Issue No. 8 March 2002

DawnDawn ofof newnew eraera forfor MarineMarine DepartmentDepartment

The opening of the up- strategic locations for prompt identification of ships. graded Vessel Traffic “Its superb computing power enables simultaneous Centre (VTC) and Maritime Rescue tracking of 4,000 moving and 1,000 stationary targets as Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) at the same premises marks the dawn of a new era for the Marine Department in port traffic management as well as search and rescue services. The two centres, both situated on the 5th floor of the Outer Pier of Macau Ferry Terminal in Central, is expected to boost communication and co-operation between VTC and MRCC in dealing with maritime emergency situations. Officially opening both centres on February 1, Hong ▲ Secretary for Economic Services Ms Sandra Lee, Hong Kong Kong Port and Maritime Board (PMB) Chairman Sir Port and Maritime Board chairman Sir Gordon Wu (middle) Gordon Wu said the investment in establishing the new and Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu officially open the VTC premises for the two centres was worthwhile as it saved and MRCC resources as well as strengthened responses to marine well as displaying of traffic information on an electronic emergencies. chart.” “This increases the efficiency of the port and the A new Digital Selective Calling system together with a effectiveness in saving lives from accidents at sea,” he said, search and rescue planning software have been installed to adding that the enhanced services are expected to contribute enhance the MRCC operations. to securing Hong Kong's position as a leading shipping centre He also thanked colleagues and logistics hub in the region. in the Electrical and Mechanical Sir Gordon also praised MRCC’s officers for their vigilance Services Department, and dedication in saving lives. Architectural Services Secretary for Economic Services Ms Sandra Lee and Department, Information Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu also co-officiated at the Technology Services ceremony. Department, Holland Institute of Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu, who also spoke at the ▲ Marine officials explain Traffic Technology B.V. and ceremony, said: “In addition to the radar and VHF direction how MRCC works to Pacific Century Cyber Works for finders, the new Vessel Traffic Services system had been Secretary for Economic their assistance in upgrading the incorporated with Automatic Identification System Services Ms Sandra Lee centres. receivers and closed-circuit televisions mounted at


Consular Assistance Hong Kong Shipping Korean Register of Hong Kong port’s 22 for Hong Kong 66 Register reaches 77 Shipping to service 1111 total cargo flagged ships new record 14 Hong Kong registered throughput records million GT ships 2% hike in 2001

Special Edition with 4 more pages of news and photographs Page 2 Consular Assistance for Hong Kong flagged ships

The joint assistance provided by ▲ Ms Zhang Xin, Director, Consular Department of the the Marine Department and the Office of the Commissioner Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s People’s Republic of (PRC) in the Republic of China in Hong HKSAR to owners and operators of Hong Kong provides a great deal of consular assistance for Kong registered vessels who face Hong Kong flagged ships. problems in other jurisdictions has given General Manager of the Shipping Registry and the local register a big boost. Seafarers’ Branch So Ping- The consular assistance from PRC chi works closely with her embassies worldwide to Hong Kong flagged ships is described as the greatest benefit derived from the “one-country, two systems” principle. “The attractiveness of the Hong Kong Shipping Register has been further enhanced by the responsive and reliable consular assistance provided together with the package for ship registration in Hong Kong,” said the General Manager accept three violent African stowaways. allegations by other stevedores that the of the Shipping Registry and Seafarers’ And in December 2001, another Hong deaths were caused by the ship crew’s Branch (SRSB) So Ping-chi. Kong registered vessel, when carrying out orders to the two deceased persons to For example, in November 2001, the a stowaway search after completion of carry out the stowaway search. crew of a Hong Kong registered bulk cargo loading at a port in Western Africa, After the local PRC embassies' carrier discovered three stowaways on discovered two dead stevedores inside a intervention, the two cases were board their ship while en route to the port cargo hold. eventually solved in a satisfactory of Antwerp after loading cargo in Africa. Local police prevented the ship from manner. Although the vessel faced a very tight sailing and confiscated the master and the schedule, the port authority refused to crew’s licences and documents following Page 3 More Chinese shipowners to consider Hong Kong Shipping Register

