Hamilton Place Project Narrative

Hamilton Place is the proposed mixed-use development on the 3-acre infill site at the northeast corner of State Street and Richards Street, Geneva, Illinois. It is adjacent to a variety of uses including retail, commercial, industrial and residential. This development project will feature a mix of uses and a range of housing types:

• Retail – 4,982 sf • – 20 units located above the retail space • Single Family – 16 homes facing landscaped • Townhomes – 6 townhomes facing landscaped

The Hamilton Place development is consistent with the Goals and Objectives of the Geneva Comprehensive Plan. As proposed in the Community Appearance and Character section of the Plan, Hamilton Place will be a front-, pedestrian-friendly community, with tree-lined streets and landscaped homes and common areas.

StreetScape USA is the developer for the residential component of the project. Its “How Do You Live” design approach allows purchasers a wider range of choices regarding the details of their home than the typical builder provides. StreetScape will be using a new technology platform, provided by DIGIBILT Inc, that will take digitical control of the process to deliver a higher quality product, at an accelerated schedule. A further benefit of utilizing DIGIBILT’s technology is that every home at Hamilton Place will be certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). This certification is the first of its kind. Each home will also have a BILTiDTM which is like a VIN for a , and will provide home purchasers long-term access to information about the construction and components of their homes.

The goal of this project is to design a community for the future generation of consumers who will be purchasing new homes – consumers who will appreciate a “Better, not Bigger” approach – and to create a community for multi-generational living that embraces technology, sustainability and a sense of neighborliness.

Hamilton Place Narrative 1 2/15/19 Single Family Homes

There are 16 Single Family Homes in the Hamilton Place development. Homes are on lots that are 29’ wide and one of three approximate depths:

• Lot Type A – 29’ x 150’ (4 lots are this size) • Lot Type B – 29’ x 125’ (9 lots are this size, plus one lot that is 125’ deep, but irregular widths) • Lot Type C – 29’ x 100’ (3 lots are this size)

Each has a 2-car with at least a 6’ apron. There are options for attached or detached garages.

StreetScape Homes are designed with one side designated as the “Active Wall” and the other side as the “Quiet Wall.” The Active Wall contains all , and utility openings. The Quiet Wall of each house contains no doors, windows or utility openings. There is a 3’6” setback from the lot line at the Active Wall, and a 6” setback from the lot line at the Quiet Wall. The Active Wall of one home is always next to the Quiet Wall of the house next . There is a total distance between of 4’.

Each house has a front porch. The front setback from the lot line to the porch is 8’. The rear setback, which contains a garage apron, is 6’

The typical 2-story home has a height of 28’. If the home is 3 stories, the maximum height will be 36’.

Hamilton Place Narrative 2 2/15/19 Accessory Dwelling Units

An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) may be located over the attached or detached garage of a single family home. The architectural design of the ADU will match the primary home’s design. ADUs will be allowed only on Lot Type A (29x150) or Lot Type B (29x125). There are 4 Type A lots and 9 Type B lots. The total potential ADUs for the project is 13. The developer estimates that approximatelt 25% (4 homes) of the eligible homes will have ADUs. The ADU will be owned by the primary home owner and cannot be sold as a separate unit. There will be one common meter for both the primary home and and its ADU for each utility.

The size of an ADU will range from 400sf to 600sf. Each unit will have a separate and . Access to the ADU will be through dedicated . Following is a sketch of a potential plan:

There will be no age restrictions on the ADUs. It is understood that the ADU will be subject to land/cash impact fees.

The ADU can be rented on a short-term or long-term basis and is subject to specific requirements in the Homeowners Association. Parking spaces for any ADU will be provided by the homeowner either in the garage or on the driveway.

Hamilton Place Narrative 3 2/15/19 Townhomes

There are 6 townhomes in the Hamilton Place development. Townhomes will be 3- and approximately 2,500 square feet each. The townhomes are designed in the Craftsman style to complement the existing homes in the Geneva Historic District. Each townhome has a 2-car garage accessed by a private . There are additional dedicated parking spaces behind the townhomes dedicated to the townhome residents. The townhomes face a landscaped courtyard.

