The Internet of Audio Things: state-of-the-art, vision, and challenges Luca Turchet, Gyorgy¨ Fazekas, Mathieu Lagrange, Hossein S. Ghadikolaei, and Carlo Fischione, Senior Member, IEEE,

Abstract—The Internet of Audio Things (IoAuT) is an emerg- the emerging field of the Internet of Musical Things (IoMusT) ing research field positioned at the intersection of the Internet [7], where a number of devices for music production and of Things, sound and music computing, artificial intelligence, consumption are connected within ecosystems that multiply and human-computer interaction. The IoAuT refers to the networks of computing devices embedded in physical objects possibilities for interactions between different stakeholders (Audio Things) dedicated to the production, reception, analysis (including performers, audience members and studio produc- and understanding of audio in distributed environments. Audio ers). On the other hand, this vision complements and extends Things, such as nodes of wireless acoustic sensor networks, IoMusT outlining requirements, applications, challenges and are connected by an infrastructure that enables multidirectional opportunities that go well beyond the domain of music. In communication, both locally and remotely. In this paper, we first review the state of the art of this field, then we present a the specific context of this paper, we highlight the difference vision for the IoAuT and its motivations. In the proposed vision, between the terms “music”, “audio”, and “sound”. With “mu- the IoAuT enables the connection of digital and physical do- sic”, we exclusively refer to musical stimuli, with “audio” we mains by means of appropriate information and communication refer solely to the domain of non-musical auditory stimuli, technologies, fostering novel applications and services based on whereas with “sounds” we intend the union of both music and auditory information. The ecosystems associated with the IoAuT include interoperable devices and services that connect humans audio. Consequently, we envision different IoT technologies and machines to support human-human and human-machines and methods that address each of them. interactions. We discuss challenges and implications of this field, Firstly, we survey the existing technologies developed by which lead to future research directions on the topics of , practitioners across fields related to the IoAuT as proposed in security, of Audio Things, and methods for the analysis this paper. Secondly, we present a vision for the IoAuT and its and representation of audio-related information. motivations. We introduce the IoAuT as a novel paradigm in Index Terms—Internet of Audio Things, Internet of Sounds, which smart heterogeneous objects (so called Audio Things) Auditory Scenes Analysis, Ecoacoustics, Smart City. can interact and cooperate between each other and with other smart objects connected to the Internet. The aim is to foster I.INTRODUCTION and facilitate audio-based services and applications that are globally available to users. Then, we reflect on the peculiarities HE paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the of the IoAuT field, highlighting its unique characteristics in T augmentation and interconnection of everyday physical contrast to the IoT and IoMusT. Finally, we discuss implica- objects using information and communication technologies tions and challenges posed by the vision as well as we consider [1], [2], [3]. Recent years have witnessed an upsurge in future directions. IoT applications intersecting the areas of Sound and Music Our focus is on technologies enabling the IoAuT as well Computing and Semantic Audio (see, e.g., [4], [5], [6]). as on current IoAuT research activities, drawing attention to However, to date, the application of IoT technologies in audio the most significant challenges, contributions and solutions contexts has received remarkably little attention compared to proposed over the recent years. The result of our survey of the other domains such as consumer electronics, healthcare, and field reveals that, at present, active research on IoAuT-related geospatial analysis. themes is rather fragmented, typically focusing on individual This paper aims at creating a homogeneous and unified technologies or single application domains in isolation. Ad- vision of the various efforts conducted in this domain, that we hoc solutions exist that are well-developed and substantial, but coin as the Internet of Audio Things (IoAuT). On the one hand, their adoption remains low due to the issues of fragmentation the creation of this vision strongly parallels similar efforts in and weak interoperability between existing systems. Such a fragmentation is potentially detrimental for the development L. Turchet is with the Department of Information and Com- puter Science, University of Trento, e-mail: [email protected] and successful adoption of IoAuT technologies, a recurring G. Fazekas is with the Center for Digital Music, Queen Mary University issue within the more general IoT field [1], [2], [3]. As a con- of London. sequence, this paper not only seeks to bridge existing research M. Lagrange is with the French National Center for Scientific Research, University of Nantes. areas and communities and foster cross-collaborations, but also H. Ghadikolaei is with the Machine Learning and Optimization Lab, EPFL, aims to ensure that IoAuT-related challenges are tackled within Lausanne, Switzerland. a shared, pluralist and system- perspective. C. Fischione is with the Department of Network and , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. We believe that the IoAuT has the potential to foster Manuscript received XXXX XX, 2019; revised XXXXX XX, 2020. new opportunities for the IoT industry, paving the way to IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 2 new services and applications that are able to exploit the (ii) Connectivity. The IoAuT connectivity infrastructure interconnection of the digital and physical realms, especially in supports multi-directional wired and wireless communication the Smart Home [8] and Smart City context [9]. Nevertheless, between Audio Things, both locally and remotely. The in- for IoAuT technologies to emerge and be adopted by end terconnection of Audio Things over local networks and/or users, a number of technical and human interaction-related the Internet is achieved by means of hardware and software challenges need to be addressed. These include low-latency technologies, as well as standards and protocols governing the communication infrastructures and protocols, embedded IoT communication. hardware specialized for audio, dedicated application pro- (iii) Applications and services. Various types of applica- gramming interfaces (APIs) and software relying on specific tions and services can be built on top of the connectivity, ontological principles and semantic audio processes [10], [11], targeting different users according to the purpose of the Audio as well as the design of novel devices dedicated to audio Things (e.g., human agents monitoring events, patients, doc- analysis, production or consumption, employing appropriate tors). Such applications and services may have an interactive signal processing, machine learning, deep learning and artifi- or a non-interactive nature. To establish interactive audio appli- cial intelligence technologies. This paper aims to identify and cations, real-time computations have a particular importance. discuss the challenges arising in this novel vision of the IoAuT. Analogously to the IoT field, the IoAuT can leverage Web APIs and Web of Things [17]. Services can be II.INTERNETOF AUDIO THINGS: CONCEPTANDVISION exposed by Audio Things via Web APIs. Applications are part The Internet of Audio Things is an emerging field positioned of a higher layer in the Web of Audio Things at the intersection of Internet of Things [1], [2], [3], human- letting users interact with content or Audio Things directly. computer interaction [12], [13], and artificial intelligence ap- Figure 1 depicts the main components of an architecture plied to audio contexts [14]. The IoAuT can be seen as a supporting IoAuT ecosystems. The data flow can be grouped specialization of the IoT, where one of the prime objectives into i) streams from the Audio Thing, which include audio is to enable processing and transmission of audio data and streams and messages consisting of features extracted from information. The IoAuT enables the integration and coop- the audio signals captured by the audio thing’s microphones eration among heterogeneous devices with different sensing, or other sensors producing audio signal like measurement computational, and communication capabilities and resources. streams; ii) audio streams arriving to the Audio Thing that We clarify that in the context of the IoAuT, sensing is not only are rendered as sounds by means of loudspeakers, as well as referred to audio signals via microphones, but also to other control messages governing the behavior of the Audio Thing. sources providing quantities tracked by sensors, for instance, An example of the first type of data flow is represented by measuring vibrations or pressure variations. the data produced by nodes of WASNs (which typically have We define an Audio Thing as “a computing device capable limited or no capability of receiving feedback messages). An of sensing, acquiring, processing, actuating, and exchanging example of the second type of data flow is the messages sent data serving the purpose of communicating audio-related by a remote doctor to the smart sonic shoes described in [5]. information”. With “audio-related information” we refer to “data sensed and processed by an Audio Thing, and/or ex- A. Relation to other fields changed with a human or with another Audio Thing”. We define the IoAuT as “the ensemble of interfaces, protocols The IoAuT has strong connections with and could be and representations of audio-related information that enable seen as a subfield of the Internet of Media Things (IoMT), services and applications for the communication of audio- which is defined as a network of Things capable of sensing, related information in physical and/or digital realms”. acquiring, actuating, or processing media or metadata [18]. 1 The IoAuT may be structured into ecosystems, just like the This is currently under exploration by MPEG . We consider general IoT domain [15], [16]. An IoAuT ecosystem forms the IoAuT as a subfield of the IoMT (which in turn is a around commonly used IoAuT hardware and software plat- subfield of the IoT) and we position it at the intersection forms as well as standards. From the technological perspective, with the IoMusT (see Figure 2). The IoAuT differentiates the core components of an IoAuT ecosystem are of three types: from the IoMT for its focus on audio applications, whereas (i) Audio Things. Audio Things are entities that can be used the IoMT also deals with other multimedia aspects, such as 2 to produce audio content or to analyze phenomena associated video. Similarly to what the Web of Things represents for the with auditory events, and can be connected to a local and/or Internet of Things, we use the term “Web of Audio Things” remote network and act as sender and/or receiver. An Audio to refer to approaches taken to provide an Application Layer Thing can be, for example, a node in a Wireless Acoustic that supports the creation of IoAuT applications. Sensor Network (WASN), a device responding to a user’s In contrast to the IoT, the IoAuT may pose stringent gesture with auditory feedback, or any other networked device requirements and challenges related to the collection, analysis, utilized to control, generate or track responses to auditory and communication of audio-related information. For instance, content (see the examples of audio things used in the systems a distributed array of microphones in a WASN might need to described Section III). We position Audio Things as a subclass be synchronized tightly with low latency communications to of Things, therefore they inherit characteristics of Things in the 1ISO/IEC 23093 (IoMT): IoT context, such as sensors, actuators, connectivity options, mpeg-iomt and software to collect, analyze, receive and transmit data. 2 IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 3

