Volume 27, Number 9, July 2017 UTRGV Ballet Folklórico and Aztlan perform at the Victoria Fine Arts Center College groups from the Uni- ley is a diverse, exciting and versity of Texas Rio Grande Val- multi-cultural program that offers ley (UTRGV) are gearing up to undergraduate programs leading to perform in Victoria bringing their a Bachelor of Arts Degree. music, ballet and culture. It provides a broad coverage of Miguel Angel Pena, artistic di- dance training, including dance rector, said there are 32 musicians technique, improvisational and and dancers on tour. choreographic skills, music for They are travelling through dancers, historical and cultural di- Texas, New Mexico and Colorado mensions of dance, dance produc- performing in areas that represent tion, dance science, and theories of Mexican states like Tamaulipas, dance. Veracruz and Oaxaca. The Dance Program provides Fancy De Leon, a Victoria na- students with the opportunity to tive and arts degree major at prepare for a variety of dance ca- UTRGV, has been in the ballet reers, offering both a broad base folklórico since she was 6 years of study and opportunity for more old in Victoria. intensive work in areas of specific Fancy said to prepare for a per- interest. formance full of color, excitement The multi-cultural emphasis and culture. “We are not like a of the program makes it unique traditional folklórico group,” she among most dance programs of- said. “It’s something you want to fering a curriculum of technique come out and see.” classes in Ballet, Modern, Mexi- The dance program at the Uni- can Folklórico, and . versity of Texas Rio Grande Val- See BALLET, pg. 16 Fancy De Leon performs with the UTRGV’s Ballet Folklórico and Mariachi Aztlan. Contributed photo.

UHV purchases large portion IN THIS ISSUE of Town Plaza Mall SBDC workshop...... pg 3

University of Houston-Victoria block of Airline Road just east of Noticias...... pg 4 has purchased a large segment of Laurent Street – about a mile from the former Town Plaza Mall to campus. UHV used $1.9 million in house university classrooms, labs, capital construction bonds to buy VC honors grads...... pg 6 storage and space for business and the property from Cathedral of UHV President Vic Morgan, center, accepts the keys to the former Town Plaza Mall Thursday community development initia- Our Lady of Victory. Charlando...... pg 7 from Rev. Gary Janak, chancellor of the Diocese of Victoria and pastor of the Cathedral tives. “The addition of Town Plaza of Our Lady of Victory. UHV purchased 132,000 square feet of the former mall from the The university acquired 132,000 Mall will give UHV flexibil- cathedral. Also pictured are Rev. Kristopher Fuchs, left, parochial vicar of the Cathedral of square feet of the former mall on ity as we continue to grow into a La Cocina...... pg 15 Our Lady of Victory; Lee Swearingen, president of Coldwell Banker Commercial; and Wayne 10 acres of land located in the 1500 See UHV, pg. 10 Beran, UHV vice president for administration and finance. Contributed photo. 2 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Tears and joy with by Gloria Rivera eye on who was behaving and who wasn’t. They also kept up on how After a hard week of work, it everyone was doing. was time for the people to look for- There was always live music and ward to not only rest, but to hit the someone who could sing. Where Saturday night’s dance. Almost did they get the songs? Well, back every area had a dance hall where then there was something called a the young people got to know each radio. Also going to the movies other and the older couples kept an once a week helped on what kind

During the 1930s the favorite songs were “Las Noches Eterna” and “Pearlita”. Contributed photo.

of music was popular at that time. fights at the dances. Some, but not gave credit to the sharecroppers During the 1930s the favorite many. during the winter months. Thanks songs were “Las Noches Eterna” There were only a few who had to them, the workers could go on and “Pearlita” and almost every cars at that time, but anyone who and wait until spring to start work- couple got up to dance those songs. wanted to go to the Saturday night ing again and pay off the debts. Tejano music touched our hearts dance would try to get a ride to get The music and dancing contin- – it was something that was ours there. ued. This was the music and danc- and nobody could take it away Sunday morning was not a work ing that our grandparents started from us. The authors of these day. It was a time to rest. The singing and dancing to Tejano mu- songs as well as the ones that majority could not go to church sic. As someone said, this music played the instruments were fan- on Sunday because of the lack of hits our ears first, but then settles tastic! transportation. The farms were a in our heart forever. The dances were held at what long way to downtown Victoria Time went on. And then it hap- was called a “hall.” During the where the churches were. pened, the most terrible thing was dance, sodas were sold. Everyone At that time, most Mexican- happening in 1942. After the occasionally, tamales or sandwich- Americans were sharecroppers. dance, it was announced that the es were also sold. No beer was Their work was very hard under United States had just gone to war sold at that time. the very hot sun. During the win- with Japan. It was War World II. Everyone loved these dances. A ter, there was no work to do. Also, Most all the young men had al- lot of girls started dancing with a this time there were no gardens ready gotten their orders. They future husband. Love was in the with vegetables to eat. There was were now soldiers. Many tears air! hardly anything to eat at this time. from all watched them leave the There was a lot of respect dur- There was a grocery store in next day. Not all came back and ing those years. There were hardly Victoria, Dick’s Grocery, who life would not ever be the same. www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2017 — 3 UHV SBDC workshop to help minority-owned businesses get certification