The Marine Department has “We have three such liaison meetings received positive feedback from per year, rotating between more Chinese shipowners and shipping province, Hong Kong and Shanghai,” said company representatives that they will MD’s Chief Assistant Registrar Chan consider registering their ships with the Ming-yau. Hong Kong Shipping Register (HKSR). The next meeting is scheduled to be A Department delegation headed by held in Shenzhen in March this year with Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu a Shenzhen liaison group. received the good news during a Hong Besides obtaining shipowners’ Kong-Shanghai liaison meeting that was feedback on improving the HKSR’s held on board “Zhou Zhuang Fang” in ▲ Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu speaks services, the Marine Department also put Zhou Zhuang, Shanghai on December 6, at the Hong Kong-Shanghai liaison out a message that it will not compromise meeting in Shanghai 2001. (The barge-like building was on safety and quality of the Hong Kong specially built for the APEC meeting last Shipping Register. year.)

▲ Mr Tsui giving his And Mr Tsui conducted the session on viewpoint at the the same chair in which President Jiang meeting Zemin was seated during the APEC meeting. Other participants at the Hong Kong- Shanghai liaison meeting included Chinese shipowners, shipping company representatives and members of the China Maritime Safety Administration and the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration.

▲ Participants at the Hong Kong-Shanghai Liaison Meeting

▲ The interior of the barge-like building in Zhou Zhuang where the Hong Kong-Shanghai Liaison Meeting took place on December 6, 2001 Page 4 Ship registration made easier with one-stop shop service

The Marine Department has option to apply for their ship station licence Seafarers’ Branch (SRSB) is the major officially opened a one-stop shop directly from OFTA instead of going service provider in the Department for service to process all ship registration through the one-stop shop, said MD’s shipowners, all offices under the SRSB, related applications at the third floor of the Chief Assistant Registrar Chan Ming-yau. namely the Shipping Registry, the Harbour Building from January 30. The one-stop shop service was Mercantile Marine Office and the Instead of having to apply for ship established in response to clients’ Seafarers' Certification Section, have now registration at the Harbour Building in comments that they were inconvenienced been grouped together as one single Central and ship station licence from the when making applications for trading office. Telecommunications Authority (OFTA)’s certificates from various sections of the About 30 guests from 25 organisations office in Wan Chai as in the past, Marine Department and other including the media, shipping companies shipowners could now make all necessary Government departments that were and solicitor firms attended a simple applications at one point. remote from the Shipping Registry. opening ceremony of the ‘one-stop-shop’ However, shipowners still had the As the Shipping Registry and office on January 30.

▲ Deputy Marine Director Tsang Man-ching (from left), Director of Marine Tsui ▲ So Ping-chi speaks at the opening Shung-yiu and Assistant Director of Marine K.M.Varghese officially open the Hong Kong Shipping Register’s one-stop shop. Watching on is General Manager of the Shipping Registry and Seafarers’ Branch So Ping-chi

▲ Some of the attendees at the Hong Kong Shipping Register’s one-stop shop opening ceremony Page 5 More co-operation on port management for HKSAR and Guangdong The Marine Department (MD) and operations and maintain navigation safety Voluntary safety training courses were the Guangdong Maritime Safety and security in the waters of both places, introduced last year to cargo handling Administration (GDMSA) have agreed to ” Mr Tsang said. personnel on board river trade and co-ordinate more recognised training Other members of the Hong Kong licensed vessels pending the courses in Hong Kong and Guangdong delegation included the Assistant Director implementation of mandatory safety to improve, among others, standards of of Marine Lee Ka-mo; the General training in about a year’s time. shipboard container handling safety. Manager of the Local Vessel Safety The meeting was also briefed on the This was confirmed by the Deputy Branch Lee Kwok-fai; the General proposed draft of the “Codes of Practice Director of Marine Tsang Man-ching, who Manager of the Shipping Registry and for Strength Calculation, Test and led a Hong Kong delegation to attend the Seafarers’ Branch So Ping-chi and the Examination of Derrick Cranes on Local seventh regular meeting between MD and Senior Marine Officer of Harbour Patrol Vessels”. Participants exchanged views GDMSA in between February Services Summy Chu Wah-sau. on crew training, certification system of 6-7, 2002. The Guangdong delegation was coastal, river trade and licensed vessels, Describing the meeting as ‘constructive headed by the Director General of co-operation arrangement on the and cordial’, Mr Tsang said both sides GDMSA Wang Xiang Tao. verification of vessels’ trade certificates, agreed that the safety aspects, particularly During the two-day meeting, 15 items loading issues of sand barges and of the mid-stream operations, should be on the agenda including key areas of container vessels, ship routing enhanced. progress and agreements were covered. arrangements and VTS networking in “We have also agreed to step up co- The meeting was informed that a Pearl River Delta Area etc. operation and exchanges on enhancing booklet on “Safety Guide on Shipboard port management to facilitate vessel Container Handling” was issued recently. Hong Kong Shipping Register reaches new record 14 million GT

