Recipient: Orange County, FL Board of County Commissioners

Letter: Greetings,

Put the students of Orange County first over special interests and build schools now.

2015-04-07 Public Hearing C8 PR-03 Patrick Spikes Comments

Name Location Date Comment

Marci Sgattoni Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 The BCC cannot continue to approve new development in this county while at the same denying schools to support the growth.

Natallia Urbanovich Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-16 I'm signing because we are in desperate need of a High School.

Stephanie Wind Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 it effects my children!!!

Karen Hughes Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-16 I am so over the delay of WOHS because of a group of selfish homeowners who already knew a school was planned before their homes were built!

Amy Bornmann Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 we need a new high school in West Orange County yesterday!!

Gene Doss Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-16 It's simple. Either approve the needed school sites, or stop approving new housing developments.

Jennifer Metcalf Satellite Beach, FL 2015-02-16 it is time for the community to come together and solve the issue with the high school.

Stacy Bishop Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 We need a School FAST!

Katie Kail Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 Our children are more valuable than our property -let's give them an environment they can learn in instead of one they can only tolerate.

Jesslyn Hernandez Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 I'm signing because I am disappointed that the proposed relief High School issue has not been resolved tor West Orange.

Sommer Martorano Winter Garden, FL 2015-Q2-16 I'm signing because my son will need a safe, less crowded high school in a year and a half. Please make this possible. His future depends on it.

Nicholas Bird Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 I believe reasonable accommodations can be made on any property.

Amanda Theall Anytowm, FL 2015-02-16 As a Future Parent of the school system it is very dismaying to see the effects of the current extreme overcrowding the school system is currently facing ... how bad will it be when it's time for my little ones? Unless things change many parents will most likely move to a less crowed school system ... taking our tax dollars with us!

Jennifer Boudreau Danville, PA 2015-02-16 I have a student in the currently overcrowded school and one who will be going next year!

RANDI LONG ApOPKA, FL 2015-02-16 I cant stand it when developments are approved but not the schools to support them. It is happening too often.

Melissa LaGreca Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 I'm signing this petition because these new schools need to be built. New housing developments need to be put on hold, until our children's educational needs are met first.

Jennifer Bird Windermere, FL 2015-02-16 I agree! The Commissioners need to stop wasting tax payer money on an appeal of something that the vast majority of people who would be affected by it want. We desperately need a high school. The plan for it to go in that spot has been in place for many years. The ''fact" (ha) sheet from the opposition is laughable. A commercial area is going in the adjacent land area which negates most of the arguments on their "fact" list anyways. Enough is enough. A school needs to go there, plain and simple. The modifications offered by the school board have been above and beyond but it's never enough for the opposition because all they really want is tor no school to go in at all. The Commissioners need to listen to and address the needs of the majority of taxpayers, not a super small group of uncompromising people. Name Location Date Comment

Maria Baird Ocoee, FL 2015-02-17 My child shouldn't have 1000 kids in her freshman class. It is wrong to build and not have a schools for the development that has been allowed to continue. If you build infrastructures should be in place to accommodate the families that purchase holes in the developed area. It isn't right to over tax the school that is currently accommodating the families that have schools in their area.

Yolanda Alzate Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-17 We need the Schools a soon as possible, education first!!!!

Nayda Hernandez Windermere, FL 2015-02-17 there is am impending need for a relief school for West Orange High

MarySue Hartman Windermere, FL 2015-02-17 You are putting our kids safety at risk with not moving toward to build additional high schools. The overcrowding is unacceptable.

Jennifer Benton Winter Garden, FL 2015-Q2-17 I'm signing because I am tired of the nonsense. We need schools built ASAP.

Karen Darn my kids need Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-17 My girls need a high shoot and I will not send them to West Orange- it will be a highschool pavlica home school if there is no new school by 2017!!! THE NEEDS OF THE MANY OUT WEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW.

Ashley Kennedy Windermere, FL 2015-Q2-17 I am signing because I am sick and tired of the blame game with schools in Orange County. A school should bring a community together not tear it apart like a new Wai-Mart.

Sharai Caplan- Pittman Orlando, FL 2015-02-17 I am signing this petition because you seem to forget that you are representing a much larger group of people other than just those few who do not want schools in their backyards. What about the tens of thousands of citizens who live in your communities who do want the schools. Please don't forget about the children who these schools would be built for. That is what this is all about. I have never lived somewhere before where the voices of the few outweighed the voices of the majority when it came to the building of much needed schools in these areas that you are allowing housing to continue to grow in. Where is the infrastructure to go along with it? If you are not going to allow the schools, then stop the growth of the communities also! You as commissioners have allowed this to happen, no be the ones to fix it!

Kelly Bradley Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-17 We need a new high school built immediately! My Son is a junior at WOHS now and has to eat lunch in his truck because you can't even begin to get close to the cafeteria! Can you imagine what it will be like at WOHS in the next few years with new students enrolling every day. I was told enrollment will be close to 5,000 by the start of school this fall. That is ridiculous and it's already so crowded you can't even walk down the halls without pushing and shoving. How can all these new homes continue to be built and sold to people with kids without a school for them to attend? We all pay taxes and this should provide for the proper education of our children and their future! They are our future and unless these wealthy homeowners that are fighting this school being built want to pay tuition for thousands of students to attend private schools then they need to mind their own business or move to the woods somewhere!!

Tina Coleman Topeka, KS 2015-02-17 Children's educations need to come first, plain and simple. Opposers need to realize that high quality schools raise the value and desirability of their property.

Karen Legner Windermere, FL 2015-02-17 I am all for the children. Lets remember them in this issue and build the much needed school as soon as possible.

Alfred Battiston Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-18 It is deplorable that the children have to try to learn in the overcrowded enviorment they have been put in. All the new homes being put in with no thought of the impact on education. It is bad now and it gets worse by the day that overcrowing is permitted to go on with no plans on how to relieve the problem. Do something now. Name Location Date Comment

Colleen Papa Windermere, FL 2015-02-18 Our childrens education needs to come first! We are now forcing them into overcrowded schools with no relief in site. I have 4 children and I hate to think that by the time my youngest is in high school we would still have need 2 additional high schools in this area. I agree with the other supporter about the lunch situation. My 1oth grader eats in the hallway or loading dock by theater dept. NO room to eat in cafeteria.

The housing situation needs to be slowed down in this area so the schools have land and time to build. Why do we have to wait on the schools? The needs of many children outweigh the few disgruntled homeowners. Plus, there will be a retail shopping area on the corner of 535! Not rural anymore. Build the school now.

Denise Kent Orlando, FL 2015-02-18 A school used to be a valued part of any community. Now, they appear to have become burdens to residents who feel like a school somehow devalues their neighborhood. Everyone likes to say they support west Orange County getting a new high school...oh, as long as it's not built next to my community. Well, the unbridled growth in our area has made it almost impossible for OCPS to find affordable land that is ready to build on. What developer wants to sell premium land to our school system when they can make much more money selling to a home builder. So, for all those residents claming that it's so easy for OCPS to find building land - it isn't! What some of our neighbors need to remember is that this is our next generation. Now is our chance to determine what opportunities they are afforded in life based on the quality of education they receive.

Allison gray Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-18 our schools are terribly overcrowded! And are only going to get worse

Jane Dunkelberger Windermere, FL 2015-02-18 What gives neighbors the RIGHT to FIGHT against having a school? I am disgusted that now there are 3 sets of communities that have to fight for a school for thier children. This is the time to build our economy. Families of West Orange, Wedgefield, and Apopka- THIS VOTE IS FOR YOU! Please sign and share!

Michelle Tribble Orlando, FL 2015-02-18 As a resident of Orange County for over 40 years, I've seen the growth. It is insane to keep allowing development and yet block the services needed for that development. Schools are necessary for society, and should be placed where the students live, not miles away (particularly for elementary aged students). OCSB is doing their level best to find appropriate parcels of land but there is too much NIMBY mentality. Surely these folks who claim to be concerned about the wildlife, the quiet, the peaceful neighborhood didn't seem to mind ripping up nature to build their own little castles.

Megan Gee Youngstown, NY 2015.02-18 I am a resident of Wedgefield and we to are fighting to get a K-8 school in our community to get our children out of overcrowded schools!! Our school has been in the plans for over 10 years and we are still waiting but not quietly anymore!! These schools are needed NOW!!

Erika Kearney Orlando, FL 2015-02-18 When did having a school in your community become a bad thing? I am sorry that some people are unhappy that a school will be near them. However, it seems that OCPS has done the research over the years to pick the best site available. Why is it not until the final stages that all of a suddent community members are opposed? The Mayor and the Commissioners need to vote YES to move forward with the proposed schools. Name Location Date Comment pamela dimarzio orlando, FL 2015·02-18 We in Wedgefield are feeling the same pains. Our school should have been built since 2010. Now today, we have a school designed and construction crew ready and 20 households near the school property that are stopping its progress. Being loud doesn't mean you're right. 20 residents cannot trump the needs of 800 students and the parents and grandparents they belong to. The school site was chosen 10 years ago ... when did they buy their houses? Why should we pay for your lack of due diligence in buying your home. OCPS owned that property years before some of these folks purchased. Their lack of due diligence is their own to bear not the rest of the community. sharon hayes Orlando, Fl 2015-02-18 Our kids deserve their school to be built in Wedgefield .. Put them first over the selfishness. This is a family community not a retirement community. Our schools are so overcrowded. Not fair to them or to their under paid teachers.

Kathleen Woodhouse Orlando, FL 2015-02·18 I'm signing because I want my grandchildren who live in my community to have the same opportunities I had. Area Schools are a communities pride and glue. The best resource for area wide opportunity for the children and a base for Scouting and sports as well as a shelter in case of local and national emergencies. This area is certainly large enough to support a school and holding it back for political reasons does nothing but harm to the children and upsets their voting parents.

Lynn Carlson Orlando, Fl 2015·02·18 A good education is important for our kids!

Cynthia Kersey Oviedo, FL 2015·02-18 Ths issue directly affects my grandchildren. They are being bused from Peabody St in Wedgefield to an overcrowded Columbia School. There are more than 700 children being bused to this school from this neighborhood. It's time they have their own school.

Richard Ludden Orlando, Fl 2015-02·18 I'm showing support for the wedgefield school at its current location.

Delia Nieves Orlando, FL 2015-02·18 WE need schools for future generations!!! if you do not like it move away!!

Evelyn Perez Orlando, FL 2015-02-18 Start putting the NEEDS of the children FIRST and NOT the wants of a few NIMBY'S (Not In My Backyard). Build the schools NOW.

Christopher Kearney Orlando, Fl 2015-02-19 We deserve our school now in this location

Terri Yurick Orlando, Fl 2015-02·19 The county needs to stop denying shools. They create the mess with all the building they let happen.

Patrick Sullivan Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-19 we need schools now. Too many NIMBY's causing delays of much needed schools. Name Location Date Comment

Jackie Carroll Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Avalon Middle School needs relief. As does Wedgefield. As does East Orange.

Schools are an essential part of the fabric of our community. We live in growing areas of Orlando and our current schools simply cannot sustain the continually increasing student population.

Built for 970 students, Avalon Middle today has 1874, with projections to 1955 next year and over 2000 the next. It is untenable.

The need for a relief school in the area should far outweigh any minor issues we face. We must all equally bear the burden for our children's education. These schools are necessary and they will improve, build and serve our communities in measurable ways.

Please stop being swayed by a few loud protestors. Governing by mob rule is NOT governing. It is bowing to the loudest, angriest and most aggressive individuals. Our children deserve better.

Elizabeth Stevenson Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 I am a Orange County resident and our children are our priority! Please make them your priority!

Roberta Brandenburg Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Please put our children and their education first!

Tiffany Tatro Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Our children need a proper safe learning environment. nina Yoakum Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 I think it just takes common sense to know this school needs to be built right away. The overcrowding problem is already taking a toll on my children's and the children attending Avalon Middle Schools educations. This can not continue to go on. The problem must be solved right away for the good of all of the CHILDREN and TEACHERS. It is not about the parents and how it is going to effect their commute's to work and so forth. I do not believe the general public understands what is at stake here. I will do whatever it takes to make things better for the children in this area to have a brighter future.

Jeanette carey Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-19 because inhave1 child currently at AMS and by next years will have 2 and there education is my upmost concern and responsibility! We need to decrease this overcrowding it is not safe for our kids!!!!!! Name Location Date Comment sara au Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 I urge you to support schools being built all over Orange County, but since I live in the Avalon area and my children are directly affected by the the Avalon Middle relief school situation, I want to urge you to support building it at the Timber Springs location.

Schools are more than just buildings with students and teachers. Schools are a community! I am a parent of a student that attends Stone Lakes Elementary School. Stone Lakes is a school that believes a school is a community. The staff, PTA, and students at Stone Lakes work together to create a school that the children, parents and the staff are proud of! The impact this has is Stone Lakes is one of the highest achieving schools in our district.

Currently, the enrollment zone of Avalon Middle School is such that all of the students that attend Stone Lakes go to middle school together. This ensures that the community of learners that has been established at the elementary school level will continue to grow and support our children in middle school.

Avalon Middle is currently over a capacity and the projections show that this will increase in the coming years. The impact of having an overcrowded middle school is far reaching. Having a middle school to this capacity is unacceptable!

Building a new middle school NOW, will allow the community that has been created at Stone Lakes Elementary to continue to thrive in middle school. Building a new middle school NOW will allow our school district to move forward with creating a beautiful new middle school for the Timber Springs area. This will also provide them with a middle school, which their entire elementary school population can also transition to. Building a new middle school NOW will keep our communities together in their stand to provide the very best education for our students.

Not building a middle school now, will require the district to have to rezone. Rezoning will not relieve the overcrowding. It will just shift it. This school rezoning will result in our elementary schools not directly feeding into one middle school. This will have an impact on many students transition into middle school.

As it is with all the problems of a vocal minority across the district, this school construction issue isn't just an issue that impacts the children of our community directly affected by the decisions that we make about our schools, but this will impact our community as a whole.

Please listen to the voice of our parents and the voice of our children. We need this middle school NOW.

I ask for your support and your vote in favor of building a relief school tor Avalon Middle at the Timber Springs site, and I ask for it for Wedgefield, West Orange High, Columbia Elementary, and all across Orange County. Our kids deserve it.

Kelly Smith Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 i am concerned for my child's safety at over crowded AMS.

Caroline Driscoll Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Our schools are overcrowded! This is not good for learning. Care about your students orange county! tooba afzal orlando, FL 2015-02-19 we need a relief school in avalon. The need of our children should be the deciding factor not traffic issues and hoa Name Location Date Comment

Amy Sica Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 My Children need this

James Naugle Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 We simply need the school!

Crystal Adams Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 We needed the school years ago.

patrick burns winter park, FL 2015-02-19 Because children are our future and their educational needs should take the highest priority.

Juan Perez Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Build the schools. Stop the NIMBY'S (Not In My Backyard)!

Jill Trealout Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 My child will eventually be at Avalon middle school. I want what is best for her and overcrowded classrooms will only inhibit her and her friend's educations. Smaller classroom sizes mean increased individualized attention, which may improve grades, improve learning, improve social skills and reduce bullying. I fully support a relief school.

Tanya Perry Orlando, Fl 2015-Q2-19 Please build the schools our kids need. In my neighborhood, a small group of vocal homeowners has set aside a large amount of $ to fight a proposed middle school. Meanwhile Avalon Middle, which was built for 900, has 1800 kids. Double capacity! The majority of people I know are in support of the school but the small minority are more vocal. The site is already zoned for a school, lets stop wasting time and money and get these schools built.

Felicia Coquyt Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Their needs to be a relief middle school built in Timber Springs!

Maria Ffrench Orlando, Fl 2015-02-19 The Avalon area needs a new middle school because I don't want my son to go the only middle school in the area which is ridiculously over crowded. This is the best option! Is it ideal for everyone? No, but the kids need to come first, and this is what's best for them! Avalon Middle needs a relief school yesterday!

Angela Smith Orlando, Fl 2015-02-19 the schools are severely overcrowded and we need relief schools for our children.

leslie Hunt Orlando, Fl 2015-02-19 Putting crowded children and their overworked teachers at a huge educational disadvantage should never be allowed to be trumped by NIMBY. Living near a school is not a punishment. Are we so spoiled? What noxious fumes is it poisoning us with? How is it going to provide local residents with a poorer quality of life?

Michele Bosch Orlando, Fl 2015-02-19 I would like to see the Timber Springs land used for a much needed Middle School.

Karen Hibbard Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Avalon Middle in Orlando, FL is overcrowded. I support building a new middle school in Timber Springs

Amy Holgersen Orlando, Fl 2015-02-19 Because I care about our children and their futures.

Megan B Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Please help our communities! We need this school.

Jake White Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Double the occupancy is TOO many students.

Edith Gauthier Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Children come first!

Erin AI singer Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 our schools are ridiculously over crowded. Stop listening to a few loud and obnoxious neighbors who are belly aching about traffic by their home. Our students need and deserve another school in the area. So what is best for the students which is building more schools for the massively over crowded situations. This is what is best for the kids.

Tara DeFabritus orlando, FL 2015-o2-19 Its necessary..

Erin Johnson Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 We live in Wedgefield and want our kids to have a school in their own neighborhood

anita hunt Orlando, Fl 2015-02-19 It's a sad day when our children are not our first priority. Challenging schools puts other things ahead of our kids. It's a shame. Name Location Date Comment

Ann Marie Stone Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 My child Will be entering AMS this year. I am very concerned about the overcrowding in this school!

Vicki lbaugh Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Avalon Middle School is in dire need of relief and rezoning to just create more overcrowded schools when you have the opportunity to build a middle school that provides relief for all is what needs to be done. We ALL must share the burden of educating our children even if that means a little more traffic. Support our kids and support providing the needed relief schools NOW!

Bonnie Gisriei-Magerer Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-19 We need another middle school! !I

James Mcclung Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 If schools are not part of the comprehensive plan for growth in these areas then stop issuing building permits for new homes. This is a disgrace, shameful and should be illegal.

Elizabeth Berges Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 I'm signing because I approve the Avalon Middle school relief, I have a student going to a overcrowded school next year

Michele veina Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 avalon middle school is in need of relief, desperately.

Judith Miller Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 I am fighting for the K-8 school in Sedgefield!

Pablo Abreu Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 avalon middle relief should be built on the Timber Springs site

Raymond VanBuren Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 A Relief school needs to be built in Timber Springs, Avalon Middle is dangerously overcrowded

Maryuri De Sousa Windermere, FL 2015-02-19 Enough is enough. We need a relief school for West Orange High School

Cynthia Rivadeneyra Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 The over croweding of schools

Susan Carter Windermere, FL 2015-02-19 The building of houses continues, the schools get more and more overcrowded and the new relief school that was due to be completed by 2016/17 can't be started because of fighting over its location. The current schools cannot support the new students moving in to this area.

Jamie Cole Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 We NEED a relief middle school for the Avalon/Discovery Middle area. Rezoning Will not solve the problem, and a few angry and selfish neighbors (who probably don't have children) are preventing a new school!?!?!? Good schools raise property values.

Jonathan Rivera Orlando, FL 2015-02-19 Because I am a product of OCPS schools.

Rachel Vilaplana-Rios Orlando, FL 2015-o2-19 It is unfair to the students of these schools & of these communities to have to suffer in these over crowded schools that are at more than double the capacity that they were originally built for. That's like trying to stuff more than double the capacity of people into an elevator , there are limits for a reason!! Allow new schools to be built & help the students!!!

Manuel Jacome Windermere, FL 2015-02-19 Wen need the school YESTERDAY!!!

Brian pyko Windermere, FL 2015-02-19 parent With children in overcrowded schools

Javiet Colon Cupey, PR 2015-02-19 We need another school to intermediate level in the area.

Doris Lin Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 Our children deserve to go to a school that isn~ almost at double its intended capacity. It is absurd that Orange County allows for unfettered housing development and yet fails to provide the support services needed to accommodate the influx of new residents. It is insane that residents have no say when housing developments are proposed and built , yet a few vocal minority can block a desperately needed new school from being buit.

Nancy Kinnally Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 I believe our kids deserve to go to schools that can adequately accommodate them and that a vocal minority should not be able to stop a badly needed school because they believe it is an inconvenience. Name Location Date Comment

Diane Brown Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 I care about the students. I've gladly put up with traffic and have for the current school but asking children and teachers to learn in a pathetically overcrowded environment shows a distinct lack of concern for their collective education. We're asking neighbors to share the middle school responsibility equally to lessen the strain on those currently sentenced to AMS who have for years now suffered the consequences of that neglect. Because the students don't vote, they are being used as pawns in the politics swirling about them and need all of us to come together to do what is right. They are counting on us and I don't intend to let them down. Stop whining about recess and channel your energies toward the bigger picture which will be faced by the elementary students sooner than you can imagine.

