about the w^rk of the fonr remaining clubf*. Rumors do this they propose to play on the independent basis National Agreettfnt, under qualified articles of a'lmls- about New Haven going to pieces comes in on every and play exhiliii,m games wherever obtainable. Al- si< n d*t

-on h.-ard fivm JUI-viuuuu opecial to SPORTING LIES. ,-,,I)i. - ,. nit-re 1 IB- elected un -iuiiuously. Hue lit1 'a r^MUt-iu'e iii CHICAGO, 111., July 23. The challenge of Eugene i:i I tic tliiril i'nui'g on »!_ -Hiait or rain; score 3 to 0 in i''. Wtil'k I't'i Miiic- [H>H- id!''. grated which will remove tho not intolerable abuses of fcx was, at last accounts, lying favor of Wilkesburro. On Monday wo defeated the League cities wai tho principal n'.-ismi of hid "" at a hotel in Bcston. lie is greatly Carter for a cuBhiou-oarom match with any billiardiat "An an cviiiy One of the Big both by the players and the outride public. I predict Men of the Association. held at Kansas City July 17 and was intermit niih any League or Association club, and especially i* tently in session until the 19th. All the clubs ANSON'S METHODS. The Ohio X-eague Vacancy. a bright future for tlie home club. tliis BO iu tho Metropolis, the largest field for any While the Club was in Cincinnati Our buys are playing in the best possible f>rm, and manager to canvass aud lo<»k after. Further, Ward were represented as follows: Lincoln, Presi­ How the Big Fellow is Enabled to Make Special to SPOUTING LIFE. taken individually, are making great records for them­ President Byrne was interviewed on the situa­ ban din*'.'red with the management in Ita policy in the dent Threw ami Dave Kowe; Topeka, Manager Chicago a Winner. CANTON, 0., July 23. Canton has decided to applv selves. development of its youug players. He has favored tho tion by a Commercial-Gazette scribe, who re­ fur the vacancy in the Ohio League, and ruigrd 81,500 Our Goldsby; Hasting?, J.JI. Ellsworth; Denver, W. In a chat with the only Anson, says a Wash­ only "Ktlly" with fi*o times at l>at, on Moaday playing ot these men, pitchf ra and catehora, regularly ports the shrewd Brooklynitc as follows: C. Packard?; St. Joe, Manager Alexander; in fifty shires of $30 each within a few hours. The last, has a record of a single, a , a and a from the start, until they becomo settled. The club ington correspondent, I asked him what system stockho'dcTS mot yesterday evening and elected direct­ . In the same game McKee wade a home "There haa been considerable talk, Mr. Byrne, In Omaha, George Kay; Kansas City, E. E. Men- Could not win with two , and if George, Roach, regard to a consolidation of the clubs of the ereat he used to make a lot of youngsters play ball in ors, immediately after which tho directors elected run, for which oach received §5. Maltimore, Bruwa an I Collius htd been developed cities into one strong ogHnizatioo; what ia your idea ges and C. D. Axman. Upon tho first day the championship form? He modestly replied that officers, Mr. E. S. Norton, proprietor of the Hartford Hoover is still playing great bnll anfl heads fhe Stato earlier In the season, the club would be in much better about action of tho Leavenworth meeting in ousting Hotel and ono of the progressive spirits in the League record. Ha 11 man and Fitzsimmona nro divid­ tbat proposition?" he was not entitled to any credit for the good city, being unanimously elected president. Articles of ing the honois behind tho plate, aud they are many. ahapo to-day. "i hardly think such ft consolidation will take President Threw and installing Secretary Mur­ work done by the Chicagos during tho past "Why CapIaiuWurJ has so long delayed thifl request, place. It is not feasible, base ball Is our National incorporation will be filed at once and tho admission Sthweilzer, Sales and O'Brien, as guatdinnH of the which has not yet been acted upon by President Cay, phy in his place was mil lifted. The salaries of the month beyond what he has been able to do him­ of Ganton in the Ohio League it only a question of a infield, could not be expected !o do better. Our out­ gAine, and it concerns too mtiny people, and our coun­ umpires was raised from $3U to $40 per week. can only be explained by a willingness to sacrifice bis try in too gnat to permit it to be controlled by one or­ self. He said he had a number of ambitious few days. The club is now negotiating with Manager field. Hoover, McKeo and Kelly, are the strongest in own conscience and conviction* for tho bom-fit of his ganization. I havH ever been and am now ia favor of The most important business oa the programme young players, who are fond of playing and who Weaver, of Bradford, Pa., for the transfer of his entire tbe International Lcagua. team, and render tlie club what little assistance lie as many organizations as possible. There is room for was the selection of the eighth club. The only team to (hfs city. The chances are tho deal will bo Aa pitchers,Warner and Brill (both formerly of Scran- could aa capUiu. Tliat he would not be at the helm take an especial pride in playing well as often comjummatfcd. ton) are simply playing in great form, and the Scran- tbo League, the American Association, and all the applicant for admission was Wichita, which is as they at the finish wae perfectly clear, unleas the curtain minor Leagues. The latter is to the older bodies pre­ can. He occasionally gives them n ton folks are now bewailing the mistake they made In was given full aud entire control of the base ball de­ waiting for tho League to come to its terms be- word or two of advice on certain pohtt-», and frequently A Racing Greyhound Dead. leaving them go. cisely what our grammar and preparatory schools are to lore it join". Tho League offer* d to take it in on the partment of the club. our colleges and universities. They are developing coaches ayoun^ pitcher as to batsmen ho has to face, Special to SpouriNQ LIPK. ' Another got d bat'cry is bcin^ looked for, three "It Is to be hoped that better judgment may prevail same conditions as Denver that they pay visiting but beyond that their success BO far is due to their batteries being necessary. I*. the young element, and we in the great cities are pre­ clubs J105 for each game and receive $75 per game KOCHF.STKR, N. Y., July 23. Trix, an English grey­ and that the chances of such an exceptionally strong pared to give tbo youngsters, according to their abili­ individual effoits. cluh as tho New Yorks may not be further impaired in whilt; abroad. As there was no representative from The success of the Chicago Clnb Is doubtless due to hound valued at $500, the property of Fred S. Bobbins, TEMPEST-TOSSED TORONTO. ties, the chsnce to earn very handsome compensation Wichita no action was taken oil the application, and a tho fact that Al Spakliug holds Anson pen-oually re­ died hero yesterday fiom rheumatism of the heart. phi) ing strength by imbuing a policy which has long for their services. The days ot tha old-time ball The dog was imported from the Derby kennels in Eng­ since been abrogated by the recent pennant-winners telegram was sont there asking tho directors of the sponsible for the general management of the team, Fortune Once More Smiling Upon CusJi- player are passing rapidly away, and the youutf, ani- club to send a representative if possible. The Wichita aud Anson in turn holds the players individually re­ land. His siro'waa tho winner of tlirc3 successive in either nss^nia'Ion, and which means tho low to tho bitioua t lenient ia7coming to the front very promptly races anr. defeated Denver j osterday in a very oue-eiiled con­ players shall control the selection of a captain, then Brooklyn will be found an ready, and perhaps more so, The Pennsylvania Association is practically want. Even if I do not get another team, I may give than anyone elte to do the fair and proper thing, if the Harry BurdettJ, of t he St. Paul Lacrosse Club, regarding test Fity^tmruons waa a complete puzzle to Mc­ ditcii'liue is out of the question. If Mr. Day believes dead, as but two clubs are left aud no scheduled up base ball at,Staten Island. The Mets are certainly bis club is run by any clique or faction, such belief is general welfare can be served thereby." not a success. There is even a possibility that the tho neceetary equipment. Clintock's boys, and only al lowed thtm eight scratch an admission of bis own weakness. But I very much "Will St. Lonla go into the League?" ames have been played since Wednesday. The New Yorks may play 011 tho island. I think it ouly a hits. He was given very good support by Jack Bren- d ulit such statement. The best captains have been "Will it snow next Christmas? One question can be tesertion of the leader, Wilkesbarre, following question of time when the Polo Groundd must go, and A New Trainer. nan, late of New Orleana, considering that he had answered as readily as tho other. St. Louis doesn't St. George haa the only available base ball ground in Special to SPORTING LIFE. been on tho cais for nearly eighteen hours, and had Li'jst thoroughly disliked, but by 'ho club striking so closely after similar action by Scranton's and had no rest. Daniels took in three ''sky scrapers" in lot torn the players were made to sco that thero was no know what it will do. If Mr. Ton dor Abe can dis­ Johnstown's disbandment was a death-blow. The thia vicinity. I have never discussfd the matter di­ ST. PAUL, Minn., July 23.--Pat Klllon yesterday en­ escape front their discipline, aud that gave great moral cover that it is to his interest to go into the League he rectly with the New York Club, further thna to invite gaged Tommy Warren, the f( tuner-weight champion, centre field, and also led the team in batting. The Wi icht t" the captain's dMers afterwards. will go, and no one will put a match in bis way. But Wilkesbarres withdrew Friday, 15th. On Sat- them to play at St. George whenever they are deprived as his trainer, and moved bis qiwrU-r-j fiom Medicine book-agent ia a dandy. Fitz had two singles, a double As to the statement that O'llourke walked off the I rather think he will go a little slow. Pittsburg turday the Reading Club climbed the golden of Iheir present quarters." Lake to White Bear Lake. lie states that Moulton'e and a triple. In fact all tlie sluggers slugged, knock­ made a jump. Auk any man who to-day knows the ByBtem ing Ilogat ont of tho box in the beeotid iLuing, and fiel I without permission, we are happy, in view of stairs. This club but a week before had been If Wiman calculates that the New Yorka will of training did not agree with him and he was touchiu;* Silch up rather hard tlie rest of the game. Jim's denial,to give him tho br lie fit of any reasonable situation what Piil&burg would do if it was iu the sold to ten spirting men of that city for $600, of losing iustoad of gaining health, and therefore felt it position it occupied this time lost year. There are so ultimately be forced to avail themselves of his Vvhen the men were paid off to-day nine out of four­ doubt, tilthough Jim haa at times a very dignified way which only 850 had been paid, and the former owner, necessary to change. teen had fines varying inam-juntafromSlO to',$33 taken of d->iug thing". many things bearing on this qu«stion that it is hard J. M. Snyder, of Philadelphia, will, it is thought, have Staten Island grounds he ia quite likely to bo » to say what the outcome wiil be, and many thinas may off their salaries for the mouth. The club has been Your readers cau judge how much truth there was to whistle or sue for Ihe remaining S650. The amount left, as it is a positive fact that the New York Lacrosse Match Postponed. playing a very indifferent game fur son*e time, and In the statement that Ward had been removed, but haj pen between now and November to change the sit- of money duo the players for two weeks'salaries was Club now has the option of a very eligible Bite nation. The Ltague people will sing some very eweet Special to SPORTING LIFE. although thero i.i no lack of funds in the treasury. Stack house and Mandego never allowed an opportunity about 8400, ranging iu amounts up to $60 due iodivitl- for new grounds not very far from the Polo Manager Alexander is bound to make them play ball to pas* to etab Ward. The farmer, who, by" the way, song to Chris Yon der Ahe, but I rather think Chris nal'plajcn. Of this about $100 was collected and each 10 known will take a nap after the serenade before he deter­ Grounds. or pay their expenses. Struve aud Lawrence were re­ aa ''ThanKH, Awfully," for the reaaon that he man received a* his pay 810, irrespective of wbat was , leased. geneia'.ly uaes tbat expression to ahow his acknowl­ mines what be will do, and he will about conclude he due Mm. Aud yet Reading talks of getting up a strong edgement of a fivur, recently intimated will stay in the house of bia friends." WliicH is Which? The management have fically concluded to give tb* lhat it took club for next season and entering a new and stronger pool rooms the score by . m Incorporated. The latt-r, within six weel.a, ripped op the New recogoizid by college men aa Bingham, who pitched was pounded awfully hard aud, of course, we conld not of changes the past week, and the result will be that Wilkesbarre Club caused the W*illiams[ort directors to Special to SPOP.TING LITE. win. ______Tork management for not signiug Denny and Glasa- it will show up in better form. Manager Foster has fiarthe stability of the State Associa^ou, and rather fur Harvard all this season. The matter was being NEW YORK, July 23. Tbe articles of Incorporation cock, when every patron of tho game knows that no added Kreig, a catcher from Washington, a man with than risk a tmther loss the club was disbanded. Had kept secret, as Binghara, by playing in a professional of tho Manhattan Jockey Club wero, filed in the Caution to Intel-national Managers. money could secure either. a national reputation as a ball player. He haa also the Wilkesbarre Club remained in tho State Associa­ team, is disqualified thereafter from pitching In a County ClerkVofflce yesterday. Leouunl AV. Jerome, As a cap thin and coach Ward stands In the front college team.'1 fat. Paul Globe. UTICA, N. Y., July 18. Umpires are hereby In­ signed George Streif, of the Syracuse Stars, who will tion it is likely that the club would have continued to John Hunter, Lawrence Kip, Louis L. Lorillard, structed to interpret rule GO in reference to managers rank with An son and Corniske}; as a hall player he ia play second base and bo the captain of the te:im. the close of the season. Frank Work «ud Eugcue G. Jerome are the fiicopora- BB follows: "Tho umpire shall in no case allow the eroud to none in the profession, aud is without doubt Streif has a great reputation aa a coacher, and will aa There was some talk of the remaining clubs Al- Tbe story from Duluth that Bingham, of Harvard, had tora. manager to leave tho bench to address him, nor the most valuable man in the New York Club. captain be a help to the team. Meister will play third, lentown, Altoona aud Bradford playing the season been pitching there in a professional club seems to allow them to coach players or oddrcsj tho um­ Ex-Naw YORK CoBEr.sroNDENT "LATHAN." and Manager Foster will get one more pitcher. He re­ out with a fill-in club, but Bradford conld see nothing have been the production of the fervid brain of some Admitted to Protection. pire from the bench. Managers violating thw pro­ leased McKcever, Morisrity and Stcvcna. Nothing is but loss in the scheme, and on Wednesday it too anti-Harvard man. It seems that the pUyer who is vision shall be proniply flutd by tho umpire twenty- dropped out with a whole skin. The club quit even playing with Duluth is Bickham, who pitched for Special to SPORTING LIFE. Waterbury Whisper*. lost by the release of these men, and a good deal is BROOKLYN, July 23. The Northeastern Liapno. con- five dollars, and upon repetition of the offence, tbe \FATEHBI-BT, July 13, Kditor SPORTING LIFE: gained by the addition of Murphy, Kreig and Streif. aud paid all debts and salaries in full. Princeton during the seasons of 1885 aud 188G, and umpire shall declare tbe game forfeited to tbe oppot* Altoona and Allentown, all tbat are left, are en­ who played last summer and fall with Dulutb. New Bis ting of Rutland, St. Alb:iu«, Burlingtou and Mout- There is atill enough left of the Eastern League to With a new pitcher, the Minneapolis, team should not pelier, Yt., baa bcvu swliwlM to Uic prvtecUuii M UM Ing club." 0. D. WHITE, Secretary. write about, although there ifl nothing of brilliancy loao many game* deavoring to Itfej) tfeeir team* togeUifib 1 the)' c^uk Haveu Exchange. THE LIFE. July 27.

0 0030301 0—7 as the eight cities notified inform the organizers here NEW YOBK vs. CBICAOO AT NEW YOBK JULY 18. Chicago...... of their decision, a meeting will probably be called ia FROM CLEVELAND. The home team won by superior bitting and Kcefe'-i Boston...... 10001220 0—6 FROM THE PUB. hits Macon or Savannah to perfect the League organiza­ telling delivery. The visitors made but four actual Eurnod nips Chicago 1, Boston 1. Two-base BaWe» A Reply to "Creole's" Befence of the South­ BALL. Ryan, Williamaon, Johnston. Throe-base hits Nash, The Great Games With Anson'a tion. BASE mademae inn the first>. In- hits,s, th:ce:oe ofo whichwc were Club will be Deal Com­ - -- -- ntid_ Homo run Sullivan. First on balls Wiw, The Big Captain Outkicked A Protested The members to compose the Savaanah ern League The Uetroit-Mets nings. Excepting Darling's wild throwing Hie Wise. in this city. The Williamson. First on error-* Chicago selected from the general chit* ment on Ward's tetter Notes About th» ins o» both sides was brillitnt. Ewingweut in to catchc Tate, Anson, Game Little Spokes. the club, of Boston 1. Sirnck out Darling 2, Willlamson, play»rs will receive a regular salary from Club, Etc. NATIONAL LEAGUE. in the fourth to givo Brown a rest and was tre­ 3, BOSTON, July 22. Editor SPORTING LIFE: and Cleveland THE Van Haltren, Daly, Hornung 2, Wise, Jobnston, Bur­ course. Tbls scheme ia caiiainly a good one, mendously applauded. Ward and Richardson ni'»de What a time we have had for the paat three sli ,uld be encouiaged by olllovera of bise ball. The CLEVELAND, July 23. Editor SPOUTING Lire: marvelous plays. Score:, dock. Double plays Hvan, Daly. Wild pitches Van Games to be Played. Haltren 2. Hit by pitcher Nash. Umpire Powers. days! success of this Interstate League will be the means of The astute Creole he must be astute, because CHICAGO. AB. K.B. P. A.E' XF.W YORK. AB.B. B. P. A.E "home talent' 1 a chance to expand, and also July 25, 26, Detroit vs. Chic-iijjo at Detroit. 10 PHILADELPHIA vs. PITTSBVRG AT PHILADELPHIA been here. giving be says ho is, and knows other people's bu-iiness Daly. rf...... 4 0111 0! Ewing, 3b... 402 5 The Chicagos have wnl keep the money that has been expended on for­ " 25, 2fi, Pittelmrg vs. Indianapolis at Pittsbnrg. Kvau, cf...... 402 0 0 o| 411 2 50 JULY 20. McCormick was hit h»rd, while Buftiuton Just that fact explains it all to the Bostonians bettor than the other people know it uome* " 2S, 2B, Washington vs. Philadelphia at Wash. very effective. The batting of Wood, Fogarty, eign players at home. Besides, greater interest will Sullivan, If.. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Connor, Ib... 4 1 3 11 10 proved year the White of club^i of this sec­ tardily to the centre with his defence of th» " '£>, 2(t, New York vs. Boat >n at New York. Quinn and Fields and the h'elliogof the entire local who have attended year after be taken in tliis Lr aeue, composed Anson, Ib.... 4 0 1 12 1 0 Tieruan,rf... 412 2 01 and the various contests between the Southern League. But he comes in the South­ " 28, 2!),30, Pittsbnrg vs. Philadelphia at Pittslmrg. 200 team were the features. Beecher's work tn left field Stockings' matinees here. But other readers of tion, as it were, feffer, 2b... 4 0 0 2 6 0, tf...... 4 2 3 cities in the League woo Id prove very pro­ " 23, 29, 30, Detroit vs. New York at Detroit. If.. 4 0 1 000 was brilliant. In tho sixth inning he captured a fly THE SPOKTIXO LITE will need a few explanatory different ern way late and warm and he must be M William' 3 0 0 1 3 1 Gillespie, ductive of sporf, and attract hundreds who would " 28, 29, 30, Chicago vs. Bo ton at Chicago. 4 1 1 161 ball from Andrews' tat which lookt-d safe for a home always harped on fresh as a spring fly with his talk about lies and Burns, 3b..... 3 1 1 1 2 0 ! Uichar'n,2b. foot notes. You know I have never attend a foreign club's games. " 28, 29, 30, Indianapolis vs Wellington at India's. Darling, c... 30051 2'Brown, c,3b. 300 4 10 run, but by a superhuman effort ho managed to get the statement that there is no ball game quite their swallowing, the babyish drivel aboutCieve- Aug. 1, 2, 3, Pittibnig vs. New York at Pittsburg. Baldwin,?... 311 1 SO Keefe, p...... 301 0 41 under it with one bund as Ai,dre»s was Lalt'-way be­ being a tail-ender and the groggy sta'.e of " 1, 2, 3, In;lianaiK>lis vs. Boston at Indianapolis. Score: like one between the Bostons and Chicagos. FROM FAULS CITY. Isnd T..tal...... 32 2 6 24 14 3 Total...... 34 6 14 27 18 3 tween second and third. with " 1, 2, 3, Detroit vs. Philadelphia at Detroit. P1TT6BUBG. AB.R.B. P. A.E The three games we have had this week have his knowledge about Cleveland's connection Chicago...... 0 0200000 0 2 PRILA. ABE. B. P. A.E 2, 3, Chicago vs. Washington at Chicago. 0 (I cf..... 411 The loiiisvllles" Splendid Record at Home base ball "at the outset of its experience." But " 1, NewYork...... 10010211 X 6 Wood, If...... 513 1 Brown, only substantiated that theory. I wish Harry Eorued runs Chinuo 1. New York 4. First on Andrews, cf.. 5 11 3 00 Carroll, Ib.... 402 Palmer could have been here. He would have Gossip About the Club and Players. even such people must be answered when in the If... 400 The Record. error.- Chicago 2, New York 1. First on balls Ryau, PVgarty, rf.. 602 1 00 Beecher, enjoyed them, for I know he likes good ball, no LOUISVILLE, July 20. Editor SPORTING LIFE: course of newspaperwork one collides with them. of the Western clubs Connor 3, Gore, Richardson, Keofe. Struck Buffinton, p. 6 0 0 0 50 Fields, c...... 413 The second Eastern trip Anson, rf.. 402 matter who wins. Take them right through The boys have covered themselves with glory And I am perfectly willing to collide some mor« out Sullivan, Darling, Baldwin, Ewing, Tiernan, Mulvey, 3b... 510 2 30 Coleman, ende«'. Friday, and after the interchange of a Farrar, Ib... 5 2 3 12 0 o'Smilh, ss...... 400 they were all great exhibitions of tho National in the past few weeks, and again base ball is a with this defending light, hitherto under a again be Brown Double plays Brown, Ewing; Ewing, Con­ the Southern L»ague. it few sectional games the battle will Daly, Ans.n. Irwin, ss...... 52404 O:\Vhitney, 3b 4 0 0 game, when every point is played and every lively topic in Louisville. Everybody now haa bushel, if I mistake n*A, of nor; Anson, Burn'; Pfeffer, Anson; he's as "now" to base ball history aj some of the club» transferred to the AVest. On the trip Detroit Two-iase hit Ward. Three-baso hit Connor. Ba-tian, 2b.. 411 3 4 0! Bark ley, 2b.. 4 00331 tricir. known to the sport is worked for all it is an interest in the game, aa the elub has been took a dreadful drop, her record being the poor­ Gunning, c.. 4 1 1 5 11 Jl'Cormi'k.p 300 2 50 of the group are to fair treatment of their playen Passed balls Brown 2. Umpire Powers. worth. But yesterday's game capped the cli­ playing winning ball and stands a good chance there is a remedy. The Guides of 1878 to 188o inclu­ est of all the Western clubs. Chicago did better WASHINGTON ve. PiTTSBrna AT WASHINGTON JULY Total...... 43 91527 17 1 Tot*!...... 35 2 8 27 16 4 0 9 max. to rank high in the championship race. sive will put him "on." And now here's at this truc­ the rest,winning 7, losing 5; Detroit won 3, 18. Morris pitched a winning game from the start, Philadelphia...... 1 0 233000 than Pitlsbing...... 01100000 0 2 It was a Kelly day. THE RECORD AT HOME. ulent ami swashbuckling Creole. I reiterate whit I PitUburg won 5, lost 8: Indianap­ the Grays securing but seven scattered hits. Smith's said abuut the Southern League, and wrote what I did lost 8, tied 1; error, a pushed bail, Hines'single and au out enall-.d Earned runs Philadelphia 5, Pittsburg 1. Two-base After the game, as I walked into the boys' The record made by the Louisville Club since olis won 4, lost 7. Detroit now has but a nar­ 2, Ba«tian, Fields. Home run Irwin. over my own name, not in chagrin, but because I be­ Cliff Carroll to score in the first inning. Paul Ilines' hits Fogarty dressing-room to shake hands with them and its return home, July 1, is one of the best ever ha 1 got the information from and the latter in turn sixth. Tbo Smoky Stolen bases Andrews, Farrar, Gunning, Carroll, lieved it to bo truo aud row margin over Chicago, home run added another in the wish them g.wd luck on their trip, tho "only Kel'' made by the team. Fifteen games were con­ the playen of two clubs. I went South to seo rather has but little leeway against Boston and New City men scored in the second on Kuohne's double and First on hallt Furrar 2. Double playj Barkley. said to me: '-Wasn't that a regular old-time Chicago McCormick. Passed balls Gunning 1, Fields 1. tested, and of these the Louisvilles won eleven than buy, aud w as offered meu beforo I asked to buy York, which latter clubs are playing in good Mack's wild throw. They batted out three earned game? It's the first one we've had." them. I refined to pay great prices for goods that runs iu the sixth inning. Score: Umpire Pratt. And so it war. When Al Spalding'i high kickers and lost four. Both the Athletics and Balti- form once more. The Phillies are also trotting JULY 20. were not worth It. The humorous trick of this South­ WASH. AB.R. 11. P. A.E PITTSBVRG. AB.R. B. P. A.E NEW YORK vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT NEW YORK were here iu May we waited patiently for some of the mores were defeated three straight games. One at great speed for a jiliice in the first division. 8 10 Keefe kept the visitors down to five hits, and Con- erner in presuming to put a motive for another Carr., 410 1 00 Carroll, c..... 401 old-time sport, but it didn't come. The three gnmea game was dropped to the St. Louis Browns, from that s'audpoint is very tremendous improve­ ct..... 413 If... 4 1 1 n >r end Kichardsun did some excellent fielding. Tue man's action and arguing Washington hag shown Hiues, 0 1 Beecher, played then were good, but a little slow. But I felt another to the Brooklyns, and two to the Me­ amusing. But it isn't good. If, as "Cieolo'lsays, there trouble­ Daily.rf...... 4 014 0 0.Coleman, rf. 4 0 0 Hoosiets became tattled iu the fourth inning and let sooner or later "Kei" and "Ans" would get started ment, jumped into sixth plaoe, and is a the that played have been is not a club in tbo Southern League whose playen O'Briin, Ib.. 4 036 0 iljlviiehne, Ib. 4 2 3 the New Yorkers make five unearned run*. In and we should have one of the old-timers, and it came tropolitans. Two of the games some customer for all the other clubs. Pittsburg escaped a "Chi* of I) have not been tampered with, there, is s,.iue bad Mack, c...... 4007 0 2 Id-own, cf.... 411 ninth inning the Indianapolis players yesterday. It was the ideal Boston-Chicago game of protected. One of these was forfeited by a scpre plays the same uneven game, and is by no cago." made a two-bane hit, and Keefy sent tbe St. Louis Browns, because the latter management going ou in the North this season. If Furrell, as.... 3002 2 l.Smith, ss..... 401 former years, but well, it wasn't just as it used to be to 0 against and give her a ineuns safe from last place, at present occupied 1 Seery to base on bal 6. Kach stole a base, and as Keefti's refused to go on with the game. The other was the Cleveland asked Cartwright to wait Myers, 2b.... 3000 2 0 Wl.ilney,3rj. 4 0 It was Captain Kelly this time and not Lieu- chance at bis services in the event of bis club dis- Indianapolis. Next week the Eastern clubs Donnelly,3b. 3001 1 o| Barkley, 2b. 4 0 1 error allowed Shomberg to get to firs), Gla^cock ran Mike. And the graduated Chicago player well-known Louisville-Brooklyn game, which the by to teuanaut baudiuj;, Cleveland committed no illegal act. But Gilmore, p... 3000 4 OjMnrru, p...._3 0 1 home. Seery scored as the local players were trying bad a complete triumph over his old teacher latter won by a score of 4 to 3 ou an illegal decision by go West to play a scries of games which will have a Score: Cleveland doesn't want Cartwriaht, I can tell thii 24 9 4| Total...... 35 41027 10 T put out shomberg on his way to second. the "old man" was proud of his boy. Why Umpire Curry, most vital effect upon the final outcome. Our Total...... 32 2 7 AB. R. B. P. A. E But runs, astute "Creole" that. I say that Nashville and Memphis 0—2 ISD'APOI.13. AB.n. B. P. A. E NEWVORK. shouldn't he be? They tell us that Anson taught 'Ihe record phows that theLouisvil!es madel!7 inclusive: Washington...... 10000100 2 2 Ewjng, 3b.... 4 0 0 121 games played. at any rate have offered its men for sale without fear record is up to Friday, July 22, 01000300 Glasscock. ss 4 1 1 1 Kellv all he knows about the g'irae, and bow could he 20U hits and 58 errors in the fifteen Pittaburg...... Seery, If...... 4 1140 0; Ward, ss...... 400 1 41 This is an average per game of about seven runs, four­ that they had been tampered with; that the Southern 1 Earned runs Washington 1. Pittsburg 3. Two-base help"feeling proud oth;s pupil? 1 don't believe in League is only in existence until a market can be 0 Pittsburg.. Home run Denny,3b... 4 0 0 2 1 V Connor, ib.,.. 4 1 3 10 00 aud trying to show teen bite jud three errors, which is great ball playing Indianap's Philadel'a. Wasbin'n. hits Kuehne, Fred Carroll, Boecher. 411 2 00 lauding one player n the skies Collins, found for its plav eri°, and that it will not last thii ty days. a Percent Hines. Double plays Barkloy, Ki.olme. First on 4 0 0 10 0 IJTieriian.rt... that he won the game alone. I don't claim that Kelly The batting «sis led by Kerins, Wolf, CI.VBS. 2b... 40110 2.Gore, cf...... 410 0 0 Mack aud Browning New Oilcans is, I understand, financially strong. t*t 1 O'Brien, Whituey, First on errors Bassetl, did any such tiling yesterday. He didn't. No one Browning, Mack aud Hecker. ? balls Hiues, If.. 411 0 0 But tbe other clubs are not. Nashville and Memphil i Pitbburg 1. Struck out Donnelly 2, Polliemus,rf. 30016 0 Gillcspie, unless, possibly, it be a pitcher. were laid off two ^ames each on account of injuries. K Washington 1, 1 1 C 0 man can win a game, will never take the Southern trip, unless under new f 3, Smith 2, Whitney. Passed ball Carroll. M'Geachy.cfS 0 1 3 0 0 Uichard'n,2b4 game was won from Chicago by great hall Kerins made 32 bits. Wolf 27, Collins 25, Browning 24 Gilmuro 1 0 Deasley,c.....4 1 1 2 0 Yesterday's and financial arrangements. The Fourth of July game! pitch Gilmore. Umpire Doescher. Arundtl, c... 3 0 1 2 playing by nine good ba'.l players. Every one bad a aud MacK 20. Kenns played in every contest Boston...... 5 4 5 3 8 7 7 39 .600 Wild Heoley, p.... 300 0 10 Keefe, p...... 4,0 2 0 61 to make a hit in Ihe South uetted something less luau $1,500 for five b»nd in it. and it was "a strong pull aud a pull ail to­ made the best batting lecord, not failing Chicago...... 5 5 8 7 7 2 4 38 .003 3 of the fifteen games. Browning also made clubs to divide, is this au evidence of financial pros­ 41 Games Flayed Tuesday, July 19. Total...... 32 2 5 24 11 6 Total...... 36 6 9 27 20 gether" that gave us the game. in f ach one Detroit...... 4 3 9 5 7 8 5 .640 2 2 game that he played. perity? New Orleans bas, I was told, treated its play­ ...... 4 18 .276 BOSTON vs. CHICAGO AT BOSTON JULY 19. The Indianapolis...... 00000000 And yet for all that years from now the cranks will a bit in every Indianapolis 4 3 0 1 1 5 x 6 The record is a good one, and much praise is due to ers well. But Nashville hasn't. J»ck Hayes suffered 4 5 6 6 38 .550 home team got to work early, aud iu the first inning New York...... 00051000 tell how Capt. Mike triumphed over Ansou on July 21, New York...... 2 9 6 1. Firot on errors In- and Chambeilain, who pitched in their most by sharp practice over his preliminary season salary. Philadelphia...... 4 2 4 9 6 6 4 31 .507 ran up t.vo of their three scores. For the Chicagos it Earned runs Now York 1887. Talk about the tricks of tbe trauel They wero Kamsey York 2. Struck out Indiiurapolis effective style. The uniformly good bnttin? is another So did Hogan. I told how »ick Jimmie Clinton, made Pitt-burg...... 3 4 2 5 4 3 4 25 .390 was a wl.iteu-asb from ficst to last, and not a run was diainiolis 2, New all worked yesteiday. I have seen Anson make a good 5. First on balls Contior, K< efo, Seery. Two-base reason for the fine showing in the recent gamea. Bat­ sick, too, through doing bis outy, was sent home at kit "Washington...... 