Her Excellency Ms Veronika Bard Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of to the United Nations 82, rue de Lausanne Geneva Switzerland 1 March 2016

We the undersigned, including legal and human rights organizations, academics, and policymakers condemn the reactions of the governments of Sweden and the to the finding by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that is arbitrarily detained.

The governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom are setting a dangerous precedent that undermines the United Nations Human Rights system as a whole.

We urge Sweden and the United Kingdom to respect the binding nature of the human rights covenants on which the decision is based, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; as well as the independence, integrity and authority of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

We therefore call on the governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom to comply without further delay with the Working Group's findings and "ensure the right of free movement of Mr. Assange and accord him an enforceable right to compensation, in accordance with article 9(5) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


1. Acceso Libre, Venezuela 2. ACI Participa, Honduras 3. ActiveWatch-Media Monitoring Agency, Romania 4. Acção Académica para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais, Mozambique 5. Adail Ivan de Lemos, Journalist, artist and Filmmaker, Brazil 6. Adam Bandt, Senator, Australia 7. Adelaide Gonçalves, Historian, Brazil 8. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Argentina 9. Agencia Latinoamericana de Información, Bolivia 10. Agustin Rossi, Minister of Defense 2013 – 2015, Argentina 11. Agência Publica, Brazil 12. Ahmed Ezzat, Human Rights Lawyer, Egypt 13. Ai weiwei, Artist and Activist, China 14. Airton Paschoa, Writer, Brazil 15. Al Burke, Editor Nordic News Network, Sweden 16. Alan L. Stewart, Director of Progressive Global Commons, US

1/12 17. Alan Mills, Writer, Guatemala 18. Alberto Mas, CAP Coordinator and Journalist, Argentina 19. Alberto Ferrari, Journalist, Argentina 20. Alberto Fraguas-Herrero, CEO Instituto de Estudios de la Tierra, Spain 21. Aleen Stein, Founding partner Criterion Collection, CEO and Publisher of Organa L.L.C., US 22. Alejandra Ancheia, Executive Director and Founder, ProDESC, Mexico 23. Alejandra Ancheita, Human Rights Defender, Mexico 24. Alex Mitchell, Journalist, Australia 25. Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Academic, Kyung Hee University, South Korea 26. Alfonso Cuarón, Film Director, Producer, Acedemy Award for Gravity, Children of Men, Y tu Mama Tambien, Mexico 27. Alicia Jrapko, Solidarity activist, Resumen Latinoamericano, US 28. Alipio Freire, Journalist, Writer and Artist, Brazil 29. Almudena Bernabeu, Director Transitional Justice Program, Center for Justice & Accountability, Spain 30. Alternative Intervention of Athens Lawyers (AIAL), Greece 31. Amado Heller, Editor, Argentina 32. American Association of Jurists (AAJ), US 33. Amina Meddeb, Diplomat, France 34. Ana Maria Ramb, Writer & Editor, Argentina 35. Anand Grover, Former UN Special Rapporter on Health, Senior Advocate Supreme Court of , India 36. Andrew Bartlett, Research Fellow, ANU, Australia 37. Andrew Greig, Writer, UK 38. Andrew Hsiao, Editor Verso Books, US 39. Andrew Ross, Academic and Writer, New York University, US 40. Andrés Izarra, Journalist and Politician, Venezuela 41. Angela Richter, Director and Writer, Germany 42. Anibal Carrillo, 2013 Presidental Candidate, Paraguay 43. Antony Loewenstein, Journalist, Author and Political Activist, Australia 44. Arab Lawyers Union (ALU), Middle East 45. Aral Balkan, Founder of Ind.ie, Turkey 46. Archie Law, Executive Director ActionAid, Australia 47. Articulação de Empregados Rurais do estado de MG (ADERE-MG), Brazil 48. Artistas, Cientificos y Movimientos Sociales, 49. Arundhati Roy, Author, India 50. Asamblea Nacional de Afectados Ambientales, Mexico 51. Asociación Mayoritaria de Afrodescendientes del Ecuador AMAE, Ecuador 52. Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Argentina 53. Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression, Egypt 54. Associação de Rádios Públicas do Brasil (ARPUB), Brazil 55. Associação Portuguesa de Juristas Democratas (APJD) (Portuguese Association of Democratic Jurists), Portugal 56. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, Australia 57. Axel Kicillof, Former Minister of Finance, Argentina 58. Azyz Amami, Blogger and cyber-activist, Tunisia 59. Baltasar Garzon, Jurist, Fundación FIBGAR, Spain 60. Barbara Lochbihler, Member of the European Parliament, Germany 61. Bartomeu Melià, Jesuit Priest, Autonomous University of Social Movements, Mexico

