Parish news

Stone, Dinton, Hartwell & Bishopstone with Aston Sandford Part of Wychert Vale Benefice December 2017  60p (£6.00 pa)

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Wychert Vale Benefice contacts The Revd Margot Hodson , Wychert Vale Benefice Revd Dr. Phil Groves (Associate Rector) Benefice Office, St. Mary's Centre Station Road Haddenham Aylesbury, Bucks, HP17 8AJ Tel: 01844 291108 [email protected]

Revd. Margot Hodson Revd Canon Dr Phil Groves Rector of Wychert Vale Benefice Associate Rector

For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact: The Parish Administrator Benefice Office [email protected] [email protected]

Parish contacts

Associate Phil and Anne Groves 7, Badgers Rise, Stone, HP17 8RR Tel: Rector 01296 748 390 Church Eryl Morgan, 101 Baker Street Waddesdon, HP18 0LQ Wardens: Tel: 01296 655692 [email protected] Andrew Wild, Stonemead, High Street, Dinton Tel: 01296 748679 [email protected] Raymond Medhurst 10 Grenville Road Aylesbury HP21 8EY Tel: 07793 541456 [email protected] Rosemary Jackson, Innisfree, New Road, Dinton, HP17 8UT Tel: 01296 748655 [email protected] Secretary to Sue Birrell, 7 Jakeman Way, Aylesbury. HP21 8FT the P.C.C: Tel: 01296 338163 E: [email protected] Hon. Alan Weston, Dimora, Greenend, Dinton HP17 8UR Treasurer: Tel: 01296 748287 Email: [email protected] Aston Contact: Sandford Treasurer Marilynne Morgan [email protected]

Parish Council contacts: Stone, Bishopstone & Hartwell Parish Clerk : [email protected] Dinton Ford & Upton Parish Clerk : Keith Gray 01296 422800 [email protected]

Front cover photograph – Carol Lynch Parish News 2 December 2017 Parish news


Stir Up Sunday has just gone but it is the name for the Sunday before Advent. Traditionally everyone in the household gave the Christmas pudding mixture a stir and made a wish while doing so. The person who received the coin in their serving would see that wish come true during the year. Whoever the cook was would put one silver coin in a pudding and the person who got it in their portion was the lucky recipient of a coin which might go some way to pay for the dental fees having bitten into it.

A few years ago the Health and Safety Executive published some common myths they thought they were the butt of. One was that Health and Safety prevents people putting coins in Christmas puddings. “Occupational health and safety law is concerned with what goes on in your workplace, not what you're eating after a Turkey dinner - it doesn't prevent coins ….. being put in puddings.”

Back in 2005 the Daily Telegraph ran a story that a Sainsbury’s supermarket's hopes of selling Christmas puddings with sixpences inside had fallen foul of health and safety laws. Sixpences, which were withdrawn from circulation in 1971, remained legal tender until 1980.

Stir up Sunday reminds us that we need a bit of a shove sometimes to get going! This is the prayer: Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. News team Editor: David Pickup 01296 748170 [email protected] Editorial: Carole Fryer 01296 748538 [email protected] Advertising: Tom Claridge 01296 748322 [email protected] IT Producers: Mike Thompson 01296 748561 [email protected] Heather Harris 07766 086280 [email protected] Distributor: Fiona Rysdale 01296 747466 [email protected]

Parish News is a community magazine for the residents of Stone, Dinton, Ford, Upton, Bishopstone, Hartwell and Aston Sandford. We welcome news, announcements by societies and clubs, and articles on local and other issues. We do not charge for charities or personal notices such as weddings, baptisms or acknowledgments and welcome advertising by local businesses.

Parish News 3 December 2017

Parish Services and Calendar

St John St Peter & Stone St Michael & December the Baptist Paul Methodist All Angels Stone Dinton Chapel Aston Sandford

3rd 9.00am 9.00 am Advent Sunday Book of Book of 11.00am Common Common Worship Prayer Prayer Holy Matins Communion

10.30am All Age Holy Communion

10.30 Family 11.00am 10th 6.00 pm Service Worship Advent 2 Carols and

Readings (no evensong)

10.30am 17th 9.00am Morning Advent 3 Holy 11.00am 11.00am Worship Communion Carol Service Holy 4.00pm Communion Carol service Nine lessons and Carols with choir

th 10.30am 11.30pm 11.00am 24 Morning Christmas Eve Midnight Christmas at 6.30pm Worship for Communion the crib Candle-lit Christmas Carol Service 4.00pm with Holy Crib Service Communion

25th December 10.30am Christmas Day Christmas Family Communion

31st December 10.30am 11.00am Christmas 1 Joint Benefice Café Church Holy Communion

Please note the differences in service times and types of service this month.

