vou. xxxi. v MORRIS COUNTY, N. J., DECEMBER 19, 1SOJ. No. 1611 bated,.Ecized him. Green remembered BELINDA STARTS TO PRACTICE last to an end. MaHtur Daniel was • SYMPATHY. THE GIRLS OF LIMEBICK. (inlfd home in tears, with a very "flat that his wife^Iiid her face in' terror,' As vie mourn In our midnight uf iarrow, * Then the red tpols daipccil mockjDgiy. !braln,. lose, (due—to - prolonged pressure Alone In our crying iiDd fcar£, - - ' Pr/ettr of Pace and Fall of Wit, Bnym i^ninst plate gluts windowH), by anA« the i>l tile si face of To-morrow For a long time he was the center of POBL18HED:-:EVER*:-:THURSDA.Y. ,.,AlUJaU»—with Its vflsta of yturs, -.'.—. iv^rrzealpus policeman who , recog-* a gaping crowd by day;" At night In? TIi em. , • . tl.SQ PKB Amw, IN ADYAXOB. Lilzed-h Im, ~- —' -'•-• : Thomas M. Hdagan The Unequal battle alone. ' Kirs. Darrow had "spent tbe hour In unemotional voices discussed tbe pro- hen iiellnda Biartg lo nrnrt The tborm—where we «» of unlor and com- of Jfaflttr Daniel abducted by wicked The anawerleso Ilpf of^urdead, they meant. Had he killed Scott? Of Dorecb JkBons celebrated Shoes for Boys' and Oentu' J .JTOli; course lie' hud. -And he was £o glad of plexion about the .Liny;rick j,'irlfi,,,en One Cotumn.oneyear .„ .....4100.00 And I (ear kidnuperu.: Strangely enough, she The Father in~plty surprises manse, that.curry off the Kwtiepstakea wear in BLAOK AND TAN. • . never suspected the truth, * Our alght with tt luminous ntar if that be laughed loud and lung. Tbe Half Colnmu, " B5.00 My hair spectators stared.- Home of them trophy. The girls, of Cork mid of the , And swear . When Daniel re-entered the house T&at slowly and s'wettly uprise* Quarter Qdlumn; " 30.00 - And beacons this .hope from afar. nudged each other." Finally-theju»r«««. hours' he heard a muffled voicjs calling him. Derore I m out of bed; began talking of some awful penalty. way down from Dublin—are Rome- , Orio Inch, 3 months, 3.00 Opera House Building, With an appalling" consciousness of That hearts which affliction hath Mended, A sudden loathing seized him; he hated what of the LimerickTiril'cr. -In, forra'- One Inch, one time, 75 eta.; thereafter, un- guilt he remembered for the first Illumined by heavenly light,'. Their discord and darkness have'ended all mankind. Springing 1o his feet bo they constitute n happy IIILMIIIIJU be- til the expiration of one munth, 40 oenta. dme where he had left MB mother. -Boontcm,; N"^ J-, And Brotherhood ihlneth In might. defied the entire assembly and vmved, tween the rotund Knglin!i maids "'m!" " •„.„.- across one" channel and the Kylph-liko- Ho even'(far midnight of sorrow never to speak to anyone again.. His; ; BOOXTOX CHURCHES. •:• / .' ', THUS. M. "Oh, Dannie dear, whe,rethttre you Foretokens a" joy from above— only fear was that this pledge might' Pariijian demoinselles beyond' the - been? Mother WIB afraid her darling A promlse~df tteauty to-morrow, -• some day be broken. other, says o writer In the Hun Kran- MixaoDiir EPI*COMI^-11«T. O. C. UouhuUle/i WE GIVE TBADrsa. STAMPS. was stolen." . When etirth may be lighted by Love!' ' ciuco Argonaut. Ph. D.. paitor. Suudir lertlct-t— Pr etching at 11 ••Ernest Neal X>yon. In N. Y. Independent. A key grated in. the loefc The door •. m. mnd7.fta-p. ro.:Epwort b Leagun aerolca it •\ "Huen eve'ywhe.re, Mommer." Voii'd Hut the Limerick fact is the per- , 6J i p. m.; Buodir School at 9 30 ft. m. Wtrklj of was flung open; a flood of subdued light Prijer Service, Wednetdiy evening., at H o'clock. ?" "" ""»! »urely flic- orter flee the- elephant In the store— fection of female beauty^-a human, And no doubt It m|i| bo ,,_; u candy elephant, Mommer.""" ' filled tile cell. The convict pressed his I'B«IBTTX»I*(«—ner. Qto. L. Blcbm'oDd'.'pMtor. hands over bis closed eyes and a!must ceramic without a blAmiaJi.", The Lim- 8unr1»» wrTicc«—Prf*cbtDH«t U •• m. and 7.30 p. " "Yoii naughty boy! Haven't I told' erick girl IK also Hie higlu'Kt pimple to.; ChrUMan EndeavorB rvlo, 0.15 l>. m.; sou- streamed ,with(pafn. IJut no "sound dtj-Bcn-ml at ».3O a. m. We«k>r Prater Meeting. you a'hundred'timeB never to" go "down ,of exquisite (wit und ingehuouiineSK—> Wrdneidty evening at 7 13 o'clock. the street alone? Open the door}".. TRe SILENT 'came from his tightly compressed lips. •Tn silence, he was partly ltd, partly nn extraordinary as-isbnilntlon, -to be HtronitM>—IIPT. Alex-HcKelrey, p*ilor. -Ban- LUMBER.! - But Dannie wna wise In his genera- sure. In other wortln, while she i^ not da}" • prrlcei—Pr*achlntr'at 11 %. m. and 7.30 p.m.; dragged to his-own quarters at the ex- ChriitUn KmletTQr aenrlceat fl,*5 p. m.j Sunday -San Francisco Uutlttjn i * i tion with the wisdom of the serpent, CONVICT InsenHible- of her . nparkle,'>of wordH '•- j^treme end of the lin* of steel cages. 1 Bctiool atfl.so a.-m. Weekly I'rajer Meeting., All Kinds-an,d Qualities ! and Tie decided to make termB before she Heems like onefc who -has .never Wednridaj QTeoiog. 7.13 o'clock, . , I | he relieved the garrison. While he was looked frequently into a mirror. .She.- KT. Jons'ft (EriBCoPiL)—Her." J. O. Jormlfmoa,' v Confusion-: reigned supreme that I i«A»A.A.A.A.i.A.1.A,;,AiA, stilt, hesitating over the articles; of »r^ FTEJt the gaping three-inch gash haB regular and sometimes very pret- rfctnr.''Bunday*ervleei, II a, ta." and' 7'30 p. m. night within the prison walls, {shortly Sunday School ml » 16 a. ID. - .'; capitulation, his mother called again: /\ in the head of Prison- Guard ty teeth; and if her nose is .often in- j J 7Yie Defection of I Morgan had been dressed by the before the 'guards were changed. - at clined -to retrousse und there 1H an .ODR LADTor Motrirr CAKMKL. (CATHOLIC)—R>T. " ^6 "What's the matter with this door? midnight, the deputy warden detected ' 'Conrad Bchoithoefer. D. D.. Hector. Hnnday ai»r- penitentiary physician and'a Dip g). rr,m- ,l|,l not | . As~h< looked, the cupola,-a masr, of fire, ' uverand tb»-Waat—«.MU. af. 1 >0. phasize her remark. . ,.' able position on the sofa in tbe pri » Yoik.br wajofBoontew Vork, by wiy ol Boonton Branch— 7.16 r.af. flict phyalcal,guiu ,,n a helpless c|,n,l naughty and he had loiVfri -her in the Sly - and Shorty were comin* the rake Few familiar sayings convey a more BOONTON. N. J- alarm eame from the imprisoned COB ABBIVAL.- • ' was Imrbiirlc.crutl. umiccessary nuil | cellar for punishment. He wnuld see act. I told Green to take a spa (It- and erroneous notion "than . the phrase: vlctft in the cells. . FrnnrS«» York—7 30 and 9.30 A. X. ' ntlrrly subversive ,,f tl,,,sc, finpr ,,.,,,. i how it felt to be the Olympian. throw some loose dirt up agin the.tool "True UK the-needle to the puU-." In ,*Tom Newark, MorrUlown, Bu—9.30 *; w. • i.i»a uf ,«omrodtis!;ip Klilul, »lf,:ulii ex. Coolly he hurried to thp prinong«ng t rum' DuTer and tbe Weit—S.lu *. M.,11.33 A.M. I "Daniel, let.mo out. Do yon hear?" house) He was siandin' in one o,f them orr t<> k.-»-p trnck of ihc unfnitbful. (Com New -York-'J.II an I 5.1U *. r. * i,.t between par,-i,t „„,! ohilit. The cat fits of bis'n and paid no attentio and gave the danger *i*riial to thenefe. H of the needle to tin- pole, or the i copi Newark. MorrUtown, etci<-6.ao r. u. "Will no be dood, Mommer?" "Ease rluli >va» entlinshiKtic („ j,,, i,,,ior8l.. to me. lie just rolled his eyes and giiards. Next he J^ignaletl the pen it "variatidn of vhq compass." from true "Daniel, let-me—out!" ^ T iii.i'.nt of "The Pacing of Corporal worked his arms." tiary fire corpn. The warden'now ar- north, the L i|itejJ Stntt's-ma[ntains_a_ "Fit "Dannie doesn't know wlmt to do Puiiiahiiient." nnil i,.t,,l almost unan- rived on the scene, and took persona! D. £. < F. JK. JJ. Morgan paused nnd pressed a buj:e separate burer?urflfe'division of terres- .lijiously for the pulilitation nml wide with oo, 'tause oo been so ndiighty."- command. At a .Mgn'froin him the tothe .gnarled hand against his batidagvd trial magnetiyn.ai The government'is LACKAWAHNA RAILROAD. ilMrlbution of Ihe p,,p,r. Mrs. Dar- (This very sadly.) . , -. guards rushed forward and unlocked n_ow •prcl)ar'n5vjy| cooperation with ' To put. it mildly; TJai.Iel*H mother cranium.. ' . : ' r'm felt It to be a slrilinR Instance of the doors, allowing the frightened, European countries, greatly to enlarge Time Table In effect Nov. 3, 1931. ' llit strength of the f<.r>li<.l, conven- was ongry. She rattled thedoor till "Take it.easy," said the Warden, sym- half-clad convicts.to-'C-scape into the Where pathetically. its work', and to jniakethe investiga- tiuns whieh had s'i lon\' bound «o- the. hinges creaked. -.prison y'nrtl where l y "Then," continued the guard, "I tions of 1302 memiiraTjle fjir.thnirthor- ijjcn that ' Mrs. UVntwurtli, genial "It hurls Dannie to punish oo, Mom- ' fired eiiiployes.stfi(jfl with thrfattning oiightfess, saya Youth's Companion. LKAVE BOUSTOS: . ABB. KRW TOUK. nitT.' Why *\on't no In,; doo&V" pleaded caught him by the shoulder and gave from •wither of alx -rliililri-n thouBh ulie rifies ready for instant u*e. The niagnfetlc needle varies not only 0.22 a."m,'', 7.40 n. in. was. remained uneumlnccd as to the SliiKtcr Daniel with sweet forgiveness him a push toward the tool house, at the same lime tellln' him to get a mili- In order to save the penitentiary and at different places, jiut the variation ; 7.50V•'".