2/12 62. Belén Gopegui, Writer, Spain 63. Bennu Gerede, Actress, Turkey 64. Bernard Keane, Journalist, Australia 65. Bernard Cassen, Academic, University of Paris 8, France 66. Bernard Pignerol, Conseiller d'Etat, Government of France, France 67. Bernard Stiegler, Philosopher, France 68. Bibiana Leme, Deputy Editor Boitempo, Brazil 69. Bill Hackwell, Photojournalist, Resumen Latinoamericano, US 70. Bonita Meyersfeld, Director, Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) at University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa 71. Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism, Brazil 72. Brian Eno, Musician and Artist, UK 73. Brita Sundberg-Weitman, Former Chief Judge and Associate Professor of Public International Law, Sweden 74. Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, Canada 75. Canan Gerede, Film-maker, Turkey 76. Capitulo Cubano De La Red En Defensa De La Humanidad De Intelectuales, Cuba 77. Carlos Ortellado, Coordinador de la mesa nacional por los DDHH del Paraguay, Paraguay 78. Carmen Aristegui, Anchor of Aristegui CNN Español, Mexico 79. Carmen Márquez-Carrasco, Academic, Derechos Humanos y Globalización, Spain 80. Cecilia Nahón, Former Argentinain Ambassador to US, Argentina 81. Center for Constitutional Rights, US 82. Center for International Law, Singapore 83. Centre Europe-Tiers Monde (CETIM), Switzerland 84. Centre for Independent Journalism, Malaysia 85. Charles Glass, Author, Journalist, and Broadcaster, US 86. CHARTA 2008, Sweden 87. Chris Hedges, Journalist, US 88. City of A Coruña, Spain 89. City of Barcelona, Spain 90. City of Madrid, Spain 91. Claudio Katz, Economist, Argentina 92. Code Pink, US 93. Coletivo Juntos! - Por outro futuro, Brazil 94. Comision Nacional de Organizaciones Sociales de Uruguay, Urugauy 95. Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), Brazil 96. Comite Carioca de Solidariedade a Cuba, Brazil 97. Comite en Solidaridad con la Causa Arabe, Spain 98. Comité Chileno De Solidaridad Con Palestina, Chile 99. Comité de Derechos Humanos de Base de Chiapas Digna Ochoa, Mexico 100. Comité de Solidaridad con los Pueblos, Latin America 101. Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos CDH, Ecuador 102. Comunidad de Software Libre de Nicaragua (GUL-NIC), Nicaragua 103. Confederación de Trabajadores y Servidores Públicos Nacional OSTNA, Ecuador 104. Confederación Intercultural Campesina del Ecuador AMARU, Ecuador 105. Consulta Popular, Brazil 106. Convergencia Nacional de Organizaciones Sociales del Ecuador, Ecuador 107. Cooperativa de Trabalho em Comunicação e Cultura Desacato, Brazil 108. Coordenação Nacional de Entidades Negras (CONEN), Brazil

