"World turning, I gotta get my feet back on the ground".....fabulous lyrics by !

I had the fun task of completing my tax return this morning (one of the many bizarre things about being a vicar!) and there's nothing like completing your tax return to remind us that the world is still turning - life still goes on despite the challenges that we currently face. It is one of my least favourite tasks in the year - I need to make sure that I have everything in order because no one likes to be accused by the tax man of missing paperwork!

Thankfully, it is not just my tax return that reminds us that the world is still turning; the cherry trees in the garden are full of blossom, spring has sprung, the sun still rises and my children still (occasionally!) argue.

And gloriously of course, the Lord Jesus is still alive. He has risen! He has defeated death and made it possible for us to have a perfectly restored relationship with God!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for one or both of the services on Sunday. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the greatest truth in history - that God loves us so much he was willing to send his one and only Son to die for us.

The apostle Paul, when writing to a bunch of Christians in Colossae (modern day Turkey) reminded them of all of the above (not the tax return bit though!).

He reminds them that '...for in him (Jesus) all things were created....and in him all things hold together (that's the world is still functioning bit!)....and through him to reconcile himself to all things....by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross (that's the restored relationship bit).' Colossians 1

Easter reminds us that God has never lost control of his creation. He has always been and will always be in perfect control. The world will continue to turn, I will still continue to pay tax, the seasons will continue to come and go and wonderfully, Jesus continues to be at work in each and every person that he has rescued so that '[he] will present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation' .

If my tax return is incomplete, there is the possibility that the tax man will accuse me of not paying what is due; not so with Jesus. There will be no accusation against those he has saved.

That is the Easter message. If you couldn't join us on Sunday, the service is still on the website (you can skip my singing if you like!).

We are Easter people; we live this side of the cross - tell everyone!

We'll be having another prayer meeting this week - Thursday at 8.00pm for about 40 mins or so. I'd love you to join us:

In the same song, Fleetwood Mac sing "I just wanna be back where I belong" - gloriously that has been made possible for us because of Jesus's death and resurrection. We are back where we belong - in an eternally perfect relationship with God. Alleluia. Christ is risen!

As we close, a prayer:

Lord God How great are my privileges in Christ Jesus! Without him, I stand far off, a stranger, an outcast; in him, I draw near and touch his kingly sceptre. Without him I dare not lift up my guilty eyes; in him, I gaze upon my Father-God and friend. Without him darkness spreads its horrors in front; in him an eternity of glory is my boundless horizon. Thank you! Amen

Sleep well

With all my love and prayers