Audio Things Audio Things Users

Internet Users

Gateway Gateway

Server Control Center

Legend: Audio / audio features stream

Audio stream / control feedback

Fig. 1. A schematic representation of an architecture supporting IoAuT ecosystems. detect audio events in real time. Current IoT protocols and sys- formance, music pedagogy, studio productions and, in tems are insufficient to tackle this challenge. Along the same general, interactions between specific stakeholders such lines, the IoAuT demands novel analytic tools specific to the as performers, composers, audience members and studio audio domain, which should be able to process large amounts producers. The purposes of stakeholders in the IoMusT of audio-related data and extract meaningful information given are radically different from those of the stakeholders of tight temporal constraints (e.g., for monitoring or surveillance the IoAuT. Music is a creative activity, and creativity is purposes) and pose specific challenges in the areas of real-time an aspect that is scarcely addressed in the IoAuT. As a signal processing and machine learning (see Section IV-C and consequence, most of the implications and challenges of IV-F). In the same vein, current data models devised for the the two fields are different (e.g., requirements of ultra- representation of the IoT domain are not adequate to describe low latency transmission of musical content to guarantee the knowledge related to IoAuT ecosystems, which has the credible interactions between performers). Nevertheless, potential to foster interoperability across heterogeneous Audio some applications lie at the intersection of the two fields Things. (see, e.g., [19] where a wearer of a sensor-equipped garment could interact with an online repository of audio content, in a musical performance context). IoT • The IoMusT is not a subfield of the IoAuT because, according the vision reported in [7], the IoMusT is in- IoMT herently multisensory, encompassing haptic feedback and virtual reality as communication media that extend the musical layer. Conversely, the IoAuT deals exclusively with audio signal. IoAuT IoMusT • The level of human involvement is generally different in the two fields. Firstly, whereas almost all audio signals within the IoMusT are generated or ultimately used by humans, IoAuT applications can make use of audio signals not related to human activities (e.g., monitoring environmental sounds such as birds). Secondly, in the IoMusT most of the times a human listener is involved in the interactions of the technology with the sonic Fig. 2. A schematic representation of the relation between the Internet of Audio Things (IoAuT) and the fields of Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of content (e.g., the audience member enjoys the music of Multimedia Things (IoMT), and Internet of Musical Things (IoMusT). performers remotely connected; the music student listens to classes technologically-mediated by smart instruments; It is important to highlight the distinctive features of the the studio producer listens to the content retrieved from IoAuT with respect to the IoMusT: cloud-based repositories). Conversely, in several IoAuT • The IoAuT does not have musical purposes, whereas applications (e.g., traffic monitoring, surveillance) the the focal points of the IoMusT are live music per- listening aspect performed by humans can be absent for IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 4