addition, attendees will have the for business owners who can be- opportunity at the workshop to come certified and be added to the begin their application with help list,” Martinez said. “Many state from the SBDC.” agencies and other groups look at HUB stands for Historically the directory when searching for Underutilized Businesses. To be contractors, and some government a HUB, a business must be for- grants and contracts require the profit; below a certain size; mainly use of HUB services.” operate in Texas; and be at least 51 The application process is free, percent owned by an Asian Pacific and certifications are good for up American, Black American, His- to four years. panic American, Native American, To register for the workshop, American woman or service dis- contact the UHV SBDC at 361- A TODAS LAS PERSONAS Y PARTES INTERESADAS: abled veteran who lives in Texas 485-4485, 877-895-7232 or and actively participants in the [email protected]. Participants also Baker Petrolite LLC, ha solicitado a la Comisión de Calidad Am- business’ control, operations and can sign up through the SBDC biental de Texas (TCEQ) la enmienda y renovación del Permiso management. website at www.uhvsbdc.com. de Calidad de Aire Núm. 34193, el cual autorizaría modificacio- Businesses that receive the certi- The UHV SBDC is part of a nes y el funcionamiento continuo de la Planta de Almacenamiento fication are more likely to be con- nationwide small business as- y Distribución de Productos Químicos ubicada en 5901 US High- sidered for local, state and federal sistance program that serves the way 59 North, Victoria, Condado Victoria, Texas 77905. En la government contracts and will be small business community in sección de avisos públicos de este periódico se encuentra infor- Joe Humphreys, UHV SBDC director. Con- included in the Centralized Master partnership with federal, state and tributed photo. mación adicional sobre esta solicitud. Bidders List. The list functions as local governments. The center of- a directory of HUB-certified busi- fers business advising, training Minorities who own area busi- nesses. and technical assistance to exist- nesses will have the opportunity “This workshop is an excellent ing and start-up businesses in an to learn how to receive a certifica- opportunity to encourage diversity 11-county area. tion that will make it easier to re- and growth in the Victoria busi- ceive government contracts at an ness community,” said Farhang upcoming University of Houston- Niroomand, dean of the UHV Victoria Small Business Develop- School of Business Administra- ment Center workshop. tion. “By offering training to his- The TxHUB & CMBL Program torically underutilized businesses, with Application Preparation will the UHV SBDC is helping the be hosted by the UHV SBDC from community economy grow. I hope 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. July 19 many entrepreneurs take advan- at the SBDC’s new location on tage of this opportunity.” the fourth floor of Victoria Tower, The UHV SBDC recently has 1908 North Laurent St. The work- heard from several business clients shop will be presented by Bobby interested in becoming HUB certi- Maribal, a certified procurement fied, said Mark Martinez, a UHV professional from the Del Mar SBDC business advisor. Certifica- College Procurement Technical tion and being added to the CMBL Assistance Center. opens up new sources of revenue “This training is a wonderful for businesses. Even if businesses opportunity for people who own start by receiving small contracts, a business and want to pursue those can open the way for larger contracts with the state and other projects in the future. government entities,” UHV SBDC “There’s a significant benefit director Joe Humphreys said. “In 4 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com

por Santos Raya hablo de los peligros de hoy. Dijo, lamentablemente creciente en el “El peligro referí a la emigración, mundo de hoy es de los pobres, los VATICAN – El Papa Francisco nuestro problema principal y débiles, los excluidos, que incluye a los emigrantes. Es por eso por lo que el G20 me preocupa que golpean principal- mente a los inmigrantes” Pope Eméritas Benedict XVI cumplió 90 años el sábado, Julio 8. FRANCE – El Presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, fue casi víctima de un complot de asesinato en el día de la Bastilla. Un hombre de 23 años ha sido acusado de este delito CHICAGO – Mas de 101 perso- nas fueron fusiladas en Chicago Presidentes Donald Trump (USA) and Enrique Peña Nieto (Mexico). Contributed photos. el 4 de julio de fin de semana. El más joven fue un chico de 13 años y una persona mayor de 60 años muerto y 14 desaparecidas. Mas fronterizo GERMANY – Los legisladores de 104,746 personas están bajo – Miles de personas votaron a favor de legalizar el ma- órdenes de evacuación. de Venezuela están cruzando á Co- trimonio entre personas del mis- ITALY – Ocho personas fueron lumbia buscando alivio de la crisis mo sexo y aclarar el camino para encontradas muertas bajo los es- que sigue en su país en Venezuela adoptar a los niños combros de un apartamento que ENGLAND – El príncipe Harry FLORIDA – La población de los cayó cerca del pueblo Nápoles. El de Londres admite que tiendas de haitiano-americanos han crecido edificio fue construido en 1950. comestibles de igual que cualquier a más de 300,000 en el sur de la Tenía cuatro pisos de altura. Fis- otra persona. Florida, así como su influencia cales locales están investigando USA – Hay tropas americanas política. multar la causa del colapso. atendiendo en 177 países. En un JAPAN – Japón ha sufrido con USA – Presidente Donald futuro próximo el Congreso podría inundaciones y deslizamientos Trump todavía aún dice que Méxi- querer que tropas estadounidenses de tierra. Quince personas han co debería “absolutamente” pagar luchen en una nueva frontera – el a los Estados Unidos por el balón espacio.

Now Under New Local Family Owned Ownership www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2017 — 5 Heads-up for bank customers

from the bank. If you feel you are being targeted, don’t hesitate to contact 911 and give the dis- patcher your location, direction of travel and description of vehicle following you. Stay on the phone with the dispatcher until a marked patrol car finds you or until told to hang up. And, never leave your deposit or any other valuables in your vehicle even when at home. Although we’ve only had a few Bank jugging. Contributed photo. of these and, most likely, you will never be the victim of bank jug- by Officer John Turner it’s just now making its way to our ging, it is something that we are fair city. seeing in the area, and something Recently Victoria has seen sev- What can we do to help prevent to be aware of. eral incidents of vehicle burglar- this from continuing? John Turner is a Crime Preven- ies in which thieves’ target people Be aware of your surroundings tion Officer with the Victoria Po- who have just left the bank, also and notify someone, either bank lice Department he may be con- known as “bank jugging.” management or police if you see tacted at 485-3808 for any crime Apparently, burglars are watch- something suspicious. prevention related questions. ing banks and looking for custom- Look for occupied vehicles in ers who are leaving with a with- the parking lot, possibly running, drawal. They are targeting people or backed into a parking space with who leave the bank with a money a clear view of the front doors, bag, withdrawal envelope, change ATM or drive through lane. Oth- box or other package. They then er things to look for are vehicles follow the victim to their next that arrive at the bank yet none of stop, wait until the victim walks the occupants go inside, a vehicle away then break into the vehicle changing parking spaces multiple in search of the withdrawal. Of- times or one with dark tinted win- tentimes this happens during day- dows and limited visibility of the light hours, when we least expect occupants. it. Unfortunately, some victims Protect yourself with good had actually left their recent with- situational awareness. Conceal drawal in the vehicle and upon re- your withdrawal before exiting turning, find a window broken and the building; never openly carry their money gone. a bank bag or similar item. Be Although this is a crime that has aware of anyone following you been going on for several years, 6 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Victoria College honors 21 GED graduates in July ceremony

The 21 adult education graduates honored by Victoria College on July 8 were, front row from left, Jaci Dickinson, Kayla Garcia, Amy Zarate, Jillian Aguilar, Kelli Bernal, Krystal Bernal, Beatriz Garza, Sylvia Ruiz, Sarah Migl and Amy Naranjo, and, back row, Joseph Green, Ashley Bailey, Myriam Chimal, Michael Adam Salinas, Rosa DeLeon, Alexis Valderamos, Dillon McDaniel, Esteban Martinez-Gonzalez, Karla Ramirez, Barbara Bear and Steven Wilson. Contributed photo.

