Film Feast 2 - more great movies for film societies file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/swgroup/filmfeast2.html

Film Feast 2002

Brian Clay , Secretary of BFFS South-West Group , assembles an annual selection of movies which have that special quality which makes them film society films. But beware, if you study this list too long you may find yourself adding a "supplementary season" to your already planned film society programme ... it has been known! TITLE CTRY YEAR DIRECTOR R/T 35mm 16mm

Afterlife Japan 1998 Kore-eda Hirokozu 118 ICA Projects BFI

A La Place du Coeur France 1998 Robert Guediguian 112 Art Eye

Alice et Martin Fra/Spa/USA 1998 Andre Techine 124 Art Eye

All About My Mother Spain/Fra 1999 Pedro Olmodovar 101 Pathe BFI

American Beauty USA 1999 Sam Mendes 124 UIP

An Autumn Tale France 1998 Eric Rohmer 111 Art Eye BFI

Angela's Ashes USA/UK 1999 Alan Parker 145 UIP

Apt Pupil USA/Fra 1997 Bryan Singer 111 ColTri Star FB

Being John Malkovitch USA 1999 Spike Jonze 112 UIP

Blair Witch Project USA 1998 Myrick & Sanchez 81 Pathe BFI

Bleeder Denmark 1999 Nikolas Winding Refn 97 Metrodome

Boys Don't Cry USA 1999 Kimberley Pierce 116 2OthCFox

Bringing Out the Dead USA 1999 Martin Scorsese 120 B Vista FB

Brother Russia 1997 Alexei Balabnov 95 ICA Projects

Buena Vista Social Club Cuba 1998 Wim Wenders 104 Film Four BFI

Buttoners Czech 1997 Petr Zelenka 108 ICA Projects

Celebrity USA 1999 Woody Allen 114 B Vista FB

Cider House Rules USA 1999 Lasse Hallstrom 131 B Vista FB

A Clockwork Orange UK 1971 Stanley Kubrick 136 Warners FB

Comedian Harmonists Germany 1997 Joseph Vi;smaler 126 Goethe BFI

Les Convoyeurs Attendant Beg/FrlSwitz 1999 Benoiy Mariage 94 Art Eye BFI

Cookies Fortune USA 1999 Robert Altman 118 Alliance BFI

Cradle Will Rock USA 1999 Tim Robbins 132 B Vista FB

Croupier UK 1999 Mike Hodges 94 BFI

The Cup Australia 1999 Khyentse Norbu 94 Alliance

Le Diner des Cons France 1998 Franci Veber 80 Pathe

Drop Dead Gorgeous USA/Ger 1999 Michael Patrick Jann 98 Icon

Election USA 1999 Alexander Payne 103 UIP

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The End of the Affair USA/Ger 1999 Neil Jordan 101 Col Tristar FB

