Quest This Is Sunshine Rap, devoid of hard-pressed to find better travel- REUIEUI People's Instinctive Travels all the urban darkness of Public ing companions than A Tribe and the Paths of Rhythm Enemy, NWA, and other pro- Called Quest. Jive/RCA Records phets of the rap apocalypse. It's Just four streetwise young guys Holy Intellect Armed with grooves smooth as klckln out their message of posl- Crest gel and wordplays so Intri- tlvlty In Jams like "Push It Along" cate they make ya smile In spite and "Youthful Expression." The Trenton, New Jersey trio Joins of your Jaded self. A Tribe Called Questers go after the apple of the first rank of linguistic and Quest shake and shimmy through their eye In "Bonlta Applebum," rhythmic maestros with this their debut album. This NYC take Lou Reed's "Walk On The ■ See Reviews, page 12. ■ From Piano, page 3. Kleiner, the pianist, and he be- determine If he needs "30 sec- "I liked It because I could me- came my teacher." onds oflove here and 20 seconds morize like mad, and they would "Kleiner would show me the of anticipation there." call me, and no one would have scores and where to play," Old- He credits Lillian Glsh for to turn the pages (of the music)." erman said. "I played my first teaching him the techniques and The first silent film which In- film, 'Phantom of the Opera' sitting up with him hour after fluenced Olderman to be a silent when I was 19 years old." hour as she answered his ques- film pianist was "Teddy at the Oderman explained that he can tions. Throttle." starring Gloria Swan- portray the characters' emotions "She's one of my all-time cru- son. He was 13 years old at the by adding breaks of silence In the shes," Olderman said. "I've been time. Poor Righteous Teachers droppln' knowledge. music. "As you noticed here, I playing for her films since I've "Years later, I worked with take a lot of pauses In this thing, been playing for the silent films." (Swanson) on a Charlie Chaplin because that's when you build Before Oderman began playing documentary, 'Eternal Tramp'... Friday, October 19 and Saturday, October 20 your moment up." he said. for silent films in 1959, he was a which she narrated and I did the 7:45 pm and 10:00 pm To gauge the music to be dance band piano player. "I piano work. played In the film exactly at the worked the band circuit In the "Swanson Is more of a person- 210 MSC $1.50 Admission right moments, he said he wat- hotels In New York — In what ality. She's a good actress, but ches the films several times to they call the society bands." she doesn't have the depth that Hiss Glsh had. We're never going to have that kind of star again." he said. "I always think of her as Delta Zeta Loves their Lil's the first lady of film." ■ From Hardware, page 9. un- » 44 at an exhibit and slaughters all Big' Lil" the guests (and critics) in the gal- lery. Giselle Monnin Jill Matchinga + Jacki Hernandez It's a great film and I admire Its success In entertaining. It de- Kelly Komosinski Lori Pickup ♦ Sally Rieger - "Coop and COS M" by the BGSU Caribbean Fal Wind Ensemble snd Concert Interviewing Tips and Operation 1 and 10 p.m., Midnight. - UAO Association, the African Peoples Band. Free and open to al M.O.R.E. Free snd open to si. Movie AaaoclsJton. tha Ethnic Cultural Sponsored by the College of 8-7:30 p.m. -United Karate Sponsored by the Minority "Tales From the Dark Side. The Arts Program, and the Graduate Musical Arts Kobacker Hal. Moore Business Student Association, the Movie.'$1 50 with valid BGSU Student Senate Lenhart Grand Musical Arts Center BGSU Karate Club. Open to al office of Cooperative Education, student I.D 210 Math Sciences Belroom. Union. 6 pun. - Church Berates Gym. Eppler Canter and University Placement Services. Pentecostal Young People'e Amaru Cultural Center. Commons I p.m.-Opera 8 p.m.-1 a.m. - Dry Dock Association 620 Second St Bowling Green Opera Theater Free and open to al. Basement of 7pja.-« Production "The Bartered Bride." Harshman Quadrangle 6 p.m.- Menonlte Fellowship end BGSU vs University of Toledo 7:*0 pjn. - Fellowship o( Admission S3 for students and Worship Free end open lo al Anderson •5 Arena. Christian Athletes •amors. S6 for others. Kobacker I 8,10 a.m.- Church Services Meel at 6 p.m , fesowshlp at 7 p.m. Sponsored by Christ Community Hal, Moore Musical Arts Center CT«f St John's Episcopal Church, 1509 Open to al Free child care Church. Union. P»* E. Wooster. available. United Christian 7 p.m. - Hispanic Herttege I I p.m.-1 a.m.-Hiepenlc Heritage Fellowship Center. 313 Thurstln The musical group El EstucSarmno 7:*0 pjn. - Thursday Night Live 8.10 a.m., Noon-Church 8-7:30 p.m. - Trlck-or-Treet from the Rio Grande Vasay of Dance, featuring the music of Texaa w* perform. Sponsored by Free and open to al. Sponsored by Open to siblings of McDonald North Impecto Nuevo. S12 sdrniaslon St AJoyakjaChurch. 150S the Lahn Student Union m BGSU Bible Studies Presidential benefits the University's Miguel Reeidents (up to third grade). First Lounge, Ice Arena. | Enterprise floor lobby. McDonald North. cooperstlon with the Office of Omeles Scholarship Fund Masonic Mnorlty Stuent Aftsirs Bryan Temple, 4645 Haatherdowns 8:30.11 a.m. - Church Services Recital Hal. Moore Musical Arts Ave.. Toledo 7p.m.-Wsper*cFllmFsettvsl 7:30 p.m. -CN Alpha SI Mark's Lutheran Church. 315 Sponsored by tha Latin Student Center Christian fssowship Free snd open 8 p.m.-1 sun. - Dry Deck S College (Sunday school at 0:45 Umon m cooperation with the lo al Prout Chapel Basement of Harshman a.m.). Office of Minority Student Affairs 7 pjn. - MM Reek Christian Quadrangle Giah FUm Theatre. Henna 8,11 a.m.-Church Services Massing Free and Open to at. 7:30-5:30 p.m. - WnKTourse 8a.m.-4 p.m.