w w w . e a t l i k e a h u m a n . c o m

WORKBOOK Fermented Dairy

March 2021 Back-to-Basics Virtual Fermented Dairy Class | March 2021

A Complete Start to Finish Approach to Fermented Dairy Create your own fermented butter, , and stretched cheese in your home!

Setting the Stage Prehistory and benefits of dairy; Earliest evidence of dairy; How ancestral WEEK groups around the world today are still fermenting dairy; Modern dairy consumption/production; Necessary equipment; Sourcing high quality 01 ingredients, Getting Started with Fermented Dairy Topics: Making clabber, kefir, , and fermented butter. 0WE2EK Introduction to Cheesemaking (Dairy 2.0) Topics: Making fresh, real mozzarella and ricotta cheese. 0WE3EK Troubleshooting plus Question & Answer After 3 weeks of working diligently with fermented dairy, I know there will be WEEK questions, so this is your chance to get all the answers to everything dairy so you can control the fermentation process to include homemade fermented 04 dairy products in your diet.

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4 - Week Course View

Through a combination of pre-recorded lessons and LIVE interactive zoom sessions each course is designed to empower you to incorporate lessons from our deep dietary past, rich and diverse traditional cultures around the world, and modern culinary techniques in your kitchens to transform basic ingredients into the safest most nutrient dense and bioavailable form possible for your families. Mark your calendars!

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Setting the Stage: Pre-recorded material LIVE Getting Started Class: and resources to give you the necessary You will be expected to complete homework background information to truly immerse in-between classes yourself fermenting dairy. LIVE Monday Pre-recorded / On your own March 8th / 7PM - 9PM ET March 1st -7th March 8th - 14th

3 4 LIVE Fermented Dairy 2.0 Class: LIVE Troubleshooting plus Question & Answer You will be expected to complete homework class focusing on all fermented dairy topics. in-between classes Bring your questions! LIVE Monday LIVE Monday March 15 / 7PM - 9PM ET March 22 / 7PM to 9PM ET March 15th - 21st March 22nd - 28th

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www.eatlikeahuman.com 4 Back-to-Basics Virtual Fermented Dairy Class | March 2021

Week 1 To-Dos

Please use this check-list to keep track of your assignments for Week 1 of the course. Remember - this is the only self-paced week.

1 2 3 Complete the pre-course survey so If you use social media, join our Watch the "Our Dietary Past" from we can tailor the instruction to meet private Facebook group. my presentation in Brazil at FRUTO. your individual needs! (20 minutes) Survey Facebook Group Video

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Watch: Week 1 Fermented Dairy Watch: Week 1 Cheese & Video Read the 3 selected readings in this History Video (40 minutes) workbook and be prepared to (42 minutes) discuss/reflect on the information Video Video Readings

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Watch the Kitchen Equipment video Complete the Week 1 reflection tool Take a moment to create a goal for and order any missing items from in this workbook after watching the yourself below. We will revisit this at the “recommended equipment.” videos and completing the readings. the end of the course. Video Reflection Set a Goal

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Setting the Stage

T o p i c s : P r e h i s t o r y a n d b e n e f i t s o f d a i r y ; E a r l i e s t e v i d e n c e o f d a i r y ; H o w a n c e s t r a l g r o u p s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d t o d a y a r e s t i l l f e r m e n t i n g d a i r y ; M o d e r n d a i r y c o n s u m p t i o n / p r o d u c t i o n ; N e c e s s a r y e q u i p m e n t ; S o u r c i n g h i g h q u a l i t y i n g r e d i e n t s . 1www.eatlikeahuman.com 6 Back-to-Basics Virtual Fermented Dairy Class | March 2021 Readings The following readings supplement Dr. Schindler's #EatLikeaHuman research and help create the foundation to support the benefits of fermented dairy. Use the space under each article to jot down any notes.

Campaign for Raw Milk: https://www.realmilk.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg9mh- aHM6AIVEoeGCh0rmwDWEAAYAiAAEgLuVPD_BwE

What Mongolia’s Dairy Farmers Have to Teach Us About the Hidden History of Microbes https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/what-mongolias-dairy-farmers-have-to- teach-us-about-the-hidden-history-of

Earliest Evidence of Cheese-Making in Europe http://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=3345

www.eatlikeahuman.com 7 Back-to-Basics Virtual Fermented Dairy Class | March 2021 Readings Continued The following readings supplement Dr. Schindler's #EatLikeaHuman research and help create the foundation to support the benefits of fermented dairy. Use the space under each article to jot down any notes.

Earliest Direct Evidence of Dairy Consumption https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-49650806

The Ceide Fields: a Mayo miracle older than the pyramids https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/heritage/the-c%C3%A9ide-fields-a-mayo-miracle-older- than-the-pyramids-1.3168769

www.eatlikeahuman.com 8 Back-to-Basics Virtual Fermented Dairy Class | March 2021

Recommended Equipment Watch the Kitchen Equipment video where I will teach you how to use the tools in your current kitchen plus highlight these supplies below:

Milk Grain Kefir Mesophilic Yogurt Thermophilic Yogurt (countertop)*** (heated)***

Thermophillic Cheese Culture Rennett (50 grams is enough)+++

***These are both not absolutely necessary. Most people only keep one yogurt culture going at any given time. So, if you want to choose one select whichever you prefer. Or, get both and you can decide which one you want to keep going!

+++This is not absolutely necessary. This culture does make excellent and predictable cheese, but you can get very similar results by using kefir as the starter culture if you prefer

www.eatlikeahuman.com 9 Back-to-Basics Virtual Fermented Dairy Class | March 2021 Ingredients & Supplies continued . . . .

You will need to have these ingredients on hand to use:

Please make sure all dairy is as fresh as possible for the best results (no more than three days old if at all possible).

The cream will only be used for the butter so you will only need it for the second class. A quart or so is a good amount.

Milk will be used throughout the course - you will need a gallon or two for the second class to get kefir started and maintained and to make yogurt. You will need two gallons for the third week.

Here is some guidance on purchasing milk: Fresh Heavy Cream (Raw is preferred, pasteurized is fine, ultra- pasteurized will not work) Fresh Milk (Raw is preferred, pasteurized is fine, ultra-pasteurized will not work) Apple Cider Vinegar - you may want to have a little of this on hand for the third class just in case we judge the pH incorrectly for the ricotta.

Other Supplies: Other Supplies:

Riccotta Basket Molds 3.5" Plastic Strainer Butter Muslin Cheesecloth

Things you probably already have in your kitchen:

Wide-mouth quart size mason jars Plastic lids for wide-mouth mason jars Rubber Spatula 10 www.eatlikeahuman.com Back-to-Basics Virtual Nose-to-Tail Class | February 2021

Week 1 Reflection

Use the space below to reflect on the videos and readings. Remember to post in the Facebook group to engage your fellow fermented dairy chefs in valuable discussion.

www.eatlikeahuman.com 11 Back-to-Basics Virtual Nose-to-Tail Class | February 2021

Set Your Goal You've signed up for this course for a reason. It could be to learn how to make mozzarella cheese, maybe you are done buying yogurt at the store or possibly you want to discover what kefir is and how to make it! Big or small it doesn't matter - what matters is that we accomplish it together this month, so use the space below to write down your Goal!

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