WITHDRAWN From the Family History Library FOREWORD

My seventy-fifth birthday la approaching and It Is time for me to collect my genealogy date, and put It Into some kind of order which may be of use to my relatives, should they be Interested ln their forebears. When I look back over the seventy years which I can remem­ ber, I have a happy feeling that I have lived at a wonderful time in history. I can remember so many things which were new to our family from 1905 on. I remember when the first bathroom was put ln our house, saving us from going outside in the cold weather, and at night. It also saved the work of carrying great pitchers of water to each bedroom for bathing and then carrying out the waste water. We were proud of the bathroom as no one else in the community could boast of having one at that time. Then there were lamps which had to be carried down each day to be filled with oil and have the chimneys cleaned. These lamps were left on the sideboard in the dining room during the day,and as we went to bed one was carried to each room Later, we had acetylene lights put ln. Many years later the power lines were built and we had electricity. Just think of all the conveniences that came with electricity ln the home. I remember the first automobile I saw. It was a noisy,clumsy thing, scaring horses, chickens and dogs as it chugged along the Great Road "Rt.ll," ln front of my grandmother's house. It was some time before people in our community gave up their horses for the use of cars. Now they have combines for harvesting,a 11 kinds of engines to make farming easier, the airplane for quick travel, trucks for fast moving. I could never enumerate them all.But life should be much easier for people today. My mother and grandmother collected a great deal of the Infor­ mation and saved many old papers dating from 1790 on, all of which have been a great help to me. I want to thank those who have made it possible for me to add up-to-date information to what I was able to get from books. They are: Mrs. Mildred Andrews, Mrs.Reid Agnor, Mrs. William Bushman, Mrs. Melville Chatten, Mrs. Ralph Dalton. Mrs. Hugh Rader, Mrs. Berl Steele, Mrs. David Steele, Miss Lillian Steele, Mrs. Reed Steele and all the other people who have given me help, especially my husband who has been kind and patient, and without whose help I may not have finished this book at all.

Please excuse any mistakes you may find. I have sincerely tried to put this history together as accurately as I could , with the information I had . Mildred Sears on Goeller Aug. 1974 The home of William and Mary Mc- This is all that remained of an old Chesney Steele, who were married in field schoolhouse in 1932. My grand­ 1794. The plastering inside was put mother, Molly Smith, taught school together with buffalo hair and part of here about 18G5. It was located a the building at one time was a fort short distance from the home of Mr. used for protection against the Indians. Will Hunter.

Walnut Grove, the McCormick Homeplace, also the Homeplace of the Searson Family for 63 Years. The home Walter and Irene Steele Searson built in Midway to live in This building, still standing, is on the after they retired. site of the Hopkins house which was on the northwest corner of the cross­ roads in Midway. Marryatte Steele and his wife ran the tavern in the 1880's. He is pictured here with his wife. Oliver Hazard Perry Smith, 1813-1887, son of Nancy Calvert Smith.

David and Molly E. F. Smith Steele, of Steeles Tavern, Virginia

Henry J. Bland, a Methodist minis­ ter, and Henry Meade Bland, who grew up to become Dr. Henry Meade Bland, Poet Laureate of California in 1930. They are the husband and son of Annott Steele, daughter of John D. Charlotte Steele Davis, daughter of Steele, Jr. John D. Steele, Jr., wife of Judge James R. Davis. Midway (Steeles Tavern) Is situated on Halfway Creek Which Is the dividing line between Rockbridge and Augusta Counties, Va. The village has always been known as Midway because It Is halfway between Lexington and Staunton and, I am told, Is also midway between and Knoxville. The post office was called Steeles Tavern because there were other Midways ln Vir­ ginia at the time. Also mall had been coming Into the village addressed "In care of Steele's Tavern." When John Steele was made the first postmaster ln 1825 the post office was called Steeles Tavern. Before the coming of the railroads, Midway was a village of some Importance. It was a stagecoach stop. The stagecoach leaving Staunton early ln the morning, made the noon stop to change horses and give the travelers a rest stop where they could have the noon meal. The tavern was run by David Steele, a Veteran of the battle of Guilford Courthouse, N.C, and later by his son John David Steele, Jr. A prized possession of the Steele family is a large brass bell which used to be rung when the stagecoach came in sight, warning the cooks to stir up the fire and have everything ready for the hungry travelers. The tavern, no longer standing, was built of logs about 1760. When It fell Into disrepair ln the 1870's the building was torn down and the logs were hauled away to be used ln building dams and foot logs, before there were bridges over

1 the creeks that run through the village. Besides the tavern, there were two stores ln the village. One of the stores was owned by Mr. John Spencer who sold It to Mr. Al Hess when he moved to Spottswood to open a business there with the coming of the railroads about 1884. The other store was owned by Mr. William Hopkins who married John Steele's dau­ ghter, Mary. Mr. Hopkins had a good business, so I have been told,until the Yankees came through during the Civil War and destroyed all his merchandise and much of his property. Mr. Hopkins was not able to recover financially from that loss and moved west with other members of the family. His great-great granddaughter now lives ln Phoenix, Arizona. When I was very small John Steele's youngest son, Marryatte Steele, operated a store ln that building, which faced the Great Road, (Rt.ll), and ran back along the road to Raphlne. The back rooms of that building opened on the Raphlne road and Mr. Deaver had a cobbler shop there, where we all went to have our shoes repaired.

The village had a number of shops, such as those used by an undertaker, a blacksmith, a wheelwright and a cooper, who made barrels for the flour mills. There was a tanyard and down the road leading to Vesuvius, below the flour mill, was a still- house where peach brandy was made at one time, a sawmill and a foundry, where plowshares were made. The other mill, which was on the same road but west of the crossroads, was a combination flour mill and cider press where apples were taken in the fall by the wagon load, to be pressed into cider. The cider was used mostly for making vinegar.

2 The village had an academy where the young people were schooled. Later, in 1884, a two-room schoolhouse was built. Here seven grades and four years of high school were taught by two teachers. This was called Midway High School. A little further north, on the east side of the Great Road was the Presbyterian church and cemetery. The first doctor ln Midway, as far as I know, was Dr. Alfred J. Hamilton, who married John Steele's daughter, Lucy. After Dr. Hamilton's death, Lucy Steele Hamilton married John B. Lavelle whose daughter by a previous marriage married Dr. John C. Hyde. Dr. Hyde had his office ln the house south of, and across the creek from, the town hall. He married Annie Lavelle,and two of their children, Hansford Hyde and Fauntle- roy (afterwards Dr. Faunt) Hyde of Brownsburg were born ln Midway.

Lucy Steele Hamilton Lavelle wrote and sold poetry to Peterson's Magazine in Richmond. Some of her poetry was con­ sidered very good at the time. Writing poetry was also an occupation of Lucy's sister's son, Dr..Henry Meade Bland, who was recognized by the state of California and was made Poet Laureate ln 1935. My grandparents, David and Molly Steele, lived ln the brick house across the Great Road from Dr. Hyde's (later Mr. Will Hess1) house. The house,forlorn where It stands now.does not resemble the house and yard of my grandparents. The fence, the tree, the flowers, the grapevines, and the stile and hitch­ ing post were done away with when the road was widened with the

3 movement of the first cars along the Great Read, 013 Plank Road, as some called it. We had some antlers hanging in our home that came from a deer my grandfather shot by the stile in front of the house when he and grandma were first married in 1869- When the Lee Highway was built through the village the read people gave my uncle, Frank Steele, the option of having the old house moved or of tearing it down and building another house further back. My uncle couldn't bear to see the old place torn down. So that is why it stands where it Is today. It was moved over on land that used to be my grandfather's apple orchard and garden.

We loved to visit our grandmother when I was a child. Grandma was badly crippled with rheumatism and was always at home. Her housekeeper had a big round tin box which she usually kept filled with delicious molasses cookies. My grandfather had two mills ln Midway. One mill, up the creek a little way from my grandparent's home, was a combination flour mill with a cider mill on the side of it. He sold that mill to his brother, Marryatte Steele, in 1884. Later it was owned by Mr. Ramsey who sold it to W.C. Searson. The other mill was down the creek from Midway about a quarter of a mile. My great-great-grand father built that mill about 1760 and It was one of the oldest mills ln that part of the country. It was modernized about 1906 and my father had a good business there, known as the Searson Milling Company, producers of Water Lily Patent Flour. Much of the flour was shipped to North Carolina from the Vesuvius station. The mills in the Shenandoah Valley experienced hard times when the mills out west were able to

4 ship flour Into the stores cheaper than the millers of the valley could make It. This mill was dismantled during the second World War, after It had gone out of our family. Just below the mill was a foundry, run by the Humphreys family, where plowshares were made. Those plowshares were considered the best to be had. Once we were taken through the foundry, "The Vesuvius Plow Works," as a group from the local school. It was exciting to see men working with molten Iron. One of the workmen told my brother to put his hand ln the big pile of sand and make a print with his fingers spread apart. The workman then brought a big pot of molten Iron and poured It Into the Imprint of my brother's hand. When the Iron was cold the Iron hand was such a perfect replica that the lines of the hand showed plainly. The creek running through Midway was called Halfway Creek, and it was the dividing line between Rockbridge and Augusta Counties. We lived on the McCormick farm and the Rockbridge- Augusta line ran through the house. So we could go to school In either Rockbridge or Augusta County. We went to school ln Midway, Augusta County, so we could see our grandmother every day. Walter Searson came to Virginia to manage the McCormick farm in 1886. He fell ln love with the beautiful, rolling hills of Virginia and for the rest of his life made It his home. He returned to England three times before his mother died, to see his family. He married Irene Steele, daughter of David Steele. They had seven children. Rush Searson

5 succeeded his father as manager of the McCormick farm, living there until illness forced his retirement in the early 1950s. When we lived there, huge trees stood in the yard, we had a tennis court on the lawn, where we also played croquet and other games. It was a lovely place for a large family and we all share happy memories of our childhood days there. The old log building, Steele's Tavern, stood on the west side of what is now Rt. 11 or the Lee Highway, in the field Just north of the Hopkins, Steele and later Ramsey store and house. The road and tavern were west of the big spring in the field at that time. It is said, people could step from the stage­ coach on to the steps of the tavern porch. It was here that David and Mary (Polly) Moore Steele, daughter of Captain David Moore, were living when the Marquis de Chastllleux and his compan­ ions stopped in I782 hoping to find refreshments. On pages 243-244 of his book, Travels ln North America, we find this account of his stop in Midway: "We set out therefore very early from Waynesboro on the 18th, ln hopes (as we had been told) we should find a better inn at the distance of 10 miles. But those hopes were vain. Mr. Smith, a poor planter, to whom we were recommended had neither forage for horses or anything for ourselves. He only assured us that 8 miles further we should find a mill, the proprietor of which kept a public house, and we found accordingly the mill and the miller. He was a young man 22 years of age, whose charming face, fine teeth, red lips and rosy cheeks, recalled to mind the pleasing portrait which Marmontel gives of Lubin. His walk and carriage

6 did not, however, correspond with the freshness of his looks, for he appeared sluggish and inactive. I inquired the reason and he told me he had been in a languishing state ever since the Battle of Guilford in which he had received 15 or 16 wounds with a hanger. He had not, like the Romans, a crown to attest his valor, nor like the French either pension or certificate of honor, Instead of them he had a piece of his skull, which his wife brought to show me. I certainly little thought of finding, amidst the solitudes of America such lamentable traces of European steel; But I was much touched to learn, that it was after he had received his first wound, and was made prisoner, he had been thus cruelly treated. This unhappy young man acquainted me, that overcome with wounds, and wallowing in his blood, he yet retained his presence of mind, and imagining his cruel enemies would not leave existing a single witness or victim of their barbarity, there remained no other way of saving his life than by appearing as if he had lost it. Even if Mr. Steele, our landlord, had been more active, and his wife who was young and handsome, more industrious, they could not have supplied the total want ln which they were, of bread and every­ thing to drink. The bread was Just kneaded, but not yet put into the oven, and as for liquors, the house made use of none; The same stream which turned the mill was the only cellar of the young couple. A few cakes, however, baked upon the cinders, excellent butter, good milk, and above all, the interest with which Mr. Steele inspired us, made us pass agreebly the time, which was necessary to put our horses in condition to perform

7 a long, difficult day's journey." A story told me by people whose ancestors lived in Midway at the time, is that two presidents stopped at Steele's Tavern on their way to Washington. This could be true, for Andrew Jackson and James Polk most likely did pass through Midway going between their homes and Washington, though I have no proof of it. John Steele, Jr., brought his bride Elizabeth, daughter of William and Charlotte Digges Moon of Albemarle County, to live with his parents in the fall of 1815. In 1818 Elizabeth, (Eliza) wrote Jane Steele McCormick, of Kentucky, John's eldest sister, that she had the promise of a home of her own ln the spring. This was a brick house, which still stands near the site of the old tavern. The outside of the building was greatly changed about 1955 but much of it is the same on the inside. John and Eliza Moon Steele had twelve children. Many of them moved west but kept in touch with my grandmother and my mother. Now they are all gone and their children are scattered.

Mt. Carmel Presbyterian Church was started about 1834, when a few people gathered for services in the grove of big oak trees Just north of Midway on Route 11, where the present church is now. Robert Steele, son-in-law of David Steele, deeded two acres of land, "where a brick church is being built," to the trustees of Mt. Carmel Church ln 1836. Rev. James Paine was the first minister called. He served until I856. In I858, Rev. William Plnkerton was called and he served until I875. Rev. A. H. Hamil­ ton was installed In I876 and served until about 1915.

8 There are many changes ln Steeles Tavern. The spring on the north east corner lot at the crossroads has been covered up and the land filled in. There is a filling station on that lot now. New houses have been built and many new people live there. There are big industries in Waynesboro, Staunton and Buena Vista. People can get good jobs nearby within easy commuting distance. Farming is no longer one of the few industries, for there are many. People do not have to move elsewhere to make a living. The future of this community looks brighter than ever before.

9 David Steele Rohart Steele la 1747 £av. eels oa 1733-1800 I Ja nnat,^ John SfcflBlfl 175 Elizabeth 1787-1864 Andrew H loa 1675-174 David Monra oa 1720-1783 "llaanal Bavtftr d oa 1. Mary Evana

1619-1889 William Hnnn m 1869 Jtteob Moon ^/b oa 1692 1727-1785 Bishop Cobb William Moon Mildred Cobb 1770-18S5 I 1?11 William Dlggea fa pti IwIII T76I John Dlgg es •^IDorothv , Eliza H. Moon 1735-1803 3 1796-1854 nharlnt.t." "iFFfey jmjJam_Harxl£. 1773-1839 El lrahet.h Harris d 1788 Mary Netherland

1871-1936 m Walter Soareon 1857-1929 Qeorga Calvert Isachar Smith 1744-1821 17•^84-18' 1: 9" , Oliver H.P.Smlt.h Ralls Calyert Lydia B. Rat fa 5 1815-1887 1767-1815 Ifanov Calvert. John Strother 1793-1861 1721-1895 Mary Strother mnoy Strother

-J—Mgllla S.FtSmith 1845-1912 W .L. Maaflay W J).Massey yt 1-743 Lewis D. Massle/b 17&3 .» J» '1794-15 , Margaret E. Masai r3 John Adams 4 1824-1893 " 1825 Ellzahath Adama 1795-1886 Margaret Calvert p744-1fl?1

9 -A THE STEELES 0 F Steeles Tavern and Related Families

In 1740 there were three Steele families living ln Augusta County, Virginia. Rockbridge was formed from Augusta County ln 1778- Tradition says the heads of these families were brothers, sons of Sir Richard Steele, who was born March 13, 1672 in Dub­ lin, Ireland, and died In Carmarthen, Wales, September 1, 1729- We find the name spelled without the final "e" in some families, but old letters show that those same families often spelled their name with the final "e". The spelling of family names was not as rigid as It 1B now. The Steeles were Scotch-Irish, coming to Virginia from Ireland by way of Lancaster County, . The three supposed brothers were, David Steele, b ca 1700, Andrew Steele, b ca 1706 and Samuel Steele, b ca I709. Since David was the eldest, I shall take his family all the way to the present, first, then do the same with Andrew and Samuel Steele. David Steele, b ca 1700 d ln 1747 in Augusta County, Vir­ ginia. His wife was Jannet, her last name unknown. Their ohlldren: 1. Isabella Steele, b ca 1720, 2. Nathaniel Steele b ca 1722, 3. Samuel Steele b ca 1724, 4, Martha Steele, b ca 1728, 5. Robert Steele, b ca 1730, 6. Rebecca Steele, b ca 1734, 7. Jannet Steele b ca 1738, 8. Thomas Steele, b1747 posthumously.

Note: b born, m married, d died, (S) single, ca about, dau daughter.

10 Children of David and Janet Steele: Isabella Steele b ca 1720 d 1797 m Moses McClure b ca 1710 m ca 1745 d 1778. They had 9 children but I have no record of 7 of them.. Issue: a. Capt. David McClure m Eleanor Steele dau of Nathaniel and Rosannah Steele. They had a son Moses McClure. (Kentucky) b. Halbert McClure b ca 1750 d 1830 m Mary Steele dau of Nathaniel Steele. Their son Moses McClure b ca I785 d May 10, 1829 m Elizabeth Jones. Issue: 1. Alexander McClure b Sept. 22, 1813- 2. Nicholas Jones McClure b Nov. 23, 1815. 3. Mary Steele McClure b Aug 26, 1817. 4. Moses F. McClure b June 6, 1819. 5. David L. McClure b Dec.27, 1827- 6. William Preston McClure b Apr. 12, 1822 m May.11, 1843 Nancy Jane Shields. Their son Napoleon B. McClure b March 30, 1844 d June 4, 1904 m Sallie Wilson Apr. 9, 1884. (They were the grandparents of Argyle and Elizabeth McClucr of Fairfield, Va.) Nathaniel Steele b ca 1722 d 1796 m Rosannah. Issue: a. Eleanor Steele m Capt. David McClure, above mentioned. b. Rosannah Steele m Samuel McClure son of Nathaniel McClure in Mar. 1782. They had a son Nathaniel McClure. c. Mary Steele m Halbert McClure. (See b above.) d. (Rebecca?) Steele m Archibald Blackburn. Issue: Nathaniel Blackburn and Rosannah Blackburn. e. Martha Steele m Oct. 6, 1789 to Robert Cooper. Issue:

11 Elizabeth Cooper f. Nathaniel Steele, Jr. b ca 1752 m Jean McCulland. They had two children: •f.1. Nathaniel Steele, III b ca 1800 m Nov. 24, 1824 Martha KcCutchen. Moved to ca 1850. Issue: • f.l.a. Robert F. Steele last heard from ln Kansas. b. John H. Steele lived in Cranford Co.,111. c. William Steele who died in a car wreck ln 1935- d. Sarah Elizabeth Steele d 1914 m Joseph McCampbell who d ln 1900. Their dau Ida McCampbell d 1898-m L.S. Phillips. .f.2. Sally Steele b Sept. 4, 1804 d Sept.4, 1881 m March A 4, 1824 to Robert McCormick son of William McCormick •| and Mary Steele, dau of Robert Steele who d Apr. 30, v 3 1800. Issue: .f.2.1. William Steele McCormick b Jan. 19, I825. 2. Nathaniel Davis McCormick b Dec. 3, 1826. 3. Mary Jane McCormick b Dec. 22, 1828 4. Robert Alexander McCormick b July 23, I83I. 5. Sarah Martha McCormick b Dec. 22, 1833. 6. John Addison McCormick b Feb. 4, 1837. 7. Rebecca Jane McCormick b Nov. 17, 1840. 8. Phoebe Ann McCormick b Sept. 12, 1845. Children of David and Janet Steele, cont. Samuel Steele b ca 1724 d 1796 m Margaret. Issue: a. Mary Steele m Richard Rankin. They had a son, Samuel Steele Rankin.

12 b. Jannet (Janny) Steele b Mar. 30, 1746 m July 24, 1774 Captain Walter Cunningham. They moved to Jessamine Co. Kentucky ln 1788. c. Catherine Steele m William Handly, Jr. Dec. 18, 1799- d. Nancy Steele m Joseph Evans Aug. 17, 1799- e. William Steele m Mary McChesney Jan. 2, 1794, dau of James McChesney. Issue: e.l. Thomas Steele b ca 1795 m Jane McChesney in 1818. They lived near Newport, Virginia. Issue: 3.e.l.a. William Steele b 181Q, Will proved Apr. 23, I898. He mist, Dec. 19, 1864 Anna Rice McNutt. They had two children: 1. Thomas Rice Steele, 2. Mary Morton Steele who m a Mr. Terry. Issue: Mary Steele Terry. William Steele m 2nd, Lucy Alexander, Nov. 12, 1873- Issue: 1. Rosa Lyle Steele b I875 m a Mr. Arnold 2. Alice M.Steele 3. Lucy J.Steele, 4. Virginia McChesney Steele m John Robert I Holmes, Jr., 5» Sarah G. Steele, 6. William-Murray Steele. 3.e.l.b. Adam H. Steele (Ad Steele) son of Thomas, m Annie Laurie Alexander March 5, I878. No issue. 3.e.2. William J. Steele b ca 1798 m Mary ? ca 1824. Issue: 3.e.2.a. John M. Steele, M.D. b 1825 m 1st,Dec. 9, 1843 to Jane Churchman. Married 2nd, Feb. 22, 1872 Sally Moore, dau of James and Sarah J. Moore.

13 Children of John M. Steele, M.D. and Jane Churchman; 3.e.2.a.l. John Churchman Steele, b Feb. 4, 1848 m Dec. 26, 1870 Margaret Holmes b 1846, dau of Joseph and Sarah Holmes. John Churchman Steele is buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, Va. Issue: 1. Betty Steele, 2. Sheridan Alexander Steele* 3. De­ light Steele Spangler, 4 John Steele, 5 Rush Steele, 6: Calvin Steele, 7. Jewett Steele b Sept. 2, 1872, d near Greenville, Va. Dec. 14, 1933 buried in Mt. "S jj .jj y Carmel Cemetery at Steeles Tavern, Va . He m Dora. Dean

SCullen b Apr. 18, 1879 d Jan. 20, 1932. Their children: 3.e.2.a.1.7.1. Mark Hillery Steele b Dec. 24, I897 d Oct. 29,1956, m 1st Helen Thompson, m 2nd Elizabeth Houser. 2. Louis Vincent Steele b July 20, I899 d Jan.20, 1972, m Marie Thomas. Issue: Emil Steele and Louise Steele. 3. Virginia Steele b July 9, 1901 m O.J. Zeigler. 4. Shirley Steele b Feb. 26, 1903 d Sept. 20,1940 m Thurmon Wright. Their son died young. 5. Mary Steele b Dec. 18, 1908 d Mar. 10, 1972 m J.P. Arehart, No Issue. 6. Berl H. Steele b Jan. 29, 1911 m Edna Strickler, both of Greenville, Va. Issue: a. Delores Steele b July 25, 1936 m Harold Howdyshell. b. Janet Steele b Apr. 16, 1938 m James Swartz. c. Helen Carol Steele b Dec. 24, 1939 m Vicki Knicely. 14 3.e.2.a.l.7.7. John Rush Steele h Oct. 27, 1912, d Oct. 6, 1947, m Vera Vines. No Issue. 8. Elizabeth Steele b July 14, 1916 m Edward Brant. No Issue. 9. Nora Lee Steele b Mar. 19, 1919 m Glenwood Massle. Their three children: 1. Betty Massie 2. Carolyn Massle, 3« Glenn Massle. 10. Marjorie Steele b Mar. 4, 1922, m John Miller. ^ I Issue: Beth Ann Miller. §^ Children of William and Mary McChesney Steele, cont. 3.e.3. Jane E.T. Steele b Apr. 11, 1798 d Sept. 9th,1875, m Dr. John McChesney b Sept. 3, 1786 d Mar. 19, 1877. They are buried in Old Providence Cemetery. 3. e.4. Mary L.Steele, dau of William Steele, Esq. d Apr. 14, 1837, aged 27, m Dr. Gold. (From a tombstone in Old Providence Cemetery.) Children of David and Janet Steele, cont. 4. Martha Steele b ca 1728 m a Mr. Teas. Moved away. 5. Robert Steele b ca 1730 d Apr. 30, 1800 m 1st Elizabeth (Wendell?) m 2nd Mary. Issue 5.a. William Steele b ca 1750 died before 1800 m Rebecca McClung dau of John and Elizabeth Alexander McClung. It is thought this is the William Steele mentioned in McCue's history as being killed ln the Indian War ln 1795* According to Robert's will, William Steele had two chil­ dren. I have record of only one, Elizabeth Steele, whose will is dated Jan. 28, 1807 and is ln Lexington, Va.

