Special List No. 32

Hearings in the Records of the U. S. Senate and Joint Committees of Congress

Compiled by Charles E. South and James C. Brown

The National Archives National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1972 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 72-600240 Foreword

The General Services Administration, through the National Archives and Records Service, is responsible for administering the permanent noncurrent records of the Federal Government. These archival holdings, now • amounting to more than I million cubic feet, date from the days of the First Continental Congress and consist of the basic records of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of our Government. The Presidential libraries of Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson contain the papers of those Presidents and many of their associates in office. While many of the archival holdings document events of great moment in our Nation's history, most of them are preserved because of their continuing practical use in the ordinary processes of government, for the protection of private rights, and for the research use of scholars and students.

To facilitate the use of the records and to describe their nature and content, archivists prepare various kinds of finding aids. The present work is one such publication. We believe that it will prove valuable to anyone who wishes to use the records it describes.

ARTHUR F. SAMPSON Acting Administrator of General Services

iii Preface

Special lists are published by the National Archives as part of its records description program. The special list describes in detail the contents of certain important records series; that is, units of records of the same form or that deal with the same subject or activity or that are arranged serially. Its form and style are not fixed but vary according to the nature of the records to which it relates. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it goes beyond the general description contained in a record group registration statement, a preliminary inventory, or an inventory and describes records in terms of individual record items.

In addition to lists and other finding aids that relate to particular record groups, the National Archives issues publications that give an overall picture of materials in its custody. A new, comprehensive Guide to the National Archives of the will be issued in 1972. A guide devoted to one geographical area-Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives (1961)-has been published. Reference information papers analyze records in the National Archives on such subjects as transportation, small business, and the Middle East. Records of the Civil War are described in Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War (1962), Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America (1968), and Civil War Maps in the National Archives (1961); those of World War I in Handbook of Federal World War Agencies and Their Records,1917-1921 (1943); and those of World War II in the two-volume guide, Federal Records of World War II (1950-51). Genealogical records are described in Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives (1964). Among the holdings of the National Archives are large quantities of audiovisual materials received from all sources: Government, private, and commercial. The Guide to the Ford Film Collection in the National Archives (1970) describes one of the largest private gift collections. The extensive body of maps and charts is described in the Guide to Cartographic Records in the National Archives (1971 ).

Many bodies of records of high research value have been microfilmed by the National Archives as a form of publication. Positive prints of these microfilm publications, many of which are described in the current List of National Archives Microfilm Publications, are available for purchase. For other publications, see the most recent Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service, General Information Leaflet No.3.

JAMES B. RHOADS Archivist of the United States

v Contents


Introduction ...... I Hearings ...... 5 38th Congress, March 4, I 863-March 3. 1865 5 40th Congress. March 4. 1867-March 3, 1869 5 41st Congress, March 4. 1869-\1arch 3.1871 5 42d Congress, March 4. 1871-March 3,1873 6 43d Congress, \1arch 4, I 873-March 3. 1875 6 45th Congress, March 4. I 877-l'vlarch 3. 1879 () 46th Congress, March 4. 1879-March 3. 1881 7 47th Congress, March 4, 188 I-March 3, 1883 8 48th Congress. March 4. 1883-March 3, 1885 8 49th Congress, March 4. 1885-\1arch 3, 1887 9 50th Congress. March 4. 1887-MarL"l1 3. 1889 10 51 st Congress. March 4. 1 889-\1arch 3. 1891 10 52d Congress, \1arch 4, 1891-;"1arch 3.1893 II 53d Congn.'ss. March 4, 1893-March 3. 1895 II 54th Congress, March 4. 1895-~,hrch 3. 1897 II 55th Congress, March 4. 1897-\1arch 3. 1899 12 56th Congress, March 4, 1899-\1arL"l1 3. 190 I 12 57th Congress, March 4, 190 I-March 3, 1903 13 58th Congress. March 4. 1903-\farch 3. 1905 14 59th Congress. March 4. 1905-\1arch 3. 1907 15 60th Congress. March 4. 1907-\1arch 3. 1909 17 61 st Congress, March 4. 1909-March 3, 191 I 18 62d Congress, March 4, 1911-March 3.1913 19 63d Congress. March 4. 1913-March 3, 1915 22 64th Congress. March 4. 1915-\1arch 3, 1917 23 65th Congress, \larch 4. 1917-l'vlarch 3. 1919 25 66th Congress. March 4. 1919-March 3, 1921 26 67th Congress. March 4, 1921-March 3,1923 28 68th Congress, March 4, I 923-l'vlarch 3, 1925 31 69th Congress, March 4, 1925-March 3. 1927 33 70th Congress, March 4. I 927-March 3, 1929 36 71 st Congress, March 4. I 929-M:.lfch 3. 1931 38 72d Congress, March 4, 1931-March 3. 1933 42 73d Congress, March 4, 1933-January 3. 1935 46 74th Congress, January 3, 1935-January 3, 1937 48 75th Congress, January 5, 1937-January 3, 1939 51 76th Congress, January 3, 1939-January 3, 1941 56 77th Congress, January 3, 1941-January 3,1943 66 78th Congress, January 6, I 943-January 3, 1945 79 Committee index ...... 89

vii I n trod uction

This special list is an enumeration of the published and unpublished hearings of committees of the U.S. Congress which have been located in the Records of the United States Senate, Record Group 46, and in the Records of Joint Committees of Congress, Record Group 128, in the National Archives for the period from the establishment of the Federal system until the end of the 78th Congress (1945).

The congressional committee system, although not mentioned in article I of the Constitution, began to function almost as soon as the Congress itself. The Senate, in fact, established its first committee on April 7, 1789, to "bring in a bill for organizing the Judiciary of the United States."l In the early years both Houses placed major reliance upon select committees that were created for specific purposes. As early as 1801, however, Senate rules provided that a matter could be referred to an existing select committee if that committee were already considering a similar matter. 2 By 1810 the House of Representatives had established several standing committees, and in 1816 the Senate formally created 11 standing committees at one time.3 The number of standing committees has fluctuated since those early years, with the 63d Congress (1913-15) having the largest number. Select and special committees have continued to function, usually to investigate some particularly urgent issue or problem, but such investigations are also often conducted by special subcommittees of standing committees.

Congressional committees generally hold hearings on all major legislative proposals under their consideration. Officials from executive agencies affected by a proposed law usually are invited to testify, along with other Members of Congress, experts on the subject under discussion, lobbyists, and concerned members of the pUblic. In the case of some "watchdog" committees investigating Government spending or some dramatic national issue, the conduct of hearings in itself, and not the consideration of legislation, may be the committee's main function.

The value of committee hearings (the term has come to be used for both the actual proceedings and the printed or unprinted transcript of the proceedings) to the student of the Congress and of national issues has long been recognized. A leading authority on Government publications has referred to hearings as "the most important publications originating within Congress,"4 and it is difficult to disagree with this opinion. Hearings are important because of their wide variety of subject matter, the detailed information, frequently supplemented by elaborate statistical data, provided by expert witnesses, and the contrasting points of view presented on issues of public policy.

Hearings have also been described as "frequently the most elusive"s of congressional publications, and this, unfortunately, is an equally correct judgment. They were not published in any great numbers until the latter part of the 19th century, although some early hearings (generally of special investigative committees) were published as parts of Senate and House

lSenoteJournal, April 7, 1789. 2G. H. Haynes, The Senate of the United States (Boston, 1938), I, 272. 3Senote Journal, December 10, 1816. 4L. S. Schmeckebier and Roy Eastin, Government Publications and Their Uie (Washington, 1969), 2d rev. ed., p. 166. sIbid. 2 INTRODUCTION reports and documents. the publications that comprise the official congressional series. Hearings tl1c'f11sl'lves arl' technically not official publications of Congress as are congressional reports and dOCllments. They arc ordered to be printed by the committees involved (originally "for the use of the committee" only), and, consequently, their publication has been erratic. Distribution of the hGtrings that were published has also been irregular. Published hearings did not become available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents until 1924 and were not distribu ted to U.S. (;(lwrnment depository libraries until 1938.6

Although the National Archives is the depository of the official records of Congress. it does not have a complete set of congressional hearings. Many committee records of the 19th century apparently haw not been preserved, at least in their original series. After the turn of the century when hearings were ordered to be printed, committees did not always keep a record copy among the documents sent to the National Archives. Such printed hearings, however, can often be found in large libraries. A useful guide is Harold O. Thomen, Checklist of Hearings Before Congressional COlllmittees Through the 67th Congress (Washington, 1942:58).

This special list describes those congressional hearings in transcript or printed form found among the Records of the United States Senate, Record Group 46, and the Records of Joint Committees of Congress, Record Group 128. It also includes many hearings held by committees of the HOllse of Representatives, copies of which were collected by Senate committees concerned with similar SUbjects. Records of various special investigative committees and subcommittees which maintained files as separate units are also included in the list.

Hearings from the records of the U.S. Senate are found in two series-the "committee papers" and th~ "papers accompanying specific bills and resolutions." The former series begins with the creation of standing committees in the 14th Congress (1815-17) and, until the 57th Congress (1901-3), includes generally whatever records of the committees that are extant, with the exception of petitions and memorials. From the 57th Congress committee records pertaining to specific public and private bills were filed numerically in a separate series referred to as the "accompanying papers."

Records were searched beginning with the First Congress in 1789, but no hearings before th~ 38th Congress (1863-65) were found. No hearings later than the 78th Congress (1943-45) are included in this list because by that time hearings increasingly were ordered to be printed and wer~ available for distribution to depository libraries. The Monthly Catalog of COl'crnmcnt Publications adequately indexes these hearings.

The hearings in this list are first arranged according to the Congress in which they were held. from the 38th to the 78th Congress. Thereunder they are listed alphabetically by name of committee, grouped in the following order: standing committees of the Senate, select and special committees of the Senate, standing committees of the House of Representatives, select and special committees of the House of Representatives, and joint committees of Congress.

The following information, if available, is given for each hearing: title of the hearing or bill on which the hearing was held; bill or resolution number (if there is one); date; whether the hearing is in printed or transcript form (the term "transcript" refers to a typewritten or manuscript document, but the hearing may also exist in printed form); and number of pages. For Senate records a citation such as "Sen 70A-F2" is given for hearings located in the committee papers series. These are symbols used in a National Archives finding aid. If no file citation is given, the hearing is located in the accompanying papers series of the Congress under which it is

6 Anne M. Boyd and R. E. Rips, United States Government Publications (New York. 1949), p. 56. INTRODUCTION 3 listed and is filed with the bill indicated. In citations where more than one bill number is given and no file citation is included, the hearing is filed with the bill listed first. Should a hearing be filed with a bill in the accompanying papers series of a Congress other than the one in which it was held, the Congress with which it is filed is given. Finally, if it is known that a hearing has been published in the congressional serial set as a part of a Senate or House report or document, the citation to the serial volume is also given, although the copy in the National Archives may not be the printed version. The records of the Joint Committees of Congress (Record Group 128) are not arranged in such series, and only the specific committee and the record group are indicated.

Certain other practices followed in the preparation of this list should also be noted. Hearings of investigative subcommittees such as the Committee on Interstate Commerce's Subcommittee To Investigate Interstate Railroads, 74th-77th Congresses, and the Committee on Education and Labor's Subcommittee on the Violation of Free Speech and the Rights of Labor, 74th Congress, have been listed with hearings of select and special committees because those subcommittees were in fact conducting special investigations. If the hearings such an investigative committee or si.lbcommittee held extended for more than one Congress, as was frequently the case, the hearings arc listed under only the earliest Congress concerned. Finally, occasional hearings held jointly by two standing committees with similar jurisdictions have generally been listed as hearings of joint committees.

Titles of hearings and bills have been used in the list, but most have been inverted in order to alphabetize by significant words. Introductory language has also been deleted, much capitalization has been eliminated, and other editorial practices have been followed to achieve consistency of expression. Abbreviations have been used in many of the entries. H.R. 416, for example, denotes House bill 416; S. 116, Senate bill 116; Ex. F, Executive F (treaty); and RG, record group. Other abbreviations used are H. rept., House report; H. res., House resolution; H. con. res., House concurrent resolution; H.J. res., House joint resolution; S. doc., Senate document; S. misc. doc., Senate miscellaneous document; S. rept., Senate report; S. res., Senate resolution; S. con. res., Senate concurrent resolution; S.J. res., Senate joint resolution; and public res., public resolution.

The compilers wish to acknowledge the assistance of Buford Rowland and Watson G. Caudill in the preparation of this list. Hearings

38TH CONGRESS March 4, 1863-March 3,1865

House Committees


Trade with rebellious States: H.R. 805. Jan. 25-Feb. 27, 1865. Transcript. Sen 38A-E3. 863 p.

40TH CONGRESS March 4, 1867-March 3, 1869

House Committees Joint Committees

Roads and Canals District of Columbia

Ohio River, relating to bridges of the: SJ. Res. Jail of the District of Columbia, investigation into the 290. Jan. 18-Feb. 20, 1869. Printed. Sen 41A-E4. contract (or the. Jan. 16-Feb. 17,1868. Transcript. 57 p. Sen 40A-E4. p. 1-208,273-424, and 471-54l.


Ordnance Department, investigation of the. Nov. 7, 1867-Jan. 29, 1869. Printed. Sen 52A-F 17. 117 p.

41ST CONGRESS March 4, 1869-March 3, 1871

Senate Committees Pacific Railroad

Judiciary Southern Transcontinental Railway Co., to incorpo· Georgia, admission of the State of to representation rate and grant lands to the in aid of construction: in Congress. Apr. 19-May 18, 1870. Transcript. S. 660. Apr. 4·16,1870. Transcript. Sen 41A·E12. Sen 4IA-E9. 636 p. p.86.663.


42D CONGRESS March 4, 1871-March 3, 1873

Senate Committees House Committees Judiciary Appropriations Hooker, Isabella Beecher, argument relative to Postal Telegraph, proceedings in the matter of the. woman suffrage. Jan. 12, 1872. Transcript. Sen Dec. 17, 1872. Printed. Sen 45A-E 15. 35 p. 42A-E9. 26 p.

43D CONGRESS March 4, 1873-March 3, 1875

Senate Committees

Public Buildings and Grounds

Government buildings in Washington, D.C., testimony relative to furnishing with gaslight. Feb. 27,1874. Transcript. Sen 43A-E17. 10 p.

45TH CONGRESS March 4, 1877-March 3, 1879

Senate Committees Lockwood, Chauncy M., claim of the heirs of. Mar. 28,1878. Transcript. Sen 45A-EI5. 27 p. Finance Railway mail transportation (statements of Gardiner G. Hubbard and Theodore N. Vail): S. 1142. Apr. Resumption Act, repeal of the (testimony of John 25-26,1878. Transcript. Sen 45A-EI5. 158 p. Sherman). Mar. 19, 1878. Transcript. Sen 45A-E6. Southern States, increased postal facilities in and 120 p. establishment of steamship mail service with South America. Jan. 24, 1878. Printed. Sen 45A-EI5. Foreign Relations 28 p. Steamship service between the United States and West Point cadetship, alleged sale of. Jan. 28, 1879. Brazil (statement of John Roach). Apr. 25, 1878. Transcript. Sen 45A-E7. 19 p. Transcript. Sen 45A-EI5. 52 p. Privileges and Elections Patents Louisiana, proceedings in the contest for the seat from for the term beginning March 4, 1877, Patents, to amend the statutes in relation to: S. 300. between William P. Kellogg and Henry M. Spof­ Nov. 15-30, 1877. Transcript. Sen 45A-E13. ford. Oct. 23-Nov. 23, 1877. Transcript. Sen 1,125 p. 45A-EI8. 186 p. South Carolina, case of David T. Corbin, claiming a Post Offices and Post Roads seat as Senator from. May 27-June I, 1878. Transcript. Sen 45A-EI8. 248 p. Classification of mail matter and rates of postage: S. Woman suffrage; proposed amendment to the Consti­ 539. Feb. 28 and Mar. 7, le78. Transcript. Sen tution. Jan. 11-12, 1878. Transcript. Sen 45A-EI5. 81 p. 45A-EI8. 225 p. 46TH CONGRESS 7

Public Lands rivers and harbors," approved March 3, 1875: S. 1262 and S. 1422. Transcript. Sen 45A-E22. Jan. McGarrahan, William, proceedings of memorial of 1 and Feb. 14,1879.162 p. relating to certain lands in California. Mar. 16 and Apr. 20, 1878. Transcript. Sen 45A-E20. p. 1-464 House Committees and 1-281. Select Committee on Transportation Banking and Currency Routes to the Seaboard Testimony on amendments to the act "making Resumption of specie payments. Apr. 1 and 4, 1878. appropriations for ... certain public works on Printed. Sen 45A-E6. 74 p.

46TH CONGRESS March 4, 1879-March 3,1881

Senate Committees Select Committee on Removal of Northern Cheyenne Appropriations Ponca Indians, removal and situation of the. Dec. 28, Star Route mail transportation; to provide for a 1880-Feb. 26, 1881. Transcript. S. Misc. Doc. 49, deficiency in the appropriations for fiscal year 46th Cong., 3d sess. Sen 46A-F6. 577 p. 1880: H.R. 4736. Feb. 28, 1880. Printed. Sen 46A-E2. 35 p. Select Committee on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard Finance Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, proposed canal to link the. Jan. 21,1881. Transcript. Sen 46A-E28. Foreign- built ships, to authorize purchase of by 79 p. citizens of the United States: S. 741. Jan. 4, 1881. Transcript. Sen 46A-E7. 312 p. National debt, to facilitate the refunding of: H.R. Select Committee To Examine the Several 4592. Jan. 25-28, 1881. Transcript. Sen 46A-E7. Branches of the Civil Service 301 p. Refunding, resumption, legal tenders for customs Testimony of Dorman B. Eaton, Chairman of the dues, sinking fund, and kindred subjects (interview Civil Service Commission, and Everett P. Wheeler: between the Committee on Finance and John S. 1914, S. 1915, S. 2006, and S. 2007. Jan. Sherman). Jan. 30, 1880. Sen 49A-ElO. 54 p. 13-14,1881. Transcript. Sen 46A-E27. 191 p.

Pensions House Committees

Pension claims, to provide for examination and Coinage, Weight!\, and Measures adjudication of: S. 496. Feb. 6-May 3, 1880. Transcript. Sen 46A-EI6. 593 p. Silver coinage. Apr. 26, 1879. Sen 49A-EI0. Printed. p.55-72. Territories Ways and Means

Alaska, advisability of establishing a territorial gov­ Distilled spirits; to amend the laws relating to internal ernment for. Feb. 3-26, 1880. Transcript. Sen revenue: H.R. 4812. Mar. 10, 1880. Filed with S. 46A-E22. 183 p. 558, Sen 49A-EIO. Printed. p.19-31. HEARINGS

47TH CONGRESS March 4, 1881-March 3, 1883

Senate Committees Select Committee on Heavy Ordnance Investigation of heavy ordnance and projectiles for Civil Service and Retrenchment the armament of the Navy and seacoast defenses. Dec. 23, 1882-Feb. 1883. Sen 52A-FI7. 273 p. Civil service of the United States, to provide for entrance into the by competitive examinations: S. Select Committee To Inquire Whether Any Money Has Been Raised To Promote or 133 and S. 939. Feb. 4 and 11, 1882. Transcript. Sen 47A-E3. 450 p. Defeat the Bill To Amend Certain Laws on the Subject of Distilled Spirits in Bonded Warehouses Judiciary Testimony: H.R. 5656. May 29-June 19, 1882. Transcript. Sen 47 A-E28. 1 vol. Woman suffrage amendment to the Constitution, arguments of delegates for a. Jan. 23, 1882. Select Committee To Investigate and Report Transcript. Sen 47A-El1. 153 p. as to the Condition of the Potomac River Front, Washington, D.C. Post Offices and Post Roads Testimony: S. res. of Dec. 13,1881. Apr. 19-May 19, 1882. Transcript. Sen 47 A-E29. 645 p. Ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, to provide for: S. 1416. Mar. 16, 1882. Transcript. Sen 47A-EI7. 26 p. Joint Committees Select Committee To Inquire Into the Public Lands Condition and Wants of American Shipbuilding and Shipowning Interests General Land Office, testimony taken during investi­ Statements and views of certain shipbuilders and gation of the: S. res. of Oct. 27, 1881. Dec. 27, shipowners of the country regarding the causes of 1881-Feb. 15, 1882. Transcript. Sen 47A-E22. the decline of the American carrying trade. Nov. 537 p. 16,1882. Printed. RG 128. 47th Congo 555 p.

48TH CONGRESS March 4, 1883-March 3, 1885

Senate Committees Finance

Commerce National bank circulation: S. 20, S. 1155, S. 1050. Jan. 24,1884. Printed. Sen 48A-E8. 12 p. Commerce and navigation of steam vessels, to amend Vinegar factories, to repeal an act approved June 14, section 4434 of the Revised Statutes concerning: 1879, relating to: S. 855. Jan. 30 and Apr. 1, S. 1793. Apr. 26, 1884. Transcript. Sen 48A·E5. 1884. Transcript. Sen 48A-E8. 29 p. and 60 p. 226 p.

Education and Labor Foreign Relations

Labor and capital, testimony as to the relations Fish and fisheries of the Atlantic coast, protection between. Feb. 5-Nov. 28, 1883. Transcript. Sen for: S. res. of Mar. 2,1883. July 12-Sept. 4,1883. 48A-E7. 19 vols. Transcript. Sen 43A-E9. 2 vols. 917 p. 49TH CONGRESS 9

Naval Affairs Privileges and Elections

Steel vessels, to authorize the construction of for the Copiah County, Miss., alleged election outrages in: S. Navy: S. 698. Jan. 17-Feb. 1, 1884. Transcript. res. of Jan. 29, 1884. Feb. IS-Mar. 21, 1884. Sen 48A-EI4. 576 p. Transcript. Sen 48A-E 19.1. 1,631 p. Patents Select Committee on Mississippi Patent infringements and practice in patent suits: River Improvements H.R. 3925 and H.R. 3934. Mar. 17, 1884. Printed. Sen 48A-EI5. 117 p. Mississippi River improvements, statements on: S. res. Pensions of Feb. 22, 1883. Oct. 29-Nov. 10, 1883. Tran­ Pension legislation (testimony of members of the script. Sen 48A-E25.1. I vol. 416 p. Grand Army of the Republic). Mar. 8, 1884. Transcript. Sen 48A-EI6. 33 p. House Committees

Post Offices and Post Roads Ways and Means

Postal telegraph: S. 17, S. 227, S. 1016, and S. 2022. Distilled spirits, to extend the time for the payment Jan. 17-Mar. 19,1884. Transcript. Sen 48A-EI6. of the tax on: H.R. 2146. Feb. 1 and 12, 1884. I vol. Printed. Sen 48A-E8. 30 p.

49TH CONGRESS March 4, 1885-March 3, 1887

Senate Committees Fisheries

Agriculture and Forestry Fisheries on the Atlantic coast, protection of: S. 227, Feb. 10, 1886. Transcript. S. Misc. Doc. 46, 51st Imitation dairy products: S. 1837. Apr. 28 and June Cong., 2d sess., Sen 51 A-F 11. 273 p. 15-18,1886. Transcript. Sen 49A-El. 794 p. Mackerel fishery: H.R. S538. June 1 and 29, 1886. Transcript. Sen 49A-El1. 269 p. Claims Christian Brothers College of St. Louis, Mo., relief of Foreign Relations the trustees of: S. 381. Apr. 5 and 16, 1886. Printed. Filed with case of J. A. Terrill, Sen American fishery interests: S. res. of July 25, 1886. 50A-El. p. 7-17. Sept. 30-Oct. 6, 1886. Printed. S. Rept. 1683, 49th Cong., 2d sess. Sen 49A-D2. 280 p. Education and Labor Industrial Christian Home Association of Utah, estab­ Indian Affairs lishment of a school under the direction of the. May 7, 1886. Transcript. Sen 49A-E8. 248 p. and Condition of the Indians in the Indian Territory and 9 p. other reservations: S. res. of June 11 and Dec. 3, Temperance education bill (to provide for the study 1884, and Feb. 23, 1885. July 16-29, 1885. of physiology and hygiene and the effect of Transcript. S. Rept. 1278, pt. 3, 49th Cong., 1st intoxicating, narcotic, and poisonous substances sess., Sen 49A-D2. 863 p. upon life, health, and welfare, by pupils in the public schools of the territories and the District of Pensions Columbia and in the Military and Naval Acad­ emies): S. 797. Jan. 29, 1886. Transcript. Sen Grand Army of the Republic, pensions of the. Jan. 49A-E8. 126 p. 19,1886. Transcript. Sen 49A-EI9. 26 p. 10 HEARINGS

Select Committee on Interstate Commerce Select Committee To Make Certain Inquiries Touching Expenditures for the Indian Service and the Interstate commerce, regulation of by Congress: Yellowstone Park and Other Objects Under pursuant to S. res. of Mar. 17, 1885. May 20-June the Act of March 3, 1885 23 and Nov. 12-18, 1885. Transcript. S. Rept. 46, 49th Cong., 1st sess., pt. 2, Sen 49A-D2. 4,638 p. House Committees Testimony. July 17-Aug. 8, 1885. Printed. H. Rept. Judiciary 1076, 49th Cong., 1st sess. Sen 49A-E29. 283 p. Chicago, III., lake front, title of the United States: H.J. Res. 232. Jan. 17-19, jgg7. Printed. Filed " with S. 925, Sen 49A-EI4. 40 1"

50TH CONGRESS March 4, 1887-March 3, 1889

Sen,~te Committees Public Buildings and Grounds Agriculture and Forestry Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department, To extirpate contagious pleuropneumonia, foot-and­ investigation into the conduct of the office of: S. mouth disease, and rinderpest among cattle and to res. of Dec. 21, 1888. Jan. S·Feb. 14, 1889. facilitate the exportation of cattle and the prod­ Transcript. Sen SC'.-F23. 2 nts., 213 p.and 354 p. ucts of livestock and for other purposes: S. 945. Jan. 12, 13, 14, and 19, 1888. Transcript. Sen House Committees 50A-FI. 590 p. Commerce War Claims

Harbors and Waterways, establishment of a Bureau Urquhart, Mrs. C. Augusta, and Pritchard, Mrs. C. M., of: S. 1448. Apr. 9, 1888. Printed. Sen 50A-F4. for the relief of: H.R. 5450 and H.R. 5954. 27 p. Printed. Mar. 13, 1888. Sen 53A·El. 18 p.

51ST CONGRESS March 4, 1889-March 3, 1891

Senate Committees Judiciary Commerce

Ports on the coast (statements): S. 2716. Jan. Courts of the United States, to define and regulate 30·31,1890. Printed. Sen 51A-F7. 52 p. the jurisdiction of: H.R. 9014. Feb. 13. 1890. Immigration Transcript. Sen 51A-F16. 16 p. American industries, purchase of by foreign capital. Dec. 31, 1890. Jan. 26, 1891. Printed. Sen SIA·FI3. 92 p. 54TH CONGRESS 11

52D CONGRESS March 4, 1891-March 3, 1893

Senate Committees Judiciary Indian Affairs Courts of the District of Columbia: S. 202, S. 1185, Allotment of lands in severalty to certain Indian S. 1494, and S. 1495. Apr. 2,1892. Printed. Filed tribes: S. 1869. Mar. 5 and 19, 1892. Transcript. with S. 1494, Sen 52A·FI4. 34 p. Sen 52A·F 13. 239 p. Allotment of lands in severalty to certain Indian tribes: S. 1869. Mar. 5 and 19, 1892. Printed. HOllse Committees Filed with S. 1761, 53d Congo 53 p. Payment of Indian depredation claims. Dec. 16, Patents 1892. Printed. Sen 52A·FI3. 28 p. Stockbridge and Munsee Indians: S. 2873 and S. 2977. May 31 and June 1, 1892. Printed. Sen Winans, William L., for the relief of: H.R. 7998. Apr. 52A·FI3. 245 p. 25,1892. Printed. Sen 52A·EI. 42 p.

53D CONGRESS March 4, 1893-March 3, 1895

Senate Committees Alaskan salmon fisheries (statement of R. D. Hume): S. 1430. Feb. 14, 1894. Transcript. Sen 53A-FI0. Agriculture and Forestry lOp. Indian Affairs Gypsy moth (ocneria dispar), proposed extermination of the (notes of a hearing). Jan. 4, 1895. Tran· Southern Utes, removal of the: S. 1532. Feb. 12 and script. Sen 53A·F 1. 30 p. 19,1894. Transcript. Sen 53A·FI3. 75 p.

Fisheries Select Committee on Woman Suffrage

Alaskan salmon fisheries: S. 1710. Mar. 15, 1894. Woman suffrage. Feb. 21, 1894. Printed. Sen Transcript. Filed with S. 1430, Sen 53A-FI0. 5 p. 53A-F31. 31 p.

54TH CONGRESS March 4, 1895-March 3, 1897

Senate Committees District of Columbia

Appropriations National Capital Gas, Heat, and Power Co. of the District of Columbia, to incorporate and to Indian Service appropriation for the fiscal year ending reduce the price of gas in the,District of Columbia: June 30, 1897: H.R. 6249. Mar. 19, 1896. S. 1408 and S. 2339. Mar. 5, 1896. Printed. Filed Transcript. Sen 54A-F2. 66 p. with S. 1337, Sen 54A·F8. 77 p. 12 HEARINGS

Suffrage in the District of Columbia (to authorize a House Committees special election to determine whether the present municipal government shall continue or whether there shall be established in its place a representa­ District of Columbia tive form of government): S.1925. Mar. 24,1896. Printed. Filed with S. 2750, Sen 55A-F7. 18 p. University of the United States Intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia, to regulate the sale of: H.R. 1888. Apr. 29, 1896. To establish the University of the United States. Feb. Printed. Sen 54A-F8. 11 p. 21, 1896. Transcript. Sen 57 A-F32. 44 p. (reVised .. copy 72 p.).

55TH CONGRESS March 4, 1897-March 3, 1899

Senate Committees Select Committee on the Construction Indian Affairs of the Nicaragua Canal

Chippewa Indians of Minnesota (the Pillager and The Nicaragua Canal: S. 4539. June 15, 16, and 17, other bands of the Leech Lake Reservation, the 1898. Printed. Sen 55A-F31. p.81-139. Red Lake Band of the Red Lake Reservation, and the White Earth, Mille Lac, and Cass Lake Bands). House Committees Jan. 12, 1899. 24p. Feb. 1 and 3,1899. 26p. Transcript. Sen 55A-F 12. Conduct of Indian agencies (testimony). Mar. 1, Appropriations 1898. 437 p. Mar. 23, 1898. 216 p. Transcript. Sen 55A-FI2. Library of Congress: Division of Bibliography and the Osage Indians. Apr. 20, 1898. Transcript. Sen Map Division (statement of John Russell Young). 55A-F 12. 154 p. Dec. 14, 1898. Manuscript. S. Doc. 196, 57th Osage Indians, payments to. 1899. Transcript. S. Doc. Congo 1st sess., Sen 57A-G1. p. 2-4. 162, 55th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 55A-Gl. 299 p. Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. (testimony of Raymond Military Affairs J. B. Smith). Feb. 17, 1899. Transcript. Sen 55A-FI2. 54 p. Establishment, control, operation, and maintenance Sioux of the Lower Brule and Rosebud Agencies of the North Branch of the National Home for (notes of a "talk" with chiefs and leading men of Volunteer Soldiers at Hot Springs, S. Dak. (state­ the agency). Feb. 4, 1898. Transcript. Sen ment of Capt. H. E. Palmer): S. 366. Feb. 3,1899. 55A-FI2. 57 p. Printed. Sen 55A-FI7. 15 p.

56TH CONGRESS March 4, 1899-March 3, 1901

Senate Committees Privileges and Elections

Indian Affairs Proceedings relative to the right and title of William A. Clark to a seat as Senator from the State of Kathlamet Band of the Chinook Indians of Oregon, Montana: S. Res. 284. Jan. 5-Apr. 6, 1900. for the relief of the. May 23, 1900. Printed. Filed Manuscript. S. Rept. 1052, 56th Cong., 1st sess., with S. 3913, 57th Congo 26 p. Sen 56A-Dl; also Sen 56A-F31. 2,702 p. 57TH CONGRESS 13

House Committees Judiciary

Appropriations Conspiracies, restraining orders, and injunctions as Library of Congress: Division of Bibliography and the applied to employers and employees in the District Map Division (statement of Herbert Putnam). Jan. of Columbia and in interstate and foreign com­ 26, Mar. 5, and Nov. 27, 1900. Transcript. S. Doc. merce: H.R. 8917. Mar. 23, 1900. Printed. Filed 196, 57th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 57A-GI. p. 4-13. with S. 1118, 57th Congo 85 p.

57TH CONGRESS March 4, 1901-March 3,1903

Senate Committees Military Affairs

American flag, to prevent desecration of the: S. 226, Agriculture and Forestry S. 229, S. 596, S. 1220, and S. 2504. Feb. 20, 1902. Printed. S. Doc. 229, 57th Cong., 1st sess., Oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products: Sen 57A-Gl.11 p. H.R. 9206. Feb. 17-19, 1902. Printed. S. Doc. Army, to increase the efficiency of the (statements of 223, 57th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 57 A-G 1. 67 p. Lt. Gen. Nelson A. Miles and Secretary of War Elihu Root): S. 3917. Mar. 12 and 20, 1902. Printed. 21 p. District of Columbia

Pacific Islands and Porto Rico Coal supply in the District of Columbia: S. Res. 325, Jan. 8, 9, 12, 13, 15,17, and 20,1903. Printed. Sen 57 A-F6. 200 p. Hawaii, to compensate owners of property in, de­ stroyed in campaign against bubonic plague: H.R. 15108. May 5, 1902. Filed with S. 1765, 65th Indian Affairs Congo 189 p.

Leasing of Indian lands: S. 145, S. Res. 49, and S. Pensions Res. 58. Jan. 16-Feb. 13, 1902. Printed. S. Doc. 212, 57th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 57A-GI. 120 p. Loyal Creek claims (statement of J. H. McGowan). Pensions, to increase those of persons who are totally Apr. 12, 1902. Printed. Sen 57 A-FI3. 35 p. disabled: S. 1887. Mar. 25, 1902. Printed. Filed Uintah Indian Reservation, allotment of certain lands with S. 4324, 64th Congo 20 p. within the. Feb. 22 and Mar. 6, 1902. Printed. Sen 57A-FI3. 78 p. House Committees

Interstate Commerce Agriculture

Automatic couplers and continuous brakes: S. 3560. Oleomargarine legislation. Jan. 13-22, 1902. Printed. Apr. 8,1902. Printed. Sen 57A-F16. p. 14-80. S. Doc. 223, 57th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 57 A-G 1. p. Railway freight rates and pooling (to enlarge jurisdic­ 69-345. tion and powers of Interstate Commerce Commis­ sion and to amend the act to regulate commerce Indian Affairs and acts amendatory thereto): S. 3521 and S. 3575. Feb. 7-June 6,1902. Printed. Sen 57A-FI6. 210 p. and 28 p. Seneca Nation of New York Indians, allotment of State control of interstate liquor traffic: H.R. 15331. lands in severalty among the: H.R. 12270. 1902. Feb. 13,1903. Printed. Sen 57A-FI6. 38 p. Printed. 112 p. 14 HEARINGS

58TH CONGRESS March 4, 1903-March 3,1905

Senate Committees Interstate Commerce

Agriculture and Forestry Railway rates, regulation of; duties and powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission: S. 2439 and Roads and roadbuilding (to establish a Bureau of H.R. 13588. Dec. 16, 1904-Feb. 23, 1905. Public Highways): S. 3477 and S. 2539. Jan. 26, Printed. S. Doc. 243, 59th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 1904. Printed. S. Doc. 204, 58th Cong., 2d sess., 59A-Gl. 771 p. Sen 58A-H3. 115 p. Refrigerator cars and railroad companies: S. 6709. Jan. 27, 30, 31 and Feb. 3, 6, and 23, 1905. Appropriations Printed. S. Doc. 243, 59th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 59A-Gl. p. 311-403. District of Columbia appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904 (extract): H.R. 16842. Manufactures 1903. Printed. Filed with S. Res. 204. p. 218·307.

District of Columbia appropriation for the fiscal year Foods, to prevent the adulteration, misbranding, and ending June 30, 1905 (statement of Prof. William imitation of: S. 198 and H.R. 6295. Jan. 6 and H. Hart): H.R. 12833. Mar. 19, 1904. Printed. Feb. 4, 11, and 24, 1904. Printed. S. Rept. 1209, Filed with S. Res. 204. p. 256-315. 58th Cong., 2d sess., Sen 58A-DI. 121 p.

Commerce Military Affairs

Mississippi River, improvement of the: Feb. 3, 1904. Nomination of Leonard Wood to be major general. Transcript. S. Doc. 245, 58th Cong., 2d sess., Sen Nov. 19·21,23-24, 27, and 30 and Dec. 3,7-10, 58A-H3. 116 p. and 14-15, 1903. Printed. Ex. C, 58th Cong.,2d sess., Sen 58B-A5. 899 p. District of Columbia Nomination of Leonard Wood to be major general (argument of M. A. Hanna). Mar. 9, 1904. Printed. Dairy products for the District of Columbia, to secure Ex. 3, 58th Cong., 2d sess., Sen 58B·A5. 87 p. sanitary: S. 2402. Feb. 2 and 4, 1904. Printed. S. Rept. 804, 58th Cong., 2d sess·, Sen 58A·Dl. 52 p. Philippines Mall, regulation of the erection of buildings on the: S. 4845. Mar. 12, 1904. Printed. 53 p. Civil government, more efficient administration of in Railroad storage yard, establishment of in the District the Philippine Islands: S. 5328. Apr. 2, 1904. of Columbia: S. 6423. Feb. 9,1905. P;:nted. 19 p. Printed. S. Rept. 1898, 58th Cong., 2d sess., Sen Smoke, prevention of in the District of Columbia: S. 58A·Dl. 22 p. 5108. Jan. 16, 1905. Printed.49 p. Shipping between the United States and the Phil­ Union Station, establishment of adequate baggage ippines: S. 2259. Jan. 21, 1904. Printed. S. Doc. and express facilities at: S. 6320 and S. 7089. Feb. 124, 58th Cong., 2d sess., Sen 58A-H3. 107 p. 9,1905. Printed. Filed with S. 6423. p. 21·29.

Finance Post Offices and Post Roads

Free tobacco bill (for the relief of tobacco growers): Post Office appropriation for the fiscal year ending H.R. 14896. Jan. 24, 1905. Printed. S. Doc. 372, June 30, 1906: H.R. 17865. Feb. 15, 1905. 58th Cong.,2d sess., Sen 58A-H3. 63 p. Printed. p. 3·34 and p. 93·96. 59TH CONGRESS 15

Privileges and Elections House Committees

Reed Smoot, investigation of the right and title of to Appropriations a seat in the Senate from the State of Utah: S. Res. of Jan. 27, 1904. Mar. 7-Apr. 25, 1904. Transcript. Sen 5~A-F24: ca. 400 p. District of Columbia appropriation bill for fiscal year 1904. 1903. Printed. Filed with S. Res. 204. p. Public Lands 232-342.

Forest Reserve lands, to stay all applications for entry on made in lieu of odd-numbered sections sur­ Indian Affairs rendered by any railroad company: SJ. Res. 30 and S. 2722. Jan. 20, 1904. Printed. hIed with S. Indian depredations, to amend the acts providing for 2904, 63d Congo 59 p. payment of claims arising from: H.R. 17 and H.R. Preservation of historic and prehistoric ruins: S. 4127 54. Mar. 21. 1904. Printed. Filed with S. 2824, and S. 5603. Apr. 22, 1904. Printed. S. Doc. 314, 63d Congo 54 p. 58th Cong., 2d sess., Sen 58A·H3. 30 p. Special Committee To Inquire Into Certain Joint Committees Charges Affecting the Honorable Charles H. Dietrich, a Senator From Nebraska Irrigation and Reclamation

The Bon. Charles H. Dietrich, a Senator from Frederick Newell, Chief Engineer of the Reclamation Nebraska: S. Res. 117. Mar. 11,12,14,16, and Service, statement of: Dec. 19, 1903. Transcript. 21, 1904. Printed. Sen 58A-F31. 180p. RG 46, Sen 58A-F14. 109 p.