Jennifer Giessler Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 We need the Avalon Middle School Relief location built and the perfect place is Timber Springs. antonio diaz Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 We need a new middle school ASAP! The overcrowded situation is no longer sustainable and conducive to learning! Each year it gets worse and each year a lot is discussed but nothing gets done!! This is a joke and a lack of respect for education! What will it take for our commissioners to accept and say yes to this need in our community!

Maria Torres Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 The community is growing, I dont want my girls to be rezoned, and lm an OCPS educator!

Somaliz Davila Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 I work at Avalon Middle School and live at Timber Springs. Our school needs a relief. Is not fair for the students to be in such overcrowd. Is not safe. We go above beyond for our students. However, is very difficult to have that many students. Hallways, lunches and classrooms are some of the aspects that are directly affected. kyle dawson Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 We need this. Its the best option we have.

Jeffrey Putz Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-20 The population growth in the county is not going to slow down. Blocking the construction of schools will not slow it down. A relatively small number of obstructionist residents will not slow it down. Let's learn from the lessons of communities like the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio, where they were unprepared for growth (and had screwed up funding models), leaving kids to learn in trailers. There was a reason that Horizon West developers were to reserve space for schools, so let's not squander that resource because of a few delusional people who believe the area is rural.

Monica Trimble Windermere, FL 2015-02-20 public schools are a U.S. right, not a debate. You are failing this but it can be rectified so let's get it done!!

Teresa Shuffield Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-20 We need more schools! Over crowding is a serious issues. Our children are the future and they need an education! The masses out number the few.

Colleen Rosaler Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 overcrowding

Jennifer Walsh Windermere, FL 2015-02-20 our community needs this school. The location is perfect and will support many neighbor hoods. Kids can walk to school and be healthier in our community of drive or take a bus everywhere. West orange is way over crowded and that is unexceptablel

Monica Aragao Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-20 those homeowners have been extremely selfish. The site on 535 x Ficquette had been bought by OCPS with the intention of building a new high school. Why give in to selfish homeowners when so many students badly need a new school? With all the new construction already approved in West Orange County, where are all of those students going? Are we going to keep adding to WOHS? At what price?

Lisa Hadding Atlanta, GA 2015-02-20 My young children are affected. Name Location Date Comment

Brian Lewis Windermere, FL 2015-02-20 WO is too overcrowded!!!! I have 2 kids that go there and I think they are missing out on a normal HS experience b/c there are too many kids.

Lourdes Nunez Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-20 My child's school is overcrowded is lot fair for them to be in this condition.

Christina Tant Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 This isn't just about putting the children first in my mind. It's about building communities with the educational infrastructure demanded as a result of Orlando being one of the fastest growing cities in the country. That may mean that rules/ blueprints and the old way of doing things needs to be changed. We need the BCC to work with, not against, OCPS to solve these issues.

Tamara Hackworth Windermere, FL 2015-02-20 We need a new high school!

Nicole Wilson Windermere, FL 2015-02-20 Orange County is deviating from its lawful obligations by allowing new home construction to continue in school zones where a school is over capacity.

Christian Rochon Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-20 We need schools for our children

Brooke Peters Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 I live on the street of the proposed school (a few lots down from the site) and I wish is was built already! Bring on the school!!!!!

Shannon LaGessie Windermere, FL 2015-02-20 We desperately need a new school.

Rose Sirois Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-20 It is ridiculous that they are allowing more homes to be buih when our children are facing attending overcrowded schools! Put the kids first!!

Amy Hillis Orlando, FL 2015-02-20 My daughters have been stuck in an overcrowded middle school for years now. Next year, my daughter who needs more individual attention than most will be stuffed into Orange County's largest middle school to date. She deserves better. Her sisters deserved better. Kiddos with IEPs and 504s deserve to not be treated like cattle and often not even receive services because there just is not the capacity. Every child deserves the same chance and while I write especially in behalf of my own family, I also feel the insanely overcrowded school is adequately serving almost no child.

Carrie Helms Orlando, FL 2015-02-21 Avalon desparately needs a relief middle school.

Andrea Klingle Orlando, FL 2015-02-21 This affects my children.

Evelyn Singh Queens, NY 2015-02-21 I believe in this cause

Katheryn Snyder Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-21 My children attend West Orange High School and the over crowding is causing major problems at this school. priscilla payne Orlando, FL 2015-02-21 I live in stony brook and I would rather my children benefit by going to Avalon middle which is closer than going to discovery. Both schools are good schools academically but Avalon is closer which was one of the benefits of buying in stony brook.

Debra Cryer Winter Garden, FL 2015-Q2-21 My children are having to leave their friends Lakeview Middle and are some of the few being forced to go Ocoee High while their friends go to West Orange. Build a school for the Windermere families and keep the Winter Garden families together at WOHS!

Jessica Bacariza Miami, FL 2015-02-21 The neighborhood is in serous need if a relief middle school, I don't want my child attending an overcrowded school nor get zoned out of our neighborhood

Christine David Orlando, FL 2015-02-21 I am for the Wedgefield school. Name Location Date Comment

Sandi Wallace Fruitland Park, FL 2015-02-21 Can't believe that we even have to have this petition. School overcrowding is a real issue that hurts our kids and makes it really tough on teachers and administrators. There is simply no excuse for letting folks shut down plans for a school because they can't tolerate increased traffic at ?am or the occasional sound of a marching band on a Friday night. My son will graduate from WOHS before a new school is built, but a new school still needs to be built for all the students that are zoned to go there in coming years. I'm signing this petition for them.

Jan Hallman Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-21 I live in Winter Garden and I know how over-crowded West Orange High School is. It is a shame, when homeowners block this due to selfish reasons. The school is willing to make provisions for noise protection and traffic congestion. The traffic congestion however much it is. only effects the traffic for 45 min or so in the morning and afternoon. Surely good and safe education for the high school should trump petty grievances. Think of when you had children or when you were a H.S. student. Let get this settled and start building NOW.

Helen Adler Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-21 If you are going to continue to allow builders to build homes, you need to build schools in those neighborhoods. We need a new high school in West Orange County to relieve overcrowding at WOHS. My daughter was able to walk or ride her bike to her elementary school and she can walk to WOHS. This is a GOOD thing. A school is part of the neighborhood and part of the community. Why is it being called a bad thing? Please put schools where they need to be, not where rich people are telling you they can't be.

Mamie Carmody Ocoee, FL 2015-02-21 To secure my 6 year olds bright future

Daniel Amat Windermere, FL 2015-02-21 My kids deserve a closer and not as packed school

Brian Paulsen Windermere, FL 2015-02-21 I'm signing because schools in our area are over crowded creating unsafe and non-ideal learning environments for our kids. We are quick to approve housing construction because that drives tax dollars, but way to slow to plan for and approve schools needed to support this growth. joseph milazzo windermere, FL 2015-02-21 these politicians need to work for their constituents not just a small group that holds them fund raisers.

Becky Bartkovich Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-21 I have a daughter at West Orange and one soon to follow. The overcrowding of the schools is way out of hand.

Frank Suriano Ocoee, FL 2015-02-21 The future of students is priority #!.

Brett Bleeker Windermere, FL 2015-02-21 The dedicated land has been known to be reserved for a future school, before the homes that are there now fighting to keep it from happening. The overcrowding of the area schools is beginning to affect the educational development of the children. The land is there and reserved for a much needed school, options have been provided with surrounding homes in mind, now is the time to build.

Jane Benner Windermere, FL 2015-02-21 We need a centrally located high school on the Beck site NOW!

Hayami Figueras Windermere, FL 2015-02-21 Because so many subdivisions are going up but where will those children learn. The future won't be able to pay for those houses or fill the jobs if we don't give them a place to learn.

Nancy Irvine Winter Garden, FL 2015-Q2-21 My children are zoned for West Orange and school is very over-crowded.

Karen Lougheed Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-21 Homeowners move in high growth areas are the cause of overcrowding. They need to be part of the solution. They have no supporting information to back up their claims.

Debra Alexander Orlando, FL 2015-02-21 We need a relief school for Avalon Middle school Name Location Date Comment

Debbie Guillen Windermere, FL 2015-02-21 We have a Junior at West Orange and an 8th grade student. Overcrowding is already a problem. I have serious concerns about my son beginning his freshman year without any promise of a new school being built before he finishes high school.

KAREN Cerrud Orlando, FL 2015-02-21 I'm signing because as an 8th grade mom of Avalon Middle School I'm leaving the consequences of overcrowding. From having my child seat on the floor for 2 weeks on his 7th grade language arts class, seeing his chances of belonging to school sports teams and some organizations diminish because of the amount of competition to seeing how crowded the hallways are to the point of safety concern. The AMS staff and administration have done a fantastic job dealing with this so far, but this problem is just crossing the line of keeping the children safe. I have another child that will be going to AMS next year. As a super voter I want the board of commissioners to take responsibility for their actions and put our children first. Re zoning is not a viable solution, we need a new school.

Laiz Hotspotorlando Orlando, FL 2015-02-21 Kids deserve the best

Nancy Benitez Orlando, FL 2015-02-22 In order for society to grow in a healthy manner. All children need to have access to good, quality, public schools!

Michelle Miller Orlando, FL 2015-02-22 Our community is bustling with families and we must provide the best schools to fill that need. Schools that treat each child as an individual. For our continued growth and prosperity to future generations we must act now. Build the relief school! I'm a mom who has volunteered in this community for the last 11 years. I know our children, our families, and their concerns. Feel free to contact me. I have worked diligently to provide for our community and expect to see my fellow citizens and commissioners back that work with a school that encourages learning and excellence. Avalon Middle is a beacon to these kids, but there is not enough room for the excellence to shine. Help!

Shane Shaginaw Orlando, FL 2015-02-22 It makes sense, common sense! Not sure why there's even a question ...

Fabio Samuelian Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 education is the best you can do for a better future !

Devi Wise Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-22 kids at who's sit on the floor for lunch and classes and have no lockers in most cases. Ridiculous that ocps is not keeping up or stopping the building until schools are ready.

Laura Moehr Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 All children deserve to be educated to succeed in life. Denying this right is unconstitutional. Not all parents can afford to send their kids to private school. Plus new schools also bring new jobs and less overcrowding at our current schools.

Consuela edelberger Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 There are homes that continue to be built in the area and more and more families we need schools to support those increasing number of kids!!!

Kym Spurgin Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 I have a child who I would love to have a better school to go to.

Circe Lopez Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 our schools are over crowded. It's not fair to our teacher and definitely not fair to our kids. We pay taxes to have proper school and proper education for our kids. If we are not going to get the school's we need then please refund my taxes!

Michael Skutinsky Jr. Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-22 With the growth in Horizons West it is necessary to support the growth with a school buildout plan.

Yani Lopez Orlando, FL 2015-02-22 I'm signing because it will affect someone I care about and for all the other children. They deserve a seat for school all of them! Name Location Date Comment

Bonnie Welcome Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 Our children are the future and they need to be properly educated. Stop allowing more communities if you cannot supply the schools. Did you think that all of the communities being built would only have adults living in them??? Horizon West was planned a long time ago. Did you not do your homework and see the student population was going to need schools and start acquiring the land for them??? Seems to me Orange County consistently follows this lack of foresight in other areas also roads, sidewalks, traffic control, buses, safety. You just move from bad situation to another that could be prevented.

Miriam Rodriguez Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 I need a High School for my son Daniel Cienfuegos, 7th grade!!!

Sherry Loiselle Orlando, FL 2015-02-22 Our kids need schools! Not the politics!

Liza Quiles Windermere, FL 2015-02-22 We need more schools

Lacey Anderson Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-22 The community needs to build a high school to relieve West Orange High which is grossly overcrowded. michael cicerchia windermere, FL 2015-02-22 We need to take care of the mass and not the few with money that are trying to influence politician for personal's about the children and the growth of our community.

Lynette Cartier Orlando, FL 2015-02-22 I'm signing because Avalon need a relief school now on the proposed site in Avalon!!!!

Scott Luebke Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-22 Orange County schools are overcrowded and additional schools are needed. Stop messing around and agree to build the school at the corner or 535 and Ficquette road. Enough is enough. monique foister windermere, FL 2015-02-22 The greater good is important than the good for a few.

Betty Ray Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 both of my kids were students at Avalon Middle when it was only 1400 enrolled -which was ridiculous then. To see that the count is over 1800 baffles me. That can't be a safe environment for our students!

Noelle Spikes Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 I want a bright future for our daughter!!

Amy Darcangelo Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-23 I am a teacher and tired of overcrowding classes and portables becoming the norm. Our children deserve better.

NOelle Kleier Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 All our children deserve a safe, not over crowded environment to grow up and learn

Carrie Smith Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 We need more schools!

Ieisy Perez windermere, FL 2015-02-23 I'm signing because I care about our kids future

Tricia Vanover Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 i have a 7th grader who is supposed to go to West Orange. I have a child there now and she eats lunch on a stairwell.

Wendy Howell Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-23 I am a concerned parent with a rising 5th grader going into a seriously overcrowded Avalon Middle School and am worried about her experience.

Gerald hensel Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 avalon middle school is overcrowded and we need relief. Name Location Date Comment

Eugene Doss Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-23 Our family is tired of the fight over the placement of the relief high school! We have supported the idea of building another school ever since we first heard about it (after moving here 2 1/2 yrs ago). We can't believe how long it's taking to work this out! It is just ridiculous and we can't understand why so many people don't support it. There truly is a NIMBY mentality in this community. We came from another community in another state where a new school was built for our district while we were there, and there was very little opposition to it - nothing like what has gone on here! People just understood the need for it and supported it. The growth is happening so fast in this area, and we need another school now! We have one child at WOHS and two more to go through high school still, and would like to have a school that's closer and less crowded. We believe this whole fight is partly due to county commissioners who can never say "no" to developers, so houses are being built rapidly (espec. near Bridgewater MS) without any concern about the effect on our schools! Where are all those kids going to go when the schools just can't handle anymore?? And we will prob. need another middle school soon, too!

Debra Allen Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-23 Education is a priority, our children deserve the opportunity be in a school that is not over crowded.

Danny garrido Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 I am signing this because I think is that it is absurd that it continues to go back and forth based on special interests. As with any property you buy if there is open land next to you you always take a risk of something being built there, this is a school we are talking about not a strip club. There is a very strong need in the community for a new high school, it has been approved, let it stay approved! If they don't like their property location they can simply move.

Travis Leet Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-23 I am mainly concerned for the West Orange relief High School. The land was acquired years ago. This site needs to be approved now.

Barbara Reider Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 Please put the educational needs for our children first, not those of special interests.

Rhonda Pelak Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 County commissioners should put our children first.

Jim Foulks Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 Our schools are overcrowded.

Steven Silverstein Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 Schools serve a vital function in every community and ensure that a broad spectrum of ages are represented in the surrounding population. West Orange County is NOT an exclusive retirement community!

Tanya Hartsock Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 I have 2 kids, 3rd and 5th graders, I want to know they will be in a safer environment. I hear good things about West Orange but the high school cannot withstand the growth of this area. That new high school is necessary now! These communities all have kids in them that deserve another school.

Ahmed Faruqui Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 I was promised by my builder a high school when I built my house in 2007. I have two boys in Middle school in 8th and 6th grade and am appalled at the orange county commissioners! Shame on them!!

Brian Keating Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 I have 2 girls that need hs built immediately.

Patrick Kwong Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 We need a resolution, please!!!

Nadeem Faruqui Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 In my opinion this school is a must for our childrens

Terry Bartlett Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 To help add more schools to our area ..... they are extremely over populated. Name Location Date Comment

Lisa Hamilton Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 As the parent of a high school sophomore dealing with severe overcrowding at West Orange High School; and also a 4th grader at Sunset Park Elementary, I find it very irresponsible of our county commissioners who keep allowing these new subdivisions and apartments to be built with no proper infrastructure in place for schools. This is especially frustrating when we pay thousands and thousands of dollars every year for property taxes and our children are stuffed like sardines on school buses and in classrooms! Orange County must do better!!!

Lilley Scott Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 We keep adding more and more housing in this area-where are the new residents supposed to send their kids to school? No wonder private schools flourish!

Stash Noga Windermere, FL 2015-02-23 school aged children affected in my household

Victor Collazo Orlando, FL 2015-02-23 Neighborhood schools have been the backbone of our public education system. Do what is right for our children and neighborhood instead of folding to the wants of special interests. Say "Yes" to family and "No" to greed and selfishness.

Michael Ponder Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I have three kids that I would like to keep in the avalon middle school camps with their friends that reside in stoneybrook.

Marian Koch Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 My children need a highschool. I have a 9th grader at Wohs. The school is too big and it is not a positive learning environment.

Kristin Stenftenagel Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 I have a son and want the best for him.

Jocelyn Laassel Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our middle school is overcrowded. We need the middle school in Timber Sorings built.

Sadaf Faruqui ORLANDO, FL 2015-02-24 Our children need a less crowded schools. This community is exploding with growth with many many new single family homes, apartment complexes, town homes are coming up. We need to provide for this increase.

Erica Brown Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 My daughter needs this!!!!!

Kelly Bonacci Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Let's put children first so they are able to succeed. We might need them to be strong, well-educated adults one day!

Pamela Cordaro Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need more schools in Orange County, especially in the Avalon Park area. The schools are overcrowded. How can we expect our children to learn, what are we doing to their future by not putting them first. Children are the future of the world.

Christy Tant Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I support schools. I live in Timber Springs.

Marty stone Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 My child will be attending the over crowded Avalon Park middle school this year.

Judy Paulsen Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 We need a high school built now!

Tanya Hall Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 Give our kids a break and teachers. We need more schools. shital pate! Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I support a school being built

Sarah Blizzard Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 My kids need a school!!!! Hurry up and build it!!

Nicholas Hall Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 I'm a high school student and my siblings should not have to endure the things I have had to go through at WOHS. I would like to see the people who make these decisions work under the stressful and over crowded conditions we as students have to work with on a daily basis. Stop protecting the rich people and get a new high school ASAP.

Amy Clayman Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 The damage of an overcrowded school overshadows any NIMBY excuses. Name Location Date Comment

Thomas Tatro Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 By not building more schools the county is only delaying what has to happen and that is build more schools. This provides smaller classes, new technology, and allow Orange County Schools and Avalon Park area to continue to grow and attract more younger families to the area. Moving kids around does nothing but put more stress on kids by taking them out of the schools they know and exceed in, and put them in a place they're not familiar. Testing in Florida is already enough stress on these young minds.

James Hall Windermere, FL 2015-Q2-24 We need a school now so the kids don't have to sit in the hallway at west orange high school to eat lunch due to ridiculous overcrowding. LET'S DO THIS!!!

Wesley Milks Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Avalon Middle needs relief ASAP. The county needs to step in and tell the Timber Springs HOA stop spreading doom and gloom lies and put students ahead of their fantasy scenarios.

Rhiannon Badillo Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 West orange HS is over crowded. With the increasing number of families moving to the Winter Garden and Windermere area we need a new HS!!

Jeff revlett Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 My children go to Avalon elementary. We want a new school built and avoid extreme overcrowding.

Maria Rivera Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need to put our children first. Avalon Middle School needs a relief school to be built. We need to work towards our community together!

Thomas Moffett Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 My daughter goes to West Orange with 4000 other students.

ALCIDES Chavez Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 I would like OCPS build the school where ever they need.

Sherry Dubin Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our children need a school in their community.

Jenna Smith Gainesville, FL 2015-02-24 Children of my friends live in this area and need this school. u

Lori schalk Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our children need a new school!!! I would love lor it to be near me!!!!

Steve Hipsley Melbourne, FL 2015-02-24 I care

Renee Douglas Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-24 The children and teachers in this community are in desperate need of an additional middle school. We are not properly serving these kids, we are putting them at risk daily at a severely over crowded school, and asking teachers to do the impossible. This area wants, deserves and desperately needs this school!

Tanya Masone Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 Put the students first

William Brandenburg Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 we need what's right for the kids in the community, not lor a select few homeowners that will be inconvenienced.

Eric Badillo Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 Need a new school around here

Jennifer jordan Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 we NEED this school! It's not a matter of want anymore.

Chandra Garbarino Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 I'm signing both as a Realtor & a mother with a child in West Orange and one in Middle school.. .. the necessity for this High School is beyond urgent...... the level & speed of new build homes coming to the area is at an all time high, but we don't have the basic level of available schooling once the kids reach high school age. My daughter has to be out the door by 6:30am to catch the bus for school ... .it is ridiculous having kids up & out at this time. sara rahman orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I am supporting k-8 school in wedgefield

Jeffrey Carder Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need this school and llully support it. erica hammond Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-24 I believe our children are important. and they deserve to have a school in their neighborhood so they dont have to travel12 miles each way to.a very overcrowded school Name Location Date Comment

Jenn ashby Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our schools are overcrowded and we need relief yesterday!

