2.3 Road Network

Distance Matrix Road Security Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits Road Class and Surface Conditions

The road network in Liberia is greatly underdeveloped and among the least developed in West Africa. Liberia has a total area of 111,370 kmĀ² and a road system with a total length of 10,600 km. Of these, only 657 km are paved while 9,943 km are unpaved. There is major deterioration on all highways due to heavy rains, lack of maintenance, overloaded trucks and the long rainy season which lasts 8 months, during which most of the roads are inaccessible, particularly in Nimba, Lofa, Sinoe, Baporlu and Maryland counties. Out of the 10,600 km roads in Liberia, less than a quarter are classified as all-weather roads. The road between and was paved in 2015 and is in good condition and the road between Monrovia and Buchanan Port is paved and in good condition. The road between Monrovia and Bo is paved and in good condition.

For information on Liberia Road network contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Liberia Government Contact List

Distance Matrix

Distances from Monrovia to Major Towns (km)

Monrovia Tubmanburg Robertsport Fishtown Harper Buchanan River Cess

59.2 121.2 62.0 186.5 386.6 286.6 460.8 631.4 717.6 124.3 210.9 Monrovia

59.2 105.2 121.2 245.7 445.8 345.8 520.0 690.6 776.8 183.5 332.1 Tubmanburg

121.2 105.2 183.2 307.7 507.8 407.8 582.0 752.6 838.8 245.5 270.1 Robertsport

62.0 121.2 183.2 124.5 324.6 224.6 398.8 569.4 655.6 134.2 272.9 Kakata

186.5 245.7 307.7 124.5 200.1 100.1 274.3 444.9 531.1 258.7 397.4 Gbarnga

386.6 445.8 507.8 324.6 200.1 300.2 474.4 645.0 731.2 458.8 597.5 Voinjama

286.6 345.8 407.8 224.6 100.1 300.2 245.8 416.4 502.6 358.8 497.5 Sanniquellie

460.8 520.0 582.0 398.8 274.3 474.4 245.8 170.6 256.8 533.0 671.7 Zwedru

Page 1 631.4 690.6 752.6 569.4 444.9 645.0 16.4 170.6 86.2 703.6 842.3 Fishtown

717.6 776.8 838.8 655.6 531.1 731.2 502.6 256.8 86.2 789.8 928.5 Harper

124.3 183.5 245.5 134.2 258.7 458.8 358.8 533.0 703.6 789.8 86.6 Buchanan

210.9 332.1 270.1 272.9 397.4 597.5 497.5 671.7 842.3 928.5 86.6 River Cess

329.2 388.4 450.4 391.2 515.7 715.8 615.8 790.0 960.6 1046.8 204.9 191.1 Greenville

804.3 863.5 925.5 866.3 990.8 1190.9 1090.9 343.5 172.9 100.3 928.6 1015.2 Barclayville

Travel Time from Monrovia to Major Towns (hours)

Monrovia Tubmanburg Robertsport Kakata Gbarnga Voinjama Sanniquellie Zwedru Fishtown Harper Buchanan River Cess

49 96 58 172 444 275 482 690 806 108 216 Monrovia

49 81 107 221 493 324 532 739 855 157 265 Tubmanburg

96 81 154 268 540 371 579 786 902 204 312 Robertsport

58 107 154 114 386 217 425 632 748 132 240 Kakata

172 221 268 172 272 103 311 518 634 246 388 Gbarnga

444 493 540 386 272 375 582 790 906 518 660 Voinjama

275 324 371 217 103 375 334 541 657 349 491 Sanniquellie

482 532 579 425 311 582 334 207 323 591 698 Zwedru

690 739 786 632 518 790 541 207 116 798 906 Fishtown

806 855 902 748 634 906 657 323 116 914 1022 Harper

108 157 204 132 246 518 349 591 798 914 108 Buchanan

216 265 312 240 388 660 491 698 906 1022 108 River Cess

368 417 464 392 506 778 609 817 1024 1140 260 255 Greenville

985 1034 1081 927 813 1085 836 502 295 181 1093 1201 Barclayville

Road Security

Road travel in Liberia can be hazardous. Potholes and poor road surfaces are common, making safe driving extremely challenging. Cars, trucks, and taxis are often overloaded with people and goods and make frequent stops without signaling. Drivers overtake on the right as well as the left. Many vehicles operate with very worn tires and blowouts are frequent. Public taxis are poorly maintained. Intersections must be approached with caution. Many vehicles circulate in the country without carrying a proper registration plate.

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

There are no weighbridges in the country nor there are axle load limits.

Road Class and Surface Conditions

Primary Roads

Links between county capitals, other primary roads and major international connections including border post, international airports and sea ports. Some primary roads may originate in urban areas. These roads can be paved or unpaved and link major cities in Liberia.

Secondary Roads

Links between district capitals to the primary roads and other district capitals. Links between major towns and cities, major tourist centers and have not already been classified as primary roads. Or link primary roads. These roads are usually unpaved roads link smaller villages to primary roads or link primary roads.

Feeder Roads

Page 2 Roads linking villages, farms, market centers and not classified as secondary or primary but may link to secondary or primary roads.

Urban Roads


A system of streets characterized by higher traffic volume, major access to city and commercial centers, and limited access.


A system of streets characterized by lower traffic volume and links between arterials and local streets.

Local Streets

A system of streets providing access to properties and facilities.

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