15 Both McClungs and SteeleB are mentioned in her will. 1.5.b. James Steele, is perhaps, the 2nd child of Robert and Elizabeth Steele. He is not mentioned in the will but I have proof that he is a brother of David Steele of Midway, Va . He may have been given his inheritance when he married as happened in many families in that period. James Steele was b cal752 d Jan. 10, 1820, m toy 17, 1781, Margaret Parks b 1765, whose will was proved in 1848. She was the dau of John Parks b 1714 d 1793 and Rebecca McCampbell Parks . This family was known as the "Greenville Steeles" as

v many of then lived ln or near Greenville,Va .,at one time, g-g j Children of James and Margaret Parks: <=> Of cs 1.5.b.l. John Steele b Jan. 31, 1782 m 1819 Polly Coffee. 2. Janet Steele b Aug. 30, 178? m Dec. 19, 1799 to Robert. Card en. Lived in Tennessee. 3. Margaret Steele d an infant. 4. Sarah Steele b Apr. 1787 m Dec. 19, 1805 to Adam Campbell. They moved to Kentucky. 1.5.b.5. David Steele b Sept. 20, 1789 d Sept.23, 1846 m Mary Hlder b Dec. 22, 1801 d Jan 13, 1847, m in 1820. Mary Hider was b ln Hardy County, West Virginia, the dau of Isaac Hider b

v Mar.30, 1776 and Nancy Troutwlne Hlder b Oct.8, 1799- David •3 <$ S >1 s"o 3 a Steele was a lawyer ln Harrisonburg, Va. for 35 years. Issue 1.5.b.5«l. James Steele was a constable of Rockingham County for twenty years and auctioneer for that county for 16 thirty years. He had six children. 1.5.b.5.2. Agnes Steele (S)

3. Isaac Steele b Oct. 31, 1830 ln Rockingham County,Va., d Sept. 18, 1860 m ca I853 to Elizabeth Doak Hawpe b 1832 d Jan. 23, 1894, dau of Henry Hawpe. Issue: a. Emma Elizabeth Steele b 1853 m Frank Shultz. Issue: 1. Chesley Shultz, 2. Warwick Shultz, 3 Earl Shultz, 4. Fred Shultz, 5. William Shultz. 1. 5.b.5.3.b. Virginia Hawpe Steele b Feb. 2, I857 d June 3, 1937 m Oct. 14, 1880 to Charles Dudley Bray of Richmond, Virginia, b Jan. 13, 1857 d May 6, 1943. Issue: 1. Guy a'Court Bray b Nov.3, 1881 m June 1912 to Ethel Hlltabldle of Maryland. He d Apr. 29, •| 1925. Their dau Gladys Louise Bray, h 1913 m a "2 I 3 3 4 Other 0. Older. Issue: Elizabeth Older b 1955. 1.5.b.5.3.b.2..Gladys Steele Bray b July 23, I883 d Aug. 22, 190?. (S)

3. Margaret Dudley Bray b Apr. 30, 1886 d Feb. 17, 1935 m William C. Shinnlck. Their children: "William Bray Shinnlck, Virginia Dudley Shinnlck, and Frederick Allison Shinnlck. 4. Charles McChesney Bray b Apr. 28, I89I m June 30, 1922 to Frances Newell. Their son James Newell Bray m Susan Katherine Gatewood, of Kentucky, whos children are: i/illlam Bray, James Bray and Marjorl Bray.

17 1. 5.b.5.3.b.5. Isabel Doak Bray b Mar. 13, 1893 m June 19, 1912

to Charles Franklin Somerville, Jr., b Aug. 25,

1886. Their children: 1. Charles Franklin Somer­

ville b Sept. 22, 1913, 2. Elinor Bray Somerville,

b Dec. 13, 1916 in Charleston, West Virginia.

6. Virginia Nance Bray b May 27, 1900 3 Nov. 28,1956

m Nov 1921 to Herbert Robert Coleman. Their dau

Barbara Bray Coleman b July 22, 1923 m Grant Wil­

cox. Issue: Roger Bray Wilcox. Barbara Bray Cole­

man Wilcox m 2nd Morton Kllgerman by whom she had a

son Thomas Kligerman.

1. 5.b.5.3.c. Rosa Doak Steele dau of Isaac and Elizabeth Hawpe

Steele was a twin sister of Virginia Hawpe Steele.

She m John Baldwin Burwell. Their children: Julia

Burwell , Virginia Burwell, and Baldwin Burwell. 1. 5-b.5.4. William Steele (S)

5. Robert Steele m Susan Steele dau of William and Diana

Hider Steele.

6. David Steele (S)

7. Thompson Steele (S)

1.5.b.5.8. John Anderson Steele b Jan.22, 1845 ln Rockingham Co.,

Va. d I895 m 1st Feb. 13, 1868 Mary Rosa Arnold b Feb.

14, I850 in Albemarle County, Va. dau of Cornelius and

Mary Garland Arnold d Feb. 7, I875. Issue:

1. Walter Hamilton Steele b Mar. 22, I869 d Oct. 19,

1912 m Feb. 22, I899 to Ma ry Alsebeth Bartley b

b Jan. 30, I875 d Feb. 6, 1930. Issue:

18 a. Mary Elizabeth b Oct.5. 1900 m Feb. 25, 1920 to Hugh Malcolm Vess„They have one child, and live in Roanoke, Virginia. *b. Annie Viola Steele b July 19, 1902 m Sept. 21, s *^o O T3O 1927 to Charles Gordon Gibson. (Covington, Va.) ^c. Louise Hamilton Steele b Oct. 7, 1904 d June 9, ^9 S * ^3 ^ o I I o 3 1956 m sePtemDer 171 ^930 to Albert E. Moran. oar cssi c\ 3 1.5.b.5.8.1.d. Walter Garland Steele b Jan. 15, 1908 m July 7 1931 to Pauline Rose b Sept. 23, 1910. Issue:

1. Garland Ronald Steele b Nov. 11, 1932 d Mar.

15, 1933. 2. Sylvia Carol Steele b Nov. 13, 1933, m July 2, 1955 to James Craig Echols, b Sept. 13, 1933. Their children: a. Jeffrey Alan Echols b Nov. 5, 1956. b. Glenn David Echols b Apr. 12, 1958. c. Carol Elizabeth Echols b July 14, 1959- d. Sara Beth Echols b Apr. 24, I969. 3. 'Walter Garland Steele, II, b May 3, 1941 m Aug. 17, 1963 Carolyn Ann Griffith, b Nov. 8, 1942. Issue: Amanda Rose Steele, b s July 6, 1967 and Walter Garland, III, b Apr. t 22, 1969. ^ j * 4. Rosemary Ann Steele b Sept. 24, 1945 m Nov. ACT 26, 1966 to Michael R. Kassner. 1.5.b.5.8.e. Virginia Frances Steele b Oct. 3, 1910 m Nov. 15, 1930 to Everett Russell Shlfflett b Apr. 26, 1911. They live in Roanoke,Virginia. Have three children. 19 1.5.b.5.8.2. Viola Gertrude Steele dau of John Anderson and Mary R. Arnold Steele, was b July 15, 1874 d May 14, 1944 m Arnold Albert Markley. There were twelve children. 3. Arthur John Lee Steele b July 15, 1874 d Apr. 12, 1921 m Henryetta Virginia Hartman. There were seven children. John Anderson Steele m 2nd,Alice Llskey by whom he had seven children: 1. Nellie Steele, 2. Bessie Steele, 3. Flor­ ence Steele, 4. Jessie Steele, 5. Edward Steele, 6 Charles Steele, 7, Leila Steele. Children of David and Mary Hlder Steele, cont. 1.5.b.5.9« Mary Steele 10. Fannie Steele 11. Elizabeth Steele Issue of James and Margaret Parks Steele, cont. 1.5.b.6. William Steele b Nov. 24, 1791 d Mar. 18, 1855 m June 17, 1827 to Diana Hlder b Mar. 17, 1808 d May 11,1847, * dau of Isaac Hider b Mar. 30, 1776 and Nancy Troutwine, sis-' ^ o 13 b 0ot" 8' Issue: I.5.D.6.I. Caroline Elizabeth Steele b Sept. 10, 1829 d Dec.23, 1909 m to George Elliott, Oct. 6, 1851. 2. Isaac Hlder Steele b Oct. 14, 1831 d Apr. 7, 1900. Isaac Steele fought ln the Civil War ln Gen. Early's Brigade. He was captured in Waynesboro and held at Ft. Delaware until June 5, 1865- He m 1st, Dec. 28, 1853 Christina A. Carson b 1831 d Aug. 16, 1873 by whom he had seven children. He m 2nd, Feb. 24,1881 Sally Helzer b 1834 a Nov. 2, 1906. No Issue. Children of Isaac and Christina Carson Steele: 1.5.b.6.2.a. Louisa Ellen Steele b Dec. 23, 1857 4 Mar.3, 1934 m Henry Apple. b. Stuart Franklin Steele b Oct. 1, I858 A Apr.16,1919- c. Mallnda Steele A. Samuel William Steele b Dec. 8, i860 d Nov. 23 1919 m Feb. 19, I885 to Ada Lee Arnold b June 30, 1863 d Aug. 27, 1910. Issue: 1.5,b.6.2.d .1. Homer Constant Steele b Jan. 23, 1886 d Nov. 22, 1956 m Belle Thompson. Issue: Dorothy Steele. 2. Lola Garland Steele b Nov. 23, I887 d Jan. 19,1965 m Edward Qulsenberry. Issue Kathleen Steele Qulsen- berry b Nov. 19, 1910, and Marvin Edward Qulsenberry b Aug. 20, 1914. 3. -Mabel Lee Steele b Sept. 19, I889 m July 3, 1922 to Robert Reid Agnor b Sept. 24, I895 d Apr. 15, I957. Issue: 1. Robert Reid Agnor, Jr., b June 1, 1924 m Helen June Shrlver. Issue: a. Robert Reid Agnor, III, b Oct. 19, 1949. b. David Shrlver Agnor b Jan. 21, 1953 c. Mary Megan Agnor b Mar. 29, 1962. 2. Phlllls 'White Agnor b Dec. 19, 1927, m Robert E. Burrlss. Issue: a. Andrew Robert Burrls b Feb. 13, 1950, b. Mary Katherine (Kay) Burrlss b Dec. 9,1853, c. Reid Agnor Burrlss b July 11, 1956, d. Samuel Steele Burrlss b Nov. 19, 1958.

21 Children of Samuel William and Ada Lee Arnold Steele,cont. 1.5.b.6.2.d.4. Marian Steele b Mar. 10, 1892. (S) 5. Ethel R. Carson Steele b June 12, 1894 m Omer Dice Masters. Issue: Omer Dice Masters, Jr. b July 25,1921 6. Harry Finley Steele b Aug. 4, 1896 d June 29, 1897- 7. Jessie Hamilton Steele b July 31, 1899 m Joseph W. Shoemaker. J -3 8. Willa Alma Steele b Sept. 5, 1901 m Robert Lee Jar- 3a 1» i1 ~J ao- 5j anrettd Bett. Issuey Carrol: Edwil nJarret Allent Jarretb Oct. t 12b , NovI928. 10. , 1925 1.5.b.6.2.d.9. Hazel Marie Steele b Jan. 10, 1904 m John Edgar Taylor. Issue: a. John Edgar Taylor, Jr., b Jan 25, 1928. b. Patricia Eldon Taylor b Jan. 17, 1930. c. William Steele Taylor b June 17, 1931. d. Jean Marie Taylor b Jan. 20, 1933- e. Joan Sanford Taylor b Aug. 4, 1934 f. David Conrad Taylor b Nov. 11, 1945. 1.5.b.6.2.d.10. Conrad Samuel Steele b Feb. 29, I908 d July 13, I968 m Elsie Ewlng. No issue. Children of Isaac Hider and Christina Carson Steele,cont 1.5.b.6.2.e. Letitia Steele (S) f. Hider Steele m Molly Vines * g. John Steele died young. Children of William and Diana Hider Steele, cont. l'5.b.6.3. Susan Steele b Mar. 3, 1834 d Dec. 25, I859 m Apr. 6, I858 Robert Steele, son of David and Mary Hlder Steele. Issue: Mary M. steele.

22 4. Robert Steele b Nov. 7, 1836 a July 18, 1863- He served ln the Civil War, Augusta County, Company E. 5th Virginia Infantry. He was killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 5. James Steele b Feb. 12, 1838 d Jan. 31, 1890. He was ln the Civil War, Company E, 5th Virginia Infantry. He was struck three times by spent bullets. He entered service ln 1861 and served honorably throughout the entire war. He was captured at Spotsylvania Court­ house and held a prisoner for thirteen months at Ft. Delaware. He lived ln Greenville, Virginia. After the war he had a restaurant ln Greenville, Va., and * was in the lumber and threshing business. 8-0 J 3 6. Amanda Steele b Mar. 5, 1841 d Aug. 24, I87I. 1.5-b.6.7. William H. Steele b May 5, 1843 d Oct. 26, 1915 m May 26, 1868 to Cornelia Webb Arnold b Dec. 22, 1845 d Aug. 23, 1924 dau of Cornelius and Mary Garland Arnold of Albemarle County, Va. They lived two miles south west ^ of Greenville, Virginia. Issue: *; 8 Sl. Mary Ida Steele b Feb. 16, 1869 m Gus Houser. They •3 8 « j3 «j §"o833 lived near Raphlne, Virginia. No issue. a v c\ a a 1.5.b.6.7-2. Joseph Douglas Steele b Sept. 11, 1870 m Katie Sea. Issue: Gladys Steele and Erwin Steele. 3. Florence Oleana Steele b Mar. 26, I872 m Oct. 12, 1897 William Echard b Apr. 8, 1874 a Sept. 16, 1956. Florence O.Steele d Sept. 16, 1956.

23 Issue of William and Florence 0. Steele Echard: a. Minnie Alberta Echard b Dec. 9, I898 m June 23,1935 Claude Franklin Flower b Apr. 12, 1900. Issue: 1. Virginia Anne Flower b Apr. 27, I939. b. William Franklin Echard b Apr. 9, 1901 d Jan.16,1957. c. Mary Cornelia Echard b Apr. 8, I902 m June 30, I949 Howard Guilford Malcolm b ca I890 d July 16, 1970. 1.5.b.6.7.4. Wilbert Minor Steele b May 18, 1874 m Ann Qulsenberry. Their son, Reid Steele, m Reba Keys. (Roanoke, Va.) 5. Lewis Edwin Steele b June 17, I876 d Jan 13, I937 m Eileen S. O'Brien b Mar. 15,1894 d July 7, 1970. 6. Ernest Hamilton Steele b Apr.13,1878 m Mary Lynn. Issue: Mary Steele . 7. James William Franklin Steele b May 5, 1880 m Gertrude

v SS Eakin. Issue.: Julia Steele and Madoline Steele. «rS^ 33 8' Roberta (Birdie) Lee Steele b May 4, 1882 m Jim Morris. 1.5.b.6.7.9. Carrie Bell Steele b May 26, 1884 m Dr. George Baker. 10 Nellie Blanch Steele b Nov. 15, 1886 d Aug. I969. (S) 11. Lillian Alice Steele b Aug. 30, I889 d Feb.2,1970.(S) Children of William and Diana Hider Steele, cont. 1.5.b.6.8. Nancy Troutwine Steele b May 10, 1845 d Feb. 3, 1885

v m James Yates. •3 S 3 31 j Children of James and Margaret Parks Steele, cont. « Sir cs 1.5.b.7. Samuel Steele b June 24, 1795 d 1841. (S) He lived in Augusta County, Virginia. 8. Mary Steele b May 29, 1798 d after 1836 m William Westcott. They lived ln Indiana. 24 Babecca Steele b Feb. 18, 1801 m Mar.22, 1837 to John Elliott. 10. Agnes "Nancy" Steele b Sept. 15, 1806 a Mar. 15, 1882 m 1st, a McClure. She m 2nd, Mar. 15, 1832 Samuel Houser b Sept. 28, 1804. Their son James W. Houser b 1862 d ca 1935 m 1884 Clara Alice Young b 1866 d 1909. James and Clara A. Young HouBer had eleven children. 1.5.b.ll.Margaret "Peggy" Steele b Dec. 20, 1808 d 1848 m May 28, 1829 to Peter Houser.

While I had the Steele records I copied the following names from the Steele Bible: The Hlder Family of Hardy Co. W .Va.

Isaac Hider b Mar. 30, 1776 m Nancy Troutwine, Oct. 8, 1799 Issue 1. Elizabeth Hlder b Dec. 22, 1800. 2. Mary Hider b Dec. 22, 1801. 3. Nancy Hlder b Dec. 30, 1803. 4. Catherine Hider b Mar. 21, 1806. 5. Diana Hlder b Mar. 17,1808. 6. Christina Hlder b Jan 28, 1810. 7. Frederick Hlder b Nov. 30, 1811. 8. Isaac Hider b Feb. 17, 1814. 9. Thompson Hlder b Jan. 5, 1816. 10. Amanda Hlder b Dec. 17, 1817. 11. Lucretia Hider b Jan. 27, 1820 12. Jane Hider b Apr. 12, 1822. Mary Hides #2 above,m David Steele in 1820. The following Item Is from the Staunton Spectator, dated Thursday Oct. 1, 1846: Died at Harrisonburg the 23 ultimate, David Steele, aged 56 years, a former native of Augusta County, a practicing lawer in Harrison­ burg for 35 years. Left a wife and 11 children. This Item also appeared in the Spectator Thursday January 21,1847: Died V/ednesday, the 13th instant in Harrisonburg, Mrs. Mary Steele consort of David Steele deceased.

25 Children of Robert and Elizabeth Steele, cont. 1.5.0. John Steele b ca 1754 d ca 1795 m Elizabeth Burk. They had a son, John Steele. Elizabeth m 2nd, "I-I Feb. 2, 1798 to John Kartln. 1.5.d. David Steele b ca 1756 d ca 18A0 m ca 1778 Mary (Polly) Moore. They operated a tavern ln Midway, Virginia, accommodating the few travelers who passed that way. It was here that Captain James Tate's men assembled in February 1781 before going to fight the British ln the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, March 15, 1781. Captain Tate lost his life In that battle and many more of his men who assembled ln Midway never returned from that battle. David Steele served as a wagon master ln that battle. He was wounded fifteen times by British sabres and left on the battlefield supposedly dead.

At night he crawled off the field and made his way tack to his comrades. Those who saw him said they never expected he would ever recover. His two most severe wounds were a shoulder wound, which gave him trouble for the rest of his life and a wound above his left eye. His skull bone had been cut through and the severed bone was hanging Just by the skin. That piece of bone was removed and a silver plate was put in its place and worn by him for the rest of his life. He lived to be eighty-four. He kept

this piece of bone, which is elliptical ln shape and 26 about the size of a silver dollar, to show his friends, saying it was the only medal he had to show. It is preserved to this day by his family. It is said David Steele had sandy- red, curly hair by which he was able to conceal much of his d isfigurement. He was m ca 1778 d ca 1840 m Mary (Polly) Moore b ca 1758 d 1834, dau of Captain David Moore b 1720 d 1783, qualified as captain of the militia, Nov. 21, 1759 m ca 1743 Mary Evans b ca 1720 d 1796. Captain David Moore was the son of Andrew Moore b ln Scotland about 1675 d in Virginia in 1748 m Isabel Baxter b ca 1680 d ca I76O. David and Mary Moore Steele lived in Midway (later Steeles Tavern,) Va. After his return from the Battle of Guilford Courthouse to Midway, besides running the tavern and operating a flour mill which his father had started on Halfway Creek, he also made walnut rifle stocks and some pieces of furniture. Issue of David and Mary Moore Steele: 5.d.l. Janet (Jennie) Steele b ca 1779 d 1843 m Jan. 21, 1796 George Elliott McCormick b 1771 d Apr. 25, 1849, son of Robert McCor- u mlck and Martha Sanderson. George and Janet McCormick moved -« 3 -a «1 1 j to Henderson County, Kentucky ca 18C1. Issue: 1.5.d.l.a. Robert McCormick b 1798 d 1842. b. Hugh McCormick b 1803 d 1835. c. Mary McCormick b 1804 d I858 d. Milton McCormick b 1807 d I869 m 1848 to Susan Warren. Their dau, Glendora M, McCormick m Nathaniel G. Stanley. Issue: Alice McCormick Stanley who m a Mr. Robertson.

27 Children of Janet Steele and George E. McCormick, cont. e. Elizabeth McCormick b 1812 d 1859. f. John Steele McCormick b 1815 d 1900 m ca I850 Martha Elam. Issue: 1.5.d.l.f.1. Nancy (Nannie) Dupree McCormick b 1854 m I874 Julius Archer Coleman b I850. Issue:

a. Anne Archer Coleman m Melville Clark Chatten. They1 -n ••j lived ln Evanston, 111., at one time.

Note: John Steele McCormick visited his Steele relatives In Steeles Tavern in I838. In a letter to his mother he says "Grandmother has been dead four years. Grandfather is living and is well."

28 5.a.2. Mary (Polly) Steele b oa 1789, went to school in Lex­ ington, Va., to Edward Graham. She m in 1813, Robert Steele of Rockbridge Co. Robert and his brother, William Steele, had a store ln Lexington ln 1814, licensed to sell merchandise, other than spirits and wine. Later they had a thriving business in Greenville, Va. Issue of Robert and Polly (Steele) Steele: a. Jane (Jennie) Steele b ca 1814 d I858 m Dec. 6, 1834 to Hugh Weir, a physician, b ca 1815 d 1881. Moved to Carroll Co., Mississippi. Issue: 1. Ophelia Weir m Samuel T. Lockhart, 2. Robert S. Weir b ca 1845, fought in the Civil War, and lived in Valden, Miss. 3. William Weir b ca 1848, was a merchant in Texas ln I89I, 4. Rush C. Weir b ca 1849, Valden, Miss. b. Mary Moore Steele b ca 1817 m J.M. Wilson ca 1836. They lived ln Texas. Mary (Polly) Steele (#5.3.2. above) d in 1821. Her husband, Robert Steele, was married three times. His other families are listed under Thomas Steele, youngest son of "lis .S & .S David and Janet Steele. CT of « 1.5.d.3. John David Steele, Jr., always signed his name John Steele Jr., was b 1787 d Jan. 27, 1864. He studied law in Freder lcksburg and ln Staunton under John Coalter. He never practiced his profession. He was the only son and his parents persuaded him to stay near them in Midway, Va. He was appointed Deputy Marshall of Augusta County, Jan. 7, 1819 and was appointed the first postmaster of Steeles Tavern, Dec. 9, 1825, a post whioh he held until July 13, 29 1851. At one time he ana his father owned much of the farm land around Steeles Tavern. The local name, and one that Is much older than Steeles Tavern, Is Midway. Midway was Important because there was no Raphlne, Spottswood or Vesuvius before the coming of the railroads ln ca 1884. 1.5-d.3. John Steele, Jr., b 1787 m Oot.15, 18-15, Elizabeth Harris Moon of Albemarle County, b June 2, 1796 d Jan. 16, 1854 « the dau of William and Charlotte Dlgges Moon. (See section ^ on the Moon Family.) John and Eliza Moon are burled ln the ^ $ old cemetery, close to Mt. Carmel Church In Steeles Tavern, al al Issue of John and Eliza Moon Steele:

1.5.d.3.a. Charlotte Dlgges Steele b July 2, 1817 d Apr.16,1888 m July 21, 1836 Judge James R. Davis. They lived in Mar­ shall, Saline Co., Missouri. Issue: 1. Jake Davis who had three children: Mamie Davis, Nellie Davis and Burnie Davis. 2. John Davis had five children: Orie Davis, Lonnie Davis, Sallie Davis, Lottie Davis and Lewis Davis. 3. Sallie Davis m Dr. Walker. Their eight children are: Tlmmie Walker, Charles Walker, Maggie Walker, Mary Walker, Lottie Walker, Nellie Walker, Lettie Walker and Sallie Walker. 4. William Davis had two children: Walter Davis and Harry Davis. 5. Mamie Davis Lewis had four children: Maud Lewis, Sallie Lewis, Rose Lewis and Ellen Lewis 6. Thomas Davis.

30 1.5.d.3.b. David Steele (my grandfather) b Mar. 17. 1819 i Mar.3, 1889 m Jan. 16, 1869 Molly Elizabeth F. Smith b Apr.30, 1845 d Mar. 18,1912, dau of Oliver Perry and Margaret Massle Smith, who moved from Washington, Rappahannock Co. ln 1859 to a farm about two miles S.W. of Steeles Tavern. In spite of the difference ln their ages, David and Molly Steele seemed to have been a happy couple. They had five children. But before the eldest child was twelve, diphtheria struck, taking three of their beautiful children in a very short time. Those

v who died were: Margaret Moon Steele, Ralph Steele and •3 la *3 s 1"! e~o « 3 John David Steele. The two children who survived: Irene Perry Steele (my mother) b Nov. 10, 1871 d May 5, 1936 m Nov. 27, 1889 to Walter Searson of Tallington, England, b Jan. 4, 1857 d May 25, 1929- He came to America in 1884 and found work near Chicago. In 1886, he was engaged by Mr. Leander McCormick to come to Virginia to manage Walnut Grove Farm, the homeplace of the McCormick family at the time the reaper was Invented. Walter Searson managed Walnut Grove Farm until 1919, (33 years.) When he retired, the management was given over to his son, John Rush Searson, who was there for 30 years. Walter Searson also managed the farm and mill his wife, Irene, Inherited from her father, David Steele.

31 Children of Walter and Irene Steele Searson: 1.5.d .3.I3.A .1. John Rush Searson b Oct. 10, I89I d Feb.22,1973 m Jan.2, 1922 Kathleen Arnold b Mar.10,1898, dau of Ruell and Fanny Collins Arnold of Michigan. Their children: a. John Rush Searson, Jr., died an Infant b. Ruell Arnold Searson b Apr. 9, I925 m Aug. 14, 1948 Jean Patricia Scallan b Mar.17, 1925, dau of James and Eda Scallan. Arnold and Jean Scallan Searson are the parents of three children: Patricia Ann Searson, b Mar.20, 1952, Ruell Arnold Searson, Jr., b Oct. 26, 1956 and John Rush SearBon.II, b Aug. 30, 1958. o. Walter Jerome Searson b Feb. 2, 1927 m Jan. 5, 1952 Carol Smith b June 6, 1930, dau of Carlton ana Nancy Smith. Issue: Nancy Kathleen Searson b

3 1^3 e 4 § AU6' 3°' 1954 m De°* 21,1973 Mlohael Bowmer.III, JsfJS. 14 Carol Lynn Searson b July 30, 1957. 1.5-d.3.b.A.2. Walter Calvert Searson b Sept. 20, I893 d Feb.14, 1970.(He served ln France in World War I.) m Elvira Brooks McClure b Oct. 9, 1898, dau of John Flnley and Annie Poague Willson McClure and granddau of George W. and Margaret Flnley Humphreys McClure and John Edgar and Elvira Ann Brooks Willson. Walter Calvert and Elvira McClure Searson, parents of: 1. Cal Brooks Searson b Mar. 13, 1923 m June 30, 1967 Lillian Clair. No issue.