Lenee Krantz Ocoee,FL 2015-02-24 To keep out communities functional too many children not enough schools = dysfunction

Kimberly Roberts Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I am frustrated by government continuing to allow development without the proper infrastructure in place ... especially schools. The obercrowding has to stop.

Brenda Goldstein Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our community needs a school for our children

Jared Dubin Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need the school

Antoinette Breazzano Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I want our children to have their own school. Wedgefield is long overdue. Think of our children first.

Sue Williams Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 The community of Wedgefield needs a school.

Rich Mehochko Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our children must come first, before the special interests of others whose selfish attitudes are neglecting what is good for the overall common good of the community.

Danielle higdon Stuart, FL 2015-02-24 my cousin lives there and this HS would benefit her daughter and the kids around them diane Kemper Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need relief in the Avalon Middle School. michelle percey Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 My kids need a good education! Over crowded schools and lack of one on one with teachers and students who need the extra help.

Tara Van Duke Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 overcrowded schools are not an positive environment for learning!

Alison Madrid Ocoee, FL 2015-02-24 children need to go to school in a place that is not overcrowded

Christine Bissell Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 we need relief lor Avalon middle school

Addy Payamps Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our children should always come first!!

Frances marie cruz Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I'm signing my name for my niece that attends Avalon Middle school. For her right to get the proper education possible witch means the proper students in a classroom. That way the teachers give each student the right amount of attention to each child. Not only will it be a benefit for the students but having another school helps the teachers give their students what they need. Not to mention that it opens up more job opportunities in the theeducational field.

Karen Mack Orlando, FL 2015-02·24 Good, positive education for children!

Rebecca Martinez Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 This school being built effects my kids!

Marie Rebolini Ocoee, FL 2015-02-24 Education should always come first for all children

Lauren Beavers Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our kids deserve non-crowded schools.

Stacy Dixon Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 i am signing because my daughter wanted to take Spanish as an 8th grader and she was told it was full. She wanted to get this high school credit some to open up more electives for her high school years. We had to go to Florida virtual school.

Deena Carvajal Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 My son is attending middle school next school year and I'm quite concerned with the overcrowding. This needs to be resolved immediately.

Mona Daud Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need this relief school! Avalon middle is way over crowded

Maria Oocampo Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 The needs of children should always come first in all communities! Name Location Date Comment

Lawrence Sarofim Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 We desperately need a new first rate high school that provides a qualtiy learning experience that prepares the kids in our community to take the next step in their education as well as to provide relief from exceptionally over crowded local high schools. With the area current growth rate we need one big enough that can support our growing community.

Kathleen sincebaugh Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 we need to fix the overcrowding in east orlando schools!!!!

Terry Greear Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Our children deserve schools that meet their needs and are not overcrowded.

Stacy Hernandez Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I am in favor of a relief school for my children. The current situation is an over crowded mess.

Christina Jones Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I am supporting our students and teachers

Camille French North Hollywood, CA 2015-Q2-24 I'm signing because Avalon Park needs a middle school! It's that simple! Avalon Middle is extremely overcrowded so this needs to be done now.

Lynelle Lawrence Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 My children will need a High School to attend!

Carolyn Kiefer Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Relief school is nneeded to meet educational needs of area students.

Erica Thomas Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I'm signing this because I live near Avalon Middle and the over crowding is out of hand. My children will attend this school in the Mure and I don't think stuffing more children in the school is good for their education and the education of others.

Victoria Knight Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 The schools in my area are bursting at the seems and new housing is continuing without anticipation of the overcrowding. I care how this impacts the education of our children and the future.

Gudrun Martyny Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 we need to provide quality education for our children! Crowded trailers don't cut it!

Yolanda Alzate Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 We need the High School to be build ASAP, stop the nonsense and build it now!!! Education first!!! This is an email from Boyd's office for new Commercial Development and it seems is at the same site as the School: https:/lfiles.ctctcdn.comlbc878cba201 136869496-bb41-44a1- b94a-4720f784b51 a.pdf

John Beals Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need to get new schools going so kids doni have to suffer in extremely overcrowded school.

Patrice Baker Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I believe that a school in Wedgefield was promised and should be built. It will be good for our community. mary powell Orlando, FL 2015-Q2-24 i think the neighbor hood needs a school

Rod Baker Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 We need to build the school in Wedgefield!

Brandi Elliott Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 The children in our communities need adequate facilities to become the productive & successful citizens we are raising them to be. The delays, arguments and battles to stop the building of SCHOOLS is rodiculous, especially on properties that have been labeled as such for years! Put the children & the needs of our communities first! Name Location Date Comment

Julia Kerns Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 My children attend Avalon Middle School which is almost double it's capacity! They have to race through crowded hallways and criss cross a large campus to get to out of the way portables carrying while carrying heavy backpacks as there are no lockers. My daughter actually complained of chest pains aner the first month of classes because of this! This is crazy! Schools that are properly funded, staffed and zoned is a benefit for the ENTIRE community and a necessity for the students themselves.

Jacqueline Maddron Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 i am a big supporter of K-8 schools and I understand the positive impact they have on students and the community. This school is needed. allie cota Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 Please put all of our children first! Build a relief school.

Jean Romel Semexant Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 I live in the district

Lisa Isham Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I'm signing because my son attends Avalon Middle School. It's a wonderful school but horribly overcrowded. We moved to Avalon Lakes because of the wonderful neighborhood schools. We were told another middle school would be built in the neighborhood. We are expecting our community leaders to do what is right and take care of our children.

Nicole Mattson Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 because our children NEED a relief school built YESTERDAY! The middle school in Avalon is overllowing with kids. Our community just keeps growing which causes the population in our schools to keep growing. Let's get this dne so our children can get the best education possible!

Susan Dubiel Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 I am signing this because I have two young children whose education I continue to worry about due to the existing overcrowding and continued housing development in the area, with no relief in sight.

Melissa Baldwin Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I'm signing because we are planning to move over there and my daughter would attend this school.

John Meyers Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 West Orange High School enrollment is already grossly over capacity, and will continue to grow. Yet, as Orange County officials deny a relief high school for this area, they continually approve new housing developments. It is only fair that Orange County officials visit West Orange High School during a school day before another vote which will delay a relief high school even longer. It is frustrating that a small minority, most of whom purchased homes in this area YEARS aner the high school plans were announced, are having greater influence over this process than the students who are suffering with overcrowded conditions at the only high school in the area.

Melissa Steinberg Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I'm signing because my son's middle school is double the capacity. It's not fair to the children and it's not fair to the staff and teachers. We need to do something about this so our kids can get the education they need. The state can't expect our children to excel in these conditions.

Victoria Gonzalez Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 my children attend this school

Kerri Bair Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 I have kids that will need a school

Erik Belanoff Windermere, FL 2015-02-24 Our children come first. monica range! killeen, TX 2015-02-24 My kids need to be taught in less crowed schools

Heather Jones Orlando, FL 2015-02-24 supporting my friends!!!

Eric matson Winter Garden, FL 2015-02-24 My child will soon be a student

Laura Dubiel Davenport, FL 2015-02-25 I am tired of my children being on a bus for over an hour. Name Location Date Comment

Justin Isham Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 I'm signing because my son attends Avalon Middle School. It's a wonderful school but horribly overcrowded. We moved to Avalon Lakes because of the wonderful neighborhood schools. We were told another middle school would be built in the neighborhood. We are expecting our community leaders to do what is right and take care of our children.

Rankin Rankin Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 I believe the kids need a school in the neighborhood. It will also be a great emergency shelter if needed. jacklynn stroz Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 I work at AMS and we see where we need relief. And my son will be coming to AMS in 2016. I'd like to see some direction change for when he arrives at the middle school.

Michele myers Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 We need new schools now!

Gus Ambler Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 Gus Ambler

Virginia King Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 for my two small kids' future

Sandy Reber-Matay Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 Schools are overcrowded and our children deserve to a great education.

Sherry Herrmann Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 Avalon Middle needs a relief school. maria ramirez orlando,FL 2015-02-25 I want my children to have an opportunity to learn and grow to their fullest potential, feel they are part of a community and be safe while they have their middle school journey. Overcrowding overwhelms teachers and teaching takes a back seat. Teachers find themselves focusing on classroom management. My kids will be in a classroom where opportunity for learning will be minimized. Teachers can't be completely effective due to the large number of students and may become burned out. They want to teach our children not baby sit them. Also in overcrowded schools the sense of community and relationship building is also lessened. Kids are always in a hurry to get to get the best seat in class or lunch.. They no longer can enjoy lunch time and interact with friends because they have to rush for the next lunch shift. Some kids get lost and feel like they don't matter. Elective classes also fill up quicker and choices are minimized, even required courses fall in to this problem. Overcrowded schools don't always have enough faculty for safety patrol which may also lend to more student conflict due to lack of supervision. Bullying definitely will be popping its head more as kids know that they aren't being supervised and think its funny. I want our kids to learn, feel like they belong, and feel safe. Lets put our kids first!

Jennifer Sinclair Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 OUR CHILDREN DESERVE THIS SCHOOL! I do not want our boundaries redrawn and our children scattered to other schools when we have a viable solution right here. Keep our children in Avalon!

Tracy Reynolds Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 I have 2 sons at Camelot Elementary and we are currently zoned for AMS and we need a new MS in this area.

AlisAiis Windermere, FL 2015-02-25 My first will be in kindergarten next year. West orange is NOT an option for us.

D Torres Windermere, FL 2015-02-25 i support a new HS being built ASAP

Kristine Neville Windermere, FL 2015-02-25 Adequate schools for our children should not be a "maybe" or an "if' controlled by special interests. Education and schools are good for the entire community!

Reynolds Janet Windermere, FL 2015-02-25 We desperately need a new HS to relieve the 4,000+ at West Orange High. Closer to home in Windermere, better for our community, kids, and parents to be involved with.

James Henson Windermere, FL 2015-02-25 Signing because I want West Orange Relief Highschool built on corner of CR 535. john Woodhouse Orlando, FL 2015-02-25 Schools should be the center of a community. ------

Name Location Date Comment

Kathy Monnett Orlando, FL 2015·02-26 My grandson lives in Avalon Park & will be going to a middle school that is already about 1000 over capacity. This is ridiculous and totally contradictory to a conducive learning environment .

Gillian Saunders Orlando, FL 2015-02-26 I pulled my kids out of public school due to the overcrowding at Avalon Middle. The overcrowding needs to stop. We need new schools.

Nicholas trawinski Windermere, FL 2015-02-26 the schools here are overcrowded!!!

Rosalie Silieti Orlando, FL 2015-02-26 Yes for education!!

Audra Peterson Ocoee, FL 2015-02-27 West Orange High is over capacity. Our children need another high school .... now. If another high school is not being built then houses should not be permitted to be built. We need to put the horse before the cart.

Barbara Gold Winter Garden, FL 2015·02-27 The schools are getting increasingly more overcrowded. Building needs to stop until schools can catch up! This is directly affecting my children's educations!

Colleen Fitch Windermere, FL 2015-02·28 Our schools are overcrowded and we have property ready so close to our housing to build a high school!

John DiCosolo Windermere, FL 2015-03-01 We need more schools in the Windermere area. Without maintaining a high standard of education will be bad for are children and are home values

Jennifer O'Hara Orlando, FL 2015·03-01 I would like to have this school built for my children to attend.

Enrique Garcia Windermere, FL 2015-03·02 need new school now

Peggy Corchuelo Orlando, FL 2015·03·04 Since when did a school in a neighborhood lower the value of a home? It used to be the opposite. New schools will be appealing for home buyers.

Franchesca King Winter Garden, FL 2015-03-07 My children will be going to school in Horizon West. As a Realtor I see all of the new construction and new families coming to the community. There is not enough schools to accommodate the area. The pre-schools are over crowded.

Alfonso Gonzalez Orlando, FL 2015-03-07 Decreasing the volume of students of one school by overflowing another school is not a great option

Catherine Carroll Windermere, FL 2015-03-08 Our kids should always be first for education!

Isabella Hall Windermere, FL 2015-03-12 I do not want to have to sit on the floor at lunch,

Joan Bliven Orlando, FL 2015-03-14 Our children deserve to have a school that is not overcrowded. Good educational practices require enough space to offer courses that allow our children to flourish.

Lisa Berkowitz Windermere, FL 2015-03·14 Since I have moved in June 2014 the growth is unbelievable and another high school needs to be built. My daughter attends West Orange and she says its very crowded to walk the halls. Maybe something could be done to block the sound from the school to the homeowners that are blocking this school from being built. The do sound proofing along highways so they could do something for the neighborhoods surrounding. Please help our children's education!

Darren Fixler Windermere, FL 2015.03-14 we need this school NOW!

Maria Richardson Windermere, FL 2015-03-14 West Orange is too overcrowded. My daughter can't eat lunch because the line is so long in the cafeteria that the bell rings before she can eat her meal. Walks between 9th and main campus in rain and lightning. Absurd.

Suzanne Harrop Orlando, FL 2015.03-14 My children deserve the right to go to a local school that is not overcrowded. This was zoned and approved, it should be built. Those people always knew it was due to be built when they bought their homes there.

Joseph barrett Windermere, FL 2015-03-14 my children have been in and will continue to be stuck in portable classrooms tor the past five years. With high school just three short years away, we NEED a high school that can physically accommodate them!

Erin Pagliuca Windermere, FL 2015-03-15 i want my kids to have the opportunity to get a great education. Name Location Date Comment

Maggie Matos Windermere, FL 2015·03·15 I'm signing because I have a child in middle school and a senior at WOHS. I know firsthand the challenges that come from an overcrowded high school and how it affects our children. We are in desperate need of a relief high school for our children -our future.

Deborah Fiametta Or1ando, FL 2015·03-15 I want an uncrowded high school for my daughter

Charles Beech Winter Garden, FL 2015-03-15 Because it is essential that we reduce the overcrowding in our High Schools to give our students a better school environment. glen vlasic Windermere, FL 2015-03·15 We need a High school in the area

Erin Shannon Windermere, FL 2015·03-16 Put the students of Orange County first over special interests and build schools now.

Maria Ffrench Melbourne, FL 2015-03-16 Our children need this new middle school! Avalon middle is extremely over crowded. Please vote for this relief middle school. Do it for our kids!

Julianne Sautner Winter Garden, FL 2015·03·16 Schools should not have to ask children (seniors) not to come to school and take a full schedule because they have enough credits to graduate, just because the school is too crowded to offer extra classes. Seniors should be able to be on campus full time their senior year to enjoy the spirit and experience of their final year of high school.

Salwa Raza Hialeah, FL 2015·03·16 I'm signing because I have neices who go to school in Orange County. As students, they don't deserve this happening to them and hindering their education martha wilson Daytona Beach, FL 2015-03-16 members of the county commissioners, I don't know who gave the ok for all!!! the houses,condos, town homes and apts. withe new businesses to be built in the area, but, take a drive, a real drive around the area, and you'll see that the "Windermere" area that is known for being a "tree" area, well there gone! & in the place of them, are all these things. If you break it, which the people in charge gave the okays in the county did, you now have the obligation to fix it! we are three high schools now and at least one middle school down. Its great that all the elementary school are being built, but, where do you think all those kids go after? The time of the politics are way over and schools just need to be built! Thank you

Jerry Turner Winter Garden, FL 2015-03-16 West Orange High School is incredibly overcrowded and the influx of new students from the hundreds upon hundreds of new homes being built in Winter Garden/Horizon West will only make things worse.

The relief high school should have been built 5 years ago!

Halaamer Winter Garden, FL 2015·03-16 this is a need, not a want.

Chrissy Chrisman Winter Garden, FL 2015-03·16 The WOHS Relief School needs to happen Commissioners. There is no room for our children to attend there, it is so overcrowded already. I feel so terrible for the kids there now who have to eat in their cars, etc. I live where there are so many developments going up, where are you going to put all the children, traffic, etc.? There is no room anymore, our children need a place to go to school, so let's take care of them, for once. This needs to happen and I will forward this Petition to everyone I know!!

Heather webb Windermere, FL 2015·03-16 I'm signing because we desperately need a new high school in our area.

Stephanie Holliday Gotha, FL 2015-03-16 I have children in the affected area Name Location Date Comment

Katheryn Snyder Winter Garden, FL 2015-Q3·16 Our children need a high school now! This has gone on long enough and the bickering needs to stop. As taxpayers we are paying for both sides to argue and it just needs to stop. In reality OCPS should be focusing on building the next two high schools due to the tremendous growth and not stuck fighting for this one. STOP it now and get the schools built for our children!!

Jason Halley Winter Garden, FL 2015·03-16 this directly affects me and I would like to see another high school in the area kathy dickey Winter Garden, FL 2015-03-16 WOHS is over crowed and they deserve a relief school ellen levine winter garden, FL 2015·03·16 I believe that children should have schools that are not overly crowed and within a small geographical area. Smaller schools encourage comradarie. stronger school ties, more interest in classes and many other things. Schools within smaller geographical areas encourage better attendance and more school actvism in sports. the art and clubs involving civic responsibility

Brenda Cunningham Orlando, FL 2015-03-16 I'm signing because the children of Orange County are more important than special interests and I am a concerned citizen.

Jennifer Opificius Winter Garden, FL 2015·03-17 My children, along with the other 4,000 plus students and staff are suffering with the overcrowded school at West Orange High, not only in the classroom. in the hallways, lunchroom, extra curricular activities, etc.

Jean George Winter Garden, FL 2015·03·17 Is it fair for 4000 teenagers to share a school built tor 3000? Is it fair tor kids to be in portables because there is no classroom space? Is it fair tor kids to witness selfish adults who care more there precious property values than providing a quality education? That education is required by LAW!

Our children should be our #1 priority. Someday they will be paying tor our social security payments. I wonder what the pay back with be then? What will we have taught them? What it they decide that we aren't worth the trouble and they undertund our programs? Isn't that an interesting life lesson!

Kim Henderson Ocoee, FL 2015·03·17 I have a son in 6th grade and a daughter in 3rd. I want them both to be able to attend West Orange High School and not have it be overcrowded. No new housing developments should be approved without the relief school getting approved.

LuAnn Holman Winter Garden. FL 2015-03·17 west Orange is so over crowded! We need a new school now!!

Mark Handi Windermere. FL 2015-03-17 This is seriously out if control.

Christine Handi Windermere, FL 2015-03-17 What type of community allows mass home building without school construction? This is not a retirement community... build the schools we need!

Peggy Shenefield Ocoee, FL 2015-03-17 My son will be attending WOHS in 3 years and I believe because of overcrowd he will receive a lower quality experience than my daughter in receiving now in 9th grade there. At 4,000 students. WOHS is at capacity for providing the wonderful experience she is getting.

Jennifer Gonzalez Ocoee, FL 2015-03-18 I. Signing because I live in the area and have small children that will be affected by this decision.

Maurice Goodwin Windermere. FL 2015-Q3-18 West Orange High School is so over crowded it is a disservice to our children.

Charlotte Badgley Windermere. FL 2015·03·18 We need relief high schools in west Orange county immediately!

Deyanira Tavarez Winter Garden, FL 2015·03·19 I have two kids. and their education is very important to me.

Sarah Guardiola Winter Garden, FL 2015·03·19 We need a new high school in Winter Garden. WOHS is very overcrowded and with all the growth in Winter Garden it will only get worse.1

Allison Adler Winter Garden, FL 2015-03-19 I am a future student at West Orange High School and you need to put the students of Orange County first over special interests and build this school now to relieve overcrowding at WOHS. Name Location Date Comment

Kelly Patterson Ocoee, FL 2015-03-19 i want my children to attend WOHS and not be bussed to Ocoee HS

Kand C James Windermere, FL 2015-03-21 We see and feel the need for relief at WOHS daily. The relief high school is truly in the best interest of our children.

Katie Harrison Winter Garden, FL 2015-03-22 It is the right thing to do. Who else should stand up for our productive citizens of tomorrow

Hope Tate Winter Garden, FL 2015-03-24 Our high school is overcrowded and we need relief school""

ME windsor Clermont, FL 2015-03-25 Supporting my nephews

Mary Ann Wilcox Clermont, FL 2015-03-25 signing on behalf of my grandson

Justin Zimmerman Windermere, FL 2015-03-31 West Orange is way overcrowded!

Samreen siddiqui Melbourne, FL 2015-04-01 i support the building of much needed new schools for our children as we have an ever growing population

Laura Fink Windermere, FL 2015-04-01 My children need a relief school. Our children are more important than the selfish individuals who want a quiet neighborhood.

Melanie Leet Winter Garden, FL 2015-04-01 We need another high school!!!!