-Children's First United Methodist Church, 7:30 pjn. - Campus Connection Prout Chapel Sign Language Given by Shovan Literature Conference 1506E Wooater Television show by snd about Urns S3 Can be charged to "Diversity m Chaorena Utareture." BGSU students Wood Cable Bursar Sponsored by UAO. 208 Workshopa The featured speakers 6:30 a.m.-Church Service Channel 24 7 p.m. - Active Chrletlana Today Hems. are Ed Young, ieustrstor and 1990 Grace Brethren Church, 121 S. Fesowshlp Meeting Free and open Caidecott Award winner, and Pam Enterpriee 6 p-m. - Concert loal Alumni Room. Union 8 p.m. - Concert Pollack, senior editor tor Simon and "The Srr*haonian Concert." a Schuster Books for Young (M Kevin Raleigh with special guest 8:30 a.m., 8 p.m. - Church preview of a program lo be 7:30 p.m. - American Statietlcel Besucoup. Tickets are S3 for Readers S25 tor students. S45 for Services prassnted November 2 at the Association students, $5 for others. Sponsored others Cal 372-8181 lo register First Baptist Church. 740 S Smithsonian Institution «i Eva Marie Sent Theatre. University rvorthweat Ohio Chapstr. by U AO Spotkght Entertainment Winter garden. Washington. 0 C. Given by Jerome Propertlee of Joint Xbar snd Range and the Resident Student and Maria Rose Free and open to 10 a.m.-Church Service Cherts under Drift under Drift In Association Lenhart Grand al Kobacker Hal, Moore Musical Process Mean or Standard 8:30 a.m.-Noon - B0SU Preview Untveralty Chrietlan Church, 1040 Arts Canter BasVoom. Union. Day Deviation Open to al. 4S9 Math Choral Rehearsal Hal. Moore Sciences Displays, faculty, and staff available Musical Arts Center 3 a.m.-4:30 pjn. - Art Exhibit I p.m. - Theatre Production for high achool students Lenhart Grand Basroom. Union "Myth and Reality Objects snd "Spoon River Anthology: A Portrait 10 a.m. - Church Service Imagery of the Black Swamp." The 6 p.m. - Peace Coellllon of American Life in Poetry and First Presbyterian Church. 126 S. exhibit examines the way the Great Free and open lo al United Song " Al freshman show. Tickets 10-11:46 p.m. - WJSU Preview Church. Black Swamp hea influenced the Christian Fesowshlp Center. 313 Day on sale night of show or by culture of Northwest Ohio. Free Thurstln. reservation Cal 372 2719 Joe E Guided campus tours leave every 10 a.m.-Church I and open lo all Gallery. Fine Arts Brown Theatre, University Hal frveminutee. Union. Christ Community Church. Women's Club. 134 N. Prospect 3 pjn. - College Oemotiiale 11:30s.m.-Church I Free and open lo al IIOBueoeea 11 a.m. - Cross Country St Thomas More Pariah. 425 5:30 p.m. - Leeblen and Qsy Man's team at MAC 10,11:30 a.m.. 7 p.m. - Church iThurssn. Championships. Oxford. Free and open lo al. Basement. St Thomas More Pariah, 425 3 p.m.-Soccer 6:30 p.m.-»roo»seslve Student Noon - McDonald North Trip United ChneBen Feeowshsp Center. Thurstln BGSU vs. Wright State University Orgenliation 313Thurstin. Impressionists Art Exhibit at Toledo Free and open lo al. Cochrane Free and open loal United Museum of Art. $3 sornission with 10 a.m., 6 p.m. - Church Field Chrisaan Fesowshlp Center, 313 student ID. Dinner to foeow. rjayapringAsssmblyofGod. Thurstm 1:46 p.m. - Lenhert Classic Film aproxImaterySIO Open to 1 7360 N Dixie Highway 7 p.m.-Hreeerrfc Heritage Month reextents of Mc Donald North Luncheon Address Paul Lobby. Mc Donald North 10:15 a.m.-Church Service Calendar continued page 4 Alfred Hitchcock Month. Rear Hsnggslsr »■ speak on U.8. Window " Free and open to al. Chrtat Community Church. 123 E. Court St (Sunday School at 9 1 5 Foreign Poscy Sponsored by Ins 210 Math Sciencee Noon - Cross Country a.m.). latin Student Union in cooperation Women's team al MAC s with the Office of Minority Stuent Champtonerape. Oxford 10:30 a.m.-Church Service Affairs Free and open to afl. 1:80 p.m. -Football Agape Church of Prayer United .VaVsV BOSUvs Miens University. Vararty CTvtsaanFesowshlp. 31 3 Thurstln BG Day DoytL Perry Field (BsMs study at 9 30 a m ) Opera, chamber offer WSA hopes leadership seminar traditional experience offers motivation and knowledge The World Student Association isis that representatives frnmfrom internaiinnaiinternational ■*****"We'd■! Ikem,« to*„ see—.. more~—« campus or- Two classic but very outwent must pheus Chamnber Orchestra 8 p.m. offering its annual Student Leadership student organizations at other Ohio cal experiences will be available to the ganizations attend," Auttman said. Wednesday, Nov. 1, in Kobacker Hal Conference Saturday, Nov. 3 In an and Michigan universities are invited. Bowling Green community during the "Other groups represent the interna- of the Moore Musical Arts Center. effort to extend effective leadership Schools that may send representa- next two weeks tional student body besides WSA." Selections for the concert include skills to the international student body tives include Miami, Capitol, and John The Bowling Green Opera Theatre, "Water Music" by Handel, "Ciranda and the entire campus. The theme of Carrol universities. under the direction of F. Eugene Oyb- The conference is open to anyone, das Sets Notes for Bassoon and Or- this year's conference is "Unity "We open this to other universities and the registration fee is $5, which dahl. wM present Bednch Smetana's chestra" by Villa Lobos, "Orphee Ser- through Diversity; Keys to Success." to find out how they're promoting In- "The Bartered Bride" Friday and Sat- includes coffee and doughnuts for enade" by William Boteom and "Ser- Three guest speakers, including Dave ternational awareness on their cam- breakfast and a luncheon. Interested urday, Get. 26-27. In Kobacker Hat, enade for Strings in E Major" by Dor- Stanford of the University co-op office, puses, and how they're dealing with Moore Musical Arts Center. Curtain persons