the technology to work, and a system may completely WASNs paradigms for the extensive use of semantic rely on automatic processes. audio methods [11] able to extract structured meaningful • The IoAuT may encompass activities, processes, applica- information from the captured audio signal. tions and services that are not present or are radically dif- • Sonification: the field of sonification [20] typically does ferent in the IoMusT. For instance, sonification processes not focus on networked scenarios involving embedded are normally absent in the IoMusT (e.g., the sonification systems, where information to be sonified or resulting [20] of human movements for rehabilitation purposes). from the sonification activity is communicated across Conversely, creative aspects typical of the IoMusT con- devices. In the IoAuT, applications may comprise the trast with objective measurements that characterize most extension of traditional sonification methods towards of IoAuT systems and applications. In addition, the con- networked scenarios, especially involving embedded sys- text around the IoMusT stakeholders is different from the tems. one that is around IoAuT stakeholders or the one used by • Semantic audio: the field of semantic audio [11] has them (e.g., environmental sounds of a city), and context- rarely found application in IoT contexts dealing with aware systems [21] may be radically diverse in the two audio signal, and this is particularly true for the non- fields. This necessarily involves different ontologies to musical domain. Typically, it does not focus on em- represent the underlying knowledge as well as algorithms bedded systems, which are at the heart of the IoAuT. for context-reasoning. Along the same lines, proactive In the IoAuT, semantic audio methods are useful for services based on such context-aware systems are also advanced interoperability purposes across heterogeneous diverse. Audio Things. • The quality of service for IoMusT applications may rad- • Embedded audio: current embedded systems specific to ically differ from those in the IoAuT. In the IoAuT some audio processing offer a little range of connectivity op- nodes and/or sensors may be inactive for long periods tions and scarce hardware-software methods supporting of time, yet a system remainds operational, whereas in advanced machine learning algorithms. In the IoAuT the IoMusT it is essential that each node, sensor or vision, the connectivity component of embedded systems actuator is running perfectly during user interaction. Also, is crucial to devise advanced applications leveraging in the IoAuT the network may be utilized for very long edge computing techniques while seamless accounting for periods of time (e.g., a WASN deployed in a smart city privacy and security aspects. may run uninterruptedly for several months or years), Whereas the IoAuT stems from the technologies and whereas in the IoMusT it is typically utilized to ensure the paradigms listed above, it differentiates from them for a stakeholder interactions with the desired musical content broader and holistic vision able not only to encompass all (e.g., remote performances may last a few hours). of them in a unified domain, but also to extend them towards • In the IoMusT, the audio signals need to be captured novel avenues. In the next section these aspects are discussed and reproduced in high quality to ensure credible mu- in relation to the state-of-the-art. sical interactions between stakeholders. In the IoAuT this stringent constraint may not hold true for some III.STATE-OF-THE-ART systems and applications. For instance some nodes in This section reviews key studies on which our IoAuT vision WASNs involved in surveillance applications embed low- is based. cost microphones and analog-to-digital converters, which may have much lower sampling rates and resolutions. • The typical application of artificial intelligence also dif- A. Wireless acoustic sensors networks fers between the two fields. In the context of IoMusT, One of the most compelling and important extensions of the it is more common for AI technologies to be directly IoT to the audio domain is represented by wireless acoustic embedded in a single Musical Thing or a relatively sensors networks (WASNs) [22], [23]. These are networks restricted number of Musical Things, which have to of tiny and low-power autonomous nodes that are equipped extract, process or transmit semantic metadata related with microphone-based sensing, processing, and communicat- to a musical audio signal. In the envisioned IoAuT ing facilities. Such nodes are based on “embedded audio” context, it is typically expected that AI has to extract platforms, i.e., embedded systems dedicated to digital audio and process information obtained several from spatially processing (see, e.g., the Bela board [24]), where a variety of distributed low-cost sensors, although single or multi- audio software runs on single board computers such as the sensor embedded applications are also possible. Raspberry Pi or the Beaglebone [25]. Network architectures can be considered depending on the Besides the IoMusT, the IoAuT differentiates from other task at hand and the technical and ethical constraints that may related technological areas present in the audio domain: be encountered (see [26] for a thorough discussion). One of the • Wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs): current most typical application domain of WASNs is that of “acoustic WASNs typically employ embedded systems and network monitoring”, or “acoustic scene analysis” [27], [28], [29], communication protocols not specifically conceived for [14], [30], including urban noise pollution monitoring [31], audio processing tasks [22], which are instead key in the environment surveillance (see, e.g., [32]), anomalies detection IoAuT. In addition, the IoAuT differentiates from today [33], and wildlife monitoring [34]. For the last case, the WASN IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 5 paradigm leads to the emergence of a new disciple called for ecoacoustic monitoring [69]. It is plausible to hypothesize “ecoacoustics” [35] where scientists go beyond the single that in the future drone-based networks will emerge, which animal call analysis to gather statistics computed over large leverage the acoustic information for surveillance, environment scale both in time and [36], particularly relevant for monitoring, and related applications. ecosystems health monitoring. Thirdly, the gathered data shall be filtered [70], mined and A prominent example of WASNs for acoustic monitoring displayed [71]. For this purpose, data management systems of urban areas is SONYC, a system that integrates sensors, need to be deployed [72], [73] and skillfully used. This final machine listening, and data analytics to monitor and analyze step is non trivial and is currently researched extensively. It is urban noise pollution in New-York [6], [30], [37]. Another mandatory to select relevant data to motivate given actuations. kind of network implementations are also considered in var- The challenge here is that the data analyst shall be able to mine ious other places in the world. In Germany, the Stadtlaerm a large amount of data that is diverse in terms of content and project [38], [39] aims at triggering events from a given structured both in space and time [74]. taxonomy provided the input signal received by the sensors. Most large scale WASNs do not consider the acoustic Events can be “traffic”, “shouting”, etc. In that case, the relations between the audio content captured at different nodes, complete processing chain is implemented on the sensor node, which for instance, can be exploited for source localization. namely recording, analysis and classification. The main benefit Nevertheless, for smaller scale WASNs, or for more advanced of this type of architecture is that the data to be transmitted nodes, source localization (single or multiple) can be per- from the sensors to the servers has very low bit rate and can be formed using various techniques and algorithms (see, e.g., directly interpreted by humans. Some drawbacks are present. [75], [76], [77], [78], [79], [80], [81]). First, each processing step has to be energy efficient since it is embedded in the sensor. For the same reasons, modifying B. Sonification and the Internet of Things the processing chain, for example updating the taxonomy of A handful of works have explored the use of sonification events, can be cumbersome as it requires a complete update techniques in conjunction with the IoT. Sonification is es- of the embedded software. The DYNAMAP project [40] study sentially a technique that consists of the transformation of the development of such network in two major cities in Italy. data into sounds [20]. Sonification is referred to as the use In France, the CENSE project focuses on the deployment of nonspeech audio to convey information. More specifically, of dense networks that transmit high-level spectral features sonification is the transformation of data relations into per- [4], [41] which are designed to 1) respect the privacy of the ceived relations in an acoustic signal for the purposes of citizen [26], and 2) permit a quality of the description of facilitating communication or interpretation [82]. the sound scene that goes well beyond the use of averaged A first example of this category of works is the one reported acoustic pressure level that is commonly considered for those in [83]. The authors sonified the electricity consumption of applications [42]. various appliances in the home, which were enhanced with When considering WASN for urban areas monitoring, three a device able to monitor the amount of electricity used and main components are of importance to gain knowledge from were equipped with wireless connectivity to a base unit. This the data gathered. Firstly, the microphones shall be well system aimed at enhancing users’ awareness of electricity calibrated and durable. Since most WASN are based on the consumption for sustainability purposes. “many but low cost” paradigm, the microphones must be A second example is represented by the work reported relatively cheap. MEMS capsules, such as the ones used in in [84] within the context of the so-called “Industry 4.0”. The smartphones are a relevant choice, although their durability authors developed a preliminary prototype of a sonification- for long time periods remains unknown [43]. based system for acoustic monitoring of manufacturing pro- Secondly, the sensors shall be reliable enough in order to cesses and production machines, using the approach of “au- obtain regularly sampled data in time and space [44], [45], ditory augmented reality” [85]. The system uses an array of [46]. Designing the topology of the network is also of crucial microphones placed onto a production machine (such as a 3D importance and needs to balance many constraints that are printer) and is able to detect normal states or anomalies of enforced by urban regulations [47]. Most WASNs are static, the manufacturing process from the sound of the monitored meaning that the sensors are not moving but some alternatives machine. The classification of these states is based on machine are considered, for example by taking into account buses learning algorithms running on a remote cloud, the result of [48] and more importantly considering smartphones [49], [50], which is communicated as continuous auditory stimuli to a [51], [52], [53], [54], [55], [56], [57], [58], [59], [60], [61], worker operating near the machines, thanks to a wireless link [62]. The latter case is particularly tempting, as the sensors are to connected headphones. densely present in urban areas. However, the quality of the data A third example is reported in [5], where a pair of smart has to be questioned as in any crowdsourcing paradigm [63], sonic shoes is connected to the Internet to explore novel for instance, because the calibration of the microphone is of forms of sound-based motor therapies. This work is positioned great importance for noise mapping applications [64], [65], in the context of remote patient monitoring [86], and more [66], [67]. Along the same lines, unmanned aerial vehicles specifically is conceived for telerehabilitation of motor disabil- (such as drones) also represent an opportunity for moving ities [87]. As opposed to the previous two systems described acoustic sensing. Recent examples of use of these technologies in this section, such a work uses the approach of interac- includes applications for search and rescue scenarios [68] and tive sonification [88], which deals with the involvement of IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 6 dynamic human interaction in the generation or exploration of E. Semantic Audio information transformed into sound. The described prototype Semantic Audio is an interdisciplinary field providing tech- of smart sonic shoes is able to transform each footfall into a niques to extract structured meaningful information from au- sound simulating walking on various surface materials [89], dio [11]. It typically goes beyond simple case-specific audio can collect data about the gait of the walker, as well as its analyses, for instance, the detection of a single type of event sound production can be controlled via a remote doctor (see in an audio stream, as well as more complex audio feature Figure 3). The purpose of these shoes is to guide and improve extraction, classification or regression problems. It does so walking actions in rehabilitation contexts due to the ability by combining signal analysis to extract quantifiable acoustic of sound to modulate the gait of a person (see, e.g., [90], features from audio, machine learning techniques to map [91], [92], [93]). The use of this portable device could enable acoustic features to perceptually, environmentally or musically patients to perform sound-based rehabilitation exercises while meaningful features, and structured representations that place being comfortable in their homes. Patients and their families these features into possibly multi-relational or heterogeneous could be provided with cost-effective tools to autonomously hierarchies [10], [96] using for example Semantic Web ontolo- monitor the progress of a therapy. Doctors could be enabled to gies [97]. remotely monitor each patient and control the sonic feedback Semantic Audio is a core concept in the IoAuT because it at each exercise. This has the potential to prevent patients to provides the means for both analysing and understanding the visit frequently the hospital by decreasing the cost for both content of audio streams or recordings as well as communi- patients and hospitals. cating this information between Audio Things. These devices are typically situated in complex distributed environments, C. Auditory augmentation of connected objects consisting, for instance, of networks of standalone sensors, embedded systems in mobile sensing and communication Researchers have also focused on the sonic augmentation devices, as well as data and control centers. This creates the of everyday objects by means of tangible devices equipped need for complex and versatile yet interoperable audio analysis with motion sensors, microphones, speakers and wireless con- and representation techniques which is at the heart of Semantic nectivity. A notable example in this category is StickEar [94], Audio. a small device attachable to an object, which encompasses There are relevant examples of systems relying on Semantic wireless sensor network technology and enables sound based Audio. For instance, the Audio Commons ecosystem [98] interaction. The device was conceived to empower people provides a mechanism to combine generic audio and content with the ability to deploy acoustic tags on any objects or repositories within creative application scenarios [99], [100], space, and be informed of acoustic cues that may be produced [101], [19], [102], [103] that include sounds collected from by an object or a location. Applications of this device with the broader environment. A key concept in these systems sound-based input/output capabilities include remote sound is the combination of the two primary aspects of semantic monitoring, remote triggering of sound, autonomous response audio: machine analysis and automatic tagging of content, to sound events, and controlling of digital devices using sound. and its representation in an appropriate semantic hierarchy for interoperability [10], [104]. Tagging comes with its own challenges owing to noisy annotations in relevant labelled data D. Acoustic data transmission sets, lack of temporal accuracy in the annotations, i.e., often Recent years have witnessed the emergence of the tech- only weakly labelled data is available, as well as the presence nology of device-to-device acoustic data transmission, which of multiple sound sources in an audio stream or recording provides a means of proximity communication between co- [105], [106], [107]. located devices as an alternative to more widespread and Detection is followed by annotation within a semantic common solutions such as electromagnetic communications. hierarchy that supports efficient communication and interoper- In more detail, information to be transmitted is encoded into ability. This requires a shared conceptualization of low to high inaudible ultrasonic sound waves that can be picked up by level acoustic features, as well as meaningful labels across conventional microphones (which enables the adoption of different audio related domains. Several ontologies have been this technology into portable solutions such as smartphones proposed for these purposes, including those for audio features running dedicated apps). The nature of the information can [108], effects and transformations [109], mobile sensing in the range from text messages to images, and the technology audio context [110], as well as ontologies that bind complex could be used for payments transfers, user authentication, and workflows and signal routing in audio processing environments smart city applications such as digital locks. At present, two [111] and ontologies that bind distributed content repositories main companies are leading such technological developments, together [104]. Chirp3 [95] and Trillbit4. Various online documents refer to this technology as an enabler for an Internet of Sounds, F. Web-based digital audio applications envisioning it as a standard for IoT communications given the scalability of the solution. The Web Audio API is one of the most recent among the technologies for audio applications on the web and its use 3 is becoming increasingly widespread [112]. It enables real- 4 time sound synthesis and processing on web browsers simply IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 7