32 2. Ann Flnley Searson b May 30, 1924 m Franklin D. Davis of Llnvllle, Va. They have two children: Walter Dennis Davis b May 18, 1952 and Judy Keturah Davis b Feb. 23, 1957. 3. George Tilden Searson b Aug. 25, 1927. (S) 5.d.3.b.A.3. Mary Fairchild Searson b Nov. 13, I895 m 1st June 21, 1917 Vivien Nlnlnger b Oct. 18, 1894 by whom she had a dau Dorothy Fairchild Nlnlnger b July 21, 1918. Dorothy m 1st, Hunton Downs. They had a dau Katherine Tyler Downs b Dec. 8, 1943. Dorothy Nlnlnger Downs m 2nd, Warren Lane by whom she had a son, Robert Lane b Apr. 13, 1956. Dorothy m 3rd Philip Grogan, Nov. 25, 1966. No Issue, -a *i ^ - ^ Mary Fairchild Searson Nlnlnger m 2nd, Oct. 25,

33 of Charles and Hulda Weiss Goeller. Issue: Leo F. (Lee) Goeller, Jr., b Aug. 14, I925 m July 16, 1955, Nancy Rubright dau of Effinger J. and Emily Rubrlght of Cranford, N.J. Lee and Nancy Rubright Goeller have two sons: Lawrence Nelson Goeller b Aug. 21, 1957 and James Douglas Goeller b Deo.14, •3 -»aj i-3 - cS a^3 «Sl 1959incn ' a o a o a r ci ITS CI 1.5.d.3.bJV.6. Harold M. Searson b May 23, 1901 d 1918. (S) 7. Charles Douglas Searson b Sept. 20,1903 d Aug. 28, I960 m Molly Mosby Knight. They had one child, Shirley Louise Searson b Jan. 7, 1932. Shirley Searson owns and operates Merridale Kindergarten ln Charlottesville, Va. The other surviving child of David and Molly Smith Steele was B. Charles Frank Steele b May 24, I879 d Dec. 26, 1944 m May 24, I899 Nellie Grace He3s b May 10, I878 d

v Feb. 27, 1953 dau of Edward W. and Christina McCor- a~l a "o » S mlck Hess of Steeles Tavern, Va. Issue: C) 5iT O CS CI t*i David Steele b Apr. 10, 1900 m Feb. 19, 1927, Jes6le Maria Chlttum dau of Charles N. Chittum b Sept. 2, 1866 d May 14, I956 and Mary Elizabeth Fauber Chit­ tum d Mar. 29, 1945. David and Jessie Chlttum Steele had three children: 1. David Steele b Oct. 1, I927 m Mar. 29, I947 Fronda Mae Day, dau of Percy S. and Henrietta Sweet Day. 2. Harold McClung Steele b May 30, I929 m Jan.28,1948 Faye Fitzgerald, dau of Chester and Gladys Myrtle 34 Fltzgerala. Issue: 1. Linda Faye Steele b Feb. 6, 1949 m June 6, 1968 Dennis Wayne John­ son. They live ln Colorado Springs, Colorado, and have a dau Stephanie Jane Johnson b June 21, 1970. 2. Alicia June Steele b June 18, 1951. 3. Lou Ann Steele b Jan.27, 1956. 4. Shirley Ellen Steele b Feb. 4, i960. Ralph Edward Steele b Mar. 22, 1933 m May 8, 1954 to Lorlene McCurdy, dau of Fred and Una Swisher McCurdy. Issue: 1. Kathy Dianne Steele b Aug. 26, 1954. 2. Edward Alan Steele b Aug. 22, 1956. 3. Susan Lynn Steele b June 8, 1958. 4. Sherri Dawn Steele b Oct. 23, 1962. 5. Holly Ann Steele b Oct. 1, I966. Blanch Evelyn Steele b Mar. 13, 1902 4 Ma-r-3*1968. m William Kermit McCormick d June 20, I969 son of William Land Cornelia Rosen McCormick. Issue: 1. Franklyn McCormick m Mary Katherine Wood, dau of Albert and Sarah Brltton Wood, Issue: Sarah Franklyn McCormick m Aug. 25, 1973, Donald Keith Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Turner. (Richmond) and Bryant McCormick. 2. Kermit W. (K) McCormick,Jr. m Wanda Bailey Issue: Debra McCormick, Larry McCormick, and Jeffrey McCormick. Anna Virginia Steele b Dec. 27, 1903 d young. Irene Elizabeth Steele b July 23, 1907 m 1st, Marvin Dull. They had a son Richard Dull who m

35 Doris Randolph. Issue: 1. Linda Jo Dull, 2. Sharon Dull, 3- William Robert Dull, 4. Vir­ ginia Ann Dull. Irene Elizabeth Steele Dull m 2nd William Judy. 5. George Edward Steele b Feb. 17, 1910 m May 12, 1931, Madeline Frances Dunsmore, dau of Gilbert and Julia Sutton Dunsmore. Issue: 1 Walter George Steele. 2. Charles Gary Steele m Shelby Huffman. Issue: Gary Steele and Timmy Steele. 6. William Perry Steele m 1st Wllhelmln* Gayheart. Issue: Carolee Virginia Steele m Cecil Breeden. Their children: Sandra Breeden, Jeffrey Breeden, and Michael Breeden. (Live ln California,} William Perry Steele m 2nd Lena Ramsey Harris. No Issue. William Perry Steele was badly wounded ln the 21? 3 "I s 2 Battle of Anzlo ln World War II. «9 sy ci c\, o c*\ Thomas Steele b ca 1915 m Martha Brown dau of Finchley Allen and Minnie Reid Brown. Issue: 1. Patricia Eloise Steele m Bobby Lewis Fox. Issue: Thomas Edward Fox, Pamela Sue Fox and Christopher Fox.2.Charles Steele m Estelle Clark. Issue Michael Charles Steele. 8. John Rush Steele b Feb. 22, 1920 d Nov. 12,1973 m Get. 20, 1947, Lura Myrtls Coffee b Dec. 24, 1922 dau of Hersey and Burgess Ramsey Coffee. Issue: 1.Robert Franklin Steele b June 8, 1948, m Carolyn Beverly, Oct. 16, 1968. 2. Anna Virginia Steele m Aug. 28, 1970, Dale Levi

36 Grimm, son of Lewis Grimm of Mlddlebrook, Virginia. 3. Bonnie Nell Steele b Mar. 25, 1951 m Aug.28, 1970 Harold Eugene Craig, son of Harry L. Craig of Staunton, Virginia .

a"? a "§ Children of John and Eliza Moon Steele, cont. a o William Steele b 1821, d after Mar.11, 1841.. (S) d. Peter G. Steele b 1826 m June 9, 1855, Eliza Meeks b Apr. 9, 1836 d Feb. 14, 1911, dau of John Meeks. Issue: 1. Nannie Austin Steele b Oct. 7, 1857 d Jan. 4, 1862. 2. Frances H. Steele b June 9, 1858 d June 8,1862. 3.Susannah (Susie)Steele b Aug. 26, 1859 d Aug. 11, I898 m James Myrtle. Issue: a. Christobel Myrtle m Will Agnor. They lived in Greenville, Virginia. No issue, b. Florence Myrtle. (S) 4. Jennie McCormick Steele b Jan. 21, 1861 d Aug. 17, 1923 m William Troxell b 1859 d 1936. There were 6 children: a. Edgar Troxell b. Annott Troxell b 1881 d 1942 m Dr. Hunter Williams. (She was his 2nd wife.) c. Christobel Troxell, d. Mae Troxell m a Mr. Bartley and lived near Spottswood, Va. e. Jennie Troxell (S) f. Gladys Troxell. 5. William A. Steele b July 25, 1863 d Apr. 8, 1924. His only child, Maude Steele, d when about 9 years old.

Children of John and Eliza Moon Steele, cont. 1.5.d.3-e. Isaac Steele b 1828. His last letter was written from Ft. Yuma, Arizona, ln 1859.

37 1.5.a.3.f. Mary Morton Steele b May 3, I829 d Mar.10, I889 m Feb. 25, 1851 to William J. Hopkins, b July 18,1818. They Uvea in Midway for a number of years, then moved to the state of Washington. Issue: a. Edward Lee HopkinB b Apr. 15, I852 d July 3, 1853. b. Orie Moon Hopkins b Oct.21, I853 d ca 1935 in Calif. c. Jennie Hopkins b July 3, 1856 d ca 1936 m Mr. Brad- shaw. Issue 1. Warren Bradshaw, 2. Beatrice Bradshaw b Feb. 15, 1885 d Mar. 14, 1967 m Wilbur Woods. Their dau Ellabelle Woods m Dec. 23, 1948 to Ed Ryder. Issue: 1. Trey Ryder, 2. Janice Ryder 3. David Ryder. They live ln Phoenix, Arizona. d. Nellie Crump Hopkins b Nov. 27, 1867 d Dec. 1949, s o m 1st, Edward Huston, m 2nd Mr. Dickhart. No Issue. 1.5.d.3.g. Lucy Brandon Steele b I834 m 1st, Feb. 14, 1854 to Alfred Hamilton, M.D. They lived in the house which later be­ came the Mt. Carmel manse ln Midway, until Dr. Hamilton died. Lucy Steele Hamilton m 2nd, John B. Lavelle, a widower, whose dau Annie m Dr. John C. Hyde. John B. Lavelle and Lucy Steele Hamilton Lavelle lived in Midway for a number of years, later moving to Brownsburg, Va. Lucy d Aug. 16, I896. No issue, h. Annott Lyle Steele b Feb.14, 1832 m Feb. 23, 1854, Henry J. Bland, a Methodist minister. They moved to California ln I857. Issue: 1. Henry Meade Bland b Apr. 21, 1863, received his Ph.D. from the University

38 of Calif, in 1891, and taught in San Jose State College. He was Poet Laureate of Calif, when he a Apr. 30, 1930. He m Annie Mabel Haskel of Bangor, Maine, who d 1928. Dr. Meade and Annie Haskel Bland had a son Henry Horton Bland, and a aau Mildred Bland who m Aloyslus MacConnack, They baa 4 chiiaren whose names I do not know. Annott and Henry Bland also had a aau, Annott Mae Blana b June 5, 1869 m Charles Fletcher Parker b Sept. 12, 1862. Issue: a. Marryotte Fletcher Parker b Jan. 8, I895 had a son Marryotte F. Parker, Jr. b Feb. 13, 1921. b. Jennie C. Parker b Sept. 9, I898. 3 •§ 3 "I 0. Charles Herrlck Parker b Feb. 13, 1903. a v a o> 1.5.d.3.1. Frances "Fannie" Weston Steele b 1836 a Oct. 24, 1877. in Missouri, m a Mr. Swartzel. Their two sons a young. 1.5.d.3.J. Marryotte Steele b Jan. 14, 1840 a Apr. 19, 1906. He was m three times. He m 1st Beatrice A. Loving b 1842 d Nov. 17, 1866. She was born ln Nelson County, Va . and burlea ln Mt. Carmel Cemetery.Steeles Tavern, Va. Marryotte and Beatrice Loving Steele baa a son Eugene Hansfora Steele b Nov. 1866 d June 28, 1933, m May 13, 1896 to Lorena E. Holbert, dau of William ana Margaret E. Holbert. Hansford ana Lorena Holbert Steele baa nine children. Marryotte Steele m 2nd, Sarah A. Wilson, 0ct.31.1867 by whom he haa a dau Elizabeth "Lizzie" Steele who 39 m a Mr. Crawford. They lived in Roanoke, Virginia. Their dau, Evelyn Crawford, was an accomplished musician. Marryotte Steele m 3rd, Mary C. Fauver, Oct.19, I876. There were no children by this marriage. Marryotte and his third wife built a new house on the corner lot where William J. Hopkins and Mary Steele lived until the Civil War. He operated the combination flour and older mill and opened his home as a tavern ln the 1880s. He also ran the store on the corner of that lot. John and Eliza Moon Steele had two other sons, Richard Steele and John D. Steele. They were teen age boys who went to Burton, Alabama, with D.A. Steele, a cousin of their father. D.A. Steele came to Virginia to buy slaves and took the boys back with him.I have letters the boys wrote to their brother, David, ln 1837 wanting him and their sister, Charlotte,to write to them. These boys were probably born between 1819 and 1826. I have no other record of them. Children of Robert and Mary Steele. Elizabeth Steele, thought to be Elizabeth Wendell Steele died at ^ the age of 25. So she must have died ca 1758. Robert m 2nd, s° Mary, last name unknown, by whom he had three daughters. 5.e. Eleanor Steele b ca 1765 d after 1833 m Sept 29, 1790 to John Allen. b.f. Martha Steele b ca 1770 d after I833 m Apr. 19, 1791,Thomas Paxton. Issue : 1. Martha Paxton m Samuel Smiley. 2. Jane Paxton m JameB Morehead ca 1820

40 3. John S. Paxton m Margaret Steele of Monroe County, Va. 4. William Paxton m oa 1820 Isabella Klrkpatrlck. 5. Thomas Paxton b 1801 d 1885 m Polly Edley. 6. Samuel Paxton m ca 1825 Nancy McCorkle. 7. Phoebe Paxton m James Newton . <. 8. Alexander Paxton m 1836 to Nancy W. Switcher. §-§ 9. David Paxton m Jane Paxton. a or 1.5.g. Mary Steele b ca 1775 d Nov. 23, 1806 m Feb. 3, 1801 to William McCormick b Apr. 1776 d Apr. 17, 1837, son of Robert McCormick b 1737 d 1818 and Martha Sanderson McCormick. William and Mary Steele McCormick had a son, Robert McCormick who m Mar. 4, 1824, Sarah (Sally) Steele b Sept.4, 1804 d Sept. 1881, dau of Nathaniel Steele, Jr. and Jean McCulland. 1.6. Rebecca Steele b ca 1736. After the death of her father, David Steele, ln 1747, Rebecca chose Nathaniel Steele, her brother, to be her guardian, and made her home with him. 1.7. Jannet Steele b ca 1740. 1.8. Thomas Steele b July 3, 1747 d July 4, 1799 m Jane (Moore?) who d Jan.2, 1826 at the age of 76. They are burled ln the 4 old cemetery of Old Providence Church, near Spottswood, Va. a-e Issue: I.8.&. Jane "Jennie Moore" Steele, l.b.b. Rebecca Steele c. Sarah "Sally" Steele Al 8.d. Robert Steele b ca 1787 a ca 1855 In Missouri. This Is, as far as I can ascertain, the Robert Steele of Rockbridge who m 1st, Mary (Polly) Steele, dau of David and Mary Moore Steele of Midway, in 1813. Issue; 8.d.l. Jane Steele b ca 1814 d I858 m Dec. 6, 1834 by Rev. Jaaes Steele, of Staunton, Va. to Hugh Weir, a physician, b ca 1815 d 1881. They moved to Carroll County, Mississippi. Issue: 8.d.l.a. Ophelia Weir m Samuel T. Lockhart. b. Robert S. Weir b ca 1845. He lived ln Valden, Mississ­ ippi, and was a soldier ln the Civil War. e. Rush C. Weir b ca 1849. (Valden, Mississippi.) S1 d. William Weir b ca 1848. He was a merchant ln Texas ln 1851. 1-8.d.2. Mary Moore Steele the other dau of Robert and Polly Steele b ca 1817 m J.M. Wilson in ca 1836. They were living in Texas in I89I. Polly Steele, dau of David Steele and wife of Robert Steele d ln 1821. Robert Steele m 2nd ln 1823 Elizabeth Johnston. Their dau, Elizabeth Johnston Steele m Oct. 3, 1844 Robert Hutches on. Issue: 1. Mattie Hutches on m William Buchanan. 2. Sue Hutches on 3. Eliza Hutches on m Robert Buchanan. 4. Jessie Hutcheson m George Bear. 5. William T. Hutcheson m Apr. 26, 1900 to Mary Steele Stuart. Issue:

42 Issue of William T. Hutcheson and Mary Steele Stuart: a. Mary Stuart Hutcheson m Ralph Toms Dalton. Issue? 1. Ralph Toms Dalton, Jr., an attorney ln Waynesboro, Virginia. 2. Elizabeth Stuart Dalton who Is married and lives ln C olumbus , Ind lana . Robert Steele m 3rd Martha Ann Davis, widow of Dr. Arbuckle. They were m June 9, 1829, moving to Missouri ca 1836. Issue: 1. William Steele 2. Martha (Mattie) Steele 3. Rosa Steele 4. Annie Steele According to letters I have, Rosa, William and Mattie Steele stopped by for a month or so, to visit their uncle, Judge James R. Davis, brother of Martha Ann Davis Arbuckle Steele, who lived in Marshall, Saline County, Missouri. They were mov ing, by covered wagon,from Missouri to Texas. Judge Davis was married to the eldest dau. of John Steele,Jr. of Midway, Char- „ S lotte Steele Davis. See children of John Steele,Jr. •3 * 3 o Children of Thomas and Jane Steele, cont. 1.8.e. William Steele. (He was in business with Robert Steele ln Lexington, Va. according to a license I have dated 1814.) The two brothers were partners ln business in Greenville,Va. a few years later. William Steele d ca 1820. After William Steele died, Robert had a partnership with James Steele. 1.8.f. James Smith Steele 1.8.g. Catherine Steele b ca 1785 m Apr. 10,1807 to Thomas Jackson. Issue: 1. Thomas T. Jackson, 2. William S. Jackson, 3. Susa J. Jackson, 4. Robert S. Jackson, 5. Mary L. Jackson 43 Will of David Steel Died ln 17*7

In the name of God Amen, I David Steel of the county of Augusta ln the colony of Virginia, farmer, being sick and weak ln body but In perfect mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God. Calling to mind the mortality of my body, Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make this my last will and ln manner and form following that Is to say principally I recommend my soul to Almighty God who gave It and my body I com­ mit to the dust to be buried ln a Christian like and decent manner at the descretlon of my (bountons?) and touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to help me wlthall I give and bequeath as forthwith. Imprlmus I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Robert my plantation and I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife my young sorrel mare two years old and order her to live on the plantation and be maintained on it during her widowhood and if she marry I order her and her husband to be on the place,providedthey do not abuse it, till my son be fit to use it. I also give and bequeath to my son Nathaniel my young sorrel mare and one half of my Iron tools except the plough iron and plough tackel and my hand saw and a bedding of clothes. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Teas and Isabella McClure five shillings current money each. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca a cow and a mare.

44 Item I give ana bequeath to my son Robert a cow ana a mare. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Jannet a cow and a mare. Item I order all my Just debts to be paid by my wife and son Nathaniel and I order my wife to be guardian of the children and have charge of their education and I allow her what other effects belonging to me and not yet bequeathed, for the maintalnance of and education of the young children. Lastly I constitute and appoint Sam Doak and Robert Ramsey execu­ tors of this my last will and testament and appoint them to the oversight of the charge of my children and do hereby revoke, dis­ annul, and make void all other former wills, legacies, and (?) by me ln any wise formerly made or done, ratifying, approving, confirm­ ing, and allowing this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this four­ teenth day of September ln the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and forty-seven. In the presence of William W. Steel George Breckenridge David Steel Robert Alexander


Andrew Steele, son of Sir Richard Steele, was born ln Wales about 1706, and died ln Augusta County, Virginia ln 1764. He was married about 1726. It Is thought his wife was a Moore. They came to Virginia, by way of Pennsylvania and settled ln Augusta County, Virginia. He was a member of New Providence Church and owned about 450 acres on Joseph Kennedy's Mill Creek, which Is situated not far from the church. In 1757 he gave his son, Samuel, 240 acres of land. His will makes no mention of his wife. So her name Is not known. Issue: 1. Robert Steele who was probably the father of Margaret Steele who married John Moore, March 20, 1787- They were married by the Reverend John Brown. 2. Samuel Steele b ca 1730 d ca 1799 m Mary. Issue: a. James Steele (Lived ln Indiana.) b. Capt. Samuel Steele, Jr., d June 8, 1837 near Way­ nesboro, Va . c. Robert Steele who was living in Franklin, Woodford County, Kentucky ln 1825 according to letters he wrote Robert Steele of Greenville, Virginia. d. Mary (Molly) Steele m William Hunter. Mary died ca 1824, leaving half of her estate ln Virginia to her sister, Jane, wife of Peter Alexander. e. Jane (Jennie) Steele m Peter Alexander Mar.27,1787. They moved to Woodford County, Kentucky and were living there in 1825 according to letters to Robert Steel© of Greenville, Virginia, ln 1825. Their eon 'was David Alexander. f. Catherine Steele m John Thompson,Dec. 10,1787- g. Sarah (Sally) Steele m David Wilson May 17, 1791. h. William Steele d Oct. 25, 1826. William Is not mentioned ln the will, hut from letters I have I know he Is a brother of the other children mentioned. (Also see Bk. 381, p. 233 Sale of Land Aug. 23, 1813,Augusta Co.) 3. Alexander Moore (I suppose these three are sons-in-law of ( 4. James Wardlaw (Andrew Steele. 5. John Fulton m Mary Steele? 6. Sarah Steele (S) 7. Elizabeth Steele b 1728 d ca 1791 m ca 1744 to John A. McClure b 1717 d ca 1798. Issue: a. Ann McClure b Oct. 27, 1745 m George Hutcheson b. Esther McClure b Aug. 6, 1747 d Sept. 18, 1747. o. James McClure b Sept. 24, 1748 d ca 1784 d. Jean McClure b Jan. 6, 1751 d 1837 (S) e. Elizabeth McClure b Aug. 1, 1753 m Deo. 29, 1790 Francis Alexander. | f. Martha McClure b July 31, 1756 m ca 1778 Andrew Alexander,Jr. ^ g. Mary McClure b Nov. 14, 1758 m Thomas McCullough of Tennessee. "5 h. John McClure b March 25, 1761 d Apr. 2, 1761. +*> 1. Margaret McClure b Nov. 21, 1764 m Apr. 7, 1796 to Andrew Henderson. They lived ln Tennessee. * 8. -53 j. Eleanor McClure b Sept. 15, 1769. (S) 7.k. Andrew McClure b July 18, 1767 d Dec. 30, 1847 m Mary Mitchell who d Sept. 1, 1795. Issue: 4 7 7.k.l. James McClure b Nov. 4, 1789 a Apr.11, 1866 m Nov. 28, 1815 to Susan Montgomery b May 17, I79I a March 22, I876. 2. Mary McClure b 1791 m John Hendricks. They lived in Missouri. 3. Elizabeth M. McClure b 1792 d I829. Lived ln Term. Jj 4. Thomas McClure b Aug. 11, 1795 m Phoebe Hendricks b *: Mar. 27, 1798 d Apr. 25, 1828. „li 2 5. John McClure b May 28, 1794 a Apr 26, 1873 m July •3*$ 3 • 2?' 1819 Jane Pllson b June 14, 1797 d Sept. 18, 1882. 5"3 They lived near Old Providence Church, Spottswood, Virginia. Issue: 7.k.5.a. Mary Mltohell McClure b June 12, 1820 d May 10, 1392. b. George Washington McClure b Jan. 1, 1822 d Dec. 11, I89O m Feb. 28, I850 Margaret Flnley Humphreys b Oct. 5, 1829 d Mar. 27, 1870. (Grandparents of Elvira Brooks McClure Searson.) c. Sarah Steele MoClure b Feb. 23, 1824 d Apr. 9, 1873 m Andrew Stuart, son of Archibald and Polly Alexander Stuart. Sarah and Andrew A. Stuart had two children: o.l. John Thompson Stuart c.2. Mary Steele Stuart who m Apr. 26, 1900 William T. Hutcheson, whose parents were Robert and Eliza Johnston Steele Hutcheson m Oct. 3, 1844. Issue of William T. and Mary Steele Stuart Hutcheson Mary Stuart Hutcheson who m June 30, 1928 Ralph Toms Dalton. Issue: Ralph Toms Dalton, Jr. and Elizabeth

48 Stuart Dalton. a. Andrew Wellington McClure b may 19. 1826 d Feb. 12, 1878 m Apr. 5, 1853 Mary Bumgaraner b Aug. 9. 1836 d Oct. 20, 1884. e. James Alexanaer McClure b Oct. 21, 1828 a Mar. 25, 1865 m 1853 Rebecca Humphreys b May 19, 1832 a Sept. 3, 1896. He aied ln the Civil War, leaving two small sons s ^ tjj J e.l. John Howard McClure b June 30, I854 m Mary Stuart . ^ * H McClure. Issue: ! ^e.l.a. Hugh McClure b I889 7.k.5.e.l.b. Eaward Donald McClure b May 3, I89I m Mary Boone Hawpe. •.I.e. Reba Bell McClure b I893 m James Rowan. e.l.a. Mary Alice McClure b Jan. 14, 1901. e.2. Samuel Flnley McClure b Feb. 10, 1858 d June 8, 1944. m Mayme "Mamie" Smith b Jan. 7, 1879 d Oct. 10, 1972. e.2.a. Samuel Flnley McClure, II e. 2.b. Jean Weir McClure. f. John Pllson McClure b Apr. 9, 1831 d Jan.3, 1865 m Feb. ,14, 1856 Mary Tate Wallace. g. Elizabeth McClure b June 5, 1833 d July 23, 1833 h. Matthew Thompson McClure b July 23, 1834 m July 27,1865 Sarah Catherine Bumgaraner.