3/12 109. Coordinador Nacional Agrario de Colombia CNA, Colombia 110. Craig Murray, Former UK ambassador, UK 111. Cristina Vazquez, International Vice President of Workers United, US 112. Cuba Si France, France 113. Daniel Ellsberg, Former United States military analyst and source of Pentagon Papers, US 114. Daniel Richter, Artist, Germany 115. David Barsamian, Investigative Journalist, Armenian-American 116. Demand Progress, US 117. Democratic Alliance for Knowledge Freedom, India 118. Dennis Kucinich, Former presidential candidate and Congressman, US 119. Derechos Digitales, Chile 120. Diane Johnstone, Journalist and Author, France 121. , Politician ( of the ) and Programmer, Netherlands 122. Domingo Laino, President Plataforma de Estudio e Investigación de Asuntos Campesinos, Paraguay 123. Douglas Rushkoff, Writer, Lecturer, Media Theorist, US 124. Dr. Agnes Callamard, Director Colombia University Global Freedom of Expression Project, former Chef de Cabinet Amnesty International, US 125. Dr. Athina Karatzogianni, Academic, Leicester University, UK 126. Dr. Benedetta Brevini, Journalist and Lecturer, Australia 127. Dr. Bernard Kirtman, Academic, UCSB, US 128. Dr. Cynthia McKinney, Former U.S. Congresswoman and 2008 Presidential Candidate, US 129. Dr. David Goldberg, Editor, Australia 130. Dr. Des Freedman, Academic, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK 131. Dr. Ellie Rennie, Deputy Director of the Swinburne Institute for Social Research, Australia 132. Dr. Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez, Academic, Writer, Cinema director NY University, Philosopher, Writer, Mexico 133. Dr. François Houtart, Co-Founder World Social Forum, Ecuador 134. Dr. Harry Halpin, Academic, MIT, US 135. Dr. James Cockroft, Lecturer and writer, New York State University, US 136. Dr. Jeff Sparrow, Author, Australia 137. Dr. Margarita Ledo Andión, Journalist, Writer and Film-Maker, USC, Spain 138. Dr. Rigmor Robèrt, M.D, Sweden 139. Dr. Scott Burchill, Senior Lecturer, Deakin University, Australia 140. Dr. Winston Orrillo, Author, Premio Nacional de Cultura del Perú, Peru 141. Edgar Morin, Philosopher, France 142. Edgardo Esteban, Journalist and Writer, Argentina 143. Edith Ballantyne, Secretary General (WILPF) 1969 - 92, awarded Gandhi Peace Award 1996, Czechoslovakia 144. Eduardo Mangas, Lawyer, Nicaragua 145. Electronic Frontier Foundation, US 146. Elizabeth O’Shea, Lawyer, Australia 147. Emin Huseynov, Journalist and human rights activist, Azerbaijan 148. Emir Sader, Academic, Brazil 149. Enrique Acosta Estévez, Human Rights Activist, Paraguay 150. Enrique Naveda, Journalist, Guatemala/Spain 151. Equal Education Law Centre, South Africa

4/12 152. Eric Nepomuceno, Writer, Brazil 153. Ernesto Tiffenberg, Director Pagina 12, Argentina 154. Estela Bravo, Documentary filmmaker, US 155. Eusebio Veron Martinez, Secretario de Organización del Partido Paraguay Tekopyahu e integrante de la Coordinadora de Desarroll, Paraguay 156. Eva Joly Institute for Justice & Democracy (EJI), Iceland 157. Eva Joly, MEP, former investigating magistrate and Presidential Candidate in France, France 158. Evgeny Morozov, Author, Belarus 159. Executiva Nacional dos Estudantes de Biologia (ENEBIO), Brazil 160. Federación Española Pro Derechos Humanos, Spain 161. Federación Internacional Pro Derechos Humanos-España, Spain 162. Federação dos Estudantes de Agronomia do Brasil (FEAB), Brazil 163. Felix Salvador Kury, Program Director & Faculty Advisor, Clínica Martín-Baró, SFSU- UCSF, US 164. Festivales Solidarios de Guatemala, Guatemala 165. Fora do Eixo, Brazil 166. Foro de Abogados de Izquierdas-red de Abogados Democratas (FAI-RADE), Spain 167. Foro de Comunicación para la Integración de Nuestra América, Latin America 168. Foundation for Fundamental Rights, Pakistan 169. Franck Gaudichaud, Lecturer, University of Grenoble Alpes, France 170. , India 171. Free Software Mancha West Bengal, India 172. Karnataka, India 173. Free Software Movement Maharashtra, India 174. Free Software Movement of India, India 175. Freedom of the Press Foundation, US 176. Frei Betto, Writer, Brazil 177. Fundacion Karisma, Colombia 178. Fundación Imagen, Bolivia 179. Fundación Pueblo Índio del Ecuador, Ecuador 180. Fundación Vivian Trías, Urugauy 181. Fís Nua, Political Party, 182. Fórum Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação (FNDC), Brazil 183. Gabriella Coleman, Academic Writer, McGill University, US 184. Gastón Pauls, Writer, Argentina 185. Gavin Macfayden, Executive Director, Center for Investigative Journalism, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK 186. Gayle McLaughlin, Politician, US 187. Gaël Faye, Musician, Burundi 188. Geert Lovink, Research Professor, Institute of Network Cultures, Netherlands 189. George Newhouse, Lawyer, National Justice Project, Australia 190. George Szamuely, Author, Senior Research Fellow at the Global Policy Institute, Hungary 191. Germán Silva Lozada, President La Fundación Humanitaria Por La Paz y la Integracion de los Pueblos del Sur, Colombia 192. Gilbert Brownstone, President, Brownstone Foundation, US 193. Giuristi Democratici (Italian Democratic Lawyers Association), 194. Greg Barns, Lawyer, Australia 195. Grupo Tortura Nunca Mais – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