59TH CONGRESS March 4, 1905-March 3, 1907

Senate Committees Schools of the District of Columbia, public, to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school offi­ cers, and other employees of: H.R. 18442. May Appropriations 26, 1906. Printed. 58 p. Tuberculosis in the District of Columbia, prevention Panama Canal appropriation: H.R. 480. Dec. 12, of spread of: S. 7041. Feb. 1,1907. Printed. 55 p. 1905. Printed. S. Doc. 69, 59th Cong., 1st sess., Union Station, District of Columbia; proposed appli­ Sen 59A-Gl. 88 p. cation of smoke law to locomotives: H.R. 9329. Printed. Jan. 18 and 29, 1907. 57 p. Washington and Marlboro Electric Railway Co. of District of Columbia Maryland, to authorize the extension of the line of into the District of Columbia: S. 4944. May 2, East Washington Heights Railroad Co., to incorporate 1906. Printed. 50 p. the: S. 4254. May 2, 1906. Printed. Filed with S. Finance 4944.50 p. Government reservation in the District of Columbia, Alcohol Law, amentlment of free: H.R. 24816. Feb. to acquire certain ground in Hall and Elvan's 14 and 19, 1907. Printed. S. Doc. 362, 59th subdivision of Meridian Hill for a: S. 5289. Apr. 4, Cong., 2d sess., Sen 59A-G2. 46 p. 1906. Printed. Filed with S. 5201. 32 p. Tobacco bill, free: H.R. 14972. June 14, 1906. 21 p. Rock Creek Park, to acquire certain land in the Feb. 6, 18, and 21, 1907. 66 p. (and 38 manu­ District of Columbia as an addition to: S. 5201. script p.). Printed. S. Doc. 372, 59th Cong., 2d Apr. 4, 1906. Printed. 32 p. sess., Sen 59A-G2. 16 HEARINGS

Foreign Relations Printing

Niagara Falls, preservation of (C hicago Drainage Inquiry into the causes of delay in completing thc Car.al). Apr. 11, 1906. S. Doc. 393, 59th Cong., work of the first session of the 59th Congress: S. 1st sess., Sen 59A-G2. 24 p. Res. 175. July 7-13, 1906. Printed. S. Rept. 4430, 59th Cong., 2d sess., Sen 59A-Dl. 123 p. Indian Affairs

Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, transfer of certain House Committees to roll of citizens by blood. Jan. 23-24, 1907. Printed. S. Doc. 257, 59th Cong., 2d sess., Sen District of Columbia 59A-G2. 418 p. Mexican Kickapoo Indians. Mar. 22, 1906. 11 p. Mar. 24, 1906. 6 p. Transcript. Filed with S. 4735, Child labor, to regulate in the District of Columbia: 60th Congo H.R. 375, H.R. 4462, and H.R. 5974. Mar. 13 and 16,1906. Printed. Filed with S. 1243.62 p. Interoceanic CanaIs Compulsory education, to provide for in the District of Columbia: S. 1243. Mar. 13 and 16, 1906. William Nelson Cromwell, testimony (panama Canal Printed. 62 p. matters, extracts from hearings): S. Res. 50. Feb. 26-May 11, 1906. Printed. S. Doc. 457, 59th Military Affairs Cong., 1st sess., Sen 59A-G1. 126 p.

Interstate Commerce Artillery Corps, change in organization of: S. 3923. May 22, 1906. Printed. 8 p. Railway rates, regulation of: pursuant to S. Res. 288, Civil War Volunteer Officers Retired List, to create a 58th Congo Dec. 16, 1904-May 23, 1905. Printed. in the War and Navy Departments (statement of S. Doc. 243, 59th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 59A-G1; Gen. S. L. Glasgow): H.R. 8989. Dec. 13, ]906. also Sen 59A-FI5. 5 vols. 5,345 p. Printed. Filed with S. 392, 63d Congo 8 p. Soldiers and sailors (union volunteers), to provide a Military Affairs temporary home for in the District of Columbia. H.R. 71. Mar. 13 and 15, 1906. Printed. Filed with Affray at Brownsville, Tex. Feb. 4·June 14, 1907, S.44. 14 p. and Feb. 25, 1908. Printed. S. Doc. 402, 60th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 60A-G1. 3,412 p. Naval Affairs Army, to increase the efficiency of the: S. 3925. Mar. 24, 1906. Printed. Filed with S. 3923. p. 34-66. Dental Surgeons of the Army, to reorganize the Corps Naval Militia, to establish a and define its relations to of: S. 2355. Jan. 17, 1906. Printed. Filed with S. the general G overnmen t: H.R. 10858. Mar. 5 , 1530, 61st Congo 51 p. 1906. Printed. p. 891-911.

Philippines Ways and Means

Philippine Islands, revenue for the: H.R. 3. Jan. Pure sweet wines, to amend existing laws relating to 20-Feb. 28, 1906. Printed. S. Doc. 277, 59th the fortification of: H.R. 15266. Mar. 12, 1906. Cong., 1st sess., Sen 59A-Gl. 1,247 p. Printed. 19 p. 60TH CONGRESS 17

60TH CONGRESS March 4, 1907-March 3, 1909

Senate Committees Osage Tribe of indians, for the enrollment of certain persons as members of the: S.J. Res. 70. Apr. 29 District of Columbia and May 6 and 8, 1908, 133 p. Jan. 21,23, and 26, 1909,149 p. Printed. S. Doc. 482, 60th Cong., Education in the District of Columbia, to establish 1st sess., and S. Doc. 744, 60th Cong., 2d sess. Sen the public direction and control of: S. 4032. Jan. 6OA-Gl. 28, 1908. Printed. 17 p. Labor on contracts with the District of Columbia, to Irrigation and Reclamation regulate the hours of: S. 6414. Apr. 25, 1908. Printed. 22 p. Waters users associations, issue of certificates by. May Liquor in the District of Columbia, to regulate the 22, 1908. Transcript. S. Doc. 507, 60th Cong., 1st sale of: S. 6264. May 8,1908. Printed. 109 p. sess. Sen 60A·G I. 37 p. Navy yard; extension of railroad tract: S. 3976. Feb. Judiciary 24, 1908. Printed. 27 p. Sunday as a day of rest in the District of Columbia, Alcoholic liquor traffic, interstate (to limit the effect observance of: S. 6535 and S. 3940. Apr. IS, of the regulation of commerce between the several 1908. Printed. Filed with S. 3940. 41 p. States and territories in certain cases): S. 749, S. Usury, to suppress in the District of Columbia and to 2926, S. 3069, S. 3634, and S. 4087. Jan. regulate pawnbrokers' loans: S. 6559, S. 2031, and 18·Mar. 14, 1908. Printed. S. Doc. 146, 61st S. 2296. May 6, 1908. Printed. Filed with S. 2031 Cong., 1st sess., Sen 60A-G1. 277 p. and with S. 25, 62d Congo 22 p. Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Co., absorption of by U.S. Steel Corp.: S. Res. 243. Jan. 22, 23, and 29 and Feb. 2, 1909. Printed. S. Doc. 44, 62d Finance Cong., 1st sess., Sen 62A-G 1. 106 p.

Customs administrative laws. Aug. 26·Sept. 4, 1908. Military Affairs S. Doc. 683, 60th Cong., 2d sess., Sen 60A·Gl. Printed. 78 p., with additional material. Affray at Brownsville, Tex. May 21, 1907. Prhtd. Sen 60A·F IS. p. 2265·2312. Indian Affairs Naval Affairs Navy Department, methods of conducting business Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes of Indians, to extend and departmental changes (statement of Truman provision of the appropriation act to persons H. Newberry). Feb. I, 1909. Transcript. S. Doc. claiming a right in the property of the: S. 4736. 693, 60th Cong., 2d sess., Sen 60A·Gl. 100 p. Apr. 23 and 30 and May 2,1908. Printed. S. Doc. 483, 60th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 60A-G 1. 80 p. Pacific Islands and Porto Rico Crow Indian Reservation, Mont., survey and allot· ment of lands in and incorporation of a company Hawaii, Territory of: S. 5157, S. 7033, S. 7695, S. for breeding horses on the: S. 2963 and S. 2087. 7697, and S. 7698. Dec. 11,1908. Filed with S. Apr. 1, 1908, 788 p. May 26, 1908, 9 p. S. Doc. 7695.38 p. 445, 60th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 60A·Gl. Printed. Mexican Kickapoo Indians, affairs of the: pursuant to House Committees S. Res. 261, 59th Congo Feb. 8 to Nov. 11, 1907. Printed. S. Doc. 215, 60th Cong., 1st sess., Sen Appropriations 60A·G 1. 2,309 p. Mexican Kickapoo Indians, to fulfIll treaty stipula· Sundry civil appropriation, fiscal year 1909: H .R. tions with the: S. 4735. Feb. 13,1908. Printed. S. 21260. Printed. No date is given. p. 97·100 Doc. 350, 60th Cong., 1st sess., Sen 60A·G 1. 35 p. (extract). 18 HEARINGS

Claims Militia

Southern Pacific Imperial Valley claim (to reimburse District of Columbia Militia, organization uf the the Southern Pacific Co. for amounts spent in H.R. 7545. Feb. 17, 1908. Printed. Filed with S. controlling the break in the Colorado River, 4316.25 p. 1906-7): H.R. 13997. Feb. 24-Apr. 1, 1908. Militia, to promote the efficiency of the: H.R. 147D3. Prin ted. Filed with S. 431, 61 st Congo 70 p. Feb. 17, 1908. Printed. Filed with S. 4316. ::'5 p. Naval Affairs Indian Affairs Burchard, Jabez, for the relief of: H.R. 7843. No date Indian depredations, claims arising from: H.R. 3889, is given. Transcript. Filed with S. 3125. 2 p. H.R. 7684, H.R. 11316, and H.R. 11797. Feb. 27, Coal, depots for. 1908. Filed with S. 6708. r. 16-23 1908. Printed. Filed with S. 2824, 63d Congo 56 p. (extracts). Pottawatomie Indians in Wisconsin, adjustment of Publie Lands claims of under treaty stipulations: H.R_ 21219. Jan. 29, 1909. Printed. Filed with H.R. 19028, Phosphate lands, to define the manner of acquisitiun 61 st Congo 32 p. of: H.R. 21873. Dec. 17, 1908-Feb. 2, 1909. Printed. Filed with S. 3251,61 st Congo II.' p. Military Affairs San Francisco, to allow the city and county \)1' to exchange lands for reservoirs in Hetch Hl'tchy Civil institutions of learning in the United States, to Valley: H.J. Res. 184. Dec. 16, 1908. Printed. promote military education in: H.R. 11336. Feb. Filed with SJ. Res. 4, 61st Congo 42 p. 26, 1908. Printed. Filed with S. 910. 23 p. Signal Corps of the Army, to increase the efficiency Joint Committees of the (statement of Gen. James Allen): H.R. 12890. Dec. 9, 1908. Printed. Filed with S. 230. House-Senate Conference Committee 31 p. Volunteer army of the United States, raising of a in Street railway lines of the District of Columbia, tract time of actual or threatened war: H.R. 23862. extensions of certain of the: S. 902, May 24. Nov. 17, 1908. Printed. Sen 60A-FI5. 21 p. 1908. Printed. RG 46, S. 902. 38 p.

61 ST CONGRESS March 4, 1909-March 3,1911

Senate Committees Telepost Co., to enable the to operate in the District of Columbia: H.R. 19402. May 6, 1910. Prinbl. Agriculture and Forestry 35 p.

Livestock, to regulate minimum speed in' interstate Indian Affairs transportation of: S. 5538. Feb. 15, 1910. Printed. 41 p. Crow Indian Reservation, Mont., for the survey and allotment of lands in the: S. 3373. Feb. 10, 1910. District of Columbia Printed. Sen 6IA-F25. 134 p. Anacostia River, to protect the interests of the Judiciary United States in lands and waters comprising any part of the: S. 10136. Feb. 10, 1911. Printed. Judicial procedure in U.S. courts, to regulate: S. 54 p. 4568, S. 4569, and S. 4570. Jan. 12, 1910. Loan companies in the District of Columbia, to Printed. Filed with S. 2060, 68th Congo 26 p. regulate: S. 4503. Mar. 16, 1910. Printed. 25 p. Race gambling bets, to prevent the international or Rockefeller Foundation, to incorporate the: S. 6888. interstate transmission of: S. 225, Dec. 14, 190Q. Mar. 11, 1910. Printed. 20 p. Printed. Sen 61A-F25. 41 p. 620 CONGRESS 19

Pacific Islands and Porto Rico Rifle practice, to promote and to encourage a patriotic spirit among the youth of the United Prohibition of liquor tramc in Hawaii (to prohibit the States: S. 5008. Jan. 12, 1911. Printed. Filed with selling of intoxicating beverages in the Territory of S. 4241, 62d Congo 13 p. Hawaii): S. 1862. Dec. 17.1909. Transcript. 72p. Shiloh National Military Park, to extend the limits of the: H.R. 27293 (S. 9463). Jan. 26,1911. Printed. Territories Filed with S. 9463. 14 p. New Mexico, to approve the State constitution of: H.J. Res. 295. Mar. 3, 1911. Printed. Sen Naval Affairs 6IA-F29. 26 p. Naval Militia, to promote the efficiency of the: H.R. House Committees 17759. Dec. 17, 1910. Printed. Filed with S. 10379. p. 293-297. Claims Navy and Marine Corps, to regulate and increase the efficiency of the: H.R. 22319. May 3, 1910. North American Transportation Co., for the relief of Printed. Filed with S. 2002, 62d Congo 51 p. the: H.R. 2066, H.R. 2067, and H.R. 16698. Mar. 30,1910. Printed. Filed with S. 15, 62d Congo 7 p. Post Office and Post Roads District of Columbia Fraternal society publications, to admit to the mails Police and Fire Departments, to provide for retire­ as second-class matter: H.R. 22239. May 7, 1910. ment of members of the: H .R. 22322. Apr. 29, Printed. 44 p. 1910. Printed. Filed with S. 5375, 62d Congo 66 p.

Library Public Lands Germantown, Pa., to erect a monument at in honor of first permanent German settlement in the United St. Francis Levee District, Arkansas, to quiet and States: H.R. 9137. May 10, 1910. Printed. Filed confirm the title to certain lands within the: H.R. with S. 4043, 62d Congo 23 p. 19637. Feb. 15,1910. Printed. Filed with S. 3225, 62d Congo 395 p. Military Affairs Territories Chattanooga and Chickamauga National Military Park, to add 31,000 acres of land to the: H .R. New Mexico, to approve the State constitution of: 9513 and H.J. Res. 146. Jan. 26, 1911. Printed. H.J. Res. 295. Feb. 17-27, 1911. Printed. Sen Filed with S. 4275. 18 p. 61A-F29. 392 p.

62D CONGRESS March 4, 191 I-March 3,1913

Senate Committees Houses of ill fame and p,rostitution, to enjoin and District of Columbia abate: S. 5861. Dec. 9, 1912·Jan. 7,1913. Printed. 82 p. Female employment in the District of Columbia, to Osteopathy, to regulate the practice of in the District regulate: S. 7723. Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1913. Printed. of Columbia: H.R. 19263. May 31, 1912. Printed. III p. 28 p. 20 HEARINGS

Street railroads in the District of Columbia, to require Public Buildings and Grounds the issuance of free transfers by: S. 2160 and S. 3813. Jan. 12, 1912. Printed. Filed with S. 2160. Armory, to provide for the erection of an in the 53 p. District of Columbia: S. 6734. May 24, 1912. Printed. Filed with S. 5, 64th Congo 35 p. Finance Laborers and material furnishers for public works, to further amend an act providing for the protection Canada, to promote reciprocal trade relations with: of: S. 5291. Mar. 2, 1912. Printed. 23 p. H.R. 4412. June 5, 1911. Printed. Sen 63A-FI5. Washington, George, memorial building, to provide a p.1135-1261. site for a in the District of Columbia: S. 5494. w Mar. 30, 1912. Printed. 25 p. Foreign Relations Mexico, investigation of possible American interests Public Lands inciting rebellion in: S. Res. 335. Sept. 7, 1912-Jan. 8,1913. Printed. Sen 62A-F8. 918 p. Alaska coal lands, claimants of: S. 8270. Feb. 26, 1913. Printed. Sen 63A-F27. p. 55-486. Indian Affairs Alaska, to provide for leasing of coal lands in: S. 6692. June 1-5,1912. Printed. Sen 63A-F27. 67 p. Crow Indians of Montana, to authorize the Attorney General to investigate the affairs of the: S. Res. House Committees 352. Jan. 11,1913. Transcript. 146 p. Robeson County, N.C., to build a school for the Agriculture Indians of: S. 3258. Apr. 4, 1912. Printed. Filed with S. Res. 344, 63d Congo 7 p. Markets, Division of, to create a in the Bureau of Statistics, Department of Agriculture: S. 5294. Military Affairs Jan. 3,1913. Sen 64A-FI8.1. 20 p. Civil War Volunteer Officers Retired List, to create a roll known as the in the War and Navy Depart­ Banking and Currency ments: S. 2006. June 5, 1912. Printed. Filed with S. 392, 63d Congo 44 p. Banking and currency reform, investigation of plans of. Jan. 28, 1913. Printed. Sen 64A-FI8.1. Part 9, Post Offices and Post Roads p.493-559.

Post Office appropriation bill for fiscal year 1913. Claims May 31 and June 1,3,5,7,10,11,13, and 15, 1912. Printed. Sen 62A-F20. Pt. 1, 288 p. Pt. 2, Herwig, Philip, for the relief of the estate of: H .R. 170 p. 20646 and H.R. 6877. Feb. 29,1912. Printed as part of H. Rept. 388, 63d Cong., 2d sess.; filed Privileges and Elections with S. 2373, 63d Congo 15 p. Campaign contributions (testimony): S. Res. 79 and S. Res. 386. Dec. 18,1912, Jan. 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, Coinage, Weights, and Measures 17, and 23 and Feb. 10,11,12,18, and 25,1913. Printed. Sen 62A-F22. Vols. 34-46. 794 p. Apples, to establish a standard barrel and standard Illinois senatorial election, 1908, to investigate pos­ grades for: H.R. 17936. Mar. 7-8, 1912. Printed. sible corruption in the (election of William Lori­ 91 p. mer): S. Res. of June 7, 1911. June 1911-Feb. Fruits, vegetables, and berries, to establish standard 1912. Transcript. 27 vols. Sen 62A-F22. 9,000 p. containers for: H.R. 5956, H.R. 1741, H.R. Wisconsin senatorial election, 1908, to investigate 17822, and H.R. 17936. Feb. 17,1912. Printed. (election of Isaac Stephenson): S. Res. 136. Oct. Filed with H.R. 5956. 42 p. 1911-Feb. 1912. Printed. Sen 62A-F22. 996p. Small fruits and berries, to fix the size of baskets for: (vol. 1 only). H.R. 5956. May 9, 1911. Printed. 26 p. 62D CONGRESS 21

Expenditures in the Post Office Department Post Office and Post Roads

Post Office Department, investigation of the: H. Res. Parcel post (statement of David J. Lewis). June 1911. 109. Printed. Sen 62A·F20. Dec. 12, 13, 16, 19, Sen 62A·F20. Printed. 87 p. 20, and 23, 1912.387 p. Feb. 20,1913. Exhibits Post Office appropriation bill for fiscal year 1913. 551·62l. Jan. 23, 1912. Printed. Sen 62A·F20. Pt. 11. p. Post Office Department, investigation of the (Buffalo, 447·471. N.Y., Post Office): H. Res. 109. Aug. 21, 1911. Printed. Sen 62A·F20. p. 3127·3161. .. Public Buildings and Grounds Indian Affairs Archives of the U.S. Government, preservation of the (testimony of J. F. Jameson): S. 5179. May 12, 1911. Printed. 26 p. Pima Indian Reservation, Ariz., to authorize suspen· Bangor, Maine, to provide for the erection of a public sion of work on the irrigation system on the: H. building at: H.R. 8766. May 12, 1911. Printed. Res. 330. Dec. 21,1911, and Jan. 5,1912. Printed. Filed with S. 2055.17 p. Sen 62A·FI0. 2 pts. 54 p. Public Lands Library Enlarged Homestead Act, to amend the to extend provisions to North Dakota: S. 5428. May 10, Congressional Reference Bureau, to establish a in the 1912. Printed. 8 p. Library of Congress: H.R. 18720 (and other bills). Paulina National Forest, Oreg., consolidation of Feb. 26·27, 1912. Printed. Filed with S. 7836. certain forest lands in the: S. 4745. Feb. 28·29, 114 p. 1912. Printed. Filed with S. 3225. 30 p. Meade, Gen. George G., to provide a foundation and Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oreg., to provide for pedestal for a statue of in Washington, D.C.: H.R. issuance of patents to land purchasers in: S. 3225. 2938. Feb. 19,1912. Printed. Filed with S. 6062. July 24, 1912. Printed. 2 p. 18 p. Washington Improvement and Development Co., to have judicially declared a forfeiture of the rights Merchant Marine and Fisheries granted to by act of June 4,1898: H.J. Res. 142. May 21,1912. Printed. Filed with S. 3225. lOp.

Norwegian icebreaker "Kit," to grant American regis· try to: H.R. 17235. Jan. 17·Feb. 23, 1912. Reform in the Civil Service Printed. Filed with S. 5224. 45 p. Placing certain positions in the Post Office Depart· Military Affairs ment in the competitive classified service and changing the salary of postmasters at first· and Bull Run, Va., to protect the monuments on the second-class post offices (statement of George W. battlefield of: H.R. 1330. Apr. 13, 1912. Printed. Norris): H.R. 16838. Jan. 11, 1912. Printed. Sen Filed with S. 2201, 64th Congo 33 p. 62A·F20 .. 15 p. Increase of pay for officers and enlisted men engaged Removal of employees in the classified civil service: in aviation: Jan. 22, 1912. Printed. Sen 62A·F20. H.R. 5970. May 5,6,8,9, and 10, 1911. Printed. 25 p. Sen 62A·F20. 166 p. 22 HEARINGS 63D CONGRESS March 4, 1913-March 3, 1915

Senate Committees Prohibition of intoxicating liquors, amendment to the Constitution proposing: SJ. Res. 88 and SJ. Res. Claims 50. Apr. 16-May 1, 1914. Printed. Filed with SJ. Res. 30, 64th Congo 210 p. Nicholls, Joshua, for the relief of the heirs of: S. 2810. June 6,1914. Printed. 35 p. Library

District of Columbia Battle of Plattsburgh, to promote the erection of a memorial in commemoration of the: S. 3662. Mar. Gas companies in the District of Columbia, proposed 12,1914. Printed. 25 p. consolidation of (amendment to the District of Columbia appropriation bill for fiscal year 1915): Military Affairs H.R. 10523. 1914. Transcript. 62 p. Inhabited alleys in the District of Columbia and Army Veterinary Service, to consolidate and increase housing of unskilled workingmen: S. 1624, S. the efficiency of: S. 4331. June 4,1914. Printed. 2376, S. 2397, S. 2580, S. 4529, and S. 4672. May 35 p. 7,1914. Printed. Sen 73A-F6. 48 p. Naval Affairs Education and Labor

Paint Creek Coal Fields, W. Va., investigation of Potts, Templin M., for the relief of: S. 3804. Mar. 11, conditions in the: S. Res. 37. June-October 1913. 1914. Printed. 15 p. Transcript. Sen 63A-F6. 9 vols. Privileges and Elections Foreign Relations

Chinese Indemnity Fund, to amend the joint resolu­ Loeffler, Carl A., Assistant Doorkeeper of the Senate, tion providing for the remission of a portion of relative to the official conduct of: Mar. 14, 1913. the: SJ. Res. j3. June 1, 1914. Printed. 41 p. Printed. Sen 63A-F24. 55 p. Pennsylvania and Illinois senatorial primary elections, Indian Affairs 1914, to authorize an investigation of the: S. Res. 455. Jan. 6-Feb. 5, 1915. Transcript. Sen Sisseton and Wahpeton Indians and certain bands of 63A-F24. 88 p. Sioux Indians, to provide a commission to settle claims of the: S. 113. Jan. 29, 1914. Printed. Filed Territories with H.R. 12579.8 p.

Judiciary Alaska, to provide for the construction and operation of railroads in: S. 48 and S. 133. May 2-23, 1913. Church names, to prohibit the use of for purposes of Printed. Sen 63A-F27. 716 p. trade or commerce: S. 5262. Dec. 11, 1914. Printed. Filed with S. 667, 64th Congo 19 p. House Committees District of Columbia Supreme Court, to fix the salary of the auditor of the: H.R. 17097. Jan. 16,1915. Agriculture Printed. Sen 63A-E5. 50 p. Lobby influence in the Senate, investigation of in Bureau of Animal Industry, classification and pay regard to pending tariff legislation: S. Res. 92. increase for certain employees of the (Lobeck June 2-16, 1913, and Jan. 17, 1914. Transcript. bill): H.R. 9292. Apr. 20-21, 1914. Printed. Filed Sen 63A-FI5. 6 vols. with S. 5720. 117 p. 64TH CONGRESS 23

Coinage, Weights, and Measures Grand Junction, Colo., and La Junta, Colo.; public buildings at: H.R. 16056 and H.R. 12665. June Apples, to establish a standard box for: H.R. 11178 24, 1914. Printed. Filed with S. 4012. 15 p. and H.R. 12666. Feb. 11-12, 1914. Printed. Filed Honolulu, Hawaii, and Grand Junction, Colo.; public with H.R. 11178. 76 p. buildings at: H.R. 15537 and H.R. 16056. July 15, Barrel, to establish a standard for dry commodities 1914. Printed. Filed with S. 4012. 37 p. and to establish a stand

Public Buildings and Grounds Territories

Baltimore, Md., to build an immigration station at: Honolulu Rapid Transit and Land Co., to extend the H.R. 11625. Feb. 19,1914. Printed. Filed with S. franchise of the: H.R. 9022. Dec. 4,1913. Printed. 5570.27 p. Filed with S. 6020. 39 p. Department of Justice Building, Washington, D.C.; Binghampton, N.Y., public building; Baltimore, Md., immigration station; Fairbanks, Alaska, pub- War Claims • lic buildint:; New York City Assay Office: H.R. 12801, H.H.. 11694, H.R. 11625, H.R. 6279, and Nicholls, Joshua, for the relief of the heirs of: H.R. H.R. 13296. Feb. 25, 1914. Printed. Filed with S. 7140 (S. 2810). Feb. 28,1914. Printed. Filed with 3342.33 p. S. 2810. 26 p.

64TH CONGRESS March 4, 1915-March 3,1917

Senate Committees Juvenile court in the District of Columbia, to amend the act creating the: H.R. 8348. May 11, 1916. District of Columbia Printed. 80 p. Congressional representation for the District of Co­ Loaning of money in the District of Columbia, to lumbia, to provide for: S.]. Res. 32. Feb. 24, amend the act regulating the: S. 4661. Apr. 21, 1916. Printed. 98 p. 1916. Printed. 42 p. 24 HEARINGS

Public school teachers in the District of Columbia, to Oklahoma, to protect Federal officers in the eastern provide a retirement system for: S. 7404. Jan. 12, district of, to authorize the seizure of liquor found 1917. Printed. 39 p. in, and to amend the penal laws of the United States: S. 1091 and S. 6221. Dec. 14, 1916. Printed. Filed with S. 6221.27 p. Foreign Relations Probation system, to establish a in U.S. courts, except in the District of Columbia: S. 1092. Mar. 25, Niagara River, for the control and regulation of the 1916. Printed. 31 p. waters of the: S. 7803 and H.R. 20047. Feb. 10, 1917. Printed. Sen 64A-F13.135 p. Military Affairs

Indian Affairs Reserve Officers' Training Corps, to establish units of the in State National Guard organizations: S. Arizona, relief of persons expelled from lands at 7747. Feb. 13, 1917. Printed. 12 p. Forest Dale, Apache County: S. 3771. Jan. 26, Whitaker, Edward W., for the relief of: S. 2517. Mar. 1916. Printed. Filed with S. 2287, 66th Congo 3, 1916. Printed. Filed with S. 1559, 67th Congo 21 p. 6p. Auld, Addie May and Archibald W., Kaw Indians, for the relief of: S. 6241. June 27, 1916. Printed. Pacific Islands and Porto Rico 15 p. Indian agents or superintendents, to confer upon Puerto Rico, to provide a civil government for: S. tribes of Indians the right to recall: S. 5335. May 1217. Jan. 28,1916. Printed. 102 p. 2, 1916. Printed. Filed with S. 5419, 65th Congo IS p. Post Offices and Post Roads Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands Post Office reorganization (statement of Goodwin Ellsworth). May 27, 1916. Transcript. Sen Reclamation of arid, swamp, and overflow lands, to 64A·F18.1. p. 2742. provide through Government aid for district organ­ Rural mail delivery provisions (statement of James izations: S. 1922. Mar. 28, 1916. Printed. Sen Blakslee). May 27, 1916. Transcript. Sen 64A-FI3. 132 p. 64A·FI8.1. 62 p.

Judiciary House Committees

Accident compensation, to provide for U.s. Govern­ Foreign Affairs ment employees: S. 2846. Feb. 26,1916. Printed. 57 p. Niagara River, to authorize additional diversions of Clayton Act, to defer the effective date of that water from the: H.R. 3038. Dec. 7,1916. Printed. section of the dealing with common officers of Filed withSJ. Res. 186.15 p. railways and supply companies: SJ. Res. 129. July 13, 1916. Printed. Sen 64A-E2. 32 p. Indian Affairs International tribunals to enforce peace, to authorize the creation of with other nations: S.l. Res. 131. Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., disposition of Jan. 18, 1917. Printed. Sen 64A-E2. 30 p. surplus lands of the: H.R. 14732. July 12, 1916. Judicial circuit, to establish a new with a circuit court Printed. Filed with S. 2661, 65th Congo 24 p. of appeals: S. 1342. Dec. 12, 1916. Printed. 55 p. Judiciary, to authorize consideration of a proposed Interstate and Foreign Commerce codification, revision, and amendment of laws relating to: pursuant to S. Res. 552, 63d Congo Panama Canal tolls, to provide that Canal rules shall Nov. 10-22, 1915. Printed. Filed with S. 1412. govern in imposition of: H.R. 9818. Jan. II-Feb. 93 p. 11,1916. Printed. 55 p. 65TH CONGRESS 25

Judiciary Public Buildings and Grounds

Court of Claims, to reorganize and regulate appeals Washington, D.C., Norfolk, Va., Cleveland, Ohio, from: H.R. 10493 (S. 4457). Feb. 29, 1916. Stevenville, Ohio, and Fort Worth, Tex.; public Printed. Filed with S. 4457. 16 p. buildings at: H.R. 6827, H.R. 3030, H.R. 4713, Texas, to create a new judicial district in: H.R. H.R. 4686, and H.R. 5794. Feb. 23, 1916. 11323. Apr. 7, 1916. Printed. Filed with S. 5450. Printed. Filed with H.R. 10484.27 p. 23 p. Yonkers, N.Y., to construct a Federal building at: H.R. 11870. Mar. 11, 1916. Printed. Filed with S. 5888. 15 p.

65TH CONGRESS March 4, 1917-March 3, 1919

Senate Committees Military Affairs

District of Columbia Spies in the United States, to extend jurisdiction of courts-martial to: S. 4364. Apr. 17-May I, 1918. Minimum Wage Board, to establish a in the District of Printed. 100 p. Columbia and to provide for the fixing of mini­ Waring, John B. H., to authorize the appointment of mum wages for women and minor workers: S. to major in the Medical Corps on the retired lists: 3993. Apr. 17, 1918. Printed. 44 p. S. 3967. Aug. 28, 1918. Printed. Filed with S. Railroad spur extension in the District of Columbia, 667, 67th Congo 19 p. to authorize a across First Street, NE : S. 3476. Privileges and Elections Mar. 1,1918. Printed. 27 p. Rents in the District of Columbia, to prevent profit­ LaFollette, Robert, hearing on resolutions of the eering in: H.R. 9248. Mar. 26-Apr. 5, 1918. Minnesota Commission of Public Safety calling for Printed. 216 p. the expulsion of from the Senate. Oct. 16, 1917-May 21, 1918. Transcript. Sen 65A-FI8. Indian Affairs 388 p. Michigan senatorial election contest, 1918 (Henry Omaha Tribe of Indians, to investigate claims regard­ Ford v. Truman Newberry): S. Res. 415. Jan. ing and to authorize the submission of certain 17-21, 1919. Transcript. Sen 65A-F 18. 98 p. other claims to the Court of Claims: S. 3992, S. Standards, Weights, and Measures 3663, S. 3923, S. 3572, and H.R. 4910. Mar. 29, 1918. Printed. Filed with S. 3572. 54 p. Herber process for extraction of fuel oils from petroleum, investigation of the: S. Res. 259. July Judiciary I-Sept. 10, 1918. Transcript. Sen 65A-F22. 177 p.

American Committee for Relief in the Near East, to House Committees incorporate the: S. 4785. 1918. Transcript. 50 p. Espionage Act, to amend the: S. 2734. Aug. 9,1917. Coinage, Weights, and Measures Transcript. 40 p. National German-American Alliance, to repeal the act Screw threads, to establish a commission to standard­ to incorporate the: S. 3529. Feb. 23-Apr. 13, ize: H.R. 10472. Mar. 5-7, 1918. Printed. 35 p. 1918. Printed. 695 p. Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief: S. 2859. (H.R. Education 6361). Sept. 14, 1917-Jan. 18, 1918. Printed. American Printing House for the Blind, to provide Filed with S. 2783. 224 p. additional appropriations for the: H.R. 16016. Soldiers' and sailors' civil rights: S. 2859. Sept. 22-25, Feb. 22, 1919. Printed. Filed with S. 3966, 70th 1917. Printed. 77 p. Congo 11 p. 26 HEARINGS

Foreign Affairs Voting right, to restrict the to citizens of the United States: H.J. Res. 270. Apr. 26, 1918. Printed. Irish independence, to request the U.S. delegates to Filed with S.J. Res. 149. 9 p. the Peace Conference to raise the question of: H.J. Military Affairs Res. 357. Dec. 12, 1918. Printed. 151 p. Travel into and out of the United States, to control in Osteopaths, to admit to examinations for commis­ time of war: H.R. 10264. Feb. 13, 1918. Printed. sions in the Medical Branch of the Army of the Filed with S. 4282. 40 p. United States: H.R. 5407. Mar. 15, 1918.Printed. Filed with S. 4914. 45 p. Judiciary Soldiers killed in action, to provide for return of the bodies of (American Purple Cross Association): District and circuit judges, to increase the salary of: H.R. 5410. Sept. 5,1917. Printed. Filed with S. H.R. 11134. Apr. 10, 1918. Printed. Filed with S. 2962.44 p. 4533.47 p. Soldiers' and sailors' civil rights: S. 2859. No date is Public Lands given. Printed. 54 p. U.S. district courts, to fix the salaries of clerks of: Mount Desert National Park, Maine, to establish the: H.R. 8426. Apr. 10, 1918. Printed. Filed with S. H.R. 11935. May 30, 1918. Printed. Filed with S. 3079. 18 p. 4569.38 p.

66TH CONGRESS March 4, 1919-March 3,1921

Senate Committees Vivisection, to prohibit in the District of Columbia. Nov. 4,1919. Transcript. Sen 66A-FI2. 222 p. Appropriations Finance District of Columbia appropriation for fiscal year 1921 (argument of Theodore W. Noyes): H.R. Magnesite ores, to maintain the production of in the 13266. Apr. 5, 1920. Printed. 38 p. United States: H.R. 5218. Dec. 6, 1919-Jan. 13, District of Columbia appropriation for fiscal year 1920. Filed with H.R. 7456, 67th Congo Printed. 1921 (hearing of Joint Citizens' Committee of the 146 p. District of Columbia): H.R. 13266. Apr. 5, 1920. Revenue Act of 1918, to amend the: H.R. 14197 and Printed. 56 p. H.R. 14198. May 31, 1920. Filed with H.R. 14198. Printed. 30 p. District of Columbia Zinc ore: H.R. 6238. Nov. 17, 1919.Printed. 37 p. Bread prices in the District of Columbia, proposed inquiry into: S. Res. 358. May 24, 1920. Printed. Foreign Relations Sen 66A-F4. 61 p. Child labor in the District of Columbia: S. 3843. Apr. 30 and May 1 and 3,1920. Printed. 107 p. Armenia, maintenance of peace in: SJ. Res. 106. Department of Public Welfare, establishment of a in Sept. 27 and 30-0ct. 2 and 10, 1919. Printed. the District of Columbia: S. 4863. Jan. 17, 1921. 125 p. Printed. 38 p. Diplomatic and consular bill: H.R. 11960. Jan. District of Columbia government employees, increase 31-Feb. 3, 1920. Printed. 41 p. of pay for. Nov. 17, 1919. Transcript. Sen Germany, investigation relative to treaty of peace 66A-F4. 23 p. with: S. Res. 64. Printed. Pt. I,June 9, 1919, Police, increase of pay for in the District of Colum­ p. 5-26. Pt. 2, June 11, 1919, p. 27-58. bia. July 30, 1919. Transcript. Sen 66A-F4. 35 p. Germany, treaty of peace with signed at Versailles on Street railways in the District of Columbia, merger June 28, 1919. Sen 66A-F8. July 31-Sept. 3, of: S. 4973. Feb. 16, 1921. Printed. 55 p. 1919. Printed. 1,297 p. 66TH CONGRESS 27

Mexican affairs, to authorize the Foreign Relations U.S. Housing Corporation, investigation of: S. Res. Committee to investigate: S. Res. 106. Sen 210. Aug. 7, 1919. Transcript. Sen 66A-F20. 66A-F8. Sept. 8, 1919-May 19, 1920. Printed. 565 p. 3,551 p. Russian propaganda (investigation of the activities of House Committees C. A. K. Martens): .S. Res. 263. Pt. 4, Feb. 17, 1920-Pt.13,Mar. 22, 1920.p.139-504. Indian Affairs

Judiciary California, Indian tribes of: H.R. 12788. Mar. 23, 1920. Printed. Filed with S. 3998. 131 p. District of Columbia municipal court, to enlarge the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, to complete allot­ jurisdiction of: H.R. 10074. Feb. 9, 1921. Printed. ment of lands to the, etc.: H.R. 9924 and H.R. 71 p. 6461. Jan. 21-Mar. 22, 1920. Printed. Filed with Intoxicating beverages, to prohibit: H.R. 6810. June S. Res. 260, 67th Congo 431 p. 25,1919. Printed. Pt. 2, p. 101-192. Quapaw Indians of Oklahoma, to extend the trust Judicial Code and Penal Code, to amend the and to period on allotments of certain: H.R. 15780. Jan. prescribe rules of Federal court procedure in 22, 1921. Printed. Filed with S. 1894, 67th Congo common law cases: S. 3785, S. 4807, and S. 4808. 47 p. Jan. 18, 1921. Transcript. Filed with S. 2870, 67th Congo 17 p. Judiciary Marriage and divorce, to authorize uniform laws on: SJ. Res. 55. Apr. 23, 1920. Transcript. Sen 66A-FI2. 60 p. Congress and the electoral college, representation of the District of Columbia in (argument of T. W. Military Affairs Noyes): HJ. Res. 11 and HJ. Res. 32. Jan. 11 and 12, 1921. Printed. Filed with H.J. Res. 11. 56 p. War supplies and other Government property, disposi­ tion of: S. 3142. Nov. 8, 1919. Printed. Pt. 1,18 p. Naval Affairs Pensions Mitchell, Stanley, for the relief of: H.R. 11800. Feb. Pensions, revision and equalization of rates of: H.R. 17, 1920. Printed. Filed with S. 4228. lOp. 9369. Feb. 10, 1920. Printed. 25 p. Mitchell, Stanley, for the relief of: H.R. 13662. Apr. 19,1920. Printed. Filed with S. 4228.10 p. Post Offices and Post Roads War Claims Post Office appropriation bill: H.R. 11578. Jan. 28- Feb. 23, 1920. Printed. 363 p" Winters, Blanch, for the relief of: H.R. 6595. Feb. 16, 1921. Printed. Filed with S. 2024, 67th Congo Privileges and Elections 55 p.

Michigan senatorial election con test, 1918 (Henry Ways and Means Ford V. Truman Newberry): S. Res. 11. Jan. 15, 1920-Jan. 4, 1921. Printed. Sen 67A-F20. 270 p. Liquor, to privide for the safeguarding of in Govern­ Presidential campaign expenses, 1920, investigation ment warehQuses: H.R. 12682. Feb. 25-Dec. 17, of: S. Res. 357. June I-Sept. 9, 1920. Printed. Sen 1920. Printed. Filed with S. 2149, 67th Congo 66A-FI9. p. 559-2094. 56 p. Magnesite, to maintain the production of in the Public Buildin~ and Grounds United States: H.R. 5218. June 16-17, 1919. Printed. Filed with H.R. 7456, 67th Congo 212 p. Housing Corporation Act, repeal of: H.R. 7656. Jan. Zinc ore: H.R. 1246. June 18, 1919. Printed. Filed 12,1920.80 p. with H.R. 6238. 31 p. 28 HEARINGS

Joint Committees Senate Education and House Education and Labor Library Botanic Garden, to increase the area of the in Education bill (establishment of a Department of Washington, D.C., and to direct the District of Education): S. 1017 and H.R. 7. July 10, 11,and Columbia Committee to report plans for the: S. 22,1919. Printed. Filed in RG 46, S. 1017. 162 p. 497 and S. Res. 165. May 21,1920. Printed. Filed Women's Bureau, to establish a: S. 4002, H.R. 1134, in Sen 68A-FI3. Pt. 2, p. 59-102, flled with S. and H.R. 12679. Mar. 5, 1920. Printed. Filed in 497. RG 46, S. 4002. 88 p. Senate Agriculture and Forestry and House Agriculture Livestock production, stimulation of: S. 2199 and S. 2202. Sept. 25, 1919. Printed. Filed with bills in RG 46.31 p.