•• Iir;ntieal working of tin. new Heieii- in lita voice. ' ' ._ the lives of its inmates, the fiVe inus,t b« 8.20 ' •' Others tary move on himself. He, reached changes from year to year,and even at. 7.1H " First tific substitutes.for tl'n. .jl.l-fashio;ie,l Mrs. Dnrrow nitempted to keep all confintd in .'the'IT!! house, which com- different times in the day. On. the • 7.G3 •• • 9.10 . •'. down, grabbed the spade and vyhaek.i'd_ r«(J. \ --..'' trace of. passion from her manner, municated with the remainder of the "magnet-survey" charts those places . a. 17 " 0.20 •• lint the circumstances were not con- me across the noggan with It. When 1O.5U " ' .prison by a narrow nrch. Two men which at a particular • time have 0 35 •• (.Vrtalnly Mrs. 'Ilarrow had in Dan- ducive,to perfect serenity.; "Mamma ihe stars scattered out a- little,-I s 11.49 •' 12 30 p. m. Day scaled the wall and directed streams the Ji.iine amount of -variation are ii'l. Jr., splcnded iflatfrial upon which that KU1 Sly and twoof the other boys 2.00 •• Is yv.ry angry at you, Danli'l. You 12.30 p. I Fail." to t.-st 'IH*I* theories to the utmost. were, boldin' him. -1 whistled for help of.water on the flumes raging within connected hy wjiat Is known as an • • • 3.17. •• 440 .'•••• must open the'door nt onee—this very- llf-»-n»- whnt-.Mrs7-l!aTry—wSSh'Ijniy' and had him yanked back to his cell." Ov,ercnme by heat, one of these faint ifiopouic, or equal variation," line. i.OI—i±- -J 5.00—si— - l::Si^:.i ^orii" moment, or you will be punished se- i-il^and Jiis cmnp_ajii(mjjjtiiv_bim..fr(».ni jrhrtiugh._tbo£e!_pQ)'nta_on Jhe..mapJn_^ ' 8.15 •' : (ur sundry families In tlie neiulibor- Warden Hill reachgd-for- the-—huge C.50 •• •verelyi^-Hhe-told-him-witli-ntudied- 'th"e~wail. The flumeswer e gaining now-.winch there' is no variation o.f -.the S.3J " 10.10 " •' : iiii'ni. ealicj "n liinTi." ' SuiileiiineK she I calMjound volume i$ which the daily •gciitlfneKs.' " ' •'.'..'' .- at an ularming^.ra-te. With a word of needle from the true north a line varied her for^ll of expression, pro- 1 delinquencies of the prisoners were re- "Dannii keeps Jtomraer in BO she caution to the jruiirds, the ward LEATK NEW TOBE. AnulTK BOUNTOK. Perfection of Fit. Acme of Style. otitifini,' him to"he "a Jiule divvle," corded. The page allotted to.Convict known as tbe agonic passes. mny (ink how naughty she .has been. mounted the wall, lit- lla^'-scarcc , 'Iron deposits and mountain ranges 5.00 u. m. htit in,either case bhe tii^ant the same 0,113, imprisoned for life, was blank, 3 00 ». m. *Oo must ask Dod to forgive oo." modify the action of the unknown (j.50 •' 8.23 ••• •-• Limit of Service. A Modest Price. : The folding that Master Darrow &ave for the entry .made in;a neat, on ihe 8.00 !•• ". —a.oa, ••. round hand. Elating that all attempts ilamea when he piri'oived that hhe had a causes of "Jhe periodical variation, and- IU.21) •• reeotvejl at tills point would have companion in a striped suit who wai cauFe..these lines to become even inore 11743 *•• — >,ne would wantlo ni';e}. IMK biir. blue to make the prisoner talk since his in- ' l.'ilp. m., daunted a less resolute reformer, but bravely fighting'tin:-fire by his ^^de crooked" than those wliich mark ecjual i 40 p. m.. t-yts, his engafrjn^ >rfiitp, liis eliarm- carceration bad been unavailing. Mur- 4.00 •••• the spirit of amendment had taken The flames began tr> grow weakff; tht temperatures, known as isothermal 6.08 " in^' lisp were eloquent of mrfnc-iife, der was the crime and the date of the 4.20 •• . possession of-our hero and he deter- lurid glare was dying out. Exhausted, Jines.. ' 5 63 — hut in his four-vrar-uM heart lurked commitment papers showed that eight S:10 " ' 0 21 •• .' pnijietj to make his mother good if It the warden -turned to his companion KHL't'estiona qf .depravity.. tjt.be'at- years, of the life sentence had bet-n ' Isngnnic charts may be accurate to- 6.40 •' : 7.13 ••' took alt day. From tirecept he knew and commanded him to retire. Then 0.10 •• 7.30 •• $3.00 ,eoiinted for only on the l.asi«. of .served. The warden looked pt*rplfxed. day and fiillo.f errors In-a,few years. a good deal about b*Hng good, for be started'to descend.' original sin. There Mere titnes when Iteci'ntly appointed, he had not yet! TinTh. . <-"lebrated Mason and Dixon's line, 0.50 •• Mrs, Darrowhad been nt considerable Xo Hi,- maternal linp[iit!e>. in the possV.^. time to look at the majority of the had he rcacbetl the earth between Pennsylvania and Maryland^ pains to bring him up In the way he lhaii a cry of horror arose.fmin the Letx* titxtuttta 1,r Detirllle. MorrlitiiwD, *c firm of her darlini.' u;ik MI Keen that slimitij go. prisoners in his charge. Upsides, more which, was surveyed in the years. 1703__ 7~.3(< 813. )l.i: «. IL . 2.33. S.S3 p. m. STYLES. a painful fear ntledin-r llnnil lent he important matters awaited bis atten- guaras and convicts. A rlmid of smoke to 1707, Wai- run by the stars and not by "It's nut nice to mine 'nor voice BO, F..r IkiTT. -7.2ft. 8.23. 1» 08, 11.13 .. m , 2.36 Mmiild tie found t"" enrol for thlJi. tion. He closed tbe volume and turnt'd had enveloped tlie prisoner and in hifl the needle, a great pkee of foresight . 5 tM. S.S3. C.21. 7.30. ».S*U>. lu. Mommer, I'm not in the next street, nnrld. Thin was u.-uallv when the to the deputy warden. confusion he had fallen from iIn? wall in that day. If. jt.had been surveyed' ' Solo-Agent "on know," he explained with placid B.50 p. tU. elii-rtili lay asleep, with lii-i !»•:• u11fill. into the sniokiag ruins of the cell liv the compaaa-in-lffOQ it wouldJiaxe. .serenity. -•-'-• — --• --• : — "Give_Cpnvlct Green five days in th* • " / 8USDAYS. JVii'-lJooiitiin. ^"d'Jelvn'lirli* fallili^'1. arr..^ -liis-plnTi' .dark cell an bread and \vater,"iie said. a deviation in some-plaeefi of "''Listeirfo "nip, Dahrell WhehT get Jn the pray dawn of "the morning the bitp BnontotTfor Xow York~«.l). 7.S2, S 33 ft. ami wliite cheeks. At other times she Ten minutes later,- Convict Green two miles. Were ihe line to be run by n..AM. 8.32, p. in. ..'.. out I'm-going (o givt; you the worst prison clerk called thi; roll. Convict r:.r.-ly Itad to conili.it ttiis iin.xiety. ex- closely guarded; was escorted to the uncorrected compass to-day, the varia- whipping you ever had in your life— .Ureen did not answer, ' " '•'•pt v\lien he sat in demure silence hallowed niche beneath the tier of cell,* tion would reach nearly 13 miles to the . the very worst." Ulackened, lifeless,, still .c!iitthing |i!..ttini.' "further tnisehief. It was CommonIy*known amorigKhe prisoners south, and tht\rich coal-fields of two ;~ "Hotter .count 20, 'Mora in er. 'Qo the hose "nozzle, Coiivirt Green was dis- , liarai ii-riBtlo ofjier altitude toward as "the hole," the-door was-unlocked Maryland counties' would.be thrown .J pyocn HAMMOND. : ^ •••-.>:..... yiay say Boihefing *oo*frbe~sorry for," covered soon affer~wlien iHt'li?aied rii- Out:at Cost! liiin 1 fmt if this perjH'ttial.iliotioil ma- and Green thrust inside.- Tbe bolt into Pennsylvania.. advised the young reformer sweetly. ins cooled puflicientlv to allow a search cliVrw-Jwas quiet fur an instant ^Jle at were shot and the guards retired- The discovery of the'*' magnetic oiu-eMispected him of ln-in:.' si(?k. "Daniel!!!!" There were exclanm- to be instituted. needle's 'shortcomings is believed to ' -• -/'-REAt ESTATE'AND •• P'wn marks,, galore in her voice, but ' Suffocation had appanjntly - caused Tlie imdcrtigned, ilesiriug to cIo^Q.out liis carringe anil wagon basinets, Divers weri;. here iiietlj.-ils of piitr* ,. With inky blackness on all sides of have been made:rlurtng the-voyage of -,..: FlRE.INSURANCE..-...^-' Dannie trod the primrose path undis- bis death, fur, although tfnc'fnotwas Columbus.- The disclosure really con.r-,, ' offt-ring fitco>t , Ihe enlir6 8toeJt,"coDsiHting of •* _'___ " .'• Wiim-nt. She .tt-oiild taV.e him on herturbed. ' him, Convict Green pressed hid sweaty burned to a crisp, the clothing of the CAItK of PBOPEBTT. 0OLLECTISQ BESTS. kn..-e .-t)i,l reason with him till lender- palms against his throbbing forc.-ht.ail stituted a high tribute to the scientific \ '• -•''.-' •-;„,.;.;•.•-.•,-;•-•' '• • '"' "" 't' . . "'"'"' "Ask Dod to forgive 'oo. Rny 'oor vietinr"\va&"only scorched here' .and , MAJIAO'liMENT Or ESTATES. V h'-artv.l Dannie hurst intu a Midden and tried to think. Dull; agoni/lni> perceptions of that

; Uir. Order* for worictakftn andoon- Bujrveycr a&a Conveyance*. ft,