5/12 196. Guerrilleros Por la Paz GUEPAZ, Colombia 197. Guillermo Carmona, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies, Argentina 198. Guy Rundle, Journalist, Australia 199. HackLab de Cochabamba, Bolivia 200. Hagámonos El Paro, Guatemala 201. Hans Otto Kroeger, Atorney, Paraguay 202. Helene Bergman, Journalist, Sweden 203. Hind Meddeb, journalist and filmmaker, France 204. Horacio González, President of the National Library of the Argentine Republic, Argentina 205. Horacio Verbitsky, President, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Argentina 206. Human Rights Law Network (HRLN), India 207. Ildo Luis Sauer, Director of the Institute for Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, Brazil 208. Initiative for Freedom of Expression, Turkey 209. Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti, US 210. Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety, Azerbaijan 211. Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Políticos-IBEP, Brazil 212. International Association of Democratic Lawyers 213. Intersindical Central da Classe Trabalhadora, Brazil 214. Iole Iliada, Fundação Perseu Abramo, Brazil 215. IT for Change, India 216. Ivan Santos, President Organizacion Aculco, Spain 217. Ivanka Jenkings, Publisher, Brazil 218. Jacob Appelbaum, journalist and programmer, Tor Project, US 219. Jacqueline Moudeina, Right Livelihood Award winner 2011, Chad 220. Jake Lynch, Associate Professor, Sydney University, Australia 221. James Kesteven, Documentary Film-Maker, Australia 222. James Early, Academic, US 223. Jane Franklin, Historian, Author, US 224. Janet Rice, Senator , Australia 225. Japanese Lawyers International Solidarity Association (JALISA), Japan 226. Javier Couso, Member of the European Parliament, Spain 227. Jean Ortiz, Academic, University of Pau & Pays de l'Adour, France 228. Jean-Luc Nancy, Philosopher, France 229. Jennifer Robinson, Lawyer, Australia 230. Jeremy Bigwood, Investigative Reporter, US 231. Jeremy Fox, Journalist and Writer, Open Democracy, US 232. Jesselyn Raddack, Lawyer & former Department of Justice ethics chief, US 233. Joao Daniel, Federal Congress Representative, Workers Party, Sergipe, Brazil 234. Joao Daniel, Central Única dos Trabalhadores - CUT, Brazil 235. Johann Binninge, Founder and Chairman of the Legal Certainty Organization, Sweden 236. John Cusack, Actor, US 237. John Goss, Journalist, UK 238. John Pilger, Journalist and Filmmaker, Australia/UK 239. John R. MacArthur, Journalist, Author, President of Harpers magazine, US 240. Jonathan Lethem, Novelist, US 241. Jordi Casanova, Political Officer, Dominican Republic 242. Jordi Ortega, Promotor de Forum Ecòlogic, Forum Ecòlogic, Spain