2 B 3 2 6 1 6 25 .410 mude. lliulbuurn did the work that bothered the many bluff*, but he capped them all wiieu he threat­ owu expense and uilltfut'fay, aud told ill it if ho wanted visitors, and wheu by accident the ball got into the bits Connor, Richardson,GJlas=cock. Double pliys ened to take his nitn off the field. Of course he ting is what tells. Couuoi; Arundel. Glasscock. cinions feature is that the four defeats are dis­ to stay at homo it uojjd cust him S300. Had the Total lost...... 2C 25 23 47 31 33 38:35 258 field the Bostou boys were there every time. Nash, Ward, Richardson, didn't do it. He never iutended to, but be knows that A Passed ball Arumlel. Umpire Valentine. tributed among the four Louisville twirlers, Neal, Southern IK ague or Nashville Club developed Clinton? Burdock anil Radbouru did themselves proud aud h!nils sometimes go. I don't wonder that the big Did Nashville develop Hogau, G. W. BiaJleyand were enthusiastically cheered. Score: to give in gracefully for Hecker, Chamberlain and fiamsey, each of whom Games Flayed Saturday, July 10. ( hi:-ago Chief found it bard pitched a losing game, i Firle? Yet I was told that I could buy tbe three BOSTON. AB.R.B. P. A.I CHICAGO. AB.R.B. P. A.K Games Played Thursday, July 81. it must hitve been humiliating for an old war-hor^e like for $2,500 and declined. Surely this sjrt of PHILADELPHIA TS. - DETROIT AT PHILA­ 4 1 1 3 0 0 V.Halt.'n.rf 4 0 0 1 00 NOTES OF THE GAME. IIor:.uug,lf.. JULY 21. him to lie caught iu so weak a net as lotting his meu bat "failure to buy good players at inferior 12 3 00 400 1 00 WASHINGTON vs. DETKOIT AT WASHINGTON down as Ramsey has pitched eleven winning games out of DELPHIA JULY 16. Bumnton and his old Kelly. rf.....,4 a feat \vhiou no olhor out of order. The pcore card had Baldwin prices" ought not to bring me chagrin, 4 0 2 0 2 1 Sullivan, if... 4 0 0 100 The home team accomplislied the second inning tho last thirteen he has played. catcher, Gunning, were in the points, and the Nash, 30...... this year that of retiring DiimVer eight aud Daily uiue. In and it might be as well for "Creole,'' as a seer aud ap­ Wise, ss...... 400 2 4 o'Anson, Ib.... 4 0 1 10 10 club tins succeeded iu doing turn Daily went to tho Amos Cross was not taken on tho trip East. two worked like a charm, only six hits being a run. Tbe main cause of when it was number eight's praiser for tho Southern League, to tell us how much Morrill, II... 4 0 1 10 1 O.Pfeffer, 21..... 3 0 1 3 30 tbe big Detroit team without us iu the scorers' peu saw the mistake, Browning has been suffering with Charley-horse In made off Buff up to the last inning. Then Cunning's masterly pitching of Gilmore, who bat. Some of of the $2,500 was for developing these three men. Jolm*U.n,cf... 4 1 0 3 0 0 WiSliam' 3 0 0 320 this result was the out nothing was said. Daily was the thigh of his left leg. His fielding and base-run­ bauds became si. sore that he WHS hardly able to take bad the heavy hitters from the City of but as there were two And now-1 want to say to this Alsatian of the South Kadbimru.p.. 3 0 1 Duma, 3b..... 3 0 1 from the t^tarl and as tho sides were changing we ning has consequently been rather weak of late. Tbe his place under tbe bat and Bumnton easing up, tho completely at his mercy. It was not until the the third victim, not to defy or talk so much about lie-swallowing. I liurdock,2b.. 3 0 1 Flint, c...... 3 0 1 Straits to mention the fact to Kelly fo that he could disability caused him to lay off in the last two games Detroit* managed to knock out two earned ruus. The that tho visitors had the remotest told Tate never hud any int. ntion of lying. I went to see and Daily, c...... 300 2 00 Claikson, p.. 3 0 0 1 eighth inning the next time around. Aud he was wiih the Baltimores. support tbo I'hillies gave their pitcher was very good, saving themselves from a shut-out. After know the outlook bear, and wrote of what I taw and heard, as I believe, chance of too. It was in the fifth inning when it Cartain Kerins is batting with terrific vigor. He Farrar, McLaughlin aud Mulvoy bfing particularly Total...... 33 3 8 27 11 4 Total...... 31 0 4 27 18 1 hid been retired, Getzoiu made a two-base hit, on the lookout, impartially. I don't believe that, if men are treated M 3 Ganzol eight's turn again. As before there were smashes the ball harU, especially when men are on prominent. The Detroits placed their dependence Boston...... 20010000 0— aud went to third on a wild pitch. With two such came number some of the Nashville plajers Hayes, Clinton and upon Baldwin, but tliat gentleman was hit in tbe live­ Chicago...... 00000000 0—0 two men out»nd again Daily went to bat instead (f Bald­ if four men are compelled by heavy batters as Uicbardsou aua Broutbers to follow, Fat Jim Wolf has finally trained himself down to Hogan wore; liest manner, 11 actual bits with a total of 19 being the Earned runs Boston 3. Two-base hit Nush. First tioiug the win. Nothing was said until Nash made a poor throw some clubs to occupy a sleeping car section tho chances were greatly in favor of Detroit mask tho pink of condition, and is doing some admirable record against him. Gun/.el was terribly off in his on balls Anson, Pfeffer. First oa errors Chicago 2, aud struck both and gave Daily his bafe. Then Dimples Tate's in this weather, or if clubs threaten to take away Moirill 2, Johu- score. Gilmore kept cool, however, Powoll, but field work. He has also distinguished himself of late throwing, and a couple of runs were scored upon tliat Wild pitch Clarkson. Struck out the only run of the game camo off and ho turned around to Umpire players' mcney if they will not sol.I, that ihe Southern. Morrill; men out. VVasbingtou made shouted by btroic work with the stick. account. White, at lliird, aud Iticbardson and Brou­ ston, Kelly, Bnriock. Double plays Wise, on a base on balla by Ilines, who iMrdly liad he opened his mouth when Kelly League should be again made even a minor party to Darling, of tho in the first inning Itsounded Collins' right arm is again in fine shape, and his thers bore off the palm in fiebling. The score: Pfefler, Auson, Will! ituson. Umpire on Daily's out and scored on O'Brieu's from right field: ''Play ball, there, Tate." the National Agreement. Aud I said so. Aud I'll went to second puzzled, but he put throwing iu from left field is marvelously good. Hub PHILA. AB.R.B. P. A. E| DKTItOIT. AB. B. R. P. A. E Chicagos. havebseu left at third base, but a little severe, and Tate looked say so again, if I choose to do so, even though such PIIIT.ADELPIIIA single. Hines should Darling took is acknuwleilged to bo one of the longest anil most Buffinton, p..5 0 1 3 fi 0.Richar'n, 2b 1 0 0 440 PHILADELPHIA vs. PITTSBURG AT O'Brieu's hit, and Paul scored. Score: his mask on and said not a word. Then 1inllies as "Creole" prat') anil muuthuntil their League curves and their Uanlon fumbled but noth­ accurate throwing fielders en the diamond. Andrews, cf. 5 2 2 1 0 0 Bn>uthe's,lb4 0 1 12 00 JULY 19. Hie Phillies found Calvin's P. V. E his place at the plate. One ball was pitched grows deceut. And lot me toll this same person, who won them their WASHING N AB. R. B. P. A. El DETROIT. AU.R.B. ball Daily started for Werri:k is ajjain complaining of nularia, i'oj-Hrty.rf... 6 2 3 0 0 l;Kowe,M...... 4 0 0 Oil batting, assisted by fine fielding, If... 400 0 0 Rich'rd'n,2h4 0 1 2 0 ing was said. On the next should be young he writes yonugly not to look at In the second inning, with Carroll, 0 a bad Reddy Mack ba-i become a howling and successful Maul. If...... 5 1 1 1 0 0 Thompson,rf4 1 2 1 01 seventh consecutive game. cf...... 411 0 0 0 llroutbe' 4009 0 0 second and went around to third, as Tate made New Orleans as the Southern League. Tuby Hart's Ferguson again HillOi, coacber, and is tho life of the game, ' He does not talk Mulvey, 3b... 6 3 3 2 2 I 1 White. 3b.... 4 1 2 2 50 two hits secured off his delivery, 4 0 0 0 0,Rowe,ss...... 401 2 0 0 throw t!) Burdock. club is all right, other clubs are not, though. obliged to give way to Daily.rf...... 1 "Kel," as he came and yell for ihe grand stand, but means business. His 1'arrur, Ib... 5 1 1 12 20 Uanlon, cf... 411 1 00 wrenched hi-t foot and was Ib.. 4 0 1 7 0 O.Thouipsou.rf 4 014 0 0 "Hold on there!' called Capt. work, striking out six men O'Biieu. straight to the first words are: "Come, now, let's get iu those scores." THE DETROIT-METROPOLITAN DEAL. Jl'Laua,'n,2b 411 1 60 Twitchell, If. 4 1 3 1 01 Maul, who did tplei.did Mack, c...... 401 9 0 IjWhito. 3b.... 4 Oil 5 0 running iu from the field. He went to be secured off lm had batted out of Mack's coaching is never offensive, and it inspires the I never yet issued a piece of news from my den thai Basti»n,S9..... 4 0 1 2 1 1, Ganzel, c..-.. 4 0 1 624 and allowing but six actual hits ss.... 30053 OjTwitchell, If 4 0 2 3 0 0 plate and told i'owell that Daily and Farftir led at the bat Faneil, ball" he knew hoys with genuine encouragement and enthusiasm. I wsisu't ready to acknowledge. I issued that wltn Gunning, c.. 4 0 2 5 6 1; Baldwin, p... 3 0 0 031 delivery. Wood, Auilrews Myers, 2b... 302 3 10 Hanlon, cf.... 4001 0 1 turn. When he told Tato to "play and Baatiau carried off the fielding honors. Score: what he was about. There were two men out, and President Zack Phelps accompanied the club on its reference to the probable sale of the Detroit t' am, aa a Total...... 4U1015 272141 Total...... 35 4~10 27 158 Donnelly, 3b 3 0020 l>6anzfd,c...... , 301 fi l ° Wiman, of the Mets, and did so on 2 10 PHILA. AB.R.B. P. A.EI PITTSliVRG. AB.R.B. P. A. K if Baldwin should m&ko Iho third, with Daily still ou trip East. He will act as a mascot. whole, to Erastus Philadelphia...... 30200300 Gilmore, p... 3 0 0 0 10 0 Getzeiu.p.... 3 0 1 0 CO F.aat man­ the authority of one of '.he most reliable of meu in the 010010002 4 Wood, If...... 60310 0 fan-oil, Ib.... 622 7 61 first, nothing could oe gained by a kick then. Mike Of tbe thirteen games to be played in the Detroit...... Total...... 32 1 5 27 14 21 Total...... 33 0 8 27 14 I victories. American Association, to whom Mr. Wiman told the runs Philadelphia 7, Detroit 3. Firaton Andrews, cf. 6 1 3 0 00 Beeoher, If... 600 2 11 knew he could bide his time and raise ager Kelly says he will be content with six Earned 10000000 0—1 however, that no less tban news. Mr. Wiman also said that he had offered balls Pbiladelpbia 4, Detroit 1. Home run Fogarty. Foxarty, rf... 5 01100 Culenian, rf. 4 0 1 0 01 Washington...... the point, possibly, at a more critical time. But President Phelps swears, Haul, p...... 100 0 60 Miller, c...... 400 2 00 Detroit...... 00000000 0—0 got around to third it waa a different seven will suit him. 840,000 aud had been asked 850,000, and thought well Thiee-basohit An-h-ews, White. Two-baso hit Mul- i)lay when Daily 4 0 0 0 1 0 Brown, cf.... 4 0 2 313 Two-base hits Myers, Getzein. Double Now was his time. "Ans" did not believe bis Hecker, Kerius and Collins are all running bases in of the scheme. 0. P. Caylor knew nothing about it vey, Farrar. McLaiurt.lin, Thompson, Hanlon. Struck Ferguson,]... ou thing. Muliey, 3b..6 2 2 2 1 0 Smith, is..... 4 0 0 440 Mjers, Farrell, O'Brien; Farrell, O'Brien. First men had batted out of order. "Givo me a score card," splendid sbape. onlv that Detroit had said that it would out By Buffiinton 4, by ISaMwin 2. Stolen bases - - - - - * 30 ilyei-s, Ganxel. First on errors live and 2, Fanar, Ib... 4 3 3 10 00 Whitney, 3b 4 0 2 4 balls Hiues, Mack, was Kelly's next request. The card was sent out to Three straight victories over the Baltimore Club was sell the whole team unless it could Philadelphia 7, Detroit 2. Wild pitches Bnfflnton 1. Struck out O'Brien, Doi.nelly, Gilmoro 3, League. This means a and Richardson. Irwiu, 88..... 5 1 2 2 2 Berkley, 2b.. 412 0 0 Detroit tbo plate and given to Powell. There It was in black as gratifying as it was unexpected. Barnie's meu profit largely in the National Baldwin 1. Double plays Gunning Ricliardcon 2, Bronthers 2, White, Twitchell, Gelzein of the League t(. the percentage system, which Umpire Sullivan. Ba-aian, 2b.. 523 5 0, Baldwin, p... 411 3 0 and white, and Adrian Constantine Ansnn cogitated a wero pretty sore over tho defeats. The two clubs now return c.. 5 0181 1 2. Passed balls Mack 1. Wild pitch Qilmore. Um­ both sides drew op are oven in tbe series, each having won and lost five isn't probable. Section 6 of the National Agreement- .New YORK vs. CHICAGO AT NEW YOHK JULY IB. Cknunts, Total...... 38 41027 12 6 minute. One by one the players on team Total...... 40 91827 l(i 3~i pire Sullivan. to the interesting group at the plate. Captains Kelly games. d )os not, however, provide for a transfer of a Timely batting, good base-running, brilliant fielding AT BOSTON JULY 21. Both Association to aj* fact, model base ball play­ Philadelphia...... 11300020 2 9 BOSTON vs. CHICAGO and At:son gave porno graceful p'.ses around Phil Neul will be pitched in the East, and Cook will from town to town, as well as an,l accurate throwing in work and kept tho score down. Kelly would bo likely to forget the to win another game Pittsbuig...... 10000030 0 4 teams did good Powers as the central figure of the group. John probably support him. Give tbe youngster a chance. sociation ,and the League ing enabled tlie Chicago Club of tricks, but he got caught when he ran But the men could be "fixed*' and The battery work of Van Earned runs Philadelphia 5, Pittsburg 3. Two- was full Burdock occasionally put in a word, and big, He contains good material, aud but needs steady work double transfer. from the New York team. bom? in tbe fifth without going within twenty feet of turned over to the Metropolitan Olub, always suppos­ __TU and Daly, Brown's catching and the fieldiug baseblts Irwin, Brtslian, Gilvin. Three btwte hits Ed Williamson, with the long-legged to develop himself. Then Kellv got a point on Baldwin fo who has been ing the club deal had been made, as Eaterbrnok wai _ _Ward, Bwing, Willmm.on nuil Sullivan were b'arrar, Carroll. atolen basts Fogarty, Miller. First tiled to their chief. Finally, Frank Reccius, the I.ouis\ille boy '- "" it of oi%!e;_B_B_B_i_B_L>_gt)jnien liMt (lieir TH 6>vjrtck j,nd *aiil ihe card _la\ ing second base for Jim He rt'j .Milwaukee team, transferred from the New Yorks to the Mets. They rry inm""" ^.iliUal, Uas take] be reserved at tl'e, close by pitcher Farrar. Passed balla Miller 2 very admirers of' ulil not > surprj ' B. p. ." E'HRW YOBK. AB.B.B. ?. A.E ing of tbo fifth, and Dailing was . . . .- ii could see from bis great many CUICAOO. AB.K. Sullivan. "pard." He had got tho lgr.-iuu..'l.lop v«. . VanH»Pn,p5 1 1 lohnston mado two marvelous < fS we bad ,.ot his old dep.jnds altogether upon that war. 8 0 Ewing, 3b... 501 0 41 WASHINGTON vs. DETROIT AT WASHINGTON JULY 19 ^ luson's own handwriting, just as it was given is a mistake. Ramsey employs a splendid in­ Kvan, cf...... 513 6 01450 Kelly, In tho last inning, threw Ausou out Tins JOHN WARD'S OPEN __ 1 1 OlWard, ss...... Darkness ended tbe came in the eleventh inuini; wiih the printer, who hns bis presi in tho ticket office. curve, and also uses a good rising ball and outshoot Sullivan, If.. 501 1 0; Connor, Ib... 3 2 1 12 11 in Ih^ first in­ plate and saved tbe game. Score: Ward's letter was quite a letter. But II 2 tho score a tie. Tbe home clnb scored There was no g'liua; behind that, anil there was noth­ Tom varies bis delivery about as much as any of his Johnny Am.on.lh.... 522 If.. 4 0 0 0 0 u single and au "lOSTON. AB.R. B. P. A. E| CHICAGO. AB.R. B. P. A. E stated the case too strongly for the ball player and too 9 0 OjTiornan, ning on a two-bagger by Hines, Daily's ing left for Powell to do but to call Baldwin out for rivals. He is too old and experienced a pitcher to Pfcller, 2b... 412 2 0'Gor«, cf...... 4022 last Hornung.lf.. 61120 OJV. Haltr'u.rt 4012 00 for the manager. The reserve rule a;id itl 2 error by Thompson, and in the third made their nut going to bat in his right place. This be did aud depend upon one ball. No man keeps the batter more weakly Wilii!im' 422 3 O'ltorgan, rf... 4131 a Kelly, rf...... 50311 O.Itjan, cf...'... 402 0 0 evils grew out of necessity alone. There's no doui.tof 0 run on a , a eacrilice hit, a single aud Kelly and his men started for their seat. constantly wondering what sort of a ball will next be Bnru.->, 3b..... 4 0 li 2 liRiehar'n,2b. 3 1 1 1 . The Wolverines scored in the second in Nash, 3b...... 40121 1 Sullivan, If.. 2000 0 0 that. And tbe players, more than tho clubs or mana­ 4 0 1 Darling, If.... 2 0 0 200 But the big captain was ll'.t done yet. He coolly delivered. This is Kauifey's strong point. Daly, c...... 4 1 0 11 3 IJGeorge.p..... 61 uingona base ou Inlla, a single by Twitcholl and an 4 0 2 1 S 0 out he gers, were its actual parents. But there is no doubt- 4 0 2 530 1 OlAnson.ll...... 4 0 2 600 informed Powell that if Baldwin was called Chamberlain is becoming a better pitcher every day. Olarkson, rf.. 4 1 0 0 0 OIBrowii,'c..... error by Hiues. After two hands were out iu the Morrill. Ib... 4 1 2 7 of Cap An­ also that the day of equitable base ball contract* It 2b... 4 0 1 1 10 should take his men off the fieH. Think He is accused of being lazy and indifferent in his will benefit Total...... 40 9 1427 20 2J Total..... 36 412 27 22 5 ninth inning Hanlon hit for two baaes and scored on 4- 0- 1- 3 0- O.Pfeffer,...... , ... o ^ Pow- close at band. And the equity in them p.... 40302 OiWillijm' 301 0 son, above all men, doing such a thing as that. work, hut this is not correct. He never luses head The great trouble Chlcaco...... 030141000-9 TwKcheU's two-bagter. Farrell was injured in the Conway, the trium­ managers as well as fhe players. 2b. 4 0 1 3 2 0 Burns, 3b.. 300 2 ell came up to the scorers'pen, in which and cannot be rattled by the loudest and most incet have been New York...... 00001111 0 4 sixth inning, and O'Day took his place. Doeschor Burdock, 0 0 them of Anson's seemi to me to be that laws and contracts Tato, c...... 400 8 10 Baldwin, p... 300 0 virs have their seats, and informed saut coachera. Kelly thinks ho is a coming man. cases. And neither are BO Earned runt-Chicago 6, Now York 2. Firrt on who should hive umpired Ihe game, was called away - 0 0 the absurd ground 4 and open made to cover the ex'reme threat which he made on The Loui-villcs will return home August m»ly errors Chicago 3, New York 1. Struck out Chicago by illness in bis family, and Mr. Young assigned Gaff­ Total...... 38 21426 11 1 Daily, c...... 3 1 2 10 23 tbe captain ugly us they look, though capable of being n«ed that the rules required that with the Clevelauds. X. X. in tbo case of the blacklist 8, New York 5. First on halls Rjan, Anson, Pfoffcr ney with tho consent of the Detroit Club. Score: Total...... 32 1 9 27 33 be provided with a Especially will this be seen of the visiting team should to sign contracts by a certain W illiamson, Burns, Kwing. Three-base bits Anson' WASH. AB.R.B. P. A.E DKTHOIT. B. P. A.K Boston ...... 00011000 0 2 management. Then followed resolution for failure score card by tbo h .me PLUCKY HAVERHIIX. at tho Cleveland meeting of the Ameri­ Connor. Two-base hits Dorgan, Brown. Double Carroll, If.... 6022 0 0 Ricuard'n,2b6 005 1 0 Chicago...... o 0000100 0 1 badinage. The big follow was in­ date, passed hits a lot of amusing can Association, designated by Ward as "the crown­ plays Ward, Richardson, Counor; Daly, Ans in. Hit Hints, of..... 6228 Brouth'is, Ib 5 0 4 7 0 0 Earned runs Boston 1, Chicago 1. Two-base that he could have all tbe score cards he the Transfer of the Boston formed What Induced of all." Mr. Ward must have seen that by pitcher Connor, Richardson. Wild pitches Van Daily.rf...... 6 031 Rowe,ss...... 500 1 4 0 Morrill, Anson, Daily 2. Double plays-Wise, Bur­ time, by simply asking for them. They ing outrage wanted, at any Blues Rising Players, Etc. this does not weaken Haltren 2. Passed ball Brown. Stolen bases Chicago O'Brien, Ib.. 6 0 0 14 01 Tlion.pson.rf 4003 0 1 dock, Morrill; Wise, Morrill. First on halls Nosh thought, however, that they should run around ihis was simply a bluff, though Struck out Hor­ hardly HAVF.BHILL, July 20. Editor SPORTING Lira: Since The present of this resolution on the 8. Lmpire Powers. Karrell, ss... 3000 White. 3b.... 4000 3 1 Wise, Conway 2, Burdock, Anson. after him with the request: -'Mr. Anson, won't you his argument. WASHINGTON vs. PITTSBDRO AT WASHINGTON JULY Dealy, c...... 1006 Ganzel.c...... 4 0 0 10 30 nung, Kelly, Nosh, Morrill, But dock, Tate, Van Hal­ my last letter base ball matters in this city have taken _ Association books is a disarnce. Class or individual please take a score card?" chaiRe and the enterprise of tho place, as 16. Washington won on the costly errors of Beecber Hycrs, 2b.... 40304 0 422 3 01 tren, Sullivan, Daily, Baldwin. Passed ball Daily tbe crowd. a sudden " legislation must g > before reform conies. And I should There wore shouts of "play lall" from as its interest in base ball matters, has been vindi­ er­ and Kuehne. The Grays led the visitors on the'start Donnelly.3b 400 2 50 Twitchell.lf.. 403 1 00 Wild pitches Baldwin 2. Umpire Powers and. joining the well like to ask Mr. Ward why he did not cite a League Kelly walked over to the grant stand week ago Saturday the affairs of the New of the equally but heavy batting enabled tho Smoky City men 'to tie Shaw, p...... 401 0 70 Getzein, p.... 400 0 60 NOTE. At New York and Philadelphia Eain. play bull." cated. One ror while at it. What is bis opinion group, said good-naturedly: "Coma, 'Ans,' League looked in a decidedly shaky condition name of the srore iu tbo fifth inning, a double by McCoriniok O'Day, ss..... 401 1 10 2 U~ 30 17 3 Then followed England clumsy and ferocious resolution bearing the Total...... 39 But "Alls" was firm apparently. and its immediate dissolution was looked for on all by the ami singles by Miller and Coleman, supplemented by Total...... 40 1! 123015 4 tbe game to Bostou 9 to 0 John B. Day, of the New York Club, adopted Games Played Friday, July 83. some chin about giving sides. Haverbiil would not gnpcort a poor team, and There is a good deal in the clever base-running, netting two earned runs. Tho Washington...... 1 0 to Kelly aud said: "Yuu don't National League in 18«4? 0 0 2 vs. PiTTsnrRo AT PHILADELPHIA when Anson turned if Haverbiil, which for three years has been the key­ proposes, but two of them are far Grays went right to work iu tho next inning however Detroit...... 0 1 PHILADELPHIA game that way." remedies Mr. Ward ' 1 0 2 JULY 22. Morris' superior work, the timely baiting want the stone of the League, withdrew, Lawrence, Salem aud They are (1) con­ and batted out a victory. Score: Earned runs Washington I.Detroit 1. Two base want the game, you can bet on that," above tho others in importance. and Cairoll and McGnire'l inability to throw "Well, I just Lvnn must necessarily go under; and, as Boston had for longer termc, (2) co-operation by Ihe playen WASH. AB.8.B. P. A. T, PITTSBUne. AO. B.B. P AE hits Ilines, Myers 2. Hanlon, JUitchcII. First, on of Smith answer, "and if you won't play it out will tracts bases won a camo for Pittsmirg. Brown and An­ was Mike's gone wild over its League team ond utterly refused to ball loss of an uncertainty than it now Can-oil. If.... 5 0 2 3 0 0,Miller, 3b.... 5 1 2 010 errors Washington 1, Detroit 1. Fir-t OB balls Car- to 9 to 0. The game is what I am after." Powers in making base drews both distinguished themselves by making won­ lake it support the Bluis, it would have been impossible to general conduct. Him*, cf...... 6 1 2 0 0 0 lieecher, If.. 5 032 1 1 roll, O'Day, Myers, Shaw, Hanlon. Struck out By called Baldwin out, and Sum Wise, who is by better 401 derful catches, Brown jumping into the air iu the had previously continue. At this sla^e of the proceeding! Mr. A. B Daily,rf...... 2 0 (^Coleinnn.r}.. 4011 0 0 Shaw 5, by Getzeiu 6. Wild pilch Getzein. Passed next man for Boston, took his tat and walked THE CLEVELAND CLUB ALL RIOHT. i.-n. Ib.. 402 third inning and pulling down with one hand a three- was the Priest, president of the Haverhill Association, and a O'l'.i K 0 IjCirroll, Ib... 4 009 1 1 balls Uanzel 1. Umpire Gaflnoy. plate. Ansou was mad through and through, Despite the fact that the Cleveland team has a strong 4 1 2 base hit; Andrews caught two line-hit balls, close to the man who never says die, stepped to the front, bought Wliilney, p.. 0 4 0 Brown, cf.... 4 114 0 0 NEW YoRk vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT NEW YORK JULY he know he was Finally ho entered a pro­ tail hold in the American Association, the sea-on and BB.... 420 against iho centre field fence. Score: but out the Blues and moved them bodily to Uaverhill Fanvll, 3 3 0 Smith, 2b.... 400 2 1 19. Boyle's delivery was almost without effect. The test to Powers aud took his men into the field. It was tho team is young, and I still expect to see the latter PHILA. ABR.B. P. braced np weak kneed Lawrence and j,avtd the way Slack, c...... 401 710 Kiielme, ss.. 4 0 I i 4 1 New Yorks earned every run. Welch made his first PITTSB'RO.AB. R B. p. A.E manager aud captain" in boat the flag. It is a far better team than when it be­ If...... 4002 a bitter pill for the "greatest Ihe continuance of the League as a six-club organ­ Myer.«, 2h..... 4002 2 0 Fields, c...... 4024 2 0 api enrnnoe since his injury by Daly in Chicago, and Wood, Brown, cf.... 400--00 3 ho did play ball after that! for season and will be strengthened at every point 4 0 1 3 01 the business. But how ization. The Bluejj at that tim) stood second in the gan the DoMnl!y,3b. 4 _1 1 2_ 3 1 M'Cormi'k.p 411 20 pitched well. There were many brilliant plays made Andrews, cf. - Carroll. c..... 403 8 00 of the "old mau's" popularity here it gett there. Knowing as 1 do how close a watch 0 Ojlleecher, If... 401 1 00 Aud no better proof race for tho penuant, and, although their first week in until Total...... 38 6 11 27 13 2 Total...... 38 3112713 4 during the game, of which, however, the best were Fogarly, rf.. 4 0 1 4 \vheu he went is being kept aud bow much work and money is being rf, Ib 4 0 0 801 conld ht wanted that) the demonstration new quarters bns been most disastrous, they hav­ iin2ton...... 1 0110200 0 5 Ward's short stop of McGeachy's apparently sate bit in Mulvey, 3b.. 4 1 1 1 0 2i Fields, Tbore was some hissing, but their ca'tout to improve the team, it makes mo weary to haw 4 0 0 3 0 0 Cule',rf 4 0 0 6 o"o to the bat the next time. ing lost four out of five games plaj-od, yet the attend­ Pitisi.nrg...... 010020 the second inning and Gore's wonderful running catch Farrar, Ib... drowned it all out. men who write from a distance and carelessly talk 0 0 0—3 ss..... 4 1 1 1 2 0 Smith, ss...... 4 2 2 230 tho storm of applause ance bas been good find the old-time interest has been Burned runs Washington 2, Pittsbnrg 3. Two-base of Seery's fly in the same inning. Score: Irwin, to the event of the game "Kel" had tried about Cleveland's prospects being doubtful and Cleve­ Bastinu, 2b.. 4 1120 Oi Whituey, 3b 4 12020 Previous renewed, and it is safe to predict that the Haverhilli bik UcCormlck, Cliff Carroll, Whitney. Three-base NEW YORK. AB.R. B. P. A. F. INDl'POLIS. AB.R.B. P. Chicago player, but his seller. I want to tell the Pritch- A.E 2b 412 0 40 one of his greatest feats as a to achieving what has been tried land as a |n-obab!e lilt lirowu. First on balls o'Crion, Whitney 1 2 2 0 4 0 0 3 McGuire, c.. 3 0 1 7 0 1! Bark lei, sauce for will come pretty close WelJons, and tell them aa bird ai Kwing,3h.... 6 7 0 p..... 4 0 1 0 60 old cap-.ain didn't think that what had been of the pennant to auds and First on errors Washington 3, Hilslmrg 1. Struck 52426 o!Schunib'g; Ib 4 1 1 12 Casey, p...... 3 0 0 1 6 OjMorris, So, when for three years iu vain, the bringing can tell them, that Cleveland Ward, SB...... 0 0 the goose should be sauce for the gander. Haverbiil. THE SPORTING LIFE out Miller, Km hue 2. Passed halls Muok 3 Fields Connor, lb_... 5 1 1 10 00 Denny, 3b... 4132 Total...... 34 3 C 24 7 4i Total...... 3« 4fl 2? 14 T hadn't got time to go way Association to stay and win. En 1 0 Mike found that he really of tho season In some would-be know- is in the 8. I mpire Doescher. rf... 6222 0 0 2b... 4022 Philadelphia...... 03000000 0 3 curve The prime joke have come and gone the truth of thtf Tieruan, Bassott, 7 1 down to third, but skipped around a graceful the selling of Polhemus to In­ many moons BOSTON vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT BOSTON JULY 17 Mad­ Gore, of...... 613 4 400 Pittsburn...... 01030000 x 4 base line. Pow­ all quarters has beeu will stand out plainly. It is true tbat the 00 Polhfmus.rf. 1 0 onto tbe hemestietch from the second several of the Massachusetts statement den s puzzling curves and deceptive changes of stvle Sillospie, If.. 6 0 2 1 00 0 1 Earned runs Philadelphia 1, Pittsburg 2. Two-base dianapolis for S500, and is financially behind. What clnb hasn't McGech'y,cf4 0 0 ers said be wai sorry, but be should have to call him to treat Cleveland Club in delivery proved a pei feet enigma to the Hoosiers. llichar'n,2b.' 4 1 1 hits Andrews, Bastiun. Throe-base hits McQuire papers, notably thn Boston Qlobe, have seen fit career? Few. But few clubs ever make 3- 3-0- - 3«ery,-- If.".'... 4112 1 1 out, and "Kel" went into the field while the crowd had been perpetrated been in it< Healey pitched great bal 1 after the first inning, but he Di anny, Boyle. Struck out Connor 2 oh ! with a smash that sent He is practically and thoroughly one of the many _N»Kh,3b...... 422 2 2 O.Denny, 31.... 4 11 5 30 throughout. Ten innings were necessary to decide work it would have been a tbe best of company. I went at Pritcbard and made "a lot of noise," as he Shoniberg. Double pluys Bnssett, Glaascock, Shom- But for Hornung's quick himself so, while his field­ Wi3.-,ss...... 4 I 3 4 4 Ojllahsett, 2b... 3 0 1 230 a victory for the Giants. Ewing won tiie honors of stopped at second. a slugger, and he will prove not so much because he as Pritchard started borg. Two-base hits Gore, Deasley, Seery. Three- three-bajrger. As it was Anson ea-j]y lessened if not says, Morrill, Ib... 4 0 0 10 1 OJPolhemmi, rf 3 0 1 1 tbe day aud was frequently applauded. Clan-cock and pretty single to right ing faults will, or rather tbe very false rumor about Pittsburg buying 11 base hits Eft-ing, Denny. Passed balla Deasley 2. Then Pfeffer lined a The man played in fifty-oue games for 4 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 Richardson played a sreat game in the field and white-headed captain tore entirely cured. out Cleveland, but because he did so while 00 mpire Powers. field and the aud hjft a batting average of .395 actual Tale, c...... 41240 0 Story, If. .... 3011 Oore mado a running catch that received an ovation It was Kelly's chance for one more Haverhtll, aspiring to the Presidency of the American 10 for the plate. seven times; ar.d in only one game Bitrdock,2b.. 4 0 2 4 4 1} Aruudel. c... 3 0 1 7 New York scored tbe winning run in the tenth in­ He picked the ball up, and hits; struck out but Association. And it was a piece of bad judgment 50 Games Played Wednesday, Jnly 20. drop in his cup of joy. while he fa'iled to hit Maiiilen, p... _. 0 I 1 OOi Healey, p..... 3 0 0 0 ning on bits by Ewiug, Ward and Conner. Score- to the plate. It went truo as made as high as four hits; onPritchard'spart. And to dwell fora moment oa 13 WASHINGTON vs. DETROIT AT WASHINGTON JULY 20. quick as a Hash shot it be seen his 27 150] Total...... 30 1 g 27156 IM.IAN'P'S. AB.R.B. P. A. EiNEW YORK. AB.R.B. P. A.E there; the ball was put on An­ safely in but five games. As may movement against Wikoff I want to predict rigM Total...... 37 B14 Ten innings were necessary to decide this game an arrow. Tate was steady; no one pitcher both­ the ...... 40000001 1-6 Glasscock, ss. 5 0117 01 Ewing 3b.. '534 2 21 game. Then there was hitting was regular and here that Wheeler is ta safe as a hill is from the storm. B^ton The home club won the g.ime in the tenth inning ou son and Boston had won the thus far he has kept 00000010 0 1 Seery, If...... 502 4 10 Ward, as.....! 603 1 61 of thousand excited people ered him more than another, and changes since I last wrote Imlinnapolis...... singles by Dealy and Donuelly, a stolen base, an error bedlam while a couple the big League. The The team has made some 5, Indianapolis 1. Two-base Denny, 2b.... 613 5 60 Connor, Ib... 6 0 3 13 00 Kelly and cheered him to the up to his record since he joined of the late Uticas, one of the harncd runs Boston by White, aud sacrifice hils by Ilines and Daily crowded around Captain asserted that there were fif­ yon. John E. Carroll, hit-1'olbemns Tbrec-base hit-Wise. Home run- Shombe' 6 1 2 12 10 Tieruau, rf... 403 1 00 p»per, therefore, which best and buse-runners in the business and Burke hardly proved a success. His fielding was very dressing room. men in the New England League proved to Mnsb. Double plays-IIornung, Jlonill, Wise; Cahill,3b..... 5 00 0 2 0 Gore, cf...... 4 0 1 300 teen better batter, was engaged last Mondiv and slow and clumsy. His support was very poor, White BRIEFS PHOM TBE HUB. their arrogant an improving Artiurltl, Sbomliorg; Nash, Burdock, Moniil First Polhemus, rf4 0 0 0 0 0 Gillespie, If. 4 1 1 311 the community at large that despite to the team at Philadelphia. You will and Brouthers thariug the eistly errors. Jwry Sulli­ man on our nine is playing great ball, and a Reporters (capitals, please) reported on talls-Ilornun.. Sash, Wise 2, Bas-ett. Hit by M' 492 2 0 OiKicbar'n, 2b 4 0 1 8 70 Every claims Boston Base Ball make his Association debut H» van, of Statou lalaud, umpired ihe game satisfactorily: good record should be made while the team is away. While in Polhemus see him Jilcher Kelly, Urst on errors Wise, Morrill Myers, c...... 40121 l|Doasley, c... 401 4 31 dun't kuow quite everything. plaved here in the Western League team of WASH. AB. E. B. P. A. K DETROIT. AB.B.B. P. A E no more League games here until got the slugger of the btruck otit-Hormin.?, Kelly 2, Nash, Juhnstou, Bus- Bojle, p...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 Welch, p..... 4 0 1 021 We shall have Indianapolis unquestionably and is a local favorite. In 48 games this season Can-oil, If..... 532 4 10 Richard'u,2b 511 3 20 August 13. to get the best 1885 lott, ilcaley 2. Umpire Holland. Total...... 41 3 1327 17 l| Total...... 