Parish News 4 December 2017

The Seven Stars, Dinton Bienvenue to a beautiful 16th century traditional British Pub Restaurant with a flair of Francais, tucked away, in the picturesque village of Dinton. Enjoy a homemade, freshly cooked meal made with only the finest local produce in the restaurant, bar, snug or large beer garden. Free Wi-Fi and private parties also catered for. Stars Lane, Dinton, HP17 8UL Telephone: 01296 749000 E-mail: [email protected] The Seven Stars accommodates for wheelchairs, providing both disabled parking and wheelchair access to the bar and restaurant

The Crown, Cuddington 17th Century thatched pub in an award winning village. Open fire, pie & pudding Wednesday, fish & chip Friday, dogs welcome in bar, fine guest ales, featured in CAMRA, Michelin Guide and Good Food Guide. Spurt Street, Cuddington, HP18 0BB Telephone: 01844 292222 Bar opening hours: Monday-Saturday 12pm-3pm and 6pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-10.30pm Food served Monday-Saturday 12-2.15 pm 6.30-9.15, Sunday 12pm-3pm Email: [email protected]

Phone number 01296 337228

Elegant and fun dining in Aylesbury Old Town. Temple Street is a stylish cocktail bar, eating house and wine bar. Come and check us out, ideal for pre theatre dining. Parish News 5 December 2017

Christmas Reflection by Guy Elsmore, of Buckingham

One of the most lovely parts of the work of the clergy is preparing families for the baptism of a new baby. The birth of a new child in the family is both a wonderful occasion to be celebrated and an awesome moment at which we can pause and be thankful to the God of life.

Of course, being a parent (or even a grandparent) is not always a wonderful experience. Pacing the floor with a soggy infant at 3am can be tough! But, for the most part, the parents I’ve met over the years to prepare for baptism, feel themselves deeply blessed.

One thing no one tells you about, when you are planning for the arrival of a baby is just how much paraphernalia there is to prepare: cots, toys, buggies, nappies... an endless shopping list of items to get ready for the new baby. And there is another sort of preparation too; an internal adjustment to the realities and responsibilities of a helpless, dependent infant: the days of staying out late, the expensive outfit or the spontaneous city break are probably over for a while!

What goes for a new baby in the family also goes for the special baby for whom we prepare ourselves through this season of Advent. Just like the family expecting a new baby, we all make external preparations for Christmas: the food, the presents, the decorations all serve to help us celebrate and welcome the Christ Child in our midst. But like anyone expecting a new baby in the family, there is also an internal readjustment to make if we are going to be fully able to appreciate and bond with the new arrival. For all of us, Advent is a wonderful opportunity to prepare our hearts once more as we look toward the day when we shall celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace.

Seasons Greetings to all our readers

With best wishes from David, Carole, Tom, Mike, Heather and Fiona

Editorial team & distributor at the Parish Magazine

Parish News 6 December 2017


A Candlelit evening of Christmas music and Readings with THE MANDEVILLE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR

Directors of Music Sinead O’Sullivan & Charlotte Nash


Parish News 7 December 2017

St Michael & All Angels, Aston Sandford News Round Up

Ride and Stride

Aston Sandford had two riders this year, both on bikes: Harry Cornes aged 9 who with his parents visited six churches, and Neil McIntyre who visited 23 churches over 19 miles. Huge congratulations to both: they and sponsored sitters in the church raised £455. And 26 ride and striders visited Aston Sandford.

Harvest opening

On the afternoon of our lovely Harvest Festival service we kept the church open so visitors could see our floral decorations. Thank you to all of the thirty or so visitors who dropped by to look round the church, and thank you for your donations which raised over £50 for our redecoration project. Photos of the church decorations for this year’s Harvest Festival can be seen at (or )

Book sales

So far this year sales of second hand books have raised £210 for our redecoration project: many thanks to all my faithful customers as well as to those kind friends who donate such excellent books.

