IhIh’nnnn van Jep,on Ha IUIUIIIIU Integrity Commissioner Office ofthe lntegdtyCommlssloner 375 UnNersityAvenue, Suite 202 Td: 416-397-7770 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2J5 February 8, 2018 Sent by Email (No Original to Follow) Coundllor
[email protected] Mkhael Thompson Coundllor for Ward 37 100 Queen StreetjWest, Suite B29 Toronto, ON, M5H 2N2 Dear Coundllor Thompson: Re: Sponsored Accommodation provided by International Forum at the Americas (IEFA) for Your Conference In Toronto, Ontario, October 29 — November 1, 2017 Thank you for providing me with a Travel Dedaration Form for the above-noted benefits. I confirm that the benefits you received are in ComplianCe with sedion (0 of ArtiCle IV (GUts and Benefits) of the Code of Conduôt for Members of Council as the aa,ommodation was sponsored by a onferene organizer and you attended in scour official capacity as a Councillor. I form this view based on my review of: I ) the Travel Declaration Form dated December 1 8, 2017; 2) an October 25, 2017 email from Cdstina Ruscio (Advisor, Content and Program at the Intemational Forum of the Americas) invitiflg you to attend the “2017 Toronto Global Forum” in Toronto, Ontario; . 3) a December 6, 201 7 email from Joseph Clark providing the accommodation amount; 4) the Conference Itinerary; and, 5) Email dated January 9, 201 8 containing information about the rationale for the sponsored accommodation in Toronto. This letter, the Travel Declaration Form, and attached supporting material will be posted on the Integrity Commissione?s websfte, toronto.c&inteahtv, in accordance with the Code of Conduct Ar Members of CounciL PB/PA .