Porting Embedded Systems to uClinux António José da Silva Instituto Superior Técnico Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
[email protected] ABSTRACT Concerning response times, computer systems can be di- The emergence of embedded computing in our daily lives vided in soft and hard real time[26]. In soft real time sys- has made the design and development of embedded applica- tems, missing a deadline only degrades performance, unlike tions into one of the crucial factors for embedded systems. in hard real time systems. In hard real time systems, miss- Given the diversity of currently available applications, not ing a time constraint before giving an answer may be worse only for embedded, but also for general purpose systems, it than having no answer at all. An example of a soft real time will be important to easily reuse part, if not all, of these ap- system is a common DVD player. While good performance plications in future and current products. The widespread is desirable, missing time constraints in this type of system interest and enthusiasm generated by Linux's successful use only results in some frame loss, or some quirks in the user in a number of embedded systems has made it into a strong interface, but the system can continue to operate. This is candidate for defining a common development basis for em- not the case for hard real time systems. Missing a deadline bedded applications. In this paper, a detailed porting guide in a pace maker or in a nuclear plant's cooling system, for to uClinux using the XTran-3[20] board, an embedded sys- example, can lead to catastrophic scenarios! tem designed by Tecmic, is presented.