Christmas services

As ever for the Christmas and New Year period the church will be illuminated by a Christmas tree and floodlights. Our December services will be on Sunday 17th December, at 11:00am, which will be our usual monthly Communion service with hymns, taken by Cavell Cavell-Northam, when the church will be partially decorated for Christmas, and a week later, on Christmas Eve at 6:30pm when our candlelit carol service with nine carols and eight readings will be taken by Jonathan Hawkins. At the end of this service there will be a shortened Communion service for those who wish to stay. Photos of the church decorations last Christmas can be seen at (or: )

May I take this opportunity to wish all Readers a very Happy Christmas.

Marilynne A Morgan CB, Treasurer Aston Sandford Church

Parish News 8 December 2017

Aston Sandford Church - Photo by: David Peck ------STONE THURSDAY CLUB [for the over-60s – especially those who live alone or find it difficult to get about]

Meeting in the Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road on the second Thursday each month Subs are just £2.00 per meeting

The December meeting is on Thursday 14th December : 2.00 – 3.30 pm when we will of course be celebrating with Christmas entertainment and carol singing

At tea time we look forward to greeting a VERY SPECIAL VISITOR Who may or may not come on a reindeer- pulled sleigh, though will most certainly be carrying a sack full of Christmas goodies with presents for everyone!***

(***To help Santa, please bring a wrapped gift, suitable for either chap or lass, not more than £2,00 in value.)

Come and bring your friends – For transport please contact Dee James 01296 747671

Parish News 9 December 2017

Dinton Church Christmas Celebrations

Saturday, December 2nd 2.30pm

Come for tea and cakes; Mulled wine and mince pies. Meet up with friends. Sing your favourite Christmas Carols; Christmas activities for the children; Photo display of the weddings in church during 2017.

Luxury Christmas Hamper Draw at 4.00pm Tickets £5

Luxury Christmas Hamper Contents: Starveall Turkey, Quinta De La Rosa Vintage Port, Dinton Folly Wine, Champagne, Wine, Christmas Pudding and Christmas Cake, Pate, Mince Pies, Chocolates, Tea, Coffee, Christmas Crackers

Second prize: Hamper of Christmas Goodies Ham, Wine, Port, Christmas Pudding & Cake, Chocolates, Crackers

Third prize. Basket of Christmas Goodies

Rosemary Jackson 01296 748655 Andrew & Helen Wild 01296 748679

Valma Thompson 01296 748561

Proceeds to Church Funds

Parish News 10 December 2017

An A -Z of Dinton by Andrew Wild.

This is the second of several articles setting out brief comments about points of interest within the parish of Dinton. Much of the content will probably be familiar to most readers, but hopefully there will be a few less well-known facts. This is a personal view, so some opinions may creep in occasionally. (See the November magazine for the letters A-C.)

D is for Dinton. Dinton is a village and a parish. The parish includes the settlements of Ford, Westlington, Upton and Gibraltar. Dinton as a village historically was probably just the area around the church and Dinton Hall. The parish has quite a large land area, stretching from Eythrope in the north to Waldridge in the south, about 4 miles. East to west it is about 2 miles. In the Domesday Book it was called Danitone and has had other derivatives, including Donnington and Dynton. There are approximately 700 residents on the electoral roll.

D is for Daughter of Darkness. This was a 1948 horror movie partially filmed in Dinton. Some early scenes in the film show good views of Westlington as it was in the late 1940’s and the final scene is in Dinton churchyard, starring a fearsome dog.

D is for Domesday Book. Dinton is recorded in the Domesday Book, as Danitone. It is recorded as having 50 households (very large) comprising 35 villagers, 7 smallholders and 8 slaves. The tax assessed was 15 geld units (very large) and the tenant in chief was Bishop Odo of Bayeux.

E is for Elm Trees. 50 years ago, Dinton would have appeared very different from how it now appears. Most of the roads and lanes would have been lined by huge elm trees, the likes of which people under 50 will never have seen. They were killed off by Dutch Elm Disease, a fungus, spread by a beetle. Most types of elm are not native (they were possibly brought by the Romans) and do not spread by seed; instead they regenerate from underground suckers. This has happened, so we still have lots of elm hedges, but no trees, because they are killed off again once they reach 10 to 15 feet tall.