67TH CONGRESS March 4, 1921-March 3, 1923

Senate Committees D~trict of Columbia Agriculture and Forestry Alley dwellings in the District of Columbia, to Farm products, to provide for the purchase and sale provide for constructing safe dwellings to be leased of: S. 4050. Nov. 28-Dec. 12, 1922. Transcript. to persons living in: S. 2675. Feb. 21 and 24, 158 p. 1922. Printed. Sen 73A-F6. 54 p. Board of Accountancy, to create for the District of Farm products, to provide for the purchase of in the Columbia: S. 2531. Jan. 24, 1922. Printed. 42 p. United States to sell in foreign countries: S. 1915. Congressional representation for the District of Co­ June 20-25,1921. Transcript. 152 p. lumbia: SJ. Res. 133. Jan. 12, 1922. Printed. Foreign markets, to enlarge for agricultural products: 43 p. S. 4132. Jan. 16, 1923. Transcript. 85 p. Freight traffic, to provide additional terminal facili­ Sugar imported from the Argentine Republic, to ties for in the District of Columbia: H.R. 6650. authorize the adjustment of a transaction relating Jan. 16, 1923. Printed. 18 p. to by the U.S. Sugar Equalization Board: SJ. Res. Insurance laws of the District of Columbia, to amend 91 and S.J. Res. 172. Dec. 5, 1922-Jan. 12,1923. the: S. 4203. Jan. 11,1923. Printed. 23 p. Printed. 23 p. Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia, to Wheat, to promote the price of: S. 4478. Feb. 8, amend the classification of patrol drivers in the: S. 1923. Transcript. 34 p. 3252. May 3, 1922. Printed. 5 p. Prostitution, to repress in the District of Colum- bia: S.1616.0ct.13-20, 1921.Printed.48p. Appropriations Public school building program in the District of Veterans Bureau hospital appropriations: H.R. Columbia. May 5-13,1921. Sen 67A-F6. Printed. 11547. May 6, 1922. Transcript. Filed with H.R. 112 p. 13615.21 p. Rent situation in the District of Columbia (extension of the Ball Rent Act). May 25-June 3,1921. Sen 67A-F6. Printed. 187 p. Qaims Rittenhouse Street, District of Columbia, to extend: S. 3222. May 3, 1922. Printed. lOp. International Arms & Fuse Co., claims of the: S. Street railways in the District of Columbia, to 3836. Jan. 22, 1923. Printed. Filed with S. 1171, authorize the merger of: S. 3296. Mar. 20, 1922. 73d Congo 12 p. Printed. 43 p. 67TH CONGRESS 29

Suffrage in the District of Columbia, to provide for: Irrigation and Reclamation S. 14, S. 417, and SJ. Res. 133. Nov. 8, 1921-Jan. 13,1922. Printed. Filed with S. 14.304 p. Columbia Basin Irrigation Commission. for the crea­ Teachers' pay in the District of Columbia, to in­ tion of a: S. 3745. July 10, 1922. Printed. 19 p. crease: S. 3136. Apr. 3, 1922. Printed. 53 p. Cooperative Reclamation Act: S. 536. May 2-June 3, Terminal facilities in the District of Columbia, to 1921. Printed. 130 p. provide additional for freight traffic: S. 1805. May Yellowstone River, Mont., to erect and maintain a 10, 1922. Transcript. 31 p. dam across the: S. 274. Feb. 15, 1922. Printed. Tubercular children, to establish a school for in the 38 p. • District of Columbia: S. 3278 and S. 3322. Mar. 27,1922. Printed. 18 p. Washington Rapid Transit Co., to incorporate the: S. Judiciary 3681. Dec. 20, 1922. Printed. 25 p. Workmen's compensation act for the District of Industrial Home for Women, to establish an at Mount Columbia: H.R. 10034. Feb. 22, 1923. Printed. Weather, Va.: S. 4452. Feb. 3, 1923. Printed. 83 p. 25 p. Judicial Code and Penal Code, to amend the and to prescribe procedure for Federal courts in common Finance law: S. 1011, S. 1012, S. 1546, S. 2610, and S. Alien property, to authorize the Secretary of the 2870. Feb. 20, 1922. Transcript. Filed with S. Treasury to collect and refund taxes out of the 2870.35 p. proceeds of sales of: S. 4318. Jan. 25, 1923. Printed. 23 p. Military Affairs Customs Service, to provide for the reorganization of: S. 4245. Jan. 10,1923. Printed. 7 p. Germany, to provide credit to for purchases of Army officers, for the promotion of certain retired: foodstuffs and raw materials in the United States: S. 3192. Apr. 28, 1922. Printed. 6 p. S. 4243. Jan. 30, 1923. Transcript. 55 p. Disabled emergency officers of the World War, to Obligations of foreign governments to the United make eligible for retirement: S. 1565. May 27, States, to enable the refunding of: S. 2135. June 1921. Printed. Filed with S. 3027, 69th Congo 29-July 15,1921. Transcript. 147 p. Printed. 31 p. 45 p. Soldiers' adjusted compensation, to provide for veter­ Whipps, W.O., for the relief of: S. 3364. Apr. 28, ans of the World War: H.R. 10874. May 19-29, 1922. Transcript. Filed with S. 2530, 70th Congo 1922. Transcript. 95 p. 13 p. Tariff Act of 1921 (free list): H.R. 7456. 1921. Printed. Sen 67A-F8. p. 4367-5059. Naval Affairs Tariff Act of 1921 (sugar and molasses schedules): H.R. 7456. 1921. Printed. p. 2173-2417. Veterans' Bureau, to establish a in the Treasury Naval Establishment omnibus legislative bill: H.R. Department: H.R. 6611. July 5-7, 1921. Printed. 7864. Jan. 15,1923. Printed. Filed with S. 2476, 63 p. 68th Congo 67 p. Veterans of the World War, to provide adjusted compensation for (soldiers' bonus): S. 506. June Patents 2,1921. Printed. 21 p. Garabed free energy generator: SJ. Res. 71. Feb. 23, 1923. Printed. 36 p.

Indian Affairs Pensions

Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan, to author­ Pensions, to grant increase of to certain soldiers of ize payment to the of certain claims: S.J. Res. the Civil and Mexican Wars: S. 3275. Mar. 30, 141. Mar. 2,1922. Transcript. 3 p. 1922. Transcript. 30 p. 30 HEARINGS

Post Offices and Post Roads Interstate and Foreign Commerce

Post Office appropriation bill for fiscal year 1923: Alien property bill (to amend the Trading With the H.R. 9859. Feb. 6,7, and 23 and Mar. 2,3,6, and Enemy Act): H.R. 13496. Jan. 5 and 8, 1923. Y, 1922. Printed. 274 p. Printed. Filed with S. 4318.139 p. Anthrax, to prohibit the interstate sale of certain articles contaminated with: H.R. 7156. Dec. 20, Privileges and Elections 1921-Feb. 7, 1922. Printed. 31 p. Judiciary Michigan senatorial election contest, 1918 (Henry Ford v. Truman Newberry): pursuant to S. Res. Industrial Home for Women, to establish an at Mount II, 66th Congo Aug. 5-9, 1921. Transcript. Sen Weather, Va.: H.R. 13927. Jan. 23, 1923. Printed. 67 A-F20. 80 p. Executive session. Filed with S. 4452. 18 p. Lighthouses for the Blind, to incorporate: H.R. 2910. House Committees May 3, 1921. Printed. Filed with S. 1944. 34 p. Military Affairs Agriculture Army officers, for the promotion of certain now on Coates, L. R., for the relief of (claim against the U.S. the retired list: H.R. 10349. Apr. 26·June 22, Department of Agriculture): H.R. 13938. Feb. 1, 1922. Printed. Filed with S. 3192. 17 p. 2, and 16, 1923. Printed. Filed with S. 1916, 69th Civil War Volunteer Officers Retired List, to create a Congo 14 p. roll known as in the War and Navy Departments: Lamborn & Co., to authorize the United States to H.R. 4097. Jan. 5, 1922. Printed. Filed with S. take over 2,000 tons of sugar from: H.J. Res. 284. 3626.26 p. Apr. 17, 1922. Printed. Sen 67 A-Fl. 54 p. Hardman, Herbert W., for the appointment of as captain in the U.S. Army: H.R. 6130. May 23, 1921. Printed. Filed with S. 1880. 11 p. Banking and Currency Mines and Mining Farm products, to fmance the export of (amend the act of AprilS, 1918, to provide for national To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to buy security): H.R. 13268. Jan. 22, 1923. Transcript. lands for use of the Government fuel yards: H.R. Sen 67 A-F3. 29 p. 3721. Feb. 2-28,1922. Printed. Sen 69A-F7. 93 p.

District of Columbia Naval Affairs

Foud control and District of Columbia Rents Act: S. Naval Establishment, to provide for sundry matters 2919. Apr. 27-May 2,1922. Printed. Filed with S. affecting the: H.R. 7864. Feb. 1, 1923. Printed. 2919. 139p. Filed with S. 2476, 68th Congo 96 p.

Indian Affairs Ways and Means

Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., to fix the extent Liberia, to authorize a credit with the United States of certain water rights of the: S. 4061. Feb. 13, for the Government of: H.J. Res. 270. Mar. 1923. Transcript. Filed with S. 4061. 11 p. 22-Apr. 19, 1922. 156 p. Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, to defray certain claims against the: H.R. 6872. Jan. 12-Feb. 2, Joint Committees 1922. Printed. Filed with S. Res. 260. 130 p. Folsom, Israel, for the relief of heirs of (claims District of Columbia against the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma): H.R. 7546. Apr. 8 and Sept. 12, 1922. Printed. Filed Schools and playgrounds in the District of Columbia. with S. 2741, 68th Congo 31 p. Dec. 16, 1921-Feb. 17, 1922. Sen 67A-F6. 169 p. 68TH CONGRESS 31

68TH CONGRESS March 4, 1923-March 3, 1925

Senate Committees Interstate Commerce

Claims Railroad passenger and employee safety, to promote: Jenkins, James F., to authorize the payment of S. 1499. Mar. 21,1924. Printed. Filed with S. 951, $26,332.20 to: S. 1633. Feb. 10, 1925. Tran­ 69th Congo 8 p. script. 13 p. Near East Relief, Inc., to cancel the claim of the War Irrigation and Reclamation Department against: S. 87. Jan. 24, 1924. Printed. Filed with S. 1752, 69th Congo lOp. Irrigation projects, development of. Mar. 11 and 21, Philadelphia, Pa., claim of the city of: S. 2127. Apr. 1924. Printed. Sen 68A-Fll. 54 p. 9, 1924. Printed. Filed with S. 3819, 71st Congo Irrigation projects, to provide for aided and directed 11 p. settlement on Government land in: S. 3779. Jan. District of Columbia 17,24, and 27, 1925. Printed. 130 p. Lower Colorado River Basin (Boulder Canyon proj­ Alley dwellings in the District of Columbia. Jan. 25, ect), to provide for the protection and develop­ 1924. Transcript. Sen 68A-F6. 58 p. ment of the: S. 727. Jan. 23, 1925. Printed. Pt. 2. Board of Welfare in the District of Columbia, to Filed with H.R. 5773, 70th Congo p. 223-320. establish a: S. 3017. Jan. 10, 1925. Printed. 70 p. Nebraska, to provide for the irrigation of certain land Buslines in D.C., to grant franchises to. Feb. 24, 1925. Printed. Sen 68A-F6. 18 p. in the State of: S. 4057. Feb. 2 and 7, 1925. Cooperative hotel for Government women employees Printed. 53 p. Reclamation projects, to extend the period of pay­ in the District of Columbia. Apr. 25, 1924. Printed. Sen 68A-F6. 14 p. ment under: S. 3186. May 1, 1924. Printed. 32p. Gasoline tax in the District of Columbia, to provide a: H.R. 655. Feb. 23 and 26 and Mar. 8, 1924. Judiciary Printed. 76 p. Medical and dental regulation in the District of Arbitration of interstate commercial disputes: S. Columbia: S. 1785, S. 1027, and S. 1783. Apr. 8, 1005 and H.R. 646. Jan. 9,1924. Printed. 41 p. 1924. Transcript. Sen 68A-F6. 14 p. Indiana, to create two judicial districts within the Streetcar fares in the District of Columbia, to State of: H.R. 62. Mar. 20and 21, 1924. Printed. prohibit excessive: S. 393. Jan.21-May 26, 1924. 156 p. Printed. 515 p. Muscle Shoals hydroelectric system, editorial in the Traffic conditions in the District of Columbia. Dec. Washington Herald relative to Senator Oscar Un­ 15, 16, and 17, 1924, and Jan. 5, 1925. Printed. derwood and the. Dec. 18, 1924. Transcript. Sen Sen 68A-F6. 137 p. 68A-F 12. 104 p. Traffic conditions in the District of Columbia, to Naturalization petitions, to relieve U.S. district judges provide for investigation of: S. Res. 419. Nov. from signing an order admitting, denying, or 5-Dec. 20, 1923. Printed. Sen 67 A-F6. 372 p. dismissing: S. 2178. Mar. 25, 1924. Transcript. Transportation lines merger in the District of Co­ 4 p. lumbia: S. 3763. Jan. 23, 1925. Transcript. 69 p. Probation system in the U.S. courts, to provide a: S. Woman's Bureau in the Police Department of the 1042 and S. 1729. Feb. 41,1924. Printed. 36 p. District of Columbia, to establish a: S. 4308. Feb. Supreme Court, to give the authority to make and 20, 1925. Printed. 41 p. publish rules in common law actions: S. 2060 and S. 2061. Feb. 2, 1924. Printed. 82 p. Indian Affairs Osage Indians of Oklahoma trust funds, to remove Library restrictions on: S. 2065 and S. 2933. Mar. 28 and 29, Apr. 1, and May 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, and 21, Arlington National Cemetery, Va., to authorize the 1924. Printed. Filed with S. 2482, 74th Congo 2 restoration of the Lee Mansion in the: H.J. Res. pts. 422 p. 264. May 28, 1924. Printed. 7 p. 32 HEARINGS

Negro soldiers and sailors, to create a commission to Watson, Robert A., claim of: H.J. Res. 321 and S.l. secure plans and designs for and to erect a Res. 49. Jan. 6 and 22, 1925. Printed. Filed with monument or memorial building in Washington to S. 2471, 76th Congo 27 p. the memory of the: H.J. Res. 245. May 28,1924. Printed. lOp. Indian Affairs

Privileges and Elections Pueblo Indian land grants, to quiet the title for lands within, and for other purposes: S. 2932. May 19, Texas senatorial election contest, 1922. May 8, 9, 12, 1924. Transcript. p. 17-23. 13, and 14,1924. Transcript. Sen 68A-FI8. 377 p. Washington, Indians of the State of, to authorize to submit certain claims to the Court of Claims: H.R. Territories and Insular Possessions 2694. Feb. 2, 1924. Printed. Filed with S. 1223. 72 p. Philippine Islands, to provide for the withdrawal of Judiciary the United States from the: S. 912. Feb. 11 and 16 and Mar. 1 and 3, 1924. Printed. Sen 68A-F20. Ada, Okla., to provide for holding a term of court at: 119 p. H.R. 714. Jan. 22, 1924. Printed. Filed with H.R. Puerto Rico, the civil government of: S. 2448, S. 64.11 p. 2571, S. 2572, and S. 2573. Feb. 16 and 25 and Court of Appeals and Supreme Court of the District Mar. 7, 1924. Printed. 85 p. of Columbia, U.S. Court of Claims, and U.S. Court Virgin Islands, to provide a civil government for the: of Customs Appeals, to fix the salaries of officers S. 2786. Mar. 15, 1924. Printed. 23 p. and employees of the: H.R. 8210. Apr. 23, 1924. Printed. Filed with S. 3103. 27 p. Select Committee on Investigation Eighth circuit, additional judges for the: H.R. 661. of the Veterans Bureau Jan. 23, 1924. Printed. Filed with S. 99. 12 p. National Police Bureau and a Bureau of Criminal Hearings: pursuant to S. Res. 466, 67th Cong., and S. Identification, to create a: H.R. 8580 and H.R. Res. 243, 68th Congo Oct. 22-Dec. 5, 1923. 8409. Apr. 17 and 24, 1924. Printed. Filed with S. Transcript. Sen 68A-F22. 3,869 p. 1883, 69th Congo 81 p. Pawhuska, Bartlesville, and Pauls Valley, Okla., to Select Committee on National provide for holding terms of U.S. courts at: H.R. Campaign Expenditures 64 and H.R. 162. March 3,1924. Printed. 11 p.

National campaign expenditures: pursuant to S. Res. Merchant Marine and Fisheries 248. Oct. 16-18 and Dec. 16, 1924. Transcript. Sen 68A-F21. p. 1-245 and 1350-1372. Radio communications, to regulate (testimony of David Sarnoff): H.R. 7357. Mar. 13, 1924. Special Committee To Investigate the Printed. Filed with S. 2600. 44 p. Bureau of Internal Revenue Military Affairs Bureau of Internal Revenue, investigation of the: pursuant to S. Res. 168. Nov. 20-28, 1924. Relief and restoration (hearings on various bills of a Printed. p. 575-742. Dec. 31, 1924-Feb. 25,1925. private nature): H.R. 204, H.R. 5465, H.R. 4679, Transcript. p. 1399-3499. Sen 69A-F26. H.R. 5142, H.R. 5085, H.R. 6554, H.R. 5084, and S. 1199. Feb. IS-Mar. 13, 1924. Printed. Filed House Committees with S. 1024, 69th Congo 130 p.

Agriculture Patents

Dairy Bureau, to establish a in the Department of "Garabed" -a means of utilizing free energy: H.J. Agriculture: H.R. 7113. Feb. 13, 1924. Printed. Res. 190. Apr. 11 and 15, 1924. Printed. Sen. 16 p. 68A-FI6. 53 p. 69TH CONGRESS 33

War Claims Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Government Brennan, Leslie W., for the relief of: S. 2552, Feb. 5, 1925. Printed. 14 p. Turner Construction Co., for the relief of: H.R. 7562. Execu tive departments, reorganization of (Emergency Feb. 5, 1925. Printed. Filed with S. 3050. 24 p. Fleet Corporation and u.s. Shipping Board): Joint Committees pursuant to SJ. Res. 282, 67th Congo Apr. 8, 1924. Printed. RG 128 (Senate). p. 787-834. Judiciary Railroad ticket scalping, to amend the Clayton Act to make a crime: S. 2408. May 15, 1924. Printed. Filed with S. 717, 69th Congo 48 p.

69TH CONGRESS March 4, 1925-March 3, 1927

Senate Committees McKinley High School, District of Columbia, heating plant (location): S. 4905. Jan. 19,1927. Printed. Appropriations 25 p. Medicine and midwifery in the District of Columbia, Deficiency appropriations for fiscal year 1927 to amend the law regulating the practice of: S. (Botanic Garden, State and Agriculture Depart­ 4441. Jan. 5,1927. Printed. 19 p. ments, and Army Department housing): H.R. Public Utilities Commission in the District of Col urn­ 17291. Feb. 28, 1927. Printed. Filed with H.R. bia, to alter the personnel of: H.R. 11119. May 13873, 70th Congo 26 p. 26, 1926. Printed. 17 p. Interior Department appropriation for fiscal year Public Utilities Commission in the District of Colum­ 1927: H.R. 6707. Mar. 1, 1926. Printed. Filed bia, to regulate: S. 3403. Apr. 14, 1926. Printed. with S. 3425, 69th Congo 179 p. 25 p. Reno Subdivision in the District of Columbia, to District of Columbia acquire the: S. 1719. June 2, 1926. Printed. 26p. Board of Mothers' Assistance, to establish a to aid Rittenhouse and Quackenbos Streets in the District destitute mothers and to provide home care for of Columbia, to extend: S. 1116 and S. 3211. Feb. dependen t children in the District of Columbia: S. 4, 1927. Printed. Filed with S. 1116. 13 p. 120 and S. 1929. Jan. 11 and 21, 1926. Printed. Schoolteachers retirement system in the District of 92 p. Columbia, to increase annuities: S. 4297. May 21, Coal price situation in the District of Columbia, 1926. Printed. 15 p. investigation of the. Jan. 22-30, Mar. 26, and June Traffic control in the District of Columbia, to 28-30, 1926. Printed. Sen 69A-F7. 394 p. regulate: H.R. 3802. Mar. 22,29, and 31 and Apr. Dogs, to prohibit experiments upon in the District of 3, 1926. Printed. 68 p. Columbia or in any of the territorial or insular Woman's Bureau in the Police Department of the possessions of the United States: S. 2957. May 4, District of Columbia, to establish a: S. 1750. June 5, and 6, 1926. Printed. 155 p. 8, 1926. Printed. 48 p. Farmers' Produce Market in the District of Columbia, to authorize the acquisition of a site for the: H.R. 15668. Jan. 25, 26, and 27, 1927. Printed. 161 p. Immigration Fourteenth Street extension in the District of Colum­ bia: S. 2477. Mar. 17,1926. Printed. 28 p. Insurance law codification in the District of Colum­ Immigrants, to admit certain relatives of by amending bia: s. 2983. Mar. 2, 3, 4, and 6, 1926. Transcript. the Immigration Act of 1924: S. 2245. Mar. 18, 166 p. 1926. Printed. 80 p. 34 HEARINGS

Indian Affairs Patents

Indians of the United States, to provide for a general Patents, to extend the time limit on for paten tces survey of the condition of the: S. Res. 341. Feb. who served in the World War: S. 4480. Dec. 7, 23, 1927. Printed. Filed with S. Res. 79, 70th 1926. Transcript. 76 p. Congo 101 p. Privileges and Elections Irrigation and Reclamation Iowa senatorial election contest, 1924. Jan. 26, 27, Boulder Canyon reclamation project: S. 3331 (?). and 28, 1926. Transcript. Sen 69A·F23. 177 p. Nov. 2, 1925. Printed. 62 p. Columbia River Basin, to authorize allocation of House Committees waters of the: S. 2663. Feb. 2, 1926. Printed. 32 p. District of Columbia North Platte River, to provide for the storage for diversion of the waters of the: S. 1893. Feb. 26, Public library facilities for the District of Columbia, 1926. Printed. 36 p. to authorize the expansion of. Dec. 13, 1926. Verde River Irrigation and Power District, application Printed. Filed with S. 4754, 70th Congo 27 p. of the for the use of the powersites on the Verde River, Ariz. Nov. 27 and 28, 1925. Printed. Filed Education with S. 3342. 297 p. Verde River Irrigation and Power District, Ariz., to American Printing House for the Blind, to increase correct title of the: S. 3342. Apr. 15, 1926. the amount of aid provided for the: H.R. 13453. Printed. 88 p. Dec. 15, 1926. Printed. Filed with H.R. 10635, 70th Congo 22 p. Judiciary Immigration and Naturalization

Employer's Liability Act, to amend the to prohibit Alien seamen who desert, to provide for the deporta· bringing personal injury suits against railroads in tion of: S. 3574. F~b. 23,1927. Printed. 19 p. States other than that where the accident hap­ Indian Affairs pened or where the person injured was living at the time of the accident: S. 1162 and S. 1999. Jan. Patents in fee simple to Indians for allotments held in 30, 1926. Transcript. Pt. 1. 72 p. trust by the United States, cancellation of: S. U.S. Court of Customs Appeals, to change the title of 2714. Jan. 27,1927. Transcript. 10 p. the to the U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Uintah and White River Tribes of Ute Indians, Utah, Appeals and to change the determination of for the relief of the: S. 1924. No date is given. appeals in patent and trademark cases from the Transcript (partial). Filed with S. 709, 70th Congo District of Columbia Court of Appeals to the U.S. 18 p. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals: H.R. 16222. Feb. 23-24, 1927. Transcript. 31 p. Insular Affairs U.S. judges, to increase the salaries of: H.R. 7907. Jan. 19, 1926. Printed. Filed with S. 2858, 69th Virgin Islands: H.R. 10865. Dec. 20, 1926. Printed. Congo 122 p. Located in files of Senate Special Committee To Investigate Petroleum Resources, 79th Congo 39 p. Military Affairs Irrigation and Reclamation Detail of officers in the Army, to regulate the: S. Boulder Dam reclamation project (to provide for the 3398. Mar. 26, 1926. Printed. 9 p. protection and development of the Lower Colo· Musician's Bureau, to establish a for Army bands: S. rado River Basin): H.R. 6251 and H.R. 9826. Feb. 2337. Jan. 20, 1926. Printed. Filed with S. 666, 5 and Mar. 3, 10, and 19, 1926. Printed. Filed 70th Congo 32 p. with S. 3331. 312 p. 69TH CONGRESS 35

Pecos River-Red Bluff Reservoir (Texas and New Public Buildings and Grounds Mexico reclamation project): H.R. 3268. Jan. 11 and 26 and Feb. 8, 1926. Printed. III p. Murray, Charles, to authorize the Secretary of the Water-right charges, to adjust, to grant certain other Treasury to reconvey title to certain lots in the relief on Federal irrigation .projects, and for other town of DeFuniak Springs, Fla., to: S. 1415. Apr. purposes: H.R. 9880 and H.R. 10429. Mar. 6,8,9, 14, 1926. Transcript. 5 p. and 10, 1926. Printed. Filed with H.R. 10429. 320 p. Ways and Means

Judiciary Customs building in the city of New York, to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to enter Mail fraud, to provide for trial of persons accused of into a lease for a: H.R. 16510. Jan. 22, 1927. at the point of origin of the mail (amend sec. 215 Printed. Filed with S. 5339. 31 p. of the Criminal Code): H.R. 16256, H.R. 15912, and H.R. 14243. Jan. 20, 1927. Printed. Filed Joint Committees with S. 5144. 21 p. New York and the United States, to correct the Civil Service account between growing out of a New York claim against the United States from the War of 1812: Civil Service Retirement Act: S. 786 and H.R. 7. H.J. Res. 207. Mar. 21, 1926. Printed. Filed with Jan. 14-16,1926. Printed. RG 128 (House). 251 p. H.1. Res. 59. 13 p. Railroad ticket scalping (to amend the Clayton Act): Irrigation and Reclamation H.R. 5582. Jan. 14 and 21, 1927. Printed. Filed with S. 717. 60 p. Witnesses and jurors in the U.S. courts, to increase Klamath Irrigation District suit against the United fees of: H.R. 70, H.R. 120, H.R. 5216, H.R. 5817, States and the California Oregon Power Co., to H.R. 6092, and H.R. 8384. Feb. 5, 1926. Printed. confer jurisdiction on the U.S. District Court for Filed with H.R. 120. 26 p. Oregon or the U.S. Court of Claims to hear the: S. ' 3189 and H.R. 9493. Apr. 30, 1926. Printed. Filed with S. 3189.170 p. Military Affairs

Library Aqueduct Bridge, removal of: S. 5332. Feb. 16, 1927. Printed. Filed with S. 1600, 71st Congo Clark, George Rogers, memorial to in Vincennes, 30 p. Ind., to provide for U.S. participation in a: S.1. Official records of the World War (to direct and Res. 139 and H.J. Res. 307. Jan. 18, 1927. Printed. provide for the arrangement and publication of the Sen 59A-FI6. 65 p. official records and maps relating to the partici­ pation of the United States in the World War): Post Office and Post Roads H.J. Res. 314. Mar. 4, 1926. Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. 160.10 p. Postal rates: pursuant-to section 217 of the act of World War rank for retired officers: S. 3878. Feb. 17, Feb. 28, 1925. July 20, 1925-Apr. 21, 1926. 1927. Printed. Filed with S. 414, 71st Congo 58 p. Printed. RG 128 (Ho.use). 1,719 p. 36 HEARINGS

70TH CONGRESS March 4, 1927-March 3,1929

Senate Committees Workmen's accident compensation in the District of Columbia: S. 1653 and S. 2025. Pt. 1. Feb. 7, Claims 1928. Printed. Filed with S. 2025.46 p.

Aberdeen Proving Ground, to compensate the former Immigration owners of: S. 1640. May 2, 1928. Printed. 26 p. Nonquota immigrants, to provide for the admission District of Columbia of certain alien wives and children of U.s. citizens as: S. 2271. Feb. 6, 1928. Printed. Filed with S. Board of Education in the District of Columbia, to 3788, 71st Congo 29 p. provide for an elective: S. 2641. Apr. 10, 1928. Transcript. 43 p. Child labor law in the District of Columbia, to Irrigation and Reclamation improve: H.R. 6685. Apr. 17, 1928. Transcript. 26 p. Columbia Basin reclamation project in Washington, to Condemnation of land in the District of Columbia for adopt as a Federal project: S. 1462. Jan. 11 and the use of the United States, to provide for: S. 13,1928. Printed. 167 p. 4319. May 8, 1928. Transcript. 48 p. Rural communities in the South, to authorize the Electric power or park development on the Potomac creation of organized to demonstrate methods of River: S. 1280 and S. 1749. Feb. 15, 1928. reclamation and benefits of planned rural develop­ Printed. Filed with S. 1280. 55 p. ment: S. 2015. Jan. 27,1928. Printed. 46 p. Farmers' Produce Market in the District of Columbia, to authorize the acquisition of a site for the: H.R. Judiciary 8298, S. 2721, S. 3051, S. 3169, and S. 3304. Mar. 20 and 21,1928. Printed. Filed with S. 2721. Nevada and the United States, to reopen and resettle III p. the account between and to reimburse Nevada for Fire and Police Departments of the District of money spent in the common defense in the Civil Columbia, to increase the pay of officers and War: SJ. Res. 41. Jan. 25, 1928. Printed. Filed members of the, and to make the pay of the U.S. with H.R. 17223, 70th Congo 31 p. Park Police the same as the Metropolitan Police: S. 1282, S. 1628, and S. 2852. Feb. 1, 1928. Transcript. Filed with S. 1282. 21 p. Patents Garbage and refuse disposal in the District of Colum­ bia: S. 1906 and S. 2973. Mar. 7, 1928. Tran­ Patent Office, to prevent fraud in practice before the: script. Filed with S. 1906. 92 p. H.R. 5527. May 3 and 4, 1928. Printed. Sen Healing a..rt in the District of Columbia, to regulate 70A-F16. 66 p. the practice of the: S. 3107. Feb. 29, 1928. Printed. 69 p. Privileges and Elections Insurance law code for the District of Columbia, to provide an: S. 3709 and H.R. 10147. Apr. 5,6, Pennsylvania contested election for U.S. Senator, and 7, 1928. Printed. Filed with S. 3709. 120 p. November 2, 1926. May 29-0ct. 13, 1928. Tran­ Street railway corporations operating in the District script. Sen 70A-F20. 3,041 p. (the first 145 pages of Columbia, to authorize the merger of: SJ. Res. are missing). 133. Jan. 31,1929. Printed. 121 p. Street railways, merger of in the District of Columbia. Territories and Insular Possessions Dec. 15, 1928. Transcript. Sen 70A-F6. 25 p. Woman's Bureau in the Metropolitan Police Depart­ Puerto Rican taxpayers, for the relief of (sugar sales ment of the District of Columbia, to establish a: S. tax): S. 754. Printed. Dec. 6, 1927, Jan. 6, 7, and 1907. Jan. 31, 1928. Transcript. 28 p. 12,1928.180 p. - 70TH CONGRESS 37

Puerto Rico, for the relief of (loans to farmers who Stolen property, sending and receipt of in interstate suffered losses from a 1928 hurricane): SJ. Res. and foreign commerce: H.R. 10287. Apr. 34. 172 (and H.1. Res. 333). Dec. 10 and 11,1928. 1928. Printed. Filed with S. 1099, 71 st Congo Printed. 97 p. 83 p. Samoa, to provide for a joint committee of Congress to investigate conditions in: S. Con. Res. 2. Jan. Library 17,20, and 21, 1928. Printed. 105 p. Awards for distinguished work in science and conspic· HOllse Committees uous service: H.R. 24 and H.R. 13036. May 8, 1928. Printed. Filed with H.R. 12922, 71st Congo District of Columbia 39 p.

Food distributing district of the District of Columbia, Military Affairs to create a commission to report on the relocation of the: H.R. 13590. May 17, 1928. Printed. Filed Miller, Robert W., for the relief of: H.R. 8751. Mar. with S. 4271. 20 p. 31, 1928. Printed. Filed with S. 48, 72d Congo 21 p. Immigration and Naturalization Patents College professors, to facilitate the immigration of into the United States (amend the Immigration Act of 1924): S. 2450 and H.R. 9284. May 9, Time limits of patents issued to persons who served in 1928. Printed. Filed with S. 4271.20 p. the military forces of the United States during the Salaries in the Immigration Service: Jan. 10-26, 1928. World War, to extend: H.R. 10435. Mar. 23 and Printed. Filed with S. 1126, 71 st Congo 87 p. Apr. 13,1928. Printed. Sen 70A-FI6. 49 p.

Interstate and Foreign Commerce Public Buildings and Grounds Land-grant railroads, relief for: H.R. 10162. Mar. 31, 1928. Printed. Filed with S. 4165, 72d Congo 36 p. Hearings on the following bills: H.R. 16608, to authorize the Secretary of Commerce to construct Judiciary a constant-frequency monitoring radio station for the purpose of regulating broadcasters; H .R. Amateur boxing, to allow and to regulate in the 17026, to grant Federal land in Savannah, Ga., to District of Columbia and/or Hawaii (amend sees. the city for streets; H.R. 16661, to increase the 320 and 321 of the Penal Code): H.R. 7736 and appropriation for paving the Federal strip known H.R. 7200. Jan. 13,1928. Printed. Filed with S. as International Street adjacent to Nogales, Ariz.; 1954.28 p. SJ. Res. 213, to extend the time in which the U.S. Constitution, to amend (to exclude aliens in deter­ Supreme Court Building Commission shall report mining the population of a State for purposes of to Congress; H.R. 11726, to authorize the con­ congressional representation): HJ. Res. 102 and struction of a memorial building at Champoeg, H.l. Res. 351. Feb. 13-18, 1929. Printed. Filed Oreg.; H.R. 15524, to develop the George Wash­ with SJ. Res. 4, 71st Congo 35 p. ington Memorial Parkway from Mount Vernon to Government contracts, to establish uniform require­ the Great Falls. Jan. 30 and Feb. 13 and 14,1929. ments for: H.R. 5767 and H.R. 15713. Mar. 27, Printed. Sen 70A-F6. 52 p. 1928, and Feb. 22, 1929. Printed. Filed with S. 1395, 72d Congo 206 p. War Claims Judicial power and the power of Congress in its relations to the U.S. courts (argument of Alfred P. Farmer's grain elevators, adjustment of claim due Thorn): H.R. 7759 and H.R. 8237. Apr. 17, 1928. from U.S. Grain Corporation: S.l. Res. 59. Feb. Printed. Filed with S. 2497, 71st Congo 50 p. 23-27, 1928. Printed. 62 p. 38 HEARINGS

New York, for the relief of the city of: S. 459. Apr. Sibley, Henry H., for the relief of the estate of: H.R. 12, 1928. Typescript. 40 p. Feb. 16, 1929. 8749. Feb. 8,1928. Printed. Filed with S. 8, 75th Printed. 75 p. Both hearings filed with S. 2219, Congo 32 p. 71st Congo

71ST CONGRESS March 4, 1929-March 3, 1931

Senate Committees Terrell, James F., claim of: H.R. 596. Feb. 24,1931. Transcript. 14 p. Agriculture and Forestry District of Columbia Agricultural Credit Corporation, organization of the: S. 5441. Jan. 26, 1931. Transcript. 9 p. Alley dwellings in the District of Columbia. to Chinese famine relief: SJ. Res. 148. Mar. 4, 1930. provide for the discontinuance of by enabling the I 2 p. Mar. 6, 1930. 70 p. Transcripts. U.S. Housing Corporation to buy up the property: Cotton exchanges, investigation of certain operations S. 4148. Apr. 23, 1930. Transcript. Sen 7IA-F6. on: SJ. Res. 195. June 25,1930. Transcript. 15 p. 22 p. Farmers and fruitgrowers in flood-stricken areas, B Street, NW., in the District of Columbia, to change relief for: SJ. Res. 13 and SJ. Res. 25. May 3, the name of to Constitution Avenue: H.J. Res. 1929. Transcript. Filed with SJ. Res. 25. 24 p. 404. Feb. 9,1931. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 9 p. Farmers in the flood· or drought-stricken areas, relief Barber shops, Sunday closing of in the District of to: SJ. Res. 234. Jan. 20, 1931. Transcript. 10 p. Columbia: S. 2212. Jan. 13, 1931. Printed. 36 p. Federal Farm Board, to establish a to aid in the Board of Education in the District of Columbia, orderly marketing and in control and disposition election of the: S. 579. May 2, 1930. Printed. of the surplus of farm commodities. Mar. 25 to 79 p. Apr. 6, 1929. Printed. Sen 71 A-F 1. 823 p. Bread prices in the District of Columbia: S. Res. 362. Federal Farm Loan Board, to abolish and transfer the Dec. 17, 1930. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 27 p. functions of to a Federal Farm Board: S. 2473. Casualty Hospital: S. 5122. Feb. 24, 1931. Tran­ Jan. 31, 1930. Transcript. 45 p. script. 23 p. Fruit fly, losses from: S. 6119. Feb. 14, 1931. Center Market: S. 3090. Mar. 7, 1930. Printed. 43 p. Transcript. 6 p. Code of law for the District of Columbia, to amend Homestead lands, to excuse certain persons from chapter 15 of the: S. 5867. Feb. 24, 1931. residence upon during 1929 and 1930 in the Transcript. 3 p. drought-stricken areas: S. 5439. Jan. 20, 1931. Commercial airport for the District of C;:olumbia, to Transcript. 4 p. establish a: S. 3901. Mar. 17 and 26, 1930. Mississippi River flood relief: S. 1142. May 28,1929. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 80 p. Transcript. 12 p. Corporation laws of the District of Columbia, to Superior National Forest in Minnesota: S. 2498. Mar. amend for the protection of minority stockholders 27, 1930. 15 p. Apr. 17, 1930. 51 p. TranSCripts. when a corporation is sold: S. 3492. Mar. 14, 1930. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 20 p. Appropriations Credit union and small loans: S. 4775 and S. 5629. Jan. 23, 1931. Printed. Filed with S. 4775. 74 p. U.S. courts, deficiency appropriation: H.J. Res. 283. Degree-<:onferring institutions in the District of Co­ Apr. 3, 1930. Printed. Filed with H.R. 7832, 71st lumbia: S. 5465. Jan. 20, 193 L Transcript. 4 p. Congo 16 p. Dogs, to prohibit experiments on living: S. 4497. June 6, 10, 11, and 12, 1930. Printed. 325 p. Claims Foreclosure of mortgages: S. 3489. Apr. 19, 1930. Printed. 65 p. Elias, G., and Bro., Inc., for the relief of: S_ 4334. Gallahan, Jennie, for the relief of: S. 934. Jan. 20, Feb. 17,1931. Transcript. 21 p. 1931. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 6 p. 71ST CONGRESS 39

Gas companies merger: S. 4066. Apr. 15, 1930. Police inefficiency charges in the District of Colum­ Printed. 35 p. bia, investigation of. Mar. 4, 1930. Transcript. Sen George Washington Memorial Parkway, to provide for 71A-F6. 142 p. the acquisition ar.d development of the: H.R. 26. Policemen and firemen in the District of Columbia, to Apr. 4, 1930. TranscripL Sen 11 A-F6. 17 p. increase the pay of: S. 2370 (?). Feb. 25, 1930. George Washington Memorial Parkway: H.R. 26. Mar. Transcript. Sen 71 A-F6. 86 p. 13 and 21,1930. Printed. 96 p. Prohibition enforcement in the District of Columbia: George Washington Memorial Parkway: H.R. 5740. S. 3344. Apr. 8 and 25 and May 1, 1930. Printed. Feb. 16, 1931. Transcript. 13 p. 128 p. Healing art, to amend the act fI~gulating the practice Public Utilities Act of the District of Columbia, of in the District of Columbia: H.R. 12169. Feb. amendmer.ts to the concerning court procedure: S. 16 and 24, 1931. Transcript. 49 p. 3558. Feb. 18, 1930. Printed. 71 p. May 1, 1930. Incompetent veterans in the District of Columbia, to Transcript. 5 p. provide for the appointment of guardians for and Public Utilities Act, to amend the: S. 5280. Jan 20, to provide for their admittance to Veterans Bureau 1931. Transcript. 68 p. hospitals: S. 2816. Apr. 11, 1930. TranSCript. Sen Public Utilities Commission, to give additional power 71A-F6. IS p. over contracts between District of Columbia Industrial insurance, regulation of: S. 1903. Dec. 10, streetcar companies and outside companies using 1930. Printed. 129 p. their facilities: SJ. Res. 105. Feb. 28 and Apr. 1 July 5, 1930, to declare a legal holiday ill the District and 18, 1930. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 3 pts. of Columbia: SJ. Res. 184. June 3, 1930. Tran­ 226p. script. Sen 71A-F6. 4 p. Real estate and finance corporations in the District of Land in the District of Columbia, acquisition of: S. Columbia, to investigate activities of in the sale of 5029. Dec. 17, 1930. Transcript. 22 p. mortgage bonds: S. Res. 5:::. July 17 and Dec. 4, Michigan Avenue grade crossing in the District of 10, and 16, 1930. Printed. Sen 71A-F6. 2 pts. Columbia, to eliminate the: S. 4211. Apr. 22, 230p. 1930. Transcript. Sen 71 A-F6. 3 p. Real estate brokers, to regulate and license: S. 3490. Municipal Center: S. 4180. Apr. 22, 1930. Printed. Apr. 19, 1930. Printed. 20 p. 38 p. Schoolchildren in the District of Columbia, to reduce Myers, Thomas F., for the relief of: S. 5321. Jan. 20, carfares of: H.R. 12571. June 3, 1930. Transcript. 1931. Transcript. 2 p. 39 p. Dec. 11, 1930. Printed. 59 p. Operators' licenses in the District of Columbia, to Schoolchildren, to reduce fares of on District of provide for the revocation and suspension of and Columbia street railways (streetcar merger plan): to require proof of ability to respond in damages SJ. Res. 105. Feb. 21 and Dec. 19, 1930. for injuries caused by automobiles, etc: H.R. TranSCript. Sen 71A-F6. 2 pts. 75 p. 4015. May 28, 1930. Transcript. Sen 71 A-F6. Securities, prevention of fraud in promotion or sale 73 p. of: S. 1332 ai1<1 S. 3491. Jan. 16 and 20, 1931. Outdoor signs and other exterior advertising in the Printed. Filed with S. 1332.97 p. District of Columbia, to regulate the display of: S. Streets in the District, to authorize the District of 4022. Feb. 9, 1931. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 11 p. Columbia Commissioners to close certain: S. 3339. Paving assessment in the District of Columbia: S. Mar. 14, 1930. Transcript. 8 p. 4962. Jan. 6, 1931. Prill ted. 59 p. Streets in the District of Columbia, closing of useless: Paving assessments ill the District of Columbia, to S. 5655. Jan. 23,1931. Transcript. 3 p. provide for: S. 4962. Jan. 20, 1931. Transcript. Taxic.:bs in the District. of Columbia, regulation of: S. 12 p. 3615. Apr. 15,1930. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. 3 p. Pipelines for petroleum and petroleum products, Taxicabs in the District of Columbia, regulation of: S. construction of: S. 5297. Jan. 23, 1931. Tran­ 3615. Apr. 29,1930. Printed. 73 p. script. 4 p. Tindall, William, to allow to remain in the service of Police and public officials in the District of Columbia, the government of the District of Columbia past investigation of illefficiency charges against: S. retirement age: S. 4244. Apr. 22, 1930. Tran­ Res. 127. Oct. 17, 1929. Transcript. Sen 71A-F6. script. 6 p. 11 p. 40 HEARINGS

Traffic Act of the District of Columbia, amendments Judiciary to the: S. 5249 {later replaced by H.R. 14922}. Jan. 9, 1931. Transcript. 60 p. Seminole Indian Nation, to authorize the to proceed Traffic Act of the District of Columbia, to amend in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of the: H.R. 14922. Feb. 9, 1931. Transcript. 7 p. Oklahoma: S. 1224. May 28, 1929. Transcript. Traffic regulation in the District of Columbia. Oct. 4, Filed with S. 3041, 71st Congo 15 p. and 11, 1929. Transcript. Sen 71 A-F6. 2 pts. 75 p. Weapons sales in the District of Columbia, regulation of (dangerous weapons bill): H.R. 9641. June 6, Patents 1930. Transcript. 65 p. . Copyright law, general revision of the: H.R. 12549. Finance Jan. 28 and 29, 1931. Printed. 334 p. Copyright registration of designs: H.R. 11852. Jan. 8, Tariff Act of 1929: H.R. 2667 (Vol. XVIII, Foreign 1931. Transcript. p. 243-522. Communications). No date is given. Printed. 255 p. Infringement of patents, suits for: S. 4442. May 14, 1930. Transcript. 260 p. Immigration Patent Office, prevention of fraud in practice before the: H.R. 699. Apr. 30, 1930. Transcript. 31 p. Aliens convicted of violation of narcotic law, to provide for deportation of: H.R. 3394. Jan. 13, Privileges and Elections 1931. Transcript. 31 p. Immigration into the United States, suspension for 2 Investigation of the appointment of Senator Joseph years of general: SJ. Res. 207. Dec. 15, 16, and R. Grundy of Pennsylvania. Jan. 29, 1930. Tran­ 18, 1930. Printed. 132 p. script. Sen 71A-F24. 23 p. Naturalization laws, to amend in respect to posting Pennsylvania contested election for Senator, 1926 notices of petitions for citizenship: H.R. 10672. (William B. Wilson V. William S. Vare). May 23 to Jan. 13, 1931. Transcript. lOp. July 10, 1929. Transcript. Sen 71A-F24. 25 pts., except pts. 6-21. 1,300 p. Indian Affairs Special Committee To Investigate Indian trust estates, creation of: S. 2561. Feb. 21, Senatorial Campaign Expenditures 1930. Printed. Filed with S. 1839, 72d Congo 37 p. Klamath Indian Corporation, incorporation of the: S. Campaign expenditures of candidates for the U.S. 4165. Apr. 25 and 29, 1930. Printed. 46 p. Filed Senate, 1930, investigation of: pursuant to S. Res. with S. 3588, 72d Congo 46 p. 215. Illinois, May I-Sept. 18, 1930, printed, Klamath Indian enrollment: S. 3156. June 11,1930. 629 p. Pennsylvania, May 26·Aug. 5, 1930, Printed. Filed with S. 2124, 74th Congo 29 p. printed, 209 p. Nebraska, July 19-5ept. 25, 1930, Ute Indians, to authorize certain bands of to sue in printed,401 p. Sen 71A-F24. U.S. Court of Claims: S. 615. May 1, 1930. Printed. Filed with S. 1968, 74th Congo 26 p. House Committees Western Navajo Indian Reservation, addition to the: S. 3782. Mar. 12, 1930. Printed. 26 p. Agriculture

Irrigation and Reclamation Mediterranean fruit fly, investigation at Orlando, Fla., relative to the: pursuant to H. Res. 139. Feb. Bitter Root irrigation project, rehabilitation of the: S. 25·Mar. 8, 1930. Printed. Sen 76A·F 1. 1,473 p. 3826. June 16 and 17, 1930. Printed. 22 p. Reclamation Fund, to authorize advances to the: S. District of Columbia 6046. Feb. 10,1931. Printed. 16 p. Rural communities, creation of organized, to demon­ Automobile safety responsibility: H.R. 4015. Mar. 14 strate the benefits of planned settlement: 412. S. and 21, 1930. Printed. Filed with S. 3053, 72d May 14 and 15, 1929. Printed. 39 p. Congo 41 p. 71ST CONGRESS 41

Expenditures in the Executive Departments Soldiers' homes, construction at: Jan. 17, 1930. Printed. Filed with S. 174. 94 p. Prohibition Unit, transfer of the: H.R. 8574. Jan. 22, Zinsser & Co., for the relief of: H.R. 13221. Jan. 23, 1930. Printed. 140 p. 1931. Printed. Filed with S. 732, 74th Cong.45 p.