should contact the Interna- vak. will discuss personal leadership styles various problems and successes," Ju- time tor both nights is 8 p.m. tional Programs Office (372-2247) no and publicity and programming. Var- lie Auttman, president of WSA, said later than Wednesday, Oct.24 No late In the opera, a young Bohemian Founded in 1972, the New York- ious success stories will also be vBage girt. Marenka, Is unhappy at the registrations will be akecepted this based group uses no conductor and shared as a source of motivation and The members of WSA are con- teast celebration ot the village's patron year. Those attending should meet on instead relies on the diversity of each inspiration for those attending. cerned that not enough University saint because she and her true love. the third floor of the University Union 9 member's experience to provide While the event Is primarily for the students are aware of the conference Jenik. will not be able to marry. Her a.m. Saturday, Nov. 3, for registration. repertoire, programming and rehearsal benefit of students on this campus, an and taking advantage of the opportuni- parents and a sly marriage broker, The conference is expected to last un- techniques. important part ot the presentation Is ty for growth that it provides. til 6 p.m. Kecal, have arranged her betrothel to Vaeel. the vHage simpleton. Through trickery, Jenik wins Marenka's hand Drama challenge a and Vasek becomes the dancing bear Hispanic heritage reviewed, in a traveling circus. welcome change Dyodahl, who Is director ot opera activities at the University, has as- The cast ofthe production of sembled a cast of student vocalists featured throughout October Charles Aldman's "Spoon River An- who wiH share roles In the opera, ap- thology: A Portrait of American Life In The month maymav hr»be halthall numover, hutbut ririesOBn ofiH.^«» readings natia.or\. 6:30 p.m. _ at-»•»._ the featuring* - - the■■■ ■ --music■■ ,i of■■ Impacto >. Nuevo,.. pearing on alternate nights. Marenka there remains a wealth of events Poetry and Song," to be performed on main offices of Latino Unidos, 706 St will be held 9 p.m -1 a.m. at the campus is different in one major re- wB be portrayed by graduate students commemorating Hispanic Heritage ClairSt.. Toledo. Masonic Temple. 4645 Heather- spect from other University casts: it is Amanda Schultz of Milan. II., and Katy Month through the end of October. Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 22-23, downs Ave., Toledo Admission is comprised completely of talented Stieler of Royal Oak, Mich. The role of The month-long series of programs will be devoted to Hispanic health is- St 2. Proceeds benefit the Universi- freshmen. Jenik will be played by seniors Beb has been designed to highlight the sues. On Monday Dr. America de Bra- ty's Miguel Ornelas Scholarship Fund. The play gives first-year theatre stu- Brecher of Toledo and Hughey K. past, present and future of Hispanic cho, a physician at La Casa Clinic In A Hispanic film festival will be held dents an introduction to the theatre Smith ol Lebanon. Ohio Dennis Je- culture in the United States. All pro- Detroit, wil speak at 7 p.m. in the main Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 27-28. department, and, for some, a refresh- sse, a graduate student from Forest. grams are free and open to the gen- lounge of Prout Hall. The Hollywood-produced Wms, featur- ing though intimidating change from Ohio, wM portray the marriage broker. eral public, unless otherwise noted. Kecal, and Vasek will be played by Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Asembly ing Hispanic actors and themes, will high school drama. An exhibit of traditional and modem Room, McFal Center, Anela Luna, di- begin each day at 7 p.m. In the Gish Rawteigh Emmons, a sophomore from Hispanic art will be open through Fri- rector of AIDS Information at the Film Theater, Hanna Hal. This production of "Spoon River An- New Castle, Ind day. Oct 26. in the McFal Center Gal Toledo Rescue Center, wW address At noon, Oct. 29 In the Student thology," based on the poetry of Ed- Keith Hofacker. technical director lery, weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m. the topic of "Hlspanics in the 90s: Services second floor lounge, U.S. gar Lee Masters, is directed and ar- tor the College of Musical Arts, is Hispanic literature will be the locus Sexually Transmitted Diseases." foreign policy wil be the topic of a lun- ranged by Dean R. Yohnk, Ph.D. can- scenic designer for the opera produc- of a conference today 10 a.m.-4:30 tion. "South America and the Drug Prob- cheon address by Dr. Paul Henggeler, didate in theatre. The show Is p.m. in the Amanl Room. Participants lem" wil be discussed Tuesday at 7 an instructor of history, on Monday, Tickets are on sale at the Kobacker Wednesday through Saturday, Oct. will include Tato Lavlera and Marilza Oct. 29. Hal Box Office and are $3 for stu- p.m. by Roger Anderson, an associate 24-27. at 8 p.m., and on Sunday. Arrastla, both writers from New York professor of political science, In the Music wil close the month's activi- Oct. 28, at 2 p.m. All performances dents and senior citizens, $5 tor olh City. Ana Castillo, a poet from New era. Student Services Building second ties 7 p.m. In the Bryan Recital Hall. WW be in the Joe E Brown Theatre in Mexico: and Jose Montoya. poet and floor lounge. Moore Musical Arts Center, Tuesday, The 1990-91 Festival Series wa University Hal. Tickets can be per teacher at California State University. Music and dancing are on the Oct. 30, when the group El Estudian- continue with a performance by Or- chased at the University Hal Box Of- The conference concludes with a se- agenda for Friday. Oct. 26. A dance, tino wW perform. fice.

