The Irises of

With an area roughly 20 percent The larger than that of and with a coastline that is easily ten times as long – in addition to swamps, slews, lakes and Florida rivers that are ideal locations for the irises to grow – it is quite possible that there are more irises growing in Florida right press National Preserve in the south to Hexagonae now than were ever growing in Louisi- the St. Mary’s river in the north. He has BY SAM NORRIS ana. I wonder if anyone has ever made collected in the locations where Small a survey in an effort to determine how gathered his samples, plus many to which he second edition of The Louisi- extensive the growth really is. Small never dreamed of going. Michael ana Iris arrived a few days ago* Masses of Irises tells me that he has found every color Tand I am very favorably im- The SLI Fiftieth Anniversary Publi- and form that has been found growing in pressed by it. A letter from Marie Caillet cation has a picture showing a field of Louisiana, and there are probably many indicated that she was worried about “I. savannarum” in bloom, and speaks others that he has yet to collect. some mistakes that had been included in of them being there by the acre and go- Highlands Irises the book. Admittedly, if a person looks ing out of sight in the distance; so the One that really caught my attention hard enough for mistakes one or two may lack of irises isn’t the problem. was collected in Highlands County. What be found, but these are very minor com- I never realized how extensive the makes this one so special is the location pared to the quality of the book. One iris fields were in Florida until Michael where it was collected. The location was thing I particularly liked was the photo- Gideon started corresponding with me. so dry that the irises collected there will graphs of the different cultivars, espe- The new publication states “collecting not live if they are grown in the wet cially since the only two of mine that have Louisiana irises was an interesting and conditions in which the hexagonae nor- been introduced were included! amazing part of American horticulture, mally thrive. Florida Ignored but it is a part of the past.” Contrary to Michael sent me a start of this One thing that was conspicuous by this statement, collecting the Florida irises along with some others. If all goes well its absence was an almost complete lack is alive and well. Michael lives in South- they should bloom this next spring. It of any reference to the irises growing in ern Florida, and he and his family have remains to be seen if they can take my Florida. This has been the pattern in most been collecting iris and seeds for a cold weather, but they are well mulched publications of the Society for Louisiana number of years. Last year he sent me which should help out. The particular Irises, but it certainly isn’t because the some of his collected plants along with Highlands plant he sent me is a white, irises are not growing there. about 1,200 seeds for SIGNA. This year but there are probably other colors. *The late Sam Norris of Owensboro, KY he did even better, more plants and twice If this plant is so well adapted to the wrote this article a year and a half ago. as many seeds. dryer conditions that too much water will He also contributed short pieces to Michael’s travels while collecting kill it, it probably is far enough away from SIGNA about the Florida irises. take him all the way from the Big Cy- the norm that it should be classified as a 6 S L I N E W S L E T T E R | S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 new species. From what Michael has found, I A View from the 1930s would conclude that the majority of irises in Florida should be classed as a hybrid swarm. Small reported hexagona grow- The Distribution of Iris ing in the northern part of Florida, but to have the hybrid swarm there must be something for hexagona to hybridize in Florida with, if it is indeed one of the parents. Anyway you want to look at it, it seems BY H. HAROLD HUME very unlikely that any of the species growing in Louisiana is the other parent, he seven species of iris native in fully if particular attention is given to wa- so that means there is at least one other Florida, as classified by John K. tering, indicating that the abundance of species growing in Florida that has never TSmall, fall naturally into four water so often present where they grow been recognized, possibly one that Small groups represented by (1) Iris hexagona naturally, although not inimical to, is ac- described and named. Walt., (2) I. savannarum Small, I. tually not necessary for the welfare of Michael Gideon has been trying to rivularis Small, I. albispiritus Small, I. established plants. interest some others in making the same Kimballiae Small, (3) I. virginica L. Presumably either the irises now kind of test on the Florida irises that and (4) I. tripetala Walt. Of these, the growing in Florida came from regions Michael Arnold and Bobby Bennett made four constituting the second group are farther north or their progenitors did. on the irises in Louisiana. Hopefully, not known to occur outside the state, Some, as I. hexagona, I. virginica and those efforts will prove successful and excepting I. rivularis, reported from I. tripetala, still have their northern con- new scientific evidence will become avail- close to the Florida boundary, nections. Since their seeds are commonly able about Florida irises. while those representing the other three water borne, they came in on the flood groups are found far outside Florida. waters of long ago, moving from north Editor’s Note: Michael Gideon makes Within the state the native species are to south, even as they may be brought in no claims as to the species status of widely distributed. I. savannarum is the still from