39 41630 21 6 New England League, yet they failed his Utica averages were: Billing, .333; fielding 88Sk Hines, cf..... 601 1 01 Broutbe's,lb 4 0 0 16 02 I still think it it "Had." He the Haverhills have 011010000 0—3 Who is king now? specimen of young blood which in the batting Daily, rf...... 600 2 00 ISowe, BS...... 511 1 62 Indianapolis...... game of the season. The Chicagos Lally the home team He will go np among the four leaders July 18. 1—4 has pitched the brought out this sen sou. In and greatly aid the base-rnnninir. There are thni Games Flayed Monday, O'Brien, Ib.. 60012 00 Tbomp'n, rf. 4 2 2 1 New York...... 100011000 one scratch off his pitching in all list, tamed runs Indianapolis 1, Now York 3 First made one clean hit and have, if lam any judge, the best man, taking him in this line now on the team. Stricken lo:PlI.i.'"AD,1;!J "' 1A V?' DETEI"T AT ''inJ-BCWlHAjUlT Whitney, p.. 5 1 2 0 60 White, 3b...... 4020 Tuesday's game. league this year. He (treat men De­ on errors Indianapolis 3. Struck out By Welch 1 in all, brought out in any minor Keccius, Hotaling and Alien are fate 18. 1 lie I'hillies played all around t.e men from Mick.c...... 5 2 4 4 1 0 Twitchell, If. 4 1 1 1 is no Charley-horse and no cripples in the for fifty-two game.1 of over .350, McKean, Carroll, First on balls Shomberg 2, Seery, McGeachy Bovle' There bas a batting average could lie belter; and they will be. An effort troit and won as they pleased. Weidman was found Myers, 2b... 601 3 60 Hanlon, cf.... 4004 0 0 Boston team on this trip. games, considering his men, and Tiernan. Stolen bases-Ward 3. Gillespie, Myers' has pitched in more winning to improve the team's base-running is to be made f,,r Urn ty-one bases, and nine of the twelve runs'wore Dealy, 83...... 622 1 20 Ganzel, c..... 4124 1 1 is playing better ball than he was before he the League, and a steadily- Three-bare bit Ewiug. Two-base hits Welch B ,yla' Burdock support, tban any pitcher in Fred Maun goes to give Girroll a place. There is no earned off his pitcbinc. Casev pitched Donaelly, 3b 5 1 2 3 00 Burke, p...... 300 0 40 waa hurt. between the box and the outfield onlv one Glasscock. Double plays S'uomborg and Gla«cock : has alternated finer fellow in the profetsion than Fred, but he has not efiective gome, and in tbe last four innings Total...... 47 1)14 3015 1 Total...... 37 6 9 30 23 8 Bobby Wheelock, O'Rourke and Ptemmyer are not day after day without a mui mur, or without having a was socurod by the visitors. Wood mado two uanill, Denny and Shomberg. Passed balls Deaslev been playing very strongly so*ar. Washington...... 001311000 3 9 ^^ " with tbe Bostons. They will remain here until lame arm, or springing any chestnut of that sort on got but two 2. TTmt.iro^Valantina uome runs un.l Fogarty one. The Detroits Detroit...... 011000130 0 6 needed. management. As a fielder, if played regularly In LITTLE NOTES AND COMMENTS. with a pitched the runs in the game. Brouthers was hit Earned runs Washington 2, Detroit 4. Two-base Manager Gaffney sent me a despatch last night'_ that position, he has no superior iu this League, bar­ The boys in town who bet on base ball declare M on siugles by Thompson bal in the first and scored hits Carroll, Hiues, Thornpsou, White. Three base An Easy Win. "Washington, 1; Detroit, 0. Ah there!" "Gaff,'' W6 ring Cndworth, of the Lowells; as a pitcher, backed strongly as they can, that the Detroits are dead weak. got around in the second on a and "White. Hanion hits Richardson, Thompson. First on errors Wash­ are delighted up here with your good work. You by a nine with the poorest fielding average ever enors, and they're paid lo find it ont. and a single by Richardson The Yonng Amcricas easily defeated the Clifton up bMc on balls, a steal ington 4. First on balls Carroll, Mack. Struck out have a ball team this year. shown np, he has won more than lialf hisganvs, while The Cleveland diamond will be changed for next sea­ Farrar was bit jnthe first inning and had to retire: ' team July 20 at Clifton. The visitors outbatted ani By Whitney 3, by Burke 2. Wild pitch Burk. Hit outfielded the homo team. The Young Arm-ricas were Poor Detroit! MUGWUMP. as a hitter he is far more than ordinary. His faults son, so as to iron directly north and south, batting PHILA. AB.R.B. P. A. E p_..T80IT AB K _, p j _. by pitcher Carroll, Hines, Breathers, Burke. Passed Being a big man, 0 feet 3 southerly. This will dodge the sun which now fooft If...... 623 minus the services of Boilean, Williams and Burie but are many, but not vital. Wood, 0 0 Eichnrd'n.'Jb 401 272 ball Ganzel. Double plays Hanlon, GanzeL Carroll high and weighing 200 pounds, he is slow on third baseman, short stop and left and centre fielden. Audi-ows,cf.. 613 played a strtng game. Score: THE DEPARTURE. inches Biotithcrs.lbS 1 2 12 00 Donnelly. Umpire Sullivan. the bases, although covering an immense amount of Sweeney went home to California last Sun­ , 4 „ . . Y. AMERICA. AB.R.B. P. A. E CLIFTOM H*8. AB B B P AK Charley l>parry. rf.. 612 0 10 ,. ,, ...... 401 2 31 BOSTON vs. CHICAGO AT BOSTON JULY 20. Nash in the field, and as a pitcher he is somewhat expects to go to first base for his old Jlulvi-y, 3b.. 5 2 1 3 2 0 Thomm'n.rf 4 0 2 0 00 Dando, ss...... 531 0 '2 0 Weidel, 2b... 422 0 10 Tlie New Southern Interstate League Ijkely ground day night and and Sullivan were responsible for a defeat aud a vic­ wild. His delivery is slow, and hence base-stealing team the Pioneers. larrar, Ib... 0 0 0 2 O'O White", 3]>.... 4 0 1 2 01 Davia, 2b..... 51023 ollete, If...... 410 1 00 to Become a Reality. Buinntou.lbi 1 3 8 0 1 - '---- * * ui tory. The former muffed an easy thrown ball which D-luviirs,3b4 3 4 0 1 OJConway, if.. 4 0 0 0 00 can be practiced by his opponents to great advantage Caj lor is getting worse In-the way of superstitloa. Twitchell.lf. 401 2 00 in the has good aud his braves imagined 4111 was otherwise a sure out for the runner, Ryan, Cuke, cf...... 42300 0 Driscol, cf... 411 3 11 SAVANNAH, July 19. A meeting of the or­ and bis headwork is rather limited. He To break tbe hoodoo which he Irwin, ss...... 513 2 60 Hanlon,cf... 0 0 runs were scored. a catcher like they rode out duntr 1 6 fourth, after which thiee unearned Rothermcl.c 4 0031 1 Kelley, p... 402 0 2 S ganizers of the Interstate Base Ball League was curves and tremendous speed, and with as getting on them last Friday Biislian, 2b.. 5 1 1 6 6 0 Briooy, c..... 4 0 41 sixth, would choked on He also fumbled Ryan's simple grounder in the Whilby, lb..4 1 1 9 0 l!Rhl>ades%«..4 1 0 211 inter­ Charlie Snyder or Doc Bushoug behind him and dirty Superior street, and were nearly llcfiuire, c... 612 6 11 Weidman, p. 4 0 0 1 21 scored. Sullivan batted mag­ held in this city a few days ago and views his halting the same every man chewed lucky Caeuy, p...... 521^ 0 61 after which the runner Ilart, p...... 4 1 0 1 5 l|Bartleson,lb 4 0 0 401 After sonic dis­ prove a wonder. Despite his high average Saturday. During Total...... 36 2102710 C nificently, ranking two singles in tho fourth and sixth 0 2 1 Quhm, 3b.... 3 1 1 302 changed regarding the matter. is somewhat uncertain, but when he does get a streak tolu. Ou Friday the (core was 7 to 6 (eleven inuinM), Total...... 46 121927213 I*ster,rf...... ,4 2 2 0 andahonieriin.wiuningthegamein the eighth. Score: Christie, If... 4 20 0 0 OjGriffilh, C...... 3 1 1 2 00 cussion resolutions were adopted to the following he is a holy-terror, as hia hits are usually long ones and on Saturday we be it them 10 to 1 in nine inning? Philadelphia...... 0 3 BOSTON. AB. E. B. P. A E not 1 12 CHICAGO. AB.It.B.T. A. El Total...... 34 7 7 16 68 effect: Lally is not for sale, so that this description is And still Caylor will work antidotes. Detroit...... 1 1 0 2 611 0 00 Total...... 38151115 125| marketable Darling, rf,.. 42120 0 Hornung.lf.. 2821 2 15 in this League shall written for the purpose of praising up a F. H. BBUKEIL. Earned runs Philadelphia 9, Detroit 1. Two-base 0 Kelly, rf...... 611 2 00 Youug America...... 1. Any person ploying the 43121 30040-7 article, but simply for the purpose of showing hits Andrews, Buftiuton, Cnsey, Twitcholl. Home 2 2 1 0 OJNash, 3b...... 3 1 1 013 Clifton Heights...... have been a resident of his respective city for of Havel-hill's Sullivan, If.. 4 Clifton Heights 3 writer's idea Haverhill's pet ball players. Although, Experimenting at Lynn. ruus Wood 2, Fogarty. Double plays Fo-nrty C 1 0| Wise, ss...... 4 2 1 030 Runs earned Young America], two years previous to his engagement. 2. One-half of his own sak Anson, lb.4 01 D'luviiliors. Tlireo-tase hit- for :e, I would like that Anson, Comisky or LTNN, Mass., July 21. Several new players wtn HcGuire; Mnlvoy, B«stian. First on balls Wood I feflor, 2b... 40032 2! Morrill, lb...4 0 0 11 00 T*o-baw hits Dando, the franchise money shall be awarded the clnb win­ rnii WeidM. Ba*es on balls Wbitby conld get hold of him. soon be added to the Lynn Club. Fagan was release} IVurty, Hanlon, Briody, Brouthon. Hit by pitcher Will UHOU.SS 40242 0 411 1 00 Cake. Homo ning the pennant. If It was not for taking up too much of your availa­ on errors Jx-ster, Weittel. Double piny Hai t, Davis aud Whitbv' was directed to Sunday and Houck on Monday. Terrien will not be Fo^arty, Farrur, Brouthers. First Burns, 3b.... 30002 0 Tate, c...... 400 7 61 The secretary, William P. Bailey, ble space 1 should like to deliver a dissertation on (he Houck may go to FhiUdelphia 4, Detroit 2. Siruok out Rirliar&un Struck out Rotbermel, Rho;\dru, Bartieson Stolen forward copies

Earned.runs Athletic 1. Two-base bits Larkin rules and black lists, or Iron clad con­ throws to eecond by Kerins allowed the yisitors to two FROM CINCINNATI. score their two runs. Score: Mann. Three-base hit Larkin. Stolen bases Poor- CAYLQR'S LETTER. tracts. But the meu who have signed 2, Milligan. First on and three contracts in one season covering the LOUISVILLE. AB.H B. P. A. El BALTO. AB.R.B. P. A.E man, Lyons, Stovey, Bierbauer The I^ast Series of Games at Home—The BASE BALL. If... 401 0 00 halls Milligan, McGarr. Struck out Seward, Mc- John Ward's letter He vie wed—Necessity same period of time; tbe meu who have deserted their Kerins, c..... 4 1 1 12 1 3 Daniels, written pledges Umpiring—A Trio of IHscussed Hecker, Ib... 4 1 1 6 0 0|r until, rf.... 4 1 0 6 00 Gurr, Alien 2, Toy, Munyan, Daly. Double play for a Reserve Rule—The Abuses of the club in midseason, regardless of their Passed balls Robinson 1 or contracts, thin bringing ruin to the men who were —About One of the "Young Bloods"— CoUns, If.... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Burns, es...... 4 0 2 2 20 McGarr and Robinson. System — A Remedy Suggested — Other Tucker, Ib... 400 7 10 Munyan 5. Wild pitches Sowurd 1, Daly 1. their friends all for a pal'ry hundred dollars or so General Mention. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. CDS", cf...... 40300 0 Topics Touched Upon. are tho men who havo driven clubs to treat th Wolf, if...... 40020 0 Fulmcr, c... 400 2 00 Mitchell. those CINCINNATI, July 20. Editor ^PORTING LIFB; 401 2 00 BALTIMORE vs. CINCINNATI AT BALTIMORE JULY 20 NEW YORK, July 22. Editor SPORTING LIFE: entire (.rofesiiion as rogues and bilks. The guilty, Games to be Played. Mack, 2b...... 30013 0 Griffin, cf..... tlia profession who have AVitii the mercury dancing a jig at 102° in White, fs..... 30130 2 Sonrmer, 2b.. 401 2 40 Tho visitors were handicapped by the costly errors Was it not a queer incident the Pittsburg unprii cipled mem of July 2">. 26, JItts T». St. L tiis at SUtf n Island. of O'Connor, who was put in to catch Mullane. "The done these thing* ought t.' be debarred from the shade it seems almost too warm to enter " 2A. 20, Atlilotic vs. Cincinnati at Philadelphia, Werrick. 3b.. 3 1 2 0 3 0 Davis, 3b...... 3 0 1 1 2« Club's offer of $5,000 for Ward's release before p... 3 0 1 2 2 0 Kilroy, p...... 3 1 1 2 20 latter pitched in good form aud did some strong bat­ every proactive order of ball players. I hold in into the discussion of base ball affairs. The " 2-1, 26, ISnsokljn v*. St. Li'imat Brooklyn. Kamsey, John Montgomery's letter to THE SPOUTING LIKE my possession now the brokm contracts of three 9 5| Total...... 34 2 7 24 11 0 ting, but could not win against tho daring base- Reds have gone and they started on their sec­ " 2S, 20, Rallimore vs. Cleveland at Baltiin;>re. Total...... 32 31027 running of tho Baltimoreaus aud his catcher's weak­ had fairly dried the ink. In one sense the prominent Leaguo players, aud Mr. Ward can add to " 27, 28, 29, Baltimore n. St. Ixinis at Baltimore. Baltimwe...... 10001006 0 2 this list the names of a dozen more who have ond Eastern trip with a record of twelve games Athletic vs. Louisville at Philadelphia. 10100010 x 3 ness. Score: letter was a good one, and it was certainly well " 21, 28, 2'J, Louisville...... T. A.E repudiated their scaled obligations as unconcern­ won and three lost on their own grounds since Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Earned runs Louisville 3. Two-base hit White B.1LTO. AB.R.B. p. A. El CIS. AB.It.B. But Mr. Ward went too far in his 27, 28, 29t , Br.'oklyu VB. G>cenw'd,2b 50141 liMcfhfe, 2b.. 500 5 20 written. edly as they woulJ go to sl?ep. The day that honest their return from that disastrous sojourn in " 27, 28, 2'j, Men vs. Cleveland at Staten Island. Three-base bit Werrick. First on balls Ramsey 2, funda­ Purcell, if... 511 2 10 Fennelly,ts.. 5 01100 arguments. The reserve rule, in its ball players in all a-sociations unite in an Cleveland, when they suffered the humiliation * 30, AUK 1, 2, Athletic vs. St. Louigat PhiUdulp'a, Kilroy 2. Struck out By Kamsey 8, by Kilroy 1. mental principles, ia the keystone to the great order of protection against these unprincipled vs. Loniavillrat HaltimV Passed balls Fulmer 2. Wild pitch Kilroy 1. Um Burns, SP..... 423 3 21 Corkhiil, cf.. 611 1 00 of two stinging defeat?. It was pretty torrid " 30, Aug. 1, ". Baltimore Tucker, Ib... 310 6 00 R'-illy, Ib... 5 0 1 10 10 professional base ball arch. It is as necessary professionals, as well as againet the drunk­ " 30, AUX. 1, 2, Slete v«. Cincinnati at Staten left'd pire McQuadd. 5 12132 ards and loifers of the lot, the evils that now ex­ fhe laat two days the Cincinnatis played here, Aug. 2, Brooklyn vj. Ulevelaud'at Brook'n Fulmer, c.... 422 7 00 Carpenter,3b to the prosperity of the profession as the heart " 30, 31, Games Played Monday, July 18. Griffin, cf.... 411 4 01 Tebeau, If... 512 1 00 ist to oppress the better clns3 of plarers will pass but they were cold afternoons for Cincinnati, beats in Mr. Ward's bosom are necessary to his men of Ward's calibre The Itecor

be several releases in a few days, and who they am hai NIcol is a great base-runner, but suftera ia compari­ been the subject of all tho cracks. CHADWICK'S CHAT. son with Greenwood, nevertheless. FROM ST. LOUIS. Shinuick hai been laid off on account of aore bands Tucker still gets bases by being hit with pitched THE SPORTING LIFE. BASE BALL. since Tuesday. Up till then he had not missed a K balls. Tuck is so big that bo is a good target. The Game "With the Athletics—Co mi sky's The Ward Case and Club Man ape men PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT this season. Lovely ia holding down third bag iu bis The Success of the Te»wper»oce Bale— Some ot the enthusiasts paid what a foul Bartiie was Heroic Action-The Krown's Secure absence in good shape. to play an extra game in Sr, Louis, whore there was Another Term at Sportsman's Park- PHILADELPHIA NEWS. M'GrunnigtR, wl-ile walking thestreet, wa* suddenly The Usi-lessness of the Coming Averages th'j greatest probability of bein,' beaten, to playing it No. 202 South Ninth Street, Philada, stricken down last wt-ek, but he is now able to be Clarksoii and Van Haiti-en's 1'iiie \Vork m Cleveland, with almost a certainty of winning, l'iit News Notes and Gossip. around. Meanwhile Duffy is looking after things in the enthusiasts didn't see the b^odl-i iu it, and that's a Sr. Louis, July 21. Editor SPORTING LIFE: BY TUB The Phillies' String Broken—Their Rccen NEW YORK, July 22. Editor SPOKTINQ LIFE the right garden, and Cudwoith captains the team The "Ward case" is the exciting topic of in thing lUrnie has hia optics on. By playing thnt extra Charley Mcwon was here last week with his Remarkable Work—Off on AnotherTrip— ganrj iu St. Louifl the latter club was induced to como Sporting Life Publishing Company, vrtth great success. terest in professional circles in the metropolis ball team from your own beautiful city of Phila­ Tlie Athletics* Keturn Fred Mann Signe* We have thr^e men in the home team who lead the direct to this burg to play off the tie game, which, by a good game of League iu their different depaitmonts, Hisarina leads in this month, and the interest excited by hia resig­ the w»y, iba't off yet. delphia. The visitors put up 2b whose m-der att Cliecks, Drafts, Money Orders, —Programme of the Week—Notes and ball, but still the Browns put up a better one Gossip. home runs, having 9 to his cr--dit; Oiidwyrih leads the nation of the position of captain of the New York Barnie WHS slugged hi tho ankle with a lump otcoal and Ecmiilances must be made payable. batting with an average of .416 (clean hits), and Lovely on his \vay back from the W^et, but it's a coal day and won three straights. It looked like an im­ After eight consecutive victories by the Phil team has been added to by the publication of hia POST OFFICE BOX, M8. is the champion buse-utealer, with 63 clean stoats to hia ably written article on some of the prominen when Barniu guts left and he is up and around all possibility at times, for the Athletics to knock a lies the chain was broken Friday, when tin credit. right. ball out of the reach of a fielder. Welch cap­ Pittsburgs temporarily lot us hope eheeket Meade, the college pitcher, made his debut ik^ainsl abuses connected with the business of running Baltimore dickered with Bfemphh for pitcher Smith, TERMS: the Salems. They got but six scattering htts off him, professional teams as exhibited by the open sale but didn't reach. Forsythe wai offered for a cool hun­ tured several liners that almost paralyzed the the victorious career of the home Leaguers crowds, arid two, or three other brown-legged Subscription, per annum (postage paid)...... 83.25 Since their return the Phillies have playoc and iu the first Portland gamo the sluggers had bui of contracts for players' services held by clu dred, but the heated term hal jaot left us and we full Six months...... " " ...... 1.05 two hits up to the seventh irniug, when ho wae pros­ by which they are placed in the position of be­ be;ter. Iwvs helped along with the work. During the Last Three months...... " " ...... 65 splendid ball in every department of the came trated by the heat and h«d to be carried off tho n>ld Corkhill Beat Griffin out of an Incipient home run gamo Charley Ma.*nii was sitting upin the box and hia Every man has wonderfully helped his record Burns pitching out the game, we winning by 6 to 4. ing little better than so much marketable goods Wednesday. It was a phenomenal catch. John says boys were lining tho b;ill out iu all direction» and the Biugle copies...... " " ...... Be, that INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. and the club now almost leads the League in Guiiiaseo made his reappearance since hia injury on held for sale to the highest bidder. I regret the pitchers shall not atsorb all the phenoms. Bio\vn'a fielders were taking care of everything. batting. Since their return from the laet trip the Fourth in the Bo^tun Blues game. this article was not kept back for issue later in It ttikes a certain number of tailors to m>i!to a man, "This will not do,'1 shrieked Charley in despair, "I When Billy Hig^ius, who is known here aa the tailors to keep must go down on the bench and tell the boys that they the club won ten out of fifteen games, and the season, when the club directors begin to set­ it is said, but it would take nineteen ADVERTISING RATES: "only," makes an error, the cranks record the date cm tle down for their annual legislative work, as its Jim Privis in base Lall pants. H« splits 'em right and will have to knock tho tail outside the park if they scored fifty-eight earned runs to forty for tho which it is nmdn. You can count on your fingera left and up and down tho middlo. Did it again want tu got a base hit. I>id you ever & e such fielding (FIXED AND FINAL.) effect may be lessened by its publication at thi, an that maa Welch is doing. Talk about >our finders! One insertion...... 2O cenls per line, Nonpareil opposing teams. Thia heavy batting was made all the erroru Bill has made in forty championship con­ Wednesday, a pid had to do tho lightning change act off the delivery of such pitchers as Galvin, Me- tests. middle period of tho season. I have not time from dark blun to white. Jim is as fat as a water Well, if Wolch can't cover centre, I would like to sea Six months...... 17}4 " " " " the man that can." Just as boon at M;ison went down Cormick, Morris, Clarkson, Mark Baldwin, Fass, Eddio Kennedy and Cudworth are without doubl now, however, to comment on Ward's arguments melon and bursts his rind about as t asily. One juir...... 15 « " " " playing the came of their livea. Their fielding is sim­ as set furtli in his magazine article, nor have Ttboau is lightning on the base path. on the bench his boys bat nd out aoven runs and wou.d Jlorrison, Healey, Weidman and "Lady" Bald­ h.ivit won the game ht fielded very p-iorly ABYEKTISEBS should forward their favors so as to ply wonderful and their batting is terrific. if I had. O*Ccunor was throwing very poorly to bisos. Green­ teach us by 3 P. M. Saturday, as this paper goes to press win. If the club can do as well away from Martin Doyle's arm is all right once more. Ho held you the space to spare for the discussion &t times that wcr** critical. The manager. AH well at Suffice it to say, therefore, that it gives the wood wea on fiiet, Putcell at bftt. Blondie changed KVKKY SATURDAY AT 5 P. M. home, it will be with the leaders before long. The thuee hear y-h it ting Lawrences down to t-ix scattering around from right to left-hand batting to btlk O'Con- the entire team, left St. Liuig, feeling pretty sore at team left for Washington, Saturday morning, for at hits. He find his clever back atop, Sullivan, make a League and Association magnates ample food uor's tkrow; but when Greenwood started, O'Connor having dropped three atrlights. series of three games, after which it goes upon its sec- great battery. for serious reflection and earnest consideration. got him full ten fcot from second. It seemed to be NOT ON THE PROGRAMME. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 27, 1887. ond Western trip for three gaims *ach with Pittsburg, With Bishop's arrival we will hive six twirlers in 13ut I have something to say in regard to his just what Ihe Cincinnati catch«r wanted. During tho second Alhietic-Brown game a fine team Doyle, Burns, Meade, Bishop, Sullivan and Plummtr, Detroit, In tianapolis and Chicago iu tho order named. resignation and its cause. Last spring, daring Jo-' Summer never before equ tiled the game he Is of spirited aninialaatrached to a family carriage dashed This will keep them abroad until Aug. 13, when they and McGunnigle can go in the box in a pinch. playing this season. Good captaining doo* it. onto tho ball fivl lat a break-neck speed »nd proceeded, reappear at home with the Waehingtons us opponents. There ia one noticeable thing in this League, and a conversation I had with Ward in Mr. Day's Griffin steadily improves as a fly catcher and that Is down the north eido of the park At the northwest McLaughlin will not accompany tho Phillies. Casey that ia the decided improvement in the umpiring. Not office, I was informed by him that he had seri­ saying a great, deal. corner they were met with flying hats, umbrellas, efxx, and McGnire will join the cinb on Monday, and Fer- a kick h-is been rnado for a long while, find in Lynch, ously thought of resigning his position on ac­ Pure-ell was never before considered an extraor­ and they wheeled to the left just as nicely as it* an ex- 4O,OOO gu?on K'illnreet it at Pitfc.burjr. May good luck go Mahoney and Phinney we have three ideal umpires. count of tho responsibility involved without the dinary fielder, but he is this year, as sure aa you live peri- need driver h;id hold of the lines. With tho aid with and stick to the lads. Tlie management have been in Ms; luck, so far, hav­ scoops in everything, T. T. T. of tho ciowd the uam \\os kt-pt from running into tho ing only two postponed games on their hands. necessary power given to properly control the team. A NEW ATHLETIC PLAYEB. I told him then titat the New York Club team would fence or any of th<* outbuildings and a general sma«h- While the Phillies are abroad the Athletics will en­ MLRRIMACK. never win the pennant under Mutrie's miiiagt-ment, FROM THE CAPITAL. up averted. After the thoroughly frightened animals tertain the local put lie with a series of games with simply from the fact that neither in the managerial had mado the circuit some half add-on times ami had QUESTIONS ANSWERED. the Wtstern chibj. Tho team returned from tho nv-st DISGRUNTI^ED TOPEKA. ability of the mun or in his power to command the re- Tlie Recent Splendid Work of the Grays— cheeked their s^eed, they were stopped by Captain di.-tistroua trip in its history last Tuesday. While upt-ct of hia team was he competent for the position; ComisUey. It looked like a very foolish thing in Com- Unexpected Resnlt of the Home Series with A Happy Manager—Ed I>aily's Surprising J. W., Ship British I*lss, San Francisco. (1) Robert tiLroad but three games out of twelve p!ayed were won. and for Ward to act as captain of a team under a man­ Success Farrell*s Injury—General News iskey to stop (he naga, aa thi y wei« liable to rim over the Devil did not win an Kuglich Dfiby. He was Nevertheless tho team played good ball, batted h*rd, Rowe's Formidable Aggregation. ager lib* Mutrie was fcinijily to rentier himself amen­ him, and at* they were very large horses and the, vuliicl* second to Bend Ort winnar of tha 1880 Derby. (2] and behaved well and their ill-success can undoubt­ TOPEKA, Kan., July 18. Editor SPORTING LIFE: able to censure for all the manager's faults, while lie Items. being heavy it wouf I have been almost certain death Archer's lowoet \v*ight tho last four years prior to hia edly bo laid to bad luck. Manager Mason, however, The Lincoln Club was here last wtek and mcceeded in would be deprived of all so;ire of credit for WASHIXGTOX, D. C., July 22. Editor SPORT­ to him ht.d he not shown the presence of mind tbat ha death was 8 stone3 (1151bs.). (3) Twelve horses r«n i-t handling the team well and gelling pretty much all winning two ontof the three games played, principally whatever good work he might do as captain. ING LIFE: It seems that the defeats adminis­ at ems to possess upon all occasions. When he caught in the English Derby of 1337. (4) Cambridge boat there is in it out of it. The club has been strengthened through the rotten fielding of tho Gianta. Con way The result of the sea-wn's work thus far fully proves tered to us by the Hoosiers, have been the means hold of the bridle of one of the hoisc*, he was obliged tt> jump quite a distance to keep from uuder the ani­ Oxford this year. in « wt'nk spot centre field hitherto occupied alter and Hurt were the opposing pitchers in the first game, tho correctness of my views on the subject, as Ward of giving tho home team a good bracing-up, and INQUIRER, Wnkesbarre. Tonr Interpretation ia in­ nately by tho pitchers or Stovey, when the latter wag and although Hart WAS hit ten, more times safely than openly acknowledges in a letter to me, atid he hat* mal';) leet, as it was jumping ri^ht toward him. He genious and your point well taken, but precedent is not playing first base. Th.} new guardian of centre gar­ Con way, ho won the game. now done what I advised him to do last April, and that :he last three seriea show what the boys can do checked the team m a few seconds, aud they were re­ against you. A similar case occurred for the first tiute den i:j Fred Mann, whom Cleveland released Friday to Sullivan and S* an zoll did the twirling the second, H resign his position us captain and take that of a if they but try. It" was no surprise to me to see turned to their owner L-OIIO the wor-e for the litite in Philadelphia Ui=t year, ami uj.on appeal President make room for C;irroll, tho TTtica man. The Athletics and each WHS hit the same cumber of times; but player only, leaving the responsibility of a nominal Palmer's pets and Phillips* ponies go down be­ runaway. I did not learn who owued the rig, ot Touii^ decided that the biwe-runner w:is forced to va­ immediately signed Mann and flatter themselves that Swartzell vms hit for a larger total, and Topeka won command of ihe team, without the requisite authority fore tho splendid work of tbe Senators. I pre­ whether Comiskey received anything for his bnvery, gcod man, as Fr'-fl is a fair the game. The third game Sullivan waa ag.iiu put in to enforce discipline, to aome other man willing to as- but the owner cuuld not have done leas than to give cate the huso by the succ«'e linghase on bulls and could they have secured a pretty dicted two out of the series with Detroit, and am not be thrown out. This decision will govern, of fielder and a more tiian average hurd hitter. With every the b->x for the Giants aud Hart for tbe visitors. Con- sumo such an anomalous position. Ward makes a very "Coniio" an order for a SuO suit of clothes. course. position now well manned, batteries in good trim, and way was placed in right field and celebrated the event apt quotation when h refers to tbo positions occupied not far out of the way. The tie game was won "RE-LEASED." YUM YUM, Baltimore. (1) Your supposition is in­ with a fair degree of luck the Athletics ouzht to make by making thre-j bad error*. Gol-itfby's field work in by th--' respective captains of the League and Ass-icia- by Shaw, but errors on the part of the fielders There has been considerable tilk of lats about the genious, but DO n:an could he spry enough to accom­ it warm henceforth for all comers. This will be a these games waa very "y*-llo\v," h« m.king no les* than tion An-ou and Comiakey. Both are managerial cost a victory. Browns changing their location. The knowing (?) plish all that in time. (21 It is an open question. (3) bu*y week, tind they will be put to the test, as two six errors. Golds'>y had just partly recovered from hia captains who have entire control of the teams they We need not complain any more about our ones predicted that President Von der Ahe would take By Hiifield; lU^ds. 1ft. 7^ia. (4) Nelson. (5) Can't more games are to be played with Cincinnati, three reccut illness, and was iu uo condition to play, and respectively f attain. Mr. ^palding holds Aujon per tbe old Union Park, at Ca-a anr Larkins' interference Toptika needs another pitcher, and that badly, as that Richardsi-n would go down after him, made a did not accompany tho team ou its present Eastern Club openly violates the League rule and sells liquor wiih the catcher, and then, reversing hia deri­ Haffner seems to havo lost his effectiveness, aud the in the Association not to mention any other? pra- iyin£ leap over the , and in alighting on its grounds at all games, and the League seems s nting striking examples of tho folly of a divided con­ 10 ftll wiih his foot under him, and waa unable to get trip. He may bo called up jn at any moment to join powerless to prevent it. sion, dcclariug Siovey safe and Lark in out. work f;tllB upon Con way aud Siidy. the team. Ilia last decision was correct (see Ilule 47, Jake Kenyon is ag^un in form and ia lining tho ball trol of the team of a club. >ack to the tag. It WHS at first thought his foot was It is tald that Tony MulUne will pitch three W. E. M., St. Paul. Each man gets an error, because section 5), and should have " been given down to second in great shape. Nothing in base ball circles has gratified me more >roken, but fortunately such wns not the caae. During stmighta for his club when they come here next the pitcher's fumble allowed the batsman to reach first. President Wikoff a management of the umpires Sully was presented with one of the Ia!est etyle hats thnn the complete success of President SpaUling's "iis abaence Myers will captain the team and Dealy will month. first eafrly. and because the short stop's snbsequent this season h** been about the worst iiuHginable, but by Secretary Beu Cnitia fur striking "Bluffer" Rowe temperance policy in the running of a club team, as day at short. By the way, this gullant little catcher "Doc" ,JJnshonz is resting; at his home on Bacon wild throw permitted two other men to advance each his appointment of ibis Mr. Mitchell is the crowning act ont on Saturday, and Joe Ardnor was also presented ptttctically illustrated by the rapid progress this ias developed into quite a fielder, and I do not think street, in this city. His broken finger is nu>r,ding one or more bases. of imbecility. Never before 1ms the Association hiul with one for his br.lliant second bate play in the Lin­ past month, made by the Chicago team towards tho hat it would be a bad movo to put him on third occa­ slowly, and he expects to be able to catch some time BULLDOG, Brunswick, Oa. The worlds champion so much trouble with its umpires. Denny BIcKuight coln series. goal of ihe championship, that team being the only sionally until Donnelly fiuda the ball again. The next month in the Cincinnati games, If possible. Bhip was won last season by the St. Louis Club. Tliia was a Napoleon in handling the sfaff com pa rod 10 Mr. The "croakers*1 thath'XTebeen "hacltcapping" Rocky one that I know of, either in the League or the. 'Boston boy" is alao developing into a scientific hatter, The probabilities are that he will not be able to go In season no games have yet been played for it, the Chi- Wikoff. If thero isn't a speedy mending the attend­ Johnson have crawltd into their hulea aince his bril­ American Association, that is run on strictly temper­ and can make sacrifices or hunters as the case may behind the bat regul.irly before the latter part of cago-Sr. Louia games of last spring being merely ex­ ance at Association games will be setlously affected, aa liant work at bat and in the field the past week. ance principles. For years have I advocated a pro­ need. hibitory law against drinking in the tanks from tho " utiust or first of September. hibition affairs. nothing so utterly spoils a game and so vexes and dia- Jiramie Mncuilar knocked out a couple of home runs A TALK WITH THE M\^A<*R. "No," remarked Cliarloy Mason to me the other INQUIRES. Shindle joined the Dctroits in the last satisfie.s the spectators as glaring lacompetencv/ in the in the Lincoln games, aud is about 873 richer theiefor opening to the close of the championship season, and Manager Gaffney now wears a smile and Is happy, day, "I dl