Fig. 3. A schematic representation of the local and remote interactions enabled by the system reported in [5]. by writing JavaScript code. It represents a promising basis for the creation of distributed audio applications such as those envisioned in the IoAuT. Differently from Java or Flash, which are implemented in the form of browser plugins, the Web Audio API is implemented by the browser itself. Moreover, the Web Audio API is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) proposed standard5. Recently, Web Audio technologies have been employed in embedded systems, thus bridging the realm of smart objects with that of audio applications leveraging the web. An example in this category is reported in [113]. The authors proposed a preliminary system consisting of a network of nodes based on the Raspberry Pi platform. Each node run a Web Audio application that could exploit a number of libraries previously built for mobile based applications (e.g., for synchronization purposes [114]), with the purpose of implementing a dis- tributed architecture for musical performances. Along the same lines, Skach et al. proposed a system that links web-based digital audio technologies and embedded Fig. 4. A schematic representation of the sensor- and actuator-equipped audio [19]. Their system consists of a sensor- and actuator- garment presented in [19], which interacts with the audio content repository equipped garment allowing for the interactive manipulation of musical and non-musical sounds retrieved from online sound repositories. Specifically, the authors developed a jacket-based to models for footstep sounds [89]. FXive represents a service and trousers-based prototype for body-centric sonic perfor- targeting of sound effects, with the aim of replacing mance, which allows the wearer to manipulate sounds through the need for reliance on sound effect sample libraries in sound gestural interactions captured by textile wearable sensors. design. Designers of sound effects rather than searching for The data tracked by such sensors control, in real-time, audio sound libraries and attempting to modify the retrieved sound synthesis algorithms working with content downloaded from samples to fit a desired goal, can directly shape their sounds Audio Commons6, a web-based ecosystem for repurposing by using the online service. crowd-sourced audio such as the Freesound.org7 repository (see Figure 4). The prototype enables creative embodied IV. CHALLENGES interactions by combining e-textiles with web-based digital audio technologies. The IoAuT inherits many challenges of the general field To date, a number of promising projects have demonstrated of IoT (see, e.g., [120]). In addition to these, the practical how audio-based applications can be bridged into the web realization of the envisioned IoAuT poses specific techno- browser via the Web Audio API. A large amount of these logical and personal data-related challenges. The realization projects have focused on the musical domain (see, e.g., [115], of the IoAuT vision described in Section II occurs through [116], [117]). A noticeable exception is represented by the FX- the evolution of the network and services’ infrastructure as ive project [118], an online real-time sound effects synthesis well as of the capabilities of Audio Things connecting to platform. Various algorithms are used to synthesize everyday them. We identify eight areas that currently hinder many sounds, ranging from models for contact between objects [119] interesting IoAuT application scenarios: i) connectivity; ii) interoperability and standardization; iii) machine analysis of 5 audio content; iv) data collection and representation of audio 6 content; v) edge computing; vi) synchronization; vii) privacy 7 and security; and viii) Audio Things design. IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 8