The Hong Kong Shipping Register Top 10 companies on the HKSR include: (HKSR) has achieved a new ◆ COSCO (Hong Kong) Shipping Co. Ltd. record 14 million gross tonnes (GT) in ◆ Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. January this year. ◆ Eurasia Group of Companies HKSR recorded more than 130% ◆ increase when compared with 5.9 million Worlder Shipping Ltd. GT in 1999. ◆ New Asian Shipping Co. Ltd. Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu says ◆ Associated Maritime Co. (Hong Kong) Ltd. the result will not have been achieved ◆ World-Wide Shipping Agency Ltd. without the overwhelming support from ◆ Unique Shipping (Hong Kong) Ltd. shipping companies in the region, ◆ Wah Kwong Shipping Agency Co. Ltd. particularly the top 10 companies on the ◆ Tai Chong Cheang Steamship Co. (H.K.) Ltd. register. And the Marine Department also deserves a pat on its back for the hard work and major re-engineering efforts to beef up the register from its low of 5.9 million GT three years ago. In 2000, the HKSR broke through the 10 million GT mark to make it to the league of the top 10 shipping registers in the world. Last year, the Director of Marine and his senior staff made promotional visits to 112 companies in Hong Kong, the Mainland of China, Singapore and Japan to strengthen communication and co- operation as well as to obtain feedback about the HKSR. Page 6 Korean Register of Shipping to service Hong Kong registered ships

The Korean Register of Shipping American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu at the (KR) has become the eighth Bureau Veritas (BV), China Classification signing ceremony between the Marine classification society authorised to provide Society (CCS), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Department and KR on February 4. “This statutory survey and certification services, Germanischer Lloyd (GL), Lloyd’s additional class will provide shipowners including the International Safety Register of Shipping (LR) and Nippon Kaiji with more choices to cater for their Management Code, for Hong Kong Kyokai (NKK). needs.” registered ships on behalf of the Hong “The agreement signifies the KR became a member of the Kong Special Administrative Region. Government’s move to enhance quality International Association of Classification The other seven authorised ship verification and certification services Societies since 1988. Its Managing classification societies include the by introducing market competition,” said Director Park Mu-chang said his organisation served 2,046 vessels with a tonnage of over 20 million gross tonnes. “The largest number comprises tankers, followed by containers and bulk carriers,” he said. KR, which opened an office in Hong Kong in November 2001, will provide statutory services including the survey and certification works covered in various international conventions.

▲ Korean Register of Shipping’s Managing Director Park Mu-chang (left) and Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu sign an agreement to authorise the KR to service Hong Kong flagged ships

Korean Register of Shipping’s Managing ▲ Director Park Mu-chang (left) receives a copy of the agreement from Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu Page 7 Marine Department Annual Cocktail & Awards Presentation

▲ Shenzhen Maritime Safety Administration of People's Republic of China Bureau Chief Wu Xianji (right) chats with Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu

▲ Cosco (Hong Kong) Group was presented an s Agency Ltd’ award for having the most gross tonnage on ide Shipping

the Hong Kong Shipping Register. Group ▲ World-W vice-president Jin Zhongm sister ships “Utah” and “Utik” were the award from the largest gross tonnage to join the ing (m Director of Marine Legislator S.Y Miriam iddle)Lau, flanked receives by Hong Kong Shipping Register during the year 2001. Company .Tsui chairman Dr. Helmut Sohmen (middle) receives an award from Legislator Miriam Lau, .flanked Tsui by Director of Marine S.Y