time to time on the floods of irises. He has worked to encourage most abundant and in some sections oc- the rivers that originate to the northward scientific testing, and hopefully results curs in great colonies while I. hexagona and flow through western Florida. Un- will be available soon. and I. virginica are found in fair sized der natural conditions they grow in loca- colonies in a few localities. tions where moisture below the ground The remaining four species surface, and at times above, is suited to are quite limited both in their needs. Since they require ample numbers and in distribution. supplies of water at certain seasons of All are moisture and hu- the year for their well being, conditions mus loving plants but, al- best suited to their growth are found in though water is essential to the coastal plains areas, along streams their distribution and the es- and rivers, more particularly the St. tablishment of young plants, Marys and St. Johns, and in the south- yet it is not always present ern and western parts of the state where in surplus throughout the the land falls away south and west from year. Often iris plants are the interior highlands. Seventy-five feet in shallow standing water continuously for weeks or Dr. H. Harold Hume was a prom- months, but at other seasons inent horticultural author and an there is no standing water agriculture dean, provost for agricul- where they grow. Water in ture and acting president at the optimum or in large amounts University of Florida over the period is most beneficial during 1930 to 1949. This article is reprinted their growing season. It is from the AIS Bulletin No. 47, April an interesting fact that all of 1933. With the exception of I. hex- them adapt themselves to agona and I. virginica , none of the ordinary garden conditions species mentioned by Hume are any and can be grown success- longer recognized.

S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 | S L I N E W S L E T T E R 7 or thereabouts is the maximum elevation found in the LaBelle-Fort Myers area, dance and in some localities there are and by far the greatest numbers of plants on the west side of Lake Okeechobee large colonies. Compared with I. are found at elevations only a few feet and west of Wauchula. Over this gen- virginica and I. savannarum its range is above sea-level. Among the highest eral area it is widely scattered, but not quite limited. points at which colonies of iris grow are abundant in any one place. Usually it is Iris Kimballiae. Although reported the ones east of Chipley (I. virginica), mixed with I. savannarum and perhaps by Small1 as occurring on both sides of south of Leesburg and north of Newnans some times difficult to distinguish from the upper peninsula, this species has been Lake (I. savannarum). the albino form of that species. White seen only at Appalachicola. As compared The absence of irises from certain irises probably belonging here have been with I. savannarum, to which it is doubt- areas may be accounted for in part on found at Red Level, but whether they less related, it is a less robust plant with the basis of soil reactions. They will are Albispiritus or only an albino of I. smaller flowers and erect rapier-like flourish on soils that are quite acid, but it savannarum is not known. Further study leaves. North of the town the Sheip is equally true that apparently they also and exploration is needed for this spe- Lumber Manufacturing Plant is located. grow well on soils that are neutral or even cies. Near it a little creek or stream comes in alkaline in their reaction. Still it is un- Iris hexagona is confined to the from the west to join the Appalachicola doubtedly a fact that soils may be so al- northern portion of the state and appar- River on which the plant is situated. This kaline as to interfere with or check their ently is not present south of a line drawn stream is crossed by a bridge for the rail- growth. This may explain why they do from Jacksonville to the mouth of the road. Right at the south end of the bridge not occur on the lower east coast of the Suwannee. There is a small colony in on the east side there is a small colony state, for there none apparently are to be Callahan, another small one a few miles of I. Kimballiae. It is associated with I. found much south of the Fort Pierce- west of Jacksonville near Hart Havenon virginica, willows, sawgrass, lizard’s tail Okechobee line, even though soils un- questionably adapted to their growth are to be found much farther south. Hence, while soil reaction may be to some ex- tent a controlling factor in their distribu- tion and may account for the presence or absence of plants in given areas, it is apparently not the only one and it is en- tirely possible that what took place af- fecting their distribution during geologic ages accounts for their absence from cer- tain localities. Naturally, one would think that the Everglades would be adapted to their growth, yet none are found native in the Everglades proper. It may be that the general trend of drainage waters did not distribute them in that area. Certain mineral elements necessary for their growth may be absent from Everglade soils, and again they may have been “Iris albirispitus”, scanned from a copy of the Hume article that crowded out by the rank growth of other appeared in the AIS Bulletin in 1933. plants. Irises native in Louisiana and those from other parts of Florida how- ever are being grown successfully under State Road No. 1, and a larger one south and buttonbush. Across the bridge (on cultivation when provided with mineral of Magville on State Road No. 13. It is the north side), it occurs among sawgrass supplements. probable that there are others in the Hart on the west side of the track. On the Iris albispiritus. The northern limit Haven-Maxville area. On the west side east side a short path leads from the rail- of this form appears to be on the old of the upper part of the peninsula, it is to road to a boat cache inside a fenced area. Lakeland-Auburndale road at telephone be found in limited numbers at Cross City Just after crossing the fence, close to the pole 276, about four miles east of Lake- from whence it extends northward into edge of the stream, I. Kimballiae grows land. It is associated with willow and LaFayette County and westward toward in St. Augustine grass and it is also found cypress on the north side of the road. Perry and St. Marks. It is in this general nearer the boats. Farther out away from The type locality is near LaBelle. It is area that it is to be found in greatest abun- the bridge there is a small patch on the