Samuel Steele, aon of Sir Richard Steele, was born ca 1709 ln Wales, coming to Virginia by way of Pennsyl­ vania. He died ln Augusta County, Virginia, where his will was probated Feb. 16, 1790. His name appears on the early rolls of New Providence Church. He married a Miss Fulton who was said to be the aunt of Robert Fulton, the Inventor. In his will, bequests are made to the following children:

1. Samuel Steele, Jr. b ca 1730 d June 8, 1808 m Nov. 28, 1755 to Sarah Hunter. Issue: l.a. John Steele b ca 1755, was living in Och Parish, Louisiana in Sept, 1820. He was the first Secretary of Mississippi Territory and also served for a short time as the first governor. l.b. Robert Steele I.e. Samuel Steele d by Aug. 16, 1813. l.d. William Steele I.e. Elizabeth Steele m Samuel Grimes, l.f. Polly Steele m William Beard l.g. Margaret Steele m David Buchanan Sept. A, 1788 1. h. Sally Steele b 17?2 m Oct. 16, I79A to William Patters on. 2. Andrew Steele b 1743 d Feb. 13, 1800 m ca 1765 to Mary Ramsey. Children mentioned ln his will: 2.a. Andrew Steele, Jr., m Martha Crawford May 9, 1798 2.b. John Steele m Polly Bush dau of Martin Bush,June

50 2A, 1795. 2.c.James Steele 2.a .Sarah Steele 2,e,Jean Steele 2.f.Mary (Polly) Steele m Oct. 25, 1800 Andrew McClure son of James McClure 3. fergaret Steele A. James Steele b 1738 d June 6, 1802 m Nov. 28, 1765, Sarah Wright b ca 1737 d June 1827 (d at 90 years of age.) This was Lieut. James Steele who marched from Staunton ln 1777 to fight the Indians. Issue: A.a. Andrew S. Steele b Dec. 2, 1766 d Nov. 26, 1832 m Elizabeth Tate b Dec. 28, 1778 d Oct. 17, 1825 m June 18, 1795, dau of Capt. James Tate and Sarah Hall. Issue: Elizabeth Tate Steele. A.b. Capt. Samuel Steele (War of 1812) b Sept.l, 1773 d May 18, I835 m Feb. 1810 Frances (Fannie) Hunter b Apr. 12, I778 d July 25, 185A, dau of Henry and Elizabeth Hunter. Issue: A.b.l. Dr. James H. Steele b 1813 d July 15, 1853- A.b.2. Charles A. Steele b 1819 d Apr. 28, 1837- A.b.3. Andrew A. Steele b May 18, 1822 d Oct. 2A, 1857 A.o.John Steele (S) whose will was proved March 26, 180A, ln which he mentions his mother, Sarah, and his brothers and sisters. A.d.Sarah (Sally) Steele b 1769 d I827. (S)QQQ£N UTAH FAMILY HISTORY CENTER 539 Twenty Fourth Street Ogden, Utah 84401 51 f GENEALOGICAL DEPARTMENT CH"" r-r .-BUS CHRIST 4. e. Martha Steele b Jan. 11, 1771 d Sept. 2, 1855 m Feb. 18, 1801 Daniel Henderson b Mar. 9, 1765 d June 19, 1828, son of Alexander and Jean Henderson of Albemarle County; grandson of Sir Hugh Henderson. 5. Sarah Steele d 1808 6. Mary Steele b oa 1735 m Capt. David Steele b oa 1730 d 1812. David Steele made his will In Jessamine County, Kentucky, Nov. 23, 1812. His wife, Mary, was living. Children mentioned ln his will; 6.a. Thomas Steele m Isabella Hill and raised a family on land settled by his father ln Jessamine County, Ky. 6.b. Nancy Susan Steele m Samuel Lamb of Indiana. 6.c. Mary (Polly) Steele m William Scantland of Harrison County, Ky. 6.d. Samuel Campbell Steele d Oct. 13, 1837 m Oct. 8, 1812 to Elizabeth Mitchem b Jan. 25, 1795 d Oct. 16, 1828.


John Steele was born about 1755 In Augusta County, near Mlddlebrook, Virginia, ana died after September 1820, the son of Samuel Steele, b oa 1733 d June 8, 1808, ana Sarah Hunter Steele. His grandparents were Samuel Steele b ca 1709 whose will was proved Feb. 16, 1790 and Fulton Steele. Little Is known of John Steele's education. But he seems to have received some good training, for the times, Judging from the very Interesting letters he wrote. Much of the Information ln this paragraph came from a letter, dated Sept. 7, 1774 from Col. Christian to Col. William Preston. John Bteele was with the six hundred men from Augusta County who rendezvoused at Staunton, Virginia, at the end of August 1774 to go to fight the Indians. They marched first to what Is now Lewlsburg, then on Sept. 11, 1774 orders came to march to the Ohio River. Since there were no roads of any kind, the 54,000 pounds of provisions had to be carried on 500 pack horses, while they drove 108 cattle ahead of them, to provide meat for the men. They averaged about eight miles a day and were ln Point Pleasant before Oct. 10, 1774, when the great battle between the Indians, led by Cornstalk and Logan, and the settlers, led by Col. Charles Lewis, was fought.

It was ln the Battle of Point Pleasant that John Steele, who was about twenty years of age, was wounded and about to be scalped by two Indians when his friend, William Moore, shot one of the Indians and knocked the other down with his rifle. John Steele was a large man but William Moore was able to

53 shoulder him and take him to a place of safety before return­ ing to the fight. John Steele often said afterward, "There was no other man ln the army who could have done It, If he would; and no other who would have done It If he could." John Steele was commissioned second lieutenant, May 22, 1778 and was made a 1st lieutenant, Feb. 18, I78I. It was ln fighting ln the Battle of Germantown, Oct. A, 1777 that John Steele was shot through the body. He suffered from this wound and from the wound at the battle of Point Pleasant, for the rest of his life. He spent many months ln prison ln Charleston, S.C. After the war, John Steele served as a member of the Executive Council of Virginia. He was made a commissioner to treat with the Cherokee Indians when John Adams was president. In 1798 he was sent to Natchez, Mississippi as Secretary of Mississippi Territory. The first letter he wrote his father from Natchez dated Oct. 13, 1798 might be of interest: "Honored Sir, This by Charles Matthews being the first opportunity that has offered, I embrace It to Inform you of my safe arrival here on the seventh Instant, after a passage of seventy one days from Telllco Almost equal to a voyage from Ireland to America. I was sick the last twenty-five days, but not very 111. Am now recovering fast, and hope soon to be ln my usual state of health. For the last two or three years I was subject to a tickling cough. Of this complaint, the water and air of Tennessee together with the exercise I had, has relieved me. It is some time since I felt It. I presume from the observations I have already been able to make from the faces of the inhabitants that the country is much more healthy than I had supposed. I have been honored with a most friendly and polite reception by all who I have seen and flatter myself that my situation here will be an agreeable one so far as it depends on the people to make it so. I hope you enjoy health, and that I will have the pleas­ ure of seeing you as early as the situation of the Govern­ ment will admit. I have written to Sam this day—Wishing you all health and happiness—I am, honored sir Your affectionate son John Steele" *«**•><•*****«*** John Steele also served a short time as Governor of Miss­ issippi. He was a member of the House of Representatives, ln 1804, and a member of the Constitutional Convention ln 1817.


David Steele married Mary (Polly) Moore, therefore a short history of her family Is Included here.

ANDREW MOORE Andrew Moore was b ln Scotland ca 3675' His will was pro­ bated May 19, 1749 ln Augusta County, Virginia. He m ca I698 Isabel Baxter b ca 1680 d 1760. They came, bringing most of their children with them, by way of Pennsylvania to Virginia ca 1738. Issue: A. William Moore b ca 1700 d 1791 m Jane Steele b ca 1691 d 1770. B. John Moore d after 1748 m a Miss Steel.- C. Quint on Moore D. James Moore d ca 1770. E. David Moore b ca 1730, will probated Sept. 2, 1783 m ca 1745 Mary Evans b ca 1720 d 1796. They lived at "Cannlcello" near Vesuvius, Rockbridge County, Virginia. Issue: E.l. Sally Moore b ca 1746 m Elliott. E.2. Captain William Moore b 1748 d Dec. 27, 1841 m 1770 to Nancy McClung. They lived near Fairfield, Va. He fought at Point » Pleasant. After the war he was a merchant and sheriff and operated an iron furnace on the South River. He d aged 93. B.3* Samuel Moore b 1750 d 1807 m a widow,Phoebe McClung Paxton. E.4. Geneial Andrew Moore b 1752 d 1821 m Mar. 31, 1795, to Sarah (Sally) Reid. His Revolutionary War service was in Pennsyl­ vania, New Jersey and New York. General Andrew Moore was the 56 father of Samuel McDowell Moore b 1796 a 1875 who was a congressman ln 1833 to 1835, ana who was m to Evallna, aau of Andrew Alexander. General Andrew Moore served ln congress throughout Washington1s Administration.

E<5. Mary (Polly) Moore b ca 1758 d 1834 m ca 1778 David Steele of Midway, Va. Issue: See the Steeles of Steeles Tavern. a. Jane Steele m George McCormick b. Mary (Polly) Steele m Robert Steele E.5.d. John Steele, Jr., m Eliza Harris Moon 5.6. Jennie Moore b ca 1756 m Elliott. E.7. David Moore b ca 1764 m 1782 Janet McClung. Issue: a. Polly Moore (S) « b. Jennie Moore m Nickels on Q O

( ^ c. Nancy Moore m Love j § § a. Isabella Moore m Bacon 5.7. e. Andrew Moore m Thompson f. David Moore m Thompson g. Betsy Moore m John Moore (a cousin) h. Patsy Moore m William Moore (a 1st cousin) 1. John Moore m Narcissus 'iirisley J. Sally McClung Moore m Samuel Walker Taliaferro. Issue: B.7.J.I. Frances Taliaferro 2. Isabella Taliaferro 3. Samuel Walker Taliaferro 4. Sally McClung Taliaferro » 5. Leroy Taliaferro ^jj J 6. David Moore Taliaferro m Sarah Jane Kelly. Issue: S.7.J.6.a. Myrtle Moore Taliaferro b 1862 d 1950 m Eli Dixon. 57 2b. Samuel Walker Taliaferro a 1937 m Blanche Johnson 2 « "Jf They had 3 children. € tfc. Sallie McClung Taliaferro b 1867 (S) » _ ^ ^d. Frank Isaac Taliaferro d young. <1 J J Je* Jennle McClung Taliaferro b 1876 d I89A. Ei7.J.6.f. Kate Taliaferro b I869 m Will Brown. Children of David and Mary Evans Moore, cont. K.8. Isabel (Ibby) Moore b 1747 m John William Lusk. Issue: a. John Lusk b. Robert Lusk c. David Lusk 3 ;°d. Jennie Lusk M Eakin B»8.e. Andrew Lusk f. Polly Lusk g. Isabella Lusk h. William Moore Lusk b June 4, 1788 d Dec. 28, 1861 m ^ Martha (Patsy) Moore b June 26, 1791 d Apr. 21, 1851. J IJ Issue: B.8. h.l. Isabella Lusk b Jan. 15, 1814 d Dec. 18, I892. (S) 2. Andrew Moore Lusk b Apr.26, 1816 d Mar. 8, I899 m Sarah Ann Donald b May 22, 1819 d May 24, 1891. 3. Martha J. Lusk b July 24, 1819 d Nov. 1, I889 m Jan. 26, 1860 John Harris b Jan. 11, 1807 d Oct.19, 1863. 4. Mary Lusk b 1822 d Aug. 19, I823. 5. Sallie Lusk b Sept. 9, 1823 d Sept. 2, I885. (s) 6. William Lusk b 1832 d Dec. 4, 1835. B.8.h'7- Capt. John Montgomery Lusk b 1827 d Oct. 21, I89I. 58 8. Esther Lyle Lusk b Sept. 19, 1831 d Mar. 15, 1910

Children of Andrew and Isabel Baxter Moore, cont. F. Alexander Moore b ca 1725 d ca 1828 m-Elizabeth G. Andrew Moore stayed ln Ireland. H. Elab Moore stayed ln Ireland. I. Patrick Moore stayed in Ireland J. Samuel Moore b 1728 d 1752 m 1748 Elizabeth McClanahan whose son was Colonel Andrew Moore. ****»#

Ralph E. Moore has published a very complete book on the Moore family, making It unnecessary for me to trace the whole family. I have Included those connected with the Steeles. Because Myrtle Moore Taliaferro Dixon was kind enough to send me much of her Information before she died, I have included her line here also. Will of Andrew Moore born in Scotland ln 1675, died in Va. in 1749 In the name of God,Amen, Dec. the 22nd day 1748. I, Andrew Moore, ln the County of Augusta being sick and weak in body but ln perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God, therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it Is appointed for all men once to dye, do make and ordain this my last will and testament; that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul to the hands of God that gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be burled in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting

59 but at the general reserrectlon I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, as for worldly estate wherewith It has pleased God to bless me with ln this life, I give and dis­ pose the same ln the following manner. I give the plantation betwixt Alex Moore and Samuel Moore which contains 500 acres of land to be divided equally between them by two Indifferent men, Only Samuel to have Improvements with Alex to clear 10 or 12 acres of land and when they part, Alex to have the l/3 part of the crop and I give James Moore a cow and William Moore 5 sh. and John Moore 5 sh. and Quanten Moore 5 sh. and David Moore 5 sh. and all the rest of the movables and appurtances to be divided between Alex and Samuel Moore and their mother by two honest and Indifferent men; and I do hereby utterly disallow and dlsannull all and every other former testaments,wlll and legacies and executors by me ln any wise before time named and ordering this to be my last will and testament and no other, as witness I have hereunto set my hand. Andrew Moore Feb. 1749 Witnesses D j. , ., Approved Robert Breckenrldge j^y l9> 17itg his Geo X Henderson mark *•*•*•»*******»*##*** Will of David Moore, born in Ireland 1722 died ln Rockbridge County, Virginia, 1783. In the name of God Amen, I, David Moore, being sick and weak ln body but of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body, that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament, viz in the first place I commend my soul to God who gave it and my body to 60 be burled In a Christian manner at the discretion of my execu­ tors and as to the worldly goods which God ln his providence has been pleased to favor me with, I give and devise ln the following manner: After my Just debts being discharged. I give and bequeath to my loving wife, Mary, the £ of my household furniture with two milk cows, my 2 mares and colt with one third of my land during her life. Item, I give and bequeath to my youngest son,David Moore, the plantation I now live on, with my mill and mill place to him and his heirs forever to possess, excepting l/3 of the profits from the mill, I give to my wife, Mary, during her life, the mill to be kept up at the expense of my son, David. I give and bequeath to my wife, Mary and David, my son, my still and still vessels. Each of them to have an equal share of their use during my wife's life and at her demise to fall to David and his heirs for which they are to pay to my four daughters, Isabell, Sarah, Mary and Jannet and to my grandson David Lusk the sum of 40 lbs, good and lawful money of the state of Virginia, each of them to have an equal share paid at the expiration of four years after possessing the still. My cattle excepting those heretofore mentioned, I order to be sold for the discharging of my Just debts, here or heretofore contracted. The notes, bonds or accounts to be Justly due, to be put to the same use. I give and bequeath to my wife and my son, David, my hogs to be equally divided between them. My blue strlat coat, I give to my grandson, David Lusk. The rest of my clothes and remaining half of my furniture I give to my son, David. I bequeath to my sons William, Andrew and Samuel Moore, each of them the sum of 5 sh. and I do

61 hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife, Mary and David, my son, the whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby revoke and dlsannull all former wills legacies and bequestments heretofore by me made and I do here­ by constitute, ordain and declare this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of July ln the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three. David Moore Andrew Moore ) Nathaniel Wilson) witnesses Samuel Wilson )

At a court held for Rockbridge County, Sept. 2, 1783, this last will of Davia Moore deceased was presented in court by David Moore and proved by Nathaniel and Samuel Wilson, and ordered recorded.

David and Polly Moore Steele had a daughter, Jane Steele, who married George McCormick. They moved to Henderson County,Ky. Some of the letters written by Jane's family are of Interest. Augusta County October the 9th, 1802 Dear Son and Daughter I would Just Inform you that there has nothing extraordi­ nary happened since I wrote to you by James McCormick. When I wrote by him I expected to have sent you the balance by Peter Alexander, but being disappointed ln collection I will not be able. I expected to have got the money from Robert Henry;but he has failed ln paying for the com you sold which came to one hundred and fifty one bushels. You wrote to me to for­ ward you some coffee. I have sent twenty pounds by Peter Alexander. I will send some money, about forty dollars. I have paid all the money I owed your brother William. You wish to know is the plantation sold. It Is not. Markets is dull. Beef cattle sells very low and it appears as if It was hard to know what would demand cash ln this county. I will pay Alexander for hauling the coffee. I would wish you to Inform me If you did not give Wilson five dollars extraordinary to take Henry's note as that note has fell into my hands and I wish to know. We have very dry times here. I add no more but remain yours etc. David Steele

To Geprge and Janet McCormick Per Mr. Peter Alexander 62 Augusta County September the 12th,1803 Dear son and daughter: I now sit down to write to you to inform you of our welfare. There has nothing in particular happened in the family since you left this place. Aggy died a few days ago. I have not had my health very well since you saw me. Your Mother has had her health better than common. John goes to school and is learning middling smart. You wrote to me to know if the place Is sold; It Is not sold nor no probability of its being sold. You men­ tioned to let you know whether you might venture to purchase on Dependence from me, how soon and in what manner. As to that I cannot Inform you. I did expect to send what I suppose you meant by your brother James; but being disappointed in Collection I can­ not send more than about one hundred dollars. I expect to send you some more by Peter Alexander. He intends starting ln three weeks. Jenny mentioned to send her some coffee, if any oppor­ tunity. I suppose I will send it. It sells for two shillings and three pence per pound at this time. As to the times and seasons in place I suppose James can inform you. I add no more but wish to be remembered to the children. David Steele Jenny mentioned a negro girl. I suppose that will come as soon as can conveniently. The letter above was written by David Steele to George McCormick Scott County, Kentucky. Polly Steele to her sister Jane McCormick, wife of George McCor­ mick of Kentucky. April 16, 1807 Augusta City. Dear Sister: In my last letter to you I mentioned my sickness, which pre­ vented me from going to Kentucky. I then calculated on going in the spring, but spring brings reasons with it to stop me which shows the fallacy and precarlousness of all human expec­ tations, for I had long vainly flattered myself that I was to see you before this time which idea gave me infinite pleasure, but I am disappointed for the present. However, I still hope to see you though I know not when. I am so anxious to hear from you that I have sometimes thought of not writing to you again until I receive a letter from you. It is almost a year since I have seen a line from you, and I still think you have written and your letters have been miscarried. Write to me the first opportunity, a long account of your family, of their growth, their progress ln learning, and what you are all about, for the perusal of each letter must always give pleasure to a sister who feels as much interest ln your welfare as I do. There has some things taken place since I wrote last which you must feel concerned ln, therefore I will communicate them to you. In February your mother-in-law died after a long illness; and not many weeks before her death Polly McCormick, with one 63 of her children departed this life about ten days after the birth of the Infant aforementioned. Uncle William Moore has conditionally sold his possessions and talks of moving to the westward, but ln all probability his purchaser will not oom- ply with his contract, and if not, he must make a new sale before he moves. His family is all single yet except Jenny Forslthe, and she lives almost one mile from her father. She has no children. Peggy Paaze and her sisters are single yet and are very well, last week I was at the marriage of Cath­ erine Steele, youngest and last daughter to marry of Thomas Steele. She married Thomas Jackson. All the other matches that have taken place in our connection I have mentioned ln letters previous to this. There is no alteration ln this family. John goes to sohool. Your father had a severe at­ tack of the rheumatlck pains, but has recovered, and we are all enjoying health and contentment. Your mother Is heartier than you ever knew her. Give my love to George and the chil­ dren. I remain your loving sister. Polly Steele

(Her mother-in-law was Martha Sanderson McCormick. Polly McCormick died Nov. 23, 1806.) **** Sxcerpts from other letters. **** From David Steele of Augusta County, to his daughter, Janet McCormick, ln Henderson Co. Ky. Written October 9, 1808. I once more sit down to write you to let you know that we are all well as far as I know. Polly Is in Lexington and has been there almost a year. I expect her home shortly. We have Just had the certainty of the death of Captain Samuel Steele. He died near Knoxville on his way to your state. Your brother still goes to school with Person Brown We still continue near as you left us, very scarce of money We have had a very bad summer season and the frost I think has kll'd all the corn ln the neighborhood. We have no price here for anything we raise since the embargo took place....There is great debat­ ing in our Stanton about the embargo, some for and some against It. Affectionately, Father Letter from Augusta County from Polly Steele to her sister Jane, "Jannet," McCormick in Ky. Sept. 20th, 1807. I have taken up my pen to Inform you that we are well Samuel Moore's death will prevent my going to Kentucky until I can get suitable company to go with Peggy Pcage Is lying with the white swelling in her leg, but appears not to be dan­ gerously ill. I send my most hearty congratulations to you on being the mother of another son and likewise on your recovery from the illness attendant on his birth. Your affectionate sister, Polly Steele


The name Moon Is a corruption of the Norman name Mohun. Accom­ panying William the Conqueror from Normandy to England was William de Mohun who was said to be "The noblest man In the Norman Army." After the Norman Invasion and the Battle of Hastings, the Barony of Dunstar, whose history begins with the Doomsday Book, was given to William de Mohun by William the Conqueror, then the King of England. It is from William de Mohun that the Moon family of Albemarle County, Virginia is descended. Sons of Lord Mohun were among the early settlers near Jamestown. By 1692 they had migrated as far west as Albemarle County, Virginia. William Moon had a grant of land In what is now Albemarle County from George III.

William Moon I of Albemarle County, Virginia wa s D ca 16°2. The name of his wife is unknown. There are records of two sons: 1. William Moon II b 1718 m Elizabeth Leftwich. 2. Jacob Moon b 1727 in Albemarle County, Virginia d 1785. He m Mildred Cobb in 1749. The date of her will is May 27, 1811. She was the daughter of Bishop Cobb. Children of Jacob and Mildred Cobb Moon: 1. William Moon, 2. Littleberry Moon, 3- Jacob Moon, 4. Anchelaus !-.oon, 5. Patsy Koon, 6. Pleasant Moon . rfilliam Koon the son of Jacob and Mildred Cobb Moon was b Nov. 26, 1770 d Sept. 26, 1840 m Nov. 3, 17°3 Charlotte dlgges b Nov. 18, 1773 d Jan. 14, 1839, the dau of Capt. John and Ellza-

65 abeth Harris Dlgges. Elizabeth Harris was the dau of William Harris of Nelson County, Virginia. William and Charlotte Dlg­ ges Moon had 9 children, listed A to I. This family lived at "Belle Grove," Albemarle County, near Scottsvllle, Va. A. John Dlgges Moon b Sept. 13, 1794 d Nov. 26, 1862 m Elizabeth dau of Robert and Sarah C. (Turner) Barclay. They lived at Mount Ayr, Albemarle County. They had 9 children numbered from I to IX: I. Robert Barclay Moon b oa 1819, will proved I892 m Mary Barclay, dau of Nathaniel and Susan (Wood) Massle. Mary Barclay Moon d Jan. 31, 1911. Robert Barclay Moon was a surveyor for Albemarle County. They lived at "Brookley" near Scottsvllle, Va. Issue 1. John Barclay Moon b July 20, 1849 d Feb. 20, 1915 m Marian Gordon Dabney b Mar. 20, I858 d Aug. 24, 1911. I John Barclay Moon was an attorney. They lived at *: • S "Dunlora" near Charlottesville, Va. Issue! e " S 3 "o 11 a# Mary Livingston Moon l.A.I.l.b. Jane Bell Moon m John M Maury. Their sons: John Barclay Maury d Apr. 1912 and John Minor Maury, who was an attorney, Charlottesville, Va. c. Major Basil G. Moon m Eda von Knoblock. Their son was Dabney von Knoblock Moon, M.D. d. Esther Caruthers Moon m George Fishburne. e. Agnes Gordon Moon m R. Brion Shaw. Issue: Marian Gordon Shaw and Evelyn Brion Shaw. f. John Barclay Moon d in infancy. 66 g. Ann Douglas Moon m Phillip B. Peyton. Issue: Phillip B Peyton, Jr. ana Ann Moon Peyton. h. Sally Dabney Moon, M.D. (New York) m Kenneth Hale Adams. Issue: Ifothew Thornton Adams and Mary Bar­ clay Moon Adams . II. John Schuyler Moon b Jan. 20, 1823 d Dec. 19, I876. (He was an attorney and lived at "Snowden" ln Buck­ ingham County.) m Elizabeth, dau of Dr. Samuel 'faddy and Sarah Elizabeth (Gilmer) Thompklns Waddy, Apr.21, 1847. She d ln Oct. I89I. They had 14 children: 1. Waddy Moon 2. John Russell Moon d aged 13. 3. Gilmer Moon d aged 2. 4. Edward Moon m Fanny Fearn Harris. They lived in Lynchburg, Virginia. He d ln 1923. Issue: a. Mary Augusta Moon m Edward Newman. Issue: Edward Newman and Frank Newman b. John Schuyler Moon m Mary Nowlin Henry Harris Moon (S) r.A.II.4.d. Katherine Moon m Walter Newman. Issue: 1. Fearn Newman, 2. Barclay Newman, an Associate Professor at Princeton and author of several books. He had three children. f. Edward Moon m Katherine Sales. g. Florence Corinne Moon m Malcolm Luck. Issue: Malcolm Luck, Jr. and Frank Luck. 5. Lllla Moon m Manlius Goodwin. (Lllla dau of John