Immigration Patents

Alien seamen, deportation of: S. 202. Feb. 24-28, Copyright law, general revision of the: H.R. 6990. 1931. Printed. 158 p. Apr. 3-11, May 19,1930. Printed. 274 p. Immigration from countries of the Western Hemi­ Trademarks: H.R. 2828. Jan. 17 and 18, 1930. sphere: H.R. 8523, H.R. 8530, and H.R. 8702. Printed. 83 p. Jan. 16, 1930. Printed. 17 p. War Claims Naturalization: H.R. 8360. Feb. 26, 1930. Printed. 11 p. Helmer, Will A., for the relief of: H.R. 12213. Jan. Quota preferences for certain immigrants: S. 1455. 26,1931. Printed. Filed with S. 3009, 74th Congo Jan. 21, 1930. Printed. lOp. 30 p. Wi ves of American citizens of oriental race: H .R. Volunteer officers and soldiers who served in the 2204, H.R. 5604, and H.R. 10524. Mar. 4, 1930. Philippine Islands: H.R. 9333. Jan. 10, 1931. Printed. Filed with S. 2836. p. 541-585. Printed. Filed with S. 461, 74th Congo 29 p.

Indian Affairs Special Committee To Investigate Communist Activities in the United States Boudinot, Frank J., claim of. Apr. 12, 1930. Printed. Communist propaganda, investigation of: pursuant to Filed with S. 3117, 73d Congo 46 p. H. Res. 20. Nov. 1O-Dec. 5,1930. Printed. Filed Klamath Indian enrollment: S. 3156. June 11,1930. with H.R. 12044, 72d Congo 435 p. Printed. Filed with S. 1657, 75th Congo 29 p. Omaha Tribe of Indians, enrollment of certain per­ Joint Committees sons with the: H.R. 10457. Dec. 12 and 19, 1930. Printed. Filed with S. 3010, 71st Congo 57 p. Airports

Judiciary District of Columbia, investigation of airport needs of the: pursuant to Public Res. 106 (S.J. Res. 216), Government contracts, to establish uniform require­ 70th Congo Apr. 8-30, 1929. Printed. Filed with ments for: H.R. 5568. Jan. 17 and Apr. 15, 1930. SJ. Res. 216, 70th Cong., and S. 5365, 72d Congo Printed. Filed with S. 1395, 72d Congo 159 p. 196 p. National Prohibition Act, to amend title 2 of the and Irrigation and Reclamation to enlarge the powers of the U.S. Commissioners: H.R. 1809, H.R. 3139, H.R. 8579, H.R. 8756, Umatilla Rapids in the Columbia River, protection H.R. 8913, and H.R. 8914. Jan. 24 and Feb. 6-7, and development of the: S. 2252 and H.R. 3720. 1930. Printed. Filed with S. 50. 94 p. Jan. 15-16, 1931. Printed. Filed with S. 2252. Southern Judicial District of Kentucky: H.R. 5624. 118 p. Apr. 7,1930. Printed. Filed with S. 2729. 103 p. Star Spangled Banner, to make the national an them: Library H.R. 14. No date is given. Printed. 45 p. To establish the George Rogers Clark Sesquicen­ tennial Commission: S. 2643. Mar. 21, 1930. Military Affairs Printed. 28 p. Former Army officers, for the relief of (various Paper Specifications private relief bills). May 23, 1930. Printed. Filed (Created by the Joint Committee on Printing) with S. 860. 73d Congo p. 287-322. Fort Griswold (statement of Edward W. Goss): S. Paper specifications. Dec. 4, 1929. Transcript. RG 4248. Feb. 12.1931.4 p. 128 (Senate). 73 p. 42 HEARINGS

72D CONGRESS March 4, 1931-March 3,1933

Senate Committees Banking and building and loan associations in the District of Columbia, to regulate: H.R. 6402. Feb. Agriculture and Forestry 28, 1933. Transcript. 6 p. Banking, banks, trust companies, :md building and Agriculture Marketing Act, to control salaries under loan associations in the District of Columbia, to the: S. 2493. Mar. 18,1932. Transcript. 2 p. regulate: S. 2329. Feb. 8, 1932. Transcript. 52 p. American National Red Cross, distribution of Govern­ Barber shops in the District of Columbia, Sunday . ment-owned wheat to the: SJ. Res.110. Feb. 24, closing of: S. 1202. Jan. 22, 1932. Printed. 54 p. 1932. Transcript. 3 p. Board of Education of the District of Columbia, Federal Farm Board, to abolish the: S. 653. Mar. 15, election of the: S. 2328. Apr. 29, 1932. Printed. 1932. Transcript. 41 p. 43 p. Federal Farm Board, to regulate the sale of wheat Bonding business in the District of Columbia: S. controlled by the: S. 3903. Mar. 18, 1932. 4082. June 10, 1932. Transcript. 6 p. Transcript. 13 p. Brohler, Annie R., for the removal of the remains of: Herrick, Fred, for the relief of: S. 3822. Apr. 1, S. 5052. Feb. 6, 1933. Transcript. 3 p. 1932. Transcript. 34 p. Buzzards Point, development of: S. 4736. May 25, Misbranded foods: S. 4178. Apr. 18, 1932. Tran­ 1932. Transcript. 11 p. script. 50 p. Claims against the District of Columbia, to authorize Relief purposes, distribution of Government-owned the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to wheat for: S. 1580. Dec. 19, 1931. Transcript. pay certain: S. 12. Jan. 29, 1932. Transcript. 35 p. 4p. Ross, Earl A. and Frank P., for the relief of: S. 4035 Commissioners of the District of Columbia, to extend and S. 4036. Apr. 14,1932. Transcript. 34 p. powers of the: S. 8. Feb. 5, 1932. Transcript. Wheat and cotton, purchase and merchandising of by 52 p. the Secretary of Agriculture: SJ. Res. 163 and Condemnation of land proceedings in the District of 172. June 9, 1932. Transcript. Filed with S.J. Res. Columbia, to permit the tax assessor of the 163.30 p. District of Columbia to testify on land values in: S. 9. Jan. 8, 1932. Transcript. 5 p. Banking and Currency Contracts for repair and construction work: S. 3472. Apr. 1, 1932. Transcript. 11 p. Agricultural Credit Corporation of Puerto Rico: S. Credit unions, incorporation of: S. 1153. Jan. 15 and 4671. May 17, 1932. Transcript. 28 p. 29 and Feb. 5, 1932. Printed. 51 p. Damage suits against the District of Columbia: S. Clairm 5224. Feb. 6, 1933. Transcript. 11 p. Daughters of 1812, to exempt from taxation certain John Sealy Hospital, Galveston, Tex.: S. 2838. Mar. property of the: S. 1203. Jan. 22, 1932. Tran­ 8, 1932. Transcript. 27 p. script. 2 p. Deceased policemen and firemen of the District of District of Columbia Columbia, compensation to families of: S. 993. Feb. 3,1932. Transcript. 5 p. Airport for the District of Columbia: S. 5365 and S. Degree-<:onferring institutions, to amend the act 5401. Jan. 16 and 17, 1933. Printed. Filed with S. relating to: S. 100. Jan. 29,1932. Transcript. 2 p. 5365.68 p. Dependent children, homes for in the District of Alley dwellings: S. 101. Feb. 28, 1933. Transcript. Columbia: S. 4038. Apr. 1,1932. Transcript. 12 p. 6 p. Destitution in the District of Columbia: S. 5553. Feb. B Street, SW., District of Columbia, to change the 6, 1933. Transcript. 54 p. name of: SJ. Res. 258. Feb. 28, 1933. Transcript. Electricians, licenSing of in the District of Columbia: 4p. S. 4897. Feb. 9, 1933. Transcript. 16 p. 72D CONGRESS 43

Emergency treatment given in District of Columbia Kidnapping Act for the District of Columbia, to hospitals. Feb. 18, 1932. Transcript. Sen 72-F6. amend the: S. 4696. June 17, 1932. Transcript. 87 p. 15 p. Emergency vehicles, to prohibit unnecessary noise Lands in the District of Columbia no longer required by. June 17, 1932. Transcript. Sen 72A-F6. 3 p. for public purposes, sale of: S. 4712. June 17, Employment agencies, licensing of in the District of 1932. Transcript. 10 p. Columbia: S. 3583. Apr. 22, 1932. Transcript. Leaves of absence with pay, to increase for the Police 20 p. and Fire Departments of the District of Columbia: Endowment funds for charitable purposes, to remove S. 2644. Feb. 3, 1932. Transcript. 2 p. limitations of. Feb. 16, 1932. Sen 72A-F6. Tran­ Ledendecker, Della D., for the relief of: S. 1569. Jan. script. 2 p. 22, 1932. Transcript. Filed with S. 2006, 73d Estate tax for the District of Columbia: H.R. 5822. Congo 4 p. Mar. 29, 1932. Printed. 34 p. License fees in the District of Columbia: H.R. 11638. False swearing before trial boards: S. 2078. Feb. 3 June 17, 1932. Transcript (incomplete). 26 p. and 5,1932. Transcript. 16 p. Masonic Mutual Relief Association of the District of Financial responsibility of motorists: S. 3053. Feb. Columbia, to amend the act to incorporate the: S. 23, 1932. Printed. 19 p. (See also S. 3032 and 2775. Feb. 8, 1932. Transcript. 5 p. H.R. 1646, 73d Cong.). Michigan Avenue, extension and widening of: S. Firearms sales, control of: S. 2751. Feb. 26, 1932. 4039. Apr. 1, 1932. Transcript. 9 p. Printed. 25 p. Mar. 4, 1932. Transcript. 7 p. Mar. Montgomery Blair Circle in the District of Columbia: 25, 1932. Transcript. 19 p. SJ. Res. 4. Feb. 4 and 5, 1932. Transcript. Firemen's Insurance Co. of Washington: S. 2958. 11 p. Feb. 26, 1932. Transcript. 4 p. Motor vehicle taxes in the District of Columbia: H.R. Foreclosure of mortgages and deeds of trust, to 5824. Apr. 5 and 6, 1932. Printed. 71 p. regulate: S.13. May 25,1932. Transcript. 5 p. Mount Vernon, Alexandria, and Washington Railway Gallinger Municipal Hospital in the District ofColum­ Co., to repeal the charter of the: S.J. Res. 64. Jan. bia, to authorize pay patients to be admitted to 22 and Feb. 12, 1932. Transcript. 26 p. the contagious disease ward of the: S. 1769. Jan. National Society of Colonial Dames, exemption from 8, 1932. Transcript. 1 p. taxes of the: S. 570. Feb. 12, 1932. Transcript. Gaslight companies, merger of in the District of 3 p. Columbia: S. 5225 and H.R. 13853. Jan. 6 and National trade unions: S. 4661. June 17, 1932. Feb. 15, 1933. Printed. Filed with S. 5225. 50 p. Transcript. 12 p. Gasoline tax, to increase for the District of Columbia: Nicholson, George N., to reappoint in the Police H.R. 5823. Apr. 8, 1932. Printed. 73 p. Department: S. 5289. Jan. 6, 1933. Transcript. Georgia Avenue, improvement and extension of: H.R. 4 p. 361. Mar. 11, 1932. Transcript. 3 p. Nonsupport law of the District of Columbia: S. 4107. Ice cream and frozen food products, measures for: Apr. 1, 1932. Transcript. 9 p. H.R. 461. Apr. 27, 1932. Transcript. 22 p. Occoquan, Va., roads at: S. 1768. Feb. 5, 1932. Income tax for the District of Columbia: H.R. 5821. Transcript. 3 p. June 7 and 8, 1932. Printed. 101 p. Oil and gasoline line in the District of Columbia, Incompetent veterans, guardians for: S. 1308. Mar. construction of an: S. 5667. Feb. 28, 1933. 25, 1932. Printed. 16 p. June 10, 1932. Tran­ Transcript. 5 p. script. 2 p. Orphanages, to a~end the act incorporating trustees Industrial life insurance policies, liberalization of: S. of: S. 4673. June 7, f932. Transcript. 4 p. 3257. Feb. 9, 1933. Printed. 12 p. Parole Board for the District of Columbia: S. 1155. Insurance companies or associations doing business in Mar. 22, 1932. Transcript. 25 p. the District of Columbia, tax on: S. 5436. Feb. 6, Pipelines for petroleum products in the District of 1933. Transcript. 9 p. Columbia, construction of: S. 2496. Feb. 16, Insurance companies, incorporation of: S. 3584. Feb. 1932. Transcript. 3 p. 23 and Mar. 4, 1932. Transcript. 19 p. Plumbing and gas fittings, regulation of in the District Jurors, selection of in the District of Columbia: S. of Columbia: S. 3400. Apr. 1, 1932. Transcript. 4054. June 10, 1932. Transcript. 52 p. 23 p. 44 HEARINGS

Potomac school property in the District of Columbia, Taxicab owners, financial responsibility of: S. 99. sale of: S. 5470. Feb. 6,1933. Transcript. 5 p. Mar. 2, 1932. Printed. 45 p. Presidential inaugural ceremonies to be held March 4, Teachers College, District of Columbia, to improve 1933, police protection for the: S.J. Res. 236. the status of the: S. 4871. Feb. 6, 1933. Tran­ Feb. 6, 1933. Transcript. 5 p. script. 5 p. Prizefighting in the District of Columbia: H.R. 6292. Theater tickets, to regulate the sale of: S. 2894. Jan. Feb. 15, 1933. Transcript. 5 p. 20 and 22, 1932. Transcript. 5 p. Prohibition in the District of Columbia: S. 203. Feb. Theatrical productions, use of children in: S. 3448. 9, 1932. Printed. 52 p. Mar. 4, 1932. Transcript. Mar. 15, 1932. Printed. 91 p. 15 p. Trusts and mortgages in the District of Columbia, Property held by police in the District of Columbia, recording deeds of: S. 4444. May 25, 1932. disposal of: S. 5053. Feb. 6, 1933. Transcript. 4 p. Transcript. 5 p. Property in the District of Columbia, to authorize Unemployment relief and care of persons in distress: sale of certain: H.R. 11504. Feb. 15, 1933. S. 4781. June 1,1932. Printed. 27 p. Transcript. 3 p. Union labels and devices, to provide for registration Public land, transfer of jUrisdiction over: S. 2498. and protection of: S. 2173. Jan. 8, 1932. Tran­ Jan. 29, 1932. Transcript. 9 p. script. 5 p. Public school employees, appointment of: S. 3707. Unsanitary buildings, condemnation of: S. 2497. Feb. Mar. 22, 1932. Transcript. 7 p. 16,1932. Transcript. 14 p. Public schools, refunds to assistant directors of: S. Water Street in the District of Columbia, to close 1154. Mar. 11, 1932. Transcript. 33 p. upper: SJ. Res. 50. Feb. 4 and 5, 1932. Tran­ Quarterly payment of taxes in the District of Colum­ script. 27 p. bia: H.R. 14392. Feb. 15, 1933. Transcript. 3 p. Water supply for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Quarterly payment of taxes on family dwellings in Commission: S. 3222. Feb. 16, 1932. Transcript. the District of Columbia: S. 5388. Feb. 6 and 9, 9 p. 1933. Transcript. 28 p. Real estate mortgages and deeds of trust, release of in Finance the District of Columbia: S. 11 and S. 2229. Feb. 8, 1932. Transcript. 28 p. Revenue revision: H.R. 10236. Apr. 6, 1932. Tran­ Recorder of deeds, fees to be charged by the in the script. 105 p. District of Columbia: S. 4928. Feb. 28, 1933. Volstead Act, modification of the: H.R. 13742. Jan. Transcript. 2 p. 30,1933. Printed. 24 p. Red Light Law of the District of Columbia, to amend the: S. 3279 and S. 3280. Feb. 3 and 5 and June Foreign Relations 10, 1932. Transcripts. 25 p. Rents in the District of Columbia: Res. 248. S. St. Lawrence Waterway: S. Res. 278. Nov. 14, June-Dec. 1932. Printed. 625 p. 1932-Feb. 10, 1933. Printed. 1,074 p. Sons of the American Revolution, to exempt from World Court (confidential hearing). Apr. 6, 1932. taxation certain property of the: S. 2178. May 6, Transcript. Sen 72A-FI0. 29 p. 1932. Transcript. 5 p. Steam Boiler Inspector for the District of Columbia, Immigration to create the Office of: S. 2824. Feb. 16 and June 10, 1932. Transcript. 40 p. American citizenship rights of women and minor Street closing in the District of Columbia: S. 3532. children: S. 992, S. 2760, S. 3968, and S. 4169. Mar. 11, 1932. Printed. 42 p. Mar. 2, 1933. Original transcript. 122 p. Printed Street railway merger in the District of Columbia: copy. 76 p. Filed with H.R. 3673, 73d Congo S.l. Res. 13. Feb. 2, 12, and 19, 1932. Printed. 148 p. Indian Affairs Tax program for the District of Columbia (Mapes bills): H.R. 5821, H.R. 5822, H.R. 5823, and H.R. Ahtanum Creek, Wash., apportionment of waters of: 5824. Jan. 8, 1932. Transcript. Sen 72A-F6. 7 p. S. 3988. Apr. 20, 1932. Printed. 59 p. 72D CONGRESS 45

Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Oil Spring Reservations, Privileges and Elections ftsh and game within the: S. 5302. Jan. 25, 1933. Printed. (Also see S. 2424, 73d Cong., and S.1942, Alabama senatorial election con test, 1930 (J. Thomas 74th Cong.). 28 p. Heflin V. John Bankhead): pursuant to S. Res. 467 Choctaw and Chickasaw enrollments: S. 2268. Mar. and S. Res. 485. Dec. 3-5, 1931, and Jan. 4-18 and 30, 1932. Printed. 48 p. Apr. 8-16, 1932. Transcript. Sen 72A·F23. Navajo-Hopi Indian Reservation boundary. Dec. 7, 3,661 p. 1932. Printed. Filed with S. 2213, 74th Congo 73 p. Rules Reimbursable debts of Indiani, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to adjust or eliminate: Broadcasting of Senate proceedings: S. Res. 28 and S. H.R. 8898 and H.R. 10884. May 25 and 26, 1932. Res. 71. Mar. 22.1932. Printed. 24 p. Printed. 41 p. Tlingit and Haida Indians, to authorize the to bring House Committees suit in U.S. Court of Claims: S. 1196. Mar. 23, 1932. Printed. Filed with H.R. 2756, 74th Congo Claims 29 p. Yakima Indian Reservation and lands to the north, to Marshall, A. H., for the relief of: H.R. 11599. Feb. 6, approve and conftrm a contract for apportioning 1933. Printed. Filed with S. 712, 74th Congo 28 p. waters of Ahtanum Creek, Wash., between the: S. 3988. Apr. 20, 1932. Printed. 57 p. Foreign Affairs Interoceanic Canals Arms or munitions of war, exportation of: H.J. Res. Panama Canal Zone: H.R. 7506, H.R. 7514, 580. Feb. 7-15.1933. Printed. Filed with H.1. Res. H.R. 7515, H.R. 7518, H.R. 7519, H.R. 7520, 93, 73d Congo 73 p. H.R. 7521, and H.R. 7522. Jan. 25, 1933. Transcript. 87 p. Judiciary

Irrigation and Reclamation California, reimbursement of the Senate of: S. 1317. Feb. 22, 1933. Printed. Filed with S. 2731, 73d Boulder Canyon project Federal reservation, applica­ Congo 42 p. tion of State laws within the: S. 2885. June 14, 1932. Printed. Filed with S. 5341, 72d Congo 38 p. Ways and Means Columbia Basin project, Washington: S. 2860. June 21, 1932. Printed. 34 p. International Arms & Fuse Co., claim of: H.R. Moratorium for water users: S. 2152 and S. 2163. 12981. Feb. 4, 1933. Printed. Filed with S. 3809, Jan. 25, 26, and 27, 1932. Printed. 145 p. Moratorium for water users: S. 5135, S. 5198, S. 73d Congo 38 p. Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, to amend 5236, S. 5269, S. 5332, and H.R. 13854. Jan. 11, the: H.R. 6017. Feb. 7, 1933. Printed. Filed with 1933. Printed. Filed with S. 5135, 72d Congo 63 p. S. 852, 73d Congo 54 p. Shoshone project, Wyoming, power plant revenues on the: S. 3390. Mar. 8, 1932. Transcript. 45 p. Joint Committees

Patents Veterans' Affairs

Textile designs, protection by registration of: S. Veterans' affairs: pursuant to title VII, Public Law 5075. Jan. 5, 1933. Printed. 39 p. 212, of June 30, 1932. Dec. 9, 1932-Feb. 24, U.S. letters patent, renewal and extension of: S. 1933. Printed. 1,317 p. Original transcript. 1301. Mar. 10, 1932. Printed. 43 p. 2,842 p. RG 128 (House). 46 HEARINGS

73D CONGRESS March 4, 1933-January 3, 1935

Senate Committees Foreign Relations

Banking and Currency International Copyright Union, to enable the United States to enter the: S. 1928. May 28-29, 1934. Investment securities in interstate commerce, furnish­ Printed. Sen 76A-FI7. 56 p. ing of in forma tion and supervision of traffic in: S. World Court, adherence of the United States to the. 875. Mar. 31-Apr. 8, 1933. Transcript. 740 p. Mar. 23,1934. Printed. Sen 73A-FlO. 103 p.

Civil Service Immigration

Bureau of Internal Revenue, appointments in the: Alien seamen, deportation of certain: S. 868. Apr. SJ. Res. 113. May 8-19,1934. Printed. 253 p. 11, 17,and 19, 1934. Printed. 82 p.

Clairm Indian Affairs

Collier Manufacturing Co. of Barnesville, Ga., for the Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona, to restore relief of (World War I clothing contract): S. 2242. lands of the: SJ. Res. 95. Apr. 24, 1934. Printed. Feb. 14, 1934. Printed. 29 p. 113 p.

Interstate Commerce Commerce Federal Communications Commission: S. 2910. Mar. Racketeering investigation, 1933-34: S. Res. 74. Oct. 9,10,13, 14,and 15, 1934. Printed. 219 p. 23, 1933-Jan. 31,1934. Transcript. 1,447 p. Irrigation and Reclamation District of Columbia Water users, temporary relief of: S. 2534. Feb. 16, Alcoholic beverages in the District of Columbia, 1934. Transcript. 19 p. control of: H.R. 6148 and H.R. 6181. Jan. 5 and 6, 1934. Printed. 208 p. Judiciary Beverage taxation in the District of Columbia: H.R. 3342. Mar. 24,1933. Printed. 38 p. Harriman National Bank, investigation of alleged failure to prosecute promptly the officers of the: Education and Labor S. Res. 55. June 26, 1933. Transcript. 285 p.

National Labor Board, to create a: S. 2926. Part 3. Military Affairs Apr. 4-9, 1934. Printed. p. 649-1028. Civilian Conservation Corps, contracts for toilet kits Finance for: S. Res. 88. June 1,2,3, 6,7,8, and 9,1933. Printed. 535 p. Grace Protestant Episcopal Church, claim of the: S. Russian Railway Service Corps, for the relief of 2403. Feb. 21, 1934. Transcript. 14 p. officers of the: S. 2320. Mar. 1, 1934. Printed. Income and profits taxes, refund of: S. 366. Apr. 17, 26 p. 1934. Transcript. 38 p. IntOxicating liquor, tax on. Dec. 11-14, 1933. Mines and Mining Printed. Filed with H.R. 6131. 417 p. War Claims Act of 1928: SJ. Res. 135. June 11, Federal Petroleum Act: S. 3495. May 21 and 22, 1934. Transcript. lOp. 1934. Printed. 150 p. 73D CONGRESS 47

Post Offices and Post Roads House Committees

Air-mail laws, revision of: S. 3012. Mar. 12 to 20, . District of Columbia 1934. Printed. 420 p. Georgetown Gaslight Co. and the Washington Gas Light Co., to authorize the merger of the: H.R. Privileges a~d Elections 4324. Apr. 25. 1933. Printed. Sen 73A-F6. 51 p.

Louisiana Senators, petitions against the election of Foreign Affairs (Huey P. Long and John H. Overton). Feb. 14 and Mar. 27,1934. Transcript. Sen 73A-F22. 47 p. Arms or munitions of war, exportation of: H.J. Res. 93. Mar. 28, 1933. Printed. 36p. Territories and Insular Possessions Employees of the United States in foreign countries, to meet losses sustained by due to appreciation of Puerto Rico, nomination of Robert H. Gore to be foreign currency: H.R. 7808. Feb. 9-10, 1934. Governor of. No date is given. Transcript. Sen Printed. 67 p. 73A-F25. 62 p. Immigration and Naturalization

Special Committee To Investigate Naturalization and citizenship: H.R. 77 and H.R. Air-Mail and Ocean-Mail Contracts 3673. Mar. 28, 1933. Printed. 60 p.

Air-mail and ocean-mail contracts, investigation of: Interstate and Foreign Commerce pursuant to S. Res. 349, 72d Cong., and S. Res. 143, 73d Congo Sept. 26, 1933-May 25, 1934. Printed. Sen 74A-F25. 4,180 p. Panama Canal tolls: H.R. 7667. Feb. 8 and Mar. 8 and 13, 1934. Printed. 163 p. Special Committee To Investigate Bankruptcy and Petroleum investigation: pursuant to H. Res. 441. Receivership Proceedings in United States Courts Sept. 17-22, 1934. Printed. Located in files of the Senate Special Committee To Investigate Petro­ Bankruptcy and receivership proceeding; in U.S. leum Resources, 78th Congo Pt. 2. p. 869-1390. courts, investigation of: pursuant to S. Res. 78. Sale and distribution of milk within the United States Oct. 30, 1933-Nov. 16, 1933. Transcript. 2,347 p. (to authorize an FTC investigation): H. Con. Res. June 25-26, 1934 (hearings held in New York, 32. Apr. 13, 1934. Printed. Sen 73A-F6. 48 p. N.Y.). Transcript. 379 p. Filed in Special Corrunit­ tee series, "Original Hearing;," Sen 75A-F24. .1udiciary

Special Committee To Investigate Contributions and Bankruptcy Act, to amend the with respect to Expenditures in the Senatorial Contest in 1934 municipal and private corporations: H.R. 1670, H.R. 3083, H.R. 4311, H.R. 5267, and H.R. 5009. Testimony taken by corrunittee investigators in Mem­ Mar. 30-May 10, 1933. Printed. Filed with H .R. phis, Tenn.: pursuant to S. Res. 173. Oct. 25-27, 5950.218 p. 1934. Transcript. Sen 73A-F26. 112 p. Birth control: H.R. 5978. Jan. 18, 1934. Printed. Filed with S. 1842.245 p. Special Committee To Investigate the Munitions Industry Mines and Mining

Munitions industry, investigation of the: pursuant to War minerals relief statutes, to amend the: H.R. S. Res. 206. Sept. 4, 1934-Mar. 29, 1935. Tran­ 7984. Apr. 24-28 and May 1-3, 1934. Printed. script. Sen 74A-F27. 9,948 p. Filed with S. 3675. 73 p. 48 HEARINGS

Public Buildings and Grounds Joint Committees

EI Paso, Tex., to provide for leasing a Federal building at: H.R. 1731. May 29, 1934. Printed. Dirigible Disasters Filed with S. 1221.8 p. Ways and Means Dirigible disasters, investigation of: pursuant to H. Con. Res. 13. May 22-June 6, 1933. Printed. RG Wagner-Lewis unemployment insurance bill: S. 2616, 128 (Senate). 944 p. H.R. 7659. March 29, 1934. Printed. p. 313-357. Special Committee on Un-American • Activities Library Nazi and certain other propaganda activities, investi­ gation of (statement of WaIter S. Steele). Dec. 29, National Botanic Garden, establishment of a: S. 1934. Printed. Filed in records of Joint Committee 1839. Feb. 20,1934. Transcript. RG 128 (House); on Printing. RG 128 (House). 74th Congo 45 p. 68 p.

74TH CONGRESS January 3, 1935-January 3, 1937

Senate Committees Fishery industry, economic studies of the: S. 3584. Jan. 14, 1936. Printed. 100 p. Appropriations Sea safety through the use of radio: S. 3954. Apr. 29, 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 595, 75th Congo 60 p. Cotton cooperatives, expenditures of the Federal Vessels using the Panama Canal, measurement of: S. Government for: S. Res. 185. Oct. 28, 1935. 2288. Apr. 4 and 5, 1935. Printed. 167 p. Transcript. 1,632 p. District of Columbia Banking and Currency Divorce in the District of Columbia: S. 2259. May 3, Farm Credit Act of 1935: S. 1384. Feb. 6, 1935. 1935. TranSCript. 90 p. Printed. 3 p.

Civil Service Education and Labor

Classified executive civil service, to extend the: S. National Labor Relations Board: S. 1958. Mar. 11-15, 564. Feb. 7, 1935. Printed. 42 p. 18, and 19, 1935. Printed. 2 pts. 236 p.

Commerce Finance Airplane accidents: S. Res. 146. Feb. 18, 1936. Distilled spirits, taxation of: H.R. 8870. July 23, Transcript. 145 p. 1935. Printed. 22 p. Air safety: S. Res. 146. Feb. 10-June 5, 1936, and Economic Security Act: S. 1130. Jan. 22-Feb. 20, Jan. 13 and Feb. 2 and 16, 1937. Printed. 3 pts. 1935. Printed. 1,354 p. 1,583 p. Income and profits taxes, refund of: S. 2044. May Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River: S. 4695. 14,1935. Transcript. 44 p. June 3, 1936. Transcript. 34 p. liquor Tax Administration Act and taxes on wines: Cutting, Senator Bronson (N. Mex.), investigation H.R. 191 and H.R. 9185. Jan. 13, 15, 16, Feb. 12, in to the death of: S. Res. 146. Aug. 1 and 17, and Mar. 6, 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 4160, 1935. Transcript. 123 p. 75th Congo 283 p. 74TH CONGRESS 49

Private pension plans (Social Security Act, amend­ Judiciary ments to the): H.R. 7260. Jan. 17 and Mar. 30, 1936. Transcript. 92 p. Appeals from Federal courts: S. 2176. Mar. 25,1935. War profits: H.R. 5529. Aug. 13, 1935. Transcript. Printed. 20 p. 35 p. Mar. 13, 1936. Transcript. 3 p. Longshoreman's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, to amend the: S. 2791. July 23, 1935. Printed. 25 p. Immigration Prohibition Act, to amend the: S. 3336. Aug. 15, 1935. Printed. 14 p. Alien seamen, deportation of certain: S. 379. Apr. 9 Resale price maintenance: S. 3822. Mar. 13, 1936. and 10, 1935. Printed. 60 p. Printed. Filed with H.R. 7472, 75th Congo 72 p. Deportation of criminals: S. 2969. Feb. 24 and 29 Military Affairs and Mar. 3 and 4, 1936. Printed. 4 pts. 231 p. American Legion Memorial, Paris, France: S. 2917. June 7, 1935. Printed. Filed with S. 4057, 75th Indian Affairs Congo 44 p. Carter, former Capt. Oberlin M., to investigate the California Indians Jurisdictional Act: S. 1793. M~y 6 facts concerning the court-martial of: S. Res. 60. and 13 and July 1 and 25, 1935. Printed. 2 pts. Oct. 10, 1935, and Apr. 21, 1936. Filed with S. 153 p. 973, 77th Congo Printed. 127 p. Transcript. 246 p. Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship rolls, enrollment Compulsory military training: S. 3309. June 2, 3, and of Robert Fix and others on the: S. 1440. Apr. 19, 4, 1936. Printed. 297 p. 1935. Printed. 41 p. Dasher, Arthur Lee, for the relief of: S. 4491. May Indian Claims Commission, to create a: S. 2731. June 15,1936. Printed. Filed with S. 1817, 75th Congo 10 and 17, 1935. Printed. 53 p. 8 p. Navajo Indian Reservation boundary: S. 2213. May Ford, Vincent, for the relief of: S. 4625. May 23, 14,1936. Printed. 7 p. 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 2575, 76th Congo 7 p. Oklahoma Indians, to promote the general welfare of Graves of war veterans, bronze markers for: S. 1454. the: S. 2047. Apr. 8,9, 10, and 11,1935. Printed. Apr. II and 18, 1935. Printed. Filed with S. 608, 153 p. 76th Congo 35 p. Old age pensions for Indians: S. 3293. July 26 and Houston, Lawrence V.: S. 3992. Apr. 24, 1936. 27, 1935. Printed. 53 p. Printed. 14 p. Snake or Piute Indians, claims of: S. 3272. June 16, Jackson, Thomas J., for the relief of: S. 2994. Mar. 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 2007, 75th Congo 20, 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 1816, 77th Congo 19 p. 29 p. Turtle Mountain Indians of North Dakota Jurisdic­ Markham, H. S., reappointment as a second lieuten­ tional Act: S. 1786. May 10, 1935. Printed. 24 p. ant, U.S. Army: S. 2868. July 12, 1935. Tran­ script. 18 p. National Defense Act of 1916, to amend the (Na­ Interstate Commerce tional Guard organization): S. 2710. May 3, 1935. Printed. Filed with S. 1306, 76th Congo 17 p. Aircraft transportation, regulation of: S. 3027. July National Guard armories. Apr. 17, 1935. Printed. 29,30, and 31,1935. Printed. 160 p. Filed with S. 2869, 74th Congo 33 p. Antitrust acts, brief of H. E. Miles: S. 4055. June 14, Rosenbaum, Frederick B., appointment and retire­ 1936. Printed. 14 p. ment of as first lieutenant, U.S. Navy: S. 3534. Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935: S. Mar. 20, 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 1049, 75th 1725. Apr. 16-29,1935. Printed. 1,132 p. Congo 19 p. Mines and Mining Irrigation and Reclamation Unemployment relief through development of min­ Arid lands, Federal reclamation of. Feb. 1, 1936. erai resources: S. 1476. Feb. 27, 1935. Printed. Printed. Sen 74A-F13. 10 p. 27 p. 50 HEARINGS

Patents Special Committee To Investigate the Administration of the Virgin Islands Copyright Act, to amend the: S. 2465. May 8,1935. Transcript. 56 p. Proceedings: pursuant to S. Res. 98. July 2-23, 1935. Transcript. Sen 74A-F24. 753 p. Post Offices and Post Roads

Air Mail Act of 1934, to amend the: S. 2420, S. Subcommittee on the Violation of Free Speech and 2454, and H.R. 6511. Apr. 10,17, and 24, 1935. the Rights of Labor of the Committee on Printed. 160 p. Education and Labor Federal Aid Highway Act, to amend the: S. 4213. Mar. 11,12, and 30,1936. Printed. 132 p. Violation of free speech and assembly and interfer­ ence with the rights of labor: pursuant to S. Res. Pr!viJeges and Elections 266. Apr. 10-23, 1936 (preliminary hearings). Transcript. 636 p. Aug. 21, 1936-Jan. 16, 1939. New Mexico senatorial election contest, 1934 (Bron­ TranSCripts, galley proofs, and corrected copies. 25 son Cutting v. Dennis Chavez). Apr. 10 and June lin. ft. (not continuously paged). Sen 78A-F9. 4, 1935. Printed (transcript also). Sen 72A-F21. 97 p. West Virginia senatorial election contest, 1934 Subcommittee To Investigate Interstate (Henry Hatfield v. Rush D. Holt). June 1, 1935. Railroads of the Committee on Printed (transcript also). Sen 74A-F21. 32 p. Interstate Commerce

Public Buildings and Grounds Railroads, holding companies, affiliated companies, and related matters, investigation of: pursuant to Memorial to men and women who may become S. Res. 71, 74th Congo Dec. 7, 1936-Feb. 4,1938. notable in the history of the United States, to Printed. 9,552 p. Also transcripts, Dec. 7, create a commission to determine a location and 1936-Mar. 30, 1938. 9 lin. ft. (not continuously design for a: S.J. Res. 132. May 31,1935. Printed paged). 8 p. U.S. Capitol, extension and completion of the: S. 190 House Committees and S. 1129. Jan. 22, 1935. Printed. 23 p. Agriculture Special Committee To Investigate Lobbying Activities Rice program: H.R. 5221. Feb. 12, 1935. Printed. 26 p. Lobbying activities, investigation of (public utility Farm Credit Administration statement. Jan. 31 and holding company bill): pursuant to S. Res. 165 Feb. 1, 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 4003. p. and S. Res. 184. July 12, 1935-Apr. 20, 1938. 930-982. Processed transcripts. (Printed copy available for Mar. 18-Apr. 20, 1938, p. 2097-3174.) Sen Claims 75A-F26. 5,939 p. Hauser Construction Co.: H.R. 4791. Apr. 29 and Special Committee To Investigate Receivership and May 1, 1935. Printed. Filed with S. 470. 31 p. Bankruptcy Proceedings and Administration of Richardson, William K., for the relief of: H.1. Res. Justice in United States Courts 498. Apr. 22, 1936. Printed. Filed with S.J. Pes. 34, 76th Congo 21 p., with 247 p. of addenda. Hearings: pursuant to S. Res. 78, 73d Cong., S. Res. Watson, Robert A., to confer jurisdiction on the n, 74th Congo June 10, 1936. Transcript. Filed Court of Claims to judge the claim of: S. 373. Feb. with "Original Hearings" series, Sen 7SA-F24. 4, 1936. Printed. Filed with S. 2471, 76th Congo 133 p. 19 p. 75TH CONGRESS 51

District of Columbia Public Buildings and Grounds

Commercial airport. construction of a at Gravelly Government buildings, purchase of lands in the Point, Va., for the District of Columbia: H.R. District of Columbia for future: H.R. 11959. Apr. 3806. Feb. 7·27. 1935. Printed. Sen 75A·F6.1. 29, 1936. Printed. 20 p. 237 p. Pan American Union: H.R. 12472. May 22, 1936. Public Utilities Commission, procedural changes af· Printed. 21 p. fecting the: H.R. 3462. Feb. 8·14, 1935. Printed. Public buildings and grounds, hearings on the follow· 110 p. ing bills: H.R. 4019, construction of a post office and courthouse at Rutland, Vt., and H.R. 3970, Foreign Affairs construction of a post office and courthouse at American neutrality, to maintain in the event of war Hempstead, N.Y. July 11, 1935. Printed. 11 p. between foreign nations: H.J. Res. 422. Jan. 7·15, H.R. 3012, transfer of lands in Hopkins 1936. Sen 74A·F9. 254 p. County, Ky., to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Rio Grande canalization project: H.R. 9998 and H.R. and H.R. 6654, increase in the White House Police 11768. Mar. 10 and 13, 1936. Printed. Filed with force. Mar. 20, 1935. Printed. 14 p. H.R. 11768. 46 p. H.R. 8991, exchange of Veterans Administra· Whaling Treaty Act: S. 3413. Feb. 11,18, and 25 and tion property rights at Perry Point, Md., for certain Mar. 3,7, and 10. 1936. Printed. 160 p. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. property rights there. Aug. 1, 1935. Printed. Filed with S. 3345. 7 p. Immigration and Naturalization H.R. 8749, cost of a Department of Agriculture building. July II, 1935. Printed. Filed with S. Alien habitual commuters, to exclude and report: 3192.14 p. H.R. 4340 and H.R. 6083. Mar. 6·14, 1935. S. 1929, National Zoological Park. July 17, Printed. 43 p. 1935. Printed. 13 p. S. 1129, extension and completion of the U.S. Judiciary Capitol. Apr. 17·May 3, 1935. Printed. 221 p. Divorces in foreign countries, to prohibit the use of H.R. 10985, repeal of law providing for sale of mails for the solicitation of: H.R. 8180. June 21, part of post office and customhouse site in 1935. Transcript. 37 p. Newark, N.J., to the city of Newark. Mar. 10, 1936. Printed. 4 p. Military Affairs Rivers and Harbors

Dan, Capt. J. W., reinstatement of: H.R. 9002. Mar. Potomac River, D.C., waterfront on the north side of 21, 1936. Transcript. Filed with S. 365, 75th the Washington Channel. Mar. 6, 1935. Printed. Congo 17 p. Sen 74A·F6. 30 p.