the Tlctim of sharpers so-soon after- hia EPOIlT oy THE CONDITION OY TUB A TIRED MUSICIAN... R Jloopjox NATiomtbASi »t liooutoa, Ja He Boonton Weekly BnlletiB flection, we can eearoelj imagine what TOUGH BILL OF FABB fK JerM/, atihe clo» of bu»i- T^becoua of him before be toiDpteU* MESSES THAT .W SEpVED ON BOARQ 10, 1901 THURSDAY. DEC. IB, 1801. hi» legislatlTe career at Trenton. \J?ft. *? A *«MEArr 8H1P."' _ =ras& 1UODICU •dggest, hoverer, thai haa\ onoeplace WtatB Jubtna filrauj, took- hi. at- 9234 G15 17 CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR 9. L. GARRISON. • PROPRIETOR. himself under the protecting care of William Btldert. Wants the Court td Look Q«*cr Ra»»a Ch« flsvlloms dire )s> tk« chutra to ltussh he had aome onimi- 13.50000 Messrs. Richard Beading and Thomas Into Mitt«r» and Appoint Soms Ona t< topaUtable Food— Dost Cb»w*«r, al experiences not ^ninl\r ,oacmt- Stock*. McaritlM, etc , 8Q 8G9 02 «1 to those nho ||,0 oulB,5e tuto. klol boo», furaitart. *ud fli Palmer, and we guarantee him absolute Taka Charg* of Concern. Dy.the Wl»* Soap. TopKBiUsit *•« cratlc gorerntuent EDITORIAL EOUTEtiS. immunity from tnieves of all kinds mud Cow Jlpver. IDEM, * <• 9 4M H One liny no iinlirt tun curiDiia Other reil uUte owned, .1,700 06 We speak from experlantfe.' Some ships are known •» "mean command. Io „!,, i,Lforo her «t her Dae from N*Hon«t Dauki (nut Ito- ^ WiUUm Baldeo, Hatbrday. mad*, appli- ships' Uy Bailors on account of the .uminer nnort uml „,„ loM_ oa 8rr|r. We do sot know wbotber Viee-Chsn- tlitffribrYfM ChaootlLor Emery for a rol wrre Agent*) 66779 7a WILL SOON BE HERE! lag there, tint l,e « , „. to show eause why a reeelvoV for tho Jersey food tbat U served to tbe forecastle. ouM uave o Dn« from Approved rctorre Hgents 3l,JM3 £3 eellor Pitney wanta the aotorietjr which tProf. Green, 'of tbe Stole Normal They are chiefly deep water Bailing henrao his pro^nramt three time, be- City Water Sopply Oo. should not be ap- fore, the perform mic He begged to IatefdilB«Tfloae i . 129 15 oomta from frequent newspaper com* School, is advocating tho erection of a pointed. In bil applfoatloD bv makes tb* Bhliis tend tramp itcamera.' Of course other eub item know the rinhou f,,r ,|, , but n0 a .450 57 ment, upon his wordi whilo on the startling asssrtion: what o Bailor BUHII liove to eat 1« pro- Motet, of other National Banki 225 00 Normal School Building in Urn section "DepQDent (Win; Beldeo) further saj hephinnlloir majesty'i ius ordersK|,ru, hiluan_d he could only bench, or not; bat of one thing we are vided for by toy." but the law some- Frutioiul paper purrencj, nickoli, Yon iwiit Io know where io lniy of tbe Btate. AB Chairman o( the tbat aald Jflrsty.OUy Water bupply Oo. ia comply;, Still. t,i8 astonishment-grew in solvent aod that it baa suspended its or-tlniea gets badly mixed up on blutrwa- ' sad cenU, -, 105 56 •are, he does not stop in expressing House Committee on Bdacation, last when he saw durinVtbe lUree rehear dinary business for want-of funds to carry ter. Tbe fltrange dishes served to aall-. rjivriTLUoitEvHtsEETciy liiXK.n JI sals on empty court enrrfaffe drawn by W.ip|>ii<>. f.» (he T»I.I«> that will himself in plain-Iftngruge-wheneTer- he jeu-i the Editor of the BDLLSTI* had onthinme. *•- . —.„..-.--, ._ __..^ or* on>'mean Bblps" are no stronger 8 pec In,.!. ft 012 10 r thinks it necessary to do so, whatever Vice Chancellor Emery, wben the appli tbau tbe.namea the salloni give them.', a pair or horses slowly Ku|ne back and LegH-ttadtr noiea,: the opportonitj of stndyibg the ajx or forth lti front of Li orrljeBtra^ —-:-•• , 15.341 00 18,163 10 caUon for a receiver was madtt bifofia, him Otie of the comirionest of "mean ship"' H Bedemptlon food with U.H.Troaiiu |ilou««» lh«« <-iitir«'fiiinll.v aiul Invit- notice may be taken of it by the press. wren bills introduced for the purpose Otie Tl|rouKlrut tin> fl | performance In Newark, liiteoed to tba reading of no- dUhea is "by tbe vriM'-wap-'"Tlll» nn rer, (S per OODL of circulation), There are not many men who JK> quick- last winter. As tp .location, we think oiaally intertaUng afflJaviu peeaenl«d b; dUhea is "by tbe pTlll» the myBtcrlous act WJIH explained. The deilcflcj^alcompo of weU pollabod ly "take.the_animal by the horne," DUDUtrloo t ppnrpnrt JfJfadga g e Otto Orons*, attorneyy l empress bavlnB « Khar.. Attack of gout theNornialSchool shonld-be located mutton bonea,:»tate meat trimming*, a Then there seems to be a necessity for for WmWm, DoldDoldeoe . A(Urr tha n part* hearhear- .was obliged to n-rl|im' Jn the carrlpfie, somewhere in Essex or jUnlqn Oottn* ing he flitd Tuesday afternooft n as ttbhs Mm handful ot potato parings and scraps her foot on n cusliton, while the con- LUHIUTIU BO doing, as the once .noted Viea., ,Eaat Orange would be a good wben tbs ntl« is made returotble. ' from the captain's table. The mUture cert took place, nnd tbe object of re- William Belden sixes op ths obfef situa- itock pnldin, (-50 000 00 County lawyer and present Vice Chan- place. Summit would be safly of ao- Is'boiled vigorously for two nours, at hearsal had IHTII to nccustom the Sorplos f and tion in Ibis way : - .the end of wblcb time the result to not 2 000 00 horses to a full BmnR band lest they ndivlded profits leia uxpi • eellor. ^hose station is mthe, most no-joeBB< Newark jronld do ifa suitable ' Flynn bad got tbe contract In tba flrit water of a light brown color, with float- pUce. should take fright and bolt wltli her. aad taxei paid. . '*3.G00 87 torious city of New Jersey, jnat across location could be secured in the sub- ing talanda of grease on UB surface. A: 1 Then hs bad saslgoed it snd all money "At the end of the iwrformance nn ex- iHonalBankootes , 13.500 00 Well Tell "STovi! the noble Hudson from the great Amor nrbs, also easy of access, dns under It to the Jersey Oity Water Sap- little bardtnclTis added, and there yoaj alted dlenltary of the'court bade Dae to other National Banki,... havtyoor "by the wind soup." } 4,095 39 ican metropolis. We wieh the sturdy, plvGompanv. - . - StrnoaS follow him t0 a splendid grand [Ddlridtul depnalti itibi- Then fao had rt wived from tbe watei rugged and outapoketf Vice Chancellor •\Vhen a "mean sblp" gets well out to pin no, saying: Jocttocheot,...... 257 00678 The Jersey City Journal of Monday •apply oompany $993,000 of Its 91,000,000 sea one of ttie first dlabeB to appear la continued health and longevity in; bis capital stock. "NoW l/e^ooi] piiouKh to play me all Certified check .. 150 00 GO TO THE again quotes from the BULLETIN on th ••dog chowder." It 1B a sort of reaur- , efforts to control some of the members Thsn be bad agreed with the company I the newest Vienna basic." canal question andJ&S* '• rection-pudding, made ot.Bcropfl that Although be-was pretty fatigued by Bills payable, InjIndiDjr. certiflc«Ui jthe cook docs not dare to serve up as of the bat in the town which, up to the Eren If there weft not many other Tbao he bad arranged to seonre la par- bis three reuearwiU and state perform- of depotit for money borrowed.., lo,000 00 time that Mr. Pitney moved there, has good reasons for wiping out the super- meat 16,500,000 first mortgtBs foor pel jthey ore, but which ho Bbreda .finely or once, StrouBs tli-.uyut It expedient to pounds In a mortar until alt semblance been absolutely run and governed by annuated nuisance, the fact that, it oent bonds of the water supply company, comply, but nftcr be bad played con- ToUl,. .!.V;rv;r.-.«382,402M kept 200,000 persona from securing the bonds to be secured by a trait tnort- of ttielr original state Is lost TUo-mass STATB OJ NKW JEBHET, I them. There are no doubt two sides gtge upon the city's contract and all the* tinuously for over uri hour be stoppedp . needed drinking water would be a suf- la well mixed with grease and eerred saying, "I presum CCODJIT T OF UOBRIHM , f "' ( to the many questions, which come up ficient cause for iU abandonment. pr »pertj of tbe oonipsny. ' '. • " • ' '••."" ihat will be sura'- I, Uelvfn B. Condi t, Cashier of the above- It is right hero that William Belden be- clent?" in the Vice Chancellor's Court for adju- The canal intersect* over fifty streets Grease plays an important part In all named bank, do solemnly iwvai; tbat tho above io tbia city and erery one of them will gan to make serious ohargsa. Be says that "I am not at nil tired," coolly rejoin- fltatemerit is true to the bent of mr kuotrledse > cation and settlement; but that th Flynn has been able to so control bis flv the "mean ship" dishes. Another stand- ed bis excellency. and belief. . . ia time require a bridge with gradi- ard Item on tbe bill of fare of these membere of the legal profession flm ents that will be unsightly, Inconven- putiealer friends and employees In tb "But I am!" Miiil-.Strouss and'rose .;"'•" -MELVIX H-COSIJIT, fcaahler. ient and expensive. It extends through Board of Directors of tbe Jenny City WV Bhlps'ls "toppallant tea." It la served from tbe. Instrument.