Bulbs of Winter Page 13
Printed using recycled fiber Bulbs of Winter Page 13 Middleburg’s Only Locally Owned and Operated Newspaper Volume 8 Issue 9 www.mbecc.com December 15, 2011 ~ January 26, 2012 Christmas in Middleburg Vintage Christmas Daniel Morrow Salamander Construction Resumes Dinner Dance Page 26 iddleburg Town Council, the Middleburg Business Asso- In a December 8 presentation to ciation, and the independent Town Council, Salamander Hospitality Christmas In Middleburg or- President Prem Devadas reported that con- ganization declared this year’s December 3 struction on the long-awaited Salamander Mcelebration one of the best in years. Inn and Spa was once again moving for- Crowds estimated as large as ten to ward, with April, 2013, set as the target twelve thousand took advantage what mer- date for opening. chants described as “perfect” weather to A recession-driven nation-wide de- take in the annual morning Hunt parade, the cline in the luxury resort business had led longest and most diverse Christmas Parade Salamander to an earlier decision to delay in memory, and a host of related events be- construction and staffing of the facility. fore and after. Water problems, in large part caused Some shops reported their best sales by leaking around scores of custom-built day ever. Restaurants were booked solid. windows, led to further delays. Even traffic flow and parking were reported Those issues, Devadas reported, to be working well. Visitors were greeted have been resolved. by well-marked streets, a well-prepared More important, he said, the resort police force, reinforced by extra Sheriff’s business seems to be improving nationally, deputies, and a host of volunteers.
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