6/12 243. Josefina Duarte, President Febrero Revolutionary Party, Paraguay 244. José Luis García-Siguero, Academic, University of Madrid, Spain 245. José Miguel Serrano, Director of the National Board of Student Aid and Scholarships (Junaeb), Chile 246. Juan Agosto, Journalist, Argentina 247. Julian Burnside, QC, Australia 248. Justin Randle, Researcher, Australia 249. Justin Schlosberg, Academic, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK 250. JustNet Coalition, India 251. Juventud en Progreso, Ecuador 252. Jóvenes ante la Emergencia Nacional, Mexico 253. Ken Loach, Film Director, UK 254. Kevin Gosztola, Journalist, US 255. Kintto Lucas, Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Ecuador 256. La Corporación Colectivo de Abogados "José Alvear Restrepo" (CCAJAR), Colombia 257. La Quadrature du Net, France 258. Larissa Waters, Deputy Leader of the Australian Green Party, Australia 259. Laura Hanna, Co-founder Debt Collective, US 260. Laura Poitras, 2014 Pulitzer Prize winner, Academy Award for Best Documentary 2014, US 261. Laureano Seco-Tejada, Activist and Politician, Spain 262. Lee Rhiannon, Senator, Australia 263. Leonardo Wexell Severo, Journalist and Writer, Brazil 264. Levante Popular da Juventude, Brazil 265. Lidia García Díaz, Coordinadora de Incidencia Política del Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos, Ecuador 266. Liga Española Pro Derechos Humanos, Spain 267. Luc Sante, Writer, Belgium 268. Luchezar Boyadjiev, Artist, Bulgaria 269. Luis Britto-García, Writer, Venezuela 270. Luis E. Sabini Fernández, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 271. Luna del Sur A.C. Oaxaca, Mexico 272. Madeleine Rees OBE, Lawyer, UK 273. Maina Kiai, Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, Kenya 274. Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Co-founder Women for Peace, Northern Ireland 275. Maja Pelević, Writer and Dramaturg, Serbia 276. Marc Vandepitte, Philosopher, Belgium 277. Marcela Gereda, Journalist, Guatemala 278. Marcelo Ferreira, Academic, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 279. Marcelo Justo, Journalist, Argentina 280. Marcha Mundial das Mulheres (MMM), Brazil 281. Maria Antonieta Izaguirre, Phycologist, Venezuela 282. Maria Augusta Calle, Asambleísta de PAIS, Presidenta Comisión RRII d Asamblea Nacional, Ecuador 283. Maria Luiza Franco Busse, Journalist, Brazil 284. Maria Stella Caceres, Director: Museum of Memory: Dictatorship and Human Rights, Paraguay 285. Marina Albiol, Member of the European Parliament, Spain

7/12 286. Marta Harnecker, Writer, Chile 287. Martin Rodriguez-Pellecer, Journalist, Guatemala 288. Martín Almada, American Asociation of Jurists Executive Committee, Right Livelihood Award winner 2002, Paraguay 289. Mary Kostakidis, Journalist, Australia 290. Melissa Parke, MP, Australia 291. Mercedes Chacin, Director Epale, Venezuela 292. Michael Edward Tigar, Emeritus Professor, Duke Law School and Washington College of Law, US 293. Michael Lebowitz, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Canada 294. Michael Lowy, Sociologist, France 295. Michael Ratner, President Emeritis Centre for Constitutional Rights, US 296. Michel Taupin, Director of Communication, Cuba Si France, France 297. Miguel Repiso, Journalist, Argentina 298. Miguel Urbán, Member of the European Parliament, Co-founder PODEMOS, Spain 299. Mike Carlton, Journalist, Australia 300. Mirjana Najcevska, Former President of the Helsinki Committee, UN Expert, Macedonia 301. Mirta Acuna de Baravalle, Co founder Mothers and Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Argentina 302. Mohamed Diab, Screenwriter and Director, Egypt 303. Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas (MMC), Brazil 304. Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB), Brazil 305. Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA), Brazil 306. Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra (MST), Brazil 307. Movimento Nacional de Rádios Comunitárias (MNRC), Brazil 308. Movimiento de Liberación Nacional, Mexico 309. Movimiento De Solidaridad Nuestra America, Mexico 310. Movimiento Mega, Brazil 311. Mwalimu Mati, Former head of Transparency International Kenya, Kenya 312. Nadya Tolokonnikova, Conceptual Artist and Political Activist, Pussy Riot, 313. Naomi Klein, Author, Canada 314. National Association of Democratic Lawyers of South Africa (NADEL), South Africa 315. National Lawyers Guild, US 316. National Union of Peoples' Lawyers, Philippines 317. Nick McKim, Senator , Australia 318. Nouvelles Alternatives pour le Développement Durable en Afrique (NADDAF), Togo 319. Nozomi Hayase, Writer, Japan/US 320. Nuria García Sanz, Equipo Jurídico Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España, Spain 321. O Grupo tortura Nunca Mais, Brazil 322. Observatorio por el Cierre de la Escuela de las Américas, Chile 323. Observatório da Mulher, Brazil 324. Ofelia Yegros, Architect, Paraguay 325. Okoth Osewe, Author and Blogger, Kenya , Sweden 326. Oliver Stone, Film Director, Screenwriter and Producer, US 327. Olivia Ball, Human Rights Specialist, Australia 328. Organización de Solidaridad de los Pueblos de África, Asia y América Latina (OSPAAAL), Cuba 329. Organização "Coletivo Quilombo", Brazil