Victoria College recognized 21 President of Instruction Cindy McDaniel, Amy Naranjo, Karla adult education graduates for earn- Buchholz welcomed the audience. Ramirez, Sylvia Ruiz, Michael ing their GEDs during a ceremony Graduates Sarah Migl and Amy Adam Salinas, Alexis Valderamos on July 8 at the Leo J. Welder Cen- Zarate shared their “Student Sto- and Steven Wilson. ter for the Performing Arts. ries.” Migl was later named the Also graduating from the 2016- A total of 64 adult education stu- recipient of the Dr. Karen Hoblit 17 class were Alexander Alvarez, dents received their GEDs during Scholarship of $250 and Zarate re- Abel Alzalde, Kasi Austin, Aar- the 2016-17 school year. ceived the Victoria College Adult on Banks, Jorge Barillas, Lagha “For some of you, this journey Education Staff Scholarship of Boutarfa, Shane Buchel, Austin has been long-fought,” Victoria $250. Clark, Sarah Clymer, Belinda College Adult Education Advisor The other graduates honored Cuevas, Ashley Davis, Alex De- Nadine Henschen told the gradu- during the ceremony were Jillian LaRosa, Joshua Dejong, Landon ates. “You have balanced full-time Aguilar, Ashley Bailey, Barbara Douglas, Jack Duff, Mallory Dur- work and family, and added school Bear, Kelli Bernal, Krystal Bernal, ment, Courtney Edwards, Jordan to your very busy schedule. Some Myriam Chimal, Rosa DeLeon, Fontana, Dawson Funk, Ramiro told you it was impossible. But Jaci Dickinson, Kayla Garcia, Gamez, April Gomez, Abraham you did it.” Beatriz Garza, Joseph Green, Es- Gonzales, Angel Gonzales, Robert Victoria College Interim Vice teban Martinez-Gonzalez, Dillon See GRADUATES, pg. 13 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2017 — 7 Getting to know your Food Bank of the Golden Crescent

Food Bank of the Golden Crescent located at 3809 E Rio Grande St., Victoria, Texas. Contributed photo. by Meridith Byrd, director of programs & Goliad, Gonzales, Jackson, Lava- development ca, Matagorda, Refugio, Wharton PUBLIC NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION IN CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS and Victoria. In 2016, the Food Each year, the Victoria Independent School District offers career and technical education (CTE) programs. These programs are de- With the Downtown Farmers’ Bank provided over 3.25 million signed to develop more fully the academic and technical skills of secondary students who enroll in CTE programs under the guidance Market closing for the summer, I meals to those in need; we are on of CTE teachers, faculty, administrators and counselors. The following is a list of programs offered: am shifting roles from managing track to exceed that number before the market to fundraising and mar- the end of 2017. Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Architecture & Construction, Arts, A/V Technology & Communication, Business Man- keting for the Food Bank of the agement & Administration, Education & Training, Health Science, Human Services, Information Technology; Law, Public Safety, Golden Crescent. Over the next What’s the difference between Corrections & Security, Manufacturing; Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, and Transportation, Distribution & Lo- few months, I will be giving you the Food Bank and a food pantry? gistics. a closer look into how the Food Food banks collect food to dis- All career and technical education programs follow the district’s policies of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, Bank works and the services we tribute to food pantries and other sex, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, socioeconomic status or any other basis prohibited by law in all provide. hunger relief organizations, and programs, services, activities and employment in accordance with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as Originally named the Commu- food pantries then give that food amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. nity Food Bank, we have been a to people in need. The Food Bank part of the Victoria community for of the Golden Crescent acts as a For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Greg Bonewald, at 102 Profit Drive, Victoria, TX, 77901, (361) 788-9226, or Title II Coordinator, Tammy Sestak at 102 Profit Drive, Victoria, TX 77901, (361) 788- more than 30 years. In that time distribution warehouse for those we have grown to serve over 100 2898, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Tammy Nobles, at 102 Profit Drive, Victoria, TX 77901, (361) 788-9250. For general partnering agencies mentioned information about the CTE programs, contact: Lauri Range, Career and Technical Education Coordinator, 102 Profit Drive, Victoria agencies (including food pantries, above throughout our service Texas, 77901, 361-788-2802. schools, churches, and soup kitch- area. We receive donated products ens) in our 11 county service area from retail stores like H.E.B. and of Calhoun, Colorado, DeWitt, See FOOD, pg. 12 AVISO PÚBLICO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN EN PROGRAMAS DE CARRERA Y EDUCACION TÉCNICA

Cada ano el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Victoria ofrece programas de carrera y educación técnica (CTE. Estos programas están diseñados para desarrollar al máximo las habilidades académicas y técnicas de los estudiantes de secundaria que se registran en los programas de CTE bajo la dirección de los maestros, facultad, administradores y consejeros de los programas.

La siguiente es la lista de los programas ofrecidos:

Agricultura, Alimentos y Recursos Naturales, Arquitectura y construcción; Arte, Tecnología A/V & Comunicación, Gerencia de Negocios y Administración, Educación y Entrenamiento, Ciencias de la Salud, Servicios Humanos, Tecnología de la Información; Ley, Seguridad Pública, Correccionales y Seguridad, Manufactura; Ciencias, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas; Transporte, Distribución y Logística.

Todos los programas de carrera y educación técnica siguen las políticas del distrito de no discriminación por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, genero, orientación sexual, origen nacional, discapacidad, edad, estatus socioeconómico o cualquier otro motivo prohibido por la ley en todos sus programas, servicios, actividades y empleo de acuerdo a los requerimientos del Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmienda; el Título IX de las Enmiendas en la Educación, de 1972, y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmienda.

Para información sobre sus derechos o procedimientos para quejas, comuníquense con el Coordinador del Título IX, Greg Bonewald, en 102 Profit Drive, Victoria, TX 77901, (361) 788-9226, o la Coordinadora del Título II, Tammy Sestak, en 102 Profit Drive, Vic- toria, TX 77901, (361) 788-2898 y/o la Coordinadora de la Sección 504, Tammy Nobles, en 102 Profit Drive, Victoria, TX 77901, (361) 788-9250. Para información general acerca de los programas CTE, comuníquense con Lauri Range, Coordinadora de Programas de Carrera y Educación Técnica, en 102 Profit Drive, Victoria, TX 77901, (361) 788-2802. 8 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com