Continued from page 3 7:30 p.m. - Freshman BIN. study 6-7:30 p.m.-Untied Karate * a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Art Exhibit 11 .-00 a.m. - Cross Country * a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Art Exhibit Free and open to al. United System ■ - J "Myth and Realty: Objects and ■^Tj Men's team at Kent Open. "Myth and Reality Objects and Christian Fetowship Center. 313 BOSU Karate Club. Open to al. Thurstln Gym, Eppter Center. ■•ci Imagery of the Black Swamp." The ■ s Imagery ot the Black Swamp." The exhibit examine* Ihe way the Greet exhibit examine* the way the Qreal BT*-JJ 11:45 a.m. - Cmas Country 7:304:30 p.m - College I" ™J Black Swamp has influenced the Women's teem at Kent Open Black Swamp has influenced the 7:30 p.m. - Fellowship ot culture of Northweet Ohio Free Republicans ChrlMian Athletes. culture ol Northweat Ohio. Free and open to al. Oalery, Fine Art*. 1:00 p.m. - Football and open to al Gssery. Fine Arts Free and open to al 101 Business Sponsored by Chnet Community AoMnaMraoOn I - -i BGSU at Kent. Church. Union. • p.m. - B0 Gaming Society 10-11:30 a.m. -Advlaement 7:304 p.m. - History Society Free and open to si. 222 2 p.m. - Swimming For hearing Impaired majors. 444 7:30 p.m. -Thursday Night Lira Education. Education. Free and open to al Sponsored by Men's and women's teams at T. V. room. Commuter Center, Wright State University. Dayton. BOSU Bible Studies Presidential 7 p.m. - Volleyball basement ot Moaalay. Lounge. Ice Arena. 11 :M a JH. - Church Service BOSU at Ohio University Athens 4 p.m. - Volleyball St. Thomas Mora Pariah, 42S • p.m.-Faculty Artltt Serial 7:30 p.m. - Chi Alpha BGSU at Kent Thurstln. 7:30 p.m.-Hockey Herbert Spencer, horn and Richard Christian feaowahlp. Free and open BGSU at Michigan State University. 7:30 p.m. - Hockey 1-3:30 p.m. - Advisement dottan, piano Free and open to al. loal Prout Chapel Bryan Recital Hal. Moore Musical East Lansing. BGSU vs Michigan Stale For hearing Impaired ma|or«. 444 Arts Center. University. Ice Arena. Education. 7:30*30 p.m. - Mini-Course 7:45 and 10 p.m., 12:15 a.m. - Sign Language Given by Shovan 7:46 and 10 p.m., and 12:15 a.m. - - UAO Movie UAO Movie 3:30 p.m. - Seminar B a.m -4:30 p.m. - Art Exhibit Little $3 Can be charged to

