(O.B.S.S.) MALTA 324 A.D. Metropolitan Archbishop + Haralambos & Grand 4414 Washington Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405

561-835-3557 or 772-321-4089

Email: [email protected]

Addendum Benefits to Knighthood, O.B.S.S.

1. Invested Knight of Malta Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre (O.B.S.S.) upon application approval. $2,500.00 Knighthood Passage Fee

2. Permanently inscribed marble plaque on Holy Cross Monument at Holy Theotokos Shrine, Jensen Beach, Florida (Honorary Name of Knight). $500.00

3. Tuition for degree study courses, or alternate designee of your choice, at St. Michael Academy of Eschatology at West Palm Beach, Florida (approved by State of Florida Commission for Independent Colleges and Universities), Bachelor through Doctorate programs, on-line computer college selected program. $1,500.00 per degree

4. One-year subscription to an international magazine – “Ecclesiae” (former Vatican publication) – published in Rome, Italy. $200.00 subscription includes mailing

5. Worldwide “Ecclesiae” published membership list or all O.B.S.S. members inclusive in original passage fee. (Offer of advertising pages to benefit business orientation of any knighthood member at an additional business cost.) No charge, included in subscription

6. Annual Knighthood Convention $300.00 Registration Fee

Total Knighthood Passage fee prior to investiture, dependent on the approved membership by the Majesterium Council of Malta …………… $5,000.00

Tax Exempt Church Donation under IRS Group Ruling

Note: Financial Payment Plan available

Metropolitan Archbishop + Haralambos, Grand Prelate Knight Grand Cross of the Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre (O.B.S.S.) Grand Prior of the Grand Priory of Saint Michael International Vatican Decorated, The Grand Cross of St. Gregory Primate, Ukrainian Orthodox Archdiocese