T.He Women's Manifesto
NEUTRAL CONFERENCE DOCUMENTS No. 2. T.HE WOMEN'S MANIFESTO A CLEAR AND CONCISE EXPOSITION Of THE INCEPTION AND DEVEL OPMENT Of THE PLAN fOR A NEUTRAL CONfERENCE fOR CON TINUOUS MEDIATION. IT CON TAlNS, WITH BRIEf EXPLANATORY INTRODUCTION, THE fULL TEXT Of A MANIfESTO ISSUED IN NEW YORK CITY, OCTOBER 15, 1915, BY ENVOYS Of THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Of WOMEN AT THE HAGUE J STOCKHOLM NEUTRAL CO~fERENCE fOR CONTINUOUS MEDIATION 191 6 NEUTRAL CONfERENCE DOCUMENTS l. Continuous Mediation, by julia Grace Wales. 2 The Women's Manifesto. 3. Projet international de mediation continue, (Expose sommaire) par julia Grace Wales. 4. a Resolution of the Henry ford Peace Expedition (in English) 4. b ditto (in Swedish) 4. c ditto (in french) PRINTED BY TRYCKERI A.-B. THULE D~OTTNINGOATAN 47, STOCKHOLM. HE International Congress of Women, which met at TThe Hague last April, appointed two groups of envoys, one to the belligerent governments, and to Holland and Switzerland; the other to Russia and the Scandinavian eountries. The reports of these embassies form the basis for theannouneement. The statement is signed by Dr. Jacobs, of Holland; Miss Chrystal Macmillan, of Great Britain; Mme. Rosika Schwimrner, of Hungary; Prof. Emily Greene Balch, of Wellesley College, and Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, Chicago. The envoys were received by the following, among others: Prime Minister Asquith and Foreign Minister Sir Edward Grey, in London. Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg, and For eign Minister von J agow, in Berlin. Prime Minister Stuergkh, Foreign Minister Bu rian, in Vienna; Prime Minister Tisza, in Budapest. Prime Minister Salandra and Foreign Minister Sonino, in Rome.
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