67 Schuyler Moon.) Issue: Lewis Pendleton Goodwin m Ann Miller. No Issue. 6. Elizabeth Moon d ln Infancy. 7. Charles Moon d ln Infancy. 8. Clarence Barclay Moon d aged 17. 9. Frank Carlton Moon (S) Lived ln Scottsvllle, was an attorney and State Senator. 10. Ellen Gilmer Moon (S) 11. Sarah Margaret Moon m Dr. Ben C. Goodwin, lived In Louisa County, Virginia. Issue: a. Ellen Gilmer Goodwin m George Sklnker. They had a son Harry Sklnker. b. Lucy Margaret Goodwin 12. Mary Belle Moon m David Wlmbieh Hancock who d Mar.27, 1922. They lived at "Snowden" and bad 9 children: a. Elizabeth Moon Hancock m William Daniel Davis. Issue; Elizabeth H. Davis, Judith Lewis Davis and Lllla Wlmbish Davis. b. Gustavus Adolphus Hancock m Elsie Koenlg, (N.Y.C.) ^ c. David Graham Hancock m Mary Frances Hughes, Issue: David Graham Hancock, Jr. and James Hughes Hancock. l.A.II.12.d. Mary Barclay Hancock e. Katherine Gilmer Hancock f. Lllla V/lmblsh Hancock 'g. Robert Charles Hancock d Mar. 27, 1922. Two other children died young. 13. Schuyler Barclay Moon, M.D. d Aug. 1930. He practiced

68 ln Richmond, Virginia. He m Alice 0. Pendleton. Issue: Elizabeth Barclay Moon. 14. Lizzie Laurelle Moon m George Tyler Goodwin. They lived in Scottsvllle. Issue: Martha Dabney Goodwin and George Tyler Goodwin. Children of John Digges and Mary E. Barclay Moon, cont. III. Lucy Reid Moon (S) She lived at "Mount Ayr." IV. Sally Thomasia Elizabeth Moon (S) d 1900, ("Mount Ayr") V. William Franklin Moon b Sept. 5, 1831 d May 3, 1899 ln Chattanooga, Tenn. m Dec. 21, I853 Marietta Appling dau of Austin Maurice and Jannett (Johnson) Appling. Issue:

1. John Austin Moon b Apr. 22, 1855 d June 26, 1921 m Oct. 8, 1884 Adeline McDowell Deaderick. They lived in Chattanooga, Tenn. where John Austin Moon was a highly respected judge. Issue: a. William Deaderick Moon, a lawyer, m Elsie Love < . * . Chapin. Issue Mildred Carrington Moon, Adeline ^5 -J? ^5 J; Deaderick Moon, and William Deaderick Moon,Jr. w o *v o 3 a l.A.V.l.b. Anna Mary Moon (the compiler of the book "Sketches of the Moon and Barclay Families" and to whom I am indebted for much of my Moon Information. M.G.) 2. Albert Gallatin Moon d Oct.30, 1817 aged 19. 3. ferietta Moon m Rev. John Henry Boldrldge. Issue: a. John Reid Boldrldge, an attorney, m Grace Kirk. They lived ln Newark, N.J. b. Dr. Frank Boldrldge m Katheryn M.Von Hausman. (Mass. 69 o. Chauncey Henry Boldrldge m Frances Pepper. a. Austin Gallatin Boldrldge m Jane Elizabeth Deats Hailey. Lived ln Houston, Texas. Issue: Sarah Jane Boldrldge and Austin G. Boldrldge, Jr. e. James Barclay Boldrldge m Ruth Brown (Raleigh,N.C.) f. Marietta Boldrldge d Feb. 13, 1921 m Madison Waldo Lever. Issue: Chauncey Waldo Lever and William Bold­ rldge Lever. 4. Lucy Reid Moon d August 15, 1885 aged 19. 5. Hattie Lea Moon m John Maltler Chauncey who d Jan. 27, 1935. They lived in Chattanooga, Tenn. Issue: Franklin Moon Chauncey m Charles E. Goode, Mary Virginia Chauncey «<=>' 8 George W. Trubody, and Maltler Rembert Chauncey. 31 | John Maltler Chauncey was a Baptist minister. (Chattanooga ) a • l.A.V.6. Willie Lu Moon m James Craig. 7. Sallie Barclay Moon (S) d Apr. 27, 1914. Four children died young. VI. Anna Moylin Moon d Jan. 1896. She was a nun for 36 years. VII. James Nelson Moon b Dec. 11, I836 d Sept. 20, I898 m Sept. 24, 1866 Cary Ann dau of John Harris and Sarah Nelson (Nicholas) Coleman. They lived at "Shirland" Albemarle County. Cary (Coleman) Moon d Dec. 27, I92I. Issue: 1. Orie Lewis Moon d Mar. 4, 1938 m Judge Robert G. Dicker- son. They lived at Homerville, Ga. Issue: 1. Robert Glenn Dickerson who became Judge of City Court in Valdosta, Ga. and who m Julie Sanders. Issue: Robert G. Dickerson, IV. 2. James Barclay Dickerson m Elizabeth

70 C.Hampton.They were parents of James B. Dickerson and Cary Marlon Dickerson. 3. Frank Moon Dickerson m Lillian Barnhill. A. Walter Cary Dickerson m Marie Hammock. 2. Mary Barclay Moon m John Aylett Ulcol who d in 192A. Issue: Cary Coleman Nicol and Mary Aylett Nicol. 3. Lindsay Coleman Moon d Dec. 1895. A. Frank Russell Moon m Annie Dunscumb Horsley. They lived ln Buckingham County, Va. Issue: 1. Channing Horsley Moon, 2. James Cary Moon d an Infant, 3- Frank Russell Moon, A. Annie Moon d young. 5- Mary Louise Moon. 5. Frances Nicholas Moon m Dr. Charles S. Butts. Lived ln ^ | Washington, D.C. Their son Charles Shannon Butts D.D.S. . .3" ^ m Vera Hickman. Issue: Charles S. Butts III. jjj j | 6. Cary Nelson Moon m Florence Few. Issue: Dr. Cary Nelson. l.A^VII.7- Anna Moylln Moon m Duncan Sams. Children of John Dlgges and Mary E. Barclay Moon, cont. VIII. Mary Barclay Moon (S) IX. Jacob Luther Moon b June 19, 18A3 d July 10, 1910 m Oct.31, 1871 Ann Staples Martin b Dec. 10.18A5 d Nov.2A, 1906.Issue 1. Martha Elizabeth Moon m Hunter Fielding Lewis. Issue: a. Ann Martin Lewis, 2. Elizabeth Minor Lewis m Dr. Well- ford C. Reed. Issue: Wellford C. Reed,Jr., 3.Hunter Fielding Lewis, A. Mary Walker Lewis. 5. Battle Moon Lewis. 2. Thomas Albert Moon m Anna C. Andorfer. Issue: Daniel Martin Moon and Thomas A. Moon, Jr. 3. Jacob Luther Moon, Jr. m Harriet Norvel. (No Issue.)

71 4. John Martin Moon m Mary Heath. Issue: Helen Celes- tlne Moon and Elinor Moon. 5. Celestlne Moon Children of William and Charlotte Dlgges Moon, oont. B. Elizabeth Harris Moon b June 2, 1796 d Jan. 16, 1854 m Oct. 25, 1816 John David Steele, Jr. b 1787 d Jan. 27, 1864 son of David and Mary Moore Steele of Steeles Tavern, Va. Issue: 1. Charlotte Dlgges Steele m July 21, 1836 Judge James R. Davis. They lived ln Marshall, Saline Co., Missouri. They had 10 children.(See John Steele's family.) 2. David Steele m Jan. 16, 1869 Molly Elizabeth F. Smith. *- They had two children. Lived ln Steeles Tavern, Va. J-S3. William Steele (S) 3 4 4. Peter G. Steele m June 9, 1855 Eliza Meeks. Five children. -1.B.5. Isaac Steele (S) 6. Mary Morton Steele m Feb. 25, 1851 William J. Hopkins. They had 3 children. They lived ln Washington (state.) 7. Lucy Brandon Steele m 1st Alfred Hamilton, M.D. m 2nd John B. Lavelle. No Issue. Lived in Brownsburg, Va. 8. Annott Lyle Steele m Feb. 23, 1854 Henry J. Bland, a Methodist minister. They lived in Calif. Had 2 children. 9. Frances (Fannie) Weston Steele m Swartzel. Lived ln Missouri. Their two sons died young. 10. Marryotte Steele m 1st Beatrice A. Loving. Had a son. m 2nd Sarah A.Wilson. Had a daughter, m 3rd Mary C.Fauver. Lived ln Steeles Tavern.

72 . Robert S. Moon b Jan. 29, 1798 a Jan. 11, 1856 m Cynthia Ann, aau of Daniel and Cynthia (Clay) Sullivan. Issue: 1. James Apperson Moon b Apr. 12, 1822 a Aug.22,1860.(S) 2. Robert Anderson Moon b Sept. 21,1824 a June 13, I869 m Elizabeth Helskell. Issue: Robert Nelson Moon a Sept. 17, I878, Helskell Moon m Lucie Erps, Ella ana Elma Moon both a young. 3. Cynthia Charlotte Moon, an author and lecturer, b Aug. 10, 1829 d Nov. 20, 1895 m Judge James Clark of Ohio. Their son Franklin Plckney Clark, an Episcopal minister m Anna Maria Marshall. Issue: a. Cynthia Clay Clark m Carter G. Dearlng (Washington, D.C.) and were parents of Dorothy Ann Dearlng. b. James Marshall Clark . c. Arthur Clark, a lawyer, m Anne Elizabeth Hargest. Issue Arthur Clark, Thomas Franklin Clark and Betty Sue Clark. .0.3. d. Franklin Moon Clark, an attorney, m Grace Helskell Williams. Their dau was Grace Woodson Clark. 4. Mary Beeler Moon b Nov. 29, 1834 d Sept. 4, I878. (S) 5. William Sullivan Moon b Nov. 8, 1839 d Feb. 1884. (S) 6. Virginia Bethel Moon b June 22, 1844 d Sept.11,1925.(S) Virginia (Ginnie) Moon was a Confederate spy. Children of William and Charlotte Digges Moon, cont. D. Mildred Cobb Moon Anderson had 14 children.Numbered I-XIV Mildred Cobb Moon b May 31, 1800 d Jan. 7, 1868 m ca Nov. 14, 1817 to Nathaniel Anderson, Jr. who d in 1861. They

73 moved to Tenn. Issue: I. William N. Anderson b June 15, 181Q. (S) II. Edward M. Anderson (S) b Apr. 16, 1821. III. Sarah Charlotte Anderson b Dec. 18, lb22 d Mar.14, 1886 m Barnett Graham. Issue: a. Thomas Graham d May 16, 1929.(s) b. Dudley Graham d 1902 m Anne Taylor. Issue: 1. Blanche Graham, 2. Pearl Graham, 3. Joseph Graham, 4. Sarah Graham, 5. Florence Graham, 6. Owen Graham. c. Florence Graham m Thomas Hampton Allen who d Sept.27, I897. Issue, a. Blanche Allen, b. Ellen Allen c. Rlch- o ard H. Allen m Carolyn Eggleston, Issue: Richard H. Allen,Jr., and Harriett Allen, d. Mary Lewis Allen I J e. Florence Allen D.III.d. Blanche Graham d Sept. 14, I878 e. George C. Graham m 1st Stella Moore. Issue. Stella Graham, Florence Allen Graham m Frank Norltzkl, Juliet Graham m Mr. Whittier. George C. Graham m 2nd Ella Anderson, Issue: Louise Anderson Graham, George C. Graham, Jr.,.who m Oulda Reed, Mary Lewis Graham, Jacob Anderson Graham m Marilyn Miller. Issue Ann Graham. IV. Robert Moon Anderson b Dec. 10, 1824 d Sept. 17, 1878 m Lucy Watt. Issue:

1. Frances Hall Anderson m 1st Crabtree Belcher and had

74 two daughters, Laura Belcher m Graves Neblett. Issue: Lewyn Neblett and Laura Neblett who m James w". Young. Issue Betty Young, James rf. Young,Jr., and Ellen Young who m Clark Burnett whose dau Is Frances Burnett. The 2nd dau of Cnbtree and Frances Anderson Belcher was Evelyn Belcher who m George Smith Berry. Issue: George Smith Berry, Jr., m Mary Clark. Issue Mary Margaret Berry, Elise Hudson Berry m 1st John Gidney. Issue Jack Gidney and Charlotte Gidney. Elise Berry m 2nd Seth Herdon. Issue: Hazel Courtnay who m Robert C. Ashley. Mr. Belcher d ln I878 and Frances Anderson Belcher m Jack Trent Anderson. Issue: James Archibald Anderson, Sally Anderson, Robert Overton Anderson, Ja ck 3 Trent Anderson, Mattie Anders on, Louise Katherine Ander-

1 v son, label Nathaniel Anderson. •« 2. Lucy J. Anderson m Harry Reading. (No issue.) .D.IV. 3. Nathaniel Moon Anderson d I927 (S) V. Julius C. Anderson b Mar. 19, 1827 (S) Shelby Co. Tenn. VI. Walter D. Anderson b Sept. 9, 1828 (S) Memphis, Tenn. VII. Henrietta Fltzhugh Anderson b July 5, 1830 d Dec. 26, I897 m Benjamin Irby b Sept. 1, 1820 d 1865 m Oct.1853. Issue: 1. Nathaniel Irby m Loula Boggan. Issue: Richard and Franc Irby. Died young. 2. Sarah Graham Irby b ca 1854 m Hal Wyche Greer Jan.18, 1882. Issue Hal irby Greer d Feb. 1934 m Catherine Lindsay Smith. Their children: Willis R. Greer and

75 Hal Wyche Greer. Sarah Irby Greer m 2nd H.A. Knorr by whom she had Mary Autry Knorr who m Frank Taylor Higgins. Issue: Henri­ etta. H. Hlgglns-.and Frank Taylor Higgins ,Jr.,Henrietta Anderson Knorr who m Arthur Claude Hamilton, and James Mlcajah Knorr who m Elvira Bergmann. (No Issue.) 3. Frances Clark Irby m James H. Allen. Issue: Floy-Rlt* Allen. 4..Richard Edward Irby (S) 5. Banjamin Irby m Jessica McMunn. Issue: 1 Arthur Irby m Elton Hodaes, 2. Mildred Irby, 3. Benjamin Irby m Ettie Scales Williams, 4. Richard Irby (S) 5. Jessica Irby m Charles Terry,Jr. Issue: Charles Terry,III. 1J3.VII.6. Mildred Irby died young. VIII. Nelson Anderson b Mar. 18, 1832 (S) IX. David Anderson b Mar. 1, 1834 d young. X. Mildred Anderson b Aug. 31, 1835 (S) XI. Jacob Moon Anderson b Mar. 26, 1837 m Nov.26, 1868 Louisa W. irby, dau of Dr. John W. Irby.(Lived ln Tenn.) Issue:

1. Jacob M. Anderson,Jr. M.D. m Frances Hunter. They had a son Jacob M. Anderson,III. 2. John Taylor Anderson 3. Martha Louise (Mattie Lou) Anderson m Luttellus L. Jones,Jr., who d July 8, 1918. Issue L.L Jones, III. 4. Ella Nelson Anderson m George C. Graham. 5. Robert Moon Anderson (S)

76 6. J.W. Irby Anderson m Margaret Dorr. Issue: J.W. Irby Anderson, Jr. 7. Benjamin Lee Anderson (S) XII. George W.H. Anderson b Feb. 22, 1839 (S) XIII. Maria Pearn Anderson b Aug.13, 1841 d Feb. 28, 1879 m Judge James Archibald Anderson. (Lived ln Texas.) Issue: 1. Henrietta Anderson m Charles 0. Middleton ln 1891. Issue: a. Lurllne Middleton m Leroy G. Burns, b.Maria Fearn Middleton m Herbert Richardson. Issue: Herbert Richardson, Jr., Mary Louise Richardson, Marie Fearn Richardson, and Lurllne Richardson, o. Charles 0. Middle- ton,II m Marcia Funk. Issue: Charles 0. Middleton,III, d. Gladys Middleton m Leo Be Jack. Issue: Benton Bejack and 3 3 Nancy 0.Bejack. e. Tarleton Landrum Middleton m Katherine Issue: Marjorie Middleton. f. Robert Torrey 3 >s € Middleton. 1JD.XIII.2. Calvin Vance Anderson m in 1906 to Elizabeth Alexander. Issue: a. Emily Alexander Anderson m Walter Wickersham. Issue: Janet Elizabeth Wickersham. b. Betty D.Anderson c. Calvin Vance Anderson, Jr. 3. Maria F. Anderson (S) Three other children d young. XIV. Isaac Moon Anderson b Jan. 11, 1834 m Lou Hosklns. Issue: William G. Anderson who m Grace Kern. After the death of his wife, William Anderson m Annie Owen Thomas. Issue

77 William G. Anderson,Jr., who m Julia Morgan Flnoh. Children of William and Charlotte Dlgges Moon, cont. E. Edward Harris Moon b Feb. 15, 1805 m Anna Maria Barclay b July 11, 1809 d June 21, 1870. They lived at Vlewmont ln Albemarle County, Va. Issue: I. Dr. Thomas B. Moon II. Orlanna Russell Moon,M.D. b Aug. 11, I834 d Dec. 26, 1883 m Nov.24, 1861 to Dr. John Summerfleld Andrews. Issue: 1. James Barclay Andrews d Feb. 26, 1938. (S) 2. William Luther Andrews d July 26, 1935 m Mary John Rue- bush, Lived ln Roanoke,Va. Their 8 children are: a. Tennle L. Andrews m Harman L. Smith b. Orie S. Andrews m Henry M. Davis. Issue: Henry M. Davis, Jr. c. Horton K. Andrews m Cora Ikenberry. Issue: Lavlna Andrews, Kieffer Andrews, Lee Andrews, Esther Andrews, Justice Andrews, Mary Elizabeth Andrews, Willie R. Andrews, Barbara Ann Andrews who m Mr. Yarbrough. (Calif.) l.E.II.d. Victor Lee Andrews m Louise King. Issue: Victor L. Andrews,Jr. e. Edward Moon Andrews m Virginia Moore. Issue: William Andrews and Gwyndolin Andrews. f. Luther Ruebush Andrews m Mavis Brown. Issue: Douglas E. Andrews. g. Mary Virginia Andrews m Alfred Hill Andrews. Issue: Bertha May Andrews and Alfred H. Andrews,Jr.

78 h. Carl Merlin Andrews b 1911 d Oct. 9, 1973 m Irene Pool Issue:Willlam L.Andrews and Mrs. Lou Ann Andrews Baldwin. Carl Merlin Andrews m 2nd Margaret Stevens.(No Issue.) 3. Samuel Bryant Andrews m Florence Howell 1st, and 2nd Eva Kldd. Issue: Eloise Andrews m John Lynch, Genevieve m L.R. Shadwell. Issue: Jean Shadwell, Bryant P. Andrews m Betty Trevillion. 4. Isaac Moon Andrews m Annie K. Ruebush. Issue: a. James Barclay Andrews m Louise Klrkwood. b. Virginia Andrews d 1919 c. John Summerfield Andrews m Mildred Joyner. (Pearisburg, Virginia.) John S. Andrews was an attorney. d. Oscar W. Andrews m Sarah "Webber. Issue: Margie Andrews. e. Charlotte Elizabeth Andrews m Russell E. Thomas. Issue: Charlotte Ann Thomas m Robert Carr Churchill,III.Issue ? „ § Robert C. Churchill,IV, Samuel Churchill, Mary Barclay •3 s o -^8 8 8 3 | Churchill. l.E.II.4.f.-Annie L. Andrews m Kellar Green. g. Richard Andrews m Dorothy Barksdale. Issue: Nancy A. Andrews. h. Isaac Moon Andrews m Mildred Cross. Issue: William C. And rews. 1. Emmitt L. Andrews J. Katherine S.Andrews m Ernest M.Brown. Issue: David M. Brown, Rebecca Sue Brown and Mary Kate Brown, k. Charles B. Andrews m Caroline Snidow of Pembroke,Va.

79 5. Owen Merriweather Andrews, a Methodist minister, m 1st Bertha Hill. Issue: Alfred Hill Andrews m Mary Virginia Andrews. Owen M. Andrews m 2nd Ada D. Anderson. Issue: Alton M. Andrews m Dixie Newell. Issue: Joyce M. Andrews, Owen Nelson Andrews m Marie Baker, and William Luther Andrews. 6. Prank Moon Andrews m Mary Ellen Scott. Issue: 1. Orie Margaret Andrews m Donovan M. Thompson. Issue: Bessie May Thompson and Donna Lee Thompson. 2. John Barclay And­ rews m Mattie Lou Eades. 3. Frank Owen Andrews. j-| Dr. John and Orlanna (Moon) Andrews lost 6 sons who d young. I ^ Children of Edward H.and Anna Marie (Barclay) Moon,cont. •E.III. Charlotte Dlgges Moon (Lottie Moon) b Dec.12, 1840 d Dec. 24,1912. Lottie Moon was a Baptist missionary to China for forty years. IV. Sarah Coleman Moon m Professor Meyers. V. Mary Moon b Sept. 1848 d Sept. I876 m Dr. William H. Shep­ herd. Issue: Mary Anne Shepherd m James Herbert Cofer.Issue 1. Mary Alberts Cofer m William Henry Wales,III. Issue Betsy Wales, Billy Wales, Walter Wales, and James Wales. 2. Rosalie Elizabeth Cofer m Earnest L. Andrews. Issue: Anna Marge Andrews, Earnest L. Andrews,Jr. and Rosalie Elizabeth Andrews. 3. Lottie Moon Cofer m Charles Albert Field. Issue: Char­ lotte Ann Field, Helen Walton Field and Charles Albert Field, Jr. 4. Anna Victoria Cofer m Edward P. Crockett. Issue Louis P. Crockett and Edward P. Crockett, Jr.

80 5. Nita James Cofer m Jack W. Grumiaux. Issue: Jack W. Grumlaux,Jr. 6. James H. Cofer, Jr. 7. William Shepherd Cofer. 8. Helena Barbara Cofer. 9. Joseph Anthony Cofer 10. John Xavler Cofer 11. Virginia Anne Cofer VI. Isaac Anderson Moon d Nov. 1, 1906 m Margaret Elizabeth Jones b Sept. 13, 1838 d Sept. 17, 1930. Isaac Moon was an attorney. VII. Edmonia Harris Moon b I852 d 1907. She was a Baptist missionary. F. Jacob Nelson Moon, son of William and Charlotte Dlgges Moon, b Sept.19,1807 d 1873 m 1846 Margaret Rembert b 1828 d 1917. Jacob Moon was a banker ln Memphis, Tenn. Issue: I. Emma Moon m William E. Yeatman. No issue. II. Louise Rembert Moon m J.A. Anderson, Jr. Issue: 1. Elsie Anderson m Victor Watkins. Issue: Louise James Watkins, 8 ° .2.Rembert C. Anderson m Grace Kayser. 3. Trent G. Anderson m Carolyn Bache. Issue Trent G. Anders on,Jr., Peggy Jane 0 a Anderson and James Rembert Anderson. F.III. Walter Dabney Moon, son of Jacob and Margaret Rembert Moon m Laura Joyner. 1.. Marguerite Moon m J.B. Horton of Memphis, Tenn., whose son was J.B. Horton, Jr., 2. William Joyner Moon m Grace Thomas, 3. Eugene L. Moon m Elizabeth Boatman. Issue: Elizabeth Moon and Eugene L. Moon,Jr. 81 IV. Edward Moon m Ruth Cochran. Issue: Ruth Moon m S.R.Lee. Issue: S.R. Lee,Jr., Bayless Lee. Edward Moon, Jr. m Elizabeth Blnford. Issue: Edward Moon, III, and Lloyd Blnford Moon. V. Andrew Rembert Moon m Elizabeth Harper. Issue: 1. Ann T. Moon, 2. Werdna Moon, 3. William Harper Moon m Eliz­ abeth Hlgdon. Issue: Andrew Nelson Moon, 4. Louise Moon m Herbert Yarbrough. Their son: Herbert Yarbrough, Jr. VI. Harry Nelson Moon m Mary Cauffman. Issue; Rembert Moon m Mabel Hamilton. l.F.VII. Reta Rembert Moon m George W. Person. Issue: Margaret Rembert Person m William L.BeGole. Issue: Margaret R. BeGole and Rita Louise BeGole. George W. Person, Jr. m Gladys Dickerson. G. William F. Moon, son of William and Charlotte Dlgges Moon, b Sept.26, I809 d Aug. 11, 1823. H. Isaac Webster Moon b Sept. 10, 1811 d July 19, 1883 m Gllly Goolsby. Isaac Moon lived in Memphis, Tenn. His two sons died as children. I. Albert G. Moon b Sept. 9, 1817 d June 17, 1847.

It was not until I began studying the history of the Moon family that I realized what a list of Intelligent, highly edu­ cated people this family included. Among the Judges, attorneys, state representatives, ministers, educators, authors and doctors, is Dr. Orlanna Russell Moon who was one of the first women doc­ tors in the . She was the first woman doctor from the southern states, and was also the only woman commissioned as

82 a Burgeon ln the Confederate Army. Even more famous Is Orlanna's slater Charlotte (Lottie) Moon for her forty years of missionary work ln China, rep­ resenting the Baptist Church. There was also Virginia (Ginnle) Moon, daughter of Robert Moon who had many exciting adventures as a Confederate spy. This family has contributed much to the development of our country.

83 THE DIGGES FAMILY The name Diggea is a corruption of Degges or Degg, a family who came from the County of Chester, England, at an early date and settled in Virginia. Isaac Degge and Rose, his wife daugh­ ter of John Marshall of "Wisbeche" , County of Chester, England, had the following children: 1. Mary Degge of Namptwich, County of Chester, the niece of Sir Simon Deggs, made her will Sept. 21, 1716, leaving legacies to the children of her brother John Degge of Virginia. 2. Simon Degge who is also mentioned ln Mary Digge's will had a daughter Margaret Axton. 3. John Degge, who patented land in Virginia in 1673. Issue: a. Rosa Degge m a Mr. Morgan and had a daughter Rebecca Morgan. b. John Degge (Inventory in Middlesex County in 1726.) c. Simon Degge whose daughter was Mary Degge d. Marshall Degge e. Charles Degge f. James Degge g. Anthony Degge h. William Degge came to Richmond. County Va. from Gloucester County before 1722. His will was proved Feb.28,1761, ln which he names his wife Dorothy.(The name Is spelled Dlgges from about this time.) According to his will, William and Dorothy Dlgges had four children: 1. Ann Dlgges m Jesse Garland 1773. 2. Mary Dlgges m Isaac Degge of Westmoreland County.

