Sherman Bamford P.O. Box 3102 Roanoke, Va. 24015-1102 (540) 343-6359*
[email protected] *If you have any questions about this letter May 25,’14 District Ranger Glenwood-Pedlar RD-FS-USDA PO Box 10 Natural Br Sta., VA 24579 Acting District Ranger Donahue and District Staff: The following are comments on the Gilmore Hollow project submitted on behalf of the Virginia Chapter of Sierra Club, Virginia Forest Watch, Heartwood, Wild Virginia and Steven Krichbaum. Request for Information as it comes available I request copies of the biological evaluation, economic analysis, roads analysis, old growth surveys, periodic monitoring records for special biological and Natural Heritage-identified areas in the area, and watershed assessments for priority watersheds in the area, as soon as they come available. Gilmore Hollow: Logging and roadbuilding in the Wilson Mountain Virginia mountain treasure area, in the vicinity of Sprouts Run National Recreation Trail and other trails and recreation areas in the area are highly significant and controversial proposals. This mountain treasure area is an area that was once identified as roadless in the Forest Service’s preliminary roadless inventory prior to the Jefferson National Forest Plan Revision (JNF Plan). The Forest Service knows that numerous citizens and citizens groups have sought the protection of this area for many, many years. See attachment containing a sample of letters of support for protection of the area. Numerous citizens and citizens groups have opposed timber sales when proposed in the Wilson Mountain Virginia mountain treasure area. In the most recent timber proposal in this area, the Bannister Branch timber sale, the Forest Service agreed to drop the proposed logging in the mountain treasure area.