F is for Farms and Farming. The major land use within the parish has been, and remains, farming. There has been some housing development, but predominantly the land is still used for farming. Some of the farmhouses in the built-up areas of the parish have become residential properties, but working farms remain.

F is for Fete – Dinton Fete. There has been a traditional village fete held in Dinton for many, many years – maybe some of our older readers can suggest a date. It used to be held in the grounds of Dinton Hall, by kind permission of the then owners, the Currie family. It is now held on the Parish Field. Profits are distributed for the benefit of village organisations. I will always remember the 1986 Fete, which was struck, like most of Britain, by the remnants of Hurricane Charley – it was exceedingly wet, and very, very windy.

F is for Fire Engine. Dinton has an old wooden fire engine, that would have been horse drawn. It has quite attractive brass fittings, nozzles, etc. It used to be held in a secret location in the village and was occasionally brought out for display ay Dinton Fete. The result was that few people either knew about it or had seen it. The Parish Council decided to place it on permanent loan with Milton Keynes Museum, which is where it can now be seen.

Parish News 11 December 2017 F is for Finger Post. At the crossroads, near the church, is an old finger post, the likes of which would once have been common across the whole county. But they are quite rare now; we are lucky to have this one. The “fingers” point at right angles in 4 directions. Some years ago, it was in a fairly sorry state, so 4 public spirited residents undertook a restoration, including repainting. It is probably due for another refresh. It is not cast iron; my recollection is that the fingers are aluminium.

F is for Folly – Dinton Folly. Dinton Folly is marked on the Ordnance Survey Map as Dinton Castle. But it has never been a castle. It was built by Sir John Vanhattem, owner of Dinton Hall, in 1769, to house his fossil collection – large ammonites are built into the walls. It is octagonal, with 2 circular towers. It is mainly constructed of brick, but is faced with Portland Limestone. It was neglected by its owners for many years and fell into serious disrepair, requiring some (very odd) restoration by English Heritage. More recently, it has been granted planning permission to convert it to a private residence.

F is for Ford. The parish of Dinton has a population of about 700 residents (adults on the electoral Roll) and Ford has about 170. So, Ford is a substantial settlement within the parish, although it is a hamlet rather than a village. There was a ford, over Stocksgrove Brook near Bridgefoot Farm, and traces of this are still clearly visible to the west of the bridge, including two hedges, a road’s width apart. The land use is predominantly agricultural; much of this being low lying, so there may be flooding, especially along the watercourses, in winter.

F is for Fritillaries. The snakes head fritillary was once a common wildflower in wet meadows in southern England, but not any longer. Agricultural drainage, ploughing and fertilisers have killed off the habitat, and therefore also the fritillaries. They were reputedly very common in Ford, and I understand that some can still be found. Their local name was “Fraucup” and a relatively recent housing development in Ford was named Fraucup Close. If you really want to see fritillaries, go to Iffley Meadows in Oxford, in April, there are thousands! This is a reserve run by BBOWT, the local Wildlife Trust.

Dinton Church Organ

Due to recent events the organ at Dinton church is no longer playable. It will be out of commission until the partial clean in the New Year.


The appeal to pay for a full restoration is still open and you may donate to this. We will also be having more events to raise money.

Parish News 12 December 2017

Carol Singing in the Parishes


Join us for Christmas Eve Carol Singing in Dinton

Mince Pies and Mulled Wine afterwards Meet outside the Severn Stars at 6pm. Please bring a torch. Children must be accompanied

Lasts about an hour Proceeds to the Florence Nightingale Hospice.

Contact Debbie or Martin 748437

**************************** Stone

Carol singing in Stone

This year Carol Singing in the village is on Tuesday, the 19th December. As usual, we meet together at the church steps at 7.00pm. Chris Beattie will lead the singing and carol sheets will be provided.

All are welcome to come and sing. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

You will need to bring a torch !!

All proceeds will go to a designated charity, to be chosen nearer the time. Refreshments, will be provided at 29(b), Eythrope Rd.

Look forward to seeing you!

Parish News 13 December 2017

Join our 5th Advent Posada

On 3rd December at our 10.30am

Advent Sunday service in Stone our Mary and Joseph figures will once again set out on their journey from house to house around the parish. They will arrive at the Christmas Eve Crib service at 4pm when they will be placed in the stable with the other Nativity figures.

Once again you can follow the progress of the procession each day on the church website

Crib service Christmas Eve

Join us at 4.00pm for our Crib Service for all the family. Come early though if you want to take part. We will be sorting out costumes before the service starts.