THE Meta have at last won three succassivft Victoria!. BEN FINE, once manager of the St. LonU Maroons, the management were smoothed over and a compromise interest In England the women have their BIRMVK vs. KASHVILLE AT BIBM*G'M JULY 18: Is said to have recently become wealthy through a was reached. Imported for the crirket season, just aa they do her* P. A.E BIBH'an'll. AB.R. B. P. A.E Post the news in letters of gold. NASHVILLB. AB.R.B. LOWELL can always count on 3,000 or 4,000 people lucky mining investment. *WADDY" BEACH, who will be remembered by ou for tho races at Monmouth, Saratoga and Jerome.** BALL. Hog»D, rf.... 4 1 2 0 0 0 Weber, p..... 5 0 0 130 ABOUT tag worat disappointed man in the American old-time readers ae the catcher of the Eckford Club, o NEW HAMPSHIRE haa gone datt over b*ta« ball, BASE Saturday ganu-aat home, Hayes,3b...... 41100 0 Snyder, c...... 401 4 21 on the HELEN DAUVRAY is working base boll for all it la Association to-day is Charley Byrne, of Brooklyn, aud Brooklyn, when it bad a champiun team, is an appli Dover has a very strong team which has made an ex­ Biirkv...... 40349 liIlillery, 2b... 4 02111 better success. cant for appointment as umpire on the Natioaa cellent record. Ricbe.^er, too, haa a strong team, and Ke«Ier,cf..... 4 0 0 2 0 l!lloatz,lb....« 4 0 1 700 worth M an advertising meJium. he deserved THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE. DAHBCUT ia trying a new catcher named McCarthy, Pt'HCELt, the C.'tlifurnia pitcher, whom Apple»on League staff. clubs have been formed in Keeneand Fannington A ManoioD,2b. 40062 2!FuiKT, 3b.... 401 2 30 oi IN THE second inning of the Washington-Petrol league is Lein? talked of to include these clubs. Ther* Masraii, If... 4 1 2 2 0 0 Hayej, BB..... 4 0 2 2 30 and M(>iri3-/n, a third baseman. thought of signing foi New York, has been hit hard Games to be Played. IN TH* League flealey aud Baldwin hafd been late by tho clubs out there. game of the 20th, when Jim \Vhlin-y stepped to th is aiso an amateur league under consideration to in­ Nfcbolas.c... 410 2 00 Keut If...... 4 11300 Concord, Tilton, Raymond and July 25,26, 27, B.nmngliam vs. Mt-utphht ftt Blrmfn'm ponudid for the moat home runs. HUOHES, of Newark, hann't quite recovered from plate he waa presented with a beautiful set ring on be­ clude Manchester. Firle, Ib..... 3 0 1 10 00 Duffee,cf.... 400 3 10 who were seated in Franklin. " 25, 20, 27, Chirleaton vs. Nashvillo at Cllnrlesloo Ktlly, p...... 3 0 1 0 3 OTaylor, rf.... 40 1 1 01 LOVKTT, pitcher of tbe San Francisco A.ltaf, haa been the serious accident that befel him at Toronto, judg­ half of a coterie of admirera " 29, 30, Aug. 1, 2, Charl'n v». M»mp'i at Churl'n. fired and had started for the East. ing from hig recent work. grand 8*an-bas'! hit Kent. UTICA waa tlio only International " 10,11,13, 15, Biim'm vs. N. Oil'iat BirmiiiKh'oi faitud to shut out sonjo oUi-r club. IN ALL the time ho was captain of the New Yorka there next season. A strong club ought to pay easily upun the wild hop-akip-and-jump backwoods stylo of Double plays and Snjder; Burka, Mannioii and has taken a Johnny Ward is said to have fined but three men in that city. pitchers, whoae whole art consisted in Grins a bftll in " 10, 11,13.15, Nashv's vs. Cbarltn'n at Niuhville Hayes and Hontz. Struck out By Weber 3, WHAT'S tbe matter with Dave Orr? He Flrlc; great tumble in every department. Keele, Connor and Deasley. THE Boston Glob* not inaptly remarks: "Young wiih all tho speed allowed by the former rule. Strategy Kelly 2. fiiues on bul|$ Weber 3, Kelly 1. WiM WILKESBARRE raised the $1,000 for Utisa's fran­ Maddtin is doing great work, and considering th counts n<>w. The Record. Passed ball Snyder. Umpire Two boies of cigars and four new hats testify to Joe pitch Weber. Quinn's home-rua hittxig abilities. chise by subscription, aud now proposes to get new small ea'ary paid him, it would be good policy on thj VAN HALTREN, of the Chicagos, waa born at St Loufa, New Orleans has still further increased her Mountjoy, THIS lime a year ago Detroit bad a percentage of uniforms in the same manner. part of the management to recognize his labors iu i and is 22 years old, but has lived in, C&l., for lead. Of the other clubs Memphis alone has Games Played July 19. nearly 800; now they bavn't .700. TiiEClevelauda were to have played with tho Cuban subs'antial way." 17 yearn. He etiirted in as catcher, but by a fluke held her own, Nashville and Charleston drop \x vs. N. ORLB'S AT CHAUL'K JCLY 19: CLEVELAND thinks she haa in Alien the best left Giants Monday, but cancelled the date to play off a IFTHBHE is one other club besides Brooklyn thai tried pitching in 1886, because the Greenhood ft fielder in the American Association, postponed game with the Mets. the poor Meta can beat it Is the champion Browns. Muraoa were in a hole for a pitcher. He succeeded at ping off. These two last mentioned clubs are CHAR'S'fijN. ABE B. P. A.E N. ORLEANS. AB R. B. P. A. K plays with confidence of gam*a for 0 (i rf..... 5112 00 IT ii expected that Beitnett will be able to catch AT LINCOLN recently in the evening, after a game, Caylor's aggregation always once. Iu California he pitched plenty now tied for third pluce. Birmingham is still a Gleun, lf_..... 5331 Powell, Aho's team and makes them work three men on nino Mines, rf...... 4 211 0 1 Cnmpau, If..- 5110 0 0 when the Detroit Club returns home. Tebeau and McSorley abused Urnpiie Young with vile against Yon tier five and aix bita, once retired hopeless tail-euder. The record is up to Julj Poweil,lu.... 5 2 3 13 01 Cartwri'f, 3b 4 0 0 0 3 0 THE HE are more hall players on the market now than language fur fining Tebeau 810. hard when they do win, pitched balls, and has struck out 19 m^n. 20 inclusive: Williama, 2b 5 1 1 0 21 2b..._4 1 1 2 7 1 ever before at this season ot the year. ALL the Boston papers agree that "the man doesn't So MANY clubs have been after Gruber, of Hartford ANBON was ask'Hi after the Washington game of the Carl, cf...... 522 1 00 Pnjol', p,cf... 4112 0 1 O'CoNNOR, of Cincinnati, haa developed into a good walk the diamond, barring nobody, who can cover that his head has become swelled. £2,000 have been 13th why he didn't score his homo run and prevent a Corcoran,3b. 501 3 20 McVey, c..... 3103 0 1 catcher, but doesn't get work euough. first base equal to John Morrill." offered his club for his release, but he wants only whitewash. ''One rim wouldn't have been of any Huujrler, p 5 1 1 1 10 0 Fuller,, BS..-.4.. 010 4 1 HARDIE, formerly of Chicago, now with La Crosse, THE first man of the unfortunate colored Resolute SI 2.TO for the rest of the season. Tina, of course, take service to uc. I dun't mind the whitewash? that Crosiic,8a...... > 12120 VauchnT cf,p4 111 6 I has had a thumb broken by a foul tip. Club, of Bo3ton, which stranded at Louisville Ia»t managers' breaths away. doesn't trouble me at all; what I wanted was runs, and Childe.c...... 5 11 6 12 Wells, Ib...... 4 0 0 17 01 PITCHER JOHN DAVIS ia now with the Rutland, Yt., spring, reached home last Friday. THE Saturday half holiday helps to swell tho at- if by staying at third and incensing our chances for Charleston ...... 32 .592 Club. Vudebonceur receives for him. NEW ORLEANS is without a doubt the mainstay of teudance at the Polo Grounds and is a lucky thing fo run-getting we could train »n> surt of advantage, that . 6' .6 Total...... 44131527 175 Total...... 37 6 6 27 19 6 the New York Club, as on tlie other daya the attend­ do. It didn't work, but it might have 37 1 13 LAST Sunday Tebeau was fined 825 by Umpire Carry the Southern League this year. It draws the largest \va-> the thiag to Mobile...... 0 5 .20» Charleston...... 52100004 for kicking when called out ou strikes crowds in each of th» other cities. ance has been bel*iw the average, owing to the Gianta don* it." Uew Orleans...... 7 41 .00 New Orleans...... 0 05000001 6 PRESIDENT SODEN sells tickets at his grounds and ia JIM HABT bought hia Milwaukee team new suits, recent ill luck aud poor work. "Doc BrsiiONO's unu^fual ability as a catcher Is be­ Runs earned Chailtaton 6, New Orleans 1. Two- "THE Cincinnati management once offered Tebeau' to bt- duo to his profusion of dentistry. 32 .592 Orleans). said to like the j»l>. Shouldn't wonder. and then they proceeded to lose tnree straight to one lieved by Fume Savannah...... 205 base hiti limes, Carl, Corcoran, Powell (New LA CROSSE CLUB dates have been changed from La club for the fim time this seaeon. release to the Brooklyn Club for $1,000. Premdeni He yanka in afoul tip in jn-t the ranie style that he Birmingham...... 193 Three-base hit Powoll {Chnrle8ton), Campau, Gviaa. Byrne thought the prico too high aud wouldn't fiive yanks out a three-inch molar from a big granger's New Orleaus 2. Struck Crt s-e to St. Paul for July 24, 25 and 27. BUFFALO, go far, is the moat white washed clob In the Stolen bHPcs Charleston 7, SECRETARY BOGERT, of the WilkesbarroCIub, has re­ International League, while Hamilton baa applied the It. He is now sorry that he didn't and the Ciuciuuat fly trap. When he puts a hall down to second he just To'.al Lost...... 22^24 19 21 '22 27 25 160| ont By Hun^ler 10, Vau'zhn4. Hit by pitcher By officials are glad." Cincinnati Enquirer. in John L. bulll- on balla Charleston 2. signed. Geo. W. Ziegler is his successor. coating oftener than any other club. Imagines he is plugging a va^tt hole Huneler 1, Vau«hn 1. First WASHINGTON wautti to know whether Philadelphia IF THERE is anybody the Wellingtons can lick ft is SpALDi.\a has raised tbe question aa to when the van's rear m*at ma-her. If the boys ever get onto Wild pitche? Hnnglerl, Vaughn 1. Passed bftlla President Young decides tha July 13. haa aJiy more players like Daly for sale. New York and Chicago. Tbey have won a majority League season closes. this the cji'cht-rs of the future will all be dentista." Games Played Childs 2, McVey 2. Umpire Smith. AKRON bas dropped fir^t basoman Mitchelt He ia a of the games played with those ctubs. the date on which the last game ia scheduled settle .St Louis Stying*. NASHT'E vs. N. ORLEANS AT NASUV'B JCLT 13 fine singer and Is goiujj; into comic opera. WIMMRD, of the Harvards, ia to attend the lectures tbwt p.>hit, and the reason can only be extended b; ACTRESS DAUVEAT writes that there Is no foundation BAJHVHI.E.AB.B.B. P. A. E NBW OKL'S. AB.R. B. p. A.I Notes anil Comments. CLEVELAND has laid Kirby off to give him a chance of the Httrvttrd law school cost fall, aud will, there­ Calling a speciul meeting of the League. for the rumor that she hta withdrawn the cup which , rf.... 501 200 Uampan, If.. 4 0 0 1 00 LINCOLN has released Toohey. to get entirely well. No pay we presume. fore, be seen iu his old pojition at first. A ST. JOSEPH exchange states that Jack Brennanv she offered as a prize for tho club lhat should win the Cl'ntoo, If.... 511 0 0 I owell, rf.... 4110 0 U DASBLRT has re-engaged Firth. HEN BOYLE is reported aa becoming quite a kicker. TUB touching up that Gore got in the New York lateofNi-w Orleans and Kail CLtire, signed with St championship. She has ad'led to the cup, wh'ch will Haj*«, 2b...... 412 020 Girtwii't, 3b 4 1 0 3 CAMPION now captains Waterbury. He wants umpires to give him everything. papers seem to bave bad an excellent effect on his Joseph and accented $100 advance money, knowing be held by the president of the club winning it, an Beeder, cf.... 402 4 00 Gt Us,2b...... 402 3 20 TOUONTO has slgueil Chas. Rickley. BTAN issaid to be suffering frnm that disease com­ play. He is doing old-time work now. that he was under suspension by £>tn Claire, anc emblematic badge for each member of tho club that Burks, ss..... 401 3 31 Piijol, cf...... 400 2 00 LYNN has already released Bresnahan. mon to fiuo young players, viz: "big head." Tn*"OxL\"NoLAN is atill winluing tbe club, but it la therefor.' ineligible to play with any othor club. shall win it for tho firnt time, and a'so a sfmi'ar badge Nicholas, c... 411 3 00 McVoy, c...... 301 4 MIKE KEU.Y'S t-Iides amazu B^stonese. IT is a singular fact tbat when Hecker gets hit at all a poltcemau's club. He was appointed a member of PETE WOOD has published a card saylnsr that Hamil­ for each member of Ihe club that shall win the cup for Bradluy,3b... 421 2 30 Fuller, ta..... 300 2 51 THE seventh ia Buffalo's lucky inuiug. he generally gets knocked all over the field. tbe force in Patereon, N. J., a week ago. ton has unjiiaily fined and suspended him. He claim* the third and last time. Firle, Ib...... 41211 11 Burners, p..... 301 1 22 Doc KENNEDY'S father died a week ago. GEORGE TEBEAU, of Cincinnati, is said to be very A MARKED feature of tbe Chicagoa in action ia that that ho wa^ not playing for hia release, was not a party THE reason that the management of the Jersey Kclly.p...... 402 0 2 0 Wells,!!)...... 3 0 0 11 0( UMPIRE VALENTINE is in harness again, much disliked by players in opposing teams. they always play as if they enjoyed it. No one ever to a certain American Association club's bid for his re­ City Club gives Tor not paying their dues to the League Total...... 38 6 13 27 11 2 Total...... 32 2 5 27 fS 4 JOE STAUT is still a resident of Hartford. BEIIEL, of Eau C aire, still keeps up his practice of sees them play a listleea, don't-care gitne. lease, and always did his best to help the club win. i* as follows: "Some lime ago we entered a protest Nashville...... 02000101 2 6 SUNI>AT games cannot be pluyoJ in Iowa. intentionally i uniting into o'pposing fielders. BAIINIE is said to have given Kilroy a tremendous "Bur few base ball managers are aa superstitious againat Newark playing any Kftmes in Jersey City ter­ New Orleans...... 20000000 0 2 POLLARD is no longer with Birmingham. IN CONSEQURNCE of a quarrel annmj; some of tho tongue-lashing right irorn the bench on tho St. Louia Manager Caylor. The other day he fouud an empty ritory, at Monitor Paik, in violation of the rules of the Two-base hits Iteeder, Ke'ly, Nicholas. Doubl DONNKLLY ia said to be weak on fly bulls. players Bf(z has been reloitsfd by Sandu^ky. grounds in one of the recent games there. bottle In the press box, condemned it as a hoodoo and League. Tbe Newark Club p»:d no attention to our plajs Burks, Firle and Bradley; Geiss, Fuller an< JACK FAURKLL lias become a great slider. NEW ENGLAND League pla-yern s*y that Umpire FRITZ PFEFFEB ia aa enthusiastic over good playing kicked it out. Of course the Indians won.'* New York protest, and the League only sent a iiotict- warning all Wells. Bases on balls Cllutou. Struck out H-;eder, HADBOUUN is troubled wffh a tore thumb. Lynch is too severe and too ready with fines. and victories as the veriest kid of them. Thero's lota Sun. Perhaps if the bottle had not been empty League clubs a.;ain3t playing in Jersey City territory, Bradley, Caoipau, Wells. Passed liallt McVey it KEIPSCIII-AUEU'S mother died last Sunday. SCRANTON has weakened badly in the box, which of youthful fire left in the veteran war horse. THE Allen'own and Witkesbarro c'ubs played an unless it be with Jersey City." "Wild pitches Somcrs 2. Umpire Maunion. HASTINGS bas revised Tamer, of Hartfurd. accounts for her present downward progress. GILLESPIE is unlucky. At hia firat appearance exhibition game at Allentown July 21, and the new "FITZSIMMONS is without doubt the most effective MKMI'IIIS vs. BIRMING'M AT M'MPHIS JULY 13 JIM KEEXAX nevor threw better than now. BIMHONG'S finger is neatly well, and he is getting after a luug lay-off he split his finger by beiug hit luteruMtional Learners were beaten 1 to 0. Tho result twirler in the Western L-a ue. He das baffled every appears tobn as lucky tts ever. due to Boalin'a effective pitching, he keep MLMl'HIS AR. 8. B. P. A.E. BIRN'GH'M. AB. R. B. p. A.E anxious U> take chunces on breaking anotlrer. by a pitched ball while at the bat Tuesday. was largely dub pitched aga

ST. JOE vs. DENTUR AT ST. JOSEPH JULY 16: SANDUSKY vs. KAL'ZOO AT SAXDTSKY JOLY 15 Games Played July 15. DES Moi's VS.MIN'POLIS AT DES Moi's JULY 18» NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. OSHKOSH vs. LA CROSSE AT OSHKOSH JULY 15: DES MOINES. AB.R. B, P. A. E ftllN'APOI.IS. AB.R. B. P. A.l BASE BALL. Brimble'e.rf. 6 1121 0: McSorley, 2b 5 00263 Mulhord,3b4 I'fl 2 1 0 Otterson, ss. 5 iV 3 31 08IIKOSH. AB.B. B. P. A. E | LA CROSSE. AB.R.B. P. A.E Sntcliffe, c... S 0 0 4 2 1 1 1 5 00 Isaacson lb.. 61260 o;Silch, rf, p.. 531 0 10 Miller, cf..... 4121 0 5126 2 0 Games to be Flayed. Burns.lf...... 6 1 2 2 0 0:Moriarity,rf 4 1 1 0 0 1 La Roq,:e,ss. 54523 0 3 0 0 10 10 Sunday, if.... 5 1211 2 Kienzle, If... 5 23 0 10 Strotbers, lb 4 0 2 11 0 l;Stapleton,l» 4 1 2 11 0 2 July 24, Minneatolia at Milwaukee. Shaffer, 2b... 5 1 1 6 2 OjMiller.w...... 4 1 2 2 1 1 Alvord.Sb.... 6 4 4 3 5 0 Palton,3h..... 4 0 0 130 Robinsou,2b.5 1222 l ! Smilh, lb..... 5 1 2 15 01 Christman, c4 114 3 0 Fuller, rf..... 4 0 0 1 0 0 July 25, Ban Claire at lies Moines, St. Paul at La McCarthy.rf 5 3 3 3 0 0 Rooks.lf...... 4 1 0 2 0 0 Well", rf...... 5 1 1 0 0 OJFoatcr. cf..... 4 0 3 1 00 THE WESTERN^LEAGUE. Ehret.p...... 61216 2'Tebfail, 3b... 523 3 31 Ryn, rf...... 4 1 2 3 2 0 VanSant,3'j4 0 1 1 1 0 CrosM), Du'.uth at Oshkosh. H-iy, cf...... 5 1 2 2 0 0 Doughe y,3b 4 1 1 4 0 1 Whitely, cf.. 5 1 3 1 0 0, Willi«,rf,p... 4 1 2 1 21 Ike.Sb...... 52232 2 612 2 01 Routcliffe. If 4 0 0 1 10 Bucken'r2b 402 2 2 0 July 20, Eau Claire at DM Moinea, St. Pan! at La O'Conneil.lbS 1 0 12 0 0|Coibett,2b... 401 1 3 1 Van Dike, If 5 0 1 2 0 O'Murphy.lf... 4 0 2 0 00 Games to be PVayed. 6 2 4 0 0 2 Phillipa, sa... 5 1 2 270 Curry, 2b...... 401 4 12 Huugerf d,lr, 401 0 I Cr'-gse, Minneapolia at Milwaukee, Dututh at Oah- Doran.Sb..... 6 2 2 0 1 IjHardle.c...... 4 0 0 " 1 0 Brosnan, 2b. 4 1 2 0 0 0 Meister, 2b... 401 2 60 July 24, Hastings at> City, Omaba at Leaven- 5 1312 1 O'Neill.c...... 522 3 01 Hewer, si...., 401 1 60 Tray, c...... 412 kosb. 533 0 4' lijevue,c'r.....""' ' 4' 0~ 1' 0 2 Faatz, lb..... 4 0 0 15 0 0 .-h-iw, a» ..... 3 0 0 1 41 wortb, Lincoln at St. Joe. Struve. c..... 4 1^ 1 9 0 2 Sprout, p, rf 5 1_ 1 0 21 Shell, p...... 4020 61 Flanagan, p. 3 1 2 0 6 '. July 27, Eau Claire at Ties Moinef, St. Paul at La Burdick, p... 623 0 5 OScjtt, lb...... 3 0 0 0 0 Uu-chinn,p4 00 0 4 0 Winkl'n.p.rf 3 0 0 ISO Jnly 25, Denver at Tojk-ka. To(al...... 45H19241412! Tol«l...... 45 131627 18 8 Total...... 36 4 11 27 19 6 Total...... 37 5 12 27 15 4 CroeEe, Minneapolis at Milwaukee, Dulutb at Osh­ Nagle, c...... 5 (I 0 2 11 Kennedy, p.. 3 0 0 0 4 0 Total...... 42" 1116 27200 Murray.c..... 3 0 0 641 July 26, Omaha at Topeka, Deirvor at Kamas City, St. Joe...... 0 2200600 2—11 Kalamazoo...... 0 0401000 0—5 kosh. Total...... 4o filC 27 13 3 Total...... 34 4 6 27 96 I T.tal...... 35 2" 9 27 223 Lincoln at Leavenwi.rth, Hastings at St. Joe. Denver...... 00231331 x— 5 Sandusky...... 01030000 0—4 July 28, St. Paul at Den Moines, Eau Claire at La Oshkosh...... 01231500 2—14 Des Moines...... 20210040 2—11 Jnly 27, Omaba at Top«ka, Denver at Kansai City, Earned ruua—St. Joe 3, Denver 3. Three-base bita Three-base hits—Ryn, Miller, Stapleton. Struck Crosse, Minneapolis at Oshkosh. La Crosse...... 3 00100000—4 Minneapolis...... 2000 00000—2 Lincoln at Leavenworth, Hastings at St. Joe. —Sunday, Ike, Kienzle. Stuick out—By Ehret 6. by out—By Shell 3, by Flauaaan 4. First on balla—Off Jul> 29, St. Paul at DCS Moines, Eau Claire at La Earned runs—Oshkosh 2, La Croese 1. Three- Karned runa—Dea Moinea 6. Three-base hita— July 28, Omaha at Topeka, Denver at Kansu City, Sprout 1. Firet on balls—Off Ehret 2, off Sprout 6. Flanagau 4, off Shell 4. Double plays—Kalamazoo 1 Crotae, Dulutb at Milwaukee, Minneapolis at Osh- biise hits—McCarthy 2. Two-bass hita—Burdick, Alvord, Wella, Whitely, PWc-r 2. Two-base hits— Lincoln at Leavenw-jrth, Hastings at Sr. Joe. Hit by pitcher—Struve. Pa«s»d balls—Struve 1.0'Neil Sanduuky 1. Umpire—Baut-r. koah. Moriarity, Miller, Dougherty and Corbett. First en Wl.itely, Brosnau aud FosUr. Stoleu bases—De« Jnlv 30, Topeka at Denver, Leavenworth at Hastings, 1. Wild pitches— Ebret 1, Sproal 3. Umpire—Young. Jnly 30, St. Paul at Des Moines, Ban Claire at La rals—Off Burkick2, oil Kennedy 4. Struck out—By Moines 4, Minneapolis 2. Double play—Brusuau, La Kansas City at Lincoln, St. Joe at Croatia. Games Played July 16. Crosse, Duluth at Milwaukee, Minneapolis at Osh- 3. Stolen bases—Oahkosh 3. Roque and Kaatz. Baics on balls—Uutchinson 3, Jnly 31, T"peka at Denver, St. Jbe at Ouiaua. TOI-EKA vs LINCOLN AT. TOPEKA JULY 16: BurJick 2, hy Kennedy TOPEKA. AB.R.B. P. A.E LINCOLN. AB.R B. P. A.I ZAN'SV'LE vs. WHEEL'G AT ZAS'SV'LE JULY 16 kosh. ______Wild pitches— BurJick 3, Kennedy 1. Passed balls— Winklcmanl. Passed balls—Murray 2. Umpire— Aug. 1, K.o>anin City at Lincoln. Nagle 1, Hardie 6. Umpire—Powers. Naylor. Ang. 2, Kantas City at Lincoln, Topeka at Denver, Steanii, lb... « 2 3 11 o o; Hall, cf...... 6 2 3 ZANESV'LE. AB.R.H. p. A. F. WHEELING. AB.R.B. p. A. E The Record. Bsllailay, cf 6 3 3 2 0 2 6337 Johnson, c... 51261 IjCrogan, If.... 4 00201 DES Moi's vs. MILWAD'E AT DES Mo's JULY 15: NOUE—At Milwaukee—Itain. Aug. 3, SI. Joe at Lincoln. Gol.lsby'.lf... 646 0 1 Lane, 3b...... 6118 The splendid playing of late of Manager Colloer, sa... 60008 OJNichol, cf.... 401 1 11 nr.s MOINES. AB.U.B. p. A.E MILWAUKEE.AB R. B. p. A.E Games Played July 19. The Record. Macnilar,s».. 636 1 ll Schaffer, rf.. 4312 McCann, If.. 4 1 2 1 0 OiNichol'n, 2b 4 0 1 2 30 Barries' St. Paul team baa at last borne forth Sutclifle, c.... 502 8 1 o'Forstsr, 2b... 522 2 20 Johnson, 3b. 6 1 2 3 0 Row?,2b...... 633 Fry, lb...... 4 2 3 16 0 Oi White, 3b.... 4 0 1 3 20 good fruit. From a close second week after La Roque, ta. 5 1 I 0 3 0'Williams, If.. 5 1 2 0 00 LA CROSSE vs. Dui.UTfl AT LA CROSSE JULY 19i The Topekas more than held their own last Werdon, rf... 512 0 2 Dolan, c...... 5011 2 1 LACROSSE. AB.R.B. P. A.El DULUTH. AB R. B. P Miller, Sl>... 42102 0 Smurth'e, ss. 2000 60 week they closed the gap and are now on even Alvord, 3b... 5 1 2 0 2 0 Ma*krev, if.. 4 0 2 301 A.I Week. The Lincoln^ won nnd lost an equal Ardner, 2b... 603 3 0 Uoover, If... 5324 1 0 Welsh, 2b.._ 4 2 3 3 1 O l Kimbor,ss,rf 4 0 1 1 10 Veach.if...... 40130 0 Morriss' 4 0 0 11 00 Pyle.if...... 62220 1 Suxtou, rf... 5021 2 1 number of games, while Kansas City made a Couway, p... 611 2 1 Herr, ES...... 5 222 60 Barnee, cf... 41210 O'llell, lb...... 4 0 0 10 01 terms with Milwaukee. The latter closed the worsi Whitely, cf... 401 0 0 U Roujsey.K... 402 2 10 Miller, S3..... 6 4 2 13 0!Karle,cf,c..... 6 103 2 2 good advance, winning four of the six games Gunaon, c.,.. 6 1 2 0 2 Hart, p...... 5111 1 0 Lemons, rf... 40100 0:Sullivau, rf.. 1 0 0 2 10 week of the campaign, playing eight games and VauDyke.lf. 4 0 1 4 0 o;Strau»s,3b... 4 0 2 0 (I 0 Ro: ks.lf...... 613 " 1 (I Quinn,2b....,-...-- 5124 13 played. The only change in position is that Total...... 2ol~62724 9 9 Total...... 461817 27 11 5 Gumbert, p.. 4 1 1 1 5 0| Westlake,c.. 2 0 0 2 02 losing six. Des Moines made a big pull, win­ llrosuan, 2b.. 412 3 20 Shouk-1, c'.. 400 4 00 Meinke,3b... 620 0 21 632 5 10 Topeka...... 3 0 220102 6—16 Total...... 38101527171 Mallory, p... 301 1 11 Faatz, lb..... 321 9 00 8rougtitou,c 301 5 30 McCanlev.c.. 6 3 6 3 1 0 M'M'n,lf,p,sa5 1 3 1 01 Omaha supplants Hastings in fifth place. The ning all the games played. Oshkosh also added DoUKhe'y,2b 6 1 2 4 0 3j Ingrali' 4 0 1 801 Lincoln...... 3 0440026 i—18 Total...... 32 0 6 24 14 6 greatly to her percentage, while Duluth weak­ Hutchm'n.p | 1 1 0 50 Smith,p...... 4 p 1 p 70 record up to July 21, inclusive, is: Earned ruua—Topeka 13, Lincoln 11. Bases on Zanesville...... 04006010 x—10 Total...... 38tif227 130 Total...... 37 312 27 131 50240 0 Slicibe'k,s»,p 411 1 40 tf balls—Topeka 4. Struck out—By Conway 2, by Hart ened. The standing up to July 21, inclusive, is: Dwyer.p...... 5 1 3 0 7 OjBrynan.p.lf. 4 0 0 0 20 o B r, 5" O 4. ? Wheeling...... 000000800—0 Des Moines...... 00000140 1-6 y B o 1. T\^>liase hit—Werlen, Ardoer, Beckley, Lang, Earned runa—Zaneaville 6. Two-bate hita—Fry, O •t 3" Milwaukee...... 10200000 0—3 6 2 3 10 (I p.Riurke.ob... 4 0 O 412 CLUBS. d 1 p t* o 3. e ?^r s S S? y p Rowe, D,.lan, Hoover, Herr. Three-basa hits— Ha*l- Welsh, Johnson. Double play—Collcer, Welsh and CLUBS. B Earned runa—Des'Moines 3, Milwaukee 2. Two- Total...... 51162327145| Total...... fl7112713lO O f e 0 liday, Conway. Home runs—Macullar, Hall. Double Fry; Nicholson and Bell. First on balls—Mallory 2, a ? P y 3 r- baso hits—Veach, Foister aud Williams'. Three- La Ciosse...... 5 0020123 3—16 3 3 6 5 4 W son plays—Herr,'Bowe, Beckley. Passed balls—Gunaon 2, Gumbert 1. Stolen bases—Zaneaville 7, Wheeling 2. base hits— Sutdilte and fioussey. Double plays— Dululh...... 000101311—7 (1 1 1. 0 3 1 1,1. 3lil Dolan 3. Wild pitch—Hart 1. Hit by pitcher—Wer- Hit by pitcher—Westlake. Parsed balls—Westlake 2, a 4| 7 R X 58 1 Hntchinsoii, Sutcliffo and Brotnan; La Roq e, Brosnan Earned runa—La Ciosse 6, Duluth 2. Struck out— 3 6 \ 5 8 3? MB den, Shaffer. Umpire—Hagan. Johnson 1. Umpire—Curtin. 3 9 4 7 II 1 3 435 aud Fnatz. Stolen bases—Des Moinei 7. Struck out By Dwyer 3. Two-'.nue hits—Saxtou, Mcllillan, •Leavenworth...... 2 3 6 i 5 8 2 26 .490 SANDUSKY vs. KAL'ZOO AT SANDUSKY JULY 16: Eau Claire...... 1 3 2 3 3 1 4 17 .283 —By Hutchinxon 4, by Smith 5. Firit on balls—Off Miller, McCauley, Scott 2. Throe-base hits—Ingra- Games Played July 17. 3 ham and McCairlpy. First on ball;*—Off Dwyer 2. off 9 9 4 4 3 41 641 SANUUSKt. AB.R.B... P. A.E KALAM'ZOO. AB.R.B. p. A.E La Croaie...... 4 5 1 6 4 3 25 .3 7 4 8 2 1 5 32 .542 4. Double plays—Ruoks and McCaulej; Sextan and j_ McKeon, lb. 6 0 3 11 0 IJKi ehmey'r.c 603 7 10 Ryn, c...... 400 1 1 Fuller, rf..... 411 100 St. PanL...... 2 9 7 5 10 6 3 41 .661 Games Played July 16. Qninu. Umpire—Sullivan. ^o'r: Lost...... 29!30!30:27'a3 37J42 14240 Hassnmer.rf. 623 0 0 OJDwyer, lb.... 5 0 1 10 11 Routcliffe, If 3 0 0 VanSant,3U4 1 1 120 43 21 21 244 MIN'POLIS vs.E'u CLA'E AT MIN'POLIS JULY 16: •Disbanded. 5 a 1 4 0 0 Me«-itt,2b.... 5 1 3 471 Curry, 2b..... 301 Uucken'r,2b3 00610 Total Lost...... 25 35 39 34 27 WIN'APOLIS. AB.R.B. p. A. EIEAUCI.AI'E. AB.R.B. r. A.E PENKSYLVANIATLEAGUE. Lfgg, sa...... 60113 2jFuss'lb'k, 3b 6 0 0 1 21 Hewer, es.... 301 000 Jlnrphy.lf... 61120 0 91cC«llum,ct 5 13100 Games Played July 19. Joyce, 3b..... 6 1442 1 Bader, If..... 5 13000 Clarke, p_... 3 1 1 411 Games Played July 18. Criiiie, 2b...» 611""3 2 0 Janteen/rf.p 5 1 2 0 20 Foster, cf..... 612 3 1 lILowe.rf...... 513 2 10 The Record. LINCOLN vs. DENVER AT LINCOLN JULY 12: Betz.rf...... 3 1 2 000 Aldricii, p.... 302 0 20 MIX'APOLIS vs.Sx. PAUL AT MIN'APO'S JULY 12: Pattou,3b..... 53520 0|<:roa, ss...... 511 4 11 Mappis, c,.... 634 321 Giuii.s, cf..... 411 2 00 Total...... 31 3 8 27 193 Total...... 3J 6 1027124 Five clubs were in al thedeath of the Pennsyl­ ITNCOLN. AB. E. B. P. A.E DENVER. AB.R.B. P. A.E Shea, p...... 633 1 80 Healey, p,rf. 400 0 30 MINNEAP'S. AB.R. B. P. A. E I ST. PAVL. AB.B. B. P. A. B Hawe*, lb... 5 1 3 6 1 o;it«illj,3b..... 5 2 3 235 Hall, cf_...... 644 4 00 SIcSorley,2b 524 6 40 Kalamazoo...... 3020 0100 0—6 Murphy.lf.... 5 2 3 1 0 0: Murphy, cf.. 5 1 1 4 00 Krieg.rf...... 5 2 1 1 0 0;P«k, 2b...... 5 1 2 441 vania State Leaguo, which occurred on July 20, 510 9 02 Kienz 6, cf.. 5120 Total...... 48 15 24 27 17 5j Total...... 43 6 15 «26 204 Sandusky...... 1 000 2000 0—3 Foster, cf..... 52250 0 Clnvelaud,3b 601 2 20 Meister,2b... 52143 0 Murphy,!'... 502 2 01 the last frame played being between liradford I*ng,3b...... 622 3 40 Silch, p.rf.... 6232 •McKeon out for running out of line. Home run—Fuller. Two-base hit Rhue 2. Struck -- - ... . ™ n /. wji... ,,i, IP e i 1 Shaw, ss...... 5 2 3 3 3 1 5 1 3 9 00 Kaneai City...... 32101360 0—16 Aldrich 1, by Clarke 1. First on balls—Off Haww, lb... 501 6 0 O:\Yilmol, If... 5 11 0 00 and Altoona upon that date. Wilkesbarre hav­ Bhaffer,rf.....6"" " " ""'100 1 2 Smith, lb..... 5026 out—By VVilli?,2b..... 4 1 0 3 1 rPickett, PS... 412 2 63 Wiukle'u,p.. 501 2 20 Land,c...... 501 1 32 Bo»e,2b...... 6 0 1 832 Telean,3b.... 501 0 Omaha...... 0 00400010—6 Clarke 2, of A'.drich 1. Triple play—Curry, Strothurs, Murray.c.... 5 1 2 3 1 0 Uandiboe.p.. 5 1 l^ 221 ing seceded previous to the collapse, the standing Earned runs—Kansas City 10, Omaha 3. Two-base Stevena, rf... 401 1 0 Cr-.oks. 2b,c. 411! 6 11 Dolan.c...... 6 2 2 411 Gorman, If... 4 1 0 Ryn. Umpire—Bauer. 14 8 of the remainder were as follows: hits—McKeon 2, Hassamer, Walsh 2, Messitt. Three- Meister, 3b... 400 000 McC'y,lb,2b 401 6 12 Total...... 46 1319 27 li 2] Total...... 4o S19 27 Berr.aa...... 6 2 3 0 3 OFhillips, aa... 4 321 «-. lose hits—Joyce, Mappis, McKeon. Stolen bases- Shaw, 88...... 410 241 D llon.c.lh... 4 11702 Minneapolis...... 61«yi0001 2—13 > > CO 3: Jl Toobey.lf.... 6 121 0 1 Hurley, c..... 4 1 0 Games Played July 17. Eau Claire...... 00600001 2— 8 c f " 5 < Seven each. Struck out—Two each. Double plays- Klopf, p...... 400 080 Duryea, rf... 402 1 01 a" o H»rt,p...... 421 0 50 L'tten'g,p,rf 400 3 10 COLUMBUS vs. AKHON AT COLUMBUS JULY 17: 6 1.0 Viau, p...... 4120 81 Earned runs—Minneapolia 4, Eau Clairo 3. Two- CLUBS. 2 K- P Lex?, Crane, McKeon; Walsh, Fu«sell»ch. First on McKeever,c4 00 C (J j£ ^ 6 Total...... 42W14 27 12 5 COLUMBUS. AB.R.B. P. A. El AKR3N. AB.R B. P. A.E base hits—Jlcister, McCallnm, R.illy and Peak. =" | 11a. r^ Toial...... 44 f51727 16 balla—Kan-as City 7, Omaha 6. Wild pitches—Healey Total ..... 35 6 7 24 15 2 Total ..... 39 7 14 27 1710 p 3 •: Three-base hit—Hawes. Balk—Winkleroan. Double 3 £ llncoln...... 19301000 1—15 3, Jantzenl. Passed balkt—Mappis 2, Krehmeyer 3. Higgins,c,3b 6 0 3 3 0 1 Hill, 3b...... 4 0 2 311 Minneapolis...*...... - 00210120 0—fi plays—Lowo and Smith. Stoleu bases—Minneapolis 6. Denver...... 14000410 0-10 Umpire—Hengle. Hutchiu'n.rfe 1 2 3 0 IMLerscIi, rf.... 4 1 0 210 St. Paul...... 3 0000112 x—7 Allentowu ...... 7 4 4 6 1 2 4 28 .651 Earned mns—Lincoln 6, Danver 6. Stolen baaea— Behan, 2b... 60123 o[Brul>y, If..... 4112 First ou balls—Ott Wiiiklenun 4, off Haudiboo 4. ST. JOSEPH vs. DENVER AT ST. JOSEPH JULY 17: Earned runs—St. Paul 5, Minneapolis 1. Three- Altooua ....'...... 1 5 6 5 1 4 3 25 .510 liucolu 2. Basea on balls—Off Hart 3, Luttenburx 4, Baker, If...... 5 1 0 1 1 liMorton, fa, p 4 1 2 ba>e hits—Murphy (Minneapolis), Picket! and SIc- Paased balls—Uuiray 1. Struck out—Meister and 4 3 1 1 ST. JOE. AB.R.B. P. A.El DENVER. AB. R. B. P. A.B Bradford...... 1 2 5 17 .378 Silch 1. Double plays—Phillips, McSodey, Smith. Miller, cf..... 5 1 1 4 1 1 Dtrrow, 2b.. 4 0 0 Caulcy. First on balls—Jff Klopf 3, off Viau 2. Smith. Umpire—Savior. Johndtovvu...... 1 5 1 1 0 •2 1 11 .323 Three-base hits—Shafer, Hcrr, McSorley, Phillips. Briinblec'e,rf6 2 2 0 1 McSorley,2b. 5014 4 0 Cruaoe, ss.... 54414 0 Campbell, cf 4 1 2 Isaacson, lb.. 623 Silcb, rl,p.... 412 5 1 Paased balla—Dillon 4,Crooks 1. Wild pitche*—Klopt ST. PAUL vs. DULUTH AT ST. PAUL JULY 16: Ketding ...... 2 3 6 3 2 1 3 20 .465 Two-base hits—Hurt, Silch. Struck out—By Hart 3. Schwart2,lb4 2 4 9 0 0 McAleny, c.. 4 0 1 1, Viau 1. Sliuck out—Hy Viau 5, by Klopf 5. DULUTH. AB.R.B. P. A.E ST. PAUL. AB.R.B. P. A.E Scran^on...... 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 11 .524 Fussed halls—Hurley 3. Hit bv pitcher—By Hart 1. Sunday, If.... 6 1 2 Kienzle, If.... 410 0 1 Nullou, c..._ 4 1 1 4 3 0 Osborno, p,as 3 0 0 Robinson,2b 602 Smith,lb...... 3 1 0 14 1 1 Stolen bases—Minneapolis 7, St. Paul 7. Umpire— Soxtou.rf..... 5 2 3 310 6233 WiikiBbarre...... 2 4 0 4 4 3 4 27 .676 Wild pitcbea-Uart 2, Silch 1. Umpire— Young. KeoKan, p.... 4 1^ 2 0 60 Mitcholl," ib 3^ 1^ 2^ Naylor. \ E.rle, c...... 532 6 1 0 Wilmot, If... 6122 W.illiuniaport,...... 2 3 6 3 2 2 2 19 .463 UOTE.—At Omaha—rain. Breuann, c... 611 2 2 Tebeau,3b... 4 12042 Ike,3b ...... 633 3 20 Gorman, cf... 402 8 02 Total...... 45 ll 18 27 184 Total...... 34 5 10 27 13 3 DULUTH vs. EAU CLAIRE AT DvJtrTH JULY 12: 513 2 10 Clcv«land,3b 4 3 1 Columbus ...... 01040106 0-11 Quiuu,2b..... 621 6 52 McCaul' 522 Games Played July 13. Daniela, cf... 6 3 4 S 0 0 Phillips, sa...4 0 2 322 DULUTH. AB.R.B, P. B. El EAUCI.AIRE. AB B.B. P. A.E Total Lofct...... 15 24 28 23 23 10 13i22 158 Filzsim'n.p.. 5 23 0 8- 0- Bligg9,o'...... 4- • 01000 Akron...... 002000120—6 Jones,cf...... 623 1 00 5 13311 Mcllillan.lf. 5 22101 Stockwell.c. 5 3 1 KAN. CITY vs. HASTINGS AT KAN. CITY JULY 13: Reirm.-k',s.«... 5 2 2 1 6 0 Uogan, p,rf. 400 0 00 Earned runs—Columbus 7, Akron 1. Two-base bits Earli., c...... 6 2 3 4 2 0 o 0 0 1 Ingrab'm.lh 5 1 1 6 0 0'Pick«tt,sa... 5 0 3 0 Games Played Jnly 15. KANSAS O'T. AB. R. B. P. A.E HASTIN08. AB. B. B. P. A.R —Crusoc, Schwartz, Jiultoii, Bruley, Hill. Double play Rt urke, 3b.. 50110 3|Cro»ki, 2b... 5224 Total...... 