8/12 330. Osman El-Hajjé, Former Chair-Rapporteur of UN Working Group on Enforced Disapperances, Lebanon 331. Pablo A de la Vega , Regional coordinator Inter-American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development, Latin America 332. Pablo Leighton, Academic, University of Western Sydney, Chile 333. Palestinian Center for Human Rights, Gaza, Palestine 334. Paolo Magagnoli, Research Associate, Queensland University, Australia 335. Pascual Serrano, Journalist and Writer, Spain 336. Pastoral da Juventude Rural (PJR), Brazil 337. Patricia Bermúdez, Iniciativa Guayaquil, Ecuador 338. Patricia Vaca Narvaja, Ambassador of Argentina in Mexico, Argentina 339. Paul-Emile Dupret, legal expert and staff advisor at the European parliament, Belgium 340. Peggy Gish, Former co-director of the Appalachian Peace and Justice Network, Christian Peacemaker Team, US 341. Pepe Baeza, Photographic Editor, Spain 342. Pepijn Le Heux, Attorney, Netherlands 343. Periódico Resumen Latinoamericano , Latin America 344. Pertti Simula, Director, Assocoacao de Amigos sem Terra da Finlandia, Finland 345. Peter Carey, Author, Australia 346. Peter Whish-Wilson, Senator, Australia 347. Peter Rosset, Academic, Michigan University, Mexico 348. Peter Schey, Executive Director Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, US 349. Peter Tatchell, Human Rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell Institute for Human Rights, UK 350. Philip Pettit, Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values at Princeton University, US 351. Phillip Adams AO, Journalist, Australia 352. Podemos, Spain 353. Prensa Comunitaria, Guatemala 354. President del Partido Revolucionario Febrerista, Paraguay 355. President Fundación Manuel Gondra, Paraguay 356. Profa. Dra. Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil 357. Professor Stuart Rees , Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney, Australia 358. Professor Vrasidas Karalis, Chair of Department Sydney University, Australia 359. Professor Aant Elzinga, Academic, Gothenburg University, Sweden 360. Professor Aitor Martínez-Jiménez, Professor of Public International Law and International Criminal Law , Spain 361. Professor Alicia Cebada-Romero, Professor of International Criminal Law at Universidad , Spain 362. Professor Atilio A. Boron, Political , University of Buenos Aires, Argentina 363. Professor Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Founding Director of the Program on Human Rights and Justice at MIT., Professor of Law, US 364. Professor Ben Wagner, Sociologist, Germany 365. Professor Edward S. Herman, Academic, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, US 366. Professor Gerard Goggin, Professor of Media & Communications, Sydney University, Australia 367. Professor H. Bruce Franklin, Cultural Historian and Scholar, Rutgers University, US 368. Professor Hedvig Ekerwald, Academic, Uppsala University, Sweden 369. Professor Héctor Salazar Zapatero, Academic, Hiperderecho, Peru