8 S L I N E W S L E T T E R | S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 east side of the railroad track. In the Otter Creek, but the great area in which that, having their origin outside the state lumber yard there are a few clumps be- I. savannarum occurs in countless num- in areas to the northward, flow through tween the westernmost lumber piles and bers extends around the north side of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico. For the the wooded area that separates them from Lake Okeechobee, southward around the most part it is not found along State Road the railroad. Farther south, too, where west side and southwestward to LaBelle No. 1 in western Florida, only one small there is a lot of I. virginica there are one and Fort Myers. In that vast area, which colony having been noted east of Chipley. or two clumps. The tallest flower stem extends from Wauchula westward to It grows on the Ochlockonee River where measured forty inches. Here and there Bradenton and southward, it is to be the road from East Port (State Road No. plants were in bloom when the location found growing in colonies of many, many 10) crosses it. The southernmost loca- was visited (March 11, 1932). Had it acres, while in the Okeechobee prairie tion as reported by Small3 is in the Big not been for the frost of the previous section it is so abundant that one may Cypress, southeast of Fort Myers. As night (March 10), which injured many look out across patches of I. savannarum this is an isolated patch, having no con- flowers there would have been quite a of such size that their farthest sides can nection with any other to the northward, showing. scarcely be seen. When in bloom these its presence there may be due to seeds Iris rivularis has been reported only colonies area wonderful sight. There are carried by waterfowl or other birds. Lo- from the general type locality in north- goodly sized areas on State Roads Num- calities for the species checked by the eastern Florida and the writer has not been bers 22 and 24 where they approach the writer are: Black Creek, Green Cove able to collect it although three attempts immediate vicinity of the St. Johns River. Springs, Dun’s Creek and Rice Creek at have been made. Small,2 who described Definite locations at which it has been the St. Johns River, Ortega, Jacksonville and named it as a new species, states collected are almost too numerous to list. (Willow Branch), Orange Park, Bayard, that it occurs along streams flowing into Iris tripetala. Apparently, I. tripetala West Tocoi, Hastings, Palatka, the St. Marys River, but whether it oc- is found in Florida only west. of the Kingsland, Chipley, south of Glen St. curs elsewhere than in the watershed of Appalachicola River in the flatwoods in Mary on the south prong of the St. that river as it approaches its outlet is proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Here, Marys, Appalachicola, Ochlockonee not known. There is every reason to too, a lovely white form is occasionally River (near mouth). It has also been re- believe it is quite local in distribution, but found. The exact area for this species ported from Lake City. until additional collections are made its has not been determined, but it has been Iris colonies area cannot be delimited. collected north of Appalachicola, west of In so many instances the iris species Iris savannarum. There are more Wewahitchka and north of St. Andrews of Florida grow in unmixed pure groups plants of I. savannarum in Florida than Bay. A careful survey of the area west that the occurrence of more than one of all other irises counted together. It of the latter point will probably result in species in a group or colony or even in also occurs more or less abundantly over extending its known area of distribution. close proximity is always interesting. a greater area in the state than any other It is a month to six weeks later in flower- Combinations, however are found at species. It is found from the St. Johns ing than I. Kimballiae. Its usual bloom- times. I. virginica and I. Kimballiae River, where it turns eastward to the sea, ing season begins about April 15th. are to be found both together and in close south to Fort Pierce and Okeechobee on Iris virginica is peculiarly an iris of proximity at Appalachicola. In one large the eastern side of the state, and on the the watersheds of the St. Marys and St. colony of I. virginica near the Sheip western side from the southern water- Johns Rivers. It is found here and there Lumber Manufacturing Plant a single shed of the Suwannee to the Big Cy- along the banks of both. Usually it oc- clump of I. Kimballiae has been noted. press southeast of Fort Myers. Its dis- curs in rather small colonies and nowhere In the railroad ditch the two were close tribution throughout these areas is, of does it cover great areas. The places together and near the lumber piles (be- course, not continuous. In the central where it is found in greatest numbers are tween them and the railroad) they