Intro to Seam Joseph Faisal Nusairat February 15, 2008 Who Am I?

Joseph Faisal Nusairat Author Beginning JBoss Seam Practical Speaker JUGs Codemash CRB Hobbies Bodybuilding Rock Climbing Broadway Musicals


Where were we?

History of Web Development Started off with Servlets / JSP Manually created dozens of servlets, even with JDBC information Hard coded JSPs

We Evolved

We Evolved

We Created Patterns We Created Simplicity by Making Complexity

Patterns for everything Patterns for the front Patterns for the middle Patterns for the back

Dark Times that We Thought Were Good

Change Was In The Air

10 Minutes that Changed Web Development

What about Java?

 Why didn’t we have this in Java?  Was Java inferior?  WHH?

Change Was In The Air

 Faster  Cleaner  Smaller  Much Smaller

How Was Rails Special

 Convention over Configuration  Don’t Repeat Yourself What Was Java’s Answer

 Lighter  Faster  More Aggressive Frameworks

 We Need Frameworks that are easier and gives us functionality we want and need, not stuff we don’t need.

Spring 1.0

Spring 2.0

Seam 2.0

• The Next Level

What is Seam?

• An integration framework True next generation integration framework


Basics (Liberation Sans Bold, 28 pt)

 Integration of Layers Links JSF + EJB3 Much much much more Can be deployed in Tomcat container with Java Beans and Hibernate More later? GORM maybe?

What New in JSF & EJB3?

EJB 3  Ability to execute without an application server, so good unit tests can be created.  The code-compile-package-deploy cycle was shortened,  Lack of direction with EJB 2.0 JSF  Created to handle deficiencies in the Servlet Specification.  POJO based backing beans. Component based pages.

What Did Seam do With EJB3 + JSF

Backing JSF Page EJB3 XBean Remember

 All you need though is backing beans and Hibernate.  Seam will provide the of the functionality and more.  You can even use Groovy objects.

Hello World

 Standard Hello World  Use JSF + EJB3

Hello World - JSF

Hello World - EJB3

@Name(“helloWorld”) public class HelloWorldAction implements HelloWorld {

private String outputText;

@Create public void init() { outputText = “Hello World”; } }

Garage Sale Application

 A simple garage sale application  We will use full JSF - SB - EB


Add your Garage Sale



EJB - Stateless Session Bean

@Name("sellerManager") @ S tateless public class SellerManagerAction implements SellerManager { @PersistenceContext EntityManager em;

Hous@Ine house;

@Logger Log log; public String createGarageSale() {"rsist(houAdd se);house - #{house}"); return "/saleItemAdd.jsp"; } } JSF

@Name("house") @E n tity public class House {

@Id @GeneratedValue private long houseId;

@NotNull(message="Address is required") @Length(min=5, max=100, message="Address should be between 5 and 100") private String address;

@NotNull(message="City is required") @L e ngth(min=1, max=100, message="City should be between 1 and 100") private String city; }

IoC - Inversion of Control  aka Dependency Injection  aka Bijection in the case of Seam  Part of Seam’s Core Power

Seam Contexts

 Stateless Context  Session Context  Application Context  Event Context  Page Context  Conversation Context  Business Process Context

The Big 4 Contexts

 Stateless  For items that do not require state  Session  To be used for sesion information  Application  Used where only one instance is required  Event  Alive from the restore view to the render response view

Page Context

 Context that is used when call is originating from the same page  Useful for list and callbacks to the page  Data is serialized to the client

Conversation Context

 Allows for spanning of multiple calls  Holds state for spanning of multiple calls in the same window  The conversations can be started, stopped, and joined via the Seam component or the page itself

Conversation Example @Stateful @Name("bookingCart") @Conversational() pub li c class BookingCartBean implements BookingCart {

@PersistenceContext EntityManager em;

@In(create=true) private Booking booking = null;

@Begin public String starTravelPlans() { return "flights"; }

public String selectHotel() { // ... }

@End public void makeReservation() { em.persist(booking); }

} Business Process Context

 Used for jBPM support  Allows for storing of the business conversations

Setting of the Contexts

 Class level @Name(“test) @Scope(ScopeType.STATELESS) public class TestBean { }

Variable level @In(scope = ScopeType.STATELESS)

 Multiple Scopes - @Roles({@Role(name=”tempEvent”, scope=EVENT) @Role(name=”tempPage”, scope=PAGE)}) public class TempBean { }

Roles - Allow the Ability for Multiple Scopes

One Role @Name(“temp”) @Stateless @Scope(SESSION) @Role(name=”tempEvent”, scope=EVENT) public class TempBean {}