^ Youth's Cpm- Subscribed and sworn tobefore me ihln 17th STAND something Dp against them when they nearly seven miles of the city anil- tsr Happly Gomptny, thnt .,- b** i-t I'll to Cii? men lu tutj dog watches, and the pablon. ayof Deormber, 1901. ' ' tltno thore of tb'6'coi*.u«tiij'.» i/ui*'«i ia.tii nc recipe for making It 1B this: ^Three Quo. a. FiTZPiTBiCK, Notar/'Foblic. would have it otherwise, ia conceded blights' adjacent property, thus roduc-" COBKECT—Attest: ' ing values and ratables. * It loo! s bad U entitled to. Henvsthe times a week weak tea, made from by the most determined, not to say th hate Riven Flynn np- to this time 01 TO TALK OR NOT TO TALK? FBKDEBICK QoaDoy, i and smells bad and outlived its iue-. fresh tea leaves; Is served.' the leaves EDMCKD A. BACKKB, > Directors . moat stubborn, of the lot. . fulness, many years ago,. It Is not' eonnl of tbe work actually performed only t2.000.000, bat I bat as a matter of fact be are scved and mixed with tbe tea U Silence Goliirp or U It FooIIib NATH&H L. BBIO timti eo liniiied. will be lore'r. A. aiUespie Compaoy- for tbe la>it>g of |1 If you call you will not only find near- from Missouri to New Jersey that gangs . won .to find out what rights the canal the fact tbat tbe sailor has to take In the bptnitl Volumes of Tbe.Congression- cr barreu of bit. her or thdr aciioti therefor pipe line and coudnlts for tbe laying ol a couple of boles In bis belt-after eat- sgiinit tbe Adminlitratrii. of burglars and- thieves were also oxter- company t)are, If. any, tu exist, the the water worki. - • .• < al Record. You might also take along i»aled the fonrih day of Dfcember. A J). 1901. people of Jersey city will advocate Che" ing It In order to* stay; him until the a certificate of sanity in case tbe libra- ly all that is iie'6'ded iti. this -line, but a \ ruinated. We would then telegraph Fnrtbsrmorr, Beldea swears it was not Administratrix. Boonton. N. J. immediate abolition of the canal, at next meal. It Is the result of a week's rian became alaruit'd at the request right-for Flynn to make tbe oompaoy a*- leavings from the cabin table mixed • Dec. 1M>. V- ?• *9JU. great variety of Goods neededj every j 'immediately for .particulars for - th least so far as it, exists, In this city. soms the liability for 9258,000 contract with six or eight ship's biscuits and Tbe old timers used to tell the'youtb "authorities" and officers of the law in This end of it could be cut off and with the Budson Tapnel OompanT' (BM of the- land to consider. If what they NOTICE TO CREDITORS. bill * E3warda)rur the bsildiog of the ttm- half on onion. It Is not at all n nice day in the family. .this part of the country. ... Boonton would never know it. The were about to say were not only ."true oel through wbich the dew water sappry dish, and a sailor wltb epicurean tastes rATE or ABTEMU8 V. ZEL1FP. DECEASED. boats could reach tide water from was to be oondaoted aloDg part of tbe route always makes a row wben tbe cook and. tried," but also "necessary." The Idea held for quite a time that It was Pnnnant to tha order of the Sitrroitatd of Newark, if there are any boat* on the frost Boonton to Jersey City. serves 1£ . " " '•> ho County of Uorria. made on the sth A. O,o, oni e thou«an 1 nine hanared are arranging to establish a first class 1 balld the water workMbonld have annum ed On'some of tho "western ocean" dissipate wealth. fnd one. notice i* htrttky gii^n to ill persoL has Been a boat on the catlal: — -These ims atfainst tbe fflate of Art«muIUiS V. daily newspaper in M ill vUle.™Index. are only risible in the reports of the these burdens of 91,500,000 and *258,0C0 tramps a dish-Is Berved known to tbe Our old friend Montaigne, however, of the Uountr of ilorrii, ilvce&iset]i . personally. ' . " • -'"" tion. It Btrikea ns that they had bettei company, so far as Jersey City U con- Bailors as "hide stew," and the tough- had a k'Uiiur place In'his beifrt for the to.pnuent the same, under oath or aillrmati Belden also does not like the.way Fljnn est old salt that ever Was drunk on tothB«ubscribershb K-ribers. onoon oLr beforu tbe sixtlixthl • , Goods to wit, niul Goods to wear, , concentrate their money and energies cerned. ' - - - . talker. Hi? iK-clared, -'*Tbe moat nat- of Beptembe_ber next, beinng nine months Ifrom t planned to ralie tbat 9*.600,000 to oom-shore or mutinous at sea Is subdued by- ural and fruitful exercise of tbemlnd theB date of said order: and any creditor neg- in the Bam& manner at home'before The BOLLETUT and tha Journal see plete the new water works. - . , ting to brinir.itt and exhibit his. her or It to a.state of lamblike docility, for It Is conversation, and I find,the use of ' ' ' ' " - *•— -.ibtr. ; Goodsxto rest in, prepared witli cure ;; going abroad. "eye 'to eye" on the "commission*'.way It is alltged tbat Fljnn Is plaDoIpg to him..under oath'or affirmation.' withii ralss tbit money upon the promlsorv notes Is sure to double him np with indiges- more swtet tlian any-other action IJ uraesdlimited, will be for<.Yer barred of bis. of solving the • problem so far as th tion and make him think of the here- her or their action therefor against the Eiec of tho Jersey Oity Water SapplyJTompanyppy py,, life." ' • s ; • . ' " L ntors.' * ' All the Best, the kind ive buy, rights of the State and many. property to be indorsed b; after. It Is made from a collection of In souii' quarters members of tbe fem- Dated the sixth day of DeeemW. A. D. 1001.- ' Ssya a subscriber to the Editor y Flynn aod McCarthy and AUTEilUrt V. ZtLIPF. boldera-aro concerned ; but there ar otheis. The—it^GOO.OOQ . . acoordmg^to the- skins-of-everything ^-.p .- pota-- inine «?x nn> credited with an Indorse- J.AI priccssure to calch tlie eye.. ™**There is plenty of reading matiei other phases of the question .which art F'yDB's plans. Is furthermore to be second toes, fowl (from tbe captain' table), ment of Mr. Muutaigne's sentiment Executors. Jtoonton.'N. J. by a deposit of all the Jersey Oity Water JDec.19.-9ir. p'f. #6 60 now-a-dajs and many newspapers, bui of "spec ial i mpo rtauce^to" th!s~co ubty; bacon rind andd weU pickeikd chicken Ia It wise, tp talk tnucb? Or Is It fool It is evident from the statement of'th Supply Gompany*fl capital stock), and tbe we can't do without the local papor.es- entire iaine of #6,600,000 In bonds. legs. This'Is boiled for six hours and isl>? Is Elleucc golden? Or Ia ft unso- Journal that BO faras business on th pocully the BULLXTIN. The local news Beldea doesn't thidk ' inch an arrange- plenty of thick grease added. cial and fberefgre against civilization? Boonton National Bunk. canal Js concerned, Boonton can'hav aent fair at all to the compaoyViHe eon Tho cnptnlu of a "mean ship" al- What do you think?—New York, Tele* BOCSIOJ, N. J., Dec. 5, 1901. * is in good shape and we always find no qnarrel with Jersey City. We look aiders tb'e~prop6sed proceedingtlilegst ways -says, of course, thqVbls men are 'gram. ;., . ' Tb9»nun«il meeting of the utookbolden, E. A. BACKER, something interesting," etc. Thus it to our representatives in the Legisla- pot, aajway, Flynn baa not yet been well fed and that ibey only growl and for tbe election of Directors or this Unuk lot able-tb raise that $4,600,000 loan. ' ' the eosnlnfi vrar, will be held at tbe Banking seems that onr efforts to give the news ture to protect the inUrcfcta of on: grumble because they are a bad,.un- SniirU Ilia Flock. HoDiivoalUEHDAjYtbeH.bdav of Jaou- Beldea charnefl that if Flynn is tu be al- grateful lot of abandoned wretches. arr Dfxt, A. V., 1901 PulU open from 10 to • the readers of the local paper want are conuty-inthis/matter, as in all others, lowed to Tiolate bis agreenjent of Hay 2, Tbe Coloiitl—You only bare to preach as much &s is possible. In proof qf It be will tell you tbat be one sermon on Sunday. Uncle Mlcajah 11 o'clock, a. m. MAIN STREET,- , appreciated. The subscriber is a good 1899, with the Jersey City. Water Supply dee. 6. If. 8. CONDIT. Casbier. Company, that* company'* stock will be gives thein^plum- duff twice a week. I should tii.u!; your congregation would paying one—as moet of onr subscribers The- duff be gives tbem Is known to the worth little, if Rnythiog, ., .PJ_.^' Insist oa nn evening'sermon too. are—and his words are pleasant to the Another highly interesting allegatiui sailora OB "bsvilue duff."- It Is made Parson MlcaJaU—Dat's cox de con- GARTNER & STEWARD NEAR THE RAILJROAD. •. In the future the Sunday afternoon r g g from tbe scrapings of pudding cloths soul Bnt what of the subscriber wbo deals w.t'i y transactions with g*gatloo has iit*rn me preach," cuf Patent Offl(* Experta and Atiorneyi. meetings at the Hometown Y. M C. tbat once held the puddlugflconsumeU 1 gets the paper- regularly every week A. will be addreased oolv by profes- the New Jersvy -General' Pe-unty COJI* an' yp' hnln't.—Cb lea Ho Tribune. U. 8. 