Crowan Parish Council MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE PARISH ROOMS, CROWAN st ON THURSDAY, 1 MAY 2014 @ 7.15pm Minutes of Council Meetings are available to view on ; on the Crowan and Notice Boards; on and Townshend Village Hall Notice Boards and in Praze Post Office. Present: Cllr. Muriel (Chairman) Cllr. Brown Cllr. Christophers Cllr. Henwood Cllr. Dr. Jenkin (PC/CC) Cllr. Roberts Cllr. Smith Cllr. Tripp Cllr. Ward Cllr. Webb In Attendance: Mrs Thompson (Clerk)

Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

Prayers – led by the Chairman, who advised that anyone not wishing to participate may leave the room and rejoin the meeting later.

Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum – the Chair welcomed those present, with a particularly warm welcome to the members of the public. Mrs Sheila Goldsworthy spoke regarding the Mably solar panel appeal. She asked the Parish Council to reinforce their objections. She gave a number of reasons why the application was inappropriate and referred to a number of errors in the planning application. The soil is in good heart and is of a high quality. Cllr. Muriel said the Council had already written a draft response to be sent to the Planning Inspectorate objecting to this planning application. (Minute 92b/2014 below refers.) Miss Pearce said she was waiting to hear from Mr Jon James, CC Director regarding the issues with PROW 124 on their land.

64/2014 Members’ Declarations – a. Pecuniary/Registerable Declarations of Interests – none. b. Non-Registerable Interests – none. c. Declaration of Gifts – none. d. Dispensations – the Clerk advised the existing dispensations i.r.o. Nancegollan Village Hall and Cemetery are relevant up to May 2017.

87/2014 Apologies for Absence – all Members were present.

88/2014 Outside Bodies – a. Police – PCSO Paul Whitford was not present. b. Councillor – Cornwall Cllr. Jenkin said that as there had only been a short time since the last meeting and Easter coming in between, there was not a lot to report. Cornish had been recognised as a minority identity. Code of Conduct training will be held shortly. It is possible that in the future Cornwall may be able to manage its own European Funding. It is currently administered by Westminster. In response to a question from Cllr. Muriel, Cllr. Jenkin said that there is a definition of ‘identity’ based on culture. Cllr. Tripp said he felt only those born and bred in the county, were Cornish. Cllr. Jenkin confirmed that is campaigning for ‘devolution’. Cllr. Muriel wanted to see an improvement in the services available to the elderly. c. Crowan and Community Network – Cllr. Muriel reported that the meeting was told there are 50 regular users of the mobile library. The consultation of the future of the service ends shortly. Cllr. Jenkin said libraries are a statutory obligation of CC.

1 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2014-05-01.doc County Cllr. Jenkin said she thought CC should find other ways of cutting their costs. It was RESOLVED to write to CC saying that Members believe Clerk the mobile library should continue, and that we would be willing to look into the provision of voluntary support. Cllr. Muriel reported that the grant for the Community Neighbourhood Plan cannot be used to cover administrative costs. Cllr. Smith said that a presence on community networks was essential.

89/2014 Minutes of Meetings – a. Full Council Meeting – 10 th April 2014, AGREED as a true record. b. Public Rights of Way (PROW) Committee Meeting – no meeting held. c. Amenities Committee (AC) Meeting – no meeting held.

90/2014 Casual Vacancies – Members noted: a. Leedstown Ward – the closing date for an election to be called to fill the vacancy, created by the resignation of Cllr. James, was 15 th April 2014 and no call was made. b. Praze Ward – the closing date for an election to be called to fill the vacancy, created by the resignation of Cllr. Blewett, is 15 th May 2014. It was AGREED to advertise for candidates for co-option once the 15 th May deadline had passed. See also Minute 104/2014 below.

91/2014 Planning Applications Received – a. PA14/00838, 1 Clowance Estate, Praze – various tree works. Cllr. Brown said even with the proposed works it will still be a well wooded area. The

grounds-man feared there might be die-back disease present. Cllr. Jenkin referred to the estate’s tree management plan. NO OBJECTION provided Clerk the application is not in breach of any tree / woodland preservation order and we would request that the Tree / Woodland Officer visits the site. Cllr. Jenkin abstained. b. PA14/02652, 1 Tregonning View, Townshend – construction of garage Clerk extension. NO OBJECTION . c. PA14/02866, Kenilworth, Tremayne, Praze – proposed single storey extension to side. Cllr. Jenkin declared an interest and left the meeting. NO Clerk OBJECTION . d. PA14/03021, White Stile, High Lanes Road, Praze – a planning application had been received to demolish existing shed and replace with self-