por Gloria Rivera

¡Hola! Don Francisco tiene su más que lo tiene. En su programa en su show, música, y cantantes. TV show y tiene como dos años ó tiene pláticas con artistas que salen Me gustó mucho. Su show sale en Telemundo en Domingos en la noche. Pablo Montero hablo en el show de “Don Francisco Te Invita” de sus adicciones. Hablo de las cosas que no le fueron bien por sus adicciones. Lo despidieron de su más reciente tra- bajo en una novela. Aracely Arámbula anda en ro- mance con Rafael Amaya. Ya tiene tiempo que andan juntos. Ella dice que sus dos hijos, Miguel y Daniel son hijos de Luis Miguel. Hace tiempo que salió en las noticias que Rafael andaba en dro- Rafael Amaya y Aracely Arámbula. Contributed photo. gas. Él dijo, “No meto ningún tipo de drogas.” Ahora dice que esta felices con su vida. Unos dicen que va salir en “Un zó en las telenovelas donde gano Aracely aclaro romance con Ra- Nuevo Dia.” En un poco tiempo mucho dinero Ella salió en muchas fael. va salir el secreto. telenovelas y después se casó con Barbara Bermuda regresa a la Ella y su esposo están feliz que un rico, Tommy Matola. Tienen televisión y muy pronto dice ella. ella va estar en frente de la camera dos hijos y hasta la fecha son fe- como a ella le gusta. Va salir muy lices. pronto. Una de las más ricas de Holly- Maribel Guardia at sus 59 años wood, Sofia Vergara, cumplió 45 ya es abuela de su único hijo y su años el 10 de Julio. Ella tiene $ esposa. Maribel todavía se ve muy 200 millones. ¡Happy Birthday! joven. Recientemente fue criticara Ella nació en Venezuela y joven se por usar atrevido traje de baño. vino para los Estados Unidos con Desiré Ortiz es la nueva novia su hijo. de Luis Miguel. Ella está muy en- Univisión está listo con nuevas amorada de él. ¿Que mujer no? telenovelas con muchos actores y Luis Fonsi, exesposo de Ad- actrices de mucho talento e histo- amari López, está muy bien con su rias muy interesantes. Unas nove- más nueva canción, “Despacito.” las se verán en el fin de este año Mucho dinero. y muchas para el año que viene, Alejandro Fernández dijo que 2018. va hacer una canción muy pronto. No hay buenas noticas del can- En la lista de los más ricos acto- tante José José. Tiene un largo res son Salma Hayek. Ella comen- tiempo que sufre de cáncer. Perdió zó su carrera en las telenovelas. su voz hace tiempo. Su esposa e Luis Miguel. Contributed photo. Thalía es otra rica que comen- See CHARLANDO, pg. 9 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2017 — 9 otra novela? Quizá. Quiero que tengan el resto de este mes de Julio que se la pasan muy bien. ¡Be cool!

Sofia Vergara. Contributed photo.

ADN. CHARLANDO, from pg. 8 William Levy y su esposa, Eliz- hijos están siempre con él. abeth y sus hijos tuvieron una her- Un hombre dice que Julio Igle- mosa vacación recientemente. Él sias es su padre y tiene prueba de ya está listo para trabajar. ¿Hará Barbara Bermudo. Contributed photo. 10 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com and the rest of the mall to provide facade, so it will look more like UHV, from pg. 1 separation between the properties. a university building and less like comprehensive university,” UHV The former mall will be home a mall,” Morgan said. “Having a President Vic Morgan said. “We to the UHV Small Business De- large parking lot also is beneficial. plan to add more students and pro- velopment Center and the UHV That way we will not have to con- grams at a rapid rate in the next Regional Center for Economic De- struct an expensive parking garage decade, so having additional space velopment and Entrepreneurship. on campus. Eventually, we’ll ex- and parking nearby is critical. Last month, the U.S. Department tend our shuttle services to Town The purchase of this building will of Commerce Economic Develop- Plaza.” make a major difference to UHV’s ment Administration awarded a $1 The building will be renovated future as well as helping to rejuve- million matching grant to UHV to on an as-needed basis rather than nate this part of Victoria.” renovate the portion of the former all at once. The first portion of the Rev. Gary Janak, chancellor of mall that will house the SBDC and renovations could be finished as the Diocese of Victoria and pastor economic development center. early as fall 2018, Morgan said. of the Cathedral of Our Lady of “One of our objectives as a uni- “It’s easier to renovate space Victory, turned over the building versity is to help bolster regional than to build new,” he said. “We keys to Morgan on Thursday. economic development and com- can have programs, faculty offices Victoria • Goliad • Bee • DeWitt “UHV will be a great neighbor,” munity development in the Coastal and classrooms ready more quick- Lavaca • Jackson • Gonzales Janak said. “I think the renova- Bend,” Morgan said. “This proper- ly in the former mall than with 361-277-7777 tions UHV and the church are un- ty will be the centerpiece of those new construction.” 361-799-9023 dertaking will transform this part efforts. It will be a place to go for Town Plaza Mall was built in 361-243-8711 of the city. This building has been small business resources and ad- 1969. J.C. Penney Co., Walgreens 24/7 Fast & Friendly empty for a long time.” vice, and a venue where commu- and Luby’s Cafeteria were once Service /Payments Available Our Lady of Victory kept the nities across the region can engage among the tenants. Our Lady of Beat any competitor’s Price former J.C. Penney location and in meaningful partnerships.” Victory bought the mall in 2011. Guaranteed! is renovating it into a conference Also relocating to Town Plaza The seven remaining tenants had Se Habla español y and reception center. A driveway will be: left by 2012. ¡Te Sacmos Rápido! and green space will be created be- • UHV classrooms and lab space “UHV had its eye on the proper- tween the old J.C. Penney building • Dalkey Archive Press, an inter- ty for a while,” Janak said. “When nationally renowned nonprofit lit- I became pastor four years ago, I erary organization housed at UHV knew it was too much property for • UHV Center for the Arts us. We had our vision for the old • American Book Review J.C. Penney property, and that was • Transportation Department adequate space.” • Book storage for Dalkey Ar- The UHV Facilities Space Plan- chive Press and the new Univer- ning Committee, made up of fac- sity Commons ulty, staff, administrators and a • Climate-controlled record stor- Student Government Association age representative, evaluated the prop- The next step is hiring an archi- erty and recommended to Morgan tect to plan the repairs and reno- that UHV purchase it. vations. A total of 11 architects “This property is in good condi- have submitted proposals for the tion, and it offers a great value,” project. Morgan said construction said Wayne Beran, UHV vice could begin late this year or early president for administration and next year. The first part will focus finance. “It’s the only property of on the exterior of the building, fix- its size located about a mile from ing the parking lot and repairing campus, and the price is more than the roof. fair for property in the city limits.” “The building will have a new www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2017 — 11 Victoria County United Way awards grants to 19 local programs

CASA: $28,000 Hope of South Texas: $18,000 Mid Coast Family Services Homeless Program: $70,000 Mid-Coast Family Services Sexual Abuse: $20,000 STARS Clinic: $33,000 Community Action Agency of Victoria: $12,000 Gulf Bend STARS Program: $19,000 Sub Total: $230,000