4 FOltKION • pany, whic'i itt the uairpi ration which ID port—wben tbe contain gave bis mep and who enjoys it jnst as much, who sional men. • During the coming month . real duff, so that they might? not know UWjers will speak, and four weelu looks after the Morjio Canal and Bank. .Some KooHs'i l^eop!e ing. Companj'a interests. From this they bad" shipped on n "mean aaems to think-nothing of the time and later phjaiciana will b«' to charge. . •• onallkinlsofinrenlions. company.Flynu ngreed some time BQO to ship" and makeu "'•pletbeotl Jump" for Allow M COQRII to run until It get* beyond expense necessary to 'isane a fairly United States Commissioner John- buy property and water rights for $1,100,- react ol medicine. Thev often »«y. "Oh, 152 Market St., Paters on, N. I. Whltehead * made' th« address veattr- liberty. These BCTII pines' "are" tna'de ill wear a war." but in mut eaici' it^wlll good local paper, judging by the fac 000. . Flyuo paid $700,000 on actiuuut.and Dee. B.JW1.,.- , daj.—Cor. Newark Evening News. Jly.Xth.biscuit paste'and flavored wear tbt-m k«kr. Codld they be Indnced'td L the conveyauces.therefnri e are deposited ,ii trr the' lUccn-tifQl medicine CAlIrd K*mp* ; tbat he lets the printer's bill go with -There mutt be a slight error, in thV «a>tiHt* witti'the'Kew Jersey Title Gaar- with cloves. "Dowline duff" is" the BtU«ni, wbich ia »gld.PB * poiitiro gQaraDteo out paying. "Well,*1-yon may Bay, nil Trust Company, to be delivered t unpopular of all tbe dishes on tbe ' lo'corfe, tber would immtdiati*lr aen tbe i>z- above. Shoufd it not read "for a few cellunt iffrcl nt'fi- tnkiojr. tbn flrit dos* N. BU1SV "Why do yon send the paper. to men only upon the payment of the balance dne. blll'of fare cf the "mean sblp." and Its weeks the meeting will be addressed This conveyance is made to Flynn indi- Price 25e. tod 50c. Trial sUe frre. At who neglect to pay for it ? Discon- actual cost Is 2 cents for every three FIK8TCL\8S pnlybj profefieional men." -Lawyers ridually. Bcldeo iayn the $2,700,000 nii'ii.—Exchange. tinue sending it, apd then you won1 bonds Elynn baa already received from the and doctors are no bitter prepared to water supply company BhoaM.be snffirivnt annoy your good paying subscribers by 'Th4 Slito Otolognl'a report pre speak ,OD religioua topics than non-pro* in pay tbe balance of tho'monry Flyoo 'Tlie apollrd Child. oiue int*rf*ting ihtogt in.relation to. tba !, GLAUS, these freqoent duns."' It is on;,tbe fesaionsl' men ; not that/they are not owes the .Kew' Jersey UenvraL Security Once upon a time a young klnpflslicr mineral dep^nita and mining JntarraU of Company.. .. .- . - bt H(»tt*. During tbe y*ar 1900 tbt>re van* principle of hoping for better t things, wcat to tlie father bird and asked for religious—far be it from the BULLETIN 407 596 toca uf iron oro miord against only you know. "Hope trpriogB eternal in BelJeu uyn he ft-an» that tbruutth Flyuu'a Ilia Ili-IjlLf;. jod, that be'might catt-b suggesting such a thing—but the man fail a re to pay tbe $400,000-still doe^ the saute tliolce trout be had seen In a 300,757 lotii tbe provinna year- Tbia li IfElitlUDLfio, rlllJll. _ the hnman^breast/'^nd as the average agera must have overlooked, the differ New Jersey Geoeral Secant/ Oompany, m-arby strvaiii. ,, .^,: ,—— ititt higbMt ntmnbt mined in tbia Btulf iino** 1B02 Tbe banner y«r waa 1882, newspaper man is yery human, you can tbe conveyances, made by that' compauv ence between XXFEBIEMCBand KZLialoK. and now- held in escrow- will lie wholly ,"Xo!" answered tbe.stern parent'. wh>n 93J,"7G2 tout Were mined. M«DT MABKBT: r. readily understand it. All this nice Fur good, real common sense religious, •Ijujt,-apj that tbe lo*. will ultimately Ml Thp'yttUDj* binl went Ills way and !n Llie mio»jD opemtion uinetMn years agt —alhe wateFsOppij company.------an hour returned drlpjilng wvt, saylnp a^ffr^fcicTbt-eri abiodonrd or btvn filled little essay for the benefit of delinquent fltperieoce give us 1he ordinary man of r Cor, MYRTLE AVE. ami MAIH STREET. Beldea wya that tbe water, supply com- tlt" lit' L:itl trh'd tu catcb lir-D^Ii- »ri(h w»lcri— i"hi» iaii()t'*bIy.lrnB.oLJboaja subeoribera is thus suggested by a few boBiness, and if yon know how to pick pany has paid upward of JJ50.00O fur laud ivltbout o pole and bad fallen Into the joar Ciet'-r, Morrii coo pi r. which ware EITY CASH STORE, HEAD? FOB CBBISTMAS. pleasant words .from an appreciative him, hf'H beat the lawyers anil doctora and water aighta; Uiat it baa paid f4O,U0O "water. ' worked exteu>iv«lj aome years igo. The t amount at ziuo ore mined daring the j*ar Santa Claus bas been here, apt! stocked onr tttfre:witb preseots to subscriber, ' '. every time. oa account of the $120,000-which it ha* •There!" raid the, mother bird to tliv been arranged to pay for the Fitzgiblwn vu 191,^ tons, tbe largest in tho hlatory ALL PHOTO'S-7U3 suit all at Fpeci.il low price* ADE VISITORS WELCOME. mill at Boonton. fatber.. "1 bt'wyou would spoil the of tbe State sod almott twice >• mneh M child If you spared tbe rod.V two T«ar« prevrou»ly. . .Tqen Beldea adds this iot OBDEKEIT BEFORE-- Iiivitcd. wlieUier as Pun;h»ser or Spcctiitor ' The fpilowiog "special" dispatch* to v Allan Vlllair Cora pony. tion: MoraL~Tbe mother can always find the Newark Said »y News is of interest Last night, at Liscomb's Opera Bouse a way to piace blame on tbe fatber. no '.'The title*, deeds nnd contracta for allmatter wliat happenit.—New York Her- to inner political, circles in thie county th* clever and popular Allan Villatr and a tbe property thus acquired and paid for by DECEMBEtitOih very, good company, including tbt.pretty ald. . ... , •„ *- -Harris Lyceum- UpuuBTOWX, Dec. 14.—At a ward the company have b>en taken and now CHRISTMAS, < favorite. Pearl L*wb, gave a apleodid pro-'stand in tbe name of Michael J. Kennedy H,::l|ls ItUoillEILS meeting of the Third Ward Bepublicaa doQtion of "Uaderths Black Flag," Io a indlridoally, who is a cltrkin tbe emiilor . . V/vrUlmtt Tp. ' WILL BE READY FOR Time honored apd welcome, again at hand, and we ahonUV all bo baj)py in Committee of Uorristown this after- foil boose. Mr. VlJlalr and Uiu Lewii of Flynn." .. A pood^siory. t-v-fo wben (bt same bonor of tbe day. », t , " * noon, Charles H. Greeo was cboeen.aa. received a beartj welcome apon their first Belden sayS the corapapy, owing to the aa coDtlcufa to rt>pi>at It, lias a tend- entranoo. again proving their popnlarlt; control Fiynn has pxerciaed over it, ban ency (0 erow, like a rolling unowbalL ONE «£Ek/BEGi|MNG chairman, after a.bitter fi«ht, to sac- with oar Ibeatre-goiog. publlo. Ur Til ceed Lewis O. Stiles. The latter for r "Illegally permitted ito property, money Au Instance ia here furalaked;' lair, as oitul, was artist to, asd looked and an,dl assets to lw tl)p,ft,tak«n and Tested in a 1 several years has ocenpied this posi- acted the leading male part .to the entire "So our friend Bnsuler went fiTtbe 5 ftran^r, withuDt any security tor it* moo. tion, and haa also been chairman of . •»lUf»ction of all. Uiu Lewis looked ey. epent or any means to compel Kennedy" [op of SJont iHacnY* said ooc mao 10 espcfiallj de.~iRncd for Holiday )>rc*?ntatibn». Thia large auurtmeut of goo'Ja ttwHorrii County.Eepublican Com- pretty aod gave Mr. Villair excellent igp. to transfer it to the' property 'tuns ac- LtioUier. • - '-•.••'• • ODB CHRISTMAS-SODTENIES collected t<)gethirbuf PPM a year, io a GItAND SIGHT TO BEHOLD. Hob- )ort. The balance of tha cast wu first-quired." "~" • . "-.*• . "Xotot nil.".. . by Horncp, Top) CbeBin, Cb»ra, Trnoks, Piano., WorkiBoxee. Drums, Homes, mittee. His defeat makes him ineli- " elaai Mr. Tlllair bu added the Ut«tl To cap tbe climax, Belden aaya that un- "But bo said BO." , . Allan Villaip Are Now Ready. QDDP, Booka, Humpty Dumi.ty Clomp, Magic LanterDa, Iron Toj-a, Games: gible to again eerve on the latter com- mbviog pletorw. aod Ulostrated aongi- to ; r mUte*. It ia claimed that at the recent fals specialty featurM. making a COBUDBOUSder the.company's by-law* itsfandaihonltf "True. TTTO montlu ago, wben b$ re- not be drawn on without checks drawn in urn«l_ from StrHzerlnm], lie said be l>OCirS !"™ t>OLLS ! eUction Mr. Stiles took no active partT perfopuanM. Every specialty,went well. the name of the treasurer and connter- Pfi/CE S STUDIO. s —Kingston Express, Kov. 5. _._„. t._ .t. be treas._. u_ . bad bwn at (be* root of Mont Blanc. Tea Seljponka, Matcb^ares, Pin Trays, Doll Swings, Rapid Fire, Toy Pi«- >- A bitter fight." We hardly believe signed by th e presiden:J t a nd T]c6 pre8ldent je ibtD lie bus grndualty lied blm- OPEN TDESDAT8 ONLY. < ^fi' yet it may be true. GreW-and .This splendid young acUr aod a first Io splto, be alleges, tbe iolf, Cbrutma*s€ttlldlCs l''Tree Ornament?,' and many articles not mentioned. , -. ... company'* fnnda eclf (0 tbe tpp." .. - V' —GAKDIES, ORANGES ,AND NUT8. - . ; Stiles are different kind of fighters, and elaai eonpany begins a week's engagement are kkept t in BrooklyBkl n andd are there depos by showing the difference in the at Harris Lyoeum; Monday night. Pee, 23.ited, not in the name of the company or of : MO.NDAT NIOHT. its treasurer, bat in tbe name of Uichael Him Soapteioau - . ' ' -CSDER TUB BLACK PLAQ." HO PPM WATER ON EARTH JEAN At U;.