Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1100 1200 MH MH AG AM SM PR GWC KW LC GWC MH SL LC RK MUS LC AJ CT KW JH MUS KW KW 1300 1400 GG KW LW SL GWC DD/ CT/R GK GG KN MUS CT PR GG LW GWC KN TH/ GG CL KN AG MF GG KN 1500 AmB G TW RP/SH Avi ZH ML KB 1900 CD 1930 BF 2000 FC 2030 FC 2100 NL 2130 NM 2200 AD

AG Aaron Geller — Adler/Northwestern/CIERA — Star Cluster Evolution KN Kristie Nault — Adler — Asteroids, Solar System Avi Abigail Vieregg - KICP - CMB, , Cosmic Rays KW Ken Walczak — Adler — General Astronomy AM Adam Miller - Northwestern/Adler LC Larry Ciupik — Adler — High Energy Astronomy AD Akash Dixit - , AstroParticle, Dark Matter LF Laura Fissel - Northwestern - Star Formation AZ Alan Zablocki — KICP — Cosmology, Neutrinos, Dark Energy LN Lou Nigra — Adler — ISM, Radio Astronomy, Instrumentation AV Ali Vanderveld — KICP — Cosmology, Gravitational Lensing LW Lucianne Walkowicz — Adler — Exoplanets AmB AmyBender - Cosmology, South Pole Telescope, Galaxy Clusters MH Mark Hammergren — Adler — Asteroids, Solar System AT Amy Tang - Astronomy Grad Student MUS Mark SubbaRao — Adler — Large Scale Structure, Cosmology AB Andrea Bryant -- KICP MF Maya Fishbach -- AJ Andrew Johnston - Adler Astronomy MB Megan Bedell - Exoplanets AS Anne Schukraft - Astro Particle /IceCube experiment at South Pole ML Mengxiang Lin BF Ben Farr - KICP - MK Michael Katz CL Cameron Liang — KICP — Galaxy Formation & Evolution MM Michael Martynowycz — Adler — Black Holes, Far Horizons CA Camille Avestruz -- MZ Michael Zevin — Northwestern / CIERA — General Astronomy, Gravitational Waves CR Carl Rodriguez — Northwestern / CIERA — Gravitational Waves, Star Clusters MN Michelle Nichols - Adler - Far Horizons CC Chihway Chang -- KICP -- Cosmology, Weak Lensing NM Nadejda Marounina -- ChT Chris Tunnell NP Nahee Park — KICP — High Energy Astrophysics CU Claudio Ugalde - UIC - Nucleosynthesis and Stars NL Nan Li -- KICP -- Gravitational Lensing CD Cosmin Deaconu -- KICP --Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Dark Matter NLA Nicole Larsen - Physics, Dark Matter and CMB telescope CT Cynthia Tarr — Adler — Digital Curator SVL NS Nora Shipp - DF Dan Fabrycky - UC - Exoplanets OC Ondrea Clarkson -- KICP DS Dan Scolnic — KICP — Dark Energy PM Patrick McPike — Adler — Visualization Engineer DD Daniel Dutcher - Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope PR Pedro Raposo - History of Astronomy and Adler’s Collections DST PhM Phil Mansfield — KICP — Computational Astrophysics & Large Dark Matter Structures ES Erik Shirokoff RP Remy Prechelt -- KICP -- Cosmic Rays EVS Evan Shockley - Dark Matter RK Rick Kessler — KICP — Astrophysics, Dark Energy FZ Fakhri Zahedy -- RBT Ritoban Basu Thaku - FC Faustin Carter -- ANL -- CMB, Detector fabrication, South Pole Telescope RC Ross Cawthon — KICP — Cosmology, Dark Energy GS Gabrielle Simard -- McGill - CMB, gravitational lensing RG Ryan Grosso - Fermilab - Physics GG Geza Gyuk - Adler - High Energy Astronomy SM Sean Mills — KICP — Exoplanets GK Gourav Khullar -- KICP -- Galaxy Clusters, Gravitational Lensing, SPT, DES SL Shane Larson — Adler / Northwestern/ CIERA — Gravitational Wave Physics GWC Grace Wolf—Chase — Adler — Star Formation, IR & Radio Astronomy SH Stephen Hoover — KICP — Cosmology, Cosmic Microwave Background JL James Lasker - TH Taylor Hoyt - KICP JH Jason Henning — KICP — CMB Polarization, Instrumentation TW Tom Weisgarber — UW Madison — High Energy Particle Astrophysics KB Katie Brievik -- YL Yoram Lithwick - Northwestern/CIERA Exoplanets KC Kai Cai - Planet Formation & Exoplanets ZaH Zachary Hafen — Northwestern — Galaxy Formation Simulations ZH Zhen Hou — KICP — Cosmic Microwave Background