contained domestic annex. Cllrs. Muriel and Smith had visited the site and confirmed the access vision was adequate. NO OBJECTION providing that Clerk the vehicular access is restricted to the existing dwelling, i.e. traffic from the annexe should not use the existing access. e. PA14/00685, Highdowns, Carvolth Downs, Black Rock – conversion of barn for C2/C3 use to provide additional living accommodation. The planning officer, Ms Cath Bray advised that it is too late to comment on this application. The Clerk pointed out that CC had failed to provide a copy of the plans for consultation, hence the delay. f. PA14/03707, 1 Institute Row, Townshend – construction of rear first floor extension. The Clerk reported the deadline for responses is 19 th May and Cllrs. Brown / an extension to the June meeting would not be possible. It was RESERVED Smith to delegate authority to comment to Cllr. Brown and Smith.

92/2014 Other Planning Matters – a. Outstanding Enforcement Issues – there were no updates: i. EN12/01208, Burntdown Farm, Praze Road, Leedstown – this is an amalgamation of all reported issues. Case officer: Mr Alan Mason.

Cllr. Henwood said work was being carried out late at night. He will Cllr Henwood supply more information to the Clerk for reporting. / Clerk 2 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2014-05-01.doc ii. EN12/02935, Hillcrest – provision of new building on site. Case officer: Cllr Henwood Ms Mandy Smith. / Clerk Further works are being undertaken on the site. Cllr. Henwood will provide the Clerk with more information. iii. EN13/00843, Windwhistle, Carvolth, Praze – siting of caravans for residential purposes. Case officer: Mr Lee Viner. iv. EN13/00870, Opposite Crenver Farm House, Praze – alleged breach of conditions W2/PA08/01979/FM. Case officer: Mr Viner . v. EN13/01926, Trefewha Cottage, Trefewha, Praze – alleged conversion of garage to living accommodation. Case officer: Ms Mandy Smith. Cllr. Jenkin had been informed that the owner was likely to apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness. vi. EN14/00309, Bolankan Farm, Crowan – alleged non compliance with approved plans (PA12/03962). North elevation above the door is being clad in wood rather than stone. Case officer: Ms Mandy Smith. b. PA13/08286, Land at Bunkers Hill, Pilgrims Way, – proposed 6.2MW solar pv development, associated landscaping and habitat creation. To include ground based racking systems, mounted solar panels, power inverter stations, transformer stations, security fencing and CCTV security cameras. A planning appeal had been made against CC’s refusal. (Public Forum refers.)

93/2014 Planning Permission Granted by – information only. a. PA14/00263, Manor Mill Cottage, Praze – to refurbish the ‘lean to’ at the rear of the property maintaining existing structure, shape and size. b. PA14/01424, 62 Fore Street, Praze – replacement and enlargement of rear first floor extension. Enlargement of rear ground floor extension. Installation of new light lantern to existing flat roof.

94/2014 Planning Permission Refused by Cornwall Council – information only. a. PA14/01284, Brookfield, Barripper, – siting of a mobile home to provide staff accommodation at kennels.

95/2014 Standing Committees / Working Parties – a. Amenities Committee (AC) – no meeting had been held. b. Public Rights of Way (PROW) Committee – no meeting had been held. c. Neighbourhood Development Plan – Cllr. Muriel reported there was £2,000 pledged from the PC plus the community funding. A meeting will be scheduled shortly.

96/2014 Parish Organisations – Members received updates on the following: a. Leedstown Village Hall – Cllr. Christophers reported the Committee are negotiating with the Probation Service to repaint the exterior of the hall. He added that the problem with the septic tank had been alleviated by the better weather. b. Nancegollan Village Hall – Cllr. Tripp reported the last two events had been well supported, but there was concern at the lack of interest in the Village Show. The Accounts had been presented to an accountant and then the AGM will be held. c. Praze Institute – Cllr. Smith reported he had attended a meeting with Sita, regarding funding and it was possible that an application could be made towards play equipment. d. Townshend Village Hall – details of events, etc. can be viewed on . An Award for All funding application had been made to purchase film equipment. Cornwall Cllr. Jenkin said she would be making an award from her CC Fund.

3 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2014-05-01.doc e. Crowan School – Cllr. Webb reported he is still waiting to hear from the Headmaster, regarding the provision a drop off point (Minute 53e/2014 refers). He spoke regarding planned events. There is an issue with the mini bus being poorly maintained. Cllr. Muriel said the whole idea of the Trust was to ‘share amenities’. She is scanning old documents, found at the school, as an historical record. f. Leedstown School – Cllr. Jenkin reported there is a budget meeting next week. Leedstown, like Crowan, will be participating in the new catering contract. Minor improvements had been made, which had resulted in more room. More land is needed. Cllr. Henwood asked if parents had been asked not to use the lane. There is a possibility to improve the lane around the school if it can be proved that it is being used by those visiting the school.