Katie John Myrtle Beach, SC 2015-04-01 My children will be rising high schoolers, and I'm very unhappy at the idea of them in an overcrowded high school.

Dennis Johnston Winter Garden, FL 2015-04-01 we need another high school. The high school is overpopulated. laura zaki tarzana, CA 2015-04-01 We need a new school. Now.

Patty Szydlo Windermere, FL 2015-04-01 Our kids need schools that aren't over crowded!

Elizabeth Wind Windermere, FL 2015-04-01 Windermere needs it's own high school and my boys may be attending

Melissa Sunseri Orlando, FL 2015-04-01 I'm signing this because I want to put our children first.

Celeste frucht Winter Garden, FL 2015-04-01 because our kids should come first and overcrowding is a huge issue that affects our children's future.

Monique Morisco Winter Garden, FL 2015-04-01 Our kids deserve a school that isn't over crowded. Please think of the children.

Lynette barrett Windermere, FL 2015-04-01 my three children will be going into 9th grade in the Fall of 2018. We will move to another community rather than send them to an extremely over-crowded West Orange High.

Heidi Thuleweit Winter Garden, FL 2015-04-01 Our Kids need a new HS that isn't overcrowded .. Please remember that our kids need a great environment to learn in. Overcrowding leads to many problems for the students and school. We have so much new housing development that is being allowed, then that comes with a price, new schools, new stores etc ... The most important thing is that our kids have a place that makes them feel like they can learn. As of now they feel like cattle bunched together in the hallways!!!

Laurie Olszewski DeBary, FL 2015-04-02 Our children should not have to suffer!

Linda Stewart Windermere, FL 2015-04-02 I'm signing because I live in TIIdens Grove and want a high school for my children now! Name Location Date Comment

Beverly Shine New Smyrna Beach, FL 2015-Q4-02 I care about my friends children. michelle torresola windermere, FL 2015-Q4-02 Michelle torresola, we need a high school, my son cant get extra time with a teacher do to over crowded class rooms, stop building homes start building schools ...

Liliana Sanchez Logsdon Windermere, FL 2015-04-03 I'm signing because we need to support our kids!!!

Luna Schreiber Windermere, FL 2015-04-03 I need a school to go to in 2 years and that is not crowded

Martha Sanchez Windermere, FL 2015-04-Q3 I am signing because the school is urgently needed. We have been waiting for several years now.

Susan Johnson Windermere, FL 2015-04-03 These children are our future and we need to provide them with the very best education we can.

Sherrill Stiles Valencia, CA 2015-04-03 the high school is very needed and as soon as possible.

Nancy Kousaie Windermere, FL 2015-04-04 do what's right!! Our kids deserve a high school with a reasonable amount if students!!!

Deborah Gilmore Windermere, FL 2015-04-Q4 I am a retired teacher and feel our students are our future! Overcrowding is not a good environment to learn. I have lived in this school district since 1985. West Orange deserves a school that compares to other schools in the county!

James Rivera Windermere, FL 2015-04-05 It's the right thing to do. Build the school.

Dan LaBrecque Winter Garden, FL 2015-04-06 We have two children who will be hitting High School within the next few years, and they deserve the best education.

Cindy LaBrecque Salt Lake City, UT 2015-04-06 my children deserve the same education as the wealthy kids do with smaller class sizes and quality teachers

Danny Garrido Windermere, FL 2015-04-06 I can't the meeting but please don't put special interests ahead of our kids! With everything else being built except a high school all around us is disheartening! Especially with more and more communities under contstruction!

Kristin Kelley Windermere, FL 2015-04-06 We need this school!!!!!

Layla Memarpouri Windermere, FL 2015-04-06 I have son going to high school

Shawn Harrell Windermere, FL 2015-04-06 We need a new high school.

Michelle Schultes Windermere, FL 2015-04-Q7 our children need a HS

Kristen Rumble Windermere, FL 2015-04-07 It is the right thing to do!

Sarala Vebber Winter Garden, FL 2015-Q4-07 I have 4 grandchildren who attend Windermere schools and this school is very much needed.

Yesenia Garrido Windermere, FL 2015-04-07 We need a new relief high school in this area. Thank you!

Chris Bunnell Windermere, FL 2015-04-07 I'm signing this because this decision is a no brainer. Beck site is the only site for our high school. The time to act is now.

Dena OMalley Windermere, FL 2015-04-07 I want to see the new school built!!!

Cheryl Haltom Winter Garden, FL 2015-04-07 My kids deserve to have a school to attend that has room for them! This problem is only getting worse, and fast!

Recipient: Orange County, FL Board of County Commissioners

Letter: Greetings,

Put the students of Orange County first over special interests and build schools now. Signatures

Name Location Date Patrick Spikes Windermere, FL, 2015-02-16 Marci Sgattoni Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Natallia Urbanovich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Stephanie wind Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Denise Milazzo Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Karen Hughes Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Pam Oyer Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Amy Bornmann Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Gene Doss Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Lisa Crain Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Donna Omiecinski Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Veronica Ritti Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Mary Fink Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Kathleen Pighini Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 MikeM. Vero, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Lauren Nieves Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Jennifer Zack Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Jennifer Metcalf Satellite Beach, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Stacy Bishop Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Katie Kail Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Jesslyn Hernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Deb Dusting Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Danielle Fleming Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Michelle lewis Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Sommer Martorano Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Nicholas Bird Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Amanda Theall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Patrick McMullen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Richard Rozefort Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Jennifer Boudreau Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Name Location Date Rumi Luebke Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Heather Seward Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Shannon Orme Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Heather Bridenbaugh Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Meranda Buck Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 RANDI LONG ApOPKA, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Melissa LaGreca Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Hitomi Silverstein Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Hilary Tamulonis Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Karen hollern Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Rose Romero Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Rebecca Culpepper Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Jennifer Bird Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-16 Rakesh Singh Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Catherine Carroll Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Sharon Grimm Leesburg, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Isabel Maggi Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Maria Baird Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Yolanda Alzate Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Nayda Hernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 MarySue Hartman Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Christopher Fernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Lea Ashley Winter garden, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Hong Chen Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Stephanie Schwetje Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Jennifer Benton Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 K Pavlica Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Ashley kennedy Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Angela Hubbart Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Sharai Caplan- Pittman Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Kelly Bradley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-17 brian ipsen Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Name Location Date Gina Winter Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-17 SriniAmuda Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Kimberly Camilleri Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Kathleen Crawford Stony Point, NY, United States 2015-02-17 Cristina Coleman Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Karen Legner Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Lindsey kirkland Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Susan Armistead Key LArgo, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Christina King Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-17 Concerned Citizen New City, NY, United States 2015-02-18 Alfred Battiston Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Robert Coleman Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Julie Sadlier Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Jessica Kendall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Colleen Papa Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Denise Kent Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Adrieme Splain Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Allison gray Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Eddie Gray Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Leann flynn Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Jane Dunkelberger Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Brooke bilobrk Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Michelle Tribble Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Joel Thaw Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Megan Gee Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Erika Kearney Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 pamela dimarzio orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 sharon hayes Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Kathleen Woodhouse Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Lynn Carlson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Cynthia Kersey Oviedo, FL, United States 2015-02·18 richard Iudden Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Name Location Date Kim Johnston Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Melissa Lasser Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Bryan wright Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Delia Nieves Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Evelyn Perez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-18 Lisa wright Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Donna Kennedy Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Christopher Kearney Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Terri Yurick Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Diahann Sibley-Messeguer Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Alfred Spear Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Brett Spector Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Pat Sullivan Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jackie Carroll Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Hill Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Claudia Shedd Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Camille Laboy Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Elizabeth Stevenson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Roberta Brandenburg Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Nicole Archer Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jennifer Englert Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 nina hinckley Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Tiffany Tatro Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Britt Snead Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Yasiu Kruszynski Chicago, IL, United States 2015-02-19 juileon ries Rolla, MO, United States 2015-02-19 nina Yoakum Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 John A Rueger Ill Atlanta, GA, United States 2015-02-19 Candy Bowman Sacramento, CA, United States 2015-02-19 Ryan Boyce Colorado Springs, CO, United States 2015-02-19 Kathy Mertens Lake Oswego, OR, United States 2015-02-19 Norma C Schupp Sacramento, CA, United States 2015-02-19 Name Location Date Nick Wagner Quackenbush Moorpark, CA, United States 2015-02-19 Robert White Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 mark Holman Seattle, WA, United States 2015-02-19 Mayra Soto Paramount, CA, United States 2015-02-19 Lindsey Hollands Allen, TX, United States 2015-02-19 Naomi Edmondson Cullowhee, NC, United States 2015-02-19 Angela Valdovinos Hayward, CA, United States 2015-02-19 Elizabeth Brower Marietta, GA, United States 2015-02-19 Kathryn Richardson Eagar, AZ, United States 2015-02-19 Linda Vanburen Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jeanette carey Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Sapna Gandhi-Rao Melbourne, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Sara Au Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jessica Mckinney Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Gina Waldron Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Janice Humphreys Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Katie Mosley Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Danielle munroe Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Kelly smith Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Caroline Driscoll Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Kellee Seif Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 ToobaAfZal Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Amy Sica Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Janice Giebenrath Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 karen hayward orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 James Naugle Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Patty Howell Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Katrina Culhane Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Shellie Spear Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Michele Casey-Driscoll Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Crystal Adams Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jessica Charbonneau Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Name Location Date Jodi whitehead Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Loredana Lopez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Maria Revlett Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Lindey Diggs Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Pat Burns Winter Park, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Juan Perez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jill Trealout Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Steven Glover Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Amy carnes Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Michael Quinn Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Keyla Rivera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Natalie D'Aiessandro Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Diana Heinzman Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Tanya Perry Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Alicia Shaginaw Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Felicia Coquyt Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Maria Ffrench Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Shaun Oleson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Angela Smith Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Maria Rivera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Leslie Hunt Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jennifer Wojcik Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Michele Bosch Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Karen Hibbard Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Amy Holgersen Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Kelly Zingarelll Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Megan B Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Kristina Williams Deland, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jake White Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Evonne Thompson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Edith Gauthier Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Lindsey Jackson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Name Location Date Erin Aldinger Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Phillip Williams Lincolnshire, IL, United States 2015-02-19 Fred Henderson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Michelle Lutz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Brian Chilton Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Tara DeFabritus orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Erin Johnson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 anita hunt Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 cheryl peacock Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Carrie Hoofnagle Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 ann marie stone Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Vicki lbaugh Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Marta Viera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Dahianna Teagle Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Bonnie Gisriei-Magerer Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Melissa Frew Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 James mcclung Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 fianne Brunner Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Elizabeth Berges Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Michele veina Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Carolyn Fulton Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Judith Miller Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Silvia Abreu Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Pablo Abreu Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Lisa Dickson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Cattien Nguyen Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Raymond VanBuren Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Maryuri De Sousa Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Cynthia Rivadeneyra Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Colin Van Exel Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Susan Carter Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jamie Cole Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Name Location Date Stephanie hildebrandt Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Karyn lsolica Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jonathan Rivera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Jennifer Olenik Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Brenda Rivera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Alan klavans Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Rachel Vilaplana-Rios Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Lisa martyny Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Nicole Turoff Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Elizabeth Castillo Hopatcong, NJ, United States 2015-02-19 Jackie Cammack Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Angelica Echevarria Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Manuel Jacome Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Brian pyko Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-19 Javier Colon Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-19 William Charbonneau Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Doris Lin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Francesco Delisi orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Karin Hammond Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Nancy Kinnally Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Ivan lsolica Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Diane Brown Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Erica jones Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Traci Matsko Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Vic Milewski Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Michelle Irizarry Lake Worth, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Jennifer Giessler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Lauren cavett Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 John Harvey Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 antonio diaz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 sara eubank Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Maria Torres Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Name Location Date Somaliz Davila Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Esther Roth Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Kyle Dawson Melbourne, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Riley roca Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Allison Jessum Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Denise Malhiot Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Jeff Putz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Jaylene Garau Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Joseph Scrofani Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Joyce bartlett Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Heidi Lamoreaux Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Marlene kirtland Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 John Kirtland Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Monica trimble Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Jen lapichino Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 William sellers Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Anne Boor Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Katherine Bevensee Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Patrick Brown Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Candida Cheruvattath Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Mary Braud Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Teresa Shuffield Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Kara Ahumada Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Cynthia Bravo-White Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Colleen Rosaler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Jennifer walsh Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Monica Aragao Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Kristy Rinaldo Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 David Nickelson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 David Rosaler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Margarita Ruiz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Rebecca sirkle Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Name Location Date Ignacio Bartolomei Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Nesrine ltani Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Faye sharp Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Lisa Hadding Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Andrew Allen Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Brian lewis Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Katiane Bleeker Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Lourdes Nunez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Charles Woolley Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Amy McClain Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Lana Acosta Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Christina Tant Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Suzanne Ramos Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Sapana Patel Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Angela Browning Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Fareed Mohammed Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Tamara Hackworth Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Lisa Gartin Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Brea Maday Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Bryan Crews Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Nicole Wilson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Stephanie Greear Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Christian Rochon Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Dore Baratta Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Brooke peters Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Mahendra mahadeo Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 David Shaw Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Shannon LaGessie Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Candace Ryan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Tara Seffari Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Rose Sirois Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Amy Hillis Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 ------

Name Location Date Maryjo Sizler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 donald shaw Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-20 Carrie Helms Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Jennifer craiker Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 sonjia kure Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Melissa hedrick Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Andrea Klingle Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Donna Fisk Montmorenci, SC, United States 2015-02-21 lorena Wahab Clermont, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Evelyn Singh Queens, NY, United States 2015-02-21 Rhonda Vosevich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 James Harhi Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Emilee Bowles Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Martha Borda Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Thomas Mack Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Caroline Then Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Sarivette Escobar Merritt Island, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Katheryn Snyder Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Joshua Goodstein Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Dee Rochon Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 priscilla payne Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Debra Cryer Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Lisa gnapp Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Angela Andersson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Nicole Strange Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Melissa Moore-LeFauve Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Jessica Bacariza Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Tara Lasser Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Sarah Gillis Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Mary montgomery Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Tracy Hansen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Melanie Hansen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Name Location Date Karen Collazo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Christine David Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Sigrid Dr. Neef 37688 Beverungen, Germany 2015-02-21 Sandi Wallace Fruitland Park, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Michele Stone Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Jan Hallman Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Ann Kraemer Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Amber Bachura Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 marie-anna ultsch Germany 2015-02-21 Luddi Bernhadette OsnabrOck, Germany 2015-02-21 llda Spurgeon Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Helen Adler Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Mamie Carmody Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 DanieiAmat Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Brian Paulsen Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Joseph milazzo Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Becky Bartkovich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Sarah lambourne Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Frank Suriano Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Brett Bleeker Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Jane Benner Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Robert Benner Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Matthew Omiecinski Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Amy Figueras Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Lauren Williams Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Mark Williams Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 johann meza chespeake city, MD, United States 2015-02-21 Jay Leach New Milford, CT, United States 2015-02-21 Rich Welch Desert Hot Springs, CA, United States 2015-02-21 Snow Whiteking Minneapolis, MN, United States 2015-02-21 Marla Weaver Saginaw, Ml, United States 2015-02-21 Melanie Ebdon Bloomington, IN, United States 2015-02-21 Name Location Date William Woods San Diego, CA, United States 2015-02-21 Nickolle Parret Pawnee Rock, KS, United States 2015-02-21 Elinor Markgraf Portland, OR, United States 2015-02-21 Vanesaa Helm Indianapolis, IN, United States 2015-02-21 Sarah Dyson Waco, TX, United States 2015-02-21 Liz Hernandez North Miami Beach, FL, United States 2015-02-21 mariane urmenyhazi Philadelphia, PA, United States 2015-02-21 M Leontovich Downingtown, PA, United States 2015-02-21 Vikki Blondin Roseville, CA, United States 2015-02-21 R Benjamin Boynton Beach, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Jamine Stowe Alexandria, VA, United States 2015-02-21 susan summers Prosper, TX, United States 2015-02-21 Richard Van lderstine Kennesaw, GA, United States 2015-02-21 robin Bilon Millbrae, CA, United States 2015-02-21 Ashley Hayes Durant, OK, United States 2015-02-21 eddie maldonado farmington, Ml, United States 2015-02-21 Lisa Lieberman Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Kathy Fay Milford, NH, United States 2015-02-21 Stephanie Anderson Atlanta, GA, United States 2015-02-21 Dennis Reid Kansas City, MO, United States 2015-02-21 Nancy Irvine Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Gail Wilshaw Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Krista lockhart Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Sean Kendall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Karen Iougheed Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Anja Meller evrenski, Germany 2015-02-21 Debra Alexander Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Debbie Guillen Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Robert Carney Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Christine Crenshaw Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Rosemary Ford Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Maria Anderson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Name Location Date Chris hanes Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 staci oliver ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 KAREN CERRUD Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Laiz Hotspotorlando Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 margie viera orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Amy Brasse Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-21 Nancy Janata Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-21 mary murch Zellwood, FL, United States 2015-02-21 sadura judith sadura judith bad-voslau, Austria 2015-02-21 Mayra Rivera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-21 socorro ramos-aviles ORLANDO, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Euribiades Cerrud Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Nancy Benitez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Doris Lawson Firstner Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Parimal maniar Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Michael Sadlier Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Lory Love Genova, Italy 2015-02-22 Justin kirtland Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Ashley kirtland Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Gig Bosch Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Michelle Miller Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Shane Shaginaw Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Kristin Schillo Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Susan gregory Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 faibio samuelian Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Devi wise Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Sarah Perry Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 nicci snider Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Laura Moeht Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Courtney Surette Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Melissa Anderson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Chali Marcoccia Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 ------~~-~--~------

Name Location Date Meagan Lane Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Robert Patterson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 daryl snider Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Consuela edelberger Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Suzanne Ramsey Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Chris anderson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Kym Spurgin Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Judy Pidgeon Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Circe Lopez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Kay doscher Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Jenn zepernick Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Connie Ibrahim Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Alysia Dickerson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Ronald DiPaola Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Michael Skutinsky Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 AXEL REYES Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Yani Lopez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Regina Rivera Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Albert Robinson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Bonnie Welcome Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Susan Perez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Rich Osterhoudt Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Lisa Morrison Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Tai HwaTu Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Miriam Rodriguez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Diana hammond Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Surya Vallabhaneni Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Sherry Loiselle Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Lisa hensel Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Liza quiles Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Lacey anderson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 michael Cicerchia Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 ------

Name Location Date Mark Boor Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Steve Laureano Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Lynette Cartier Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Marc cardona Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Scott Luebke Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Hesther Huddleston Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Stacey Prakash Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Anu Bodduluri Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Monique Foister Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-22 Betty Ray Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 James Vathis Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Noelle Spikes Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Paul Sachse Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Amy Darcangelo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-23 lsolda Stampanoni Spain 2015-02-23 Noelle Kleier Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Stacey Buchert Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Robin mentges Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Carrie Smith Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Fatima Saied Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Leisy Perez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Colleen cino Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Tricia Vanover Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 YUH-FU LIN Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 carl carroll Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Susan Flower Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Sebastian ortiz Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Wendy Howell Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Laurie Olszewski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Kristine Wix Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Jen hallson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Mayela Passos Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Name Location Date Gerald hensel Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Melanie Doss Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Adam Weber Hood River, OR, United States 2015-02-23 Hitomi Silverstein Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Debra Allen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Danny garrido Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Travis Leet Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Ekaterina Varbanova Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Denise Recer Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Derek Recer Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Barbara Reider Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Rhonda Pelak Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Jim Foulks Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Jessica Santiago Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Paul Schatz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Dana Bumford Oakland, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Antonio Fernandez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Heather Stanley Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Fania Pena Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Steven Silverstein Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 John Flynn Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Tanya Hartsock Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Barb Whitehouse Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Ahmed Faruqui Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Jennifer Pelcher Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Michelle Hull Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Brian Keating Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Cathy cantwell Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Grace marin Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Sandy English Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Danny Zack Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Rajesh Bobba Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 ------~------

Name Location Date Jenilee Tomlinson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Tabetha Herbst Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Faraz Asrar Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Patrick Kwong Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Kristina De Bakker Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Nadeem Faruqui Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Matt Hollingsworth Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Terry Bartlett Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Lisa Hamilton Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Kyle Lewis Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Kim Hiett Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Lilley Scott Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Stash noga Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Michael Smith Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Victor Collazo Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Jose Rodriguez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Alyssa Howell Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-23 Cody Metcalf Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 michael ponder Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Vanessa Ross Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Adriana Jahna Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Marian Koch Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Aleena Faruqui Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Michelle Shipley Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kristin Stenftenagel Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Suzanne Stilp Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Shaba sands Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Alisa Silverstein Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Melanie Thorner Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Dana Barrett Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jocelyn Laassel Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 kay Astrowsky Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name Location Date Annette Barnasconi Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sadaf faruqui Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Erica brown Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Cindi Keefe Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Shahzad Siddiqui Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 abidah malik Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Candice Newman Springfield, OR, United States 2015-02-24 Kelly Bonacci Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Suzie Stoltz Chula Vista, CA, United States 2015-02-24 Pamela Cordaro Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Dayna Jones Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Raymond Perez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Daniel Roop Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Marty stone Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Judy Paulsen Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tanya Hall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Robert manus Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Erin Henderson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 shital patel Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Beth Siegmann Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sarah Blizzard Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Nicholas Hall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tracey Colacioppo Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Yolianne F Amadeo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Francesca Lozzi Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tara Gomez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 John Ross Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Dagoberto Laboy Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Derek D'Aiessandro Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Amy Clayman Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Thomas Tatro Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lynn Dorval Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 ------~