Helping Families Become Stable & Independent American Red Cross: $15,000 Food Bank of the Golden Cres- cent: $22,000 Golden Crescent Habitat for Hu- manity: $28,000 Perpetual Help Home: $39,000 Victoria Christian Assistance Ministry: $44,000 Victoria Senior Citizens Centers: $72,000 Sub Total: $220,000

Helping Individuals Achieve Their Potential Boys and Girls Club – Victoria: $62,500 David Edwards, newly elected president of the Victoria County United Way Board of Direc- Boys and Girls – DeWitt County: tors. Contributed photo. $24,000 The Victoria County United Way Communities in Schools: $24,000 has awarded grants to 19 programs Improving People’s Health Victoria Adult Literacy Council: $26,500 operated by eighteen local service Billy T. Cattan Recovery Out- See GRANTS, pg. 13 organizations and approved set- reach: $30,000 ting aside a small emergency fund for reserves. With $919,014 raised this year, grants are going to agencies help- VICTORIA COUNTY ing Victoria and surrounding com- TAX SALE munities become stronger, safer and healthier. Food is being taken to homebound seniors; people in desperate situations are getting help building their lives and chil- Tuesday, August 1, 2017 dren are learning in safe environ- ments. “Our community is filled with At the Front Door of the Victoria County Courthouse individuals willing to reach out to help those in need”, said David C. Edwards, newly elected President of the Victoria County United Way Board of Directors. “Whether vol- unteering at the YMCA laying car- For Tax Sale Information contact pet; painting at the Boys & Girls LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP at: Club, or providing financial assis- (361) 573-9666 or tance, so many people are helping our neighbors in need”, he noted. www.publicans.com The local agencies below are re- ceiving: 12 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com

AVISO DE RECIBO DE SOLICITUDES E INTENCIÓN DE OBTENER ENMIENDA Y RENOVACIÓN DE PERMISO DE AIRE FOOD, from pg. 7 PERMISO de CALIDAD DE AIRE NÚM. 34193 Wal-Mart, as well as the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture. The food SOLICITUD Baker Petrolite LLC, ha solicitado a la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ, por sus siglas en inglés) la enmienda y renovación del Permiso is stored in our warehouse, which de Calidad de Aire Núm. 34193, el cual autorizaría modificaciones y el funcionamiento continuo de la Planta de Almacenamiento y Distribución de Productos Químicos includes a large walk-in cooler ubicada en 5901 US Highway 59 North, Victoria, Condado Victoria, Texas 77905. Este enlace a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general del sitio o de la instalación and a walk-in freezer, and we keep es proporcionado como una cortesía pública y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte la solicitud. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/ public/hb610/index.html?lat=28.79611&lng=-96.94695&zoom=13&type=r. La instalación existente y/o las instalaciones relacionadas emitirán los siguientes contami- an online inventory of our stock. nantes atmosféricos: compuestos orgánicos. Food pantries place orders online and those orders are either picked Estas solicitudes se presentaron a la TCEQ el 2 de junio, 2017. La renovación del permiso será emitida junta con la enmienda. Esta acción de otorgar el permiso también up from the food bank or delivered incluye la incorporación de las siguientes autorizaciones previas o cambios a instalaciones autorizadas relacionadas con este permiso: alteraciones. Las razones para cual- to the food pantry, where the food quier cambio o incorporación, hasta el punto de que puedan ser incluidos en el permiso renovado, pueden incluir las mejoras en los controles operacionales en la planta o is given to their clients. la manera de asegurar la aplicación de la ley para el permiso. Las solicitudes estarán disponibles para ser revisadas y copiadas en la Oficina Central de la TCEQ, la oficina regional de la TCEQ en Corpus Christi, y en la Biblioteca Pública de Victoria, 302 North Main Street, Victoria, Condado Victoria, Texas, comenzando el primer día de la publicación de este aviso. El expediente de cumplimiento de la planta, si existe alguno, está disponible para su revisión en la oficina regional de TCEQ en Corpus Christi. What else does the Food Bank do? El director ejecutivo de la TCEQ ha determinado que las solicitudes están completas administrativamente y llevará a cabo un examen técnico de las solicitudes. We work with agencies to pro- vide mobile food distributions in COMENTARIO PÚBLICO/REUNIÓN PÚBLICA Usted puede presentar comentarios públicos, solicitar una reunión pública, o solicitar una audiencia de caso rural communities that do not have impugnado a la Oficina del Secretario Oficial al domicilio a continuación. La TCEQ tomará en cuenta todos los comentarios públicos en la decisión final sobre las solicitudes. La fecha límite para presentar comentarios públicos es 30 días después de que se publique el aviso en el periódico. adequate access to food. The Food Bank brings a large truck full of El propósito de la reunión pública es proporcionar la oportunidad de presentar comentarios o hacer preguntas sobre las solicitudes. Si el director ejecutivo determina que bulk food to a designated location, existe un importante nivel de interés público con respecto a las solicitudes o si lo solicita un legislador local, se llevará a cabo una reunión pública sobre la solicitud. Una and volunteers assemble the food reunión pública no es una audiencia de caso impugnado. into individual bags or boxes and deliver them to customers waiting Si sólo se reciben comentarios con respecto a las solicitudes, la respuesta a los comentarios, junto con el aviso de la acción del director ejecutivo sobre las solicitudes, serán enviadas por correo a todas aquellas personas que presentaron comentarios o quienes se encuentren en la lista de correo para estas solicitudes. in their cars. The Food Bank coordinates kids El director ejecutivo completará el examen técnico, expedirá una decisión preliminar sobre las solicitudes, y se publicará y se enviará por correo un Aviso de Solicitud y backpack program designed for Decisión Preliminar a aquellas personas que se encuentren en la lista de correo para estas solicitudes. Ese aviso incluirá el plazo final para presentar comentarios públicos. children who have limited access Si una petición para una audiencia se presenta a tiempo en respuesta a este Aviso de Recibo de Solicitud e Intención de Obtener Permiso de Aire, el plazo para solicitar to food at home, or who might be una audiencia de caso impugnado se extenderá a treinta días después de enviar por correo de la respuesta a los comentarios del director ejecutivo. homeless. The backpack program Después del plazo final para comentarios públicos y después de Aviso de Solicitud y Decisión Preliminar, el director ejecutivo tomará en cuenta los comentarios y provides four kid-friendly meals preparará una respuesta para todos los comentarios públicos pertinentes y materiales, o significativos. Si se reciben comentarios, la respuesta a los comentarios, and two snacks for weekends and junto con la decisión del director ejecutivo con respecto a las solicitudes, serán enviadas por correo a todas aquellas personas que presentaron comentarios holidays when school is closed. públicos o quienes se encuentren en la lista de correo para estas solicitudes. In addition to distributing food, we assist people in signing up OPORTUNIDAD PARA UNA AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO Usted puede solicitar una audiencia de caso impugnado. Una audiencia de caso impug- for social services like Medicaid, nado es un procedimiento legal similar a un juicio civil en un tribunal de distrito del estado. Una audiencia de caso impugnado sólo se concederá con base a cuestiones de hecho en disputa que son pertinentes y materiales para las decisiones de la Comisión con respecto a las solicitudes. Además, la Comisión sólo concederá una audiencia CHIP, SNAP (formerly known as sobre cuestiones que se presentan por usted u otros durante el período de comentarios públicos y no se retiren. food stamps), and other aid. We also teach free nutrition classes to Una persona que puede estar afectada por contaminantes de emisiones atmosféricas de una planta tiene derecho a solicitar una audiencia. Si se solicita una anyone eligible for SNAP assis- audiencia de caso impugnado, debe presentar lo siguiente: (1) su nombre (o para un grupo o asociación, un representante oficial), dirección y número de telé- tance: kids in afterschool programs fono; (2) el nombre del solicitante y número del permiso; (3) la declaración “[yo/nosotros] solicito/solicitamos una audiencia de un caso impugnado”; (4) una or Boys and Girls Clubs, people descripción específica de cómo se vería adversamente afectado por la solicitud y emisiones atmosféricas de la planta de manera que no es común para el público en general; (5) la ubicación y la distancia de su propiedad con relación a la planta; (6) una descripción de cómo usa la propiedad, que pueda ser afectada por living in low-income housing, and la planta; y (7) una lista de todas las cuestiones de hecho en disputa que usted presente durante el período de comentarios. Si la petición la hace un grupo o women and children in shelters, asociación, uno o más miembros que tienen derecho a solicitar una audiencia deben ser identificados por su nombre y dirección física. Los intereses que el grupo for instance. You can find out more o la asociación busca proteger también se deben identificar. También puede presentar sus modificaciones propuestas a la solicitud/al permiso que satisfarían about any of our services by call- sus inquietudes. ing the Food Bank at 578-0591.