Ref. William and Mary Quarterly, Vol.21. W (1) page 194. Also Vol. 6 W (L) pages 131 and 132

84 3. Robert Dlgges b July 8, 1742 d Nov. 17, 1788, m Dec.11, 1766 Elizabeth (Betty) lawson dau of John Lawson whose will Is recorded ln Richmond County, Virginia. 4. John Dlgges (Capt.) b ca 1735, will proved July 18, 1803, ln Amherst County. He m Elizaheth Harris dau of Wil­ liam and Mary (Netherland) Harris and granddaughter of William and Elizabeth (Lee) Harris. The will of John Dlgges mentions the following children: a. Elizabeth Darnellle Dlgges b. Dorothy Durrett Dlgges c. Kitty Harris Dlgges d. William H. Dlgges e. Nancy Dlgges f. Lucy Dlgges g. John Dlgges h. Charlotte Dlgges b Nov. 18,1773 d June.14, 1839 m Nov. 3, 1793 William Moon b Nov. 26 1770 d Sept.26, 1840. Issue: a. John Dlgges Moon b Sept. 13, 1794 m Elizabeth Barclay b. Elizabeth Harris Moon b June 2, 1796 m John Steele c. Robert S. Moon b Jan 29, 1798 m Cynthia Sullivan d. Mildred Cobb Moon b May 11, 1800 m N. Anderson, Jr. e. Edward Harris Moon b Feb. 14, I805 m Anna M.Barclay f. Jacob N. Moon b Sept. 19, 1807 m Margaret Rembert g. William F. Moon b Jan. 26, 1809 h. Isaac Webster Moon b Sept. 10, 1811 m G. Goolsby 1. Albert G. Moon b Sept. 9, 1817


William Harris came from Wales ca 1640. He Is supposed to have settled ln York County near Yorktown, Va. The name of his wife Is unknown. William Harris II m Elizabeth Lee a near relative of Col. Richard Henry Lee. They had two sons: William Harris and Lee Harris and it Is thought they had four daughters. William Harris III d 1788. He settled near Green Creek and had the first mill there. His first land patent was in 1739, along the Hardware River ln Albemarle County, Va. Before he died he owned 2000 acres of land. He m Mary, dau of John and Mary Ann Netherland. He was one of the leading citizens of Albemarle County. Issue: 1. Matthew Harris moved to Nelson County and m Elizabeth Tate. They had fourteen children. 2. Capt. John Harris, d 1832, was an exporter and cotton merch­ ant with main Interests in Memphis, Tenn. and New Orleans, La. At one time he owned eight estates ln Virginia. He m 1st Frances Rowzy. They had no children. He m 2nd Mrs. Sarah Coleman (Turner) Barclay, widow of Robert Barclay. They lived at Vlewmont, Albemarle County, Va., which he bought in 1803. He left no issue. He left much of his estate to the children of his second wife, Sarah Barclay. 3. Major William Harris m Elizabeth Lindsay. Issue 8 children. 4. Benjamin Harris was appointed magistrate in 1791 and served as sheriff ln 1815. He was a very wealthy man. He m Mary dau of Samuel Woods. They had 12 children.

86 5. Sarah Harris m David Mosby. They were great-grandparents of Col. John S. Mosby of Confederate fame. 6. Mary Harris m Sowel Woolfolk. They had five children. 7. Elizabeth Harris m Capt. John Dlgges. He was b ca 1735 and made his will ln Amherst County, ln 1803. Their eight children are listed under Capt. John Dlgges. They were the grandparents of Elizabeth Harris Moon who m John Steele of Steeles Tavern, Virginia. 8. Catherine Harris m Hawes Stegar. 9. Judith Harris m 1st George Coleman. They had 4 children Judith m 2nd Daniel Tucker by whom she had 2 children. 10. Nancy Harris m Hawes Coleman. They lived in Nelson County and had four children.

Dunster Castle. Somerset County, England. Ancestral home of the Moon family of Virginia.

87 THE CALVERT LINE I. John Calvert of Danby Whlske, Yorkshire, England Is the first known ancestor ln this line. His son II. Leonard Calvert b ca 1550 at Danby Whlske, Yorkshire, Eng­ land m ca 1575 Alicia Crossland, daughter of John and Alice (Hawksworth) Crossland. III. George Calvert, son of Leonard and Alicia Crossland Calvert was the first Lord Baltimore. He was b 1579 d Apr. 15, 1632. m 1st Ann Mynne, Nov. 22, 1604, dau of George and Elizabeth (Worth) Mynne of Hertfordshire, England. Ann d Aug.8, 1622. George Calvert m 2nd Joan Arabella who d 1630. He had 12 children by his first wife and 2 by his 2nd wife. His son by Ann Mynne IV. Leonard Calvert II b 1606 d June 4, 1647. He was the first governor of the first permanent settlement of Maryland from 1633 - 1647. He m ca 1641 Anne Brent. Their son V. William Calvert b 1642 in England d ca 1682 ln Maryland. He lived at Calvert Rest ln Maryland In later life. He was a member of the House of Burgesses, Deputy Governor of the Province, Councillor and Principal Secretary from 1669 to 1682. He m Elizabeth Stone, dau of Governor William Stone b 1603 d 1695 and his wife Verllnda Sprlgg Cotton Stone. VI. George Calvert b 1672, son of William and Elizabeth Stone Calvert, m ca I695 Anne Nottley. VII. John Calvert b 1700 d 1739 m Elizabeth Harrison, supposedly 88 a aau of Benjamin Harrison b 1673 d 1710 and his wife, Elizabeth Burwell of Virginia. VIII. George Calvert b ca 1722 d May 19, 1782, lived at Deep Hole Farm, Prince William County, Va. later, ln 1752 he was ln Hamilton Parish, where he was a member of the House of Burgesses. late ln life he moved to Culpeper County.Va. He m 1st ca 1740, Ann Crupper and m 2nd Mrs. Mary(Strother) Detherage. IX. George Calvert b Feb. 1744 d May 22, 1821. He lived at Deep hole Farm, Prince William County and d in Culpeper County. He was a captain in the Revolutionary War from Culpeper County. He m Lydia Beck Ralls Nov. 7, 1764. (This date from the Courthouse in Culpeper.) They had 13 children. X. Ralls Calvert b Oct. 9, 1767 a June 29, 1815 m Nov. 15, 1790 to Mary "Polly" Wade Strother, aau of Capt. John and Nancy (Strother) strother. They lived in Washington, Rappahannock County, Va. where he was postmaster at one time.

XI. Ann "Nancy" Strother Calvert b Aug.15, 1793 d Nov. 1861 m Oct.5,1811 to Henry Isachar Smith b Sept. 9, 1784 d Oct. 2 1819. Nancy m 2nd Henry W. Splller b 1797 1 Aug.5,1842. XII. Oliver Hazard Perry Smith b Mar. 10, 1816 d Jan. 9, 1887 m Sept. 14,1843, his cousin, Margaret Elizabeth Massle b Nov. 13, 1824 d Apr. 2, 1893- They lived ln Washington, Rappahannock County until 1859 when they moved to Rock­ bridge County, Va. Oliver Perry Smith worked for the Inter­ nal Revenue Service with headquarters in Fincastle, Va. His farm was 2 miles southwest of Steeles Tavern, Va.

89 XIII. Mary "Molly" Elizabeth F. Smith b Apr. 30, 1845 d Mar.18, 1912 m Jan. 16, 1869 to David Steele b May 31, 1819 d March 9, I889. XIV. Irene Perry Steele b Nov. 10, 1871 d May 5, 1936 m Nov.27, I889 to Walter Searson b Jan. 4, I859 in Talllngton, Eng­ land, d May 25, 1929 In Steeles Tavern, Virginia. XV. Mildred Iaxton Searson b Nov. 3, 1899 m June 30, 1923 to Leo F. Goeller of Newark, New Jersey, son of Charles and Hulda Weiss Goeller. XVI. Leo "Lee" F. Goeller, Jr. b Aug. 14, 1925 m July 16, 1955 to Nancy Rubright dau of Efflnger J. and Emily Rubright of Cranford, N.J.


George Calvert b 1579 a Apr.15, 1632 m 1st Nov. 22, 1604 Ann Mynne b Nov. 20, 1579 a Aug. 8, 1622 m 2nd oa 1625 Joan Arabella who a oa 1630. George Calvert was knighted at Hampton Court by King James I ln 1617. He became the first Lord Baltimore. He persuaded King Charles I to make him Lord Proprietor of a great tract of land north of the Potomac River. Due to his death the charter was granted to his son, Cecllius Calvert, 2nd Lord Bal­ timore b 1605 d Nov. 30, 1675- He m Lady Anne Arundel b 1615 d 1649. Cecllius Calvert was unable to come to America because of his many duties in England. Therefore he sent his brother, 1. Leonard Calvert, 2nd son of George and Ann Mynne Calvert to be the first Governor of Maryland. Leonard Calvert sailed Oct. 18, 1633 with two ships bringing colonists to Maryland. He was Governor of Maryland from 1633 to 1647. He was b oa 1606 d June 9, 1647 m Anne Brent, dau of Richard and Elizabeth (Reed) Brent, ca 1641. Their son, 2. William Calvert b ca 1642 d 1682 m ca 1666 Elizabeth Stone, dau of Governor William Stone b ca 1603 d 1695 and his wife Verlinda Sprlgg Cotton Stone. William was a member of the House of Burgesses, Deputy Governor of the Province, Coun­ cillor and Principal Secretary from 1669 to 1683. Their son, 3. George Calvert b 1672 m ca 1695 to Anne Nottley. Their son 4. John Calvert b 1700 d 1739 m Elizabeth Harrison, thought to be the dau of Benjamin and Elizabeth Burwell Harrison. Their son,

91 5. George Calvert b 1722 a at Horse Shoe Farm, Culpeper County, Virginia, May 1Q, 1782 m 1st in 1740 Ann Crupper, m 2nd, a Widow, Mrs. Mary (Strother)Detherage of Culpeper County ln 1779' By his 2nd m George Calvert had a dau Mary Calvert b 1780 d 1809 m 1805 Nicholas Thorne. He lived at Deep Hole Farm, Prince William County, on the Potomac River, late in life he moved to Culpeper County and Is buried at Calvert Mills. He was commissioned captain of a company of militia ln Culpeper County, May 19, 178I by Thomas Jefferson. Issue of George and Ann Crupper Calvert: 5.1. John Calvert b 1742 m Sarah Bailey. 2. Jane Calvert b 1746 m Capt. John Maddox, RN. 3. Lydia Calvert b 1748 m Archibald Blgbee. 4. Sarah Calvert b 1749 m Mr. Rookard. 5. Ann Calvert b 1751 a 1822 m ca 1766 Capt. William Lindsay. 6. George Calvert b Feb. 6, 1744 d May 22, 1821 m Feb.7,1766 Lydia Beck Ralls. George Calvert was a captain ln the war of the Revolution, from Culpeper County. Issue: 5.6.a. Ralls Calvert b Oct. 9, 1767 d June 29, 1815 m Nov. 15, 1790 Mary "Polly"Wade Strother dau of Capt. John and Mary Willis (Wade) Strother. Ralls and Mary Strother Calvert had 12 children: 5.6.a.l. Jeremiah Strother Calvert b 1781 m 1816 Prlscllla Smlthers, lived in Texas and had 8 children. 5.6.a.2. Ann (Nancy) Strother Calvert b Aug. 15, 1793 d 1861 m 1st Oct. 1811 Henry Isachar Smith b Sept.9, 1748 d Oct. 2, I819. Nancy Strother Calvert Smith m 2nd Henry Spiller b 1797 d Aug.5, 1842. There were 4

92 Smith children and 3 Spiller children: a.John Ralls Smith b Feb. 18, 1812 d Aug. 10, 1894 m ca 1837 to Lucy Ann Allen. They lived in Temple, Texas ln 1882. b. Oliver H. Perry Smith b Mar. 10, 1815 d Jan. 9,1887 m Sept. 14, 1843 his cousin, Margaret Elizabeth Mas­ sle aau of Lewis and Elizabeth Adams Massle and grand­ daughter of John and Margaret Calvert Adams. Margaret E. Massle Smith b Nov. 3, 1824 d Apr. 2, 1893, near Steeles Tavern, Virginia. Oliver Perry Smith and Mar­ garet E. Massle Smith lived in Washington, Rappahannock County until 1859 when they moved to a farm two miles southwest of Steeles Tavern, Va. Issue: 5.6.a.2.b.l. Mary "Molly" Elizabeth Frances Smith b Apr. 30,1845 d Mar. 18, 1912 m Jan. 16,1869 David Steele, son of John and Eliza Moon Steele, b March 17, 1819 a Mar. 9, I889. They lived ln Steeles Tavern, Va., had five children. An epidemic of diphtheria took three of their children within a few days. Those who died were Margaret "Maggie" Steele, Ralph Edward Steele and John David Steele,Jr. The two children who sur- n •» - ^ 3 vlved: Irene Perry Steele who m Walter Searson,and .

93 3. Anna Melvina Smith b May 25, 1849 d May 28, 1921 m Feb.16, 1875 John Hanger Rush son of Peter and Susannah Rush. No Issue. ^4. Virginia Edwena Smith b I855 d Sept. 27, 1808 m * 2 Deo. 8, 1886 Samuel Black who d Apr.21,1894. No Issue. 5.6.a.2.b.5. Edward Lewis Smith b 1851 a July 30, 1914 m Clara Weir dau of John and Margaret Brooks Weir, Feb.19, 1878. Issue: a. Mayme "Mamie" Smith b Jan. 7, 1879 d Oct.10,1972 m Samuel Flnley McClure b Feb. 10, I858 d June 8, 1944 son of James Alexander McClure b Oct. 21, 1828 d Mar. 25, 1865 and Rebecca Humphreys Mc­ Clure b May 19, 1832 d Sept. 3, I896. Issue: 1. Samuel Flnley McClure,Jr. b June 24,1909 d toy 29, 1972 m Carolena Moffett McClure. Issue: a. Mary Moffett "Polly" McClure m H.H. Dicker- son, Jr. b. Samuel Flnley McClure,III c. James Alexander McClure 2. Jean Weir McClure b Jan. 3, 1914 m William W. Thomas. Issue: William W. Thomas,Jr. and Rebecca Thomas who m Oct.1972 •llllaa Joseph

Kopp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kopp of Ohio. b. The second dau of Lewis and Clara Weir Smith was Jean Calvert Smith who m Lewis Frank Smith of Culpeper, Va. Issue: a. Lewis Francis Smith,Jr. m Alpha Garnett b. William Allen Smith m Charlene Williams ********** Children of Nanoy Calvert and Isachar Smith, cont. 5.6.a.2.c. Elizabeth Smith b Mar. 4, 1818 m Enoch J. Brown Feb. 10, 18AA. Issue: 1. Molly Brown, 2. Lewis Brown, 3. Sol Brown, A. Lizzie Brown who m William Wayland and lived in Texas. They were the par­ ents of Ed Wayland, a druggest of Lexington Va.

U> l> S*r 5; 5.6.a.2.d. Mary Catherine Smith b Dec. 30, 1813 m John Ruda- cell Aug. A, 1836 and moved to Missouri. Henry Isaohar Smith d Oct. 2, 1819 and Nancy Calvert Smith m 2nd Oct. 9, 1823 Henry Splller b 1797 d Aug. 5, 18A2 Issue: e. Edward Nehemiah Splller b Apr. 7. 1825 d July 28, 1900 m Mary Waynesboro. They lived ln Atlanta, Ga. until 1867 when they moved to Baltimore, Maryland. Issue: Calvert Splller, Archibald Splller and Mary Eddie Splller who m a Mr. Oliver. Issue: John Oliver. f. Ann Sophia Splller b June 10, 1827. (S) g. Martha Elvira "Pat" Splller b Mar.10,1829 m —Botts. ***» Children of Balls and Pclly Strother Calvert, cont. 5.6.a.3. George Calvert m Miss Carr. Their dau, Anna, m Mr. Jaokson, whose son was Bishop Jackson of Alabama.

A. Ralls Calvert ) )These children were twins who d young. 5. Martha Calvert;

95 6. John S. Calvert was a major ln the 10th Virginia Regiment of the Confederate Army and was at one time treasurer of the Confederacy ln Richmond. He m ln 1833 Catherine Ann Savage and lived ln Mew Market,Va. 7. Edward Calvert, a teacher, m Mary F. Jenkins. 8. Lydia Calvert (S) 9. Mary Calvert 10. Patsy Calvert b 1803 d 1870. 11. Kitty Calvert m Mr. Holllnsworth 12. Lucy Calvert d 1848 m 1844. She was the 2nd wife of James Leake Powers b 1799 d I889. His first wife was Lucy's cousin, Martha Ann Nlcklin, dau of Joseph and Elizabeth Calvert Nlcklin. Issue of Lucy Calvert and James Leake Powers: Annie Powers who did not R! £ marry but lived with her sister ln the old home in Washington, Rappahannock County, Va. 33

o j Children of George and Ann Crupper Calvert, cont. 5.6.b. Margaret Calvert b 1770 m 1791 John Adams who d Oct.10, 1825. Issue: 5.6.b.l. Elijah Adams, 2. Mariah Adams m 1816 Nimrod Hambrlck.Jr. 3. Elizabeth Adams b Jan. 19, 1795 d Apr. 19, 1866 m Feb. 14, 1822 Lewis D.Massle b Nov. 25, 1783 d Nov.25,1866. Their children are listed under the Massle family.

96 5.6.0. George Calvert b 1771 m Oct. 17, 1809 Ann(Jennings) Norman. a. Annie "»IICY" Beck Calvert b 1773 a May 18, 1835 m Nov. 20, 1797 to Cecllius Calvert b 1767 d 1852, son of John ana his 1st wife, Sarah (Bailey) Calvert. They were first cousins. e. John Calvert b 1775 m Feb. 3. 1804 to Annie Askins. f. Lydia Calvert b 1777 m 1794 (tomes.* Wheeler. g. Elizabeth Calvert b 1779 m 1800 Charles Williams h. Catherine Calvert b Mar. 25, 1781 d Oct. 20, 1852 m 1st in 1801 Henry Green who d in 1806 m 2nd ln 1809 to Jacob Matthews. i. Hannah Calvert b 1783 m 1805 Peter Link. J. Jane Calvert b 1785 m 1804 George Carver. k. Sarah Calvert b 1786 d 1856 m 1803 John Kaylor 1784 to 1866. 1. Cecllius Calvert b 1789. m. Mariah Calvert b 1791 m 1st Jaoob Myers m 2nd Nlmrod Hambrick. Their son Nlmrod Hambrick, Jr., m his cousin Mariah Adams dau of John and Margaret Calvert Adams.

97 THE MASS IE FAMILY A short background for the Massle family is necessary here. The name, Massle, is Norman French ln origin, derived from Macy, a place near Coutances, Normandy. The Cheshire founder of this family was Harmon Massey who accompanied William the Conqueror to England ln 1066 and acquired the town of Durham, Cheshire, England. Descendants of Harmon Massey: 1. William Massey who emigrated from Ireland In 1690. Hlb son 2. William L. Massey was b ln Culpeper In 1715- 3. William Dawson Massey b 1743 was a soldier ln the Revolu­

tion. His son signed his name"Massle"when he married: 4. Lewis D. Massle b Nov. 25, 1783 d Nov. 15, 1866 m Feb. 14, 1822 Elizabeth Adams b Jan. 19, 1795 a July 22, 1886. They lived ln Washington, Rappahannock County, Va. Issue: a. John William Massle b Dec. 8, 1822 d 1887 m Dec.11,1851 Catherine R. Cloud of Front Royal, Va. Issue: 1. Jennie Massle, 2. Katie Massle, 3.Mary Massle. b. Margaret Elizabeth Massle b Nov. 13,1824 d Apr.2,1893 m Sept.14,1843 Oliver Hazard Perry Smith b Mar.10,1815 d Jan. 9, 1887, son of Henry Issachar Smith and Nancy Cal­ vert. See list of. their descendants under Ralls Calvert. c. Mary Virginia Massle b Apr. 29, 1830 d Mar. 7, 1901 m 1st June 14, I856 James HiekerBOn of Stafford, Va., m 2nd Feb. 6, 1882 to John W. Wamsley who d Deo.25,1919. No Issue. d. Sarah Melvina Massle b 1833 d July 12, 1842.

98 Thome Bernard Massle b Deo. 9, 1826 a 1901 m May 9, 1848 Margaret Hazeltlne Bragg of Sperryville.Va., b Apr. 1, 1831. He was a farmer, ana servea as a captain of Company B, 7th Virginia Regiment of Vol­ unteers ln the Civil War. He Uvea ln Rappahannock County, Va. He baa eight sons ana two aaughters: 1. Lewis E. Massle b 1849 a June 8, 1921. He haa three sons by his first wife: Major Bermrd Massle, Charles Massle of Washington, D.C. Frank Massle of Washington, D.C. By his 2nd wife he haa one son, Robert Massle. He Uvea ln the family homesteaa, "Rose Cottage" In Rappahannock County, Va. 2. James W. Massle lived In Hamilton County, Texas ana was commissioner of that county for many years. He had eleven children. 3..George W. Massle m Mary Elier. He was a merchant ln Austin, Texas. Issue: Louis E. Massle, George Massle,Jr., Cullen Massle, William Massle, Mrs. Horra Robblns and Mrs. Blll Stovell. 4. John Edmund Massle b Mar. 2, 1859 d Dec. 16, 1928 m 1st Kate L. Caldwell who d 1902. No Issue, m 2nd Minnie L. Kennedy July 31, 1907. He was a merchant ln Logan, Iowa. He bad five ohliaren: 1. John Edmund Massle, Jr., 2. Charles L. Massle, 3. Glenn Massle, 4 Margaret B. Massle, 5- Elizabeth M. Massle.

99 5. Thomas A. Massle b Feb. 21, I856 a Oct. 5, 1930 m Annie Riddle. They lived In Logan, Iowa. 6. Henry Massle lived ln Hamilton County, Texas. (S) 7. Frank Adams Massle lived ln Marquette, Michigan. 8. Charles B. Massle lived ln Logan, Iowa. 9. Lucy Elizabeth "Bessle"Massle m G.W. Rowles who d Jan.6, 1924 ln Washington, D.C. They had six chllaren: a. Flnley Massle Rowles b. Charles Rowles, c. John T. Rowles, d Mrs. Reginald Updike, e. Mrs E.D. F&rtlow f. Mrs. Frank Updike. 10. Margaret Bernard Massle b Apr. 29, 1861 d Feb. 29,1929 a Oct. 25, 1882 to Baxter Rowan b Oct. 4, 1848 d Jan. 13, I889. She was born in Rappahannock County, Va. She came to Rockbridge County to visit her Aunt Margaret Massle Smith, wife of Oliver H. Perry Smith, and became the first organist of both Mt. Carmel and Old Providence Presbyterian churches. She taught school near Spottswood, Virginia, probably ln the Old Stone Church there. After her marriage to Baxter Stuart Rowan she lived near Spottswood. Much of the foregoing Massle information came from notes found ln Margaret Bernard Massle Rowan's Bible. Issue: 1. Ellie Bragg Rowan b Sept. 21, I883 d Sept. 18, 1969 m Walter McGuffin Harris b 1881 d 1955 son of James Martin b Aug. 13, 1836 d Dec. 15, 1919 and Florence McGuffin Harris b Sept. 28, 1849 d Oct. 26, 1902. Issue a. Bernard Harris, b. Winston Harris.

100 2. Lois Rebecca Rowan b Feb. 2, 1886 d June 7. 1968 m William Clifton McCormick of Raphlne, Va. Issue: A. William Clifton McCormick,II, m Susie Jeffries and were the parents of Dr. William Clifton McCormick,III, who m A nara Wright aau of Dr. Garland M. and Wray Grant Wright of Roanoke, Virginia. Children of Dr.William C. and Anara Wright McCormick,III. a. William Clifton McCormick, IV b. Michael Garland McCormick B. Ann Massle McCormick dau of William C. and Lois Rowan McCormick m Hugh Rader of Roanoke, Va. Their dau Lola Dlann Raaer Is a teacher. 3. Charles Bernard Rowan b 1884 a 1888. 4. Baxter Stuart Rowan, Jr. b Oct. 28, 1888 a Apr.13. 1966. He was m twice but left no Issue.


The Strother Family of Culpeper County came originally from Northumberland, England. William Strother I of Newton and Lanston, Northumberland, England. William Strother II m Jane Selby dau of John Selby. Their son Lancelot Strother m Elinor Conyers. Their son: William Strother III b ca 1598 d ca 1655. His son: William Strother IV b ca 1630 ln Northumberland, England emigrated to Virginia and died ln Richmond County, Va.ln 1702. He m Dorothy (Savage?). Their children: 1. William Strother V b ca 1653 d ca 1726 m ca 1694 Margaret Thornton b Apr. 2, I678, dau of Francis Thornton, Sr. 1651- 1726 and Alice Savage, dau of Capt. Anthony Savage, Esq., Justice of Gloucester County, Virginia. 2. James Strother d oa 1716 ln Richmond County, Va. No Issue. 3. Robert Strother d 1735 m Elizabeth Berry. 4. Benjamin Strother d 1752 ln King George County, m Mary Woffandall. 5. Joseph Strother d ca 1706 m Margaret Berry. He was Justice of Richmond and King George Counties. 6. Jeremiah Strother b 1655 d 1741 ln Orange, now Culpeper County, Va. He m ca 1680 Eleanor. Last name unknown. Issue a. James Strother d In Culpeper Co.,1761 m Margaret, dau of Daniel French.

