Geographia Polonica Vol. 92 No. 4 (2019), the Role and Importance of Promotion Centers in Creating the Image of Tourist Destinat

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Geographia Polonica Vol. 92 No. 4 (2019), the Role and Importance of Promotion Centers in Creating the Image of Tourist Destinat Geographia Polonica 2019, Volume 92, Issue 4, pp. 443-454 INSTITUTE OF GEOGRAPHY AND SPATIAL ORGANIZATION POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF PROMOTION CENTERS IN CREATING THE IMAGE OF TOURIST DESTINATION: ROMANIA Grigore Vasile Herman1 • Jan A. Wendt2 • Răzvan Dumbravă1 • Maria Gozner1 1 Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport University of Oradea 1st University Street, 410 087 Oradea: Romania e-mails: [email protected][email protected][email protected] 2 Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, Institute of Geography Gdańsk University Bażyńskiego Str. 4, 80-309 Gdańsk: Poland e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The expansion of tourism at regional and global levels requires considerable efforts from those involved, if tourist-destination management is to be optimized. In that context, the purpose of the work underpinning this article has been to emphasize and quantify the roles and functions that responding examples of Romania’s Tourist Information and Promotion Centers play and serve, as they seek to create and promote for their country the image of attractive tourist destination. Indicators taken account of in the work relate to tasks set out in the domestic legislation put in place to accredit the said National Tourist Information and Promotion Centers. Results obtained using the questionnaire method, though limited quantitatively (to just the 35 out of 110 Cent- ers that responded positively to the research team’s request), are suggestive in qualitative terms, providing valuable information that successfully reflects the role and importance of Centers of this kind in outlining and developing the image of Romania as a destination for tourists. Key words promotion center • tourism destination • local tourist products • destination imaging • Romania Introduction treatment and leisure, and auxiliary ameni- ties) and having well-defined tourist functions Tourist destinations are territorial entities in the territory, that are capable of attracting possessing infrastructure (accommodation and retaining potential tourists for a longer units and gastronomy outlets, settings for or shorter time (Tamma 2002; Dela & Aria 444 Grigore Vasile Herman et al. 2016). The genesis, evolution and dynamics national tourist products, as a free service; of tourist destinations depend on a number (g) cooperation with local and regional insti- of factors, not least transport infrastruc- tutions on tourism issues (local public admin- ture (Bieger & Wittmer 2006; Ilieş & Grama istration authorities, chambers of commerce, 2010; Więckowski et al. 2014; Matoga & the Agency for Regional Development etc.); Pawłowska 2018; Rosik et al. 2018), tourist (h) cooperation with the central public author- infrastructure (Khadaroo & Seetanah 2008; ity for tourism and providing, at its request, Kapera 2018), the weather (Martin 2005; statistical data referring to the local and Lindner-Cendrowska 2013), the perceptions regional tourist flow, data referring to events of tourists (Beerli & Martıín 2004; Cracolici with a role in increasing the tourist flow which & Nijkamp 2009; Ilies et al. 2017; Toral et al. are accomplished on local and regional lev- 2018; Wendt et al. 2019), and competition els, as well as providing other information between destinations (Fyall et al. 2012; Ilies referring to tourist activities and tourist et al. 2012; Dwyer et al. 2014; Mendola & offer on local and regional levels; (i) carrying Volo 2017; Sainaghi et al. 2017; Gómez-Vega on market research activities on local and & Picazo-Tadeo 2019). All these defining fac- regional levels, activities of analysis, plan- tors – and the mutations to which they are ning, structuring and elaborating proposals subject – lead to evolutionary transforma- for local and regional tourism development tions of tourist destinations (Saarinen 2001, and tourism marketing, in cooperation with 2004; Mariani 2014). authorities of the local public administration Against this background, an important and with the central public authority for tour- role in depicting tourist destinations and ism; (j) providing information regarding the shaping specific images thereof is that played competent authorities in solving the locally by centers charged with providing tourists registered complaints regarding the quality with information and engaging in the promo- of tourism services” (Order 1096 of 2008, tion of tourism. In the Romanian context, “the indented line 4.1). national Tourist Information and Promotion The successful pursuit of the tasks listed Centers are specialized services which func- above, by