also portion of the state the northernmost along the Seaboard Air Line and the At- occupy the same area. In this latter case point at which it has been found is al- lantic Coast Line railroads north and I. virginica was numerous with only a most north of Newnans Lake on the northeastward from Callahan and along few clumps of I. Kimballiae visible here short road from Gainesville to Orange the Florida East Coast railroad from and there. Heights. South of a line that may be Bayard toward St. Augustine and west At the edge of Green Cove Springs drawn from the Suwannee to the St. of St. Augustine toward the St. Johns on the road from Shands Bridge, the Johns through the point just mentioned, River. It is not known to occur in penin- ground is low and the ditches filled with I. savannarum is to be found here and sular Florida along the Gulf of Mexico, a growth of such plants as crinum, sedges, there in comparatively small colonies in and it has not been found in the central lizard’s tail, peltandra and iris. Here both many different places. In the northern portion of the state. It is present in a I. virginica and I. savannarum occur in section it is not abundant, though there few places in western Florida, more par- close proximity. In some cases the plants are fairly large colonies in the vicinity of ticularly at the estuaries of several rivers are intermixed.

S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 | S L I N E W S L E T T E R 9 I. hexagona

An Iris hexagona specimen from the Carolinas showing the form typically associated with the species. It is blue but shorter than I. giganticaerulea. The falls appear rounded, an effect created because the hafts, the portion beneath the style arms, are very narrow.

At the north end of the bridge across scented blooms are rare, according to the Doctor’s Inlet, I. virginica and I. writer’s observations. savannarum grow together; the colonies I. albispiritus is usually associated are so mixed that care has to be taken in with or adjacent to I. savannarum wher- securing plants of the two species sepa- ever found in the great iris areas of South rately. On the road from Jacksonville to Florida from Lake Okeechobee to St. Augustine there occurs an interesting LaBelle and from Wauchula to Braden- division of locations of species. About ton. Since there is an albino form of the twenty-five miles from the ferry in South latter, I. albispiritus is not easy to dif- Jacksonville the highway crosses a ridge ferentiate. of higher land. It is about two miles wide and on either side of it the land is low. Notes “I. savanarum” North of this ridge in the railroad ditches, 1 Addisonia. 9: 59-60. pl. 318. D: I. virginica alone is found. South of the 1924. ridge it is replaced by I. savannarum. On 2 Addisonia. 12: 11-12. Pl. 390. State Road No. 48 (St. Augustine to Mar. 1927. Shands Bridge) about three miles west 3 Journal of the New York Botani- of St. Augustine, I. virginica and I. cal Garden, 32: p. 62. 1931. savannarum grow in the same general area. There is quite a large patch of the latter growing with willows at the begin- Right: The plates at right and on ning of the low lands. page 13 are reproduced from the At the east end of Shands Bridge on Society’s Fiftieth Anniversary the north side in the flood area of the St. Publication, 1999. These plates Johns there is a single little group of Iris were originally published in savannarum. At the west end of the Addisonia in 1925-29 to illustrate bridge Iris virginica only is found (on the research of Dr. John K. Small, both sides of the road). The little group Curator of the New York Botanical on the south side produces dark colored, Garden, in Florida, Louisiana and delightfully sweet-scented flowers. These other areas. “I. Kimballiae”

10 S L I N E W S L E T T E R | S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 Discovering New Forms among the Hexagonae Looking Hard in Florida

With almost all the former that the indigenous hexagonae in Florida But Wait are limited to two or perhaps three spe- Fair enough. But consider the work “species” now rejected cies. I. brevicaulis has exceedingly lim- and observations of Michael Gideon and and I. hexagona ascen- ited distribution and is reported only from his family. Jackson County, which abuts Georgia. Michael Gideon lives in South dant, what are we to make I. fulva is reported only in Santa Rosa Florida. He is has devoted as much time of the variety among County, also in the panhandle and only a and effort to the recognition and under- county away from . One source standing of the Florida irises as any of Florida’s native irises? asserts that fulva actually was introduced the early collectors did with respect to to the state. The irises in the rest of the Louisiana’s irises during the discovery BY PATRICK O’CONNOR Florida, from the Georgia border to the days from the 1930s to the 1950s. Over southern tip, are I. hexagona. Bruce several years, Michael and his family have hat we do not yet know, or is Hanson indicates that, barring taxonomic systematically sought out the locations not documented, about the research to the contrary, I. hexagona will of native irises, collected samples, and Wnative irises of Florida appar- continue to be the designation of the observed them in garden culture. Based ently could fill volumes. The principal Florida irises. on the unexpected variety found, he has species attributed to peninsular Florida, I. hexagona, is believed by some to have company, and it is pretty clear regard- less that the variety among the irises in the Series Hexagonae found in Florida far exceeds previous description. I am singularly unqualified to offer opinions on these irises, having no first- hand knowledge of them. I certainly am not prepared to deal with whether there are more species out