102 b. William Strother m Mildred Tallferro. He d In Westmore­ land County ln 1749. c. Francis Strother m 1st Elizabeth Forsaker. He m 2nd Miss Dabney. d. Lawrence Strother m Elizabeth. He was ln Orange County ln 1742. e. Christopher Strother m Ann Kemp. f. Robert Strother m Elizabeth Berry. He died ln King George County. g. Catherine Strother h. Elizabeth Strother 1. Jeremiah Strother b ca 1695 m ca 1726 Catherine Kennerly and moved from Culpeper County, Va. to Saluda River, S.C. Issue: a. George Strother lived In S.C. b. Samuel Strother (S) c. Joseph Strother (S) d. Solomon Strother m Lucy lawler. e. Kitty Strother m Mr. Baker. f. John Strother b ca 1740 m ca 1765 Nancy Strother b ca 1745, dau of Capt. John (1721-1795) and Mary Willis Wade Strother,granddaughter of Francis (d 1752) and Susannah Dabney Strother. Susannah dau of John and Sarah Jennings Dabney. Issue: 1. Jeremiah "Jere" m 1st Martha Payne by whom he had 3 child­ ren. He m 2nd Nancy Clayton by whom he had 4 children.

103 2. George Strother b Feb. 14, 1776 m Feb. 18, I796 Polly, dau of Jamea and Soeny Duncan. They had 11 children 3. John Strother m twice but had no Issue. 4. Catherine Strother d when about 22. (S) 5. Mary "Polly" Wade Strother b ca 1770 m Nov. 15, 1790 RallB Calvert b Oct. 9. 1767 d June 29, 1815. Issue listed under Ralls Calvert.


The name Searson Is unusual ln the United States but It Is quite a common name ln Lincolnshire, England. I have heard of only two other families of Searsons in America. My father's first cousin, Fred Searson, settled ln Calgary, Canada, with his family ln 1911- There was also a family of Searsons in Allendale, South Carolina, whose ancestors have been there since about 1748. My father, Walter Searson,came to the United States ln 1884. He had several Jobs ln Wisconsin. There he met Mr. Leander McCormick who hired him to come to Virginia to manage the McCormick Farm, the homeplace of the McCormick family,where the reaper was Invented.

Walter Searson arrived by train ln Raphlne, Virginia, ln 1886 and was manager of Walnut Grove farm for 33 years. In I889 he married Irene Steele, daughter of David Steele of Steeles Tavern, Virginia, and took her to Talllngton, England, to meet his family, on their honeymoon. 'Walter and Irene Steele Searson had seven children. It was the wish of my mother that I get together as much of our family history as I could before the family became too scattered. It was from her notes and those of my grandmother, Molly Smith Steele,that I found a great deal of the information about the Steeles, Smiths and Calverts. The Searson history follows:

Note, c stands for christened.

105 THE SEARSON FAMILY Penlaton Searson, a farmer of Spanby, Lincolnshire, Eng­ land , b 1749 d Oct.1821 at the age of 72. His wife was Mary, last name unknown. She was b 1753 and was buried Feb. 17, 1820. The will of Penlston Searson was proved Nov. 26, 1821 by Henry Searson, his son, and names the following: 1. Henry Searson b 1774 d Oct. 20, I838 m July 6, 1807 to Elizabeth Lee of Aswarby, Lincolnshire, England. 2. Penlston Searson II b 1778 m Jan. 25, 1805 ln Orsbournby to Mary V/ott on aged 24. 3. Robert Searson b Oct. 25, 1789 m July 15, 1814 Charlotte Fox b Aug. 14, I792 dau of John Fox b 1756 d 1816 and Elizabeth Savell Fox who were m July 21, I789. ISEUB: a. Mary Searson c Sept. 7, 1815 m Edward Grummltt. b. John Searson c Jan. 7, 1817 m Caroline Smith of Haydor. Issue: Annie Searson, Lizzie Searson, Arthur Searson Fred Searson who migrated to Calgary, Canada.

c. Sarah Searson d. George Searson c Feb.10, 1821 d Aug.11, I89I m May 11, 1852 at St.James, Deeping, England to Mary Searson b ca 1832 d Nov. 27, 1905 dau of Robert Searson b ca 1806 and Ann Fairchild b ca 1810 near Crow land , England. Robert and Ann Fairchild Searson lived at Cranmore Lodge, St. James, Deeping, England. George and Mary (Searson) Searson lived all their married life ln the Manor House at Tallington, England. George was a farmer as were most of his ancestors. George and Mary Searson

106 are buried in the churchyard at Talllngton. Their children: 1. Annie Emilie Searson b Feb. 18, 1853 d Jan. 10, 1858. 2. Frank Searson b Oct. 31, 1854. He died in Australia. (S) 3. Elizabeth Kathleen Searson b Nov. 30, I858 d ca 1939- (S) 4. Walter Searson b Jan. 4, 1857 m Irene Perry Steele dau of David and Molly Smith Steele of Steeles Tavern, Virginia, Nov. 27, I889 d May 25, I929, burled ln Mt. Carmel Cemetery. Issue listed under the Steeles of Steeles Tavern, Virginia. 5. Ellen Maud Searson b Nov. 24, I858 d July 26, 1911. (S) 6. Mary Adelaide b Sept. 6, i860 d Sept. 21, 1949- (S) 7. Edith Georglana b May 15, 1864 d Feb. 8, 1935- (£) 8. Charlotte Louise Searson b Apr. 25, 1868 d Sept. 17, 1945.(S) 9. Constance Margaret Searson b Dec. 9, 1870 d 1922. (S) 10. George Searson b March 12, 1873 d Apr. 25, 1929 m Alice (Betty) Thurlby. No issue. They lived at the Manor House Talllngton, England. Children of Robert and Charlotte Fox Searson, cont. e. Betsy Searson c Nov. 10, 1832 f. Joseph Searson c Mar.29,1829 m Sarah Wright, of Bulby, who d at the birth of their dau, Sally. Betsy and Charlotte Searson, her father's sisters, were old maids and they lived with Joseph, and raised Sally. g. Charlotte Searson (S) h. Jane Searson 1. Robert Searson (S)

107 INDEX Adams Henrietta 76,77 Elijah 96 Isaac M. 77 Elizabeth 96,98 Isbel N. 75 J ohn 54,93,96 Jack T. 75 Kenneth 67 Jack T.,Jr. 75 Margaret C. 93 Jacob 76 Maria 96,97 James A. 75,77 Mary Barclay 67 James A.,Jr. 81 Matthew T. 67 James (Judge) 77 Agnor James R. 81 David Shrlver 21 John T. 76 Mary Megan 21 Julius 75 Phlllls White 21 J.W. Irby 77 Robert Reid 21 Louise R. 75 Robert ReId,II 21 Lucy C. 75 Robert Reid,111 21 Lucy J 75 Alexander Martha F. 7? Andrew, Jr. 47,57 Martha L. 76 Annie Laurie 13 Mattie 75 David 47 Mildred 76 Elizabeth 77 Nathaniel,Jr 73,86 Emille 77 Nelson H.,111 76 Eva Una 57 Peggy Jane 81 Francis 47 Rembert 81 Jane 46 Robert 75 Lucy 13 Robert M. 74,76 Peter 46,62,63 Sa lly 75 Robert 45 Sarah 74 Allen Trent G. 81 Blanch 74 Walter 75 Ellen 74 William G. 77 Florence 74 William G.,Jr. 78 Floy Rita 76 William N. 74 Harriett 74 Andrews James 76 Alfred Hill 78 J ohn 40 Alfred Hlll.Jr 78,80 Lucy A. 93 Alton M. 80 Mary L. 74 Annie L 79 Richard 74 Annie Marge 80 Richard,Jr 74 Barbara Ann 78 Thomas H 74 Bertha Mae 78 Anderson Bryant P. 79 Ada D. 80 Carl Merlin 79 Benjamin L. 77 Charles B. 79 Betty D. 77 Charlotte E. 79 Calvin V. 77 Douglas E. 78 Calvin V.,Jr 77 Edward Moon 78 David 76 Eloise 79 Edward 74 Emmltt L. 79 Edward M. 74 Ernest L. 80 Ella 74 Ernest L.,Jr. 80 Ellen 76 Esther 78 Elsie 81 Frank M. 80 Florence 74 Frank Owen 80 Frances H. 74 Genevieve 79 George W.H. 77 Gwyndolin 78 108 Horton K. 78 Arundel, Thomas 91 Isaac Moon 79 Askins, Annie 97 James B. 78,79 Ashley, Robert C. 75 John B. 80 Baker, Mr. 103 John Summerfield 78,79 George, Dr. 2A Joyoe M. 80 Marie 80 Justice 78 Bailey Katherine 79 Wanda 25 Kleffer 78 Sarah 92 La vina 78 Barclay Lee 78 Anna Mary 66,85 Lou Ann 79 Elizabeth 66,85 Luther R. 78 Robert 66,86 Margie 79 Sarah Turner 66,86 Mary Elizabeth 78 Barksdale Mary Virginia 78,80 Dorothy 79 Nancy A • 79 Barnett Orie Margaret 80 Clark 75 Orie S. 78 Barnhill Oscar W. 79 Lillian 71 Owen M. 80 Bartley, Mr. 37 Owen Nelson 80 Mary Alsebeth 18 Richard 79 Baxter, Isabel 27,56,69 Rosalee E. 80 Bear, George A2 Samuel B. 79 Beard, William 50 Tennie L. 78 BeGole Victor Lee 78 Margaret R. 82 Victor Lee,Jr. 78 Rita Louise 82 Virginia 79 William L. 82 William 78 Bejack William C. 78 Benton 77 William Luther 78,80 Leo 77 Willie R. 78 Nancy 0. 77 And orfer .Anna C. 71 Belbher Apple, Henry 21 Crabtree 7A Appling Evelyn 75 Austin 69 Florence 75 Jannett 69 Laura 75 Marietta 69 Bell, Fannie M. 93 Arabella Bergman Joan 88 Elvira 76 Arbuckle, Dr. A3 Berry Areheart, J.P. 14 Elsie 75 Arnold Elsie H 75 Ada Lee 21,22 Elizabeth 102,103 Catherine Webb 23 George S. 75 Cornelius 18,23 George S.,Jr 75 Fannie Collins 32 Margaret 102 Kathleen 32 Mary M 75 Mary Garland 18,23 Beverley Mary Rosa 18,20 Carolyn 36 Ruell 32 Blgbee, Archibald 92 Arundel Blnford, Elizabeth 82 Ann 91 Black, Samuel 9A 109 Blackburn Brent Archibald 11 Ann 88,91 Nathaniel 11 Elizabeth 91 Rosannah 11 Richard 91 Biand Brown Annott Mae 39 David 79 Henry J. 38,39,72 Enoch 95 Henry Meade,PhD 38 Earnest M. 79 Henry Morton 39 Finchley Allen 36 Mildred 39 John (Rev.) 46 Boatman Kate 79 Elizabeth 81 Lewis 95 Boggan Lizzie 95 Lou la 75 Martha 36 Boldrldge Mavis 78 Austin 0. 70 Minnie Reid 36 Austin G., Jr. 70 Molly M 79,95 Chauncey H. 69 Rebecca 79 Prank, Dr. 69 Ruth 79 James B. 70 Sol 95 John H. (Rev.) 69 Will 58 John Reid 69 Buchanan Marietta 70 David 50 Sarah Jane 70 Robert 42 Botts, Mr. 95 William 42 Bowmer Bumgardner, Mary 49 Michael Earl,III 32 Sarah 49 Bradford Burk Robert 33 Elizabeth 26 Bradshaw, Mr. 38 Martin 48 Beatrice 38 Polly 48 Warren 38 Burrls Bragg Andrew Robert 21 Margaret 99 Kathleen "Kay" 21 Brant Reid Agnor 21 Edward 15 Samuel Steele 21 Bray Burns, Leroy G. 77 Charles McChesney 17 Burwell Gladys Louise 17 Elizabeth 89,91 Gladys Steele 17 John Baldwin 18 Guy a'Court 17 Julia 18 Isabel Doak 18 Virginia 18 James 17 Bush James Newell 17 Martin 48 Margaret Dudley 17 Polly 48 Marjorie 17 Butts Virginia Nance 18 Charles S. Dr. 71 William 17 Charles S.,II,DDS 71 Breckenridge Charles S.,III 71 George 45 Caldwell, Kate L. 96 Robert 60 Calvert, Anna 95 Breeden Annie Beck 97 Cecil 36 Ann S. "Nancy" 8? ',92,95, Jeffrey 36 Catherine 97 Michael 36 Cecllius, Lord B. 91 Sandra 36 110 Ceclllua, Lord B.,11 91 Clark Cecllius 97 Arthur 73 Edward 96 Betty Sue 73 Elizabeth 97 Estelle 36 Elizabeth W. 88 Cynthia 73 George s/Wm 88,91 Franklin Moon 73 George,1722-1782 89.92,96 Franklin P. 73 George,1744-1821 89.92 Grace 73 George 9Z,95,97 James (Judge) 73 Hannah 97 James M. 73 Jane 92,97 Mary 75 Jeremiah S. 92 Thomas F. 73 John 89,91,92 Clayton, Nancy 105 John S. (Major) 96 Cloud, Catherine R. 98 Kitty 96 Coalter, John 29 Leonard 88 Cobb, Bishop 65 Leonard,II s/Geo. 88.91 Jacob 65 Lucy 96 Mildred 65 Lydia 92,96,97 Cochran, Ruth 82 Margaret 96,97 Cofer, Anna V. 80 Maria 97 Helena B. 81 Martha 95 James H.,Jr. 81 Mary 92 Joseph A. 81 Jfency 96 J oseph H. 80 Patsy 96 John Xavier 81 Balls 88,92,95,104 Lottie M. 80 Sarah 92,97 Mary A. 80 William 88,91 Nita James 81 Campbell Rosa Lee 80 Adam 16 Virginia 81 Carr, Miss 97 William S. 81 Carden, Robert 16 C offee Cauffman, Mary 82 Burgess R. 36 Carson, Christina A. 20,21,22 Hersey 36 Carver, George 97 Laura Myrtls 36 Chastllleux, Marquis de 6 Polly 16 Chapin, Elsie L. 69 Coleman Chatten, Melville C. 28 Ann Archer 28 Chauncey Barbara Bray 18 Franklin M. 70 George 87 John M. 70 Hawes 87 Mary Virginia 70 Herbert R. 18 Maultler R. 70 Julius Archer 28 Chlttum Martha 28 Jessie M. 34 C ooper Charles N. 34 Robert 11 Elizabeth F. 34 Elizabeth 12 Christian, Col. 53 Coyner, Elinor 102 Churchill Craig Mary Barclay 79 James (Judge) 70 Robert Carr,III 79 Harold Eugene 37 Robert Carr, IV 79 Harry L. 37 Samuel 79 Crawford, Mr. 40 Churchman, Jane 13,14 Evelyn 40 Clair, Lillian 32 Martha 50 111 Crockett J ohn 84 Ed va rd P. 8 c Margaret 84 Edward P.,Jr. 80 Ma ry 84 Lev/is P. 3C Rose 84 Cross Rosa 84 Mildred 79 Simon 84 Cross land Dewey Alice 88 Eric 33 Alicia 88 Lisa 33 John 88 L.J. (PhD) 33 Crupper Dickers on Ann 89,92,96 Cary M. 71 Cullen, Dora Dean 14 H.H. 94 Dabney Frank 71 Sarah Jennings 103 Gladys fa? Dalton James 70,71 Elizabeth Stuart 43,48,49 Robert G. (Judge) 70 Ra lph T oms 43,48 Robert G.,Jr. 7C Ralph Toms,Jr. 43,48 Robert G..IV 70 Davis Walter 71 Burnle 30 Dlckhart, Mr. 3E Henry M. 78 Dlgges Henry M.,Jr. 78 Ann 84 Jake 30 Charlotte 65,85 James R. (Judge) 72 Dorothy 85 James 30 Elizabeth 85 John 30 Elizabeth H. 66 Judith L. 68 J ohn (Ca pt.) 65,85,87 Judy K. 30 Kitty Harris 85 Lewis 30 Lucy 85 Lllla W. 68 Mary 84 Lonnie 30 Nancy 85 Lottie 30 Robert 85 Mamie 30 William H. 85 Martha Ann 43 Dixon Nellie 30 Ell 57 Orie 30 Myrtle Moore 59 Sallie 30 Doak, Samuel 45 Thomas 30 Donald, Sarah Ann 58 WaIter 30 Downs Walter Dennis 33 Hunton 33 William 30 Kathryn T. 33 William Daniel 68 Dull Day Linda Jo 36 Fronda Mae 34 Marvin 35 Percy S. 34 Richard 35 Henrietta S. 34 Robert 36 Deatherage, Mary 89,92 Sharon 36 Dearlng Virginia 36 Adeline 69 William 36 Dorothy Ann 73 Duncan, James 104 Deaver, Mr. 2 Sceny 104 Degges Dunsmore Charles 84 Gilbert 36 Dorothy 84 Julia Sutton 36 Isaac 84 Madeline F. 36 James 84 Eades, Mattie Lou 80 Eakin 58 Fulton Gertrude 24 John 47 Echard Ma rc ia 77 Mary Cornelia 24 Robert 50 William 23,24 Garland, Jesse 84 William Franklin 24 Garnett, Alpha 95 Echols Gatewood, Susan K. 18 Carol Elizabeth 19 Gay hart Glen David 19 Wllhelmlna 36 James Craig 19 Gibson, Charles G. 19 Jeffrey Alan 19 Gidney Sarah Beth 19 Charlotte 75 Sdley, Polly 41 Jack 75 Eggleston, Carolyn 74 J ohn 75 Elier, Mary 99 Goeller Elam, Martha 28 Charles 34,90 Elliott, Mr 56 Hulda Weiss 34,90 Elliott, Mr. 57 James Douglas 34 Elliott Lawrence Nelson 34 George 20 Leo F. 33 J ohn 25 Leo F.,Jr. "Lee" 34,90 Erps, Lucy 73 Nancy Rubright 34 Evans Gold, Dr. 15 Joseph 13 Goode, Charles E. 70 Mary 56,58 Goolsby, GlUy 82 Ewlng, Slsie 22 Goodwin Fairchild, Ann 106 Ben C. 68 Fauver, Mary C. 40,72 Ellen 68 Few, Florence 71 George Tyler 69 Field George Tyler,II 69 Charles A. 80 Lewis P. 68 Charlotte Ann 80 Lucy Margaret 69 Helena W. 80 Manlius 69 Finch, Julia 78 Martha D. 69 Fishburn, George 66 Graham Fitzgerald Ann 74 Chester 34 Barnette 74 Faye 34 Blanch 74 Gladys Myrtle 34 Dudley 74 Flower Edward 29 Claude Franklin 24 Florence 74 Virginia Ann 24 Florence Allen 74 Forsaker George C. 74,76 Elizabeth 102 George C.,Jr. 74 Margaret 102 Ja c ob A . 74 Forsithe, Jennie 64 J os eph 74 Fox Jullett 74 Bobby Lewis 36 Louise 74 Charlotte 106,107 Mary L. 74 Christopher 36 Owen 74 Elizabeth 106 Pearl 74 J ohn 106 Sarah 74 Pamela Sue 36 Stella 74 Thomas Edward 36 Thomas 74 French, Daniel 102 Green, Kellar 79 Elizabeth 103

113 Greer Nancy 87 Hal Irby 75 Sarah 70,87 Hal Wyohe 75,76 Walter 100 Sarah Irby 76 William 66,72,85 Willis R. 75 William (Major) 86 Griffith, Carolyn 19 •'lnston 100 Grimes, Samuel 50 Harris on Grimm Benjamin 88,91 Dale Levi 36 Elizabeth 88,91 Lewis 37 Hartman Grogan, Philip 33 Henrietta V. 20 Grumiaux Haskel, Annie 39 Jack W. 81 Hawpe Jack W. Jr. 81 Barbara 33 Grummitt, Edward 106 Edith S. 33 Hall, Sarah 51 Elizabeth D. 17 Hailey, Jane E.D. 70 Henry 17 Hambrick Jayne Irene 33 Nlmrod 97 Maggie Miller 33 Nlmrod,Jr. 97 Mary Boone 49 Hamilton Mark 33 Alfred J. M.D. 3,38,72 William Erskine 33 Arthur C. 76 William Kemper 33 Mabel 82 William S. 33 Hammock, Marie 71 Heath, Mary 72 Hampton, Elizabeth 71 Helskell, Elizabeth 73 Hancock, David G. 65,68 Helzer, Sally 21 David W. 68 Henders on David W., Jr. 68 Andrew 47 Elizabeth M. 6b Alexander 52 Gustavus A. 68 Daniel 52 James 68 George 60 Kathleen G. 68 Hugh (Sir) 52 Lllla 68 Jean 52 Mary B. 68 Hendricks, John 48 Robert C. 68 Phoebe 48 Hanley, William 13 Henry, Robert 62 Hargest, Elizabeth 73 Herd on, Hazel C. 75 Harper, Elizabeth 02 Seth 75 Harris Hess Benjamin 86 Al 2 Bernard 100 Christina M. 34 Carry Ann 70 Edward W. 34 Catherine 87 Nellie Grace 34,39 Elizabeth 66,82,85,87 Hlckerson, Mr. 98 Elizabeth Lee 86 Hickman, Vera 71 Fannie F. 67 Hlder James Martin 100 Amanda 25 John 38,58,70 Catherine 25 J ohn (Ca pt.) 86 Christina 25 Judith 07 Diana 20,22,24,25 Lee 86 Elizabeth 25 Lena Ramsey 36 Frederick 25 Mary 87 Isaac 16,20,25 Mary Netherland 85 Jane 25 Matthew 86 Lucretia 25 114 Harris Hutcheson Mary 16,20,22,25 Eliza Johnston S. 42,48 Nancy 25 George 47 Thompson 25 Jes sle 42 Hlgdon, Elizabeth 82 Mary Steele Stuart 48 Higgins Mary Stuart 48 Frank T. 76 .Mattie 42 Frank T . ,Jr. 76 Robert 42,48 Henrietta 76 Sue 42 Hill William T. 42,43,48 Bertha 80 William T.,II 48 Isabella 52 Hyde Hlltabiale, Ethel 17 Fauntleroy 3 Hoades, Elton 76 Hansford 3 Holbert J ohn C. 3,38 Lorena 39 Ikenberry, C ora 78 Margaret E. 39 Irby William 39 Arthur 76 Holllnsworth, Mr. 96 Benjamin 75,76 Holmes Frances C. 76 John Robert 13 Jessica 76 Joseph 14 J ohn W., Jr. 76 Margaret 14 Louisa 76 Sarah 14 Mildred 76 Hopkins, Edward L. 38 Nathaniel 75 Jennie 38 Richard 76 Nellie Crump 38 Richard E. 76 Orie 38 Sarah Graham 76 William J. 2,38,40,72 Jackson Horsley, Ann D. 71 Andrew 8 Horton, J.B. 81 Bishop 95 J. B., Jr. 81 Mary L. 43 Hoskins, Lou 77 Robert S. 43 Houser Susan 43 Elizabeth 14 Thomas 43 Gus 23 Thomas T. 43 James 25 William 43 Peter 25 Jarrett Samuel 25 Robert Lee 22 Howdyshell, Harold 14 Edward Allen 22 Howell, Florence 79 Betty Carol 22 Huffman, Shelby 36 Jeffreys, Susie 101 Hughes, Mary F. 68 Jenkins, Mr. 76 Humphreys 5 J ohns on Margaret 32,48 Blanch 58 Rebecca 49 Dennis Wayne 35 Hunter Stephanie Jane 35 Elizabeth 51 Johnston, Elizabeth 42 Frances 51,56 Jones, Elizabeth 11 Henry 51 Luttellus L.,Jr. 76 Sarah 50,53 Luttellus L.,111 76 William 46 Margaret E. 81 Huston, Edward 38 Joyner, Laura 81 Mildred 70 Judy, William 36 Lindsay, Elizabeth 86