(J. UEGER & CO'S UOtlDAY Headquarters, r our readers may conclude if there was Opening play, "Black Fbg.* , Ladies, 15o. 3. Kennedy, indiriduallrV and all checks Mother— You nice 1ft tie boy I Irntl- any fight at all it was "bitter."* Green fur teat 30o. seat, for Monday night- ooly. PeTearcfiDHl Vaudeville actUnelndlnirpreUy ni |Ur " that have been- drawn on .the company's Mdlns'that. npple yoakept tbV'Jmlif p arl.l-e»i*- l^ieit moving picture* ud illoa^ Deo. ibini. Main Street; Boooiitmi, >'. J; •----—-••• Is' a quiet; determined fellow who sticks This excellent company^Jost completed • account have beeSn drawn by Kennedy in- vith a .worm bole(for yourself and let P.irt l W dividually, without the counter signature irateilsonui. .. , as closely to his friends as "death to a f jar week's ran at Hotlaod, Vt,, to record liter bnre tbe other half. . s iplmJM »la«e prtoci eirell deoeased African:" Natoraljy this buiinesi. Prloe*, 20and 30e. 'Children, of aiiy otheherr officeofBcer In person.. ' Jf . :.• Johnny-Yes; I s'pected tbe worm d sr»t reserve power. .A! Tbe city Is now f lurb oni aetora?- , - - -¥ -- —~ r|-w * w — vv PW4JIJVI* .causes opposition, and we hear Charley lOo. - . "-: • ,'•'••.' .. •'•• under atempor- |:d Iwred tbrongb to t'.utbec fJde.— S/?'"!«J ""' arry contracconttt bbyy the East JerseJes y WWatet r Green's part in Morris County politics Compaoy, at $35 a million gallons, ami - [a boston Transcript , , A- ,- „. frequently alluded to. Sometimes he Prices: 10,20 and v c:>mamin4abont 30,000,000 gallons a day. 1 A CEimiRr or COHSTMHT USE HAS iai severely criticised'; other times very Lackawunoa'a Mew Slimmer This contract expires. next October, but Beat* on wile at HaiTi* CloVhlng Store. ^ ••- PHOKOITSpmirr.- tbe company baa aigDlfied ita wiUibgneM t) *J'«av la* for b»rt i warmly, praiaed. We do not know : -- ••y'ffliam'--- • • ' ' Twanl to be rnmoua, »ald ,_w,._,. nlf. Oe^chplce teau to renew it. -The £ast Jersey Company, it "WelU jou'H have to be mlgutycare-' whether Oharley wanted the chairman' J Is aboat to Us ne laid, his received or. .will - receive front ship of the.oommittee.pr.npt,but we do aSaiDn^cpmBX:Boo:Book forfor;; tbs- earning uuoo, ID 1 il,' answered tbe father. "Tliere aro Wlilc__bi eacb..t<>.waesebtowa .al SIODo * the lint WIIIJM. at* r.'Flynn $ltl00.OO0* to waive ite"'*^- -*-" THE icllfelT-writUnup^F. and int©r«l» Ut the waf ' Itnow enpugn aoourBm tp. assert that pf.tt.M _ __r bonH It ban been wayBlvfr. if hn itinnaht >i» -rinl,* i.«in 1.1. trl^Am decide , limited- timber of adver- If he thought ho cdnld.help hia friends tisements of hotel* aod boai'diog bonsM, aad by accepting it, tie would do. so and tbftM adVerli**m«DU will b* placed imroedk M0RRI?TOV|/^, N. j. Tbe Chemical Analr'C lia*aagblflcent . ONE LOT, ...... I....;.:.::...... S7;00 each. atelv fallowlfl* the reading matter relat.ve-t* ™ pontribnte bis; sariitflaoa also to that lbs towu iq whfcb they are located. 56 h Sern^Aijniill Intereit DWilend/ SlVnlerir ANOTHEB, at j.. .. ,»10 00, $12.00, $15.00, »18.00,.820.0d *'••'• . • v " . ""^.'s end. Btiles'is a different kind of a Tbe demand fpt aneb advertisement* bait arbon al a L NEW.HAMMERLESS .. ..820.00, 825.00; 830.00, S35 00, 345.00 •ao eao (rt«reatt tbali«t tbtbsa Compan Omp.pp.pyjj habasa decided .hare ordered L. 0. SMITH,...... :'.?38.00, 835.00, M5.00—All HommerleM. "V>5 man in one respect _• He is like Green Io modifidifrtby tbea polley aalablltbtlltbtd a ttar ««o a7 ba Adnll aod Cbllilr»n'" Olanee no» lot boand. Stoek-limiied ;"come early and get yonr.obo^ce.' j , ' : • i ' oblalnablldd opoo tpllmXML Hatter tor ioaer- nnum -,,MS1°? •**• "P&SSl ELK Call or.sddreu. P. O Del 351. . - health.f Xs to/riends, fltilessticksto tloloo ID tba.oataoww bookk nunutt bbee aen aentt altbe altberr ttoo DRAMATIC CLHlia COACHED. .them socially and in a bniinea* w»y; thth e OOenaral l raaaemer r AtAavot'o' r leflft vllllb ththe : ^rs N6"7^ "" . We aro ihe~diatrib'UtiDg agent for tbis'section for tbe Jersey Oity Water Sop. leal liskal aiaM'oa or befora lha ft} daf of ply'Co'a ORAOEED STONE AND SOREENlNOa Nowi. tl(e time io fli rib but poliUoally he does not allow hiro- -3W00iiM yonr sidewalk, front walk, yard walk, gardgo volka anil rnad__Tcn can bare it - - self to become so attached. He i* not B uiledrigbt to youir door .bythoTtagon load or car. load. -Satea all 'mad and • ^sJd, will *f»,T* r»"\;!r;m?:»«»'J| ~~ moreiodeiwndentlhsji(^fMn, perha'pa, wc.Aiici dirt, get. aa bard as atone and practicallyindestfbctible. Last, a lifetime, ol«n. ' in any other way; but ia this respeci • We.offer for thia sfiasoh's tfWe^UeTflMaraMoriSasnTof"i '••""* ' ^TTTJ-^ he is. 'So much in the wsy of analysii .:..! ^-',1 of the charsoter of ,thfl.twAinfln«_W« aouelT inn itf ra»»rri.^pi». urudu. mi$himj mote, mthtt to. HispToya or to proye the Wtt«nies» of the fight, bnt [of. prefer to hare this thorooghly-digelted f OTerilown in lhi« count)'. • They are direct from the. factory to the consumer Bt .gooaoH-Builoned mine* i»e. irbi They run in prico fr-pm Sl.pO tb tie 00, and by tho ]>onud from 06 to 05o W. ' il 10 ponnil Horte {Blanket for «« 00 Horns 10 pound mix- lobca, Fur Bobea, and oth»i c

*'^" ^**t" ww« * •*

FIRE! ALL GOOD?' > , DEC If. dlridsid; by thVHorrii Ooanty Bank, la anolhsr oolmmn. J. h XoppV BOM h»« reopened In 11M - PROMPTLij "Boseell" ballfllBg.oppoeiU DatU1 drag store., AUordawelwrtofote te«elved for PELIVEAED work have beta destroyed by the fire-Oa r THAT? pat font u* reqffMledto leave or Mnd tbeaf In again. CHRISTMAS TBESENTS AT •Q&to Bale1 market for fruit* or all kinds Two Families Homeless, for-OhrUtmas. Tlie folllowlbg la « lUt : MARSHALL & BALL'S ? In the Boonton tC B. Cbqrcb there will CRANES ot tlie IbiDga th.t m«r be M servloes on Bonday spprOprlate to THi WORK OF THE FIREMEN DE propetly f eeommended fur . ' CERTAINLY! Obristn In the morning tba choir ^HL —CAYEO BY FROZEN'HYDRANTS. prcseata for close rela. ! rendfrjipeoial muslev In the evenipir Mrs* 'Jmt look at oar large assortment of O'Brien and Miss Alberts, Mom, Miss and Holiday FnrnUbinKt Oar special Mr. Uopler will again render •peeJal selec- STORE. "Xfoai Box makes yoor pnrohase look tions on the organ, plino and violin. The The mo t nUnsIvs fire which has vlsiteJ sddress in the evening will be on t The B onton for some time past, broke out better a»d costs you nothing Star, Wise Men and Shepherds. shortly after 12 o'clock (midnight) yester Cravat*, UHBRPfJ Afl-nHkormlk whrated plaid Burglar fnturanoe by E. J. Oahill. day morning, to tbe stove, tinning and or fancy hamllea. from il 00 to *AoO. plumbing establishment of J. I.. Kopp's Bh'rt", SUflPENDlMtfl-itpecislsisortmeht. from- At the regular nesting of Oourt. Morris, Sons, on Main street, in this town. Tit Night Bbiitj, ttoenUtollOO. • No. 3229, Independent Order of Foresters, fire was dlseovered through the show win- Collars, QUXtY&mtai men or-WQmfn. In tfc>nt>- hald-QO-ToMdfty eveatRg.tbefoilowjDg. pt •Jow by offlM? Jgho Oonn, bonitngin tbs at •IBB PoKtTi at ii no: and H. * B, r j 1 floersweTe elected:—Oblef Banger, AIODIO rear of tba, store. Mr. Cornelius Kopp, tbe * " It 00 tO •1.50. WV Doremus; YioeOoief fisnger, Abrsm senior member of the firm, "and family* Qloves, ^ 1 V Fork Pail30 YQI ! S- dt Neckwear. V. Doremus; Past Chief Baager, Perrigan oonsistlng of wife and four., ohlldren occo- Umbrellan, •• . • It li oar alrlot dot> to iraard agaloat «la^g*faU)M ofi^ Largest aasortment of goods kept in onj onevetoro in Ui* oonntj, at lowest ins ranea Bilk Franciaoo; Fin. Sep'y, Qeorge W. Cook; pied rooms on ths seoond flior. Tbsy we:e MnUem, eyery iort We p'tunt Tpela Io Jon In a aoart, laHllj- [erchiefa ftt«., WorrenL. Doremas; Bee. Sec'y, Dreea Proiectors, prices. tXaeful and Ornamental Holiday Goods. Immense Stock. Btoro cram it once arooaed. Bat for tbe timely dis- " Prdteotofa,:. 'seDt'.kjr.Hnilpatoaridnaalnaa lalerrf«0ttg and OflgtO'); med fall of just snch goods u you> want OCR 8FK* IAL 8IIOE aale ia orer.bnt oar Charles W. Fleck; Ohsplalo OQIUT Sey. iovery-of thiBflre they would have no doubt HandkercbtefB, ^ ; Evading Drew Jewel r#Rotar vhoe price* wilt make you open al form aa p»«b'e E.trj abilamaot in llMwltn <««•/ your eyes with delight. nord; Sr, Wood ward.Ed ward Uenshaw; Jr. ill lost their lives, as they Jast had time to Bath Bobra, Woodward, Walter Goonore; tir. Beedlv put on their clothes. Mrs. Kopp did not Tbat joa know wrll TBADINO-STAMPS'OrVEN AWA¥; BATS from II 00 to U «. in all ityle§ and August os Kopp; Jr. Beedle, Jaoob TreoV Smoking Jackela, Clocks, WalcScn, Silrervraro, Chairs, Centro Tables, Lamps, 48 picco Decorate! •bapea alio,iowi*l<'hri»tma«(31othan4<* «h«_ rtore.^ Tea Set, to., all given-iHaj-.