A. Connectivity shared conceptualization of the information being distributed are also important. For example, communication bandwidth Communication based on audio-related information may may be saved if IoAuT devices are able to communicate using pose stringent requirements and challenges, which is why short and universally accepted identifiers to signal certain many of the general purpose protocols designed for the IoT conditions instead of complex (e.g., XML) data structures. may not be appropriate or feasible for the IoAuT. Distributed This will be discussed in the following sections in more detail. audio sensors may require low delay communications for real Thus, we suggest that the design and deployment of alter- time monitoring and processing [121]. This is the case of native communication techniques and protocols together with event detection such as crashes and accidents, which could the audio machine learning tasks is necessary to target better be monitored by distributed microphones that could also performances for the support of communication of audio- contribute to the control of traffic lights and car speed in related information over the IoAuT infrastructure. the neighboring of the event. Moreover, in addition to low latency, the communication network may have to support high B. Interoperability and standardization data rates, such as when the signal to noise ratios are low and signals will have to be quantized with high resolution in What emerges from the survey of the literature presented order to extract the desired information. In this regard, the use in Section III is a picture of the IoAuT as a field rather of mmWave wireless communications could be an enabling fragmented, where various authors have focused on single technology for IoAuT, because they potentially enable ultra- technologies or single application domains. Such a fragmen- low latency and massive bandwidths at the physical layer of tation hinders the development and successful adoption of the wireless communications [122]. Audio applications will the IoAuT technologies. Standardization activities represent experience latency at all layers of the protocol stack. Hence, a central pillar for the IoAuT realization as the success of many aspects of communication systems will need to be the IoAuT depends strongly on them. Indeed, standardization reconsidered and customized for audio transmission purposes. provides interoperability, compatibility, reliability, and effec- IoAuT applications will likely generate large data sets, tive operations on both local and global scales. However, which we will have to analyze in real time. Reliable auto- much of this work remains unrealized. Whereas various ad- matic speech recognition can now be performed [123] even hoc solutions exist, their adoption is still low due to the issues in a noisy environment. To achieve such impressive results, of fragmentation and weak interoperability. More standardized machine learning needs big data sets and very large com- formats, protocols and interfaces need to be built in the IoAuT putational and communication resources, especially for the to provide more interoperable systems. This issue is also training tasks [124]. However, in IoAuT applications, data sets common to the more general IoT field [126]. of any size will be distributed among several nodes (people, Within the IoAuT, different types of devices are used to devices, objects, or machines) that might not be able to timely generate, detect, or analyze audio content, and need to be able share data due to bandwidth or privacy constraints, or may to dynamically discover and spontaneously interact with het- not have enough computational resources to run the machine erogeneous computing, physical resources, as well as digital learning training tasks. Existing machine learning methods data. Their interconnection poses specific challenges, which and related algorithms are mostly intended for proprietary or include the need for ad-hoc protocols and interchange formats high performing networks (e.g., in data centres), and would for auditory-related information that have to be common to the greatly stress public communication networks such as IoT different Audio Things, as well as the definition of common and 5-6G wireless networks [123], [125]. We expect that the APIs specifically designed for IoAuT applications. Semantic research community will have to address several fundamental technologies, such as semantic web [127] and knowledge advancements within machine learning over networks, which representation [128] can be envisioned as a viable solution will likely use ideas from active learning and distributed to enable interoperability across heterogeneous audio things. optimizations over networks. However, to date, an ontology for the representation of the knowledge related to IoAuT ecosystems does not exist. One major issue to apply machine learning over commu- A common operating system for Audio Things can be nication networks for the IoAuT is the fundamental band- considered as a starting point for achieving interoperability. width limitations of the channels. The huge number of nodes Recent technological advances in the field of music technology and their data sets transmissions may congest the practically have led to the creation of platforms for embedded audio that available bandwidth. The emerging technology of extremely are suitable for IoAuT applications. To date the most advanced low latency communications, will rely on short packets that platform for embedded audio is arguably the Elk Audio OS carry few bits [121]. The nodes generating audio data may developed by Elk8. Elk Audio OS is an embedded operating not have enough communication bandwidth to transmit data system based on Linux. It uses the Xenomai real-time kernel to the place where it has to be analyzed, or simply not extensions to achieve latencies below 1 milliseconds, which enough computational power to perform local training and data makes it suitable for the most demanding of low-latency analysis. A further problem is that privacy and security are audio tasks. It is highly optimized not only for low-latency key societal concerns. A malicious observer could reconstruct and high-performance audio processing, but also for handling a node’s (such as a person’s) private audio information, or wireless connectivity to local and remote networks using the misuse the analysis of data belonging to others. Finally, developing efficient communication protocols and 8 IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 9 most widespread communication protocols as well as ad hoc state of the art performance in many tasks and has become a ones. Recently, the operating system has integrated the support mature field of research, there is currently very little attention for 5G connectivity. Elk Audio OS is platform independent, to problems involving multiple audio sensors while multi- supporting various kinds of Intel and ARM CPUs. Thanks sensor data processing and integration using deep learning is to these features, Elk has the potential to become a standard in its infancy. This usually involves the use of case-specific for operating systems running on various kind of embedded tricks or data fusion techniques [139], while the system may hardware for the nodes of the IoAuT. also need to deal with imperfect time synchronisation in light of the issues discussed in Section IV-F. There are network architectures capable of comparing audio signals or processing C. Machine analysis of audio content them in a sequence (see e.g. [140]) but real-time multi-sensor Traditionally described as acoustic pressure levels computed processing remains a challenge. over long time scales, audio is now considered in much more detail in order to gather rich information of the sound D. Data collection and representation of audio content environment. While in this section the focus will be put on Several common challenges exist across the different audio urban areas monitoring, it is worth noticing that the growing analysis methodologies mentioned in Section IV-C. These field of ecoacoustics has also many challenges and potential include the problem that machine learning based techniques applications [107]. require large amounts of accurate training data that covers The recent availability of large amounts of recordings have most or all relevant use cases. This is a substantial problem fueled research on the use of machine learning methods to owing to both the expense and difficulty of collecting data, as gather high level information about the sound environment, well as the difficulty of accurately annotating data. particularly in urban areas [25]. A scientific community For specific domains, such as an office environment, manual emerged in 2010 to address this topic and the first Detection data collection is feasible [14], [130]. This approach does and Classification of Acoustic Scene and Events challenge was not necessarily scale however. The problem can be addressed launched in 2013 [129], sponsored by the IEEE Acoustics, using crowd sourcing both content and annotation, as is Speech, and Signal Processing Society. As the name of the the cases of, which provides community cre- challenge states, two levels of information are considered. One ated datasets [141]. These are increasingly annotated within at the time scale of the event, where precise timing detection is semantic hierarchies [142] such as those provided by the required and the other at a longer time scale, where an abstract AudioSet Ontology [143]. However, an accurate taxonomy, let description of the audio has to be predicted. The typology of alone more complex multi-hierarchical relationships between the predicted events and scene types is task dependent. sound events are difficult to represent and to agree upon The acoustic scene classification task was originally tackled by multiple annotators. This is a challenge in part because by considering probabilistic classification techniques based on many existing representations follow a single hierarchical tree explicitly designed audio features [130]. Those approaches structure, while in the real-world, graph-structured complex have now been replaced by end-to-end deep learning methods relationships are much more common and potentially more [131], that tend to perform better and better as the volume of useful. A comprehensive ontology that addresses this issue is available training data increases. yet to be developed. Non-negative Matrix Factorization techniques are well suited for the acoustic event detection task and methods based E. Edge Computing on this techniques perform well [132]. With special care, deep State of the art deep learning models achieve remarkable learning techniques also achieve state of the art results [133]. performance and are being widely used in multimedia systems Due to the scarcity of training data for the acoustic event [133], [144], [145], [146], [147]. Many of these models can detection task, considering data augmentation techniques often have tens of millions of parameters (e.g., AlexNet [148]), to mandatory [134]. achieve such high performance. However, the realization of New analytic tools are needed to make the most of the the IoAuT demands applying these heavy models to cheap IoAuT. Such tools should be able to process large amounts of sensor devices. Limited computational and energy resources audio-related data and extract meaningful information given prohibit the use of heavy training and/or inference algorithms tight temporal constraints. Deep learning [135] offers encour- [149], short in-device storage challenges the deployment of aging ways to obtain high level features that could capture the heavy pre-trained models [150], and low bandwidth links nature of the event that generated the auditory content. and real-time nature of the audio signals hinders the use of In this context, a substantial challenge is learning from noisy traditional cloud-based inference [151], [152]. Much funda- [105], [136] and weakly labelled [137] data sets, which are mental research is still needed to properly address the urgent much more readily available. To this end, the development multidisciplinary research problem of edge computing for the of appropriate neural network architectures is ongoing work, IoAuT. where the use of attention mechanisms [137], [138] provide a There are multiple existing solutions to support AI interface promising direction. at the edge. Examples include hardware accelerators such as In the envisioned IoAuT ecosystem an Audio Thing may Intel’s Neural Compute Stick 2 (NCS2)9 or ’s Edge possess multiple spatially distributed sensors which poses an- other challenge. While deep learning applied to audio provides 9 IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 10