Kassner, Michael 19 William, (Capt.) 92 Kaylor 97 Link, Peter 97 Kayser, Grace 81 Llskey, Alice 20 Kelly, Sarah Jane 57 Lockhart, Samuel T. 29,42 Kennedy, Minnie 99 Love, Mr. 57 Kern, Grace 77 Loving, Beatrice 39.72 Keys, Reba 24 Lubln 6 Kldd, Eva 79 Luck, King, LouiBe 78 Frank 67 Kinnerley, Catherine 103 Male olm 67 Kirk, Grace 69 Malcolm, Jr. 67 Klrkpatrlck, Isabella 41 Lusk Kirkwood, Louise 79 Andrew 58 Klingerman, Morton 18 Andrew Moore 58 Thomas 18 David 58,61 Knlcely, Vicki 14 Esther Lyle 59 Knight, Molly Mosby 34 Isabella 58 Knorr Jennie 58 James M. 76 John 58 Henrietta 76 John Montgomery 58 HA. 76 John William 58 Mary Autry 76 Martha 58 Koenlg, Elsie 68 Mary 58 Kopp, Ray 94 Polly 58 William 94 Robert 58 Lamb, Samuel 50 Sally 58 Lane, Robert 33 William 58 Warren 33 Lynch, John 78 Lavelle Lynn, Mary 24 Annie 3 MacCormack, Aloysius 39 John B. 3,38,72 Maddox, John (Capt.) 92 Lucy 3,38 Malcolm, Howard G. 24 Lawler, Lucy 103 Markley, Arnold A. 20 Lawson Marshall, Anna Maria 73 Elizabeth "Betty'' 85 John 84 John 85 Martin Lee, Bayless 82 Ann S. 71 Elizabeth 86,106 John 26 S. R. 82 Massle S.R., Jr. 82 Bernard (MaJ.) 99 Leftwlch, Elizabeth 65 Charles 99 Lever, Chauncey W. 70 Charles B. 100 Madison W. 70 Cullen 99 William B. 70 Elizabeth 93 Lewis Elizabeth M. 99 Anna M. 71 Frank 99 Charles (Col.) 52 Frank A . 100 Elizabeth M. 71 George W. 99 Hunter F. 71 Glenn 99 Mamie Davis 30 Harmon 98 Mary Walker 71 Henry 100 Maud 30 James W. 99 Pattle Moon 71 Jennie 98 Rose 30 John Edmund 99 Sallie 30 John Edmund, Jr. 99 116 McClure Massle 48 John «llllam Elizabeth a/Andrew Katie Elizabeth d/John 49 Lewis D. 93,96,98 Elvira Brooks 32,48 Lewis E. 99 Esther d/John A. 47 Luoy Elizabeth "Bess le" 100 George V/. 32,48 Margaret Elizabeth 89,93 98 Hugh 49 Margaret B. Halbert 11 99 Isabella Margaret Bernard 100 44,45 Mary James Alexander 49,94 98 James s/john A. Mary Barclay 66 47 James s/Andrew 48 Mary Virginia 98 Jean Nathaniel 66 47 Robert 99 Jean Weir 49,94 Sarah Melvina 98 John 47 Susan Wood 66 John A . 47 Thomas A . 100 John Flnley 32 Thomas B. 99 John Howard 49 William 98 John Pllson 49 William D. 98,99 Margaret d/JohnA 47 William L. 98 Margaret 32 Masters, Omar Dice 22 Martha 47 Matthews, Charles 54 Mary d/John A. 47 97 Mary d/Andrew 48 Jacob 49 Maury, John Barclay 66 Mary Alice 66 Mary Mitchell 48 John M. 94 John Minor 66 Mary Moffett Mary Steele 48 McCampbell 48 Ida 12 Mary Stuart Moses 11 Joseph 12 12 Moses F. b 1819 11 Joseph, Jr. 11 McChesney Napoleon B. Nicholas 11 James 13 49 Jane 13 Reba Bell Rebecca 94 John, Dr. 15 49.94 13 Samuel Flnley Mary Samuel Flnley,II 49,94 59 McClanahan, Elizabeth Samuel Flnley,III 94 15 McClung, Elizabeth A. Sarah Steele 48 57 Janet Thomas s/Andrew 48 15 John William Preston 11 56 Nancy McCormick 15 Rebecca Ann Massle 11 101 McCluer, Argyle Bryant Elizabeth 11 35 McClure Cornelia Rosen 35 Alexander 11 Debra 35 Andrew 47 Elizabeth 28 Andrew s/James 51 Franklyn 35 Andrew Wellington 49 George 27 ,28,57,62 Ann 47 Glend ora 27 Annie P. Wilson 32 Harmon 28 Carolena M. 94 Hugh 27 David (Capt.) 11 James 62 Edward D. s/john H. 49 Jane 28 Eleanor 47 Janet Jeffrey ,27,63,64 Elizabeth d/John A. 47 35 117 McCormick Miller John Addison 12 Beth Ann 15 John Steele 28 John 15 Larry 35 Marilyn 74 Leander 5,31,105 Mitchell, Mary 47 Martha Elam 25 Mitchem Martha Sanderson 41,64 Elizabeth 52 Mary 27 Moon Mary Jane 12 Adelaide D. 69 Michael Garland 101 Agnes Gordon 66 Milton 27 Albert Gallaton 82,85 Nancy Nannie" Dupree 28 Anchelaus 65 Nathaniel Davis 12 Andrew N. 82 Phoebe Ann 12 Andrew R. 82 Polly McCormick 62,63,64 Ann Douglas 67 Rebecca Jane 12 Ann T. 82 Robert 12,27,41 Anna Mary 69 Robert Alexander 12 Anna Moylln 70 Sarah Franklyn 35 Annie 71 Sarah Martha 12 Basil G. (Major) 66 Sidney Dyer 28 Cary Nelson (Dr.) 71 Virginia Lee 28 Celestine 72 William 12,41,62 Channlng H. 71 William Clifton 101 Charles 68 William Clifton,II 101 Charlotte Dlgges 20,66,73 William Clifton,III 101 ,82,85 William Clifton,IV 101 Charlotte "Lottie" 80 William I. 35 Clarence B. 68 William Kermit,Jr. 35 Cynthia Charlotte 73 William Steele 12 Dabney von Knoblock,M.D. 66 McCulland, Jean 12,41 Daniel Martin 71 McCullough, Thomas 47 Edmonla H. 81 McCurdy Edward 67,82 Fred 35 Edward, II 82 Lorlene 35 Edward, III 82 Una S. 35 Edward Harris 78,85,87 McCutchen, Martha 12 Elinor 72 Mackenzie 77 Elizabeth 68,72,81,85 McMunn, Jessica 76 Elizabeth B. 66 McNutt, Anna Rice 13 Elizabeth G. 67 Meeks Elizabeth Harris 30,85,87 Eliza 37.72 jftnmfl. 81 John 37 Esther C. 66 Meyers Eugene L.,Jr. 81 Jac ob 97 Florence D. 67,68 John 37 Frances N. 71 Middleton Frank Russell 71 Charles 0. 77 Gilmer 67 Charles 0. ,Jr. 77 Glnnle 83 Charles 0.,III 77 Harry Nelson 82 Gladys 77 Hattie Lea 70 Lurlne 77 Helskell 73 Maria F. 77 Helen Celestine 72 Marjorie 77 Henry Harris 67 Robert T. 77 Isaac Anderson 81 Tarleton L. 77 Isaac W. 82,85 Miller Jacob Luther 71 Ann 68 Jacob Luther,Jr. 65 118 Moon Moon Jacob N. 70,81,85 William s/Jacob 30,65, James Apperson 73 66,73,78,81,82,85 James Cary 71 William Deaderick 69 James Nelson 70 William Deaderick,Jr. 69 James Bell 66 William F. 82,85 John Austin 67 William Franklin 69 John Barclay William Harper 82 66 William Joyner 81 John Dlgges 66,85 John Martin William Sullivan 73 72 Willie Lu 70 John R. 67 John Schuyler Moore Katherine 67 Alexander 47,59 Lllla 67 Andrew (Gen.) 26,56,57 67 Una say Coleman 60,62 71 Andrew s/David 56,61 Llttleberry 65 Lizzie Laurel la Andrew (Col.) 59 Lloyd B. 69 Betsy 57 Lottie 82 David (Capt.) 6,27,56,60,62 Louise 80,83 David s/Davld 57,61,62 Lucy Reid 82 El lab 59,60 Marguerite 69,70 Isabella 57,61 Marietta 81 Isabella "Ibby" 58 Mary 69 James 13,56,60 Mary Augusta 80 Jennie d/David 56,57 Mary Barclay 67 Jennie 57,61 Mary Beeler 71 John s/Andrew 56,60 Mary Belle 73 John 46,57 Mary Livingston 65 Martha "Pats/ 58 Mary Louise 66 Mary "Polly" 6,26,57,60 Mildred Carrington 71 61, 62 Mildred Cobb 65 69 Nancy 57 Orie Lewis ,73,85 Patrick 59 Orlarma R. Dr. 78 70 Patsy d/Davld 57 Fatsy ,82,83 Polly d/Davld 57 Pleasant 65 Quinton 56,60 Rembert 65 Ralph E. 59 Reta R. 82 Sally McClung 57,61 Robert 82 Sally 13,56 Robert Anderson 83 Samuel (d 1807) 56 Robert Barclay 73 Samuel 60,64 Robert Nelson 66 Samuel McDowell 57 Robert S. 73 Sarah J. 13 Ruth 73,85 William 53,56,57 Sally Barclay 82 60,61,64 Sally Dabney (M.D.) Momentel 6 Sally T.Elizabeth 70 Montgomery, Susan 48 Sarah Coleman 67 Morehead, James 40 Sarah Margaret 69 Morgan, Albert 19 Thomas A. 80 Rebecca 84 Thomas B. 68 Morris, Jim 24 Virginia "Glnnie" Mosby Waddle 71 David 87 Walter Dabney 78 John S. (Col.) 87 73 Mynn Ann 88 Werdna 67 81 82 119 Myrtle Partlow, Mrs. E.D. 100 Christobel 37 Patterson, William 50 Florence 37 Paxton James 37 Alexand er 41 Neblett David 41 Graves 75 Jane 40,41 Laura 75 John S. 41 Lewyn 75 Martha 40 Netherland Phoebe 41 John 86 Samuel 41 Mary 86 Thomas 40,41 Mary Ann 86 William 41 Newell, Frances 17 Payne, Martha 103 Newman Pe ndleton, Alice 69 Barclay 67 Pepper, Frances 70 Edward 67 Person Edward, Jr. 67 George W. 82 Fearn 67 George W., Jr. 82 Frank 67 Margaret 82 Walter 67 Peyton Newton, James 41 Ann Moon 67 Nickels on 57 Phillip B. 67 Nlcklin Phillip B.,Jr. 67 Elizabeth 96 Phillips, L.S. 12 Joseph 96 Pllson, Jane 48 Martha Ann 96 Polk, James 8 Nicol, Cary C. 71 Pool, Irene 79 J ohn A. 71 Powers, Annie 89,96 Mary A. 71 James Leake 96 Nlnlnger, Vivien 33 Preston, William (C ol.) 53 Dorothy Fairchild 33 Qulsenberry, Ann 24 Mary Fairchild S. 33 Edward 21 Norltzkln, Frank 74 Kathleen 21 Norman, Ann Jennings 97 Marvin E. 21 Norvel, Harriett 71 Rader, Dlann 101 Nottley, Ann 88,91 Hugh 101 Nowlln,Mary 67 Ralls, Lydia Beck 92 Nuckols, Cora Payne 33 Ramsey 4 Older, Other 0. 17 Mary 48 Elizabeth 17 Robert 45 O'Brien, Eileen S. 24 Randolph, Doris 36 Oliver, John 95 Rankin Paaze, Peggy 64 Richard 12 Parks, Margaret 16, 20,24 Samuel Steele 12 John 16 Reed Rebecca 16 Ouida 74 Parker Wolford C. Dr. 71 Charles F. 39 Wolford C.,Jr. 71 Charles F.,Jr. 39 Reid, Sally 56 Charles Herrlck 39 Rembert, Margaret 81,85 Jennie C. 39 Richardson, Herbert 77 Marry ott 39 Herbert, Jr. 77 Marryott, Jr. 39 Lurine 0. 77

120 Richardson Searson Marie F. 77 Cal Brooks 32 Mary Louise 77 Carol Lynn 32 Riddle, Annie 100 Charles Douglas 34 Robbins, Mrs Horra 99 Charlotte, d/Robt 107 Roberts on 27 Charlotte Louise 107 Rookard, Mr. 92 Constance Margaret 107 Rose, Pauline 19 Edith Georgiana 107 Rowan, Edith Steele 33 Baxter S. 100,101 Elizabeth K."Kate" 107 Charles B. 101 Ellen Maude 107 Kllie Bragg 100 Elvira McClure 32,48 Lois Rebecca 101 Frank 107 Rowles Fred 105,107 Charles 100 George 106,107 Flnley M. 100 George Tilden 33 G. W. 100 Harold McCormick 34 John T. 100 Henry 106 Rowzy, Frances 86 Irene Steele 32 Rubright Jane 107 Effinger J. 34,90 Jean Scallan 32 Emily 34,90 John 106 Nancy 34,90 John Rush 5,31,32 Rudacell, John 95 John Rush II 32 Ruebush, Annie K. 79 Joseph 107 Mary John 78 Lizzie 106 Rush Mary 106 John Hanger 94 Mary Adelaide 107 Peter 94 Mary Fairchild 33 Susannah 94 Mildred Laxton 33 Ryder l&ncy Kathleen 32 David 38 Patricia Ann 32 Ed 38 Penlston 106 Janice 38 Robert 106,107 Trey 38 Ruell Arnold 32 Sales, Katherine 67 Ruell Arnold,II 32 Sams, Duncan 71 Sally 107 Sanders, Julie 70 Sarah 106 Sanderson, Martha 27,41 Shirley Louise 34 Savage, Alice 102 Walter 5,31,32,105,107 Anthony 102 Walter Calvert 4,32 Catherine 96 Walter Jerome 32 Dorothy 102 Selby Scallan, Ed 32 Jane 102 James 32 J ohn 102 Jean 32 Shadwell Scantland, William 52 Jean 79 Scott, Mary Ellen 80 L. R. 79 Sea, Katie 23 Shaw Searson, Ann Flnley 33 Evelyn Brion 66 Annie 106 Marian Gordon 66 Annie Emilie 107 R. Brion 66 Arthur 106 Shepherd, Mary Ann 80 Betty 107 William H. 80 121 Sherman, Nancy Louise 28 Splller Samuel Stevens 28 Henry 89,92,95 Shields, Nancy Jane 11 Martha Elvira "Pat" 95 Shlfflett, Everett R. 19 Mary Eddie 95 Shinnlck, Frederick A . 17 Stanley, Nathaniel G. 27 Virginia 17 Steele, Adam H. 13 William C. 17 Agnes 17 Shrlver, Helen June 21 Agnes "Nancy" 25 Shoemaker, Joseph W. 22 Alice 13 Shultz Alicia 35 Chesley 17 Amanda 23 Earl 17 Amanda Rose 19 Frank 17 Andrew d 1800 50 Fred 17 Andrew, II 50 Warwick 17 Andrew 46 William 17 Andrew A. 51 Sklnker, George 68 Andrew S . 51 Harry 68 Anna Virginia 35,36 Smiley, Samuel 40 Annie Viola 19 Smith, Mr. 6 Annls 43 Annie Melvina 94 Annott Lyle 38,72 Carol 32 Arthur John Lee 20 Carlton 32 Berl H. 14 Carolyn 106 Bessie 20 Catherine L. 75 Betty 14 Edward Lewis 94 Blanch Evelyn 35 Elizabeth 95 Bonnie Nell 37 Harmon L. 78 Calvin 14 Henry Isachar 89,92,95,98 Carolee 36 Jean Calvert 94 Carolyn Elizabeth 20 J ohn Perry 93 Carrie Bell 24 John Ralls 93 Catherine 13,43,64 Lewis Frank 94 Catherine d/Saml. 47 Lewis Frank, Jr. 95 Charles 20,36 Margaret Massle 31 Charles A. 51 Margaret d/John P. 93 Charles Frank 34 Mary Catherine 95 Charles Gray 36 Massle 93 Charlotte Dlgges 20,30,72 Mayme "Mamie" 49,94 Conrad Samuel 22 Molly E.F. 72,93 D. A. 40 Nancy 32 David d 1747 10,15,44,45 Nelson 93 David d 1840 1, 6,7,26,27, Oliver H.Perry 31,89,93 42, 57 98,100 David d 1889 3,5,31,34,62,90 Virginia E. "Glnnie" 94 93,105,106 William Allen 95 David s/Jas. 16,20,22,25 Somerville David s/Davld 18 Eleanor Bray 18 David Capt. d 1812 52 Charles Franklin 18 Delores 14 Spangler, Delight S. 14 Diana Hider 18 Spencer, John 2 Dorothy 21 Splller, Ann Sophia 95 Edward 20 Archibald 95 Edward Allen 35 Calvert 95 Edward Nehemiah 95

122 Steele Steele Eleanor 11,AO Jessle C. 34 Elizabeth d/Andrew 47 Jessie Hamilton 22 Elizabeth d/David 20 Jewett 14 Elizabeth d/Jewett 15 John Anderson 18,20 Elizabeth d/Robert 26,40 John Churchman 14 Elizabeth d/Samuel 50 John David 31 Elizabeth d/Wllllam 15 John M. 13,14 Elizabeth "Lizzie" 36 John s/Andrew 50 Elizabeth Hawpe 18 John s/james 16 Elizabeth Johnston 42 John s/Robert 36 Elizabeth late 51 John s/Samuel Wm. 22 Eliza Moon 8,37,40,93 Johns/Sam'l d 1808 53,54 Emll 14 John Rush s/Frank 36 Emma 17 John Rush s/John C. 15 Ernest 24 Joseph Douglas 23 Erwin 23 Julia 24 Ethel Carson 22 Kathy Dianne 35 Eugene Hansford 39 Leila 20 Fannie 20 Letitia 22 Fannie Weston 39,72 Lewis Edwin 24 Frances H. 37 Lillian Alice 24 Frank 4 Linda Faye 35 Florence 20,23,24 Lola Garland 21 Fulton 53 Lou Ann 35 Gladys 23 Louis V. 14 Garland Ronald 19 Louisa Ellen 21 Gary 36 Louise 14 George Edward 36 Louise Hamilton 19 Harold McClung 34 Lucy B. 3,38,72 Harry Flnley 22 Lucy J. 13 Hazel Marie 22 Margaret 46,50,51 Helen Carol 14 Marryatte 72 Hider 22 Martha 40,43,52 Holly Ann 35 Mary 11,12,14,20,24, Homer Constant 21 Isaac 17,18,21,22,37,72 , 41, 50, 57 Isaac Hider 20 Mary w/Robt. 40 Isabella 10,12 Mary Elizabeth 19 Irene Elizabeth 35,36 Mary Ida 23,25 Irene Perry 5,31,90,93,105,107 Mary L. 15 James, Rev. 42 Mary McChesney 15 James s/Robert 16,20,23,24 Mary "Molly" 46,47 James H. Dr. 46,51 Mary Moore 27,29,42,62,64,72 James Smith 43 Mary Morton 13,38,40,72 James Will jam F. 24 Mary,"Polly"29,42,50,51 Jane 41,43,46,56,62 Maud 37 Jannet 10,12,15,29 Michael 36 Jannet 27,28,42 Molly E.F. d 1912 3,24,105,107 Jannet M.1799 16 Nancy 3 Jean 51 Nancy d/Davld d 1812 52 Jennie McCormick 37 Nancy Troutwine 13 J enny 13 Nannie Austin 37 Jessie d/John A. 20 Nathaniel 10,11,14,44,45

123 Steele S t» 00X© Nathaniel, II 12 Thomas s/Davld 41,A3 Nathaniel, III 12 Thomas s/Frank 36 Nellie 20 Thomas s/Davld d 1812 52,64 Nellie Blanch 24 Thomas Rice 13 Nora Lee 15 Thompson 18 Patricia Eloise 36 Viola Gertrude 20 Peter G. 37,72 Virginia 14 Polly d/Samuel 48 Virginia Frances 19 Ralph 31 Virginia Hawpe 17.18 Ralph Edward 35 Virginia McChesney 13 Rebecca 10 ,11,44 Walter Garland 19 Rebecca d/James 25 Walter Garland,II 19 Rebecca d/Thomas 41 Walter Garland,III 19 Reid 24 Walter George 36 Richard, Sir 10 ,46,50 Walter Hamilton 18 Richard 40 Willa Alma 22 Robert s/Andrew 46,50 William s/Davld 18 Robert s/Davld 15,18,26 ,40,44 William s/james 20,22,2A,25 Robert F. 12,36 William s/Nathanlel 12 Robert s/Thomas 29,A2 William s/Robert 15.A3 Robert s/W1111am 23 William s/Samuel A7 Roberta Lee "Birdie" 2A William s/Thomas 15.29,A3 Rosa 43 William H. 23 Rosa Dealt 18 William Minor 2A Rosa Lyle 13 William Perry 36 Rosannah 11 William W. A5 Rosemary 19 Stone, Elizabeth 88,91

Rush , „ „ 22 Verlinda 88,91 Sally d/Samuel d 1808 50 William 88 Sally 12 Stovel, Mrs. Bill 99 Samuel s/Andrew 46 Strickler, Edna 14 Samuel s/Samuel d 1808 50 Strother Samuel, Capt. d 1835 51 Benjamin 102 Samuel 53,64 Catherine 103,104 Samuel s/james 24 Elizabeth 103 Samuel Campbell 52 Francis 102,103 Samuel William 21,22 George 103,104 Sarah d/Andrew 51 Kitty 103 Sarah d/James 16 James 102 Sarah d/Nathanlel 41 Jeremiah 102,103 Sarah d/Thomas 41 John 92.10A Sarah Elizabeth 12 John, Capt. 89,95,103 Sarah G. 13 Joseph 102,103 Sheridan A. 14 Lancelot 102 Sherri Dawn 35 Lawrence 103 Shirley 14 Mary "Polly" 89,92,95 Shirley Ellen 35 Mary Wade 103,104 Stuart Franklin 21 Nancy 89,103 Susan w/Robert 18 Prise ilia 92 Susan d/W 1111am 22 Robert 102,103 Susan Lynn 35 Samuel 103 Susannah 37 Solomon 103 Sylvia 19 Susannah D. 103 Tlmmle 36 William, I 102 Thomas 10,13 William, II 102 124 Strother Thompson William, III 102 John 47 William, IV 102 Matthew 49 William, V 102 Thorne, Nloholas 92 William 103 Thornton, Francis,Sr. 102 Stuart Margaret 102 Andrew 48 Tlnsley, Narcissufi 51 Archibald 48 Trevillion, Betty 79 John Thompson 48 Troutwlne, Nancy 16,20,25 Mary Steele 42,43,48 Troxell Polly Alexander 48 Annott 37 Swartz, James 14 Christobel 37 Swartzel 72 Edgar 37 Switcher 41 Gladys 37 Taliaferro Jennie 37 Mae 37 David 57 37 Frances 57 William Trubody, George W. 70 Frank 58 87 Isabella 57 Tucker, Daniel Jennie McClung 58 Turner Kate 58 Donald Keith 35 Leroy 57 D ona Id A . 35 Mildred 103 Updike, Mrs. Frank IOC Myrtle Moore 57 Updike, Mrs. Reginald 100 Sally McClung 57,58 Vess, Hugh 19 Samuel Walker 57,58 Vines, Molly 22 Samuel Walker, Jr. 57 Vera 15 Tate., Elizabeth 49,51,86 Von Hausman, Katheryn 65 James,(Capt.) 26,49,51,86 Von Knoblook, Eda 66 Taylor Waddy David Conrad 22 Elizabeth 67 Jean Marie 22 Samuel, Dr. 67 Joan Sanford 22 Sarah 67 John Edgar 22 Wales John Edgar,Jr. 22 Betsy 80 William Steele 22 Billy 80 Teas, Mr. 15 James 80 Martha 44 Walter 80 Terry, Mr. 13 William.,Ill 80 Charles M.,II 76 Walker, Dr. 30 Charles M.,111 76 Charles 30 Mary Steele 13 Lettie 30 Thomas Lottie 30 Annie Owen 77 Maggie 30 Grace 81 Mary 30 Marie 14 Nellie 30 Rebecca 94 Sallie 30 Russell 79 Tlmmie 30 William W. 94 Wallace, Mary Tate 49 William W.,Jr. 94 Wardlaw, James 47 Thompson Warren, Susan 27 Belle 21 Watkins BesBle Mae 80 Louise 81 Charlotte Ann 79 Victor 81 Donna Lee 80 Watt, Lucy 74 Donovan M. 80 Wayland , Ed 95 Helen 14 Waynesboro, Mary 95

125 Webber, William 24 Wilson Weir, Clara 94 Nathaniel 62 Hugh 29,42 Sallie 11 J ohn 94 Sarah A. 39,72 Ophelia 29,42 Samuel 62 Robert S. 29,42 Woffandall, Mary 102 Rush C. 29,42 Wood, Albert 35 William 29,42 Mary Katherine 35 Wasteott, William 79 Sarah Britton 35 Wheeler, George 97 Woods, Mary 86 Whittier, Mr. 74 Samuel 86 Wickersham, Janet E. 77 Woolfolk, Sowel 87 Wa Iter 77 Wright, Andra 101 Wilcox, Grant 18 Garland, M.D. 101 Roger Bray 18 Sarah d 1827 51 Barbara Bray 18 Thurmon 14 Williams, Charlene 95 Wray Grant 101 Charles 97 Yarbrough, Herbert 82 Etta 76 Herbert, Jr. 82 Grace 73 Yates, James 24 Hunter, Dr. 37 Yeatman, William F. 81 Willson Young, Betty 75 Annie Poague 32 Clara Alice 25 Wilson James W. 75 David 47 James W.,Jr. 75 J • Me 29,42 Zelgler, 0. J. 14


Abstracts of Good speed's Mississippi Albemarle County ln Virginia by Edgar Wood Annals of Augusta County Virginia I725-187I by Waddell Census of Virginia for 1840 Colonial Families of the U.S. Vol. 5 and 6 by Mackenzie Courthouse records of: Amherst County Augusta County Culpeper County Nelson County Rockbridge County Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia Special Virginia Edition p 420 Historical Southern Families Vol. 5 and 8 by John Bennett Boddle History of Augusta County by J. Lewis Peyton History of Rockbridge County by Cren F. Morton Kegley a Virginia Frontier Mississippi Federal Writer's Project Maryland History Magazine Vol. 16 Records of Augusta County Virginia 1745-1800 by Chalkley Sketches of the Moon and Barclay Families by Anna J&ry Moon The McClure Family by James A. McClure Tyler's Quarterly Bol. 16 Virginia Magazine Vol. 2, 8, 34, 69 Virginia State Papers William and Mary Quarterly English References Abstracts of Lincoln Marriage Bonds 1814 Birth Transcripts of Deeping, St .James, Lincolnshire, England Birth Transcripts of Spanby 1783-1812, Lincolnshire, England Christening, Marriage and Death Records of Aswarby, Haceby, Spanby and Waddington Research ln Somerset House, London, England