__OTerJL2,O0Q «qu«ie feet ot floor space devoted Golf Hoae, the thinir for cold wealber. • icoeeaed in getting oat, bat. saved noth- The bargain dynamo which runs store machinery to onr basiness. Wo qapto s fpw of the many low prices HEN'S CLOTHING f Well, yon know all The first concert of tbe National Oonaer- ing in tbe way of household goods or per- KuitOloven. about them Can't be beat for ityle. tai- vstorv OrsrOrshestrm, , ISS^ast Seventeentevetet h 88t.ff is working all ita timbers. Ton already catoh * loring or price*. • " NeN w YorkYk, MrM . LeL o SbScbalyl , oondnctor.toodttkk mal effects. ': . SATURDAY AITO MONDAY von GASH. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING in Bameaband. place, on December 18th. for the benefit of I. M. VanFlest, wife and son, ocoapled For Coaohmen and fair view of tho HdLlDAY THINGS, anreaamcn'a. , • -. * ipartments over Mr. W. W. Biddfo'e store, HoiiBe Bervanta: the McKioley Memorial Fund. Tbe semi- Lemons, per HOZLD, 12C WhstoTtr yoa want we can f rirninh to TOO. annual entrance ezuminatlOBS for the Na- adjoining the Kopp apartmeatiJ 1'bey es- Yoa are anre of B wide odectlpn at all times 7 lbs Qranulalcd Sugar, 34 \ 1 lb pkg Soda Biscuits, 5e and Ball alarms at tht other engine bouses soon rang •>;• .•:,..•» . : tainot witb proprMj IM reoomnlradcd aa glffa for Quart bottle Maplo Bjrap, 19o We area GASH COAL OO - We furnish 03*. and the flremeo, who.were all in bed friend!, wben (lie; ni be ol.rod willr frjttd proprUty Frait Padding, package, Co Good Bed Ticking, yd , 8o npward 221-223 Main St ths verry bigb'eabigbeat „gradeB of oo*ll ffoor domestic Bleached Musi in, p>ei r yd , Bo npward at their homes, got but aa quickly as possi- to dole relalliea We hate prrpared two lbta of arllelas Sweet Chocolate, 5c use. Leave your orde!eir af tbe Hardware ble. To add to the dlfficultifa of respond- SEE OUR WINDOW.-1 Corn Starch, package, 4c Quart bottle Washlini g Fluid, 6o PATERSON, &. J. : . . Store of £. B. IHwson. wblcb «e recocaraeDd, and whlaboao b« pnaentsd with ing to an atom at midnlghtjtbey found the Patent Flour, 21} pounds, Me Men's Pants, p^ " npwarp d ^ , THS Booirpox LUKBEB GO. hydrants near the scene of tbo flre frosan DISPLAYS. ptrfeel propriety. 24 cts. and npward ip. Tbe different companies worked with Beet Creamery Cheese, 18c BoyB* Pants, Bolsi for frniU, tto., for the holidays. . will, but it was impoeaibls to get streams Choice Patent Flour, $4 35 per bbl Men s Beet Wool Hin'tB, " 9 7 755 • Some people say tbttt no excuse satlsfaot o.i the Lathrop and Vreeland buildings in Good Tomatoes, per can. 8c Boya' SmUi, $1 95 to 2 95 torr to lbs people oan be made for tbe hy- time to save them.. The fire bbrned with Uood Com, per can, ' \u 8c Men's Fmbroidered Si.ppers, ~69c. pr LOCAL WIWB. drants not beiDR kept in condition for nss great, rapidity, oo aocoant of the loflime- Good Peas, per can, 8c Mattings, per Yard, 12 1 2c. upw'ds at a moment's notice. ' We do not think It ble matorial it had to work on. The fact DAY HYMENEAL.. JfiiUer tinu'l Pur/dcri for IT* The Washington holiday number ii neoeeBary to elaborate at present on this, that tbe Dimes were subdued and held in. T THZ'cuoscn or oca u.pt or XT. CASHKZ.. III Florence Mood/, and Harry Oliver. rUdrrn, Men's Kackie Panto and Blouses. 75c Men's Drdss Suits, 84 75 to 89 75 A __ Tery attractive, only to say that "what Is averybody'a baal- cheek by the fireman under tbe flircum- Tucker, of Mootrllle, were married at.tbe Heavy Outing Flannel, per yd , 9c Rubber and Felt Boots. 6 A. m — BleMlnji of Ibe StatQe of tbe lo- 8aeee*>rq]lr nwd by Mother Gray, none Io Arctics and Plain Rubbers Qhrtstaaas Trte axtrcUaa at tbs Reform* nraa Is nobody's business." It should not' itances ii tbe greatest proof of eef>;b«dr-tolDM)r^-teetbttijr diiorderf, Men's and BOJB' Clothing at half price Man's Shoes, por pair, $1 25 volunteer fire department what we could gained such headway, however,' it was Im Max*-to be *nnj[t lVJ$cWr 5 Hail, by Bt. Ma- raova arid rexoUte tbe boveU ami deatror Lntu 1. J "ha* becb' appoipfed from, a. patd department. -. -The .water' &>m> toesible to save so} thing of tbe buildingr, y*n Choir, onfl>r tbw direction of Ulu Bel WcdatBdar efeuiDg, Deo Utb, by tbe Bev arorma. OreraOOOOtettimoaUia. They nttrr Boys* Overcoats, 81 00 and np Children's Shocsr por pair, 25o Postmuter at Tba interior of the buildings was gulled '. Smh. •Mlnlvd by Mr. George H. H$uey. John a Addj, or Betbsnf Cbspel. .Oh*rl«f fait. At all droRUb, ita fl«mpl. rat*. Men's Overcoats, 83 00 and up Manicure Set-*, 81 29 and upwards pany is not wqalred by the eontract witb Addren, AlleD 8, Ulmtlul, LttBor, N. Y. ^ For sal*; potaloe* «nd bay. Apply, to tbe town to watch tba- bydranta closely and the entire stock of goods in the Kopp 8 00 •. m.-Uijfh Mass, 9eV. 0. Schoitbocf- Tdcker acted a* b«t man,' lit** Lillie OAV- GQe ned Currants, per pound, lBo Toilet Sets 69c and upwards . brunt tan.au as brldeimald, apd Miss £th«t Tooker« Awm Baldwin, Mofitiill*. enoogh to prevent their, freezing! unless and Biddle stores destroyed. Also, Iba Schooll < as maid of booor.-r Tbe •' Aa .IoTl(aH6a U b«reby est fy English Walnuts, 12o Armour a Beat Ilomu, 12c We give b«*u Christmas ami New Year' >IaM, auder tbe directti of HUter M. AU 0Dr pairs. • r r Corwiu'a bakery, adjoining Ibe Lithrqp hODmi. parlors were keantttnllr decorated witb paios ODB lopklnic 'or miiaiaal'iaetrtimfnte lo'ca 1 Wumeu'n Fine Shoes, pair, 99a Armour's Calalorma Hams, •tjncs *»• aa^plement to-day,r ,^-" " OD lot. CalUa. . Tricycle*, bicycles, drums, violins, man. nildfng on tbe south,, by the almost super- 10.00 a. m.-Hig. b Mas*,. lev. O.Bcb'otthoef. and cbrTsaDthemam*. A reception, to,tb* Mved Cakes, per lb., ' 8cU e will be' special Christmas mtuTc .', celebriDt. dblius, banjos, zibos, all gradss, at lowest baman work of the firemen was saved, tit. SUrj'j Choir will ii is; Farmer'* Uwaa' familj and immedlste frisndl followed' bred by onr flbnroh eholra next tinnday. cash prioea. > ~ ' Joa. Cuixu^. M.och of the furniturs waa removed, but nder the direction of HirL. B«lle F. Nub, aa' Bananas, Oranges, LenioiiH, Cuudy. &c. tba interior of tbe store, the stock,' etc., A number of oar •tore windows h* • Lincoln J. Carter, aotbor nf 'The F*at listed bv Mr. George H*itey.' b«9n beaatifnlly.dtcorated for the holiday was greatly dsms(.el. 7.30 p.m.'—Solemn Veipers aod Banedic- LoHur Muncville. >il," "Heart of Chicago," and other Provislona, eto , in tbe cellar of the iiiddle GOOKIIVG STOVES, 88.75 AND UP. Shoes and slippers for tbe Holiday trade, equally popular pl*y*. Will preteut bis store liftd. meat in the Vreeland market, At 8.00 p. m ,*tha Fair for thebeoefltof tbe Wednesday eroolocDecember lllb. a large at Crane's store. Lieut iucoessV""Tbe EleTenth Hour,'' at eauaed the fire to burn with great intensity, Cborcb pt Oar L\dy of ilt Carmel will open namber of tbe coagrtiotiou of the. MoaivUlf HOLIDAY tie Harris Lycenm, ia short time. Io In Bt. Joitpt'i IIall. Uitormed oharab *M«embled at tbeparsoaage Good Ingrain Carpet, 33j:ts^yard and upward, Interesting Gbristmil and New Yea showing tbe nature of tbe battle to prevent to gi*n tb.* pwtor, ltev. A. Mattlce, asorprtrt Tapestry Brussels Carpet, 49 cts. yd. and upward. * Tba Eleventh Hoor" Mr. Carter has soo- tbe spread of tbe fit me* to.othar buildings. PBtMllUMBIS IK DBTTAU.:' bstfore bu departure for New York Cltj, Carpet, per V^cd, 20 cents. reading IB tbe •applament to this week's oeeded in doing what few anthors do, vis : Mr. Hlddle'a store was well stocked, u he whore be will rbiidft for Ut« prc»ea(. AH SHOPPERS L Bpiitror. . ..*.. ..-, to bUnd patboa and corned r in a manner ruan VolnnUrr, • , Selected - 'Woman's Kid, patent leather tip~82j5Oflhoes, only 81.49. always kept his stock up, In good condi- wart* mtdtt wvlbutDe. A table wa* then boon* wtirt&rl Awatdatf them at Bcboonmaker~ Chnatmu serfices at St John's Obnrcb that pleases the entire audience*, holding tion and tastefally arranged. Tbe stock of Uiu Annie Hillerr. tllallf aproail and ell partook, of'tba, good A Oompanrs a most complete and varied Woman's Kid, patent leather tip, 83.1*0 shoes, only 82.49.' ' their interest throuRliont tbo play. "Tho theJCopp tibna consisted mainly .of beat- intlqne du Noel. • ' _ A. Adama tbiuK> prepared for tbe ooca*lonV-'' The oom assortment of gifts for men. including Men's .Heavy Shoes, only 81 25; Fine tit,£1.25 and upward: htpins Ohriatssas momicR at 12 o'clock, aeeoio efffcta, sad the nicety of detail for P*DJI «iu deilKtiKuliy entertained ;witbvap (midnight.) ers, atovea, tinware and plumbing supplies. Mr. F. P. McIoUra. prupriAta pl«no and vocal solos by. Mis* F*o-~ Miaacs' k Children's Shoes. Black and Tan, ail^tyles, at lowest pricep. whieh Mr. Carter ia ao jastly timoas for. Mr Vfeelandnad on handa larger stock of ipajt'"- C«' 10 (•'clock Ma**). W. P. PeUra nle Alattlce, after whicbl Jid i ti Bath Kobets Fancy VcsU. Kynor A. Looker are boilding a new store The patrons of Harris Lyoeom-have a rich meats