Name Location Date Monica vila Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 James Hall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Wesley Milks Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Rhiannon Badillo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jeff revlett Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Maria Rivera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tom Siegmann Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Amanda walker Clermont, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Thomas Moffett Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Helen Arvin Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tamara Forrester Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 ALCIDES Chavez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Katrina Stawara Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sherry Dubin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jenna Smith Gainesville, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lori schalk Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Steve Hipsley Melbourne, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Renee Douglas Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jeannine Martin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Shane Touhey Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Stephanie ridd Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tanya Masone Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 William Brandenburg Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jennifer Seipler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sabrina Yambao Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Eric Badillo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Patricia Mastantuono Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Susan Fernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Karla Martinez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jennifer jordan Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jamie Kirian Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Chandra Garbarino Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name Location Date Support Wedgefield K8 School Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Debbie chappelle Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brittany Vu Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Traci McKown Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 David Fineberg Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Ray Arguello Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Cara Wieckowski Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Alan Gill Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 sara mahmuda Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jeffrey Carder Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 erica hammond Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Scott Glass Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jenn ashby Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lenee Krantz Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Rhona Mayers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lara Dillon Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Anh Nga Witten Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kim Roberts Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Todd Mayers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brenda Goldstein Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Patty Teal Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jared Dubin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Gerald Dillon Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Christopher Carroll Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jennifer Foristall Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Antoinette Breazzano Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Patty Dubin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jan Dubin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Marissa Sgambati Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Coleman Fineberg Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sue Williams Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Rich Mehochko Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name Location Date Rene Murray Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Danielle higdon Stuart, FL, United States 2015-02-24 diane Kemper Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Yolanda Mosby Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 michelle percey Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Nicole Culmone Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tara Van Duke Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Alison madrid Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Christine bissell Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Addy Payamps Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Becky Morris Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Susy Stutsman Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kelsey Morrison Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tiffany Wood Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Frances marie cruz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Luniria cortes Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Karen Mack Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Margaret Finley Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 David Holgrsen Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Mark Senseman Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Rebecca Martinez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Marie Rebolini Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Deanna Gusler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lauren Beavers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Gary Sgambati Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Mary Ann Canavan Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brandon Diehl Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brandon Scribner Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Deborah Scribner Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Victor Alzena Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Angie Alzena Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 AlexAizona Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name Location Date Victor Alzona Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Victor Alzona Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Katie Dougherty Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Laurie Jay Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brittany Puryear Chattanooga, TN, United States 2015-02-24 Michelle Vitiello Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 alice mccauley Nine Mile Falls, WA, United States 2015-02-24 Christopher Keefe Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brenda Meeks Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Pablo Cruz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Amy Asteriades Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 stephanie oren-messinger Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Gayle Guzzardo Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Aleyda Santana Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Melissa marchiony Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Michael Slager Chicago, IL, United States 2015-02-24 Stacy Dixon Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Aurea Walker-Cortes Los angeles, CA, United States 2015-02-24 Melissa marchiony Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Deena Carvajal Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sandi Petro Novato, CA, United States 2015-02-24 Mona Daud Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Maria Docampo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Amy Vandergriff Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Frances Cruz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Shawna Coles Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Camille cruz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Wendy Grilla Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lawrence Sarofim Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Christopher Logan Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kathleen sincebaugh Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Charline Penuela Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name Location Date janet chantharasy Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Terry Greear Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Stacy Hernandez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Christina Jones Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Amy Evans Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Bryan Teagle Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lynette Sarofim Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Robert Spells Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Cory Ffrench Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kim Louloudis Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Beth Akil Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kelly Penny Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lynelle Lawrence Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 George Badillo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tatiana Walton Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Renee mcinis Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Alicia Cottier Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Carolyn Kiefer Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tara shook Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Erin Moore Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Anua Thakkar Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Rebecca Mason Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Eric Heitner Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Erica Thomas Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Carrie Rook Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Laura Haratine Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Heather Surrency Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Angela Wensyel Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 angela manzi New Port Richey, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Iva Turato Zagreb, Croatia 2015-02-24 Darren Koch Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Valerie Rubino Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name Location Date Bill Rubino Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Doreen Ushakoff Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Vikash Palisetti Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Tom Smallwood Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Alexia Jowers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Allison Warren Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Ana Sacher Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Victoria Knight Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sonia cruz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Cara ebbeler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Guorun Martyny Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 John Beals Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Patrice Baker Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Gloria Diaz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brooklyn Schwetje Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 CYNTHIA WHITE ORLANDO, FL, United States 2015-02-24 mary powell Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 craig schwetje Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Rod Baker Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Joshua Graham Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Brandi Elliott Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Julia Kerns Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Michaela pareto Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Andrea Logan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Joy Burke Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Robyn Barnes Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Linda Barbarise Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Victoria Lockshin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jacqueline Maddron Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lisa Hernandez Palmyra, VA, United States 2015-02-24 Saad Alasadi Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Ben Dubiel Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name location Date allie cota Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Colleen Hurley Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jessica Struble Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lisa Sipes Pompano Beach, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jean Romel Semexant Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lisa Isham Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Nicole Mattson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kendra Gilbertson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Susan Dubiel Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Melissa Baldwin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 John Meyers Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kelly Gorman Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Melissa Steinberg Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Dawn Kacer Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Victoria gonzalez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Marilyn Baird Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Kerri Bair Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Jennifer Sullivan Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Deborah Isaiah Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Monica Brown Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Michele Touhey Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Sarah clayton Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Caroline Croft Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Erik Belanoff Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Dante carnovale Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Florence Pike Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Lynne Fineberg Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 stephanie Iudden Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Heidi Hoopfer Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 monica rangel orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Heather Jones Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Eric matson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-24 Name Location Date sylvia nuyts Antwerpen, Belgium 2015-02-24 Laura Dubiel Davenport, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Amy moore Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Consuela Pereyra Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Justin Isham Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Rankin Rankin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Ty Lowrey Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Michelle Plank Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Jaime Adams Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Katherine Compton Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Susan Sells Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 turoff neal Saint Petersburg, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Simone jadot Boca Raton, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Tracy Zanco Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Reva Fedigan Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Daniel Koroscil Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Janen Moyer Pesso Boca Raton, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Stephen Brown Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Mark Medina Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Derek Olszewski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-25 jacklynn stroz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Courtnie Lanusse Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Jeannie Kiriwas Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Rachel conti Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Erika Nacsin Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Michele myers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Gus Ambler Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Katharine Barden Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-25 cyndi quinones Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Vicki Aaron Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Nancy Jump Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Virginia King Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Name Location Date Sandy Reber-Matay Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Ying Zhang Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Mariangelix Cordero Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 ROSAHENLON Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Chris Marsch COMPIEGNE, 2015-02-25 Carissa Lucky Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Margarita Pineiro Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Sherry Herrmann Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Stacy Figueroa Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Lisa Perez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Susan Van Gorder Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Jamie Ikeda Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Michele braun orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 david dubiel Davenport, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Chris Bair Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Walter Choroco Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Jodi mustoe Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Linda Foulks Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Deedee Sherman Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Wanda Warmus Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 maria ramirez orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Paulette Montero Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Jennifer Sinclair Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Tracy Reynolds Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Leticia gomez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Alessandro Lozzi Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Shaqueena Lewis Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Alison Arias Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 John Sacher Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Linnea rogers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Doreen Torres Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Kristine Neville Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Name Location Date Rebecca samaan Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Lisa Roberts Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Melissa burroughs Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Reynolds Janet Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Amy Erlewein Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Phil Fenstermacher Melbourne, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Kelly Parker De Leon Springs, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Andrew Sutherland Dundee, FL, United States 2015-02-25 James VanPelt Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 yanira medina Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 James Henson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Kristin Tenney Oxford, FL, United States 2015-02-25 john Woodhouse Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Chris LaGreca Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-25 Michelle Mungall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Casey Broadaway Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 RobC Boardman, OH, United States 2015-02-26 Michael Houdtzagers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 SAMANTHA MALDONADO Anderson, SC, United States 2015-02-26 Gail yAgci Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Kathy Monnett Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Ketan Patel Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Sudhir Vungarala Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Arif Khan Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 David Dunbar Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Stacy Larson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Gillian Saunders Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Melissa Kelly Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Erica connick Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Amal Laassel Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Nicholas trawinski Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Rosalie Silieti Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Name Location Date Jaime martinez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Nadja Baader Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Kellie Debellis Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Peggy Kellogg Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Mary Ann lnterlicchio Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Silvia Coronado Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Sharon DuMond Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-26 Jason King Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-26 James Wilson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Karyn Hewett Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 denise myton Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Stephanie Sierra Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Katherine Cramer Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Julie Howard Montverde, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Patrick Sirois Leesburg, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Suzanne Grieder Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Chris Wilson Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Mark Doherty Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-27 wendy sullivan winter garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Trent smith Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Brad murrell Clermont, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Audra Peterson Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Christina Badua Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Peter Gold Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Barbara Gold Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Anne hickey Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Azure Reese Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Fred Hewett Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Patricia Costa Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Kevin Myers Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Lisa Moore Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Jeff Costa Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Name Location Date Angela johnston Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Mark Aaron Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-27 Justin Crowell Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-28 mcnamara Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-02-28 Pam Rawlins Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-28 Emily Manwaring Titusville, FL, United States 2015-02-28 Marni Milks Orlando, FL, United States 2015-02-28 Lauren Leneis Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-28 Colleen Fitch Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-28 Eric Seguin Windsor, Canada 2015-02-28 ninette forte Windermere, FL, United States 2015-02-28 John DiCosolo Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-01 Tatyana Clark Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-01 Jennifer OHara Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-01 Byron castillo Hopatcong, NJ, United States 2015-03-01 Jennifer Spencer Bryan, TX, United States 2015-03-02 Suzanne walling Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-02 Enrique Garcia Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-02 amie garrett Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-02 Michele Mesnik Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-02 Jenifer Rodriguez Clermont, FL, United States 2015-03-02 Patricia Heilman Gainesville, FL, United States 2015-03-04 Leigh Saunders Hastings, New Zealand 2015-03-04 Peggy Corchuelo Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-04 DAPHNEE VERGEAU Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-05 sylvain perret Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-05 Holly Wahl Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-06 Franchesca King Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-07 Alfonso Gonzalez Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-07 Catherine Carroll Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-08 Jessica Rivera orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-09 Lynda Manus Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-11 Name Location Date Isabella Hall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-11 Joan Bliven Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Arnie McGinn Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Lisa Berkowitz Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Linda stewart Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-14 JoAnn Best Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Darren Fixler Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Maria Richardson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Christopher Grzeszczak Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Kristi Jeter Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Blacna Rodriguez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Robert Johnson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Terry Johnson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Patty Johnson Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Megan wright Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-14 lwona Bednarczyk-Jolley Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Alisha Weisser Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Suzanne Harrop Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Michele Lopresto Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Joseph barrett Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Victoria Root Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-14 Shelley Dawson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Rita Singh Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Erin Pagliuca Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Natalie Wolfal Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Maggie Matos Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Melissa Fitch Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Karen turner Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Deborah Fiametta Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Susan Dandrow Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Frances Beech Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Chuck Hrono Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Name Location Date Charles Beech Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-15 glen vlasic Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Barbara Black Hernando, FL, United States 2015-03-15 Chuck Orme Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Katie Hernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-16 GIUSEPPINA CHAVEZ Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Erin Shannon Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Jessica Walker windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-16 jill sanders Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-16 richard diaz Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Maria Ffrench Melbourne, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Julie Sautner Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Mellissa Hershberger Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Salwa Raza Hialeah, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Maria Serrano Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Katrina Putnam Winter Park, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Rachel Perez Winter Park, FL, United States 2015-03-16 martha wilson Daytona Beach, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Jerry Turner Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Hala amer Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Tiffany Halley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Nga Truong Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Cheri Townley Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Chrissy Chrisman Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Elizabeth Ruiz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Maria Quinonez Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Heather webb Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Stephanie Holliday Gotha, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Donovan Hale Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Katheryn Snyder Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Jason Snyder Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Emilio Casado Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Name Location Date Emmy Tonkovich Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Ninette Holbrook Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Jason Halley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Jenny Brown Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Regina Ebling Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Cathy Dickey Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Courtney Carroll Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 sadia majid Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 william rodriguez Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 ellen levine Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Kimberly Olsson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Jennifer eldridge Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Svetlana Epstein Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Andreia Cancino Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 James Cancino Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Julie Martin Frederic, WI, United States 2015-03-16 MARIE MANHARDT park ridge, IL, United States 2015-03-16 karyn ivory Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Tunisia Tucker Kenosha, WI, United States 2015-03-16 sharon sewell Fort Wprth, TX, United States 2015-03-16 Fernando Jimenez Phoenix, AZ, United States 2015-03-16 melvy de salguero benson, AZ, United States 2015-03-16 Bailey Williams Gainesville, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Timothy Paich Flemington, NJ, United States 2015-03-16 John and Martha Stoltenberg Elkhart Lake, WI, United States 2015-03-16 rudy chase morgantown, WV, United States 2015-03-16 Lucia Delgado carlsbad, CA, United States 2015-03-16 Chanda Unmack Santa Clara, CA, United States 2015-03-16 Todd Garrett Houston, TX, United States 2015-03-16 Brenda Cunningham Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Rebecca Corcoran Oakland, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Zaineb Saied Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Name Location Date Amanda Porter Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-16 Pamela macdonald Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Jennifer Opificius Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Cami Richards Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Donna Corvino Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Jean George Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Gretchen Moore Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Albert lntenzo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Melissa Evans Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Kim Henderson Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 LuAnn Holman Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Evaleen Janssen Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Mark Handi Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Keri Valladares Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Miggy Garcia Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Kari Freeman Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 William Evans Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 christine handi Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Andrea Wiegand Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Kelli Plumley Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Ellen Goldsmith Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Jason Lucas Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Stacy Markworth Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Scott Markworth Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Amanda Peck Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Eric Feiter Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Mackenzie Peck Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Rick Evans Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 T J Goldsmith Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Peggy Shenefield Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Marcy Malmberg Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Joanne Vargas Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Name Location Date Brenda Bellet Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Ed Rees Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Polya Barba Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Patricia Collazo Gotha, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Darlene Dagher Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Regina Manalili Gotha, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Aman Behal Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Danielle Brancato Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Michele Girard Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Amy Anglin Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Ben Gillis Cocoa, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Elsa Harrington Kissimmee, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Kdem McDonald Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Lorilee Leathers Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Hina Behal Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-17 Robert Cole Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Jennifer Gonzalez Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Tracy Goodwin Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Diana Solomon Gotha, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Sara Yates Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Jennifer Payne Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Matthew Schillo Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-18 jenny Burns Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-18 David Henderson Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Charlotte Badgley Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Susan Hussein Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Kathleen Styron Brandon, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Mari Mondesir Oviedo, FL, United States 2015-03-18 LORRAINE BIANCULLI Palm Coast, FL, United States 2015-03-18 Deyanira Tavarez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Christine Gramaglia Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Sharisse Brookins Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Name Location Date Michael Walton Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Joyce Johnson Palm Coast, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Lisa Thomas Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Michele anetrella Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Andrea Cobb Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-19 thomas collins Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Nolan Kraemer Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Sarah Guardiola Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Sharon Lutz Gotha, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Allison Adler Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Maria Moncada Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Erica Oliveira Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Kelly patterson Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-19 Jennifer Haffner , TX, United States 2015-03-20 Denise Bainbridge Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-21 Patricia Hamorski Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-21 Patricia Lachance Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-21 Vanessa Zapata Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-21 K and C James Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-21 Susan Tyler Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-21 Barbara Case Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-21 Jeff Bunrs Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-21 Amy pridgeon Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-22 James Harhi Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-22 Katie Harrison Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-22 Pam Bloodworth Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-22 Jude Cervellera Orlando, FL, United States 2015-03-23 Hope Tate Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-03-24 ME windsor Clermont, FL, United States 2015-03-25 Kathy schuldheisz Chicago, IL, United States 2015-03-25 Mary Ann Wilcox Clermont, FL, United States 2015-03-25 Nicole Larrivee Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-03-25 Name Location Date Justin Zimmerman Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-30 Shira Spector Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-31 Valerie Michaels Windermere, FL, United States 2015-03-31 Samreen Siddiqui Melbourne, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Laura Fink Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Michelle Goode Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Meghann Rutherford Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Jennifer byers Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Rebecca Treat Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Melanie Leet Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Bella hall Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Hector Borda Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Elizabeth Whisenant Belleair Beach, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Katie John Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Dennis Johnston Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Hong Chen Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 laura zaki winter garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Monica Kozak Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Patty Szydlo Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Elizabeth Wind Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Melissa Sunseri Orlando, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Susana Negueruela Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Emily Whittlesey Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Stephanie Balderas Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Celeste frucht Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Monique Morisco Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Allison McBride Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Eric Cooper Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 kalpen desai Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Heather Moyer Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Claudia Diaz Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Lynette barrett Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Name Location Date Heidi Thuleweit Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Jessica Ross Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Chris Szydlo Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-01 Julia Walker Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Laurie Olszewski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Elizabeth Leon Ramirez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Shannon Blust Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Linda Stewart Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Shine Beverly Orlando, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Nicole Derda Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Shannyn Wellington Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Christy graham Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Jennifer Drone Clermont, FL, United States 2015-04-02 michelle torresola Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Maria Hernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 Stacey Buchert Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-02 matt Iogsdon Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 David Derda Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Ramona Angell Orlando, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Liliana Sanchez Logsdon Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Luna Schreiber Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Martha Sanchez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Liliana Sanchez Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Sabine Filoni Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Susan Johnson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Sher Stiles Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Karen Gala Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Kelly Brady Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Claire Jesso Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-03 Nancy Kousaie Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-04 Deborah Gilmore Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-04 Linda Adelson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-04 Name Location Date Amanda Sanchez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-04 Edeline St Preux Orlando, FL, United States 2015-04-04 Luis Felipe Sanchez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-04 Arina Sao Jose Ocoee, FL, United States 2015-04-04 James Rivera Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-05 Cherie Velez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-05 mariadelly esparza Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-05 uma kasi Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-05 Dan LaBrecque Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Cindy LaBrecque Winter Garden, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Danny Garrido Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Karen Wilson Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Kristin Kelley Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Munnaza Adnan Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Layla Memarpouri Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Maria Hinshaw Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Shawn Harrell Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Daniel Harrell Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Michelle Schultes Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-06 Kristen Rumble Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-07 Ashley Rumble Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-07 Kristine Bunnell Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-07 Sarala Vebber Orlando, FL, United States 2015-04-07 Yesenia Garrido Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-07 Chris Bunnell Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-07 Dena OMalley Windermere, FL, United States 2015-04-07


Letter: Greetings,

Allow the West Orange High relief school on the proposed 535 Beck Property location Signatures