o Downtown ©

o e • OVER 21 NEVER A COVER • UNDER 21 $1 ADMISSION BEFORE 11PM ANY NIGHT UPTOWN Under 21 $1.50 Admission Good finy Night 518 E. Woostcr 352 - 6886 Friday, October 19 1990 \ ihSlDERJ BG grads find their home at The Rep sion of Dracuta," a frightening addition, a composer was hired by Angata Murphy but humorous old-fashioned hor- to arrange traditional old English staff wnler "For the past four years, the seasons' literature has ror thriller, and "A Christmas carols to make this an "all-new" been slanted toward contemporary American litera- Carol,"a dramatization of the production, Causman said. ture, while trying to maintain a product of a more clas- Charles Dickens' classic. In addition to the main stage Toledo may not be a cultural The 1990-91 season will be performances, the Rep's Young mecca like New York City or Chi- sical nature as well." concluded with spring presen- Playgoers Series hosts their own cago! however, there li a place -Paul Causman, tations of "Driving Miss Daisy,"a performances for children. The which brings a thine of culture to humorous story told about the Series consists of a professional the Glass City. Causman also said the Univer- this year has entered her third simple truths of friendship, and group of generally about 5-6 The Toledo Repertoire Theater, sity provided him with his first season as director of the Young "Blithe Spirit, "a farce which adult actors. Some of them per- commonly known as "The Rep," contact, which then led to his Playgoers Series, Washeck said. demonstrates the difficulty of form repeatedly from year to Is located at 16 Tenth St. In first Job with a small theater at The play bill performed each having two wives simultaneously year, although auditions are held downtown Toledo. It enters It's the Southern Ohio Museum and season Includes four non- — even if one of them Is only a each year for new performers, 58th season this year, after re- Cultural Center where he worked musicals, one large Broadway spirit. The spring lineup con- Washeck said. cently completing the perform- for two years. musical and a Christmas produc- cludes with the musical perform- ance of "Steel Magnolias" several Valerie Washeck, a class of 79 tion, Causman said. ance of "La Cage Aux Folles. "an "The Passion of Dracula" will weeks ago. graduate with a BS In education "For the past four years, the entertaining production where an be performed from October 26 to Although located In Toledo, (who later earned her MA In seasons' literature has been slan- all-male cast plays roles as female November 10, while "A Christ- The Rep has loose ties to the Uni- theater at the University), serves ted toward contemporary Ameri- can-can girls. mas Carol" will be presented on versity. Two main divisions of as the director of the Young Play- can literature, while trying to Causman described this year's December 22 and 23. Ticket In- the Rep are all directed by alumni goers Series. Washeck said the maintain a product of a more performance of "A Christmas formation can be obtained by of the University. theater program at the University classical nature as well," Caus- Carol" as a "unique adaptation of calling 243-9277 or contacting Paul Causman. a class of '80 has kept her Involved with chil- man said. (he original play ... a playwright the Toledo Repertoire Theater at graduate with a BA In communi- dren's theater for years. The Rep's final stage produc- was enlisted to provide the Rep 16 Tenth Street, Toledo. Ohio, cations, serves as the artistic di- While she was a student at the tions of 1990 will be "The Pas- with Its own exclusive script." In 43624. rector for the main stage produc- University, she was Involved In tions. the Children's Touring Group, be- ■ From Reviews, page 10 "(Bowling Green) chiefly gave fore It was called the Treehouse me the production experience I Troupe. She began her In- hlgh-steppln' debut. DJ. Father and "Can I Start This?" These post-Beastle Boys world. Vanilla needed to get a Job Immediately volvement with The Rep when Shaheed, Culture Freedom and tracks groove straight ahead with Ice utilizes the bass-heavy style after graduation, because I had she was 19, and she has been Wise Intellect are three righteous a message that's both socially rel- which his hometown Is known the opportunity (through classes) with the theater for 15 years. She rappers of Islam's Five Percent evant and highly spiritual. These for to accent a gang story which to be on stage a lot," Causman started out as a performer, then Nation who have a knack for a are three teachers whose class comes across as a softer verson said. became technical director, and rap style that's best described as you won't want to skip. of Ice-T's "Colors." He also man- tongue-callsthenlcs. They've also Vanilla Ice ages to ditch the nasal whlteboy got a penchant for funk horns Ice Ice Baby (single) sound which plagued the Beas- and booty-movln' beats. They put SBK Records tles. And five bucks says you BUDG6T VOUR "QUANTUM 90" DOLLARS! everything together best on the Miami-based rapper makes can't get this bass line out of your title track. "Time To Say Peace." hip-hop safe for Caucasians In a head. FoJ 90 MINIMUM COMFORT SUP€fl SUP€fl PLUS CINEMARK THEATRES ■ From Medicine, page 11. Beginning CINEMA 5 ffi" Alvtn, but he was suspect. Bolonce $545 $710 $825 $1050 ^••jV liiWiil* .-nag -You really think Bronsky'U ■aorta k. notnaro s - 1234 NORTH MALL ST. 3540558 give up his throne? I asked taking Oct. 20 $272 $354 $413 $526 Horror Classic orr i. is. i~ NoSupcfiavm a* IINoPumft* a swallow of beer. U MUST FOR EVERY HORROR FAN TO SEE!" Moo - FH. Halting at 4 pa). Jake looked at me again with Sal, a Sun Mann Nov. 3 $204 $265 $310 $395 that unervlng gaze. It reminded DEATH WARRANT R me of his sister because they both Nov. 17 $136 $176 $207 $264 I2.O0. 2 OO. 4 OO, 7(1-. o on had grey-flecked eyes. I had only POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE R met her once and It seemed that Dec. 8 $ 68 $ 87 $104 $133 I2:K). 2:20. 4 JO. 7 on. 9 II) her and Jake could have been ~ SAT 2:16-4:16-7:16-9:16 _ twins, for they shared the same ™ SUN 2:16^:16-7-16-9 16 " MARKED FOR DEATH R PiMiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiii- 12.20.2 40.4:40.7 20.0:20 ft ft features. She had made an Inde- Dec. 21 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 PRE-HALLOWEEN lible Impression on me, for she Z SLASHER BASHER NARROW MARGIN R was as serene as Jake was manic. S FRIDAY THE I3ih parts = 12 to. 2:30. 4 in. 7 11 0.30 -Only one way to find out, he 2 I 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 = Meal plans are specially designed for students m OHOST PG-13 said. 3 12 Hours of Oore Galore 3 I2'40, 4 10. 7 K>. 9:40 * eat regularly in the dining areas on campus! r Limited Seating Adm. $5.00 S =l 11111111 M 1111 ■ 1111111= DON'T SIGN UP Some students may find that they are spending FOR A STUDENT too fast and others not fast enough. LOAN UNTIL YOU SIGN UP HERE. I his handy reference guide was created to help you budget your "Quantum 90" dollars. ft ir