Clarence Robinson 1939 to 2017

Enid Robinson would like to thank everyone for their kind support and prayers following her sad loss.

Parish News 14 December 2017

December Gardening Notes Looking back 2017 has generally been a fairly good gardening year. We did have a slow start with strange weather up until April but a sudden change and most plants grew well.

As usual the conditions have encouraged weeds to grow stronger than ever so do try to remove them. Remember the old saying “one year’s seeds, seven year’s weeds”.

I have not seen any predictions for this Winter’s weather, not that the recent long range predictions have been very accurate, but it is worthwhile being prepared for frosts and take precautions to protect tender plants.

Continue to keep your house plants on the dry side and give them as much light as possible. Yellowing and dropping of leaves can signify either over or under watering, so watch plants carefully. Over watering is the most likely cause.

Shallots which seem to have gone out of favour in recent years can be planted this month. Plant on the shortest day and harvest on the longest.

Last December I wrote of my lost sweet corn and how I hoped for a feed this year. I am happy to say I had wonderful crop !

A very Happy Christmas and good gardening in 2018.


Simply Walk in Stone & Haddenham

Come, ‘tis the season to be jolly For an hour or so walking in the countryside We meet in the morning for 10.30 On alternate Wednesdays – throughout the year at:

Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road – STONE Wednesday 6th and 20th December, 3rd January

Village Hall Car Park, Churchway – HADDENHAM Wednesday 13th December, 10th January

If you’re looking for a New Year resolution That’s friendly, fun and free Then this could be the solution Along with a nice cup of coffee or tea

Walking for Health with Simply Walk For details/dates visit: Or call Fiona Broadbent on 01494 475367

Parish News 15 December 2017

Christmas with Aunt Em

My better half has gone out for the day leaving me very much to my own devices. She has gone on one of her relaxing mindfulness and cake days. Most of the day relates to cake. She has left me with of things to do which is good as otherwise I would have had a quiet day dozing in front of the fire.

It is always busy this time of year with things to do and get ready. We expecting friends and family to call round so I have drawn the curtains and turned the lights off at the front of the house. No I have not really! Although sometimes I am tempted to put a notice on the door “Closed for Christmas until Spring” Life gets very busy. I always find that a good idea is to write a list of things to do, such as; Christmas Cards, presents, tidy and clean house, shopping, go to church

The problem is life is not that easy. For cards you need a list of local cards, church cards, family cards, and cards that need a note inside. Then there are the “we have not had a card from them for years they are probably dead or moved to Hull.” Presents are the same; family presents, presents at work, and presents to get more work.” Shopping is the same. A list of things to buy in advance, things to buy nearer the time and things to get on Christmas Eve. No matter how hard you plan you always forget nuts or brandy butter or wrapping paper.

Then there is church. Well that is straightforward. There are different services to go to. You can go if you want and go as you please. Well I can hear Em rattling her keys in the front door. I must turn the lights on now and take down the “Go Away” sign.

Although as Christians we still have lots to do. We need to put Jesus on top of our list and not forget Him because each of us is on top of His list.

Love from both of us and keep in touch. Max and Em ------Stone Combined School Service of Remembrance – 7th November 2017

Parish News 16 December 2017


Our next café in the park is on Saturday 9th December 10.30 – 12.30 In the pavilion in the recreation ground

Refreshments (including real coffee) good company free drinks for children Christmas craft activity table Christmas market stalL Further details: Jenny Pickup 748170