Name Location Date Patrick Spikes 2013-08-28 Jen lapichino Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jennifer Metcalf Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Tiffany Hogan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Stephanie Wind Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Leanne Flynn Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Robert Patterson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Shannon Orme Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Patrick McMullen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Lana Acosta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jennifer Keating Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Lynn Dorval Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Tamara Hass Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Nadia Bridges Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Richard Acosta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Denise Kent Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jessica Kendall Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Marci Sgattoni Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Donna Kennedy Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 safaa Abdei-AL windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 John Flynn Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Valerie Companioni Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Amy Schultz Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Kelley Lord Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Chad Wilson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Michaal Rossi Winderemere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Erica Sutherland Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jane Benner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Mandy Loughran Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Pamela Abbruzzese Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Name Location Date Meghann Rutherford Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Shannon LaGessie Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Ann Kraemer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Colleen Papa Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Kimberly Johnston Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Kristine Neville Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 DeDe O'Dair Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Ben Dubiel Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 elaina lavdas Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Denise Milazzo Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Damon Lavdas Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 David Nickelson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Humerus Khan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Tambra Mitchell Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jason Hoffman windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Meredith Roxburgh Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Chris Dyer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Karen Hollern Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Krista Lockhart Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Lisa Gartin Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Clarence Lockhart Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Marie Vixama Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jennifer Brice Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Heidi Tomlinson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 joe milazzo windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Claudia Diaz Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 carol Sluss Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Paul Marcoccia Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Erin Minner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 David Minner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Colleen Czachorowski Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Katie Hernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Name Location Date Megan Wright Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Tracy Hansen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jane Dunkelberger Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Shea Shelton Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jennifer Overton Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Sharai Caplan- Pittman Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Kimberly Moore Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Victoria ALICEA Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Nancy Bowles Bradenton, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Rosemary Ford Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Suzanne Harrop Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Hitomi Silverstein Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Joseph Neville Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Brenda Malave Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Noelle Spikes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Victoria Acosta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 James Vathis Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Russell Keyes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Tami Stellinga Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Rumi Luebke Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Michael Loughran Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Axel Malave Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Carmen Occhipinti Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Tina Paradise Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Tamara Forrester Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Nicole Derda Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Robyn Kamisnki Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Denice Jahreis Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Brian Keating Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Alfred Spear Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Arnie McGinn Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Terri DeFranco Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Name Location Date JoAnn Best Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 A Pridgeon Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Hong Chen Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Jose Velez Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Beth Garcia Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-28 Yolianne Amadeo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Patricia Carnovali Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Stacy Bishop Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Dawn Glass Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jessica Mckinney Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jamie Cannon Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Natallia Urbanovich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Chuck Orme Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jennifer Walsh Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Teresa Vlasic Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Melissa Anderson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lauren Nieves Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Evelyn Silva Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lemarie Godsey Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Daniel Sullivan Milford, CT, United States 2013-08-29 Paul Pestrichello Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Christopher Grajales Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Aida Urteaga Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Julie Schwarz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Christie Blevins Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Rebecca Totten Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Susan Beaudoin Bradenton, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Claudia McDonald Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Martine Omotayo Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Patrick McDonald Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Denise Malhiot Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Marlene Torres Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Name Location Date John Papa Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Frank Malhiot Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Josephine Killen Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 mary pestrichello winter garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Angela Callahan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Adrienne Pilz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Colleen Jueds Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jackie Boyd Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 lvonne Osorio Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Ashana Khan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Chris Kraemer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Nicole Butterfield Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Larry Zeiler Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Shanti Garapaty Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 lisa cooper Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jyothi Venkatesh WINDERMERE, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Christina Kelley Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Kevin Root Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Barbara Milazzo Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Thomas Mack Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jennifer Zack Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 James Moore Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Hayami Figueras Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Bre Kirkland Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Tracy Croft Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Niti Salvi WINDERMERE, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lyudmila Savchenko Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Kathleen Bustamante Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Amy Darcangelo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Vicki Morley Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Brian Ipsen Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Darren Fixler Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Name Location Date Angela Fixler Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Beth Siegmann Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 K Monteleone Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Evan Hall Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Cody Metcalf Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Yolanda Alzate Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Michele Anetrella Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Yasiu Kruszynski Chicago, IL, United States 2013-08-29 John Lombardo Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Travis Leet Winter Garden, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Beth Kohl Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Angie Workman Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Darren White Winter Garden, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 lisa Gehret's Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Elizabeth Boshek Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jason Neil Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Paula Thompson Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Maria Hinshaw Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Liza Quiles Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Suzanne levi Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Courtney Thompson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Christy Graham Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Maribel Alicea Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Shelli Lewis Windermere, Fl, United States 2013-08-29 Mike Graham Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Mark Doherty Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Tracy King Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Andrea Hanes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Melissa Burdon Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Charles Martz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Michelle Schultes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Wendy Gustino Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Name Location Date Steven Walczak Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Sivaprasad Chirumamilla Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Courtney Tarpley Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Rochelle Blake Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Donna Omiecinski Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Diana Hammond Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 phil bornemann Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Roza Rodriguez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 arlene Ruiz Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Skip Martin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-Q8-29 Greg Nelson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Melissa Jean Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Mary Holmes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Mayra Almeida orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Judith Bacica Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jules Rafai Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lauren Leneis Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Daniel Gil Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Paulette Larue Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Phil Sublette Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Carl Leneis windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Nicholas Pilz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lucille D'Amico WINDERMERE, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Roxanne Schledwitz Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 David Balla Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Amy Ayala Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Brian Chilton Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Tamberly McCarus windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Anne Lee Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jessica DeSalvia Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jennifer Way Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lisa Thompson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Name Location Date Joshua Graham Orlando, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Mara Tulenson Windermere, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Jennifer Graham Orlando, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Viviana Melendez Windermere, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Emily Whittlesey Windermere, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Angel Hance Orlando, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Robert Manus Windermere, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Linda Hance Orlando, FL, United States 2013·08·29 William O'Mealy Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013·08·29 Robin Ramey Orlando, FL, United States 2013·08-29 Laurie Templin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Gia Futch Gotha, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Brian Lewis Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Jason Patrick Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Hilary Tamulonis Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Cris Godsey Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Damon Sgattoni Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Andrew Allen Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Sean Ferguson Kissimmee, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Robert Benner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Stacy Edwards Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Gregg Thompson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Warren Rogan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Brad Moore Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Ali Yche Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Melissa Sunseri Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08·29 Laurie Pool Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lisa Hilgenfeldt Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Patrick Callan Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 James Gustino Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08·29 Melissa Murphy Clay, NY, United States 2013-08-29 Kim Rogan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Name Location Date Laurie Olszewski DeBary, FL, United States 2013-08-29 WILL HILGENFELDT WINDERMERE, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Michael Sieg Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Kayleen Stroud Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Brad Fleming Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Debbie Bolin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 James Weathers Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Patricia Santos Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Luz Valentin Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Deb I rmscher Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Nikki Garver Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Michael Croft Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Cynthia Roberts Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 John Murphy Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Lisa Stanley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Emi Mackedon Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Nancy Grady Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Chris Bunnell Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Arnie Garrett Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Kathy Pighini Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Susan Ott Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Melissa Dennis Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Julie Frisella Clermont, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Andrew Rogan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Tanya Reyes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Dale Sukhnandan Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Sandy English Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Abdul Aitboukil Clermont, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Man Dao Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 kailee smart Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Kiara Rios Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Paul Fergusson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Name Location Date Candace Ryan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Melissa Solis Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Hannah Costin Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-29 Robert Mackedon Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Larry Grant Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Denise Grant Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Zhiyong Wang Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 michael cicerchia windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Dave Cassatta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Rose Romero Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Susy Stutsman Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Nelson Ocasio Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Patty Myers Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Kathy Berkman Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Barrie O'Brien Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Tara Stokes Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Suzanne Piastuck Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Mary Ann Canavan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Judy Paulsen Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Ashley Kennedy Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Joy Wetmore Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Angela Palanza Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Lauren Williams Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Floyd Edwards Windermere, FL, United States 2013-Q8-30 Stacey Prakash Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Melissa Mahalek Orlando, FL, United States 2013-Q8-30 Jodie Ritter Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Eileen Paulsen Groveland, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Tanya Hall Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Julie Wrzesien Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Ann Bomleny Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Julie Sadlier Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Name Location Date Kristine Bunnell Florida, FL, United States 2013-Q8-30 Joseph Kolezynski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Pam Boland Grovetown, GA, United States 2013-08-30 Jennifer Opificius Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Monica Ullrich Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Nancy Continelli Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Kathryn Cook Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Deborah Holderman Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Joanna Sauer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Jacqueline Hernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Kimberly Vosilla Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Charles Callaway Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Ashley Hamilton Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Hannah Ammar Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Kevin Schevers Port Saint Lucie, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Rosa Diaz windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Frank Davis Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Miryam Graddy Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 K Perrine Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Mason Flynn Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 carol ryan winter garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Mario Hromin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Kerry McGavin Windermere, 2013-08-30 Jody Muchnok Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Patti Tozzi Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Lisa Davis Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Jill Inmon Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Angela Hubbart Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Josh Hall Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Michael Stoppels Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Amy Clayman Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Mark Bergner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-Q8-30 Name Location Date Michael Elliott Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Eric Schettler Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Marilyn Schettler Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Amanda Higgins-Lekebusch Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Logan Mahalek Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-30 gregg greca Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Amy Neil Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Erica Amadori Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Karly Anderson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Graham Anderson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Katie Anderson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Erma Robinson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Amaris Miller Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 abby mazzeo windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Caridad Canales Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-30 Terry Schultz Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Crystal Sanford Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Robet Miller Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Chris Reed Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Kelly Zanni Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Liz Norton-Garcia Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Suzy Grieder Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Heidi Lamoreaux Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Lara Dillon Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Avery Goldberg Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Randy Martin Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Sandra Angulo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 William Castellanos Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Juan Miglioli Orlando, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Claudia Aguirre Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Michelle Sanderson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Vitali Urbanovich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Name Location Date Daniel Ryan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Russell Ruben Windermere, FL, United States 2013-08-31 Maryuri De Sousa Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Rick Lung Gotha, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Lynne Greenslade Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Heather Paulson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Nicole Hicks Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Maria Simha Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Reynaldo Izaguirre Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Linda Osterhoudt Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Andrea Luther Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-09-01 zaira melendez winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-01 lorena espino Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Douglas Johnston Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Ligia Vecino Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-01 Carmela Acosta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Eda Mendez Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Karyn Hewett Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Amanda Taylor Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Tangelia Caro Grandy, NC, United States 2013-09-02 Allison Olofson Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Beverly Croft Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Milka Quinones Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Hector Quinones Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Linda Graddy Leesburg, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Jennifer Todd Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Erika Sheehan winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Patrick Sheehan winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-02 carole kettenhofen windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Irene Pini Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Judy Graddy Oviedo, FL, United States 2013-09-02 Shellie Hutchinson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Name Location Date Tom Siegmann Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Bethany Schenk Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Mandi Wright Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-03 David Nel Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Mary Ballinger Pender, NE, United States 2013-09-03 Angelica Stocks Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Maria Perzan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Charles English Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Alexis Garcia Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Mirza Husain Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Jessika Kazaros Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 J Hogan The Villages, FL, United States 2013-09-03 dorothy siegmann orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Duann Barr Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Brian Pittman Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-03 Brandi Mazur Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Kim Brannigan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-04 hend ali Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 EssamAii Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Mariella Seton Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Ralph Billy Martin Windermere, F , United States 2013-09-04 hans krug orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Andrea Demetrio Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Alais Salvador Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Jay Martin Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Michele Tanski Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Pamela montes Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Christine Moore Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Sean Kendall Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Veronica Ritti Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Anindita Gautam Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Christinen Ritterpusch Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Name Location Date Shafali Brandes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Nina Ziegelbauer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Rajesh Bobba Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Rama Dhanekula Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Vengal Pachava Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Heather Seward Flower Mound, TX, United States 2013-09-04 Martha Madrid Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Ramesh Velagapudi Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Smitha Nallamothu Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Suresh Velagapudi Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Kalyani Dhanekula Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Lawrence Delarco Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-04 heidy guerrero-velarde windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Stephen Tomasik Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Doreen Torres-Gray Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Eddie Gray Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Scott Seward Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Dana Christopher Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Maria Santana Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Christopher Greer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Karen Salter Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Richard Brandes Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Patrick Mckinney Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-04 Britney Hendrix Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Brenda Christopher-Muench Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Marie Metz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Rose Sirois Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Heidi Larson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 SHERI CLEVINGER WINTER GARDEN, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Gregory Rose Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Ann Eppinger Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Monica Trimble Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Name Location Date Jennifer OHara Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Clay Harris Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Wendi Harris Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Sandy Wright Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 jennifer erdman windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Paul Erdman Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Gretchen Barnes Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Stacy Nelson Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 David Price Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Elamor Rose Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Luke Pridgeon Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Julie Secrest Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Shannyn Wellington Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Andrea Logan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Chris Logan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Donna Martinez Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Scott Wellington Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Nicholas Lenoci Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Crystal Chism Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Jeffrey DeFelice Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Kristin Kelley Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Machelle Cobb Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-09-05 JEFF REIN WINTER GARDEN, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Yesenia Garrido Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Rhonda Pelak Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Scott Petak Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Patty Downs Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 vonny collison windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Philip Lascuola Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Gary Collison windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Mary Beth Guernier Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Jo Batzer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Name Location Date Renee Parker Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Mickey Wells Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Lacey Anderson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Paul Rossi Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 holly specht Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Douglas Todd Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Angela Lawson Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Sally Baldridge Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 John Vasilakis Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Ester Hudson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Gregory Specht Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Chris Hansen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Steve Smith Winter Garden, FL, United Kingdom 2013-09-05 Julie Smith Winter Garden, FL, United Kingdom 2013-09-05 Dennis Baldridge Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Greg Meece Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Sandra Angul Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Pam Ulekowski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Carol Rubino Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Lorimar Bermudez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Michael Cripe Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Theresa Smith Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Jennifer Janowski Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Jaime Silveira Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Christina King Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Patrick Forth Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Erin Minner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Stephen Barnes Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 AI Luke Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Gail Doherty Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 34 761 Salmon Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-09-05 michelle mclaughlin Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Name Location Date Jason Herman Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Julio Prias Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Joseph Raykie Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Rodrigo Cabral Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Xiomara De Gracia Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Kevin Gingerich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Alvaro Caro Winter garden, Colombia 2013-09-05 sue ann reichard Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 William Dennis Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 JOHN OLSON winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Michael Skutinsky Jr. Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Jennifer Addleman Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-05 Michelle Powell Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 pamela sidoruk winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Crystal Riewerts Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Jennifer Cetoute Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Corey McMasters Florida, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Laurie Stahl Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Monty Poston Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Lucia Ruppe Windermere , FL, United States 2013-09-06 Mariale Ortiz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Jenn Zepernick Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Keil Zepernick Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Karen Hughes Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Allisha Douglas Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Robert Sachse Winter Garde, FL, United States 2013-09-06 jeff stahl winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Kathleen Glackin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Evelyn Barnum Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Consuela Pereyra Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Alice McDonald Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Juan Pereyra Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Name Location Date Glenn McFarland Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 natalie beavers orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Tracy Harrison windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Steve Brooks Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Lori Benton Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Due Burr Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Pamela Dailey Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Sharon Raykie Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Ralston Toughey Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Leonard Wisniewski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Mark Williams Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Lea Ashley Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Marian Koch Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Michael Carroll Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Julie Bettosini Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Renee Funk Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Kenneth Salter Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Julie A. Meador Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Colby Coletta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Derrick DeQuiros Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Tara Turchiano Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Matt Brothers Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Jennifer Tinn Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Jill Full Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Paul Steinkirchner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Charlotte Badgley Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Maria Garay Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Paul Williams Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Jeff Forrester Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Michelle Ramsey Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Richard Radesi Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Eugene Hartmann Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Name Location Date denise myton Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Lisa Gnapp Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Lisa McCarthy Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 kathy dickey Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Daniel Roop Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Alejandra Kutcher Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-06 Debra Cryer Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Joan Bliven Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Stacey Prakash Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Jen Bittner Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Jessica Smith Winter garden, FL, United Kingdom 2013-09-07 kathleen felicetti winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Jeffrey Funk Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Anna Kunkel Wildwood, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Richard Piastuck WinterGarden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Peyton Lee Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Fatima Saied Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Lynda Williams Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Charlene Mathura Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Shawn Walsh Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Devan Mathura Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Linda Ogata Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Tom Coletta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 James Harhi Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Tim Ramsey Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Michael Ribarich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Rhonda Vosevich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Emily Englert Indianapolis, IN, United States 2013-09-07 Brett Lord Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Maria Surface Greenwood, IN, United States 2013-09-07 Aidreen Hart Brownsburg, IN, United States 2013-09-07 carrie velasquez Avon, IN, United States 2013-09-07 Name Location Date Julie Vosevich St. Charles, MO, United States 2013-09-07 Pavithra Surkanti Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 ElizaBeth Payton Union, KY, United States 2013-09-07 Pooja Surkanti Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Danielle Marsella Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-09-07 Elizabeth Vosevich-Gorris Lumberton, TX, United States 2013-09-07 Carrine Molite Oceanside, NY, United States 2013-09-07 Julie Davis Danville, IN, United States 2013-09-07 Jackie Pittman Kansas City, KS, United States 2013-09-07 Lucinda Sniffen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-07 Loretta Longo Schenectady, NY, United States 2013-09-07 lisa dick Brownsburg, IN, United States 2013-09-07 Salbina Labonowski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Dalea Badami Avon, IN, United States 2013-09-08 Blakely Meyers Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Bianca Wallace Indianapolis, IN, United States 2013-09-08 M Patterson Avon, IN, United States 2013-09-08 Jacqueline Moore Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Janelle Keener Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-08 greg vosevich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Amy Cooke Pittsburgh, PA, United States 2013-09-08 Kim Quillinan Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-08 joe zaid windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Cara Lawrence Pleasant Hill, MO, United States 2013-09-08 anthony lawrence Pleasant Hill, MO, United States 2013-09-08 Randy Vaughn Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Danna Graham Jamestown, IN, United States 2013-09-08 Kevin Gingerich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Judy Hauss Indianapolis, IN, United States 2013-09-08 Kimberly Stamper Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Joseph Vosevich St. Louis, MO, United States 2013-09-08 Tricia Vanover Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-08 Name Location Date Cheryl Meenagh Valatie, NY, United States 2013-09-09 Stacey Buchert Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Marlene Torres Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Martine Lambert Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Elisa Hromin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Ruth Bascone Lincoln, MO, United States 2013-09-09 Brian Wilson Indianapolis, IN, United States 2013-09-09 Munnaza Adnan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Christina Camilo pawtucket, Rl, United States 2013-09-09 Mimi Tawil Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Amy Prevatt Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-09 William Cannon Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-09 John Henry Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Brad Sabol Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-09 Mary Anne Skaling Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Kathy Brown Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Jodi Heath Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Iindy Martinez Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Jackie Roseboom Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Thomas Pyfer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Monica Lenzen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Trish Barker Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-10 Timothy LaGessie Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Wendy Fountain Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Maria Richardson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 LisaArcia Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Patti anne Ellis Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Todd Lang Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Jennifer Brune Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Sylvester Ellis Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Sandy Pyko Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Kiersten White Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Name Location Date Suzanne Seamon Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Brian Pyko Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Erin Puleo Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Luciann Witten Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Yvette Romero Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Nicole Hicks Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Maria Pyfer Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Kelley Duell Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Kimberly Brooks Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Monica Trimble Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Megan Omiecinski Evergreen Park, IL, United States 2013-09-11 Linda Howard Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Bryan Shea Panama City, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Kristy Rinaldo Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Dianne Dugger Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Nadezhda Filipova Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Robert Grzeszczak Winter Park, FL, United States 2013-09-11 Jennifer Marsico Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Kathy Vosevich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Christopher Grzeszczak Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-12 lisa grzeszczak windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Tom Grzeszczak Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Juliette Jewell Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Ellie Skingley Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Baylie Ericson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Dorrena Davis Oakland, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Amanda Brown Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Ana Rojas Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Jessica Carrion Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Jenny Hanak Maplewood, MO, United States 2013-09-12 Manuel Rodriguez WINTER GARDEN, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Krista Plaza Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Name Location Date Craig Pommells Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-12 Ann-Marie Smith Arlington, TX, United States 2013-09-13 Laura Reilly Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-13 Carolyn Nichols Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-13 Lisa Melanson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-13 Kasi Rainone Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-13 Kimberley Myers Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-13 Lori McKenney Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-14 Una Vivero Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-14 William Palacios Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-14 Amy Fazekas Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-14 Lori Naegele Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-15 Brandon Budron Oakland, FL, United States 2013-09-16 Steve Laureano Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-16 Nancy Forbes Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-17 Gail Carman Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-17 Tiffani Warner Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-17 Carlos Borrero winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-18 Scott Serridge Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-18 Ieisy Perez windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-18 Todd Ursem Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-18 Jody Staschke Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 AmyThogode Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Darrian Lopresto Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Beverly Wisniewski Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Elizabeth Ruiz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Christa Kotter Bradenton, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Lisa Clark Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Reta Elkins Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Yvonne Byrd Bradenton, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Victoria Pasiecki Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Nancy Pasiecki Flagler beach, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Name Location Date Sandra Stern Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Tamara Word Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Iris Ortiz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Carlos Ortiz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Kimberly Meyers Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-19 Kevin Meyers Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-20 Claire Murphy Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-20 jerry inman blue springs, MO, United States 2013-09-20 Michael Glackin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-20 Rosie Vetere Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-20 Michael Vetere Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-20 Antonio Cecchi Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-20 Hank Mallol Bradenton, FL, United States 2013-09-20 Lindsay Kelly Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-20 Celia Silva Windermere , FL, United States 2013-09-21 Gary Schubert Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-21 JORGE DE GRACIA Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-22 LUIS RHODE WINTER GARDEN, FL, United States 2013-09-22 Asha Jiawan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-22 Paul Babin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-22 Joseph Smith Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-22 Vicki Aaron Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Lisa Coultoff Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-23 ROBERT WILES Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Radhika Mehta Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Stacy Edwards Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Denise Del Castillo Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-23 justin scire Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Heather lsom Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Lynda Manus Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Tracy Walkons Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-23 Maria Penuela Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Name Location Date Pedro Turra Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Joseph Lopresto Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Karen Grau Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Richard Gonzalez Winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-24 karen Hansen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Cari Licata Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Bethany Reimel Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Ronald Tuttle Orlando, FL, United States 2013-09-24 William Warner Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-24 Jennifer Snider Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-25 Katelyn Snider Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-25 felipe garcia Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-25 Bonnie Tuttle Orlndo, FL, United States 2013-09-25 Maria Amadio Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-25 Richard Reimel Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-25 Daniel Starr Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-25 April Hines Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-25 donald capik winter garden, FL, United States 2013-09-25 Patti Silveira Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-26 Isabel Sheeter Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-26 Scott Glass Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-26 Nicole Brady Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-27 Kelly Cicero Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-27 Daniel Cicero Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-27 Katheryn Snyder Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-27 alec pontes windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-27 Susan El Amrani Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-29 Brendan Nair Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-09-29 Hayk Khachatryan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-30 michelle torresola windermere, FL, United States 2013-09-30 Matt Seamon Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-01 Tamara Schubert Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-02 Name Location Date Barten Blair Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-02 Leigh Blair Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-02 Gregory Rau winter garden, FL, United States 2013-10-02 Kim Rau winter garden, FL, United States 2013-10-02 Gary Ewell Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-02 Paul Becerra Orlando, FL, United States 2013-10-03 Alpa Vyas Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-03 JoAnn Loaning Glendale, NY, United States 2013-10-04 courtney james windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-04 William Hanusiak Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-04 Marcel Maritz Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-04 annette alversa Winter Park, FL, United States 2013-10-06 Joice Albery Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-07 Cami Richards Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-08 Jen Schrupp Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-10 Jan Sprague Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-10 Vara Prasad Ohanekula Orlando, FL, United States 2013-10-11 Venu Slngu Winderemere, FL, United States 2013-10-11 Madhuri Pullela Winderemere, FL, United States 2013-10-11 PRITI RUPARELIA WINDERMERE, FL, United States 2013-10-11 Glenn Bookman Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-12 Monique Ashbrook Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-14 thomas yorke winter garden, FL, United States 2013-10-14 M Tingo Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-15 Michelle Lay Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-16 martha baadu winter garden, FL, United States 2013-10-16 Monica Aragao Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-17 Richard Britt Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-17 Hallie welch Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-18 Bernadette Robinson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-21 David Kelley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-21 Claudia Salas Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-10-22 Name Location Date Catherine lonelli Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-22 Stacy Figueroa Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-23 rebecca adams Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-23 Christie Barnes Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-24 Concerned Citizen New City, NY, United States 2013-10-25 Lynn de Geus Orlando, FL, United States 2013-10-28 Penny Keoppel Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-29 Nicholas Bird Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Shannon Nyland Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Elisandra Padron Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Eric Jacky Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Sandra Hamberg Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Damaris Diaz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Vita Mazzaluna Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Martha Borda Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-30 Sean Hogan Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-31 Angelique Robinson Windermere, FL, United States 2013-10-31 Yzkra Linares Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-01 AXEL REYES WINDERMERE, FL, United States 2013-11-01 Ryan Spence Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-11-01 Carmen Gonzalez Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-02 Jennifer Schatte Orlando, FL, United States 2013-11-02 Gary Meyers Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-02 Jackie Galbasini Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-02 james johnson windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-02 Darin leviDarinLevi Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-02 Sara Streibig Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-02 Meryem Messaoudi windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Joscelyn Campbell Clermont, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Katiane Bleeker Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Sarah Hart Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Atanas Megerov Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Name Location Date Shannon Smedley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Sharon Williams Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Adrienne Splain Ocoee, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Erika Rossi-Raia Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-03 Jacquelene Nigrelli Nashville, TN, United States 2013-11-03 Megan Mullaney Orlando, FL, United States 2013-11-04 Dwayne Ward Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-04 Angie Nelson GOtha, FL, United States 2013-11-04 Mehul Shah Orlando, FL, United States 2013-11-04 Kathryn Curcio Winter Garden, FL, United States 2013-11-05 Casey Lynn Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-05 Kalpesh Patel Orlando, FL, United States 2013-11-05 Rajesh Kaneria Orlando, FL, United States 2013-11-05 Carol Shebovsky Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-05 Liliana Bula Ferrer Orlando, FL, United States 2013-11-06 Luz Ruiz Windermere, FL, United States 2013-11-14 Chris Watson Orlando, FL, United States 2013-12-10 Michele Lopresto Windermere, FL, United States 2013-12-11 Jennifer Bird Windermere, FL, United States 2013-12-11 Melissa LaGreca Windermere, FL, United States 2013-12-11 Chris LaGreca Windermere, FL, United States 2013-12-11 Catherine Greenfield Windermere, FL, United States 2013-12-15 Darrian Lopresto Windermere, FL, United States 2013-12-15 Stephen Facella Orlando, FL, United States 2013-12-28 Gloria Miranda-Avila Windermere, FL, United States 2014-01-10 Alex Turin Winter garden, FL, United States 2014-01-12 Martha Luz Turin Winter garden, FL, United States 2014-01-12 David Seitz Windermere, FL, United States 2014-01-13 Allyson Friedman Windermere, FL, United States 2014-01-15 Jaime Morrison Windermere, FL, United States 2014-01-19 DeDe O'Dair Windermere, FL, United States 2014-01-22 P Costa Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-01-23 Name Location Date Dawn Tesoriero winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-01-23 Kalpen desai Windermere, FL, United States 2014-01-30 Zomy Asencio Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-03 Arnie Guckian Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-10 Colleen Kalosdian Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-11 Marco Pino Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-11 Joseph Surette Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-12 Courtney Surette Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-12 Maurice Goodwin Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-13 Tracy Goodwin Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-13 David Lamoreaux Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-18 Eugene Doss Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-19 Jane Bleeker Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-19 Russell Bleeker Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-19 John Stearns Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-19 Erica Connick Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-19 Denise Gregoria Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-19 Krystin Strong Ocoee, FL, United States 2014-02-19 Jennifer Birk Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Penny Mclaughln Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Susan DeGraide Meadows Ocoee, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Marie Brown Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Jennifer Israel Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Carol Steinfurth Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Brooke Wojdyla Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Alycia Schlegel Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Rosemary Ford Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Erin Minner Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Pam Muller Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Jonathan Israel Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Vikki Rogers Ocoee, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Jay Odum Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Name Location Date Beth Sullivan Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Sue Foster Ocoee, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Kathy Amundson Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Jolyn Grathwohl Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-20 John Jahreis Orlando, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Tracy Carrasco Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-20 Helen Adler Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-21 Gail McDonald winter garden, FL, United States 2014-02-24 Nicci Snider Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-25 John Gordon Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-25 Katie Hernandez Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-26 Michele Lopresto Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-26 Shannon Orme Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-26 Nancy Janata Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-26 Brenda Bellet Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-26 Heather Hughes Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-26 Charlotte Lewis Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-27 Stephen Vincentini Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-27 John Hughes Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-27 Lindley Palmer Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-27 Wildaliz Hansen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-02-27 Todd Short Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-27 Susan Carter Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-28 Nicole Wilson Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-28 Linda Mieczkowski Windermere, FL, United States 2014-02-28 Lisette Romano Orlando, FL, United States 2014-03-01 Shelley Kasch Orlando, FL, United States 2014-03-02 Michelle Foley Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-04 Keri Bachman Orlando, FL, United States 2014-03-06 Gina Winter Orlando, FL, United States 2014-03-12 Tracy Estrada Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-12 Allison Gray Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-12 Name Location Date Joseph Barrett Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-12 Shellina Virani Orlando, FL, United States 2014-03-13 Stash Noga Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-13 Laura Mack Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-14 Suz Coh Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-15 Jim Wright Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-18 Lauren Nieves Windermere, FL, United States 2014-03-20 Jeffrey Putz Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-03-23 Diana Mattoni Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-03-23 Terryle Dukes Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-03-23 Betty Meeks Ocoee, FL, United States 2014-03-24 Andrew Hales Winter g, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Taina Colan-Wolters Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Brenda Crespo Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Joan McMullen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Krista Kelley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Karen Darn my kids need a Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 highschool pavlica Brant Bricarell Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Marc Cardona Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Brandi Elliott Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Hamid Kabili Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Mark Wilke Windermere, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Ray Thoss Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 jill doubek winter garden, FL, United States 2014-04-01 Gig Bosch Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Mario Rojas Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Stacy West Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 deedee Hughes Windermere, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Ruth Andre Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Jeff Wiley Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Devi Wise Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Name Location Date Eleanor Wong Windermere, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Heather Ransome Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Candida Cheruvattath Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Maryluz Betancourt Orlando, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Karen Klavans Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Brian Townsend Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Jennifer Puchol Pelcher Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Robert Patterson Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Lisa Whittaker Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Pedro Colon Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-02 Maria D. Vega Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-03 Chela Edelberger Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-03 Rachel Rognlin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-03 Linda Allen Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-03 Eric Lanning Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-03 Jennifer Benton Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-03 Scott Connors Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-03 Erik Martin Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-04 melissa keener Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-04 Rebekah Dechon Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-04-04 Xiaoyan Shao Orlando, FL, United States 2014-04-08 Channa Graham Windermere, FL, United States 2014-04-18 Richard Osterhoudt Windermere, FL, United States 2014-04-21 Brian Paulsen Windermere, FL, United States 2014-04-22 Michael Le Windermere, FL, United States 2014-04-26 luis morel Orlando, FL, United States 2014-04-29 jennifer kusiak Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-05-07 jeff brozovich Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-05-08 Negar Cabral Windermere, FL, United States 2014-05-21 Robert Johnson Orlando, FL, United States 2014-07-21 Jiaquan Song Windermere, GA, United States 2014-07-21 Richard Lenski Windermere, FL, United States 2014-08-04 Name Location Date Mary Fink Winter Garden, FL, United States 2014-08-17