75TH CONGRESS January S, 1937-January 3, 1939

Senate Committees Monetary Authority Act; regulation and stabilization of agricultural and commodity prices through the regulation and stabilization of the value of the Agriculture and Forestry dollar: S. 1990. Aug. 3·13,1937. Printed. 322 p. Rural Electrification Act, to amend the: S. 3456. May 9, 1938. Transcript. 84 p. Agricultural Equality Act of 1937: S. 2732. Aug.II, Appropriations 13, and 19,1937. Printed. 67 p. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, to create a: S. Interior Department appropriation for fiscal year 1397. Feb. 25,26, and 27 and Mar. 1,8, and 9, 1939: H.R. 9621. Mar. 10·28, 1938. Transcript. 1937. Printed. Filed with S. Con. Res. 9. 223 p. 1,654 p. 52 HEARINGS

Second deficiency appropriation for fiscal year 1938: mittee on Education and Labor; the executive H.R. 10851. June 7, 1937. Printed. 71 p. Tran­ session transcripts are filed with the records of thc script. 171 p. Senate Special Committee To Investigate Condi­ Work relief and public works: H.J. Res. 679. May tions in the American Merchant Marine. 16-19.1938. Transcript. 802 p. Merchant Marine Act of 1936, to amend the: S. 3276. May 6, 1938. Transcript. Executive session. Banking and Currency 12 p. Price investigation: S. Res. 237. Feb. 23, 1938. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, to extend the Transcript. Executive session-confidential. 17 p. power of the to make loans upon the assets of Rivers and harbors, to authorize the construction of . insured banks: S.1. Res. 286. May 20, 1938. certain public works on for flood control: H.R. Transcript. 4 p. 10618. May 21,1938. Transcript. p. 55-108. Secretary of the Treasury, to authorize the to cancel Rivers and harbors, to authorize the construction, certain obligations: S. 3395 and S. 3409. Feb. 8, repair, and preservation of certain public works 1938. Transcript. Filed with H.R. 9361. 15 p. on: H.R. 10298. No date is given. Transcript. Securities, regulation of sale of: S. 2344. June 9, 15, Executive session. 53 p. 22. and 29, 1937. Printed. Filed with S. 477, 76th Safety at sea, to promote: S. 1916. May 5 and 19, Congo 214 p. 1937. Printed. 2 pts. 172 p. Safety of life at sea through the use of radio: S. 595. Claims Feb. 22, 1937. Printed. 58 p. Steamships, to provide for the temporary operation Alabama Mineral Land Co., to confer jurisdiction on by the United States of certain: S.1. Res. 272. the Court of Claims of the claim of the against the Mar. 11 and 15, 1938. Transcript of Mar. 11, 13 p. United States: S. 3427. May 5, 1938. Transcript. Transcript of Mar. 15, 14 p. Executive sessions. Filed with S. 435, 76th Congo 75 p. Thomas, Earl J., for the relief of: S. 599. Feb. 23, 1937. Printed. 6 p. Commerce District of Columbia Civil Aeronautics Authority, to create the: S. 3760. Apr. 5, 1938. Printed. Filed with S. 3845, 75th Additional revenue for the District of Columbia: H.R. Congo 16 p. 7472. June 28,29, and 30,1937. Printed. 156 p. Continuous discharge book for American seamen: Barbers in the District of Columbia, to regulate: H.R. H.R. 5487. Jan. 13,1937. Printed. 57 p. 7085. Mar. 21,1938. Transcript. 13 p. Cowan Creek Dam, Clinton County, Ohio: S.l. Res. Cosmetology: H.R. 6869. Mar. 21,1938. Transcript. 244. May 17, 1938. Printed. 23 p. 7 p. Intercoastal shipping, development and maintenance District of Columbia tax bill: H.R. 10066. Apr. 15, of: S. 3038. Jan. 20, 1938. Transcript. p. 177-188. 1938. Transcript. 46 p. Interstate Commerce Act, to eliminate the long-and­ Small claims and conciliation court, to establish a: S. short-haul clause of the: H.R. 1668. No date is 1835. Apr. 14 and 17,1937. Printed. 158 p. given. Printed. Hearing excerpt attached to S. Taxes erroneously paid in the District of Columbia, Rept. 1768, Pt. 2, 75th Congo 3d sess. Filed with to provide refunds of: S. 2184. Mar. 21, 1938. S. 3920, 76th Congo 42 p. Transcript. Filed with S. 787, 76th Congo 57 p. Merchant Marine Act of 1936, to amend the: S. Undesirable industries, to prohibit the use of build­ 3078. Feb. II-Apr. 5, 1938. Transcript. Executive ings in the District of Columbia for the carrying on session. 4 pts. 745 p. of certain: S. 2286. May 11-19, 1937. Transcript. Merchant Marine Act of 1936, to amend the: S. 614 p. 3078. Jan. 11, 1938. Printed. Pt. 6. p. 361-481. Zoning in the District of Columbia: S. 3361. May 31, Merchant Marine Act of 1936, to amend the: S. 1938. Transcript. 39 p. 3078. Jan. 20, 1938. Transcript. p. 639-677. Also executive session transcripts for Jan. 1 'j-Feb. 10, Education and Labor 1938, p. 199-306, 391-611, and 641-676. These Merchant Marine Act of 1936, title IX: S. 3078. Feb. hearings were held jointly with the Senate Com- 18,1938. 'Franscript. Executive session.64 p. 75TH CONC;RFSS 53

Finance Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, to divide the funds of the: H.R. 4544. Mar. 7.1938. Printed. 27 p. Petroleum shipment in interstate and foreign com­ Menominee Indian Reservation, Wis., compensation merce, regulation of: S. 790. Feb. i 2, 15, 16, and for injuries of employees on the: S. 1802. July 28, 17.1937. Printed. 204 p. 1937. Transcript. 21 p. Revenue Act of 1938, brief of Elisha M. Friedman: Mississippi Choctaw Indians. enrollment of Robert H.R. 9682. Mar. 18, 1938. Printed. Filed with S. Fix and others: S. 998 and S. 2268. May 17. June 3948. 16 p. IO and 21, 1937. Printed. 34 p. Revenue Act of 1938: H.R. 9682. Printed. Pt. I, Mar. Osage Indians of Oklahoma: S. 3980 and S. 4036. 17,1938, 110p. Pt.3, Mar. 29,1938, p.23-69. May 10,1938. Printed. 30 p. Pt. 2, Mar. 24, 1938, galley. Also transcripts of Palm Spring Band of Mission Indians: S. 1424 and S. Mar. 17,24,29, and 30, 1938. 2589. Oct. 24, 1935, Apr. 6,1936. July 6 and 29 Revenue bill of 1937: H.R. 8234. Aug. 17 and 18, and Aug. 16,1937. Printed. 279 p. 1937. Transcript. Executive session. 141 p. Prairie Band of Pottawatomie Indians jurisdictional Second Liberty Bond Act, to amend the: S. 3972. bill: S. 2854. May 6,1938. Printed. 35 p. May 10, 1938. Printed. 25 p. Transcript. 53 p. Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation. Nev .. to authorize Confidential. the Secretary of the Interior to issue patents for Tariff Act of 1930, to amend certain administrative lands to certain settlers in the: S. 840. Apr. 12 and provisions of the: H.R. 8099. Mar. I. 1938. 13 and May 3 and 17,1937. Printed. Filed with S. Confidential. Transcript. 32 p. Hearings before 13. 76th Congo 134 p. Joint Conference on H.R. 8099. Apr. 29 and May Revenue loss from tax-exempt Indian lands: S. Res. 3,1938. Transcript. 121 p. 168. May 6, 1938. Printed. Misfiled as S.J. Res. Veterans' legislation, bills and resolutions relating to: 168.41 p. S. 37, S. 124, S. 322, S. 362, S. 380, S. 423. S. 611, S. 747,S. 748,S. 749,S. 793,S.825,S.867, Interstate Commerce S.894,S.897,S. 1059,S. 1100,S. 1198,S. 1298, S. 1299, S. 1349, S. 1361, S. 1458, and S. 1459. Mar. 16,1937. Printed. Filed with S. 362. 32 p. Aircraft transportation, regulation of: S. :2 and S. 1760. Mar. 8-Apr. 12, '1937. Printed. 782 p. Foreign Relations Child labor, to regulate the products of: S. 592, S. Copyright Union, international convention of the: 1976, S. 2068, S. 2226, and S. 2345. May 12 18, Ex. E. Apr. 12 and 13, 1937. Printed. 60 p. and 20, 1937. Printed. 192 p. Neutrality Act of 1935, amendments to the: SJ. Res. Civil aviation and air transport: S. 3659. Apr. 6 and 51. Feb. 13, 1937. Printed. Filed with H.J. Res. 7,1938. Printed. 175 p. 306, 76th Congo 25 p. National Safety Standards Commission, to establish Neutrality Act of 1935, amendments to the: S.J. Res. the: S. 18. June 11, 1937. Transcript. 17 p. 51 and S.J. Res. 60. Feb. 13, 1937. Transcript. 46 p. Irrigation and Reclamation Immigration Deportation of aliens: H.R. 6391. Aug. 5, 6, and 7, Arch Hurley Conservancy District in New Mexico: S. 1937. Printed. Pt. 2, p. 103-231. Transcript. 2086. Apr. 21, 1937. Transcript. 2 p. 203 p. Cabinet Gorge hydroelectric power project on the Deportation of aliens: S. 1363, S. 1364, S. 1365, and Columbia River, to provide for plans for the: H.R. S. 1366. Apr. 27, 29, and 30, 1937. Printed. 114. No date is given. Transcript. 19 p. 101 p. Columbia Basin lands, to prevent speculation in: S. 2172. Apr. 21, 1937. Printed. 35 p. Transcript. Indian Affairs 88 p. Reservoirs (small), appropriations for construction of California Indians Jurisdictional Act: S. 1651 and S. under the Federal reclamation laws: S. 47. Apr. 1779. Mar. 8,9, II, and 12, 1937. Printed. 158 p. 21, 1937. Transcript. 8 p. 54 HEARINGS

Judiciary Military Affairs

Administrative Omce of the United States Courts, to Alexander, Sam, to authorize the appointment of as establish an: S. 3212. Jan. 24 and 25, and Feb. 2, warrant omcer, U.S. Army: S. 1039. Apr. 9,1937. 1938. Printed. 76 p. Printed. Filed with S. 505, 76th Congo 5 p. Civil procedure rules for the U.S. district courts: S.J. Army Medical Library and Museum Building: S. Res. 281. Apr. 18 and May 19, 1938. Printed. 3919. May 19, 1938. Printed. 37 p. 2 pts.,74 p. Transcript. 113 p. Bollenbeck, Joseph W., for the relief of: S. 1168. Employees' Liability Act, to amend the: S. 3397 and June 9, 1937. Printed. Filed with S. 1148. 24 p. S. 3398. Feb. 28 and Mar. 9, 1938. Printed. 43 p. Death or service disability benefits in the Armed Equal rights for men and women: S.J. Res. 65. Pt. 1, Forces of the United States in the event of war, to Feb. 7, 8, 9, and 10, 1938. Printed. 172 p. Pt. 2, provide: S. 2113. Apr. 9,1937. Printed. Filed with Mar. 7, 1938. Printed. p. 173-197. Transcript. S. 2575, 76th Congo 8 p. 429 p. General Staff Corps, to remove certain inequitable Federal licensing of corporations: S. 10. Pt. 1, Jan. requirements for eligibility for: S. 3843. Apr. 21, 25-29,1937. Printed. 117p.Pt.3, Apr. 27 and 1938. Printed. Filed with S. 2354, 76th Congo May 13.1937. Printed. p. 263-350. 10 p. Homestead tax exemption, to amend the Constitu­ Judge Advocate General's Department, promotion of tion to provide for: S.J. Res. 220. May 4, 1938. officers in the: S. 3738. May 26, 1938. Printed. Printed. 5 p. Filed with S. 1993, 76th Congo 28 p. Income tax exemptions: S.J. Res. 5 and S.J. Res. MacLean, E. L., for the relief of: S. 2843. June 2, 154. June 24 and Aug. 3, 1937. Printed. 78 p. 1938. Printed. Filed with S. 1893, 76th Congo Item veto in appropriation bills, to amend the 53 p. Constitution to provide for an: SJ. Res. 6. Jan. Military and Naval Academics, to increase appoint­ 21, 1938. Transcript. 21 p. ments from the District of Columbia to the: S. Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation 1948. Feb. 18, 1937. Printed. Filed with S. 1683, Act, to amend the: H.R. 5690. Apr. 7 and 13, 76th Congo 26 p. 1938. Printed. 33 p. National Guard material, animals, armament, and Mooney, Thomas J., full and complete pardon to: equipment, care of: S. 3603. Apr. 7, 1938. S.J. Res. 127. Dec. 15,1937. Printed. 17 p. Printed. 5 p. National Labor Relations Board, investigation of the: National cemetery in every State, to provide a: S. S. Res. 207. Jan. 27 and 28 and Feb. 3, 1938. 948. June 4, 1937. Printed. IIp. Printed. 121 p. Pensions for peacetime disabilities of veterans and Ninth judicial circuit, appointment of two additional dependents of veterans of the regular establish­ circuit judges for the: S. 1550. Feb. 24, 1937. ment: S. 3501. Apr. 7,1938. Printed. Pt. I. 14p. Printed. 20 p. Strategic raw materials (manganese) essential for the Ratification of constitutional amendments by popu· Armed Forces, acquisition of: S. 3460. Mar. 8 and lar vote, proposing: S.J. Res. 134. Jan. 18 and 26 May 3, 1938. Printed. Filed with S. 572, 76th and Feb. 9, 1938. Printed. 85 p. Congo 84 p. Reorganization of the Federal judiciary: S.1392. Mar. Mines and Mining lO-Apr. 23,1937. Printed. 6 pts. 2,040 p. Sound recording equipment in District of Columbia Annual assessments on mining claims, suspension of: courts, to provide: H.R. 9789. May 20, 1938. S. 187. May 25,1937. Transcr:pt. 50 p. Transcript. 96 p. Patents Court of Patent Appeals, to establish a: S. 475. June 22,23, and 24,1937. Printed. 151 p. Library Public Buildings and Grounds Library of Congress, to authorize the to acquire the Auditorium in the District of Columbia, to authorize Charles Cotesworth Pinckney papers: S. 3699. construction and operation of an: S. 3873. May 6, Apr. 26, 1938. Transcript. 22 p. 1938. Printed. Filed with S. 865, 76th Congo 29 p. 75TH CONGRESS 55

Capital Auditorium Commission, to create the: S. Sioux Indian "massacre" at Wounded Knee Creek, 974. No date is given. Transcript. 40 p. S. Dak., to liquidate th~ liability of the United Public building contractors, to require to name their States in the: H.R. 2535. Mar. 7 and May 12, subcontractors: H.R. 146. July 13 and 29, 1937. 1938. Printed. 49 p. Printed. 63 p. Also transcript, 174 p. Sioux Reservation, conditions of the: H.R. 5753. U.S. Capitol, extension and completion of the: S. Apr. 21-22 and July 6, 1937. Printed. Filed with 1170. Feb. 6,9, and II, 1937. Printed. 78 p. S. 189.26 p.

Public Lands and Surveys Interstate and Foreign Commerce Petrified Forest National Monument, creation of the: S. Res. 240. Aug. 2, 1938. Printed. 13 p. Aviation: H.R. 5234 and H.R. 4652. Mar. 30 and 31 and Apr. 1,2,6,7, and 8,1937. Printed. 443 p. Subcommittee Investigating the Potash Industry Civil Aeronautics Authority, to create the: H.R. of the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys 9738. Mar. 10-31 and Apr. 1, 1938. Printed. 470 p. Hearings held at Carlsbad, N. Mex.: pursuant to S. Savannah River (to extend services and operation of Res. 274, 74th Cong.,and S. Res. 148, 75th Congo the Inland Waterways Corporation to): H.R. 4213. Oct. 22,1937. Transcript. 128 p. Apr. 9,1937. Printed. 19 p. Securities, to regulate the sale of certain, and to Subcommittee on Safety at Sea of the regulate trust indentures: H.R. 10292. Apr. 25, Committee on Commerce 1938. Printed. Filed with S. 447, 76th Congo 92 p.

Communist activities among seamen. June 3, 1937. Judiciary Transcript. Filed with records of the Special Committee To Investigate Conditions in the Amer­ Submerged lands containing petroleum deposits, es­ ican Merchant Marine. Sen 76A-F25. 29 p. tablishment of title of the United States to certain: S.J. Res. 208. Feb. 23, 24, and 25,1938. House Committees Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. 92, 76th Congo 262 p.

Claims Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Aberdeen Proving Ground, for the relief of certain Eight-hour day for seamen: H.R. 6745, H.R. 8774, persons who suffered damages from the operation and H.R. 9588. Mar. 24,1938. Printed. Filed with of the: H.J. Res. 294. Jan II and 13, 1938. S. 3834. 145 p. Printed. Filed with S. 3228, 76th Congo 81 p. Rules for preventing collisions at sea: S. 1273. Mar. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. James, for the relief of: S. 30,1938. Printed. Filed with S. 1273.52 p. 2643. Apr. 22,1938. Transcript. p. 4-9. Schoolship graduates (rating of): S. 2084, H.R. 5578, Straley, Naomi and Bonnie, for the relief of: S. 2488. and H.R. 5788. Apr. 30 and May 1, 1937. Printed. Jan. 21 and Feb. 18, 1938. Transcript. Filed with Filed with S. 2084. 88 p. S. 1847, 76th Congo 7 p. Military Affairs Indian Affairs Commodities essential to the supplies of the Armed Delaware Indian Jurisdictional Act: S. 2326. Mar. 22, Forces, acquisition of certain: H.R. 1608. May 18, 1938. Printed. 34 p. 25, and 26 and June 1, 1937. Printed. Filed with Mississippi Choctaw Indians Jurisdictional Act: S. S. 572, 76th Congo 94 p. 1478. Mar. 21 and 28,1938. Printed. 72 p. Osage Indians of Oklahoma, tribal and individual Naval Affairs affairs: H.R. 8701. May 19, 1938. Printed. 28 p. Quapaw Indian lands in Oklahoma, tax upon lead and Bass, Arthur W., to advance on the retired list of the zinc on: H.R. 5559. Mar. 17, 1937. Printed. 14 p. Navy: S. 2598. Mar. 9, 1938. Transcript. p. 37·41. 56 HEARINGS

Naval Academy, to authorize the Superintendent of Territories the to accept gifts and bequests for erecting a building: S. 2963. Mar. 9, 1938. Transcript. 5 p. Alaska legislation: S. 2254, H.R. 5126, and H.R. Wood, Harold R., to authorize a Distinguished Service 6790. June 15 and 22,1937. Printed. Filed with Medal for heroism in Haiti: S. 126. Mar. 9, S. 1722.33 p. 1938. Transcript. Filed with S. 860, 76th Congo Un-American Activities 3 p. Un-American propaganda activities in the United States (testimony of John Frey of the American Patents Federation of Labor): pursuant to H. Res. 282. Aug. 13, 1938. Printed. Filed with H.R. 9766, Phosphate rock process, importation of products 76th Congo 188 p. made by: H.R. 7851. May 5, 1938. Printed. Filed with H.R. 8285, 76th Congo 110 p. Joint Committees

Hawaii Public Buildings and Grounds Hawaii, statehood for: pursuant to S. Con. Res. Federal Credit Union Act (to amend): H.R. 6287. 18. Oct. 6-22, 1937. Printed. RG 128 (House). May 26, 1937. Printed. 15 p. 735 p. Public buildings and grounds (Hudson Falls, N.Y., and Oakland, Calif.): H.R. 3135 and H.R. 3683. Printing Mar. 24,1937. Printed. 10 p. Washington, D.C., to establish an airport near. Jan. Patent Office specifications, printing of by the offset 28, 1938. Transcript. Sen 75A-F6.1. 45 p. method: Apr. 18 and 20, 1938. Printed. RG 128 (House). 105 p. Rivers and Harbors Investigation of the Tennessee Valley Regional conservation and development of the na­ Authority tional resources: H.R. 7365 and H.R. 7863. Dec. 30, 1937. Printed. Filed with S. 3234.. p. 843-861. Tennessee Valley Authority, investigation of the: Sabine-Neches Waterway and Sabine Lake, Tex. pursuant to Public Res. 83. May 25-Dec. 21,1938. April 14, 1938. Printed. Filed with H.R. 10298. RG 128 (Senate). Printed. 6,306 p. Transcript. 40p. 14,797 p.

76TH CONGRESS January 3, 1939-January 3, 1941

Senate Committees Tennessee Valley Authority funds, to authorize the use of for alteration of certain highway and Agriculture and Forestry railroad bridges: S. 3610. Sept. 12, 1940. Tran­ script. 47 p. National Forest rangelands, providing for elected Appropriations advisory boards for to be chosen by users of rangelands: S. 3532. Apr. 29, 1940. Printed. Filed Agriculture Department, appropriation for fiscal year with S. 997, 77th Congo 44 p. 1941: H.R. 8202. Feb. 26, 1940. Transcript. Processing tax on hogs, refund of the: S.J. Res. 66. 1,932 p. May 16 and 17, 1939. Printed. 48 p. Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and FBI emergency Taxes on the ginning of cotton levied under the supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1940: Bankhead Cotton Control Act of 1934, to refund: H.R. 7805. Jan. 17 and 18, 1940. Transcript. S. 963. Mar. 22,1940. Transcript. 121 p. 223 p. 76TH CONGRESS 57

Deficiency appropriations for the fiscal year ending Treasury and Post Office Departments appropriations June 30, 1940, and prior fiscal years and supple­ for fiscal year 1941: H.R- 8068. Feb. 1, 1940. mental appropriations for fiscal years ending June Transcript. 455 p. 30, 1940, and June 30, 1941: H.R- 10104. June Urgent deficiency appropriation for fiscal year ending 20,1940. Printed_ Filed with S. 4177.173 p. June 30, 1940 (replacements for naval vessels and Deficiency (first) appropriation for fiscal year 1940: armament): H.R. 8067. Jan. 27, 1940. Transcript. H.R. 8641. Mar. 5,1940. Transcript. 122 p. 50 p. Deficiency (second) appropriation for fiscal year War Department civil functions appropriation for 1940: H.R- 10 104. June 20, 1940. Transcript. fiscal year 1941: H.R. 8668. Mar. 12, 1940. 454 p. Transcript. 625 p. District of Columbia Government appropriation for War Department civil functions (first supplemental) fiscal year 1941: H.R. 9109. Apr. 22, 1940. appropriation for fiscal year 1941: H.R- 10539. Transcript. 1,683 p. Sept. 25, 1940. Transcript. 968 p. Independent offices appropriations for fiscal year Work relief and relief, additional appropriation for 1941: H.R. 7922. Jan. 25-30, 1940. Transcript. fiscal year 1939: H.J. Res. 246. Apr. 1, 1939. 447 p. Transcript. 137 p. Interior Department appropriation for fiscal year Banking and Currency 1941: H.R. 8745. Mar. 25-Apr. 29, 1940. Tran­ script. 1,378 p. Commodities held as securities for loans made by the Labor Department appropriation for fiscal year 1941: Commodity Credit Corporation, allowing the pro­ H.R. 9007. Apr. 12-18,1940. Transcript. 1,017 p. ducers to redeem: S.J. Res. 78. Mar. 28, 1939. Legislative branch appropriation for fiscal year 1940: Transcript. 41 p. H-R. 4218. Feb. 28,1939. Printed. 40 p. Export-Import Bank, to increase the lending author­ Legislative branch appropriation for fiscal year 1941: ity of the and to authorize loans to governments H.R. 8913. Mar. 26,1940. Transcript. 127 p. or central banks in the Western Hemisphere to Military Establishment appropriation for fiscal assist in the development of those countries: S. year 1941: H.R. 9209. Apr. 30 and May 6, 1940. 4204. July 30,1940. Printed. 37 p. Transcript. 1,127 p. Farm Credit Administration, to provide for the National defense (second supplemental) appropria­ establishmen t of the as an independent agency: S. tion for fiscal year 1941: H.R- 10263. Aug. 5, 3480. Apr. 1 and 2, 1940. Transcript. 151 p. 1940. Transcript. 534 p. Federal Home Loan Bank Act, Home Owners' Loan National defense (supplemental) appropriation for Act of 1933, and title IV of the National Housing fiscal year 1941: H.R- 10055. June 15, 1940. Act, to amend the: S. 2098. July 26 and July 28, Transcript. 142 p. 1939. Transcript. 44 p. National defense (third supplemental) appropriation Federal Reserve Act, amendment of section 12B of for fiscal year 1941: H-R- 10572. Sept. 30, 1940. the: S. 1701. Apr. 7,1939. Transcript. 22 p. Transcript. 127 p. Loans made by member banks of the Federal Reserve Navy Department and the naval service appropria­ System to their executive officers, to extend the tions for fiscal year 1941: H.R. 8438. Mar. 15-May time for repayment of: S. 1886. Mar. 28, 1939. 21, 1940_ Transcript. 602 p. Transcript. 5 p. Relief (emergency) appropriations for fiscal year Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to authorize to 1941: H.J. Res_ 544. May 27, 1940_ Transcript. make loans for the development of strategic and 548 p. critical mineral deposits: S. 4008 and S. 4013. State, Commerce, and Justice Departments and the May 28,1940. Printed. 17 p. Federal Judiciary, appropriations for fiscal year Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to prohibit 1941: H-R- 8319. Feb. 19, 1940. Transcript. from making loans to businesses which use such 616 p. loans to relocate industries: S. 2298. June 7, 1939. Tennessee Valley Authority, additional appropriation Transcript. 65 p. for fiscal year 1941 to provide facilities to Self-liquidating projects, to provide for the construc­ expedite the national defense: S.J. Res. 285. July tion and financing of: S. 2759. July 12-20, 1939. 10, 1940. Transcript. 28 p. Printed. 269 p. 58 HEARINGS

Claims Keweenaw Peninsula, Mich., to establish a Coast Guard station on the east coast of: H.R. 899. Apr. Alabama Mineral Land Co., to confer jurisdiction on 15,1939. Transcript. 2 p. the U.S. Court of Claims to render judgment on Maritime instruction and training, to allow persons in the claim of the against the United States arising the Coast Guard to be detailed for duty in out of the conveyance to the United States of connection with: S. 2166. Apr. 15, 1939. Tran­ certain forest lands in Alabama: S. 435. Apr. 4, script. 9 p. 1939. Transcript. 35 p. Mississippi River bridge at Memphis, Tenn., to author­ Carr China Co. of Grafton, W. Va., for the relief of ize the construction of the: S. 2242. June 7, 1939. the: S. 774. Aug. 27, 1940. Transcript. Filed with Transcript. 15 p. , S. 266, 77th Congo 16 p. Mississippi River bridge at or near Chester, Ill., to Greenleaf, J. J., for the relief of: S. 527. Feb. 22 and extend the times for commencing and' completing 23, 1939. Printed. 51 p. the building of the: H.R. 8372. June 10, 1940. Mediterranean fruit fly in Florida, payment of indem­ Transcript. 27 p. nity for losses as a result of the eradication National Travel Board, to establish and to encourage campaign against the: S.J. Res. 177. Feb. 29, in various ways travel within the United States: S. 1940. Printed. 87 p. 307. Apr. 4,1939. Transcript. 10 p. Niagara River bridge near Niagara Falls, N.Y., to Commerce extend the times for beginning and finishing the building of the: H.R. 6109. June 7, 1939. Tran­ Bridges over navigable waters of the United States, to script. 21 p. provide for alteration of certain: S. 1989. May 17 Public works on rivers and harbors, to authorize: and June 7, 1939. Transcript. June 7; 9 p. Printed. H.R. 6264. June 10 and 12, 1939. Printed. 144 p. May 17; 55 p. District of Columbia Civil aircraft pilots, to provide training of by the Civil Aeronautics Authority: S. 2119. Apr. 20, 1939. Cooperative associations in the District of Columbia, Printed. 93p. Interpolated in this hearing is a to provide for the organization and regulation of: 64-page excerpt from a House Interstate and S. 2013. Apr. 16, 18, and 19, 1940. Printed. 57 p. Foreign Commerc~ hearing on H.R. 5093, an Credit unions in the District of Columbia, to put iden tical bill. under the examination of the District Government Coast Guard commissioned personnel, to readjust: S. instead of the Comptroller of the Currency: S. 1876. Apr. 15, 1939. Transcript. 45 p. 2352. Mar. 29 and Apr. 3, 1940. Transcript. 65 p. Coast Guard enlisted personnel, to authorize the Delegates representing the District of Columbia at retirement of after 20 years of service: S. 595. national political conventions, to regulate the Apr. 15, 1939. Transcript. 17 p. election of: S. 1513. Apr. 17 and 23,1940. Coast Guard personnel, reimbursement to for 1938 Transcript. 4 pts. (pt. 1 missing). 142 p. hurricane losses in New York, Connecticut, and Dental practice in the District of Columbia, to amend Rhode Island: S. 2167. Apr. 15, 1939. Mimeo­ the act for the regulation of: H.R. 7865. May 23, graphed transcript. 7 p. 1940. Transcript. 92 p. Coast Guard, to provide additional facilities for the in Engineering in the District of Columbia, to regulate the interest of national defense: S. 1369. Apr. 15, the practice of professional: S. 1128. Mar. 9, 1939. Printed. 21 p. 1939. Transcript (copy). 111 p. Flood control acts, to amend and authorize certain Federal payment toward the District of Columbia preliminary examinations and surveys for flood government expenses, to fix the amount of: S. control: H.R. 6634. July 13, 1939. Printed. 10 p. 1190. Mar. 14,15, and 30,1939. Printed. 132 p. Flood control funds, to authorize the Secretary of Fire and Police Departments, to provide for retire­ the Treasury to accept from States and their ment of certain members of the: H.R. 8846. June political subdivisions: S. 3612. July 10, 1940. 15, 1940. Transcript. 40 p. Transcript. lOp. Fire, marine, and -::asualty insurance in the District of Flood protection works at Chattanooga, Tenn., and Columbia, to provide for regulation of the business Rossville, Ga., to provide: S. 3634. Apr. 10, 1940. of: S. 3500 and H.R. 9722. May 17, 1940. TranSCript. 80 p. Printed. Filed with H.R. 9722. 79 p. 76TH CONGRESS 59

Minimum resale prices, to protect the use of volun­ Inter-American Bank, convention for the establish­ tary contracts establishing: H.R. 3838. June 29, ment of the signed on May 10, 1940: Ex. K. May 1939. Printed. 80 p. 5-6, 1941. Sen 76A-F3. Printed. 66 p. Podiatry, to amend the act to regulate the practice of Military and naval assistance to the governments of in the District of Columbia: H.R. 8692. May 23, the American Republics, to authorize: S.I. Res. 1940. Transcri pt. 47 p. 89. Mar. 22, 1939. Printed. 24 p. Revenue for the District of Columbia, to provide: Neutrality Act, to remove restrictions of the applying H.R. 6577. June 20, 1939. Transcript. IISp. to safe conduct for vessels carrying Red Cross supplies to belligerents: S.I. Res. 279. June 18, Education and Labor 1940. Printed. 19 p. Neutrality and peace legislation, 1939: S.I. Res. 97, National Labor Relations Act, to amend the: S. 1000, S.I. Res. 106, S.I. Res. 21, S.I. Res. 67, S. 203, S. S. 1264, S. 1392, S. 1550, S. 1580, and S. 2123. 1745, and S. Con. Res. 8. Apr. 5-28 and May 1-6, Apr. II-July 31,1939. Printed. Filed with H.R. 1939. Filed with S. 203 and S.I. Res. 21. Printed. 9195. ca.l,200p. 636 p. Poland, for the relief of the suffering people of Finance (through the Red Cross): S.J. Res. 207. Mar. 13 and 20, 1940. Transcript. 42 p. Cocoa fiber pile mats, to amend the Tariff Act of Rome Universal Exhibition, to accept the Italian 1930 with respect to: H.R. 10181. Oct. 4,1940. Government's invitation to participate in the, Transcript. Filed with H.R. 3572, 77th Congo 1942: S.I. Res. 213. Apr. 3,1940. Printed. 5 p. 18 p. Immigration Fats and oils, proposed taxes on: H.R. 3790. Mar. 8 and 9,1939. Printed. 44 p. Aliens who advocate the making of any changes in Gasoline blended with alcohol from farm products, to the American form of government, to provide for exempt from Federal tax: S. 552. May 23,24,25, exclusion and deportation of: H.R. 4860. July 28, and 29,1939. Printed. 207 p. 1939, and Feb. 21 and Apr. 25, 1940. Transcript. Governmental employees' salaries, to authorize the 172 p. reciprocal taxation of: H.R. 3790. Feb. 21, 1939. German refugee children, to authorize the admission Printed. 29 p. into the United States of a limited number of: S.J. Revenue, to provide, to equalize taxation, and for Res. 64 (H.I. Res. 168). Apr. 20, 21, 22, and 24, other purposes: H.R. 6851. June 20, 1939. Tran­ 1939. Transcript. 527 p. script. 149 p. Immigration reduction and deportation of aliens: S. State sales and use taxes, to authorize the application 407, S. 408, S. 409, S. 410, and S. 411. Mar. 21, of to transactions in Federal areas (national parks 22, and 23,1939. Printed. 211 p. and military and other reservations): H.R. 6687. Motor carriers, to exempt from payment of overtime Apr. 23, 1940. Printed. 51 p. to immigration officers when operating on regular Veterans relief bills: S. 1403, S. 325, S. 1605, S. schedules: S. 3248. Feb. 7,1940. Transcript. 26 p. 1152, S. 73, S. 74, S. 103, S. 104, S. 105, S. 106, S. 108, S. 133, S. 172, S. 173, S. 174, S. 285, S. Indian Affairs 325, S. 405, S. 836, S. 1077, S. 1089, S. 1522, and S. 1652. Apr. 25,1939. Transcript. 71 p. California Indians jurisdictional bill; to amend the act of May 18, 1928, authorizing the Attorney Gen­ Foreign Relations eral of Clllifornia to bring suit in the Court of Claims on behalf of the Indians of California: S. Barbrick, John W., for the relief of: S. 804. Mar. 13, 1402. Apr. 29, 1940. Printed. Filed with S. 1112, 1940. Transcript. Filed with S. 1067, 77th Congo 77th Congo 37 p. 4 p. Choctaw Chickasaw Tribes of Oklahoma, to compen­ Finland, to provide for certain loans to by the sate the for land acquired from them in 1866 Reconstruction Finance Corporation: S. 3069. ("Leased Districts" of Oklahoma): S. 2001. Apr. Jan. 31, 1940. Printed. 78 p. 29, 1940. Printed. 77 p. 60 HEARINGS

Choctaw Indians of Mississippi, to confer jurisdiction Yakima Indians of Washington claims against the on the Court of Claims to determine the claims of United States, to confer jurisdiction on the Court the: S. 3524. Apr. 22 and 23,1940. Printed. Filed of Claims to judge: S. 773. May 2, 1939. Printed. with S. 2405. 18 p. 17 p. Federal supervision over certain individual Inliians, to provide for final discharge of and to provide for Interoceanic Canals final settlement of Indian claims: S. 2206 and S. 3750. Printed. July 10, 1939 (S. 2206 only). 39 p. Civilian officers and employees engaged in the con­ June 20, 1940. 28 p. struction of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone, to Gratuity offsets, to define in lawsuits between the provide for recognition of the services of: S. 50, S. United States and the Five Civilized Tribes: S.J. 1162. Mar. 7, 1939. Filed with S. 1481, 77th Res. 101. July 17, 1939. Printed. 12p. Congo 84 p. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, road con­ Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad, to provide struction in the: H.R. 6668. Apr. 22, 1940. for changes in the retirement laws for American Transcript. 8 p. employees of the: S. 310. July 20, 1939. Tran­ Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians in Oklahoma, script. 15 p. to refer claims of to the Court of Claims for finding of fact and report to Congress: S.J. Res. Interstate Commerce 130. July 17, 1939. Printed. 8 p. Klamath and Modoc Tribes and Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians judgment fund, to provide for Government employees, to require full payment by distribution of the: S. 1968. June 26 and July 17, when traveling on railroads: S. 1915 and S. 1990, 1939. Printed. Filed with H.R. 2738.44 p. June 5,1939. Printed. Filed with S. 2009. 173 p. Oklahoma, claim of against the United States arising Government rights in railroad land grants, to protect: from tax-exempt Indian lands, to provide for S. 2294. June 5, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. settlement of: S.J. Res. 109. Apr. 3, 1939. 2009.173 p. Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. ,69.25 p. Interstate CommeIce Act, to amend part I of the to Osage Indians of Oklahoma: S. 1298, S. 1222, S. 863. permit the continued use of special refrigerator Feb. 20-21, 1939. Printed. 40 p. cars: S. 2753. July 20 and 21, 1939. Printed. Quapaw Indians of Oklahoma, to extend the period 100 p. of restrictions on lands of the: H.R. 3796. June Interstate Commerce Commission, to give the more 19, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 966. 14 p. power to establish through routes on railroads Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation in (amendment to the Interstate Commerce Act): S. Wyoming, to provide for distribution of the 1085. Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, 1939. Printed. 95 p. judgment fund of the: S. 1878. July 10, 1939. Railroad Retirement Act, to amend the: S. 306, S. Printed. 12 p. 328, S. 593, S. 968, S. 969, S. 1112, S. 1724, S. Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of Sioux Indians, 1784, S. 1828, S. 2159, and S. 2443. June 26-27, payment to the for land ceded by them to the 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 140, 78th Congo 90 p. United States on July 23,1851: S. 2085. May 2, Railroad Retirement Act, to amend the to state a 1939. Printed. 9 p. definite time for retirement: S. 1112. June 24, Snake or Piute Indians of the former Malheur 1939. Printed. 17 p. Reservation of Oregon, to authorize to sue in the U.S. telegraph industry, directing a complete study of Court of Claims: S. 1432. Apr. 22, 1940. Printed. the: S. Res. 95. May 22 and 23, 1939. Printed. 69 p. Also part of hearing in transcript, 24 p. Filed with S. 1310. 69 p. Ute Indians, amending Jurisdictional Act; restoration of lands; authorizing suits in Court of Claims for Irrigation and Reclamation Ute Indians of Utah and Colorado: H.R. 9705. Aug. 20 and 21, 1940. Printed. Filed with S. 2952. Boulder Dam Power Plant, to authorize operation of 57 p. the by the United States and to provide for Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington, appro­ application of revenues from said project: S. 4039. priation for additional water for the: S. 1065. July May 28, 29, and 31 and June 3, 1940. Printed. 17, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 2806.9 p. 122 p. 76TH CONGRESS 61