there than those that have been designated; or fewer, with the High Ground in Florida exceptional forms simply representing intraspecies variation. It seems that The center of the Peninsular Florida, roughly inside the rect- someone always wants to tinker with angle, is marked by a central species designations, and why not? ridge that tapers off toward the They are manmade categories useful to coast. These southern highlands the degree that they encapsulate but do represent one of the three not obscure important characteristics. environments associated with Bruce Hanson, Curator of the Her- variation in iris forms. barium in the Department of Biology at the University of South Florida at Tampa, cautions that “true that species vary with habitat, with geography, with microcli- matic conditions, et cetera. And in my opinion, horticultural hobbyists seem al- ways to make too much of minor differ- ences in color and stature.” The relief map was developed by Ray Sterner of the Johns Hopkins The widely accepted view today, University Applied Physics Laboratory and used with permission. unlike in the time of Small or Hume, is Additional information is available at S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 | S L I N E W S L E T T E R 11 Hopefully, knowledge of what has been never imagine iris growing here discovered so far will stimulate future and that’s why no one ever looked work, including taxonomic analysis, to in the highlands. At some point understand and appreciate these over- the rainwater seeps out downslope. looked plants. This is where the highland form ex- Geography ists. These seeps are usually not Michael Gideon has observed three connected to any river and are land- different habitats in Florida that broadly locked. You must learn where to correspond to variations in irises. The look. Usually, it’s a good hike in first is based on a north-south dimen- to these isolated bogs . . . .” sion. Florida is an elongated state stretch- ing 447 miles from the St. Marys River He also observes that these sites of- to Key West. ten are on private cattle land. Many acres Variation in climate as well as topog- not devoted to cattle have been trans- raphy over this distance is associated with formed by the phosphate industry into a significant differences in iris bloom time. landscape inhospitable to irises. Cattle- This creates separate niches in which men actually have protected these irises irises have developed independently. from destruction. Michael places the border of this north- The highland forms are often white, south division at “an imaginary line run- but not always. Blues, purples and other ning from Cross City in the west through color variants with the characteristics of Gainesville and east to Palataka.” He highland irises are also found. These says, “There’s a weather difference at irises are shorter than the coastal forms, this line with six weeks earlier winter and never taller than three feet, and with a six weeks later spring. This keeps the flower smaller than the coastal irises, southern forms in the south.” more on the order of I. fulva in size. The Above the line grow the “northern flower is spidery and the petals recurve, forms”, which are generally the same as although exceptions are found. Inter- the irises found in Georgia. I gather that estingly, the highland form is not fond of these are more typical of the original I. over-wet situations. Perhaps it resembles hexagona, named from specimens col- I. brevicaulis in this trait. lected, I believe, from the Carolinas. The coastal irises have been de- Within the southern region of penin- scribed as “giant blues,” a phrase famil- sular Florida, and below the Cross City- iar in South Louisiana. The northern to-Palataka line, there is an additional di- forms are also generally blue but shorter, vision based on elevation and charac- and they sound like the originally de- From top: A pale violet from Levy teristics associated with highland versus scribed I. hexagona. County; two views of a nice, veined coastal terrain. Not having firsthand fa- Michael sent me a large number of purple collected by the Vestrands. miliarity with Florida, the notion of high- plants several years ago. Only two have Photos by Steve Shepard. lands came as a surprise, but the relief bloomed, both blues that show no ap- map on the previous page clearly reflects parent difference from I. giganticaerulea. developed fascinating hypotheses about the central ridge. They were tall and robust. One was a these irises, their ecological niche, what Distinct differences have been ob- coastal form from near Sarasota notable they represent and where they came served between highland and coastal for its vigor and the monstrous from. His discoveries should stimulate irises, and both differ from the northern it produces. They match those of some further interest by Floridians in their iris forms. The highland forms are most in- giganticaeruleas that I once dug out of a legacy, and they should engender a fuller teresting because they have been largely freshwater marsh in Cameron Parish, appreciation by all for the scale and scope overlooked. Michael Gideon describes Louisiana, each very stout and easily a of the hexagonae. the highland habitat in this way: foot or more in length. I cannot pretend to do justice to the Other plants sent from the highlands, detail of Michael’s observations, research “In many locations in the interior and the northern forms, do not grow and hypothesizing, which I have come it’s almost desert like, the soil is nearly that vigorously or produce such to generally understand through a num- pure silica sand and the sun burns prodigious rhizomes, even while grow- ber of letters and phone conversations. off the surface moisture. One would ing for me in identical garden conditions.