Después del cierre de todos los períodos de comentarios y de petición que aplican, el director ejecutivo enviará las solicitudes y cualquier petición para una audiencia Where can a person go if they de caso impugnado a los Comisionados de la TCEQ para su consideración durante una reunión programada de la Comisión. La Comisión sólo puede conceder una solicitud de una audiencia de caso impugnado sobre los temas que el solicitante haya presentado en sus comentarios oportunos que no fueron retirados posteriormente. need food? Si se concede una audiencia, el tema de la audiencia estará limitado a cuestiones de hecho en disputa o cuestiones mixtas de hecho y de derecho relacionadas a Call the Food Bank at 578-0591 intereses pertinentes y materiales de calidad atmosférica que se hayan presentado durante el período de comentarios. Cuestiones tales como valor de propiedad, and we will provide a box contain- ruido, seguridad de tráfico y zonificación no están dentro de la jurisdicción de la Comisión para abordarse en este proceso judicial. ing approximately two days’ worth of meals. This is a one-time offer LISTA DE CORREO Además de presentar comentarios públicos, puede solicitar que le incluyan en una lista de correo para recibir futuros avisos públicos sobre estas solicitudes específicas enviadas por correo por la Oficina del Secretario Oficial de la TCEQ, al enviar una petición por escrito a la Oficina del Secretario Oficial de la provided to any person in need. We TCEQ a la dirección a continuación. will also put that person in touch with their nearest food pantry so CONTACTOS DE LA AGENCIA E INFORMACIÓN Comentarios públicos y peticiones se deben entregar por el Internet a www.tceq.texas.gov/about/comments. that he or she can receive ongoing html o se deben enviarse por escrito a la Oficina del Secretario Oficial, MC-105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711 3087. Si se comunica con la TCEQ por vía assistance. electrónica, por favor tenga en cuenta que su dirección de correo, como su dirección actual, pasará a formar parte del registro público de la agencia. Para más información Meridith Byrd is the Director sobre esta solicitud de permiso o sobre el proceso de permisos, por favor llame sin cobro al Programa de Educación del Público al 1 800 687 4040. Si desea información en español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. of Programs and Development for the Food Bank of the Golden Cres- Se puede obtener información adicional también de Baker Petrolite LLC, 5901 US Highway 59 North, Victoria, Texas 77905-5514 o al llamar al Sr. Michael S. Hender- cent. She also manages the Down- son, Gerente de Programas del Medio Ambiente, al (281) 275-7391. town Farmers’ Market. Contact her at 361-578-0591 or mbyrd@ Fecha de Expedición: 15 de junio del año 2017 feedingamerica.org. www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2017 — 13 Adult Basic Education courses using the Internet from home on GRADUATES, from pg. 6 at Victoria College cover basic their own time or working out of Gonzales, Anabel Gonzalez, Les- academic subjects to help adult paper-based products. lie Goodley, Landry Hill, Haiden students improve their skills in Services are also offered at sat- Johnson, Hannah Johnson, Jordan preparation to take the GED and ellite locations, including Cuero, Johnson, Calista Marquez, Ernest reach a college-ready level. Ob- Edna, Ganado, Goliad, Gonzales, Monroe, Sandy Bich Nguyen, taining a GED and enhancing Hallettsville, Port Lavaca, Yoa- Kyle Pelka, Yvonne Perez, Pedro basic skills help ensure working kum and Yorktown. Piedra, Abraham Ramos, Jaden adults are able to remain in the For more information on Adult Rosebud, Mikey Santos, Jesse workforce and improve individual Basic Education courses at Victo- Turner, Joe Vasquez, Terrance earning potential. There is a dis- ria College, call (361) 573-7323 or Wilsher and Corey Wood. tance learning option which allows email AdultEducation@Victoria- students to complete coursework College.edu.

ed Way Community Investment unteers that spent many hours re- GRANTS, from pg. 11 (Grants) Committee, noted that all viewing grant requests, visiting YMCA: $28,000 of the agencies funded do an out- the agencies and participating in Sub Total: $165,000 standing job providing services in the grant hearings. “These com- a very cost effective way. “We are mitted and knowledgeable vol- Emergency fund/reserves: glad to be able to award the same unteers help make sure the entire $15,079 total amount as last year since process is fair, transparent and ac- Designated by Donors to out of the slight decrease in the overall countable,” said Stokes. area UWs: $51,292 amount raised was from donors Victoria County United Way Pledge loss allowance (7-8%): designating their gifts to out of the creates opportunities for everyone $68,000 area agencies” she said. to become involved by focusing Subtotal: $749,371 Vesely added that United Way on the building blocks of a good VCUW program & operations: organizations allow 8% of the life: Education, helping individu- $169, 643 pledged amount that may not be als achieve their potential; Income, Total: $919,014 received due to job changes or helping families become stable other life changing events. “Ad- and independent; and Health, im- The same amount as last year ditional funds may be awarded at proving people’s health. Be a part is being allocated to the agencies year end if funds are available”, of inspiring hope and creating op- since the slight decrease this year she noted. portunities for a better tomorrow. in the total raised ($33,996) was in Dolly Stokes, Executive Direc- Contact Victoria County United funds designated by donors to out tor of the Victoria County United Way at 361.578.3561 or visit on- of area united ways or agencies. Way thanked the many volunteers line at www.unitedwayvictoria. Sheila Vesely, Chair of the Unit- this year, especially the thirty vol- org. 14 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com