The maximum height of the townhomes is 38’. The setbacks for the 6-unit building are indicated below:

Hamilton Place Narrative 4 2/15/19 Mixed Use Building

The Mixed Use Building, a 3-story building located at the corners of State and Richards Streets, will have 4,982+/- s.f. of retail space on the first floor, 10 one-bedroom apartments on the second floor and 10 one-bedroom apartments on the third floor (See Hamilton Place Mixed-Use Building Architectural Plans for more detail). The typical unit will be 750+/- square feet.

Following is a typical apartment floor plan:

Hamilton Place Narrative 5 2/15/19 Development Standards

These are the Development Standards, as approved in the Preliminary P.U.D:

ZONING STANDARD SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE TOWN MIXED-USE FAMILY Lot FAMILY Lot FAMILY Lot HOMES BUILDING Type A Type B Type C Minimum Lot Area 4,350 s.f. 3,625 s.f. 2,900 s.f. 11.07 67.94 /Dwelling /Dwelling /Dwelling Dwelling Dwelling Unit Unit Unit Units Per Units Per Acre Acre Minimum Lot Frontage (1) 29’ 29’ 29’ n/a n/a Street Setback 3’ (Lot 10 3’ 3’ 18’ 0’ only) Side Setback 0.5’ or 3.5’ 0.5’ or 3.5’ 0.5’ or 3.5’ 34’ 0’ (4’ (4’ between (4’ between homes) between homes) homes) Rear Setback 6’ 6’ 6’ 28’ 0’ Lot Coverage 85% 85% 85% 65% 100% Building Height (2) 36’ 36’ 36’ 38’ 42’ Floor Area Ratio 1.26 1.26 1.26 .76 2.69 Number of Required Off- 2 / single 2 / single 2 / single 2 per 1 per Street Parking Spaces family family family Single apartment home; 1 / home; 1 / home; No Townhome unit ADU ADU ADUs Unit permitted Permitted/Special Uses ADU ADU ADU not none Uses per permitted permitted permitted Geneva B2 District


1) Lot #17 is a Lot Type B, since it is 125’ deep. The lot has an irregular shape, as the width at the front is less than the standard 29’, but the total lot area is larger than the typical Type B lot. 2) Lot #10 shall be restricted to 2 stories (28’).

Hamilton Place Narrative 6 2/15/19 Parking Data Table

REQUIRED PROVIDED (under current zoning) (under proposed P.U.D.) Single Family Home 2 / dwelling unit 2 / dwelling unit Accessory Dwelling Unit None noted 1 / ADU Townhome 2 / dwelling unit 2 / dwelling unit Apartments 1.5 / dwelling unit 1.0 / dwelling unit Retail 0 (per moratorium) 2 handicapped spaces Other: On-street angled spaces 0 17 Off-street parallel spaces 0 9 (reserved for townhomes) On street parallel spaces 0 17


1) Parallel parking spaces are 22’ long in lieu of zoning ordinance required 24’. It is the applicant’s engineer’s opinion that this is adequate for public parallel parking. The benefit of the shorter dimension is that 3 spaces are added. 2) There will be 2 public access handicapped spaces behind the retail building. 20 spaces will be dedicated for the apartment residences. The remaining 4 spaces are for guests of either the apartments or the retail space. 3) Parking for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) must be provided on the primary lot of the primary residence. An example is an extended driveway behind the garage.

Hamilton Place Narrative 7 2/15/19 Project Schedule

Hamilton Place will be developed in 3 phases: • Phase 1 – Site Work for the entire development and the Single Family Homes • Phase 2 – Townhomes (building only) • Phase 3 – Mixed-Use Building (building only)

The applicant is requesting approval of Phase 1 at this time. Separate requests for approval of Phases 2 and 3 will be submitted following this Phase 1 submittal package.

Phase 1 Schedule

Upon approval of the Hamilton Place Planned Unit Development, the site work for all 3 phases, plus the construction of the single family homes, will be done together. Following is the order in which the Phase 1 work will be done:

1. Clear land of designated trees and bushes 2. Installation of stormwater retention systems 3. Move overhead city electric lines to underground 4. Move overhead ComEd lines to new locations 5. Installation on water mains with stubs for each lot 6. Installation of sewer lines with stubs for each lot 7. Install street & alley curbs, gutters and base layer 8. Single family homes a. Homes on lots 2 and 3 to be built together b. As they are sold, houses to be built in order on lots 4-17 9. Sidewalks adjoining each lot will be installed after each house is built 10. Landscaping for each lot and the adjacent common area will be installed after each house is built

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