12 S L I N E W S L E T T E R | S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 grouping or another. In fact, one of the major observations made is that there is unexpected variation among the Florida irises that seems to extend well beyond three groupings. Part of the reason for varia- tion is that in places where the dif- ferent environments intersect, as with the natural hybrids found in Louisiana, intermediate forms are produced. And, since seeds float downward (barring the effects of hurricanes), there is a tendency for some of the characteristics of the highland irises to drift downward also, so that there is a mix in the adjoining areas. The reverse does “I. albispiritus”, named by Small. not generally occur since water ‘Cass White’ , collected by Kenneth Compare to ‘Cass White’, right. and seed are not inclined to flow upstream unless pushed. Michael Cass in 1985 in Lee County in the same Except for the coastal forms, which thrive adds that, “Even now the rivers area where Dr. John Small collected in the New Orleans area, the irises that that drain out of the highlands usu- specimens from which “I. albispiritus” Michael sent so far have not bloomed. ally go dry and that’s what keeps was named. ‘Cass White’ was They do survive, however. the coastal forms out of the high- registered by Robert Turley in 1996. Apparently some of the Florida irises lands.” are better adapted to the particular cli- In areas where plants with both high- hybridizers has vividly demonstrated how mate and soil of their niches in Florida land and coastal characteristics are found, much change in plant characteristics is than to the rest of the Gulf Coast. Or, it was observed that the highland forms possible very quickly through controlled perhaps my mistake was not knowing how tended to be up on a levee, the coastals crosses, so different characteristics might to accommodate their origins. They down in the water. well pop up and then come to dominate probably deserve better treatment than I Another conditioning factor promot- an isolated population left alone to inter- have afforded them. ing variation is isolation. Many high- breed over a long period. Overlap and Variation land bogs are isolated from one another Michael feels that Small’s white “I. The observation of three generally with little chance of cross contamination. albispiritus” is a cross between highland distinct habitats should not imply that all That being the case, the irises in one area and coastal forms. Once thought to have Florida hexagonae fall clearly into one are free to interbreed over the years, disappeared, he rediscovered the so- many hundreds of called “Ghost Iris” after deciding to look them, and to develop inland and upland. He has now found it unique and stable in numerous locations, but in wetter sites characteristics. This is than the habitat of a pure highland form. not unlike what may Michael cites the collected and reg- have happened in istered ‘Cass White’ as an example of Louisiana around “I. albispiritus.” It was, in fact, col- Abbeville, where I. lected by Kenneth Cass in 1985 at the nelsonii developed, site were Small found “albispiritus.” the product originally Colors of other species. One of the principal variations found It should not be is the existence of irises other than the surprising that, with blues and whites associated with I. hex- time, a localized agona. In a letter a couple of years ago, population could de- Michael reported yellows, reds, and other velop unique charac- colors, and added, “The yellows and A “giant blue” from near Sarasota growing in a New teristics. The work of reds are only found in the highland form. Orleans garden. S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 | S L I N E W S L E T T E R 13 Left, from top: spidery blue coastal form from near Sarasota; I. hexagona sample under study by Alan Meerow; a pale violet from Hillsborough county; and a deep purple from Polk County, showing the recurvature associated with the highlands form. Middle, from top: a Highlands County burgundy-violet; a Manatee County white; another white collected west of Palataka; and a very short I. hexagona, around two feet; Right, from top: a violet northern form from the Pinhook Swamp; a Polk County blue-purple.