621~6 22 2719 6\ To:al...... 36 410 27 169 Quinn, 2b.... 611 2 50 R. illy,3b..... 5130 ALLENTOWN vs. BRADP'D AT ALLEN'N JULY 15: Elbe, If...... 7340 0 0 Curtis, cf..... 4112 1 1 — Morton and Dairow. Struck out—By Keogan 4. McMillnn.lf. 513 2 00 Murphy, rf.. 5001 Sheibeck, ss.. 6 0 1 3 1 (I Viau, lf,p..... 5 1 2 0 McKoon, lb. 6 1 2 8 Rera!ng, lb.. 4016 0 1 St. Joe...... 3 4 005103 0—16 Basis on balls—By Keogan 1, by Ooborne 2. Hit bv Bryuan, p.... 5 1 1 0 5 0 Sowdere, p.rf 5 2 3 0 __ ALLENTO'N. An.R. B. P. A.Ej LHADFORD. AH.R. B. P. A.B Denver...... 0 0 0004000—4 Ingrah'm.lbo 0 2 14 11 Behel,if...... 6122 Howe, ss...... 6 2 1 2 4 0 Kiley, rf...... 4 0 1 1 00 Haasamer,u. 734 4 Nicholson.lf. 4121 0 1 pitcher—Baker. Passed balla—Nulton 3, McAleny i. Kellogg, S'.. 5 0106 2 Smith, lb..... 4 0 0 12 To'al...... 4512152711 6 Total...... 401619 27 17 6 Earned rune—St. Joe 5. Two-baso hits—Isiacson, O'BrieD," cf... 422 0 0 Mien, If...... 4 113 0 1 Huuell.oL! 713"•-"11 1 00 Ebright, 2b... 4036 3 2 Wild pitch—Osborne. Umpire—Curtin. Shoibec»,3b. 544 0 10 IVak, 2b...... 4213 St. Paul...... 40010334 1—16 LegK,«»...... 746 Lauman,3b.. 400 1 0 5 Fitzsimmons, Robinson, Daniels, Reinagle, Phiirips. Cbiliia, 2b... 4, 2 3 2 2 Bolianan,2b. 4 027 2 2 Three-base hits—Brimblccome. Fitzsimmona, Gorman. Sexton.rf..... 512 2 00 Land, c...... 4 226 Duluth...... 51011301 0—12 White, 3b.... 664 1 3 Peoples, ss... 411 1 4 0 Gam«s Played July 18. Brytmn.p..... 6 3 l^ 1 71 Handiboe.p.. 422 6 Earned ruua—St. Paul 5, Duluth 4. First on balls- O'Xeil, rf...... 412 0 OiDee, S3...... 4001 6 3 Crane, 2b_... 043 1 21 Hughes, p... 412 1 3 0 Struck out—By Fitzsimmons 7, by Silch 2. Bases on Klueluw, c._ 4 11061 0 6 0 On egao, lb.. 4007 0 1 balls—Off Fitzsimmons 2, off Hogan 3. Hit by pitcher KALA'ZOO vs. WBEEL'G AT KALA'ZOO JULY 18: Total...... 48142027 214 Total ..... 41913 27133 Off BO nun 4, off Vi.iu 1. Struck out—By Sowderj 4, 0 2 1 Shea, p...... 633 i 80 Deegan, ff... 4110 1 1 by Viau 1, by Brj 3. Two-bate bits—Murphy, Ercck, lb.... 3 0 0 14 1 0 Calla'ian, 3b 4 0 0 Xappia, c.... 633 6 02 B'noW.c..... 4 10511 —Smith. Passed balls—Brigs' 3, Brennan 1. Wild WHEELING. AB.R. B. P. A. E KALAH'ZOO. AB.a.B. P. A. F. Duluth...... 00101136 2—14 Cain, 3b...... 3 0 1 1 0 O'Sweeney.'p... 4 0 0 . 4. 0_ pitcheo—Silch 2, Hogan 1. Umpire—Young. Crojan. If... 5 21201 Oltelsjn, aa. 4 1 0 0 41 Eau Claire...... 000020412—9 Wilmot,*ickett, Sexton and McMilbin. Thres-buio Gill, If...... 20020 0 Calhoan, c... 300 5 10 Total...... 67"2"7 33 21 13 8 Total...... 36011211312 Westlake, cf 5 01200 Khue, cf...... 3101 Karned runa—Duluth 6, Eau Claire 5. Home rune— hits—Murphy, Crooks, Sowderi, Earlo and Quiun. Bcatin, p...... 3 0 1^ p 8 0 3 02100 Kansas City...... 731254 6—27 Nicliolsou,2b 412 2 0 Stapleton, lb 4 0 3 11 00 Earle, (Juinn end McMillan. Three-base hit—Land. Stolen bases—Duluth 6, St. Paul 4. Paaaod balls — Hastings...... 1300200—6 Stockwell 2, Earle 3. Hit by pitcher—Cleveland. Total...... 32 8" 10 27 16 21 Total...... 34 1 6 27 fiS THE OHToTEAGUE. Speidel, ea... 400 6 1 Fuller, rf..... 400 0 01 Twc-baso hits—Ingruharn, Sheibeck, Sexton, Reilly, 0—8 Earned runa—Kansas City 6, Hastings 1. Two-base Bthel, Land and Handiboe. Double plays—KellogK, Umpire—Sullivan. AlUmiown...... 20001060 Wta—Lillle 2, McKeon. Hassamer, White, Craue 2, White, "Sb." 4 01031 VauSant,3b3 11110 Bradlord ...... 10000000 0—1 Games to be Played. Bell, lb...... 4 0 0 11 11 Bueken'r,2b4 11160 Quinn and lugraham 2; McCallum and Peak. OsnKOSH vs. LACRO'B ATOSHK'H JULY 16, E.iru.d runs—Alleutown 2, Bradford 1. Two-base Happis, Ebright. Three-base hita—Hassamer. Stolen First on balls—Off Brynau 1, off Hundiboo 8. Wi!d OSHKOSH. AB.R.B. P. A.E LACROSSE. AB.R.B. P. A.E tuet—Kansas City 2, Hastings 4. Struck out—Hast­ July 25, Zanesville at Akron, Wheeling at Mansfield, Stentzel, c.... 400 3 22 llungerrd.lf. 4 11100 hit—Ilowe. Stoleii basee—Bradford 2, Allentov n 6. Columtius at Kalamazoo. Mallory, rf... 401 1 00 Troy, c...... 4 2 1 10 00 pitches—Handilioe 1. Passed b^lls— Earle 1. Stolen Burns,!'...... 4112 Moriarity,rf. 512 3 00 Bases on ball,—Riley, Alien, Townsend. O'Brien. ings 3. Double plays—Peoples, Kbright, Relsiufr. bases—Duluth 4. Umpire—Sullivan. Shaffer, 2b... 4220 Miller, sa..... 5 021 Basea on balls—Kansas Oily 6, Hastings 4. Passed July 26, Zanesvilloat Akron, Wheeling at Mansfield, Kimbor, p... 310 0 40 Flanagan, p. 3 0 1 0 10 :i Struck out—Allentov n 4, Bradford 6. Hit by pitcher Columbus at Kalnmazoo. Total...... S7 46 241~76 Total...... 33 7 8*25 Si 5 NOTE—At Des Moines—Rain. McCarthy, rf 4 0 2 2 0 0'Hooka,!*...... 5 0 1 2 —Gill. Double p'ay—Ereck and Ilowe; Kiuslow and tails—Mappis 2, Reyuolda 1. Hit by pitcher—McKeon. Hoy, cf...... 401 2 00 Doughe'y,3b 5012 Umpire—Deagle. July 27, Zauesville at Akron, Wheeling «t Mansfield, "Stentzel out twice for running out of line. Ereck. Passed 1-alli—Calhouu 2. Wild pitch—Swe»- Columbus at Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo...... 00340000 0—7 Games Played July 13. O' 400 8 00 Corbett,2b... 6222 ney. Umpire—Dean. LINCOLN vs. DEXTER AT-LINCOLN JULY 13: Jnly 28, Columbus at .Sanduaky, Wheeling at Akron, Wheeling...... 00201010 0—4 MIN'APOLIS vs. DULUTH AT MIN'POLJS JULY 13: Doran, 3b.... 4 0 0 1 1 O'Halslrvm, c..5 0 0 2 LINCOLN. AB.R.B. P. A.E nENVER. AB. R. B. P. A.E Shannon, as.. 4 1 1 2 8 0 Jevno, cf..._ 5 1 2 4 WILL'MS'T vs. ALTOONA AT WILL'MS'T JULY 15i Zaneaville at Mansfield. Earned runs—Kalamazoo 3. Wheeling 1. Thrce-haso HISNEAP'S. B. P. A.El DVLUTII. AB.R.B. P. A.E WILLIAM'T. AB.R.B. P. A.E) ALTOONA. AB.R.B. P. A. K Ball, cf...... 656 1 01 McSorley,2b. 601 4 81 July 29, Columbus at Sanduiky, Wheeling at Akron, hit—Nicholson. Two-base hit—Stapleton. Hit by Krock.p...... 3 0 0 1 6 0 ! Pjle,p...... _. 6 0 2 2 Beckley, lb. 6 4 4 13 00 Silch, rf...... 4011 Murphy.lf... 6 1 1 1 0 0:Jones,cf...... 5 0 1 201" " Gasttleld.c... 3 1 2 6 2 2 9 _ Rick'r,3h,2b3 1 2 3 2 2 Donagh' 4 3 3 2 00 I*ng, 3b.._.. 612 0 50 4031 Zanesville at Mansfield. pitcher—Kimber, Rhue, Van Sant. Double plays— Foster, c'f..... 6 2 3 2 0 IjEarle.'rf...".'6 2 2 2 Cunllfle, II... 40040 OjWo.-d, rf..... 413 2 00 Jnly SO, at Sandnaky, Wheeling at Akron, Otterson, Buckenb-rger, Stapleton. S ruck out—By P..tton,3b_... 5 2 1 2 0 O.Quiim,2b..... 4 1 2 3 Total...... 346 9 27 142 Total...... 45412 27140 Hum|ih's,2h4 0 1 2 0 OJVirtue, lb.... 4 1 0 12 00 Kiafler, rf_.. 626 2 00 Smith, lb.... 4 0 0 18 Zauesville at Mancfield. Oshkosh...... 10300010 0—6 Boover,c.....6 2 3 6 2 0 Tebeau,3b.... 4 1 2 1 Finn igan 8, by Kimber 1. Passed ba'ls—stentzel 3, IIawes,lb..._ 61690 0 McMUUn.lf. 4121 Stull, rf...... 1 0 0 0 0 O; Brodie, If..... 4 1 0 301 Troy 3. Bises on balls—Kimber 1. Stolen ba;es— Wink'ui'u,p6 0 1 0 4 0 Inurah'm.lh 4 0 1 9 La Crosse...... 10000020 1—4 Polan,2b..... 611 3 60 Gorman, p .. 4 0 0 " The Record. Bilker, If...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Ztcher, «... 4 0 1 1 60 Wheeling 3, Kalamazoo 7. Umpire—Stellherger. Stt.vens, rf... 51211 0 4023 Earned runs—La Crosse 2. Three-base hits— i.iiin, c...... 40062 O.Blacktt'k 3b 4 1 1 1 10 Herr, M...... 6 1 3 2 2 0 Phillips,«.... 4 1 1 1 McCarthy, Hoy, Shannon and Coibott. Swartzel, p... 6 1 0 0 60 Briggs, c...... 4133 No changes have been made In the positions SANDUSKY vs. ZASESV'LE ATSAND'KY JULY 18: Meistcr,2b... 52234 0 Sheibeck, 3b. 4 022 Sbaffer, Alcott, ss..... 4 1 2 2 0 HDclnncy, 2b 3 0 1 Oil of the seven clubs during the week, Kalamazoo •ANnUSKY. AB.R.B. P. A. E! ZASESV'LE. AB.R.B. P. A.E Shaw, ss...... 523 1 60 Kemmler, c.. 4 0 2 6 Two-base hits—Moriarity at^d Jevne. Double pluys— »riel,3b,rf.... 31110 2 Sharp, c_...... 310 6 00 Hart, If...... 612 0 10 O'Neil, If..... 411 0 01 Shannon aud O'Conncli. first 0:1 balls—Off Krock 2, Total...... 65 f8 25 27 22 1 Total...... 3f 4 12 27 21 7 still leading Zanesville by a small majority. Routclifte, If 4 1 3 0 0 0 Johnson, c... 4 1 3 11 Murray.c..... Oil 7 30 Brewster, p. 3 0 0 0 21 Uraus,2b,cf.. 311 2 01 Sauders,p..... 300 0 60 Miller, lb.... 4 0 1 11 0 0 Colloer, ss... 4104 Total...... 49"i5iO*2B17 1 Total...... 37 111 27 15 6 off Pyle 2. Struck out—Bv Kr«ck 4. Stolen bases— Gamble,!,..... 3 1 2171 Total...... 338 9 27 f42 Uncoln...... 40060215 1—18 Wheeling had a disastrous week, losing five Oahko.h 1, La Crosse 1. Wild pitches—Krock 1, Pyle Denver...... 020010100—4 Strothers, 3b 4 1 1 0 2 0 McC inn, If... 4 1 2 I •McHillan out for not touching third base. Total...... 33 610 24117 games out of six. The record up to July 20, Christmau,c4 02260 Frye, lb...... 4117 aneapolis...... 202 0 3 0—12 1. Parsed balls—llalitroui 4. Umpire—Powers. Williamsport...... 00320000 0—8 Earned runa—Lincoln 14, Denver 4. Stolen bases— OsnKosii vs. LA CROSSE AT OSHKOSH JULY 16, Lincoln 3, Denver 1. Baaea nn balh—Off tiwartzel 2, inclusive, is: Curry, 2b...... 4 01461 Miller, 3b.... 3001 luth ...... 200 0 0 0— 4 Altooua...... 10004003 off Gorman 5. Home runs—Beckley 2, Dul»n. Three- Clark, p...... 401 2 20 Wel.h", 2!...... 3001 EurneJ runs—Minneapolia 6, Duluth 4. Two-base p. M.—Forfeited to Oshkoth in the flr»t half of the Earn, d runs—Williamsport 3, Altoona 1. Two-bise ley 2, Hoover, Brings. 3 1 1 0 2 1 Lemons, rf... 3 0 1 1 bits—Hawes, Shaw, Pattou and Qu'nn. Three-base second inning by reason of Hnrditt being injured, and hits—Itickley, Wo->d. Three-base hit—Humphries. 1"1113 - Betz.^f...... 30060 OjGumbert. p.. 3 001 ' 'ts—iSh'AW and Stevens. _Honie run—Meister. the La Croase toani having no reserve catcher. Siruck out—Gamble 4. Sander.-i 3. Hit by pitdier— blJ^JumBl, IMIVU,*£.•£;,^""P°,.\ienzl« 2. Struck .* I out—By Swtirtzel 5. Double playtf-^PhiHins, McSorley, Avery, rf..... 3000 O'ojLauer, cf_... 312 0 00 D-.nble plays—Wmkleman, MTfetcT—aHu ffaU'eU /; ^^y^^^^S^ Double nlav-Mifitl tp.^Bickley to •Jmitli 2, rhillipa, McSorley. Wild pitches—Qorniau 2. Total...... 33 3 10 24 16 2| Total...... 31 5 9 27 15 1 Murray and Ha\vee. First on ball-—Off Winlcleman 5, Games PlayooJ tUy 17. ^^^* fl nnipiiiies Parsed balls—Zinn 1, SiTRrp 1. Wild^ Akron...... ,4.r>8 off JJrcwfiter 7. Hit by pitcher—Pattou and Uroxvs'.er. 2. Umpire—Maplcdoran. Umpire—Young. Columbua...... 626 Zanesville...... 00000023 1—5 MILWAUKEE vs. LA CHOSSK AT MILWAUKEE pitches—Gamble Sandusky...... 21000000 0—3 Passed balls—Kemmler 2. Struck out—Murray, Games Played July 14. KalamaZ'X)...... 710 .698 Earned runs—Sandusky 2, Zanesville. 3. Three-base Quiun and Brewstor. Stolen basea—Minneapolis 5. JULY 17, A. M.—Score: Games Played Jnly 10. Mansfield...... 4 .411 hits—Cbriblmau, McCann. Lemons, Lauer. Struck Umpire—Sullivan. MILW KEE. AB.R.B. P. A. E lA CROSSE. AB.R.B. P. A.E WILLIAM'T vs. ALTOOS A AT WILLIAM'T JULY 18: KAI-. CITY vs. OMAHA AT KAS. CITY JULY 14: Sanduaky...... 431 torster,2h... 5 0 0 4 3 lIBlo: hirity.rf. 4 1 1 200 out—By Clatk 3, by Gumbert 7. liases on balls— DKS Moi's VS.MILWAU'E AT DEsMoi's JULY 13: WILLIAM'T AB.R. B. p. A. F. ALTOOKA. AB.R. B. P.. A.* KANSAS C'Y. AB. R. B. P. A.E OMAHA. AB. B. B. P. A.E •Steubenvllla...... 220 Clark 2, Gumbert 6. Double play—Curry to Miller. Williams, if.. 501 3 00 Sillier, sa..... 423 2 30 Lillie, If...... 622 3 00 Walsh, as..... 6264 Wheeling ...... 482 nESMOINES. AB.R. B. P. A. E ; MILW'KEE. AB.P-. B. P. A.E Ricklcsy, 3b.. 6 32100 Doua'e. cf,2b 521 2 71 Umpire—Bauer. ____ Mitclilfe, c... 6 2 3 7 3 0|Forster,2b... 5 0 0 611 Mask'y,rf,3b 50312 ORooks.lf...... 402 2 00 Cunliffe, lh_ 6 2 3 11 00 VVocd, rf..L. 422 1 00 tfcKeon, lb 6 3 2 8 01 Krthmy'r,rf5 212 Zanesville...... 679 Morrissey,lb4 0 1 8 0 o[c'orbeit,2b... 4 1 3 2 20 Baasamer, rf 6 2 1 1 Messitt,3b... 633 2 La Roqiie,ss. 5 2 2 0 4 2 Williams, If.. 5 0 3 420 Haker, If...... 612 1 00 Virtue, lb... 4 1 2 14 00 Games PlayedCJuly 19. Alvord, 3b... 61212 2 Maskrey, rf.. 5 12100 Kous3ey,B3... 4 0 1 0 3 0,Meinke,3b... 4 0 1 431 6 2 3 0 0 0 Biodie, If._401 102 3121 Fuaac]b'k,2b5 111 Total Lost...... 32|27 19 33 33 32|2;>!l8 223 Strauss, 3b,c. 422 2 00 Dougbe' 400 9 00 Graven, cf,c.. 1 0 0 001 Dwyer,...... __ lb... 5148 KALAMAZOO vs. WHEEL'O AT KAL'ZOO JULY 19: Veach, rf..... 4 1 3 0 0 0 Morriasey.lbS 2 1 711 Alcott, as..... 6 3 2 3 2 0 Zerh-r, ss.... 4 0 0 3 41 •Diabauded. 61540 o!Ronssey,as... 511 2 40 Hull, cf...... 40112 1 Dwyer, p_ 4 01061 Uriel, c...... 6 1 1 6 3 1 tllac<»t'k.3b 4 0 1 0 22 l»£g, «a...... C 1 2 2 6 OBadcr.lf...... 6 0 1 201 KAL'MA'ZOO.AB.B.B. P. A. E WHEELING. AB.RB. P. A.E Broughton.c 30051 0 }>asle, c...... 301 4 00 Bingo, c,lf... 612 2 60 Ginlns, cf..... 503 2 00 Games Flayed July 14. Otterson,=8,p5 2 2 0 4 1 Croirun, If.... 6 4 4 111 Brosn.ui, 2b. 5 0 1 2 3 0|Strauss,3b,c. 5 0 3 300 Evans, '/h... 5 1 2 6 6 1 Delancy,2b,p 4 1 1 131 Van Dykc.lf 5 1 2 2 0 0 5 2 3 000 Sheukel.p... 4 0 2 0 4 O^ 3 0 1 200 Gamble, p..... 5 2 2 0 7 0 llcentmau.c 4 0 1 421 White, 3b.... 633 2 01 Baudle, c..... 611 8 10 ZAN'SV'LE vs. WHEEL'G AT ZAN'SV'LE JULY 14: Rhue, cf, p... 5 0 1 3 6 IJNichol. cf.... 6 2 2 1 00 Anderson,rf. 1 p 0 0 0 Oi Total...... 34 4 13 27 14 2 Craue, 2b..... 511 6 40 Harper, p.... 602 0 60 S'aploton.lh 4 2 2 14 0 0 Michols'n,2b 624 6 31 Fa»tz,lb...... 5 1 1 11 0 0|Bnmg'n,c,3b4 1 2 3 20 Deardon, rf.. 6 0 1 1 10 Hause'e, p,cf 402 1 00 FHKELINO. AB.R.B. P. A. E ZANEfiv'LE. AB.R.B. P. A. E Ilutcuin'n,p6 1 3 0 8 pjAnderson,p.. 4 0 0 041 Total...... 39311 24 15 2! Kithola, p.... 622 0 30 Total...... 4610 21 27 iflS Fuller, rf, c. 5 0 2 1 1 1 Dunn, p...... 6 2 2 141 Total...... 47152027192 Total...... 37 6i~T 27 tag Crogan, If... 6133 00 Johnson, c... 4117 2 0 VanSant, 3b 5 1 0 2 0 TSi'eidel, rf.... 6 2 2 020 Total...... 461"0 22 27 20 4| Total...... 4S115'WU3 Milwaukee...... 00010100 1-3 Williamsport...... 18110013 0—15 Total...... 45171627 15 6! Dunn, p...... 523 6 1 Colloer, 88.... 6001 6 0 La Crosse...... 2 0002000 x—4 Kansas City...... 0 408000 0—17 Buckcn'r,2b 4 0 1 0 4 l| White. 3b..... 5 2 2 412 •Whitely out for running out of line. Alloona...... 000003300—6 Nichol, cf... 611 0 0 Welsh, 2b.... 433 3 20 HungerPd.If 4 02111 We-tlake, c. 5 1 2 2 30 Des Moines...... 20023300 0—10 Earned runs—Milwaukee 1, La Crosao 3. Throe— Earneu runa—Williarosport 9, Al'oona 3j Home run Omaha...... ! 1103013 0—10 Nichol'n, 2b 4 1 2 2 0 Frye, lb...... 4 0 2 12 01 ise hit—Miller. Two-base hits—Hull, Morrissey, Earned runs—Kanau City 6, Omaha 4. Two-base Dawson, c,rf4 0241 0|Bi-ll, lb...... 5 2 3 12 00 Milwaukee...... 122020000—7 —Virtue. Two-base lilts—Zinn. Uriel, Gamble, Wood, Westlake, c. 4 2 2 8 10 McCann, If.. 3 0 1 1 00 Burth'e, as 5 0 ^ 1 Earned runs—Dea Moinea 6. Two-base" hits— Gorbelt, Meiuke anl Mortality. First on balk—Off HoeueroaD. Three-base hits—Bukor, Alcott. Wild hits—McKeon, While, Walsh, Dwyer. Tbree-basu White, 3b..... 411 0 23 Miller, 3b.... 401 2 60 Shcukel 2, off Dwyer 4. Wild pitches—Dwyer 3. hits—White, Lillio, Krohmeyer. Stolen baaea—Kansas Total...... 5U17 22 27 215 WhiU-ly, Hutchiusou, Alvord, Morrlssfty and Rons-fey. pitches—Bausewine 1, Delaney 1. Firat on balls—• Bell, lb...... 3 0 2 9 1 2 Gumb't,cf, p 4 0 1 1 40 Thrte-hase hits—liutcliinson, Sutcliffo 2, La Koque, Massed balls—Nngle 1. Baies stolon—Milwaukee 3. Alcott, Deardon, Bausewino. Hit by pitcder—liick- City 11, Omaha 5. Struck out—Kansas City 4, Omaha Smurth'e, SB 4 1 1 0 21 McVey, rf... 400 0 10 Kalamazoo...... 102100100—5 Struck out—By Sbenkel 3, by Dwyer 3. Umpire— 8. Double plays—Legg, Crane, McKeon 2; Measilt, Wheeling ...... 41222320 1—17 Veach and Roussey. Double play—Alvord, Broiuau ley. Struck out—By Gamble 5, Dclauvy 2. Umpire* Mallory, rf.. 4 1 2 p 00 Eastoti, p, cf 4 0 0 0 30 and 1'aatz. Struck out—By Hutchinson 6, hy Audor- Powers. —Mapledoran and Frey. Dwyer. Bases on balls—White, Nichola 2, Lillie. Total...... 36 4 9 27 23 1 Earned ruua—Wheeling 6, Kalamaz-io 3. Home run Passed balls—Graves 2, Bandle 2. Wild pitches—Nich- Total...... 39 10 17 27 13 7 —Bell. Three-base hits—Dunn. Two-base hits—Oi- sou 1. First on lalls—Off Hutchinson 3, otf Anderion MILWAUKEE vs. LA CHOSSE AT MILWAUKEE HEADING vs. BRADFORD AT READING, JULY 16: Zanesville...... 200001010—4 I. Hit by pitcher—By Hutchinson 1, by Anderson 2. JULY 17, P. M.—Score: ola 1, Harper 1. Umpire—Henglo. Wheeline...... 01010060 2—10 tcrson, Crogan, Kichol, Kicbolson, White, Bell. Hit READING. AB. R. B. P. A. F.I BRADFORD. AB. R.B. P. A.B ST. JOSEPH vs. DENVER AT ST. JOSEPH JULY 14: bv pitcher—Stapleton. Stoleu bates—Kalamazoo 4, Passed hails—Sutcliffo 2, Broughtou 1. Stolen bases— MILWAUKEE.AB R U. P. A. F.|T,A CROSSE. AB.R.R. P. A.E Myen, 2b.... 4 0 0 2 5 OiRil-y, rf...... 5 0 2 200 Earned rnnp — Wheeling 5, ZaucBville 1. Two-base Dea Moines 7, Milwaukee 4. Umpire—Breunan. Forster,2b... 60126 0^Moriarity,rf. 522 1 02 Goodiei'w.c.. 4 0140 llAllerj, If...... 5122 0 0 DENVER. AB R. B. P. A.E' ST. JOE. AB.B. B P AE lits— Duun, Westlake. Struck out — By Dunn 3, by Wheeling 2. Basea on balls—Kulamazoo 4. Wheeling McSorley, 21)623 2 101 aacson, lb. 5 1 1 11 00 2. Passed hulls—Weetlake 1, Fuller 5, Dillon 2. Um­ Williams, If. 6 1 2 0 0 llMilk-r, ss..... 4 1 1 1 43 She1zline,lb4 1 0 11 0 HBou»nu'n,2b 4 0 4 4 0 1 Eastou 2, by Gumbort 3. Pasted balls — Johnson 3, Maskrey, rf. 6 0 4 3 0 0 Rooks, If..... 3 1 1 201 Bilch, rf...... 6 3310 0 Ike, 3b...... 6 12221 Westlake 2. Wild pitches— Duun 3, dumber! 2. Dou­ pire—Stel Iberger. Games Played July 14. Kiogaley, 3b 3 1 2 2 0 2 Dee, at...... 4 0 1 2 3 0 SANDUSKY vs. ZANESV'LE AT SAND'Y JULY 19: Morrissey,lb 6 2 2 14 1 1 Corbott,2K... 4 23 6 20 Ertelt, cf...... 411 2 00 Crcrgan, 11). 4 0 1 " 00 Klenzle, If... 520 8 00 Sunday. If... 4122 ble plays— Nicholaon and Bell. Hit by pitcher— Bell, OSUKOSH vs. LA CrtossE AT OSHKOSH JULY 14: vleiuke,31i... 401 1 20 Smith, lb...... 6 2 3 12 01 Robinson, 2b 4 0 0 1 8ANDU8H.Y. AB.n. B. P. A. E ZAS'SV'LE. AB.R.B. p. A. E 644 2 10 McClo^ky.rf 40020 0:Callahan, - c..- 4- 2- 1- 3 0 McCanu. Basea on ball* — By Dunu 1, "by Easton 1. OSIIKOSH. AB R B. P. A.E.LA CR08SB. AB.R.B. P. A.E Strauss, c..... 611 3 41 Doughe' 401 8 00 SMoe, ss...... 3---'2 7 I'Swoeney.'cf.. 401 1 Jeboau, Sb... 6042 4 0 l.awrence,cf. 4022 Stolen basta— Wheeling 3, Zanesville 3. Umpire— RoutcliBe.lf. 421 1 10 McCann, If.. 5001 Burns,!!'...... 4 0 0 1 0 0:Moriarity,rf. 4 1 1 300 0 1 Hull, cf...... 523 1 00 Nagle, c...... 400 3 10 Nyce, p...... 311 2 3 o;Calhoun, 3b. 4103 1 1 Gornmn, cf... 611 0 0 2 Danieli, p... 4 221 Curtin. Miller, lb.... 412 7 01 Colloer, es... 524 Shatlir, 2b... 4 1 2 1 4 OiMiller, ss..... 4 0 0 2 31 4 4 140 Reimi«le,se...4 021 Slrothera,3b4 11311 Welah, 2b.... 5022 Shetikel,3b.. 501 0 10 Jevne, cf..... 4013 LOOK. If...... 312 0 00 Towns-nd, p 3 0 0 1 3 0 6 AKROS vs. MANSFIELD AT AKROH JULY 14: McCarthy.rf 4 1 1 2 0 O.Rook'.lf...... 4 0 1 0 01 Smith, p...... 4 31 2 10 0 Pyle, p...... 400 2 10 Brigga, c..... 612 2 1 Bellman, c... 4 1 0 Christmau,rf4 31311 Fry, lb...... 4 1 2 10 4 1 2 4 0 0 Doilghe'y,3b 3 0 0 1 22 Total...... 3^ 5 9 27 15 5 Total...... 37 4 12 27 lit AKRON. AB.R.B. F. A. E MANSFIELD. AB.H.B. P. A. E Total...... 4813 19 27 23 31 Total...... 36 6 10 27 11 6 Keadins.-...... 00300200 0—5 Hogan, p.... 622 7 1 Alexand'r, rf 4 000 Hill, 3b...... 5 0 1 Reyuolda, If5 1 1 3 1 0 Ryn, c...... 4 2 2 7 1 0 Miller, 3b.... 4 2 1 1 O' 4 0 2 12 00 Corb=tt,2b... 300 2 20 22718 5 Total...... 38 G ft 2^ 132 Curry, 2b... 4111 21 Lemons, rf.. 401 2 3orun,3b..... 400 2 30 Hiirdio, c..... 300 9 11 Milwaukee...... 10132041 1—13 Bradfoid...... 10010200 0—4 Total...... 461 McGrau. 2b.. 621 Yaik, M...... 6 101 6 1 La CKSSJ...... 1 0300002 0—6 Burned rims—Beading 2. Three-base hit—Kingsloy. Denver...... 31200461 x—17 Lersch, rf... 6 3 3 2 1 0 Delehanty, c 4 1 3 204 Clarke, cf.... 4106 00 l.auer, cf..... 4123 Shannon, ss.. 400 0 31 Halstrom, p. 3 0 0 0 61 Hewer, sa.... 3 1 1 0 23 Eistoii, p..... 4101 3 0 0 200 Earned runa—Milwaukee 7, La Cros»e 3. Two- Stolen bases—Nyce, Bohaunon. BaceonbalU—Head­ 8t. Joe...... 0 10031001—6 Bruley, If..... 522 2 01 Green, cf..... 411 3 11 Wilson, c..... 4 0 0 5 0 0 Jevne, cf...... >ase hite—Williams, Morrisaty, Rouatoy, Strauss, Earned runa—St. Joe 3, Denver 6. Two-baso hita— Morton, es... 522 0 32 Westlake, 3b 412 0 23 Avery, p...... 3 12162" '_'_'_ Krock.p...... 4 0 0 0 4 0 Scott, lb...... 3 0 0 800 ing 3, Bradford 2. Struck out—Reading 3, Bradford 2. Phillips, Hogan. Three-base hits— Total...... 34 131127 139 Total...... 388142715 11 Smith, Corbett aud Meiuko. First on balls—Off Smith Hit by pitcher—Kingsley. Double play—Mycr»f Sunday, Smith, Darrow, cf... 503 6 02 Grum'g, rf, c 4 1 0 3 00 Total...... 30 3 7 27 14 1 Total...... 3IJ T 2 27 14 0 2, off Pyle 5. Hit by pilcktr—Smith and Rooks. Daniela, Smith. Home run—Ike. Double play—Phil- ' • - ~ - ' Miller, p..... 403 1 50 Zauesville...... 003100013—8 Oltikosh...... 20001000 0—3 Stiue, SlieUlme. Fataed bull—Goodlellow. Umpiie— and Isaacaon. Struck out—By Sandusky...... 33400010 2—13 Wild pitches— Pyle 1. Passed balls— Strauss 1, Nagle Dtan. ______Bps, Smith, Robinson Freer, lb..... 400 8 00 La Crosse...... '...... 00000100 0—1 :. Stolen bases—Milwaukte 6, La Cros«e 2. Struck Daniils 2, by Hogan 6. Basea on balls—Sunday, Mitchell, lb. 4 1 1 T 03 Crcigut'u,2b 400 6 31 Home run—I auer. Three-base hits—Fry and Mil­ Three-base hit— Moriarity. Two-base hils—Shaffer Games Flayed Jnly 18. Lawrence 2, Reina^le, McSorley, Smith, Tebean, Phil- ler, of Zanesville. Two base hita—Uaney, Lemons. out—By Smith 2, by Pyle 1. Double play—Jevns and Total...... 42111627229 Tolal...... 38 6i22017~10 mtl Hoy. Double plays—Hardio and Corbett. First L'yle. Umpire—B:eunan. lipa, Hojian. Parsed balls—Bellman 3. Briggs 1. Wild Struck out—By Avery 6, by Ewton 5. Ba*es on balls— m balls—Off Krock l,off llalatrotn 1. Struck out—By BRADFORD vs. ALTOOXA AT BRADFORD JDLY 18: Akron...... 31120301 0—11 AB.R.B. P. A. K pitches—Daniels 3. Umpire—Young. Mansfield...... 110001201—6 A very 5, Eastoa 3. Passed balla—Eyn'7, Llaney 9. \ruck 5, by Halstrom 2. Wild pitches—Krock 1. ST. PAUL vs. DULUTH AT ST. PAUL JULY 17: BRADFORD. AB.R.B. P. AE| ALTOONA. Umpire—Bauer. 'asaed balls—Wilson 1, Hardie 1. Stolen bases—0y Brcwater 1. Uinyire—Sullivan. pitches—Sweeney 2. Bases on balls—Zecher, Sharp. «nt—By Sullivan 5, by Swartzel 5. Pa.-scd bulls—Ken- Home run—Rhue. Two-base hit—Dillon. Double balls—Off Binir 2. Wild pitch—Dale. Passed balls- Harkiu. Tliroe-baae hits—Wilmot aod Earle. jron 2, Hoover 1. Double play—Ardner, McCulIar, Pike 2. Umpire—McDermott. lome run—Cleveland. Double play—Quinn, Kol- Games Played July 19. jlay—Hewer, Curry and Strother?; Curry (unassisted). Games Played July 18. Stearns. Umpire—Ha^an. Struck out—By Clarke 8, by Hart 2. Ba-es ou balls- iogg and Ingraham. Paased balls—Earle 3. Stolen ALTOOXA AT BRADF'D JULY 19: NOTE.—At St. Joseph—H'lin. Games Played July 20. lases—St. Paul 5, Duluth 6. Umpire—Sullivan. BRAD^'D vs. Off Clarko 3, off Hart 2. FirBt NA. AB.R.B. P. A.B Games Played July 10. Hart 1. Paased.balls—Fuller 2. Umpire— Baner. KALAMAZOO vs. WHEEL'S AT KAL'ZOO JULY 20: MIN'POLFS vs. EAU CL'E AT MIN'FOLIS JULY 14: LACROSSE. AB.R.B. P. A. El PL'LL'TH. AB.R.B. P. A.E Riley, rf...... 612 1 01 Donagh'e, cf 5 0 0 4 00 Games Played July 15. WHEELING. AB.R.B. P. A. E KAI.'MAZOO. AB.R.B. P. A.E MINNEAP. AB.R.B. P. A. K EAUCLAl'E AB.R.B. P. A.E Mi riarity.rf. 3 1 1 0 0 0 Sexton.rf..... 5 1 0 201 Allen.Sh...... 6 2 3 2 0 0| Wood, rf...... 5 1 2 200 KAN. CITY vs. OMAUA AT KAN. CITY JULY 16: Crogan, If.... 610 0 00 Otteraon, is. 5 2 2 3 21 Murphy, If.. 4 0 1 2 1 0 McCallum,cf 4 1 2 0 1 0 Miller,-8...-B 0 1 2 6 2!Earle,ct,c..... 5 3 3 401 Dooley, cf.... 5 0 1 2 0 Oi Virtue, lb... 5 1 1 801 C'Y. AB K. B. P. A E OMAHA. AB.BB P AE vs. WHEEI.'G AT ZANESV'E JULY 15: "•••• ------Bl,ue,cf...... 5 00101 KANSAS ZAKESV'LE ...... Nichol, cf.....6 .. . .12201 . . Foster, cf..... 422101*Lowe.rf...... ' 4- 12110- - - Rooks.lf...... 6 1 0 1 1 l;Quinn,2b..... 5 1 2 3 30 Bohann'n,2b 50116 3i Brodie, if..... 511 1 00 Lillic, 3t...... 623 2 13 Walsh, SB..... 654 0 41 WHEELING. AB.R. B, P. A. E ZANESV'LE. AB.R.B. P. A.E Nichola'n,2h 5102 :tuplet'n, lb 4 2 3 13 01 Patton,3b..... 411 2 11 Keilly,3b....4 00212 Mcinke,3b... 5 1 3 2 1 2IMcMillan,lf. 5 2 3 100 Dee, BS...... 5 1 3 1 4 IjZecher, ES.... 5 2 3 260 McKeon, lb. 6 1 1 7 00 Krchme'rrf. 743 1 10 Crogan, if.... 502 1 00 Johnson, c... 600 6 40 Stentzel, c... 5016 3 0 Fuller, rf.... 522 1 10 Hawes, lb... 4 0 1 10 0~ i'Cross,' 83...... 411 3 32 Dougho'y,2b 5 1 3 2 1 2:Ingr'm,c,lb.. 5 1 2 10 10 Creog'n,lb,lf4 0 1 1 0 0 l!lackat'k,3b 4 1 1 110 Hassamer.rf. 523 2 10 Dwyor, lb... 5 1 3 10 00 DtmnNichol, rf...... cf.... 6124""'"612 0 01 Colloer, sa....------411 2 20 SpciJcl, rf... 5000 VanSant, 3b 5 131 Meister,2b... 4023 3 i.iiuest,2B...... 400 6 40 McCauley, c. 5 2 2 8 0 0 Sheibeck, ss. 6 1 2 1 30 Callabun, c.. 4 0 0 6 0 0 Dulauey, 2b.. 422 2 20 Hansel), cf.. 4 2 3 3 2 0,Meesitt,3b... 613 3 10 01 McOann, If.. 4 2 3 "1 White, 3b..... 4 132 Bncken'r,2b 511 Sliaw, 88...... 411 1 6 0 * Trphy.l'f... 401 3 01 Jevne, cf..... 52310 1 Bryn' 5 00502 Swee'y.lf, lb 4 0 1 10 1 IjUoen'man, c 3 1 2 0 10 Lcgfr, sa...... 5 1207 3 Fns'lb'k, 3b 5 1 1 2 60 Westlake, 2h 6 0 1 3 23 4 229 Bell, lb...... 4 2 2 12 Hunger'd, If 4 0 0 Steveni, rf... 400 100 Smith, lb..... 402 8 01 5 1 1 11 0 Oil£ourke,3b... 400 0 32 TOWUBC nd, p 4 0 1 0 2 1 Bausewme.p 3 1 2 010 White, If..... 611 7 01 Baler, If...... 511 3 00 >m'rtbw'e,ss 411 1 01 Miller, 3b..... 4 123 Smurth'e, ES 4 0 0 1 3 2 Troy7 e.,.'.... 4 0 0 5 Klopf, p...... 411 140 Tucker'n.p.. 401 0 72 Kennedy, p.. 4 1 1 0 81 Markiu.p..... 401 1 30 Crane, 2b..... 5 2 3 3 2 0 Juntzon, c... 6 0 2 601 Total...... 41 4 13 24 13 7| Total...... 39fO 13*20 111 Stontztl, c... 411 6 30 Welsh, 2b... 412 Sullivan, p.. 4 1 3 2 70 Flanagan, p. 4 0 0 0 9 i Murray.c..... 4 0 1 6 2 p Land.c...... 4 0 1 420 Dwyor, cf..... 2 0 0 0 Op Total...... 43 9 13 27 13 6 *Callahari out for not tunning . Grares,c...... 51332 ljGimn»,cf,. .610 2 00 White, 3b.... 4131 Barnes, cf.... 401 Total...... 36 510 27 16 3 Total...... 86 3 10 27 19 8 Total...... 44101527189 McKim, p... 50003 l.Bartscn, p... 501 1 31 Total...... 41 T 11 27 20 7 Total...... 41 8 11*26 2~0 6 Bradford...... 200001010— * Bell, lb...... 4029 Lemons, rf... 401 •Stentzel out for running out of line. Minneapolis...... 22000001 0—5 a Crosse...... 06000002 2—10 iltooua...... 1 1301040 0—10 Total...... 46 13 10 27 17 B{ Total.... . 49 M~18 27f52 lullivan, p... 40^0 20 Duck, p...... 401 0 51 Kalamazoo...... 4 0300100 0—8 Eau Claire...... 01000002 0—3 luluth...... 300041100—9 Runs earned—Bradford 3, Altoona 3. Two-baso hits Kansas City...... 40021113 1—13 Total...... 40 5 U 24 12 ?| Total...... 37 7 13 27 19 I Wheeling...... 11003200 0—7 Earned runs—Minneapolis 1, Eau Claire 2. Tbree- Earned runa—La Crosae 6, Dulnth 4. Two-base bits —Alien, Doe, Wood, Brodie, Hoeneman. Three-fcaso Omaha...... 20600202 2—14 •ancsville...... 0 1203010 i—7 Earned runa—Wheeling 2, Kalamazoo 2. Three-base taae hits—Lowe 2, Cross. Double play—McCallum, —Earle, Meinko, .Tovue and McCauley. Base* ou balls hit—Alien. Stolon bases— Brad ford 4, Altoona 2. Earned rnns— Kauaea City 11, Omaha 9. Two-baao Wheeling...... -...•——• 30000101 0—6 hit—Staploton. Two-base hits—Nichol, Otterson, Ful­ fuckerman. Bcilly and Quest. First on bells—Off —Off Kenned IT 2. Struck out—By Kennedy 4, by Basea on balls—Off Townaend 4; off Baufowine 1. Dou­ hits—Ingp, McKeon. Three-base hits—Crane, Kreh- Earned rnua—Wheeling 3, Zanesvillo 6. Two-base ler, Buckenberger. Stolen bases—Wheeling 7, Kala­ Klopf 2. Passed balls—Murray 1, Markin 1. Wild pitches—Kennedy 2, Markin 1. ble p'aye—Dee to Sweouey to Alien; Zecher to Delaney mtyer, Burtjon. Home runs—5Iansi.ll, Graves. Stol n ts—White 2,Lemons, Welsh. Home run—McCaun. mazoo 4. Struck out—By Flinagan 5, by Sullivan 6. .and t. Struck out—By Tnckerman 3, by Klopf 4. Double plays—Donghorty and Scott; Quiun and In- to Virtue; Hoenemun to Blacks-tock. Passed halls— bas< 8—Kansas City 5, Omaha 2. Struck out—McKim, First ou balls—McCann 2, Fry 2, Dunn, Nichol, White. First on balk—Wheeling 2, Kalamazoo 2. Umpire— Stolen bases—Minneapolia 1, Eau Claire 1. Umpiie— graham. Umpire—Sullivan. Callahau 2, Uoeucman 1. Wild pitches—Townsend 3« Munsell. Double ilay—Fusscl' ach, Dwyer. Bases on )ouble plays—Westlake and Bell; White, Stentzel and Stellbcrger. Saylor. OSHKOSH vs. ST. PAUL AT OSHKOSH JULY 18: Umpire—Decker. ____ balls—Si- each. Hit by pitcher—Haasnmer, Mansell Bell. Stolen bases—Wheeling 3, Zsneaville 7. Paaacd DES Mot's VS.MILWAC'E AT DES Moi's JULY 14: SlcKim. Passed balls—Graves 4, Jantzen 3 Wild OSHKOSH. AB.R.B. P. A. E ST. PAUL. AB. R. B. P. A.E Games Played July 20. *lls—Johnson 1, Stentzsl 1. Wild pitches—Duck 2. Only Three Clubs left. DZS MOINES. AB.R.B. P. A.EIMILW'KEE. AB.R.B. P. A.E Burns, If..... 533 1 02 Murphy, cf.. 632 3 11 pitches—Bartson 2. Uni[ ire—Hi ngle. jmpire—Curtin. BRADFORD vs. ALTOONA AT BRADFORD JULY 20: TorEjfcA vs. LINCOLN AT TOPEKA JULY 16: LITTIJS ROCK, Jnly 18.—Editor SPORTINO LITE:— ia ltoque,ss. 523 4 2 Forstcr,2b... 401 ShaffiT,2b... 61242 4JWihuot, If... 643 2 01 AKHON' vs. MANSFIELD AT AKROS JULY 15: The Southwestern League has dwindled down to three Alvord, 3b... 533" 6 0 Williams,' If.- 411- McCar'y.rf.p 52121 1 Cleveland.Sb 633 2 30 BRADFORD. Atl.R. B. I'. A. El ALTOONA. AB.B. B. P. A. • TOPrftA. AB. P..B. P. A.E LINCOLN. AB.R.B P AE MANSMKI.D. AB.R.B. P. A. El AKRON. AB.R.B. P. A. E clubs—Little- Rock, Hot Springs and Fort Smith—tho Sutcliffe.rf...„.!»,.m<:,ii...« 500 » .. . 0 0 Maskr. y, rf. 4 0 0 610 4 1200 1 McCaul'y,lb 6 13801 Riley, rf...... 512 0 10 Douagh'e, cf 6 1 1 0 00 Bteariis,lb... 5 1 3 7 0 0 Hall, cf.... 522 2 00 Reyuolds, If 6 1 0 1 0 0 mil, 3b...... 513 0 21 Veach,lb..... 4 0 3 14 0 4 0 0 10 00 O'Conn'll.lbS 1 3 4 0 ljSiockwdl,c.. 0 1 5 363 Allen,3b...... 5 1 3 3 3 1 Wood", rf...... 6 2 3 0 00 5 1 0 1 ---•'• -' - - Pine Bluff, Springfield and Webb City clubs havinj dis­ 0 0 Beckley, lb.. 4 1 4 10 10 Yaik, C...... 4 0 0 4 1 0 Lersb.rf...... 5 I 1 2 00 banded. At a meeting held on July 16, James F. Whitely, cf.. 5 0 0 3 00 Roussey,ss... 400 1 30 Dorau,3b..... 5 1 2 2 2 l;Pickett, ss... 6 0 0 211 Dooley, cf.... 511 0 01 Virtue, lb.... 5 1 3 12 10 Gol,rf4 2 1 1 2 l:Sowdcn,rf... 6 4 3 111 Doe, 88...... 5 0 2 2 3 2,Zoc!ier, ss.... 4 0 0 161 Johnson, 3b. 52320 0;Ro»o, 2b... 622 2 13 Wes'lake,3b 4 1 0 3 0 0 Darrow,2t>... 6 1 2 0 10 schedule waa adopted: Wells, p...... 423 0 20 Broughton.c 310 6 10 Sagle, c...... 4 1 1 6 2 1 Duryoa, p.... 5 2 1 040 Creegan, lb.. 4 0 0 10 0 0 Blncksl'k.Sb 410 2 11 Coco ay, rf... 6 0 2 1 0 3 Dolan, c...... 6 2 3 420 O'Brien, rf... 4 1 3 2 1 2 McAleny, c. 5 0 1 311 Sage, c...... 4 0 1 1 0 OShenkol.p... 3 1 1 030 SB. 1 0 0 1 10 Total...... 531921t26i7 9 Cnllahau, c.. 4 1 I 4 0 1 Dektuey, 2b_ 4 0 1 141 Ardntr, 2t._ 50136 l! Uoover, If... 611 1 Q 0 LITTLE ROCK—At home—With Fort Smith, July 19, Shannon, Freer, lb..... 4 0 1 10 0 0 Campbell, cf 5 0 2 3 00 20, 25,26; Aug. 22, 23, 27, 29; Sept. 16, 21, 21 With Total...... 42 9 17 27 16 4 Total...... 33 3 4 27 15 1 Total...... 42121ii-231314 Sweeney, p.. 3 2 1 2 5 0 Sharp, c...... 412 4 21 Sullivan, p... 60008 O' 613 6 40 Foremau, p.. 4 0 0 0 41 Osborne, p... 411 1 40 Townsend, U 4 2 3 4 p l.Saudeiv, p.... 300 2 41 Kenyon c..... 60172 1 Hart, p...... 611 1 20 Hot Springs, July 16,18; Aug. 6, 6,12,13; Sept. 8, 15, Des Moines...... 1 0200033 0—9 *Pickett out for not touching Ihird. >eigbt'u,2b 400 4 32 Mitchell, lb. 4 1 2 13 00 30; Oct. 1, 7. 8. Milwaukee...... 0 0000012 0—3 •fSbaff'T out for interfering with fielder. Total...... 39814, 27 136| Total...... 3981*327 17? Tol»l...... 4581324 16 o! Total...... 44 131327 K 6 Total...... 37 4 3 27126 Total...... 43 7 16 27 10 2 FORT SMITH—-•(« Aom«—With Little Bock, July 30; -:—Dea Moines 6, Milwaukee 1. Two- Oatiliosb...... 1 143010 2-12 Bradford...... 00114101 0—8 Topeka...... 310010003—8 Munsfield...... 01101001 0—4 Aug. 1, 2, 3, 31; Sept. 1, 2, 26, 27, 28. With Hot )ase hita—Wells, Sago and Forster. Three-base hits St. Paul...... 2803810.-X—19 — Altoona...... 01000000 1—8 Idocolu...... 0 0 4 0 S 2 1 1 x—13 Akron...... 42000000 1—7 Springs—Aug. 8, 9,10; Sept. 10, 12,13; Oct. 3, 4, 5. —Alvord, Van Dyke and Williams. Double plays — Earned rum— Oshkosh 4, St. Paul 2. Three-base Earned runs—Bradford 4, Altooca 1. Two-baso hits Earned runs—Topcko 5, Lincoln 7. First oil balls_ Karned runs—Manpfleld 2, Akron 2. Two-baao hits HOT SPRINOS— At home—With Little Bock, Aug. 18, Alvord, La Roque and Veach; Romaey and Forater, hits—Burns, McCarthy, Boy, Wilnut, Cleveland, JIo —Sweeuey, Townacr.d, Wood, Brodie. Bise» on lulls- Three each. Three-base h'ts—Kowe, Hart. Hom« run —O'Brien, Freer, Lersch, McAleny. Double play— 19, 20; Sept. 5, 6, 7; Oct. 13,14,15. With Fort Smith, Hull and Forster. Stolon bosea—Des Moines 7, Mil­ Cuuioy, Stockwell, Sowdera and Duryca. First on Alien, Donaghue, Virtue. Homo run—Virtue. Stolen —Beckley. Double play*—Sullivan, Arducr, Stearns Preer. Stoleti bases—Mansfield 3, Akron 2. Bases on July 21, 22, 23; Aug. 24, 25, 26; Sept. 17,19, 20. waukee 1. Struck out—By Shenkel 1. Bases on balls balls—Bnrdick 3, McCarthy 1, Duryca 2. Stolen bases basee—Bradford 8, Altoona 1. Struck out—Bradford 3, Struck out—By Sullivan C, by Hart 1. Firet on balls— balls—B v Fcrctuan 2, by Osborno 2. Paased balls— In addition to this schedule » series of exhibition —Off Wells 1, off Shenkel 2. Hit by pitcher—By —Oshkosh 6, St. Paul 3. Struck out—Oshkosh 2, Altoona 2. Hit by pitcher—Bohauuon, Sweenoy. Topeka 2, Lincoln 1. TaE^ed balls—Keuyon 2, Dolan McAleuy 3, Yaik 1. Wiid pitchc»—Foreman 1. Um- games between the cluba of the League hnve been Sh»nkel 1. Passed balls—Sage 1, Broughtou 1. St. Paul 4. Wild pitches—McCarthy 1, Duryea 1. Passed tails—Calihan 5, Sharp l^WiU pitches—Swee­ S. WUd pitehea-Sullhau 2, Hart 1. Uuipire—Hjgau. oiix— arranged to be nlaveU at I'uie Bluff. W. ~~ Wild pitches—Shenkel L, Umpire—Brtnuau, F»ss<>d balls—Nagle 3, StcckwoiL 2. Umpire— Puwaw. ney 1, Sandcri 2. Umpire—D«cker.


