The Lifeboat
THE LIFEBOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. VOL. XrVIII.—No. 302.] JUNE, 1930. 6d. Annual Meeting. THE Hundred and Sixth Annual General lencies the Ambassadors of Germany, Meeting of the Governors of the Institu- Portugal, Belgium and the Argentine ; tion was held at the Caxton Hall, West- the Ministers of Norway, Sweden, minster, on Monday, 7th April, at 3 p.m. Greece, Latvia, Mexico and Siam; The feature of the meeting was the representatives of the Ambassadors of presence of Coxswains from English, Spain, France, United States and Italy ; Scottish, Welsh and Irish Stations to and representatives of the Ministers of receive Silver and Bronze Medals for Esthonia, Bulgaria, Peru, China and gallantry during the gales of last winter. Roumania. Of the seven Medallists, three were from The following Mayors and Mayoresses English Stations : Newhaven (Sussex), accepted the invitation: The Mayors Hythe (Kent) and Dungeness (Kent); and Mayoresses of Fulham, Leyton, two were from an Irish Station: Ros- Lewiaham, Bermondsey, Finsbury, lare Harbour (Co. Wexford) ; one was Greenwich, Acton and Southampton; the from a Scottish Station: Longhope Mayors of Stoke Newington and Chelsea. (Orkneys) ; and one from a Welsh Among others who accepted the Station : Angle (Pembrokeshire). invitation were : Sir Robert Hamilton, Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of M.P. for Orkney and Shetland, and the Committee of Management, pre- Lady Hamilton; Sir George McLaren sided, supported by the Mayoress of Brown, K.B.E., European General Westminster, Vice-Presidents of the Manager of the Canadian Pacific Rail- Institution and Members of the Com- way ; representatives of the Royal mittee of Management.
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