Construction charges on U.S. reclamation projects, to Federal Employers' Liability Act, to amend the: S. provide a comprehensive plan for the variable 1708. Mar. 28 and 29, 1939. Transcript. 214 p. payment of: S. 2591. June 29, 1939. 101 p. June Printed. 85 p. 23, 1939. 35 p. Printed and transcript. Government contracts, to establish uniform require· Water control works in certain Western States, to ments affecting: S. 33. Mar. 7, 1940. Transcript. safeguard investments of Federal funds in and to 42p. prevent interference with interstate stream com­ Government of the United States, to make it a crime pacts: S. 3429. Sept. 18·26, 1940. Transcript. to advocate the overthrow of the by force: H.R. 132 p. 5138. May 17, 1940. Transcript. 163 p. Printed. 65 p. Judiciary Homestead tax exemption, to amend the Constitu· tion to provide a up to the value of $5,000: SJ. Administrative Office of the U.S. courts, to establish Res. 88. May 20, 1939. Transcript. 20 p. an: S. 188. Apr. 4 and 5,1939. Printed. 54 p. Judges holding office during good behavior, to extend Antitrust laws, to provide additional civil remedies the privilege of retirement for disability to: S. against violations of the (statement of Senator 1282. June 27 and July 7, 1939. Transcript. 28 p. O'Mahoney): S. 2719. July 28, 1939. Transcript. Judicial Code, to amend the in respect to the 60 p. jurisdiction of the Court of Claims in Indian tribal Appointees to the Senate, terms of office and salaries claims cases: S. 3083. Feb. 13·16, 1940. Tran· of (petition of George Berry of Tennessee, May script. 455 p. 1937). Jan. 17, 1939. Transcript. 15 p. . Lynching, to prevent the crime of and to assure equal Appointees to the Senate, length of terms and protection of the laws within every State: H.R. amount of salaries of: S. Res. 73. Jan. 17, 1939. 801. Feb. 6 and 7 and Mar. 4 and 13, 1940. Printed. 20 p. Transcript. 463 p. Arkansas Federal courts, to transfer the Federal Motion picture films, to prohibit producers and District Court for the Eastern Division of the distributors of from owning or operating motion Eastern District of Arkansas from Helena to picture theaters in the United States: S. 3735. Forrest City: H.R. 9531. June 14, 1940. Tran­ Apr. 22 and May 16, 1940. Transcript. 207 p. script. 60 p. Natural gas and petroleum, investigation of possible Bankruptcy Act of 1898 as amended, to amend the antitrust violations in the control of production (agricultural compositions and extensions): S. and distribution of: S. Res. 245. Apr. 17·19 and 1935. july 20 and 21,1939. Transcript. 68 p. May 1, 1940. Transcript. 631 p. Bankruptcy Act, to amend the to permit the adjust­ President of the United States, a constitutional ment of special assessment bonds of cities: H.R. amendment to extend the term of the to 6 6505. June 30 and July 12, 1939. Transcript and years and to make the President ineligible for printed. 49 p. reelection: SJ. Res. 15. Sept. 4-0ct. 30, 1940. Carden, George, and Anderson Herd, to provide for Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. 65. 350 p. the appeal of the claim of from the Court of President of the United States, to limit the to two Claims to the Supreme Court: S. 2842 and S. terms in office: SJ. Res. 289. Sept. 4-0ct. 30, 2858. July 27, 1939. TranSCript. 8 p. 1940. Printed. Filed with S.l. Res. 65, 78th Congo Citizenship Day, to authorize the President to pro­ 350 p. claim: SJ. Res. 233 (HJ. Res. 437). Mar. 25, Prison Industries Reorganization Administration, to 1940. Transcript. 62 p. authorize the continuance of the: S. 2303. Mar. Declaration of war, amendment to the Constitution 15, 1940. Transcript. 32 p. to provide for a referendum on: S.J. Res. 84. May Public Defen~er for the District of Columbia, to 10-31,1939. Transcript. 478 p. provide for the Office of: S. 2871. Mar. 28,1940. District Judge for the Western District of Washington, Transcript. 128 p. to provide for the to be a judge for the Western Public defenders in the district courts of the United and Eastern Districts of Washington: S. 1554. Apr. States., to provide for appointment of: S. 1845. 20, 1939. Transcript. 22 p. Mar. 28, 1940. Printed. 46 p. 62 HEARINGS

Subversive organizations, to require the registration Mont.: S. 3724. Aug. 21, 1940. Transcript. Filed of: H.R. 10094. Transcript. July 8 and 10,1940. with S. 198, 77th Congo 10 pp. 273 p. July 31 and Aug. 1,1940.183 p. Hayden, Lt. Col. Herbert B., USA, Ret., to correct Tennessee, to create a mountain judicial district in the military record of: S. 3129. Mar. 14 and 26, the State of: S. 1681. Mar. 25, 1940. Transcript. 1940. Transcript. 31 p. 45 p. Printed. 18 p. Home Guards; to permit States to organize military Tort claims against the United States, to confer units to replace the National Guard when it has jurisdiction in to the Court of Claims and the been called into Federal service: S. 4175. Sept. 5, district courts: S. 2690. Mar. 6 and 11, 1940. 1940. Transcript. 59 p. Transcript. 156 p. Inventors, to protect the rights of: S. 4277. Sept. 11, 1940. Printed. 79 p. Military Affairs King, Capt. R. J., for the relief of: S. 1413. June 1, Air Corps, Regular Army, to create a new group 1939. Transcript. 53 p. within with the designations of flight officer: S. Lands for military purposes, acquisition of certain 2225. May 5 and 19 and June 2, 1939. Printed. additional: S. 4057. June 7, 1940. Transcript. 64 p. 27 p. Air Corps Reserve Officers, to provide pay to for risks Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Corps officers, to in authorized flights when not on active duty: S. authorize the discontinuance in time of war or 3566. May 28,1940. Printed. 27 p. emergency of professional examinations (except Aircraft observers, to authorize officers detailed for physical) for promotion in the Regular Army of: duty as to be so rated and paid: S. 4005 (H.R. S. 4224. Aug. 21,1940. Transcript. 4 p. 9898). Aug. 21, 1940. Transcript. 4 p. Military colleges, to establish and maintain: S. 4305. Alexander, Sam, to authorize the President to sum­ Sept. 20, 1940. Transcript. 7 p. mon before an Army Retiring Board: S. 505. July Military construction appropriation authorization: S. 13, 1940. Printed. Filed with S. 438, 77th Congo 3982. May 27,1940. Transcript. 56 p. 11 p. National Guard bills: S. 3494, S. 3495, S. 3497, and Armaments prices to the U.S. Government, to investi­ S. 3619. Mar. 21 and May 17, 1940. Printed. gate the effect of armament sales to foreign 43 p. June 7,1940. Transcript. 19 p. Filed with S. governments on: S. Res. 244. Mar. 28, 1940. 3619. Printed. 18 p. Officers Reserve Corps, to provide allowances for Army construction project employees in the Canal training and uniforms for inactive status officers of Zone, to require American citizenship for all: S. the: S. 507. June 16, 1939. Transcript. 14 p. 3130. Jan. 19 and 26, 1940. Printed. 21 p. Officers Reserve Corps, to provide allowances for Army Mine Planter Service, to increase the authorized training and uniforms for inactive status officers of numbers of warrant officers and enlisted men in the: S. 507 and S. 508. Apr. 14, 1939. Printed. the: S. 4275. Aug. 21, 1940. Transcript. 7 p. Filed with S. 508. 28 p. Carter, Oberlin M., to correct the military record of: Panama Canal defense, investigation of a wire screen S. 2767. Feb. 19 and Mar. 27 and 28, 1940. device to deflect bombs. July 10, 1940. Tran­ Printed. Filed with S. 973. 77th Congo 215 p. script. 51 p. Casale, Nicholas, for the relief of: SJ. Res. 161. May Private military forces in the United States, to 16,1940. Transcript. 18 p. prohibit and to prohibit military drilling by Civil liabilities of certain persons serving in the individuals wearing uniforms or insignia of, or Military and Naval Establishments, to suspend similar to those of, foreign countries: S. 175 and enforcement of certain: S. 4270. Aug. 14 and S. 1909. May 10 and 17 and June 7, 1940. Sept. 5 and 6, 1940. Transcript. 45 p. Transcript. Vol. 2. p. 3243. Enlisted men who served as officers in World War I, Promotion list officers of the Army, to provide for to give the retired pay of warrant officers: S. promoting after specified years of service in grade: 2888. Apr. 1, 1940. Transcript. 32 p. S. 3712 (H.R. 9243). Apr. 8,1940. Printed. 26 p. Fort Missoula Military Reservation, to authorize the Retired military officers, to allow to accept jobs paid Secretary of War to exchange land in the for land out of the U.S. Treasury: S. 3713. May 17,1940. owned by the Chamber of Commerce of Missoula, Printed. 9 p. 76TH CONGRESS 63

Retired personnel of the Regular Army, to provide Public Lands and Surveys for the service on active duty of: S. 4203. Aug. 21, 1940. Transcript. 10 p. Boulder Dam recreational area, to authorize the Temporary promotions in the Army of the United Secretary of the Interior to convey land in the to States in time of peace, to provide uniformity in: the State of Nevada to be used for the purposes of S. 4207. Aug. 20, 1940. Transcript. 39 p. a public park: S. 2. Mar. 13, 14, and 15, 1939. To amend the act entitled "An Act to punish the Printed. 83 p. willful injury or destruction of war material or of Mineral lands on the public domain, to lease and to war premises or utilities": S. 4297. Sept. 6,1940. issue prospecting permits: S. 878. June 1, 1939. Transcript. 16 p. Transcript. 64 p. Naval oil reserve in submerged lands along the coast Mines and Mining of California, establishment of a: S.J. Res. 83. Mar. 27-30, 1939. Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. 92. Assay office, to provide for the establishment of an at 515 p. Helena, Mont: S. 3115 (H.R. 8285). May 17, Oil deposits along the California coast, to declare 1940. Transcript. 24 p. conservation of essential to national defense: S.J. Assessment work on mining claims held by location Res. 92. Mar. 27 and 30,1939. Transcript. 515 p. in the United States, to suspend: S. 1288. May 4, Rocky Mountain National Park, to authorize investi­ 1939. Printed. 28 p. gation of proposed enlargement of and adding Bureau of Mines experiment station at Rolla, Mo., for lands to the: S. Res. 147 and S. 2651. Aug. 30 and the construction and equipment of: S. 1806. May 31 and Sept. 1,1939. Printed. 136 p. 4, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 1288. 28 p. Taylor Grazing Act of 1934, to amend the: S. 2237. Coal mines, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior Feb. 28, 1940. Printed. 30 p. to make investigations in for the purpose of Washington timberlands, to provide for investigation getting information relating to health and safety of alleged fraudulent patents issued for: S. Res. conditions: S. 2420. June 1, 13, and 20 and July 76. Dec. 4-5,1940. Transcript. 71 p. 20,1939. Transcript. 36 p. Printed. 151 p. Territories and Insular Affairs Geological Survey, to authorize the Director of the to acquire certain library collections: S. 1542. May 4, Alaska development corporations, to authorize the 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 1288.28 p. establishment of, privately financed and publicly supervised: S. 3577. May 13, 1940. Transcript. 540 p. Patents Economic and commercial arrangements between the United States and the Philippines: S. 1028. Feb. Circuit Court of Appeals for Patents, to establish a: S. 16-Mar. 15, 1939. Transcript. 810 p. 2687. July 5 and 6,1939. Printed. 80 p. Special Committee on Taxation of Governmental Term of a patent, to limit the to 20 years: S. 2688. Securities and Salaries July 5 and 6, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 2687. 80 p. Wenchel, John P., statement of: Feb. 16, 1939. Transcript. Sen 76A-F28. p. 1176-1226. Printing Special Committee To Investigate Campaign Expenditures of Presidential, Vice Presidential, and Senatorial Candidates in 1940 Constitution and the First Congress, to provide for compiling and publishing a history of the: H.J. Hearings held pursuant to S. Res. 212 in the Res. 314. July 21,1939. Printed. 12 p. following cities: Washington, D.C., Sept. 20, 1940-Jan. 11, 1941, 795 p.; Washington, D.C., Public Buildings and Grounds Oct. 1, 1940, re Delaware, 242 p.; Chicago, Ill., Oct. 16-26, 1940, 691 p.; Topeka, Kans., May Property for public use in the District of Columbia, 20-29, 1940, 884 p.; Newark, N.J., Oct. 15-29, to provide for the acquisition of certain: S. 1825. 1940, 1,998 p., and Oct. 24-25, 1940, re Southern Apr. 18, 1940. TranSCript. 8 p. New Jersey, 544 p. Transcripts. Sen 76A-F26. 64 HEARINGS

Special Committee To Investigate Conditions in the Indian Affairs American Merchant Marine American Indians, to authorize an appropriation for American merchant marine, conditions in the: pursu­ the relief of through utilization of surplus Ameri­ ant to S. Res. 231, 75th Congo Mar. 13 and 30, can agricultural commodities: H.R. 8937. Mar. 21 1939. Printed. Sen 76A-F25. Pt. 1. 63 p. and 22,1940. Printed. 87 p. Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians, to authorize the to Special Committee To Study Reorganization of the submit claims to the Court of Claims: H.R. 2775. Courts of the United States and Reform of June 20, 1939-Feb. 21, 1940. Printed. Filed with Judicial Procedure S. 864. 82 p. Bad River Band of Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, Federal judges, additional: S. 190, S. 500, S. 1282, S. relief of certain members of the: H.R. 3717 and 1481, S. 1505, S. 1535, S. 1545, S. 1567, S. 1853, H.R. 3718. Feb. 20,1939. Printed. 32 p. and S. 1903. Apr. 13 and 17, 1939. Transcript. Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians of Oklahoma, pur­ Sen 76A-F27. 46 p. chase of certain coal and asphalt deposits from: H.R. 909. Apr. 24, 1940. Printed. 34 p. House Committees Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians in Oklahoma, to refer the claims of to the Court of Claims: H.J. A ppropria tions Res. 290. July 18 and 21,1939. Printed. 46 p. Miami Indians of Indiana, to confer jurisdiction on Department of Justice appropriation for fiscal year the Court of Claims to judge all claims of: H.R. 1941. Jan. 5, 1940. Printed. Filed with S_J_ Res. 2306 (S. 1926). Mar. 14,1940. Printed. Filed with 92.491 p. S. 1926. 67 p. Legislative establishment appropriation for fiscal year Miami Indians of Indiana, to give jurisdiction to the 1940: H.R. 4218. Jan. 30, 1939. Printed. Court of Claims for all claims of: H.R. 2306. Apr. 76A-F21. 330 p. 11,1939. Printed. 30 p. Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux Indians, to authorize Banking and Currency payment to for lands ceded by them by the treaty of July 23, 1851: H.R. 793. May 5, 1939. Printed. Export-Import Bank of Washington, to increase the 28 p. lending authority of the: H.R. 10212 and H.R. Yakima Indian tribes, to give jurisdiction to the Court 10361. Aug. 6-14, 1940. Printed. Filed with H.R. of Claims of all claims of: H.R. 2390. May 9, 10361. 141 p. 1939. Printed. 30 p. Yankton Sioux tribe of South Dakota, to exempt District of Columbia from the provisions of Public Law 383, 73d Boundary line, to establish between the District of Congress: H.R. 5878. Apr. 22, 1939. Printed. Columbia and the Commonwealth of Virginia: 62 p. H.R. 9976. Oct. 2, 1940. Printed. Filed with S. 4114.39 p. Interstate and Foreign Commerce Children appearing on the stage in the District of Columbia, to provide regulations for: H.R. 9293. Apr. 11, 1940. Printed. Filed with S. 2744. 35 p. Interstate Commerce Commission, to authorize the to Dentistry, to amend the act for the regulation of the reopen unpaid claims of short line railroads af­ practice of in the District of Columbia: H.R. 7865. fected by Federal operation of railroads in World Mar. 21 and Apr. 5,1940. Printed. 73 p. War I: H.R. 4103. June 13-14, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 2300.49 p. Foreign Affairs Investment companies and investment advisers, to provide for the registration and regulation of: H.R. American neutrality policy: hearings on various bills 10065. June 13 and 14, 1940. Printed. 145 p. and resolutions to amend Public Res. 27, 75th Keokuk, Iowa, to authorize to build a toll bridge Congo (Neutrality Act of 1937). Apr. ll·May 2, across the Mississippi River: H.R. 5282. July 13, 1939. Printed. Sen 76A-F9. 6,386 p. 1939. Transcript. Filed with S. 1988. 35 p. 76TH CONGRESS 65

Petroleum Investigation: pursuant to H. Res. 290 and Rules of procedure in criminal cases, to give the H.R. 7372. Nov. 6, 1939·June 20, 1940. Printed. Supreme Court authority to prescribe for U.S. Located in files of Senate Special Committee To district courts: H.R. 4587. May 9,1939. Printed. Investigate Petroleum Resources. 5 pts. 2,329 p. Filed with S. 1283.41 p. Travel within the United States, to encourage, to U.S. Government, to make it unlawful to advocate create an advisory U.S. Travel Board, and for other the overthrow of by force or violence: H.R. 5138. purposes: H.R. 1792 and H.R. 5412. Mar. 28, Apr. 12, 1939. Printed. 96 p. 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 307. 22 p. Wiretapping, to authorize by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the interest of national defense: Invalid Pensions H.J. Res. 553 (H.J. Res. 571). June 12, 1940. Printed. Sen 77A-FI7. 19 p. Veterans of the Regular Establishment, pensions and increases of pensions to certain widows and Merchant Marine and Fisheries dependents of: H.R. 2889 (S. 2480), H.R. 2897, and H.R. 6129. May 29 and 31,1939. Printed. "American fishery," to define: H.R. 8475. Apr. 16, Filed with S. 2480. 59 p. 1940. Printed. 204 p. Fishing vessels requisitioned by the Government, to Irrigation and Reclamation provide for replacement of: H.R. 10501. Sept. 13, 1940. Printed. 19 p. Saco Divide Unit, Milk River irrigation project, Laid-up fleet, to remove restriction on use of: HJ. Montana, to authorize funds for construction of Res. 519. Apr. 24, 1940. Printed. Filed with SJ. the: H.R. 9734. Aug. 13, 1940. Filed with S. Res. 246. 220 p. 3942. Printed. 25 p. Term bonds for clearance of ships, to allow agents to give (H.R. 197); allotments of savings by seamen Judiciary to savings accounts, to permit (H.R. 199); and official notices of changes of masters of ships, to Administrative Office of the U.S. courts, to provide provide for. Mar. 28, 1939. Printed. Filed with for the: H.R. 2973, amended and reintroduced as H.R. 199.67 p. H.R. 5999. Mar. 2 and Apr. 15, 1939. Printed. Military Affairs Filed with S. 188.78 p. Bankruptcy Act, to amend with respect to the basis Army officers overage in grade, to provide for the of property for tax purposes: H.R. 9864. June 3, retirement of: H.R. 6069 and H.R. 6632. May 16 1940. Printed. Filed with S. 4133.69 p. and 18 and June 6, 1939. Printed. Filed with Municipal Bankruptcy Compositions (to extend the S. 2869. 50 p. Municipal Debt Re-adjustment Act): H.R. 8016 Promotion list officers of the Army, to promote after and H.R. 9139. Feb. 14, 15, and 16, 1940. specified years of service in grade: H.R. 9243. Printed. Filed with S. 3319. 241 p. Apr. 9,1940. Printed. Filed with S. 3712. 25 p. Naval petroleum reserve, to establish a in the sub­ Patents merged lands along the coast of California and to assert the title of the United States to certain Trademarks, to provide for registration of (H.R. submerged lands containing petroleum deposits: 6618); to provide for classification of patents H.J. Res. 176 and H.J. Res. 181. Mar. 22 and 23, (H.R. 6721); to protect the United States in 1939. Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. 92. 290 p. patent infringement suits (H.R. 6877); and various Petroleum, divorcement of the production, refining, bills to amend the patent laws (H.R. 6872, 6873, and transporting of from the marketing of petro­ 6874, 6875, and 6878). June 22, 1939. Printed. leum products: H.R. 2318 and S. 448. May 24, Filed with H.R. 6618.62 p. June 2, 7, 21,23, and 28, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 448. 402 p. Public Buildings and Grounds Railroads, to provide for voluntary adjustment of the obligations of those not insolvent: H.R. 5407 Akron, Ohio, to repeal the minimum price limit on (originally H.R. 3704). Mar. 1 and 6, 1939. sale of the old Post Office at: H.R. 6021. May 18, Printed. 91 p. 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 2473. 2 p. 66 HEARINGS

Beck, Lizzie, of Mena, Ark., to authorize the Secre­ Public Lands tary of the Treasury to accept real estate devised ·to the United States by: H.R. 5836. Apr. 26, Blue Ridge Parkway, to grant North Carolina a 1939. Printed. Filed with S. 2244. 2 p. right-of-way for the across the Cherokee Indian Carson City, Nev., to authorize sale of the mint Reservation: H.R. 6668. July 17, 19, and 21, building at: H.R. 5328. Apr. 26, 1939. Printed. 1939. Printed. 79 p. Filed with S. 2050.4 p. John Muir-King's Canyon National Park, Calif., to District of Columbia, to provide for the acquisition of establish, and to transfer thereto lands now in­ certain property in the for public use: H.R. 4582. cluded in the General Grant National Park: H.R. Mar. 20, 1940. Printed. 30 p. 3794. Mar. 15-31 and Apr. 1, 4 and 6, 1939. El Campo, Tex., to convey certain property to the Printed. 447 p. city of: H.R. 5037. May 24, 1939. Printed. Filed Mississippi River Parkway, to authorize a national: with S. 1982. 6 p. H.R. 3759. Mar. 23, 1939. Printed. Filed with Government Island, to authorize the President to S. 2097. 94 p. accept certain lands from the city of Alameda, Rivers and Harbors Calif. Apr. 13, 1939. Printed. 9 p. Housing, to expedite provision of in connection with Public works on rivers and harbors, to authorize the national defense: H.R. 10412. Aug. 29 and construction of: H.R. 6264. Jan. 31-May 8,1939. 3D-Sept. 3, 1940. Printed. Filed with H.R. 3486, Printed. 181 p. 77th Congo 97 p. Tombigbee and Tennessee Rivers, improvement of Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, to acquire addi­ waterway connecting the in Alabama and Missis­ tional land along: H.R. 10221. Aug. 7, 1940. sippi. May 4, 8, and 9, 1939. Printed. Filed with Printed. Filed with S. 4221. 9 p. H.R. 6264. 115 p. Navy Department, to authorize the construction of Ways and Means new buildings for the in the District of Columbia: H.R. 6830. June 21, 28, and 29, 1939. Printed. Cocoa fiber and rattan mats, to amend the Tariff Act 42 p. of 1930 with respect to: H.R. 6328. June 29, New York City, to authorize the Secretary of the 1939. Printed. Filed with H.R. 3572, 77th Congo Treasury to convey an easement to to build a 6 p. bridge in Battery Park: H.R. 6880. July 6, 1939. Revenue Revision 1939. May 27 and 29 and June 2, Printed. Filed with S. 2662. 5 p. 3, and 5, 1939. Printed. Filed with S. Con. U.S. Building Police, to designate building guards Res. 33. 284 p. employed under jurisdiction of the Federal Works Tariff Act of 1930, to amend to provide for Agency as: H.R. 9116. May 16-23, 1940. Printed. allowance in specific duties in case of damaged Filed with H.R. 1409, 77th Congo 74 p. merchandise: H.R. 7000. June 29, 1939. Printed. White House Police force, to authorize an increase in Filed with H.R. 9909.16 p. the: H.R. 8540. Mar. 6, 1940. Printed. 9 p. Virgin Islands, to authorize the appropriation of certain taxes on liquor and sugar to the: H.R. 4773. June 26 and 27, 1939. Printed. Filed with s. 1685.67 p.

77TH CONGRESS January 3, 1941-January 3, 1943

Senate Committees Price control for farm commodities. Jan. 31, 1942. TranSCript. Sen 77A-Fl. 156 p. Agriculture and Forestry Appropriations Cotton held by. the Commodity Credit Corporation, to regulate the warehousing, storing, and reconcentra­ Agriculture Department appropriation for fiscal year tion of: S. 262. Jan. 23, 24, 25, 30, and 31 and 1942: H.R. 3735. Mar. 18, 1941. Transcript. Feb. 1,3, and 11, 1941. Transcript. 899 p. 1,347 p. 77TH CONGRESS 67

Agriculture Department appropriation for fiscal year Legislative branch appropriation for fiscal year 1942: 1943: H.R. 6709. Apr. 20, 1942. Transcript. H.R. 4756. May 29,1941. Transcript. 88 p. 2,800 p. Legislative branch appropriation for fiscal year 1943; Army appropriation, fiscal year 1941, for clothing H.R. 6802. Mar. 30, 1942. Transcript. 200 p. and equipage: H.J. Res. 89. Feb. 4, 1941. Tran­ Military Establishment appropriation for fiscal year script. 86 p. 1942: H.R. 4965. June 18, 1941. Transcript. Defense aid supplemental appropriation for fiscal 312 p. year 1941: H.R. 4050. Mar. 20, 1941. Transcript. Military Establishment appropriation for fiscal year 84 p. 1943: H.R. 7280. June 24, 1942. Transcript. Defense workers training and education appropriation 226 p. for fiscal year 1942: H.J. Res. 316. June 5,1942. National defense (fourth supplemental) appropriation Transcript. 67 p. for fiscal year 1941: H.R. 3617. Mar. 3, 1941. Deficiency (additional urgent) appropriation for fiscal Transcript. 268 p. year 1941: H.R. 4669. May 13,1941. Transcript. National defense (first supplemental) appropriation 77 p. for fiscal year 1942: H.R. 5412. July 29, 1941. Deficiency (fifth) and supplemental appropriation for Transcript. 617 p. fiscal year 1941: H.R. 4124. Mar. 25, 1941. National defense (second supplemental) appropria­ Transcript. 469 p. tion for fiscal year 1942: H.R. 5788. Oct. 14 Deficiency (first) appropriation for fiscal year 1941: and 16, 1941. Transcript. 577 p. (p. 1-373 and H.R. 3836. Mar. 14, 1941. Transcript. 323 p. p. 1000-1204). Deficiency (second) appropriation for fiscal year National defense (fourth supplemental) appropriation 1941: H.R. 5166. June 26, 1941. Transcript. for fiscal year 1942: H.R. 6448. Jan. 26, 1942. 285 p. Transcript. 69 p. Deficiency (first) appropriation for fiscal year 1942: National defense (fifth supplemental) appropriation H.R. 6548. Feb. 11, 1942. Transcript. 80 p. for fiscal year 1942: H.R. 6611. Feb. 19, 1942. District of Columbia appropriation for fiscal year Transcript. 73 p. 1942: H.R. 5049. June 18,1941. Printed. 329 p. National defense (sixth supplemental) appropriation District of Columbia appropriation for fiscal year for fiscal year 1942: H.R. 6868. Mar. 31, 1942. 1943: H.R. 7041. May 26, 1942. Transcript. Transcript. 384 p. 807 p. National defense (first supplemental) appropriation Emergency cargo ship construction, to make an for fiscal year 1943: H.R. 7319. July 2, 1942. appropriation to the U.S. Maritime Commission Transcript. 836 p. for: H.J. Res. 77. Jan. 29, 1941. Transcript. 68 p. National defense (second supplemental) appropria­ Independent offices appropriation for fiscal year tion for fiscal year 1943: H.R. 7672. Oct. 10, 1942: H.R. 2788. Feb. 17, 1941. Transcript. 1942. TranSCript. 310 p. 177 p. Navy Department appropriation for fiscal year 1942: Independent offices appropriation for fiscal year H.R. 3981. Mar. 17, 1941. Transcript. 214 p. 1943: H.R. 6430. Feb. 3, 1942. Transcript. Navy Department appropriation for fiscal year 1943: 1,289 p. H.R. 6460. Jan. 29, 1942. Transcript. 96 p. Interior Department appropriation for fiscal year Navy Department additional appropriations for fiscal 1942: H.R. 4590. May 16, 1941. Transcript. years 1941, 1942, and 1943: H.R. 7182. June 5, 1,136p. 1942. Transcript. 74 p. Interior Department appropriation for fiscal year Policemen (additional) for the District of Columbia 1943: H.R. 6845. May 1, 1942. Transcript. appropriation: H.R. 5553. Oct. 24, 1941. Tran­ 1,803 p. script. 75 p. Labor Department, Federal Security Agency, and Relief (emergency) appropriation act for fiscal year related independent agencies appropriations for 1942: H.J. Res. 193. June 16, 1941. Transcript. fiscal year 1942: H.R. 4926. June 9, 1941. Tran­ 274 p. script. 335 p. Relief (emergency) appropriation act for fiscal year Labor Department and Federal Security Agency 1943: H.J. Res. 324. June 22, 1942. Transcript. appropriations for fiscal year 1943: H.R. 7181. 72 p. June 10, 1942. Transcript. 1,193 p. 68 HEARINGS

State, Commerce, and Justice Departments and the Disaster Loan Corporation and Electric Home and Federal judiciary appropriations for fiscal year Farm Authority, to extend the operations of the; 1942: H.R. 4276. Apr. 30, 1941. Transcript. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to increase 621 p. the lending authority of the: S. 1438. May 8, State, Justice, and Commerce Departments and the 1941. Transcript. Executive session (in part). 31 p. Federal judiciary appropriations for fiscal year Federal Credit Union Act, to amend the to permit 1943: H.R. 6599. Mar. 5, 1942. Transcript. investment of credit union funds in State savings 1,482 p. and loan associations: H.R. 4691. July 2, 1942. Tennessee Valley Authority additional appropriation Transcript. 13 p. for fiscal year 1942: H.1. Res. 194. June 25,1941. Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, to extend the TranSCript. 232 p. lending authority of the (Federal Farm Corpora­ Treasury and Post Office Departments appropriations tion Mortgage Act of 1942): S.2508. May 18, for fiscal year 1942: H.R. 3205. Mar. 7, 1941. 1942. Transcript. 41 p. Transcript. 663 p. Federal Reserve Act, to amend sections 12A and 19: Treasury and Post Office Departments appropriations S. 2565. June 25,1942. Transcript. 44 p. for fiscal year 1943: H.R. 6511. Feb. 26,1942. Federal Reserve banks, to permit to make loans to Transcript. 136 p. any business enterprise without restriction as to War Department civil functions appropriation for purpose: S. 877. Nov. 25, 1941. Transcript. 46 p. fiscal year 1942: H.R. 4183. Apr. 15, 1941. Gold content of the dollar, to extend the time of the Printed. Filed with S. 1115. 133 p. President's power to alter the: H.R. 4646. June 13 War Department civil functions appropriation for and 19, 1941. Printed. 92 p. fiscal year 1943: H.R. 6736. Mar. 16, 1942. Mineral development loans in time of war, to author­ Transcript. 876 p. ize by Federal Reserve banks: S. 2783 and War housing and war public works in and near the S. 2746. Oct. 14, 1942. Transcript. 16 p. District of Columbia, appropriations under the act War Insurance Corporation, financing of the: S. 2198. of April 10, 1942 (Public Law 522): H.J. Jan. 29,1942. Transcript. p. 109-163. Res. 308. Apr. 6, 1942. Transcript. 103 p. Weapons and equipment expenditures by the Armed Claims Forces. No date is given. Transcript. Sen 77A-F2. 25 p. Work Projects Administration and certain other Fed­ Charlip Painting & Decorating Co., Detroit, Mich., for eral agencies, making urgent defiCiency appropria­ the relief of the: S. 2131. Apr. 30, 1942. tions for, fiscal year 1941: H.R. 3204. Feb. 14, TranSCript. 63 p. 1941. Transcript. 130 p. Florida Citrus Exchange, Growers Loan & Guaranty Co., and the Guaranty Operating Co., of Florida, Audit and Control the Contingent for the relief of the in connection with a loan by Expenses of the Senate the Federal Farm Board: S. 996. Nov. 18, 1941. Printed. 68 p. WIlson Co., a New Mexico corporation, for the relief Economic and social conditions in Puerto Rico, a of: S. 18 1 2. Mar. 3, 1942. Transcript. 34 p. re~olution requesting a subcommittee of the Com­ mittee on Territories and Insular Affairs to investi­ Commerce gate, in respect to the trade disruption caused by the war: S. Res. 309. Nov. 18, 1942. Transcript. Apportionment of Representatives in Congress among 73 p. the several States, to provide for by the equal proportions method: H.R. 2665. Feb. 27 and 28 Banking and Currency and Mar. 1, 1941. Printed. 63 p. Civilian aviation technicians and mechanics, to pro­ Commodity Credit Corporation, to extend the life vide for the training of by amending the Civilian and increase the credit resources of the: H.R. Pilot Training Act of 1939: H.R. 5695. Apr. 10, 4972. June 28, 1941. Transcript. 43 p. 1942. Printed. Filed with S. 1919. 7 p. 69 77TH CONGRESS

Coast Guard, to create a military reserve for the and Central Heating Plant in the District of Columbia, to to change the present nonmilitary reserve to the authorize furnishing steam from to the District of Coast Guard Auxiliary: S. 187. Jan. 27, 1941. Columbia Municipal Building: H.R. 3689. Apr. 17, Transcript. 17 p. 1941. Transcript. 10 p. Flying hours of air pilots, to increase the monthly Civilian defense for the District of Columbia; authori­ maximum number of: H.R. 6779. Apr. 10, 1942. zation of blackouts: H.R. 6208. Dec. 11. 1941. Printed. lOp. Transcript. 6 p. Foreign merchant vessels, to authorize the purchase Commissioner on the District of Columbia Public of for national defense: S.J. Res. 67 (H.R. 4466). Utilities Commission, eligibility requirements for May 1,7,8, and 12, 1941. Printed. 143 p. the po;ition of: S. 1330. Apr. 17, 1941. Tran­ Maritime Labor Board, extension of for a 2-year script. 7 p. period: H.R. 4107. May 13-14, 1941. Printed. Cooperative associations in the District of Columbia, to amend the act to regulate: S. 2046. Oct. 15, 97 p. Navigation and vessel inspection laws, to authorize 1942. Transcript. 4 p. the waiver of during the national emergency: H.R. Coroner, to provide for the abolition of the office of 5111. Sept. 17, 1941.Printed.27p. in the District of Columbia and for the establish­ Pipeline and navigation barge channel across Florida, ment of the office of medical examiner in: to authorize the construction and operation of: S. 1897. May 19 and 26 and June 2 and 5,1942. S.2426 (H.R. 6999). June 29 and 30 and July 1 Transcript. p. 65-176. and 2, 1942. Printed. 209 p. Custodians of public schools in the District of Radio communications service of U.S. ships, to Columbia, authorization of payment to for serv­ provide additional safeguards to: H.R. 5074. ices rendered selective service boards: S. 1622. Dec. 8, 1941. Printed. Filed with S. 1063, 78th Sept. 10, 1941. Transcript. 2 p. Congo p. 89-106. Defense Homes Corporation, to authorize the District St. Croix River bridge, to authorize the States of of Columbia Commissioners to exchange certain Minnesota and Wisconsin to construct at or near lands in Northwest Washington with the: H.R. Hudson, Wis.: H.R. 4314. Jan. 28-Feb. 10,1942. 7145. July 20,1942. Transcript. 4 p. Printed. 60 p. Emergency Rent Act, to amend the to permit evictions of unsatisfactory tenants from private District of Columbia homes without recourse to the courts (District of Columbia): H.R. 7235. Sept. 11,1942. Transcript. Alcoholic beverage licenses in the District of Colum­ 3 p. bia, to prohibit the issuance of in certain localities Employment of females in the District of Columbia, and to prohibit advertising the price of such to regulate the hours of: S. 1006. Sept. 10, 1941. beverages: H.R. 4971. Feb. 6-7,1942. Transcript. Transcript. 2 p. 161 p. Employment of minors within the District of Colum­ Annual payment by the United States toward the bia, to amend an' act to regulate the to provide for expenses of the District of Columbia, to fix the appearance of minors under 18 on stages of duly amount of the: S. 917 (H.R. 3490). Mar. 6,1941. licensed theatres in the District of Columbia: H.R. Printed. 26 p. 1047. Oct. 31, 1941. Transcript. 32 p. Blackouts in the District of Columbia; to amend the Federal agencies, proposed transfer of to points act to authorize taking civilian defense organiza­ outside Washington, D.C. Dec. 22, 1941-Jan.9, tions into the District of Columbia government: 1942. Transcript. Sen 77A-F8. 282 p. H.R. 6963. July 20, 1942. Transcript. 31 p. Federal employees pay adjustment bill, to amend to Board for condemnation of insanitary buildings in the include District of Columbia police, firemen, and District of Columbia, to create a: S. 2734. Oct. 15, teachers: S. 2913. Dec. 8, 1942. Transcript. 24 p. 1942. Transcript. 7 p. Firearms in the District of Columbia, to provide for Camalier, R. F., retirement of as committee counsel. fingerprints of persons buying: S. 1286. Apr. 17, Oct. 15, 1942. Transcript. Sen 77A-F8. 7 p. 1941. Transcript. 5 p. 70 HEARINGS

Fire Escape Act: H.R. 5486. May 7,1942. Transcript. Probation period for members of the Metropolitan 48 p. Police: S. 2502. June 9, 1942. Transcript. 15 p. Fire prevention in the District of Columbia. Dec. 2. Public offstreet parking facilities in the District of 1942. Transcript. Sen. 77 A-F8. 49 p. Columbia, to authorize the District of Columbia Freedmen's Hospital, to authorize the Federal Secu­ Commissioners to acquire, operate, and regulate: rity Administrator to accept gifts for: H.R. 4057. S.1945. Oct. 28-30 and Nov. 4-13, 1941. Tran­ Apr. 17,1941. Transcript. 8 p. script. 781 p. Gallinger Hospital, to provide for a memorial in to Public school buildings in the District of Columbia, to Senator G. E. Chamberlain of Oregon: S.2316. authorize the use of as day nurseries and nursery June 9, 1942. Transcript. 2 p. schools: H.R. 7522. Dec. 5, 1942. Transcript. Healing art, to require registration of all persons 92 p_ practicing in the District of Columbia: H.R. 6362. Real property exempt from taxation in the District of Sept. 1 1, 1942. Transcript. 4 p. Columbia, to define: S.2673 (S.2804). Hospital facilities in the District of Columbia. Sept. 2 Aug. 12-18, 1942. Printed. 242 p. and Dec. 30, 1942. Transcript. Sen 77 A-F8. 287 p. Recorder of deeds of the District of Colum bia. to Hospital facilities in the District of Columbia. amend the laws relating to the so as to raise the Feb. 18, 1942. Transcript. Sen 77 A-F8. 28 p. salary and remove the office from the Classifica­ Hospital property in the District of Columbia, to tion Act of 1923: S. 2223. June 4, 1942. Tran­ exempt from taxation: S.1593 (?). June 16.1941. script. 29 p. Transcript. 16 p. Recreation Board for the District of Columbia, to Hunter, Charlotte E., for the relief of: H.R. 4221. create and define the duties of: H.R. 5075. Apr. 17, 1941. Transcript. 5 p. July 24, 1941. Transcript. 87 p. Income Tax Act of the District of Columbia. to Refunds of special assessment taxes erroneously amend: H.R. 6953. June 9, 1942. Transcript. 5 p. collected in the District of Colum bia, to provide Indecent exposure in the District of Columbia. to for: S. 232. Dec. 8,1942. Transcript. 3 p. increase the penalty for: H.R. 7399. Sept. 11. Registration of births in the District of Columbia, to 1942. Transcript. 2 p. amend an act approved March 1, 1907, to provide Industrial Accident Prevention Board, to create in the for the better: S. 2733. Sept. 11, 1942. Transcript. District of Columbia: H.R. 5202. Aug. 6 and 4 p. Sept. 10, 1941. Transcript. 63 p. St. Ann's Infant Asylum, to am end the charter of to Minors, to permit to perform in licensed District of permit the ownership of $1 ,000,000 of real estate: Columbia theatres: S.1005. Apr. 17,1941. Tran­ S. 2689. Sept. 11, 1942. Transcript. 4 p. script. 11 p. St. Elizabeth's Hospital in the District of Columbia, Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act of 1935, to allow the American Red Cross to build recrea­ to amend the: H.R. 4036. Apr. 17. 1941. Tran­ tion buildings at: H.1. Res. 145. Apr. 17,1941. script. 3 p. Transcript. 3 p. Motor vehicle fuel taxes in the District of Columbia, Salary increase for District of Columbia police and to increase for the period January 1. 1942. to firemen and various other bills relating to the June 30, 1949: H.R. 5558. Oct.28-30 and District of Columbia: H.R. 6386. May 27, June 2, Nov. 4-13, 1941. Transcript. Filed with S. 1945. 1942. Transcript. 88 p. 781 p. Sharfsin. Joseph. to provide additional compensation Pennsylvania Railroad, to authorize to build an for: H.R. 6925. June 9,1942. Transcript. 5 p. underpass under New York Avenue. NE.: S. 774. Sightseeing operations in the District of Columbia, to Apr. 17, 1941. Transcript. 37 p. exempt occasional such from the payment of a tax Personal property tax of the District of Columbia. to or license fee: H.R. 4077. Aug. 21 and Dec. 5, provide for an administrator for: S. 2500. June 9, 1941. Transcript. 164 p. 1942. Transcript. 6 p. Superintendent of Insurance of the District of Colum­ Police and municipal courts of the District of bia, to give greater authority over taxicab insur­ Columbia. to consolidate: H.R. 5784. Feb. 14, ance companies: S.1008. Apr. 17, 1941. Tran­ 1942. Transcript. 87 p. script. 12 p. 77TH CONGRESS 71