If you find that you are running low. vou may .Hid money to your account by;sending a (heck to the Bursar or utilizing the charge option Ix-ginning November 16 on these pl*ms

Any (vu'".tiorw?'Coll University Food Operations cit 37? 2891 -rr-T-' Friday. Oclobei 19, 1990


DAYTIMEMORNING OCTOBER 19,1990 - OCTOBER 25,1990 5.00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 a PMMag Business News This Morning Sally Jessy Raphael Geraldo Price 0 Sign-ON Com d FIT Wok With Yan Mr Oiessup Sesame St 0 Sign-Off Com d CBS News News This Morning Pec Court Trump Card Family Feud Wh Fortune Price CD Sign-Orl Ag-Day News NBC News TodayQ Sally Jessy Raphael Make Deal Concentr Ten rniiii m Sign-Off Com d ABC News Good Morning America Q Live Regis & Kathie Lee Joan Rivers Home m Sign-Off Com d Business Homestretch Sesame Street g Instructional Programming GD Sign-0« Cont'd Homestretch Contact Sesame Street g Institutional Programming m Sign-Off Com d Muppets Ninja Turtles Melodies Gl Joe Woody Robert Tillon 700 Club TBA @D Father News Varied Video Power Gl Joe DuckTales Gummi B Menace Happy Days Laverne Bewitched Webster Jeffersons

ESPN Varied Getting Fit In Motion Nation s Busi less Today SportsCti Varied Programs Gelling Ftt TMC Movie Com d Movie I Movie I Movie

DAYTIMEAFTERNOON 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Price News Young and the Restless Bold Bea As the World Turns Guiding Light Joker s Wild Challengers Donahue O Sesame St Midday Country Praclice Coronalion Take the High Road Dolt Alice Dang* Bay Video Hits Five Thirty CD Price Newsg Young and the Restless iBoid Sea As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winlrey g Golden Girls Cosby Show CD Marsha W News Generations Days ol Our Lives g Another World Santa Barbara Gro Pains ALFg Donahue m Home Match Game Loving g All My Children One Lile to Live General Hospital Geraldo Hard Copy News m Instructional varied Inslruclional Programming Varied Reading Sesame Street IJ Mr Rogers Varied 0D Instiuclional Instiuclional Programming Movie Animals Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Sq 1 TV m Varied Jeannie Laverne Odd Couple Too Close New Beaver Flmistones Peter Pan DuckTales Chip-Dale Tiny Toon Highway lo Heaven g m Newsline H mooner 1 Love Lucy Andy Griffith B Hillbillies Quiz Kids Chipmunks Peter Pan Chip-Dale Tale Spin Tiny Toon Head Clss Facts ol Lite ESPN Training In Motion Bodyshape Varied Programs Tiucks Varied TMC Movie Movie |Vaned [Movie [varied Movie Varied Programs

M m THE Celebrate aapuEaa 50 years COPY SHOP of the 117 East Court St. B.C. 352-4068 American I

more than just copies ! "> *S' VOUNO'S NEWSSTAND £ Get the BEST PRICE — Call Us Tour Of* SlopNawt Hrttmln Copying • Printing • Typesetting 1T« J. Mala 111-1174 1 Screen Printing • Word Processing $2.00 OH * Trophies • Plaques • Certifirat^ with this od S Fridoy. October 19. 1990 ihSlDER) r:^ »i^"l FR IDAY EVENING OCTOBER 19,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12;30 Q News CBS News PM Mag World Series Baseball Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates at Oakland As News Newhart Arsenio Hall

O News Front Page Chance Street Legal Anne Murray's Greatest Hits. Volume 2 Journal News Good Rockm' Tonite Horse Mth

A News CBS News Wli Fortune Jeopardy1 World Series Baseball Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates at Oakland As News Edition Tonight 9 News NBC News Ent Tonight Night Court Quantum Leap Night Court Wings Midnight Caller News Tonight Show Letterman

9 Personalities ABC News Cur Altair Family Feud Full House Family Strangers Full House 20/20 Arsenio Hall Nightiine Spotlight 9 Siteamside Business MacNeil/lehrer Newshoor Wash Week Wa 1 St Doctor Who EaslEnders Race to Save the Planet

BD MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business McLaughlin Wash Week Wall St Great Performances Vincent Van Gogh ■ Belvedere Charles Boss? Mama America s Most Wanted OEA Star Trek Nexl Gener Barney M Twil Zone Movte: Fraternity Row (ft Gro Pains Family Ties Boss' Boss? America's Most Wanted OEA News M'A-S'H Preview Hunter

am Sports Sportslook SportsCtr NFL Great NFL s Greatest Moments Double Dutch League Great American Events SpeedWeek SportsCtr Auto Racing

TMC Mac and Me Cont 0 Movie Erik Ihe Viking Movie Hot Pursuit' Movie sen. es. and videotape

SATURDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER 20,1990 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 o Bill « Ted Pee-wee College Football Florida State at Auburn College Football: Miami at Notre Dame o Sesame Street Anything Disability Gardener Frsh'n Driver s Seat Auto Racing Sportsweekend o Bin & Ted PM-WM College Football Teams to Be Announced College Football: Miami at Notre Dame IS Saved-Bell Guys Saturday Videos KKI n Play School Ouir Telecast Vic Tanny Cheers PGA Goll Walt Disney World-Oldsmobiie Golt Classic a Bugs & Tweety Little Rosey Scooby Doo Super Mem Williams TV Williams TV Beauty Roboins College Football: Teams to Be Announced 9 N Dupree La Cookin Cooking Garden Gourmet Old House Woodwright Hometime Is It Antique Tracks Austin City Limits Ramona Long Ago 6D Vets Only Outdoors MotorWeek Streamside Old House Garden Woodwnght Hometime Gourmet Food Is II Antique Alexander Tracks Cartoonm 9 WWF Wrestling College Football Rutgers at Syracuse Sunglasses TBA Tiny Toon Dummy New Beaver 9 Grade Beauty Movie The Alamo" Movie: "Lone Star' New Lassie Charles EIM Events College Gameday College Football Iowa at Michigan Scoreboard College Football Alabama at Tennessee