1—7 Newark...... 10001200 0—4 Earned runs—Lowell 7, Portland 1. Two bate hit ford 5, Waterbury 8. Struck out—Hartford S, Water- HAMILTON vs. TORONTO AT HAMILTON JULY 14: Rochester...... S0001002 4. Passed balls—Dowse 1. Smith 2. Wild pitcbai Newark...... 01020000 0—3 Buffalo...... 00010600 1—7 —Kennedy, Three-base hit—Djiffy. Home runs— bury HAMILTON. AB.B. B. P. A.B TORONTO. AB.B. B. P. A. E 3. First on bails—Cline, Earned runs—Buffalo 5. Two-base hit—Grant. Lufberry, Lovely, Kennedy, Sullivan. First on balls— —Gruber 2. Umpire—Begley. 5230 6012 Eirned rum—Rochester BASE BALL. Hainey, 3h.. 3 0 Alberts, SB... Bakley 2, Morrison, Kennedy, McGlune, Connors, Au- Home run—Lthane. Double plays—Reidy, Grant and Thayer, Smiivan, Harmott. Struck out—Lovely 2, N. HAVEN vs. DASBURY AT N. HAVEN JULY 14i Manaell, cf... 1224 1 0 Slattery, If... 4112 nis, Fields 2. Struck out—By Bakley 2, by Hu,-bei 3. Lcliane; Fields aud Smith. First on balls—Esterday, Small 3, Bums, Cudworth. Double play—Lnfberry, NEW HAV'N. AB.R. i. P. A.E DANBURY. AB.RtB. P. A.B Wright, rf.... 5120 1 2 Decker, 3b... 4221 1, Hamburg, Galligan. O'Konrke 2. Struck out—By Dicktrson, Shoenick. Pasaedball—Thajer. Hit by Bums, If.....6 1 1 2 0 0;Shay, c...... 644 4 11 Colling, 2b... 4016 4 1 2 10 2 Two-base hit—Ximnier. Passed balls—Zimmer INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. 1 1 Faati, lb..... Darby 1. Umpire—Hoover. Hughes 7. Wild pilches—Fanning 5. Stolen bases- pitcher—Ar.drus. Stolen bases—Lowell 3, Poitland 1. Millon, cf... 623 2 0 0|Cinuell, 3b. 6 34 I 40 Knight, If.... 402 1 00 M'Oorm'k.rl 4210 Newark 1, Buffalo 2. Umpire—Daily. Umpire—Puinney. Tioy, 2b...... 623 4 5 3 Briggs, lb..... 6 2 2 14 01 as... 4 0 1 0 2 0 Oilman, cf... 4 0 1 2 BUFFALOVS. JERSEY CITY AT BOFFALO JULY 18: Games to be Played. Phillips, B. P. A.I BINOHAMT'N vs.TORONTO AT BiNflBA's JULY 20: 1'halon, lb... 503 7 1 1 Cain, cf...... 6 2,3 001 Moore, lb.... 4 1 1 13 10 OWfleld c.... 4124 BUFFALO. A8.B.B. P. A. E JERSEY C'Y. AB.B. Games Flayed Jnly 18. £ flVT..., I.-,,-,-> 1* £ >k . J A .in July 25, 26, Buffalo vs. Syracuse at Buffalo. 10 Hiland, rf... 422 BiytJHAM'N. AB.R. B. P. A.EI TORONTO. AB.R.B. P. A.E Taylor, p.... 5010 6 0 Manlove, If.. 6 3-4 0 0 Warner, c..... 411 4 00 Kearns, 2b... 4116 Ilemsen, cf.. 4 2 2 4 AT PORT­ Crowley, rf.. 6111 0 0[gullivan, se.. 6 2r2 " 25, '26, Rochester vs. Scranton at Rochester. Horner, p.... 4 0 0 0 7 IjBaker, p...... 4 0 0 1 Esterday, ss. 4 1 2 2 32 0 BriOD, lb.. 511 Gilks,3b...... 5 1 2 0 1 0! Alberts, ss... 5 2 3 2 32 PORTLAND vs. HAVERHILL-BLUES i a " 25, 26, Utica vs. Jersey City at Utica. Lehane, lb... 403 7 00 Brown, If.... 512 Ely, 2b...... 5 2 1 0 4 llsiattery, If... 5 2 2 1 00 LAND JULY 18.—Score: Haipin, sa..... 5313 3 3!Clwdwick,2b5 2,> 7 1 *' 25, 26, Bingllauiton vs. Newark at Binghamton. Total./.... 38713 271641 Total"..... 37811 27 173 1 0 1 PecKer, if... 5 2 2 2 01 Murphv, c... 5234 3 O'St.mten'g, rf6 00 0—7 Hamburg, rf 4 0 0 2 01 Corcoran,3b. 6130 5 1 2 PORTLAND. AB.B. B. P. A. E HAV-BLUEg. AB.B.. B. " 27, 28, Scrftnton vs. Syracuse at Scrantou. Hamilton...... 20140000 Galligan, If. 4 0 0 3 0 0 Sowdrn, cf... 6 0 3 Lyons, If...... 512 5 00 Faatz, lb..... 5 2 2 10 01 Flyi,n,3b.... 5121 20 Mouroe, p... 4 3. ^ 0 40 Toronto...... 30000122 0—8 " •" "•--- Amlrus, if... 4 1 1 4 1 0, 8d. 3 1 0 " 27, 28, Buffalo YS. Utica at Buffalo. Grant, 2b.... 4014 2 2 Muldoon,2b. B 0 1 Casoy, rf...... 512 1 o 0|M'Corm'k,3b 611 0 20 Dickers'n,2b 612 1 0 Manning, rt. 6 0 0 Tolal...... 4gl< 18 21 20 7 Total...... 51 2iti5 2717* 28, Itochester vs. Biughamtou at Rochester. Earned runs—Bamilton 3, Toronto 4. First on balls " 27, Two-base Reidy, 3b..... 401 0 1 0 Murj.hy.c.... 501 Stranb, lb... 5 0 2 11 0 IjKoarns, 2b... 5 0 2 420 Hatfl'd,3b,p. 5 1 1 3 1 Mahoney, cf. 4 0 2 New Haven...... 2 3 1 04 0 1)1 0—U " 27, 28, Hamilton vs. Jersey t'ity at Hamilton. —Off Bamay 3. Sit by pitcher— Mansell. Tomney, es.. 4010 8 20 5 90402 3o 0 x 23 hits—Knight, Warner ans,p... 422 1 4 1 Tomuey, ss... 5 2 3 Jacoby, cf.... 512 3 00 Burke, If..... 5112 0 Hamilton and Binghamtnn are respectively Bittman, 2b. 534 6 4 0 Quinn, c...... 6 1 1 4 3 Marr, rf...... 5 00300 Oaterhout,rf 4 002 1 0 Morrison, rf. 502 0 0 llO' 5 2 4 0 She.'ban, Clare. Wild pitches—Lally 2. Passed balls M.Sulli'n,3b5 2 3 0 olMillon.. cf...... 5 2* 2 0 0 seventh and eighth, while the tivo Pennsylvania 5 1 , of...... 4021 1 0 Brown, If.... 6 3 3 0 0 —Duffy 2, Murphy 2. Double play—Duffy, Shoenick. Johnaon.rf... 5 2 2 0 0 Troy, 2b...... 6 IjU 030 Shellliase,—...—, o.„.„-,, 5 2 3 3 0 2 Green, p...... 4 0 0 Lynch, lb..... 5 1 3 14 00 Jones, 3b..... 411 2 42 3 0 arc floundering at the tail. Scranton 8 Beard, ss..... 5231 0 0 McGu' 4 1 2 11 00 5 1 1 II 0 o'Corcuran,3b. 5 1 2 Umpire—Lynch. Stafford,, If...... 4 0 2 0 llPbah'n,, lb...... 6 1 -3 203 additions Total...... 49162227 1641 Tolal...... 43 914 2"7 17 Knowlts,2b. 4122 Sowders, cf.. 512 0 0 seventh and Wilkesbarre last. Wilkes- Syracuse...... 00106420 4—16 Simons,If....5 J 1 2 0 0 Lavin, cf..... 4111 0 1 Fan-ell, 2b... 40021 IjCrowley, rf.. 4 1 ^ 13 0 1 being 3 0 SlcGlone,3b. 4 013 Muldoon,2b. 421 1 1 Games Played July 19. Hackett,ss... 410 1 9 u Liary, 3b..... 4 O'O 1 00 barre entered the race on the 15th, handicapped Binriiamton ...... 7 01000001—9 Higgins, p... 6120 4 1 Cox, ss...... 4001 400 2 1 Baitin, 31).... 5021 3 0 Schriver, c... 403 5 2 0 Connors, If... 1 SInrphy, c... 402 LOWELL vs. LAWRENCE AT LOWELL JULY 19: Dowd, cf.._ 422 4 0 0 Halpiu, ss.... 4126 5 0 but, judging from the Earned runs—Syracuse 7, Binghamton 7. Tliree- Zimmer, c... 311 600 Titcomb, p... 400 6 0 2 2- with Utica's poor record, 2, Bittnun, 2k 4 0 0 5 4 0 Simmotis,2b. 401 6 4 0 AB.R.B. P. A. ElLAWRENCE. AB.R. B. P. "" Keefe, p...... 401 8 2 IVuff, c...... 4 134 lase hit—Tomney. Two-baso hits—Beard, Kappel 412 0 10 Lang, ss...... 412 3 40 LOWELL. display so far made, is not likely to remain at Tomney, Quinn and My. First on bails—Off H'ggins Shellhase, c. 4 1 0 1 3 0 Meakiu, p... 4 0 0 0 30 Bakley, p.... Lovely, 3b... 41032 2 Campaua, 3b 4 0 0 2 Collins, c..... 400 3 3 OJ fi zgeiald, p 4 Oil 70 the bottom long. The record is up to July 20, 1, off Grten 2, off Ely 2. Struck out—By lliggins 3, Total...... «613 30 1411 Total...... 374 9 30 17 3 Total...... 38 412 24 11 ll Total...... 411016 27 12 2 4 1 1 13 0 8 100 Total...... 35 7 11 24 16 3 Total...... 40 8 16 27 17l Rochester...... 000400000—4 Cudworth, cf 5 003 New Haven...... 70000010 0—8 «-, H ^ by Green 2, by Ely 1. Hit by pitcher—By Green 1, by Syracuse...... 000000121 2—6 0 OlIlHmilton,lb4 1 2 13 «• M M 2"i" 1? 3 Jersey City...... 20301400 x—10 Duffy, if...... 6120 Hartford...... 20100011 2 T CLCBS. c • ~ f 1 ? 1 J3 o" $ Hisgiuu 1. Wild pitches—Higgins 2, Ely 2. Passed Scranton...... 200000101 0 * 0 0|Dcnovan,cf. 5 211 f*. I B Q w P EC a I balls—Siielllmse 2. Bases stoleo—Syracuse 11, Bing- Earned runs—Syracuse 2, Scranton 3. Two-bate Earned rims—Rochester 2, Jersey City 3. ~Fir?t on HiggiUj,2b... 5 1 1 2 6 2!Burke, If.....6 010 Earned runs—Xew Ha?on 5, Hartford 2. Two-base hamtou 3. Umpire—Pearce. hits—Higgi-isaud Lavin. Struck out—By Hiygins 1, balls—Morrison 2, Lewis, Knowlej, "McGlone, Bakley Kennedy, If.. 4 1 1 1 0 OiHenry, rf..... 6131 hits—Burns, Phalon. Three-base hit—Sullivan. Buffalo ...... 1 4 4 3 0 6 4 6 6 34 .586 bv Meakiu 2. Double vlay—Higgins, Biltmnn and 2, O'Brien 2, Brown and Lang. Struck out—By Tit- Sullivan, c... 321 5 2 3lKurre'll, c..... 402 ~ Double plays—Hulpin, Taylor; Fan-oil, Biady, Collini. Biiighamton...... 4 3 1 2 2 0 1 1 7 21 .437 Games Played July 15. Lynch. Passed balls—Shellliase 2, Schriver 1. Stolen comb 2, by Bakloy 1. Two-base hits—Kennedy, Lung 110 0 3 1! Murphy, 3b.. 6 002 Stolen bases—Hartfoid 4, Neiv Haven 8. Bases on Hamilton ...... 3, 3 1 2 3! 4 5 4 2 27 .490 basis—Syracuse 3, Scranton 3. Umpire—Emslie. and Muruhy. Home run—Knowlos. Passed balls— Meade, p...... 321 0 6 6jTurner, p..... 400 0 balls—H'u'tford 1, New H .ven 4. Struck out—New Jeraoy City ...... 4! 4 4 2 2 2 0 6 26 ,510 ROCHEST'RVS.JfiRSEYVYATRoCHES'RjuLYlS: 3. Hit by pitcher—Lewis and Zimmer. Um­ Passed AB.R.B. P. A E JULY 18: Zimmer Total...... 3ll07 2719HI Total...... 39 5~92418~13 H.ivcn 2, Hartford 5. Wild pitch—Fitzgerald. Kewark...... 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 6 34 .M3 ROCHESTER. AB.R. B. P. A. T, JF.RSKY c'T. BIXOHAMTONVS.HAMILT'NATBINGH'X pire—Hoover. Umpire—Brady. Cline, ss...... 51223 IJHiland, 2b... 400 5 32 HAMILTON. AB.B. B. P. A. EjBINQHAM'N. AB.B. B. P. A.E Lowell...... 13002013 x—10 ball—Collius. ficnmton...... 2 0- 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 a .300 010030001—5 WATERBURY vs. DASBUKY AT WATE'Y JuLTlSi Kocliester...... 3 1 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 1 28 .509 Morrison, rf. 4 0 2 2 0 OiO'Brien, lb... 412 8 00 K«iney, 3b._ 4 0 1 3 6 0 Gilks.Sb...... 4 0 1 221 Lawrence...... Lewis, cf...... 51110 OJBrown, rf.... 421 0 00 Hansel!, cf..." 412 0 0 OEly,2b...... 4 0 0 440 Earned runs—Lowell 4. Home runs—Higgins, Hart- WAT'RBURY. AB.R. B. P. A.K,UAXBURY. AB.R.B. P.A.I Syracuse...... li 6 1 4 3 3 3 4 5 301 .GOO NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE. 63311 l|Si ay, lb ..... 5 U 1 12 01 ...... 3 4 2 4 28 .519 Knowles 2b.. 42223 OiCorcoran,3b. 403 1 40 Wright, rf... 402 020 West, cf...... 300 2 00 nett. Two-base hits—Duffy, Kenoedy. Three-base hit Kei.uer,3b... Toronto.... 3 5 2 1 4 cf... 4 0 1 311 —Duffy. Passed balls—Sullivan 3. Wild pitches- Wheeler, If... 6 3 5 1 0 l.Doun'y, rf.lf 6 1 1 0 00 \Vilko3barre ...... 0 1 4 0 0 4 3 2 1 15 .277 McGlone, 3b. 4 0 2 2 1 ll-owders, Collins, 2b... 4 0 1 4451 Lyons, If.....3 01100 The Kecord. Counors, if... 4 0 0 3 0 SIHnston, If... 4 0 1 001 Knight, If... 3012200 Ciisey, rf...... 301 1 00 Mead..! 1, Turner 2. First on balls—Campana, Lovely, Peltit, ss...... 6 1 3 2 6 Ojt'unnell, 3b..2 1 1 1 00 of the weaklings, Haverhill and 3, Meade, Kay 2, Hamilton, Campion,lb. 6 1 2 17 0 liBriggs, c.... 534 5 20 Total lK>9t...... 24 27 28 24 18 21 27 20 23 39 251 Zimmer, c... 41242 OIMurphy, c... 400 8 00 Phillips, se... 301 0400 Straub, lb... 3 0 1 11 30 The dropping Farrell, Sullivan, Toffling Humph's,lb. 4 1 1 10 1 OJ Utcomb, p... 400 1 90 Moore, lb.... 3 0 1 14 0 0 Tomney, M.. 3 0 0 0 00 Salem, and the transfer of the Boston Blues to Hartm-tt. S'oleu bases—Loweli 4, Liwreuce 5. Struck Hamilton, rf5 1 2 0 0 0 C.iin, cf...... 4 1 0 1 10 Henry, Hig­ fUitltz, 2b..... 5 1 0 0 2 OMaulj'e,!f,3b4 1 2 421 Games riayed July 13. Bakley, p.... 4 0 0 1 4 0 Laug, ss...... 4 0 1 130 Warner, c... 301 4 3 0 Quinn, c...... 301 3 20 Haverhill, has had the effect of better equaliza­ out—Turner 2, Meade 2, L ,vely, Toffling, 3 0 1 1*0 gins. Double play—Meade, Sullivan, Lovely. Umpire Theison, cf... 4 2 0 0 0 2 Sullivan, S3. 4 0 0 3 28 vs.NEWARK AT JEUS'YC'Y JULY! 2: Tolal...... 38 612 27 145 Total...... 363 9 27 10 1 Jones, p...... 3 0 0 0 4 0 Jacobs, p.... tion and renewed interest in the struggle. Port­ JERSEY C'Y Rochester...... 20000031 0—6 Total...... 31 110 27 241 Total...... 290 6*25 15 1 —Pbinney. - Guehrer, c... 6 1 2 6 5 i;Cbadwick,2u 4 0 1 2 41 C'Y. AB B. B. P. A. B are NEWARK. AB.R. B. p. A. l| JERSEY Cily...... 00000102 0—X out in ninth inning. land is still first, but Lowell and Manchester MANCHESTER vs. LYNN AT MANCH'R JULY 19: O'Connell.p. 6 2 2 0 9 0, Monroe, rf.... 3 0 1 Oil rf... 4 0 0 6 1 0 Hilnnd,2b... 6 1 2 120 Joisey •Only one man Coosan, on pushing the champions hard. The Haverhill- MAXCHE8. AB.a. B. P. A.81 LTNN. AB.R.B. P. A.Z Total...... 48152027236 Firth, rf,3b... 1 0 0 0 00 4 0 1 0 01""- " """ Earned runs—Rochester 4, Jersey City 1. First Binghamton...... 00000000 0—0 Annis, If...... Struck out—By Bikley 1—1 lost ground, but are still fourth. Shefller, cf... 230 2 0 OiLynch.lf...... 3 10410 ICa^en, p.... 301 5 8 * Stnart, 2b....4 00441 bails—Zimmt r and Corcoran. Hamilton...... 00000000 Blues have 1, by Titc..mb7. Two-base hits—Zimmer, Cliuo and Passed balls—Quinn 2, Warner 4. First on balls- Lawrence and Lynn are struggling with each Ellls.p...... 611 0 4 5;Leij;htoii, cf. o 1 2 0 1 ! Total...... 40 f 12 27 20i Irwiu, 3b..... 300 0 10 Curcoru'n,3b. 511 and Corcor^u. 3, Coughlin, 3b 4 2 I 3 2 0 Spill,ss...... 612 1 1 Waterbnry...... 10320231 3—15 Bro»n, rf.... 522 M(.Glone. Three-base hits—Brown Off Jacobs 4, off Jones 1. Struck out—Bingbamton other at the bottom, Lawrence at this writing Fields, lb.... 3 0 0 10 11 Home run—Lewie. Double plays—.Lang, Hiland aud Hamilton 1. Doullo plays—Quinn and Straub; Straub Cnrney, lb... 621 7 0 O1 611 1 3 Danbury...... 200002030—1 Henry, cf, p. 3 0 0 2 10 Sowders, cf.. 5143 O'Brien, 2. Passed balls—Murphy 1. Wild pitches— and Ely; Ely and Straub; Phillips, Collins and Moore. having slightly the best of it. The record is up T:ask, 2b..... 612 7 2 IjTerrien, rf... 401 300 Earned runs—Waterbury 5. Two-base hits—Gueh­ Deiby.c...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 Mniphy, c... 5 1 0 Bakley 1. Hit by pitcher—Morrison. Stolen bases— Stolen bases—Hamilton 2. Umpire—Pearce. to July 20 inclusive. M<-l)erm't,ss 622131 3 2iSpragne, p... 3101310 513 rer, Hamilton, Briggs. Three-base hit—Cdiupion. Smith, ss..... 302 1 10 Titcomb, p... 602 Canavan, If,. 4 0 2 2~ 1 0,0'Brien, 2b. 41114 1 1 Stolen bases—Waterbury 8, Danbury 2. Bases on ball! cf 301 1 30 Bochester 6, Jersey City 3. Umpire—Visnor. r* f •fl Hughi-s, p, Lang, ta...... 500 vs. SCRANTON AT UTIOA JULY 15: Games Played July 19. a a rT a £ 3 Williams, rr. 3 1 0 0 0 liStone, c...... 402 4 33 — Wuterbury 2, Daubury 2. Hit by pitcher—'L'helson. 30 0 4 27 12 3 Total...... 461016 27 21 1 UTICA OHJB3, e Danbury 7. Double play— Tolal...... B. P. A.E 6CRANTON. AB. R. B. P. A.E SCRANTON vs. SYRACUSE AT SCRANTOS JULY 19. S i" f P 3. Dunu, c...... 51154 2|Uorcoran,3b. S 1 0 2 10 Struck out—Waterbury 4, Newark ...... 000000000—0 UTICA. AB.B. as" f a I § balls—Guourer 1, Br.ggp 22 4ll5l027161l| Total...... 36 7 9 271524 Guehrer, Campion. Passed City...... 00000532 0—10 Curroll, If... 611 6 01 Burke, ss..... 622 3 —Fourteen innings. Score: Total...... Jersey 501 1 00 AB.R.B. P. A.I Manchester...... 00161002 3 13 9. Umpire—Begley. Earned runs—Jersey (Jity 5. Sirnckout—Newark 8, Hengle,2b... 512 3 21 Osteihout,rf. SCRASTOS. AB.R. B. P. A.EI SYRACUSE. Haverhill-Blues...... 7 5 t, 6 6 3 8 35 m\ S-«y, 3b...... 5 3 4 2 1 1 Jones. 3b..... 5 2 2 301 Burke, If...... 7 2020 0 Jacoby, cf... 713 7 01 Haverhill...... 0 3 4 17 _ Lynn...... 004210000—7 Jersey City 3. Wild pitcbes—Hughes 1. Double 8 00 1 Manchester 2, Lynu I. Two-base hits Games Played July 16. First on balls—Hi- Griffin, cf... 512 3 00 401 Ostorhont.rf. 6121' 1 1 Marr, rf...... 721 5 10 Lawrence...... 5 7 1 3 3 3 5 443 Earned runs— plays—Smith, Stuart and Fields. rt'5 2 3 Lavin, If...... 400 0 10 Canavan, Dunn, Leighton, O'Brien, Stone. AT DANB'Y JULY 18: land, Hutjtuii, Sowders and Titcomb. Two-baso hits— Broutbt-re, 310 Jones, 3b..... 7 012 3 1 Lynch, lb... 7 0 5 14 01 Lowell...... 5 7 7 9 1 4 7 40 (Wfi —Coughlin, DANBUHY vs. WATERBCRY 5 30 Three-base hit— McDennoit. Passed balls — Stone, 2, [ WATERB'Y. AB.R.B P Al Huatou and Sowders. Passed balls—Dtiby 3. Stolen Duun, lb..... 512 800 CrosJey, c... 412 7 1 1 24 0 0 Beard, ss...... 7 0 2 Lynn...... 1 3 8 fl 6 9. 7 n 430 DAMBUHY. AB.R.B. P. A. E Oojt, ss...... 512 161 Schriver, cf.. 4 0 1 5 00 602 1 0 0 Simons, If.... 713 Dunn 1. Wild pitch— Sprague. First on balls— Shef- Sh ly, c...... 4 1 3 1 0 OjBenticr, 3b-4 1 1 311 bases—Newark 1, Jersey City 7. Umiiln—Emslie. Manchester ...... 4 6 7 7 7 3 6 40 634 Williams 2, DeMianty, p 5 0 1 020 Simmons,2b. 401 1 40 Oberlan'r, p. 6 1 2 0 13 0 Pnndon, p... 700 5 6 8 44 ,709 fler, Coughlin 2, McDeimolt, Cauavan, Bnggs, If...... 413 0 Omhteler, If. 4 120 1 0 BlNGHAMTON VS. SYRACUSE AT BlNO's JULY 12: Portland...... 7 6 5 7 Spraguo. Stolen bases — Manchester Sixsmith, c.. 5 0 3 400 Backer, p.... 411 1 30 Schriver, c... 613 6 22 Batlin, 3b... 700 •SaUim...... 1 5 1 1 1 0 10 Lynch 2, Terrien, Cam, cf...... 410 0 0 1',-ttit, ss...... 4 114 40 BINGHAJl'N.AB.R.B. P. A. E : SYRACUSE. AB R. B. P. A. B Total...... 39611 27 133 Col,2b...... 6 01 3 42 Bitlman, 2b. 7 2 1 15, Lynn 4. Struck out — Shefller, Carney, Canavan, Manlove, 3b. 403 2 0 Campion,lb.. 4 0 2 10 0 0 1 00 Total...... 46101927114 OilliS,"'" 3b...... 5"" --- 0 3 - 1 2 Jacoby, cf.... 6 0 1 2 0203020 1—10 Shoup, ss..... 602 3 71 Buckley, c... 701 Leighton, Spill. Hit by pitcher— Sbeffler 3, Coughlin, Sullivan, s". 400 3 1 Hamilton, rf 4 0 1 3 11 Ely, 2b...... 500 6 2 Mair, 3b...... 5 33180 Utica...... ToUl Lost...... 23J41 34 20 37 23!l8 45 241 Scruuton...... 2H0000013— 6 Total...... 57614 42 307 63 6 16 42 18 4 Corcoran. Double play— Lynch, O'Brien. Umpire — Cbadwick,2b4 0 0 2 0 S allz, p...... 411 0 30 West, cf...... 501 0 0 0; Lynch, lb.... 5 1 1 12 02 Total..... Ferson. Earned runs—Utica 9. First on balls—Scranton 1, Scranton...... 2100000200001 0—6 Firth, rf...... 411 0 1 Quirk, 2b...... 400 1 21 Casr-y, if...... 4121 0 IjBeard, ss..... 5 12131 1. Two-base bits— Games Played July 14. PORTLAND vs. HAVERHILL-BLUES AT POET- Dcjnuelly,lb 4 0 0 13 0 Oj Guehrer, cf.. 4 1 1 1 00 Lyons, If...... 4212 6 Olsimone, If.... 511 3 00 Utica 2. Struck out—Sciantou Syracuse...... 2110010000001 0—6 Say, Griffin, Croseley and Backer. Three-b»so hits— Earned runs—Scranton 2, Svracme 2. Two-base LYNN vs. PORTLAND AT LYNN JULY 14. Score: LAND JULY 19. — Score: Monroe, p... 40025 OjSmith, c...... 301 6 20 Straub, lb... 4 0 0 13 0 0, Murphy, if... 6 01200 Say, Osterhout and Jones. Double plays—Crossley and hit—Mc- 36410*28 12 2| Total...... SS 5 1027 14 S Tomney, ss.. 4122 6 2 Dundon, p... 513 0 31 bib—Simons 3, Osterhout 1. "Three-base POBTIAND. AB. R. B. P. A.E LYNN. AB.R.B. P. A. K PORTLAND. AB.R. B. P. A. B 'HAV-BLUIS. AB.a. B. P. A B Total...... Siinmon*; Dtlohanty, Hengle aud Duun. Stolen bases Guii-k. Home run—Scbrivor. Struck eut—By Dun- Andrus.rf..... 632 2 11 622 2 3 3 Andrus, rf.... 6 0 3 0 0 0 Sheehan, 8S. 6 0 1 2 30 *0ne man out when the wftfeiog run was made. Qnhin, o...... 4004 0 IjBittman, 2b. 5 0 1 3 60 6, Scrantou 1. Umpire—Emslie. and 22000000 1—\ Idadigan,.-____* p.. 4 0 1 1 olShellhase, c. 4 0 0 4 00 —Utica don 1, by Oberlauder 6. Double plays—Bittniau Dickere'n,2b 633 2 11 Bresna' 5 1 2 12 0 1 Dickors'u,2b6 2 2 6 4 liMaimiug, rf. 5 0 3 10 Wateibury...... vs. TORONTO AT SYRACUSE JULY 15: Lyncb; Bittman, Beard and Lynch; Marr aud Buck- 4121 Hatfield, 3b. 4 3 2 1 1 1 ' Bradley, If.... 6 1 1 Danlurv...... 20100010 0—1 Total...... 39410 27 1681 Total...... 44713 2"7 144 SYIIICUSE Hatfield, 3b. 240 1 21 0 0 00 SYBACt'SE. ABB. B. P. A.E TORONTO. AB.R. B. P. ley; Slioun and Jones. Firston balls—Jones, Jacoby, Thayer, c...... 6 4 4 3 2 1 Spill,2b ...... 5 0 1 2 4 i Thayer, c..... 6 1 2 4 0 l;Burns,3b..... 6 0 2 10 Earned runs—Danbnry 2, Wnterbury 1. Two-base Binghamton...... 00010003 0—4 2. Wild 5 1 3 hits—Maulove, Campion. Three-base hit—Shay. 0—7 Jncoby, cf.... 601 0 00 Alberts, ss... 5011 Miirr, Lynch 2. Passed balls—Sclirivtr Davin,cf...... 6 3 3 2 1 0 Lyncb,c...... 4 1 2 5 Davin, cf...... 6 0 1 2 0 OlLally, cf...... 00 Syiacuse...... 11100040 Marr, rf...... 6 2 1 0 0 0 Slattery.If... 5 1 1 3 pitches—Oberlander 3. Hit by pilcher—Osterhout. Shoenick, lb 6 3 2 14 00 Fagan.p.rf... 5020 Sboenlck, lb 4 0 1 14 2 O.Clare, lb...... 321 02 Double plays—Manlove, Chadwick, Dnunellr; Hamil­ Earned runs—Syiacuse 4, Binghamtou 1. Passed Decker,Sb... 5021 6, Syracuse 1. Umpire— Quinn, If...... 4 1 1 0 1 0 Potter,2b..... 4 0 0 ton, Pettit; Smith, Pettit. Stolen bases—Daubury 2, balls—Suellhasol. Wild pitches— Turee- Lynch, lb.... 5 2 3 12 01 Stolen basea—Scrauton Duffy, If ..... 520 3 02 Teirien, rf,p. 400 10 Beard,ss...... 5 0 1 2 2 (I Kaatz, lb..... 5 0 0 13 Emslie. Lufberry, as 5 0 0 0 12 1 Corcoran,3b. 400 Lllfberry, ss. 4 1 1 0 9 0 Murphy, c... 1 1 1 10 Waterbury 4. Bases on lalla—Campion, Hamilton. basa hit—Marr. Home runs—Dnndon and To.mey. 4 0 1 4 p...... 3 0 1 1 Passed ball—Shay. Struck out—Cam, Donnslly. Um­ First on balls—Off Madigan 4, off Dundon 2. Struck Simons, It... S 3 2 5 0 0 M'Corm'k.rf WILKESB'E vs. HAMIL'N AT WILKES'B JULY 19: Small,p...... 511 0 12 Murray, If... 422 Small, p...... 4 1 1 0 5 6, Burke, 52 Dundon, p... 5 1 2 0 4 OlGilman, cf... 4 3 2 1 WILKESB'E. AR.R. B. P. A. F.j HAMILTON. AB. R. B. P. A.E Total...... 46231527 20 9 Total...... 40713241622 Tolal...... 4Tl 9142722 B| Total...... 3651327 12 4 pire—Brady. out—Biiigliamtun 2, Syracuse 4. Double plays—Beard, Kcariw, 2b... 4121 JULY 1(5: Bittman and Lynch. Stolen bases—Biughamtou 3, Battin, 3b.... 510 2 22 Kelly, rf...... 5101 0 Oillainey, 3b... 5 1 1 Portland...... 72027600 x—23 Portland...... 01010201 4—9 HARTFORD vs. N. HAVEN AT HARTP'D 1. Umpire—Hoover. Bittman, 2b.. 524 3 31 Traffley, c... 4113 Hoover, cf... 6221 0 0 Mansell, cf... 401 Lyuu...... 100100113—7 Haverhill-BlueB...... 00010310 0—5 HARTFORD. AB.R.B. P. A. EINEW UAV'N. AB.R. B. P. A.I Syracuse c... 613 3 00 Sheppard, p. 3 2 0 0 30 lb..... 643 HAMILTON vs. BUFFALO AT HAMILTON JULY 12: Buckley, McKee, If.... 5 022 0 0 Wright, rf... 400 Earned runs—Poitland 4. Lynn 2. Two-base hits— Earned runs— Portland 7, Haverhill-Blues 3. Two- Bradv, Burns,!f,3b. 521 41 Total...... 46 U 17 27 ft 4 Total...... 39 8 10 27 17 4 Househ'r, lb 5 0 1 14 0 1 Colliiv,'2b... 410 Thayer, Davin, Shoenick, Spill, Brcsnahan. Three- basa hits — Thayer, Shoenick, Manning, Burns, Lally. M.Su'lli'u,3b7 5 5 Milloii, cf... 510 10 HAMILTON. AD.R. B p. A. K BUFFALO. AB.R B. P. A. R Syracuse...... 11011130 4—12 Sales, ss...... 5221 7 1 Knight, If... 401 bnse hit—Thayer. Home runs—Murray, Lei.'hton. Stolen bases— Portland 5, Haverbiil-Blues 5. Three- Johnson, rf.. 722 Troy, 2b...... 6 2 4 3 1 Eaiuey, 3b... 402 1 3 OE»i_rd«y,M..4 01151 111 ss... 4 0 1 Hcme run — Small. First on balls StaBord, p.... 733 3 0 I>bnl'u,n>,3b 503 3 0 If... 310 1 01 Toronto...... 020100401—8 0'Brlen,2b... 5 Phillips, First on balls—Hatfield 2, Andrus, Duffy, Leightou, base hit— Hatfleld. Man,:ell, 1 0 1 ttemneu, rf... 411 B, Toronto 2. Throe-base 501 1 11 M' 4 0 1 13 11 Struck out —Hatfield, Murphy 3, Burke. Hit by pitcher— Clare. Farrell, 2b... 7.5 2 1 400 0 1 Wright, cf.... 4 0 1 0 0 Earned runs—Syracuse Scbweit'r,3b Lynch. First on illegal delivery—Davin. 1 Lehaue, lb.. 4 0 0 13 00 Kearnsand Pecker. Two-base hits— 4 2 2 8 0 1 Moore, c...... 4 0 3 720 2. out— Shoeuick, Small, Manning, Clare. Wild Hackett, ss... 7 1 3 5 0 Crowley, rf.. t 0 0 01 2b... 400 4 0 ll»ml,urg,rf. 4 0 1 hits—Bnckley 2, Fitz,imm's,c —Murray, Shoenick, Hit by pitcher—Hatfield Struck Oollius, 6 Dundon, Bittman, Oilman, Kearue, McCor- 4 1 3 0 70 Crothers, p... 411 0 10 0 2. Umpire—Lynch.) pitches-Small 1, Burke 1. Double plays— Potter, Dowd, It...... 633 0 0 llalpin, es..... 411 21 Horner, rf... 400 2 0 0 Grant, 2b...~ 401 Lynch, Warner, p... Stolen bases—Portland 5, Lynn mick and Slattery. Double plays—BittnVMi and Lynch; Total...... 43914 27 214 Total...... 373 9 27 232 IlAVERniLL-IJLUKS VS. LoWELL AT HAVER- Burns; Manning, Burns; Lufberry, Dickorsou, Shoe- Keofe,cf...... 622 Murphv, c... 400 0 30 Phillips, ss... 311 1 6 1 Gallium, If.. 4 (I 2 Kearus aud Faatz. First on brills— nick. Umpire— Lynch. Dowse,c...... 634 Fi!z'd,p,3b,li 4 000 HcQuccry,lb3 0 0 10 0 I) Roidy, 3b..... 400 Beard and Battin; Wilkesbarre...... 01203300 0—9 11 II.T. JULY 14.—Score: Off Dundon 1, off f-heppard 1. Hit by pitcher—By Total...... 69253027169 Total...... 40 0 9 27 17 S Jloore, c...... 3114 0 0 Purvie, c...... 3 0 1 Hamilton...... 00000110 1—3 LOWELL. AB.R.B. P. A. EjHAV-BLUES. AB.B. B. P. A. X Dundon 1. Struck out—By Dundon 1, by Sheppard 2. Played July 20. 61447030 0 25 Wood, p...... 302 1 4 0 Zell, p...... 3 0 1 Eirned runs—Wilkesbarre 6, Hamilton 2. Two- Lovely, cf.... 41112 lishoehan.w... 5 01121 Games Hartford...... Wild pitches—Dumlou 3, Stieppatd 1. Passed balls— base bits—McKee, Warner 2, Hoover, Phillips and New Haven...... 201100101—* Total...... 31 3 7 27 17 2, Total...... 34 1 8 24 143 Hartnott, lb 4 1 0 12 0 0 Manning, rf.. 5 01210 HAVBRHILL-BLUES vs. LOWELL AT HAVER­ Tnifiley 1. Stolen base, -Syracuse 8, Toronto 2. Um- Mansell. First on balls—Moore 2, FltsaMmmona 2, HILL JULY 20.—Score: Earuod runs—Hartford 13, New Haven 2. Tvvo-bai» illon...... _.... 0 1001001 x 3 pire—Pearco. Crothers and Rainey. Stolen bases hits—Brady, Stafford, Dowse, Troy 2, Johnson, Hack­ McQueery, McKee, Duffy, 3b...... 4120 3b..... 4 0 2 1 1 lo...... 00000100 0 1 0 Oi Burns, LOWILL. AB.R.B. P. A. EIHAV-BLUEB. AB.R. B. P. A.r. Burns. Home —Wilkesburro 7, Hamilton 7. Struck out—By Warner Higginn, 2b. 4033 3 11 Bradley, If... 401 01 ett, Dowd. Three-base hits— Karroll, runs—Buffalo 1. First on balls—Wright, Games Played July 16. Lovely, 3b... 4 2 0 1 1 l.Shoehan, ss. 4 0 0 111 balls—Bv Tavlor 1, by Fitzger- 4, by Oro'hers 6. Double play—Moore and McQneery. K»nucdy, If. 3011 4 0 1 0 run—Keefe. Ba- r 4 n n a n '—————— , u. ...i^^^^^,....,—n,,^ -ftt'aui. Tuffliug, ss... 4 Oil 6 0 Lally, p...... 400 1 25 2 2 2. Stolen bases— Ha.-tfi.rd 4J New Hsven 5~" Don bio illips. I'jllins and McQuoery. 3 ', ss...... 511 _"• 6 1'Coogan, rf... 500 0 1 BUFFALO vs. NEWARK AT BUFFALO JULY 19: Duffy, rf...... 6 0 0 Bradley, If... 4 0 0 0 0 ball— Mutphy. Wild ' U. Burns, p... 2 102 3 3 Jlahouey, c.. 1 0 0 3 00 Higgins, 2b_ 6 2 2 4 0|Flanagan,lb3 0 1 play—Hackelt, Brady. Passed 2. Stolen basea—Hamilton Morrisou.rf. 5 2 3 0 0 0 Annis, If..... 4 0 1 2 00 NEWARK. AB.R.B. A.E BUFFALO. AB.R. B. P. A. K 7 0 1 'ood 1, Zeil Total...... 32 6 9 27 13 8 Moolic, c...... 210 4 10 Kennedy, If. 532 403 pitches—Taylor 2. Umpire—Bejjley, \Jmpire—Daily. Lewis, cf...... 523 1 00 Stuart, cf..... 402 2 0 0 Coogan, rf... 501 2 0 0 Remstn, lb.. 4 0 0 13 00 0 0 Burns, 3b... 1 2 3 Kennedy,lb. 6 0 2 13 0 0 Irwin, 3b...... 4 0 0 1 4 1 Total...... •& 27 24 11 9 Guiuasso, c... 421 Lally, p...... 4001 8 6 Aimis, If...... 5 1 1 2 2 0 Ester.lay, se. 4 0 1 3 0 00023010 i 6 Games Played July 18. mes Played July 13. Knowlen, 2b. 622 2 20 Fields, lb..... 4 0 3 13 1 1 Stuart, cf..... 512 0 O^Uftcf...... 400 Lowell...... Toffling, 88... 5 3 4 Potter, cf..... 321 3 0 2 3 1 1 Haverhill-Blues...... 00002000 0—2 411 9 00 AT N. HAV'N JuLYlIM Lo vs. ROCHESTER AT BUFFALO JULY 13: McGlono..".'-. .1 0 3 530 M'Laug'n.21) 4223 0 0 Fields, lb...... 613 1 1 Oillamburg.rf. 4 1 1 1 0 Doyle, p...... 400 0 46 Murphy, c... N. HAVEN vs. DANBUHY If... 512 Earned runs—Lowell 2. Two-base bits—Higgins 1415 DASBCRT. AB.R. B. 'P. A. E NEW HAV'N. AB.R. B. P.A.I AB. R. B. p. A.E p. A. Connors, 000 Smith,us...... 4020 2 0 Irwiu, 3b...... 4112 4 0;8ranf, 2b..... 4 0 1 Total...... 4516 13 27 15 7 Total...... 35 5 7 24 Bl'FFALO. AB.a. B. 4 3 Dnffy. First on balls—Cudworth, Kennedy H Burns' Shay, rf...... 611 100 5112 6 3 3 Viianer, c..... > 0 1 230 Cautz, c...... 4016 I 0 Slovey, p.... 4 021 3 OjReidy, 3b..._4 0 2 Lowell...... 11602421 1 16 Burm, If—.. 20 ...... , ss. 5 0 1 2 0 Gardner 2, Moolic. Struck out—Lowell 3, Haverhill- Council, 3b. 613 PTion.rf. 6 230 0 0 Bakley, ...... 4 1*100 dtovey, p.... 4 01060 Smith, ss.... 401 0 2 ! Galligan, If. 4 003 Uavorhill-lilues...... 210100001—6 140 Millon, cf.... 521 2 0 0 Beraseu, cf... 612 4 0 0 Blues 2. Double plays—Gardner aud Murphy 2 c ..... 6 1 4 , cf..... 6113 0 1 Total...... 44919 27 151 Total...... 37212 2~7 143 McLau'n, 2b 4 0 0 2 3 0 Dugdale, c... 4033 Earned run—Lowell. Two-base hits—Toffling 2 Briggs, 611 Tioy, 2b...... 5 1 3 30 Lehane, lb... 512 - . 