A Checklist of the of Chasewater

These tables show the main status of all of Chasewater’s 231 officially recorded . Resident – birds that can be seen throughout the year and in most cases at least attempt to breed. Winter – species that peak in the winter months due to local movements or migration from northern Europe. Spring/Autumn – birds that generally have peak numbers passing through on long distance migrations but one or two species may stop to nest. A small number involve local movements of feral birds. Summer - species that have mainly wintered in Africa and attempt to breed at Chasewater. Rarities – species that have been recorded in fewer than five of the last ten years and in some cases have only ever been seen at Chasewater on one occasion. The species names used are those recommended by British Birds, January 2004.

Resident Winter Spring/Autumn Summer Rarities (cont) Mute Swan Eurasian Wigeon Greylag Goose Common Tern Avocet Canada Goose Gadwall Barnacle Goose Common Cuckoo Kentish Plover Eurasian Teal Common Shelduck Common Swift Dotterel Tufted Pintail Garganey Sand Martin Temminck’s Stint Ruddy Duck Common Pochard Shoveler Barn Swallow Least Sandpiper Grey Partridge Greater Scaup Common Scoter House Martin Purple Sandpiper Common Pheasant Common Goldeneye Hobby Grasshopper Warbler Buff-breasted Sandpiper Little Grebe Smew Oystercatcher Reed Warbler Spotted Redshank Great Crested Grebe Goosander Little Ringed Plover Lesser Whitethroat Wood Sandpiper Grey Heron Great Cormorant Ringed Plover Common Whitethroat Red-necked Phalarope Eurasian Peregrine Falcon Grey Plover Garden Warbler Grey Phalarope Sparrowhawk Common Buzzard Water Rail Red Knot Blackcap Pomarine Skua Common Kestrel European Golden Plover Sanderling Common Chiffchaff Arctic Skua Moorhen Northern Lapwing Little Stint Warbler Great Skua Common Coot Dunlin Curlew Sandpiper Ring-billed Gull Feral Pigeon Jack Snipe Ruff Rarities Caspian Tern Stock Dove Common Snipe Black-tailed Godwit Bewick’s Swan White-winged Black Tern Wood Pigeon Eurasian Woodcock Bar-tailed Godwit Whooper Swan Little Auk Collared Dove Mediterranean Gull Whimbrel Pink-footed Goose Turtle Dove Little Owl Black-headed Gull Eurasian Curlew White-fronted Goose Rose-ringed Parakeet Tawny Owl Common Gull Common Redshank Brent Goose Barn Owl Common Kingfisher Lesser Black-backed Gull Common Greenshank Egyptian Goose Long-eared Owl Green Woodpecker Herring Gull Green Sandpiper Mandarin Duck European Nightjar Great Spotted Iceland Gull Common Sandpiper Red-crested Pochard Hoopoe Woodpecker Sky Lark Glaucous Gull Turnstone Ferruginous Duck Wryneck Meadow Pipit Great Black-backed Gull Little Gull Lesser Scaup Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Pied Wagtail Short-eared Owl Kittiwake Common Eider Wood Lark Wren Grey Wagtail Sandwich Tern Long-tailed Duck Shore Lark Dunnock Fieldfare Arctic Tern Velvet Scoter Water Pipit Robin Redwing Little Tern Red-breasted Waxwing Merganser Blackbird Tree Sparrow Black Tern Red-throated Diver Black Redstart Song Thrush Brambling Tree Pipit Black-throated Diver Ring Ouzel Mistle Thrush Siskin Rock Pipit Great Northern Diver Yellow-browed Warbler Goldcrest Lesser Redpoll Yellow Wagtail Red-necked Grebe Wood Warbler Long-tailed Tit Corn Bunting Common Redstart Slavonian Grebe Firecrest Willow Tit Whinchat Black-necked Grebe Pied Flycatcher Coal Tit Common Stonechat Fulmar Bearded Tit Blue Tit Northern Wheatear Cory’s Shearwater Marsh Tit Great Tit Sedge Warbler Manx Shearwater Great Grey Shrike Eurasian Nuthatch Spotted Flycatcher European Storm-petrel Hooded Crow Eurasian Treecreeper Leach’s Storm-petrel Common Raven Eurasian Jay Shag Rose-coloured Starling Magpie Eurasian Bittern Twite Western Jackdaw Little Egret Common Redpoll Rook White Stork Arctic Redpoll Carrion Crow Red Kite Common Crossbill Common Starling Marsh Harrier Lapland Bunting House Sparrow Hen Harrier Snow Bunting Chaffinch Greenfinch Rough-legged Buzzard Goldfinch Osprey Linnet Red-footed Falcon Bullfinch Red-legged Partridge Yellowhammer Common Quail Reed Bunting Merlin © G. Evans - February 2004