Letter: Greetings,

Allow the West Orange High relief school on the proposed 535 Beck Property location Comments

Name Location Date Comment

Patrick Spikes Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 In our current situation this really is the quickest and best solution to aid our children with a better environment of learning.

Richard Acosta Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 All our schools in this area are overcrowded .. Our childrens education is being jeapordized .. PLEASE HELP!!!

Jessica Kendall Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 We need a new HS now. This location will provide an important cornerstone in our community and a point of pride for West Windermere. The out-of-control growth of new homes needs to be matched with schools for our kids. We cannot delay. It is a good location.

safaa Abdei-AL windermere, FL 2013-08-28 for my kids as well as other local community children , out of fairness to every body our tax money should be directed to education not to only roads or other unimportant projects our children are our as well as this countrys future

Jane Dunkelberger Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 Our immediate area has seen a 400% population increase since 200912010 school year. We need this high school to pass in the area that's proposed. All schools are over crowded!! •sos·

Michaal Rossi Winderemere, FL 2013-08-28 We MUST have a relief HS. West Orange is already overcrowded!

Kimberly Johnston Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 I have two boys that attend Sunset Park and I don't want them to suffer again in an over crowded High School. I don't want their High School to be on a two lane country road either. I want them to be safe driving to and from school. The other sites scare me with teenage drivers!!! It drives me crazy to think one community is opposing location! I vote for 535 location.

Meredith Roxburgh Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 Our children will be at the high school age by the time this school needs to be built.

James Sluss Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 Our children have the right of an outstanding public school system. This school and elementary schools are desperately needs in this area to provide this quality education. I am a retired teacher from Ohio. Don't delay and allow the negative comments about the education in Aorida become the reality. Continue to improve!!! Provide schools in the neighborhood and alleviate overcrowding

Paul Marcoccia Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 It will allow children all over our area to have a better school experience not an overcrowded school experience

Victoria ALICEA Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 Letter+ Allow the West Orange High relief school on the proposed 535 location

Suzanne Harrop Orlando, FL 2013-08-28 Our children are our future, if West Orange is overcrowded, then we need a new school, simple!

Joseph Neville Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 Overcrowded schools should not be the norm for this area.

Erika Vathis Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 We need the high school and not to wait

Tami Stellinga Windermere, FL 2013-08-28 I have two current high school children and one that will be a high school student soon. I know personally about the overcrowding issue and also would love to have my house close to a high school. Raised property values and the conveniences of being able to walk to HS.

Michael Loughran Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 My children's well being and education Name Location Date Comment

Tamara Forrester Orlando, FL 2013-Q8-29 This is what is right and in the best interest of our children, community, and future. The reason we need this high school is because all the new neighborhoods being built in the Horizons West area were sold on the ideal of a family friendly community that has included this high school vision for years now!!!!

JoAnn Best Orlando, FL 2013-08-29 We need to start construction now on a new High School because of all the growth (and certain continued growth) in this area. I lived across the street from Olympia High School when it opened and traffic was not a problem because it had a main street on 2 sides of school.

Hong Chen Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 I wish that the children have better environment to study and thrive.

Yolianne Amadeo Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 Future high schooler at home

Jessica Mckinney Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 Because our current high school is an eight mile ride away and already over capacity.

Denise Milazzo Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 our kids can't continue to learn when some of them have to sit on the floor because there is no room! This is a fact at West Orange, they are +500 students right now!

Natallia Urbanovich Winter Garden, FL 2013-Q8-29 My children will go to this HS

Melissa Anderson Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 Important for our children's future!

Claudia McDonald Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 Need the school as quick as possible. This property has already been purchased for the high school.

Patrick McDonald Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 535 is the only reasonable place tor the High School. It has been zoned that way for a long time and the county has already spent millions to procure. Why would you waste more money on any other site and especially on on a small two lane road.

Nicole Butterfield Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 I am the godmother of children who are affected.

Vicki Morley Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 Grandmother of student

Yolanda Alzate Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 We need the relief school ASAP no delays please, put the education first!!!!!!

Travis Leet Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 West Orange will need relief by the time this school gets built. This location is convenient access tor all. Students, parents, and buses will not need to drive thru a neighborhood to get to the school. The county spent the money to put a school there, lets do that

Darren White Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 The location is most logical based on where the current and future student population will is located.

Courtney Thompson Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 We need to try and eliminate our schools being over populated.

Michelle Schultes Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 overcrowding at WOHS

Wendy Gustino Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 because West Orange is so overcrowded that students are sitting on the floor in classrooms! Every child should have appropriate seating in all classrooms!

Steven Walczak Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 I love the 535 location for a community high school

Rochelle Blake Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 I live right next to his location, very convenient phil bornemann Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 9th Grade Center Overcrowded, wait until that group goes over to the Main Campus. Build it sooner !

Rosa Rodriguez Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 Resident

Judith Bacica Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 It is long over due, WOHS is so tar for those of us in the Keene's point area.

Phil Sublette Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 Build it... you won't have to worry about any lack of students to fill it up. In fact, at the rate we are going, I wouldn't be surprised if it opened at capacity! Name Location Date Comment

Michele Anetrella Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 It needed to be done years ago way before the housing boom!! When 1 came out here 10 years ago I was surrounded by cow pastures & orange groves we absolutely NEED another High School!!

Anne Lee Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 Overcrowding doesn't benefit anyone.

Jennifer Way Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 Resident

Linda Hance Orlando, FL 2013-08-29 My grandchildren shouldn't have to attend an overcrowded school

Robin Ramey Orlando, FL 2013-08-29 The 535 location is ideal, and makes so much sense. Students deserve an education in a comfortable enviroment that is close to home.

Gia Futch Gotha, FL 2013-Q8-29 It is important for ALL children to get a GREAT education and be SAFELY cared for. What better use could their be for this land than the investment of our future?

S Edwards Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 The schools are too crowded now.

Laurie Pool Orlando, FL 2013-08-29 I have a highschool student who attends West Orange, which is overcrowded.

Lisa Hilgenfeldt Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 Over crowding at WOHS- it is an immediate need in this area.

Rick Callan Orlando, FL 2013-08-29 My child lives near, and will make his High School days easier and more enjoyable.

James Gustino Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 my daughter will be entering into 9th grade next year, and the West Orange HS is GROSSLY overcrowded!

Melissa Rhinehart Holmes Bch, FL 2013-08-29 We are moving to the area soon.


Michael Sieg Orlando, FL 2013-08-29 Good long term planning goals are needed for growth

Kayteen Stroud Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 This new school would service the children in my neighborhood and provide a much closer alternative than over crowded West Orange HS

Debbie Bolin Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 School is too overcrowded.

Nikki Garver Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 Moving into the area and would be convenient for my kids to access from our new neighborhood (within walking distance).

Cynthia Roberts Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 We need a bigger High School that is closer to Windermere and this will fit the bill. West Orange school has many bused in kids and that is what is overcrowding the school. This school should have the kids who are zoned for it only..

John Murphy Windermere, FL 2013-08-29 As a father of a child in middle school I realize that WOHS is only getting more crowded. We NEED a relief HS ASAP!

Candace Ryan Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-29 WOHS is clearly over crowded and only getting worse as the feeder classes are significantly larger than today's Jr and Sr classes. This is a no-brainer- we need relief now!

Susan Ott Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 I am a parent! The Tiny road site is already heavy with Foundation Academy and Bridgewater

Melissa Dennis Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 The kids need a school! Now! And this area is designed mot handle it

Andrew Rogan Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 I go to WO and I can barely move in the halls and I cannot get a parking spot due to overcrowding.

Tanya Reyes Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 I like the idea that more children would be able to walk home. man dao Ocoee, FL 2013-08-30 West orange has been increasingly overcrowded every year. Most classes have exceeded the Florida State recommended class size. kailee smart Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 over populated Name Location Date Comment

Kiara Rios Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 Currently a student at W.O., it is too crowded. It's hard to go from class to class. michael cicerchia windermere, FL 2013-08-30 i live in the nieghborhood and have children

Nelson Ocasio Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 A high school is much needed for this area, the proposed 535 location would be a perfect fit for it.

Tara Stokes Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 My son attends WOHS and it is grossly overcrowded. My daughter will be attending in three years. I want her to have more class choices.

Judy Paulsen Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 With WOHS over crowded, we need a new high school sooner than later, and this location is perfect for our growing area. It is right where the families who need it and will create a great sense of community.

Joy Wetmore Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 It will not be fair to our students to keep them in an over crowed school because some don't want it near their home.

Julie Sadlier Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 I have a middle schooler and elementary school age child

Jennifer Opificius Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 West Orange is very overcrowded. My daughter's class has over 1,000 students alone. They are unable to get the classes they need due to overcrowding.

Deborah Holderman Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 The over crowding of WOHS is evident and has impacted the ability of students to participate in sports, gain access to elective classes as well as having to deal with class reassignment and teacher shifting (not always the most qualified teacher to teach an advanced subject matter). The topic of a new has been in the plans for several years. It is time to begin to build vs. just talk about it. Although I understand the concern of the people who live in the area slatted for the school, they must understand the critical need at this time.

Charles Callaway Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 We need a relief high school ASAP

Kevin Schevers Port Saint Lucie, FL 2013-08-30 Overcrowded schools are a detriment to good education

Rosa Diaz windermere, FL 2013-08-30 It will keep my child closer to home. The commute will be more pleasant and less traffic congestion. Please keep me informed. Thank you.

Frank Davis Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 My son and daughter will be attending the school and the proposed location is ideal.

Michael Stoppels Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 This solution has been talked about for long enough. My son should have had his Senior year at the new high school, but the plans were put on hold. I hope my daughter will have the choice. The current high school is way too crowded!!!

Mark Bergner Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 WO-Overcrowded

Michael Elliott Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-30 I live in Independence and with no plan to expand Tiny Road for another location, the 535 location will be great for my children.

Amy Neil Windermere, FL 2013-08-30 A relief high school in this area is already overdue, the process needs to speed up, not slow down.

Gerald Dillon Windermere, FL 2013-08-31 our elementary school is so crowded there isn't room for me to eat lunch with my kids. I don't want them to feel like part of an ant farm for their entire school careers. Name Location Date Comment

Michelle Sanderson Windermere, FL 2013-08-31 This is important to me because of the over-crowding. I will feel forced to leave a neighborhood/area we really like if this situation does not get under control by the time my daughter hits the school years. The school size is large when it's not over-crowded; I cannot fathom the learning environment when it is overcrowded and I find it unacceptable. I went to a high school that was on a busy street, no less busy than where this high school is currently proposed to go (535 and Ficquette}. We did not have safety issues around the high school. The parking lot for students was even across the busy street. We were young adults who were responsible enough to practice safety, and I believe in raising my child/ren to do the same. I don't see this as being an issue.

Daniel Ryan Winter Garden, FL 2013-08-31 I will have 3 kids at West Orange and its already too crowded.

Maryuri De Sousa Windermere, FL 2013-09-01 As a mom of a 5th and 4th graders, the best education, school and resources availability for my kids as well as community proper planning is important to me. I love where I live and I am aware on how crowded West Orange HS is. We need this High School ASAP!

Lynne Greenslade Windermere, FL 2013-09-01 My son is at WOHS. They have 3900 students in a 21 00 school. The elective classes are grossly oversized impacting the quality of education our children are receiving, the teachers can NOT be effective .. We pay 1 .8% millage rate, the OCPS capital fund has the money. Our area is growing again, we can do SO much better for our children, we need to advocate for them, they have NO voice. A new High School should have been started ready for this year. It is unacceptable, we need to build NOW.

Douglas Johnston Windermere, FL 2013-09-01 My children attend Sunset Park and it is over crowded and I don't want them to suffer with a high school that is over crowded. This need to happen soon!

Ligia Vecino Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-01 I hope that Stoneybrook West Community can be rezoned to that new High School. We have 4 elementary schools around and just ONE HIGH SCHOOL. Please build it we really need it.

Carmelo Acosta Windermere, FL 2013-09-02 School is needed as already existing high school is over capacity. This location will close to the families that need it, it will reduce the travel time between home and school as many will be under the 2 miles distance, less time cars are in the row is more money saved in gas. It will also reduce the distance for school buses in the route so it will also reduce the cost in gas for the buses.

Eda Mendez Orlando, FL 2013-09-02 I have 13 year old son and he is going to attend high school in 2015. Yes, we are in need of a new High School!!

Beverly Croft Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-02 So my grandchildren will have excess to a closer school and less crowded conditions.

Linda Graddy Leesburg, FL 2013-09-Q2 Let's put the needs of the children before our own personal wants. Don't be selfish!

Erika Sheehan winter garden, FL 2013-09-02 We desperately need a new High School! This is the PERFECT location!

Irene Pini Windermere, FL 2013-Q9-02 Kids in this zone !!!!!

Bethany Schenk Orlando, FL 2013-09-03 I have 4 children and we need proper education, tools, teachers and resources to secure their future.

Mandl Wright Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-03 all 3 of my children will be affected by this change. THey will all be in high school for the 2017-18 school year and it would be wonderful to have this school with the appropriate number of students. Thank you.

Mirza Husain Windermere, FL 2013-09-03 I have been living in this area for last 9 years, I can see in<:rease of population, we really need another High School. Thank you.

Jessika Kazaros Windermere, FL 2013-09-03 Our own children need to be in an environment conducive to learning and development- not overrun and overpopulated. Name Location Date Comment

Duann Barr Windermere, FL 2013-09-03 Me and my grandchildren live in Windermere Lakes, and I don't want them going to an over-crowded school, and they shouldn't have to attend a school so far away from where they live.

Veronica Ritti Windermere, FL 2013-09-04 I have 4 children that need this school built.