SOLICITUD. City of Seadrift, P.O. Box 159, Seadrift, Texas 77983, que posee una planta de tratamiento de agua de ósmosis inversa, ha solicitado a la Comisión de Calidad Ambi- ental del Estado de Texas (TCEQ) para el propuesto Permiso Núm. WQ0005225000 (EPA I.D. Núm. TX 0137651) del Sistema de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes de Texas (TPDES) para autorizar la descarga de aguas residuales tratadas en un volumen que no sobrepasa un flujo promedio diario de 200,000 galones por día. La planta está ubicada por la calle 301 East Dallas Avenue, en la cuidad de Seadrift en el Condado de Calhoun, Texas 77983. La ruta de descarga es del sitio de la planta a través de la tubería al lago de la bahía de San Antonio/ la bahía de Hynes/la bahía de Guadalupe/y de Misión. La TCEQ recibió esta solicitud el día 21 de marzo del año 2017. La solicitud para el permiso está disponible para leerla y copiarla en el pasillo de ciudad de la ciudad de Seadrift, por la calle 501 South Main Street, en la cuidad de Seadrift, Texas. Este enlace a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general del sitio o de la instalación es proporcionado como una cortesía y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte la solicitud. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/index.html?lat=28.411111&lng=-96.709722&zoom=13&type=r

La aplicación está sujeto con los objetivos y las regulaciones del Programa de Administración Costero de Texas (CMP) de acuerdo con las regulaciones del Consejo Coordinador de la Costa (CCC) y ha determinado que la acción es conforme con las metas y regulaciones pertinentes del CMP.

AVISO ADICIONAL. El Director Ejecutivo de la TCEQ ha determinado que la solicitud es administrativamente completa y conducirá una revisión técnica de la solicitud. Después de completar la revisión técnica, el Director Ejecutivo puede preparar un borrador del permiso y emitirá una Decisión Preliminar sobre la solicitud. El aviso de la solicitud y la decisión preliminar serán publicados y enviado a los que están en la lista de correo de las personas a lo largo del condado que desean recibir los avisos y los que están en la lista de correo que desean recibir avisos de esta solicitud. El aviso dará la fecha límite para someter comentarios públicos.

COMENTARIO PUBLICO / REUNION PUBLICA. Usted puede presentar comentarios públicos o pedir una reunión pública sobre esta solicitud. El propósito de una reunión pública es dar la oportunidad de presentar comentarios o hacer preguntas acerca de la solicitud. La TCEQ realiza una reunión pública si el Director Ejecutivo determina que hay un grado de interés público suficiente en la solicitud o si un legislador local lo pide. Una reunión pública no es una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso.

OPORTUNIDAD DE UNA AUDIENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA DE LO CONTENCIOSO. Después del plazo para presentar comentarios públicos, el Director Ejecutivo con- siderará todos los comentarios apropiados y preparará una respuesta a todos los comentarios públicos esenciales, pertinentes, o significativos. A menos que la solicitud haya sido referida directamente a una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso, la respuesta a los comentarios y la decisión del Director Ejecutivo sobre la solicitud serán enviados por correo a todos los que presentaron un comentario público y a las personas que están en la lista para recibir avisos sobre esta solicitud. Si se reciben comentarios, el aviso también proveerá instrucciones para pedir una reconsideración de la decisión del Director Ejecutivo y para pedir una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso. Una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso es un procedimiento legal similar a un procedimiento legal civil en un tribunal de distrito del estado.

PARA SOLICITAR UNA AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO, USTED DEBE INCLUIR EN SU SOLICITUD LOS SIGUIENTES DATOS: su nombre, dirección, y número de teléfono; el nombre del solicitante y número del permiso; la ubicación y distancia de su propiedad/actividad con respecto a la instalación; una descripción específica de la forma cómo usted sería afectado adversamente por el sitio de una manera no común al público en general; una lista de todas las cuestiones de hecho en dis- puta que usted presente durante el período de comentarios; y la declaración “[Yo/nosotros] solicito/solicitamos una audiencia de caso impugnado”. Si presenta la petición para una audiencia de caso impugnado de parte de un grupo o asociación, debe identificar una persona que representa al grupo para recibir correspondencia en el futuro; identificar el nombre y la dirección de un miembro del grupo que sería afectado adversamente por la planta o la actividad propuesta; proveer la información indicada anteriormente con respecto a la ubicación del miembro afectado y su distancia de la planta o actividad propuesta; explicar cómo y porqué el miembro sería afectado; y explicar cómo los intereses que el grupo desea proteger son pertinentes al propósito del grupo.

Después del cierre de todos los períodos de comentarios y de petición que aplican, el Director Ejecutivo enviará la solicitud y cualquier petición para reconsideración o para una audiencia de caso impugnado a los Comisionados de la TCEQ para su consideración durante una reunión programada de la Comisión.

La Comisión sólo puede conceder una solicitud de una audiencia de caso impugnado sobre los temas que el solicitante haya presentado en sus comentarios oportunos que no fueron retirados posteriormente. Si se concede una audiencia, el tema de la audiencia estará limitado a cuestiones de hecho en disputa o cuestiones mixtas de hecho y de derecho relacionadas a intereses pertinentes y materiales de calidad del agua que se hayan presentado durante el período de comentarios.

LISTA DE CORREO. Si somete comentarios públicos, un pedido para una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso o una reconsideración de la decisión del Director Ejecutivo, la Oficina del Secretario Principal enviará por correo los avisos públicos en relación con la solicitud. Además, puede pedir que la TCEQ ponga su nombre en una o más de las listas correos siguientes (1) la lista de correo permanente para recibir los avisos del solicitante indicado por nombre y número del permiso específico y/o (2) la lista de correo de todas las solicitudes en un condado especifico. Si desea que se agrega su nombre en una de las listas designe cual lista(s) y envía por correo su pedido a la Oficina del Secretario Principal de la TCEQ.