Parish News 17 December 2017 Parish News 18 December 2017


Christmas can be a very hard time for those who have lost loved ones at this time of year. It can be hard to prepare to celebrate Christmas without feeling guilty or sad, or simply missing their presence at this special time of year. The Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity Tree of Light commemorations are open to anyone in the community who is grieving for friends and family members, or for whom this time of year re-awakens past emotions, regardless of whether their loved ones were cared for by the Hospice. “You spend that time remembering and you can cry and grieve a bit and you feel you’ve honoured the relatives and now you can enjoy Christmas, which is probably hard for everybody,” says Sue Merrison, whose husband Ron went into the Hospice just before Christmas and who died at home a few days later, cared for by the 24/7 Nightingale Team. “The Tree of Light gives you that chance: no matter how many times you go, you know that every year around Christmas you go and do the Tree of Light so you feel you’ve done something, by doing that you are still supporting the Hospice nurses,” says Sue. To support the Hospice, people can sponsor a light to honour someone special and write a dedication or tribute to them to appear in the Books of Honour which can be viewed at the Hospice in December and early January, and at the two Tree of Light events. Everyone who dedicates a light can choose to receive a personal card of acknowledgment and have their loved one’s name listed in the Tree of Light commemoration in the Bucks Herald in December. The first Tree of Light event will take place at the Head Office of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity at Walton Lodge, Walton Street, Aylesbury, on Sunday 3rd December at 5pm. The second will take place at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Buckingham on Saturday 9th December at 4pm. To sponsor a light in memory of someone, please call our Fundraising Team on 01296 429 975 to request a Tree of Light Form or find out more at

Parish News 19 December 2017

QUIZ 2017

This year we’re going back to multiple choice. There may be more than one correct answer to each question. The best answers delivered to 12 Roundhill HP17 8RD or [email protected] by 6th January 2018 may win some chocolate.

1. Which crime detective fiction writer has had a cameo in all the television programmes featuring his characters but has now retired from the screen? Alfred Hitchcock Agatha Christie Colin Dexter

2. What was unusual about the 08:25 from Appleby to Settle train on 14th February It was on time It was a steam train It was late

3. What in America are dreamers? A pop group Children of immigrants Insomniacs

4. One of the most popular suggestions for the new pound coin was David Beckham and his family A breakfast Some plants

5. Barbara Millicent Roberts first appeared in 1959 in New York. How is she better known? Millie Barbie Robbie

6. A famous clock was silent this year The speaking clock The clock at Victoria station Big Ben

Parish News 20 December 2017

7. Mo Farah ran his last track race this year. What has he taken up? Darts Cooking Marathons

8. Which science fiction series was the first to have a major female character Dr Who Star trek Lost in space

9. What is avocado hand? An injury caused by careless cutting A condition when a hand turns green A card trick

10. What was unusual about Isaac Makwala’s 200 m race on 9th August at the World Athletic Championships in London? A games record A world record He was the only runner

11. Henry Wood’s Fantasia on British Sea Songs is a favourite of the Last Night of the Proms. What event was it written to commemorate? The centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar. The centenary of Agincourt The centenary of the Battle of Waterloo

12. Which of the following trains are scheduled to join Thomas the Tank Engine? Rebecca the yellow engine David the blue engine Henry the green engine

Parish News 21 December 2017

NEWS FROM CHAPEL HILL Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road, Stone, HP17 8PH

Minister: Revd. Keith Edwards, Tel: 01296 488963

Village contact: Mrs. Sue Spinks, Clowesbourne, Upton, HP17 8UA Tel: 01296 748369

During this month’s services the following will be remembered in prayer: 3rd – Chesterfield Close; 10th – Chiltern Avenue; 17th – Chiltern Close; 24th – Churchway; and 31st – Corn Close

Your prayer requests are welcome – anonymous if you wish – please leave a note in the Chapel post box

* * * * * * A very warm welcome to some very special services

11am on Sunday 17th December CAROL SERVICE Coffee and Mince Pies for everyone after the service

11am on Christmas Eve Journey through the Christmas Story to CHRISTMAS AT THE CRIB Followed by seasonal refreshments

11am on Sunday 31st December New Years Eve Open the door to 2018 and come along to CAFÉ CHURCH

Parish News 22 December 2017

FOURTH TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP (non denominational) Meeting in the Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road

Fellowship will be meeting early this month on the third Tuesday 19th December at 2.30pm

WELCOME TO CHRISTMAS! In story and song…… Step aside from the hustle and bustle, slow down and watch the candlelight listen for the angels’ song: the old, old story that’s ever new - Emmanuel : God with us

Tea and mince pies follow EVERYONE WELCOME


Saturdays 2nd and 9th December, 12 noon to 2.00pm at Stone Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road

Raising money for the local Action for Children projects

Many thanks to all who have already volunteered to make some soup, or help to serve, or help to tidy up – though ‘many hands make light work’ so please contact Sue Spinks on 01296 748369 or email [email protected] if you would like to help

SOUPER SATURDAYS are a really well-established happy social pre-Christmas village occasion so…please come along to enjoy your SOUPER lunch

Parish News 23 December 2017

A big ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who generously supported the LINK TO HOPE FAMILY/ELDERLY SHOEBOX APPEAL for needy Eastern European countries

38 boxes were sent this year from the Parish Thanks to many donations of goodies and money this is an increase on last year. An amount of £76.00 to cover transport costs was also sent.