Shafali Brandes Windermere, FL 2013-09-04 This would place my children close to there neighborhood friends as well as relieve any busing cost as they can ride a bicycle to the relief location. Firmly this can be a win for all. The time of High School beginning at 7:20AM should not impact WORK traffic as well as the 2:30PM should NOT impact after hours traffic as well. This RELIEF SCHOOL location makes sense and as parent of two children (11 yrs & 9 Yrs OLD) it would be great to have nearby. Thanks for allowing me to have a say online as I work and cannot make the 1PM meeting this Friday. heidy guerrero-velarde windermere, FL 2013-09-04 our children need new school with right capacity

Karen Salter Winter Garden, FL 2013-Q9-Q5 My daughter is a freshman at West Orange and I have a 7th grader who will be there in a couple of years.

Patrick Mckinney Windermere, FL 2013-09-05 I have 3 children that will be affected by this relief school. It is a necessity!

Britney Hendrix Orlando, FL 2013-09-05 I used to attend West Orange H.S. nearly 10 years ago, and it was overcrowed then. No children should suffer through that.

Wendi Harris Orlando, FL 2013-09-05 overcrowded schools- fully support this high school project! I! jennifer erdman windermere, FL 2013-09-05 4 kids!

Crystal Chism Windermere, FL 2013-09-05 I have 3 chidren under the age of 5. The school would be located right around the corner from our home and we see only positive points in providing our neighborhood and those that surround us with a quality public school nearby. I am appalled at those who express concern over additional noise, bright lights and traffic. There is no football game after midnight nor is there a practice that begins before 6AM. Windermere is a child friendly community and this is obviously a good decision for our children.

Kristin Kelley Windermere, FL 2013-09-05 Overcrowding and better access for those kids in the Windermere, lndepence area.

Machelle Cobb Ocoee, FL 2013-09-05 I really wish Orange County Board of Education,Commissioners had to work under the same conditions as our Teachers teach in and our Children Learn under!

Scott Pelak Windermere, FL 2013-09-05 Schools are overcrowded, land is already purchased. vonny collison windermere, FL 2013-09-05 My 3 kids will be at this high school

Gary Collison windermere, FL 2013-09-05 my kids will go to this school

Jo Batzer Windermere, FL 2013-QS-05 We have a daughter in 7th grade and we are not sending her to West Orange.

Renee Parker Winter Garden, FL 2013-Q9-05 Overcrowding

Sally Baldridge Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-05 There is nothing more importan

Chris Hansen Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-05 As an engineer, this is the right location.

Theresa Smith Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-05 Schools should be near communities for the convenience of students and to save the county transportation costs relative to busing. 535 is a perfect location because the roadway has been improved. There would be a tremendous amount of road work needed on Tiny Road such as leveling the grade and putting in shoulders. The traffic is horrendous on Tiny Road when Bridgewater Middle School dismisses students for the day. Because of the curves there is very little site line eve when doing 25 MPH.

Christina King Millsboro, DE 2013-09-05 I support the relief high school at the proposed 535 location. Thank you. Name Location Date Comment

Jason Herman Winter Garden, FL 2013-09.05 We have two children in this zone and would very much like for them to attend the relief school. Overcrowded schools aren't conducive to a proper education!

Joseph Raykie Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-05 Our kids need to have a new school and should not have to wait for Oxford Moor residents to be pacified.

JOHN OLSON winter garden, FL 2013-09-06 don't need that traffic on tiny rd. that is a dangerous rd. accidents will occur

Crystal Riewerts Ocoee, FL 2013-09-06 West Orange is severely overcrowded and will continue to see growth that will challenge the students and staff to thrive. We need to give our children the best opportunity for success. Please continue to help OCPS become better and better by meeting the new needs of our growing area.

Thank you for all you do!

Laurie Stahl Ocoee, FL 2013-09-06 Have children that will be affected. natalie beavers orlando,FL 2013-09-06 because we are moving into the area

Lorena E Windermere, FL 2013-09-06 We need a High school in Windermere!

Lea Ashley Winter garden, FL 2013-09-06 We have children that will soon be entering high school, and it would be nice for them to attend school in there area.

Charlotte Badgley Windermere, FL 2013-09-06 over crowded school are horrible for students!

Lynda Williams Windermere, FL 2013-09-07 I support the building of the high school to relieve the current and future over crowding in our school system. Our children deserve better.

Linda Ogata Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-07 It is important for our children, grandchildren and community to offer less crowded schools.

Tom Coletta Windermere, FL 2013-09-07 Education Quality

Michael Ribarich Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-07 My kids will come to high school age soon

Aidreen Hart Brownsburg, IN 2013-09-07 affects close friends of ours.concerned about school overcrowding.

Carrie Velasquez Avon, IN 2013-09-07 This is important to me because having a school grossly overcrowded is not conducive to learning.

Elizabeth Vosevich- Lumberton, TX 2013-09-07 My great niece and nephew, Talia and Jalen Vosevich will attend high school in Gorris Orange County. Overcrowding is not conducive to learning and order in the school environment. lisa dick Brownsburg, IN 2013-09-07 to help with overcrowding for our kids.

Salbina Labonowski Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-08 We need it!

Judy Heuss Indianapolis, IN 2013-09-08 Education of the students should be of utmost importance in the West Orange area.

Tricia Vanover Windermere, FL 2013-09-08 I have a current 1Oth grader and a 6th grader. I don't want their high school experience to be ruined by overcrowing.

Elisa Hromin Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-09 This was the designated area prior to us moving here and this property seems as the right place for a high school .

Ruth Bascone Lincoln, MO 2013-09-09 Its where my grandchildren will go

Christina Landahl Pawtucket, AI 2013-09-09 My friend's kids attend this school :)

William Cannon Windermere, FL 2013-09-09 535 location makes more sense than the other for many reasons. my children are zoned for the new school

Jennifer Brune Ocoee, FL 2013-09-11 We are hoping to move to Winter Garden area before our daughter starts high school in 3 yrs.

Brian Pyko Windermere, FL 2013-09-11 Overcrowded school hurt the education process. Need the right size school to,help the kids Name Location Date Comment

Luciann Witten Winter Garden, FL 2013-Q9-11 I have 2 children going to public school now and have considered home schooling when they go into high school due to the over crowing in West Orange High now. We need another school

Robert Grzeszczak Winter Park, FL 2013·09-12 Would be great for grandkids living in the area

Jennifer Marsico Winter garden, FL 2013-Q9-12 I have a Daughter in high school now and it is so overcrowded, she goes back and forth between the two campuses for classes and it is horrible. Although it vvon't effect her school year, I have a younger son and vvould love to see him go to the new high school.

Chris Grzeszczak Windermere, FL 2013·09·12 We moved into Providence because this school was planned.

Ellie Skingley Orlando, FL 2013·09-12 Too many kids at our school, and all the classes are full. Its not fair!!!! I have to take P.e!!

Baylie Ericson Winter Garden, FL 2013·09-12 I can1 walk in the hallways without feeling clostrophobic. Between every class I get stepped on and you cant get good classes because they're all filled.

Jessica Carrion Winter garden, FL 2013-09-12 Live in this town and love my city and wish for my childs to have the best oportunities and education posible.

Ann-Marie Smith Arlington, TX 2013-09-13 Students learn better in a comfortable environment.

Laura Reilly Windermere, FL 2013-09-13 With some of the highest property taxes, we deserve relief now.

Lisa Melanson Winter Garden, FL 2013·09-13 Current high school is seriously overcrowded.

Kasi Rainone Windermere, FL 2013-09-13 WOHS is TOO CROWDED!!

Kimberley Myers Windermere, FL 2013-Q9-13 Closer proximity to home & less crowded

Lori Naegele Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-15 West Orange HS is over full and the location of the relief school in surrounded by communities who have children that will be attending the relief school.

Tiffani Warner Winter Garden, FL 2013·09-17 The school is needed badly and the location is very convenient to where we live.

Scott Serridge Winter Garden, FL 2013·09-19 Ease and convenience to and from Independence.

Beverly Wisniewski Winter Garden, FL 2013·09-19 A new relief high school is needed now and this plan addresses that need.

Elizabeth Ruiz Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-19 We Need to build this school ... Its for our CHILDREN!!!

Victoria Pasiecki Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-20 I want my children have the educational experience they deserve

Nancy Pasiecki Ragler beach, FL 2013-09-20 My grandchildren need a better learning environment gerald inman blue springs, MO 2013-09-20 friends children

LUIS RHODE WINTER GARDEN, FL 2013·09·22 I have an 11 year old son who will be attending High School in 2016. I am one of many parents with kids approaching high school years and the current facility cannot accommodate all the new students.

Radhika Mehta Windermere, FL 2013-09-23 I have a child in the 10th grade at West Orange High School. The class sizes are getting bigger every year and the school is too overcrowded.

Stacy Edwards Windermere, FL 2013-09-23 WOHS is too crowded. We need another High School.

Maria Penuela Winter Garden, FL 2013·09-24 West Orange High is over populated and we need our kids to learn in a small invironment.

Richard Gonzalez Winter garden, FL 2013-09-24 Moving closer the area and for better entry and egress out of school area location.

Ron Tuttle Orlando, FL 2013-Q9-24 Grand Children Name Location Date Comment

William Warner Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-24 Because my child goes to WOHS now and it is overcrowded. My youngest will go there next year and I can only see it getting more and more crowded with the new neighborhoods. I also love the new location because it is very convenient to our neighborhood in Summertake.

Bonnie Tuttle Orlndo, FL 2013-09-25 This decision involves my grandchildren. We are from North Virginia and can attest to the problem of over crowed schools and the many problems that come along with them.

April Hines Winter Garden, FL 2013-Q9-25 our children need a safe uncrowded place to learn and prepair them for a prosperous future.

Patti Silveira Windermere, FL 2013-09-26 to give WOHS relief as the numbers are too high

Isabel Sheeter Windermere, FL 2013-09-26 I don't want my children to go to an over crowded school.

Katheryn Snyder Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-27 I am a WOHS parent and will be for the next 9 years. I do not want my children's education to suffer and building the overdue relief school will make all the difference in their education. Thank you!

Alec Pontes Windermere, FL 2013-09-27 I attend west orange high school and it is highly over populated, the up stairs hallways are not even managable, I have to wait a good 2 minutes before I even get the chance to walk down stairs. Also for the convience for me and my fellow residents who would easily be able to walk to school.

Susan Elamrani Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-29 School is so overcrowded and will be way over it's limit when my son attends.

Brendan Nair Winter Garden, FL 2013-09-29 We need quality schools in our district. The current & projected future over crowding at West Orange High School needs to be addressed appropriately. If not addressed, the quality of our children's education will be negatively impacted. We can not allow this to happen. Please approve & build the proposed new high school. michelle torresola windermere, FL 2013-09-30 Bottom line is our children need the best education they can get. We need this other school. So we are not over crowded in class rooms .. courtney james windermere, FL 2013-10-04 I live in the area, the school would be close and plus as the area continue to grow I don't want to wait until the last min to build a HS to relieve this school

Glenn Bookman Winter Garden, FL 2013-10-12 West orange school needs new school for summer port And that is the place Thank You!!!

Monique Ashbrook Winter Garden, FL 2013-10-14 Will be best for our children and neighborhood

Christie Barnes Windermere, FL 2013-10-24 I have triplets in 5th and one in 1Oth at West Orange--too crowded even now

Penny Keoppel Windermere, FL 2013-10-29 I understand the concerns of property values, but at this point I believe we need to look to the educational needs of the children in the community. They NEED this school!

Sandra Hamberg Windermere, FL 2013-10-30 I have 3 kids already in an overcrowded elementary school, lets set them up for success with a good high school!

Damaris Diaz Windermere, FL 2013-10-30 I'm signing because it is a NECESSITY that we build a new school in this area for all the kids around here who would normally go to WOHS, since that school is already extremely packed full. Plus, there's lots of development in this area. That means even more kids coming into this area. The point is, WOHS is overcrowded even without the kids here. We should build a new high school in this area to accommodate the children here. Thank you so much!

Vita Mazzaluna Winter Garden, FL 2013-10-30 My children are 8 and 4 and by the time they go to HS, both WO and Ocoee HSs will be over crowded so we need a 3rd high school in this immediate area sooner than later! Name Location Date Comment

Yzkra Linares Windermere, FL 2013-11-01 Hi I am currently enrolled into WOHS. I feel as if the world is full of ants trying to get into a place, it's so crowed. I mean I don't want to people to leave but I feel that if we built a new school we can decrease the amount of students the amount of money and we can get better grades and be an A school forever. If we make a new high school we could have less people to a class and that means it's easier for the teacher to teach every other student who needs help. Please think wisely and help us make a new school !!!

Katiane Bleeker Windermere, FL 2013-11-03 It is very important so my kids that are now on a crowded elementary school could then enjoy a property sized high school close to home!

Sarah Hart Winter Garden, FL 2013-11-03 My son attends West Orange and it is grossly over stretched. The 9th grade campus is a joke. With all the new housing communities going up there will be more families moving to the area so a new high school is a must.

Jacquelene Nigrelli Nashville, TN 2013-11-03 To ensure quality education of students with and without disabilities in the best possible environment.

Megan Mullaney Winter Garden, FL 2013-11-04 I have a 13 year old daughter and do not want her attending an over-crowded high school.

Kathryn Curcio Winter Garden, FL 2013-11-05 They keep building new homes and apartment complexes. Either build a new school to keep up with growth or stop building.

Luz Ruiz Windermere, FL 2013-11-14 To eliminate overcrowding and promote a proper learning enviroment

Chris Watson Orlando, FL 2013-12-10 There are no more options left. Look around, so many new apartments and subdivisions being built and coming on-line. Why is this not being handled with all the $$ coming into OC from these new projects

Jennifer Bird Windermere, FL 2013-12-11 We desperately need a new high school ASAP!

DeDeO'Dair Windermere, FL 2014-01-22 Desperately needed! The growth in our community is ongoing. Delay would be detrimental!

Dawn Tesoriero Winter Garden, FL 2014-01-23 This new school at the proposed site would cut almost 20 min off my children's bus trip!

Joseph Surette Windermere, FL 2014-02-12 There absolutely needs to be something done for the betterment of the children of this community. You are allowing explosive growth in terms of housing development and the school growth needs to match that housing growth. The necessary infrastructure must be put in place to protect the families that are currently here and those that will be moving here or we need to immediately halt the housing development growth.

Maurice Goodwin Windermere, FL 2014-02-13 Reduce overcrowding at WOHS.

Tracy Goodwin Windermere, FL 2014-02-13 Reduce WOHS overcrowding. Ruduce classroom size to improve overall quality of education.

Jane Bleeker Windermere, FL 2014-02-19 My grandchildren, I pick them up daily at Sunset Park.

Russell Bleeker Windermere, FL 2014-02-19 My grandchildren could be affected.

Shannon Orme Windermere, FL 2014-02-20 Please build the school so my grandchildren will have a school to go too.

JayOdum Windermere, FL 2014-02-20 To save taxpayers millions of dollars.

Lindley Palmer Windermere, FL 2014-02-27 West Orange is very overcrowded and a new school is desperately needed. We moved here 8 years ago with the assumption that a new high school would be built soon.

Linda Mieczkowski Windermere, FL 2014-02-28 We need a high school in our area. West Orange is overcrowded. It should be built on the original proposed site. It is too costly to change sites and will cause delays. Name Location Date Comment

Jeffrey Putz Winter Garden, FL 2014-03-23 The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Get it done, commissioners.

Betty Meeks Ocoee, FL 2014-Q3-24 I have grandchildren that I want to know they are not in over crowded schools that hinders getting a good education

Taina Colan-Wolters Winter Garden, FL 2014-04-01 I want my child to have a fair education!

Karen Darn my kids need Winter Garden, FL 2014-04-01 Its the needs of the many children that out weighs the needs of the few rich a highschool pavlica onrd that still think this area is RURAL- look around and you can see it is no longer a rural county and no need to spend $$$$$ that the school system does not have!! Get a clue!!!!

Ray Thoss Winter Garden, FL 2014-04-01 Kids will be attending the new high school

Gig Bosch Winter Garden, FL 2014-04-02 Area needs relief now, whatever mistakes were made by purchasing land when the zoning didnt allow the placement of school was wrong, lets learn from it for the next time but right now this is where we are at. Please build the high school my children so desperately need.

Mario Rojas Winter Garden, FL 2014-04-02 I have children who will benefit from the project

Ruth Andre Winter Garden, FL 2014-04-02 Having moved from a state where children have higher test scores, it only seems like a no brainer. Seriously, I went to a meeting at the school and test scores were brought up and it was as if they didn't know why the scores were lower.

Karen Klavans Winter Garden, FL 2014-04-02 My son attends West Orange now and has over 1 ,000 students in his freshman class. My daughter will be ready to attend in 2019 and she needs a less crowded school to attend!

Danielle Fatigate Windermere, FL 2014-04-03 I have a son that would be attending.

Jennifer Makin Rootstown, OH 2014-04-03 My son will be going there in a 2 years. I want the new school built before then, and the location would be close to us.

Michael Le Windermere, FL 2014-04-26 Better education for West Orange High School students.

Nagar Cabral Windermere, FL 2014-05-21 We need a new high school for our children. Not enough schools in this area

Jiaquan Song Windermere, GA 2014-07-21 Allow the West Orange High relief school on the proposed 5:35 Beck Property location

Richard Lenski Windermere, FL 2014-08-04 We need the new highschool at this ideal location

Mary Fink Winter Garden, FL 2014-08-17 We moved with the expectation that a new high school would be built a few years ago. It is too late for our son, who will graduate this year, but my 9 year old daughter can not attend a school that is already grossly overcrowded. .. I' Petition to Build Our Schools Now! (j)

NOWfSuildour Schools Now! j The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

1\ction petitioned for l We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!


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NQW!Build our School$ Now! I The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

6.ction petitioned for j We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

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NOW! Build our Schools Now! The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County. t\ction petitioned for We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

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N:OWfBuildour Schools Nowt The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School / x, ~·~'< Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

!J.ction petitioned for We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

Printed Name Signature Address Comment Date

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Action petitioned for I We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

Printed Name Signature Address Comment Date

DonnttBeer'! I~~ !6/J/~~i !eJ~~LIV~~1 3U.7?'& ~CXTi (\) ~~.e-1' I ~ of{)

\.f'-\·,~~1 fL


J-~t~d;e<' N (

v~ I z• "0 .! .5.. 0.. •· Petition to Build Our Schools Now!

NQwt,Jluild our Schools Now! I The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe~that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

"ction petitioned for I We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

P-rinted Name Address Comment Date ...... ___. ,, JflR.bJ J oJccwst:JJ


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(!j) Petition to Build Our Schools Now! •

~QVV'!Build our Schools Now! The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

!\ction petitioned for We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

Address Comment Date 3 ll· I'S

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CD E z"' j c "C £L ., ' Petition to Build Our Schools Now! @ titowt B,Ji•i

!\ction petitioned for We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

Piil1ted Name Address Comment Date


(/J,,j; '7 t J;zv/n cvuh

Jan(~Q(,-t .1SC'-( f0t1;0 V,(,v ~ ,3/~2-[ts-

3 \Z Is- A\a." be.'{er- <:6T!o ~ ~'q T4. vo~lfiC.,. ~Jc~ I I t ·-fl • 4(n/ 17 Petition to Build Our Schools Now! " The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. Ho~ever,due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily ¥nd we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. Wfl also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their 0'~ backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!


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NOWt Bu(ld our Schools Nowt j The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

'ction petitioned for I We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

Printed Name Address Comment Date ll{ctZ7


Jt-9t~Dr ~I


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CD E z" :-::S j ""' ~ -! "" Q. .. Petition to Build Our Schools Now! @) "'~'

NOW! Build our Schools Now! I The Residents that reside in the backyard of West Orange High School Firmly believe that a school is an asset to any community. We have co-existed peacefully with West Orange High School for almost twenty years. However, due to the overcrowding of West Orange High School, our two lane roads are congested twice \ I daily and we now have numerous safety concerns for our developments that would not be an issue if the County Commission had worked with the Orange County School Board on a relief school in a timely manner. We also feel that it is unfortunate that the complaints of a small minority of homeowners are being put above the educational needs of thousands of students. We the undersigned have just as much right to be heard as those who don't want a school in their backyard and demand that the County Commission take the necessary steps To cooperate with OCPS to get a relief school built in West Orange County.

"-ction petitioned for I We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now AND Build our Schools NOW! WOW!

Printed Name Address Comment Date

itd IJ uzJ/

vJ ;,(\_ c1 er (\'\..-LY ~, 12224 CrossAY\_o. C,r. /"' ,J.) 'SL~LKot-t-1

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