10 Passed ball—Guinasso. Wild pitches—Lally 2. Stolen Cain, cf...... 611 503 owles, 2b. 6 2 4 3 3 1 4 1 1 Rochester...... 00026100 0_9 Cantz, c...... 411 4 01 alsh, p...... 4 00 1 41 Stolen bases—Lowell 3, Haverhill-Blues 2 First on 201 Phalou, lb... 10 Hamburg.if. bases—Lowell 1, Haverhill-Bluea 3. Umpire— Manlove, If. 512 4 2 Oi Taylor, p.... 400 WcGlone,3b. 6 532 4 0 Grant, 2b... 422 6 Newark...... 0 1 C 1 0 0 0 0 0—2 40 512 27 17 3 361 8 27 165 balls—Lovely 2, Guiuasso, Sheehan, Gardner, Flaua- 41 Total...... Total...... Phinuey. Cudworth, Duffy 2 Sullivan, se. 4 3 2 200 Crowley, rf... 412 00 Connors, If... 633 0 0 nallig,in, If. 4330 Earned runs—Rochester 4. First on balls—Annis, Newark...... 00000104 0—5 gan, Potter. Struck out—Lovely, 2, Fields, McGlone 2, Bakley 2, Connors. Guinasso, Doyle, Gardner, Lally, Potter. Passed ball— Clladwick,2b 411 4 1 Haipin, ss.... 422 6 1 Zimmer, c... 635 _ 2 1 Ueidy, 3b..... 4001 McLaughlin Buffalo...... 00000000 1—1 Games Played July 15. Dounelly, lb 4 2 4 Bumph's, lb 6 1 2 11 0 0 O'Rourke, c. 4 0 1 9 .. Struck out—By Stotey 2. Two-base hit—Stuart. runs—Newark 3. Hit by pitcher—Oalligan. Guiuasso. Wild pitches—Doyle 1, Lally 1 Hit by 0 0 Murphy, c... 4116 11 Earned Umpire—McGnnuigle. Casuen, p.... 422 40' " McGuin's,3b 4 0 !J 3 01 Bakley,p.... 6 1_ 1 0 6 0:Fanniug, p...4 1 2 071 Three-base hit—Lewis. Homo run—Knowles. Passed Struck ont—Newark 2, Buffalo 1. Passed bails—Dug. MANCHESTER vs. PORTLAND AT MA'R JULY 15: pucher—Doyle. 1831 Total...... 3910f3 271810 balls—Cantz 2, Vianer 3. Wild pitches—Stovey 2 dale 1, Cants 1. Two-base hit—Fields. Stolen bases MARCHES. AB.R.B. P. A. EIPORTLANn. AB.R.B. P. A « PORTLAND vs. MANCHESTER AT PO'D JULY 20: Total...... 44132027 153 Total...... 40813 24 164 Total...... 642125 27 0500201!, x—IS Bochester...... 12023067 0 21 Bakloy 2. Stolen bases—Bochester 4, Newark 1. Um­ —BuBalo 3. Umpire—Daily. Sheffler, cf... 42130 O1 Andrus, rf.... 412 2 00 PORTLAND. AB.E. B. P. A.EI MANCHE8. AB B, B P A E Danbury...... Buffalo...... 51000202 0—10 pire—Hoover. ROCHKST'R vs.JERS'Y C'Y AT ROCHES'R JULY 19: Ellis, rf...... 5 1 2 1 0 1 Dickers'n,2b 4 0 0 841 Andrns, rf... 532 1 00 Sbeffler, cf... 500 2 00 New Haven...... 201 301001—8 2 00 Hatfield, 3b.. 401 0 30 410 2 01 Earned runs—New Haven 4, Danbury 7. Two-base Eainod runs—Rochester 15, Buffalo 6. Two-base BUKKALOVS. JERSEYCITY AT BUFFALO JULY 16: C' V. AB.B. B. P. A E Coughlin,3b 503 Dickers'n,2b 643 4 50 Ellis,rf...... ROCHESTER. AB.R.B. P. A. E| JERSEY lb... 4 0 1 11 00 Thayer, If.... 400 1 00 Sb 522 3 40 hits—Muiphy, Manlove. Three-bale hits—Burns. bits—McGlone, Connors, Zimmer, Lehane and Galli­ BUFFALO. AB.R.B. P. A.E JERSEY o'Y. AB.R. i sa...... 6 2 1 3 3 0 Hiland, rf.... 5 3 2 3 00 Carney, Hatfleld, p... 421 0 87 Coughlin, Cline, 5 0 0 3 6 4 4 0 1 100 6 2 2 12 00 Dounelly. Stolen bases—New Haven 3, Danbury 8 gan. Home runs—Morrison, Knowles and Galligan. Beinsfn-cf... 6 3 2 3 0 0 Hiland, 21)... 6 2 3 201 Morrison, rf. 5 1 4 2 00 O'Brien, lb... 5 2 3 12 00 Trask, 2b..... Thayer, 3b... 5 1101 0 Carney, lb... McDerm't,88 2 01030 Shoenick, lb 4 0 0 14 00 McDerm't,sa 412 1 42 Double playe—Halpiu, Ptialon, MtGulnuecB; Taylor, First on balls—Buffalo 2, Rochester 4. Double play— Esterday, ss. 511 3 30 O'Brien, lb. 633 6 01 Lewis, cf...... 512 2 00 Brown, If... 622 2 00 Davin, cf..... 511 0 00 Lchaue, unassisted. —"' " • "" 1,- Fanning- Lehane, lb... 633 7 00 Brown, rf.... 502 1 00 Canavan, If. 2 0 0 4 00 Duffy, c...... 401 3 13 Shoenick, lb 5 1 3 14 10 Trask, 2b... 412 1 32 Haipin, Phaloo. Struck out—Danbury 2, Ken- Ilavsi haue, unassisted. Wild pllcho-.—Bakley 50110 00 Corcoran,3b. 502 1 10 1. Hit by 8. Passe"Passed balls—Zimmer 1, O'Uourke 2. Umpire— Hamburg,rf. 634 101 Corcoran, c. 5 1 1 7 00 5011 Duim.c...... 4 0 0 3 0 2 Lufberry, ss.. 4 0 2 141 Duffy, c...... 510 7 23 Canavan, If. 3 1 I 2 00 4. Flint on balls—Danbury 4, New Haven Knnwlea, 2b. 5 2 1 3 20 Sowders, cf... Clarkson, p.. 4 0 0 0 68 pitcher—Chad wick, Sullivan. Wild pitches—Tiylor S. Sullivan. Grant, 2b..... 6213 3 0 Sowders, cf... 424 1 11 McGlone.Sb. 4 0 2 0 1 0 Hnldoon,2b. 5 0 3 1 Ferson, p.... 400 0 42 Lnfberry, ss. 5 1 1 0 60 Duun, c...... 301 4 83 7 271S13 Quiun.lf...... 603 1 01 Feraon, p.... 300 0 47 Umpire—Brudy. SCRANTON vs. UTICA AT SCRANTON JULY 13: Zell, If...... 5 223 0 1 Muldoou.ob.... ., 5-~--()2 13232 Connors, If... 6 0 0 0 0 0 Hofford, c.... 4 0 0 3 Total...... 36 3 8 27 13 9 Total...... 36 1 Keidy, 3b..._ 511 3 01 Huston, If, p. 5 0 1 Manchester...... 00001000 2—3 Total...... 451415 27 2211 Total...... 38810271816 SCRANTON. AB.R. P. A.] imcA. AB.R.B. p. A. K Visuer, c..... 50072 3'Shaw, p...... 400 2 60 Games. Played July 19. Burke, 88..... 623 4 10 Carroll, If.... 501 2 Dugdale.c... 6 114 2 0 Shaw, p, If... 501 Barr, p...... 4 1 1 1 8 l;Laug, ss...... 4 1 1 630 Portland...... ! 0 0 0 0 o'fl 0 0 1 Portland...... 37200110 0 14 p...... 5110 2, Portland 1. Two-base AT WATERBUET Osterhout.rf. 6 1 1 1 '1 '1 Heugle,2b..." ' ~ 4122- - - - Width, 3 0 Lang, s Total...... 4371228 16 4J Total...... 42815 30 122 Earned runs—Manchester Manchester...... 210110300—8 WATERBURY vs. HARTFORD Jones, 3b..... 6340 4 110 Total...... 46171627 113 Total..... 4~69f9 24159 hit—Coughlin. Home run—Ellis. Double plays— Earned runs—Portland 7, Manchester 4 Two-base JULY 19. Twelve innings. Score: 4 0 Say, 3b...... Rochester...... 000300013 0—7 Lnfberry, Uickerson 6 1 2 10 0 2|Griffln, cf.... 4 122 Buffalo...... 400000 12 1 x_17 Clarkson, Dickerson, Shoenick; bits—Dickerson, Thayer, McDermott, Traik. Three- HARTFORB. AB.R.B. P. A. B I WAl'RB'BY. AB.B. B. P. AJ Jersey City...... 230000200 1—8 McDermott2, Cana­ Laviu, If...... 6110 0 0;Brouthers,rf4 002 Jersey City...... 012000420—9 Earned runs—Jersey City 2. First on balls—Ken­ Shoenick. First on balls—Carney, base hit—Carney. Stolen bases—Portland 4, Manches­ Brady, lb..... 4 0»0 22 20 Beuner, 3b. 602 464 Oberlan'r, p. 6 1 2 1 1 Duon, lb..... 4 0 0 10 Home run—Muldoon. Two-base hits—Huston, Le­ van 2, Andrus, Dickeraon. Hit by pitcher—Shefflcr ter 7. First on balls—Uatfield, Ellis, Canavan, Dunn, Sullivan, 3b. 411 1 40 Wheeler, If. 5 0 0 2 01 6 nedy, McOlone, Birr, Ililam! 3, Brown, Muldoon and Duffy 3. Wild pitches—Clarkson Crowler, cf. 6322 0 4 033 hane, Walsh, Sowdei-n, Hamburg and Itemseu. First Lang. Struck out—By Barr 2. Two-base bits— Passed balls—Dunn, Ferson. Hit by pitcher— indrus. Struck out—Davin Johnson, rf.. 4 0 1 2 01 Pettit, ss...... 411 2 2 S Schriver, c... 6024 3 0 Sixsmith, c.. 4 0 0 3 on balls—Rrimen 3, Lehane, Zell, Sowders, Huston 2 S-ruck ont—Trask, McDermott, Ferson, Andrns, 2, Duffy, Sheffler, Carney 2, Feison 2, Divin Wild Stafford, If... 402 1 00 4 0 1 13 02 Cline, Morrison, Lewis and McGlone. Three-base hit Hatneld. Stolen bases—Manchester 6, Portland 1 3 Bimmons, 2b.6 01 5 2 O.Huffonl, p... 4 013 Shaw and Muldoon. Hit by pitcher—So*dors. Double —Morrison. Passed balls—Visner 5, Hofford 1. Um­ pitches—Halfleld 2, Ferson 1. Passed balls—Dnffy Farrell, 2b... 4 2 0 2 4 0 Hamilton, rf 4 0 1 210 play—Ksturday, Grant aud Lehane. Struck out—By Umpire—Phinney. Dunn 2. Umpire—Lynch. ' Hackett,ss... 401 0 30 Staltz, cf...... 401 5 01 Total...... 48 1~2 18 27 foil Total...... 37 310 27 It 6 pire—Hoover. JULY 15- Scranton...... 21230211 0—12 StiawS, by Walsh 4. Passed balls—Corcoran 4, Dug- BINOH AMT'H VS.TORONTO AT BINOHA'N JULY 19: LAWRENCE vs. LYNN AT LAWRENCE LAWRENCE vs. LYNS AT LAWRENCE JULY 20: Dowd,cf...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Guest, 2b... 4 1 1 4 30 Utica...... 20000000 1—,3 dale 3. Wild pitches—Shaw3, lluston 2. Bases'stolen TORONTO. AH R. B p A B LAWRENCE. 4B.R.B. P. A.E LYNN. AB R. B P - LYNN. AB.R.B. P. A. E| LAWRENCE. AB. R B P AE Gruber, p.... 300 0 10 0 Quirk, c...... 301 3 11 —Buffalo 1, Jersey City 4. Umpire,—Daily. BTNOH'TOK. AB.R.B. p. A.E! Caajpana,3b 510 1 21 Houck, ss.... 4100 0 70 Earned runs—Scranton 7, Utica 1. Two-base hit*_ Gilks, 3b...... 754 Alberts, ss,... 6 1 3 3 43 Lynchlf...... 6 1 0 4 2 OlCampana, 2b 5 0 1 351 Collins, c..... 300 7 12 O'Counell, p 3 0 1 16: 2 3 1| 6 2 3 ! 6 1 Leigbtou, cf. 5 1 1 4 0,Kay,ss...... 321 3 40 Ornxley and Simmoue. Struck out—Oslerhout, Car- SYRACUSE vs. SCRANTON AT SYRACUSE JULY Ely,2b...... 7332" 3 0, Slattery, If... 5 121 00 Leigliton.ct. 20030 Total...... 34 3 6 36 24 3 Total...... 36 29~*3519~ll AB.R. B. P A E Hamilton, lb 6 1 2 10 00 O'Brien, rf._ 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 liurke, If...... 5 2 2 1 00 roll and ttriffln. Doable play— Hoflbrd and Dllnn SYRACUSE. AB.R. B. P. A.EI SCRANTON. West, cf...... 7231 Decker, 3b... 5110 2 2 Spill, 88...... 5 1 2 *Wiuning run made with two men out. First on balli—Burke, Osti rhout, Lavin, Schriver, Car- Jacobv,2b... 6 1 2 1 2 1 Burke, If..... 5 0 1 1 0 0 Donovan, cf. 4 1 1 6 00 Lynch, If....;.. 3114 Murray,lb... 4 1 0 10 1 4 13810 Harlford...... 00001010000 1—1 Kappel, c..... 7233 Faatz, lb..... 5 1 2 12 1 2 4 0 0 3 00 Spill, 2b 601 2 roll, Henglo.Cox and Hofford. Passed balls—Sixsmltb Marr, rf...... 5 1 2 2 0 0 Os;erh,,ut,rf. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Lyons, If...... 7122 Burke, If...... Terrien, rf,o. 4 1 1 2 0 o! Henry, rf... 4 0 2 102 Waterbury...... 00100100000 0—t M'Corm'k.rf 6 132 0 0 Furrell, 2b... 601 3 22 Corcoran Jb. 400 3 0 0 0 00 1. Wild pitches—Hi,ffi.rdl. Hit by pitcher—Schriver Lynch, Hi....6 0 0 15 0 Ol Jones, 3b..... 3 114 2 0 Casey, rf...... 6214 cf... 5014 Devlin, p.... 4 1 1 0 7 Earned runs—Waterbury 1, Two-baso hits—Hamil­ Oilman, 0 2 Henry, rf..... 623 2 00 Terrien.c..... 411 c... 321 Stolen bases—Scrantou 2. Umpire—Pearce. Beard, as...... 412 4 52 4027 0 0 Straub, lb... 6 2 3 10 Kearns, 2b... 5012 3 1 O'Brien, 2b_ 4 0 1 1 4 0 Parrel], ton, Guest. Stolen bases—Waterbury 4, Hartford T. AT SYRACUSE JuLYl3: Simons, If... 301 2 10 Lavin, cf...... 4 0 1 1 0 1 Hurphy.c... 412 1 5 Conghlin, p. 4 0 0 0 64 Stone,c,rf..... 2 1 1 3 2 2 ""Murphy, Sb.. 400 4 12 Struck out—Waterbury 3, Hartford 3. Double plays- SYRACUSE vs. BINOHA'N Tomney, ss.. 6 2 3 0 Baker, p...... 511 1 Turner, p.... 502 SYr.AcrgK. AB.R. R. p. A.EJBINQH'MT'N.AB.R. B. p ^E Murphy, p... 403 1 40 Oberland'r.p 401 0 6 1 Green, p...._6 2 2 3 1 0 Traffley,c.... 4 2 2 310 1 4 Murray, lb... 4 1 2 12 00 Corcoran, 8b 4 2 0 3 01 Fitzgerald, p 4 0 1 0 67 Hamilton, Pettit, llackett; Farrell, Brady. Passed Bittman, 3b. 4 1 0 0 50 Cix, sa...... 401 Total...... 42814271213 Total...... 37 6 7 271710 14 Wild pitch—Gruber. Um­ Jacobv, cf.... 62330 1 Gilks.Sb ..... 624 301 3-21 Tolal...... 69 2l 24 27 12 6 Total...... 44816272011 Total...... 34 8 6 27 If Total...... 35711*232fl7 balls—Quirk I, Collins 2. Marr,3b...... 6 1 2 1 4 2 Kly, 2b, p.... 6 1 3 022 Higgius, cf.4 1 2 1 0 0 Schriver,' c... 4 0 0 10 42 0—21 Lawrence...... 20011010 3—8 *O'Brien out for rnnniuit' out of line. pire—Brady. Shellliase, c. 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 10 Binghamton...... 42206341 0-6 Lynch, lb... 611 901 West, rf, lb. 501 4 2 2 Simmons, 2b 4 Toronto...... 220101200—8 Lynn...... 00401001 Lynn...... 00116000 x—8 DANBURY vs. N. HAVKN AT DANBRRY JcLTlSi Btard, ss..,.. 534 Kappel, c..... 5131 Total...... 38612 27 196 Total...... 37 1 8 27 15 5 Earned runs—Lawrence 3, Lynn 1. Two-baso hits- Lawrence...... _.... 21111010 0 7 nANBURY. AB.R.B. P. A. E'NEW HAV'N. AB R B P A.B 130 Earned runs — Binghamton 7, Toronto 2. Passed First on Simons,If.... 622 2 0 Lyons, If...... 5 102 Syiacuse...... 01200010 2—6 balls— Kappel 3, Traffley 4. Wild pitches— Gresn 1 Murray, Murphy. Home run—Hamilton. Earned run—Lawrence. Two-base hits— Campana Council, 3b. 601 2 20 Burns, If...... 610 1 01 Murphy, p... 621 6 0 Oasey, rf...... 6011 Scrauton...... 00000001 0—1 balls—Campana, Burke, Murphy, Houck, O'Brion Spill. First on balla—Bay 2, Hamilton, Donovan, Far­ 3 21 Millon, cf... 612 1 00 Baker 6. Two-base hits— Ely, West 2, Kappel, Lyons' Passed balls—Mur­ Briggs.c...... 622 Iliggine,..... rf... 5 1 1 0 0 Straub, lb... 5 2 2 14 Earned runs—Syracuse 2. Two-base hits—Marr Tomney, Alberts 2, Slattery. Home runs— Kap[.el and' Lynch 2. Struck out—O'Brien. rell, Leighton 3, Stone 2. Struck out—Lynn 2, Law­ Cain, cf...... 6 2 3 1 0 0 Troy, 2b ..... 5 0 0 6 30 Bittman, 2b. 5 0 1 3 6 UToniney, ss.. 6 2 3 1 Higgius and Lavin. First on balls—Off Oberlaoder 4* phy 3, Terrien 3. Hit by pitcher—Donovan. Stolen rence 3. Stolen bases—Lynn 2, Lawrence 7. Double Manlove, If. 6 1 1 6 00 Phalon, 3b... 411 2 30 McCormick. Firston balls— Off Green 5, off Baker 5. 5. Umpire—Mahoney. Bnckley, o... 6 0 3 6 1 Of Jacobs, p.... 514 1 off Muiphy 2. Hit by pitcher—Simons and Jones! Struck out — Bingharntoa 3, Toronto 1. Stolen bases— bases—Lawrence 10, Lynu plays—Corcoran, Murray; Lyncb, O'Bden; Lynch Sullivan, se.. 6 2 1 1 13 Taylor, lb... 4 1 2 12 01 Total.....i 461021 27 178 Wild pitches—Murphy 1. Struck out—By Oberlai dei-4* Murray. Passed balls—Farrell 4, Stone 2 Wild Cqadwick.2b 422 5 22 Crowley, rf... 4 0 1 0 00 Tolal...... 481218 27 2051 Biiighamton 7, Toronto 3. Umpire —Steve Dunu. Jnly 16. Syracuse...... 73100100 0—12 Stolen ba-es—Syracuse 1, Scrauton 3. Umpire—F.mslie! Games Played pitches—Devliu 4. Hit by pitcher—Murphy. Umpire Dounelly, lb 4 0 2 8 00 Haipin, ss,.... 402 0 6 S Binirhamton...... 70000001 2—10 BINOHAM'N vs. HAMILTON AT BINGH'N JULY 16: Games Played July 20. HAVEKHILL-BLCES vs. LAWRENCE ATHAVBE- —Mahoney. Monroe, p.... 4 0 0 1 6 0 Fitzgerald, p 4 1 1 081 Earned runs— Svracnso 4, Bluglmmton 5. Tlirco- niN-GIIABTN.AB.R. B. P. A. E;HAMII,TON. AJ1.R. B. P. A. E WILKESB'E vs. HASIILT'N AT WILKE'E JULY 20: HILL JULY 16.—Score: Casben.rf...... 400 0 01 McCarthy, c 4 0 0 6 10 bn-ye hits—Simons and Buckley. Two-base hits_Mur­ Gilks, 3b...... 4 0 0 1 1 IjUainey, 3b... 4 0 1 WILKSSB'E. AB.K. B. P. A. E HAMILTON. ABR.B P A E LAWRENCE. AB.R. B. P. A.l'nAY-BLrjM. AB It B P A I Total...... 41 9 12 27 13 7 Total...... 39 5 9 27 15 I phy, Ely, Gilka an«l Straub. Double plays—Beard, Ely,2b...... 40064 0 Manst-ll, cf 411 Kelly, rf...... 521 1 10 Collins, 2b... 522 2 50 Campaua,2b6 11121 Sheehan, as. 533 4 2'0 THE EASTERN LEAGUE. Danbury...... 01303002 0—* Bittman and Lynch; Murphy, Bittman and Lynch- West, cf...... 423 1 00! Wright, rf... 422 Hoover, cf... 413 1 00 >i'Qneery,lb 5 0 1 12 01 Bay, es...... 3212 1 0 Manning, rf. 4 1 0 0 New Haven...... 0 0103001 0 » Billions anil Bittman; Tomney, Straub aud Gilks. Ftrat Kappel, c..... 411 4 11 Collins, 2b... 400 602 2 62 bits—Cain SL McKee,, ' If...... 41110 0 Phillips,, ss...... 00 4 1 2 12 0 0 Gardner, 2b. 3222 Games to be Played. Earned runs—Danbury 6. Two-base on balls—Off Jacobs 6, off Elv 2. Struck out—By Mur­ Lyons, If..... 413 4 00 Knight, If . 401 Househ'r, lb 4 1 0 15 00 Mangell, cf... 401 0 Donovan, cf. 6 1 1 3 0 1 Burns, 3b.... 4 221 Jnly 25, Danbury at Hartford, Waterbury at N. Haven. Millon. Three-base bit—Fitzgerald. Double play— phy 2. Wild pitches—Murphy 1, Jacobs 1, Ely 1 Casey, rf...... 4 01 1 0- 0' ~Phillips,as... 4 0 2 0 Sales, ss...... 412 0 31 Knight, If... 400 00 Burke.lf...... 5231 0 0 Brad ley, If... 6 123 " 26, Hartford at Danbury, JJew Haven at Waterb'y. Monroe, Briggs, Donnelly. Bases on balls—Donnelly, Passed lialls—Kappel 6, Buckley 1. Stolen bases- Straub, lb... 4 0 1 11 0 0 Moore, lb.... 4 0 0 14 0 Brien, 2b. 4 0 1 1 31 Wright,' rf..... 412 00 Henry, rf..... 322 10 Lally, cf...... 6022 " 27, Waterbury at Danbury, New Haven atHartfd Briggs. Stolen bases—Danbnry 8, Now Haven i Syracuse 8, Biughamton 1. Umpire—Emslie. Tomney, es... 4 010 2 1 Warner, c... 4006 Schweit'r,3b4 0 1 3 2 0 Rain'ey, 3b... 4 1 2 32 Farrell, c..... 4 0 0 3 2 0 Moolic, lb.... 5 0 0 g " 28, Danbury at Waterbury, Hartford at N. Haven. Passed balls—Briggs 1, McCarthy 6. Wild pitch— Green, P...... J 0 0 0 6 0 Crothers, p... 3 0 0 050 Ilnllmiin, c. 4 0 1 4 11 Fitzgerald. Struck ont—Danbuiy 4. Umpire—Beglef. July 14. 01 Murphy, 3b. 400 2 51 Burke.p...... 601 1 36 " 29, Danbury at New Haven, Waterbury at Hartfd Games Played Total...... 36 410 27 13 3 Total...... 35 3 7 27 1~7 0 Brill, p...... 4 00 1 8 1 Klley.p...... 423 1 46 Murphy, c... 401 3 11 atWaterb'y.' AT UTICA JULY 14: 20 " 30, New Haven at Danbury, Hartlord UTICA vs. SCRANTON liinclmmton...... 01000010 2—4 Total...... 37 610 27 18 4 Total...... 39 4 E 27 15 g Total...... 3711132715 9 Total...... 44) 913 24 10 9 Games Played July 30. UTICA. AB.R.B. p. A.E SCBAtfTON. AB. R. B. P. A.E Hamilti.n...... 20000100 0—3 Hilkesbaire ...... 10000212 0— 6 02200502 x 11 The Hecord. Carv,,ll,lf.....5 422 Bnrku Lawrence...... HARTPORD vs. DANBURY AT HARTFORD JUI.T 0 0 Bnrku, ts..... 512 2 40 Earned runs—Binghamton 4, Hamilton 1. Passed Hamilton...... 12001000 0—4 Haverhill-Blues...... 103002030 9 Hartford fell back a little daring the week, Hetigl«.2b.... 6232 2 1 Osteruout,rf. 510 0 01 Wild pitches— Crothers 1 20. Ten innings. Score: balls—Kappel 1, Warner 1. Earned runs— Wilkesbarre 3, Hatnil'ton 2. Two- Earned runs—Lawrence 6, Havorhill-BIuea 5 Two- while Waterbury's clean sweep has placed thorn ?ay,;ib.:...... 6221 2 2 Jones, 3b..... 4 12023 Two-baso hit—Kappol. Three-base hit—Lyons. Hit baw hits— McKee, O'Brien, Phillips and Sales. Stolon Three-bos* HARTFORD. ABB.B. P. A. I! IDANBtJBY. AB.B. 1, T. A. • haw hits—Bradley 2, Kiley, Ray, Henry. to the leader. New Haven 8 41 Griffln, cf..... 623 _ 0 0 JIcGnirk,lb. t 1 1 10 00 by pitcher—Crothers. First on balls—Off Green 2 off bases— WilkesbaireS, Hamilton 3. Struck out— By hits—Gardner 2, Campana. First on balls—Manning conspicuously close Brady, lb..... 511 6 00 Connell, 3b. 510 • Brotahers, rf 0 1 2 2 0 0 Lavin, If...... 4 0 0 611 Crothers 1. Struck out—Bioghamton 3, Hamilton' 4 Brill 4, by Jones 2. Hit by pitcher— Collim. Double Gardner 2, Murphy, Ray 2, Hamilton, Henry Struck was within a point of second place last week, Sullivan, 3b. 603 1 10 Brlgge, c..... 611 5 21 Dunn, II)..... 5 0 3 10 2 ijl'rossley, cf. 4 0 0 410 Double plays—Ely, Straob; Wright, Moore. Stolen play—O'Brien and Householder. Passed balls— War­ out—Haverhill-Blues 2. Wild pitch—Kiley. Hit by but a streak of ill-luck haa placed them away Johnson, rf.. 6 1 2 1 01 Cain, cf ..... 6 18100 ss...... 6 0 1 2 3 0 S< hrivnr, c... 4 1 0 102 If... 613 t 20 Cox, bases—Binghamton 3, Hamilton 3. Umpire_Pca;ce. ner 1. First on balls— Schweitzer, Hoover and Kelly pitcher—Bui ns. Stolen base*—Lawrence 4 Haverhill- third. The only remaining club is Danbury Stafford, Manlove, If. 6 0 2 4 10 f IIoHonl, c.... 4 1 1 6 1 I'Simmons, 2b 4 1 3 620 Umpire — McLean. ' Farrell, 2b... 4 2 3 8 1 2 Sullivan, BS. 6 0 0 020 000 Games Played July 18. Btnes 3. Umpire—Lynch. and that is very likely to remain where it is. Beardon, p...6 1 0 1 3 2 Uealiin, p... 4 0 0 SCRANTON vs. SYRACUSE AT SCRANTON JULY 20: Hackett, se... 51234 1 Chadwick,2b 400 2 80 33 6 8 27 107 AT WILKES'E JULY 18: LYNN vs. MANCHESTER AT LTKJC JULY 16- positions up to July 20, inclusive, are: 6 0 0 6 0 0 Donnelly, lb 4 0 1 13 00 Total...... 48131727 1371 Total...... WILKESBA'E VS.TORONTO SYRACUSE. AB.R.B. P. A.E The Dowd, cf... 1—13 SCRAKTON. AB.R. B. P. A.E! MANCHEST. AB.R. B. P. A.KI IVNN. AB.B. B. P A» |Water Keefe, p.—. B 0 2 1 10 Caahen, p.... 402 0 61 Utica...... 42000006 i AB.B. B. P. A.E TORONTO. AB.R.B. P. A.E Burke, If, es. 4 0 1 3 0 OIJscoby, cf... 611 1 612 0 00 B O h^ w -00 Sheffler, cf... 634 0 00 Lynch, If...... p N.H'n o...... 600 8 20 Monroe, rf... 4 1 8 2 01 Scrantou...... C 00300012—6 Kelly, rf...... 6242 Alberts, ss.... 51102 Oaterhont,rt. 400 2 01 00 6 01067 CU-BS, 3? Dowse, Earned runs—Utica 5. First on balls—Ulica 6 Hoover, cf... 6214 Slattery, If... 5112 , Marr, if...... 613 3 Ellis, rf...... 622 3 00 Devlin, p...... a 44~6"16 30 fl 4 Total...... 4l 111 Sb fTt Jones, 3b..... 401 0 0 Lynch, lb... 6 2 4 15 10 D.Coug'n, 3b 6 1 4 2 32 O'Brien, 2b... 411 1 41 1 ? Total...... Bcranton 1. Struck out— Scrauton 1. Hit by pitcher McKoe, If... 5330 Decker, 3I>... 5141 4 00 Hartford...... 100011000 3—< bits—Say 10 Beard, ee... S 2 3 Carney, lb... 6 0 1 11 10 Spill, ...... 401 0 60 r —Carroll, Hoflord and Jones. Two-base Househ'r, lb 5 2 3 12 0 0 Kaatz, lb..... 5325 Lavin, cf, If. 4 1 1 .™.,., . *Brfdgeport ...... 9 7 4 Danbnry...... 100020000 1 t HolTord, Burko, Jones and McGuirk! 522 2 500 3 , . Simons, If... 523 200 Trask, 2b..... 643 6 31 Leighton, cf. 401 S 10 7 8 So 700 Griffin, Dunn, Sales,ss...... 3 1 Gilinan, cf... Shoup, ss..... 2 0 0 2 3 0; Murphy,irpny, p... Terrien, c.... 400 7 35 Danbury ...... _ ...... 5 1 7 4 ?,0 Earned runs—Hartford 2, Danbuiy 2. Two-base bit! Doublu plays—Crofsley and SinimotiF; Say and Hcnglo' Brill, p...... 5 1 1 0 3 1 5 026 ... 512 060 McDerm' 612 1 31 M'Corm'k.rf Crossley, c... 3 C 1 2 2 0 Ba.ttin, 3b... 510-Oil Canavan, If... 4 2 2 0 00 M.Coug'n, rf 4 1 0 2 00 Hartford ...... _ ...... 4 11 7 4 7 600 —Stafford, Farrell. Home run—Cain. Stolen bases-* Passed balls—Schriver 1, Hoff.u-d 1. Wild pitches— ILillraan, c.. 5 3 2 400 Kearns, 2b 503 Cox, 2b...... 3 001 Hartford 3, Danbury 4. First on balls—Hartford 8, buses— Utica 4. Umuiro I 1 2 0 Bltmun,2b.. 523 3 50 Dntm.c...... 5 0 1 3 2 0 Murray, lb... 3 0 3 13 10 New Haven...... 4 « 5 2 w> .463 Uealdn 2, Beardon 1. Stolen O'Brien, 2b.. 5 440 Oldfleld, c.... 512 Reardon, p... 300 1 21 •Springfield .....„...... „...__ 1 0 2 n Danbury 3. Struck out—Hartford 3. Double plays-J —Jimslio. Schweit'r,3b 523 p. 4 0 1_ 2 0 Shellhase, c. 5 0 1 2 Williams, p.. 5 1 2 1 62 Corcoran, 3b 4 0 1 1 01 1 4 1 ?. I Sheppard, Schriver, cf.. 1001 0 0 Waterbury ...... 1 12 7 8 2 30 .526 Stafford, Farrell; Dowse, Brady. Passed balls—DOWN BUFFALO vs. ROCHESTER AT BUFFALO JULY 14: Total...... 47 182027 163 U 6 ToUl...... 47122027163 Tolal...... 49142027176 Total...... 37 316 2719~14 1, Briggs 2. Wild pitch—Cashen. Umpire—Bcgley. Total...... 44 f 16 27 Total...... 321 4*23 101 Manchester...... 91010012 0_14 BUFFALO. AB.R.B. P. A. Kl ROCHESTER. AB.R. B. V A K Wilkesbarre...... 7 0020702 0 18 ont for Intel-ferine with fielder Total Lost...... 15 38 22 29 16 147 WATERB'Y vs. S. HAVES AT WATE'Y JULY 20i 1 3 0 20 *Shcllhaso Lynn...... 200000001 3 n 6 3 4 3 1 0-Cllne, p, «... G Toronto...... 3 10010110 7 Scranton ...... OlfJOOOOOO— 1 hits NEW HAV'N. AB.B. B. p. A.IIWATEBB'Y. AB.R.B. p. A.» Esterday. es. 6 3 3 3 6 liMorrison, rf. 5 2 1 010 Earned runs— Wilkesbarre 7, Toronto 4. Earned runs—Manchester 5, Lynn 1. Two-base Two-base Sj-racns...... 00171102 x-12 —Sheffler 2, Ellis, Track, McDermott, Canavan Firat Burns, If...... 4 1 2 2 0 0 Ronuer,3b... 4 1 1 4 80 Lehane, lb... B 4 3 7 00 Lewis, cf..... 60S 1 01 hits— Kelly,.. McKee,, Faatz,.-----——.- McCormick Slattery. Earned runs—Syracuse 8. Two-baso hits—Jacoby, Millon, cf... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Staltz,cf...... 5 3 3 2 00 Hiiuiburg.rf. 502 1 00 Knowles, 2b. 523 4 40 Three-base hit—Kcllv. Home runs—M.-Kce Kelly on balls—Sheffler, Canavan, O'Brien, Murray. Strncfc Games Played Jnly 14. Beard and Bittman. Home run—Lynch. Stolen out—Williams 3, McDermott, Corcoran, Leighton 2 Morrisbu, 2b 4 0 2 1 41 Pettit, se...... 6236 81 Giai.t, 2i>..... 6 2 4 3 1 1 McGlono,3b. 4 2 1 332 Alberts and Faatz. Bases stolen—Wilk.sbarre 7' 2, Syracuse 13. Struck out—Jones HARTFORD va.WATERBn'Y AT HAHT'D JULY 14: Phalou, 3b... 401 1 81 Campion, lb 6 1 1 0 10 6 10 bases—Scranton Hit by pitcher—Traek. Passed balls—Terrien 2. Wild GiUlifan, If.. 60240 OJOonuors, If... 4 0 1 Struck out—By Brill 3, by Sheppard 6. Firston balls' Hit by pitcher—Osterhout, Schriver and Mnrphy HARTFORD. ABB.B. P. A. EIWATERB'Y. AB.B.-. P A B Taylor, lb... 4 0 1 13 00 Hamilton, rf4 1 2 0 00 Beiily, 3b..... 6 1 1 0 1 0'Kimnier,c..... 5 0 2 210 Hoover, Scbffcit/.nr, Oldfiold 2, Decker pitches—Devlin 3. Stolen bases—Manchester 11, Lynn "--'- "• •"""••-10 00 Wheeler, If. 5 0 0 8 01 —Brill, Passed balls-Cr,*,ley 1. Wild pitcbes-Reardon 2 4. Umpire—Mahoney. Brady, lb..... 6 24 Crowley, rf.. 4 0 0 0 00 Guest, 2b...... 4021 41 DiiSllalo,c... 5 1 2 6 0 Ojllumphr's,lb5 1 1 701 Passed bails— Ilallninn 1, Oldfleld 1. Wild pitches— ll.SulU'n,3b6 33012 Pettit, ss..... 6 0 2 0 1 Jfirst on balls—Laviu, Simons and Shtllhase. Umpire LOWELL JDLT 16: Halpiu, 88... 301 0 21 Guirk, If...... 401 Walsh, p...... 6 3 4 1 4 0 Leyden, p,ss. 5 0 0 122 Brill 1. Hit by pitcher—Oldlield. Umpire—McLean LOWELL vs. PORTLAND AT Johnson, rf... 624 1 01 Battin, 2b... 401 Lcahy, p...... 301 2 40 Guehrer, lb. 4 0 0 11 00 Total...... 5017 28 27 13 2l Total...... 4"i S15 24 14 li ROCHESTER VS.NKWARK AT ROCHEST'R JULY 18: BUFFALO vs. NEWARK AT BUFFALO JOLT 20- LOWELL. AB.B. B. PORTLAND. Afl.B... B.. P. A. B Stafford, p.... 600 0 00 Hamilton, if _ 0 0 Murphy, c... 300 8 20 Smith, c...... 3112 3 3600203 x—17 Lovely, 3b... 511 2 21 Andrus.rf.... 301 1 0 Farrell, 2b... 602 Buffalo...... ROCHSST'R. AB.H. B. p. A.E NFWAUK. AU.R.B. P. A.B AB.R.B. P. A.B 1 4 OCampion,'lb4 i 2 ill Total...... 35 1 5 24" 15 8 Total...... 35 9 14 27 : . Jlocheeter...... 430010000—8 Clin.te,M...... 512 1 13 Coogan. rf... 500 NEWARK. AB.R.B. P. A.KI BUFFALO. Hartnett, lb 4 1 2 12 11 Dickeis'n,2b 401 Hackett, ss... 6 1 2 T 3 0,iStaltz, p...... 411 1 30 Coogan, rf... 41120 0 Remsen, cf... 512 3 10 2 3 6 0 HatliekVsbT. 4 1 1 021 New Haven...... 10000000 0—I Earned runs—Buff.ilo S, Rochester 3. Two-base hits Morrison, rf. 5 1 2 2 21 Annis, If...... 501 Cudworth,cf 6 1 Dowd, If...... 612 400 Guehrer, cf. 4 0 0 1 00 10004081 x » me Amis, If...... 4 1 1 0 0 5 1 2 1 H.DuSy, rf... 62421 o!Thayer, c..... 310 4 21 Waterbury...... —Walsh, Kc-mseuand Reidy. Throe-bate lilt—Leh Lewis, cf...... 200 1 0 C0 Stuart, cf..... 301 Stuart, cf..... 41120 O'Le.aue, lb.. 5 1 1 15 Gruber p..... 6 1 2 060 Banner, 3b.. 422 3 01 Earned runs—New Uaren 1, Watorbury 4. Stole* Hon... run—Walsh. Fiist on bills— Off Lty<)m t ott 4119 0 0 Irvdn, 3b..... 401 Higgins, 2b. 50003 0;Davin,cf...... 411 g 00 Dowse, c...... 421 c...... 4 0 1 602 liclds, lb....4 0 1 7 1 0 Hamburg.rf. 4 0 2 1 00 Shoe-nick, lb 4 0 0 0 01 * 2 OSmith, bases—New Haven 8, Waterbury 4. Two-base hiti— Clino 2. Struck out—By WaUh 4. Hit by pitcher— Knowles, 2h. 6 132 4 2 Fields, lb.... 423 Kennedy, If. 4 3 4 4 Total...... 491219 27 16 3 Total...... 38 4 9 27 13 « Haven 8, Watorbury (. 5 Irwln, 3b_... 4 0 1 0 2 0 Boidy, 3b... 4112 421 0 11 M.Dnffy, If... 400 1 00 Staltz *. BMO on balls—New By Cliiic 2, by Walsh 2. Stolon buses—Buffalo McGlone.Sb. 5122 2 0 Derby, c...... 400 7 12 Derby, c...... 4 1 1 8 1 olGalligan.lf... 4 1 3 1 Hartford...... 80022011 3 12 Struck ont—By Inary 8. Hit by pitches-Itenuec. Rochester 1. Double plays—McGlono, Kuowlus and Connors, If... 502 3300 Smith, ee..... 400 2 40 Sullivan, c... 322 3 20 Lufberry, ss. 4 1 1 3 41 Smith, es...... 4 0 1 2 4 0 Grant, 2b.. 4124 p...... 4 0 0 1 6 4Small,p...... 4 0 0 042 Waterbury...... 001000003 4 Double plajn— Peltit, Unost, Guehrer; Gue.,t, ivttlt, Humphries; Cline, Kuowlcs and HllPlphrice; Colinuts Zimmer, c... 511 7 20 M'Laus'n,2b 412 3 20 Burns, 4, Waterbnry 2. Two-base 1, Campion 1. Umpire balls—Zimmer 3. Wild pitches iM'Liug'n,2b 4 0 0 2 2 0 Fanning, p. 4 1 0 0 7 Total...... 34 4 5 2417 6 Earned rune—Hartford Ounhrer. Wild pitchm—Lcary Md Zimmer. Paswd Bakloy, p.... 512 0 31 Hughes, j,... 402 0 60 30018 OiO'Kourke, c. 4 0 2 0 Total...... 3912162716 hits—Johnson, Staliz. Three-base hits—Dowd, Cam­ —Brady. »-I»cyden 1, Walsh 1. Umpire—SUIivaa. Total...... fl715 27 147, 14 a Lowell...... 01120630 --12 4, Waterbury 1. Hit by Total...... 3731027 Total...... JS - J 24 18 li Xdt*L_». W 716 27 17 1 1'uttUuJ...... ,.,....., 080 0 Hrl^iL 00—4 pion. First on balls—Htrlford d, Dowie, IVrell. Stoieu bawa—Uurt- Ou> JACK hai boon pitching good ball of lab, 8 July 27.