9/12 370. Professor Ignacio Ramonet, Academic, France 371. Professor Jayati Ghosh, Economist, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, India 372. Professor Jean Bricmont, Academic, University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium 373. Professor Jean-Marc Sorel, Professor of International Law, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France 374. Professor Joan Subirats, Academic, Universidad Autónoma Barcelona, Spain 375. Professor Joel Weisberg, Academic, Carleton College, US 376. Professor Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, 377. Professor John Keane, Professor of Politics, Sydney University, Australia 378. Professor John Cooper, Academic, Bucknell University, US 379. Professor John King, Emeritus Professor, Warwick University, UK 380. Professor Mads Andenas, Former UN Special Rapporteur on Arbitrary Detention, Norway 381. Professor Mahmoud Mamdani, Herbert Lehman Professor of Government Columbia University, Uganda 382. Professor Manuel Alcántara Sáez, Professors of Politics, Spain 383. Professor Manuel Ollé Sese, Professor of International Criminal Law , Spain 384. Professor Manuel Villoria-Mendieta, Director of Government Administration and Public Policy, Institute Ortega y Gasset, Spain 385. Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chairman Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, Sweden 386. Professor Marianne Franklin, Chair of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network, University of London, UK 387. Professor Mary Heath, Associate Professor of Law, Flinders University, Australia 388. Professor Michael Mansfield QC, Barrister, Legal Scholar, City University, UK 389. Professor Michel Mujica, Academic and Diplomat, Ecuador 390. Professor Mireille Fanon-Mendes, Academic and Activist, University Paris V-Descartes, France 391. Professor Mirta Díaz-Balart, Academic, UCM, Spain 392. Professor Noam Chomsky, Academic, MIT, US 393. Professor Olivier de Schutter, Former UN Special Rapporteur, University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium 394. Professor Patrick McCurdy, Associate Professor in Communications, University of Ottawa, Canada 395. Professor Priscilla Karant, Academic, New York University, US 396. Professor Radhika Desai, Academic, Author, University of Manitoba, Canada 397. Professor Rafael Pla-Lopez, Academic, University of Valencia, Spain 398. Professor Richard Sennett, President Performing Arts Labs Ltd., London school of Economics, US 399. Professor Rick Luttmann, Academic, Sonoma, US 400. Professor Robert Manne, Emeritus Professor of Politics and Vice-Chancellor's Fellow, La Trobe University, Australia 401. Professor Robert Sparrow, Research Fellow, Monash University, Australia 402. Professor Robert Reed, Academic, Boston College, US 403. Professor Saskia Sassen, Sociologist, Columbia University, US 404. Professor Spencer Zifcak, Professor of Law, Australia 405. Professor Stephen Yellin, Academic, Stanford University, US 406. Professor Tom Bäckström, Academic, University Friedrich-Alexander (Erlangen- Nürnberg), Germany 407. Professor Venko Kanev, Academic, University of Rouen, France