Do visit the website to learn more about what happens to our shoeboxes and to see the other work of the charity.




Come along to the Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road, Stone Warm up with coffee and mince pies, then enjoy singing some of your favourite carols

Everyone welcome (free event)


Parish News 24 December 2017

Starveall Farm’s new Christmas Shop in Upton

At last, a more civilised way to do your Christmas shopping! At Starveall Farm, in Upton, you can park on site when you order or collect one of their slowly- reared, Great Taste Award-winning turkeys. And you can pick up all kinds of delicious goodies at the same time. All the produce is locally sourced. You’ll find Morris of Hoggeston gammons, bacon and sausages; Dinton Farm free-range eggs; Port; Dinton Folly English sparkling wine; and Just Rachel ice-cream (in a range of interesting flavours) – and some delightful cards and prints.

This year, Starveall has launched two new condiments: Cranberry Sauce with Festive Spices – and Coronation Chutney with Apricots. Both recipes are exclusive to Starveall, and have been hand-made in small batches by suppliers to Fortnum & Mason (so they are rather posh and quite delicious). They make great stocking-fillers, too. Opening hours are: 1st-22nd December: 10.00am-4.00pm 23rd-24th December 8.00am-5.00pm. To order your turkey call 01296 747549 or email [email protected]

Parish News 25 December 2017

COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS LUNCH St Mary’s Church, Aylesbury - 25th December 2017 This festive event has been taking place for over twenty years. For details about this year’s lunch or to help by volunteering please visit: The article below covers last year’s event.


Parish News 26 December 2017

Available for hire


50 Oxford Road Stone HP17 8PB

This large, well-equipped hall with stage, kitchen and committee room in the centre of Stone is available for single or regular lettings

Suitable for meetings, events, parties and receptions Disabled access

For information and bookings telephone 01296 748279

Parish News 27 December 2017

Parish News 28 December 2017

Local French Tutor in Stone Specialising in Primary & GCSE French • 7 years experience as a local Primary School French Teacher • A grades achieved by former Are you stressed? GCSE students Feeling overwhelmed? • Boost confidence in listening, Anxious? spoken and written French

• Patient and friendly teaching for all abilities With experience of working with adults and • I have a degree in Modern young people, I can offer you a safe space to Languages and previously lived in explore these feelings without judgement. I can France help facilitate change in your life and enable you • Great resources, from fun games to challenging past papers! to uncover and resolve any troubling issues. Phone: 07519 329 293 Telephone: 01296 747206 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Parish News 29 December 2017

Parish News 30 December 2017 News-Direct Newspapers & magazines delivered to your door every morning All newspapers accounts can be settled by switch/cards using our

Freephone No.

0800 917 3076 Monday – Friday 6 am – 7 pm

Saturdays & Sundays 6am – 2pm

Parish News 31 December 2017


Proprietor: Dennis Cook


9am-6pm Tel: 07850 635 844

All other times 01296 624221 Full Public Liability Insurance


Parish News 32 December 2017



The Chapel Hall is available for hire at very reasonable rates Electric cooker/kettles/cutlery/ crockery all on site. Please contact Sue Spinks on 01296 748369 [email protected]

CIRCUITS CLASS STONE VILLAGE HALL Thursday evenings 7.30 -8.15pm For all ages and abilities If you are looking at trying to lose weight, increase your fitness or just want to work out with friends come along

For more information call Cat! 07966182425 or email me at [email protected] I am a fully qualified level 3 Personal Trainer and I want to help you achieve your goals

Parish News 33 December 2017

November & December

at Waterperry Christmas Events at Waterperry Gardens Find Santa’s Reindeer! 25th November – 23rd December Sat 9th & Sun10th December 10am– 5pm 10.30am – 4pm. Free Help Rudolph find his friends lost all around the gardens and then collect Get into the Christmas spirit at Waterperry your Christmas treat. Gardens with Christmas shopping from our £2 per child. Gallery, Gift Barn and Christmas Shop, Children must be accompanied by an festive events and Waterperry grown adult paying garden entrance fee. Christmas trees, along with a number of Arts and Craft Stalls with gorgeous handmade For further information please gift ideas and festive food and drink. see our website: A shopper’s delight with great gift ideas for all the family. Waterperry Gardens, Nr Wheatley, Oxford, Christmas Closure OX33 1JZ We will be closed from 25th Dec through to 01844 339226 1st Jan 2018 inclusive .