Tensor Processing Units (TPU)10. These are compatible with F. Synchronization common single board computers. However, these solutions are suitable only for simple visual and audio recognition Distributed computational resources needs to be synchro- tasks, with no guarantees on real-time processing or model nized in time, though the degree of precision to which this compression. synchronization shall be is application dependent. In order to maintain a good level of synchronization between A series of recent works focused on compressing big nodes of a processing graph, two quantities shall be controlled: neural networks to save storage, energy, communication, and the local time of each node and the delay, i.e. the amount of computational resources at the edge nodes. The proposed time needed by the node to record or playback and audio approaches for solving this problem could be broadly classified signal once the request to do so have been received. Quality into two categories. The first class includes methods that of service is ensured minimizing the following quantities: the reduce the number of parameters in the model [153], [154]. variance of the difference between the local time of each node The second class includes methods to reduce the quantization σ and the variance of the difference between the delays of precision for storing and processing model parameters [155]. t each node σ . In order to better grasp the importance of these Forrest et al. proposed smaller modules as building blocks d quantities, three use-cases are now described, with growing for emulating AlexNet [153]. With their approach, the authors requirements in terms of synchronization accuracy. designed an architecture that has 50x fewer parameters than AlexNet [148] with almost no loss in the inference accuracy. • In WASN, the data has to be synchronized in order to However, this approach is specifically designed for AlexNet, be able to interpret some behaviors happening across and it is not easily applicable to compress other big models. different nodes. In this case, σt and σd shall remain below Simpler approaches include pruning, deleting the connections the second. of the trained model with small values, and quantization, • On contrary, distributed playback systems that operate reducing the number of bits needed to store a parameter. Han over the Internet Protocol (IP) [160], like RAVENNA et al. proposed the Deep Compression algorithm that combines [161] or Dante [162], reducing σt and σd below the both pruning and quantization, leading to 35x compression of millisecond is critical as the human auditory system is AlexNet [156] . These solutions often need the availability of highly sensitive to phase delays. In this case, σd is not the original dataset to retrain the new (small) model, which is a strong issue as the nodes are simple playback systems not available in many use cases due to privacy or intellectual that are not in charge of audio processing or synthesis property protections. Krishnamoorthi proposed a quantization- and in most commercial systems of very similar hardware aware training, in which the authors add artificial quantization specifications. noise to the parameters during the training phase to make it • Laptop [163], [164] or smartphone [165] orchestras are more robust to potential future quantization [157]. However, much more challenging as they have the same require- this approach suffers an inherent tradeoff that adding more ments as distributed playback systems but have to face quantization noise to the training pipeline may lead to a very much more stress on σd as the nodes of the network have bad solution for the original less-noisy problem. Moreover, in to process and synthesize audio before rendering using a the literature, the model compression techniques have been wide diversity of hardware platform. The latter calls for applied mostly to natural language processing and image software based solutions [166] that are inherently limited classification, whose signal statistics and machine learning in terms of precision. methods are very different from real-time audio processing. Time synchronization issues is ubiquitous in distributed In many scenarios, e.g., WASNs, edge computing may face computing, therefore many tools are available to minimize σd. a massive connectivity challenge where many edge devices It has been tackled for standard usage by the Network Time may need to coordinate and send some locally processed Protocol (NTP) proposed in [167]. this protocol stands out by information to a central coordinator [158]. Reference [159] virtue of its scalability, self-configuration in large multi-hop proposed a framework to exploit the network-wide knowledge networks, robustness to failures and sabotage, and ubiquitous at the cloud center to guide edge computing at local IoT deployment. NTP allows construction of a hierarchy of time devices. However, it cannot address the problem of massive servers, multiply rooted at canonical sources of external time. connectivity and the resulting significant performance drop of Despite being in use in many sensor networks, it may face wireless networks. Device-to-device communications and local issues with this specific application. The first is that NTP collaborations among the audio things are essential, yet the assumes that computational and network resources are cheap area is very open in the literature. Such collaboration can also and available. While this may hold for traditional networks improve the robustness of the decision making and real-time of workstations, it may not be the case for low consumption data analytic to potential outlier and/or straggler devices and sensor networks. Furthermore, the dynamic topology of the compensate for per-device performance reduction due to the network can influence the degree of precision to which a use of compressed models and lower precision. recently disconnected node is synchronized. Fortunately, NTP operates well over multi-hop networks. If those matters are of importance for the considered use case, other approaches such as the ones researched in [168] and the ones based on 10 flooding proposed in [169], [170] may be considered. IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 11