10/12 408. Professor Wang Hui, Intellectual, China 409. Professor Willem de Lint, Professor in Criminal Justice, Flinders University, Australia 410. Progress Lawyers Network, Belgium 411. Progressive Global Commons 412. Proyecto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (ProDesc), Mexico 413. Proyecto mARTadero, Bolivia 414. Rachel Maher, President EngageMedia, Australia 415. Rachel Siewert, Senator , Australia 416. Rafaela Guanes de Laino, Organización de Mujeres Campesinas e Indígenas (CONAMURI), Paraguay 417. Raji Sourani, President of the Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR), Director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 2013 Right Livelihood Award, Palestine 418. Ramon Chao, Journalist and Writer, Spain 419. Rebecca O'Brien, Film Producer, UK 420. Red Alba TV, Latin America 421. Red Alternativa de Informacion Vientos del Sur VISUR, Colombia 422. Red Latina Sin Fronteras, Latin America 423. Red Nacional Communia, Brazil 424. Red Tz'ikin, Guatemala 425. Rede Ecumênica da Juventude (REJU), Brazil 426. Remo Gerardo Carlotto, Diputado de la nación Argentina por la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina 427. Renata Avila, Lawyer, Guatemala 428. Rene Perez, Musician (Calle 13), Puerto Rico 429. Reporters Without Borders / Reporters Sans Frontières, France 430. Revista Reflexión, Peru 431. , President of the Free Software Foundation, GNU Project, MIT, US 432. Robert Simms, MP, Australia 433. Rohan Wenn, Journalist, Australia 434. Roy David, Author, UK 435. Ryan Lynn, Actor, US 436. Rättssäkerhetsorganisationen (The Rule of Law Organisation), Sweden 437. Salim Lamrani, Writer and Academic, University of La Réunion, France 438. Samwel Mohochi, Executive Director Kenyan Section of International Commission of Jurists, Kenya 439. Sanjuana Martinez, Journalist, Mexico 440. Santiago Alba-Rico, Writer, Spain 441. Scott Horton, Host of Anti-War Radio, US 442. Secretaría Operativa de ALBA, Latin America 443. Senator Scott Ludlam, Senator, Australia 444. Shahzad Akbar, Human rights lawyer, Foundation for Fundamental Rights (FFR), Pakistan 445. Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, former judge, lawyer, Iran 446. Silvio Rodriguez, Composer and Musician, Cuba 447. Sindicato Unificado dos Petroleiros de São Paulo, Brazil 448. Slavoj Žižek, Philosopher and International Director of Humanities at Birkbeck, Slovenia 449. , Activist and former Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Tunisa 450. Society for Knowledge Commons, India 451. Sol Guy, Film & Music Producer, Canada

11/12 452. Sonia Randhawa, Electronic Frontiers Foundation (EFF), USA 453. Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), Thailand 454. Spanish Association for International Human Rights Law (AEDIDH), Spain 455. Srećko Horvat, Philosopher, DiEM25, Croatia 456. Stefano Maffei, Lawyer, Italy 457. Stephen Keim , Barrister, South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation, Australia 458. Stuart Wilson, Lawyer, South Africa 459. Sursiendo, Costa Rica 460. Svante Thorsell, Lawyer, Sweden 461. Swadhin, India 462. Swecha, India 463. Sylvia Schulein, Journalist, Ecuador 464. Tariq Ali, Writer and Publisher, UK/Pakistan 465. Tawakkol Karman, Politician, Journalist, Nobel Peace Laureate 2011, Yemen 466. The Haitian Platform to Advocate Alternative Development (PAPDA), Haiti 467. Tim Norton, Digital Rights Watch, Australia 468. Tom Findlay, Recording Artist, UK 469. Tom Henheffer, Journalist, Canada 470. Tomás Ojea Quintana, Former SR on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Argentina 471. Toni Navarro, Cinema Director, Organización Internacional pro Derechos Humanos, Spain 472. Tony Lujan, Politician, Argentina 473. Tracy Worcester, The Marchioness of Worcester, Actress and Environmentalist, UK 474. Trevor Timm, Executive Director Freedom of the Press Foundation, US 475. Union de Juristas de Cuba, Cuba 476. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 477. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru 478. Universidad Popular del Buen Vivir, Ecuador 479. União da Juventude Rebelião (UJR), Brazil 480. União da Juventude Socialista (UJS), Brazil 481. União Nacional dos Estudantes (UNE), Brazil 482. Valeria Betancourt, Internet Rights Expert, Ecuador 483. Vaughan Smith, Executive Director, The Frontline Club, UK 484. Veterans for Peace, US 485. Vivienne Westwood, Designer, UK 486. Vladimir Pomakov, writer, Bulgaria 487. Víctor Regalado, Journalist and Filmmaker, El Salvador 488. Walter Goobar, Journalist, Argentina 489. Walter van Holst, Lawyer, Netherlands 490. William Blum, Author, US 491. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Switzerland 492. World Forum for Alternatives, Venezuela 493. Yanis Varoufakis, Economist and former Greek Minister of Finance, Greece 494. Yongjun Park, Academic, Hongik University, South Korea 495. Yudith Rolon, Director General Justicia y Reparación Defensoría del Pueblo, Paraguay 496. Zach Kerschberg, Filmmaker, US

*Where affiliations are specified after the name, they are for purposes of identification, and do not necessarily reflect institutional endorsement.