 Multiple Roles - ... @Roles({@Role(name=”tempEvent”, scope=EVENT) @Role(name=”tempPage”, scope=PAGE)}) public class TempBean { }


 Biggest buzz word in the industry  Asynchronous Javascript and XML  Seam supports multiple implementations  Seam Remoting  Rich Faces  Any JSF Ajax implementation

Seam Remoting

 Used to allow JavaScript to interact with Seam components  Can use existing instances  Create new instances  Change display options  Gives you batched and unbatched calls to the server

Remoting Hello World Call

Click to say hello


Remoting JavaScript Method

< script type="text/javascript" src="seam/remoting/resource/remote.js"/> Seam Component Stateless Session Bean • @Stateless @Name("helloAction") public class HelloWorldAction implements HelloWorld {

publicString sayHello() { return"HelloWorld!"; } } • Interface @Local public interface HelloWorld { @WebRemote String sayHello(); } Batch Calling an Item

• Creating a batch call function sayHello() { Seam.Remoting.startBatch(); Seam.Component.getInstance(...)...... Seam.Component.getInstance(...)... Seam.Remoting.executeBatch(); • Cancel the batch call Seam.Remoting.cancelBatch(); Ability to Use & Instantiate Objets

• Support for all types • Map / Integer / Boolean Enums • Seam Components • New Instance / Get Instance Rich Faces

 A partnership of Redhat and Exadel  Current version - 3.1.4  Combination of rich GUI functionality and Ajax components that can be used together or seperately.  Allows for partial page updates  Allows for status images. 47 jBPM

• JBoss Business Process Management • What you must have • Workflow • Actors • Tasks jBPM

• For flow dependent pages • Define how a page moves and the actions for it

Seam Extras

 A place that Seam shines  Tons and tons and tons of extras.

Email Support • jboss-seam-mail.jar

#{person.address} Try out Seam!


You can try out Seam by visiting



iText - PDF Generation

• jboss-seam-pdf.jar • PDF or RTF Generation

My First Document

This is a simple document. It isn't very fancy. Themes

• Used to switch for switching layouts • This is useful when you want layout type changes • Cascading style sheets • Template changes • Or whatever you want Themes

• Inside the properties file css css/default.css template defaultTemplate.xhtml • Start of your JSF Page Security

 Own custom security framework  Roles and permissioning based  Permissioning done via drools


 components.xml  Defining the rules are optional

 Authenticator @Name(“authenticator”) public class AuthenticationAction {

@In Identity identity

public boolean authenticate() { ... do something ... } }


 Seam default component  Fields  username  password  roles (list of string roles)  Methods  login  logout  isLoggedIn  isSecurityEnabled  hasRole(String role)  hasPermission(String name, String action, Object ..arg)  ... and more ..


 Access  @In Identity identity  Identity.instance()

Access Control

• Tag Library • • also can use hasPermission • • Class Level • @Restrict • pages.xml •


 Adds ability to have non-computer readable text.  Using Add code in web.xml

 You can even customize the CAPTCHA alogrithm Seam Text

 A form of wiki markup  Can allow users that need to have editable forms have rich web display without knowing HTML.

Quartz Dispatcher

 Used for asynchronous processing of requests  Can be read immediately or scheduled @Asynchronous public QuartzTriggerHandle schedulePayment(@Expiration Date when, @IntervalDuration Long interval, @FinalExpiration Date endDate, Payment payment) { // do the repeating or long running task until endDate } ...... // Schedule the task in the business logic processing code // Starts now, repeats every hour, and ends on May 10th, 2010 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance (); cal.set (2010, Calendar.MAY, 10); processor.schedulePayment(new Date(), 60*60*1000, cal.getTime(), payment);

Web Services

 RESTful responses always part of Seam  As of 2.0 Seam integrates with JBossWS  Must be implemented as either a Stateless Session Bean or a POJO

Web Services

@Stateless @WebService(name = "AuctionService", serviceName = "AuctionService") public class AuctionService implements AuctionServiceRemote { @WebMethod public boolean login(String username, String password) { Identity.instance().setUsername(username); Identity.instance().setPassword(password); Identity.instance().login(); return Identity.instance().isLoggedIn(); } }

Seam Extras

 Breadcrumbs  Charting  Spring Integration  Hibernate Search

Spring Integration • Sub-headline (Liberation Sans, 25 pt) - Sub-headline (Liberation Sans, 25 pt)

Seam Best Practices • With great power comes great responsibility

Stateful vs Stateless vs JavaBean

 Stateful - contains state  Used when needing to collect state.  Stateless  Processing items that require no state at all.

What ARE the Scopes and when to use them

 Class level  Variable level  Multiple Roles Annotation based

 Check out the annotations package  Write your OWN annotations

Seam Moving Ahead

... where is it going? ...