this show immediately precedes the one of Milwaukee, Spangehl, Meserole Club, Brooklyn; F. H. Plait, Hud­ it will draw a larger number of dogs here than would son and Bedford clubs, of Brooklyn and vicinity; W otherwise be the case. Charles Well, of Dstrolt, who ATHLETIC. E. Johnson, Keyiort Club, Keyport, N. J.; B. S, Stair, KENNEL. is an extensive breeder of fine dogs, has arrived and race secretary. The following were elected to member­ WALDO M. CLAFLIN, will superintend the show- The business men of St. ship: Dr. Edmund S. Morgan, Keyport: Jacob Nichol. Paul have already contributed a large list of valuable THE ENGLISH CHAMPIONSHIPS. Brooklyn; D. I'. Naar, W. H. Weeks, C. A. Tonak.of DOGS AND THEIR OWNERS. special prizes, and more have been promised, eo that Brooklyn; Fred Boycc, Jersey City; Edward Bolton, the value of the prizes to be. awarded will not fall short An Irishman Makes a New Record for Ham­ Pater-son, N. J.; Charles Adams, William Wolff, Phila­ 831 CHESTNUT STREET, Another Development of the Pattl M. Case of 83,600. It is expected that over 500 dogs will be mer Throwing. delphia. After the meeting the visitors Inspected the A losing Venture A Capable Ofllcial entered. Two excellent jujgos (one from Toron'o and lofts of several of rhe Boston owners. Tho next meet­ the other from the East) have been selected. The About two thousand persons attended the ing of the federation will be held in Philadelphia in American Progress ta Breeding Care­ club, under whose auspices the show is given, is a annual amateur championship meeting at Stour- November. Philadelphia, Pa. lessness at Shows, Etc. member ot the American Kennel Clnb Association, bridge, Eng., July 2, 4, and, as the American As another instance of tho method of transact­ and the rules of the Association will govern in a'l team took part therein, we give brief details of ing business in the A. K. C. office, let me give cases. Already entries are coming iu and the success a BILLIARDS. of the affair seems assured. the competitions, only one of which produced the latest developments in the Patti M. case. record the hammer throw, which J. S. Mitchell, The Following Members of the St. Louis On June 13 Mr. II. T. Drake submitted a reso­ Dates Claimed. of Etnly, Ireland, won with 124ft. Jin. It is to NATIONAL BILLIARD ASSOCIATION. lution for the vote of tho delegates. Instead of NEW YCEK, July 21. Editor SPORTING LIFE: The be remarked, however, that the throw this doing this the secretary takes it to poor, un­ New Jersey Kennel Club claims the dates of Sept. 20, year was from a 9ft. circle instead of 7ft., as Some Facts for its Members to Consider. fortunate President Smith, who never does any­ 21, 22 aud 23, for holding their fourth bench show. formerly: It is now some years since it was stated by so Tbis show is to be held in conjunction with tbo Base Ball Club wear the Celebrated thing right. President Smith has no more to do High Jump (standard, 5ft. 8iu.) W. B. Page, Man­ able and reliable an historian of the game as New Jersey Slate Agricultural Fair at Waverly, N. J. Bcnj. Garno that no less a man than Michael with a resolution submitted to tbe club than the PERCY C. OHL, Sec'y flench Show Ccm. hattan A. C., 6fr.; G. W. Uowdon, Teio-omonth F C , man in the moon, but he took from say June 16 6ft.; F. B. Fogg, Nashville (America) A. C., 3d. A tie Phelan tried to establish a billiard players' asso­ at eft. to July 2 to write a letter in which he, of course, Kennel Notes. ciation in this country about a quarter of a Long Jump (standard, 21ft.) P. B. Roberta, late C. to by gets things mixed up. This lelter the secretary The Irish setter puppies Bfan aod Mona have been U. A. C., 22ft. tin., 1st: J. I'urcell, Dublin, 21ft. 9in.. century ago that is from the time referred nhould have receive! on July 3, but he does not Boldby C. M. Nellea, of the Brant Cocker Kennel?, 2d. Mr. Garno and that Mr. Phelan had failed. make any pretence of sending it out until July Brantford, Ont., to J. W. Beunett, of London, Eng., Four milea ran (standard, 23tn.) E. 0. Carter, New It was entirely characteristic of Mr. Garno to 8. Thai, however, is only the date of his letter aod sailed from Boston, Mass., en the steamer Bor­ York A. C., 1st; F. Mills, Birchfteld II., 2J. Only tho make such a remark, simply because it was Uie cumi mi mi derer. first ami second finished. Time: Two miles Carter, truth, although we have no doubt that many at the New York post-mark is "July 12, 4:30 Dogs Imported for breeding purposes are admitted 10m. 41 l-6s.; three miles Carter, 15m. 25 1-5.'.; Mills, p. M." In otbcr words it took him a month to free of duty, aa are other animals. There hare been 15m. 47s.; four milea Carter, 21m. 10a.; Mills, 21m. the time censured Gariao for having published COMISKEY, lend out the resolution of the St. Paul delegate. many grom violations of iho law, and iu future the law 23 1-53. the remark, believing that it was his intention Is that what he is paid $1,200 a year for? will be enforciMl more stringently, but tlie importation Half mile run (standard, 2m. 2).) F. J. K. Cross, O. to think lightly of the National Billiard Associa­ of dogs will probably not be affected thereby. The V. A. C., 1st; A. G. Le Mat ire, 0. U. A.C..2J. Time, . tion, or, in other words, if Michael Phelan treasury officials have been led to take thia step, as 1m. 59s. could not establish such an organization in this The Bonanza Is panning out just as I foretold. thousands of horses have been run into this country One hundred yards run First heat Arthur Whar- BOYLE, The first number of what Vrcdcnburgh considers from Canada fur the purpose of sale only. ton, Cleveland College C. C., 1st. Tim", 10 2-os. country then, that it would be presumptuous, if the "official" stud book contained 800 entries. Second h(at A. J. GonH, Newport A.C., 1st. Time, not impossible, for any one else to try to do so The next number drops to 400. Four hundred entiles 15s. Final heat Whartou 1st, Wood 2d, Fletcher 3d. now. O'JSTEIL, means 8200 for three montlis. Ou tho other side put Time, 10 l-5s. Knowing, however, as we did then, that the 1300 for secretary's salary and SUM for rent and sun­ AQUATIC. Throwing the ICIb hammer, from 9ft. circli", total length of hammer Dot more than 4ft. (standaid, 95fl.) National Billiard Association never had a more dries, and see if my | rediclion of what this wonderful sincere friend than Garno, we simply regarded FOUTZ, bonanza would amount to was not a bull's-eye. The OAKS ANI> SCULLS AT PULLMAN. J. S. Mitchi-11, Emly, County Tipi.erary, 124ft. Uin., and the fearful 1st; F. (i. F. Thompson, 78ft. 4%in., 2J. his remarks as those that should have been made collapse of tho Pill an.l Putty journal, yants hurJle race First drop of 60 [ercout.belweeu two Issues of tlie only Western Amateurs Battling for Supremacy Ono hundred and twenty by any writer or historian of events as they "official," s'io»» that the combine uuilded their two heat T. Lo Fleming, Cambridge University A. C., 1st. wore recorded in the pages of history, and be­ WELCH,' on Lake Calumet* Time, 16 1-58. Second heat S. Joyce 1st, A. J. Could little frame shanties on a quicksand. The Mississippi Valley Amateur Rowing As­ 2d. Time, 16 3-os. Final heat Fleming 1st, Jovce lieving that while Phelan was not successful in . * sociation held their tenth annual regatta at Pull­ 2d. Time, 16 1-5*. establishing a billiard players' association in I met Mr. Child, ex-delegate to the A. K. C. from Pole jump ("tanilard, 10ft.) T. Ray, inversion,lift., his day, there has never been any such idea in (he 1'hiladelphin Club, lie was one of the members .if man, 111., July 16,17, on tho course of the Pullman 1st; F. (.;. F. Thompson. London A. C., 10ft., 2d. lUy Athletic Club. The attendance was only fair on our mind that the seed then sown by Michael the committee ou the constitution and rules recently subsequently made four attempts to break the record, Phelan with a view of establishing such an passed upon by the A. K. C. I gathered from his tone, the first day, as many expected, but the races on but failed. more pioUvbly thun from what he eaid,that ho thought the second day were favored with a much larger Four hundred and fourty yards run (standard, 52s.) organization had been fruitless. On the con­ erne viry Kupld blunders had been made, aud ho fur­ C. O. Wood, Blackhenth Harriers, Is'; A. G. Le Maitre, trary, it is our honest conviction that the ther intimated that tlie Philadelphia L'lu'j would t-n- attendance. The weather throughout the week S QPUWN TENNIS &BASEBRLL was extremely hot, the last day being tho moat Oxford University A. C., 2d. Time, 61s. National Billiard Association of to-day is in a doavor to have tl.em corrected. I topo something One mile urn (standard, 4m. 33s.) F. J. K. Cross, measure the result of Phelan's attempt to estab­ will bt done to straighten the muddled rules out. I severe. Summary: Oxford University A. C., 1st; J. Kibblonhile, Swindou lish such an organization more than a quarter feel cetlaiu In my o\va mind that a great many of the Junior four-oarod bhella Pullman Boat Club, H. Ilanien, 2d. Times Quarter, 1m. 2 l-5s.; half, 2m. chaugcs made iu the nropnued rules were done without Madden, Ed. Frazier, James Jennings, William Rey- 11 4-5s.; threp-quaiters, 3m. 21 l-5s.; mile, 4m. 25s. of a century ago, just as it is our belief now that ny idea of the intent of the proposed rule nor the ef­ n MB 1st, In lOin 35-j; Moline Boat Club, Crew No.l, Putting the l(itt) weight, from aTff.pqnare (standard, such an organization will exist a quarter of a fect of the chan.o. It. Wait, S. Gamble, F. Watt, William Eyana, 2d, in 17ft.) J. S. Mitchell, Emly, County Tipperary, 39ft. century hence, with probably a fund of from . * 10m. 6.">s. JiJin., let; F. G. F. Thompson. London A. C., 3Cft. $25,000 to $50,000 in bank and with members of Speaking of Mr. Child reminds me that he b vice Junior double sculls Catlin Boat Club, Chicago, T. J£in., 2d. the billiard calling enrolled under its benign president of Ihe A. K. C. and without a vote. There W. Ktuding and C. G -ff, 1st, in llni. 65s; Council Two milea steeplechase M. A. Harrison, Spartan are several ontlying ilnhs which are not likely to be Bluffs Boat Club, 0. Livingatune and E. B. Sadler, 2d, Harriers, anrl Theale F. C., disq.; E. Wall, Dirchfield banner in every city in the United States. represented at some of the A. K. C. meetings, and I iu 12m. 29s.; Delaware Boat Club, Chuago, 3d. H., dieq. The men were railed out later on and al­ It is now nearly twenty years sinco R. T. would make the suggestion that Mr. Child should not Junior pair-oared thells Detroit lloat Club, C. M'. lowed another chance, when llarridun won easily by Ryall die/1 in this city, and the sad fate of this be ovetlooked as a proper person to leurceout a club Harrah and W. McMillan, 1st, in 12m. 19*.; Molino 250yds. Time, 12m. 8 2-5s. onco famous and gifted expert probably did which moans aud wants to do right every time. A Bo:it Club, J. Osboin anil B. Webber, 2d, in 12m. 35s.; Sewn miles walk (standard, 57m.) 0. W. V. Clarke, club need have no fear in entrusting their representa­ Iruquois Boat Club, Chicago, 3-1. Southampton 1-it; E. D. I.tuige, Manhattan A. C., New even more towards establishing the present or­ tion to Mr. Child. It trill bo remembered that ho had Junior single sculls E. P. Vickere, Iroquoia Boat York, 2'1. Tl/e Southamrit.u man won by five yards in ganization than even the heroic work performed within one vote as many as Elliot Smith for the presi­ Club, 1st, in 12m. 17s.; William Watt, Woliue Boat 6Gni. 49%». The time of Lange, who was second, wa* by Michal Phelan. Be this, however, as it may, dency. Mr. Chihi's votes were New England, Phila­ Club, 2d, Iu 13m. 2s. returned as 57in. it is certain that but little of Phelan's noble delphia, New Jersey and Horuell. Mr. Smith w»s Four-oared gig- Moline Boat Club, C. A. Barnard, Ten miU-s (standard, 58m. 30j.) E. C. Carter, New was known to the present creators of the supported by the 1'atti M. and copper-plateJ-uH-dal J W, Cooler, A. Harp, J. P. Fleming, 1st, in 10m. York A. U., 1st; Holding, B irton II., 2d. Thomas, work combination, while, the Khodo Island vote was thrown 32s.; \Vestewi Boat Club, St. Louis, Uud'jlph Ileiiz, Itantlagh H., 3d. Tbe American champion, after nm- N. B. A., when the first attempt of it3 present way on Mr. Terry. This shows the estimation Mr. Albeit March, Al Ilowiuu, Johu Campbell, 2U; in 10m. ninj; the last lap in 64s. ttou by 552yds. Time for the members was made nearly twenty years ago to Child is held in by the cood clubs. If the vote was 35*. full distance, 55m. 9s. HoulJiog was 2d in 57oi. Is. establish an organization which has now not taken to day ou the same nominations Mr. Smith Senior four-oared shell-* Eilladale Boat Club. Hills- only a national reputation, but is applauded wonlu meet wi:h a worse Waterloo than did his blun­ dale, Mich., C. W. Terwilliger, Alex Stock, L. F. Beck- A Challenge for the West. hart, K. B. Van Vrtlkenborjz;, 1st, in 9m. 46s ; Pullm in among experts, masters and followers of the dering predecessor. CHIC.IGO, July 19. Editor SPORTINU LIFE: Tho calling wherever the game is played. Boat Club, Ed M»lo, H.tiry Madden, J. Jei.ning*. P. Chicago Amatoui Alhletic Association hereby chal­ Hartford is to bo congratulated, by the way, on re­ Fan ell, 2d, iu 10m. 681; Molino Boat Club 3d; Western lenges all amateur athletic cluba in the West to a team We have incidentally referred to Ryall as hav­ Boat Club, St. Louis, 4tli. The MolitiPH finished 2'), race of five miles, five men to a team, competitors to ing been in a measure responsible for the crea­ pudiating llto action ofnroxy Rendle in the Fatti M. but were eot back for fouling the Pultnmns, whom OUTH case. I believe Uendftffc solo Idea was to get square score accoidiog to the order of finish, 1, 2, 3, etc., club tion of the present Association. It will be Brah­ they eas ly outrowed. securing the smallest score t) win. Trophy to be a with Mr. Mason fur putting out iho overweight sculls Delaware Boat Club, John F. necessary to refer to the why and the wherefore in min. It Is that kind of voting that will kill any asso­ Senior doublo challenge cup emblematic ot the long distance club ohlt-r tltat our readers may understand the facts aa PHJLRDELPHILft.PH Korfaud Wm. Weiuaiid, 1st, in llm. 37a; Catlin championship of the West. AddreFsi ciation, aud it is why I a-n opposed to this irrespon­ Beat Club, T. W. Reading au t C. Guff 2d, iu llm. 40i. they actually existed, not thut we areanxioua to recur sible system of representation by Tom, Dick or Harry Seoiur pair-oared shells Modoc Boat Club, St. DANIEL O. TRENCH, captain, 89 Lake street. t> the life and death of a child of the game whose futo In place of by a limited committee of trustworthy and Louis, Alexander Malcolm and Fred M. Gastrich 1st, was aa tragic in the tiliiard world as was Byron's in Competent men. in 12m. 20o.; Exceleior Boat Club, Detroit, George \Vil- Pointers. the echool of English literature, that Ryall waa one of liameon and Harry Williamson, 2d. Lon Slyera w« beaten by W. G. George in Victoria the moat gifted men of his diy in hi« callinrder to let some of my views in llm. '23*; Lucas Kdel, St. Louis Boat Club, 2d, in Both Page and Itowdon, who tied at thi high jump BASEBALL get a chance of adaption, I h:tve had resolutions pro­ llm. 67s. pert then, gifted RS a business man which enabled him at the games for the amateur championship of Eng­ to command and fill with nmrked ability one of tite posed for me by other genileuien. If it had txen done Six-oured barges Westeru Boat Club, St. Louis, land, were awarded a gold medal. by myseli' the vote would have been against the mo­ Rudolph Heitf, At Mincle, Henry Helltnich, George foremost positions iu h s calling. Yet, suffering from. At Worcester, M>t«s., July 18, J. D. Nolan, of Nor­ Avhat was s;iid to have been hereditary insanity, this OLUMBIA tion, purely on account of persouil objections agaiust Steptian, Albert Kuwaeu, John Campbell, Ibt in 4m. wich, defeated T. J. Kennedy,of Worcester,iu a three- the proposer. 29*.; Pullman Boat Club 2(1, in 4m. 30s. poor man became a literal wanderer upon the face of ^ quarter mile foot race. Time, 4:45. the earth for some ytars befure his death, with noth- C BICYCLES Special race, half mile G. B. Jenuison 1st, in 3m. whit h pro­ UNIFORMS 5«.: Frank E; Yates, 2d. At the London Athletic Club July 21, William Bird inx to Riil him but a ph.vs'cal constitution 80 assured are some members of the Westminster K. Pago twice touched the bar at G't. 3in. in attempting longed his agony and suffering, and which must have andTRIOYCLES O. that they are a inisflt in the A. K. C., that overtures to beat the best high jump, 6ft. 2%in. bec-u to him both a blessing and a cntee, for while he Constitute the majority of American riders of firs*- COMPLETE, bare been made to lit least one or two other clubs to Ripples. The Scottish games will be held at Pastime Park on clung to life witli all that tenacity which seems to be elass machines. H*vo ridiien around tho world. FKO5I Mcede. Losing their grip, and a good thing, too. Teomer's wife and child will remain at Worcester Mondiy, when £1,300 will be given away in prizes. t!ie one lingering hoi* of even the most hopeless and Hold WorU'a Records from % to 24 miles inclusive. « * while he is training at Geneva, N. Y. The event of the d ly will bj a broadsword contest be­ abject ot" invalids, yet, who is there living now, of Have never been able to wear out their machines in 10 years of lurd usage. Mr. Frank Dole is mentioned by the Sloclt-ltetper as P. A. Deinpsey and D.m Galaoaugh have posted tween Duucan C. Boss and Captain McGuire. IIynll'8 day who knew his actual condition who did AND VI'\VAKD beitiK present at tbe Jubilee show. 1 hud a letter from money for another three-mile single scull race. Tom Ciunon and Juhn Couii'-r met in a Qtjcco- not believe that he waa more happy when he had POPE MFG. CO. him by Ihe last mail. He wa* getting anxious about ceased to exiat here. PER MANv The National Amateur Rowing Association will hold Rouuu wrestling match for a stated stake of S2.500, Boston, Consisting of Caps ( Maggie Mtty, who had b.'en bred to Grand Duke, aud I at t!:o Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Am., May 21, Tho next chapter in this tragic story was to bury its annual legatta oil Chauiauqua Lake ou July 2G the man whoso genius as u player in Ins day had New York. had the pleasure ot cabling him that sbe is likely to aud 27. the former proving the victor, after thety hid wrestled Chicago. have a large litter. Sue was bred before being pent called forth tho plaudit* "f thousands of excite 1 'spec­ In tho regatta of the Beverly Yacht Club, off Mnnu- tlirce falli, the second and third of which he won. "Mafc^TtrriV"E£Lj^jti;^a T f"n"v Mr "-11* tators- - as- ttiey- witnessed------his nnrvelou-t - pluck and grit Illustrated Catalogue. Free. will acknowledge tliat I ua* riglit when I told him ho were the wjnnore. Sail in turn in a Gmjco-lionuia wrettliujf content at the of conrpe, was pnor. and as ftnch I al luf few friends could chow nxrumt all England with bis team of ter­ Alexandria Theatre, Melbourne, Atis., on lh« cveniug outside the local profeifsi"n:iU who had known him. riers, and get into iho njoaey every time. The Hull Yacht Club hel.l its first championship re- patta -July 16. Tbe Posey, Thelga, Coyote, Vesper and of May 14. Miller won tho first against Christol iu leas Tho writer, then a beardless stripling, was one ot" a JHE AMERICAN CYCLES * * than Mm., liwt tho next to Suit, and won the two fol­ party appointed to collict m >&oy from local profes- Victor were the winners. lowing aud the match. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Fanciers who have not been abroad are sometimes Tl:e fiist regatta of llie Savin Hill Yacht Club was jionnls to defray tho funeral expenses of the dead disappointed at receiving a jrie;it prize-wiuner in re­ icM in Dorcester Bay Ju'y 17, prizes being won by Dauitl Lyons, the murderer of Athlete Qulnn, was player. By mjfhy, the aid given was most generous, ONAr*PLiCATION. turn fora ihfok of correepondiuglylurgf size. Theysup- captured at McK<-edport, Pa., July 21, by Detective charitable and rhristiaiiliko. While others not only pos« ihat where there are so many doge all the wiuners the Jester, Alice E., Nora, Avis, luno and Volante. Ilrennan, of Pitfsoury. He wa8 supposed to b^> impli­ icfnsed, but exclaimed with wrath in one eye, and in-' ORMULlY&JEFEERY must bo cracks, than which a greater mistake cannot Haitian and Gauilaur have agrted on Alexander cate;! in a robbery in McKeesport au l tho surveillance, digmtion in the other: "Bury him iti tho P.-tttr's be nmdo. Why should we uoi havo good dog* hero? Barper as referee for their race at Pullman, July 23. | that followed this wusiiiciuu li-d to hid identified jo n &s field!" Kyall was not buried in the 'Totter's field," Affli'rkans ptty enough to get tho best aud with the Mr. Harper ia president of the Pullman Athletic Club. | the New York murderer. He was taken hack to New but given as respectable a burial us that given tho CHICAGO, ILL. Mock they have ulftudy on hand th^y should be able A single scull race at Buffalo July 17 for ?50 a side, | York Friday. man who made the remark, and th it man was buried to hold t'teirown against all England in many breeds. itweea Fiauk Benning, of tho West En^, and Johu | The Pacific Coa»t Harriers was organized by mem­ in this city less than a year azo; atid while he was ;f ST MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA Take Mr. Dole's kenn-O. fur instance, and where could ?arrcll, of the Queen City*, was won by Benning with ' bers of the Olymiitc Club, of San Frnncisco, Cat., re­ never a member of the National Bill'ard Association, jou do plicate his bitches, Maggie May and Youug ase. cently, with the following officers: President, W. A, it is said on very reliablo authority tbnt he did not Veil -m? Louk at tho mastiff* Mr. Moore, "Ashmcul" The yacht Thistle will sail for New York on Mon­ Scott; secretary, Horace Coffin; treasurer, J. W. Flyrin. leave sufficient moiioy to i ay his f m^ral expense. NOISE SUBDUERS. tho Victor and Wacouta kennels have been importing. day, July 25, aud will have a crew of forty men. Her Their first out-door meeting will ba held during Au­ We now c >me to husiuet-s which is of the most vital No better dogs are to b. Blyth (27yd*.) 3d, ano pleased to have every piece of having been on tho sick list for nine months, or for He r>ft> decided to fix the price at one dollar a dozen." ship of Dorchester, Mass., waa rowed by Jack McGee, ilttah J. J. Kam, Fall River, 10%$. Putting shot four dollars nnd u halt paid during that time Le ro- REMOVAL. business done by the A. K, C. made public and the full T. Aikeu, Soft. Gin. One hundred and thirty-five New York Clipper. tote on my question published in the press. There ia of Commercial Point, and Maurice Galvio, of Neponset, ived nearly $375. old rivals, on July 16. McGee won. Time, 14m. irJa handicap John Mihoney, Taunt iu, 13J/X If this is not financiering with a vengeance, then m< rial-protest combine at out these delegates and their The South End Athletic Club, of Boston, held their actions will etaud the light of day. The boats of Wallace Rosa and George W. Lee were we know not hint; of the subject of which we write. attached after the regatta at Lake QuinMgamond, fl»ld-day at Melville Garden, July 20. Summary: The National Billiard Association, it H true, may be * . « Throwing 16-pound shot Won by James E. Casey, able to continue to flourish under such a Quixotic finan- HEADQUARTERS FOR THE fhould not be able to Macs., Jn'y 14, at the instance of F. U. Downing, of I am lorry tliat Mr. Munhall Boston, Mites., who claims that the oarsmen are in­ 2'Jt't. llin. Standing high jump Won by George d. .ial theory, but ic is certain that the Bank of England Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Billiard ee the very unfmtun.ite position ho has placed him- Robinson, 5ft. 2in. Three standing jumps Won by could not hold out under such management; no, not Tables, Carom Combination and Pool. elf in ami it H rendered still worse by hia proposition debted to him. Billiard (Juods of every description iihvavs ou tinnd, A two-mile, dngle-scull race took place July 20 George S. Robinson, 40ft. 7in. Running high jump even if tho British Government wens to tax every to lay Mr. Drake's reconsideration reaolutiou on tho Won by W. G. Irwing, 5ff. 6in. Three-mile run- blado of g;ass in Ireland, for we believe that every­ Over 5OO,OOO JVY'Kfe A"»6ra'!ford, the well-known professional swim­ American A. C., who had a start of 2 seconds. Owen S of the Caledoniau Club will be lieM at benching the dogs. Payntcr, Nassau A. C., was second. Time, 8 minutes K. F. Trocschs;r r.nd Cbas E. Mu&sey, who would prol>- be given prompt attention unJ go.da Btnt C. O. D. mer and life-Faver, who for severitl years has been E. PASTIME PARK, MONDAY, JULY 25. Send for Sporting Gooiie c;italocno. . » located at Atlantic City, N. J., died at tt.e West Penn­ 20 seconds. Henry Meyers, Scottish Americjn A. C., ably never cull on it for a dollar in the event of sick­ ness or death. It i« true that th« As ociati >u would Special Attraction: Duncan C. lioss and Captain I wish Mr. Glover had been veterinarian at Phila­ sylvania Hospital, Pittfiburg, Pa., July 15. The. dis­ won a quarter of a mile run in 52 second* John F. McGniro will appear in a Grand Gladiatorial Broadr- delphia, for at that show the moat flagrant case was ease, from which he died was brought on by exposure Condon, Olympic A. C., come in second. A five-mile pay these meu their benefits in full as promptly and TO OWNERS OF VALUABLE DOGS. A faithfully as if they were among the poorest of its sword Combat for a purse of 8500. to be mot with. Tho Chestnut Hill Kennels brought in the water. His brother, Christopher, also a life- run for proftssionala waa won by Thomas F. Delaney, Admission: Adults, 50 eas;tble to you. It is the acknowledged convejinK animals off their bench half a dozen times Yacht Club regatta, off Marbleheaa, July 15: First Brooklyn, was won by the first named team. 4:30 P. H. auth.ritv, advising you li^w to properly care for your a day for exercise in the ring where all the Countess second prize; sec­ Ed Lange, Harry S. Young and G. M. L. Sachs, of for he was then, is now and has been from tha first, cla*s keels Gem first prize, who made the National Billiard Asso­ dog when well, and h»w to treat him when eick. other ' dogs had to take their exercise. These ond class keels Witch first prize, Saracen second the Manhattan Athletic Club, the two former being one of the men ASE BALL. BASE BALL. THE SPORTING LIFE s«ys: "It is credited on tx>th dogs wero so far gone that it was necessary members of the team sent over last spring to com­ ciation what it is. In justice to the Aesociatlon it pri/r; second class centreboards Expert first prize, mnst be stnted, however, that Miusey would have re­ Athletic Grounds, 26th and Jeflerion Streets. eides of tlie Atlantic as btitig tno best work oa the to keep wiping the mucus from their nostrils Petrel second priz**; third class keels Wraith first pete at the English championship and other frames, B eubj'Tt ever publUh-d." Pric-.', £2.00. and the towel for tliat purpose was hid under tho arrived at New York on board the steamer Efruria ceived his benefits in full had he deemed it necessary With CINCINNATI. prize, Nixie second prize; Ihird class centreboards to call on the Association. Fortunately for him he Tueriav' J } BIUNCI1*LE3 OF DOG TRAIN ING. By W. O. traw in their respective kennels. I think this was Viva first prize, Dash second prize. on Saturday, July 17. Their departure for homo was , ) Perry. (Kit KUlbtrd), rvwrittun by " Anlin.cnt." Saya the worst c.ise I ever saw at a dog show. The owner did njot have to make such a claim, and it is to be Wednesday, July 27, ROWING ON RED RIVER. The second annual regatta hastened by the effects of the injury sustained by The Trap and Trigger: Tbis work covfrs tho ground ot the (togs may plead youth and inexperience as an Mr. Sachs when accidentally spiked by Young a few hoped that he never may, for Charles E. Mussoy is Thursday, " 28,, }• With LOUISVILLE. of the Minnesota-Winnipeg Amateur Rowing Associa­ noblemen, and if there were more such of tiaining a dog for the field completely, and, at tho exhibitor, but that is not going to resurrect the many days after arrival in England. Pysexia resulted from one of nature's Friday, " 29,, J sanifl time, briefly. It i.-* invaluable to field sports­ dogs which suffi'ioJ from his desire to win a few pallry tion was held on the lied River, at Winnipeg, Man., men in the businesi the National Billiard Association July 15, 16. Summary: Senior single-sculls, two the laceration and Mr. Sachs bad an operation per- Saturday, July 30, With ST. LOUIS. men.'' Price, 50 cen's. Thesi l*>oks sect postpaid on dollars of prize money. PORCUPINE. f^rmed in Berlin, but, the wounded member not im­ would have, thousands of members where it now ha$ mile J. E. Mucbmore, Lurlino B. C., Minneapolis, 1st, not hundreds. ______SISION WASP. ADMISSION, 25c. GAME, 4 O'CLOCK. .receipt of price. J. L. Til AVER, No. iSli Tremonfe in 4m. 52s. Junior fuur-oared shells, same course proving as fust as expected, he concluded to return Street, Boston, Ma?s. A NORTHWESTERN BENCH SHOW. St. Paul Boat Club, H. L. Wheat, bow; R. J. Grover, home, and the engagements madofor Lauge and Young Caroms. H. A. Dursey, 0. M. Nelson, stroke; 1st, in 12ra. 56$. were cancelled. Neither of them met with the success Carver's Remarkable Performances. The St. Paul ami Minnesota Kennel Club anticipated while away. Lange attributes his poor Samuel Gibson has evidently cremated himself, aa he Junior double-sculls, snme course Lurlino Boat Club, has not been heard from for nearly a year. Dr. W. F. Carver undertook to break one Pushing their Projected Affair. - H. P. Watson and Charles Libby, let, in 15m. 42s. showing at the championship games to the heaviness SPRATT8 PATENT of the new and soft track, which prove J toi much for Eugene Gaiter has, it is said, sent out a challenge to thousand glass balls in sixty minutes, for a purso MINNEAPOLIS, July 18. Editor SPORTISB Senior four-oared shells, a mile and a half, straight­ any billiard player in America to vlay bim a match at of $1,000, stated to have been offered by the away Winnipeg Boat Club, 1st, in 8m, 253.; St. Paul his strength, while giving a great advantage to his LIFE: Arrangements have been perfected by principal opponent, Clarke, who weighs thirty pounds cushion caroms for the sum of $1,000, depositing a Spencer Arms Company, at M'Orann's Park, Boat Club, 2d. Tbe race waa for the Sir Donald A. forfeit of $200 with the Brunswick-Balke-Collouder tbe St. Paul and Minnesota Kennel Club for a Smith trophy, and was the great event of the regatta. more than the feather-weighted American. Young Lancaster, Pa., July 11. He is alleged to have seems to have been troubled with ioability to get down Co. grand bench show, which will be held in St. Junior siiigle-sculls L. Watson, Lurline Boat Club, Charles E. Muesey, the great Chicago room-keeper, broken the requisite number, out of 1,018 shot Sept. 13 16. Thia will be the largest bench 1st; Herbert Gftlt, Winnipeg Boat Club, 2d. Senior to proper weight, but he could hardly have won in any OF ALL SPORTING GOODS Paul, case. ______informs us that bis business is better now than it ever at, in 46m. 30s. He used four guns, and was as­ ihow ever hold in the Northwest, and the valu­ douhle-sculU Fax and, Turnbull, Winnipeg Boat was belore at this season of the year. The ttame en­ sisted in loading by J. Brewer and J. II. Cline, Club, 1st, DEALERS AND GROCERS, able prizes (amounting to over $1,800) cannot Federation of Pigeon Flyers. couraging news comes to us from various parts of the the latter of whom managed *the exhibition. fail to attract somo of the breeders In tho country. country, and there seems to be no doubt that the'out- On the 19th, at Trenton, N. J., Carver broke his The championship tournament of the International BOSTON, Mass., July 21. The congress of look in the billiard world is unusually good. Unlike the apology for a bench show that was Chess Congress is now in progress at Frankfort, Ger­ Fanciers of Pigeon An amateur pool tournament under the manage­ previous record of breaking 1,000 glass balls in I DOC BUYERS' CU1DE.'I the Federation of American 1OO riigruviugs fl given in connection with tho Carnival Associ­ many. The contestants are: Blaekburne, of London; Flying was held yesterday at 188 Lincoln street. ment of I'incua Levy and Burr Macintosh, the journal­ 45^ minutes. He accomplished tbe feat in 4 OoK.rod, plates, ation last winter, frizes will be offered for every va­ the Stock ton Hotel, Cape of ditferoiit brueus, prices they are I English, of Vienna; Bardeleben,of Berlin; Capt. Mac­ H. Wagner of the Hub Club, Boston, presided. ist, will be iuaugura'cd at minutes. He missed only 24 out 1,036. He worth, and ivlicre to buy tllcia. f riety of dogs and puppies. There are many choice kenzie, of New York; Paulsen, of Blomberg; Alapin, of May, to-morrow evening. The following is. a list of will receive $1,000 from the Spencer Arms Com­ eaniue-* in thfa vicinity, and to encourage tlie breeding St Petersburg; Metzg;er, of Kiel; Berger, of Gra'a: The following members were presont: James the pla/ers: Burr Macintosh, Oliver Smith, Jr., B. Mailed for 15 Cents, than to-make money, the Ken- pany. He used a repeating rifle. Two men ASSOCIATED FANCIERS. of tine animals, rather Gunsberg, of London; Zukertort, of London; Welss, of M.McGauhey, & ttcGu of tb'eQuaker" " City' ~ Club, ' " Philadelphia;" delphia;' "' Bnuri, Jr., IJ. K.Jaauiou, Jr., U. l>ulieU and Mr. »S7 S. Bel Club inaugurated a ihow In tho Worth west, A» Vienna, fuui ^haUuft «! Berlin, lwo **<& ujUW. loaded besides himself.