Taxation of District of Columbia insurance com­ Sugar Act of 1937, to amend the to suspend the child panies which sell policies in jurisdictions where labor provisions of for the duration of the war: they are not taxed: S.2499. Oct. 15, 1942. H.R. 7632. Oct. 21, 1942. Transcript. 38 p. Transcript. lip. Transportation problems in the District of Columbia Foreign Relations area. Oct. 16-Nov. 10, 1942. Transcript. Sen 77 A-F8. 428 p. Union railroad station in the District of Columbia, to Alaska Highway, location of on the so-called C or amend the act providing for: H.R. 3066. Apr. 17, Prairie Route, a resolution providing for an inquiry 1941. Transcript. 4 p. into: S. Res. 253. June 1, 12, and 16, 1942. Vice in the District of Columbia (prostitution and Printed. 94 p. venereal dis~ase). Sept. 30, 1942. Transcript. American merchant vessels (sec. 6 of the Neutrality Sen 77 A-F8. 57 p. Act of 1939), repeal of the prohibition against Welfare and public works in the District of Columbia: arming of: H.J. Res. 237. Oct. 21-23, 1941. Tran­ S.2045, S.2047, S.1403, S.Res.169, and script. 663 p. S. 1963. Nov. 28, 1941. Transcript. 25 p. Claims of American nationals against the Government of Mexico, to provide for the settlement of: Education and Labor S. 2528. June 30 and July 1-14, 1942. Transcript. 281 p. Benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy Convoying materials to belligerent countries, to pro­ detention of civilians and for the prevention and hibit the use of the Armed Forces of the United relief of civilian distress of the present war, to States and American vessels for: S.J. Res. 62. provide: S.2412. Mar.31 and Apr. 2, 1942. Apr. 30, 1941. Transcript. 24 p. Printed. 93 p. Financial aid to China, to authorize the President of Manpower resources in the United States, appoint­ the United States to render: H.J. Res. 276. Feb. 5, ment of a special committee to investigate: 1942. Transcript. 30 p. S. Res.291. Oct. IS-Dec. 16, 1942. Printed. Lend-lease; to promote the defense of the United 877 p. States: S. 275. Jan 27-31 and Feb. 1-11, 1941. Printed (some parts in transcript). 914 p. Panama, to authorize the execution of obligations Finance under the treaties of 1903 and 1936 with: S.J. Res. 162. Oct. 5 and 13 and Nov. 17-19, 1942. Debt limit of the United States, to increase the: H.R. Transcript. 291 p. and 165 p. 2959. Feb. 12, 1941. Transcript. 104 p. Debt limit of the United States, to increase the: H.R. Immigration 6991. Mar. 13, 1942. Printed. 21 p. Internal Revenue Code, to amend the procedure in the for certification of national defense facilities Aliens whose admission would endanger the public and contracts for amortization purposes: H.J. Res. safety, to authorize the refusal of visas to: S. 913. 235. Sept. 29,1941. Transcript. 60 p. June 3, 1941. Transcript. 27 p. Renegotiation of Contracts Act, to investigate possi­ Aliens with visas issued by United States consuls ble amendment to the. Sept. 22, 1942. Printed. abroad (to relieve from fines those who bring such Filed with H.R. 7378. 63 p. aliens into the United States): S.1449. Jan. 6, Revenue Act of 1941: H.R. 5417. Aug. 18, 1941. 1942. Transcript. 44 p .• Printed. p. 663-779. Citizens residing abrqad, to preserve the nationality Revenue Act of 1942: H.R. 7378. Aug. 10-14, 1942. of: H.R. 5511. Oct. 13, 1941. Transcript. Filed Printed. Vol. 2. p. 1309-2376. with H.R. 4271, 78th Congo 18 p. Sugar Act of 1937, to amend the to permit deficits in Immigration Act of 1917, to amend the to permit the the Philippine quota to be made up by domestic Attorney General to submit suspended deporta­ producers: S.937. Mar. 18, 1941. Printed. Filed tion cases to Congress more often than once a with H.R. 5988. 60 p. year: H.R. 6450. Oct. 12, 1942. Transcript. 20 p. 72 HEARINGS

Naturalization of persons not citizens who are serving Water conservation projects in the Great Plains, to honorably in the Armed Forces of the United amend the act authorizing construction of: S. States during the present war, to expedite: 1441. Nov. 18, 1941. Transcript. 5 p. S. 2340. Mar. 13,1942. Transcript. 29 p. Judiciary Indian Affairs Antitrust laws and Federal Trade Commission Act, to suspend the operation of in certain instances Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians of Oklahoma, requisite to the prosecution of the war: S. 2431. to authorize a per capita payment of $10 to each May 28, 1942. Transcript. 99 p. member of the: S. 1341. May 6-7, 1941. Printed. Circuit judges, to amend the Judicial Code to 33 p. authorize the Chief Justice of the United States to Barnett, Jackson, deceased Creek Indian, to authorize assign to temporary duty in circuits other than the sale of certain property of the estate of: their own: S. 2655. July 29, 1942. Transcript. S. 1241. May 6, 1941. Transcript. 6 p. 51 p. California Indians, to amend the act of May 18, 1928, Circuit judges' authority to hold district courts and authorizing the attorney general of California to district judges' authority to sit in circuit courts of bring suit in the Court of Claims in behalf of: appeals, to limit: H.R. 138. Aug. 5, 1941. Tran­ S.71O, S.1112, and S.1366. June 17-18,1941. script. 48 p. Printed. 107 p. Condemnation of land for war purposes, to expedite the payment for: S. 2625, S. 2626, and H.R. Interstate Commerce 7143. July 15, 1942. Printed. 31 p. Confidential Government documents, to penalize the American Federation of Musicians ban on recording, divulging of the contents of: S. 2281. Feb. 24, to authorize an investigation of the: S. Res. 286. 1942. Transcript. 194 p. Sept.l7, 18,and21, 1942. Printed. 111 p. Convict-made goods, to amend the act of October 14, Wire communications systems, to grant the President 1940, making shipment of unlawful in interstate certain powers with respect to in time of war: commerce, to exempt the District of Columbia: H.R. 6263. Dec. 23,1941. Transcript. 30 p. H.R. 3191. June 19, 1941. Transcript. 14 p. Wireless messages at sea, to authorize naval control of Defense plants, to provide for Government seizure of all by suspension of certain provisions of the strikebound (Smith-Connally Act): S. 2054. Nov. Communications Act of 1934: H.R. 7370. Dec. 9, 21,27,1941. Printed. Filed with S. 796.179 p. 1942. Transcript. 94 p. Federal Anti-Racketeering Law; to amend an act to protect trade and commerce against interference Irrigation and Reclamation by violence, threats, coercion, or intimidation, approved June 18, 1934: S. 2347. Mar. 25 and Columbia Basin project, to provide authority for June 5,1942. Transcript. 47 p. preven tion of speculation in lands of the by Federal Bureau of Investigation, to define the juris­ amending the act approved May 27,1937 (59 Stat. diction of the with respect to certain crimes 208): S. 2904. Nov. 27,1942. Printed. 24 p. against the United States and the District of Federal Reclamation laws, to simplify the administra­ Columbia: S. 1726. Aug. 1, 1941. Transcript. tion of by permitting the Secretary of the Interior Filed with S. 1685. 26 p. to delegate his powers and duties under such laws Federal Bureau of Investigation, to enlarge the to officials of the Bureau of Reclamation: H.R. jurisdiction of the with respect to crimes in the 4854. Nov. 18, 1941. Transcript. 3 p. District of Columbia: S. 1685. Aug. 1, 1941. Republican River Basin, to give the consent of Transcript. 26 p. Congress to a compact by Colorado, Kansas, and First War Powers Act of 1941, to amend the by Nebraska with respect to the use of the waters of extending the authority to censor communica­ the: S. 1361. Nov. 3,13, and 18, 1941. Transcript. tions: H.R. 7151. Nov. 30 and Dec. 9 and 14, 70 p. 1942. Transcript. 240 p. 77TH CONGRESS 73

Hostile acts (sabotage) against the United States, to Chandler, Roy, for the relief of: S. 2310. May 15, provide for the punishment of: S. 2856. Nov. 9, 1942. Transcript. 4 p. 1942. Transcript. 45 p. Chief of Engineers of the Army, to authorize the to Interstate common carrier pipelines, to prohibit from make agreements with local governments adjacent transporting commodities in which such carriers to the District of Columbia for the use of water have any interest: S. 172. June 12, 1941. Tran­ for fire fighting only: S. 234. Apr. 25, 1941. script. 79 p. Transcript. 22 p. National Training School for Boys, to authorize the Decorations, orders, medals, and emblems tendered Attorney General to transfer boys from the to by governments of cobelligerent nations or other other institutions in the United States: S. 1698. American Republics, to authorize officers and July 24, 1941. Transcript. 41 p. enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the United Petroleum producing and refining, to separate the States to accept: S. 2404. Apr. 3, 1942. Printed. business of from that of marketing petroleum 14 p. products: S. 170 and S. 171. June 12, 1941. Draft age, to lower the to the age of 18 (amend the Transcript. 79 p. Selective Service Act of 1940): S. 2748. Sept. 16 Poll tax, to make unlawful the requirement for a as a and Oq. 8, 1942. Transcript. 13 p. prerequisite to voting in a primary or general Exportation of certain commodities, to expedite the election for national offices: S. 2180. Oct. 13, prosecution of the war by authorizing the control 1942. Printed. Filed with H.R. 1024. p. 478-552. of: S. 2558. June 5,1942. Printed. 10 p. Prosecution of the war effort, to expedite the: S. Export controls on materials vital to the defense of 2129. Dec. 15, 1941. Transcript. 6 p. the United States, to extend control over to the Red Cross, to make it a criminal offense for any Philippine Islands and other dependencies and person to use the emblem and name of the for territories of the United States: SJ. Res. 76. May commercial purposes and to implement article 28 14,1941. Transcript. 27 p. of the Geneva convention of July 27, 1929: S. 2441 (H.R. 7420). Dec. 4 and 8, 1942. Printed. Finnegan, Raymond P., to grant the Distinguished Service Cross to: S. 538. May 15, 1942. Tran­ Filed with S. 469, 78th Congo 108 p. Representation for the District of Columbia, pro­ script. Filed with S. 294, 78th Congo 5 p. posing an amendment to the Constitution provid­ Guayule, to provide for the planting of as a source of ing for: SJ. Res. 35. Apr. 16-May 6, 1941. crude rubber for defense uses: S. 2152. Dec. 10, Printed. 267 p. 1941. Printed. 73 p. Guayule and other rubber-bearing plants, to amend Military Affairs the act of March 5, 1942, relating to the planting of: S. 2775. Sept. 16, 1942. Printed. 20 p. Agricultural labor shortage in the Pacific Coast and Marriage of officers of the land and naval forces of Rocky Mountain States, to authorize a full and the United States, to suspend for the duration of complete study of: S. Res. 299. Oct. 8, 1942.8 p. the present war all prohibitions against: S. 2380. Army and Navy living quarters, to remove certain Mar. 20, 1942. Transcript. 7 p. limitations on the cost of construction of: S.J. Military service, to provide for the continuation in Res. 129. Feb. 3, 1942. Printed. 14 p. beyond the term of enlistment for those suffering Cargo aircraft and cargo submarines, to provide from service-connected disease or injury and in additional facilities to the Armed Forces of the need of medical care until recovery: S. 165. Mar. United States in foreign countries: SJ. Res. 156. 28,1941. Transcript. 9 p. July 29-31 and Aug. 3-5,1942. Printed. 131 p. Carter, Capt. Oberlin M., for the relief of: S. 973. National Defense Act of 1916, as amended, to amend Feb. 3, 1942. Transcript. 6 p. the to extend to the territories and Puerto Rico Certifications of birth records, to authorize the and the Canal Zone permission to organize mili­ Director of the Census to issue: S. 2299. Apr. 2, tary units not a part of the National Guard: S. 1942. Printed. Filed with H.R. 7239. 20 p. 173. Jan. 23,1941. Transcript. 8 p. 74 HEARINGS

Occupational census of all available manpower in the Patents United States, to authorize the Senate Military Affairs Committee to make an investigation of the Trademarks, to provide for the registration of those best means and methods for initiating an: S. Res. used in commerce and to carry out the provisions 210. Feb. 3,1942. Transcript. 34 p. of certain international conventions: S. 895. Dec. Office of Technical Mobilization, to establish an: S. 11, 1942. Transcript. 53 p. 2721. Oct. 13-27, Nov. 17-18, and Dec. 4-11, 1942. Printed. 597 p. Pensions Personnel of the Army of the United States, to authorize the attendance of at educational institu­ Members of the Regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps, tions and other places: S. 2217. Jan. 23, 1942. and Coast Guard who become disabled by reason Transcript. 10 p. of service therein, to provide pensions for: S. 415. Public Law 873, 76th Congress, to amend (overtime July 7, 1941. Printed. Filed with H.J. Res. 196. rates for employees of the field services of the War 29 p. Department and the Panama Canal): S. 2628. June 26, 1942. Transcript. 2 p. Post Offices and Post Roads Retired enlisted men, to increase the allowances of from $15.75 a month to $30.00: S. 237. June 13, Access roads, to provide additional authorization for 1941. Transcript. 34 p. by amending the Defense Highway Act of 1941: Stafford, Wallace F., to authorize the President of the H.R. 6908. June 11,1942. Transcript. 80 p. United States to reinstate to the position of Highway construction, authorization of during the captain in the Army of the United States: H.R. national emergency declared on May 27, 1941, to 2755. July 17 and 20, 1942. Transcript. Filed with supplement the Federal Aid Road Act of 1916: S. S. 299, 78th Congo 34 p. 1580. June 4, 1941. Printed. 84 p. Transcript Strategic and critical materials, a sense of the Senate copy. 161 p. resolution that the Secretaries of State, Com­ Postal employees, to provide for a 15 percent increase merce, and Treasury should acquire stocks of by in the salary of: S. 1342. Apr. 9 and 15, 1942. various means: S. Res. 161. June 1941 (?). Transcript. 170 p. Transcript. 15 p. Substitute Post Office clerks and letter carriers, to Tepsic, William J., for the relief of: S. 2364. Apr. 27 provide for the classification of: S. 1343. Apr. 9 and May 5, 1942. Transcript. 58 p. and 15, 1942. Transcript. 170 p. U.S. Military Academy, to authorize a reduction in Privileges and Elections the course of instruction at to 3 years: S. 2747. Sept. 4,1942. Transcript. 14 p. Absentee voting in time of war by members of the Unity and cooperation between Congress and the Armed Forces, to provide for a method of: H.R. Execu tive in the conduct of the war, to authorize 7416 (S. 2675). Aug. 14, 1942. Transcript. 80 p. an investigation to determine the best means of Hatch Act, to amend the by excluding teachers in promoting: S. Res. 293. Oct. 8, 1942. Transcript. public schools and universities from its provisions: 3 p. S. 2471. May 5,1942. Transcript. 104 p. War burdens of citizens of the United States, to Langer, William, Senator from North Dakota, hearing equalize the (universal service bill): S. 2479. May on a protest to the seating of. Nov. 3-10, 1941. 20, 1942. Printed. 11 p. Transcript. Sen 77 A-F25. 2,020 p. Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, to amend the act Langer, William, Senator from North Dakota, relative establishing, approved May 14, 1942, to provide to a protest to the seating of. Jan. 9 and 16, 1941. pay equal to corresponding grades in the Regular Printed. Sen 77A-F25. 125 p. Army: S. 2751. Sept. 11, 1942. Transcript. 6 p. West Virginia senatorial contest, 1941 (Clarence Zabkar, Frank, for the relief of: S. 572. Nov. 13, Martin v. Joseph Rosier). Jan. 16-Feb. 13, 1941. 1941. Transcript. 13 p. Printed. Sen 77 A-F25. 293 p. 77TH CONGRESS 75

Public Buildings and Grounds Special Committee To Investigate Gasoline and Fuel Oil Shortages Acoustics, redecorating, and better lighting of the Senate Chamber and the Senate Office Building, a Gasoline and fuel oil shortages: pursuant to S. Res. resolution to study: S. Res. 150. Oct. 27, 1941. 156, 77th Congo Aug. 28, 1941-Jan 27,1943. Sen Printed. 50 p. 78A -F31. Transcript, 1,963 p. Printed, 973 p. Capitol Buildings War Protection Commission, to create a for the emergency safeguarding of the Special Committee To Investigate Capitol and other buildings: H.1. Res. 323 (S.1. the National Defense Program Res. 151). July 16, 1942. Transcript. 54 p. Government property, to authorize the sale or trans­ fer of for other purposes: H.R. 7826. Dec. 17, Executive hearings, verbatim transcripts: pursuant to 1942. Transcript. 8 p. S. Res. 71, 77th Congo Feb. 19, 1942-Feb. 3, Widener Art Collection of Philadelphia, to provide for 1948. Transcript. Series HE-5 in Committee files, the acceptance of the by the National Gallery of Sen 79A-F30. 23 lin. ft. (not paged continuously). Art: S.1. Res. 160. Aug. 25,1942. Transcript. 2 p. Public hearings, verbatim transcript: pursuant to S. Res. 71, 77th Congo Apr. 15, 1941-Jan. 30,1948. Processed transcript. Series HE-l in Committee Public Lands and Surveys files, Sen 79A-F30. 18 lin. ft. (not paged continu­ ously). Eakin, J. Ross, investigation into the conduct and administration of as Superintendent of Great House Committees Smoky Mountain National Park: S. Res. 54. Jan. 13-Feb.l, 1941. Transcript.l,010p. Appropriations Holders of grazing permits and licenses, to authorize the Secretary of War to compensate, by reason of Legislative branch appropriation bill for fiscal year the use of the public lands for war purposes: S. 1943: H.R. 6802. Feb. 19, 1942. Printed. Sen 2599. June 19 and 20,1942. Transcript. 58 p. 77 A-F3. 207 p. Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah, to restore and add certain public lands to the: H.R. 7638. Nov. Banking and Currency 25, 1942. Transcript. Filed with H.R. 837, 78th Congo 30 p. FHA Defense Housing Insurance, to make residential properties in defense areas eligible for: H.R. 3575. Rules Feb. 17-21, 1941. Printed. 166 p. Strategic and critical materials, to exempt from Senate Office Building, to give control of the to the customs duties (amend the RFC Act): H.R. 5667. Architect of the Capitol. Mar. 30, 1942. Tran­ Sept. 16, 1941. Printed. Filed with S. 1914.42 p. script. Sen 77A-F28. 37 p. War Petroleum Corporation, to establish a: H.R. 7216 Senate Restaurant, irregularities in accounts of the (S. 2562). June 25, 1942. Printed. Filed with S. (concerning W. W. Arbuckle). July 14, 1941. 2562.32 p. Transcript. Sen 77 A-F28. 71 p. ,Census Territories and Insular Affairs Birth certificates; to authorize the Director of the Molokai, Hawaii, to provide for irrigation project on Census to issue: H.R. 7154. June 4,1942. Printed. the island of: H.R. 6670. July 24, 1942. Tran­ Filed with H.R. 7239. 81 p. script. 19 p. Bureau of the Census, to provide for a quinquennial Petersburg, Alaska, to authorize the town of to census of industry and for collection of statistics undertake certain public works: H.R. 6876. July by the: S. 1627. Oct. 14-Nov. 6, 1941. Printed. 24, 1942. Transcript. 3 p. 329 p. 76 HEARINGS

Claims Jones, Dayee, for the relief of: S. 1143. June 17, 1942. Transcript. 4 p. Abrego, Maximo, for the relief of: H.R. 3002 (S. Lane, James H., to confer jurisdiction on the U.S. 436). Jan. 31, 1941. Transcript. Filed with S. 436. District Court for Connecticut to hear and deter­ 2 p. mine judgment in the case of: S. 2264. June 17, Allen, G. F., chief disbursing officer of the Treasury 1942. Transcript. 3 p. Department, and Bernard Paulson, disbursing offi­ LaSalle, Claude W., and the Dauterive Hospital of cer of the State Department, for the relief of: S. New Iberia, La., for the relief of: S. 1040. May 21, 897. Mar. 26, 1941. Transcript. Filed with S. 897. 1941. TranSCript. 4 p. 3 p. Leugers, Elinor, for the relief of: S. 1398. July 23, Allstrom, Hilda c., for the relief of: S. 247. Mar. 19, 1941. Transcript. 2 p. 1941. Transcript. 2 p. Lindrud, Elmer, for the relief of: S. 282. Mar. 12, Atwood, Bayard M., for the relief of: S. 2203. June 1941. TranSCript. 2 p. 17, 1942. Transcript. 2 p. Lothman, Arvy A., for the relief of: S. 212. Mar. 19, Ayers, Robert B., of Avalon, Mo., for the relief of: S. 1941. Transcript. 6 p. 931. Apr. 30, 1941. Transcript. 3 p. Miller, Pherne, for the relief of: S. 605. Mar. 26 and Bean Lake, Platte County, Mo., for the relief of July 30,1941. Transcript. 4 p. claimants suffering loss by flood near in March Missoula Mercantile Co., for the relief of the: S. 304. 1934: S. 885. Mar. 26, 1941. Transcript. 3 p. Mar. 5, 1941. TranSCript. 4 p. Brauch, Charles, for the relief of: S. 2251. May 20, Mundt, Rudolph, for the relief of: S. 283. Mar. 12, 1942. Transcript. 2 p. 1941. Transcript. 1 p. Centerwall, Willard R., formerly Superintendent and Pichette, Dollie C., for the relief of: S. 717. Mar. 19, special disbursing agent at Tongue River Indian 1941. TranSCript. 6 p. Agency, for the relief of: S. 2011. Jan. 14, 1942. Purtymun, Mrs. J. E., and Mrs. B. H. Russell, for the Transcript. 2 p. relief of (Forest Service truck accident in Chambers, J. Mae, and Hultgren, Retta E., for the Arizona): S. 245. Mar. 12, 1941. Transcript. 3 p. relief of: S. 1142. June 18, 1941. Transcript.2p. Redding, J. H., Inc., to authorize the Comptroller Cleaves, Eben Vaughn, for the relief of: S. 849. June General to adjust the claim of: S. 307. Mar. 12, 18, 1941. Transcript. 2 p. 1941. TranSCript. 2 p. Curtis, Clayton W., of Great Falls, Mont., for the Rickards, Harriet 8., for the relief of: S. 1027. June relief of: S. 302. Mar. 12, 1941. Transcript. 2 p. 18,1941. Transcript. 2 p. Deus, Vernon E., for the relief of: S. 2292. May 20 Seller & Co. of Portland, Oreg., for the relief of: S. and Oct. 7, 1942. Transcript. 6 p. 790. Mar. 5,1941. Transcript. 5 p. Edgar, J. 8., Jr., for the relief of: S. 596. Apr. 30, Sorenson, Harold, for the relief of: S. 583. May 21, 1941. TranSCript. 2 p. 1941. Transcript. 2 p. Fuller, Isabelle, for the relief of: S. 2420. June 17, Steinberg, Ernest H., for the relief of: S. 527. Mar. 1942. Transcript. 4 p. 19,1941. Transcript. 2 p. Gallaher, Worth, for the relief of: S. 86. Mar. 5, 1941. Wilcox, Maude, for the relief of: S. 6. Mar. 19, 1941. TranSCript. 2 p. Transcript. 5 p. Greer, Percy Ray, for the relief of: S. 2363. Oct. 7, Williams, Harry J., for the relief of: S. 529. Apr. 30, 1'942. TranSCript. 3 p. 1941. TranSCript. 2 p. Hunter, John G., for the relief of: S. 248. Apr. 23, Wright, Robert Lee, to confer jurisdiction on the 1941. Transcript. 4 p. Court of Claims in the claim of the estate of: S. Jackson, Eugene, for the relief of: S. 1801. Mar. 4, 1033. Mar. 19, 1941. Transcript. 4 p. 1942. TranSCript. 2 p. Johnson Flying Service, Inc., of Missoula, Mont., for Foreign Affairs the relief of: S.I92.Mar.19, 1941. Transcript. 2 p. Johnson, Gen. Hugh, for the relief of: S. 1251. July Foreign Service employees, to authorize statutory 16, 1941. Transcri pt. 3 p. leave of absence to the United States for, in the 77TH CONGRESS 77

same manner as for Foreign Service officers: H.R. Judiciary 3297. Feb. 18, 1941. Printed. 13 p. Inter-American Statistical Institute, to enable the Municipal Compositions Act (municipal bankruptcy), United States to become an adhering member of to extend the for 4 years: H.R. 6912. Apr. 27, the: HJ. Res. 219. July 29, 1941. Printed. Filed 1942. Printed. Filed with H.R. 7066.23 p. with SJ. Res. 96. 14 p. Prosecution of the war, to further expedite the Merchant vessels, repeal of the prohibition against (Second War Powers Act, 1942): S. 2208. Jan. 30 arming of (sec. 6 of the Neutrality Act of 1939): and Feb. 2,1942. Printed. 87 p. HJ. Res. 237. Oct. 13-14, 1941. Printed. 84 p. War Security Act; to provide for punishment of hostile acts against the United States: H.R. 7737. Indian Affairs Dec. 10, 1942. Printed. Filed with S. 639, 78th Congo 54 p. Eastern and Western Cherokees; to reinstate in the Wiretapping, authorization of: H.R. 2266. H.R. 3099. Court of Claims suits against the United States by Feb. 3-26,1941. Printed. Sen 77A-FI7. 257 p. the "eastern or Emigrant Cherokees" and the Merchant Marine and Fisheries "western or old settler Cherokees": H.R. 10. Mar. 5,1941. Printed. Filed with S. 1282.39 p. Coast and Geodetic Survey commissioned officers, to Fort Berthold Indians of North Dakota, for the relief regulate the distribution and promotion of: H.R. of: H.R. 46. Apr. 23, 1941. Printed. 28 p. 5837. Nov. 6, 1941. Printed. Filed with S. 1990. Miami Indians of Indiana, to confer jurisdiction on 34 p. the Court of Claims to hear and judge all claims of Employees of the United States and the District of against the United States: H.R. 4309. Apr. 23, Columbia, to provide for leaves of absence to for 1941. Printed. 33 p. toose leaving to serve in the merchant marine: Seminole Indian Reservation in Florida, to provide H.R. 7744. Dec. 3, 1942. Printed. Filed with H.R. for Federal assistance in eradicating cattle tick in 131, 78th Congo 19 p. the: S. 1476. Nov. 5, 1941-Feb. 25,1942. Printed. Forwarders (investigation of the national defense 179 p. program as it relates to maritime affairs): pursuant Snake or Piute Indians of former Malheur Indian to H. Res. 281. Dec. 4 and 11, 1941-Jan. 13, Reservation of Oregon, to authorize to sue in the 1942. Printed. Filed with H.R. 6291.64 p. Court of Claims: H.R. 622. July 18, 1941. Printed. Port equalization (investigation of the national de­ 63 p. fense program as it relates to maritime affairs): pursuant to H. Res. 281. July 11, Sept. 23, and Interstate and Foreign Commerce Oct. 30, 1941. Printed. Filed with H.R. 6291. III p. Interstate Commerce Act, to amend to provide for Tampa ShipbuHding & Engineering Co., to investigate the regulation of freight forwarders: H.R. 3684. the General Accoun ting Office report on the: Mar. 1941. Printed. Filed with S. 210. 516 p. pursuant to H. Res. 281. Dec. 10-12, 1942. St. Croix River bridge at or near Hudson, Wis., to Printed. Filed with S. 1814, 78th Congo 236 p. authorize the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin U.s. Maritime Commission, to authorize the to to construct: H.R. 4314. May 7, 1941. Printed. acquire certain lands in Nassau County, N.Y., for 46 p. training school purposes: H.J. Res. 260. Jan. 8, 1942. Printed. 12 p. Invalid Pensions Vessels of Canadian and British registry, to authorize to transport iron ore on the Great Lakes during Peacetime veterans of the Regular Establishment with 1941: H.R. 4632. May 8,1941. Printed. 11 p. arrested tuberculosis contracted in service, to War Shipping Administration, to clarify certain provi­ provide pensions to: H.R. 1038. May 27, 1941. sions of the law relating to the functions of the: Printed. Filed with H.J. Res. 196. 51 p. H.R. 7424. Sept. 2,1942. Printed. 34 p. Veterans of the Regular Establishment, increase of Waterman Steamship Corp., to investigate the General pensions to for service-connected disabilities: H.R. Accounting Office report on the: pursuant to H. 2472 and H.R. 3257. July 15, 1941. Printed. Filed Res. 281. Dec. 15-17, 1942. Printed. Filed with S. with HJ. Res. 196.32 p. 1814, 78th Congo 248 p. 78 HEARINGS

Patents War housing; to increase by $600,000,000 the amount authorized for defense housing under the Copyrigh t Act of 1909, to amend the so as to act of October 14, 1940: H.R. 7312. June 9-26, preserve the rights of authors (unable to file for 1942. Printed. 335 p. renewal) during the present emergency: H.R. 3331. Apr. 17, 1941. Printed. Filed with S. 864. Roads 47 p. Royalties for the use of inventions for the benefit of Access roads, to provide additional authorization for the United States, to provide for adjusting: H.R. by amending the Defense Highway Act of 1941 : 7620 (S. 2794). Oct. 13-15, 1942. Printed. Filed H.R. 6908. Apr. 16, 17, and 20, 1942. Printed. with S. 2794.103 p. 103 p. " Trademarks, to provide for the registration and protection of, to carry out the provisions of certain international conventions, and for other Territories purposes. H.R. 102, H.R. 5461, and S. 895. Nov. 4, 12, 13, and 14, 1941. Printed. Filed with S. Alaska Territorial Legislature, to provide for represen­ 895.259 p. tation in the on the basis of population rather than arbitrary geographical districts (Organic Act of Public Buildings and Grounds Alaska, to amend): H.R. 4397. June 24 and 25, 1941. Printed. 51 p.

De fense housing, additional appropriation for (amending the act of October 14, 1940): H.R. Ways and Means 6135. Dec. 5 and 9,1941. Printed. 41 p. Defense housing, to authorize an additional appropri­ Revenue Act of 1941: H.R. 5417. Apr. 24-May 28, ation of $150,000,000 for: H.R. 3486. Feb. 21, 1941. Printed. 1,554 p. 1941. Printed. 16 p. Revenue Revision of 1942: Mar. 25-Apr. 15, 1942. DuPont Circle Apartments, to authorize the com­ Printed. Filed with H.R. 7378. p. 1194-2859. mittee to investigate the leasing of the by the Federal Government: pursuant to H. Res. 264. Joint Committees july 24-Aug. 5-, 1941. Printed. Sen 77A-F26. 181 p. Conference Committee on S. 2208 Government property, to authorize the sale of or transfer of for other purposes: H.R. 7826. Dec. 2, Prosecution of the war, to further expedite the: S. 1942. Printed. Filed with H.R. 1294, 78th Congo 2208. Mar. 10, 1942. 25 p. 16 p. Office of Governmen t Reports, to prohibit use of money for any buildings for the: H.J. Res. 290. Reduction of Nonessential Mar. 13 and 16, 1942. Printed. 49 p. Federal Expenditures Potomac River tunnel, to provide for a preliminary survey of costs of a: H.R. 1108. May 22, 1941. Executive session hearings: Jan. 23 and Feb. 3,1942. Printed. 46 p. p.482·588. Feb. 6 and 10, 1942. p.589-906. Transfer of departments and bureaus from the Dis. Processed transcripts. RG 128 (Senate). trict of Columbia to other localities: H. Res. 209 Reducing nonessential Government spending. Nov. and H. Con. Res. 36. July 24 and Nov. 10.27, 28, 1941-Mar. 12, 1942. Printed. Sen 77A-F2. 1941. Transcript. Sen 77A-F8. 298 p. 1,733 p. 78TH CONGRESS 79

78TH CONGRESS January 6, 1943-January 3, 1945

Senate Committees Deficiency (first) appropriation for fiscal year 1944: H.R. 4346. Mar. 17, 1944. Transcript. 368 p. Agriculture and Forestry Deficiency (second) appropriation for fiscal year 1944: H.R. 5040. June 20, 1944. Transcript. Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, to amend with 180 p. respect to cotton held by the United States: District of Columbia appropriation for fiscal year

) S. 1088. May 18, 1943. Transcript. 36 pp. 1944: H.R. 2513. June 15, 1943. Transcript. Drafting of farm labor. Jan. 13, 1943, and Feb. 25-26 752 p. and Mar. 15,1944. Transcript. Sen 78A-Fl. 69 p. District of Columbia appropriation for fiscal year and 193 p. 1945: H.R. 4861. June 15, 1944. Transcript. Farm machinery, to investigate matters relating to the 404 p. manufacture and distribution of: S. Res. 276. May Execu tive Office and sundry execu tive bureaus, 23 and June 13, 1944. Transcript. 145 p. appropriation for fiscal year 1945: H.R. 4070. Fertilizer for agricultural purposes, to au thorize an Mar. 7, 1944. Transcript. 1,265 p. investigation concerning: S. Res. 200. Nov. 5, 6, Farm labor supply and distribution appropriation for and 8,1943. Transcript. 252 p. calendar year 1943: H.J. Res. 96. Mar. 22, 1943. Food supply of the United States. Feb. 23, 1943. Transcript. 693 p. Transcript. Sen 78A-Fl. p. 574-626. Farm labor supply and distribution appropriation for Industrial alcohol and synthetic rubber, to continue calendar year 1944: H.J. Res. 208. Jan. 14, 1944. an investigation relative to the production of: S. Transcript. 202 p. Res. 80, 78th Cong., and S. Res. 224, 77th Congo Foreign Economic Administration appropriation for Jan. 21, June 16, and Dec. 9, 1943.Transcript. fiscal year 1945: H.R. 4937. June 8, 1944. 188 p. (excerpts). Transcript. 154 p. Independent offices appropriations for fiscal year Appropriations 1944: H.R. 1762. Apr. 6,1943. Transcript. 919 p. Agriculture Department appropriation for fiscal year Interior Department appropriation for fiscal year 1944: H.R. 2481. May 10, 1943. Transcript. 1944: H.R. 2719. May 28, 1943. Transcript. 2,997 p. 2,323 p. Agriculture Department appropriation for fiscal year Interior Department appropriation for fiscal year 1945: H.R. 4443. Apr. 17, 1944. Transcript. 1945: H.R. 4679. May 4, 1944. Transcript. 1,299 p. 1,687 p. Civil Aeronautics Administrator, Office of, appropri­ Labor Department, Federal Security Agency, and ation for fiscal year 1944: H.R. 2397. Jan. 19, related independent agencies appropriations for 1943. Transcript. 525 p. fiscal year 1944: H.R. 2935. June 19, 1943. Deficiencies (urgent) in certain appropriations for Transcript. 1,131 p. fiscal year 1943: H.J. Res. 115. Apr. 19, 1943. Labor Department, Federal Security Agency, and Transcript. 208 p. related independent agencies appropriations for Deficiencies (urgent) in certain appropriations, to fiscal year 1945: H.R. 4899. June 7, 1944. provide for fiscal year 1943: H.J. Res. 82. Feb. 19, TranSCript. 297 p. 1943. Transcript. 31 p. Legislative and judicial branches appropriations for Deficiency (first) appropriation for fiscal year 1943: fiscal year 1944: H.R. 2409. May 5, 1943. H.R. 1975. Mar. 2, 1943. Transcript. 643 p. Transcript. 90 p. Deficiency (second) appropriation for fiscal year Legislative and judicial branches appropriations for 1943: H.R. 3030. July 1, 1943. Transcript. 380 p. fiscal year 1945: H.E... 4414. Mar. 28, 1944. Deficiency (urgent) appropriation for fiscal year Transcript. 127 p. 1943: H.R. 2714. May 20, 1943. Transcript. Lend-lease supplemental appropriation for fiscal year 272 p. 1943: H.R. 2753. May 24, 1943. Transcript. 58 p. 80 HEARINGS

Manpower resources of the United States, authoriza­ Banking and Currency tion of a subcommittee to investigate: S. Res.74. January 28, 1943. Transcript. 1,327 p. Commodity Credit Corporation, to continue the as an Military Establishment appropriation for fiscal year agency of the United States: H.J. Res. 147. July 3, 1944: H.R. 2996. June 22, 1943. Transcript. 1943. Transcript. 71 p. 871 p. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation assessment Military Establishment appropriation for fiscal year requirements, to suspend for the duration of the 1945: H.R. 4967. June 16, 1944, Transcript. war in connection with war bond sales: S. 700. 172 p. Feb. 17, 1943. Printed. 44 p. ( National defense (first supplemental) appropriation Federal Reserve banks, to provide for guarantee of for fiscal year 1944: H.R. 3598. Nov. 12, 1943. loans to businesses by private financing institu­ Transcript. 1,751 p. tions by: S. 1918. Aug. 24-25, 1944. Printed. National war agencies appropriation for fiscal year 45 p. 1945: H.R. 4879. June 1, 1944. Transcript. 540 p. Navy Department appropriation for fiscal year 1944: Civil Service H.R. 2713. June 1, 1943. Transcript. 288 p. Navy Department appropriation for fiscal year 1945: Civil Service employees, to permit retirement of after H.R. 4559. Apr. 17,1944. Transcript. 303 p. 30 years of service: S.1371. Feb. 1, 1944. Printed. Navy Department supplemental appropriation for 22 p. fiscal year 1943: H.R. 2068. Mar. 11, 1943. Transcript. 266 p. Commerce Oil supply for military purposes (supplemental hear­ ing on Military Establishment appropriation bill Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Small Business, for fiscal year 1944): H.R. 2996. June 25,1943. to provide for an: S. 883. May 27, 1943. Printed. Printed. Filed with records of the Senate Special Filed with S. 356. 84 p. Committee To Investigate Petroleum Resources. Bureau of Vital Records, to establish a in the U.S. 106 p. Public Health Service: S. 1096. Jan. 13, 1944. State, Justice, and Commerce Departments appropria­ Printed. 52 p. tions for fiscal year 1944: H.R. 2397. Apr. 27, Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, to amend the: S. 246. 1943. Transcript. 656 p. Nov. 15, 1943-June 19, 1944. TranSCript. 1,782 p. State, Justice, and Commerce Departments appropria­ Civil aircraft development and construction, authori­ tions for fiscal year 1945: H.R. 4204. Mar. 15, zation of an investigation of by the Senate 1944. Transcript. 733 p. Commerce Committee: S. Res. 59. Nov. 15, Supplemental (first) appropriation for fiscal year 1943-June 19, 1944. Transcript. Filed with S. 246. 1945: H.R. 5587. Dec. 9,1944. Transcript. 698 p. 1,782p. Treasury and Post Office Departments appropriations Civilian Pilot Training Act of 1939, to extend the: for fiscal year 1944: H.R. '1648. Feb. 17, 1943. S. 1432. Feb. 2 and 3,1944. Printed. 147 p. Transcript. 249 p. Emergency flood control works, to provide for: Treasury and Post Office Departments appropriations S. 1134. June 26,1943. Printed. 19 p. for ·fiscal year 1945: H.R. 4133. Mar. 1, 1944. Golden Gate Bridge, Calif., to provide for payment of Transcript. 72 p. tolls by Government vehicles on the: H.R. 2912. War agencies in the Executive Office of the President July 5, 1943. Printed. 22 p. appropriations for fiscal year 1944: H.R. 2968. Insecticide Act of 1910, to amend the: S. 897. Dec. June 23, 1943. Transcript. 1,065 p. 6, 1943. Transcript. 49 p. War Department civil functions appropriation for Lucas County, Ohio, to authorize emergency relief in fiscal year 1944: H.R. 2346. Apr. 14, 1943. for damage from floods of July and October, Transcript. 241 p. 1943: S. 1536. Mar. 8, 1944. Printed. 20 p. War Department civil functions appropriation for Small business, to aid by the collection and dissemi­ fiscal year 1945: H.R. 4183. Mar. 2, 1944. nation of knowledge of business management: Transcript. 235 p. S. 356. May 27, 1943. Printed. 84 p. 78TH CONGRESS 81