97/2014 Environmental / Amenity Matters – a. Praze Public Conveniences – Minute 76a/2014 refers. Cllr. Brown signed the Option to Purchase document. The Clerk to return the same to Mr John Clerk Dunstan. b. Flood Wardens Training – Minute 76b/2014 refers. Cllrs. Jenkin, Smith and Webb were all willing to act as flood wardens and meet with Mr Martyn Clerk Alvey, CC Community Flood Resilience Manager. The Clerk to set up a meeting. Cllr. Roberts pointed out that CC had kept the drains clear all through the winter and there had been no flooding problems.

98/2014 Administrative Matters – Crowan Website’s Future – Minute 77a/2014 refers. The Clerk advised she had obtained four quotations, but it was difficult to compare like with like, because all offered slightly different services. The Clerk to provide example website addresses for Members to consider. Clerk a. Photographs – it was AGREED to have the PC group and individual photographs taken at the June meeting, at 6.45pm. Clerk b. Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places – Members did not have a problem with the existing polling stations, but wanted to make sure that a Clerk ramp is put in place at the Praze Cricket Pavilion.

99/2014 Financial Matters –

a. Accounts for Payment – schedule 2014/15–02, to a value of £1,421.94 were APPROVED for payment. Cllr. Jenkin pointed out the PROW income is not Clerk shown on the Budget Monitor. The Clerk to rectify this omission. Item Price VAT Total Peninsula - PR services 65.00 13.00 78.00 HMRC - May 183.06 183.06 Cllr. Muriel - expenses 21.05 21.05 Salaries 710.99 710.99 GwC - printing 19.84 19.84 Home-Start - grant 50.00 50.00 Cornwall Air Ambulance - grant 75.00 75.00 Leedstown Methodist Church - in lieu of 50.00 50.00 Internal Audit Playsafety Ltd - 3 x play area inspections 195.00 39.00 234.00 £1,421.94

b. End of Year Accounts – the Internal Auditor’s hadn’t raised any issues. It was RESOLVED to receive and accept the 2013/14 accounts. The Clerk to Clerk submit the Annual Report. c. Insurance Cover – Minute 55d/2014 refers. Cllr. Blewett had advised the replacement value of the War Memorial, Praze was £22,000. It was Clerk AGREED to increase the insurance cover at a cost of £48.82, commencing in June 2014.

4 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2014-05-01.doc d. Grants & Charity Requests – Members RESOLVED to make a donation to: Clerk i. CRUSE Bereavement Care – £50.

100/2014 Documentation – a. Spring Parish Matters, 2014 – electronic version previously circulated via email. Hardcopy now available from the Clerk.

101/2014 Diary Dates – a. Council Meetings: i. Full Council Meeting – 12 th June 2014 at 6.45pm. ii. Amenities Committee (AC) Meeting – 21 st May 2014, 7.15pm, in the Praze Institute. iii. PROW Committee Meeting – 4th June 2014. iv. Emergency Plan Meeting – date to coincide with the Flood Wardens’ training. b. Clerk’s Leave – 26 th May to 1 st June 2014. c. Heritage Funding Fair – Friday 20 th June 2014, 10.30am to 4.30pm, Exeter Community Centre. Tickets £40 per person.

102/2014 Information Only / Items for Future Agendas – none.

103/2014 Closed Session – in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, namely quotations for work, it was RESOLVED that it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be excluded and they were instructed to withdraw.

104/2014 Casual Vacancies – no applications for co-option to the existing two vacancies in the Leedstown Ward had been received, but the Clerk was instructed to Clerk approach Townshend Village Hall and Mr William Berryman.

105/2014 Parish Rooms Quotation – Minute 84/2014 refers. Cllr. Smith reported he had been unable to speak to CC’s Conservation Officer regarding what is permissible Cllr. Smith for the Parish Rooms. When he has done so, he will obtain quotations for

replacement door and windows for the Parish Rooms. Cornwall Cllr. Jenkin will Cllr. Jenkin pursue this with the Conservation Officer.

106/2014 Cpl. James Walters Funeral Service – Cllr. Muriel gave Members a confidential update. Authority was granted to Cllr. Muriel to carry out anything that was necessary. Members would be happy to have an inscription on the war memorial, if the family feels it is appropriate.

107/2014 Meeting Closed – 21.21.

Signature: ……………………………………………… (Cllr. Mrs Muriel) Chairman

Date: 12 th June 2014

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