staff involved in information man- tion under the guidance of local and county agement and the promotion of tourist desti- councils and, if the case, in cooperation with nations, constitutes a special aspiration with the Ministry for Small and Medium Enterpris- implications for the influencing of tourist es, Commerce, Tourism and Liberal Jobs” (as behaviour (Tierney 1993; Fesenmaier 1994; legislated in Order 1096 of 2008, indented Connell & Reynolds 1999; Cai et al. 2004; line 1.3). In turn, the law provides that their Wong & McKercher 2011). Analysis of relevant tasks are: “(a) general information regard- specialist literature reveals how tourists are ing the tourist offer and the local, regional variously motivated as they exert a demand or national tourist attractions; (b) providing for information on tourist destinations. The tourists with local, regional or national pro- most frequent aspects to be noted are nev- motion materials; (c) to inform, as a free ser- ertheless: the identification and evaluation vice, about the local accommodation offer; of options prior to purchase (Moutinho 1987); (d) to inform about the possibilities to book the enhancement in terms of quality of the act transportation tickets, as well as about the that tourism represents (McIntosh & Goeld- local, national and specialized tourist guides; ner 1990); optimized allocation of available (e) organizing tourism exhibition activities resources (Gitelson & Crompton 1983; Capella on local and regional levels and general & Greco 1987; Fodness & Murray 1997, 1999; activities of internal and external marketing Ilieş et al. 2010), etc. Thus, “tourist information with a role in increasing the local and region- centers represent the interface between the al tourist flow; (f) providing advice regard- tourism industry of a tourist destination and ing the choice of various local, regional and tourists” (Chaşovschi et al. 2016: 21). Geographia Polonica 2019, 92, 4, pp. 443-454 The role and importance of Promotion Centers in creating the image of tourist… 445 Under the above circumstances, and possibility of contact being made with tour- taking as its starting points such a theoreti- ist guides; the organization of tourism-exhi- cal interface role, as well as the existence bition events at local level, or of other inter- of a bond between tourists and tourist des- nal or external marketing activities seeking tinations, and the tasks structures of the Pro- to increase tourist flows locally or regionally; motion Center have in promoting tourist des- recommended local tourist products; local tinations, the current study can be considered tourist traffic; “market research activities to stand out both quantitatively and qualita- on local and regional level, activities of analy- tively. In essence, the working hypothesis sis, planning, structuring and elaboration present from the outset has been that, in line of local and regional tourism development with attributions it is there to fulfill, a Tourist and tourism marketing proposals, in coop- Information and Promotion National Center eration with authorities of the local public (TIPNC) is indeed a key factor in the creation administration and with the central public and promotion of the image of a tourist desti- authority for tourism” (Order 1096 of 2008); nation from a certain area, with the destina- and the existence of tourist destinations. Con- tion in this case being Romania. To this end, sultations with representatives of the Centers an attempt at an evaluation of the role and on these topics involved Centers and Contact importance of such Centers has been made. Persons being invited to provide necessary information by accessing the said question- Work methodology naire, referring to “the role and importance of Tourism Promotion and Information Cent- The work described here draws on the results ers in creating the tourist destination image”. of consultations run between 1st October In passing, but also in some sense cru- 2017 and 20th April 2018 with representa- cially, it may be noted that the information tives of Romanian Tourist Information and referred to above, albeit requested in a more Promotion Centers financed through the comprehensive or exhaustive manner, is of the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013; kind that Center employees are expected or Priority axis: 5. Sustainable development indeed required to provide to anyone request- and tourist promotion; Major intervention ing it. It may thus be of particular relevance domain: 5.3. The promotion of tourist poten- to note that, out of the 110 Tourism Promo- tial and the creation of necessary infrastruc- tion and Information Centers contacted, only ture, in order to increase the attractiveness 35 responded positively, i.e. just 32% of the of Romania as a tourist destination. The rele- total. It is thus by reference to the 35 Centers
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