District of Columbia Hospital center in the District of Columbia, to provide for the establishment of a: S. 2074. Aug. Alcoholic beverage licenses in the District of Colum­ 14, 1944. Printed. 77 p. bia, to prohibit the issuance of in certain localities: Insurance rates in the District of Columbia, to S. 790. Mar. 27, 1943. Transcript. 4 p. provide for the regulation of: S. 1029. Oct. 8 and Alderson Reporting Co., to authorize the payment of Dec. 2, 1943. Printed. 26 p. $105.70 to the for stenographic services to the National Capital Housing Authority, investigation of Committee on the District of Columbia: S. Res. the program of the: S. Res. 184. Oct. 5, 1943-Feb. 147. May 18, 1943. Transcript. 3 p. 29,1944. Printed. 378 p. Alley Dwelling Act of the District of Columbia, to People's Counsel in the District of Columbia, to amend the: S. 1699. Feb. II, 1944. Printed. enforce the appointment of the. Mar. 27, 1943. 173 p. (excerpt). Transcript. Sen 78A-F8. IIp. Beverage licenses in the District of Columbia, to Police Commissioner for the District of Columbia, to pennit the granting of to service clubs of other establish the office of: S. 497. Mar. 27, 1943. Allied Nations:. S. 1338. Oct. 2,1943. TranSCript. Transcript. I p. 82 p. Police Force and Fire Department in the District of Charter Commission, to establish a in the District of Columbia, increase in salaries of members of the: Columbia: S. 1527. Dec. 7-27, 1943. Printed. S. 17. Jan. 15, 1943.Transcript.117p. Filed with S. 1420. 331 p. Sanitary code for restaurants in the District of Children in the District of Columbia, to regulate the Columbia, to establish a: S. 1340. Sept. 23 and 28, placing of in family homes other than their own or 1943. Transcript. 119 p. that of relatives: H.R. 2618. Mar. 7, 1944. Sanitation and health conditions in the District of Transcript. 52 p. Columbia. Apr. 10, 1943. Transcript. Sen 78A-F8. Curbs and gutters, to provide for special assessments 91 p. for the laying of in the District of Columbia: H.R. Taxes and assessments in the District of Columbia, to 2159. Mar. 27,1943. Transcript. 3 p. amend an act relating to the levying and collecting Delegates from the District of Columbia to national of: S. 881. Mar. 27, 1943. Transcript. 7 p. political conventions, to regulate the election of: Taxicab licenses in the District of Columbia, to end S. 568. Mar. 27, 1943. Transcript. 5 p. trafficking in: S.937. May 18 and 26, 1943. District of Columbia government, to provide for the Transcript. 39 p. reorganization of: S.1420. Dec. 7-27, 1943. Teacher Retirement Act in the District of Columbia, Printed. 331 p. to amend the to count time spent in military Female hours of labor in the District of Columbia, to service as time spent teaching for retirement extend temporarily: H.R. 777. Apr. 7 and May 19, purposes: S. 1339. Sept. 17, 1943. Transcript. 1943. Transcript. 56 p. 15 p. Fire and Casualty Act of the District of Columbia, to Teachers in the District of Columbia, increase in amend the: S. 1028. Oct. 8, 1943. Transcript. 39 p. salaries of: S. 18. Jan. 15, 1943. Transcript. 117 p. Fire escapes in the District of Columbia, critical Unemployment compensation in the District of materials for the erection of. Apr. 6, 1943. Columbia, to amend the act providing for: H.R. TranSCript. Sen 78A-F8. 32 p. 2115. May 10 and 19, 1943. Transcript. 160 p. Gallinger Municipal Hospital, to authorize an investi­ Waskmundzka, Maria, to issue a license to practice gation of: S. Res. 178. Sept. 27-0ct. 1, 1943. osteopathy in the District of Columbia: S. 242. Printed. 340 p. Mar. 27,1943. Transcript. 3 p. Government for the District of Columbia, to provide Education and Labor means for District of Columbia residents to ex­ press their preference as to the form of a: S.J. Res. Children of employed mothers, to provide for the 87. Dec. 7-27, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 1420. wartime care and protection of: S. 876 and 331 p. S. 1130. June 8, 1943. Printed. 113 p. Horsemeat, to provide for the labeling of if sold in High School Victory Corps; high school students, to the District of Columbia: S. 832. Mar. 27, 1943. prepare for military service: S. 875. Apr. 14, 1943. Transcript. 3 p. Printed .. 66 p. 82 HEARINGS

Vocational rehabilitation, to provide for persons World War II veterans, to provide Federal Govern­ disabled while in the Armed Forces or war ment aid to for readjustment in civilian life: industries: S. 180. Jan. 23, 1943. Printed. Filed S. 1767. Mar. 1944. Printed. 15 p. with S. 622. 42 p. Foreign Relations Finance Lend-Lease Act, extension of the: S. 813. Mar. 1 and Customs collectors on international bridges, to pro­ 2, 1943. Transcript. 78 p. vide for overtime payment of: S. 1758. May 3, Starving peoples of Europe, favoring action looking 1944. Printed. 37 p. to relief for: S.Res. 100. Nov. 5,11, and 18, .. Debt limit of the United States, to increase the: 1943. Transcript. 226 p. S. 566. Jan. 29,1943. Transcript. 42 p. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminis­ Feed grains, extension of the period for duty-free tration, to enable the United States to participate import of: H.R. 4410. Mar. 21, 1944. Transcript. in the: H.J. Res. 192. Feb. 9-10,1944. Transcript. 33 p. 82 p. Five-year premium term insurance policies, to author­ ize renewal of for those in active military service Immigration outside the continental United States: S. 815. Mar. 12, 1943. Transcript. 4 p. Aliens, to authorize the deportation of to countries Income tax return, to provide for the Simplification allied with the United States: H.R. 2076 (S. 913). of the: H.R. 4646. May 9, 1944. Printed. 65 p. Apr. 1, 1943. Transcript. 33 p. Income tax withholding, to provide for: H.R. 2570. Chinese Exclusion Acts, to repeal the and to establish May 7, 1943. Printed. 100 p. quotas for Chinese immigration: S. 1404. Nov. 2, Loans secured by U.S. Government life insurance, to 1943. Transcript. 111 p. reduce the rate of interest on: S.877. Mar. 25, India, to permit the naturalization of 3,000 natives 1943. Printed. 53 p. of: S. 1595. Sept. 13, 1944. Printed. 54 p. National Service Life Insurance Act, to amend the: Penalties and detention expenses of certain aliens, to S.263, S.450, S.475, S.740, S.964, and relieve passenger ship lines from the payment of: S. 1024. June 7, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 450. S. 963. Mar. 27, 1944. Transcript. 84 p. 41 p. Pension trusts, to eliminate required integration of Interstate Commerce with Social Security benefits: H.R. 4464. May 26, 1944. Transcript. 114 p. American Federation of Musicians and James C. Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, to extend the: Petrillo, to extend the authorization for an investi­ H.J. Res. Ill. May 17-22, 1943. Printed. 145 p. gation into certain activities of the: S. Res. 81. Rehabilitation of disabled veterans, to provide for: Jan. 12-14, 1943. Transcript. 515 p. S. 786, S. 622, S. 668, S. 187, and S. 230. Feb. Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, to amend and extend 25-Mar. 1, 1943. Transcript. 95 p. the: H.J. Res. 122, S. 147, and S.822. May 18, Social Security Act, extension of certain provisions of 1943. Transcript. 70 p. to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: S. 1328. Board of Investigation and Research, to extend the Feb. 15, 1944. Transcript. 56 p. life of the: S.1836. June 9,1944. Transcript. 49p. Veterans of world wars, to increase the compensation Interstate Commerce Act, to amend section 409 of of: H.R. 3356 and H.R. 3377. Apr. 21-22, 1944. the relating to joint rates of freight forwarders and Printed. Filed with H.R. 3377. 35 p. conunon motor carriers: S. 1425. Nov. 1-2,1943. War correspondents, to extend the provisions of the Transcript. 213 p. National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940 to: S. Interstate Petroleum Pipe Line Act of July 30,1941, 740. Feb. 25, 1943. Transcript. 28 p. to amend the: H.R. 2520. June 28, 1943. Tran­ Widows and children of deceased World War I script. 45 p. veterans, to provide Government compensation Interstate petroleum pipe lines, to prohibit the use of for: H.R. 1744. Nov. 28-Dec. 1,1944. Transcript. for transportation of natural gas: S. 188. June 28, 72 p. 1943. Transcript. Filed with H.R. 2520.45 p. 78TH CONGRESS 83

Land-grant rail rates on transport of Government Contracts restraining foreign trade, to require public traffic, to repeal: H.R. 4184. June 8-14 and disclosure of all by all companies doing business in August 18-19,1944. Printed. 244 p. the United States: S. 1476. May 23, 1944. Tran­ Nonoperating railway employees wage agreement, to script. 93 p. put into effect: S.J. Res. 91. Nov. 8-9, 1943. Correctional system for offenders convicted in courts Printed. 139 p. of the United States, to provide a: S. 895. Dec. 2, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, a resolu tion to 1943. Printed. 25 p. investigate the alleged activities of the in connec­ Court reporters, to authorize the appointment of in tion with the Kansas City Southern Railway Co.: the district courts of the United States: S. 620. S. Res. 278. May 5, 1944. Transcript. 173 p. June 30, 1943. Printed. 45 p. Equal rights for men and women amendment to the Irrigation and Reclamation Constitution: S.J. Res. 61. Sept. 28, 1945. Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. 25. 158 p. Columbia River Basin project, prevention of specula­ False coins, to amend chapter 7 of the Criminal Code tion in lands of the: S.408. Jan. 27, 1943. to prohibit the manufacture and advertising of: Printed. 23 p. H.R. 3408. Dec. 7, 1943. Transcript. 43 p. Consultants on reclamation work, to authorize the Garnishment of wages of civil employees of the Secretary of the Interior to employ: S. 1456 (H.R. United States, to provide for: H.R. 2985. May 11 3429). May 5, 1944. Transcript. 16 p. Hungry Horse Dam in Montana, to provide for the and 12, 1944. Transcript. 158 p. Insurance, to maintain State regulation of and to partial construction of the: S. 1496 (H.R. 3570). exempt from application of the Sherman and Feb. 3-4, 1944. Transcript. 77 p. Klamath Drainage District, to approve contract nego­ Clayton Antitrust Acts: S. 1362, H.R. 3269, and tiated with the: S. 1449 (H.R. 3476). May 5, H.R. 3270. Oct. 27 and Dec. 14, 1943. Transcript and printed excerpts. 148 p. 1944. Transcript. Filed with S. 1496. 10 p. Juvenile delinquency, to reduce by providing for the Missouri River Basin water resources, to authorize the of runaway or transient initial stage of a plan for the control and use of: care and return horne S.1915. Sept. 26 and Oct. 2, 1944. Printed. children: S. 1578. Feb. 25-26, 1944. Transcript. 195 p. 178 p. Killing or assaulting of Federal officers, to amend the New Mexico and Arizona water resources (irrigation act providing punishment for: S. 1227. Dec. 20, and hydroelectric power project needs), an investi­ 1943. Transcript. 57 p. gation of: S. Res. 304. july 31-0ct. 3, 1944. Motor vehicles, to regulate the acquisition and use of Printed. 390 p. by various agencies of the Government: S. 820. Reclamation Project Act of 1939, to amend the to June 29 and Nov. 9-10, 1943. Transcript. 168 p. extend the time in which amendatory repayment Multiple State income taxes on Government em­ contracts may be made: S. 1782. May 5, 1944. ployees, to prevent: H.R. 3592. May 24 and June Transcript. Filed with S. 1496. 24 p. 1, 1944. Printed. 93 p. Republican River Basin, to grant the consent of National Council of Negro Veterans, to provide for Congress to a compact by the States of Colorado, the incorporation of the: S. 1497. Feb. 28, 1944. Kansas, and Nebraska for the use of the: S. 649. Transcript. 30 p. Mar. 31, 1943. Printed. 51 p. Office of Scientific Research and Development, to Truckee-Carson Irrigation District, for the relief of: exempt certain employees of the from certain S. 1359. Nov. 2, 1943. Transcript. 111 p. provisions of the Criminal Code: H.R. 4446. Sept. Water conservation and utilization projects, to amend 18, 1944. Transcript. 26 p. the act of August 11, 1939, relating to: S. 1252. Office of War Information and policies of Govern­ June 29, 1943. Transcript. 80 p. ment agencies relating to the control of informa­ tion, to authorize a study of the: S. Res. 138. Apr. Judiciary 21,1943. Transcript. 63 p. Bankruptcy Act of 1898, to amend the to extend the Poll tax, to make unlawful the requirement for time for filing petitions under the farm mortgage payment of a in a primary or other election for moratorium law: S.I722. Feb. 25, 1944. Tran­ national officers: H.R. 7. Oct. 26-Nov. 12, 1943. script. 33 p. Printed. 174 p. 84 HEARINGS

Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, to provide one Gold mine owners, for the relief of by suspending additional judge for the: S. 1559. Feb. 23, 1944. certain obligations against the operators of lode or Printed. 20 p. placer mines forced to cease operations by the war: S. 344. June 10, 1943. Transcript. 84 p. Strategic and critical materials, to stimulate produc­ Military Affairs tion of S. 1160. June 24 and July 1-2, 1943. Printed. 76 p. Firouz, Alexander, citizen of Iran, to authorize the Tunnel sites, to au thorize suspension of certain education of at the U.S. Military Academy at West requirements relating to work on: S. 1479. Mar. Point: S.J. Res. 113. Mar. 3, 1944. Transcript. 23, 1944. Transcript. 8 p. .. 15 p. War minerals relief statutes, to enable the Secretary Joint Committee on War Problems, to create a: S. of the Interior to complete payment of awards in Con. Res. I. Jan. 27, 1943. Printed. 23 p. connection with the: H.R. 2616. Mar. 23,1944. National program for war mobilization and postwar Transcript. Filed with S. 1479. 8 p. adjustment, to provide a: S. 2061. Aug. 3-4, 1944. Printed. Filed with S. 1730. 155 p. Patents National resources of the United States, to authorize a study of the better mobilization of: S. Res. 107. Trademarks used in commerce, to provide for the June 17, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 702. 116 p. registration and protection of: H.R. 82. Nov. Office of Demobilization, to credte an and to provide 15-16,1944. Transcript. 258 p. for the disposal of surplus Government property: S. 1730. Apr. 26-Aug. 4, 1944. Printed. 764 p. Post Offices and Post Roads Office of Demobilization, to create an and to provide for settlement of claims arising from terminated Information obtained through censorship, to provide war contracts: S.1718 and S.1730. Apr. 4-20, for an investigation concerning the disclosure of: 1944. Printed. 276 p., pts. 10-16. S. Res. 282. June I"Dec. 4, 1944. Transcript. Office of Scientific and Technical Mobilization, to 335 p. establish an and to mobilize the scientific and technical resources of the Nation: S. 702. June 17, Privileges and Elections 1943. Printed. 116p. Office of War Mobilization, to establish an: S. 607. Wartime voting by members of the Armed Forces, to Apr. 16-19 and July 13, 1943. Transcript. 714p. amend the act providing for: S. 1285. Oct. 29, Office of War Mobilization and Adjustment, to 1943. Printed. 101 p. establish an: S. 1823 (later S. 1893). Apr. 26-Aug. 4, 1944. Printed. Filed with S. 1730. 764 p. Public Buildings and Grounds Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942, to amend the to liberalize family allowances: S. 1279 Engineers, to authorize the employment of those in and S. 1131. June 28,1943. Printed. 31 p. private practice for Government projects: S. 1531. Surplus war property, to provide for the conservation Jan. 20, 1944. Printed. 32 p. and proper disposal of: S. 1478, S. 1609, S. 1680, Erickson, Leif, to provide for the erection of a statue S. 1775, S. 1794, S. 1803, S.1815, and S.2045, of in the District of Columbia: S.J. Res. 8. Jan. 20, Aug. 7-17, 1944. Printed. p. 767-1358. 1944. Printed. Filed with S. 1531. 32 p. Government property, to authorize the sale or trans­ fer of for other purposes: H.R. 1294. June 2, Mines and Mining 1943. Transcript. 45 p. Harrison Park in Vincennes, Ind., to convey to Domestic gold and silver mines, to create a special Vincennes University: H.R. 3306. Jan. 20, 1944. committee to investigate the closing of: S. Res. 14. Printed. Filed with S. 1531.32 p. Mar. 3, 1943. Transcript. 41 p. Sitka, Alaska, to authorize the Legislature of Alaska Ex plosives, to prohibit the sale of witho' ~ t a license: to convey certain lands to: H.R. 340. Jan. 20, S. 1327. Sept. 28, 1943. Transcript. 33 p. 1944. Printed. Filed with S. 1531. 32 p. 78TH CONGRESS 85

Sleeping quarters for servicemen, to provide in the Special Committee To Study and Survey Senate garage: H. Con. Res. 19. Jan. 20, 1944. Problems of Small Business Enterprises Printed. Filed with S. 1531. 32 p. Small business, problems of American (critical, strate· Public Lands and Surveys gic, and essential materials): pursuant to S. Res. 66. Apr. 7·16, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 1160, Carver, George Washington, to establish a national 78th Congo p. 3465·3603. monument to in Missouri: S. 37, S. 312, and H.R. 647. Feb. 5, 1943. Printed. 63 p. Subcommittee on Wartime Health and Education Liquid fuels, synthetic: S. 1243. Aug. 3·11, 1943. of the Committee on Education and Labor Printed. Filed with records of the Senate Special Committee To Investigate Petroleum Resources. 469 p. There is also a transcript version (347 p.) of Wartime health and education Quvenile delinquency): the hearings of Aug. 3-4,1943, filed with S. 1243. pursuant to S. Res. 74. Nov. 30·Dec. I, 1943, Mineral resources of the public lands of the United pt. I, 284 p. Mar. I, 1944, pt. 4, p. 3120·3252. States, an investigation into the development of: Transcri pt. S. Res. 73. Feb. 17, 1943. Transcript. 58 p. "Health hearings no. I" and "Health hearings no. 3": National parks and monuments, to au thorize an pursuant to S. Res. 74. July 10 and Dec. 13, 1944. investigation with respect to the alteration and Transcript. 262 p. and 26 p. fixing of boundaries of: S. Res. 134. Aug. 17, 1943. Transcript. 215 p. House Committees Oregon and California railroad grant lands, to confirm the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture the Interior over unpatented idemnity lands in: S. 275. May 6-7, 1943. Printed. 178 p. National survey of forest resources, act of May 22, 1928, to amend the: H.R. 1456. Dec. 8, 1943. Territories and Insular Affairs Printed. Filed with S. 45. 83 p. Sustained·yield forest management, to promote: S. Organic Act of Puerto Rico, to amend the to permit 250. Dec. 7, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 45. 83 p. an elective Governor: S. 1407. Nov. 16·26 and Timber protection, to increase the amount to aid Dec. 1, 1943. Printed. 603 p. States and timberland owners in: S.45. Dec. 3. Philippine Islands, to provide for the independence of 1943. Printed. 83 p. the: S.J. Res. 81. Sept. 28,1943. Transcript. 19 p. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, to assist in Appropriations relieving economic distress in: S.981. Apr. 22, 1943. Transcript. 72 p. Virgin Islands, to assist in development of the: H.R. Foreign Economic Administration appropriation for 5029. Dec. 4, 1944. Transcript. 27 p. fiscal year 1945. May 5·12, 1944. Printed. Located in files of the Senate Special Committee To Special Committee To Investigate Investigate Petroleum Resources, 79th Congo Gasoline and Fuel Oil Shortages 475 p.

New England fuel oil shortages: pursuant to S. Res. Foreign Affairs 156, 77th Congo Oct. 22, 1943. Transcript. Sen 78A·F31. 120 p. Treaties of 1903 and 1936 with Panama, to authorize the execution of certain obligations under: H.J. Special Committee To Investigate Res. 14. Mar. 16, 1943. Printed. 12 p. Petroleum Resources Immigration and Naturalization Executive hearings: pursuant to S. Res. 36, 79th Cong., and S. Res. 253, 78th Congo Mar. 31, Chinese Exclusion Acts, to repeal the: H.R. 1882 and 1944-J une 13, 1944. Transcript. 955 p. H.R. 2309. May 19·June 3, 1943. Printed. 280 p. 86 HEARINGS

Expatriation of certain nationals of the United States, Exemption of certain employees of the National V\'ar to provide for; Japanese Deportation Commission, Labor Board, the Office of Scientific Research and to increase the; disloyal Japanese, to deport: H.R. Development, the War Department, and other L! .S. 2701, H.R. 3012, H.R. 3489, H.R. 3446, and H.R. employees from certain provisions of the Criminal 4103. Jan. 20-Feb. 2, 1944. Printed. Filed with Code: H.R. 4349 (S. 1789), H.R. 4446, H.R. H.R. 4103.64 p. 4468, and H.R. 2295. Mar. 29, 1944. Printed. Filed with S. 1780.26 p. Garnishment of salaries of U.S. Government employ­ Indian Affairs ees, to provide for: H.R. 694. Mar. 24, 25, and 30, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 213. 72 p. .. American Indian, to authorize an investigation of the Multiple State income taxes on Federal employees, to need for revision of the laws and regulations prevent: H.R. 2203 (later H.R. 3592). June 25 and affecting the: H. Res. 166. Mar. 23, 1943, and Nov. 2, 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. 3592. 29 p. Feb. 2-25, 1944. Printed. Sen 78A-F13. 132 p. Notices to serve as constructive notice of the interest Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, to authorize the of the United States in realty or personalty under purchase of certain coal and asphalt lands from by facilities contracts, to authorize the filing of the United States: H.R. 1859. July 7 and 8, 1943. certain: H.R. 1747 (S. 215). Apr. 14, 1943. Prin ted. Filed with S. 314. 51 p. Printed. Filed with S. 215.24 p. Pueblo Indian lands in New Mexico, to authorize the Parole administration, to provide improvement in. exploration of proposed dam sites located on: H.R. 2139. May 18-19, 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. 323. May 25-26, 1943. Printed. 117 p. S. 895. 172 p. Voting age, proposing a constitutional amendment to reduce to 18: HJ. Res. 39. Oct. 20, 1943. Printed. Interstate and Foreign Commerce Filed with SJ. Res. 7. 13 p. War Security Act; to provide for punishment of Golden Gate Bridge, Calif., to authorize the charging hostile acts against the United States: H.R. J 205 of tools for Government vehicles on the: H_R. (later H.R. 2087). Feb. 17, 1943. Printed. Filed 877. Mar. 9, 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. 2912. with S. 639. 54 p. 43 p. Land-grant rail rates on transport of Government Merchant Marine and Fisheries traffic, to repeal: Mar. 16-23, 1944. Printed. Sen 78A-FI5. 318 p. Nonoperating railway employees wage agreement, to Employees of the United States and the District of put into effect the: HJ. Res. 187 (SJ. Res. 91). Columbia, to provide leave of absence for those Dec. 13-17, 1943. Printed. Filed with S.J. Res. 91. joining the merchan t marine: H.R. 131. Feb. 4, 175 p. 1943. Transcript. 4 p. Frustrated voyages, to authorize to refund treigh Is for transportation: HJ. Res. 92. Mar. 15,1943. Judiciary Printed. 9 p. Interned merchant seamen, to provide disability and Correctional system for offenders convicted in courts other benefits to: H.R. 3262 and H.R. 2652. Dec. of the United States, to provide a: H.R. 2140. 9, 1943-Feb. 10, 1944. Printed. Filed with H.R. June 10, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 895. 172 p. 4163.63 p. Court reporters, to authorize the appointment of the Oysters in York River and Queen Creek, Va., to district courts of the United States: H.R. 3142 provide for the removal of: H.R. 2886. June 17, (H.R. 3611): Nov. 2, 1943. Printed. Filed with S. 1943. Printed. 23 p. 620.23 p. Postwar sale of Government-owned merchant vessels, Evidence, to safegurard the admission of in certain to provide for the: H.R. 4486. May 25-26 and cases: H.R. 3690. Nov. 24, Dec. 1-10, 1943. June 13-15, 1944. Printed. Filed with S. 1814. Printed. 140 p. 182 p. 78TH CONGRESS 87

Patents Ways and Means

Art Metal Works, Inc., to extend the reissued patent Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, to extend: H.J. No. 19,023 of for 7 years: H.R. 2994. Oct. 13, Res. Ill. Apr. 23, 1943. Printed. p. 925-1093. 1943. Printed. 31 p. Renegotiation of war contracts: H.R. 2324, H.R. Trademarks used in commerce, to provide for the 2698, and H.R. 3015. Sept. 13-15,1943. Printed. registration and protection of: H.R. 82. Apr. 7-8, Sen 78A-FlO. 175 p. (excerpt). 1943. Printed. 52 p. Revenue Revision of 1943. Oct. 11, 1943. Printed. Sen 78A-FI5. 97 p. (excerpt). J Public Buildings and Grounds World War Veterans' Legislation

Government property, to authorize the sale or trans­ Artificial limbs to retired officers and enlisted men, fer of for other purposes: H.R. 1294. Jan. 28, to regulate the furnishing of: H.R. 3176. Oct. 7, 1943. Printed. 16 p. 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. 3356.38 p. Title II, National Defense Housing, to amend to "Line of duty" and "willful misconduct," to define authorize additional appropriations: H.R. 2936. the meaning of as used in any law or regulation June 3, 4, and 8, 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. administered by the Veterans Administration: 2936.77 p. H.R. 3355. Oct. 8, 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. U.S. Capitol grounds, to authorize use of part of the 3356.38 p. for parking of motor vehicles: H.R. 1172. Apr. 14, Veterans Administration employees, to provide Gov­ 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. 3020. 21 p. ernment transportation for: S. 964. Oct. 7, 1943. Printed. Filed with H.R. 3356. 38 p. Veterans with service-connected disabilities, to in­ Public Lands crease the compensation of: H.R. 3356, Oct. 7, 1943. Printed. 38 p. Naval Petroleum Reserve No.1 (Elk Hills, Calif.), to Veterans with total disability, to increase the com­ protect: H.R. 2596. May 11, 18, and 28, 1943. pensation for: H.R. 3377. Oct. 7, 1943. Printed. Printed. Filed with S. 1061. 28 p. Filed with H.R. 3356. 38 p. Committee Index

The following is an index to committees, not an index to subjects. Each committee is listed on a separate line, and whether it was a House or Senate committee or is entered as a joint committee is indicated in parentheses. Ordinal numbers give the Congress or Congresses under which hearings of the committee are listed; cardinal numbers are page references.

Agriculture (House), 57th, 13; 62d, 20; 63d, 22; Claims (Senate), 49th, 9; 63d, 22; 67th, 28; 68th, 31; 67th, 30; 68th, 32; 7lst, 40; 74th, 50; 78th, 85 70th, 36; 71st, 38; 72d, 42; 73d, 46; 75th, 52; Agriculture (Joint), 66th, 28 76th, 58; 77th, 68 Agriculture and Forestry (Senate), 49th, 9; 50th, 10; Coinage, Weights, and Measures (House), 46th, 7; 53d, 11; 57th, 13; 58th, 14; 61st, 18; 67th, 28; 62d,20; 63d, 23; 65th,25 71st, 38; 72d, 42; 75th, 51; 76th, 56; 77th, 66; Commerce (House), 38th, 5 78th,79 Commerce (Senate), 48th, 8; 50th, 10; 51st, 10; Air-Mail and Ocean-Mail Contracts, Special Commit­ 58th, 14; 73d, 46; 74th, 48; 75th, 52; 76th, 58; tee To Investigate (Senate), 73d, 47 77th, 68; 78th, 80 Airports (Joint). 71st, 41 Commerce, Subcommittee on Safety at Sea (Senate), Appropriations (House), 42d, 6; 55th, 12; 56th, 13; 75th,55 58th, 15; 60th, 17; 76th, 64; 77th, 75; 78th, 85 Communist Activities in the United States, Special Appropriations (Senate), 46th, 7; 54th, 11; 58th, 14; Committee To Investigate (House), 7lst, 41 59th, 15; 66th, 26; 67th, 28; 69th, 33; 71st, 38; Contributions and Expenditures in the Senatorial 74th, 48; 75th, 51; 76th, 56; 77th, 66; 78th, 79 Contest in 1934, Special Committee To Investigate Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the (Senate), 73d, 47 Senate (conditions in Puerto Rico), 77th, 68 Courts of the United States, Special Committee To Banking and Currency (House), 45th, 7; 62d, 20; Study Reorganization of the and Reform of 67th, 30; 76th, 64; 77th, 75 Judicial Procedure (Senate), 76th, 64 Banking and Currency (Senate), 72d, 42; 73d, 46; Dietrich, Charles H., Senator from Nebraska, Special 74th, 48; 75th, 52; 76th, 57; 77th, 68; 78th, 80 Committee To Inquire Into Charges Affecting Bankruptcy and Receivership Proceedings in United (Senate), 58th, 15 States Courts, Special Committee To Investigate Dirigible Disasters (Joint), 73d, 48 (Senate), 73d, 47; 74th, 50 Distilled Spirits in Bonded Warehouses, Select Com­ Campaign Expenditures, N~tional, Select Committee mittee To Inquire Whether Any Money Has Been on (Senate), 68th, 32 Raised To Promote or Defeat the Bill To Amend Campaign Expenditures, Senatorial, Special Commit­ Certain Laws on the Subject of (Senate), 47th, 8 tee To Investigate (Senate), 7lst, 40 District of Columbia, Conference Committee on S. Campaign Expenditures, 1940, Special Committee To 902, street railway lines (Joint), 60th, 18 Investigate (Senate), 76th, 63 District of Columbia (House), 54th, 12; 59th, 16; Census (House), 77th, 75 61st, 19; 63d, 23; 67th, 30; 69th, 34; 70th, 37; Cheyenne, Select Committee on Removal of North- 71st, 40; 73d, 47; 74th, 51; 76th, 64 ern (Senate), 46th, 7 District of Columbia (Joint), 40th, 5; 67th, 30 Civil Service (Joint), 69th, 35 District of Columbia (Senate), 54th, 11; 57th, 13; Civil Service (Senate), 73d, 46; 74th, 48; 78th, 80 58th, 14; 59th, 15; 60th, 17; 61st, 18; 62d, 19; Civil Service and Retrenchment (Senate), 47th, 8 63d, 22; 64th, 23; 65th, 25; 66th, 26; 67th, 28; Civil Service, Select Committee To Examine the 68th, 31; 69th, 33; 70th, 36; 71st, 38; 72d, 42; Several Branches of the (Senate), 46th, 7 73d, 46; 74th, 48; 75th, 52; 76th, 58; 77th, 69; Claims (House), 60th, 18; 61st, 19; 62d, 20; 72d, 45; 78th,81 74th, 50; 75th, 55; 77th, 76 Education (House), 65th, 25; 69th, 34


Education and Labor (Joint), 66th, 28 Interstate Commerce (Senate), 57th, 13; 58th, 14; Education and Labor (Senate), 48th, 8; 49th, 9; 63d, 59th, 16; 68th, 31; 73d, 46; 74th, 49; 75th, 53; 22;73d,46;74th, 48; 75th, 52; 76th, 59; 77th, 71; 76th, 60; 77th, 72; 78th, 82 78th, 81 Interstate Commerce, Select Committee on (Senate), Education and Labor, Subcommittee on the Viola­ 49th, 10 tion of Free Speech and the Rights of Labor Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee To Investigate (Senate), 74th, 50 Interstate Railroads (Senate), 74th, 50 Education and Labor, Subcommittee on Wartime Invalid Pensions (House), 76th, 65; 77th, 77 Health and Education (Senate), 78th, 85 Irrigation and Reclamation (House), 69th, 34; 76th, Expenditures in the Executive Departments (House), 65 71st,41 Irrigation and Reclamation (Joint), 58th, 15; 69th, Expenditures in the Post Office Department (House), 35; 71st, 41 62d,21 Irrigation and Reclamation (Senate), 60th, 17; 64th, Finance (Senate), 45th, 6; 46th, 7; 48th, 8; 58th, 14; 24; 67th, 29; 68th, 31; 69th, 34; 70th, 36; 71st, 59th, 15; 60th, 17; 62d, 20; 66th, 26; 67th, 29; 40; 72d,45;73d,46;74th,49;75th,53;76th,60; 71st, 40; 72d, 44; 73d, 46; 74th, 48; 75th, 53; 77th, 72; 78th, 83 76th, 59; 77th, 71; 78th, 82 Judiciary (House), 49th, 10; 56th, 13;63d, 23;64th, Fisheries (Senate), 49th, 9; 53d, 11 25; 65th, 26; 66th, 27; 67th, 30; 68th, 32; 69th, Foreign Affairs (House), 64th, 24; 65th, 26; 72d, 45; 35; 70th, 37; 71st, 41; 72d, 45; 73d, 47; 74th, 51; 73d, 47; 74th, 51; 76th, 64; 77th, 76; 78th, 85 75th, 55; 76th, 65; 77th, 77; 78th, 86 Foreign Relations (Senate), 45th, 6; 48th, 8; 49th, 9; Judiciary (Joint), 68th, 33 59th, 16; 62d, 20; 63d, 22; 64th, 24; 66th, 26; Judiciary (Senate), 41st, 5; 42d, 6; 47th, 8; 51st. 10; 72d, 44; 73d, 46; 75th, 53; 76th, 59; 77th, 71; 52d, 11; 60th, 17; 61st, 18; 63d, 22; 64th, 24; 78th, 82 65th, 25; 66th, 27; 67th, 29; 68th, 31; 69th, 34; Gasoline and Fuel Shortages, Special Committee To 70th, 36; 71st, 40; 73d, 46; 74th, 49; 75th, 54; Investigate (Senate), 77th, 75; 78th, 85 76th, 61; 77th, 72; 78th, 83 Hawaii (Joint), 75th, 56 Library (House), 61 st, 19; 62d, 21; 70th, 37 Immigration (House), 71st, 41 Library (Joint), 66th, 28; 69th, 35; 71st, 41; 73d, 48 Immigration (Senate), 51st, 10; 69th, 33; 70th, 36; Library (Senate), 63d, 22; 68th, 31 ; 75th, 54 71 st, 40; 72d, 44; 73d, 46; 74th, 49; 75th, 53; Lobbying Activities, Special Committee To Investi- 76th, 59; 77th, 71; 78th, 82 gate (Senate), 74th, 50 Immigration and Naturalization (House), 69th, 34; Manufactures (Senate), 58th, 14 70th, 37; 73d, 47; 74th, 51; 78th, 85 Merchant Marine and Fisheries (House), 62d, 21; Indian Affairs (House), 57th, 13; 58th, 15; 60th, 18; 68th, 32; 75th, 55; 76th, 65; 77th, 77; 78th, 86 62d, 21; 64th, 24; 66th, 27; 67th, 30; 68th, 32; Merchant Marine, Special Committee To Investigate 69th, 34; 71st, 41; 75th, 55; 76th, 64; 77th, 77; Conditions in the American (Senate), 76th, 64 78th,86 Military Affairs (House), 55th, 12; 59th, 16; 60th, Indian Affairs (Senate), 49th, 9; 52d, 11; 53d, 11; 18; 61st, 19; 62d, 21; 65th, 26; 67th, 30; 68th, 55th, 12; 56th, 12; 57th, 13; 59th, 16; 60th, 17; 32; 69th, 35; 70th, 37; 71st, 41; 74th, 51; 75th, 61st, 18; 62d, 20; 63d, 22; 64th, 24; 65th, 25; 55; 76th, 65 67th, 29; 68th, 31; 69th, 34; 71st, 40; 72d, 44; Military Affairs (Senate), 57th, 13; 58th, 14; 59th, 73d, 46; 74th, 49; 75th, 53;76th,59;77th, 72 16; 60th, 17;62d,20;63d,22;64th,24;65th,25; Indian Service and the Yellowstone Park, Select 66th, 27; 67th, 29; 69th, 34; 73d, 46; 74th, 49; Committee on the (House), 49th, 10 75th, 54; 76th, 62; 77th, 73; 78th, 84 Insular Affairs (House), 69th, 34 Militia (House), 60th, 18 Internal Revenue, Select Committee To Investigate Mines and Mining (House), 67th, 30; 73d, 47 the Bureau of (Senate), 68th, 32 Mines and Mining (Senate), 73d, 46; 74th, 49; 75th, Interoceanic Canals (Senate), 59th, 16; 72d, 45; 76th, 54;76th,63;78th,84 60 Mississippi River Improvements, Select Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce (House), 64th, 24; (Senate), 48th, 9 67th, 30; 70th, 37; 73d, 47; 75th, 55; 76th, 64; Munitions Industry, Special Committee To Investi­ 77th, 77; 78th, 86 gate the (Senate), 73d, 47 COMMITTEE INDEX 91

National Defense Program, Special Committee To Public Lands and Surveys (Senate), 75th, 55; 76th, Investigate the (Senate), 77th, 75 63; 77th, 75; 78th, 85 Naval Affairs (House), 59th, 16; 60th, 18; 61st, 19; Public Lands and Surveys, Subcommittee Investigat­ 66th, 27; 67th, 30; 75th, 55 ing the Potash Industry (Senate), 75th, 55 Naval Affairs (Senate), 48th, 9; 60th, 17; 63d, 22; Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures 67th,29 (Joint), 77th, 78 Nicaragua Canal, Select Committee on the Construc­ Reform in the Civil Service (House), 62d, 21 tion of the (Senate), 55th, 12 Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the Ordnance (Joint), 40th, 5 Government (Joint), 68th, 33 Ordnance, Select Committee on Heavy (Senate), Rivers and Harbors (House), 74th, 51; 75th, 56; 76th, 47th, 8 66 Pacific Islands and Porto Rico (Senate), 57th, 13; Roads (House), 77th, 78 60th, 17;61st, 19; 64th, 24 Roads and Canals (House), 40th, 5 Pacific Railroad (Senate), 41st, 5 Rules (Senate), 72d, 45; 77th, 75 Paper Specifications (Joint), 71st, 41 Shipbuilding and Shipowning Interests, Select Com­ Patents (House), 52d, 11; 68th, 32; 70th, 37; 71st, mittee To Inquire Into the Condition and Wants of 41;75th,56;76th, 65;77th,78; 78th, 87 American (Joint), 47th, 8 Patents (Senate), 45th, 6; 48th, 9; 67th, 29; 69th, 34; Small Business Enterprises, Special Committee To 70th, 36; 71st, 40; 72d, 45; 74th, 49; 75th, 54; Study and Survey Problems of (Senate), 78th, 85 76th, 63; 77th, 74; 78th, 84 Standards, Weights, and Measures (Senate), 65th, 25 Pensions (Senate), 46th, 7; 48th, 9; 49th, 9; 57th, 13; Taxation of Governmental Securities and Salaries, 66th, 27; 67th,29;77th, 74 Special Committee on (Senate), 76th, 63 Petroleum Resources, Special Committee To Investi­ Tennessee Valley Authority, Investigation of the gate (Senate), 78th, 85 (Joint), 75th, 56 Philippines (Senate), 58th, 14; 59th, 16 Territories (House), 61st, 19; 63d, 23; 75th, 56; 77tl": Post Office and Post Roads (House), 61st, 19; 62d, 78 21;63d,23 Territories (Senate), 46th, 7; 61st, 19; 63d, 22 Post Office and Post Roads (Joint), 69th, 35 Territories and Insular Affairs (Senate), 76th, 63; PostOffices and Post Roads (Senate), 45th, 6; 47th, 8; 77th, 75; 78th, 85 48th, 9; 58th, 14; 62d, 20; 64th, 24; 66th, 27; Territories and Insular Possessions (Senate), 68th, 32; 67th, 30; 73d, 47; 74th, 50; 77th, 74; 78th, 84 70th, 36; 73d, 47 Potomac River Front, Select Committee on the Transportation Routes to the Seaboard, Select Com­ Condition of the (Senate), 47th, 8 mittee on (Senate), 45th, 7; 46th, 7 Printing (Joint), 75th, 56 Un-American Activities (House), 75th, 56 Printing (Senate), 59th, 16; 76th, 63 Un-American Activities, Special Committee on Privileges and Elections (Senate), 45th, 6; 48th, 9; (House), 73d, 48 56th, 12; 58th, 15; 62d, 20; 63d, 22; 65th, 25; University of the United States (Senate), 54th, 12 66th, 27; 67th, 30; 68th, 32; 69th, 34; 70th, 36; Veterans' Affairs (Joint), 72d, 45 71st, 40; 72d, 45; 73d, 47; 74th, 50; 77th, 74; Veterans Bureau, Select Committee on Investigation 78th, 84 of the (Senate), 68th, 32 Prosecution of the War, Conference Committee on S. Virgin Islands, Special Committee To Investigate the 2208 (Joint), 77th, 78 Administration of the (Senate), 74th, 50 Public Buildings and Grounds (House), 62d, 21; 63d, War Claims (House), 50th, 10; 63d, 23; 66th, 27; 23; 64th, 25; 69th, 35; 70th, 37; 73d, 48; 74th, 68th, 33; 70th, 37; 71st, 41 51; 75th, 56; 76th, 65; 77th, 78; 78th, 87 Ways and Means (House), 46th, 7; 48th, 9; 59th, 16; ?ublic Buildings and Grounds (Senate), 43d, 6; 50th, 66th, 27; 67th, 30; 69th, 35; 72d, 45; 73d, 48; 10; 62d, 20; 66th, 27; 74th, 50; 75th, 54; 76th, 76th, 66; 77th, 78; 78th, 87 63; 77th, 75; 78th, 84 Woman Suffrage, Select Committee on (Senate), 53d, Public Lands (House), 60th, 18; 61st, 19; 62d, 21; 11 65th, 26; 76th, 66; 78th, 87 World War Veterans' Legislation (House), 78th, 87 Public Lands (Senate), 45th, 7; 47th, 8; 58th, 15; 62d,20

" u. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1972 0 _ 488-048