INFORMACIÓN DISPONIBLE EN LÍNEA. Para obtener más información sobre el estado de la aplicación, visite la base de datos los Comisarios integrada en www.tceq.texas. gov/goto/cid. Buscar la base de datos utilizando el número de permiso para esta aplicación, que se proporciona en la parte superior de este aviso.

CONTACTOS E INFORMACIÓN DE LA TCEQ. Todos los comentarios escritos del público y los para pedidos una reunión debe ser presentados a la Oficina del Secre- tario Principal, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 o por el internet at www.tceq.texas.gov/about/comments.html. Si necesita más información en es- pañol sobre esta solicitud para un permiso o el proceso del permiso, por favor llame a El Programa de Educación Pública de la TCEQ, sin cobro, al 1-800-687-4040. La información general sobre la TCEQ puede ser encontrada en nuestro sitio de la red: www.tceq.texas.gov.

También se puede obtener información adicional de la cuidad de Seadrift a la dirección indicada arriba o llamando a Sra. Elizabeth Andaverde, Wastewater Manager, Source Envi- ronmental Sciences, Inc., al (713) 621-4474.

Fecha de emisión el día 12 de junio del año 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, July 2017 — 15

tender, adding the tomatoes the ½ cup blue agave tequila plastic bag set in shallow dish. pan, covered, until chicken is no last 2 minutes of cooking. Trans- ½ cup un-toasted walnut oil Add marinade; seal. Refrigerate longer pink (180ºF), turning once fer chicken and squash mixture to ½ cup honey 4 to 8 hours, turning occasionally. halfway. (For gas, heat grill. Re- platter and sprinkle with arugula. 2 to 3 limes (1 teaspoon finely Drain; discard marinade. 3. For duce heat to medium. Adjust for Makes 4 servings. shredded peel plus ¼ cup juice) charcoal grill, arrange medium-hot indirect cooking. Grill as above.) 1-teaspoon kosher salt coals around drip pan. Grill drum- Makes 6 servings. CHILI CHICKEN AND PASTA Optional add-ins: sticks 50 to 60 minutes over drip 6 oz. dried Angel hair pasta 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 fresh ears of sweet corn ½ teaspoon ground cumin ¼ cup olive oil or cooking oil 2 shallots, minced 4 small skinless boneless chicken 12 chicken drumsticks breast halves Lime and/or orange slices 1½ teaspoon chili powder Fresh cilantro ¼ teaspoon salt Tequila-honey-lime marinated drumsticks. ¼ teaspoon pepper 1. For marinade, in bowl whisk Contributed photo. 2 medium tomatoes, sliced together tequila and oil. Whisk 3 tablespoons lime or lemon juice in honey, limejuice, peel, salt, and CHICKEN WITH SUMMER SQUASH Lime halves and Snipped Fresh desired add-ins. Cover and refrig- 1 (2¼ lb.) purchased roasted Parsley (optional) erate and marinade up to 2 days. 2. chicken, chilled Place drumsticks in a self-sealing 3 tablespoons olive oil 1. Cook pasta and corn in highly 4 small or 2 medium yellow salted boiling water according to summer squash, cut in quarters pasta package directions. Drain in lengthwise colander and rinse with cold water 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced until cool. 2. Meanwhile, sprinkle 1 cup yellow grape or cherry chicken with 1 teaspoon chili pow- tomatoes der, the salt and pepper. In a large Small fresh arugula leaves skillet cook chicken in 1 table- spoon hot oil over medium heat 1. Remove string from chicken, if for 8 to 10 minutes or until chicken present, and quarter chicken. Heat is no longer pink (170ºF) turning oil in 12-inch skillet over medium- once. 3. In a screw top jar combine high heat. Cook chicken quarters, remaining oil, chili powder and the skin side down, 3 to 4 minutes or lime juice; shake to combine. Cut until brown. Remove from skil- corn from cob. 4. Divide chicken, let. Add squash, garlic, and ¼ tea- corn, tomatoes and pasta on four spoon each salt and pepper to drip- dinner plates. Drizzle with dress- pings in skillet. Cook 2 minutes, ing and sprinkle lightly with salt stirring occasionally. 2. Return and pepper. Serve with lime and chicken to skillet, skin side up. parsley. Makes 4 servings. Cook, covered, over medium heat about 10 minutes or until chicken TEQUILA-HONEY-LIME MARINAT- is heated through and squash is ED DRUMSTICKS 16 — Revista de Victoria, July 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com active and distinguished organiza- BALLET, from pg. 1 tions on the UTRGV campus. The certified teacher preparation Along with the Ballet Folklóri- program prepares dance educators co; the Dance Ensemble, the Bal- who are trained in technique, cho- let Company, and the Cuadro reography, and instructional meth- Flamenco, provide live dance con- ods in a wide array of dance tech- certs, performances, lecture dem- niques that are aligned with the onstrations, workshops, and ex- cultural heritages of the area. The pertise to the community-at-large, Dance Program has approximately the state, and the nation. 70 declared majors and numerous The Ballet Folklórico is a thirty- dance minors. two-member organization com- Highly visible aspects of dance prised of students who are pursing at UTRGV are the dance perfor- degrees in a variety of disciplines. mance companies. The nation- The Ballet presents student and ally and internationally recognized public concerts annually and trav- Ballet Folklórico is one of the most els to present programs for local,

Fancy De Leon, from Victoria, performs with the UTRGV’s Ballet Folklórico. Contributed photo.

state, national, and international the Ballet Folklórico with House Folklórico has also traveled on a private and public affairs. Resolution N. 510. European tour visiting countries The Ballet has jointly produced The Ballet Folklórico has been such as France and Italy. ballets, concerts, , and showcased at state and national The UTRGV Ballet Folklórico musicals with the Valley Sym- dance conferences such as the has received national recognition phony Orchestra, the UTRGV Asociacion Nacional de Grupos through the American College Theatre, and the UTRGV Music Folklóricos, the American College Dance Association (ACDA). Their Department. In 1996, the Ballet Dance Festival, the North Texas works have been showcased and traveled to Ottawa, Canada to per- Folkloric Festival, the Texas Asso- selected to perform at the John F. form in their 16 de septiembre fes- ciation of Health, Physical Educa- Kennedy Center for the Perfor- tival. In 1999, the State of Texas tion and Dance and the American mance Arts in Washington, D.C. in House of Representatives honored Alliance for Health, Physical Edu- three consecutive national years in cation and Dance. 2012, 2014 and 2016. In 2006, the Ballet was one For more information contact of 100 outstanding Texas artists Francisco Muñoz III, academic chosen for inclusion on the Texas dance program director, dance pro- Commission on the Arts Tour- gram, email: francisco.munoz@ ing Roster Program. The Ballet utrgv.edu, or (956) 665-2230.