Topic: Women’s’ Olympic

Courtney Kupets at the 2004 Olympics in , Greece

What is the history of Women’s Olympic Gymnastics?

Women’s Gymnastics first took place in the Olympics in 1928. The U.S. competed in their first Olympics in the 1936 Berlin, Germany Olympics. - a website telling readers the history of gymnastics.

Who is the most decorated gymnast in the U.S.?

Shannon Miller is the most decorated gymnast in the U.S. She was in the 1992 and 1996 Olympics. Miller has won seven Olympic medals, and nine World Championships all-around titles. Miller competed in the 1992 and 1996 Olympics.

Shannon Miller on the - a description of Miller’s gymnastics career.

What different events are in the for Gymnastics?

There are 4 different events in the Women’s Olympic games. The , uneven bars, , and are the 4 events. The vault is a table like structure that you “vault” over using a springboard. Each gymnast has 2 different vaults and the scores are averaged out. The uneven bars are two bars allowing a gymnast to flip and kip onto and off of them. The balance beam tests balance. It’s only 4 inches wide, but gymnasts can still flip on it while maintaining their balance. The floor is a springing where gymnasts tumble, dance, and jump. Gymnasts fit dance in between 4 passes. There is also individual music for each gymnast’s routine. No 2 routines are the same, although there are requirements in each routine.

Click on the link below to see cool Olympic Gymnastics! Women%27s+Olympic+Gymnastics - A video about gymnastics.

When in history has a Woman Olympiad received a on a gymnastics routine?

In 1976 at the Olympics in Montreal, Canada Nadia Comaneci was the first woman to get a perfect 10. y/sports/nadia.html - a website about Nadia Comaneci

Why do gymnasts use chalk?

Gymnasts use chalk on 3 events. The vault, beam, and bars are the 3 events that gymnasts use chalk. Women use chalk for vault so that they do not slip when they put their hands on the vault. They use chalk for beam for the same reason. They don’t want to slip when doing a skill. Finally, women use chalk on the bars on their hands and grips to reduce the friction between the palms and the surface of the bars. - a description of the uneven bars, why gymnasts use chalk, and the routine deduction.

How long ago did a U.S. gymnast win a Gold Medal in the All- Around?

At the 2004 Olympics won the Gold medal in All- Around. She became only the second woman in U.S. history to do so. - a biography of Carly Patterson’s gymnastics career.

Carly Patterson at the 2004 Olympics where she took Gold in the All-Around.

By: Elena