East is East UK 1999 Damien O'Donnell 96 Film Four

eXistenZ Canada/UK 1999 David Cronenberg 96 Alliance

Eyes Wide Shut USA/UK 1999 Stanley Kubrick 159 Warner FB

Felicia's Journey UK/Canada 1999 Atom Egoyan 116 Icon

Festen Denmark 1998 Thomas Vinterberg 105 Blue Light BFI

Following UK 1999 Christopher Nolan 70 Alliance

Get Carter UK 1971 Mike Hodges 112 BFI BFI

Ghost Dog-The Way of the USA 1999 Jim Jarmusch 104 Film Four Samurai

The Girl on the Bridge France 1999 Patrice Leconte 92 Pathe

Happy Texas USA 1999 Mark Ilsley 100 B Vista FB

Holy Smoke USA 1999 Jane Campion 104 Film Four

House! UK 1999 Julian Kemp 89 Pathe

Hurly Burly UK/USA 1999 Anthony Drazan 122 Metrodome

An Ideal Husband Den/Fra/It 1998 Oliver Parker 98 Pathe BFI

The Imposters USA 1998 Stanley Tucci 101 20thc Fox FB

The Insider USA 1999 Michael Mann 158 B Vista FB

It All Starts Today France 1998 Bernard Tavernier 118 Art Eye

Hans Christien It's A Jungle Out There Germany 1995 90 Goethe BFI Schmid

Joan of Arc France 1999 Luc Besson 167 Col Tristar FB

Kikijuro Japan 1999 Takeshi Kitano 122 Pathe

Last Night Canada/Fra 1998 Don McKellar 95 Film Four

Limbo USA 1999 John Sayles 127 C Tristar FB

The Limey USA 1999 Steven Soderbergh 89 Film Four

The Lost Son UK/France 1999 Chris Menges 102 UIP

Loves Labours Lost UK/Fra/USA 1999 Kenneth Brannagh 93 Pathe

Lovers of the Arctic Circle USA 1999 Julia Medem 104 Metro Tartan

Magnolia USA 1999 Phillip T. Anderson 188 Entertainment

Mansfield Park USA/UK 1999 Patricia Rozema 112 B Vista FB

The Man Who Knew TooMuch UK 1934 Alfred Hitchcock 75 BFI BFI

A Midsummers Night Dream USA/Ger 1999 Michael Hoffman 120 20C Fox

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Soren Kragh- Mifune Den/Swe 1999 101 Alliance Jacobsen

Million Dollar Hotel Germ/USA 1999 Wim Wenders 122 Icon

Nights of Cabiria Italy/Fra 1957 Federico Fellini 117 BFI BFI

Onegin UK 1999 Martha Fiennes 106 Entertainment.

Open Your Eyes Spain/Fra/It 1997 Alejandro Amenabar 119 Redbus

Orphans UK 1997 Peter Mullan 102 Downtown

Place Vendome France 1998 Nicole Garcia 118 Art Eye

Plein Soleil France 1959 Rene Clement 115 BFI BFI

The Polish Bride Netherlands 1998 Karim Traidia 89 Art Eye

Ratcatcher UK 1999 Lynne Ramsey 97 Pathe

Ride with the Devil USA 1999 Ang Lee 138 Entertainment

A Room for Romeo Brass UK/Canada 1999 Shane Meadows 90 Alliance

Rosetta BeIg/Fra 1999 Luc & J-P Dardenne 94 Art Eye

Run Lola Run Germany 1999 Tom Twyker 80 Columbia FB

Rushmore USA 1998 Wes Anderson 93 B Vista FB

Show Me Love Sweden/Den 1998 Lukas Moodysson 89 Alliance

The Sixth Sense USA 1999 M Night Shyamalan 107 B Vista FB

Sleepy Hollow USA/Ger 1999 Tim Burton 105 Pathe BFI

The Straight Story USA/Fra/UK 1999 David Lynch 111 Film Four

The Talented Mr Ripley USA 1999 Anthony Minghella 139 B Vista FB

Metrodome Tango ArglSpa/Fra 1998 Carlos Saura 115 BFI

Tea with Mussolini Italy/UK 1998 Franco Zeffirelli 116 UIP

The Thief Russia/Fra 1997 Pavel Chukhrai 97 Art.Eye BFI

The Thin Red Line USA 1998 Terrence Malick 170 20C Fox FR

The Third Man UK 1949 Carol Reed 104 BFI BFI

Three Seasons USANietnam 1999 Tony Bui 108 Pathe BFI

Time Regained Frallta/Port 1999 Raoul Ruiz 162 Art Eye

Topsy-Turvey UK/USA 1999 160 Pathe

Trains and Roses Germany 1997 Peter Lichtefeld 87 Goethe BFI

West Beirut FralLebanon 1998 Ziad Doueiri 110 Metrodome

The Winslow Boy USA 1999 David Mamet 104 Col.TriStar FB

Wonderland UK 1999 Michael Winterbottom 108 UIP

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Xiao Wu China/HK 1997 Jia Zhangke 113 ICA Projects

Key: FB = Filmbank; BFI = BFI Films.

Note: This listing is intended as a guide to those new titles and re-issues likely to be of most interest to Film Societies. For other commercial/mainstream titles, on 16mm see the Filmbank catalogue. The renter information is specific to the U.K., other territories will often have other distributors.

Why is there only one monopolies and mergers commission?

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