Why Do Self-Harm So Much?

Why do Emos self harm so much? Why are they always seemingly considering suicide and ranting about voices in their head. In this category I‟ll put posts that are related to all sorts of issues regarding mental health, cutting and suicide. None of it is to be taken seriously. If you‟re feeling suicidal please visit here. Whatever you do, don‟t put on a Joy Division or Radiohead CD otherwise that‟ll just tip you right over the edge. Literally.

The overall aim of this category is to bring some comic relief to an otherwise grim topic. So remember be safe. And if you must cut, cut cheese.

Do Self Harm Scars Make Emo People Ugly?

I guess it depends how badly you cut yourself and whereabouts on your body.

Obviously if you slice your face to bits then it‟s safe to say that you won‟t exactly be pretty looking. However on the flip side, if you simply cut yourself on your arms then it won‟t make much difference. Unless you‟ve been [...]

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Anxiety, Emo Kids And Cutting Yourself. Is The Emo Culture And Self Harm Linked?

Self Harm is a serious condition where sufferers deliberately injure themselves to allievate mental pain.

Emo‟s however typically “injure” themselves just because Gerard Way tells them to do it. This makes a mockery of an otherwise serious condition. Granted there are Emos who injure because of an underlying mental condition, but they are in the minority. A “serious” [...]

Posted in Emo Self Harm | 12 Comments »>

Emo Kid Depression Is Incurable

For some Emos, depression is a way of life rather than an actual illness. The mere thought of being happy makes these people sick to the stomach. They‟ll refuse to take their anti-depressants. They‟ll watch weepy films where the old senile woman ends up shooting her 12 cats. They‟ll listen to on [...] Posted in Emo Self Harm | 8 Comments »>

Emo Kids Die Everyday - Stop Killing Yourselves. Life Is Worth Living.

It‟s horrible to hear how Emo kids are taking their lives at an alarming rate these days. Whilst I‟m not fond of the subculture, it‟s a shame to see Emos kill themselves. It‟s obviously just a phase they‟re going through but some never manage to reach the end of the tunnel.

Whilst the Emo subculture should [...]

Posted in Emo Self Harm | 17 Comments »>

Alternatives To Emo Cutting - Razors Are For Shaving Not For Slicing

OK so as an Emo you cut. It ironically helps to ease the pain, yet it harms your body and your family assuming they manage to find out. Well there are alternatives out there to cutting that will harm you and no-one else and I‟ve listed them below.

Watch all of Michael Moore‟s films back to [...]

Posted in Emo Self Harm | 18 Comments »>

Tickle Me Emo - The Depressed Cousin of Elmo

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video This is brilliant although unfortunately it seems to be missing an attempted suicide facility. Imagine if you were showing grandma this at Christmas and it just blew up. She‟d be picking bits of „Emo‟ out of her face for the rest of her life, [...]

Posted in Emo Self Harm | 7 Comments »>

A Day In The Life Of An Atheist Emo Kid.

7am : I wake up. The sun comes up another day begins and I‟m not even worried about the state I‟m in. I stare in the mirror and see a fat shapeless entity with no cheekbones. I shed my first tear of the day. How did I get like this? Where did it all go [...]