cently, Michael indicated that the bright yellow has now been found. The photographic evidence is inter- esting, although Michael has not had the time to emphasize creation of perfect pic- tures. His photography has been moti- vated by the need to create a record for himself of what he has found rather than creating sharp images of single blossoms. The interior folks all speak of a bright bicolor last spring.” Apparently, many I have seen quite a few of the pic- yellow. So far we’ve found pale yel- of the whites found in Florida are actu- tures, and indeed there is a surprising de- lows and the opaque yellow with a violet ally more of a cream color, which sug- gree of color variation. And, they sup- flush. Kenneth Cass found a real nice gests the presence of yellow. More re- ply clear documentation of the observed

14 S L I N E W S L E T T E R | S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 differences in flower form. Other pho- Indeed, the pollen record in archeologi- attracted more notice in iris circles, in- tos of Florida irises by Steve Shepard cal sites clearly shows that irises were cluding SLI. Small called our attention add supporting evidence. present. It is well documented that trade to them long ago. Certainly, people liv- My understanding is that the “reds” occurred over wide areas, with relation- ing in proximity to these plants have ap- found in Florida are not on the order of ships between Florida, Louisiana and preciated them, and not just in recent I. fulva or I. nelsonii. Occasionally an other areas northward into the Missis- times. Iris distribution is widespread in iris has been found with a distinct red- sippi Valley. Perhaps some variation in Florida, even if they are not always ac- dish influence, but it would be incorrect Florida irises resulted from the interven- cessible. to say that they are comparable to the tion of man in ancient times. I am not Benny Trahan of Slidell, Louisiana, two indisputably red species. sure where this leads specifically in terms who has systematically scoured the Loui- It is difficult to grasp and character- of our understanding of what we find to- siana countryside for new and different ize differences in Florida irises in terms day, but it is a most interesting line of Louisianas still in the wild, also took a of color. My appreciation of it is that inquiry. two week vacation to search among the there are unexpected color variations, al- What Next? Florida irises. In that time, he did not though not in great numbers. White is a The discoveries of Michael Gideon find great variation, but he was impressed predominant color in some localities, but and his family invite at least as many that, if anything, the numbers of plants that has been reported (and it is an inter- questions as they answer. Are varia- growing in Florida may easily exceed esting difference from Louisiana where tions in plant growth due to local condi- those in Louisiana, at least what is left whites are only occasional finds). tions? What happens when a coastal today. At least in comparison to Louisiana, form is grown under highland conditions, With such numbers of plants out the apparent absence of I. fulva in Florida and vice versa? Dr. Alan Meerow of there, spread widely over a varying cli- appears to have suppressed the color the USDA Agricultural Research Service matic and topological field and often in- range of “hybrid” forms found there. in Miami is involved in DNA testing of accessible, perhaps it should not be sur- Fulva contributes both red and yellow to the Florida irises. That should help nail prising that there is heretofore unappre- hybrid crosses. Still, interesting and un- down relationships among Florida irises ciated variety in the irises of Florida. anticipated variety exists with the very and possibly their relationship with irises Hopefully, we are approaching a time real possibility that a full appreciation of from elsewhere. when they will be more widely recog- Florida’s irises would reveal complexi- It is sometimes difficult to under- nized and understood. ties in their backgrounds and relation- stand why the irises of Florida have not ships that we do not now understand. Origins Michael Gideon not only searches out native irises, but he has thought about them broadly and often in epochal terms. I am unable to do justice to these themes. He often refers to what Florida and the Gulf Coast were like before, during, and after the Ice Age. How the glaciers re- treated, where the irises must have been deposited and how they developed. What the relationship is between Louisi- ana, Florida and other places along the Gulf Coast. Fascinating stuff with which I am ill-equipped to deal. Another theme, equally fascinating, is the relationship between native irises and the native peoples of prehistoric times. There is clear evidence of the use of irises for their medicinal and other properties. It is plausible to entertain the idea that, to the extent that these plants were of value in the lives of these peoples, they were collected and planted near dwelling places or even traded. A clump of violet Taylor County irises. Photo by Steve Shepard.

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