When there is a need for very precise synchronization, the [177]. Importantly, a uniform security standard should be Precision Time Protocol (PTP) can be considered. Indeed, developed by the IoAuT research community and industry NTP targets millisecond-level synchronization, whereas the in order to ensure the safety of the data collected by Audio PTP targets nano second level synchronization. This can only Things. This challenge is currently unsolved also in the IoT be achieved by considering dedicated hardware at least for the field [172]. masters responsible for broadcasting the trusted time. WASNs can be very useful to gather rich information about Tackling the issue of minimizing the delay for laptop or different aspects of the quality of life in urban areas. Hav- smartphone orchestra can only be achieved for most appli- ing precise knowledge about that is mandatory for effective cations by considering calibration in order to estimate the actuation. This, in the end, will improve the quality of life maximal delay achieved by the nodes. Mostly based on of citizens. That being said, the deployment of WASNs shall standard software tools such as Web Audio, the proposed be performed with a lot of care regarding the preservation solutions will improve as the software tools improves over of the privacy of citizens. Even if speech is a rather weak those matters. Still, the results presented in [114] are already bio-metric indicator, the information gathered using WASNs quite satisfying, as they report σd of 0.2 to 5 ms for a wide must not contain any speech information that could be used range of devices. If use of hardware is possible, one can by humans or computer to capture information about the consider low-cost alternatives to PTP hardware that broadcast location or spoken sentences of individuals. Following the GPS reference time over the network [171]. different detailed in Section III-A, different means can be considered. If only the detection labels are propagated on the network, this privacy is guaranteed by design. If spectral G. Privacy and security challenges features are sent, the frame rate must be sufficiently low to The IoAuT paradigm brings challenges related to personal ensure that speech cannot be reproduced [26]. If the raw audio data such as privacy and security, since some Audio Things has to be transmitted, source separation techniques can be have the ability to automatically collect, analyze, and exchange considered to remove speech before transmission [178]. data related to their users. Novel business models can emerge leveraging data arising Given the pervasive presence of the IoAuT, transparent from IoAuT technologies, for example to provide services privacy mechanisms need to be implemented on a diverse related to monitoring activities (such as ambient intelligence range of Audio Things. It is necessary to address issues of or surveillance). Ethical and responsible innovation are crucial data ownership in order to ensure that Audio Things users feel aspects that need to be considered when designing such ser- comfortable when participating in IoAuT-enabled activities. vices to ensure that they are socially desirable and undertaken IoAuT users must be assured that their data will not be used in the public interest. Ultimately, key to the success of the without their consent. Concerning the IoT field, Weber recently IoAuT will be the users’ confidence. Hardware and software highlighted the growing need for technical and regulatory manufacturers will need to convince consumers that the use actions capable of bridging the gap between the automatic of Audio Things is safe and secure and to do this, much work data collection by IoT devices and the rights of their users, is still needed. who are often unaware of the potential privacy risk to which they are exposed [172], [173]. Examples include data leaks and unauthorised collection of personal information [174], [175]. H. Audio Things design Necessarily, the same holds for the IoAuT. The definition of One of the most stringent design challenges for Audio privacy policies is one approach to ensure the privacy of infor- Things relates to the limited energy resources available to mation. Audio Things can be equipped with machine-readable most of them (e.g., the nodes of WASNs). Indeed, the battery privacy policies, so that when they come into contact they can life of the devices represents a constraint for communica- each check the other’s privacy policy for compatibility before tion and computational energy usage. Typically, besides a communicating [176]. Security risks also come from hardware system for wireless communication Audio Things encompass hacking, which points toward the necessity of hardware level microphones and a processing board, and in other cases also encryption to ensure privacy policies are adhered to. Thus, it loudspeakers and various kinds of sensors. All these com- is paramount that Audio Things designers and manufacturers ponents require a substantial (and in most cases continuous) adopt a “privacy by design approach” as well as incorporate amount of energy. Solar panels have been utilized in various privacy impact assessments into the design stage of Audio systems to cope with this issue (see, e.g., [34]) but advances in Things. miniaturization and power of batteries are necessary. Another Since Audio Things are wireless devices they are subject possibility would be to augment existing objects deployed in to the security risks of wireless communications. In today’s smart cities that are distributed and by default are connected to Internet, encryption is a key aspect to ensure information a power supply, such as smart street lights, as in the CENSE security in the IoT. As a consequence, Audio Things should project [41]. be designed to support robust encryption, which poses the Another design challenge relates to the creation of solu- challenge of making these devices powerful enough to support tions able to provide high quality in recording and/or sound it. Nevertheless, enabling encryption on Audio Things requires production, while still being cost-effective. To date, cost- algorithms more efficient and less energy-consuming, along effective solutions that can be deployed on large scale are with the development of efficient key distribution schemes MEMS microphones, which on average, however, do not offer IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. XX, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2019 12 a wide frequency response (typically 100 Hz - 10K Hz) and benefit society, by providing a widespread use of ambient resolutions, which may translate into low analytics capabilities. intelligence mechanisms involved to monitor environments in In addition, miniaturization of the components of an Audio smart cities, as well as by offering new ways of interacting Thing (from the microphone to the computational unit) is also with sounds across the network (such as sound-based therapies a desirable feature. involving remotely connected users). Furthermore, novel design paradigms should be devised for We propose a roadmap for the implementation of the IoAuT systems exploiting the yet unexplored opportunities offered vision: by linking the IoT field with that of sonification or interac- 1) To progress the design of Audio Things, with new tive sonification. The IoT has the potential to facilitate the solutions for the analysis of audio-related information emergence of novel forms of interactive sonifications that are based on the edge computing paradigm; the result of shared control of the sonification system by 2) To advance the current connectivity infrastructure, with both the user performing the gestures locally to the system the implementation of novel interoperable protocols for itself, and one or more remote users. This can for instance the exchange of audio-related information; impact therapies based on auditory feedback where the control 3) To tackle the challenges of privacy and security of of the sound generation is shared by the patient and the personal data, with a “privacy by design” approach; doctor (see the smart sonic shoes reported in [5]). The effect 4) To define standards and shared ontologies that will allow of such therapy can be remotely monitored and data from one to avoid fragmentation and facilitate interoperability several patients performing such a sound-based therapy can among Audio Things as well as the services they offer. be collected by means of big data analytics techniques. It is hoped that the content of this paper will stimulate dis- cussions within the sound and music computing and Internet V. CONCLUSIONS of Things communities, so for the IoAuT to flourish. This paper introduced the Internet of Audio Things as a novel paradigm in which heterogeneous devices dedicated to ACKNOWLEDGMENT audio-based tasks can interact and cooperate with one another Mathieu Lagrange would like to acknowledge partial fund- and with other things connected to the Internet to facilitate ing from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under project audio-based services and applications that are globally avail- reference ANR-16-CE22-0012. G. Fazekas acknowledges par- able to the users. We presented a vision for this emerging tial support from the European Union H2020 project (grant no. research field, which stems from different lines of exist- 688382), EPSRC (EP/L019981/1) and UKRI (EP/S022694/1). ing research including Internet of Things, sound and music computing, semantic audio, artificial intelligence, and human- computer interaction. The IoAuT relates to wireless networks REFERENCES of smart devices dedicated to audio purposes, which allow for [1] L. Atzori, A. 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[178] A. Cohen-Hadria, M. Cartwright, B. McFee, and J. Bello, “Voice Hossein S. Ghadikolaei (S’10, M’19) received the anonymization in urban sounds recordings,” in 2019 IEEE International B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Iran Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing. IEEE, 2019, University of Science and Technology, in 2009, the pp. 13–16. M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the KTH Royal Insti- tute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2018. He is now a Research Scientist in EPFL, Lau- sanne, Switzerland. His research interests include distributed optimization and machine learning, with applications in data science and networking. He was a recipient of the IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize, in 2018, the Premium Award for the Best Paper in IET Communications, in 2014, the Program of Excel- Luca Turchet is an Assistant Professor at the De- lence Award from KTH, in 2013, and the Best Paper Award from the Iranian partment of Information Engineering and Computer Student Conference of Electrical Engineering, in 2011. He was selected as an Science of University of Trento. He received master Exemplary Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Communications, in 2017 degrees (summa cum laude) in Computer Science and 2018. from University of Verona, in classical guitar and composition from Music Conservatory of Verona, and in electronic music from the Royal College of Music of Stockholm. He received the Ph.D. in Media Technology from Aalborg University Copenhagen. His scientific, artistic, and entrepreneurial research has been supported by numerous grants from dif- ferent funding agencies including the European Commission, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Danish Research Council. He is co-founder and Head of Sound and Interaction Design at Elk. His main research interests are in music technology, Internet of Things, human-computer interaction, and multimodal perception.