than nsual Tuesday oights*, as he Miu KtUn Maboney, Utsa aiaitRle Doiand, Uod bo witb TOD Ult we nnwt affaln. Smoking Jackets, Mackintoshes, boas* adjoining their atore building for treat in store of which they will no doubt generally rapleniabti On Wednesdays. : ..Mr.F. I'. Slcln'tjre, Hr.'W. U. Bell. Air llauice delivered an address that wfll SEW QUEEN SEWING |^a* Beady-Made Clothing, lTii(J«?rwear, CJlovei", Tbe Hstbod.it and Presbyterian Bonilay different firms. Hammond ft Cer, agenls, mg on all present and those who* by- siakneas Jersey Jackets. TJmbrallas, We take tbe following from some Warres 41 r. Bowden, Mr. Btll and cboras. s Schools will hold their Christmas tree enter Ojunty news iu an exchange; represented all tbe companies named: Gloria in Exeeliii Deo, ' . «ud dvatb In tbe neighborhood, were pr*- Sweaters, Canes, Dlaiikcts, Mats and Caps. tainmeDta Christmas night. ' The •dperintrndent of the Uorris Canal W. W. Biddlp, -atoUt Insured-ia" the Miu Mahonev. Uiaa Ddlan, ventod attending. All tbett shook baads, ban stated that the company has decided t6 Quean's Insurance Company, for $2,000. Mr. Bowdeo, Mr. Bell add ehorai. Mjtng Ibny were bappv a* a result of spend- and with a full line of 8UVDIUE3 incia 1- B«ad Crane's four page circular that is I jg IUO evening so pl«aauUy together. *m* wliAstenaPnrniihtnn a> most eicellent Carpets! Carpets 1 Carpets! fljaung tba.town it makes his opponent* build arVy new boats. 'l*bis. it .is said, ia J. I. K'.pp'a SODS, National, of Hartford, display^ HOLUJXV AKC&WliAit. beads swim. \ ' an absolute aeeesajty, as there are lesstbsn •1,500., IIr; Ut-intire, Uiat llahonay and choral. LISOLBUHS, OIL CLOTHS, MATIISOB, EAQ, OAIIPSTS, 4O. 100 boats fitfo r nse at present. Ths •om Cornelina J. Kopp, rurniture,9600 In tbi reni Creator, Tbeo. de 1.% Hue he iiotM, fojs. Bx>k*f Dolls. E. A. Backer has-bad an electrlo ball pany will also make aome extensive repairs Uorris County Insurance Co, Total loss. Mr. William B. Bell. *or1uii>ut ut SS*ud'lO&: StOpa.'; FURNITURE! . ... .". SL^^OH. placed in front of bis'stors-for the con-to tbeir property at! plane No. 8, near "* ~ -i. at. VanFleel, furDltnre. .to,. North- lredo» The Choir. D 1)», Tors, Bo k*. B at value*, *4 G and T6oien.ce of cmtomeri in csrrisges. - artevjlle, dnriag lbs winter months.— era, of London, 91)000:—Total loss:—7-v itTncJiroatas, • ' •- "' IOJ. ature. .Tinware, Patent.Medicines,.Tobacco, Cigars,^tall.Paper, ^ Wm Ktnouie, while at his work at Daw- It would seem by this, that tbe eanal conii J.^,U. VreeUnd, bblldiog, Commercial ^ Pianos, ,Organ8, Sewing Machines, AccordionB, lateBtimproved at pany are getting ready for n«xt year's bus- 0aion, tJoua6n,~t 1,500. Stock also insur- MIM SlaLonej, Sir. DowdeDBDc] choroi. lowest pnoes, ohoico Geese, Hen, Turkey and Duck Feathers, Hardware. SDD'S lumberyard, Uonday, fell from a ed; ambstit not knovo. . LdMti>Fidel». V. Nbvallo i pile of lumber sod broke his left arm. iness without reference to the eaoal aban donmenL Still a little matter of this kind W. 8. Oorwin. bnildiog, Westebester, N. MI.I DUIBO, Mr*. Udntjrra. Mr. Bell, SOME HINTS FOR Mattresses.Bed Sprinas. Pillows.&c. ToileJ. Sets,$2 0.0 I Kynor A I/x>k« haye aJ«H page holiday is DQ); considered important along side tbe Y-. $2,000: Cooimeraial Union, London, in'ctoa, ' Tbe Choir. CHRI8TMA3 8H0PPIN6. adTartiasment'in..tbs Balletio Christmas $1,200. Block, Queen'*, •1.200; furaiture, medlcto". - • NATION Alt MIXED. PAINTS, EliOlIB, supplement. It will pay to gWs.tt a care- Qaeen's, $6001 •;••-- LEiTHEH 000D8. ful perusal. • - Slippers for the bolidsye at E. J. Cshill X/itbrop es^stf, bnildlng, $4,000. alia* Mabouey and eborat... . ." " C' Miu li.bODBT. Miu Dolaod. rocket BookK. FEED, GRAIN and BALED HAY. Tbe report of timely snow and excellent The Intense, cold did not deter the fire Hr, MclDt/re, Mr. Ikil and chorus. Corxi. hooting in the forests of Usin* is apt to To Lrr—Blacksmith and wheelwright . le'n^rom doing tbeir duty, and many were )oo» Nobii. J shop.witb tools of the late Oavin W. Deck- covered witb a ooatiog of iee. There was h PEBFUMEBI ALWAYS BEST TEAS & COFFEES at Lowest,Prices. make President Boose tell long for a mid- a glare of ice on,tbe street, and Icicles form ' Ttie Q )%rt^tte Jnd ohoiQS>> < £xtractE.aUDdora. winter vacation.; er, deceased, at Glenvfew, N. J. Also on* '•Miss Annie Uiller*.:o^miat; Mr. HtHey, We will not be Undersold, at • : market sleigh and 600 feet of oak plank, 1 j ed quickly OD tbe riilegmpb wires' in froqt CorDetUt; Mt« Belle F. Saab, Director of 'J'oilet WateM. Oar merchant! are already having ' qmt« lo-4J thick, for aale. Inquire, of tbe burned" buildings. There waa so Unalc. ' ' , 8TATIONEHY a holiday trade. By rxaminiog their htock EBTATK or 0. W. Dicxza. much firs in tbe interior of the building*, you will no doubt Had articlee;saitable> for it was necessary ta.koepistraams, of waur 235-237 MAIV STREET, 12. 3 w. Olenview, N. J. 1 Christmas' presents. going late ysalerday morning. ' •rd Spfftb and Hearing . B1H3EEB bor. Market atraet, M. M. Crane's Store. We area CASH COAL CO. We farniab It is estimated that tbe total loes on tbe Tbe twenty-seventh annual meeting ol the vary highest grade of ooa) for domoatfe UBSSBS. tti BBOS. :— I commenced using Ilat'llnuhe?' ClOlhMBrabSr tAtbrop and Vreeland buildings, stock and rour Cr**m B-tlm aboct. two years ago lncorpor.Udn.rch . 1874...... tba New Jars*/ State Horticultural Society a«e. ,,l>aTo jour order at the Hardware. fiiraiiure.lsin ibe neighborhood .of $15,000. PATER8ON.N.J. will be bald at Trentqo, Wednesday and Btore'of E. B. Dawson. y- -•• ; or catarrh. My voic* was somewhat thick r the ibiuranoe' sammtDg np aay $11,000, inj my bearing waa dull. My .hearing baa Storage Warehouse. Thursday, January 8 and 9. . • : . THE BOOXTOX LUXSZB CO. leaves a eombined loss of at lest $4,000 B. tl. BoaoovitAKn. rr***l, T been fully restored and my speech has' b*. Billi Store Bnildinir foot of PUna 8treet Ibroogb tbe efforts of Congressman Sal-, Make the small boy happy with a newJ. L Kopp a sons prodably snffer the great- ' B. Li 4cica;a*BusH, Treas. .jaw open to Hove Formiarp. YitgonB Trunki come quite clear. I am a teacherin'our , Seo'y. Utoves Ac A BOO*I cellir for ttonee of I'ot*- mon Mra. Mertie Pruden, of Harrialown, pair of Babbcf. BooU from L^wtou'd 8hoe eat loss, OD account of tbe small amount ol *n. > L. Q. BBOWM. Granger, O, toc Apples «e. ValuUe paper* Btdred in has been granted » pension of 98 a moBtb. Store. . ' ' .;.. ' '_..-•' iofurHUce carried. • . No onmmeut ,U 'needed..,^._Trfal.*i»rJfl AIM will MII Furniture ttasoni Ac The back pay amounts to 1300. , "•* 1 Tease Fianos, Joe Cuixsoi, Ag*t. ' s. Full sizo 50c. * 'Ask your druggist*' VTe ars'a CASH COAL CO. - W«- fnrnub a mail U. • • • SAVIIMGSBANK tbe very bigbeat grade bf coal for domestic ELY BBOS , 55 Warrsa fit. How York- norristowii, New Jersey. - ^ n*i- Leave jPOLOrder at tlie Hardware Common Comiull. Fire Cannof Destroy 1- Htore of E. B. Dswson. • ; will continue the regular. Grocery W. MILUEH. , : / . An adjoari^ed meeting bf the.Cummon .. Tbe (fumi'lii-st Mm. —TH* BOOH^OIJ LmdiM Co. C^udcit was beld on Monday evealD(r,Dec bnaicptw as. hejcetoiqrjii. 0u Monday, Dec. REtlUS D. HULU 23d, we will open a temporary store in tfar TMAwjw—H. T. HULL. Nineteen chickens wen stolen frei 16lh. Tbe matting was called to ordar by 4 ,>(« taii^iaianlrMi4«tbers su.i* President LoukerT biiildicK koViwn as the Gas Conipany's Of- ited to rail on *TJ,T drojutrt and K*$/fn* Uicbael Cabill, Cornelia 8tr««t, tiatnrday fice, at tbe jnuctioh of iWn andPlaneB'n.. Ul bottU uf K-ro'p's itelsaiD for lb.-Tbr»»t T ASSETS, - - •-•- Mayor .Carpenter present. . Members iiigbt •'Ihe-aamt-nigkt-'BiZ"were stolen and hope to be able (o aerve all of our old ind Laog», \ rrmpd/ thai -!• HTi*r»nt«td to MOOELRISTOWN, K. J. TTARTTITTP!^ - from Mra. Nanoy Rile j,.of Brook Street present—Co Hen. Looker. Oliver, Bingleib, patrons to their entire satisfaction'. -• •or*. «cd relief ill cbroofe apdacnto Caagh*f SalmoD. Telfer. AJ»«nt—flUventon. - i.tfbm*. Bronciiiiis amlCoDWaDiutloD. Price SURPLUS,.. - - 22J.3W-22 Until furtnernotioe my'customers will Communication f/omthe United W«ter W. W. ltlDDLE. THB Oaoou. V''ant) 6G ' 3 fluU me at niy ro-idenoe Myrl'e ave. with aSupply Co. etatiug that theyi had received L'ain i>t.. Booatoo, Dec. 19, 1^01. f NTUREST Is declared and paid In Jann- full Hue of mes;?, and all orders will be tbe Council's oommuiieation and would CAPITAL, 8URPLU8 AND PROFITS, $1,000,000 _.- ary and Jaly or mch.year from tbe promptly filled. . ' t J.,M. Yauuvi connect the d*ad end from • alporoe street Slato Teacli«n* Atufociatlun, profit* of the prcriotu six inouths' boalaeaa, OBITCJAKY. Tbe eotertt1'nment nnder tbe auapices of to'the Park with a aix iuob main, and the We desire to call attention to th« n ©HPOSITS made on or before tlie jrd day one from Unln to O

"rnilTi** HjiHami*""**••—• Ivors & Pond