TMC Mannequin Movie Physical Evidence [Short Film Movie: CoW Feet Movie Iron Eagle II "F/X

SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O College Football News Electric World Series Baseball Gncmnat Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates at Oakland As News Movie Semi-Tough' o Saturday Report Real Fishing Don Cherry NHL Hockey Chicago Btackhawks at Toronto Maple Leals News Night Music 9 College Football News Cash Exp World Series Baseball Cincinnat Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates at Oakland A's News Star Search 9 News NBC News Entertainment Tonight Parenthood Working-Out Golden Girls Empty Nest Carol & Co Dreamer News Saturday Night Live 9 College Football Current Affair Extra Movie Adventures in Babysitting Twin Peaks Arsenio Hall American Gladiators 9 Degrassi Club Lawrence We* Show Movie: Looking lor Miracles' Land 0 Loons Club Date Austin City Limils SD European Tony Brown Lawrence Welk Show Movie: "Looking lor Miracles'' Movie: ' Twelve O Clock High

9 Belvedere Charles Bossi Mama Video Haywire Cops Chronicles Star Trek Comic Strip Live Amityville The Demon 9 Preview Emergency Star Trek Next Gener Video Haywire Cops Chronicles Comic Strip Live New Music Movie Vice Squad ESPN College Football Scoreboard College Foott ■all Florida State at Auburn Football Scoreboard SportsCtr Senior PGA Golt

TMC Movie F/X Cont'd Movie Man lequin JMovie "sex. lies, and videotape Movie Trip Surrogate \ insiDERi -^**< UBk. •»"* H % SUNDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER 21,1990 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Jesse Jackson SportsCtr NFL Today NFL FooibaH New Orleans Saints at Houston Oilers Sports Express Emergency o Coronation Best Years Meeting Place Canada Hymn Sing Sportsweekend CFL Football British Columbia Lions al Edmonton Eskimos CD Real Estate Nick Saban J Cooper NFL Today NFL Football Regional coverage Kingdom Showcase Newsmakers ID Shut-ins Mass Michigan NFL Live NFL Football Denver Broncos al Indianapolis Colts NFL Football Steelers at 49ers ffl Tomorrow Week-David Brink ley Close-Up Business Home Again Wrthams TV Paid Prog Snakmaster Movie Salvador Siskel

0 College Football Ohio State at Purdue Wall St Oebul Issues Ohio Election Special One on One McLaughlin Firing Line Market CO Long Ago Newtons Firing Line Adam Smith Civil War Makme Issues Ohio Election Special NalCole Health o Kitchenmate Twin Star Movie The Kid From Lett Field Movw "My Friend Irma Charles Out ol World Secret ID Superboy SD American Gladiators Star Trek Ne»t Gener Movie: 'The Gauntlet' Star Search Lilestyles-Rich Preview ESM Reporters Gameday NFL Gameday Road Race Horse Racing Budweiser International Auto Racing CART 300K Senior PGA Gotl

IMC Movie Pretty in Pink Contd |Mov«e; Bat 21" |P»ct. Show Movie: Hero and the Terror Married to the Mob

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News 60 Minutes World Series Baseball Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates al Oakland As New, Siskel Insport Arsenio Had o Bonanza Family Hour Movie "The Little Kidnappers'' Venture News Hammer House ol Horror o News CBS News 60 Minutes World Series Baseball Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates at Oakland A's News Movie When Dreams Come True' ID NFL Football Hull High Movie The Love She Sought' NBC News Special News Byron AHen News © ABC News Video World ol Discovery Videos Funniest Movie: The Bride in Black Editors Robbms Doctor Is In

9 Lawrence We* Show Geographic Nature Masterpiece Theatre Seasons ol Lile Ideas Defense Sign-On m Ideas Goes to War Austin City Limits Nature Race to Save the Planet Masterpiece Theatre No. Hon TV News NPPA Awards 69 Star Trek Ne«l Genet True Colors Parker L In Color Gel a ble Married GoodGnel Come Ship Live Super Force Fn the 13th Series Twil Zone

CD Slar Trek True Colors Parker L In Color Gel a Life Marrwd GoodGnel Comic Strip Live M'A'S'H M'A'S'H K Copeland Children

EM Senior PGA Golf NFL Pnmetime Auto Racing NASCAR Winston Cup - AC Delco 500 SportsCemer NFL Pnmetime

TUC Married to the Mob Movie: sex, lies, and videotape Movie Pretty in Pink Movie: Hero and the Terror

MONDAY EVENING OCTOBER 22,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PMMag Uncle Buck Major Dad Murphy B loesign W Trials of Rosie O'Neill News Newhart Arsenio Hall o News Monitor Mom. P 1 AHo. AlkJi Degrassi We II Meet Again Journal News SCTV Persuaders hiews CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy' Uncle Buck Maior Dad Murphy B Design W Trials of Rosie O'Neill News Edition Tonight CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Night Court Fresh Prince Ferns B Movie: Extreme Close-Up News Tonight Show Letter man 9 Personalities ABC News Cur Allan Family Feud MacGyver NFL Football Cincinnati Bengals al Cleveland Browns Arsenio Hall S Business Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Survival American Experience Time ol Our Lives EastEnders Nature 60 MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Wild Am. Survival American Experience Tme ol Our Lives Served' Mysleryl