▲ Eurasia International (China) Ltd awarded because its ship “Caroline Schulte” crossed the 12 m ▲ Oak Maritime (Hong Kong) Inc Ltd’s “Partagas” tonnage m illion gross earned an award for crossing the 13 million gross Kong Shippingark ofRegister. the Hong tonnage mark of the Hong Kong Shipping Register. Managing Director Petrus Company chairman Steve G. Hsu (middle) receives W.C.Choy (m the award from Legislator Miriam Lau, flanked by award from iddle) receives Director of Marine S.Y. Tsui M Legislator iriam Lau, flanked by Director of M arine S.Y .Tsui

▲ To mark Tai Chong Cheang Steamship Co (HK) Ltd’s (TCC) ship “Lowlands Longevity” crossing the 11 million gross tonnage mark of the Hong Kong Shipping Register, Legislator Miriam Lau presents award to TCC group chairman K.H.Koo (middle), flanked by Director of Marine S.Y. Tsui Page 8 Crackdown on overloading, speeding and forged certificates

The Marine Department’s Harbour Administration and the HKSAR breaching conditions of their entry permits Patrol Section (HPS) has taken Government confiscated six which were and causing disturbance to the daily rigorous action to crack down on vessels abandoned by their crew. operations of local-licensed vessels. committing offences such as overloading, HPS also prosecuted some 20 MCV HPS co-organised 4 local seminars, speeding and trading with and sent speakers to two seminars in the forged documents. Mainland to promote navigation safety in HPS conducted about Hong Kong waters. 18,000 vessel inspections Through administrative arrangements, in Hong Kong waters and a pre-arrival notification (PAN) measure instituted over 1,500 was implemented on all non-convention prosecutions against and non-local vessels since mid-2001, offenders last year. attracting a 90% voluntary compliance It prosecuted 80 rate. The majority of overloading cases last vessels in this year, including some 50 category are Mainland cargo vessels MCVs.

▲ (MCVs), compared with 29 Barge overloaded with The scheme is cases in total in 2000. containers expected to become Repeated operations part of the Merchant against speeding vessels Shipping (Local resulted in a decline of such cases to 36 Vessel) (General) in 2001, compared with 45 in 2000. Regulation and the Crackdown on vessels trading with Shipping and Port forged documents resulted in the Control Regulations detention of 10 MCVs. Four were handed masters who were illegally in the later part of 2002. over to the Guangdong Maritime Safety engaged in shuttling cargo in local waters,

▲ Barges overloaded with sand Page 9 E-Business System in the Pipeline

As globalisation and e-commerce in early April, after which we will proceed The Department envisages that the rapidly embraces the business to obtain funding for this project according future e-Business system will be able to world, the Marine Department is to the study's recommendations,” said extract the appropriate information from considering the implementation of an e- Marine Department Senior Marine Officer a single or multi-faceted submission and Business system to enable it to keep of the Information System Coordination distribute it to the corresponding abreast with changes and the way Section Lai Chi-tung. information systems for processing. business is conducted. As part of the study, the Department It will comply with the International The Department is now conducting a carried out a survey and 80% of the Maritime Organisation’s standards and be feasibility study about the establishment respondents indicated that they were able to interact with the EDI systems of of an e-Business system to expedite interested in an e-Submission system. other ports. Implementation of the e- formalities for all port and shipping related The single electronic submission Business system is expected to greatly transactions and to facilitate Electronic window will just be an alternative to the facilitate trade activities and enhance Data Interchange (EDI) with business industry but will not be mandatory for the Hong Kong port's competitive edge. concerns. handling of various port and shipping “We expect this study to be completed related activities in Hong Kong.