Carlo Fischione is a Full Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He received the Ph.D. de- George Fazekas is a Senior Lecturer (Assistant gree in Electrical and Information Engineering from Prof.) at the Center for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of L’Aquila and the Laurea degree in University of London. He holds a BSc, MSc and Electronic Engineering (Summa cum Laude) from PhD degree in Electrical Engineering. He is an the same University. He has held research positions investigator of UKRI’s £6.5M Centre for Doctoral at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Visiting Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music (AIM Professor); Harvard University (Associate); and Uni- CDT) and he was QMUL’s Principal Investigator versity of California at Berkeley (Visiting Scholar on the H2020 funded Audio Commons project. He and Research Associate). His research interests in- was general chair of ACM’s Audio Mostly 2017 clude optimization with applications to networks, and papers co-chair of the AES 53rd International wireless and sensor networks. He received a number of awards, including the Conference on Semantic Audio and he received the IEEE Communication Society “Stephen O. Rice” award for the best IEEE Citation Award of the AES. He published over 130 papers in the fields of Transaction on Communications publication of 2015, the best paper award Music Information Retrieval, Semantic Web, Deep Learning and Semantic from the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, the best paper awards Audio. at the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor System 2005 and 2009, the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Sweden VT-COM-IT Chapter, the Best Business Idea awards from VentureCup East Sweden and from Stockholm Innovation and Growth Life Science in Sweden, and the Junior Research award from Swedish Research Council. He is Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications and Associated Editor of IFAC Automatica. He is co-funder and Scientific Director of MIND Music Labs.

Mathieu Lagrange is a CNRS research scientist at LS2N, a French laboratory dedicated to cyber- netics. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Bordeaux in 2004, and vis- ited several institutions in Canada (University of Victoria, McGill University) and in France (Or- ange Labs, TELECOM ParisTech, Ircam). He co- organized two editions of the Detection and Clas- sification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) Challenge with event detection tasks and is involved in the development of acoustic sensor networks for urban acoustic quality monitoring. His research focuses on machine listening algorithms applied to the analysis of musical and environmental audio.