Have I Got News for You! Unit Assessment

1. True or False?

___ 1. was considered a prototype for .

___ 2. Anna was the who was consulted by King .

___ 3. was a boy when he received his call from God

___ 4. At Mt. Horeb, God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush.

___ 5. was called to preach to the poor in the land of Samaria.

___ 6. lived in after the exile to Babylon.

___ 7. Prophecies in the Old Testament were used to understand parables in the New Testament.

___ 8. sang a song of joy after the crossing of the Red Sea.

___ 9. went to Tarshish and saved the people of that city.

___ 10. Jeremiah said God was angry because the Hebrews hadn’t kept their covenant.

2. Match the left column with the correct item from the right column.

1. Ninevah ___ a. Amos’ home 2. River Jordan ___ b. Haggai’s concern 3. 587 BCE ___ c. Hated 4. Jezebel ___ d. John the Baptist 5. Tekoa ___ e. Boy king 6. Mount Horeb ___ f. Moses received his call 7. King Josiah ___ g. Prophet characteristic 8. Zedekiah ___ h. Place of Hebrew exile 9. Judah ___ i. Jonah prophesied here 10. Nazarite vow ___ j. verified “a book of the law” as authentic 11. Babylon ___ k. The last king before the exile 12. Huldah ___ l. prophesied about the Messiah 13. Rebuilt Temple ___ m. the fall of Jerusalem 14. Intercessor ___ n. Jesus began his ministry here 15. ___ o. The Southern Kingdom

Have I Got News for You!: Unit Assessment 142 Have I Got News for You! Unit Assessment, p. 2

Choose five of the following questions and answer them as fully as possi- ble. Use lined paper for your written responses.

3. Choose one of the prophets studied this quarter. Give the prophet’s train- ing, if any, and background. Describe the setting in which the prophet worked, the audience, and what was happening at the time. Briefly summarize that prophet’s main message.

4. Name one of the women prophets and explain why she was considered a prophet. If you chose a woman for question #3, choose a different woman prophet for this answer.

5. Explain how some of the prophecies in the Old Testament were used in the New Testament.

6. Compare and contrast the prophetic messages of Amos and Jonah. What are the similarities and differences?

7. If it is true that prophetic messages in the Bible are still relevant today, explain what relevance Haggai’s message has for us.

8. Explain the prophetic and ministry relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus. Include some of their main themes they spoke about, their calls to ministry and what role each played in the life of the other.

9. This question has two parts: A. List and explain the characteristics of a prophet. B. How did Moses fulfill these characteristics?

10. Have there been prophets since the Bible was written? Briefly describe a historical, non-biblical character that you feel may have been a prophet and sup- port your claim.

Have I Got News for You!: Unit Assessment 143 ANSWER KEY—Unit Assessment

1. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T

2. 1. i 9. o 2. n 10. d 3. m 11. h 4. c 12. j 5. a 13. b 6. f 14. g 7. e 15. l 8. k

3. Answers will vary. Give points if students name a prophet, give the prophet’s training and/or background, describe the prophet’s setting, the audience, what was happening at the time, and the prophet’s main message.

4. —leader (judge) and prophet —led an army when her general would not do it —was a judge in the tradition of Moses, settling disputes Miriam —sister to Moses —cared for her brother when he was a baby. (This isn’t a prophetic act, but was already showing Miriam’s responsibility and loving care of others.) —sang a song celebrating the defeat of Pharaoh’s army —took her brother to task over his marriage and contracted leprosy as a judgment from God against her. (This is in the teacher background but isn’t really covered on the Meet the Prophets page or in the lesson. Consider giving students extra credit if they include it here.) Huldah —lived in the time of Josiah —was consulted when a Book of Law (probably Deuteronomy) was found in the temple —prophesied destruction of the people for being unfaithful —said that because of Josiah’s faithfulness, God would not punish the people while he still lived

Have I Got News for You!: Unit Assessment Answer Key 144 Anna —not much is known about her —she is called a prophet in the scriptures —was worshipping in the temple when Jesus’ parents brought him in —prophesied that Jesus was the “redemption of

5. Some of the prophesies from the Old Testament were used in the New Testament to prove the legitimacy of the claims that Christ was the Messiah.

6. Similarities: —Jonah and Amos both prophesied about how the people receiving the message were not acting according to God’s desires. —Both prophets were called from their homeland to another country. —Both had no training as prophets. —Both prophets stated that consequences for not repenting would be serious. Differences: —Amos obeyed his call; Jonah tried to resist it. —Amos prophesied to Hebrews, Jonah to Gentiles. —Amos’ audience did not respond; Jonah’s did respond and repented. —Amos was doubted by the king’s court; Jonah was not.

7. Haggai cited the people’s distraction with building homes for themselves and for- getting about God’s temple.Today we often get caught up in acquiring things and possessions, and forget about God and worshipping God.

8. Note: It will be difficult for students to know all of the information included below. Concentrate on the parts in bold. John the Baptist was the precursor to Jesus. He prepared people to be favorably disposed to the more radical message Jesus would bring. John indicated that people could find forgiveness through individual repentance, as opposed to the complicated system in place at the temple in Jerusalem.Jesus also talked about God as accessible to the people, without the need for priests. John talked about justice, as did Jesus. John gave the people reason for hope, as did Jesus. Both were selected from birth to play their roles—John through a vision to his father Zechariah, and Jesus through the announcement to Mary before she conceived, the announcement to the shepherds on the night of his birth, and in other ways. Jesus and John were cousins, but more than that, John was to prepare the people for the coming of the promised Messiah. It was John who, through the act of baptism, launched Jesus’ ministry. John used his popularity to point people to Jesus as one greater than he. In effect, John gave away his power so Jesus might become the center of people’s attention. Consequently, Jesus was able to build on the foundation that John had laid.

9. A. Students may have answers from either lesson #1 or lesson #3. They should have any three of the following: Lesson #1: —A person who acts as God’s messenger speaking God's will to a people —One who speaks for another (especially for a deity) —One who gets words from God in person, in a dream, or by other revelation —A “seer” (1 Chronicles 29:29)

Have I Got News for You!: Unit Assessment Answer Key 145 —Someone to whom God has revealed secrets (Amos 3:7) —Someone who interprets the current situation in light of God’s will (Forth teller) —A sentinel or watchman (Jeremiah 6:17) Lesson #3: —Called by God —Addresses present socio-political situation —Gives God’s message —Predicts the future —Intercessor

B. Students should have three characteristics of Moses to match the characteristics they chose in section A. Moses was called by God in the burning bush. He acted as God’s messenger to the people, explaining that God’s will was to set them free. Moses spoke for God to Pharaoh. Moses interceded for the people when they sinned in the wilderness. God revealed many things to Moses only, since Moses spent so much time alone with God—at the burning bush, in between plagues, on Mt Sinai, in the Tent of Meeting when God descended as a cloud. Moses predicted the future; he told the people God would free them from slavery; he told them they would wander in the wilderness for their doubts; he told them God would lead them to the Promised Land.

10. Answers will vary.

Have I Got News for You!: Unit Assessment Answer Key 146