60 Belvedere Charles Boss' Mama Movie: On Golden Pond Star Trek Next Gener Barney M Twil Zone Movie Aces High 89 Gro Pains Family Ties Boss? Boss' Movie. A Fistful Ol Dollars News M'A*S*H Preview Hunter ESI* MotoworW SporlsLook SportsCtr Motorweek Match-up Mon Mag Bodyboardmg Jet Skiing World Finals Scuba SportsCtr NFL s Greatest Moments

mc Movie High Spirits Movie Dead Poets Society IMOVW: The Package 1 Mamlesto

HAIR UNLIMITED EASYSTREET C ■ Jifll.lUl?rl!lUiBr? 143 W. WOOSTER 353-3281 Quality Hair Care at 104 S. Main St. " 353-0988 Reasonble Prices • Guys cuts always $8.00 Live Classic Rock • Nexxus Products available We Have Something CRUNCH BAND Performing this Friday & Saturday THE TANNING CENTER For Everyone 3 convenient locations • * • • • - 143 W. Wooster For Sweetest Day! Coming next week: - 248 N. Main % TUBS. 23rd CUnEWEST - 993 S. Main 42* CAST WOOSTCR STREET TELEPHONE 141*1 353-1049 Wed. 24111 FIGURE BROUID Your Tanning Professionals ■ OWLINQ GREEN OHIO 43402 DOSTER since 1980 t msiDERJ U7m*^c*« ^^- —- - • ™ TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 23,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PMMag World Series Baseball Oakland A s at Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates News Newhan Arsenio Hall o News Baoar Airwaves Filth Estate Market PI Man Ahve Journal News SCTV Rtsmg Damp ID News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy' World Series Baseball Oakland A s at Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates News Edition Tonight O News NBC News En! Tonight Night Court Matlock In the Heal ol the Night Law & Order News Tontght Show Letter man flD Personalities ABC News Cur Affair Family Feud Boss' Head Clss Roseanne Coach thwtysornething Arsenio Hall Nightline Rick Dees 1 m By Numbe»s Business MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Nova Frontline Power m the Pacific EaslEnders Ohio Bus Mystery m MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Business Wild Am Nova Frontline Cezanne Bathers Served' Masterpiece heatre 0 Belvedere Charles »css> Mama Movie. Hanky Panky Star Trek Next Gener Barney M Twil Zone Movie Bootleggers 0D Gro Pam$ Family Ties Boss'' Boss'' Movie Howard the Duck News M'A'S'H Preview Hunter

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WEDNESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 24,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PM Mag World Series Baseball Oakland A s at Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates News Newhan Arsenio Hall O News B combers Stories Night Heat Nature ol Things Journal News SCTV My Girl ID News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardyi World Series Baseball Oakland A s at Cincinnati Reds or Pittsburgh Pirates News Edition Tonight ID News NBC News Enl Tonight Night Court Unsolved Mysteries Fanelli Boys Dear John Hunler News Tonight Show Letterman S> Personalities ABC News Cur Aftair Family Feud Wonder Y Gro Pains Ooogie H Marred P Cop Rock Arsenio Hall Nightline Rick Dees m By Numbers Business MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Russell Indonesia Heroes EastEnders Art Beat Mystery" ■ MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Business Wild Am Russell Indonesia Heroes Served'' American Experience QB Belvedere Charles Boss'' NBA Preseason Basketball Detroit Pistons at New York Kmcks Star Trek Next Generation Barney M Twil Zone Journey Into Fear © Gro Pains Family Ties Boss' NBA Preseason Basketball: Detroit Pistons at New York Knicks News M'A'S'H Preview Hunter

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TMC Movie Hot Pursuit Movie Married to the Mob" Movie. To Die For Movie Mannequin

THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER 25,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PM Mag Top Cops Flash Doctor Knots Landing News Newhan Arsenio Hall o News On Road Emergency Adnenne ClanVson CODCO Kids m the Hall Journal News Night at the Races 1 Laugh ID News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardyi Top Cops Flash Doctor Knots Landing News Edition Tonight ID News NBC News Ent Tonight Night Court Cosby Show Oil Work) Cheers Grand LA Law News Tonight Show Letterman ® Personalities ABC News Cur Allan Family Feud Father Dowhng Mysteries Gabriel s Fire Primetime Live Arsenio Hall Nightline Rick Dees Py Numbers Business MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am Butterflies Mystery1 EaslEnders Journal Frontline o MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Business Wild Am Thurs Nile Old House Mystery' Served Thurs Nile Ideas 69 Belvedere Charles Boss' Mama Simpsons Babes Beverly Him, 90210 Star Trek Next Gener Barney M Twil Zone The Corsean Brothers m Gro Pams Family Ties Boss' Boss' Simpsons Babes Beverly Hills. 90210 News M'A'S'H Preview Hunter ESPN Thbreds SponsLook SportsCenier Boxing Michael Carbajal v Luis Monzote LPBT Bowling Lady Eboni e Classic SponsCir Auto Racing Off-Road

TMC Movie Touch ol Evil Movie: Hero and the Terror Movie sex, lies, and vide< tape Fright Night Pan 2

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