VACANCIES We are committed to providing excellent service and attention to detail for our guests and we require applicants whose standards are the same. Excellent opportunities exist to join our team working in various areas of this leading Hotel. Good working conditions, training given, uniform and meals on duty.

and VOLUNTEERS For those who wish to assist the National Trust as volunteers, opportunities are available in the gardens and kitchen. Anticipated hours are 6 - 16 hours per week. Travel allowance, plus benefits after 50 hours work.

Please write or email CV to Sue Winchcombe [email protected] 01296 746534

Parish News 34 December 2017

The Bugle Horn WINDMILL SERVICES Tel 01296 747594 Anna and her team would like to welcome you to the Bugle Horn to enjoy a Great British Pub, we are proud to serve great food from around the world in a distinctly PROPERTY MAINTENANCE British manner AND all day, every day. General Building Work Try our extensive range of wines from around the world or Telephone 01844 279519 one of our traditional cask ales Just pop in even if it is FREEPHONE 0800 7837194 just for coffee Email: [email protected] Oxford Rd, Hartwell, Aylesbury, Website: Bucks HP17 8QP

Parish News 35 December 2017 Ltd Computer Services PC and Laptop Repairs Computer Running Slow? Computer will not start? Virus or popups? Strange messages or Toolbars? Still located in Email Hacked? Bishopstone! Replacement or Upgrade advice?

Telephone 01296 749133 We are a local company with 25 years’ experience. We can service/repair your PC or Laptop without affecting your Manufacturer’s Warranty. Ltd are proud of the area and actively support local events

Hearts Interiors & Flowers


Flowers delivered daily All Occasions – no job too small Tel No: 01296 709017 Mobile: 07932 606536

Email: [email protected]

Call Debbie or Order On-line

Parish News 36 December 2017

Parish News 37 December 2017 Bartlett's Residential Home A beautiful Victorian country house set in over 18 acres of tranquil park and gardens Individuals and couples, those wishing to make a home here and those wanting a shorter stay are all welcome. Highly qualified and caring staff to look after your every need.

Excellent facilities for recreational activities, therapies and companionship. Award winning chef who uses local produce. Intimate and welcoming offering you a little bit extra. Part of the Peverel Court group of care homes. Tel: Mibell Hernandez on 01296 747000 Email: [email protected] Peverel Court, Portway Road, Stone, Bucks, HP17 8RP

Parish News 38 December 2017

T & B Ric Lee Private Car Hire “Handyman”

General House Maintenance

01844 261116 Painting and Decorating Mob: 07831882694 Flat Pack Furniture Assembly Email: Bespoke shelving, cupboards and [email protected] storage units built and fitted to your specification

Air Conditioned Cars/MPVs Tel: 01296 749044 for Airport Transfers Mob: 07831 658909 Special Events, Theatres Touring, Sight Seeing,

Weddings or any other special occasion

Jaguar Wedding Cars also available

When responding to an advertisement please mention the Parish Magazine Parish News 39 December 2017

December Celebratory Luncheon

The build up to Christmas is always special at Hartwell House, and to celebrate why not treat family, friends, colleagues or clients to our superb value for money December luncheon menu.

Meet in the relaxed atmosphere of one of our magnificent drawing rooms prior to enjoying this delicious menu

Carpaccio of Oxfordshire beef fillet, pickled carrot, shaved chestnut, horseradish yoghurt xxx Confit seared mackerel fillet, apple, cranberry, shaved fennel xxx Roasted breast of Chiltern Valley pheasant, Brussel sprout flavours, fondant potato, pancetta, pheasant jus xxx Valrhona Manjari dark chocolate delice, mulled cherries, white chocolate ice cream, crisp chocolate wafer xxx Coffee and mince pie

£37.00 per person inclusive of VAT

Available Wednesday to Saturday from 1st to 22nd December 2017 To make a reservation please call 01296 747444 or email [email protected]

Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP17 8NR The hotel with Royal History [email protected] December 2017