International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011, 1, 183-199 doi:10.4236/ijaa.2011.14024 Published Online December 2011 ( An Astrophysical Peek into Einstein’s Static Universe: No Dark Energy Abhas Mitra Theoretical Astrophysics Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India E-mail:
[email protected] Received June 26, 2011; revised August 28, 2011; accepted September 13, 2011 Abstract It is shown that in order that the fluid pressure and acceleration are uniform and finite in Einstein’s Static Universe (ESU), , the cosmological constant, is zero. being a fundamental constant, should be the same everywhere including the Friedman model. Independent proofs show that it must be so. Accordingly, the supposed acceleration of the universe and the attendant concept of a “Dark Energy” (DE) could be an illusion; an artifact of explaining cosmological observations in terms of an oversimplified model which is fundamentally inappropriate. Indeed observations show that the actual universe is lumpy and inhomogeneous at the largest scales. Further in order that there is no preferred centre, such an inhomogeneity might be ex- pressed in terms of infinite hierarchial fractals. Also, the recent finding that the Friedman model intrinsically corresponds to zero pressure (and hence zero temperature) in accordance with the fact that an ideal Hubble flow implies no collision, no randomness (Mitra, Astrophys. Sp. Sc., 333,351, 2011) too shows that the Friedman model cannot represent the real universe having pressure, temperature and radiation. Dark Energy might also be an artifact of the neglect of dust absorption of distant Type 1a supernovae coupled with likely evolution of supernovae luminosities or imprecise calibration of cosmic distance ladders or other systemetic errors (White, Rep.