71 Agenda Item 10 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND REGULATORY BOARD 10th OCTOBER 2019 REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE COUNTY MATTER PART A – SUMMARY REPORT APP.NO. & DATE: 2019/0994/07 (2019/CM/0113/LCC) – 14th May 2019 PROPOSAL: Revised restoration of quarry workings utilising the importation of suitable inert material to achieve a beneficial afteruse of the site. LOCATION: Ibstock Brick Ltd, Leicester Road, Ibstock, LE67 6HS APPLICANT: Mick George Ltd. MAIN ISSUES: The effects of the development upon air quality, ecology, hydrology and flood risk, landscape, noise, public rights of way, restoration and aftercare, traffic, the contribution of the proposal to the County’s waste management infrastructure, and the appropriateness of the location. RECOMMENDATION: PERMIT subject to the conditions as set out in the appendix to the main report. Circulation Under the Local Issues Alert Procedure Mr. D. Harrison, CC. Officer to Contact Mr. P. Larter (Tel. 0116 305 7292) Email:
[email protected] DC®. BOARD 10/10/2019 72 2019/0994/07 - continued PART B – MAIN REPORT Description of site 1. Ibstock Quarry (or as the applicant refers to it Leicester Quarry) lies immediately north east of Ibstock and west of Ellistown, and approximately 1.5 kilometres south of Coalville. Planning permission for the extraction of clay at Ibstock was first granted in 1947 under an Interim Development Order (IDO). Further planning permissions for clay extraction were granted in 1951, 1957, 1958 and 1968. In 1998 the operator submitted an application for the consolidation of the existing planning permissions for clay extraction and the extension of the quarry east and north east of the original quarry, i.e.