Marine Department wins 3rd prize in booth design

▲ Director of Marine Tsui Shung- The Marine Department won the 3rd prize for exhibition yiu receives 3rd prize for booth design at the Exhibition on Customer Service exhibition booth design award Excellence organised by the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) between from Chief Secretary for February 1-5, 2002. Administration Donald Tsang A total of 48 bureaux/departments took part in the exhibition, which was held at the Exhibition Gallery of the Hong Kong Central Library in Causeway Bay, to introduce their achievements in customer service. The exhibition, free of charge to the public, was organised as part of the “Serving the Community Campaign”

▲ The winning that received wide coverage in local newspapers. team poses for a The Department also held a roving exhibition under the theme photograph with “Hong Kong Maritime Affairs” to promote public understanding Director of Marine Tsui of maritime operations and affairs at the two cross-boundary Shung-yiu (fourth ferry terminals on January 22 and 23, 2002 as part of the CSB’s from left) “Serving the Community Festival”. Page 10 Hong Kong port’s total cargo throughput records 2% hike in 2001

Despite the global economic vessels rose by downturn, Hong Kong port's total 13.1% despite a cargo throughput recorded a 2% increase 0.9% fall in the to 178 million tonnes last year. number of visits to Final figures indicated that the total 37,350. River trade container throughput had fallen by about cargo vessels 1.5% to 17.8 million 20-ft equivalent units reported a 14.9% (TEUs) last year versus the figures in the growth in total previous corresponding period. tonnage despite a Containers handled by ocean-going 2.5% drop in the vessels (OGVs) fell by an estimated 4% number of calls to to 13.2 million TEUs, while those handled 116,190. by river-trade vessels (RTVs) rose by While river trade ▲ about 6% to 4.7 million TEUs. passenger ferries Hong Kong port’s total cargo throughput steady last year Total number of ship calls at Hong port calls rose to Kong fell by 0.9% to 214,750 last year, 61,200 trips, the total number of compared with 216,670 in 2000. passengers passing through the Terminal also increased by 4% to 17.7 Total tonnage of sea-going cargo Macau Ferry Terminal and China Ferry million.

Measures to enhance Marine Environment Protection

The Marine Department has adopted a number of prohibit any ships from emitting smoke darker than Shade 2 on measures to tackle Hong Kong's marine environment the Ringelmann Chart for more than three minutes. protection problems involving the control of smoke emissions On harbour cleansing, the Department redeployed resources from vessels, harbour cleansing and maritime oil spill response. to strengthen the marine cleansing contractors' fleet to 65 vessels Findings of a special survey on smoke emissions from 780 in 2001. The total refuse scavenged from the harbour and vessels observed in October 2001 showed that 16 or 2% were collected from both local and visiting ships was 12,054 tonnes, found to have emitted smoke darker than “Shade 2” on the an increase of 6.6 % over the previous year. Ringelmann Chart for one to two minutes and five others for just As regards oil pollution, the Pollution Control Unit is always over two minutes. on the alert. Last year, the Unit responded to 66 reports or Five warnings and 11 advisory letters were issued to the sightings of oil spills. vessel masters and owners concerned regarding the proper A full-scale oil pollution combating drill was held to maintain maintenance and operation of their vessels to minimise smoke the preparedness of the Unit and the industry under the Maritime emissions. Oil Spill Response Plan last year. Legislative amendments will be introduced within this year to Page 11 Vice-Minister of Ministry of Communications visits Hong Kong

The Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Communications, Mr Hong Shanxiang, conducted a week-long visit to Hong Kong between January 6-12, 2002 to study the HKSAR’s latest economic, financial, political and social developments. Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu met Mr Hong during his stay and briefed him on Hong Kong’s latest development in maritime business. Mr Hong visited the Macau Ferry Terminal, vessel traffic centre as well as port facilities to see for ▲ Deputy Director of Marine Tsang Man-ching (left), Director of Marine Tsui Shung-yiu brief Mr Hong Shanxiang, Vice Minister of Communications, PRC, accompanied by his himself Hong Kong’s cross-boundary ferry secretary, Mr Li Hongguang about the Marine Department’s operations services, the vessel monitoring operations and measures to enhance navigation safety.

Mr Hong, who was accompanied by his secretary, Mr Li Hongguang throughout the visit, also met representatives of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association and the maritime industry.

▲ Mr Hong Shanxiang, Vice Minister of Communications, PRC, (second from left) pays a visit to the VTC

Marine Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Hong Kong G.P.O. Box 4155 Enquiries: (852) 2542-3711 Fax: (852) 2541-7194, 2544-9241 Web site: Email: [email protected] Hong Kong Maritime News Editorial Board Tel: (852) 2852-4423 Fax: (852) 2543-8531 Email: [email protected] Subscription: (852) 2852-4397